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No. 1003379
>>>/ot/988977It's ok to have stupid questions, girls.
No. 1003638
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How do I know if he likes me or if he’s just being friendly?
Also, if he’s handsome, is there any chance he isn’t a manwhore?
>>1003567Juat go for it. Worst that could happen is that he tells his friends you’re weird and stalking him (people whom you’ll never meet so it doesn’t matter). Now think of the nice things that could happen!
No. 1003871
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Why are hands and feet so simple, yet so difficult to draw?
No. 1003917
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Would anyone be interested in a general thread for tech related questions and advice?
No. 1004074
>>1004054I really hope all those people selling used maternity clothes aren’t teenagers working jobs that pay significantly under minimum wage…
I understand the sustainability angle, but it would be far better for the environment for me to ride my bicycle over to the nearest charity shop than to send out a bunch of packages via the postal system. Idk, it’s still weird to me.
No. 1004082
>>1004074Oh right I forgot about the moms selling their stuff. Well idk about them.
>pay significantly under minimum wage…How much do teens make an hour where you are then?
No. 1004192
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why did Melissa Joan Hart do this to her eyebrows?
No. 1004223
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Pick one to fuck, one to marry and the rest you kill
No. 1004240
>>1004223Is that really young Stalin and Tito ?
kek the look like they would be edgelords who'd be into anime
No. 1004245
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>>1004241>>1004243Yeah this is what he more or less actually looked like in his youth
picrel is him during his wife's funeral,
>Svanidze and Stalin were married for just 18 months before she died of an illness in 1907. Her death sent Stalin into a deep grief, and he reportedly said "with her died my last warm feelings for humanity." Years later, several of her family members were executed during Stalin's purges. No. 1004248
>>1004243trying to hard to be edgy.
>>1004245he looks hideous in every other photo, he only has one good photo of him.
He is a fat gypsy ugly rat who starved his people and millions died.
No. 1004254
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>>1003638Please someone respond
No. 1004310
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Can someone tell me what happened today with a male on /ot/? someone mentioned it in the Pixielocks thread
No. 1004315
>>1004313It's the same thing basically.
But in wokespeak, transvestite is an old and now unused and badly seen term to refer to a crossdressing man.
If you want to get even more woke, transgenders change genders, transvenstites change clothes. Which is the same thing imo.
No. 1004316
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>>1004245kek anon idk if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me about the photoshop, but his eyes are literally painted on in that one dreamy photo of him. He was decently handsome and had a great head of hair but he was not a damn oil painting.
No. 1004317
He looks middle eastern. In a hilarious way.
No. 1004318
>>1004256Thank you.
He’s not a social media guy at all. Don’t know if he’s aware of his looks, doesn’t flaunt it at least and he’s definitely not a tiktok or insta boy. He’s friendly to everyone I think but he replies to my texts. I don’t just want sex I want a bf.
No. 1004628
>>1004627Can anyone just come there? Not only their students?
I know it may be different in my country, but I will feel better knowing it's not an insane idea lol
No. 1004731
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Do I have to cut my cuticles if I just want to add a clear nail polish? (on natural nails) Lately I want to take more care of them and thinking about pampering them (and my feet) weekly.
No. 1004733
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Fuck, Marry, kill
No. 1004777
>>1004771The bad sex I had in my early twenties… I never had the guts to turn around and make a man aware of how bad it was. I salute anyone who does.
I once had a guy start bragging about my orgasm.. and I corrected him because I certainly didn't have one. I said I had a good time but didn't orgasm (trying to buffer the harsh truth) He insisted I did have one and he saw/heard it.. like holy fuck how do you get through to someone when that's their response?
No. 1004877
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Which hair color looks cuter?
No. 1004983
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is waking up from hunger/not being able to sleep because you're hungry really a thing? i mean not when you're starving for real but when you're just doing some dieting with a calorie deficit between 500-1000 calories. fatties on reddit complain about not being able to sleep because of hunger but i just can't relate. i'm a fattie myself and if anything sleep is the best thing i can do when my stomach is growling and i usually don't feel very hungry right when i wake up. i'm so confused when i read posts like that.
No. 1005156
>>1004983I'm on the thinner side and I absolutely can't sleep with an empty stomach, like literally physically unable to fall asleep.
I get too tense, my muscles won't relax and get stiff, sometimes even twitchy and shakey and that's why I can't fall asleep until I eat, which then completely relaxes me into a slump and I fall asleep easily.
No. 1005319
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>>1005308You don't want to bone that?
No. 1005372
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What do you nonnies think about this jacket from desigual? Never bought their shit because it mostly looks ugly, but this one is kinda cute.
No. 1005456
>>1005372pretty cute considering that it's desigual, but for me personally it would be too messy/busy to look at.
>>1005401>99% of desigual stuff is really uglyi didn't even know this until i stood next to a woman dressed entirely in desigual stuff and i couldn't stop staring because everything was so loud, for lack of better wording.
No. 1005475
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How do you know it’s ok to kiss someone? How do you initiate sex?
>just wait for him to do it
This happened once. Years ago. Only boy I’ve ever kissed.
>just stop being ugly
I’m not ugly I’m just autistic and anti social.
How do you recognize flirting?
No. 1005527
>>1005475A common situation for you to initiate: You guys are talking, physically close to each other (your arms are barely touching, your faces are quite close) and at some point there's a silence. You look at him in the eyes and you either get kissed or kiss him.
Just the other day I read from guy's perspectives that just looking at them in the eyes was enough to end up making out kek they're so easy
oh anya anya my beloved No. 1005566
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how to do something you really DO NOT want to do? I have until the 31st.
No. 1005691
>>1005676None, they literally use the data to sell you shit.
>>1005665Just pirate whatever you wanna watch, dilemma solved.
No. 1005871
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>>1005838Yep, it can also be muscle pain from tight muscles in your head or neck. This is just one example, try pressing on the crosses and see if it helps.
No. 1005917
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I would like to Water Fast until Friday. How can I succeed and make the fast worthwhile?
No. 1005949
>>1005486Is that true? And what if I talk to a guy about other things than work/school, is that flirting too? But flirting is more than just regular talking, right? Specific kinds of phrases and facial expressions? What is flirting and how do I learn how to do it?
>>1005527Thank you! I’m still confused but this helps.
No. 1006043
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Which one looks better? I don't know if either of these are good. The third color will only be kind of an accent.
No. 1006201
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Anon, I found this loose pill in my drawer. I searched high and low on pill finder to see what it is but to no avail.
Is there any pill conoisseur that could help me here? It's driving me insane.
I40 on one side, round white and a weird 4 separation on the other side.
No. 1006217
>>1006204That was kinda my guess, but the thing is, I don't remember having been prescribed it (and that would be pretty recent, I moved and when I did it, I cleaned my med drawer). I checked the treatment box I discontinued but kept just in case and nothing match. There are all capsules.
I might have forgotten, tho.
And I found a second identical loose pill…
What a fucking mystery.
No. 1006230
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fillet fish or fried squid rings???
No. 1006238
>>1006212I'd gobble them like there would be no tomorrow if I was sure they were benzo but they feel too hard to be.
I don't want to end up sick all day for nothing.
Guess I'll bin them. It's not like I can go to the pharmacist with my two loose pills and ask 'hey any idea what the fuck those might me?'
No. 1006249
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Someone please explain flirting to me.
How do you do it? How do you recognize it? When should you do it? How intensely?
No. 1006541
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What are the odds that Komaeda is rich? I know he canonically inherits his parents' fortune, which was large enough to motivate people to kidnap him for ransom, but how likely is it that he maintains or grows his wealth throughout his adolescence? His assets are constantly under the threat of some hyper-specific, unlikely accident— yet, at the same time, they have equal amounts of positive potential. Honestly, his luck talent works in such strange ways that I can't decide if he's more likely to be bankrupt or a billionaire. Though I guess it's a moot point because the apocalypse happens, during the course of which, I assume, traditional money lost its value. I guess a better question is: would you trust Komaeda with your stock portfolio?
No. 1006563
>>1006228Really into documentaries right now. Not sure what levels of obscurity you're vying for, but here are some of my favourites
>Some Kind of Heaven (2020)A town of only old people living together in retirement paradise. Explores aging, death, unmet expectations, and social isolation
>Mommy Dead and Dearest (2017)Gypsy Rose,
victim of severe Munchausen's by proxy, conspires to kill her
abusive mother.
