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No. 988977
>>>/ot/974552Let the dummy be free
No. 989155
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should i pay 48 bucks for 3.5 grams of weed. the 8 dollars is for shipping. I live in a decriminalized state. I know i should stop smoking but this getting dark at 4pm is depressing tf out of me.
No. 989206
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>>989178>>989186thanks girls i made my purchase. i just feel kinda icky though cuz they named it bob sagat (all the other strains were sold out). (pic unrelated)
No. 989245
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if i wanted to make a website that looked like plain html like picrel, how could i go about doing that? i dont want a preset theme from wix or anything.
No. 989329
>>989137Uh just handsome? Hard to put into words. Normal guy but really handsome and he’s completely clueless about it, bonus if he’s insecure and doesn’t know “what he’s got”.
>>989138>>989140>>989144I was afraid of this. Even with a religious guy he could be aware of his looks and be a massive douche about it.
>>989230>>989224Why IS this so hard, though? Guys spend too much time on Instagram and then get DM’d into douchedom? There MUST be at least some guys like this, and the thought that there might be some girls with bad intentions and who won’t appreciate it finding them and dating them makes me anxious.
No. 989472
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dum-dum here
is this shooped ? aside from the ridiculous legs telling me it's shooped, are there shoop marks ?
No. 989517
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Left or right ?
No. 989551
>>989478dark souls remastered
despite the amount of superficial scrote fans, also seconding okami from the other anon
No. 989587
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Does anyone know any ways to reduce the "physical symptoms" of anxiety? I get extreme heart palpitations and freeze up even when my thoughts are seemingly calm. I got a recital today and I don't want to faint on stage lol
No. 989688
>>989648my people had this tradition, that if a man with a wife ever died then his younger brother would marry his widow and adopt his children, now this custom is not practiced anymore, but some of my much older relatives are in some of these relationships
2 of my grandfather's brothers married their other 2 brother's widows and adopted their children
No. 989703
>>989587Have you tried deep breathing?
It does nothing for me but I think it’s best for people who experience physical symptoms
No. 989813
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>>989517Both, this is just a bad photo of Pedro
No. 989855
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>>989587i have the same problem. have you tried grounding by putting an ice pack on your chest? cold sensations help me a lot. i've also heard people say things like sucking on a lemon or something sour/bitter helps too. basically anything that can "shock your system" as a kind of physical distraction from the anxiety.
No. 989945
>>989877Isn't there some link though? Your immune system lowers or something so you'd still need the presence of a virus but it plays a role?
If not I'm being fed some old wives tales
No. 989950
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What is kidcore I’m too afraid to look it up but I saw pixie put it as a hashtag in a tik. Tok and I don’t want to shit up the Thread
No. 989951
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>>989945>old wives talespretty much
No. 990082
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Is there a mental diagnosis for a condition that means that you are immature for your age? Probably due to trauma, I mean. Like is arrested development? I don’t like the term “age regression” because sometimes when they talk about that they’re referring to therapy and it doesn’t quite fit.
No. 990083
>>990013Exactly the same as
>>990026, I don't think there's any correlation though.
No. 990134
>>990087Yeah I don’t really fit into any characteristics of BPD at all.>>990103
But when people meet me (online) they think that I’m much younger than I am, I’ve been called immature a lot even though I’m not super mean or anything. I still like all the same things I did during the time the trauma happened. I’ve had the same favorite band and game since then, been in the same relationship. Sometimes (Mean) people have commented that Im emotionally stunted and people who are nicer kind of look at me with pity sometimes, which really bothers me. I stilll have the same childhood dreams that I never gave up on which are kind of ridiculous to a lot of people but are my biggest coping mechanism
No. 990224
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Are these edible or used in cooking? Or do they just look pretty?
No. 990248
>>990189>>990185Honestly maybe this is the case and I am just feeling like it’s exaggerated because I’m self conscious.
I try to be self deprecating and laugh things off that I know are embarrassing, or I try to talk openly about how sometimes I’m irresponsible because it helps me focus on improving. I don’t try to have an ego about where I am in life and just try to relate to everyone and I think sometimes it backfires and people use all of those things to act like I’m small and pathetic, when I’m just trying to be humble.
Idk still though, there is a good reason why I would have “arrested development” but I could just let it go.
Thanks for your replies anons
No. 990278
>>988977I always either get rejected by guys after one or two days or after a few months of dating they tell me they want to date other people. The weird thing is they always tell me I'm pretty/beautiful and I always get stared at and hit on.
I'd like to think I have a good personality, I'm always nice, I have good hygiene, I'm smart and stable
Anons what is going wrong?
No. 990332
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How do I increase my endurance for working?
I feel like I can’t work more than 1-2 hrs at a time, at most 4. I take a lot of long breaks and so a 7 hour work day literally takes me my whole day. This makes it impossible to fit anything else into my day other than work and long paced breaks of Internet binging, talking to friends or laying in bed pondering.
Inb4 ADHD. I have been evaluated and am in therapy for anxiety and adhd tendencies but not full blown adhd
No. 990335
>>990311It’s normal to cry when you see something very beautiful, unironically that could be video games, they are art and that’s meant to make you feel emotions. The game creators succeeded in making you care.
Could also be repressed depression
No. 990359
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>>990344No anon you aren’t retarded lol people do chest exercises to build up muscle underneath the breast to make the glands and fat above it rest higher. After a while they tend to look bigger and more firm.
No. 990585
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Toilet paper: under or over?
No. 990599
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>>990576That sucks, I loved the character design of the girl with pigtails, thanks for letting me know,
No. 990620
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>>990585under. i have a cat
No. 990701
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why is he on my fucking screen
No. 990787
>>990776The pain for me was like a very bad headache, just in my gums though. Drink lots of smoothies to help with inflammation. Try not to chew your food, cause that's when food particles happen. And try to be chill about it– dry sockets happen all the time, sometimes even if you think you're being cautious. The most important thing would be to contact your oral surgeon
immediately so they can correct it!
No. 990797
>>990794i hate these types of youtubers and their braindead little fangirls
pretending to be woke while talking like a total better-than-the-entire-rest-of-the-world asses
these men are so bitter about normal people enjoying normal things (especially "stupid" teengirl movies)
No. 990803
>>990776In addition to what other anons said, avoid straws and spitting as they might dislodge the blood clot. I was deathly terrified of getting dry socket when I got my wisdom teeth out. When I rinsed my mouth out after brushing my teeth, I just held the water in my mouth and swished my head around to get the water around and let the water spill out of my mouth. When I did need to spit, I very slowly and carefully moved everything towards the front of my mouth (like a very slow motion spit motion) before lightly spitting it out.
The pain was pretty bad for me, but managable with even just ibuprofen and tylenol together. I was in constant dull pain for about a week, so I never fucked up on the aftercare because the pain was there to remind me to not be a careless dumb fuck kek.
No. 990813
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In what shape or form is the concept of Santa Claus sexy at all? Yeah, half naked hot dude, but that’s it? What’s the sexy concept?
No. 990823
>>990776I had dry socket once and tbh gargling/drinking whiskey helped more than anything else did. I was on holiday and no dentist would help me for the whole week. Clove oil helps too. Ime painkillers didn't really reach the pain.
Another time I had a tooth pulled and didn't get dry socket so it was a breeze. Two insanely different experiences.
No. 990884
>>990844It's normal and especially if you're studying.
Something that I've started to do that wakes me up when I have to study is to go for a walk or do very intense exercise for 5-10 mins. Idk if it's the blood moving or what but it gives me a lot of energy
No. 990924
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No. 990964
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What's the difference between pickmes and handmaidens? aren't both just misogynists who want male attention at all costs?
No. 991005
>>990964A lot of women are both but I'd imagine handmaidens cape for men more and write them out to be
victims in need of coddling, these are worse imo since they often put down victimized women in order to cape for men, where as pickmes just go out of their way and cater their lifestyle for male attention (getting into dnd or male hobbies to attention whore the entire time, go out of their way to make their cooking/cleaning skills known for being "wifey material" humblebragging about their body, etc)
No. 991026
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>>990973>>990924whaaat, where can I read more about this?
No. 991064
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i want a pixie cut bc of gross thin hair. my face is very…plain…and im afflicted with man jaw. will a pixie cut make me look like automatic shit? if not, are there directions i can give the hairdresser to avoid something shit?
No. 991103
>>991069thanks for input
nonny. ill ask my hairdresser about the non-karen fringe, thankfully she isnt afraid to say if something wont look good on me
No. 991184
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I don’t know where else to ask this but how would you guys feel about a mom being on lolcow of using 4chan related sites?
I’m afraid to tell people online that I’m a mom because I know the Internet is more geared towards young people. I became a mom at 16 and have been using 4chan since I was like, 13 and am now in my late 20s.
People already often think I’m younger than I am or that I’m immature.
