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No. 517491
A containment thread for all the salty artfags of!
- Ask about art supplies, but not too often as it will make the digital artists reeeee
- Discuss grievances about the art tuber community, but don’t be fooled by any that come to ask for our opinion; they will throw a shit fit because they work oh so hard and we’re oh so mean
so our opinions don’t bother them
- Yes, we’re all sick of Arteza and SkillShare. fastest way to improve:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 517494
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So thoughts on the 90s anime copycat artists? It was interesting at first but now I think it’s overplayed.
No. 517496
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for the previous thread mention of angelganev, wtf does he continue to draw waists like this? his figures have the anatomy of a monster high doll.
No. 517497
>>517494Legit, I thought all 3 were the same artist.
In early DA, everyone struggled to emulate a 90s anime style for years.
This seems like the natural conclusion to all that
No. 517499
>>517494I think it's cute. Better than that ugly, lumpy Tumblr SJW/CalArts style we used to see.
If anything is going to become overplayed and generic, I'd rather it be this.
No. 517507
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I know Nerdecrafter openly takes ideas from Moriah Elizabeth (and other channels), but it was only when I saw their videos back to back like this that noticed she even copies her thumbnails. Both her thrift store series and squishy makeover series are made to look exactly like Moriah's. I don't generally dislike Nerdecrafter, I actually enjoy most of her craft kit reviews, but things like this make her look like such a tryhard.
No. 517511
>>517494Heart_puff is my favorite tbh, even her page with old win layout looks cool.
>>517507 overall she's a harmless channel, kids wont notice if she copies until they get older. Didn't she left beign a teacher because of her father ilness or something like that?
No. 517543
>>517496I remember seeing that on Instagram, the comments were questioning waist size in comparison to the original model. Someone asked if he would draw a more average body type or one with different proportions and he said something along the lines of we’ll see :) before posting the same shit over and over.
Nothings wrong with stylized and I think that body would look good in something animated or even a comic but the low effort sketches are clearly him drawing whatever he thinks looks hot.
No. 517635
>>517605>>517604Well you wrote about Greek art, so there was some connection!
I hope you got your paper done but maybe don't mix those things next time, cold brew is really harsh on anxiety in general and modafinil is already known to make people angry
No. 517699
>>517604Wrong thread or not, this is more relateable than I'd like to admit especially when you're trying to hit that deadline. Essays, art, etc.
I'm so glad you've got your spark, the focus of your essay sounds really interesting, back but as
>>517635 said, please do not do that again. Too risky Lol
No. 517731
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Saged for nonmilk, from Danica's new video, "How I've progressed since college" or whatever it's called. Old drawing on the left, new on the right. What do y'all think?
No. 517744
>>517731In the newer one, one of her legs looks longer than the other but I do like the colors more. I agree with anon above though it looks way more stiff.
I've noticed that a lot with artists in an intermediate stage thought they tend to become super stiff as they study proper anatomy and gradually have to relearn to be fluid and stylistic with their new knowledge. Like they're so focused on it looking correct and pretty they force the life out of every drawing
No. 517756
>>517731whilst she has a much better grasp of technique in the new one, it loses a lot of its character and flair as previous anons have said. Suddenly she's so stiff and isn't even holding arrows, so instead of looking active as a part of the illustration, she's become passive, which is quite sad.
the problem with danica is that her watercolours are beautiful but she's gotten comfortable. She constantly talks about how she wants to improve and try new things, but she seems afraid to step out of that comfort zone, which leads to a lot of boring repetitive stuff. But it's aesthetic, and the aesthetic sells.
No. 517760
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Does anyone follow kidchan/cyanparade? I like her art and I felt bad for her when she had to take care of her sick father last year, but I had to stop following her after Qinni's passing because she won't stop engaging with trolls/airing out her dirty laundry everywhere. I understand that twitter/social media is how she gets her clients, but I feel like she really just need to take a long, serious break from the it. She landed herself in the hospital just the other day because some 'friends' accused her of raising money to go to Vancouver for vacation rather than to visit Qinni, and even weeks before kept arguing with so many people about gatekeeping grieving/clout chasing over Qinni's passing rather than just letting their replies get buried under the supportive ones.
No. 517764
>>517760Kidchan has struggled with depression for a very long time, to the point that it's actually incredibly crippling to herself because she gets money through art. But when her depression is so bad she can't create art, it's a whole spiral. She was extremely affected by Qinni's death, and probably thought it was important to try and defend her friend rather than to just ignore the trolls and assholes on twitter.
Quite simply, even in the real world, if someone you cared about dearly passed away suddenly, and you heard someone talking shit, there are people who disengage or people who engage, even if it is detrimental to them. I just hope that she gets the therapy and help that she needs, because she's been through a hell of a lot.
No. 517822
>>517731I like them both in different ways, but the older one overall - the colors, background and pose all look better together.
Also, this is a nitpick, but the new one looks like something Audra Auclair drew and I'm tired of that 'floaty ethereal' style
No. 517834
>>517817The easiest/most intuitive software to pose 3D humanoid models imo is DesignDoll. Unfortunately they look anime. You can modify the models to give them a bit of stylized muscle and adjust the proportions to your tastes, but it will always look cartoonish. Istebrak sells a program to pose and light more realistic 3D models, but the posing is very slow and mechanical compared to DesignDoll.
A lot of people will tell you to not bother with 3D models and that it will always look unnatural, but I feel like it really helped me out - not as a final solution, but as a stepping stone. Playing around with models was a tremendous aid in my understanding of 3D space. It's really helpful to see how a 2D pose in your head translates to 3D. I don't use the programs anymore, but I would not be where I am today without them. My drawings from back then looked stiff and awkward, but when compared to the previous drawings, they had much more depth and accurate proportion.
If you do end up trying DesignDoll, don't get scared off by the hideous default doll. You can change the proportions and body type with sliders to get something resembling an american comic book character. The trial version is nearly fully functional - but you can't save. In the full version you can also download dolls and poses from the website - which is helpful if you're having trouble getting a base doll that you like. The hand poser is amazing, and very intuitive. You also have very basic control over the lighting, and the ability to import other 3D models and link them to different joints on the doll. For example, I imported high heels and linked them to feet, and a sword and linked it to a hand.
I don't know if Istebrak's program has a trial, I remember I bought it during a sale. The model is beautiful and has a lot of useful anatomical landmarks, but the posing is your standard 3D modeling fare. Click joint, rotate xyz. If you're already used to this it shouldn't be a problem, but when compared to DD, where everything is rigged and you can grab a wrist and pull the torso around like a ragdoll, it's a hard sell. The lighting is nice and much more advanced, but also harder on your GPU. I ended up not using it that much, so I don't know all the features, but I'm pretty sure you can import other models to use in your scene as well.
No. 517844
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Said artist got called out for putting tribute art on her Redbubble
She apologised but I guess anything for quick coin
No. 517846
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I am very much an oldfag and I miss the old "internet art style" it was so charming and cute now everything is traced instathots, cal arts and they/them nonbianary bullshit
No. 517856
>>517844Fuck these vultures. "omg any profit goes to Qinni's family guiz!"
Just say it how it is, you want people to think you're such a nice and generous person and you're probably gonna keep half the money anyway.
This is why I fucking hate the art community.
No. 517865
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>>517760Im not sure if anyone witnessed this, Ill try to find any tweets that my friends showed me, but kid chan seriously needs help.
I know some people were skeptical about kidchan because she asked for ko-fi donations to attend qinnis funeral. People were concerned bc of past events where she never delivered a voltron zine and didnt refund many people. is an artist beware for this as well, but Im searching for it still.
But in different news, there was this chinese BL that a translation team wanted to translate to english . So, instead of raising funds in a kickstarter, they told fans to donate money via ko-fi. In addition to this, they were asking for 20k via ko fi donations. Kid chan, being a huge fujo, advertised this to pieces in hopes of the bl being translated. But a lot of people were suspicious of the translation team because they did not even obtain the license for this. original publishers of the BL was confused why this was even occuring. Not to mention the handling of money was not clear. After some dispute, the translation team decided to step down and apologize. Kid chan got upset and accused the english community for being idiots, then she got into a severe mental breakdown on live twitter. It got to the point where one of the business partners of the company she worked for saw this, and decided to discontinued business.
I really loved kidchans art, but her tweets has been really hard to tolerate. Ill try to search for them, but there was one where she talk about drinking alcohol with her xanax during a break down.
Sorry I splerged about this, but something about cyan seems so fucky. I think shes just severely mentally ill, tho
No. 517866
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>>517865Same fag, here is the weird alcohol tweet. It did not mention xanax, which was a mismemory on my part so I apologize.
I know being active on social media is important for artists but.. Cyan really should stop
No. 517868
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>>517866Same person, I cant find the artist beware for the zine, but theres some rumblings about it on twitter
Not really relevant but felt important enough to show, kid chan had over 43 coms in the queue that were never completed.
I know a lot of people are mourning over qinnis death. But Im a bit suspicious of how kidchan handles her money. Again, sorry for the long ass posts No. 517879
>>517865>>517866>>517868When I follow artists, I usually don’t mind personal posts because they’re people too, and usually its nice to see a glimpse into their lives, but kidchan posts about everything and it feels like when you meet someone for the first time and they overshare every tiny detail about their life and you’re like “woah hey I just met you.” Granted, I know I don’t HAVE to read her posts or her twitter, but that’s the feeling her tweets convey. It’s like the shit artists keep on their private mutuals only profile. She says her clients come from twitter/social media, but if a client looked at her twitter, this is all the type of oversharing stuff they would see (even before Qinni died). Seems like a bad look. I also don’t think it’s bad that she tweets about how she struggles with her mental illness, but it’s uncomfortable to see when it becomes pretty self sabotaging.
As for the 2ha thing, I think what also blew up is that kidchan retweeted something tweeted out by someone (either on the team trying to raise money to license it, or someone else who was pretty involved in it) where they badmouthed the original publishers and the publishers caught wind and they weren’t very happy with that. Kidchan has apologized at least, but I never got to see the tweet she retweeted. I saw someone else say that that person hasn’t apologized yet.
No. 517908
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This bitchs art gives me Hc Brown vibes, must be the smugness and extendo chin
No. 517912
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>>517908Every time I see Raihan art I just get reminded of the Kickstarter? scammer that later got called out for running a Despicable Me incest twitter
No. 517918
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This person got into scad, all his art has the fugly tumblr blush. Why try when the bars so low?
No. 517928
>>517918At this point, scad takes anyone with a pulse and a bank account. I knew two people with really mediocre tumblr-tier art that got accepted and transferred there. They really believed that they’ll end up working for Cartoon Network or some shit.
Sage for blogpost
No. 517929
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>>517918I went to a public high school and five kids in my grade alone got into SCAD. It's not much of an accomplishment.
When are people going to realize that where you get your degree really doesn't matter? You get out of art what you put into it. If you're really diligent about studying and learning, you could go just about anywhere.
You know why people go to overpriced diploma mills like SVA and SCAD? They're paying for connections. They know they professors there are connected, and they know Disney and such scout at those schools. But those people are wasting their money; you'd be surprised by how easy it is to get connected if you just initiate contact with people in the industry. It's the fuckin' internet age.
I live in a podunk town in a flyover state and I'm friends with a guy who worked on Lion King and Mulan. It's literally just about practice, self-discipline, and reaching out.
No. 517939
>>517505hate to burst your bubble but you can criticize art even if it's stylized
especially if someone's "style" is giving pinterest models even more impossibly skinny waists and uncannily beady eyes.
and especially if that artist is an absolute knobhead (as seen above).
No. 517953
>>517948samefag, but what spurred me to post this was the series of events today that was: doing a poll about if she should have a pinned story about her ootd's, making one of the poll options something like "you're a massive narcissist", getting 98% positive results on the poll but becoming enraged over the 2% who chose the narcissist option, doing a weird passive aggressive "I can see who picked the second option ;-)" story post, then deleting it all before posting a stunningly immature video of herself flipping the bird to the camera. she is 31 years old.
there was also that weird thing where she insisted that the people buying her art aren't rich. if they are able to drop $500-$800 on a watercolour that took two hours and still has unerased pencil sketch lines, they are economically advantaged. good on her for getting her coins, but I dunno, it's very strange to me for her to insist otherwise. sorry for the sperg lmao.
No. 518004
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So Tails gets trolled actually has good art now
No. 518020
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>>518014still being drawn by Lazerbot, his art has been slowly improving page by page for years now
No. 518068
>>517846That’s a trace at the top right but the three on the left remind me of late 90’s anime drawings with the baggy pants and big eyes (or pouty lips for girls) like those doll makers from ‘00.
That said I do miss the old anime style and how there used to be a range of styles instead of gross/ugly characters with poor anatomy.
>>517494I haven’t seen many but the top right seems traced. I like the style but a lot of people copying it seem to not understand what works. I think Ocean in Space gets the late 90’s/00’s style well but I haven’t seen a lot that impressed me.
>>517731I don’t know her but her values in the left are much better. I wish she could merge the two, then her work would be more successful.
No. 518086
>>518068They are traced I recognize each screenshot.
And people saying they prefer traced same faced 90s anime to teenagers in their ugly style phase is pretty funny tbh. Then again IG encourages same face tracing so big surprise
No. 518212
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I'm so tired of getting ads for lore olympus when it looks like… this.
No. 518239
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>>518237Damn I really need to step up my art game the hell, and make a series that’ll make that much money the hell. Ppl really do love shitty content.
No. 518255
I hope doing all this venting will make me feel better. Because I'm depressed and angry.
I'm a "professional" artist, I guess ?? I don't have any connections or have ever done anything full time, I'm just a random freelancer. But I have gotten hired to do big work. I have done over 20 book covers, designed 5 mobile games that have 1 million+ downloads in google play, and other random stuff. My biggest job was a single gig for $6k. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying this so you guys know I'm not a delusional artist when I say that I'm really good and should be making a living wage. The problem is I'm an incredibly lazy sack of dog shit due to depression. I work less than 1 hour a day even though I'm a neet, so i'm actually legit poor unless i randomly land something, which can go months without happening. I JUST finished a commission that took me a MONTH when in reality was about 8 hours of work. Also due to working too little, I have low activity on my social media, so I have very few followers. I constantly get comments saying "why don't you have more followers, you're so good?" At first they made me happy, but now it just makes me mad. I have less than 400 followers on both twitter and instagram, 1k on facebook and 3k on artstation. My goal is to live off patreon, but… patreon depends solely on your follower count. It doesn't even matter if you don't draw good as long as you have many followers, you WILL get people. And I don't. I know that the answer to this is that I need to be active and consistent. Just post regularly and show I have a good amount of content to offer for the month. That's literally it. But every month I don't do it and disappoint myself, so I have never made more than $80 in one month there.
i follow a couple of girls who have successful patreons and whose style is similar to mine, but way worse. Less skilled, bad wonky anatomy, and shamelessly copying bigger artists. I'm almost obsessed with one of them because she's the worst of all, yet has the greatest consistency and activity so she has the most patrons. She has her earnings hidden but i think she makes around $5k judging by the price of her tiers and her number of patrons. Like I said, at first I followed her for motivation but now the salty jealousy kills me. I can't stand getting a notification that she posted something new, because god i hate her lol. I caught her tracing a few months ago and called her out on it with a spare account on several sites (cause i'm a jealous bitch), but amazingly her followers either didn't care, made excuses or downplayed it. one even defended her by saying that Picasso traced. So that's my vent. I'm looking forward for March to see if this will finally be my "real" start, but I'm depressed as hell right now and don't wanna think about how many times i've failed at this and how it's all my own fault.
No. 518262
>>518255damn anon why the fucking essay but honestly im in the same predicament
the only thing that is helping my lazy ass is getting tf off of social media and just making art and improving my fundamentals. fanart has made me gain followers like crazy. ive done it with kpop in the past and now im doing it with popular trends.
don’t stress too much you’ll live off patreon and stop being such a bitter bitch eventually
No. 518281
>>518255Something that helped me was finding out there are apps for scheduling post on Instagram. As long as you have your account set up as an influencer/business you can get the app to automatically post them at your desire time. It really helps to be able to spend an hour or so in one day to get all your post lined up for the next week
One annoying thing is that they only allow you to post a certain amount for free every month (I use 3; each allowing 10 post), but if you can spare 10 dollars a month you can post much more (≈100).
No. 518400
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Hey anons, i just picked up my pen and start drawing again after a serious and long hiatus from art and i want to really get out of my comfort zone and improve cuz all i use to draw is pretty girls. Do you have any tips?
No. 518409
>>518400If you want to improve, you should identify what areas you're lacking in (perspective? anatomy? colour and light?), do a bunch of studies and try to apply what you learn from those when drawing. Try even the things you're not usually interested in (if you only draw pretty girls, try to do some backgrounds, unattractive people, objects…), it'll force you to think more analytically and not rely on symbols/habits even when you draw pretty girls.
Also, don't get discouraged when you're struggling or stagnating. Sometimes you'll get stuck and feel like you're not improving, and that's normal. Getting better at drawing is mostly about changing the way you see and analyse things, so sometimes you'll have to take a break, step back and return to drawing later when you're refreshed and can look at it from a different perspective.
No. 518452
>>518448Check out Gurney's Color and Light book, reading it really helped me with painting. You can find it as a pdf for free online and read specifically the chapters about the basics of color and light, and those that concern portraits. Learning how things actually work will benefit you a lot more than looking at tutorials, since those tend to be more step-by-step. You can also do studies of pictures/art in which you like the colouring to try and understand their colour choices.
If you're completely stumped when it comes to colouring though, my advice would be : 1. know what planes compose the face and body 2. place a light source, even if it's very diffuse lighting, it'll still help 3. start with choosing your midtones and making sure those already look nice together as flats before you add any lighting or hue variation.
No. 518454
>>518277Are you even listening to yourself?
> it's just very infuriating everytime someone responds to you stressing over making money as an artist with "just take another job"That’s literally the exact most simple solution. You need more money, you have to supplement your creative work, you have to get a job that is more reliable than freelance. That anon even said it’s hard for them to get work, which makes sense as freelance is feast or famine on the best years.
Do you want someone to hold your hand and lead you to a follower fountain? Or a magic money fairy to appear and give you 1400$ a week on Patreon? Maybe it’s infuriating but Creative jobs are tough shit and the fact of it is that a LOT of successful creators either have another supplemental job or a cushy support system in their partner or parents.
As an aside, if your depression and jealousy is crippling your ability to get work done I do second the other anon’s advice to go get some meds and therapy. Too much art is lost to creators who won’t get help
No. 518506
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Saw another artist share this on their story. It's a post about "How to Get Blocked"
No. 518507
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>>518506Samefag but here is a screenshot of his profile. At least he knows he's a snowflake lol
No. 518511
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In Rae's newest video she's using every single pen she owns
And aside from the inevitable disaster of an art piece and the multitude of chicken scratches..
She decided to use the same type of pen 100+ times, instead of just using the one and counting it as one.
It's one type of pen Rae, using a 100 black pens is fucking stupid
No. 518538
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surprised i havent seen pbmahoney_art posted in one of these threads yet. his shit is an absolute eyesore and yet he somehow has 31.3k followers and sells prints of what seems to be poorly traced pop culture art.
No. 518540
>>518255>I'm looking forward for March to see if this will finally be my "real" startMarch isn't going to magically imbue you with the will to work. Nothing save the face of death will do that. You are never going to feel like it. Ever. In your whole life, you are never going to feel like doing anything other than survive expending the least amount of energy possible.
Divine inspiration and people loving their jobs and waking up excited to get to work is a load of shit. Deadlines are imperative to getting anything done. Time - aka THE FEAR OF DEATH is the only thing that will force us to action. People fear starving to death, or being homeless, or their children dying, or having not accomplished anything by the end of their lives. Some are more sensitive to this fear than others. That's it. You're not a failure, you're just not scared enough.
>b-but I have panic attacks every night over my fear of dyingStill not scared enough. You know that feeling you get when it's midnight and you haven't started on the essay due tomorrow morning and something deep within you stirs and suddenly you're churning out 300 words per minute on a book you couldn't give less of a shit about that has suddenly become the sole focus of your entire existence? That's fear.
So how does any of this help you? Stop feeling bad and blaming yourself for being a lazy human, because we all are. Stop procrastinating. The first day of a new month is meaningless in your pursuit of instagram followers or what-the-fuck-ever. Even tomorrow morning is too late. How does waiting for the sun to rise again help you in any way? You're never going to have a perfect day. There is never going to be a perfect time. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment, and giving yourself excuses to put off what you don't feel like doing. But that's just it, YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT.
Right fucking now. The moment in time in which you are reading these words, start researching how to create habits. There's a science to it. You can actually trick your stupid animal brain into doing things it doesn't want to do. And then, kind of like how you're spiraling down into a pit of self-hatred and despair, you could like, spiral up instead.
No. 518611
>>518512Switching Planoly since it's 30 free most per account, but for the best time to post that was Apphi. Although it was trial only which sucks but it help give me an rough idea when to post.
Apphi I like the UI, it has easy to use preset hastags, can have multiple Instagram account link and each get 10 post, but it's only 10 post in a month and if you pay it's expensive
I just started using Planoly. It's nice let's you plan Instagram stories. It's 30 free post but can only link one Instagram. Although it's much cheaper than the prior. Downside is only 2 insta can be link and only one gets unlimited posting and the other is 30
No. 518634
>>518630Your question is sloppy as hell too, what kind of at are you even trying to make cleaner. Pen sketches? Digital anime girls on procreate? Watercolour landscapes?
If you're working from a computer and you just want clean lineart, look into tools to steady your line such as lazynezumi or using something like SAI that has it built in. Draw zoomed out on huge canvases and resize smaller after you're finished.
Practice drawing confident drawings with sharpies or ink pens, from now on only ever use pen in your sketchbook. It's unforgiving and it will teach you how to draw with confidence.
No. 518637
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I feel like this is weird. This is weird right? Having it in your bio. Idk.
No. 518801
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>>518637>>518734>>518797The fact that she tweets this makes the clout chasing even obvious
No. 518902
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>>518801Her ego rivals Becca's.
No. 518906
>>518902Lmaooo, why post this??
“Because I need to let my followers know- so I won’t be hurt as a popular artist UwU”
Stfu, lol, as any person online or an artist in general you have to be weary of strangers online because they may not be in your own interest.
No. 518917
File: 1582844830830.png (2.45 MB, 972x1285, Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 3.50…)

