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No. 604999
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread:
>>589682 No. 605007
>>604999It seems like there's already a thread 22
>>604825 so which one is the one we stick with?
No. 605274
>>605144Speaking of reddit, do you have any fav subreddits for artists?
And a bonus question, does anyone know any good subreddit for discussing writing a comic?
No. 605318
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>>605077i know one for art and art improvement, but i'm kinda shy about sharing the link on lc.. but i don't know what else to do. this invite is good for 10 people for 1 day..! if there's interest i can extend it further. No. 605338 know this is long as hell and a couple of months old, but I wanted to know what you guys think about Cosmic Spectrum Art's numbers here? At about the 25 min mark she mentions numbers like $50 per hour being an okay amount to charge for what she describes as a 'reasonable skill level', but that she's expecting a lot more than that. Mentions at some point that her commission work is in the thousands generally. Mentioned she did a children's book cover for $3000, she'd want around $1000 or more a page for graphic novels, numbers like that.
Not really sure what the make of this. I mean good for her if she can get this amount, but that seems so unfathomably high to me? Are people really out there dropping thousands of dollars on 2D images? And is $50 per hour really not too high of a starting rate for commissions?
No. 605343
>>605338>she did a children's book cover for $3000Not unreasonable if it's for a major company. Work from professional clients usually pays a ton more than commissions for randos, since they're not only paying for the image but for the rights to print the image, use it for promotion, and etc.
>$1000 or more a page for graphic novelsNow that's crazy. Comic rates are around $200- 300 for inks tops, for big companies like Marvel and DC. If she was asking that much for fully painted comic pages I could maybe see it, but otherwise it's a pretty insane rate.
No. 605349
Same anon who posted the vid here. Sorry if I'm not replying correctly, don't post much.
>>605338Hah, that's actually quite comforting to put it that way.
I know when I was going commissions like a good decade ago, some artist I looked up to said something along the lines of that you should be charging at least minimum wage + materials cost per hour. If you couldn't charge at least that and still get work, you weren't ready to start to take work. And if you could charge more that that, you were making it. So $50 an hour kind of shocked me, as in my head, I'd be expecting only someone very popular to get away with charging that much.
Definitely gives me hope that art is becoming a more livable career.
>>605338She actually googled the rates in the video and found those same numbers you quoted, then later added that really big names at top companies could charge as much as $1000 per page, and that she'd be expecting about that for pencils inks and colours herself. So same info I guess, which again, surprises the hell out of me, in a good way.
No. 605357
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>>605338There was an artist that charged $1 per minute and she could draw out a very nice commission with color in an hour, so she earned $60. She recorded this on video with a timer for proof for the commissioner I assume. I wish I could remember the youtube video sorry. Anyway $50 per hr isn't unreasonable if you work fast. You can raise your prices as high as you want if you have demand. $3000 for a book cover is very reasonable for professional publishing.
Anoosha Syed listed prices she earned for her children's book illustrations. It's very profitable when you start getting consistent work
No. 605391
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since the mods merc'd the istebrak thread im tossing this here
they made it infinitely worse, took out the canal, swapped the lights for… yellow tinted ones and made the rat the focal point. It's like 3 levels of shit sandwiched together.
No. 605407
>>605391>>605401seriously suspecting this is samefagging. Your attempted thread on this woman got marked as shit by the farmhands and now you're taking your sperging here instead.
After is better. Artists giving someone a critique aren't going to spend multiple days re-drawing the picture, that's why there's airbrushing. It doesn't look 100% finished because it's not supposed to be, it's just a quick mockup of some changes the original artist could go back and work on.
No. 605432
>>605391this is years old at this point my dude, no1curr
tf would you even post in your thread if the milk is so dry
No. 605591
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Does anyone have the link on fb post?
No. 605613
>>605571NTA but is the focus really the foreground? My eye was drawn to the mid ground and swept over the city, thanks to the color harmony of the warmer light rays. I don’t know if removing the canal was important or not
Also a nice touch is that the farthest away lights are dimmer
No. 605677
>>605622The perspective is still better in the first one, and the canal leads to the back wall which then leads to the city the fuck that is. When I say blinding light I don't mean literally, I mean it in the context of the image, the lights come in a way of the image, they wash out the city and take away the contrast, the second image looks like it has no vocal point because nowhere there are strong values, except the black frame. As for nausea it's more about the frame vs the city itself, the second image, tried to lift up and close the scene but did nothing to the perspective, so now we have this weird stretched image with very offscale image, that is irritating to look at.
No. 605699
>>605391The before is better. Everything seems washed out in the after along with that thick black framing. The inclusion os the canal is important imo, since it gives the pieces direction, implying that the space is larger than what our eyes can see. The second one is more limiting and closed off. There are ways to alter perspective without cutting off parts of a drawing.
That being said I like the beams of light more in the after, although I wish they weren't so yellow, especially the light in the background. It takes away from the lights of the city, which are a more muted yellow orange tone and are clearly supposed to draw the eye.
No. 605700
>>605391I think both need help, but the first one is better.
The first image doesn't have enough contrast for you to focus on the city. The canal leads you down to the hole, which leads you to the city, but that's it. There's no further details to explore. That being said, it gives me the viewer a better understanding of the concept of what this is supposed to be.
The second one made the mistake of having a stark black rat against a bright yellow light, which makes my eyes focus on the rat. My eyes don't go anywhere else. There's no movement, and the city is still lacking the contrast it needs for me to explore it.
No. 606094
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Promoted post.
No. 606099
>>605368>>605357yup, I have some experience in book publishing and this is what it’s like. Depending on the contract, you or your agent negotiate the rate, like the one Anoosha provided of the 88 greyscale interiors breaks down to 175 a drawing, then when the book sells you usually wait until the entirety of the book is paid off and then you make royalties afterwards. There was a long twitter thing a while back where lots of freelancers broke down their rates for books and stuff (for transparency during like people outing industries as not friendly to BIPOC creators), especially in GN publishing which were surprising but like showed that negotiating rates and having good agents helped. The most surprising one I remember was the creator & artist of Check Please, her contract for when the book got published by a big company was low up front, I think like 3k only for two books, but she got to keep her kickstarters for the self pubbed editions (which were over 300k each), kept all the licensing and merch rights, AND got a 50% profit share on royalties from the big pubbed books which went on to be an NYT bestseller (this is pretty rare, sometimes people don’t even get royalties let alone HALF)
No. 606227
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Making a fandom name and hashtag for yourself is so weird and narcissistic.
No. 606313
>>606227Are they a
problematic artist or something?just wondering but this is the 2nd time I’ve seen them on here
No. 606546
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these type of artists are always the most shameless and awful. they seem to be invincible when it comes to callouts too. they never get shit for blatant theft like this.
No. 607057
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>>606546Soulless knock-off artists are inevitable and they never learn their lesson or even grown into their own shitty artstyle.
I don't know if I've just become jaded by the AA community but I realised any idiot who has an ipad & pencil and $$$$ to back themselves can call themselves "artists"
No. 607067
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>>607057Also to add to my salt post
If you're making enamel pins and you don't even have a grasp of basic fundamentals or your artstyle revolves another artist, please reevaluate yourself cause you're ruining the standard for everyone else
No. 607176
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Has there ever been an artist who has genuinely good fans? Not to be mistaken for those agree with everything simps where you have to throw just to make them not like a drawing.
No. 607243
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Can't get over this meth head face. Paid commission too
No. 607301
>>607296Popular artists are popular because of certain subject matter they draw consistently. People see these popular artists and follow that formula, becoming popular themselves, and the cycle repeats.
Artists who don't follow such a formula don't get pushed by social media algorithms as much, so it feels like they don't exist when it's very likely that they just fly under the radar.
Additionally, nowadays with Procreate and iPad art, anyone can call themselves an artist, and social media is completely saturated with artists who want attention rather than artists who want to create and explore ideas.
No. 607412
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I wonder who they're talking about? It's not Rae or Jackie, since they've already responded to Chloe's tweet.
No. 607422
>>607412ZHC maybe? He flew Chloe, Rae, and a few others out to do some challenge video with him once, but it seems he's gotten really big lately and doing more with bigger youtube, small celebrities and shit.
Or maybe Jazza? I doubt, but it has been a while since I saw him have any interaction with other artubers for a while.
No. 607461
>>604999Chloe Rose seems like a nice girl but she’s so mediocre. I’m really curious about her because she said she moved to America to pursue her career but then said in videos she lives with her parents and brother?
Like did the family all move country for her or?
No. 607499
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>>607438 you go~ feel free to invite your friends and stuff. this one is
valid for another 10 uses for a day.
No. 607513
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Where do you anons usually post your art work? Twitter, tumblr and IG seem to be the main ones.
I thought about even trying tik tok but I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble
No. 607583
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Has anyone else been keeping up with the art style bend challenge on instagram? Some of these art styles are waaaaay better after than before :\
No. 607625
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How many times we'll see that one joke
No. 607678
>>607583fr. like look how good the 2nd one is in comparison.
at first i thought this challenge was gonna be fun but i think it was a mistake lol
No. 607708
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maybe im just a hater, but this artist annoys me anytime they show up on my home screen. I can't quite explain it, but it feels like they only take references from anime screen caps and it makes their style look unnatural? Not the worst artist but I just don't like them either.
Also their webcomic just sucks
No. 607714
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>>607706explanation I found
No. 607764
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I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but do you guys have any artist that you used to look up to when you were younger, but eventually ended up surpassing in terms of skill?
In my case I remember thinking Zayashuku (youtube animator from back in the day) was the best artist ever when I was around 10~11 years old. I actually saw stuff like pic related and thought it was peak professional artist material kek.
The same happened with other animators I liked, like ShadowLeggy or BlackWorufu. It's not just that they used to draw like shit back then (even when in the case of Leggy, she was in her 20s at the time), but they never progressed with their art and to this day they are more or less on the same level as back then. It's kind of sad honestly.
(God I hope I worded that more or less correctly, I'm not a native).
No. 607789
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>>607764lol reminds me of this artist that got stuck on their art just watch this
No. 607798
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can anyone tell me why this chick got to be the artist for a streamer? i can't be the only one that thinks that these are fucking ugly
No. 607870
>>604999I know these images are social media memes and not really reflective on artistic development, but I don't really get how drawing the same image year to year is a great metric for gauging improvement. This person just drew the same character in whatever style they were feeling at the time. Wouldn't it make more sense to showcase multiple images showing "progress?" Multiple images showing that you can draw different subjects and contexts than an anime girl or something.
This shit just reminds me of the sameface meme, where it become more about drawing different looking features rather than differences in expression. Wow, you gave your character an "ethnic" nose and mouth but they're still making that dead ass kore stare anyway.
No. 607879
>>607870the point of the meme is showing how much ur style has changed and how much ur art has improved by drawing the same piece over again.
theres a different meme that does showcase different pieces made by the artist thru the years tho
No. 607900
>>606313She's not
problematic, just has an inflated ego thanks to internet fame. She has good technical skills and became a full-time freelance artist quite young (at 19 iirc), but her art is quite boring once you look past it being pretty.
>>606403Her streams were pretty boring before she was a vtuber. She barely talked and didn't really interact with the audience. She pretty much became a vtuber just to be a vtuber.
No. 607999
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>>607919Hoo boy I can’t wait for the cycle of VTubers getting sad about low viewership followed by their hugbox fans posting anything resembling pic related and calling that a job well done.
No. 608084
>>607919And so the VTuber overflow begins…
Prepare for the flurry of shitty, badly made Live2D/Emofuri sprites, forced personalities and acting for the sake of being funny/memey/cute, even more
toxic simp-filled fandoms and the waterfall of tears from entitled VTubers who think they deserve to be more popular!
No. 608149
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>>607583Some of them are actually kind of cool, but others just show that the artist’s normal style is holding them back and that they should experiment more.
No. 608303
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Another sad art style bend. I think its funny how they choose to have soulless eyes.
No. 608415
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look this one is actually interesting and a good example. her art is already good and the challenge piece actually looks interesting in comparison
No. 608548
>>608387I was just thinking that, I really hope that some of theses people realize that they shouldn’t focus on an “artstyle” when a majority of them don’t even understand the fundamentals
>>608415Hey anon, do you know their insta?
No. 608661
>>607764I actually checked up on her every now and then because I used to love her too and it's just weird seeing how she 'progressed'. She still draws exactly the same, and on her twitter about a year or two ago she said she wouldn't stop using mouse to draw because it's her 'talent' and it'd go to waste if she actually got a tablet and pen.
I'll try and find caps but interesting enough she's one of those black girls that reallllyyy hates the fact she's black. She's dated nothing but asian men (yes she's still a huge fuckin weeaboo) and has a good portion fuck and dump her. She got stranded in japan once since she for some reason decided to take a trip while her husband was in the middle of divorcing her and left her with no money. Didn't know how to get home so some random japanese guy ended up helping her and she told all of her followers to thank 'Daddy' for helping her get home. Tried to look him up to date him again and found out he mentioned her on a podcast and they were makin fun of her for bein a vlogger LMAO
No. 608692
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>>608668Here's a few tweets of hers that I could find since twitter does this stupid thing now where it only loads a certain amount of tweets unless you have an archive. Youtube comment is hella old but she's defended it in one of her vlogs() like two years ago
No. 608698
>>607764Zayashuku, holy fuck, that name takes me back.
I admired her, too, anon, then forgot about her. Crazy that her art is still the same. It doesn't even have that particular charm a lot of early 2000s deviantART stuff does.
>>607789This is actually cute, it has that charm.
No. 608833
>>608771This guy. Great artist, clearly really fucking talented but his YT is hella clickbaity.
And I don't want to be that guy but… man, I can barely understand a word he's saying. Maybe just me, but he speaks so fast and in such a deep voice, with that heavy accent.
I wish I could understand him better because I'm genuinely interested in some of those advice videos he makes.
No. 609010
>>608771to me mohammed is one of the best art youtubers out there. he's a bit hard to understand (to me) because of his accent but i don't mind his clickbait stuff because his content is good and his art is also good.
i wish people knew more about him instead of idolizing people like ergojosh.
No. 609029
>>608982Never heard of them before but was shocked to see how many posts they had. It's very much a quantity over quality thing with this artist.
>>608771Best art advice channel on YT imo. I actually don't mind his accent. It's a lot more understandable than Ergo Josh's ASMR whispering anyway.
No. 609196
>>607789But this clearly has visible improvement? The anatomy is more composed and less stiff, the line work is more dynamic, colours have been picked better, improved use of texture and shading, the pose is better, no dead eyes like in the old one etc. Just because it's still the anime moe style doesn't mean it hasn't improved.
>>608771Lmao that exact video was recommended to my youtube feed a few days ago and it was the worst clickbait bullshit I had ever seen. I don't really watch arttubers for entertainment but instead to study and learn so I find people trying to make it into some sort of an influencer say funny thing hurr hurr comedy act to cover up their incompetence (like Rae does) is off putting to me.
No. 609204
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These pose maker apps and websites are tragic at best but somehow have so much money to pour into marketing. They really annoy me because they encourage/normalize tracing, but at the same time, I’m comforted knowing that the idiots who trace these ugly ass models and call themselves artists will never be able to draw without using these apps/sites as a crutch.
No. 609250
>>609204are you stupid, these are for graphics designers, not to be posted to some toddler's instagram account. you've never seen advertisements that use these drawings of people that are made of simple shapes and are just one or two colors?
also imagine using """normalize""" in this context, go back to twitter, this is an 18+ website.
>>609214from a practicing standpoint tracing doesn't do shit for you, so this isn't even correct. but plenty of professional fields (the before mentioned graphics designer, concept artist, comic artist, etc.) trace things to speed up their workflow or get things more precise.
No. 609269
>>609257>to dissect a part you don't understandi can go with this, but this is why i wish people were more specific about what kind of tracing they mean. tracing on the internet usually means "outlining an object with chicken scratches and calling it it a day", where as if you break down the object to the 3d shapes it's made of, you can actually learn something. in more "classical" art training you are supposed to copy things, landscapes, objects, other people's drawings, etc. i think this sort of practice is better than tracing in most contexts because this trains your eye to get better at observing, thus remember more things and take in new things easier too.
>>609264i think it's a stupid mentality to say artists' can't post their practice pieces, unless they are not clear about what they copied/traced from. of course, on the internet it's better to ask for permission of the other artist to avoid drama.
No. 609293
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>>607422Not Jazza. I'm guessing someone snubbed Chloe when she asked them to guest on her new podcast, so it'll be whoever Youtuber friend of hers doesn't participate.
No. 609299
>>609293I know it's unlikely, but wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if it was Waffles? Like someone who has been trying hard to keep their private life private refuses to go on a podcast where there will be personal questions and Chloe got mad at her for it?
Not likely, but for some reason, I find the idea of that conversation too funny.
No. 609325
>>609317NTA but while I do know a lot of graphic designers who do illustration too and it's usually very useful skill to have, majority of the industry doesn't - why would you need the knowledge of anatomy and so to design websites, banners, UX/UI? The Pose app itself says it's a "simple web app for character guidelines" so contrary to what you say it actually is for drawing characters.
Can be an useful tool for graphic designers as well ofc.
No. 609360
>>609342she's got that "unique" thing to her art, tho i don't think it's meant to be "good" in a professional standpoint.
what i mean by that is that her art style developed in such a way where it's easy to produce, somewhat appealing/easy on the eye and also stands out.
i used to like her (still kinda enjoy her) but her art seems too "flimsy" for me. i could go on and on about what makes her art lack, but i guess those same things are what make it appeal to the general public.
No. 609572
>>608771he was one of the first art youtubers i started watching this year (recently attempting to get better at art) and I liked a lot of his earlier videos. I like his art and he has some really nice tips for digital coloring. also personally I think he's pretty cute and his voice is nice.
>>609401nayrt but at no point did that anon call anyone stupid, nor did they tell anyone to shut up if they didn't agree. you may want to read the post again and this time actually understand what's being said.
No. 609615
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>>609328>>609250>>609257This app is specifically marketed as a tool for "illustration" but even the examples of illustrations made with it are just the person who made the app tracing over the model kek. How is this app any different from those 3D anime model apps like Magic Poser that get criticized in these threads?
No. 609668
>>609646Does the algorithm even exist for the now deserted Tumblr?
Why do people blame it for not doing well on Twitter when follow recommendations only give you a pfp and some text to make yourself look good?
No. 609677
>>609646Have a section of the homepage that has random pieces featured in addition to the standard most recent.
While it wouldn't be a huge exposure boost I have followed artists on sites who I saw randomly appear on a site's frontpage.
No. 609705
>>609615just because it uses the word "illustration", why couldn't it be used for graphics design? i'm not sure anymore if you've seen the video showing how the app works, it's not even tracing over the lines, but using the little model of sorts and filling it out to get these simple characters. looks real handy in my opinion and at this point it kinda feels like you have a vague vendetta against it because you've been convinced by the internet that "tracing bad, and anything resembling it bad too". tools that make your job easier and aren't supposed to make you practice exist.
also this is way different from 3d model apps? those are for you to base the pose off of, you can't get something right by just tracing that since the models aren't perfect, they are just approximations, a guide.
No. 609735
>>609676praise you! couldn't have worded everything better.
the ability to queue artwork is sooo useful. i would like to be able to post without writing any title or description too. also maybe an easy way to link references and such
No. 609747
>>607764All her stuff is still really sexualized too.
Does anyone remember any of the weird old drama in that friendgroup, like with crackednutshell, sutsuki, zayana, and chii? i could have sworn there was some big blowup but i remember so little of it.
No. 609788
>>609747God Chii/Doopie was such a drama magnet back in the day.
Once she stopped posting art/animation and posted some cosplay video,I commented something along the lines of "hey not be be a bother,but are you gonna make any more art videos?" And the next day she uploaded some video crying how she was leaving youtube FOREVER!featuring my comment.
Now at the time she was super popular,so i,as a 12 year old,got absoloutely FLOODED by hate comments and death threats. Even Sutsuki(AmphyPop) sent me hate.
So that was real cool.
Her and TackyAnimations were the teo big drama queens of the community.
No. 609869
>>609788WHEW BOY tackyanimations. I was only 14 I think when she was around and starting trouble and I didn't appreciate that drama enough. Never forgot how she had beef with some random artist named Mei and as a jab at her she recovered her oc to have the exact same color palette and made it her YT background for a month. Seems like nothing now but that absolutely kills me to think about. She was the absolute boogeyman of the art/fanime fandom back in the day.
Too bad she was too much of a freak and ended up getting divorced from her husband and even her best friend who she kept saying was her Asian mail order bride dumped her lol. Nowadays she just posts on tumblr and insta like a regular nobody
No. 609900
>>609869Damn she broke up with her neopets husband? Lmao
The whole Jas (i think her "asian bride"s name was) was so weird.. she would say all sorts of stuff along the lines of "i love her shes so yellow" like how did people tolerate her?
No clue she still posted,damn.
Does she draw anymore?
No. 609915
>>609900No idea how anyone stuck with her for so long. I remember she even met Jas parents more than once and posted on DA about it so more people would believe the 'mail order bride' lie/joke.
It's been over a year since I checked up on her, but nah. She just posted about her cats, fandom, and mentioning her boyfriend every now and then iirc!
It's weird how they all fell so hard except for maybe chi because she rebrands after crying for over a year.
Speaking of old artists (and might make a thread just for early 2000s artists/nostalgia) - I still remember how that artist Steph90(I think?) lost all of her friends /most of her popularity cause she did a shitty animation of her decapitating them (tinachan09 and Drechu) to a BOTDF song lolll
No. 609951
>>609919Same anon and yeah! Her exactly! Sorry it's been a while since I've heard about any of their names. She's since deleted it since she got so much backlash from it but that's pretty much why overnight Tinachan09 and Dreachu replaced her with Riley in their lil triangle.
Went through her videos trying to find it and she last uploaded a month ago - still looks rough and basic as when she first started. Still kinda amazed how many views they all got back in the day. Steph's first animation had over 240k views and that was over 8 years ago.
No. 610084
>>609951Not a day goes by where I wish we could go back in time and gossip about Dreachu, Selph, Tackanimations, Tinachan, Riley, Chii24, etc.
Do any of them make art anymore? I can't imagine they progressed much but it would truly make my year if they have.
No. 610422
Truth is, it isn't. In the long run it will screw you over. I'm friends with an artist that makes tablets review constantly, and they reviewed Huion, Gaomon and XP-Pen.
The video went up and, because at the time I was wondering too if I should save up for the Cintiq or buy a cheaper alternative, I asked my friend if the tablet was really worth it. They told me it isn't, they also told me that these companies told her to remake those reviews because she was being honest saying they weren't that great, since they had X problems.
>TL;DR: save up for a cintiq. No. 610549
>>610545This thread for general advice but there's also
>>102700 if you want people to critique your art.
No. 610606
>>610597i mean you are not entirely wrong, but still, 2nd hand ipads are kinda pricey for a beginner.
if i were to be 100% honest, a beginner that really wants a screen can just get a basic tablet from like huawei or whatever is cheap and just draw with medibang or ibis
No. 610653
>>610569(same anon from the huion driver issue!) Honestly I don't know. Both times I tried using a Huion, I made sure to uninstall any unnecessary drivers or leftover stuff from other tablets. The Huion would work fine most of the time, but it flat out refused to work when I opened my software (Paint Tool SAI).
I've had two Huion tablets so far, one was from a friend who had it lying around for a while after they bought an Intuos, and the other I bought myself because I wanted to break free from the whole Wacom monopoly.
No. 610685
>>610567>>610577>>610653i started with a wacom and it was… fine, but after that one bit the dust i got a huion and it was a gamechanger. it worked better for cheaper, easier to change settings, etc.
after that one died 3 years later (cant remember what happened) i bought the exact same one again. it worked perfectly for a year or two and then suddenly stopped working.
i'd like to think i have a higher-than-average competence with technology and i have absolutely no idea what the problem was. i tried every possible solution from uninstalling and reinstalling every possible driver to buying a new pen and cable. nothing worked. several people have had the exact same problem with no solutions. i don't want to get tinfoily but let's just say i wouldn't be surprised if there was some planned obsolecense going on.
i recently shilled out $400 for an xp-pen (artist 12) and it's really great so far. they have a ton of little screenless tablets in the $30-50 range too. it's my first time owning a screen tablet, so i don't have much to compare it to in that regard, though personally as a professional artist i'd rather be able to mirror my desktop screen (complete with files) to my tablet than buy an iPad and have it be it's own thing. i wish i made more use of the many buttons on the side, but i've been conditioned to use my left hand for keyboard shortcuts.
No. 610740
>>610577i really think huion driver issues are overstated, artists don't necessarily need powerful computers but a 2004 dell laptop will of course have trouble lol.
>>610685mine has lasted me about 5 years at this point? i'm not really familiar with the shelf life of huions tbh, which model did you have?
No. 610773
I feel like I just answered this same question.
I bought an XP Pen Artist 22E Pro after years of being a Wacom junkie, but I wanted to move up to a screen. There were a ton of Youtube reviews talking about how great it was, half the price of a 22 inch Cintiq, and Amazon was having a limited time deal on them so I caved. The result is okay, but it's got some issues.
The driver was a bitch, I downloaded the latest, but it took forever for the driver to see the hardware, then I had more problems when I tried to use it with the shortcut remote they also sell. Got it working eventually, but I'm still not sure why it suddenly worked. Massive parallax, usually disconnects then immediately reconnects after a couple of hours (knocking out the calibration), requiring me to restart my PC to get it to reset properly, sometimes freezes in the calibration screen. And I don't have anything to compare it to, but the screen doesn't feel great under the pen. It's really glossy and it feels like I'm scratching it all the time. I also have to use it with my lights off because the screen reflects the light over my desk so badly.
The pros are plenty, mind. Aside from the price, it's got 16 programable buttons, it is a nice looking monitor, and unlike Wacom, it comes with a great adjustable stand that I just can't fault. It also came with a free additional pen, 8 additional nibs, and a glove. The CP Pen pens themselves aren't as chunky as my old Wacom pens as well.
All in all, I do wish I'd saved longer and gotten a Cintiq, but I got a decent tablet for the budget I had at the time. If I could go back, I think I'd still be using my ancient Intuos 4 a bit longer while I saved for a Cintiq. But to each their own. I wish it more usual for physical stores to have these so you could try them and compare different ones.
No. 610782
>>610773Lmao it sounds more like your PC is a piece of shit dude
The cintiq will not solve your other hardware issues
No. 610819
>>610782seems like wacom's new tactic for getting sales is becoming just having dumb people not being able to operate tablets and thinking that wacom will fix everything for them.
>>610814sai is so old just look for brush making tutorials for it. this is really not the place for such specific questions, use google.
No. 610868
File: 1598042470179.png (227.92 KB, 1080x1080, cyarine_20200821_2.png)

