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No. 507386
Have a dumbass question that doesn't fit any other threads? Ask away!
Previous thread:
>>490704 No. 507464
>>507454They record their own B roll. I'm assuming they just stand in the streets for hours with a tripod lol
It sounds weirdly voyeuristic but I enjoy watching the footage from Thailand Red where it's some guy with a hidden camera recording the redlight district of Pattaya
No. 507610
>>507606It's probably
because your hair is straight
My hair is naturally wavy, so boar bristle brushes help straighten them out and get rid of frizz
No. 507697
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What are your opinions on having a dyed streak in your hair? My natural hair is pretty much the same as the girl in this pic and I kinda want to bleach a patch of hair like this and dye it a different color, but I'm kinda scared it'll come out weird and too 2000s middle schooler-esque. Is it cute enough to try or am I tacky?
No. 507699
>>507697If you don't style yourself like a scene, I don't think you'll look scene just because of the streaks in your hair. I think brown hair with pink streaks in looks really nice and kind of reminds me of valentine's chocolate.
Go for it! If you don't like it, so what? It's only hair and it's good to try new things
No. 507701
>>507600I'm on a 2015 MacBook air and it's great. I've had two crashes in the year and a half I've owned it. I bought it used off of Ebay, but you'd really have to do your research. I bought from someone with 100k sales in tech, that had a 30 day return and 90 day refurbished policy in case something went wrong. I wouldn't trust buying used tech from an average seller, especially because Mac has so restrictions that need to be unlocked before you can use their product secondhand.
Piracy is about the same as a PC if you're just downloading files off of the web. Just be sure to convert the files when you save, because sometimes they save as iTunes files and you aren't always able to view those.
No. 507828
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>>507606I use a Kent boar bristle brush and have done for a few years now. I use a normal Denman brush and then the bristle brush.
No. 507992
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Does dreaming of being in a homosexual relationship, gay?
No. 508025
>>508022>it's unlikely it'd probably even arriveuhh unless he (or you) lives in a really shitty country with a really shitty postal system, that letter's gonna arrive on the other side of the planet.
but don't do it, he ghosted you: he doesn't care. Don't give it your energy.
No. 508029
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>>508025Alright anon thank you for guiding me
No. 508040
>>508022Sending a letter is the least useful way of getting closure ever because you never know if they even got it let alone read it.
Seconding everything else other anon said, he already wasted your time so don't give him any more
No. 508045
>>507792not the anon but i've read this a while ago and it's a good read. explain why countries with more hormonal birth control (america, germany) have more gay people than those with less to none (japan)
but that's just my own speculation
No. 508102
>>508080Think I stayed for like a month before I broke us up. We were both not out of the closet and a long distance relationship. She trooned out (ftm) and despite saying I still loved her she ran off with another troon (ftm). Apparently long distance didnt count as a relationship to her. She wanted someone who could 'understand' her more. I was too insecure then in my teens that no one found me attractive. Also where I live is hard to find Gfs so I wasnt sure where to go from there.
I then found my current gf who makes me happier.
No. 508125
>>508080I was apathetic and able to still use his car to get to appointments, plus he was "only" emotionally cheating with men and I thought it was cute. Probably like how a teen girl would read gay manga, I was able to go through his texts and have a giggle. I was a beard for a lot of gay guys in high school and he ended up trying to date a few of them. It was more interesting than being alone and I wasn't interested in a real relationship anyways. He joined the army and is probably still leading a similar lifestyle despite being in the closet.
If you benefit from being compliant, I say roll with it. But if you love them I don't know what to say, that shit would hurt like a kick to the stomach.
No. 508153
>>508080I was on a marriage visa working as a self-employed cleaner. He also yelled at me all the time and nothing I ever did was good enough for him, he had to bitch and nag all the damn time.
I got a good job then dumped his ass.
No. 508162
>>508161you didn’t push it up far enough. take it out and try again or shove your finger in there and move it up. and it’s
extremely rare to lose your tampon, i’ve never known it to happen to anyone i’ve ever met.
No. 508167
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I know this sounds stupid but can you actually pay people to be your friends? Online chatting is fine. I have money and I don't mind dishing out some cash if it means I can be a little less lonely sometimes. I just want to talk about my stupid hobbies and fandoms with someone and have them pretend to care for a few hours. My actual friends only care about themselves.
What about getting a sugar baby? Like paying a cute girl occasionally just to talk to me about mundane stuff is a service I'm interested in.
No. 508174
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>>508167I'd do it tbh. I'm spending a lot of time on the internet anyway, already have a job but a side gig like this would be cool.
No. 508176
>>508162i'm sort of scared to put my fingers up there though
i do push until my fingers hit my body, and i deploy the applicator, but i still feel it lol
this sucks
No. 508178
>>508167this genuinely made me sad, you shouldn't have to pay for friends.
I hope you find some sincere friends soon, fam. I know that feel. and i wish for you to find someone who will talk to you without expecting a paycheck in exchange.
there are also people on okcupid (and similar) who don't look for hookups, but rather friendships/people with similar interests. might be worth a try?
take care.
No. 508180
>>508167I can be your online friend for free if you want. We can watch movies together, video chat, read books/manga together, play vidya, etc. You can tell me about your grievances and I'd be happy to listen. My discord is:
No. 508282
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I absolutely hate, despise, and feel grossed out about the way selfie cameras distort people's faces into a deformed mess.
Does anyone have any recommendation for the selfie camera with the shortest focal length and the best distortion correction?
Wide lens my ass, i'd rather use a selfie stick and have faces look like they do irl.
No. 508303
>>508298>>508301Yuta, you can find him on insta as Clitorispears
He still has a link on his profile to an apology about his replies to underage girls
No. 508304
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>>508286most cameras have pretty high focal length since they're designed for taking pictures beyond the distance of someones arm and most cameras/apps attempts to counter this are usually shit since your face is still a physical 3D object with features different distances from the lens its hard to correct for without editing software, its funny how taking selfies is such a vital part of human culture but no one has realized you need to put it on a timer and step back or you're going to look like an anti-semitic caricature with a huge nose
No. 508312
>>508303His other account is fluffy_ass_goth
OT but of course one of my mutuals who I suspect has yellow fever while always trying to call out other people for their yellow fever is following him lol
No. 508339
>>508304Ppl still look like shit even if they stand back because the shit is a literal fisheye lens, and you lose quality and have to crop the unnecessarily big background area.
I know that having a normal camera solves this problem but carrying one around feels really tryhard and inconvenient (although tbh same goes for selfie sticks). I want the convenience of a phone.
They're even able to put telephoto cameras on phones so I can't believe that there isn't even a single phone out there without a deformed selfie camera.
And also I don't think selfies are even that important and I live my life normally despite never taking them because of the deformed issue, but I hate that the convenience of just grabbing my phone and snapping a happy moment with my friends is taken away for me, because everyone looks deformed and it ruins the memory.
I don't want weird filters, if they really want to grab a big background area why don't they just put two lenses on the front and take two images and merge them automatically or something, it can't be that difficult, photoshop has had automated photomerge for like a decade now ffs.
Sorry for the rant lol this shit is one of my biggest pet peeves.
No. 508341
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>>508339lmao it makes me irrationally angry too. like i WANT to be self indulgent and take a same face selfie every other day but there's no point when my grainy webcam is more flattering. why do i have to choose between potato quality or looking like a skinny headed droopy eyed chincel? i can just picture myself as an elderly woman, looking back at old pictures to remember my youthful looks because i'll have literally forgotten what i used to look like, only to be taken aback at the even more outdated looking graininess of the photos and feeling regret that i never had any "nicer" photos of this time. but i'm not gonna fucking save selfies that look like the left of pic related
No. 508348
>>508341OTOH I've witnessed so many portrait photogs completely fuck up passport and CV photos because they use a wide angle ass lens to take their pictures with and make you stand yonks away then they just zoom in on you because they don't care. Then when everyone ends up complaining about their enormous head and multiple chins they shrug their shoulders and say "people think they're better looking than they are". No you dumbass, you just can't take a damn photo to save your life.
Every single passport photographer does this where I live now and there's not even any photo booths you can use. I regret moving away from France, the stupid photo booths there were ten times cheaper but the results were so much better.
No. 508357
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>>508343Depends on the province, India is super diverse, with hundereds of ethnic groups and languages but it can be divided roughly into the northwest, Ganga plain (central north), Deccan Plateau (south west), Tamil South and and the North east, out of all these regions the Ganga plain has the worst reputation regarding rights of women by far, then followed by the Deccan Plateau, Northwest, the South and the north east Indian subcontinent is actually the best place regarding the treatment of women
No. 508421
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>>508282This. I think that I look okay when other people take pics of me with a professional camera, but I absolutely despise selfies. I don't feel bad about editing my nose a little bit smaller, since the selfie camera makes it look way bigger than it really is anyway.
What about mirror selfies? I find them to give a more realistic image of how you look.
>>508286It is true. Selfie cameras caused an increase of people getting plastic surgery, because of how it distorts features and makes people believe they actually look like that.
No. 508436
>>508428This won't really expand your knowledge by any means but it's one of my favorite reads. always dig up random ass shit to read at work but I'm always on incognito so I don't have any links but here's some that I can remember off the top of my head. find that sometimes really interesting articles will pop up on twitter's explore feed and it'll usually lead me down a rabbit hole of research lol. I also really like to scour wikipedia on terrible things like incidents of genocide, man made disasters, natural disasters, etc.
No. 508459
>>508443I just remembered another one!! for posting so much in the thread lol. I just love reading long weird articles.
No. 508472
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Question for anons who wore braces: how often did you have to go to the dentist to have it tightened? Once a month?
And do you need to be in the same place for the whole lenght of the treatment? What happens if in the middle of the treatment you suddenly have to move far away? Will the dentist take your braces off? What about the payment?
I grew up in a poor family, so I couldn't get braces during my teens. Everything would've been so much easier if I got them back then, not now that the crowding is getting worse and I have to travel often. Fuck
No. 508483
>>508300I wasn't really ever a NEET but there was a time when I was out of a job for two weeks and had nothing to do outside of job hunting.
I started my days at 6AM. I'm not a morning person, have never been one, and am still not one, but I like the mornings (after I get out of bed and stop feeling as groggy). It's quiet in the apartment, there aren't that many people out in the street, and in the summertime it tends to be cooler. I have a dog too so I spent the first hour of my day tending to her; food, cuddles, walks. Then, I would take a walk myself, usually out to my local Target so I could leisurely browse around if I needed something, most days I didn't. There aren't a lot of interesting places for me to walk to so I always picked Target lol.
Late morning was for breakfast and some youtube/TV. In the afternoon I'd spend some time on the computer for job hunting, maybe I would switch things up and use the computer at the library. I spent a lot of time drawing and painting. I'm by no means good but spending an absurd amount of time painting something was always a good way to pass the time. My city's library has ebooks available to rent so I would just read books through there instead of buying books. If I'm feeling antsy and have time before dinner, I'd usually take another walk, or do a youtube workout video. Then it was time to make dinner, a shower, and then I'd wind down for bed with chill youtube videos or some more reading. I would usually go to bed around 10pm.
I hope you'll find the routine for you anon! I'm very much about leisurely going about my life and the activities that I do, so even though I didn't have days packed full of fulfilling activities to do, I could dedicate a solid hour or two to each thing that I wanted to do and would still feel good about getting something done.
No. 508633
>>508607The consultation is the one where I believe you have to purchase a certain amount of product after they try a bunch of different shit out on your face.
And just fyi if you do go for that, I did it back in 2014 and the experience was pretty meh. Most of the products I bought I never repurchased and I wasn't shown anything too new. I think it will only be as good as the person you get, and if they have no experience with your type of facial structure or skin, you're fucked.
No. 508681
>>508607I’ve seen a lot of really terrible makeup jobs coming out of Sephora consultations. Like black girls being painted six shades lighter bad.
There’s practically no qualification needed to do it. If you can put foundation on a sponge and not blind someone they say you’re good to go.
No. 508685
>>508586uh anon I said I never got a card, he knocked on the door then left without posting anything. No red card, no grey card. It’s low value enough to not be taxed anyway so I’m not worried about that.
I’m thinking there’s a chance he forgot to do a card for me and he definitely didn’t leave it with a neighbour or I would have heard it.
No. 508747
>>508521Nope. Also if you want to, set your profile to private. You can even retweet their tweets (the numbers will reflect it) but they will not get the notifications for it unless they follow you already (pretty sure this also applies to likes), in case you accidentally click on it.
Twitter makes it easy to have multiple accounts and switch between them now too, so sometimes if I'm feeling really paranoid, I'll lurk through someone's profile with a blank private anon account.
No. 508811
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why is natural deodorant treated like a meme? pic related, i started using this deodorant recently and it works better than the other common brands i've used before. and it smells like roses, which is nice. i have read some bad reviews of this one in particular saying it stains white clothes, but i don't wear white tops so i haven't noticed. but when i see people think about switching to natural, people seem to always go "ewww you're gonna smell awful lol" or maybe "lol you're gonna smell awful at first, but keep going" is mine not a TRUE "natural deodorant" or something? there wasn't any sort of adjustment period of anything
No. 508832
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>>508826Took a quiz and got 40% lol, great
No. 508859
>>508823same but with the sound of crying babies, annoying high pitched anime voices, and loud door knocking sounds. They
trigger my fight or flight response and sometimes I wonder if I am just being autistic.
No. 508871
>>508859>>508823You can have a symptom of something without having that thing. For example you can have joint pain and not have arthritis. So just because you have sensory issues doesn't necessarily mean you have autism even though it's a common symptom of that.
Also sensory issues can be a symptom with other conditions like schizophrenia/psychosis, ADHD, PTSD etc. But you can also have sensory issues by themselves without a condition.
No. 508942
>>508941what if my therapist doesn't add anything to the conversation that she learned from treating me?
she once said she could treat my roommate (who my therapist knows a lot about from my discussions w her) at the same time as she was treating me.
No. 509040
>>509024No to all but the third question. There's construction work in progress nearby so that might be it. It's still weird that objects move even once the construction work is done for the day but I guess that's good enough of a reason for now. And it's a bit weird that random things move at random places in the house.
