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No. 589682
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 589683
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>>589682nobody made a new one so i guess i will lmao discuss drama here
No. 589913
>>589876it was closed when i made this, otherwise i would have linked it there. my bad though for forgetting the previous thread link.
>>574186 No. 589943
>>589940not to mention,
>you should be able to draw just as good with your non-dominant hand as with your dominant handwhich is total bull
No. 590127
>>590120For someone who claims to be all about doing hands-on crafts, she has the fine motor skills of a walrus.
Also, I think what separates the good from the bad art youtubers is fundamentals. A lot of fundamental colour and skill knowledge translates across many mediums, making it easier to be good at many things. Whereas a lot of arttubers tend to only learn about knowledge specific to their preferred medium, so they're clueless when it comes to literally anything else.
No. 590182
>>589940One of her arguments was that she basically doesnt like studying the fundamentals(primarily I assume anatomy) is because it comes out as stiff. Like, no shit it’ll be stiff, have you seen your own drawings?? You don’t break them down into shapes/organics, instead, you break them down into tubes
>>590132Anon, it wasn’t animation, it was illustration
No. 590188
>>5901825:40 - 5:48
"…in the same week that I also had, uh, illustration classes and classes about animation…"
No. 590191
>>589940I need to say that the "stop drawing anime/cartoons" is often misguided and comes from a place of personal spite. A ton of manga artists are fucking pros with their fundies and draw plenty of photorealistic stuff for practice while preferring to keep their personal style cartoonish but a lot of salty art snobs present it as "stop drawing stylized content altogether".
However I don't understand why she thinks "learn the rules before you break them" is bad advice. It makes no sense. Her reasoning is that "your art becomes stiff uwu" but this literally does not happen, if you learn stylization before fundamentals your art looks uncanny, muddy and repetitive because you don't know how to play with possibilities or how to replicate the things that people find engaging in real life.
No. 590257
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So #my200vsbutch200 is the new trend on Twitter. Everyone is outraged that Butch Hartman charges 200$ for commissions. Butch's commission art is absolute shit (pic), but this tag just seems to be a bunch of insecure artists proclaiming how much better they are than him. It's the most obnoxious shit.
No. 590299
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>>590257People were also pointing out his piss poor tracing job on said commissions.
No. 590317
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Tobi, a cis female is gonna make a video validating on why she likes Yaoi and why it's not problematic. There's literally gay men in the comments telling her why they don't like the term and she's plugging her ears and going "uwu I like gay porn sue me"
Is she milky enough to make a thread of her own because she's really becoming a cow. Basically Holly Brown 2.0 at this point.
No. 590328
>>590317She's right, though. Plus, all the "gay men" who are "so offended!!" about yaoi are literally just fujoshi fakeboi FtMs trying to compensate.
Find three (3) cis gay men who give a shit about this, you can't.
No. 590334
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>>590317>>590328Any good or intelligible argument she has is drown out by her "uwu baby" reeing. She is so stupid and over-reactionary. No one would care if she had an opinion if she wasn't an obnoxious cunt about it and didn't act like only her opinion was correct.
No. 590343
>>590267lol Many artists are hypocrites when it comes to the great price debate because unless they're at the top they'll get pissed off at people who can get away with charging more for less skilled art.
I've even seen people at the supposed "top" whine about smaller artists' prices for their art while arguing that it's still too much for how ugly it is. It's a neverending cycle.
Nobody wants to admit that pricing art is difficult and inconsistent because it's purely how much your buyer is willing to value it at.
No. 590347
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>>590334I went to check her Twitter, and holy shit, does she ever shut up? How many tweets do you need dedicated to this topic alone?
No. 590355
>>590346>yaoi was originally created for women by women and how alot of the tropes (feminization, lack of consent, and more) >Tobi unsurprisingly, said in one of her replies that she doesn't like Bara.That makes sense, IMO. She's a woman, so it figures she'd be into erotica made by/for her demographic. I've never seen this kind of backlash toward lesbian porn, even though we all know it's made for men (yuri is kind of a different story, since it was at least pioneered by female authors IIRC). Yaoi seems very far removed from the lives, appearances and experiences of most actual gay men. It's just romance and JO material for girls who feel weird self-inserting on other girls (which is probably why most of the characters look like tall, skinny girls with dicks and big hands - similar and feminine enough to be relatable to a female viewer, but with a few inoffensive, sort-of-masculine traits to not be too close for comfort). Anyone who'd use it (or really any porn) to educate themselves on homosexuality is a dumbass.
After seeing her Tweets, she's pretty obnoxious, though.
No. 590356
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>>590257It doesn't surprise me at all that Hartman's Ember looks like shit when Danny Phantom's iconic art style came more from Bob Boyle's style than Hartman's.
I know next to none of you care about toddlershit animation but Chico Bon Bon is Bob Boyle's most recent cartoon and even in 3D graphics you can feel the cute look that was in FOP, Wow Wow Wubzy, Ying Yang Yo, etc.
No. 590405
>>590144It's her huge ham hands that cause her to not be able to do things delicately.
I used to enjoy her videos where she'd do "is xyz worth it?"
But with 50 ads, her higher pitched voice and constant misunderstanding of products, I had to stop.
No. 590435
>>590347Fujos are annoying but at least she's up front about it, I guess. I don't really get the point of the video other than getting a bunch of fujo-in-denial fakebois to eat her alive. I would say it's going to be fun to watch but I have a feeling it's just going to be cringe.
>>590356Bob Royle's style is quite pleasing to the eyes. It reminds me of simpler times.
No. 590479
>>590317>Literally gay menWhat, you mean the Aidens? The women who claim to be gay men and get to dictate what gay men are offended by? God if Tobi wants to be the next edgy contrarian youtuber she should at least address how the discourse has been hijacked by narcissistic troons who hold everyone so tightly under their thumb that nobody can just step up and say "can't you see these people are not gay men" but I guess that's a bridge too far for someone who wants to grab a topical issue just to poke the wasps' nest to create buzz but not get stung.
>>590346>bruh I read this on tumblr like 5 years ago and it totally had gay japanese men saying it's so problematic I swearYeah and I've seen multiple Japanese gay people say that they don't give a fuck and fujos are the least of their problems. If you've ever followed gay male artists you'll know the content they created is miles more "
problematic" and "distasteful", guys be nutting over rape and smut like nobody's business. But heaven forbid if women created anything sexual for themselves.
Yes I'm sperging out but this gets brought up here at least once a week or so and I'm fucking sick of people who aren't at all familiar with the genre, its purpose or its history acting like BL is some epitome of rape porn fetishizing homosexuality and constantly moving the goalposts for the artists by being outright dishonest by drawing false equals to lesbian porn made for men. And I'm especially sick of people acting like the "gay men" being "offended" by BL aren't just Hannah and Sarah identifying as Julian and Oliver being mad that someone on Twitter shipped their kinnies with a character they don't like.
No. 590496
>>590317You guys are such soccer mom purists. Also using “real gay men” as proof to prove your morality on why people can’t enjoy a genre is real fucking weak. The fact you collate fake boys to real gay men shows how smooth brain you are. Do you seriously think comics affect reality? If comics upset you, shouldn’t you equally fight against harmful okama stereotypes that are prevalent in higher media like movie, novels, etc?
Where are these same people up and arms about Yuri being an unrealistic portrayal of lesbians? Just admit you don’t like a genre and move on, stop trying to make stupid stories into a SJW human injustice
No. 590503
>>590496Yuri has a predominantly male fandom so trying to cancel them would be pointless as men would just laugh your ass off the planet and they know it. I wish women weren't so conditioned and expected to be docile and compromising because just for once I'd just like to tell a retarded fandom police off without being hung from a cross. It's not like there's a massive epidemic of horny straight fujos demanding gay people to let them into their bedrooms (no, that one yaoi fangirl horror story you read from /cgl/ is not a widespread issue) because that's not what BL is about, unlike lesbian porn made for men which is all about performing for a straight male to the point lesbian couples are constantly harassed by even normie men who want to see them make out.
What really ticks me off though is that a woman who starts drawing beautiful men being sexual gets first screeched at by straight men, and then by pearl-clutching fellow women who want to drag the crab back in the bucket because they thought ruining someone's life over drawing anime guys kissing shirtless was the woke thing to do. All the while watching male NSFW artists being made out of fucking teflon, not getting cancelled no matter what sick shit they draw. It's really no wonder so many fujos trooned out and identify as ~literally gay men~ now, you really need to have that M in your passport to be free to embrace your sexual autonomy.
No. 590552
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I just got finished browsing a thread on Twitter where folks were saying that you should charge 200 dollars for commissions.
People were like "bRuH nO oNe wiLL pAy tHaT mUcH fOr mY aRt" and it's like no shit, this message is intended for people who are actually good at art, not shitty Sai paintings.
I'm not an artist (I give up too easily) but I do a few art study classes and am a perfectionist. Something about people with really shitty drawings spamming their art in threads about increasing commission prices really fucks me up.
Their art is not anywhere near the conversation for raising prices.
I just wish someone would tell these people that their art is…. simply not good and needs to get better before they can expect good sales.
No. 590553
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>>590552I would never in a million years pay 50 an hour for this, let alone 200.
This one isn't so bad, but it needs a lot of work on anatomy, coloring and… I mean Jesus… A lot of things.
No. 590557
>>590553that burn and dodge airbrush hair is
triggering me
No. 590562
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>>590557"50 dollars an hour"
You ever think it takes you that long because you suck shit at painting and don't actually know what to do? Like maybe if you were better equipped with skills, you wouldn't feel the need to charge 50/hour because you suck and need to use burn/dodge all the time.
Maybe I'm being too harsh….
No. 590565
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>>590552This person was also on that thread. "This person disappeared when I told them dog commissions were 35 dollars"
"I can draw humans too!"
Hmmm, no sweetie, you cannot
No. 590578
>>590562literally the point of practicing drawing so much most of the time is to be able to draw well and draw well quickly. this art is shit tier 2010's deviantart. the person selling it for 50/hr is off their rocker if they think this garbage is worth that much when they dont have the skills or even the marketing to pull it off.
>>590554call it controversial or whatever but i think a lot of mediocre internet artists need a fucking wakeup call that people usually don't want to spend big bucks on their garbage art. you need to increase your skill or marketability to a certain threshold in your community/fandom/whatever if you want people to spend money on it. ffs you cant expect big sales when your art is still beginner at worst and mediocre at (absolute) best like
>>590552 No. 590581
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Anyone else see all this VinneArt drama? From what I can see VinneArt made art using the same concept as another artist and the other artist got mad that they didn't get any credit.
No. 590616
>>590581I don't understand the problem with this. The second artist didn't do an exact copy or trace the first one's or anything.
How can an artist own an entire concept? Are they going to crucify anyone who takes a photo like this, too? It doesn't make sense to me.
No. 590627
>>590347I don't get this artist at all. This shit is
problematic, so what? Straight and yuri porn have its fair share of
problematic elements, If that girl likes her fetishized men, she should just own up to it and fucking move on.
She's probably only rationalizing her fetish because she wants to believe she's woke enough or something
No. 590628
>>590317Anyone that uses the word cis is
problematic. Go back to twitter
No. 590708
Made a Tobi thread so people won't mention her irrelevant fujo ass here:
>>>/snow/1013078(Don't know how to actually link other threads so this is the best you get)
No. 590723
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I swear it's always the people that complain about people drawing underaged art the most that are found to be the most likely to secretly horde it. This person on Twitter is being called out for being anti-cp but at the same time liking photos of Allister, an 11 year old, getting dicked down by Bea. They also follow(ed) Shadman. Fucking kek.
No. 590741
>>590723People who clutch the most pearls are also most likely to like
problematic content themselves and only attack others to divert the attention away from their own dirty secrets? Say it ain't so, anon!
No. 590744
>>590723>>590724>I swear it's always the people that complain about people drawing underaged art the most that are found to be the most likely to secretly horde it.Of course it is. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. The more one throws these stones, so to speak, the more clear it becomes that they're motivated to do so out of a desire to hide something.
Honestly, I question people who get up in arms and emotionally distraught, almost performatively, over drawings of fictional characters in the first place. Disliking it or finding it in bad taste is one thing, because you're an adult and can realize that if you don't like something, you're not obliged in any way to look at it or engage with it. But waking up and getting on Twitter every single day to preach your perceived moral superiority to your followers, rambling about how disgusting the media you don't like is and how you're too ~pure~ to engage with such vile things, seems rooted in denial or refusal of something.
No. 590750
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>>590616NTA, but it's more than just that. Not only did they copy the one pose, they basically did the exact same image, just reskinned. And admitted to using it as a "reference".
pic related
It's one thing to do a similar pose, but they admitted to using another artist's picture as a "
reference" (they traced it).
Additionally, they were talking shit about the original artist and their fans were as well. They did a fake apology and basically laughed about it.
Regardless of what you do, it's just a general shitty thing to trace over someone else's art and then lie about not knowing the original artist.
No. 590813
>>590750at which point shall we draw a line at what we call "traced"? The concept is exactly the same but the drawing is different in it's details, it's definitely not traced, why say that?Same as this
>>590753 case, referenced pose, definitely not traced.
No. 590821
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>>590750Its been a while since I've seen this strong of a case of brainrot. Overlay the pictures, its not even close to being traced. Yes its the same concept going on in both pictures, because one took inspiration from the other, but these are not the same poses (theyre doing similar things in both pictures, yes, but thats not the same poses. the way theyre sitting, holding their arms, their body language, etc is not at all the same), not similar characters, not traced.
Do you think the photographers for pic related should call each other out for stealing the same concept as each other?
I hope we find a stock photo close to OP's picture so we can call out OP for stealing ideas kek
No. 590827
>>590813>>590819Regardless of whether or not you consider it tracing, other people do, including the original artist and that's where the drama is stirred.
Don't shoot tha fuckin messenger
Btw, if someone did the same thing with my art I'd have a major issue with it, even if it was "similar but not traced".
They said they used a reference but NEVER actually tagged the original artist, which is kinda fucked no? I think that's more of the issue than using it as a reference.
Artists want exposure and if someone replicates your style and poses and concept, and then says "oh btw used a reference teehee if you know who they are let me know" rather than actually just finding the source, it's pretty upsetting I'm sure.
No. 590828
>>590827No shots fired on the messenger, I'm just seeing people calling every copying issue tracing which is an entire different thing so i wanted to comment on that.
Showing a reference - thus proving they were aware of that art - yet not providing any links to original artist is definitely wrong.
No. 590833
>>590827My main issue while looking at this drama yesterday was exactly that, I’d be pissed if some 100k follower random did a work inspired by mine and reposted my art it in the replies with no credits and the caption “i used this as reference but idk who the artist is haha”. That’s basically the same as instagram reposters going “credit to whoever drew this”.
Either don’t repost my art and keep your inspirations secret, or take the time to find the original post and credit it properly, specially if you have over 100k followers. The actual art itself wasn’t that close to the original in terms of pose and lighting but I understand why the korean artist is pissed off about the whole thing. Vinne’s smug two faced attitude afterwards didn’t help.
No. 590834
>>590750That's clearly not a trace, anon. Do an overlay of them both and see for yourself.
Referencing or copying a pose =/= tracing. I do not understand how a pose can be owned, I just don't.
No. 591109
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>>591080Seriously, since when is using a reference/inspo considered tracing. If you're just trying to find the right pose etc. You can't copyright a pose or concept either. Asking peolpe not to post referenced or inspired art is bullshit, because you could go to any artist and find them inspired by other or find similar pieces.
No. 591139
>>590317"cis female", seriously?
Idk, while I agree with the other poster that it's very likely those protesting gay men are actually fujo FtMs (who actually fetishize being gay, I know some): gay men coming after porn for women by women would be just dumb when in the larger popular culture pretty much all "accepted" and more mainstream porn and erotics is catering to men. Yes it's mostly for straight men but like even in the art world you'll have plenty of gay male content before you'll get to erotic depictions of men (or also women) made by women for a female audience. That's still pretty much anathema. But god forbid women have sexual desires of their own and express their fantasies without at least being ashamed of what they like! There's lots of misogynist gay men out there and I honestly don't give any fucks about their opinions.
No. 591327
>>591281Dude, you could literally argue all day the negative cultural impacts of lolicon and Japan's 'dont ask don't tell' in relation to literal pedophilia. But like, I swear every art thread gets dissolved by the stupid Loli shit or trans shit.
Go to Twitter if you want to argue with people about lolicon/loli lmfao
No. 591388
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>>591380 article would be a good source on general referencing : dont use reference without any modification / preferably create your own reference, and I found a very good example of reference vs copy vs trace
Honestly, if you dont just blatantly steal but frankenstein your way through art - a lot of pros work just like that and unless you do something highly controversial to draw attention to yourself and make people want to be extremely picky, no one will ever pay attention.
If you draw attention to yourself though, even if you never reference, they'd find something close enough and claim you traced so honestly, there's no winning. Just be a cool person and you'll be okay.
No. 591447
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>>591368HONESTLY YES. Seeing, 'reeeeee Loli bad!! ALL pedos!!' and 'reeeee loli good!! I nut to loli!!'
There's only been like non AOW when it was said in the description to not fight about the same three damn topics.
No. 591483
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cyarin is complaining that someone clipped the moment in her stream where she was crying being a "breach of trust" seems like such a bratty reaction to me.
its not a "breach of trust" youre in the public eye.
im sure she thinks its fine and normal that swatting and nip slips get clipped even though it is a vulnerable moment streamers go through. arguably more vulnerable than crying.
i also couldnt find the clip of her crying, and most of the clips of her from the last month have less than 5 views.
No. 591495
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What do you think about this? This person's on insta stated that making nsfw of aging up fictional minors are straight p*do
Pt 1/3
No. 591497
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>>591495>>591496If they say gross, or sont like it, why dont just they look away??
Pt 3/3
No. 591503
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>>591495>>591496>>591497i love that pfp but really who gives a shit?, i don't thing a nsfw artist will care whater or not a ig artis things of them
No. 591511
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>>591496This confuses me, because in 99% of anime, young characters are typically already sexualized, canonically. Things are often deliberately designed and written so viewers (most of which are intended to be teenage boys,
hopefully) will be attracted to the young characters. This is official BNHA art.
Anime otaku culture has a disturbing fascination with youth, sad to say, and anime producers usually purposely pander to it. Whoever made this is refusing to look at the bigger picture, ie the source material. The sexual responses we're seeing from fans were deliberately mined by the creators, it's not a misinterpretation or a mistake. In fact, it shows more restraint and at least a small bit of decency for artists to age up minor characters before drawing sexual content of them, IMO.
The logical takeaway is to not support anime in general to avoid this problem, or to say "If you're above 17 and watching anime, you're a fucking creep", but no one will actually follow that for obvious reasons. I think the only real way to tackle this issue is to just "cancel" most mainstream anime in favor of the few non-sexualized shows, but that's far more difficult to pull off, and probably won't happen. It's like this person is basically trying to have their cake and eat it too.
No. 591513
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Bingo. It's entirely based on the same evangelist ideas of "purity" that've been used to oppress and marginalize groups (particularly women, and especially bisexual and lesbian women) for centuries, as well as on the idea that the media's creators and consumers are intellectually incapable of separating fiction from reality (hence why women and young people are primary targets - societies that perpetuate these ideas already believe that women and young people are inferior and must be infantilized and desexualized in order to protect them.) Suggesting "but if a young stumbles upon (piece of media), they're going to commit (act) in real life!" is as asinine as suggesting "but if a young person plays a video game in which the protagonist uses a gun, they're going to commit a shooting in real life!"
No. 591519
>>591513People need to learn that just because they don't personally like something, that that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Obviously this is different for fanart/fanfic than official movies and tv series. In the end there's no effective way in order to censor "
problematic" content because someone is always gonna end up screwed over.
No. 591530
>>591527>all animeNah, just the shonenshit, haremshit and ecchifag shit. I'd actually like that because it's all generic garbage that relies on level-ups and/or panty shots and big tiddies for ratings, but that won't happen because that's the content that sells. It'd be nice if works like Metropolis became more popular, but it's not going to happen. It just won't.
IMO, people who have that much of a problem with the grosser aspects of anime culture should just dip out of it and support content that actually fits their ideals. But that won't get them the precious likes/follows they want, so they'll just keep complaining and trying to have it both ways. It's all so dumb.
No. 591539
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>>591528I don't understand why ironic weebs "love" animu but hate everything that makes it different from mainstream western media. Just watch American sitcoms if otaku culture "
triggers" you. It's really sad that Japanese artists are starting to view all western anime "fans" as anti free speech for a couple of bad apples. No. 591566
File: 1595906108894.jpg (151.12 KB, 736x736, 463ab4b760a1083b54eb289098ca1e…)