how do you guys currently feel about cyarine's art? I know that she's been discussed constantly but I'm personally sort of like her artwork because of the aesthetic
No. 610925
File: 1598047271267.jpeg (537.66 KB, 750x918, E88220AF-721C-4673-B135-92E50C…)

>>610868Cyarine’s art is a hit or miss for me. Some of her sketchier stuff like the pic you posted looks atrocious, but when she actually puts effort she can make some really pretty art.
No. 610939
>>610868like the other anon said, sometimes her art ends up looking lazy and not rly thought out. probably bc she has such a large following she doesnt need to care about quality as much.
but then the art in which she spends more time on looks a bit better ig
No. 610992
>>610729The Wolfthera inking bundle seems to have a lot of good brushes, but they don't really do it for me.
As a comic artist, I use the Inker brush from the Mojo Ink bundle, with the size pressure curve slightly adjusted. It's been working like a charm for me so far. The Mojo brush bundles are pretty awesome for comic artists in general, actually. They just need some minor tweaking.
No. 611051
>>610888I used a normal tablet for ten years before getting a pen display. For me personally, it made a big difference in comfort because it felt more similar to traditional drawing. I was able to draw more frequently and work for longer periods of time.
There wasn't a significant difference in the quality of the art. The pen display just improved my workflow.
No. 611060
File: 1598059963838.jpeg (16.3 KB, 320x320, B7E2ED2B-7C63-47E9-881A-091F16…)

Does anyone have experience with Gaomon? Are they any decent?
I need urgently a new tablet but the Intuos i was planning to buy is completely out of stock in my region, waiting for a restock would take too long since im already falling behind my work.
Im not a fan of Huion since they seem to not last very long, three years is too little time for tablet rotation.
So im eyeing a gaomon and tbh i get almost the double surface size than a wacom for the same price so it seems like a good deal, their tech seems to be almost the same as wacom since they are of those IP theft chinese grey market companies.
No. 611169
File: 1598068049570.gif (316.17 KB, 414x650, ezgif-7-55bb8376e5cc.gif)

@16pxl on twitter was recently called out for replicating a Disney artwork from 2002, same colors and everything. They only apologized for adding this "study" to their wallpaper set.
Gif of their pixel artwork and the original artwork overlay courtesy of of @16pxl's "original artwork": of callout: No. 611201
>>610512As someone who has used a nonscreen tablet for maybe 7 years, I cannot imagine using a screen tablet. It sounds so inconvenient for my way of working. I sketch traditionally here and there, like during my breaks at work, and all the problems I have with it would transfer over to a screen tablet, minus the lack of ctrl+z and lasso tool and such.
My two main problems are that my hand/pen blocks the image as I'm drawing, and I have to make sure I'm looking at it straight on which can be a hassle and make me hunch. These are things plenty of artists learn to live with, but I'm so spoiled with my computer screen facing me directly and not having a hand or pen in the way of the canvas while I'm making my strokes, I don't want to go back.
I'd like to try a screen tablet out sometime to see if it really is as good as people say, but for the price, its just too much of a gamble.
No. 611215
File: 1598072043745.png (429.71 KB, 489x591, 4.PNG)

Saw this artist online a couple months ago, specifically this piece. its a shame that after i had checked out their gallery i could tell that they reek of some slight SJW-ness because i actually really like this drawing. I guess we just cant have nice things in this world, can we?
No. 611226
File: 1598073970261.png (1.46 MB, 1200x1200, Seelmaru_Seel_Plush_Toy-2_1200…)

>derpy looking "limited release" plush is still cheaper than the cheapest price for her CS adopts (not counting freebies/raffles)
Not really sure how to feel about this besides CS being a joke.
No. 611260
File: 1598076238939.png (1.54 MB, 1200x1200, Seelmaru_Seel_Plush_Toy-3_1200…)

>>611238Good embroidery does not fix poor patternmaking, but that wasn't even the point of the post. This ugly but tangible thing is $25 and she charges well beyond that for the ""rights"" to a scalie drawing with some "specific" features to it lol.
The plush is still a better purchase, even if you are creatively bankrupt.
No. 611270
>>611260Still think it's a cute pattern and apples to oranges dude. You're comparing a mass produced plushie of one single simplistic design to a full on character design. Adoptables are hit or miss imo but atleast you know right upfront what you're getting but, there's literally no correlation comparing a mass produced plushie to and adoptable.
>>611267Don't know if you've seen how bad machine embroidery can get if you're original design isn't right but, I've gotten quite a few machine embroidered patches that look like shit. The machine embroidery looks clean is all I was saying.
No. 611272
File: 1598077119090.png (51.41 KB, 741x327, bsexcuse.png)

>>611169Honestly this response right here says it all. How fucking prideful do you have to be just to be like "redraw, copied, whatever" when just a few days ago you were talking about art thieves. You have over 103k followers bitch, what do you mean you didn't expect it to get attention when your average posts get over 50k likes.
No. 611281
>>611272>>611169This is so obviously fucking traced, I cannot see how she can just brush it off as "lol it's a copy whatever", even someone who tries to replicate an image for a study, can hardly ever get the proportions as perfect as they are in here. Every tree is the exact same height and distant from each other as in the original image, same with the flowers, the bushes, stone steps and the rest aside from lilo and stitch, the only thing that really changes is the colors and the lighting but no way is this just a copy.
Also when someone who does create a copy of a certain original work they usually give a little transformative spin to it, like you see in most screenshot drawing challenges. It's just more fun to copy a scene but in your way instead of creating an exact replica, so I don't don't buy the results nor the motive.
No. 611293
File: 1598079280406.png (1.25 MB, 1200x1200, Chiffon1_2000x_769220c3-259a-4…)

>>611270The legs on it are hideous to me, especially in proportion to the rest of its body. There's a lot of nice looking Makeship plushies (and some other duds too) but that one just feels like wasted potential or mediocre designing.
I'm glad that pic related is getting a "rerun" of sorts, it's nice. The only thing off about it is the slightly stubby arms but otherwise it's a pretty great plush design.
CS are different from regular adopts bc rather than just the design/support alone you're buying "admission" into what are usually extremely petty and drama-prone "clubs" along with your doodle. Really dumb and not worth. I don't have much against regular adopts since it's more about supporting the artist rather than "owning" the work itself, but CS and their comms are pretty awful. Not even once.
No. 611499
File: 1598096744265.png (2.52 MB, 1435x2213, prettygirlart.png)

I know it gets talked about often but I hate this lifeless shit, so boring, unimaginative.
No. 611513
File: 1598098949789.jpeg (147.18 KB, 1222x842, 066547D8-4C0A-4228-A2C0-CF7F79…)

>>611272she keeps doubling down on it being ‘inspired’ instead of saying what it is. COPIED. The further she tries to explain herself (blaming Pinterest in one tweet lul) the more guilty she comes across.
This was traced. Period.
No. 611530
File: 1598100970279.jpeg (564.12 KB, 746x3124, 7B6E1E34-D1C7-4B84-82DA-B1E436…)

