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No. 535839
Previous threads
>>521746 >>525445 >>527839 >>531212 Share tips, local updates, vent about people coughing on each other, etc
WHO: twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
No. 535868
>>535867Maybe it has something to do with those 6 million masks they stole: sure made them more prepared. And those whom they took masks from less prepared.
No. 535899
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Just read an article about this nurse who died from the virus. She was 36, with no underlying health issues
No. 535912
I'm contracted to work for a pharma company and they're trying their hardest to get me trained last minute to help backup people. It's happening now because they were planning to let me go soon so they gave me unimportant office roles. Yet now cause of the virus they realize they need as much help as they can get, and they want me on the floor. Everyone in that building is older than me. They had me working remote but now the manager is begging me to come in whenever so I can try to learn, and it's a complicated folder process with many SOPs and regulations. We originally agreed to do half shifts on certain days, but he told me when I was there yesterday "Ah well when you're sitting at home with not a lot of work to do come on in!" Lol, as if. I'd be willing to stick my neck out more if 1. They were guaranteeing me a job and 2. If when I got there my time wasn't being wasted. Whenever I've gone in for this alleged "training" everyone is so busy that they just wind up giving me papers to read and sending me on my way–I can do that shit from home. I can't observe anyone when they do folders and paperwork because of social distancing. They flat out told me yesterday they were so busy that they couldn't train but I could go over the checklist on some folders if I wanted? Yeah, okay, except I have vague clues about what I'm doing and half the shit on the checklist I can't perform because my account literally hasn't been approved for all the verification software I'd need to do the checklist with. I feel like the manager is giving me a shit test to see if I'll come in extra, but nah fam. I don't think I should. I think this is insane bullshit and not what I signed up for. At least the people who are there are direct employees and get the pay and have the insurance, whereas I'm the peasant contractor paid by the lowest bidder. None of them is gonna give a fuck if I get sick, and I don't have insurance. I'm just concerned if I don't ~prove myself~ by literally risking my health, that they'll let my contract expire out in May and I don't think that would qualify me to collect unemployment in which case I'm royally fucked. I hate that I'm being forced to make these kinds of decisions.
No. 536021
>>536015In the previous thread, when you said you lived in one of the worst states, I wonder how many US anons naturally assumed you were speaking about our states. The home renovations are still going on (somehow) on this street, even though we now have an official business only stay at home order.
I really feel for you. You're trying to keep it together, meanwhile your toilet seat probably looks like it has coffee stains.
No. 536033
>>536021You might be confusing me with another post but I guess I should clarify that my state isn’t that bad at this point. We started things somewhat early in terms of stay-at-home and we’re spread out as a community so I’m thankful for that. One guy literally just walked past my window and coughed without covering his mouth though. And another random guy just showed up, even better. These fucks just keep having random guys stop by and either do like 45 minutes of work and just hang out in talk. I told my group chat this and they were like ‘That’s how construction is’ yeah okay but this is a FUCKING PANDEMIC.
I feel like shit and I’m getting pains in my jaw/nasal cavity that I get when I’m sick but I can’t tell if it’s just anxiety.
No. 536039
>>535842>>535855No one said or implied that. Have you never heard of misdiagnosis? Think a little. Where's the evidence for the Covid test having a 3% margin of error? It doesn't exist because no one actually knows its error or accuracy rate, just that it diagnosis with false positives and negatives all the time
>>535859>Back in December China started seeing more and more cases of pneumoniaIt's hard to separate the truth from the lies, especially when it comes to China and their narratives. Try looking into the PCR test. At best all it can do is show you have THE FLU.
>Until we have antibody testing we really don't know how many people who are infected.Which means the mortality rates, all these "1,000s of deaths from coof" being reported everyday in the news, is being cooked up.
This was from Jan 11:
>The World Health Organization said on Thursday that a newly emerging member of the family of viruses that caused the deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreaks, could be the cause of the present outbreak.
>In 2003, Chinese officials covered up a SARS outbreak for weeks before a growing death toll and rumours forced the government to reveal the epidemic. The disease spread rapidly to other cities and countries. More than 8,000 people were infected and 775 died. I don't think they were a talking about an uptick of respiratory illnesses then, and if they're talking about it now there's still not enough evidence to show Covid is the cause of it. Maybe start cleaning up all the fucking air pollution.
No. 536045
>>536039I wasn't talking about PCR tests? And PCR tests are just basically a type of genome amplification, they can be used to test basically any genomic material.
A PCR test is able to tell the difference between flu and covid.
I'm not trying to defend china here I was just trying to explain to you why they used CT to diagnose.
And yeah we don't have definitive evidence that all those people in china died from covid yet, due to the lack of antibody testing. Technically e just know much more people are dying from pneumonia/respiratory infections than what is normal, until testing catches up we won't have hard data to prove it.
No. 536047
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Browsing groceries, didn’t even attempt to order anything yet and this shit is coming up. Yikes. You’d think they’d be ready for this capacity by now.
No. 536082
>>535868The US did it too, I guess everybody fends for themself now.>The delivery from mask manufacturer 3M was shipped from China and reloaded in Bangkok before it was to be transported to Germany by air freight. However, in Bangkok, the shipment was suddenly "redirected" to the US, Berlin police confirmed.Even if the deal was already made, of somebody is able to pay even more, they win and get it instead. I guess all countries who don't have factories to produce masks/equipment themselves are fucked. In germany they said that the amount of masks they have now will only continue to last for 2 weeks. Thousands of the hospital staff are already infected (probably more actually) and I reckon it's similar in other countries too.
No. 536121
>>536093I work from home and office and switch every week. I haven't seen anyone isolate themselves in my personal friend group if I'm honest.
Shops are noticeably less crowded however.
No. 536125
>>536066Based on the available data (including the unmitigated bs coming out of China), there's as yet no explanation for it, none.
It was Chinese state media that first called this "a new type of virus". They're not exactly known for being honest, so I think it's safe to say we could be dealing with literally a multitude of different things right now. Not to mention other news media outlets going "our 500th Coof death happened today" pulling these numbers directly out of their asses because as anon said
>>536074, there's no antibody testing, therefore no accurate diagnoses. No one's doing antibody testing, rendering figures like these
>>535842 useless.
I didn't say it
wasn't flu or pollution. Pollution is a major contributing factor to respiratory disease, so you'd think it might be a good idea to tackle that issue sooner than later.
No. 536131
>>536066>It can't be flu or pollution like you said, the numbers would be the same as everSorry I misread your comment. An increase in pollution would certainly contribute to a rise in mortality, wouldn't it? This
>>532649 addresses the pollution factor, and also other factors like age and pre-existing conditions. Not saying that's ALL it is. I don't believe there's just ONE THING causing all of this.
No. 536133
>>536118This pretty much. Try to do a bit of exercise every day too. I just pick a random 20 min workout video off YouTube and do it. It's helping my sanity a lot.
Try not to worry about the other idiots, you cant make them listen and they will suffer the consequences one way or another. Staying healthy and following best practices will keep you ahead.
No. 536195
So, sharing my experience as someone who got infected by COVID-19
I work in a retirement home as a receptionist and phone operator. I believe that I got infected there since we unfortunately have many cases among our residents. I have self-isolated for one week, and I will go back to work next thursay.
I only had the mild symptoms such as headaches, bodyaches and pains in my chest. I was also coughing a little and my throat was sore. I've been sleeping at least 14 hours a day for the past week, holy shit, I've never been this tired in my life. I feel a lot better, and glad that I didn't get worse symptoms. I live with my 60 years old mother so I stay most of the time in my bedroom and desinfect any surfaces that I touch outside of my room and wear a mask.
My father got infected at the beginning of March, he's 62. He said he's never been this sick in his life, it felt like a flu but 3 times worse. Lost his sense of smell and taste, high fever, trouble breathing and unusually tired with body aches. He healed in ten days. He's rarely sick, but when he is, it's really worrying, so I was anxious the whole time about him.
Kinda "glad" that I got it so at least I don't have to constantly worry about getting it, I guess?? Well I hope that you can't get it twice, or at least that my body is immune from it for a longer period.
I live in France and the quarantine is supposed to progressively end on April 15th. The whole government proved to us that they're absolute dumbasses in managing this crisis, and lots of French people don't give a fuck about the pandemic (at least in some area of Paris) so I fear that at the end of the quarantine, the virus is going to spread even faster and wider.
Stay safe anons!
No. 536232
>>536220 You mean Hasidic and uktra orthodox?
“Jewish” encompasses normal people, like me, as well as weirdo cultists.
But to answer your question, they won’t follow rules because they think they are above the law, are hostile to outside information (esp anything to conflicts with their pre existing belief system) and are just crazy just like those Christian fundies that refuse to stop going to church.
No. 536241
>>536195Damn. I hope you and your dad will be okay. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
But why is France ending quarantine on the 15? Ours isn’t apparently ending until May 1st and we been quarantined since mid March (I’m a burger if anyone is wondering). It seems like a lot of countries are doing a piss poor job at handling this. I get it would be hard to handle it but a lot of officials didn’t take it seriously when they should’ve or still don’t.
No. 536243
>>536207I went yesterday and people were well-behaved but it was still tense. Don't know what to say except get in, buy what you can and get out as fast as you possibly can. The store was practically empty of course. Fresh meat, eggs, milk, butter, TP, paper towels, sanitary items and now laundry detergents and such, you're going to need really good luck for these things.
It's easier said than done but just take a deep breath and go in the store, keeping a bit of distance from everyone. If the vibe is hostile, leave and hit up another store if possible.
No. 536246
>>535899I dont want to sound mean but she looks a bit chubby in that pic. And if you are fat you must have some health issue.
Was in Shibuya crossing today and there wasnt many people around. Its a bit shocking really, I've never seen it so empty.
No. 536257
>>536250>>536250>Full cheeksShe's smiling you moron, unless you're 13 BMI you will have full cheeks when smiling
>Broad bodyYou only see her shoulders, that's not enough to determine she's fat especially since a lot of adult middle eastern women tend to have broad shoulders. Step outside and see women who aren't all kpop stars and supermodels
No. 536259
>>536246>Nurse dies of Corona despite no previous health issues >But she was fat Ok Ana chan
She doesn’t even seem like a deathfat. Just someone who is kinda overweight
No. 536268
I don't know if I should go to my employer's HR or the local government but my mind is fucking reeling, I need to talk about this somewhere, this literally just happened and I need to get my thoughts organized and some outside insight.
I work for a (US) fabric store chain and we were deemed as an "essential business" due to the demand for face masks. I was not given the option to take a leave of absence and was not given hazard pay up until last Sunday. I'm in my early 30's, am not immunocompromised, and there hasn't been a startling number of cases in my area, but I really don't how vulnerable I am. I live in a midwestern college town, and despite the fact most students are gone now, our store has actually gotten busier since the quarantine. I don't even have to ask, every customer is making masks. We can't keep elastic or interfacing in stock. There's been a lot of customers who told me they've never even sewn before but figure this is a good time to learn while they're stuck at home.
Last night I developed a dry cough and chest pain. I wanted to believe it was just incidental, I've had coughs and sniffles off and on all winter, but it started up again when I got into work this morning. I didn't want customers to be alarmed, so I tried to suppress the cough or hide in a vacant aisle to let it out. The longer it went on, the more I realized this was a stupid risk to take (the majority of our customers are elderly women) and I needed to talk to somebody.
I told the store manager what was going on, and he asked me if I had a fever. I felt stressed and sweaty, but I didn't have a thermometer on me, how would I fucking know? He said since he hadn't heard me cough and presumably didn't have a fever that I needed to just work through it. We were too busy and I was needed to close. I was and still am so fucking confused, how seriously am I supposed to take this shit??? Am I going to fucking die or am I an overreacting hypochondriac? At the very least, how's it going to look if I can't hide the fact I'm coughing uncontrollably? Was I supposed to disregard concern for my health because it inconvenienced him?
As I'm typing this out, I just realized that means this company has made absolutely no preparations for the inevitability of employees contracting the virus. I don't fucking get it. The face masks people are making aren't even medical-grade. Joann Fabrics is claiming to be essential and charitable because of those fucking things when they're really just profiting from a crisis. Aside from management, everyone at our store is part-time without benefits (like health insurance).
I actually love my job. I get along with my coworkers well and I like helping people. I've worked there for almost a couple of years now. I felt very conflicted and guilty, that I shouldn't have even said anything, that I was reacting disproportionately. I also couldn't, in good conscience, keep working with the public and potentially spreading this to them. I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom as I had started to cry. It took me several minutes to calm down and tell my manager I needed to leave. He said I could go, I gave him my equipment while clocking out, and he doused his hands with sanitizer. Before I walk out, he tells me about how hard two of my coworkers had to work to cover for me today. He is legitimately angry and has never spoken to me like that before. I'm so caught off guard I start crying again and ask him if I did the wrong thing. He tells me he assumes I'm not coming in tomorrow, and to call him before my next shift Tuesday "to see where we go from here" and I don't know if he was implying he didn't want me to come back.
No. 536273
>>536266Ayrt, I’ve got all of the symptoms except for the respiratory.
But the fatigue and thirst could be from vomiting/diarrhea. And the body aches could be my scoliosis. I get migraines on the regular. I lost smell briefly a few days ago but my allergies medications hadn’t kicked in yet when it was happening.
I guess it doesn’t really matter much anyways, I’m jobless so I won’t be spreading it and can’t get tested unless it’s so bad I’m being admitted to the hospital here. I’m just scared and sick.
No. 536274
>>536268Employers who try to guilt you out of taking sick leave are the worst even when there isn’t a pandemic. What would happen normally if you got sick at work? Seems you reacted reasonably (if you’re sick, you’re not much help and you put others at risk).
Now add the fact that we’re in the middle of a motherfucking pandemic. What assholes. Take care of yourself anon I hope you feel better!
No. 536279
>>536268I don't know how far it will get you since the company is being shitty (I'm a cosplayer and I refuse to shop at Joanns during this time because it should absolutely be closed and is just putting people in danger in order to profit), but I would go to HR. Tell them that your manager reacted badly to the fact that you left work because you felt sick- with symptoms of covid. I believe they are making laws that employers have to give you sick leave if you have it (it might just be certain companies that are doing this, I might be mistaken, I'm scattered from anxiety). Either way, you need to go above your manager if he's being a dick about it because your health, and the health of everyone else there, is more important.
I hope you feel better and everything works out. I'd boycott Joanns for good if there was anywhere else to get fabric locally because this whole thing is bullshit.
No. 536285
>>536282Anon mentioned Joann Fabrics, but now that you mention it I'm really amazed Hobby Lobby didn't try to pull the same shit and get themselves declared an essential business.
Then again the owners are probably in their doomsday bunker thinking this is a biblical endgame.
No. 536286
I’m just coming here to vent, but why the fuck are none of my friends taking this seriously? We live right by a major city where the outbreak is pretty fucking bad, our city isn’t as hard hit, yet. I’ve made it pretty abundantly clear I’m social distancing, to the point where my friends (who clearly aren’t) invited me to go drink with them tonight. I told them no, my fiancé is immunodeficient, so we have to be extra careful. I’ve been laying in bed feeling like shit about turning my friends down and making them feel shitty. But then they fucking just showed up at my door. My fiancé answered the door, idk why because we’ve been distancing for a month now. But he did. Very fucking cool of them, all 15 to just show up and expose my fiancé to whatever they’ve been exposing themselves to. Fuck people like this for being so reckless and stupid!!! I don’t honestly want them as friends anymore, absolute trash behavior, almost felt like a ‘fuck you for distancing and being honest about it, we’re gonna get you sick anyway’. I hope they someday realize what a shitty thing they just did and how many people they’re endanger, even outside of just me and my fiancé. This isn’t a joke, they’re the problem and I can’t believe I was naive enough to consider them friends.
No. 536294
>>536082Imagine all the countries
Seizing medical face masks
Imagine all the people
Hoarding hand sanitizers
No solidarity in a crisis
It's easy if you tryyyyyy
No. 536296
>>536291I felt a bit like I was overreacting, so I appreciate the solidarity. My fiancé is a very positive person, almost to the point of being deluded. He keeps telling me it’s fine, they weren’t sick, they were just drunk and not thinking straight. But I don’t really think that’s a good enough excuse?? Like is this really some sort of vacation for these people? And even if they didn’t look sick, they could easily be asymptomatic. I tried explaining my outrage to my fiancé but he’s being willfully ignorant. On one hand, i wish he was as worried as I am, on the other, it’s not my immune system I’m worried about. Idk I’d rather him stay positive as long as possible, it’s probably better for his health anyway. Anyway, thanks for letting me work through my rage, I just wish I didn’t have to. I wish this was all some big joke, like everyone around me seems to believe.
No. 536323
>>536246Oh fuck you, she died because she pushed herself to absolute limits while being sick to save others' lifes. She likely worked day and night, without any breaks, without being able to just remove her mask to drink some water or take medicine.
All you ana-chans will quickly lose your smugness once you get it yourself and are suddenly dropping weight like crazy because you're no longer even able to eat nor drink and maybe even have diarrhea. Unless you're deathfat being "chubby" is fine or even beneficial same as it is with any other major illness. There's a reason a few extra pounds (like those nurse had) were seen as a sign of wealth and wellbeing in the past, it just makes you more sturdy against nasty illnesses. If you're 100lbs (or one of those dumbfucks who said they're just gonna fast now) it won't take much to weaken you so much that you're on the brink of death.
My "fat" aunt got over it really, she even took care of my slim ex-smoker uncle, who's no longer even able to speak and still in hospital. Like all scientists everywhere always say, it's smoking that majorly fuck you up.
No. 536324
>>536323I'm not anorexic dumbass, I was just pointing the obvious. And I wasn't making fun of her either like other anons have mentioned, I was just pointing one thing out that might have affected how the virus affected her.
. Other anons have also mentioned here how Americans are getting fucked so much because of their unhealthy habits and weight also so go and bitch at them too .
Someone said how the Chinese that died were not fat 536265 , who knows, but two facts here are that 1) a LOT of Chinese people smoke like chimneys and 2) most of the ones who died (at least the ones they reported in the news) were old.
(Autistic nitpicking ) No. 536378
>>536241>>536244My dad is fine now, he stays at home and carries on his daily activities as usual, I'm fine too, thanks for your concern, anon!
I do think that they will extend the quarantine period too, it's seems way to unrealistic to end it now. From what I got from the news, the end of the quarantine won't be brutal, only certain categories of people will be allowed to go out, we don't know who exactly yet.
Rabidly delusional is the best way to describe the French government, anon, trust me.
No. 536458
>>536422That was concerning me too. Luckily I have trails behind my house but people are still walking their dogs and biking and such (you're allowed to go out for exercise where I am and it makes sense) it's not a crazy amount of people but it's enough. But I also wonder about just going to the grocery store or bringing home groceries that who knows how many people touched.
>>536118Also I appreciate this anon. I have mental illness (depression/anxiety) too but I have already learned to find happiness with my own hobbies and interests and how to be independent. So this stay at home order is a breeze for me. The people that are having issues are the ones who need other people to be happy, and have no hobbies or real interests. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see my friends, but most of mine have moved or I moved so I'm already used to not seeing them.
No. 536472
>>536467I went to a supermarket the other day and it was extremely crowded, everyone was morbidly obese, nobody was wearing any sort of masks of gloves, fatties still kept crowding despite it being already crowded and some guy decided to cough on everyone
Honestly? It's hard to feel bad for people who continue to do this shit, natural selection is just taking its course
No. 536511
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So it looks like that I will have to get tested because just I randomly got told that my brother had contact with a guy a week ago that was tested positive. He works in a food store and the boss didn't even inform him, he got the news by a guy from work randomly while playing online. Now the entire household will remain at home at monday and see when we can get tested because everybody else is already going mental about it lmao
This is annoying af
No. 536529
>LONDON - The echoes of the news of the positivity to Boris Johnson's coronavirus had just begun fading when the first significant consequences are already arriving . An English girl, QUEE N. , Would have in fact "tested positive at Covid-19" after licking the premier. This was reported by journalist Piers Morgan during the ' Good News Britain ' television broadcast. The girl had joined the #CoronavirusChallenge , launched on Tik Tok, in which people are invited to lick public objects in spite of the coronavirus; an irresponsible challenge started by the influencer Ava Louise , who made a video while licking the toilet in the bathroom of an airplane. "I wanted to emulate it," said QUEEN, "I licked Boris Johnson because I thought it was a toilet. And who imagined he was the Prime Minister? " . "Tell me, I still don't believe it," said the Queen .
>Q. today she would have been hospitalized at London Bridge Hospital , ' Infected and enormous idiots' ward, and continues to post stories on Tik Tok in which she struggles between life and death. The videos related to the social challenge have multiplied rapidly in the world, almost at the same rate of growth of the infections. Tik Tok has made it known that it will remove the contents deemed unsuitable in this moment of emergency, that is it will almost completely delete its database.
>Speaking of the Prime Minister's positivity, Buckingham Palace makes it known that the Queen last met Johnson on 11 March but that " the sovereign is in good health ". Prince Charles, who was not present during the meeting, commented: “It was Mum who met Johnson, and I am positive for the coronavirus. As usual, I'm the one who takes it in the ass . " Boris Johnson has in fact contracted the coronavirus after Prince Charles, also on the basis of a specific statutory rule that provides that rulers always have precedence when it comes to pestilences, a rule known as ' virus primae noctis '.
