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No. 521051
Because there
are dumb questions.
Previous thread:
>>507386 No. 521089
>>521077I do that occasionally and it's mostly just to remind newfags that they should be sageing a lot of their posts, too.
also unrelated but regardless of how its supposed to be pronounced, I always read it in my head as "sayj" like the herb. I'm not the only one that does this dumb shit right??
No. 521124
>>521087The baby will have a very very high chance of getting birth defects.
The risks of smoking during pregnancy are serious, from premature delivery to increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden infant death. A smoking pregnant woman will inhale about 4000 chemicals, and carbon monoxide that will go in the bloodstream and reduce the oxygen flow to the baby.
Do not smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol while pregnant.
No. 521125
>>521090I've studied moonspeak for ages and my brain still prefers the herb pronunciation.
For ages back on 4chan I also pronounced meme as me-me even fully aware it's meem, but now memes are so popular and everyone talks about them irl I can't get away with pretending it's me-me anymore.
No. 521174
>>521115No. I don't even want to be pregnant. Jesus.
I was just curious bc my ex smoked and said his mom smoking when she was pregnant with him made it harder for him to quit.
No. 521244
>>521164Other anons have already given good advice, but I'll put in my two cents too. You just get over the idea of being young and successful. You don't have to be young to achieve success, which is also an extremely relative thing. Is it being a millionaire? Creating revolutionary technology? Dedicating your life to ending world hunger? Starting a family? Running your own business, no matter how big or small it may be? You probably have your own idea of success, and you're allowed to achieve that ideal without a strict time limit. As long as you achieve it eventually, isn't that all that matters? Someone out there will always give you shit for it, whether it's because you haven't achieved it while you're young, or because they don't think it means you're actually successful. There'll probably also be plenty of people applauding you for achieving success, no matter what age you do it at! Do yourself a favor and learn to stop giving a fuck about what society thinks, because the sooner you do, the better off you'll be.
Whenever I see people so enamored with young people, all I can think about is how men usually love young girls because they are usually dumb and naive and easily controlled. Why doesn't society value women as they age? We're not that much different than aging men. Is it because our bodies become less valuable for sex in the eyes of men? Or are we worth less because we've become wise enough to say no? I personally in the idea of becoming old. I want society to fuck off, so I can do whatever the fuck I want in peace.
Getting your shit together when you're young is good, setting up a foundation for you to succeed in the future is good, but the things you do will always matter no matter how old you are. There are old people out there who have dedicated their whole lives to learning or doing great things, but I don't think you look at them and think "what they've done doesn't matter" just because they're old.
No. 521301
>>521297wow thanks for explaining to me that poop smells bad and that's why we wipe our asses, I totally would have never figured that out if you didn't explain it to me.
but no for real you missed the point of my question completely. I asked from an EVOLUTIONARY standpoint. like monkeys don't have to wipe their asses (or do they? Idk) it just seems like doesn't make sense that our assholes are designed that way when other animals have a more efficient design. same with the fact that we have to wear shoes.
No. 521302
>>521297Evolutionary standpoint, anon
>>521284Good question, I imagine this wasn't as necessary before agriculture because maybe we ingested enough plant matter for the fiber to keep the stool firm and dry and the ass clean without the need for wiping? I'll have to look this up now.
No. 521311
>>521284Toilets and the concept of sitting above a hole to defecate didn't exist. Humans would have defecated in a squatting position where the ass cheeks are more open.
>>521302>I imagine this wasn't as necessary before agriculture because maybe we ingested enough plant matter for the fiber to keep the stool firm and dry and the ass clean without the need for wiping?Wouldn't agriculture cause the opposite effect? Humans as hunter-gatherers would have eaten more meat and less plant material.
No. 521401
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This is objectively a retarded dilemma, but I'll be spending about $90 on this pair so figured I'd ask you guys.
I'm getting initial earrings– picture attached.
My style is not "basic bitch" or preppy at all, so I don't really like the idea of the earrings being my actual initials. Is it dumb to have them be "X O" or "F Y" (for 'fuck you'– that was my sister's contribution lmfao)?
Or if you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears. Thanks.
No. 521409
>>521311The nutritional point of the development of agriculture was having an availability of grains, so - carbohydrates. Fibrous plant matter is low in energy so I imagine the amount consumed stayed about the same/increased only slightly.
But re: diet, it varied a lot depending on location. I saw a really cool chart recently, let me see if I can find it…
No. 521411
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>>521409>>521311Here it is. It doesn't have enough detail on the kinds of plants to be very relevant to this discussion, but it's interesting anyway, because it's so easy to assume there was a semi-universal "hunters gatherers ate X"
No. 521483
>>521399I worked at Whole Foods before the Amazon thing and it was pretty enjoyable
I don't know if it's changed much, and I hope it hasn't, but it was a pretty great experience and there were a lot of cool things to look forwards to as far as perks
This is probably a regional thing, so no guarantees, but my bosses actually listened to me. I complained that we threw away so much food at the end of the day, food from the hot bar and other places that we couldn't keep food from; really I just wanted to take home the food myself, but I thought at the very least they could donate the food to local shelters–they ended up talking to their bosses and they got it done!
I'm sure it will work out great, good luck and congrats!
No. 521532
>>521284the main reasons are
-varied, cosmopolitan diet instead of primitive diet so you can't reliably have ghost shits every time and you very well may get liquid shit even when you're not sick
-limited mobility so can't squat every time or
-thicc ass cheeks which evolved when we decided to walk on two legs and as a consequence shit can get on your ass cheeks
so yeah if we stayed ape mode we probably wouldn't need to wipe much but we gained the ability to abstract on multiple orders and make choices independent of our instincts and this is one of the many consequences of that
No. 521637
>>521536Theres a high chance tinder and instagram/facebook cross reference their users' data. If you read the user agreement, you will see these apps use a "unique identifier" for you that allows them to track what you do, what other apps you use, how often etc. It's highly likely this guy did not research you or anything but your apps just picked on his profile as you matched or whatever and oh, there he is in your other app that communicated with ours !
That's a prime example of why you should really read user data agreements very carefully. People have no goddamn idea what they give away in terms of privacy then these things happen and they're surprised.
And that's not even the worst of what happens with your harvested data.
No. 521695
>>521685Not sure about most other photographers, but here's an article that focuses on Brandon Stanton (the dude who runs HONY) on how he does it's posted somewhere else before, either a video or a text post somewhere about the specifics of what he does but I can't find it right now (chats with them and tries to make them feel a little more comfortable with him before snapping a photo or something). I think you should definitely ask for permission and maybe explain why you want to take their photo (e.g. something of theirs/about them made you catch their eye, what you plan to do with the photo, why you're taking photos in the first place of people).
No. 521733
>>521698I don't know where you live but in the UK that's forbidden.
Not that it would prevent racist Brits to filter in a low key way. I've seen that in France too, ver very racist when it comes to renting.
No. 522196
>>522082Smart men can be arrogant and pretentious, a dumb but sweet and harmless guy is an appealing contrast (I'm thinking Andy from Parks and Rec for an example, or the 'sex idiot' scene from 30 Rock).
Of course, that type doesn't actually exist irl. Dumb men are just as arrogant but with the added inconvenience of severe dunning-kruger effect and shit conversation skills.
No. 522352
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I friendzoned this guy for 4 years. Today I told him about how I didn't want to date him and possibly mess up our friendship. I said I wish I made a move years ago…. he agreed but said he had to move on after a bc few years. Have I fucked any chances of a relationship? He said I was 10/10,tonight but ik he's talking to another girl.
No. 522362
>>522332not that bad, but be careful and have a way out in case he turns out to be
abusive and controlling later on. He is 3 ywars from being 30 and you haven't even been out of high school for that long. If you are an amerifag you are barely an adult lmfao
I'm concerned someone already warned you about him and the age difference, do they know a lot about your guy?
No. 522375
>>522362Yeah, don't worry. I like to think I have a lot of knowledge of what makes a harmful person, I've had a LOT of experience with it – and the few times he's been kind of weird, I've told him so, and he thanked me for letting him know it was overstepping boundaries for me, and stopped. I know this is probably trauma-brain speaking. That being said, I do know that I was homeschooled my entire life, and through the things that have happened to me, it has stunted things. I'm working to get much better.
I'm very concerned too, it makes me really sick, it was an anonymous ask sent to me and they seemed to know a few things. My biggest fear is that it's my younger sister? But it doesn't seem like her, not just to do that but the way it was written, and we're so close that I trust her to talk to me straight.
It might've been an ex-friend.. It makes me really anxious to the point of nausea over who it might be, I already have horrid paranoia of people I trust talking about me secretly.
No. 522567
>>522562I know on Instagram you can see which account viewed a story, but it doesn't show any IP address and the data is only available (at least to the account holder) for 24 hours.
I don't know about Youtube but I imagine their statistics don't go into great detail like which account watched what, just the amount of views and the account demographic (ages of the accounts logged in watching it, whatever info you gave Google for your profile).
Things like IP addresses are only stored on Youtubes and Instagrams server and are not available for anyone to see besides staff.
No. 522577
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>>522571Pic related
>>522572Thats really neat, thanks for showing me this anon. Im a bit tech handicapped and i dont know shit about social media.
No. 522847
>>522767From what I've seen it doesn't work unless you use a steel bone corset and wear it the majority of time. So not one of the ones people wear to the gym. I feel like waist trainers only make you sweat more. I mean, if it worked most people would be doing it.
>>522843I think you'd have to get tested to actually find out.
No. 522870
>>522843- Step 1 isolate
- Step 2 call your country's emergency number or hotline
- Step 3 follow instructions.
Good luck anon.
No. 522934
>>522931Sometimes when you're stupidly obese your periods completely stop, could be talking about that?
Saw amberlynn reid mention that she had her period lately and I couldn't believe she still gets them
No. 522965
>>522931Idiots will associate menstrual abnormalities with weight, but it's actually due to hormones.
Obese women have more estrogen because fat cells produce it, and that causes either heavier bleeding or a cessation of it depending on how their bodies cycle the hormones. It doesn't happen to everyone, and interestingly the problems can persist even after weight loss because the excess fat cells shrink but never disappear once they have formed. Some fat women can have normal cycles and others have irregular ones.
No. 523019
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Can someone who's not brainlet liberal arts dropout like me explain how serious the stock market crash really is??? Is global great depression really coming??
