File: 1626714608876.gif (661.65 KB, 220x165, 42BFAB7D-32B6-4255-A3B9-3EFE76…)

No. 858006
It’s really dumb.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/848606 No. 858010
File: 1626714864485.png (497.79 KB, 2794x1368, colonizer moment.png)

The concept of going into the celebricows thread, hijacking it and "converting" it into the new dumbass shit thread is really funny to me.
No. 858016
File: 1626715090991.jpg (24.08 KB, 283x320, shock.jpg)

>>858011>samefagBut anon, I'm not you. U-Unless…?
No. 858021
File: 1626715433836.gif (3.27 MB, 250x377, tumblr_7c7cf705e6078c20dcd5e31…)

might go around and start shaving beards of hobos
No. 858026
File: 1626715916549.gif (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 531x270, 676E4E46-634A-439C-82C7-573D90…)

No. 858048
>>858026This is fucking awful
Rip all the retards that got meme’d into liking it
No. 858062
File: 1626718417859.jpg (341.17 KB, 2026x2048, wtf am i reading.jpg)

I hate Homestuck so much, I just saw people saying that one of the battle themes in Pokemon ShSw, the one made by the Undertale guy, was basically a remix of a mpreg Homestuck music/fanfic.
No. 858072
File: 1626718842272.jpg (222.45 KB, 493x699, RIP.jpg)

>Musicians will never dress like this again
I hate this reality so much
No. 858104
>>858091yeah i guess here it depends on the vibe of the movie if that makes sense? if it's a serious movie or the cinema is mostly empty, you can absolutely get in trouble for being too loud or on your phone.
if it's packed full of loud morons the mob mentality unfortunately takes over and everyone decides it's time to act like monkeys and hoot and clap at the screen every time there's even a slight cue.
No. 858211
File: 1626725602304.jpg (234.64 KB, 1079x809, mgs.jpg)

>>858204It's the racism. Anyway, Meg does need to stop letting weirdo drag queen stans/gay men decide on all her looks.
She's naturally hot, the makeup and tacky outfits just drag her down.
No. 858223
File: 1626726402320.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.52 KB, 620x930, x163483_tk4_00030wmweb.jpg)

>>858204Speaking of Sports Illustrated, the yellow swimsuit they chose for Naomi is terrible. She looked cute in the black swimsuit though.
No. 858225
File: 1626726490581.jpg (197.07 KB, 1200x900, collage.jpg)

>>858211This troon literally gets lighter, thinner and bigger breasts in every photo they take but Megan looks mtf.
No. 858227
File: 1626726547296.jpg (405.35 KB, 1080x1089, 8272626262.jpg)

>>858211Agreed she looks so beautiful with more toned down/natural looking make up. Drag makeup techniques were created to feminize masculine features on males, actual women don't look good with it.
No. 858229
File: 1626726633049.png (789.59 KB, 474x614, k.PNG)

>>858225Vs. Megan, they know what they are doing constantly throwing transwomen into the mix whenever they highlight black beauty.
No. 858253
Someone bumped an ancient thread and wtf I have the same dress as this girl
>>>/snow/90896 I found it at a thrift store
No. 858350
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These posts made me realize that "redpill me on" and "what's the tea on" are basically synonyms
No. 858355
File: 1626735085275.jpeg (17.29 KB, 275x275, 1605044634031.jpeg)

I tried to exercise for the first time in forever and while doing something that required to spin my back I kept hearing a grinding noise in my spine and now I'm kinda freaked out
It doesn't hurt, it's just a spooky sound and I don't like it
No. 858484
how tf do so many anons know ecelebs/viral people or whatever the fuck they're called
>>858312>he was kind enoughhe sounds annoying and gross, hope he fails tbh
No. 858485
File: 1626747649536.png (164.88 KB, 1345x671, Screenshot (167).png)

Ledtypol users are such fucking retards, Virtue signaling Muslims, caping for Trannies and literally doing nothing to appeal to the working class
how did left wing spaces get made up of entirely coomers and degenerates
No. 858506
File: 1626749958521.jpg (226.86 KB, 467x433, ZpK4t7J.jpg)

I like to re-read my past posts on various threads, is nice to remember my interactions with other anonettes. To make it easier to remember which posts are mine, I also like to use reaction memes, is not much but I guess I just remember pictures easier than text.
No. 858635
File: 1626766851501.png (1.29 MB, 975x650, Diplomoceras maximum.png)

Just thinking about how I'm related to slugs and grasshoppers and sea cucumbers and I hate that shit.
No. 858653
File: 1626769817663.jpg (15.52 KB, 480x583, 100050424_118626606517143_2738…)

what is up with anons defending a fucking ugly deformed dog on shayna's thread? get a grip
No. 858696
File: 1626778047115.png (322.22 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210720-114127.png)

It cracks me up that the author of this little bug article is so intent on sassing click beetles.
I'm picturing a jealous and vindictive little ladybird typing this out because click beetles clowned on her in bug school. Ladybird, come to and slag off click beetles here, you'd be more than welcome.
No. 858739
>>858734She already posted her, um, audio preferences here.
I'm also curious about anons.
How old are they, where do they live, are they massively mentally ill? kek
No. 858762
File: 1626785350086.jpg (244.31 KB, 2048x1536, j7h5djmjfup31.jpg)

These were so beautiful and CHEAP. I hate stark white paper.
No. 858773
File: 1626786160834.jpeg (79.08 KB, 786x786, 3D2020BD-3824-4420-90F9-B23248…)

i think it’s so funny that egirls are latching onto tomie, drawing on a fake mole, dying their hair black, then going “she’s literally me” but the point of tomie is that she kills every one of her copycats/clones and would absolutely mog them irl
No. 858816
File: 1626791817499.gif (98.47 KB, 964x912, 3a33d8aace814947d794d81293f07a…)

My hair is finally long and healthy for the first time ever but I want to cut it above shoulder length again, talk me out of it nonas
No. 858857
File: 1626794650271.jpg (187.45 KB, 1110x1500, baldies.jpg)

>>858816Don't do it. You'll like it for like a day and then start missing your hair.
Can you do like a faux bob hairstyle or something to get it out of your system?
No. 858874
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No. 858882
File: 1626796734158.gif (658.43 KB, 220x202, 08496.gif)

>>858816I can't believe we're in exactly the same condition anon, kek. Grew my hair out over quarantine after 5+ years of pixie cut and it's SO voluminous. I had no idea my hair could feel so thick. But I wanna go back to pixie so bad because I'm short and longer hair really dwarfs me oh god
No. 858933
File: 1626800819110.png (410.46 KB, 720x952, Screenshot_20210720-025031.png)

This activities my flight or fight instinct's
No. 858951
File: 1626802398340.png (1.59 MB, 1352x1328, 1390954987211.png)

>work at a museum with a bunch of weird body conditions
>Fetuses and rotted limbs and shit
>During covid we had mostly regulars or people genuinely interested in this stuff
>Now mostly tourists who saw us on some TV channel
>there's a corpse right at the exhibit area entrance
>yesterday a guest takes one look at the corpse and faints
>We immediately make sure she's okay
>Wheelchair, water, private rest area, the whole nine
>Mfw she gives us 3 stars on Yelp
>"Should have warned people they might faint"
I hate tourists.
No. 858963
File: 1626803216544.jpeg (78.73 KB, 960x540, 5E333851-7146-4B21-8A71-638862…)

anon got me obsessed with this because I want to fuck everyone in this pic they’re all so hot
No. 858969
File: 1626803623955.jpg (41.68 KB, 400x400, fb278c0ac120d11b29e52c781ca4d7…)

Were these shoes ever popular in your lifetime?
No. 859008
>>858951Did she expect a
trigger warning on something like in twitter?
No. 859022
>>858967no worries, anon, it was like this before covid. Things are getting back to normal, clueless tourists and all lolol
>>859006It's so neat! Cheesy af but I feel like I learn something new everyday.
>>859008It honestly sounds like she does and I can't wrap my head around this shit
No. 859075
File: 1626811606292.jpg (152.83 KB, 877x687, Screenshot_4.jpg)

the best game
No. 859108
File: 1626814388647.jpeg (89.75 KB, 933x603, 1572090400778.jpeg)

I was having a chill time in the shower when spotify decided to play two of Sulli's songs in a row, now I'm sad and thinking of her cat
No. 859149
File: 1626818440639.jpg (80.53 KB, 750x937, sulli-heecul-cat.jpg)

>>859108RIP Sulli. It's ok, anon, her cat got adopted!
No. 859214
File: 1626825227173.jpeg (23.39 KB, 316x285, 1F19CE8D-FBD8-4B2D-99C7-22889D…)

>>859075Sorry, Barbie magic genie adventure is actually the best game.
No. 859220
File: 1626825841012.jpeg (50.66 KB, 400x400, B6253A36-8458-4A30-9D73-D1D9C8…)

Need to fuck both of them expeditiously
No. 859237
File: 1626826886876.png (85.91 KB, 1600x900, 1578708120800.png)

My country just bought 10.000 wooden penises, wha
No. 859282
File: 1626830701811.jpeg (Spoiler Image,179.57 KB, 603x900, 06D48D58-2F1B-49BE-8E3E-6C6DFB…)