>"In the past few days, I have had some mild symptoms of coronavirus, such as cough and fever," said the British Premier. “I tested myself and tested positive. Now I will work from home, I am self-isolated and it is the right thing, but thanks to the technology I will always be in contact with my collaborators and I will be able to continue to shoot bullshit " assured BoJo.Nice to see Italians have kept their sense of humor in those hard times
(namefag) No. 536571
>>536569these last few weeks i tend to use >the fucking virus
or some variation of profanities in relation
No. 536576
>>536573Let's say that I was expecting them to be incompetent but not
this incompetent. That's a whole new level of incompetence that our government have shown to us, so yeah, I admit that I'm slightly surprised.
Tragic No. 536591
>>536588>like they give a fuck about bodily autonomy.Hasidics are also almost always extremely prolife. Like "no exceptions even if the woman will die" level prolife. So yeah, they are not concerned with bodily autonomy.
>>536590Yeah, just look at the whole Liberty University scandal and how the idiot pastor got arrested for still holding sermons because he refuses to believe COVID19 is actually serious.
No. 536616
>>536588No one here's condoning child marriage ffs. The point is the broader topic of bodily autonomy. Forced vaccination is medical tyranny, which apparently you're in support of.
>if you don't want to live in a society that prioritizes the welfare of most, and the most vulnerable, exile yourself.Being against tyranny =/= not prioritizing the most vulnerable. Nice try.
No. 536623
>>536617>a hurry to emulate the CCP.Becuase it was fucking effective? Force people to stay home, because suggesting it does nothing.
I look out my goddamn window everyday and my fucking neighbors are partying and having friends and family visit. Thank god my parents aren't retarded and have been limiting contact and even told my cousins not to come over because they tried it a day ago.
Everything would be perfect, unfortunately my mom is an ICU nurse, so I pray for her safety everyday, but I can't help but feel angry at stupid people like my neighbors who might get sick and spread the shit to my mom risking her life. And they're literally picking and choosing who is dying at this point in bigger hospitals. It's getting ugly.
No. 536629
>>536623Force people to stay at home because their body temperature is a little higher than normal? And they're using a machine that we have no idea what its accuracy even is? You do know an elevated body temp can be caused by many different things, not just illness. I'm not against reasonable precautions but if you think copying the CCP is a good idea you know nothing about the CCP, anon.
I'm sorry you worry for your mom and I hope she stays safe. I read about shortages in medical supplies (who's in charge of this?) and workers aren't getting everything they need, don't feel safe, some are even protesting because of it. Maybe these institutions should prioritize getting their shit together.
No. 536632
>>536610The Nigerian guy has terrible audio and I can't understand a thing he said. That's crazy they're temperature checking people as they're driving or walking on the road?? WTF is that supposed to do? Makes no sense at all. Let's all bend over and do as we're told i guess.
Slippery slope.
No. 536637
>>536629Better to stay home then to roam around. Asymptomatic people exist. You want them to do nothing till shit hits the fan even more. They're being proactive, rather than reactive, like the US.
>>536632Pray that the retarded boomer that walks past you in the grocery store doesn't cough in your direction. Makes sense to have some system in place than to have a low IQ President say nothing is happening, send your extra PPE equipment to CHINA and then tell govorners they are whinny when people are dying when it should be avoidable in a supposedly 1st world country like the US.
No. 536638
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>>536288>How is this even allowed? Speaking from my experience as an Amerifag, there's a history of employers treating their employees like dirt here. I've seen SOME change but it's not enough. Even Amazon warehouse workers were protesting because they didn't feel they were allowed adequate protection. One of guys who led the protests was fired, unsurprisingly.
No. 536647
>>536637> Asymptomatic people exist.Yes anyone could have it, so wear masks, wear gloves, wash your hands. What ARE these temperature checks supposed to do when as anon said
>>536629 a higher than normal temperature can be caused by so many different things that have nothing to do with illness? What they're doing doesn't sound preventative, it sounds ridiculous because it is.
No. 536674
>>536669The government is supposed to be responsible for hospitals and society to FUNCTION. Hospitals FUNCTION TO HELP SOCIETY. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?
Heh, no wonder America was guarenteed to be fucked… We were fucked from the beginning.
No. 536675
>>536674Right, and if it's not doing that then people have to take matters into their own hands and help each other. This isn't rocket science here.
People were arguing before about America being fucked because the healthcare SYSTEM has been shite for many years, case in point: The 3rd leading cause of death in America is medical malpractice, that's from a John's Hopkins study. Bless all the people in that system who work hard, have a heart for people and sacrifice for others, but the system they work in is garbage.
No. 536695
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>>536588>if you don't want to live in a society that prioritizes the welfare of most, and the most vulnerable, exile yourselfYou first. Oh but fuck that 1 year old, right? If you want to be that "1 in a million", be my guest. It's still unconscionable to force anyone into those circumstances saying "well it's a small price/risk to pay". Everyone should have the right to choose whether or not they want to incur the risk. No. 536705
>>536695Can you please take your medical malpractice/“Remember the Nazis?????”/anti-vax stuff to another thread.
The rest of us are here to freak out about the coronavirus.
No. 536718
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>>536610>>536617Totalitarian tiptoe
>>536674Since the government's fucking up so spectacularly I can't fathom why anyone would place any reasonable amount of trust in it. This coof really has some people so scared shitless they're snitching on each other. Too much Nazi Germany vibes, but it's okay because fear? Stop being too afraid to think. No. 536728
>>536718"See Something, Say Something."
Sieg Heil.
No. 536732
Little update on my condition. Im a few days shy of 3 weeks since I was likely infected. I have been at home since that tuesday and have had chest pressure and a slight dry cough since that Saturday. So today marked 2 weeks and next saturday will be 3 weeks since my symptoms showed up. Which gives me hope this will be over soon. For the most part I still only have chest pressure HOWEVER the last couple of days have been a little rougher. I have the pain in my ribcage and under my breast. Its the kind you get when you've eaten way too much of a fried or greasy food. Or when you have severe indigestion or as some people have compared to, gas. It comes and goes but its definitely scary because you dont know if its your heart when its happening. I can still breathe but at some point the pressure gets so intense I have to lay down. Using vapor rub, even just smelling it inside the container does help you feel your nasal passages are cleared if you start to almost feel like you cant breathe. I havent lost my breath at all but the pressure building can be so intense that it almost makes me feel Im about to. Its almost like a suffocation kind of feel, like if you stay under blankets for too long.
I also am having shoulder pains, where it almost feels as if there is pressure on them as well, like someone sitting on my shoulders. Other than that, no migraines, no fever, no loss of taste and smell. Not even really a cough. I just feel I have to try really hard to clear my throat sometimes. Still just drinking hot tea and taking hot showers, cooking things with a lot of steam. Im probably going to order a humidifier or face steamer but I am feeling it will be too late for that as hopefully this is going to blow over soon.
Hang in there anons, and keep updating with your symptoms if you can. Everyone is reacting to this differently so its good to see the range from person to person.
No. 536748
>>536718This is rational thinking defeating hysteria:
Some coofer in my neighborhood got on sm to bitch about how some guy was selling a motorcycle or something similar that entailed people from outside the neighborhood come in to see it. She was riled up over how this was "bringing in potential germ carriers" to make her and her elderly husband sick. She recommended closing access to people outside the community.
To their credit, neighbors criticized her about how ridiculous she was being. Many pointed out that some people coming in from outside were taking care of elderly parents and relatives. Others said maybe the guy selling the motorcycle lost his job and needed the money. The best were the ones who told her to
mind her own fucking business, stay home herself, and not worry about what other people were doing.
No. 536783
>>536770>Take steps to build a better healthcare system that can handle a public healh crisis of this type.You're right. I don't believe this virus is as dangerous as the media makes it out to be, and definitely not worthy of shutting down the whole world. Deaths are falsely being attributed to the virus - people have died from heart attacks or terminal cancer, the virus was blamed and death tolls tallied. Test results are unreliable and give false positives, it's a mess.
>>536771I'm sorry you're having a hard time anon.
No. 536786
>>536732>pain under ribcage like you get from eating greasy, fried food. That's your pancreas anon. Might want to to go to the doctor and get a check up once all of this is over.
Glad to hear that your breathing isn't affected as badly as some peoples though! That's the scariest symptom for me. I keep on reading accounts of people not being able to breathe and not being able to get into the hospital unless their lips are turning blue. Keep on hanging in there! I'm glad that your symptoms aren't too severe. Thanks for the update and I hope you feel well soon!
No. 536790
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>>536305>government doesn't give a shit about the poors.See that's where you're wrong, anon. Now do as you're told and don't violate the COOF mandates, or else. No. 536804
>>536629Yes, "a slightly higher temperature than normal" is fever, which is a symptom. Why is it so painful to at least stay home until your temperature is normal?
And temperature checking devices have been existing way before corona, don't try to pull the "b-but the tests don't matter, we know nothing!" shit on them.
>>536784This. Who is supposed to overwhelm the medical system? Ghosts? No, it's mostly people who pretend to be deaf and blind.
No. 536813
>>536783>I don't believe this virus is as dangerous as the media makes it out to beI'm somewhere in between. I agree with this
>>536131 that there are a lot of unknowns and things that aren't being accounted for. I see people have varying symptoms, generally the worst appear in elderly and immuno-compromised/pre-existing conditions individuals. These same groups are also vulnerable to disease in general. Practicing good hygiene and sanitation is a must.
I don't take the government or the media at face value, however. There's a lot of propaganda to wade through.
No. 536817
>>536804I think you missed the point
No. 536844
>>536824I think you missed the point
>>536804 And I read it, that's why I'm asking for an explanation instead of just linking lazily. Our body temperatures vary, but fever is a symptom of illness and again why is it so painful to at least stay home until your temperature is normal?
No. 536885
>>536784>>536798Not only is it possible and preferable to change the healthcare infrastructure in the middle of this crisis, it is necessary and already happening.
In the US hospitals that treat uninsured patients will be reimbursed, something unimaginable before. Private and public hospitals started working together and sharing. Etc.
No. 537012
>>536996You make me want to confess my sorta-related sins.
I like to cook. I've been cooking a lot more during this lockdown. The problem is, I'm ana-chan. I feed all my food to my husband. He grows fatter while seeming to be oblivious to the fact that I eat very little. I get a lot of praise for how good my food is, and that is better than anything tastes imo. Send mental help.
No. 537032
>>536790>Practice social distancing!>Don't Coof!>Flatten the curve, SaVe LiVeS!>Poors: forced to sleep practically on top of each other in an open parking lot Nice hypocrisy.
Some parts of Nevada go down to the 30s at night. Anyone who thinks it's okay to treat human beings like this should neck rope immediately.
No. 537035
>>536996that's not a salad
that's a weird, nasty soup
No. 537037
>>536790>>537032No worries. I'm sure a health worker will be sent over with one of those nifty thermometers
>>536610 to help them avoid the coof. Problem solved. kek
No. 537038
>>537012This isn't the confession thread anon
> I get a lot of praise for how good my food is, and that is better than anything tastes imo. Send mental helpDoubt anybody cares given the seriousness of the actual topic being discussed on here
No. 537046
>>535842 >>536740Someone sneezed as a bus ran them over dead while they were crossing the street. Another
victim of corona chan.
No. 537060
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>>537042You're trying so hard.. One day you'll get that memespeak, I believe in you. Keep practicing and do your best.
No. 537137
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>>537065You can always judge a Boris Johnson situation by how quickly Laura Kuenssberg jumps to do his PR.
No. 537180
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Double post, wanted to post this
No. 537212
>>537204Since my depression is more circumstantial, well I have that in my favor. I'm not as overwhelmed, since I started working from home I'm a lot less stressed and I feel like I'm saving money instead of hemorrhaging it on gas and food and makeup in order to go in. Some friends keep in touch but I don't mind getting less attention, I've come to accept over the past few years that most people annoy me. I enjoy my own company. I'm a little sad that I don't have someone I can be close to romantically during this crisis, but on the other hand I've heard of relationships undergoing severe strain and other single people are in the same boat as me so I don't feel alone in this.
I only speak for myself though.
No. 537219
>>536076I still appreciate the concern anon, I was just stressed and had an all-out breakdown the night I posted this. Got tested and thankfully I’m negative. They had to re-do my test because my first swab fell on the ground, and the second time my nose was so irritated I coughed on the poor nurse’s face. I had symptoms start Friday but I think I’ve been so neurotic I just willed myself into having them.
Basically I’ve been told that construction is happening whether I like it or not, and since I’ve tested negative I’m just going to stay with my boyfriend for a bit. Would really much rather stay in my own home during this but fuck me I guess. My mom said it would only take them another week and a half but I think it’s just bullshit to placate me.
No. 537244
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Despite promising myself it wouldn't happen my sleep schedule's already flipped to nocturnal. I see no reason to try to change it back for now though.
>>537224At first it was mostly domestic cats who were showing symptoms of the illness but now the bigger cats are getting it too. I wonder why cats are so susceptible to it compared to other animals?
No. 537269
Opens a whole new world of corona opportunity if it has the ability to spread through pets and wildlife and back to us again. Brings back memories of when I was a kid and cows were being mass slaughtered over foot and mouth disease
>>537263I don't think the rest of 2020 will be normal, maybe even an improvement in summer and return of outbreaks in winter. Just guessing
No. 537292
>>536246Surely no one is
this much of an asshole. Right?
No. 537297
>>537293Don't viruses mutate when they spread across different species? Couldn't we be dealing with a whole new and more virulent strain of this next year if that happens?
That's my biggest worry anyway, a constantly changing strain like how regular flu can infect us over and over again because the strain changes
No. 537331
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>>537322From my understanding viral mRNA makes more mistakes than human mRNA so every-time it replicates its genome some mutation takes place, I'm not saying these mutations necessarily cause large changes in the phenotype but the genotype changes? Also this varies a lot depending on the type of virus.
This is what it said in Fields virology about it, tbh I still don't 100% understand
"Both DNA and RNA viruses undergo spontaneous muta- tion; however, the spontaneous mutation rate in RNA viruses is usually much higher than in DNA viruses. In general, the mutation rate at a specific site in different DNA viruses ranges from 10^−8 to 10^−11 per replication, whereas in RNA viruses it is at least hundred-fold higher, between 10^−3 and 10^−6 per replication. The difference in mutation rate observed between RNA and DNA viruses is thought to result primarily from differences in the replication enzymes. Specifically, the DNA- dependent DNA polymerases used by DNA viruses contain a proofreading function, whereas the reverse transcriptases used by retroviruses and RNA-dependent RNA polymerases used by RNA viruses lack a proofreading function. The difference in spontaneous mutation rate has profound consequences for both the biology of the viruses and for laboratory genetic analysis of viruses. Specifically, RNA viruses exist in nature as quasispecies —that is, populations of virus variants in relative equilibrium with the environment but capable of swift adapta- tion owing to a high spontaneous mutation rate (Chapter 11). Conversely, DNA viruses are genetically more stable but less adaptable. In the laboratory, the high mutation rate in RNA viruses presents difficulties in routine genetic analysis because mutants easily revert to wild-type virus that can outgrow the mutant virus."
No. 537343
>>537331From my understanding viral genomic replication enzymes make more mistakes than human ones so every-time viruses replicate some mutation takes place, I'm not saying these mutations necessarily cause large changes in the phenotype but the genotype changes? Also this varies a lot depending on the type of virus.
-Samefag - tried to edit my above comment to be more accurate*
No. 537350
>>537298By months you mean 24+ months, right?!po=50.0000But yeah who knows anything for sure. Maybe ebola 2.0 will appear within 2 years or a super volcano will erupt. Doom is easy.
No. 537390
>>535839How is everybody doing in here?
Just like everyone in here probably, i'm in my mid 20's after finally getting myself on hold of society before getting furloughed several months into my job. Savings is enough for 1 and half months more until i would have to return back to parent's place. In which, they were running a successful small to mid business that got hit majorly with this. I can tell you this because we are upper middle class and we got the economic damage RIGHT NOW and it is about to reach the rest of people. I knew that they survived 2008 quite sensibly and i'm afraid to tell you guys that i've never seen them in this much financial turmoil than right now and is planning on a massive layoff in about several weeks from now. I am lucky to have my safety net in terms of family wealth but i cant say much about the rest of you.
How can we prepare for an impending major blow to economy? I'm honestly scared that this is not even the end. What if we enter a ww3 after this?
No. 537401
>>537390I'm fortunate enough to still be getting paid/working, and my fiance has enough money to keep us afloat for a good few years (our rent is already paid for the year anyway). Worst comes to worst, my dad's business is still doing well and I could move in with him.
As for preparing for the economy, idk, I probably should save more.
>>537291I'd rather have a few months of freedom in the summer and then hibernate in the winter. It doesn't sound so bad, considering.
No. 537446
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UK PM Boris Johnson is in intensive care…
No. 537451
>>536861>my body temp was a bit high last week for 2 days because of my period getting ready>>536804>"a slightly higher temperature than normal" is fever>>536844>fever is a symptom of illness Not always, no.
I know the fear/paranoia is disabling some peoples ability to think properly so I'll put this in simple terms: Is there something about
fever/elevated body temperature can be caused by things unrelated to illness that you don't understand? I'm not going to stay home if I feel a little unwell when i've got things to do. I know what a flu is and what its symptoms are, and would stay home if I had it.
I know some people are out of their minds paranoid because they think if they get a little fever it's gotta be the corona, but flu symptoms are very specific.
Checking people's body temperature in public and especially without their consent, is retarded, Orwellian and does absolutely nothing to help anyone.
No. 537453
>>537446This had better just be precautionary because he's the PM.
R-right guys?
No. 537484
>>537476>a lot of people are asymptomaticOk, that's why we wear masks, gloves and wash our hands. I'm not touching everyone and coughing on them.
There's a difference between taking reasonable precautions vs reacting out of fear and paranoia. Some countries are going batshit taking people's temperature in public, or citizens going Gestapo and telling on their neighbors to the nanny state because there were too many people in their backyard.
No. 537487
>>537480I don't have the option either, anon. Don't assume things about other people? I work retail paycheck to paycheck also supporting other people. I'm still not going to go out if I know I have a fever. It's common sense at this point.
>>537484I would think that staying in if you are showing the most common symptom of covid is taking a reasonable precaution, I'm not saying people should be stopped in the street. It's a bit weird to me that some of you are proudly saying you'll be leaving the house and going into public settings if you have a fever because you can tell you aren't sick because you just have a feeling you aren't.
No. 537582
>>537390Not panicked because I have a few grand in my bank, but upset because that could deplete rapidly if my employer decides to not renew my contract at the beginning of May. If not for this virus, I was going to use that money to pay off an entire credit card. It was close to $4k so it was a big deal to me to have that gone so I could work on my other debt, and maybe eventually have a true savings! But I'd be a fool to give my money to a credit card company now.
I just bought a new car so I have that payment looming over me as well. I wouldn't be able to afford being unemployed, I'd have to work until coronavirus keeled me over in the hospital with my uninsured ass.
No. 537656
>>537546-Tiene un filtro removible hecho de tela entremedio de las capas.
-El filtro es opcional pero agrega una capa más de protección
-Completamente lavable- usar el agua más caliente posible, separar el filtro del barbijo/tapaboca/mascarilla*
-NO USAR suavizante de ropa- en su lugar usar 1/2 taza de vinagre destilado en el lavado
-Almacenar en una bolsa de plástico limpia cuando no esté en uso!
-Es recomendado lavarse las manos antes de usar el barbijo/tapaboca/mascarilla y después de retirarselo.
*face mask can be translated to any of these terms. They are essentially interchangeable but they also might depend on the region. Hope it helps anon
No. 537722
>>537714She's here to talk with me.
I found her input to be valuable.
You may not like or care for what she's saying, but others do, and I don't appreciate you trying to shoo her away.
No. 537769
>>537534>>537740Aren't Brits angry at him? He was joking about the severity of it, proudly shaking hands and being okay with thousands of old people dying and now he's on an intensive care bed that might be needed by another, innocent person.
I personally don't wish death on him, but on the other hand I could also understand if others do, seeing as he was playing with your lifes.
Also he looks old af, how can he have a pregnant gf?
No. 537776
>>537769Ragged, frayed old geezer sperm can still be viable - ask Grimes.
It would be ironic if Boris died of it but also horrific and in some ways increasing the problems of the country to lose someone who had the authority of winning a big majority during a crisis.
No. 537797
>>537769it was irresponsible and negligent of him not to follow distancing advice, but i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be laughing about it now, and hopefully he serves as a cautionary tale to the british public, particularly those who have been flippant about distancing and safety, once he's out the spicy part and on the mend of course.
that being said, i'll be incredibly butthurt if the govt lift the lockdown rules too soon and we have a rapid second wave of cases. i don't think there's really a 'perfect' response to something like covid-19, but that would be disastrous and an enormous waste of all the efforts & resources we're putting in now
No. 537901
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>1984 - Two Minutes of Hate
>2020 - Two Minutes of Applause
Many countries staged such clapping for healthcare workers, mine included. I don't participate.
