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No. 626879
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread:
>>604999 No. 626931
File: 1599743547732.png (174.49 KB, 651x711, get helppp.png)

The eye meme is
problematic because it could make kids uncomfortable, guys. No. 626937
>>626930They're digital comics anyone can self-publish as a pdf form, they don't go through any publisher QA or editors.
>>626931I can't understand a word of this person's blubbering. Could someone give me some context?
No. 626953
>>626931idc if it's
problematic, but I am tired of seeing it every 3 fuckin days cause some nobody artist realized they could get twitter clout from it because people forget shit the moment they see any tweet on there.
No. 626955
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>>626931What is it with these people and "protecting" children, I thought older teens liked to be edgy and make dumb jokes, and young teens and children shouldn't even be on the internet in the first place.
No. 627108
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>>626955These people could never have a healthy marriage with another person so bossing around Twitter for the sake of kids is the closest to having one.
No. 627118
File: 1599759338590.jpg (511.5 KB, 1280x1771, en_Pepper-and-Carrot_by-David-…)

>>626919I don't think many of them are actually sold. A lot of zines are poorly produced given digital typesetting tools and modern home printers.
No. 627307
>>626919ugh… that's disappointing to find out. Zines used to be fun and a unique thing to purchase/own ever since their rebellion against magazines in the 60's refusing to publish things like women's health. instead of abusing the informal and self-published form of a zine to tell a dime a dozen story, just talk to your therapist or friends about it. Or do they think their transitioning story will blow up and they'll gain recognition for doing something that's seen as trendy?
mini blog but im tired of people thinking their transitioning is "deep" or "philosophical"
No. 627445
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>>627433There are some good project in the Western scene like pic related, but it gets buried under all the crap (Sturgeon's law and all). Since the online art community is pozzed with woke shit it's impossible to avoid it, like even if a zine looks decent, it has to be ruined by stuff like "all profits will be donated to a trans charity".
I agree though, the Japanese (and Chinese) doujinshi scene blows them all out of the water, too bad most of the dedicated websites don't ship abroad.
No. 627536
>>627517Ntayrt and slightly ot but people here really seem to forget how many autists we have on this site who take everything literally. I swear, on every thread someone takes the most obvious joke dead seriously and it would be funny if it wasn't just sad.
Slightly on topic though, honestly the advice is only ever about what tablet to get and what watercolor paper to purchase which is super tiring. Really hope they'd stop flocking the thread.
No. 627688
Twitter artist sinpie_nii/Kanoiichi moved accounts because he was 'accused of being a pedo' for liking a bunch of art that featured some underaged characters.
Not that he's important, but wondering if this was even true lol
Link to post with 'proof' No. 627774
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discovered scrolling through my timeline on twitter from someone else liking it. anyway; artist @alisadraws tweets about charging her 11 yr son $25 (discounted from $45) for a commission by her.
people seem to be pretty pissed off in the comments, but personally i can understand why she’s charging him: accountability, learning the value of money and hard work, etc. but i can also see the side of people saying it’s unfair.
No. 627778
>>627774Would be nice if she took the money to get them both something to eat or something else to spend time together.
Idk it does feel unfair to charge your 11 yrs old kid for art.
No. 627869
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>>627774>tfw your own mommy is charging you for a fucking drawing>not even talking in person, via textThat's so depressing, 25 bucks is a ton for a little kid.
All those comments calling it cute and wholesome are honestly
toxic, the fact that he knows her rates, that he had to check whether she has time and also immediately knew that he will have to pay if he wants something shows that this is a frequent topic in their home, a mom shouldn't demand fair treatment or appreciation for her "talents" from her own little kid. Those art twitter/tumblrinas really shouldn't have kids if they still think in such an entitled manner. You know exactly that she's the type of person who called her parents mentally
abusive for not kissing her ass. Does she charge him for lunch and helping with homework too?
No. 627872
>>627778I agree, if she wanted to teach him the value of money or whatever she could've charged him like 5$ and used that to buy them both ice cream
Also I know this is just a snippet of the conversation but their interaction is so weird
No. 627873
>>627688Imagine a world where obsessed people meticulously rake through your Twitter likes just to find
problematic content. Now take that further and imagine that they make a callout post calling you a pedophile because you liked Powerpuff Girls hentai (in which the characters are aged up to look like they're in their 20s), SFW South Park ship art and a lewd drawing of a fictional 17-year old. There's 2020 Twitter for you. Our timeline ended up in a circus and we're held hostages by the clowns.
>7 reactions, 8 commentsIs this a self post?
No. 627877
>>627872They excuse her by saying that the money goes back to him the next time she buys groceries anyway. So she let an 11-year-old pay for the family's food? What is this teaching him?
They only find this wholesome because they get off to the idea of getting money thrown at themselves for ugly 5 min doodles.
Thank god my parents aren't
artists kek
No. 627890
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>>627777yeah, no i get that.
and apparently he gets money from gifts and allowance or some shit?
like i said, i can understand both sides. i’m in the middle here.
No. 627891
People are overreacting as usual.
No. 627895
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Not to beat a dead horse concerning PuccaNoodles not knowing how to draw but this hand n her newest drawing is hilarious.
I'm honestly inspired that she has worked at CN, Dreamworks and WB because it means they'll just fucking hire anyone.
No. 627900
>>627880Its like they callout the actually normal people because no one would care at all otherwise
actually that makes sense they usually are vendetta-chans/jealous
No. 627915
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>>627904Yeah, they were easily drowned out because at the time Homestuck's fandom was giant. But there were quite a few people I'd see around that would point out how weird it was. These people were most likely not into anime either so that's probably why they also found all the sexualization of these ms paint kids with no arms so strange. It's so normalized in the anime community we don't bat an eye.
I think what also helped propel these ideas into the spotlight was with how many groomers were/are being exposed for preying on teens. People are now on high alert because it's so common to run into predators on the internet, especially in fandom/nerd-y type spaces. That's my theory anyway.
No. 627982
>>627887Honestly This, the kid could spend that money on video games or snacks, but instead he wants art from his mom, and that has value to him and he values her time so he pays her for it. He doesn't have to buy art from her, he can commision other artists if he wanted. This is cute honestly, and given how many anons sperg here about art being a luxery and how people don't value art enough, it's suprising that they lose their shit over this. The kid values art,t he same way he values any other hobby, so he's willing to pay for it. This isn't the same as charging him fucking rent or food, or a taxi fare for driving him to school, those things are neccesary and need to be provided.
No. 628008
>>627887Not really, this would be like a mom who is a chef charging her kid when they ask her for something different to eat like a cake or a mua charging her 12 year old for makeup for a school event.
And what is he even supposed to learn? He already knows enough to save and that he needs money for stuff, charging him for a drawing won't have any effect.
No. 628022
Tbh looking at that tweet
>>627890 and the way it sounds with the "Oh, he's 11" humblebrag, it feels just as legit as all of the mothers claiming their 5 years old said some super profound thinkpiece about the state of the universe so maybe in the end there's nothing to care about here. Also I suppose a lot depends on how much allowance that kid gets. For me it would take months to save up $25 but I lived my childhood in a different times, maybe if he gets about twice as much or more monthly then I could say it's totally reasonable.
No. 628031
>>627890>>627869>>627774honestly looks like some fake shit
and idk why some of you defend this. It's fucking weird to ask from your 11(!!!) year old son money. it's fine to do it when he is older but holy shit he is just 11 and she is his mother. sounds just freaky to me.
No. 628066
>>627895>>628056I really can't wrap my mind around how even being buddy-buddy with industry moguls would give a pass to this shit. Her art is painfully mediocre and her animation is janky as hell, she can't draw hands to save her life and her character designs are lackluster at best. Her art literally looks like female Tom Preston and her attitude seems to be just as rotten. Even that psycho son of Spongebob sucking nepotism cock at least knew how to draw a solid line. Is she just drawing inbetweens nobody ever spots?
And why are her strokes always the same weight? Is she drawing on a mouse or something? God this just makes no sense to me at all.
No. 628145
File: 1599849098694.png (1.18 MB, 746x833, Capture.PNG)

i am so fucking sick of kawacy's attitude and the way he seems to have a hard on for age gaps in couples, he always draws female characters like children, i swear to god there's something slimy about him. he just posted pic attached to instagram amid all the controversy he's been receiving about his sims "ship".
sage for rage
No. 628199
>>628191She is a case of 1000 year old dragon that has a body and behavior of a 10 years old girl, but it's a 1000 year old dragon so it's okay to sexualize it, no one is a pedophile here?
Honestly that pedo plotline of her and Gentle Criminal (who is supposedly 32 but is made to look older) is the most disgusting thing that happened in BNHA so far, and that's still considering a fact that Mineta exists in that universe as well.
No. 628204
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>>628199That's exactly why I posted her, that Kawacy pic has a gap of 10 at most while this one out of context is somewhere over 20.
No. 628210
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>>628160>two people on the internet can't have the same opinion, must be samefag>>628204the age gap in kawacy's picture is actually a few hundred years, the dude is like 500
No. 628321
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Might i interrupt this moment for a small laugh break at raiko's terrible anatomy and the obvious traced heads/assets.
Alright continue.
No. 628331
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>>628321not even trying to hide it
No. 628359
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>>628321Well, we can be sure she didn't trace this godawful hand.
No. 628376
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>Nawnii is still making videos on LupisVulpes
>LupisVulpes hasn't even posted anything since the last video and has probably abandoned her account already
She's dead, Jim.
Stop beating a dead horse.
Also, the a-logging is real.
No. 628383
>>628145>guy eternally stuck in his 20's>falls in love with a mortalEventually, she would be the "pedo".
>>628226Wrong. She grew into an adult and they had two kids together, who will star in the sequel anime.
No. 628398
>>627907They eventually do loosen up on their anti-nsfw morals, though. I knew one artist who was an extreme prude as a 15 y/o teen and then went from 0 to 100 as a 19 y/o adult and even got called out for trying to push lewd onto other teens.
That's how I feel it will go for most of these crusaders after they get older.
>>627836Instagram and Amino are basically the new tumblrs, but both are really shitty to use. Amino is slightly better than IG for art, but it's still swamped by low quality posts. The skill ceiling is extremely low.
No. 628409
>>628400myselfWell, I like to draw weird ass characters, I like to experiment with anatomy since I know shit about anatomy, so it’s fun to just add stuff, make them stick thin and add as many eyes as possible.
I like to draw OCs, they’re not relevant to anyone, but it’s something I enjoy, sometimes I try to draw my friend’s OCs and such.
No. 628412
>>628383No, eventually she would be the cougar.
And yes, that anon was right. Sesshoumaru was Rin's guardian/father figure since he revived her when she was a child.
There's no way he just left her when she was 11 then came back at 18 to dick her full of twins then leave again.
No. 628421
>>628419No rules just tools.
Only blatantly tracing/photobashing off of other artists is off-limits to me.
No. 628491
>>6278362012-2017 era tumblr isn't safe, as it had very loose morals when comes to fictional minor x adult fanfics or fanarts. This example shows up how sensitive and pissy people can be like 2020 SJWs ruined people's joy by calling them a pedo and shit.
I guarantee an anime boy highschooler won't make a woman sexually harass a teenage boy
No. 628503
>>628502*2009-2014 tumblr
my bad
No. 628505
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No. 628522
>>628145The age gap stuff is old news, but kawacy is definitely a cow. He had a "girlfriend" in other artist OrangeSekaii up until about 2 years ago, when they suddenly stopped interacting online. People found out that he had a real girlfriend and OrangeSekaii was his public "girlfriend" just purely so that they could be a famous online artist couple in the public eye. They used to draw each other lovey dovey pictures and it all seemed very fake and way too overenthusiastic (he was even calling her his wife at a point).
About 2 years ago people noticed OrangeSekaii suddenly drawing tons of angsty pictures after unfollowing kawacy (presumably fed up with him using her as an online show girlfriend) and kawacy was suddenly drawing ~relatable~ comics about being single. That was a pretty wacky piece of drama that I wish more people talked about.
No. 628532
>>628522Orangesekaii Kawacy fiasco happened quite a long time ago lol.
She posted a story which she stated that the issue between her and Kawanocy was all fine, since he already have a partner. The next story said that Orangesekaii dislikes people who likes to toying around feelings. This might refer to Kawanocy toying her feelings by using her as a public tool to increase his popularity often saying "My wife orangesekaii" on his post desc.
And why did he make "relatable" comics about being single? Did her gf dumped her e-fuckboy cow??
No. 628569
>>628502I remember the rise of the SJW shit becoming popular in around 2012-2013. Before that you could ship and draw whatever you wanted and you were pretty much left alone. I think 2011 was the year when social media started becoming really popular so that was the changing point which made the moral policing slowly get more and more out of hand. Compared to when in 2005 you could make the wackiest, most
problematic fucking ships and people would just go "weird but okay" unless that was their NOTP. Shipping from Kuroshitsuji was just seen as something people did and nobody thought it was "omg pedo" and people drew ship art of Naruto despite the characters being 12. Nobody thought of them as "minors" because everyone still had their brain intact.
One of my personal favourite ships was between a 15-year old and a 25-year old and despite their age difference the characters were in the same mindset and perceived at the same maturity. Because these are fucking adults writing fictional characters, they're not real people behaving like real kids. I honestly want to scream until my lungs give out because of all the zoomers not realizing that one day they'll be 29 and still find that 14-year old shounen protagonist hot because cartoon characters don't age with you. I hope you all get eaten by the artist cancel monster you fed for all these years.
No. 628628
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>>627895I know that fist from anywhere!
No. 628654
>>628569As long as characters are the same maturity level, it should be fine. Unless it's a wholeass grown adult thirsting over a young teen/kid.
Twotter seems to be convinced that it's only ok once both parties are >18. That's why Twotterfags love shit like Lore Olympus (despite the fact that babby Persephone is written as a 13-year-old uwu who doesn't know what sex is and Hades is written as a broody 40+ dog daddy) and will send mobs after people who ship two 17-year-olds in the same breath.
No. 628660
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Please tell me I am not the only one who just can't stand this guy's art. I understand going for a creepy art style, but over all those years the style hasn't improved at all and it's just the same bullshit over and over again. This artist is just STUCK in the artstyle at this point which doesnt allow any improvement at this point. Plus might be a fakeboi, or is, I used to know him back in the day as a girl that kept talking about how big her boobs were (and make fanfictions of her and her own characters banging lol, but that was way back in 2012/2013).
The pic is the best example of how awfully disgusting the artstyle is, it's not disgusting because it's creepy, it's disgusting because it's so much shit as the same time.
insta: links: No. 628683
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>>628505what really gets me about the kids who sperg about this kinda thing is that they think adults shouldn't be involved in creating content for their fandoms lmao
Makes 0 fucking sense since most of the comics, anime, and games they like were all created by ADULTS. It's also adults who create the decent fanfics and most of the pretty art they like to re-post.
No. 628751
File: 1599926145478.png (568.95 KB, 728x924, 2020-09-12 (2).png)

thoughts?, I had been following kaneblob for a long while now, she gets a lot of support from other artists on insta and twitter, so I never thought she would grrab other artists background ( a very popular one) for an anime's official promo No. 628758
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>>628751looks like they already admitted their fault, tho it's funny to me that just bc shes famous she had ppl defend her lmaoo
her apology doesnt seem right to me, specially knowing that she has plagiarized and HEAVILY referenced/copied previously.
probably nothing will happen to her bc shes popular and her art is cute
No. 628777
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>>628751>>628758Somebody else on the thread also dropped this there. Don’t get they would photobash anothers when they have so much skill
No. 628783
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This isn’t really a huge issue, just something that bothers me personally but I hate it when artists overuse these orange overlays. It’s as if they’re relying on filters instead of learning how to color, and it makes all their art look the same. I think it’s okay to use sometimes but not constantly.
No. 628796
>>628660Not really even gore art, it’s the same freaky Fred 3/4 face posted
>>628751Im straight up thinking that if you post anything remotely similar to another(especially if it’s big name, no matter if it’s generic as shit) concept you’re screwed
No. 628800
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Hey, so..i just lost the pen for my wacom tablet (pic related) but i really cant afford a new pen. Is there any solution for this?
No. 628810
>>628751Ooooff. How did she think she wouldn't get caught? This isn't even overreferencing, it's straight out tracing.
>>628808Lmao yeah for once someone actually
is tracing her shit.
No. 628849
>>628751The longer I look at it the more baffling it is, particularly because the focal point of the characters and the focal point of the background are very far off.
The characters are angled but the city looks so flat behind them.
I don't even know how you get like this if you have any art education at all bc boomer artists tend to do landscapes and tend to teach landscapes as one of the first few lessons they give.
No. 628857
File: 1599939341429.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, 1599928258346.png)

