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No. 609972
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>>609966lionessjenna! She used to be one of my art idols, but she just disappeared one day. Have no idea if it was a rebrand or what. I remember people used to give her flack cause she was basically besties with Tackyanimations
Didn't include it in the OP but I really should've mentioned Blackworufu - she was popular at one point but from what I can recall - she was always fandom crazy at every turn. I remember she got into drama a few years ago cause she got into drawin BOONDOCKS incest of all fuckin things.
No. 609976
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Oh, I was thinking about this! Does anyone remember lawnmowerpants/bossies? I used to follow her art blog obsessively as a teen, really loved her "artsy" lifestyle. I remember she kept getting reported on deviantart for her guro art. As far as I last know she stopped posting after getting into art school in Japan, and is probably a designer at a company somewhere.
No. 610022
>>610018samefag but heres a link scared to look at anything on that page
No. 610101
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>>609972Oh god i remember her and Tacky! Her and TackyAnimations were close friends at one point since i remember she used to be in Tacky's animations. Jenna did rebrand a few times. She did some NSFW art going by nenna and later nennanennanenna, i remember her drawing a lot of Inazuma Eleven porn of one character. The only archive you can find of her art under nenna/nennanennanenna is on Gelbooru As of now, she abandoned Jennabee, her OC in anon's pic, and is now doing NSFW art these days with a dog girl persona. She rebranded now as dogscribss/sniffsniffimdog(18+) on Twitter. If you look at her animations and art style under both accounts, you can see the similar style from her nenna account. Her animations have improved dramatically since the fanime days.
Speaking of Tacky, oh boy i haven't heard that name in a very long time. I remember a couple things about her and one of them is her Encyclopedia Dramatica page. It had some deets on the things she did during the fanime days and luckily, it's still available to read albeit with broken images. I spoke to her once a very very long time ago and she seemed cool at the time. Silly but nice like how she portrayed her persona in her videos but was salty when it came to three artists. She had a huge hatred for DreaChu, Tinachan90 and Chii24(Doopie) due to their growing popularity. I remember she drew some joke pics of Tina and Drea way back to poke fun at them in a petty way but i can't remember the context of them since this was years ago. Around this time, a lot of fads were starting and gaining popularity via Nico Nico Douga animations. Drea, Tina and Doopie were jumping on these trends and i remember Tacky jumped on this for a bit once they uploaded a video of their animations. Another thing i remember was she featured Tate (AKA Mike, now ex-husband) and Jaz (Ex-best friend) in her animations. I remember she talked about Mike and her having a divorce and she was Bi after the divorce? I can't find the journal at the moment unless she deleted this. As for Tacky and Jaz, they had a falling out and she disappeared from DA and her and Mike were removed completely in her videos. Tacky tried to do some new series with a new group of friends but they didn't last long. She made TONS of journals on DeviantArt detailing her life, being mad on the internet and vice versa, they're still available to read. One random drama i THINK i remember was when she got flak for coloring her cat Sillihou's tail with food coloring depicting a rainbow. I think some people bitched at her about it unless i'm misremembering but it seems like he no longer has the rainbow.
After a few years, Tacky just got up and left DA completely and never returned. However…. she is still around. Most people know her main account (TackyAnimationsX3) but everything is scrubbed except her fanime is still viewable to watch via ED. She later rebranded as TackyAnimootions and she had a good amount of content before scrubbing that away. The channel hasn't been updated for a year but she has 3 videos showing off her animations. From what i last remember, it's still the same albeit a bit smoother than i remembered and less choppy. Seems like her and Mike are on speaking terms since he's featured in her videos on the channel. She also has a Instagram and she still looks the same after all these years, looks like she hasn't aged a bit. As for her art whereabouts, she currently has a new DA page going under as KryptoniteDarkKnight I remember this account cause she was doing some fanmade Five Nights At Freddy's comic which i assume is unfinished. She's also active on Tumblr with the same name to this thread, it made me dive into a deep rabbit hole involving Tacky. I COMPLETELY forgot about her until i looked up her ED page and found all of her other social media. She's not as spergy like she used to back on her TackyAnimations account, but it's interesting to know she's still on the internet to this day.
