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No. 877926
The dubmer, the bedder
>>>/ot/867968 No. 877940
File: 1628612281424.jpg (13.44 KB, 250x365, images.jpeg-27.jpg)

Women look/ed haggard and old by their late 20s early 30s because they had two kids by that point, that's what ages you faster than anything else, Pregnancy puts a gigantic amount of strain in your body, and so does the subsequent childraising.
A 27 year old woman who hasn't been pregnant wont look much different from when she was 21 unless she has been living an absolute atrocious lifestyle like doing meth or drinking everyday.
To my late 20s nonnies, you girls look just fine don't worry about it, it's not the 70s anymore.
No. 877948
>>877943I doubt you look too bad anon, girls here tend to have such a low and untrue opinion of themselves, me included.
But if you're genuinely ugly that's just ugly genetics, life's a bitch sometimes.
No. 877968
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>>877948I had wrinkles around my eyes and bags since as young as I could remember, like around early elementary school, then by the time I was 11 I developed diagonal lines like pic related, then mouth lines in my later teens. I don't do a single thing that would cause all of this, I'm pretty sure I drink more water and use more sunscreen than anyone else in my town, but it all got more prominent anyway
No. 877973
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>>877968Ah those are tear throughs anon! I have them too, it's just from the shape of your skull (the eye socket and cheekbone parts) and they become more prominent after losing baby fat, you can get them filled but eh i don't mind mine since I've had it forever and it's just my facial structure.
>>877959Honestly I see it as a trade-off, but my main point is that "the wall" is just having kids, it doesn't have that much to do with being 25 like most anons here seem to fear.
No. 877998
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>>877992I don't know who they are, but I enjoy the boobies
No. 878048
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Bitch stick it in already
No. 878060
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>>877926bye daddy goombah
No. 878061
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so disgusted by all this shit about jimmy urine but as a side note i feel like an absolute retard for the fact that i have seen this album cover countless times and literally never once realized it's supposed to look like little girls panties… fucking gross and also how the fuck did i not see that
No. 878099
>>878061My first reaction is doubt honestly.
>shit happened in the 90s with no way to prove it, before social media so there's no texts, pictures and whatnot >using MSI's shock value schtick as "proof".I genuinely can't take lawsuits like this are a joke nowadays, it's so hard to not doubt it after shitshow like amber heard and houseofeffie.
No. 878153
>>878151I just finished 2-2, starting 2-3 now. I worked out who and why quite quickly, but the how was never properly clued up, so it was really difficult to prove/make sense of. Plus I assumed I'd end up implicating
the auntie but it just ended with
Maya = not guilty. Presumably that gets revisited but it just made navigating the trial frustrating. Thanks for the heads up by the way, I'm hoping it gets a bit less baffling after this bit?
No. 878169
>>878158 >I find it cruel how these trolls manipulate him into thinking that he has a friend or someone that cares about himI've kept up with it somewhat. He doesn't connect with people anyway. He wants to either talk AT people because it feels good for him to be listened to (without really returning the favor) or more often he just wants to put his dick in you if you're female. There's a selfishness in him to where who would actually want that friendship and gain anything from it?
That's just typical of male tists though. They want want want and don't give much back..then they whine when they dont magically have a rich life full of fulfilling friendships and super hot gfs. Just my take. He expects good things and great people to somehow flock to him. Shit flocks to him.
No. 878271
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Tails Gets Trolled is a modern masterpiece and I regret not reading it sooner.
No. 878288
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No. 878310
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>>878096>>878288I don't get the appeal, but this is for you.
No. 878329
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I got both cards of my husbando today and I can't wait to unlock the Devilgram stories. God is good.
No. 878496
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>>878262When they started talking about orbitals was when I got lost. I feel like you need more mathematical/physics background to understand this concept than anyone has at the college freshman level.
No. 878549
>>878500Orbitals are of practical importence in determining molecular geometry that's why you learn about them in chemistry.
It is not important to understand what an orbital actually is (because nobody actually knows!). Instead what is important is knowing how orbitals are filled, how they mix(hybridize) and how orbitals help in bond formation along with other properties.
Highly recommed anyone intersted in this topic to watch this video: you need an introduction go here: wish i was someone taught me this with more clarity when i was studying chemistry, it took me so much time to understand that atoms can rotate along single bonds, and even more time to understand how stereoisomers worked.
No. 878573
Sorry anons, I meant to post my original post in the dumbass shit not stupid questions, but it's too late to delete. I got confused because I hid the thread pic for this one. Moving it to dumbass shit to avoid clogging the other thread.
>>>/ot/878558>>>/ot/878555Ya I've been here since 2015 so I'm not old-old guard, but old enough. Yes, I should be clear. I like the big personalities on here and the insanity and rage of some posters. I just hate the boring lacklustre crabby anons who post things like "um I don't want to read that" to anons who shitpost or traumadump or sperg.
I feel like that repels the quality posters more than anything. It's always been bitchy and brutal while I've been around and yes you have to learn that you're anon on the internet and nothing matters, least of all your ego. I'm not saying it was always happy clappy sunshine funtimes, but the board has just been feeling very tired to me lately. The only people who appear to post with any consistency now are just dull and rude for no reason - there's no contribution other than that, if that makes sense. It used to be that if you got called a stupid fucking idiot, it was usually out of genuine concern, justified, or because you needed a sharp reality check. It would usually come with some reasoning.
I think what I object to is the crushing apathy and the disdain for otherness. The lack of empathy and compassion for other anons. I feel like it used to be there, even when you would get dogpiled for idiocy and/or crimes against the hive. There's an anon on /g/ I noticed recently who replies to the mental health posters with a lot of empathy, and they stick out like a sore thumb for it (I see your kindness, random /g/ anon). I got nostalgic because I remember when there used to be a lot of that, even when it wasn't worded kindly, even when it was just short.
Maybe I just have rose-tinted glasses, maybe it was always shit. I tried CC but I hear it's full of trannies, and at a glance it seems very dry. Idk if they're ready for my brand of idiocy yet.
No. 878587
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One time I read an explicit G-Man x reader fanfic in which he had tentacles… I wish I could find it again
No. 878633
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I know it’s for accessibility but the descriptions this guy does of his sped cat makes me want to hurl
No. 878634
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I want traditional malay sweets so fucking bad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. 878635
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I wanted to dream of two of my husbandos of my harem hugging me so I could feel their pecs, not about some random ass basketball player trying to get me to date his eldest son, who yeah, was my type because he was tall, a skinny legend and had glasses, but mister, i didn’t want to feel your pecs, I wanted to feel Diluc’s and Kaeya’s Genshin impact pecs, I feel like I got tricked in a tricky trickery trick by my unconscious, bastard.
No. 878646
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My otp
No. 878685
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kay so my friend's work put her picture up on their instagram and tagged her, so now this 40-yr-old creep followed her and comes into her work at least once a week to shmooz and call her "sweetie". She is terrified.
Cursory research shows he's a realtor, married, and shows his "direct phone" number (probably a work cell). I already signed him up for scientology info, an anonymous std check, and a free gym pass. any other ideas? I want to tell his wife but without proof it's not worth it, so at least I want to make his life more annoying
No. 878687
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You're taking a leisurely stroll through Venice in 1459 when a group of medieval fuckboys reciting crude satirical poetry cross your path. The fat one with a misshapen face beings to incessantly stare at your busom while the others then start a debate regarding phallus sizes.
Wat do
No. 878755
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No. 878811
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Not trying to be racist, but what the fuck is going on here
No. 878839
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>>878811so ugly he's warping reality
No. 878860
>>878856I don't understand you, but one does own an autoshop.
No. 878989
>>878983I don't like mine personally because my flaps get rubbed raw when I wear jeans
But I wouldn't tell anybody that irl, so I dunno either
No. 879008
>>878811Guilty people are constantly gassing up the ugliest hons to be charitable.
All troons, please note that if you need constant affirmation and reassurance (and if you even get it completely unsolicited) you do not pass, and you're not being treated like a woman. Everyone sees that you're a mentally ill man, and they're just trying to get you to not neck yourself.
No. 879009
>>878998I sometimes wonder things like that, but my brother and I are built similarly and I have little labia and unfortunately I happen to know that my brother has a huge fat dick.
I used to reason that because I had little tits and a fairly masculine build, I'd have a big willy and be a natural megachad if I were a man. I used to say that to a gross moid who was obsessed with my breasts and it would make him seethe every time. Good.
No. 879032
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me sitting on the funny little bathroom floor doing my funny little sebderm treatment
No. 879056
>>879029>>879016Could have! Chose not to.
Tbh I am just impressed and a tiny little bit jealous.
No. 879061
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I’m actually very excited to stream the new eva movie this weekend. I don’t care if the rebuilds suck ass.
No. 879080
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>nonnies speaking about how bad it is to make art on the ipad
i don’t know about you but i don’t like connecting 3 different cords in the little space i already have i dont care how bad it looks i desperately need some things to do to cope with my problems
No. 879089
>>879080Why would it be bad? Draw on your ipad till your little hands bleed,
No. 879090
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>>877926I’m definitely mentally ill
No. 879101
>>879061there's another one? or do you mean the one where shinji ends up with mari
>>879096well tbf it's not the character's fault, coomers are like that with everything
No. 879117
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>>879101Yes the one where he ends up with Mari
>>879092Fuck yeah anon. Anno can pry kawoshin from my cold dead hands,
No. 879150
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just came across this 15 year old who seriously has "i love gore" in her bio and 2 messages later she is asking you to add a trigger warning to parent mentions. i love the internet so much
No. 879156
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I went to a big fair in Massachusetts years ago when I was 14 or 15 I think, I still think about it because it was so fun and the weather was perfectly crispy fall air and I ate really delicious popcorn and the atmosphere was just so fun and exciting. I live in the south but I really want to try to go to the state fair here this year, it probably won't be the same bc it will be like 1000000 degrees and full of musty obese people and now I'm in my 20s & hate everything but maybe I will like it? I also always wanted to go to a fair with a guy I was dating which I don't currently have so I need to get on that. Wish me luck ladies in my endeavour to make out on the ferris wheel.
No. 879166
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When I was 9, my mom slapped the shit out of me for eating all of her Ferrero Rocher truffles. She regretted doing that and apologized and I’ve forgiven her long ago but I can still feel that slap whenever I take a bite of my own truffles.
No. 879171
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I spent like two hours making a collage of random shit I like for some reason.
No. 879248
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Dry eyes is the biggest bullshit ever. If I get lasik or start wearing contacts it will get worse and I'll be dependent on eye drops forever. Otherwise I have to wear thick glasses. There is no winning here.
No. 879381
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>>879314I hope all their babies come out retarded and become cows in the future.
No. 879475
>>879171>gothic lolita bible>dolls>yaoi>cute anime boysI wish we could be friends
nonnie you have impeccable taste
No. 879518
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tonight we dine on the sims 2 inflatable chair
No. 879577
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Me spending money on textbooks
No. 879722
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I can't decide whether thin or thick eyebrows look more feminine on women but I'm thinking thin eyebrows.
No. 879726
nonnie you don't need to troonify it. some things can and will look more feminine on women than others things
No. 879728
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I believed i was going blind because i have been reading lolcow from my small iphone se for many years so i went to the eye dr and she said everything normal just stress and that i should focus on other things in real life …
No. 879737
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For your consideration
No. 879748
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No. 879762
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chef kiss
male pain
No. 879766
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>>879764It's for work, don't worry about it
No. 879772
>>879769Hehe, no. I'm a
volunteer digital content creator who writes semi-regular thinkpieces and essays on cocks and/or balls.
No. 879859
>>879762despite what google keeps claiming I personally doubt that men have “higher pain tolerances” because of muh hunter gatherer blood memory. these scrotes cry, whine, judge, gossip and literally cause drama all the time but these behaviors are pinned and blamed on women. anyways anon I’m very worried because I don’t know if you’re saying “yes male pain” in a femdom way or “yes male pain” in a based misandrist way,? either way is
valid and marvelous
No. 879880
>>879859Have you seen those period simulator electro pads? Quality gold, men are babies they never develop any pain resistance bc they never actually experience pain.
And yes they will whine and cause drama and fights just because they're bored, for some kind of entertainment. It's very obvious in little boys, but they get better at hiding it when they grow older.
No. 879999
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A chick I knew since childhood showed up in my mutuals pfps and my first thought was “what’s wrong with your face?” It looks like picrel
No. 880008
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Finally lolcow is back up!
I've been permabanned from for literally no fucking reason so it's good to be back here to have my women only imageboard fix.
I appealed the ban but everything is slow there.
No. 880032
>>880029Maybe it was a regional thing? I wasn't the only one that was talking about it on
Really weird, though? Legit checked the "isitdownforme" site and everything. Kept getting error 502 lol
No. 880126
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You know there's a mental breakdown approaching when you start getting nostalgic for the early/mid '10s. Why am I such a retard nonnies
No. 880159
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Hafu characters even in Japanese games with realistic enough graphics (like Kazuhira Miller or Jill Valentine) never look even slightly Japanese. Even Japanese games about Japanese people in Japan have castizo looking protagonists, see picrel. Why are japs so self-hating?
No. 880232
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>>880159Never played Yakuza but that character remidns me of picrel, an actual Japanese person.
No. 880237
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>>880234kek they think a japanese person should look like an extreme racial caricature like picrel, what the hell? probably a kiwifarms scrote or another racist anon
No. 880272
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>>880236I thought anon meant features. These guys look light.
No. 880378
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>>880159Didn’t read the post. Only ogled at majima-san
No. 880404
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>Woke up in the middle of the night
>Blood fucking everywhere
>Fuck, did I forget to put in a new tampon before I went to bed
>Goes to the toilet and fumbles around to see if I could find the string, still half-asleep
>Looks like I did forget
>Clean myself up real quick and put in a new one
>Kinda hard to push it in, guess I'm at the end of my period and drying up
>Thinks nothing else of it and goes back to bed
>Next day carries on as normal
>Takes out a tampon around lunch, realizes there is a mysterious, bloody string still hanging out after I threw the other one away
>Did I just daydream that I took the last one out or am I developing dementia
>Maybe it's an odd blood clot or hair that somehow got in there
>Pulls it out
>It is indeed a tampon
>Remembers last night's Bloody Stream
>I've been wearing double tampons all morning
I've been switching them as usual but I've been bleeding so much this month I didn't notice anything weird until I saw the string. This is Shayna level of retardation anonitas. I swear to god I'm switching over to cup.
No. 880405
>>880386could you sell the old furniture on ebay or maybe on those local ads on facebook before getting anything new? you can wear a mask when the people come to collect it (make sure you specify that the items are collection only if that's the case) or would your parents be offended?
I think as long as you check the dimensions you should be fine. my parents once bought a wardobe, set of drawers and bed all from ikea and it was delivered and all fine. bear in mind you have to assemble all that shit from scratch!
No. 880452
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I really want to try these but it looks like no grocery store has them and there are too expensive to buy online …
No. 880516
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I don't usually like to bodyshame celebs, but damn Sue the T-rex was chunky..
No. 880524
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>>880519Yes, unless someone just put together wrong skeleton parts for shits and giggles.
Seriously how did these animals function? no wonder they died out.
No. 880525
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No. 880530
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Oh, worm? is definitely a top 10 meme for me
No. 880544
File: 1628884181520.png (103.82 KB, 1080x644, tumblr_1b17fb64bf47ef8b003c0bc…)

