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No. 660003
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I don't believe in it and dont practice it, but i like the aesthetic.
the dark rooms, decor, smell of herbs and plants, the artwork.
I'd like to think if it were real i would be some kind of plant witch. Love my houseplants.
No. 660010
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I wish it were real but I think it's past its time. It's cool to read about historical sort of things, you know paganism, especially the maenads/Bacchantes.
picrel is a painting which always makes me think "women supporting women" lmao. The regular women from this place Amphissa protected the maenads from being preyed upon in their sleep. The maenads in general have great lore surrounding them like tearing apart a creepy man for hiding among them in disguise.
Sorry if that's ot, but I wish that insane, dedicated pagan shit was around today. I'm not really serious since they were violent and unhinged etc etc. Still it's a lot cooler than "witches" nowadays who to me are clowny larpers but I definitely see the appeal. Sadly it doesn't make sense to be a witch or pagan anymore.
No. 772559
I think it's fair for the anons who legitimately believe in this to have their thread, so it's good to have it handy. Nobody should question your beliefs even if they disagree with you. Be happy and be yourself, do you magic if you want to.
>>660005The other thread is locked
No. 826783
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>Do you believe in it?
Yes 100%, but also 0%
>Are you a "witch"?
I'm a female magician or mystic, so you can put it like that. Though I feel like "witch" is something more earned through wisdom and time.
Also, schizo posting helps getting around censors.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff? Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
How is that not taking it seriously if someone does believe in it? Also what is doing a spell? You first have to define that. Doesn't writing words conjure up images, don't images conjure up feelings, doesn't it influence what we perceive as the real world? Isn't art a spell or form of magic? Isn't science not just a word for some of the great things the magic of imagination and invention has brought us? Isn't it magical that life imitates art? Isn't it true that especially for women, the mind has a great effect on our performance in what we perceive as reality? Mere words spoken before an experiment can change the outcome like an incantation. Our imagination has been especially repressed by the powers of the status quo, so it's no wonder.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
After the first time I tried magic mushrooms, all intrusive despondent thoughts disappeared and haven't come back since. Every few months to once a year I plan another trip, to gain more insight.
>Is "witch" a female-only term What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Technically no, but men appropriating it feels very tone deaf either way. I think men labeled a lot of their magic "science" and we've only recently been allowed to be a part of that. And the witch hunts were after real witches, as in women who practiced magic. Healers, mathematicians, literate women, all in an effort to stifle women's magic and preemptively exclude us from the institutions they would set up.
For me calling a lot of things "magic" is also a form of reclamation.
No. 826820
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>>826809Okay that is really spooky
No. 827465
>Do you believe in it?Yes and no. I go back and forth on how "real" it is. I've had weird synchronicities happen that make me believe there's something metaphysical going on. But I mainly just 100% believe that it's helped me psychologically so I'm going with it.
>Are you a "witch"?Idk. I've been autistic about mythology/occultism/weird philosophy since early childhood and it's kind of just culminated in me becoming a mildly schizo mystic. I think I'm kinda similar to
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff? Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?I like tarot cards and I keep an altar in my bedroom. I don't think having crystals and stuff means you're "not taking it seriously".
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?Not really.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?I don't care if males call themselves witches but I unironically believe males lack the capacity to understand god and mysticism.
No. 833387
Don't believe in witchcraft. I find most of it to be, quite frankly, just people trying to make themselves seem more interesting or doing it because wicca is trendy right now. Quite frankly, I find (some) of it disrespectful to women who were put to death for 'witchcraft.' A lot of those women weren't claiming to be witches, they were simply old women who were easy targets to blame for the latest crop failure, and seeing 15 year olds romanticize that sort of thing feels a bit iffy.
I like crystals, I think they're pretty, though the idea that they're exclusively witchcraft related is a bit more recent (they've always been an element of certain branches of wicca, but they seem to be automatically associated with the religion now).
I definitely think 'witchcraft' should be taken seriously in a historical context. The history of medicine is very intertwined with the history of witchcraft. Take the Ancient Roman witches for instance. Much of what they did would be, in modern day, considered medical treatments.
It is theorized that one of the many, many motivations behind the witch craze of the 17th century could've been the result of the rise of the medical practice. As medicine was taken more seriously, it became a men's profession, and one that brought prestige at that, with physicians beginning to come out of the academy.
When one looks at the history, many of the witches who weren't just random women were those brewing tonics for various ailments. Makes one's university education seem a little less prestigious when the old woman down the street is running a more successful practice than you. What better way to get rid of the competition than claim they've made a pact with Satan and must be executed?
One of my friends became a witch when we were teenagers. She's a lovely girl, though I don't know if she still identifies as one (I haven't seen her in a long time). She struggled with a lot of problems, and I hope she found purpose in wicca. I might not believe in it, but provided you're not hurting anyone and it makes you happy, I'm okay with it. Despite some personal misgivings, there are far worse things in the world than wearing crystal necklaces and forming covens.
No. 892526
>Do you believe in it?
I do but honestly on and off. I’m falling out of it from time to time but I have been interested in it since I’m 14.
>Are you a "witch"?
I do believe so. Although saying it out loud would make me cringe.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I have a few crystals. Amethyst, clear quarz, rose quarz and some for chakras. I also really like black Turmaline because it’s naturally magnetic so i feel like it’s a good absorbant.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Definitely, I think if you look at social media, tiktok, amino there are lots of egos floating around who just need attention. It’s sad.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
I mean I have nice memories celebrating sabbats but one really emotional experience was during a meditation. I tried to see if i could meed the goddess and god and just hang out with them and it was really amazing and I just cried? I never thought i could get so emotional during something like this.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
I guess it’s woke if men call themselves witches but I honestly want to gatekeep the term kek i feel it’s not only for women but I do feel there is a strong connection through the moon and different aspects of magic/nature regarding my femininity
No. 893804
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I've mentioned in the last confession thread that I'm still on the fence about witchcraft and I do like some aspects of it, my favorite being how unapologetic women oriented it is. I also love the nature elements, it's really beautiful aesthetically and I feel like it's respectful to our home, as corny as this is. I just get a real feeling of sublime and insignificance in the best way when looking at nature, especially the sky, so I feel very… Grateful? Towards it.
I already also like some elements of it "for fun", like tarot, manifestation, pretty rocks. What would be a way to get in it "deeper", but not too deep all at once? Dipping toes and all that.
Also one thing that I think is really funny is that in my country we have a "watered down" and full of catholic syncretism of spells, they are called "simpatias" but they are literally just spells with a Christian prayer at the end.
For example, I saw this one for getting a job: you'd right your name and wanted job position with ink on a paper, get a key and fold the paper with the key in it. Then you mix sugar and cinnamon with water, put the paper and key inside it and let it for a week on top of a very tall cabinet or the liking for a week. Afterwards, you throw away the water (preferably on plants) and pray a Lord's Prayer.
It's funny (and annoying) to see boomer aunties doing it but looking down on witchcraft.
No. 893834
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>>893831Shaming other women for liking something that is harmless (or even helpful when it comes to nature) doesn't help or change anything aside from creating needless animosity. Change the target of your anger
No. 894283
>>894265Lol what's wrong with witchcraft and polidance? Rads claim to be empowered but keep shackling themselves all the time. Just do what you like
nonny it ain't that deep.
No. 896477
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>>893804> Then you mix sugar and cinnamon with water, put the paper and key inside it and let it for a week on top of a very tall cabinet or the liking for a weekLol anon that’s legit witchcraft. It’s always so funny to me when you notice little details like that in christian behavior. Lots of it comes from pagan beliefs - Christmas tree.
> What would be a way to get in it "deeper"How about celebrating the sabbats? Picrel
It’s definitely also a lifestyle however you don’t have to do a spell daily or some shit like that. I do like to do different activities matching the season to appreciate nature, like collecting fallen down acorns or leaves. Maybe if you have an altar or a ~litte corner~ you can decorate it.
One topic i find really interesting is ~cultural appreciation ~ is this a thing? I’ve seen people “borrowing” traditions and practices here and there and apparently using a smudge stick is stealing from the natives of America or something
No. 896509
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>>893834uwu muh choice feminism. don't you have a crystal to shove up your arse or something?
pseudoscience and esoterism are being pushed hard on women and that's dangerous. scepticism and rationalism are healthy things, i hate this trend of "uwu women are more spiritual".
i hate how many women my age are into astrology and witchcraft shit. i'd rather see women scientists than witches
No. 896565
>>896509Nobody said it was feminist, you dense fucker. I just said you should yap somewhere else. There are plenty of scientists that are religious, go back to r/atheism and complain there about wicca destroying women and how much smarter you are
>>896477Thanks for the suggestion, anon!
No. 896649
>>896509>>896578and how exactly does this constitute as radical feminist activism. what rights are women gaining from you attacking random women on the internet because of their interests? is the patriarchy crumbling now that you get annoyed at women? trannies everywhere detransition? or are you basically just flicking your own bean over how you are so much better than the other stupid women?
what dangers exactly am i facing when i collect rocks and pinecones from the woods? i mean sure i am potentially putting my health in hazard when i collect bones and other dead parts of animals, but what horrible danger does this behavior put women under? the stupid hysterical girls need someone to guide them? how exactly does your moral panic over witchcraft differ from all the idiotic think pieces how gone girl and midsommar ar bad for women because we stupd, stupid girls might not know the differnce between right and wrong and now we might get sucked into neo paganism over science or whatever because we women just are so fucking stupid apparently.
>>896477i really am only interested in traditions of my own country's origin because that's what's familiar to me since childhood and since i don't really feel like follwing some random rules ai just do stuff that feels right and traditions i fel connected to. honestly it's the reason why i have never gotten into crystals because i really do not see any spiritual sense in taking some random mass producted rocks from other side or the world, like what do i gain from it. i feel more spirit in just common rocks i notice in the nature, because i feel that they have lived there and "seen" their environment, and are connected in that way to the surrounding world better than some rock i could buy from a store.
No. 896668
>>896509Based and truthpilled
>>896649Hey anon guess what not everything everyone says is about you. no one is talking about or cares about you collecting animal bones (??), what's bad for women (and people in general) in the real world is when they are easily persuaded into retarded political or financial desicions (like routinely paying for sessions with a psychic or medium etc, buying crystals or other ~magic~ items, using their pension to go to lourdes etc). In general, being open to believing irrational things makes you easier to control. Women in catholic countries were kept uneducated and completely controlled by the church for centuries, for example after women got the right to vote in my country they all voted for the same Christian party because they didn't have access to any knowledge besides whatever their priest was telling them that week
No. 896679
>>892546 and like i said i honestly used to believe in the original deities etc from my country. that never really hindered my education, or my skills in critical thinking. only confusion i had was when i was told about chritianity because i had never heard about such things, but i never had any problems with things related to science
this is nothing but you morally panicking. oh no the e-witches are gonna create another generation of brainwashed women who don't believe in science, the horror, they surely have the fucking power or a goddamn chatolic church.
and what's exactly your confusion about me collecting animal bones?
No. 896690
>>896509>>896668Fence sitter here, witchcraft is mostly just syncretic elements of pre-Celtic Druid culture, there's nothing really special about it as both men and women were technically witches but it was mostly an administration job that you were born into it, mixed with Celtic rituals
There's no deeper meaning or origin to witchcraft bedside's that, being a witch i.e Druid would have been mundane instead of magical
No. 896699
>>896694why is it weird?
and how does your country's situation relate to some random e-witches and their crystals? are they behind it? is this the place to save those uneducated women, the random women from this thread are gonna stop the centuries long phenomenon or did you all just want to come here put other women in their place? go complain the wrong doers in your country if you are actually concerned and don't look for ego trips at the expence of some random women buying crystals and playing with tarot cards
No. 896712
>>896699ffs anon I don't care what anyone itt does or buys what I'm saying is that its objectively dangerous to be open to irrational beliefs. That's it. It makes me sad to see these scams be marketed to women specifically because despite what you might think I care about us as a class. You can actually enjoy something and be critical of it at the same time, rather than being in 24/7 cope mode and calling everyone who disagrees a misogynist. And it's funny you keep mentioning e-witches because surely that's objectively the most retarded kind
>why is it weirdidfk fam it just is
No. 896725
>>896712nta, I actually agree with you but being hostile and calling them Idiots isn't going to convince anyone, the history of witchcraft and religions in general are really fascinating
If you explain the concepts and histories of beliefs with the proper knowledge of said history you'll get people realize how kinda nonsensical but interesting their beliefs actually are
No. 896726
>>896712why? do you have anything else than just moral panicing? because that's what it is. you saw some random women talking about their tarot card hobby and you go into catasthropics about how millions of women are uneducated and brainwashed around the world, how the "retarded" e-witches are a sure sign of this oppression of women.
you are not doing this over the concern of women, you are ego tripping. you had to go and put the stupid other girls into their place, you gotta moral panic over how "hey did you know that you playing with damn tarot cards reminds me how women are kept uneducated and oppressed" as if the women in this thread are the people you are talking about. you are not doing anything else than just finding a way to feel better aboiut yourself, your shit isn't any different than those who go into hysterics about gone girl and midsommar or whatever they wanna moralize about. you are nothing but a self righteous prick
No. 896733
>>896725also my problem isn't with anyone questioning by beliefs or whatever. my problem is with self righteous people moralizing and masking their ego tripping as anything more than what it is.
just admit you wanted to call people dumb and be done with it and don't try to act as if you're on some moral crusade to save women
No. 896748
>>896725>calling them idiotsI never did and I don't believe they are
>>896726You're assuming an awful lot about me lol. I do have friends who are into astrology and tarots, when they talk to me about it I listen and ask questions like a normal person. A girl I know is into tarots and I actually really like her approach to it and hearing about it, she knows I don't believe in it and wouldn't get a reading myself and that's fine. I don't think my posts were moralizing or going into catastrophics unless by that you mean stating my opinion and describing reality.
>hey did you know that you playing with damn tarot cards reminds me how women are kept uneducated and oppressedWell it does kek sorry for being too blackpilled ig. I don't sperg about it randomly like you assumed though. makeup does too but I still wear it, yet dont deny its role in womens oppression, it's not that deep and you sound like you're in denial
No. 896769
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>Anons in here LARPing about muh science and how women are licherally endangered and being thrown into the dark ages because they like collecting crystals, picking up old knowledge and learning about their family/culture traditions
>Meanwhile, literally everyone important/powerful
No. 896781
>>896747Anon did you see a TikTok and think that's actual magic kek.
Classical astrology (birth charts, repetitive events in history corespondending to planet positions), psychology (tricks, dominance displays, manipulation, etc), and herbal medicine (rich ppl all have a holistic/Chinese ancient medicine Dr) were all witch craft, they're useful skills. The moon water shit is just zoomers playing make believe.
For example because ppl don't understand how something works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work. These sorts of things were considered witch craft, and once we understood how it works we call it science. I'd wish scientists would get around to trying to disprove/approve stuff like crystals having healing properties, if we never test it then how can we know if it works or is just placebo.
No. 896795
>>896789I'm not talking about what they're doing, I'm talking about the fact that they're still openly a cult with ritualistic practices.
It's literal slave mentality to think only people richer than you can balance belief/faith with living life, understanding science and accomplishing things.
>the most powerful tiktok witch could by hexing the moon every day with the biggest bulk order of hemlock imaginable.Who cares what the TikTok witch is doing, though? Everyone on that app is just wasting time. Being on Lolcow is wasting time. Time to ban women from the internet (except for Wikipedia), we obviously aren't using it correctly.
No. 896816
>>896795>I'm talking about the fact that they're still openly a cult with ritualistic practices.Comparing 'burn these herbs to attract money to ur life' to any sort of actual institution is rarted. Witchcraft is analogous to that chant catholics say to Saint Michael whenever they lose something but turned into a fashion statement with nothing meaningful behind it.
>It's literal slave mentality to think only people richer than you can balance belief/faith with living life, understanding science and accomplishing things. Who claimed that? There are fucktons of accomplished people who are into religion and even new age woo. It's embarrassing to see the religious equivalent of the dollar menu basically define an entire generation of women's religious beliefs, though, and so is comparing commercialized spirituality to even the dumb scrote shit that freemasons get up to.
>Time to ban women from the internet wat
No. 897240
>>896769Superstitious beliefs licherally can't be detrimental to society if the British royal family are freemasons. Checkmate, atheists.
>>896904>blah blah blah at least i actually have enough sense to not wear make upnta but bitch, you literally collect animal bones to cope with the chaos of existence. You possess the coping mechanisms of a predatory bird. I don't think you have the right to judge someone for doing something that genuinely helps when you're a fucking animal bone collector.
No. 897308
>>897240Where is the "detriment", though? Why are you bothered about women having hobbies you don't share?
If you're serious and not just NLOGging, why not do the legwork of recolonizing STEM for the female sex and breaking barriers?
>nta but bitch, you literally collect animal bones to cope with the chaos of existence.Oh nvm you sound like a doomer type. Not everyone wants to like, rot all the time. Clean your room or something. Makeup doesn't genuinely help anything about the "chaos of existence", either, unless by "genuinely helps", you just mean "makes some people feel better" (and that'd still be dumb, because the same thing would apply to anon collecting animal bones or anything else you dislike).
No. 906523
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>>904896Absolutely agree. I remember being on some witch amino and people there were wild. Using shinto traditions if they’re in California for example. I’m from Europe as well and I was really interesting in norse gods but couldn’t commit because it felt not 100%. I feel most comfortable with the traditions where I’m actually from. I read though that white sage is an endangered plant and specifically smudging is frowned upon. Personally i really like mugwort since it’s very local and has a strong history
No. 909952
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>>908412Anon idk if it makes sense to test your faith with a spell. That’s not what witchcraft is about. Maybe read a little bit about the backrounds of it. Spells can be really simple though like lighting a candle every night during waxing moon and wish for something to grow or increase
>>908709 i take mine from books, i prefer Scott Cunningham for example. I usually change them here or there to what I find more reasonable for me.
No. 925320
>>922782Are you following a specific path anon?
I’m currently studying about herbalism i find it the most fascinating for me! I can connect to the plants much more than crystals for example.
Looking forward to celebrating Samhain soon
No. 925479
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I'm similar to
>>826783 and
>>827465 like I do believe in magic and at the same time I don't. It's a very weird feeling. Maybe now that I'm older I'm more sure it's real kek. I'm still at the "seeker" stage, and I think I'll always be.
I wouldn't call myself a witch though: I mean I'm not practising it that much, it's more like a mentality or a world view that I have. I never have participated in elaborate rituals, I've just made little offerings etc. small scale stuff. To me, magic is making your will come true and you can achieve that in many ways.
I don't collect crystals, they're just pretty little trinkets to me. Tarot works, if you put your mind to it and have a certain goal (this could be said about anything of course).
I feel the difference between female and male magicians/witches/whatever is that males tend to have weird motives behind their will to do stuff with magic. Like for example look at the myriad succubi threads on 4chin. Scrotes gonna scrote I guess.
No. 925585
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>>925479I’m also very similar always seeking. I figured it helps to stat away from witchy sm like amino. I sometimes totally fall out of believing in magic and all the things that come with it. Last year i was trying to get into wicca a little more and find a community - to belong and to learn. Didn’t work our, i started to dislike BTW and took a long break until recently.
I want to read a little more about dianic witches
No. 944871
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I miss her
No. 946651
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I love that the "pagan/witchcraft trend" has become a thing personally, because it's made it so much easier to learn and find things than when it was a more niche topic. Especially the interest younger women have today in the herbal/healing/scientific/psychological aspects of it.
In my opinion, "witchcraft" is a healthy female-oriented alternative to the boys'" clubs" that gatekeep education, tradeskills and business. The more girls and women who unify and learn the old knowledge that still works (like medicine), the less we as a society will have to rely on artificial, patriarchal means. If women build communities where they grow their own food, practice herbal wellness and take care of each other the less dependant they are on other means that may be predatory or for profit.
No. 950017
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>>946651That’s so sweet anon. A huge part of witchcraft is about healing for me. I lead me to experiment a lot with herbs, teas, tinctures, salves etc personality i find incense so be a bit boring these days.
>>946607Just checked wiki quickly. I can’t recommend any books though sorry!
No. 950581
>>925585Delayed reply but good Dianic reading list here: aware most of the history is not considered fact based any more.
Treat it as mythology, if it inspires you.
No. 1250204
>>1250198no its not the deity work, its the obvious schizoid paranoia and making shit up that your doing.
Ive summoned a literal demon from the Goetia, i do have actual experiences with demons.
No. 1250212
>>1250204I've summoned several goetic demons and have had good and bad experiences. Dantalion for example healed a nasty energetic cord for me and Orobas helped me get much better at tarot and scrying. It was a different demon that fucked my shit up.
That's the thing with New Age demonologists, you refuse to acknowledge the demons can be incredibly powerful and dangerous and aren't always you're fucking friends. I'm just talking about my experience with the lefthand path and warning you pieces of shit about the dangers that can happen. If you're going to summon low vibrational entities you need to protect yourself.
No. 1250254
> Do you believe in it?
Yeah, but I don't talk about it with more than one or two people irl so that's why I'm interested in this thread.
> Are you a "witch"?
I guess that works as a catch-all title, but I don't call myself that and I get a little sus of people who introduce themselves as such.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I collect crystals because I think they're pretty and I like the #aesthetic, but I don't personally believe they do anything for me aside from being good worry stones. I read tarot cards because I think of them as a tool to assess your psychological state in an abstract/visual form. I have occasionally done sigil work and sympathetic magic. I don't have particular interest in worshiping pagan deities, but I do believe in petitioning. I have absolutely zero interest in modern Wicca, its derivatives, or any theories perpetuated by that con artist hack, Gerald Gardner.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
I think taking it seriously can be about as useful as learning any trade in life, but it takes a long time to git gud, there is a significant amount of misinformation out there, and everything you learn about it should be taken with a heaping spoonful of salt (no pun intended) and critical thinking.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
I had a really interesting experience with a 'haunted house' investigation conducted by a local ghost-hunting organization, and also done several 'spells' that seemed to work (and really reinforced my belief that specific wording is key in whatever you go about trying to do). Other than that, I've hung out with people who really…ran the spectrum in whether I thought their witness testimony of supernatural events was believable or no. I also have a member of my family who's suffered from psychosis before in the past so if allowed to ask questions, I'm usually able to tell when a story sounds like it was the result of some kind of mental illness or whether it was something else.
Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
No, they used to commonly be called 'cunning folk', and 'witch' even used to be a gender-neutral word up until something like the 1700's iirc. I do think 'witchcraft' was a way back then for the people who were the most powerless members of society (usually poor, single women) to 'get justice', whatever way they could, and that's the reason why their existence was so frightening to people. The idea that the lowest-status individual of society might have the power to punish others for the wrong-doings they'd inflicted on herself or others was anathema to every man guilty of abusing his power. It's still an idea that people are attracted to, which is why I think we've seen this BOOM of interest in the occult over the past decade or so - people feel more powerless than ever right now and are looking for whatever allows them to feel like they are 'doing something' to fix their lives or the world around them.
No. 1250688
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Anyone here do deity work with goddesses outside your culture? I've done LHP with goetic angels for most of my life because that's how I was raised, but I'd like to branch out and learn from other entities. Most pagans in my area stick to Greek or Norse gods due to pop culture exposure, but I don't feel comfortable with any of them. Picrel is the only goddess I've found so far that feels, I dunno, right somehow? But I wasn't raised Hindu or Buddhist and wonder if it's even okay to work with her.
No. 1250732
I haven't really found any religion that has suited my beliefs to a T, but I guess witchcraft is the closest. I like nature, herbalism (using it for spells and healing), and follow moon phases and think both sun and moon have abilities, like the rest of nature. Also, celebrating the sabbats has been fun and healing.
I wish I could belong to more of a religion rather than being spiritual though, I guess just so there was somewhere I could belong with like-minded people. I've looked into Wicca (since it's nature-based), but my belief of angels/demons/ghosts conflicts with that religion. But reading some of the posts in this thread, believing in spirits seems to be in line with witchcraft.
I've been recovering from being raised in Catholicism for years (not my choice). Took a long time just to accept appreciating nature and using it for craft. I just couldn't participate in a religion that had so much disdain and hate for women and had animal sacrifice in its books. For example, reading that menstrual cycles matched the moon cycles was a much nicer belief, rather than literally being told growing up that my period was "a punishment for being a woman".
What is ironic is like what
>>893804 mentioned, there is a lot of what you would consider spells in Christian beliefs. Even down to there being "deities" (saints) for certain spell work (prayer). That aspect was interesting, but I'm trying to separate myself.
No. 1250786
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Incoming schizo thought but: do you think it’s possible to be a witch and not know it? Over the last several years, I’ve watched a lot of people that I perceive as having wronged me have absolutely shit luck happen to them later down the line. I’m talking car wrecks, injuries, illness, job loss, all kinds of shit. And I feel kind of weirdly guilty for it sometimes. Did my a-logging these people accidentally put a curse on them? Is this just karma? Or does shit just happen for no reason and it’s all coincidence?
No. 1250801
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>>1250786I think the manifestation of these events have a bigger impact if you previously wished for them, hence why the guilt. Isn't that how chaos Magick works?
No. 1250843
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True and real power can only be rhythmically practiced and carried on by a covenant with land or blood. It is most potent through multiple generations. You cannot use herbs that are grown by someone else, plucked by someone else, and shipped to your local co-op as a substitute for plants that come from the dirt your ancestors (or sworn members) toil.
power is holistic, yet closed. much like how store bought herbs cannot be used, a spell cannot be shared on the internet and be expected to work in the same facet. A spell is knowing the true name of something, and it's the true name that is only known through the covenant that has either been left to you or created by you.
you all need to build before you can create.
No. 1251176
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>>1250982I'm sorry that shit happened to you, anon. Ari Aster will always be a faggot moid, and we all know why.
Hereditary was weird to me, because the obvious defense was never even brought up. If you're an atheist, and you're being attacked by demons, then your worldview has effectively been smashed, and there's really no option but the obvious. We can't even just say it "doesn't work", they fucking hate it and leave you alone in short order if you actually hold conviction in your words and actions. This is my "thing" in general, re: demon attacks. What I'm about to say is meant in no offense to you. IMO, it makes sense to cooperate with all sorts of entities, but why neuter yourself in the process? It's not even something outside oneself, really. Are people scared it looks like they're pussying out? Is it in hopes of not offending them and/or others? Because if you're being attacked, trying to appease your assailant or beg them to show mercy is a very bad move
No. 1251207
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>Go on 4chans /x/>Pdf's, resources,cyber demons, divination, succu/incubus summoning, astral projection, manifesting
>Go on singular witchcraft thread on lolcow>"Lmao you bitchy schizos why are you believing in this shit it's turning back women's intelligence. I've summoned several goetic demons they are all my friends with no consequences NO YOU ARE THE LARPER! Fuck your cheap chinese rocks but don't exclude me because I can't grow herbs on my kitchen counter, yes my like and reblog spells are real!"Women really can't have shit kek. Waiting for the "witches are ignorant radfems worshipping goddesses is stupid" or trad sperg
>>1251132>>1251141>>1251174>>1251178Nayrt you can still do all that but witchcraft is about connecting to nature and your spiritual beliefs…its going to be much less connected. It's not meant to be "anyone can burn sage and call theirselves a witch, even men" besides modern/ trendy places counting on people for money. Grow a single herb indoors and you're already better than half of modern "witchcraft practitioners"
No. 1251238
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magik is about using your will to manipulate the hive mind of reality, you can do this through many ways, like art, or music, dont even need any spells.
I used to be deep into the occult until i had an episode involving satan, david bowie, and the moon and sun………….
there are still some things i cant rationalize about the episode to this day.
Now i mostly stick to astrology. cant wait till pluto enters Aquarius ya'll.
No. 1251264
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>>1251222Didn't take it that way, if that's what she meant yeah that's extremely retarded lmao. I agree with the obvious fact that more power/belief/community comes years and generations (like those original Italian witches NOT Tumblr "the ~universe~ wouldn't allow bad things to happen). But how can we forget literal mass killings and witch trials on women with knowledge that would evolve over centuries into what is now modern medicine and science + immigration/rape/slavery/genocide/forced or succumbing to modern moid religion?
>>1251253I'm not defending or pretending moidchan is good, it's just amazing the difference between what reception a single ot thread here gets vs entire board of interesting stuff and information
No. 1251279
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>>1251207Women are unironically better at these things, but they're also socialized to hold men's opinions above everything and try to browbeat eachother on whether or not they "look good" to moids. This isn't just the case for anything regarding spirituality or witchcraft, you see this "OMG you make all women look bad!!!" shit when it comes politics (feminism being the biggest example, see: libfems and pickmes who rage at radfems for being too misandrist), sexuality, fashion/makeup (or lack thereof), even the way you fucking sneeze or cough. It's just the hyper-rationalized version of the need to "be ladylike", whatever "ladylike" means in the given context
Men, on the other hand, are unapologetically schizo when they're not denying anything they can't control. They dive headfirst into researching and trying to understanding as much shit as they can to make up for their innate limited ability, and they barely waver even slightly when shamed or called "schizo" by those outside their field of interest. On top of that, both powerful men and women do their weird fucking rituals that most of their predecessors and family members have also practiced, while "skeptics" nervously laugh and go "T-Those crazy rich people doing crazy rich people things…Means nothing….".
tl;dr: A lot of women need to realize that "schizo" doesn't actually mean the same thing as "wrong"
No. 1251393
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>>1251174>>1251132>>1251141I will spell this out further.
>I have no money or landLand is not always the land beneath your feet. I stated you can also
start a covenant with land. Dirt is land. You can grow plants in your home. If you can afford to buy herbs in a store, then you can start planting. This is the first step to building conviction and
rhythmic practice. Your plants will die. You will try again. You do not get the fruits of your own labor immediately. It's about building principle and allowing the environment to trust your knowledge and intuition. Some of the most knowledgeable practitioners had nothing to their name, were slaves, recluses, or were women tossed to the curb in society.
>I have no witch ancestorsI said the covenant that has been left to you or
created by you Someone must start a cycle. Or someone must reconnect to an ancestor who once did know the true names of things in your line. We are all connected to a black sheep somewhere in our heritage. Knowing your ancestor's names is
not necessary in becoming familiar with them either. Getting to know yourself is literally getting to know them.
A covenant that is left to you is not always
blood family. I said blood, and then I said
"or sworn members." Many movements had covenants with one another regardless of literal blood lines.
True power cannot be commodified like food or fashion.
When I say you must
build I mean it will take time. Sometimes years. That's what true power is.
No. 1251446
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Hylics stay seething. Also I never answered the questions in the OP
>Do you believe in it?
Yeah, but not in the commercialized sense. Mostly, I believe in not following the modern cult of willful blindness, paying attention to one's grandparents, and learning about different cultural practices (especially those close to home, if possible).
>Are you a "witch"?
Not exactly, but I think occult stuff is pretty fascinating.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I think tarot is a great tool.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Depends on what's meant by "seriously". r/witchesvsthepatriarchy stuff and "hex the moon" BS is too cringy for me, but I feel like anyone who doesn't come from a very milquetoast family has enough anecdotal evidence in their life to consider it. I think what opened my eyes the most is the Wiseman/Schlitz experiment, things about the CIA investigating astral projection, Nikola Tesla's thoughts that still have some people seething, and the observation that families more successful than the average person unironically believe in these things. Also, the more I learn, the more "placebo" seems like a cope for the fearful. People who call everything retarded, schizo and fake just make me roll my eyes, because more often than not, they seem to speak from ignorance (deliberate or not) to all sorts of concepts and their own emotional investment in said ignorance than from knowledge on the subjects they want to debunk. I've never seen a person who's like "I've researched this in excruciating detail, and here's why it's all lies, all of it", but I've seen the exact opposite a lot.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
Yeah, but for whatever reason, I don't ever feel comfortable sharing them with people I don't know well.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
I think it should be, but that's mostly because I believe in excluding males.
No. 1251494
>>1251458Well, I started off reading about sigils anywhere I could find information (blogs, Wikipedia articles, etc), then I started going through things from here at random: can honestly start from anything that catches your eye, it's a wealth of information
No. 1251548
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>>1251294Lmao show me exactly where you think I wrote or meant that and then when you can't find what you made up gain some reading comprehension.
>>1251433It's not skeptics, its "ZOMG you guise are bitchy schizos I don't like bitchy schizos posting in a meme thread with the literal title "how to summon demon boyfriend" you're tricking and enslaving women into being dumb your shit is not real don't ruin my epic fun bread~!1 you habe a low iq" Kek I don't understand all the vitriol from that one "I actually have connected with an incubus and it was dangerous" post. No one went into threads trying to insult anime boys or ruin fun or sperg, it was definitely a random from that thread sperging about schizos.
>Do you believe in it?Yes but not like a religion I constantly have to remind myself to follow, or the "like to charge reblog to cast" meme social media corruption
>Are you a "witch"?No, but only because I know I do not do the things I should. I'm always distracted but I always have believed in it through various intensities.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?I collect crystals as shiny room decorations, I do spells very very rarely. I "believe" tarot in the way that its a little game way where the results can bring up some points that do relate to your situation, make you reflect, then change.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?Yes 100%, but no religion/ spirituality is 100% serious. And crystals,spells, tarot doesn't mean you don't take it seriously.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rituals, shamans, and the like? At 15 I used to try "charging" a crystal in the sun/moonlight on a windowsill. It was completely covered by blinds but every time I came home/woke up it would be somewhere else like the desk. Here's the part where I'm called crazy for thinking a ghost or demon moved it. Surprise, I knew it was one of my family going in my room and moving it for whatever reason! Bc of that I have never sat down and done a real genuine spell read and researched from a book due to lack of money and fear of being called a crazy schizo, reinforced by my family calling my uncle's Wiccan wife insane (never knew her). Meanwhile he was a shitty druggie husband and there are multiple orthodox families getting their daughters married off at 18 and buying a house for her future 10+ children where I grew up. So who is the real crazy…
I used to feel very connected to a goddess but never did anything for her even after promising in my mind I would if she supported me in getting through anxiety and learning. I always and still feel so unmotivated to do anything but lay down and relax with my cat, outside of random bursts of motivation that go away hours later. She's been in the backdrop for at least 5 years, I have to work on genuinely changing myself to properly connect with her again(I don't think I ever really was sadly), even deluding myself we already are would give me that short burst of motivation, then I'd fall back again. It's a sad cycle I know kek, I'm going to begin putting more of the animal she's associated with around myself as a start. There's also another goddess from the country my mother is from with the animal but idk if it would cause problems.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?Yes to me it is. Ask someone or yourself what comes to mind when you hear the word "witch", 99% it is of a green, hook nosed woman on a broomstick. That is proof that even in the watered down, jokey, many times offensive modern depiction, an elderly woman is what you think. And guess what sex and age of person held knowledge of spirits, natural medicine, childbirth issues, beer, remedies brewed or baked or boiled in a cauldron, etc. ?
Also because men should be excluded for once and witchcraft in women's history is extremely based.
No. 1251985
>>1251750I like to rise with the sun, have a smoke with the moon, a cup of tea to represent all the elements of the earth coming together and a little bit of gratitude. I white rabbit on the first day of the month and always throw salt over my left and pepper over my right. I lay black salt and brick dust by the doors. White salt and sweet orange oil on the windows that keep bugs out on top of warding. Turn your broom up to send away company. Check how my boiling eggs crack. Light a candle why I cook. Clean my hearth when I get desettled.
Men don’t have a lick of magic in them anon. They can’t create, only destroy. They can’t harness energy. It’s why they’re defective heathens. Don’t pay them any mind.
No. 1252193
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>>1252004I curse you with itchy clit and assne
No. 1252771
>>1250688She is a form of Parvati. Hinduism is pretty open, but I believe the tantric forms of the Goddess need to be worshipped by people who follow a certain lifestyle (no meat/eggs, alcohol, drugs, etc.). As long as you come to the Goddess with pure intentions and respect Her, I believe you will have a positive experience. Make sure you do your research and know what you're getting into, particularly with Tantra and Tantric forms of the Goddess…
I'm not born Hindu, but married into it & live in India. Hindus here are really excited whenever foreigners are interested in their culture/religion.
As for experiences with "foreign" deities: I had a cool experience with our neighborhood God, a large cobra.
When I first moved here I went to his temple and asked not to see any snakes.
That night was a full moon and I was on our roof.
The moon became covered with clouds. The image in the clouds was a snake going up a mountain path. The clouds shifted became an old man with one hand up, very obviously a Rishi. It looked like a photo. It was so realistic. I had my journal with me and immediately wrote it down.
I am leaving the country and I really wanted to see the giant cobra God all the neighbors talk about. I passed the temple (can't go in this time of year due to rains) and asked to see Kariya Baba before I go. Less than a week later a 7 foot long cobra was in our front yard. That boi was THICC as hell too. I have NEVER seen a snake in the years I've lived here until I asked to see him.
No. 1258210
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>>Do you believe in it?
>>Are you a "witch"?
retired witch
>>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I did runes, spell work, candle spells and herbalism. Crystals never worked for me.
>>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Yes, since there are unintended consequences for spellwork. Intent is crucial.
>>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
Yes, I do. I got into an argument with this crazy bitch on 4chan for pointing out that she isn't an empath. The argument carried over to two threads. I tipped her off telling her that the darkness she detected from me is from my ex- practicing (retired witch now) She didn't believe me about the Nordic runes and herbalism, saying anyone on youtube can do that shit. I told her she messed up the energy around me and she should be more careful whom or what she pisses off since "muh high sensitivity empathy" and that she'll have issues with her love life now. She didn't believe me so I'm tempted to follow through with a jinxing.
>>Is "witch" a female-only term?
>>What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women
Witchcraft is empowering for woman, they have a natural aptitude that men don't.
No. 1258227
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>Do you believe in it?
Yes, but I am also part skeptical. Otherwise I would look for signs everywhere and go crazy.
>Are you a "witch"?
I don't practice enough yet to feel worthy of the title but compared to normies yes?
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
Crystals worked, spells backfired, believe tarot but don't own it, use eggs to check curses, jars to make well-being spells, and I collect pine cones, stones, plants and colored candles.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Honestly yes. I tried breaking the arm of someone who betrayed me. For one second I doubted my protection on my family, and the next week my grandma broke her arm.
I was always too scared to try the Bloody Mary in the mirror, kek.
Also I am vary of doing any negative spells. If I am pissed off I am better off sending negative energy and protection from certain persons. They then have very shitty days. If I try to be specific with a spell, the universe says, fuck you, and puts it on me while giving them good luck.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
My grandmother told me about some demons. I have vivid memory of my mother(?) rubbing shit in my eyes and chanting Beelzebub. This must be absolute horseshit unless another universe exists.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Witchcraft requires insane amount of intuition and feeling. Women naturally have more of this, so they have more power from it. Sexism also played a role in calling everyone a witch, but women were more capable than just using a mother's instinct to protect their children. Imo witch is only a female term. Men have.. wizard for that.
No. 1258600
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Oh no I forgot to fill this in the other day, sorry nonas!
>Do you believe in it?
Yes and no. I believe that most gods/spirits/whatever are personified concepts that humans made up in order to better understand those concepts. I also believe that most magic amounts to behavior changes in order to achieve a desired outcome. Doesn't make it any less "real", just gives it less unwanted power over me and others.
>Are you a "witch"?
Probably? I've been part of multiple druid groves and still do divination practice. I don't do a lot of active spells or deity work these days because I don't have as much need to.
> Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I collect rocks because I like rocks, and do tarot both for fun and to facilitate advice. I do spells through singing and music because that's how I best connect with anything spiritual. I used to have a pendulum that worked well for me, but had to retire it when my health deteriorated.
> Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
It's as serious as someone wants to take it. Personally I don't get along with "serious" practitioners. It often feels like a battle of "my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend!" and it's exhausting dealing with self-important witches who think that their way is the only way. I'm also an irreverent person and will joke-insult my deities as a form of affection because they're big enough to take it and that's considered distasteful in my local community.
> Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
I did LHP with goetic angels for years because I was raised in an adjacent tradition. Real schizo shit where I'd see and talk with them, and they'd help out with parts of my life. An older practitioner lent me a peacock feather to make one of the angels happy and it was the best wand I've ever had. It's so swishy and fun to direct!
> Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
I didn't think so growing up but I definitely do now. Every mixed grove I've been to has been an uncomfortable experience because of the men there. I left my first grove because one of the arch-druids kept pushing me into a priestess role to invoke the goddess which I didn't want to do at the time. He was pushed into accepting his masculine "priest" energy by the group's leader and figured I needed the same treatment in order to grow. It's laughable that a man tried to teach me how to invoke the goddess when all I had to do was just get older and let that energy come naturally. Across multiple cultures and time periods magic and higher reasoning were restricted to women, and I think there are reasons for that. Perhaps men have a place in witchcraft, but in a support role to a female practitioner and never as a soloist.
No. 1258699
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>Do you believe in it?
Yes, absolutely, but I think it takes a lot of introspection and personal research. I think magick can be anything you want, but you have to be authentic and figure out what works for you.
>Are you a "witch"?
I guess, but I would never actually call myself that out loud. I'm more of a theistic Satanist.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
I do spells when I need to and read tarot as an introspective practice, but I think a lot of neo-pagan stuff is hokey and too capitalist.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
I don't believe in the 3 fold law or anything but you have to think long term about what you're doing and what consequences might be there. I really hate seeing teens online buying shitty Hot Topic witchcraft books to make spell jars and call it a day. And please stop saying "baby witch".
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
I was always drawn to witchcraft but didn't get serious about it until after my mom died and I got into some very fucked up, schizo ritual shit. It became more important to me and allowed me to see things in a new light and bigger picture. I've mellowed out since then though.
>Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Yes. Men need to stay out of witchcraft. Witchcraft is about creating, something women naturally know how to do. Men are incapable of tapping into that ability. It's not for them.
No. 1259372
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Tomorrow is fullmoon nonnies let’s get crazy!! Are you doing anything? I wanna do a little ritual for hekate to connect with her. It’s also the 13 th so that aligns really well ♥
No. 1281926
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Hey can any witch anons please put a hex on the creepy, lying moid who runs this account for me. Thank you in advance may your life be abundant etc.
No. 1282135
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>>1281926Kek of course this voyeurism-fetish degen made a tryhard word salad bot-wannabe post about spells after I posted this. Completely unable to go a moment without lurking. Psycho.
No. 1282252
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>>1282149>Oh god, how did I end up here?You can always leave. I hate how moids can talk about witchcraft and other shit and yet no one bats an eye but god forbid A WOMAN does that and we're immediately 'dragging women back to the dark ages'. Just hide the thread.
No. 1286967
>>1286947Form a circle around your body with both hands and acknowledge what you feel while wishing it away
t. rural Irish
No. 1286996
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>>1286947Sounds like you need to do an egg limpia, anon. Rub the egg all over your body to cleanse off negativity then watch vidrel on how to read it. I usually let it settle for about 30 minutes. Then pour salt in the glass and flush the egg down the toilet to send the energy back to sender. Some people also add hot sauce and chilli powder to break a hex.
No. 1289070
>>1289047Dianic is a closed Wiccan practice. You would need to find a coven if you wanted to practice traditionally. Wicca is a religion and not witchcraft by itself. What do you want to know about it?