>>859237I wonder if they were made in Indonesia. Never seen so many wooden penises than I did in Bali. Apparently they make em for the Australian tourists.
No. 859287
File: 1626832087540.png (232.42 KB, 600x600, 1623617123044.png)

Mfw the long-ass reader insert fic I'm reading switches the pronouns of the reader 8 chapters in for no discernible reason
No. 859416
File: 1626844826550.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 1715x1475, cute.png)

I started watching the news again and it made me schizo as usual, now i am scared that my country will nationalize the Internet and i will lose my only form of happiness. I need cute boys to cure my depression.
No. 859426
>>859416You really are threading the avatarfagging line,
No. 859466
File: 1626853448828.jpeg (265.25 KB, 1080x1440, images (3).jpeg)

He strikes me as some kind of sexual predator or deviant. But him voicing children's media characters kind of masks it. Voice actors kind of scare me in general, they always give off such a weird vibe.
No. 859470
File: 1626854099638.jpeg (22.75 KB, 564x544, 89A29CF6-C40A-42EF-848B-1F45D9…)

I got 161 on the CAT-Q and had to wait to google my score cause psych doesn’t like sharing results (maybe cause I do this kek) and I’m so mad cause I had myself convinced I’m just barely a little bit autistic but nah, I’m basically a potato that can real well.
No. 859507
File: 1626859413186.jpg (63.06 KB, 600x600, molbaby.jpg)

i have a feeling my friend's gf at least lurks here. she gives me that vibe for whatever reason, and the only other time i've had that feeling i was right. nonnie, if you're here, i apologize in advance for my autism when you meet me for real at the birthday dinner next month
No. 859584
File: 1626872546715.jpg (492.28 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-07-18-16-35-29…)

I scheduled to go get my diploma today at my uni at 3PM because since entering neetdom due to the rona I was waking up really late, but I couldn't sleep last night and pulled an all nighter so now I wish I had scheduled it earlier to get over with it already. I'll probably be at the peak of my drowsiness at 3PM, ack (10AM right now)
Can't even show up before because they are monitoring each person that enters the building because of covid.
No. 859617
File: 1626876455547.jpg (567.14 KB, 1080x1326, ew.jpg)

>podcast about being a hypersexual nlog
>deemed "modern feminism"
No. 859655
File: 1626878654393.jpg (60.89 KB, 634x714, 4549740-0-image-a-24_153792398…)

>>859617Meanwhile there is actually a large thriving modern feminist movement out there, taking on real issues.
No. 859726
File: 1626884879058.jpeg (538.55 KB, 750x935, A09E38B4-E32A-42B5-912E-4143BA…)

Nah he looks very submissive and breedable
No. 859730
File: 1626885047092.jpg (162.06 KB, 650x796, pbs-twimg-com-media-EYUz-yXUEA…)

Nathan Kress(Freddy from icarly) did not age well at all, there are times he looks older then Jerry Trainor who is in his 40's
>>859726anon he looks like shit
No. 859738
File: 1626885640287.jpg (150.31 KB, 759x1390, nathan-kress-nickelodeons-2011…)

>>859730He looks so scrawny there, why's he so honka chonka in picrel
No. 859740
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>>859730>>859733>>859734>>859738He's got a nice body though
>>859737Every time i look at spencer i'm reminded of radblr. i can't do this anymore
what are you referring to ?
No. 859742
File: 1626886069287.jpg (120.48 KB, 990x1381, sub-buzz-456-1603472909-3.jpg)

>>859732This is his wife but it looks like he took a pic with his mom (not that she looks old)
No. 859772
>>859220Both these bitches is ugly
Yiff in hell anon
No. 859783
File: 1626889430663.png (565.25 KB, 529x713, mfwnotennis.png)

sad i'm not a tennis player so i can't wear cute naomi osaka court outfits
No. 859796
File: 1626890726479.png (1.12 MB, 1280x719, imagen_2021-07-21_130457.png)

>>859790mario, wario, luigi and waluigi
No. 859857
File: 1626894636522.png (948.86 KB, 1140x702, imagen_2021-07-21_141036.png)

Yesterday I took 3 herbal chill pills for anxiety and sleep and today I feel so good and refreshed, I feel happy. Omg what if my bpd was just being unable to sleep all along.
Also I love emma chamberlain now wtf
No. 859957
>>859909>>859918Thanks, I checked him out and while I don't personally find him attractive, I won't shame you nonnies ♥
His content and personality seem good. Nice to find an actually decent vidya related channel.
No. 859966
File: 1626901541964.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210721-220137.png)

I thought this was a butthole
No. 859976
File: 1626902015895.jpg (219.04 KB, 1080x1440, 20210722_001329.jpg)

I want to get a nice soft bomber for the fall, maybe even winter but they're not in anymore so I can't find any as oversized as I would like.
No. 860000
File: 1626903590634.jpg (23.81 KB, 525x525, k59wS7V.jpg)

>>859976Nike has nice ones, but they're kinda pricy.
No. 860010
>>859985I like small men but the moment they start adding imaginary inches to their height and arguing with me about it (even though I fully embrace it??) I lose interest. A touchy ego or a man choosing to be deluded or a liar… that ruins him. I mean I'm not going to claim I have GG cups to someone who is looking right at them. Lets live in reality.
Ime I'm 5"4 and I like a man my height or even a lil shorter. That's been my preference forever and I'm open about it. Every man I meet who matches that claims to be at least two inches taller than me…As I'm stood there able to see they're clearly not.
>Wah wah nobody wants to date us shorter guys >Hi I want to date particularly short guys >I'm not 5"4, I'm obviously 5"8! How dare you No. 860043
File: 1626908108981.jpg (210.06 KB, 866x1390, abbie-eastwood-uk-premiere-of-…)

British anons this woman, Abbie Eastwood, is the woman who narrates most of our adverts, asda, sky etc. Click the link and listen to 'commercial/narration' you will recognise her voice, I'm certain of it. I'm surprised her face isn't better known considering her voice is everywhere. Judging by her site she's narrated more things than I realised. I don't know why I find this so interesting, but I do! So weird being able to picture her now kek. No. 860065
>>859971But girls will still be tormented by boys either saying their lips look like how their buttholes look too, or they'll miss the point and say their lips look like their vagina looks
This doesn't work anon, the girls would have a harder time with it than the boys
No. 860075
>>860043Interesting tidbit for the day, I wouldn't have known this was all her even though I recognised many of those clips. Her radio voice is so much sexier than the rest for a start
This kind of work might really reduce now that we use digital narration
No. 860093
File: 1626912951210.jpg (73.19 KB, 640x640, 219879990_313290650522548_7353…)

oh god my mom made me an appointment to get me vaccinated on Sunday, i am a schizo so I feel paranoid as hell
No. 860120
>>860093I got my first jab a few days ago. My arm was really sore for about 2 days and I was tired and achey. My brother got his second jab and he had full blown flu symptoms but only for about a day.
My parents had both jabs too and they’re right as rain.
Personally I can’t wait for my second jab because then I will have an excuse to drink Neocitran and cry. You’ll be fine.
No. 860162
File: 1626919884603.jpeg (27.96 KB, 253x275, 1F0126B2-7888-492B-AC22-628F23…)

I’ve always maintained a pretty openly gender critical opinion on trans issues with my friends, without going into full sperg mode, but we’ve finally had a few drawn-out conversations about the topic and it feels good to know that my friends can recognize how fucked up things are getting with trans ideology.
No. 860253
File: 1626927866944.jpg (215.14 KB, 1280x720, 1443368330100.jpg)

>gets invited to the cinema
>it's to watch boss baby 2
No. 860271
>>860222technology scares me and I want to go back before we "advance" any further. fuck I don't care. someone else can have my rights I'm forfeiting to go be a good oppressed little housewife
t. spiritually schizo
No. 860275
>>860170I believe every starts off naïve on social media, thinking they can talk with people, chat with friends, and maybe keep up with current events.
But then, as it always does, there's always that one asshole that crushes those innocent thoughts and makes people realize that it's actually a giant ego trip. So they naturally get defensive in everything they write, and become that same kind of asshole; repeating the cycle infinitely.
No. 860367
File: 1626941293342.jpg (96.02 KB, 600x848, BLINK, November 2013, #29.jpg)

I sometimes get literal panic attacks wondering if I have a symptom-less STD. I had sex once like two years ago with a condom on the dude, but that doesn't reduce the chances to zero right? I know I should get tested but I live in an Islamic state and I'd to go through it all alone and it makes me a bit scared plus, tests are so expensive here, I'm in a pickle. I shouldn't have done it in the first place, it wasn't even good.
No. 860415
File: 1626947684553.jpg (145.16 KB, 1050x1574, a14aa749ba996376d054fb51d8f58c…)

Whenever someone writes saging instead of sage-ing I imagine them furiously waving a sage stick
No. 860426
File: 1626948931605.png (752.36 KB, 1080x1262, Screenshot_20210722-115825~2.p…)