I be on my bed, looking like this
No. 880557
>>880404babe you’re gonna die of
toxic shock syndrome please be careful and monitor any symptoms because it can happen
No. 880566
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I guess I'll go back to my roots aka being a silent user, I get easily ignored and it's really hard to engage people.
No. 880573
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>>880566don't do that
nonnie ! sometimes it's just a question of luck, time of the day or if you used a cute image !
No. 880577
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>>877927>>877926>>877998>>880566OK SHUT THE FUCK UP NOW
No. 880578
>>880566Noo keep posting
nonny plz this site is so slow
No. 880580
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>>880566Just be unhinged, let all your thoughts flow freely.
No. 880581
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>>880577Can someone please find out if he’s a pornstar or something, I can’t take this
No. 880596
>>880589His tits look scary. Like picrel
>>880581 looks as if a another man has his ass in his face, not like it's part of his body.
No. 880602
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>>880596>>880584>>880583I think it’s because he smushes them together, his tits look normal now, he might’ve started working out less and eating normally. Strongmen look like this because of their diet. (High sodium, whey powders, etc.)
His Tatas look better here
>>880577 No. 880607
>>880581This has to be a selfie photoshopped by some coombrain. A lot of blur in odd places and the 2nd tit is too close to his chin or maybe they are smushed.
Still, someone find an onlyfans, for research…
No. 880621
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>>880611>>880606As long as the hat is on. I’m his.
No. 880628
>>880624The echo goes away when they’re outside, listen to 1:47, sounds crisp
>>880625Me too, I keep skipping meals then gorging myself, just drink water regularly throughout the day and start a meal plan. Discuss your issues with a nutritionist if you have access to one.
No. 880664
File: 1628891415767.jpeg (1.56 MB, 3464x3464, 365CC60A-D295-4DE4-9504-668E28…)