What do you mean by reclaiming? Are you talking in the new age sense of reclaiming your power as a woman and witch? It so the book the trannies canceled just titled WITCH would be up your alley
No. 1289212
>>1289070Yea i know. I’m searching for a coven actually. As i understood so far dianic wicca is not trad in the sense lie gardnerian is correct? It’s just that i don’t see many people talk about dianic wiccans as they’re feministic (some
No. 1289213
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>>1289070That’s what i meant about reclaiming
No. 1289305
>>1289212Wicca normally has three main branches for the main religion. You have gardenia and Crowley. Then dianic. Dianic was not started by the moids that started Wicca. It was started by a women who is a
terf (according to trans people) and she personally has said things against trannies.
The other branches tend to focus on the god and goddess. Dianic focuses on the goddess. There are no male practitioners of any kind. In Dianic. There’s some books you can read inspired by their mostly by eclectics who aren’t part of a circle and never learn the inner workings of the practice. So take it with a grain of salt.
As for reclaiming start with the WITCH one it’s the best I can think off as a starting place.
No. 1289420
>>1289369I don’t like the way they speak.
I’m glad I could help. I hope your book is good! If you want a practical approach to magick work Jason Miller is a sorcerer with practical approach who would never call himself a witch. (Something that tells me respect.) his book of practical magick has a lot of breathing techniques and hands and setting intent work to add in with the Wicca and focus on Dianic. I found a copy of witch online last year so I think you can find it and like the another anon said above a lot online if you look for books. As far as circles do you have any witches hours or drum circles at local metaphysical stores or coffee shops. Places to meet other potentially practicing women that’s how I found most of the other magical women I know.
No. 1290917
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>>1282190I’m late to this but literally the only reason I don’t share more yet is due to future legal proceedings. This person is genuinely a fucked up degen so there’s no possible way they’re going to get away with it. There’s a reason all their posts are weirdly specific and vitriolic, and their ad-libs aren’t random and are actually based upon very specific events and actions. It isn’t schizophrenia, and I’m not having delusional persecution fantasies. I am just sick of it, and watching the people who are complicit to it. Cannot even fathom how they have been vocal about the Johnny Depp trial given the person they are and what they do. I don’t care if vagueposting about it looks crazy, I’m laying the groundwork. This is to foreshadow. There’s a reason there’s 20 thousand followers yet not a single hint at their identity, or any actual identifiable information or other accounts linked for that matter. Normally someone would link their main, right? This person is so calculated and manipulative in what they do. I guarantee you that they’ve already seen the lolcow posts or one of their shitty little terminally online lackeys screengrabbed, they used to camp here for inspo on how to mimic users typing styles etc and likely still are. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already been cultivating an empty fake schizoposter twitter account meant to look like a real, unhinged person for future damage control to argue with themselves when this begins to circulate more. They’re very good with photoshop and manipulating screenshots as well. Lastly I will add that I will never interact with their posts, but I promise they’ll try to create a “woman” that does and try to deflect from everything. They might even use some Blaine-esque persona to derail this and make it seem like a random schizo has latched on to them, but they know the truth and continue to sneer and mock the women they’ve harassed, stalked, and victimized. This is my last rant about it unless it escalates enough, or til after I know it’s perfectly safe to dox them. They love to drop fake red herrings anytime they fear being exposed, or pretending to be aloof about it. If there’s ever any word salad posted about it on here, it will without a doubt be them attempting to discredit me. Their posts are much creepier with context.
No. 1310319
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I’m a practicing witch who mostly works in folk magick. It’s more of a family/cultural tradition and using herbs and things than doing actual spells, but I do those as well. My practice has allowed me to delve into my culture and pay respects to those who passed before me. I interact with my ancestors by leaving them food and drink out, but a lot of it entails little customs passed through the generations. I wouldn’t call myself a bruja per say (it still has a lot of negative connotations in Mexico where people still believe they eat babies) but I do use hexes, spells, charms and cleansings. It’s interesting to see the mix of indigenous and colonist beliefs blended into one over arching belief system, since Catholicism is a big part of Mexican culture and many spells include people like Mary. I love reading up the history of witchcraft and the origins of certain practices, I think everyone should pick up a book or two just because outside of magic I find them interesting reads. I think the history of certain mystical/religious practices helps understand certain cultures better. Many of my friends were non believers in magic until they came across me and started experiencing weird stuff. I don’t really care about men or larpers on tiktok claiming the word witch because I don’t really interact with many people as is, and I don’t use tiktok. People will still do whatever they want including using closed practices so I just ignore them. I’m happy just doing my own thing and being the weirdo who rubs an egg all over my sick friends.
No. 1310434
Soy Mexicana pero vivo en los EU.
It's interesting when you mentioned Catholicism mixed with the indigenous beliefs because I always grew up with a mixture of that magic. It's really fascinating how in Latin America the imagery is so mixed with christianity and is so unique.
Recently, I started to think very hard if I have some sort of Witch ancestors in my family or if I may have some sort of clairvoyance or some sort of connection to the realm of magic. Is there any way that I can know about this?
No. 1310478
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>>1310434Hola nonita! Yo también vivo en los EU! My Spanish is actually shit I’m so sorryI think everyone inherently has the ability to perform magic if they learn about it. I see people who practice witchcraft in the same way I see doctors, they’re never actually done with learning despite getting a degree. Reading about the things you’re drawn to can definitely help. I feel like our ancestors were always performing magic whether they realized it or not. Even in Catholicism there are elements that could technically be considered witchcraft when you describe it literally. Worshipping a god by performing a ritual where you consume his flesh and drink his blood is pretty damn pagan. Continuing your spirituality journey I think will help reveal more to you, like creating a dream journal or sitting in prayer/meditation. I am a big proponent of reading, so reading things like histories, rituals, and herbal practices makes a connection stronger to the ancestors you are tying to get to know. Understanding their perspective vs a colonist perspective helped me connect a lot as well (like how Guadalupe wasn’t a catholic saint to the natives but another goddess to venerate and an easy way to pretend to be catholic while still maintaining your culture). Sorry for the super vagueness, it’s just kind of a hard question to answer? I’m not sure how it worked for others, but this is what helped me. Also listening to stories from older people in your family might reveal something you didn’t know. Apparently my aunt is clairvoyant and my family has seen some fucky shit. You’re already there babe, just go out and absorb knowledge!
No. 1313616
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I'm interested in hearing what spellwork anons have performed recently.
No. 1316844
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Yesterday I petitioned an Archangel to help me get a job that would suit my needs and last night I had a dream that I got a part time job blowing up balloons. The guy who hired me told me to come back "anytime." Positive sign?
No. 1328953
>>1326469Lisa Lester
Also does anyone know how to pronounce this?
>> Silthakhooklailamblasaloth No. 1343797
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Kathy pisses me off so bad.
>Money alter with no money
>No tigers eye
>Is white but uses sage she most likely bought at a store instead of getting it gifted by someone
Idk why I'm even so bothered
No. 1343802
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No. 1343821
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I hate positivism so much nonnies
No. 1343841
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>>1343821Same. Wish magic on social media was less about "omg positive energy!! sprinkles and rainbows!!" and more about the actual cool shit
No. 1343843
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I rebuke you
No. 1343844
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Cute pic, thought of sharing it here
No. 1343849
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>>1343841>Wish magic on social media was less about "omg positive energy!! sprinkles and rainbows!!" and more about the actual cool shitSometimes it is but apparently this is called "gaslighting" and is abuse
No. 1346206
>>1346186I’m not either. The only reason I know that as it’s started to take over all the search results and published books. They’ve also canceled all the magick books and users from the 70’s for being
toxic and refuse to learn fundamentals while screeching about closed practices and stealing hoodoo.
No. 1346232
>>1346209Okay I got you. Let’s start with the easy stuff:
>> Salt and Ashes and Charcoal make black salt, ash makes it unsafe to eat. Put this in front of your doors to the outside to protect your entrances. Add red pepper for extra kick. >> Brick dust keeps those meaning you harm from crossing the threshold good for old haunts. >> Bells cleanse the air. Spirits can’t stand the high pitch ringing. So witch’s bells (bells) hanging on your doors to cleanse the air everytime the door moves. You can also put wind chimes outside. >> flip your broom upside down to send company away. >> if you want you make sigils for protection and draw or carve them into things. >> use your preferred protection herbs to make a cleaning wash and wash your walls windows and doors >> take white chalk and write protection runes on your doors, mirrors, hearth, and windows. >> visualize your energy source in your body. Imagine it expanding to cover you like a layer of light entirely protected. Then push it to fill a room. Basics of protection work right there. Get good at it. It’s your will against whatever it is. >> Bowl of water or salt under the bed to absorb bad. Change regularly. >> Big spiky plant. Give it offerings and let it represent you and your home. Let it’s aggressive self protection give you protecting energy. You can go for protection amulets and talismans. You could even make your own.
Do you need more or is there specifics?
No. 1346250
>>1346232>>1346235>>1346243This is so fascinating for me to read. Are spirits and skinwalkers actual things or just metaphors for health problems and such? Are they related to christianity?
I have never done any of these things or ever encountered anything supernatural, but reading this I'm curious as to what people have experienced that gives them a need to protect themselves. Will spirits naturally only go for people who believe in them, or am I as a non-believer unsafe too?
No. 1346273
>>1346203circle around the body meeting both hands in front and behind you, this works
also my mother taught me to say "You're not welcome here" to any presence that isn't welcome here, it might not work on nasty shit but at least it will send away non-harmful spirits that were just making you uneasy by mistake, which probably happens more than we realise, we're very sensitive to changes around us and not everything is as scary as it seems, like a mouse might alarm you a lot but its just running to its next destination and not actually there for you, if that makes sense. Deep down, I think you can tell when you need real safety or when you just need a defence system to prevent accidents, one of those things is easier than the other kek
No. 1346310
I am the anon of this:
>>1346202Maybe I should explain my situation more? I feel regularly watched (since over 8 years, maybe even 16, idk). Funny thing is that I don't have this feeling everywhere, but I honestly think some ghost is messing with me (it got better, but a few years ago my room door would always open and close without a reason as the only door in the whole apartment, I feel only in some rooms and streets watched, some of my things were moved to spots I did not put them in, my things were until last year always pushed to the edge of my shelves etc. and this only happened to me. As I said before the messing with me got way better but it still happens sometimes). I feel in certain streets (especially some near my apartment) really unsafe (especially when it gets dark, even if the streets are not the bad ones). An old lady also died in my apartment (but I am very sure that I was being watched way before this) and I sometimes hear weird things (footsteps, but mostly the floor creaking) and see some shadows here and there
>>1346232thank you so much for your help! Just asking in general if there is a good website for sigils and runes (because I don't want to accidentally write something down, which is wrong and maybe is harmful). And can you recommend any protection amulets or talismans, please? I googled it and so many different ones show up and I have honestly no idea and am a total noob
>>1346235thank you. And which curse do you mean? I am a total noob at this
>>1346248>>1346273>>1346288thank you
No. 1346366
>>1346310Sounds like a poltergeist as far as the old lady. Like an echo. I’d leave her be and ignore her. Like a roommate you pass in the hall but don’t ever talk too.
The one talking about imps is the tranny, anon. Don’t listen to them. Algiz is the standard rune for protection. Looks like a bird foot kind of. It’s Norse. But I practiced traditional witchcraft in European and Celtic roots so it might very.
Chances are if your dad was sensitive so was are you and if you know it exists it knows you exist. The watching could be a lot of things anon. I’d start protecting and warding and building good relationships with the local spirits and work from there.
Sigils are very easy. Write out a phrase that makes you feel protected. Then only keep the distinct unique letters. The. Write 1-9. Write the alphabet in order under the 1-9. Match the letters to a number. Keep only the district numbers. Then make a clock with 9 numbers instead of twelve, a circle. Draw lines in order of the numbers in your phrase. That symbol is your sigil charged with your statement.
Do you mediate at all? Or have a way to read your cards or runes or bones or something?
No. 1346393
>>1346250Yes and no. I’ll answer anon. You seem nice and respectful.
Spirits tend to go after easy targets. People sensitive are easy targets. People depressed or mentally unwell or over tired. People on the brink of death. People that aren’t sensitive or are too strong will probably never run into anything unless it’s strong enough to “interrupt “ you. Some people live in a straw house. Some people live in a brick house. You won’t feel the wind in a brick house. But you’ll feel it when you open the window or an earth quake shakes the house. Same thing here.
No. 1346406
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The rune
No. 1346428
>>1346418You’re welcome anon ♥ and your mother probably did you a favor. There’s a lot of wonder and joy in magick and this side of the world but a lot of unsettling and potentially dangerous stuff too. Even in the mundane side of magick with herbal work and such.
If you want to exp the little “wonder moments” occasionally you’d probably need to go somewhere with high enough affinity/energy but go positive not negative. I can’t recommend haunted house ghost hunting for fun. But maybe a long hike on a mountain. Once you reach the top sit and see what the woods have. The sky. The sun. The breeze. Take it in and just exist. Or maybe a quiet lake. Something natural and with a little peace and quiet. Not too many people or buildings.
No. 1346432
>>1346424I have a rain chant too! Kek did you know in the idiots guide to witchcraft they publish over a decade ago it says not to do weather spells.
I do a white rabbit good luck chat at the beginning of the month. Little stuff like that
No. 1346462
>>1346447Thank you! I have a bunch of little habits. Like a silver coin in my purse from Jan 1st to dec 31st to attract wealth. Never putting my purse on the floor because it’s money out the door. Little charms like the white rabbit. I make a wish at 11:11 too.
That’s fair I never thought about that part. I just remember thinking it was weird. Rain spells were the ones I was running around as child casting.
No. 1346467
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No. 1346517
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>>660000Good blessings to all scrolling farmers and to the jannies having to deal with this.
No. 1346666
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I would like a good luck charm or satchel for reassurance, either to attach, sew on, or leave inside, so I don't have to worry about losing it and freaking out over yet another thing. I always get anxious when experiencing new things and am not used to them yet, or thinking of what might go wrong between getting there/ throughout the day/ coming back (having to Uber with some random male 99% of the time does not help at all). Any suggestions what I should plan out? I'm thinking a satchel or embroidered border of significant things to me. I have fallen whiskers and clipped claw tips from my cat, natural fiber thread, rosemary from my plant, dried mint, and a bunch of pressed flowers.
>>1346517Like this but without the words and different charm I'll make myself. Thanks for the inspiration noney
No. 1346680
>>1346666Maybe make an effigy of you. Something that represents you to tuck inside? Your hair, a fingernail, a photo, whatever. Basil is also good for love, luck, and protection and bay leaves. If using a bay leaf write your intention in it before putting inside. Do you have a relationship with any spirits or anything if so five offering and ask for their blessing. You could make a sigil to embroidery on with the other things if you’d like.
You could make ones for different purposes. Make one that stays zipped in your purse. One for your car. One that hangs from the front door. Or just one total for general protection. If it’s small enough it can go in your bra.
No. 1350862
Hey so i have nowhere to ask this and i know im probably going to get judged by anons and i know its weird so spare me the snarky posts but i just moved to a new city , where im lonely, have no friends, no partner and the people are awful here.
Ive been thinking of creating a ….imaginary friend to cope with the loneliness and depression. The thing is im kinda worried of the safety risks that come with getting a imaginary friend, because im using subliminals to manifest him faster and in the past i tried using a liminal for that and listened for a week and nothing happened so i was like ''this shit doesnt work'' but then a day later some weird stuff happened like my closet randomly opening or my arm being touched while i was sleeping, so im a bit worried what may attach itself to me if i fully try to create a imaginary friend.
These are the subliminals im planning to listen to, let me know what you think No. 1350977
>>1350973tulpas and imaginary friends are different, im trying for a imaginary friend since its safer for my mind but im still worried about getting something attached to me or losing my mind.
Yeah you could, anythings possible but it will have bad effects on your mental health and probably cause psychosis.
No. 1353502
>>1350977I want to chime on this imaginary friend talk with saying that
> im still worried about getting something attached to me or losing my mindAs long as it is a fantasy and you know it is a fantasy, without trying to manifest that idea into reality, you will not lose your mind. You do not need any subliminals or techniques for it, just use your own imagination and daydream. Source - someone who literally spent their entire childhood and teen years in their fantasy world surrounded by imaginary friends. It is so natural to me, I even still have them (as sad as it is).
Imo tulpas are where it gets dangerous and can make you go coocoo cachoo. As a kid I researched it and wanted to make one too, but often tulpas just go sideways with their "independent" life and become a burden on you. You never know what will happen. Your tulpa can just switch on you and start shitting on you 24/7. I agree with other anons on that you shouldn't use manifestation or tulpa-tier techniques for imaginary friends though. Just keep them strictly imaginary lol
No. 1362082
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Would any nonny here be interested in a thread about spell jars or spellcasting in general?
No. 1364071
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Can any witch nonas make this moid im into break up with his gf? He's hot and I want to fuck him.
No. 1364078
>>1364069I think that I get those visions during dreams and sometimes even while walking at night when I'm really in tune with the moon light. I have a strong feeling of deja vu and often tell my friends when it happens exactly. I also do 'prophecies' and tell them exactly how things will play out and they always get in shock when it actually happens. I can do tarot pretty well though.
>>1364071Be careful because those come back somehow or they backfire.
No. 1364105
>>1364078Wow that sounds pretty impressive. It's interesting that you mentioned feeling in tune with moonlight, there might be a deeper meaning underlying that.
>>1364083Ok, glad I'm not the only one. What tools do you suggest?
No. 1364122
>>1364105I'm really connected with the moon ever since I was a child my parents also put my middle name in our language for moon.
>>1364069 intention is very important. I believe an ex put a binding spell on me but I didn't feel a bad feeling from them, they just were doing it out of desperation and misery.
No. 1379927
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>>1379913Psychic predictions are real. They're a gift from Dionysus
No. 1380579
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Nonnies I've been sensing something weird lately, so I randomly decided to wander around school early in the morning and found this. And it's like, seeing someone's relationship with Dionysus as one indicating a psychological need for superiority and dominance really seems like a projection? And especially with Euripides Bacchae too, when the play is explicit about Dionysus's worship including egalitarianism in that his followers were equal before him.
Dionysus was an effeminate, long-haired pretty boy whose followers were almost exclusively women, and whose worship involved the escape from male society and finding libidinal freedom in the mountains.
Did a retarded scrote make this? kek
No. 1382920
>>1382759they also used to kill redheads because they claimed their red hair was sexually tempting men so they would accuse them of being witches.
Sadly witch-hunts still exist in parts of india or africa and women are being accused of being witches for being old, rejecting a man, not being liked by people etc etc. And sadly women in those parts also engage in accusing innocent women of being witches.
No. 1382930
>>1382706>>1382759>>1382900The vast majority of women who were killed in the witch trials were Christians themselves, The Canon Episcopi written in 906 which was official medieval Catholic Canon Law declared "Witchcraft" a Fantasy and a delusion, saying that the folk pagan traditions practiced in rural areas were just that, folk traditions and they should not be seen as
valid to the Christian faith's what witchcraft and magic in general was viewed by the Catholic Church, the heretical but still irrelevant traditions of yokels, it was only after the black death, the start of the Inquisition as well as the publishing of the Malleus Maleficarum by Heinrich Kramer did the witch hunts really start
No. 1382940
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>>1382930the story of Heinrich Kramer and the Malleus Maleficarum its self is pretty interesting, apparently he was "scorned" by a Nun named Helena Scheuberin who didn't think his Sermons were all that good and was very open about her dislike for them, for this he put her on trial for heresy and the Church sided with Helena cause Heinrich sounded like a bitter Incel
when he first published Malleus Maleficarum, he forged a bunch of signatures to give credence to his writings, including claiming that it was approved by the university of collogne. (which it wasn't) in fact, they condemned the book as heretical. the fucking inquisition had a similar opinion, and viewed the text as so heretical as to be downright silly.
he sent a copy to the Pope, where some cardinal approved the thing without actually reading it. the pope took back the church's approval and fully condemned it about 2 years later. unfortunately, the damage had been done. although the inquisition did not use it, secular courts (i.e non-religious courts) adopted it as an official guide, particularly in germany where it was written. when the protestant reformation occured, the protestants kept the document out of spite against the Catholics and began using it in their trials, though ironically the Spanish Inquisition was one of the groups who refused to do so
the malleus itself had a number of issues. firstly, it treated the Illiad as if it were a historical document. second, it stated that women were the cause of the fall of all civilizations (with his only example to support his case being Hellen of Troy). third it claimed that women who were not constantly supervised by men would naturally become witches, including Mary the Mother of God (a statement which understandably made many catholics extremely angry and lead to them demanding that Heinrich get excommunicated). fourthly it claimed that any male who disagreed with him was an "archwizard", worse than a witch (which as it happens include saint augustine, who didn't believe in witchcraft either).
he also stated that it was regrettable that women had to exist in order to keep men from being gay, the book also included a series of stories to prove his case, which were all likely made up. they tended to be bizarrely sexual, including one involving a supposed witch that steals people's penisis and puts them up in a birds nest
I mean just read this
>“Witches collect male organs in great numbers, as many as 20 or 30 members together, and put them in a bird’s nest, or shut them in a box.” But the disembodied penises didn’t just hang around. “They move themselves like living members and eat oats and corn, as has been seen by many,” Kramer wrote.>Kramer reported that witches would sometimes take pity on their victims. When one man asked a witch to restore his missing member, “She told the afflicted man to climb a tree … and take which he liked out of a nest where there were several members >When he tried to take the big one, the witch said: ‘You must not take that one, because it belonged to a parish priestthe main point is that "witches" as a group in the popular immigration never actually existed, they weren't pagan proto-feminists who rebelled against the dumb Christians, they were also Christians who just happened to mix in various local folk practices that the Church deemed heretical
No. 1382943
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>>1382940>the main point is that "witches" as a group in the popular immigration never actually existed, they weren't pagan proto-feminists who rebelled against the dumb Christians, they were also Christians who just happened to mix in various local folk practices that the Church deemed hereticalWho cares? The value of myths isn't in their truth in a positivist sense, but in the meaning said myths cultivate socially. And when it comes to witches and the myriad stories surrounding them, they are obviously a symbol of female power and resistance.