Any thoughts of Yoaihime? Her art looks cute but somehow it sparks monotonous tone all over her artwork, hardly ever experimenting on compositions or poses. Butvher coloring's actually okay ngl
No. 591583
>>591483And she JUST got verified to streaming on Twitch a few days ago lmao
I wonder how this will turn out
Also anon, twitch hosts can delete vods and the clips
No. 591585
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>>591581Same anon who posted, the one that shows from the previous post was her art from 2015-2016 ish. This one's her recent art. I took it from deviantart that was last posted in april 2020
No. 591593
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>>591566I remember when she accussed ibu chuan of copying her. Her art is really boring compared to hers.
No. 591607
>>591593Yeahh I remember… that was back in 2017. Ibu_chuan can't speak english very well yet she's from chile, i once read her apology post that she wasn't intended to copy yoaihime, she said on the post that she took inspiration from pixiv artists that uses copic. As far as i know, Ibu's age is younger than yoai, seems sketchy right? Just bc of a younger artist went more popular than her? But i saw their art just plain boring kawaii anime style.
But now, i saw them become friends again.
No. 591645
>>591539It's really no wonder Japanese artists are fed up with westerners, I'd be too if I constantly had to deal with wokesters who look at everything through a microscope to find anything that could possibly be
problematic and demand Japanese creators to write everything from an American cultural context point of view. It's just re-packaged cultural colonialism and nothing else.
Now I need to recount some history. Back in the day a lot of Disney (which I'm using as an example because they're the colossal, monolithic animation company in the west) animators wanted to explore different subject matters and the creative differences made a bunch of talented animators quit. See Don Bluth and how he took people with him to create his own studio in the late 70's. Afterwards Disney fell into the fairy tale musical standard to keep their content marketable and easy to sell. Anime studios used to do family-friendly films similar to what Disney had been working on, but in the 60's, parallel to what happened in the west, workers fought tooth and nail to gain more artistic control over what they could do and created an entire industry with varying stories for different topics, settings and characters.
Even though the anime industry has big issues with exploiting animator labor they still have established a genre where you could create movies and series about pretty much anything you want, whereas Disney would boot your ass out the second you offered a script with even slightly controversial scenes or stories. If you had once gained this artistic freedom by fighting for it you sure as hell don't want to give it up in front of some foreigners who got their feewings huwt because anything more challenging than a singing CGI princess makes them scared. Makoto Shinkai's recent movies are pretty family friendly and international successes but I very much doubt Disney would've allowed his vision to fly if they were produced under their supervision. There's no way in hell they could've allowed a teenage boy pointing a gun at the police or getting beat up by a mobster.
No. 591654
File: 1595923447893.png (326.86 KB, 585x429, screen-shot.PNG)

Another tracing / copying case, the one on the right is the original… it's a shame, because the artist who made a copy is clearly skilled so if only he used a different colors for the liquid no one would say anything.
No. 591664
File: 1595925753178.jpg (96.49 KB, 689x884, Ed9PwMHUcAA31SZ.jpg)

>>591659This is the full piece though, I'm sure if he used different colors it wouldnt be an issue since no one would pinpoint this.
No. 591687
>>591664>this anatomyIs this another artist who just got really good with shading and rendering but chose to skip other fundies and decided to just trace every body they drew?
Anyway with something like
>>590750 it's sort of debatable if it's "stealing" per se because it's just a concept that's borrowed but the setting, characters, art style etc. are completely different. It's like two people participating in an art meme. That's what you can call being inspired by an idea. With this Silverjow one it's basically the same character, same concept, same setting, same expression, even
same colours, if you didn't know better you could think it's literal fan art. It's definitely not tracing but it's still disrespectful in my opinion.
No. 591698
File: 1595932428855.jpg (189.6 KB, 1080x768, ralph_bakshi-___B8U2A7oH0O0___…)

>>591645At some time western animation was equally experimental and interesting as Japanese animation was. Stuff like Fritz the cat or that rock movie with furries couldn't be made today. It's a shame that western artists have become so dull, cancelling everything that doesn't comply to their moral high standars . We still get good stuff like Feral and that Dr Zeus Netflix show but it's very little compared to the amount of flash garbage we get every year.
No. 591744
File: 1595938841821.jpeg (62 KB, 483x634, images (10).jpeg)

>>591645Not trying to detract from your point, but on the subject of Disney playing it "safe" who remembers this piece of shit? It's one of their least successful movies and ngl I'd be lying if I said I didn't kind of love it kek.
No. 591745
>>591497Yeah uh what the fuck are these kids doing watching porn? Most NSFW artists have a NSFW warning and tag their work accordingly, majority of them are now even blocking minors who follow them. Twitter is also quick to tag sensitive content and afaik you actually have to tag your account to contain their automatic content warnings which means you have to enable seeing the content manually by yourself. These little shits are so entitled they think they get to force adult content to cater to their needs and preferences when they have no business in their spaces.
>>591510This. Literally the dumbest take to blame fiction for something a child experiencing severe psychosis did. Gonna bet that seeing shirtless fanart of Bakugo isn't going to cause adult women to start raping 16-year old boys.
No. 591746
File: 1595939093046.jpg (179.08 KB, 630x1200, rnr.jpg)

>>591698>that rock movie with furriesare you referring to rock and rule?
there seemed to be more experimentation within cartoon during that time (not just animation) with the rise of underground comix
No. 591748
>>591744Black Cauldron was a massive flop for Disney, it was tremendously expensive to make and went through a developmental hell where for example Katzenberg would order 12 minutes to be cut and plenty of scenes rewritten because they were deemed too scary for children, which rendered it a mediocre movie not sparking much interest in the audience because it was marketed as a fun light-hearted fantasy adventure instead of what it actually was. During its production Eisner replaced Ron Miller as the CEO of the Disney Company and he was the one who ultimately cemented the "we don't make art, we make money" ideal shortly after Black Cauldron, and that's what Disney still goes by today. Little Mermaid was such a huge fucking success that they kept the formula for decades to come and they're never going to deviate from it again. They sort of tried again with the Hunchback of Notre Dame and it failed too (again, they marketed it as a funny kids' movie) so that was that.
It's a shame because as a kid I was enchanted by the Black Cauldron, exactly because it was dark and different from the usual Disney candy I was fed. It's not a good movie but the fact that Disney once made an attempt at dark fantasy carries it alone.
No. 591756
>>591745We can debate until kingdom come whether it's ok to post gross shit with minor characters, but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. I remember there was a big stink on tumblr because people started reporting ao3 to the FBI for child porn, even though it's fucking fanfiction. The might have endangered actual children in the process because their database got so clogged up with bullshit reports. Not to mention there are trauama
victims who use art as therapy, and they get harrassed as well. If they were halfway as dedicated to protecting actual children than some imaginary ones, they'd actually make a difference.
No. 591760
>>591756>If they were halfway as dedicated to protecting actual children than some imaginary ones, they'd actually make a difference.This. It got so bad that one of these organizations had to make a tweet telling people to stop with the fabricated reports because having to investigate them took resources off from trying to sort out
actual child porn rings. It was mentioned in another thread that legitimate child abusers are most certainly not hard to find online and if they actually gave a shit outside of social media clout they would go after them. Literally all you have to do is to pretend to be a 12-year old girl and make an instagram profile, you'll soon enough encounter massive amounts of adult men trying to talk about sex with you. But these fucking clowns in the Twittersphere instead decide to cancel people over MHA ship art or other ridiculous shit like that and sleep their nights well thinking they're the most virtuous vigilantes ever.
No. 591773
>>591760It's also a case of they aren't actually minors first of all. They're pictures on a screen or in a book. Also, the whole point of art and media is to be able to live through characters and empathize with them. Teenagers think about sex, they have sex, they watch porn, and all of those adults were teenagers at some point and still heavily relate to that part of their life, since it's a defining period of growth. The idea that once you hit your 20's you're completely cut off emotionally from being a teenager/young person is so stupid. Why is it that so many of these YA romance books are written by middle-aged women?
The issue with this ageing up stupidity is that it frames sex in this disgusting light, when it's just a natural part of existing, and it makes it seem like canon is this set in stone thing that you can't change for your evil pornographic material. It also jsut makes no sense because even though those character might not be adults now in canon, they will be eventually in the story so???
No. 591774
File: 1595942288675.jpg (50.86 KB, 1024x739, 20200728_201822.jpg)

Modern fandoms in a nutshell
No. 591784
File: 1595943739102.jpeg (268.35 KB, 1365x1586, anime industry.jpeg)

>>591645>they still have established a genre where you could create movies and series about pretty much anything you wantKek, if only. Cumbrained otaku and money-hungry execs ruined that.
No. 591804
>>591793>Expand your horizonsKek, I do. That's why I can say with certainty that anime that doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator doesn't get even a modicum of the recognition or support it would if it really was about making what one wants and pure self-expression.
Anime, like any creative medium, gets fucked over the moment "Will this sell?" becomes an important topic, and that's how it's been for a while. Tons of worthless, bullshit anime just made to get numbers from since the 80s. You have a very rose-tinted, almost weeby view of the industry that sadly doesn't really hold up to reality.
No. 591822
>>591811Yeah, manga is pretty great in that regard, and there's tons of good "indie" manga because no one can really legislate what you draw. The same applies to the west with comics and graphic novels, I find.
>>591813You're pretending like anime is some open, censorship-free medium. There are tons of subjects that don't fly in anime, and if you'd take the time to study the industry, studios and how they work within the framework of Japanese culture, you'd see that.
I swear you guys see a bouncing tit or a gun being fired and are like "Wow! Anime is based! No creative suppression by execs whatsoever!", lmao.
No. 591865
>>591773This. Also the fact that
victims of abuse and autistic people both tend to develop at a stunted rate compared to those that aren’t. That is to say, a lot of them are either halted in arrested development at a young age or never had a normal relationship to being a teenager in the first place due to social and emotional hinderances. They can explore a “normal” teenage life through fiction, one they didn’t formerly have. Sage for a bit of blog posting but I’m an autistic women in my young 20s, as a teenager I felt like I was more of a child (as in socially and mentally stagnated in my childhood) and I never experienced teenage love, sex, parties, or even friendship. Now that I’ve aged, I feel mentally indistinguishable from teenagers, but I’m still quite different from irl teenagers by proxy of being an adult with autism, I would never even want to interact with real teenagers. But, exploring a fictional relationship with a character like, say, Zuko from ATLA allows me to explore the teenage hood I never had, it puts me in that mindset of exploring a summer love that I never had and felt was an experience most girls my age lived through. It gives me an understanding of their experience and makes me believe that I could have had a shred of normalcy too. For abuse
victims, it may be the same. People think that they’re re-exposing themselves to trauma as therapy, but it’s really the same kind of thinking as this. Many abuse
victims become sexually, romantically, and psychologically stunted due to what happened to them and they never developed healthy relationships or normal teenage experimentation so they’re trying to live some of that now when they’re in a safer place to explore it, with a safe and isolated means to do so.
No. 591867
File: 1595953701676.png (1.35 MB, 1280x645, 09f197519c91c4a622b30c3d917aed…)

>>591857This is such a subjective thing, but if you have Netflix you can jump right in and watch Devilman Crybaby - it's a bit stylized visually, the story is very good although depressing.
Obviously all of the Ghibli movies are fantastic choice for a feel good, good story, beautiful experience; something I would recommend especially is Ponyo and Princess Mononoke.
There's also Mononoke anime series - different thing than Princess Mononoke - very beautiful, deals with japanese mythology if you're into this kind of stuff.
Like I've said, a lot depends on what you personally like, so watch a bit, find a direction you enjoy and come for more specific recs.
No. 591870
>>591857Forget to add:
Paprika is also pretty good bc it's so weird. lol
And if your into it, you maybe like the feature film to Cowboy Bebop (or the series itself). Samurai Champloo has a simliar style (it's the same studio, I think).
No. 591880
>>591867I was thinking about trying out the most popular ones, like naruto and one piece. I like the darker more drama/spn filled shows as well, and a friend recommended Tokyo Ghoul to me. I saw some of the manga art and it seemed nice enough. I'm pretty okay with most shows although I prefer ti to have some sort of fantasy element to it.
>>591869thanks, i'll go find it.
No. 591889
>>591880If you prefer darker ones but still want something wildly popular maybe try Death Note?
The art style is quite nice too (unlike Naruto and One Piece, which doesn't matter if you like the manga's art style because the overall quality of the art/animation is trash)
No. 591894
Can you weebs stfu this is the art thread
>>591664I actually really like this, despite some of its problems. Never see artists drawing decorative and masculine men, but it also just looks nice and serene
No. 591911
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>>591907Honestly, the way these artists are treated is awful. They carry the brunt of the criticism if it's bad, and if it's good they still are underappreciated.
No. 591915
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I know that this is kinda old, but I’m still in denial that a sincere game like this exists. And it’s going to only increase
No. 591931
>>5919154chan had kawata shoujo, disabled girl dating sim for autist coomers
pronoun twitter/tumblr has validate, sjw dating sim for troons and everything in between
what will lolcows dating sim be???
No. 591936
>>591931Otome game where all the men are kind of shit, but hot, there's a lesbian option, and you marry Onision (or an AGP troon) in a joke/bad ending.
The MC would be an avid farmer, mocking cringy people, until she finds someone posting about her in the personal cow thread and has to figure out who it is.
No. 591953
>>591933Only problem is that the dev team or other SJWs plug their ears and cry out saying that they’re receiving hate because they're being oppression- over looking the very nature Of their actions.
These fuckers won’t learn because they love to blame anyone Who isn’t on their side. Unfortunately a lot of these characters show such Indulgent hatred- it’s discussing because the player is suppose to like them
No. 591969
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>>591915Also, anon you forgot their initial (Delusional) kickstarter-
I’m still surprised that this dumbass game managed to earn $27,000+
What are they using this money for besides merch??
No. 591977
File: 1595960364630.jpg (339.67 KB, 2000x1129, 103115553_332134574442573_4002…)

how do anons feel about this art, i really like the general aesthetic, and i love the hair, but it feels like the features aren't painted, put rather pulled into place if that makes sense, like with the liquify tool. how does this happen?
No. 591987
>>591977I think they're paint overs, but I would be wrong.
I don't really like it, it looks weirdly uncanny, like a ad for some sort of 3D adult chat room you see on streaming sites.
No. 592005
>>591858You see drugs in darker anime all the time though and underage rebel characters smoke pretty often. Underage drinking is much rarer.
>>591924Agree. I'm much happier with these nutjobs making their own shitty games and comics instead of demanding everyone else to cater to them. Shame they always flop horribly because even they can't stand each others' identity politics and awful artwork.
>>591986They already teased the character and it's a gay Italian guy iirc.
No. 592047
I don't get why these people will latch onto franchises that canonically sexualize minors instead of supporting tamer anime.
Like, Do you realize the creator doesn't give a shit about so you shouldn't support it if you care that much about sexualization, right?
No. 592051
File: 1595966468012.jpg (40.74 KB, 640x480, 1479163708_IDZeNik6Qb0.jpg)

>>591858>teenagers smoking Watching 5 bad anime doesn't make you an expert in the topic. There is so much of it it's impossible to say anime, as a whole, is this way or another. There are so many good shows to make up for the shittier ones. As for the chinese pandering, that's mostly for mainstream shonen shows, most mangakas are even openly anti Japan/Korea.
No. 592091
File: 1595971228677.png (168.94 KB, 636x423, 9381983981.png)

>>592051>mfw weeb-chan comes back with a cherrypicked example to try and insist Japan has no taboos everJust give it up already, this shit is stale.
No. 592152
File: 1595977521572.jpg (507.49 KB, 1920x1080, whatthefuck.jpg)

On the topic of Validate, something i find dumb as fuck is that they preach so much about diversity and whatnot, yet most of the characters have some of the most european/white names possible.
Take this one for example. She's apparently chilean and puerto rican (both latino countries), yet her name is Isabelle Morrigan? really?
No. 592173
>>589682>>592152that's the Cuban flag
Cuban and Chilean
No. 592189
>>592177No, it's not kek. The Spanish equivalent would be "Isabel", not "Isabelle".
I agree with OP, they could have chosen another surname/name. Or at least use the Spanish spelling, idk.
No. 592191
>>592177i KNOW this is bait but fuck it, isabel is a name you would find in chile not isabelle, morrigan is the surname of a gringo.
completely nitpicky but i hate that they just threw nationalities with 0 thought of what that means, like we use two surnames and if possible we put them in official papers, so why shes using one? why the names? ugh it all seems so disingenuous
No. 592201
>>592177As someone who's actually from Spain, I can reassure you that you won't ever find anyone with Isabelle as their name. Just Isabel, and Isabela might be pushing it (I've never heard of anyone with that name).
Also as someone above said, we have two surnames and in most official documents they're both listed.
No. 592208
>>592152Honestly, so far it seems like all the characters are American, or have been raised in America for most of their life, so the ethics could be hinting at grandparents or pseudodiversity.
I honestly don’t give a shit that this game doesn’t have a white character, but the dev’s hating on whites, halfs, and to an extent other blacks is pretty nasty
No. 592275
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Does anyone know whatever happened to Nuriko-kun or Banafria? She was one of my inspirations during my early years of digital art. However, she last uploaded her art on DA was around 2014. Her twitter, tumblr, and instagram remained inactive for years… I how does she do right now? I really miss her art…
No. 592339
File: 1596010045837.jpeg (295.68 KB, 2048x2048, Ed5M8kAUMAQVM0E.jpeg)

I will never understand how this shit gets 14k followers.
No. 592351
>>592339I refuse to believe, do they have anything better? Or maybe they do something else to attract such audience, like twitch streaming or so?
Or maybe these are bot followers and they get close to zero interactions on their posts?
With some art even if a bit ugly i can see why given person could have a decent engagement / fan community built around their work, but this, I just can't.
No. 592360
File: 1596015793718.jpg (67.54 KB, 1200x875, IMG_20200729_114251.jpg)

