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No. 880117
It’s okay to be confused. Being stupid is not a crime.
Previous stupidity
>>>/ot/870271 No. 880123
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Which cow is this
No. 880137
>>880133I merged me and my sister's Origin account, they just ask you which one you want to be the main account and the other gets deleted?
I did it because we both had different Sims 4 DLC and we wanted to share them, so we just share one account now.
No. 880142
File: 1628850715877.jpg (134.16 KB, 1020x576, Starring_Mickey_Rooney.jpg)

Bringing my very stupid question from the previous thread: There were many instances in Hollywood when white people played Asian characters, but does the opposite exist? Has there ever been a film in Asian cinema where an Asian actor played a white character?
No. 880146
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>>880142merle oberon, kind of.
she played (among many other roles), anne boleyn! she was half sri lanken, but lied about this for pretty obvious reasons (not easy to get decent roles in the 1930s as a not-white person). weirdly enough, despite people around her believing her when she said she was white, she also got cast in a lot of asian roles, as she looked 'exotic'. (then again, so did kathy hepburn & lauren bacall, who definitely weren't concealing mixed heritage). i often wonder how that would fit into the cultural appropriation / yellowface conversation.
No. 880161
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>>880155Lol anon. Shame we don't have an oldie goldie celebricow thread, they were supreme cows, much more interesting people. Datalounge is usually excellent for oldie gossip, they probably have threads on her if you're interested. All I can remember is Laurence Olivier despised her and would bully her, in part because she asked him to have an affair while she was married to Korda and he was engaged to Vivien Leigh. Filming wasn't going well and she kept fluffing up her lines and while on a bathroom break he stole her spare tampons and made a wreath or necklace or something and when she returned confused, he cruelly chastised her for delaying the crew and said it was to mop her up (what he actually said was much more cruel, but I can't remember what it was). Anyway, the whole crew fell into a fit of laughter, and humiliated she ran off set bawling.
Interesting how things change re ethnicity, Anna Kashfi picrel was actually British/Irish but passed herself off as an Indian lol. She even kept her real ethnicity a secret from husband Marlon Brando lol.
No. 880173
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>>880161>>880164i'd never heard of that site before, thank you so much anon! that's fascinating
was it just an unspoken rule that women named joan are milky?
No. 880187
>>880169I forgot about that thread. I'd love a Hollywood one though, I'll make one later.
>>880173lol perhaps. Although I doubt anyone has Crawford beat!
No. 880257
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>>880146I've never been a fan of thin arched eyebrow trend of the 30s but damn she pulled it off
No. 880280
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>>880187If/when you make the Old Hollywood thread could you post a thread to it? thank you
No. 880332
>>880289Nta, but I highly recommend Dickies work clothes. They have some nice jackets, not sure if they have anything exactly like you described though.
I wear their scrubs as cargo pants, they have so many pockets I can leave the house without a purse.
No. 880347
>>880338Samefag also she constantly makes these passive aggressive comments like 'Your cousin is on a
festival right now. You know, she
goes out. With her
friends'. She knows that I cut off most of my friends because of my avoidant tendencies and I have nowhere to go. I don't know how to deal with these comments…
No. 880359
>>880131Nope. 2/3G still exists (though they're just starting to be phased out) so I see no reason why 4G would go out of usage that soon
>>880301My mom
>No sleepovers! No hanging out at friends' houses! No after school activities!>Anon why don't you have friends No. 880438
>>880435I fear and admire you
God I miss keekweek
No. 880493
>>880475reading OPs post filled me with hope now I'm 31 and then
>hormones balancing outwell fuck, cause I have a diagnosed hormonal imbalance
No. 880500
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When were scarves like pic related last “fashionable” among young women? I don’t mean cutting edge fashion, but popular enough you’d see them about a lot. The floaty spring scarves, with bright colours and feminine designs like butterflies or flowers.
I remember seeing them a lot at some point in the past 15 years but can’t pinpoint when. Specifically in the UK if that makes a difference.
No. 880539
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does sleeping to get over someone work just like keeping your mind occupied with hobbies/etc? because you're not thinking about them while sleeping?
No. 880571
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>>880539There are two problems with it. 1)You may sleep away your life. 2)You may have a happy dream about this person and have your heart broken all over again the second you realize they no longer love you (or are in your life)
No. 880586
>>880565Sorry anon, but you do have to just suck it up and keep trying. Delaying it won't really do any help, you have to actively work through it. It takes me a really long time to get over people, usually at least a year, and the beginning months are fucking miserable. There's nothing you can do but do right by yourself everyday, letting yourself process your feelings then moving along with what you're doing. There will come the day when you feel less miserable than the day before, and then the day after a little less miserable, and so on and so forth.
I hope you'll work through it anon. Shit really sucks.
No. 880597
>>880571>>880586yeah I will try not to sleep. I already feel so much better talking about how difficult it is, thank you nonnies
>>880394I use keekweek
No. 880638
>>880626Finding Nemo was animation not live action anon…
>>880609There are probably parts in actual water, but the rest would just be CGI or whatever. Just "movie magic".
No. 880646
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Good store/brand for mary janes? i want a look similarish to the doc martens one
No. 880795
>>880793That makes much more sense.
>>880794Ahh, I was thinking more of the sense It'll sit on top of my skin like those clay or sheet masks. If it gets absorbed that's fine.
No. 880828
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>>880795This post reminds me of how some women use tampons wrong by leaving the whole applicator inside instead of injecting the cotton piece
>I was one of those women No. 880829
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>>880798yes! i used to like to write my name on my mattress
No. 880882
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Is this an actual thing or is it a shitpost?
No. 880940
>>880841I'm in a sorority, so I'd be down to answer any specific questions. In general though, sorority culture varies really significantly by the greater greek life culture on your campus, and then less so by the individual sorority. If you're scared about getting in/getting rejected by one, firstly, the odds are likely in your favor since most sorority membership numbers went down during covid, so the amount of members they can currently take should be higher, and secondly, it's frequently less of a personal rejection than people think it is, it's not uncommon for a sorority to have to not offer a bid to a woman they would have happily taken a different semester just because they weren't able to offer a greater number of bids that particular semester. Rush is just a lot of talking to people. I'd be prepared to answer basic "get to know you" type questions you'll likely be asked about your interests, your major, why you're rushing, etc. Then if you go back to talk to a sorority after the first day, conversation will typically be steered to providing information and answering any of your questions about the sorority. I imagine some sororities have really particular criteria for being willing to offer a bid, but most are really just looking for someone who's a good personality fit for their chapter.
No. 880957
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>>880882It sounds like a hentai tag lmao. Jisho is wild sometimes.
No. 881061
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killing yourself is a waste of time
go to australia
see the wombats
(pic is an elephant not wombat)
No. 881097
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>>881074Watch second twilight movie and take tips from Bella Swan's reckless life choices, you'll either die or start actually loving life. Saying this unironically.
No. 881262
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This might sound scrotey, but I was wondering to what extent is/was the lip filler trend influenced by porn, more specifically 'blowjob lips'? The main source of the lip filler trend seems to be from celebrities that have done lip fillers, but I feel like porn also influenced this too. Do average women who get lip fillers know that the trend may have been influenced by porn? do minors who want to get fillers know this?
No. 881290
>>881271I'm a visual artist and illustrator and "therapy hinders creativity" is such a bullshit excuse lol
It doesn't hinder much, it actually helps you get peace of mind so you can produce even more. Even if you get into a creativity problem, there's many ways to connect to yourself again and there's many ways to get creative again. """artists""" who say that are probably dumb stupid artists that draw anime vent art and have no other ideas besides that
No. 881309
>>881271Why would it.
If you feel better you can actually finish your projects and dare to share them.
No. 881446
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who is this?
No. 881619
>>881497Lmao, she's not dead. She just made a rumor that she was because she was embarrassed that she got a thread. Some anon from a few months ago admitted she was still around on the dl.
>>881567Subsequent? She loved the attention from r9k, she was a tripfag there.
It's not hard to believe she got too annoying and overplayed her hand enough for her behavior to be noticed. She wasn't a nice person.
No. 881702
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can anyone tell me what these two articles of clothing are called? i've been trying to remember but i can't. the first is that long coat that people wear in movies and the other is some weeb thing where only the front is covered by a loose turtleneck sleeveless dress.
No. 881704
>>8817022nd one is virgin killer sweater
1st one PROBABLY techwear, could be wrong.
No. 881858
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who dis? he look familar but i cant place his face
No. 882018
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>>881872nah, that's the train pulling into the Mackstination Station if I've ever seen it nonniecompoop.
No. 882098
>>882071Varies by locality.
In the UK it's illegal for them to drink on the job so it depends whether or not their manager cares about the law or not
No. 882202
>>882186It's okay anon, everyone in their first year of uni is anxious for various reasons so you are just a drop in the sea of it
Join clubs and societies if you can as a way to meet people, even if you feel completely unable to talk to them at first once you do a few team activities with them it will help your social confidence a lot. If you are nice and honest eventually you will find your people.
Don't feel pressured to drink or do drugs if you don't know how to handle them because you can end up in really bad situations
No. 882356
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Is there any esthetic procedure or strong skincare product to get rid of face hyperpigmentation/acne scars? I've been fighting for years against these blemishes and they won't go away, I'm resorting to 40% hydroquinone now because it's getting ridiculous. I've been using every type of product against it (tretinoin, vitamin c, etc) and taking multivitamins but shit doesn't work!!
t. light skin mixed race with translucent skin
>>881271No, at least if you have a good therapist anyway. I was excited to go each day to show her what I've drawn because it gave me something to look forward to and she never judged what I drew. She was genuinely nice and never killed my vibe, I never had to change my style if I knew I was going to show her. I could be true and honest with her and that does anything but stifle creativity.