Controlled outlets for the emotions of the masses creep me out.
Britfags, are you going to #ClapforBoris?
No. 537934
>>537263In America, it will last the entire year. This is becuase only Urban / big city hotspots are following quarentines right now, the redder your state, the more lax they are, and they are too fucking stupid to put preventative measures now.
Enjoy your new normal Americans.
>>537446This is what you all get for Brexit.
>>537451Still going at it retard? Calm down and just understand that other countries are taking preventative measures while you call them dumb and not do anything till shit hits the fan (ie. America). Average standard body temperature is 98.6 degrees Celsicus, (37 degrees Farenheit) If you go up a few degrees you have fever symptoms. It's very simple.
No. 537936
Starting a job at Lowe's tomorrow; the new boss was bragging about how sales are better than ever and the store is always full of people. Fuck fuck fuck. I'm going to die. Why are people treating businesses that stay open like they are playgrounds to alleviate their boredom? Some of us have to fucking work and it's so scary having these giant crowds all of the time. They are only hiring me part time but I have to go in 5 days a week anyway so I'll be exposed almost daily. I have been debating not showing up but I guess things like rent, electricity and food are more important so off I go. I wish so much that people would stop crowding this shit. I actually heard someone say they like going there because there's nothing else to do and they need something to do during this shit. It's going to be hard to keep my composure at work right now, my last job I was just fired from they literally (after the pandemic was booming) starting having us work in tight knit groups to stock the shelves faster and I was practically having a panic attack going into work everyday knowing they were planning on putting us in groups of 10 at the end of the night, ten to a fucking aisle when normally we all have our own aisles and never interact. What the fuck is wrong with people, why are people so massively stupid? Also about to run out of toilet paper, water and healthy food. I can't for the life of me find any healthy cheap food anymore, no oatmeal, no beans, no rice. That freaks me out too, going out and not having healthy food anymore. Sorry for bitching, maybe I should post this in the rant thread instead. I'm scared to go into work tomorrow.
No. 537941
>>537936Yep, shit like this is why it will stay in America for a while. While you are forced to work to put food on the table people are coming in and acting like it's a field day and just pretend it's a playground instead of getting what they fucking need an LEAVE.
Don't worry anon, hopefully it's just a "nothingburger" like the other anon said and you are just "paranoid" (lol, we are so fucked, but telling people to stay home is "Orewellian" apparently)
No. 537978
>>537451>flu symptoms are very specific. Yeah but Covid-19 symptoms aren't, dumbass. Half the problem is that it causes such a wide range of symptoms that the ONLY way to diagnose it reliably is with a lab test that takes time and costs money. If it caused a nice, regular set of symptoms like a distinctive rash or aches and pains it would be a lot easier to diagnose and contain.
Heck if you have oh so specific flu symptoms you probably have FLU, not Covid, it only causes flu-like symptoms in a minority of cases. But sure, go out with your fever (the only even vaguely consistent symptom) and be a super-spreader.
No. 537996
File: 1586287042918.jpeg (403.91 KB, 1242x2081, 40ADF9A4-24DD-4770-A8CB-6714D7…) kind of thing makes me so anxious. I think people should follow social distancing but don’t see how this and the heavy handed policing is useful or ethical and seems to just be about control. I feel like if this lockdown ever ends it will be exploited horribly and it will have terrible implications for surveillance, personal freedom and human rights to movement and privacy.
No. 538016
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Anyone else thinks PULL is being absolutely unbearable during Quarantine? Everyone is 200x more times whiny and bitchy and making everything a chance to virtue signal about muh corona.
I can't even enjoy my nasty little gossip habit anymore.
No. 538022
File: 1586289697784.jpeg (773.31 KB, 1242x1855, 0F2E968D-A26C-4982-BD0E-38C825…) do UK anons feel about the lockdown? I think the government needs to start discussing potential exit strategies, even if they don’t think it’s time to begin actually enforce them yet
No. 538036
>>538031So many elderly people in supermarkets where I live, old couples shopping together, despite signs saying they should stay at home. Are they suicidal or what?
BTW French anons ITT - how are you coping with the restrictions?
No. 538049
>>538036Yeah I didn't want to really say it cos people might start the fuck-boomers talk again but it's mostly elderly people we're having issues with when it comes to them shopping with coughs and skipping the hand sanitiser. We have the 'elderly shopping hours' in place so for three hours every morning I just watch one after the other skip the hand cleaning station, we have sanitiser next to baskets and trolleys for use on the handles and that gets skipped too. We can't make people do it but the signs are fucking everywhere.
When it comes to the coffee machine there's a theme where women wear the provided gloves and for some reason men don't. It's odd.
No. 538060
>>538050There are slightly more female cases in my country currently, very likely because of nurses getting it at work, previously week on week it had always been more male cases.
More male deaths from it though, I remember in earlier threads this was mentioned but why are there more male deaths I wonder?
No. 538061
>>537714>you are a god who can't get it and everyone but you is responsible for stopping the spread.>>537954mta but nice putting words in someone else's mouth. A lot of people are paranoid and reactive, have you even read these threads?
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses, some cause the common cold, others cause the flu. Covid19 is classified as a "Coronavirus disease", so YES it is a type of flu. Educate yourself.
If you don't like people asking questions or casting a skeptical eye towards the methods of the state, too damn bad.
No. 538062
>>538022I'm so fucking sick of it already. I want to hurl when I hear things like 6-18 months. Fuck off, like hell will I stay under house arrest for over a year.
I was getting my life on track picking up hobbies and going out of my comfort zone, then this shit forces me to be locked up with my screaming emotionally
abusive family. I have to fucking wear ear plugs all day.
No. 538072
>>537978>go out with your fever (the only even vaguely consistent symptom) and be a super-spreaderAnd where'd you pull that from? Lemme guess, thin air? The dictatorship over in China said the most consistent symptom is pneumonia. Now they could've pulled that out of their ass and they most likely did considering roughly 300k people die every year in China from pneumonia because most of their cities are drowning in air pollution. So nixing the dictatorship's "data", there is no consistent symptom other than flu like symptoms because as I just said, Covid19's a TYPE of flu.
I'd stay home if I thought I had the flu. If I felt a little under the weather would I stay home? No. I wear a mask, wash my hands, but I won't be bending over backwards to baby your paranoia and fear.
No. 538083
>>537934Well you can't refute it so
>>537544 lol. Taking people's temperature doesn't prevent anything.
No. 538105
>>538009Which country are you anon? Do you get hassled if you go out to buy food?
>>537936You guys wear masks and gloves? Every grocer I've been to employees are outfitted. AMZ warehouse workers are doing this now too, if I'm not mistaken.
No. 538129
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>>537580>>537672>>537952FYI POTUS ordered a hold on evictions etc. I don't see this widely reported for some reason. No. 538150
>>538083B-but anon, what about the asymptomatic carriers? Because it's been proven by nothing but fucking HEARSAY that asymptomatic carriers are contagious.
And let's not forget the test that gives false positives and negatives - we should definitely be relying on that to cull our statistics from
>>535842. All people can do is wear masks, gloves and practice proper hygiene.
No. 538167
>>537901If it were mandated by the govt or people were shamed for
not doing it that would be one thing. Seems like people just want to boost healthcare worker morale, I wouldn't necessarily categorize that as Orwellian lol.
No. 538195
>>538150Someone mentioned up thread about antibody testing being the only reliable method. It looks like these statistics derived from the PCR don't mean much. We only know that people are sick, without antibody testing there's no way to pinpoint the cause. Then there's things like this in Italy:
>>532649>"The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."I'm sure Italy isn't the only one doing this.
No. 538200
>>538050men are more likely to be Republican and it was also men who thinks helping out with any sort of environmental issue makes someone a pussy so
tldr we need to stop allowing men to be in charge if they think HELPING is unnecessary/ gay
No. 538220
>>538203>Everyone is resenting the lack of clarity regarding the rules.It's pissing me the fuck off. The govts reluctance to dictate clear rules makes me think they're trying to avoid looking like they're controlling people's freedom. They want to rely on people choosing to do the right thing but that's bullshit, the govt needs to take responsibility and make the hard decisions for us.
Luckily my job has been letting me work from home for the last week, but they didn't HAVE to do that. They could've made me stay at the office because the govt is only making suggestions, not demands.
No. 538223
>>537996Too far. How do they plan on enforcing this? The French aren't exactly passive little pushovers.
Some anons have been trying to warn of this the last couple threads
>>535314. It bears repeating that all anyone can do is take reasonable precautions. Banning people from outdoor exercise altogether doesn't sound reasonable. People's freedom and bodily autonomy are rapidly being encroached upon. Things like this
>>536610 set a bad precedent as well.
No. 538264
>>538226Build up the medical infrastructure. We have a problem with corona because of lack of it, not because the disease is particularly lethal.
The Chinese were so very nice to share with us (Serbia) their data and experience (I'm genuinely incredibly grateful to them for all their help during this crises). Our epidemiologists analysed it, and I just read the report. The key to how they tamed the virus is adapting their medical system.
They recommend ALL infected to be hospitalised, this sees far less people spread it further or die than home self-isolation. They had to build 10 additional hospitals to do this and they helped us building our own makeshift hospitals. Hospitalization is now mandatory for all people with the virus here, even the asymptomatic ones.
Another thing that saves lives is having enough medical personnel. China brought a lot personnel from all over. They concluded having 0.6 medics per infected is optimal. They also brought medical supplies from less affected areas. This is basically what NY governor Cuomo is (smartly) trying to do
>>537232. The Chinese have also sent us their medical professionals to help with this aspect, again I'm so thankful.
There are several lesser points in the report, all concerning what needs to be done with the medical system in order to beat the virus.
But the point is, social distancing and similar measures are just a band-aid. The pandemic won't go away until we all fix our hospitals.
No. 538305
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>>538278I get that, and that's sad.
What I don't get is why people don't have the same outrage towards the system which is responsible for the crisis as they have towards individuals who don't follow social distancing rules. After all, the latter wouldn't even exist were it not for the former. If infrastructure was adequate, there would be no need to stay at home to "flatten the curve". People are going bonkers over their neighbours and shoppers, but are happy to ignore the root problem of healthcare infrastructure.
>>538292It's not particulartly lethal per se. Instead, it's dangerous because it's highly contagious and there aren't enough resources to treat that many sick people at once so eventually they have to triage. That is the reason we stay at home to slow the spread. The more we build up infrastructure, the less need for restrictive measures.
No. 538307
>>538278Can you just say America instead of Western countries when you're obviously talking about, well, America?
>>538305I partly agree with you though. The most glaring system error is how seemingly the entire planet is depending on China for medical equipment. As for the social distancing, I'm ambivalent about it. If the government uses it to gain time to ramp up their medical capacities it makes sense.
People on a powertrip that freak out at their neighbours or random people on the street are the fucking worst though.
No. 538312
>>538072I actually pulled it from the official advice from several European countries with their OWN large-scale outbreaks from which to draw data. It's been outside China since January, you can't blame everything on the CCP forever. You also shouldn't assume everyone arguing with you is a frightened baby, personally I'd just like to be able to leave my house again at some point this year.
But whatever, if you'll wear a mask then you're at least not being a TOTAL ass so I can live with it.
No. 538332
>>538292No one here has claimed it was fake. They're asking questions, using critical thinking. Jesus some of you really can't read, it's sad.
There was another asshole in the last thread whining at someone for asking questions/showing skepticism, saying something to the effect that it should be illegal. People like that strike me as these types
>>536718. They'll call the cops if they hear any coofing through the walls. How about we
don't descend into a Nazi-esque police state hell hole? They can take their Gestapo/Big Brother shittery and piss off.
No. 538376
>>538105>Which country are you anon?Spain.
>Do you get hassled if you go out to buy food?No, but there's a chance you'll get stopped by the police and asked. Unfortunately a lot of police officers are also making up their own little rules that weren't in the decree, like why aren't you buying at the closest store…
No. 538379
>>538167Where I live people do get shamed for not clapping. Someone posted a picture of a handwritten sign in their appartment building of some asshole telling everyone some neighbour didn't show up for the clapping so they should wreck his door and letterbox. Also people yelling at people walking on the streets from their windows (we're not allowed to go for walks, only shopping/essential work) even if they didn't know why that person was outside.
Self-righteous assholes are more dangerous than anyone.
No. 538415
>>538397Theres no way to get accurate mortality rate statistics until the pandemic is over because until then we won't know how many people die from it and how many people recover.
That's the nature of infectious disease pandemics, unfortunately we have to make decisions to protect the population without all the data.
No. 538420
>>538415They're not getting accurate stats because 1) The PCR test gives false positives and negatives and 2) Places like Italy are counting people who die WITH covid as having died FROM covid. And you can't tell me they care about "protecting the population" when homeless are left like this
>>536790. If they wanted to protect the population they'd be promoting herd immunity among healthy people, not keeping them sequestered like this.
No. 538431
>>538420All tests can give false positives and false negatives, this depends on their sensitivity and specificity.
PCR is innaccurate because it only tells you that yes some viral material is present in the sample you gave, this is why people sometimes have to take multiple tests because sometimes even if they have the virus, the sample they have taken doesn't have any virus present.
An antibody tests would tell you if you body has mounted immunity to covid, but you would need an additional viral antigen tests to know if you still currently have the infection or if you have recovered or if you are a carrier.
Herd immunity is unlikely to work with a coronavirus because the immunity is likely quite temporary (e.g. months)
No. 538440
>>538435Yeah i've had some clinic appointments cancelled and my mum had her mammogram cancelled.
I've been volunteering at hospital in the NHS and 2 of the wards I've worked on recently have been completely cleared out for covid patients so lots of people must be having stuff postponed.
No. 538443
>>538436Lack of resources and support to look after them basically, we don't have enough carers or delivery people (at least in UK).
Also would be a controversial policy to implement I would imagine.
No. 538471
>>538463I'm confused about how viral genomic transcription works when they replicate in comparison to humans because I only have a very basic understanding, I literally wasn't talking about transmission at all.
From my understanding and according to Fields virology all viruses (both RNA & DNA) spontaneously mutate every time they replicate because of the rate of error which occurs when scanning nucleotides so all viruses mutate when they replicate.
No. 538478
>>538476What are the error dynamics/causes of error in RNA and DNA polymerases in viral replication vs in human DNA replication?
I want to better understand how the differences in the genomic enzymes effects the rate of mutation in viruses vs humans, because an anon in the thread earlier was saying not all viruses mutate when they replicate but from my understanding, and from what I have learned at medical school and from what I have researched (e.g. fields virology) that is impossible because mutation is inherent in viral replication.
No. 538500
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>>538484Nope I study at a UK university and I was born and raised here and english is my first language.
Also, that Fields virology said that spontaneous mutation is a feature of viruses basically because viral genomes are thousands of nucleotides long at the errors occur at a steady rate per nucleotide (that table and post about it earlier demonstrate that too.
"The simplest way to examine the role of mutation in virus evolution is to measure the rate of its occurrence. Indeed, under- standing the factors that shape the speed at which genetic variation is generated in viruses is central to understanding many aspects of their evolution. For RNA viruses mutation can in some ways be thought of as their defining evolutionary feature, as it occurs at a pace that greatly exceeds that observed in other organisms."
Although mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation, the pace of evolutionary change can in fact be measured in two rather different ways. One method is to estimate, experimentally, the rate at which mutations are generated de novo. Such rates have usually been presented as the number of mutations per nucleotide, per replication or the number of mutations per genome, per replication. However, because of the inherent complexities and biases in making these estimates, it has been suggested that estimates of mutation rate per nucleotide, per cell infection may be more informative.
For example one important complicating factor is that some viruses employ so-called stamping machine replication, in which a single virus acts as the template for all progeny genomes, so that mutations accumulate linearly, while others utilize “geometric” replication, in which some of the early progeny genomes are used as templates to produce further progeny, in turn increasing the rate of mutation accumulation.
The power of mutation rate estimates is that they reveal the intrinsic error dynamics of the RNA or DNA polymerases used in viral replication and in theory allow a count of each type of mutation—advantageous, neutral, or deleterious—before they have been shaped by natural selection, although it is always difficult to accurately count the number of lethal mutations that are rapidly removed by purifying selection. A detailed compilation of mutation rate estimates for 23 viruses, and accounting for many of the complexities inherent in analyses of this kind, revealed that these rates varied from 10^−6 to 10^−4 mutations/nucleotide/cell infection for RNA viruses 10^−8 to 10^−6 mutations/nucleotide/cell infection for DNA viruses (Fig. 11.5). For RNA viruses that replicate with RdRp, an enzyme that lacks a proofreading or repair function, this equates to mutation rates that are usually a little below the lower mutation rates observed in large DNA viruses clearly reflect the higher fidelity of the DNA polymerases employed in their replication cycle. Of particular note is that mutation −6 rate estimates in ssDNA viruses (a maximum of 1.1 × 10^-6, although only two estimates are available) are higher than those of large dsDNA viruses (which range from 5.9 × 10^−8 to 5.4 × 10^−7), even though ssDNA viruses have such small genomes
that they use host DNA polymerases for replication. It is therefore possible that the relatively high mutation rates in ssDNA viruses relect less efficient proofreading and excision repair on ssDNA and/or frequent deamination. The study of Sanjuán et al was also of note in that it revealed that retroviruses such as HIV have error rates that overlapped with those of RdRp-utilizing viruses, even though earlier studies suggested that RT exhibits higher idelity than RdRp."
No. 538522
>>538518Yea, becuase it's a virus similar to the flu, expect it to be seasonal.
Anti-vaxxers will get this smoke. No more freedom of choice for this shit to not get vaccinated. People and the government aren't going to tolerate it anymore.
No. 538524
>>538508I think that's way too early, Austria will loosen up the restrictions next week and I'm certain they're gonna regret it.
Just look how quickly the numbers in France, Spain and Italy are still rising…
No. 538536
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>>538528>In Spain we've already reached the peak, apparentlyBut how would you know that? You have more cases than Italy already.
I think politicians are only saying that so that people stay patient while in quarantine, if they'd downright tell us that it's still gonna take months people will no longer cooperate.
No. 538537
>>538531The lying and hedging coming from China and the WHO was/is shady as hell, but the seeming mismatch between the severity of the disease and the extreme lockdown policies isn't as contradictory as it looks. The reason Covid-19 is so dangerous is that it's new - nobody has immunity to it, nearly everyone exposed to it will catch it, and we don't know how to treat it yet. That's a public health disaster even with a mild disease, normal seasonal flu would be just as dangerous if everyone caught it at once and we didn't know what drugs to use. We need these extreme measures for this first outbreak BECAUSE it's the first outbreak.
As long as we can develop some treatments, then even if it gives short-lived immunity like SARS, that'll probably be enough to reduce infection rates in the future so it shouldn't overwhelm health services like this again.
We also have better odds of developing treatments than for SARS or MERS because it's become such a huge deal. Research for those two got shelved as soon as the outbreak was contained, so the fact that we failed to contain this one means labs will keep looking for cures because there'll definitely be money in it.
>>538533Well yeah, a death rate of 0.1% for young people is still more than 0. You'll see a few deaths once enough young people are infected. A few very unlucky young people die of seasonal flu every year too, even though statistically they're low risk.
No. 538583
>>538579Big chains were already suffering because they are using cheap shitty tier labor and production, yet charging an arm and leg for simple products. I work for a semi large retailer(Cato Fashions) and the quality has gone down so much customers pretty much dont even shop on regular racks anymore. If we didnt have a constant year round clearance/markdown section, and a layaway system that allows people to actually get free money back when their layaway items get marked down, we'd have no business at all. And customers dont even want to follow the rules for that. We were in the negative sales wise for the entire year before this stuff started. All the big mall
tier stores were definitely one foot in the grave already. This is just going to boost the companies that are conglomerates, like Amazon, Disney, Walmart, etc. Smaller companies that partner WITH those conglomerates or get bought by them(Khols, Target etc) are still going to be good too. People do very much still by offbrand things. They just dont want to pay the same amount they'd have to pay for the real thing. Thats a huge mistake a lot of companies are going to have to face the consequences for. The surviving stores are going to be deep discount stores like Burlington, Home Goods, that have constant sales, or stores that partner with the big guys, like I said. People are DYING to get out and spend their money. When the floodgates open up its going to be crazy.
No. 538587
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>>538568And with what money are they supposed to consume after the dollar dropped and a lot of boomers will have to pay off their hospital bills? I don't think credit institutions aren't too happy about the recent developments either.
No. 538593
>>538587In a capitalist and consumerist nation, people already were spending more than they had. People will get money either from the government, or through loans, or by getting another low tier barely minimum wage job just like they had before, and blow it on the same stupid shit they did beforehand. They'll still pay taxes. You'll probably see Trump pretending to do minor damage control by seizing the fed, cancelling student loans(TEMPORARILY), utility companies being forced to suspend billing for customers who arent getting any income(though this is going to take awhile because companies are going to fight it as much as they can) and hospital bills being eaten by a few major companies. Aetna has already signed on to eat testing costs and its becoming free in several places. But guess what, citizens are still CONSUMERS. And they literally cant imagine facing a world where they cant spend 30 dollars on a meal at cracker barrel, or an 8 dollar coffee, or 1800 a month on a shitty rundown one room apartment, or 1600 on a new iphone without any of the accessories, or a 40 dollar shirt that tears up after washing it twice. So guess whos going to STILL be spending despite not having the funds even if they get government relief checks and have their loans temporarily halted? Americans will always be in debt to the corporate gods. This isnt going to change anything.