>>592351Its drawwithjoo and I believe the main reason why she has a huge following is because she lets everyone use her OC as a chance to get clout and can be easily used for same said clout. Uwu art twitter community right now is nothing but a huge amount of ass kissers who are becoming "friends" and gaining popularity by drawing OCs of these artists that for soke reason have huge following. And people who seeif the ass kisser gets some clout too, they start drawing the OC of ass kisser as well, in a meantime trying to become "friends" and the cycle continiues. Drawwithjoo is "art streamer" btw.
Pic related is chibi style that she draws. Also charges over 20$ for twitch emotes with same style.
No. 592363
>>592359it's what happens when people make a point to draw body types as varied as possible (which is fine)…without knowing any anatomy rules. characters end up more deformed than intended.
i was friends with an "ugly fatty" who'd draw unattractive characters on purpose but they didn't have a good grasp on anatomy and based everything on themselves. so they ended up with "tall and lanky" characters that looked average height and chunky, because they didn't know thin people have defined wrists, ankles and collarbones. their fat/chunky/muscular etc characters looked like small vans because they could only draw in obese proportions.
No. 592364
File: 1596016478574.jpg (755.33 KB, 2776x3096, 20200729_165326.jpg)

>>592339Not bad but also not great, anatomy isnt that good i'd say.(Many artists admitted anatomy is the whole bitch of art).
No. 592365
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Thoughts of Toastymilk from Instagram? She's pretty popular on IG
No. 592371
>>592365I mean she's fine? Her art is cute and has an anime style so obviously she's popular.
Whats with all the anons asking for thoughts on random artists? Not trying to police the thread but unless there is milk what do you want us to say lol
No. 592372
>>592364Anatomy is not a huge offender here really, but the linework and colors really shows a huge lack of skill and confidence which is weird coming from an artist that draws every day. If it wasn't cute anime style they'd never get so many followers being on that level of skills.
>>592369Tbh I looked at her twitch and she gets like 20 views on her streams so I wouldn't really consider her a big streamer.
No. 592375
File: 1596017563059.jpg (57.62 KB, 556x680, IMG_20200729_121127.jpg)

>>592364What she drew 4 days ago. Sometimes i feel like as if she traces her drawings sometimes because once a blue moon the anatomy looks passable and then u get this.
No. 592486
>>592462If you want a good brand to practice with, I highly recommend Winsor & newton cotman line. They are good quality for the price, though they are not very lightfast. The pigmentation is good and is great for learning colour mixing and getting a hang of the medium
If you want a really good watercolour for professional use, I really recommend saving up and buying Sennelier watercolour tubes. They are a honey based paint and They are wonderful for layering, have great pigmentation and They are easily the best watercolours I have ever used.
No. 592608
>>592541>But-but men draw gross shit all the time and aren't crucified!! Yeah because they can admit rape is bad and still enjoy the porn. Is this bait? They know rape is bad, yet they do it the most in real life??
t. not a fujo, in fact I watch only gross straight porn/hentai because I hate myself and I can assure you the "women secretly enjoy rape" trope is omnipresent in it
>Yaoi began as women being allowed to create porn for themselves when the sexist industry did not allow it so they made the woman a man and called it gay to fly under censors (I am not making that up lol Google is free)So you're saying homosexuality was more accepted than a woman drawing/writing straight porn in Japan, to the point women would change her work to represent an entirely different sexuality?
I'm curious about this because it doesn't make any sense to me, but I seriously can't find any information about it googling the origins of yaoi etc. Actually I've only heard the opposite i.e. fujos making 1 of the guys more feminine so they can pass it off as straight to publishers.
No. 592684
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so this is the power of megat0nraid when she doesn’t trace…
No. 592690
File: 1596055428604.jpeg (100.93 KB, 795x936, B1ED4A72-D1D3-465B-B570-384434…)

>>592686Persona characters have long legs. That pic makes them look like little people.
No. 592696
>>592541Christ, this post is all over the place
On another note, fundas cook up the best drama.
No. 592716
What do you specifically draw?
No. 592729
>>592541>gay (trigger warning for Karen) cis menYou really typed this thinking you'd convince everyone you're not a Karen, kek. What a mess.
>It is a female owned space and men aren't welcome.Based if true.
No. 592750
File: 1596060740517.png (595.4 KB, 1836x1320, jesus.png)

>>592684>>59269020 min edit on mspaint. just made the legs a bit longer and it's a lot better already
No. 592776
File: 1596064586798.png (281.99 KB, 946x308, muh diverse cast.png)

>>592152I just about missed the Validate hate train, but I feel that the creators are especially stretching it with some of these Asian ethnicities they've slapped on a few of these characters. Like, this dude looks about as Chinese as the name Isabelle Morrigan sounds Spanish. Would actual East Asian looking characters not be woke enough for this kind of game?
And the ones that actually do look their ethnicity of course fall into the most regressive stereotyping imaginable. Wow, how groundbreaking - a southeast Asian ladyboy and a hairy Pakistani girl. "Progessive" artists like this usually aren't actually that informed at all of different cultures because they rarely leave their American suburban neighborhoods, so I get the feeling that these little flags were added to the characters' bios for some extra brownie points.
No. 592792
>>592789wow i somehow deleted the first half of this
Angel ganev drives me up a wall with his literally everything about him His entire personality is just a superiority complex slapped on as a personality and talking about views and likes ever 10 seconds.
No. 592817
>>592785That's what you're doing, though. It's always Mandy, Karen and Brenda from Ohio who move to the big city, get pixie cuts, throw on some blue hair dye, place "zie/zem" pronouns in their bios and post lengthy rants about how the Mongolian cartoon femboy fandom is literally Satan or whatever.
Those of us who already have flavor from birth focus on important issues, since there's no reason to LARP.
No. 592818
>>592776They think "representation" is just naming different places and saying their ugly characters are from them, it's extremely tacky and like you said, American.
I don't get why they wouldn't try to study those cultures, or at least talk to people from those countries to get a handle on how to write/design good characters. If they can't be bothered, why even throw in the flags? Just let them all be Amerimutts in peace.
No. 592823
File: 1596070651770.jpeg (171.02 KB, 615x888, C2101DAF-CFCF-4536-A35C-A468AF…)

>>592818But anon, some of the creators “””studied””” the cultures and ethnical features. I mean, look at the Anoki character. Truly that is a face of a true Native American, and if you can’t understand that They’re here to subvert the social expectations that society has created, then it shows your whiteness is showing /s
No. 592872
File: 1596076704078.jpeg (293.19 KB, 1920x1080, C7CB1248-C9F7-4395-9947-1D0E83…)

>>592776I think it’s kind of hilarious how they also put the least ugly characters at the beginning of the “*~Cast~*” presentation in the website and the weirdest and most ugly looking ones at last.
I feel like if anything, this game is the biggest troll stunt I’ve ever seen, I kind of want to play it because it’s hilarious how the characters are stereotypical and the quotes. The quotes that represent them are extremely retarded, I just wonder if anyone, specially any of the developers of the game, would be able to date or even be seen in public with those characters if they were real people.
And yeah, characters are not supposed to be 100% realistic, but pic related is probably what makes me think this is all a huge joke.
No. 592935
File: 1596084497401.png (1.78 MB, 1280x1440, artsits.png)

Anyone have any knowledge/advice on how to start moving your style to something more like this?(Olivia Margraf Posta top 3 and DeerlordHunter is the bottom one) The kind of more dynamic and flowy poses with really nice varied body types? I've been trying to do something like it more lately. They both have actual art school experience but, I can't afford art school and was wondering if there was exercises to do or something along that line.
No. 592943
>>592818This! that's exactly why Disney doesn't get shit on for their forced diversity. You can't disagree with me that Disney really doesn't care about POC and all they see are dollar signs but at least they hire people who do proper research and actually send their artists to the countries the characters they're writing are from. Disney also doesn't stray from conventional attractiveness, no matter the race of the character. Even the movies like Mulan that aren't entirely PC, are still pretty good to a point where china was beating itself up for a while because Disney beat them to their own story and made a fuck ton of money off of it.
>>592823This is very funny to me "you're making fun of a fictional character, so you're actually making fun of me." I can't stand that type of logic.
No. 592958
File: 1596087329760.png (649.77 KB, 478x593, creepybugeyes.PNG)

checked angel ganevs insta out of curiosity. this looks so creepy and disproportionate. who thinks this looks good?
No. 592959
File: 1596087492567.jpg (74.29 KB, 486x427, tips 33 (2).jpg)

same anon, easily could be fixed by balancing the stylized features
No. 592971
>>592958"art schools dumb!! i dont need to be taught anything!!"
his paintings:
(emoji) No. 592977
>>592872Weird cast aside, this design sucks soooo badly… There's no consistent color scheme and the outfit is weirdly plain and cobbled together without anything matching.
If they wanted to have characters from lots of different countries, it could have been cool to try and incorporate the flag colors into the design somehow, imo
No. 592996
>>592935Look up gesture drawing, it helps with the flow of a figure.
Art school helps a lot but there are other stuff you can go after if you want a more solid base. So many artists sell classes, courses and videos online. Some youtubers like proko can give some solid understanding of anatomy for example. Just target the things you struggle and try to learn the basics of everything like perspective, gesture, lighting, gestalt, color theory they help in a long run. Some people overlook these kind of stuff thinking it's "simple and basic",but they are super hard to truly master.
No. 593034
>>590317>Using "cis" and "problematic" unironically>Thinking the Aidens that complain about this are "actual gay men"Opinion discarded.
>>590346>Source: this deleted post I saw on Tumblr five years agoOpinion double-discarded
When will these people just admit they want an excuse to judge other women for liking shit they don't like. Jesus Christ, this is fucking LCF and judging people for petty shit is 90% of what we do here– there's no need to front about having a "woke" reason to talk trash.
No. 593158
>>592925There's a couple basic things you should take into consideration to make it a fair price that a lot of people would buy.
1. Materials: Make sure to get your cost of used materials back. Doesn't really apply to digital art that much. High material cost justifies a higher price.
2. Size of Composition. Bigger means more expensive generally, this also depends on materials used, but your bigger work you'll want to price higher. Again, doesn't really apply to digital art.
3. Technical Skill: How much technical skill went into it. Time isn't a really good standard to use for pricing since time depends on the artist. You could spend a week on a drawing, but if it's incredibly simple no one is gonna spend that much money. Judge your art by the end product.
4. Exclusivity: Basically are you doing commisions a lot or rarely. If you only open commisions a couple times and make your money another way, you can justify upping your price since it's exclusive art.
5. Popularity: How popular are you/is your art. You could think that your art is better than Loish or someone else, but that doesn't mean you can price it the same. Are you doing art that is super niche, so someone would be willing to pay a lot of money, or are you doing basic anime art, that a thousand other artists are doing. How in demand in your type of art.
This is super basic and theres a ton of other stuff that goes into it. but I suggest making some sort of framework for pricing.
No. 593181
File: 1596118255560.png (737.17 KB, 505x591, before.png)

>>592958it's crazy seeing how much he has regressed. here is one of his older drawings for comparison. generic, but not awful. makes me wonder if he was just liquifying/tracing before. really don't understand how else someone could regress this much.
also he is a huge cow.
No. 593192
>>593181This is nice actually, I think he actually improved on the picture, although the colors are a bit much for me.
>>592958I don't really understand what you mean. He's obviously not trying to be semi realistic here. It's weird to see people automatically assume an artist has regressed, because that's not always the case.
>Regression is a return to a former or less developed stateHe's not really trying to be semi realistic there, and the proportions are not off by mistake, that's intentional. If he was trying to be semi realistic and got shittier at it, that would be regression. I think it's ugly, but him trying out a different form isn't really regression, the same way someone doing impressionism isn't failing at realism.
No. 593202
>>592776It really fucking ticked me off when they made the only East Asians black, not even Indian brown, just straight out African American. And of course the SE Asian is a ladyboy and Pakistani girl is as hairy as a troll, that's not stereotypical at all. It really seems like they came up with these flags based on a dice roll because Laos/Ecuador, really?
>>592818>They think "representation" is just naming different places and saying their ugly characters are from them, it's extremely tacky and like you said, American.Yeah seriously, these people keep on bitching about cultural appropriation and fetishization but I feel like deciding on random nationalities with only vague knowledge where they exist is just that. I really doubt the dev team knows shit all about these countries except which continent they are located in. What's crazy about this cast is that they all represent your basic first world western middle class experimenting college student in their early 20's culture but have these black avatars just for aesthetics and pandering.
>>592872This seriously sounds like some /pol/ parody of a woke dating sim. I'm still stunned over the fact that this is unironic and for real.
>>592957Your newfagism is showing, good god let this be a bait post.
No. 593224
File: 1596122768006.jpg (400.03 KB, 1690x771, 57c941ae867e157dd85c0250ec8ce2…)

There was drama at the beginning of the month, this artist said she's doing a painting inspired by willow smith, and people got really mad at her in the comments for making her lighter. I sort of agree, why pick a picture of a borwn skinned woman and then paint a light skinned woman with blue hair?
No. 593227
>>593224I mean, the drawing does look lighter, but the skintone choice doesn't look white. It clearly has more browns than peaches. It may be that the artist just doesn't know the proper colors for dark skintons.
though tbh, I don't think it matters. just because you draw inspiration from a certain race doesn't mean that person has to be that race
No. 593230
>>593228Idk, people lost their shit in the commens though. I thought it was funny that the artists thought it was a good idea to tell the audience she was inspired by a black woman and then painted someone who looked more light skinned with light eyes. Why would you even tell people, it's obviously gonna cause drama.
I thought it was a weird choice in general, she tagged willow smith in it as well, and put it in her captions so people thought it was more than inspiration.
No. 593242
>>593232There are racist people who are friends with, date and fuck fuck black people.
I agree that's she's (probably) not racist, but this is a stupid argument.
No. 593265
>>593264If you get called racist and lose your shit and act weird like OP said, then that is questionable. Getting defensive when people point out that you could be whitewashing someone isn't really a good way to respond, even if you aren't racist.
>>593258Same. There are trends that start off pretty cool, but end up so tired. I hate that trend where the let the paint drip and run down. It almost always looks bad.
No. 593274
>>593265Then how would you expect someone to respond? I fucking doubt she was thinking ‘This Willow Smith picture is great! It would be better if she was lighter!’ What a croc of shit. It wasn’t fanart of Willow Smith, it was inspired by her, likely the hairstyle. She probably panicked when all this hate blasted her way and reacted defensively because she likely never even thought about that angle while making it and was shocked. What the fuck else could she do? Delete the post? Can’t do that, the mob will think you’re trying to bury it. Change the art? Can’t do that, it’s pandering to seem woke! Apologize? Can’t do that, it’s insincere!
When people cry racism over a piece of art or media that was not intended to be so, there is zero hope for the person being accused of being racist.
No. 593302
>>593274That's honestly the stupidest shit I've ever read. When you're called out for something you be a fucking adult about it and respond to criticism in a thoughtful way. Being angry or spamming people with proof that you can't be racist because you sometimes paint black people is pretty much the worst way to go.
>Then how would you expect someone to respond? I fucking doubt she was thinking ‘This Willow Smith picture is great! It would be better if she was lighter!’You're an idiot. Racism and colorism doesn't have to come from an intentional or malicious source in order to exist. She said she was inspired by a picture of a black woman and then painted her lighter, of fucking course people are going to be annoyed. Whether she's racist or not isn't the point, she handled it badly, if OP is telling the truth.
>When people cry racism over a piece of art or media that was not intended to be so, there is zero hope for the person being accused of being racist.Racism isn't always intentional. There is hope, considering that this situation has blown over for her and isn't some huge drama, if her insta is anything to go by. Saying there's no hope, and she's the
victim or some shit, is fucking stupid considering there are people who are openly racist and shitty, who still have thriving careers.
No. 593313
>>593302But she said it was only inspired by it. There’s this thing called artistic freedom you know, which should allow her to be able to draw what the fuck she wants. I think the picture looks nice, the person is obviously dark but if you look at the art and the reference, a lot of things are different than just the skin color. This is not meant to be a copy, a study or a portrait of her, instead it is inspired by the photo, mainly by the hair. People are flipping over nothing and this stupid backlash right here is the reason people don’t even want to draw black people.
This is her art and she’s under 0 obligation to make her darker just to please some over sensitive randos.
You pulling in the whole ”lol some people are racist so she should do better” is fucking dumb. We all like to think that we would handle things better but if you have hundreds of people suddenly slamming you for absolutely nothing, yea anyone would get defensive, doesn’t mean you’re racists, doesn’t even mean you’re unintentionally racist, it doesn’t mean anything.
No. 593316
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>>593313Araki got away with that and nobody cares smh
No. 593375
>>593302Why the fuck would people be annoyed at someone referencing the pose from a picture of a black woman while painting a different person, who has a skintone that's a little lighter? So if I want to paint a certain type of person and I find a picture that's perfect for the pose but the model is black, I'm obliged to make the character I'm painting black too?
Again, she said it was inspired. Sure it's the same old boring Instagram girl, and she tagged Willow for clout, but this has nothing to do with racism. This girl is getting slandered for nothing and you wonder why she's acting defensive.
No. 593382
>>593372lol, yeah every person who gets accused of racism is just a misunderstood
victim. if a black person was offended by this, then they're offended, even if it's unsubstantiated, and the way to handle that is not by being petulant and immature. this is obviously an overblown issue, but in general, when a massive amount of people tell you that something is offensive, you don't really get to decide that it's not, you apologize and act like a fucking grown up
No. 593384
>>593227>>593228>>593274>>593313>>593375>just because you draw inspiration from a certain race doesn't mean that person has to be that race>if the painting is simply "inspired by" and not portraying the same person so what's the point in complaining?>It wasn’t fanart of Willow Smith, it was inspired by her, likely the hairstyle>This is not meant to be a copy, a study or a portrait of her, instead it is inspired by the photo, mainly by the hair>if I want to paint a certain type of person and I find a picture that's perfect for the pose but the model is black, I'm obliged to make the character I'm painting black too?End of discussion. Unless the artist's intention was to paint a portrait
of Willow Smith, specifically, there is nothing even remotely racist about thi situation. 100% manufactured "drama" and "scandals" so that white "woke" faux-leftists on Twitter can feel holier-than-thou for calling out the "racism" they invented in their mind.
No. 593386
>>593382apologizing to these people is never enough. they always want more and more. you can apologize, but they'll guilt you for every single little innocuous thing you do.
if you apologize, you were a person who was racist. if you don't, you're a racist. sometimes being mature is not bending to the will of everyone harassing you in the dm's and sticking to your own opinion.
also, you have no evidence that this artist acted petulant or immature. you are just assuming that
No. 593396
>>593382people are allowed to have opinions outside of what everyone on twitter thinks. just because someone doesn’t change their opinion to agree with the majority doesn’t make them “immature”. it’s not this artist’s fault that people were offended. their intention clearly wasn’t to offend.
even if the artist had done something horrendous, they have no obligation to apologize. an apology is given only when a person feels they are in the wrong. and you can’t be right or wrong about what is offensive, because that’s a matter of opinion. if this artist feels bad and wrong that they offended certain people, then they should apologize to appeal to those people. if the artist doesn’t care, then they shouldn’t, because then those people will (hopefully) exit their social circle. then that person can cultivate a social circle of people that are more similar to them.
this isn’t about being an adult, or a child, or being right or wrong. it’s just how interaction between people with differences in viewpoints works.
No. 593409
File: 1596142683671.png (425.3 KB, 570x560, EdOEEcUWAAATICn.png)