This girl is constantly blowing up on Twitter because she's a geeky artist with a perfect anime gurl body and apparently just bought her first high rise apartment in Las Vegas purely off of her art. I guess that's possible but damn people buy her shit 100% because she's hot, not because her work is amazing or anything. Her life is so perfect there's not way all of it is real. No. 518931
>>518507Oof I follow that person! What a shame since their art is actually quite nice.
However, I understand that constantly being compared to other artists and getting repetitive comments does get exhausting as fuck. Especially when you're in the horror/spooky art community.
>>518917I wonder what she looked like before all that surgery
No. 518933
>>518917She has a history of abusing photoshop and she definitely has a team when it comes to doing "photoshoots" like this fake selfie one here
I had to block her at one point cause I was sick of seeing her on my ig explore page
She's just a rich filipino "baddie influencer" on the same level as a gamer e-girl but she sucks at art but people still want to give her money for being hot
She probably has a lot of milk but not a lot for her own thread
No. 518938
File: 1582850976633.png (4.54 MB, 1890x1250, Screen Shot 2020-02-27 at 5.42…)

>>518921You say it's not fair to say that her followers buy her shit only because she's hot but then go on about how her hot pics get her attention which means her art gets more attention, which means people buy more? I'm not saying it's a pity thing but rather if she was just posting her work by itself instead of propping herself into every photo then she wouldn't even a quarter of the interaction she gets now.
No. 518968
>>518538These literally look like the kinds of tattoos you see on trailer trash.
>>518938Imagine having such bland art that you have to post your tits next to it to get any attention.
No. 519013
File: 1582866942263.png (66.53 KB, 591x319, Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 12.1…)

ok which one of you was it
No. 519154
>>519149>>519013Im going to seem like a douch, but I don’t see how the HELL people can cry over a person that they don’t personally know (people who consitantly vlog or YouTube I can semi-understand)- so it’s disgusting to me when people act “oh so troubled UnU” by a person’s death.
Is it sad that a good person died? Yes.
Do we need to act oh so empathetic towards it? Fuck no
No. 519176
>>518917I don't know how she can buy a condo and travel all over the world on what seems to be like ten pieces of shitty art. Her online shop doesn't have much variety either.
Plus it looks like she's been travelling long before she even started pushing her artwork, so it's clear she wasn't originally poor
No. 519226
>>519201There was someone who said that she was using Qinni’s death for clout. DMs were even sent. DeePee took a screenshot of the DMs and the accusation and said something along the lines of “I’m a good person! I would never do this for attention!”
She then went on to say “I did this for her! She was my friend!” When I don’t believe she was Qinni’a friend at all. But hey, I didn’t know much about Qing, I was just saddened that she died too soon.
I wish I took a screenshot of the tweet, but it was gone within an hour.
No. 519358
File: 1582942098476.jpeg (145.35 KB, 828x1792, 1C34B44F-7E68-44A1-9CFA-A5718C…)

>>518917She posted this but it’s so obviously faked? Like how is she even taking this picture unless she purposely shopped herself into some random balcony picture
No. 519376
File: 1582947104478.png (192.19 KB, 1080x1405, Screenshot_20200228-222944.png)

>>519358She has a mirror on her balcony apparently lol
No. 519408
File: 1582961171268.png (139.39 KB, 1080x1025, Screenshot_20200229-022425.png)

She has over 20k followers and she's offering free money. Wtf did she expect?
No. 519481
>>519395Case in point:
>My problem with pastels is that I can't do detailed work with themThat's because you can't do the usual 'lineart with a fineliner and then colouring it in like a colouring book' act you and Kasey have been doing for years. That's not how pastels are used.
>I did well with the water soluble pastels (in her previous video)That's because you used them like watercolours and just coloured in some lineart of a (surprise, surprise) cute girl with a brush. It doesn't HAVE to be a cute girl with a detailed face every single time, it's not the medium's fault that you won't draw anything else besides that. The pastels would have been perfect for a landscape or an animal or a still life.
No. 519545
>>519408She still says "XD" in 2020?
What is she, fifteen? No wonder she's so obnoxious.
No. 519671
File: 1583018667581.png (557.69 KB, 817x593, biana.png)

Melanin March is a cool initiative and I even want to participate, but what the actual shit is that illustration?
No. 519694
>>519671“Melanin March”?
Look, I’m all for pride and shit, but this mixed race kid right here doesn’t give two fucks about skin color.
No. 519832
>>519825Congrats on the screen tablet. I hear XPPENs are of decent quality.
Not a fun answer, but reading program manuals and visiting their specific YouTube pages for tutorials is the best beginner way to get a handle on the programs you want to pursue. Do you think you’ll be doing more digital illustration, comics, or painting?
No. 519882
>>519832Thanks for the advice. Honestly I had never thought of doing that. I mostly do illustrations for kids but I'm hoping to make a comic. It's kinda my long term goal.
>>519833Actually streamlining the process was the reason why I made the purchase. Hopefully it's gonna turn out how you say. Thanks
No. 519936
File: 1583089056510.jpg (377.1 KB, 718x960, 2020-03-01_13.50.41.jpg)

Anyone else tired of seeing these "art improvement" posts where there's very little improvement? I like seeing growth and improved art, but posts like this make me wonder how you can grow so little in 3 years.
There are better examples out there but this one popped up on my explore page
No. 519966
File: 1583096466719.png (245.72 KB, 1268x1212, radarsaturn.png)

I like this artist's work but god, I don't know whether they're just being lolsorandom or if they have legit issues. I imagine it's a mix of the two. They have also lashed out at fans for really dumb shit before, like for joking that one of their ocs was bald.
No. 520016
File: 1583104642590.jpeg (199.02 KB, 539x1383, 621B4B78-A142-4378-BAB3-641F77…)

>>519966Lmao no this bitch is delusional if they think their ocs are original. I’m sorry but their art is shit tier and they’re like 20s year old and acting like this. Their oc looks like something from jet x.
No. 520018
>>519358anon, her highrise is located in the shadier part of vegas(see the circuscircus sign in the back). If she got a condo in the main strip it would be in the millions, but outside of that area they go for 200-500k. So literally an affordable mortgage for any working person.
The fact you are jealous about this is so fucking weird LOL
No. 520022
>>519966Glad I wasn't the only one that got that vibe from them lmao
OC based artists really are something special.
>>520016Could've sworn I've seen another person's OC that looks just like this.
No. 520051
>>520026Same anon. I just cannot for the life of me stand the obvious anatomical errors. They're so off-putting to me.
It makes it worse knowing it's a popular comic that's been showcased as uber amazing and wOw when it's so amateur tier in its art.
I just cannot read it, most likely because of how bitter I am towards its infamy even though its art is trash.
No. 520058
>>520037I'm not too familiar with this person but going on their site, they sell more than just prints lowest amount she needs to make is 20k a year and I can easily see how she can surpass that with her following.
If people can't make min wage doing art they need to quit lmao
No. 520082
File: 1583114133836.jpg (329.74 KB, 1288x2289, PicsArt_03-02-08.50.39.jpg)

Like she didn't do events so it will gain her more followers (as a reply kinda says).
I want to wait and see how much cowtential she has.
No. 520089
File: 1583114735360.png (622.21 KB, 1186x603, Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 9.03…)

>>520037yup, she apparently sells self defense stuff with her art printed on it as well as tiddy mouse pads. her colors are so muddy and gross though, idk why she continues to color like that. it's like jaquelinedeleon but somehow even more muddied.
No. 520095
>>520081yeah he committed suicide lmao what's your point
if you think making min 20k annually is a big deal i feel bad for you
No. 520115
>>520081He was a loser. He was an unemployed dickhead alcoholic, suckling his brother's teet for money, had a classic neet personality, and was huffing his oil paint solvent to hallucinate. He is literally a genuine asshole. He should have quit and gotten an actual job.
20k a year is one full time job at minimum wage after taxes. It's pretty damn easy to do that and still make art on the side.
No. 520167
>>520089Those characters look like they're made of shrink-wrapped raw meat. Maybe if this lady spent as much time practicing painting skin as she does taking pictures of her tits, her art wouldn't look like an eighth grader drew it.
>>520115He's still less of a loser than anyone in this thread kek
No. 520244
File: 1583157452693.jpeg (318.39 KB, 1125x652, C3EEBD83-C671-4BCF-9A3F-548C2A…)

The caramelldansen meme should stay dead instead of getting its corpse reanimated by shitty artists.
No. 520299
>>520292I don’t think they’re a fujo since they seem to hate anything sexual. They’re just a run of the mill weeb edgelord with family issues.
Got a lot of those running around on twitter, unfortunately.
No. 520304
>>520246Didn’t he use hookers and abuse them? Pretty
problematic tbh
No. 520325
>>520304Are you seriously trying to cancel Van Gogh
God damn who let all the Tumblrinas into LCF. If you say "
problematic" unironically, this isn't the place for you.
No. 520411
>>520058LOL, I bet you are still in highschool and think that you´ll make it big as an artist because you managed to get an A in art, possibly because you have one of those teachers that will give anyone an A, as long as they invest enough time/effort into their projects, regardless of the outcome.
You remind me of the idiots that think a musicians ability can be measured by the number of albums that they´ve sold.
No. 520424
>>518255also a full time artist and your experiences sounded identical to mine, also thought I was just a lazy shit. found out that I had undiagnosed adhd made worse by depression. going on adderall was an immediate and huge improvement, I could actually sit down and draw for 6+ hours again. not sure if it could be the same issue, but I hope you can figure out something.
sage for blogpost
No. 520428
>>520411Anon why are you so mad LOL I didn’t comment on her art skills at all
I guess it hurt your feelings? If art is your full time job and you can’t make 20k a year you should quit and keep it a hobby. It’s cool to romanticize art but if you aren’t marketing yourself/making merch people are willing to pay for and expect to survive, you’re delusional.
No. 520479
File: 1583207989668.jpeg (92.42 KB, 560x708, oLAqcchS.jpg:medium.jpeg)

apparently that ninja fortnite guy has a comic now and it's about the blandest non-dynamic thing ever
No. 520480
>>520479Even for a super hero type comic the pacing is way too fast
also crinja's a fucking meme, can't believe they're making a super hero type comic based off a real fucking person, especially when that person is super lame and egotistical and gets angry over jokes
No. 520501
>>520498ntayrt and I agree with what you said, but I think it's irritating to see people who can't hold a pencil call themselves "artists" even when it technically brings them money.
I'm sure the dictionary includes hobbyists as artists. but idk whether ctrl alt del level relatable comics or generic witchy girl #3839265 count as art.
I feel like it's an english language problem, it's not my mother tongue and in all other languages I speak "art" is not used so loosely to designate anything drawn or crafted.
No. 520556
>>520501Yes, the english language seems to use the word art differently than other languages do. My other language is German and in this language most people only mean the works of an established/famous creator when they use the term art. I don´t like that. It´s like a type of gate keeping.
When you take your creativity and use whatever skills you have to create your vision, then that´s art, regardless of whether you are drawing a realistic portray or a wonky ice cream cone.
No. 520573
File: 1583244811320.png (35.2 KB, 598x252, Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 9.11.…)

considering freelance is mostly described as self-employment, idt it matters if you're working for big-name publications and studios as long as you're still making income doing whatever you're doing. i don't see the point in gatekeeping the word "freelance" when anyone can do anything freelance if they're a good enough businessperson, instead a smarter word to gatekeep on the topic would be self described "professional freelancers", as professional describes a certain level of income being made from freelance or a certain expectation of professionalism (as the self or a brand)
No. 520576
File: 1583244988532.jpg (286.28 KB, 1280x823, 43a44db446572f6307ef3b156e807c…)

>>520479If you think thats bad you haven't seen the danTDM comic. This is ons store shelves
No. 520629
ITT: >gatekeeping kek
>>520556Anything can be art but that doesn’t mean it’s good art.
No. 520861
File: 1583301354400.jpeg (81.62 KB, 1080x1118, vRo8Vbe_.jpg:medium.jpeg)

what is that boob, why is it randomly sticking out like a baguette
No. 520936
File: 1583331430632.png (1.99 MB, 1275x771, 444444444.PNG)

>>520930Related, but I hate it when I find a really cool aesthetic, but it's slowly being taken over by 'muh OC'-ers. I'm not saying kids can't have fun, but I'm sick of anything slightly dark or unique being taken over by edge lord copy cats
No. 521062
File: 1583363965572.jpg (1.28 MB, 1884x1748, lmao.jpg)

Saw this artist on my insta explore page selling her "Thick witch" print at an Artist Alley.
These tracers have no chill
No. 521066
>>520274I'm a giant nerd about real estate and property prices, so this actually made me really curious. Scarily, it was very easy to figure out which building this is. I'm not going to post it because I have no intention of scaring her or anything, but… It didn't take very long at all. If she reads this, I kind of hope she considers deleting those pictures and being more careful about what she posts.
Anyway, no, this isn't a 2 bedroom. The smaller units have a much different layout with their windows. Also, her unit has been renovated. The standard floor in these condos is a lot different, but there are other renovated units that are still for sale, so this is clearly something that the building restrictions allow. This floorplan starts at around $500k with no renovations, so with new flooring alone, it's going to be bumped up. Truly, I can't give a good estimate on the price she paid without seeing the rest of the condo, because I don't know what kind of changes were made to places like the kitchen and bathroom, but it was over 500k unless she got one hell of a deal.
Sage because I know this is creepy and weird and no one else really cares. I just really like knowing how certain properties are priced in certain areas.
No. 521067
>>521066 do we even know if its officially her place and not her families or something her parents helped buy?
I remember her talking about buying a new studio and it took 0 digging to realize its a room in her moms house that she and her sis also live in LOL
No. 521078
>>521062I can't believe the nerve some people have to trace art and try to profit from it, it's infuriating. At least the tracer fixed that weird dislocated hip though lmao
>>521063Makes sense, traced works usually look worse than the originals since they're made by less skilled people.
No. 521093
Channels like this crack me up a span of three months, this woman spent at least $1500 (and that's a lowball estimate too!) on watercolor supplies for a review channel and then I guess she disappeared once she maxed out her credit card.
Not sure which video I find the most amusing, the one about having a budget friendly art studio or the one where she compares flask palettes. She likes the Schminkie but trashes the other one, even though both of the enameled flasks are made by the same company, they just come with different brands of paint.
No. 521131
>>521067Buying a condo in a shithole state like Nevada isn’t hard. She might’ve needed someone to co-sign her mortgage but that’s not a sign of someone being rich/poor, it’s just an insurance for the bank incase she defaults on her payments.
Even millionaire idubbbz has his parents sign for his house
No. 521138
File: 1583382161401.jpeg (660.24 KB, 1242x1836, 1F34B2BE-3AE2-44C2-AD67-1D8920…)