No. 523035
>>523021I don't really have much useful advice but I started bouldering a couple of months ago and I'm going to a meetup later this week (seems like there's a lot of rock climbing/bouldering groups on meetup!) and I'm hoping it goes well because I enjoy it and I hear the community is super friendly (I am currently sad and lonely at my gym and want to make friends desperately lol).
Maybe take those very low investment art classes like where people get together and drink wine and paint drunk paintings? Or pottery, or even knitting! I think I can make new friends and get along with people pretty well in social situations, but that initiating that initial conversation is always the biggest hurdle to me. A language class might even be a good place to meet new people since you're forced to make conversation with the other students! Then you can later join a conversation table in your area if there's one and continue practicing your language skills and meeting new people. Good luck anon!
No. 523162
>>523031fuck off, retard.
>>523014 you should probably wait since the projections are still showing a lowering market for a few weeks.
No. 523213
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does anyone have experience with vinyl peel and stick tile? am seeking to just use it as interim flooring until i have the time and ability to get proper vinyl plank or laminate installed, anyone have experience with it and how well it holds up/looks?
picked up pic related for .50 a sq ft (not my pic), do you guys think this looks acceptable and not too fake?
No. 523247
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why does it feel good to skip out on your responsibilities? like work or school? there's no high like it (pic unrelated)
No. 523248
>>523247Oh yeah, don't forget skipping the gym.
Free time is so much more comfy and enjoyable when you're meant to be doing something else.
No. 523298
>>523250They'll still be on your friend list unless you remove them, and you'll still be on the other person's. They show up as blocked on your list, but they will be able to see you online or whatever unless they remove you.
You won't get any messages from them but you can still send them messages, which is… well, very Steam.
No. 523371
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where is the best place to get japanese lacquerware and those little decorative plates for side dishes?
No. 523395
>>523365it's sounds reasonable, actually. ofc i don't want to be a cow, but we all have to start somewhere. i'll start my operation soon!
>>523376i tried to make my start on Twitter as well, mainly because i use it the most. but it's so much harder to find followers. you can't even find other people's art if they're not famous. and noone uses hashtags!
No. 523520
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The diff between : and ;? Google is no help
No. 523524
>>523520A semicolon is like a period. It’s easy to use. Just swap the period for a semicolon and lower-case the capital letter. So:
A semicolon is like a period; it’s easy to use.
A colon stops a sentence and follows it with a list or explanation.
We’ve invited three guest speakers: Joan Morley, Kevin Bates, and Tim Sweeney.
You have a job to do tomorrow morning: clean the dead leaves out of the gutters.
No. 524021
>>523927Nope, I just have a boring set of multiple in a few colors, and then a few fancier ones I don't know if I want to give away.
>>523930Would never have thought of a hospital, I'll think about that, thanks!
No. 524125
>>524094There’s no like, governing body that makes sure documentaries are actually true or not so cgi isn’t out of the question.
Flowers unfurling and stuff can be really dramatic when sped up though. What sort of scenes do you mean?
No. 524247
>>524243Diff anon. Every guy I date seems to eventually request butt stuff and I don't know why they are always so insanely against the concept of using an enema bulb to clean themselves first.
I'm open minded so I'm like do this tiny thing and you'll get your fantasy fulfilled..
> But I really don't think it's necessary! let's just go for it and if it gets messy we can stop..
No. 524271
>>524266And you know for sure most of them have terrible diets, so they probably don't even evacuate fully.
>>524268Some people just want to believe all men are terrible, and they are lashing out at you because you have someone decent in your life. But looking at all men that way is like thinking all women are vapid IG instathots or e-girls who sell themselves out to as many men as possible. It's illogical.
No. 524443
>>524266It's even worse that there are women who want to fuck men ass…
Porn truly fucked people heads…
No. 524613
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Who else had a mental breakdown this month at night
No. 524636
>>522723don't nap during the day
try staying up for an entire day and then falling asleep at 22:00, wake up at 06:00 and do it again the next day, you'll be tired and shit but it sort itself out quickly
No. 524643
>>524613I just did last night lmao
sending you positive thoughts anon, I hope you get through it.
No. 524749
>>524627They don't actually love them. They just project their fantasies onto them. I know because I had an ex who was like that, who I actually decided to go out with after knowing each other for a few years. It crumbled because I wasn't the cool girl(tm) he thought I was. I had actual standards and wouldn't stand for him treating me poorly. This guy who used to worship me online, telling me I'm the most perfect girl ever, would send me 300 messages a day at some point, but he couldn't bother showering for me daily or being considerate in any way. He would throw tantrums if I dared to bring up any problems.
That's pretty much how it is. They fantasize about these girls being their perfect submissive slave gamer gf who will put up with their laziness, lack of empathy, smelliness, or in some cases, abuse.
No. 524920
>>524900I'll see if I can get a hold of that.
>>524909But the point is to keep the alcohol in my system, so that kind of defeats the purpose.
No. 525199
>>525087Pretty much
I was abused by a man who has a never had a gf in his 60 years on earth.. no person with a brain would choose to fuck him. They like that you can just coerce kids into situations as a kid doesn't know any better
No. 525222
>>525205I fit that body type despite being in my (soon) mid-20s. One of the things I constantly think about when it comes to dating is that the dude is attracted to me cause I look almost a decade younger than my true age.
I don't wanna attract creepy fucks like that…i wish I could just look my age…seriously it's nothing to be happy about.
You won't be taken seriously anyway cause you're a woman but on top of that you look like a freaking teen..nobody ever treats you like an adult in the workplace.
(Sorry for blogposting)
No. 525265
>>525264Yeah both my cats do that, one does it because they're just a chatty lad and the other one is a fat fuck so they're always making grunting fat breathing noises
They're no different than us making weird noises when moving
No. 525844
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Is it safe? It's just my school emails, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
No. 525952
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DAE think to themselves endearingly, for lack of a better word? Like for example, sometimes I think "Dear, just do the thing" when I gotta do something I dislike. It's a nice change from the negative ways I've thought to myself in the past, at least.
No. 525959
>>525952i do this esp after i've been mean to myself. ie "sweetheart i know it sucks and you've having a bad time, but once we're finished with
the shitty thing it'll be all over"
maybe someday we can replace all our negativity toward ourselves with positivity and productive sweetness…
No. 526243
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Who is this girl? I can't tell if I know her face because she's one of those weebs who got famous or if I actually knew her IRL.
No. 526323
>>525780Speaking as a burger who went to a state school, ymmv.
>How different is college from highschool in terms of schooling and assignments?This really depends. I found college easier in some aspects, and difficult in others. I went to a highschool that had a >90% college bound rate for students, so the coursework in my highschool could possibly be considered tougher than the average highschool in my state. I'll probably never know, but I did struggle a lot with different subjects. I was a pretty average student in highschool, but I did pretty stellar in college. It's probably the combination of more time to think and breath (breaks between classes or even if I packed my schedule for the day, I spent no more than like 4 hours of the day in class) and subjects I actually wanted to learn about. How difficult your class is also depends on your professor too. I also found that having office hours to speak with your professors about shit you don't get (or just to befriend them!) and a dedicated tutoring center where you can get 1-on-1 tutoring for no extra cost, definitely helped me too. The material is definitely more challenging and you might be swamped with assignments (or have less assignments but they'll be harder), but it's not impossible to understand and I find that college has so many more resources to help you succeed.
>Do the classrooms look different? Depends. I've had classes with anywhere between 15-30 other students, in a regular sized classroom with a chalk/white/smartboard at the front, and classes in HUGE lecture halls. Depends on the class you take. I imagine any college would have a mix of different classrooms (my school was considered small (roughly 6k students) and we had all different types).
>Can you pick when you go to school (different classtimes)?Yes.
>Is it cheaper to live in a dorm or in an apartment with a bunch of roommates?Probably apartment. Room and board made up the majority of my costs (my tuition was half the cost of room and board lol). A lot of my friends dormed the first year and then moved off campus after finding friends who they wanted to move off with.
Good luck anon! I look back on my college years quite fondly, and I hope that you'll have an equally, if not more, wonderful time! Join some clubs, attend freshman socials if your school holds them, and don't be afraid to talk to people! Everyone is nervous when entering college. There will probably be some mean shits, but they aren't worth your time. During orientation, a speaker told said to us "your GPA will be the average of GPAs of the people you surround yourself with" so hang out with the smartest people you can find. Not saying their smarts will rub off on you, but you can probably look to them for help if you need, and I found that surrounding myself with hardworking people who knew when to say "hey, can't attend [XYZ social event] because I have to study/write this paper/something related to academia" helped to normalize/instill good study habits and they would indirectly push me to work harder.
Also, befriend your professors. Seriously. It might come in handy one day if you've fucked up and need an extension on one of their papers, or when you need a recommendation for something, but also it's just nice to get to know them! I still email one of my favorite professors/major advisers to this day! He gives good life advice. During my last year of college, he really helped me with my undergrad thesis too! Even though he wasn't the one teaching the seminar/knew literally nothing about the subject.
No. 526544
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probably gonna try shrooms for the first time tonight
what should i expect gals
No. 526643
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I'm from Puerto Rico,I'm going to be in Nevada tommorow,can I bring Nutella with me?do you think the airport security guards would consficate it?
No. 527602
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Is Dissociative Identity Disorder real?
I am very ignorant about the topic and I apologize if it's a genuine condition people struggle with but everything in this video seems like a ploy for attention to me.
No. 527609
>>527602I'm surprised at the sheer amount of support this vid brought out.. so many people in the comments "I don't have DID myself but I've been supportive of the system for years and they are just the bravest"
Referring to people as systems..
No. 527612
>>527602not really. it's generally regarded as a coping mechanism . 90% of cases are child abuse
victims and usually use "alters" in order to deal with stressful situations.
No. 527614
>>527610What's worrying is the book Sybil made DID popular decades ago and lots of people read the book and suddenly had it too. Years later 'Sybil' was found to be a bit of a hoax/dodgy story and the cases of DID stopped being reported as the book sales slowed down.
Now I'm wondering if these youtubers will start a new resurgence in cases. It's usually bpd that is the underlying disorder
No. 527680
>>527641This happened to me when I got flu over the winter. I was coughing and hacking so hard that I weakened my bladder muscles. Whenever I coughed I would pee even if I just emptied. Had to walk around at home with a towel against my crotch and under me whenever I laid down.