I wouldn’t have given a fuck if it wasn’t for the fact that her replies are getting snarky af. Kills me I can’t find the original tumblr call out post about her and her other traces. She has many.
No. 611855
>>611810Yes!! The people who post on their public stories about how much they dread doing their commissions and are procrastinating… are you really gonna make people who are giving you money feel like they're making your life miserable because you have to work for it?
None of these people ever seem to actually be doing it to make a living either, it's more like doing commissions is a status symbol for them and they didn't know it's actually hard work.
No. 611883
>>611855it's always the people that don't need it that get ton of commissions. this is an extreme example but look at sasucchi. she's still living with her family, has (and has had) maids all her life. she really doesn't need all that money she is making and is constantly saying "
oof im so tired i have no motivation im tired of my art sorry to my commissioners" like bitch just don't open commissions at all ?
No. 612049
File: 1598134602477.png (1.23 MB, 828x1792, 86EBF2BF-C75B-480B-8484-0CA2A9…)

>>612046Also one of the people who owns one of the photos even commented,
No. 612127
File: 1598139493374.png (1.98 MB, 1222x2134, thostagram art.png)

Was looking for advice about posting to Instagram and came across Alicja Nai's "Reviewing Your Instagram account" videos on Youtube. From the way she was talking about the accounts of others, I figured she was a legitimate professional artist who produces very high caliber work… but when I checked out her instagram I was disappointed.
At the risk of sounding like Bitter Betty, why do so many of these same-faced, e-thot, sausage lip artists, think that their initial success from drawing instathots, qualifies them as a speaking authority for being a successful artist overall?
It's cringy hearing her giving advice to young artists on things that she doesn't even do herself.
No. 612131
File: 1598139655581.jpeg (229.29 KB, 750x1448, A32DACF4-511E-4F02-9539-E5F189…)

nothing at all is going to happen to her. It’s happened before many many times. She’s a fucking hack.
No. 612171
>>612135>>612135At least I'm self aware lol
It's not that it's boring. I guess it's just frustration that like most artist who jump on the trend, she got an easy ride to fame solely from that, and nothing else. She criticizes some younger artists in the videos, for not having a "high enough art skill" for her to even critique, when her own skills aren't that high either. She's good, but not so good that she can talk about them that way.
It just feels hypocritical.
No. 612180
>>612127Nah you are definitely not bitter. Getting follows on instagram/twitter/etc is a game, following the algorithm of that particular site, having the right style, and kissing ass of specific people. It doesn't necessarily mean you have quality art or that your style is appealing outside social media
My advice is to worry less on getting a following for the sake of it and more on working on your own artistic voice. What do you want to tell people as an artist, stick to that, be consistent in your message, and hone your skills in your style enough to get your message across. And your message doesn't have to be deep, you can get really good at drawing dogs wearing backpacks bc that's what you want to fucking draw. Cool awesome. You need a vision to start. Like writing a novel. Normies gravitate towards consistency over technical skill, consistency in your artistic voice is so important.
No. 612358
File: 1598161449537.png (3.26 MB, 1276x999, neck.PNG)

I keep seeing this girls post promoting her YT channel on the AANI group
All I can see is this girls photoshop neck and she puts on this weird baby voice in all her videos.
She seems like she means well, but she rubs me the wrong way.
Has anyone come across mini-artcows like her before?
No. 612361
>>612358Meh how else is someone supposed to get exposure?
I don’t really see it too much as a problem but I guess that’s just me. Is the space weird?
No. 612393
>>612358Dude, she literally likes every post in AANI on SPS. It kind of annoyed me because she joined in April of this year, posts nearly the same thing each week and her “I miss cons uwu” post garnered 500+ likes.
I can’t take that group seriously because it’s the same cutesy garbage that gets the most attention in SPS. Like, it’s a circlejerk between the more popular artists in the group and others with various styles don’t get a chance.
I’m probably just being a bitter bitch because I never get noticed but whatever.
No. 612397
File: 1598171853464.jpeg (651.38 KB, 1242x1259, E568BAE3-F20F-4DE3-8A44-76F94A…)

Hoo boy… samefag from
>>612393 but it took me a moment, I knew I remembered her from somewhere. This girl collabs with a known art thief who goes by Hoshimi Slimes (A slime seller who employs her own kids and blames them for the initial theft. And they stole from a bunch of other artists as well). See the blue chibi octopus in the IG stories tab? That was a redesign she did for Hoshimi that was stolen from another artist on Instagram.
There was a callout post on Hoshimi Slimes on twitter a while back.
No. 612399
File: 1598172767197.jpeg (257.09 KB, 1800x1631, 06FB9C81-6B67-4D8B-9E7D-C4C8BE…)
A while back, this was posted pretty much detailing the ordeal. Long story short:
>woman took a bunch of images she found on google. Had her daughter trace them to use on merch. Backpedaled hard when confronted and became aggressive when told to stop using it. Used her children as scapegoats to avoid responsibility and then hired to basically redo/do slight changes to art that was stolen. Kawaii knew this was going on and continued to work with them.
No. 612401
File: 1598173044432.png (5.07 MB, 1800x1560, 6C74C04B-C64A-453F-9A3C-9B437B…)

Her “revision” of the art that was taken. Changes were made to get people off their back but they still refused to accept responsibility or apologize to the artists they stole from. is pretty scummy for even having been associated with these people so I wouldn’t put it past her to have done other shady shit.
No. 612469
>>612404Why is everyone on this site obsessed that nothing ever is a copy or a trace, just "coincidences" even when it obviously is?
I get the feeling people get extremely defensive over copycats lately to make being a hack acceptable and not have to put an ounce of the work or creativity themselves.
No. 612493
File: 1598191309034.jpg (1.14 MB, 816x3264, yoda.jpg)

Is it fine to ask for art advice here?
Similar to a different anon, I would love to get back to drawing doodles of shitty anime girls. I used to LOVE drawing but stopped. I just want to express myself as a hobbist. If I achieved a Luna-tier level of skill, I would be happy lmfao.
How do I learn to break down characters (especially human) as well as objects into those basic shapes? Pic related. I get confused by so many things, especially shoulders. Will following the Loomis books (starting with Fun with Pencil) help me with this?
Sorry for shitting up this thread with my newbie bs. I just want to have fun and get back into drawing. I miss being an ignorant weeb and being so happy just drawing, even though I sucked at it.
No. 612531
>>612493what's with anons and thinking the art SALT thread is a place for getting all this art advice? this place is for just that, being salty. if you post your own art you are basically just asking to be insulted.
>>612519if you have nothing to say about a video don't post it, lavandertowne is so bad it's not even funny anymore and no one will watch the video.
No. 612535
>>612531have you read the thread description, angery anon? Because I did:
>Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.I have considered asking in anon art thread, but nobody is even reading /m.
Also I'm not posting my art, IDK why you got that idea
No. 612543
File: 1598197624341.png (1.77 MB, 2070x1380, yoda-reg.png)

>>612493try to simplify everything in your head. a trick may be to think "how would a toddler draw this". attached a reallly rough example.
No. 612549
>>612535>>612543>>612493Anons, just because this salt thread says “art discussion” and “ sometimes, people ask for help” there is a literal forum open to art use and assistance, who aren’t complete assholes about it:
>>243951>>243951>>243951Gtfo the page or go back to the top of this thread where you can clearly read Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc, that are FREE online. Stop clogging up the forum just because “Art discussion” is in the Title
No. 612570
>>612559> She has 200k followers, she's successful cause she knows how to appeal to a broad fanbase, and market herself to them, as well as how to use the algorithmWhich brings it back to what op was taking about:
> why do so many of these same-faced, e-thot, sausage lip artists, think that their initial success from drawing instathotsThe person got their success due to doing what a majority of popular artist do: draw e-thots
This isn’t because she’s this marketing genius, she’s just playing by the rules given to her- that doesn’t make her any better that any other ethot artist out there- like, op showed us a pic of their work, and you’re saying that they deserve their followers
>SO many of you younger artists are just delusionalKek
> want to think that these artists are a fluke and an accident instead of a specific type of brandingLiterally not what we were discussing, our old-and-wise anon
Still think this hit too close to home for this anon
No. 612578
File: 1598203558531.png (2.51 MB, 1278x1772, 17CFFFB4-1828-46C0-B67F-F20463…)

>>612404I couldn’t tell if you were being willingly obtuse or you really are that stupid. Read the post.
Here’s another example of being creatively bankrupt. She probably saw this as easy money and went along for the ride but that doesn’t excuse her for being a hack artist.
No. 612597
>>612570>The person got their success due to doing what a majority of popular artist do: draw e-thots>This isn’t because she’s this marketing genius, she’s just playing by the rules given to herThat's literally what marketing is genius. Not every basic bitch artist is gonna get 200k followers. If young people don't know shit about the algorthim or building a fanbase then she can give advice to help on that front even though her art advice may be shit.
>Literally not what we were discussingExcept that this is what we're discussing?? OP asked what entitles these people to give advice, and branding is a part of that which she clearly has gotton the hang of which entitles her to give advice on that aspect of being an artist.
No. 612624
>>612404Wtf is up with people being super sensitive about "cancelling"???
It's not really "cancelling" if it's just the expectation that someone owns up to their shit and takes responsibility for the bullshit they pull. This is literally a gossiping board. You are a fucking clown.
No. 612673
File: 1598216575547.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_2020-08-23-07-20-59…)

I found this artist recently through Mewtripled. Thoughts?
No. 612676
File: 1598217015246.jpeg (628.71 KB, 1448x2048, EgHyXbeUYAAhD0l.jpeg)

Kristia/raiko/megat0nraid/averia changed her twitter handle again from vannicecream to vanillasketches kek. Also this gets progressively worse the longer you stare at it. She stopped tracing only to buy CSP and fake every single detail. And people praise her for having a keen eye on details? Bitch cant even use it right
No. 612681
File: 1598217573930.jpeg (365.39 KB, 928x1858, 1FA72F8F-417C-4C5E-BF2B-CB2A4B…)

>>612673jesus christ she really can't draw dogs
No. 612683
>>612673I'm pretty sure this is mewtriple's best friend. Her art is even messier than mew's kek.
I don't think she ever does fully polished artwork because it's all similar to what you posted. How do people like this get through art school?
No. 612698
File: 1598218818248.jpeg (101.32 KB, 848x1200, Ef5kjO7UMAA0tbc.jpeg)

All those years tracing and absolutely nothing learned.
No. 612702
>>612693could be a fun thread, coomers are really stupid and have their own overly long idiotic dramas.
>>612698i'm crying laughing at how bad this is, why doesn't she just start from the basics or give up lmao
No. 612706
File: 1598219275668.jpeg (281.56 KB, 1448x2048, EgEA5UoUMAA11cZ.jpeg)

>>612702These are all recent drawings she did.
She's quickly gaining back followers tbh
No. 612712
File: 1598219858311.jpeg (251.3 KB, 750x648, F6E77F7C-1DB5-497A-84B3-907C72…)

>>612676> designKek
Any reason as to why vanillasketches changed whole account again?
Last time I checked, she was gaining more followers and offering commissions, what happened?
No. 612720
File: 1598221141090.jpeg (761.12 KB, 750x848, F0893A08-20D9-4672-8807-E42291…)

I love how they decided not to change the body at all lol
No. 612746
>>612706That's where "tracing as a practice" gets you.
>>612712Must be tiring to create new ko-fi pages every month.
No. 612765
>>612741Probably they may delete the posts that have fewer likes, so that their account will only feature their most popular posts.
I've seen some artists do that on IG a few times before. Either that or they could be simply redirecting followers from other social media they might have such as a Twitter.
No. 612767
>>612128This is a little confusing to be honest. I thought they were going to do a dance competition to dance against each other, but I guess they're just in the castle dancing? Why are they dancing with each other? Why did they decide to dance if it wasn't a competition and there will be no winner?
I must've missed something.
No. 612788
>>612776I know they're battling for control, and I know it's just animating dancing for the sake of flair.
But in terms of the story and the characters, it doesn't really make any sense. There are a lot of other ways to have the characters dance to the music with just as much flair and be just as interesting. If you just want to animate something fun, that's fine, but if it doesn't really match the other parts of the series you've already made, maybe try a different idea?
No. 612989
File: 1598258129077.png (344.62 KB, 486x895, zhfp.PNG)

I've been seeing lots of people calling out this twitter user who "fixes" characters by redrawing them as fatter and blacker. I'm just baffled how someone so shit can be so delusional.
No. 612995
File: 1598258566925.png (357.46 KB, 602x702, zhfp4.PNG)

>>612989last pic, people are already catching on and "re-drawing" her artwork. People are also pointing out this may be a troll due to how new the account is but I'm not too sure.
No. 613008
>>612999Shortcuts or techniques arent bad when used PROPERLY the thing is kristia/raiko sloppily uses them to call it a day ON A COMMISSION. Output shitty quality for all your personal art all u want but imo if youre doing this paid and sloppily doing everything then both she and whoever is paying her are dumbfucks.
When used properly those preset laces and shit look well but you can just clearly see kristia doesnt give a shit to blend it.
No. 613011
File: 1598260549995.jpg (43.2 KB, 686x960, sheneverwatchedLLbutdecidedtor…)

>>612992This person's been doing so many technically racist redraws that would always look as ugly as possible that I am sure her account is nothing but a bait/troll for likes.
No. 613036
>>610084Chii does under DoopieDoOver. She also has a porn twitter. I know Drea was still doing art a few years back but I haven't checked.
Maybe we should make an oldschool Youtube Artist thread here lmao
No. 613076
File: 1598268443923.png (263.87 KB, 822x441, bugeyedbitch.png)

>>613075Samefag to show the initial sketch and how doomed from the start it was, to the final abomination
No. 613106
File: 1598272188133.png (292.93 KB, 587x484, 237928213.png)

Back with the same shit… why would you EVEN COMPLAIN about getting commissions like… Just don't take them? STOP BITCHING ABOUT YOUR JOB.
No. 613281
File: 1598283587720.png (2.56 MB, 2596x3030, eW0CR6w.png)

would ANYONE pay $80 for this? LMAO
No. 613283
>>612992Wasn’t this the same chic that confronted CS about one of her commissions, doing a redraw of it?
>>613075She was never that great at art, and while I was never a big fan of her vids, she always seemed adorable. I’m surprised that she’s still on yt
No. 613336
>>613281i personally wouldn't but it looks fine to me, and it's not like the commissioner is getting scammed…they have eyes. if they felt like it wasn't worth the money they simply wouldn't pay.
"i don't like this" =/= "the artist shouldn't charge people this much money for it"
No. 613418
File: 1598290982526.jpeg (52.51 KB, 1024x576, EgI46x_XYAI19Fj.jpeg)

This is what people on Twitter are calling good design now? The katakana logo is completely unreadable.
>>613383Fucking kek'd. The "fixed" screenshot should've had the arms edited to be as big as the body and have the skin edited to be dark brown for maximum accuracy.
No. 613429
>>613281I wouldn't, but other people might. If this artist can get commissions while charging 80 dollars, good for them. The art has some flaws, but it's cute, simple, and furry, so someone is bound to like it.
There's really nothing wrong with this piece or the artist's prices.
No. 613445
File: 1598291798724.png (233.16 KB, 1024x576, e88f7ds.png)

>>613418took me a hot minute to figure out why did they write "Nayano" when the brand or whatever seems to be chai lol.
(also unrelated but i removed the weird decoration from the bottom design bc i just didn't like it lol)
No. 613742
>>613445All 3 logos are overdesigned as fuck, particularly the katakana one. The one you edited looks so much better just from having the cloud thing removed, but it still looks like it says Chi instead of Chai (not your fault lol).
>>613573Muslims can't create visual representations of Muhammad iirc. Drawing people is ok.
No. 613818
>>613742It is actually haram to draw any people in orthodox Islam, it's why they use all that geometric flower patterning to decorate their places of worship instead of sexy statues and paintings. Obviously that's out of fashion now, imagine trying to tell a young person that they can't take selfies or draw their favorite Kpop oppa.
>>612992 is probably a troll either way
No. 613978
File: 1598303863172.jpeg (220.71 KB, 750x746, 4703C301-AA55-474F-869C-42B415…)

>>613964Even the account name: ZeeFixesArt
Person obvi looking for the lulz
The people who actually take this guy seriously and who fall for their ideology… yikers
No. 614282
File: 1598326160755.jpeg (47.86 KB, 250x349, CE1505DD-3A12-4955-952F-E1900B…)

This is a half black Japanese singer semi famous in the 80s whose name is Miss Monday
No. 614283
File: 1598326236854.png (139.08 KB, 640x512, 35CB67BB-1AE8-44E5-98B4-8486C8…)

THIS is ‘Miss Monday’ from One Piece. It’s like the meme in reverse but just irl racism lol
No. 614284
File: 1598326283416.png (35.05 KB, 457x505, 9127FC9F-B36A-4BD4-B0F1-8B66DE…)

Does Twitch actually investigate artists who do immoral things and get flamed by Twitter for a day or 2 if we tell them about it?
Feels weird to see a site have this much to its reporting features.
No. 614290
File: 1598326500372.jpeg (240.27 KB, 1920x1080, EgN6n8mUMAAShMr.jpeg)

This is worse than comic sans. Also pimple for nose? Raiko you are delusional.
No. 614294
File: 1598326775641.jpg (23.94 KB, 476x385, 57e7ba74215bb83ccbccb7a5c8f52d…)