When will this non-binary bullshit end?
No. 521146
File: 1583382871053.jpg (350.74 KB, 1200x1188, DiVMa1uUwAAZhbt_1296x.jpg)

>>520058Based on the size of the packages she's shipping and customer RTs, she mostly sells this ""safety"" kit with a tiny, tiny "knife" to give you great peace of mind, mace you are gonna drop, and a very useful rape alarm, all in dark colors which will be lost inside a handbag and so small they probably increase the danger customers might be in since they now feel uwu safe and protected from this tiny art tat.
No. 521160
>>521155I guess it is possible, she could be renting through the owner. When I hear "approved", my mind immediately goes to bank loan, but I honestly forgot that you can be approved to rent as well.
She'd be very lucky if that's the case, it doesn't seem like those condos come on the rental market very often. The smaller ones do, but not the size she has. Considering she has a renovated unit that's larger, if she is paying rent, I would peg it at at least $2000/month based on what the other condos in the same building are asking for.
No. 521170
>>521146This is such a weird fucking nitpick LMAO
Imagine reviewing rape prevention items
No. 521200
File: 1583403419337.jpeg (59.5 KB, 971x207, 748EA87C-7E07-4D0A-A7CE-1635FD…)

>>518917wtaf she has nearly half a million followers on twitter. guess it’s time to hit the gym and post body pics on twitter, anons!
No. 521203
File: 1583405505314.jpeg (731.79 KB, 2048x2048, D_nZynbU4AEZxOe.jpeg)

had to scroll through at least 15 tweets in her media section to find a piece of art, everything else is just her posing in scraps of clothing, and this was the first thing i found. the rendering and anatomy is on the level of superraedizzle. why is it so muddy
No. 521210
File: 1583409094323.jpg (204.28 KB, 1080x1080, 44734675.jpg)

A masterpiece from her Instagram.
I guess it's inspiring to see someone apparently doing so well from such shit-tier art, but she's primarily an e-thot who posts like 4 shitty artpieces a year.
No. 521225
>>521138Not going to sperg about it but it says hrt on the account so I assume it’s about a man being brolita, or trans. It could also be a woman who can’t be a woman who likes cute things (or feminine) so she has to say she’s “other” to appease everyone.
This isn’t really about bad art but I will say I agree with you.
No. 521341
>>521269ayrt I mean she strays away from showing traditionally black features: big noses, big lips, kinky coily hair, etc. it’s not necessarily her coloring.
She claimed that she wanted to showcase black women since they are under represented in art. Then do it properly LMAO (and I’ll say the same shit to any other artist who only draw black women with kim k proportions).
No. 521355
>>521341>big noses traditionally belong to black peopleRight.
It's like there's only 2 ways to draw black women in this sphere: like baddies (or "Kim K" as you call it lol) or SJW-appealing mammy blobs with galaxy afros and Vitiligo. Anything in between will be classified as anything but unless they've been around many of them in life or stopped to go study references.
No. 521394
File: 1583455260531.jpg (20.56 KB, 680x510, K.jpg)

>>521258Pic related
>>521286Holy SHIT, you told me what was going to happen and yet I still wasn't ready
No. 521397
File: 1583455437813.png (344.27 KB, 596x345, PrinterExtraordinaire.png)

>>521394Samefag but check out Alythuh's aforementioned technique
No. 521523
>>521320Between this shit and the “sag-guh” in the skelly thread I think every new poster in this hellhole should have a mandatory week-long imageboard crash course because I’m tired of you all
>>521397The medley of swatches where the hair is going to eventually be… pottery
No. 521531
File: 1583473659148.png (703.04 KB, 536x542, wtf.png)

>>521529>>521062Sorry for the souble posting, but nvm I found her.
You need to be some special kind of asshole to trace shit and proudly make money out of it.
No. 521543
File: 1583478349102.gif (1019.42 KB, 450x345, 69FB1C90-7E09-4568-9F2D-D9FEA3…)

>>521397I’ve watched the time lapse videos of her process and the way she mashes those colored pencils into the paper makes me nauseous. It’s like watching a child.
No. 521545
>>521543Let's all pour one out for Alythuh's poor colored pencils.
Girl is over here treating Prismacolors like Crayola sidewalk chalk smdh
No. 521730
File: 1583526588216.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20200302-120615~2.p…)

fuckin' a
No. 521751
File: 1583528333387.jpg (258.83 KB, 701x780, d4mltbi-a90d3a53-caba-465e-be4…)

Does anyone have any information on ippus and prodigy bombay? They used to be one of the biggest artists on deviantart back in the days, its so nostalgic looking at their art again after a while. Iirc, ippus still draws right? but i havent heard anything on prodigy bombay though, last time i checked her last tumblr post was on 2016…
No. 521752
File: 1583528466630.png (26.64 KB, 916x614, Capture.PNG)

>>521742Anyhow I feel like now is the time to mention she's in such a comfort zone she'll decline commissions on stuff she can't draw. It could be personal reasons, but what personal reason would someone refuse to draw 'armor', 'beards' 'elderly characters', and 'animals' (literally just animals)? I didn't get it in this screenshot, but she says she'll only draw 'simple backgrounds'. Remember this when she makes a 'woe is me. Why don't people commission me?'. She's a 24 year old women who wont draw beards
No. 521759
>>521752I only draw girls and same face pretty cat bois uwu
No. 521854
>>521853The skull *
Personally I hate toothpick necks but if you're leaning in to little girl propotions you might as well commit.
No. 521879
File: 1583547136250.png (1.62 MB, 1388x2048, Screenshot_20200306-201102.png)

Apparently the bottom panel is the redraw… I like the older one better. Pretty stagnant for two years of difference
No. 521926
>>521730not only does she have gigantic hands like you guys said, but none of her features are reminiscent of the character or even of a goat, instead there's this tasteless graceless thot face that you see everywhere on insta.
and why would you give her pink eyes and yellow eyelashes when she clearly has blue eyes and black eyelashes, chevre is not albino.
No. 521942
File: 1583566519683.jpg (314.68 KB, 712x1191, 2020-03-07_02.32.08.jpg)

I honestly thought this post was a joke at first, but apparently not. Why use such a terrible pose to advertise a reference pose app? Is it just me who thinks this pose is shit?
No. 522054
>>521927I got mine traced years ago. It was OC x Canon art. Whatever. But they edited over my OCs. Not gonna lie, I was pissed back then.
Now…? I don’t really get noticed enough to have my art stolen, and my confidence depleted since then. I barely post anything I make nowadays.
No. 522122
>>521761Hi, are you here to promote your video?
Aside from the cat abuse part, which, if it happens to be true, I hope she will get massively fucked up over somehow, this really seems like a bunch of childish bullshit.
No. 522150
File: 1583613759641.jpeg (77.89 KB, 790x517, 056314B4-4594-4723-AD48-B238F2…)

>>522122Nope, and I agree tell that to tea.
>>522132It’s really hard to sit through with her faking her voice and pausing every second to say a word. But little does she know she’s contradicting herself each second.
No. 522203
>>522174Becareful what you say, she lurks here, she might get
No. 522208
File: 1583618744537.jpeg (128.16 KB, 522x1220, EF23ADEC-1B59-4DAA-B7A0-8C4ABC…)

>>522206Proof she traces off of other artists. She doesn’t do line to line drawing, however uses the base as a guide. There are multiple others, but she has admitted multiple times that she traces off herself for art. Yes she can draw, . . . But it’s a lot simpler and different looking. That’s why many of her artwork is inconsistent
No. 522222
File: 1583620209666.png (42.4 KB, 500x322, 1581035677251.png)

tearzah mad retarded
No. 522226
>>522219It’s okay to trace, only if it’s off your own pictures, and not off other artists ( which she does Th is a lot. ) . Plus I agree with admitting
No. 522229
>>522219>>522226agreed, just for artists doing custom work there's a certain skill level expected so instead of getting better at art her tracing shit just comes off as compensation instead of time saving on certain things.
also damn she's really sperging right now, i wonder if she is constantly perusing forums for the mention of her name lol
No. 522230
>>522216I think you mean Trace-y.
I got it, it´s funny.
No. 522233
File: 1583621195218.jpeg (372.96 KB, 1242x1325, B0C565E1-3E76-4BC9-97C9-C45E06…)

this art style incites such visceral disgust within me
No. 522247
>>522241ooh makes sense, they were really starting to feel like a random troll.
>>522233holy shit that looks horrible. the freckles look like blisters, i don't even know what to say about those horrible hands and the merging of the big tiddy/thighs with with almost childishly simplistic face is just so hard to look at.
No. 522267
File: 1583622917257.png (333.58 KB, 1266x818, 424353.PNG)

Every time I look at Tearzeah's progress I'm shocked about how little she's changed. 11 years of work for this.
No. 522277
File: 1583623396701.jpeg (242.06 KB, 818x1454, 99C91DBE-3B99-400E-8386-BF9B0F…)

Tracey Tracey
No. 522278
File: 1583623425991.png (732.24 KB, 730x1833, stupid.png)

>Has accurate proportions for a petite woman
>"omg where are her ribs, so inaccurate
female redditors are something else.
No. 522300
File: 1583627191883.png (93.7 KB, 241x250, 395BFF3B-869C-4FF4-8E15-EC8093…)

>>522278Amazing artist but it’s not proportionally accurate. It’s stylized but amazing artwork.
Here another dolliguts just tracing . Redraw= to trace
No. 522314
File: 1583631137523.jpeg (567.45 KB, 1014x633, 2161B4E5-7D0F-460B-A4B4-9D7986…)

>>517491Racist uncle redrew her recent work and although it’s improved it still manages to look like a stinking pile of garbage. I almost feel bad for her at this point . If only she followed her own advice and actually read loomis or studied from life. Holly brown’s western animu art still looks better than her work . I mean it’s just embarrassing, holly’s two years younger than her as well. I’m almost curious if she’s aware how ironic it is for her to draw Loli/furry futanari porn and criticize holly for her equally degenerate porn.
No. 522321
File: 1583632100776.png (157.55 KB, 1483x752, 3244545.PNG)

>>522314I just checked on her isnta and found he porn patron and these are her tiers. Gosh is this cringe
I'll say she's better than holy though. She could draw decently if grinded a bit more and she has some basic fundies
No. 522322
>>522314Fuck. What the fuck is that.
No. 522324
File: 1583633088913.png (287.47 KB, 815x381, Capture.PNG)

>>522321Let's put racist uncles theory to the test. Is thai lady boy hotter than her? yes or no
No. 522326
File: 1583633390656.jpeg (730.42 KB, 1154x1212, AA60505B-6594-4241-9F4D-8E652C…)

>>522321Except that grind will never lead to anything because she is extremely delusional. Just looking at her studies it’s so apparent she has no idea what’s she’s doing. She will never be better than holly brown unless she fixes her delusions. Maybe learn to stop obsessing everyday on holly and instead actually pay attention to the advice she gives to others. That patreon is very cringe (no you aren’t impressing any “le ebic 4chinnrs) , the way she talks and draws makes me think she was molested or something.
No. 522328
>>522314God her art is atrocious. Holly definitely is the better artist. I remember watching her video wondering what the bad art that showed every once in a while was. Guess it was uncle's . It's funny her art is bad weeb art.>>522324
Wow and is that really her? That's pretty milky
No. 522333
File: 1583635332234.png (44.65 KB, 517x462, thospital.png)

>>522208 >>522222
So not even 3 hours later after a massive freakout that was crossposted to her kiwi thread suddenly Tearzah has to stop posting for a medical hiatus
No. 522335
>>522326That’s doesn’t look right
>>522333She says that she has migraines but her vein is blown up? I’m a bit concerned
No. 522348
File: 1583639755935.png (565.49 KB, 635x519, B09A5C34-8C79-4664-9978-5AEBE5…)

>>522324She used to be a camwhore and shrugged it off as being ironic. Racist is so try hard at pleasing incels just the same as tradthots do to hide how promiscuous they truly are.
No. 522376
File: 1583647260820.jpg (117.48 KB, 750x733, 342ONLINE.jpg)

ah yes kll the people who's trying to save your pet from dying of a diet theyre not compatible with
No. 522384
>>522321>>522314I'd say Holly and Racist uncle are on a similar tier when it comes to art. I think Uncle has a bit more in terms of raw skill but Holly has better realized aesthetics (not to say either are good, we're comparing two turds here).
Tbh I get lots of self-hating woman vibes from Racist Uncle. She only ever seems to go after female artists and tries wayyyyy too hard to appeal to the 4chan/ic crowd with little success. Her sole point of appeal is being not like other girls. Uncle's
different from the rest of those autists, she draws
porn. I think she has a combination of jealousy towards more successful artists, and insecurity due to being female on 4chan, and she goes out of her way to try to be everything other popular female artists aren't because of it.
No. 522450
>>522402Seems to be just another insecure, little to no skill artist.
Big mouth and nothing to back it up. Kinda like Holly actually.
No. 522502
>>522500I agree, it´s fucking stupid to hang out on 4chan and hate on other chicks. BUT is it really better when females act like what most people would consider normal for a girl, and talk really badly about other females for reasons like their figure, their choice of dress, make-up, and so on? I´m not trying to imply that you are one of those people, obviously I don´t know who you are, but I just wanted to say that while I think those 4chan girls are stupid, I don´t really find them worse than regular mean girls that can be found anywhere. At the end of the day, those 4chan girls end up doing less damage to other girls, as noone really takes them seriously, while "mean girls", who are hateful towards most women, too, actually end up causing emotional damage to a lot of people.
No. 522512
They may be doing "less damage" to the girls but the reality is that they're doing the most damage to themselves.
Appealing to incels/4channers should be considered a form of self harm lmao
No. 522527
>>522506Defending them? No. I just don´t understand why so many of the girls here talk like girl hating girls are the worst of the worst, when other types of girl on girl hate are considered normal and acceptable by most girls.
As for projection, I am not sure what you mean, whether you are implying that I am a mean girl or a
victim of mean girls.
>>522509I don´t know how old Racist Uncle is, but I assume that she´s in her early or mid 20´s or something? It´s not like all people have fully matured at that point in life. Most actually have not.
>>522512See, that´s part of what I mean. They´re much more harmful to themselves than they are to others, so for fuck´s sakes, let them go right the fuck ahead.
No. 522534
>>522527neither type is considered normal or acceptable, and of course you sound like you're defending them when needlessly comparing them and saying 4channers don't cause as much damage. and i mean probably
victim of mean girls, since the "i'm not like other girls" shtick of 4channer girls is more likely to be called out by girls lol.
No. 522554
File: 1583696531294.jpg (189.64 KB, 372x526, comic_page_by_pupaveg_d8pslap.…)

>>522535Do you mean Sterk? He's some "cool" pet bishonen character of hers that sociopathic vegans can relate to and popular with the readers. Most of the comics he's in are pointlessly gory.
No. 522580
File: 1583699597306.jpeg (145.22 KB, 827x675, E46E5854-ACC7-499D-A68F-9294B9…)

Who is she talking about?!
No. 522584
>>522554holy shit why does she write his dialogue like an incel? it's so weird to me to insert some random edgy pretty boy character into your shitty vegan ranting comic.
>>522580i can never take the "i'm literally shaking" thing seriously anymore.
No. 522586
File: 1583700500520.jpeg (199.4 KB, 1375x313, 87EF5CFB-08FA-4863-8CCF-65D2B1…)

>>522580Could be related to this, she’s been retweeting and commenting on posts related to Internet personalities lately. Can’t stand the way she types and exaggerates… ‘feel kinda sick’ my ass
No. 522588
File: 1583700968186.png (632.49 KB, 1099x772, 325435.PNG)

>>522586Could be that she's just an attention whore. I was in a bunch of art discords and she'd join post her shitty video then leave. She also seems to be some creepshow art 2.0
No. 522593
File: 1583701399574.png (874.59 KB, 1079x739, 3245.PNG)

>>522588Oh god no. The only good part is the unintentional roast
No. 522598
File: 1583702028772.gif (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 320x240, E020C4D9-7A4C-4F2C-A216-8094EC…)

>>522527Racist is turning 27 this year, she should at least have the ability to be self aware
No. 522616
File: 1583705090131.png (452.47 KB, 1097x680, 334242.PNG)

>>522613One anon said she posts on /ic/'s, a 4chan board, discord server. Along with how she incorporates 4chan slang into her videos it's not a hard leap.
I also think she lurks here. I don't think any other site hates twisted disaster enough to make mean fan art.
No. 522622
>>522616LC doesn't even have a thread for TD because while she's annoying and a bad artist, she doesn't have much milk when not associated with Holly. Also
>g-guys I go to the gym! haha aren't I better than this ugly, fat woman?Pathetic. She should at least keep this shit contained in anon posts, instead of attaching her art account to it.
No. 522627
>>522580If you
literally start shaking and crying because of something you saw on the internet, then you really shouldn't be on the internet.
No. 522628
>>522613Kind of obvious considering the amount of meme shit on her videos
>>522402Scooby, Rich Piana and Mark Rippetoe are memes on /fit/. I wouldn’t be surprised if she posts on /ic/ either considering the number of people on YouTube that have started lurking there.
No. 522700
File: 1583718719506.png (570.19 KB, 965x899, unknown (4).png)