>Queen of Versailles (2012)>Follows a wealthy couple as they build the largest house in America, modelled after the real palace of Versailles. Then the economy crashes…>Thought Crimes: Confessions of a Cannibal CopScrote roleplays online stories of killing, raping, and eating women. Asserts it was only fantasy with no real intent/conspiracy.
>Deliver Us From Evil (2006)Interviews with a Catholic priest who abused dozens of children yet evaded all responsibility.
Victims and their families interviewed as well
>I Love You, Now Die (2019)Michelle Carter, the teenage girl who "texted her boyfriend to death" and actively encouraged his suicide. Two part film dedicated to prosecution and defense
Hope this helps. My favourite female documentarians are Erin Lee Carr and Lauren Greenfield, they do great work
No. 1006608
>>1006590Not since the last time men chanted to the goddess Athena.
It's now all just different genres of whining about the one that got away. Because men are incapable of seeing your value until they can't have you.
No. 1006688
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I want to start bartending. Where or what locale will hire me the fastest? I'm turning 21 this weekend, and hope to have to have this gig in February the latest. I've never had a job before kekekek
No. 1006998
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>>1006966Fishman is the best scrote
No. 1007017
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>>1003379I need someone to explain me what the fuck is cryptocurrency and NFTs.
Every time I ask someone what the fuck it is they can't answer me if you can even buy milk with it, like it is something that doesn't even exist and you can't use it but collective society decided that it is as real as a dollar??
Same with NFTs, how is any type of real money involved in that shit? it makes 0 sense and there's like millions of these images around, I just have to right click it and save it and now I have ur house wtf.
No. 1007041
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>>1007038Holy fuck that is so wild, digital scam circlejerk. Thank for taking time off your day to explain me
nonny. Here, have a cryptopizza you can't eat.
No. 1007078
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>>1007017Scammer moid here. I make a living off scamming people for their coins.
Quick rundown: crypto doesn’t have real world vital utilities YET. It’s in it’s infancy and extremely volatile. It is the future, if you have patience. Misinformation about it is spread by the media 24/7, so don’t believe the news, look into it by yourself.
Some coins out now will be very important one day so i recommend you slowly accumulate those. Preferably LINK and XMR, the reasons for this you can find on 4chan’s /biz/. You can lurk there for some basic knowledge on how to get started, but people tend to withhold the best projects and strategies to themselves.
What is XMR? It’s the ONLY coin that fulfills what I said in the third paragraph. Men working on the federal reserve have assured me that XMR is the one currency the U.S government can’t trace. It has big intrinsic value for that alone. Good luck!
>>1007070licensing agreements with the publisher, they must be treated like physical copies.
>>1007078>>1007082no way he should break an egg on his head like that one guy did that one time. Anyway, he's wrong. Cryptocurrency's purpose is for the anonymous purchase of drugs and child sex abuse material.
No. 1007209
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Have any of you anons used the rainbow light womens multivitamins and can tell me if they're any good or have any good affordable recommendations?
No. 1007286
>>1007280I'm generally a bubbly person, but when it comes to cruel or just grumpy customers in general I prefer to be completely neutral, as in don't give them anything they can escalate the situation from. That way I can save my bubbly energy for the customers who are actually nice and polite. I feel that cruel customers are going to use your positivity against you anyway, so why bother.
If you want to be cheerful and positive all the time, you can try to pretend like you're just an actor playing a character other than yourself while at work. I did that a lot in jobs where management demanded you smile all the time.
No. 1007379
>>1007378Oh, thanks
nonnie, I’m a regarded retard.
No. 1007486
>>1007348I did that too, just keep in mind "wow you're so
triggered what a monkey".
No. 1007498
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When I’m at work, I sometimes finish my work early, so I end up getting to stretch out my breaks to more than an hour, but what are some screen-less things I could do during my break (preferably stuff that can be inconspicuous and not be seen as me having an extended break),aside from reading, listening to music/podcasts. I’m considering maybe doing cross-stitching in my cubicle
Bonus points for stuff I can at my desk in ‘open-workspaces’, where everyone is looking at you , if I end up transferring to a place that needs to make me work in those places.
Also, does anyone else prefer cubicles over those ‘open-plan’ workspaces? you get more choice in customizing your workspace and more privacy to do what you want
No. 1007507
Is this website legit?'s a comic I can't find anywhere on stores and I'd like to finish it.
No. 1007513
>>1007498Girl why this picture..
Anyways something like cross stitching is a good idea, I was also thinking something like embroidery. There are small hoops that can be inconspicuous. Drawing is good too, as the supplies can be on your desk no problem.
No. 1007551
nonnie who pissed in your cereal? Nta but she just asked a question..
No. 1007556
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This is a confession, a vent, and a question all in once: a few years ago I was doing very badly in many ways. Emotionally, private life, physically, academically, etc. but there was one guy I met at the final of uni before summer that year who was REALLY nice to me, and selflessly helped me out with some academic stuff even though I was broken as a person. After that, I never saw him again. That sucked because I had instantly developed a crush. In all my pathetic glory, I perused his social media for a bit and discovered his gf and whatever else, etc. After a year I sent him another text to thank him for his help when I was in such a bad place, and he responded very kindly. Never spoke with him afterwards. Eventually, I felt I was being too creepy and stopped checking his stuff. However, last week, after not googling him for years, I looked him up again because I-don’t-know-why, and disovered that he’s single and… works in an office very close to my house.
I barely know this guy, met him only once. Don’t know what he’s really like. He’s probably already forgotten me. I would never visit his office. And yet I can’t stop thinking about him.
How pathetic/creepy am I? Is it normal to develop such an interest in someone because they were… nice? I feel like a freak.
No. 1007587
>>1007556Do it. Get to know him better.
If it was me I would have already "accidentally" bumped into him
No. 1007600
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Am I fucking gay? I've only ever dated dudes and the only thing I really like doing with guys is giving head. I'd be 100% fine with never being penetrated again ever. I really only find like 2% of men attractive and find women to be nicer to look at overall. If I watch porn, it has to have a woman in it. Watching two dudes do it grosses me out unless it's 2D.
I've never been with a girl intimately but definitely feel like I'd be fine with it. I usually feel repulsed just looking at most men except that slim 2%. I'm attracted to masculinity but find women with "boyish" styles just as attractive as good-looking men. Plus there were a few nude women I drew when I was going through early puberty. What does it mean???
I never really analyzed it much because I read BL garbage and just assumed that meant I was interested in men…
No. 1007605
>>1007600>Am I fucking gay?No
>What does it mean???Here >>153246
No. 1007619
>>1007600We really can't tell you what you are, but it sounds like you're straight or
maybe bi just based off of the description. You definitely seem attracted to men though. Have you ever had any attraction towards a woman (like a crush) beyond "the thought of doing this with a woman sounds fine"?
No. 1007667
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Is it normal to assume all animals or characters are male until proven otherwise? Like this little frog, I automatically think that's a boy frog.
No. 1007688
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>>1007667Of course it's normal anon, how could you possibly tell an animal is female unless it has long eyelashes and a weirdly sexualized body??
Male is the default and females can only be designed with exaggerated feminine markers lest anyone find them unsexy.
No. 1007715
>>1007569>>1007587In my country everyone’s working from home again so he’s probably not at the office. :/
I don’t even know how to do such a thing anyway. Camp outside the office for two weeks? “Hey look that weird girl is out there again.”
No. 1007766
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>>1007688Yeah it's quite the norm but Tigress (Angelina Jolie's character) in Kung Fu Panda is one example done quite tastefully. There's also Blue from Blue's clues (ngl blue seems like an enby/queer awakening coded character kek but I still love the show) Concept art nonitas take note?
No. 1007826
>>1007766>ngl blue seems like an enby/queer awakening coded character what the
fuck are you talking about?
No. 1007848
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>>1007766>an enby/queer awakening coded character>literally just a female dog that is bluei hate people like you
No. 1007850
Makeup Artist
Porn DVD store
Sex club
Fashion designer
Administrative assistant
Professional dancer or choreographer
Target or starbucks (ALWAYS STARBUCKS idk why target)
No. 1007997
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>>1007976Show pic of a werewolf in your mind. Are you also aroused by the human? And how does the idea of dog dick make you feel?
