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No. 870271
Got stupid questions? We've got stupid answers!
>>>/ot/859941 No. 870344
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if you add egg yolk to pudding, heat it up, and then strain it through a sieve, does it become custard?
No. 870353
>>870338It's like you guys talk so much shit about us even when unprompted that it almost seems like you guys are jealous or like it's "sour grapes".
Plus (and I know this isn't true since I lived in Europe as a child and very recently), when most people think of Europe, they think of castles and cobblestone roads, and generally slower people.
No. 870526
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>>870271Is it weird that I hate the terms “
POC” and “queer blacks/
POC sexuality”
We have fucking names and it’s fucking embarrassing that everyone who isn’t white is boiled down to their differences from the norm
No. 870593
>>870526lmao everytime I see
POC sexual written somewhere I read it as POS sexual
No. 870699
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>>870692Does anyone else experience it on mostly one side?
No. 870707
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Which Canadian city is the best to live in, Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver? Anons who've been to all of these three what were your impressions of them?
No. 870742
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Why do I remember the anime I grew up with WAY better than the live action tv shows I grew up with? Is it just because I managed to watch most of these anime's episodes and in order on TV while I missed more episodes for these live action TV shows? I also learned that one channel just didn't give a fuck and broadcast some of these episodes in random order? The live action series where I distinctly remember the plot and specific plot points, character development and spoilers are the ones I watched the most recently, like Doctor Who until season 6 and Sherlock BBC when I was in high school.
No. 870907
>>870899For people who are online a decent amount: yeah obviously
But some people barely check anyone’s profiles/posts because they’re not on an app as often
No. 871163
>>871136Real leather lasts for years and you can thrift it in good condition.
Vegan leather is just a woke term for plastic and most of it is poor quality.
No. 871182
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Who is this sad lady supposed to be?
No. 871185
>>870212baste and pinkpilled
>>870223>>870248>>870262ayrpt, and these are all great answers I hadn't thought of. There's currently such a persistent attempt to hammer home that transwomen are women and that being attracted to them doesn't make you any less straight as truth that the reasons behind men's contempt for trannies have become a bit blurry for me. They're not thinking about women when they shit on trannies, i know that much lol
No. 871360
>>870593wait this is a thing?
>>871333this is an imageboard, anonette…
No. 871367
>>871360I heard it on NPR when they were praising Lil Nas’ prison rape video for
boldy expressing “Queer
POC sexuality.”
What shit, men and women actually suffer in prison, fearing rape from other inmates daily, yet industry plants can mock prison by making it seem like a sexual paradise. The song wasn’t even that good either. I’d be fine if it was something new, but it’s the same schtick of “gay men looove prison because they want men to violate them.”
No. 871376
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>>871367And the fact he’s making this shit after knowing his fan base began with little kids loving Old Town Road. HE PREFORMED AT FUCKING SCHOOLS AND LET KIDZBOP DO A COVER FOR GODSAKE.
In short, fuck lil nas x. This is groomer behavior.
No. 871429
>>871393I get what you mean but did he ever market himself as a kid friendly artist? Or did he make a song that was popular with the kids?
It's really not his problem if Timmy finds his way to that dumpster fire song and music video, it's Timmy's mom's problem.
No. 871433
>>871374Anon, I'm the same build! I'm 5'8 with a rectangular torso and 29 inch waist despite being a normal weight. It helps me to remember that when women complain about their 26 inch waist they're probably much shorter than me with a completely different build and/or bone rattling. Your body is normal and not weird or wide at all. I do feel your pain on pants looking bad though, I almost always wear skirts and heels/platforms to draw attention to a body part I do feel confident about (long legs and height).
Also, although you don't need to change your body to be attractive, if your waist is causing you a lot of distress it might be worth looking into corsetry. I've used a corset to get a more hourglass shape but I know that's kind of extreme and that not every woman needs to have a tiny waist, it was purely to appease my own bdd brain. It's given me a huge confidence boost though.
No. 871445
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>>871429I mean, he was preforming at schools and collabed with children (Kidzbop, yodeling Walmart kid)
Also, he was in roblox/kids choice awards. I seriously doubt he thought mostly adults/teens were listening to his shite. He even did a robot Christmas music video.
But now he’s doing all this weird satanist/rapey shit. Real betrayal to his younger audience and their parents.
No. 871452
>>871433Thank you for your answer
nonny! I'm glad to find someone like me. You know, that's a good point about skirts… I don't have anything against them but I feared that they aren't casual enough sometimes for simply going out. But I think there's a million ways to wear them and you're right. The good thing is that in colder weather there's jackets to try to bulk my upper body… Also I feel like my waist is proportional to my hips but I still wish they were both smaller since I have nothing on top (besides shoulders I mean the torso is straight up from my waist). Might keep corsetry in mind though thanks nonna. You're right it helps to keep in mind that our height affects our measurements for sure so of course it's different sometimes for shorter women, especially noticed that with weight.
No. 871453
>>871427~Fuck off
(Then a heart emoji)
No. 871457
>>871445Plenty of artists perform songs that gt popular with kids at kids events. Did he market himself as a child friendly artist or did he just take the popularity of old time road and run with it?
Old time road isn't even a kid friendly song when you read the lyrics anyway.
>Riding on a tractorLean all in my bladder
Cheated on my baby
You can go and ask her
My life is a movie
Bull riding and boobies
Cowboy hat from Gucci
Wrangler on my booty
He's rapping about lean and boobies and booty. He's not a kid friendly artist.
No. 871462
>>871455Exactly. He's not kid friendly because kids liked one of his songs, a song that wasn't intended for them to like. Only bad parents let their kids listen to that shit, so they deserve to feel "betrayed".
He ain't that 5'11 girl with the rainbow bows in her hair. He's a gay rapper. Iunno wtf y'all expect from rappers and I'm not sure a kid friendly rapper even exists. The genre is decidedly not child friendly.
No. 871463
>>871457NTA, but he made an entire kid's book and did an interview about appealing to children lmao.
He even admitted he rode the kid friendly train for his own gain on Twitter at some point and said he didn't give a fuck. This isn't news, he's opportunistic and shady lol.
No. 871465
>>871460Stop with the mental gymnastics. He rode the train of old town road and continued making and advertising his explicit songs to kids, until he decided the controversy would make him more money; drastically changing his videos and song themes to rape and satanic imagery.
No. 871470
>>871458>>871460Read the lyrics to old time road and tell me it's an appropriate kids song. It isn't. They had to censor it.
He's not the only celebrity to make money off kids and their ill-informed parents and he won't be the last.
>>871463He's an opportunistic asswipe but he's pretty much always been flamboyant and not child appropriate outside of when he's trying to make money off them. It's on the parents to keep their kids innocent, not him. He's a fucking hollyweird drone who does not give one single fuck. But he didn't "betray" anyone with more than 3 braincells to rub together.
One look at old time road should tell you that it was not intended for kids to like it as much as they did.
>>871465You even admit his songs are explicit and that's literally my only point. His songs are explicit and not for kids. Not his problem if kids like it and parents buy his shit without listening to it first. Of course he's going to make money off them.
My point is that it isn't his problem if your kid watches his degenerate shit. That's your problem. If the song has a censored version, it's not appropriate period. I blame the parents for letting him get away with marketing to children. Of course he'd ride the gravy train to fame, But like all train rides it must end. Sorry he did it so abruptly and weirdly but not really
No. 871521
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>>871471also literally this kek
>Runcie points to a surprise show Lil Nas X did at Lander Elementary school in Ohio in 2019. In footage from that day, the rapper enters a gym full of children who start screaming at the top of their lungs. Some grasp their heads in disbelief. Others just jump up and down. Some are so overwhelmed they just stand there slack-jawed. No. 871555
>>871525I do get James Charles vibes from him, maybe it's just I hate troll-y scrotes who think they are clever.
I do love how he
triggers other scrotes though, even though ALL he does is agrue on twitter all day.
No. 871564
>>871525How is saying it's up to parents to make sure their kids don't listen to degenerate shit defending him?
Can't believe anons are on here defending shitty parenting
No. 871575
>>871573Jay-Z visited schools on school days too, y'all gonna call him kid friendly next?
Again, imagine defending bad parenting and blaming a fag scrote for being a fag scrote.
No. 871620
>>871575“Fag” wasn’t needed, perhaps opportunist, especially after seeing his open admission that he knows his audience is mostly kids alongside the children’s books he made/continuing to advertise to kids…
Well, it’s damning for sure, given that now he’s gone off the deep end for clicks.
No. 871639
>>871633Homestuck exists and got popular, same with Jonni Philips
So, no
No. 871674
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can anyone explain to me the appeal
of ratatouille? granted I've never tried it but I can't see why anyone would like a full dish of soggy veg, and I'm vegetarian so I love eating plants
No. 871728
>>871674I like ratatouille but it's not like it's high cuisine or whatever.
The appeal is in the olive oil combined with the herbs, the different textures of the vegetables and the tomato sauce at the base. It's not eaten by itself, it's usually served with rice and some other meat. It's supposed to be a complimentary dish
No. 871742
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>>871674What’s funny is that your picrel isn’t the traditional way to make ratatouille, but that’s how they showed it made at the fancy restaurant in the movie and so that’s what all the online recipes look like now.
Picrel is traditional ratatouille.
No. 871926
>>871869This made me realize how many men my age I know in IT/programming. Miserable. But anyway, to answer your question, the least offensive men in my life tend to be young healthcare workers. Nurses, x-ray technicians (I had an xray done recently and the guy assisting me was polite, and made great conversation with me while he was setting up the system), honestly anyone in a hospital
except doctors; all the ones I know personally have god complexes.
No. 871935
>>871873Farming, forestry, landscaping, anything involving nature and soil.
Programmers, especially tech bros, lawyers and men in finance are the worst. The more they earn, the bigger the ego.
Engineers are meh, they usually marry nurses, kindergarten teachers and the like. For some reason, every one I've spoken to seemed offended and emasculated by my high paying tech job.
Now I've got my farmer himbo so I'm happy.
No. 872017
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Yo newbie admin is leaving already? I’ve been MIA.
No. 872025
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Lately sometimes I have this weird thing with my eyesight that when looking at something that's not one plain color, my brain adjusts contrast up noticeably and it takes about second or two for it to go down to normal colors; especially with screens, but sometimes in stronger sun outside too. Have any of you experienced anything similar? Am I dying / going blind / whatever else?