If they don't want to add a white person I don't fucking care, but why do they need to be so obnoxious about it. White people aren't mad about not being a part of your game, they're mad because you're being dickheads about it.
No. 593417
>>593409Why couldn't they try and positively pander to poc instead of negatively targeting their anger towards white people? Moreover, why didn't they make the mixed characters
>>592776 here look mixed instead of 100% black? could've been interesting to see the biracial characters look biracial
Or maybe they could've just started from scratch and said "we can make a bunch of characters of varying ethnicities; black, white, latino, asian, and so on" and been woke without being exclusionary. You know, like normal people would. Instead they decided to make almost every character black and a stereotype, then wonder why their reception is so negative, including from poc themselves
No. 593423
>>593409Imagine having your head that up your ass. It’s kind of funny how most of these idiots would get extremely asshurt if they saw the same message in a dating sim official page that only has white people.
I’m not even white and I honestly think this validate circus should be ignored so they can go back to their irrelevancy hole.
No. 593427
>>593409This is just embarrassing and cringeworthy. They're throwing a tantrum over nothing.
>>593411Lmfao I love it when them being completely obtuse to the world outside of their woke circles comes to bite them in the ass. Even goes off to call him a "white supremacist" thinking it'd shut him up.
No. 593429
File: 1596144789822.jpg (51.71 KB, 454x562, 1.jpg)

>>593417One of the devs has something against mixed people, this is what I found on twitter, but I'm looking for more. There's also something with doxxing, and stealing money or smt.
No. 593438
File: 1596145649292.png (354.08 KB, 336x1335, 2.png)

So, what happened for this dev was that they got commisioned, pocketed the money, and then denied the final product, after finding out the customer followed someone that drew aged up or loliporn.
No. 593447
File: 1596146390046.png (159.9 KB, 526x638, EeIjBS2XkAYyukR.png)

>>593438>>593429>>593409they also doxxed someone (@JekoJekoUEM on twitter) but it's okay because he's apparently into lolicon. jfc
No. 593468
>>593446I know that, which is why it was so hilarious that she can't call out a literal kemet worshiper for his bullshit and resorts to calling him a "white supremacist" by some retarded logic.
>>593455I usually don't give a shit about people drawing lolicon but this guy seams real seedy with his "femboy" obsession, altright bullshit and pedo connections so for once I feel like it's warranted. At least they're doing it to someone like him instead of a girl drawing a shirtless MHA character for once.
No. 593479
>>593438>creator of the anti-pedo flagAh yes, mankind’s greatest achievement
I wonder if the guy puts that on his resume
No. 593482
File: 1596152233512.png (1.51 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200730-193648.png)

>>589940Lmao just noticed she changed the buck teeth in the thumbnail to this weird open mouth expression.
Here's the borderline racist asian caricature that's still in the video.
No. 593484
File: 1596152381196.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1529, 20200730_193922.png)

This artist has one of the worst cases of same face syndrome I've ever seen.
No. 593486
>>593181Angel Ganev is one of the worst artists out there. He is technically good but all he does is copy so his work has very little value. He has admitted to Traci g pictures a lot in the past and I wouldn't be surprised if he still does that.
He has a huge ego and thinks he's an art teacher now (makes tutorials on how to copy photos on YouTube and "roasts" artists on his discord server). I remember there being some small controversy last year of him not crediting the photos he copies from and being rude to people in conventions, saying the girls needed to shave their arms or some shit. Very disrespectful to say the least…
No. 593493
File: 1596153899948.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1200x1855, 93E4DD5B-69F0-4B49-9297-E821D5…)

>>589940I always find it funny when people say stop drawing anime and their art is even fuglier than what weebs make
No. 593503
>>593484I'm pretty sure Cinderella and Tinkerbell's face are copy/pasted.
>>593493Is this dude a long lost Cullen sibling, why does he have yellow eyes and giant, poorly drawn muscles? And why does the rabid weeb character have visible nipples??
No. 593505
>>593493It's funny because this artists anatomy is just as bad as the bad anime drawing he did. Like, why does his head look so fucking small? Why does his pecs look like tits? Why does he has pecs on his back?
They need to be honest and just say "Get lucky and hope you get popular"
No. 593506
File: 1596156389609.png (31.73 KB, 404x451, EeIg_XvWoAIicnB.png)

>>592958He's not like a dick about it though. He also says it's stylized intentionally.
No. 593507
File: 1596156866488.png (362.81 KB, 740x724, validate.png)

So they acutally ended up putting a white boy in the game because I'm assuming they met the stretch goal. Funnily eough, I think he might have the most appealing character design out of all of them. All the replies under the tweet are of course obnoxious. I'm a black bisexual female and I would rather play that fucking MLP dating sim than this vendictive, souless, shit.
No. 593514
>>593512Why people think they are all trolls. And they have a small army of vapid fans who will just scream "You think all black people are ugly?"
I'm just surprised at the lack of diversity and that's the whole point of the game, everyone is black.
Also if any other game stated "If we reach this goal we will add one black character" people would be screaming.
No. 593523
>>593514>>593512Honestly, if changed his skin- he’d still look better than most of the other characters. It’s just his overall design which fits and makes him look more natural than the rest.
Maybe they would spin it to say “it’s because he hAs whitE fEaTures” (aka: a line for his mouth)
No. 593524
>>593521Hey anon, some of us just cannot imagine Dating this:
No. 593525
>>593507When it comes to Validate, I get if they poked fun at people wanting white character in the game but this is just obnoxious behvior from them. White people may not be oppressed in general, or subject tot he same oppression as dark skinned people, but look at Irish people, Italiens, or people from the Ukraine or Romani People. They might look white, but they are still discriminated against. Racism isn't just black and white, and it's very obvious these devs are Americans, because while white people in america are not oppressed, there are people in Europe who are discriminated against, and race functions differently here.
No. 593526
>>593525That and the main dev is ironically racist herself. She's just black
"But black people can't be racist"
She doesn't like mix races or any other race for that matter. Probably why every character looks the way they do
No. 593560
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>>593557I was about to make the comparison as well, DreamDaddy had a great diverse cast, they were pretty hot and they weren’t too wokè, sure, it had its tiny, little moments of wokeness, but it really wasn’t annoying. The characters are likeable and not whiny.
No. 593586
File: 1596165380770.jpg (73.14 KB, 640x548, EeOB8aJXgAIRYlu.jpg)

>>593507I found this in the replies and it pretty much sums up why I hate twimblr art in one picture.
Fuck blackwashing.
No. 593601
File: 1596166534963.jpg (69.31 KB, 492x710, queen-of-punjab-princes-bamba-…)

Sage cause this is super off topic but this whole mixed race thing reminds me of an article I read a week ago that made me seethe
It was about Sonia duleep Singh, she was the daughter of the exiled king of the Punjabi Sikh Empire, who lived in the UK with her family
Her father was ethnically a Punjabi Jatt and her mother was half Ethiopian and half German, Sonia and her siblings were all were light brown and looked like many others Sikhs and Sonia lived an interesting life as a suffragette in the Uk and a woman's rights activist
She was however written as being a "black" suffragette in an American black media website, Americans really do seem this obsession that all non-whites are just black
No. 593635
File: 1596168503605.jpeg (83.1 KB, 1080x1085, Ed0efuZU0AAGUiG.jpeg)

>>593620Can we stay on topic to the thread please? Fuck. Post some shitty art.
I'll resume.
No. 593738
>>593493This is what happens when you push the "stop drawing anime and become a real artist!!1111" narrative instead of "start learning fundamentals and improve your credibility". People think that if they just make their art fugly and not anime they're off the hook.
>>593512Lmfao, this. It's so ironic that amidst all the fat and ugly fashion disaster black characters only the one white person is actually decent and normal looking.
>>593525Did anyone even "want" a white person in the game? The gripe everyone seemed to have with it was that it only had western-raised black African Americans and no other POCs (except the hairy Pakistani girl and the asian/latina ladyboy) despite claiming to celebrate diversity.
No. 593743
>>593720And? The anon in question said they were shoving their shit in people's faces: no one is forcing people to donate to the game. If people wanna waste their money, oh well. Anons whined for years that sjws should make their own games. They did and now there's a problem because
gasp other sjws are gonna back a game for sjws. It's lacking common sense to think this is shoving sjws shit in your face when it's obvious it's not targeted towards you.
A bunch of anons crying over racism towards white people isn't going to change anyone's minds or make them care lol
No. 593782
>>593507hahahah wtf he is cute
why did they design almost anybody else so weird but made him a qt
No. 593793
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>>593790Can't find face photos of all of them but at least the drawings say there are a good share of white devils working on it. Of course they could be bullshitting with some "I swear my great grandpa was black/native" to get in or are extremely white passing latinos but I digress.
No. 593854
File: 1596199448987.png (445.25 KB, 960x315, Dream Milfs OhNIPS.png)

>>593788Oh yeah, there was the incident with OhNips when she drew genderbent fanart of the cast. DD fans tore into her because one of the characters was trans (ftm) so drawing them as a MtF was consider transphobic.
There was even news articles about the blowback she received on Forbes and Kotaku.
No. 593866
>>593817Woke visual novel projects are always like this. A ton of "artists", "designers", "writers" and "producers" while only one chump takes care of the programming and the evergrowing pile of requirements.
>inb4 it's only renpy it can't be that hard!!!!It's actually a fucking chore to program an entire visual novel on your own no matter if it is just renpy, especially with managing flags and doing anything more complicated but writing simple scenario text output. And
especially in a project this big. Checking out Lisa's twitter it seems she isn't that experienced of a programmer so I could imagine she's having a hard time with being the only one taking care of the code. People have complained about the demo being laggy which is an indicator of the code and assets being bloated and not optimized, a clear sign of incompetent programming. I'll be surprised if this project ever actually gets finished and doesn't just disintegrate after a few months.
>>593861Their reasoning was something like it was ~invalidating~ his pwecious gender struggle by making him into a woman because twans men are men and this is
triggering!!!!! But in all honestly it was just a vendetta crusade against ohnips.
No. 593913
replies to old posts, because i didn't notice there was a new thread until now lol.
>>591726these kinda of comments make me think minors honestly think they are on the same level as minorities now on the internet. they don't realize that the only thing it signifies is that they are stupid and have little life experience, not that they have some special status.
>>591936add a few more lesbian options and i'm throwing my money at it.
>>592646don't look for something wholesome on a thread called "art salt" on fucking lolcow lmao.
>>593182the cookie run fandom is a fucking mess, any game that has slightly gacha-y elements will attract the worst fucking people somehow.
No. 593951
>>593913>These kinda of comments make me think minors honestly think they are on the same level as minorities now on the internet.I mean, especially on twitter. You can get swarmed and dogpiled by minors, spammed with gore and porn, be slandered by being called a pedo, have minors jump through numerous hoops to get to your adult content, but don't you dare say anything about it. You'll have these so called "fandom moms" come out and say you're literally killing minors, like really?
tl;dr everyone twitter kids don't like is a pedo
No. 593977
>>593951It's partly hilarious because just in a few years they will be 25+ themselves, realize they never grew out of fandomshit, find 17-year old anime boys attractive and then have to face the retarded content police culture they themselves helped to create when the next wave of minors are calling them out for liking something "
problematic" and being worried of the human rights of cartoon characters over yours. I guess that's why they're pushing the "21-year old minor" narrative so hard, they never want to grow up and become one of the dirty old hags lusting after muh 19 year old child coded anime characters.
No. 594001
>>591496>>591497>"Y-Y-Y-You can't JUST say 'they're older here' like you suddenly CONTROL the show and how old the characters are! ;__;">fanfiction: (exists)lmfao the sheer amount of cope. I'm convinced this is the same type of autism that Sharky has in feeling personally offended and attacked by people not liking Anoki. Especially the way they act like the MHA characters are going to "grow up" with them just like if they were real people. (spoiler: they won't, not even if they pull a Boruto.)
I also find it funny that this literal who is mad about "aging up" but completely silent when people make babyfur age regression art and other creepy shit along those lines.
>Sexualizing an adult body cosplaying as an anime teen is wrong! But turning an adult character into a baby and sexualizing that? I wouldn't know, I'm just a minor and I don't look at porn. 0:^)I hate these kinds of people.
No. 594007
>>593493It depends on the type of anime art. Chibi-likes and moeblobs have no anatomy, while some fullbody anime have more anatomy than regular cartoons.
Cartoonists who hate anime that have more anatomy in them are hypocrites lol.
No. 594008
>>593983Honestly this, "fandom moms" who spend all their time hanging out with people in their late teens while talking about how evil and pedophilic MHA and Naruto ships are is absolutely stunning in how they lack in self awareness. Idk man at least personally at 30 I'm not interested in hanging around people who are a decade younger than me because I'm not a mentally stunted loser who at best seeks validation from teenagers and at worst grooms them in Discord DMs while condemning MHA porn on Twitter.
>>594001Babyfurs are the fucking nastiest scrapings of the degenerate barrel, I swear. They're the ones who keep attacking people over baseless pedo allegations but then turn around to retweet toddler ageplay furries shitting their diapers on their NSFW account because ~they're not human so they don't count uwu~.
No. 594067
>>594056 Yeah that's true, idk I just feel really salty. I think it's because they're selling this idea to their viewers (of what they can do and who they can become) instead of like actual creativity and thought behind the stuff they're selling. And partially I feel like the only reason they are making those sales is because it's fanart. The b-rolls are usually too long and have nothing to do with the actual video too.
Jisu Im Engle (How is this a business plan) Studio Life Studio Bow The Peach (I just can't believe she ranted about people copying her style when she sells fanart) Reno Swaney No. 594072
File: 1596227956255.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x2192, 92F77DCE-57E3-4BCC-87C3-D8AD2A…)

>>594067Oh god that Paloma girl. I saw her FAQ about not wanting to “share” her color palette.
No. 594082
>>594067Sorta get it. Kinda like when youtubers release music even though it's obviously not sincere. Easy to be salty when there are people that work hard on their art and care, and then random people do it just for profit.I think stickers are fine though.
>>594072Huh? wtf
No. 594088
>>594072lmao I'm kind of meh about her because I saw in a couple videos that she tries other styles out but someone called her out for the fanart and she said because everyone does it she thought it was ok. I think anyone actually in the art community knows all the ins and outs of copyright and fanart by now.
>>594082Yeah that's probably it thanks. All these studio vlog (what studio you're in your room) youtube channels popping up with the same art hoe/ kpop aesthetic with mediocre art skills has just been growing on me.
I need to learn to be less salty lol
No. 594119
>>594008The older you get the more irrelevant age gaps become. Doesn't mean you have to hang out with actual children. kek But 20somethings are adult enough to hang with the older crowd – and they're young enough to hang with late teens. I'd say it's normal if you hang out with people 7 to 10 years around your own age (in both directions) once you pass your late 20's.
>>594067Most of these people are around 20 and white (or white passing) and work from home. Of course this works out bc they literally have no real costs except their business costs. But there are still some serious sticker business owners out there although I think most of them are struggling right now. Especially non-US sticker makers bc they can't ship to the US atm.
No. 594145
File: 1596235357437.png (284.79 KB, 793x964, Screenshot (107).png)

So I found this artist (? I dont fucking know because they rarely post their shitty art) and looked through their card because they were complaining about not seeing peoples genders in their cards before considering following them AND WOW their card is really funny.
LIKE WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? Can someone explain or does this person just block people because they like the same characters? i recommend reading their card because for some reason Amino is a major
trigger for them? like okayyy No. 594150
>>594145samefag but apparently amino, 4chan and kiwifarms are
triggers for them but lolcow isnt so we should be good kek
No. 594161
>>594145wow, there are people here young enough not to know what kinning is?
also honestly amino is a
trigger for me too, all the users on there are fucking obnoxious lmao.
No. 594164
>>594161 but they listed it as a serious (!!!)
trigger like shes gonna have a meltdown or some shit when someone mentions theyre on amino, next to violence and shit like huh? did someone on the arts and crafts amino shit on your cereal honey
No. 594207
>>594145I don't understand how some people are
triggered by every little thing, like how do they get anywhere or do anything on the internet?
No. 594218
>>594203>>594205Honestly, I know that some people are brain dead sociopaths, but how many people remember acting like complete r-tards?
I’m seeing a lot more people- primarily over the internet- recognize their age and just say “oops I’m just a minor, I don’t know any better Uwu”
No. 594219
>>594161the fact that kinning is back revives my mid 2010s tumblr ptsd and I do not like it, sam-i-am
>>594218I literally have seen minors with twitter accounts, especially young girls, posting flagrantly nsfw shit, posts about their vaginas straight up, and then harping about how they feel "targeted" by pedophiles? don't fucking post overtly sexual shit if you're a minor then
No. 594221
File: 1596241498406.jpeg (29.55 KB, 271x320, AD6EA1DC-7220-4EA5-A55E-F55783…)