No. 1007998
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>>1007997okay so picrel is what a werewolf looks in my mind, not sure were that falls in the furry scale
No. 1008042
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>>1008036Don't hate on my dog husbando
nonny No. 1008055
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>>1007976>>1007997>>1008036nta but would liking bigby wolf make me a furry
cause he's technically a wolf that turns into a man
No. 1008066
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>>1008064>>1008065He has multiple werewolf forms though, he's real form being a giant wolf and outside his human form he takes a partial wolf worm
No. 1008093
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>>1008079meant forms, this was his partial
>>1008066wolf form
picrel is full werewolf form
No. 1008094
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>>1008093and this is his true from, a giant wolf
cause he's not a man that transforms into a wolf, but a wolf that transforms into a man
No. 1008095
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>>1008094Is snow white a Furry then ?
No. 1008226
>>1008180>>1008195Bpd tier
>>1008136Next time before you do someone a favor, maybe don’t hate doing the favor? Seriously, you’re a horrible person who thinks they’re nice for existing probably. Apologize to him, but try it sincerely this time and spend the night with your sister.
No. 1008229
>>1008227You’re a doormat retard who’s very very
No. 1008255
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Has anyone here ever ordered from Sondeflor? I’m waiting for my stupid order to be shipped. I’m not getting any response to my emails and all they do is post wholesome shit on Instagram I’m starting to be pissed
No. 1008265
>>1008260She'd ruin her sister's and her own day too, it's just an overall bad decision for all.
But it doesn't call for such strong epithets as "horribly gross".
No. 1008289
>>1008282thank you anon, i just tried that and sadly it doesn’t work, i dont think there’s a way to do it without making a life event.
fuck facebook!
No. 1008414
I'm embarrassed to ask this but what does it mean when people talk about "seasons" in multiplayer online games like league? Is there some kind of plot happening? Is it just arbitrary chunks of time?
>>1008396I used to come up with a whole name and backstory for the girl and invent different scenarios to dress her up for, like going to visit her friends or going on a date. Then in my tweens-teens I would use them to create an avatar of myself to use as social media pics, like a primitive form of picrew lol
No. 1008469
>>1008414Usually a new season is a way of saying new updates, new content, new changes in mechanics that continual-service games release every year or every few months. In League or FPS games, you can’t add or change stuff whenever you want while people are climbing during the competitive period. So they have set time between seasons, aka preseason, when changes would be implemented and balanced, meanwhile rankings won’t suffer penalty during this time. They have the same thing in irl sports.
It’s a way to help new players be on the same page as old. It forces old players to adapt and learn.
No. 1008681
>>1008643I've heard that but don't get how it applies to starving… Surely being in control means eating what you want when you want it? It takes much more control over your life, money, transport, cooking skills to actually feed yourself properly than say no to food all the time.
Sorry I don't mean to sound bitchy when you're trying to answer the question. Im trying to wrap my head around it and it's emotional for me to try put myself in her shoes
No. 1008718
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Can anyone name some movies with Art Nouveau elements in them (either architectural or design)? Other than the original Suspiria and Return to Oz, it seems to be such a rare setting in movies
No. 1008767
>>1008681Answers will vary, but it's an easy way to see what to you is progress. You see real world consequences of your actions, on your body. It also makes your life priorities easier - your life starts to revolve around eating since you get terribly hungry yet you force yourself not to eat, and that makes you feel powerful. You can lose yourself in that and forget other issues that are gnawing at you more easily since your body's priority is for you to eat. You feel like you are at least good at this.
There's also some other issues that can be brought out with anorexia - I hated how I didn't have big breasts. By starving myself, I was admitting I could never have the breasts I wanted, but I want leaning into the exact opposite and it made me feel like for once my average sized breasts were helpful to me, because they aided me in this goal of losing weight. I basically was learning to like parts of me I otherwise would hate.
A lot of tactics I learned being anorexic I just applied to facets of my personality that are negative and it's helped me out. It's weird to me how it helps equally painful in a sense, but in this context most people would be proud of me for denying myself.
As for my breasts, I don't like them anymore since I'm no longer ana, so I'm just going to get implants. There's an interesting correlation between breast implants removing anorexic tendencies in studies, and I suspect it's for similar reasons that I experienced.
No. 1008777
>>1008613Most foods, especially food made with unhealthy components (seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc), can disturb the system on a physical level, and this can be especially bad during times of stress. That either makes you more likely to eat (and get the "happy/good" feeling of indulging) to try and distract yourself from whatever's going on, or just abstain for reasons even you yourself might not be conscious of. In the latter case, some anorexics don't know what's fucking with their mind/body so they still eat junk food, but dramatically small amounts of it to lessen the mental/physical impact, or they become
very fixated on how healthy their food is, even if they can't detect exactly what's messing with them, so they might turn orthorexic
That, and when you're very depressed, even your favorite foods might not taste so great to you anymore, and eating seems like too much effort. It's very situational and individualized the specific reasons why, but it's typically this, the "control" aspect, or some obsession with saving up/storing food and/or thinking you don't deserve it. This isn't even touching on the body dysmorphia and/or dissatisfaction aspects since you said you understand the "starving for IG" thing btw
No. 1008792
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Is that a layer or a kind of side fringe? I mean those shorter locks near her face
No. 1009014
>>1008916The most "right" leaning views I see here are
terf views. I don't think you'll ever see any reactionary stuff or whatever you mean by right but I think it's unfair to assume all farmers are dyed in the wool libs.
No. 1009139
>>1009114As long as you say you're copying it, not for "giving credit" (because it's anonymous) but just to avoid unnecessary thread-clogging replies from people saying it's their post, or they replied earlier, or it belongs elsewhere, or whatever. As for
morally … it's not immoral to repost just likely to make the anon reply and say that was their post which is avoidable by you saying it's their post. Simple
No. 1009179
>>1009114>It just seems a little dry to take a screenshot, post it and say "Thoughts on this?" somehowDo you even know where you are? This is an
No. 1009194
>>1009186I've wondered this too. I'd say my libido is low throughout the month except a week after my period, then it's insatiable for 1 week. But after that I just don't care about sex.
I'm healthy, fit, eat well, not on any medicine.
No. 1009239
>>1009234I live in an urban area too and it took me a while to find a reliable source of raw products. Call local farms directly and see if you can order from them. I was lucky enough to discover a milkman who sells raw milk and other products throughout town (and they are very involved in local sustainability projects, which is so great!). Perhaps you have something like this as well, but you're just not aware of it since it isn't really advertised much. So I encourage you to explore groups, whether it is online or irl, that eat unorthodox diets, or just local agriculture or sustainability groups and projects. They often have connections which could lead you to more promising places or exactly the sources you need. Just being able to get close to cows that live healthily is great. Instagram has always been really helpful for me as well. I personally follow a raw primal diet, so that is the content I primarily interact with. There are a lot of weird people in this "community", but you can always ask questions and find them on social media for support and inspiration. It really is difficult once you start this diet, but once you have the right connections and routines, it is super rewarding. Adjacent diets usually all loosely fall under similar terms, like ancestral diet, Weston A. Price, nourishing wisdom or whatever. But it comes down to the same thing and is so worth exploring, especially if you want to improve your health and therefore fertility through your lifestyle. Have fun exploring and sorry for the little rant, haha
No. 1009249
>>1009240Are you a virgin? Sounds like herpes.
I’ll occasionally get a pimple on the front of my crotch but they’re usually the result of ingrown hairs.
No. 1009250
>>1009242Oh I didn't know that's what they are called, I googled it and that's exactly what it looks like, I still don't know the cause I mean my period is like 2 weeks away rn but it can be some infected hair because last time I got it after I shaved, though this time it's been pretty long since I shaved too so idk, at least I know what it's called now lol
>>1009249Yeah I've never been within 1 meter of another human being
No. 1009341
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what kind of historical era/nation are those dresses you see everywhere at ren faires supposed to represent?
No. 1009368
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>>1009341I feel like like the kind of dresses that are in the pic you showed take a lot of inspiration from dirndls. I feel like lots of times when people go to ren faires they want to dress like a peasant, and dirndls did start as the clothes of working class women in the 1600s where Germany is now (so the hre and shit). Though the typical dirndl you see now started more in the 19th century I think. Anyways I feel like this is the typical kind of dress people think of since it’s more simple. Clothes during the actual Renaissance were different (unless you look at the costumes but it’s not really right). But when I think of the Renaissance I think of Italian fashion, and that did not look like your pic. But maybe in Central Europe it did I don’t know really.