Pic is Tacky's MTA which also showcases how she draws.
No. 610213
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Does anyone remember ippus/prodigy bombay? I used to live for their art but now i cant seem to find them on the internet anymore, i did stumble upon one of thier semi active tumblr a few years back but now i cant find any info on them whatsoever.
No. 610262
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>>610254Ah, to be 10 years old again, watching Warriors meme animations on YouTube in the late 2000s…
I also miss that somewhat-associated "furry animator" scene on Youtube back then (HinaUchi, BlueKyoKitty, EmmyIzawa, SplashKittyArtist, etc.) They were my first taste of lolcows. I remember slowly realizing how shitty some of these people were in actuality and growing out of my interest in their art around 2012/2013, and regularly checking Tumblr drama/callout blogs about their scene. I think most of them are in their mid-to-late 20s now.
No. 610393
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>>610270Samm's now @LittleRedAussie and @MiniAussieArt on Twitter and tailgrip on Fur Affinity, but that may not be all of her current accounts. She's known for having multiple aliases at once. Apparently she lives in Washington now, moved there in May? I know she lived in Las Vegas originally and then moved to Florida, doesn't her ex (Ten-Days-Till-Sunday/KingNeroche) live in Seattle? (that fakeboi she dated) lives in Newfoundland, Canada, so they've probably been broken up for a while now. No. 610399
>>610262, KingNeroche was the only person in that scene that I thought was somewhat cool and not lolcow-ish (except by association with Samm.) That's hilarious, though. I also thought it was funny how she and Samm always drew themselves as skinny even though in every picture/selfie they looked close to obese.
No. 610463
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>>609976Woah, WHAT? I just discovered her a few years ago, like 2014 or 2016 idk. I didn't know she was from the late 2000's "era", lmao. I always thought she was a very obscure and unknown artist that only a very few people knew, for some reason. Do you know where I can find her art? She had a website which got deleted I think (or at least I couldn't find it) and the only place I can find her art nowadays is pixiv. I mean, not that I tried to look super hard to find her art, but in my defense it's kinda difficult with a generic name like that kek
Back on the main topic; did someone else watch ShadowLeggy back in the day? I mentioned her in the Art salt thread but no one seemed to recognize her or give a shit lmao.
Her art ""progress"" is one of the worst I've seen in my life (pic related). At the beginning she was around her 20's btw. HOW CAN YOU STAGNATE SO MUCH WITH YOUR ART, WTF. It doesn't help that she had/has a gigantic ego thanks to her videos and "amazing art" going viral back in the day.
No. 610622
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>>610613aight! dont want to make a new yt account just to re upload these so its on streamable:
Deviantart tutorial-SO you wanna be POPULAR!: Easter! Tacky is Dead: Op? : ep1: No. 610649
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Anyone remember InvaderMar crime deviantart? She was crazy popular back around 2006 and had many fans, stalkers and h8rz.
She was pretty cringe and would always draw borderline lewd material and burned thru Internet boyfriends like a wildfire. I was super young though so I thought she was the kewlest.
No. 610756
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Does anyone remember Sonicrocksmysocks? She got made fun of a lot for self inserting herself into ships but tbh I kinda love it. I also did not realize she was the one behind the 4th of July diet bunny video lmao. Looks like shes still active and does a whole bunch of shit.
Lookin at her ed article now makes me realize how fucking petty it is KEK
>>610649Aww I remember her!! She was quite popular in the IZ fandom at the time. She's the reason I made a zimsona/irksona? in 2007 KEK
No. 610763
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>>610463GOD YES. She was my first ever art tuber I saw I think, with all her RE videos I became obsessed with her vids for a while. Never played RE but her videos made it super easy to digest the series and all that.