No. 872156
>>872132european here. i pay about 300 euros per semester (so 600 a year) and it's ok. it gives me a student ticket so i don't have to pay for public transport in my university city and the surrounding area.
public health care is… hm. i'm above a certain age so i'm not part of my parents' insurance anymore so i have to pay about 110 bucks a month out of my own pocket for health care. that's like the lowest possible for now. since i have public health insurance, it's difficult to get doctor's appointments very fast. gp appointments are usually not a problem, dentist appointments are okay-ish to get. it gets difficult when you need to see a specialist. i have to book obgyn appointments like three to six months in advance. it's pretty much impossible to get help for mental health related issues because all psychiatrists/therapists are already full/not allowed to take any more patients. unless you try and commit suicide or get admitted to a psych ward - good luck trying to get any fucking help. unless you are trans, of course, then you can get help very fast. overall, it's nice that health insurance covers pretty much everything, but there are downsides too. also, the dental health system hasn't been updated since the 60s or 70s so dentist appointments can become very pricey because of course you want a good filling and not some garbage that falls out of your tooth after 2 years.
it's nice that i can go to the doctor without having to worry about money, but it also sucks that i can't get any help for mental health related issues because everyone and their aunt is so much worse off than you so nobody gives a fuck about you unless you are completely unable to function.
No. 872158
>>872140I'm sorry about your situation, it's so unfair. I'm middle class at a third, maybe second world country where education and healthcare are state funded and it's not the best by any means and many people hate both of them, but it objectively works and most importantly, it has given a lot of opportunities to the people. Still to this day we have first generation university students and many stories of people being able to progress at life because of it.
Personally, I got into the public uni from my city and I love it. Even with the "advantages" private universities have, I wouldn't choose it even if I had the money, the quality is different. The professors at those universities have graduated, teach and use the same materials from the public universities.
I'm guessing there's a difference in quality between state funded and private, but affordable healthcare/education, I'm content with mine being the first one
No. 872209
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wherrrrrreeee can i talk to someeeeeooonnneee??? everyones a woke shit spiller or anime tard and idk where to look online for a chat. i rly would to chat with a human being rn. fuck this loner shit
No. 872237
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>>872209>samefaggehey weell the short exchange was a little satisfying sooo i can thank you for that at least
No. 872253
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does anyone have the reaction image of that woman looking and laughing at her phone in bed and it's dark and it looks like picrel
No. 872259
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>>872253pretty sure it's this one
No. 872263
>>872259God that season of American Horror Story was such a hot mess.
I love Sarah Paulson though.
No. 872281
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>>870271Found this in the recycling bin. Should I just end all of humanity now?
No. 872307
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>>872291Seems to be an among us character
No. 872327
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Uhh are there other fanfic sites similar to Archiveofourown? The ones I find got shitty myspace tier navigation.
No. 872405
>>870707Toronto is ugly and expensive, Vancouver is beautiful and expensive, Montreal is French and less expensive than the other two but still pricey.
I’d pick Montreal. I like it a lot. Has a lot of nice architecture. People who like living there really like living there. People who don’t really don’t. They’re shit to anglophones but plenty of people are bilingual. Also really good bagels.
No. 872462
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I swear I've heard of some app that let women talk to other women, what are some apps that are like that anons here would recommend?
No. 872504
>>872325>>872329>>872383God, I should’ve listened.
It went like this…
He’s an older guy, grey beard and a little man-bun of black hair. Has that dad-like combination of muscle and chubbiness
“What cologne do you wear?”
Him: “What?”
(I thought he was confused by my question, not that he didn’t hear me)
“Oh, do you not wear cologne?”
Him: “No, I do”
(My autistic attempt at humor)
“Well tell me what scent it is, or I’ll have to steal your sweat as a compromise”
{He looks like he wants to laugh, but doesn’t}
Him: “Well, I can bring you some”
“Uh, ok, bye”
(I walk away into a group of random girls, pretending like I’m going to friends)
Fuck, I hope my social ineptitude didn’t come off as weird flirting. I wish they had a Shazam app for scents.
No. 872507
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>>872291>>872446>>872445>>872306>>872286Why the fuck are they everywhere, I understand that I work at a school with actual children on the spectrum, but why do they keep putting these fuckers everywhere?
No. 872534
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Is there really much difference between toothpaste brands? I get overwhelmed everytime I go shopping for toothpaste because I just don't know about this stuff. I don't know if the cleansing or whitening stuff is legit or if it's like with other capitalist products, all bullshit. I really don't want to do my own research on this because I don't want to be lead astray by nutters that are the toothpaste versions of antivaxers.
It's all so confusing and I dunno.
No. 872539
>>872534My mom uses baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to brush with. Apparently it kills bacteria and whitens, but tastes like shit.
I’m using Crest Gum Detoxify currently, but I’d recommend asking an actual orthodontist.
No. 872688
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>>872681>>872684>>872685As if a woman would post a random man and ask in several posts how to improve his looks…
No. 872690
>>872682No no, it's not a self post. It's a guy that I've known for some years now, and I know he likes me. At the start of our frienship I had a crush on him but now I don't anymore. I can't see him as ugly because he's my friend and I tend to not be judgamental with my friends. This is why I ask
>>872685He does shower but not everyday (one day yes one day no), he brushes his teeth everyday though
>>872684Please no, I was genuinely asking
>>872688I didn't ask how to improve it… I asked if he was truly ugly, like, I know he isn't the handsomest but idk really. I'm a bit autistic.
No. 872691

>>872690Why did you delete his pic then…
No. 872696
>>872690I'm gonna add to this for context:
I feel attached to this guy because he's really nice to me and I don't want to see him as ugly. Some of my friends tell me he's good looking (mostly men) but then my friends who are women say he's ugly. But he treats me nicely, and he can be very loving. There's like, this question in my mind if I'm actually wrong and he's ugly or if it's okay to like him back. He has done me wrong but apologized, but also… idk, I'm not that pretty either. Maybe this is what I deserve, that's why I asked
No. 872697
>>872693I feel bad now, baby, don’t fish for compliments on lolcow.
You’re a solid 7.5/10, I’d fuck ya three times over. Hell, maybe four, if you know how to work your tongue.
Gay men love your type too, go on Grindr or something, YOU CAN DO IT!!! I’ll send some virtual kisses, please get a gf/bf and don’t post your pics to the cess pits of the internet.
No. 872700
>>872691Did mods delete the pic on this post or something?
>>872696>I'm not that pretty either. Maybe this is what I deserve, that's why I askedDon't say that anon. You're probably still a more attractive than him, and being ugly doesn't mean you don't deserve a good or attractive partner.
No. 872702
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>>872697No that isn't me. This is my hand again
>>872700I think this is what I deserve honestly, even if he's a bit annoying
No. 872703
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>>872702I also took this one cause my blanket says lol and thought it was cute
No. 872710
>>872705I'm not larping here's my freaking hand
>>872703>>872702>>872708That's why I was asking duh
No. 872720
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>>872710He looks like this but average-y. It’s a waste of time to be with a moid that’s close to his expiration date, specially with how greasy he looked like in that picture, probably does the bare minimum to take care of his ass, so no, keep him as a “well it’s something” in case you can’t do better.
No. 872724
>>872720>greasyAh, that's very true. His hair is very greasy and has dandruff. Idk, that never bothered me that much, but I see how that could be considered very ugly to be frank
Also, he's only 28 but I'll admit he kinda looks older
No. 872727
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No. 872735
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>>872724Well, if by his 30’s he’s not doing something about the grease, he will look worse than a mashed roach, so tbh, keep him as a “well, I got nothing else going on and I’m lonely” kind of thing, I hope you can find a cute guy though, something better than pizza hog.
No. 872737
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>>872733I’m riba, just for him
No. 872740
>>872734I just wasn't sure if he's 100% ugly or not, I feel like he's kinda cute but maybe that's just because he's my friend you know? like I legit think he can be cute… like I said I suspect I am a little bit autistic (I was diagnosed with ADHD though)
However the other day I got my nails done with my friend and she made them too long, like, I always keep my nails short but she gave me acrylic extensions and I showed him and he was like "those look too gaudy, too ugly, I don't like them, humans shouldn't have claws" and I felt super dissapointed. He really likes the idea of tomboys but like it made me feel super self concious, so then I went yesterday with my friend again and told her to remove them and just give me some gelish nails… idk he's cute but sometimes I don't know about him
>>872735Thank you, I will keep this in mind
No. 872741
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>>872732I’m too far gone, I must meet this man
No. 872752
>>872747Fuck it, the guy is an asshat, first he calls something moderately feminine “ugly” then he starts gaslighting you into never wearing heels just because or into only getting unflattering clothes because he’s too insecure about his dirty chode.
Drop him and his greasy, ugly tendrils into the trash.
No. 872753
>>872740Kek, seems like your entire fabricated life revolves around this man. You better back off, nonna already claimed him as her uke and phone background.
Once you make a Hello Kitty edit of someone, that’s as official as a marriage license.
No. 872759
>>872756Yeah… it does hurt a bit
I even asked him if it would be okay to wear dresses because well, I'm fat and I don't really wear dresses because I'm insecure, but also I thought he didn't like dresses because he really always talks about how much he likes tomboys, like the anime type of tomboys. Idk… he did say it was okay to wear dresses but also he really does preffer women in shorts
No. 872760
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>>872755Just drop his number and kik, so me and him can start reproducing our perfect aryan offspring. I love him more than you ever will, so I’m going to need you to promptly leave before I gouge out your eyes with my hello kitty branded box cutter.
I don’t play, bitch.
(are you ok anon?) No. 872761
>>872759>anime tomboysNonnie, please remember that the type of tomboy he’s talking about is an anime girl that wears comfy clothes and has short hair but is insecure and acts like everything is okay because it’s an uwu gap moe bullshit.
Just be yourself and if you like something, do it, if he thinks that doesn’t make you attractive, he can go fuck himself while thinking about anime teenager like the creep he is.
No. 872768
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>>870271Should I just end it all, surrounded by tintin figurines paid with my life savings?
No. 872776
>>872771It’s possible but depends on wether the person at 20m from you has a good hearing, is paying attention to whatever you’re talking about, and wether you’re talking too loud or at a regular volume.
As long as you’re not talking shit about that person nor talking about your personal information or something illegal, it shouldn’t really matter.
No. 872818
>>872814>breaking them in seems illegalkek only if they catch you
If it is a roll-on I just sniff it, if it is a spray I spray a little in the cap
No. 872934
>>872931Let it be your last shave
nonny. I don't. Have you been told to or turned down for not shaving or are you basing this on societal opinion? Because ime men don't actually care.
No. 872936
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>>872931Unrelated, but whenever the word yoni is used by Americans it seems to be a warning of tacky shit. Pussy necklaces and Vaginal steaming. What in the name of Caucasia is this shit.