I'm the first owner of the house which was brand new at the time I moved in and have been living here for 6 years straight. It's the first time I get something like this happening so I don't mean to imply there's something supernatural at work. I don't feel any presence or whatever usually goes with ghost stories. It's still scary hearing thumps somewhere in the house and seeing certain stuff changing place.
No. 509110
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anons, please take a look at this tile. this is irredeemable, correct? i'm going to end up selling my house and want to redo the floors but my entire family is telling me i'm crazy and that these are perfectly fine floors and it won't be worth it to redo them. i feel like i'll end up taking a hard hit on the price if i keep these in. look at that grout, that color. it's purgatory chic. it's even worse because the grout is wider on my floors, and i have no other flooring but this.
No. 509116
>>509110ngl yea the grout is gross and the tile is super dated. is this your kitchen? you should get an oscillating multi tool with a carbide tipped grout removing blade. it’ll run you like $100 all told. once it’s out you can install sub flooring and id say go for laminate flooring bc it’s durable, warrantied and looks really good. also cheaper than retiling everything.
/end construction sperg
No. 509119
>>509116>>509116thank you, anon. it's hideous garbage. my family is on some shit to not see this. it's not my kitchen but it's very close to what mine looks like. this tile is all over my kitchen, hallways, and living room. like, almost all of my house save for the bedrooms and stairs, which have even worse olefin berber carpet that legit makes me want to kms, the shit is impossible to keep clean and collects dust like there's no tomorrow. it's disgusting, and i only have concrete under it. i have to redo all of the flooring.
are you suggesting that i could put in the wood laminate myself? wouldn't that be tough? what's the average cost of labor per square foot in your opinion for laminate? honestly, even the illegal workers here seem to be charging quite a bit.
No. 509123
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>>509119i wouldn’t install the flooring myself, but removing the tile can def be done by you and some helpful friends if they’re willing. it is pretty expensive to have the floors refitted, but it raises the value of the house by a lot. try checking job wanted postings from local carpenters on craigslist or whatever your local equivalent might be.
at the end of the day it’s a long, expensive and messy process but imo it’s worth it to raise the resale value of the house. my mom and i have flipped a couple in our neighborhood and the flooring was always one of the biggest hits, but we always made our money back.
pic related is similar to what i have in my bathroom and kitchen, it’s sheet vinyl; it’s cheap, moisture resistant, and also pretty durable. it comes on a big roll and you tell them how big you need it and they cut it for you. there’s only one small blemish in my bathroom floor after 8+ years with this stuff, and it was haphazardly installed by some idiot, but somehow it looks really nice. best of luck to you anon
No. 509195
>>509116Bless you, construction anon. I hope I catch you when I need to ask for help because my home needs doing up soon to be able to sell it but I don't have a clue about these things. Actually I'll just ask you now. About a decade ago my mother (partially) ripped out the carpet in the living by herself, exposing the wood bits with spikes. The kitchen and bathroom don't have 'proper' floors, like they're not carpet or laminated or wood, they're hard squares with weird paint flecks and I don't think that's right. What do?
>>509119>halls and living room>with these tilesI can't talk but bruh what the fuck
No. 509215
>>509176If you are breaking up with a woman, text message.
If you are breaking up with a man, ghost.
I've only ever received verbal abuse, physical intimidation (if done in person), and coercion to take back after trying to explain my reasons to men. Men are less able to tolerate rejection than most women. There's more to lose in terms of your self-esteem and safety when you reject men, cause they can get
abusive and violent and too emotional all while believing they are the more logical sex. Ghosting is optimal for that reason, and nah I don't feel bad about it cause so many men ghost women for less. At least we have good reasons to do so.
Sad but true, based on my experience.
No. 509280
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Does anyone remember this tumblr post that was about a disorder that was similar to Dissociative Identity Disorder (except not really which is why I know it's not) where people who were affected obsess over fictional characters so much to the point where they think they ARE said character? I remember the post giving an example such as thinking you ARE Draco Malfoy. If you don't remember the post, does anyone know if this disorder has a name? The results on Google don't really help.
No. 509293
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>>509289YES. Close. It was Fictive personality phenomenon. There's a ScienceDaily article about it.
There's so many people who are affected by this phenomenon on tumblr and it's fascinating but also kinda fucked.
No. 509329
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So I'm looking into losing fat and buiding some muscle but can't decide whether I should cut first then bulk or do bodyrecomp. Help?? I'm 5'3 and am a very pudgy 120 lbs. Pic related is similar to how my body is right now.
No. 509338
>>50932930 minutes of daily cardio (alternate walking and jogging) and 1 hour of weight lifting.
Eat a little less than you are doing right now.
No. 509346
>>509344Probably for the community and being seen as the special snowflake who converted.
In Mira's case, dick.
No. 509387
>>509344Idk who miranda is but as an ex-muslim who has had a few relatives who dated and married white women i can tell you that most of these women are really vulnerable. They have low self-esteem and so they date shitty muslim men who make them feel special until they get married.
Most of them value tradition and shit and want to prove to the guy and his family that she can be just as good (and by good i mean obedient) as other muslim girls.
I knew a a east european woman personally who converted to islam and wore a hijab because of her in-laws. She later took it off then and told me she didn't care much about converting and all, it was no big deal to her. But basically, previous anon is right, it's just for the
No. 509448
>>509414>easiestWhat religion have you been raised with even? Because that's bollocks kek.
>First there wuz grass n shit >den da light cameAnd that's christianity I'm quoting.
I mean sure there are mistakes with islam but point them correctly out with sources, you just rambled like a schizo.
btw are you schizophrenic?
>>509344Miranda couldn't find a different boyfriend and she found a rich one. Same for the other women I guess. In Europe fucking muslims for the young girls is cool for idk what reason. But on those tlc shows (look up tunisianloverats) handsome young men want passport so they find desperate gross old women who will convert for them and then they leave when their man dump them. A lot of e-converts are attention whores who want gifts from beta orbiters. Who cares though, people leave islam just as much if not more than they convert.
No. 509452
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>>509450Damn. My nannies were Arabs and they were alright. I used to live near an Arabic supermarket and sometimes they'd give me free ice cream or extra rice. I found them really chill. I feel it's unfortunate how the US perceives them but I also realize even Thomas Jefferson suffered from Islamic terrorism so it's ingrained in our culture from an early age.
No. 509460
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>>509452>>509443I think Pashtun men are hotter then Arabs, they have the best parts of both mediterranean and european features, sadly they never date out of thier clan/family
No. 509465
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Genuinely curious about pink pill ideology or the ideas surrounding it. Is there some sort of wiki similar to incels or red pill? Also, there seems to be a lot of hating men in pink pill threads. Is there like a specific type of man or group of men that is considered bad or are there people who take it to the extreme and think all men are the negative stereotypes like inceldom?
Also is it frowned upon for men to post here? I get making a huge deal about your gender is cringy as fuck in any sense, but sometimes I wonder if posting here as a guy will immediately make people hate me even if I can't ask a question or anything like that without outing myself as a guy.
tried looking through the rules carefully, but I'm pretty retarded.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 509472
>>509281If they're genuinely nice to animals, waiters, cleaners, children etc. Especially waiters and cleaners. I read somewhere that if you're partner treats vulnerable people harshly, then that's a huge red flag because you could very well become vulnerable around them. If that makes sense!
I think analysing what they hate/how they act when they're angry is important too.
No. 509488
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Should I invest in a Cintiq or an ipad? I can't fucking decide.
No. 509538
>>509536Googling Stroma pulls up enough stuff to think it's at best a scam, at worst an experimental botch job.
Stick to lenses
Also I found out that incels think "brown eye cels" are a thing No. 509622
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does someone more creative than me have an idea for what i can make for dinner?
anything is fine, i'm going to the store soon
No. 509683
>>509682What's the setting, in a general sense? Time/place? What medium is the work of fiction in (comic, cartoon, etc)?
What's her personality like? Any stereotypical "rich" hobbies, like tennis or badminton?
No. 509692
>>509683 setting in a futuristic city in the year 2032
Personality,she is condescending and arrogant,likes to boast about her achievements,thinks everyone is inferior to her except for the people she likes.was a model (her original hair color was brown)
Owns a beauty company (despite mocking women for wearing makeup)
Loves taking photographs of herself
No. 509694
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>>509682>>509682Something like pic related? Feel like it’s a good springboard
No. 509697
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>>509694 nice
Alright so I just thought of an outfit something simple first in order to add details later
Light greenish dress with ruffles in the sleeves and ruffles in front too with frills,shoes,dark green knee high flat boots with golden accents,light green or dark purple tights lastly dark purple leather gloves
I don't know about the belt though
Pic is somewhat similar to the dress she wears but not quite
No. 509738
>>509682Name isn't too important tbh
Avery, Mariam, Eleanora, Victoria, Leah, whatever
No. 509835
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One of my New Year's resolution was to get finally more ear piercings, but until now I still kind of duck out to get it done because I don't know what the best way is to get it done. Until now I only two traditional piercings on each side, but I would love to have some helix piercings, a daith one and some more.
So my questions are, in what way should you get your ear pierced?
What way has the best healing procession? (because I've also seen that it can cause really easily some really nasty infections)
What do I need to remember when it's healing?
How painful is the piercing process? (my child and teen self got it done with the outdated pistol method).
Is it ok to get several piercings at once or just one per session?
Any experienced anons here to give some advice?
No. 509839
>>509835I got 3 piercings done at the same time. Two lobe piercings, one helix piercing. I have a high pain tolerance, so it didn’t bother me. I do want to note that it can get expensive depending on the jewelry you choose. The most basic studs sold at the shop I went to were starting at $90, but they are really high quality.
The helix piercing took the longest to heal. I would say at least a couple of months. I got it done during winter, so this slowed down my healing process A LOT.
Really recommend going to a piercer at a tattoo shop, like the other anon recommended. They will give you post care instructions.
No. 509844
>>509835ex-piercing shop anon here. I can give you some tips advice, if you'd like.
1. In what way should you get your ear pierced? - Look around for piercing shops in your area, read their reviews and see what quality of jewellery they use. You want a piercer that uses Titanium jewellery, as well as a piercer who uses single use needles. Go and check out the shop, take note of how clean it is. If you wouldn't eat in there, don't get pierced there. A piercer MUST wear gloves when piercing you, if they don't use them - run. They should also be following cross contamination protocol e.g. not using gloved hands to touch doors/taps and then touching the sterile jewellery/needles/your body. Common sense things. Also check out their portfolio of previous work. Lastly, don't be nervous about asking your piercer any and every question you have. Anyone worth their salt will be happy to help you and put you at ease!
What way has the best healing procession? - There are several methods. There is the traditional saline soak method, which involves using warm saline to soak the new piercing in. You can google this for more info, but I must say do not pull, twist or spin your piercing through the fistula (the piercing hole) as it can cause irreparable damage to it and cause many issues. Soak the piercing with the warm water until it cools. You can also use chamomile tea bags as a compress to do similar. There's also the LITHA method - leave it the hell alone. Some people swear by it. You basically just let your body do it's thing and heal, moving any loose crusties away from the site with warm water. Don't touch your piercing with unclean hands. Change your bedding frequently. Don't use over ear headphones. If you have long hair, keep it off it for the first 2 weeks and try and keep your hair as clean as possible. Again, do some googling if you're unsure of anything I've mentioned above - sea salt soaks, compresses, LITHA etc.
What do I need to remember when it's healing? As above, don't touch it with unclean hands. No fiddling with the jewellery e.g pulling/twisting/tugging. Cartilage piercings are known for growing what is known as hypertrophic scarring (sometimes keloids but it's usually HS). These are bumps of tissue that look like zits. Do NOT pop them. These respond well to hot compresses. If you think you have a bump, go to your piercer - it may be that the jewellery does not fit your anatomy and might need changing, or it could be you're susceptible to them. Do some reading about them if you're curious! They are generally harmless but can look unsightly.
How painful is the piercing process? I've had just about everything pierced and I find cartilage to be pretty gnarly, but, bear in mind the piercing process takes approximately 2 seconds or less if your piercer is proficient. A piercing will hurt - it's a needle through your skin. But to distract yourself, and what I've told people before, is to take a nice, steady breath in, and once you feel the pain, exhale. Or you can focus on wiggling your toes. Both of those seem to work. In short, it will hurt, but you'll be okay. Promise!
Is it ok to get several piercings at once or just one per session? - You can get more than one, but more means your body has to work harder to heal your piercings. I'd suggest doing one at a time, that way you have the best chance of healing your cartilage (already a difficult area to heal) and you will probably feel more confident about getting more piercings if this one goes smoothly. For cartilage piercings, they reckon they heal within about 3-12 months, again, this varies due to peoples' bodies being different, your anatomy being thinner/thicker in certain areas on your ear and how well you are in general. I'd suggest going one at a time.
Lastly, make sure you eat a full meal before you go in and take a piece of candy for afterwards. I can't count the amount of people who try to look brave and say they've eaten, who then proceed to faint or puke during the piercing. It's safer for you and me if you eat, are hydrated and well rested. If you're anxious, tell your piercer. If you feel faint, tell them. They've experienced it all and I can guarantee they want you to be 100% comfortable during your visit. Don't be afraid to be honest. Anyway, I hope that has helped a bit and it isn't too rambling.
No. 509859
>>509835Lobes have less pain than cartilage. But I’d rate ears around a 2-3/10.
Use salt water and soft soap to clean em.
Also, Twist them!! It will help!! But be gentile and for the first few weeks try not to sleep on your side ( idk if ur a side sleeper) its hard to do but it prevents swelling / scar tissue
Also it matters on you and your pain tolerance. I’ve gotten 4 at once but if it’s your first time I wouldn’t go above two. Eat before!! No caffeine or alcohol because that can mess up your body/ makes your blood thinner and thus harder to heal!! Also make sure to check to see if your piercer has a portfolio. Idk if you know a lot about the jewelry but most shops have it available. But if you want to bring your own you can. Go for either titanium or gold , there antibacterial and help with healing.
Good luck!!! I hope you decide to get more places done!!