I wish I was still in therapy because now I draw much less. I stopped going because of financial reasons.
No. 882366
>>881271Lmao reminds me of some of my professors from art school that pushed students to "further explore their traumas" and only these who would get really personal and dark would get best grades and public praise. Truly weird.
Therapy is what will actually boost your creativity as it's goal is to uncloud your mind. If not for therapy I would probably have given up on art by now.
No. 882393
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>>882349Didn't they measure the average hand grip strength of nations and Dutch women are stronger than Indian and Pakistani men and some others? Can't remember who else. Anyway, madness. Picrel Dutch and Indian business people lol. My mum was shocked too. She's 5'6, which is above average height for a woman in the UK (5'3). She's usually one if not the tallest woman in any given setting and she said wherever she went in the Netherlands she was the smallest lol. She said it took some time to get used to. I don't know if this is true or not, but a friend told me the term 'white horse' (to refer to white women) originated in Japan. Apparently Dutch women were larger than Japanese men at the time and (
raping a Dutch woman, was to them, as difficult as taming or riding a horse No. 882425
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>>882400No, but thank you for the suggestion. When I went to get a chemical peel (it did almost nothing lol) at my local spa the beautician DID mention that microdermoabrasion could help me more. I was kind of scared of it since I was worried it would just permanently scar my whole face but maybe I should give it a shot? I definitely fell for the new influencer skincare craze.
>>882366I think people get memed by great and very talented creatives like H.P Lovecraft, Van Gogh, etc etc that were very mentally ill and think all traumatized artists are like that. But people have
no fucking idea how many schizoid artists fly under the radar because nothing they make is either genuinely good or considered good. Trauma alone doesn't make you a good artist. If anything the talent was there before the illnesses came in and those people had the immense skill to power through and properly express what they felt. Are you kidding me? Lovecraft died alone, scared and penniless, didn't he?
>pic related No. 882540
>>882534It honestly depends, some people dedicate their lives to studying a single subject, trying to know everything is impossible, so it’s better to pick one thing that got your attention.
So yeah, you do need the basics of something, you can’t study biotechnology without knowing the basics, and maybe a bit more of biology, so you can have an idea what are of the most important terms and concepts for that field of biotechnology you actually care about.
I hope it makes sense.
No. 882595
>>882588If he loves meat, and probably cooking, maybe give him a set of knives? Or grilling accessories? Maybe something like an apron or gloves for cooking. Those are nice and useful gifts.
You could get him something different too, like red wine so he can have it with a nice steak, or socks, those are always appreciated.
There’s also the option of a nice belt, shoes, or a sweater since autumn and winter are upon those with 4 seasons.
No. 882737
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i’m moving and my new bedroom has 4 doors on 3 different walls. how should i situate my furniture? i only have my queen bed, a bookshelf and my desk, but it seems impossible to fit even that much in with this shitty layout.
attached is a quick drawing of where all the doors are for reference.
No. 882743
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Shot in the fucking dark, but is there anyone here that has any experience in jp visual novels?
I've extracted the script from a japvn with crass and extracdata but i can't open the .ks files in a readable format (and even the pics and music are there but are not recognised by my pc). how can i read them? vnocr is so fucking slow and glitchy, and i want the script next to me when reading.
No. 882811
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If women are the fairer sex why have they been made to jump through hoops (makeup, hair, certain clothing and silhouettes) in order to express attractiveness since forever ago?
No. 883130
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A hot guy superliked me but this is his bio. Anyone want to decipher it? He might be him I material but he also seems sexist but he might be stupid af and not even realise
No. 883134
>>883130He sounds sexist and unintelligent, where's
his body count?
No. 883138
>>883130>lets not talk about loyalty if you have exesI guess if you break up with someone you weren't really loyal to them?
>no hymen no diamond"I won't marry you if you're not a virgin"
>You should be taking me to dinner with that body countWhy does this feel so targeted? He's saying the woman should wine and dine him if she's fucked a lot of people. I guess he's one of those guys that think that they're a catch and that women should try to impress him, not the other way around.
>He might be him I material but he also seems sexist but he might be stupid af and not even realiseWhy are you even trying to give him the benefit of the doubt? He's not a "himbo", he's an asshole.
No. 883146
Update: he invited me to his next gig, probably at the same fag bar he’s currently l dj’ing at.
No. 883179
>>882071I have a friend who is a bartender. About 50% of his coworkers are functional alcholics who drink whenever possible. About 40% are your typical social drinkers, so I bet there are times when they do and times when they don't drink at work. And about 10% are super hard-edge teetotalers, mostly because they used to be alcoholics.
I was surprised to learn that essentially all the bartenders he works with are also on coke. We live in a flyover state, not LA. But they do an insane amount of drugs at work and after.
No. 883364
>>883344Definitely relate to feeling protective. Basically I don't see my present self as being the same person as my child self in old photos. I want so badly to protect that child's innocence. Yet I know there's fuck all to be done about the heartbreaking things that child had to endure, which is exactly why I am this person today–for better or worse. I want so badly to go back in time and warn her, let her know what's going on, and to give her a hug and say things will be ok even though I am living proof they were not.
That little girl in the photo will experience loss, betrayal, and grief. Even in that frozen moment where she is
so happy and seemingly carefree, a vague remembrance of the underlying loneliness and vulnerability. Like echoes.
No. 883420
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How could you get yourself to let go and delete everything? Photos, videos, audio recordings, apps, links, saved passwords, profiles, reports, pdfs, important documents etc.
No. 883422
>>883421I think anon was asking
how you do it, not
would you do it lol
No. 883466
>>883427Do you have location turned on? Or follow a lot of people you know irl?
In both cases there's a chance they will see it, but if they'll know if it's you that's a different story
No. 883518
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How do I get stains out of a top made from fabric like this? (I think it's mesh?) I tried soaking it in vanish powder for an hour but it didn't budge whatsoever. Any ideas?
No. 883604
>>883574Thank you for your input. Please enjoy your stay, Dr. Spock.
I'm kidding by the way, I agree. I take out all my sexual frustration by writing and drawing and painting. I'm way more productive when I'm horny, but unfortunately I just produce useless bad horny content that I could never show anybody.
No. 883849
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What's a good light laptop for school? My campuses opened up again, so now I gotta bring a laptop. My previous one was so fucking heavy and big it hurts my elbow.
I'm doing programming if that helps, thanks.
No. 883913
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Do you think intuition is real?
Do you trust your intuition/gut feeling?
No. 883923
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Recommend audiobooks that are available on Youtube? Preferably fiction and not a classic (I've seen countless Austens and Lovecrafts). I've already listened to Howl's Moving Castle, The Exorcist, and Room by Emma Donoghue.
No. 883953
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>>883574It IS insane how much we tie sex and relationship to everything, but it's scrotes society so it's not surprising. If they didn't make relationship and sex propaganda then most men would just die out from lack of female attention. They've basically meme'd piv into being the norm even though most women don't come from it and it's risky. And women are happy to play act, we've gotten so deep that to break the illusion would start a witch hunt or some shit.
As a young person you're constantly pressured to get into a relationship, all of tv and media is about highschool relationships, and sex appeal, and sex. Then as you get older your friends are too busy catering to their scrotes so friendships don't survive. Some just get a bf bc it's more convenient to split their rent. Then from mid thirties basically everyone has a family, it becomes impossible to form deep bonds with other women because scrotes useless and expect women to play both wife and husband roles, leaving no time for friends. Your financial partner is also the person you're expected to fuck. And if you stop fucking he'll throw a tantrum and divorce, or make you and your kids life a living hell. It's insanity. Women should start doing Boston marriages (platonic marriages for financial purposes).
No. 883956
>>883867I thought it's mostly exactly for those who won't see you naked and look at your real figure, no? Kinda same principle as shaving where lots of partners won't
actually mind you being fuzzy but people on the street will point out.
No. 884001
>>883970yes you are an internalized pick me and you want scrote to open the door for you when his true intention is to fuck you cuz you are pretty or you are a histriionic narc that expects praise. Go sudoku ana chan starving will never make you pretty and scrote will never pick you.
Sage for derail but wanting to be pretty and wanting scrote to treat you better in hopes of fucking you is pick me behaviour because you are prettier and nothing than an object to him just reeks of pick me
No. 884008
File: 1629219474800.png (630.06 KB, 1100x1400, 1623921264957.png)

did anybody save art or links from the schitzo FTM pooner / nilsen anon ?
i browsed the /lgbt/ archive the best i could for a while and found only a few pictures.
No. 884058
File: 1629222735932.jpeg (231.48 KB, 883x1325, 43A4C5CB-7E21-4644-B6B1-494F6D…)

>>883994Belt corsets generally look so, so bad. I mean look at this. Even if you swapped out the denim dress(?) for something else… it would still probably look really bad.
No. 884081
>>884072You would need to edit the pictures to the point that they’re not resembling the original source, I guess.
But in any case, you could make your own collages with free pictures or with ones that you take, maybe you could pick apart the pictures you like from Pinterest and add them, but you would still risk being in trouble since people are so bored nowadays that they would be willing to find out just where did you get a sparkle effect for a collage.
No. 884510
File: 1629258889845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.52 KB, 720x920, E9370D22-3F5E-4DD9-8054-921EF9…)

>>884450>>884462I am a pillar man expert so I have an obligation to weigh in. Yes. it is in fact the pillar man theme song.
No. 884575
File: 1629269155566.png (525.11 KB, 706x391, whuuuoh.PNG)

1.) Any anons who tried Banza noodles? Is it any good?