No. 873140
He didn’t bring me a bottle like he promised
Kill all men
No. 873223
>>873184First time I've heard that. I'm Asian and know of two marriages:
>my Gen X cousin, married to a white woman for 10 years now with 2 kids>a family friend (middle-aged Asian man) married to a white woman for almost 20 years now with 2 kidsBoth just come off to me as any other normal couple. I think maybe the fact that AMWF is a bit rarer than other combos contributes to that statistic.
No. 873241
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Is it just me or do men have more of a need to categorize themselves than women do? I was looking at Crystal Cafe (aka trannyland) and what stands out is the number of /b/ threads dedicated to "Which one are you?" intent on categorizing women by scrote stereotypes like this image right here.
Ik women have our own 'obsessions' with categorizing ourselves like astrology, kibbe style types, some mbti but imo it's moreso for fun and life improvement; men like the ones who REE about being sigma males or INTJs seem to derive actual self-worth from it. The same types of males who also put women down for being into astrology or other stuff. Has anyone else noticed it?
No. 873243
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>>873241Here's another one. The whole Alpha/Beta/Omega/Sigma shit is so male in general kek.
No. 873244
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>>873241Sh-Shayna? Is that you??
No. 873245
>>873238Yeah honestly
>>873226 the 18 year old is the only one that stands out to me are very weird.
No. 873249
>>873246I’m semi active in a fandom for a TV show that ended a few years ago but has 10+ seasons spanning a long time so there’s a lot to discuss. It gets repetitive but there are usually still funny memes/interesting discussions every once in a while.
I used to be more active in things like polls/character tier rankings and stuff but it gets old after a few months so I mostly just write fic on ao3 & share it on my Twitter / use Twitter to discuss story ideas/plots I’d improve and discuss characters.
No. 873259
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>guy here…
No. 873267
>>873244No my name is not Shayna, is this supposed to be a Shayna Clifford joke bc I fail to see how she would even tie into this kek
>>873247LOL anon I'm in a similar boat as an INTJ female and I'm so sorry, introverted-typed males are the fucking worst. Especially the ones who think they're gods gift to Earth because they as an INTP/INTJ are so much smarter and different from the average person.
Personally I'd tell them to fuck off and drag them to filth but you could also do the enneagram and enneagram tritype tests which give results that correlate heavily with mbti types. For instance, mine are 5w6 and 513. These are 'textbook' INTJ results.
No. 873273
>>873034same here anon i’ve had men look right at my hairy legs and not even seem to notice or care at all. Honestly, only (older) women have ever gave me shit about my leg hair.
Humans are the only animals that try to remove our fur, we’re so weird.
No. 873316
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Do you think a male celebrity would find it creepy if they received a letter where a fan wrote every time they imagined the celeb was with them? example would be writing "I heart ____" in the sand when on vacation, just for a moment wondering what it would feel like if things were different, that in that moment alone you two are sharing the space under different circumstances, under that same sky. I don't think so and I'm planning to do it. It might come out to be the length of a novel, even. It certainly is a 'novel' concept, this self aware obsessive chronicle. Not creepy though, right?
No. 873417
>>872132In my country you get paid to study, and you can also take out a student loan that the government will partially pay off for you if you graduate on time.
Education is good, but there are flaws in the education system.
A lot of people here like to brag how it's the best in the world, but this is not true. Instead of tuition fees you have competitive entrance exams so you can't really study anything you want. The acceptance rate for uni here is lower than Harvard and Oxford.
Many students skip the entrance exams thanks to good grades, but kids from shit families (alcoholic parents, immigrant parents who live in a 2br flat with 5 other siblings) don't get this opportunity because their home life impacts their grades. Also, you can choose some of your classes and many kids choose poorly, or only choose things that are easy/they are interested in. They end up being completely ignorant of anything else.
Public healthcare isn't free, it's just a lot cheaper than private. If it's not an emergency you have to wait a long ass time (3-9 months sometimes) to get to a dentist or a doctor, so most people end up lying about their symptoms to get in sooner, which makes it harder for actual emergency cases to get help. There's still some reddit soyboys bragging how our healthcare is amazing and great, and posting pictures of their bills for cancer treatment, but a lot of it is garbage. Better than paying thousands of dollars sure, but still garbage. Mental healthcare is a travesty, bored suburban moms get therapy but actual mentally ill people are only given pills and told to relax and meditate.
Hope that was objective enough for you anon.
No. 873428
>>873417Thank you for your perspective anon! It sucks that the wait for medical care is so long, I’m sorry you have to deal with that.
That’s interesting about the cancer bills though, one of my biggest fears is getting cancer or really any illness because I literally would not be able to pay for it. It’s so horrifying to me that people in this country (usa) have to die because treatment is too expensive. I’d also be super embarrassed if I ever had to start a gofundme for medical bills. If I got ill i would just pass away honestly
No. 873429
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Anons, I have been hallucinating for three days straight after an OD of diphenhydramine and I still feel really weird and foggy. Nothing feels real.
Will my brain go back to normal soon and how do I tell if I've given myself permanent brain damage? Have I made myself permanently stupider?
It reminds me of the one (1) time I did LSD at a Halloween scare maze and had a bad trip but I don't remember how long it took to return to normal after that, maybe a few weeks, but I was OK eventually. Will it be the same?
No. 873439
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My phone broke and I need a new one. I don't feel like spending a lot of money on a new one. What's a decent budget smartphone or a phone that I can buy for a good price on the second hand market? I don't want to spend more than 200 euro and want an android. Recommends?
No. 873475
>>873450Thank you so so much anon, I'm shaking like a leaf right now and have about 2 functioning brain cells, they feel very alone rattling around up there. Fight or flight is exactly right, that's how my body feels.
My dad was schizophrenic but the mental health liaison team gave me the all clear to leave the hospital and I'm seeing the shrink again next week, so hopefully it's not set anything long-term off but they'll be ready to catch me if it does.
Again thank you for the sensible and nice reply, it's really scary at the moment and you made me feel a lot better. I hope you are doing OK
No. 873492
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I just got out of a year long artblock to quickly get in another artblock after only 5 months later. What does this mean? How do I get out of an artblock and STAY out for at least a semester?
I have a strong want and need to draw, but no pose and/or scenario ideas.
No. 873496
>>873486This is really a non-issue because most guys I like I end in a relationship with anyways, but I think it would be nice to fall in love at a slower pace plus i think it messes things up.
I guess it's an issue with knowing exactly what you want and don't want in an s/o
No. 873498
>>870612straps definitely feel a bit harder to have sex with since it's not a part of your partner's body and it's harder to navigate, also it's just cold hard unmoving plastic whereas you can feel a penis "squirm" inside you, become softer or harder, and the movements are more fluid
personally i think piv feels a bit better but i'd take a strap any day because it's attached to my beautiful gf and not a sweaty smelly scrote. unfortunately it's really hard for me to cum from being eaten out, i'm in the tiny percentage of women who cum from piv exclusively
i've never done PIV without a condom but i heard it feels better for the woman too because of the texture of the dick (the veins, not the smegma)
No. 873546
>>872609i also love sensodyne!
another anon mentioned toothbrushes with soft bristles and my absolute favourite is curaprox. you can get them in soft, super soft or ultra soft (my personal fav) they're great if you have sensitive gums
No. 873564
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Does any online shop sell those Stella McCartney Wooden Platform shoes? I would also be really happy if someone would know where to buy a dupe of these shoes because they are really cute.
No. 873565
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>>872729What did he say? Also, RIP to yandere-non.
No. 873600
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I've always wondered what uwu smol legal loli bean types of girls who base their entire personality and worth around their youth and childlike looks end up doing when they get older.
How do they cope? It must suck to have to uproot your entire sense of self and start from scratch. Do they end up feeling jealous of their kids? Do they become bitchy cat ladies like pic related? Do they have an identity crisis and sudoku at 30?
No. 873607
>>873603No bc Dwight is pretty alpha. (beisdes all his comedic relief traits ofc)
and Angela was pretty desirable in the show. She's not a classic pick-me and is very much the tsundere woman that men go nuts for. Men like challenges. and blondes.
the real life smolbean girls just end up pumped and dumped really. like shuwu
No. 873610
>>873608Because they want to be edgy and side parts/skinny jeans are what millennials wear.
It's like that "millennials can't change the WiFi password" meme. Zoomers know fuck all about tech outside of apps and socials, but they latched onto this to have something to tease millennials about because it pisses them off, just like liking Harry Potter.
It sounds pretty forced, it's like the internet version of the 'white people can't flavor their food' thing Americans pull.
No. 873623
>>873608Zoomers really don’t care about side parts. Older generations try to perpetuate that shit to drive a wedge between generations. Guarantee zoomers don’t give a shit what you do with your hair, wear it how you like.
The older generations are the ones fucking up society for everyone and we need to focus on that instead of tearing each other apart. There’s people still alive who could buy a house for like $300 and they’re in charge of shit…
No. 873639
>>873444nta I live in a big European city and it’s the same as
>>873438 said. If you were a late 20s NEET who only had male uni aged friends, people would think something is fundamentally wrong with you. By 27 you should still have met considerable life milestones without moving out of your parent’s home, instead of loitering around a bunch of undergrads and pathetically e-dating one. This expectation is pretty common worldwide.
No. 873714
>>873425I did get bullied in school for reading but that was because I’m autistic as fuck and I comment stuff or actually laugh when i consider something funny or feel outraged when something unexpected happens.
Kids will automatically avoid and comment on something that isn’t common/normal, so like, the issue isn't the reading itself, but how the kid acts while reading.
No. 873728
>>873425I had a girl in my class make snide comments about my english teacher for reading a book during break. Girl legit asked,"who reads for fun?"
I'm telling you right now this girl did nothing with her life and was and still is a retard.
No. 873746
>>873724I mean, that’s shitty because they probably got really influenced by tv shows like most kids, like, I used to believe that the whole American show school drama bullshit was real and that everyone was divided by castes at school, but the real issues were me having darker skin than the other kids and being a sperg who craved attention.
Getting over years of bullying really is difficult I guess, but it’s not impossible.
No. 873751
>>873732I never experienced this from people and I use to read twilight in sixth form study but tbf when moids would comment about not reading I would ask if they even could? Reading is cool. It's funny the same people in highschool, even one of my exes that wouldn't read for fun and took pride in only reading books required for school, they've at some point in adulthood made a point of trying to be an intellectual by posting about books.
Like fuck we all are glued to our phones reading shitty captions or texts, why is it weird to read a book?
No. 873782
>>870271How do I become a proper YA Novelist?
I want to make tasteful romance novels for young women. I grew up hating most romance movies because they were boring and predictable. But I never feel like I really know if I could really do any better just because I think I can.