first time i’ve kekd this hard on tik tok
No. 880684
Sometimes I wonder about how many Pakistan-chans are on lolcow. I know there are at least two, but I see them posting so much I wonder if there are actually a lot of them or one is just autistic.
>>880664Why would anyone stay married to someone they disliked that much? IDGI. I don't believe that female on male abuse is a big deal compared to any other kind, but the memory vitamins one is kind of fucked up.
No. 880700
>>880664Vitamins lady is based, but I wonder if anyone found a way to solve the whole
>watches videos at MAX volumeThing, I think that will drive my mom insane and my dad acts like a child when confronted about that.
No. 880714
>>880684I like to think its a gen x/boomer thing to hate your spouse
i.e. "gotta get home to the old bag" - husband about his wife
No. 880722
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I feel like my brain is being mashed with one of these
No. 880748
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>post lewd anime girl
>i coomed, good shit, my dick is diamonds, etc
>post lewd anime boy
>ew, kys, faggot, etc
why are men so sensitive towards lewd art of men, is it that secretly they all have a ragging inferiority complex?.
No. 880825
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This is what needs to happen to men but unironically.
No. 880831
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>>880813Oh man, when an anon asks for advice on something really distressing and another anon goes on and on about some tangently related thing that happened to her. "Anyway I hope this helps you, anon!" Kek, bitch I bet it didn't
No. 880850
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>>880825I will continue to make sure moids do not forget their place.
No. 880901
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>>880850>cutesy Japanese girls in a staged photo>no weapons at least post women who actually are badass
I'm posting Arab socialist ladies from the 50's and 60's
No. 880909
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>>880908and last one is of Jamila Bouhrid, an Algerian nationalist and socialist who fought against the French occupation.
Arab socialism is dead now, the US helped killed it, you only have the options of liberal "Islamic feminism" or Orthogox Sharia and the US is semi-responsible for this
No. 880920
>>880918I wouldn't say it was dying rather it was viewed as irrelevant in terms of wider politics, people were still Muslim in a nominal way but most of the Muslim world had secular nationalist authoritarian leaders, delusional Islamists did exist, but they were led by molvis and mullahs with no sense of tactical knowledge rather complete blind faith and they were crushed with in weeks, with barely a mention in most newspapers
but cause the US was so terrified of "communism" they funded, worked with and helped spread Islamist ideology, they helped facilitate Jihadist networks and gave them training and tactics and most deleterious gave them the ability to enter the mainstream politics
Take my country for example, the CIA helped remove our elected secular socialist prime minister and put in place a Islamist Military dictatorship, this dictator was not a Molvi or some illiterate warlord, he was a military man, an officer who happened to have Islamist views and he passed laws that any Islamist if given the power would enact
so during this period we had new laws that would sentence people to death for leaving Islam, the blasphemy law which gave death for insulting i.e even criticizing Muhammad or Islam, cutting off the hands of thieves, state mandated rape for women who were virgins before their execution(cause its forbidden to execute women who are virgins in Islam) and many others and even though he died in a plane crash and has been dead for for over 30 years now. most of those laws(the hand mutilation and state mandated rape have gone away fortunately) are still in place and you can't remove them, a politician once just suggested that maybe we should remove the blasphemy law and he was assassinated by his own bodyguard, tens of millions of people celebrated the killer and built 3 shrine's in his name
so there's no hope for us in the Muslim world, maybe an all powerful dictator who reduces Islamist power is the only realistic option, cause Its not going away naturally
No. 880937
>>880920>>880918In fact the vast majority of Islamist groups today can be linked to the Soviet Afghan war, the CIA set up networks in Madrasas for foreign volunteers to be sent to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, these men were from across the Arab world and even South East Asia, they were trained in irregular warfare, insurgency and formed their own groups in the conflict, one of these groups being Al-Qaeda
when these men returned home they were treated as heroes in their countries and had a great deal of influence, thus they started their own Jihadist groups with in their country for their glorious Jihad, these groups eventually spread and then form their own separate groups in a never ending cycle of Jihadism being spread
No. 880978
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Instagram normies are so stupid, I saw 109 replies by someone obviously baiting and nobody noticed the icon was just a white man edit of George Floyd. what the fuck lmao
No. 881024
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I think this could be a cool reaction image, either about misandry and or demanding scrotes leave
No. 881039
>>881024thanks for sharing, anonita.
I used Google lens and it showed the image as a cover for this No. 881207
>>881193I had to google what an iron fish is and I didn't expect it to be so literal, pretty cool
I'm taking one that dissolves in water, has vit c in it and at least says its 'easy on the stomach' so I'll see how this goes. Years ago I took a cheap mutivitamin with iron in it and a week into it I had to almost give birth once I finally went again. Genuinely thought I was fucked and going to need a professional lol
No. 881259
File: 1628961959157.png (458.88 KB, 728x485, 80685.png)

sometimes when i go a few days without looking at art/videos of my husbando i start fantasizing about real life women. is this a bisexual thing or some other thing
No. 881274
>>881253>>881224It almost happened to me too, I'm a bisexual tomboyish kinda girl, although I do still like girly stuff sometimes, I'm very very tomboyish
I did fall for both the hyperfemenine and genderspecial trap at some point though. It sucked
How would you define your own tomboy stuff?
No. 881276
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>>881176get psyllium husk seed powder, nona, and read the instructions carefully (as in, make sure to drink enough otherwise you'll get even more constipated because those seeds work for both diarrhea and constipation). it does wonders for me and i usually have a bm within an hour of taking it when constipated due to iron supplements.
No. 881295
>>881272>Have you ever liked anyone else besides your husbando irl?nah. no one personally at least, but tbh i don't socialize that much. my crushes on real women were those on social media and youtubers, and even faceless posters on certain sites, but i never actually knew or met them. as for real men i don't feel anything at all, even if they're the nice ones.
>any other past husbandos you've had?yea
No. 881318
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>>881291Ok, here's mines:
>attitudesI like sitting with my legs open, I'm not dainity at all, I like taking space and I don't give a fuck sometimes lol, I'm also not really girly in that regard I guess
>clothesI like dressing comfy most of the time. I don't usually like skirts, but cottagecore-ish dresses have been growing on me (not the ultra frilly, transparent or over the top ones, something more like this, very simple and easy to throw on your body for summer). I do like the color pink and lavender though (not hot pink) but I like them because I see them just as pretty colors that fit my skintone (I also like pale green), I wouldn't get everything in pink-kawaii color though.
>hobbiesAnimation (includes anime), videogames, and I've been getting into reading a lot, really enjoyed it.
No. 881327
>>881063Very vaguely. My parents never told me since I never asked (or they did, and I can't remember same like you), but my friend in elementary school brought the topic up once, and I just went along with it like "Uh-huh yeah sure I know what you're talking about, yes, of course". I learned through fanfiction that he rubs his thingy on her thingy when I was like twelve, but only with around fourteen or fifteen I knew that one thing is put
into another one lmao. And laying eggs happened when both people wanted to and talked about it is what I thought.
No. 881382
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this entire cp garbage that is happening these days really ruins my enjoyment of visiting this site. Fuck that and fuck those fuckers who do that.
No. 881442
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I was looking through my old things and I found a notebook, I remember that I bought it for my friend a few years ago. I mentioned that I was giving it to her, she just said that she "already had enough of those" and it made me feel shitty since I picked it out just for her. So it just sits totally empty in my bedroom. Man I feel bad again now. Picrel it's the notebook
No. 881450
File: 1628977153677.png (9.87 KB, 225x225, download.png)

CP has been posted to CC.
No. 881453
>>881444What? It’s cute.
>>881442Your friend is quite mean, I hope you can find something to do with that notebook,
No. 881495
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>>881491Congrats on yeeting the flubber
I hope at least one other anon here knows what flubber is
No. 881503
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>>881496Samefag but I just came across the disney stores official plush of this guy..
No. 881522
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i need a raccoon bf
No. 881602
File: 1628993683278.png (35.97 KB, 300x209, thefuq.png)