No. 509899
>>509859Please don't use soap on a piercing. It's really bad for the good bacteria on the skin trying to heal the fistula, alongside this, don't twist your jewellery. It can distort the healing, cause scarring and even cause prolapse of the piercing which requires surgery to fix. Places like Claires suggest you do it, but a professional piercer who knows their shit will tell you not to twist, pull or 'loosen' your piercing jewellery. Twisting them will not help your piercing.
>>509861I'm glad you're excited, also read above. Emphasis on the importance of not fucking around with your piercings. No twisting the jewellery. No soap. Simply clean with warm saline solution. Trust me, I've been piercing/getting piercings for over 15 years.
No. 510156
>>510128I don't take the pills but off the top of my head I would imagine issues being:
- Having to set a reminder to take them around the same time everyday (I think the window is an hour though)
- Having to always have them on you/know where they are (in case you switch bags a lot or go out and forget them)
- Trips to the pharmacy for refills
- Might take a while to find a pill that doesn't fuck you over.
The first 3 aren't terrible inconveniences, especially if you get BC pills that work wonderfully for you, but I personally opted for the IUD to avoid dealing with those things lol.
No. 510198
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>>510183People found out about Halsey because she made a song parody about Taylor Swift's dating life which ironically created her career. Swifties disliked her & 1D fans disliked her because she would ship Harry with I can't remember who else in the same group on her Tumblr. The rise of hate from normies all began when a video came up of Halsey making out with an underaged fan on stage & she said she will not apologize for making out with her fans. From this controversial moment which she tried to half ass cover up, people started making fun of the way she sang. A Vine video of a man talking like a Indie singer blew up on Tumblr with the caption of basically saying this is hoe Halsey sounds. People then began poking around her past. People who went to HS said she was insufferable & a liar. Halsey lied that she was poor when you could scroll in her social media before fame, she was pretty well off. Halsey makes cringy music for people who happened to ride the same artists from Tumblr favorites ( like Lana, Melanie, Poppy…). One of the worst lyrics she's ever written that briefly was made fun of was " getting high off legal marijuana ". Halsey is hated for being pedoish, annoying with her black politics while passing as 100% white, being a liberal feminist, constantly lying & overall her Indie voice style. I forgot a lot of things, but I used to catch up on her antics until I forgot she existed. Oh I nearly forgot, she is known for being the attention seeking bi girl kind of person. Yeah, a lot of people don't vibe with that fake shit.
No. 510222
>>510198fucking pathetic that this is why people
hate halsey but are completely willing to stan every male rapist who’s ever dropped an album. sounds like she’s never actually hurt anyone, she’s just annoying and out of touch, what a crime
No. 510264
>>510261>they managed to make a good chunk of this site hate them on principle.It was actually a loud minority of the site + the farmhands, according to the survey but whatever.
Can you die by eating human hair?
No. 510315
>>510285Ignore what the other anon said.
Bullet journaling is creating a journal where you use different bullets (a black circle, a dash, and a white circle were the original types I think) for different things to journal about such as tasks, events, or misc. thoughts you wanted to journal about.
Yes, you can draw a calendar in it but it's not a requirement and the original bullet journaling was to simplify journaling your tasks and events.
No. 510321
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Can some savvy tech anons indulge me with some advice?
I'm in desperate need of a new phone and a laptop. The phone I have now is almost five years and pretty shot for a smart phone. My macbook is a decade old, which honestly isn't too shabby for an apple product but lots of things don't work, it's beat up, and now it's starting to get more and more incompatibilities that it's getting to be more hassle than it's worth.
I don't do much. I really just want a phone that can take nice pics/video, and allow me to do some editing and streaming. I don't really do mods or nothing wacky with my phone to care about much else.
With a laptop I really only use it to browse the internet, stream, and edit pictures and video. I was hoping to buy a refurbished macbook again because it's pretty tard-proof for people like me.
I have saved $1200 so I was lookiing to split down the middle and have a budget for $600 per each item, but the thing is I don't really know if I should prioritize a bigger budget for one over the other, like if I should settle for a $300 phone for a budget of $900 in order to get a better laptop? I don't even know where to begin, or even if what I have saved is enough for what's realistic.
What do you all have?
No. 510358
>>510321If you're just surfing the net a cheap chromebook can work, a macbook may be overkill unless you want the programs and customer service it comes with.
I guess an older galaxy model will be around $300.
No. 510424
>>510321I'm not tech savvy at all, but my coworker keeps recommending the google pixel to me. They usually come out with a cheaper budget version (I think it's the ones that end in a). I don't think the Pixel 4 has one right now, but the 3 has the 3a which is $400 on the google store right now. You can probably find a refurbished one for even cheaper.
As for laptops, I've seen people mention thinkpads on here. You can get a used one off ebay for pretty cheap, and I've seen an anon or 2 praise them for their functionality and durability.
No. 510443
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>>510321>>510424Resident Thinkpad sperg here to shill my favorite laptops to yet another anon here kek. They're not pretty and sleek like Macbooks but they get the job done for half the price and double the value.
You can get great Thinkpads on even the tightest of budgets but since you do have more money to spare, I'd spring for one of the newer models, specifically the T470s. It's got a lot of nice features, I'd say one of the only drawbacks is that it's a bit heavy at 3 pounds, but if you don't carry your laptop around everywhere it might not matter.
For around $400-500 you can get a T470s off ebay with a solid processor, 16 gigs of RAM, and a 256 GB SSD, which should be great for your needs and last you a long time. Meanwhile the Macbooks in that price range are usually closer to $600, older, have only 8 gigs of RAM (or even 4, ew), smaller hard drivers, shittier processors, etc. Plus older Thinkpads can still be beasts whereas Macbooks are dogshit after a couple of years. (Props to you for still using a decade old Macbook, I'd go insane.) My current Thinkpad is a 2013 model and you'd never guess, but you couldn't pay me to touch a 2013 Macbook. I may be a little biased though…
As for a phone I don't have much advice in that department. The Samsung Galaxy is a good line and like the other anon said, the older models get cheap really quickly. I have an S9 which is still fairly new and it's around $300 unlocked on ebay. (And if you spend like $450 on a laptop and $300 on a phone you have so much extra money to spend on other things, yay!)
Please update us when you get your new laptop, I'm getting so much secondhand joy thinking about the instant upgrade going from a decade old Macbook to a new modern laptop. There's no way that thing has more than 4gb of RAM, right? If you get the T470s and go from 4 to 16… omg anon I'm getting so excited thinking about it.
No. 510465
>>510443nta but seeing the occasional thinkpad shill really makes me want to get one lol.
I have a literal decade old sony vaio (sony doesnt even fucking own vaio anymore wow) and it's really… on it's last legs. The poor thing. I really wanted to get a custom PC built once I moved out, and I've been debating for a laptop to bridge the time between now and then so I might end up getting a thinkpad for that lol.
I considered getting another Vaio, but those things run into the thousands…… fuck that shit.
No. 510488
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I arrived on this board quite recently. Can you tell me more about its history and ideology?
No. 510563
>>510559Once got banned from /a/ for complaining about bad hentai cumshot physics. Reason cited was trolling. Then got a global 4chan permaban for VPN-usage/ban evasion and had to explain in my ban appeal that no I'm not using a VPN I actually live in this
low populace country with a rare IP and /int/ flag.
Never got any serious bans from lolcow though.
No. 510583
>>510559The ultimate stupid reason why I've ever been banned here was literally due to some retarded janitor's mistake for not double checking who they're trying to ban and got me instead. It hasn't happened recently, but definitely more than a few times in the past.
Anyone remember that one ex janitor who was embarrassing herself by getting into arguments with anons and then redtexting her last word when she would get angry enough to ban? Lmao. She didn't last long, I think she dinged me once and I posted that to /meta/ for cringe and even the admin didn't defend her kek.
No. 510609
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How do people feel comfortable in bathrooms with big windows in them? Do they have blinds, on sided glass, do they live in mansion? Like why
No. 510616
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>>510559I still have no idea to this day why it happened, but I got banned for using a Proxy/VPN back in September on 4Chan (my ban lasted until the end of fucking November) and the most confusing part is that I've never visited 4Chan in September or used any Proxy/VPN shit, but yes. I also live alone so there's that too.
I even took a screenshot of it when I first saw it. I've never been this confused in my entire life.
No. 510624
This is so autistic of me to ask but I saw
>>>/snow/926923 and on the message shows a tab for translating "English to Bulgarian" and I just can't help but wonder if admin sama is Bulgarian? It shouldn't matter, I know I know.
>stupid questions threadOk all is well!
Ignore my double post AND the race bait above my post
No. 510628
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Can somebody explain this banner to me. Idk who it is or what the moon runes say.
No. 510637
>>510628its kanadajin who's a crazy cow with a thread on /pt/ and it says 白人系日本人 aka Hakujin kei nihonjin
which means "White Japanese People"
No. 510638
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>>510559Posting copypasta in threads on /cgl/ to see if anyone was new enough to reply to it.
>>510611I have windows in all my bathrooms. It's not a problem because I don't have neighbours. It's nice to be able to sit in a warm bath and watch the cold weather outside.
No. 510645
>>510559I was learning Russian at the time and asked on /int/ for Russians to explain the word "fun" for me because when I was trying to learn it their term "fun" had something screwy about "having fun" not being translatable.
They banned me for trolling while I was talking to Russians in the thread about Russian etymology.
Also, the last time I was banned, the janitor replied to my (then deleted) post to unban myself because he wanted to ask me a question about my circumstances. I was venting about being abused on /adv/.
Also, I was once banned for trolling on /v/ out of the blue even though I don't play video games or use /v/ but the ban went away a day later. idk what was up with that.
No. 511265
>>510443But how resistant to shocks are they?
That's the man reason I don't want to get a laptop again, broke the ones I had by dropping them.
No. 511271
>>510559I got banned once here for "race baiting" even though I was bitching about woke Twitter users how their terminology came off as racist. Wouldn't have cared that much but the ban was too long imo.
I don't post on 4Chan that much but sometimes they mistakenly ban me for something I didn't do (like posting CP on /b/. I don't go on /b/ and I have no idea where to get CP (and I certainly don't have an interest). It goes away eventually but what's that about?
No. 511276
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So, I live in a small town so finding a part time job here is a fucking nightmare if you have little to no experience. BUT I do run a small online store where I sell convention artist alley type things. I'm wondering if that would be a good thing to put on a resume? Am I getting ahead of myself for thinking that that bit of info will give me more of a chance of being interviewed/hired?
I know my questions are dumb, but I just want some type of reassurance. Job interviews makes me super nervous and I feel like having an online shop would probably make the interview go smoother since I actually have something to talk about…right?
No. 511283
>>511276Absolutely put it on your resume anon! I used to run an online shop too, and it's easy to translate that into an impressive-sounding job description. Think like "managing inventory" "fulfilling/shipping customer orders" "customer service and online marketing" "working with manufacturerers to create product" (if you get charms, buttons, prints made)
Even if it's not a full time thing, you still have a lot of job skills that can translate well to working retail or elsewhere.
No. 511313
>>510321Thinkpads are the way to go for a laptop.
For a phone, aim for an LG model, they're usually above par with the year's Samsung Galaxy model specs and essentially the same price or even cheaper. I haven't had any issues with models I've owned, minus the touchscreen crapping out on my V3 but that's only because I used to stuff it into my bra when I would workout, lol. My spouse has a Galaxy and he's had to get his model replaced 3 times in the past year because the screen glass is so fragile.
Anyways, LG is the best phone brand experience I've had so far, if any anons know of better brands, let me know. I'm an avid user of Happy Chick emulator kek.
No. 511317
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>>511308Well firstly ask yourself, do I like what I see in the mirror? Can you imagine somebody having tender eyes when they see you? If the answer was sure, then yeah you're decent. Most people are average when it comes to attraction & you'll be surprised despite all the shit talking how low people's standards really are. Are you attractive for the common public? Most likely. For Miss USA pageant shows? Only if you're skinny, blonde, & tall.
No. 511329
>>511308Ignore this retard
>>511317 sadly the only way to know for sure if you are atractive is to go outside and pay attention to how people treat you. Attraction has a lot to do with your manners and attitude as well, it may sound silly, but if you know how to behave and talk out there it was like your looks got boosted. Beauty is relative anon, if you went a long period of isolation and depression is easy to be perfectly decent and fine and think of yourself as a fugly troll because you've interiorized those hyper filtered photos you see at social media that in top of that are taken from trickly angles and are used to see people nitpicking cows to death. In the real world 9 out of 10 times no one is that stunning, you easily see super ugly people having a blast at life while you are wasting your time worrying to much about your looks that no one even cares that much anyway.
Oh and don't post yourself in rate threads at /soc/, that's a terrible idea. At best you may become hooked on internet validation.
No. 511389
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>>510559Sometimes I've gotten banned on 4chan for making fun of trannyjanny. No regrets tho
No. 511467
>>511449It's not normal at all. I'm really sorry to hear that, anon. Maybe see a sex therapist? Ask on the masturbation thread?
Or instead of fingering yourself, maybe try grinding if it helps you feel better, or just grab a tiddie.
No. 511469
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>>511455you can find some sites for east asian american women, but South , North and central asian women have massive amounts of cultural, racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious differences to ever have solid identity, pic related is south asia alone
No. 511491
>>511455soompi is your best bet and the closest variant to lipstickalley; a forum for black pop culture gossip which attracts actual blacks, larpers who wanna racebait, and a looot of people who think they're african american LOL.
I just don't know if soompi's still active kek.
No. 511531
>>511513Well…it's not like LSA isn't based on literally love&hip hop…..
I kinda expected soompi to 404 tbf, who uses forums these days anyways?
No. 511548
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How do I get over internalized misogyny?
I have had mostly REALLY bad experiences with women in my life, and I have a really hard time trusting and being friends specially with girls my age. Heck the only actually traumatizing experience i've had with a male was with a transexual so depending on your beliefs i didn't even have any problems with actual men, while a handful of female interactions have left me with huge mental scars.
I don't think I have Pick Me behavior because its usually has nothing to do with men, but im slightly harsher when criticizing other women about anything, I also tend to use derrogatory language alot, I seem to have no filter when calling other women whore or cunt.
No. 511577
>>511563Not really, I've only gotten into trouble with a Pick Me already in college.