>>614282>>614283Did someone really think she looks like that drawing? Are they delusional, or it some weird in-joke (or ironic thing, like when they name men in dresses/drag queens after feminine celebrities), kek?
No. 614425
>>613383>>613510And make the tits smaller and give her some stretch marks.
Honestly though it's the worst trend ever. People taking Japanese/Korean artists' work and just redrawing or editing it and posting it in the comments with "fixed it" tagged to it. I've seen them do it to literal unofficial gijinka interpretations, like taking the Japanese artist's drawing and coloring everyone black skinned just because they want to. Like what sort of a tactless ape does that?
>>613978NB fat activist lgbt libfems wouldn't use the term "scrote" because it would hurt pwecious male feelings. This is 100% a troll.
No. 614834
File: 1598377614756.jpg (258.97 KB, 1080x1051, 20200826_004428.jpg)

No. 614930
>>614834The hair looks like sausages.
Also like
>>614846 said, this is actually a huge reason behind this “sjw style.” Years back on Tumblr there was a shift from everyone drawing anime-esque art to getting sick of it and declaring that the anime style made you creatively bankrupt. Some artists switched to learning semirealism, copying the Disney style, western superhero comic style, or actually coming up with a decent style of their own. But those who weren’t talented enough jumped on the SU “calarts” style because it looked so easy.
Ofc this doesn’t apply to all of these artists, I think the younger ones who weren’t around for that are just following trends, but it’s something I noticed from following the Tumblr art scene.
No. 615049
File: 1598393998258.jpeg (331.64 KB, 828x1262, B376E92D-C6DD-4701-B8E1-CCCDEC…)

I really wish more artists on Twitter would make separate art and personal accounts. Nothing is more annoying than seeing someone retweet cool art, going to the artist’s profile, and being met with no art and only game screenshots.
No. 615065
>>615063moments were always complete dog shit, really hidden and you needed to link them everywhere, and if you wanted to compile art after a few posts they would only let you put more posts in there on desktop for some reason when desktop twitter went to shit.
i really hate twitter, which is amplified by the fact even more that i don't like instagram so i keep using it.
No. 615102
File: 1598398797541.jpeg (78.69 KB, 1100x695, Ef3irAeXYAIlutH.jpeg)

this looks amazing and not that good at the same time
No. 615122
>>615102The hat flat out looks like a cookie
Also the whole plastic-like rendering kinda throws me off, but maybe that's just me.
No. 615153
>>615147I can see the influence of all of those styles except the one on the middle left.
Ironically, that middle left is the best one in the bunch.
No. 615170
File: 1598407165977.jpeg (599.67 KB, 1600x2400, 32E4533C-0715-43EB-BE66-957623…)

>>615147Why does she hide her biggest influence? Also LavenderTowne pisses me off on a special level, she pairs together twig arms with whatever leg size she feels like.
No. 615206
>>615203I'm on the same boat, Twitter and Instagram are both ass platforms for artists unless you draw pretty model girls or the next trendy stuff.
Plus Twitter's cropping is horrible.
No. 615254
>>614834does anyone know any artists with a style like the 2015 one? pretty cute
2020 is just tragic
No. 615370
File: 1598430742144.jpg (322.8 KB, 1200x1892, 20200826_082137.jpg)

>>615122I think the only problems are the lack of understanding of hand anatomy and construction.
Imo This type of plastic rendering can be a hit or miss sometimes.
Pic Related
No. 615383
File: 1598432284560.jpeg (419.3 KB, 1080x1620, 4F1BCDD9-CAD0-4BEF-AB25-B83822…)

If it wasn’t for yuumei’s huge watermark, I never would’ve thought this art is her’s. It’s so low quality and rushed compared to what she normally puts out. The bottle doesn’t even have an even shape.
No. 615413
File: 1598433941103.png (390.89 KB, 590x445, yuumei.PNG)

>>615383What are you on anon? The bottle is perfectly even, it's by no means low quality even though it's just a tiny bit more rough due to less clean outlines. Not to mention in that very post Yuumei is talking about her health issues developed from overworking herself with art. I know it's artist salt thread but how could you see that post and think, yeah i'm gonna complain about supbar quality?
No. 616092
>>615413The drawing is mostly fine, it's just that some parts (like the girl's face) are rough and a bit deformed.
But health issues from overworking on art? She's been going on for ages about how her hands are fucked up from drawing too much, and it made sense some time ago when she used to put out a lot more content. But now she doesn't draw that quickly anymore, I believe she posts like one thing a month and it's in a very simplified style compared to the full pieces she used to do. Even her new artbook contains very old art, and as far as I know she's not involved in any major projects. I don't want to sound like an asshole, but this sounds like her trying to get pity points by blaming her working hard on art while it may even be an unrelated issue. She's so into victimizing herself afterall.
No. 616104
>>6160921. Not posting doesn't mean she's not creating art.
2. Even if she's not drawing as much, don't you think it might be because she's having issues with her hands? You know, those things you need to be able to draw?
Not even wking but this is the dumbest thing I've read here.
No. 616183
>>616109Agreed. I don’t know why but when I was younger there were a lot of times I saw artists complaining about health issues and I thought “oh that will never happen to me!” Cue me getting older and now suffering from a lot of neck/shoulder pain and eye strain.
The most frustrating one is there’s a raw area on my finger now from where I keep pressing my pen into my hand. It hurts so much sometimes that even a bandaid cover doesn’t help.
No. 616299
File: 1598486299636.jpeg (477.34 KB, 750x854, DA600A12-2FB6-4BE9-A73C-BDCFA5…)

Not nearly as bad as some other stuff posted here, but a downgrade nonetheless. Went from being cute and generic to boring and generic. At least they finally gave her hands.
No. 616505
File: 1598515914482.png (78.26 KB, 590x711, gingerhazing.PNG)

So apparently Noelle Stevenson (director of She-Ra) is facing cancellation now? Given she was considered for ages to be that "wholesome cinnamon bun lesbian creator that can do no wrong", and she has just created the - possibly - most inclusive mainstream children show, that's pretty surprising. But at the same time, her audience is the crowd that loves to cancel people so probably it was the matter of time.
No. 616512
File: 1598516441985.png (27.84 KB, 611x263, noelle.png)

>>616505Got terribly curious and looked this up. I've never watched She-Ra so I don't know the characters well, but the mentioned Bow is black. Imagine a joke like this being an issue. lmao.
No. 616515
>>616511Ok I've just found a thread and it's beyond ridiculous. has to mostly apologize to what the host said, not her herself, and apparently people are the most offended about the fact she (or the crew) said that Bow brother could be called Sow which apparently is a direct reference to slavery (???). What I've seen mentioned a lot is that she said the evil d-slur, which, as turns out, was her saying the name of someone else's podcast "Desperate House Dykes", after the host was plugging it.
Crazy there even had to be an apology in the first place.
No. 616519
>>616515It wasn't even Noelle who said the "d slur", it was a male member of the stream. And he apparently even asked permission before saying the name of the podcast.
I am swimming, SWIMMING in this milk.
No. 616523
File: 1598517567367.png (17.95 KB, 584x175, the_PAIN.PNG)

>>616505Imagine being this fragile.
I'm all for representation in the media but it's such a challenge to do because everyone is at your throat then, the conservative crowd for attempting anything and the progressive crowd waiting for a single, smallest slip.
No. 616530
File: 1598518962864.jpeg (178.05 KB, 750x982, E4F2737B-E27A-41B0-840A-AE0B7E…)

>>616505I mean I guess there’s a way it can be seen as misinterpreted but exactly why the fuck does she need to be cancelled? This seems much more innocent than intended and there’s be so much worse said out there. Why do shows like this, Steven Universe, etc cultivate people like this? Aren’t these shows about change and growth?
No. 616540
>>616530I think it’s more that the white privilege of her and the other non-black people on the show finally slipped out since it just showed they were super ignorant in that they didn’t even think about the implications of what an all black field working farmer family can correlate to, especially on a show that had no black writers. Like since it just happened, this is like the start of HER recognizing her own privilege as a white person so of course she HOPEFULLY changes and grows (but iirc when she did comics she also ran into a lot of weird drama with that that I barely remember). But also, she’s a white darling in media too so this will all blow over in like a week and she still has a job somewhere, like it happens with all white people called out.
Tho also the fact that the man who said the stuff people were mainly offended by wasn’t blamed as harshly as her, like it’s another double standard in that being out as a marginalized creator means, at least on twitter, you have to be some weird paragon of your marginalization.
(global rule 7) No. 616542
>>616505>>616512Wasn't this the person that was sinking her teeth into JKR's throat and getting tons of clout for owning the terves? She might as well burn for all I care for taking part in creating this oversensitive cancel culture suffocating open discussion and feeding on destroying people on their path. Watching her quiver and crawl on the ground begging for forgiveness over such a non-issue like this is absolutely a pathetic sight to see but you made that bed and now you have to lie on it. Imagine
willingly cultivating a culture like this only to be cannibalized by it.
>>616540Go back to Twitter or get a life. Good god.
No. 616549
File: 1598520722695.png (867.18 KB, 946x1468, gluca.png)

sooooo this is interesting. this gluca.con person opened commissions a few weeks ago because she needed money to pay for her very expensive studies, but turns out she is spending part of it on commissioning other artists?
No. 616557
>>616550It's not that deep. If you overreact that much then you really should learn to be better.
>>616555This. Farmers and farming is a thing that has more of a "comfy" light on internet nowadays with the hype of cottagecore.
No. 616567
>>616548If I understand it right it's a price of a course, materials and one-on-one mentorship, right? That would make the price somewhat fair, and even though definitely wont get a complete beginner to a pro level as in - getting a job in the industry - I believe if someone actually sticks to it and practices as advised, after a year they would be on a level that would allow them to make some money as a freelance artist. So I guess it's not so bad?
Something I don't like about courses of any kind is the display of student's work, because it often implies that yes, they learnt all of this at our course! And from my experience these students are always already developed artists who just took given course to polish some skills or refresh the basics they already understand.
No. 616568
>>616555This. I’m probably a sjw snowflake by lolcow standards, but even I see nothing wrong with this. Black farmers exist irl, would the people trying to cancel Noelle want to cancel the black farmers just doing their job because they’re “pushing racist, outdated stereotypes” or whatever?
This is just another case of oversensitive babies on twitter demanding that everyone cater to their narrow worldview.
No. 616594
>>616530Overly sensitive people like this congregate around things that are wholesome, diverse, and "aesthetic." That basically rules out everything except children's cartoons. These people are also stunted in terms of maturity, which is another reason why they gravitate towards children's media. The problem is, they hold the staff on the shows to the same absurd standard they hold the shows themselves to, which is unrealistic. The shows are "wholesome" because they're for children, but kids shouldn't be browsing the creators' Twitter feeds. Cartoons are regulated and focus-grouped, but ordinary adults private lives obviously aren't.
These crazies can't separate fiction from reality. They think that whenever an artist or writer depicts something, they must personally endorse it 100%. They also think that they can't like a piece of fiction if the creator disagrees with them in any capacity or does something "
problematic." As if artists are politicians or something. It's ridiculous.
No. 616596
File: 1598526318255.png (65.71 KB, 741x879, EAC82CE1-1C68-4F9F-866F-3FB932…)

Tom Kenny's son Mack works as an intern at Cartoon Network thanks to daddy's connections. For weeks on end he's been harassing the creator of Heartbeat and her wife with daily messages like pic related. He says her art looks like CWC's, despite the fact that his own art is trash.
No. 616603
File: 1598526886710.png (246.97 KB, 1067x1080, NITRA PITCH DRAWINGS.png)

>>616596Here's a piece of his art. It's just generic, Steven Universe knockoff crap.
His senior thesis animation is
horrible. The movements are stiff and there are like three frames a second. It looks like the kind of crappy animation you'd see in a Jumpstart game from the late nineties. This guy is Dunning-Kruger incarnate.
No. 616609
>>616596>>616603Wait why is he doing this? I'm missing some key details here, did he have a falling out with them or something? Did they reject his artwork? Is he a closeted tranny? Someone please elaborate what's his damage.
Anyway his artwork looks like a creatively comatose calarts ripoff. Absolutely no soul or talent, just a mish-mash of the most popular cartoon shows thrown in a blender. It's a shame how far nepotism gets you in the industry, if it was anyone else he'd be struggling to get any commercial work done.
No. 616621
File: 1598528534972.png (83.02 KB, 747x889, eTXJb1c.png)

>>616609Okay samefagging because I actually went to see what this was about. Found the imgur album with all the screencaps about the messages he sent: he had been doing this every day for two weeks, completely unprovoked like the message logs show. He sounds unhinged as fuck and I don't know if he's been on a drug bender or just having a severe psychotic episode that lasted for 14 days or something but this is some weird fucking shit. He's spouting straight out misogynistic and homophobic shit in her face and literally bragging about him being "cis, straight and in a happy relationship" to a lesbian artist.
For those who weren't following the drama last year, the wife/girlfriend of one of the (female) creators of a game called Heartbeat tweeted about being fed up with lesbians being coerced into sex by trans women and naturally got the unholy rage of the troon loons laid upon her. I'm guessing this harassment was ignited by that because he keeps bringing up how trans people are "so much more talented" and interesting than she is and how she's secretly lusting after them and you know the rest. I just have no idea why he decided NOW to start harassing her like this. Maybe he's just clinically insane but jesus christ these messages are fucking disturbing.
No. 616642
File: 1598532127303.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1596, 20200827_204150.png)

"Different" …raiko this is how you usually color. Guess shes back profiting off faking the persona style again.
No. 616660
>>616652Doubt it, he seems like too much of a narc. His dad will probably shield him from any career consequences, too. Although if I was a parent and my adult son got in trouble for talking like this, I wouldn't stick my neck out for him. Frankly I would be embarrassed, and feel that he would deserve whatever he had coming for being so unprofessional.
Pretty fucking amazing that a straight, rich, white guy harassing a lesbian on behalf of other straight guys in dresses is just fine, but a woman accidentally associating a black character with farming is a cardinal sin.
No. 616663
File: 1598533962853.jpg (59.09 KB, 526x526, mack kenny, tom kenny's…)

>>616609There's more context in the Twitter Hate thread here
>>616604He's an incel looking ass (which is probably the actual reason why) but apparently it's because the
victim Nikoteenie made an RPG game a few years back (Heartbeat) that didn't white knight good enough for tr00ns.
Yes. Really.
This went on for weeks, so it probably isn't a first time isolated incident. This shit has to be a habit, and the fact that he's confident/crazy/retarded enough to use his main account is a huge red fucking flag.
I hope Nikoteenie snitches to his parents and that anyone who cares retweets this shit to his employers so this privileged incel tard doesn't get away with this retarded behaviour just because his B-list celeb daddy has connections.
No. 616665
>>616663Ah feck wrong post, hate this lol system
>>616429 No. 616735
>>616505>>616530>>616725lmaoooo court that audience and reap the the rewards
or should i say sow that audience
No. 616787
>>616542Wow I remember her for all the avengers comics she used to draw. But lmao @ the crowd she tried to appeal to is eating her alive. Classic.
>>616765Didn’t one of them out themselves here once? There’s probably a whole group of them that post here and try to bring they’re gender special woke shit into the thread.
No. 616862
>>616505Damn, they really do eat their own.
>>616523This mentality is what I hate about twitter/tumblr purity culture. They spend so much energy looking for someone, just one singular person who they can declare free of sin, but they can’t accept that everyone has said or done something mildly insensitive at least once in their life. They think separating art from the artist is going to make them morally bankrupt, but if they can’t do that then they’ll have nothing left to enjoy.
No. 617023
File: 1598561264827.png (33.21 KB, 300x381, d8bd05c5eb23.png)

Does anyone have any idea on how to reverse search the image that had been digitally traced? I tried google but atlas to no avail.
>pic related
No. 617074
File: 1598565762937.jpg (101.63 KB, 920x595, 612a6ff3b3cf37ccbbb5d1c8229fc3…)

>>617071i forgot what her actual art looked like so i went to go check on it and wow is it boring. how does she land so many good gigs? is she a good writer or somethin?
No. 617089
File: 1598566977010.jpg (252.59 KB, 1600x1200, 0498a6aeda23b69fb5588364ccb4e0…)

>>617074I was wondering where I'd seen her art before and I only just realized she did illustrations for Fangirl, a novel about a fanfiction writer. There was a comic page on the back cover by her and it irked me because even though I actually really like her style, the expressions of the characters were really bland compared to how I imagined when reading it.
No. 617128
File: 1598571207619.png (446.75 KB, 700x1722, F0EA54EA-8937-4DC8-9988-F6E7D2…)

>>617107Me too, but it reminded me how much I loved Hark! A Vagrant back in the day.
No. 617250
>>617174Half of it, then I had other stuff to do.
Thing is, I'm note sure if you can copyright structure as in structure = concept/ idea. Jake did his own drawings and his own texts (I assume) as far as I could tell by the video. Where I live, you can't copyright ideas or concepts, only specific wordings or pictures can be. Don't know if there's a difference in the USA. Also the book was published by a publisher, so we don't know how much say Parker had in creating the book. Can be that the publisher wanted to do a book with Parker, some intern then ripped the concept off of this other book and Parker only did the drawings and said yes to the rest.
If this guy thinks he has enough proof for copyright violations, why does he do this video? Why does he go after Parker, instead of the publisher? If it would be me, I would go straight to a lawyer and let them handle it to get me my compensation for this violation. I think he's doing the video bc it's not enough proof and/ or he's to pissed to think straight for a second.
No. 617258
File: 1598586204067.jpeg (107.77 KB, 1023x617, BD65A0F4-1453-4AAF-9EE3-E10C2A…)

