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No. 826927
Come take a train to stupid town.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/813929 No. 826930
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AH, new thread, thank you! I have a stupid interior design related question let's go:
What would you do with the space across the sofa anons? The obvious choice would be the tv but I do all my gaming at the desk and only watch tv shows and stuff while working, so maybe it would be unnecessarily doubling the same purpose as currently my computer serves… I don't have any other idea tho
No. 827001
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>>826930Floor cushions, fancy floor seats (picrel) or beanbags so people can sit on the other side of the coffee table, maybe even to have dinner on the coffee table.
No. 827011
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How can I annoy a person using their phone number? Nothing illegal or anything, just annoying
No. 827017
>>827011Not sure if it's technically legal but sign them up for a bunch of services that'll text them shit or call them. If you're really spiteful write their number on some grody public bathroom doors with a 'call for a good time xoxo' style raunchy message next to it.
But reconsider if you really want to do something like that, it's pretty nasty and you might feel bad about it later.
No. 827026
>>827018I think that's just general spam anon. It's a common tactic spammers will use where they'll just call everyone with a similar number and the idea is that dumb old people will think "oh it's a number similar to mine so I better pick up!" or something similar.
>>827011I think it is illegal to sign people up for stuff but I second leaving their phone number in bathrooms and shit. Or if they're common in your neighborhood, put up signs with rooms for rent or something similar with their number written there for people to take (so it isn't easily traced back to you). I've considered making craigslist ads with their phone number under fake good deals but that's illegal too lol.
No. 827191
>>827075was suspecting something like that, he looks…interesting as a "woman". idk why but i didn't expect knowyourmeme to use his pronouns
>>827151kek thank you for this summary
No. 827278
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>>827262Apparently it's actually run by 2 incels and they also run other incel forums. I checked out their site and it's still the same one I remember, I would advise farmers to avoid signing up for an account, do you really want these subhumans knowing your personal information. See this account for more info No. 827307
>>827304you've answered yourself,
nonnie. You find them beautiful
No. 827336
>>827312I think they’re very rare. BBW is a popular porn category whereas anorexia/emaciation certainly isn’t front page if it’s even a category at all in mainstream sites. Of course a lot of porn features skinny women but not at the level of undeniable anorexia or health issues.
I think social acceptability goes out of the window when it’s anonymous scrotes online. They’re shameless so I think anorexia fetishes are genuinely rare. The ones who exist are still sick fucks of course.
Another thing is that I’ve never accidentally stumbled across this fetish in the wild. I’ve somehow ended up on wikifeet before and stuff like that. But even as an ex-anachan who googled shit that would’ve sent me straight to these websites, it never happened to my memory. I only know this fetish even exists because it featured on a documentary, and they often cover very unusual issues.
No. 827365
>>827344RIP. Herbal teas and coke zero, here I come.
See the reason I even asked in the first place is that I’ve noticed none of the adverse effects in that article that should be noticeable (weight gain, sleep loss, digestive issues etc). But you did get me worried anon so I’m gonna stop and see if that will give any issues.
No. 827394
>>827365It's one of those things that you might tolerate well but is still putting consistent stress on your body. You say you've been drinking daily since the pandemic started (so over a year?) and I would be curious to see if you can stop without any side effects or feeling like you
need another beer. If it's not an addiction or compulsive then it shouldn't be a problem right? You don't have to give it up entirely but it can be a slippery slope.
No. 827827
>>827802Mine don't particularly have warm tones, but they do come out as blurry. My camera isn't amazing but I can take very good pictures outdoor if the weather's good, yet I had a friend and one of my sisters who only use iphones who told me that my pictures were bad. They thought it came from the camera itself but when comparing the original pictures and what's on instagram the difference is huge.
>>827811I didn't know until today then. The few friends I follow on insta who sometimes post their own pic all use iphones.
No. 828030
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>>827960I've (reluctantly) realized I've started a pin collection. I hate clutter and having useless knick knacks but fuck they're just so cute and affordable. In some ways I think it's my cope for not being able to have a lot of art on my walls at my apartment so I collect it in miniature. It's within a fairly reasonable amount right now, maybe 15? I've been thinking of making a banner I can attach to a door so I can display them all and enjoy them more easily and have also converted some into magnets so I can see them in the kitchen too.
No. 828085
>>827960Foreign and old coins
I consider more than three and an active search or a “must acquire” if you see that thing even if you’re not actively searching being a collector
No. 828115
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>>827938So there are no Quebecois farmers at all?
No. 828116
>>827938In Montréal most people are bilingual, it's mostly the older people that were around during the height of the separatist movement
boomers that might have anti-anglo sentiments. Everywhere else in QC is predominantly francophone with a few smatterings of anglo communities. Idk much about the other parts of French Canada, as I understand it bilingualism is less common among the Acadian communities in the maritimes.
So no, I wouldn't say that there's discrimination against anglophones. It's mostly that some people just don't speak english, and since French is the official language, finding a job without that ability is going to be much more difficult. Quebec offers a lot of reasonable programs and resources for people to learn french. I think not trying to learn the language is the real barrier because it diminishes your experience of the place, you miss out on the opportunity to communicate with people.
No. 828136
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>>828121I hate his straggly ass beard in the news clips and I want him to shave. picrel young Trudeau
No. 828166
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>>828136Come get your mans
No. 828189
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want her to be
real No. 828233
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>>828222Kek now you know nonita
No. 828245
>>828215he has a nice face
No. 828359
>>828355OP post:
>because they were retarded in the 50s"They" is a general statement even with context. Regardless, calling me a retard and pulling up autistic "receipts" (which didnt disprove my statement) because I said it was just America that was heavy on sexual censorship in the 50s is silly.
No. 828370
>>828352>butthurt>Lmao faggotalright anon. I'm butthurt over a conversation you weren't initially involved in that you made yourself look stupid in. Everyone else agrees I was clearly talking about American censorship (I even provided a link to an article about it in my original post) and you just had to out yourself as a dipshit.
It's okay, you can admit to being wrong just once, I promise.
No. 828433
>>828420/ot/ and /g/ are your boards for blog posting, nobody on the gossip boards wants to hear about your opinions and personal feelings, we're just there to laugh
gc sperging is banned across all boards ""because it attracts scrote raids""
idk about ed discussion, but last time an anon tried that in /g/ it was just an anafag thinspo circlejerk so i do hope it's banned too
No. 828436
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>>828263have you ever considered mudlarking to find coins? a mudlarker i follow (nicola white, she has a very interesting youtube channel) seems to find so many in the banks of the thames (off the top of my head, she's found roman coins, elizabethan coins, georgian coins & victorian coins, picrel are some she posted on twitter). i want to start but i find the muck so intimidating
No. 828474
For a second I thought
>>828472 was
>>828452 and was replying to
>>828455 No. 828508
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>>828486>>828496Yes, subject yourself to getting a UTI.
No. 828513
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>>828511I hope you're there for anon when she feels like this.
No. 828615
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Anons I found this pokemon drawing I drew 54372 years ago and I am really wondering which pokemon this is on the top because I can't tell. It's possibly a dragon or dark type pokemon. Please help
No. 828626
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>>828615Seconding the anon who said articuno. Cute drawing btw anon
No. 828631
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>>828626More pointy here hmm
No. 828633
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Thank you everyone, I don't think it's articuno or flygon, it's cyan and purple. I've concluded that it's probably crobat but I forgot what he looks like and drew him wrong. Because it must be some mean pokemon because it's a halloween drawing (here is the full picture). I wanted to ask if there are really pumpkin pokemon because I don't remember that but then I realized they are oddish in disguise kek
No. 828655
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>>828640It's Mightyena but I drew it wrong too
>>828643Thank you composition was my only good point. It makes up for the lack of coloring correctly
No. 828693
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>>827960i very recently started to collect (mostly vintage) kaiju/godzilla merch, like picrel, plus more modern stuff like figures
No. 828752
>>828729Many factors - Russia nowadays has a more traditionalist culture than most european countries, so with that comes cultural misogyny of course. Many Russian men are a shitty mix of violent/arrogant/patronizing or objectify-happy/incel-y/patronizing, all the while 90% of those men don't make up for their views with their looks or their contribution to society. Provincial Russian men especially are super fugly, in some ways manliness is defined by how opposite you are to the 'fairer/weaker sex' - ergo, if women in Russian society
have to be well-groomed, shaved and feminine, men
have to be the opposite of that.
Plus, I can't ignore the fact that Russian men especially (although all men do this, just not to the same degree) love to squeeze emotional/domestic/intellectual labor from Russian women. It's basically from birth - in school it's a given that a girl usually gives her completed homework/notes to a boy who has been doing nothing in class that same day (and the slackers who do this chronically
are boys in this case). The division of domestic labor is brutally un-egalitarian, with the mother doing all of the housework while raising children and holding a steady job, with the men doing - you guessed it - absolutely nothing once he comes home.
Plus the beauty standards that russian women are held to, plus the demographic division that makes men think they're rare-as-fuck-hot-shit (there are 86 men to 100 women) and feel like a resource, etc. I'll stop here because someone else pointed this out on lc on /m/
No. 828760
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Wtf is even going on with /pt/ and /snow/ currently? Does all of that cancer stem from the Shannon thread and its newfags? Also does anyone other than newfags actually lurk her thread or have you given up?
No. 828866
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how and why are people i went to school with now popping out babies? like calm down you’re only 20? why would anyone sacrifice their best years like that?
not to be judgemental but, what is their plan? unless they married pretty darn well - (which they didn’t as they’re all unmarried) their only other option is to live on government assistance or pawn it off onto their parents
why would you choose to miserable? i’m in the UK and birth control and abortion is free and accessible to all.
i would understand if they’re 30 and own a house but there’s almost no chance any of them are in that situation.
BTW childcare professional here who loves kids. but i think if you truly loved your kids you would want better than to drag them through poverty
No. 828934
>>828856Not really. Catcalling isn't very common here either, but at the end of the day they're still men.