I wouldn't want to come off as a pretentious know-it-all who's always wrong. I want to write good romances that women will actually enjoy.
or maybe I'm just projecting I'm not sure.I also want a cute pen name ngl. 'Bonnie Something'.
No. 873802
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Is pic related actually good or is it overhyped? If it is, are there any good alternatives?
>>873758Multivitamins (incl b complex, vitamin d and iron) and omega3 every day. I need to start taking protein supplements one of these days though. I've been taking these supplements consistently for about 2 years and it has made me healthier and less moody to be honest. It doesn't cure depression but vitamins don't hurt.
No. 873821
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I actually feel more comfy wearing facemasks and I don't want them to go away so easily. I want to be able to have the option to wear them daily, it makes me feel protected and like I blend in, in a sense? I used to get sick because of UGLY STUPID OLD MEN WHO KEEP COUGHING ON THE STREET fucking hate them. But now I don't get sick. I feel like the sun doesn't burn my face like before either. It's just like how people wear sunglasses to blend in.
Does anyone else get what I'm saying?
No. 873826
>>873821im fully vaccinated but im gonna wear them til i die. ive always hated other people breathing on me and people getting in my bubble. why do i have to see down your throat to know your happy or angry? its now mostly accepted in the western world that face masks can be the norm and im excited.
im confused about how extremists can see it as a 'fascist muzzle' im dummy comfortable and ill keep it that way
No. 873840
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>>873821No getting sick, not being judged (as much) for beauty, anonymity, and best of all not having to autism mask! It's a dream come true, and we didn't even have to go full Islam to find an excuse to tell men "no more looking at me fuck off".
No. 873869
>>873821When I worked as a cafe cashier i got sick with a cold like every 6 weeks. It hasn't happened once in 4 years since. If i had to face rabdom customers un person again i would 100% wear a mask every minute, and I recommend anyone who meets the random public do the same. people are gross. if you have to touch 1000 people's credit cards a day, how many of those people peed & didnt wash in the last 5 minutes? Probably more than one is the awful thing.
I just had the most horrible thought. There are definitely men who rub money/credit cards on their junk (or get sperm on them) because they can make a waitress touch it. Man…im gonna start wearing latex gloves 24/7 at this rate.
No. 873919
>>873869For real. I've been a bartender for 10 years and used to get the flu/summer colds all the time. Since i went back to work a few months ago it hasn't happened once thanks to the mask. And i interact with hundreds of different customers every weekend.
Also i stopped licking my fingers to count cash at the beginning and end of my shift, can't believe i did that shit for years it's so nasty.
No. 873993
>>873961Loss of suction. If the vacuum isn't picking up dirt as well as it usually does, it usually means it's time for a new bag.
>>873978>ads on youtubelol
No. 874062
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Why are so many spergs, femboys and trannies putting the Omega symbol in their twitter names? I have noticed a bunch of them doing it now. Are they putting a warning lable that they are low quality males?
No. 874116
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Would these give you the runs like their low sugar bears do?
No. 874229
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Took the openpsychometrics quiz and apparently the fictional character I'm most like is this guy from GoT. Never seen the show or read the books, is he cool or a dweeb?
No. 874272
>>873600The one I know IRL ended up becoming a lazy, ungrateful NEET that leeches off her doormat mother and LARPs as a trad wifu in order to catfish a random man into becoming her "thewapist who gives her money and does everything else while she spends her cash on AliExpress kawaii shit".
She also can't stand not being the center of attention and is heavily insecure too. I feel bad for her but she did it to herself. Claims that she doesn't need girl friends when she is "not like the others who plays shit like csgo and rust".
No. 874356
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How do you forgive yourself for being embarrassing or tactless? I absolute beat myself up for things like forgetting to congratulate someone on their promotion or not asking people enough questions during small talk. Essentially any normie faux pas, it makes me feel sick to my stomach for way too long. It has gotten better with age as I get better at decent social etiquette but everyone is bound to make mistakes and I just have a general feeling of nausea at the back of my mind at all times. Is this social anxiety?
No. 874371
>>874356That’s does sound like social anxiety. If you have the resources, therapy can help.
Just remember, you notice your faults and shortcomings a lot more than anyone else would.
No. 874503
>>874501your name
like in fanfics, you'd imagine your real name to go into the y/n space
No. 874543
>>874528My dad was overbearing, controlling, insisted that you always be near-silent at home and that none of your belongings ever leave your bedroom or clutter his line of sight. I felt unwanted, It was suffocating trying to make yourself smaller, quieter and less present in your own home. Looking back he has some sort of ocd and I suspect he's from that generation where today he'd have sensory issues and autism picked up on..but it wasn't caught back then.
Living with him fucked me up in a way where I don't see myself ever truly getting back to where I should be at…but living apart for so many years now and having my own similar issues kick in as I aged, I understand it better. He's weirdly fine once you're not in his living space.
No. 874549
>>874528Yes. My parents would beat me with a stick and once my dad even locked me in his car in the garage for a few hours for something I did. I sort of resent them for it, but nowadays they've really chilled out and we get along just fine. I think my situation might be a little unusual though, because my parents basically had my aunt raise me from childhood so I had some semblance of stability because my aunt knew how to actually raise kids and discipline them without being extreme (though I guess with that stability came some other issues because she favored my cousin/her daughter over me and didn't start doting on me until she stopped taking care of me 24/7).
I think my parents just straight up don't know how to raise children and thank god I had my aunt because I would probably be 100x more fucked up if they raised me. My parents have the same tendencies of being easily frustrated and mean when it comes to our family dog too (which is why I mostly take care of her).
No. 874552
>>874528My mum met my step dad when I was 19 and pretends I wasn't moving out at the same time because she was an
abusive asshole. He has no idea the extent but will get glimpses of her utter madness when she's drunk around me. She just has it in for me when drunk these days but when I was a child it was on sight all day er day lol
No. 874685
>>874683you could end up going blind but most likely the contact itself would not be in the safest condition, it may break into your eye. Maybe not instantly as it turns one year old since opening but it's not as structually sound as it was before opening it up
tldr; don't.
No. 874733
>>874715I wonder the same thing. If males are really stronger than females, how come their follicles aren’t strong enough to hold the hair onto their heads?
They deserve baldness though, it humbles them.
No. 874818
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Do people actually get turned on just from looking at strangers? It's not a meme or something?
No. 874823
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Calling all US nonnies. What is dating like in your city?
No. 874834
>>874818I feel you,
nonnie. I can acknowledge a stranger is attractive but idk that I've thought about it hard enough to get horny?
No. 874850
>>874812Baseball isn't my favorite of the sports I follow but I do have a soft spot for it. But the other anon is absolutely right in saying it's a nerdy sport, lmao. I'm a turbo-autist so I find sabermetrics pretty interesting and yes, I am the kind of freak that will watch games on TV, but certainly not every single one. 163 is way too much even for me lol. My favorite part is watching the pitchers so I'll try and catch a game if I know that one I like is starting that day, or I'll tune into a game partway through if I hear something interesting is happening like a potential no-hitter.
Playoff baseball is my absolute favorite, though. If you (general you) as an outsider are ever going to watch a baseball broadcast, you might as well just wait for the World Series. It's the two best teams playing against each other so you're not watching some irrelevant, mediocre shit and the stakes are actually high. Plus if you're a neutral viewer it's easier to pick someone to root for because of the "storyline", maybe you want to root for the underdog team, the city that's trying to end a longterm title drought, etc.
No. 875016
>>875011Yes, with some lolcows. I have to remind myself not to wk.
It doesn't happen outside of lolcow, though.
No. 875066
>>875064It used to upset me. Now I'm older it angers me because I know how demoralising that is to younger women, but I've learned to let that anger go if I can. The people who say that shit are terminally online lesbophobes, the fact they're trying to look down on anyone is laughable. When it's libfem types doing it, it doesn't even register with me. Like, why would I care what someone who thinks a man can be a woman thinks? I understand how you feel though, anon. Keep your head up, there's nothing wrong with being a febfem or whatever. Don't let those weirdos get to you. I know it's hard, but just remember what kind of people they are, they have no clue about lesbian relationships, about who bi and lesbian women are. Stay strong, anon.
No. 875102
>>875099>I worry other women think they’re better/prettier/more mature than me because they’ve fucked more men and dated men. You'll probably find there are more bi women who are
jealous you've slept with as many women as you have. Most of them have a hard time finding women to date.
>he assumed I was a lesbian which I took as an insult, I was so angry I stormed out.I don't tend to say "sounds like a you problem" often, but…
No. 875169
>>875156I doubt he could cheat on me. He lives in an area where there’s way more men than women, and he’s not that attractive. Like I don’t think he had sex for a year until me lol
>>875157Ok but I haven’t found someone yet. I like my boyfriend a lot but I want to have a FWB or something until I can see him again. Doesn’t that make sense?
No. 875174
>>875149You're cheating on him for a reason, and it's not like the reason disappears just because you can get away with cheating. Even if you have no respect for the person you're dating, you'll also be doing a disservice to yourself to be staying in a deficient relationship. The cheating is just the temporary patch and pray, but it will do you no good except cause you trouble and make you a target.
>>875169Get a local boyfriend who meets your needs.
>doesn't that make sense?Not really, exclusive ldrs are fucking stupid.
No. 875191
Inb4 I get called a pick-me or scrote, I'm not. But some of these replies to
>>875149 encouraging her to cheat, are awful, I get the man-hating is a big thing here, but you would be the first to sperg out if you were cheated on by a man kek. Such one rule for one and one for another. It isn't cute, it's ugly. Just break up with him, it only makes you look bad
No. 875207
>>875149Of course its wrong, what kind of 10 iq question is that?
You could cheat in regular relationships without the other party finding out too, does that make it any less wrong?
We're not retarded like men to cheat when given the chance and just get our pants wet, it's subhuman. If you truly found a decent nigel it shouldn't be hard not to cheat if you want to be with him. And if you don't really care just break up with him and spare him the trouble of your retardation. I truly have no respect for cheaters.
Men are trash but that doesn't mean we should stoop to their level.
No. 875210
>>875208I don't care about men, I care about myself and I don't want to act the same way a horny scrote acts. What good will that bring me? Most men aren't even worth cheating with considering quick flings always leave women sexually unsatisfied so what do I get from it?
Besides, if I truly couldn't even stand the sight of a man, I wouldn't date them in the first place so your logic is braindead anyway.
No. 875211
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How do you guys download Youtube videos? I've been using y2mate for a long time, but now chrome gives me like a billion warnings before accessing it (or any site to download videos, basically) and I'm a bit scared to use it.
I grew super used to pirate absolutely everything because I'm a filthy third-worlder, but I feel like it's gotten way more difficult + I became a bit boomerish with technology and figuring this stuff on my own is not as easy.