No. 538598
>>538587>will have to pay off their hospital billsI honestly think the US is doomed after the pandemic is over.
As far as I understood (as a dumb ESL), if you Americans get laid off from work you no longer receive money from your employer right? Like an unpaid "vacation"? Seriously, how can you call yourself a first world nation, one of the strongest countries in the world, yet you just leave people to completely fend for themselves on their own, possibly fearing homelessness and starvation? Your economy will absolutely tank as well, since other countries will very likely recover much faster and start trade etc amongst each other, excluding you.
I still can't believe that upthread (or in the last one) an american nurse said she doesn't even have medical insurance, like wtf how can this be legal?, that's just so morally wrong…
No. 538639
>>535839Hope this is the right thread for this
I’ve been showing symptoms of coronavirus for 14 days. Every single day I’ve had a fever, mild but dry coughing, headache, chills, severe body aches and fatigue. The past few days I’ve also been experiencing stomach issues including diarrhea.
When I first started showing symptoms I had shortness of breath (that was about 10 to 14 days ago). I haven’t had that since, but today I started having chest pains. Pretty bad ones. I’ve had them twice today.
I’m not sure if I should go see a doctor or not, when I first started showing symptoms I was told to stay home because my symptoms were not very severe. Some days I almost don’t even feel sick until a really bad headache, fever and pain hits and I feel guilty for thinking I’m sick. Considering my symptoms overall haven’t been too severe, more painful than anything, but they’ve lasted two weeks as of today, I’m not sure if I should go to the hospital or not. any advice would be appreciated, my area has been getting fucked by the virus and I don’t want to take resources from people who might need them more.
sage bc blog
No. 538660
>>538531Tell me why many congressmen and stockholders sold before this dropped in the west, it had been happening in china much longer. They also invested in online teaching applications like zoom. They knew something people didn't and they didn't care, people are dead and it doesn't matter to them.
Americans are generally too content with mindlessly consuming garbage which is the equivalent of jacking off to porn all day. Give them iphone to feel elite like Kylie Jenner and as long as they get their iced coffees they'll shrug and move on.
No. 538685
>>538664If I have to read “Orwellian practices” one more goddamn time, I’m going to lose it. Go to the tinfoil thread or get a different phrase.
With that out of way-
Anons, when my boomer parents inevitably get the virus, are they better off in hospital even if it seems to be mild? Would the hospital turn them away to rest at home even with corona? I’d much prefer they ride out the virus there than at home because I just…don’t want to wake up to one of them being unable to breathe or dead in their beds.
No. 538687
>>538664fuck off tinfoiling retard
>>538685I honestly can't tell you, I'm thinking the same, I'm not sure. I feel like it would be better to keep them in the hospital becuase many are being turned down and they die quickly soon after without a ventilator.
No. 538694
>>538483You do know there are actual documentary movies on Nazi Germany that are educational, historically accurate and not directed by someone like Quentin Tarantino? Could some of you sound any more ignorant? Since you don't have the intellect to figure it out for yourself, things like this
>>536718 set a very bad precedent, with shades of fascism.
No. 538704
>>538439lol there you go with the dramatics and putting words in people's mouths. Building up herd immunity in healthy people isn't eugenics.
Just don't be a brown shirt calling the cops if you hear coofing through the walls, or whine at someone for going for a walk even though they feel a little under the weather. Relax princess.
No. 538707
>>538486That's not the context of the original quote from the article.
>>532649>"The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus."It's clear what he means. They're counting Covid deaths very liberally, and not everyone who died with Covid died OF it. It's obvious that other countries are doing the same.
No. 538717
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>>538709Nta, but they shouldn't be classified as strictly Covid because then you're completely ignoring other problems that must also be addressed.
Italy has the highest antibiotic resistance in the EU. This contributed to the death rate because when patients with COVID get a bacterial co-infection (as is often the case with respiratory illnesses), the treatment for the secondary infection doesn't work because the bacteria is resistant to antibiotics and the patient dies.
Counting all those people as covid deaths ensures Italians will not address the huge problem they have with consuming antibiotics like candy (which then lead to the microbial resistance, which then led to dying when catching covid).
It also ensures other countries that have resistant microbes (like mine) will not have insight into the larger scope of danger they face compared to others.
No. 538736
>>538725 are 8 known strains so far*.
>“The virus mutates so slowly that the virus strains are fundamentally very similar to each other,” said Charles Chiu
>So far even in the virus's most divergent strains scientists have found only 11 base pair changes.
>The COVID-19 virus does not mutate very fast. It does so eight to 10 times more slowly than the influenza virus, said Anderson, making its evolution rate similar to other coronaviruses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).* “Remember, we’re seeing a very small glimpse into the much larger pandemic. We have half a million described cases right now but maybe 1,000 genomes sequenced. So there are a lot of lineages we’re missing,” he said.
No. 538738
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>>538725>>538725>mutations dont seem to be commonplace with this virus or with coronaviruses in general.What? These viruses mutate by necessity, for their own survival. of a flu virus also isn't as uncommon as the sensational media makes it out to be.
>After approximately 1 year, at least 2 of the 7 participants were reinfected by the identical A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus, showing that previous infection experience did not provide sterilizing protective immunity.
>Furthermore, evidence of sequential infection was laboratory-confirmed in at least 3 of the participants and was demonstrated via clinical evidence in 5 of the participants. According to the study authors, this data suggest that sequential infection is not a rare phenomenon. No. 538750
>>538568The only businesses I'm concerned for are the small,independent ones. I've heard a lot of them are shuttering their doors and will never reopen. No one I know is apathetic to people dying, it's just things like the grocery stores limiting the number of people inside and crap like that to "save lives" (which I don't believe considering how other human beings are being treated
>>536790). It's annoying and time consuming, some people still have to work. Just mandate mask wearing in the goddamn store instead.
No. 538758
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>>538522>No more freedom of choice to not get vaccinatedK.
>Postdoctoral Fellow, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., claims that although flu vaccines are pushed on the public in “unprecedented numbers”, they are less effective and cause more side effects than claimed by the CDC. Furthermore, Doshi states that the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot to begin with, are low quality studies that do not substantiate claims.Everyone who's ever been injured by a vaccine or knows someone who was injured or lost their life will make their voices heard. Sorry they're so intolerable for you, those killed or injured for life. lol
No. 538807
File: 1586426760699.jpg (310.5 KB, 820x913, Supp-2-Trust-Covid-Media.jpg) is fascinating. In all the years I worked in market research I have never ever seen such low confidence in family and friends as sources of data. People now believe the government more than they believe their own mom. I never thought I'd live to see that.
Now, it makes sense in the context of the pandemic, since yo mama is probably not a virologist. But it's still a huge thing that the balance of trust has been shifted.
Don't let the gov't misuse the trust you've given them. They don't love you like yo mama does.
No. 538818
>>538814The article says gen z is just chilling and playing videogames lol
Man, it's a huge blessing in all this nonsense that the virus doesn't affect kids like most diseases do.
We have to make sure that we don't meet the next pandemic as unprepared as we are for this one, because the next one just might affect children and babies too…
No. 538825
>>538818>the virus doesn't affect kids that was just a rumour that was almost immediately discredited
kids have died from it
they are just less likely to have very weak immune systems
No. 538872
>>538757Sorry anon, he must be the exception and not the rule, according to retards in this thread. Fake news, he was probably a fat ass.
No. 538874
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>>538872not trying to downplay the seriousness of corona, because it is very serious and everyone needs to avoid it and avoid catching it as much as possible, but he was kind of heavy, js.
>>538942I understand you. Fortunately I do see my friends and even myself cleaning up our eating habits. I've personally kicked my soda and fast food habit which is excellent. Everyone's having to make meals at home more.
I really do hope people seize this opportunity to fix themselves.
No. 538994
>>538911honestly the general vibe i get from this thread and like general tabloid comment sections is that people
want to be scared, they want it to be way more dangerous than it really is. and if you exhibit any sort of level headed behaviour or scepsis you are a conspiracy fag or hillbilly.
No. 539012
>>538874Fuck off. This guy fucking went to my school and he's a great person. He was an athlete, probably healthier and in better shape than the majority of people.
But yes please do continue to blame people for their bodies and health when they just fucking died from a virus.
No. 539027
>>539023I do understand people being worried and am worried, but what I am saying is that the amount of 'healthy young people' who have died is so extremely small and so overwhelmingly healthcare workers that it is fear mongering and irresponsible for people or the media to portray it as if it is a significant risk. Of course ideally no people at all would die, but the reality is young healthy people can and do die from flu, die from general anaesthesia etc but it's just extremely unlikely, it is the same for the coronavirus, and people shouldn't be excessively worried as they wouldn't be for these other viruses or illness
TLDR: there is a lot for people to worry about regarding this virus but mass amounts of healthy young people dying from it probably isn't one
No. 539038
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>>538750on the bright side, I've heard they're getting small business loans
>>538756right? Now we won't have retarded chuds and their families coming in to fuck around and spread more diseases while being asymptomatic.
>>538811Get reckt. Stay the fuck home retard. No. 539094
>>539092I watch animal videos. >tfw one of my favorite to follow was the myrtle beach safari and thanks to tiger king, it just doesnt feel the same
I do love seeing all their animals still though! Its hard to stop watching.
No. 539109
>>539092God I wish that was me. But I'd second
>>539094 , sounds like a 10/10 idea to relax.
No. 539115
>>539065Same as
>>539106I want to believe this but he's quoting news sites and using outdated information in some cases (for example otherwise healthy deaths in Italy are now up to 3%, not 1%).
No. 539159
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No. 539199
>>539196Lol here are mine:
>STOP JUDGING PEOPLE SHOPPING AT LOWE'S HARDWARE!>Why are parents letting groups of children play on playgrounds?>thanks to whoever called the cops over my family get-together! >Disinfectant spray? I'm in dire need of disinfectant spray. Please let me know if there is a store that sells disinfectant spray. Jeeeesus.
No. 539203
>>539027>it is fear mongering and irresponsible for people or the media to portray it as if it is a significant risk.Agreed. I'd like to think most people have figured out by now that the media in general likes to sensationalize.
There are people who still don't know that "coronaviruses" are a family of viruses
>>538740. Covid is a coronavirus, making it a type of flu. Given its classification, we're dealing with a flu strain that's a little worse than usual, worse especially for the traditionally at risk groups.
No. 539204
>>539065The only reason there are questions regarding the statistics is because the test used to diagnose the illness in most countries, that being the PCR, is faulty, nor does the PCR test for viral load. Also, reports have come out of Italy where scientists and medical authorities are saying Covid deaths are being counted so broadly as to render the "official" numbers meaningless.
One of my local news outlets asked how they count cases in a hospital setting. It turns out anyone who goes into the hospital or drives into a testing center is counted as ONE CASE whether or not they actually test positive or negative. The
cases count is a red herring…means nothing.
No. 539213
>>539211They think it’s probably to avoid information being misinterpreted or sensationalised and to stop further confusion from the public, which is logical I guess but I don’t think it’s very ethical.
They have a shortage of PPE equipment which is the main concern, especially as viral load is seems to be pretty significantly linked to fatality, there is almost no testing happening so people are having to isolate which is reducing the numbers of people able to work which is difficult as it’s very chaotic and busy with the information changing so frequently but they say the different areas of the hospital are working together quite smoothly for the most part and a large number of people have needed ventilators which could become a concern but also emerging information suggests ventilation may not be as useful for covid patients as previously thought.
No. 539217
>>539038>spread more diseases while being asymptomatic. If someone's practicing good hygiene and sanitation, how exactly are they "spreading disease"? If you see someone who looks under the weather are you going to assume they have Covid when they could just as easily be having allergy symptoms? I'm not running around scared of everyone and everything. I take precautions, wear mask and wash my hands. I'm also not a rabid consumer so those purchasing restrictions aren't relevant to me.
Quote from the article: "Local governments around the US are taking more draconian measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus".
>draconian: adjective>Draconian laws, government actions, etc. are extremely severe, or go further than what is right or necessary. how taking "draconian measures" is supposed to help anyone?
No. 539222
>>539012>This guy fucking went to my school and he's a great person.This implies she knew him at least in passing even if they weren't friends.
No. 539232
>>539222Her initial post was:
>A student from my university died today. He was 21.If she knew him, think she'd have honestly mentioned that in her first post rather than going with such distant phrasing. That's phrasing people typically use when they don't know someone and the closest relation they have to them is sharing the same school. Would've been pertinent to mention the fact that she knew him rather than saying "a student from my university", if she did. She sounds like that anon that keeps posting on /ot/, always unsaged, always overly reactive, and her subsequent posts always add more information that she neglects to leave out in the first posts, but she always gets outraged that people can't read her mind. No one would assume she knew him by saying "a student from my university". I don't buy her outrage and retroactive implications being that she's clearly dishonest.
>>538957Obesity definitely puts your health at risk, but being overweight in general? It really varies from person to person - depends on their height and other factors.
I'm about 5-10lbs overweight but I exercise regularly, don't eat fast food, avoid most processed foods, watch my sugar intake like a hawk (diabetes in the family, though i don't have it). I feel pretty good. I keep my "overweight" within the 5-10lbs range. I haven't been sick in a really long time minus a bout of food poisoning 5 years ago. I'm also vegetarian. Nothing against meat eaters, I just found a vegetarian diet more preferable for me.
No. 539247
>>539213>They have a shortage of PPE equipment which is the main concern, especially as viral load is seems to be pretty significantly linked to fatalityTHIS is what we should be scared of. There is a real threat that because of lack of protective equipment, more healthcare workers will get ill. The remaining ones will have to work longer and with more patients, so even more of them fall ill and many will die of exhaustion+corona. Eventually, most medics will be either sick, dead or quit because of the conditions. Then we're totally fucked. Totally. The entire healthcare collapses. Want to give birth? You've got to do it at home, and there are is no aseptic anywhere. Have cancer? Tough luck.
This is what social distancing is for. Giving them time to procure new masks, ventilators, build makeshift hospitals, and ensuring that there are enough medics per patient, that they don't get flooded by cases.
Except the world governments fucking it up majestically. Countries are literally stealing masks from one another instead of pooling and sharing their resources. A pandemic is a global problem that therefore requires global solutions. How is that not obvious?
No. 539253
>>539247>This is what social distancing is for.What does standing 6ft apart do exactly? If I'm not close enough to reach the other person then why should it matter that I'm not precisely 6ft away?
People should be observing proper hygiene, sanitation, and doing things like wearing masks, but making up arbitrary rules and whining at people who don't comply is ridiculous.
When you say "Giving them time" you're guessing at infection rates. The stats are flawed. Most of what we see is guess work. This
>>539204 is how cases are counted in the US. Makes no sense.
No. 539254
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>>539240This is a good article on the weight issue, which imo is a little more nuanced than you're suggesting. They cite several other sources.
>A meta-analysis of 97 studies, involving more than 2.8 million people around the world, published in the Journal of American Medical Association confirmed the link between obesity and death but also revealed that people slightly overweight may live longer than people of normal body weight. Australian researchers writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition provide further evidence that for older populations, being overweight was not associated with greater risk of death but that the risk did increase for older people with a BMI less than 23.
>How else can those extra pounds help? A little extra padding can help cushion brittle bones and decrease your risk of hip fracture. Also, to remain strong, bones need to carry weight so those extra pounds help increase bone density. And for women, fat helps estrogen production which is good for healthy bones. I've personally found 5-10 extra lbs helpful for me, but I think this would also vary between individuals.
No. 539262
>>539253I agree with you that nobody knows fuck all about the disease.
Governments are nevertheless trying to protect their flawed health systems, because if they fail we're all mega fucked. But they're doing it basically blindfolded because of lack of data, and erring on the side of caution.
But doing this they are placing a disproportionate amount of responsibility on the individual citizen, because for them it's far easier than implementing systematic change.
I say fuck what's easier for them. It's not the right way to deal with this.
No. 539269
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>>539065This is actually a good overview because along with media reports, it also links to a lot of primary source material like scientific journals. Although I take the info coming out of China with a grain of salt, what with the brutal fascism an all.
>NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a "global media terror“ and "totalitarian measures“. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a "media epidemic“.Way to state the obvious lol.
No. 539274
>>539203I totally agree that the media seem to WANT people to panic, but it's not a flu virus. Human flu is caused by influenza viruses, in the family Orthomyxoviridae. Every human flu pandemic so far has been caused by a subtype of Influenza A, in the genus Alphainfluenzavirus.
SARS-Cov-2 is a coronavirus in the family Coronaviridae. Some viruses in this family cause common colds, as well as more severe respiratory infections like SARS, but they are not a type of flu and are not in the same virus family. Actually as far as I can tell they're not even placed in the same phylum.
The real problem is how contagious it is and that we don't know how to treat it - even if only 10% of people need to go to hospital, if you let it spread freely that's going to be 10% of the TOTAL POPULATION needing hospital treatment all at the same time.
>>539253Standing 6ft apart should be far enough that moisture droplets when you exhale won't land on the other person. With normal breathing they have a range of up to 2m, if you cough or sneeze they have a maximum range of 5-10m (results vary).
Regarding stats, you're right they are flawed and mostly an educated guess, but you can gather from the situation in hospitals that it's currently spreading too quickly for them to manage the number of patients. There comes a point where you don't actually need statistics to tell you that you have a basic problem of too many patients, not enough beds.
No. 539283
>>539203It's not flu because it's not an influenza virus like anon
>>539274 said.
Both coronaviruses and influenza are RNA viruses though and they both are typically linked to respiratory infections in humans but they are not the same.
No. 539358
>>539337My friend surprised me by saying restaurants in the Ringsaker region are considering opening dining rooms to limited capacity within two weeks.
It seems a bit too soon but maybe you do have a handle on things in your country. You're certainly doing better than the folks next door across that border.
No. 539364
>>539352That's true, I saw my country going on full lockdown in the span of 4 days. 1 week before everyone was saying it was just a flu, everything was fine and nobody panicked.
By the way I still wonder if the hot weather is going to affect the virus in one way or another. I know it wont disappear in summer and that's not my point, but maybe it would be slowed down. I wonder if that thing can survive so well when we hit 36°c here.
I know there are cases in warmer countries but it's not That hot right now in australia, and there are fewer cases too if you compare with italy / spain etc. There aren't that many cases in Africa despite how contagious the virus is supposed to be, it climbed way way way quickly in europe although we can't say it's 100% because of the weather anyway.
I think that there is no way to know but I wonder, since coronaviruses are supposed to be sensitive to the weather. For sure it doesn't act like a normal coronavirus but still.
No. 539392
>>539373They are far far better at diagnostics than western countries and already have a system centred on dealing with epidemics because they constantly battle them.
I used to live in Africa, covid can't hold a candle to other diseases already raging there.
Their real weakness is their inability to implement proper social distancing and hygiene.
The population is the weaker point than healthcare, opposite from in the West.
No. 539445
>>539352Seems like everyone else got the message except America though.
Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore nipped it in the bud. They listened to the CDC and WHO. So are some European and African countries.
No. 539452
>>539392They want to believe what they want to believe, they should focus on making sure America doesn't fall to the ground. My parents literally came from Africa ~2 months ago and they were screening temperature at their countries airports and stopping people back then. I get annoyed but realize it's better for them to think that so they can leave us alone. Hell, someone posted what Nigeria was doing above and they called the government stupid and totalitarian, not realizing this isn't the first rodeo and they have already worked with WHO many times over.
Let them see what they want to believe. I'm just watching so that they and France don't come after us with "vaccination studies", given their track record on our Continent.
No. 539453
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WHO was literally tweeting misinformation from the beginning, please lmao. They're quite literally the main reason everybody kept their borders open to the fucking people fleeing from China. Trump is a retard, but people are really out here making excuses for WHO and health officials that told people masks should be for hospital employees only(as if they shouldnt have already been providing health care workers with adequate protection). And WHO stands for WORLD health organization, not American. America isnt the only country that fucked up.
No. 539474
>>539469>>539461Get used to the new world guys. Poor will become even poorer after this and the rich will sky rocket. And our only chance (Bernie) is out, so now the rat race will go into overdrive.
It's now "get money or die trying."
No. 539503
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Anyone finding funny self-isolation salt/pandemic truthers? I've found a few edgelords here and there.
No. 539504
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Tidbits from a former /pt/ subject if I'm not mistaken
No. 539510
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Literally killing me (note: she has not died)
No. 539627
File: 1586573887541.jpeg (878.63 KB, 1242x1737, 92120CF5-0398-45DD-A4EB-116CD9…) they were saying the Oxford university study predicts half the population have already had the virus but now only 4%? What caused this change? We need antibody testing as this gap in the data is the key to ending the lockdown
No. 539653
File: 1586577785554.jpeg (968.94 KB, 1242x1871, 8DB6C3C6-EB1B-4774-888E-F3AE12…) there any stats regarding this worldwide or for other countries? This seems strange and worrying, is it environmental?