They're massive fucking spoiled manchildren and will kill themselves before they wash a dish or, god forbid, cook a meal. They also love mansplaining things to you and can be extremely and openly vulgar. Not sure why you'd want that on yourself.
No. 829007
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Is there any way to get free food?
I just paid my bills and rent and I'm left with $2.06 for the next 2 weeks. It's honestly brutal and I'm starving living off oatmeal and peanut butter for the last few days. I have a canned thing of salmon but I'm saving that when it really becomes unbearable.
My social anxiety is terrible along with covid paranoia so I can't even muster the courage to go to the food bank. Is there anything I can do temporarily for food? I'm so hungry and desperate I'm even considering finding a way to join a feederism thing just so I can get some meals.
No. 829022
>>828905What do they say when they complain about your clothes? That you don't look "professional" enough or that you should dress "nicer" in general when going out?
It's not weird to see a woman wear pants with a suit jacket nowadays. You can "dress up" with unisex clothing too.
No. 829042
>>829007Hey anon, I saw that random acts of pizza (I know it's reddit w/e) on reddit that a stranger can gift you with pizza. I hope it works out, anon.
No. 829107
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I have almost $4000 worth of PTO at work because I never go on vacation. I don’t have friends and my parents aren’t into traveling, and they fight a lot so I usually avoid going out with them. What do loner anons do for vacations, if you take any at all?
No. 829114
>>828866poverty is relative. take whatever wealth you think is appropriate to have a kid with, maybe it's how much money you think you'll have when you're 30.
multiply that number by two and there's people with that much money who are saying the same thing you just said, about you.
No. 829118
>>829107here's one that i did and was cheap af: stargazing in the desert in the winter (new mexico, utah, idaho, nevada)
look up a bortle map, you want a bortle 1 zone. find a national monument or something. rent a car, drive out there and camp on a night with no moon. pretty guaranteed to get a great view of the stars as long as you're in a desert (no precipitation => clouds are uncommon)
No. 829192
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Why do some ppl hate this flag?
No. 829196
>>829192something something about the creator being a biphobic
terf and also something something about being exclusionary to butches because it's so pink
No. 829197
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>>829192Because the purple one with the labrys is just so much cooler
No. 829209
>>829198Ok anon. Trannyfags twist shit left and right.
The author was and still is getting harassed by people all over social media (they are stalking the shit out of her) for more than two years now. During Tumblr times they would literally create a blog where people would post fanarts of her IRL getting raped by men (she's a lesbian), gore and more than that. People still draw gruesome stuff with her, a real person. They would tell her to kill herself all over Instagram, call her ugly (when she's stunning), everywhere; on twitter and where else they could find her.
She felt extremely suicidal for a long time, but she never commited suicide. In the end trannyfags from her country called cops on her to beat her up for being gay, that's the only thing that actually happened. They would do their best to doxx her; all for just being a radfem and not liking trannies.
However, you can't thankfully find her socials anymore, because she blended into a completely different social media where she only draws Naruto fanart. Last time her original accounts were active she fixed her mental health, started thinking positively and stopped caring about all the harassment.
No. 829243
written by a tranny simp but its a comprehensive overview
(imageboard) No. 829246
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>>829234>>829230>>829209I'm pretty sure redkatherinee (who is amazing) had nothing to do with the creation of that flag. picrel is what she promoted. I remember from back in the day. it was supposed to be a radfem lesbian+bifem solidarity flag.
No. 829534
>>829450I wish people would stop saying that 'give me grandkids already' shit as if it's all cutesy. Its gross to pressure a woman when it comes to the biggest decision of your life.
Half the women I know with kids are stressed to bits and separated from the dad. Rushing it doesn't lead to sunshine and roses.
No. 829574
>>829478The ballet flats don't last enough for the price.
Otoh, their other types of shoes are excellent. Their heels are top tier
No. 829595
What is "body checking"?
>>829586The "bullied to narcissist pipine" basically summarizes my entire existence. I think it's a pretty common trauma response to bullying because I know quite a few others.
No. 829601
>>829586I was bullied alot growing up, I still don't really connect with people as a result of it and I have low confidence but at the same time I catch myself being quick to accept help and favors from others but not really being a giving or helpful person back. I don't go out of my way for people. I'm not generous with money or gifts or even some small social niceties like "oh can I offer you tea or coffee" I often don't care enough to give back or offer anything. Bad as that sounds.
I don't know if it's a narc thing but I think I look out for number one and there's also a sense of 'being owed that kindness after what I've been through' Which I get is messed up. The people who hurt me and the people being nice to me now are different groups. This new group doesn't owe me shit.
No. 829604
>>829586I don't think the world revolves around me nor am I a narc attention whore or anything, but I'm never anything more than cordial with others. I'm the Werther's Original of people, I genuinely hate any form of human interaction so I just keep it down to the everyday pleasantries. I don't care for others and don't care if they care about me. I have no friends (if I'm too eager and friendly they will think I'm cringe), I don't talk about my interests and hobbies (they're cringe and people will make fun of me), I don't let people know what's going on in my life (they'll find it pathetic and sad, which will repulse them even more), I don't pursue men (I'm boring and can't hold a conversation, I'm also not hot).
As you can probably guess I've been bullied for most of my life now. First by classmates, now by my boss.
No. 829605
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>>829595You check your body: measuring your body parts (like the waist and thighs), taking pictures to see how it looks in different angles, clothes and at different times of the day, weighing yourself multiple times, etc. It can be done to see your progress on a fitness jorney (pic rel) but it's a known thing for people with body dysmorphia and disordered eating habits. It has a connotation of a habit you do so obsessively it becomes very
toxic for you. For example, some people have a body check picture of themselves at their lowest weight as a motivation to continue losing weight
No. 829662
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why is swimsuit material like that? like nylon/neoprene/etc. it seems like companies are making suits out of cotton now but why is the standard swimsuit material????
No. 829693
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do people really buy bags just for their phones? I get wanting something small but I don't see the point of having a bag that can only hold your phone and maybe like one card. or are they bags just bigger than I realize?
No. 829703
>>829447yes it is. that millionaire thinks you are incapable of taking proper care of your kids, because you're not feeding them all organic whole foods that you bought that same day so they won't have any aflatoxins in them. from their perspective, the supply chain to the grocery store is too slow in your neighborhood to get fresh and healthy food delivered, there's probably aflatoxins on the shelf in there. i guess you have no choice but to employ a servant to get your food directly from the farm like that millionaire does. and if you can't afford a private school your kid won't be getting the education they require so you are also an irresponsible parent because of that
not saying the millionaires are right but to them you are exactly as incapable of raising your kids as the people below the poverty line. meanwhile the poeple below the poverty line can buy better food for their kids than what people have fed their kids for 99.999% of human history. the only difference is that their kids might have to get more of their protein from legumes. infant mortality is also a thing of the past, etc., etc.
i'm not saying it's right or wrong to bring kids into the world but that's a highly personal question that each prospective mother can only answer for herself.
No. 829708
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>>829693yes, i see it more with stupid money brands like chanel/dior/balenciaga. it's been getting in recent popularity since new money influencers/yuppies can afford it (personal speculation). (they cost l.7-3k)
i wouldnt be surprised if more affordable designers started to sell them more since they're in with the instagram crowd now.
pic rel, chanel handbag meant for phone use priced at $1700 USD
No. 829717
>>829709You had a similar experience to me, my grandfather used to be part of that cult and he did rituals and such but he never specified what were they supposed to be. Tbh, I think he would’ve told me but he died before I was born.
The thing is that my grandmother never truly asked too many questions about it and just knew that the guys from that branch in my country weren’t bad people, so it was okay.
But now that I think about it, maybe he used to get lost for the whole weekend because he was hanging out with the cult boys?
No. 829745
>>829734lmao did you not type freemason into youtube??? there’s a crazy amount of conspiracy around them because they “control everything” and they are a very powerful and old occult group. any man i know who gets jealous of girls on instagram with more than three crystals has “researched all about” the freemasons and will tell you whether you like it or not. of course, my only relation to it is reading a little about it and being really disappointed when men bring it up so i’m joking about it. i’m really surprised you haven’t found out the myriad of ways people link that in with the government, aliens, reptilians, etc.
i love that you had such a loving relationship with your grandfather and he was probably just trying to let your life unfold without the influence of a male-centric group, it sounds really sweet.
No. 829776
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I was feeling very good, confident and in my body recently, but now my mind has shifted into a "I'm looking at a character in a play" mode. It's comforting in a way, that way I can just treat myself like a Harvest Moon character and customize myself or something, but also I am afraid of not being authentic enough. This hasn't happened to me in years. Why does this even happen? Does anyone else feel or go through this?
No. 829792
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What are your impression of Canadian cities you've been to?
I spent a few months in Montréal because I got family there (I live in Europe btw) and I was surprised how European it felt. Very artsy. Love how multicultural it is. People in general are very open and friendly.
I spent a few hours in Toronto (we went on one of those bus tours) and obviously a few hours is not enough to have a proper feel for the city, but based on my short stay, it felt really cold and uninviting?? as opposed to Montreal. Architecture is typical North-American, the kind you see on TV
No. 829795
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Wtf is this? it gives me creepy pedo vibes
No. 829891
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>>829795Idk, she's just saying "Stop~" like a pls no bully thing presumably. Google says it's a character named Flandre Touhou from the Touhou Project games (one of those loli-looking characters that's
actually 100s of years old). Nothing innately sexual about her but I'm sure scrotes have found a way to make gross stuff in some dark corner of the internet
No. 829945
>>829763I just wash my feet at the first oppourtunity! sometimes even with the sandals on. I once used a hose in a garden to do this lol. your feet and sandles dry quick in the heat. but I do wear simple foam type sandals with cotton straps so water won't damage them. another tip I've learned is to wear sandals with a platform, that can help prevent your feet getting nasty since they're further from the ground. I like the teva platform sandals, they're the ones I wear and I can walk in the woods without kicking up too many little stones and the like into my sandal.
I guess you're always going to get your feet dirty to some degree in sandals but I personally would rather have cooler feet. it's a decent trade off imo!