>>628783Amazing how much more life it has when you cool it off.
>>628788Orange lighting doesn't really make sense in some of those night scenes.
No. 628858
>>628857Amazing how dull it looks now.
>Orange lighting doesn't really make sense in some of those night scenes.It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to look pleasing to the artist. These just look depressing now.
No. 628890
>>628757I'm tired of stupid people fucking up simple words like "reference" and now we have to explain simple shit all over again.
Aside from deviantart and Twitter, during my art life I've never heard that referencing was cheating, just copying and tracing. I feel like some people who used to trace and copy tried getting away with it saying it was "referenced" and now some kids can't tell the difference between simple concepts.
Referencing as in looking at real life stuff(through photos or observation) is common and encouraged in art sschools since forever.
Photos: ok to look/understand/reference a pose/muscle/proportion or whatever you need.
Not ok to trace over them or reproduce them completely and claim it without citing reference. Unless: it's been posted as free stock and it's been said by owner that needs no citing or it's a stock photo you actually bought.
Other people's art: look at them for inspiration overall. If you are going to reproduce anything of their art do as study, post with credit.
How fucking hard is this?
No. 628896
>>628888Who's samefagging? I just saw both images and gave my opinion.
Sorry if the edit was hard work, just doesn't look as good
No. 628948
File: 1599944340604.jpg (625.22 KB, 675x1000, kaneblob copy.jpg)

>>628751>>628758People will forget about this within 2 days and her friends probably won't mention her for a week or so, but everything will go back to normal soon.
As long as your art is cute and you have a loyal following, nothing will change even if you get caught up in drama.
No. 628959
File: 1599944862202.jpg (159.51 KB, 500x662, OSL_Gwendolyn.jpg)

>>628953second one is Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere
No. 628963
File: 1599945135028.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, filtered.png)

>>628857Tried filtering it to be more neutral.
No. 628989
>>628981Like I said, I can see the direct inspiration for the second one (idk if that is a typical pose for that character though) but a side shot of San riding the wolf is just super basic. Plus the actual figures simply aren't copied and the coloring for both pieces is different.
Also, unless we're talking about people raised in complete isolation, pretty much all art concepts and forms are inspired by other art, this whole culture around being "original" or whatever is very modern, it's related to the idea of IP and it's not based in how reality works. People who think this is worth a callout just look either very young, uneducated or like haters.
No. 628990
>>627890Why not just give him a free drawing and tell him to send his money on artists that aren't directly responsible with his livelihood? So fucking gross. This shit made my blood boil.
>>628948I'm tired of people thinking they own compositions. Just outskill them and move on, no need to have an internet feud over false copyright claims. It's always these middling artists that take shit way too seriously and try to bully others. It's not great that they're piggybacking off your idea, sure, but to orchestrate a whole callout? Gauche.
No. 629057
>>628963>>628980Can barely tell this apart from the original. I think the point OP was trying to make about everything being constant orange is still correct.
>>628883Go back to 4chinz and stay there. I'm tired of their shitty empty buzzwords.
No. 629107
>>628857OP here. I actually like this edit, but like
>>628871 and
>>628876 said it looks dull because of the values. My point was that all of the art looked the same, all orange and all blue are both boring. I found it kind of annoying since the drawings themselves have a nice style. Pretty good for a 15 year old. Maybe as they get more experience and confidence they won’t rely on orange filters so much.
No. 629116
>>628996Who the fuck cares who are these mentals. Too bad for alohasushicore and perisceris whoever they are, but doesn't change anything about stealing someone's art.
>>628758>I'm glad the artist is finePeople acting like making a post on Twitter is like punching them in the face irl.
It does bring some minor satisfaction that the artist admitted their mistakes, it's much more than most. Taking the girl who used to trace persona's art as an example, most people find excuses or simply ignore and try to twist the story into a pity party for them.
No. 629123
File: 1599956456790.jpg (689.86 KB, 1080x1974, mlktwea.jpg)

>>629107I didn't realize I knew this artist until anon brought up the 15-year-old part.
They're very talented, especially compared to most artists on insta and more so considering their age, but their art definitely has been relying too much on orange filter lately. (I blame big instathot artists who reeee about how everyone needs consistent colour scheme and aesthetic to make it. Anyone would feel pressured to fit in.)
This is what their art looked like when I started following them. You can see how they have a good grasp on color theory.
No. 629163
File: 1599960435273.jpg (261.65 KB, 1591x950, SymbolsMoon.jpg)

>>629162It means drawing a hand as a turkey among other things. Also pic related.
No. 629179
>>629162It's when you draw an object from you're imagination without actually taking into account how the object actually looks. This can be super helpful for beginners, but you have to break the habit fast, because you're learning how to draw in 2D instead of 3D. That can make art stiff.
Also, just to be clear, drawing from your imagination isn't bad. It's just important to accurately draw things.
This page explains it better than I do with photo examples so I suggest so read this for better understanding: No. 629185
File: 1599962326845.png (76.28 KB, 311x340, 311px-Th17Reimu.png)

What makes a good anime design in your opinion?
I find Zun's designs to be amazing but i can't figure out why.
No. 629220
File: 1599964780193.png (2.2 MB, 1000x1414, 20C859F4-541B-4259-851C-628A20…)

>>629185I think the anime character designs that are most popular seem to follow a pattern of good coordination, not too much stuff going on. Maybe you like his designs because they are really cohesive? All the colors “make sense” together, overall they are visually pleasing. I feel like clashing is what makes a lot of character designs. Pic related because the girl character is what I (imo) consider clashing/too much happening.
No. 629235
File: 1599965473464.jpg (74.46 KB, 800x477, 9ca15fa55f09dd6833909fa6f96446…)

>>629199Zun is a madman
>>629220I think you are onto something, i like that Touhou characters all look like they belong in the same universe, they share similar accesories like ribbons and hats and coherent themes like Japanese Folklore. Other famous franchises like Fate look too generic to me, the characters could belong to any other gacha game or jrpg, but touhou characters are very distinct.
No. 629326
File: 1599970361004.jpg (83.61 KB, 735x891, e513eb4a3f5bcbc62c63813095559b…)

>>629220Ive always liked (most) Tales character designs to be good for these reasons. Good color usage and relatively simple clothing. It's gotten worse as time went on though. Like with Velvet, love her but wtf
No. 629351
>>629185>>629235To me touhou looks like some generic drawings I used to see back then in deviantart. Fate's designs were a bit different maybe when the anime first aired out, but nowadays I feel most animes look the same.
I think good designs overall come from not only character designs alone, but if the surroundings and minor characters merge well with them. If it's inconsistent without any explanation then it feels weird.
No. 629390
>>629051Ah yes, so it's fine because in the end she's the one owning his money because she gives it to him, so she's right asking her son money for a shitty drawing. Wanting a literal kid to pay for everything her mommy does for him makes you sound like a bitter lunatic.
Also stop with the "who fucking cares" argument, we're here to shit on artists on an imageboard ffs.
No. 629436
>>629406It's only natural to have a drop phase after a return, you're trying to rebuild your brand with different content - it can be better, as you've say you improved a lot - but it's still different and some people who liked what you did before may be just not on board with this, so they go away. Additionally, a classic of instagram "get followers fast" tactic is people just randomly following you among hundreds of others in hope you'll go to see their account and follow back; and then these people just go on unfollow spree every now and then to keep their feed clean, since they didnt care in the first place anyway. It's possible you have a lot of people like this following you, and once you started posting they were reminded of your existence and they remove you too, but it's not any loss for you because, like I've said before, they never cared. If you keep posting relatively often and interact with people who interact with your art you'll definitely build a new, better, more engaged following eventually. Don't get discouraged by numbers.
No. 629442
>>629390He's choosing to spend his money on this, she isn't taking anything away? He could just as well commision other artists if he wanted. Why are you so mad, this isn't a big deal, and the kid is clearly ok with it.
>Wanting a literal kid to pay for everything her mommy does for him makes you sound like a bitter lunatic.This is art, not fucking food. He isn't gonna pay rent or a cab fare. Also yeah who fucking cares, because this is an art imageboard, and this is just discussing some rando's parenting style, which is not
abusive or anything and has nothing to do with art.
No. 629530
>>629525Has anyone here called it
abusive though. The most I've seen, seems to think it's just shitty and mostly done as a humble brag.
No. 629539
>>629525It's not abuse, just shitty to take money from your kid for something like this. He's 11 so 25 bucks is probably a lot to him, i'd understand if he was an adult but a kid? nah.
It would sound ridiculous in any other profession too, if she was a uber driver would she accept payment for taking her kid somewhere like the mall? Or if she was a dance teacher would she take money for dancing with her kid for a bit?
Maybe it's the way some of us are raised but i have never seen a parent do something like this, and the kids in my family still grew up to be normal with money without this "lesson".
No. 629546
>>629539>He's 11 so 25 bucks is probably a lot to himHe's 11 that means he has all his neccessities paid for by his mom/parents. He has that money to pay for luxury things he wants! A lot of toys and games kids his age play with are a lot more expensive than 25 bucks. It's something he decided to purchase on his own free will.
>It would sound ridiculous in any other profession tooIt's about teaching the kid about money, why's that so hard to grasp for you? Which, by the way, will be highly beneficial for him in the future. It's basically parental love to teach him the value of money and budgetting.
>>629540Sure we can, but not before you got your final say on the subject right?
No. 629568
>>629546At that age i wanted to spend the rare money i got from relatives to help my parents pay the bills. Guess what, the didn't take it, because it's weird to charge your small kid for something. And i'm still a financially responsible adult who pays others for their time, there are other ways to teach him about financial responsibility y'know.
>Sure we can, but not before you got your final say on the subject right?Nope, YOU get to win the argument. What she's doing is fine, i agree now, answer with a snarky response so we can go back to the thread topic already plz.
No. 629571
>>629566Yeah, how did she think no one would realize when it's a poster for a huge anime? in fanart it's fine i think to "cheat" on backgrounds but on a job it's too much.
By spirited away you mean the princess mononoke one or was there another call out?
No. 629588
>>629568You're the one who keeps bringing it up. It's not shitty or
abusive, it's just a different style of parenting, and it teaching him financial responsibility and to respect his mom's job.
>help my parents pay the billsbuying art is not the same as paying the fucking rent jfc
Anyways, is this video from Rae kind of a rip off of the emily artful one, because she's the only other yt artist review ive seen on black 3.0. Maybe that's why it seems so familiar.
No. 629596
>>629571i think painting over someones elses art is never ok, but she could have done a similar building herself if she so wanted to get that same feeling, she has the skills, she might have been called out for plagiarism and heavy inspiration but at least she woudln't be called tracer . I don't think this will impact her much on twitter or insta, but I wonder if it will impact companies commissioning her for promo art like this, now that promo she did its unusable, she might have ruined her chances but who knows, she is pretty popular. I think Rossdraws did something similar not for a commission or drawing, it was with a photo of a random girl on insta but he is doing more than fine right now (Not saying they need to be destroyed, that's too much, just saying she will probably be fine in social media) this one, I feel this one its too obvious, I remember when I first saw it on twitter at first I thought both were done by the same artist. I think this one is the only one that bothers me. the other ones are meh to me
No. 629598
File: 1600015896294.png (611.39 KB, 723x431, spirited away.png)

>>629571 I forgot to add the screenshot
No. 629612
File: 1600017783698.jpg (90.37 KB, 900x360, 3wm8ASPEQU1MYrunXA92kMC-CInAes…)

>>629600People typically don't care as long as your aren't stealing other people's artwork. A lot of concept art is just photobashing. If your going to reference something, the unofficial rule has always been use 3 or more sources that way you aren't making a 1:1 recreation with a few bits moved around.
No. 629646
>>629638That's what kills me, she has an art degree, and yet she still puts out this half assed content. Even if she still sucked at art after graduating, she could be self critical and actually work on improving but she doesn't.
These kinds of mistakes just show me that she doesn't really care about the art or the content, because being focused on details and making well researched videos shows you put effort into soemthign which she clearly doesn't. It's sad really, because having an artist that objectively speaking just makes shitty art, improve it, would make for really interesting videos.
No. 629669
>>629666Anon it literally lines up 1:1 with the original as demonstrated in the Gyazo link in this post.
>>628751 Don't be ridiculous. That's a blatant case of tracing.
No. 629798
File: 1600045161100.png (410.35 KB, 599x579, josh 1.PNG)

>>629795Tbh ergojosh isn't a good artist. Something about the way he shades is so unappealing. I think he overblends? Also, all he draws is pretty girls so I don't know if he has any room to talk about artists who only draw pretty girls.
No. 629839
File: 1600049031987.jpg (216.65 KB, 1080x1113, 20200913_230210.jpg)

That broken wrist in the back. He can't really portray his subjects in a recognizable way. They all look the same, or have little in common to the source.
No. 629840
File: 1600049034353.jpg (148.87 KB, 1138x1280, e27d932d911ef68a878ac18f658747…)

>>629798The ref btw. Bill looks to young and his hair is made of melted chocolate and Scarlett looks like she rubbed dirt on her neck. Also her expression is different.
>>629837You're right. I don't think it's bad to do studies but it doesn't seem like he draws anything from imagination. I guess that's just some artists tho.
No. 629876
File: 1600051744944.jpg (357.33 KB, 800x1150, ross-tran-rosstran-4.jpg)

>>629806See the difference between Rossdraws and Ergojosh is that one actually knows his fundies and is a skilled painter who's become stagnant and repetitive to keep up with social media algorithms, while the other can
only draw pretty Pinterest girls while at the same time claiming to be better than those who do the exact same.
If you look at Ross's older work, it's evident that the skill is there, but the same can't be said for Ergo Josh. The latter only got popular because of his ASMR Procreate chill videos.
No. 629886
>>629876I kinda feel bad for Ross. He's a very skilled artist with clearly a lot of potential to draw amazing pieces but has to dull his work because of social media bs.
But then we get randos like Ergojosh who draw like shit but get clout effortlessly by doing "ASMR" voiceovers and drawing Pinterest model girls.
No. 629947
File: 1600060041290.jpg (477.85 KB, 1226x2047, FEMME_PART_2_1024x1024@2x.jpg)

>>629800Reminds me of Alythuh's shitty art kek
No. 629965
>>629849>>629864Uh oh, it's the anti-fujo sperg again.
No, it's not "just a fujoshi thing". It's just a western thing.
No. 629966
>>629849I agree with
>>629923 can we get some examples?
No. 629968
>>629886>>629876 to be fair
Ross is way more popular
he's from one of the best concept art school in US for 4 year
while Ergojosh is a self-teaching
if you check his art 3 years earlier you would see that his art grew pretty fast
No. 630003
File: 1600069057603.jpg (22.48 KB, 480x272, 1592034849-offset-13484-previe…)