No. 539654
>>539346I'm so sorry anon.
Can we all just be kinder to each other for once? This is an experience we're all sharing whether anyone likes it or not. If you're not wealthy you're most likely struggling too. Please be kind and look out for others around you.
No. 539676
>>539445Fuck no
Taiwan dispatched agents to Wuhan back in December and warned WHO about human-to-human transmission. But those warnings fell on deaf ears because the WHO was too busy sucking up to Beijing.
Most countries listened to the WHO and it was those countries that got screwed. I've been following this thing since January and it's amazing how hard the WHO and Beijing are rewriting history
No. 539693
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>>539627>Among the factors he speculated could be contributing was whether BAME doctors felt less able to complain about inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE) – a recurring complaint among healthcare workers during the crisis – thereby putting themselves in danger.
>“BAME doctors often feel bullied and harassed at higher levels compared to their white counterparts,” he said. “They are twice as likely not to raise concerns because of fears of recrimination.”
>He said the death of BAME doctors was particularly upsetting because of “the vast majority – I think only one was born here – who have come from overseas and have given their lives to the NHS, to save the lives of others”.God fucking damn it this is so fucking sad.
Pic is a comment from a nurse on reddit that ended up on r/bestof. Those people want PPE, not applause.
No. 539696
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>>539693Also, this was the second top post of the week on r/nursing, tread title "they're going to "muh hero" us until we're all sick……".
The first top post of the week was a pic of "SoCal nurses refuse to enter COVID-19 patient rooms without N95s"
I really feel for those "essential workers". They're paying for the entire society's mistakes.
No. 539704
>>539693oops, replied to wrong post.
meant to reply to
>>539653 No. 539707
File: 1586589755721.jpg (190.16 KB, 1080x857, IMG_20200411_091354.jpg)

>the uk shits on the rest of europe for decades, always feels superior>the uk leaves europe because they think they're better>corona happens and the uk does the exact opposite of the other european countries because they think they're smarter>"oops guess we were wrong" lockdown way too late, shit already hit the fanSeriously wow. It's not like they're a poor country, there are no excuses for this. There are so many nations who would need (and deserve) aid more than them, who simply can't afford a better healthcare system, yet instead we have to "donate" shit to the anglos. No. 539712
>>539707>German ARMY is donating ventilatorsTake note so-called World Powers,
this is a country prepared for literally everything.
No. 539735
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No. 539788
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my state posted this and I wanna die, why is Oregon like this???
No. 539789
>>539690Colorado anon here. Yes! That's exactly how it is here. It's pissing me off no one is taking this shit seriously. Even worse, rubber gloves and medical masks are coating the streets now because when these idiots are done shopping they just toss it on the ground. No one here is enforcing anything to prevent the spread of the virus and it's dumb as fuck.
>>539692Exactly. That and, we have cell phones? Face time? What the fuck do they mean their lonely? And as stated above the curfew isn't enforced and they are still seeing each other. The howl is just an excuse to be an annoying lil shit.
No. 539805
>>539788Oregonian anon! I knew others existed…
Yeah, this stuff is cringy for sure, but you know how it is out here kek
No. 539818
>>539707That's just how we roll.
But seriously more people will die because of our government's retardation.
Don't know why people are surprised the UK has always shat on their populous.
No. 539949
>>539894Some of the worst aspects of people are going to show. Anyone who was a pos before this started, that's all coming to the surface. Just look at all the celebutards on sm virtue signalling "we're all in this together guise!" while they sit at home in their gated communities/mansions/compounds. Meanwhile
>>536790. We're not all bearing these problems proportionally, some people are having a MUCH harder time.
No. 539953
>>539653>>539693>>539696>>539935You'd think there'd be mandates to ramp up production of PPE's by now? wtf are the people in charge doing? Unacceptable for healthcare workers to be treated this way. I agree
>>539945, whoever is responsible for this needs to be replaced. Find competent leaders who can do a better job, preferably someone who actually has the back of the healthcare workers.
No. 539957
>>539461What country are you in? If you're in the US, have you seen this
>>538129? I'd hope people are taking advantage of it. If landlords don't abide, get the law involved.
Wishing everyone the best. No one should have to lose the roof over the heads.
No. 539959
>>539274I wouldn't think standing exactly 6ft away is necessary if you're wearing a mask though? They're requiring mask wearing in my state, at least in stores. Even before that I was wearing a mask outside.
>>539283>Both coronaviruses and influenza are RNA viruses though and they both are typically linked to respiratory infections in humans but they are not the same. Thanks both anons for clearing up the confusion.
I was getting mixed up thinking coronaviruses caused the flu (probably some news reports saying it was just a flu didn't help). Both viruses (corona and influenza) can cause similar symptoms, but they don't cause the same disease. Do you have any literature you'd suggest to read up on coronaviruses in general?
No. 539968
>>539693>when this hero stuff starts to get thrown around it is a way for society to build us up to be sacrificed so that the public will view it as a noble but nessecary service we did, giving them a curtain to hide behind the truth which is that none of this needed to happen.>Like soldiers sent off to war to die for corporate greed and political power, "He died a hero to protect your freedom…"She's right on with the soldier analogy, but the civilians aren't the ones setting policy, it's the government. If anyone's going to hide behind a curtain when SHTF, it's the government.
>We are just seeing the effects of healthcare capitalism on a mass scale right now.>Our healthcare system was [already] stretched thin and unprepared for a situation like this.This is a point that a lot of those who mention how inundated the hospitals are, don't address. They were
already at a disadvantage for various reasons, the situation now is just the straw on the camel's back. This has been a long time coming. Anyone who's been paying attention isn't surprised at these developments.
No. 539974
>>539270>The problem is inadequate healthcare around the world.It's not like this worldwide though.
>>539712Germany seems to be handling this
really well, along with places like Norway
>>539337, Sweden, (i'm sure I'm missing a few). As an Amerifag, I'd like to know what these other countries are doing so maybe we can learn something.
No. 539988
>>538660>They knew something people didn't and they didn't careMaybe they saw the
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise? To be fair, it wasn't hidden from the general public but then the best place to hide something is in plain sight, right? I'm pretty sure I capped a few of the comments under the video before they were tellingly disabled - the comments were understandably scathingly critical.
I hope more American's wake up from their consumerist/capitalist slumber.
No. 540035
File: 1586664204198.png (388.99 KB, 1344x716, Office of the Tenant Advocate.…)

>>539461My fellow US anons worried about being evicted, contact your local tenant advocates.
Search: "office of landlord tenant affairs" (put your city/state at the end to find the site for your area). If this
>>538129 is federally mandate, you can also bring that up to your advocate if they don't know. Good luck. No. 540043
>>539974The US healthcare is not on par with those countries not because your government doesn't know how to make it better, they don't want to.
Sweden and Norway have robust public healthcare. The US would never give up for-profit private healthcare.
Germany invests a lot of money into healthcare, they have made big reserves. They even have ventilator reserves for their army just in case, even though their army never goes anywhere. You don't invest in healthcare reserves at all, only in Army stockpiles, and you leave your poor veterans out on the street with untreated ptsd and chronic conditions.
No. 540056
File: 1586672030361.jpeg (414.11 KB, 1242x2090, 32531FCC-BA75-4D52-BCD2-2549CE…) anyone know if this is true in other countries? I haven’t heard it reported elsewhere and it seems strange because a lot of African, ME and Asian countries seem to have relatively low death rates but it could just be issues with recording cases?
No. 540062
>>540056The pandemic has been exposing every country's weak spots.
The only reason we don't already have the same problem with our biggest minority - Gypsies - is because the infection hasn't spread to their community yet. And the only reason it hasn't yet spread is that they're not integrated with the mainstream society.
Our government said that it will close off the Gypsy settlements from the rest of the city if tests reveal they've been infected since once it's there, the lack of social distancing and hygiene will make it explode.
We have expanded and prepared healthcare resources to deal with an infection within the Roma community and they will be treated the same as anyone else when hospitalized, but there's no doubt their mortality rate will be higher because of their underlying conditions stemming from life in poverty.
The government literally acted as if Gypsies don't exist until this pandemic. They will be forgotten again as soon as the crisis ends. Even now they'd rather just isolate Roma in camps and do damage control than implement long-term solutions such as providing them with running water and proper housing.
No. 540077
>>540060In stockholm, the area where most covid cases have been discovered in sweden, the highest percentage of cases come from communities with a larger somali population. It's not purely that they don't wanna follow the lockdown, they also have lower paying jobs, which means they cant stay at home and work. Plus it's more common to live with your elders there.
Saying it's just because they aren't interested in swedish society is disingenous. For some it might be true, but it's not the only reason
No. 540112
>>540056I live in Germany and most deaths here are native germans, average age 82 years old. An extremely large percentage are because retirement homes being infected and many of their inhabitants dying which of course is sad but on the other hand families of a 90-year-old with dementia were at least already somewhat mentally prepared for their passing. The majority of the population being against smoking, not living in intergenerational households, an okay health care system plus already having had high hygiene standards beforehand definitely are a blessing.
They said on the news that in the US black people are especially fucked because they're on average much poorer and therefore unhealthier: no money, have to eat like shit, no insurance, avoid going to doctors, be in bad health in general, get infected by corona,… I reckon it's somewhat similar in the UK (and maybe France) too? Other european countries don't have the same colonial history, large crowds of poc foreigners only started moving here much more recently so a decade or century long "two class system" (white and rich vs. black/hispanic and poor) like in America isn't a thing here.
It would be a problem if refugees got infected tho since they usually live in homes for dozens or even hundreds of people so it would spread like wildfire. Most are on average young but nevertheless too many infected is never a good thing.
My uncle is in hospital since 1 and a half weeks already, he can talk on the phone and use his laptop but he's still in intensive care, getting 2 litres of oxygen per day. Not allowed to get up, shower, go to the toilet, mostly alone all day. He's regularly getting tested and despite being sick for over 3 weeks already he could still infect others. If he's infectous for that long, what use are the 2 week of precautionary quarantine for people who might be infected but don't have symptoms? Absolute bullshit.
No. 540153
>>540112>Absolute bullshit.Look, we all just found about this virus
a couple of months ago.
Nobody is an expert on it. There is no information source capable of giving you 0% bullshit.
The fuck are you expecting from anyone under such circumstances? You're doing your best to adapt, that's what matters.
No. 540242
>>540238Why would we not be allowed to leave? It’s not going to be forever. Once the virus is dealt with (I think a year or two, max), there’s no reason to keep everyone in/out of the country…? Unless Trudeau and his government pals decide to go full Kim Jong Un on us…which is incredibly unlikely.
Obviously some things will change, but the whole country isn’t going to isolate itself from the rest of the world or quarantine it’s citizens forever.
On the bright side, if that comes to pass, we’ll get to join rebel militias and become ~heroes~
Stop consuming so much media. And stay the fuck out of the tinfoil thread.
No. 540291
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So will corona-virus kill off sjw-culture
No. 540311
>>540291I wish it would kill off everyone-who-doesn't-agree-with-me-is-a-
triggered-snowflake-republican culture by way of all of these old dudes dying
No. 540314
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god the amount of young doctors and nurses this is killing is so damn concerning and sad
No. 540332
>>540328yeah a lot of fast food and pizza places are donating food to them and posting it on social media but its a double edged sword
wish some farmers markets and healthy places would donate instead
No. 540348
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>>540314I was just reading about a British nurse who was sick with covid19 and passed. Her family said she had no preexisting conditions and she was only 29. It's so terrible that all of these people are dying in healthcare. If they quit or don't go to work they'll be pariahs for not helping. If they go they risk death or illness.
No. 540374
Looking at how the medics at hotspots are affected, the Chinese reccomendation for medic/patient ratio is starting to make more sense.
>>538264>They concluded having 0.6 medics per infected is optimal.I thought that part of the report was strange, why would you need that many medics if few patients are critical. But it's not for the patients, it's for the medics. To protect them from exposure to many infected which would increase their viral load. The greater the viral load, the more severe the disease.
>>540319The Spanish flu also got worse the bigger the viral load. See No. 540443
>>540056I know I'll get banned for this but I don't care
I live in an area with mostly minorities, every single day I can look outside, children are running around half naked, like a good 20-40 of them just in one single strip of neighborhood, teens just walk outside and crowd around just to hang out for no reason, I literally couldn't even drive because so many people are outside and my town is only like 8k,gross, clearly poor hygiened men are just crowded around too, hygiene conditions are terrible, on top of that there's massive drug issues and they're always ordering food delivery, like straight up 4x orders a day to the exact same place, ordering online shit and so on. They can't be asked to clean, or adapt decent food and health habits. There's a difference between uneducated and just plain lacking common sense, it's honestly hard to feel bad for them especially since a lot of people in my neighborhood clearly have it but still crowd around every night
No. 540479
>>540477Tried to kick weed with my live-in bf and we were at each other's throats for 4 days straight. Finally we decided fuck it and just smoked anyway, better than being cranky and stuck inside with each other all day sober. Now we try to limit it, we smoke only on weekends or if we are having a very over the top moody day. It's very difficult with the stress of everything. I would think that drinking would be just as bad but maybe not since at least your lungs wouldn't be bombarded with smoke. What if you just cut back?
Unrelated, but I got a call from my doctor's office this morning they wanted to schedule me for a 3 month med check up for me to come into the office. Why on earth would they do that during a fucking pandemic? I don't want to go in anytime soon, why would they want extra people going in right now? I'm supposed to have a blood draw every six months and now is the time they bump it up to every three months? During a contagious virus? Last time I went there a sick baby gave me the flu because I had to sit in the waiting room with it for almost 2 hours. Fuck, I need my meds refilled but I don't want to travel out into sicksville for them. Makes me feel so hopeless, like I'm going to die either way. Why aren't some people taking this seriously?
No. 540485
>>540477If you're worried about how smoking weed affects the lungs, why not just make edibles?
Anyway, I'm not going to stop consuming it because of this. It's a bummer though that the price of weed has gone up here since the movement resctrictions were introduced and borders closed.
No. 540505
>>540390 French anon as well.
Sure it's bad but looks like we're not the only one in europe in this situation anyway
Im sure it won't be pleasant but I can't imagine it being "never recovering from this" kind of terrible (that being said, you might be right, i just can't imagine, what do you fear exactly when you say that ?)
No. 540568
>>540512do it anon
it sucks but you never know how long you'll be out of work
No. 540641
>>540617other colorado anon
I heard it was to howl to show how much you miss someone. But ever since this started the meaning changed so much that it's meaningless and just plain stupid and disruptive.
My mom works in the hospital and no one appreciates it. My mom works at the hospital and she says she puts headphones in at 8.
The howl benefits no one except attention whores.
No. 540781
File: 1586855437748.png (179.44 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_20200414-104348.png) is a very detailed and well done explanation of the covid-19 virus and method of infection.
The graph I attached is towards the end of the video and explains why the late symptom onset and why people die. What kills them is their immune response. The virus suppresses the immune response when it first infects, during this time the patient is asymptomatic but contagious. This way it gives itself time to replicate and reach very high numbers. When the immune response finally kicks in after 2 weeks, it goes into overdrive because it suddenly recognises that enormous viral load. It starts throwing everything it has at the virus, killing healthy cells in the process. This is what causes the severe pneumonia and ultimately death.
That delayed immune response is responsible both for the disease's contagiousness (two weeks of stealthy infection) and lethality. What a nasty mutation that interferon suppression, no wonder this thingy conquered the world.
No. 540807
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>>540803Comparison of different coronavirus genomes
No. 540875
>>540858>managament is trying to keep it secret, discouraging employees from discussing it and have not announced it to the public. no employees who worked in close contact have been offered paid quarantine leave. we are being told to keep working until we feel sick. Jesus. I'd expect such foul working conditions in a Chinese sweatshop, never in an American supermarket.
What can I say, I hope you stay healthy and pull through all this shit.
No. 540899
>>540858>>540880The anons that post these kinds of things are really worrying. Imagine what is going on that
isn't posted here. It seems pretty common. I hope there is something you can do about it, call HR, the union thing that the other anon posted. This is downright criminal. They're discouraging you from saying something? This isn't HIPAA, I doubt there is anything real keeping you from rightfully warning people there are cases in your store right?
No. 540917
>>540880>>540899unfortunately because whole foods is owned by amazon, they are EXTREMELY anti-union and are notorious for firing anyone who even questions company policies, let alone goes to HR. To them I am an expendable cashier. In fact our store is hiring dozens of new replacement cashiers for ones who are expected to quit, be fired because of complaints, or die of illness. I have reported what's happening to the whole foods worker union, but they're not a tangible union with real power. more just a concept with some media interest.
>>540913I have reported it a few local news, neither seem to care. I'm in one of the top 5 worst states and our cases are still surging, unfortunately, what is happening at my store is only a drop in the bucket compared to what people are facing here. But I'm going to continue trying to get this news out to the public. Even if I get caught or fired, the 600 a week unemployment is double what I make now lol
No. 540928
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>>540291Nobody has ANY time, money, or energy to listen to SJW whining now. LOL everyone LACKS THE SPOONS.
But at the same time, the pepe frog people seem kinda quiet too: where's the meme magic guys?
No. 540951
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What. The. Fuck. USA what are you doing? This is supposed to be New York, the most famous city in the entire world? That's so fucking sad. I also saw a video of miles long lines of cars of people waiting to get free food because they can't afford anything anymore.
No. 540952
>>540917Kudos to you!
Can I just say how much it enrages me that individuals who endanger other people's health (like that idiot deodorant-licker) are apprehended and charged with bloody TERRORISM, while this corporation endangers a far, far greater number of people every single day without any kind of repercussion. Fuck.
No. 540976
>>540951>What are you doing?NYC is not like the rest of the country. What you're seeing is a city with poor infrastructure and governing issues struggle to allocate resources to health professionals while the dead bodies pile up from a dense population that's infected with a novel virus.
>the most famous city in the entire world?And evidently all the fame and money for what it was worth was not enough to prepare, because it was all about the preventative measures that neither the federal nor state government elected to do until it was too late.
>video of miles long lines of cars of people waiting to get free food because they can't afford anything anymoreThe biggest lie about this is believing people could afford food before. People are reaching out to these programs because they've broadened the scope of who they'll accept for assistance due to the pandemic. It was pointless to stand in line for a food bank before because after waiting and filling out an application, you would be told you make $200 above the poverty line pre-tax and therefore you wouldn't qualify for help. People usually skip meals, eat like shit, put costs on credit, or bum food to get by. Same reason why everyone's filing for unemployment. Whereas before the restrictions were so tight for some states you might as well not have bothered to apply. Well, now the floodgates are lifted. The mask has fallen off. The truth is Americans are overworked and poor as dirt for it. The only difference is that before, red politicians had made it impossible for most people to qualify for assistance therefore keeping the numbers of our true poverty state artificially low.
>>540953>Why are people not allowed to make funeral arrangements for their loved ones at all? Because when you give people an inch they'll take a mile. Sure most people would follow those rules, but all it takes is one group of selfish nuts to invite hundreds to a funeral service, ignore the distancing regulations, and then thousands of infections. Religious people have proven time and again that they are the worst at preventing the spread of disease.
I don't think anyone will be denied claiming remains once the pandemic is over, but for now, recognize that the deceased are gone and are not in pain. Funeral services are for the sake of the living's feelings and emotions, and those absolutely can wait.
No. 541002
>>540997But this not your individual choice between dying from wage slavery or dying from poverty anymore. It's a pandemic.
The choice is between you dying fighting for everyone's rights, or you dying taking down countless innocent customers with you to the grave.
No. 541007
>>540991>the east coast in general is the most modern and wealthy part of the US? Again modernity and wealth won't make a difference in a pandemic if governments won't take measures to prevent overwhelm.
Sorry but it is a NYC specific problem, the rest of the United States is not like NYC. For the record, a comparable city like San Francisco is not seeing the amount of devastation like NYC did, and that's because measures were put into effect immediately and early. Their curve is already flattening when NYC hasn't reached peak yet.
No. 541013
>>541010My thoughts exactly. Don't our governments have us perfectly brainwashed to blame each other for not wanting to risk our lives for strangers, instead of blaming our leaders for not doing enough to have protected us while they reaped the rewards of our tax monies that we specifically paid to avoid such crisis?
Baa. Baa.
No. 541016
>>541015>>541013I'm blaming the corporations, as should you.
But nobody except their own workers can stand against it because all their power comes from them.
No. 541019
>>541016>I'm blaming the corporations, as should you.They have their blame, certainly. But it's mostly on the government, who view corporations as people and weighed their interests over the lives of all.
We can't even get people to unionize for their own benefit under normal circumstances, there's not gonna be a #wagecuckuprising unless employees start dropping dead en masse.
No. 541023
>>541016I agree with you i just think you worded it kinda shitily.
Also both these anons have good points too
>>541019>>541021Nobody said the end times were gonna be easy. Just sucks it happened in our lifetime.
No. 541025
>>541019>who view corporations as peopleUgh, yeah. Only when it benefits them. They sure as fuck aren't getting terrorism charges for exposing people to the virus!