No. 829962
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Anons, can you list some websites or apps that have either ugly user interfaces and/or are also confusing and difficult to use?
No. 829967
>>829962The new reddit design
Every government website ever
No. 830087
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Are munchies just method acting?
No. 830091
>>829962Reddit and LiveJournal
>>830063I also agree with this anon about Zara
No. 830176
>>829792You're not wrong, it leaves that impression on a lot of visitors. That cold and uninviting aspect of Toronto stems from the fact that it's a finance-driven city. It's the second largest financial centre in North America, the cost of living is absurdly unaffordable and the police presence is quite high, all of these conditions make it a lot harder for minority communities to flourish. The corporatism, imperious skyline and neo-modern architectural style that characterizes the downtown core is dismal and uninspiring. But if you travel a bit north, east or west of the core and there are glimmers of beauty and culture everywhere. More 19th century and postmodernist architecture (it's a fairly young city after all). There are some underground artist communities that make cool things happen. A warmer social atmosphere too. The best thing about Toronto and the thing that makes it special is the multiculturalism though, it's the most diverse city in the world. Spend some time in a local neighbourhood like Little Italy or Koreatown and you'll notice it right away. It adds a richness and soulfulness that lamentably is getting pushed out by corporate development.
Montréal is a lot more affordable by contrast, it has the perfect conditions for cultures to take root and mature and allows people to be a bit more easy going. The underlying French influence definitely contributes to this joie de vivre feel, whereas Toronto has been built on a foundation of anglocentric liberal conservatism. Anyways, those are just my thoughts as a Torontréalaise.
No. 830183
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Can one enter a deeper meditative state before sleeping and dream with what was visualized in the meditative state?
Sorry if this is too word salady, hopefully it's understandable i just wanna have nice dreams, I've been having nightmares nonstop
No. 830191
>>830185Oh, thanks for the speedy reply, anon!
I wonder how long one does have to train to achieve it?
I'm still a beginner in meditation, I actually started it for my insomnia and restless leg syndrome.
No. 830192
>>830068I found and dated a fellow boring bitch who was 100% my type but we only dated because we had mutual friends/I knew of her for years before finally approaching her directly. I'm sad because I will probably never find another qt butch boring bitch gf ever again. I don't even know where to find other boring chill people. Clubs? No thanks, they make me uncomfortable. Online spaces? I'm very quiet online outside of my private accounts and anon spaces. Dating apps? Same issue. I figure the type of person I'd like to date is probably the same way so there's basically minimal chance of ever happening across each other. Just gonna have to pray and hope I will happen across someone through mutual friends or something.
I'm happy there are similar people to me out there though. I hope we'll find each other outside of this board one day.
No. 830299
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Is this Shayna?
No. 830325
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Can somebody explain to me that Jodi Arias situation?
All I know so far is that:
-It happened years ago and that it has only been made popular by true-crime fags on twitter
-Jodi Arias murdering her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander
-She claims it was in self-defence
-the 'you sound like a 12-year-old girl' thing Travis said
-something about Myspace
No. 830335
>>830325I'm actually watching the trial tapes right now. travis used Jodi for sex while shit talking her behind her back, but stringing her along while trying to find a Good Mormon Wife. In their phone calls she is constantly trying to gain his affection and approval and he immediately switches the subject to sex. my understanding of the actual murder is that she just snapped when he led her to believe he was taking her on a trip the day after her birthday but ended up taking another mormon woman instead. so she stabbed him and shot him in the face. one of the arguments the defense makes is that he had pedophilic pornsick tendencies and was sexually
abusive to Jodi. seems justified imo kek
No. 830354
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Are the "stickers" on these character collages coming from somewhere specific or did the people who made them created them themselves? I want to do something like this and I'm wondering if there's some secret source
No. 830394
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How can I find the "misdandrist side" of Tiktok? I saw some men complaining that it's a "huge problem" and I want to see for myself.
No. 830421
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does anyone have suggestions of deserts which are great for summer but won't get disgusting if exposed to a hot summer sun for hours? Or at least something I won't have to worry about leaving out of the fridge. Trying to decide what to make for a get-together.
No. 830428
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How would one go about starting a Twitch career? I like making people laugh and would love a job where I can act like an idiot on camera while getting to spend more time doing things I actually want to do.
No. 830500
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If you have citizenship in NA, or Japan, or any country that is for some reason popular with immigrants, would you consider getting in a visa marriage for a few years if you get paid handsomely for it?
No. 830552
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Is it too late for someone in their twenties to pick up drawing? I feel like I'll never get to where I want to be skill-wise, especially when it seems like all the best artists have been drawing their whole lives. What can I do to build my art confidence?
No. 830554
>>830500Not gonna cap and say that this doesn't happen often in my community, so I'm more openminded to it lol I haven't personally heard of anyone getting busted for marriage fraud but I've heard of many deported for overstaying visa.
It would have to be
really worth it though because you have to keep it up for years. From what I heard, immigration dept racially profiles some groups…so it maybe more lowkey if you're not an interracial couple.
No. 830560
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I don't go on /w/ at all. Do you?
No. 830613
>>830585It all started with PULL closing (eg artist salt thread turning into a worse shit, twitch thread full of WKs and tinfoil fags), then someone made CH thread, and now it just keeps going downhill.
Been there since the first Dasha
No. 830636
>>830624For now it’s still pretty contained to snow but with how much exposure we’re getting, it’s inevitable that many still stay and leak into the rest of the boards eventually. I have never seen the word lolcow posted so much on mainstream social media. Site is changing ownership too so the ecosystem is extra fragile, farmhands might not be able to deal with pervasive newfaggotry effectively so they may just let it happen.
I don’t wanna be too doomer about it tho cuz that’s really depressing.
No. 830648
>>830191nta and late reply but the phrase you wanna google is "wake initiated lucid dreaming" or WILD. It takes a lot of practice and willpower though, you need to train yourself to keep your conscious mind alert while your body enters sleep mode. It can be uncomfortable and scary though because your mind will be awake to feel your body enter sleep paralysis.
Lucid dreaming in general is still beneficial for nightmares though even if you can't do the WILD technique. Keeping a dream journal and practicing reality checks can help you recognize when you're in a nightmare and change the dream/wake yourself up.
No. 830653
>>830637Agreed. If we let this place go to shit everytime some chick got boolied, this website would not exist.
>>830640>closing the website for a weekNot a bad idea at this point
No. 830776
>>830716Either a fortunate fat distribution or your perception of what overweight looks like is skewed which is extremely common nowadays.
>>830737BMI is a pretty good standard. People be saying "it's not for everyone" but unless you're an outlier because of extreme muscle or height (which is almost no one) it's a solid reference point for healthy weight.
No. 830799
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Does anyone have suggestions for good but affordable cameras that can take photos of birds? My partner's current one sucks ass at focusing (pic related, indigo bunting) but $1000+ is very steep
No. 830811
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> Either a fortunate fat distribution or your perception of what overweight looks like is skewed which is extremely common nowadays.Uh anon what do you mean by that, do you think I’m fat and in denial…
No. 830828
>>830821Kek imagine thinking that’s going to be the same thing for everyone. I can feel the slight bullshit and undertones of “if I can do it, then you can too!” from your post.
Anon is probably going to stay a NEET or wagie forever, let’s be honest. There is no way out and no way in, there is no possible way for them to enter workforce and then come out of it alive, without mental instability and a soul left. Just say you’re a eurofag jfc
No. 830846
>>830797Possibly both, but everyone has to start somewhere. You aren't any closer to a higher wage, more comfortable job. Take it the job, get the experience you need (even if it's just on paper), then move on to the next job. Forcibly steer yourself in the direction you want to go, and by that I mean eventually applying to jobs that are going to get you where you want to be by hamming up all the transferable skills you'll have hopefully learned. You'll be stuck a wagie if you only take low wage jobs, but eventually you should be looking for more.
>>830828 tries to reply in the same way, yes I do believe in that "if I can do it, then you can too" bullshit. I worked in shitty retail that drained me mentally and physically before I left for a temp basic bitch office job that paid ass and had no benefits. Left that for another office job, and got invited back to the first place because I hammed up all the desirable parts of my personality to everyone so they were excited to take me back for a permanent, non-customer service position with benefits (pay sucks but it's actually in my field and I don't plan on staying for more than a few years anyway). A lot of it is also luck, so good luck anon!
No. 830907
>>830895Depends, if I have absolutely nothing else to do, I might spend the whole day checking in for a few minutes and then looking for something else to do.
Sometimes I just come here to post about my husbandos and reply to some anon in the stupid questions’ thread.
No. 830924
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What do you do when you notice you're heavily blocked with an activity and avoiding it for days? Like your subconscious is just yelling "no, no, I don't want it"
No. 830941
You have to be relaxed and in the moment to enjoy it, don't overthink it. Be comfortable too, sometimes you might have to change your position. Then, when you guys get closer to each other, slightly pout your lips, kiss the person and move your lips over theirs in very small movements (closing your lips, pouting again). You can follow what the person is doing to your lips as well. If you start the french kiss, slightly open your lips and push your tongue just a little bit to enter their mouth (they have to open their lips as well and viceversa) and then you gently touch each other tongues and lips. Close your eyes obviously and don't be stiff, let them touch your body and you do the same. You can grab them by their shoulders, neck, embrace them, etc
There are probably a lot of videos and articles with better tips on how to kiss~ check them out
No. 830958
>>830924The best thing I've found is to fully prepare for the task eg open that exact file, put all your stuff on the desk, pull the chair out and physically sit in front of it
I don't know how to make myself actually do it but wondering preparing the task to be actually done has helped
No. 831007
>>830975Honestly I'd go to reddit to get an idea of what you can eat. r/veganfoodporn, r/eatcheapandhealthy, r/healthyfood, etc. General rule of thumb is to avoid processed, pre-packaged food.
>>830990Curtains! I used to get white transparent ghosty curtains and tie them around the blinds.