No. 875214
>>875210I don’t mean sex. I mean you should cheat on men for money, material items, attention, bills payed, whatever. Use men to get what you want.
You’re absolutely right though sex with men is horrible, that’s why I would only do it if there was something in it for me.
Don’t fuck for free ladies
No. 875215
>>875149>>875169I could've sworn there was a question similar to this months ago with similar replies..if you're gonna do it anyway then why bother asking?
>>8752114k Video Downloader
No. 875221
>>875214That's way too much effort for giving my precious time to idiots, I can't really put on an act nor make myself look pretty for dates.
I never really understood this fds logic. In the end it's give and take, my time and money to look pretty that he pays for with whatever. It always ends up 50/50 so what's the point, I'd rather have a good paying stem job and enjoy my hobbies in peace.
If I happen to meet the right partner that happens to be a decent scrote that meets all of my high standards, I'd have no need to not be loyal.
No. 875233
>>875224I never said anything about time or effort, kek. You don’t have to do anything to impress/use scrotes. Literally all it takes is
>have hair>wear skirt>have vaginaand boom you can use scrotes. I never lift anything heavy anymore, get the scrotes to do it. Feminist? No, men assist.
(get out) No. 875235
>>875227All that effort you put in finding men to mooch off of could be spent in finding a decent job or honing a skill kek
Seriously, if men are this repelling and subhuman to you (makes sense and I respect anyone that feels that way), don't even give them your time of day.
No. 875241
>>875233Incels in the work place are also funny. Any woman who's at least 6.5/10 with a good body will have a pool of males acting extremely weird towards you
this is everything I encountered
>typical whiteknights and simps, I don't mind them as long as if they're respectful and take rejection well>the guy who thinks everything you do is for attention unless you just shut up and sit in a corner>the guys who are upset that you are in a relationship and will attempt to start drama with you>the "world renowned playboys" who try to get with you, get rejected and then immediately start insulting you and your body and brag about how many bitches they totally get>the guy with a wife who keeps flirting with you>the guy who spams your snapchat at 3 am in the morning and buys you girl scout cookies>the 16 yr old who is mad at you because you don't date him because you're not a pedo No. 875250
>>875233nta but what's the point of "using" scrotes, for what. worthless material products that have no use for me
I'm find with my books and my mediocre celibate life thank you, and I even have FWB relationship so I don't have to worry about lack of good sex either
No. 875285
>>875279If he’s such a shitty person why are you friends with him? That’s just indicative of your willingness to tolerate shitty behavior. And have fun being used by a scrote for sex.
>>875266If women have the ability and the willingness to work in STEM that’s awesome but not every woman (or man) can work in it just because they want to.
No. 875451
Is it just me or is it really obvious that at LEAST some of this shit (>>875214
>>875256 >>875193 >>875436) are just mentally ill scrotes posting bait for anons to reply to so they can point to these posts and shit on women?
No. 875479
>>875457Idk but it was well established as social media for parents by the mid-2010s (minion mom memes apparently started in 2015). Those same moms might’ve signed up a decade beforehand as young women and never left. In turn they probably signed up their parents as a way of showing them photos of the kids etc, it’s an easy website to use so that makes sense.
If you look at the websites that are popular amongst younger people you’ll notice how different Facebook is. It’s just comparatively kinda dull and unappealing. Presumably twitter got a early/mid-2010s boom like tumblr and instagram, tiktok came out in 2016, vine before that. I think most young people started giving up on Facebook in that era and that’s how it ended up with an ageing user base.
No. 875517
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>>870271Am I a bitch if I laugh at an unprovoked telling of someone’s suicide attempt? He said he choked himself and stabbed his stomach several times with a kitchen knife, I wanted to say ghetto seppuku so fucking bad, but I just burst out laughing in his face and he screamed at me for not caring.
What can I say, I’m a Virgo~
No. 875526
>>875520Some stranger I met once before began talking to me at the park, I was walking alone at night, so I haven’t a clue in my mind why he thought I was in a talking mood.
Mostly one-sided, accompanied by me saying “yeah” or “ok” every few sentences, random shit about people he hates or women he wants to sleep with. So, I actually responded with something, hoping the “conversation” would end, “God, I’d rather be in a mental asylum than listen to this shit anymore.”
He stopped walking at that moment, I was sure he was going to slap me, but he just began to laugh. “Let me tell you! I was actually in one for awhile.”
You already know what happens next…
No. 875541
>>875535No, we only met once and he loved making jokes at others expense. Usually about uncontrollable things, like sexuality or physical traits. (Ex: Calling my voice too masculine for a woman, “One of my more noticeable faults.”)
So, I only feel bad a little bit.
No. 875556
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>>875436My friend had an dating profile where she wrote "venmo me $5 for a surprise~"
>spoiler, the surprise is you get blocked lolShe made bank and encouraged me to copy her so I did and within a couple of days some scrote actually sent me five buckaroos
No. 875573
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Seppuku, babe, Seppuku
No. 875614
>>875586Have you posted about this earlier? I think I saw another anon post about how big the states are in comparison to European countries, and how they wanted to get lost in California lol
>I don't even know all 32 counties in Ireland confidentlyTbh I barely know any counties from my state.
>Are other people aware of how big places are or am I retard?Honestly, I've never really thought about how big America is. I didn't even know European countries were so small, but I guess that's just ignorance. I can't even imagine Alabama being bigger than England. That sounds unreal.
No. 875650
>>875586Yeah, you’re a bit of a retard but it’s cute.
Also there are big animals that can kill you on this continent so watch out.
No. 875658
>>870271Ok, I met this cute guy in public and went full simp, bought him food and walked with him all day, we didn’t talk much, but it’s like we were bonded together for some reason. He followed me when I needed the restroom and waited outside until I was done, I cracked jokes about looking like a married couple and we both chuckled.
Ok, fast forward. We sit next to each other, real sweaty, but nothing stinks until…
He gets up to get water. It hits me. HIS ASS SMELLS LIKE SHIT. WHY GOD WHY.
No. 875673
>>875586the US spans an entire continent i don't get why people are so surprised it's big. although i'm from a Small Country so maybe i just assume every other country is huge lmao
i've always felt a bit sorry for americans though because we europeans can drive for a few hours and be in a completely new culture with it's own charms and quirks and they basically have to fly across the globe to do the same, i genuinely think it's beneficial for your mind to experience different cultures and i wish they got to do that too.
(and no americans, a different state is not at all like a different country no matter how much you tell yourselves that)
No. 875678
>>875677Americans in foreigners fantasies.
Odd how other countries are invested in America’s politics, businesses, etc. Yet Americans don’t give a shit about them.
No. 875692
>>875658Question part didn’t post:
How do I tell him to maintain his hygiene when we meet again without ruining what seems to be going well. I have problems with being blunt/rude.
No. 875700
>>875693why farmers specifically?
No. 875707
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>>875691Idk maybe the pitbull dale thing that happened a while ago.
No. 875708
>>875700Because he claimed his ex was on lolcow and that his exes friends were farmers, and then would brag about frequenting lolcow
Anyway before any "love yourself" type stuff goes through, he's old news and has been old news for a while. I just want to see if any other anons experience what I have experienced
No. 875709
>>875691Borzoi-chan, Anorectal violence-kun, manifiesto-chan, kikomi-chan, kamoedafags
that weird guy from some random anime game discharge-chan
who ended up outing herself as a kimoeda/komoeda whatever-fag gangrape-chan who posts anime guys getting gangraped in anti-fujo-chan threads.
I guess those are the most notable spergs that people reference the most in here.
No. 875719
>>875691Nasolabial folds?
That one random blue checkmark twitter guy from the Covid thread that anons would fake lust over.
The scrote who used to write essays about his small dick and also post scat pics.
I think the word "scrote" may have also been coined on this site's old manhate threads. lmk if incorrect.
Reading through the other replies makes me feel like I'm really wasting my time away here. Oh well. No. 875723
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>>875691The beauty of lolcow is the inactivity, so each thread will have their own contained memes until their eventual death. Celeb has phenis and the celeb pain scale edits, we have this random dude with my melody edits
No. 875735
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>>875723It was fun while it lasted.
No. 875750
Nonas, what does a normal relationship with ones parents look like? My parents have always worked a ton and left me home alone for many hours of the day, I'd describe the relationship we have as roommates at best (though it's getting better). Can you just walk up to them and start talking about your day or complain about stuff that happened? If you saw something funny, would you feel strange telling them about it? Same with interests, can you talk about those with your parents at all? Be it music, food, movies, politics, whatever. Do you find it normal to go out with your parents, like shopping or going out to eat or something? How common is it really to ask for emotional support, or their opinion or advice on something? I always saw stuff like this on TV but felt it was completely unrealistic since I'd feel so awkward acting like this with my parents, but now I'm wondering if I am the strange one (of which I know I am to some degree, but I just wanna know how bad it really is).
No. 875763
No. 875772
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>>875735I’m glad I’m not the only one making edits of him, may have to print out the best ones soon
No. 875775
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>>875764What’d he say about the original edit?
No. 875786
>>875691Ask me how I know you're a newfag
We have so many injoke memes, some people were even considering making an iceberg
No. 875787
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>>875775I think he forgot to reply tbh
>>875772thanks. I will screenshot this just for him
No. 875788
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>>875782Samefag. There are multiple urban dictionary entries for the term dating even as far back to 2002 so no it wasn't coined here after all.
No. 875847
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>>875586I saw this specific picture like 10 years ago on tumblr and it always stuck with me. I live in one of the countries pictured and I think this is what, at the time, put into perspective for me how massive the US is (even if this picture isn't accurate, which idk if it actually is.)
There's also a version of this pic that says "Texas, where driving 8 hours isn't a big deal". I can drive into at least three different countries within 8 hours and I never do it, maybe I should travel more.
No. 875871
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1. Why do people love talking about the stupid dreams they had?
2. How do I get them to stop?
No. 875917
>>875904I've also seen it a lot online, they even say different states have different cultures and dialects which is totally just like Europe lol. Then they give examples like pronouncing words differently and saying pop instead of soda or some shit like that.
It really brings home the realisation that they have no idea how different two neighbouring countries in Europe can be from each other. They're usually the same people who cry for abolishing borders too.
No. 875955
>>875952>notoriously ignorant>thinks non anglophonic people are stupid>goes to other countries on holidays and wrecks the place with their drunken antics, hotel staff in Spain/Ibiza fucking hate English tourists>travels for football matches and destroys the town if they win or lose, doesn't matter, Anglos are designed to destroy>is racist to everyone in whatever country the football match takes place in whether they win or lose>violent chav people in generalThis one is for Ireland and many more:
>Anglos destroyed a few cultures by setting up plantations, forcing the natives to work on the plantations>banned a few cultures from speaking their own language, now all have to speak English>banned a few cultures from learning their own history, centuries of culture vanished"Why do Euros hate Anglos????" As if Anglos don't routinely create people like James Corden
No. 875956
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>>875916It’s nothing too interesting, just a autustic guy who was harassed on the internet to do weird things. (Hit his parents, do black face, become transgender at home.) Then he was stalked and all aspects of his life were documented and preserved on the internet.