>>541021That's nothing new. Its a pillar of world economy. See: "They took out jeeeerbs!!1" when talking about poor desperate immigrants willing to do anything for peanuts.
No. 541058
>>541053I agree with everything you said, but I strongly disagree with your defeatism. It's just learned helplessness. Strategically imposed on you by the parasites that cash in on your work so that you dont realize your own power.
Did you ever have a negging boyfriend? This is just like that.
No. 541064
>>541058To clarify: you as a worker hold the power, regardless of whether you've been duped into thinking you do not.
And who holds the power, holds the responsibility.
I am not mad at you. I depend on you.
This is not a guilt-trip. This is a cry for help.
Only you can stop money-grabbing virus-spreading corporations from behaving unethically.
No. 541119
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My parents have officially gone into “we can’t keep the economy closed forever some people might just have to die” stage. I honestly can’t believe I come from people who have such little empathy.
Another thing that’s been bugging me is all the Mao jokes on Twitter coming from privileged white kids. Look I’m pretty archetypal middle class white leftist who doesn’t like landlords but Jesus Christ I can’t believe how tone deaf some of these posts are. These kids advocate for his ideologies but seem to have no idea just what happened in real life. So many of these fucking clowns would be considered ‘black class’ in Zhedong’s eyes but they obviously have never read about what happened past a few deep fried jpegs.
No. 541128
>>541091I'm sick of the Karen meme, too, but if anyone's allowed to use it its retail workers.
>>541098A dude projectile coughed in my path at work yesterday and I had to run away to keep from losing my shit on him. Kinda wish I had.
No. 541144
>>541128it should just be a retail meme only. the karen archetype very much exists in retail and it's just as bad as everyone says, but the meme has spilled over to just making fun of any woman in that demographic, which is unfair to the nice ones and makes the nasty ones try to claim
victim points.
No. 541162
>>541157Same here. I took hygiene seriously and didn't think of covid as a joke, but my family never prepped and we never ran out of toilet paper or pasta or anything. People have stopped hoarding and shopping is back to normal, we just do it less often.
I wanna get some easter eggs now…
No. 541168
>>541163you stocking up means some other person will have to go without, it is the ultimate selfish action and also retarded bc random stocking up (see tp gate) causes huge ripples. buy what you need, don't contribute to the issue and endanger more vulnerable people.
t. grocery store bitch tired of huge ass deliveries
No. 541175
>>541169I don't know if
>>541155 is you, but buying some extra oatmeal and eggs isn't difficult rn and there's no need to say 'I told you so' about it… like, even if someone originally didn't want to prep, they could easily just go out today and stock up like you did. Just seems silly to gloat over buying up a few extra items when anyone can do that at any time. We're not going to starve if we didn't do it at the first sign of trouble, and if we WERE going to starve then you'd have to straight up hoard to get through it. And that's a dick move.
No. 541190
>>541163>The point of stocking up is so you can stay inside and not have to expose yourself to sick people.Nta but a couple weeks ago when all you preppers started losing your minds and emptied supermarkets my mom and many others had to run to every store every day in desperate search for essentials. You sure were of great help in not spreading the virus further by forcing others to spend extra time outside in many more places than usual…
>>541169I agree with you but
>I have parents who are both over 50Unless you live in the shittiest african country that means that around a 3rd of the population is older than them, anon… In regards to corona anybody under 60/65 is considered "young". I hope you don't make them feel additionally scared by acting as if their
extremely old age makes then extra vulnerable and at risk…
No. 541203
>>541199> resentful Imagine being at the hands of people going without food, and potentially getting sick because you’re selfishly hoarding things.
Your dad isn’t the only person on this planet, and he’s certainly not the only person with any kind of existing health condition/concern.
No. 541209
>>541199>>541200>>541202>I-I'm not a hoarder I swear, you are just dumbYou sound exactly like those people who tell my coworkers and I that you're not like those crazy others, who buy everything they can get, no, you just happen to suddenly need 10 giant packs of toilet paper, and kilos of flour and pasta…
I know that somebody would nag about me writing weeks instead of February, there it was the worst in my country. But go off, if it makes you feel less guilty.
>You are conjoining two entirely different shoppers and you know that at this point.>The only people to blame are the people who bought a shit load and I promise you those people were fucking boomers or sellers, not people on here who got ahead for the sake of their health and their family's health.No, you're literally the same. There are hardly any so evil that they only buy stuff to later make profit out of people's misery, all hoarders claim to only be worried, everybody has one family member who's old or not as healthy. You're not special or an exception because [insert excuse], what you were doing is hoarding. It's normal people like you, who made the situation worse for others, people like you refuse to get that you're just as much at fault as others.
Besides, older boomers actually are the ones who really should hoard to some extent and then stay safely at home because they're more at risk. But no, 20-something lc users with their middle aged parents think they're more important and in need.
>>541206 >a household of 5And another excuse
No. 541211
>>541205I wish that it was, because I genuinely wish I couldn’t read the absolute degeneracy on here sometimes.
And no, how can I be fat if all of the other fatties are taking the food?
Stocking up: acquiring a larger amount of food.
Hoarding: acquiring a massive amount of food.
Both of those things are still hurting people at the moment, because there are some families still working regular jobs that literally cannot go early to the store, and cannot go later when there is nothing.
Pathetic. More trips means more human contact, and that means the virus continues to spread. Wear a mask, socially distance yourself, and act like a human.
No. 541221
>>541215> don’t make assumptions > are you a fatty If you don’t think what you are doing is wrong, and obnoxious or not applicable to hoarding then why you are even engaging with it?
And my complaint isn’t dated, because as far as I checked we’re still living in the midsts of a pandemic and we haven’t even hit peak yet.
Less human contact for you happens if you “stock up” but doesn’t happen for those who continuously miss out. And yes, like people are actually abiding by those rules as parents and families are sending their kids in to pick things up as well.
No. 541225
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>>541218I googled "Florida governor" to try to find out what you're talking about, and I still have no idea, but this was one of the first results. Hilarious.
Florida is such a meme state. I wonder if Florida is even real.
No. 541232
In the first thread it was mostly neets who were talking about hoarding - sorry I mean
stocking up - because that means they'll no longer need to go outside at all, unlike all of us dumb non-hoarding wage slaves. They're also posting in other threads about feeling smug that now finally everybody must stay inside and feel depressed like they always do. Then throw in a couple ESL and You must be fat! insults, to feel even better about themselves.
Congrats, enjoy the feeling of superiority for the few months the pandemic will last, if all of this is over, many of us have something to look forward to, while your life will be just as shit and useless as ever.
>>541053Remember when around 2 weeks ago a lot of people were talking about the sympathy and gratefullness they feel towards supermarket workers? That things need to change because they only now realized how important we are? Guess they've gone back to the usual putting the blame on us, because we're not fighting against big corporations and instead complain about
innocent costumers who treat us like shit. What do they want? We supposedly infect them, possibly killing them, but also don't you dare and quit cause otherwise you're at fault for people starving to death. And as a thanks for all that responsibility and burden you earn minimum wage…
No. 541238
>>541232>putting the blame on us, because we're not fighting against big corporations Not blame, responsibility. Completely different.
Whose responsibility is to fight for your rights?
Nobody is ever going to fight for your rights if you yourself don't do it.
This applies to all rights, not just yours as a worker.
No. 541257
>>541218He's literally stupid as shit. If you can stand it, YouTube a clip of him speaking in an official or unofficial capacity.
One of his campaign promises was that he'd name his next child after the President if he was elected. This did not come to pass as it turns out, but voters found it heart warming.
The WWE's owners apparently made huge contributions to his campaign through various political action committees as a lot of their business interests are located in central Florida.
tl;dr send help
No. 541286
>>540154We're having the same issues in Norway now with Somalis taking a disproportionate amount of the statistics.
Many of them are born in Somalia, came here as a refuge or have been brought over by a family member, can't speak Norwegian (most likely uneducated but that's just my guess. So that makes learning another language tougher later in life), live on social benefits since they can't get any jobs (many, but absolutely not all ofc. I know some bright first/second generation Somali-Norwegians who work and take university degrees), live inter-generational, doesn't interact with other Norwegians, apparently has a culture of everyone visiting a sick person (that's what they themselves have said on TV), and live in the most densely populated parts of downtown Oslo.
So that's a recipe for disaster.
I'm also assuming a lot of them are getting tested now in order to map the situation. I know plenty of ethnic Norwegians who may have Covid19 (sick, coughing, fatigue, fever etc) but haven't been tested so that may also skew the results.
No. 541355
>>540917Hang in there, anon! this is so worrying. I work at starbucks and one of our near by stores had one case recently and we are told not to discuss it, but it makes me worried. I dont think anyone is taking this shit seriously because they think they are untouchable.
Amazon is so vile. I hate that it was reported that the owner made over 6 billion dollars just since the start of corona because people buying out of fear. i am worried for our nation. The president is shit and doesnt care and most people are idiots who are uneducated or selfish.
No. 541415
>>541409It’s definitely not the end of civilization, so it would be just a
little nice if people acted rationally.
No. 541420
>>541414What part of "PANdemic" do you and thundercunt don't understand?
You're talking about individual countries, but this shit is GLOBAL.
You can't "clean" it by country, it will get back in in no time. We're long past the time of being able to eradicate it without a vaccine.
No. 541423
>>541412What you say is true, in fact the 2003 SARS virus has been identified again in horseshoe bats in a cave in the province of Yunnan, China., if the virus can't be "beaten" or people can't get immunization, it means that around 1% of the world population (around 70 million people) could die due to the infection.
In fact, the 2009 swine flu infected about 15% of the world population at the time (around 1 billion people) in a year and a half, with a total of at least 500 thousand deaths.
The thing is: can a vaccine be created in time, if needed, before too many people get infected?
And can hospitals take proper care of those who are infected?
Flattening the curve doesn't prevent deaths, it ensures hospitals can manage an acceptable number of patients.
No. 541427
>>541409Holy shit, I'm on team prepping, but you're being fucking insane. It's not the end of civilization, a lot of people are gonna die and the economy is gonna be down for a bit. It sucks, but it's not the apocalypse. Get a grip.
That being said, the takeaway from this entire situation is that people absolutely should be stocking their homes as much as they can. Not just for themselves, but to avoid having to go outside and potentially spreading it to other people. When things calm down, people need to prepare in case shit gets real again. Everyone makes fun of doomsday preppers, but know who's not struggling to get food right now? Fucking doomsday preppers.
No. 541493
>>541218DeSantis is handling the pandemic terribly, but that's to be expected since policy-wise he's basically just Trump 2. He's actually even put pressure on local governments to loosen restrictions on businesses and public gatherings.
We're actually doing really well despite DeSantis though. Most of the state is not predicted to run out of hospital beds or PPE and people are taking social distancing pretty seriously (probably because there are so many old people here).
No. 541559
Are the anons freaking out and accusing those who stocked up the same ones who were laughing in the first thread and didn't prep, and now have to take it out like this?
And I don't think anyone is being smug. I feel bad for the people who didn't believe how things were going to get. "Prepping" for me was just making sure I had the essentials (without any hoarding that'd be out from someone else's supplies). And telling friends and family to take this seriously, to not travel and pay more attention to hygiene.
No. 541651
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I don't get munchie logic. My mom is a massive munchie who's convinced that she's got/going to get coronavirus and die. She's jobless and sits around at home all day so she should be fine, right?
She decides to invite a 'friend' who she hasn't seen in like 16 years to come from out of state (about 800 miles away) to stay with her.
No. 541665
>>541650>>541648Then why is Sweden going tits up despite being wealthy with low population density?
Oh yeah, it's because they're doing fuck all.
No. 541677
>>541650>wealthy>socialized health careAnd why is that? Maybe because people in those countries are smart enough to realize that being lead by a woman is a good thing? With countries who are doing shit like the USA, UK, etc people are quick to blame their leaders Trump, Johnson and Co. but when random countries across the world are doing good them having female presidents is suddenly just a coincidence and not cause for the state of said countries… If we critizise nations' heads because of how they act during corona, we should also praise whose who are doing a good job.
You can say what you want about Merkel, but she didn't listen when institutions told her we need to reduce the number of hospitals in Germany - and she didn't waste our money by celebrating sex parties with prostitutes either…
It's not like we're saying "Oh Germany does so well, why is Afghanistan doing shit?", we're only comparing rich/european countries. There are so many other countries who are wealthy or less dense in population but if you vote for shitlords, what else to expect…
No. 541679
>>541666The point of the article was that women leaders took strict action sooner instead of dismissing the virus. That they haven't done anything yet only confirms that.
Finland has only 70 deaths, Sweden has 1200 despite the epidemic starting at the same time in both countries. Let that sink in.
No. 541764
>>535839I can't I can't I can't. Trump is so fucking dumb and senile I'm honestly starting to go insane just listening to his press conferences. Opening up the country before May 1st? In what fucking world.
"We'll be the comeback kids! All of us. All of us"
Please shut up.
No. 541835
>>541598My sister and her husband were trying for their first child before the pandemic began. They have now decided to put it on hold for obvious reasons. I'm sad for them because they were really looking forward to it. And so did I, now who knows when I'll become an aunt.
But I hear people saying stuff like we'll have a baby boom because of everyone getting it on in isolation? I don't think they thought that through well.
Who wants to have a baby when hospitals and the healthcare system are in dire straits? Who wants to have a baby when there's a novel virus threat and there is no cure or vaccine? Who wants to have a baby when they're suddenly out of a job and the entire world economy is about to go into a recession?
No. 541850
>>541835Like you said it's a terrible time to actively plan a pregnancy given hospitals are already struggling, so many people have lost their jobs and we don't know what the situation will look like next year.. but plenty of women either plan babies or pretend to have a 'pill oopsie' when they are purely bored and looking for some meaning in their day to day life.
It's stupidly short sighted but I already know too many women who've secretly planned an oopsie pregnancy and barely even thought about important issues like income or stability. The boredom right now will encourage people like that.
No. 541945
>>541923that's what I told my mom before I gave up. It's her money, let her fuck up on her own. And no, my sister lives with me. I make her clean and pay her own bills, I also got her to pays some of the rent. small stuff
It's a weird situation. My mom told my sister she paid her car (She did) and tomorrow she's giving my sister 300 bucks. My sister is kind of like an adult child where she hates responsibilities like paying her bills on time. It's something I've been working on with her for the past year since she moved in. My mom thinks my sister is going to spend the stimulus money right away. But that's really up to my sister to fuck up her life and she can't really parent a grown woman.
I even had to lecture my sister to wake the fuck up and she's in this situation because she didn't want the responsibilities of handling her own finances. They are going to talk tomorrow. I don't think anyone is right in this situation. Cuz if my mom did her taxes, she has all my sisters information which is very unsettling since she's a controlling parent.
No. 541953
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>>541598I was just talking with my mum about this. I feel truly sorry for people working in the medical field right now because in a few months they will have to handle all those pregnant women as well, while already taking care of the masses of sick people. I can't find it now but I've also read a story where a child was born with the virus. People who insist to have a child right now are just plain stupid and probably going to cry the loudest when they or the child get sick because of the virus. Not blaming those who got pregnant before all that, but also sad because as read in the posted story here, those things can and will happen to some people.
>pic unrelated No. 541977
>>541677I wonder how Thatcher would've handled Covid?
It's a bit weird to have spent my whole life being told "who told you life is fair?" and tough fucking shit, but ohhhhh nooooo 0.01% of cunts can't survive covid better literally shut down everything.
No. 541982
>>541977This is because you've been told these things by people who wanted to exploit you for profit.
The virus is a threat to everyone indiscriminately, even the profiteers. Hence the change of tune.
No. 541991
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>>541955I live in an area that's been highly impacted by 'rona and have seen for myself what it means for it to course through a community.
I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the federal government's treatment of the pandemic and the bootlickers who are too blinded by their devotion to the president to understand that the constant fumbling has condemned thousands of people to death and incredibly frustrated with those who believe that states' response to COVID-19 is a plot to make Trump look bad, that it's no worse than the flu, etc. and as such business as usual should resume.
The protest in MI was the final straw. At this point I genuinely hope that the restrictions are lifted across most of the country so that the skeptics get to directly experience the consequences of their ideology for once. I never thought I'd get to a point where I would basically wish death on anyone, but I just can't handle the smug siege mentality morons holding this country hostage anymore. Let them have what they asked for.
No. 542003
>>541999I know right? Maybe I should stop wishing ill on people if this is what happens…
In seriousness though, living in a hard-hit area isn't pretty; I see at least one ambulance per day, including those responding to deaths at home, and hear many more. This has the potential to cause a lot of trauma for even those who survive it unscathed.
The stupid fucking protesters want an even worse version of this so that they can buy lawn fertilizer and spend three hours inhaling fried chicken at the Golden Corral? These selfish pieces of shit deserve exactly what they're asking for. It's a shame that so many innocents would die in the process.
No. 542071
>>542069NTA but my
abusive ex poked holes in our condoms because he thought I'd be stuck with him if I had a baby. Men certainly do try to lock women down by getting them pregnant.
>>542067They need to raise hazard pay so it seems worth it.
No. 542120
I might be missing something but I feel kind of worried and confused about all the articles saying that social distancing and certain lockdown measures will need to be in place for years. I don't understand why, especially after the peak, that would need to happen. I dont understand why just the vulnerable, who would overwhelm the nhs, could not be on lockdown, or social distancing, as oppose to the whole of society? I also do think the NHS needs to be protected but at what cost, like the reality is the NHS hasn't been saved and isn't functioning if the only people they're treating are COVID patients, me and so many people I know have had important appointments cancelled, including things like cancer biopsies, even cancer surgeries. I don't know the benefit of having a functioning NHS (but not really, just a functioning ICU for COVID patients) if literally everything other system in the country crumbles?
I also don't understand articles and politicians making definitive, conclusive statements about 'the only way out is a vaccine' at this point, how can that be known? It's thought a huge portion of people are symptom-less, and also that a huge percentage of the country have had the virus, so we may have herd immunity, we can't know without mass antibody testing, we need to know the amount of people who have had the virus, it's a huge gap in the data that needs to be answered and prioritised. I've never felt any kind of anti-vax sentiment before in my life but I just think the statement that 'we absolutely can ONLY go back to normal after the vaccine', at this early point, doesn't make sense and I don't get what purpose they are saying it for?
No. 542125
>>542120The "it's going back to normal after we find a vaccine" is the new "it's going back to normal after two weeks".
They're trying to give people hope for some tangible end to their woes so they don't freak out. In reality we don't even know if a vaccine is possible. It's a good strategy for lowering panic and dissent.
No. 542173
>>542166I would really like to know this too.
I specifically don't trust the money hungry big pharma, they've always had profits in mind before people. It's ironic that the companies that created the opioid epidemic are now responsible for curing a pandemic.
No. 542222
>>542165You have to do a lot of tests in the form of trial and error when you develop a vaccine, this is common sense? Since y'all crawled out to other threads and sticked to blogging nonsense here I'm contemplating whether I should actually give a proper scientific source, have instead an assignment quiz about vaccines, you'll learn a thing or two:>>542166They're rushing with conclusions every second, I'm afraid they're doing it even right now.
No. 542224
>>542166This is a concern among researchers too. From a public health perspective, the worst possible outcome is a BAD vaccine, because it will destroy public trust in the vaccination process and even if you make a good one later, nobody will want to risk taking it. The people who make them are adamant that vaccine trials cannot be rushed, but it's not clear if governments are happy with that answer.
IMO what we really want is effective treatments for Covid-19 first. If we have reliable treatments then researchers can start thinking about faster vaccine trials where they deliberately expose people to the disease to test immunity. At the moment that's not possible because if the vaccine fails and people get sick, we have no way to treat them if it becomes severe. With effective treatments available, we could also start to lift lockdown measures without a vaccine, which reduces the risk of trials being rushed.
No. 542233
>>542222This is the second time you complain about blogposting, but the thread literally says "Share tips, local updates, vent about people coughing on each other, etc".
Just ignore the posts that don't interest you, and keep posting what does. If you're posting info, it's preferable you source it.
No. 542237
>>542120I'm a medfag who works in NHS, basically the NHS has been operating at capacity for the last few years, this virus has increased demand and will continue to increase demand until we can either trace everyone who's infected and everyone who's immune or until we have an effective vaccine and the vast majority of the population has received it.
Because this is a RNA virus (flu is also a RNA virus) this means the virus will likely mutate frequently and so we will not be able to sustain immunity to it so it will come back frequently and infect the population again and we will need a new vaccine for it like we need a yearly vaccine for flu.
Unfortunately this virus is very contagious and has a significantly higher mortality/morbidity rate than flu so it puts a significant portion of people who get it in hospital, and a lot of these people need to be in ICU which demands a lot of resources.
No. 542401
>>542388Lol what the actual fuck
Who let him speak? Who let him out of area 51?
No. 542437
>>542435Yeah this. I think the virus can't survive on surfaces after so many days, and realistically most new groceries I'm buying I'm not using right away anyway. I'd rather save my wipes for my phone, door handles, keys, etc. Mainly stuff that I know I will be touching a lot and expose to way more.
Though who knows how frequently OP's parents are pawing the groceries so soon.