2.)I'm thinking about buying a pair of Steve Madden Chelsea ankle booties. Anyone know how the fit is? True to size? Too narrow?
No. 884608
>>884483Try it with treats. Show him whatever you're using for trimming and give him a treat, try to touch his paws with it, give treat if no reaction etc etc.
Cutting nails = food
Walking and digging can also help to wear the nails down somewhat
No. 884746
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German anons, what does it mean when someone has this symbol on driver's seat? I'm being stalked by a car with German plates but we're in another country
No. 884788
File: 1629290669452.jpg (75.35 KB, 1024x972, Godis-Europa-1024x972.jpg)

How come Poland consumes so little sugar compared to other countries?
No. 884797
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>>884791>>884794This is the source: can understand that Sweden is high up because our supermarkets look like this picture. But still weirdly high and others like Poland are weirdly low.
No. 884835
>>884667I'm not sure if I know the difference, but afaik, Brazil.
Pimping is still a crime, though.
No. 884844
File: 1629293884965.jpg (63.75 KB, 1024x683, Women-eating-crisps-183179243.…)

Do Brits consider crisps to be proper food instead of snacks? When I visited a restaurant in London I was told they had no bread but I could get a bag of crisps with my soup. To me it was kind of like saying we don't have any apples left, but you can have some chocolate!
No. 884857
>>884853I would think so, UTIs are often
triggered by stress and undereating causes stress to the body
At the simplest level you need sufficient sleep and nutrients to overcome health issues
No. 884859
>>884853In my experience being slow to treat it initially is what often causes that, ignoring symptoms in the beginning means you really pay for it later.
Some bacteria are just stubborn though, apparently utis like everything else are becoming resisitant to the same ole antibiotics we'd been relying on for years
No. 884871
>>884857Yeah, that makes sense, thanks for replying. I also thought that this but I was wondering if any anons had any anecdotal experience of this that they could share
>>884859Yes, that's definitely something that's caused a lot of trouble in the past. Now I'm super quick with them, but this one in particular is trying to kill me. I actually started getting some pain in my lower back today and I'm scared it's a kidney infection, but also I was in a car crash last night lol and I already have a pre-existing spinal problem so who knows.
No. 884880
>>884871Me again
>>884859 and I used to take cranberry capsules, garlic capsules, vit c and general vitamins when I was experiencing my first never ending UTI. I would buy supplements whenever there were 3 for 2 sales on and I basically threw everything at it. Can't say what exactly shifted it but I got another one years later when my relationship was going to shit and I hit a point where my urine smelled incredibly potent and stale after it had just left my body. Sorry for that lovely detail but yeah I feel like stress obviously plays a role.
Even when I had the most potent urine going on I somehow escaped it hitting my kidneys. Look our for the symptoms of that though, nausea, shivering.
No. 884925
>>884899Ayrt I obviously mean in addition to seeing your doc and taking antibiotics, I assumed that'd be obvious. I'm talking about in between antibiotic courses to try and prevent rather than treat. When you're taking everything a doc gives you and still suffering you'll sometimes take some supplements too if there's a chance they do the slightest thing to prevent.
Cranberry juice itself I don't think helps as much as people claim but the concentrated capsules combined with the others I listed, I believe they might've helped to break the cycle for me.
No. 884953
>>884825Bought a refurbished google pixel 2 a few years ago, it still works great and does everything I need. I try not to buy a new phone unless my current is literally busted (or becomes so obsolete that I have to upgrade).
Mostly I hate face ID software. afaik the pixel 5 has a touch sensor so I might spring for that one when it starts to get heavily discounted.
No. 885099
>>885050I'm only in my thirties but I've learnt some things where… fuck I wish I'd known that in my twenties! lol. I only learnt them because I fucked up and learnt the hard way. The even harder part is changing though. You can 'know better' but still fall into the same old behaviours.
I think being wise is being able to truly change based on those lessons. Some fall into repetitive cycles where on the surface they do know better..but it still takes a while to put it into practice.
No. 885129
>>884954its krauts
german has a bunch of additional capitalization rules, so they could just be doing it out of habit
or it could be
>>884941idk i dont use autocorrect
another interesting esl trope is having space in between the end of a sentence and a punctuation
>why do they type like this ?>no one knows ! No. 885136
>>885130yeah its definitely francophone
i see it a lot in MENA peeps too, obviously due to the french influence
No. 885181
>>883427Fucking same anon. I removed twitter's access to my contacts but people I know still get suggested to me and I'm worried why Twitter is sharing this information.
Fortunately I only use a locked account with 0 followers but it's scary. I feel to nuke my account sometimes.
No. 885229
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>>885129This is good to know, I had no idea about the ? and !, I will stop doing it now kek
No. 885239
>>885181if youre only using it lurk just use nitter instead
in general if you care about keeping a lower profile, just disable all javascript
youll notice 90% of the internet stops working
but thats just how it is these days
No. 885253
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>>885238>Christmas Samusi miss when samus just wore power armor
No. 885373
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is it safe to put your name and image on your Lyft profile? (picrel) I use my dad’s name on there because I didn’t want to be instantly identified as a woman.
I haven’t used Lyft/Uber in a couple years, when I did the male drivers I had were creepy, like talking to me way too much or having me sit in the front seat. The lady drivers were nice and professional.
What do you think anons, should I use my actual name and upload a photo?
No. 885382
>>885373imo unless its literally 100% required, i see no reason to put your realname and id on basically anything online
do lyft drivers not pick up people who have no name/photo? ive never used it
No. 885406
>>885390probably really annoying
or it would be if it wasnt for
>e-bfat least she doesnt have to actually deal with him ever
e-dating confounds me tbh
No. 885466
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How did this fugly dress ever take off into becoming the "it" dress of the summer last year? It looks so tacky, cheap, and it does not look flattering on anyone. My stupid question is, why did this dress become a thing for a while?
No. 885499
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>>885494I feel like it's gotten really really bad lately nonna, so it's not just you. There basically isn't a single thread in /ot/ anymore that doesn't have racists sniping at each other (or even worse, racists fervently agreeing with each other), just a miserable situation all around.
I'm holding on to the hope that it's just a couple of morons who will eventually move on to more racist pastures. I think if normal people consciously try to post a bit more, the idiots might get drowned out (I've been trying despite mostly being a lurker lol)
No. 885514
>>885499. Of course there's always been (and always will be) racist anons, but I've been using this site for 3-4 and didn't notice this much until the influx of newfags and KF users. I'm not an oldfag or anything, but I feel like lc has been a lot worse recently between all of the sperging/infights, and the CP/gore. I tried to leave a couple months ago, but now I think I might actually stop coming here as often as I do.
this kinda turned into a vent, sorry No. 885515
>>885507From what I remember today, the twitter thread had a weird vibe and there was some dubious stuff in the vent thread. Mostly it's kind of scattered around, little r9k flavored tidbits (typical stuff like all muslims are rapists, black people are aggressive and dumb, asian women all lust for the white cock, etc) that pop up pretty often and just feel… off.
I'm honestly not a fan of sjw culture, and I know that a lot of the discussion is being prompted by current events. Still, the possibility of lolcow turning into another nasty corner of the internet for smoothbrains to jerk off about the minorities in makes me sad.
No. 885520
>>885515>>885494I think part of it is because of KF scrotes flooding this place.
The best we can do is report, tell them to fuck off and make them as uncomfortable as possible. No doubt in my mind they have scrotums, or are delusional pick-mes dating /pol/ moids. I really don't know what I hate more, Twitterfags or /pol/tards.
No. 885521
>>885515Nta but the race posts in the vent thread just seemed like they were venting about men who kept bringing up
their (the anons) race, and posts related to muslims were shitting on scrotes and the religion specifically, some anons are even ex-muslim. Haven't seen the twitter thread yet though.
No. 885569
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>>885562As someone who for 26 years of her life never had to do more than occasionally do the dishes or throw the trash.
Just do it, have a decent schedule and stick to it, sure, you could try having these cool timetables with the times and days and such, but there will be days in which you might not stick to them and then it will be annoying to go back to it.
I think that you could also talk with your roommates like
>hey so, how do you guys organize the cleaning and stuff?And then they will tell you wether they have an already planned schedule or not.
Then the cleaning part, YouTube is your best friend, if scrubbing with soap doesn’t work, YouTube it.
No. 885589
>>885580It all started when the internet was created, people from all kinds of paths of life decided that yes, dumbass retards that can’t hold a conversation in real life should have their place on the internet.
And thus, forums of different niche hobbies were created.
Anime became popular because it was cheap to produce and weebs, who never went out of their caves, created forums to talk to other weebs.
Then the forums stopped being neat, and then some losers decided to copy the glorious nippon’s imageboard system, making a sooper speshul place for weebs to post their favorite waifus and to talk about their grorious nippon fantasies, away from the prying eyes of the sooper evil normies, chads and stacies alike, unaware of the possibility of such sooper sekrit clubs becoming more and more easy to access for the normie population.
But seriously, it’s because it was based on Japanese imageboards and they usually have anime as a base because it attracts all kinds of autists.
No. 885614
>>885562Talk to your roommate about splitting up the cleaning responsibilities (e.g.: every odd weeks you're gonna do the general cleaning in the shared living spaces, and every even week it's your roommate's turn).
I personally didn't have any issues with cleaning while living with a roommate. If I forgot to wash my dishes, she washed it for me and vice versa. If someone cooked in the kitchen, they cleaned up after themselves afterwards.
Do you know the basics of cleaning? You vacuum first, then mop (pay attention to the washing up liquid, some of them cannot be used on wooden floors). If you don't have proper washing up detergent, put some soap or dishwashing liquid in the water. For general cleaning use disinfectant or just any general cleaning detergent (for surfaces that are not that dirty, just a wet sponge will do).