Can you dumb fucks learn to integrate or go back to Twitter and complain about kinnies.
I got pic related today for a steal, but it's not the book I thought it was. Is anyone familiar with an anatomy book with printed plastic sheets of muscle overlays? This one has them but they're skeletal. Most likely hardcover. It's either that or I just remembered this one wrong.
No. 594246
I found this channel recently, called arleebean, and she's pretty cool and seems chilled out, do you know more channels like hers
>>594221sometimes the thread derails when theres nothing milky to talk about, if you don't like it just leave lmao
No. 594266
>>594155Thx for explanation, anon. And kek, doesn't that make her an otherkin racist.
>>594161More like language barriers. At leat in my case. First I thought she referred to kin like kink bc I wasn't familiar with the therm otherkin.
No. 594271
>>594173That's true.
But what I will always wonder: You can do in your art whatever you want but is there a need to share everything? Like, if you want to age up a character for yor own fantasies, just do it. And then keep it to yourself. Same goes for lolicon crap. Nobodies cares what you're into as long as you don't publicly share it.
>>594198lol Yes. Those people who only do these low effort stickers annoy me too.
Although I think doing stickers is a nice job for (young/ fresh) moms because having the ability to work from home is a privilege and blessing. Well, and as a seller myself, you just gotta milk that bujo trend as long as it lasts.
No. 594276
>>594246Ah yes, arleebean is great. Other ones that come to my mind are Myriam Tillson and Chayenne Barton. Depends on what you are looking for specificially.
I also like kloodwig, although her art's been roasted here before and she's more the grumpy type (or just your typical "cynical German millennial").
No. 594298
>>594271>Nobodies cares what you're into as long as you don't publicly share it.idk, freedom of speech is what a lot of these people say, and I'm inclined to agree. Where do we draw the line at what should be published and what not? For some people, they're iffy about gore, should that not be online as well.
This idea of having a line drawn is really complicated. I think in general if it enforces real life stereotypes or prejudices that’s a no-go zone though. Other than that racism and sexism, exist simply to degrade others. I think this underage stuff exists for various reasons, most of which isn't because the consumer base are real life child molesters. For some they might just be literal pedophiles, but for others it could be metaphorical for something else. The same way some people are into like rape fantasies, as a metaphor for loss of control or something. At the end of the day I'd prefer it to stay in fanwork rather than officially published media.
>>594246Emily Mackey art is pretty chill and has a very calming vibe about her, she mostly does nature studies I think.
No. 594337
>>594298I hear you, anon and I agree. It's just, idk, it's not about freedom of speech. It's more about the artist's sanity. I mean, we're not talking about galery art that's living in it's own hemisphere. We're talking about everyday art with a specific usage in mind (and sometimes a buckload of emotions connected to it), like vent, gore or porn. And I think creators of such everyday art have to be aware of what's accepted within their circles/ societies and what's not – and they have to be ready to deal with everykind of reaction their art may provoke. That's when artist get weird imho when people don't react they way the artist assumed or does and the artist can't deal with it. (Doesn't always mean backslash, sometimes people just read too much into a piece.) So there is no hard in stone line here because every artist can deal with different amounts of reactions imho.
That's what I would think. But as we're living in an age where people tend to overshare thanks to Social Media and the narcissistic highs we get by constant self-portrayal, I think a lot of people confuse silencing/ denying freedom of speech with beeing wise about what's best to share and what not.
>there's plenty of anime/manga that come out of left field with some shit that can be disturbing to people with no warningCan you give some examples?
No. 594453
>>594428>>594337OP of
>>594298Yeah I agree with both. I think there are cetain shows which cross boundaries but there are cetain shows where it is appropriate and doesn't come out of left field, like Game of Thrones for example. If you watch GOT, then you're consenting to the possibility of torture, gore and rape being shown, since thats the kind of show it is.
Antis have a problem with all 'problemat*c' content. Abuse,
toxic relationship, age gaps, literally everything. I think if you have a dark anime that specifically is very horror themed etc, it's fine, because the whole point of that genre is kind of to be outrageous, + children shouldn't be watching it in the first place. If something sexualizec children a lot in a big way, I think you have to be very careful about what media it's in. But when it comes to fanwork, literally no one should care.
No. 594688
>>594608Honestly the pivot towards "idea theft" where the original idea wasn't even original just seems like artists reaching for drama. They probably were inspired by the other image, but there's no infringement caused by rainbow swirls.
And if we're gonna start chasing down every referenced and inspired image, most Instagram artists are screwed.
No. 594696
>>594568I'm neutral to it. I appreciate the effort he goes into to researching and making his videos focused and concise. It's not like Creepshow's videos where she jumps off topic every two minutes. D'Angelo's videos are long because he has content to fill the time. Creepshow's videos are long because she doesn't know how to script or shut up.
That being said, I don't find him funny in any way, and I only watch him every once in a while.
No. 594710
>>594706You can't seriously think
>>591654 is a mere coincidence lmao. And whether the concept of the og art isn't that unique or not is beside the point, the point is that it's bad fucking etiquette to heavily reference a specific artwork, not even mention the artist and profit off it.
No. 594724
>>594710Why shouldn't they profit off of it? Credit should have been given, but it's not blesphemy to see something, think "oh hey, that's cool" and remake it with your own style. There are literally thousands of artists ripping off eachothers styles and concepts. It's very similar, but it isn't traced, so it's literally fine. You can't own ideas or concept, people might think you're unoriginal but that's the extent of it. If artists were only meant to profit off of completely original ideas, almost no single artist would be able to sell their work.
>>591654 is a redraw, nothing more.
No. 594817
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Im not usually one to scream “white washing!!!” but this is really hard to defend. Wouldn’t be surprised of Angel Ganev turned out to be racist since he’s already so misogynistic
No. 594888
File: 1596336759585.png (132.05 KB, 694x780, notsalty.png)

has anyone seen more of the drama between shortcake and the 'love letter' dev. hilarious how this imploded. honestly if this kinda drama is happening this early i really doubt the game would ever be a thing. regardless of whether it is a thing or not though imagine to be as stupid as shortcake to ruin your rep when people barely knew who you were before that lol
No. 594892
File: 1596336990300.png (64.4 KB, 607x503, tumblr_5b296811f20ab10cbcb4377…)

Viria, the artist behind the official Percy Jackson art, is apparently being cancelled for drawing aged up nsfw art, and for whitewashing her characters. I am exhausted.
No. 594973
>>594954Nta but you're right. They probably do the same and think it's okay or they straight up can't draw and don't understand how being ripped off that way can be.
The way the paint is dripping is literally the fucking same. It's not inspired, it's copied. Look at it. The artist could have used the same concept with different colors, or even just a different pattern. But no, they probably even took the original, deformed it and applied it to the face.
No. 595012
>>594568He's already one of the better drama channels and the way he has approached the Shane/J* drama that made his popularity surge overnight has been pretty tactful as well as thorough. He's kind of obnoxious but most dramatubers are I guess. I did enjoy his videos where he followed popular tutorials and shit even though he was mediocre.
>>591654Maybe unpopular opinion but I dont really think this is that unique of a concept. Not enough to call it "idea theft."
No. 595035
>>594888Pretty sure she asked them to change the design because they got a new artist and she didn't want them using her design.
>>594954This. If you're so untrained you can only see the same concept and no obviously copied nuances and stylistic choices, you have no business saying anything. If it was just "A colourful liquid being poured on a man's head" it would count as "inspired by" but the fact that it obviously, consciously made the same design choices for the setting and the character there's no questioning that it's simply ripping off the original piece.
No. 595129
>>595109no one cares to listen to you or the large group, because this is stupid.
if people are really going to get upset because drawings of black people aren't "black enough", then why should people bother drawing black people at all? Unless they look 100% accurate, people will flip their shit. It's just not worth the time investment to learn how to draw one specific race identical to real life, especially if your art is stylized.
No. 595149
>>594954This reply and all the replies to it, sound like the same broken record.
There is no such thing as originality. Originality is dead, our lives are too overly saturated with imagery and media, art corporate and independent alike, that finding a holistically new, untouched concept is impossible. Camilla d’Errico’s entire library of work is basically ‘drippy paint on a pretty subject’, am I to assume whoever make the hyper-realistic guy was stealing, and not inspired, by her because the concept is similar? By this logic, DC should sue Marvel because they made hero comics 5 years before them!
The two images we are talking about are similar, in concept and subject. I don’t doubt for a moment the second artist saw the first guy. But ya’ll are taking about idea stealing, a literal thought crime. It isn’t traced, it’s using a different style, and unless the first artist can, or wants, prove it in the court, since the burden of proof is on him, no copyright was infringed.
And a short thing on ‘link the first guy if you were inspired’ crowd; we aren’t writing fucking college papers here. You shouldn’t need to provide a Works Cited page every damn time you post a drawing. It’s fucking internet art, and ya’ll are acting like these pieces are going into the Met Gala.
No. 595157
>>595149You've never heard of plagiarism haven't you?
Also yea no one needs to link every inspiration they use but if you're gonna create someone else's concept and down to a very specific details, then yes, you should give credit, because that goes beyond inspiration. The thing here is that you can take a concept and create that same concept in thousands of different ways but this dude did not. If I tell a room full of people to draw a swing, each swing is going to come out differently, this is because a concept and an execution are 2 different things. This artist could've taken the concept of paint pouring and make it pour from different angle, have different colors, different mood etc, yet they did not just copy the concept but the whole execution of that concept and
that is the issue here.
No. 595183
>>595148Maybe it's because poc people already get whitewashed and edited in order to look lighter. you don't need to be 100% realistic, but if I flip the drawing to grey scale and it's light grey then there's a problem, especially if you took a dark/brows skinned poc as inspo/reference. It your having problems with the tones and the shading that's one thing, but when you deliberately draw dark skinned people lighter, you're better off just not using them as reference at all. People like to exagerate that the sjw will come after you if you do anything racist, but that's bullshit. There are plenty of people who have been called out for racism where it blows over completely.
Artists are just lazy. People here will rip artists apart for saying it's muh style, or for tracing, because it means they are untalented and lazy cheats, but when it comes to this, it's not the artists fault. SKin tones are not rocket science, dedicate even a couple months and you'll have learned how to shade correctly. It's not hard. This excuse of "it makes people not want to draw black people" is stupid, because it's not that hard. Reminds me of that bullshit excuse men give about how they can't talk to women in fear of being accused of sexual harrassment. Like.. it's not hard to not be a piece of shit.
No. 595249
File: 1596389336939.png (248.79 KB, 700x335, simmin.png)

>>595182That's not all what plagiarism is, lmao. Also tracing and plagiarism are not the same.
Plagiarism is basically a concept theft, you can plagiarize both art and writing, both are plagiarism just as much. Plagiarism in writing could be copying someone's sentences with few edits or having the content of the writing be mostly the same with the same focal points even if it was written differently. Art plagiarism behaves the same, like someone copying say a the key points of the concept while the work can be otherwise different.
Google Nick Simmons plagiarism for various example of art plagiarism.
No. 595251
>>595249by this logic, Hunger Games plagiarized Battle Royale, and Divergent plagiarized Hunger Games.
Just because you use a similar concept or idea doesn't mean it's plagiarism.
No. 595257
>>595235Why are POCs lumped together into one sad little group that can't defend themselves and need someone constantly harping on how unfair and horrible life is being a poc? You're one of the exact reasons why people are scared to draw other ethnicities or get out of their comfort zone because it's never good enough or there's not enough minorities for you.
He was showing that he used it as a reference in case someone got mad that he didn't credit probably since that's happened before with him (and I'm not defending him either).
Just something weird to get so angry about. People do all sorts of things we might not agree to or like but you can only control yourself anon.
No. 595322
>>595251>>595149People have been repeating the same shit about that drawing over and over but you still don't get it. Can you read? See? Some of you really have comprehension problems.
The problem is not that it's the same concept, it's that it's executed identically, specifically the part where the paint is dripping. Anyone who continues to deny this is a troll and should fuck off.
No. 595420
>>594892vika is a fucking weirdo
during the height of the haikyuu days she and her friends led a RP forum where they would do larp sexual stuff with the characters. Usually this isn't an issue, but Viria was 20+ whereas most of the participants were 17 and younger.
She has also accused other people of style theft(of her very generic style) and sent her personal army to attack them instead of handling it maturely.
No. 595434
>>595257Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I'm thinking the only way not to get harassed over stupid shit like this is to pretend you don't speak english.
No. 595460
File: 1596409360629.png (810.12 KB, 887x853, reddit.png)

Anyone else heard of the Mendrawingwomen sub reddit? I only came to my attention recently. It's filled with a bunch of idiots ree-ing with the same "hEr PoOr SpInE" Every other post. Just saw this post as soon as as I clicked on it. She's complaining about a woman drawing other women with big tits. (kek for the mods deleting the post too)
No. 595481
>>595460Tbh I think some of the images are funny but the redditors themselves all jerk themselves off over morals.
'sHe LoOkS eIgHt' and it's a fully grown woman with her bajonkers exposed or 'sHeS cAnOnIcAlLy uNdeRaGeD' but then jerk off to Bakugou
No. 595483
File: 1596412186925.png (449.53 KB, 725x744, lol.png)

>>595460I mean, when you have people making posts like this is there anything else to really be said? This kid is probably 14.
No. 595484
File: 1596412382642.png (282.24 KB, 716x751, ss.png)

I'm scrolling through and holy shit it really is a bunch of kids KEK.
No. 595512
>>595483> This kid is probably 14.I hope they’re 14 because otherwise it’s sad.
I don’t even know what they mean by “using assets to their advantage”- it’s creepier than saying “large assets for fap material”
No. 595578
>>595570tbh, representation isn’t something that matters to me. I can enjoy media no matter the color or sex of the characters. despite not being a white man, if a movie was only white men, I could still relate to those characters if they were written relatable.
Pandering to me is determined with the reason behind why directors/artists switch races of characters. if they do it because they have a cool design idea, if they think that having a specific ethnicity can enhance the meaning or message of the art, or if having a certain background could add something to that character’s story, those are all perfectly fine reasons for playing around with a character’s original race. if the race is switched simply for the purpose of being “diverse”, however, I would begin to see that as pandering. If the directors/artists/marketers really push the fact that they have a “diverse cast of characters” over everything else, I find that pandering.
However, just because the directors/artists pander doesn’t mean that what they make will automatically be bad. if they market heavily “diversity” and not much else, I’m going to be apprehensive. that’s not because I care what race the characters are, but because the types of people that hyper focus on diversity don’t usually produce good quality content.
tldr: I don’t really notice the diversity. I only notice if the directors’ intentions seem more towards making things as diverse as possible instead of artistically good. you can have both at once, but lately people have only been doing one or the other.
No. 595635
File: 1596438287071.png (652.52 KB, 1534x1704, screencapture-reddit-r-mendraw…)

>>595460I went to see this subreddit and it's filled with stuff like this. Like why exactly was this edit necessary? Now you just made her design more generic and her pose lacking in personality and movement. I don't get it. It's not like the original was super sexualized or had awkward anatomy compared to the edit. A lot of OPs are just low-hanging fruits like reeing about a sexy costume in a game made for men, gushing over some random "omg a stunning poc character design with muscles and covering clothing yass kween" characters or "not like other guys!!!" scrotes lacking self-awareness to the point they're posting some generic coomershit as an example of "nonsexualized realistic anatomy" or looking for brownie points for drawing a female character with a shirt on.
No. 595640
File: 1596439792924.png (197.5 KB, 981x984, have you ever seen a…)

This sub is a comedy goldmine, I was thinking of making a montage of all the Dunning-Krugers I came across but there are too many to count. I guess
>>595637 is right though, I refuse to believe these are functional adults. Gotta love how they made female artists share a flare with "Enby artists" too.
No. 595665
>>595414Antis in general are fucking cringe. I remember one chick on Tumblr blocked me for liking her art because I apparently reblogged a ship she didn't like (of two fictional consenting adults who aren't related in any way) three fucking years ago on my active multifandom blog.
Not to mention all the cow artists who put paragraphs and paragraphs of who's allowed to like their art and who isn't. Don't they have anything better to do?
No. 595698
File: 1596453705100.jpg (109.41 KB, 527x811, 778815.jpg)

r/mendrawingwomen is a pretty mixed bag. while they are incredibly self-righteous about some things and have the energy of bikini armor battle damage, they do post some hilariously bad artwork sometimes like pic related.
the discord is kind of a mess, too. recently they got triggered over the word trap. they also have 'fix-it-friday', where they have a weekly contest to redesign girls in skimpy outfits.
while i don't enjoy their 'reee ribs reee organs' thing which is a meme at this point, i do think they have a point about some of the art they post, where it IS ridiculously fucked anatomy.
the kids posting their art and asking for criticism is top cringe, though.
No. 595699
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>>595698the mods in particular are pretty milky, i'd say. for reference, boulder is a cis male.
No. 595708
>>595665>Don't they have anything better to do?Nope, they literally go through years and years of peoples' social media activity to find something
problematic. It's most certainly some sort of a personality disorder manifesting or at least a desperate, obsessive effort to get some sort of a feeling of superiority over people. They try to justify this with "I'm just getting rid of pedos!!!" but then only target 20-year olds who ship two 17-year old characters or something. M/F and F/F ships are naturally okay even with huge age gaps but you better not be a disgusting fucking fujo!!!!
>>595699As a Fatefag I roll my eyes at their hate boner for Astolfo without ever even watching the anime/reading the LN. Also lmfao at the simpy wokebro bending over backwards to please these troon loons and the "ambush for others" take.
No. 595735
File: 1596461529438.png (53.78 KB, 549x319, 1f33fea24db272c5fe260f6ff0c69e…)

>>595704he is absolutely a simp.
he's also one of the more active members..
he also literally has a neckbeard which makes pic related even funnier. lmao
No. 595764
File: 1596467698223.jpeg (191.91 KB, 1000x598, 6CDC917B-AB8A-4BFF-91A4-CA0C5F…)

Ok now
No. 595828
File: 1596472997488.jpeg (646.82 KB, 750x1055, 376335A4-B4C2-4C6F-83BF-5D7F9D…)

>>595764>>595821Context, anons.
I kinda feel bad for the artist. They might’ve been commissioned or was asked for their art to be used. But someone in the big office decided to approve using it as official merch cover, and now the artists will receive backlash
No. 595874
>>595775Gum erasers, the ones that you pull them off to erase small details. They're kind of gimmicky though, but i feel like they only cost a fraction of a price than those tombow fine details pencils (imo) and are great if you are a tradfag. Because unlike normal erasers, they are very lightweight and you dont have to put a lot of force onto them, perfect if u are working on watercolor pieces or sth very fine and delicate.
We really need another separate thread for art discussions though, i felt like this thread's a little too drama-focus.
No. 596168
>>596074>and that's coming from a woman who has NEVER experienced misogyny.Hurts to be ugly, don't it?
No. 596184
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now that's what I call a derailment
>>595956 No. 596259
>>596229I was making fun of the original commenter? i dont agree with
>>595956 or
>>596074 whats so ever. I called her ugly because she is if shes on a forum calling anons 'whores' lmao.
No. 596272
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>>596168Lol deflections are so funny. You sound insecure.
No. 596299
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>>596298Theyre designs used in the movie that the art was made for, still looks bad but the characters do actually dress like that.
No. 596338
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Please fight some more.
No. 596347
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>>595764Kek, very specific but it reminds me of something you'd find painted on a wall in a 90s bowling alley
No. 596434
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How do artist draw the same image 100 times and not get bored
No. 596840
>>596644It is literally color theory 101 that you NEVER darken with black or grey. It doesn't make the color a different shade, it removes saturation. You shade with analogous colors, so then you don't lose the hue. If you want to go darker after that, use complimentary colors, so it pulls the color's tint down. The fact she claims to have an art degree and doesn't know this?
Until she can prove she has a degree, let alone in art, I will never believe she stepped foot in a college.
No. 596857
>>596552I would've thought that she would've known more of these. Hell, I learned most of these in highschool art classes. Is education in art just really bad in New Mexico or something?
Also nitpick, but jesus christ, the way she over lines her top lip looks horrid.
No. 596909
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>>596840she isn't totally consitent about what kind of degree she has, but she says she has a degree in oil painting a lot, as well as this on her twitter.
No. 596915
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>>596909>>596840She also had an interview that was put up on the page of her alma mater.
No. 596955
>>596857She may have simply went to a 'degree mill' or she was just a bad student.
>>596909This actually makes a lot more sense than a "degree in oil painting"
No. 596961
>>596717Lots of places have a MOQ (minimum order quantity) of hundreds or thousands not also mentioning the cost of shipping (which has gone up a lot recently cuz of COVID) and customs. And a lot of tubers are businesses of a couple of people so they don’t have the storage to keep them. Imo someone like Katnipp can get her stickers made from a manu since her store sells enough to keep four people employed, but making them in house keeps ultimate control over the quality and production and stock (she also runs a personalization business with her baby bluu store so that’s a lot more cost efficient than using a dropshipper). Most smaller art tubers too use cutting machines for stickers as well, it’s more cost efficient since a sheet of stickers can cost pennies but I’ve seen group orders of stickers from manus where sometimes an entire small sheet of stickers can be a dollar or two, which is less of a profit margin.
Chey Barton is a pretty popular YouTube artist that transitioned from making stickers at home to getting them made through sticker companies, she talks about it in her vlogs and her store has gotten so high volume that it was better if she did since it really is just her running it and maybe a friend helping pack. It just depends on the nature of your business and the cost effectiveness
No. 597103
>>596718I meant specifically artubers who are around Katnipp's level and sell enough to need assistants or staff. I get that people who run a shop by themselves can't expect a manu to be like "yeah we can print you like 5 sheets of stickers," because it's not worth their time/effort.
>>596741>>596961Yeah, quality control is important. Don't know why I didn't think of that. I was just confused about people like Katnipp who run a larger business than most other artubers (i.e. only one person making the merch, printing it, and packing it) make stickers or prints in-house when she sells enough to justify getting a manufacturer to print them instead of her and her assistants printing them and cutting prints by hand or loading stickers into the cricut.
No. 597104
File: 1596597953637.png (3.41 MB, 750x1334, C6113437-111A-4DF6-B971-B0CAC7…)