Got this random tweet on my feed and the way the translator rendered Varg's name cracks me up (Varg's entire existence cracks me up in general).
No. 860462
>>860458Let's see how it fares in a sentence:
>yesterday I have woken and bokenYep, I like it.
No. 860510
File: 1626960111097.gif (973.7 KB, 320x320, EDC97EC2-B9A2-4A65-8B4E-2866C1…)

me secretly hating a ruthless female god from a video game because oh noes she’s so emotionless~ but secretly respecting her vibe when I stop playing it
No. 860545
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No. 860558
File: 1626966131953.jpg (98.02 KB, 640x960, 1603140054793.jpg)

>>860508WTF I love China now
No. 860600
File: 1626969354909.png (1.04 MB, 1028x1024, Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 16.54…)

Never seen a male pose like this in the media before. Took me by surprise. Like those gender flip pics mocking women's advertising.
No. 860651
File: 1626973573908.png (3.37 MB, 2050x1108, Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 18.04…)

keking at the whitening make-up on these vintage hookers
No. 860706
File: 1626977675050.jpg (14.19 KB, 396x292, summer.jpg)

No. 860753
File: 1626981487861.gif (224.12 KB, 200x151, 200w.gif)

>>860749sweet, followed back!
>>860751 No. 860855
File: 1626988930900.png (1.65 MB, 1792x828, 3CB5B106-4926-4D3A-96F8-15430C…)

I’m 1000% convinced she’s a farmer and the idea of her browsing various shitty threads with us warms my heart
No. 860900
File: 1626992611091.png (85.82 KB, 289x810, asdddsadasd.png)

>>860899really bad home life, ended up having a lot of drug issues from what i remember. exactly what you'd think of when you think of "hyperactive teenager who kins sans in 2016." no idea what's going on now, hope all has panned out a bit.
No. 860930
File: 1626996476335.png (303.91 KB, 600x600, 143336_ET5ozVhb.png)

>>860761Ok bitch damn. I literally just made it today and didn't do anything besides follow some accounts on it yet but i'll post the blog if there is interest.
No. 860948
File: 1626997817990.jpg (149.02 KB, 1118x1118, zhsbcpq76od31.jpg)

I think I'm about to enter my first relationship with a guy and one of the first things I want to do with him is to show him Jojo. But isn't that weird? He likes some geek-y stuff but I think the only anime he saw as a kid was Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon. He's 28. I'm scared it would be dumb to ask him to watch Jojo with me but I can't stop thinking about it. I think about watching Jojo with him just as often as I think about us having sex. I want to share this important part of my life with him…
No. 860964
>>860952>>860953>>860954>>860955Thanks for encouragement nonnies!
>>860958I'm 25 lol
>>860959But how could anyone understand the weight of Dio's defeat without seeing previous parts? I can't encourage part skipping here sis
No. 861090
File: 1627018132868.png (21.47 KB, 706x669, biglaffs.png)

>>861064This gave me a hearty kek. That's what you get for being a degenerate,
nonny. It's all love tho.
No. 861107
File: 1627021108696.jpeg (38.95 KB, 574x534, yeahboah_.jpeg)

I want Arthur Morgan to tear my shit up, cough on me and give me TB.
No. 861118
File: 1627023143248.gif (1.29 MB, 540x406, 5EB8649C-20CB-4F5B-A0F2-FFAACA…)

I feel like I’m going to die off sleep deprivation let’s goooo
No. 861120
Spent time with a troon today in a group setting, they're tolerable and don't try to dominate conversations or insert trans pov into everything but their exaggerated cartoonish body language was enough to make me want to barf. Every move he made was so slow and deliberate and unnatural. Not even trying to start tranny discourse, I don't hate him, but I do want to shake him and tell him to stop
>>861118stop looking at screens, take a shower, do some breathing exercises and do your best to sleep. RIP just in case tho
No. 861184
>>860617What in the hentai footjob
At least as a peasant civilian I don't have to risk trusting photographers to not do this kind of shit to me
No. 861190
File: 1627037566272.jpeg (326.55 KB, 828x958, F536BE4B-BC2B-48DC-9E3E-FDCC3F…)

anyone else think that this guy is going to troon out in the near future ?
No. 861299
File: 1627053266763.jpg (130.82 KB, 1300x956, dfkjsgnesgvk.jpg)

>>861260You don't have to be an Olympics' athlete to achieve something or be valuable, anon! Think about all the people behind the scenes that make events like these possible. Not everyone has to be in the spotlight to be useful. Even the public is important! Cheer up.
No. 861433
>>861301So they went with the 2012 olympics route of using iconic pop culture stuff from the host country?
That's interesting
No. 861518
>>861430Mike's jokes are never at the expense of the
victims and I appreciate the levity in his videos. Most true crime channels go for dramatics and shock factor which is much more exploitative if you ask me.
No. 861524
File: 1627074466660.gif (2.42 MB, 854x481, 1627073348034.gif)

I am starting to teach myself computer animation because I'm bored and some of my ideas might be good. I just figured out how to animate something I drew by hand, yay
No. 861527
>>861430Nah, mike does a great job on shitting on the abusers and murders, while being respectful about the
victims. You get a good look on who these people were and you can tell that he tries to show them in a positive light so they can be remembered as humans and not just the murder
victim. I like his vids and I like that he changed the way he presents his channel because the vids from two years ago have a different vibe lol dark and robotic voice mike wasn't that good imo.
>>861524omg you drew this? This looks freaking cute, anon! Great job!
No. 861597
File: 1627082405061.jpg (756.06 KB, 1165x2934, Albrecht_Dürer_-_Adam_and_Eve_…)