NEVER MIX BLEACH WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN WATER!!!. Have separate cleaning sponges for the bathroom and for the kitchen (or you could use just paper towels to clean and throw it away afterwards).
Random note: I used to be really untidy and found having a roommate really useful because there was external pressure to do the cleaning. Like, if I lived alone, I would have let the dishes just pile the fuck up but the fact that there was another person who used the kitchen made me want to not inconvenience them
No. 885631
>>885623I believe that's Samantha's banner
>>>/snow/1145913 You can ctrl+f to find the post
No. 885645
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Are cats an "invasive specie" anywhere else other than America?
It's always americans who keep saying that and how bad cats are.
No. 885653
>>885649Well, shit.
I never had doubts that they could be pest, like every other animal when there's too many of them. Guess this sort of does answer my question.
No. 885775
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joey doesnt even have plans to get the 15k or so americans outside of kabul back currently
considering the only direct diplomatic line into afghanistan rn would have to be THROUGH the taliban themselves, i would be EXTREMELY skeptical of any charity claiming to be able to do anything directly
sry for politics in /ot/ but id rather not see farmers get scammed
if you do find some group claiming to be able to help, put them under the utmost scrutiny
scammers are dirtbags and love crap like this that can play on peoples emotions
No. 885793
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Which funny old threads would you recommend reading?
No. 885804
>>885793you have to read all of them
No. 885838
>>885836Smart. I do the same but then I get extra self-conscious that they just
No. 885942
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Can someone recommend me a playthrough of Nier Automata that they like? Commentary is okay. I watched Cry's playthrough before everything went down with him and I enjoyed it, but I can't bring myself to rewatch it and but also want to watch someone play it again.
inb4 just play the game yourself
Not really into playing games as much as I like watching people play them, also I have no PS4
No. 885973
>>885782i had both doses of pfizer and didn’t get sick, i had a sore arm both times though, the first time was worse. i made sure to drink lots of fluids before and after getting my shots.
i had a panic attack after my first shot because i was so terrified. i had a much better experience the second time though.
No. 885987
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How often do you wash your scrunchies? Should I wash them with my clothes or should I wash them with my hairbrushes?
No. 885995
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Any Canada anons here? Is this anon exaggerating?
I go to Ryerson (online, international student). Honestly…should I try to transfer? My first year grades were really good, but my HS grades weren’t because of stress and depression.
I already worry about my degree in itself. I don’t want to be negatively judged because of the institution, too. I thought all the memes about Ryerson were just shitposting from rival schools, and if you do well overall, you’re fine and it doesn’t matter much where you went. Was that overly naive?
No. 886017
>>884258alright positive update: i ended up assembling a group of girls and getting their numbers. things went really well yet i can't help but feel like someone noticed i'm socially awkward or weird despite knowing that i did a decent job. there's a lot of moids who were staring at me (as one would expect), including one in my program who looks like the incel canadian van killer.
the men are way uglier than i expected. i miss undergrad where moids were cute. the best looking guys who dress decent look extremely 'liberal dude who calls himself a feminist' to me and i hate it.
No. 886056
>>886017Well done
nonnie!! And don't be nervous about them noticing your social awkwardness, I bet you came across as endearing
No. 886066
>>885995lol that was me! i am sorry for scaring you anon. really the people who are trying to get the school name changed/are painting him as some big residential school are unhinged so i would just ignore them
to be fair, your school doesnt actually matter that much. i would say your degree/grades are more important anyday, ive never heard of anyone hiring based on schools although ppl from uoft will say that because theyre snooty and annoying lmao
i attended york (another huge lefty school which is arguably crappy too) and i never felt i was less likely to get hired anywhere especially because i just did my work and i know many others who have excelled just the same no matter the school. theres lots of weirdos at every uni, so if u are happy with ur program thats all that matters. also, like the other anon said whether u actually wanna work in canada would be important too but i think your program/grades once again would help with employment and not the school
sorry about that anon!
No. 886121
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>>886066>>886011Thank you anons. I want to travel/work elsewhere, at least for a while, so I guess it's fine. I'm relieved lol
No. 886145
>>881262I genuinely think it was the bodyposi efforts in the 2010s. Lots of posts flooding online about "
woc lips" and how they need to be integrated into western beauty standards. Bigger lips and the thicc trend seems to have trickled from the online activists, to psuedophotographers and their zines, to mainstream instagram, to the fifteen year olds who are just becoming older teenagers and see these things as normal. I don't think they're aware of the porn tropes. Their uncle who went to erotic theatres in the 70s would call them blowjob lips, not the girl on tiktok who saw her 500th worm's eye view of a filtered face and shitty caricatures of her favorite anime characters.
No. 886152
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How soft are samoyeds? I never pet one before but I really want to.
No. 886261
>>886251For high school, a 16, almost 17 pages paper about geography, 23 if you count the pictures.
In uni it was an almost 40 pages of tables and analyses for my linguistics’ course’s final project.
It was all in Spanish though, so it’s not the same as writing in English.
No. 886276
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>>886251For university I had to write a 100 pages long thesis about a subject I had to make up based on my 6 months long internship for my last semester. The thesis was in 3 languages, my first language was like 50 or 60 pages long, one part was in English and the last part was in Japanese
and was a disaster because my Japanese teacher told me to focus on one specific topic and then removed a bunch of points from my score because she found my work to be off-topic. I then had to make a 20 minutes long presentation based on that, my final argument was that it's currently difficult to hire nurses in my country because the government is stingy as fuck and nurse school is expensive compared to the shitty salaries they get, and that if this situation stayed this way and it was still nearly impossible to have enough nurses and doctors for all patients in our hospitals and nursing homes we'd be completely fucked over in the case of an unplanned huge epidemic or health crisis that would cause a huge spike of number of patients. Guess what happened 5 months after finished my last semester.
No. 886290
>>88625120 pages for my undergrad thesis, not including the references.
I know that's short for an undergrad thesis of all things but I was shoved into a seminar that wasn't about that I studied for. I was an international relations major and an older friend told me the seminars are usually broad topics since IR is… you know, broad, but my last semester at uni they only had a seminar for meant for latin america and carribean studies students and shoved the IR kids into it. I spent the last three and a half years studying east asian politics (with a focus on Japan) to write my undergrad thesis on… latin america?????
I somehow made it through. I'm 90% sure my professor didn't even read it because he gave me an A but I know full well that my paper was hot garbage. He only cared about the students who were actually majoring in the subject. Probably the single worst paper I had ever pulled out of my ass. I wrote something about the use of violence in Venezuela protests or some shit like that. My seminar professor was also super unhelpful when I would go to him for help or any direction, and I had to turn to my Japanese professor (who was also one of my major advisors and I was close with him) for help.
No. 886469
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>>886455>>886463kek I don't think i've ever met a white person (or any race of person) who smelled like any of these things, maybe if they weren't taught proper hygiene? even people who don't wear deo usually just smell like BO though
No. 886478
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>>886472no striking features, usually dark blonde or brown hair, brown eyes, doesn't put effort into appearance, wears boring clothes like jeans and cardigans, personality is meh. Generally they don't have any quality that makes them stand out.
I don't think it means ugly but not striking either. I think most plain looking women can fix their appearance to be more striking though. There are a lot of female celebrities who naturally are quite plain looking
No. 886533
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>>886478Going off this anon, plain is usually ascribed to girls someone would think as "default" in some way. Others would look more pronounced next to them.
No. 886611
>>886603I feel like anons aren't the type to get sucked into MLMs, it's such a normie thing.
This blog is a good insight into how things are behind the scenes, granted with a lot more self awareness than most of them probably have
> No. 886658
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Are there any stories or media where a mysterious edgy girl is paired with a cute outgoing guy? Even better if the girl is tall. So like a gender flip of the usual "opposites attract"/mpdg thing
No. 886668
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>>886658I’m pretty sure there’s a coomer manga that’s almost exactly that, but the guy is a short delinquent and the girl is his creepy fan. What you described also basically describes Kimi Ni Todoke to a T, minus the girl being taller. I also thought of The Wallflower, but the plot of that is completely different and the reverse harem is a mixed bag of shitty personalities.
No. 886704
>>886629Having been around both black people in this scenario, my experience is the black men have very little standards/expectations for women outside their race. A white woman is meant to be kinder and southern black men tend to find being overweight attractive. The excitement over any attention from a different race means they take almost anything that will come. She just needs to be a woman who "acts like a woman" to counter the abrasive black woman. The black woman here may have bigger expectations for both herself and her partner, usually reflecting her political values. To a more liberal black woman, she gets to begrudgingly participate in a world she judges as more privileged and easygoing. For a more apolitical one, she's not only independently improving her own life but getting the prized men out of it all and legitimizing her status. He's supposed to be more intelligent and well-read than the black man. She's more likely to keep herself well manicured. Or know she's pretty and tries to date accordingly (her beauty is meant to be equal to his "elevated" lifestyle). I think white men also just have higher standards for darker races. SE asians, latinas and ME women I see with white men tend to be pretty too.
Ultimately it's (in America) one of our odd outcomes of having insecurities in our identity. A lot of seemingly arbitrary social rules coalescing.
No. 886715
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>>886658Read Lovely Complex! The plot’s main characters are a cool tall girl & a short feisty male. I read it when I was younger and liked it a lot, so definitely a nostalgic lens on it’s quality as far as a recommendation goes though. Best of luck finding other series if this one isn’t your style!
No. 886724
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>>886715I love Lovely Complex but I don't think that fits anon's request other than the heights. Risa isn't edgy or mysterious at all and she and Otani aren't opposites, they're super similar and that's why they click so well.