She did regress, and it's kinda hard to look at for how long she's been online/how old she is. But honestly I still get nice feelings thinking about her. Mainly because she's the first creator I followed that ended up marrying her boyfriend that she met in the chatroom and drew in her friend group videos often.
She still posts semi active on DA:>>610756Same here, I admit it was hella cringy that it was literally every fandom she got into to do this but at the same time it's like: I feel like this was one of the peak examples of hating someone just to hate them. I remember she got criticized for the colors she chose for herself of all things. ED was full of petty bullshit for a decade now but it was especially prominent with artists. I think everyone was trying to find the next ChrisChan but just ended up targeting kinda cringey nobodies.
No. 610815
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>>610763>I feel like this was one of the peak examples of hating someone just to hate them. I remember she got criticized for the colors she chose for herself of all things. ED was full of petty bullshit for a decade now but it was especially prominent with artists. I think everyone was trying to find the next ChrisChan but just ended up targeting kinda cringey nobodies.Exactly! She and a lot of other artists at the time were pretty harmless and I think because they were popular people just decided to target them for kicks.
Some people just took it all way too seriously.
I re-visited Snapesnogger's page too and it doesn't seem like she really did anything that bad either. She was whiny about criticism and would stir the pot in the comments but she wasn't as bad as some of the horror cows on here. The serpent things and mpreg shit she drew were weird for sure but it's kinda pointless to go after her just for that. Maybe I'm just desensitized at this point. I will say her art has improved a ton and seems to handle herself better!
Lmao @ this girl trying to make sense of her art
No. 610818
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>>610815Her art nowadays (she finally draws noses now!)
No. 610851
>>610756I remember having a huge hateboner for Sonicrocksmysocks as a teenager back when she was still relevant in the mid 00s, I found it unbelievably irritating how she kept shoehorning her lackluster Mary Sue OC into the arms of all the popular characters and everyone congratulating her for it. I was like 14-15 at that point so it was your typical adolescent pettyness. I gotta admit though I went to check her current stuff out because of this post and to be honest she's still cringey as all hell and I find her stuff unattractive because it
still revolves around the bland self-insert OC, but nevertheless she is relatively harmless. I don't know, something about her makes me revert into that edgy teenager frowning my brown and scoffing even though I know I shouldn't give a shit lmao.
>>610815Thinking back on snapesnogger my first thought was "I wish the artist drama we still had was this tame and not doxxing and canceling someone over drawing a dark skinned character half a shade lighter or drawing a 17-year old anime boy shirtless". Honestly, what she "did" was pretty fucking milquetoast and her snake mpreg stuff was weird for sure but her only crime seemed to be "having strange fetishes and being snooty about people giving her art advice". People wrote these obsessed hate letters and put a ridiculous amount of effort into trolling her and from a 2020 perspective it seems so pointless.
No. 610864
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Anyone remember AkaiDalia? I wasn't a fan of her personally, but I enjoyed watching all the drama going on with her and her fans. The Sonic fandom produced so many cows back in the day.
No. 610880
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>>610864Looks like she's just horny for Sonic but then again who isn't
No. 610937
>>610463Yeah she was really popular on livejournal and dA back in the day, especially in the hetalia circle! But she got most of her pieces deleted when deviantart began seriously cleaning up eroguro + she often did mass deletion of her older works herself. I used to be into her original works and her Rabanastre comic about centaur people but I think they've all been wiped from the internet.
She got me into drawing more beautiful guro work! I was really obsessed with her because I thought she was such a "kewl alt-artist adult omg" but I do remember she often made a lot of angsty posts about shopping therapy and family stress and hating her job so in hindsight she must have been a kind of lonely person. I hope she found happiness!