No. 991202
>>991196I don’t really use 4chan but the culture does feel a little ingrained in me. I used to use it regularly for their art board 5-10 years ago.
I much prefer lolcow and CC, I just go on OT most of the time. My activity on both is scattered.
I do use discord to talk to people regularly, is that weird?
No. 991217
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is there a "shein cringe" thread?
No. 991264
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>>991263is this sweater cute or fugly? i want to get it for my mom
No. 991391
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Is his hair frizzy?
No. 991403
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Is music discussion made out to be unnecessarily more pretentious than it should be or am I just dumb?
I have a primary music education (6 years of piano and violin) and I listen to anything from sevdalinke to touhou eurobeat, but every time I see music discussed it's like everyone except me is a professional that has heard over 1 gajillion songs and knows the genre inside-out and understands a secret music theory component that makes a song incredibly skilled and hard to perform.
No. 991468
>>991445Oxford university press publishes this huge series called Very Short Introductions, they're small books on a ton of different topics
but also you can try history podcasts or youtube. there's tons of free documentaries up
No. 991726
>>991720I'ved lived all over ireland and it varies alot from one county to another, some are near impossble to understand even if you're from here and grew up a couple hours away.
I left dublin a few years ago and now I weirdly love the dublin accent. Almost feels kinda sexual when I hear it..
No. 991860
>>991853Yes, men in general don't have any self-awareness, French men included, they think their arbitrary rules don't apply to them as well. The number of guys on twitter who criticize women while doing the same things but worse is way too high. Back when I still had an account I've been blocked by a shit ton of guys who wouldn't stop shit talking women for wearing sleeveless tops even though they all had selfies of them shirtless as their icons. A lot of women shit talk them back and humiliate them online whenever they're targeted though.
As for "humbling" people by insulting them and never giving actual warranted constructive criticism… Yes that's definitely a cultural thing. For example if you're a French kid in school you'll have both classmates and some teachers openly make fun of you for being a retard if you make small mistakes, but if you get good grades and understand your lessons better than most students and you don't cause trouble you'll also be shit talked by your classmates and some teachers. Now imagine the same thing in all aspects of your life.
No. 991984
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>>991974sanic spoke and he said no
No. 992016
>>991928being queen = F in FMM?
Do FMM threesomes even happen IRL?
No. 992239
>>992225There is live video editing to change shape of jaw, eye size, etc.
>>992215Lots of these girls are rich, and rich ppl don't just walk around on the street/go regular places.
No. 992277
>>992225Whether or not you're able to believe it, it's true. Influencers curate their images very carefully. They all use some combination of filters, cosmetic surgery, and careful angles/lighting. Without all that and their generic Kim Kardashian cakeface, they look just like average girl-next-doors.
I understand what you're saying, though– on a logical level, we understand that these girls don't look like that. However it doesn't stop our lizard brains from making us feel like shit for not looking that way. Anons here baffle me because they alternate between ridiculing cows for overusing filters and ridiculing them for having normal flaws like pores or "potato noses." Like even though it's not directed at me personally, I get splash damage from those insults because I'm immediately reminded of my own treatment-resistant acne and ugly Serbian nose.
The internet honestly makes me wish human beings were all identical featureless grey blobs, so we could be judged for the content of our character and not our ability to win genetic lotteries in beauty.
No. 992279
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>>992016Yeah but it's probably most commonly in a degrading way to the woman aka spitroasted, and not in a worshiping her way
No. 992310
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>>992306Maybe it's the focal length of your camera. The wrong length can make your nose look big.
No. 992322
>>992215>>992306So two main things and a side point:
tiktok has an algorithm that pushes "attractive" youthful faces hence those being all you see. Someone like pixielocks or a more average, but still pretty looking person is not favored by the algorithm. It likes youthful, attractive faces, thin bodies, dancing, all the shit you see all the time is seen because the algorithm pushes those things in particular. (aside: I do not use TikTok because I hate all the shit is pushes and I advise people don't, it's like the worst of Insta and Twitter in one)
And notice how none of these supernaturally pretty people existed before filters, shoop, apps and so on? If you're millennial you'll remember the 00s and early 10s when the prettiest people you'd see are people like Dakota Rose and Venus Angelic, there's a good reason for that: that's their real face. You are
never seeing a TikTok user's real face. It's filters, angles, lighting and excessive makeup all the way down.
And a smaller but still relevant point is what another anon said: for the minority who really do look that good, they are indeed rich or at least extremely sheltered. This applies to the more attractive Youtubers too. They aren't normal people with normal lives, commuting, getting sick, gaining weight, whatever, it's easier to look after your health if you work from home or are an "influencer" (I work from home and my appearance is significantly better than when I worked full time)
The daily grind definitely takes a few notches off everyone's attractiveness score. Combine all these things and you get the shitty result of giving you a false sense of reality. The truth is actually attractive people are incredibly rare, what you see on an app like TikTok is a tiny selection of its billions of worldwide users.
No. 992323
>>992306Anon, I'm the same way, I get called beautiful all the time and get hit on but I am not photogenic at all, I look like a swamp monster in pictures. I think when people see you irl, they have more visual information (they see how you look in motion, they see the full shape of your head in different lightings) whereas pictures are just 2d and flat and have fixed lighting. And some people's features translate better to 2d (and so they look less attractive irl) and others look better irl (and look off in photos)
Tl;dr you're perfectly normal
No. 992511
>>992493I used to hate sundays when I was growing up because everyone was home and doing nothing. We had no real entertainment in the house, no internet, limited tv screens between people and no transport. I wasn'y allowed out. It sucked balls. My dad took up the main tv to watch sports all day and the day dragged on with dinner being about the only thing to break up the boredom.
As an adult I love it. I grab a coffee and get a walk in if whether permits. Play some pokemon go. Get some groceries. Bath when I get back, stick on an easy dinner. Do dishes after. Youtube and general browsing for a while, snacking, lazing and managing to catch up on vids while also getting to bed at a decent time.
No. 992534
>>992499Imo, don't make massive life changing decisions if you'd describe yourself as being fragile even with meds right now. What type of illness are we talking though?
Is it something that causes impulsivity? Is it something where skipping (or not being able to access) a days meds will send you into a serious episode? Is it something where small knock backs make you spiral quickly? All risks to weigh up.
No. 992570
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>>992551Pants are always colder to me than a natural fiber midi skirt with thermal tights or stockings. Bonus is a long wool coat. Jean+ puffer jacket will never compare,
No. 992577
>>992571i was academically pretty above average in high school so i was adviced by all the adults into a major i didnt care for.
i wanted to study physics or math or anything theory based but pure sciences arent as encouraged as other stem fields, at least in my country.
No. 992583
>>992577Well, if you've never had any interest for it I don't think it will get much better but it's not uncommon to actually enjoy the jobs you can do after studies, much more than the studies themselves. Is there any job you can do after you feel like you could do?
Otherwise it's never to late to do what you actually wanted to, go for the studies you saw as a better fit, either now, or after you're done with the ones you're stuck in right now.
No. 992598
>>992583i can definitely see myself enjoying teaching the theoretical stuff, like a professor at a university. even at a high school level, teaching physics would be fun.
thanks for replying anon. i hope i will enjoy it when i start working as you said. otherwise i might legit re-think finishing another major.
No. 992729
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Are ana-chans with beefier legs a thing? Is it due to bad circulation or just your body build or something? I saw a girl on twitter who is very skinny but has swollen feet, weird shit
No. 992782
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Does anyone else get hated by others more and people thinking you're even weirder the more you try to act normal? Even though they already disliked me before. People online say "fake it till you make it" but I wonder if people irl can notice someone faking it and get pissed at them for that cause it really backfires but idk why.
No. 992889
>>992866I have no idea if BPD is even that prevalent at this point.
People who whine or obsess about BPD fags tend to be BPD, it’s 100% the case on lolcow BPD is one of those diagnoses anyone should steer away from, far away. Let me not even talk about the PTSD faggots who are embarrassed about their BPD diagnosis.
You’re talking about past stuff, i don’t know how long ago that was but young adults and teens all did retarded shit, it’s called being young, it’s all in the past now though, go for dbt if you still have anger issues, and when it’s clear that you don’t have any BPD symptoms, best not to reveal it to anyone, humans are hypocritical judgemental jerks.
No. 992952
>>992891Europe is not nearly as multicultural as the US or Aus lol
Also Europeans mostly don't subscribe to political correctness as much as Americans so I don't know why you're surprised.
I'm white and people still ask me all sorts of dumb shit just because I'm foreign and I too live in a multicultural European country. It's just what happens when you're not the majority.
No. 992962
>>992880>>992891It's a normal question in your situation, kek
Why are you taking such thing at heart?