I think you have to watch the doc, if you really want to know, just play it in the background like an audiobook or podcast. It goes from childhood to current events.
No. 875966
Wtf, lmao France autocorrects to Paris in my mind, but you get what I mean.
No. 875969
>>875955That makes sense. The worst of us are also the most conspicuous. For what it's worth, I think a lot of us are embarrassed by that kind of tourist - the Inbetweeners-type "lads on tour" or the football hooligan. They are disrespectful, entitled, and twattish in their home country too.
Is it bad enough that if you met an individual Anglo on a personal level, you would automatically dislike them or treat them differently? What are Euro assumptions about Anglos (and Anglo women)?
Asking because I felt so embarrassed and apologetic travelling Europe pre-pandemic, even though people were pretty nice to me.
No. 875983
>>875965nta but yes basically, Italians living close to the border often pop into Switzerland or Slovenia (and vice versa) to buy goods with lower taxes. You definitely could do a one day trip in and out of a neighboring country if you lived close enough to it, I live far from any borders so I've never considered it
>>875969the football hooligan is a very specific type of tourist, I wouldn't stereotype every English tourist like that unless they had that specific look and demeanor. Outiside of that English people are seen as polite and reserved, I live in one of the #1 Italian hooligan destinations and I still associate English tourists more with chill older people and families with kids than with roudy men. Outside of big cities (so in most tourist destinations) people probably aren't even aware of hooligans
No. 875997
>>875983The problem with that type of English person is that they travel in groups of a thousand every single year to small holiday destinations and just destroy everything. Crime goes through the roof, there are waaay more cases of racial violence, shop windows getting smashed in by traffic cones, all of it.
Bare in mind that the English have a fantastic history of ransacking countries all over Europe and most of us have not forgotten that they're still in possession of important cultural items they refuse to give back
No. 876000
>>875969Don't really care as long as you (tourists in general) behave and are respectful. The only type of Anglo tourist who're particularly annoying are the party Brits. Other than that Anglos don't really stand out to me as an unpleasant type of tourist nor do I have unpleasant prejudice.
>Is it bad enough that if you met an individual Anglo on a personal level, you would automatically dislike them or treat them differently? lol no, you're fine.
No. 876028
>>876022Oh, I didn't know it was supposed to hurt? I can run my finger around my cervix to scoop everything out, no trouble. I don't like prodding it in the middle, like the dip that presumably is the opening to the womb, but it doesn't hurt to do it. It's just a squeamish thing. My cervix is kind of numb, actually.
It only ever truly hurts if I go hard and reorganise my innards with a dildo.
No. 876082
>>876073Omg, pleassse send him this one>>872727
Say your friends made it or something
No. 876110
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>>876107It is the Panorama Resort in Slovakia
No. 876119
>>876110Thank you
No. 876125
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>>876122On Becoming A God in Central Florida
No. 876363
>>876356We won't believe each other since neither of us are jannies and can't see post history, but no anon I'm just a sperg who wanted to make fun of HGS. Thank you too for looking out though.
No. 876364
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>let my cats be ‘outdoor cats’ because I was young and uneducated as to why leaving a cat outdoors is bad
>become educated and want to make my cats indoor cats
>want to block the cat flap with stuff so they can’t leave
>my family doesn’t want to cooperate because all they care about is whether or not they tolerate the cats meowing at them to get them out and if they shit outdoors
>they just unblock the cat flap and let them out regardless
Letting my cats outside is effecting one cat’s health, yet they still insist on letting them go outside regardless. How can I convince them to make them stay indoors?
No. 876367
>>876355Why do you have to act like the average gay to be a “real” gay man? This speaks on her homophobia more than anything.
This shit reminds me of emos thinking they’re not human because of how “weird and dark” they are. DUMB. STUPID. AND MORE DUMB.
No. 876391
>>876380>>876387I think both of you are right and wrong at the same time. I think no pet should be confined to a small appartment or house (same for humans honestly)
Cats were domesticated to hunt plagues at farms. So they have plenty of space to run, jump, and hunt safely. Dogs were with us since we started making settlements and they could hunt alonside us. Basically, we're making dogs and cats, hunting animals that need a lot of space, live with us in our tiny caverns (houses) with no access for the outside.
So yeah. I guess you gotta find a balance.
No. 876428
>>876425spices and sauces are your friends here, also trying new recipes and of course I second everything
>>876426 said
No. 876484
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What are you girls going to go as for Halloween? I'm so excited I can hardly wait.
No. 876493
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None of the other flags that the flagbearers were holding were really blowing in the wind, so how did they get the flags on the stands to blow in the wind?? Was there some mechanic behind it or just pure luck that it was windy?
No. 876520
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>>876484a mailbox
Halloween's a work day for me too so I'll be the first thing people see when they enter the building
No. 876577
>>876373No way, that's as far as I go lol
though luck
nonny No. 876665
>>876619Nitrous oxide? Oo, I love it. It's like dissociation on steroids, I had to have it once while getting stitches. You're calm because you feel a million miles away from everything, like you're watching what's happening or listening to it on the radio or something.
I once zoned out so much on it that I didn't recognise my own name kek
No. 876779
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What are some websites about digital trends, be it graphic design or user interface designs or anything like that?
No. 876943
>>876740If you mostly want to be able to read: started by reading Tae Kim's guide while adding the vocab to Anki. I was also reading manga and mining for vocab with OCR Manga Reader for android.
When I realized my listening skill was lacking I started listening to podcasts and watching this yt channel: among others.
If you're gonna use Duolingo, don't stick with it beyond kana.
No. 877039
>>877018Various businessmen, especially those higher up the chain. Military, spooks, maybe bouncers? Bouncers are probably thuggy, not sociopathic tbf.
>>877036Yeah I don't buy that. Maybe profs in certain fields, but generally no.
No. 877202
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Do we have a tiktok general thread? I don’t care about charlie or whoever the kids on that app are but there are so many creators on there that crack me up and I want to share it.
No. 877378
>>877343I liked watching the kawaii fashion type of haul videos for a while, mostly because I know I won’t buy such clothes, so it was kind of interesting to see how they look like in motion and such.
But they do get boring after a while because even if the person doing the haul video is interesting/funny, it’s just the same pattern over and over again.
I also started feeling like the
>omg i forgot I bought thisComment that gets thrown around in those videos is pretty obnoxious.
No. 877497
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Why would a mouse enter a house during summer?
No. 877502
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>>877497It’s shady and it probably has no predators around, also cheemse.
No. 877892
>>877855I don’t think it’s good to keep the litter box near where they eat, it would be like having a toilet right next to the dinning table.
I feel like the right place for the litter box is somewhere that’s easy for you to clean up like the laundry room or a bathroom, so if the cat digs around for some reason, the mess won’t cause too much drama.
No. 877967
>>877957Sharing an admittedly jaded and cynical view I guess (that's based on muh experiences and seeing friends too) but I feel like a relationship is often just a friendship that needs sex to survive. Short of that condition being met..even the friendship element of a relationship isn't that deep sometimes. Of course you only find that out when you break up and a switch is instantly flipped off. Something I've learnt guys are pretty good are doing.
Not saying that people should stay best friends with their exes but in my circle I've seen it too often, you can have a pretty civil no-drama break up but the moment sex is off the cards the guy doesn't even feel obligated to give you the slightest nicety or say they won't be at all helpful with you moving out afterwards, small shit you'd do for anyone you've known for years. You're treated like a stranger again and I've always found that odd when I see it.
No. 877999
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Should I download Cookie Run? I'm feeling kind of down and want something cute to play, but I don't have more energy points in Love Nikki, so I wanted to try CR.
Pic related, I often see this little guy in my Tumblr, I don't know anything about him but I think he is adorable.
No. 878002
>>877989>i've never had a friendship where i felt totally comfortable being myself and have always felt the need to be somewhat guarded It's kind of the opposite for me
Although in a romantic relationship I feel like there is more of a partnership/obligation that you have to help each other out with bullshit annoying things. I'll speak to my friends about my deepest issues more easily, but I'll lean on my partner more for the everyday type of stuff
No. 878027
>>877989I've let my guard down in relationships and opened up about long kept secrets. Twice now I've had guys use traumatic shit from my childhood against me in the shittiest way that I didn't see coming. The first time seemed like one awful incident that surely wouldn't ever happen with another guy if I played it safer next time…nope. The second time it happened I was done letting my guard down. I started out very capable of opening up in relationships and that got burnt right out of me again.
I'm now better at telling friends than partners about my past and certain things that've happened to make me the way that I am. I hate it but I'm not getting fooled a 3rd time. Harsh lesson to learn.
No. 878095
>>878091NTA but I think a lot of popular streamers either get hit by a stroke of luck, have connections, or have been in the game long enough to really build up their audience over the years (but the last one seems more and more rare these days). I honestly don't know of any female streamers who don't show their face but if your voice is really well liked I think you could go the same faceless route as Corpse. My favorite streamer is a guy and while he didn't really hide his face, he didn't really stream with facecam until after he became relatively popular. He's not the most handsome either so I don't think it had an effect on his popularity.
I would say go for it anyway. The market is oversaturated but you might be able to find a nice dedicated audience if you do something a bit more niche. I personally do like to put on certain streamers because of their voice.
No. 878113
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Can I get some feedback on something that I haven't processed until now?
Years ago when I was in early stages of dating my ex his friends hadn't seen/met me yet. Until they saw a video of me on my ex's snapchat and then they screenshotted it and then on referred to me as "the BIRD" because of my nose. Now I have a nose like the 'before' picrel so I'm used to hating it and whatnot but what I hate NOW as a mature adult is that my ex ignored them calling me "the bird" in their groupchat until I saw it and only stopped them when I saw it and flipped out that his friends were calling me that. My ex was a total pushover, evidently enough naturally I became the "crazy gf" who they ranted about.
Now I know I deserve better and I should have dumped my ex when that all went down years ago but I can't help but feel sad that some ugly incel-tier men really had the nerve to criticize my looks like that. Especially considering that not only was my ex way uglier than me but that these dudes were fucking hideous and the majority were very fat. Sometimes I feel pretty and then I remember that I look like a bird apparently and it makes my self-confidence go down. I guess my question is how do I get past the hurtful comments that others said obviously to fuck w me or my relationship? How do I learn to not see myself as a bird? Honestly I never saw myself as one because I only associate maybe like extreme hooked noses with pelicans but my nose is a general dorsal hump with a large tip, nothing special. Is it SOOOOO bad because I'm a woman? What's the deal?