All her social media is dead but the archive is still up on No. 611027
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>>610756>>610851>>610945She withdrew from social I think for a long while before starting various new social media accounts with her irl name and mostly being active on tumblr or twotter still does self-inserts tho… No. 613452
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Anyone else remember Mojocrystaltokyo and Tokyo Crystal Mew? It was a Tokyo Mew Mew fanime about the daughters of the main characters. I wholeheartedly enjoyed it and thought it was the greatest thing ever but I think it was somewhat infamous, I remember hearing that she received a lot of mean comments. I'm not sure though. remember there was a lot of Tokyo Mew Mew fanimes back then, another one was Diamond Mew Mew by Cazziecaz5 but I don't know as much about that one.
No. 613895
>>612802Yeah,same here lmao..
And the places it goes with the plot… why did they think they could tackle religious extremism??
If you dont know what im talking about please watch this its amazing: No. 615124
>>613452I remember her!
She seemed like a really sweet person even if her old videos were kind of painful.
I think she does vtuber streams on Twitch now and has a webcomic.
When I was searching to check what her username is I saw she had a husband that died, damn that's depressing. No. 615940
>>609963Even in the new list, Sutsuki is forgotton (now amphypop)
im dying laughing rn
No. 615946
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>>609963Crackednutshell is back as CurlyPocky I believe? Their art has drastically shifted from their old style.
No. 615967
>>615210Holy shit, i remember! That was Teruchan! I'm amazed they're still around and i remember some people thought they were male but some say they're also female.
No. 616035
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Does anyone remember Tagl? This is more out of nostalgia, she wasn't involved in any drama afaik. I loved her drawings in the late 2000's/2010's. There's just something about her style that I thought and still think is very charming and different from other manga artists. According to the comments on her DA page she has passed away though I don't know how/when.
No. 616067
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I was a fan of this Korean artist sujk0823 back in 2010/11, they drew mostly South park and looking back it's very very weird, but they inspired me a lot as a kid lmao
No. 616142
>>616071Same here! I adored bleedman and would read all the comics he made with the ppgs (snafu, i think it was?)
I remembered him recently and went back to see if he ever finished it after that hiatus and it was like a brick to the face how pedo-y the comic was.
No. 616169
>>616071>>616088IIRC one of the writers is a confirmed convicted pedo. It was the one who Zamii09 was friends with that caused all that drama where Tumblr hated her and blamed her instead of the pedo.
Also bleedman has literally drawn porn of the little girls he draws lol it's why every single girl he draws looks better than any attempt at a grown woman
>>616035Cringe but I basically worshipped her art when I was like 11 and it still makes me happy to see it to this day. It's bringing back a lot of good nostalgia of seeing art like he's for the first time and absolutely being blown away by the colors
No. 616172
>>616142god I remember being an innocent teen and stumbling across the “beware the yellow shirt”/lolicon drama where he was talking about his favorite lolicon artist on his blog. I clicked on the link because said artwork looked really cute, only to be greeted by airbrushed loli vag!
After that the shiny veneer of his comic kinda disappeared for me.
No. 616176
>>616161I believe she mostly used a combination of markers, colour pencils, gel pens and white-out markers for highlights.
Her old youtube channel with a few videos documenting her progress is still up: No. 616275
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I remember watching Jerimin19's speedpaints and being amazed by how realistic her art was to the PPG style.. It's heartbreaking knowing she isn't here anymore.
No. 616581
>>616576I remember her mentioning on one of her accounts, probably Tumblr, that she's been dyeing her hair streaks as an adult.
So her hair now is just fully blonde.
No. 616583
>>616275We were friends and both "big" names in the PPG fandom. It hurts a lot when I think of her.
I think she couldve made been very well known if she had expanded her art to a less branded style considering how much effort she put into making her own game and characters…
No. 617436
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This is extremely embarrassing but when I first joined DeviantArt I was a big fan of this BNF in the HTF fandom. She had several accounts, I think the biggest one was PumaHTF. To this day, I still like her art style a little, it reminds me of pinup noseart lol.