why the fuck does bumble limit profile descriptions to 300 characters? that's not enough for anyone to get an idea of eachother. how the fuck do you make yourself NOT sound bland and scripted as fuck with that little room? no wonder everyone has the attention span of a fish these days. jesus christ.
No. 881653
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I truly don't understand these people, have these girls neve had IRL friends, they can't see normal human interaction without believing it be romantic
Also Lauren Jauregui who often gets shipped with everyone on Fifth Harmony talked about this. She is a bisexual girl and she said that people seriously shipping her with former member of fifth harmony makes her very uncomfortable to the point where she felt as if she's a predator and that she can't get close to any other women or else people would speculate or those women would feel uncomfortable. The interview was heartbreaking yet I'm grateful that she said it because it's too much.
No. 881657
>>881653I honestly feel bad for the people that seriously ship IRL people, like, imagine being so sad that you have to vicariously live your dreams through some famous person.
And I will never stop feeling bad as well for the artists that are getting lots of, basically porn, made with their names attached to such content. Like, at his point it should be something that their managers and stuff should deal with by copyrighting the names of the artists because the fact that some random people write their long ass fantasies about them is not only embarrassing but creepy as hell.
No. 881664
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Ugh I’m hornyyyyyyy. Putting in effort to find a scrote to push my shit in seems like a high risk low reward endeavor though so I guess I’ll just masturbate again…
No. 881747
>>881572Same, but I'd like that so I could meet people I could get along with, and not just to be watched.
>>881608I only use instagram to show pictures to my siblings and friends, yet I sometimes get notifications from people I don't know and who have several thousands of followers despite never using hashtags and captions. Maybe I should post more often to get closer to being a popular instagramer, just out of curiosity.
No. 881813
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I have an irrational fear of bugs crawling up my vagina while I sleep
No. 881835
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No. 881845
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she’s lying to herself and when she gets older and hits an existential regret she’ll realize that she had a kid with a sex she wasn’t even attracted to in the first place lol
No. 881864
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>>880901thank you for all those images
nonnie No. 881865
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>>881851>dislike Who said I disliked her? I feel slightly pitiful for her now that I know that she has to larp as a heterosexual especially since she recently had a baby and now has to care for her mistake for the rest of her life. No way this woman is fully straight.
No. 881880
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I can't stop saying "fucking guy"
No. 881928
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>With Maybelline, even eyes like these quickly and easily become elegant eyes
Literally what the fuck is wrong with her eyes before lol
No. 881938
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i’ve lived here for years now and there do, in fact, exist quite many good looking and well mannered gentlemen in england but like 80% of them are immigrants
No. 881942
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Kinda funny when two really ugly people have good looking kids, sometimes there bizzare genetics just cancel out their ugliness for e.g Skinny guys with bad jawlines who marry stout overweight women usually end up having good looking children
No. 881944
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>>881938Really ? I literally live in Pakistan, the vast majority of the males here have bad barely grown in beards, are skinny fat and wear nothing but shalweer kameez and polo shirts
No. 881949
>>881942Tinfoil, but I'd believe uglier parents are more likely to raise their children in such ways to enhance their looks because they know the pitfalls of living life ugly.
I know you're talking about genetics more specifically, but even children destined to be 'cute' can have their looks be utterly ruined by neglectful or stupid parents who don't give a shit and pass on their bad habits.
So the stout mother might encourage her kids to have better diets and go outside more because she knows how worse the experience is of being overweight. Or the father with the weak jaw might look into getting his kids braces or practicing better posture. It can go too far when parents try to live vicariously through their kids because they regret how their childhoods were, but it makes sense that parents would just want the best for them too. /2c
No. 881982
>>881960That can not come quick enoigh. It’ll be a huge relief not having to read about the situation in unrelated threads anymore.
>>881977Saw one get told to go back to Twitter because they said “y’all”. v odd times right now.
No. 882007
>>882004Okay? But not all do? You can’t just assume when it’s normal context.
Honestly this is a type of comment I was referring to originally.
No. 882027
>>882022I'm Eastern European and I use y'all all the time. It's short and gets the point across, as opposed to just saying
you and being subject to autistic screeching because the person I was replying to felt attacked and singled out because I couldn't be bothered to specify I meant
plural you. I'll keep using it, I don't care what it makes me sound like or whose 'culture' (lol) it appropriates, they can stay mad.
No. 882030
>>882027That's even worse, you are from a different continent and speak like an american twitterfag or redneck.
>stay mad No. 882062
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No. 882079
>>882023Saying "hey everyone" to a table of people sounds stupid and you know it, and "hey guys" is a gamble these days
I wish instead of whining about gender inclusive language nonos the twitterfags would give us some alternatives to actually use
No. 882103
>>882091Usually over here people would say shop (or supermarket for large grocery stores). I don’t know about English-speaking nations elsewhere though.
>>882093Not at all, I just find the assumption that non-American English speakers wouldn’t integrate on an American-centric website stupid. People change the way they speak depending on who they’re speaking with all the time.
No. 882128
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There's a bong on 4chan's /trv/ who's currently on holiday in Kabul. Holy fucking shit lmao No. 882152
>>878031They're back in fashion,
No. 882159
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>>882130Who would've guessed Afghanistan isn't all fun and games at the moment.
No. 882170
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>>882165i am retarded ESL, please anderstan
No. 882181
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>>882128He's just another 4chan misogynist. I hope he gets beheaded.
No. 882190
File: 1629054643075.jpg (92.16 KB, 640x720, i-am-a-genius-oh-no.jpg)

>>882128This guy wanted to gain some internet followers by visiting Kabul before shit goes down. I honestly won't feel bad at all if he meets a tragic end.
No. 882198
>>882128I just lost 2 hours of my life skimming these threads and now I feel stupid, I had actual shit to do
>catholic britbong lad goes to warzone for bants>Is sure he will get his exit flight before the city is descended upon>Adventures include getting food for 1$, doing a really big poo and explaining that he has legally faked being a lord for further bants and perks >>882130Also has a white saviour complex about the skinny dogs roaming the area
>oh the city is being descended upon>Can't get help at embassy>Hikes out to airport in a burqa but can't get a flight>Instead of staying in airport he holds up with a Turkish resistance group (?)>Safe enough to livestream and talk to journos but later posts a status that he's actually having a mental breakdown after all the dead bodies he's seen >>882159That's all we have so far
No. 882204
>>882181The posters who were like "haha absolute madman best thread ever xdd" in this thread annoy me a lot after reading that post. Reactions I'd expect from scrotes who don't take anything seriously unless they're crying about how they're licherally being genocided because they can't get a girlfriend.
It's stupid and shitty either way, but on top of that, you just know if he was a woman visiting Afghanistan, all those posters would be calling her a dumb whore who deserves to get raped/murdered, especially after posting
No. 882208
>>882140So the tits are jiggly, anon, not giggly kek
Giggly is when someone does a little laugh
No. 882212
>>882204A woman would never do this.
It's both misery tourism and thinking he is some invincible main character. Like lol life is just a funny game, including people fleeing war lords. Really aggrevating. I certainly do not feel sorry for him. If he survives I hope he would learn something from it, but it's unlikely.
No. 882220
>>882159>goes to a literal warzone against all advice>"I've seen too many dead people"imagine my shock. literally what did he expect?
>I just wanted this whole thing to be a little charity thingliterally how can you be this retarded
>>882204yeah expect no sane woman would travel there because if it's bad to be a man in afghanistan right now, it's a hundred times worse for a woman. a woman would probably not make it as far as he does, she would be killed, raped or kidnapped
No. 882224
>>882128One of the replies:
> I look forward to seeing your execution video on realgore in the coming days.Kek. Why do people go to dangerous places? Even before this recent chaos I wouldn’t dream of visiting there
No. 882231
>>882212Everything about the existence of Tana Mongeuax or whatever she's called disagrees with you
Women aren't a monolith or else pickmes wouldn't exist
No. 882258
>>882237I would like to, but I’m worried he’ll be like “I already have a gf, I’m busy, let’s be friends” and shit. Plus, he already has plans with his friends today.
Honestly, this is my first time trying to communicate romantically with a guy without some scrote desperately asking “can we go out? You’re so pretty!”; a guy who has rejected me in the past.
No. 882355
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>>882198>>882220>>882226shit went downhill for him real fast
No. 882411
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>>882410It says we have impeccable taste in men nonners. Bonus points for brown eyes too
No. 882427
File: 1629073117775.jpeg (667.37 KB, 1170x652, B2C45942-96A6-41A8-B66E-46F997…)

This show has the scrotiest scrotes in all of fiction, and they’re all sexual predators, why do I love it so much
Fucks sake
No. 882438
>>882435God I know but I’m split between “Don’t make RL scrotes think their scrotery is funny” and “goddamn it, their scrotery is so fucking funny”
Well, props for making Sweet Dee as scrotey and disgusting as the the rest of the cast at least.
No. 882439
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>>882410>>882411I would love to dom Jesus ngl.
No. 882441
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>>882439he'd make a great dad too.
No. 882449
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>>882030>american twitterfag or redneckEnjoy your terrorist attacks, flavorless food, high taxes and american skinwalking you ignorant eurofag.
No. 882460
>>882427>>882435>>882438>>882450Comedy is about people being shitty. It's why SJWs are considered humorless, they drastically limit the range of human shittiness people are allowed to laugh at.
>>882456Hope they pick you.
No. 882473
nonnie! Water won't help and neither will milk.
No. 882538
I got my dog from craigslist five years ago, she was already about 2 years old then
I used to smoke weed a lot, and I didn't want to make her sick or something, so I would always go in the bathroom and put the vent on to pull the smoke out, I was already doing that anyway to get rid of the smell
Well, I dunno man, this dog is apparently a huge pothead too. When I would get my lunchbox with the weed and grinder and stuff in it as quietly as possible, she would come tearing through the house no matter where she was to try to get some. She sprints to the smell of weed.
I stopped smoking because I felt bad because she would bark at the bathroom door the whole time and then act upset I didn't give her any, like she would look at me in that expectant "treat?" way, and then sigh and pout
Well I picked the habit back up lately because now I've got gastroparesis, so I'm nauseatous all the time, and she still wants my weed bad, and I feel weird and bad and guilty and shit
Was someone seriously blowing smoke in her face as a puppy? Why does she like it so much? Feels bat man.
No. 882571
>>882557Genderbending eva is ridiculous. Every character and relationship between characters is fixated on their gender. How do you genderbend Gendo? Or Shinji for that matter. Everything about Gendo is being a horrible man. Everything about Shinji is being a failure of a man. Really, everything about all the female characters is about how they relate to Gendo and Shinji as horrible/failed men.
I mean are you going to have a girl Shinji masturbate over a comatose boy Asuka? Does that seem thematically fitting?
No. 882591
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>>882128>was told to stop posting and delete his social media for his and the other people he's with safety>still fucking posts online, and tries to spin it as if this wasn't just an edgy meme trip>possible livestream but "can't rn bc everything's so hectic"I hate saying this, but he deserves whatever fucking comes to him.
No. 882607
>>882576nta, I thought that but then I rewatched it at 23 and it actually holds up decently. I noticed a lot of things in it that I just didn't understand when I watched it when I was 12
It's rare for anime to deal with not just messed up teenager issues but also adult issues as well so I think it's still a really decent anime as far as psychological anime goes
No. 882615
>>882607that anon is just rageposting about pedos
eva discussion is imageboard sperg catnip
No. 882638
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I hate Ian Something's face so much, sometimes he looks straight up demonic to me
No. 882647
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>>882638he looks funny to me like the caricature of what an attractive man is supposed to look like. Like a "chad" meme
No. 882659
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>Stephen McKeag (1 April 1970 – 24 September 2000), nicknamed Top Gun, was a Northern Irish loyalist paramilitary and a Commander of the Ulster Defence Association's (UDA) 'C' Company in the 1990s. He is responsible for many killings of Catholics and a few republicans. He is also have thought to have shot the most Catholics in Northern Ireland
>Neo-Nazi >drug dealer>philandering womanizer with multiple kids out of wedlock>EDM enthusiast>he killed ONE (1) member of the IRA out of the 12 "confirmed" people he killed(he likely killed more people) >he killed a random 17 year old catholic boy as revenge for an IRA attack >was injured when his motorbike collided with a UVF car>generally just went around shooting random people who were catholics>With his face heavily bruised and a crossbow bolt embedded into the wall nearby, it was initially assumed that he had been killed; however a post-mortem found that his death was caused by a lethal combination of painkillers and cocaine.This man is an Ulster community 'hero' No. 882669
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this shit costs 350€ but it's so cute, what do?
No. 882674
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I think performative femininity makes women feel good but also being able to take a break from that also makes them feel good. This should probably go in the unpopular opinion thread tbh
No. 882682
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>>882647Yeah I'm surprised by the pretty boy comment, he's like a walking chad meme to me too. I don't find him attractive, face to wolfish and harsh, but I understand why other women go nuts for him.
>>882650I think he's ageing fine. Picrel 41. I skipped through some 2021 interviews, he's a year older, and looks even younger imo.
No. 882711
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>>882700good because you inspired me to eat some too
No. 882713
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So cause of nonnies Insane ramblings about Mass Shooters yesterday, I looked up Charles Whitman just out of curiosity and I came across this song about him by pure accident, this feels like this came from an alternate Universe where pop-punk became the dominant mainstream genre of music and random edgelords use it to express themselves
No. 882719
File: 1629114933483.jpg (204.99 KB, 1542x1227, PAY-halloween-creepy16.jpg)