No. 542442
>>542433I started wiping down groceries in the last couple weeks.
With gloved hands I take all the groceries out the bags and then sit them on my kitchen counters then take my gloves off and wash my hands.
I then put on new gloves and I just wipe the groceries down with disposable cleaning wipes (sorry environment) and let the goods air-dry on the counters.
Then I take off the disposable gloves and wash my hands again, put on gloves to clean the counters, wash hands and rinse the unpackaged stuff like fruit and shit once its dry and then wash my hands again.
It's a process for sure.
No. 542453
>>542432So you probably can't get two coronas successively. That's a good thing. But you can get two coronas at the same time apparently: is actually very interesting to keep an eye on. They have a small enough population and big enough resources to do a lot of quality testing. They're sort of the World's test tube nation now.
No. 542477
>>542388I'd rather be ruled by reptilians than these human monsters; at least reptilians have a reason to be so callous.
I'm so, SO done with tptb and the smugly ignorant Americans gobbling up their bullshit, so done. I hope they get what they're asking for and more. The response to COVID-19 has turned me into the kind of angry radical sperg that I hate the most but my tolerance has been emptied.
No. 542501
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>>542388>>542401>>542477Pantshitters on reddit currently throwing a smokescreen of semantics so they can feel r/iamverysmart.
>UM EXCUSE ME HE DIDNT SAY A LARGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE ARE EXPENDABLE GOD, LIBEL JOURNALISM, IF YOU DONT BAN PEOPLE FROM DRIVING THEN YOU ARE A HYPOCRITEThe last comment in particular is really fuckin' hilarious because they're acting like telecommuting is something we SHOULDN'T be majorly considering as a societal shift. Why yes, we should consider working from home more. Why yes, we should consider work from home during bad flu seasons. Retards.
No. 542531
This whole corona situation made me realize again how little I care about preserving my own life.
I do avoid going out and I'm worried about other people and family, but I just don't value myself that much to clean my groceries so well or to be anal about avoiding people and cleaning my shoes.
>>542453>two coronas at the same timewtf.
No. 542570
Reddit and 4chan are full of men who make terrible fear-, anger-, or disgust-based arguments and then accuse anybody who counters them of being emotional.
>>542523The market may limp along for a little while as the feds scramble to find new ways to appease investors and traders in order to prevent it from correcting, but the economic reality for the average person and small businesses is very grim. Eventually the market will reflect true economic conditions as well; there are only so many bells and whistles you can use to keep investor confidence from going down the shitter.
People will probably continue to be skeptical of the idea that COVID-19 is dangerous until it gains strong momentum in their own communities. I'm >>541991; it wasn't until about a couple of weeks ago that it became 'real' - i.e., that you can hear ambulance sirens every half hour and see somebody hauled off to the hospital or morgue at least once a day just by walking around the block.
No. 542575
>>542531NTA but anon means you can be infected with 2 different strains of covid as there appears to be more than one strain circulating in some populations and some people have been infected with 2 strains but we still don't know much about how many strains there are and the differences between them.
Because covid is a RNA virus it can mutate fairly frequently.
No. 542790
>>542787There's a housing shortage where I live and reports like this have been increasing for the last couple years, I've seen examples where women escape an
abusive relationship and then landlords end up doing this shit to those vulnerable women. Not surprised that the corona is just another oppurtunity for predators like that.
No. 542792
>>542785This. I'm well off and my life has not been dramatically impacted enough to justify complaining over, given how deeply others are suffering. The only
valid thing im going through is fear for my high risk grandmother and thats about it.
No. 542795
>>542785Yeah vlogging wasn't negatively impacted by the virus at all, if anything more people are tuning in from being trapped inside and ad revenue is up.
My already rich friends are having a pretty good time too (save for one bc she's such a drama queen that she's gotta make it all about her anxieties). I'm not asking these people for false positivity, but sometimes humility goes a long way…or the ability to keep one's mouth shut. I'm a little jelly of a few of my rich country friends. Their lives look so fulfilling getting to be with their horses, livestock, produce, and other homemade goods on a decent chunk of land. Whereas most of us are rotting in urban/suburban spaces with less than 1000sqft with nothing to do except limited crafts and screentime. If we so much as step outside for the bare essentials it's asking for it.
Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty cash money right now because circumstances worked out in my favor for reasons, I'd never complain. However I am acutely aware of the immense wealth other people have and how this virus will not touch them because of it.
No. 542803
>>542739In my country we've just started a massive combined trial to test several drugs with anecdotal reports of success, you can read about it here: There's an HIV drug and an anti-malarial in the current list, as well as a steroid and an antibiotic (which I think they're testing to see if it helps the secondary pneumonia but I could be wrong).
Hopefully that will produce something useful, but they've already warned everyone not to expect a magic bullet. Apparently we're not even sure if putting people on ventilators actually helps? Some doctors are questioning if it actually has an impact on recovery rates based on what they see on wards. It really drives home how much we still don't know about how to treat it.
>>542785Agreed. I'm pretty comfortable because I can work from home and my job is very secure, but I'm a lodger in an urban area (I was looking for a new place when all this kicked off…) so even I'm jealous of friends who are in their own houses with no live-in landlord to deal with, or who have big gardens, or are close to the countryside for nice long walks. I can't even fathom how stir-crazy people in even more crowded houses must be. Every time I see a rich influencer posting about their new lockdown hobbies and all their free time my eyes nearly roll out of my head.
One of my other friends has been joking that there's 3 types of people in this pandemic: people who are stressed because they've lost their jobs, people who are stressed because they still have to work (that's me), and people who are on infinite paid holiday.
No. 542854
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>>542785>>542792>>542795>>542803I'm from a family of what you'd call here in the USA "land rich/cash poor" i.e. relatives bought the property when it was dirt cheap and passed it down. I really didn't notice a difference since I was already accustomed to buying in bulk and making few trips to the store due to the cost of gas before all of this.
My friends, who have more wealth than I do in terms of money, live in the cities and suburbs with their spouses and kids and have complaints I feel guilty for not being able to sympathize with.
I'm able to take country drives and walks w/o being bothered and worrying about crowded trails and closed parks; I have land we can farm, a firepit, walk and explore on, watch birds, rabbits, fish on the pond, etc. If we have to be quarantined, we still have the property. The only issue would be getting fresh food out here since delivery can be expensive or non-existent.
I've never liked living in the city when I did live there, and feel terribly for anyone who has no other choice.
No. 542920
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>>542854I'm live-in landlord anon and this is basically what I wish I had right now. I grew up in the countryside and only live in a city because I couldn't get a job otherwise. I don't even have a private garden where I could sit and listen to the city birds, I hate that all the green space is public space full of other people, when I'm used to it being somewhere I can be alone. I hate living in the city at the best of times and now that my landlord is stuck in the house 24/7 too I feel so insanely cramped.
Working from home means my work is invading my private space too, so I get really annoyed when my furloughed friends complain about their new endless free time. BUT then I don't want to complain publicly about still being at work because some of my other friends have lost their jobs and are anxiously counting their savings, while I at least still get my full salary.
I guess it's all about picking who you complain to. I've been whining privately to other friends who are still working rather than posting publicly about it. Sort of like that tip regarding illness - you can still complain about having a cold when your friend has cancer, just don't complain about your cold TO the friend with cancer.
No. 542929
>>542785I'm pretty well-off and am economically benefiting from this; I have fewer opportunities to blow my money on shit I don't need and will be able to invest at a discount (just waiting until the market truly tanks).
That's not true for everybody though; a lot of people in middle- and upper-management are at risk of losing their job if they haven't already, and many of them have a family to feed. Boomers who are approaching retirement have also just had a huge portion of their savings wiped out and may have to keep working indefinitely. Many (most?) of them were taking on way more risk than they should have due to FOMO. This crisis is great for well-off young people with great job security and shit for pretty much everyone else. Except the ultra-rich of course; they will benefit.
>>542795>Whereas most of us are rotting in urban/suburban spaces with less than 1000sqft with nothing to do except limited crafts and screentime. If we so much as step outside for the bare essentials it's asking for it. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a small exodus to semi-rural areas after all of this is over.
No. 542977
>>542953>I'm scared I'm going to get sickYou're probably going to get covid at some point. Most of us are. It's more contagious than the flu. If you're young and without any underlying conditions you'll be fine. Chances are you won't even know you have it. Far more people have had it than official numbers show, just were never tested.
Please keep in mind that stress is incredibly hard on your body and bad for your health. The attitude you are having is much more dangerous for you than covid itself. Prolonged fear and stress cause numerous serious issues regardless of age. Take care of yourself, anon.
No. 543006
>>542977Anon that posted this here. Shit it just dawned on me how many young Americans suffer from obesity and that it's very possible I replied to one such person, in which case their fear is not unfounded.
If that is the case, I'm sorry, I meant well.
No. 543057
>>543053time has not erased your shame
and I'm not your nigga
No. 543058
>>543024>>543023>>543014I really do mean well, don't be cynical.>The prevalence of obesity was 40.0% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years No. 543063
>>543059This is the covid thread and I'm talking about one of the riskiest underlying conditions for making it life threatening.
This backlash against facts and good willed people is typical junkie behaviour. I say that with no sugarcoating and no exaggerating.
No. 543084
>>543081Why do you think I'm baiting? Do you not believe that obesity is a risk for covid? Do you not believe that a large percentage of American youth is obese?
This is not a personal attack on any of you. I don't choose how a virus behaves.
No. 543087
>>543084This anon is right. If you have a BMI around 45 you're at risk. No argument. It's just like how ana chans are also at risk. If you're not healthy you're not healthy.
This virus takes advantage of anyone weak or ill. You're not healthy at all if you're obese and should be more careful. And just because you didn't get covid yet doesn't mean you should go around playing Russian roulette with your life.
No. 543096
>>543087I have absolutely zero opinion on the matter, I don't mind what weight anyone is but my country has still outright listed obesity as a risk factor, and made an announcement when they figured out why. It suppresses the lungs similarly to having sleep apnea and requires a ventilator earlier than most cases due to it.
However the people that have died here have been elderly, and rather thin with underlying longterm illnesses or muscle atrophy from age. Almost half of all deaths were in to nursing and old-age retirement homes, and by that point in life these people were generally rail thin. So I'm not sure if they actually conducted a large study here or they're basing it off assumption, since mechanically it does make sense. Sleep apnea is unfortunately caused by obesity, why would a pressure on the chest while laying down during an illness be exempt?
I hope you and all of your loved ones stay safe, anons. This is such a strange time, if it hadn't gone on for so long I'd assume I was just having a weird dream.
No. 543100
>>543096Here is a comprehensive and trustworthy overview of the knowns and unknowns of damage caused by covid-19. effect of SARS-CoV-2 on the vascular system may explain why obese people (particularly diabetics) are at such risk, because pulmonary problems are not nearly enough to explain all the pathologies.
No. 543102
>>543098Clickbait media is not a trustworthy source on any occasion, particularly not of this type.
Where are their sources?
No. 543104
>>543102You've got to be kidding me…
Documenting how they treated former diseases is not trustworthy? What the fuck you want? Infowars?
No. 543107
>>543104No, I am not kidding.
>>543100This is the kind of information I want.
Scientific conclusions, not mass market media. Need I explain why?
No. 543110
>>542974Nice. My advice would be to spend a little time learning about investing if you haven't already and start with high-rated ETFs and large-cap stocks plus a little bit of 'fun money' you can blow on more exciting stocks that help you learn through experience.
>>542997Who's opening beaches? Jesus Christ, it's like some of our leaders want this to spread.
>>543093Knowing that obesity is a major risk factor could be good motivation for fat people to start losing weight, but of course losing weight is easier said than done. Either way, the fact that obesity is a risk factor is something that all Americans should know given that most Americans are obese and pretty much every American has at least one obese family member. Many people aren't taking the virus seriously and this may help them understand that they or their loved ones are at serious risk.
No. 543149
>>543145I take complete responsibily for turning this thread on the subject of obesity. I was reckless when I tried to give an anon what seemed as good advice without knowing their situation. When I realised the person has a high chance of being in the risk group with what limited information I had (them bring American), I immediately backtracked, because I i would never ever be able to sleep again if my careless words lead to someone's demise.
I have learned a lot from this instance on lolcow. I will never ever again advise anyone online on such life or death matters.
But the conversation about obesity and it's effects on health has to be had. And the conversation about the relationship between covid and obesity too.
Let's have it in good faith.
No. 543154
>>543110Apparently many officials are embracing Sweden's propaganda that building herd immunity is better than damaging your economy. I'm looking at extremely economic indicators and I'm concerned Sweden might be right - we could lose more lives to an imploded economy compared to this virus.
South Korea and Taiwan are not shut down right now. Massive testing has allowed them get ahead of the disease (or not letting it gain a foothold in the first place). People there can shop and dine out and go about their businesses without fear. Also the average Korean and Taiwanese are more responsible than us, so they chill at home when they don't have important stuff to do.
No. 543155
>>543154Epidemiologists have suggested this is not true, and could hurt us even more. If we let this run rampant it could have a death rate of 10% and at that point the economy would plummet.
Can’t have a functioning economy if people are dead, or sick at massive rates.
Sweden is fucking stupid.
No. 543167
>>543155>>543154The "economy" is a zombie corpse that needs to be put out of its misery asap. It is a relic of the previous century and the virus has just exposed it's faults.
We are ready for a post-scarcity society.
No. 543171
>>543168NTA but I'm guessing she means these side effects:
>Increased amount of domestic violence that gets even more out of hand>Suicide to escape the debt of a failed business>Substance abuse (and the subsequent health problems) to numb the mental anguish caused by getting laid off>The situation above could also commit to the rise in crime statistics as people struggle to make ends meet>Less tax money coming in because of mass unemployment, leading to cuts in public services (including health care)>People's overall quality of life drops drastically The edgy anarchocommunists who are masturbating over economy failing have really no idea what it means. Must be nice being a NEET receiving support from others and never having to worry about the society around them.
No. 543172
>>543171>The edgy anarchocommunists who are masturbating over economy failing have really no idea what it meanI'm twice as old as you and have lived through a decade of civil war. I know as a fact life doesn't stop when your masters don't get their profits.
>>543170Solution to what exactly? People will always keep doing things people keep doing. Just cut out the middle men in your transactions.
No. 543174
>>543173I mean if you don't want to fight for your rights and standard of living, ok.
It's sad that a granny has more fighting spirit than the youth.
No. 543181
>>543173>>543174 Ok back from wishing everyone a happy Easter, can expand a bit:
You're a pussy.
Anyone who breaks their back just to return to the status quo is a pussy.
No. 543185
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>>543174>Thinking the previous standard of living was acceptable and it's something to fight forNah, burn it all down. Why bother continuing that piece of shit? So I can get another Starbucks coffee and stuff my face with engineered food? So I can numb my brain with meaningless consumerism and hedonism?
We can take the best parts of the past and synthesize a new future.
No. 543209
>>543207America isn't a country anymore, it's simply an area in which they amass enough random people to contribute to the GDP. Your government is literally telling you this. The economy is more important than the lives and wellbeing of your citizens. A citizen is only so much a citizen as the amount of taxes they can collect from you.
They can always create or import more GDP makers, why is it a concern if some of them die? Most deaths are affecting those who are less capable of producing money (sick, poor, old).
The emotional angle of "protect grandma" cannot stop the people's desires for consumerism, whereas "think of the economy and all your consumerist experiences going away" strikes them in a very powerful way.
Very few people have functional families to even care about, but everyone has access to the economy and whatever materialistic distraction it provides.
No. 543231
>>543196Nta so I can’t speak for them and I’m speaking regarding America: 1) I assume money is going to be smarter spent or saved rather than spent on so many unnecessary purchases, which will inevitably lead to the collapse of some major businesses who sell fluff. 2) Medicare for all will be more popular with the people and on track to be implemented sooner. Taiwan and South Korea have been kicking everyone’s ass in handling the crisis and they don’t have privatized healthcare. 3) UBI will be more popular. Yang was ahead of his time.
I don’t think that the entire capitalist system is going to collapse, but progressive policies that are already implemented and working in other capitalist countries will grow to be more popular. Even if (when?) Trump gets re-elected, I can see the GOP moving left on issues like UBI and healthcare just to fuck over the dems.
No. 543245
>>543239NTA but if enough people in your city get the virus then the healthcare system will collapse and then what happens? Army comes in? Riots? Lack of food and goods getting into the city, lack of fit working age people to replace workers who fall ill or who no longer are willing to go to work etc. I mean lockdown and lifting lockdown are both going to have really shitty outcomes but at least by having lockdown in place less people may die, hopefully the healthcare system won't be so overwhelmed it collapses, hopefully we will be in a better position to bounce back once this is all over.
If we lift lockdown we are basically speeding up societal collapse because the virus is so contagious it will spread like wildfire (it's more contagious the flu, and we 0 immunity).
No. 543265
>>543259this is what happens when you spend decades convincing society the only way to live and be fulfilled is buying crap you don't really need and also pump the idea that one group of people are better than others.
You wont believe how many times I heard people mutter how this is all brown people's fault or using the statistics that more ethnic groups are effected by the virus thus they must be genetically inferior. This virus is bringing out the worst in people
No. 543309
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>>543285I suspect there is a long line. 20 million americans filed for unemployment in the past 4 weeks alone. Even if they got to you, many states now have empty coffers to fund unemployment don't know about other countries, but just 4 weeks of shutdown has affected the US economy more than the 2008 recession. The Fed has responded by massive money printing to keep things moving (unrestricted loans actually). However it's not making much of an effect. It's only making wall street richer while main street suffocates.
People who say everyone can go back to work once it's over are wrong. Small businesses are running out of money and filing for bankruptcy in droves. There are no jobs waiting for millions of people even if the vaccine magically appeared tomorrow.
I'm also worried we're growing the debt bubble at an unprecedented rate. And if it pops this time, we'll collapse like a house of cards and take out everything including the global economy. We can forget about eating the rich in that scenario, collapsed farms and shuttered grocery stores will be a more pressing issue.
No. 543310
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>>543309Sorry about being a downer, I wish I can share some cat videos or stuff to lighten the mood.
I found this meme pic making it's way around that perfectly illustrates our problem
No. 543314
>>543257It's only the beginning of the outbreak though if you are in a western country, nurses may be getting furloughed but it might be due to the fact they have moved a lot of patients out of hospitals to make space for the covid patients (at least that is what they are doing at the hospital I work in a city in Scotland), all non urgent treatment has been postponed, so you won't need as many nurses for things like hip and knee replacements, plastics, oncology, outpatient clinics, psych etc. They need nursing staff who are trained in infectious disease, respiratory diseases and critical care which is quite specialised.
The hospital I work at has literally cleared out several whole surgery and medical wards to make space for covid patients (some of these wards are totally empty in waiting for patients), it's transformed other wards into ICU wards just for covid patients. These wards are usually full of patients.
This is also happening in smaller hospitals in the country and suburbs.
It's the calm before the storm.
Most of us in the medical/healthcare field are shitting ourselves.
No. 543343
>>542920> you can still complain about having a cold when your friend has cancer, just don't complain about your cold TO the friend with cancer.AYRT, this is a great way to put it and better than bottling it up. It's also great we have an anonymous board we can air all this out on.
I feel you on the green space. It's nice to come to the city and see them, but I can only imagine them being insane right now in places where you're still allowed to go outside. I would like for it to be a chance for cities to consider expanding them on spots that just sit abandoned. The bigger the green spaces for people in the city, the more you guys can get out and just be healthy w/o being crowded upon like ants.
>>542929I REALLY hope this doesn't happen. I know you said "semi-rural" and not rural, but it seems when people move to these places, the rest of the city follows when they start missing certain amenities and waving their money around. Really, it comes down to which real estate agent is pushing the initiative and catering to certain desires (at least here in the USA). My whining aside, I have seen both ends when it's done well and executed horribly.
>>542953I live in the Deep South, too, and noticed way more people are going around without masks. It seemed to roll out with these announcements. At this rate, we'll have inundated hospitals before that even happens. It'd be one thing if we had widespread testing, mask wearing, and meticulous hygiene, but Americans are fucking disgusting in the name of MUH FREEDUM.
>>542999>JuneIf not the first week of May.
>>543207They've all misread what happened on September, 1918 in Philadelphia and want to mimic it.
Typical American thought is "I DIDN'T KNOW TIL IT HAPPENED TO ME." They knew. Sometimes they'll admit that they never cared, but they never give a fuck until they get dragged down into the abyss. Then they become the loudest advocate of being responsible. I bet you anything, they'll do this and still test anyone before they come near Trump.
What's worse is that I live in a hurricane prone area, and it looks like we'll be in for an even more active season compared to last. I feel a weird since of deja vu from when I asked what it would take for the Deep South to stop voting against systems that could help us, and my friend replied "probably a hurricane on top of a plague." At this rate, we'd better buckle the fuck up.
No. 543348
>>543343Hurricane season is going to be fucking grim.
It's sad but I think your friend is being optimistic about what could make the south vote for its own best interests.
No. 543362
>>543348My friend really is.
The good lord will literally have to put these people into the ground for any of us to make any real changes without some sisterfucker shrieking about their rights to be a paypig to the very people who screw their communities over. I'm beyond the point of feeling guilty for wishing death, but some people are so stubborn, they're just existing as living walls that need to be knocked down.