>>629598A lot of artists have done Spirited Away fan art based on this motif though. Pic related is another one and you can find plenty more just on Google.
(Sorry for the shitty pic. I tried looking for the clip that someone saved of this but it's buried under a retardedly huge number of clips of the artist's vtuber avatar talking.)
>>629986I think it's normal, or at least I used to feel this way too. When I used to do commissions, I would sometimes spend way too long on a piece to try and get it as close to my vision as possible and still end up hating it. In the end, you just have to train yourself to realize that all that matters is that you did as best as you could and that your client likes it.
No. 630011
File: 1600070721555.jpg (626.03 KB, 750x1071, everything_will_be_okay_by_yuu…)

>>630003>>629598This one too. It just seems to be a very common motif. Makes me wonder why so many people focus on it, it's not even too close to the colors and feeling of the movie.
No. 630094
>>629798ErgoJosh also hasn't a sense of lighting or shading since all his characters are drawn against a white background. There's no mood, no elements surrounding the characters to justify such harsh shading. He just ignored the mood lighting altogether and dodge/burned the shit outta her neck.
He needs to be doing more studies away from the social media before going on panels to fill his ego.
Anyway, switching gears, I don't feel like I missed much for lightbox expo. The discord was a hot mess and most of the panels were mostly just people in the industry sucking each other off for 40 minutes and then giving generic advice. Glad I didn't pay top tier prices for it. That's kind of why I can't stand industry events. It's just people already in the industry rubbing elbows, popular social media artists and then giving out scraps of generic advice you've heard for the 100th time. People like ergojosh don't really have anything to bring to the table. I got the most out of independent artists doing their own advice streams and q and a's than sitting watching some popular artist stream art they would already be doing on their own.
No. 630109
>>630094THIS. To me LBX brought nothing new. The big artists participating in it mostly gave the same old repetitive advices that they have at least one video about already in their channel. Plus the obvious ass-kissing.
At this point it's just an artist circlejerk. They teach us nothing new, draw the same old thing over and over, repeat the same advices and promote each other while basking in on the attention of fans while they doodle random things and watch meme videos sent on the stream chat. Disappointing.
No. 630212
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>>630195I think her artwork is pretty good.
No. 630219
File: 1600098690399.png (294.44 KB, 800x800, Eh0bDWEX0AQ6MF3.png)

DeePee want to go full freelance next month.
Well, good luck with that when your art still looks like this.
No. 630222
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No. 630243
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>>630222i may be stretching but the black one’s mouth and perspective made me think of this
No. 630246
File: 1600100718144.jpg (24.91 KB, 480x360, AwShitNigga.jpg)

>>630219>Makes pyw threads constantly.>People actually do that there.>People do that when their art looks nothing like his.Why are people like this? Just draw smug meme shark or whatever VTubers there are if you want your numbers.
No. 630248
File: 1600100940323.jpeg (858.6 KB, 1242x2031, 76DB8A75-7D67-4777-9CD0-A01B2D…)

What do you guys think of this artist? I used to really look up to them but now I feel like all their art is really similar. They’re really skilled for their age though.
No. 630251
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>>629185Ryukishi07's is better.
No. 630351
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>>630309It's not a joke, I and many others find his art to be really charming.
No. 630418
File: 1600118759464.png (3.43 MB, 1914x1272, Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 2.23…)

>>630195She spends 40+ hrs on paintings like pic related, which are the commissions that cost over $2,000, and her prices are in NZD. Her prices are reasonable for the quality of her work.
No. 630437
>>630425Not the same anon from the post but alas,
Talks about art community drama (usually generic videos like "5 things I HATE/LIKE about the online art community!", "Artist Struggles!", "X ARTIST IS
PROBLEMATIC!") and may dwelve into milkier stuff (ex.: Yandere Dev drama, other art commentary channels) from time to time for extra attention, uses sprites instead of facecam with an (unfinished) speedpaint of their own (although some may put in speedpaints from their subscribers) playing in the background. Sprites tend to be of their personas or an OC.
(I say unfinished because most of the time the speedpaint isn't complete when the video ends, so too bad if you were actually interested in seeing the entire process.)
Art is usually cutesy-looking with cartoony-chibi look and pink/purple cell shading. Cell shading everywhere. Goofy and sometimes overly dramatic expressions. Art skill level is usually between passable to okay amateur. Nothing exactly good but rarely something that's fresh trash. Just "okay" like the anon said.
OFC that's hardcore generalization though. There are some commentary channels with better-than-average art around such as Ponder, others with art that's more on the shitty side such as Creepshow. And some are middle of the road such as Tobi.
No. 630458
File: 1600123475647.jpg (150.99 KB, 900x1200, 1586998248068.jpg)

>>630389I've yet to see an art channel with actual good art. It's a shame the bar is so low to artists now.
>>630376He has that early 00's anime charm
No. 630488
File: 1600127157095.png (521.85 KB, 605x1476, 7554646467658657568.png)

Apologies for what could possibly be old news, just wondering if anybody had some info on possible drama?
I was looking at a character design video I liked by an artist called Joopis
online and decided to check her twitter. It appears she said she was taking
a break from social media due to it dominating her life. I scrolled down
and saw all the positive comments but there was one hidden comment I came
across which insinuated that she was involved in abuse towards a minor.
Does anybody know anything about it? Did I miss it from the old art salt threads?
No. 630500
File: 1600127874554.jpg (113.84 KB, 512x383, umineko-ep-5-1-beatrice-and-th…)

>>630271>>630458I love Ryu's giant mitten hands.
His art might be objectively bad (although I personally find it charming as fuck), but I think his character designs are amazing.
No. 630511
File: 1600129292364.jpg (715.41 KB, 1750x700, Joopis abuse Collage.jpg)

>>630494>>630488This news broke during the same time as the Streamer callout avalanche during summer which is probably why it was overlooked.
No. 630573
>>630094I dunno, I don't think the advice ever really changes. Grind your fundamentals, m8. But now I realize "networking" in art means swapping instagram links like business cards.
I'm planning on archiving all the videos on their website and uploading them somewhere like mega. Might be interesting for people since some of them are gonna take them down. I laughed my ass off when people lost their minds in the discord over the Zoom rooms having a capacity, though.
No. 630574
>>630511>>630494Do people actually forget about drama after 4 or so months? I haven't payed attention to Kun0 or what's his name but hiding from the matter entirely is just asking for some dickhead to go into a stream, redeem that highlight message feature, and remind everyone what happened.
Heaven forbid a convention artist has drama attached to them because that might as well be blackmail material.
No. 630598
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>>630219>24k+ follows>5 rts on new art postOof.
Wouldn't be surprised if most of her followers had her on mute
No. 630600
File: 1600141624321.png (835.71 KB, 1200x1036, 3216549870123456789.png)

>>630598Thank God for the hide button.
>>630590Having (regrettably) looked through a DeePee thread I'm honestly surprised that no one has a carry character to promote themselves with. Marnie is right there guys.
No. 630621
>>630114Her voice is rather grating but it's most likely due to her young age. She's hard to listen to for long periods.
Her art is also incredibly mediocre, around the same skill set as CreepshowArt so I find it hard to stay focused or want to continue watching.
Her opinions are basically run of the mill and she tends to flip flop with things quite a bit when new information comes out.
In short:
I just don't really enjoy drama artubers or artubers in general unless they have skills that supersede my own–cuz then I'll be more focused than bored.
No. 630624
>>630115Are you the same anon as
>>630114? Whatever.
I just looked them up and anon you must be either self posting or are very young because their art is incredibly underwhelming. All of their drawings are exactly the same in pose, design, and face. So incredibly similar that they definitely have same-face going on everywhere.
It's very generic cutesy and incredibly boring to look at. Their anatomy (whether stylized or not) could be so much better–but it's most likely that this artist is in their teens or very young.
Kudos to them for 6k followers, but honestly? That's not that hard to get on Instagram these days if you just post frequently and have the posts be the same thing every single time.
I would advise them to break out of their comfort zone and actually try learning their fundamentals in order to improve because their comfort zone is very much lackluster and they aren't going to get very far.
No. 630625
>>630574He's still streaming just fine and it looks like his Twitter replies are pretty generic "this is so good!"
I remember hearing about the drama a while back and didn't even know HIS name in particular, just his girlfriend's.
Surprise, surprise, I went to his stream and had no idea it was him from the video as there was no connection to the drama there. I didn't know until I brought up his username here and an anon told me. So I'd say he's doing pretty well considering, that or he just has a good grasp on keeping the past from catching up to him.
No. 630669
>>630633When your main clientele is companies asking for promotion artwork and such instead of Twitter User SilverSonicFan asking for a bust shot of their OC it's a very standard price. Companies can afford it just fine and they expect a very different level of quality and have a larger list of requirements. It's a very different market. Also you have to keep in mind that it's not a regular day job so you need to charge bigger amounts for commissions because that money possibly has to last longer. And like
>>630653 said it's only $25 an hour, a standard wage for a trained professional.
No. 630752
File: 1600175966931.jpg (100.94 KB, 742x452, uwudontunfollowmeguys.jpg)

Today, someone put an absolute obscure gold nugget on my twitter feed. Some retard got ignored by a decently-sized artist from the Hazbin fandom and compiled a 306 pages long google doc - reasons for her tard rage include the artist lying about taking breaks from drawing, being a spastic attention whore and so on and so forth. It's 100% personal between flailchicken and lhana666 - there are lots of dicord screenshots. I love irrelevant, petty shitshows and this is no different. No. 630772
File: 1600180502516.jpeg (297.08 KB, 1125x1304, BF805315-2315-4AB4-A86B-F07F08…)

Anyone else following the ednyaroo drama?
>@perisceris makes post calling out ednya for manipulating, gaslighting, and generally treating other aspiring artists in his discord community like shit
>@ednyaroo makes half assed apology on Twitter and blames his bad behavior on an abusive childhood/family
>followers point out the flawed logic in ednya’s responses, follower count starts dropping
>ednya says an explanation is coming
I was following ednya/Riley for his art and had occasionally noticed vent posts that would soon be deleted and passive aggressive statements directed at followers. But I also felt bad about the abusive childhood and feeling forced into a major he didn’t want to be in. So many people are coming out of the woodwork with abuse stories now.
No. 630783
>>630779They know people will just skip through it and not actually read all that shit so they can just slap a 300-page google document and summarize it as "twitter user x is an
abusive, gaslighting pedophilic monster" and everyone will just accept it because look at all those words, why would they lie?
No. 630884
File: 1600190126321.jpg (551.82 KB, 1280x720, PrismaIllya.jpg)

Imagine policing Twitter people for drawing kiddos in the same world where this exists.
No. 630885
File: 1600190273870.jpeg (321.37 KB, 750x1411, 7666AFA6-5D66-4AF9-8F77-0847DE…)

apologies. phone did a weird thing on me. Reposting. (1/2)
No. 630890
File: 1600190426480.jpeg (353.86 KB, 750x1575, 9E33D27E-608B-4D4F-AC7B-AA7D1F…)

No. 630895
File: 1600190795119.jpeg (402.73 KB, 750x998, F9EEF8F1-1A0B-4F5D-A3FB-D301E7…)

sorry but I have to laugh. listen up everyone, you must state the fictional characters age every time or else. not a fan of her stuff but this is autistic.
No. 630945
>>630890Someone tell these people to stop watching anime, period.
They should also publicly share the contents of their hard drives and private twitter accounts so we can verify that what they sexualize holds up to scrutiny.
No. 631117
File: 1600204224534.png (562.36 KB, 1114x977, 55246235521452145.png)

Can someone redpill me on the usual prices that anime commissions artists sell at? I feel like something is off with this one and wanted to check.
No. 631138
>>631117Honestly never listen to pricing advice from people from lolcow, we have already established that some of these people don’t even draw.
To put it bluntly art market is kinda screwed, not overpriced like many in here like to think but severely underpriced. 40$ for custom work of anykind is miniscule. Any art should be prices way, way higher and if your art is not worth it, then you just shouldn’t be doing commissions. 100$ should be the minium starting price, not the ending price.
No. 631182
File: 1600208380065.png (914.44 KB, 1100x1310, Kaxukin.png)

>>63111740 is fine until you realize Kaxukin exists and makes 90% of these artists' businesses look bad in comparison.
No. 631238
File: 1600214339161.png (127.13 KB, 549x745, child.PNG)

rodent child WIP
No. 631381
>>631238Lol this is the guy who was dating RacistUncle and was part of Nosebros gang.
Hi tsflipp, this is a women's-only board
No. 631389
File: 1600231775033.jpg (202.89 KB, 1080x1760, Ef6Y7bHXoAAe-6F.jpg)

No. 631435
>>626915Holy fuck…this is what people are pressed about?
Drawing cubes and shading them with different techniques oh the originality.
Shading from light to dark and turning circles into spheres. oh wow how unique. This is so fucking stupid
No. 631466
File: 1600239392308.jpg (505.22 KB, 3440x2910, EfWExKpXoAEfucd.jpg)

>>631460the anatomy is too good to be her
No. 631492
>>631389I know you’re posting this to try and
trigger people but honestly…. the drawing is really bad. It doesn’t look like the guys are punching her at all. You might have some parts of drawing down but you’re unable to put it together and make a complete scene. Try harder next time please, it’s embarrassing to see.
No. 631534
>>631527When I want to commission someone I usually go around searching for available artists that I like the style of, instead of waiting for them to come to me.
But if anything maybe you could specify the kind of style you want in your post? Nothing wrong with weeding out artists, it's your money.
No. 631543
>>631527lmao this happened to me too and I didn't even tweet "I want commissions" but something like "looking for commissions in a very specific style I have in mind is hard and I wish I could filter them like an online shop". The irony. I didn't even find that diamond among 50+ replies and QRTs after I muted the tweet.
I wish I could use Skeb.
>>631466This is what your art looks like when it has ~~~soul~~~ according to /ic/'s definition
>>631381Yes, same scrote trying to "troll" the previous thread with his anime loli scribbles. Mods should have believed my report.
No. 631556
File: 1600260383202.png (53.93 KB, 544x262, wtf.png)

>>630752the person who made this autism manifesto is close to her thirties. I have no fucking words
No. 631650
File: 1600271991326.jpg (69.2 KB, 1280x720, Stain.jpg)

>>631625People are self aware enough to know that artist isn't the word it used to be anymore but forget that they're part of the problem.
No. 631750
>>631138That's bs especially for people who are starting out and just wanna make a little money on the side.
>100$ should be the minium starting price, not the ending price.If a person makes a simple line art and charges 25$ for it and it's good that's not a bad thing. There are simple cute things to make which frankly are not worth 100$, not because of lack of skill, but because it's not technically complicated and 100$ would be much to high a price for the level of technical skill and time invested. I could custom make the simplest little drawing but noonw would buy it would buy it for that much. There is no objecive metric where pricing should begin.
No. 631797
>>631786This. If there are people out there who will pay assloads for something so simple, that's just the way it is. I follow an artist who makes adopts and while I think their style is really awesome, I personally wouldn't pay $100+ for it which is what they charge for their adopts. They do them through auction with the starting bid of $100 and people actually do participate. They've even sold a character for around $325.
I found that outrageous but I can't diss on them because they know their audience and that they are willing to spend that much on their art.
No. 631944
>>631231Sure, here is the easyupload link: I got to page 80 before getting bored. There's some really cringey RP type stuff that I pulled faces at.
No. 631980
File: 1600302310745.jpg (28.36 KB, 500x449, images.jpeg-73.jpg)

>>24k folls, 5rts each new post
Either her followers had on mute or botting her acc up
No. 632022
>>630772I've been in ednyaroo/sandy tran inner circle and can confirm all of it is true. Her family is EXTREMELY wealthy and she would lie about being poor on Twitter. She has dissecting animals and has mentioned/bragged about hurting animals??? It's dumb but true
I've also have heard her voice and she has a speech impediment..she sounds like someone with down syndrome lol
Irl she has such a boring personality but online acts like she's the hottest shit ever. Glad karma is biting her ass
No. 632080
File: 1600321753367.png (74.49 KB, 792x229, Screenshot_20200916-224933.png)