No. 886738
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>>886715Kek I love that manga but LoveCom is really nothing like OP requested, they’re both super outgoing and get along with everyone. Otani is even a bit of an ass at times, and Risa is extroverted open book.
>>886658The delinquent x outcast tall girl manga is a 4-koma called takasugi-san no chibiyan hero or takasugi’s tiny delinquent hero. I called it a coomer manga but it’s not exactly, I was just remembering the excessive emphasis on the female lead’s chest.
No. 886786
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if I have a fanaccount and there's certain people who are starting to sound stalkerish and get on my nerves, should I tell them off, or should I keep ignoring them? only because I don't want to get cancelled and lose the viewership I do have over petty drama, I can't stand the way one of my followers in particular is acting. if I continue to ignore her she may get the hint, but thus far she's sounded more and more schizophrenic overtime and it's not getting better
No. 886847
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Anons, I just got picrel, they're made of eco leather and both - but especially right one - squeaks awfully when walking. I've never had this problem with leather but I wonder if it's something that eco leather does? Is there a way to fix it or should I rather return them and get a new pair?
No. 886994
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Can anyone ID this bag? It's supposed to be a vintage Ralph Lauren. Idk even know what keywords I could use to do that.
No. 887473
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Does anybody know what video I am referencing? It's a momma cat running while carrying her kitten and then drops it on the sofa in a rough manner. I saw it on Instagram, but I cannot find it anymore.
No. 887534
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Floridanonitas, is it really a semi-common occurrence for you guys to just find alligators chilling in your pools or did the internet lie to me once again?
No. 887553
>>886455I thought the wet dog thing was a meme (and it mostly is) but I did date one white guy who literally smelled, to a T, like a wet dog. It was horrible because he would come out of the shower smelling worse for the first 30 minutes because the water would bring out some sort of natural scent in him that was really off-putting (the same way getting a dog wet makes them smell). I felt bad because his hygiene was good and there was nothing he could do, it was just a genetic thing. Smelling his scalp or ears made me want to vomit. I've dated or been close with other white men who smell like normal humans and I've never encountered that strange smell he had ever again.
I've read that finding someones natural scent off-putting could be some sort of genetic avoidance thing. Like it could mean you are incompatible genetically and your offspring wouldn't be ideal or something. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but it seriously felt like a biological warning sign to stay away from him.
No. 887554
>>887544I was just being cheeky. I don’t know if I’ll want any dick by then seeing the sad state they’re in currently.
And I figured as much but jfc. I had his dick nearly in my stomach and he’s struggling to keep an erection. At least the dinner was good kek
No. 887577
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help I am about to fix my toilet with picrel and I watched a lot of tutorials and understand the concept but I am terrified I will create a disaster!! has anyone else done this? is it actually possible to do for someone with no home repair skills but who isn't stupid? don't want to call a plumber bc money and stubborn
No. 887579
>>887561He had a sorta pooch but not like a full on beer gut. He doesn’t drink beer.
Last guy I was with didn’t have a belly and more on the fit side. Only a couple year difference between the two. Dating in this age range is new to me and I only just recently started after a 2 year hiatus. Dated in my early & mid 20s and had the same dick for a few years. It’s like a whole new ball game of sad.
No. 887581
>>887573I’m the anon who had the softy dick question and this makes a lot of sense. Thanks
No. 887692
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Anons, if you became an e-celebrity would you still post on here?
No. 887795
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who's this lizard woman and/or what is she from
No. 887797
>>887778Why do scrots post gore mostly on snow? Is it because of the tranny threads?
I don't understand why scrotes are so attracted to violence.
No. 887984
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I quit my job so my last day of work should be the 27th of August. I'm considering not going to work today, tomorrow and Monday just to get a break because I'll start another job on the 30th. Tuesday is my day off so I'll just have to work on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Problem is, I can't get a letter from my doctor to justify it and be payed for any potential sick leave because getting a doctor appointment is a pain in the ass these days, they're all booked until next week.
Should I skip work anyway? I don't think I'll need to be in good terms with the company for any future reference and I'm supposed to work from 3pm to 11pm everyday so I'm legit tired anyway and have constant headaches but two weeks ago the doctor I saw told me to just take pain killers and go back to work.
No. 888149
>>888133Img is for image dumps and the like. People post images for anything from animals to dresses. It is primarily for images, not long conversations.
Media is talking about media. People post whatever anime or movie or show, etc. that they want. Since people mostly talk about the media rather than post pictures, there's more text than Img.
I don't know why you didn't understand something so simple, but we're all idiots sometimes.
No. 888172
>>888131>>887880Depop gets gayer every day doesnt it. No you don't have to message people, anyone who says you do is a weenie. As a seller it's actually the opposite: anyone who asks a question is probably a problem. A lot of ebay sellers straight up block people who ask questions without buying.
The only caveat is dont buy something from an inactive account, getting a refund on depop is ass because you'll have to go through the paypal dispute system which works but it's slow. So if you want to check if a seller is still around then message them maybe. But anyone who's trying to gatekeep their items behind "be friends with me first" is a weenie weirdo. Do not interact. They sellin a bit of clothes, it's not a secret club.
Also do NOT do any offsite transactions, you will probably get scammed (zoomer males are slime in this regard, the average zoomer will try to ghost with the money if you seem naive. it's bad). If someone asks you to do an offsite transaction, you can screenshot it, report it and get them banned, and imo you really should, because anyone who does that IS doing it to selectively scam whenever they feel like they'll get away with it. The fees aren't so much that it's worth it for sellers to risk trying to go offsite unless they're trying to scam. Or they're just retarded and risking their account to save a couple bucks. If it's not you they scam, it will be someone else if you don't report it.
Frankly I dont know why you all try to use depop still, i have never encountered even 1% of this fag business on any other platform. The aesthetic is so tired at this point anyway… do you really need zoomie funky selfies to tell you how to dress? tell me what you're trying to buy and I will find it or a better it, and NOT on depop.
No. 888192
>>888149Separation and these rules makes no sense since media also has threads that would fit img and vice versa and they have similar threads that are just image dumping. Honestly, this just make it all more confusing and is very unnecessary.
Site is ugly as your attitude
No. 888268
>>888045the hays code (a bunch of moral rules about what could be included in film) ended officially in 1968. from 1927 til then, you couldn't make a film depicting (among many other things) - sex, drug use, interracial relationships or pointed profanity without the character doing them being the villain and also usually dying (you couldn't show them getting away it, usually that just meant killing them off at the end).
i imagine that a lot of established directors and writers, as well as up-and-comers who had come of age in the hippie 60s, were bursting with film ideas that couldn't be made previously, leading to a LOT of really wacky films coming out all at once.
No. 888308
>>888176I mean i sort of understand about people & thrifting, it is hard work and online people cant really be expected to get off the couch for very much. But yeah you will have way more luck and almost zero weenie zoomies on ebay/etsy/literally anywhere else.
I recently discovered - kind of strange generic site but it's real & quite cheap in the clearance section, and very good tools to sort by size, brand, item type & color, which other sites really lack. It's not a seller-based site, the site does all the listings themselves so its all standardized and theres no dealing with individual weirdo sellers. They have about ~700k items, and they have a kind of weird selection of brands that they carry, it's a mix of secondhand/thrift and discounted new stuff a la tjmaxx style. So I would just search some brands that you like and see what they have/how they price those brands. Or alternatively tick in just your sizes/price range in the advanced search and see what they have.
Random other tip: for any amazon clothing/shoes, try searching for the same product on ebay. When amazon sellers get items returned opened, they frequently write them off and sell them on ebay at a big discount, less than half 9f the original price. One ebay seller that definitely works on this basis is "pairmysole" which has like 300k+ pairs of shoes listed, and thats just one of many.
No. 888466
>>888440I’m from the states, so I mostly mean that there seem to be a lot of british pro anas in anglo spaces relative to the size of the uk population. They’re pretty easy to identify because they’ll mention the NHS or reference british chains and products.
Another theory I have is that since there’s a somewhat less rigid high school to college pipeline, people with EDs can easily end up in a state of bad mental health induced neethood after graduation
No. 888476
>>886455Not black Twitter, but in Japan there's this:>Prior to World War II, Japanese contact with the West had been at a minimum. When they came in contact with the Portuguese in the sixteenth century and the more numerous English and Americans in the 19th century, they reacted with shock. The blue eyes and “red” hair of westerners are attributes of goblins in Japanese folklore. They were appalled at the hairy, sweaty bodies that gave off a strong body odor due to a diet higher in animal fat. Those who did meet Europeans were disgusted by their stench: people who seldom touch animal products are extremely sensitive to the body-odor exuded by eaters of animal fat.
>It was butter, the Japanese thought, which made Europeans so peculiarly rank: bata-kusai they called them (using the English word for the foul substance): “butter-stinkers." The terms Bata-kusai, “stinking of butter,” is still a derogatory term for things obnoxiously Western.I think it depends on the person, really.
No. 888503
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Kinda inspired by above, but how is fast food like chocolate and ice cream (or cheese) handled in countries that have a large percentage of lactose intolerant people? I imagine it could be less popular than in NA or Europe, but since it's still sold anyway, do people just suffer through the side effects? Or is stuff made with a non-lactose variant of milk?
No. 888605
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this chick isn't exactly fat but she's got a really fat stomach… how does this happen? i'm wondering if i've somehow done something to my body that has made me gain unnecessary weight to my stomach and waist even though i'm not fat at all (170 cm and 56 kg).
No. 888837
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>>886494Instead of saying "cheese" say "alright". Looks more natural. If that doesn't work then
>>886516 No. 889084
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I swallowed two pieces of gum, whats going to happen to me?