>>596434Your post reminded me of this artist I found a few days ago. The art is pretty but it’s the same thing over and over again: bust of pretty girl followed by a close-up that doesn’t even zoom in much so it’s completely unnecessary. The lighting and expressions barely change. And the rare times she actually includes more of the body it looks wonky as hell.
I know it sounds pretentious but finding artists like this is kind of depressing. They aren’t interested in developing a range of skills or telling a story, they’re content with the only trick they know. If it gets them attention and/or money then it’s enough. Trying something new may actually alienate the audience they’ve built.
No. 597111
File: 1596598447131.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, F150D10F-63BF-4529-92F0-B9372A…)

>>597104Samefagging but the bottom middle one is a dtiys post, so not her art. Some of the examples she posted actually use different angles/poses and lighting from the original, making their art more interesting to look at than hers even though they’re still pretty girl headshots.
No. 597145
>>597111I was gonna say the bottom middle is the best one, but guess not lol.
also, that is some severe same face syndrome
No. 597182
>>596717Because they're lacking business skills. Just because people might be talented or have a following doesn't mean they know how to sell and market themselves.
>>596718That's not true, imo it costs more to print from home with the cost of ink, sticker paper, and getting the right settings on a cutting machine and then having to buy new blades and cutting sheets (especially time). There are plenty of sticker companies sheets where you can purchase as low as 1-25 sheets and they're pretty dependable like zap creatives (I think that's where Chay gets hers done).
It's not expensive as it used to be.
No. 597253
>>597103It really depends on the market, like if you’re doing planner stickers like Katnipp has, I’ve seen people have tons of cutting machines and similar because it’s just that cheap to make those kinds of stickers by hand. Plus, people who like to buy stickers for planners are not into the kinds made of a thick vinyl imo? I’ve had stickers made by zap creatives and they’re a more durable vinyl but they’re too thick for planners (I make both planner stickers at home and get sheets printed). I just found the YT channel of the girl who runs the Etsy store Plannerface- she’s made over 32k sales on there and runs EIGHT silhouette machines but is popular in the planner and sticker world.
>>597182On the flip side, it IS actually way cheaper to make sticker sheets at home which is why planner stickers makers can sell them for cheap. I’ve done the math for my own store:
A 250 pack of online labels weatherproof matte paper is about 130$ (this is a higher end sticker paper too, the normal paper kind is cheaper), You can get 4 sheets of stickers per piece of paper at around a6 size, so each sheet is about 13 cents (doesn’t factor ink & time, I know, but it depends on your setup like if you do a CSS or generic inks in your printer or you run a laser). Zap’s sticker sheets at a6 is about $490 for 1000 sheets, so each sheet is about 50 cents each, however the vinyl is thicker & more like the kind used for outdoors stuff (I’m iffy with zap cuz their colors are usually darker for some reason. Chey uses Vinyl Disorder, she mentioned it in a video, and I like their vinyl a little better and it’s thinner. And I know some factories in China do paper stickers now that are comparable).
So yeah it really depends on the market you’re aiming for and what your goals are for your own store. Lots of people don’t have a lot of start up capital so like, spending about 500$ on cutting machine, printer and paper is more desirable than ordering a lot of stock in one go that you don’t know will sell or not.
No. 597333
>>597300It really depends on a few things, such as Are you at all worried about the price?(the price to print vs price of owning a printer),
How frequently you make a 18+ art piece to print? Generally does the cost outweigh the benefits
>>597327Not the same anon, but I literally have no idea what this means. Cool image, ig
No. 597501
>>597474Isn't Full Sail a diploma mill like AI?
A lot of people don't think of RISD degrees as valuable either since it's a diploma mill for rich kids whose parents can pay for them to get admitted and RISD's super high tuition and housing costs. A lot of RISD students I've seen recently don't produce particularly good or astounding work either, like vid related or poop-chan's boyfriend.
As far as art schools with students that still produce interesting work goes, I like a lot of Cooper Union's students' work. I like that sort of messy, gotta try everything at least once, artsy look vs. CalArts and RISD's super polished look, hence my love for Cooper.
No. 597503
File: 1596652777324.jpg (1.13 MB, 1500x1054, poo.jpg)

>>597501For people who don't know about Poop-chan, this is her bf's art. He graduated from RISD this year with a degree in illustration.
No. 597506
>>597503Oh wow that portrait is bad. Idk what his reference looked like if he used one, but that looks like something a 12 year old would make.
The house is really nice and neat, but I can't do architectural work so maybe that's why I'm impressed by it lol. The only thing that ruins it is the bushes/trees.
No. 597511
>>597503>>597506i can't imagine him going for realism with that portrait, it looks like a caricature to me. it's pretty easy to copy proportions from a realistic reference good enough that you think it makes a decent face, unless he rushed it.
besides that this is very mediocre, definitely not university level stuff. the house's side is wonky and i don't think even the front of the house's lines align properly. the stylized stuff is also really wonky, wily looks the most decent because it's mostly just a copy, but because he doesn't know what makes the style charming his deviations from it on the megaman illustration make it look bad, especially the coloring makes it look flat and lifeless.
No. 597671
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>>597506>>597511The house doesn't align properly at all and there are a bunch of tangents where he drew part of the line, skipped over, and continued drawing where he thinks the line will continue instead of where the line actually continues or lines that just go off into nothingness.
No. 597675
File: 1596670425647.jpg (29.76 KB, 1024x512, TUCKER-CARLSON-WALMART.jpg)

>>597549I'm pretty sure it's Tucker. Pic related is the second result if you google his name.
No. 597787
>>597746it probably rubs you wrong because of her "I don't know where the light source is, lol", "she has a collar because of aesthetic, bitttchh", "I don't know what to do for a background, so let's just use a solid color", and "I don't know how to paint using interesting and dynamic colors, so just use tonal curves" personality.
most of this video is just random information with no cohesion. the information she does give she doesn't go in depth on it. like at 2:03, she just says "it's too much. just learn it" like she can't be bothered to actually make a proper tutorial.
if you were a beginner watching this tutorial (which most people looking up tutorials are), you would be completely lost. this video is only good if you already understand most of clip studio, and just want to pick up some new tricks you might not of known.
No. 597884
>>591645I've always detest western wokesters for hating on anime for being "
problematic" to them for petty or insane reasons. I just wish japan puts their foot down on these annoying cunty westerners more often tbh.
>Sage for rant No. 597894
File: 1596710287183.png (120.77 KB, 255x360, EesHNXBU0AAvtUy.png)

megat0nraid / vanillaice has to be fucking kidding now.. i wonder what part she traced /s
i love that she calls him androgynous but he literally just looks like nothing becuase she can't draw bodies for shit
No. 598287
>> seemed like such a cool thing, but yeah the platform fees are over priced, and it's also not available in that many countries.
honestly i think paypal is the best option right now even with it's flaws, it's available world wide, it only charges a 5% fee, and everyone and their mother already has an account on it. i do think that their charge back stuff needs more human moderation so many false charge backs wouldn't happen, and i'm not sure why they don't just have a tick box for digital goods.
No. 598290
>>598264ko-fi and artistsnclients are what i use, personally. they work well for anonymity, the former taking none of the expenses while the latter takes a portion of it iirc
>>598283paypal directly is basically just giving your name out to strangers, inconvenient imo
No. 598445
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>>596909>degree in oil painting >paints this anyways, it’s weird to me that she still hasn’t changed her channel name. super Rae dizzle sounds like a ten year olds first email address and I feel like a dumbass every time I type it
No. 598523
File: 1596767373347.jpg (168.97 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_20200806-212701_You…)

Baylee keeps bleaching and dying her hair. When the hell will she realize shes not gonna have any hair left to do that shit.
I wanna freaking tell her but since I've commented rude things on some of her vids she'll never take me seriously anyway.
No. 598529
>>598504You can do glazing with oil, doesn’t seem crazy that someone would think to use thinned paints for transparent effects. I could maybe see thinking acrylic but I never seen watercolor that looks so opaque, even, and vivid. Especially when layered like that.
Some of y’all need to take a break from the art tablets damn
No. 598543
>>598542I use watercolor and oil paint and pastel. Gouache is much closer but plain watercolor? It’s pretty dumb of people to trash her because “it doesn’t look like an oil painting” when there’s a ton of different techniques and there are styles with that lightly brushed on look. She’s bad at it for sure, but still
>>598539I just felt like being petty tonight. No one answered art questions but every anon replied to retard scrote bait and I’m salty
No. 598824
>>598671Then look for alternatives (like lineofaction)
If you’re a beginner, idk why there’s a need to ask the people on this forum, I mean, have you seen the “art fixes” in the redraw forum
No. 598857
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I don’t care about begga, but saying that you don’t like art museums because they’re not spoonfeeding you information about stuff you can look up if you’re actually interested in the art you’re seeing, makes me extremely salty. Why even go to a museum of you’re won’t take notes of the stuff you like/you’re interested in?
No. 598927
>>598445She's a living proof that art degrees don't mean shit on their own. If you don't internalize what the classes teach you and aren't willing to research further then it's just a waste of money. I painted shit like that at 15 after watching a tutorial on the internet.
>>598548This. I have no idea why she's wasting her money on oil paints, she could just get the same results with pastels. What kills me is that she uses oil paints but barely blends the colours, it's just her slapping them on top of each other.
No. 598989
>>598857I get her point. Putting up little informational signs or something is common in a lot of places like zoo, history museums, and historical sites. usually they offer audio guides or pamphlets too. The point of an art museum is not to just house art, its to make that art available to the public and accessable, and that in part includes giving people information.
If a museum isn't providing information about the subjects they are housing then they have fundamentally failed in their duty, and it does lesson the experience.
No. 599019
>>598857What museum has she gone to?
>no cultural/historical context kekw my ass.
Also the “no technique was given”, Is so fucking vague. If she means how the technical skill to create the piece she can go f herself, because most info IS there, in audio, but she doesn’t want to spend the extra cash to get it
No. 599175
File: 1596837072676.png (59.41 KB, 622x779, huh.PNG)

So, people are still out here trying to cancel Vivziepop?
No. 599190
>>599175People giving her shit for stuff she did as a teenager. I didn't like her at first but now I'm okay.
I just found it funny that the shows animation got better when she was less involved. Other than that, good for her for making something.
I don't think she needs to be cancelled or anything
No. 599210
File: 1596839430658.png (897.98 KB, 1080x817, not cringe.png)

>"guiz my art when I was like 12 is CRINGE :'("
>looks better than average for most tweens, especially for the 2000's
Can't stand it when people do weird flexes like this. You don't even know what cringe means if you use it like this. Just admit that this is a plain ass redrawing of okay looking art for a weeby 2000's teen.
Also I hate it when mainstream usage turns slang into useless buzzwords that don't even remotely reflect their original meanings. Shit like "meme = any joke/macro regardless if it's not popular", "karen = any old angry white lady even if she's in the right", "cursed = just slightly weird/grossout", etc.
No. 599220
>>599219I feel like he WANTED to say something about her but chickened out the last second
cuz honestly a lot of her advice is terrible
No. 599243
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>>599044I got the same feeling as
>>599220 did, he really hyped up like he was going to go full dramatuber but then went pretty soft on her.
Still can't believe nobody on youtube has pointed out how in the beginning of that video she complains that "just practice" doesn't teach beginners observations, and then later when she complains about copying photos via grid she shits on the very same method that goddamn coloring books use to teach kids how to observe. ffs.
Really unbelievable.
No. 599514
>>599505I don't really see it as a challenge; more like artists just showing off their art
also, sage your shit
No. 599604
File: 1596890793875.jpg (27.45 KB, 586x167, 789.JPG)

Just get better if you draw shit honestly, it was about a thread were compagnies ghosted black artists after some # was created for exposure so I sage
No. 599629
File: 1596894076649.png (93.15 KB, 647x908, ErgoJosh challenge.PNG)

>>599622Incredible, he failed his own art challenge. Didn't even take long for his fans to completely disregard the entire point of this "challenge"
No. 599658
>>599210Agree. It's so weird to see people do this petty "oh my god look at the shitty content I produced at 12 lmao how cringe!!!! now watch me redraw it as a 20something year old" kind of stuff. Of course you'd be a shit artist at 12, most people are. It'd be much more interesting to show development in the same age group, like how you'd redraw and improve a piece you made at 16 as a 20-year old or something. Flexing on kids is such a lackluster thing to do even if it's yourself.
>>599604It's always so awkward to see these people who literally draw Chris-chan tier kindergarten doodles complaining about not being taken seriously as artists. Like what do you say to them? They always stand behind this "I'm an autistic trans bean uwu" shield too so you can't even tell them how things are.
No. 599686
File: 1596905640440.png (3.61 MB, 1334x750, 4EF9DADA-401D-4A31-9C92-84354F…)

>>599210I don’t know this artists, but I assume that all she draws are profiles
No. 599697
>>599589This is the new “hi cow” cop out post style.
>>599210>>599686This looks more like it should have been like a three year improvement, not twelve years holy shit. Maybe she was on a drawing hiatus for like eight years or something lol
No. 599740
>>599175What's going on Twitter is amusing nevertheless but such a shame that other indie animators who are actually talented,hard-working and drama free don't get noticed at all
Shows how people are super biased
No. 599749
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Does anyone know good artists with art styles similar to Panty&Stocking or Hanabushi's animation for the "Study Me" song MV? (pic related)
No. 599775
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Here is the original artwork (pic related). They also happen to have an article on Atrocious YouTubers wiki (called Strawberry Milk) that has a lot of evidence against them
No. 599785
>>599175 these vivziepop haters went ape shit crazy over HH being picked up by A24 and made /
tw posts about that. Have you seen the comment section of SaberSpark's post on Twitter that mocks these manchildren. It's a literal battlefield between the HH fans and the Vivziepop haters
No. 599870
>>599823They didn't ask for a special way you ass, they just asked how to improve and saying "just look at references" is you being lazy with advice. Anyways,
>>599770 I suggest you look at videos that explain things like form and shape because it can help you see where light is supposed to fall. Sinix has pretty a pretty decent video on both cel shading and how to improve your shadows. I also like to refer to one of Doxy/Onta's tutorials where he explains different types of shadows that make up cel shading like cast shadows, pools of light, etc. If you look around and avoid the deviantart tier turotials made by people who don't know what they're doing, you'll find decent tutorials on shading.
No. 599958
>>599870> "just look at references" is you being lazy with advice. Anyways> I suggest you look at videos that explain things like form and shapeYou right, solid and not obvious lazy advice, only An artist would think of that advice.
Sorry that I didn’t include “look at tutorials”, thought it was too obvious
No. 599982
File: 1596933722359.png (177.32 KB, 1450x1985, 34g.png)

>>599770try thinking in 3d space, anon. your drawing is a simulated 3d space.
No. 600022
>>599960Because the guestions are so dumb and unspecifc. Seriously what are you supposed to even say when someone asks how to improve? ”Draw from life, use references, practice,” you can only give general answers to general guestions and the fact that these anons come here to ask from others what they should do, instead of showing some self reliance and using the good ’ol google, says more about them than the rest of us. It’s like expecting to get hand feeded all the information without doing any of the work.
And seriously anons, if you want art advice, join art discords. Lot of them are autistic, ego stroking hugboxes but some are more decent with critique channels where you can get actual constructive critique.
No. 600029
>>600022This!! I'm not on this thread to answer or look for answers about how to do art or what supplies to use, i feel like thats a personal thing that you have to figure out yourself. See what works best for you and just keep working is literally like all the advice you can give when we arent being given a reference point. Someone will ask 'what gouache should i use' but without knowledge of what or how that person wishes to use that medium theres no real solid advice you can be given. It just doesnt work on an anon thread.
I come onto this thread to see people who are supposed to be successful in art already who have glaring problems in their work that should be called out and usually arent. When i come onto this thread and its just a bunch of general questions, its nothing i want to read and i usually just skip over it. Not to mention that despite the fact everyone on this thread is hyper critical it doesnt mean any of us are good artists. The advice given on this thread could essentially amount to nothing since its usually nothing but an opinion.
No. 600118
>>600045This is exactly how I feel everytime someone asks for advice, since we cannot see their art we cannot point them to the right direction so it feels like pointelss ego boost for them to ”show” that they want to improve without actually putting their work on the line. And no I’m not saying that these anons should ”post their work”, I’m saying they honestly should go elsewhere. I already give tons of critique to people on discord and I don’t come to this thread to do the same here.
>>600034Dude no one is alluding to that, it’s just that this information exists already and it’s in your finger tips if you bpthered to do a little bit of searcing, just like the art book you had, these people asking these basic bitch art questions could literally find the answer to them all by a single google search and the information would probably be far better than anything anyone is giving here. This thread is art salt and discussion, not art salt and advice. No one comes here to coach beginners into a right path, they come here to discuss art drama and these threads should stay that way. Even worse is that this same art supply concersation happens in every single thread as well and none of these idiots bother to read back on it. Lets face it, no one really cares about the type of watercolors you use, you wanna rave about art supplies, do it elsewhere. It honestly disrupts the thread and when you make it ”ok” for these people to ask advice, it makes every retard come out of the woodwork and spam their stupid questions. Anyone who’s ever frequnted any forum or discussion board, knows this.
No. 600194
File: 1596965551530.jpg (1.55 MB, 1988x3056, IMG_20200809_052443.jpg)