My mother has periods of being
abusive, she's very mentally ill and when he life gets to hard too deal with i've become sort of a punching bag, it has only happened a few time (3 to 4) but the abuse was severe enough to leave me with physical scars, my dad on the other hand is an alcoholic but has been just absent, i see him very rarely, even when they were still married.
I was bullied by girls in elementary school, mostly due to my appearance since i hit puberty earlier than average and being overweight, i just looked like a really strange goblin woman-child.
Then in high school i had a really
toxic friendship with two other girls who basically slowly corroded my self esteem until i felt like i was deformed, I went through a period when i was seventeen where i covered all the mirrors in my room and bathroom because of the things they told me, masking it all as friendly advice and concern, i could barely stand to look in my face.
I also had a short lived friendship with another girl whose a straight up sociopath, she terrifies me. Im pretty sure if she were a man she would be killing small animals for fun.
The pickme was just a really cunty teenager who was dating a guy i went on a date with, i never knew he had a girlfriend yet she blamed me for him cheating. Nothing of notice, just a regular asshole.
No. 511710
>>511700I don't have a good answer because I'm interested in the same thing, but I'm not sure they make a difference between online degrees and traditional degrees–unless the school itself is unaccredited
From what I've seen, Tuition might be somewhat less, but it's still costly to some degree (though you may want to wait/hope that a candidate who supports free public education to win)
But I'll similarly be waiting for someone with more experience to get us more education
No. 511712
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i want to learn how to make my own clothes, where do i even begin?
No. 511715
>>511710Thanks, anon. I've been looking into Western Governors University, it's an online only university but seems to have a good reputation and is accredited. Part of the reason why it appeals to me so much is that you can take the classes at your own pace, which means if I work my tail off I can graduate much faster than normal which is ideal in my current scenario. And they charge you by 6 month terms instead of credits so the faster you graduate, the less you pay (and the tuition is already really cheap compared to other online programs). It almost seems too good to be true so I've been stalking the subreddit to see what the catch is, lmao.
Wishing you good luck in your own college journey, hopefully there are other anons here who can chime in and help us!
No. 511733
>>511726 but if you want to try the DIY route, Youtube is a bottomless pit when it comes to tutorials. Mood fabrics also has free tutorials and patterns on their website if you want to check those out. You can also take some of your favorite pieces of clothing, lay them on a big piece of paper (taped together news paper or grid lined wrapping paper are my two go-to's) and trace them to make your own patterns (this is how I started). Good luck!
No. 511766
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Any romance novels were the main characters aren't complete chad's and stacy's, but just normal middle aged people? I'm new to the genre so I'm not sure were to look
Also if the romance covers dumb is the book dumb? Can something like this secretly be a good gem or all those dollar store romance novel memes right?
No. 511771
>>511766Covers with shirtless guys usually are pretty cheesy, lol. But sometimes there's a little more depth.
If you want something more realistic, l think looking for books less marketed as romance novels and more as general fiction with romance as a tag will be fruitful. See who the authors are and what they usually write: just romances, or other fiction as well. And look up stuff on goodreads to see what readers say. From there, check out the reviewer's list or find similar books through it. I don't have any recs though because I love garbage.
No. 511783
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Genuinely not trying to racebait or anything nor start a race related argument and bash on others, I'm just curious and would like to hear other farmer's opinions on this. I even tried reading those sites who try to "educate" people on this subject, but all of them keep saying the same recycled garbage over and over aka "you're racist you NEED to love everyone why would you only want to date your race" etc. so I really want to know what others think of this.
Do you guys think it's racist when you only want to date your race or one race only? Inb4 someone starts accusing me of being a white girl with yellow fever who only wants to date oppas or some shit, I'm Asian and get told from time to time that I'm being racist for only wanting to date my own race (mostly by my non-asian friends). And it's not like I am disrespectful to other people or call them ugly or something, I just feel myself feel more attracted to my own "kind".
Don't ban me pls I am just curious.
No. 511859
>>511848>I used to feel bad about not being attracted to "my own kind", but I was raised in the US and exposed to primarily American and Japanese media (parents were weebs), and went to primarily white and Mexican schools. Makes sense in hindsight.I'm in the same boat, anon. I used to feel guilty and self-hating for not liking men of my race, but it's silly. People like what they like. As long as you're not attacking anyone just because you're not attracted to them, why should it even matter?
At the same time though, I do get that some people may have racist preconceived notions and it might be influencing their dating decisions. The same way white weeb dudes with yellow fever have this idea of all Asian girls being anime waifus, I think it can work the other way around with finding some groups or even your own undesirable for silly reasons. I think asking yourself
why you're into what you're into basically tells you whether or not it's actually racist. It's a really subjective, nuanced thing.
But at the end of the day, no one should feel obliged to date or not date anyone else lmao. That's personal business.
No. 511998
>>511990From what I've read professionals say about NPD, they don't truly believe it deep down they just maintain the cognitive dissonance because the other option would be to admit their own shortcoming etc.
But also at the same time a lot of their behaviour is subconscious and out of their control. They lack a lot of the ability to have true insight. Narcissists are complicated tbh, there's a lot on these things we don't understand.
No. 512146
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Anyone know a brand similar to liz lisa for shoes? I'm a 38-39 EU so their shoes would crush my feet after some walking. I like their flats and various sandals mainly.
No. 512251
File: 1581035260319.jpg (62.28 KB, 1066x941, 22ede4f3-4d0e-41ca-a8f6-bd20db…)

How do you make online friends if you don't like to put out info about yourself online?
No. 512271
>>512251Tell em just that, that you don't like to reveal too much about yourself online, meet likeminded people etc
Good luck anon, it's a good mentality to have imo
No. 512346
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anons would it be weird if I started dating a dude with the same name as my dad? (they're both named michael, very common name). what do i do if my family starts being weird about it? I think it would probably bother them more than it bothers me.
No. 512347
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has anyone else noticed a trend of youtubers speeding up their videos a litte? It's happened to me on two occasions now that I was watching a video, it seemed like the person was talking SUPER fast with super fast hand movements, and then I slow the video to .75 and it seems much more natural. Am I going crazy?
No. 512352
>>512222>>512343>when she calls herself ‘Dr’ I don’t trust it.iirc she's not a dr anymore
she also has a thread in snow
>>>/snow/869680 No. 512355
>>510579based anon
>>510609I would be ok with them if they had blinds/ one sided glass
>>511354not a specific post per say but most of the time I get the funniest posts from /co/
No. 512389
>>512347I've heard of YouTubers slowing their videos to make them hit the 10 minute mark, I think Shoe did it recently. Some probably do make them faster, especially if they tend to make longer videos and they realize half their audience doesn't finish watching all the way through.
>>511768KF, I frequent the Rabbie Dee thread on the Tumblr subfourm, it's been pretty slow lately. Another one is the Sammie Bushart thread, but it gets retarded with filler every couple pages.
PULL, I honestly avoid at this point because so many threads get clogged up by the same users repeating their opinions.
No. 512553
File: 1581097361966.jpg (20.79 KB, 391x391, -17__EXZ_400x400.jpg)

will I get better at putting in contacts? and are they even a cheaper alternative? I want to start streaming, but I wear these coke bottle glasses, and they make me self conscious of looking to the side even slightly. I'd also like to be able to do nice eye makeup.
No. 512570
>>512559Yeah? I wear them in cosplay occasionally, and sometimes they feel better than others, so this is reassuring.
>>512564That's great news, it takes me forever and I go through many pairs of contacts because I strain(?) them out trying to put them in.
No. 512799
>drink water after the initial food weight goes down>don't drink too much that you make yourself more full>keep drinking water>eat normallyDON'T
>purge>exercise>take laxatives>try restricting again tomorrow (you will binge again) No. 512927
>>512875I would recommend following a class. I taught myself the basics of sewing through YouTube vids before signing up for a class and it turned out I taught myself so many wrong techniques. You really benefit from learning the foundation from a teacher. The problem with youtube videos is that you can't tell apart the proper and wrong techniques as a beginner.
There's a couple of popular sewers on youtube that make clothing or do thrift flips who get a lot of praise for their sewing skills but a lot of their techniques wouldn't fly in a proper sewing class.
It's gonna cost a bit of money but in the long run I think it's gonna be more cost effective because you're not going to lose money on wasting fabric, thread and time on bad projects and trying to figure stuff out without guidance.
No. 512935
File: 1581192953368.png (125.57 KB, 650x525, maid.PNG)

>>512932i never believed tranny janny anything, but anon, c'mon, they talk endlessly about "getting hard", "jerking off", "being a boy", admitting they were "memed into liking traps and licking eyeballs by twitter". they particularly seemed to post non-stop about "jerking off" and being turned on. this person is a total cumbrain whether or not they're a troon and it's sus as fuck. anons aren't "going crazy" to figure that this person is a troon when they're talking about having been a boy and seeming to be a former anti-fem that associated exclusively with anti-fem incels.
No. 512938
>>512932Thank you so much for the wrap up, makes more sense
>>512935 I agree, has to be trans and even though i hate the "lOOK AT THE HAMDS!!A SCROTE!" it clearly is a man's hand imo
No. 512947
>>512875I agree with the other anons who recommended taking classes. If you're ambitious and diligent enough, you could become self-taught, but YouTube videos alone won't suffice. Beyond technical skills like knowing how to operate your machine, you're going to need to learn fabrics, specific elements of garments, techniques, etc, which can be really overwhelming if you don't know where to begin.
What kind of machine did you acquire, and is it fully operational? Do you know how old it is or the last time it was serviced? If you have a shitty machine, you're going to end up quitting before you even start. If there is a sewing machine repair shop in your area, it will be an invaluable resource. It would be worth it even just to get a general "check up" on your machine, and they can also refer you classes if they don't offer private lessons themselves.
I'm going to stop myself before I write a novel, but if you have any more questions I'd be more than happy to help! Learning how to sew has been the best thing I've ever done for myself; it requires a lot of patience and it can get frustrating at times, but the results are so rewarding. Best of luck, I hope you find sewing suits you!
No. 512953
File: 1581202241750.png (249.77 KB, 581x432, retard.png)

>>512935And this retard said this right? He has to be skelly just to get a bit of cheekbones showing, kek. He must be unfamiliar with how high cheekbones is a very common trait in those with African descent. A Maasai warrior mogs him in bone structure easily.
No. 512955
>>512932meanwhile a mod used a racial slur against me as a black woman and said i was fat which admin condoned. im supposed to give a shit about a hispanic woman with a
victim complex and anorexia who's also racist herself crying..
No. 512967
File: 1581204643418.png (114.36 KB, 1432x776, 9048.png)

>>512958I just realized I got banned from /meta/ for posting that we've had a tranny mod since Jan 2019, lmao.
So, all the screeching and infights about radfems that's been going on for days with no reason isn't "derailing", but that was.
She hasn't elaborated on anything, and "Shut up or I'll ban you" isn't going to make people stop seeing how suspicious all of this is. Farmers aren't nearly as retarded as these people clearly wish we were.
>inb4 I get permabanned from the entire site for making this post No. 512968
>>512967Unless you've been shitting up meta previously by trolling/baiting purposely, it's
incredibly telling that they permabanned you from /meta/ for this. A week ban would already be suspicious, but this is not a good look.
No. 512971
>>512968I can probably link to each /meta/ post I've made in both that and the last general complaints thread. I haven't trolled or baited at all, or at least not that I remember. It's always seemed like a waste of time, because half the posts on /meta/ are made in obvious bad faith.
Even in this instance, I didn't get into arguments with anyone. I literally said to stop infighting so we can talk about the tranny shit.
No. 512973
>>512969I think she recently turned 20.
>>512971Yeah, I figured you didn't. They're just eager to shut this shit down, but what they're doing looks so, so much worse. Permabanned for this? Really? Why are they like this?? Permabanning people for things like that isn't going to convince anyone that there's no fire behind all this smoke.
No. 512986
>>512984>When did retard start being a word we aren't supposed to sayCalling a bad thing 'retard' ('you're retard', 'bunch of retards over there', 'retarded job') implies being retarded/disabled is inherently bad. It's an evolution of the world view of calling a bad thing faggot comes with the idea being a fag/gay is bad or calling a bath thing cunt/bitch/whore implies somethings wrong with those concepts.
>How is it any different from calling someone an idiot?It's different from idiot because idiot doesn't depend on the assumption another group is inferior or inherently bad. Idiot carries no implications or even if it did they've been lost to history. I guess it may be hard to empathize, but you can see why some people might not like their very existence being a punch line
No. 512995
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>>512993It looked kinda like a Bagelful, but bigger and savory fillings like pizza and chicken bacon ranch. The box was green I believe. They were so good and I would give anything to find them again but Im pretty sure they arent in existence anymore. Just knowing the name and that Im not making it up in my head would make a world of difference though. It was some time between 2002-2006.
No. 513038
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>>512876>>512868I think its close to ending
No. 513058
File: 1581222863857.jpeg (120.77 KB, 611x861, 6E3B99F3-D3A1-4783-9F86-0CC92B…)

Why do people have to be so fucking disgusting like this….do they think it’s funny? Quirky? I seriously don’t get it
No. 513078
>>513028my first ever therapist was male and projected his issues with is his daughter on to me so I had to quit seeing him since the sessions would end with me helping him.
My second therapist was a woman and she seemed very cold and would only hand me pamphlets and tried to use a hypnotism technique since she diagnosed me with C-PTSD. I explained to her that that method made me uncomfortable but she kept pushing it.
So therapists aren't really a by gender kind thing it's based around what you need/are comfortable with, of course you shouldn't stay with one that enables your shitty behavior but you shouldn't feel guilty going in for your session ether.
No. 513133
>>512984This reminds me when I was still in middle school aaages ago and I thought 'retard' was just weird American slang for stupid because it's not used medically (or at all) in the UK. My teacher (who's usually chill and liked me) heard me call a classmate that word and he
really chewed me out in front of the class the moment it left my mouth, I don't think I was the only one thinking "why is he THAT mad" but I don't hold it against him lol. I think it must've hit a nerve because he seemed like he's seen a lot of shit in his life and was a carer.
No. 513134
>>512927>>512928>>512947Thank you for such detailed replies! I guess a class is definitely the way to go. I knew coming here to ask was a good idea - so much passion for sewing! Do we have a thread for sewing related posts and questions?