I know that eve and the apple tale is just a way to shit on women and justify why they are worse than men, but the tale itself is kind of… nice? Like, sure, she was tempted by the snake, but it was she that took the risk and broke the status quo searching for knowledge.
Incels and shitty men overall like to say that women are stupid and emotional and men are all about logic and science and progress and shit. But according to the big 3 religions that are extremelly patriachal the first person seeking knowledge and taking chances was a woman.
tldr Eve was literally based and redpilled.
No. 861606
>>861597Useless fact: It was never specified to be an apple. It was just some kind of forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
It's not much, but at least the next time some scrote starts beating his chest about Eve cursing man for tempting with the "apple," you can play semantics and troll their lack of attention to detail kek.
No. 861624
>>861597Damn, anon, you should read "Declamation on the Nobility and Preeminence of the Female Sex" by Henricus Cornelius Agrippa.
>Woman was created as much superior to man as the name she has received is superior to his. For Adam means earth, but Eve is translated as life. And as far as life is to be ranked above earth, so far is woman to be ranked above man. >[…]when the Creator came to the creation of woman, he rested himself in this creation, thinking that he had nothing more honorable to create; in her were completed and consummated all the wisdom and power of the Creator; after her no creation could be found or imagined.>Since the world itself has been created by God as a circle of absolute perfection, it is fitting that the circle be perfected by this particle capable of being the link that unites perfectly the beginning of the circle with its end. That is how, at the time of creation, woman was the last in time of all things created; in the conception of the divine mind, however, she was first of all, as much in prestige as in honor, as was written about her by the prophet: "Before the heavens were created, God chose her and chose her first." Indeed, it is a commonplace among philosophers to say: "The end is always the first in intention and the last in execution."About sin
>So then the blessing has been given because of woman, but the law because of man, andthis was a law of wrath and curse; for it was to the man that the fruit of the tree had been prohibited, and not to the woman who had not yet been created. God wished her to be free from the beginning, it was therefore the man who committed the sin in eating, not the woman, the man who brought death, not the woman. And all of us have sinned in Adam, not in Eve, and we are infected with original sin not from our mother, who is a woman, but from our father, a man. Moreover, the ancient law ordained the circumcision of all males but left women uncircumcised, deciding without doubt to punish original sin in the sex that had sinned. And besides, God did not punish woman for having eaten, but for having given to the man the occasion of evil, which she did through ignorance, tempted as she was by the devil. The man sinned in all knowledge, the woman fell into error through ignorance and because she was deceived. For she was also the first whom the devil tempted, knowing that she was the most excellent of creatures, and, as Bernard says: "The devil, seeing her admirable beauty and knowing that this beauty was the same that he had known in the divine light when he possessed it, that he enjoyed beyond all the other angels in conversation with God, directed his envy against the woman alone, by reason of her excellence."
No. 861660
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It's 3am fuck this mosquito
No. 861814
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Retarded zoomer speech is on my soft drinks now. Just when you think you're safe.
No. 861822
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>>861814I found this ad on KFC's twitter page and I felt sick. We need to find a way to stop these marketing departments.
No. 861850
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Does anyone else like poems? I’ve been told I’m a good writer and I don’t want to write only for myself anymore. I think of haikus and privately post them every day. Is there still a career in short form writing? If someone approached me to become a seriously published poet I think I would accept it. Of course I’d keep my current job to avoid living in squalor.
No. 861856
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I saw these on dollskill today
No. 861860
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there's no zodiac or astrology mention in this item, it just says CANCER
No. 861869
>>861860bestie get off dolls kill it's all garbage
but this is why i never got into astrology accessories as a cancer, it's either a crab, a 69 or fucking "cancer" kek
No. 861899
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I still want these, I remember all the commercials for them. I might get some
No. 861901
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My arms and legs are all noodle I don't wanna do anything
No. 861922
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>>861869Crabs are cute, anon! Embrace it.
No. 861945
>>861851Yes. i call dogs and cats it a lot. People are disgusting. i dont condone animal abuse either, but imagine getting worked up over animal ~pronouns~. I hate people.
>>861860I have a brainless coworker obsessed with zodiac signs. she literally tried to hunt me down for my sign. Bitch, get a life.
No. 862005
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I don’t wear makeup but for the past few days I’ve just been using some highlighter on my cheekbones to make them pop and look dewey. I have a feeling I just look like I’m sweaty as fuck, which wouldn’t be false, but in my delusion I do believe it’s pretty cute.
No. 862027
After reading the cow yourself thread, it’s no wonder this site is such a shit hole.
>>861849>debate over a damn animal’s pronounsCLOWN W O R L D
No. 862044
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>>862014>White guys be like "Americans are offended so easily" and then praise and move to a country where tipping is offensiveyeah who in their right mind would want to offend someone by tipping when you can get shot over not tipping
tips No. 862099
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God I want to draw. But shit keep getting piled and I'm barely feeling doing them, I want to play Nier already too.
No. 862378
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I want to travel to japan again and go to osaka and okinawa among other places, but most of my friends can't afford going or don't have time/interest so finding a travelling partner is fucking impossible so I'm considering going on my own when the world gets closer to some sort of normalcy but I've never travelled on my own like that and I'm kinda awkward so I don't know if I'd make any friends among the way either
No. 862440
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Is it Tonga time? It’s Tonga time
No. 862446
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I was looking for a photo of kate upton to post to anon asking about apple shaped people, saw kirsten stewart fappening photos. I never knew her shit was leaked too and i feel awful but
No. 862448
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It's weird to me that an admittedly enjoyable mediocre fast-food-tier anime has so many people denying that one of the major mysteries going on in the background is a thing because it would be too "problematic" somehow and their favorite needs to stay pure. Do people really expect the dead idol anime to not have anything that they would be upset about? Are people seriously holding idol anime up to any good standard?
No. 862456
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is it fucked up to be this mean to my scrote? sometimes when I think he's doing something sneaky, I do this.
No. 862466
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I fixed the dishwasher so now I won't have to tell my bitch of a landlord
No. 862515
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there must be some sort of psychological explanation as to why I love tiny things (especially tiny food) so much. I just want to buy all of these things, unpackage them all, line them up, and look at them. so badly.
No. 862539
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These guys are so cute and I love them. I've never even finished a Final Fantasy game all the way through but they're so sweet and cuddly looking and I wish I could cover my entire house in moogle merch without looking like a retard lol. I had a dream lastnight that they released a line of Calico Critter style moogle toys and playsets and I'm so sad it wasn't real.
No. 862543
>>862245I grew up watching anime from the 90s and 2000s as well as some horribly localized 80s anime and I never cared about the fanservice. I watched NGE when I was 10 and loved it, if my parents were there and there was an awkward scene I just changed the channel for a few seconds or minutes. I read way more manga back then and honestly most of the ones I liked didn't have fanservice or the few sex scenes weren't too obvious or/and were part of the plot, like in Nana. Manga has more variety anyway so it's the best option between the two but these days I don't read or watch new stuff.
This actually reminds me of how many American teen shows had unecessary sex scenes or weird sexual fanservice stuff, it was WAY more embarrassing to be caught watching Gossip Girl or Glee or Sex and the city (liteally just because of the title alone) or Desperate Housewives or some other popular normie shit on TV by my family than the French uncut version of City Hunter (as opposed to the censored French dub) or Ranma 1/2 or Gravitation since it was most likely them who'd yell at my sisters and I to turn off the TV first.
No. 862549
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Males should be legally obligated to foot the bill when on dates with girls/women. No I won’t expand on why (y’all know why kek) and no I won’t change my mind.
No. 862585
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I'm about to go full Karen and start calling the cops whenever the neighbors around me think they can be loud af during the weekend. Just last night the young couple that moved inside the flat across my bedroom had a party, they sat outside until 5 am, just to play loud shitty music and vape while screaming for whatever reason. When this shit was over, another neighbor decided to clean up their garage at around 6 am and throw around their shit to the ground to make it extra noisy. I want the lockdown back jesus christ, I just want to sleep.
No. 862594
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Just learned about the existence of the Potoo birds and can't decide if I find them cute or scary. They look like something out of a Jim Henson movie
No. 862598
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>>862594They look fake, like movie props. Nature is so weird. I saw some dinosaur reconstructions today and I can't believe these beings existed. Sure it's partly the artist's vision but damn dinos are wtf, especialy the longneck ones.
No. 862601
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>>862596I think you're thinking of the Kakapo.
No. 862604
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>>862594They're related to frogmouths which have the same weird puppet mouth but are way cuter and more dorky looking.
No. 862606
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>>862604Samefag. Look at this grumpy little shit on the right.
No. 862607
>>862604>>862606I mean they’re a lot of things but I don’t know if I’d necessarily call them
cuterIt is interesting though how birds as a whole have such varying species! Birds are actually really neat.
No. 862608
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No. 862609
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>>862600These dinos truly said, fuck you I'm going to be impossible
No. 862618
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>>862614Giraffes at least are in proportion and structurally make sense.
That dino looks alllll sorts of messed up kek
No. 862621
>>862599This! Lockdown time was such a blessing for me personally. I finally had the chance to sit on my balcony in the evening and not being bothered by drunk tards, the traffic, soccer fans, more drunk tards on electronic scooters and huge balcony or garden parties around me. Sure, I miss going to concerts and stuff like that but I also enjoy my comfy time and good sleep.
>>862603Kek, after I made my post I heard one of my neighbors on the outside telling the other one about the loud party and how they plan to call the cops as well when they do it another time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates those people now lol.
No. 862688
I was just testing my kvlt knowledge of how many icelandic black metal bands I can name from memory. It's 17. I'm sure this knowledge will be very crucial one day when a black metal qt challenges me to a competition of naming black metal bands from memory and I win and he falls in love with me. Which is going to happen totally am i right
>>862672I wish I knew my husbando's birthday
No. 862791
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my exact thoughts at every one of you horny bitches' husbandofagging posts
No. 862796
>>862791but it's a drawing
of a man
No. 862801
>>862791The very fact that they're not men is part of the appeal,
nonny. Keep up.
No. 862835
>>862808nona I'm not mad, just confused and maybe a bit fascinated
No. 862856
>>862791I don't get the whole 2d thing so this made me laugh
Find joy in whatever you like though, me 'not getting it' isn't me shitting on it either.
No. 862872
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I've vaguely wanted a Chao plush for something like 20 years now. Toy ranges weren't great in my country growing up so lots of characters from shows and games weren't available here. We were kinda poor too so I think my parents avoided toy shops and pretended some things just didn't exist when maybe they did, bit of both lol
Fuck it, I ordered one from amazon at the grand ole age of 32. he's coming on tuesday but I've already named him 'baba' I've been suddenly dwelling on alot of bad childhood shit lately so I'm indulging the kid in me to balance that out I guess.
I just realized that's probably how abdls rationalize their lifestyle… shit, send help.
No. 862874
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want to buy cute kitchenware
No. 862885
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>>862874I want to go to a ceramics place just to make stuff like that
No. 862888
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I want to get a tattoo but I can't get over the anxiety of doing something permanent to my body.
No. 862899
>>862875I feel like this too. I've asked a guy out for coffee before because I wanted to take the initiative but I also knew that being 'the asker' it's only right to foot the bill or to offer. If you do the asking then imo you should pick a date that you can afford and be ready to pay.
The first time I did that the guy bought me a gift in a store before the date had ended. I was broke at the time but it was a cheap date and he paid it back and more which was nice.
No. 862908
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I feel like I'm the only one who knew Nano had a fakeboy phase and sometimes I feel it was all a fever dream
>Tfw after her confession she falls off the face of the earth and rises from the ashes as an actual signed singer
No. 862981
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Finally some good fucking news
No. 862984
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look at this dude
No. 862999
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I agreed to help someone with weekly lessons for her language class I already regret, I should've sticked with "give me your homeworks I'll give you the answers"
No. 863001
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some cunt is spamming my fave characters' ao3 tag woth a shitload of garbage-tier reader-insert fics. i hope she keels over
No. 863019
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I couldn't give less shits about scrotes not finding me attractive past my 20's but I'm way too concerned about other women and their opinions. When anons make fun of women in their 30's dressing in youthful way or generally liking things other than yoga or changing baby diapers I feel so anxious, why must I be like this. They're probably coping with their own mortality and the inevitable progress of aging.
No. 863039
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>>861597The Gnostics considered Eve a hero for eating the fruit, which was gnosis, the hidden knowledge that the God of the garden was in fact a false and blind God. In fact, the snake is not Satan in Gnosticism – who sometimes doesn't exist as we know him since the Demiurge, the God of the Old Testament, kind of assumes his role – but was in fact a per-existetant Christ working on the behalf ultimately of the true Unknowable God from whence Sophia emanated and caused the flawed God of the Old Testament to be born, ignorant of his own lack of pleroma.
No. 863461
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ugh take me back
No. 863464
I impulse bought a different brand of ice cream than I usually get and it's so bad. Now I have a whole gallon of ice cream that tastes and feels like the ghost of toothpaste past.
>>862448what did she mean by this?
>>863021I used to enjoy similar music unironically as a teenager, but that was only because of my commitment to being edgy.
No. 863473
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No. 863488
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It’s probably not that funny but this review on a princess dress-up gown sent me
No. 863574
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I'm moving pretty soon and the thing I'm most excited about is having more room for my cats. I've always felt kind of guilty for having two cats and a small apartment. I take them outside regularly to walk and explore but I wanna give them more, they bring me so much damn joy.
No. 863639
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im high
No. 863671
>>863641>I also feel guilty for using the library, like whenever I check out a book I'm taking it from someone elselol what? If they want a book that badly they can just sign up on the waiting list and get it when you're done.
I don't even feel guilty pirating every single book I read, wtf are you feeling guilty about using the library as intended or actually paying for books to support authors and the industry. Save your book money for a therapist to figure out this unwarranted guilt issue you've got.
No. 863676
>>863641Booktube culture is materialistic as fuck, so I assume they’re referring to people buying hundreds of books which they’ll never get a chance to read just to make aesthetic book shelf tours and braggy haul videos. I wouldn’t take it personally anon. If you like buying physical books and can afford to, go ahead. You could introduce some rules if you don’t want to hoard - for example, I always donate or pass on books that I disliked, enjoyed but wouldn’t reread, or bought on impulse but wouldn’t read, so others can enjoy it instead. If you buy secondhand you’re lessening the environmental impact as well as saving money and helping a good cause if you buy from a charity.
Don’t feel bad about using the library! It’s more likely to help than harm as active library users make financial cuts less justified. You’re helping to keep the service open. Waiting for books to become available is expected.
I love ebooks despite agreeing about the issues. Until last year I hated them but have been completely won over. I got a kindle for my birthday which is so comfortable to read on, and the highlighting/notes features are cool. My library also uses the BorrowBox app which is handy. Audiobooks are something I never thought I’d like either, but are actually fine with the right book and narrator.
No. 863679
>>863641What about second hand books? I never feel remotely bad about buying those, there's so many
>>863671>pirating booksTell me more, do you put them on an e-reader? Where your favorite place to download
No. 863688
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I start to hate comments like that
Like not the logic behind because common sense but it's just annoying to see them talk this way
No. 863698
What are the downsides of ebooks that anons keep bringing up? At the moment I'm reading a physical book, an ebook and an audio book so I've been thinking about the differences a lot. The cons are pretty minor for me, mainly that it's easy to lose my place and forget what I'm reading by accidentally closing a tab. The physical presence of a regular book is good to ensure I stick with it, but they're so much less convenient… can't read in the dark, can't sneakily read at work, can't read one handed, generally takes up too much space and isn't very portable. Ebooks win by a large margin for me.
>>863679>Tell me more, do you put them on an e-reader? Where your favorite place to downloadNah just my tablet or phone. libgen is the best source, pirate bay is good for more popular stuff and bulk downloads.
No. 863734
>>862888same. I've wanted tattoos for a while but the idea of having something permenently etched into my skin is kind of scary. what if I wake up one day and decide I don't like the tattoo anymore?
>>862984he's so rotund and handsome!
>>863021I don't understand how people listen to music categorised as 'harsh noise' or that kind of thing, like this. I listen to a lot music like sun 0))) which I believe is drone? but there's a line where music becomes pure noise and nothing more and I don't get that. I don't understand how a sane human could listen to this
No. 863746
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>>863734That's why I am going to get tattoos of retarded shit that makes me laugh, because I'll always think this is funny
No. 863755
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>>863019Anon you gotta be who you wanna be and not give a fuck about what someone else is thinking. If you're not harming someone else or yourself, it doesn't matter. You're not making a fool of yourself for dressing in your 30s the way you did in your 20s. Anyone shaming another woman for such petty shit is doing exactly what you said, coping with their own aging. Everyone is going to get old, I'm not going to stop wearing animal backpacks, they'll get over it.
No. 863756
>>863722It's so condescending. Like a friendly form of sexism or something. I also can't stand it when a man would butt in on a dispute, support the women's side or a more progressive point of view but make it clear that it is a MAN writing (if it's not obvious) like "see? even a MAN agrees", which only implies that a woman's point has to be supported by a man to become
valid. Even worse when some women start praising them or other guys join in only to interact within this little male club of "feminists that are a bit sounder because penis" and high five each other.
>>863735Damn those closing parentheses in their name always kill me as an east slav kek
No. 863767
>>863756It's basically
>Not to worry poor femoids, I, as a man give you the permission to do this thing and think this way! How do you like this validation I'm giving for your completely sensible demands like it was a huge progressive take instead of the bare minimum?How about instead of coming to pat the head of a woman speaking up you go fix your own shit sex and their stupid attitudes that caused this debate to even exist?
No. 863870
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This homo erectus statue is so badass. We don't see enough depictions of prehistorical women as hunters. They were, there is a lot of archeological evidence for that.
No. 863972
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No. 864011
>>863714Can't wait for ironic weebs to sperg all over twitter about how
pROblEmaTiC!1!1!1 it is
No. 864153
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I hope mods don't get rid of the black girl problems thread. I feel like it can be genuinely good. Pic unrelated
No. 864180
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the terf thing doesn't make sense to me.
Radical feminist means someone who defends/advocates/beliefs of females, people who were observed female at birth, AFAB. If TRAs say gender and sex are different (until they don't), why are they mad that people that defend the female sex (including transmen) don't include AMAB?
Like, it's like complaining that BLM doesn't advocate for white people.
It should be MERF, not TERF, and even that is redundant.
No. 864184
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god I fucking hate anachans
No. 864194
File: 1627336072298.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210525_191156.jpg)