If this is a problem according to history, then perhaps history is less important than mythhistory
No. 1382947
>>1382940>when the protestant reformation occured, the protestants kept the document out of spite against the Catholics and began using it in their trialsWhy did protties just always decide to be 10 times more fucked up than the catholics already were, instead of fixing anything?
>including Mary the Mother of God (a statement which understandably made many catholics extremely angry and lead to them demanding that Heinrich get excommunicated)I feel like Marian devotion was a somewhat limiting factor on misogyny. It doesn't prevent it, but it's telling if a christian can't even pay respects to the Theotokos
No. 1382948
>>1382943its because men, trannies and retarded pickmes into the occult call themselves witches when witches in reality were just normal women, the majority of them never practiced any magic nd they were still killed.
Also witch-hunting still exists in some countries today, while a woman is being brutally tortured in some village for being a witch, some tranny on the internet is claiming how he is a witch.
Use your brain.
No. 1382954
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>>1382948I think women should define who were witches and a woman knows if she is a witch. That her truth as a subject possessing a will to power
No. 1382955
>>1382943If you wanna LARP that's fine, but I think its offensive to claim the heritage of real women who were killed over bullshit and your just taking taking the identity of the accusations made against them
>>1382947>Why did protties just always decide to be 10 times more fucked up than the catholics already were, instead of fixing anything?Remember that Protestantism started out as a fundementalist and puritan view. Martin Luther also wrote this book about how Catholics don't hate Jews enough
>>1382954all your idea about what witches come from men who wanted them dead, one man particular named Gerald Gardner who wrote the foundation of modern witchcraft/wicca as a form of speculative anthropology
No. 1382966
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>>1382955>If you wanna LARP that's fine, but I think its offensive to claim the heritage of real women who were killed over bullshit and your just taking taking the identity of the accusations made against them You're certainly allowed to be offended, but that doesn't mean I have to care
>all your idea about what witches come from men who wanted them dead, one man particular named Gerald Gardner who wrote the foundation of modern witchcraft/wicca as a form of speculative anthropologyNo one has mentioned Gardner except for you
No. 1383229
>>1383216Same. Though I was inspired by a scrote to do that to be honest
Alan Moore.
No. 1386298
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Taut with ecstacy, they mix the beat
with the sweet exhalation of the pipe:
give Mother Earth the drum, and let her mark
the rhythm for the Bacchants' shrieks of joy.
No. 1403499
Nonny, witches don't care if you want to put on your
robe and wizard hat habit and wimple hat, they're too busy living their best lives. If you feel cute in a nun outfit, then go get a nun outfit. The only thing I'd caution is wearing it out in public because people might think you're in a play (since most sisters wear casual dress in public these days.)
No. 1411031
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Nonies how did you know witchcraft was right for you? I like some aspects of witchcraft like herbalism, rituals, and nature. But you don’t have be a witch to do these I not sure if I just want to be a witch because I like female oriented things or if I truly like it. Also what are your favorite resources?
No. 1411922
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this is how i get milk
not from cows; from the earth herself, scratched by my fingertips
No. 1431606
>>1430456You need to do a freezer spell. The easiest way to do this is to write your target's full name and date of birth if you have it (a picture may also suffice) on a piece of paper and fold it away from you as many times as possible, then throw it in the freezer to freeze him out of your life.
If you want to bind him, you may also take some black yarn and wrap it around the folded up paper/picture, chanting that this person is now bound and unable to do you any harm in the process. Then wet the ball of yarn with water and wrap it in aluminum foil and throw it in the freezer. I found this spell in a hoodoo book.
No. 1432415
>>1430880Working with St. Expedite has helped me more than a few times. The higher the stakes/lower the timeframe can make things a bit harder especially if you have a lot of doubts, but I recommend this. You don't need to be Catholic or Christian at all.
If saint work isn't for you, I've found bindrunes (premade from actual runes) to be very effective as well. Cinnamon in a candle with strong, genuine petitioning has also produced good results.
More than anything, you want to heighten your chances in the mundane world where you can.
No. 1433666
>>1432881I don't mind. St. Expedite has come through for me during periods of joblessness (bringing jobs), needing money during a very desperate period (to the point that I found money on the ground or it came through strange means).
When I wasn't recieving mail due to an unknown issue with my old apartment, he fixed that. Having things happen on time (from solid things like packages or appointments to more nebulous things) he's done. St. Jude has not been successful for me but St. Expedite has literally never let me down. Any 'lack of success' from him were things that I ended up benefiting from holding out. He works amazingly in desperate times but still works outside of them.
I pair him with St Michael the Archangel to beat back anything that might be blocking the work and get him where he's going since they are both of a similar energy to me.
Cinnamon candle works almost everytime as well. I sometimes put cinnamon or cayane into st Expedites candles as well. I have used it for the same types of things as above.
The bayleaf wish (idr if I mentioned this, sorry– write petition on a bayleaf, tealight on top, cinnamon in it and light it) I have used to get multiple jobs, being money, and find a lost kitten.
Runes have been wildly successful for me and I have used them to get jobs, help with some relationship issues, get promotions, for alleviating pain from some health complications for someone else (chronic) among other things. The most successful use of them I can recall though is getting a very very noisy neighbor to shut the fuck up. I had it taped to my ceiling and it's the only thing that helped. Runes overall are extremely powerful in my experience.
I get my runic formulas from an app (Ill post it if you want it) and from a Russian forum for magical practice. I run it through Yandex, and I've gotten my most successful ones from there. I like it because there are testimonies for how they worked and that's extremely helpful.
Hope this helps you Nona.
No. 1433714
>>1433685Hi Nona,
"Working with X" is relevant speak for petitioning, requesting from, commissioning, all of the above.
It's calling the plumber to fix the sink, asking a knowledgeable person to advise or put in a good word for you, seeking aid from, or asking for favors from all into one. The details depend on what's needed but that's it in essence.
At times "working with" refers to a longer term relationship ie, the way you might say you are "working with a doctor to manage a health issue"
No. 1434756
>>1434287Good luck Nona. Take your time and work in good faith. Wishing you the best.
>>1434568Of course. I will recount how I do it but feel free to swap things out if you need to.
You need 1 dry bayleaf, a pencil, a white tealight and some powdered cinnamon.
Write what you want on the bayleaf as a simple statement: "get the job", "pay rent", "whiskers come home" anything you need. I prefer to write it like the above because it is uncomplicated and because it allows room for the universe to work it out however it needs to.
I write in pencil because it doesn't crack the leaf. Personally, I found the color to be almost invisible on the leaf and something about that worked well in my mind.
Set the tealight on top and light it.
Mentally or verbally restate what you want, or explain yourself shortly: "I want this job. This is the job for me and I've got it" or "Whiskers come home.. I'll be hugging you in no time at all, home safe". However you want to say this.
I like to state what I want and that I've got it.
Sprinkle some cinnamon over the tealight. I like to flick some into the flame because it sparks.
Put your energy into it until you see fit and then let it burn. You can gaze at it or sit with it or leave it on its way. I like to sit with my candles for a while and have some tea, read, whatever. Not the entire time but for a bit.
Let it burn and then wait for your work to come to fruition. Try not to stress about it just carry on whatever mundane means are necessary to further your progress. I hope this explains it for you Nona. Best of luck.
No. 1435153
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>>1434789>>1434906You're very welcome!
>>1434900I have android but I believe there is an iOS version as well. It's called "runic formulas" (see pic)
I like this app because many of these bindrunes are sourced from the Russian forums I mentioned along with some others.
Good luck Nona!
No. 1440925
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Any suggestions on what I could do to discard used/unused items? I have oils and incense powders that aren’t used or used once such as breakup oils and dume oil.
I rather not pass them down to someone since in my opinion they’re not something that would be used for good and can alter others lives for worse and I rather not have someone harm someone else. What can I do to safely discard of these items? Can I wash them out with running water and cleanse them? I wouldn’t want to piss anything off.
No. 1442243
>>1440925If they are merely unused and not dedicated to anything just gather them up in a black trash bag and throw them into the dumpster.
If you want to say something while tossing it like "be rid of these things; to no harm of mine or any other" you are free to do so.
Don't worry, you won't be pissing anything off just by throwing them away. But, much of your fear might leave you if you work on lessening your attachment to bad things happening theoretically. Once the items leave your hands, if you gave them away, it has nothing to do with you anymore. You owned them once but no longer. That isn't your responsibility.
No. 1442264
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Those with intent to harm you will not prosper and will fail. Every act of evil will be reflected onto them tenfold.
No. 1445750
>>1445379That's a lovely idea. I'm sure there are too many to list in whole, but what kind of trees are native to you? I might be able to suggest something.
You'll want to have something with the properties that match your intent. Bay is associated with luck and wishes (among other things) but there are many other choices to experiment with.
No. 1483842
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thoughts on celebrities (specifically female) that you think are witches? Gisele is open about it and Tom Brady spoke about her doing rituals in the locker room & has an alter for him. Quite a few people believe that she was either partially or entirely responsible for his successful career.
No. 1483857
>>1477100What kind of resources? Websites? Books?
>>1483842It was really common in the 1970’s. Every Hollywood star who wanted to be big hired or practiced from what I know. Debbie Sherwood was a background extra who wrote a book and was a witch and talks about it. Not sure about modern celebs though.
No. 1484936
>>1484710Not fairies specifically, just the natural world itself. Babby anon would go outside and hug trees because they felt friendly and comforting. Maybe there were fairies in the trees and that's why they were so chill. What was the garden like when you were young
No. 1489597
>>1488215Personally I don’t believe in Karma, instead I would be more worried about the person having protection from whatever means and it retaliating.
I suggest to protect yourself before casting the hex, and await results
No. 1491560
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so a few years back I did a sweetening spell on a scrote because I wanted to see what would happen. I'm pretty sure it worked because years later he'll randomly message me saying he misses me and always thinks about me. I think I'm supposed to bury it in dirt to cancel the spell but I don't really live in an area where I could do that with ease. Any other ways to dispose of this kek
No. 1493386
>>1488215nona, careful. hexes and binding aren't things that are done quick snap. if you want to get rid of someone in your life, just write their name on some toilet paper with all your anger and just toss and flush it in the toilet (peeing on it could add some pizzazz).
i would recommend a book called "Utterly Wicked" if you want to learn more about cursing.
No. 1503307
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Anyone else view trolling as a spiritual calling? To me, it's something akin to prayer; often I will pour libations for Dionysus, and I view trolling people online or IRL similarly.
One of Dionysus's aspects was the libidinal sort of life force, and this vitalist principle finds its expression in the joy that comes from lulz (a corruption of lol, which stands for "laugh out loud."). To be filled with this joy is to be possessed by Bacchian madness and the destructive power of Dionysus, like those maenad women who tore King Pentheus apart in the mountains. I think my view is expressed well by Gabriella Coleman when she describes lulz as, "a deviant style of humor and quasi-mystical state of being."
No. 1504059
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wanted to post this to the confessions thread but thought it might be too unhinged for there, so here we go. i believe in multiple timelines or planes of existence. and that we can switch in between them, or can perceive other lives, past lives or future lives too. when i had a near death experience, or extreme emotion in my past, i could dream of or see scenes from other lives or my future. i know this sounds insane, so i asked my mom and dad and sibling if i had certain things happen when i was a child, and they said not. but i remember them vividly, like having had multiple illnesses, having been kidnapped, looking in the mirror and seeing my sick face and getting scared. being too afraid to open my eyes.
sometimes people say i spaced out during a conversation. i would then have a vision like this of something relating to my life. then within less than a second, the conversation would be back to normal, and i would ask them if i spaced out or passed out, and they would say not.
No. 1540377
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Anons I need some advice. I have this hand-written note given to me by my crush. I want to use it in a sweetening/love spell. My feelings for him are very intense and it causes me distress, my intentions with this spell are to "release" these feelings, as I feel very strongly that once I complete the spell my conscious can rest easy. I just know that once I complete it it will be a weight lifted off of my shoulders.
How should I go about using the note in the spell? Should I cut out and use the sweeter sounding parts or use it as is? What is the best spell to use with the note?
No. 1541722
>>1541720You can't appropriate a spell, it either works or doesn't.
Like say I summon another culture's demon, nobody would dare say shit about it in fear of being smitten by said demon
No. 1567089
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>>1564739I did a little ritual and added plenty of fire
No. 1567095
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>>1564739 i tried to fire a clay venus figurine i made in a fire pit. We have tons and tons of ceramic clay on our property, it didn't work out though, it hardened only on the surface on one side, but it's chared black now so that cool. I was hoping i can make ceramics like ancient people but nah gotta build an oven.
No. 1587637
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alright witch nonas, am I cursed or something petty like that? Blood and worms have been manifesting in my shower in the last months. At first it was just 1 worm at most 2, so I began cleaning 2 to 3 times a month with bleach and soap, which kinda worked but they kept appearing. I really didn't mind until I saw a singular drop of blood above my eye level, so like 170cm from the ground, on the shower wall. I thought it was mine so I splashed some water on it. but days later it happened again, same spot, same singular drop of blood. I didn't think too much into it until I told a friend of mine jokingly and he was like "that's freaky shouldn't you check up on it?" and was like why? I don't believe in anything spooky or paranormal I guess it gave him the bad yuyu or something. Honestly it doesn't really bother me, right now the worms are kinda like "friends" who take showers with me and the blood drop hasn't showed up in days, still wanted to run it by you see if it is something or nah.
No. 1587650
>>1567095ZYou can, u jus t need to make a deep fire pit and keep it really hot like 1200 Celsius for like 16 hours.
It’s the time that’s the bitch to keep up.
If u wrap it in straw or hair or ash you can glaze it naturally too.
You could also buy a cheap, or get a free kiln if u have space. People are always getting rid.
But it would be nice to do it all natural.
Maybe combine it with a bbq/garden party where tending it was my feel like a chore
No. 1587651
>>1567095You can, u jus t need to make a deep fire pit and keep it really hot like 1200 Celsius for like 16 hours.
It’s the time that’s the bitch to keep up.
If u wrap it in straw or hair or ash you can glaze it naturally too.
You could also buy a cheap, or get a free kiln if u have space. People are always getting rid.
But it would be nice to do it all natural.
Maybe combine it with a bbq/garden party where tending it was my feel like a chore
No. 1587652
>>1567095You can, u jus t need to make a deep fire pit and keep it really hot like 1200 Celsius for like 16 hours.
It’s the time that’s the bitch to keep up.
If u wrap it in straw or hair or ash you can glaze it naturally too.
You could also buy a cheap, or get a free kiln if u have space. People are always getting rid.
But it would be nice to do it all natural.
Maybe combine it with a bbq/garden party where tending it was my feel like a chore
No. 1588393
>>1588025nice, glad to know is not a poltergeist or something. I'll throw some cleaner down the drain as you said and scrub my shower, sink and toilet.
>>1588078baby worms? always female? kinda cute, now I feel bad for drowning them in bleach kek
No. 1605080
>>1605027I reversed a moid's curse by burning certain substances and recording his name and other details, etc. You literally just have to be stronger than the person cursing you, don't fall for any scare tactics or
victim blaming. Also, there are ways to cleanse yourself, but I feel that's culture-specific.
No. 1605092
>>1605080It’s really easy to reverse a curse from a moid cause they have like no actual power magically speaking. If a female witch cursed you and it’s working then you do in fact deserve it and she’s definitely stronger than you and at best you’ll accidentally redirect the curse onto someone else you love who would be deserving.
But if you think a moid cursed you that’s a different story and it’s really easy to negate. You’re automatically so much powerful than them just by virtue of being a woman.
No. 1613735
>>1605359You really can't imagine
any action that makes a person deserve bad things to happen to them?
No. 1618542
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For anons who work with demons, thoughts on this?
No. 1618952
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>trying to cast a spell to reverse a curse
>the spell requires me to put a candle inside a bowl and fill the bowl up with water
>i start to fill the bowl up, and just as i realize i don't have enough water the candle falls over
>i start again with a new candle and more water
>neighbors conveniently start making a racket, interrupting the ritual
>i go inside to fetch a new candle and more water to start over AGAIN
>mfw the third black candle i owned has mysteriously disappeared
i feel like something is trying to sabotage me wtf? what should i do? can i reuse the second candle? i only did this in the first place because i tried to cast another spell the other day with the same intention but i fucked that up too
No. 1619040
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>>1618542Her symbol looks like picrel
No. 1619075
>>1619047>try a white magic cleansing spell i think you misinterpreted my post, i was trying to reverse a curse, not curse someone else
>get some white sage as an approach firstwould palo santo work? i’m not native american so i am wary of using white sage, i’m not familiar with their practices
No. 1619117
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>>1619075Just FYI Palo Santo is also a Native American practice, so if you're wary about using white sage because of its roots I would recommend going with common sage or rosemary. Either way here's a smudging ritual you can do. Just call on the spirit of whatever herb or smudge stick you're using instead.
No. 1619525
>>1618542Seems like some scrote is writing about his new cool oc that totally isn’t fetish material for some power fantasy.
Ok, so Before I sent the message I had to look into the book and it’s made by EA Koetting- kek, it checks out.
No. 1619526
>>1619525Samefagging, but,
Nonny are you looking into other books about working with demons? Do you or anyone else have some recommendations? I have rn The complete book of demonolatry and Lucifer and The Hidden Demons and I’m looking to expand my library
No. 1619815
>>1619596>At least get a misandrist demon on your sideLol, there is no such thing. Demons hate women. If you don't think they're all complicit in shit like
>>1618542 then you're wrong. I've been sexually assaulted by the demon Bael in my dreams after he said he had a message for me. They're rotten and woman hating.
No. 1620123
>>1619815>They're rotten and woman hating.Personally I have never experience hatred or ANY malice towards me when working with them, in fact, I see much more kindness and understanding from them than I do in most people I interact with.
Nevertheless, I’m Sorry that you’ve experience that, anon, but have you considered that you’ve interacted with an entity just using Bael’s name to gain fear from you?
No. 1620478
>>1620123>Personally I have never experience hatred or ANY malice towards me when working with them, in fact, I see much more kindness and understanding from them than I do in most people I interact with.Of course they wouldn't be mean to just any of their practitioners, they see you as someone they can extract power from in the form of worship and offerings. God forbid you ever piss them off or stop being useful to them.
>have you considered that you’ve interacted with an entity just using Bael’s name to gain fear from you?I know that they are the ones tormenting me in dreams because I've worked with their energies before. That's something that a lower level entity can't replicate. I've also tried all the regular ways of banishing them, which should work if it's just a normal entity, and nothing works except calling upon angels. They are rapist scum.
No. 1620528
>the complete book of demonolatry by S. Connolly This is just general basics of performing rituals, offerings for some demons, their titles and history(some even once being pagan gods), experiences, ect. The book was originally published in chapters, but this encompasses all those chapters into one. The book lays down the foundation of Demonolatry, and it’s completely free to read online! I personally recommend it because of how it takes away the stereotypical belief of demons being this malevolent entity with the sole purpose of making a person have a bad day
>Lucifer and the hidden Demons by Theodore RoseI’ll admit that I haven’t quite finished this one yet, I’m using it as a way to learn more about rituals to better connect to who I’m working with. The book is much more thorough with the types of rituals and pathworking
There are a few others that I wish that I could link from self published authors, but I’m pretty sure that linking pdf files are against the rules here, but some of them you can read on EA Koetting’s forum. Just to note, I’m not a fan of the guy but he brought many different pagans together who are not just Satanists who view demons more humanly than just sign deal for “power”
Also, Some of my interests lie more into Demonolatry when working with demons, so these books doesn’t include Solomon practices, such as binding them or “forcing” them to listening to me.
No. 1620780
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>>1620528holy cow demonona you came bearing gifts. I'll check the scrote forum too. I didn't know Demonolatry was a thing, do you have fave demons to worship?
solomon sounds like an annoying moid, I bet that's why he looks like cottage cheese No. 1621255
>>660000>Do you believe in it?Yes in the sense that I believe there is a power to trying to manifest and keeping positive energy about you. I truly do think negativity attracts negativity and if you do your best to be kind, do good deeds, and stay positive things will be better for you.
>Are you a "witch"?Yes I am a witch but more accurately a secular pagan, I believe there's a connection we have to Earth and nature that we have been disconnected from due to our progress in mankind. I want to raise my kids as pagan and free from religious influence, Christianity in particular.
>Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?Yes I do all of these and have an altar, I don't believe in magic but I think the rituals are fun to do and help me as a form of meditation. I stay away from things like curses and dark magic because those, even though they are fake, are negative things that I feel will undoubtably backfire on you.
>Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?I take witchcraft as seriously as I can in the sense that I do think it's a LARP to an extent but a fun harmless one. I know there are those who seriously believe but I am just not a spiritual person.
>Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rituals, shamans, and the like?I come from a culture where Palo, Santería, Sansé, exist so brujería is a common topic.
I enjoy that witchcraft is unapologetically female and nature oriented, it's harmless fun. I do enjoy laughing at r/witchesagainstpatriarchy though, they're insane.
No. 1621344
>>1620780>solomon sounds like an annoying moidFr, In his book he takes the Christian view of these entities as nothing but evil, binds them, and then he wonders why they acted aggressive or dishonest to him- real big whoosh moment
>do you have fave demons to worship?Right now, I’ve been working the most with Duke Dantalion just because he’s been the most responsive and helpful towards what I’ve asked of him.
He’s been referred as being very ‘mind’ focused, having a good understanding of the human psyche, so I approached him to help elevate some of my mental health stuff like depression, to keep me more motivated/have energy to do what I need.
He’s helped a lot with that, but most of all, I came to this path as a sceptic so working with him, and feeling his energy was a huge wake up call that such entities can exist
No. 1621412
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>>1620951Sure. Here it is.