>>617074Fred out here looking like SFV Cody.
No. 617407
File: 1598606820825.jpg (55.07 KB, 928x333, 20200821_141140.jpg)

>>617350Its a whole pain in the ass to find an english comment on their apology video. This comment sums up what they exactly did in the past
No. 617464
>>617250Are you the same anon who sperged about the octopus drawing? Why did you make a wall of text without even watching the video?
Doesn't matter much if parker had a lot or no say in the book, he signed his name as the author so he is an accomplice. It's not about copyrighting, it's about plagiarism as the title says.
Anyway,my only critique to alphonso was that he should have waited to actually see the finished and published book before doing this. Not only he would be able to point out whatever was stolen in a better way, but he would have known for sure if he didn't credit him at any point.
No. 617487
>>617464Don‘t know what octopus you‘re referring to.
lol I have a life and can‘t watch such a long video at once. Never said I won‘t watch the rest. Don‘t be a sissy.
>His name is on the cover so he did everything himself.You know ghostwriters exist.
Also, what I forgot yesterday. Alphonso should go to his own publisher and inform them about this. That‘s why you have a publisher — they usually have more ressources to go after such things.
I don‘t like Alphonso’s video bc he‘s basing his accusations on an unfinished product. There‘s no real proof. The preview could be pulled and the final published book could look different. So in the end, doesn‘t matter how morally right Alphonso is, when the final product looks different he‘s the dumb one.
Alphonso can be as much angry as he wants, I‘m just tired of all these people fighting publicly. How about talking face to face before calling for pitchforks.
No. 617618
File: 1598629596139.jpeg (529.06 KB, 750x981, F12A6A06-7900-47DE-A1F2-65F24A…)

I wish this was a joke but all the hands they draw look like this
No. 617822
>>617487>lol I have a life and can‘t watch such a long video at once.The fuck that has anything to do with my point? Take a week to watch the video, then make your post. A genuine tip for you is to watch long videos at youtube at a higher speeds. Some peoplw talk really slow (like alphonso).
Go read my post again. Never have I said he did the whole thing alone idk where you pulled that out. When you fucking sign your name on something it doesn't matter if you hired somebody else to do the whole thing, you are part of it.
>I‘m just tired of all these people fighting publiclyThe irony of you here on lolcow ranting about stuff you don't know about and saying this.
No. 617892
>lol I have a life and can‘t watch such a long video at once.Then don't comment on something you haven't watched all the way through. You can't get the full story of something from watching 1/2 of it.
And wtf do you mean unfinished product? Jake was showing previews of the actual finished book that's on preorder. It's 100% finished. Either watch the whole video to see the multiple examples Alphonso gave or don't comment on it.
And art thieves/people who plagiarize need to be called out publicly, especially when your as influential as and have a big following as much as Jake has. This isn't the early 2000's where people could just fiend naivety and not knowing. It's 2020 and if you're a grown ass adult that plagiarizes/steals things at this point, you have no excuse other than straight up malicious intent. Call that bullshit out. People have no excuse to be doing it in this day and age.
No. 617944
>>617625you realize a lot of tutorials are how to draw something in the artist's own style right? most of these tutorials aren't "here's how to draw faces the correct way".
isn't school back in session now? shouldn't some of these braindead anons start filtering out?
No. 618235
File: 1598662648054.jpg (348.61 KB, 1000x623, Ef-pfYgWoAQ-keB (1).jpg)

Why is there so much western lesbian art of girls that straight-up look like men? I get wanting to draw diverse bodies and faces, but the right character literally looks like a cartoon Jock. Is it just straight up a tranny fetish? Cause I've never seen a real woman who looks like this
No. 618236
File: 1598662896663.jpg (102.11 KB, 1080x1080, Ed4H-9VVAAEsWWB.jpg)

>>618235I keep seeing this over and over again in webcomics especially
No. 618269
>>618235"Progressive" artists thinking that buff, big women must always look like macho men.
They think they're breaking the norms and being ultra mega diverse when actually they're just drawing a straight couple.
No. 618291
File: 1598667112665.jpeg (363.76 KB, 1920x1920, EgivreoUwAEKe1y.jpeg)

Jake Parker's put out a statement on twitter saying that "I swear I didn't plagiarize you guiz"
No. 618294
File: 1598667176147.jpeg (313.09 KB, 1920x1920, EgivrenVgAA19rd.jpeg)

>>618291(2/2) saged because I don't know if people even want to discuss this dude who's obviously desperate to cling to relevancy
No. 618401
>>618027I think people often missunderstood that the problem that Jake stole Alphonsoo cirriculum not the term but the whole cirriculum look similiar, how the chapter presented and layout. When I read the preview of the inktober book is really lack of his own thoughts
But seriously what's wrong people nowdays turn this plagiarize issue into race political issue.
No. 618472
>>618464My advice would be to break down your art by it's components. Factors like line (thickness, colour, clean/messy), colours, the proportions you use, the ranges of values you use, the underlying structure of your art. Picking it apart piece by piece can help you realise what's the same across what you make, and from there you can choose to differentiate it.
Part of it is just trying to find common features across your art, like if you mostly draw characters, do you usually draw them ¾? Front facing? Do you ever draw them from below or above, or only straight on?
If you look at the principles of design or elements of art, you can eventually home your eye to be more critical of your own art. In the time being, just try learning more, even about art skills that may seem boring. If you haven't tried perspective or composition, find resources on those. The more well rounded your abilities are, the more you improve overall as well as in specific areas. Draw things you're uncomfortable with drawing. Objects, landscapes, animals, people. Skills build upon each other.
You could post some of your art in the Rate My Art /m/ thread, asking for feedback. There are other sites like some art subreddits (r/learntodraw) that may help, but a lot of the time their feedback tends to be somewhat hugbox-y.
No. 618491
File: 1598684543557.jpg (642.72 KB, 1000x1200, twit.jpg)

An artist I follow on Twitter has been retweeting art from complete /beg/s as a "promote new artists!" thing, and I am CACKLING at how obviously traced the head is.
No. 618494
>>618464Not exactly what you're asking for, but if I were you, I'd just try to get out of my comfort zones.
Firstly, how does your usual workflow look? Do you sketch out the whole body via stick figures / gesture lines, and then refine, or do you start with the left eye and work from there with minimal guidelines? Whatever you do, find a different way to start your piece. Mix up all your steps into random parts of the process where possible. This may take some research, don't be afraid to read other people's techniques and approaches. Watch a large variety of artists speedpaints (unironically)
Second is draw things you're not used to. Do you draw pretty girl busts? Draw a robot, draw your cat, draw the bowl of fruit sitting on your table that you don't grab from as often as you should. If you find yourself stagnating with the style you draw your usual subjects in, drawing these other things might help you find different ways to portray shapes and ideas. It might not be as fun or as comfortable but its good for you, like medicine.
A lot of drawing is just getting a trained enough eye, which it sounds like you're developing. Its a long process of trying to view things critically and openly pretty much constantly in your day to day life.
No. 618770
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>>618294 Apparently the publisher Jake went with made a statement on Twitter about how they're postponing the book release.
No. 618772
File: 1598723135381.png (98.43 KB, 1080x734, Screenshot_2020-08-29-13-42-13…)

And deviantart canceled their inktober event
No. 618812
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Lightbox Expo followed suit.
I guess this was the art community's last straw.
No. 618816
>>618780I mean… Jake Parker wasn't exactly great anyway so I struggle to feel sorry for him.
People will forget soon enough anyway, same as it was with Noah Bradley.
No. 618852
>>618472>>618494Thank you, these are both very helpful comments!
I don't have much experience in looking at my art critically but I can't wait to learn and now I feel like I have some steps to start with.
No. 618896
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You guys are probably tired of these but this was on my explore and I thought it was hilarious
No. 618951
>>616449As much as this may seem like a cut and dry case, I feel like Peter Han made a good point about this situation. Just how many ways are there to phrase and present the same information.
Link to Peter Han's opinion (Instagram video): No. 619078
File: 1598759663795.jpeg (575.03 KB, 750x1112, 8EE5464A-4C17-4BB3-8491-C0A0F9…)

artist from the op pic said they’re going to try to put more detail back into their style. I think part of the reason why their style is so simple in the first place is that they like to draw on a phone a lot, not just a tablet. It’s nice that they seem to be accepting criticism I guess.
No. 619130
File: 1598769191307.jpg (239.22 KB, 1080x1780, 20200830_133139.jpg)

Unpopular Opinion : I hate Illustrator that active in tik tok
Tweet Translation : My tiktok drawing video got 60k view but this simple elephant drawing titok got half million view
No. 619132
>>619078i originally commented on the OP pic saying it was tragic, but now i'm more impressed by their ability to draw on a phone, even if the result isn't great.
glad they're hearing out criticism, the second drawing looks much better.
No. 619180
>>619130One has a niche appeal, not everyone even likes that type of art
The other is much more simple, much easier to project on, and therefore more appealing to more people
It's why the yellow smiley face has survived since the 70s but no one knows what the fuck the Noid is anymore
No. 619198
>>6191651st is def not more polished. the thinner lines and actual (kinda)thought out shading gives it a waaay more polished look. the 1st one looks like a clean sketch, with shadows randomly placed with a multiply layer.
it's a bit much to expect a huge change in one month tho, specially if we have in mind that shes probably attached to that art style that made her "popular"
No. 619300
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>>616663What a trifling faggot
No. 619321
>>619300>“I reacted in the most impulsive way possible”>for two weeks
>”they were posting transphobic articles, images, original drawings, and generally engaging with the transgender community in a hateful way” Was there any evidence of this consistency besides posting how said op artist didn’t want dick in bed??
Also, the fuck, did he post this before apologizing to the artist for literally holding a grudge for months and sending disturbing messages for two weeks Before sending this out?? All of this, for trans rights????
The guy says that he has trans friends, but I’m pretty sure NONE of them would promote this shit
No. 619338
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>>619334Nikoteenie Doesn’t believe in trans ppl because most of their harassers have been trans. Still doesn’t warrant harassment
No. 619350
>>619338After reading this, I'm starting to think Kenny's son is kinda based (nepotism aside). Who spends so much of their time telling a demographic they dislike that they're not "
valid"? At the end of the day, both parties should feel like they have egg on their face.
No. 619359
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>>619354I mean, Nikoteenie refers herself as a TERF.. all in all, this story just got a little weird
No. 619381
File: 1598809997443.png (2.63 MB, 1440x1978, Screenshot_20200830-114613~3.p…)

Guess the disney princess lmao.
Am I nitpicking or is the anatomy weirdly off-putting?
No. 619401
>>619381Neck weirdly long and broken, eyes too far apart, shoulders lopsided and the nose is the same color as the lips. The finish is really clean though
>>619382It’s not really that the features are European, they’re just not there.
It’s just blush, the bottom part of a nose, eyes and the lips.
No. 619414
File: 1598812853252.jpeg (959.63 KB, 1338x1502, 8CBDBE5F-2258-43AA-B758-1F0045…)

Saw this on my explore feed and I have no words on how awful this looks.
No. 619415
File: 1598812949736.jpg (219.25 KB, 879x755, incel face.jpg)

>>619350Can you post your face? I just want to see something.
Mack passed too.
No. 619460
>>619382But that's what she looks like in the Disney movie.
>>619350It strikes me as another case of "ally" men being gross to a woman and justifying it in the name of good cause.
No. 619506
>>619492There seem to be extremely few people that think it's a parody account.
I don't doubt that there are people who are like that or even worse in a bunch of aspects but this is characterized too perfectly to be an actual person.
The posting style, the bio(muslim on a crusade is my fav), everything is just like a Frankenstein monster of anti-woke strawmen.
No. 619534
File: 1598827632181.jpeg (599.6 KB, 828x835, 18B51EC5-5E92-4E7B-BA36-7E7191…)

What the hell is even that
No. 619540
File: 1598828253286.png (648.8 KB, 1226x561, 545383e488ea07d08ad12a7a944c8a…)

>>619334Based Nikotine.
>>619350Nah, Mack Kenny is a talentless animator, with ugly as fuck art, who's only empowered and emboldened by having a famous dad. He wasn't even fighting about troon politics, he was just harassing her. I hope he gets blacklisted. Men who harass women because they have different politics never do it
only because of politics. He'd probably harass any other woman he doesn't like as well.
No. 619568
>>619359current drama aside they were a namefag on 4chan and were notorious for kinning characters and ruining them with their own headcanons
they're fucking weird
No. 619679
>>619649The redesigns feel about as generic as you get. He went from doing boring western anime to boring Tumblr art.
>Look at old YT vids, it's a fakeboiYou could tell from just the art style lmao
No. 619684
>>619648I mean, honestly? I don't mind anything in here at all. The themes are a bit on the nose but for like Alchemist Valentine, the non-binary aspect doesn't seem forced in the slightest.
I like the designs and style.
No. 619687
So now Lucawaifu got her twitter account suspended? Over what? Calling a industry hack out for harassment? What a fucking joke.
>>619578Look, so many cringy artists with cowish tendencies just happen to be trannies and they make it a huge part of their identities. It's pretty hard to not bring up troonery when they have their profiles plastered with trans flags and identity politics and cause drama over it like this asshole harassing another artist for
14 fucking days straight insulting her work, her skill, her appearance and at the same time being so fucking smug about it that he used his own professional twitter account for it. Gender delusions are just as cow-like behavior as any other delusions, if they were otherkin/racefakers or something they'd be called out for being crazy bitches just the same and so would anyone defending their fantasies. They're not exempted from being made fun of.
>>619614This, people saying "they're both idiots!!!" when Nikotine barely even replied to this tard is baffling. Even if you think muh transgenderism is real she still did absolutely nothing to invite Mack's spergery over. And how did it drag "for too long"? Her wife called the guy out, the guy locked his account, complete silence, he then posts a half-assed nonpology two days later and faces absolutely no consequences for being an unprofessional, sexist piece of shit. That's it. But yeah go back to calling someone out for tracing because they drew the same red girl as another instagram artist or charged money for commissions if that's a drama more engaging.
No. 619700
>>619696Haha, nice number.
In all seriousness though, I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed that. Something about the main character in particular is that they have such an overtly feminine figure that I just cannot see how they would register as 'boy' unless they're trans–which said artist hasn't made it known? The only one that I can see passing for a male is definitely the fire-dude, but it's probably because his jaw and the way his chest is shaped as opposed to the hips balance themselves out to be more male.
It bothered me a lot.
No. 619714
>>619699She never attacked anyone personally, she's addressing a wider issue on a societal level and comparing her to Racist Uncle is a big leap in logic. While Nikotine's unnecessarily aggressive in her tranny takes she still doesn't target people or send them angry messages unlike the ultimate pickme RU who lives off of her irate personal vendettas and
triggering the libz to keep her /pol/tard simps orbiting her. I don't understand how Nikotine can be called an "equally dumb shit" when she did literally nothing to Mack or his friends and it was her wife who made the initial callout tweet on her behalf to begin with. And I absolutely fail to see how posting edgy opinions on your personal Twitter account equates to "sending an artist harassing, aggressive messages for two weeks".
No. 619777
>>619616Niko is a lesbian, hates transbians and was harrassed by trannys from resetera. That's a
valid enough reason to hate trannys.
No. 619780
>>619777>>619778That's exactly what happened. Her girlfriend was involved in a game called Heartbeat she was a famed artist for and TRAs started attacking her AND her girlfriend AND the game the girlfriend was developing by review bombing and telling people not to buy it because reeee evil terf needs to die. This was
triggered by a twitter thread she posted after she apparently got enough of transbians pressuring her girlfriend to suck girldick because the game was so popular with troons due to the colourful art style and all-female (?) cast.
No. 619869
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No. 619884
File: 1598881332133.png (50.3 KB, 631x450, jake.png)

So Jake gave Alphonso credit? Jake's response to the controversy makes it seem like he didn't ask for Alphonso's permission at all but it may not be a legal issue. Just Jake being an ass
No. 619931
File: 1598888564659.jpeg (252.45 KB, 1242x934, 152AB12A-7299-457E-84E1-03A268…)

>>619917nta but Baylee has a copy of Jakes book, probably from when they did the collab
No. 619983
>>619648>>619649Yeah, I agree. In the old video, each character's bodily and facial expression was somewhat unique. It's more dynamic due to things like foreshortening. There aren't white borders around the old characters, so they look more together. It just feels like it has more movement.
In the new one, you lose that sense of energy and expression. The poses are more similar to each other, and the expressions are less exaggerated. Everything is more spaced out and clean. Before, they looked like a group doing an action shot. Now they just look like characters individually drawn and placed next to each other.
No. 619990
File: 1598892383283.png (35.73 KB, 573x293, taz_comission.PNG)