No. 831029
>>831010>What's up with all the newfags filling out the email field? They're retarded.
>Do zoomers really not know what anonymous imageboards are?No.
>Why are none of these kids being more cautious about using this site when youtubers portray it as a scary place where people's personal info is posted? They're retarded.
>Pray for zoomersNo.
No. 831095
>>830914Kind of stereotypical to say, but despite me being really nervous it was pretty exciting. When we kissed, my heartbeat started getting faster and faster and it was kind of nice to be this close to someone.
It kind of felt like kissing the back of your hand kek But it was genuinely something nice to do and really made me feel comfortable and safe. It was something new for both of us, which made us feel kind of better, because we both didn't knew what to fucking do kek
No. 831110
>>831086if you go in thinking there's a foolproof trick to make a guy like you, you'll just be more hurt if/when he stops liking you.
don't take the cue cards, just try to remember a couple of out-of-the-box topics you might have and chill.
telling him you're nervous could help though. you'll break the ice and he'll be flattered that you're nervous to see /him/. if you tend to be aloof when nervous it could also help him read you better.
No. 831135
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Do you thinks all the newfags are coming from the recent creeps how art drama? Because I mean, there are so many right now, it's becoming annoying
No. 831138
>>831115i hate eating in front of people too, to the point where my throat just refuses to cooperate and i get nauseated. i think it's just anxiety.
No. 831221
>>831031Capitalism is seen as "the only option" solely by people who either benefit from capitalism being the dominant economic system (at the expense of all other life on the planet) and people who uncritically, mindlessly praise those people and their propaganda despite it directly being against their most basic needs and interests.
>>831215>Maybe it won't happen in our lifetimeIn January of 1917, Lenin said in a lecture that he thought it unlikely a socialist revolution would occur in his lifetime. The Russian Revolution began on the 8th of that March.
No. 831273
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in a battle of the WAP, who would win?
No. 831510
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>>831500Why not? They're beautiful flowers.
No. 831544
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Why is my phone asking if I want to download /g/?
No. 831547
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>>828615 slightly late but the one above the cloud kinda looks like lapras, and the one below is probably garchomp
No. 831561
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>>831510I have
vaginismus so
big pistils are kinda unappealing tbh
No. 831647
>>831628>And as a menstrual cup user yeah they are freaky (i fainted the first time i used i will not lie to you)WTF, this isn't an universal experience with menstrual cup at all. How did they make you faint?
I think there is nothing freaky at all about them, they are convenient and cool. I recommend OP
>>831613 to give them a chance. Maybe once they shove them up their vulva for the first time they will realize how normal it feels to use them. It's super worth it to be able to do everything as usual while on your period (unless you have some pain issues, but that's a different matter).
No. 831714
>>831692women are lied too and told the more sex they have the hotter they are, especially if that sex is "scandalous" (aka fucking other womens husbands, teachers, etc) because then you look like "a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets" which seems to be misunderstood but valued by people who misunderstand it
you also have lib fems praising women for sleeping around and then regular men just praising women for being party sluts, so women just cling onto whatever man fucks them becauses mens preferences change so much and they treat women like toys so you feel lucky in the moment that they want to fuck you if they dont decide the next week that they like asian, white, black, fat, skinny, etc whatever "type" that you are not.
As for being bad at sex, most women are manipulated and groomed from a young age that the best possible sex to have if what they show in porn, so like 4 seconds of foreplay and 30 minutes of dry fucking and then they get considered good at sex if they're able to enjoy the shit show
No. 831796
>>831778>>831727holy shit i didnt expect this faint random worry i had from all these years ago was legit. like in the small case i travel there i cant even get external hard drives with my stuff? also do they check smartphones?
>Happy Gilmore>googles it>sees adam sandlerdont play with my worries anon
No. 831814
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how do i stop being such a loud person? or how do i even know i'm a loud person? i was dining out with a friend today and at one point i told my friend a story (just some mundane shit about waiting in line at the store) and suddenly three people at another table frowned at me. one even turned around just to do that. like wtf. i feel like the most obnoxious person whenever i talk in public and someone who isn't my friend looks at me. but then my friend is like 'what did you say, i can't hear you' what am i supposed to do?!
No. 832090
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Is 23 too old to learn how to skateboard? Will I look look stupid falling over in the park?
No. 832130
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What’re the chances of an embarrassing video coming back to haunt you? Am currently a nobody but have wanted to start putting myself out there on social media recently but there’s a video I know that exists of me where I look really dumb. I got filmed by a few people doing something stupid and while I never saw it pop up on local internet spheres Nextdoor kek that doesn’t mean it’s not out there. It was not one of my better moments and I would like to keep it in the past but it’s really been holding me back from starting something I think I’d enjoy. How can I calm my nerves?
No. 832140
>>832130Honeslty i dont know, but what did you even do that was so embarrassing? As long as its something thats not politically incorrect you'll probably be fine.
I took nudes WITH MY FACE IN THEM when i was 19 and sent them to my at the time bf who i did not end on good terms with and havent spoken to in 7 years. He might not even have them anymore but he probably does because scrote's gonna scrote. I sometimes want to have an online presence but am afraid of him leaking them or blackmailing me.
No. 832171
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>>832153Neither of those sound appealing
No. 832286
>>832256you aint missing much
nonny imo night clubs are boring af, the music is crap, I don't like dancing and the men that go are always the grossest of the gross
No. 832317
>>832305I do this constantly and you explained it way better than I have ever been able to. Sometimes I like turning my vision back down to feel like an ostrich with it's head in the sand lmao
Do any anons have dyspraxia? What was your experience like as a kid?
No. 832326
>>832305I do this, with sunglasses it's like having earplugs in for your eyes.
Also I forget that other people don't know I'm blind without my glasses. For some reason I think that if you look at my eyes they would be blurry?? Maybe it's because when I look in the mirror they're blurry kek
No. 832363
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What's an alternative to an engagement ring for a person that doesn't wear/like jewellery? I find the sentiment of an engagement ring nice, but I don't actually wear rings, or jewellery tbh
No. 832387
>>832363How about an engagement vase or photo frame? Something you can use to decorate your house, that is interesting and that won’t break or get lost too easily unless you move from one place to another every month.
Maybe even an engagement pair of shoes for your wedding or an engagement purse of a great quality that you could use for special dates.
No. 832388
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Would it be bad or weird as a non muslim to buy and wear abayas? I live in burgerland so I think maybe I'd be able to wear them without people even realizing it's an abaya but I still feel kind of weird about it. I just like flowy modest clothing.
No. 832390
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>>832364because they're fucking nonbinary. transphobe
No. 832392
>>832388You might end up getting a bunch of people asking why are you wearing such clothes and wondering if you’re a musliboo.
And you might also have a bunch of people getting mad at you thinking you’re wearing an abaya as a costume.
No. 832433
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is it too late for me to pursue my dreams of doing art for a living? i always feel like i’m so far behind, especially when i see people half my age drawing leagues ahead of me. i just want to do something i’m passionate about and not work in corporate america.
No. 832466
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>>832424I've seen a lot in just other solid colors (and some floral prints too). I've read that it's outer clothing so I wonder what the models are wearing underneath theirs since it doesn't look like there's any bulk underneath? Or are they just so loose that it's hard to tell?
No. 832493
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>>832388I usually wear a long flowy skirt a normal top and then a kimono over it. Similar effect without looking culturally weird!
No. 832526
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>>832501Then it could be PCOS?
No. 832531
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>>832403No one asked dipshit, maybe go to therapy instead of airing out some obvious pent up bitterness from your personal life when someone's just asking about clothing lol. Hurr durr durr "deserves mockery" k, say that to the Muslim family that just got ran over in Ontario or the
victims in Christchurch then, sperg.
>>832466I'd consider buying long dresses from Turkey instead because they can still pass off as that new "cottagecore" trend where Tumblrinas are wearing long skirts/dresses to be look more femme. They aren't as loose are Arab style abayas which imo, usually only look good if you wear a headscarf. There's this website called Modanisa that's based in Turkey and has cheap prices.
No. 832538
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>>832493>>832466>>832424>>832388Same person
>>832531 here.
Just wanted to show another example of how people in Turkey dress.
Also if you live in Bulgaria, isnt that an Orthodox country so would it really be so odd if you wear like a headscarf? I know most young women don't wear them but I know a practicing Orthodox Christian girl who does.. just wondering why it's only common with older women.
No. 832646
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>>832554check out body shop yogurts, anon! i'm very picky with lotions and these are the only ones i can stand because they are immediately absorbed by the skin and smell extremely good. i hate other lotions because they always feel sticky and oily afterwards, but these body yogurts are the holy grail for me.
No. 832751
>>832677If anon says she only moisturizes her face and neck, I'm assuming she doesn't do any other delicate areas
>>832685It's obviously not the end of the world to not moisturize your body, you asked why you should do it (the main reason to me it's the ageing of the skin) but it seems you won't do it anyways kek. I do agree that people go crazy with skincare products, I keep seeing tiktoks of girls exfoliating and scrubbing, shaving, putting three lotions one after another and it's insane. Peak consoomerism. Personally, I don't do anything harsh on my skin and my moisturizer is basically a medicine, it doesn't even have any smell and comes from a local laboratory
No. 832822
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I’m on the edge of failing a class that I’m retaking and want to know if messaging the professor would be a bad idea if she said that there was no curve and late assignments allowed under any circumstance. I know everyone had it bad with Covid this past year but I have been struggling mentally and financially since an accident that I was in two months ago (physically I healed but it sucked). Now, the accident happened before summer semester but it was still hard. Basically there are a few homework assignments that I did badly on and I could get to a passing grade with them. I’ve never heard of her letting anyone do late work and she would. If it helps I always attended class and spoke to her once, this wasn’t me not showing up to do the work each day. Sorry for the blog.
tldr; I want to know if looking pathetic to her bc of my situation is worth possibly getting to boost my grade.
No. 832920
>>832531Nta, I despise the religion of Islam, but I know that some Muslims are good people, hating Islam and the people who founded it and forcefully spread it doesn't mean that I can't sympathise with some muslims who are
victims of atrocities today.