No. 1682593
>>1682579kek nona i had this same conundrum earlier
but yeah it's just the moon
No. 1684409
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What is it with spiritual women online who post racy pictures/videos of themselves for the male gaze and then call it "divine feminine energy"? These women are actually well versed in spiritual concepts but somehow think being sexy for the male gaze is the divine feminine? I'll post another example of what I mean in a second. I found this one on Pinterest.
No. 1684411
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>>1684409Picrel is an astrologer that I really like, but her Instagram is full of stuff like this.
(spoiler NSFW content) No. 1684483
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>>1684417I think it would be so much less cringey if it wasn't just male gaze "femininity" and more like actual women being women in their natural state, which doesn't require makeup and the porny posing. I would argue that all the makeup and aesthetics go against natural female essence.
When I think of divine feminine I think of women's natural bodies and our ability to give life if we want, like picrel.
No. 1684498
>>1684409Anyone can pick up a book and learn spiritual shit these days. Now that it is going mainstream more and more influencers aka grifters are getting involved. Posting ass and tits in between astrology tarot divine feminine word slop is an easy way for them to expand their audience.
>>1682927 Is correct. Never fully trust any influencer, especially spiritual ones. The types that peddle this type of stuff to the public are snake oil saleswomen. Sometimes literally.
>>1684483 I've always thought of the divine feminine as the building blocks of life and death. If it was represented without the malegazy poses or tradthot undervibes it would be great. Women existing naturally and unapologeticly is miles better than whatever is going on now.
No. 1684508
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>>1684483Agreed. She leans too much into sexual tropes that are rooted im misogynistic views of women. I hated how she associated the Rohini nakshatra with Lolita shit. This is not a trope that should be promoted at all since it's pedophilic. I know Rohinis are associated with youth and beauty but bringing a pedo trope into it is crossing a big line.
No. 1684555
>>1684498Do you have any good recs for learning about the actual divine feminine and not this weird bullshit that's all over social media? Your interpretation makes a lot of sense, I was just guessing here
>>1684483 bc I have no idea but I know for a fact that women pandering to misogynistic standards is not the 'divine feminine'.
>>1684508I agree with you anon. I think it's because she's trying to appeal to the modern-day porn-addicted masses who are used to misogynistic tropes like sugar babies, femme fatales, the rags to riches billionaire's bride, etc. She's making old vedic astrology concepts into tropes so that idiots can understand and will click on it, but I think doing so limits the depth of discussion on the nakshatras.
No. 1684566
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>>1684555Nta but I recommend The Feminine Divine by Anuja Chandramouli (pic rel) and the book Women of Wisdom by Tsultrim Allione.
No. 1692091
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Nonnies what specific witch trial should I base my research paper on? Do you know any particularly interesting/notable case? I'm probably going to go with one that I'm able to weave into the secondary research in Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch.
>Val Camonica Witch Trials (Italy 1505–1510 and 1518–1521)
>Jeanette Clerc (Geneva 1539)
>The Chelmsford Witches of 1566: Elizabeth Francis, Agnes Waterhouse, Joan Waterhouse
(England 1566)
>Prosecutions of Trier (Holy Roman Empire [Germany] 1581–1593)
>The Chelmsford Witches of 1589: Joan Cunny, Joan Upney, Joan Prentice (England 1589)
>North Berwick Witch Trials: Gelie Duncan, John Fian, Agnes Sampson, others (Scotland
>Eichstätt Witch Trials (Holy Roman Empire [Germany] 1590–1631)
>Gostanza da Libbiano (Italy 1594)
>Asmodea (Italy 1594)
>Basque Witch Trials (Spain 1609–1614)
>Marie Cornu (France 1611)
>The Northampton Witches: Agnes Brown, Arthur Bill, Helen Lenkenson (England 1612)
>The Vardø Witches (Norway, 1621)
>Prosecutions of Bamberg: Johannes Junius (Holy Roman Empire [Germany] 1628)
>Prosecutions of Würzburg (Holy Roman Empire [Germany] 1629)
>Devils of Loudun: Father Urbain Grandier (France 1636)
>The Chelmsford Witches of 1645: Puritans (England 1645)
>Suzanne Gaudry (France 1652)
>Isobel Gowdie (Scotland 1662)
>The Mora Witches (Sweden 1669)
>The Paisley Witches, a.k.a. the Bargarran or the Renfrewshire Witches (Scotland 1697)
>The Islandmagee Witches (Ireland 1711)
No. 1714281
>>1713764It doesn’t really. I don’t really talk about it outside pagan circles. I wish my friends happy sabbaths and give out yule tide gifts and foods when I do feasts for the sabbaths but other than that I don’t really bring it up with my non pagan friends.
As far as dating I wait a while and once I think they’re someone who’s not going to be a dick about it I let them know I practice. My current partner is a sweetheart and has never been weird or made fun of me and even hung the shelf I’m using as my daily altar for me by the bed. I’ve dated other pagans and we practiced together in the past that was cool and I’ve dated people that were jerks but normally that’s just a sign to cut and run because there’s other stuff wrong with them. It’s not really that big a deal.
No. 1861598
>>1713764Personally, I don’t tell anyone.
Most the time, whenever someone brings up religion, it gets uncomfortable, and as a practitioner who works with demons, there really isn’t much to talk about or share without someone giving you
the look.
>>1714281> I'm scared they will think I'm insane or stupid.This is exactly why I don’t share my practice. Even though being a ‘witch’ or working the left hand path is becoming more mainstream, there are people out there who will still wish to do harm to you. At most I say that I’m pagan because People will always look weirded out by you or think you’re a “magical snowflake”. They don’t need to know the intricacies of your work, and if the practice works for you, it shouldn’t bother you what other people think.
Side tangent, And I know I went on a whole spiel about being keeping this practice to yourself, but I really want to join some pagan festivals to actually meet others in a space not shrouded by witchtok and ‘light-worker’ beliefs. Does anyone have any experiences with going to these festivals, is it worth it?
No. 1943245
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>>1936490On the off-chance that this ever gets any new seeders, does anyone remember approximately how large it is? I want to make sure I have the space.
No. 1978820
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how often do you come across people like picrel?
No. 1979855
>>1978820Never because I don't use reddit nor talk about witchcraft online.
>celtic>Apollo>I decided to find a patronIs this the kind of ''witch'' that believes in angels and uses tarot?
No. 1979929
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No offense but why even be a witch at this point?
No. 1979937
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>>1979561>>1979855I think she's referring to the concept of Interpretatio graeca. basically before montheism became dominant most polytheistic people's base assumption was that everyone sort of worshipped the same gods but other people were just doing it wrong. Most of the time it wouldn't lead to much except the Romans listing every type of god other people worshipped as being Apollo. a lot of times it would lead to religious synchronizing and creating whole new gods and religions.
No. 1979991
>>1979929>Altar with statues of Medusa and Pan>Medusa, an actual rape victim>Pan, an actual rapist whom all the nymphs reject and run way from like the plagueThis woman makes no sense, and the Dr. Pepper thing is just the cherry on top of her retardation.
>>1979937I'm very familiar with that phenomenon (Sulis/Minerva, Apollo/Borvo, etc..) and she doesn't seem to be referring to that at all, if she's practicing ''celtic witchcraft'' or whatever that means, she could have taken the time to find ANY celtic deity to do her stupid larp about. Anyway, what's your favourite case of
interpretatio graeca, anon? I'm a fan of Ataecina/Proserpina.
No. 1980303
Is anyone else really annoyed by the recent acceptance of troons in witch communities? I’ve moved to another area and would like to befriend some people that participate in witchcraft, but it’s like every group I find has a 50-year-old man in a wig pretending to be a witch and manipulating what is meant to be a spiritual practice into some sort of fetish. I’m a Wiccan and so I do believe in the balance of divine feminine and masculine. It seems like almost blasphemy to deny the sex you were born with, and going against the grain of nature by trying to grotesquely mimic something you’re not. Embrace who you are and all. Not all witches are Wiccan, I get it, but I think most witches should believe in the balance of nature. Troons are destructive. It annoys me that these stupid handmaidens are allowing perverts in the practice.
>>1979929Sounds like laziness. Just stop practicing, at this point she’s no different than anybody else.
No. 1980387
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>>1980303You have no idea how much that pisses me off, especially as a former follower of Lilith, who the trannies want to claim as their “dark mother.” No, faggot, you are not “one of her strongest soldiers” and you do not have a personal relationship with her. At best, you have a contract with her, and at worst, you are insulting her by naming your gigahon moid self after such a powerful woman. I hate them.
They also infest places that belong to the deity I currently worship, Artemis. I cannot fathom the idea these retards get the idea that Artemis, who will never accept men into her inner circle, would allow them to be close to her just because they wear women’s clothing. I never say anything, but I take pleasure knowing that they’re delusional if they claim to have a personal relationship with her.
No. 1980397
>>1979929There's a sliver of good advice in here, but it's buried in so much insufferable 2deep5u more-spirichual-than-thou shit. Like nothing's going to happen if you prefer soda in your chalice instead of wine. Finding cheap/local substitutes you like for tools is a good thing. Incorporating magic into daily life to the point where it feels seamless is something a lot of practitioners aspire to. But I don't get why she's bragging about it like it somehow puts her ahead of others who use more traditional tools.
>>1980303I stopped associating with my local grove once they started accepting MTFs. The group priest was real hard on me for wanting to practice masculine/take priest roles as a woman and pressured me into taking on priestess roles during group rituals, so I got especially offended when those same people were totes okay with Beardy Baritone McGee over here suddenly playing priestess and pretending he's the triple goddess. I'd be much more okay with a group that accepted FTMs, but will never be okay with a group that allows MTFs.
No. 1980609
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>>1980573Makes me wish Artemis would send arrows their way when they pretend to be women worshipping her.
No. 1981144
>>1980303>tfw these trannies are trying desperately to become high priestesses in spiritual circles to replace actual biological women Yes those faggots have taken up every space along with the gender-confused abcdeqghkklmnopdisabled queerio ones who believe they are “godspoused” to a zillion spirits and constantly rant about their childhood religious trauma. I’m so tired of them all, they hoard and adopt all of these practices and beliefs and say “teehee that goddess wouldn’t like a
TERF” like shut the fuck up they don’t care about me or trannies kek
No. 1981171
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Nonnas, i stumbled into this thread here again and it makes me miss my witchcraft days. I haven’t been practicing for about three years. Do you have any ideas how I can get back into it after a dead period? I know soon it’s Beltane and i actually got something planned for that
No. 1981878
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How do you hex someone without it backfiring on you? This is a legit question.
No. 1981883
>>19818781. Don't believe in karma,
you are karma
2. Do an egg cleanse or some shit.
No. 1982260
>>1981935From what I see, the types that do this think that the Gods and Godesses are more like characters than deities. People into Marvel and Tumblr types. It’s just another fandom to them. It happens a lot to Loki and Lilith.
>>1981878It won’t. If the person is really a jerk and deserves it, you’re just helping carry karma along. Don’t worry about the rule of three. It’s a made up rule to discourage beginners from impulsively cursing people left and right.
No. 1983023
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Nonnas what are your plans for Beltane if you celebrate? Unfortunately I’m gonna be traveling so I’m very limited (no candles, no incense etc). But I’m going to do something after I return even if it’s not on that day exactly
No. 1986345
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Happy Beltane or Walpurgisnacht nonnas
No. 1987347
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This is a perhaps weird question but has anyone ever "made up" their own deity or spirit that you believe in? How did you come to that conclusion?
I don't believe in traditional religions so I was wondering if it's an accepted practice to do this.
Is it weird to create my own set of beliefs and work with a spirit that I've named on my own?
No. 1989170
>>1989158I used to think it was a purely psychological thing until I went up a mountain to do a ritual dedicated to athena and on the way up an older woman hiking down said to me "make sure you don't look back". part of the ritual involved me not looking behind me after i get to the top and conduct the ceremony. I didnt even feel spooked when this happened it just felt right.
I haven't seen anything obviously supernatural outside of dreams or trances, usually i see their messages through strange coincidences or occurances like the above where they speak through the mouths of others
No. 1989186
>>1989176How do you develop your clairvoyance? or is it something you're born with?
I feel like the level I interact with them right now is navigable, too much more would make it difficult to interact with the real world. Are you able to "turn off" the spirits when you need to or are you always tuned in?
No. 1991629
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Nonas can you recommend a website (or book) where I can find a lot of information for plants used in magick? Like their corresponding planet, element etc. and ideally a little bit about the history.
No. 1991650
>>1991629This is only as far as the herbs they have but I love the information is very well presented and has planetary, elemental, herbalistic and metaphysical properties. still really love this site, it's sadly closed. They have herb and stone correspondences also. may help also.
I get most of my herbal info from books, but Im not at home right now. Hope this helps nonna.
No. 1992334
>>1992212This is the only site talking about occult stuff when I search ''red magic'', the rest of results are related to videogames and smartphones
>Yes, there is. Red magic is described by the late exorcist of Rome, Gabriele Amorth, as a type of sorcery that “regards the sphere of sexuality and influences the sentiments” in his book, An Exorcist Explains the Demonic. For this reason, it’s often referred to as “sex magic” and is used to inspire passion in a love interest.>Red Magic is also referred to as Hoodoo, a derivative of Voodoo, which was carried to the United States by West Africans during the slave trade. It is a blend of spiritual practices indigenous to the people of the Congo and other African tribes.>The practice gradually began to incorporate Christian thought such as a belief in God and His Providence but seeing Him more as the archetypal hoodoo doctor. Some practitioners believe God created the world via six days of hoodoo magic spells and often portray Biblical characters as hoodoo doctors. The Bible is used more as a source of spells and is considered to be a protective talisman.>Red magic is practiced much like other versions with potions concocted from herbs, minerals, and parts of animals’ bodies, but especially semen, menstrual blood, saliva and urine. Spirits of the dead are often called upon along with recitation of psalms from the Bible.>This explanation should be enough to convince you that red magic is just as evil as it’s white and black counterparts. They all rely on wizards, warlocks, shamans, and witchdoctors who in turn rely upon powers that are not sourced in God.>As Father Amorth explains: “All turn to the same preternatural entity, the wizard, who, in all these cases, resorts to the power of Satan in order to obtain the invoked result. Therefore, there is no difference among them, ‘black,’ ‘white,’ or ‘red’.”>All are sourced in evil, and all are to be strictly avoided. this accurate? It sounds very silly kek
No. 1992403
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>Red magic is a highly potent magic type. It can forge strong and long-lasting bonds between two people. It cultivates energies like passion and lust, but is also the color of anger and violence: just like any other magic type, red magic must be treated with care and respect.
>Red magic encompasses all the magical practices that influence the emotional or sexual spheres. It, therefore, fills the gap between White and Black magic as it can have both positive and negative consequences.
>Red magic spells can be used to strengthen a pre-existing love between two people, or it can bend the will of a target to make them feel a connection that did not exist prior to the spell-casting. of, how secure are these websites that offer to cast spells? Not sure if I can trust it.
No. 1992792
>>1989158I usually work with the seasons and dieties that rule the days of the week. I appropriate Greek gods and goddesses and I don't really care. I started worshipping them long before if was considered bad to appropriate another religion. Don't care. My favorite diety to honor at the moment is Persephone but I used to exclusively focus on virgin goddesses because I was a virgin until I was in my 30s. Now it doesn't seem right. I rarely work with male gods. I do also honor ancestral spirits and try to get guidance from them, particularly any dead relatives I personally knew.
OP if you are working with spirits and dieties please do share, I enjoy reading other people's experiences.
No. 1992795
>>1992747Just a striking thing Nona, I immediately thought of Lucifer when you talked about this figure. He's one of my guiding figures and he has many forms, but the one I know him as has worn a deep reddish suit in some unusual fabric for as long as I've known him. He warns against being ruled by anything. Your money, your wants, your hatred or anger, your lust, etc. Don't let anything rule you and be wise.
This is just an aside of who it reminded me of. But this sounds more like a warning to gain self discipline and not use witchcraft or magic for stupid things or out of anger. It's a common "rule" of magic not to work outside your mind as in, do things in the right state of mind whether a hex or curse or a boon or protection spell. do it because you know exactly what you're doing and do it knowing that the consequences (not a 3 fold anything nor """karma""" but any ripples that your work causes) are yours to deal with. If you curse someone and it works but you're consumed with guilt you need to stop cursing until you can stand by your work on its grim truth. Your dream sounds amazing. If I were you I would leave a glass of water or alcohol, or a cigarette out for that spirit because he gave you good advice and might have come because you're walking wrong on the right path. Dont quit magic. Discipline yourself.
No. 1992799
>>1992334I'll be honest this doesn't sound very reliable. There's a lot of false, misconstrued and otherwise adapted information in magic.
This isn't aimed at you nona. But, Hoodoo is not "red magic", I've been studying all kinds of magic and hoodoo (with roots to it) for nearing 20 years and I've never heard this term before. There may be something that translates to "red" magic but I think I'm being too generous even there kek
No. 1992871
>>1992859Ayrt, that’s fair and I somewhat agree. However, with the greeks specifically, as an ancient global power, their culture dramatically impacted many parts of the world, so I think that anon could argue they do have some sort of connection to greek mythology, especially if they’re of european/mediterranean descent. On another level, I just don’t really care what people believe in. And I don’t really care about “cultural appropriation” by its SJW definition (I’m actually surprised to see that term being used on lolcow now kek). That being said, I think what you described is why I find a lot of spiritualists cringey in general (genuinely not saying this to be hateful, be cringey and free for all I care). Like it almost always seems like a larp. I’ve tried connecting my own spiritual practices with my culture/religious roots, but it’s not like my mom or her mom were practicing the same way, so you could even call that a larp
No. 1993789
>>1992871> However, with the greeks specifically, as an ancient global power, their culture dramatically impacted many parts of the worldI wouldn't say they were, not at least when compared to the Romans, who you could argue that they catalyzed the impact greeks had on the Mediterranean world. I think that during Alexander the Great the influence of orient on the Greeks, their biggest expansionist moment, it was more important than viceversa (importation of foreign cults, divinization of the emperor…)
>so I think that anon could argue they do have some sort of connection to greek mythology, especially if they’re of european/mediterranean descent.I agree with that and the rest of your post, although I do care about cultural appropriation because it ususally leads to misinterpretations (often in an abrahamic way) and consoomer attitudes towards those spiritual elements that are being appropriated (adding angels, demons, foreign or modern divination techniques, buying lots of unnecessary shit).
>Like it almost always seems like a larp.I does, yeah, maybe because we see on the internet the worst of neopaganism, people who want to show off crystals and fantasy knives, while the people who practice in almost total austerity don't talk about it.
>I’ve tried connecting my own spiritual practices with my culture/religious roots, but it’s not like my mom or her mom were practicing the same way, so you could even call that a larpWhere are you from, anon? You don't have to be very specific
No. 1993798
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>>1992751>>1992795>>1992798>>1992863Thank you nonnas. I'm a beginner and currently spiritually disconected, so I'm not sure where do I begin disciplining myself for this.
No. 1994009
>>1993982They find it offensive because it conflicts with their faith. Everyone has faith in something greater then themselves; technology, logic, a parent, a car. They have faith that those things will come through for them but don’t realize that a lot of female spirituality is us discovering our own power and coming through for ourselves (there is no higher divinity then the true self imo). And as we know women having a deep faith in themselves has always upset people. You commune with spirits under your steam, it is up to you how you address that and handle that, no one can take that from you. Tarot is a lot of self directed intuition practice, it helps you know self and other on a deeper level, it’s pretty much you giving yourself guidance by meditating on thoughtful prompts and directions. Practicing craft and by extension Witch craft is a practice in empowering ourselves, building a skill, bringing us closer to nature, each other, a higher self and ancestral connections (gods/goddess/ancestors/spirits/etc), it’s a faith born of ancestral intuition (as far as the through thread I’ve seen of womens spirituality) and self.
It’s honestly kind of beautiful to realize that women are constantly rediscovering our power and connection to each other, the past and nature again and again. That no matter how many times people destroy, denigrate and talk over us we just keep doing it.
No. 1994479
>>1994009Beautifully put, it makes other women who had the souls sucked out of them pissed off. I wish they would find their spiritual strength again, mine is waivering because of the difficult things going on in my life rn but I still try to believe and hold on hope that they will really give me signs and my abilities open up.
>>1994320please tell me your experiences nonna I want to know what you experienced
No. 1994620
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How do I connect with my spirituality again? For nonnies whose spirituality has dimmed and waved through the years, what did you do to rekindle?
My biggest hurdle is that people who are spiritual are seen as crazy by others. I go back to atheism and agnosticism from time to time.
No. 1994884
>>1994488>Playing with crystals and calling yourself a witch is not some fun and innocent hobby, you're stepping on some really offensive ground hereYour view is so American. There is nothing offensive when people connect to their spirituality, it’s a firm part of being a human!
>>1994620Go out in nature and listen to the trees and the birds. Get familiar with a plant. Try to meditate about it or do an oracle of your choice for insight. Maybe write a little journal about it. Think if it as little antennas you just need to try to extend again
No. 1995542
>>1994181That's very interesting, I'm actually jealous of how vast and old the roots of the jewish tradition are and all the knowledge available to those who belong to it, like you, who can learn hebrew to read jewish sacred texts and get in touch with ancient aspects of that faith in a meaninful way
>>1994678I think that would be a good idea
>>1994620Just repel the consoom and follow your interests, if you feel like reading about meditation go for it. Extract bits of information here and there about anything related to spirituality that peaks your interest and can help you feel centered and conneceted to that part of you that seeks for trascendence. Devoting a particular space to your spirituality also helps a lot, like a room or a corner of your bedroom, even if it's only a special quiet place outdoors you go to breath fresh air. Start preparations for a small altar if you feel like it, you don't really need nothing fancy for this. Make your beliefs present in your daily life through a DIY charm or an amulet. Create your own daily or weekly spiritual routines: meditation, blessings before eating, cooking recipes that use specific ingredients, lighting candles…
>My biggest hurdle is that people who are spiritual are seen as crazy by others.That's very reasonable, but the only way to avoid it is being very discrete imo
No. 1999751
does anyone have recommendations for good resources? websites with specific instructions, similar to this website? (not a psychic vampire but the html type websites help me a lot) or recommendations for books with a lot of specific instructions? i am partway thru living wicca
No. 2000129
>>2000050Your slavic goddess sounds cool
nonnie, good for you!