It's definitely a thing but eventually with time you should regain control again. Mine improved. Not sure if it's the same kind of stress incontinence as a UTI though.
No. 527758
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Lately, I've been seeing things with a 3D filter or something. Is there a name for this?
No. 527773
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Just broke off long relationship and never had an apartment by myself before, any mistakes I should watch out for or things to keep in mind?
I live in a safe city with decent pay to stay out of shit areas.
No. 527785
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god there's a sliver in my finger and I can't see it but every now and again I feel it and it's a horrible sharp pain wtf am I supposed to do??
No. 527911
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Why tf is mickey mouse's face shaved i don't get it?? is it bc disney didnt want a black mouse so they gave it a white skin?
No. 527936
>>527911It's a drawing by a dead guy animals don't have a race anyway
Can I have some of what you're smoking please
No. 527948
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>>527911maybe its for the better
No. 528039
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>>527911disney was obviously a racist but it's clearly his hair pattern…
No. 528157
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>>528021>ugly forest dogsY-you take that back anon!
;_; No. 528276
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>>528244oh my god, you're right. i forgot his face is beige now. kind of horrifying. he's kind of a shit mascot too btw. i've never thought he was likable or lovable or cute. no one likes him.
No. 528307
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Do I just have small feet or is big foot chan wrong?
No. 528315
>>528285I brought it up to the receptionist telling me about the result and medication over the phone. They're not medically trained, so she just asked if I wanted them to put the order for the med or not so I said to just do it. If it's a ridiculous price at the pharmacy I'll just not get it.
I have a follow up in a month. I'll make sure to fast that visit and maybe the medication could be useful in the meantime while I make some adjustments. I doubt it'll show prediabetes the second time if my theory is correct.
It's a sliding pay scale clinic because I'm uninsured, so I honestly wonder if shenanigans like these aren't just a way to push more appointments and meds to get money outta people.
No. 528370
>>528352Just be an entertaining date. Flirty, funny, and have topics to discuss. Preferably if you can hone in on their hobbies, find some way to talk about them positively to endear them to you.
Talk about your likes and interests (aka introduce what you want them to buy for you). Vet the scrote to gauge what his buying power actually is, obviously a pizza man isn't about to buy you nice things on his wage. Go out on dates to places like malls or shops where men'll be pressured to pay and it'll be less on the nose when you coincidentally find something you like there.
Red flags that you will get nada from a scrote:
>he won't even pay for your meal >he's too sexual and keeps trying to get you to come back to his place or send nudes >he openly bitches to you about past hurt from ebil womminz >you're putting in all the effort >gamer who follows instathots (sis he pays for egirls he won't have any leftover to spend on you) >>528359It's super fucking hard to do that these days anon, men expect to operate transactionally online. Unless you stumble onto a goldmine of insecure beta cucks, most men will expect something in return.
Pictures, excessive levels of your time, etc.
You're better off working a job than the countless hours and aggravation of working up some neckbeard who's only gonna buy you a $20 trinket every few months.
No. 528431
>>528430Any as long as it's in English preferably.
>>528426Thanks anon, unironically gonna start watching it now. I'm bored out of my mind so thanks for the recommendation.
No. 528628
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I want to buy a swiss army knife and I can't decide between the Deluxe Tinker or the Fieldmaster, there's no lightweight combination where I get a woodsaw AND the pliers which double as wire clippers/bender (SwissChamp model is way too chonky boi). Craft anons plz help me decide?
I'd definitely use the pliers at some point and I have wire to cut, the woodsaw is admittedly a 'nice to have' I just can't shake lol. Could throw money on the Handyman which is 155g vs the 185g Champ but cash still can't magically bend physics to make a bunch of steel weigh nothing.
No. 528673
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Is there a name for curtain bangs but that go from being short at the top to being longer the lower you go? Or are those just layers?
I just can't find what it's called
No. 528860
>>528817Honestly, yes, to an extent.
Disassociating during a traumatic event is common and I think it can really fuck with a person’s ability to relate to themselves, their surroundings, reality etc, especially if they’re very young and abuse is severe, chronic, or inescapable.
It’s almost like they think their own thoughts aren’t really their own and come up with shit to cope with that? Whatever it is, I don’t think it’s entirely conscious.
And then there are weirdos who fake it.
No. 528889
>>528860 > Disassociating during a traumatic event is commonYeah having a sad 'inner child' is common based on this kind of experience. Trauma in the first few years of life is capable of creating that child inside but even the child isn't a seperate personality, Just feelings that couldn't be processed. That's why we have age regressors
For people with multiple adult personalities I'm sceptical. The most famous case ever reported of this turned out to be a complete elaborate fabrication and people believed it for decades. Without that case I don't believe these new youtubers would even exist with their stories now.
No. 529016
>>528817Yes, just not the way the media, pop culture and Tumblr LARPers have spun it. IMO, it just makes sense for the brain to sometimes malfunction to the point where different personas can take form, based on the person's need for protection. It just seems like a reasonable (albeit
problematic) defense mechanism to intense trauma or stress, to me.
IMO, the main problems with the recognition of DID are the distorted, almost fantastical way it's been presented to the public, and the fact that people who don't have it can easily claim to just for attention, to reap certain benefits, or to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.
You can probably tell someone's a faker if they're advocating for all their personas to be respected strictly as individuals with their own autonomy, with no responsibility placed on the "primary" persona. That kind of person has obviously never had to deal with things like waking up to their bank account emptied for no reason at all, finding themselves lost in places they don't remember going to, etc. I think people who have the disorder should have carers in their life to watch over them and ensure they don't make destructive decisions when they go into different mind-states. Even if the person is mostly self-regulating, it just seems too dangerous of a condition to leave to chance.
Adding to that, a lot of people seem to mislabel all sorts of dissociative disorders (or their symptoms) strictly as DID, and I feel like that mythologizes things too much. There's definitely a lot of crossover, but DID isn't exactly an umbrella term.
Just to give a break from the usual internet profile of this kind of disorder, here's an interesting document showing case studies of dissociative disorders in black South Africans, all adults ranging from their late 20s to their mid-50s (so you know it's not just young adults who watched a movie or read a book and are trying to be cool): No. 529599
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How much info can a site collect on you? I like browsing obscure image boards, but they aren't that safe and sometimes mods doxx users. So my main questions are
>How much info can a site collect?
>Can a VPN protect you?
>Any other addons you recommend?
No. 529703
>>529599I'm a bit outdated on opsec, so take my answers with a grain of salt but do keep them in consideration…
>How much info can a site collect? IP is obvious, browser info (like what type of browser you're using, what version)
>Can a VPN protect you? It can, to an extent. Were you around for the Kiki debacle? She shitposted on here with a VPN but the mods were able to gather which posts were hers via cookies and browser identification. They detail how they did it on the kikipage (sorry, don't have the link to it). If you can find it it'd be a good resource to learn from.
>Any other addons you recommend? Ublock Origin, UMatrix, and WebRTC disabler (Maybe just called WebRTC).
Also, here's a good resource for configuring your browser for max privacy. Just be careful about what you change because it can break some sites and make them impossible to navigate. No. 529706
>>529703Found the Kiki page - scroll to the evidence section
No. 529711
>>529599The safest option of all is to only ever lurk. The second safest is a VPN and a virtual machine, IMO. Browser add-ons are good, too. The third option alone is fine for anyone who can't be bothered with the second option.
Examples: NoScript + Decentraleyes + HTTPs Everywhere + uBlock + any add-on that automatically deletes cookies + ClearURLs + uMatrix + any canvas blocker
I know you said obscure imageboards, but in case you didn't know before, 4chan is pretty much known for trackers ever since Hiro took control. It's old news, but remember that any site can implement this sort of thing. won't see any of this shit if you don't have add-ons that show them to you. 4chan's /g/ has a lot of pointers about security and add-ons, so I'd suggest doing some searching about this topic an archive site, or just lurking and reading the security threads.
No. 529826
>>529714Try sprinkling some food grade diatomaceous earth around the room. It's pretty expensive but it works. Would also recommend vacuuming the mattress, bed frame, and whatever is by the bed.
>>529801Just wanted to add that you shouldn't use hot water and bleach together. Hot water make bleach ineffective.
No. 530450
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>>530365PureGel works nice, but it may be hard to find outside of salons. You need the base/top coat as well. It's pretty easy to remove using acetone cotton/foil wrap.
Also make sure you get a nice buffer (like the blocky foam purple ones) to lightly buff your nails before applying the base coat or it won't adhere properly.
Even applied correctly, frequent gel polish can be rough on nails (especially if they are naturally thin) because of the buffing/removal process, and there's also the UV light from the lamp on your hands to consider. I still do it about once a month because it's a lot easier and faster than regular nail polish. I'm also not a professional, I just like nail shit.
No. 530799
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Is it true that mouthwash does more harm than good? Why do people buy them then?
No. 530819
>>530799it kills your tastebuds and gives you a risk of mouth cancer.
essentially it kills all the bacteria in your mouth, even the good ones, which is not good to do often.
if you brushed too hard and have a bleeding gum and are worried it might get infected, you can use it this one time, but then again hydrogen peroxyde is better for you and the taste is more neutral.
people who have receding gums gargle hydrogen peroxyde also bc it slows down the bacteria eating them down. peroxyde wears down your enamel but when your gums recede you're already old enough so that using it everydays buys time for your gums and only slightly weakens your enamel but not as bad as if you were 20 and subjected your enamel to 60 more years of peroxyde.
if you're worried about bad breath, just thoroughly brush your tongue when you're done with the teeth.
No. 530892
>>530858Check if you can screw your good wand onto old container
I did that with one of my old mascaras
No. 531222
>NowAre you American?
No. 531239
>>531222You mean to tell us schools are teaching young girls how to give epic prostate massages?
No. 531259
>>531073Lmao. Without having watched the video the thumbnail is hilarious.
Just what I wanna do! Further give one-sided sexual service to a man so emasculated that he wants a hand in his ass.
No. 531274
>>531222>>531226So you're saying people are teaching kids how to finger men's assholes in school lol?