No. 878118
>>878113I know this is a cliché anon, but it was likely not about your nose at all. It sounds more like they were seething about not being attractive to women, or the fact that your ex had a girlfriend and they were jealous. Knowing moids, I'm sure they tugged it to you at least once (not supposed to be a compliment, just pointing out the idiocy/hypocrisy of men).
Anyway, regarding your nose, can I be honest? I think characterful noses on women are very, very attractive. I have a "celestial" nose, but I think aqualine noses and ones with humps are so beautiful. The thing is, noses like yours provide structure and character to your face and you will age wonderfully. Your features will stay defined your nose and bones will hold your flesh up well. I have a babyface to go with the nose and I know I'm gonna age like shit, but all the Italian women in my family with the beaks look gorgeous and ageless. Embrace the horn, anon.
No. 878128
>>878077fuck why does this make me so depressed? knowing I have to lie to a moid and pretend my
toxic relationship was healthy and I was treated like an absolute queen or else he's going to walk all over me…it feels like you're walking on eggshells and can't even be yourself because the second you let your guard down and finally be vulnerable they either leave or they lash out.
No. 878132
>>878118>>878123Thanks anons, this is helpful.
>>878127Sorry I tend to overanalyze a lot.
No. 878138
>>878128I don't want to be "not all men!!!" but that's why you have to be very selective of who you date. Your partner is supposed to be someone who can support you through anything and vice versa, ffs. Let's face it a lot of women put up with a lot of men's bullshit and it totally blows up in their face later when they realize their nigel has no fucking empathy. If you drop a scrote at the first sign of disrespect/low empathy bullshit you will have it a lot easier.
For example, I am naturally a very energetic and happy person. A lot of FDS women will tell me that behavior will make moids treat me like a doormat, and instead I should act more cold and distant. And you know, I've noticed men I went on dates with try to exploit that or neg me and it told me everything I needed to know. It took a few years of going on lots of shitty first dates, but I was able to find a wonderful man who even surpasses my enthusiasm and treats me like an actual queen. I never even had to act cold to him, and in fact, that would have turned him away. Putting on an act only draws the shitty men to you, ones who hate themselves and need a woman to look down on them to be interested.
No. 878139
wide-on>(plural wide-ons)>(slang, vulgar) A sexually-aroused vagina; a state of female sexual arousal.Anagrams:
>Downie No. 878141
>>878138Good advice anon.
>>878139Never seen that slang before, you learn something new everyday.
No. 878144
>>878128I like a guy and atm nothing has happened yet but I found myself thinking about this lately, do I tell him about shit in my past or will it be used as evidence that I'm a pushover? It's happened to me before so I'm leaning towards acting like my childhood and relationships have been a-ok and uneventful lol. Thing is, he's told me a bunch about his past and trusted me with it. It's sadly not the the same though.
From what I've seen too many men will use sexual trauma against you and eventually make you relive it with them. If you have issues with abandonment then they'll dangle the threat of leaving in front of you to manipulate you any time they want something. Both things I've seen time and time again within my family.
No. 878155
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What oil would be a good lube for leg massages? I have some leg issues and rubbing the bastard helps. Something that won't fuck up my skin, please!
No. 878164
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>>878159Oh god. Stupidly I love him, I wish he wasn’t like this ugh. He was so handsome when he played James Dean.
No. 878171
>>878159Wasn't this for some model or something? If what
>>878156 said it's true that's how I imagine it works.
No. 878198
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>>878177why would they see straight women as being pathetic when it's the men who are being shitty is this scenario? explain
No. 878200
>>878187Yes it was real, that was exactly it
The psycho was trying to get famous through filming the murder
No. 878216
>>878187Oh, that video really got me. I've seen a lot of horrid stuff online, animal abuse, scat films, self-mutilation, bestiality, snuff films, cartel and religious violence, and I am pretty desensitised to it. But for some reason, this video really made me freak out. I think it was just the absolute senselessness of it, just because some guy wanted to be famous? You can kind of see the exact point the life leaves the
victim's body and it reminds me how disgusting men don't care about the bodily integrity of others, especially of women. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this fucking horrible planet fuck
No. 878228
>>878221I just watched it. The cartel videos are horrible, deliberately so. I like to kid myself that it's somehow got some sense to it because it's about stupid drugs and greed and money, but then I remember that a lot of people are born into situations where there isn't much choice at all and getting involved is unavoidable.
I'm so sad for the world. Unimaginable pain and fear every second of every day. Is it worth it?
No. 878238
>>878216In the funkytown video
it has been a while and I am not rewatching it didn't he still speak after the, uh, peeling? I don't think I ever saw the "ending"
No. 878244
>>878236>It's like watching an addictUh, duh? And that's not even taking into account other factors, like economical.Maybe read about psychology of
abusive relationship? This is scrote tier,
victim-blaming outlook.
Might as well say
>I'm just really tired and fed up of homosexual women whinging about all the homophobia they face yet they keep getting girlfriends instead of staying in the closet. It's like watching an addictAnyway nobody forces you to listen to those abused women. Cut them off, turn of the computer, whatever. Just have some minimum of compassion (shut up instead of shitting on
victims) if you expect other women to have it for you, even though they don't share your issues.
No. 878261
>>878238He still tries to scream, yeah. I didn't see him die at any point.
On a related note, I saw that beheading video that was going around on TikTok and that made me feel strange. You can see the point he dies, he goes from a bleeding man to a lifeless rag. His face goes The Colour.
I wonder what my death will look like. I hope it's not broadcast to perverts and edgelords like that.
>>878235Fuck gross OK thank you for saving me from a watchlist. Extremely violent as in lasting injuries?
No. 878280
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>>877892I agree with this. Cats don't even like having their water and their food too close together because it makes them think the water is contaminated.
Can't imagine having their food next to where they shit would be any better.
No. 878294
>>878291Yeah, it can. That's how
abusive relationships work, read a book.
No. 878332
>>878330I don't think it means anything, if anything it might mean we have heightened senses/are more prone to sensory overload.
The whispering ones are horrible to me, as whispering is scratchy and unpleasant sounding to me. The eating ones are the absolute worst. I do kind of like the soap crunching ones though, even though they dont make me feel relaxed I kind of like them in a "satisfying" way.
No. 878356
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>>878324Eh, well, at least I’m valued in some sense.
No. 878490
>>878486it’s not a skimpy bathing suit, and I know he won’t show his friends because he’s just not like that
>>878482I’m going to the beach this weekend, but I really like how it looks on me and I don’t want to wait to show him? idk
No. 878512
>>878507I planned on asking if he wanted me to send him pictures first
>>878508or manipulate me how if doesn’t assume I’m down to fuck??? I wouldn’t fuck him unless we were in a relationship anyways, so I don’t see anything else he could get out of it
No. 878514
>>878494>what’s wrong with that?Your desperation reeks. It's a turn off even to men. Yeah they'll still fuck you but they won't respect you. Sounds like he'll be seeing you over the weekend anyway, there's no need to preemptively piss the bed.
No. 878521
>>878518I just don’t understand how he could manipulate me, “manipulate” is vague, all I want is for him to compliment me
but actually nvm bc the other anon is right, I’m not going to send him anything, I will really seem desperate
No. 878538
The vibe of /g/ is like a dusty charity shop. I visit it and the air tastes still and stale. It feels uncomfy being there, like the volunteer shop assistant is staring holes into your back just for being there.
It feels like /ot/ is going the same way and I don't know why. Maybe it's the hostility and crabbiness, maybe it's because all the anons who took time to reply thoughtfully and kindly to one another got fed up. Maybe it's the effects of having an admin who is said to hate the userbase. Maybe it's the insufferable cliquey-ness/BPD magnet that is the discord. I don't know.
Dear old guard /ot/ anons, I miss you and love you. If you're shy to post because somebody snapped at you, or you feel like you're not valued here, please don't be afraid. It's just that the most rude and bitter anons are the loudest. I used to just ignore the crab bucket anons but now, for what it's worth, I promise I'll stick up for you if I see somebody be unreasonably shitty to you. I just want our healthy, diverse, and funny board full of cool smart women back. It's cool if you've just outgrown it here, though and I wish you well.
No. 878555
>>878538Aw anon. At least recently the lack of thoughtful replies is probably due to the influx of people who heard about cwc (including possible scroteposting), but it's also been bitchy here for as long as I remember. Given I've only been here for 3 years, so I did miss out on the early days. The absolutely rarted arguments/infighting have always felt charming to me though.
And I may be crucified for saying it but ime CC still has the cozy and thoughtful feel sometimes. I know many anons abandoned it, but due to the slowness and size someone will usually reply to your posts.
No. 878605
>>878601Uh are hearts emojis ok here now?
(Your post is cute, I wont report you nonita.)
No. 878608
>>878605It's probably coming up as an emoji because you're on a mobile, but it's a unicode character (I think?)
Anyway, the heart sign and how to make it is in the formatting guidelines on meta, so yes it's fine.
No. 878614
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Did any of you guys ever own one of these? They were really popular when I was younger
No. 878622
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>>878614haha what the fuck?
No. 878639
>>878636It would work, too
>>878637This is what I thought "does the carpet match the curtains" meant when I was little
No. 878640
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Does anyone else believe in a biological/evolutionary link between snakes and cats? Think about it, their teeth, eyes, diets, hissing, behaviors, tails, etc. It's too much to ignore. Consider the Tsuchinoko. I believe this legendary beast is the missing link.
No. 878651
>>878645Looks like it, yeah.
>Dunsparce appears to be based on the snake-like Tsuchinoko cryptid of Japan; it appears to be a visual pun on bachi hebi (bee snake), as the creature is known in some regions, combining bee- and snake-like features. It may also have connections to Quetzalcoatl, Amphipteres, or flying snakes.>Given its larviform appearance, horn-like tail, and ring-circled eyes that resemble the eyespots of some species, Dunsparce may draw inspiration from sphinx moth caterpillars, which have a history of being mistaken for the Tsuchinoko. Its closed eyes may reference blind cave-dwelling animals or perhaps the Nozuchi, a creature thought to be synonymous with the Tsuchinoko that is sometimes depicted as a giant, eyeless caterpillar.>Nokocchi may be an anagram of ツチノコ Tsuchinoko, a fabled snake-like creature. No. 878659
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nonnie how can you be so hateful toward sucha cute pokemon
No. 878681
>>878599I got a call yesterday and I just watched my phone ring out, they left a message and it's about work I had done on my house. I assume it's just that they need to carry out one last inspection. They said to ring em back. I didn't. I'm avoiding both the phone call and having to have yet another strange man in my house carrying out work
I have avpd going back a long time and this is just a twenty year battle that never ends lol
No. 878693
>>878673holy shit I could've wrote this
nonny, same! I think I'm retarded because I'll see people dming me to ask if I do commissions and just let it sit in my message box instead of doing goddamn anything about it, not sure what is wrong with me.