No. 832933
>>832931the thing is, i don't know how to put into words
why it is it grosses me out so much, i suppose it's because it's like telling them look i like you, but the law!
No. 833218
>>833211Before the pandemic he did go to work everyday and on dates with his girlfriend every weekend, but now he barely goes out so he’s repeating the same 5 shirts he wears to go on dates with his girlfriend.
I honestly didn’t know he had this many shirts until today.
No. 833220
>>833205As a zombie you are super slow and look fugly but you are immortal and can regenerate your rotting flesh by eating other people. You will also never get sick and don't have to go to the toilet anymore.
The vampires are the old school ones from Dracula - you have to drink human blood but you get cool powers like immortality, hypnosis and changing into bat form. You need to sleep in a coffin & are afraid of any kind of church, garlic and you can get killed by the sun, fire and wooden stakes in your heart. The werewolves are like the ones from Harry Potter but you don't get a potion/suppressant and you can get killed by silver bullets. As a werewolf you aren't dead but you are forced to change into a mindless rabid werewolf that is super strong and fast and you are forced to eat raw meat (esp human meat) all the time. When not in werewolf form still have to eat raw meat and puke if you eat anything else. When not in werewolf form you are about as fast as Usain Bolt and can lift a normal car.
No. 833236
>>833224this is the quickest summary I could get
>>>/snow/1254014>>>/snow/1254047and I think there's a few more below those posts too
No. 833290
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>>833204Team vampire!!! I hate garlic, it upsets my stomach
No. 833320
>>833304No, you're in the right. If you feel like someone did something wrong tell them exactly how you feel. It can sting when someone close to you thinks you're wrong and you confided in them, but it's important for their development as a human to reflect on that.
You may lose the occasional friendship over it, but I've learned those people who throw a fit are developmentally stunted and think friends exist to be yes-men and to reflect all their own opinions back onto them.
No. 833360
How the fuck does Pinterest work? It seems like a cool site for hobbies and crafts, but it's so confusing and cluttered i get fucking headaches browsing it.
>>832437IME even the most virtue signaling and woke people slutshame women in their private circles. One gets whiplash keeping up with the hypocrisy.
No. 833376
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is there a way to get bigger breasts naturally besides birth control? do you know anyone who tried massaging and almond milk? i like my boobs and dont feel insecure but i started stuffing my bra with socks for funsies and it felt good now i want a real cleavage
No. 833389
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>>833384Genuinely thought that was Detective Stabler in a bra
No. 833394
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What are some active/consistently bumped threads you want to be nuked? For me, it's:
>comfort characters thread
screams of twitter-faggotry
>cheugy thread
99% of the reason I hate this thread is the use of a dumb zoomer word that very few zoomers actually use. I also think we already have a thread dedicated to trends we hate
>British boys thread
I don't hate this that much, but I think we should just put them in the normal (non-)conventionally attractive threads
No. 833424
>>833304where's that one tweet that's like "when your gay friend is venting to you and halfway through you realize they're the enemy"
>>833301female vampire male wolf
No. 833445
>>833429>Pinterest used to be great but there are loads of advertisementsUse an adblocker jfc.
>uninstall chrome because it's google botnet>install brave, it's chrome based browser that comes with a built in ad blocker>install uBlock Origin>never see another advert in your life, including ads on youtubeBONUS
>install tampermonkey>install pintrest scripts of your choice>browse pinterest without even needing log in because you will no longer be harassed by popups No. 833454
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Does anyone have advice on how to throw a successful small-ish party for ~10 people?
I'm having one next weekend and I'm worried it will be super awkward. It's various friends, some of whom know each other but others are from different groups. I'm planning to buy plenty of liquor and food, should I plan for games or something? I don't want it to be boring af and end up like picrel but I don't want some like, rigidly structured thing. I know it will probably be awkward when people first start to get there and no one's had anything to drink yet though…
No. 833681
>>833632I've been dealing with a lot of anger lately and guided meditation has helped. I end up getting distracted sometimes when I meditate without any audio and while it can still happen with recordings I find it's easier to refocus. The anger manifests even as physical tension and stress for me and I can actually feel it leaving my body as I do this one (only about 9 min): think Spotify can open in a browser but sorry if not. There are a lot of free meditations if you search on Youtube as well. When it comes to mindfulness, I try to just be aware of when I'm feeling angry and acknowledge it then let go. Like noting "I'm feeling anger right now" (separate from me as a person rather than thinking "
I am angry") and then realize it's not helping me in that moment and consciously think about something nicer.
No. 833730
>>833632As all other anons, mindfulness and breathing exercises are the way to go long term; but also short term in the very moment of feeling angry, as
>>833681 advised, acknowledge the feeling and let yourself feel it. My therapist advised me to yell into a pillow; it felt uncomfortable few first times but actually helps a lot with just getting it out quickly, not wasting time to try to bottle up.
No. 833811
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Please help me figure out what Abby's shirt says. I thought I'd be able to decipher it but it's too much for me. The middle letter is probably O and two L's are on its left. The last letter is definitely S, it looks like S on the small logo on her arm. I thought it might say Gallows, the nooses make it likely too, but there's no band named Gallows with such a logo
No. 833822
>>833571nta but I hate this advice.
No matter how many books I've read, my eng is still shit (eng is my second language tho).
Same with my native language, I didn't learn the language properly until I started writing, stories or in forums etc.
No. 833826
>>833632Express it in any non-destructive way. You can do it in a creative way, such as drawing, writing about your emotions, or by moving your body, such as jumping, exercising, walking, and even gardening or cleaning.
For me, this is the best method, only by expressing and letting go of these emotions I feel better. I cannot calm down by meditation alone.
No. 833853
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Are takis any good? Im debating on buying them or not.
No. 833874
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Any Arab anons can explain to me why North and South Yemen weren't named East and West instead?
No. 833914
>>833884There are housing supports in most countries where people with mental health conditions can get hooked up with housing. Either you or him could look into that if you're diagnosed with an illness. I got out of an
abusive household that way.
No. 833930
>>833889I usually bring a padfolio with my resume inside and then say, "I've written down some questions here." No one ever has a problem with it, I even did it for my current job.
But phones, no, it looks unprofessional no matter what you're using it for.
No. 833960
>>833952I went to a therapy place before where I wasn't paying for it, it was a charity service that offered 12 sessions to anyone who had attempted suicide and needed support right afterwards. In 12 sessions they did shit for me that other (out of my pocket) services never did. I don't know how to feel about that but it created a scepticism in me for sure. They were under time constraints and they got to the point which I'll forever be grateful for.
It's disheartening to not know whether you're just an easy paycheck or when the progress will start to come, if ever.
No. 833994
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is it just me or do many of "tats = my personality" girls have this face, horse esque and that makeup
No. 834005
>>833994I'm heavily tatted but in places that rarely are exposed, I don't own make up and I have about an inch of hair. My tatts are about the most time I've ever spent of changing my appearance in any way. But I swear that any time someone online hears that I've a fair few tattoos they get this image of me in their head. Men in particular have some stereotype in mind like this woman or a handful of heavily tatted porn stars they know of.
They assume all this other shit automatically comes in tow with tattoos but I've seen it go either way. Some are tatted but natural looking in nearly every other sense.. meanwhile others are bordering on it being an alternative version of bimbofication. I mean they're free to do what they want with their own appearance but I hate this association where men think tattoos equals this.
No. 834012
>>833952I wouldn't say you're misjudging this, it's your life and if you feel that you're not gaining anything from being her patient, you should absolutely find a new therapist. I know it's a lot easier said than done, but you deserve a doctor that's right for you and will help you progress instead of stagnate, especially if you're paying out of pocket for this. But even if it's covered by insurance or whatever, why waste your time?
Good luck anon, I hope you can find something right for you, whatever the solution may be.
No. 834017
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>>834015yesssss i fucking nailed it
sorry for being a geography sperg
No. 834089
>>834077I think it is, technically, because it was used to describe people with limps (lame legs). But many insults (retarded, cretin) have similar origins, ie were used medically to described disabled or sick people.
But like all PCshit, only pedantic and powertripping dumbasses care about such shit.
No. 834110
>>833952>>833960Wow, that's both saddening and uplifting to hear. I'm sorry you've been in a situation to need that help, but so glad that it improved your mental well-being. Just curious, did they teach you any specific skills, i.e. how to deal with life in general, how to handle possible future suicial ideations?
>>833973>Are they like a proper certified therapist?Yes, I forgot to mention. She's studied psychology and is undergoing clinical supervision. Holy shit, it must have been horrible to deal with that 'therapist'. Literal nightmare fuel. Reiki may be a fun thing to practice for yourself and maybe with like-minded friends, but it's a bogus pseudoscience. It should be forbidden to take money from people for reiki 'treatments' (yeah, I realize it would be hard to set up a law that would end this, but a girl can dream).
>>833999>maybe sometimes therapy can't do anything more for a person.Really hope it's not a case for me, cause otherwise I may just go lay down on a train track. Therapy hasn't done ANYTHING for me yet. My issues are so big I have a great chance to die alone and be found out 5 years later.
>>834012Yeah, I'm paying her out of my pocket. And she wants me to come twice as often and pay twice as much so that the therapy process is sped up. Ok.
No. 834163
>>834110>come twice as often…so that the therapy process is sped upLmfao that's like saying you should set your oven to 1200 degrees so your cake can bake faster. Recovery isn't something you can speedrun, it takes time and patience. Huge red flag coming from a doctor you're paying out of pocket.
Is this the first therapist you've ever seen? If so, I wouldn't write off therapy completely yet. I do agree that therapy just isn't it for some people, but I hope you don't let one shitty doctor trick you into thinking that you're beyond repair.
No. 834204
>>834163She's a second one. The first one was a nightmare who made me look down on CBT even more than I already did (I'm kinda willing to give it a second chance now, though I'm not set on going with that method).