Why people with money can't just respect the artists? if someone is interested.
No. 620040
File: 1598896037624.png (882.55 KB, 760x900, CD311235-D2D2-439A-88FB-91228B…)

>>620011lmao I remember redpassion, she was actually in love with Louis the sixteenth, not Louis XIV
On a certain level it would have been more understandable if she'd gone for the Sun King, but she actually went for the fat dumbass who got himself guillotined
The art itself isn't even that bad but God, the cringe
No. 620044
>>616299I actually think this is an improvement? So much of the """good""" art has a lot of overrendering and dead faces that don't do much beyond try to be "pretty" and not communicate with the audience via the character. Her 2018 style looks like a cute face w/a body added on and maybe playing to that crowd (and failing).
On the other hand, her 2020 style actually has body language going on. The character looks coy, shoulders tensed, and her face looks as if she's just received a compliment and the reality of what's going on is settling in (the crown looks like it's just materialized on her head, reflecting her reaction). The shadows on her shoulders even remind me of the extent of her blushing vs just random red spot stylization.
When artists are aiming for illustration, storytelling through body language is important. I don't see how she downgraded. It looks like the work of someone who's finding their place.
…This isn't a vendetta post, is it?
No. 620117
File: 1598901466553.gif (28.45 KB, 99x56, d1b7hxu-1341151c-24c2-4e5e-81d…)

>>620111Yes she did. Made stamps about it and everything.
No. 620156
File: 1598903843332.jpg (309.66 KB, 809x1201, Screenshot_20200831-125130_You…)

>>618440She commented on it but kept it as safe and on the fence as possible so I'm surprised that she even tweeted that. Her collab with Jake was barely even a collab, their interaction was the most stiff and awkward thing I've ever witnessed, they clearly don't know each other so I'm not that surprised to see that she isn't exactly taking his side.
No. 620162
>>620085Alphonso said it was plagiarism, not a copyright issue. Credit at the end as bibliography doesn't make something plagiarism free. I'm glad Jake's publisher is looking into it.
People giving their opinion on this mostly don't know shit about copyright or how books are made.
No. 620182
File: 1598905893596.png (489.44 KB, 780x521, ichigomarsh.png)

Anyone ever look at cute af art only to find out they basically sell mostly heavily referenced/traced art?
This is Ocean in Space btw
No. 620225
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>>620040>>620040When autists put this much effort into their weird obsessions i can't help but admire them.
No. 620254
File: 1598913283161.png (1.24 MB, 1135x1102, 2388B220-1D79-4149-938F-AC02F2…)

>>620111Wait wow she’s 38 (this was drawn in 2018) and still acts like a 12 year old who just discovered self-insert fanfiction? The irony of her saying she hates stupid men but liking Louis the 16th. Lol.
No. 620385
File: 1598937372014.jpg (257.55 KB, 910x920, e46814df47eb8a0484906bc0762c54…)

>>620281>/asg/ /asg/ is literally /beg/ for people who would rather copy anime faces than do normal /beg/ grinding.
ThDark/Cameron Sewell is probably my favorite I can think of off the top of my head. Mathias Osland is also very talented.
If you want to look at coom artists, Kyle/Kairu, BBC-chan, and Marmalademum are all pretty solid for what they do. There used to be lots of notable artists in /alt/, but the threads have gone to shit lately. Tableguy isn't my cup of tea but he's a notable fixture of the /alt/ threads with a very distinct style.
No. 620402
>>620277Oh yeah because teenagers or people in their 20's are
never absolutely fucking insane in fandoms. Why don't those 30something hags just go make babies or something.
No. 620418
>>620277I think people in the gen Z and early 20s are just as insane if not more. Back then making shitty stamps, hate art and fanfiction was how these people expressed themselves, now they accuse you of proting abuse or drawing CP if you drew a ship they don't like.
Retarded crushes existed all through the internet's lifespan too if you dig deep into it.
I don't think crushing on Sans the skeleton and recording Sans kink ASMR is more normal than Disneyfan01 simping for that deformed pirate character
No. 620470
>>620277There are plenty of normal older women in fandoms, but a lot of them don't mention their age because they don't wanna be judged, y'know?
>>620418This. These people back then would harass you via deviantart profile comments or make hate fanart if you even dared to like the same character as them.
I miss those stamps tbh for a cute little creation made to be displayed on your profile, people sure loved using them to shit stir kek Now people will make multiple tik tok vids or youtube vids trying to get people to go after you. Doxxing is also a thing that people now fucking love doing if they don't like you. Makes me kinda feel bad for the teens growing up these days. Gotta walk on eggshells to make sure you don't piss off the wrong people.
I'd say no matter what age or fandom, autists will always be present.
No. 620851
File: 1598995321478.png (90.54 KB, 586x789, noelle.PNG)

>>616505So it's been almost a week and Noelle Stevenson is still apologizing for saying that a character is a farmer.
No. 620868
File: 1598996186526.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1987x4389, AAF938FD-C8C3-4216-B1EE-0EA009…)

Kawanocy on instagram is defending his creepy child grooming vampire ship.
No. 620892
>>620868People getting upset about Kawacy is so stupid, if you don't like the ship just unfollow him lol. It's such a nontroversey for an artist to draw "
problematic" art when there are actual groomers out there.
No. 620897
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Kawacy’s OCs backstory “proving” it’s not grooming
No. 620898
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No. 620916
>>620868This reminds me of those drawings that used to be on my Instagram explore of witches finding and raising little boys but the artist ships them together when he grows up. Fucking weird. I guess there’s an audience for that but how can someone not see it as creepy? Do they just not care or do they actually think it’s sweet?
I don’t usually mind age gaps that are ten years or less, maybe fifteen if the characters are both much older, but an adult raising a child and then falling in love with the child when they grow up? Yeah, that’s creepy.
No. 620920
>>620868It's such a nitpick, but it bothers me that him touching her shoulder doesn't reflect in some way in the mirror, not even a wrinkle or hand imprint or something. Also:
>Sesshoumaru & Rinlol
No. 620922
File: 1599003555717.jpeg (3.26 MB, 2993x5128, 6B6E781D-57C7-4235-AB6F-3D07D6…)

I think the ones people find most disturbing are the comics that directly show before and after she has aged up. (Not pictured are images of them kissing and comics of the character being uwaaah idk wat penis is)
No. 621056
>>620225this gave me a good laugh.
nine year old me had a huge obsession with the live action alice in wonderland movie.
No. 621154
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pypha's faces are such a hit or miss for me. like what the hell happened to velma
No. 621176
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>>621154Scooby looks like this damn dog. He's way too human-like
No. 621192
>>621137Honestly this, fiction is fiction for a reason. Fiction was always meant for you to safely explore ideas and concepts outside of the norm and live out whatever fantasies you might have guilt free. I don't even mean the obviously bad stuff like pedophilia or murder but more like just things that are fine in fiction that you wouldn't want irl (looking at you YA romance novels with "healthy" relationships). This to me is really just a cute fluffy story and I don't really see the grooming aspect because he's ageless. I think the whole point of this is the whole "growing up to being his equal" kind of thing, where at first the guy doesn't see you as romantic partner (because you're a child, duh) but then you become adult and "viable". I would say these relationships to me are almost metaphorical even, not of real life pedophilia or grooming but instead when there's 2 people that would be compatible as a couple but are for some reason in unequal standing (idol/fan, boss/underling, social/anxious) and can only become that couple when the other person "steps up" and rises to the equal standing.
As someone who writes and reads fiction, I find that a lot of people tend to take things too literally when reading a piece of material, fantasy is often a tool to strip down complex ideas into simple concepts so that they can be safely explored and understood by whomever, where a complex idea such as 2 people being of unequal standing is broken down into a simple concept of "adult and child".
No. 621198
>>621192>I would say these relationships to me are almost metaphorical even, not of real life pedophilia or grooming but instead when there's 2 people that would be compatible as a couple but are for some reason in unequal standing (idol/fan, boss/underling, social/anxious) and can only become that couple when the other person "steps up" and rises to the equal standing. This. People take everything at face value and see "he's falling in love with the girl he raised, THATS GROOMING U PEDO!!!" without taking into account the nuance and context behind it. Even the most "wholesome" ideas can be
problematic in real life and I hate to see this constant discourse about what gets a pass in fiction and what doesn't because they're not real and IRL dynamics are way more complex than any fiction can portray. This setting in particular is obviously supposed to be seen as a metaphorical growth story and not some child grooming advertisement.
No. 621205
>>621156>when the other person "steps up" and rises to the equal standing.I don't really see any "stepping up" though. Maybe it's just from the edits I've seen, but she seems just as childish an immature as she was when she was a kid, only with kissing and bed sharing. Doesn't help that the artist constantly compares their relationship as a child, to their relationship now as an adult. It's just weird.
I can see why it comes off as "groomish", although I don't care either way.
No. 621211
>>620922Idk, when a bunch of his comics about them seem to hinge on comparing when she was a little girl vs now, it’s kind of creepy. If it’s about stepping up and being on equal footing, why use age specifically as their dividing factor? The dude is literally a vampire so it could just be about her becoming a vampire or whatever from human, but clearly her being a child is key to their dynamic and their romance.
Even if you say it’s fiction, whatever, it’s the same story that’s been told a hundred times so what’s the point of telling it again? You would think Kawacy might be able to inject it with some kind of creativity.
No. 621212
>>620922I'm kind of ambivalent about this. The likely target audience for this (ie anybody who reads manga, watches anime - especially shoujo content - or likes things like Twilight or Interview With the Vampire) can't really talk. I don't know why so many people in fandom want to play hypocritical fandom police these days.
I like the metaphorical interpretation posted in this thread. Plus, the dynamic we see here isn't really the same as with humans. As an immortal vampire, he mentally/physically stays a young adult, the exact same as the day he took her in. His development will stay the same, only changing as needed by his environment. She's the only one between them that can actually grow automatically, both mentally and physically. That means she can eventually meet his level (and remember, he's suspended in this stage), and be able to have feelings for him, and once he recognizes that she's no longer just the little kid he's been babysitting all this time, he can return them.
A better parallel to grooming would probably be a decrepit vampire who seeks out human children (or even just vulnerable humans in general) to raise and make a "harem" with, and/or "losing" them when they're no longer naive and innocent.
On the other hand, it seems like she always sees him as her superior. I guess it's kind of creepy in that sense. Don't really know what to think.
No. 621214
>>621208Hmm, maybe. I guess overall it reminds me of a manga I use to read, Bunny Drop. The main character adopts and raises a child, only for the story to end with the two of them getting together at the end.
Technically the main character didn't raise her with the intention of grooming her into his eventual bride, but most of the story was about him raising her as his daughter. So for it to end with them getting together, it's jarring to say the least.
I guess with these kinds of things, you go into this knowing your going to be hitting a very specific target of people who like that sort of thing as well as a target of people who'll be put off, me personally it feels like mixing water and oil. Wholesome adoptive story that eventually turns into a love story, just doesn't jive well with me.
No. 621223
>>616505>>620851wtf am I retarded? I don't get what is wrong about a black farmer? I watched the clip and it's nothing bad. huh??
and she is crawling on the twitter floor as if she wanna get punched more, what the hell
No. 621231
>>621211Jesus this "IDK MAN IT'S P CREEPY YALL SHE USED TO BE A MINOR U KNOW.." discourse is so fucking retarded. I can promise you that nobody who reads this will think "oh my god I've been so blind, of course grooming young children is okay!".
>>621213This. The continuous content policing is a surefire way to kill all creativity because you can't explore ideas and settings anymore, the goalposts are moved so fast and so randomly that even enemies to lovers is considered a dynamic promoting abuse now. Even in this case when they fall in love they're vaguely the same age as the vampire boy doesn't age himself as she grows older, it's not like it's a 40-something guy abusing his stepdaughter or something. I think it sounds pretty cute and interesting myself exactly due to the growth story aspect.
No. 621232
>>621224Wasn't the original joke about making names that rhyme with the other character Bow. Makes sense that Sow is a farmer.
I don't think she gave one thought about the connotations between sowing fields and black people.
She apologised and that should be enough.
No. 621239
>>621231People can find father/daughter romance creepy, just like people can find "feet" art gross.
It's hardly even a discourse, Kawanocy will be okay I assure you. You and that other anon getting worked up over people's opinion, damn calm down.
No. 621249
>>621224Stop. Black people have been farming in Africa before slavery, and many still do. The entire world is not just about American history.
The joke wasn't intended that way, it was a gag about rhyming. This probably happened because she's spent so much time
unlearning racism and doesn't automatically think of slaves whenever she sees a person with dark skin who's a farmer.
No. 621268
>>621260Yeah some of it's irresponsible activism too. Which pretty much does more harm than good. But "we gotta virtue signal and look like good people who care". My sentiment has done 180 because of it too. Every time almost I see someone bitch about "
problematic art" I just feel like screaming. Like oh my god fuck off. That shits pretty much a fucking whinny sjw deal.
No. 621278
>>621260It's because twitterfags will time and time again think that everything is pedophilia/racism/whateverphobia and present it as milk while being "disgusted" over an adult vampire fucking an adult woman. They're not "in the scene" enough to have an actual opinion on artists or any insight regarding incompetent or egoistical artists who might have actual interesting drama so they just waddle back from their social media feed to scream about some surface level "controversy" they just saw being retweeted. Fucking swear I'd rather watch anons being autistic over Holly Brown than one more "so artist x got called out for being a normal person but someone interpreting it as
problematic" post. This is also why we constantly have these "what's your opinion on (random weeb artist) I think she's a dumb weeb!!" vendettaposts.
No. 621283
Joke aside it's kinda killing this site for me or at least this thread. I might try KF but who knows. Wish Twitter addicts would fuck off here.
No. 621288
>>620916 Uh well are they consenting adults?
If yes then guess what no one fucking cares.
No. 621322
File: 1599057306708.jpg (1.31 MB, 4096x1974, Eg6k4ikXsAAEA6F (1).jpg)

I really dislike this guys art, all the allegations of obvious tracing / copying aside he is such a diva with zero self awarenes… the female character face is just awful, it's like he didn't try at all, and it's a comissioned art.
No. 621356
>>621278I might add that I'm so fucking sick of this current trend of accusing people of whitewashing, like fuck make fun of them for being no-talent hacks capable of creating only the same eurocentric instathot face but if you call it "racist whitewashing" you're the one who needs to stop clowning. If shit like
>>619381 makes you have a panic attack I can only imagine what that monkey Nessa drawing would cause you to experience. Oh wait that's not worth canceling because you know actual racists don't buckle down under social media campaigns.
No. 621411
File: 1599063782168.png (758.47 KB, 1218x902, Petra.png)

>>604999Why does Twitter like talkative people so much? The kind who reply to every comment and says thanks for the 25K hearts :crymote::crymote::hands:?
This kind of thing clearly doesn't operate on a meritocracy when the average commentary thinks the words good, cute, and nice pose are informative.
No. 621427
>>620868I find it creepy too since he raised her but tbh I don't care. He won't be the first person to have
problematic ships.
He shouldn't have even tried to defend their relationship cuz reading everything he said, he just sank himself in a hole
No. 621731
File: 1599092626238.png (344.96 KB, 1080x905, blinding tr!nnies.png)

Hot take: the people trying to cancel LupisVulpes are bigger cows than her. I read most of the doc against her and a lot of it is either hard to swallow pills for tranny-supporters, "friends" airing out dirty laundry for the sake of attention, or complete nothing burgers.
I honestly gave up after I saw the section where she had previously made "tribal" sparkledogs with feathers, and what I assume is one of the doc authors asked some rando two-spirit ANTIFA supporter if it was "racist" and ofc he said yes. Which is now "evidence" that she is a culturally appropriating racist. lol
Her twitter mentions are full of the exact type of immaturity I'd expect from furshitters, as shown in pic.
Here's the callout doc if you care to read through all of it, maybe I'm missing the actual tea but it just seems really retarded and full of vendetta and asshurt over someone's personal/religious views: No. 621744
>>621731This is bizzar. I only read the transphobia part and the tweet thread and it doesn't make sense. How would a transphobic person actually have trans friends?
She seems honest in why she doesn't like gay stories and doesn't talk down to anybody.
Stuff like this makes me happy I didn't go the online artist route.
No. 621770
>>621731Why focus on just the tranny shit, when it seems like she's pretty homophobic as well?
The only thing about this that's shocking is how she manage to survive this long in the sparkledog furry community, while being a full-blown christian. Maybe I just don't know much about the furry community, but considering how many lgbt people there are in the furry community it's amazing she lasted as long as she did.
No. 621775
File: 1599097857153.png (860.28 KB, 1536x1024, hmmm.png)