That said, when I went to get a piece of her old art to show (pic related) and her new stuff is extremely cringey Undertale OCs and ship art. There was even a Sans/OC lovechild in her gallery, Christ. She's gotta be like thirty now.
No. 617509
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>>610649God I was a huge IZ fag back then and I used to like her and her 2000's "randomness" humor. Here's her Instagram now if anyone is interested: No. 617598
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>>610649>>617509Not sure if she's an animator, but
>2000s IZ DeviantArt fanartistsI wonder what happened to HyenaKay. After she deactivated her DA account (not sure what for) her work was missed so much that people reuploaded it and even made accounts just to archive it. I'd never seen DA users do that before.
No. 618055
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Does anyone remember bluekyokitty?
I remember liking their animations even though it was a bunch of sparkledogs.
They now make a bunch of trans pride sparkledogs
which is basically what i expected
No. 618067
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>>618055Y E S I remember her. I always felt like she tried really hard to be edgy and her constant breakups with her e-boyfriends were fun to watch. Just checked her Deviantart and her art somehow got worse even though it was never great to begin with, also found this gem. Glad I was more of an allikatnya stan in 2009, kek.
No. 618094
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>>618067blue stagnated in quality. Looking thru their dA so many things just look the same.
allikatnya.. completly forgot about them!! Angelicate avenue was the shit!!
It was kinda like a furry version of that fanime "yin yang"..
No. 618266
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charli d'amelio makes me wanna cuddle her and I have no idea becuz I'm straight and I'm not sexually attracted to her at all. It's not sexual, she just looks really huggable.
No. 618319
>>618067>>618055Furries have gotten even more polarized than normal people lately. Seems like furries are all either tankie trannies or alt-right Nazis now and there's no middle ground. It's amazing that they've somehow managed to make the furry fandom look worse than it already did.
Makes me kind of glad I never got into the whole furry thing beyond a casual interest in Warrior cats.
No. 622727
>>615210>>616071Oh god I read all of the Bleedman comics when I was in middle school and was a huge fan, too young and dumb to notice the obvious pedo shit because I thought all the different characters, together, in these weird crossover worlds were just the coolest. Plus Grim Tales was all overly edgy and emo like my 12 year old soul.
Snafu was a weird site, Bleedman was like the only consistent artist uploading for the longest time. The owner Dave was never heard from. And the forum was an absolute dumpster fire of petty drama, bullying, and shit flinging. I spent way too much time in there. The forum was where Griddles was preying on teenage girls, I think? He was the co-writer for Bleedman's work. He's the one who got thrown in jail, did you know he was in the Australian Air Force? Made news there apparently when he was outed for being the creepy pedophile he was but I don't think Bleedman has ever been legally punished since he just draws his creepy shit.
No. 624191
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Does anybody remember Jazzy-b-real13? She had a bunch of personal issues and left the internet for good years ago, but I followed her art since I was in my teens. She started off drawing Boondocks fanart of her OC, but then transitioned over to Sonic. I don't like Sonic at all, but still kept up with her because her style was so pretty. She was in a really bad spot when she deleted all her art, but I hope she's doing better now.
No. 624203
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Anyone here ever into Yotam Perel aka LazyMuFFIN from DeviantArt/Newgrounds? I used to find his Nameless series hilarious; I loved him because I was a 12-year-old edgelord but he was a genuinely good Flash animator. I looked him up and he's still chugging along as a productive, successful professional animator (see and his socials), which is really heartening to see for anyone you knew 10 years ago.
No. 624467
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I used to live on this shit.
I wasn't an animator myself, just a young, dumb furry, but I ended up getting sucked into the friend groups that consisted of most of the big animators, or at least popular dA names. I remember talking to BlueKyoKitty every so often. The chats were really weird, it'd be a huge mix of different furries of all different ages, me being the youngest (11-12?) and the oldest being random furries in the late 20s early 30s. It was all really catty, as you can imagine. I remember everyone hating HinaUchi (most people did,) and for some reason TribbleOfDoom was widely shat on in the group.