Bring back scary Halloween costumes
No. 882726
>>882709I don't know where you live, but I had a very bad UTI some years ago (like pissing blood and stuff) and what helped me while I had it and after it, more than the antibiotics I got prescribed, was this (sry, only German, but maybe Google translate works) and garlic, eating raw garlic helped so much and every time I feel some inflammation coming up I will eat raw garlic, it's just an natural antibiotic and it works without the stupid side-effects antibiotics have.
And as a precaution you should try cranberry pills, the proanthocyanidin seems to build a layer on the walls of your bladder to hinder the bacteria to settle in there.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
No. 883070
>>883063>If anons memed a white-haired husbando who is actually hot Do you have anyone on your mind?
> instead we're stuck seeing this little faggot with a micropenis everywhere.oh no, you are gonna summon her
No. 883076
>>883050Being that much into a fictional character is not normal and she kinda reminds me of a girl I met in deviantart who had pages and pages of picures of herself and her husband, Sonic the hedgehog, drawn over them. They had birthdays, weekends with Sonic's friends, she baked a cake for Sonic's birthday, they even went to japan for real.
No human friends in sight.
I hope both komaeda anon and Sonic the hedgehog's wife, Sarah are ok.
No. 883091
>>883070>>883063Sorry, I'm not playing today. You already know my stance on the matter.
nonny. I have a few friends and I get out pretty regularly considering I'm still recovering from the coma/spinal injury combo. I hope your friend Sarah's doing well. She sounds cool.
No. 883151
File: 1629146924841.webm (4.36 MB, 640x360, iUoV-apW6e8WWiV7.webm)

So this clip is being shared a lot on twitter in the last couple of Hours, it shows Taliban members dancing to music at some sort of a festival, basically to show how hypocritical the Taliban is or something, but this is misinformation it should be noted that these aren't Taliban members, these are regular Pashtuns at a wedding, them having guns at a wedding is normal in Pakistan, it would be out of the blue for them not to have guns
No. 883154
>>883151>having guns at a wedding is normal in PakistanHow come, anon?
Thanks for sharing your insight.
No. 883158
>>883076Tbh, I kind of want to consider doing such things if I ever stay in love with a character for long enough.
It’s nice to have a hobby, I can’t wait to be able to buy the body pillows I’ve always wanted, custom made, hopefully with a second cover in case of the first one getting ruined or dirty.
But okay, think about this, is it possible to make a protective cover so the original isn’t damaged too easily? Like some sort of clear but soft cover so it doesn’t get stained, maybe with organza or chiffon.
No. 883165
>>883154well its a very long history
see basically gun laws in Pakistan allow for the wide ownership of firearms. you can get any sort of fully automatic firearm if you live in Punjab or Sindh, and in tribal areas of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa it permits the ownership of heavy weaponry including the use of rocket-propelled grenades, short, medium, and long-range rockets, anti-aircraft guns, mortars, etc.
see our government is fragile, coastally trying to appease all the ethnic groups who hate each other so we don't end up in a Civil war, they know if they take away Gun rights they will end up with a Pashtun rebellion and then every other ethnic group will also rebel and Pakistan will collapse
Any where here's a cute Kalash boy speaking his native tounge
No. 883191
>>883182I honestly care because it would not be surprising if he got murdered or if he’s being used as cannon fodder, like, who would’ve thought that going to a war zone is dangerous?
What I’m wondering is if there’s any more idiots that did the same and are now crying because they’re not living in a movie.
If he does go back home, I hope he goes home traumatized forever.
No. 883269
File: 1629155865202.png (30.04 KB, 697x271, bong update.PNG)

>>883182Not sure about the other guy but the brit from /trv/ is still alive, it irritates me how he always says "as" instead of "because"
No. 883409
>>883399you could turn the heat on in your car anona
No. 883416
>>883399you know
nonnie this is the time you can be grateful for two things. one, you got a cool post number. two, you didn't spill it in your lap
No. 883449
File: 1629176594717.jpg (299.06 KB, 850x782, 1627402032773.jpg)

I'm still banned on for literally no fucking reason, this is so annoying! It's been like 4 days since I've appealed and admin dindu nuffin.
I wanna terfpost
No. 883469
File: 1629178493495.gif (619 KB, 540x305, 3c094731-bcd9-48d6-8a23-f6a11c…)

>go to bed at 9:30 pm
>shit night club starts playing music at 10pm until midnight
>go to sleep at midnight
>1 am, thunderstorm, super loud
>okay, try to sleep again
>2 am, fucking earthquake
>2:15 am, thunderstorm gets louder and doesn't stop until 4:30 am
>have to go get ready for for at 4:45 am
I want to fucking die I'm so tired
No. 883474
File: 1629179133101.png (20.88 KB, 326x326, Any of the bait memes would be…)

>>883463I also love them, anon! The sillier, the better
No. 883487
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>>883474>>883480>>883482>>883483>>883484Yay anon!! Thank you so much, I haven't seen these!
I think my favourite of all time is picrel
No. 883520
File: 1629186296641.png (10.17 KB, 555x117, louise our savior.png)

Thank you Louise for gatekeeping people's feeling about animal suffering, only TRUE and HONEST vegans are allowed to be upset! No normies allowed in our club!
No. 883545
File: 1629188270155.jpg (37.69 KB, 400x400, eWjQ7ZSV_400x400.jpg)

she fucking did it, she did it for those of us who are too afraid to risk it
No. 883644
File: 1629197176860.png (173.79 KB, 682x553, sliders.png)

queen shit
No. 883649
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>>883573Lizzo has a very nice face, she could be a knockout. I tried to find pics of her shooped thin. Couldn't find any. But look at whatsherface picrel. Everyone looks better slim, we need to stop pandering to the fat.
No. 883663
File: 1629198239846.png (375.91 KB, 501x587, 11.png)

>Modern Iranian anti-makeup cartoon
The cartoon is showing western and eastern women as the scientists and researches who make these makeup products, while the shallow Iranian woman simply just use them
also its meant to be read from right-to-left
No. 883669
File: 1629198431687.png (342.6 KB, 1200x1056, 12.png)

>>883663>Iranian Pro "proper" Hiab Propaganda Both women are wearing Hijabs but the girl on the left is wearing a hijab in the Cosmopolitan Iranian style. The Cosmopolitan Style came out because of the compulsory hijab rule. Some woman didn’t want to wear it but didn’t want to get arrested so they wear a looser from of the Hijab
No. 883674
File: 1629198554636.png (324.78 KB, 512x357, 13.png)

>>883669>"I now pronounce you two same-sex terrorists as a couple." Iranian anti-gay, antisemitic, anti-Sunni Islam, anti-ISIS propaganda poster
No. 883685
File: 1629199668980.jpg (128.84 KB, 1000x707, 14.jpg)