>Lmfao that's like saying you should set your oven to 1200 degrees so your cake can bake faster. Recovery isn't something you can speedrun, it takes time and patience. Huge red flag coming from a doctor you're paying out of pocket.Her justification is that one session per week is not enough since we barely manage to talk about what happened in my life recently and that there's not enough time to touch on trauma. She also has been mentioning that recovery needs time when I asked her why I'm not seeing any results yet (ok, maybe she helped me with one issue from the whole grocery list, but it's nowhere near solved). Just clarifying. I don't expect my head to be fixed in a month or even a year, but it concerns me how this whole process feels completely aimless. I've been reading a subreddit where traumatised people share their experiences with therapy and I'm surprised how much they are getting out of it. I've asked a few times here a question like 'how do you know that therapy is working?' and farmers replied that when you apply what you've learned to life. Well, I haven't learned shit during this year.
No. 834476
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how do i find nsfw art of youtubers outside of /y/ threads? r34 only had one image of the guy im looking for
No. 834559
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Why do I keep dreaming about a group of people I haven’t seen in over 5 years? We didn’t leave on bad terms. I wouldn’t go out of my way to see them, I don’t even think I’d enjoy it. I don’t know anything about them and haven’t been updated on their lives either. But at least once a year I dream about them. In the first 3 years I must have had around 20-30 collective memorable dreams about them.
Is it normal for people to completely disappear like before social media existed, where if you lost contact with someone they were completely out of reach forever? Is it still possible? I have an opportunity to emigrate for work and want to start over.
Why is it considered low class or disrespectful to refer to higher education as “school”? Why is academia often hesitant to use the title, even when apt? “I’m in school for my masters.” seems so natural to me, yet someone told me that word is for juveniles.
No. 834575
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Do Chinese boomers go "Kids these days don't know how to respect their elders"? If so, they'd be hypocritical as fuck seeing as they were teenage redguards beating the shit out of their older relatives and teachers.
I wonder if they're the only old folks to not criticize younger generations. Being the most reprehensible themselves.
No. 834582
>>834578Maybe the person you're arguing with reported your comment multiple times?
>>834122Ah i know where that reaction pic is from, now i want to reread it
No. 834590
>>834583To be honest, even the ones where I dont bring up "no no" words get completely censored, no matter how much I reword them. However they get posted once I erase those opinions altogether and make it pretty much extremely subtle. Its weird
>>834582Possibly, but this is usually my first reply to them
No. 834623
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>>834476>>834483>>834500>youtuber porn>germa pornDon't only teenagers look up that shit?
No. 834693
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Are farmers extra horny recently? I don't think we have ever had this many horny threads going on at the same time in /g/ and /m/.
What happened? I'm totally part of it…hnng Leon
No. 834702
>>834693I've been extra horny, lately.
Maybe covid? Maybe everyone now is off porn and have new horny outlets, including lolcow? Maybe we just got too comfortable with each other?
Also, either that table and the objects on it are gigantic or that Leon is too small lol
No. 834775
>>834728same, I always laugh so hard at amerifags fucking up Japanese pronounciation or having to do weird shit like
>>834706. Anyway can't you just check with a youtube video or something?
No. 834843
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Does anyone else dislike watching movies/tv shows? Like, just passively observing the film/show Even with the stuff I like, I don't really rewatch them, yet I still can easily browse social media and imageboards
No. 834853
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Does anyone else feel like wedding dresses look tacky and cheap most of the time? These dresses are often $100+, and sometimes untailored and not durable for daily wear (cuz it's only made to be worn once), yet they look cheap to me, like fast fashion. Does anyone else feel this way?
No. 834893
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I really like swimsuit picrelated but it's S size is 2 cms bigger than my hips and I am paranoid about it.
My cup size is also C but this sizes preferred cup size is A -small B, even though in centimetres chest size would fit it centimeter in centimeter.
Would it be okay?
I haven't bought a swimsuit in a really long time, let alone visited a beach or a pool, sorry for tism.
No. 834912
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I have a friend who is very into judgement-free things and not stereotyping things. But this friend knows I dislike trannies with a fiery passion, and she thinks that's annoying and mean from my part. I mean, she's not a woketard, but she really thinks everyone should be treated with kindness, respect, and to not stereotype things and to treat things on a case-by-case basis. Even though I told her how the tranny agenda is harmful she thinks some people can't help being trans, which is like… ok I kinda get it but it's fucked up. I don't want to keep discussing these things with her, she's very non comfrontational and preffers being at her own peace, a quality I actually really like in her.
I've been contemplating if I'm actually in the wrong by hatting all trannies. I mean, I do. I do dislike them, and I dislike everything they're doing to kids, to vulnerable women, and to homosexuals and bisexuals. I also think not all trannies are necessarily bad people and I don't blame them for transitioning in a world where this shit is pushed so hard onto them. But like. Idk what to do.
What should I do? Just hide the fact I hate trannies? Come at her and tell her I'm a reformed tranny hater now (eugh I could never)? Or seriously try to work with a judgement-free kind of mindset?
I just can't be judgement-free honestly, even if I try to be the nicest and kindest. My intuition is just very good about certain kinds of people. I hope she doesn't dislike that about me either. Idk. Thoughts? Give me advice nonnas please
No. 834925
>>834912ok, I hate trannies as much as anyone else on this site but I rarely talk about it in real life, not because I hide it, but because the subject almost never comes up by itself.
who brings this subject up? you or her? seems kinda weird it's something that happens so frequently it becomes a problem.
No. 834985
>>834912This is going to be a long and very autistic answer, but… I have two tranny friends that i keep in touch with because they're part of a social group I'm in, I'm not 'out' to the group as GC yet, and I don't think i ever plan on telling them. Why? Because even though whenever they say some braindead shit about gender id (which comes up rarely, i should say), I don't say anything. Because I'm a pussy. Now, in a hypothetical situation where I am not a pussy, when they would have told me they were trooning out I would ask them what is
really driving them to transition and ask them to examine exactly why they feel they're trans, all while stressing that i care about them. But I didn't because I was afraid of losing them as friends, because I just knew they wouldn't listen to me and outcast me as an evil
terf with harmful ideas. They're still decent people though, except for the other mtf, who wasn't, but our friends group excommunicated him just because he's a shitty person. Good people who don't handle bullshit well tend to find even stuff trannies do to achieve 'gender euphoria' reprehensible enough.
I guess what im trying to say here is it's hard to draw a clear line between a person and the ideas they use to define their identity, since a lot of people like to tie their ID to whatever makes them 'priveleged/opressed' nowadays. But I don't think you should hate all trannies as people (especially ftms, and you know why), but you should state your opinion on what you think is harmful about their ideology. Many troons will say that you're literally killing them by being hateful (which is… lmao) - just remind them that you just want them to reexamine, truly, what and why is gender. So to speak. If you're brave enough and you really care about this, you'll stick to it.
Some troons are good people, but the ideas about gender they have are harmful.
No. 834994
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>>826927What are some things I could do to entertain myself during lockdown and without screens and buying a bunch of stuff? I don't know how to make my existing hobbies (that aren't just scrolling) screen-less. I currently want to try flower pressing because it seems relatively easy and doesn't involve screens, and I could try listening to music using Spotify (that uses a screen but I don't think it will fuck up my attention span), but I'm unsure what else.
>DrawingI sometimes draw, but I can't exactly force myself to draw, so I just rely on random urges to draw I get, which I usually get when looking at art online, however, my drawing skills are pretty and I need to rely on references to be able to draw stuff. idk how to make this hobby screenless tbh
>bakingI've baked like 3 desserts/sweet things in the past 2 weeks. I like it, but I tend to follow recipes I've found on YT, like adam ragusea's. I could get a cookbook but I'm unsure what cookbook I should get. I could just quickly write the recipe down and not look at the video afterwards
No. 834997
>>834994I would also like to add
>readingcurrently reading the Moomin books and it's pretty gud so far. I tend to read when I'm on trains or buses, though I'm unsure why I'm not compelled to read anywhere else. I guess I should just give myself the willpower to read, which is weird because I like reading
>cleaningI don't like cleaning, but it's productive and stimulates my brain. It's much more tolerable when I'm listening to music as well
No. 834998
>>834912If you hate mtf troons because they're degenerate predatory coomers, that's just normal male shit. You can separate your distaste for troons from the ideology that drives and protects these people, which is just misogyny in a new package. Focus your anger on the core of the problem, which is the misogyny and homophobia. That's where the real problems are. Otherwise it's just narcissists dressing up, and honestly if you're mad about that it's not worth it. You might as well be mad at kinnies for being stupid.
And yeah if you hate ftms too you really shouldn't, they might be obnoxious sometimes on the Internet but they're
victims of a wildly fucked up anti-female homophobic cult.
No. 835032
>>834994What about journaling? Like those mixed media art journals or even just a regular diary out of any spare notebook you have lying around. You could also incorporate your other hobbies into it, like keeping a journal where you write down your thoughts about the books you read. Or use the flowers you press to make the pages pretty.
And you can still make drawing screenless. It's always better to draw from real life anyway, so just practice sketching the things around you, plants, pets, the view from your window, even your own self in the mirror.
No. 835043
nonnie, I'll check them out. When I searched any typical radfem talking points on YouTube a bunch of trannies and libfems came up.
No. 835047
>>835026A lot of them are unpleasant people or say sexist shit. I did support them at first but it got to a point where it became trendy and all of them are spewing a lot of gender garbage.
>>835018>>835024Sexism against men? Oh hell yeah
No. 835103
>>835087i tihnk it helps a lot if you can outnumber them with other people who see their ridiculousness and make fun of them a bit
but to be honest there usually isn't much that can be done; the world is full of angry young men and my go-to treatment is just avoid
No. 835220
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>>835047>>835018>>834995The female leaders are supposed to be like villains, which is dumb, because
they're based it's thanks to them we get the hypmic music.
Long live the japanese rap matriarchy!
No. 835276
>>835230I work in gamedev and in this case being fit for company culture meant knowing the product made by the company and general knowledge about video games etc, nothing as bad as
>>835233 said
No. 835550
>>835536You are going to die, rest in peace anon.