DC sure is making some questionable decisions in choosing artist. This is worst than Jen Bartel's Zatanna.
Variant art by Robin Eisenberg
No. 600198
>>600022>>600029i have to agree, i honestly don't understand why minorfags decided this is a good place to ask the most generic and vague questions when this place has a history of shitting on people who do that. honestly they should just be ignored so the topic doesn't get blown up like this and we can focus on stuff that's actually interesting.
>>600194is this really real? it looks so lazy, the style makes me think of rick and morty, but an sjw's adaptation of it.
No. 600276
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What do you guys think of 0073.uv? Her portraits are so pretty imo but sometimes I feel like I see the same girl with plump lips all the time—
No. 600288
>>600282Because the current jeans are the only ones who can give fat girls the sembalance of a shape/waist.
>>600275I think it's quite telling that they rather make them either model thin or downright fat - instead of the most realistic shape for a super hero, strong and muscular.
I'm not a wonder woman fan but I totally understand why fans of the origional were so disapoointed because of the movie or shit like this
>>600268 The male actors were all cast pretty close to how they looked in the comics, and I don't think I've seen woke art of them being a different race, a whale or disabled etc either.
No. 600290
>>600275Also how you supposed to chase criminals & fight crime when you're fat like that? Girl's got the same body type as Shayna the hell, good luck to any city she's gonna have to save lmao
>>600272Ew, reminds me of when either Young Avengers or Agents of Asgard came out and Marvel suddenly announced that Loki was both bi-sexual & non-binary uwu during peak tumblr times. The pandering was so obvious
No. 600326
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Some days I really hate tumblr.
No. 600360
>>600272When the desperate pandering starts you know they're in such a desperate situation they're willing to try any last ditch effort to throw anything at the wall and see if it sticks. It's sad because DC and Marvel comics have both been tanking for years, now DC is just trying to do what Marvel did even though anyone can see it's not working and only alienating the people who would be interested in their content. The "YASS QUEEN CANT BELIEVE [SOULLESS CORPORATION] SAID [MINORITY GROUP] RIGHTS!!" crowd only pays lip service, they're not going to spend a dime buying it.
However after seeing that fucking New Warriors Snowflake/Safespace/Experimental internet gas thing Marvel belched out recently I'm willing to believe that it's Disney undercover intentionally trying to destroy the studio from the inside. Nobody can allow crap like that to be put into production without ulterior motives.
No. 600423
>>599960Nonnie this is a thread for passive quiet bitches irl to complain and chimp out over whatever
triggers them that they never say outside of their personal discord servers. Don't expect anything but salt and jealousy lol
No. 600440
>>600268>One word for the Wonder Woman 1984 variant cover:Sad
Artstyle may be good for a tv show, but not the character or A COMIC COVER
It’s an art piece that looks like it can be done in 10 mins (prob less). It’s stiffness and “”80s aesthetics”” hurts. I wonder if the artist knew a person in the business because I’m 100% sure that without connections, the person would not have created the comic title unless it was a fan page
No. 600601
>>600534This might be a situation where someone preorders a set amount of copies and gets their own limited edition variant cover, idk
It's a thing that usually happens with indie books though.
No. 600719
>>600608>Go cry about it on twitter some more with your pronouns in bio loser friendsYou're not wrong tho
A lot of people in this thread like that lmao
No. 600912
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Just gonna steer this back towards art instead of bitching at each other about dumb shit. What you guy's opinion on Yuumei? She's been my favorite artist for years now and, imo one of the few dA alumni who's quality hasn't dropped over the years.
No. 600915
>>600817>"Pearl, a known abuser,"I can't fucking stop laughing
>>600859>N-no it's the OTHER ones being t-triggered, how u doin fellow channers uwuLeave already, nobody wants you here
No. 600955
>>600912She has some good pieces and I started drawing digitally because of her drawings, but the quality of her work has gone downhill. She also has a team that helps her with her comics but somehow she can't seem to be able to finish anything.
Also, I cant's stand how preachy she sounds half the time.
No. 600985
>>600276I really enjoy her stuff, probably one of the few artist whose sameface don't really bother me. Her aesthetic & color choices are very much up my alley.
And her cat is cute as fuck.
>>600912Used to like her content when I was younger, nowadays I just see her work as really boring and it puts me off how preachy and holier-than-thou she sometimes sounds.
No. 601003
>>600967aside from making jokes about womens bodies/anything outside of skinny blow up dolls being deemed casually 'ugly' by him, also just casually insults women by implying the things they like/take inspo from are lesser than him
also he just makes weird creepy comments on women like. a lot.
No. 601010
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Do any anons have a mounted screen tablet? What mounting system do you use? Looking for something under $150 if possible.
No. 601080
>>600967he posted a video a long time on his youtube channel talking about sex and whatnot. one of the things he mentioned was that he would never sleep with a virgin. he prefers women who have already had sex because (according to him) women are like horses that need to be broken in/trained first and no one wants to ride a horse that hasn't been broken in.
tried to find it, but it's no longer up on his channel.
No. 601082
File: 1597064763031.png (58.55 KB, 599x334, Capture d’écran 2020-08-10 à 1…)

"Working with neon colors"
I don't know why she's so obsessed with neon colors, it's extremely hard to make it look good, especially if you have low understanding of color like Rae. I bet the whole drawing is going to be 4 different, clashing neon colors, shaded with black.
Overusing rainbow or neon is just a big giveaway that you're an amateur, or just have very bad taste.
No. 601087
File: 1597065133763.jpg (47.74 KB, 564x377, salt n pepa 1980s.jpg)

>>600282Proof anon was wrong kek
No. 601095
>>600912Yuumei was alright, liked her years back when deviant art was relevant.
Her stuff is pretty but generic. Though artists like that are a dime a dozen now. Can’t blame them since the public likes pretty and generic shit. Easy to consume and steal lmao
No. 601100
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>>600268I can't get over the cuffs being almost indiscernible from her grey flesh.
Kek at the people trying shill their art and other alternative artists in the replies, like this titty armor nightmare. It's painful imagining how all of it would poke into her own flesh the moment she took a step forward.
No. 601113
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These “improvement” posts are always so depressing
No. 601166
>>601113left one: has life, has personality, could be seen on a cool european indie comic
right one: basic, animal crossing clone, devoid of light, has heart eyes because she's a hoe
>>601136this lmao. I think some people don't understand that just because something is popular doesn't make it better but oh well.
No. 601177
File: 1597074869525.png (13.98 KB, 305x182, phoebescribble.PNG)

>>601113Tbh I don't really think these posts are to show improvement but just to show a change of style. I think this artist knows their current art style is a lot simpler. The artist themselves said she hasn't improved much.
Not trying to whiteknight btw, just my two cents.
No. 601236
File: 1597081878706.jpeg (118.02 KB, 750x386, 0EBB3458-204A-4C69-93BB-E7167E…)

>>601177It doesn’t really matter, it can go either way, but no matter what, she shown capabilities to develop a different style, maybe even have more than one style, yet she chose to draw the same 3/4ths simplistic tumblr art as the next guy
No. 601252
>>601016It’s actually better for you ergonomically. Having the cintiq on my desk strains my wrist after a while. I already posted in a couple of art forums, but also just got idiots suggesting those gooseneck iPad stands that can’t hold shit and will move at the slightest touch.
>>601180> the 2020 one looks like those awful American "create your own nb poc character!!!" picrewsThe accuracy kek.
No. 601253
File: 1597082942174.png (654.72 KB, 982x378, Capture.PNG)

Not really sure how this works, but do you guys mind telling me what you think of my work. Don't hold back :D(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 601298
>>601295This said it all, what more are you expecting?
>>601274All of your colors are bright/neon and clashing. Your anatomy looks like badly shooped instathots went mutant particularly on the cyclops. The faces are just generally fug. The lighting is nonsensical. The perspective is just complete and utter shit, there’s nothing else to say. Watch some videos or read some books
No. 601314
>critique welcome pls don’t hold back uwuAlso you:
>op pic No. 601320
>>601253Anon, why the fuck would you want your art to be traced back to Lolcow?
For all the other beginner artists in this forum who really shouldn't be here. Take this example, don’t fucking post your own artwork in forums dedicated to ripping on big named artists. You not only risk your reputation, but you also look like a dumbass who vouches that their tumblr/e-thot/anime art is waaay better than those big named industry artists
>>601279Anon, if you can’t even see your art mistakes gtfo. Not every artist needs a “second opinion” to see that their art is shit
No. 601328
>>601326That anon didn’t even say anything about the light, that was me. We aren’t all the same anon, your art just sucks.
By the way, a scene with no light source would just look pitch black. Try not being a tard any time.
No. 601339
File: 1597087827600.png (425.31 KB, 846x580, 1.png)

>>601253Artist name is Chu Heizu btw. lol
No. 601344
If you're gonna post you're art for critique post it here /m/>>102700
>>601326>My face is in my profile. I didn't want it on this forum.So why did you post your art here? You said yourself you profile is easy to find.
Anyway anon, if you're going to ask for critique, don't get mad when they give you critique. Especially when you ask on Lolcow. I understand anons were harsh, but you knew the nature of this site.
>>601339How did you find her so fast geez lol
No. 601345
>>601344sorry for samefag but I linked the thread wrong
"Rate my art" Thread -
>>>/m/102700 No. 601353
>>601344Reverse image search, and found her deviantart.
>>601346You said to be honest and yet you don't like it when people are pointing out your mistakes. Your anatomy is fucked and you should probably work on that first before going in with color. You're colors are garish and not cohesive and you need to learn a better blending and shading technique for defining shapes because every single drawing looks flat.
No. 601368
File: 1597089213785.gif (1.14 MB, 250x250, FB020AD0-D9AB-4877-BC7D-B30E39…)

> Also, I'm not mad I just said I disagree lol. When did I get mad? Quote me.Also chu:
> All of my photo are referenced from myself. So I guess my physical anatomy is off?> My face is on my profile if you don't believe me. :/. No need to be rude lmao> The anatomy is based off myself. Of course exaggerated to look fit my characters features.> I find it funny that you go to such lengths just to try and belittle me.> But just another way to discredit me I suppose.> I don't see the point lol.> Interesting…Anywho, thanks for your thoughts. Have fun tearing me apart and what not. :D No. 601369
>>601339Dude don't post these thots' names, that's what they want. They want to be in famous because to them all fame is good fame.
>>601326Here are some beginner tips spoonfed right into your idiot mouth:
>Stop tracing over other pictures to develop a consistent style and an understanding of anatomy and proportions>Create a consistent light source for your colorization>Learn how muscles and joints work and study foreshortening>Stop shading clothing, hair and skin the same way they're different fucking materials and stop using that fucking dodge shading for everything>Learn what colours work together and how they blend, everything looks muddy because they're all over the place, work with a more limited palette >and stop fucking tracing it's so goddamn obvious most of your shit is traced No. 601411
>>601339Ah yes, she does look like your typical instathot attention whore. Good job getting this little bit of attention, maybe go rant about it with your friends or followers.
This feels so absurd and stupid that it's almost as if it's some kind of impersonation mixed with vendettaposting.
The fact that this drawing in particular has 12 likes is an insult. Though it's probably because the coomers can see your thigh in the picture it's traced from.
No. 601496
>>601428No? I don't think she's been posted here before, but the fact that you thought that just shows how fucking generic this style is.
>>601351I can't tell if you're joking or just legitimately braindead.
No. 601509
File: 1597095873120.jpg (82.27 KB, 1280x158, Screenshot_20200809-233600.jpg)

Saw this on Twitter yesterday. Ngl, I'm honestly tired of the fiction vs reality flamewars that are happening in the Art community
No. 601917
Tinfoil based on
>>601362I went through the "vendetta" then "oh only the real artist would defend themselves this way" motions until this comment brought me back to believing this is a vendetta. This post looks out of place, plus consider
>>601326>My face is in my profile. I didn't want it on this forum.>>601342>Yep, that is me.The whiplash lol. And also insisting over and over on posting here instead of the actual critique thread. Smells roleplay-y to me.
Or yeah, more likely, just some braindead fame hungry beginner artist.
>>601377Are you ok? Yeah her art is bad and the way she handled herself here is embarrassing but thats nothing to cost future jobs over, geez.
No. 601924
>>601917Pretty sure it was actually her because in her Instagram profile screenshot you see the "Saved" tab which you can only see if you're logged in to the account.
>>601921What's worse they're clogging up actual FBI child abuse resources with their bogus reports to the point they had to tell them to stop. Because they have to investigate each report it always takes time away from cases concerning actual pedophile child porn and sex trafficking rings.
No. 601925
Can we please not have the fucking pedo argument again? This shit comes up every single day, move on no one cares this isn’t the pedo moralfagging thread it’s the art salt thread. If you want to debate about pedophilia make your own fucking thread about it literally no one cares.Also like
>>601514 said, they always go after women for drawing late teen characters instead of blatant pedos like shadman or that creep who was posted here a while back who drew anatomically correct nude toddlers. It’s fucking tiring, no one cares that you think Bakugou or Jotaro are shotas and drawing them constitutes pedophilia, literally fuck off.
No. 601933
>>601925It's not about pedophilia per se, it's about the ongoing trend in the art community of policing what artists draw. It's not limited to falsified pedo claims either, they're going after shit they see as either "incest" (two childhood friends) and "abuse" (enemies to lovers) and other dumb bullshit. They affect a ton of artists because a lot of them have to deal with these moralfagging autists on the daily. It's understandable how infuriating it is because many artists have already deleted or privated their social media to avoid public flogging for being "
problematic". If you don't like it then you're free to change the subject.
No. 601936
>>601924And that's probably the most infuriating thing about it. They can't just stop at "block them", They gotta go out of their way to bug the FBI when they can be catching actual pedophiles.
>>601925I mean, practically every anon here is also agreeing that it's stupid as fuck so chill dude.
No. 601967
>>601942It comes up because it affects so many artists. At least I can personally say that I'm not comfortable with sharing my art anymore because you never know what might be
problematic 6 months from now. The goal posts keep moving faster and faster, now that drawing a 19-year old character in lingerie is "pedophilia" you'll never know which piece comes to bite you in the ass later. It's frustrating beyond belief and I think a lot of artanons here agree, which is why it's constantly on everyone's minds. It's the pedosperg who starts spamming "ok pedo" to everyone that needs to shut up, not the anons dissecting the problem and venting about it.
No. 602133
>>602058Because at a highschool level, any good teachers are mainly concerned with teaching you art fundamentals (basics of colour, composition etc). But in the opinions of a lot of arttubers, fundamentals are booooorrrriiiinnnggg. Who cares about building a strong foundation for your art, they want to draw their cartoon + anime characters! And if the teachers point out that that's not helpful to their learning, they're just
toxic haters.
No. 602382
>>601010I have my cintiq on an amazon basics monitor mount.
it was like $80-$100 and its really nice.
I did have to special adapter to make the arm fit the back of my cintiq.
but depending on the size of your tablet that could end up not being an issue for you.
My only complaints about the amazon basics mount is that i had to drill a hole in my desk to make it work.
and also that when its tightened enough to hold the weight of my tablet i'm too weak to move it without using both hands and really putting my body into it.
No. 602447
>>600912so much to say
-went to hyper liberal UCB
-believes animal rights are more important than human ones
-literally too dumb to function, relies on her bf and her cult to do everything for her(not limited to: drawing, selling, cooking for her etc)
-constantly victimizes herself:
-my family hates me
-my best friend scammed me out of the kickstarter
-ariana grande stole my headphones
-FLCL stole my headphones
literally the worst person to have a fanbase
No. 602579
>>602534Their videos are insanely long so digging through them isnt particularly appealing but the long and short of it is
"if you dont do this my way, you're wrong and if you criticize how i do things, you're shallow and entitled and lazy etc etc"
they have technical skill but they act like they're a blessed gifted soul for showing us when most of it is covered by basic fundies studies.
No. 602597
File: 1597200812179.jpg (1.55 MB, 1280x2397, yuumei copy.jpg)

In addition to the points
>>602447 mentioned, Yuumei also
>used to constantly undercut the AA market by buying thousands of prints and then selling them for super cheap>had extremely large setups at cons that would reach into other people's spaces or cover other people's displays>a lot of her setups were much higher than AA limits, but con organizers would let her get away with it because she's a big name. People were estimating her displays to easily be 7'+ from the table up.>has been caught copying and tracing other artists' work, but it got brushed under the rug by her WKs>>602477>>602518>relies on her cultYuumei has always been one to act like a weak
victim who can't stand up for herself. She sends her WKs after anyone she has an issue with- Brookstone, that girl who traced Yuumei's art, etc.
She used her cult as a personal army against the girl who traced her art and had them spam wherever the girl applied to a scholarship for and told them to keep emailing until her scholarship got revoked. Obviously, I agree that the girl doesn't deserve a scholarship for art theft and that she should've lost it once the organization(?) was made aware, but it's one thing to email the organization yourself vs. having thousands of your followers emailing them daily.
Same with Brookstone. She had her WKs repeatedly tweet @ Brookstone and Ariana Grande until Brookstone finally responded, saying that they'd bought the rights to the design.
>cooking for herI googled it and there's a /cgl/ post saying she caught a whole stove on fire while trying to cook something.
That /cgl/ namefag Tim/T1mco went to UCB at the same time as Yuumei and has a massive hateboner for her. You can find Tim's old salt posts in /cgl/ archives.
No. 602598
File: 1597200862625.gif (73.51 KB, 254x344, FPFTHAV.gif)

>inb4 "the top one isn't a copy, just similar!"
The blue lineart was a WIP that Yuumei posted.
No. 602661
>>602645Ehh it's kind of annoying and shows a lack of sympathy but cons aren't a small artist's charity. If an artist can buy 4 tables according to the con's rules, then she's technically not doing anything wrong. It's not like she owes small artists anything. If anything the organizers should be pushed/motivated to limit the amount of tables per artist, but I don't think the artist themselves should be blamed for taking full advantage of the freedom the rules allow them.
Sorry esl lol.
No. 602691
>>602661I think it would just be far more fair to limit it to 1 single 10x10 booth space regardless. I know in recent years most cons limit it to 2 tables but, like
>>602682 and
>>602652 said if you want more than 2 tables it would make far more sense to have them registered as a vendor instead of the smaller AA space. Sure it might not be against policy or anything and no one is entitled to a handout but, it still makes me lowkey roll my eyes. Wasn't there like a big drama a few years back with that one artist Ramy for the same thing? Like he and his gf were buying up tons of booth space and he got backlash for it.
No. 602709
>>602645Sakimi said something like she's trying to hoard as much money as she can now so she can retire in a few years and never have to worry about money again. I know she makes a fuck ton of money a year, but idk if 2-3 more years of what she makes now is enough to keep her comfortable for 50+ years though…
>>602661Big artists can circumvent this by registering tables under their assistants' names, which is what Ramy and Sylvia did to get 12 tables at Otakon '08. They had their assistants apply as artists and submit their art for judging.
Large artists like Yuumei and Sakimi don't belong in AA anyways. Both use huge, unstable displays for the sheer amount of prints that they have and cause major traffic jams at their booths. Both problems would be solved if they just moved to dealer's since dealer's spaces are bigger = there is no need for tall, narrow displays which are unstable, and dealer's walkways are larger, so people could get past their booths more easily.
No. 602730
>>602597Oh, I hadn't seen the Princess Mononoke one.
I would like to add that after so many years she has been unable to finish any of her major comic projects (Fisheye Placebo was started in 2013, Knite back in 2010) despite having assistants for both of them, that she hired because of "medical problems!!" (and to be honest, I'm not so sure they impair her in any way). Her fans like to hype them up, but her writing skills are really that of a 14 year old. The latest chapters of FP look uncanny, and I don't understand why she doesn't put more effort into them considering the amount of time she takes to release one.
No. 602895
File: 1597243665972.jpeg (75.79 KB, 575x295, 021C4F93-65AE-4737-98A5-F7176B…)