No. 1009559
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I understand what saging does and means but I don't get why it is enforced here so much. I don't mean this in anyway as a criticism, more just I don't understand why it matters if threads are bumped or not.
No. 1009573
>>1009541Absolutely it can.
Try lowering your consumption, how much do you drink a day? Slowly wean yourself off, or simple use less coffee beans when making a cup, it still tastes the same.
Try putting some glycine in your coffee, it helps with stress/inflammation/a lot of stuff.
No. 1009607
>>1009605Coffee doesn't prevent me from sleeping either, but it gives me heart palpitations and increases anxiety.
Maybe try decaf? Or buy ground coffee beans so you can control how much you put in your coffee.
No. 1009865
>>1009614KEK thats not bashing. we have a shit economy thats why. our current pm pushed us into serious debt and our previous one was better with economy so there was actually a long while where canadian dollar was valued higher than USD (thats when my fam and i would go to america to shop, the good days) but i think around 2014 or maybe a bit earlier the dollar went down and our new PM plummeted it into the ground due to how much he fucks over everyone and spends $ like no tomorrow…. not the best explaination but definitely part of it
btw: canada isnt that great anymore lol i would say it was still pretty okay around 2015 but then its just gone downhill since and idk how ill ever live here due to how unaffordable life is
No. 1009953
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Serious question:
Is there an actual physical version of My Immortal that you can buy that doesn't have that absolutely joyless intro ("this is an example of horrible bad fanfiction!!")
I want to enjoy it completely unironically
No. 1009992
>>1009948to live in one of those tent cities on the road??? lmao
>>1009877i agree, but i thought our wood industry was pretty lucrative? oil would have been nice at least as part of things, but we cant even use our own oil because trudeau/biden shit and the carbon tax ontop is yet another thing fucking us over.
>>1009944yes, but aside from harper, trudeau is 100% worse in terms of how corrupt, economically stupid, and self-serving he is. socially this country is worse off too and crime is i think the worst its ever been. i blame liberals the most of everyone, but covid has shown every party to be compromised.
No. 1009996
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>>1009857I’ve seen a lot of orange/red eyes in asian makeup
No. 1010026
>>1009998The north did indeed invade the South.
I saw a speech a long while ago made by a prominent American communist (I can’t remember her name, it was an older lady) who portrayed the U.S. as intervening with the “liberation” of the south from capitalism.
Because the U.S. dared to stop the north from invading the South, intervening with this “liberation,” they’re seen in the eyes of these thinkers as the ones at fault for dividing the country the way it is today.
Full disclosure, I’m a burgerchan myself, but also quite socialist and can see the BS in this reasoning.
No. 1010106
>>1008916Wouldn’t you like to know glowie.
>>1009240Lmao yeah I get one in the same spot if I wear tight pants too much while on my period.
I wait for it to ripe and pop it.
>>1009559On drama boards it is annoying when threads bump and there’s nothing new to look at. More importantly it gives away newfags which is useful when you get a lot of selfposters, white knights, and cows themselves.
No. 1010131
>>1010062I think the transition is because after their oxy script ends, they try to find somewhere else to get oxy pills, which is not that hard and not that sketchy. This might be via a friend of a friend or something. But oxy pills are expensive, and sometimes their hookup might know someone else who has heroin, which is cheaper and stronger per dose.
Also it might be that they end up broke and living in sketchy places just from buying more oxy pills, and that's when they start knowing sketchy people.
No. 1010214
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Is there a way to keep succulents short and cute? Had one like picrel but it’s gotten tall and now all the leaves are super spaced out. It looks retarded.
No. 1010218
>>1010108I’m the anon you’re replying to and agree 100% that Korea should’ve been left tf alone. It was a stupid war. Even from a strategical standpoint on behalf of the U.S., they already had secured Japan as a base in East Asia, they didn’t need Korea too but got greedy.
At that, the Soviets got greedy with Korea too and have just as much (if not more) to be blamed for, but I think you already know that and condemn them too based on your comment. In the end, the north were the ones to come marching down out of nowhere, and it’s not like the U.S. weren’t going to react to that.
No. 1010235
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Is there a reason that the porta pros from koss got popular aside from just looking “aesthetic”? I actually am seeing people use headphones more now, and I assume it’s for the nostalgia and so on. It seems like insincere nostalgia but whatever. These in particular I see everywhere. Picrel of enya is the only one I recognized, but there’s a ton of randos with them too. I even saw a girl in public with them. I considered getting them, but I don’t like how they’ve seemingly turned into an accessory, but they’re still headphones I’m considering getting. I even considered getting the ktxpro1 (also koss) which are even more obnoxious so I’m probably just being a grump. Or I’m getting the sony mdrv6 studio monitors which I used to have years ago.
Main point is why does everyone have these headphones
No. 1010240
>>1010235They look pretty cool so most likely that.
Also now that you mentioned it, I also noticed the rising trend of overhead headphones. Still remeber being called a moron for wearing them because "buds are better" lol
No. 1010323
>>1010240>>1010257>>1010277>>1010286Yeah I figured it was just that. I’ve heard they’re good so I guess that’s a bonus. I also didn’t know they were popular in japan, so thank you for that anon, that makes sense since it felt like the hype came from nowhere. Also live out your dreams vocaloidanon I support you.
> Still remeber being called a moron for wearing them because "buds are better" lolYeah I remember overheads being seen as such a dorky thing so I was surprised they came back.
No. 1010438
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Where can i find a random discord server that i can join on 4chins or some other place? i hate the results the Explore tab gives.
No. 1010605
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Why do I always feel like the weakest link in friend groups and like my friends don’t actually like me? It’s not a matter of “meet an asshole everyday your the asshole,” I have friends, but there are so many times in the past few years where people have been nasty to me seemingly without reason, and it still has an effect on me and how much I trust people. I’ve also had friend groups fall apart and none of my old friends keep up contact with me, and I can’t help but wonder what’s wrong with me and why I’m not/I wasn’t valuable enough to stay in their lives. Idk it always sucks around this time of year when all the people I used to know are doing things with their good friends and I’m hanging out with my family/a new group of friends. What am I missing anons? How can I possibly fix this? I don’t know how I can possibly give more of myself or let people know any more that I want to be their friend.
No. 1010627
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Why does lolcow seem to attract a more global audience? Maybe I’m wrong about the demographics of here vs /cgl/, but I had the impression that /cgl/ was mostly white, with maybe some black and asian, American and Western European women, which is probably because the board revolves around buying expensive Japanese clothes, so it would attract people from wealthier countries
No. 1010878
>>1010872or I guess oceany-y, not fishy.
No. 1010956
>>1010867Why does he want to go back to meat? If you're vegetarian and are getting your complete proteins from eggs and dairy then there isn't a nutritional need for meat like there is with vegans.
>>1010952>Is divorce really that difficult if you don’t have kids?It depends on the law of the country that you live in. Some countries have no fault divorce and some don't.
No. 1010970
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Is it just those around me or do people no longer wear earbuds? I don't wanna listen to some retarded tiktok compilation or whatever the fuck that is.
No. 1011039
>>1011016Similarly, anyone got humidifier recommendations?
I noticed when I lived in a humid country my skin looked amazing. I don't want mold (didn't even think of that) nor for it to affect any other rooms around the house or destroy electronics.
No. 1011117
>>1011032I have not seen any decrease, on Lornya. Has other names.
i started off with a very high libido and never took BC in my life before, late 20s.
No. 1011157
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How can I wean off my internet usage until I completely stop using it regularly?
>I really really hate the entire online culture nowadays. I’m disenchanted. I used to find this place a refuge but it’s going in the wrong direction/I’m getting angrier?/I have outgrown it. The virtual isn’t for me anymore but I’ve neglected irl to the point where I have no hobbies. I’ll miss the experiences.
No. 1011165
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>>1011157I'm reading this book and it has a plan of how to do it. I'm going to follow it 2022.
No. 1011308
>>1011240If you can code in x86 assembly why the fuck would you want to enter web dev? You would be better off learning COBOL and get paid a three figure salary for maintaining banking and government software.
>>1011244 can pirate every PC Sims game from here.