>>621731I decided to investigate the "tracing" for myself.
Lo and behold.
The headshot "false advertising" is also a joke. If you do not specify a pose (which yes, headshots have poses,) then artists can reuse their own bases if they want and charge whatever they feel is appropriate. It is up to the customer to decide if they price the artist charges is what they want to spend for the commission, and to communicate what character/pose they would like drawn.
Also I can't stop laughing at
>Mio asked Lupis if he could commission her for the old Venus Ambassador video with Oxy to be finished and fully animated but to fix the ending so it didn’t end with suicide. Instead, Mio wanted the ending to be Oxy coming out as transgender rather than it ending on such a grim note.How the fuck do you animate "coming out as transgender"?? lmao
This is the 5 year old video in question: the new one commissioned by someone else with different characters posted this year: No. 621778
>>621770>>621772>VALIDATE MY LIFE CHOICES OR I WILL END YOUR CAREERyeah, why would anyone find issue with the lgbt community?? sheesh.
I'm impressed too, people are just getting worse and worse.
No. 621786
File: 1599098920575.jpg (376.36 KB, 2896x2896, 20200903_100830.jpg)

Speaking of tracing. Is it just me or it looks like megat0nraid/vanillasketches is back to tracing.
No. 621795
File: 1599100327499.png (50.46 KB, 208x154, whatthefuck.png)

>Those short as fuck arms>That long worm-like torso>Those tiny but completely rendered heads>Those broken legs>Those tiny hands>Those fifth-grader level chairs>That shadingHow does anyone excuse this?????
Holy fuck this is cancer on my eyes. She most definitely traced the heads, everything else was from her own lack of skill I'm sure.
No. 621797
File: 1599100479566.jpg (61.41 KB, 854x480, FutabaHaru.jpg)

>>621795You sound surprised that the same people who unironically say
>#BreakFreePersonahave no standards for art.
No. 621810
File: 1599102831021.jpg (67.82 KB, 443x566, SmartSelect_20200902-231448_Ch…)

>>621786Just gave up, huh?
No. 621811
File: 1599102866341.png (597.91 KB, 598x884, 498048940.png)

>>621798There's a lot that supports the Twitter has no artistic taste theory but I'd need to post non-cows to fully show you that.
No. 621817
>>621811Excuse me while I go throw my years of art practice and knowledge into the garbage and light it on fire.
McDonald's is probably hiring anyway.
No. 621850
File: 1599107983434.jpg (219.02 KB, 1080x983, 20200903_113905.jpg)

Does anyone know what happen to Cpieng? I heard she went through online harrassment in the past.
No. 621894
>>621786Part of me wants to believe this is bad on purpose, I just can't comprehend how someone with functioning eyes can fuck up human anatomy so bad. Aside from the traced face they look like monsters, and I think she even copy-pasted the bodies.
>>621731The trannies coming after her are ridiculous, but my god her preachy "apology video" that's basically a sermon… she should have just said that she didn't want to draw certain things and shut them up.
No. 622014
File: 1599127749788.jpg (112.5 KB, 1080x1080, goro arms.jpg)

>>621786holy fucking shit. how does she have clout when her art is this baddd it is ridiculous.
No. 622368
File: 1599162598303.png (351.77 KB, 1080x1080, cringe spammer.png)

That "unprofessionalism" section is weak. She did not have a refund policy listed for her animation comms. To most that means by default "no refunds", and yet she replied back to one customer trying to compromise for a refund since she used the payment to try to fix her car.
Ironically, the other imgur screenshots from the one spamming her for an immediate refund confirm that she was having car trouble prior to all this.
These customers would absolutely deserve to be blacklisted for their exploitive bullshit imo. Complete disregard for any of the work she may have already done, and all bc they are "hurt" by her opinions lmao. Not at all surprised the second one is literally using daddy's credit card.>>621894Not sure if "preachy" is the appropriate word anymore when it is actual preaching lol.
I'm just wondering how long the harrassment will go on for, she has a surprising amount of her personal info made public and some of the people leaving comments on her dA page seem pretty unhinged. (pic related spamming that image and "BLACK QUEER TRANS LIVES MATTER" for several pages, as well as "satanists" being autistic as fuck.)
Things could escalate worse very easily.
No. 622381
>>622368She'll probably be driven away by all the autistic furries spamming her social media. She had already gone offline for a while because of another thing she did in the past regarding her now cancelled series "Audience" (allegedly she refused to properly pay or credit the people working on it beside her). She couldn't handle the pressure then, she won't handle it now that she's been labeled as transphobic, homophobic and racist.
She seems pretty autistic too honestly.
No. 622477
>>621154yikes, how many times am i gonna seeeee this.
how does this happen, looks like fred and shaggy have copy-paste face
No. 622583
File: 1599180073506.jpeg (198.94 KB, 1125x1713, 97879104-C723-453D-B5AF-E167C5…)

>>621786>>621795It’s a shame that reading is a foreign concept to some people who want to draw anime but that’s just how our world is. Not helping is that Twitter is designed to be a hugbox.
No. 623016
File: 1599237675608.jpg (1.3 MB, 1880x1220, wtf.jpg)

>>622014well i hate to announce but kristia's planning on selling an "Artbook"
that looks like an ugly poorly design children's book. couldn't even put effort for the fucking cover art at least?
No. 623047
>>623045That spine is definitely too big considering the number of pages this book seems to have. It doesn't look firm at all and it is bending on itself. The spine will most likely degrade with use because of that.
The cover in itself looks…really bad. As an Editorial Design student this book just looks sad.
No. 623140
File: 1599248354841.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 46BBB5E3-1285-4D9C-B656-C778EA…)

Does anyone follow biana bova on YouTube? I love her videos but ever since the tracing video she’s only made art with tracing and it just feels like doing 4 years of art school And making interesting illustrations just to end up making generic instagram portraits after graduating feels like regression…Her commissions for these are also $150-400
No. 623152
File: 1599249764182.jpeg (632.44 KB, 750x1055, 7B55C1C9-3235-441C-8C39-59739C…)

>>623016I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this on vanillasketches‘S prior artpage that proven as a trace
No. 623253
>>623245No offence but this seems like a bit of a dumb question. There are many reasons why she would use a more cartoony style:
-there's already so many artists that draw semi-realistic/ realistic art. It's better to carve out a niche that likes a specific cartoony style
-she may like drawing cartoony art
-she likes drawing comics, and simple cartoony art is easier to draw for a comic
-cartoony art is more iconic
-social media algorithms prefer artists that draw consistently, so it's easier to keep up a post schedule with a cartoony style
No. 623277
>>623255>>623245Maybe I'm biased, but I am tired of realism=Good. Sure, Lavendertowne's art style isn't for everyone, but we can stop with the narrative that realism is the be all end of art styles; it should exist solely to teach you the ropes of art, not as a primary art style. Don't get me wrong, sometimes realistic art can look decent, but I prefer semi-stylized art over Photo-Realism any day.
Sorry if I’m projecting by the way, she does need try new things but sometimes, drawing cartoons is perfectly fine as long as you know what you’re doing.
No. 623324
File: 1599269081623.jpg (107.9 KB, 1280x720, MaxDood.jpg)

>>623245If you have the option of an easy life that asks little out of you to rake in $1000s, why would you go back to high effort work that you know will underperform compared to your current flowchart?
No. 623332
>>623245There's lots of reasons
>Realism is less marketable than a recognizable cartoon style>Realism takes longer to do, which is bad if you're doing a project which requires lots of individual drawings, like a comic>Realism is less expressive, again bad for a comic>She just likes cartoons moreThinking realism is inherently better is kind of dumb imho. The problems with Lavendertowne's art stem from symbol drawing and an overall lack of fundamentals, which is an entirely seperate issue from realism vs. stylization.
No. 623348
>>623210Nitpick but goddamn all I see in this video is her cakey makeup. I can see it crusting up on the side of her lips and It looks like she’s got dirt on her nose—is she trying to follow mickey deers nose make up? Kek
But yeah anon I think she’s made 3 of the same vids already..I think at this point she doesn’t like all the art supplies she owns except copics.
No. 623394
File: 1599278054495.png (91.55 KB, 500x375, tumblr_dcefc3e3e38ac8125867abe…)

I don't get when people call whatever a "chibi", nothing about this speaks chibi to me
No. 623411
File: 1599280882129.jpeg (155.67 KB, 1448x2048, Eg8EdJ0UMAAah6P.jpeg)

I actually liked the colours here but then raiko as always butchered the anatomy. For being over 30 this sure is sad. Its not even stylistically broken. Its just. Bad.
No. 623425
File: 1599292350296.jpg (114.05 KB, 400x550, tumblr_52a67be10f308273d768dc3…)

No. 623431
>>623266Same. My problem was mostly people getting unbelievably autistic over the purity of muh ink challenge.
>noooooooooo you're not supposed to use markers or digital ink, inktober is only for using a real physical fountain pen with real ink!!! ssstoooppp iitttttMight be an unpopular opinion but I don't understand why people had such a huge problem with people using other means to create ink-like drawings. I get that people who do ink drawings on the regular were happy to have their time in the spotlight but come on, the whole October just to suck your asses? Challenges like Mermay are much more understandable because the technique is completely free while the subject matter is set. I hope drawtober just replaces the whole trend so that we get rid of this drama once and for all.
No. 623534
>>623508Cadmium isn't
toxic in paint. It's dangerous to manufacture because that involves cadmium in powder form, but when it's been processed and bound with other materials, the cadmium is basically made insoluable in water which means it won't be absorbed so easily into the body through skin contact although it's still fat soluable so yu shouldn't smear it all over your skin.
Unless an artists is straight up snorting cadmium dust, or drinking paint by the liter, then they'll be fine. You shouldn't sand dried cadmium paint.
Not to mention if it were so dangerous it would require a very visible warning label on it. This info is literally so accessable you'd only need to google it so I don't get why she doesn't do her research. Especially since she works with oil paints and spirits, and those materials are so much more
No. 623601
File: 1599323594496.png (150.19 KB, 500x487, 14976E91-EBE7-427D-925C-15DA56…)

>>623538I know Inktober has been argued to death but god, I never understood the ableism accusations. Aren’t most of the same movements used to draw traditionally and digitally? Or are they saying that disabled artists should be able to use ctrl z and stabilizers for what was meant to be a TRADITIONAL art challenge, you know, a medium without those advantages? That’s like saying art in general is ableist because it excludes people without hands.
No. 623630
>>623601Jesus, not everything is going to be accessable to everyone, and if you have trouble with ink because you have a disability, then don't fucking participate.
I also don't understand this shit, because this isn't some fucking competition, where someone will not let you participate. Like fuck no one is gonna stop you from posting your digital work for inktober, just do it anyway, why you you need parkers approval. Just do it anyway, no ones stopping you.
>That’s like saying art in general is ableist because it excludes people without hands.God, exactly.
No. 623679
>>623431TBH I've never really seen inktober as an ONLY draw in ink thing. like sure the ink ones are what you expect and more true to the idea. but I've always thought if the prompts are inspiring you to make art then make it however you want at least you're making something.
It's like tiers:
Ink (black or coloured)
No. 623766
on the topic of books…
>>623016What book printers does anyone recommend?
No. 623947
>>623936It's really weird and offputting that she added that many referral links, but what's even weirder to me is that she promoted her client in the video too.
Really weird that a skincare brand would send products to review to an art channel with 32k followers instead of a beauty youtuber with an equal following. Hell, even a beauty youtuber with a smaller following would be more likely to net them more customers since that's what their viewers are likely to be interested in.
No. 624057
File: 1599389346624.jpg (519.27 KB, 1920x2811, 20200906_064445.jpg)

I posted this on /m/ but I'm actually really tired of the trend of really bad artists charging way over price for their piece of shit art because it's "unique" and "their style". holy shit this is retard levels of art
No. 624059
File: 1599389410652.jpg (340.54 KB, 1043x967, SmartSelect_20200906-064531_Ch…)

>>624058Again, 25 dollars for something worse than some of the art I've seen on the mspaint thread.
No. 624070
>>624066kek I'm not even an artist, no reason for me to be jealous, I make a great salary irl for doing less than making shitty art online all day
But it looks like the 3D paint feature on Windows 10 ya
No. 624073
>>624071again, they aren't forcing anyone to buy their art for that price, and i'm sure you're real successful in life if you have to flex on lolcow how much you earn after saying 25$ is too much for a commission, when the base price for anyone doing commissions shouldn't be a minimum wage of 5$/h but at least 12$/h.
>>624072exactly this, i'm convinced all these posts are from the same three 14 year olds who go looking for people with art they don't like that charge anything over 5$ for their commissions to make themselves feel better.
No. 624075
>>624072There is incredibly too much supply of Twitter artists and they don't have nearly enough followers or Twitter interactions to have any sort of demand.
>>624073>"Weh weh, I don't agree with you anon so I'm going to call you 14 with no life meanwhile I am here on the art salt thread (where you discuss shitty art) talking down on salty people who post shitty art because I Am Very Mature" ok
No. 624099
>>624075sorry the truth offends you anon, this thread might be for complaining, but if you don't have a real reason and are just a whiny bitch, you will get told.
>>624091completely agreed, undercharging isn't the answer if you aren't getting commissions, starting up commissions when you have better skill or bigger demand is.
No. 624106
File: 1599399795826.jpeg (51.58 KB, 681x450, FFBF26C7-633C-4F21-8197-379D74…)

Its definitely kidcore and its purposely bad and imitating late 90s schoolbook and computer game art, it fills a nostalgic niche and its pretty good for what it is because it genuinely authentic, and looks exactly like these things did.
Art is not all realism or great stylized illustrations with perfect anatomy, this is a stylistic niche based on nostalgia, people pay 25 dollars because it looks exactly like shitty 90s/00s computer art, which is pretty hard to replicate imo.
No. 624182
>>624091Damn, you sound really upset. I'm so sorry if my post offended you to the point where you have to turn into an angry sperg
I agree though, commissions should be higher priced, but bad art shouldn't be included in that, hence why I posted here. It's easily replicated, not "unique" (sorry) like
>>624161 said, just because it's replicating a certain style doesn't mean it's cool for it to be ass.
Anyways since you want me out of your precious art thread, you sperg, I will leave.
No. 624200
File: 1599413162796.jpg (131.69 KB, 1080x1439, 20200904_184051.jpg)

This was an ad
No. 624202
>>624182NTA and I know you're out of the thread, but I still really don't get it. Replicate it yourself, then, and maybe even get more money if you do it better.
Who cares if someone wants to charge $25 for a shitty scribble? Were you going to buy it?
No. 624262
>>624182>Damn, you sound really upset. I'm so sorry if my post offended you to the point where you have to turn into an angry sperg
>Anyways since you want me out of your precious art thread, you sperg, I will leave.kek
lol, if you have to end up calling anons spergs in order to win your arguement youve already lost, if someone wants to buy that art good for the artist for making money.
(infighting) No. 624315
>>623534As far as warning labels go, it depends on where it's being sold and what the law requires. Here in the US, the state of California requires it, so you'll see it on paints containing cadmium and titanium, for example. The California warning is kind of overkill since it talks about
toxic ingredients instead of
toxic overall (even if it's rendered inert, it gets the label). Going to take a wild guess that that's the extent of her research on cadmium's toxicity.
>>623679Inktober's original intent was to draw in ink. The flexibility allowed ink and wash and even ink and markers. It wasn't until (as others have pointed out) crybabies who were mad at being left out of another opportunity to shill their art within a comfort zone began crying did they change it.
The ableism arguments make no sense when they're coming from people who can't let go of their fucking stylus for a $1 pen for 30 days.
The creator copyrighting the term seemed back then like a nice 'fuck you' to the ones arguing this, since they were the ones who were hell bent on selling their shitty Inktober zines.
No. 624319
>>624254And what’s with you retards complaining about how artists
should price their work as if anyone was literally forcing you to buy it? It’s not like some beg’s scribble is on the same level as essentials items that you actually need. No one
needs this, thus however the fuck they price their work does not matter at all. There’s nothing more embarrassing than people going ”I don’t like it, change it” to some random artists when you’re not even on their consumer base and you guys dare to laugh at ”cows”.
File: 1599470304144.png (1.68 MB, 956x914, art.PNG)

>>624057I don't want to continue the whole art pricing discussion but I think it's pretty unfair how OP picked probably the ugliest work of that artist. I've been following her for some time and her style is really adorable, she can do much more than what was picked to prove the point. There are plenty of worse artist who would be maybe more deserving to be ranted about.
No. 624536
>>624525love it, this kind of art is fun to look at
I wanna follow them whats their name?
No. 624643
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No. 624678
File: 1599498515973.png (409.71 KB, 1094x416, pondersprocket.PNG)

tired of ponder sprocket. I feel like people claim shes a good commentary art channel but her videos drag on with bs facts, and she cant take any criticism herself.
not to mention she defends pedophiles when they're her friends. And accepts lewd fanart from minors too
No. 624695
File: 1599501178317.png (259.32 KB, 520x365, tiktok.png)

So some woman on tiktok was just taking other people art, blurring it and pretending she's painting, next level of lazy and shameless. The accound seems to be privated now but you can see the thread documenting her "work".'m sure she is not the only one, especially when it comes to this type of popular smoothed out art algorithm / mainstream seems to love.
No. 624798
>>624794>>624792>>6247951. Source or quit your bullshit.
2. Did you just try and reply to yourself and fail.
No. 624819
>>624816Yeah thats true,its hard to get concrete proof about this.
I could have sworn there was more to it than there really is.
My apologies on that front.
No. 624861
>>624852Captions are great anon, I think that would be the way to go.
However, sometimes your art can speak for itself! I am a native English speaker, and follow lots of artists who speak no English at at. Do what feels right, good luck!
No. 624863
File: 1599515740216.jpeg (245.94 KB, 1448x2048, EhGut55UcAAigqJ.jpeg)