>>632068Kek. Unless you have actual proof get your self-posting ass out of here lmfao
No. 632112
>>632066>>632068Are you sure they're the same person?
I remember following them on Instagram way back when before they deleted the account and made a new one. This was before their first break up where they had stated that their s/o was their abuser.
If it really is them then wow that's some hardcore regression right there.
No. 632224
>>632177No it really is bad, the marks on her hands and feet should not look just like the "freckles" unless jesus got nailed in the face too.
If that anon hadn't said anything i would never have guessed it.
No. 632225
File: 1600343559716.jpg (124.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

This is from a commission made by Butch Hartman, Like how do you fuck up your own art
No. 632239
File: 1600345158255.jpg (522.74 KB, 1080x1071, DTIYS.jpg)

there's something about this dtiys that pisses me off but I can't put my finger on it. is it the colors, or am I just nitpicking?
No. 632454
>>632068is this that filipino fakeboi chiicake? or did "angel" just steal her art style
chii was sorta normal a couple of years ago did she have a tard meltdown or what
No. 632694
File: 1600388195065.png (433.67 KB, 896x720, 13579111315171921.png)

>>632635>Like when will you be satisfied??Anything less is a state of discontent for them. I don't get it either anon.
No. 632696
>>632115I don’t understand it either honestly….but ednyaroo is biologically female
Not sure if the pronouns can go either way considering the lesbian part
No. 632728
>>632711 well, there's this, but its old milk.
all his male OCs look the same, bland, generic designs. i felt like i recalled some nsfw of a young looking character, but when i went looking i couldn't find it, so take it wtih a huge grain of salt.
No. 632729
File: 1600392513650.png (Spoiler Image,92.3 KB, 427x441, 4d947dd7ed78ac69f4de8ea4f7dd92…)

>>632728sage for doublepost, found it. he literally calls the character a 'troublesome child' in the caption. this has since been deleted, but i found it on an archive here as well as some characters from yowamushi pedal that look young, but im not sure if that's just the art style. spoilered for gross. No. 632734
File: 1600392711193.jpg (123.97 KB, 640x1230, 75225427_885297908539672_74531…)

>>632635>>632629>>632294Didn't this artist used to have a Webtoon? It was posted on the media thread
She took it down after the first chapter despite getting a few thousand subscribers off the bat, but I remember an old ask where she said she gets discouraged when she doesn't get support, pic related from her ask highlight
Was she expecting Lore Olympus levels of popularity right off the bat kek
No. 632810
>>632804I think there's two types of artists like that - the whiners and the regretters.
I can't stand artists who constantly whine about needing to conform to a style, especially since they're the ones perpetuating it in the first place. These are the artists who make "How to become popular on Instagram" posts which just repreat "draw trends, consistent aesthetic" over and over again. To these types, I say grow the fuck up. You dug this grave, now lie in it
The other type complains because they've looked back on their art and realized how much they've stagnated for the sake of consistency. And I totally get it. Big artists are constantly telling smaller ones that they're not popular because their feed is messy and therefore their art is bad. Even if you think it's bullshit, it's easy to get influenced subconsciously. I think many artists, even if they don't follow trends, feel pressured to tone down their art because "art tip" Instagram accounts keep insisting so.
No. 632814
File: 1600404108405.png (65.01 KB, 500x263, Bob.png)

>>632804Having every 3rd or 4th drawing be what you actually want doesn't hurt your numbers that much.
Just do it consistently and you can get away with anything not named drama.
No. 632849
>>632729OT but damn that's a cute design. I like it. Thanks for the artist recommendation, inbred twitterfag.
>>632804Yes. If you want to draw something you ~truly~ like then you're better off just drawing as a hobby and getting your money elsewhere. It's much less stressful to have a regular paycheck coming in allowing you to focus on what you truly want with your art than draw commissions you hate just so you can scrape together this month's rent payment.
>>632810>To these types, I say grow the fuck up. You dug this grave, now lie in itAmen. I'm especially pressed by these types, it doesn't matter if they're self-aware or not, once you buy into the trend and start feeding it yourself then you lose all rights to complain about it.
No. 632874
>>632635I was about to ignore this artist until anon mentioned they're at 200k. They have 240k at the time of typing this, which puts them at a higher following than Ethan Becker, Alphonso Dunn, Jen Bartel, Leslie Hung, Mohammed Agbadi, Ruan Jia AND Zephyo (Angela He). I fucking give up. What's even the point of putting effort into art if shit like this happens?
>>632845Small artists aren't a charity case that should be coddled. They should be learning how to do art on their own. There are plenty of resources. The only reason small artists might be salty a big artist isn't spoonfeeding them is because they want to be a skinwalker the way Cyarin does with Loish.
No. 632948
File: 1600428043168.jpg (588.15 KB, 890x1602, revolocities.jpg)

>>632711I find his art boring to look at because of how painfully bland his style got over time, but I admire his skills. His anatomy improved a lot over the years, and judging by the way his strokes look (plus how often he draws) you can tell he's able to draw whatever he pictures in his mind quickly and effortlessly, which is my goal as an artist tbh.
That being said, I can't help but enjoy his old art a lot more (pic related)
No. 633013
>>632954You sound retarded. No one said any of that. It's one thing to draw it, another to post it online and keep it up after you've grown up. Dumbass.
>>632997>while ignoring real crimeslol. People can both be disgusted by fictional underage child porn and still report the real shit too. You sound like a retard with no life that can't actually multitask. As if us making a comment about how gross the underage art is allows some pedo in a van to drive off with tapes of real shit. Hahahahaha. Then you can us moralfags because your degeneracy is so low you're cool with lolicon.
OK champ.
People like you are why 4lung does the shit that he does.
No. 633017
>>632954>>632997Oh yeah, because a 17 year old is a minor, he's still "vawid" in drawing 11 year olds in sexual situations. For sure /s
Fucking NEET degen virgins
No. 633019
>>633004rev's age wasn't listed on his tumblr at all, so i couldn't tell you. he just has '20+'on his twitter.
>>633013while i agree with you on both your replies, he did actually delete it from his tumblr. its not up anymore, thankfully. i just remembered seeing it years ago and avoiding him since, so i went looking in archives since anon was asking for drama on him.
No. 633027
>>632711i really dislike how narcissistic he comes off. i'll admit his anatomy has gotten better over the years but good art =/ good personality. also anyone else notice his typical oc pairing include buff dude x guy with glasses?
>>633009in ref to the UTAU beef, he was taking some old voicebanks, tweaked them up and created new art for them. people got salty that he was doing that because a lot of the ones he was taking were ones that had been inactive for like a decade. idk if that's really milk worthy but that was the situation
No. 633049
>>633031I remember then this happened since I was a bit of an UTAU fag and was following him. Some of the designs he made were nice but others were just clearly designed to be appealing to his own tastes. Others were flat out bland.
His fans on the other hand were obnoxious as fuck and kiss his ass all day going on about how his designs should be the official ones because they're SO better yadda yadda.
Revolocities is clearly a skilled artist and his UTAU covers are pretty good, but he's so full of himself and his fans kiss his ass so much I just can't be bothered to follow him anymore.
No. 633065
File: 1600442852098.png (16.96 KB, 589x194, dp.png)

lol I'm sure this is going to end just fine
No. 633075
>>633072I think she just moved from London to Portugal to be with her bf
Maybe she's lucky and he will pay for everything in the future lol
No. 633092
File: 1600444368056.png (16.04 KB, 1697x209, Untitled.png)

>>633086It started on tumblr, no suprise. But yeah, complaining about this shit is so fucking supid because people aren't gonna suddenly turn into pedophiles because of fanfiction and there i literally no single effective way of censoring wrong shit, without fucking up the whole system.
No. 633097
>>633086A combination of competitive moral puritanism, mental illness, social ineptitude, inability to tell the difference between a fictional medium and a real-life occurrence,
attempting to cope with the fact that they like the media, in many cases, and a struggle to gain attention online because they don't get it in real life. "I'm protecting children!" is their attempt to justify it to themselves.
No. 633117
>>633086None of them legitimately think it's "CP". None. Even this bitch starting that revolocities shit here is only using it as a crutch to carry on her fandom war vendetta for this artist. If you look real close it's
always used as a mean to defame someone. For
whatever reason they never use that energy to flag the blatant MAPs (like they were hard to find right) but instead it's
always some famous artist or a person they had a personal beef with drawing "sexualized minors" i.e. Naruto and Sasuke fucking or "groomed minors" because they replied to a 17-year old's tweet. And it's
always the people who compete for the same audience. And more often than not the person starting the callout turns out to be just as much of a fucking degenerate as the person the were attacking in the first place.
To be blunt people shouldn't play by their rules and start explaining the ins and outs of using art as a coping mechanism or try to reason with them at all, that just gives them validation that their spergy, demented crusade stands on solid ground. Call them out for what they are, crazy people being mad that people drew their NOTP or nsfw art of their pecious kinnie comfort character, drama mongers who thought they'd get a few retweets and a power trip out of calling someone the P word and having their armies dogpile on them, those who want to cover their own pedo asses or those who are simply unable to distinct fiction from reality. Take your pick but
don't fucking reason with them, it's a waste of time.
inb4 "B-BUT I REPORT IRL PEDOS AS WELL" lmfao sure you do. I bet you spend all that precious energy hunting for pedos online and calling them out for sending dick pics to 12-year olds instead of just shit talking some twitter artist whose art made you uncomfortable and instead of blocking them you chose to fuck them over because your twitter brigade gives you golden stars for igniting outrage.
No. 633140
>>633061Considering your reply you probs took a quick look at his profile and read like 5 of his tweets to reach that conclusion.
Either that, or…
Hi Rev.
(hi cow) No. 633193
>>633184Learn how to read, i don't give a shit if someone is drawing some shonen 14 yo anime character. I don't cancel or call out anyone for drawing loli or shota, i just block them, i'm calling out that shit excuse that actual pedos use so stop sperging.
>>633185When did i say they need to shut up and never speak of it or that they are the reason pedos exist???
There A TON of works that depict trauma in a way that doesn't sexualize and romanticize it. Having conversations about it is normal too, but no matter how you spin it drawing graphic nsfw of a kid character with the body of a child is completely unnecessary for dealing with trauma and is providing material for pedos.
I don't want these artists banned and cancelled, i just wish they owned up to it instead of hiding behind trauma as an excuse.
No. 633196
>>633173 I think you misinterpreted what
>>633117 was saying thus beginning this whole dimension of the argument for no reason. She said "people shouldn't play by their rules and start explaining … that just gives them validation" "Take your pick but don't fucking reason with them" She was saying
dont claim it's to cope even if it is or whatever, that's irrelevant. Most of this is over NOTPs, kinnies, drama jealousy and vendettas otherwise they would be after actual proven pedos too, and more so
No. 633210
>>633192Lol why are yall even getting worked up about this rev guy? This is an artist salt thread for fucks sake, if someone wants to complain about an artist then let'em. This is the place.
If yall are so bothered about some anons talking about rev's milk then fuck off, go wk somewhere else.
No. 633215
>>633199Agreed, I don't think that's the best way to cope but I also don't think it's necessarily a problem. Whether someone's an actual pedo depends on the person obviously.
Regardless of whether it's for "coping" or not, like anon said giving in to the discourse gives them more fuel. Because you're playing into their view and justifying it by trying to convince them. And you're spreading the issue with your username, which some people will always note you as bad without reserach. That's why if you get called out I think it's best to mostly ignore it and show you're not affected. It happened to my friend because ex-friends who resented her were spreading lies that she's a terf (lol). Although they called her silence proof, she did the right thing because it soon fizzled out. If she had argued with them it would go on forever and spread her name as someone
problematic, letting them win essentially. Plus it's a bullshit fight to have in any case, don't entertain it
No. 633216
>>633209Rev is full of himself. His fans are asslickers and enable that behaviour. Community treats him like a god. The end.
No, nobody cares about his old shota drawings. Being angry over that is stupid.
Yes, at first glance Rev seems fine. But once you take a more careful look at his posts you can spot his narcissism showing. An example is the whole utauloid thing.
No. 633237
>>633216sage but honest to god who cares if his utahs or whatever arent up to your standards, or that his fans kiss his ass, you're describing like every popular online artist. If you're the same anon as
>>633049 you even admitted to liking his stuff, the only "milk" is you find the designs "bland" but his fans disagree/overlook that for whatever reason. If hes got actual cow behavior give us receipts but right now I dont follow. dont even know what a utau is but this isn't milk it's just artist with clout shit, you sound more like a cow yourself for this agenda
No. 633274
>>633257exactly, fucking thank you. honestly this discussion needs to stop, everyone said their part, there's nothing more to this unless they actually pull up screenshots and stop talking out of their ass.
>>633263can't remember the name either, but yeah you'll probably find them in the previous thread. honestly i think that whole thing was a joke and gullible kids just think everything is serious.
No. 633279
File: 1600457448070.jpeg (28.94 KB, 355x414, 2928379392193737.jpeg)

>>633263Was it this one? i think some of her friends came out saying it was just a joke but it sure didn't seem like it
No. 633311
File: 1600459524485.jpeg (1017.93 KB, 1242x918, DE80AE7C-8000-49AD-8B95-A28113…)

the 'bent' art style looks 100x better
No. 633318
>>633311nah not at all, it looks very basic instagram-y, their usually style is a lot more unique and i like the colors.
>>633313anons love to act like everything is
problematic these days.
No. 633325
>>633313People bury dead bodies and visit them for a reason anon.
Also where would you even get good meat? Retirement home people are already gross enough when they're living.
No. 633332
>>633279 I think this girl isn't smart enough to be let loose on the internet if she publicly admits of being someone that eats other people
>>633311 I like the left one more because it has an interesting choice of color than the right one because it looks really generic imo
No. 633353
>>633313It's just completely stupid and demented. There isn't a shortage of meat or food in our planet. There is absolutely 0 need to eat people. We have problems with people not having enough money to buy food (and sometimes getting food to very rural and desert areas), which is why world hunger is still a thing, but that has 0 to do with a shortage of meat.
In addition, ensuring that your 'meat' comes from someone who is entirely consensual, willing, died of natural causes, healthy, and is in the right location for food harvesting is logistically a fucking nightmare if you actually wanted to make this into an industry/business. It's one thing to have a weird fucked up cannibal scheme set up with your weird cannibal friends. It's another to actually try to expand this and implement it. What guarantees your meat doesn't come from someone who didn't consent? Or worse someone who was killed for it?
On top that, it's just kind of fucked up to want to eat a person like genuinely see a psychiatrist.
No. 633499
File: 1600479300900.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.55 KB, 651x719, Eb9N4EIUEAMODPm.jpg)

oh i finally see the "shit fetish" part lmao
No. 633566
>>633496DeePee's content is a special kind of ugly bad if you look it up, don't ask for me to upload one.
The real problem I have with her is that low follower artists feel the need to flock to her pyw threads instead of putting in actual (social) legwork to succeed.
No. 633575
>>633566I just checked her website and man, she can draw okay for children’s books but she is seriously lacking in professionalism. She is not ready.
She says she specializes in character designs, so I check out the character design portion of her portfolio and it’s all licensed characters?!
Does she mostly make money off of stickers?
I saw she sells an absolute ass ton of them, now on Earth can she afford that with a retail job and now freelancing.
No. 633580
File: 1600485080941.jpg (43.53 KB, 744x1024, 122454e4fdc9574dd7919046778831…)