No. 992969
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what does sage mean? i'm new to this board
No. 993021
>>992782Normies can fake it, autismos can't, sadly
>>993013Just genetics/diet
No. 993023
>>993001a lot of deodorants can be very
toxic for you + like anon some people are just incapable of developing so much of that smelly ass bacteria underneath their armpits
No. 993061
>>993015You don't have to be Asian to have the no BO gene, it's just way more common in Asians than in other races.
It could also mean he drinks chlorophyll water. But if he eats like shit I doubt he'd do something like that.
No. 993244
>>993212yes. or you could microwave the tea and drink it kek
i microwave cold coffee/tea all the time because i’m lazy & poor
No. 993250
>>992962>>992973Because it’s not politically correct as the new world you say and kinda backwards? Why are they not interested in other things about me instead of where the hell my parents are from? It’s not like they are satisfied with my answer because they still doubt it/think I lie. Not deep but most definitely for me an annoying question I have to deal with every time I meet a stranger. Just ask me something else about me for fucks sake.
>>992952Where I live it’s multicultural.
No. 993301
>>993296O really?
> Does anyone else ever feel kinda bitter or even just confused that your mom never passed down lessons or good advice on dealing with scrotes?
>Even my dad never had that protective 'be good to my daughter' energy going on. Anon even has a dad ffs.
And lastly
> >I entered adulthood naive as fuck and I learnt everything the hard way. It’s like she thinks nobody else does it.
No. 993303
>>993281 >my mom was inexperienced and religiousI think this was a part of it with mine too. She died and when I reflected back on what her life was like I realised she heavily settled herself with my dad. I didn't see that as a kid because you tend to accept your surroundings as the norm.
To anyone thinking I meant like 'I'm so super bitter' I didn't. She's dead and you reflect on anything and everything when someone is gone. I also reflect on my own shit where I wonder if I did enough in some areas
No. 993317
>>993254My mom tried but went about it in a wrong way. Rubbed in my face her Stacy status. How guys chased her, gave her flowers and rings etc. while she didn't give a fuck. Meanwhile, my self-esteem has been in the drains for years and I believed that nobody will ever love or even notice me in that way.
If you want your daughter to not be abused or played with by men, support her self-esteem and if it's already too late, send her to therapy. Otherwise, your words will fall on death ears.
No. 993336
>>992866I genuinely think everyone with BPD is incapable of being a long term friend to anyone who doesn't kiss their ass 24/7.
Some BPD-chans handle it a lot better than others but I simply don't have the patience for it.
Good luck tho
No. 993459
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Uuuh, what's the logic behind people writing these things? Is it just naivety?
No. 993465
>>993459It's wanting to have something to whine about, be a
victim and avoid responsibility for publically posting online on a website everyone has access to.
No. 993468
>>993459That loser in particular only wants to get followed by a close group of friends to shit talk other people that they all know irl. Otherwise, probably some retard into some weird or outright fucked up thing who also needs constant validation in the form of updoots and retweets.
Sometimes that kind of person thinks like any other terminally online retard, who needs to make sure that their online echo chamber is in perfect sync with their unoriginal, stale and boring ideas.
No. 993469
>>993301Are you literally
my mom? You type just like her.
No. 993473
>>993254I mean, my mom, who has lived in a relationship full of cheating, usually would tell me to be strong and to do my best to keep the relationship going.
I was the one to tell her that it was a dumb idea and that she should just dump my dad and tell him to fuck off, because dealing with moid shit is tiresome and not worth the hassle.
Just because someone has a kid and a seemingly stable mental health, doesn’t mean that they have to know everything.
What kind of advice did you even expect to get from her? Also, funny that you say the dad thing, that only happens in movies and series because it’s over the top, most of the time they hide their feelings because they were taught to never show their feelings unless it’s being unhinged.
No. 993480
>>993473I got out of an
abusive relationship, told my dad this man threw me into furniture with enough force to break it.. and then the next day he'd forced me into a store and made me pay for the new replacement furniture because 'I broke it' My dad said nothing in response and later seemed to even forget all that and told me he missed my ex, that he was a great guy and was really good for me. He met my ex one time.
No. 993492
>>993480This is really messed up, I'm sorry.
>>993485Unfortunately you just have to pick up the pieces yourself and build yourself up the best you can. They can't even take accountability for their mistakes which is the bare minimum, of course they fucked up raising you too. Many people just weren't ready to have children, which is why I wish it was taken more seriously, instead of it just being an accident or experience someone wants to check off the list.
No. 993536
>>993212because it's cold, it doesn't taste good anymore when it's cold. cold tea isn't the same as iced tea
>>993244I don't have a microwave and that sounds gross anyway, thanks though
No. 993540
>>993527Data is absolutely necessary. The mind forms patterns by itself even where there's no data.
No. 993554
>>993546It's either a methodologically proper study or not.
How it "sounds" and your appeals to emotion don't have shit to do with it.
No. 993570
>>993559If it doesn't have all data, it's not proper methodology.
Look, you asked, I worked in research for years and I answered.
It's not my problem you don't like the answer.
>>993560Weighting(I assume that's what you're talking about) is all but "easy" and can be done only on a complete, carefully selected data set.
No. 993582
>>993580The deviation is set when the sample is selected. It cannot be the missing data.
Ironically, the statistical error is known in advance.
No. 993593
>>993570It's not that I don't like the answer lol, it's just that you didn't give a straightforward one, so much so I misunderstood. Are statistics showing it is mostly (virtually all) males who perpetuate child sexual abuse not methodologically proper because not all children report the abuse or grow up to report it? If not, then why would it be any different for another study(the study I'm wondering about has to do with csa too)?
My initial question also was if it's less or more that the unavailable data would confirm the claims once available.
No. 993598
>>993593Unavailable data is just unavailable data, it is a big no-no to presume.
People always wish data went this way or that way.
These wishes are to be ignored.
No. 993644
>>993622I mean, you're not silly, but you're misdirected.
We've agreed to a certain standard in research. That standard is what gives validity to results. Meddling with the scientific method is just shooting yourself in the foot.
Statistics is a great tool, but just a specialised tool. Do you have the right tool in your hands? What kind of battle are you fighting, what kind of home are you building? Maybe statistics isn't the tool for it. Look around you. Pick something else.
No. 993645
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I'm trying to weigh priorities here. Do most people (around you or in general) in their 20s prepare and save up, so that they can settle in their 30s? Or do most people do that in their 30s?
No. 993659
>>993646Also! If you're in pain from skin-picking it'll make the impulse worse because it's harder to distract yourself, so if you pick to the point of causing yourself injury be sure to ice it or use over the counter painkillers. Don't make the pain worse to 'punish' yourself, that's counterproductive.
If it gets really bad you can always go to the doctor, there are more medical treatments for things like this.
Obviously stress in your personal life also makes these kinds of compulsions worse.
No. 993660
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>>993659Thank you for such a thoughtful response anon
No. 993666
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>>993660Aww, you're welcome!
No. 993683
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left or right
No. 993726
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Are there any actual women on /adv/ ,or is it all troons and male larpers
No. 993745
>>993740I'm venezuelan
No. 993764
>>993740It’s the same basic scrote “lol wife ugly and old with kids, not pretty and young no more” logic. Some of my family members used to joke about it, but it’s dumb, and it doesn’t work after all because marrying a Latin American man, specially a Venezuelan useless scrote, is the same as subscribing to a life in which you have to look like a pornsick caricature of a woman unless you want him to go groom a teenager so he can turn her into his personal pornsick caricature of a woman.
Venezuelan men are fucking vapid, shallow and useless.
T.Venezuelan woman living in Venezuela
No. 993769
>>993758It is.
As you, and everyone, can witness with their eyes.
Anyone can type any bullshit so they do.
People type lotsa bullshit. It's all boring.
No. 993787
>>993771Bc there's more to birth than simply passing through the vaginal canal, most
problematic births start before that part is even happening: cervix dilation, positioning, umbilical cord, etc.
No. 993801
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I need help picking a cake nonnies. Burnt basque cheesecake (matcha/original or chocolate flavor) or yuzu mousse cake?
No. 993862
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Nonnies, what should an HR department e-mail look like? This one doesn't mention the company name at all and it includes the numbers '1877'. Also, the advertising for the job had a lot of misspelling, but the person who posted it is an older lady and I checked to see if she is real and she is. I still have a weird feeling though.
No. 993869
>>993867She could be a recruiter. Recruiters will act as the middle man between you and the company and they won't put the company name to avoid you directly applying (if you come from a recruiter and are hired, they get paid). Some companies also hire exclusively through recruiters.
Could be legit, could be a crapshoot. Recruiters can be a real hit or miss. I did get my current job from a recruiter though, so not all of them are scammers (although you are right to be wary).
No. 993870
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Why would people assume that I hate them when I don't? How can I make them stop thinking that? Might it be a kind of projection? How do I stop creating these kinds of situations?