>>883680I think its just the art style, the artists frequently uses a cartoony (ironically very western inspired) art style for his characters
see this one which portrays British Media as a Trojan Horse that will attack Iran from the inside
No. 883691
File: 1629200473025.png (305.12 KB, 500x340, 16.png)

>>883674>>883685>"Protect your goods"This is the worst one btw, the message(for men) is that instead of fighting/arguing with other men who harass your wife, you should instead control what she's wearing, so that she doesn't dress "provocatively"(which in the Iranian context is Loose Hijab, dyed hair and make up)
No. 883740
>>883720the lack of empathy exhibited by men directly affects their ability to understand and enjoy films. they just can't, their taste is flawed down to the core. there's nothing inherently wrong with most of the
PrObLeMaTiC cinema from scrote directors but men will latch onto weird themes and misinterpret shit to fit what they want it to mean, whether that's because they're too stupid or they're projecting some harebrained, half baked notion onto the film.
No. 883795
File: 1629208499335.gif (23.54 KB, 300x200, diglet.gif)

>>883784that's pretty good
No. 883921
nonnie that's the kind of face I would love to abuse
No. 883922
File: 1629215053895.jpeg (Spoiler Image,60.91 KB, 583x565, BF70E543-BFC3-4A32-82CB-BB5132…)

No. 883933
File: 1629215458379.jpeg (250.5 KB, 1242x2107, 1AB0936C-C60D-428F-99EA-1D42ED…)

>>883920I get it, he does have a nice face.
No. 883952
File: 1629216263139.png (511.45 KB, 490x616, image_2021_06_13T11_07_12_377Z…)

>>883931He'd just look like creepshow art
No. 883987
>>883481Late, but she doesn't know me at all, she probably just said I'm racist because of le 4chan frog wp meme because she is a twitterfag. Either that or she was gratuitously baiting
>>883487Kek I just posted the two first, these are great
>>883480>>883482>>883483>>883484 No. 883992
File: 1629218729422.jpeg (303.16 KB, 1242x1388, 792BE795-E320-4651-A806-53515D…)

>>883987I made a new one.
No. 884012
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No. 884015
>>884003It’ll be a dreary day for
me if/when this place gets shut down. I can’t stand any of the other active imageboards
No. 884019
>>883920ayrt, i'm glad you know what i mean. i don't agree with most of his opinions and i find a lot of his beliefs retarded, but if you divorced him from that and you just had his physical appearance & the fact that he likes to garden and raise pigeons & pet autists, he'd be my dream guy. i watch his streams a lot while i'm trying to sleep, i do find him attractive. i know it wouldn't work out between us, though - i don't like to travel and i don't want my face out there (which would inevitably happen with his level of infamy). i can resign myself to just imagining. then again, i've had nightmares where i accidentally made a kiwifarms account and had to message him to delete it & confessed love to him, so maybe i should imagine less, kek
>>883926damn it anon, are you trying to melt me?
No. 884038
>>883993Ayrt, and wtf
I just googled it and I thought it was a joke on the muffins? Like the top kek muffins. I feel like I hopped realities, I had no idea, but I also feel gross
No. 884043
>>884041Yeah, my bad. I fully admit my fault here. I am latamfag and I saw these memes without the original context scattered around 4chan and such and just didn't look to its deeper meaning. Since the pepe thing got big worldwide I jumped to conclusions because the summer here has been tough
Good thing I'm already in the dumbass thread and not a main thread
No. 884103
File: 1629225118744.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>883920They should get married, imagine the children!
No. 884105
File: 1629225176283.jpg (463.44 KB, 1284x1239, gus.jpg)

>>884104this is for gusanon kek
No. 884106
File: 1629225231822.gif (726.13 KB, 400x300,

>>884104and this is for the all the grievousanon
No. 884128
>>884104This is actually so cute!
I wish I had a "personality" here to get a cute image from you hehe
but I prefer being mostly anonymous though No. 884175
File: 1629229584960.png (957.66 KB, 649x853, Twitter.png)

>>884158Don't quote me on this because I'm not a fashion historian, but the thing about corsert = bras is just a quick comparison of how people viewed it back then and it's not supposed to be a 1:1 ratio thing.
The thing about corsets is that they'd support the breasts but also the back and lower back (having a good posture has always been considered attractive) and yes, I don't doubt that were a lot of women that liked it because it shaped their waists better, just like there is a lot of people that buy bras thinking about the shape it will give to their breasts alongside the support.
I think that the discussion that corsets were purely a beauty thing or that they were just a practical thing are both kinda wrong, since it has been used for both purposes.
No. 884185
File: 1629230311378.jpg (8.05 KB, 256x197, crst.jpg)

>>884183You've never seen the effects of prolonged corset wearing?
No. 884217
File: 1629232279340.jpg (31.59 KB, 500x548, cat.jpg)

>>884128that's nice
nonnie! I can only offer you this cat picture kek
>>884198love you too gus! No. 884379
File: 1629244041412.jpg (15.31 KB, 439x329, 1518721010771.jpg)

It's so embarrassing when a single moid can derail a thread in /ot/ for a whole day because nonnys are obsessed with pwing scrotes
No. 884432
File: 1629250542059.jpg (298.21 KB, 1000x742, The-Nanny-TV-Series.jpg)

Watch the nanny, nonnie. It's an order.
No. 884463
File: 1629253836849.jpg (75.68 KB, 828x732, E83fXYBWYAEubWz.jpg)

This is literally every early 2000s fujoshi horror story.
People like this often bash fujoshi, but they themselves are fujoshi pt. 2: "my fetish is a gender identity" edition.
No. 884493
File: 1629257961661.jpg (571.31 KB, 1080x1190, cat scale.jpg)

i'm gonna save this thread. i'm a mix of 1 and 5
No. 884497
File: 1629258181753.png (224.62 KB, 575x323, B9CA6B6B-B4DF-4549-9212-280A05…)

>>884484Nta but you’re being quite retarded thinking this is about oppression.
What’s there to fetishize if 3DPD gay men are 3DPD? Their relationship dynamics are not something to dream about and also remember that a bunch of yaoi shit is made by gay men themselves.
Most oldfag fujos just create their content and roll with it, only newfag aydentards are the ones that think a hobby is part of their identities.
So go back to Twitter and cry about it.
No. 884513
>>884505glancing under table thumbing through miniature novel of all the komaeda posts hmm yeah
nonny you're right. scrotes really take it too far
No. 884546
File: 1629265848526.png (513.62 KB, 500x437, 1E3CB548-F8F0-42D9-B4F0-99847B…)

They’re gonna take down all the translations on the Enstars wiki and there’s still so much shit I haven’t read. Hold me nonnies.
No. 884588
File: 1629270575249.png (6.49 KB, 685x194, C976EB05-55DE-4676-BAFE-7FD193…)

>>884566It’s at the request of Papa Happy Elements. There’s an explanation about it here. will be an archive fortunately but future translations will have to be posted discreetly. Godspeed to us.
No. 884661
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No. 884666
>>884590Sadly it's canon they made the flamboyant gay annoying man a "women inside uwu" in the later chapters but yeah twittards made it worse.
Not that interested in the game anymore but hopefully for some it may hint a global version..?
No. 884682
File: 1629282528462.png (534.24 KB, 569x614, post this cat.png)

>>883920I think I could fix him in two years.
No. 884818
File: 1629292388843.jpg (88.09 KB, 540x540, tumblr_81409e57e38feb2fb714d50…)

No. 884824
File: 1629292619053.png (5.63 KB, 60x44, 1625108431886.png)

i fuckin hate scrotes
No. 884841
>>884741NTAYRT but I know you're the salty samefag from /m/, and I know what you're referring to. I post them in the hornyposting husbando thread, what's so hard for you to understand?
I'm not engaged in any of these fujowars arguments, by the way, but go off I guess.
No. 884842
File: 1629293814194.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.17 KB, 2160x1620, 320d5ddxswj51.jpg)

>>884732Don't call anons bitches in Komaeda's name,
nonny. It's very not cool, Hajime.
No. 884863
File: 1629294813242.jpg (48.85 KB, 519x650, 1625609887149.jpg)

>>884824You're OK
nonny, have a nice picture
No. 884865
File: 1629294873725.jpg (57.66 KB, 828x828, 79238215_2514248952156754_5997…)

>>884852Oops, thank you.
>>884824Sorry nonita! Here's a beautiful cat.
No. 884872
File: 1629295289213.gif (1.51 MB, 300x214, cat.gif)

dumb cat gif for anon
No. 884914
File: 1629298856984.gif (804.36 KB, 160x200, itlldo.gif)

>>884886Samefag, couldn't find the exact one I wanted but this will do
No. 884990
>>884961Kek, same. I always think: Fuck, did I scroll past them or did I not pay attention? Where is it???
>>884982I like to see how they look like!
No. 885023
File: 1629306168316.jpg (507.74 KB, 1800x1198, S20-BK-ZIP-G_01_1800x.jpg)

>>884999>>884995>>884990They're these boots made by Solovair. I'm excited to receive them
No. 885079
File: 1629308060136.jpeg (107 KB, 500x499, 3EA21AE6-532C-4E56-8C1C-94D4D0…)

Maybe I'm not a fridge and I just have bad posture
No. 885089
File: 1629308497569.jpg (256.26 KB, 1328x1861, muhneckmuhback.jpg)