No. 889352
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>>889321it's a poodle-husky, of course
No. 889431
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Is it normal or is it unhealthy to want to unfriend everyone after college? I just don't vibe with people anymore. Or I feel like I want to glow up and seeing the same people is hindering it.
No. 889475
>>889431the way you typed this sounds exactly like something a friend told me, down to the bit about the glow up and everything.
anyway, i think its fairly normal anon. these are people that you wont be forced to see anymore, and if the bonds aren't strong between you guys then ofc its natural for you to move on. i will say though that if any of your current friends are petty people who hold grudges over this kind of thing, or if its a particularly tight knit group, they might talk some shit about you, but honestly if you dont plan on seeing them again then it doesnt matter too much .
No. 889563
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How can I stop being friends with someone who is my bestie, kind of? Preferably without making a scene. I'm just tired of he treats me sometimes, even if I do love him as a brother almost. I think he's kind of an asshole towards me sometimes, and recently I've been feeling like he makes fun of me without him really realizing.
No. 889676
>>889665That’s a good idea, thanks
nonnie. I totally forgot that they do foundation matches in store. I was looking for a sort of “sample beauty box” that would have a lot of different products like primers and such, but there doesn’t seem to be anything like that.
No. 889677
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would it be considered really weird if I asked a small and local stable if I could come over and just… hang out with/pet their horses? I'm in a wheelchair and can't ride but still a grown up horse girl in my soul
No. 889679
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Can dicks twitch?? I was reading a erotica novel and there's this scene where a guy is narrating and says something like "my cock twitched at that noise" and I was wondering if that is something that they actually do??
No. 889712
>>889431I did that after high school. I don't think it's that weird, especially if you weren't extremely close with everyone
>>889679They do and I'm ashamed to admit it's a big fetish of mine
No. 889748
>>889731Yes. The English where just as cruel to the Scottish and Welsh.
We fling shit at each other on the internet but for the most part we all get along IRL. At least we appear to. I mean I’ve been to Ireland, Scotland and Wales and have met Irish, Scottish, Welsh in England and have gotten along with them as I would anyone else. Id say there’s a lot more violent hostility to the English in Southern Ireland than anywhere else in the uk.
No. 889761
>>889757Ah you're kind!! I don't have any concrete plans as of yet I'm just playing with the idea of going there. The castle would be the main thing I'm curious about but if there are any other attractions in the nearby area, I would love to hear about them.
Also, just curious about safety, when I told friends/family that I thought about going to Romania, they were all horrified as if I told them that I'm going to North Korea or something lmao. But I'm sure it's not as bad as they think, right?
No. 889791
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Advice on where to find guys that are virgins/inexperienced? Dating site rec? I'm not Christian myself, so Id feel weird joining a Christian only site. I have major trust issues and would prefer to find a guy like this.
No. 889804
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Growing up, were you attracted to boys your own age? I found them repulsive psychologically and physically. I never developed a crush on a male peer or found teen idols appealing. I'd say, from aged eight onwards I was attracted to men and could only become aroused by fully developed bodies only, like men in their mid twenties (when my libido fully kicked in that is, which was about aged 12 approx). I didn't want anything to do with men for a long time though, longer than most of my peers actually, I was a bit scared of them at the same time. I seem to have skipped some developmental stage my friends went through kek. I wondered if it's actually more common than I realise.
No. 889827
>>889804I only, truly liked one guy
who was basically like a shiny Pokémon because he was genuinely nice and basically exotic looking for my country my crush for him was huge but it was because he was a nigel, I don’t know how is he like right now because I was/am too autistic to talk to him, but he was husbando tier.
Otherwise, I never really got any boyfriends because teenagers are honestly gross looking, deformed beings with too long limbs and too short torsos with edgy personalities, I wanted an older boyfriend or that guy from my school as my boyfriend because anyone else was/is a shit idea.
No. 889831
>>889821Most of my boomer co-workers think it's great because social media is a fucking sewer (even though they use it themselves). Fellow Millennials are mixed, some think it's great others think I'm some sort of cavewoman or pseudo boomer. Zoomers all think I'm nuts. The people I volunteer with give me the most shit about the "activism" I might miss out, typical SJW bullshit but it doesn't bother me. Retweets are helping anyone, volunteering
in person is. Nearly all the women I've dated have fucking hated it. They think I'm sketchy and hiding something, although some admit they're just mad they can't snoop about and be nosy which is fair enough lol. Thank god I met my fiancée who also doesn't use social media though, I don't think I'd want a partner who does.
No. 889832
>>889804I was, when I was in elementary school I crushed on harry potter while the movies were coming out.
I also crushed on one boy in my class but I don't think we exchanged more than 50 words in the 8 years we were classmates.
My first boyfriend (in 6th grade) was cute even though he was a manlet but I didn't have absolutely any attraction to my 2nd bf and 3rd boyfriends throughout high school. They were both ugly as sin to me. I had a few celebrity crushes, a husbando and I frequently fantasized about guys I knew that were actually good looking. I was really horny though, I wrote my first smut before I even knew what fanfiction was when I was around 9.
I was barely exposed to porn as a child so I don't know where all that came from, but I also entered puberty early.
No. 889866
>>889821I have two or three accounts, but I'm a lurker for the most part. My brother doesn't have social media at all and I'm jealous of him. He was smart and doesn't have a paper trail where people can find him and doxx him…not that would ever happen, but it's the principle.
If I was dating a scrote who didn't have social media, that would be a huge turn on. To me it says that he doesn't need to mindlessly scroll to pass the time. Also he wouldn't be sucked in to all the BS takes and opinions that social media has.
No. 889945
>>889896Maybe a bit of both? I do think that things have gotten better for me. I moved away from a lot of things in my life that were major stressors/
triggers for my depression, but also rewired a lot of my thinking so I wouldn't self sabotage myself as I got into a better situation. There are times where I look at the world and I realize how fucking god awful it is and how much I want to fucking die solely because I can't bare to exist for another 50+ years in this hell on earth, but there are many days where I am grateful to exist and I think there's a lot of beauty to be found here too. I am filled with regret over wasting many crucial years being a depressed bitch, but I try to remember that things worked out in the end. I have met a lot of great people who contribute to my happiness, and if circumstances were different, they most likely will not be in my life. It's a push and pull but most days I am happy existing while doing my silly little tasks for the day. My life has not become a fairytale by any means, I am just happy now that I am no longer at rock bottom 24/7.
No. 890000
>>889995Bamboo toothbrushes are usually like that. I've noticed that my teeth
have been a lot better ever since switching to them but didn't know why.
Plastic toothbrushes are stiff because they're mostly designed for men as the default users, as men press hard and fuck up the bristles really quickly.
No. 890002
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>>889995Pretty much. It's been shown that offering consumers a variety of choices makes them happier, even if some of the choices are straight up bad. That's why they make giant toothbrushes and firm bristled toothbrushes for "extra cleaning power", even though both of those features are actively bad.
I actually saw this monster of a toothbrush at the supermarket once, it looks like it's legitimately for horses. The power grip sex toy base for manly men made me laugh.
No. 890014
>>889995I invested in a sonic toothbrush recently and noticed the brush head is smaller than most manual brushes I've seen.
The larger bristles can damage your gums, which counterintuitivly makes them recede and expose you to gum disease.
No. 890045
>>890023It depends on a couple of factors, but it's generally worth it to file an appeal. The process is pretty simple, you file a document with your state's unemployment review board stating why you think your were improperly denied, and then you usually have to take a call with your employer's representative and someone from the state. The appeal system favors employees, so you'll probably win (especially if you were declined for a dumb reason) at the cost of spending a few hours.
Make sure to file with your state quickly though, since you generally only have 15-30 days.
No. 890096
>>889821Yes, but then, people think I'm eccentric anyway, so they just consider my lack of social media presence to be another example of that and shrug it off. Every now and then, I come across someone who is genuinely aghast/taken aback. One guy even asked me how I got news or knew what was going on in the world. I didn't have a polite response for that one.
What's really funny is that I work in communications and write social media content for a living. Still think it's all trash though and does more harm than good.
No. 890101
>>889867yeah I was like, why exude all that effort to do that when grinding probably feels better? People are cray
>>889887you're normal, anon. I thought the same until I did it. Just gotta find the right person
No. 890148
>>889896To me it did get better. I manage stressful and painful things better, find joy in simple things, can do stuff that require effort. I didn't go on medication or therapy, took me years to get to this place and yes, still get bad days but nothing like what it used to be (couldn't shower or change clothes, ate like shit, just scrolling on sm, horrible mood the entire day, sleeping a lot). Like other anons have said, sometimes it's a gradual change of your mind and how it works without really changing your environment, but other times is about changing that environment. I don't know where you're on your journey, but I'm sending you strength. It does get better, you get stronger and more in tune with yourself
No. 890199
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>>890185i’m getting the judgment chain from hxh tattooed. i’m just getting the dagger part tattooed (not the chain). i believe they quoted it would take 2 hours at $200 an hour.
No. 890208
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I just remembered incognito mode won't save you from your internet provider seeing what you searched up. Now let's say I was at work while reading weird hentai, how fucked am I? Anons my boss doesn't need to know I'm into tentacles
No. 890212
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>>890208Why are you even looking at porn while working?
No. 890226
>>890219the plot thickens
>>890221it means she masturbates before bed nona
No. 890233
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Favorite noses? I love a cute ski-slope.
No. 890253
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>>890248This is the stupid questions thread, not the retarded tentacle anon personal questions thread. All you need to know is I'm gonna fucking do it again
No. 890259
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>>890232>>890208Stop fingering your cat at work.