No. 1011342
>>1011313big mom pirates and probably after the dressrosa arc. its probably around the 700-800s but the island itself is introduced in like the early 600s iirc
sorry i couldnt be more help
No. 1011357
>>1011214That would mean he'd be 44 which I find icky. So no.
Also, does anyone NOT feel attracted to men older than 30? Basically moid mentality but for younger men. Men start to look old and ugly, or just not as youthful. And I have such a baby face I feel like I'll be stuck in that 18-25 range for a long time.
I'm 24 now and I'm looking at men that are 28+ and they already look shit. I think 22-25 yo look the best but they're so immature. There's no solution to this problem.
No. 1011381
>>1011221>I regretted it >but I'd do it again.what
>>1011365tbf the porn dick problem is rampant with younger men too. it's a lose-lose situation
No. 1011387
>>1011365I hate it when I see a man that currently looks hot but I can see signs that he'll age badly (thin hair, deep wrinkles, etc).
Some men do age well, but they're rare. My old company had some men that aged well and were fun to be around, and were respectful to me and didn't hit on me. But the company culture was very good and the ceo was female so hired only good people kek
Honestly, women age better and I wish I was a lesbian.
No. 1011394
>>1011387>Honestly, women age better and I wish I was a lesbianCareful, you're gonna
trigger someone. Or are you baiting on purpose?
No. 1011396
>>1011365I have one celeb crush who is aging.. and I try to hold onto the crush but he made a lil new years vid earlier wishing everyone a good time and it's soo daddish.. and not in any good way, like hurry up and finish your sentence dad. Back I go to looking at pics of him from the 90s I guess lol
Men drinking too much and not even thinking about that is an issue too, catches up with them in so many ways
No. 1011424
>>1011223Kinda harsh kek but it's something along these lines. A man decades older than a young woman, that's even trying to sleep with her is a major turn off anyways
No. 1011504
>>1011496meanwhile youtube is also trying to compete with tiktok, annoying as fuck
I don't do anything on instagram other than lurk, but the fact that they're trying to be youtube + tiktok + snapchat + amazon + etsy combined or whatever is pretty laughable
No. 1011666
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>>1011664That sounds like sinusitis. It's basically a feeling of tension and pressure where the sinuses are. You're more likely to have discharge running down the back of you're throat than out of your nose. You can also suffer from a feeling of pressure in your ears. If you haven't got anything else to hand, inhaling steam will help clear your sinuses.
No. 1011688
>>1010605Some questions to ask yourself:
Was 'being nasty' really out of nowhere? I doubt it. Look back at those incidents and see if you can pick up patterns in your behavior or theirs.
Are you a pushover? Sounds like you might be a doormat and nobody respects a doormat. If you are, learn how to stand up for yourself.
Do you like yourself? Believe you are a lovable person? Sounds like you might not. If you don't like yourself, you will interpret every negative event as further proof that you are unlikable vs that person is just a dick, so fuck 'em. If that's an issue for you, try to work on it.
Also sounds like you might be one of those people who falls all over themselves doing for others and think that will win you their love and respect. Yeah, that never works. If you do that, don't do it anymore.
Did you spend one-one-one time with any of the ex-friends? How did that go? Was it enjoyable for them and you? If not, why not?
Do you know how to be a good friend? Are you a good listener? Do respect people's boundaries? Are you dependable? Do you reciprocate effort from the other person? Do you organize any of the get-togethers?
How are you at opening up? Can you open up to people and be vulnerable? Or do you open up too much too soon and tmi all over the place?
What's stopping you from reaching out to your old friends, who you ended on good terms with, and saying "Hey, I miss you. Do you wanna have lunch and catch up?"
Ask your family what they think? "I have trouble keeping friends and I'm not sure why, have you guys noticed anything about me that might lead to that?"
No. 1011695
>>1010952> I’m retarded but how is owning a house with a moid any better than marrying one? It's not.
> Like what’s the difference between having a house together and being married and having a house together and being unmarried. If you own a house with a man but are not married to him, then the two of you together have to sort out what to do with the house if you break up. So, if the break up is bad and you end up hating each other, if one of you wants to sell and the other doesn't, if you both want to stay and want the other to leave, if one wants to get bought out but the other doesn't have the money - all of this will have both of you shelling out money for lawyers to settle it and possibly having to go to court.
If you are married, you have to get a divorce, which also sucks and usually requires a lawyer, but because of all the laws about divorce it's much easier to handle the house.
No. 1011699
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Best romance book you’ve ever read?
No. 1011782
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>>1011779Thank you anon, you have saved me a lot of mental anguish
No. 1011859
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have any of you ever tried any of these diy paper models? i'm super intrigued but i'm not sure if i should get one since they're usually between 30-45 bucks. i also enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles so perseverance probably isn't an issue?
No. 1012398
>>1012387When a woman wants to have sex with me.. kinda gay
Seriously though I used go by short hair but ime that's a poor way to try and judge it. It's getting harder to know what people are just from sight. Years ago visual clues were a bit easier but not now
No. 1012401
>>1012387For lesbo:
I think ‘dyke voice’ is real, like a deep voice. May care a little less about appearances and have masculine body language, interest in vintage aesthetics/clothes (for femmes), being kind of goofy
For genuine bi girls:
I expect more mental illness and hypersexuality (im sorry this is just from experience), interest in theatre, anime nerd, being emo, maybe being the smart girl
No. 1012449
>>1012441Most of it is in vent thread 100 with the woman crying eating cake as a pic.
Then it turned out Romanian anon was the same one a while back saying she hopes that this site gets nuked and complaining about "rad fems" and is a cat abuser (according to other anons, I'm not sure how they know that stuff)
No. 1012652
>>1012638i really like secondhand stores/thrifting for those type of clothes. i’ve found some quality stuff there, pencil skirts, sweaters, cute office stuff.
you could also look at white house black market, they have nice clothes
No. 1012663
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why the fuck does this always happen?
No. 1012697
>>1012692Nta but
>Is this still avaliable?Is an automated response that facebook uses when contacting a seller. You literally just click on it and it writes it for you
No. 1012731
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Where do I get a decent quality wig from? I don't want a $20 amazon costume quality one, but I also don't need a super high-end human hair one either. Just a decent quality wig that looks similar to this
No. 1012813
if anything, tinder is easier.
No. 1012815
>>1012521Look up FB groups like "girls in [your city]" and post there, usually you get a ton of replies.
Join the friend finder and find someone in your city
Use Bumble
Join clubs
No. 1012987
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Nonnies who have done acid, did you feel extremely tired for a a few days after taking it? Took acid on new years and I’ve been beyond tired these past 2 days despite not doing much
No. 1013051
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>>1012999depends. i wear picrel and i think they look very mature and feminine. they come in a bunch of colours and two heel heights No. 1013069
>>1012541Reposting to maybe get an answer
Would a tumblr or creating a neocities blog be more beneficial to meeting people in the crafting community? Not looking to sell necessarily, but would appreciate having something as a sort of online résumé for what I've made in the past.
No. 1013078
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>>1012999I don't think so, they're very timeless shoes when styled that way.
No. 1013097
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>>1013051NTA but the shoes in your pic are so cute. I’ve been wanting to get red, white, and silver ones but I hate the school girl connotations.
No. 1013101
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>>1013097Too bad I’m a perpetually broke student who has been wearing the same torn pair of sneakers for the last two years. Plus I don’t wear healed shoes but I’ve always these to begin my Alice: Madness Returns LARP.
No. 1013103
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>>1013101Samefag but I, too, am a cultured woman who enjoys triple straps.
No. 1013106
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>>1013097Reminds me of picrel
No. 1013116
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>>1013097Wizard of Oz vibes (still, cute)
No. 1013134
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>>1013091bc they look good? you can also cross the straps.
they're not that much pof a hassle, you can just undo the first one to take the shoes off
No. 1013142
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>>1013117Who cares, honestly? Say you spent it alone because you
wanted to. Stacy move.
No. 1013163
>>1012731you can find one by looking for a synthetic lacefront, but even good synthetic wigs look synthetic, and lacefronts are difficult to style and wear for someone with no experience with wigs.
I would adjust expectations a bit, you aren't going to get a texture like that without going for human hair, and you will struggle with the lace. You can find a decent daily wear style synthetic wig on aliexpress, but most decent ones will have bangs.