No. 2000489
>>2000322>Maybe your cards are telling you what's keeping you from making it through your problems?I didn't consider that interpretion, that might make more sense.
>>2000339I pulled three cards just to get a broader feel for a situation, not precisely a past/present/future. No man at all, it's more a coworker is purposely messing with me because she's a spiteful bitch, a man stole 6K from me and is hiding from the warrants, and then all my family members bailed on something each one had promised to do and it leaves me having to pay for their laziness.
>>2000484That might more sense, but in this situation it doesn't feel right. I only pulled the cards that felt right, so I feel them being flipped is important. Thank you though, I appreciate any input.
No. 2000691
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>>1987347i've partially unintentionally done this before, it is definitely something you can do. i had to develop a really solid understanding of my deity before he started showing up in my life, though. deciding the details of how he would behave, function, correspondences, etc. i actually find him super annoying and irritating the only love i have for him is like that of a mother who loves her son but is disappointed that he turned out gay. looking into servitors or chaos magic might help you out here.
>>1989107>>1989142have you tried using tarot cards? it is very easy to design a simple, effective ritual and you can get really creative with it. if i had to suggest any cards, maybe five of swords or page of swords? i just finished reading picrel, you can find it free. all you have to do is choose a card that corresponds with your intentions, raise energy, and seal that energy into the card. i hope things improve for you both
No. 2002094
>>2001696Ah, yes, someone with the power to influence an innocent adjacent to you to die in order to emotionally attack you. Not that their power would be such that they could just harm you directly. Makes sense.
Anon, you're traumatized and grieving and you're finding patterns in nonsense to cope with the loss.
No. 2006701
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>night time
>tried to wind down so my mind is clear
>communicates with god
>barely a communication just a bunch of phrases I can barely hear, it’s talking but it sounds like squabbling tbh
>say deity’s name three times
>wait to connect to their energy
>hear distinct “hey kid” in the tone of a greeting
>ask something else
>silence and gets nothing else
Kekk. Is there anyone here who worships and works with gods or even communicates with them from time to time? Would appreciate some tips
No. 2008051
>>2007788i bet your deity is super cool and thinks you're the cat's jammies. you'll do awesome, i believe in you!
>>2008031if you want to make an altar, you can improvise with whatever you find out in nature (a wand is just a glorified stick, can arrange stones in a circle to represent elemental fire or use a campfire, etc.), as long as you do the whole leave no trace thing and return what you used. bring altar tools if they help with camping, or just bless your camping tools for the occasion (don't need a ritual dagger when you have a trowel for example). rituals are flexible, use what you have and you'll so great. happy esbat nonna, can't wait to hear about how your moon pies turned out!
No. 2008094
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>>2008031>What are your favorite things to do for esbats/full moon rituals?Eating and drinking! Basically having a modest season banquet with local products and things I cooked myself, I can bury the washed peels from vegetables and fruit in the ground later as part of the ritual. Cold cider and wine are my favourite drinks for the occasion if it's a warm night, hot beverages like tea when it's cold outside. One of my favourite activities is lighting a small fire (only if you're somewhere where it's allowed to do that, in my case I have a small yard), extra points if I've got something that will make the fire smell good, like fig tree or lemon tree leaves, herbs and other specific types of wood. Once I have the fire I'll have my dinner and afterwards I can meditate looking at it, the crackling sounds make it easier to focus. If you play any instrument (I don't kek) you could chant or just play a bit, I've read that big covens usually have witches playing drums, but if you're a solitary witch like me you may enjoy a simple whispered chant. You can place your altar in a rock or in a tree stump if you're lucky to have any around you. I leave my stuff on a tablecloth on the ground. Like anon said
>>2008051 flexibility and simplicity is good when it comes to rituals. It's very easy to leave undesired traces outdoors, and also you could want to leave at home any expensive or precious instruments while you're on a trip.
No. 2008339
>>1987347I think it’s natural to find/make your own gods/spirits honestly, spirituality feels a lot like coming to your own conclusions so it seems apt.
When I was a kid I worshipped the rain and wind, there are plenty of deities that hold those domains but being a kid the only gods I was aware of seemed to have different domains and even if there was some cross over they didn’t feel right so I just pretended my own.
The rain was just “the rain” in my head. I’d pray all the time for the rain to visit and it always seemed to show up when I was lonely. Whenever it would rain I’d go “visit” my friend, play outside in the rain, and when I couldn’t I’d always feel like I was being rude/ungrateful. The wind was the same but where I didn’t talk to the rain I talked to the wind all the time and would interpret the different gusts as various kinds of replies. Whenever it would blow particularly hard I’d spread my arms as if for a hug. I think I was just a lonely kid but the associations I made still holdover even now. Whenever it rains I feel happier and I still stop and enjoy the breeze whenever it’s particularly windy.
Now that I’m getting back to my spirituality I’m tempted to find gods specifically of rain/wind but at the same time I feel it would be more apt to honor my friends from my childhood. So I really believe it is a personal thing, if you can find connection with named gods that’s just as well but there’s nothing wrong with finding your own and naming them either.
No. 2010911
>>2010712I like libgen but if you can't find what you're looking for there, r/piracy has a megathread for ebooks sites (
No. 2012086
>>2012055For me I do a couple of things depending on the type of card:
Major Arcana, when one of these cards keeps cropping up I ask who the card might represent among my friends and family, if I get a really strong association I’ll contact the person to catch up. Otherwise I ask myself if there’s something unresolved I feel towards this person.
Suit cards, instead of paying attention to the individual card think about what the suit might represent. Sometimes if a suit card keeps popping up I put it aside and do a spread then see if it changes any meanings within the spread or offers more insight.
No. 2012186
>>2012055Change up how you shuffle your deck and keep an eye on if any of your cards are bent or eroded at the edges. If your cards are even and you're still getting the same reads with a different shuffling style, then follow what
>>2012086 said.
No. 2012192
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Do you use candles or practice candle magick? Do you have them permanently on an altar or do you only light one up for a spell? What type of candles do you like (color, shape, type of wax, perfume…)? How big is your stash?
No. 2012346
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>>2012192I use candles from time to time. I always have thick white ones or these normal dinner size white ones on hand as I use them as “fire”. But for spells specifically I got small ones in different colours on hand but as a substitute I use beeswax candles. For me they’re universal as the white one and I use herbs according to my spell too. My stash is not too big but I got a shop close where I can get them locally
No. 2018964
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>having a lot of bad luck lately
>feeling shitty and down
>has been going on for weeks
>could be mundane shit
>get a sneaky suspicion something weird is in my room/place i live in
>cards constantly confirming something keeps fucking with me
>it’s definitely nature spirits trying to get me to give them offerings
>does self-reading about it a few minutes ago
>confirms they’ve been doing it for awhile just to steal shit from me or get me to do some things for them and also to humiliate me and also cause trouble to enjoy and celebrate about it afterwards
>one of their queens or whatever the hell rules over them sent them to do it
>after fucking with me they are now trying to offer a solution to fix what they done to me with no promise of this deal going through
>also explains why i kept hearing “friend” “friend” a lot in broken ass english KEK
Have any of you ever dealt with nature spirits?? Why are they such assholes sometimes
No. 2019959
>>2019941You're welcome and I'm really sorry if my post came off judgey.
I both practice and am very mentally ill, so I worry about witches because it's so easy to assume everything is magically caused when sometimes we're just extra sick and need stability. Since you know which goddess is probably behind this, do you have information about what she likes or how she is/was worshiped? Doing a small act to acknowledge spirits is usually enough to get them off your back for awhile. Most of the nature spirits can be appeased by just helping nature or reducing humanity's impact, like growing kitchen herbs or picking up litter. If it's not just a test of spiritual boundaries, it might also be a call to nature? Like going outside more or bringing the outdoors indoors?
No. 2021138
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>>1484710A year late, but this was 100% me. I was obsessed with fairies to a crazy degree. I spent a lot of time thinking about them, drawing them, playing games related to fairies. I used to send my aunt emails full of made up facts about them. Every time I made a wish I wished I could become a fairy lol.
As a teenager I got kinda interested in witchy stuff, but was never able to believe any spiritual thing 100%. I did a little prayer offering to a pagan goddess and did have a dream about her, and years later a vision of her while tripping.
I wouldn’t say I’m a witch and I don’t practice witchcraft, but I think the things that give me a sense of spirituality are a connection with the land, it’s history, and it’s folklore. So in that sense I have some pagan tendencies.
I can’t believe anything 100%, but I can feel a connection to certain practices and beliefs. That skepticism doesn’t make me uncomfortable anymore I’ve found it’s just an aspect of my character and it helps me connect with religion and culture in a more healthy way than trying to be an unshakeable devotee.
No. 2021352
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>>2018964>>2019981Nona maybe try to apologize to the goddess and do a cleanse of yourself and your room.
>>2021138Sounds so sweet anon, I loved fairies as a kid too because of this book. In the back was photographer of gnomes and little folk that influenced me so much and opened my eyes to these sorts of things. There are books about fairy magick and communication with the little folk that I’ve been meaning to read!
No. 2021679
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I need a spell to retrieve something that was stolen. Police are worthless, the person is someone of real life status/money, I have no fucking clue why he'd steal from me. He went through my family, and they don't want to pursue him.
Please nonnas I am so desperate and angry. I want him to suffer and I want my money back.
No. 2022770
>>2021770Sibling dynamics can be super weird, and early 20's isn't so old that I'd put it past a guy to overreact (hell, some fully keep going into their 30's), so I can understand why you'd wonder if it was just suggestion. That would be the best case scenario.
Mid-range bet is some kind of minor metaphysical attachment - people from a Christian background could describe these as 'demons' but sometimes they're not as sentient as even that - which the banishment ritual shuffled off. If he hasn't complained about anything post-banishment, I wouldn't do anything else because sometimes going overboard w/ protection methods can attract unwanted attention more than whatever you were trying to protect
Worth giving it a few weeks and checking back in with him, though. Worst case scenario would be that it's something that's very good at 'hiding its scent' since you didn't get any whiff of it during this entire encounter or afterwards, but there is also no reason to believe it's anything actively malevolent. Like not to be dismissive but literally 'being touched', 'hearing things', 'emotional reactions', and 'seeing dark figures' are all Ghost-Adventures-tier phenomena and like 99.9% of the time those guys aren't even close to anything actually demonic or even spoopy - it really is either just suggestion, or something extremely minor being interpreted in the creepiest way possible because getting freaked out in that situation is completely normal.
No. 2022817
>>2021679My recommendation would be a combination of doing some money-raising rituals to recuperate the loss and then cursing the thief in separate stages, but if you want a your-mileage-may-vary cocktail solution, see below:
>If the law has treated you unfairly, invoke this spell and justice will be done. >Take the Justice card from a Tarot deck. Now light a blue candle and place the Justice card on the right-hand side. Write your name and address on an unused piece of white or green paper and place it to the left of the candle – you can also use your thumb-print instead of name and address. >Light thirteen votive candles, to represent the thirteen lunar cycles of a year, and place them in a circle around the candle and card. >Say a prayer in which you ask for protection to be placed around you and your family.>Write your wish regarding the legal matter on a piece of paper. Sprinkle it with rose oil and burn it in the blue candle's flame. Place the burning paper on a saucer until it turns to ash. Leave the candles to burn out and your wish will be fulfilled.also, if he 'went through your family' and the involved party doesn't want to pursue charges, does this mean someone gave it to him of their own volition? not to be nosy, but it's better to be as specific as possible - so when writing 'your wish regarding the legal matter', make it as objective and airtight as you can.
No. 2022924
>>2022817Thanks nona, gonna look into getting all the needed supplies. And yes, it was given to him of their own volition, but it was a trick. I'd prefer for him to return everything of his own volition, or for something to happen that forces him to return it and makes him feel intense shame (or otherwise get punished) for his actions.
After all the candles have burned out, do I clean everything up, or leave it to sit?
Also, would tea light candles be sufficient for this sort of spell, or do I need to stick to prayer/votive candles?
No. 2022933
>>2022770thank you! thats what I was hoping.
Now that I think about it, he had started trying the whole manifestation thing recently thats popular with gen z guys and has been more of an asshole than usual. I wonder if he was feeling guilty about being an asshole maybe or if he called something weird while trying his manifestation exercises?
The being touched, hearing breathing or whispers, and getting strong feelings of fear and despair is something that used to happen to me a lot as a child, which is why i thought he may have been experiencing something similar, but the hooded figure is a bit much. He may have been copying what used to happen to me, but didn't know what the figures looked like so he filled it in on his own.
Well its good to know i was probably right about it not being anything serious. If it comes back i'll probably ask on here again for more information.
No. 2024292
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Has anyone else read this?
No. 2024796
>>2024255Semi-enclosed areas (tent/lean-to) or some kind of wind barrier. You want to block the main direction the wind is coming from to keep the flames steady. Battery powered candles and those scented oil diffusers are also good alternatives for outdoor magic if you want light/scent more than a representation of elemental fire.
No. 2025065
>>2024731Yes, for an ex that cheated on me. All I asked was for him to suffer and to receive karma. Nothing specific. He got in a car accident, and shortly after that he had his car stolen and when it was found it was trashed. Perhaps it was all coincidence but nothing like that ever happened to him before and this was all after I did the hex. I did hexes on the other cheating party as well, but I have no idea if it worked or not because I wasn't in communication with them.
I haven't had anything backfire.The threefold "law" is made-up. Otherwise, anything good we did would come back to us three times and all those bad people would be getting their punishment, which we know unfortunately rarely happens.
No. 2025741
>>2025657Spell jar method and I happened to have his hair. I think that helped.
Really I think the important part is your belief in it. I used a jar because at the time I did not have a lot of space.
No. 2025919
>>2025024In short, I cut a family member off from my good vibes and let her stew in her choices for a few weeks. It seems to have worked, because I heard from her today that she's trying to reconcile with her daughter and wants to see me again soon.
>And did it backfire in any way?So far it hasn't seemed to, although I didn't put anything malicious or harmful in the hex. I just wanted her to reap what she was sowing and stop bullying my mom.
No. 2026179
>>2025666I feel like there are some deities that go by different names in different cultures but are really the same entity. Like Isis/Venus/Ishtar is the same mother goddess but worshipped in a different way by different groups. For these deities, it really shouldn't matter where you are, they'll still be able to hear you. The offering given also seems to differ based on geographic region, so maybe doing some research on the native plants and picking one suited to your purpose will work. I try to use what is available to me and it usually works, but occasionally I do have to go out of my way to buy specific spices or herbs that are imported.
The ones that you wouldnt be able to pray to would be nature spirits that are tied to their geographic landmarks. I feel like they are a lot more particular to what they will accept. These would be the native american ones I guess, I dont really pray to these and they dont really listen.
No. 2026200
>>2026046Unironically this or anything similarly snappy and fun
>unbothered>moisturized>happy>in my lane>focused>flourishingYou're still going to have thoughts about your former friend, that's unavoidable when we lose people we once loved. But it's what you do after and with those thoughts that directs the magic. Next time you find yourself thinking about her, just wish her well in your head and go back to making the most fun out of whatever is going on in your life at that moment. No need to dwell. She (metaphorically) came by to say hello and all you have to do is think nice thoughts in her general direction and send her back out like you would a houseguest who needs to skedaddle before your next work shift. Hope you're doing okay nonners, I know you'll get through this!
No. 2027661
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What do you think about Santa Muerte? For context, I'm Mexican, my mom is catholic (although spiritual and with witchy powers), and she always tells me to not make deals or pacts with her because she's a spirit/deity that works with criminals. However, I once metaphorically cleaned one of her spaces (literally just cleaned/reorganized/added info to her wikipedia page) and I remember her conceding me something, not sure what it was, maybe money? But I think she was nice to me that one time. So it feels like she's welcoming but I don't want there to be a catch or something. I feel like you have to have blind faith towards her and not judge her, but I'm still unsure. Even typing that is scary to me.
I already have ties to another Mexican spirit, but I promised him to keep it secret. I'm not sure if I could worship European deities, I have tried and it feels faint, like they wouldn't listen. And I don't feel so comfortable. I also don't feel comfortable worshiping more mesoamerican gods, the major deities tend to be very masculine, destructive and demanding. But here's the thing, I have felt a pull towards a Caribbean Orisha, Yemaja. Whenever I think about my difficulties I think about her. But I'm not Caribbean, I'm not afro latina, however I keep thinking about her. Santería is practiced where I live though, but people think it's satanic or has bad energy. I don't feel the bad energy from Yemaja. I'm scared of angering her though if I enter her faith. Specially because I'm just latina. What now?
No. 2053174
>>2053062Yeah could be what
>>2053162 said, make sure your breathing is calm and measured. Don’t get too caught up in the process, just release and let go of your body, don’t clench the muscles, completely relax. Don’t do the sterotypical meditation pose, make sure your legs and arms are as grounded as possible.
No. 2057005
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Happy summer solstice nonas (in the northern hemisphere!) and happy winter solstice for the southern hemisphere girlies! What are your plants? Today I got up with sunrise and will go to bed after, then I’m mostly just doing some divination. I’m planning a bbq on the weekend though as a bit of a later celebration
No. 2057714
>>2057005Happy Summer Solstice! I'm making sun tea, doing a protection and prosperity spell for my house and making honey cakes.. maybe. I got confused about the date and thought tomorrow was the longest day and today was the beginning (like I thought sundown today the 20th and continued until sundown on the 21st). I always fuck it up.
I hope you have a good time and that goes for anyone who reads this!
No. 2062979
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What can I do to manifest success. Seems like no matter how hard I work on my business and my art I'm still broke and losing money, unable to get work, being rekt by the competition etc. I already give it my all, I just need a little extra push.
No. 2083712
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>>2082586Kek i don’t think so
No. 2108139
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is there any spell/manifestation for forgiveness? i accidentally said something that hurt a friend's feelings, now she stopped talking to me. 2 weeks later and I still feel bad. I wish she'd forgive me and things could go back to how they were before. But just getting the chance to apologize and let her know I didn't mean it would be fine too
No. 2108669
>>2106814this one is common: are also some in the holy book of women's mysteries by zsuzanna budapest
The basics of it is to visualize the space becoming clear and to have positive intent. For example, extend your aura like a balloon around you as you walk through your place, make sure your headspace is in a spot of peace and power. At the cardinal points, command the spirit to leave either by your own power or by invoking holy names (you can use the christian ones in the LBRP if you want). Do something in the physical world as well to help ground the action such as burning rosemary or palo santo, or sprinkling salt. Clean your house as well and let light in. I also like to open my windows if it is a sunny and windy day to help blow the spirit away and replace any stale energy.
Don't be afraid of it, these spirits are actually really weak. They just like to prey on newly budding psychics and witches to feed on your energy before you know how to shoo them away. But theyre not actually dangerous.
No. 2108776
>>2108773That too.
>>2108774Wrong thread sister.
No. 2108865
Does anybody have any advice on how to attract other spiritual women?
>>2108799I think female atheists are mainly just rejecting male religion. Abrahamic women are the real nlogs.
>>2108774Then why does it work? what drew you here?
No. 2109336
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What do you guys think about this? Sorry if it doesn't belong, I just saw the atheist vs witch discourse itt and it reminded me of this. Personally I think this woman is just being a hater. Not all wiccans believe in spiritual duality and spend thousands on tarot retreats. If your religion isn't hurting anyone then who cares what women are believing in?
No. 2109359
>>2109336>our hard-win equality is under threat from religious fundamentalism of all stripesPlease direct me to the legislation pagans have brought forth to suppress the rights and freedoms of women? Have the Dianics forced women into hijab when I wasn't looking?
>"divine feminine"I think some of us can absolutely go overboard with this concept, but most "divine feminine" doctrine boils down to pride in being a woman and celebrating skills and traits which are underappreciated under patriarchy. I roll my eyes hard when a woman makes fun of divine feminine woo because odds are high that she's self-hating and tries to compensate by being "rational" (in the atheist moid dogwhistle way).
>in-group status seeking and conspicuous consumptionThis is the one part of her post that I 100% agree with. Witchcraft has been incredibly consumerist for the last 15 or so years (possibly longer but I wasn't practicing back them). There's also a lot of competition in the more schizo magic circles when you get to witches claiming that they can channel spirits and other extraordinary feats. It certainly can feel like a "More spiritual than thou" contest.
>One friend just spend $900 for a witchcraft weekend event what was basically a wine mom hangout with tarot and yoga.I think
>>2108799 had a point with the nlog comment. I personally wouldn't spend $900 on that kind of get together, but there are plenty of women who would pay that much for a worry-free weekend with her besties as well they should.
>As a life long atheist, it's frustrating to see grownup women escape religion, find feminism and then dive first into some new age delulu hoodooUnpopular opinion, but someone who is atheist enough to post about it on reddit is still religious, just that their religion is the belief that they are not religious and are rational thinkers due to their lack of religion. They still seek community (reddit) and faith in something (usually some sort of knowledge that they need an expert or educator to explain for them) the same way religious people do.
No. 2109365
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>>2108139Since everyone else is chewing you out I'll assume you're human and just made a mistake and have good intentions. See the spell here for influencing the minds of others. You can ask the Goddess to urge your friend to hear you out, if I were you I'd just influence her to give you a chance to apologize rather than influence her to outright forgive you. I don't really care about the ethics, it's magic, you're supposed to use it to help you and as long as you don't want to force her to forgive you then I don't think it's wrong to ask the Goddess for a chance to say you're sorry. If it doesn't work you'll know you should let it be.