No. 878717
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Why are self-harmers so competitive? I've noticed this behavior outside that thread too occasionally (though not that often).
No. 878718
>>878717It is called
victim olympics
No. 878766
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>>878763Nbody loves dunsparce
No. 878767
>>878713>experience going completely emotionally numb on ProzacI was on it for 2 months and then weaned myself off bc it felt like it was breaking my brain even though Dr said everything was fine. Even after years passed I still have a permanent dampening of my ability to feel and identify my emotions. I think I read somewhere that ppl with autism are very sensitive to drugs and get adverse effects, just my luck.
>lost my fucking mind after not having emotions for so long and turned to a lot of masochistic behaviors like looking at gore websites and being really mean to my friends. Obviously it wasn’t sociopathy but it felt like it sometimes the way I would just brush off other people’s feelings. Especially because I would put them down really hard while doing it too.Yeah it does feel like some low form of sociopathy, I don't have ability to feel empathy for others when I'm stressed, hungry, or in pain. Seek out shock content just to feel something. Logically I know it's wrong to do or say mean things but emotionally I don't feel it, it's numb and it feels like nothing has consequences. I hate it but how can you even fix it? I always get called antiscience/crazy or some shit when I talk about this. Honestly I think I'd have been better off stoned off my tits all these years, instead of trying meds and therapy. All they did was make me feel like a failure, and hurt my health.
No. 878771
>>876073loves dunsparce
No. 878805
>>870271Can I dry my clothing next to indoor plants?
I want to put clothes drying rack with already washed clothing next to a window where I planted my plants.
No. 878826
>>878725>>878740Thanks anons. Thankfully this was a few years ago and while I’m doing much better now I am feeling extremely guilty for how I treated people and how I acted. It was not myself at all and I’m disgusted by who I was back then.
>>878767This is exactly I experienced Prozac. I’d say I’m a fairly empathetic person but all of that went away while I was on it. I broke up with a boyfriend during that time and he cried so hard he threw up and while I knew how to act I just couldn’t produce any emotions for it. The looking at gore and shock content just to feel something really hit me too. I would literally look at it almost every night as it was the only emotion I had left. Just absolute nasty shit that would make most people cry. I thought I was badass but really I was just sick as fuck. I would also use slurs and post edgy memes as a way to get attention and it was terrible. There’s a pit in my stomach that hasn’t gone away since I started to remember all these things.
I am not diagnosed ASD/ADHD but I’ve had a hunch for awhile that I have them. I’ve been wanting to get it checked out but I feel like this is more evidence that I’m definitely on that spectrum somewhere.
No. 878938
>>878826>There’s a pit in my stomach that hasn’t gone away since I started to remember all these things. I think this means you're slowly healing, feeling guilt doesn't happen when you're socio. You should get checked out, just in case something is better than nothing. GL
No. 879093
>>879085>>879088What do you mean by inside, literally inside the vagina hole or 'inside' the vulva aka the labia?
I really wish people would use specific terms instead of euphemisms when they discuss this, because I'm sure there are a LOT of girls who think they don't need to wash their labia because they hear people say the vagina is self cleaning.
No. 879094
>>879085I cannot get over this hurdle. How does one dry their vagina. You stick your towel up there?
>>879024I use cetaphil bar soap everywhere, and have never had any problems with it near my labia. Same with castille soap like one anon said.
No. 879108
>>879088I'm fine (well, 'fine') with washing, but
No. 879135
>>879116probably because you cut them regularly, more often than you cut your hair, so you notice the growth more.
OT but my hair is the longest it has ever been and I thought that i was losing a bunch of hair, but it just appears that i’m losing more hair because it’s long as fuck.
No. 879173
>>879146Yeah, it is! I used to do it as well, except on Zwinky if anyone remembers that.
>What makes some kids want to be the baby and others the parents?IME it's a reflection of who they are in real life and how they're treated by others.
My best childhood friend was mommy's little princess and a "little lady", and she was the cutest of all us kids so she was used to being fawned over and babied, and naturally she'd often be the "baby". If we played princesses she'd be the princess while my other friend who was a tomboy (and kind of a bully sometimes) was the "prince".
It's funny how little kids notice social dynamics so easily and just start treating each other accordingly.
No. 879199
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How can I meet hot hippies? I want to have a family and i'm repulsed by rightoids but i also wouldn't want a moid to troon out on me. Hippies are progressives but also masculine and normie enough. I also like how they are into traveling in nature, hiking and manual crafts like pic related. I want a hippie vegan bf so bad
No. 879207
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if I go back to work, I won't be able to afford all of my medical supplies, I had to quit working and I am completely out of money, so I get medicaid, so my insulin and shit is mostly covered, except some things like glucose test strips
if I go back to work even part time, I'm not gonna be able to afford everything anymore, and even now it's still not everything, I still have to leech like $70 per month from family members to get test strips
am I total piece of shit if I throw up my hands and just give up on going back to work? I'm in my late 20s, I worked my whole adult life, I only quit because I was getting new health complications from/because of the diabetes, so when I quit, I applied for SSDI
I feel guilty about all of everything a lot
No. 879263
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Raffaello or Ferrero Rocher?
No. 879445
>>879376Out of habit I guess and like
>>879386 said I feel like some of my contributions do not warrant bumping it (which is kinda dumb since threads on /ot/ move decently fast). Also probably autistic but for something like the Confessions Thread I bump it only when I'm posting a new confession, if I'm just replying to somebody I'm sageing it, or here I bump only when I'm the one asking the question.
No. 879454
>>879386Nobody is going to think that, anon.
Saying "sage in /ot/" is just what people do when they're mad and have no arguments.
No. 879479
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>>879444Dork Diaries just got interesting
(Please appreciate my edit, this shit took forever)
No. 879557
>>879545Yes and? The female g-spot is just the internal clitoris.
Point is men get orgasms from their asses. Interesting design choice by God/Mother nature.
No. 879563
>>879463Probably men boning each other even back in the hunting days. Not surprising since they do that even now when there are no women around.
Homo isn't new and many male animals mount each other. We also all know about bisexual bonobos.
No. 879574
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>>879376Old image from 4chan that explains sage.
No. 879604
>>879568>graphic design stuff and video editingnonnie, I have bad news, those tasks asks for a shit ton of power and laptop are not really made to handdle them. You should really concider building a pc, however price are super high right know.
Maybe some other anons will have a better answer tho, I also have a slow computer so I know the pain, good luck
nonnie No. 879626
>>879568 2015 MacBook Pro is often considered the best laptop Apple’s ever made. I use Photoshop and Illustrator on it and it runs very smoothly.
I’m actually considering just moving away from Apple when this computer eventually kicks it. Their newer laptops just frustrate me with their lack of important features and inclusion of unnecessary ones.
No. 879754
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Do you believe in aliens? Why? Why not?
No. 879851
>>879756Disclaimer: I may be remembering wrong since it's been years since I read the story.
Anyway you are not gonna like this: so she could throw herself on a funeral pyre of her husband and burn with his body instead of marrying his killer (who became the king). The rippable clothes were supposed to stop her female servants from grabing her. She also threw coins (?) to distract them. It worked.
I'm not 100% sure it was a Hindu story and not a Chinese one, but the funeral pyre would point to India.
No. 879860
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How do I find the motivation to get off of my phone/pc and do something else? Even when I'm bored out of my mind and could be doing something fun elsewhere, I feel glued to them. Any tips?
No. 879875
>>879860Here’s a tip that helped me: go to settings, go to accessibility, then to display, and change the display colors to black and white. This will make your phone ugly. UI design is important for a reason; when things aren’t as pretty to look at, our minds just don’t get the sane dopamine hit. I used to do this when I needed to do work, and it really helped.
The other thing would be to remember why you’re holding your phone. It’s because you have nothing else to do, so you’re wasting time. You can’t look at your phone when you’re rollerskating, or running in the gym, or talking a morning walk. I get that it’s hard not reaching for your phone when you’re so conditioned to do it every five minutes, but try to sort of “train” yourself out of it. Let your phone shut off and don’t charge it, just try to…..exist.
Another helpful thing to remember is before we got addicted to our phone is that the nature of our use itself was different? Basically that we used it only to call or text. We used it for very specific purposes and then put it down. Rather than just scroll endlessly looking for something to do. In the words of distinguished poet and philosopher Marina Diamandis: “If you are not very careful, your possessions will possess you.” Every time you reach for your phone, ask yourself why. If there’s a specific purpose, go on. If there isn’t, try to go and talk a walk or even try engaging in one of your hobbies outside.
No. 879959
>>879860I was addicted to my phone too and nothing worked until I started keeping it away at a different room or inside a drawer. I just need it to not be close, I stopped having it on my pocket or in my hand, so it doesn't
trigger the habit of picking it up and wasting time.
There's a thread on internet detox I think it's called and there are a few anons that talk about what helped them sto using their phone and social media in an addicting way. Good luck!
No. 879970
>>879915i haven't but ty for the response anon, i get wym. i honestly think androgynous women make cuter guys than men, like the server i saw today was easily the hottest person i saw all day and i was out in a very hip/young area with young dudes everywhere. maybe it's just bc men are busted as FUCK.
nice scrotebait anon No. 880081
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Is Kim Dracula a cow?
Outside of the biggest online names I’m not in the loop whatsoever about internet cows and I don’t use TikTok. Yesterday the YouTube algorithm recommended me a cover of Paparazzi sung by this kid and I checked him out of curiosity – he is a spitting image of someone I used to talk to ramped up to 11 with corny Zoomerism. And I don’t mean just by looks – his style, mannerisms, the way he carries himself etc. Appearance wise it’s like my person had a son with Elle Fanning lol
So excuse me if I’m being a clueless newfag and he happens to be notorious or something like that. I didn’t find a thread on him so I’m asking here.
No. 880099
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A retarded question: we all know Hollywood had a tendency of yellowface casting, I'm wondering, is there an example for the opposite? Was there ever an film in Asian cinema where an Asian actor played a white character?
No. 880101
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>>880075Someone pls answer, I'm scared
No. 889792
>>870856Almost all transbians I know/know of irl are exclusively t4t ‘cause they’re afraid of being seen as men.
Obviously almost all I know of from internet infamy are pretty much the opposite.