I'm not American or a radfem or whatever but that sounds ridiculous
No. 531302
>>531285Not to be weird but can you guys show some actual sex ed programs that mention this? It just sounds unbelievable. The sex ed I had in school was more just teaching us about basic reproductive sex, the body itself, STDs, and different contraceptives
I don't really understand how prostate fingering would be considered basic either…What counts as intermediate and advanced, then? Footjobs? Lol
No. 531544
>>531522currency economics is kind of confusing as it includes things like population, employment rate, production rate and things of that nature. mainly it relies less on the country's physical money, and more on their power and resources. simply put, a country having more money doesn't mean the money has more
value. even within that country, making more money will cause the value of that currency to decrease. for example say the price of a gallon of milk is $2. it's not $2 because it is worth $2, but rather, $2 is only worth that much. this can even vary from city to city.
this happens organically as well, think how in the US even just 20-30 years ago $1 bought as much as $5 or so now. and with things like currency conversion, the conversion rates have to do with the country's economic standing and how much demand there is for it's goods.
i hope i could at least explain a little but, but ask me to clarify if you need.
No. 531563
>>531545that's the same idea as guaranteed minimum income, only much more extreme. if a country had the capacity to reach something of that level it would be easier to just get rid of money all together and just let goods and services be free. as nice as that sounds though, it would probably cause problems in a lot of industries since capitalism and money provide incentive to work specific jobs. despite this being an obvious ideal i personally don't believe humans are altruistic enough to do things without a tangible form of gratification. like, even if every good and service is produced and performed by robots, would enough people volunteer to build and maintenance them for free when the bulk of the population doesn't have to? logically, there should be but i'm skeptical.
to answer
>>531542 money is definitely a man made system entirely. most currency systems evolved from direct bartering, and the idea of money was to create a kind of universal middleman to streamline trade. instead of trading goods directly, the use of currency means that your goods have a measurable value which you can use to buy other items. the more societies advance the more important it is to have a measure of value for goods and services, especially on a global scale.
No. 531566
>>531563hmmm that's interesting thankyou. When you say the capacity to achieve it what do you mean, as in what would it entail? Bc I mean like literally just printing the physical money, giving it to people and then having a law against price gauging.
Also just out of curiosity about your opinion, do you think any industry other than capitalism is possible in a way that would be preferable/successful? I feel like I and a lot of others would volunteer to do things if it meant we could live in a society without money, because I would view that in itself as a tangible benefit
No. 532038
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Just saw Joker recently online, so where did the "incel" controversy even come from?
I apologize if this has already been asked, but: given the controversy about how it would supposedly "incite incel violence" I was expecting something very different with much more specific allusions to real-world "incels" - in the end, it seemed like Phoenix's Joker is a pissed-off white guy, sure, but the similarities end there. His grievances are pretty broad and held by all sorts of different people these days, far from just incel types, and there's not much in the way of sexual frustration implied.
This being the case, does anyone here think the controversy might have been overblown? I also wonder if certain reviewers have let their politics get too much in the way of their criticism and pre-judged the movie based on what they assumed the politics would be. cause I didn’t see anything related to the incel narrative at all
this was my first exposure to the Joker Incel stuff No. 532241
>>532059>are there legitimately women who never grow any facial hair?Yep, me (besides brows and lashes). I'm actually rather hairy elsewhere and have dark hair, yet nothing in my face. Meanwhile my little sister is a blonde but has a slight dark shadow over her upper lip. I guess it's just bad luck.
I heard waxing is better than shaving in such cases.
No. 532253
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Can I put 96% ethanol in a plastic bottle or will it eat away the plastic?
Also, how do I dilute it so I can use it as hand sanitizer?
No. 532292
>>521051Think i might have ocd or something, its not getting in the way of my life, ive just developed weird habits. Like i have to do things in increments of 3 and 5, i have to check my door at least 20 times before i go out (its been steadily increasing from 3 times) its literally been at the point where ive walked home to check another 20 times. If i don't check things i get this feeling in my head as if it were little insects crawling/ static and it won't go away until i go and do that behaviour.
Im not really in a position where i can go to a therapist, and i do have anxiety so idk if its just part of that?
It just feels really weird and its essentially harmless, i just don't want it to get worse
No. 532362
>>532352A lot of them hate other gay men too.
Most gay men I've been friends with have been fine and very supportive of women.
Two bi guys I've known have been utter fucking cunts though (one of which I've dated) like talking down to women who aren't model skinny or if they get something slightly wrong, making them feel an absolute fool.
I don't think that's anything to do with their sexuality, only their massive insecurity and jealousy over the women they mocked
No. 532396
>>532352No. All the extremely misogynistic gay men I've ever met were white nationalists who also had a history of casual racism and sexism. Misogynistic gay men aren't like incels and have no desire to fuck women so they hate them in a unique way. All my gay friends have hyper awareness about how trash and manipulative men are btw, that's just my experience though.
>>532357As much "competition" as lesbians have with men. Every gay or lesbian dreads the relationship with a straight or bicurious person who uses them for a fling.
No. 532736
>>532735Have you been on the pill or anything? That could even it out temporarily.
Have you also been tested for pcos?
No. 532738
>>532736No I've never been on birth control, they suggested it but I felt like it would just mask the symptoms and not help any underlying problem. I got my hormones tested in 2014 and 2016 and they were normal but should probably get them done again, if they were normal would that mean I couldn't have PCOS? I'm just worried I'm infertile or something and won't find out until it's too late and I could have done something earlier on
>>532737This is really reassuring actually thankyou
No. 532761
>>532735It doesn't have to mean anything but it doesn't harm to get some tests done, especially since you're worried about fertility and all.
PCOS symptoms differ from women to women. Sometimes the hormones are off, sometimes it's only cysts, irregular period etc. and sometimes it's all of it together.
But having pcos doesn't necessarily mean you can't have kids; it'll "just" be harder to conceive.
No. 532784
>>532779Honestly, I hate them all.
If I had to choose, Elkhaze or Aiteall, but all of the Norse stuff is cheesy and overdone.
No. 532960
>>532949i think the general concept of fame is inevitable. in even small groups, there's always going to be someone who has a certain magnetism, who is popular for either positive or negative reasons, and who people are interested in. it happens naturally all the time: kids in high school who were inexplicably popular but there was no particular reason why, internet famous people who didn't really try but who amass thousands of followers, local legends who were household names be fore even film, personalities in history who people keep attracting people's interest long after their time, etc. but "celebrity" is usually an attempt to artificially create that phenomenon for people who don't actually have an "it" factor. a lot of celebrities aren't the type of people who would ever get famous or popular organically, so they have to force it with media manipulation and money. that particular version of fame is man made and has only been around for a short time, and it might not last much longer imo. just look at this site, a lot of people find random people more entertaining than curated celebrities if they push the right buttons, and a lot of celebs are desperately trying to follow memes and internet trends as an attempt to have natural fame. i think it's possible that eventually people will get bored with that kind of celebrity for good. especially because celebs used to be able to trick normies into thinking that celebs had some kind of unattainable beauty, but now that we have endless makeup products and tutorials, cheaper plastic surgery, and facetune, we all know that if we wanted to turn ourselves into some kind of celeb looking thing we could, so it's not special. the mystery is gone. models still might have exceptional genes, but most models are not in fact celebrities. "beautiful" celebrities are the same ugly-average inhabitants of your hometown but with an extremely curated image. now that we plebs can also curate that kind of image if we want to, what's the point of even looking at celebs?
No. 532963
>>532952Find a writing discord server that doesn't allow minors (since those that accept kids tend not to actually write/read). You'll be able to get critique on individual chapters/scenes/however you break up your writing, and if you make friends there they'd probably be willing to read larger pieces (and some members might be pro editors, though that's rare). If you're writing an entire novel/screenplay it might be hard to find someone willing to read and review all of it for free, though, unless they have work you can review in return.
Also, if you're willing to interact with people who like shit text games, Choice of Games' forums has an ad section where people advertise their services/can recruit others. Most people on there aren't very skilled but a bunch will be willing to do it for free.
If you're willing to spend money on it you can also check out fiverr.
No. 532967
>>532963Discord is a great idea. I kinda hate how much comunication is on discord these days because it's hard to just casually follow something along.
I also joined some FB groups because I am desperate..
No. 533002
>>532970set goals for yourself that are possible but that you find genuinely respectable and important, and take steps to achieve them. it's ok if it would take years to complete them, your self esteem can still improve from just embarking on them. also, decide BEFOREHAND how much effort you think is reasonable for achieving these goals. how many days a week? how many hours a day? if you don't decide ahead of time you might compare yourself to people who work more or less than you.
basically the trick is to shut up the part of yourself that says "that's not good enough" by giving it no more material to work with. if you decide to dedicate yourself to something you really respect, you can't logically think that you're a loser or insignificant. if you decide how much time and effort is healthy to put into your goal, you can't logically say that you should be doing more or you should be further along by now.
when i've compared myself to others in the past the most it was because i had no real plan and a very vague idea of what "enough" effort is.
No. 533085
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>>533082Subconsciously, we probably associate "perfect" veneers with adults, and "imperfect" gaps/crowding with younger people because that's usually how it is. Younger people usually can't afford veneers and actors often get them later in their career because why not. I don't know anyone under 40 with veneers.
No. 533104
>>533082Some people's veneers are far too big and it makes them look gaunt and like crack whores. Miley cyrus when she was rocking that wet hair look recently has been looking really ratchet. Her veneers seemed far too big but they don't look as off lately.
There's a look about veneers that just look like false teeth old people have.
No. 533123
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Do strawberries actually taste sweet like people say? I live in a tropical climate so strawberries always have a sour taste to them and that's probably the only taste that they have. I really want to try some ''sweet'' strawberries though, that would be awesome.
No. 533151
>>533148Mine will only eat live. No matter how hot i get them or swirly them around (sorry to vegans or whatever) he will not eat. He will try to eat my hand instead 100% of the time
I know this wasn't your intent but can you buy them live online? Even if I get buy for a few weeks that might be enough.
No. 533346
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is there a woman out there who doesnt enjoy a tiny sweater?
No. 533356
>>533252It's so unsexy, cunt or fanny is worse
>>533346Those are wonderful
No. 533368
>>533252I like it. I also don't know what else I'd say. I call it vagina/vulva/vag but in a sexual context I think pussy works
>>533356I always thought if I was getting it on with a guy and he called it a fanny or a minge or something similar I would have to get up and leave. instant turn off. fanny and minge remind me of the gross shit teenage boys would say at school
No. 533403
>>533390oh. I didn't realise. But what kind of enjoyment would you get out of them? What would you do them? Or is it just about the picture?