>>633579original art they copied
No. 633630
>>633579art study is how people improve fast tbf
but using the study as a landmark is quite dishonest
No. 633724
>>633499Isn't this a pretty obvious joke like they made in South Park about this exact thing? It's not like the blood and shit are drawn super graphically instead of just comically slapped on like you were doodling on a school textbook. I mean I could imagine myself making a joke like this if I made a dakimakura of someone lying down on their stomach and I find scat fetish legitimately repulsive. Unless he's systemically doing pics of people taking a crap then it's a weak reach.
>>633695Instagram algorithm works like other social media algorithms. The more interaction in a post, the bigger reach you get. That's why people post controversial clickbait. They get people riled up and commenting a lot and it bumps the post to the top, the algorithm also prioritizes accounts that you yourself often interact with by liking and commenting. You also need to post regularly with a consistent frequency (i.e. every day shouldn't turn into every other day) which is why people repost old content to keep their engagement flow secured. There are plenty of factors that affect your reach and there are many resources on how to grow your social media reach, but most of the time it's just about luck.
No. 633751
>>633744>Idk, there's something so undignified in reacting to other people's work, hoping that they'll notice you, it feels like groveling for scraps.That's why I gave up on social media numbers and learned just to not care about them. It takes a toll on your soul to keep comment bombing everyone with "omg I love this!!!
hear eyes emoji check out my work pls" around the clock just so maybe someone will click themselves into your profile and follow you. Also it's very much dependent on your luck, sometimes your piece might go viral by a coincidence and give you a massive boost.
No. 634207
File: 1600551668579.png (139.95 KB, 600x1143, 13579111315171921.png)

Congrats Stalker-kun Mclazy Artist, you're a third of the reason Shunao wants to be a shut-in now. I hope you're happy with yourself.
No. 634260
>>634242She probably still gets some income through her online store. Iirc her parents are also quite well off.
>>634258If you start a business PayPal, only your business name will show up on invoices. It won’t show your full name.
No. 634404
File: 1600587299179.png (28.22 KB, 596x244, what-the-shit.PNG)

I'm sorry but what's this shit going around saying that hashtags hide your posts? Is this true or are some big artists just talking out of their asses? Literally how can small accounts get followers and retweets without them?
No. 634405
File: 1600587681050.jpeg (162.99 KB, 1123x905, 905D79B6-A4AB-4A74-9416-7DFC23…)

>>634404A 236 follower person succeeded pretty swimmingly thanks to a hashtag so I doubt using those would prevent the right people from seeing your stuff.
No. 634483
File: 1600606723554.jpeg (658.94 KB, 750x1126, 91E760FB-413C-45A7-85CF-98EBDD…)

Why try to learn different how to draw different faces, when you draw the same one over and over.
No. 634546
>>634339Your teacher was right but you are also not wrong. You do replicate mistakes when you do that, but if you are not ONLY doing studies from others it's not bad. Master studies have been a thing for a long time.
>>634348If people actually credited the source and said they were studies, most of the issues wouldn't exist.
No. 634549
>>632948He stole his old style from a Japanese artist named urct/uracata back then. He caused her a lot of grief, I used to follow her back then and she made a few “call out” type posts about it at the time (in English) about how he would lie and say they’re friends and he made a lot of problems for her. Frankly I think he just has a shit personality, so I don’t like his art at all.
I remember back on tumblr someone sent him a fanart, a pixelated version of one of his drawings and he lost his shit on them, saying it was awful that they traced his work and he wasn’t appreciative of it at all. Ironically this was when he was straight up copying urct’s work.
No. 634565
>>634548Characters > tags
The safest pick is Smash Bros since that franchise has enough people to divide the community in half and not suffer for it.
No. 634595
File: 1600623270244.jpeg (387.27 KB, 1125x1635, 294346C0-07F8-4506-90F1-9370B5…)

>>634207>Mametchl flat out drops her and their mutual artist friendship.Is Betadood gonna reach a tipping point soon? I don’t see those tweets in his likes and he hasn’t talked today.
No. 634634
File: 1600625791860.png (59.74 KB, 572x464, Gar.png)

>>634622It's like a loan except sharking you for not paying up would be considered rude on the customer's end.
No. 634700
File: 1600632236657.png (686.11 KB, 1383x871, 0490490.png)

>>634207>tfw she added impersonation onto her list of wrongdoings.bruh 7 of these friends have no life outside of her what is this disguise?
No. 634761
>>634757>I still have is for the life of me I still can't understand why people commission her.Brand loyalty is powerful and can even ensure that half of the customers stick around after some incriminating drama.
>Does she honestly think she's a decent artist?Most artists have support networks and would unironically call 4Chan "
toxic" so yes.
No. 634852
>>634549dont start the rev sperg again
its old milk
No. 634885
File: 1600647902171.jpeg (381.9 KB, 750x762, 83CD14E2-0ED1-4FEB-9822-87D03A…)

>>634622Her backlog of commissions are so behind that she made one of her friends do commissions for her so that she could get a character from a game a little bit ago
No. 634897
File: 1600649326399.jpg (15.07 KB, 336x300, Huhnamaru.jpg)

>>634885Both of these are in the sub 2000 range, what does her friend have to gain from this?
No. 634902
>>634885I don’t get this.
Michie complained that she has both 1) too many commissions and 2) not enough money.
So she gets her friend, who also does her job, to make money for her so she can buy some extremely frivolous 2d video game nonesense??
Like did I understand this correctly??
No. 634916
>>634885Is she serious? Maybe this should be a sign that she needs to get her butt in gear and finish those commissions then. I'm more than positive that not all of them are super detailed ones that she needs to do elaborate backgrounds for.
>>634902I really don't understand the "not enough money" thing. If her backlog is as a big as she claims it to be then how is she hurting for money? I'm really confused about this lol.
No. 634919
>>634916All I could guess is that she’s frustrated with how much money she’s NOT making. Her commissions are really underpriced for the amount of time they take. I know people here would say her art sucks and as such shouldn’t be priced high, but it doesn’t matter- if people are willing to pay and wait so long then they’d be willing to pay higher prices. Sure, maybe even half of them would leave, but if she’s doing half the work and charging twice as much wouldn’t that be coming out on top?
A lot young aspiring artists don’t get this and just want the validation of people paying them for art, and are too insecure to raise their prices.
I don’t remember how much her commissions cost but the last tome I checked I don’t think any size or any amount of coloring was over 100 dollars. If I were to guess, her commissions probably take at lease three hours plus communication time, even if the style is simple, coloring takes forever.
I’m also a 28 year old freelance illustrator, and I won’t take on a job if it’s less than 100
dollars because just having to meet someone and deal with them is aggravating, I may spend sveral hours just talking with before and during the commission.
She goes on rants in videos about how people tell her to raise her prices and she self righteously says “would YOU pay that? Huh? No? Then shut up my prices will stay the same”
She has no business sense and her always acting like an adult is really probably her making up for the fact that she never grew out of that kiddie cesspool deviantart. Cringe
No. 634933
>>634608I was also thinking of taking donations and commissions and:>We may share personal data with:>Service providers that help us with processing payments, marketing, research, compliance, audits, corporate governance, communications, and security>marketingWas a giga deal breaker. I was at least looking through Stripe's privacy policy since it doesn't include that and it has some level of support from liberapay and ko-fi.
No. 634939
File: 1600658146925.jpg (154.3 KB, 1920x1080, 940759-full-throttle-remastere…)

I know this may not fit within this thread but look at the pug-fugly graphics of Full Throttle Remastered. It's so ugly that it makes my eyes bleed.
No. 634949
File: 1600659467421.jpg (107.6 KB, 300x325, Elaine_Marley_Comparison.jpg)

Some terrible remake art for y'all
This time its Monkey Island: Special Edition
Top: Original
Bottom: Remake
No. 634963
>>634919Oh I'm not necessarily hating on Michie. She's able to upcharge and milk her fanbase who will stick by her no matter how underwhelming her work ethic is. She's struck somewhat of a goldmine with this. "Don't hate the player, hate the game" comes to mind and I don't really blame her.
I'm a freelance artist too myself though not a fulltime one. I guess it's jsut that if I was in her position, I wouldn't want to rock the boat and take advantage like that and would just try to keep a reasonable queue and not let it get too heavy but you know, that's just me lol.
No. 635068
File: 1600680577453.jpg (5.21 KB, 213x320, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

Maybe this is stupid but why do some pro artists sharpen their pencils like this? Is there an advantage to sharpening pencils with a knife over a regular sharpener? I recently started doing coloured pencil stuff again since I don't have much time for painting and I got curious.
No. 635078
>>635065Pentel seems pretty good in my experience.
I'm not sure if the stuff available here is available where you are, anon, but a really good brush pen is the Pentel Pocket. This is the one Kim Jung Gi uses as well.
I personally use a Pentel Fudemoji Brush Sign Pen, which is actually dirt cheap where I'm from and of a decent quality, too.
No. 635147
>>634622heres TD's public commission queue btw. don't get why she always calls herself a "workaholic". Her vlogs clearly show she isn't. She has a horrible sleep schedule, barely gets much done in a day, and always blames her lack of productivity on her technology.
No. 635189
>>635147Holy FUCK. I wondered how you guys knew it was so long. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it, what an absolute joke.
I was wondering if maybe s he just stopped using this but it says her last activity was in July, has she just not done any commissions since then?
Clearly YouTube has to be her job more than
anything else, and if she doesn't keep up with those Patreon commissions it won't be for long…
This commissions list, as long as it is couldn't be worth more than 750 dollars considering none of her commissions are more than 50 dollars (unless I'm wrong and she updated).
No. 635198
>>634993I actually didn't know that about their trip to San Japan. Yeah then maybe she's not as financially put together as she leads on. But even when she was job hunting before the Covid-19 lock down, she was being unreasonable in her search saying that she wouldn't take a part time job where she made less than $13 an hour and I thought it was absolutely ridiculous and self-unaware on her part because she hasn't worked a regular job in a long time plus when she said there were a lot of jobs she couldn't do like stand on her feet all day (Warehouse work) or sit for long periods of time typing (Date Entry) because of her hand problem and it's like, you gotta be more realistic.
>they complained that she never did anything all day or helped out with chores and she would whine that just didn't understand she was a suuuuper busy freelancer.Yeah I remember in some of her livestreams she'd give out about her in-laws and I would just believe it and think they sounded bad but when I think about it now and see how her work ethic is, I think you're right that she probably didn't jack all to help out and would use the excuse of "I'm busy with commissions" to get fall back on. Plus the fact she still was trying to get married when they weren't in the best place to have it.
It's hard because I want to like TD but she makes it so hard to like her lol.
No. 635206
>>635198I agree, I want to like her, too but she's so milky. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't gotten more shit for that ridiculous wedding GoFundMe, then the GoFundMe for her computer.
She's a pretty consistent YouTuber, and I have to give her credit for that, though. It seems like she's much better at telling stories and giving opinions then she is making art.
Honestly tho 13 dollars an hour in California isn't jack shit, minimum wage there right now is 12, but she acts really really entitled anyway.
No. 635210
>>635147Holy fuck and all of them are paid in full and she still hasn't completed them…
>>635170That's the fucked thing about it. Talk about being a sucker because you're right, some of them probably have forgotten about their commission at this point. If Twisted doesn't get her butt in gear, she's gonna be added to an Artist Beware list at some point.
>>635189Yeah first time seeing it as well. It's actually not as long as I thought it would be but still, it's quite a bit! Like I couldn't imagine if I had that many commissions on the back burner, makes me feel out of breath just looking at it lol
No. 635222
>>635206I think she did get a bit of backlash for the Wedding GoFundMe if I'm not mistaken. But yeah the computer one is ridiculous and then it really all came together when she said she wanted the computer to be able to run modern games so she could stream even though she claimed it was for her art when it's like, why does she need some fancy new computer for art when she's not doing anything that taxing. She doesn't 3D Moddel, she's not doing a big scale detailed webcomic… I just knew something wasn't adding up.
> It seems like she's much better at telling stories and giving opinions then she is making art.Yeah I agree. She has a way of telling stories that keep your ears engaged more than doing commissions or even practicing her own art (even if she claims "I haVE nO TiME tO PRacTIce" lol).
> Honestly tho 13 dollars an hour in California isn't jack shit, minimum wage there right now is 12, but she acts really really entitled anyway.And see I can understand that $13 isn't a lot but I mean if she's not willing to work in a warehouse or some Data Entry or something like that, how can she expect to make more than $13 when she 1, has not much work experience since she's been out of the game for at least more than 2 years and 2, she has these issues where she can't do certain jobs? It sounds like she's trying to be a manager at a retail store or something because the only jobs that would work for her are jobs where she'd be making below $13.
No. 635864
File: 1600758698371.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, B22E2BC8-B42A-4A16-B989-47600E…)

>>634622What is it that keeps TwistedDisaster’s fans in exactly? All I see are turnoffs for the common dude with a sizable credit card.
No. 636008
>>635877>>636002It's open beta. Made an account with my spam email just to check it out. Laggy as fuck sometimes but otherwise clean and smooth. Very polished for a one-man-team. No shitty algorithm, but the community is starting to feel like Insta 2.0. Large artists like dreachie and
>>632239 are already on there. Someone on the dev's server mentioned how it feels like a popularity hierarchy is beginning to re-establish itself and I couldn't agree more kek
No. 636017
>>635822holy fuck
honest to god how does she get away with this?
this just doesn't make a whole lot of sense, don't you think people would get nasty in the comments section like they did with Holly Brown?
then again, its probably only a small handful of people and it makes sense why she's always talking about being behind on commissions or making up weird excuses about them.
I'm always like, "why bring this up? who are you talking to?"
But in one of her vlogs she said in just one stream she got like 3-5 commissions done.
No. 636101
>>632294Sage for semi-old but I remember seeing this artist on my feed for her zodiac signs as people post. People were saying it wasn't accurate and she threw a shit fit responding to many comments with "If you want it to be accurate then draw it yourself :)". Felt like it was cowlet-potential and wanted to screencap but my phone ran out of battery and by the time I opened Insta again, she'd deleted all those comments to maintain her uwu aesthetic ✨😍 image. Makes me wonder how nasty she actually is, but we don't know because everything gets deleted
>>635864Thought this was Zeena's Marceline kek
No. 636152
>>635242Maybe because she knows her art isn't worth more than that? I mean her fans seem to be ride or die people and I'm sure some would pay over $50 for her stuff but not a ton and she knows this so shes' trying not to rock the boat. And seeing how horrible her work ethic is going off
>>635147 Yeah she can't afford to become blacklisted or get an Artist Beware.
No. 636159
>>635864If I had to guess, it's that she makes herself come across as relatable, at least to her younger fans. Like I've taken a browse through some of her comments and some of them mention their ages and I've seen ages from 13 to 18 so I'm sure majority of her fanbase are teenagers. I mean even her best friend is still in high school I think? I forgot how old TheZodiacLord is but I swear that they were still in high school.
and yeah, in some of TD's stories, I find myself relating a bit as well until she says something tone deaf and snaps me out of it lol.
> common dude with a sizable credit card.I'm pretty sure most of her commissions aren't bought by adults. I can only recall her saying she once made $300 (or some 3 digit number like that) for doing a fetish commission and how she felt dirty after that but besides that, I'm more than sure most of her clients are at least under the age of 21.
No. 636453
>>636273Very true and I think it feeds into her ego. Like obviously her teenage fans are gonna hear everything she says and think she has it all figured out and is so wise because they don't have real world life experience yet because they see a woman in her late 20s who's married and is "making a living with her art" (when she really isn't, it's her husband) and think this all equals maturity. I did some more digging and I found that some of the people she streamed with aside from TheZodiacLord are also much younger so of course.
Speaking of which, did you ever catch on with how whenever she talks about teenagers, she still ocnsiders 18 & 19 as "kid" years. I mean I get it to a certain extent that you're fresh out of high school around that age but something tells me that she really hammers this home to justify her situation with her in-laws. I'm probably reaching though I must admit, I just found strange how she gets defensive when it comes to age sometimes.
No. 636481
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This is so dumb, there’s a pandemic going on and funerals are being postponed for safety unless they are urgent, and TD grew up Jewish as mentioned in her video about her family member passing and said that Jewish family members must be buried within 3 days. RBG was Jewish, so that’s probably why it was so fast, why is she complaining about this?
No. 636710
>>636481RBG had been in quarantine for MONTHS, being high risk. She was going in for cancer treatment AGAIN, and all she can complain about is 'meh friend's funeral'
they make religious exemptions, for christ sake, if her friend was a jew, her father would have gotten the same treatment.
like, she was a supreme court justice. a little bit more important that 'my Friend's father'. how delusional can you be that you equate whatever the fuck he was to a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE
it's that entitled artist mentality, out in full force
No. 636772
File: 1600839495095.png (342.04 KB, 677x482, 56768.PNG)