>>835514Maybe Sarah Spaceman? But it's cosplay and the milk drip is pretty slow.
No. 835585
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What is smart casual? Jeans? Plain t-shirts? Or buttoned dress shirts? Am I a fucking idiot?
No. 835588
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>>835585I googled to get an example for you and this is what it came up with. I hope that clears things up for you.
No. 835597
>>834994going outside and enjoying nature. you could try bird watching. maybe to some people it's boring but it makes me happy and amused to see what they are up to. I also like seeing squirrels and bunnies.
how bout gardening as well? or if you don't want the trouble, try downloading one of those plant identification apps. it's fun and you learn a little. now I feel kinda smart and make a game out of recognizing plants I see each day.
No. 835599
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>>835585Anything with some nice shoes and skirt/pants, if you’re worried about an outfit not looking good enough, add a sweater or a blazer.
No. 835705
>>835585varies a lot by region so hard to tell you specifically. for example
>>835599 this would be casual in the northeast and dressy in the south. but generally I think avoiding anything distressed is a good start, and avoid any jeans if it's work related.
No. 835725
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which peachy palette is better, nonnas?
No. 835727
>>835725they're both pretty, I guess I like the one on the right better than the left though
which one do you think would fit your complexion and makeup style better?
No. 835730
>>835704I guess just treat it like caked on food waste or
vomitScrub on some boiling water and dish soap, leave for a few minutes, scrub and scrape what you can away using a rough sponge. Repeat for as long as it takes to seem clean, dabbing area dry in between every stage so you don't soak through the floor. Afterwards coat the area in antibacterial spray
Please wear gloves when you do any of this and get rid of the sponge because mice carry diseases
No. 835731
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>>835729Try plastic accesories or stuff made of natural fibers, threads and fabric (these are an example that comes to mind, but it doesn't have to be these ones)
No. 835732
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>>835729another example, these really do say "beachy" to me
No. 835743
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>>835730Thankyou anon! I’m still scrubbing after removing the bulk (cat puked up a well-chewed mouse)
The carpet is wet and smells like a well pickled drunk but it’s at least not infected with mice diseases and intestine juice. Turns out the most important part of having two buckets. One with soapy water for cleaning and the other to chunder in as needed while scooping minced mouse meat out of shag.
No. 835749
>>835742An autistic person or an actual autist?
Nobody wants to hear the inner workings of an autist. You can get free audio of screeching monkeys and direly boring people talking at length about themselves.
A character should be capable of having at least one interesting thought. Autists don’t.
No. 835768
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What are those things that people sometimes wear on their knees during sports? It's a black band
No. 835769
>>835758Yeah public pools never have swimmers doing laps. Ocean proof accessories are dumb. Just swim like a normal person without having to worry over whether or not there are enough trinkets on you even if you are just having a splash for fun.
If anon is worried about looking cute for the fish or the strangers they need psychological help kek
No. 835783
>>835779>>835768No, it's very flexible. I used to have and use one when I skipped rope daily.
It supports your knee joints. When you do sports that have a lot of jumping around, it can be really taxing on the knees. This prevents joint fatigue, by supporting them. Sorry for esl
No. 835944
>>835928I haven't had sex in about 4 years and idk, I do not feel like a virgin because I don't see sex as this big thing or whatever to cross, I guess my disgust of majority of men is just higher than my need to have sex with them.
I do have a high libido though and masturbate regularly (not to porn though)
No. 835962
>>835945I've two friends doing an economics degree (in our country the program is three years of general economics and they choose their two year specialization between economics, business administration and accounting) and it's both difficult and stressful. Lots of practical exercises, theory, memorization, etc but it's not impossible. However, just like everything, if you're organized, study, use your resources, etc you'll be fine (their words, not mine).
But honestly, the experience will vary a lot between countries and universities.
I think it would be better if you analyze the program you could apply to and maybe you can contact a student or someone who graduated from there?
No. 836120
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>>836113Nah, I fucking hate particles. An old tutor of mine recommended me this dictionary. I bought it but haven't really used it. When I first learned Japanese, I had a private tutor and was very young, but my tutor wasn't a language teacher so he did not say a single word about particles which probably really hindered my learning because I kept dropping them and not understanding why I needed them. In the genki textbooks I used in college they usually put the particle most used with the verb so I just took to memorizing the particles but I still have a hard time with them if I'm really thinking of some shit to say on the fly.
For me, a lot of it just became "it is what it is." Like when I would ask my Japanese friends about wa/ga when they said a certain thing they'd just sort of shrug like "it's just wa/ga" at that moment. Yeah it'd be really great to know why I'm using a certain particle for a certain verb/situation but I'm not good with linguistics and even an explanation sometimes does me worse than just telling me "just use this particle for xyz." Sorry I'm no help lmao I just really fucking hate particles too. When I spoke with friends I got way too comfortable speaking casually and always dropping my particles because I was lazy and didn't want to deal with thinking about what particle was appropriate in the situation.
No. 836134
>>836113>>836114>>836120Try using several different learning resources at once, especially if you can find ones written by linguists. There may be one that explains it better for you than what you're using now. There are some books specifically about particles as well. Most native speakers will have trouble explaining exactly when and why each particle is used. Kind of like in English, it can be hard to explain why we use certain words and not others, because "that's just how it is," but there actually are formulas that we use and just don't really have to think about it. However, linguists do have to think about those things so they can be a little better at explaining. I also recommend that besides reading about it, you should do a lot of practice exercises using particles, so get any accompanying workbooks of any books that you find so you can practice and then look up the right answers. Trying to come up with a simple rule for using particles will give you a hard time, but the more you practice using it, hearing it, reading it, and writing it the more natural it will become.
No. 836290
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Is it normal to feel afraid of someone giving me oral? Whenever someone offers it to me I'm like "ewgh no I'm not into it" and they're like "but why" and I'm like "I feel uncomfortable" but then they get so disappointed like they say shit like "oh but then how am I gonna pleasure you if you don't let me lick your pussy" and I'm like, I don't know??? why do you wanna lick it??? it feels dirty and I'm afraid of the smell because I sweat a lot all the time.
Any advice or help?? am I weird for not liking it? every other song talks about how good it is and I just don't know, the only oral sex I've ever had was ehhheuuugh and then people say shit like "oh but maybe no one has given you good oral, I'll be the one to give you pleasure uwu" but I'm like ugh what if I don't want to??????
No. 836295
>>836290If you don't wanna do it then you don't have to do it it, that's fine
But maybe if that situation happens again you could try showering together first so you are both as clean as can be? Soaping each other up in the shower is fun too
No. 836305
>>836290Agree with above anon. If you’re not into something, you’re just not. Doesn’t matter how good the other person is at it. Your brain plays a huge role in sex and you can’t force it to find something hot.
Like the other anon said, you could try washing beforehand if that’s your main concern, but it really seems like the bigger issue is that you don’t like the idea. Is there something else you prefer? So when the subject comes up you can say “no, I would rather do this instead”?
No. 836313
>>836309For the old money rich, a seamstress makes your clothes. Legit couture suits and skirts and blouses.
No tags or tacky branding or bullshit designers like MK or coach or Tiffany’s.
No. 836340
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Is the best way to not become a cow to just keep your personal life offline even if it’s actually a mess?
No. 836347
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No. 836441
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How can I stop having an allergy to cats and dogs? is there some kind of treatment? please I just wanna have a small baby doggy
No. 836449
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>>836441Alot of the allergens are in the dog dander rather than the fur but if you don’t know which one is
triggering your allergy just get a toy poodle, yorkshire terrier, bichon frise, or a maltese as their hair can be easy to manage and don’t shed much. Theres a list of hypoallergenic dog breeds which can range from small framed dogs to bigger breeds like afghan hounds. Hope you get a cute dog in the future anon!
No. 836466
>>836383Agreed with
>>836390, if you go through some tags on pixiv for example you'll definitely see the same stuff you also see from western artists
No. 836479
>>836464I find fat girls super pretty and I want to be pretty like them even though I know it's unhealthy.
nonny, yes I want to be wide. That was my fear but I didn't want to believe it. Maybe I'll try a bit longer and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out I'll just get therapy.
No. 836539
>>836530I got my last bed frame delivered from IKEA and it was delivered in two separate boxes with the slats separate too. The product page tells you how many boxes its split between so my (bad back, no help) self worked around it like that. Just about managed it that way.
With covid some delivery places are forbidden from entering buildings at all and need to leave stuff at entrances. Worth checking their rules on that.
No. 836658
>>836646It could be that you gain weight in your visceral fat more, which is under the muscle of your stomach and around your organs. Everyone gains weight differently but it's easier to see it in men. I have two gym buddies with the same body fat percentage, but totally different bodies: one guy has prominent shredded abs but a wide waist, and his belly is hard, because he's chubby on the inside. The other never ever has abs or looks defined, even when he's fighting fit 12% bf, he has a small jiggly belly because he keeps all his fat on the outside.
If that's the case, that's something to be careful of, because excess visceral fat is strongly correlated with all the same diseases as obesity but you can still look 'thin'.
No. 836659
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There's a cute girl I follow but her eyebrows often confused me. Almost everytime, there's a section in the middle that is not colored. Can any makeup-savvy anons tell me what is going on?
No. 836664
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I wonder if the reason why I have social anxiety and don't leave the house/ can't talk to anyone without having a meltdown is because my mom never let me go outside by myself until I was 15
No. 836692
>>836684My last ex was a shower but then was on the modest side of average when hard. It's hard to tell when soft, and difficult to even judge a hard one through pants.
Ime I've come across plenty of men who bragged about being somewhat well endowed and then they were entirely average when I saw it. It's strange. You'll probably never meet a b cup woman claiming to have DDs so why do they do it? They delude themselves and I wish we (myself included) would tell them when they're just bang on average. The amount of men I could've set straight if I had the guts when I was younger! Watch out for that lol
No. 836704
>>836702So you use the cup + reusable pad combination, or just the reusable pad?