> Internet Service Providers (ISPs) can see everything you do online. They can track things like which websites you visit, how long you spend on them, the content you watch, the device you’re using, and your geographic location.I wonder if it’s possible to see coomer game ads from the pc’s at your workplace.
No. 890271
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>>890267I love them too. So charming.
No. 890272
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Ladies what the fuck am i looking at
No. 890300
>>890045I've contacted the DWD, read up on the appeals process, and have a rough draft of my appeal started before I format and fax it. Any tips on what to avoid/how to approach? My employer fired me on basis of saying I left (as if I quit), but I was fired for trying to make an interview somewhere else. I had permission to leave, but they counted them as absences at work later. I've read that they want concise statements that sum up why you disagree and want to appeal, but if a situations has many factors/is nuanced, are there things I shouldn't mention?
Thank you for answering the question, by the way!
No. 890322
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I'm making gyoza right now and I'm just so excited! I love it so much, it's going to taste sooo goood
No. 890357
>>889821My friends wonder wtf I do with my free time and think it's weird and truthfully, I am hiding something.
I don't want anyone to know I like anime.
No. 890375
>>890348My favorite response is the immediate defensive “oh, I
have to have social media, my family…“ blah blah
Bitch we both know you own a phone
No. 890431
>>889821It's a nice friend filter. If someone thinks it's weird that I don't use social media, that tells me we have very different values and won't have much in common. I don't like to document my life or thoughts in that way and prefer to live in the moment without a screen in my face. They also probably have a sense of humor that I can't connect with. If they are neutral to it or if they also don't use social media, that tells me there is potential for us to get along. I don't care if my friends use social media, but life without social media shouldn't be a foreign concept to them.
>>890399No. Those two people are sharing the same communal spaces. The person with a bedroom of their own doesn't have any additional value just because the other two decided to share a bedroom.
No. 890499
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Nonnies, when you wear a midi skirt, do you pull it up or down to use the toilet? I drop maxi skirts and lift mini skirts. I am wearing a midi skirt for the first time and when I went to pee just now I feel like I had an aneurysm trying to decide whether to drop or lift it. Anyway, I dropped it. What Would Nonny Do?
No. 890540
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I saw this milk crate stepping challenge going viral, where are people finding so many milk crates?
No. 890590
>>890431>>890399The person with a room all for themselves does have extra value. If you share a room with a friend to save money, you're giving up space and privacy, you can't bring your date to have sex on your bed, you can't masturbate whenever you want, and you have to agree on extra rules. It's no longer "your room your rules". You have no "sanctuary/safe space" so to say.
And even if they're a couple, on top of giving up personal storage space they have no private place to be apart from each other, so if someone is in a bad mood or wants to be alone they'd have to either sleep on a common area or leave the appartment altogether.
Even at hotels with "per person" rates, booking one double occupancy room is always cheaper than booking two single occupancy rooms.
Charging a set amount per room or charging a set amount per person are both unfair though, but there are probably formulas out there to figure out the fair rates.
No. 890619
>>890549Cranberry juice won't do anything, it has also too much sugar and bacteria love sugar. The proanthocyanidin in cranberries has only an effect before the UTI, because it can build a layer on you bladder which helps to prevent the bacteria from staying there and you would rather take pills with that then drinking litres of juice, because it would take litres to get the right PAC concentration.
Drink lots of water or diuretic tea, try eating raw garlic, it's an natural antibiotic, without the whole side effects of normal antibiotics, wash your underwear and everything getting into contact with your lower part, like towels, above 65°C and avoid alcohol and sugar.
If you happen to live in Germany, try Angocin ( best thing I ever had against a UTI, don't know if there is something similar in other countries.
Oh, and avoid having sex and if you have sex, you have to go and pee afterwards so you can flush bacteria out before they make your bladder their new hom.
Also, have a closer look at your kidneys, if they start hurting or you pee blood, go to a doctor immediately. My last UTI did that for me, it was fun, but all of that above helped more than the antibiotics I got prescribed, doctor gave me Ciprofloxacin, she was an idiot.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
No. 890768
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Wtf is a mason lounge? Freemasonry lodge? Something else..?? Not my screenshot btw
No. 890843
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>>890272Yeah it's Amanda the pig from the saw movies
No. 890859
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Why do you bitches say "I want female friends so baaad, let's be fwiends~" and then don't text back?
No. 890871
>>890863Well…stop that, you shitpost on lc all day surely you can find something to say kek
>>890864You're my female fantasy anon. But lowkey I get jealous if you're like that with all your friends nonyyyy
>>890867Really? What point? Surely there has to be
triggering factors. Like you feel guarded against them for some reason.
No. 890925
>>890918Not resuable pads, but I did use period underwear so I guess it's pretty similar? I bought Padkix through their kickstarter, I think they now sell it so the pads are removable from the underwear itself (and attached by velcro) but I have the ones where they're just sewn in. I really liked them! Very, very comfortable and held quite a bit of liquid. It took some getting used to to not clench my legs together because that'll bring the edges in closer to your vag where it'll then leak since the edges are now soaking up your blood instead of the actual pad itself, because the pad does a fine job of catching and holding a lot of liquid as long as you let it. I never felt that "soggy pad" feeling unless it was an uncomfortably crazy and heavy flow, but it would still hold pretty strong and not really leak.
Rinsing them out feels kind of gross but I just took them with me into the shower and wring them out. I feel like it's about as gross as washing regular underwear that you unfortunately bleed on, I don't really care since it's my own bodily fluids.
No. 890963
>>890956I don't think so
>>890961That's right
No. 890980
>>890956Yes. My sister works in one of the more relaxed inditex stores and she says zara is very old fashioned when it comes to the hiring process as they like to feign this classy and luxurious image when in reality all inditex clothes are the same quality, maybe massimo dutti aside.
You need to be skinny-ish, pretty, you'll always have to wear visible makeup, have your hair in a high ponytail or a bun and idk what else. She also told me a lot of the girls working there tend to think they're hot shit for some reason so there's always employee drama but that could vary.
I'd rather recommend pull and bear, bershka or stradivarius when it comes to inditex.
No. 891036
>>890745>>890754that's what I meant, the sugar in the cranberries is just too much if you eat other stuff throughout the day. I would get pills with PAC, last time I read about it, you should take at least 36 mg PAC on a daily basis, but it's been some time I had my last UTI, so I don't know if there are any new findings.
What helped me getting rid of it really was garlic, every time I feel something coming up, I eat 3 x 3 cloves of raw garlic for at least 3 days. I know, people will tell you that it stinks, but I don't care, I don't want to take antibiotics if I don't need them and can take care of bacterial infections another way.
No. 891064
>>891044you can get it as long as you didn't have sex. i wanna get it too but since i'm almost 30, health insurance doesn't cover the cost. it would be like 300-500 euros in my country and that's just too much for me. go get your shot(s),
No. 891150
File: 1629836277577.jpg (115.46 KB, 600x394, lh-orzo-with-tomatoes-corn-and…)®ion=Our%20Newest%20Recipes&pgType=collection&rank=12I'm thinking of making this dish for dinner tonight but I'm too cheap to buy orzo. I have angel hair spaghetti and also jasmine rice at home, could I substitute either one of those for the orzo? Which one would be a better substitute?
No. 891450
>>891343It's not too hard to eat healthily, and humans can flourish on a variety of different diets. In general, hitting your macros is a good start, along with getting your basic vitamins and minerals (most modern people won't have trouble getting these, but some find it helpful to supplement their diet with extra vitamin B or D). After that, it's mostly just trying to avoid some bad stuff (trans fats, too much sodium, maybe refined sugar because it's often a sign of low nutrition density) and getting good stuff when you can (soluble fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, and to some extent bioflavonoids from lots of different colored fruits and vegetables). For women, making sure you get sufficient calcium and iron is of extra importance, especially if you're vegetarian or vegan (this helps combat osteoporosis and anemia, respectively).
Aside from that, you can basically eat whatever fits your lifestyle and feels right! Experimenting with high nutrition density foods like bok choy, sweet potatoes, and lentils will help you figure out a list of extra healthy foods that you like, and from there you can try making them more prominent in your diet. There's a lot of misinformation about nutrition out there; people place different amounts of emphasis on eating organic, non-gmo, or farm fresh, but the reality is that none of these things have really been shown to affect food nutrient levels (it can actually be pretty counterintuitive, as many canned and frozen vegetables can actually have high levels of some nutrients because they're preserved quickly after harvesting). Not sure what the other anon meant about ancestry diets, but in general your race doesn't have a strong effect on what's good for you, although some ethnicities are more or less prone to certain diet-related diseases like osteoporosis or diabetes.
Sorry for the sperg kek, I love reading about nutrition. Let me know if you have any dietary restrictions and I can make more specific recs if you'd like.
No. 891473
>>891266>glucose is essentially the brain's only fuel sourceFalse. The brain can function on ketones. Carbohydrates are the only optional macro.
>>891449Different races of people exist because they evolved to thrive in different environments. The food available in these different environments would have influenced that evolution.
No. 891503
>>891464That's definitely true, but generally the "right" diets for people of different ethnicities are all going to look more similar than different. Sticking to a diet rich in whole grains, dark leafy greens, legumes and fish is medically supported for almost everyone. In that sense, race plays a relatively minor role in nutritional decision making.
Lactose intolerance is pretty common outside of Northwestern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, but it does vary from person to person. As such, dairy can be worth cutting out if you suspect it's giving you stomach problems (from personal experience, this won't exactly be subtle lol). The carb thing is interesting, and is related to some races being predisposed to diabetes. Research seems to increasingly confirm that Asians and Africans are more likely to get diabetes than Europeans (controlling for weight), so it's hypothetically something to think about - in practice though, your family background and medical history is going to be more useful in determining whether you should actively seek to curb carb consumption. Unless you have an active soy allergy (ask your doctor for a test if you're suspicious), nothing seems to indicate that certain groups need to avoid soy.