>>522616Oof, she even tried redrawing Holly's stuff
No. 522707
File: 1583719798278.jpg (453.7 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_03-08-09.05.03.jpg)

Summary: Dumbass Artist traces over photos and tries to sell them online for a ludicrous amount of money and an owner of one of the photos (not in picture) calls them out. Said Dumbass Artist denies tracing photos and tries to push the fact that she was accepted into a lot of schools because of these drawings therefore she does not trace. Her fans eat it up.
No. 522715
File: 1583720933329.jpeg (Spoiler Image,189.27 KB, 939x311, 9A7C3C03-B372-4970-A92B-351C59…)

>>522700You should see her porn, imagine drawing this for third world wages.
No. 522758
File: 1583725522020.png (Spoiler Image,165.7 KB, 1125x610, SPOILER_unknown.png)

>>522721I mean, she has no social media presence outside of her Insta which updates rarely and her YT which has a similarly infrequent update schedule. If she was active she could easily be a cow, but I don't think there's much milk to be had right now.
More fetish porn comms from her. I have no idea how someone could be proud of being a porn artist if all they get comms for is bottom-of-the-barrel fetish comms. Most lewd artists with a modicum of success can at least make their way drawing commissions of pin-ups or just normal sex acts. Only people who are desperate for comms or are actual fetishists allow themselves to draw this.
No. 522768
File: 1583729013215.png (7.45 MB, 1242x2688, 0E615480-73B9-42BA-88ED-A2FDF1…)

>>522763She’s basically a more red neck version of Holly brown. Live in the same state, both weaboos, the only difference is racist is more right wing.
No. 522781
>>522775Projection of her own self-loathing. She made an entire video on fitness where she insinuated that women are inherently worse artists because they get eating disorders (which are supposed to make them narcissistic and retarded or something) and/or are fat, while men are better artists because they aim to "self-improve" (as if /fit/ isn't populated with mentally ill, dysmorphic men whose only goal in life is to acquire a narcissistic supply for the rest of their lives).
Imagine saying all of that shit while your body looks like
She's also way too insecure to show her face without making a dumb "lolsorandum" expression.
This is what happens when you never grow out of that "not like the other girls"/GOTIS "but i'm just like one of the guys not a whore or an SJW h-haha" phase.
No. 522822
>>522810If the paper wasn’t absolute ass, then I’d actually like a 600 page sketchbook. Not to do the challenge, but just to have a big one. Largest sketchbook I’ve completed is maybe 100 pages in 11 x 9, 200 gsm.
If any anons have reccs, I’ll take them.
No. 522834
>>522822Finding the perfect sketchbook became such a challenge that I simply decided to make my own. I bought some smooth 200 gsm pre-punched paper and some spiral coils. Just like that, I had a great collection of sketchbooks for pen and marker drawings.
If you're willing to buy in bulk and bind the books by hand, I would go that route.
No. 522864 there’s an artist who left the Disney industry for ((no shock)) how
toxic the environment is. It reminded me of the slight problem happening in the artist/YouTube community and thought it was interesting
No. 522912
File: 1583767546213.jpeg (308.75 KB, 1242x851, B34E9F0B-977D-484E-BA7F-8C86FB…)

Racist uncle’s “improvement”
No. 522935
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No. 522938
File: 1583770822530.png (2.81 MB, 736x1753, 35539af68b63ea1083bf2b6a9ed2ea…)

>>522935aura migraines? Complex migraine is a real term too. I'm betting on brain tumor or autism over sensitivity
No. 522948
>>522793so art school did rub some things off on holly after all. i do like how racist uncle's pose isn't as ridiculously stiff as holly's, but yea it's not any better by a long shot.
>>522938you can already cross out autistic, since she's been badly pretending to be that for a while. i don't think she has any disorders besides being an idiot.
No. 522950
File: 1583772222903.jpeg (504.55 KB, 1242x1610, 31323DA9-C8F3-4FD3-A502-2949D6…)

>>522947Dolliguts is truly deranged but yes they are both liars. Dollie pretends to be autistic while Racist pretends she’s not.
No. 522957
File: 1583773365715.jpeg (291.95 KB, 806x1578, A2CFB9F5-D0B6-4CE0-BC62-91BB6D…)

>>522950And I also bet you a hundred percent that dolliguts talks shit about other artists, while stealing from them. She lurks on 4 Chan as well.. at least racist uncle doesn’t trace.
No. 522967
>>522707To bad there’s thousands of artists that do this, and people fall for it lmao.
>>522959You can actually make some decent money off of these things, but some of her stuff is to far.
No. 522973
File: 1583775504313.jpg (89.85 KB, 400x617, robbie.jpg)

>>522950I love how subtly she avoided drawing the feet, she must have taken a page out of Rob Liefeld's 'putting random molehills in the middle of scenes that only obscure the feet' technique (not dunking on Rob, he's low hanging fruit and it's way overdone, but it's still hilarious)
No. 523001
>>522972Wow. Holly almost makes a livable wage compared to her. No wonder she spent potentially weeks of her life crafting a teardown video. She deserves it, sure, but wow. Bitches be sad. Racist Uncle isn't even cute enough to monetize her incel orbiters like Nyanners did.
I bet 2-3 years from now (or less, considering her age) she'll distance herself from her r9k scrote friends then try to forge her own identity as an artist on social media. When confronted with her old shit she'll cry that she was 'pressured' by the pervy 4chan boys into being more sexual than she wanted to and had no choice but to draw bottom of the barrel furry fat cock vore to get by.
No. 523016
File: 1583781248050.jpeg (189.1 KB, 750x586, 454B0855-7056-4A1E-852A-FCF35C…)

im sorry… am i reading this correctly.
No. 523020
>>523001I think if a person has truly changed, then they’re alright. ( unless they did some really terrible shit ). Harassing holly brown is really really bad. She needs to apologize, but knowing people like that they usually do not. And if they do get confronted look at people like dolliguts. They’re basically doing fine, despite doing the same shit as they did before.
>>523015Yes they do . Don’t ask why
>>523016Please no
No. 523022
>>523015are you new to the internet?
>>523016>I'm scared ppl will think I'm clout chasingthat's because you obviously fucking are? holy shit the idiocy in this.
No. 523025
File: 1583782174249.jpg (11.98 KB, 480x96, what.jpg)

>>523016and there's this a few tweets before…
No. 523028
File: 1583782350639.jpg (568.26 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20200309-123013_Twi…)

>>523016One rational person on the entire thread and of course she turns it into a poor me opportunity.
No. 523058
>>523051it's possible their parents are okay with it, but that doesn't mean it's any less of burden on them, also by 30 any normal adult will at least have a want of independence, so their self isolation isn't healthy at all.
also this is lolcow, how are you like "who am i to judge them?" lmao
No. 523065
>>523061Personally, I would not want to live like that, either. But it just doesn´t offend me if other people do it. I mean, I could also never imagine having a 9 to 5 normal job, and I won´t judge people for that, either. I like to judge people for being stupid assholes, not for their living arrangements.
And when the parents die, well, who knows, maybe they will leave a good inheritance. And if they don´t, oh well. Those are problems that these people create for themselves, and if they create them and are willing to deal with the consequences, I guess that´s their choice.
No. 523078
File: 1583790204219.jpeg (595.03 KB, 1242x1172, DC8D0586-833A-4302-A4AC-616E43…)

>thinks holly killing self is neutral end
Not even the worst cow on here deserves killing themselves as the “final solution”. I mean obsessing about holly every day is one thing but then making this chart as well?
No. 523091
>>523078Holly has a done some stupid shit but this is taking it too far.
Girl has some issues she might wants to work on instead of obsessing about Holly.
No. 523098
File: 1583793467609.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1781, 9EA930DF-C174-4445-8B25-D30FF2…)

>>523081She posts basically everyday. There’s a lot of milk but it’s hard to look through due to the fact she posts a lot. Her fiancé is also in the server. She constantly puts him down as well and they have a weird relationship dynamic. She’s even said things like she wouldn’t want to have children with him because he’s autistic. Or that she only is going to marry him because he makes good money. She doesn’t even bother to say this stuff in private chats so he can read this stuff. She does this in voice chat too while he’s in there for some reason and let’s the other members of the discord roast him. It’s very strange because she has pickme mentality too so she lets him talk/look at other women yet also controls him? this is a small example of her talking about her husband.
No. 523125
File: 1583797576583.png (15.53 KB, 1054x227, nWkthqz.png)

Lol, they don't even like her on /ic/
No. 523152
File: 1583803037760.jpeg (380.53 KB, 1133x396, 48AAD51E-2B98-4255-BA62-8623D2…)

>>523125Why does she try so hard to cater to people that really don’t care for her? Doesn’t she know her audience are just edgy 12 year olds (like holly brown’s old audience). Also more pickme from racist
No. 523187
File: 1583808581761.jpeg (101.98 KB, 806x538, B7D74F51-44A4-47A5-9D0E-397EE2…)

Lmao does she lurk?
No. 523192
File: 1583809080012.jpeg (299.81 KB, 828x1243, 908F0294-45DC-47DF-A693-729A2B…)

>>523188I think she says she’s still friends with her.
No. 523196
File: 1583809411121.png (26.04 KB, 447x70, Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 8.01…)

>>523192I just checked and despite her tweeting at CSA before this, she posted this and now doesn't follow her at all, but keeps talking about how someone she admired disappointed her and she was shaking and crying talking about it. What a cow.
No. 523197
File: 1583809413269.jpeg (176.15 KB, 827x677, 59526943-523E-414C-8D27-25FE4E…)

I don’t think I’ve ever saw her being hate on. Am I wrong?
No. 523200
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No. 523210
File: 1583811050702.jpeg (80.99 KB, 809x372, 0E1ECE0D-C752-4CF8-BDE0-A4DA32…)

>>523208I agree what a fucken slime.
No. 523216
File: 1583812039418.png (31.26 KB, 450x108, Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 8.44…)

>>523210I looked more into it and it's definitely Creepshow. Creepshow made a SJW bullshit woman's day post yesterday and included her, probably not knowing any of this.
Creep even said she was 4kidzcreepshow art in her post and she didn't even like it or respond. She based her entire personality and youtube life on her and now hates her for seemingly no reason.
No. 523226
>>523223People are calling her out for talking about Jaclyn Hill and talking about Jaclyn's father and saying she's a bully. Peaches said she didn't agree with the video and that she thought it was bullying on twitter, so that's why she's mad.
Creepshow isn't being cancelled though, which is stupid. I just checked social blade and she's been gaining nonstop
No. 523228
>>523078Jfc this one drawing is more embarrassing than the entire redraw thread here combined. In trying to prove how much better than Holly she is, all Racist Uncle has done is prove that she's even worse.
Like yeah Holly is a lazy scammer with shit art, but Holly's backwards penises and rape yaois are way less embarrassing than Uncle's fat fetish porn and weird autistic charts about Holly.
Normally I hate when people accuse each other of being jealous of cows, but it sort of seem like Uncle is a little jealous of Holly. Like Holly has doing a similar (albeit toned-down) "edgy" shtick and was able to garner a following, whereas all Uncle has done is try to desperately impress pathetic autists on 4chan to no avail. Yikes.
No. 523241
>>523098>nosebroLmao that fucker is still around?
>>523125You’d think these posts would knock some sense into her. RU if you’re out there, pls stop shitting on Holly and trying to appeal to that shit board. You gain nothing but ridicule. Work on your ugly art and stop being a retard.
No. 523252
>>523098>It’s very strange because she has pickme mentality too so she lets him talk/look at other women yet also controls him? Gimpgirl is the same way with her obese, jobless, manlet husband. Same goes for Shoe0nHead with her fiance, Greg, being an actual retard with a YT channel that's failing in comparison to hers.
For some reason, a lot of women who subscribe to pick-me mentality seem to end up with men who are (in some way) weaker, less successful or less capable than themselves.
It's like life works out the exact opposite of how they claim it does, or they just hate themselves so much they think these weird, low-quality men are all they deserve. No doubt in my mind they like the feeling that the men are too undesirable to possibly leave them for a better relationship, too. I think pick-mes are actually quite domineering over men, just in a different way from what you'd expect.
No. 523329
File: 1583855761842.png (130.64 KB, 442x649, Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 8.55…)

People are starting to notice she's talking about creepshow and calling her out on it
No. 523339
File: 1583858160077.jpeg (129.59 KB, 828x540, B68D82D4-4A68-48AC-933C-E8400D…)

Did she went to full preacher mode?
>>523329She makes zero sense in what she’s talking about and who.
No. 523356
File: 1583860682307.jpeg (974.56 KB, 1242x2175, 0C4CE3BE-7A77-4BD4-BFA4-6DC3F9…)

>>517491racist turning on other women in the discord. Unironically made a meme for them (pink username) Posting food on the fitness chat warrants this apparently. Seen this “meme” before posted by racist and it really seems she can’t handle other women in her “4chan space”
No. 523366
>>523339I've become slightly intrigued by this, so here's what I can tell. Peaches got mad at Shannon a month or so ago because Shannon made a video on PK Russel where she said his criticism of hasbin hotel "didn't matter" and the people who criticized him were nit picking. It's obvious she didn't watch the videos, because she is lazy.
She publicly said Shannon was being rude and didn't do enough research, but Shannon apologized publicly and somehow was praised for it by the people she offended. Then this month Shannon does the Jaclyn Hill video, and she starts posting about being disappointed in her idol, and saying shit like she's mud slinging, all while not tagging her "idol" Shannon. Shannon seems unbothered or simply doesn't notice because she's retarded, and posts that woman's day post about how they are friends and she is like her mini me. This causes peaches to freak out, unfollow her on both her private account and public account, and start talking shit about her. Shannon notices and seems upset, but doesn't do anything. Peaches keeps talking shit, to the point where people are calling it out, but is now pretending she isn't doing that.
Unless I missed something or Shannon was a bitch privately, Peaches is a sensitive baby and Shannon is retarded.
No. 523403
>>522921Maybe they´re related? Or maybe she´s a Nerdecrafter fangirl? Or maybe she just does it because she´s real and not a prissy little bitch.
I make faces like that, too, because I am not like other girls, needing to act like some pretty little princess and always trying to impress guys and outdo other girls by trying all hard to look beautiful. Ugh, other girls really piss me off, so glad all my friends are guys.
No. 523412
>>523372So let me get this straight, this girl goes around befriending youtubers, rips off their content, says exactly what they say in less interesting ways, and then, after that person puts them on their channel and asks their followers to follow this clone, she turns into a bitch? What a fucking cow.
I want to figure out who else she has done this to, because how she talks, it can't just be Shannon. This is disgusting
No. 523432
File: 1583871286757.png (99.97 KB, 478x561, Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 1.14…)

Same fag but why does she thinks she's famous enough to leach off of?
No. 523489
File: 1583879483838.png (1.66 MB, 2000x3000, E8AABDB8-33BA-4F87-84C7-8E154A…)

No. 523491
>>523489 boooring
seriously, there are so many people making this type of art and it all looks like it´s fom the same person, it´s so boring because it´s the same thing over and over again, only with different accesories or a couple of new scars added here and there
No. 523494
File: 1583880134384.png (11.68 KB, 640x290, 35564.png)

>>523432Reminds me of those artist who make 'I don't do work for exposure' who's art is so trash no one would want it for free
No. 523512
File: 1583885070509.jpeg (53.97 KB, 825x319, 9FDFBF6B-CDC0-43EB-83AE-C13443…)

>>523502Say what you will
No. 523521
>>523512ok but its of myself
no harm no foul if i didn't take someone elses art
No. 523760
>>523758>>523759Here we go with this bullshit again .
We get it, you think you're better than everyone else because you inhale paint fumes.
No. 523763
>>523759Ok, that makes sense. I don´t do digital art, so this is stuff that I did not even think of.
>>523760Lol, what?
1. I just asked a question. 2. The media I use don´t produce any "paint fumes". 3. Do you feel offended because you happen to be one of the people that I ws asking about?
No. 523769
>>523758Drama is everywhere but maybe another reason why it's less visible from traditional artists is that an analog canvas doesn't have Twitter directly built into it.
Digital artists are just a click and away from gossiping because they're already using their devices to create.
No. 523815
>>523807I just watched that video a couple of minutes ago. Trying to recover from it now.
I just don´t get this. Painting with oils isn´t easy, so if you are not very good at painting to begin with, why not make it a little easier on yourself by going with an easier medium, where you can actually focus on just your subject, rather than trying yourself at oils where you have to worry about the painting AND working the medium properly? There is so much that you have to consider if you want oils to turn out good, I do not understand why people would take that additional difficulty upon themselves when they should still be focusing on learning how to paint, period.
No. 523871
File: 1583958198553.png (223.97 KB, 500x709, 31B33E7F-AE32-4617-A6B5-F16357…)

Does anyone remember Kinomatika from tumblr? I completely forgot about her until today. Kino supposedly defends pedo content on twitter and blocks people who speak our against her. She also has some hysterical looking knuckle tatts.
The attached image is from a call-out post that is currently going around on Twitter, mentioning Kino's stance on pedos and her being whatever the fuck an "anti-anti" is. She already deleted the tweets from the image today, so whatever is going on, it's pretty clear she doesn't want her massive amount of followers to find out.
Tbh, Kino seems as unhinged and cowish as she was on tumblr years ago, but only now people are starting to notice.
No. 523902
File: 1583963276517.png (2.04 KB, 99x67, dbhrdzg-219097c9-b09d-4901-af9…)

>>523880Gosh is anti-anti a blast from the past. In defense, it doesn't make it any less cringe though, I think 'anti-anti' made sense in it's original context. It first became big with 'anti-anti-SJW'. They weren't SJW's, but they hated anti sjw 'male rape. checkmate feminist' types so they got stuck with the odd 'anti-anti-sjw' name. It caught on because deviant art got all the worst 'anti' autists (anti-sonic, anti-MLP, etc) so people who didn't like sonic, but hated all the annoying children who couldn't stop posting about how 'modern sonic succcccks' took up anti-anti-sonic.
In the modern times though it has no use besides being an obtuse way to say what you are. Also using anti-anti is better than saying 'pedo defender'
No. 524020
>>524013Ugh I wish I had the post but from what I understand is that “anti” is used to refer to users who only like “pure” stuff and are against anything degenerate or seemingly degenerate anyway.They’re known for harassing people for shipping shit they personally don’t like. Unfortunately anti is also used by MAPs to refer to people who are (rightfully) against them. So you can see where using the term can get really messy. An anti “anti” is someone who is against the whole ship policing shit. And has nothing to do with the MAP meaning.
If other anons can add pls do.
No. 524034
File: 1583975347500.jpg (669.41 KB, 1564x1079, Screenshot_20200311-180512_You…)