>>512975This has got to be insecurity talking. I love nitpicking anons and tbh they helped me clean up my act a bit when I was younger. Online zoomers and young millennials seem really sensitive to critique though.
>>513033Male therapists will always tell you to wear makeup to feel better. Aside from things like that, it's down to personality and who you vibe with best. I prefer working with a male therapist because I crave female validation in a way that it interferes with my therapy.
No. 513169
File: 1581264216180.jpg (546.21 KB, 1521x560, Contact_Lens_Side_Test_15-01-2…)

>>513163They don't hurt, you just have to make sure you're putting them in the right side. They can feel a little strange at first, but you're gonna get used pretty quickly. They can look natural depending on the pattern + the color, it's gonna look natural it's not too far away from your natural color so your iris doesn't show in the middle. Take a look at luxury babe lenses, they can look pretty natural in my opinion and a reasanoble price (picrelated there are some examples i picked that i like)>>513163
No. 513201
>>513191How about snails? They are quiet, fun to look at and don´t take up a lot of space.
>>513186Yes, if it must be, a nail cover is the way to go. Declawing is so bad, I can´t believe people are doing this to their cats. It is illegal where I live and I was totally shocked when I found out that it´s totally normal in America, with vets even offering coupons for it. So disgusting.
>>513184Yes, rabbits do poo a lot. I think all herbivores do. But it´s not gross, it´s just like dry little lumps that can be picked up.
No. 513225
>>513224probably means she can laugh and participate is crude shit
bodily fluid jokes, sex jokes, things that most females actually find annoying and even downright offensive unless they are pretending to enjoy it, thus giving them the title ~one of the guys~ or a ~guys girl~, or my personal favorite ~not like other girls girl~
No. 513238
>>513225>Women don't like gross or dirty jokes unless they want to impress men!What a
toxic mindset and exactly what fuels the whole "not like other girls" thing. Plenty of women genuinely enjoy gross jokes, women aren't a hivemind
No. 513243
>>513238nah, women dont enjoy dehumanizing and misogynistic disgusting sexual jokes unless they are mentally ill
we also dont enjoy jokes about pedophilia, fucking animals, incest, fucking people with disabilities, fucking elderly people, and sexual exploitation, again unless we are exceedingly mentally ill
men love that shit and joke about all of it constantly, and thats the kind of shit they want to feel free to spew in front of females without them being offended
also included in the group of ~cool girls~ that men refer to as such, are females who are fine farting, shitting themselves, burping and being fucking disgusting and joking about all of those things like they are animals who have no self control
guess you're one of those girls, sorry that you took offense lmao
No. 513251
>>513248i mean the poops are literally just hard balls so it's not big deal. i'm surprised you didn't mention the important aspect of having to rabbit proof your house and hide
literally every and any exposed wire from it's view/reach or it will snip it in half with it's cute teeth.
No. 513269
>>513235Nta but reptiles or hamster. I'd say bird but if you actually watch bird owner vids they talk about how they need as much attention as a toddler on top of destroying various parts of the house with their beaks
The biggest hamster syrian just needs a 1000-1500 square inch cage, 10-12 in wheel, beeding to burrow, food, water plus they dont talk or poop anywhere in the apartment. Reptiles are similar with no vocals, no way to damage the apartment.
No. 513290
>>513287I guess but even then women and men aren't hiveminds, many women will laugh at fart jokes amoung their friends or even tell gross jokes. Most women I've been friends with enjoy and tell gross jokes when they're close with someone. Claiming women are all pure innocent prudes who would never genuinely enjoy gross jokes is insane and retarded
>>513260Maybe if you're not close with them or you're only friends with very prissy and prudish women. More laid back women can enjoy these jokes but God forbid women be anything outside of a prissy uptight prude or she's a pick-me
No. 513320
>>513243>muh pickme and cool girls I hate men and pickmes and am a lesbian yet still laugh at dark, cynical jokes with my female friends. Woke bullshit policing peoples' sense of humor is the most retarded thing that needs to stay and die in the 2010's. For a lot of people crude humor is the main way of coping with whatever difficulties they face in life.
There are certain lines that can be crossed but they're highly individual and vary from person to person, and people using thinly veiled humor to seriously dehumanize a disadvantaged demography (such as incels making mean-spirited jokes about women in public) is offensive, but having a panic attack over a single gross joke is your own problem.
No. 513327
>>513323You don't have to. Edgy and dark humour can be either taking a jab at the
victim (bad and unfunny) or at the aggressor/oppressor (actually funny). It's why two similar jokes can sound very different depending on who is saying it and how they're saying it.
No. 513348
>>513336Angelfire sites are still running.I think geocities is gone.
just do a Google or duck site search of angelfire with a keyword. No. 513355
>>512932This sums it up but there hasn't been a shred of proof those caps are legit and it's very confusing but it smells like null trying to take over lolcow all over again. I'm just baffled that here on lolcow people are suddenly not caring for receipts or caps.
>>513348I feel the nostalgia. Anyone remember systemspace?
No. 513437
>>513353They use bacteria trays and it kills 100% of bacteria.
They have to write 99% for legal reasons (just in case one bacteria lives).
No. 513480
File: 1581335561536.gif (1.25 MB, 450x366, 4yehhe.gif)

Anons, is there a point in going into the museum of illusions alone?
Most of the pictures I saw were with at least two people there and like, what's the point of going if there are possibly no mirrors to actually see the illusion? I don't want to look at too many pictures so I don't spoil it too much for myself but I also don't want to get there and be disappointed because I went alone… especially since I'll go on valentines day.
No. 513538
>>513480Even if you don’t have anyone you should still go just for the hell of it.
>>513513Toiletries, your blanket (I think it’d help make you feel comfier at night), and what
>>513532 and
>>513535 said. Oh! And maybe some Tylenol, Advil, etc. just in case.
No. 513557
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i rented a textbook from amazon last year, it's past due and the card i paid with is expired. will anything happen if i don't send the book back and don't pay the overdue fee? i imagine they'll delete my amazon account, but are there any other consequences?
No. 513642
>>513628You should go to a psychiatrist for an
actual diagnosis because wheahter it be based on your symptoms or the risk of something running through your family or either your life choices.
Because while strangers on the internet armchair diagnose you.
You wont be getting any actual help from them on how to stop said voices and understanding why you hear them without meeting a professional psychiatrist in real life No. 513646
>>513642That sucks. I wanted to know the physics behind it but okay. Audio engineering is my passion.
No. 513647
File: 1581371244426.png (817.05 KB, 532x538, colorberry.PNG)

Can someone please help me find a design patent? I follow a resin artist on ig (@mrs.colorberry) who says she filed a patent for her geode resin tables but I can't find it anywhere (I've been trying to search it under her real name which is listed on her website).
No. 513664
>>513647you can't file a patent for this.
> are for
inventions. she probably meant a copyright, and even then you can't even get such a generic design like this copyrighted.
No. 513676
>>513667It depends where you live.
I don't know about other countries but in the UK you express your specific issues to your GP and ask them to refer you to a specialist for testing/diagnosis, with the waiting list varying in length for different localities. It might have taken me about six months from when I first spoke to my GP to begin medication, but I have no sense of time so that could be bullshit.
From what I've read about the US from /r/adhd you can just pay your doctor enough to agree with you then just start popping dangerous amphetamines without any guidance or supervision.
Try not to put all your hope in it being adhd also, especially if it's a recent issue. Even if it is ADHD medication isn't always a silver bullet, like with depression, there can be a lot of trial and error involved in effortful things like exercise and diet. Don't go in with a checklist of ADHD symptoms to try to 'trick' the doctor, because then you might just end up not getting support for actual issues that you do have.
No. 513677
>>513651Most of them get sent free wigs to promo them, and they edit it so any cheap ones look a little better.
But you can get good wigs and extensions on eBay if you use the right keywords and check the listings carefully.
For nice fake hair quality, search for the colour you want and "heat resistant" and select "search in description"
For human hair extensions, getting the exact shade is important since they lose the protective coating if you dye them, and go frizzy. You can get the names of each shade by looking for hairdresser color wheels. For example the lightest blonde you can buy is generally called 613.
For human hair extensions look for the weight in the description, you want to get close to 100g or more. Also each extra inch costs a lot more, but the bottom inch or two will be thinnest and not look much better anyway, so you can save money by getting say 16-18 inches rather than 22.
Also for extensions, not wigs, look for auction and you can find people selling unused packs of human hair extensions for cheaper than retail.
No. 513680
>>513676The best way to manage ADHD is to be aware of how its symptoms affect you, and then work around that. Rather than trying to fit a square peg in a round hole and trying to be more "normal" which will just make you miserable.
For me I have embraced having no sleeping pattern, and needing a set distraction (like music, watching a tv series or movies) in order to focus on my main task. Coffee helps too.
Read articles about hyperfocus, rejection sensitivity, object permanence, and executive function in relation to ADHD.
Some stuff on here may be useful:'m sure you know this but just posting for maybe ADHD anon.
No. 513704
>>513323I've laughed at pedo jokes, but the pedo themself was the butt of the joke. I hate pedo jokes where the
victim is the one being joked about. either way kind of makes light of pedophilia which makes me feel bad too
No. 513820
>>513807It's old (pre-instagram) urban legend to demonise women and arabs. Nowadays it's mainly dudes coping because cute insta models won't talk to them. Just look at this quote from some mgtow website, it's pure cope:
"Here’s some cold, hard truth: there are no snowflakes. There are good women out there, yes, but as a whole, girls do not deserve your worship or praise. They are just people, nothing more. And in the case of the Instagram models, there’s no reason to be intimidated by beautiful women. That drop-dead gorgeous girl you’re crushing on is likely getting paid to have a Saudi sheikh take a shit on her nose and watch it drip down her chin.
The next time you’re tempted to Like a girl’s selfie on Facebook or write a slobbering comment about how good she looks, just think of the “Dubai porta potties” and smile."
Some girls in Dubai are escorting, some of them are probably into scat, because people are gross lol. But it's not common like in urban legend. Milionaires from Dubai are hiring blonde models from agencies to be hostesses at mundane events, suspicious Dubai trips with no photos are mainly those shoping mall openings and what not.
No. 513821
>>513807It says more about men willing to pay women millions to be toilets than women being coerced by money imo, if there was a market for male prostitutes you'd see almost every single male try to sell his ass on the street but men are ugly and useless but for whatever reason think they're fucking gods so who knows
Sage for pink pill
No. 513863
>>513651Trust fund, sugar daddies, and/or massive credit card debt.
>>513667Google "ADHD testing near me" and go to wherever does it. It's expensive as fuck though.
No. 513898
>>513782I love the Tazo's grapefruit green tea and peach tea. I've seen stuff of like a "princess earl grey" which is earl grey but with roses too and I've always wanted to try it because I fucking love rose teas so much. Lucipia has some nice sounding shit on their website, but I'm too cheap to pay for the shipping so I've never ordered from them. I do have a special green tea blend that they made and sold in Ghibli stores and it's soooooooo damn good. Dammann Freres' Jardin Bleu is another one of my favorites, absolutely beautiful tea. My ex had this tea from David's tea, it was apparently a blend of their green passionfruit and goji green tea. SO GOOD. I don't know if she just asked them to mix them together for her or what, but I figure you can buy the two flavors loose yourself and then mix lol. I've also bought the grapefruit granita for my best friend for Christmas one year and she loved it. My other non-brand specific favorite teas are chrysanthemum tea and jasmine tea. I usually go to the asian supermarket near me and grab whatever packs they have and that tactic hasn't fucked me over with bad tea yet. They used to stock some random brand rose black tea and lychee black tea that was so good, but I couldn't even find the brand online and they stopped selling it. I'm so sad.
An ex-friend of mine gave me a sachet of this rose tea that was the best fucking rose tea I've tasted to this day. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the brand, but I guess it doesn't matter because she said they were discontinuing that specific tea anyway. To this day I still have that sachet and I'm sure it doesn't taste good or fresh anymore (just sitting in a ziplock bag for like 5+ years now lol) but I just cherish the thought of it.
I wish we could be tea penpals anon. I fucking love tea.
No. 514087
File: 1581468992095.jpeg (11.13 KB, 380x250, contact-lens-basics-678x446-co…)

is buying contacts (strictly for vision. not circle lenses or any for fashion) online ever legit/safe? do you need a prescription? or are they a one-size-fits-all kind of deal?
I want to start wearing them but would rather buy online than from my optician. does anyone here do that or is it dangerous to buy them online? I don't want to risk injuring my eyes or anything. i'm in the uk if that helps, any info is appreciated
No. 514099
>>514087Just make sure to get your correct lens strength and what kind (daily wear lenses or more longwear?). There could be something particular about your eye/sight that requires a certain contact lens.
After getting a check you can order from any reputable online store. You live in the UK, there should be plenty to choose from.
Be prepared for struggling to get them out of your eye in the beginning but eventually it'll all be a breeze.
No. 514103
File: 1581472144603.gif (1.8 MB, 540x304, 726515670904ed444da0abd39ce4f0…)

>>514087Idk if it helps but I've been wearing asian brand colored contacts for a decade and everything is fine, my vision hasn't worsened. I think the more important part is your hygiene. So popular, frequently advertised contact websites in your country is likely safe. You just need to know your eye power. Unless your eye curvature is wonky, soft lenses are made to fit most eyeballs. Do you have astigmatism? Toric lenses to accommodate that are usually more expensive. So I just wear a pair of astigmatism glasses over my near-sighted contacts lol. That way I can take the glasses off and still see, added bonus of not looking like two coke bottles on my face (-6 in both eyes yikes).
No. 514136
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>>514133why did you quit? and why/how did you become a daily user? what are the benefits that make it worth it? sorry to interrogate, am daily smoker that sometimes wonders about quitting but feels like i "get something" out of it (cope?) beyond just being stoned which is of course pretty alright
No. 514166
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>>514133Yes. I quit using a similar method. Stopped buying and slowly stopped accepting offers from friends and then stopped completely. I quit because I realized that being stoned was a negative experience way more often than a positive one after several bad shroom trips. I really don't miss it. There are some things I really miss about it but I don't miss simple tasks taking hours to complete, paranoia that spirals into full blown panic attacks, feeling vulnerable and exploitable all the time and worrying that I'm going to be taken advantage of or fuck up irreparably because I'm stoned etc. Weed lowers my willpower and convictions which is the last thing I need as since I trend lazy and suggestible anyway. I can't talk about this shit irl because usually people are threatened that any negative discussion of weed is going to threaten its legality or they think I'm a normie who never like it in the first place. Is there anything in particular you're wondering about?