Lmfao I'm completely lost sorry, I've never seen tiny sweaters before.
No. 533545
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>>533538>>533541Thank you.
I will send him this meme.
No. 533568
>>533547He’s talking to me. Amazing. Truly incredible. Only now I don’t know what to talk about.
Rest In Peace, me.
No. 533676
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Any tips on how to train yourself to sleep on your back? My skin is a lot worse on the side I sleep on.
I tried to put pillows under my legs, back and on my stomach but I just feel like I need to stretch constantly and like I maybe can't breath. It's just uncomfortable but it would benefit me for a lot of reasons.
No. 533715
>>533676sleeping on your sides is better for your back though.
how often are you refreshing your pillowcase?
No. 533756
>>533692I'll give it a try, thanks!
>>533715What do you mean by refreshing?
I change the pillow case every 2-3 days, the pillow itself can't be washed since it's foam or whatever and it's specified not to wash it, just the outer case thing it came in.
No. 533850
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how does dita get her hair to stay this shape?
No. 533941
>>533933Where did you find him and how do I disclose the fact that I’m a useless neet without a) crying, b) being extremely ashamed of it, and c) scaring someone away?
I never know what to say to the “so what do you do?” question. “I live off of government money” is a scary thing to say to someone.
No. 533944
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How soon is too soon to move in with someone?
No. 533950
>>533941I found him online actually. Got really lucky because it turned out we lived in the same city. I think in the end if they are a good person and you show them your honest feelings they'll understand. If you scare them away that's on them… I have a friend who has severe social anxiety and I help her by going out with her whenever she needs me. In the beginning she was on the verge of tears when we went out but she has slowly gotten better. I know a lot of people would find that a burden but I don't. You just have to find that person who doesn't find you a burden and rather wants to be with you because they like you as a person. I know plenty of people would find me a burden, but my bf and friends don't and that's what matters. And the most important part is not taking it personally if they don't want to be around you. There are always people that will want to be with you and support you, the hard part is finding them.
At least with the internet now it's a little bit easier. Just be careful because I'm not going to lie, there are men who will want to manipulate you. Be sure to vet very carefully. And don't just accept shit or abuse because I can tell you have an inferiority complex. Just because you have your problems doesn't mean you don't deserve genuine love and acceptance from others. If you become financially dependent on someone your life is in their hands. Make sure you have money stashed away in case you need to get out if things get serious. My bf realized that I might feel uncomfortable and that's why he let me keep my own account and money while letting me access his if I need it.
No. 534008
>>533954I'm so confident I want to do this with him. I'm totally in love, we are graduating this year and I've already got my first industry job in another city. We both need an appartment this summer anyways so this seems like the next logical step.
People tell me it's a big step, and I don't want to downplay that, but falling asleep with him every night and having him cook for me seems like a dream. I think we can make this work, but a few of my friends say we're going to fast. By the time we'd ideally move in, we'd be together for almost 11 months anyways.
No. 534020
>>534008Everyone got their own pace and more or less when both partners feel like their ready then they are.
I was with someone for 3 years and never really felt comfortable moving in with them.
No. 534047
>>534008Just realise that it's not all gonna be lovey dovey and "he's gonna cook me dinner". You both are probably gonna be confronted with habits of each other that you don't neccersarily like that weren't aparant before. Chores and taking care of the home/room need to be done.
Make sure your bf and yourself know how to communicate with each other well when problems arise. You need to be with someone who's still gonna be good for you once you're no longer with your head in the clouds and reality starts fading back in.
No. 534208
>>521051I'm making a bread now.
I made it in a bowl and wrap it with plastic wrapper. Do I need to make holes in it? I want to dough to rise, it has yeast in it.
No. 534254
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How long can you keep your eyes open? I can do 1min 2 seconds comfortably.
No. 534286
>>534281Just say you had one serious bf and the details aren't their business.
A man probing you about your sexual history or if you're a virgin is never well intentioned, it's to size himself up and to see what he's gotta say to manipulate you.
No. 534419
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>>534047>>534025>>534021>>534020Thanks for the advice. I’m glad I have this website for some girl talk. I was just taken aback when they said I was moving too fast because it felt right and very realistic emotionally/physically/monetarily etc.
The habits is a good point.I think as long as I find a way to calmly and maturely talk or bring up whatever habit may bother me to him this could work, and in turn ensure that my actions don’t hinder my shared space.
No. 534427
>>534281Men are assholes. This male friend kept questioning me if I ever had a bf and I told him no and said I was a virgin as a JOKE (it's true tho)
So we went to a party with my other female friends and guess what he tries telling them about it in a mocking tone, idc if he drank too much
Also… he became weirdly interested in that fact even tho he has a gf some disgusting thing about innocence it seems ew
No. 534810
>>534796I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but try writing succinctly. Avoid run-on sentences, and longer sentences in general. Good grammar, and don't be overly gracious. Try rereading and editing posts. Sort of like you're writing an essay to turn in.
If what you want is a masculine writing style, consider looking into articles on differences between how men and women respond, or compare the responses in male vs. female majority spaces online.
No. 534854
>>534791If you can't move the bumps around at all that sounds normal to me. Most people's skulls are bumpy in places, I notice some bumps too when I feel around on the back of my head. I think it's only something to worry about if it's a softer bump.
>>534848Same anon. I tried shaving it once like 5 years ago and it was incredibly uncomfortable and not worth it.
No. 534885
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anons I've been talking to a guy for a bit and I think I'm about to have my first bf, is it a bad idea to learn how to suck dick from porn? A lot of the things the men do (wow…you licked her pussy two times and she came….teach me your ways sensei) are clearly just bullshit for show, but what about the dick sucking…do them bitches actually know wtf they're doing or nah
No. 534908
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What is farmers' favorite way to elevate that cup ramen?
No. 534911
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I remember some old, old drama about this IG (I think?) famous girl (pic related, or someone with hair VERY MUCH like this, I can't recall for sure) who claimed the hair was all natural and it came out it was extensions or wig or whatever.
Did this actually happen/does anyone else remember this? Or am I mandelaing lol?
Alternatively, does anyone know who the girl pictured is, so I can try to look up the old drama? I've found a few of her photos on pinterest and despite giving the good ol' image search college try, can't find her.
No. 534916
>>534911Never had IG or know of this drama but my googlefu turns up Imogen Fox? She has or had a business that sold hair extensions.
I mean I don't doubt the picture you posted is a combo of her real hair and extensions, but it's obvious she pushed all the hair in the back towards the front and teased the fuck out of it for max volume in that specific picture.
She can't do it irl as evidenced by the video, and even at the start she admits to extensions and yet the final result isn't like the pic you posted at all. If she was trying to sell her extensions based off her shooped photos then I can see why people would have called that dishonest presentation.
I think she has nice hair but she's oversold it in pictures. From a glance I notice she often uses strategic angles and cropping to hide the weird shit she's doing to her parts and hairlines to get those shots.
No. 534921
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>>534916I appreciate the help anon and I apologize for my blindness (or just my own shitty googlefu), but I can't find anything that attributes these pictures to Imogen Fox. Can you link me to something if you have it in history/open still? (Apologies again if the pictures are like, linked in the youtube description or something ridiculous that I missed lmao)
I might still be misremembering but I think the girl the drama was involved with also may have said (or lied) about being "race-mixed" and that was part of the scandal. Like she was coveted as making natural curls popular as some sjw-race-justice thing and then got slammed when it all came out false sort of deal
(I seriously might just be misremembering all this, but it's one of those things where you're so sure in your memory and it just keeps eating at you for not knowing)
No. 534951
>>534931I am so confused lmfao.
You really add something to cup ramen? Is it like a soup or a pasta with sauce (we have both here but it's not called cup ramen)?
How do you put in an egg - do you fry it earlier for that purpose or what?
I've never heard of anyone bothering to add something to instant soups/pasta here…
No. 534958
>>534951NTA but your post is confusing, don't you know what cup ramen is? It's plain/just barely flavoured, you can add tonnes of stuff to it unlike soup and pasta, the same way you can get different types of real ramen.
Personally I just straight up crack an egg into it after draining the water out, then put it back in the microwave for a bit.
No. 534990
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>>534958I assumed it's pic related, so it comes with sauce/spices, is it different in the USA? Here we eat the noodles after adding hot water, no eggs or extra spices needed beyond what's added. It's meant to eat in a hurry, when you didn't bring lunch to work. Some people
prepare noodle salads, but they are considered weirdos/fatasses.
No. 535001
>>534991nta but it kinda depends, doesn't it? some like shin ramyun (pictured above) are flavorful enough to be eaten as is, but garbage like maruchan /has/ to be elevated or it's a miserable time.
some japanese ones almost have too much flavor because of the miso paste, and sometimes include more than just dried veggie flakes.
No. 535270
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>>535136idk what kind of art you're interested in, but anyone can learn to draw realistic objects. This author's philosophy is that drawing is just seeing/learning to shed the preconceived 'image' in your head.
No. 535293
>>535273Why do you hate yourself so much, anon. They will never be able to properly care about your interests or hobbies unless they also happen to be
their interests, won't be able to empathise with you (again, unless they have experienced it 1sthand) plus all the generalised spergery. Like average male is bad, autist males are like your average male: reloaded plus a dash of toddler approach to life. Mby if it's a girl it could work but I haven't encountered any female autists irl so cannot say.
No. 535306
>>535295Ohhh, nvm then hehe. Thought she meant aspies. In either case, fucking don't, anon, unless you really do like suffering.
>>535303I struggle with this also and the only 2 things that have helped me is being really exhausted (not viable if you want to maintain normal circadian rhythm) and melatonin (much more viable). Either way, hope you find a solution!
No. 535359
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Ok I guess this qualifies as a dumb question, but does anyone know more about that author of the True Beauty webtoon? Based off what she posts on instagram/her instagram stories, she looks fucking rich. She has a nice car and some luxury items (maybe knockoffs, idk). Her place also looks really nice and expensive, and she travels a fair amount. I'm just skeptical she could profit that much from the comic, so I wonder if she has another job, a rich boyfriend, is just putting on a show, etc. Lol I'm also annoyed by people who are like omg, she looks just like the main character! Yes. She's attractive but clearly face tunes or uses heavy filters. Anyway, anyone know more about her? I'm curious but don't speak Korean so I have no idea.