What is with the huge rash on her neck?
No. 524073
File: 1583980636723.png (703.86 KB, 888x1000, castlevania.png)

Pardon my autism, I enjoy Castlevania but the facial proportions annoy the hell out of me. All of the men literally look like they were pulled out of a trashy yaoi manga.
I get that they're trying to go for an anime-esque style, but not all anime draws men like this. Plus they're specifically using Ayami Kojima's art as a reference, and her facial anatomy is just fine (albiet intentionally large eyes) so I don't understand why this is happening. I'm not sure how they looked at Kojima's art and ended up with this, or why they couldn't just hire her to work on the show if they were going to base it so heavily off her work.
The top is a screencap from the show. The bottom is me trying to fix it.
No. 524074
File: 1583981272566.jpg (614.76 KB, 1618x1213, ayami kojima.jpg)

>>524073Here's some of Ayami Kojima's art for reference. She's done concept art for Castlevania games since the late 90s.
Her art is really awesome and beautiful. She did the character designs for SotN, some of which (Dracula, Lisa, Alucard) the Netflix show uses.
No. 524109
>>524023people who disagree with
anyone about
anything on principle are idiots.
No. 524251
>>524073wtf is the difference between the two pictures
>>524143go for ones that are age restricted (like 15/16+), they usually have more mature users. i have some recommendations in mind but i'd rather not say server names on lc lol
No. 524358
>>524251I just fixed it so his forehead is a more normal size, and so his nose isn't quite as long.
I didn't want to change it too much because I wanted to maintain the style of the show. But his puny forehead was really bothering me.
No. 524366
File: 1584044795160.jpg (34.73 KB, 340x560, 32a831e26346fa7bd63108bdf40a6d…)

>>524360Why specifically yaoi it's an all 90s anime thing
No. 524382
>>524143All artists are cows anon, especially the ones with OCs. But like
>>524251 said, join servers with age restrictions. I've gotten myself into artist discords with users as young as 11, and as you can imagine the server was a shitshow full of puritans and pearl clutchers. The best part? It was about a mature piece of media, so nobody under 16-18 should have been in there anyway.
And yes, i reported the server and the user in question. No, nothing was done about it because of course it wasn't. I left that server before the whole discord furry drama happened.
No. 524476
>>524420>>524422Nah, it's more of an inferiority complex about my creations. I greatly admire anyone that is confident enough to pitch their own series idea to a studio.
>>524392I never got an email back even to this day, so the report definitely got ignored and sent to the bin. I wonder if that server is still up right now…? I don't even remember where i found it. Why the fuck was a literal child allowed in a server about a mature game? What is wrong with people?
No. 524617
>>523861>>524609I used to love using ballpoint. Not really sure why I fell out of it.
Now I like to use a dull 3h pencil and a 0.3 mechanical hb pencil for sketching. I like to use Bristol or printer paper because they have no tooth and are really smooth.
No. 524654
>>524609I use a mechanical pencil, the lead I use is pentel HI-POLYMER 0.5 mm 2B. Black lead. Of all the lead that I’ve tried this is my favourite. though kinda expensive for lead lmao 2$ aud each pack.
>>524618 also ballpoint is so fun to sketch in!!! though I stopped because I go crazy when I find just the littlest thing off with a drawing making me waste a whole page in my sketch book lol.
No. 524712
>>524654But I thought that was the fun of having a sketchbook and the whole purpose of sketching with ink? Things will always be a little 'off' but I think the goal is to learn how to make sure it's 'off' in an appealing way and learn how to step away from things. We're always our worst judge.
>>524672Yep! Sometimes they're called rechargeable/refillable pins and the cartridges are refills. I'll look into this brand. Ever since getting a fountain pen, I've been considering getting a ballpoint pen I can buy refills for. I love the cheap pens, but I'd like to cut back on waste and have one or two nice pens. Thanks for the recommendation!
Is there a particular model of pen body you recommend, or do you suggest using the refills alone? I'm surprised that look like full-bodied pens. Most ballpoint refills look pretty flimsy.
No. 524745
File: 1584106393180.jpg (99.71 KB, 950x1341, e41fa3_2779ce69d17546c19b0c916…)

>>524712If you have ink bottles for your fountain pens already, why not also consider a refillable rollerball pen? I have the kakimori one, but I know herbin makes one too. As for ballpoints, I tried out the Monami 153 and it is SMOOTH. Like, absolutely fucking unreal how smooth it writes. Butter smooth. I never knew it was a thing and thought my friend was bullshitting me but FUCK. It's pretty fucking steep for a ballpoint, but I do believe it has refills that you can buy. 10/10 absolutely worth the price. Also comes in a fun case lol.
No. 524758
>>524609Hey anon i just got back into sketching with ballpoint too! I think it really helps you with your drawing ability and you can't just erase your mistakes lol
I like to use kuru toga mechanical pencils (0.5 and 0.7) and pilot color eno for colored lead. I'm a hobbyist so I don't really invest in expensive materials
No. 524910
File: 1584122940827.png (2.88 MB, 3840x2160, Capture.PNG)

>>522700Racist uncle is extremely delusional. This is probably also why she doesn't post on ic anymore because they tore her a new one in this thread. She legit thinks she's a competent artist. Also imagine using "generic" as a reason to redraw someone's art.
No. 524915
>>524745I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that, even with a set of Sakura microns, I still reach for a rollerball for some line art because I like the flow of the ink. I like lots of thinner detailed lines like so maybe when my microns run out, I'll splurge on a good refillable rollerball.
I do like that Monami looks like a stylus. I'll check it out.
>>524758Holy shit I LOVE Kuru Togas. I thought the rotating lead was just a gimmick at first. I use a 0.5mm one alongside my usual 2mm and 5.6mm lead holders.
>>524856what have we come to where discussing drawing materials in an art thread is derailing? lmao
No. 524925
File: 1584125981020.png (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 1500x1985, avertyoureyes.png)

>>524919I think they are in her own head. Like how she thinks porn artists are superior to sfw artists. Then she goes on to draw degenerate furry and loli porn. Like she'll draw youtubers/ their oc's getting gangraped or some shit. No one pays her to draw this stuff either. Like it's not that bad to draw porn of oc's I guess but she even draw's spechie which is just so cringy. Pictured are Baylee Jae, RossDraws, Kasey Golden, and cinnabani's ocs. (also spechie porn?!?)
No. 524943
File: 1584127534900.jpg (13.67 KB, 374x374, D8CRtMS_d.jpg)

>>524924How is discussing different pen types any more or less pretentious than discussing any other differences in art materials like pencils or paint brushes?
No. 524950
File: 1584128265210.jpg (74.83 KB, 650x509, tumblr_inline_oy1wiy8uGE1tssys…)

>>524919She'll most likely never have a wake up call because we're either crabs, salty normies, or some other delusion she makes up. I feel kind of sad for uncle in a way. I used to be less extreme version of her and I know they crab cycle she's trapped in. I grew out of it, but I think it's to late for her.
>>524925I hate the small bits of style we see. That fugly face, big upper legs and super small tinny ones, and the sad edge lord attempts.
Also the basic mistakes she makes. Backgorund for the black girl is off, the nazi one has no background which if it was a different artist doing theyd bitch about them being lazy, that hand for the top right, and spechies face. Finaly I love the + things on the black dude for spechie because I swear she only put it their because 'artist should do that'. Ahe has no clue why it's there
No. 525013
>>523871i find anti culture to be so fucking stupid
literally who has the time to give a fuck if someone ships something you don't like. teens freaking over this shit i understand cus they have nothing better to do, but full blown ass adults? the fuck, bitch go pay off your mortgage or something
No. 525057
File: 1584143743435.png (58.59 KB, 660x588, ex.PNG)

>>525038Sure. I quick example
No. 525062
File: 1584144071997.png (558.24 KB, 926x620, eizouken.png)

>>525057Eizouken's manga artist uses this and I think it works really well in small doses.
No. 525065
File: 1584144197586.jpg (286.38 KB, 847x1200, eizo orig.jpg)

>>525062>>525057Here's the original
No. 525104
>>525016They've made a rough textured version, which is slightly heavier, but I don't think it compares to sticking to watercolor paper of any kind, including wood based.
>>525076A site I use puts this stuff on sale often so I'll try some then. Thanks!
No. 525109
File: 1584152226452.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1242x2008, E53901D4-1060-4D96-B0AB-F34ACE…)

>>525107oops, posted without image.
No. 525143
File: 1584162014363.jpeg (561.43 KB, 1242x1902, 4A520C40-D8E6-43B4-87C2-5D9ACF…)

More racist uncle shenanigans basically being a bitch to holly. She should try following her own advice
>>525137She doesn’t understand how to convey emotion unlike the person she “corrected”
No. 525162
>>524910>>524925Is there such a thing as a pickme artist because holy shit she's it.
>>525149It's projection.
No. 525164
>>525025I only follow people if they stop posting stuff I am interesting in (ie. if they get into a new fandom I don't care about and only post fanart for it) or if they start non-stop posting about wierd politics or annoying shitposts
>>524910Here is the thread link if anyone wants to read it
> No. 525170
File: 1584168703321.jpg (157.78 KB, 750x1000, farp,small,wall_texture,produc…)

>>524925One of the pics is Baylee Jan's bakery????
No. 525181
File: 1584177435836.jpg (21.18 KB, 493x700, 7618968_orig.jpg)

>>522700You know you've fucked up when you manage to make
Holly Brown's artwork look better by comparison.
Holly's original is crappy for a multitude of reasons, but at least she attempted to draw hands and did a decent job showing the emotion the character is supposed to have.
Uncle's looks like a middle schooler drew it. It literally looks like someone shoved something up Ash's ass and she's trying to dig it out. Her expression here says "anguish" or "constipated," not exasperated like it's supposed to. Her back looks broken, and the torso and legs look like they came from two different drawings at different angles. The breasts are in the completely wrong place on her torso. The object she's holding looks nothing like a camera. The transparent attempt to avoid drawing hands is what really completes the "12 year old drawing anime fanart" aesthetic. The foreshortening (or lack thereof) on the feet makes the right foot look like a weird hoof. The right arm is the totally fucked.
TL;DR Uncle has no business "fixing" anyone else's work, because her own art is garbage.
>>524925In the bakery one, the direction and position of the hands indicates that they're the girl's, but they're colored white? Does she have vitiligo, or is Uncle so inattentive that she forgot who the hands were attached to? Wait, is the guy supposed to be facing her back? Because no indication is given that someone is behind her.
Also, the fuck is wrong with her mouth? She looks like pic related.
No. 525185
>>522700You've really hit the rock bottom when Holly Brown looks miles more competent than you by comparison. What even is that crotch part on her redraw and why does she look like she dislocated her hip and is now suffering in pain?
>>522781>>525143What the fuck? I have literally never heard of this person before but now I need to look into her. How old is she? This is 19-year old GOTIS at highlighted display projecting her own insecurities into some scapegoat she picked out.
No. 525189
File: 1584180496889.jpeg (791.3 KB, 1242x887, 2F5352CF-0A0A-4340-98CC-94261F…)

>>525185She’s 26 going on 27, way too old for this shit. Also more milk of her calling real children lolis, just what the fuck.
No. 525200
>>525189I think
>>522326 hit the nail on the head with the last sentence. In a lot of ways, she reminds me of Emily Youcis, another "pick-me"/"edgy" GOTIS artist with heavy internalized misogyny and racist leanings. She turned out to be a CSA
victim. I wouldn't be surprised if RU has a similar past, and tries to "cope" by being an active participant in the (simultaneous) hatred and objectification/sexualization of both women and little girls.
Honestly, look how obsessed she is with attacking Holly Brown. She hates anyone that reminds her of herself, and on some level, that probably extends to female children.
There's a certain type of girl/woman who ends up just like this when they have existing trauma, then frequent spaces occupied by unsympathetic males.
They're usually doughy in the body, plain-faced, lower middle-class and tomboyish. They may have some creative passions that might be worth pursuing if they were mentally healthy, but they absolutely hate themselves (and other women), and crave male validation. They aren't into feminine things enough to really keep up the tradthot thing, neither are they young or even conventionally attractive enough to amass scores of orbiters just for taking selfies or filming themselves talk, so they attempt to reach a happy medium by working with whatever skill in art they have (however mediocre), and try their hardest to be part of the "boy's club" by regurgitating their talking points/memes. That way, they can reap some of the male attention they pine so desperately for,
and delude themselves into thinking they're special, valuable snowflakes, not just dumb e-thots like "all those other girls".
No. 525244
>>525229Seeing YT artist lose their shit over Racist Uncle's shitty porn is exactly what she wants. She's going the Shadman route of 'draw porn of something wholesome and hope the original creator sees it' method of standing out. Any attention from the popular girls is good attention.
>>525200I knew RU reminded me of someone. Didn't Emily end up with a bit of mild local fame for selling peanuts at a ballpark? Come to find out she's an unhinged white supremacist who goes on twitter rants. She was well-known on Newgrounds like 15 years ago for her edgy tryhard Alfred Arfer cartoons. What has she done since beyond bit roles in other people's work and fading into obscurity?
What I'm failing to understand about kidults like those two are their addiction to bottom of the barrel male attention. Do they realize that these guys too are desperate for female attention and will take anything they can get, even while treating them like shit? Do they commiserate over their hatred of 'thots' even though the want to be with/be them? Why would someone who's been abused want to befriend unsympathetic incels who fap to their trauma because they're creeps who live life like it's one of their loli hentai manga? Emily's a lost cause but Racist Uncle could save herself by going to a damn therapist and leaving the internet.
Racist's is almost 27, a dried-up old bitty by 4chan standards. Once a younger, cuter, edgier artist comes by she'll be ousted from her social circle and forgotten. Then she really might fall off the rails.
No. 525255
>>525244>Didn't Emily end up with a bit of mild local fame for selling peanuts at a ballpark? Come to find out she's an unhinged white supremacist who goes on twitter rants. She was well-known on Newgrounds like 15 years ago for her edgy tryhard Alfred Arfer cartoons. What has she done since beyond bit roles in other people's work and fading into obscurity?Yup, Pistachio Girl. After getting fired from the ballpark job after the white supremacist stuff, she made like one or two animations, then a lot of cringy /pol/-pandering music videos of herself dancing. Then, she got married and mostly disappeared from the internet. She actually very recently came back with another homemade music video where she wore a hazmat suit and cosplayed as Corona-chan. She's definitely a lost cause.
>Do they realize that these guys too are desperate for female attention and will take anything they can get, even while treating them like shit? Do they commiserate over their hatred of 'thots' even though the want to be with/be them? Why would someone who's been abused want to befriend unsympathetic incels who fap to their trauma because they're creeps who live life like it's one of their loli hentai manga? I think it's mental self-harm, honestly. They don't think they deserve any better than this, and they feel so disconnected from the world of normal, healthy people that they're completely addicted to the dark "humor" and outlooks that the community of 4chan has to offer. At a certain point, it probably feels like the males who treat her (and other women) like shit are just being brutally honest and dropping redpills, while everyone else is a liar or an NPC. To willingly surround yourself with human garbage and kowtow to them this way, you kind of have to believe that you're inherently worthless. If RU has been using 4chan since she was underage, it's going to be even harder for her to get out of that hole.
>Once a younger, cuter, edgier artist comes by she'll be ousted from her social circle and forgotten. Then she really might fall off the rails.I'm convinced that will destroy her. She has a man in her life, but it's clear she doesn't really like or respect him. She already doesn't like there being other women in the /ic/ Discord, let alone the very idea of a younger female artist with even marginally better looks and the same "based edgy 4chan artist girl" schtick.
She'd probably try to shit on someone like that like she does with Holly Brown and call her an attention whore or thot, but the handful of male orbiters she's managed to amass would definitely abandon her.
No. 525275
File: 1584208579219.png (315.22 KB, 1200x826, 2BA1CC6B-16BE-4C88-AD8C-A77892…)

Dolliguts just posted this. This looks pretty transphobic to me.
No. 525329
>>525143holy shit does this stupid cunt ever stop?
Racist, if you're lurking, you're not funny, you're an edgy tryhard cunt. this is why Lolcow and IC both hate you.
No. 525335
>>525308imma sound like a real boomer right now, but i don't get it.
>>525333snow i would say.
No. 525356
File: 1584214838440.png (187.67 KB, 629x751, cieorio.png)

im so tired of artists like this without a single original bone in their body. this uninspired, no detail, "aesthetic" art is all thats on my feed anymore. i just saw this artist hit 10k for ripping off ideas from some artists while copying the exact style of others to a T.
No. 525371
File: 1584216884355.png (798.58 KB, 1062x772, Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 4.11…)

if your main source of income from commissions you need to rethink a few things.
No. 525374
>>525367NTA and while I do think her use of the medium is good, the actual figure is fairly messed up. The neck doesn't line up with the spine (too much towards the back compared to the ribcage), the head is very small (could work if the character is supposed to be really tall, but that'd need to be conveyed by other elements), and the arm on the right looks like it wouldn't connect to the shoulder. I'm also surprised by how flat the tank top and suspenders look when the puffy sleeve has such nicely defined planes.
I don't know the artist well but it reminds me of artists who always stay in their comfort zone and get better at rendering but start to take bad shortcuts when it comes to the figure (like Sakimichan).
No. 525382
>>525376"wow your carrier has become unstable in a time of crises, maybe go find a better one you sorry excuse of an artist uwu!!!"
>>525379exactly this, every field is being affected right now, it's almost impossible not to be financially worried. especially when some countries economies might completely collapse because of the pandemic.
No. 525449
File: 1584230865568.jpg (54.03 KB, 400x300, IMG_4916.JPG)