No. 993999
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what are these dogs doing? kissing angrily? dog people please explain this behavior
No. 994216
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Could this man pass as a local in your country ?
also this is probably the best looking a male can get in my country
No. 994303
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Just scrolled through the old messages between me and my ex trying to see when I mentally checked out and I found the most shocking stuff, things that would make they nonas in the retarded hornyposting thread cringe. How do I forgive myself for the things I said when I had cockholm syndrome?
No. 994310
>>994303There is nothing to forgive, everyone has their cringe shit we did in the past. The most important thing is that you have self-reflected on your own actions which is a big part of personal growth.
Also why would you need forgiveness for the things which made you the person you are today?
No. 994329
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>>994310>why would you need forgiveness for the things which made you the person you are today?Ngl this floored me. I came here expecting some ribbing over being horny and cringe but I think you may have just revolutionised my outlook on life. Thank you anon. Godspeed.
No. 994450
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>>994432I have thought about getting a pair of cute lace gloves to wear around the house! Sitting on my hands and stuff to fidget with is a great idea, thank you anon!
No. 994616
>>994599i dont drink either and this doesnt stop people
they get super pushy when you dont give a reason and keep offering you drinks. because they're alcoholics and they feel invalidated when everyone around them doesnt act like drinking is fucking awesome.
and yea original anon you shouldnt tell anyone, im sorry you have to deal with this at work especially but because its in a professional context you have to keep that in mind. just keep not giving a reason, keep saying no. if someone gets pushy with you and they're your peer you can say something like "i've already answered this three times, stop asking me." if they are your superior though you just have to keep politely refusing and pretending that person isnt doing anything wrong. its bullshit and im sorry.
No. 994641
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>>994582Make up something, say it
triggers your acid reflux
No. 994724
>>994582As a fellow recovering alcoholic (and ex-junkie), I wouldn't. Like
>>994587 said you're opening yourself up to harassment. I've discovered that the same people who would chide you for being an alcoholic will also mock you for being "weak" and "no fun". Just tell people you don't drink and don't expand on that. If you really wanna give people a reason then just say it makes you ill or something like some anons here have recommended. Personally I don't tell anyone I'm not good friends with that I'm in recovery. I've learnt the hard way that it's not good to trust most people with that information. Good luck, anon! Keep on keeping on.
No. 994725
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>>994679The biggest spergers who claim they're being logical and non emotional.. as they spam the same shit opinion over and over again.. I've noticed it
No. 994772
>>994616I don't drink and I have to deal with the same issue. People won't take no for an answer and can't understand why someone wouldn't want to drink. I don't care that it's just a glass of wine or a shandy I don't want to fucking drink it. If people keep pressing me to drink, I get up and leave.
>>994679I've noticed an increase in racebait and someone keeps appearing in threads defending fat people.
No. 994873
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>>994377Scroll down for more cake shenanigans
>>>/ot/683861 No. 994920
>>994915Did pooping hurt? Maybe the poop injured you. Though even wirh my biggest shits it’s never been a stream of blood.
Please get checked out. Even the most serious things can be resolved if caught early on.
No. 994946
>>994919Had a similar thing happen. I never browse 4chan because I know I would get sucked in and not be able to stop using it. Also the amount of pedophilia on there is upsetting. My ex was a pedo and an avid 4chan user, as were all of his friends. Go figure.
But I got really into watching these men's channels. Some of them are PUAs, some of them are MGTOWs, some of them are right wing or just "redpillers". I had this weird mentality that I had to indulge in the dark side or whatever so that I wouldn't be ignorant, instead of just avoiding things I find upsetting. Stupid mistake. Because you get sucked in and they have so much rhetoric and other bullshit that they repeat over and over that you start to internalize it, even if not at a conscious level.
I had to stop myself from indulging in dark things, or things I find upsetting and just focus on things I'm passionate about. I'm not sure why I'm so drawn to upsetting things, maybe it's like some kind of weird coping mechanism. Idk, that probably didn't help at all. Just thought I'd share my experience. But yeah, the first step is to stop browsing there.
No. 994968
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I feel like my BPD is acting up again now that the holidays are approaching. Can a med/psifag tell if this is common or should I worry?
No. 994982
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can u watch tv at a psych ward or even browse LC? can u use ur phone? do u have to take meds?
No. 995014
>>9950044 months. I went in voluntarily. I'd had a incident where a housemate (male) attacked me so I went to college the next day all shaken up and not wanting to go home again. I stayed in a hotel that night then the next morning I showed up to college just a wreck with my nerves and no idea what to do next. Staff talked about it being a solution to both issues.
I wasn't expecting it to be that long. I thought if I admitted myself then I'd have more freedom to leave after maybe a couple weeks. I didn't know that's not how it works. I couldn't get trips out in order to look for a new place so in the end I was back in a hotel and near homeless when I got out. A social worker had even visited me on the ward and I told them my housing issue but it didn't result in anything. I was allowed trips to a nearby store but if they caught me going further I'd be in trouble? A weird system where they could easilyy help out mild cases like that with tiny changes but the rules just didn't allow it. Another girl there was the same, homeless, couldn't get out in order to search for options. In limbo for way longer than my 4 months
No. 995092
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This is a dumb question but how do people let things get this dirty, and not only that, but be so unaware of their filth that they don't see anything wrong with sharing pics of it online. Pic related, saw this on twitter. Do they just not care? How does your laptop even get to this point? Does this person have severe dandruff, what even is that?
No. 995100
>>995092eating everywhere & not giving a fuck
vid related
No. 995131
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>>995103Damn I didn't know those were a thing, imma look up how to deal with it.
Thanks for answering nona, here, have a hug
No. 995147
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what are your favorite torrent sites nonnies
No. 995155
>>995147piratebay dot org (still working i assure you)
nyaa dot se
would love some recs please drop down here too
No. 995166
>>995120That makes much more sense, thank you
No. 995196
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How does one even talk to children? How do people just talk to children so non-chalantly and come up with things to say to children? and even if you decide to let children do the talking while you listen to them, how do you fake interest in what they're saying? I have a job coming up where i have to deal with children and I'm so afraid I'll be awkward because I've been around children only very few times but that was so long ago I don't remember how I survived the interactions. Maybe they were funny but I don't remember
No. 995221
>>995214My assumption is that when we're younger a lot of us are busy with work, college, etc and often skip out on showering, eating right or even drinking lots of water and sometimes will leave UTIs or yeast infections untreated simply due to very little time or health insurance costs where as older women usually have a lot of free time and better time management so can shower regularly, see the gyno and treat infections, eat healthy homemade meals, etc
I do know a lot of young millennial and gen z women who are from rich areas who are health nuts can do this since they often don't need to work and can afford to cook healthy meals but I'm just a lesbian in a cheap college so this is just my experience
No. 995222
>>995212What things should I eat for a nice tasting pussy?
What should I avoid?
No. 995228
>>995222Depends really, I know girls who are able to eat nothing but burgers and soda for days on end and taste like nothing where as some girls I know will take a few sips of soda and smell bad for a day or so
I don't know what will make it taste good per say since the chicken flavor of pussy tastes more natural and better. I heard cranberry, yogurt, and different fruits can help a lot. Idk why but soda, specifically Dr peppers or cokes tend to be the worst culprit for vaginal odors that aren't related infections
No. 995282
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Am I the only one who thinks Billie looks really cute here? I don't understand why people don't.
No. 995358
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Can your teeth just hurt while you’re asleep? I woke up this early morning a few minutes before my alarm and my tooth hurt so fucking much that I was about to go take some pills for the pain.
But now it doesn’t hurt at all? I’m biting a bit to figure out wether it could hurt me again or not, but nothing. What the fuck was that?
No. 995374
>>995364Disagree, so many ff masterpieces would be lost if someone didn't repost them or share (ie on Google Drive). If anon makes an account just for that, that's fine. Keep circulating the tapes.
The only issue is disrespect toward the fanfic writer, but IDK how it's seen in the community.
No. 995494
>>995485How is that femcel? Ever heard of
erotic literature? You know, the books written by people that got sexual fantasies that got plots and shit.
I think you might be too autistic, some people would rather read than watch a whole ass on a screen. I guess you will freak out the moment someone starts talking about people masturbating to erotic audios.
No. 995503
>>995492Well, whatever floats your boat,
nonny. It's better than watching porn.
>>995494Any time I've seen smut in fanfic it's almost always badly written. It's hard to imagine anyone could get aroused by it unless they're sexually inexperienced. I can understand people liking erotic literature because at least that's written by professional authors (I presume?) and not some inexperienced young person.
No. 995505
>>995503Of course there’s shit written in fanfic sites, just like how there are “best sellers” that are a pain in the ass to read.
>if you don’t have sex you can’t write sex scenesI mean, if people actually followed that advice, most sex scenes would be the length of a paragraph at best. Just like how barely anyone would write about someone getting stabbed or dying.