>>885079I caught my reflection from the side lately and I have a lil humpback going on. Like I have a legit spinal problem in my lower back and I know that's there to stay but my neck is a lil like quasimodos one and I never even knew
No. 885095
File: 1629308888198.jpg (829.87 KB, 1139x1428, ron teeter hangup inversion ta…)

>>885089>>885079yall need ron teeters hang up inversion table in your lives
No. 885133
File: 1629311341790.jpg (9.69 KB, 251x397, hgh.jpg)

I'm puzzled.
Woody Harrelson has been haunting my dreams for some days now. Last dream I had with him he was kissing David Duchovny. That was months ago I think. He ain't kissing anyone now but he is there, telling me nonsense in that weird way he talks, you know? I can barely understand him but dream logic translates whatever the hell is coming from his lips and it never makes sense anyway. Last night he told me I had to win a snooker game against the alien overlord because something big was at stake, I don't remember what though.
I can take the alien overlord because the aliens are in my dreams since I was kid, they're kind of my friends at this point, but why is Woody Harrelson here? He had long hair like when he was in the hunger games but he is always wearing a stupid red beanie to hide his bald and for some reason he has this big, clunky earring dangling on his ear and making this annoying noise everytime he walks, like 'ding, ding, ding', and God, he is always walking, circling around me like some half dead cockroach. I want to rip that earring off his ear everytime he tells me to do something. He is always telling me to do something, always looking so smug.
I don't know why he keeps coming back but it makes me think of the dreams I used to have where the Doctor was a recurring character and he helped me during many zombie outbreaks till I left him to rot somewhere in time because I choose to rescue someone else and our elevator time machine only had space for two (which was weird because I remember that elevator carrying up to five people before). Before we left I told him that he was old and Amy was dead. He never appeared in my dreams ever again.
Will Woody Harrelson suffer the same demise? I wonder. He looks kinda hot with hair though.
No. 885170
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It's happening!
No. 885191
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oh god jermafags are back
No. 885221
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My mother is the spitting image of 1994 Pioneer Barbie. I am shook, as the kids say. She even used to wear long Laura Ashley dresses like that kek.
No. 885224
File: 1629315201100.jpg (195.24 KB, 779x1024, 21783342556_5c6f77dffd_b.jpg)

>>885221Wish my country had Pioneer Barbie.
No. 885263
File: 1629317911486.jpg (186.97 KB, 750x422, mrratburn_750x422.jpg)

why was mr ratburn's wedding called a "gay rat wedding" when the other mr ratburn is obviously an aardvark? interspecies gay relationships are so imporant and should not be erased.
No. 885265
File: 1629318002849.png (219.71 KB, 557x411, 1403708727694.png)

nonnie your mom must be so cute
No. 885280
nonnie im high af and this sent me. thanks for the laff
No. 885308
File: 1629321908933.png (455.68 KB, 1580x1272, embarrassing.png)

>>885284Misconceptions, thirst and obsession. They have to be the nonblack nationality that is mentioned the most on that site, it's weird. As for misconceptions, too many to mention, but most commonly said is Italians look "ethnic" as in mixed-race. The men are macho, extroverted, dominant, passionate and love black women. Obsession is v. noticeable, littered within unrelated thread topics Italians will be brought up and associated with random things or they'll put thoughts in their heads "Oh you know Italians love x". Threads about Italians will get loads of replies too. It's not always unflattering what's said, but it's wrong. And some of it is nasty like "Italians are racist, horrible people" etc, but they do that with everyone kek. And if someone refers to Italians as white some fonts will jump in and argue they're not "white white" or "basically not white". Or that Italians themselves do not consider themselves white and don't want to be associated with YTs, they find it offensive. What?! It's like they've claimed them or something. I was reminded of this, as they're all in their feelings atm because geriatric Robert De Niro, who was married to a black woman, is now possibly dating an Asian woman, picrel.
No. 885327
>>885316I read randomly, so I can't tell you. Unless you're asking about the DN thread? Celeb news.
>>885317Not me. But I think I know that troll too.
>>885319Yeah there's some oddballs. But I understand what picrel is about. What I do not get is the Italian thing. They're automatically fond of any Italian woman too. It's amusing.
No. 885384
>>885355theyre very, VERY sharp anon
their only purpose is to cut open bodies
No. 885475
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No. 885479
File: 1629338199697.jpg (131.74 KB, 957x1300, 1577130856196.jpg)

$18 in my checking account but I found $59 in my venmo
No. 885485
File: 1629338737715.jpeg (739.25 KB, 750x944, ABAD6598-5A96-45D1-A695-477333…)

Selling vegan cruelty-free maxi pads, $50 each
Product is going fast, order now
No. 885548
File: 1629348168576.jpg (60.32 KB, 960x960, making-food-fun4.jpg)

I've been estranged from my parents for almost five years, and while it was definitely the right choice (they used to beat me and refused to own up to it), I occasionally get pangs of longing for their house that hurt terribly.
It doesn't help that I moved to a very unsexy rust belt city. I can't stop thinking about how some places can just be better than others, more stimulating in every way. I miss the giant nectarine tree and the chilly pacific wind coming through my window at night. I realized that my incredibly furry dog's going to die in a couple of years, and I won't get to see her before that happens. It fills me with dumb impotent anger. It's so retarded, nonnitas - why can't my parents just say sorry? It's all so pointless.
No. 885792
File: 1629380867977.jpg (32.38 KB, 680x450, dd0.jpg)

Man, some anons in the dog hate thread sound really unhinged.
No. 885812
>>885792not from that thread but i have very little respect for dogs
or any creature that comes to me every time without fail when i call it
thats why i like cats
you go "cmere kitty kitty"
and they look at you for a second, then go
>yeahhhh… maybe lateri respect that
No. 885826
>>885819i prefer arbitrary defiance over simple-minded obedience
sue me
dogs are fine, and ive lived with them before
i just dont ever want one
No. 885833
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I got horny once and now my vagina smells like bread all day
No. 885839
File: 1629384683483.jpg (58.16 KB, 700x466, iStock-1139108800-1577213844.j…)

I used to think people shilling yoga were full of shit but then I started doing light yoga (following videos on youtube) during lockdown and still do it now in the mornings and it's actually helped me out a lot. I don't want to be one of those yoga shills because I know it's not a cure all, but it sure has helped me in the morning and makes me feel good. I'm a lot more flexible and my posture has improved, which is great considering how I have a fucked up back. I don't know if I'd ever take a class, the youtube videos in my room are too convenient and much more comfortable. I kind of want to start meditation to see what it could do for me, but I just haven't gotten around to it.
No. 885840
>>885834>>885828these gals get it
for how cold and calculating cats can seem some of the time, if somethings really wrong with you, they sniff it right out and will come right over on their own accord and try to help. even if its just giving you some sandpaper-tongue kisses or warming up your toes
cats are good people imo
No. 885843
File: 1629384852618.gif (975.25 KB, 332x332, tumblr_pib90zhZGJ1vnhma6_400.g…)

The Green Knight torrent is up!! See you bitches in three hours
>>885839Yoga is lovely and relaxing in the morning for sure! When I sit down for work I feel clear-headed and ready for anything
No. 885851
File: 1629385395292.jpg (1.16 MB, 2777x1600, oldman.jpg)