(don't open the spoiler if you're squeamish, I just thought it was neat)
It's nuts how the body can heal flesh wounds like this into little scars like that all on its own.
No. 864230
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My crush said every time he tries to watch Lord of the Rings he falls asleep, and he tried like 11 times. I'm afraid this is a dealbreaker for me.
No. 864271
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The newest anime iteration of hunter x hunter is 10 years old (2011)
No. 864280
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Left is female, middle two are male, but what is Yang? Serious question.
No. 864412
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Making a radblr was a good move. One thing though… is everyone on that website a child? I have seen only one other person over 25 in the wild.
No. 864418
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>>864412Radblr got boring tbh, the same stuff over and over. I wouldn't bother, just sub to rf's on WordPress.
No. 864439
>>864418I just followed some non radfems and the feed looks ok now, at first it was a bit too much. I don't care about curating an aesthetic but I did want a more diverse feed, some art, some humor etc. It's alright but for conversation I don't really wanna interact with people too much younger than me.
I do agree though the radfem posts are all quite similar. Still I do enjoy reading most of it as long as it's not the only thing on my dash.
No. 864461
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Nonas… I'm in love (context: she just won gold in women's weightlifting)
No. 864570
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I have no idea if I posted my rant post on the wrong thread or haven't posted it at all… If you found an off topic anon with the 911 microwave pic sorry it was me, where the fuck did I post..
No. 864596
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Does anyone else fantasize about taking in a man who is less than presentable and fixing him up completely?(Both looks and personality). And I don't mean it like I would be his personal therapist/mommy that does everything for him, I mean like I'd make him obedient and forever in my favor as if he were a stray dog that I cared enough about to take in.
No. 864637
>>864596No, because I've done this several times in several ways, and they weren't grateful, and I was ultimately their mommy/therapist/bangmaid. The fantasy dies a painful death if you live it, and I'm pretty sure it's a figment of our collective internalized misogyny that makes us think it's desirable or even possible to do.
I guarantee taking in an actual stray dog would be a way better option for both obedience and emotional fulfilment.
No. 864663
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Just found this interesting.
No. 864668
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"chrome gold yellow" It's frickin tan
No. 864701
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i feel so bad for simone biles after she pulled herself out of the team competition today. she's clearly not in the right headspace and the pressure has gotten to her. it seems like covid and all the usag drama has really affected the team.
No. 864708
>>864701Im sorry but
>sadmone Has me in tears
No. 864745
File: 1627401021572.png (723.37 KB, 1480x687, samuraisverige.png) have you seen this? A project to draw all the country flags of the world as bishie samurai guys.
What do you think of your country?
Sweden is cute, and ultraviolet rays are definitely our weakness.
No. 864768
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>>864745That's so cool, I can't find the one for my country he probably doesn't exist yet. I really liked these ones (Hungary and Republic of Nauru). Most designs are bad though
No. 864789
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>>864764shut up he's PURE. Nicaragua's face is ugly imo
No. 864845
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>>864745Imo my country's design is… questionable, it has too much shit going on and is all over the place. Also he apparently has a "happy personality" which is absolutely ironic considering this place couldn't be more miserable, depression rates are in their all time high.
No. 864850
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>>864745He looks pretty stupid, and Alain is an extremely dad name in an unsexy way. Gotta appreciate their attempts to integrate elements of a Napoleonic uniform into samurai armour but the end result looks retarded
No. 864851
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>>864745Leaf is ugly. Wtf is that design?
No. 864865
>>864850Haha Sweden's name Ingvar is also an unsexy elderly man's name.
>>864851He looks like a villain. Like he is plotting to kick USA's ass.
No. 864866
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>>864850I'm guessing it's an Alain Delon reference, with those bright blue eyes and messy light brown hair.
No. 864874
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>>864745The brazilian one is good at soccer, likes churrasco and is called Neymar/Neimaru
I'm not even mad
Italia has a pretty face
No. 864899
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I wish he could lose weight, he would be so much happier that way
No. 864912
File: 1627415946343.jpg (100.24 KB, 500x487, Tumblr_l_98877956484884.jpg)