naki used to post pretty decent content but ever since she got into final fantasy xiv all she does is draw things like this or commissions of peoples characters in game. shes pretty boring usually, all she does is vague post and vent about friends/work and other artist drama and does the whole uwu speak both in text and irl.
like the recent kaneblob drama and claims she knew about this way before but never said anything. only drama relating to her is probably early this month she was contacted by someone that gave her anxiety and then right after she got weird emails sent to her work to try get her fired. it was funny she tweets about taking a break from twitter because of these events but tweets regularly the next day like nothing happened.
even her "bad" quickly drawn fanart is alright, kinda just wish she'd draw more original things instead of xiv related art and memes.
No. 636784
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>>636772FFXIV is a black hole that gnaws people even worse than gatcha can. There’s no doubt that her art exists to “feed” her followbase so she can scurry off to the game again.
No. 636786
>>636784yeah alot of her art lost its originality or charm. it's all xiv memes and catgirls now.
she did make a xiv only account but she still posts on both about xiv constantly so its pointless to separate it. feel like her life is just xiv and work.
No. 636953
>>636508Fair enough anon, I agree, it's a complicated topic for sure lol.
>>636710I think what makes it stupider on TD's part is that she's Jewish so should she understand the situation about why the ceremony went through in the first place because of religious reasons? Eugh…
No. 637038
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>>636772whats with her attitude she gets so worked up over anything
think I used to see her old tumblr stuff way back but didnt know she had a twitter
No. 637045
>>636887You’re being a Black white moral smooth brain fag here. Of course it’s not right to hold a funeral, but if you’re rich you can get away with anything.
The main issue is the tweeters attitude. “Wah how come them not me” instead of “hey this shouldn’t be happening at all”. It’s just selfish thought processes and behavior
No. 637077
>>636869>Sounds like she’s living happily in xiv world now though.You fool, XIV generates salt not to different than most competitive games which is why stuff like
>>637038 happens. Quitting is unirocially better for her.
No. 637084
>>637038Sheesh, fuck her fans for wanting to interact by showing interest in what she is passionate abt i guess.
I feel bad for the person who sent it seeing this after. She could just make a private acc with just her friends if that's such a huge problem?
No. 637100
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>>637077think quitting would do her alot of good. even her relationships come from the game, she had like two boyfriends from the game and looks like the most recent one she also met in xiv. No. 638004
File: 1600986939509.jpeg (147.68 KB, 640x377, EC28A6F6-11FE-4EA7-BDC7-99ADD7…)

Lollibeepop made an onlyfans as if anyone would want to see photos of her. Yes it has lewds (I didn't pay for it but you can see her ass in fishnets in the header image). Tfw the shitty "relatable" comic artist shtick isn't paying the bills anymore. I'm sure 99% of her audience is children anyhow. I'm not sure why she's even going for this angle.
No. 638006
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>>638004I mean who wouldn't want to pay $10 a month to see lewds of this?
No. 638082
File: 1600992970504.jpeg (276.17 KB, 750x1238, 72B53F49-0265-483A-A7A1-0FCA12…)

Wtf. lavender is also gonna be a judge. big fat kek.
No. 638212
File: 1601006351879.jpg (65.82 KB, 569x661, YouveLostYourMind.jpg)

>>638082They raked in the casual YouTube audience full of kids but at what cost?
No. 638286
>>638004How fast is her drawing speed again?
If she’s fast enough then taking low cost commissions shouldn’t be an issue for her.
No. 638322
>>638082i've seen an ad for this on youtube which starts off with her introducing herself and showing examples of her art, only about 5s in it's explained it's because she's a judge so for a moment I thought she actually bought a youtube ad slot for herself… which would be maybe better than having someone like this judging other people's art
anyway I knew LC will be happy for her lol
No. 638527
>>638352How can you call something a sketch and need to do it in 5 hours? Or the last one took her 1 hour? WTF how slow is she. This thing should take her 10 to 15 minutes max. And 15 min would already be embarrissing. lol
Also all those supplies seem to be pretty cheap, except for the poscas and polychromos.
I think NerdECrafter mentioned her a couple of times but I never looked into her.
No. 638566
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>>638517idk much about this, i guess I assumed it was bad since the last time she hit over 1 mill (3,8 million i believe for the vid) was a year ago. Since then she seems to fluctuate between heavily and her vids get stuck at 30k-50k often, with some outliers. But even 500k seems low to me when you put it in context of 2 million subs.
In comparison Super Rae Dizzle has 1,5 million subs and has gotten consistently good views. Her videos that came out weekly, up to one month, have gotten 169k (four days ago) up to 800k and seem to sit comfortably at 300k - 1 million views.
No. 638568
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>>638566For comparison Rae's views
No. 638570
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has yueko and her vtuber nonsense been discussed already?
there's not much here aside from her clips from her streams and youtube that are really hard to watch. she's too monotone and uninteresting personality wise from what you would expect from a vtuber isn't she?
haven't kept up with her much but now its all she posts about is her "child" chai she made and how shes trying to be in character now.
No. 638574
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Is there a time period where you can re-follow a private account you just unfollowed?
Seeing a plus there is more confusing than offloading 63 people who haven’t reached a breaking point to do it themselves.
No. 638586
>>637644It's really the whole "Any attention is good attention" even if it's negative.
>>637836Yeah I'm impressed as well. I never really cared for his art tbh but it's cool to see that something is working out for him since he wasn't inherently a bad guy or anything. But
>>637889 is right that he's doing what Creepshow fails MISERABLY at. Doing proper research on the topics he's covering which puts him leads ahead of her. But yeah I can't imagine giving up art to pursue something like drama/commentary when it's an even bigger gamble than art.
No. 638595
File: 1601057467424.jpg (278.05 KB, 681x865, Kwzvwpc.jpg)

>>638570I dont know about the VTuber stuff but she did call out a smaller artist over tracing her artwork for her VTuber model.
artist response to yueko comparisons/overlays talking about how much refs she uses for her art No. 638604
File: 1601058209285.jpg (456.48 KB, 678x900, InaNinomae.jpg)

>>638570How do EN VTubers expect to succeed now that Ina'nis is literally a hyper competent artist?
That alone invalidates the approach of having a more mature occupation (art) than playing games all day and getting screencapped for memes.
No. 638663
>>638604Is this what having a stroke feels like?
Kek I don't know shit about this community, can you explain more.
No. 638667
File: 1601061658298.jpg (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, HoloMythNinomaeinanis.jpg)

>>638663Hololive made a new batch of 5 VTubers who speak English now.
One of them is an artists so being an artist isn't an edge over them anymore and their stream times are sandwiched between 12pm to the other 12 which poses a direct threat to EN VTubers.
No. 638672
>>638663Nayrt but Ina is the new HoloENglish girl. Hololive company is #1 VRtuber idol company in Japan in terms of popularity. She got doxxed pretty quick and I do not think she even minds that. She is a popular anime artist with 134k-ish Twitter followers who is actually talented and popular. She has a low-energy but her streams are very chill and nice to watch, especially considering the fact that she doesn't screech or attempt to be a high pitched uwu-chan. I personally like her art streams because she explains and shows things. She is still obviously a noob when it comes to streaming but imo she is the only enjoyable HoloEN of them all who haven't done anything cringe nor had any drama yet.
However everyone in western community decided to become uwu VRtubers ever since spring when Hololive was asking for Auditions for HoloEN. However all of them are the same high-pitched fake chans that make up dramas and talk shit about eachother while convincing themselves their voice and personality are real, while in Hololive people are some sort of actors who play role as their characters and are trying to be drama or politics-free. However so far HoloEN has at least one unstable-chan who already cried on stream two if not three times. One of them is also Senezawa, a 4chan uwuloli who would do nothing but get drunk and or high on her streams. But so far she is trying to keep a low profile but it's been proved a bunch of times.
Vrtubing in general is nothing but someone streaming with anime 3d or 2d avatar, nothing special really, but weebs are buying it.
No. 638681
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>>638595How can someone be this fucking stupid.
No. 638711
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>>638699I'm of the belief that vtuber artists can succeed if they lean heavily on a single, semi-populated community like Arknights instead of trying to be a variety streamer.
Unlike vidya streamers, they have something they can shill on external sites so it's not entirely ngmi for them.
No. 638714
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>>638699ot but vtubers seem like the evolution of those youtubers who use static avatars with different expressions like pic related.
do you think we will have furry vtubers too soon? lol
No. 638753
>>638739Oh my god I thought I was the only one! I really can't stand the unfinished ends of the fabric she uses for the wings, which makes no sense since she's so good with the dresses… why won't she refine the borders of the wings too then? And another thing I usually dislike is the little wood sticks (I think they're like ice cream sticks?) that look clunky and very amateurish. Honestly it would be better if she sculpted the wing structure like she does with the tails and legs.
I would like yo ask what makes you think she's an anachan though, but it would derail the thread I guess.
No. 638770
>>638570I watched her first couple of streams as a vtuber and she's boring as fuck and comes off as a tryhard. Her model is pretty but boring design-wise.
She wasn't an interesting or engaging streamer before becoming a vtuber either, and I don't think she realized that becoming a vtuber doesn't make you more interesting. In fact, it does the opposite and if you don't have an exaggerated personality and character, you come off as blander than if you just have a face cam.
No. 638774
File: 1601070207028.png (56.8 KB, 592x405, 80_fucking_pages.png)

Does anyone else remember the massive PurpleKeckleon/Pengo/Eevee drama from a few years ago? It always felt like PK was pretty bad at avoiding drama and was the type who could never let a petty fight go. I remember there being a website by I think Eevee compiling a bunch of Skype screenshots and going through line by autistic line and trying to debunk them but only making PK look worse in the process.
Looked her up again and she's going by GlitchedPuppet now, and is up to the same multi-paragraph spergfests, dodging callouts and curating her echo chamber like it's an olympic sport. (pic semi-related, I haven't read it but 80 fucking pages?? also kek at tw: loli, wasn't PK obsessed with lolicon?)
No. 638778
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>>638570>>638770>Google says people know her for FE and NieR: A>Doesn't stream either>Doesn't stream art of eitherLike clockwork.
No. 638829
Her art is nice but I stopped following after she kept posting weird clips like her trying to sing or practicing Japanese.
the worst one so far is when she's trying to lick chat? idk the context not sure I want to know No. 638833
File: 1601073850416.jpg (199.57 KB, 800x781, IMG_20200925_234229.jpg)

I don't have much to say about it but I hate seeing this guys art. His comics were fine but the girl ''practice'' art he does comes off as super weird and seeing everyone sperg over his poorly drawn characters is so weird.
No. 639089
>>638988sage for ot but they do more than just streams, for example the reaper girl has original songs with a common theme about death and immortality, and the octopus can draw pretty well
fanworks also utilize their designs to make some pretty cool stuff, so it's not really a waste of design
No. 639122
>>633065Not so friendly reminder, living in a european union country is as just struggling as living at 1st world country, expect this artist will tweet about opening a donation pool with more than 75% followers muting/block her
I ended up blocking her bc i saw her using small artists as a tool to boost her fame kek
No. 639192
>>639180The only exception I can think of is trickywagon/ Sush. But she mainly draws her two male OC.
Myriam Tillson has a nice mix of male/ female/ ambigious.
No. 639204
>>639180It's the ones that tend to not be coomers lol, I used to be friends with this guy who only did anatomical studies with men. He was terrible at drawing women and boobs especially. He was kind of autismo but he was really good at drawing. When I questioned him about it, he said he was just embarrassed to draw the female form.
For me, I started out drawing mainly women. But now I'd say it's a 50/50, I enjoy drawing both forms since I've found what I like.
No. 639223
>>626879women is called the fairer gender for a reason
and artist tend to draw pretty thing more than others they usually pick female
No. 639233
>>639180I think it's just weird when hetero women do it. Though the objectification is obviously the cause, it still seems bizarre to not use your power to draw hot people for yourself.
t. Draw women because tfw no gf
No. 639264
>>639180I always love when it's sold as the feminist revolution when female artists draw pin-ups with like… pudge rolls or women that look like posing fashion models but with a different skin tone.
I've seen concept art bros who mostly draw men because of the sort of game/movie they mostly do work for but even those will have the odd sexy woman in between. The only men who are really consistently drawing only men are like gay fetish artists but that's a whole different game compared to what female artists who draw mostly women do.
No. 639322
>>639180The only guys I see who draw mostly men are either gay, or really into doing concept art/academic art.
>>639202This. It's very telling how there are tons of straight women who draw coomer pinups and porn of female characters, but you'll hardly see any straight male artists drawing male pinups.
No. 639328
>>639322IMO this is pretty much it. Men are drawn for work and women are drawn for fun and/or to appeal to coomers. But women and gay men are more likely to draw men by choice.
Adding my own experience: I’m a girl who grew up only drawing girls because 1) I was embarrassed to draw guys because I felt like a pervert and 2) I didn’t want to learn muscle anatomy, and you can get away with not knowing muscles when you draw skinny or chubby girls. That’s something I’m working on now though.
No. 639361
>>639321Depends entirely on your machine. Google the full name of your model and see whether or not it's even possible to upgrade your specific model and if so, by how much. Depending on model, your computer may take DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4.
Judging from the fact your computer only has 4GB of RAM to begin with I'm going to go on a hunch and say it probably takes DDR3L.
No. 639523
>>639502>>638746fucking weird
heres the video from her channel
No. 639529
File: 1601161964889.png (1.02 MB, 2264x1900, 1596551120370.png)

>>639523I immediately thought of this
No. 639589
>>639142This. She complains about paint cracking when she bends the fabric parts, but that wouldn't happen/would happen less if she used fabric paint instead of normal acrylic paint. It also bothers me that she insists on painting gradients on fabric with a brush instead of airbrushing it.
>>639218She is. Her art is pretty and she's skilled for her age, but that's about it. She doesn't have an interesting art style and her ocs have very plain designs. She's bland as a person too.
No. 639616
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>>638739I really hate the derpy sculpted head on the earth dragon doll, I know she could have done better. Whenever she uses paint for faceups instead of pastels and color pencil it looks so jarring compared to her other dolls.
No. 639628
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How much do houses cost in NZ? I’m from burgerland where houses tend to be expensive as fuck in populous areas. I wonder how much she makes a year to be able to buy a house.
No. 639640
>>639628>From Kiwiland hereShe hasn't bought a house completely, she's got a house with a mortgage.
If she bought a $600k house she must've saved up $120k as her deposit and maybe used her kiwisaver (like a 401(k)) and or got a first home buyers loan.
IF she did use her commission money, she would've taken up about 60-120 in the span of a couple of years to pay for just the deposit amount
No. 639646
File: 1601176284821.jpg (22.27 KB, 600x450, Chris_Pony.jpg)

>>639616Reminds me of pic related
No. 639678
File: 1601182772867.png (431.91 KB, 1181x771, weliveinasociety.PNG)

The contrast of these 2 sections from pixiv's how to draw people page
Its not terrible or shocking, it's just funny because it's ~gender~ in a nut shell. I didnt expect to see such a clear-cut almost-diagram here I had to laugh.
No. 639681
>>639678Lmao I like how the "hands" and "feet" tutorials are under women. Men don't have feet, you heard it here first.
Also the art in some of those tutorials looks crappy judging just from the previews. Dunning-Krueger dictates that most tutorials out there are made by asshats who barely know what they're doing.
No. 639688
>>639667no shame in being a dropout anon
who is this yueko anyway why do some anons always bring her up without any milk to offer
having a lot of followers/being popular != milk
No. 639719
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>>639688>>639695You can use her to comment on how English vtubers are a lost cause who would sooner put kids to sleep than entertain them… and that's about it really, if you've seen 1 you've seen them all.
No. 639847
Saw this on instagram : is exactly the same as the original picture, just traced and distorded a little. Am i just seeing things? No. 639859
File: 1601220315092.png (641.59 KB, 1141x396, comparison.png)