No. 535446
>>535359She's probably just your typical rich asian, aka family money.
Also she got a kdrama deal on her comic, that probably gives her enough money to support herself while daddy and mommy paid for the car and apartment.
No. 535880
>>535837I hope that you get some good responses of people who have had 30s+ dating experience anon, and not just snarky one liners
I'm nearing my 30s myself and have the same concerns. I'm currently in a great LDR but seeing my friends go through the hell of dating and pinkpill threads makes me nervous that if my relationship ever did go bad I would 'settle' out of fear of the dating lottery game. From my older friends it does seem that eventually "all the good men are taken", and any 40+ decent guys were freshly on the dating market through divorce or else were cripplingly solitary types that they only encountered through work instead of actively dating. I try to keep optimistic by hoping that if enough women raise their standards then men will have to adjust to it, or that I'll be happy with only cats as company, but it's hard to live this fantasy sometimes.
No. 535939
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>>535920>There's a thread on kiwifarms about us and my god are they triggeredLmao, really?
No. 535982
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>>535967They always say incels and farmers should just date each other, that would solve all our problems and whenever a degenerate posts something they immediately grab screenshots…
No. 535994
>>535982>>535967100% they'd post bait then cap it as proof of how evil roasties are lol god I fucking love excluding males, nothing
triggers them more
No. 536002
>/b/ I used to browse /b/ 2008-12. Check in occasionally to see how bad it is. I've seen CP, Gore, people posting gun pics saying they wanna die encouraged to kill themselves, advice on how to get closer to a preteen relative and that one lady who was posted after being murdered by an anon.
Good job guys, you've found the most evilest place on the internet, lolcow. Please pad your feefees before entering the pinkpill thread, and don't be too obvious when posting a false flag to screenshot and take back home to your buddy retards.
No. 536081
>>536070I have ASMR since I was really young. Never got diagnosed, and tbh my counselor already thought I was enough of a basket case. Didn't want to add on the fact that my arms and hands feel electric sparks if someone does my nails. Idk anyone who's actually been diagnosed.
Ironically, I hate ASMR videos.
No. 536340
>>536315Something like 80 percent of women don't come from penetration alone.
When I was younger I tried desperately as I always thought I was so close to getting there's been 15 years and all my orgasms have been clitoral still.
No. 536341
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Is Belle Delphine Jewish?
No. 536572
>>536420I bought and played New Leaf when it was new (the previous Animal Crossing game) because I thought I was missing out because of all the online hype, but I got bored with it really fast. It's a bit overhyped imho. Animal Crossing is definitely not for everyone.
Personally I wouldn't buy it if you're not even sure you'll like it and there's no other games you see yourself actively play on the Switch.
No. 536584
>>536547It does work but its so much harder than it looks.
Dont let those gymbros fool you into thinking its so easy and that all you have to do is put your mouth on the roof of your mouth.
There are many problems and difficulties such as tongue mouth biting at the beginning especially if you have a narrow palate.
And there is also the problem of trying to keep your mouth as close to the palate but at the same time to avoid touching your upper teeth to not deform them.
and if you have a asymmetrical jaw then mewing is even more harder because your tongue will try to go to the left/right side of your mouth depending on your jaw.
No. 536851
>>536838What about the 1%?
No. 536855
>>536838Straight with a good eye for beauty.
Sexual attraction and what you find aesthetically pleasing don’t have to match, necessarily.
No. 536984
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Did anyone else get this email from Joanns? What does this even mean?
No. 537189
>>537187As if it makes anything better, you're still going after someone that just turned into an 'adult' and knows nothing about life yet
The simple fact you felt the need to ask that stupid question shows the age gap between you two
>It might be Morally wrong but the law cant stop me.You're sounding more and more like a pedo
No. 537190
>>537189I dont even want sex or a relationship because I just dont like sex that much. I'm just looking for someone I can cuddle when I'm high or drunk.
He said he was ok with that without sex or anything so I was like meh why not.
No. 537200
>>537183Could go either way imo if you're interested keep pushing, a lot of guys try to play aloof and wait until they know the girl is feeling the same way. Although I am curious why you're cradle robbing lol, I'm 19 and guys my age are dumb af. But maybe guys are just stupid no matter the age haha
>>537186maybe anon is just a late bloomer! take a toke girl
No. 537202
>>537201Add like to add I only care if the guy is cute. I'm not trying to marry him or have babies.
I just need him to be cute enough to cuddle when I need affection.
No. 537210
>>537190>why yes, I am 27 years old and in my free time I love to get high or drunk with 18 year olds to cuddle with themAnon please get your shit together from whatever this is supposed to be before you end up on /snow/.
>>537206Yeah, agreed.
No. 537223
>>537220not me but i felt the worst second hand embarrassment ever when i saw someone nitpick a fucking
asshole in the pnp thread
No. 537227
>>537223Recently I saw a bunch of nitpicks about her 'flabby' 'cheesy' ass. She's slim af with a perfectly decent butt, I couldn't see any cellulite at all. Most girls would be happy to have one like that or to be as thin as her, even if it's not the ass of a professional athlete. It's like anons lose all self awareness when they can nitpick with the excuse of a cow being a bad person. I have to wonder, do the anons posting that have perfect asses? Are they instagram fitness models? I doubt it, or they'd have better things to do than sit and criticize random cows. I'd be incredibly embarrassed of myself shitting on someone's body if I didn't have an amazing one myself.
Obviously nitpicky anons have problems, maybe they are unattractive and insecure or they are attractive and it's made them nasty and arrogant. But the lack of perspective blows my mind, it's like they've never seen an average looking female body before and make judgements relative to models and celebrities.
No. 537233
>>537227yeah it's like there are two different kinds of nitpicks.
1. nitpicks that most people would agree are true but are insignificant.
2. nitpicks that are bdd tier, extremely subjective, plain delusional, or are technically true but you would need a microscope to be able to tell.
the first type are fine in moderation and can be funny if the cow deserves it. the second type is obnoxious and makes the site look bad, and the people who do it are always the most defensive and accuse you of being a wk/the cow if you point out how dumb it is.
No. 537261
>>537237A lot of people speak lower at points in the day when they're either tired or haven't been awake long so people probably don't notice.
I have a friend who took hormones during a trans phase and she didn't totally fuck her voice up but if I talk to her when she's low on sleep she suddenly sounds male, just highlights the change that most of us get but less subtle for her now
No. 537267
>>537252>>537256That was plain disgusting. But no, while the sperg in the youtube thread was immediately banned, that person somehow never (despite now supposedly being hell week). I think it must have been admin or one of the mods, because they are also weebs living in Japan, and they also love calling others fat…the shoe would fit. I tried reporting but nothing happened, yet other posters later on got bans for minor offenses, so it's not like they're not watching the thread.
Whoever it was, better pray that karma goes easy on you, fucking subhuman. There's absolutely no excuse for this shit.
No. 537281
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What is hellsweek?
No. 537287
>>537284>if you seriously think we're 17-18 year old anachan k-pop/weebs you probably can't catch nuance or details anyways.Everbody
knows that you live in Japan. You yourself said that mods are your close irl friends, you and your mods post about Loona, you call people fat in meta - it's not that farfetched…
No. 537289
>>537287hamchan admitted to being fat after claiming nobody knows who she is and basically avatarfagged by posting her badly filtered hand after getting caught larping as a male and infighting here, js
>>537223Did you see the vag nitpicking though?
No. 537310
>>537252Some people are just mental and the isolation and having access to internet has drawn it out from them. Fat people are easy targets for punching down on when other people can't regulate their stress and anger properly.
I'll be honest, I've seen that behavior elsewhere on the internet. Some people act HAPPY that groups they don't like ie. fatties, boomers, etc. might be high risk. Whereas I've never met a stranger that pissed me off so much that I'd wish plague and death on that person by hoping a characteristic they share with a common group of people takes a hit. On Reddit yesterday I saw an upvoted comment that said something like "CORONAVIRUS IS GONNA PUT HAES TO THE TEST!" As if it's worth it to have people fall seriously ill and die just so they can feel right about internet arguments on haes. I don't know about the patients, but I've known a lot of overweight doctors and nurses. We sure as shit cannot afford to have them fall sick and die right now just so fat hate redditors can feel smug for five minutes. People can't get a grip on themselves, they'd be screeching for a fat doctor to help them if they were ill.
No. 537325
>>537321>randomly posting a picturelets not pretend it was random anon, it was in an idol spam thread
>>>/m/72256 and who the cares?
the loona one is very obviously a joke and i dont know how to help you if youre too autistic to know about loona being a meme
so thats a grand total of…two posts?
No. 537507
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Ok since we were at this topic a few hours ago and I do have a question, why are some people here so quick to defend an anon who writes something like how she's a decade older than a boy she met (most of the time the boy is like 18) and she's interested in him and all that jazz? It's not the first time this has happened either, I've seen my fair share of anons who are way older being interested in 18 year olds.
I mean not to sound like some #Equality faggot right now but if a man that old was interested in an 18 year old girl, everyone here would be shitting themselves and calling him a creep/a pedo and telling her to please leave him, but when it's the other way around and someone calls the anon a pedo, others are defending her until their last breath and how sister is just a late bloomer etc.
Genuinely not trying to sound offensive or start an argument, I just don't understand this logic at all. Sure, an 18 year old is legal and they can do whatever the fuck they want and be together with whoever the fuck they want, but it's still so weird and mentally they are still teenagers and haven't even experienced the "real world" at all, so I don't understand the appeal of wanting to date someone that young.
No. 537517
>>537507I'm the anon that called her a pedo, I was actually baffled to see anons willing to protect her even with all the bs.
I know I can't expect much from ppl in this site but even so…
There're a lot of threads recently with anons weirdly obsessed with cute younger boys so it makes a lot more sense.
No. 537520
>>537507I think it's pretty obvious that the older person is just looking to use and take advantage of something that the younger and more naive person has got. (I'm talking major age gaps though, 8+ years or enough time for them to be at different life stages).
However the difference between genders determines the extent and duration, from my observation. Obviously more often older men date younger women than vice versa, it's a stereotype for a reason. I don't expect too many grown women to carry on with immature young men because the reality is most women look for stability and equality in a long term partner which is something young men notoriously don't have. Whereas with older men, they aren't looking at a young woman's ability to provide or be an equal for instance. They're looking at her for validation as arm candy and how well she can be controlled up until her expiration at 30 and then they replace her.