>>891473The keto diet has made discussing everything having to do with glucose and ketones kinda contentious, but there are a few facts to go off. Glucose metabolism provides almost all of the energy used by your brain normally, and still plays a major role in powering your brain in ketosis (there's a lot of current scientific disagreement on just how much, but the most generous estimate for ketone utilization still shows that roughly 25% of your brain's energy comes from glucose during ketosis). When your body is deprived of carbs, it makes it own glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis, indicating how important glucose is to regular brain function (it's also the reason why you can't really force your body to run on only ketones, even if you avoid all carbs when eating). Without sufficient glucose (hypoglycemia) you feel confused, anxious, and tired, and in extreme cases hypoglycemia can cause seizures and brain damage. The last part won't happen if you're not diabetic, but it's still a good idea to make sure that you're getting an adequate amount of carbs in your diet, especially if you're concerned about brain function.
No. 891504
>>891489>People's bodies get used to certain foods and their gut bacteria reflects that. Gut bacteria composition /= 'evolving to thrive'
>Compound that over generations and you get stuff like lactose/soy intolerance.Adaptations that increase probability of survival /= 'evolving to thrive'. Lactose tolerance would increase the odds that a kid in a pastoral society could get enough calories to survive to adulthood, but that doesn't mean that a dairy-heavy diet is optimal for their health and longevity. Btw the average westerner subsisted primarily off of gruel and pork scraps for hundreds, if not thousands of years, so enjoy your traditional diet.
No. 891707
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Is Eastern Europe really that bad, specifically the Baltic region? I'm American and my bf is from one of the Baltic countries and I was thinking of moving there with him. I'm really disenchanted and disheartened by America. There are a lot of things wrong with it, but I am specifically saddened by the barbaric and criminal healthcare system/lack of affordable or free healthcare. I have absolutely nothing going for me here too, except that I have a bachelor's degree. Even then, I just don't want to live here anymore. I know the pay is lower there but so is the cost of living right?
No. 891719
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This is embarrassing but how do i stop
No. 891741
>>891707Estonia is full of literal Nazis, same with Lithuania, but with Estonia it's worse. They hate russians so much they throw deaththreat mails in your post, threatning to kill you and your wife if you don't leave the country, etc. Last year an old man who was a neighbour of a lady with three children complained about her washing machine noise, but instead of saying anything about it he just knocked on the door and shot her. She is originally from a different country and her children live in Estonia and were both there, and with Estonia's laws they will never give the children to her family that live in a different country, it's been a year and kids are ophrans that will never see their grandparents because of the shitty law.
Latvia is being memed at as the country where you would do nothing but build a restaurant, it's a really chill and "quiet" place but at least the food quality is actually nice, but I don't know too much about this place, when I travel there I feel bored.
Lithuania is full of rightwing pickme women or unironic Nazi praisers, they are greedy as fuck and they will always rather want their children to be with someone from their place, but hey, they actually earn a lot of money.
No. 891752
>>891742>>891720This, depending on a scrote in a country where you can't work (would need a permit as a nonEU citizen) or speak the language is pants on head retarded. I get America is shitty but for
you it's by far a better option, you literally have no rights as an immigrant and if he decides to dump you out of the blue you might end up alone and possibly deported. It's just really, really not worth it, especially going to such a small country.
No. 891808
>>891659If it's a day where I really want to do something special for myself, I'll take a long soak in the bath. Stereotypical "self care" shit, but something about it feels special to me. I bring my ipad in and put it on a chair so I can watch stuff while laying in the tub. I usually throw in some bathsalts and make it smell nice. Food is also a nice, indulgent way to care for myself, and I'll either cook something nice for myself, get food from my favorite restaurant, or buy myself a little pastry or cake slice.
For my regular me days, I'll take a nice walk around my neighborhood or go out to the city and walk along the water if the weather is nice (because I just really like being by the water). I usually spend my "me" days lazing about and taking afternoon naps (I swear these are not depression naps kek) and catching up on shows/youtube videos/streams. I hope you'll find something to unwind with, you deserve it!
No. 891832
>>891659Take all the blankets and pillows to the couch and arrange them into a nest. Get lots of snacks and a drink. Then I’ll sit in the middle of it and play vidya and try not to look at my phone much.
When I’m feeling a bit better I might watch something, nap, read, or do some art.
No. 891877
Please does anyone know this song sometimes I remember this melody but I don't know the song
No. 891930
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Is this true? even for darker skin tones? my skin is caramel-ish looking, so should I dye my hair caramel too? it's naturally dark brown/black
No. 891956
>>891941that makes a lot of sense, the way they said it made it sound like this was a "rule" of sorts no matter the haircut/hairstyle
>>891949I'm not sure what high contrast is but i looked it up, and if it means what I think it does then yeah, I wouldn't dye my hair a color lighter than my skin, I'd go for medium contrast(? and dye it to match my skintone or a little darker but lighter than dark brown, I dont think it looks bad
No. 891965
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Did someone ever managed to sell their manga collection? I hesitate between a website that let you scan the barcodes or vinted (more effort I guess), I wonder which option is the fasted. I have a whole collection of black butler + 2 artbooks and they need to be gone kek
No. 892011
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would anyone like a chess thread? I've been playing against a robot for the past while and I want to start learning how to play
No. 892030
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Ways to use left over lemons please! I was forced to buy a bag of lemons when I only needed 2, what do I do with the rest? Don't say lemonade pls
No. 892306
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Does anyone here have the contraceptive implant? I got mine back in April and I swear it’s throwing off my hormones and my pH. I shower daily and wash my vagina with just warm water, I haven’t had sex in nearly a month, and my last STD test came back clear, but Im super dry and keep getting a nasty itch at random times of day/night. I’m eating as much probiotics as I can and I’m gonna get another checkup ASAP, but I’ve never had this issue until I got the implant and just wanted another anon to tell me I’m not crazy.
No. 892458
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Is there a witchcraft/ spirituality thread here? I’m wondering if any farmers here are into that
No. 892466
>>892458Here's a thread anon! I wish it was more active
and that the last post wasn't so negative because I find this stuff really interesting and fun.
>>>/ot/660000 No. 892605
>>892575If some event is able to be replicated given certain initial conditions, it's scientific. Anything else is not.
>>892584Questioning is healthy in any form. In my modest opinion. Video attached you can see a physics doctor utterly debunking stupid flat earth shit, but still having respect for their thought process.
Tl;Dr If you can replicate it, it's scientific. If you can't replicate it, it's unscientific, but that still doesn't mean it isn't true. Scientific method =/= truth, it's just what we can predict with some level of certainty (usually above 95%) about it.
>>892597Because are not a mouthbreather. As such you need to lay on your side or tummy.
No. 892658
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>>892635I have a OneNote notebook on my computer. I called it "I've come up with a new recipe" and put this as the background. You just reminded me of its existence and I will go write a good recipe I tried, thanks
No. 892659
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>>892635I started saving recipes as PDFs on a google drive that I share with friends. I haven't tried all the recipes yet but I might delete some if I try them and not like them. In the future I'd like to be one of those people with recipes written in a small book or on index cards stashed away in a cute box in my kitchen or something.
No. 892696
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The original listing had both regular shipping and local pickup options. I got this offer after I added the item to my watchlist, but if I click accept am I committing to local pickup, or will there be an option to pay for shipping during checkout?
No. 892718
You can always add caffeine to your ice-cream for the buzz.
No. 892725
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>>892714ice cream ice cream ice cream
No. 892728
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>>892725you just made me remember this phone game I was obsessed with
No. 892812
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>>892041Thank you all for lemon suggestions (even you lemonade
nonnie), made the marinated chicken with mushrooms recipe, paired with some bulgur I had laying around, it was lovely!
No. 892974
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where can I find pictures of real, unedited and unfiltered women? pics with things like body hair, acne, stretch marks and so on. I've tried pinterest but there isn't much on there. watching videos on filters/photoshopping has made me realise so much editing goes under the radar and I'm comparing myself to pictures that aren't even real. anyone know of any insta accounts especially that are good for unedited pics and general body acceptance stuff beyond the celeb kind? thanks in advance anons
No. 892979
>>892974 I more or less gave up on this. I just try to look at people irl to see that most of us are painfully average.
Even shooping videos have gotten so good that you can hardly tell. Def stay away from social media, shits rampant
No. 893009
>>893000>>892994>>893002It really looked like the bot links that have been posted here for ages.
I'm not saying who it was or wasn't, I'm just saying reign in your paranoid tendencies.
No. 893150
>>893149I wish I knew. I'd be pissed if a guy tried to tell me what to do with my body hair so I don't feel right doing the same, but if it's that one small thing stopping me from being attracted to a guy would he really care that much? And would I end up finding it a bit pathetic if he did change to suit my tastes?
But god beards are disgusting, I guess subtly dropping hints that you don't like them and letting him make that decision is the best option.
No. 893220
>>893209nta but I wanted to encourage anon to get an HP laptop next time because I dropped mine, poured shit on it, dropped stuff on it and still works perfectly as if nothing happened kek.
>>893203Stupid question but you didn't mute in the tab of the video, right? Sometimes I do that and forget about it and I'm confused why there's no sound
No. 893227
>>893209I did restart it twice and it even did an update but it's still not working, ty though
>>893220it is an HP lol.
>you didn't mute the tab of the video right?I'm not sure what this means
No. 893276
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Is this gouache or watercolor?