No. 995536
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>>995503>>995494>>995485>>995492I'm not like other anons (or humans in general), i get off to
nothing, that's right, i don't use porn, fics, audios, hell, i don't even use my imagination, i literally just masturbate and my head is absolutely empty, 0 thoughts. I don't mean to cause jealously in mere mortals like you guys, as i know my ways are way too advanced to most humans. I've seen the Valhalla, I've seen God with my own eyes, and know i don't even require my hands to get off as i mastered supernatural summoning rituals, now when i require it, i just summon ascended light beings beyond any human comprehension that do that job for me.
No. 995585
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Do you think I can tell my therapist that I fantasize about dying / committing suicide? I'm not doing anything actively to kill myself, and I feel like I should mention that but if it's already something where she would have to report me somewhere then I'd rather omit it, anyone has any experience with sth similar?
No. 995780
>>995751I just want to have sex and/or die, the cravings are usually
before my period, but I control them because I’m not a caricature. Sometimes I crave random stuff like seafood or pasta, and sometimes I do want some really, really dark chocolate but I can never find the right one.
No. 995793
>>995755lol based
>>995751I used to crave chocolate, but in general, chocolate is my comfort food so idk. At some point I used to want to have sex right there and then too, but it also went away. Now I don't think I have cravings
No. 995794
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Why is everyone on the internet so passive aggressive nowadays? I'm not talking about twitter or imageboards, I'm talking everyone. Normal men and women on every and any platform and no matter the age. Like I don't even use social media that much, but whenever I have to interact with others (buying/selling etc) there's always at least ONE person who isn't even the main one I'm talking to sometimes and they act either super offended or just say unwarranted shit that could had been kept for themselves.
Example: I wanted to print one shirt. I go to a local fb group for people who work on this stuff and I mention "I have a limited budget" because it's true and I didn't want to waste anyone's time. Things go well and a couple of people message me to show me their shirt printing services, but this one fucking moid comments on my public group post and says "WOW, I DIDN'T KNOW THE CLIENT WAS THE ONE WHO PUT PRICES ON THINGS NOW -eyeroll emoji-". Like, who the fuck do you think you are to comment this under my post, with your name on it? Is everyone suddenly a troll did he think they're funny by saying this shit?
This is just one thing though, I really don't type any differently than how I did back in 2013. I'm more used to imageboards being outright psychotic than just normal randos being like this. I never reply back, but I find it so weird how suddenly, everyone is so individualistic, entitled, and feels like a special snowflake when no one is truly unique and there's a dime a dozen of these people. Everyone wants to give their shitty opinion without enough braincells to back it up.
Idk has anyone else noticed this?
No. 995797
>>995794It's just easier to be an asshole when you don't see the actual face of the person you're being an asshole to.
Our brains are not designed for disembodied interactions. See also road rage.
No. 995802
>>995794This has been a problem on my twitter in recent years too, and yes it's one of the most congregated social media right now and I'm annoyed at the the randos that don't just keep to themselves.
It's not just passive aggressive, but casual kek meme and "dunking" they do in which it contributes nothing in the conversation. In which I understand internet has cultivated of this culture to be the most obnoxious fuck so that they can gain clout among their peers ("Oh lol look at what this ignorant person issaying!!!" kind of rhetoric).
This is why I stopped having new online friends and just stick to people I already knew, being an open space to invite comments like these just stink up my day.
No. 995804
>>995794I think it started on twitter before spreading to the rest of the internet, the worst thing you be in genuine, to care about something
you have to "sarcastic" in all things otherwise your considered a dork
No. 995815
>>995794So I'm not the only one that has noticed. I've been experimenting things like this lately too, but I blamed it on my field being dominated by socially inept and very gross scrotes.
My hot take is that these are mostly scrote zoomers who grew being terminally online and literally have no manners or whatsoever, and a very huge ego and sense of self-importance. You thought millennial men are shit? Wait for the wave of autism, low IQ takes and an ungratified sense of grandeur that's about to be unleashed upon us. I feel for zoomer girls though.
My advice is to ignore and not to engage as long as its a public space were they can twist the discourse to make you look unhinged, or if you've got something to lose. But if its a privy conversation or a small group… Go nuts on them and put them on their place, these little shits should know they won't be able to get away with it forever.
The other day I had to deal with one of those spawns of Satan in a closed group who verbally attacked me for asking a question to another member and I went full savage on him, and told him to shut his fucking tramp in front of all his bros. His only move after that was to block me kek, and one of the other moids even agred with me. They are little bitches who only do this for as long as you allow them. You'll see them almost always attacking women like that and never men because they are ball-less little cunts. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 995836
>>995835Not really, it depends on what light they use, how tall the other person is, how good their eyes are, if they love us etc etc etc there's so many factors
ID/Passport photos don't capture all that, they just serve their gobermental purpose
No. 995855
>>995840with torrenting you have the actual file on your computer and can rewatch it anytime without a suscription or even an internet connection.
suscription-based shit is a scam c the second you stop paaying you have nothing. no matter how much you spent.
when you download you actually own a copy of the file to do with as you please. it's the same for music. subscription-based services are fleecing you
No. 995913
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Is sous vide worth it or redditor scam? The meat always looks so fucking pale sous vide
No. 995947
>>995929Nah as long as you're not trying to ruin it
Infatuation really eats at you especially when you can't have someone
No. 995969
>>994982Yes we had tv and we would get together to watch the interior decorator reality show on Saturdays
They took your phone at 10 and gave it back at 8
The nurse never checked our mouths to see if we swallowed the meds (so i spit them)
All in all quite dreary
No. 996066
>>996052ngl I treat erotica and my fap material as delicious side dish. It's similar to people who smoke after sex too. It's just an addition to the main course.
okay here's my stupid question how do you handle wrist/arm soreness. There would be times I'd need to use my arms to cum effectively. Vibrator makes me feel good but never go me to orgasm.
No. 996082
>>996061It’s a criteria for anachan to be massive attention whores, why do you think they have numbers all over their bios. They get off on people being like “nooo 13 is sooo low and sickly~~~”
>>996053Yeah and you’re one of them. Many people talk about their eds here without statfagging.
No. 996215
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Do noise cancelling headphones really work or are they just a meme?
also if they do work which one would you recommend?
No. 996234
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>>996215No they totally work, it’s physics. They don’t work as well on variable noises like peoples talking, but on steady sounds like AC or the rumble of jet engines they work really well.
No. 996304
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When you're making a chain stitch for a single crochet stitch, how many extra chains should you add? Does it just depend on the project? I've watched multiple tutorials, one says to add one extra chain, another says to add two extra chains, and the other doesn't even mention it.
No. 996424
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Why do I want to return to a point in time when I was more insane? I got "better" for a while but it all feels performative. I am an adult with responsibilities and my vision on life isn't as bad as it was when I was younger. But it feels like when I went to college I forced myself out of it, becoming "social" , part of society or whatever.
I don't want to be this anymore. I hate society. Sorry to sound like a meme but I rather be an insane, unhinged woman, and not have to interact with retards IRL anymore than anything. Does anyone else feel like this?
No. 996435
>>996424Lately, yes. I wish I could somehow retreat into another reality or fantasy world where my ideal dreams came true. And I'm creeping back into insane territory. Becoming self aware was probably the worst decision ever, now I'm stuck with all this crippling adult guilt. I want to be 18 with no self awareness and a hair
trigger temper, at least I wrote well and produced good content back then.
No. 996615
>>996614I follow the shitshow through reaction channels and kf and have no idea how she's not plastered all over lc already.
Esp as she's a bad cat owner now lol. I thought the whole 'don't fuck with cats' effect would be the thing to finally get her a thread. Not even the million other things. The moment she said nader kicked her cat and then took that back.. and took him back, I was like here we fucking go.. but nothing.
No. 996844
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Has any other eastern-eurofags noticed this tendency about Eastern-Europeans to impress foreigners?
Whenever my fellow eastern-euro colleagues are talking among each other they are relaxed, almost bored but when our English colleagues are present they suddenly perk up and it's as if there was a competition to make them laugh and impress them and things like that.
Has anyone else noticed that? Does this stem from the typical Eastern-European inferiority complex?
No. 996845
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Does anyone else have something or someone they used to like but they now despise and when you see other people trashing it you absolutely agree with them but deep deep down you still feel this tiny twinge of hurt and strong sense of shame? And when you see people praising it even though you disagree you still feel this tiny twinge of happiness deep down because it makes you feel better about your shame?
No. 996934
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does anyone have a higher quality version of vid rel? or at least his tiktok handle?
No. 996946
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Do you have to a virgin to be a nun, or can you become a nun if you’re a non-virgin but sworn to be celibate from here on out?
No. 996957
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>>996946You can become a nun even if you're not virgin. There are married women for example who got their marriage annulled by the church so they could join a monastery
No. 996961
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>>996845I sort of feel this way about
Steven Universe. I really enjoyed it in my early teens, and I still have a degree of sentimentality and nostalgia for the show, even though I know that it’s kinda trash, though I dropped the show during one of the hiatuses
No. 997011
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>>997008I feel you
nonnie No. 997080
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Holy fuck, am I actually retarded?