Raiko you obese fuck you got your own pair of saggy tits why the fuck cant you draw them right
No. 624870
>>624852Maybe you can have english + your native language in your bio and in your captions? Or maybe the occasional english post. I feel like there are so many ways to use being bilingual as an artist. An artist I follow speaks spanish in her lives but she mostly posts in english so most of her audience is english.
Anyway, keep in mind speaking your native language doesn't you won't get as many followers. There are so many artists who have a large english fanbase without speaking a single word of english.
No. 624909
File: 1599519246566.png (177.32 KB, 1450x1985, 1596933722359.png)

>>624605The first thing you need is a light source. Color shadows according to the light source and the form of your objects, observe how real life shadows form on objects to practice. Work in grayscale to build up your eyes' ability to recognize value. Good luck
No. 624954
>>624794A pedo???? Anon, at the time Spector was 16-17, the “”
victim”” wasn’t 8 at all you dumbfuck, they were 15 who had lied about their age. Holy shit, how spergy can you get?
No. 624988
File: 1599529022696.png (299.39 KB, 1073x654, 2830a4c532a0ef9389c8d428feb3df…)

>>624857>>624643How many people on this thread are aware of the dad threads/site on /ic/? It's a constant stream of chan artist drama there, but I never wanted to bring it up because I didn't know if anyone else was familiar with it.
No. 625041
>>624870Lmao one of the artists I follow on Instagram posts everything in English despite having to translate everything from Spanish because she somehow thinks it'll bring her more fans
Meanwhile I've seen Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean artists post in the native language and get a following without a problem. Good art won't be restricted by language
No. 625065
File: 1599542114561.png (1.65 MB, 1680x2328, myr.png)

myrmidia is having a breakdown on instagram.
is a vent comic even a vent comic if it doesn't have a scribbly shadow monster saying mean things in it?
No. 625080
>>625065> (she/her) • INFPThat explains everything.
I've been following her for years and she'd oftenly have these sorts of episodes honestly. Inb4 she broke up with her boyfriend or something,because last year she relied only on him.
No. 625081
File: 1599544688831.jpeg (134.28 KB, 749x883, A5A2B165-2D19-4AC8-A02F-4C4CCB…)

oh look another artist to not get shit from. (1/2)
No. 625083
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No. 625103
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>>625065this face made me lol
No. 625181
>>624852Are you talking about Youtube or a text-based social media account? I just write everything in my native language and English users will just have to deal with it. It's lead to some hilarious misunderstanding dramas though when English speakers try to google translate what I say and then react to the botched translation because they thought I was being offensive or something. But that's on them, not me.
>>624678>>624794>And accepts lewd fanart from minors too>Is pedo because dated a 15-year old as a 16-17-year oldImagine giving a shit about this lol
No. 625189
>>625177This. Artists publicly whining about having to draw commissions is as good as shooting yourself in the foot and I hate how much it's being enabled and accepted. I myself wouldn't buy a commission from an artist who's smug and uppity enough to complain about having to work for their buck and hates every second of having to draw what I requested. Like fuck, I'm sorry that I'm literally ruining your life by buying your services man but do I really have to pay an extra "no whining" fee to shut you up?
These people are just driving people away from buying commissions from any artist, a lot of them might request something that's very important to them or because they want to help an independent artist out. Seeing an ungrateful cunt trash talk their requests and bitch about having to do it is bound to keep their cash in their pockets.
No. 625260
>>625189nta but honestly if they know they are gonna suffer so much making a commission, why not just decline it? Stop whining omfg there are so many people who really need commissions bc they can't afford school or living expenses, yet these guys are treating commissions as "something u do when u don't want to pay for something out of their own pocket"
>I hate how much it's being enabled and acceptedthis x999
No. 625268
>>625081hate HATE artists who do that. if doing commissions ruins your life so much then how about stop taking them?
those people want to get money without having to work or something? god
No. 625374
>>624678I don't like her, but not for any of those reasons. I find her videos really boring. I don't think any of her jokes ever land. Her art is better than most commentary channels, but to me it has this ugly pop-art vibe. But to her fans, she's an "art goddess". The sexual persona isn't entertaining to me. She is overly defensive of her friends.
If people enjoy it, good for them, I guess. But to me she's just a really boring channel I wouldn't even listen to in the background.
No. 625589
>>625387agree idk why it had to be drawn out all she had to say was she didn't want to make any youtube videos because it was too much effort.
Also has anyone seen these tiktoks? I know this sounds crazy but I feel like she took pictures and put her sketchbook under a lightbox and drew these. is an imageboard) No. 625592
some more dumb drama on tiktok she stipples classical art on parchment paper and in her announcements she was calling out people for drawing the same basic shit's in the announcements section of @thirdeyedesigns)
No. 625715
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Calm down puccanoodlrs, no one wants your shitty boring chicken scratch characters that all have the same wonky face and body and expression. And don't worry Nintendo wouldn't steal from you even if you paid them.
No. 625720
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>>625717Link in the upcoming Zelda game can have a ladle as a weapon and she somehow thinks they stole that from her, as if she's the only person in the world who can design a character with a ladle. As if Nintendo would even give a rat's ass about her existence and her extremely mediocre character design.
No. 625721
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>>625717It's this "Lucky Ladle" guy. They similarities are the fact that he's wearing blue, is blonde and has a cooking theme and so does her character. I don't get it. Isn't this just Link wearing blue? And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought cooking is a big thing in Legend of Zelda aside from the fighting. I don't get how they think they could be copying her, when her character is literally just a guy wearing a hair wrap.
No. 625725
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>>625720Her asskissers replying to her and feeding her delusions are making me want to kms. I was hoping at least one person with any common sense would just come right and say how ludicrous she's being. Then again it'd be hilarious to see her lose a lawsuit against Nintendo.
No. 625729
>>625715If someone showed me this I would assume it was like an AU of Finn from Adventure Time or Link
>>625725Best route. Yes. Please
No. 625732
>>625721Yes, anon, cooking is a big thing in BotW because it's the best way to heal/get stamina boost.
>>625729I thought it was one of those "what if Link was a Pokemon NPC" AU because of the stupid headband that has a design that looks like those pokeball headbands some characters wear kek
No. 625733
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>>625720"I've only been developing my characters for 7 years" yet these are the last 8 drawings she's posted.
Imagine "developing" your characters/story for 7 years just to keep drawing the same one or two in the same pose. Also I'm convinced she has never done proper lineart in her life.
No. 625744
>>625733No lie, she has been drawing the same characters from her "story" Barrowdale Village Plaza(?) for years and no one has ANY idea what it's about except that the pink haired girl is her self insert and there's romantic tension between her and her male character (not the blond one). This is because for many years she was single and would constantly complain about it. (She got a boyfriend recently at long last and now she won't stop being publicly annoying about it)
But if you've been working on something for 7 years and you don't even have a single comic page or anything story-related but thousands of drawings of your self-insert standing facing left maybe you're not as good at this as you think you are.
No. 625746
>>625715>>625733It’s easy to “copy” designs that are this simple. Like, it’s a girl in an apron and jeans. It’s a boy in a bandana and jeans. Their clothes are brown, white, and blue. These outfits aren’t so unique that no one could make a similar character without having seen them.
And why would anyone steal ideas that are this boring? You can’t deduce anything about these characters except that they cook or bake, and maybe that’s just their day job. What are their personalities? Their backgrounds? Fuck if I know.
No. 625748
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>>625733I seriously wondered if this was fan art of pic related at first while scrolling, then read the full context.
By her own metric, anyone can accuse her of copying this character, but switching up the clothing colors and adding a hat.
No. 625749
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>>625744She literally feels like a more successful Holly Brown lol and even Holly has at least one shitty comic completed with her bland OCs.
I never saw the appeal in her work (the animation demo pinned to her profile is janky tbh) and struggle to understand why so many kiss her ass. Her self insert OC immediately reminded me of Ukyo (even if it is a reach it still gave me vibes) so her claims of feeling like her ideas are being ripped off are kinda hilarious given how boring they are. She does get that Link wore blue in Wind Waker too right? Like, well over 7 years ago and the start of her “career”.
No. 625755
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These youtube accounts piss me off so much.
This guy linked one of "his" speedpaints in a more popular painting tutorial, and i immediately noticed something off, namely the low image quality of the speedpaint itself, the wildly inconsistent artstyles and skill levels (even though they're about a month apart), and the incredibly amateurish header.
do they gain money from this? what even is the purpose of it?
No. 625770
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>>625715Nobody tell her about smile sweet sister.
No. 625775
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>>625725I went on her twitter and I can't believe there isn't a single person calling her out on this delusion. A soup ladle is the weapon for every fighting lunchlady character ever.
Her art style is also fucking boring, pic related. 4/5 of them have exactly the same face and expression here. And if we want to talk about character ripoffs, from left to right we have Link, feral Helga Pataki, Wendy's hamburgers, Brock from Pokemon, and Pucca.
No. 625791
Not sure if I'm just being irrational but does it really bother anyone else when people let their pets step on or play with their merch and packing supplies?
I know pets always want to see what you're up to, but it seems unprofessional to let your pets step all over your shit.
>vid related>>625775>bluh bluh bluh donut steel muh ocs>ocs are all super generic >Asian girl looks like Pucca rip-off No. 625821
>>625715Fucking Marie lmao
Had to unfollow her because she was so insufferable. She’s ridiculous for thinking Nintendo would steal a single idea from her. A ladle as a weapon is generic as it gets.
No. 625857
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>>625715This is literally like when Aaron Diaz was trying to call Nintendo out for "stealing his idea of female Link" when they released Linkle for Hyrule Warriors and it was nowhere near similar to his boring ass creation already done a million times before by everyone else in the world. What is it with people and the Zelda series?
No. 625943
>>625791It really only bothers me if it’s excessive. The cat doesn’t belong to applecheeks, she babysits it very occasionally like maybe less than once a month for a weekend, and you can’t really stop cats from jumping up on tables and stuff when you’re working unless you lock them out of the room. Like if I was a patron of hers I would mention something because I’m crazy allergic to cats, but it would be rare to react to stuff on like paper and her house looks fairly clean.
Compared to baylee Jae, who openly shows her cats barfing and having accidents all over her house; eating, sleeping in and throwing up the crinkle paper she uses to box her orders for her store; constantly showing the piles of garbage and mess she never cleans up with cats jumping on everything, yeah that’s more disgusting and gross. She’s fully capable of locking her cats out of rooms and out of the box of paper they probably peed in- her house is larger and has multiple rooms- but her followers know what they’re getting when they order from her. They probably would think their package is blessed if one of her cats peed on it
No. 625972
>>624547thanks anon
love their art
No. 626109
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>>625904Lmfao, this is exactly how I picture their train of thought going.
>>626006Now that you mention it he actually looks way more like the island outfit Link from Wind Waker which came out in 2002. Either way she's beyond fucking delusional if she honestly thinks Nintendo is stealing her blandy mcbland design.
No. 626123
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>>625876I went to check her out and I refuse to believe that she's worked for Cartoon Network, DreamWorks AND currently Warner Bros. Her designs are the visual equivalent of white noise and for someone with her portfolio you'd expect her animation to look better than 2002 Newgrounds flash movies.
Another thing that I noticed too was that she has huge problems drawing hands and clearly avoids drawing them and uses only a few poses that she can pull with confidence. She must have a huge case of either an impostor syndrome she's trying to hide or straight out dunning&krugers.
Also imagine being the person at Nintendo's customer service dealing with her fans sperging out at them for stealing her super original unique blonde guy with a ladle design that she probably ripped off from Link to begin with.
No. 626265
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Managed to screencap this tweet before she deleted it kek.
"You know I was joking right?", so at what point was it a joke? When you passively aggressively tweeted about how you've been working on your OCs for longer than BOTW has been out, thus providing "evidence" Nintendo stole from you? Or when you asked everyone how to protect your "IP" against big companies? And said it'd be the best route to get a lawyer?
Yep, sounds like one big joke, Marie.
No. 626408
>>625755>do they gain money from this? what even is the purpose of it?>This person has 100 views on averageI highly doubt this? It's probably a kid. I hope it's a kid.
>>625791It's disgusting in excess. The AANI group had some heinous examples. Among the worst would be cats rolling on dakimakuras. No clue if said pillowcases were the ones they were selling or keeping for themselves because they never saw fit to clarify. Doing it with an item that's for display/staging is okay and can be cute if done well. But that's hardly the case.
No. 626468
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>>625715Ah Marie Puccanoodles. She's such a cow I'm surprise she's not talked about more with her inability to draw combined with her massive following and work she gets at big name companies (probably nepotism).
A little known fact that many people don't know: she got a rabbit a few years ago and it died within 5 months because she left it alone and went on vacation (was making tweets about being on vacation/travelling right before her tweets about her rabbit dying).
Also she would constantly gloat about how she grew up raising rabbits and "had rabbits for 10 years", yet it seems like the moment she actually got one it dies. Hm.
No. 626601
>>626468I don’t doubt the work she does get is through people she’s friends with. The shittiest most unskilled people continue to thrive in the animation industry due to nepotism. It’s hilarious when anons on here try to deny that fact.
My SO is friends with her and I’ve met her on a few occasions during conventions. She’s just so incredibly boring and I eventually had to mute her on twitter because I was tired of seeing her piss poor art and whiny posts like these recent ones regarding her OCs. Her OCs are so painfully generic, it’s sad she even has as big an audience that she does.
No. 626642
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I’m sure she’s cursing twitter’s character limit since she couldn’t cram another disability in there.
No. 626653
>>626645>>626642Going in order that would mean one of her legs don't work right, 10 minute leg(?) cramps, genetic defects, and the usual Twitter snowflake personality where anything that isn't 100% nice to her is a threat that she needs to highlight. "Depression" just means she'll mope about how her art sucks but never overhaul things to actually fix that.
I don't get it either.
No. 626785
>>626667Oh that makes a lot more sense lol thank you
I was like 5 month vacation on a storyboard Salary?!
No. 626815
>>626785Not the same trip but Marie actually did take a long ass fucking vacation I believe late last year that extended into this year to New Zealand. She only went home due to Covid getting worse everywhere. It was at least 3 months and all her tweets about being in touch with nature and living in her car like a vagabond made me want to kms.
I also recall her tweeting some days about just watching netflix all day. If you're that bored on vacation in New Zealand just fucking go home and not loiter there for 3 months.
No. 626827
>>626743Sadly not all screens show colors the same exact way, and your work could always show up kind of bad on someone's screen. You can maybe check from another screen before posting like
>>626818 said, or you can invest in a screen that's a bit more accurate to the sRGB color space, which I think is not the best but the most used (I might be talking out of my ass, if anyone knows better correct me). Also, phone screens tend to amp up saturation and contrast to make everything (like pictures you take) more appealing and full of color.
I used to draw on a Sony VAIO laptop and only after I started viewing my art on other screens I realized that everything looked yellow. Then I got a gaming screen and now my art looks almost identical to when I view it on my phone, just a tiny bit warmer.
No. 626850
>>625858Aaron diaz is a delusional hack. When you do fanart of content you already fall into a weird gray area of copyright infringement AGAINST the company. Thinking “what if male character was female” is not groundbreaking, its one of the oldest tropes there are. So really aaron is closer to infringing copyright on nintendo with his zelda stuff than nintendo is on infringing on him by making an obvious character concept.
There are exceptions but those are few and far between most of these accusations are people being delusionally pushed into thinking they’re more relevant than they actually are because they have 50k followers on twitter.
No. 626867
>>626850Aaron Diaz is a vintage art cow and it's sort of sad that he's not that active anymore because he kept delivering milk all the time with his delusions of grandeur and ridiculously smug attitude. He used to get into Twitter/Tumblr slapfights constantly.
>The author of the webcomic Dresden Codak which is basically just Ghost in the Shell/Bioshock but way shittier>Bitches about anime and anime artists all the time despite his own main character being a Japanese girl who's an obvious ripoff of Motoko from GitS even down to the original design and her dad's last name being Kusanagi>Terminal sameface syndrome, everyone looks the same and has the exact same expression>Brags about his (subpar) skill and how popular and talented he is>Turns into a male feminist at some point, gloats about how his female main character is a STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER despite her just being his personal Japanese waifu who he repeatedly puts into situations where her clothes get torn up or she's strutting around half naked for no reason>Gets pissed at a woman who vaguely makes fun of him for this, turns the main character into a butch undercut lesbian in retort (still conveniently attractive of course)>The whitest fucking guy ever but calls himself a "PoC" because he's like 20% Puerto Rican or somethingI'm praying for him to activate again because his meltdowns were the greatest thing to witness.
No. 626869
>>626867Does he still update his webcomic at a glacial pace? I remember one of his Patreon goals was to update it more often and of course he never followed on it.
It's a shame his golden days are behind, he would have been hilarious to discuss, like his webcomic is incomprehensible due to the terrible panel layout and the pseudo techno babble.