I know creepy women x younger men can happen (ie. Raven on /pt/), I just think it's more on a per case basis and not as common so as to sound alarms like old man x younger women.
No. 537539
>>537507It's all about patterns. There is an ubiquitous, widespread pattern of older men preying on vulnerable younger women (or just going after them in general) and telling women their own age that they are worthless old hags. There is massive social pressure on women to date older men, because they too believe they will be worthless old hags if they don't find someone, anyone, in their 20s. There's basically an active movement to convince women they prefer old men with dadbods, and men have so much power that it works.
There is no such social pressure on men to date older women. When a younger guy dates an older woman, it's because he thinks she's hot and/or likes her. He hasn't been told by society that he's going to die alone if he doesn't. When an older woman dates a younger man, it's for the same reason, not because she's had constant positive reinforcement to do so and thinks it makes her an alpha tradchad.
No. 537561
>>537507Because men and women are different. It definitely
feels better to act like the dynamics are totally interchangeable for the sake of keeping things just and equal, but if we're brutally honest with ourselves, they really aren't.
In most cases, an 18 year old guy isn't really the same as an 18 year old girl. It's kind of been part of society to keep girls/women naive and "pure" to a certain extent, not let them get into too much shit, etc until they reach their 20s at least. Things are definitely changing, but parts of that concept still remain, except in dysfunctional homes.
If the late 20s anon had given actual creep vibes, like she was gushing over him being so much younger than her and "tiny", "naive" and "innocent" or whatever (like a scrote would), and/or she was his teacher (or in any other significant position of power over him in his life, instead of some random person he's casually dating in what's most likely a stream of other women), I'd have felt differently, but she didn't do any of those things. She didn't come off as someone targeting him for his age or looking for a power trip.
Even looking at rape/sexual assault/sexual harassment stats, women aren't nearly as predatory as men. When boys and men get preyed on, it's overwhelmingly done to them by other males, not women. There are definitely exceptions, but they're dwarfed in comparison.
For all these reasons, I can give that anon a certain benefit of the doubt I wouldn't lend a man in the same situation. I know it's not "equal", but honestly, it feels dumb trying to pretend the two sexes are totally the same in this regard when I can see in the back of my mind they're not.
No. 537639
>>537630tbh i use it still to this day but only to run a nice aesthetic blog and save cute pics
i recommend blacklisting tags you do not want to see (i have a lot) and you should be ok because without all the garbage it's actually a nice site for nice pics
>>537626did you read the entire debate up there? like
at all?
if you did then you would know why
No. 537647
>>537630Yeah. It's actually better now IMO. No more porn bots (or at least far fewer), and a large chunk the social justice stuff has packed up and moved to Twitter.
It's like a less trashy Pinterest, with a bit more human interaction.
No. 537708
>>537703Men are pretty vocal about not liking negative profiles and I admit, I don't like men with profiles like that either. Even if it's totally fair not to want those traits, it's not a good look to assume the worst in people and attack them before the fact.
Maybe a profile like that would get you fewer matches but fewer duds too, which isn't bad. But if you're worried about coming off as rude you might be better off just being extra careful about filtering. Like going for guys who don't look older than their age, who specifically say they don't have kids, bringing it up early in conversation.
No. 537715
>>537712You can't do anything except encourage her to get better. Try your best not to get mad, that can
trigger her further. You can be stern with her but make sure to show how much you care in a loving way and want her to get better. Your sister needs professional help. Even then eating disorders can be really hard to get over, I'm sorry you and your sister have to go through this. She probably feels terrible but compulsed.
No. 537741
>>537712Perhaps shes b/p to cope with the stress of the situation. Maybe spending quality time and watching movies together, going on short walks can distract from that. Make sure she's hydrated enough so that her magnisum or potassium levels aren't too low. If she's okay with it ask her about what's specifically stressing her out. In extreme cases it can help to lock binge food away at night.
No. 537743
>>537621-Tiene un "filtro" retirable hecho de entretela
-El filtro es opcional pero añade una capa extra de protección
-Completamente lavable - usar agua lo más caliente posible, separar filtro de la mascarilla
-NO USAR suavizante de ropa - usar medio vaso de vinagre destilado añadido al lavado en su lugar
-Guardar en una bolsa de plástico limpia cuando no se está usando
-Recomendable lavarse las manos antes de ponerse la mascarilla y antes de quitársela
-Usar con los pliegues hacia abajo. La apertura del filtro está en la parte de abajo de la mascarilla.
Hope this helps!
No. 537919
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Anyone ever read A Court of Thorns and Roses? (I know there's a bunch of book threads buried somewhere but fuck it)
I saw some fanart of a couple from this book by mistake and it looked cute. I was wondering if it's any good.
No. 537939
>>537919I've only read excerpts/watched reviews but basically if you're into fairies (that are more characterised like elves), sporadic sex scenes with strangely antiquated dialogue and don't mind the love interest from the first book suddenly becoming
abusive and being replaced by a woke antagonist as the MC's ~true love~, you might enjoy it as silly wish fulfilment you read once and forget about later. If you're picky about writing quality/plot/style you won't like it though, it's not well written.
No. 537963
>>537948Hair styling, makeup and lack of sunscreen/emphasis of tanning.
I think younger people in the west look a lot older now because they wear so much makeup compared to the mid 2000s/early 2010s
No. 537967
>>537939Thanks, anon! Sounds sort of up my alley. I'll check it out for kicks.
>>537951Great movie lol
No. 538051
>>537715>>537741Thank you both, I appreciate the advice! We spend quality time often, especially now since our city has a stay at home order. It's been rough and I know her anxieties really rile her up now hell even I'm having a hard time. I smoke her out a lot because she says it helps I thought she was doing good and it caught me off guard last night. When I talked to a friend of mine he said it's just like an addiction, she's gonna have relapses and I have to realize that. The reason it makes me mad is because I worry about her health now & long term and I feel so helpless in the situation. She's my best friend and I have always prioritized having her back and helping her (& she's always had mine it's just she's the more sensitive one out of us two) so it bothers me so much to watch her hurt herself while idk what to do. I've thought about taking a shower after dinner so she can't use the bathroom & staying in the living room at night but I read that bulimia is a control thing and I don't want her to feel like I'm trying to control her actions.
We talked about it today & I apologized for how I came at her about it. Before this corona shit she had a therapist come to our house once a week but she hasn't come by since Feb, my sister decided to call her to set up phone or skype appointments so that makes me hopeful that she wants to do something about it.
No. 538229
>>538225>is it inappropriate to ignore calls that I get that are work related outside of office hours? Hell no. You get paid for your work hours, that's it. If they want you to answer calls out of hours, they should pay you overtime.
Last time someone tried to contact me out of work I told them I don't get paid enough for this and to talk to me tomorrow kek.
No. 538230
>>538225talk with your boss about it and make sure you are clear on your expectations. hopefully they won't expect you do answer calls outside of your normal work hours…i wouldn't and imo it would be insane for them to expect you to take calls at night/early morning.
you're salaried, right?
No. 538234
>>538230Unfortunately no. I’m paid hourly and my timesheets during this quarantine are just listed as my typical 9-5 hours. I’ll be sure to double check with them though!!
>>538229My logic is that I’m typically in bed around 10pm so if they call after that time, tough shit! Our office very rarely gets calls usually and honestly the main phone is stupid as fuck and only one of the numbers associated with it will redirect to me (ie the number people rarely call for some reason lol) so I’m probably missing a fuckton of other calls that I can’t do anything about haha.
No. 538396
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ever since saturday ive been having a hard time breathing when i stand up or sit down and when i walk around. the only time i breath ok is when i lay down on my back.i dont wanna freak my parents out about this but im convinced its because i keep laying down on my chest when i go to bed or my dust allergies but i clean my room everyday so im not entirely sure whats happening to me.
the feeling down in my chest is like something is blocking my airway. help
No. 538398
>>538389You pay the charge for having a pet in cabin and the dog goes under your seat. If the dog is too big, then that's actually a cargo animal regardless of how you feel.
Fortunately airlines are starting to crackdown on bs emotional support papers so what anon suggested
>>538390 isn't going to pass.
No. 538405
>>538396You need to stay calm, rest indoors, make sure you have enough food and water easily accessible + tell your parents you might be sick. If you can get a fan or have one already, that will be handy to put near the bed and increase airflow to you. If you can get antibacterial and antiviral supplements, do so (I recommend things like mastika and monolaurin)
Also are you cleaning your room with chemicals every day? Or just dusting? Exposure to chemicals is actually pretty bad for the body and can cause infertility for example. It's possible you just affected your breathing from exposure to cleaning products.
No. 538419
>>538405I dont use as much chemicals I just sweep everyday and mop twice or thrice a week.
Im suspecting my ac since I haven't had the whole thing cleaned this month but I barely use it. Ill try what you recommend anonette. thanks!
No. 538559
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Why do people hate Schumer so much? I have to ask on his site because any place/video else gets this weird 'reee feminism' tone when you ask about her and I don't trust that
No. 538601
>>538559The problem is an overweight and not conventionally attractive woman had the audacity to think she's funny in an industry dominated by men.
A lot of people blame her pussy jokes and obvious connections, but so what? There are so many dick and balls jokes that the male comedians make and everyone sleeps on that, and most come from pretty privileged backgrounds themselves. Comedians rip off jokes all the time so I don't even know why people shit their pants about that. They just don't like her and she's resisting going away.
No. 538612
>>538559I think that the answer is an like an exact 50/50 combination of these two answers
>>538578>>538601I think there are many genuine criticisms for her comedy but I think the extent of the attention it attracts wouldn’t happen to a male comedian. I also think part of it is it’s such a widespread ‘safe’ opinion people just kind of go along with it somewhat out of conformity, I don’t really think much of Amy Schumer’s content is engaging or outrage inducing enough for that many people to genuinely feel so passionate about it
No. 538668
>>538558emotional labor, free therapy, housekeeping, childcare, helping them with their job, career advice, sex work, being a host for their friends and family, cook, cheerleader. Managing another person can be incredibly difficult depending on how many problems they have, and how well they self-manage.
No. 538741
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What is this character's cape thing called? I can't find out what it is and it's driving me insane.
No. 538746
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>>538741the collar? if you mean the long bit it's part of the collar, anon. it's like a lacy sailor collar over a ruffled high necked blouse.