No. 1013187
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>>1013175personally, as an asian gal I do feel like my hair stinks a little more. When I pull pubes out, the roots stink? If my hair gets a little greasy, it starts to reek. But I have noticed the same in similar dark-haired people, even if not Asian. Maybe I'm smelling the melanin
No. 1013221
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>>1013142This. I've gotten to the point where men tell me I don't have plans because I want to be at home and alone. I correct them and tell them those
are my plans.
Enjoy the normies bewilderment at being confidently and unabashedly introverted.
No. 1013242
>>1013140For me they weren't. I got a 100 dollar one and the brush head is tiny, I put it right over a plaque area, and it didn't remove it.
A 3$ grocery store toothbrush, flossing first, and a tiny swig of whitening mouthwash (hydrogen peroxide) with the toothpaste really cleans my teeth better. I feel like a weirdo brushing with mouthwash in but that particular type foams up and kills the shit out of bad breath unlike the standard alcohol ones.
No. 1013293
>>1013240I think you kinda need to go to uni for that. Most of my classmates were that sort of nerd but for our study subject, i found it mind-numbing but hey.
>>1013242nta but I will so try this method, ty!
No. 1013326
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>>1013097>>1013101>>1013103You all just reminded me of how obsessed I was with Cassie's gold glitter shoes that I was never able to find, I'm sad now
No. 1013345
>>1013240I only met one intelligent hot man 2 years ago when I traveled. Had to go our separate ways because we were both traveling to different places.
I compare every man to his intelligence now, and I've never had such stimulating conversation as with him. I hate normal moid conversations. Fucks sake
No. 1013451
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>>1013449binky cat for you,
nonnie No. 1013550
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>>1013521What you wear and how you keep your house will reflect you no matter how much you don’t like that fact. Even keeping your house completely empty besides a bed would say something about you.
No. 1013570
>>1013563That depends on the country your coming from, if you’re from latam, you will have a hard time depending on which Latin American country you come from. I’m from Venezuela and it’s a pain in the ass to get a nationality legally, like visiting the pages of the embassies and such, and most of the countries I’ve checked their websites of don’t even consider my country when you look for visas and such.
That’s if you want to do it legally, if you don’t mind working in a shit-tier job for a while, getting married to some scrote and other dangerous shit, the world is yours.
No. 1013831
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>>1013825Crystalcafe. And no, our mascot is picrel, who I like to call Elsie (I don't think that name has caught on though, Board-tan is more popular.)
Here are Elsie's threads
>>>/meta/1469>>>/m/147329 No. 1013836
>>1013831okay that explains why her name is cece (c.c.)
I love board-tan though
No. 1013846
>>1013834>Does the average woke Twitter user consider Iranians/Syrians/Iraqis POC?Yes. I've seen plenty of "middle eastern
POC" tards around. They consider themselves
poc simply because they experience "systematic racism" because they get called terrorists kek
No. 1013890
>>1013887Imo millennial.
But the whole thing is arbitrary bullshit anyway. Some people say 1995 and after are zoomers, and other people say gen z doesn't start until 2004. So really it's whichever you want to be.
No. 1013891
>>1013879Yeah that’s not right or normal at all. Some parents think that kids are their property and going against them in any way warrants violence. It’s normal for relatives living together to disagree and if she’s like in her 40s or something she should be taking the high ground anyway when she’s arguing with a 20 year old. Not to be ageist but yeah. You should move out if you can. It’s
abusive to slap anyone in an argument I think.
No. 1013905
>>1013885She doesn't do it often, only when she's especially aggravated.
>>1013891It took me by surprise this time because it wasn't even that big of a spat, just a few 'heated' words exchanged. I know she took her work's anger out on me. I'm not in a position to move out any time soon, though. And this only happens like very rarely.
No. 1013915
>>1013879that's not embarrassing, you are being physically abused and from "when should parents stop hitting you" it sounds like it's been for a long time. please anon that isn't normal. you deserve so much better. are you stuck living with her at the moment?
my dad only stopped when the bruises were spotted. I thought everyone got hit as hard as me but apparently none of them were ever besides a smack as kids. and as an adult it's a huge sign of disrespect to you and your autonomy.
please look into it and look after yourself. hope you're okay anon, thinking of you
No. 1013923
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I haven't watched porn for like 2 years and decided to check it out today (got kind of horny and wanted inspiration). Genuine question: why is porn so bad? Like I know objectification, made by moids yada yada. But I am not even talking about this: there are plenty asses with zits/cellulite, fatties of both genders, closeups on ugly male butts in most unflattering angles, ugly genitalia, filth and bad sex in general (all those bitches are definitely faking it), so even by scrote standards (assuming playboy and the like shows their preferences) it should be considered shit.
No. 1013946
>>1013923there are a couple of reasons, one is probably because a lot of people are making their own porn now, so there's no producer to be like "nah she has pimples on her ass. NEXT!!"
secondly, moids mostly care about certain things when it comes to porn (and probably sex):
>novelty>taboo>domination>(sometimes) humiliationif they're turned on enough by one or more of those things in a lot of cases they won't care as much if the visuals are actually good
No. 1013947
>>1013915Anon, you're too kind. I'm really, really sorry about how your dad treated you. Hope you're doing alright. I don't think my situation is concerning really. I just feel humiliated and ashamed when I get slapped, especially in the face. It doesn't physically hurt after like a few minutes. Can't really move out at the moment so I'm just gonna tiptoe around her like I usually do, kek. Don't worry,
No. 1013968
>>1013879Does a parent hitting you as a kid always count as abuse? My mum slapped me a lot and my dad like twice, but that was very common in my country.
My mum's a good person, I think she was just raised to think it's normal to slap a kid. But now, I just can't understand how you'd hit your own child.
No. 1014019
>>1013879Your parents should never hit you in the first place. I'm 27 and still get threatened with being beaten up by my father for.. just existing I guess and my mother is against it. But when I was a physically sick and weak primary school kid my father would often punch, kick and strangle me and my sisters for no reason
being yelled at by his boss for being retarded doesn't count as a reason and my mother never defended us because she thought this was normal. Go figure.
No. 1014048
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>>1014046according to google it can just be a smell sometimes
No. 1014064
>>1014031from my personal experience my pee has a strong smell after I binged eat certain food/snacks with a lot of artificial flavor
during my keto period, my piss would smell more candy-like too. Idk, watch what you eat.
No. 1014088
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Are there any apps out there for finding female friends (in your area)? Sort of like Tinder but for friends. I hear zoomers use Yubo but idk
No. 1014168
>>1013947What would your mom do if you slapped her back? Sometimes physically fighting back is a good way to get parents to stop hitting you cause the realize you are physically adult now and can take them in a fight.
If she's going to throw you out or something like that, not worth. But if you can take her or at least make her pay, maybe it's worth it.
I'm not saying beat up your mom, just make it clear you could.
No. 1014174
>>1014015Yes. I've never gotten malware from downloading an ebook, pdf, epub, mobi, etc and I've downloaded got be at probably 10000 over the years. Pirate your heart.
But if you are really paranoid, run the books through a virus scanner before you open them.
No. 1014299
>>1014168this reply is so funny to me "okay what if you just hit her back, that's even!"
what if OP just goes full shounen characters infighting when she and her mom just punch the shits out of each other and then they finally recognize the beauty of friendship
No. 1014337
>>1014015I use and it's perfect
>>1014175same with any app tbh, facebook groups for your city could be a better way to find friends
>>1014168nta but it would end our relationship lmao
No. 1014623
>>1014604My record is 9, it was a weird day where I felt like I could just continue indefinitely and only stopped because I was getting tired. It's never happened again since then so I still don't know what that was all about. But for
>>1014588 it's not uncommon for women to only be able to have one so I wouldn't be insecure about it, quality is more important than quantity anyway.
No. 1014739
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>>1007850Why is cowboy listed?
No. 1014752
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Should I watch madoka? Some people say it's good but some people say it's a lolicon torture porn anime for scrotes with a little of sperging about "muh justice"
No. 1014758
>>1004223marry and fuck guevara, kill the rest
this is the only right answer
No. 1014761
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>>1014752Yes, it holds up well so I'd say give it a few episodes. It's not lolicon-adjacent at all, there's basically zero fanservice from what I can remember (maybe a little bit in the movie). It is pretty edgy but I would still recommend watching if just for the art direction and OST, both are really good.
No. 1014779
>>1014772I am having dip with my chips, but I also just wanted some actual food with it.