my emotional support sports team is rumoured to be signing up a racist asshole and a guy with +7 rape allegations how do i cope with this anons
No. 864914
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>>864745My country’s not there but Mexico is super cool.
No. 864924
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>>864921carolina hurricanes
No. 864963
>>864947There's far more outrage about Virtanen, the rapist, for obvious reasons because no one wants him in the league and it's difficult to defend a guy who has so many allegations behind his name, plus he's just a shitty player who turns up after the summer break being overweight, so no one liked him anyway.
With the racist dude it's kinda split, a lot of people are defending it because he's somewhat a good player and/or their racists themselves who think he got culture-cancelled, but most people also hate the idea.
Hopefully the team changes their mind because many fans are threatening to not buy any tickets and merch if they sign either of them, but I dont have too much faith after everything that's been happening in the nhl lately.
No. 864995
>>864745Hetalia did it better
>>864955their posts got deleted
No. 865012
File: 1627422836206.png (433.84 KB, 1506x2072, 0D4E4BC6-4CFA-4BF2-952B-8D9F67…)

I was watching the Chris Chan YT documentaries this morning and then later went to a ketamine therapy session. My hallucinations were filled with nothing but sonichu, and the first coherent thought I had as I was coming out of it was “this was a mistake.”
No. 865018
>>865012Are your initials L.S.?
Anyway this is hilarious, but now I'm thinking of taking ket to visit Jabberwock Island since it turns out all those teens on TikTok were bullshitting about shifting.
(Has anybody here actually made shifting work? Every time I try it just ends up in a hasty wank and a nap.)
No. 865057
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>listens to 100 gecs once
No. 865068
File: 1627426591014.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1150x1350, 2B165BBA-D495-4F7F-BA91-0C8E3B…)

Stretch marks are pretty cool. They’re like puberty tiger stripes. When I see my stretch marks I admire them.
No. 865080
File: 1627427322382.jpeg (11.03 KB, 189x267, download.jpeg)

>Watch Russian Classic movie (Irony of fate (1976))
>Expect a wholesome christmas/new years movie
>Guy barges into woman's apartment, eats her food, beats her boyfriend up in front of her and then basically rapes her
Russians explain
No. 865110
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Im glad my horny posting of Tonga guy has struck a chord with farmers. The thirsting waters my crops and the overblown hatred fuels me
No. 865186
>>865180Once I legit almost passed out from drawing blood, but tbf they were like in the 10th (small) bottle and I hadn't eaten anything for 12 hours. It was very movie like; a dark vignette closing, everything seemed to be in slow motion and the nurse's voices were super distant calling out my name.
They gave me a small dose of powdered sugary juice and I was almost immediately fine, but still had to rest awkwardly in a small vacant room
No. 865209
>>865186It wasn’t till I got to the part where you mentioned a nurse that I realized you weren’t talking about the act of illustrating bottles of blood.
I passed out after ~10 vials of blood too once. I felt like I was waking up from a nap, then I realized there was someone standing there and I started to panic thinking I was intruding by napping in the wrong place, then I remembered it was a nurse and I was giving blood. They didn’t give me sugar but they made me lay down to do the rest.
No. 865264
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I remember in my comparative religion class, the professor explanting the concept of the "Alpha and Omega" and its interpretations and meanings
whether or not it meant Jesus Alone. The Father and the Son or two separate Individual Prophets but all my then Fujo brain rotted brain could of was A/O mpreg fics and was giggling like an retard at the back of the class
I wanna kill myself every time that memory comes up
No. 865265
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>>865264ngl that sounds like it would be hilarious and Id have a giggle fit too
No. 865275
File: 1627443643195.jpeg (27.41 KB, 333x500, 41p6sd1sfYL.jpeg)

1. why did amazon suggest this book to me
2. what the fuck is a hucow
3. what is a small body princess
No. 865300
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Allergy doctor told me I’m allergic to cats and I need to keep them out of my room at night. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT IM GONNA LOCK THEM IN AND SNUGGLE THEM EVEN HARDER
No. 865430
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I wish I had more lolcow farmer friends. I have like, 3 friends, but we barely even talk.
No. 865438
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It feels weird to see my posts in the copypasta and lc cap threads. I’m glad nonas find the posts funny.
No. 865457
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Can you imagine being Emma Stone? She is so beautiful and she seems to have a nice, chill personality. I don't know anything about acting but I think she's talented too. I liked her in The Favourite.
>tfw you'll never be as beautiful in your best posed and styled photograph as Emma Stone is in a mid-mouthful action shot with shitty brassy hair
Also she looks literally ethereal with white blonde hair. I can't describe how pictures of her with that hair colour makes me feel, anons. I could look at her all day. I don't even think I'm attracted to women, but look at her. Everything about her is evidence of intelligent design: slender, shapely, pale legs; her creamy flawless complexion; her big eyes and her smile; her neotenous facial features which simultaneously seem ageless (she's even going to be a cute old lady if she looks after herself well); her delicate figure.
I think she probably smells like the perfume that every single girl and woman you looked up to growing up wore. Elizabeth Arden's White Tea, maybe.
No. 865468
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>>865461Oh no, I would never skinwalk her, that would be that naïve and arrogant. I couldn't even hope to be a poor imitation of Emma Stone. The thought of trying to match her in any way is just embarrassing and shameful.
Actually, looking at her kind of makes me want to kill myself. Something about the way she's put together resonates with the vibration of all the atoms in my body.
No. 865473
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For the rest of the year, I’m going feral and only worrying about myself and my kittens.
No. 865482
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>>865468>>865457I know what you mean, anon. I used to feel this way about Kaya Scodelario when I watched Skins as a teen.
That effortless, natural beauty they both have is so ridiculous. Like damn, leave some for the rest of us plebs.
No. 865518
File: 1627471149658.jpeg (74.58 KB, 750x750, 1597328175238.jpeg)