No. 514168
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Is it true that conventionally attractive women are hard for men to approach? Do I have to make the first move because dudes are afraid of me?
I was a fugly kid but now I'm a conventionally cute, well-to-do girl and while strangers will flirt with me (less to lose?) nobody seriously takes the plunge. I want at least a chance at having a boyfriend fuck's sake
No. 514254
>>514013I watch them sometimes. I do it for the same reason why I follow food accounts on insta: to look at food that I really like but that isn't accessible to me in that moment.
I want to be jelly at people eating food that I like, I guess. That, or I want to feel hungry.
No. 514266
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>>514073This seems to be the biggest one I can find off google! I found her because of a fb video featuring her that showed a few short clips of her pouring the resin and it seems simple enough, but I wonder what she thinks she does that's so special that would want her to claim she filed a patent for the method/design. It seems simple enough to just mix with the right pigments/glitter and then pour roughly in a circle shape… it sort of looks like it's done the same as those popular acrylic paint pouring videos except with resin. There are funkier patterns that I'm not really sure how I could go about achieving them though.
No. 514267
File: 1581522300102.jpg (1.12 MB, 1050x1132, Resin-Designs_03.jpg)

>>514266pic of said funkier pattern. Maybe just pouring little mini cirles/globs of resin and then hitting it with a blow dryer or something to spread it around a little? Or she might have just dropped some rocks or whatever she uses at the edges into the middle of this pattern lol
No. 514369
>>511990They're describing the emotion not the reality. Most people who exaggerate like that suffer from mood instability and
victim complexes. If someone bumps into them without apologizing it
triggers an extreme reaction along with their complex. So when they re tell the story the event is so entrenched with emotion they end trying to explain how it felt and not what happened truthfully. They project their emotions onto the event. The less extreme version is saying 'the meeting took like an hour' when it was only 5 minutes. You described the emotion not what happened.
Of course some can be aware as other anons said to emotionally black mail people
No. 514370
>>514290I was talking about this with other women on another website.
I went through this with my own father. My mother BEGGED him to at least, give her $100 a month just for food. He refused even that much and started ranting online about sexism.
I will never understand why men have children and then never want to support them in their life when they separate from their spouses/partner. And these are the same ones who wonder why their kids resent them, like you’re supposed to love them unconditionally despite everything.
Most of this is done out of spite for the mother. Like in my case, it isn’t like I was receiving 20 g’s in support, but still…there’s so much spite directed at the woman, even if she did nothing wrong, and the kids have to suffer for their retarded parent(s).
No. 514394
>>514088>>514099ty for the advice. looks like I'll need to get an up to date prescription then. I just hope my optician isn't weird about me going elsewhere for lenses.
>>514103I don't have astigmatism thankfully. I've had my eyes checked before to see if I could use contacts if I wanted to and everything was okay. I feel bad for your -6 eyes, that must suck but it sounds like you've found a system that works for you. I mainly want contacts cause I've worn glasses for 20 years and never tried em. ty for all your advice!
No. 514395
>>514168if you're attractive some dudes are naturally going to be scared of approaching you, for fear of rejection. it depends on how self assured and confident they are though.
I would advise you make the first move tbh.
No. 514436
>>514405I went to one as a minor so it might be a little different for adults.
>What are the usual rules?No talking about "
triggering" things, you weren't supposed to say anything about any body or talk about food in any way. They are also pretty anal about how you eat, they call you out if you don't eat in exactly the way they want you to eat. There's also relatively strict policies on what you can and can not bring, they don't allow things like shaving razors, small mirrors, and writing utensils. They have strict bedtimes, we had to be in our rooms at 10pm and up at 6am I believe. In the mornings we would be weighed and once a week we would have blood work done.
>Do they allow work?I assume it wouldn't be allowed or be heavily restricted. At the place I went to we did have periods of time we could do schoolwork but it was limited to 3 hrs a day. Most of your day is spent doing ED-treatment related stuff so you wouldn't have much time to work.
>visitor's?This varies place to place, the place I was at allowed for phone calls and letters but no visitors outside of certain events.
>technologyThis also varies, the place I was at allowed for game consoles, mp3 players, etc but no laptops or smartphones.
The experience is kind of a mixed bag. On one hand my mental state deteriorated a bit while I was there because I like having alone time and there is pretty much none of that there unless you do something and get sent to the isolation room for a few hours to a few days. The staff was what you'd expect, basically just your standard therapists, some bad and some good. The bad ones though might be worse than you'd expect, some of them I felt did not see me as human. On the good side you'll probably make some close connections while you're there, even if you are bad at socializing being together 24/7 forces people to be friends. That was probably what helped me the most, to know you aren't alone with your feelings. To be honest I wouldn't recommend going voluntarily unless you feel like your life is at immediate risk. There are programs where you go 5x a week for 3 hours and you'll be treated with more dignity as you aren't confined. Also after I spent a month in a residency I was moved to another program for a month where I got to leave after 5pm, and that was less exhausting.
No. 514456
>>513895for me personally it's
- drowning because the pressure will make you feel like you are about to explode
- falling down from a very high place because you would probably panic a fuckton while you're falling as you see the ground getting closer and closer and then probably also feel yourself collide with the ground and boom .. you're an omelette
- being buried alive .. i cannot even describe that one it just makes me panic a lot
No. 514491
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>>514484>>514490Think I'm going to do it.
No. 514624
>>514565That shouldn't be happening especially if you take huge breaks.
I smoke daily. I'll have two hits off my bowl in the morning (doesn't get me goofy high, but makes me more mellow and time goes by quicker). Then I'll have an entire bowl or smoke a joint when I get home. Which does get me pretty baked.
Do you take any meds? Besides shitty weed I don't know what else could be causing that for you.
No. 514643
>>514599I can't be assed to get into vaping. I'll try a higher dose of edibles though.
>>514591>>514624I smoked a whole joint the other night and it felt like barely anything. It's def not shitty weed because it's legal here and I can get good stuff from a dispensary.
I guess it's body composition? I have high alcohol tolerance too despite not drinking that often. I gained like 15 pounds at the end of last year when I sunk back into depression and I don't remember it being this bad before.
I didn't want to spend extra money on concentrates but I might have to, aside from losing weight..
No. 514704
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Any one have more images or know the origin of it? The person who pasted it left this description
>I'll tell you (and everyone else who reads this later), this image was made to trigger certain perception blind spots of your brain. It uses familiar forms and colours but combines them so it's completly unrecognizable (no idea how they made it or for what purpose). A usual reaction to looking at this for a while is distress at not being able to recognize things so don't worry too much about it. It's literally nothing.
No. 515027
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>>515024i chuckled, mostly because this post and situation reminds me of this classic
No. 515089
>>515082that's not what she's saying. i think she thinks that lolcow is providing the email app/program that opens when you accidentally click on the name field of a post that has been saged.
>>515065the email field on an imageboard creates a mailto hyperlink but the app/program is just your default on whatever device it is. lolcow doesn't host it, and so obviously doesn't have access to it. at most they'd see what IP address clicked it.
No. 515101
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genuinely feel like such an asshole for not believing this a tiny bit but,
is it believable if your friend tells you the story of her life in one sitting and it consists of nothing but sexual abuse, trauma and other gruesome stuff? and keep in mind that we've known each other for 3 weeks now.
she basically told me how her parents used to beat her as a kid and then film her while doing so, that she got sold into a child trafficking ring and prostituted, had to perform child pornography and that her dad also raped her, her mom beat her so bad once in the morning that she went to school with bruises everywhere and the cps came but then ended up doing jackshit and also of course that she suffers from a bipolar disorder, bpd, dissociative identity disorder, autism, histrionic personality disorder and also anxiety. i wish i was making this up right now.
i used to read soren's thread on /snow/ religiously before and when she told me all of that i just kept thinking about him and how much they sound alike, but a part of me also feels so incredibly bad because it's clear that she has some issues and maybe a part of her story is true too, but i've met a lot of people like her before who just revolve their entire life about some sick made up story of theirs to appear more cool and edgy.
No. 515115
>>515101She's been obviously lying about her dramatic snowflake story but ……
those diagnoses probably have been true, psychologists diagnosed me with everything as well. they're more full of shit than that girl you're talking to.
No. 515155
>>515133same anon, aren't all psychiatrists also psychologists but not all psychologists are psychiatrists?
I just call 'm all psych, like I care about them and their useless job.
No. 515193
>>515175not that anon you replied the second time but the first time, you're correct about the tissue thing.
i fucking hate psychologists. but i don't need medication either.
I don't know what it has to do with anything nor what your answer has to do with it but it sounds like we're both loonies who hate psychologists.
No. 515345
>>515343If I was in your shoes id make a list of anything I wanted to do. Then i'd read back through and eliminate ones that are not realistic or I would not be passionate about. Then from there Id just decide which route I'd want to go overall and start on down it. Moving country sounds like a potentially good idea but overall just finding a good job is probably the best next step because you can get money to move to your own place and truly have freedom.
I can't deny im jealous of you, good luck with it anon.
No. 515358
>>515343 my ex is happy to house me (since I was/am dependent) for the next while
I've had friends in this situation and just be aware of how quickly he could change his mind on this offer. Is your name on the lease?
No. 515427
>>515343First step, I think, is to step back and take a breath. You just got broken up with yesterday so just make sure you're taking care of yourself and allowing yourself time to heal. Engaging in life planning can be a good distraction but you also want to make sure you're feeling your feelings, y'know?
But as to your actual question, I would start by doing some reflection on your purpose, passions, what you want/need in your life, what you want to change, etc. If you google reflection prompts you can find tons, you might also look into "Ikigai." From there you can pick out important themes and write out a vision of your ideal life, maybe even make a vision board if you're into that sort of thing, then just start to determine what things you need to do/goals you need to hit to get there.
No. 515433
If someone is accusing you of that, and doesn't bother to contact you evar, fuck em. Blocked. Bye.
No. 515493
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>>507386It's quite annoying when I know for sure that I need to get work done, yet I procrastinate to no end, because I hate everything associated with college. I am very hardworking and try my absolute best at getting everything done, and I do quite well and succeed, but when I come home it feels like it needs to be a safe haven from anything to do with that place. I can't stand to even look at my planner - I'm sick and Tired of this shit. I really don't understand how people do
more work after coming home from just having done 6-8 hours of lectures. I love what I'm studying but holy shit I just really get burnt out. It's a common thing to just say "just do it", but schoolwork has such a negative connotation with me, plus it usually takes ~4 hrs to get everything done properly.
How do I accustom/ease myself to doing even more work when I get home, especially when I don't feel like it?
No. 515529
>>515494Kek anon wtf
>>515474It's hypnagogia. It's normal, I eee green and purple blobs myself, but if you Google the term you get lots of weird results about tulpas and lucid dreamers because the only people that care about using the specific word are online weirdos No. 515653
>>515529mine are green and purple too! like green and purple spirals.
does anyone know the name of the research site that's similar to jstor that has a logo of a raven or crow holding something in its beak?!
No. 515686
>>515682kind of, but i wouldn't word it the way you did. i think that having a ptsd type of fear response to a certain type of person is a lot different from hating that type of person just because of generalizations you've made about them. it's not the fear response that's homophobic or racist, it's what you do with it. like if you went on to declare that gay people are inherently predatory because of your traumatic experience, that would be homophobic.
it's the difference between fearing and avoiding elevators because you were trapped in an elevator once, and declaring that no one should ever use elevators because they're way too dangerous and fail constantly.
No. 515713
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In place were turbans are common do they have jokes were a tree or gust of wind blows off their turban? Like a joke how a dudes toupee falls off?
No. 515872
>>515864I highly recommend Vanicream. Apparently it's also recommended often by actual derms but I've never been to one so I can't confirm. But it has a very short ingredients list and it's designed to be as gentle and non-irritating as possible.
They have a couple different formulas, I've tried the "classic" one which was okay but the lite lotion is my favorite since I hate greasy or thick feeling moisturizers. I'd definitely recommend the lotion version if you also prefer lighter formulas.
No. 515877
>>515872Thank you! This looks exactly what I wanted.
>>515871How come?
No. 515980
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>>515952Have the Galaxy S10e and I love it. Great pics. Here's one of my cat from this morning
No. 515998
>>515997I can't believe the name was that simple. ffs my brain
Thanks a lot.
No. 516001
>>515999I assume admin/data entry/customer service work when people say that, if someone has a decent job in an office they will probably have a proper title to say instead. It's not like it's arrogant to say you're a project manager or account coordinator or w/e. Personally my 'office jobs' have always been customer service and case management.
I don't know about the US and seems like the job market is fucked there. A last resort entry point might be call centres, since it gives you phone/computer experience that you can spin to sound like customer service or admin for the next job.
No. 516010
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What the everloving fuck is a VSCO girl? I'd never heard the term or had even heard of the app until yesterday, and I'm trying to wrap my head around it. The fuck does skskskksksk mean?
I feel like I more or less get all of the internet girl aesthetics trends, normcore, nymphets, egirls, costhots, tiktok etc etc even if I don't partake in any of them. I don't know why this one has me so baffled. Is it a CA thing? Or just a beach thing? I don't live in a climate where I've ever seen girls walking around in giant tshirts or birks or scrunchies. Is it an Emma Chamberlain thing? I thought she was more normcore adjacent though? I've never felt so old in my life. I feel like I just heard about a new continent no one was telling me about. I almost bought a Hydroflask the other day cause I saw a cute one
No. 516104
>>516086I can't say from experience since I jumped straight into a 4 year university and graduated, but when I was still in highschool, some teachers and counselors suggested the community college route as a backup choice. Supposedly, getting your associates first or just having some college experience under your belt shows the school you want to go to that you can handle the work load and survive. I would assume they would still look at your high school grades, but they'll probably have a lot less impact especially if you can get good grades in community college. I also considered CC myself because you can get a lot of, if not all, of your general education requirements out of the way for a heck of a lot cheaper. If you're unsure of what you want to do, it's also a relatively inexpensive (compared to the cost of most full 4 year schools at least) way to experiment with taking a bunch of different classes.