I have a real soft spot for Raichukitten, I was obsessed with their videos and later ended up getting added to their skype GC for a while until it broke apart.
Did anyone else frequent iscribble? I rememeber the absolute group-wide loss of shit when flightfootwarrior and such would come in and prove it's them by drawing (ofc it coulda been someone REAL good at their artstyle, but still…)
No. 625574
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Anyone remember Onlmy? He used to make really creative guro paperchilds, his DA is still up but it doesn't have all his work. I remember he used to have a webpage too but i can't find it now.
I miss all the edgy artists from the 00's.
No. 625994
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>>625830I could only find the second part of episode 1 of Eternal
> Or that one dude who made a whole episode of a sailor moon fan animation?If you're talking about Diamant98's Eternal Goddess, you can find the episodes in this playlist No. 646547
File: 1601901636554.jpg (11.86 KB, 350x350, 14947465_1814884132102005_2631…) chick is such a sperg I don't know how she hasn't had a thread on this site already. Despite being a girl that seemingly lives a very confined, peaceful life in her room drawing, she gets herself involved in so many stupid drama fests. Like recently, she called out an eleven yr old (IIRC) for tracing one of her drawings years ago and ended up getting herself in hot water for flaming a kid. She used to make Happy Tree Friends crossovers with ASDF movie clips but these days she gets angry when anyone mentions those animations, despite the fact she makes even more embarrassing emo ZIM fanfics these days, and she gets pissed off at her fans for not liking them
No. 866212
>>610815>>610818I know this is almost a year old but I'm just now seeing this thread. Snapesnogger's more recent art looks so charming and lively.
Unsurprisingly, the people who hounded Snapesnogger the hardest are calves or lolcows in their own right.
No. 1183465
>>624467Similar story here, but I did animate. The only big name I got really close with was webkinzlid, she was pretty weirdly sexual for an 11 year old and very depressed. I dated her for a short time (I was also 11) and she talked me into some sexual stuff I was that comfortable with. Looking back, she had probably been abused herself, poor girl. Anyway, we eventually grew apart and she went back to flamekitty12, though idk what they're up to these days beyond webkinzlid being into kawaiiguro shit and league of legends.
RaichuKitten nowadays is a very depressed adult and likes drawing touhou fanart. Not sure what they're up to these days. Sometimes they draw Drip Drop. I used to be pretty close to their friend Sparky but now they hate each other for some reason I never cared to ask about.
Probably my best friend in the community killed herself when she was 15, her youtube username was iiCatplz. She had a lot of edgy 4chan humor and was also very sexual and latched onto boys very quickly. I think she killed herself over a boy as well. Messes me up to think about it still. I remember she got really excited when I told her I was friends with webkinzlid and begged me to let her meet her. I miss her so much. She'd be 23 today.
Those are the standouts in my mind. Looking back on it with an adult brain, we were some real fucked up kids.
No. 1183548
>zayashuku Kek
>>609972I used to follow her on tumblr back in the day she drew a lot of shota but does anyone else remember she used to be friends with RileyAv? I used to consider Riley a cow… I thought tinachan90 was cute though
No. 1184485
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>>616275I decided to check her youtube Wikipedia (to see the reason why she committed suicide) and I see this. What the fuck K-pop
No. 1190506
>>609963What happened to DragonRider13025 she use to make Bully and Prototype animation .
Also there use to be an artist on Tumblr that create a comic series about homeless kids in a steampunk setting, I know it's vague but I forgot the name.
No. 1191532
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Any one know where he/she went? His/her art and animation were so good to little me
No. 1226107
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>>617436Extremely silly but that made me check on her. Looks like she left DA due to mental health reasons and is posting on Twitter now, a lot of HTF and Undertale porn along with old HTF art redraws. She seems like a lovely lady that struggles with loneliness, almost lost her home but ended up finding a job in kindergarten.