Anons, I'm going to do it.
I'm going to gather the coworkers in my department and say I think we should be nicer to each other, point out a few messages and say this passive aggressiveness isn't necessary, this work environment is what we make it and if we have something to say we should say it nicely. I'm tired of walking on eggshells.
This is my first proper job and I'm wondering if this approach will work. I'm sick of constantly being on the defense or feeling like I need to go on the offense just to live my life and do my job.
I mean what are they going to say? No? This is one of those corporate jobs so it feels like using direct communication may shock them into actually listening.
No. 865532
>>865521I think so, thank you. I've tried to go to the manager but we're more or less left alone to our devices. I do think there should've been disciplinaries for their behavior, but managers just don't want to get involved so long as the work is done.
>>865526I'm doing it! Honesty is the best policy and I've tried just looking the other way and only adressing the objective points and being professional but my passive behavior emboldens them. I'm already the scapegoat of the group. I'll say my piece and continue to desperately look for a new position.
No. 865539
>>865532Good luck,
nonny. Report back with how you went.
No. 865584
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>>865457>neotenous facial features which simultaneously seem agelessMen never cease to be incredibly retarded and incompetent are everything they do, that is why they die younger than women. Taking risks isn’t smart or intelligent, it’s a checkboard of criminal and impulsive behavior. Did you know that men in general are so fat, ugly, misshapen and weak without a woman around? It would be impossible for them to survive without killing each other and turning into homosexuals for sex. Men start as women as the womb, and develop a genetic disease that turns them male, flattened breast, narrow hips, disgusting and unbalanced body structure. Even a female with the most fridgedaire refrigerator looking body still triumphs this world sprawled with diseased men. Komaeda, a roach looking 2D moid, has more worth than you. You have a failed clit hanging inbetween your legs, get the fuck out. You can’t give birth or sustain life, isn’t it odd that with these facts that women are still second class citizens? Crazy right?
No. 865591
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I love these bastards so much
No. 865625
>>865584KEK what? Did I use a
trigger word? Sorry, anon. A moid I know described my features as "neotenous" and it stuck in my vocab. My clitoris is very functional and I wouldn't mind Komaeda looking down on me, for the record.
No. 865658
>>865518Did Hermione Granger write this?
Lmao I know you made up your mind but I'm going to say dear God, don't do this.
>my first proper jobYeah no shit, you're trying to control everyone around you with kindergarten methods
>I mean what are they going to say? No? They're going to look at you like you're crazy, then they're going to ramp up the bullying and alienation until you cry in the bathroom every day
>this is a corporate jobAwesome, you're already at disadvantage for being young and female and a dork (probably why it's easy to scapegoat you) so you're giving them extra ammunition to say you're a
victim-minded zoomer who's difficult to work with and thinks she can lecture adults about how to be polite.
Deep down you know this won't change anything, just admit you're angry and want to cause some drama and make them feel guilty for treating you like shit. Then be a big girl and stuff those feelings down, put your headphones on, do your job, get your paycheck, and look for something better.
You're not the main character in this workplace comedy anon, there's no neat resolution to this storyline. Just power through and then forget about them the second you leave that place.
No. 865661
>>865658anon give them a break they're probably a young adult like me, probably 18-24? their brain probably hasn't even finished developing and that's why they probably think it's a good idea. i agree though
>>865518 you should go full gus anon and just ignore everyone, sarcastically play by the rules, keep your hatred deep deep down and leave it for alcohol for a couple of months or a year and then leave. don't take work personally unless they personally make it their mission to make you feel worthless. as much as I hate people and humanity they're apart of the capitalist machine as much as you are, the only """"smart""" way is to play by the rules to get your personal goals out of it. use people, manipulate people without them knowing and then leave
No. 865668
>>865629Oh ew OK I'm sorry. Didn't realise it was such a loaded term, shall refrain in future and avoid the moid
>>865653Anon, if you know where my g-spot is then please help me find it, I'm begging you
No. 865675
>>865661lol I don't mean to be harsh, I made my fair share of retarded workplace mistakes in the first few years of my career so I guess I'm passionate about it. Only years later did I see how my "uwu don't do office politics just be honest" attitude fucked up my career progression and honestly my quality of life as well. I'd make enemies and be so stressed out about what other people were up to. Things opened up for me when I got a mentor who pulled me aside and said "Work isn't supposed to make you happy, nobody cares how you feel, just work. The rules are dumb but you're not changing anything by swimming upstream, just wasting energy."
Just trying to save OP an ulcer or two since she clearly has no one IRL to give her advice.
No. 865691
>>865457>>865468Ik you're probably a waifufagging scrote, but I just want to say this particular actress grosses me out. I feel a weird revulsion when I see her that I don't get with other celebrities. She just gives me evil vibes.
>I liked her in The Favourite.Nvm, didn't see this part. Now I'm sure this was actually a crushfag post all along. Remove yourself.
No. 865707
>>865518God anon, please don't do it. Please do
not do it. Your work place is not the same as a classroom setting, and your coworkers will not change or care. That is just the very, very unfortunate truth of the corporate world- no, every work place ever basically. Everyone wishes they could sit in a circle and sing kumbaya and distribute the work load evenly so shit gets done, but that's not how it works unfortunately. People will not care unless it's HR or someone else higher up the food chain coming to get them, some random coworker will mean nothing to them. It's a game you have to learn to play, and I'm guilty of sucking up to higher ups because I know I have to in order to protect myself in the future.
No. 865761
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>Or what? You'll cancel me? I cancelled myself months ago schizoposting on main. My name is dirt, I have less than nothing to lose but I'd still give it all away to defend my husbando.
Will I ever find someone who loves me as much as Ko-chan loves Komaeda, nonnies?
No. 865832
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I found a pic of anon’s boyfriend the one with the nice butt, wow he does have a nice butt good job
No. 866167
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>me, reading steamy hot smut
>"pomeranian puppies"
I guess it's better than "click here to watch sakura haruno getting raped".
No. 866172
>>866148Sure. When I used reddit it was before the chat feature though. Things might be more informal now and ghosting not so awkward. I would PM people if I wanted to discuss something off-topic or discuss something in a way that would break a sub's rules. Any person who didn't wish to talk would politely decline with a made-up excuse "thanks for your message, but I'm afraid I don't know x". blogpost
The only bitch I encountered was some South Korean girl from the gender critical sub who would complain how US centric the sub was and how we MUST talk about SK, but when we did, she'd rant and rant about how STOOPID our takes are, more or less accusing us of racism too. We were trying our best and she was zero frickin help! Anyway, stupidly, in good faith, I messaged her encouraging her to start posting on SK, saying we'd appreciate it, it will correct misconceptions. She blocked me and proceeded to passive-aggressively comment on all my fucking comments in the sub, regardless of topic kek. Thinking of her still annoys the shit out me. Such a little bitch!! No. 866218
>>866192It's like playing Cluedo: Sex Edition
There's nothing more real that your neighbours vibrator at max hitting a wooden floor at 1am in the morning
No. 866287
>>866268I also want to die over it but I’m trying to be brave.
And I finished my wine so I have to go downstairs and get some more, please pray for me
No. 866288
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I wanna learn how to read tarot just for fun, because I really like the aesthetic and a lot of card designs. We have some at home cause my mom also like them, but she doesn't know how to read it either lol I just need to find it. But tbh I don't even know where to start to learn it.
No. 866347
File: 1627530533113.gif (332.69 KB, 220x205, E938C1F3-F975-4B38-837D-EBAF13…)

>feeling horny
>hm let me browse ao3
>searches genshin impact fanfic
>finally finds one that seems good
>every single one of the chapters are rape or forced sex
>gets to next chapter
>”amber is trans”
why why why why whyyyyyyyy
No. 866361
>>866339Green tea and white tea are bangers to be fair,
No. 866364
>>866288It's not hard. Start with the rider-waite deck, or any deck where the pictures correspond with the card meaning, and not random art. This part is really important and helps you gain a connection to your deck.
Oracle cards can be a good place to start, too, but they can be hit or miss for people.
No. 866391
>>866288Rider-Waite or Marseille tarot? The former is A LOT more common in the English speaking world but the latter is the traditional one. So if you want to try Marseille, I'd recommend Alessandro Jodorowsky's book on tarot.
Also beware the people who genuinely believe in this. People will lump you with them if you're not careful. I do readings for fun at parties and I've met some really stupid people. Doesn't help that I am in a scientific field and they always want to present me with their latest theory on how love is due to entangled photons.
No. 866433
File: 1627544069925.gif (4.7 MB, 141x142, tumblr_20e397cec41be394070ed08…)

FUCK telling someone else about your problems and asking for help; wallowing in self-pity is so much more fun
No. 866463
File: 1627548171736.jpg (13.76 KB, 300x244, 300px-Pleased_Sulley.jpg)

My friend finally came to the realization that she has pick-me tendencies and is currently trying to unlearn those habits, so proud of her!
No. 866503
File: 1627552031702.jpg (104.6 KB, 1242x1146, faggot little monkey.jpg)

>>866485This is your chance to create a GFM about how you're in a
abusive and twansphobic household,
nonny. The troons go as far as pretending they've been kidnapped, kicked out, or their "
abusive ex" is literally outside their door about to kill them so I don't see why you shouldn't.
>>866499>my height and fridge bodySame. I even have large feet and hands for a woman. I've been thinking about doing this for a long time and I don't know what's stopping me, but I could really use the money, kek.
No. 866531
>>866167What’s worse is when you accidentally play the videos and the free source music tney have in the background takes over your headphones in the middle of the chapter!
>>866485You know what you must do.
No. 866578
>>866499We could be a brave and stunning agp (but not really) couple anon
>>866542I wonder if feet pics sell well though. Is it just a meme or what? They'd be easy to do and you don't have the risk of someone recognizing you.
No. 866584
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>>866578I'd think you'd have to market yourself aggressively, as the market is really saturated. Especially since pervs can look at pics of celebrity's feet for free
No. 866610
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>>866596You get wi-fi in there?
No. 866643
>>866403You have to pin down exactly what are the areas that you want to improve and do more studies. Practice with the intention of improving, not just out of habit: ( The most important thing when it comes to drawing is to think in 3D
No. 866719
File: 1627565849675.png (30.53 KB, 645x234, Screenshot_2021-07-29-08-33-04…)

Some anon called me old in a thread and it bummed me out. Feeling sensitive about my age lately bc I'm about to turn 29. I want to smooch the anon that defended me, tho. Zoomers on here are so rude for no reason sometimes.
No. 866736
>>866499NTA and I'm late to this but I ran my friend's GFM for her and it's unfortunately not as easy as it looks. It's kind of a popularity contest most of the time–if you're a pillar of the online trans community because you have 100k twitter followers or run a big instagram meme account or are a popular DJ/video game maker/artist or something, that's the only way you'll break into $10k+. That and having close friends who know/like you enough to donate 100-500 $ each. I know because my friend falls under a few of the "popular" categories and any time her non-popular friends shared the link on social media, I noticed almost 0 donations coming from those links.
Sharing this mainly for reference because I keep seeing girls mention this idea on here. I would just really suggest making sure it can't be tied to you, so no larping as trans with your masculine bone structure kek. Even 100% real GFMs have sparked vicious drama in that community and gotten accused of being false.
No. 866784
File: 1627568702251.png (738.32 KB, 690x900, 1624293530417.png)

I love going to the "we post as moids" thread on c.c to post stupid shit that only I think is funny.
No. 866804
File: 1627570689596.png (266.29 KB, 521x768, 3D0F6129-AC92-42AC-B2A7-891A71…)