No. 2109395
>>2109336Honestly, I agree that a lot of the "divine feminine" is more male propaganda. Instead of pride in being female and in being the source of creation, the globo-moid establishment repackaged it as glorified barbie worship. Instead of female divinity, it is asking you to channel male-invented femininity. I think it is a big part of "trad-wife aesthetic" growth.
social media portrayal of witches shows us as being highly consumerist and stupid. I don't think most of us are like this, since we believe in connection with nature and a longing toward spiritual truth. That said, I can understand this woman's frustration based on the false image of witches she has been fed.
No. 2109417
>>2109395I agree the "divine femininity" stuff is based on stereotypes about women, but (as in Dianic wicca for example) not all wiccans espouse it. I dont believe in "divine femininity" or masculinity in the same way I don't believe in any gender woo, just in the Goddess, who embodies all the aspects of humanity including the masc/fem stereotypes of both genders. Even when wiccans do believe in divine femininity they're usually just trying to gas themselves up as women, and I can't really deny them that even if I think its patriarchal, they can always come around. The only complaints I think she makes that are
valid are the in-group competitiveness, and the encouragement of schizo thinking, which is the only dangerous thing about magic imo. For the most part she's just mad her friend believes in stuff she doesn't, which is what it boils down to for most atheists kek
No. 2110027
>>2108669>>2108669Thank you so much for the reply
nonny. I was spiritually attacked as soon as I realized that this was real and there is a power to it. Can I ask you or anyone else something else. I struggle with praying constantly in my head as a function of OCD and sometimes I think offensive intrusive thoughts, I don't mean to. How hard is it to offend the God and Goddess? I believed before I offended them and they sent a demon to test me but I think that is bullshit now and was all an illusion by the lesser spirits that were attacking me at the time. I am aware this all sounds extremely schizo. Did any of you guys do apology rituals for things you did as baby witches? Is that neccessary is that foolish and narcissistic to even think you could be that important? I was briefly given the ability to stare in to the sun without harming my eyes, was that a trick of one of the lesser spirits or is that something the Goddess and God would do for you?
No. 2113836
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Can I manifest a home in my dream neighborhood becoming available for sale?
No. 2113946
>>2109417>N-not all wiccansLike 1 in a 1000, right? This shit is mainstream you are delusional if you deny it.
>just a silly atheist madWay to oversimplify a legitimate issue, huh?
>fem, mascBack to twitter, worm.
No. 2126374
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any nonas know of anything for return to sender; protection; link severing spells and rituals? i have strong reason to believe someone i used to be close to is sending me bad energy and wishing bad on me.
No. 2126978
>>2126374Next time you have a free day, take it for yourself and do of activities you enjoy doing alone. Relax, eat good food, drink tasty coffee, and spend the day having fun and doing something you've been putting off. That's it. That's the spell. Repeat as needed for other days off until you no longer feel weird energy when thinking about this person. Basically what
>>2126783 said.
No. 2133085
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Does anybody know any spells for attracting friends? I do not want to be picrel anymore
No. 2134726
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Nonnas I want to start casting spells and doing rituals to talk to my spirit buddies.
But I'm too scared to burn candles or anything else.
What should I use as an alternative?
No. 2135279
>>2134726Battery operated candles are just fine. I've used them for outdoor spells when my local area is under extreme fire restriction. You can use those scented candles that come in jars if you want an actual candle fire with less risk than an unprotected candlestick.
>>2135071I know you're disingenuous, which is unfortunate because I think you have a few good points about many self-identified witches wasting money on superfluous gear and getting into ego contests. I'd love to be able to discuss those problems, but not with a nonbeliever who just wants to gain rationality points by dunking on the woo freaks in our own containment thread.
No. 2136016
>>2135071Who hurt you nonna?
>tacky crystals off etsy and then whinging about capitalism on social mediaGreat point! There is so much consumerism to observe in the witch-scene it’s disgusting. Personally I don’t use crystals at all because I never had a good feeling about it. A lot of gemstones are connected to childlabor and worse things. I personally see it a lot with oracles, every insta witch has her own tarot card deck and every month 5 new decks are released. Tarot isn’t some willy nilly thing you can just make up yourself.
No. 2136720
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Does anybody know any good uses for rue or any stories or lore about rue? I know it is a menstruation drug and possibly an abortifacient so I dont want to mess around with it too much since I already have a regular cycle. However, I saw the plant today and was called to take it home.
No. 2141216
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Lately I’ve been going out into the woods behind my house and working on building a stone circle in a little clearing, and pulling up weeds in the center of it. Who wanna come do some freaky full moon orgy sex magick?
No. 2142795
>>2136720samefag i ate just a small amount of rue yesterday as part of a recipe and my period just started early. I guess its fine since it aligns with the full moon though.
It has a very regal flavor, but it needs a good amount of sweetness to counterbalance. And it smells amazing. Magically, I felt invisible all day. It is a great protective herb.
No. 2149954
>>2149711Just do whatever, write 'FUCK OFF' on a piece of paper with their name on it and burn it and be done with it if that's all you can manage.
If you keep obsessing over every aspect of what you do and don't do and what the moon thinks of you and whether the spell will fail because it didn't like your hairdo, you're never going to get anywhere. Just do something and move on, if it works great, if not fuck it.
No. 2150037
>>2149620What opened my eyes to it was reading Plato and Jung. I would recommend the Republic and man and his symbols. I think most of us get punished for interacting with what we see beyond the veil, so we become overly "rational" and repress our spirit. So in order to rebuild it, we need to go through a "rational" path to rediscover spirit. If I knew of a good beginner book made by a woman i would recommend that, but the ones I know are a bit more advanced.
Once you read these two, and especially Jung, you might start to notice strange dreams, and when you try to interpret them you might notice very ancient symbols. Those are spiritual messages. Here is where I would lay off jung since he has a very male way of interpreting the symbols that is at best only partially useful to us. Keep the framework, but discover different modes of interpretation.
>>2149711It depends on what you are trying to banish. The part that actually banishes is the mental state of peace, all of the other stuff is meant to ensure that mental state actually occurs. I think that if you believe you need to do banishing rituals all the time, you start to develop an anxiety that evil spirits are always right outside your circle waiting to get in. and that if you have any doubt theyll slip through your defense. I dont think this is very conducive to magic. I prefer to think of the other side kind of like a radio, your mental state turns the knob and allows you to tune in to different channels. So if you are feeling good and peaceful, those are the spirits you will attract. If you are feeling anxious, you will attract spirits that are attracted to that mental state. The spell you are doing or the spirits you are interacting with will work better with different mental states.
Practice your meditation and focus on achieving a void state where you are tuned in to every frequency and no frequencies at once. This will be the most beneficial practice for your banishments. Sorry if it sounds counterintuitive, but im not sure how to explain it better. You want to be able to see existence from outside before you do your magic.
Some other things you can try as a bandaid fix would be creating protective amulets, using protective herbs, and asking for protection from deities.
No. 2175095
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Who's celebrating the equinox? Hopefully I am getting drunk
No. 2175240
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>>2170084She hasn't openly confirmed it but the entirety of lady gagas fame is owed to witchcraft. Particularly around the death and destiny theft of Lina Morgana. The proof is in the symbols, which there are innumerable.
No. 2175353
Wicca is a new age, hippie crock of shit. But I read tarot and I've been interested in scrying. I consider myself a thelemite and a perennialist. I'm into various folk magic (particularly hoodoo, Italian, and Mexican), but more so into Qabalah, hermetic magick, alchemy, and Egyptian mysterious. I'd like to join The Rite of Memphis Mizraim, but they want a pretty extensive esoteric resume, so for now I much just join OTO since Crowley supposedly put a lot of Memphis Mizraim into OTO.
I'd very much like to try enochian Magick. But I've stuck with divination (tarot, tea leaves, and runes), OoB/Astral projection, meditation, and some candle magick. Shinto and Hinduism greatly interest me as well. More of a general occultist than a witch, I guess. At least from modern connotations.
No. 2192869
>>2165928I like to do foot soaks with sea salt and florida water to cleanse and ground. Having my feet in the water makes me feel connected to nature (even though it's not outside) and the salt and florida water are purifying. I try to take deep breaths at the same time and focus on relaxing and just noticing little things. It seems to help me concentrate later maybe because it quiets my mind. It's nice to do a tarot reading right after, too. Adding epsom salt is nice for relaxation as well but I don't know if it has any magical purposes.
Anyway separate from that, what do anons think about oracle decks? I used to always stay away because they are kind of just made up by whoever wants to make them, I don't know if that makes sense. I usually stick to tarot but I've been enjoying the one oracle deck I have, I like the simplicity of the readings.
No. 2193275
>>2193148Sorry in advance this is a bit spergy and preachy.
The thing about witchcraft, and spirituality in general, is it's personal and personalized. You just have to do what works for you. That can be hard if you're trying to fit into a community, but there aren't a lot of rules if you're just exploring faith for yourself. tbh I've known several christian witches and they get on just fine lighting a candle to Mary on the esbats or whatever. What I mean is that despite what strict adherents will tell you, you aren't locked into a single religion
assuming you aren't in a repressive shithole. Do whatever you need to do to keep up appearances if it's an issue of safety.
>I’m tired of God or whatever other deity feeling like some distant figure that I can barely reach.Everyone feels God differently, which is a sucky answer but it's true. Some people get it through community (churches, covens, study groups, etc.), ritual, service, prayer… I can't list it all because there's so many. Personally, I can't feel God if I'm physically close to people or buildings, so I go out in nature when I can and do all my praying there; if I can't do that I do crafts at home to feel closer to my ancestors. It took years to figure this out, so don't feel pressured if you try some things and they don't work for you. Either you'll get there or you'll find more important things to occupy your mind, both are good. Good luck
nonny, I have faith in you!
No. 2193495
>>2193487Step one: get out a mirror, an apple and some candles
Step two: look in the mirror
Step three: punch yourself in the face and eat the apple
Step four: quit being an anafag
No. 2193502
>>2193148There’s multiple abrahamic witches and witches who do the craft in the name of the Christian God so you’re can be a witch and practice witchcraft
>>2169035Wouldn’t say I have fear of the paranormal but more of a fear of eternity and never ending cosmic forces but then again I was also miserable back when I was an atheist. In general it’s more anxiety about what’s real and what’s not and all these existential questions
No. 2193626
>>2193022I just sort of caved and bought the Woodland Wardens deck by Jessica Roux, it was just so pretty and I like the concept of using forest creatures in divination. I really want the faery oracle deck from Brian Froud the most but I think it would be more like something I keep for the beauty rather than actually using. I heard the reprinted card stock is really bad though so I'm waiting.
>>2193148Okay that sounds pretty scary, but I think you could try connecting with lighter spirits instead of going straight like demon so it's not clashing with your Christian views. As someone mentioned already, you could even just pray to Mary or an archangel although that sounds more Catholic to me. You could also try nature magic along with Christianity so it's not so confusing and you aren't being pulled in multiple directions.
You might try looking into ancestor work so you don't have to feel connected to a god or deity that feels out of reach.
No. 2207665
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This is going to sound kind of insane, but did you all know that spirit incels exist and they target and curse radical feminists? While working with the goetic demons, I was literally schizophrenia cursed by one of their legioncels after the actual Paimon told him not to work with me and to stay away from me. He and a couple of other legions literally pretended to be Paimon the whole time just to fuck me. Then a large group of spirit incels and a lot of goetic legions found out about the schizophrenia curse and started dogpiling me with curses, nightmares, and they raped me for months through my tactile, auditory, and visual hallucinations. Time is very layered and works a lot different in the spiritual realm and they even put curses on me that affected my past, like they made me fat as fuck as a child so everybody would hate me and they put curses on me that made my depression worse. The goetic demons have been helping me subdue them and they even promised that they would start culling their nonvirtuous legions. I've been chanting Buddhist mantras to remove the curses also.
Just wanted to give everybody a warning that spirit incels do exist and you all should check for any and all curses and black magic that may have been placed on you just for being a woman.
No. 2217867
>>2215979Relating to Tarot I've really enjoyed the Kippy's Kwest series on the interpretations of the cards.
When it comes to learning I'm mostly listening to whatever comes my way online and see what resonates with me. (Oddly enough Shera7 has a witchcraft channel with old streams I'm enjoying) Even if I have a witchy/spiritual friend we don't really talk about our practices because she's the type to tell people they're wrong for doing things differently so even if you do find someone irl it's still a cointoss. I'd love to have a coven irl of other women to do rituals in the night, but it's kind of a unicorn if you ask me.
Unrelated but I've gotten a lot of ladybugs coming in my apartment since this summer, way more than what I'd encounter usually, does anyone know if it means something? It's way later than what I'd expect ladybugs to live (especially since we've had subzero temps in the evening) so I'm wondering if it's a sign of some sort.
No. 2220283
>>2217867Ladybugs are a sign of good luck and mean good fortune or love is coming. When I was a kid I heard an old wives' tale that says if a ladybug lands on you, the direction it flies away is the direction of your true love or soulmate.
On a more practical note, ladybugs will come out on the warm days during cold snaps in the fall for last minute chance at breeding and shelter. They like to try to get inside a lot during this time so they can survive. If you find a nest inside your house you should get rid of it though, they smell really bad. If it's just like 20 random ladybugs walking around it shouldn't be a problem.
No. 2220841
>>2220283thanks for the confirmation nona, I imagined it was due to the fact that it's much warmer in the apartment than outside but after I shooed out a couple and got like 7 on the window it felt a bit on the nose lmao
didn't know that they supposedly smell bad, I'll be sure to get rid of them when I'll do my weekly cleaning, I have a feeling some of em got stuck inside
No. 2223637
>>2221514You can hex someone using herbs like red and black pepper, chili flakes (like what you get with pizza), a black candle and a walnut. A skull candle could be used for mental punishment, a whole walnut could be used instead (walnuts look like brains); just dress it in some banishing or baneful herbs from your kitchen and you should be good to go. It's the intention that matters most. If you can get a cheap little black candle you could carve the person's name into it and then dress it with cooking oil and the pepper. Focus on what you want and who you want it to happen to while you're burning it. I've also used garlic cloves and just thrown them into a field after writing what I want on them with the person's name. That was more to make someone go away than to punish. Make sure you also protect yourself so it doesn't backfire on you. It might be good to do a mini purification ritual on yourself after, something as simple as smudging with incense or using salt water to cleanse yourself (put it down the back of your neck, on the bottoms of your feet and wrists). Good luck, anon.
Look up freezer spells, too. I've never tried it but I think you write your intention on a piece of paper and literally freeze it in a container in your fridge and it holds that person in place. Usually it's used to make someone stop gossiping about you and makes them leave you alone. I'm thinking you can unfreeze it and add more herbs as many times as you want if you want to make shit worse for someone.
No. 2224418
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I tried putting a love spell on someone who practices witchcraft. I did it one time. I thought it went great even asked my tarot about it. Next day I tried doing it again (i'm mentally insane) but the candle I used wouldn't light up. It did this creaking sounds and like specks would come out of it and burn. Candle looked just fine too! Waited few hours. Tried again. Wouldn't light up. Tried hours again wouldn't light up. Got scared. Stopped.
Told myself today I was done. I will respect the universes wishes. Then I tried lighting the white candle. It worked… Flame was just smaller than usual.
Very creepy. Very scared. Very "okay. I get it. fine!!" I also dreamt about this person for months and they were all really bad dreams. I think I'm realizing why…
No. 2224419
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>have coworkers who are awful people and make the rest of the teams uncomfortable
>tell myself last year I will manifest their downfall because I'm sick of their shit and no amount of reporting got them fired
>this year they all got fired or embarrassed themselves and quit and all their lives went downhill right after
>I tell myself remove the people in my life that don't belong and expose them
>lose a few friendships and their social life goes to shit or something else shitty like that
>me when all of this
OK nonnies where's my witch hat and wand? it's either that or we're in a simulation. All of it came with a cost though. Like those coworkers I wanted gone were genuinely toxic and conspired to get me fired (long story but tldr pickmes are dangerous) so I reported them and it caused a domino effect. I paid the peace in my life for what I want and after all this happened I freaked out because it's so odd EVERYONE I disliked was taken care of in some way this year.
Do any of my witchy nonnies believe zodiac stuff along with whatever witch stuff you do? I'm interested in it, but I don't know if I believe it. I consider myself agnostic so a bit open minded to anything though. I find myself mostly drawn to zodiac stuff and the idea of Karma as a deity.
No. 2224422
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Nonnas who have done banishing spells to remove black magic , how did you do it? I feel like a woman used black magic and I kinda need help to remove it.
No. 2224425
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>>2224419Nona I understand you, something changed this year. I'm esl and don't know the right wording. But one of my witchcraft friends told me this was a special year of harvesting or "reaping and sowing" I think is what would be in English. I wasn't into witchcraft back then, so I had no idea what she meant.
Then this year, all the people who have been good had massive things. They got married, pregnant, went to Europe, promoted etc. And all the shitty people around had their come uppance; getting fired, ostracised from the community,illnesses, got broke etc. Every other month I'm like "This is REALLY the year of harvesting" I think you're living it as well. You're doing good cause the karma you have is good. All the people who have bad karme have had… a year to say the least.
No. 2224667
>>2224642Yeah I feel like that’s just confirmation bias at work. I know some shitty people that have had a shit year, but there are just as people having a bad time that
don’t deserve it. And some not so great people that are seemingly doing just fine.
No. 2224720
>>2224674At first I did not realize it was AI pic, I grabbed it from google but after some minutes I posted it I noticed the pic was made with AI…yeah it's a weird coincidence.
>>2224649Spells with black intentions behind
No. 2224731
>>2224422Do you know the name of the woman? It's always easier to reverse magic if you know the name of the curse dealer.
If not, you can try one of these, swim in the ocean (make sure to completely submerge yourself) during a waning moon. A salt water bath also work, but it's less powerful.
Wave a selenite wand through your aura. Imagine you are surrounded by a dirty bubble. As the wand touches the dirt, it cleanses it away. This one works really well for me, but it needs to be redone periodically.
Get a black candle, place it in a bowl of salt water. Only about one inch of the candle should stick out of the water. Light the candle and as it burns, pray for the curse to be broken. Allow the candle to naturally go out as it reaches the water. Take the candle, break it in half, then bury it in a shallow hole you've dug with your hands in the dirt. Pour the salt water from the bowl in a circle around the buried candle.
No. 2226017
>>2223775Oh shit, had no idea they existed, and an invasive species at that
I haven't gotten my apartment stunk up yet and hopefully it's been cold enough that they shouldn't be a risk anymore. I'm bummed since I thought they were real ladybugs…
No. 2226350
>>2226345we have a vent thread
I recommend not dwelling on the thing though, I've personally found that I get so swept up and angry for people who dgaf about me nor that I will ever meet again.
No. 2226518
>>2226002I don't know of any because I don't really use baneful magic much, but I'd imagine if you researched Aleister Crowley or the Left Path which is mostly "black" magic you might be able to find something. Other than that all I can think of is Hoodoo or Voodoo which I believe is a closed practice unless you have the proper ancestry.
>>2226017>>2223775Shit that's what I have, too. Invasive but they're still technically ladybugs, they probably have the same meaning. Actually I don't think I've seen a native ladybug since the 90s. That's so sad.
No. 2228087
>>2224425reaping and sowing perfectly describes it. Literally every month people were just dropping like flies socially or in other ways. Your witchcraft friend is also making me feel
valid lol.
>>2224642>>2224667I guess it depends on how you see it too. Like I view abrupt death like that completely different from the karmic year I've witnessed. Am
>>2224419 and the people I mentioned never had a death in their lives or died themselves, just a series of bad events that was related to their bad behavior.
No. 2229834
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Is there a spiritual path that is unapologetic, without trying to make everything sound hippie dippie?? I think i believe in the balance between bad and good but I’m highly aware of the “bad”. I don’t want to play things down and pray to angels. I thought satanism should fit but it’s atheist and not really what it sounds like it is (at least the LaVey branch).
No. 2231684
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What are you witches doing for Samhain? My possible plans
>Collecting moon/rain water from scorpio new moon.
>Doing a transmutation ritual for bad energy.
>Making a new money bowl and a protection spell for my family
>Visting my dads old house. Dad, grandma, and aunts passed away in that old town. Considering using tarot or mirror scratching over the weekend but could that piss them off? We're all gonna pray and set up an altar for them too
No. 2237801
>>2022817Just popping in to say this worked. A third party inadvertently blocked my ultimate W, but it lined up too well to be a coincidence.
I think what made a big difference is adding in some small elements to make the spell "my own". If anyone is curious, just try. Use your conviction.
No. 2251997
>>2251255I have had chronic pain for 5 years from a car accident. I've had a hard time dealing with it and I've had to become more spiritual to find any type of meaning in my life. A lot of that means for me slowing down and trying to enjoy the moment when I can. I like to sit outside a lot and listen to the sounds and maybe have coffee or tea or something nice to drink. I try not to rush when I do anything. I make sure to plan nice things to do every day even if it's eating a sandwich I like or watching a movie I enjoy. Basically being more appreciative of everything has helped, it's hard at first but it's kind of like practicing anything. The more you try to find something good the easier it will become. I still feel a lot of pain but I'm taking in everything else as well. It makes me feel closer to nature and the world in general. People rush so much but having a chronic condition forces you to slow down and that's how you can see things other people don't. I'm babbling I'm sorry.
>>2251948How sad, maybe you can use it for something else?
No. 2253117
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>>2251997is theres hope for my pendulum?