>>1014773That's interesting, I kind of want to try that
the soup, not the doritos with catalina dressing lol. Maybe there just aren't that many foods that go with chips? I think I'll just make a sandwich, thank you both.
No. 1014833
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No. 1014851
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Nonnas, can I get your opinion? The other day I stumbled on a listing from a reputable antiques dealer for a very old pendant. It’s so cool and right up my alley that I don’t even want to tell you what it is or what it looks like lest someone find the listing and snatch it out from under me. Anyway, I’m thinking about buying it but am not sure. Here’s the pros and cons:
*It’s super cool, beautiful, and I would treasure it forever if I had it.
*I have $8k in my savings right now so I can technically afford it.
*I just graduated and have been thinking about getting myself a graduation present for the past 6 months.
*I generally spend very little on myself when it comes to superfluous things, so it’s not like I’m a problem-spender otherwise.
*I don’t technically need it.
*I am moving soon to a new expensive town, and while I probably won’t be paycheck-to-paycheck, money is expected to be tight.
*It’s $150 just for the pendant. I could get a cheap sterling chain for like $15 but if I wanted to really accent it, I would love a gold filled chain, which might cost more like $50.
Normally if I want to make an unnecessary purchase, I wait a few months and see if I still want it just as bad. But again this is an antique and I can’t find anything similar to it available for sale right now, so if I miss it I might not get another chance to find one that I like as much. What would you do in my situation?
No. 1014865
nonnie, you've probably spent $150 on stupider things, and that's a pretty dope sekhmet charm. also, i would get like, a dark leather cord instead of a chain, but that's just my opinion.
No. 1014897
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y u mendally ill
No. 1014954
>>10145881 feels most satisfying, 2 feels the best but is quick, then subsequent ones are kinda meh. I once got up to like 30-40 but these were small ones, maybe 2-3 mins between each
And all masturbating
No. 1014968

>>1014963>>1014959dunno if you cuties have access to/know about either paw paw or aloe gel/balm. it's legit magical, especially if you compulsively lick/bite/pick when they're bad or windburn keeps getting you. paw paw especially really helps
hydration is a massive one though, try and drink mineral not filtered water while you're feeling dry.
No. 1014971
>>1014046could be preggo (or not, sorry to assume), I remember having super weird smelling pee. that and temperature fluctuations
there was a weird amount of symptoms during the early days and bizarre piss smell I'd never smelled before was the most memorable.
No. 1014990
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Does anyone even use /pt/ or /w/ nowadays?
No. 1015000
>>1014990the only /w/ thread I follow is terry hall (I used to follow kelly eden but she stopped being a cow unfortunately) there's also pixielocks. other than that, Idk
I never used /pt/ and all and the last time I went there the latest posts in every thread were days old, so probably not
No. 1015011
>>1015010>>1015005i heard this too, and i never really thought gay was necessarily gendered
but i always preferred the word “lesbian” rather than gay. Since it has such a romantic origin lol
No. 1015054
>>1015026Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing.
I'm not saying it never works out if the woman proposes, but guys are the ones who tend to be wishy washy about commitments like marriage so it's pretty important that they be the ones to initiate and plan, IMO.
A guy who hasn't proposed after a few years-granted marriage has been discussed-is a bad sign.
Men actually know rather early into the relationship whether they see you as marriage material or not. Waiting is bullshit, usually the guys who claim they need several years to decide are holding out for other options and will propose if they can't pull their actual ideal woman. If you're someone they want and see a future with they will want to marry you sooner rather than later.
I feel really bad because a friend on my socials who I didn't consider a pickme recently posted about her proposal to her man. Something something "breaking gender norms," but I think she got tired of waiting.
She posted pictures of showing him off with his man ring while she has no ring herself yet…it's very cringe, and if a man is sensitive to being emasculated, then I can think of no better example. Men will tell women they don't care about shit like that but plenty do.
No. 1015574
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Which is the 'correct' way to draw?
Is it to sketch out the general shapes (circles and rectangles for instance, then connect them and work out the details) or starting with the outline and then filling in the details?
No. 1015585
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>>1015574If the second way is incorrect, then so is Da Vinci
No. 1015622
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Not sure if I should ask here or the help me find thread, but probably here is better suited. The last time I went to Japan, I went into one of the Ghibli stores and bought picrel, it was a spirited away tea made by lupicia tea. They don't make the blend outside of when they did it for Ghibli (or I can't find it at least) and I was hoping someone might be able to recommend me something similar.
According to this website the spirited away tea is "Plum kelp tea is expressed in the form of tea leaves instead of granules. The flavor of plums from Wakayama Prefecture harmonizes with the mellow taste of high-quality Japanese tea and kelp from Hokkaido. A gorgeous green tea with konpeito."
No. 1015710
>>1015656Because those people have children as a way to fix past wrongs and live vicariously through their kids, not because they actually want a child to raise and love. Or they're narcs, like a lot of men who want a mini-me.
I always felt bad for my childhood friends born to parents like you described. When we were younger they were like little robots doing whatever mommy tells them to, but after high school they all fucked off to another city and went NC with their parents. You could never tell, they all seemed to come from perfect Hallmark families.
No. 1015876
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What does it mean …
No. 1016006
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How hard is it to get a rental? I'm going to have to sell my house due to being unwell and unable to work and my family is doomering on me hard about how it'll be impossible. I've only had one flat I got through frens and then this house.
No. 1016056
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>>1015971I've gotten one very similar, also while I was at work!
No. 1016466
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Does anyone actually wear cardigans as tops?
I see models wearing them like this on clothing sites but I never actually saw anyone do that in real life. And would I supposed to be wearing something under that? Or just the cardigan?
No. 1016573
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ok nonas how do i masturbate.
i'm 22 but started watching porn when i was 10 so of course i had a very deranged idea of sex for all of my teenage years.
i got out of a meh relationship so i'm almost one year sex-free/voluntary celibate and i don't want to have sex again until i know what my body/i like (but free from porn-programming if that makes sense)…
all these years i was only able to cum if i was watching/reading something but i don't want to be like that anymore. if i want to be in a relationship where my partner doesn't watch porn ofc i need to do the same thing.
thanks for all your help sisters
No. 1016599
>>1016577i had one a year ago and they feel weird to hold idk didn't like it…
>>1016578thanks nona!!
No. 1016681
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Girls I need help with something I SHOULDN'T need help with
Basically when I try to access certain websites, literally normal websites, it's blocked because of our WiFi's 'Child Safety Settings', and I'm 18 years old. I'm very annoyed, because I'm not a child who needs Safety Settings.
I literally just want to look at meme edits, I have been scarred for life on websites as tame as Reddit and Wikipedia, and am very responsible. Does anyone smart know how to bypass this?
No. 1016911
>>1016565That doesn't actually work well, for pdfs tablets are far superior to ereaders.
>>1016483How many pdfs do you read? If it's a lot you might as well get the old tablet, though I'd ask about battery life and check the weight.
No. 1017331
>>1017324It's "I am from Ukraine"
The Netherlands means "the low lands" so that's why it's like that
Some other countries use it too but Ukraine doesn't
No. 1017359
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How do you ask someone for a picture of themself? I have a stupid crush on another anon and we've been talking for a few months now, I just don't know how to ask.
No. 1017378
>>1017373I have no idea how two people could fit let alone fuck in a tiny ass plane bathroom (or more importantly why they would even want to, those bathrooms are so disgusting and dirty). But it would be easy to sneak two people in. There are bathrooms at the back where people aren't looking, there are times when most people are sleeping, you could go one person in first and then another a bit later. And if people did notice they might not say anything anyway.
imo it's just a meme smart people wouldn't actually bother with, like sex on the beach or in a hot tub or w/e
No. 1017395
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could you use a geoduck to…you know…
No. 1017450
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Does someone's choice of dirty talk say anything about them?
No. 1017467
>>1017453I was thinking more how there's different like, themes of dirty talk, ie there's the "dirty girl" "whore" "slut" category type of dirty talk and the "good girl" "babygirl" and just general praise/sweet type of dirty talk, or is anything that isn't demeaning not considered dirty talk? Also which dirty talk is more common in porn? I feel if they picked it up from porn it doesn't really say much about them at that point, other than they're a coomer/were a coomer at some point.
Also, does a guy's choice of dirty talk say anything about you? Or how they perceive you?