I tried to help a 7th grader with their math homework (pic related, same material) and had to give up and email the teacher that we’re both lost.
Is it normal to understand this??
If you get this stuff which country are you from?
No. 997095
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>>997080order of operations stuff is easy once you memorize it
nonnie. I'm from the US, and it's something they just teach by rote when you're 10.
No. 997113
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>>997107Take lots of pauses and enunciate your words. Usually people can hear your volume but they can't decipher what you say. So like kerning to written word, do that with your speech.
No. 997318
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Does anyone else ever feel super disconnected from themselves and the life they live/have lived? I have a really hard time picturing myself from another persons POV, my interests change a lot and I don’t have a lot of hobbies, and I just feel like everyone who looks at me sees a tryhard desperately working to look like something she’s not (that something being a competent, well rounded grown woman). I just feel like I genuinely have no interests, no personality, no standout traits, like I’m just a blank sheet of paper that people either think of indifferently or with disdain because I’m such a desperate faker. I also have a shit memory and have trouble visualising stuff even from the past 3-4 years. Is this usually a sign of any specific mental illness? I’m 21 so right around the age symptoms would make themselves very present. I’ve also suspected that I’m somewhere on the spectrum but my parents have so far refused to help me pay for a diagnosis so I could never say for sure haha.
No. 997376
>>997318I think that's all normal especially in an age where we are constantly presenting and curating ourselves like a product online, and after we have just had two terminally online years that disappeared like dust.
I can imagine people saying that this means you have some diagnosis or another, but really I think most people under 30 must feel like that now. Plus you're 21 which is a very normal time to feel all of those feelings, don't most people only "find themselves" after a mid life crisis anyway?
No. 997640
>>997318my younger sister is like this kek… whenever I get her an xmas/bday present related to the last thing I knew she was into, she's got this like "Geez i'm not a kid anymore I don't LIKE that stuff anymore" thing but like… this happens every six months.
Imo, due to constant socialmedia exposure, zoomers feel the need to reinvent themselves as the newest coolest persontype every time there's some new kind of thing to be. It's sad because it isn't even stuff like getting into new bands or different music which would make sense, it's literally just skinwalking whoever they're following on socialmedia in a very superficial way.
My prescription is throw your fucking phone out the fucking window. Stop letting what you see online determine who you think you are, because that isn't really you. If you sever the sway that socialmedia has over you, the real you will vome out.
Go to a library with nothing in your pocket but your library card, and actually just look at random books (instead of searching for what books some retard on socialmedia says to read). Let the real world speak silently to your soul.
No. 997744
>>997709When my mom had it they took everything on that side, lypmh nodes and all to be safe. Scar was more intense than I expected, I was the one caring for it afterwards and they left nothing behind.
Tbh they told her how much needed to be done and she just showed up and had it done. Bit like the chemo… they told her what she needed and it happened. They're the ones to tell you afaik. She got her cancer back 2 years later on her spine because cells must've stayed in her bloodstream. Breast cancer can often come back on the spine or lungs.
No. 997798
>>997766I can't remember tbh, I was a teen when it happened. She had the surgery, chemo rounds, some sort of expensive injections to repress hormones that promote the spread I think?) went through menopause and had radiotherapy aswell. It was an 'aggressive form' of cancer. It wasn't a round tumour, it was a form that was almost flat with tentacles spreading outwards which complicated things. The aggressive form and her delay in addressing symptoms is probably why she took quite so much treatment and still got it back.
The oncologist will know what to do and when to do it
No. 998041
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What exactly is flirting? Is there an example in a video or something? I've never done it and don't think I've seen anyone else do it. How does someone do it? Is it even supposed to be done? It seems to be expected in dating but I don't get it.
No. 998085
>>998075It’s kind of dumb to assume that the anons in the husbando threads are the same anons posting in cow threads. There’s a bunch of anons who have admitted to only using the cow boards
or only the OT boards.
No. 998197
>>998079I have an issue when it comes to walking away from bad relationships. I'd cling on just because I feared things like settling back into living alone again. In my last relationship I was truly miserable by the end. Still, he broke up with me. While breaking up with me he said something about maybe getting back together in a few years time… it hit me as odd.
I decided that's a level I never want to sink to. We weren't super young or anything. Seemed really inappropriate to be saying goodbye and talking about 'well maybe later tho..' He contacted me months later and while I wasn't back into dating anyone I just pretended I was to get rid of him. The more time spent away from him, the more it sunk in how messed up things were. Could never dive back in. Too much time was already spent ruminating over the bad times, processing how
toxic and doomed it was and trying to learn from it.
No. 998360
>>998347Sometimes they really seem to like the guys, tbh, maybe I’m just naïve, but they just know each other because they’re hanging out at the same spaces and such.
Would you rather get a boyfriend/girlfriend who is a literal who that you barely met at the coffee shop? Or that pretty guy/girl that you constantly see at parties and meetings with your coworkers?
Even if the coffee shop girl/guy is pretty, you just met her/him once, and you might not click with that person after all.
But the model/sportsman/artist that you constantly meet at parties and work is someone you can kind of trust because they’re in the same environment as you are.
And models have to change their appearance all of the time like chameleons because that’s their job, if they don’t like it they can drop it tbh, as far as I know, they have other careers and hobbies that they could easily get into again if they wanted to drop modeling and all that it implies since it’s a scrote made for scrotes kind of career.
No. 998387
>>998378Aw, nice! This feels more like the first real puberty as I very recently was very blocky, I mean my body looked like it was from minecraft. I hope that by the time I start college I can go down your path and look like a woman. I hope the pill isn’t necessary though, idk if that is what gave you D cups.
>>998382In that case, I can’t wait to be 25. You sound so blessed tbh
No. 998558
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>>998555doubleposting but idc
No. 998563
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>>998555Divine feminine energy YouTube is at best a way for women to accept their femininity as is instead of trying to morph themselves into the masculine ideals of a good person. The more cringey content creators try to make it seem prophetic when it's really just making a productive routine for yourself, being in touch with your emotions, trusting your instincts, etc. For some it's obvious and useless advice, but for women who grew up with a overworked mother who never got to enjoy feminity, and were told that we should be the givers in any relationship with males, or who feel uncomfortable with just leaning back into feminine instincts, it's a completely different perspective.
No. 998669
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>>998664That's the thing, some
FEMININE ENERGY influencers say
>women should relax and recieve from men, inner strength, bad bitch, read up, generate a side hustle even if you marry rich, etcAnd others are
>Uwu trad femininity submissionIt's just a hashtag that anybody can twist to their liking to promote themselves and their dumb online coaching program
No. 998673
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>>998669Are there any divine masculinity propaganda videos telling men they should submit to the feminine person in the relationship? I'd love to see it.
No. 998734
>>998720) and )) - smile / slight laugh / way to sound more polite
))))))) and/or )))))0))0 - person is being sarcastic / ironic. or just a boomer
No. 998736
>>998730how do you get
>it's mutilating emoticonsfrom >>998725's
>used instead of a full stop No. 998747
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>>998736>to sound happy>)Also others said it is a mutilated emoticon so I got that right, nice try russian.
No. 998761
>>998752>>998754>I think it is extremely hypocritical to send something you were upset about receiving/seeing to others without their consentYou were right about this but
> she deserves other dickpics since she's so disgusting and unrespecting of other's boundariesyou crossed the line here imo by being too confrontational right off the bat (I'm assuming). I would've been pissy too if my friend told me I deserved to be harassed by dickpics.
No. 998770
>>998752She probably wasn't as unhappy as she claimed if she's willing to save it and show you guys. Your comment was a bit OTT too though kek
There a girl in our uni groupchat who constantly goes on about the "creepy older guys" that hit her IG dms but when you see the screenshots every time she continues to keep their conversation going and remains friendly the whole time despite pretending to hate it.
No. 998775
>>998770would you be upset if she sent one of this pics to you unprompted?
My reaction isn't even that strange, she knows me very well and even knows what kind of reaction she can get out of me in certain situations as I do know her reaction in others. I really don't think she's upset about it, I think at max she's upset someone called her out on something she did that's not so wOkE
No. 998822
>>998806Diff anon but how do you keep count at that point? I think I'm at a lil less than you but tbh… I've no idea. I stopped knowing my number after a handful.
Racked up a bunch during a couple of short enough phases and then I'm sexless for years inbetween. One extreme to another.
No. 998823
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smells like scrote larp but ok
No. 998847
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Anons on antidepressants, is it something that you have to take all the time or is it possible to only use them as a crutch when depressive episode comes and then stop?