No. 1226152
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Does anyone remember tenshiketsueki1000? I remember watching her animations back on youtube and she did all her stuff using ms paint. I remember seeing her last journal on deviantart that she was leaving DA and she left the internet without a trace. I just want to know if she's doing alright, she's the reason why I picked up animating
No. 1226439
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I used to be big into xlushix/Jupi kek
No. 1226834
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MyMidnightWish on YouTube (xKoyukix on DeviantArt). I loved this girl since she was the first (good) speedpainter on YouTube I had ever watched. She used MS Paint but eventually used some other app she had on her computer to use a blurring tool on it after she finished coloring it. She would always have weeby Vocaloid music on there. She was a really big inspiration for me and I miss watching her videos so much. Her YouTube channel was eventually taken down in probably 2012 for copyrighted music. I'm pretty sure she said the reason was she had a number of karaoke videos from years ago that were eventually reported. She had two strikes already but never attempted to remove those videos. Something that really frustrated me about her was that she took an insane amount of viewer requests (back when commissions weren't a thing for most people) which probably killed her motivation and growth.
I recall her mentioning someone had gone out of the way to report her videos. I wonder if it was someone who was jealous of her talent or upset that she was taking a while to get to their request. Nonetheless, her videos were a significant comfort watch for me and I really wish I had the foresight to back them up. She made another YouTube channel but probably made two videos but it wasn't the same. Late in her original channel's life, she had gotten a tablet and had moved on to photoshop but it wasn't as interesting for me. Her old stuff hit the sweet spot for me between crude and extremely detailed speedpaint.
No. 1227372
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>>1226439I remember Jupi. They made the Lushi Dance. Unfortunately their original Youtube account is gone.
No. 1670494
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Sage for necro, but I figured I could contribute some old-ish info about the furry animation cliques.
For a while I had followed flamekitty12 on tumblr as well as her partner at the time, who is a MTF. He was an adult at the time they were dating iirc, fluff still being a minor but i cant say specifically what the age gap was. He was into lolicon and specifically had a warning on his blog about it. I believe they've been broken up for years now.
Raichukitten/Shelby bounces between multiple locked twitter accounts from what I could gather. She's mutuals with a handful of people who are all following lolicon, pro-ship, and "dead dove" fanfic twitter accounts. Its kind of a weird coincidence considering her herself tweeted a couple times about being pro-ship to say the least. Other than that her other posts are almost all exclusively about pokemon, gatcha games, or whatever anime she's watching.
Wolflover007/Kaden got married in 2021 and has a masters in psychology now. She doesn't seem to be posting all that frequently even with a new DA.
ilovecorgis/gumki is active on twitter and still drawing furry art and animating occasionally.
Flimingow/Ruby, same situation.
Comi/soapboxgirl33/dragon-shark has been offline for a good while but the last time she posted, she talked about getting sober, and also proposing to her long term gf. She might be sort of active on FA and twitter.
I have a bit more information on Hinauchi/miniaussie art/Samm since shes the most active. Other than getting called out for taking feral porn commissions for money, she had a saga on twitter where she was defending her choice to train an epileptic and partially deaf and blind double Merle dog she impulsively adopted to be her service animal. She also lied about the dog(s?) being rescues instead of adopted. Pic is her getting into a slapfight over her choice to use a disabled dog for training.
The last time I checked up on her Twitter she was posting about how her on-off boyfriend, Ethan/Fen/superninfendo, was actually
abusive in their relationship and not the other way around. Hina being
abusive and manipulative towards Ethan was pretty classic Hina lore for a long time so it's surprising they both have equally large skeletons in the closet.
Here's a wayback machine link, it's shitty but has screenshots if you scroll. No. 2292356
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>>609966>>609972 to check this vid on a nostalgia trip and Sids was in the comments. Searching "sids 4chan" on tumblr had the post she mentioned in the comment come up easily.
Sorry for necropost, just thought others might be interested and wasn't sure if there was any better place to share.