Sorry for being a retard i'm just new to this lol
No. 1017470
>>1017467I don't know how to answer your question, only that I personally really love dirty talk and that I need it to become properly aroused. Words and setting the scene makes me finish much better and faster than any type of touch. I've had to explore this with my boyfriend so he could properly pleasure me. He never did dirty talk before but after meeting me and trying it he has discovered it is something he really likes, so now it is mutually arousing and he doesn't require my instruction to understand what I enjoy anymore. The type I like is sweet but slightly patronising. I adore being praised as well as talked down to a little bit, since certain things still embarrass me despite having had sex with him plenty and so forth. I hate words like slut, bitch, cunt, whore, personally. I haven't been with any guy aside from him. Since he didn't do dirty talk before, I can't answer your question on what it says about how he perceives you. But I personally don't think it has anything to do with you but rather with his sexuality. If a guy likes to call a woman a slut during sex, that has nothing to do with whether or not the woman is actually a slut. He just has disgusting tastes because of porn most likely. Hope this helps somewhat, lol. Feel free to ask more, although I can't imagine it to be useful information.
No. 1017473
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>>1017464I was in the best shape of my life when I was like 21-22. Before, I was obscenely skinnyfat. Got a /fit/ bf, went to the gym for like four or five times a week, protein shakes, all that. Now it's like, why though? I currently go to a yoga studio twice a week and watch my diet, but going all out for the rest of my life to get a toned body just doesn't appeal to me anymore. My body is perfectly fine. Plus, gyms suck.
No. 1017626
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I want to adopt a senior cat. Do I just go with whichever cat has been at the shelter longest? The oldest cat they have? I want one that’s already set in its personality and that is, of course, letterbox trained and such already (unlike kittens.) What are some “old cat” things they do? I’ve really only ever had kittens and young cats.
No. 1017631
>>1017626I imagine older cats sleep alot, give them a cosy life and lots of love - which I imagine they havent had too much of if they are in a shelter
:'( also choose one that you feel drawn too, perhaps one that looks sad and in need of love. Good for you wanting to adopt from a shelter, especially a senior cat!
No. 1017633
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>>1017626I guess it depends on the level of responsibility you're willing to take on. Some old cats have special care needs, like special diets or medicine. My oldest is 17 and has a special diet and its costs a little extra. The old cat stuff he does? I couldn't really tell you, kek. Cats sleep 16 hours a day, so I guess maybe he's snoozing an extra two or three. He's a very healthy boy and loves to play with toys but he in particular is an independent player who likes to bat his stuff around and entertain himself. He is veeeery affectionate and
demands snuggles and attention very vocally and he's very intrusive lol. He drinks a lot of water, idk if that's an old man thing. Like he loves water, jee whiz.
No. 1017636
>>1017629Do they typically have a senior cat room or something?
>>1017631I just like old cats, not necessarily trying to be altruistic. In my many run ins with random cats, seniors are hands down the best! Imagine my surprise when I found out that’s not the norm and most people get kittens instead.
>>1017633Special diet, I can do. Extensive vet care for severe medical conditions? Probably not. But so far in my search, it doesn’t seem like older cats are guaranteed to have extensive health problems. Some seem to be very healthy till the day they pass? Do you bathe your cat? Just wondering if that’s a thing I would have to do. I’m posting in the dumb questions thread, so I figured I might as well ask.
No. 1017696
>>1017667Sheekey Science Show is good for overviews and summaries of current longevity science. Just don't take her as an authority, she's more of an aggregator with unfortunate clickbait headlines.
Withcindy is alright for babbling about YA novels.
Moderngurlz is lighthearted pop culture and fashion analysis
Karolina Zebrowska does historic fashion videos
Not sure how good these suggestions are, Sheekey's videos are interesting but require attention and Karolina's videos are usually short.
No. 1017937
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My gf and i tried using a strap on for the first time, but it felt a little weird and was awkward to manoeuver. Any lesbian nonnies with tips?
I would ask this in /g/ but it feels like I would just get answers from women who peg their nigels
No. 1017960
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>>1017860Because islam’s a religion that considers Arabic the language of paradise and because of this I would say converts are Araboos by default, though most non arab muslim born muslims actually hate Arabs deeply.
Converting to hinduism as a waito piggu and hating Indian culture is clashing and bizarre.
I’m an arab and I like Asian culture, mainly because I like the food, nature, entertainment and history.
Also koreans made a very good netflix show to compensate their shit music and the Japanese gave us good art, childhood games and animations. I don’t think Arab countries and India are appealing to the majority of people.
Hell I’d say even India is more appealing. The food’s nice and bollywood is hilarious.
And what have Arabs given us to make the culture so appealing? Answer this question yourself. I can tell you that, my people collectively world wide gave me second hand embarrassment.
No. 1018251
>>1018235Yes! You can literally lmao. Everything you have to do for a Psychiatrist to diagnose you with schizophrenia is for you to tell them that you think you're an unicorn and you have delusions and hallucinations, most psychiatrists are not able to see if you LARP and they literally diagnose you with whatever you say you have the symptoms of. Lucinda has convinced herself she is retarded and she acts like that and she's a munchie but most psychiatrists diagnose you with whatever you have symptoms of based on the DSM V diagnosis criteria, most of them dont even look further into it to see if you might be faking or there might be another problem. Mental illness is not diagnosed eith brain scans, it is diagnosed by the self reporting symptoms of the pacient according to the DSM criteria. It is not true at all. Neurologists do brain scans to diagnose neurological disorders. Schizophrenia, autism and depression are not psychological disorders.
Most psychiatrists are shit and a lot of them will not go against you if you claim you think this or that. They will just diagnose you Accordingly to what you are reporting to them and what they are observing no matter If you fake it or not
No. 1018255
>>1018251sorry I messed up
schizophrenia, autism, depression are psychiatric disorders, not neurological conditions. They are diagnosed acording to DSM 5
No. 1018310
>>1018264Just say you didn't have it as a kid and didn't think about it until now or something. You don't need to go into detail like
>>1018293 lmao
No. 1018328
>>1018312Not american but when I was a teen everyone was (i hope) lying and saying they were getting it in at 13. Then they'd ask you and it was awkward being put on the spot.. "have you not even been fingered yet???" Oh shush you lying fuckers lol
Did you not even experience that stuff?
No. 1018363
>>1018235>scan their brainsIt’s expensive equipments and they don’t hire doctors these days to take assies,
You can fake even physical diseases but faking psychiatric disorders are the easiest to fake. I think when one conditions thyselves to be schizo for enough time the hallucinations will start to kick in for real. But faking/misdiagnosing diseases by itself is a disease.
Anyways it’s not an unpopular opinion it’s a hidden opinion everyone already knows by the time one watches babby’s first documentary about schizophrenia but we gotta get that bux and snowflake points somewhere from amirite
No. 1018468
>>1018459Not only because of the idea of not having food or shelter, but because waking up and not doing anything is depressing as fuck, even if you got everything handed to you in a silver plate, there’s a moment in which no videogame, drama board or group chat will make you feel something.
Social pressure helps as well, better get up and work for a while unless I want to bother someone with my neediness.
No. 1018851
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>>1018850i will! i'm just wondering since i cut out sugar last year in may and still had cravings/relapsed hard as soon as i ate some candy. (the holidays were a disaster kek) other people on r/sugarfree would be like "i don't like candy at all anymore, it doesn't taste good anymore" but i never reached that stage… i guess it takes longer for my tastebuds to recover. i also cut out alcohol in may and since then i tried it maybe three times and it never tasted good and i never finished even one glass.
here's to a healthy 2k22!! i love broccoli.
No. 1018860
>>1018851>other people on r/sugarfree would be like i don't like candy at all anymore, it doesn't taste good anymorei don't know, sounds like a cope. there's some stuff that just tastes too sweet to me now but i never liked it in the first place, i just ate it because it was there and i craved sugar without knowing how to actually stop the cravings. i make some banana egg pancakes now and the cravings are gone, but i'll still crave sugar after a nice savoury meal.
that said, i used to hate veggies because i didn't know any healthy recipes and my mum didn't know any good meals to prepare with them, she just boiled everything and fed it to me plain or in a soup. my life changed when i started working at a food joint and learned about cauliflower with tahini.
>>1018855lmao shut the fuck up and curb your aggressive autism, when people talk about cutting out sugar they mean processed, excess sugars and everyone with a normal iq knows this.