Anyone know how to distance the need to create a profit out of something you love? Loved drawing all my life but now as a grown adult I have a hard making room for it because I always think "well I'm not going to make it a career/make money out of it." My capitalist cog monkey brain is out of control these days.
No. 525596
File: 1584261031622.jpeg (485.91 KB, 750x855, 26913393-A65C-4E79-B9AE-E8D274…)

It seems you don’t even have to try when you have a 204k following
No. 525601
>>525596kawaii art styles were a mistake
>>525598There is a similar but not so severe reaction in my country (also Europe), I think it's stupid, if people didn't go out and buy tons of things just in case they wouldn't have created this artificial shortage of goods. Most of the people going out and buying aren't even going to be infected, I think it's really irresponsible. But you know, there are other better threads for this, just go back, there is I think a thread specifically for coronavirus, and a thread for stupid questions and a dumbass shit thread, out of all those this thread is really the most ill fitting
No. 525641
File: 1584272384379.png (797.54 KB, 1181x584, Ill;;ustration4.png)

>>525596 this artist actually makes me angry lol like how do you not improve at all from 2k-200k
No. 525792
File: 1584292355347.png (870.32 KB, 1080x1920, A6F76574-5056-46D7-AC1A-947213…)

love these accounts now realizing that their so-called art shares, done from the “kindness of their heart”, isn’t bringing them followers that are interested in THEIR own art. But just following to get retweeted.
No. 525797
File: 1584292811785.jpg (300.66 KB, 1878x2048, ERq-uHBVUAIrmjF.jpg)

>>525792How can you fuck up this bad. A reference, proko video, or even looking at an art book could prevent most of these mistakes.
Also most of the artist she retweets for her art shares are 90% pure trash.
No. 525801
File: 1584293720351.jpg (134.62 KB, 1530x2048, ETAqu7wWoAAyxwf.jpg)

>>525792I wouldn't even blame their clout chasing fans. They've retweeted so many people it takes 5 minutes to scroll to their first art work, which is just a re post of old work. They don't have DA accounts so finding their art is borderline impossible.
This has been talked about before, but her art is so ugly. This unironically looks like what a nazi would draw to rally people against the jews.
No. 525802
>>525792we all know they do this on purpose though, cus they could never get popular with their trashy art alone. it's extremely rare someone will follow someone for their art share threads
and their art since very few people with good art actually runs these, because most of the time beginners post on those threads. i generally think art share threads are a good thing cus it's quite hard to get found on twitter because the site relies on you having one post go viral, but the people who run them are usually obnoxious.
No. 525810
>>525797Where did this trend of shading with such vibrant unsuitable colours come from? Some times it work, most times it doesn't.
>>525803Is there a certain price range/budget you have? Because I find Huion has good tablets for a lot of prices.
No. 525881
File: 1584304283318.jpg (58.33 KB, 678x960, FB_IMG_1584302906817.jpg)

Opinions on Yehuda Devir? I know nothing about him as a person and I personally enjoy slice of life comics/illustrations, but his art style is so fucking ugly.
I'm all for over exaggerated expressions, but his always look like beady-eyed, grotesque, bloated, creatures being tortured.
His anatomy is also shit.
No. 525886
>>525881Is he turned on? In pain? What is happening here exactly? Airway blocked by her thighs? Stinky v?
So many possibilities
No. 525898
File: 1584307200466.png (998.97 KB, 1730x1080, pose ref2.png)

>>525881I'm pretty sure this was shown in a previous thread a while back but his drawings aren't too far off from how they look irl
I don't think his anatomy is perfect but his drawings never really bothered me other than the fact that it's generic couple art you see everywhere now.
No. 525919
>>525898the wife looks heavily edited everywhere just to look close to how he draws her.
>>525881the way he sexualizes his wife is unsettling and his comics are boring, I saw them the first time on Bored Panda and I thought they were charming but they started popping everywhere and they're actually awful. I hate his art and I don't really comfortable to who he is as a person.
No. 525945
>>525919He doesn't seem to sexualize his wife any more than he sexualizes himself in these comics. Besides, he loves and is obviously attracted to her. You can expect a man who's super into his wife to embellish her based on what he sees.
If you think that's bad, remember that every attractive female character in One Piece is based off of an exaggerated idea of the author's wife. It's not uncommon.
No. 525979
>>525912Right. I think OP meant self portraits that don’t look like themselves, which is still idealized or could be thought of as a persona.
I have seen an artist draw themselves thinner than they are. They’re either in denial or don’t realize how they look now.
No. 525988
>>525968That's funny. I have an Intous pro and sold my XP Pen 15.6 because I just did not like it. Say what you will about Wacom, their pens are still the nicest.
>>525969I only ink with dip pens now, as they are truly superior to multiliners. Nibs differ based on their shape and the flexibility of the metal. Chrome-plated nibs have less flex and make thinner lines, brass nibs are flexier and make wider strokes easier. After I got used to dip pens I only go back to fine liners when I'm traveling.
They require a bit of upkeep (not as much as with technical pens, but more than disposable fine liners) but they're more cost-effective in the long run. My favorite ink is Deleter 2 and 4 because they're water and alcohol-proof but they're a bit pricey compared to Speedball. My go-to nibs are maru (for thin to medium lines) and G-pen for multi-use, as well as some western calligraphy nibs for thick outlines and comic panel borders. Don't bother inking large areas with dip pens unless you're hatching or stippling. Just use the same ink with a paintbrush or a less expensive black marker (I've heard of artists using Sharpies to fill in black areas, but Sharpies fade to brown over time so I wouldn't recommend that unless you plan to scan it right after).
Ink is a personal preference but look for brands that are designed for dip pen use or brush. India ink is your best bet in most cases. From there on it's down to what you want out of it. Like if you want waterproof for working with mixed media, alcohol-proof for markers, etc. There are many resources and comparisons on the internet. When it comes to paper, the smoother the better since the nibs can pick up and get clogged by paper fibers. Bristol and vellum are standard choices, as well as papers designed for dip pen use like manga or comic paper. I've use dip pens on hot and cold press watercolor paper with no feathering, but it felt pretty rough on my nib. I wouldn't make a habit out of it.
I buy most of my supplies from Jetpens, which is slightly overpriced but offsets it with the free US shipping after 25 and the wide selection. Amazon and the US Deleter Mangashop are also good options, especially if you want to get a specific nib in bulk. Deleter ships from Japan, but they're pretty speedy (4-5 days from day of shipping to delivery) and the shipping isn't too bad. If you want the basic dip pen trial experience, buy one of those Speedball starter kits and the black india ink. I think they go for under 10 dollars on Amazon.
If you hate dipping frequently look for nibs with 'cages' or 'tanks'. Those hold more ink so you can dip less. Also, look for a product called a Dippy Dot. It's a little piece of wood that holds four tiny ink well cups for you to dip from. You won't have to worry about dipping your nib too high up or staining your nib holder or having clumsy accidents. Also, make sure to start inking from the top corner of your non-dominant side towards your dominant side to prevent smudging your work.
A few other random tips: Viva paper towels and those tiny alcohol pads they use for vaccines and cotton swabs are your dip pen's best friends. If you have small hands, the plastic yellow Deleter nib holder is very nice as it's smaller and lighter than a lot of other holders I've used. Universal holders with the two rubber rings are better than holders that only fit one size nib. Most nibs come with an oil coating on them to prevent rusting, so before you start using it run it under a lighter flame or give it a good wipe down with alcohol. I've also heard of people sticking their nibs in potatoes for 10 minutes to dissolve the coating, but YMMV.
No. 526015
File: 1584320204006.png (452.79 KB, 854x513, Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 3.51…)

fucking hell
No. 526031
>>525449Just fucking don't, it's that simple.
Don't have a commissions chart, don't look into how viable certain artworks are for sales, don't even send too much time looking at 'famous' artists online. Focus on making art for you, in your own time, you don't even need to share it online.
If all else fails you can try making profit from art and you might find yourself moving away from it like greased lightning. Dealing with commissioners is the worst, growing to hate your downtime hours because you only have time for making art in them that 'pays' sucks too.
No. 526051
File: 1584324057776.jpg (86.45 KB, 750x756, 9v8vk8wih7o31.jpg)

>>526042Not to be the moral police, but isnt this kind of tacky? Their could have been hundreds of trends to jump on besides corona
No. 526199
>>526180Yeah you’re right, I guess being on here too long has fucked with me a bit. Thanks anon.
>>526196I wanted to do it to study composition and color choices, also cause it’s cute. I hate when people force their fake-wokeness into shit like this.
No. 526207
File: 1584360394370.png (433.74 KB, 826x657, CE89CF85-6354-480F-BE36-C31EEA…)

>>526015Honestly even that design is better than Corona-chan’s.
No. 526222
File: 1584361143166.jpeg (505.66 KB, 2048x1366, 76710AFE-AA3E-4CE9-9B27-2B7CF2…)

Is there a term for this type of art? I feel like I see it everywhere or everyone is just copying one artist but idk what to call it. I don’t like it.
No. 526224
>>526207Yeah, I was about to say. It's outrage in this thread against LT's design, but if an actual fashion designer came up with that and had a model walk down the catwalk in it, people would be lauding it as "genius", "tragic beauty", "topical yet timeless" and a "tribute to those affected".
The alveoli sleeves especially place this in the avant-garde fashion category. It's definitely better thought out than the meme qipao design.
No. 526236
File: 1584364847218.png (123.58 KB, 197x340, 2312.PNG)

>>526222Due to how new, niche, and genre blending most internet styles are no one gives them names, unless they're swept up in an aesthetic. From the blend of styles it's 90's anime hair mixed with the artist who's name I forgot, but they make those animations with warm colors and wonky perspective on youtube.
Personal sperging, but I hate her wobbly line I don't know anatomy legs
No. 526254
File: 1584367399383.png (877.57 KB, 1142x736, muh aesthetic.PNG)

Sage for non milk ,but that weird sperg in the other art salt thread inspired me to look at what creep show is up to and jesus. She just dashed a bunch of random things together into this monstrosity.
No. 526319
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>>526296>AKFG guyThat’s Yusuke Nakamura, I can kind of see it but their art is just bland compared to the professionals
No. 526366
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>>526296Oh yeah she’s fantastic at colors and the design half of the works, it’s just all the actual illustration is the same “girl in kpop clothes with huge sneakers and flat coloring” after a while. It’s better than pre-existing anime characters used as mannequins for kpop clothes like her fanart though. i want her to go outside her comfort zone and study the figure in 3D space to really make something good.
No. 526379
File: 1584379096662.jpg (1.2 MB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_03-16-12.14.23.jpg)

what are your opinions on moonvika_svet's planet designs? or just their art in general.
No. 526382
>>526379The circle hands and pencil necks are weird, but they seem alright otherwise. I'd probably like them more if I liked cartoony styles.
Why do you ask though?
No. 526384
File: 1584380016393.jpeg (608.41 KB, 1131x1145, 1558E552-EC12-4A92-9B0D-6E6664…)

More racist uncle being her delusional self. Thought to include the artist she’s bagging on’s work. He has very reasonable prices as well.
No. 526386
File: 1584380073517.png (386.21 KB, 648x710, 324.PNG)

>>526379She has really strong color and character design, but she is the epitome of the Instagram kiss of death. In 5 years tell me, will she learn how to draw in perspective? learn how to draw more than 5 faces? learn complex poses? Bare minimum fix those fucked up feet? Or will she just keep on making these cartoony doodles for all eternity. I'm more depressed than salty because this was her art 2 years ago. If she kept at it she could have been leagues ahead of what she is now.
Not to sound salty though I really like he character designs a lot
No. 526389
File: 1584380538746.png (59.81 KB, 305x685, nice.PNG)

>>526384Lol thats straight up professional yet racist compares her NGMI ass to them
>>526379Anyone know whats up with her comic? She had an info dump of her basic quirky tumblr characters and never updated in a year.
>>526382Do you like his hand anon
No. 526436
>>526403In fairness, Mercury and Venus being dark-skinned as humans makes sense since they're both much closer to the sun. But then there's a jump with earth and it's mostly samey on down the line until Uranus, where it stops.
Why is that last panel giving me lore olympus vibes kek
No. 526458
>>526384I saw the images first and was like "Wow, this actually looks good, RU must've been practicing", then read the post and saw her comments.
She is delusional. Who is lying to her that her art is even comparable? I wish that guy had said something shady or just "Lmao, good luck". He probably would've gotten banned or torn a new one, but her ego is way too big for her skill level.
No. 526490
File: 1584389162924.png (954.79 KB, 1234x403, 2454456.PNG)

>>526488I can't stand watching her stuff so can you summarize her points to me?
Also looking through her comment section I found one of her hyper fans insta. This is what working out does for your art
No. 526646
File: 1584424927844.png (1.4 MB, 1622x1052, Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 4.57…)

Hey guys,
I updatd my OS to mojave not realising it would knock out my 32 bit adobe products. I'm fuckn pissed.
Anyway, since i have to use a newer version of photoshop (my CS6 was kitted out with a brush bar I can't bring myself to recreate just yet) I thought I might was well get my first graphics tablet that has a screen. I'm leaning towards pic related but maybe something like the Huion KAMVAS Pro 16 would be better because it's more lightweight? priority for me as as few cables as possible, mac compatibility, and just as little lag as possible I guess? Never used a tablet with a screen before. I just do art for fun.
Any suggestions? Budget is honestly 800 AUD or less, and our currency is at a decade low. kek
No. 526649
>>526646Hey, I have the Kamvas pro 22, similar enough, it needed a little connector for one of the cables (for my mac), but I find it works well with very few cables. Lag isn't really noticable unless I'm using a huge textured brush in program, but that's more 90% my computer as opposed to the tablet. I've had it for a couple months now and really, I don't have any complaints off the top of my head.
I think the 16 has 6 keys, I've found the keys on the side of mine quite useful, if that's something you're looking for. And though I haven't had it long enough to say for sure, it seems the nib on the pen will last quite some while, which is a plus for me.
Honestly, if I were you I think that'd be a good choice. More affordable than a cintiq, that's for sure.
No. 526655
File: 1584426963968.png (806.06 KB, 1652x736, Screen Shot 2020-03-17 at 5.35…)

>>526649hey thank you, I've put an offer in for a 16 (pic related) - if that doesn't go through the Kamvas pro 22 is a cheaper choice so I will add it to my list. be good to learn how to use a visual tablet while I'm stuck at home thanks to covid19.
No. 526658
>>526379Why is Pluto edgy lmao.
>>526646I have a kamvas pro 16 and I love it. I bought it off for 650 aud and it came with the stand, which is a must have, so if you get it somewhere else that doesn't have it packaged with then I strongly suggest you pick it up. It's a great little tablet, the lack of many shortcut buttons might be a dealbreaker to some but I'm so used to using my keyboard anyway that it doesn't matter to me. I would hugely recommend it over the wacom cintiq 16 because it is laminated, the 16 isn't, so less gap between the pen and screen. That alone makes the wacom not worth the price.
No. 526664
>>526659If I can advocate for large screens for a second, consider:
If you want a clean, precise line on a small tablet, you have to zoom in a fair bit. Like if you're erasing part of a multiply layer so that a shadow looks exactly how you want it to look, you'll need to zoom in to be sure that it looks correct.
On a larger screen tablet, you can be fairly zoomed out and still get a precise line. I found this has really helped the flow of my digital line work, as well as eliminating stiffness in digital art overall due to being able to draw with my whole arm instead of wrist.
Weigh the pros and cons. Do you like a messy style? Are you not worried about stiffness? Go with the smaller tablet. Given what I just said above, I can't recommend a large tablet enough.
If you want portable, I'd probably go for a small wacom tablet, but I'd still really recommend a large tablet (I'm
>>526649 with the 22), but maybe you could divide funds between a small portable tablet and a mid to large tablet you could keep on a desk, like any of the tablets ranging 11-16 or so inches huion or other companies sell. There's a lot of options to consider.
No. 526675
File: 1584433778275.png (2.68 MB, 889x4459, tearzahcomp.png)

>>525297 Tearzah/Dollieguts and her it/its live-in have a long history with transphobia. IIRC the original criticisms were of stereotyping of binary transgender characters and treating being transgender/nonbinary as a completely inconsequential bullet point despite tacking it on to more than half of her 365+ OCs.
Later she was called out for intentionally depicting transgender surgeries as monstrous for her horror aesthetic. All her "AFAB" post-top-op characters have horrible botched halloween Frankenstein scars.
Her main OC transitioned from //Female to Vagina Dentata// with the help of a demented pedo-sadist named Salem who mutilates little girls as young as ten.
(As a tangent, Tearzah pretends to be a woke anti and their server nearly ejected someone for having a crush on a 16yo BNHA character and yet she is madly in love with her blatant pedophile OC and proudly displays her collection of pedobait manga on the shelf next to her copy of Lolita.)
Her partner, (who kins the cis male OC that violently abuses her self-insert, had his name legally changed to that of said OC, and pretends to be a half-japanese orphan)
was also called out for transphobia on the count of >telling Tearzah's underage FtM fans in their discord not to transition<, claiming that he was an intersex, assigned female, detranitioned FtMtF–who mistakenly believed he was FtM and went on testosterone for one year, but it "ruined" his body. He these kids that //anyone who thinks going on testosterone is a good idea is retarded//.
As it turned out, this was all an elaborate fabrication to explain away his man voice.
(It may also have some correlation with Tearzah's refusal to depict any of her trans-masc characters as anything other than hyperfeminine, nor allow their trans-fem characters to be masculine. The two of them seem to have some kind of fetish.)
People did some digging and found that he is in fact an assigned male born /David Caleb Balaski/ and was called out by InterInfo on tumblr for faking intersex conditions extremely poorly with symptoms matching no existing intersex condition, in effect pretending to be a hentai hermaphrodite.
Now the both of them are LARPing as nonbinary lesbians and Tearzah gets NUCLEAR ASSMAD when people "misgender" her despite repeatedly referring to herself as Bailey's "girlfriend". They're Goth GFs guys :33
No. 526731
>>526683I feel you anon, I'm working on breaking out of the same thing. For me trying new techniques has been helping (switching to traditional inking and digital lineart to digital lineless painting), since I'm too busy trying to learn about them to obsess over my anatomy. Also changing up my subject matters (drawing more landscapes, mostly) and focusing on fundamentals that aren't anatomy (for me it's light).
Since I'm thinking about the learning process and not the result, I'm more willing to attempt unusual poses/angles for figures, even if they turn out wrong. My figures are still a bit stiff but I'm no longer stagnating and I'm actually having fun.
No. 526901
File: 1584482202237.jpeg (106.2 KB, 635x939, 3BEFC879-A4B9-4071-AFB0-24EF07…)