If your dream school is extremely competitive, take the time at the community college to get involved on campus or outside of school too. Not super overboard, but maybe get involved in a school club or do a small internship if you can juggle it. I think the more that you do, the less of an impact your high school grades will have (I think getting involved in things outside of the classroom is all part of the college experience anyway, so it really doesn't hurt you to try doing it!)
No. 516167
>>516165Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your mouth/nose/eyes as much as possible. I've read (but can't be assed to find the article that said it) that the virus weighs more than other viruses so it can't stay airborne for too long. As long as someone doesn't straight up cough on you, you should be okay (but still wary of surfaces because apparently it can live for hella long on them). I also saw some interview with the dude who advised for the Contagion movie that as it gets warmer, hopefully the spread of the virus as there will be more water particles in the air to drag it down.
I've been reading bits and pieces here and there and it's undoubtedly scary, but as long as you're self aware enough to frequently wash your hands and generally not be nasty, I think you should be okay.
No. 516178
>>516172You’re not alone. People think this shit is “JuSt aS bAd aS tHe fLu”, but people are dropping off like flies in China. The government is sealing off apartments and leaving people in there to die. They’re forcing people into vans into makeshift hospitals where many people die. People are so flippant about this that it disturbs me. Does the flu almost cripple a nation? Do we spray the streets with chemicals and disinfectants when it’s flu season every year?
I’m going to stockpile food, medicine, n95 facemasks, etc. Good luck to you all.
No. 516180
>>516171what? a lot of relatively healthy adults that aren't in the typical at-risk groups are dying. this is NOT a babies/elderly/previously sick type of thing. it's very infectious with a high death rate for how little time has passed. preventative measures are so high to prevent a possible global pandemic, not just to spare us of an inconvenient little flu. a vaccination hasn't even been prepared yet and there's still a lot of uncertainty about the nature of this disease. anon shouldn't freak out just yet but that doesn't mean you should tell her optimistic assumptions based on nothing just to shut her up, jesus.
the reason people keep parroting "MoRe PeoPle dIe frOm the FlU" is because coronavirus is so new, obviously. that doesn't mean the lower death rate should be an kind of comfort yet.'s a map from johns hopkins where you can track cases in your country
No. 516196
>>516194I hope not.
Humanity must fulfill the Plague Inc. prophecy.
I already sent a text to my long time crush about how I wanted to tell him I have always been deeply in love with him so I won't regret that before I die of the impending doom and destruction of modern day human society.
No. 516204
>>516189it seems like that's one of the many drugs that is being tested right now and it seems promising but i wouldn't bet everything on it yet because the tests were done on cells in vitro, which doesn't 100% mean that it will cure humans without fail. still, definitely something to keep our eye on and i hope it works well.
>>516200 the particles are small enough to get through an n95 mask, yes, but it's still a barrier that will decrease the chances of a particle going right into your face. imagine pouring some soup through a colander. a lot of soup will go right through but some will happen to sit on top. and yeah surgical shields are better but they obviously look ott at this stage
No. 516256
>>516180What's uncertain about nature of this new SARS outbreak? It's not a new thing, sciencists and doctors are dealing with it for almost 20 years.
It seems to be much less deadly but spreads faster than previous strains.
Flu (generic strain, not ones that were the worst diseases in the history of humanity) is not little and inconvinient, it kills 500k people annually, leaves hundreds of thousdands with life-long health problems. Preventive meansures are here to spare us from another annual flu-tier pandemic. Economy and healthcare system is not ready for two coexisting flu-like diseases.
>>516194During previous SARS outbreak sport event that suposed to take place in China (idk what it was, not olympic-tier) was held in the USA.
No. 516304
>>516296Nah. That's why I'm trying to stop using this website. Also because the userbase can be pretty
toxic sometimes.
>>516287>How does that affect us negativelyDude.
No. 516366
>>516298>>516304>>516343I’m legitimately sorry for upsetting everyone. I am well aware of how stupid my question was and am rather embarrassed about my ignorance. The way I phrased things certainly didn’t help my case.
I feel like I spent more time simply memorizing the information presented to me in government class back in school instead of taking the time to consider how it applied to my own life. Now that I’m a working adult, I’m starting to think more critically about how our system affects us. I would love to “read a book,” but it’s difficult to find one that isn’t politically-biased.
No. 516382
>>516371I mean if you can get the required amount of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and calories from your liquefied food it should be possible but you should get your doctors advice before doing so.
I know that some women with hyperemesis gravidarum end up being tube fed or similar while pregnant so I guess it is possible but not sure why you would want to have a fully liquid diet unless absolutely necessary.
No. 516389
>>516287(I'm esl sorry) The current problem with capatalism is that some companies are no longer playing capatalism, they're destroying it for their own benefit. The basic idea of capatalism is free market; any business can sell anything. And because consumers get to choose where they put there money towards to, "Good" businesses will grow and be profitable and "bad" businesses will lose money, go into debt and out of business, right? So capatalism is supposed to be competitive, bring out the best of bussinesses which is good for the consumers.
Here's the problem: nowadays some companies spend YEARS losing MILLIONS of money, but they're still surviving. How? In a capatalistic system they should go out of bussiness right? It's because overly rich people and companies keep pumping money into these money-losing companies. Let's take Uber for example. It's been losing millions for years, but it's still getting large investments. Why has it been losing so much money? Because it's on purpose! They've been offering rides way under the market price. Other small(er) taxi businesses can't match these low prices because they'll lose money, go into debt and out of business; they don't have rich people backing them. So every consumer will go with the most affordable option, Uber. Uber is effectively destroying the competition and creating a monopoly. Once they've done that, they'll raise the prices, make big money and the consumer is stuck with a monopolised market for carrides. That's why these losing companies are getting big investments, because eventually they'll destroy all competition, fuck consumers over and make big money. Capatalism is out of control, it's no longer functioning the way it's supposed to.
No. 516452
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Why does my hair look so nice right after dyeing it? I don't mean getting it professionally done, I mean using shitty drugstore box dye. Like right after I use it, my hair is so soft and silky and beautiful. Is there something they put in the dye/conditioner to counteract the damaging effects for a few days or something? Usually after a couple of washes it goes back to being how it was before dyeing it.
No. 516548
>>516521I've only had anal a handful of times before and it's always been on days where I just felt good to go, like digestion had been good for a few days so I had some confidence.. but in reality I think those days are rare for most people and a discussion should happen between partners.
I have a gay friend who tops and complained that straight men experimenting on Grindr are terrible for just full on shitting on him.. A small mishap can happen to anyone (even with prep) but some people are really thoughtless. You do owe it to them not to unload a full days worth of shit on them.
No. 516549
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So i was wondering if u guys had been in this financial situation before but there's something i really wanted and had my eyes on that thing for quite a while now, i know i can get it if i saved myself enough money by the end of this year. However, its quite a luxury purchase and i dont really know whether if it would make a big dent in my savings in the long run or not? Should i give up? or should i saved up for another year to be financially stable enough to afford one?
No. 516586
>>516287Lol at the anons responding to this being apalled, I'm one hundred percent sure they are soft left-wing who never read abour this and just think "it's so unfair that billionaires exist maan like, there's people living in poverty out there, and like, a healthcare bill can make you lose everything and go homeless, ain't that fucked?"
And that's pretty much why people say it's bad. It's no deeper than that, most of the time.
On the more sophisticated side, there's sorta what
>>516389 said, but I'd add the caveat that a real free market has never been in place so capitalism never functioned "like it's supposed to".
There are multiple alternatives - quoted anon seems to lean towards anarcho-capitalism, other anons who responded seem to lean towards welfare state (socialism lite), etc. You're already a cut or two above the average for even asking this, most people default to a simplistic position of "capitalism evil billionaires existing evil" and ignore that living standards have improved dramatically under capitalism - I'd really recommend you read up on different political and economic systems, you might find it an enjoyable activity.
No. 516621
>>516549paypal credit if you have a steady income and are good with money.
i couldnt not get that tbh
No. 516629
>>516287most, if not all, are complaining about American capitalism. there's way too fucking much to it so it was dumb to ask this to an imageboard tbh but anons shouldn't judge you for ..not knowing something. anyways im not reading what else they have to say as it seems to be in bad faith and not helpful and childish stereotyping and reasoning
i'd say look into the communist manifesto first but it's heavy to get into, so marx for beginners is a graphic novel that explains it easily. despite what political beliefs anybody has, it cannot be denied it is a genius critique of capitalism. why marx was right by eagleton i think is another good one. it focuses more on why capitalism is wrong
i'm not trying to push any commie propaganda. i am suggesting because these are all very well researched critiques of capitalism and the faults of it, which is what the anon asked for. don't no anons come for me unless you've read them
now if you want to go deeper, though i find this book cringy, the society of the spectacle by guy debord. this is about the social aspects of culture reliant on the base of the capitalist economic system. i suggest this to people bc it captures how an individual under capitalism feels personally. same w the revolution of everyday life by raoul vaneigiem
i know this reply is annoying im sorry in advance
No. 516632
>>516586>>516629Thank you so much, anons. I actually asked several people before taking my question to Lolcow, and none of them were able to define the difference between capitalism and socialism. I’m either surrounded by morons, or the general public is less educated on these matters than those anons realize. I figured that, since everyone here seems fairly well-informed, they’d have no issue with providing a quick explanation. I certainly wasn’t expecting a novel from anyone, nor did I mean to cause a stir.
I actually spent the night doing a good amount of research, so hopefully I’ll be caught up in no time. You guys definitely helped to clear things up a bit, and your kindness is appreciated.
No. 516796
>>516717An anon more well educated on this matter can probably correct me, but I do think it's technically illegal. It's duty free to promote tourists to buy more stuff (and take it back home with them).
That said, whether customs gives enough of a fuck to chase you down over it is a totally different story. In my personal experience, I didn't have customs check anything. The stores stapled the receipts into my passport and idk how it is in other countries but in Japan they stamp it so half the stamp is on the receipt and half is on passport page so I didn't bother to try and remove them. I think the proper procedure is you have to declare it (I can't remember whether I did or not, but tbh I was probably only importing like $200USD of clothing/toys/non luxury bags), and customs in Japan and in the US will check to see that the receipts and items are leaving/entering the country properly. I think you're supposed to bring them on the plane as carry ons so customs can easily check but I checked in most of the stuff I bought (not knowing) and neither customs in Japan and in the US cared or even bothered to look at my duty free receipts.
You could possibly ask the store about duty free procedures to see what they say (how will the airport check, will they staple something into your passport, etc.) To be honest, I don't think either country will care enough as long as you're not buying thousands of dollars worth of duty free and not bringing it home with you.
No. 516825
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I wanna see the replies of a post that had pic related in pic related. Pls link me to it.
No. 516856
>>516829You can't. No matter how nice you are, or how kind you are, or even if you decide to play up that "it's not you, it's me" card (though it does sound like it's a her problem lol), breakups suck, and they hurt.
It doesn't matter what
she wants. You have needs and wants too. You're not a ragdoll that exists for her happiness. If she doesn't fit into your life, then she doesn't. Shit sucks but that's just how life goes. You'll probably end up villified by her no matter what you do, so just do it.
No. 517003
>>516998Are you an android user? I personally recommend the Appblock app. It allows to block websites and apps (for example if you have an Ebay app, you cannot cheat).
There are some others, but this one worked the best for me. If you don't need to block apps, there are plenty of alternatives (like Block Site which syncs with your desktop, as far as I remember).
No. 517228
>>517201>Is it sleep paralysis?Yes it's called hypnagogic
>what cause it?The brain has a different mode for sleep called REM. REM is when you dream so your body paralyzes itself somewhat so you don't sleep walk everywhere. Sleep paralysis is when someone is conscious, but their brain is still in REM mode. Since REM controls dreams having the dream part active during conscious is what most likely causes the hallucination
No. 517670
>>517662>>517664Thanks a lot for your response anon. I am sorry to hear that you had to deal with harassment. I hope you'll always be safe.
Someone else I've talked to about this told me to stick with a friends group (ideally involving an older Korean friend) as well. I didn't know Korean guys in clubs would be assertive about approaching foreign women.
I am interested in dating but I am also down for hookups with the right guy. I have heard some of these fuckboys might try to film you without your consent while having sex and that's scary, I don't want to deal with creeps. It might be a better idea to meet guys in normal events like you said.
No. 517770
>>517687I don't think it's weird.
Horror films are tacky most of the time.
No. 517968
>>517884I can smell the white trash from this posts
Just fuck him, no1curr about his unemployed ass
No. 517987
>>509540Damn this anon predicted the future kek
Just got kicked from a server for not putting up with the resident aggressive asshole mods antics anymore and he's bff to admin.
He kicked everyone who out ranked him in games (I outrank in 1) or was a girl who was obviously disinterested. Sucks cause it was the most normal discord with no gender specials or porn pics everywhere. Sage for sperg
No. 518017
>>518007It's really easy, especially if you're doing a basic build for web browsing.
Start by looking up videos on youtube of other people doing it. There's a lot of tech channels with good advice.
Then you need to choose your parts. site allows you to select parts and will check if they're compatible
No. 518027
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be honest anons, has this even happened to you ?
No. 518048
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someone more familiar with barbershops tell me: what are the chances this is a real barbershop? why do they have a "peter rabbit" dvds nailed up, spiderman poster, cheap jordan(?) decals, why is there a rug and why is he cutting hair on a rug near a suede couch? why are dvds nailed to the wall? why does this look so much like an office suite?
why would a babershop have "peter rabbit" dvds as wall decorations? this is a 2018 movie about an animated rabbit, for children. why is the barber in a dress shirt and tie? does this not look bizarre?
for context, a guy campaigning for warren posted this photo along with this text
>Just left the barbershop and everyone was talking about Elizabeth Warren.
>"Yoooo ya girl bro! That’s that heat we need for Trump!”
>When you are getting talked about in the barbershop — you know it’s real.