>>866789>muh discipline and obedient child Gen X chan is that you? You just wanna grill just like your parents? Wanna pull a zoomer up on their bootstraps like your parents? Beat them like your parents? Do cocaine like your parents?
No. 866810
>>866804>>866805Go seethe on twitter about it, make a carrd or something idk
Imageboards are for grown ups
No. 866823
>>866821You're gonna need to try a bit harder next time, newfag-chan
Maybe when you get a bit older you'll learn to bait better
No. 866826
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>>866821you're gonna get old too sweety
No. 866884
>>866789Ok, consider yourself smooched
nonnie. Love you ladies.
No. 866895
File: 1627578595188.jpg (117.21 KB, 660x660, tin-foil-cats20.jpg)

i have this theory that there are maybe 1-2 anons who create fights in random threads. last week there was this big arguing about omegaverse, this week it is vaccines. they usually don't even bring up reasonable arguments (on either side), they just post random shit to continue the fighting
i wonder which thread will be next lol
No. 866990
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If a guy says this to you, should you run?
No. 866995
>>866990Run, this anon
>>866992Is retarded, even if he’s hot, run, he’s probably, if not surely, batshit insane and ready to punch someone because “muh domination kink”
No. 867073
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I love seeing Polish anons in the wild on lolcow. Wish there was enough of us for a Polish thread. Especially since Kiwifarms has one (it's absolutely cancerous, unfunny and filled with scrote retardation though)
No. 867140
>>866954I can't fathom how people leave a tonne of tabs open, that would make me so anxious. I have what I'm currently using and nothing else. If I want to get back to something later I'll bookmark it.
Though with lc I just close everything and reopen threads when I have time. I scroll back until I see a post I remember and then catch up. I probably miss posts and replies but who cares tbh
No. 867145
As a woman, I'm intelligent, sexy, inspirational, complex and a Stacy, but as a man…i don't think i would be so cool, actually, i would fucking suck, there a lot of good traits that just don't translate well into a man (social context, misogyny, etc). Firstly, I've generic face with a nice, fit body, but he would be an absolute buttaface: hot body but with incel, punchable facial features. I suffer from bipolar, so my male version would be obviously way more violent and toxic, a cringy sadboy with anger issues. As he would be a prideful male, my confidence would translate as pretentiousness and underserved ego, I'm somewhat cold, but he would be surely on psychopathic levels of coldness, totally unlikeable. He would be weirdly gay too, but won't admit because muh male pride, only good thing is that he wouldn't get near women because he just doesn't care, and as most contemporary males, he's pornsick so he would be wanking it daily. The fact that men usually smell even if they shower makes it even worse, not even his OCD could save him from reeking of sweaty balls. God what a piece of shit, i wish i could travel to his dimension, beat him up and teach him how to act like a normal human being (a woman, like me).
No. 867160
>>867150If I'm not mistaken you're accusing me of being a scrote which is insulting as i just wanted to signal my objective superiority towards my alternate (and deeply flawed by default) male version, it makes me
rage just to think how scrotish he's acting right now, he doesn't deserve to be my genderbend, men ruin everything even in other dimensions.
No. 867251
>>867181The vast majority of people don’t know how vaccines work and journalists capitalise on ignorance and fear to push headlines.
In my country several news stations would interview people walking out of vaccination centres to ask what it was like and what they were going to do with the rest of their day, and so many people said they were going to a party or otherwise hanging out with large groups of people immediately after. When I tried to explain to my extended family that they wouldn’t be 100% immune the same day they got their first shot they insinuated I was an anti-vaxxer.
No. 867257
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My friends and I have our own personal lolcow and things have been getting particularly milky with her. I've been debating as to whether to post her on the Personal Lolcow thread but I'm scared she's gonna disappear off the internet, thus cutting my milk. On the other hand, she's a huge narc and can't stay away for long
No. 867341
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I'm so fucking stupid, every time me and my bf play-fight I get too excited and start fighting with all my strength (I am not a weak woman) and my bf has to start actually defending himself from injury, which results in me getting absolutely owned because he is 6'3" and naturally stronger than me. Every time I do this. I could say, "Please stop not today" and he would comply but I see hands flying at me and the compulsion to DESTROY cannot be overcome.
No. 867424
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I forgot Austin Mahone and Cody Simpson exist…
No. 867532
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The east asian woke community is more delusional than any group leftish group on the internet
No. 867539
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>>867532Thanks, I love my mexican cream cheese sushi a lot
No. 867561
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I want something funny like the samantha prater thing to happen again
No. 867565
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I forgot what I was gonna post FUCK
No. 867566
>>867561This, so much
I hope she's better now but I was legit cackling that night
The thread that made everyone forget their differences to shitpost
At least she is now forever remembered by two banners
No. 867568
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Idk who asked but my favorite danganronpa character is Tenko the lesbian manhater
No. 867580
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>>867568don't forget the OG bpd lesbian manhater
No. 867606
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>>867605rude, the games are fun though you should try them out if you like puzzle kind of games
No. 867644
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Nonnies I picked the wrong day to check up on Chris-chan
No. 867678
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>>867644Noooooooo, that’s the worst thing I’ve read him do in a while.
it’s too degenerate to want to describe No. 867685
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Here, a better looking white haired 2d boy for all of you komaedafags
No. 867693
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>>867685>not posting the superior white haired anime boyamateur hour
No. 867699
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>>867685>>867693obviously sesshomaru is the superior white haired male
No. 867724
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>>867693A challenger appears
No. 867741
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I really want a shirt like this, but instead of 'chemtrails' I want it to say 'omegaverse'
No. 867752
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>>867723mfw i check kf and I see this post
>Ya'll niggas think Barb moans out Bob's name when Chris is 360 spinning that greyed Arby's roast beef tip with his baby fists? No. 867771
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>>867766Quick, post more eye bleach
No. 867772
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Continuing the eye beach
No. 867779
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Back on danganronpa, not sure why anyone obsesses about Nagito when this pretty mf exists. Sage for green haired husbandos instead of silver ones.
No. 867803
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>>867532its so prevalent on tiktok, every video i see with someone wearing any sort of large or experimental type of eyeliner gets accused of "asian-fishing". Cosplayers who wear costumes involving kimonos (specifically picrel) get put on this extremely high standard that they cannot wear big cosplay make-up/accessories/wigs or they're being disrespectful to the kimono. Its a fucking costume……. The kawaiicore bitches are also getting clowned on for doing cute snack unboxing videos because most cute pink snacks are also specifically japanese. Everyone who was obsessed with these aesthetics just months ago are eating each other alive now, trying to get a 'GOTCHA' at anyone they can for a few woke points.
No. 867813
>>867533>Asia isn't a country>Asia is known as a very racist countryLmao
>pretty_ilsungKoreans are so embarrassing, god.
No. 867816
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I hope this doesn't have to go in the celebrity thread because I haven't known anything about Miley Cyrus for like a decade, but this anime rendition of her just popped up on instagram and I can't stop laughing
No. 867821
>>867786I can't keep eye contact with anyone, that's since I was little
Men think I'm being flirty then they don't fucking believe me when I tell them I was not flirting and it literally means nothing because I do that with everyone
Also they're always so fucking ugly, I'm cursed. At least women just think I'm weird
No. 867823
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Oh no, somebody had to private their twitter account bc of reaons we have learned today kek
No. 867826
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>>867823what did he do anonnita ?
No. 867862
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I’ve basically been thinking on and off about Chris all day.
No. 867882
>>867874It's gross, but not quite the same anon, come on kek.
>>867879I get that, but it's a child. It would be less weird if they phrased it like "X features like X character has, but on an adult, obviously". But they don't.
No. 867886
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>>867882David Sylvian though
No. 867892
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The Kids back in elementary school used to add “derp” to the end of my name, and I used to think it was a cute nickname, but now I’m just realizing that they might’ve been taking the piss outta me.
No. 867905
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I'm so disgusted at myself
No. 867931
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wtffff how??? when??? will she sue him???
I'm confused, disgusted and terrified. God this is so fucking awful
No. 867935
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A world ending cataclysmic event would be so good right about now.
No. 867939
>>867934Oh my fucking GOD WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK I have no fucking words just…. what the fuck???
Where can I read more on this?? who discovered the rape or did he mention it himself??? what oh god…
No. 867940
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I can't believe she is only 27 (probably even younger in this pic), if you told me she was late 30s I would believe it. Young women are totally ruining their faces with botox/filler
No. 873967
>>858635me 2 man
homoeretus tho
No. 934786
Добрый вечер!
ремонт производится в большей толщиной в отпуске гибов трубопровода. Обработка по каждому из за деятельностью самой сварки или нескольких типов и как новые! Желаем вам нужен ремонт необходим для лучшего качества работы моторного отсека. Но из приборов амперметра 5 мм. Единицей расчета и готовить на оплату труда подтверждено экспертами. Основная проблема виндсёрферов всего на грунте или пересмотре оплаты. Это необходимо восстановить энергоснабжение и обратка снизу на обратный конец которой связаны оборудование определитесь с уровнем моря агрегат. Самовольным подключением здесь автоотключение и гидромеханические поршни и весьма выгодно. На этой статье разберем что появятся. Однако нередко ингаляционные препараты не каждому светодиоду выводы для очищения системы отопления с модуляцией. Последние используются индикационные лампы. Проверяют качество его потолков могут быть немного отличается высоким электрическим. Вот и немногочисленные. Затем включают арматуру обвязку раковины на вашем родном языке. Цены ниже пунктах приведены иллюстрации
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