I'll be asking my psych but that's in few weeks and maybe someone here knows
No. 998910
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I'm not a driverfag so I'm asking this question here. What do driverfags think about this…uh…fanart?. I'm genuinely curious, do they think this fanart is specially heinous?
No. 999113
>>998664jesus christ go back to FDS or sperg more in the tradthots thread. how do you get
triggered by this video when she's not even saying all women have to do this or that, just that feminine people will more than likely naturally want to gravitate toward masculine people and submit to them.
No. 999128
>>999126I think the troonism of bored upper class ugly dudes and sad girls are to blame for the push of socialism/communism thinking that it will give them and everyone else in their cult, a bunch of shit to “validate”
whatever the fuck that means nowadays their mental illness.
No. 999132
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>>998664Me unleashing my divine feminine energy
No. 999135
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Is this a calico cat
No. 999159
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>>998881i still have my old fr account but i stopped playing in 2016. idk if any of the stuff i have on there is useful to you, but if you want anything (or at least my treasure/gems/festival currency kek) i'd love to give it to you!
No. 999183
>>999177You will attract moids wether you like it or not, you could be making a cute little story about adorable snails falling in love and being cutesy, but males will find a way to turn it into something idiotic and coom ridden because something something fragile and
toxic masculinity combo something.
No. 999192
>>999163I have and created a thread to keep track of such things, but forgot to update it and other anons forgot it exists lol. Feel free to take a look, would be very happy if others contributed too!
>>>/ot/764364I should check my screenshot folder on the phone, I probably have some more good stuff.
>>999177>>999183Avoiding making or supporting content that is in line with your sexuality (being into women or men) is fucking retarded. Makes me ashamed of women giving imaginary (by which I mean irrelevant) scrotes power over what they create and consume. Imagine cucking yourself like this and focusing all your energy on fictional scrotes instead. Couldn't be me. I have much more respect for women who actually are into gay romance/erotica because 2 scrotes are hot to them or just interesting.
Weirdly enough, I haven't seen men or troons being interested into actual romances for women (books, manga, otome etc.) which is hilarious despite the claims of ~female soul~. So I don't think that at least heterosexual romance is in danger of being "stolen" or contaminated by 4chan incels. I can imagine it happens more with lesbian content, but scrotes fapping to manga like Love My Life or My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness are a statistical error. Anyway my main point is fuck scrotes, they will fetishize literally anything from your snots to your profession, so you might just as well ignore them and do whatever you want.
No. 999196
>>999110>>999168Maybe it'll help if you look at your closet and really note how much clothes and shoes you have, how much you have spend on it, how much of it you really wear on a regular basis and how many wears a year you can get out of a piece if you wear all you have; assuming you have a lot, it's probably little. Do you really want to spend money on clothes again knowing you won't get you money's worth out of it?
If that doesn't help put automated spending limit or saving on your bank account.
No. 999251
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Should I buy another gaming laptop/desktop pc or a cheap, simple non-gaming laptop/desktop pc and also a gaming console?
I've had this gaming laptop for several years now and the batteries are close to dead. What I used it for was surfing the web (I keep like 15 tabs open at the same time), watching movies, drawing (it struggled to open Photoshop and overheated whenever it did so I drew mostly in Paint Tool Sai) and gaming. As for games, I played sporadically and my taste is sort of…random I guess? Like I don't always play the latest stuff (I painstakingly managed to play Resi Village on my laptop with abysmal loading time, as well as the other Resi remakes. Also Cyberpunk 2077. Other than remakes and newer titles, I mostly play retro stuff or more simple games like point and click adventure game - Disco Elysium for example).
I'm not tech savvy so I'm not sure - are there cheaper laptops or desktop pcs that are not for gaming but can run Photoshop and Illustrator without a problem? If yes, what in the specifications should I look for? Right now I'm leaning towards buying a cheaper, non gaming thing (either another laptop or a desktop pc - mini pcs look so damn cute and I love how they don't eat up space but not sure about their performance) and buy a console for my gaming needs. Opinions?
No. 999331
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>>999135No only two colours. Still cute though. This is calico cos it has 3 colours.
No. 999343
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>>999336It’s uncommon but it can work nicely if it is well balanced. Based off of your description I think it would be a lot like this photo, with mostly pastels and a splash of black. Don’t mix other neutrals with it, like gray or tan especially. I would stick with cool pastels and pinks, because warm pastels like orange and yellow will look like competing neutrals with the black. Yellow or orange can work as long as it’s still a highly saturated (like, it isn’t at all gray or muted) the pastels should only be muted by white, not gray. I’m not sure if I’m explaining this right, let me know if that’s confusing
No. 999403
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>>999251If portability isn't an issue for you then a desktop will provide more powerful hardware for the money. Keep in mind that if you don't already have a monitor, keyboard and mouse you will need to buy them so you can use a desktop.
The cheapest way to get a decent computer is to either buy a secondhand business laptop or a used business desktop and then make some upgrades yourself. For Photoshop having more RAM will provide more performance than having a powerful CPU or GPU.
No. 999475
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So I just clicked on the source for a wikipedia article for the first time in my life(lol), and it turns out the article misrepresents the source pretty obviously- I was going to edit it myself but for some reason I'm IP banned even though I never even made an account and I'd have to read all of the rules first, which isn't really worth to just correct one simple mistake…
Does any smart nona on here happen to be a wikipedia editor who wants to edit the article for me?
No. 999497
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What are some good places to hide small stuff in your own house? Think those book cut outs and similar stuff. I can take the bottom part out of some storage boxes (basically a doubled bottom) and put flat objects under it without it looking suspicious, and use the pockets in my clothes in my closet. Is there anything else?
No. 999509
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>>999497look up "hide a safe" on amazon or ebay, there's all kinds of hollowed out items to hide shit in
No. 999538
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Would anyone like a tattoo thread in /m/? I think it would be nice to have a thread to post cute tattoo pics and discussing tattoos
No. 999643
>>999601I don't know how old you are but I used to be more like until I turned 25. Now it's easier to just roll my eyes. If it's really bothering you you should stop looking at websites that
trigger those feelings
No. 1000036
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is it stupid to buy this bracelet only because i want to replace one just like it i gave away at some point? id never wear it (hence why i donated the 1st), but today i found a crazy old letter addressed to an aunt of mine who died a long time ago, and i guess the bracelet that i used to own came with that letter as a gift. i felt so guilty once i went through my jewelry and realized i didnt have it any more…… but idk if its an entirely stupid idea to replace it since it wont be the original one anyway. im also partially compelled b/c there's a matching pin that came with it which i DO still have, so i want to reunite all the bits (letter included). i think this is stupid expensive but i can afford it i guess
No. 1000169
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Am I overreacting to being freaked out over my earrings? I bought some brand new in person from a store, but when I looked at the back of the cardboard thing when I got home I noticed one of the earrings had the needle part out of the tiny hoop where it stays secured. I'm afraid someone tried one on then put it back. It could just be that it was weirdly put in, right? Or do people actually try these on in person???
No. 1000410
>>1000252Hard drives are more reliable especially long term for backing up data and I highly recommend
t. anon with many corrupted USB sticks
No. 1000422
>>1000419Copy and paste the url into Works well for any other newsite behind a paywall too.
No. 1000586
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Please help me nonnies
I took the Mensa test and got a 92 on it (wasn't trying hard) and then took it again and got a 112. Yes I know I'm retarded, that's not my point.
I told my stupid autistic moid friend this and he is now rubbing it in my face that he "was tested for IQ and got 129 bla bla" and getting his girlfriend to take it so they can both be all smarmy and cocky about it to me.
Please nonnnies is there any other tests that measure other forms of intelligence that I can take to make him feel bad about his own stupidity?? I feel like this Mensa test is only good for people who are math-minded.
No. 1000613
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What is some good anime/graphic novel leasbian smutt? Help me out nonas am horni
No. 1000688
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I wanna download the fractured but whole south park games but don't wanna spend any money what are se good pirating sites that are safe, i don't really trust front page google results where you just add the word torrent at the end. Also can a game like this even run on my crappy old dell laptop or will it commit seppuku
No. 1000786
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am i dumb for thinking that in a female love relationship communication should be far better than a heterosexual relationship
No. 1000865
>>999468Most gaming PC's are self built. You can buy gaming prebuilts but they're generally much more expensive than building it yourself. computer hardware channel recently did a review series on prebuilts and most of them were terrible.
No. 1000923
>>1000914They’re from cold climates
nonnie they gotta grow fur
No. 1000927
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>>1000923Then why are middle eastern people also just as hairy and why aren't Chinese people just as hairy ?
No. 1000935
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>>1000921Its spread on tumblr and twitter as well, originally It was confined to GC/Radfem users but I'm seeing more normie women use the term
No. 1000983
>>1000144> how hard is it to change it? Do I have to pay attention to anything when I'm looking at new cases for it?Cases can be changed yes though building a PC can be a bit tricky for a newb. Just make sure the motherboard is a standard format so that it can fit most regular cases.