Popular artist in the FCG community Shunao got cancelled overnight when a guy came out and said that she manipulated him sexually to get an easy ride to EVO then turned around and cried that he raped her.
She made a "response" which was just a stupidly long exposition on how she was raised so boohoo sheltered and she had just been dumped by her boyfriend at EVO so that's why it was within reason she started groping this guy when they shared a bed and asking "uwu am i cute" then told all everyone he raped her. Basically the most unapologetic and shit apology ever with a million excuses for why she did what she did.
TLDR popular FGC artist Shunao cancelled because she desperately tried to have sex with a friend right after being dumped then cried rape to everyone.
No. 602916
>>602895I’m not surprised. I knew one of Shunao’s closest friends back when I was still part of the fgc and both of them were gigantic pieces of shit who were constantly trying to cancel guys over petty arguments and their simps would back them because CuTe AsIaN gIrLs CaN dO nO wRonG. Her friend was a serial cheater and Shu would defend her constantly.
One of the main reasons why Shunao got so popular with the fgc in the first place is because she’s an Asian girl too lmao. Every male I knew was an absolute simp for her because they thought she could be their dream Asian gf.
No. 602918
File: 1597247497904.jpeg (619.63 KB, 828x1435, D8D75340-6D1D-478A-AB5F-653841…)

>>602895The responses to her tweet. Lol.
No. 602920
>>602740That's right.
She doesn't do that with her regular illustrations though.
No. 602953
File: 1597253061196.png (167.36 KB, 679x381, Screenshot (110).png)

>>602938how the fuck can this bitch call herself a pro and not be able to draw hands lmao. its not that hard if you sit down and learn. like shes been running this channel for a while, you'd think shed actually want to study the fundamentals for once.
No. 602960
File: 1597253316882.png (342.72 KB, 582x516, Screenshot (112).png)

>>602938this looks TERRIBLE holy fucking shit
No. 602962
File: 1597253458195.jpeg (277.79 KB, 1750x2000, 57945B1B-D1AF-4803-929E-0F027A…)

>>602939>”I’m not a girl”>”this is literally me, guys”She’s not even pretty irl. She’s below average.
No. 602967
File: 1597253619191.png (252.1 KB, 500x374, Screenshot (114).png)

>>602938>>602960What the fuck honestly. im BAFFLED at how children think this is good when their art is most likely on the same level. Im genuinely jealous that she gets to profit on this shit. over 1 million subscribers. for this.
No. 602976
File: 1597254443031.png (615.46 KB, 585x653, Screenshot (116).png)

>>602967Shes one of those girls who can't draw shit unless they copy exactly and never actually learn and study what they're drawing and they put it in their uwu portfolios and expect to get hired
No. 602981
File: 1597254718711.png (800.75 KB, 619x627, Screenshot (118).png)

what are these colour choices im crying?? please learn colour theory oh my god
No. 603003
File: 1597255876802.png (527.07 KB, 888x588, Screenshot (120).png)

This is rae's "art teacher". wish she posted more often since its great seeing such terrible artwork. I think she is a middle school art teacher from other threads. sage for not really milky but very cringeworthy.
Rae probably used her to make herself look better, or because no respectable art teacher would touch her with a 10 ft pole. also kek at the "art tip". I wouldnt trust any art tips from someone whose art looks like that.
No. 603059
File: 1597259369154.jpeg (38.73 KB, 287x438, FB5DF99B-9D17-4A37-BC2C-1CFA9F…)

>>602916. I know her irl.
No. 603081
File: 1597261141472.jpg (43.64 KB, 1280x1280, Bad-Boy-Calvin-Pissing-Vinyl-D…)

>>603065>an innocuous element of my artwork steam-rolling into a reprehensible cultural iconnot only that, but the idea of having the work of an indie creator just straight up stolen, modified, and selled, yet people acting like he was a whiny cunt for trying to fight it. Most "meme faces" where done by anons themselves to freely share on 4chan, but pepe is not that. It reminds me a lot of the "Pissing Calvin" incident
No. 603098
File: 1597262342418.png (69.68 KB, 882x403, screenshot.png)

>>603065Disgusting. I don't believe those idiots deserve to be "humanized".
No. 603160
File: 1597266783020.jpeg (591.44 KB, 750x1112, 06BF0933-524A-49C3-98C3-FDFDA6…)

The first one was so cute though… also the caption is confusing, so she thinks her art got worse but likes it more? At least she seems semi self-aware about it.
No. 603235
File: 1597273254998.png (571.89 KB, 780x425, anal del ray.png)

>>602976And when she tries to do something slightly from her imagination, it just fails so badly. She really has no taste or sense of what looks good and why. Like the first try of the Lana oil painting, she decided to add ugly neon shapes onto it, because???
No. 603329
>>602895I found her face, man she is not cute at all
FGC dudes will literally fuck any girl lol
No. 603337
File: 1597292101475.png (221.74 KB, 1190x1158, Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 9.12…)

>>603299I'm surprised that there are people holding her accountable (pic related) at all. The fact that Alan approached Jason first telling him to release a statement about Evo 2014 first shows that Lyn really thought she could manipulate her platform into ruining him because she was embarrassed about her own actions. It's a shame that it looks like she'll be getting away with it anyway and won't get banned from events.
>>603329Her face is literally in this thread lol.
No. 603338
>>603337I replied before scrolling down mbad
But yeah I think after losing zero and other big name fighters, the FGC are trying to give support to those effected.
No. 603358
I just realized that this post is also Shunao lmao
>>>/m/9582>>603338I wonder if part of the fgc really ripping into Lyn is because she's a woman like how people went after that pedo woman from the Smash community hard.
Zero, Mike Z, and the like have plenty of men still supporting them. A lot of people defended Mike Z in particular because Bunny Ayumi was the one who accused him, and people think that she deserved it for being an ethot or brushed it off as him being awkward around a woman.
No. 603364
>>603358Eh I disagree a bit on the woman thing. Cinnpie hasn't had any repercussions from being outed. Sure she's been turned into a meme but she's laid quiet and nothing has happened to her. Bunny Ayumu got shit because she's known to do stupid shit for clout. MikeZ's shit was cringy as hell but he didn't solicit nudes/sex.
On the other hand, Zero's fucking done, he's lost sponsors and banned off his streaming platform.
TBH people are being REALLY nice to shunao. The comments on her post are "uwu please don't be mean listen to both sides of the story, you can grow from this, its ok to make mistakes"
No. 603376
>>603013Thanks for sharing anon, I was just about to lol Once again TD is as tone deaf as ever. I really try to be sympathetic, especially what with this pandemic going on and I was definitely feeling for her until she started bitching about her employment ventures. She was complaining about how she would only be able to make roughly $400 per month doing PART-TIME retail work and bitched how that was supposed less than what she makes as a freelance artist now (Hmm…). But yet in the same breath, she complained that for better paying jobs, she feels like she wouldn't be able to do them because she's not in good physical shape and I'm just… How are you this dense?
She's been out of the work force for a good long while now so obviously she won't be able to get management positions at retail stores and she has no active work experience at that which doesn't help her neither. And for jobs like working at a Warehouse or a Call Center which tend to pay a little more than retail, she says she's not physically able to do. It's like bitch, it's either one or the other. Stop complaining.
I work a part time retail job and I make roughly around $400 a month but I don't complain because I know it's a simple retail job and I like the flexible hours while still being able to make time for art. This is how I know that despite her saying otherwise, she grew up a little spoiled if she can't learn to work with a fixed income, plus like you said, her husband is the one paying for most of their big expenses like rent so what the hell is she banging on about?
And I mean, I get that it sucks being cooped up in your home right now unless you have to work and this is the life she chose. She could've gotten part time work when she had the chance but she stuck with her self-employment and well, this is just a consequence of being self-employed, you won't get out as much. Sorry if this came out more like a blogging but Twisted Disaster just really perplexes me. Like she can say something that's reasonable and then in the same vein, say something so dumb and out of touch in the next.
No. 603390
File: 1597306300324.png (473.68 KB, 1000x1500, 35175F50-2F78-4B4C-AB2A-F59333…)

>>602895>claims rape>draws comic about itOkay sure.jpg
No. 603482
>>603467A pathetic attempt to make themselves look cute and therefore gain more sympathy from others.
That and many of them are delusional as fuck about their appearance. Denial does things to your head, kids.
No. 603516
File: 1597324830210.jpeg (144.82 KB, 640x417, 2B7D478E-482B-49DE-9266-DA37C0…)

>>603390Looked for the source of this drawing on her twitter and this is literally her depiction of the events from EVO 2014 where she cried that he raped her after she was the one trying to fuck him.
This makes it really obvious and cringe how badly she wanted his attention. People should've known her rape cries were fake from this alone. Someone who was raped wouldn't be drawing herself and her rapist like this wow
No. 603543
>>603516>"uwu my lookit my comic with my wapist. I need help allllll the time. Walking is hawrd."Yeah no. Fuck this chick sideways. I'm a rape survivor and it's bullshit like this that makes actual
victims look like jokes. Some spineless, sheltered virgins freak out with their first time but, Jason was smart enough to not go to far and also stop when she said she was uncomfortable but, she started feeling guilty. She needs to be put on blast for this.
No. 603805
File: 1597348549578.jpeg (155.31 KB, 245x532, A7A03694-7C41-4581-85A9-5549B4…)

>>602895>>603059>>602962She might have the soul of a half-devil but her face is at the very least 7/10. Added points for thinness if you’re one of those weirdos who finds Illya hot.
No. 603813
>>603768Her Discord ( has that “react to this and a mod will let you in” deal and her Twitch is on followers only mode.
Sad to say but camping might just be her plan instead of apologizing even though her table helper Betadood made some long ass thread about growing and being accountable for your wrongdoings.
No. 603857
File: 1597353215823.png (81.52 KB, 768x1024, Shun.png)

>>603852I liked my time with her and the 2 conventions I ever went to even though she ruined me and refuses to talk too.
No. 603868
File: 1597354270612.png (127.43 KB, 406x201, shunao.png)

>>603768Too bad she'll definitely get away with it. I saw some tweets calling for her to get banned from big events like Evo, but I doubt anything will happen to her other than losing a few followers.
>>603805>7/10Anon pls, you've been blinded by yellow fever.
No. 603872
File: 1597354491873.png (80.56 KB, 822x314, dudewtf.png)

>>603857is this the same fucking stalker on /vg/???
You always turn the afgg threads to shit with your obsession with her, get some fucking help
No. 603873
File: 1597354598812.jpg (110.46 KB, 879x879, 57257109_10217131691835988_219…)

>>603859Left is from 2016, right is from 2015.
2019 is a godsend of a patch even if it didn't address what she's like on the inside. Also she lost 600 followers and 12 mutuals yesterday.
>>603872I saw her name in the archived thread and felt like talking, the current afgg thread is clean.
No. 603878
>>603875You like who you like.
Even if there's other artists to run away to and live happily there's no changing that I find her art better than their's and her face nice too.
No. 603886
File: 1597355861640.jpeg (550.7 KB, 1125x1922, 41C675FE-2AEE-4063-B65B-881C6D…)

>>603883She called me a safety concern for wanting to fix things between us so you might not be entirely wrong.
No. 603897
File: 1597356846341.jpg (629.59 KB, 1242x1920, OrieShunao.jpg)

>>603891I bumped into her arm at AnimAscen (February) and waited for her to finish setting up her table to talk to her. After buying a poster her friend DM'd me saying to never talk to her because she's "stressed and anxious" then booted me for going to her to say sorry. I've wanted nothing more than to fix things since, truly.
Also these threads weren't even hard to find when it's just Googling Shunao, clicking the past 24 hours, and the thread just happens to be in the 1st batch of results.
File: 1597361394695.jpeg (240.39 KB, 640x606, F6779AAE-B0B0-4CB8-8160-A28CFE…)

>>603897>>603886Holy shit are you the same guy that she tweeted in March was stalking her?
No. 603964
File: 1597362006398.jpg (41.25 KB, 467x365, headout.jpg)

Well this thread is going out with a bang. Shunao's stalker showing up to wk her? Chalk that up on the list of things I wasn't expecting to see.
No. 603969
>>603956this is their account if anyone is curious:'ll notice that every single drawing they make is the same. I'm pretty sure this person as some form strong of autism and attachment issues.
No. 603974
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>>603956The person in this tweet is definitely
>>603897 given their fixation on Orie and their creepy tweets to Shunao.
No. 604008
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And I oop
No. 604034
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>>604008It’s something but a negligible thing. Is there anything big that she has the risk of losing should she lay low?
No. 604082
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>>604052As far as Twitch is concerned, this is the most they can indict her for. I don’t see them going out of their way to read the news and dust her channel.
>>604073Mr FGC waifufag from
>>603873says 600. Whether that means something or not depends on how badly corona fucked her business.
No. 604084
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>>604082Her socialblade says she lost 649 followers. The numbers will probably continue dropping, but just because she's losing followers doesn't mean she'll lose business.
No. 604085
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>>604082I'm honestly surprised she ever got any business at all selling her shitty charms. Her art is rushed and lazy. I remember when Bang Dream got a surge in popularity she made charms of the 14 most popular girls in 2 days and they all look mediocre as hell. All she does is hop on the bandwagon of whatever's popular to make a quick buck. She calls herself the FGC charms dealer and has a separate twitter purely for her store which just shows how all she ever thinks about is money and riding the coattails of other people in the community
No. 604089
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>>604085Just checked her store twitter and this was unironically her idea of a good merch design. I've never seen lazier besides the likes of mushbuh/itemlabel. Even then he might be slightly better than this. It's depressing her simps will buy this idiotic shirt just because she drew an anime girl wearing it.
No. 604091
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>>604089Is this a meme? A lot of artists make this shirt
No. 604092
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>>604085Think of it this way. Whereas most convention artists have nothing but trendhopping, she has guaranteed sales by being the only one who’ll ever have a Noel print, or an Elphelt print, or whoever else is in these AFG games. At least that’s would I would say I she didn’t shirk her niche by drawing herself all the time, and unlike before she exclusively gives herself a hoodie now.
No. 604093
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>>604085I never understood the appeal of her art style; it's so ugly and childish. But I guess it's wrong of us to expect fgc scrotes to have good taste.
No. 604096
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>>604092Why is she so obsessed with drawing herself? It's so creepy. She even put drawings of herself on her portfolio site as if employers would be interested in seeing those.
No. 604117
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The disparity of how she actually looks and her narcissism is both hilarious and sad. I bet 99% of her simps don't realize what she actually looks like. Her selfies are photoshopped to hell and still look bad anyway
No. 604121
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>>604092>Niche is drawing AFG characters.>Banner has none of that.What did she mean by this?
No. 604133
>>604110>she draws fanservice of herself tooShe's been drawing fanservice of herself for a long time and you can tell which characters are self-inserts for her (Ammy, Tifa, etc.).
>>604112She's best friends with Corimon, who's well known for being a serial cheater. Nothing bad will happen to her, considering that Corimon still has simps..
No. 604151
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>>604117I don't know why she needs to come off as an extremely pale uwu anime girl, but i guess she has so many deep rooted insecurities she gotta lie about rape when a man rejects her
No. 604154
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>>604151Shunao is many things wrong in this world but her skin actually does lean towards pale.
No. 604189
>>604188if you read his account of what happened and even her account thereafter, it's pretty evident that he was not into her and she was pressuring him into the sex (they both confirm she was doing flirty shit like resting her head on his shoulders and then when they were sharing a bed he was just trying to sleep and she kept asking him if he was attracted to her and such).
And according to her account if I remember correctly she just started touching him and kissing him. I feel like he was just a nice guy giving her what she wanted since she was apparently upset and looking to rebound right after being dumped (she claims). If anything he was pressured into oral sex by her when he wasn't really into her in the first place.
No. 604383
>>604355I think it's fine to be that age and drawing this style but there's an obvious lack of motivation to get better ESPECIALLY if she's been drawing for a while.
Also her twitter is protected now lul
No. 604391
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>>604383With people like this I think Shunao has to make a deliberate effort to not be praised by them. They’re referring to
>>604089 btw
No. 604399
>>604391What is their obsession with that mediocre hat? She could draw a steaming pile of shit and i'm sure chat would still be saying "sooo goood
heart emojis"
No. 604405
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>>604399It has squares which puts more squares on Naoto’s face. Also they literally praised her for doing left hand doodles in after suggesting that she should do them.
>>604401She ducked streaming on Wednesday when people didn’t give her a freebie when they read her Twitlonger. I wouldn’t count on it.
No. 604409
File: 1597419803940.png (679.15 KB, 1451x717, Screenshot_2020-08-14 Twitch.p…)

what the fuck are these childish chicken scratches, she is one of those artists who doesn't do any kind of base or thumbnails for art they do because they think they are good enough not to?
No. 604438
>>604409Honestly this is so dumb, yes she’s a bitch but this sketch looks totally normal, the strokes are long and seem confident enough, a real chicken scratch looks far worse and you’re just being petty for the sake of petty.
Also like the anon above said but this comes off as a massive dunning kruger syndrome. It’s laughably pretentious to think that
any artist would do thumbnails for a simple portrait.
Also again, I don’t know this bitch but some of the anons really need to get down from their high horse.
No. 604563
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>>604524>nooooo anon she is my perfect anime waifuuu i even got to touch heeerrrrrsarcasm aside, bitch really shooped her head into a goddamn parallelogram
>>604529her hairline looks like it's already receding too kek.
No. 604576
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LMAO Isn’t he gonna be in AnimEVO today?
No. 604612
>>604415imagine throwing around dunning kruger because you have as little art knowledge as this cow. her art is obviously so bad that it would be better for her to properly sketch out the position of things to get the proportions and anatomy to be better.guess the horrible chicken scratching isn't a tell to complete beginners though.
>>604438more chicken scratching beginners. please look at some art process videos from actual professional artist. are you one of those guys who got upset at manga materials for posting about this thing exactly?
No. 604648
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How does Shunao stack up compared to her peers?
No. 604652
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>>604644>step 1: be Asian girl>step 2: constantly remind people that you are a delicate Asian flower>step 3: gather yellow fever simp army>step 4: profit>>604648Peers as in fgc artists? Incredibly poorly. Zonknuckle could've easily taken over as The Fgc Art Girl had she not vanished from the internet overnight.
No. 604662
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>>604648>Forgetting Yokura.>Forgetting Chaesu Kirito Lee’s ability to compress what should have taken years of practice into a handful of months.Anon…
No. 604707
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>>603897>>603956>>603969>>604648For someone who’s bad at art, he unironically conveys himself pretty well.
No. 604773
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Farewell thread, I pray that Shunao will do the right thing but we all know she won’t.
No. 604786
>>604783The sad part is that Shunao bias is strong in Climax of Night since all the UNI artists (minus Chaesu’s private account who dropped her) still like her and CEOtaku’s mascot was made by her.
Physical confrontation is the only justice I see happening since most people (even your siblings) can tower over her.
No. 604796
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>>604791Chaesu blocked me ever since March. In case you didn’t check this Amiya got 9 likes (300 on Reddit) so running has been a non-option too.
>>604794She explicitly did that around February in the 20s. AA was Valentine’s day.
No. 604797
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I know shunao is the hot topic right now but I hate this heartmush bitch. Along with being biologically and presenting 100% as a girl she rees that she is a boy constantly. And she posts a fuck ton of altered selfies from snow cam (infamous camera app that makes anyone look like they got kpop surgery) and had the gaul to just now be like "oh whoopsy i accidentally turned on the filter on snow cam i usually don't use the beauty filters but it was an accidwent!". Yeah right.
No. 604820
>>604685It means talking in fragmented AA slang doesn’t work for you.
>>604806What the fuck does
this mean?