>>885846My oldest cat demands attention, as soon as I get home he is all over me and he is
very vocal. He will head butt, tap your leg with his little paws, lean against your legs, and meow and meow in his little old man voice until he gets some prime, grade A, fresh from the farm pets and cuddles.
No. 885857
>>885792dogs are psychopaths with a handler and sometimes the handler can't keep their psychopath contained but the handler is insane too or fooled by "man's best friend" propaganda into a stockholm syndrome situation so they will just find it extremely humorous that their psychopath snarls and chomps at you and claim that it's just being protective, just wants to play, wouldn't hurt a fly, but to calm the psychopath down you have to either throw a rag so the psychopath can let it's psychopathic tendencies run amok or overload it's brain through cuddles
inb4 "there are no bad dogs only bad dog-owners", dogs get aggressive with you when something is bothering them in the same way an
abusive boyfriend would and dog owners will defend them the same way a
victim would
also barks will never not be annoying from the sub-woofers to the rat-yelps, just grating vocalization across the board that your body involuntarily responds to, i would rather listen to a medley of babies crying than hear another bark
No. 885860
>>885846They just need a lot of constant work and attention, you can't deny that. Dogs can't be left alone for more than a few hours tops, they always wanna be around their owners, they need owner-guided excersise every day and always having to bring your dog or making sure you can bring your dog is a bother. If there are breeds that can be left alone for whole dayparts then congratz ~you got me~, but it's a fair statement that in general dogs are clingy and needy. Yes there are cats who're clingy but not to the level of dogs, regular European shorthair cats especially aren't which is what almost everyone has (where I am anyway). There's catbreeds who're described as being dog-like but people deliberately choose to get such breed and are uncommon. I didn't think I needed to add
generally speaking because that's like saying humans are social creatures but disclaimer there's hermits too!!
No. 885862
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I saw this bag yesterday and now the joke is on me because I want it so bad!! It's so cute!! It's not even terribly expensive, I'm just cheap and have more handbags than one person should ever really have so I can't justify it but UGH. I love it.
No. 885863
My family used to rescue dogs and cats (sometimes people still abandon them at our door) and dogs are definitely not all the same. Some that get abandoned seem to have a hard time opening up to us and some are just clingy and make the first person that give them any attention their favorite person.
Now abandoned cats (in my personal experience) are very clingy. I have one cat that starts yelling around the house if he thinks he is alone. It scares the shit out of everyone. Another one just beat up any other cat that is on my lap because she owns that lap and she hates everyone else. Also a cat that likes watching people sleeping. Very creepy, she seems to do that with everyone but I still get creeped out when I wake up and she is there. Feels like she is planning something.
I love them all so much.
>>885857Go back to your thread you fucking roach
No. 885865
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How it feels to scroll through ot these days …
No. 885881
>>885870I really hate this idea that cats are
so independent and don't need as much care as other pets. That's just people being bad pet owners. What are they to you, decorations? Do they make them play by themselves? Do they even encourage play? Or do they just throw down a scratch post and call it a day? I brought this animal in to be a part of my family, not to sit around and look pretty but only in the way I want it to.
No. 885890
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>>885884Calm the heck down nona
No. 885900
>>885896Thank you for the
valid response anon
No. 885903
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can't stop watching mousetrap videos
No. 885905
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>it's a crazy action, a crazy contraption, the fun is catchin' it's MOUSE TRAP>build a contraption to catch the other mice, but don't get caught yourself!>the fun is catccchhiiinnnnn it's MOUSE TRAP!>FROM MILTON BRADLEY! No. 885922
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>>885889I'm getting a bearded dragon soon
I love how goofy and chill they are
No. 886027
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Got a date with this bad boy tomorrow.
No. 886032
>>886022I think there has been way more people posting about having a husbando lately, and giving up on men for their husbando; it makes me happy, I've become a husbandofag too.
>>886026that's bery based of you anon
No. 886033
>>885982I didn't keep count, but probably 10+ times, but the first times I've seen it I was still a kid.
How much runtime does BB have in total? I never really felt the need to rewatch after the finale for some reason. For me the worst I think is watching Hunter x Hunter like three times (within 2 years), as it has 148 episodes.
No. 886034
>>886026>And I said good sex. He was confused and asked but how do I like to have sex and I said with hugging and kissing. He was getting visibly more distressed and asked what I meant.Harassing a woman about bdsm? OK. Woman says she likes hugging and kissing? Omg distressing.
>asked if he has to have power dynamics during sex because he's short. He finally left me alonekek well done
No. 886035
I'm going to beat the fuck ou of m little sister if she won't stop sperging about her One Piece husbando istg.
>>885862Only get it if you're sure you'll wear often enough to justify the purchase.
No. 886038
>>886026Oh god i hate the people that when being told that you don’t like following orders they will be like
>hurr durr I can handle bratsFuck off, It’s so fucking annoying and honestly disgusting to even hear that.
No. 886051
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This guy liked my drawing and all I can say is ew
No. 886082
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It's happening
>The changes are needed because of mounting pressure from banking partners and payment providers, according to the company.
>“In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of our platform, and the continue to host an inclusive community of creators and fans, we must evolve our content guidelines,” OnlyFans said.
>OnlyFans has attracted more than 130 million users by giving online creators a platform to charge their fans for photos and videos. Many of its most-popular creators post nude photos and videos, and it has been praised for giving sex workers a safer place to do their jobs. No. 886091
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I want to read a novel like this or i will write my own shitty novel, I have my apps open and I’m willing to use them, you can’t stop me!
No. 886100
>>886091Not Vampire but this did occur in Time Travels wife, where the MC had sex with her husband who was a younger past version of himself
I do like the Idea of an immortal man caring for his wife and childre
No. 886103
>>886097Be the mermaid goddess you always wanted to be,
No. 886155
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>>885941>>885943nonas I feel the same way but sometimes the need for warmth and skin to sin contact is too much to bear
No. 886162
>>886156Be strong,
nonnie. You need to make him wait!
No. 886183
>>886176>maybe I'm autisticYes. Yes you are.
>>886155I get you nona. I'm going to book a massage soon to get my dose.
No. 886226
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>tfw husbandofagging since 6 years old
No. 886239
>>886144I love SarahBethYoga, she is my favorite one hands down. I started with her stretching videos and they're some of my favorite because there's no unnecessary storytime chatter and I can always find one that will fit my schedule (have more time in the morning? let's do a 20-30 minute one. woke up late? 10 minute video it is). She has a 20 minute slow stretch and that's probably my favorite. I save it for days when I'm feeling particularly lazy but have time to do it.
I only recently started doing her workout videos again. I tried branching out to other youtubers, but I always end up going back to Sarah Beth. This is the workout yoga I followed this morning. I did it for the first time a few months ago and really struggled, but today I felt like I had a slightly easier time doing it (those side planks are still killer!) but I did still work up quite a sweat. I hope you'll get something out of her videos like I do anon!
No. 886254
>>886241Also forgot to add that everything is very conveniently sorted out in different playlists on her channel! Every morning I'll figure out what I want to do (only stretch? work out? stretch out specific body area?) and just skim her playlists for something that sounds good for the morning.
Yoga with Adriene seems to be really popular too. I followed one of her videos when I had lower back pain but I wasn't compelled to really go through more of her videos. She's a little too chatty for me.
No. 886268
>>886035Maybe if it goes down enough on sale… I generally tend to avoid cross body bags since I have scoliosis and don't like bags that make my shoulders unintentionally tilt. Sigh, such is life.
>>886039I do but I don't have yellow bags! I filtered the website by yellow handbags and saw it hahaha. I'm just on a yellow kick recently.
>>886252I will eat some with you anon.
No. 886341
>>886338Kek I'm a Lana fan and you're not wrong
The way she says "two" at the start of this is hilarious
No. 886385
>>886368You can still say
poc, anon. Words like
abusive are redtexted too, doesn't mean they're necessarily bad or anything.
No. 886433
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I hung some long dresses to dry over my air con and unintentionally made a swap cooler and now my apartment is extra nice and cold pic unrelated
No. 886459
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Johnny Depp fans are legit deranged, I'm sure he and Amber Heard are both psychotic and abused each other, but it's like the situation has become the designated dumping ground for scrotes to project their hatred of all women into. Look anywhere on the internet that mentions here and you will see comments from men (and even women who are in love with a young Depp) calling her unspeakable things.
Also, his texts about her are disgusting. A man who did nothing wrong or abusive in a relationship doesn't talk this way. It's disgusting that men online will defend these, and even defend Depp's own admissions of becoming physically abusive towards her. A quote from Reddit:
>A text in private to a friend to vent doesn’t sound at all like he was abusive as well. In fact it sounds like he was being abused and vented to his friend out of frustration.
Right, don't we all vent to our friends about how we want to drown and burn women and then defile their corpses? That's just normal, nonabusive behavior, yeah?
No. 886477
>>886450Do you prefer all of us to be collectively called non-whites then? I get wanting to just be called black or asian when referring a specific group of people. But
poc have legitimate usage. I don’t like the term minority because like I’m definitely not a minority when we’re speaking worldwide.
No. 886499
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I feel dumb but I ended up tearing apart closet for my Bella Sara cards… you could enter the code and you could have your very own horsie in the game kinda like a Webkinz. I remember the cards very fondly, too bad I couldn't find them because the cards aren't manufactured anymore and the game is totally defunct. Picrel, I had this card
No. 886507
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>>886499I loved Bella Sara too! I would always try to buy the cards whenever I could. The website was a lot of fun. Picrel was one of my favorites and I had a toy of her too.
No. 886541
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Can someone please help me figure my room out… I've rattled my brain trying to come up with a solution
Here is a blank layout of my room and also the current layout of my room.
I need to make it so the window area is completely freed up (besides from putting the keyboard there). The bed also needs to be facing the television but the bed must be directly against the wall in the horizontal position and not in the middle of the room (it takes up too much space in the room if not so). Also the desk cannot go where the dressers are currently because those walls next to the dressers make the space there too narrow to fit the desk. Also the TV cannot be taken off the wall lol.
Is it impossible nonnies
No. 886542
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The coomer and $3 hoe tears over OF is hilarious
No. 886593
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Who is this 2D scrote (who I'm assuming is a ""love interest"") and why is he grabbing her like that? It's pissing me off
No. 886597
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>>886593Omg they keep doing it reeeeeeeee
No. 886605
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>>886597Much better, finally some good food, no scrote bullshit
>>886598Cry harder
No. 886609
>>886507 and 21. My cards should still be around somewhere.
No. 886626
>>886613Let me guess, you're into mammon right?
>>886620Wand of Fortune
No. 886635
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>>886626Sorry but mammon has been perfect from the very beginning. I like to pretend I dated him on that game in which he’s a king.
No. 886643
>>886639There’s too many newfags,
nonnie, it makes the retardation pop, like spreading glitter on burnt toast.
No. 886645
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>>886635He's still our king,
No. 886903
nonnie you're the best I'm trying them out tomorrow