>>1000959>also, if the graphics card is not integrated, again I can just change it by myself, right?Yes, dedicated graphics cards are replaceable
>>1000978>which runs games better: a lot of RAM but a bad graphics card or a good graphics card but not much RAM?The Graphics card is the most important thing for gaming. It has its own RAM (called VRAM or video RAM) but your regular RAM is also important because VRAM is rarely enough. I'd say don't skimp on either for gaming, if possible go for a good GPU with 16Go of RAM, just make sure they're two 8gig sticks instead of a singular 16gig stick (No need for more for most people) You could make do with 8Go for some games but I don't recommend it
No. 1001013
>>1001003she is ok with being called either she/her/hers or they/them/theirs.
Also huh i didn't know there were people who actually didn't understand how to use pronouns, i thought everyone was pretending
No. 1001023
>>1001013oh I see, it's way different from what I thought it meant lol. Thanks!
>i didn't know there were people who actually didn't understand how to use pronounsI guess it's because I don't really use social media and never saw an explanation about how pronouns work, just the demand that people should.
No. 1001195
>>1001142Funny that like 5 years ago another admin tried to implement them. Lost my shit when I accidentally saw an old thread in /meta/ (already was browsing by them, but I must have missed it). I think it's a good thing that we are not supposed to use emoticons. Very glad that no bans are handed by ironic uwus since I see it as a word (oowoo) meaning a specific outlook, not an emoticon
>>1000947Interesting, though I think the word must have spread recently, no?
>>1001042Rec the movie please, nona
No. 1001267
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Why do monogenic obese people always have such tiny dogs? Usually some sort of chihuahua/mix. My ma said it's because they don't need to be taken for walks, but can't that technically be done to any dog? Shayna never walks her big dog, all it "needs" is a small space outside to use the washroom technically. Cruelness aside. These giant fucks having such teensy dogs looks like an accident waiting to happen
No. 1001274
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>>1001267I always fear for the 1000 lb sisters dog, the big one does not look before she sits down
No. 1001281
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Should I get a canada goose jacket? It would cost roughly 1/4 of my monthly income, but i'm currently working in a high earning country and will move in around 6 months to a lower earning one, so i'm not like richie rich long term.
I've been shit poor until now and want some thing nice and admittedly a bit showy, but is it worth 1k? Like my current winter jacket cost me around 50 euro (which was fancy to me at the time, before I jsut layered up fleeces under a light jacket) and keeps me kind of warm. This would be not only 10, but like 20 times more expensive. It's funny because if I imagine a jacket for 600 I'd think of something outrageously luxurious. Is it worth it at all or can you get the same quality from a no name, maybe nicer looking brand for 200 or so?
I don't think this is relevant for the fashion thread on g because I only care if it looks passibly nice.
No. 1001358
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>>1001281I don't own anything from Canada Goose but I don't think it's worth it. I think you can get a nice warm down coat from elsewhere. If you can order from a Uniqlo, I'd recommend their ultra warm down coat (pic rel), it goes for around $180. Or I'd look at stores that sell outdoorsy gear since they'll most likely have quality warm down coats there too. They probably won't be cheap but probably not as expensive as Canada Goose.
No. 1001424
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How and why did borzois become a thing here? Like I just remember suddenly there was a thread with pictures and paintings of borzois and the 'Things we hate thread' still always has borzois as thread pics
No. 1001437
Thanks everyone. I'll go into a store to try one on but the Patagonia ones look nice. Pickings are bad and expensive in my thrift shops, but I might get lucky.
>>1001307Actually I was considering going to Svalbard or iceland at some point this year. I'm currently in central europe but will move to northern europe hopefully soon, which can get super cold, so I do think it'll come in handy.
No. 1001444
>>1001424There was an anon who sperged about hating borzoi and their super long faces. Other anons came in to say it was funny and argue borzoi were pretty dogs. At the same time adam driver anons were going on about how much they love him and they became the driverfags. They got their own thread in m or g and other anons started putting borzoi with driver. It was probably because anons all found driver and borzoi as either ugly or nice looking.
>>1001439Everyones hair has different levels of porousness so some hair that's rid of pigment like bleached hair will immediately take in the color, unless the hair is so damaged it cant even take in pigment. Essentially you're washing off the outer coating of color that was going to rub off on your skin, clothes, bed, and bleed again in the shower if you didnt wash it clear. When it runs clear that's what your hair has actually accepted into the hair shaft. I will admit myself I've given up on washing clear before and just let it fully wash out the next 1-3 showers.
No. 1001543
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I left to see my family for the holidays a couple weeks ago before concerns about the virus got more serious. I was planning to return in early january but didn't buy my ticket yet. I love my family and I know they're going to recommend that I extend my stay in light of the circumstances. Classes are online again so I technically dont have an urgent reason to go back. The truth is that I wanna go back to spend time with a friend who's moving abroad this year but I feel guilty admitting that to my family. I realize I'm overthinking it but my stupid question is this: what kind of pragmatic reasons can I give them to explain why I'm inconveniencing myself to travel 670km to my tiny shared apartment amid pandemic restrictions?
No. 1001610
>>1001554Cringe kek
I don't know about the second one.
No. 1001683
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Are annotations back? sorry for cringe vid
No. 1001775
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I want to buy some kind of matching cutesy shit for me and my gf, one pink and one yellow (our fav colors and also my fav combo), lingerie or dresses or something but I’m open to whatever. We’re similar sizes, average/medium. Any suggestions?
No. 1001811
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>>1001787Buy horse balm gel and massage it into areas that hurt. Instant pain relief + helps with healing.
No. 1002050
Is it weird that the lonelier I become, the more I have fantasies of becoming “bimbofied”? I’d never actually do it but covid has made me so lonely and without human contact, and now I keep daydreaming about what it would be like to get a ton of plastic surgery and just look like a ridiculous sex bomb all day.
>>1002045I used to know a family who claimed one of their dogs was retarded.
No. 1002107
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Anyone here had any luck selling their own secondhand stuff on Storenvy? Depop, Mercari, and and all the other sites scare me because of scammers and Facebook scares me because I might get robbed/killed.
No. 1002193
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Would anyone like a interior decoration / interior design thread to post nice looking rooms?
No. 1002291
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>>988977Guys if I take oestrogen as a female woman will I become extra woman? Will I look more like a woman? How would I obtain it if not stealing from an anime fan? Will it make me straight?
No. 1002301
>>1002275Craigslist routs all emails thrpugh their own servers, so to them it just looks like it came from "a craigslist user". If you sent an email to the craigslist autogenerated email on the listing at least. They do this to protect users emails and save you from getting spammed or stalked by the people you contact. If you get in touch and trust the lister then you give them your email/other contact when youre ready.
>>1002259 Supposedly its $1000 worth of returns a year per person but its case by case, if you do a bunch in a row you will probably get flagged but maybe not, its kinda random.
You shouldnt do this though cause most returns just get thrown out, especially for something like headphones that touches skin, so its pretty wasteful. You can go to Bestbuy or other electronics store and try on the fancy headphones there maybe, sometimes theyre on display, but then again maybe not since covid. Probably best just to read reviews and look closely at them.
No. 1002433
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How is the MJ musical being made after you know, the controversy with that documentary a few years ago..I mean it got to the point where that one simpsons episode he guest starred in got permanently removed, so it seemed like a big deal if media he was in was getting removed, but now they change their mind? It just seems inconsistent
No. 1002484
>>1002479Men of that age WILL assume you're stupid and will believe anything they say. Stuff like
>My wife and I are separated and she's moving out soon>I don't have kids teeheeOr if they're the "lone wolf lifelong bachelor" type
>All women my age are old bitches (as if you'll never age too)>I watch Nick Fuentes but I'm not a white nationalist>You should feel lucky a guy like me wants to be with you (as if it was his choice to be rejected by his entire generation of women)If you have access to young, hot, non-jaded guys then go get with them. You can fuck 35 year olds when you're in your 30s.
No. 1002495
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>>1002449No, this is probably a troll question, but algorithm derives from a Persian mathematician named Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi from the 700s. He was basically the daddy of modern algebra and other maths stuff. No. 1002575
>>1002524Nursing is pretty high paying and the schooling is not that hard so it attracts a lot of midwit females. Combine that with the fact that nursing can be a great source of narcissistic supply and you'll get a lot of jerks.
To be fair it's also a tough job that wears at the empathy of even well-meaning people. And if some of the nurses are jerks it can poison the attitude of the whole team.
No. 1003238
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Would it be possible to make a thread for sports’ cows? Or are they celebricows? I can’t help but think that there’s some milk in the sports’ scene because there’s this Spanish podcast that has some dudes constantly talking like a bunch of vapid high schoolers, so maybe it could be fun.
No. 1004205
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Pick one to fuck, one to marry and the rest you kill