Can we all talk about how disgusting this shit is?
No. 526910
File: 1584484907745.png (473.86 KB, 895x555, Capture.PNG)

>>526901Sage for autistic nitpick, but the way she draws deltoids, specifically the right one, gets on my nerves. If she knew bare minimum anatomy she would know the right deltiod should stretch down longer. It's tearzeah of course so you know that she just saw some artist adding bumps around the shoulder area so she did it too because of that the right deltiod is just this shoulder bump and not some fully fleshed out muscle. I know this is nit picking, but it's basic mistakes.
Also she had a 'send in your art for me to critique' video and it's a bunch of 'flip your canvas' and awkward mumbling.
No. 526928
File: 1584488008625.png (766.77 KB, 1190x1106, tumblr_o9etgwbTs81ux6da0o1_128…)

Just look up on tumblt "trans [popular male character]" and you'll find an endless supply of chest scar art
No. 526931
File: 1584488315411.jpg (143.72 KB, 1600x1600, 1581277355364.jpg)

>The fastest way to improve:
>1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
>2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
How the fuck do you go from pers. made easy to scott robertson??
No. 526952
>>526935Art kings. It's an /ic/ discord run by Nosebro, a well-known shitposter on the board: ask to post work to stay in the server just as an FYI
No. 526972
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No. 527026
File: 1584504448149.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1242x1230, B1778FBB-F844-4E9C-A462-17861D…)

joannah thangiah's art. this is disgusting
No. 527107
File: 1584515342295.png (91.12 KB, 1377x376, dgdsg.PNG)

Oof, Racist Uncle's server is worse than I thought. Fucking scrotes lmao
No. 527118
File: 1584516482953.png (202.24 KB, 883x498, trace2-png.png)

>>526971>>527030Reina is still ~16, she was sexually groomed from around 13 by a creepy adult fujoshi called RottenGinma. The kid hardly speaks english and is being played hard by these people. She even went through a "smol trans prince" phase. It seems like about a third of Tearzah's fans decide they want to be Elliot (the other twin, a crossdressing cis femboy) instead of Ash and change their names to Elliot, Elijah, or Elias like Tearzah did briefly.
Thankfully it seems like she escaped all that, got a boyfriend her own age in real life, and after she stopped tracing Tearzah/Dollieguts her art immediately began to skyrocket in quality. Her art is professional illustration quality now.
I don't know what it is about Tearzah's art that makes SO many teenagers want to copy it. It's sloppy dogshit. Literally only looks half-decent when it's traced. Sometimes it's even traced from her "haters". That's not a joke.
Pic related:
Traced vs Actual Skill
The bottom is an image she drew and was being mocked for Ash's "monkey head".
Someone edited it, and the edit is overlaid at the top with an image she released only a few days after that edit was posted. The middle is two days after the traced pic; it seems she totally gave up on trying to learn how to draw faces in profile. Now any time she is forced to, she draws these hypersimplified goofy 90s anime checkmark-shaped faces. It's sad, because Tearzah was once a competant artist.
I really want you guys to go to her deviantart and look at the 2013 folder. There were so many poses, colors, environments, all kinds of different lighting and angles and most of all MOVEMENT, now it's the same baby pink barf over, and over, and over, no environments, just Aesthetic Young People standing still, staring at the camera with a slight :0 face or being sad with a squiggly mouth.
She gave everything good she had going for her up just because she was jealous of her friend's OC and that is nine different flavors of SAD.
No. 527120
File: 1584516564106.png (735.91 KB, 878x1489, info.png)

My bad, wrong file
No. 527167
>>527151>>527164It's probably them making fun of a farmer, trying to pretend they're above all the salty femoids.
Meanwhile, Racist Uncle is perpetually seething with jealousy over Holly Brown not having to draw shitty furry inflation porn and make scrote-pandering "not like other girls!!" rant videos just for a drop of clout.
No. 527329
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>>527220Who can forget the iconic loli miku
No. 527335
File: 1584537130159.png (320.24 KB, 1902x373, 57477.PNG)

>>527329The context is an anon asked for another anon to prove how good they are and they posted that. Anyhow whats IC's obsession with
>'neoplasticly, muh brain, etc' >Screenless tablet VS tablet>'This paid art tutorial will fix everything' Blog posting, but
I used to browse /IC/ a few years ago, but I stopped because it was getting to me. When I was young IC was big into the 'neuroplasticty if you didn't start at 13 you're fucked!'. It got to me so I almost quit art at age 16, an age most of them would consider peak neuroplasticty ironically. The board really ruined my view of other artist, even worse than lolcow, because when ever I look at an art discord server I can't help, but judge and sort people into GMI and NGMI. Even worse I picked up some of their crab traits so I can't talk to artist that are my equal or above without being a shithead or getting defensive. The most depressing thing to me though, this might be my crab part speaking, but IC is one of the better resources on the web. They know at least a bare minimum about art compared to the hordes of discord kiddies and they have the best resources. I agree with the go into IC, take the resources, and out as fast as you can
No. 527359
File: 1584540686189.jpg (361.27 KB, 1080x730, 20200318_080813.jpg)

So women are making /ic/ shitty but /fit/ is better because they are working towards getting a girlfriend? Lol what logic is this
No. 527363
>>527335>I agree with the go into IC, take the resources, and out as fast as you cananon you don't need to go into a trash heap to get good art resources if you don't suck at googling. yes discord is full of kids, but there are milliards of servers, some of which with older/more mature artists. /ic/ doesn't have some secret fountain of art knowledge only they can tap into, if you searched around you'd probably find where they get their better resources from too.
>>527359don't search for logic when it comes to incels, they have nothing to their lives so being controversial and ~edgy~ gets them that tiny bit of attention to get them through the day.
No. 527367
>>527363I mean their collection of mega files not the people who post there.
>>527359IIRC IC had a quiz and the board a 50/50 split between women and men, trans women counted as separate so they didn't screw up the numbers.
No. 527384
File: 1584544705568.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.56 KB, 1242x776, 2C0994A0-BBC1-450A-890A-AE02B1…)

>>517491I was wondering if I should/would be allowed to post something? I have found Racist uncle draw what looks like toddlercon. It is very disturbing, it’s on her personal server that she left for whatever reason? Also here’s her drawing porn for holly brown on this personal server as well.
No. 527388
>>527384you might wanna ask in meta if the toddlercon stuff is allowed. i personally rather not have it posted, but having her fucked up-ness collected here could be useful.
also, i understand these are only sketches, but wtf is that anatomy in the first one. she is way too obsessed with holly.
No. 527393
File: 1584545485159.png (Spoiler Image,292.09 KB, 632x566, jesus.png)

>>527388First thing that came to mind.
The entire things wonky the first guys arms that are just lumps,the weird right arm on the second, and I can't figure out what position the dudes chest is supposed to be in
No. 527477
>>527451This. It could be her or her minions who draw bullshit like
>>527329 and think it's sane to call real life kids "lolis" and post charts categorizing them by number, but either way, they'll try to drag this argument out as long as possible to take the heat off her.
Ignore coomers and nonces. Keep the focus on RU's shitty art and cow personality.
No. 527488
File: 1584549715644.jpeg (Spoiler Image,896.21 KB, 1215x1108, 731B402C-4CC6-470C-B6B2-0DD736…)

>>527487Sorry for samefag (forgot to spoiler image)
No. 527489
>>527488I’ve seen a lot of NSFW work in my years.
That is one of the worst things I have ever seen, and I’ve been through disgusting tags on hentai sites.
No. 527492
>>527487This is just fucking terrible and pityful. It's not even cartoon exaggeration if it isn't anatomically accurate like
>>526384 i can't comprehend how delusional she has to be to think she's better than this artist.
No. 527495
File: 1584550251811.jpeg (Spoiler Image,411.37 KB, 1242x1016, BBE59694-3836-4546-A022-77799A…)

>>527491Yeah she has very strange/shitty excuses for drawing degenerate porn. Maybe she’s just hyper-sexual. For example she’s just being an “epic maymer trollface” and totally just spent hours drawing this to get at the YouTuber.
No. 527534
File: 1584551498143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,561.33 KB, 1005x1253, CEB378CD-3659-45D3-9FAF-736057…)

>>527507I have no idea who that YouTuber was.
>>527503She doesn’t really listen to her own advice, her art is always really bad, and wonky. Why would she actually pay attention to Proko or any artbooks that she screeches about?
No. 527554
File: 1584552225292.png (44.4 KB, 156x275, 1540270439532.png)

I think Racist Uncle used to post on the Holly Brown thread frequently. She posted this once. I mean you can tell she drews this. Like from the lineart to the style. What a fucking loser.
No. 527567
>>527118It’s because dollieguts doesn’t care about art. She only cares about attention. Reina the goth, it’s true she came from Thailand. But anything that anyone says on the internet, I take with a grain of salt. I think people have the right to disconnect from someone on the internet, if they draw that kind of stuff. Like saying stuff like “I love child p” is really fucked up.
With racist uncle having the loliicon bowl, with the children’s faces plaster all over it. Is wtf
No. 527596
File: 1584555545645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,921.99 KB, 1242x1947, 3559FC44-2131-402B-910A-D5C362…)

>>517491More of Racist uncle’s reasoning for drawing porn. Imagine being this infected by r9k incels.
No. 527616
>>527445dawww did you feel invawidated wacist uncle?
take your degenerate ass somewhere else, fucktard. lolicon is pedoporn and you should feel bad.
No. 527629
>>527596I don't throw the term pickme lightly but this is a textbook example. I used to do this exact same kind of shit as an edgy 14-year old when I desperately wanted men to accept me. They won't. Behind your back they're shit talking you up the wazoo and think you're a dumb bitch licking their boots clean.
Her redraws are complete Dunning-Kruger's syndrome at display. In addition to them her edgy "parody" porn literally looks like someone trying to emulate Shadman with the style and the subject matter but being even worse at art.
No. 527632
File: 1584558324103.jpeg (711.59 KB, 1242x1609, BCA76823-A907-469A-95E9-19C006…)

>>527554Yes that is her drawing, and she still lurks the holly brown thread. She lurks the redraw threads too. I think she legit thinks redrawing holly brown’s art constantly will somehow improve her art.
Also sort of related but here’s a video she made wasting her time. Have no idea why someone would waste their time making a video like this and constantly injected holly in every video she can. She just has such a huge hate boner for Holly. No. 527633
There's a thread in Snow if you all want to talk about Racist Uncle there instead.
>>527629That's exactly what I was thinking. Shadman got attention through being edgy and shocking, and so other artists think they can do that too and instantly get success but instead look really stupid.
No. 527635
>>527632lol at the 'dId I cAuSe ThIs? ? ?"
She really wants people to think she's actually contributing anything at all to conversations about Holly.
No. 527637
File: 1584558655188.png (Spoiler Image,492.11 KB, 1064x986, savsv.png)

>>527624His art is pretty mediocre. He draws a lot of little girls and is a huge lolicon. He's picked fights with people on an art site because he got mad his loli porn was not allowed.
No. 527649
File: 1584559041397.png (93.28 KB, 600x600, bait.png)

>>527642You're gonna have to try a little harder than that.
No. 527655
File: 1584559358957.png (588.18 KB, 809x803, 2415456.PNG)

>>527637His art looks semi decent until he attempt any complex pose or non anime thing. He's the basic bitch anime NGMI
Shame about his kidney though
No. 527659
File: 1584559662251.jpg (135.25 KB, 846x1200, 1578809371218.jpg)

>>527657No. I am cute and you will like me!
File: 1584559934785.png (332.17 KB, 735x357, snowflake and safespace.png)

anyway, ignoring the lolicon sperg, how do y'all feel about Marvel's new superheroes Snowflake and Safespace?
No. 527678
>>527668I thought it was parody. It’s not. I’m more embarrassed than anything.
Also those character designs are boring.
No. 527679
File: 1584560384288.png (757.77 KB, 1045x776, 534367.PNG)

>>527668It feels like shit to stir the barrel or an old boomer and getting outraged just gives them what they want.I would call them cringy 'fellow kids' mistakes and hope some other writer could fix them, but that was until I saw their fucking sidekcicks
Not pictured
>A Meme-Obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet after becoming exposed to his grandfather’s “experimental internet gas.” Now he can see augmented reality and real-time maps, and can instantly Google any fact. Does this make him effectively a genius? He sure acts like it does.I thought my 4chan based super hero idea was bad. This is straight up controversy baiting
>>527674A lot of right oids have had their brain friend from watching extreme SJW videos so they can't tell leftist satire from actual leftism. They also just want to get outraged. It's already happening
> No. 527689
>>527668>>527679You can tell a million miles away that these characters were created by a white male feminist.
Okay I googled the artist and I'm cackling at how he looks EXACTLY like I pictured he would, except he doesn't have thick rimmed glasses. He definitely gives me really strong "I have multiple sexual harassment cases under my belt and abuse girls but make up for it with my ~wokeness~ charade" vibes.
No. 527690
>>527668This is hilarious and
>>527673 is right. Check twitter and youtube. literally no one on either side likes this. The right is laughing at it and the left thinks it's pure cringe.
>>527674Take a look at the trailer.
No. 527696
>>527687 said it's a standard way to expose the details of the design. It's used so much because it's one of the few poses where you get to see the necessary proportions and placements of everything included in the design that's supposed to be replicated multiple times.
>>527692Gonna go ahead and say yes.
No. 527697
File: 1584561282014.png (441.79 KB, 988x482, yuck.PNG)

There's a 30 year old autistic scrote in my small AA community that's been doing cons for about 7 years
Last year he got butt hurt cause a con had a jury system and he didn't get in and every time someone brings the con up he goes on a sperg about how jury systems are unfair
Anyone else have to deal with retarded scrotes in your art community?
No. 527709
>>527659Anime and lolicon suck ass
So do you with your basic bland art millions of other nitwits in Japan draw you dolt
No. 527721
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Does dollieguts take opioids ??
No. 527828
File: 1584573541456.png (894.55 KB, 715x1265, pills and fat.png)

>>527721She certainly used to look like it. She went through a phase (like the infamous dollar bills picture) where her face was picked raw, she was thin with a creased face, and her lips were sickly pale, but whether or not she was really abusing as she and her discord mates openly bragged, she still has a bizarre relationship with medications.
She and "Danny" hoard medications (pic related)
She said a while back that she was prescribed Adderal for Binge Eating Disorder (even though she has BFRBs?) and that's how she lost a fuckload of weight but now she's a double-chinned whale with problem glasses all of a sudden.
"Danny" moved in solely to LARP as her OC and outright states he doesn't want a job while Tearzah does the cooking and cleaning. Seems like she got tired of feeding his ass so now both of them seem to be surviving off avocados and potato chips covered in hot sauce. This coincides with the change in her appearance for the better (even if she is fatter now) so I'm guessing whatever the hell she was buying she can't afford anymore with this leech sucking her dry.
She also lies a lot about schizophrenia medications, her supposed schizophrenia as a whole actually.
For context, Tearzah/Dollieguts uploads speedpaint videos to youtube, over which she…talks about herself. She's made the same ALL ABOUT ME!!! video four times in as many months, but the real stand-out feature of the channel is that she likes to play up that she has a "flat affect", which she interchangeably attributes to Autism or Schizophrenia.
In her early videos her voice was just fine, and then suddenly she started doing an extremely slow and almost labored beep-boop robot voice that sounds like an over the top parody of the so-called "robotic monotone" that some people with autism have.
Then it changed when she wasn't doing some psych-horror bait bullshit, chipper and cute with the perfect ability to emote. That's not something people with a flat affect can fake. It is defined by the inability to. She said she had been put on some SZ medication (she wasn't before???) to explain away why her voice was suddenly normal in a youtube video.
Later she went back to the beep-boop voice, and then AGAIN back to the happy chipper voice, and at THAT time explained that she had gone to speech therapy since her last video and now everything was better! nevermind that that kind of improvement takes over a year of therapy.
She went back to the dead dollie voice again and her fans lapped it up like "omigosh /'0'\ your voice is so soothing u have the best voice on youtube ur so relaxing it's ok bby don't fake a happy voice if it's hard we lov u!!!"
The thing about this voice though, is that is spot-on identical to the fanon-voice used by pretty much every voice actor across the Homestuck fandom for Dead Aradia , a character that Tearzah used to be obsessed with to the point of drawing her self-insert with Aradia's horns and even once as Robot Aradia. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 527932
>>527913Nope. That’s part of her pants… I think.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that was a fanny pack.
No. 527941
File: 1584582654673.jpeg (733.49 KB, 828x989, E0878DD2-D03F-4541-86C5-2F9C5D…)

Anyone else find it real tacky that people are bouncing off of the stuff around corona virus with “wash your hands” naked lady gijinkas? I’m feeling the economic depression and anxiety around it in the us too hard so seeing these is al real tacky. Picture attached is the person who’s DTIYS I’ve been seeing around the most but there’s plenty of these hand-sanitizer-chans everywhere
No. 527959
>>527953john k's
victim katie rice also styles her art after john k. Inspiration is not endorsment
No. 527960
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No. 527992
File: 1584588910592.jpeg (102.75 KB, 828x1229, BCFE5416-EC3E-4BC1-8CB1-DA1166…)

Tearazah is taking a diss at people who she stolen from. So quirky
No. 527997
File: 1584589390519.jpeg (40.24 KB, 828x222, 74228477-1D32-4C89-B0FA-6084EC…)