>>639847Huh, interesting, initially I was like, no, it's different enough to be sure it's not traced, but then when you look at wall tiles they overlay perfectly with the tiles from original photo, and then all the kitchen appliances are stretched, but also stretched in a way that overlays perfectly with a stretched photo, way too perfectly.
heres a quickly prepared gif with a stretched photo makes you think the stretch was done on purpose so when you say it's traced the artist can respond "how can it be traced when it's not identical?".
At the same time, if you're good enough to get into Calarts, why would you have to trace anything?
No. 640139
File: 1601241993403.png (8.37 MB, 3360x1340, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 2.24…)

>>639698>this section of her artstation is all 3/4 view or front view anime girlsI'm surprised that people keep commissioning her for commercial artwork considering that her commissioned art is even more stiff and bland than her personal art. I guess you'll get work no matter what once you're popular.
No. 640156
>>640139Waifuism demands that you get at least 1 commission of your waifu from every artist you know even if they know nothing about the source material to make something memorable.
I don’t get it either.
No. 640180
File: 1601244510684.jpg (189.99 KB, 595x1100, jiayue-wu-omyouji2-resized.jpg)

>>640156She's getting commissioned by companies too, not just by individuals. Her individual commissions are decent since she picks which ones to take based on subject (instead of fcfs), but her commercial artwork for companies are shitty compared to her normal art.
Pic related is a promo piece commissioned by NetEase. She mentioned in the stream for this piece that she also charged them several thousand dollars extra so they could use it commercially. NetEase's in-house team is pretty talented, so I'm not sure why they decided to commission her to draw two stiff, standing characters instead of using their own artists.
No. 640188
File: 1601245211525.png (191.69 KB, 636x539, 01601161624102.png)

>>640162Cheat, social media doesn't respect hard work and is far too eager to hand out success if you're a
victim of sorts so you're better off getting the necessary retweet from someone's OC or a popular franchise then you can live life freely.
No. 640238
>>640139Cornerstones of being a "good" artist in this day and age
>beautiful and appealing use of colors>high visual interest>horrible or wonky anatomy at best>generic as fuck art>inoffensive, anime styled or any other reused style art work>rehash the same subjects over and over againI gotta love how online art promotes stagnation and un-originality for the consoomers who sit down and browse their phone all day. So tired of seeing this boring shit.
No. 640256
>>640238>horrible or wonky anatomy at besthers looks fine nowhere near horrible, you could argue it's wonky.
i'm curious what kind of art do you like? i just want an example that's it.
No. 640270
File: 1601247642569.jpg (237.55 KB, 695x1000, jiayue-wu-kda-ahri-small.jpg)

>>640213The anatomy is not good true her torso is too long and the legs look weirdly attached to the hips. But you have to be retarded to think the face is photoshopped
No. 640286
File: 1601247994722.jpg (906.54 KB, 4096x3361, Eet756PVAAAuj-j.jpg)

>>640278Yeah i agree. But many artists that get popular try to study loomis etc
No. 640293
File: 1601248130199.jpg (1.26 MB, 3500x3700, ERsIKNGU8AAjzgv.jpg)

>>640286i posted the wrong pic but you get the idea (same artist)
No. 640308
File: 1601248662926.gif (1.76 MB, 419x448,

>>640213>Her face looks photoshopped inThat's because the face is partially traced from the character's official art, but the character is positioned differently in said art.
No. 640309
>>640307that also. she probably didnt wanna shade the face so it can be the forefront of the pic so low attention span
people can connect to it better
No. 640328
>>640312Why waste time doing research on a character when you could just shit out a generic piece and have everyone tell you your art is amazing and you're so talented? /s
She said in the stream for this piece that she doesn't play the game, but that's no excuse because the character has a 10 minute long animated backstory video that was posted on Onmyoji's Youtube and Facebook.
No. 640345
>>640335you can imitate an art style without outright tracing it lmao. besides, why would they want her to imitate their style when they could just have the original artist draw a promo piece for them instead?
>>640342white knight.
No. 640362
>>640180both hands look terrible, especially the left
picture overall too brully looks weird
you don't know what the fuck is happening with her ear, is it covered with hair or is it really small?
nothing seems traced tho unless you have a solid proof.
I hate when artists save the picture as shittly as possible, people are going to try to steal it anyway.
No. 640382
File: 1601253665320.png (1.25 MB, 960x3086, 15889017-926E-461B-A252-98B2B6…)

>>640370Even if we did the most critical of anons aren’t much better than pic related.
No. 640384
>>640382How the fuck does the seahorse pokemon even move?
Does it bounce around on its tail?
No. 640404
File: 1601256264796.jpg (504.83 KB, 3508x2480, Ee-zkYeVoAAH6W6.jpg)

I also found anime artist that studied Hampton, is he a meme now too?
No. 640406
File: 1601256467560.png (612.9 KB, 1282x1878, 01423348633503.png)

>>640403Oh yeah, I probably should have posted the original instead.
No. 640417
File: 1601259373043.jpg (70.98 KB, 688x794, 8tJujKw.jpg)

I know this was already brought up but I guess kaneblob is going to just stay silent until everyone forgets about it? not even the other popular artists that she talks to have acknowledged it at all.
the artwork was already removed from the pixiv store so now all she has to do is make a public post to her followers I guess but I doubt she will.
she's pretty active on instagram and twitter(liking/retweeting) even though she hasn't posted anything since then.
No. 640420
>>640384Seahorses in real life can't really move much. They use their tail to grip coral, but if they lose their hold on the coral they can drift out into the open ocean and die.
>>640406I'm so sick of this autistic debate. There are shit designs and good ones in all generations. My personal litmus test for how good a Pokémon design is basically
>Does its design do a good job of indicating its powers and what the Pokémon is themed after>Is it interesting while also being simple enough to be drawn by a child fan of the franchise>Is it cool and/or cuteSo Probopass is a shit design because it's not cool, it's not immediately clear what the inspiration was, and it would be difficult for a child to draw. I had no idea it was supposed to be a Moai head until I googled it– that's a problem. On the other hand, Duskull is a good design because it's interesting, simple, cute, and communicates everything you need to know about the character. Right away it's obvious that it's a grim reaper. I think Minior is a fantastic design, and that's a really new Pokémon, while pretty much everyone agrees that Jinx, a generation I Pokémon, is an awful design.
No. 640421
>>640419>>640382 is a parody of
>>640406, it exists to say that some critics are truly off the deep end even if what they criticize is genuinely flawed.
No. 640432
File: 1601262276121.jpeg (156.72 KB, 580x937, 916D6A8C-B8F0-4A12-8D15-C20696…)

>>640429Of course. The memory of them is something that never fades.
No. 640446
>>640303your critique is like complaining that cake isn't savory - it's technically true, but you're missing the point (or rather, lack thereof).
visual appeal is the primary motivating factor in popular art, and it's always been that way. the subject could be anything - it just so happens to be popular in this era to draw fantastical hyper-stylized humans in interesting costumes. it's not that the artist is incapable* of drawing anything else, it's that they don't want to. i'd even argue that in some pieces there is meaning to be found in the choices the artist made; if it's possible to express your humanity through abstract colors and shapes, then why not through anime characters? i don't like the trend either, but it doesn't seem a worthwhile hill to die on. you're not going to stop people from liking anime by telling them michelangelo had better anatomy.
*incapable in the absolute sense; obviously it's very likely that, in their present state, they are incapable of things which they have not attempted
No. 640453
>>639529 yes!
i loved that when it was playing out in real time
No. 640456
>>640370Yes. Studied fine arts in middle-high school and industrial design in college. I work in the jewelry industry now in a position completely unrelated to my art education though.
>>640429I'm pretty sure literally everyone except for said woke artists think tumblr/twitter art is absolute garbage. It's one of the few things that a majority of the online art community can agree on.
No. 640459
>>640286>>640449from a distance I thought it actually looked quite cute.
but upon closer look, i cannot unsee her monster thigh-leg proportions.
>vag-skirts: for all the girls out there, who just don't care. No. 640470
>>640180It's not top-tier art, but there's nothing horrible about it. It's about on-par with most mobage art I see. I know this is a salt thread but this just seems crabby to me lol
>She mentioned in the stream for this piece that she also charged them several thousand dollars extra so they could use it commercially. Is is normal practice for artists. Nothing unusual about this, especially if it's for a big company
>NetEase's in-house team is pretty talented, so I'm not sure why they decided to commission herA lot of companies hire popular anime artists to do art for them because it functions as promotion as well, since all the artist's followers will be exposed to your game/whatever as well
No. 640475
>>640188this is probably a bad example, the ppl in the screenshot are cunts like
>>640196 said.
I think you're better off baiting an art reposter then calling them out for art theft on twitter for pity points. Heard that shit always drive the clicks.
No. 640494
File: 1601280032331.jpg (282.99 KB, 1080x895, 20200928_083040.jpg)

Sasucchi95… Never improves on compositions, its always the same front facing or ¾ characters without variants
No. 640497
File: 1601280381426.jpg (128.32 KB, 1075x1075, 20200928_150529.jpg)

>>640494Same anon, this is how her old art from 2015 looks like. Still the same generic waifu artstyle but lot worse in the past. Sasu is a plain example of not getting out of comfort zone
No. 640516
>>640494I actually feel bad for her. Her art is pretty and she has a good eye for color harmony. She really could have done so much more with her art. And in any case, it's not even as offensive as most popular Instathot art nowadays
I'd rather see anime characters with simple backgrounds over generic Tumblr OC against a solid color bg
>>640286That gray torso towards the bottom gives me the impression this artist has never seen an actual human body kek
>>636101Shit anon if what you're saying is true then that brings a whole new meaning to all the stories she posts. She always goes on about how "if you see that I've replied to you but suddenly deleted the comment it's because muh anxiety told me to do the world a favour and shut up :((((". All this time I thought she was just insecure. Now it just makes me think she's a vicious, passive aggressive clout-chaser whose only anxiety is over whether or not she becomes the next Rachel Smythe
>>640308This is a huge reach tbh
No. 640574
>>640238That's just how it goes and there's nothing you can really do about it and it's a reality you have to accept. People will always be dazzled by pretty colours and palatable subject matters that bring them comfort. Like you're not going to find refined classical symphonies from the Spotify's most played list, it's always going to be easy listening mainstream pop music. You need to decide if you want to appeal to the art crowd or the big masses, and by proxy also decide if you're getting social media likes and money. The people who have the attention of the high art people
and appeal to mainstream audiences are extremely rare.
No. 640597
File: 1601302269019.jpg (361.76 KB, 1080x1481, 20200928_210802.jpg)

Did y'all remember the time when when Qinniart passed away on February?
Meyoco, her snobby popular ass claimed that Qinni isn't her inspiration but she post a suspiciously similar post more or less "stars for Qinni" tribute themed art
No. 640598
File: 1601302345852.jpg (297.05 KB, 1078x1078, 20200928_210826.jpg)

>>640597The description, seems legit. Looks like she's clout chasing or genuinely posting tribute art, we can't tell
No. 640650
>>640637Does it really matter, look at the rest of Meyoco's work over her career and the subject matter doesn't seem out of the ordinary at all. Like she said
>>640598Is there anything else you got to go off here because this sounds like you're searching for problems where there are none.
No. 640672
>>640637you're being autistic, you'd be mad whether or not she was paying tribute to Qinni.
Meyoco has done shitty things but this aint one of them
No. 641019
>>640284yes they do the mocking voice a lot
and yes spechie do too has BPD
No. 641026
File: 1601347492595.png (109.49 KB, 640x1136, DDF090B5-B816-4F6C-B50A-B58C06…)

This is regarding an interview with that Inktober guy. This controversy is so stupid, or is the inventor of Inktober really that milky?
No. 641029
>>640998So far, yes she still. There are many negative feedbacks from artists community in her country, for example she's acting highly tude towards local artists especially in local conventions. But she acts really nice towards overseas friends.
Her twitter content often shit talk about her country or clowning to gain clout.
No. 641203
>>641132>/ic/Lolicons are just throwing a temper tantrum there right now, most people don't like them. Pay no mind to shitposters
>cuties movieThat had widespread condemnation and was made by a woman who wanted to share her esperiences with sexualization and conservatism.
No. 641215
File: 1601374947297.png (287.19 KB, 588x468, sv.PNG)

Screen Rant took some 3d artist's work and turned it into a provocative tweet, never intended by the original artist; which obviously worked and people are dissing it in the comments. It's no major drama but it sucks that big website would just use a small artist work in a way that would get them the engagement, at a cost of said artist dignity.
No. 641217
File: 1601375091763.jpg (215.4 KB, 1920x1080, gwen.jpg)

>>641215Also too bad that the artist is not that good at expressions because Gwen model is actually really really pretty
No. 641302
>>641132Were you born yesterday?
Its been like that forever, I've been on 4chan for over 10 years and the loli shit has never stopped, in fact I think it may have been worse a decade ago. This cuties movie just has it on your mind, thats how people work- look for a red car and suddenly it seems like everyone's got a red car.
No. 641321
>>641273 said, pay more for good quality synthetic, but from my experience nothing beats good natural brush unfortunantely. Getting them second hand is not a
valid option because you don't want them to be used in any way, as that spoils their quality to the point you're better off with new synthetic ones.
No. 641332
>>641316I'm not sure if she hates her own country, because she still follow some Indonesian artist like nao, Mutta, locoberi,refrain rainbow, ohpcr and Nicholas Chandra.
Honestly I only can think two Indonesian artists who are lolcows, They are Felicia Huang(Mijin) and Artupida
No. 641529
>>639228She's not really getting worse, it's more like she's stagnating and becoming complacent in the art style she has. So her art is regressing. I was a huge fan of hers for a long time but noticed how same-facey she draws literally every female and male character. I love the way she colors but she doesn't want to leave her bubble because that's all she knows how to do now.
It's sad but her art really is boring and if she really thinks it's getting worse she should at least TRY to branch out and try new things.
Complacency is an artists' poison.
No. 641552
>>641245Don't be a fag about…pedophilia? Okay anon. Maybe try going outside and mentioning this to someone irl, see how people respond outside your anonymous safe bubble. Sage next time.
>>641132Honestly I think it's less that it's more accepted/prevalent, and more that "MAPS" and their cohorts are becoming more visible. The internet is super accessible and having anonymous accounts on spaces like twitter and instagram is more accepted now, so people feel safe talking about their pedohpilic interests in normie spaces rather than being quarantined on chans. Most artists I follow don't post pictures of themselves or use their real name and prefer to post art alone, and if you have an anonymous presence, you can post lolishit without social repercussions.
No. 641816
File: 1601422123090.png (644.35 KB, 787x1000, 57425de3977750c6e92df4e2ee5d90…)

>>641785Two reasons:
First, it's a trap for further beatings and mental abuse on artists. They want to trick artists into drawing caricatures so that they can later come and say "Have you noticed all of these white artists are obsessed with drawing black people with stereotypical features?". Even worse, if the artists dare to commit the doubled sin of drawing exaggerated, caricature-ish features WITH beauty rather than without it, they will add "This is fetishization, you are not recognizing black people as human, you are racist, black people are not porn".
Second, these people are secretly extremely racist. Beauty is one of the most coveted things in the world. To artistically portray a black person with it offends anyone who inherently sees blacks as low-caste. They will cry "You're drawing them with white features!", but that makes no sense if you think about it. What they really mean is "You are portraying the untouchable class with the jewels of the high-caste. This is offensive to my sensibilities!". To them, it's like pearls before swine. The saddest thing is those black people who have internalized such logic and will self-flagellate for their masters' satisfaction. They believe they are unworthy of being portrayed as beautiful or "normal" in any way. They must always be Other, with much bigger lips or noses or asses in comparison to Default (white). Warped minds.
There is no winning with these people who try and force racial features in drawings. Ignore them at all turns, they actually hate most art and artists.
No. 641824
File: 1601422923830.jpg (50.21 KB, 540x487, woke racism.jpg)