No. 2317917
>>2224419Hi nonnies this is me I am back yet again still losing it over this. This situation happened early this year and it hasn't slowed down at all. I tried learning more about Scorpios since I have a Scorpio stellium and apparently being ruled by Mars (aggression, power) and Pluto (death and transformation) makes me a "catalyst of karma". This entire year is a karmic year, but it has been so overwhelming nonnies I'm afraid to say astrology and such has won me over. I'm currently looking for related books to learn more about this so if anyone has any reccs I'd appreciate it. The manifestation feels more powerful as the year is ending
>Family member who tried to slander me gets thrown in jail >No one listens to me when I mention my manager's behavior with an underage co-worker is concerning. I'm mad as fuck and wish on his downfall>in 2 weeks he decides to "relax" and be more open about their relationship (aka he groomed her) and the workplace is in disarray as workers start going to HR/one of the managers attempts to protect him (this upset me so much because she LITERALLY just had a baby girl. How can you look at your daughter then throw another one's daughter to the wolves?)>He then admits via text she's protecting him so HR is now on her tooThere's been more but I don't have the energy to type it all right now. I almost want to get into witchcraft as well, but I'm interested in still staying within the themes of justice, karmic judgement, etc but I'm not sure where to start. I'm trying to look though.
No. 2335112
>>2229834Luciferism, is one that I would immediately think of. It’s what lightworkers want to be except it actually allows the practitioner to delve into “”darker”” stuff without bigotry or hypocrisy of remaining “pure”. Keep in mind tho that like Satanism, there are several branches some including whether or not they are theistic in their approach and others who are atheistic(thankfully you get less edge lords than the Satanism crowd)- you just need to know where you go and stay in that lane bc it’s no use arguing with the other side
>>2193148Have you tried just taking a break from spirituality and religion- Just to take a stand on the outside and to view it all objectively then to come back to the practice that most interests you? Kinda like taking an atheist approach before developing back into spiritual means.
I’ve found that a lot of people who want to separate themselves from Christianity end up going the polar opposite, when they haven’t given themselves enough time to breath and separate themselves from ingrained beliefs installed in them.
But if you really want to keep going down the Christian route, I recommend what another person said and to specifically call to Yahweh. The big G word, like Satan for me, is ambiguous, it’s a title for the spirit, so by calling their name directly (through mantras or Enns), your more likely to get a response when putting out offerings.
Also, From what I understand, the Abrahamic faith doesn’t really “teach” people how to commune with their god, so please give yourself some leave. When a spirit speaks to you, it’s never going to be like movies where you’ll always have an external source specifically telling you what to do. It’s all internal, in my experience, and you’ll always be questioning whether or not you’re actually communing with a God, especially when you’re told that you have to be “special” to do it. Always write down your experiences and see if they start lining up
No. 2340469
>>2340452No, Athena and Artemis never had sex.
>>2340449How can you hate men but also choose to let them fuck you?
No. 2340489
>>2340469Can we please not do this in the witchcraft thread?
>>2340449If you don't want to go with virgin greek goddesses anymore, you could always look into destruction or rebirth goddesses? Most of them are more pro-female than they are anti-male, but their symbology of woman as the universe's rightful creator and destroyer is a powerful energy focus and a nice outlet for hatred.
No. 2340639
>>2340449Nonny, you’re a riot.
Spirits don’t have a sex, they’re undefined beings, so for some they will appear more “masculine” or “feminine” than others. But if you want to focus on Gods with a ‘history’ or lore tied to the emasculation of men:
I haven’t worked with her, but Lilith is the first one I would think of. Despite her more “girl boss” nature that new agers or neo-whatevers are trying to attach to her to desensitize her nature She’s literally the embodiment of chaos(as her origins were of being a representation of storms) and violence tied to both sexes but predominantly the violence and rape done onto men. She does have connections to stillborns and death of children tho as well, but I haven’t heard that being an issue for practitioners who have children. I’ve also heard that her energy can be intense when invoking so there’s that too.
Artemis and Aphrodite (Venus/Astarte/Astaroth) are two other beings who contain myths in which they don’t “bow” down to men. Where Artemis is known and bathe with other women and punish men who glaze at her, Aphrodite is suggested in some Greek myths to actually be a force of nature in her own right, having connections to Venus (not just a planet of love but at one point suggested to have ties to war).
No. 2340857
>>2340639Ntayart but I want to sperg about this
>spirits don’t have sex This is true since they don’t have bodies like us but one of them (which I know is a very real god from the celtic pantheon) was super sexual with me without even me knowing his name, which is one of the reasons why I was completely turned off from wanting to even worship/work with them. It was also weird that none of the deities around me said anything and just let his spirit do weird spirit things to my body or maybe the corporeal spirit or something I don’t fucking know I’m not trying to be too schizo/woo woo about this but it definitely happened and it was super embarrassing because that spirit did it when my sibling was visiting me and we were sharing a room. I swear I’m not schizophrenic, I’m sound of mind I just believe in weird things and have somewhat interacted with some spirits/deities especially the one that was very sexual with me for no apparent reason. Nowadays I don’t really sense his presence but I’m 100% sure he’s lurking around and watching me because they love to be silent which is why I can’t really trust them. Lilith imo I’ve never came across but she feels annoying as fuck, idc and Venus to me is just Asherah/Astarte/Ishtar playing different characters in a cultural mask which is very strange to me because Inanna is very close to Artemis but Inanna is also associated with Venus as well and stars, there’s also similarity of her function and Lucifer’s. I don’t think they’re badass and when you look very closely at their stories they’re not really admirable, a lot of them make so much excuses for their husbands, don’t really care their male consorts are raping and cheating on them/or they still stay with them despite this fact, are associated with prostitutes/sex slavery/old world trans ideology which is just being an eunuch who chopped his balls and wore dresses in worship to the goddesses while they were also granted higher position over other women and also were our “pimps” or to watch over us as we were owned by other men. I can’t trust the goddesses anymore, they all feel like tramps, handmaidens, whores, honestly they’re like the spiritual equivalent of a lot of female lolcows
No. 2341025
>>2340857Nonna, you might want to read her post again, she didn't say
>Spirits don't have sexas in they don't engage in sexual activity. She said
>Spirits don't have a sexAs in they aren't male or female the way humans/animals are. Like there's nothing stopping you from taking like Asteroth or something and worshiping them as either a male or female spirit, because it won't matter to the spirit themselves how you choose to perceive them.
No. 2341313
>>2340857> was super sexual with me without even me knowing his name, which is one of the reasons why I was completely turned off from wanting to even worship/work with themI’ve experienced this before, and how I chose to interpret this, is just as a bad energy alignment. In my own work, I’ve found that there are some energies that feel much more uneasy to almost aggressive to me, despite other practitioners saying that they have more positive associates with said spirit and visa versa. This is why I don’t think that this is necessarily intentional, it’s just an aspect of their domain in which they harbor and not many people would like to associate with- hence why I perceive them and then just avoid them when this happens
>granted higher position over other women and also were our “pimps” or to watch over us as we were owned by other men. I can’t trust the goddesses anymore, they all feel like tramps, handmaidens, whoresI mean, it’s a very cut and dry interpretation of their myths, but You have to remember that most of the mythology associated with these beings are a representation of our culture, and therein written by men. It’s the reason why in a lot of cross comparisons of once powerful goddesses end up turned into masculine archetypes, such a Gremory who despite in the Goetia is physically depicted as being a woman, is referred to as “he” “him”, or even we see in Greek myths, Athena is much more vengeful towards human women compared to men- Aka: showing favoritism. Myths are always being revised under a current lense, like how Artemis is now suggested to be lesbian and potentially not a virgin but was depicted as such because to Rome/Greek if you didn’t have a penis in conception then it wasn’t sex.
This is the reason why I don’t care too much about the myth interpretation of our spirit guides. It’s cool if they coincide with our own UPG, but at the end of the day, they’re stories with their own agenda and outside of sharing the name and domain of the God, they really have no relevance to our practice. But that’s just my take
No. 2362942
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>>2324227Agree the site is overwhelmingly male, the first story in this post made me laugh tho. I really wish this thread would get active again. What have you guys been doing lately?
No. 2363365
>>2362942I've always been very much a scatterbrain and it's fucked me over more time than I care to count, but I've been doing a decent amount of tarot readings for myself and sometimes friends.
I have two decks that I use interchangeably since the tone of the answers will vary depending on which deck I use (one of them I see like a familiar and the other is like a house cat kek) but when I don't have a specific question I want I use a specific card to set my intentions/help me get in a specific mindspace. Nothing crazy, I just have a small figurine of a which that coincidentally makes for a good holder for the card and I light some tea lights in front.
My dream rn would be to get to a point where I have people in my area we can practice with like a coven but the one person I know is NOT the type I want to link myself with sadly.
No. 2365171
>>2364079I think a lot of people that are into witchcraft tend to have this superiority complex, it's treated as this grandiose serious thing when most of the time a spell is very mundane and, well … boring. Kind of similar to how manifestation "girlies" would rather make an autistic tier super complex vision board instead of taking actions in their day to day life to actually get the things they want to manifest.
Furthermore at least in my country people see you as a bimbo for even mentioning that astrological archetypes can be used like personality types but they slobber at any and all religious superstitions so even if you have people around you that are into it or would be open to chat about it they tend to keep to themselves.
>>2363660It doesn't help that now everyone and their mothers have become experts on witchcraft after two minutes of googling and spout nonsense. There's this lady that posts on tiktok pretty often talking about how she has contracts with demons and how they're better than angels, and the next breath she will sell you her course on how to make money with demon contracts; it disgusts me to see so many people that will lie to you about anything for a buck.
No. 2365189
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I recommend this book for anyone into the nature aspect of witchcraft. I don’t really care about spells and stuff but I love making things to cleanse and protect my home, using ingredients from nature. I also love aromatherapy as a concept. Currently I have a protection spell bag and grow certain plants.
No. 2367575
>>2363660I kind of disagree, I feel like witchcraft and tarot is more popular now than even 5 years ago, the problem is that these communities fall under an umbrella so you have practitioners coming from different views/experiences. Heck, For some, this is like a shiny object, new and strange, and they were introduced to this work because of trending sites like witchtok, which focuses purely on views and getting the publics attention.
I also think misinformation is much more bountiful simply because the lack of critical thinking, fearmongering, and lack of self reflection for some practitioners, especially for people just starting on this path. This isn’t necessarily bad, everyone starts somewhere, but I’ve noticed that this is a very academic path and some take works at face value without considering the author’s pov, or even come to question ‘why does object x mean this? Where did that come from and how is it relevant to me in my own work?’. It seems like people want a simple and easy answer, like a wrapped up present with a pretty bow on it, so to some, ‘object x means xx, because of course it does’, entirely forgetting that this path is very spiritual, UPGs are meant to form, and that how it looks for one will not look large same for another
No. 2371196
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Are you nonas celebrating Imbolc? How will you celebrate? It's my first time celebrating it, I'm excited.
No. 2391140
I'm trying to learn telepathy. Do any nonnas know about this book and its validity? this isn't the right thread let me know, I couldn't find anything general on occultism.
No. 2392633
>>2392167Nonna we've still got another 100 or so posts left to go on this one. A new thread will get locked.
>Where does the power in witchcraft come from, is it all from spirits manipulating energy and peoples minds?Yes. All of that and more. How much of what depends on who you ask and what they believe.
>Do you guys believe in the rule of 3? Sort of. I don't rigidly believe everything will come back to me threefold. But I do think that if you spend a majority of time doing negative spellwork or just dealing with bad vibes all the time, you're going to attract bad vibes too. Same if you spend most of your time doing positive spellwork and dealing in good vibes. Doing negative or harmful spells isn't a bad thing as long as it's done carefully. Karma doesn't work by itself, sometimes you're an agent of it.
>Have you ever experience things coming back to you?All the time.
No. 2412067
Okay sorry I'm dumb I thought they got locked after 1000 posts. Can I ask a few more questions?
>>2392633and more. What is the and more? like gods, and archangels and such? spirits of the elements?
What sort of things have you experienced coming back to you?
I was into wiccanism a little bit and then got spooked out of it, but what are some good resources for just general witchcraft?
I feel my friend who treated me badly has a psychic hold on me, like, I still daydream sometimes about him seeing me and apologizing me. Can you suggest a ritual to help me stop daydreaming about this and forgive/get him and not give this anymore mental space
No. 2418534
>>2392167>Where does the power of witchcraft come from?Slavery, exploitation, labor, capitalism. Most witchcraft isn’t real or that effective despite many saying it has “worked” for them, even if it gives them a tiny bit what they need it’s never the entire real deal. I feel like people are truly being cheated out of their full potential and power and witchcraft is just a wasteful crapshoot. The real witchcraft is really being truly empowered and not “feeling” empowered which these witches feel, the real empowerment is having actual money and exploited energy to make your dreams come true in this world. There is no such thing as real, true, genuine manifestation and being a good person. It’s why billionaires are living out their dream and thrusting their dream on everybody else because they are the most powerful and effective at witchcraft, not that crap where people are just mixing retarded shit together in a jar and hoping it curses their enemies.
>Rule of 3 Lmao no, it’s literally a meme. This universe doesn’t like it when people try to use revenge, the only effective response to living on this planet, so it’s either spoofing, larping, placebo and fantasy if they say karma got those people. You aren’t seeing karma at work, you’re just seeing the matrix do its job at fucking with people and making others feel like they’re so empowered and special because they did a useless spell and coincidentally that same person becomes ill or dies or something. It’s just life and life 100% is always screwing you in the ass.
>Things coming back to bite me Nope. I would say the more I actually tried to pursue justice and freedom the universe would say “nope” and keep imprisoning me in the same situation and I refuse to believe it has anything to do with lessons, shadow work, it’s just mindless and meaningless suffering while watching the same people who’ve never been held accountable for anything get everything you’re being cheated out of and not having to do anything. Karma is a meme. It truly does not exist. The universe does not care about your suffering or if another person is making you suffering. It also doesn’t care that it will continue to allow that same suffering to happen and when it finally ends. If it ever does. There is absolutely nothing that can heal the wounds it’s caused you. The universe exists to shove as much bodies in to it as possible, to extract energy from global population growths and then have these same people die off, to recycle them back and to keep the wheel going. No such thing as karma, just people playing scripts and playing roles, worst of all it feels real, it causes pain you can truly pain in your aching bones and neck, it’s a matrix where the pain is cranked up to 200x and it feels close to hell.
>>2418504Kek literally me but I’m in my early 20s. I honestly don’t know why I still give a shit about this stuff
No. 2430383
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Did anyone else make up their own deities? When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend. Over time she became more developed and more of a goddess figure. She had symbols, multiple names, a personality, etc. I would daydream about sitting in this weird modern architecture room and talking to her. I haven't spoken to her or seriously thought about doing that again in years.
I'm agnostic but sometimes I think it would be beneficial to "worship" her again like I used to. Tried Christianity and that sucked, and agnosticism is nice but I feel I'm missing a little mysticism. However, I also feel a little weird worshipping someone I made up when I was 8. Anyone else have experience with something like this?
picrel, rabbits were one of her symbols. I still like to draw them on my new planners.
No. 2431059
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Has anyone here read this? I've seen it recommended on other occult forums before.
No. 2453513
>>2453000Search old books that have the keywords "mesmerism" , "mental influence" and "psychometry".
Use rootwork and planetary magick. If you are air/water, venus/jupiter or mercury dominant, you will have an easier time influencing and charming others.
No. 2453531
>>2453506Well be careful to not get scammed by a random witch first lol. And second, you need to practice manifestation, at least the way I see witchcraft, it's all about manipulating energies around you, unless you want to go hardcore and work with spirits. You can find online a bunch of love spells, sweetening spells, obsession spells that you can try yourself or you can craft one yourself. As I said, it's all about manifesting, so you need to really put your mind into it and you need to be very clear with your intention (like repeating X is gonna fall in love with me again and again). You can use anything that helps you focus, a picture of the person you love, a piece of clothing, anything that reminds you of them. A red or pink candle also helps with meditation. And then after you chose your personalized spell, you need to stick with it and repeat it daily for a longer period of time. Any time of the day where you feel more spiritual and in touch with your feelings. Honestly there are a lot of guidelines online, but you can customize to your liking. Experienced witches are just better at manifesting and meditation. Now will your love spell actually work? If you DON'T work with spirits, what your spell is gonna do (best case scenario) is that it basically sends your energy to the person you love, and you'll appear more and more often in their mind, and might influence the way they see you but they still have their own free will and can choose if they want you or not in their life. You can also work with blood if you want it to be more intense, but this needs more research.
Now working with spirits is risky, and complex, and I'm not very familiar with it since it's basically what we call black magic, but allegedly the spirits put a way stronger influence on that person so your spell has higher chances of succeeding. You're working with the unknown, and there is an entire ritual about protecting yourself, about how to properly worship these spirits (no, you can't just randomly call them you need to have a relationship with them first), not to mention if you're clumsy with your spell and intention you might end up accidentally cursing yourself instead or making the other person despise you. Love spells are tricky, and it's very very common for them to backfire, especially if you're new to witchcraft. And I know a lot of modern witches are against love spells unless it's a self-love spell. I personally think the first type of love spells are ok, but not sure if dabbling with spirits is a good idea lol.
No. 2454573
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Happy Ostara, anons.
No. 2454913
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Someone put a spell on this guy so that he ends up dismembered in a barrel somewhere No. 2456216
>>2455597That depends on why they have bad feelings towards you. There's reconciliation spells that can be done, but it's much harder to get someone back than it is to do a love drawing spell to bring in someone who's everything you want in a person whom is enthusiastic about you. And when it comes to reconciliation work, how long you've been apart also factors into the difficulty of bringing them back. It takes a lot of patience and psychological strategies as well. There are obsession spells to get them to think only of you which could compel them back to you or push them away depending on how they're feeling, so you may want to do a love sweetening spell first. For example, while working a love spell, you have to create space for them to miss you. If you're desperately contacting them all the time that can push them away because you're readily available so they'll end up taking that for granted. The same way you may want your lost lover so badly that you'd do anything to get their attention. Them ignoring you sparks that desperation and desire. Also, forget about that "7 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months" rule when it comes to seeing movement. It always depends on the surrounding circumstances and difficulties of the situation. Some people might manifest more quickly than others for that reason. Lastly even if you get them back, it won't keep them forever, you have to implement whatever necessary changes to keep the relationship running smoothly (within reason and assuming it's a healthy relationship). Afterwards if things are going good you can do a binding, which binds a relationship in place and ensures that things stay as they are. Doesn't mean that you can treat them however and they won't leave, but makes it harder for things to fall apart. They'll always be drawn back to you somehow.
No. 2456312
>>2456287Do not. Are you
sure she's good for you, or are you just guilt tripping yourself? Because from experience if she was really good for you, the attraction from your end would be natural, and if you're not attracted, there has to be something repelling you that probably isn't too good. It sounds like your subconscious or intuition is stopping you from being attracted for a reason, so listen to it. Even if you're riddled with irrational mental illness, the relationship wouldn't be fulfilling otherwise, or maybe it's potentially dangerous. Are you being lovebombed by any chance?
No. 2456464
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>>2456216nta but can you help me with friendship spells? you seem very knowledgable
I did a cutting cord ritual last year for my ex bff. Last month I made a honey/sweetning jar with her name so she could heal and remember the good times. I also did candle magic to make us cherish our times together instead of hating with candles and they burned near each other so I might have bonded us again. I'm in a better mental space and hope they are in one too and do miss them very dearly. Tonight I made a doll with a sock to do sympathetic magic for healing purposes. I just played her favorite songs to her and danced with the doll. Friend has not reached out but we blocked each other so who knows. Do you think I've done too much? Could this hurt either of us?? Good possible outcomes or bad ones in your opinion?
No. 2456626
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I'm not a witch and was only mildly interested in wicca bc it was constantly pushed on my generation via movies, books and tv shows that made it seem interesting so don't claim to have any knowledge of spells or rituals. I'm aware of people who believe it is possible to cast a spell on someone to make them suicidal, take drugs/alcohol or make other choices like sleeping with too many moids and making porn. Is this something a witch would claim to be capable of doing to someone else?
No. 2456659
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>>2456655That was my impression from memory of reading "teen witch" by silver ravenwolf, who isn't very controversial with her take on the craft but very well-known. They always insist there's a sinister underbelly that is capable of deflecting natural law/karma/wrath but I've certainly never seen that. Ty for answering, I appreciate this
No. 2456965
>>2456287I think that whatever it is isn't an issue you want to tackle with magick, but rather something you'd want to work on within yourself. What do you find yourself attracted to in others? I don't believe that most people intentionally choose
toxic partners. Sometimes what we want in a friend isn't the same as what we seek in a lover (unless you're like me with Sag in Venus, because I like to have a lover I can treat like a best friend).
No. 2458275
>>2457891>most succubi are huge fucking pickmesKEK anon. I wouldn't trust 4chin scrotes but you can't apply the term pickme to a parasitic spirit who will do whatever it takes to drain a scrote of energy. They'll take whatever forms to achieve their goals, it's not about pleasing the man, it's about devouring him until he's a dried out shell of his former self.
>>24580704chin scrotes are actually the perfect food for them because they're desperate, lonely bastards with zero self control which makes them the perfect food source. Although I wouldn't take anything I read there at face value. Another thing is they might not even be succubi but rather other low level parasitic spirits. I highly doubt those losers actually have the fortitude and discipline to call in an actual succubus.
No. 2460103
>>2455430You would actually die of shock if you saw the degenerate and sexually depraved shit they do to human women behind their backs with the incubi. They don't just show up in your dreams to parasite off of you, they rape women constantly. No the spirit realm isn't more equal than our society.
>>2453738Dumbass spirits have spirit bodies the same way humans have physical bodies. If they were truly genderless they wouldn't be showing up with male or female forms to us.
No. 2460325
>>2453654>>2453704Started reading the thread and randomly had a nightmare where an incubus wearing a mask terrorized me and raped a corpse (first one of a woman then her husbands). He had a huge creepy dick. Then he started chasing me and wouldn't leave me alone. I had to jump out of a window twice to finally wake the fuck up.
Days later wanted to O method on something unrelated but I was still so disgusted I couldn't. Wonderful creatures…