I guess she can’t decide what she wants to be.
No. 528029
>>524034>>525275>>525596>>525797>>526901>>527026>>527596>>527655>>527679>>527941>>527960>>527992>>527554>>522715>>522233This shit is considered good? And I kill myself over shit work while I'm trying to learn and not even post it anywhere?
Jesus god why. I need go to watch bob ross in the woods, apparently.
No. 528034
>>527941Dude shit sucks right now but not everyone has to curl up in a fragile ball and do nothing in response. If people want to draw dumb lighthearted shit to cope with the coronavirus stuff then let them. There's fuck else to do in a quarantine anyway.
>>528015Agreed, this style makes me think of 50s style stuff or Fallout (which draws its inspiration from that era) more than fucking John K lmao, that dude isnt even a blip on my radar when viewing art in this style. He didn't invent it by a long shot.
No. 528040
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>>527828How do you keep lying about the same things. When you have staggering evidence against you. Did she forget she had a whole thread on her? With her name leaked and her face. And with the meds, with her Possibly getting them illegally Through someone? Or how she contradicts herself each word? Does she not care or is she loving the attention when she gaslights people?
No. 528082
>>527690By the way, Snowflake is non-binary, they/them.
The fact that the only non-binary character was given the most derogatory term of snowflake is fucking hilarious to me.
Also, I LOVE how Snowflake is non-binary however has feminine qualities in the eyes and in the body. If they really wanted to depict a person as neither male nor female wouldn't you make them a little more androgynous?
This is actually incredibly insulting to everyone and I'm just laughing because this is EXACTLY what tumblrites do–and yet they're angry about this. Really opens your eyes huh, tumblr?
No. 528136
>>527690So its like Young Avengers, but extremely cringey and with worse art.
>>527668Hey guys, it
is almost April. Are we 100% sure this isn't an April fool's prank?
No. 528139
>>528136Like another anon said it's obviously a way to generate clicks and interest, Marvel finally understands now that pandering doesn't make much money, but ridiculous characters that make everyone mad are good clickbait. It's why the art is so amateur, too; they won't make much money from sales, so they're not investing much in the first place.
Marvel makes little money from actual comic sales nowadays (as opposed to the enormous amounts they make from movies, TV and merch), so they're obviously shifting their focus away from comics and turning them into cheap publicity for their brand rather than actual content.
No. 528143
>>528139That doesn't make any sense at all. They get plenty of publicity from toys, movies, and TV. Expending resources on clickbait doesn't make sense for a brand that's already well-publicized.
If this comic isn't some sort of prank, it's gonna tank hard. I'm really liberal and I cringed. It comes across like something meant to make fun of liberals.
No. 528145
>>528143The Big Two have had these sorts of throw-away comics they publish just to keep some IPs in print/set up some quick new characters to use in something else for a long time, though. After some of their comic sales have been doing so poorly (particularly their sales for their more pander-y comics, like Squirrel Girl and that one Kate Leth thing) that they've had to force some shops to over-stock titles that weren't selling (making some comic stores lose a ton of money in the process), I can't imagine they'd still be so disconnected from reality that they'd think anyone could like this comic.
It is absolutely going to tank though, yes. But everyone working on it is going to be paid peanuts and shops will be forced to order copies they can't sell, so Marvel might not do too badly. #1 of any comic always at least sells to collectors, too.
No. 528146
File: 1584623088113.png (433.88 KB, 800x942, tumblr_mrw2fqrzne1qet5hfo1_128…)

>>528139i agree.
i also think their strategy is like pic related, ie proudly reclaiming insults so they can't be insulted anymore.
anyway, these characters are beyond stupid and i love them.
No. 528195
File: 1584628476501.png (208.41 KB, 750x687, 2145454667.PNG)

Personal rant because I can't take this fucking insta/tik tok meme any more
>Artist drawing something
>See how normal it is?
>Huh they're drawing something different?
>HA HA they were drawing something wacky all along
Drawing kirbys face then adding a buff body was funny the first time. The twentieth time? not as much
In general why are artist so unfunny
No. 528248
>>528229That depends on the time you have after all your other daily obligations are out of the way. It's different for everyone, so no one can answer this for you, anon. Like anyone else making a personal project, it's something you have to figure out on your own.
That's why broad sweeping "art advice" on Twitter bugs me, it's not a one size fits all situation and yet popular artist tweets are often taken as gospel knowing full well they're giving advice from an established point of view. A lot of them either had some sort of leg up or forgot what it was like in the beginning and how much different starting out now is.
As someone who makes an obscure comic with no audience and a full time job; the best thing I can tell you is to make it for yourself with the time you have… Do not expect anything more.
No. 528274
File: 1584633688675.jpg (384.26 KB, 940x1288, tumblr_okxyrqyjfl1vebx47o1_128…)

>>528229>you see shit tier artists (with potential, I guess) like Holly saying they're "werking soooo hard gaiz!" pulling allnighters They might be making up numbers on how hard they work. Humans aren't the best at judging time objectively so any statement on 'it took alll night' without actual timers might be a person confusing the emotion of 'all night' with what they actually did. Along with that most people aren't aware with how long they've been slacking off. Knowing that splitting up inking their comic into 3 days and that they aren't just playing 'overwatch' and are wasting 3 hours that could be working on comics could fix most of their all nighters
Second Holly, and other artist, are really inefficient with art. Look at this background. It would have taken hours on end to just draw all those bricks. In her other comics she draws stripes on all her characters clothes which adds another half hour. All this details adds 2 hours to what could have been a 10 minute doodle. A lot of artist jump from illustration to comic art not knowing the mediums are different. They spend hours drawing each comic frame like they would a full blown illustration not knowing they can skimp on some details.
Finally, I'm focusing on "shit tier artist" not decent ones, bad artist draw slower. Someone good at art could draw a human face in a few minutes while someone bad will erase and redraw over and over until they get something mediocre 30 minutes in. Thats the lucky version. the unlucky version is a bad artist who knows no fundamentals and their drawing process is 'fucking with the doodle till it looks decent'.
>but you got all these artists having full time jobs but pumping detailed webcomics out on the regular.I can't say how they do this unless I see their specific comic and schedule, but
A. They're lying or stretching the truth for clout B. They use 3D models in their backgrounds or as character bases (really common on webtoon) C. They aren't doing it alone(again on more popular webtoon the comic is written and drawn by one dude, but rendered by another) D. You over estimated how much effort it took (they might be using impressionist art techniques to make a few details look like a lot or you're impressed by a few rendering tricks) F. They have a flexible job
I can't really tell you how long it takes until I see an example of your art. Even then how you draw changes how long it takes. My best advice is taking a free day to draw your first webcomic chapter and time yourself. Thats the best way to find out how fast you work
No. 528348 hate this so much. Two retards (Creepshow and Karuna) bloviating on about their argument with each other. No one gives a shit about your stupid Twitter argument.
Karuna's an over reactionary baby; Creepshow is a retarded cunt who got into an argument with someone, chose to dig up old, irrelevant shit on them, and then spewed it out for all her tween audience stans, meanwhile acting all high, mighty, and self-important.
Creepshow might even be more sensitive than Karuna, making a whole shit video just because she needs to feel right and validated in a stupid Twitter battle.
No. 528351
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No. 528356
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>>528353It’s a fad for them. Non-binary lesbian
No. 528363
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No. 528365
File: 1584646359531.png (1.01 MB, 1118x668, 24546456.PNG)

>>528348Creep show posted this on her insta. She looks like a deep seas fish that surfaced
No. 528380
>>528365Stop animal testing.
Eye shadow does not belong on a pig.
No. 528383
>>528376They're sun-spots, or more funnily known as "liver spots" kek
It's from skin damage due to repeated burns, shoulders are a common space
No. 528385
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That’s what you call a classic case of a narcissist. And it looks like she’s not stopping with her charades
Creepshow art please stop photoshopping you’re face. It doesn’t look good
No. 528458
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>>528229I keep redlining racist uncle but she never actually learns from my advice. Am i doing something wrong?
No. 528481
File: 1584659768533.png (93.88 KB, 1221x628, 24346677.PNG)

>>528420I was looking for the video, but I found this on another video. Cow cross over, context is this was her bitching about being underappreciated as a webcomic artist
No. 528492
>>528486I think many people do not want to talk about her because
1. She likely lurks, and sometimes uses lolcow for content, which people hate
2. She's a broken record. She creates drama to report on drama. She does the same thing, over and over, never improving.
No. 528506
>>528420Yeah I have to agree. I watched the video and while it's understandable that she's frustrated as we all are in this trying time, there's just a hint of extra annoying smugness in her tone as if she's that important because she doesn't have that much money. It kinda goes back to how it's annoying how she will talk about the struggles of other people who try to do art for a living and how she notices that it can be a challenge for them when the same applies to her. That without her husband, she wouldn't be able to pay for much of anything on her commissions alone. Mostly because we all know that she doesn't get that much commissions even before the Corona Virus thing. That she tries to make the illusion that she always gets commissions by creating a huge ass queue of commissions she never finished and keeps adding more to the pile and she never gets to them in a reasonable time and the cycle repeats itself.
It sucks because I want to like TD's content but it's hard when she lacks self-awareness of her own situation.
No. 528575
File: 1584671452911.jpg (31.91 KB, 330x184, danielkibblesmith.jpg)

>>527668Pic related pretty much sums up the whole situation.
No. 528581
>>528515I like the idea of an artist talking about stuff drawing, but Creepshowart (and most others who do it) are outclassed by others in every way.
Creepshow is outclassed in artistic skill by art Youtubers. She's outclassed in commentary by commentary Youtubers who make intelligent, well-thought out points and do decent research. She's even outclassed in the more niche topics, like the Marvel characters video shown (by Youtubers like JustSomeGuy and Comics Matter).
A lot of people want to like Creepshow, I'm sure, because she encompasses a lot of things they want (commentary, art, etc.). Unfortunately, she's mediocre at all of these things. And she doesn't even have a great personality to make up for it.
No. 528584
File: 1584673614597.jpg (45.81 KB, 446x702, ETcxsMkVAAAQLZN.jpg)

Can tomatomagica stop inciting drama for 0.5 seconds? First was the straight men animating women fiasco, then the "why are men" thing and then now she's trying to appeal to troons.
Also can somebody please teach this bitch how to draw a nose? It's embarrassing.
No. 528585
File: 1584674505324.jpeg (61.04 KB, 750x422, F5E5874B-E565-4DA0-B2FA-5B432F…)

>>528584god i can’t stand this dumb bitch. any basic fucking thing for clout
No. 528597
>>528584Trap isn’t a slur… one of my favorite characters is a trap trying to express himself as his gender. The joke is he looks like his sister so he’s constantly censored in the show.
My trans friends don’t even think trap is a slur…
No. 528598
>>528597Traps are simply a character that is pretending to be another sex, to fool people. They’re cross dressers and have nothing to do with trans people. If you see an artist that is complaining about these types of things, over words, over privilege. . . .For art style, for closed species, for race. Run the fuck away. These people are the most two faced bitches you’ll ever meet. They love to play
victim, and act innocent. But in reality real
victims do not want to be victimized.
No. 528620
>>528532Ah okay. I'm not into Melanie Martinez but I'll check out her channel, seems to be the kind of format I like. And when I said "self aware" or "respectable", I just meant people along the lines who don't have Creepshow's edgelord-ness or TD's lack of self-awareness. It just seems like most art tubers who do these sit down talk videos are drama in some way and I was just wondering if there were any who weren't like that lol.
>>528581Yeah I mean I'm not the most picky when it comes to art style. Like the person doesn't need to be god-like in skills and I'm definitely okay with cartoony art styles that aren't always proportionate but it's just that Creepshow's art just doesn't look that appealing to me and TD's style is just… I don't even know. I like her coloring but how she draws bodies and faces just isn't my thing. And then Holly Brown with her long ass face shapes that are an eyesore.
But then back with Creepshow, her commentary is just edgelordy and not all that well-thought out with how she always repeats herself.
No. 528631
>>528581A lot of people are mediocre in the YouTube community. It’s not really talent what makes you successful, but what you do. Like if we look at people like Jake Paul and mongea, there’s nothing interesting about them. Yet they make millions off of their fans, despite tana recording a dead body and Jake being . . . .
In the art community there’s lavender towns. She isn’t the best artist but she always get clicks. Emily artful, kasey golden . . . Etc.
No. 528661
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>>528584At least people are catching onto her shit
No. 528743
>>528730Same. My art skyrocketed after attending art classes.
If you cannot attend classes for some time, try to remember what your teaches told you, and apply their advices to every piece you do. I found that YouTube was pretty useless for me in terms of teaching myself art, but books really helped. My favourite one is Der nackte Mensch by Gottfried Bammes. I have a physical book in Russian, but you can easily find a pdf online. My teachers also recommended copying from the book (not tracing over, but copying with my own hand), and it really helped me to feel the anatomy.
No. 528795
>>528772AYRT, one was a course at a local art store by an artist who is pretty famous regionally here and one was a digital painting Schoolism course that I've been saving for for about a year and was about twice the price. They were pricy for sure but worth every penny tbh, I dont regret it at all. Like with every critique I feel like my art progress leapt forward like 6 months. Good stuff.
>>528743Thanks for the rec! I'll try to find it. I always had trouble learning out of books before but now that I have a way better grasp on what I'm doing I think I'll grasp it better. I downloaded all the video critiques from my schoolism course too so I can refer back to them.
No. 528857
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>>528365Isn’t creepshowart friends with racist uncle? I wonder if she shares the same view points racist does. Racist uncle even drew her fanart and made a video defending her
No. 528928
File: 1584731351614.jpeg (420.26 KB, 750x952, FC0BF5F3-DCB3-43AE-80DB-035D45…)

loving japanese twitter finding her out and clowning on her.
No. 528936
File: 1584732429764.jpeg (152.51 KB, 828x1429, 204D8444-F80D-440A-8C35-9DCFB3…)

At least she isn’t tracing off of artists anymore. Isn’t that right dollieguts? Still traced though
No. 528953
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>>528928I guess this might be an unpopular opinion here, but they aren't all that bad, or as bad as he's making it out to be? It's more her cowish personality and less the art. Like how can you confuse this picture for satire? I guess I'm numbed by all the worse SJW art I've seen, but this isn't that bad?
No. 529012
File: 1584737408216.jpg (74.46 KB, 1384x996, The Art of Drawing People-866 …)

Turbo autist logic
No. 529013
>>528857I just tried to find any cases of them interacting publicly, because holy shit, but all I could find was RU making fun of CSA and CSA never responding like a friend. I highly doubt these two were actually friends.
Which is kind of hilarious, seeing as RU thought they were for some reason
No. 529014
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Man face, apparently. Thanks Japan.
No. 529059
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Holly addressed Racist Uncle kek
No. 529068
File: 1584743393076.jpeg (138.21 KB, 527x1270, AB7CE397-E46C-4C3C-B35A-8A7696…)

Dollieguts is a still a vile piece of shit. Still tracing as ever. Why are you dissing on fairytale who is a minor?
No. 529079
>>529014You do realize that real life doesn't translate into cartoons? I thought that picture was a beautiful young male at first. If it was a photograph or a photorealistic, it wouldn't look like a man at all. But in drawing there are so many other nuances left out that complete the picture. In
>>528953 The angular shape of the jaws and the prominent, big noses are so pronounced in their cartoon forms that they do look mannish in contrast to the original anime style.
inb4 reeeee get out pedo weeb
No. 529122
File: 1584746328258.png (1.26 MB, 2400x1600, 74D63030-7468-453F-8FEE-DF1B65…)

Ugh man women amirai. Why aren’t Isn’t her chin that of a 10 year old uwu
No. 529157
File: 1584749511796.jpeg (Spoiler Image,184.25 KB, 1936x2773, 717F3227-1E80-482B-BBEC-E27189…)

>>528928Kek,of course she’s a shotafag
No. 529302
File: 1584764115170.jpg (220.85 KB, 800x1067, livia-prima-316632.jpg)

Non drama related.Do you have any tips for struggling with fundamentals? Really wish I can draw like profesionnal concept artist .Sometimes I fell discouraged because it seems very long road to go.
Art by dopaprime
No. 529338
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>>529334why are women in vintage illustrations so manly ree
No. 529345
>>529344If they were drawn more like real Asian girls the reaction would be the same lmao, it's dumb to act like their "Based Japanese" opinions matter more when the issue is that their waifus are drawn less fuckable
Love Live characters have inoffensive cute faces to sell merch, of course it looks weird when they're drawn in another style
No. 529369
>>529302Grinding helps. Draw objects around you, but think what form they're first. Think of every objects as if it were a cube or a sphere. If an object can be simplified down to a cube, think od where every face of the cube would go. Thinking in basic forms and grinding them is the key
When grinding fundamentals or gling quick sketches, quantity is better than quality. Force yourself to work quick.
No. 529382
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>>529344Beautiful young Asian man
No. 529384
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>>529344What anon thinks Japanese women look like irl
No. 529397
>>529382Doesn't fit nearly as well as
>>529122, just saying
No. 529670
>>529602Lol pretty sure they're lying to cover their weird skewed perseption if reality.
>>529397Lol the asain woman's nose is bigger than the drawing please stop reaching you're gonna break something pedo
No. 529830
>>529602Not really, but the OP interacts a lot with foreign conservative accounts so they prob picked it up from there. There are angry anti-feminist neckbeards all the same though.
>>529670…Ok? They look nothing alike, that's the point. Genuinely surprised people are this faceblind cuz she literally drew double eyelids on em all lol
No. 529986
>>529402Making fun of retards ≠ caring about their opinions
>>529384Lmao thank you anon for this gem
No. 537720
>>537719It is, i agree. She's a boomer with whiny childlike personality that cant just ignore those trolls or haters like a piece of dust.
Man, take a break. Break from twitter or else she would get her mental condition worse
No. 537728
>>525641Instagram kawaii art: UwuU Uwuw so unique kawaiii
And this pisses me off asdagaj
No. 538783
File: 1586421180807.jpeg (791.86 KB, 3000x3792, EVGR_r1UUAAiiWj.jpeg)

the artist who made the whole "omg im gay too! wait youre not gay? im infinitely less interested now." comic is back with relatable quirky shoplifting uwu vibes