Also, how does it not smell? Genuinely asking because wouldn't the blood remaining in the fabric (until you wash it) cause a smell?
No. 836716
>>836704I use both.
>Also, how does it not smell? Genuinely asking because wouldn't the blood remaining in the fabric (until you wash it) cause a smell?I don't know if it's reusable pads/period panties in general or just the ones I'm using, but if you've ever been in a ladies' locker room toilet or women's stall you know the smell I'm talking about. Normal plastic pads (even the biodegradable ones) reek after a few hours and cause swamp crotch, I just don't get that with reusables.
If there is a smell, you'd have to shove your nose in it to smell it, when I was using normal pads they would absolutely reek as soon as I pulled down my undies to pee. Is it the gel inside or something that causes the smell? I don't know, but this has been my experience. I honestly love reusable pads so much, I'll never go back.
No. 836719
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>>836684I felt this one guy over his pants to figure it out and he felt average. Clothes off, he was the size of my index finger. I have small hands.
No. 836838
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Why do people always “love” watching tv? Why is it so entertaining that they will watch tv/stream something at least once every day?
No. 836862
>>836859His desire for a
terf lolcow gf raised his testosterone levels
No. 836894
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Is it too late to text her if she gave me her number a week and a half ago? She was really nice to me and I need and want a friend that isn’t someone I met because of my partner or other people.
No. 836916
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Why are hardcore fujos so hostile about other women enjoying het, yuri and husbandos?
It's all weebshit, what is the problem?
No. 836920
>>836901Yes, mindfulness practices and meditation apparently work, but it takes time. You need to be constant and be active about it.
I'm not taking too seriously at the moment, but I like to do my daily activities (washing the dishes, eating, talking to someone) while trying to have my five senses awake as possible, so I can feel, instead of being constantly thinking, and I stop being distracted.
The easiest first step would be not consuming any type of media while doing something (music, a tv show, youtube, etc) but here's a better explanation: No. 836955
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>>836916the lack of self awareness in that thread is astounding kek if only i got a penny for every fit fujos threw
i think the agressivness of extreme fujos comes from having both superiority and inferiority complex at the same time. They think they are better than yumes sbecause they ship existing characters instead of making ocs/self inserts while also feeling lesser because generally, while yumes are also looked down on, i would say it's more okay to be a yume than fujo.
No. 836963
>>836922>>836924They do seem really angry about something but decide to take out their anger on the wrong target: Other female nerds just doing their thing peacefully.
That or/and a huge discomfort with female sexuality, to the point of not being able to handle seeing women in relationship with men or other women.
>>836932Yeah same, I like f/m, f/f, m/m can also be nice.
No. 836971
>>836963>a huge discomfort with female sexuality, to the point of not being able to handle seeing women in relationship with men or other women. I tend to think this is it, not to judge them but because I used to feel that way as well when I was solely a fujo and couldn't handle female characters in my main ships. Really I try to give them the benefit of the doubt but sometimes I wonder about this. They get disgusted so easily by a female character being portrayed in a romantic or sexual light— now a big part of me says who can blame them, and I know that's what they'd say because of how most media and fans treats female character portrayals. But I think these people go too far and therefore get a kneejerk reaction every time they see it, and the result is they can't stand any attention on female sexuality whatsoever unless it's a watered down side character lesbian relationship that they don't really invest in. Of course this is generalizing but I'm going off of what I mostly see from this type of fujo and, yes, from my past self.
I don't know what changed for me but I guess I wanted to stop feeling so uncomfortable with my own sexuality and womanhood, like why should I let men take everything from me and I was just sick of being like that because it was a form of misogyny imo. Anyway enough about my experience, but that's why I can feel suspicious when fujos are so aggressively against including women's sexuality. Like, yes, it's warped by men in media and it's
everywhere that we get objectified and mistreated, but (at risk of sounding like a libfem) we should take that back. I got sick of being uncomfortable with myself and fixating solely on male characters.
(but fujos who are happy being fujos and comfortable as they are are based and I still enjoy that content anyway, not everyone has to like the other stuff. my problem is that they get so aggressively opposed to something harmless that it's odd of them.)
No. 837011
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>>836904Can I say “Hey _! It’s Anon. You gave me your number from like a week ago at the place! laughing crying emoji What’s up?” or is that too autistic? I rarely ever text strangers.
No. 837054
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>>837017>be yourselfKEK thank you nonatella but I regularly browse lolcow. I think that’s the last thing I should probably do.
>>837015>>837020I skipped the emoji but not putting shit like “lol” or emoticons casually over text is hard. In person I’m okay, but outside of work scenarios I keep being an unhinged retard. It’s easier to pretend I’m talking to a farmer and following global board rules. So I’m going to keep doing that. Thank you nonas for the good advice. With effort I’m going to be austism free one day.
(avatarfagging) No. 837072
>>837015 I think emojis and lols are fine in general but the laughing crying emoji specifically being used inappropriately only appeals to a small audience of normies so what I really meant to say was not that you should never use it that way but kinda ease into it. But go ahead and do it if it's something you like to use a lot, because as other anons said you want a friend that you can be yourself around! Good luck with your new friendship autist-chan!
No. 837243
>>836990We are raised in a patriarchial society, shaming women especially over something like their sexuality is unfortunately not exclusive to men.
>>837023I guarantee you there are worse ships and since these are not real people who gives a fuck.
No. 837247
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Do you guys think girls will ever want to be skinny again? I remember in middle school the stick figure-like Victoria's Secret models were the standard and all I wanted to look like was pre-dyke Cara Delevigne. It seemed like most female celebrities were thin and all the thin girls I knew were envied by all the girls who weren’t and always had tons of boyfriends. Maybe it seemed a lot more perfect to me because I was because I was overweight at the time with a double chin and everything due to eating too much while I was pubin’ out which turned into an eating addiction. So I felt very isolated regarding weight related things but skinny was definitely in. It took me a really long time, lots of phases of losing a bunch of weight only to gain it all back, but now I’m turning 20 and I’m finally where I want to be. I feel really good about myself for fitting this outdated ass standard I idealized in the mid 2010s but now it’s like everyone wants to be a thicc Instagram baddie and more often than not female celebrities are on the chunkier side. I know female body standards in society shift a lot with time but with all this “every body is beautiful shit” being pushed in mainstream media I don’t know if thin will ever make a comeback and I want my damn attention! I went through all that trouble cause I thought it was gonna be MY turn and now I’m really fucking pissed
No. 837267
>>837247>now I’m turning 20 and I’m finally where I want to bejesus christ you sound insane. stop sucking up to whatever the media decides to push to make women insecure and caring about getting attention.
>“every body is beautiful shit” being pushed in mainstream media I don’t know if thin will ever make a comeback are you retarded? all of this "uwu body positivity" is vapid shit to sell more/advertise and confuse women with the rest of societal messaging to be fuckable and use models that are underweight and photoshopped.
No. 837331
>>837320PayPal. Anyone asking to go outside if it is scamming 9/10 times.
If you gave her the tracking number your account shouldn’t be held responsible cause you can prove you sent it. She will have to go deal with the post office that fucked up.
Sucks you got a customer blaming you when you did your part as a seller.
No. 837388
>>837374In my ideal universe I'd not talk with them more often than once a week but my mom calls me every day lol
And I've been living away from them for 8 years now, so it's not like it's a fresh change and mom can't get used to it yet. For comparison, my boyfriend talks with his mom once a month at best, usually its even rarer, and never with his dad.
No. 837395
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>>837393I agree with this kind of. I always thought that people who read for aesthetic purposes like pic related or only read the most popular books on tiktok/instagram are dumb as fuck. But for some reason they always shill them as super smart even though the fiction they read is boring and badly written. For society, reading anything = smart
No. 837400
>>837391My take is that the "y-you just hate women because you don't like straight/yuri porn" people are insecure about their tastes and think that a fujo preferring BL and disliking porn where a woman is objectified is supposed to be taken as a personal offense which is why they throw these "the fujos on this site are insane" strawmen in the ring. If I say that your oviposition womb prolapse lesbian loli porn
might be to your liking due to you hanging around moid coomers all the time it's not an attack against female sexuality but scrotes and their fucked up preferences they imposed on people around them. And when it comes to more vanilla material no fujo seriously says that a woman is inferior for liking straight porn, that's all projection and hyperbolically maybe some form of a guilty conscience for basing one's sexuality on being appealing to men. Latter being of course
valid if you're a straight woman but that's just how it often feels like. I have nothing against yumejos but some anons are way too invested in what fujos think about them that it's almost comedic, it's extremely funny to tease them.
No. 837428
>>837412I'll cliffnote the post for you nonita.
>when it comes to more vanilla material>no fujo seriously says that a woman is inferior for liking straight porn>that's all projection>I have nothing against yumejos>but it's fun to bully some of them on this site because they're too concerned about fujos' opinion>>837421Sorry, she asked and I delivered. Seethe.
No. 837431
>>837400Well I didn't really expect much but…
>disliking porn where a woman is objectifiedMost of yumejo famers do.
>your oviposition womb prolapse lesbian loli pornMy what now?
>basing one's sexuality on being appealing to menAh yes. Having cartoon husbandos and liking yuri ships. It's all about appealing to the irl scrotes.
No. 837473
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>>837464i never noticed werewolf kink to be popular among lesbians but i (lesbian) re-read twilight a few months ago and all the werewolves in there effectively lose their clothes when they transform. there is only one female werewolf so far (picrel) and for a few weeks i had the worst brain worms about her being my sexy werewolf wife and i was this close to writing a 50 chapters long self insert fic about my oc (me) moving to la push and her imprinting on me and becoming my loyal protective werewolf wife. maybe i'll just try and write lesbian werewolf erotica if my career doesn't play out.
No. 837485
>>837472i don't know any kek but it's mentioned enough times in online lesbian communities it makes me wonder, the dime-a-dozen lesbian werewolf novels only exacerbates my headscratching
>>837473thanks for the explanation nonna, hope that works out for you if you ever push through with it