No. 543398
>>543314>>543317According to my friends the furloughing has to do with elective surgeries being cancelled, not anything having to do with the corvid wing. The area I'm in is extremely arid, so in viruses never do well out here which might be a factor on why the numbers have peaked.
Look, in denser areas with more travel I can understand being at red alert, but it's just not the case where I live. At this point it just feels like we're being held hostage by the state.
No. 543414
>>543398Yes they are most likely being cancelled because of covid, that's what I was saying, they need the resources for covid instead.
Dry weather will not necessarily prevent people contracting the virus, yes we have evidence the virus may survive longer on a surface in cooler weather, but we have no idea whether this reduces transmission rates etc.
This thing is so contagious it doesn't matter much about population density, because people need to come to common areas for various things on a regular basis. Unless you live off the grid in the middle of nowhere, this is going to burn through any population extremely quickly if there's no social distancing in place, which would create a high demand, exceeding capacity of the healthcare system, no western city is prepared for that. I don't know if anyone was prepared for this.
No. 543457
Anyone else live in a major city? I’ve been having existential conversations about what will happen to our city as a result of this economic shutdown.
The city has been suffering from extreme gentrification for years (some would say decades) overdevelopment of luxury housing, while whole neighborhoods become filled with luxury shopping, nightclubs and restaurants while entire streets became the equivalent of strip malls. The demographics are artificially padded with hundreds of thousands of affluent yuppies/hipsters in their 20s-30s that came for college and stayed for a specific type of lifestyle, probably to cycle out in their late 30s over the suburbs. Since I see little chance of small business getting bailout money, and because nightlife/ festivals/large shopping is going to take a massive hit, ironically a lot of this entertainment infrastructure that caters to this demographic is going to vanish, leading to a huge exodus. Since a LOT of people are employed by these industries however, including a lot of lowest level employees who live in low socio-economic conditions, the crime is probably going to skyrocket, maybe even worst then in normal medium size cities that don’t have like a hundred hotels and an thousands of bars. Im torn between the fact that housing market will most def become hugely oversaturated as people move and there will most def be better housing available to almost everyone I know, to the fact that there will most certainly be a repeat of my childhood where it was impossible to be outside for more then a few hours without someone on drugs screaming at you, used condoms and other trash out in plain sight in most parks, subways that come every 40 minutes ect ect. Sorry for blogpost I’m wondering if other anons that live large cities have any thoughts about it. The weirdest thing I’m thinking about is there are so many 3rd tier, “luxury” junk hotels here, like dozens of chains and pointless stand alones. Airbnb was rekting their profits already but tourism was so massive they were able to get away with it anyway, now tourism probably won’t even be possible until July and frankly idk why anyone would come here without the entertainment industry or luxury shopping because we have very little historical stuff. Even the historical stuff we do have like the Opera is entertainment and contingent on very large crowds gathering in our huge fucking opera complex.
No. 543519
>>543457Are you talking about Las Vegas?
Government bailout or not, I'm not sure how cities like that will survive. Even if everything goes back to normal, this experience will change people's spending habits and increase personal savings regardless of rock bottom interest rates.
That's in the best case scenario. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I'm prepping for the worst case scenario where we have a rerun of 1929. In that scenario, everyone in every city will have a front row seat to experience what you described of your childhood.
No. 543625
>>535839I am that Anon, that posted about my Mother having it, sadly nothing much has changed, The Doctors have told us that they are surprised she has lasted this long. There is going to be a family meeting with the Doctors on Wednesday, I can't sleep or think about anything else, I just know on Weds they are going to say we have to stop treating her, they tried this a while back but lucky my brother knows some people and is a millionaire , they basically told us it would be better/kinder if she died at home. I have recovered from the Covid and I think I was the one who gave it to her, she has underlying health issues, I am not religious but she takes great comfort from religion which gives me comfort, she thinks she will see everyone in heaven. I have a stockpile of benzos and PK and it so tempting just to take some Xanax as pathetic as that sounds. I wish I could switch my brain of from constantly worrying about her and thinking how I am gonna cope after her death. I hope she is not suffering / in pain, otherwise all my brother managed to do is to prolong her suffering, then again she has outlived the doctors predictions and I have been reading up and some very old people in the 80's and one who was 90 something managed to recover. These cases are not really mentioned in the media. The Covid mutates which is not always a bad thing, The strain I had must have been a mild one, so hopefully I passed on a mild strain to her which maybe why she outliving the doctors predictions, despite not be religious I am praying for her and trying to keep myself sane and away from dipping into my drug stash by watching youtube, reading lolcow just to try and take my mind of things. sorry for blog post. Like I said before be mindful of your loved ones Anons. This virus is not being blown out of proportion. I live in the UK and my area had to build a morgue and special hospitals are being built in the UK, The UK is smaller than any state in the US, so imagine if your state was building 5 large hospitals for Covid patients and building extra morgues. I don't think the states is handling this virus very well. Keep safe anons.
No. 543631
>>543398In addition another reason they are cancelling elective procedures and surgeries due to covid (beyond trying to free up hospital resources for covid e.g beds, meds, staff, oxygen) is infection control, since it would be dangerous to have people go into a hospital and potentially catch covid for a non-urgent surgery.
Additionally, having more people in hospital for surgeries means more opportunities for the virus to spread in the hospital which puts all the staff and patients at risk.
Also due to resources being stretched due to covid this could potentially put the elective patient at risk if they end up having a complication from their surgery and need more specialist care.
No. 543836
>>543154If the virus continues to spread unfettered and people continue to self-isolate then the economy is going to go down the shitter regardless; it's only a matter of how bad it will get. The decision is between condemning more people to a terrible death so that the economy is slightly less shit for perhaps a somewhat shorter period of time and condemning less people to a terrible death so that the economy is more shit for perhaps a somewhat longer period of time.
Plus, the economy will rebound; the people who've lost their lives or have been left with crippling health issues will not.
>>543786They probably weren't thinking about how this would work, just about how to appease tptb.
Despite the heavy coverage of the recent country-wide protests, some recent polls suggest that the majority of Americans, as high as 81%, believe that the stay-at-home orders should be in place for as long as it takes for cases to decline. The actions of certain governors are contrary to what the people actually want.
No. 543852
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There will be a spike in cases in those places where lockdowns are lifted. Who says total tragedy and healthcare system collapse can be averted twice? They will have to implement another lockdown for it to be averted again, and who says it will happen in time? Also, future lockdown will be progressively harder to enforce.
They seem to be planning to do this in waves, but it just seems too risky.
>>543625I was wondering about you and your mom, I'm sad you don't have better news for us. I hope you take the opportunity to be with her in her last days, I know that is what most relatives of covid
victims feel most robbed off.
No. 543864
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My grandfather went out and got tested for the COV-19 and he got tested positive, I can’t bare too loose him
No. 543878
>>543875This is true, but it is also the opinion of those whose opinion actually matters.
The majority opinion isn't worth shit when the minority in power (those with capital) gets to decide.
No. 543883
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>>543864It’s good it was caught early, right Anon? He will recover.
No. 543888
>>543881Bad taste.
I've got a funeral on Thursday. It's streamed because only 8 people can attend and I can't travel. It's my friend's dad, not a corona
Yeah, it's shitty to say shit like that but especially now with the added regs.
A lot of older people recover, people in their 90s.
>>543864 chances are he'll okay, but understand your anxiety. Get well, Gramps!
No. 543890
>>543884Nayrt, but it's obviously satirical, look at the context of the latest posts.
It's actually poignant in highlighting the heartlessness of the entire situation around lifting the lockdown for the "economy".
No. 543913
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What is wrong with people? It's like they want a bunch of people to die.
No. 543928
>>543913At this point I hope all those idiots catch it.
Most are antivaxxers and conspiracy nuts anyway.
No. 543941
>>543913I could 100% understand this - people fighting for personal freedoms and people fighting for their right to work - if it was in my country.
But my country has a dictator, yours does not. My country is poor, yours can afford people not working.
Send them over here so we can give them something to truly protest about.
No. 543945
>>543941I mean I understand where you're coming from but the United States has a huge wealth gap, so it's not as simple as "your people can afford to not work."
You would be surprised about how many people work paycheck to paycheck, our government had to fight over how much was too much because they didn't want poor people to get 1,200. In some states that's not even enough to cover full rent.
The people protesting are stupid and probably very privileged as seen on the signs but that is not all of Americans.
No. 543991;dr Big businesses will crush small, robots will take your jobs.
Goodbye Brave New World, welcome Player Piano
No. 543999
>>543948Anon, I have to laugh. The US can't afford it's people not to work. The system it's under is actually incredibly weak and unsustainable.
They're actually making efforts to reopen everything and urge people to work to save the precious economy. That means they don't give a fuck if people die. Redistributing wealth is the last thing they want to do right now. Those delicous bread crumbs we got (stimulus check) barely did anything. Most people between 17-24 didn't even qualify to get that check (me) and those are the people being forced to work for min wage or got laid off. I think it's really annoying when people outside of the US think we have it all. The US is a third world country with glitter on it. A studio is $2000 where I live and the neighborhood isn't some kind of beautiful luxury neighborhood. The buildings are literally falling apart at the seams. Our govt and wealthy class doesnt give a shit whether we live or die. Just as long as they see themselves get richer.
No. 544055
>>543999If you guys cut on millitary expenses it would be pretty easy to feed and sustain the whole population with universal income for more than one year though.
Other countries would also appreciate not getting invaded and having their democracies fucked over.
No. 544112
>>544103That's my point exactly. I don't have kids and if I had them I wouldn't take them shopping in this situation.
I was just hoping they would let kids out for walks and then let us too. Being locked in a small shared apartment and getting scared to even go shopping because of the increasing police brutality is driving me nuts.
No. 544202
>>544189I wondered about this too for a while, but I think it's because for a certain amount of upper middle class/richer Americans, their healthcare is really, really good. If you have an objectively good job with good health insurance, you have no complaints. You don't really want to change anything. You can see the doctors you want and your costs are low. You also have the money and influence to keep things the same. Health insurance companies also obviously have a huge incentive for the status quo since they make a shitton of money.
Poorer Americans with less desirable jobs and shittier healthcare plans usually hate it, but they're also fed the communist fear mongering angle that keeps them from supporting it wholeheartedly.
If this pandemic does change the perception of publicly funded healthcare, that would definitely be a silver lining.
No. 544282
>>544194We got 1,200 on top of unemployment and even if we have jobs. The 1,200 was completely extra and did not effect benefits. So that’s like 2,400$, which we can definitely survive on. Rent in some states is only $400 a month don’t let anons confuse you. Furloughed workers and the self employed are all getting paid unemployment and can apply for food money on top of all the other assistance as well. For some of us we are seriously getting extra money. I’m not scared, the crime rate seems to be going up everywhere. Largest mass shooting in Canada anyone? And guess where there
finally has been none in years. America isn’t doing so horrible, people either don’t know how to get assistance or just want to complain about everything.
>>544195Employers pay unemployment taxes every year, even if no one uses it. So it come from taxes.
No. 544338
>>544325>Yeah a lot of adults are able to mooch off of unemployment and govt benefits.I tend to agree based on what I've seen. It seems like the people who were already getting benefits are doing fine, meanwhile students and the people in the middle but just short of being truly financially stable are suffering the worst. Which IMO is so unfair.
I have this one fool from high school on my social media and she drives me bananas with her entitlement. Granted she's got two kids, but she wasn't doing financially well before having them either. She's always been on assistance. So she hammed up at the beginning of covid how she isn't gonna be able to afford shit (besides quite literally being on medicaid, EBT, and her loser husband sitting his ass at home). Kind-hearted people who didn't realize she's just an exaggeratory bum sent her a ton of donations in food and donated her kids a bunch of toys. I'm happy for the kids (who otherwise live in her filthy hoard) but she's taking 50 pictures gloating about it instead of being just a teensy bit humble and not treating people's donations like another photo opportunity. She should feel a little bit of shame that she can't buy her own daughter a cute little tea set, but no less when people are out there literally wondering if they'll lose their homes. Forgot to mention how she conveniently finds money for the latest games and gadgets, she's playing AC right now and everyone in her house has the newest phones and tablets. I'm just saying, what is "struggling" there?
No. 544409
>>544164I feel that. I don't qualify for unemployment. Freelanced gigs and no stimulus check for me since I was claimed as a dependent.
Really hoping for the 2000 a month to get approved. Could use that money
No. 544411
>>544410It's going to be a long time before my job will pick up steam again.
Might as well just get sick so I can claim unemployment through the CAREs
No. 544443
Anons, see
>Indeed, government interventions may have unintentionally accelerated this trend. Many countries’ fiscal stimuli amount to the largest scale experiment in Universal Basic Income (UBI) to date. UBI is considered by many to be a prerequisite for a successful AI-driven economy – by enabling businesses to potentially replace humans without impacting their welfare.If the World Economic Forum itself is seriously considering UBI in their analyses and plans, it's definitely become a real possibility.
Please also read this link in its entirety: are seriously shilling for UBI.
>The alternative to not having UBI is worse – the rising likelihood of social unrest, conflict, unmanageable mass migration and the proliferation of extremist groups that capitalize and ferment on social disappointment. It is against this background that we seriously need to consider implementing a well-designed UBI, so shocks may hit, but they won’t destroy.The conditions for implementing UBI exist, and so does a strong need, as the COVID crisis has shown.
No. 544484
>>544481NTA but we are looking at some form of social distancing being in place for the next 12 - 18 months (…maybe longer).
They will gradually relax social distancing though so it won't be that length of time in complete lockdown.
But some form will be in place until either we are able to test the majority of the population for antibodies to sars-cov-2 or until we can vaccinate most people.
No. 544506
>>544499It's been demonstrated that it crosses the blood/brain barrier so it can affect the nervous system, but there's no way anyone has evidence it causes alzheimers. That takes years to develop and we've had this virus less than 6 months.
I'd be more worried about the possibility of lung damage or post-viral chronic fatigue.
No. 544519
>>544506when I first posted about my mum I was asking if there was any med fags that could explain why my mum was behaving so strange, she kept on asking about her " baby" and that her " baby was sick", She was on about me as I had a milder form of Covid, some anon explained she was probably having a fever.
I agree with
>>544506 it is to early to know that for sure, but I am pretty certain most people that has had a severe bout end up with Lung Damage.
In the UK our Politicians were not following social distancing, yet only Boris and Matt Hancock got sick, the rest of the Cabinet did not, so I am kind of surprised by that. If they opened up the House of Lords where many are elderly I am sure COVID would run rampant.
Are there any Anon's here from Sweeden? How is the herd immunity plan going? has there been much support or protests.
Also I was reading on LipstickAlley ( LSA) That China should pay reparations as black people are more likely to get it. LSA was the only place I have heard this and I woder if other factors come into play like poverty which can lead to bad diet, Smoking, Stress etc, which will effect ALL races. I know LSA is not a reliable source but it can still be fun to read.
I hope all you Anons stay well. I am feeling calmer and detached, taking Xanax when I may be required to vote or have my say on a particular issue was stupid of me, but I got 0 sleep last night and I am still worrying, the cans have taken the edge off.My mum is a catholic and has asked for her ' last rites' but e cannot get a priest to visit her, sorry if I am rambling guys I am trying to focus on other things right now. I would like to thank all the Anons that asked about my mum, it means a lot to me. Keep you & your loved one safe Anons XXXXX
No. 544522
>>544499Yeah it has neurological manifestations, such as confusion, loss of consciousness and acute cerebrovascular disease in some people.
Here's a recent article on what we think are the most common neurological symptoms No. 544599
>>544519I remember you and I've been wondering how things were going for you right now, thank you for the update. Sorry if you mentioned it before, but did you recovered fully? How long did it take? I assume you are
>>544497 btw are there any italian/spanish/french anons here ? Do you think that they will extend the lockdown in your country?/basically what's the situation right now?
No. 544649
>>544626Nope, and to be honest there won't be for a long time. The only way to determine how long immunity lasts will be to conduct widespread antibody testing, then track how many people who are confirmed to have had it get reinfected. We're too early in the outbreak to be able to do that.
Personally I wouldn't get your hopes up for lifelong immunity, other coronaviruses don't tend to do that.
No. 544666
>>544653Last I checked we had 8 different confirmed strains globally, but no apparent difference in mortality rates so far. Depending on age and underlying conditions it may not be too odd for couples to be dying together - it has a death rate of around 10% for people over 80, and that could increase with things like underlying heart conditions.
Also remember to compare the tragic stories you see in the news to the overall number of deaths. Couples dying together is in the same vein as young people dying - it'll be reported because it makes a good story, but as a fraction of the total deaths it may be pretty rare.
No. 544671
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looks like I only need to do my upper face make-up from tomorrow on because I got the news today that I have to wear a mask at work and with the new week ahead, you have to wear a mask whenever you go: shopping, going by bus etc etc. Ordered some washable masks today because the ones we have at work suck, look ugly and are expensive af (5 pieces for 70€ when you want to buy it for yourself). What a scam. Until mine arrive I will wear a self-made one tho lol
No. 544684
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>>544653>>544666Apparently china found multiple different strains, this is the paper on it, the strains didn't have different pathogenicities though, but they think it is capable of mutating to a more pathogenic form. the west we think there are 2 main strains.
Apparently the strain in Europe appears to be a more virulent one and the one in the states is less so.
No. 544701
>>544677No problem, I'm glad my obsessive reading can be of use!
Antibody testing will be useful researchers, it will allow for estimates of how long immunity lasts and give us much better data on how it has spread through communities. Unfortunately it probably won't allow for 'immunity passports' like some people hoped. But yes, with any luck immunity will last long enough to at least disrupt the spread of infection in future outbreaks.
>>544684Intriguing! Do you have a source on the two strains in Europe and the US? The last I read about two strains was the L-type and S-type variations, but that was back at the start of March and at that point the L-type seemed not to have spread beyond China.
No. 544753
They still plan on going through with it. They can't depend on medical resources of the EU if they want out of it. Other EU countries can count on one another.
No. 544765
>>544754I think men are that little bit more likely to turn to conspiracy when they feel a loss of control in their life. I was into conspiracy based forums years ago and most of the posters were unemployed men who repeated shit about how "the world has gone mad!" In reality they had gone a bit mad. People out of work right now will have all this time to overthink.
>This entire crisis totally made me understand why there are so many uber liberal sjws in AmericaI see it further dividing the two sides, I'm not american and can see peoples views in my little country starting to get more extreme. Some people think god is punishing us (with fucking covid) for finally bringing in abortion here. Logical.
No. 544797
>>544780Anon, I'm so sorry, this is how I feel about my parents right now, they keep letting people come over and I just pray no one in my family gets it, but it's only a matter of time.
Now you know who your true friends are. Your family is full of idiots, I know because my family is doing the same thing. Remember this and never forget to put yourself first before all things.
This era is a wake up call and will seriously question the idea of "blood is thicker than water"
No. 544803
In "most ironic news of the century", smokers are far less likely to die from covid: binds to the same ACE2 receptor as the coronavirus, so it may inhibit the viruses damage. Here is a more scholarly article on the same issue: far data from 3 countries - USA, France, and China - shows statistically significant lower number of smokers sick with COVID-19 than the general population. Scientists are looking into this.
No. 544805
>>544802I was wondering this as well because there is an inflammatory disorder, sarcoidosis, that can fuck your lungs up and the occurrence and severity in blacks is a lot higher than whites. I had it when I was a teenager and the doctors didn't figure it out for a while because it's rare in white people. At its worst I could barely breathe and couldn't walk up a few stairs without being out of breath. I looked it up but couldn't find any info about sarcoidosis and coronavirus being linked. I think it's more what
>>544804 said, but yeah let's not go into race baiting territory
No. 544931
>>544736There's a breakdown here on why we can't ease lockdown at all yet. Basically our government dropped the ball so badly on PPE for health workers and on testing that we'll just have a second wave as soon as we let people out. If we could sort out those two factors we could start easing lockdown like in mainland Europe, but we have a clown for a PM and cabinet full of people appointed to handle Brexit, so I'm not optimistic.
No. 544966
My local county judge has made it mandatory for people to wear masks outside or risk paying a $1,000 fine like law enforcement and other county judges are calling this law draconian and totalitarian, her response was: “well, that’s
your opinion, you’re spreading the pandemic!”. These same people won’t enforce this law in other jurisdictions so the rest of us are now fucked.
Thanks, you stupid bitch.
No. 544972
>>544962Those same people claim that black people are being solely targeted by the virus because “muh melanin” and “da white man wanna take us down”, so take that with a grain of salt.
I like lurking in conspiracy alley though
No. 544974
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>>544966Wow and in fucking Texas of all places. Even Brits wouldn't put up with that kind of judicial overreach/Stasi bullshit. If Boris says we have to wear masks, then fine. Local fuckwit judge?! No.
No. 545311
>>545013I hate those people. Someone told me today that everyone's going to get it so there's no reason to panic and I should just relax.
I don't think these people have any sort of health compromised loved one or they just think the serious cases in otherwise healthy young people aren't real. 98% or not this is not a lottery I want to play with.