>>641816>"You're drawing them with white features!"I never got this. Is this an americuck thing or do people think all members of a race/ethnicity look like carbon copies of each other? I can't find the post, but I remember back in the early overwatch days someone got mad that Lúcio's lips weren't "big enough" for a black person. I wish I could find that fucking post. Same shit happened with making Hanzo look more "asian", whatever the fuck that means.
No. 641825
File: 1601423002274.jpg (7.52 KB, 275x117, woke racism 2.jpg)

>>641824This is not the edit, but it's relevant.
No. 641828
File: 1601423105713.jpg (71.33 KB, 700x823, 5b9e6092bd7e824981a5d3e426f607…)

>>641816Honestly i've never seen someone put this so well, i've seen this so much specially towards black women in art they act like a black woman can never have delicate and small features when its not even uncommon.
No. 641829
>>641828Super unrelated, but she is beautiful! Who is she?
Also, agree with you. Many races have different features. It's such a tired, stupid argument the fake woke crowd make.
No. 641835
>>641829Her name is Duckie Thot (yes lol, her surname is actually Thot), she's an australian model.
sage for ot
No. 641841
>>641835>her surname is actually Thotlmao what awful luck, imagine being her and seeing that bit of slang become popular
I guess giving her a perfect face was the least her parents could do to compensate
No. 641852
>>641828She looks like a creepy doll of a 10 year old with a wig and makeup in this pic. If you look at other pics you can still see her features look “black”.
There’s a difference between — instead of drawing white people and then coloring them with dark skin —drawing someone who looks like their race, and drawing straight up caricatures. Neither of these extreme sides will acknowledge that. Part of the problem is that people want features that are common in poc to be represented and seen as beautiful too.
>>641824This ones an example of making characters in caricatures. He already looked Asian lol
No. 641855
File: 1601425730628.jpg (31.56 KB, 600x800, d25efdd58c4bfac7798b1f67420271…)

>>641824i've seen american asians crying that some people were drawing semi realistic jojo characters with "white features" but there's quite a few japanese artists doing the same
No. 641874
>>626879(Late reply)
I haven't played that much adventure games yet, but I'm looking forward to.
BTW I agree with you with the Grim Fandango one.
No. 641876
>>641332Some of Meyoco's professional or popular indonesian artist doesnt even dare to critic her despite her weird ass anatomy. I doubt she treats her indonesian friends nicely
And whats up with Felica Huang and artupida? Are they
problematic or smth?
No. 641877
File: 1601430657559.jpeg (43.48 KB, 500x677, lincoln.jpeg)

>>641824Why do white people tend to associate high cheekbones with East Asians while a lot of white people have high cheekbones themselves?
(Yes there are Asians with high cheekbones)
No. 641879
File: 1601430865668.jpg (46.27 KB, 480x720, angelinajolie-1509961304.jpg)

>>641877I'm sorry but lincoln was a very sallow and gaunt looking motherfucker, this is the worst example.
No. 641896
File: 1601433130228.jpg (220.67 KB, 1466x2048, 20200930_093327.jpg)

>>641876>Felicia Huang-Scam over 30 million idr because of her merch preorder
-Changes persona if got caught scamming
-Drama and Attention seeking person
-Claim to be have a different race and work at Tao producer
>Her scamming scandal has made in local news to harass Archie the red Cat (Because of her comic popularity) and another comic artist because stole her style
-Ghost people in one of commisions
-Treat her family like shit , often blame her mother for scamming mess
-Heavily refferencing one of the pnael on his comic Source: bad she is a good artist
Pic from her sister instagram story
No. 641897
>>641877You can cut coke lines with Lincoln’s cheekbones, holy shit.
Also I’ve heard high cheekbones being associated with Native Americans. Not so much East Asians.
No. 641911
>>641876>>641881Same Anon here,
I'm not sure if there are many Indonesian Fag here.
I would advise you to not going to Carrot academy if you want to make Illustration as career /Job and Expecting it to be place to train fundamental and get inside view on the industry.
Most Indonesian Art Industry people doesn't even care about Carrot until they had a drama again with one of the people and become a tea material.
Carrot Academy has a bad reputation for its educational system , shit management and shady staff.
>Artupida-Founder of Carrot Academy claim to be the number one place to learn Illustration in Indonesia
-Block people in facebook if critic about his view and his bussiness(Carrot)
-Abuse with staff and especially drawing teacher in his school
-Artupida doesn't even teach fundamental he just said copy it from this artist
-Shit payment to mentor, idr 10,000 (0.67 usd) / hour to mentor.
-most of his former student who make it industry , only learn it by themself.
-Abuse intern, and overall act unprofesional to them
-he has a reputation as Public enemy in Indonesian Art Community because he talk like a politicus(Just Talk no Act)
Talking bad about carrot is a taboo topic but is already an open secret that Carrot is horrible art school
No. 641999
>>641824I know this piece of work artist. Whenever she's not dropping hot takes about raycism and twansphobia and whatever twittershit is currently popular she's straight out insulting people by backhanded complaints about whatever she saw on her time line today. She's an endless well of negativity and SJW toxicity.
>>641869That post of hers in particular is extra funny because her own self-insert Mary Sue is supposedly Asian but looks 100% white, and she was throwing mad fits when people questioned her about it. I'm glad she got bashed by the Asians on Tumblr telling her that not all of them look like Mulan caricatures.
No. 642036
>>641824this artist is Finnish tho, this trend is surprisingly prevalent here too lmao
>>641999please elaborate, I have only seen the super unproblematic uwu side of her but it's always seemed sus
No. 642076
File: 1601455995885.jpg (62.67 KB, 855x1300, 83554130-cartoon-illustration-…)

>>641852The problem is that you have this subjective idea in your head about what "POC" features are, and won't stop nitpicking artists for not conforming to it. It never ends. It's the same thing when racists claim all African women who don't look how they personally expect them to have "white features" or "must be mixed".
It's a very American mindset to see a normal, non-stereotyped drawing of a character, and think "Looks white". The same kind of person would see pic related and imagine the character to be white on impulse, because that's what they're used to. I notice the same debate is present in anime. Japanese people certainly don't think anime characters "look white", but tons of white people swear up and down they do.
It's no one's job to place stereotyped racial markers in their art (and I say "stereotypes" because in the end, that's really all this comes down to), just to make them "believable" as not white to you.
No. 642096
File: 1601459135975.jpg (91.89 KB, 844x1200, DmN_ZYfVsAAxHvq.jpg)

>>641824This artist has probably never seen much Asian people, then. Pic related is Takeshi Kaneshiro, a Japanese Taiwanese actor. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't look like a woke SJW caricature.
No. 642165
>>641552Yeah this, all the weird subcultures invaded Twitter and whatever and just blend in and interact like they're not posting from a weird fetish account. So normie exposure is at an all time high. The weirdos were always there, but hidden before.
I started using the internet in the time when it was mostly crossdressers and furries on every art and photo site. But they didn't populate normie sites back then.
No. 642335
>>642076>I LITERALLY don’t see race uwuI’ve never commented on an artists work outside of lc, but when poc are so often drawn with “more attractive” features that just so happen to not be common for them it’s a perfectly fine observation to make. And saying that people of a race commonly have a feature isn’t saying they all do or must or else they aren’t a poc
Feel free to go through life pretending like different groups of people don’t tend to have certain physical features, but that’s a retarded denial of reality
No. 642392
>>642374But the ideals were created in white society except thick lips but that’s a recent shift. And white people are more likely to have those features, it’s more attainable. Even without the race element, those drawings of the same pretty girl are dumb, of course. But the real point is that poc commonly have certain traits and it would be nice if they were represented instead of always drawing an idealized white girl with blue eyes but then coloring her brown and calling her black.
>inb4 I can draw whatever I want!And people can criticize your work if you make it public. Why does everyone act like artists are extra special and should get asspats for creating dumb shit
No. 642450
>>642420You’re building a retarded straw man
> There’s a difference between — instead of drawing white people and then coloring them with dark skin —drawing someone who looks like their race, and drawing straight up caricatures.
> it would be nice if they were represented instead of always drawing an idealized white girl with blue eyes but then coloring her brown and calling her black. If you can’t draw different features, your art is shit, and if you refuse but wanna act like you’re drawing poc then you have race issues and deserve to be mocked
No. 642460
>>642450You have plenty of Tumblr artists drawing ~realistic~ black people, it's not like there's a shortage of this material. Black artists exist too. It's still a dumb as hell hill to die on to be mad at random wypipo artists for not doing it right because they were trapped into doing them only to beg for woke brownie points to begin with.
And what's your definition for a trublack anyway? Give a dark skinned character any of the typically black-associated features and people will still call you out for doing it wrong.
No. 642474
>>642460If you get pressured into making art you don’t want to make then I’ve got a solution: try not being so fucking pathetic.
And every creator gets dumb comments on their work. Why are artists suck fucking snowflakes about it? You can ignore non constructive criticism like everyone else. You’ll only get “cancelled” if you allow it to happen
No. 642475
File: 1601490524372.png (325.99 KB, 500x357, 20200323_104532.png)

Jesus Christ this thread just evolve into twitter-Tumblr spregatory because of a drawing taste
No. 642503
>>642335No one said what you greentexted. Your weird colonized and/or racist mind where white people are normal-looking while all non-white people have big-ass lips, noses and butts or slits for eyes and yellow skin is your problem, not everyone else's, sorry.
If you think every art style is automatically white, again, it's your issue, and no one is tasked with trying to convince you.
No. 642519
File: 1601491853112.png (1.65 MB, 792x924, DSP.png)

Speaking of tumblr bullshit, what are your thoughts on DSP/funamusea/okegom? Saw her being briefly mentioned on another thread, so I thought about bringing her up here.
Personally I think her artstyle is a bit of a hit or miss, but I really like her character designs and her streams are pretty fun. Even though she's drawn some questionable-at-best shit, i find her content overall pretty enjoyable. Thoughts?
No. 642523
File: 1601491912440.png (259.66 KB, 494x806, NKJNV2.png)

>>642505I swear they won't stop until this is considered normal, stunning and brave.
What 95% of them fail to realize is that part of the reason some people avoid racial diversity in art is that these SJW types have likened diversity to sheer uglification.
Brown skin needs to come with disgusting, exaggerated pig noses, obesity, acne, extreme body hair. It's literally insulting, and I don't know how they don't see it.
At least the out and proud racist will admit they do this shit to mock and attack people of my race. These social justice freaks will do it with a big smile on their face like they've done a huge favor, post it everywhere and insist it's positive representation.
No. 642529
>>642519I like her style and I think most of her character designs are very nice, even though she has like more than 100 characters. I also really loved playing Wadanohara lmao
Apparently someone rees about some
problematic content she draws (rape and abuse iirc)?
No. 642531
>>642524I’m Mexican, but next time someone thinks I’m not white because
I look like a mexican, I’ll be sure to rage at them for assuming my race
No. 642532
>>642531>I'm MexicanNo1curr. Refer to
>>642503 and work on your issues. No one needs to draw special snowflake big noses so you don't have to worry about your brain telling you every ambiguous drawing is white.
No. 642536
>>642533>I-It's not really ugly, you just need to go outside!Yeah, no. I don't look like that abomination I posted, and sure as hell no one I know does, either.
Sorry you're ugly, but that doesn't mean you need to make us out to all be ugly by association. Just draw a shitload of self-portraits and leave everyone else alone.
No. 642544
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how do you guys like my middle eastern oc?
No. 642552
>>642544Lots of Middle Easterners have an appearance similar to that, so I don't see much of a problem. Thank you for not drawing a lazy stereotype like an actual racist would.
Americans might have trouble parsing it, but honestly? That's their problem.
No. 642561
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>>642519>>642529oh god the tumblr fiasco
not sure if these are troll accounts but apparently some people on tumblr still are salty about her
at least it's not as prominent as it was a few years ago when she still had her account and got harassed
No. 642565
>>642374Yep. There are plenty of white features that are “ugly” but most artists don’t portray them or care about drawing hyper-accurate white people. The Instagram Girl is pretty much a mix of the most favored white and poc features.
>>642076I read an article about this a long time ago and suddenly a lot of things made sense lol. A white person assumes a stick figure is white. A white person assumes anime characters are white. Anime is hyper-stylized, therefore it is not an accurate portrayal of different races and people project their own ideas onto it to fill in the blanks. That’s why white SJWs only accept racial caricatures as accurate, because they assume everything is white by default.
No. 642590
>>642569Ah some distraction from all this infighting. Anyway it'll become easier over time, it's just that if you've done nothing but traditional for years, digital takes a while adjust because it's so different from traditional. From an outside it may not seem so but the feeling of weight is entirely different, the surface feeling of glass (or plastic), the brushes, the motorskills (depends on if you got a screen or not), etc. After all that there's the horror of the programs and how to use those but personally I'd say digital art is really worth it, you got so much freedom and so many directions to go to, having traditional art experience can really serve as an advantage too when working with digital, since a lot of traditional artists, tend to like to emulate the look digitally as well.
No. 642609
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>>642519I like her work a lot. It's cute and I find her designs unique and fun.
I don't even know why Tumblr got into her work if they were going to have sperg fits over the content. I haven't seen all her art, but her games seems to be openly labeled as horror and/or having offensive humor. South Park is far worse IMO.
No. 642612
>>642576>>642590Thanks anons!
Im going to practice alot now on then, I wanted to pick up digital art because it felt more acessible, just plug in the tablet and youre good to go, sometimes having to prep paints, sit down on the specific drawing table is too much of a hassle that i just give up from an idea.
No. 642833
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OT but where can I get the artists list for Crunchyroll Expo 2020 exactly?
No. 642848
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>>642519Like previous anons said, i really enjoy her stuff. The only nitpick i have is that i prefer the old artstyle a bit better (the one on the left).
No. 642917
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>>641215was gonna jump in yesterday about this especially after seeing rubberninja, beezul and onetricktofani chime in on that same thread. Ross gave this in response to his own chiming in.
No. 642946
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>>640621OT but this dude looks like someone shaved Kalvin Garrah and it's weirding me out
No. 642947
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>>640621God, I hate that fucker. His art looks all the same and is strangely inconsistent. Teenagers love this shitty personality type tho. It's tragic.
No. 642961
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>>642947The fact his old art used to be like this, Is pretty tragic
No. 643026
>>642519I love her work, even though I feel she's been stagnating a bit and going a bit too far with the long legs and big feet. Wadanohara is one of my favorite rpgmaker games.
Also I have a big soft spot for her edgier stuff, the subject matter combined with the artstyle reminds me of old DA art in a way that's very nostalgic to me. People on tumblr flipped out over her drawing noncon and abuse way too much, I wish people would stope reeeing about any sort of
problematic content.
No. 643135
>>642111>>642138Honestly idk what I was expecting. I'm afraid to look up some other finnish artists I adored as a kid if they too have become like this. Checked fjelden out a while back and god she's become insufferable. Our country is LARPing USA hard and artsy ppl are always the ones that really drive it home lmao
sage for sperg
No. 643228
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Let's see what this board think of this. I prefer perfect practice tbh
No. 643253
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>>643154lol yeah. Muura has been a lost cause for ages and she's been mentioned on previous threads, afaik Leppu/Peuta hasn't gone full retard but that could have changed.
Fjelden's art (pic related) is still nice but damn, not good enough to preach of her choice to be unemployed.