No. 538800
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Does it appear outright bitter or passive-aggressive to delete someone off your friendslist on social media? The guy hasn't done anything outright wrong but we sort of dated and it didn't lead anywhere and I've been very heart-broken over it. We haven't spoken to eachother since last year, he's already been visibly moving on and although I'm trying to do the same and forget about him I'm having a hard time. I already blocked his number on the sly but I'm kinda worried about stirring something up or looking like I"m visibly petty when I've been trying to take the highroad.
>inb4 try and mend things
No. 538834
>>521051how old were you when you became aware of death?
I was 4 when I did but I just saw an autistic 10-12 year old who doesn't understand the concept of death yet.
No. 538848
>>5388343 I think
but here's the catch
it was so long ago that I only remember that I used to remember that I became aware of death at 3
No. 538990
>>538933>Especially considering how much time the partner that's cheated on often has invested in the relationship.I agree with this. If you've been married for 10 years with 3 kids and a mortgage, it sucks if your partner cheats. You can't just exactly cut ties and move on.
The most dramatic "all cheaters should die" people tend to be younger people in 4 month old relationships who reee about feeling so betrayed and how they can never trust again.
No. 539009
>>539005Okay that's good to hear thanks, the response made me wonder.
No it was on a pop culture forum about a music artist who passed away.
No. 539041
>>538852because only womens tiddies are inappropriate
>>538955it should be, its cute
No. 539163
>>539144A relative of mine knew a woman that discovered her husband had been calling her a COW in his native language for
years and she never had a clue. He told her it meant "beautiful"
No. 539291
>>539255Easier in dating obviously, since girls don't have to do the chasing. Not easier in friendships I'd say, like
>>539258 said.
No. 539375
>>539371Thank you. I'm just scared that it'll get way worse and eventually interfere with my sight.
I had pretty insignificant myopia but it has gotten worse these days.
No. 539391
>>539378Yes I'd be furious and consider leaving him. I'd take it to mean that means he's not over them and is settling. The only exception that I'd consider "acceptable" is if said crush is dead, or if the person's death made your husband a widower.
Also, why would he tell you or anyone else if there was any chance of it getting back to you? That's incredibly disrespectful. I don't know the specifics of your relationship, but is disrespecting you a trend?
No. 539397
>>539378I feel like the other anons are making a pretty big deal out of this, acting as if he cheated on you or told you that you're not worth it. I mean, all he did was say that he considered his old partner his soulmate and that's it. Going as far as leaving him is like acting some teenager who just found out that her boyfriend liked another girl's post on facebook.
No need to jump to conclusions or act like he is still into her when you have zero proof.
No. 539400
>>539398You put 2+2 together and say no.
Tell him no, block him everywhere and make sure he understands that the least thing you want right now is to get back together with him. If he has a hard time accepting that, make sure to be as mean as possible.
No. 539406
>>539398Tell him:
Nope, bye.
And then you block him.
No. 539448
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>>521051Can any krautanons/German anons recommend me some good, quality German YT channels? Learning German rn (duh), and the ones I've been told to check out don't really pique my interest, except for maybe some documentary channels the names of which escape me for the moment. Would appreciate something like deep-dive research things (akin to Fredrik Knudsen), anything history related, meme channels - just whatever you enjoy is good, too.
Pic very tangentially related.
No. 539462
>>529833Are you using a normal top coat or a quick dry top coat? Using a quick dry one like Revlon and Sally Hansen solved this problem for me.
>>535002The server you were in is probably one of those servers that hides the different channels for new users. They do this to stop trolls or people trying to infiltrate.
>>539113I'm not a programmer but the only time I ever did any programming was to do something similar which was to scrape tweets for a certain hashtag using a script that someone wrote for Python. I'm not exactly sure what an API is but I believe it's just a key that websites provide to let you download their datasets. When I did my thing I just plugged in a premade script that didn't require that though, maybe you can also find something for Youtube that doesn't need it.
No. 539481
>>539477been in that situation more than once and my only advice is:
think disgusting things about them and the horniness will disappear
and if it still doesn't work then
masturbate No. 539584
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>>539542I never thought it was very good but Sue was worth it. She was disproportionately hilarious compared to the rest of the show.
No. 539689
>>539683Ok ana-chan we get it fat people
trigger you
No. 539698
>>539697Because most fat people are fat because of
muh genetics lmao
No. 539731
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How do you build a network on social medias?
I suck at social medias, I use them only to post my art and I'd like to get more followers and commissions, mainly via twitter. But eventhough I have a niche, I have no idea how insert myself into a community. How tf do you interact with strangers
No. 539747
>>539378Very normal to be jealous, and it's your husband's attitude that's
problematic (though I guess you already know it's not the likelihood of his crush actually being his soulmate that's an issue). If he's convinced that that person is the one he should be with, what happens if they become available, what happens if they approach your husband? Hell, is he checking on her to see if she's available, will he make a move regardless of if she is at some point?
It's just pragmatic to ditch the male who you're fully committed to, but he says/thinks "this woman who is not you is the one I should be with".
Thing is even if he's loyal, you'll always know that he doesn't consider you the one. I guess the question is are you willing to settle for someone who you know is settling for you?
No. 539786
>>539771>the owner literally is profiting from a poor dead womanWhat??
I think gg is popular because it caters to normies though. Also people just get used to whatever forum they normally use so it doesn't matter if the quality of the place gets worse, habit still keeps them going back.
No. 539796
>>539714It's very political.
People who voted for brexit of course don't see themselves as European and are mostly Right wing leaning. They think Britain is still some kind of independent powerful country and that the close political relationship with the US proves this.
Most people who voted against Brexit take pride in being part of Europe, they want to have travel and good relationships with our neighboring counties. There's more of a mix of left wing and right wing in the anti-brexit section, though.
Also different countries in the uk vary on this stuff overall
No. 539970
>>539965I guess? I mean it has been really long since I'v actually been in that kinda situation.
I did have to google it. Can you give me an example of feeling it?
No. 539984
>>539977ntayrt but that was just an example. think of something like, your best friend comes to you after a bad breakup.
sympathizing with her is more logical. you recognize the situation is sad and that your friend is sad. you tell her "i'm sorry, that really sucks."
empathy is emotional. you remember your last breakup, and understand how hurt, confused, angry, etc. she must be feeling. "i know how that feels. it really sucks, and i know it feels like you'll never get over him, but you will. i know from experience"
something like that?
No. 539986
>>539981>if a close friend was telling you about something upsetting to them would you feel different?I guess I'm kinda numb these days. Uhh… I mean one of my friends has major depression but I really can't give a shit anymore. I guess I feel little bad about it, maybe. I really can't caring about anything very often. Family or pets dying, some losing their savings
Holy cow I really have got numb.
No. 540057
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Hiya, does anyone know what the painting is called and who it's by? I've always come back to this painting for 9 years and I still don't know the name of it… thanks!
No. 540186
>faggotwatch attack on titan
No. 540226
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>>540196Nichijou is really great if you like silly stuff.
Tamako market and Haikyuu are other ones that I've seen that are really great and don't have any creepy sexual shit in it.
No. 540237
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>>540171Honestly… Death Note. It's entry level af for a reason. Shit is tense and fast paced so it gets you hooked without needing any prior adjustment to anime style/tropes/etc. I wouldn't have stuck with lot of really good, popular anime when I started watching it because they were just too long/slow for someone who is on the fence about whether they like the medium or not.
No. 540428
>>540424This is extremely embarrassing but here lmao:, I just remembered that at some point in the song you can hear the girl whisper something.
No. 540623
>>540602it depends how much weed usually costs in your area. i think that's expensive.
think if you have a low tolerance and want to get stoned, that's about 10mg. i looked on the website and it says 90mg per bar. so, if you want to get high nine times for $4.65, go for it.
>>sry for autist explanation. hope its helpful.>>also currently stonedi personally am not a fan of edibles because they're more expensive and i have a high tolerance. so for me, who would need 40-50mg to get a good high, i don't think it's worth $19 for that one night.
i will say, the body high is really nice, so i do recommend you try it if you're not familiar with edibles.
No. 540774
>>540767Are you trying to relieve pain, or anxiety anon?
If it’s anxiety I highly recommend ditching any caffeine you might consume.
That helped exponentially with my anxiety, as it will ramp it right up.
As for pain, I never experienced any less pain with it.
No. 540915
>>540752Yes. Nobody really likes being in the city. The poor people make minimum and live in cramped apartments. The cheapest shitty bachelor's are well offer 1k,1 bedrooms 1.5k anything more is 2-4k a month and that's the crappy ones outside the downtown core. They live withmultiple people. Like you'll get a 1 bedroom with 2 people in the bedroom and 2 in the den. They're pretty miserable and work constantly and do drugs.
The rich people don't want to be their either. They're incredibly entitled and spend every moment getting out of the city to cottage and such. They don't like the riff raff on the streets, either.
The traffic is the worst in the world because every single surrounding town is full of commuters. With traffic, a half hour drive is s minimum hour and 30 minutes. People only work there because that's where all the money is in almost every industry.
There's a major disparity in income, a huge grid lock, horrid expensive transit and almost everyone is miserable commuting or living there. So they aren't very friendly or happy.
No. 541057
>>540915I feel like this is a universal thing, at least in my country all the cities are disgusting and horrible
I don't get why people romanticize living in a city so much, when I lived in one all I wanted to do was leave
No. 541071
>>541049Amputation fantasy like chopping off someones limbs or just fucking an amputee?
If it's the first option, then imo it's just as bad and maybe even worse than a rape fetish.
Fantasizing about have sex with an amputee is pretty weird, but fantasizing about something as brutal as mutilating or raping someone is disgusting.
No. 541115
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Developing a sexual preference for a certain ethnicity isn't fucked up, right? Like when you notice many people look attractive with that certain ethnicity and start to aim for them consciously? I've never felt thicker here than when i was typing this up. I feel like a smarmy 40 year old male tourist in Thailand with yellow fever.
No. 541117
>>541115honestly there's a lot of variables here like your own race, the race of the people you find more attractive, why you feel that way etc. that I think make a difference but I feel like if you're basing it on some stereotype of a certain race being a certain way it is kind of '
problematic' and I would never date someone or sleep with someone who said they had a 'preference' for my race because it feels fetishy and somewhat dehumanising