No. 518057
>>518053>Are you some kind of yuppie?i'm not a guy and the only places i've visited that men go to are unisex low cost chains, so it's different. they usually only have hair related wall decorations.
and bare minimum doesn't explain the rug and suede couches or the dress shirt and tie. it looks very haphazardly put together to me. and why would anyone cut hair on a rug near a couch, assuming they struggle to make ends meet? paired with the tweet text, it looks very odd and painfully cliche.
No. 518094
>>518058I wash my groin and buttcrack with soap. I use a gentle PH balance wash to clean out my labia with a bit of water and a washcloth. I never stick anything into my vaginal opening.
No problems here.
No. 518123
>>518120I think it's here
>>>/g/132141(Hope that links)
No. 518257
>>518249Many people do, most ought to. I don't everyday but I try to do it a few times a week, like exercise.
It's not so much about cavity prevention than it is plaque control to prevent periodontal disease later.
If plaque stays on your teeth bottoms and in between, over time it hardens and begins to separate your gum from your tooth. As the 'pockets' grow deeper you are more likely to get bacteria built up and suffer nasty infections. It's not shit you wanna deal with when you're older. Bleeding gums and gingivitis are the canaries in the coal mine that you're due for a cleaning at the dentist.
No. 518451
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>>518249I don't think most people do. I started flossing every night a couple of months ago, but if I didn't have my little floss holder, I sure as fuck wouldn't bother. I still don't floss "properly" either (i.e. continuously unwinding the floss, moving it down a little, and rewinding it so a brand new part of the floss goes in between my teeth). Just trying to floss my back teeth while holding the floss wrapped around my fingers is so much of a fucking hassle, and I don't even have big hands. It took a while to become a solid part of my nightly routine, and now if I don't floss I feel gross.
No. 518565
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how do i get black hair dye off of my skin?
No. 518624
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Hi, pls no bully. I am new to the workforce and have never filed taxes before.
I am American. I just started a job this week. Does that mean that the W-2 form related to THIS job (that I have only been an employee for in 2020) won’t be due until tax week NEXT year (2021)? Again pls no bully, I barely know what I’m talking about.
No. 518668
>>518657From what I've seen, and what I know as a medfag : no, munchie is generally not a prevalent ED trait. Most of the patients with EDs will actually be very very secretive and fiercely defensive of their secret about their ED. They don't want people to know. Standard ED patient will hide their illness at any cost.
What we are seeing a lot on lolcow however is a very specific kind of munchie, the dreadful but highly entertaining Munchausen By Internet or MBI. Those girls love attention, love social media, and know that publicizing all their ED stuff will draw this much needed attention. Yeah but EDs are not so rare or impressive anymore so how do you attract attention on a crowded instagram niche ?
NasoG tube ! Self harm ! Random medical device [insert here / snap picture]! Unwarranted trip to ER where small grazes and scratches are blown out of proportion in some kind of mystical, highly emergent situation! "I gulped down 2 tictacs and one ibuprofen, then scratched my arm with my nails I NEARLY DIED YOU GUYS. Tomorrow I will be inpatient! Look at that random pic of an IV ! What ? Yeah its not actually inserted in my arm but that's neither here nor there, you're missing the point! I'm speciul and fragile and sooper sick uhu !!"
This fucking ED crowd of malingerers is the bane of my junior doc existence.
No. 518691
>>518657They're a small loud crowd.
At my lowest in anorexia I wore baggy af clothes with barely any pictures taken in that period. I didn't want anyone to know that I was eating 1 black coffe and maybe 1 granola bar a day. All my food from family was put right back in the fridge saying I ate some already. When I met another recovering anorexic she was the kind on lolcow. Told everyone she was a recovering ed like a badge of pride. Ate a ton she threw back up later, claiming she was just always so fragile sick. She wrote everything on social media about recovering though staying 95-100lb. Glad I hadn't met her at my lowest because it would've really messed me up. People like her give other ed girls a bad image with the attention starving. If anything I was just trying to slowly fade away
No. 518722
>>518691I feel you anon. Medfag anon here. If it's any consolation we do see the difference and believe me we wouldn't be any harsh with an anon like you.
You are absolutely correct that they are just a small loud minority, most of the ED patients I've ran into (my hospital is a very large one with an ED unit) have been just like you describe yourself, fading away in the background and eerily quiet/ deers caught in the headlight, all they seem to want is to be forgotten. Those patients break my heart. I wish I could help them better.
No. 518876
>>518813Thanks, I kinda understand the word better. And yeah, it was pretty dumbass of me to do that and I do have conflicting feelings about it. It was obviously a dumb thing to do yet I just wanted the validation. I'm trying to work out the feelings I have about it. Counselling's not an option rn but it's fine.
Thank you anon, your reply is really appreciated.
No. 518924
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i was instructed to do some research for a prebuilt PC that can run Total War: Warhammer II nicely, but am stoopit. help?
No. 519245
>>519230The term for it is hypnagogia
I don't get it too often especially as I get older but I was once on medication that caused a lot of it, was trippy!
No. 519299
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>>507386Does debt-free in this context refer to literal financial debt or emotional debt (daddy issues)?
No. 519322
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Is Disney+ good? I've thought about getting it especially because I saw how they've got seasons of The Simpsons on there. I just kinda hate paying for subscriptions and most times I wanna throw Netflix away as it is.
No. 519354
>>519349Pretty sure the vast majortiy of normies have never heard of any of those tbh, only one I've heard normies mention was incels because that van attack in Canada got the media writing about them for a bit, and they didn't know anything beyond "cult of virgins angry at normal people".
It's disturbing how kids can fall into it, you'd assume this would at least be a teenager thing when people start worrying about relationships but I've heard of 11 year olds going on about manosphere talking points from hearing them on youtube. Tell her to try and keep him away from videos and sites about it.
No. 519378
>>519373anon look up Keratosis pilaris. If thats what you have, your best luck is lotions like Amlactin, Cerave Rough and Bumpy, or Alpha skincare like
>>519375 said
No. 519397
>>519375Guess I'll buy this next week since amlactin made it worse and aveeno does fuck all, thank you anon I even see reviews saying they have this problem
>>519378It's this thank you for the info anon! Fml though not having regular legs
No. 519559
>>519525bernie, personally.
>>519550anon, she clearly means 'farmers' like… lolcow users.
No. 519589
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>>519550 realizes that anon meant farmers as in us
No. 519598
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Why is it impossible to really get over someone you never dated??? She wasn’t even a nice person. What the fuck, I want off this ride, it’s been years.
No. 519615
literally took the words right out of my mouth
No. 519637
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What is the bottom picture supposed to be of? This is a Christian meme but I don’t know much about Christianity so I’m confused…
No. 519785
>>519688Fuck. As a medfag, please go straight to your nearest ENT and get checked out urgently
Is the lump hard or soft when you touch it ? Where exactly is it located ?
No. 519880
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>>519785I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, it's kinda hard but it moves if i touch it and it's around the back of my neck, it's painless. The thing is, i don't have any symptons outside that rash that already dissapeared and last time i checked (2 weeks ago) my white/blood cells were stable, i should mention my ears have been very itchy for like three months tho, maybe that's the infection causing this.
If i really have cancer it shouldn't be more obvious?, i should be literally dying or at least very ill, but im totally fine.
No. 520002
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How do I keep up my motivation to keep getting my life together?
It only seems to come in rare and short bursts. I hate it.
I just want to feel confident and motivated more often goddammit
No. 520109
>>520074how is your mom 34? she must have had you really young. unless you're like, 12
and the other anons are right, the chance of this kid being mentally ill are pretty high but there's no way to really know, especially if said baby has a different dad
No. 520175
>>520156yeah she'll sort your roots on round two anon dont stress. if you need something to chill on in the meantime Brad Mondo on youtube does reviews of people doing black to unnatural its some good shit
>>520174how's your progress anon? re: the platinum, De Lorenzo has an amazing silver shampoo. they also have a pretty rosewood/rose gold one, beige blonde, violet etc. highly recommend. it does dry the ever loving fuck out of your hair and can turn it almost navy if you leave it on for too long but if you keep up with treatments etc. it is bomb af.
good luck to you both living vicariously because my hair is severely fucked and I did it to myself, god speed
need to get some olaplex i chemically cut my hair bleaching black out to go green and then dyed it back to brown like two weeks later lmao ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
No. 520178
>>520175>>520175I had low porosity 2b wavy hair that's extremely thick, started out black and then I did a round of bleach and dyed it red. Then I bleached again 4 weeks ago to deposit blue but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. I had red pigment that wouldn't come out so we decided to just deposit sparks blue color. It isn't bad but I want something light blue or silver blue. I'm going to go back to get it done next week, my hair is just high porosity but olaplex 2 and weekly hair masks are helping.
I feel you on the hair damage but at this point I'm like fuck it my hair is fried to shit might as well get my ideal color. I am absolutely not bleaching at home though, I 100% recommend a pro. I just want my natural curl pattern to recover at this point (it's slowly improving).
No. 520191
>>520109my mother comes from a middle eastern family and she was married to my father when she was 14 and got pregnant by 16 (with me) and then not even a year later she got my sister too. she's been basically abused, traumatized and sexually assaulted her whole life so it's kinda understandable that she's this way mentally. and her grandmother apparently suffers from psychosis or something like that. her decision to have a kid now is so sudden too, no one really expected her to get pregnant again after she managed to raise me and my sister and it's been so long.
>>520086>>520084thank you guys for your answer though
i just hope she will abort it and if she doesn't then i hope the kid won't have a disorder like my sister does. i'll try my best to help my future sibling too
No. 520280
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I got my ears pierced a couple months ago (my first piercing yay) and I’m trying to change the earring for the first time. I’ve been messing with the backs for like five minutes but the won’t come off! Is there a way to get these off myself or do I have to go into the shop again?
No. 520346
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Is there a specific name for this style of shoe? I'm mostly looking for this style with the ankle strap and no heel if possible, whether or not the middle part of the shoe is open or not doesn't matter to me.
No. 520393
>>520382IMO, it's because so many incels and MGTOW types on the internet do it
It's just a weird thing to do and most people would say women or girls because it's just easier than female
I've never really seen it used in a positive way (just negative and neutral) so I'm used to clenching whenever some twitter asshole who wears sunglasses inside, or some anime profile picture, or some heavily photoshopped skull has a sentence containing the term "females" instead of women
No. 520412
>>520391Nothing wrong with a men being feminine but dressing up as a caricature of women and pretending to be a dumb, ditzy bimbo is disgusting. Have you ever watched a drag queen's show before? No offense, but you sound kind of ignorant.
Oh yeah,
>Fishy: A term used to describe a drag queen who looks extremely feminine or one who convincingly resembles a biological woman. The term refers to the supposed scent of a woman's vagina, which is colloquially likened to the smell of fish.”These degenerates can rot in hell.
No. 520589
>>520562It took me years to stop impulse buying, and even then I still have some slip ups here and there. Reading "Goodbye, Things" by Fumio Sasaki really helped me. It's more about decluttering your space and minimalism, but I really enjoy his approach to dealing with material items. He's not condescending about minimalism either, which is really nice.
I don't entirely agree with his idea of buying single use items solely so he can dispose of it later and not have it take up space, but I've definitely been more cautious about the things I buy because I want them to be… I guess "worthy" of giving up some free space for it. I'm not entirely immune to buying dumb shit (been indulging in hobby goods recently), but I haven't accumulated back all the shit I've gotten rid of so that's nice. Another part of my decluttering goal and buying less knick knacks is the worlds tiniest fuck you to massive corporations, telling them that I don't need their dumb shit and they aren't getting my money.
Recognizing that it doesn't benefit you at all is really good too! I think it's also about building your self discipline, which is a lot easier said than done lol. I've actually been looking at buying some new pretty fountain pens even though I recently blew a lot of money on 2 new ones and a bunch of inks, so your post was a good reminder to reign myself in. Good luck anon! I hope you'll be able to save up your money from no longer buying knick knacks and put it towards something good and useful to you!
No. 520679
>>520391If it was just men dressing up and reading stories to children I doubt anyone would care. Men dressing up as women and women dressing up as men has been part of theatre performances since Shakespeare was alive. The problem people have with it is that it's sometimes done without parental consent, proper checks aren't being done to make sure children are safe and the content itself is sexualised. Some of the drag performers have been outed as sex offenders. There's videos available online of what happens during a drag queen story hour and it can involve teaching toddlers to twerk or laying on the floor cuddling with adults.
It's another issue where trannies are going to hang themselves with their own petard.
No. 520694
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Where can I find a decent dermaroller to get rid of my stretch marks?
No. 520744
>>520720Kinda, it's not as simple as the meme says, though.
When my bf eats a lot of fruits (especially guava, for some reason) and Vegetables that day vs when eating a lot of meat, it does taste better, less salty or bitter. It doesn't mean it tastes like candy though lol also, a lot of fruit (or natural fruit juice) is needed, not just two glasses of pineapple juice and it's done.
Also, for better results it has to be a week long thing.
No. 520770
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>>519919Lump-anon here: it was just an allergic reaction to a chemical straightener (keratine) i tried a day before that lump appeared, it seems i had a vitamin c deficiency since i'm starving and my system went apeshit to a non-issue, it also makes sense since i'm allergic as fuck and my ears and scalp were irritated by how aggressive it was, the lump decreased it's size and now i feel better. Anyways i'm going to get some extra X-rays and exams just in case. Don't ever try keratine anons, worst mistake of my life.
No. 520782
>>520770Very good to hear thanks for the update anon ! Yeah keratin is terrible kek but glad it's only this and nothing ominous.
Take care of yourself.
No. 520831
>>520826Nope we have to learn spanish or french here I just liked how greek looked
I started a week ago
No. 520838
>>520412In my experience with drag, they all just been catty, not ditzy
it's got a different type of wit–but I do know what you mean
>>520730I guess maybe I don't know what drag is because I see Mrs. Doubtfire and I think "Oh yeah, that's just drag"
No. 520839
>>520823No, it is not normal. You are going to die soon.
Of course it is fucking normal, you need practice, that's all. My mother language is spanish and I can help you if that's the language you are practicing.
No. 520855
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>>520853But not for adult entertainment. Jaden Smith started as a fashion statement, and Ladybeard because it helped break the ice at parties.