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No. 541259
Because there are dumb questions.
Previous thread:
>>521051 No. 541273
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Why does he skip bronzing his eyes so that they look whiter than the rest of his face?
No. 541289
>>541276orange man bad
>>541273yeah I wonder this as well, doesn't he have makeup artists etc ??
No. 541300
>>541117Maybe i phrased the op badly, but I just find that i find a lot of people with that certain ethnicity attractive, by coincidence. Obviously I date outside of that preference. I try to be careful about this, I live in an Eastern euro country where people fetishise women from here a lot, so i certainly know the feeling. That's why when I noticed the pattern in myself, i freaked. Plus, its only the physical features of the type i find attractive, not the ""idea"" behind it (as with asian women being subservient or korean men being shy/femmy/nice). As
>>541116 put it, I just find that an ethnicity has a lot of my type.
>>541213Idg the logic behind this
>>541273Guys can't into makeup or basic self-care. No idea about what looks decent. Plus, he might just be going straight senile.
No. 541304
>>541289>orange man badunironically true
>>541273I always thought smth was wrong with his face pigmentation, like when some people get red faces, but his turned orange
No. 541312
>>541273He might fire his makeup artists if they dare go against what he wants lol.
I think he's just an idiot who uses bad logic. He must think dark circles=tired/old/unhealthy, so if he leaves his undereye area white=energetic/youthful/healthy. That's the only reason why I can think he would keep that look. It's probably the same logic he uses for that overblown toupee.
No. 541327
>>541289NTA but I never understood the point of this meme as weird gacha for people who are anti-Trump (as in people with the reasonable take on him)? Yes, indeed the orange man is bad.
No. 541396
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>>541377Same thing with Becky which is just an offshoot of Karen, or vice versa. When white men use the terms like this it is definitely sexist.
>>541393Tanner and Preston sound like entitled college white guy names though. Those are golf short wearing, "my father's a lawyer" names.
No. 541406
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>>541397Yes, but I mean it was overused in the same way. This leftist coomer dudebro has a history of going after white women and also he's just plainly sexist.
No. 541413
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>>541406this tweet sums it up, a lot of male leftists are generally sexist, but feel more comfortable aiming sexist attacks against women by bringing up any position of supposed "privilege" they have, and by comparing them against those with lower privilege
No. 541473
>>541413wow so you're telling me that when you use different words in a sentence the sentence takes on a different meaning and therefore different response?!!
obviously the first one puts the basis of the insult on her gender implying baseless sexism and the second puts it on something else implying moreso frustration at the mass success mediocre women of certain demographics are able to amass
No. 541477
>>541474not bait. I see the point you're trying to make and think it's stupid and tries desperately to uphold the perma
victim narrative for some women and to frame anyone criticising these women as aggressors
No. 541547
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I’ve never fallen in love and I’m starting to think I never will. Has anyone experienced a complete and total lack of romantic feelings ever? Like, legitimately being faced with perfectly good guys and feeling nothing year after year. Am I insane?
No. 541554
>>541547I'm the same boat anon, I get a feeling in my chest when I like someone and my hearts starts beating faster but it ends so quickly.
I don't think I've ever loved anyone because of that and only had light crushes
No. 541742
>>541732 said is the truth. Therapy is probably the best option.
No. 541760
>>541750Tik Tok literally filters out broke, disabled and/or "ugly" people from recommendations.>TikTok’s moderators were instructed to exclude videos from the For You feed if they failed on any one of a number of categories, the documents show. Users with an “abnormal body shape (not limited to: dwarf, acromegaly),” who are “chubby … obese or too thin” or who have “ugly facial looks or facial deformities” should be removed, one document says, since “if the character’s appearance is not good, the video will be much less attractive, not worthing [sic] to be recommended to new users.”
>Similarly, the documents show, videos were to be removed from the feed if “the shooting environment is shabby and dilapidated”, since “this kind of environment is … less fancy and appealing”. No. 541784
>>541770Yes, I know how ignorant it sounds. I genuinely don't understand how he must have felt and I feel bad that questions like that even come into my mind. Even when he was actually raped back in high school and the girl kept him from leaving her house to get to his car until she "got what she wanted" as she said. It was horrifying to hear but a small part of my brain asked, "why didn't you just run away?" I would never ask him that and feel bad for that question even crossing my mind. It's like it's difficult for me to believe men can be assaulted in that manner because of their physical strength. If he wasn't drugged or incapacitated in some way, what's stopping him from escape?
It's awful, and I know that it's ignorant and immature. Just not sure how to shake the idea.
No. 541836
>>541832Pretty high sadly.
Victims of child molestation generally have a higher risk of revictimisation, or being in
abusive relationships in adulthood
No. 541851
>>541832Yeah, it was a bit mind-boggling for me to grasp that too. If you're an adult, how could this happen again after it happened to you once in high school. Also, unfortunately it wasn't just once incidence of childhood sexual abuse. It was 2 or 3 baby sitters/older males. I'm confused as shit because I know that it's influenced his life and these other incidences he's had. He's also been used and deceived by several people throughout his life.
I just don't know what to think or do. It all sounds so horrible but he seems fine most days. I guess i'm just honestly confused.
No. 541854
>>541851So he's been sexually assaulted by 5 people so far? I'm confused too tbh.
> He's also been used and deceived by several people throughout his life.He needs therapy to figure out what's actually going on there
No. 541855
>>541851Sorry for double post but I think the thing that confuses me most is how he deals with things. I had to speak to him about that one particular encounter with the girl because he said there was a possible tear in the condom so I wanted to know if he could have gotten her pregnant or got an STD test done. He answered all of that calmly saying made sure nothing resulted from that and made it not sound like a big deal at all, but it sounded concerning. So I asked him a few days later about what he thought that situation even was because it sounded awful and I was confused why he didn't see that. He freaked out after that and said he didn't want that to happen and how it reminded him of the time he was raped in highschool and how he kept scootching away from this girl that kept asking and asking. He says he hates to think about it and that I made him dig it up by asking questions.
I feel bad, but I just needed to know.
No. 541874
>>541864My boyfriend.
I'm trying to understand the degree that this stuff has affected him but it's just so much that I can't really grasp it.
I didn't realize the extent of his trauma and at times I'm just
confused about what to think
No. 541876
>>541873I believe him like 99% but the 1% of doubt is really eating at me. But no anon, this was his timeline:
-As a child <7 yrs old, was molested by 2 or 3 babysitters which were older men
-In high school he went on a date with a girl. said he wasn't attracted to her once he met her in person. it was badly snowing outside so he was invited into her house. Once inside, when he was ready to leave, she told him he could not leave, made him feel trapped by locking the door, and told him he needed to give her what she wanted before he could leave. He explained the situation to friends in more detail which outright called it rape except for a few guy friends who either said men can't be raped or congrats on getting laid.
Then about 2 years ago, the situation i described above happened.
I really care about this guy but I'm trying to figure out why there is this unsettled feeling I'm having about everything.
No. 541878
>>541874I'm equally confused, I'd be questioning anyone with quite so many incidents with seperate offenders in their life, and you say he's often been victimised by people in non-sexual ways too. Are his perceptions ok? Is he prone to making up stories? Is he getting therapy for these events? The two seperate female offenders is what's really rare here.
>but I'm trying to figure out why there is this unsettled feeling I'm having about everything.I'd feel unsettled too.
No. 542001
>>541995Maybe different positions could help a bit?
I have a friend with a seemingly similar story and she said she found certain positions more pleasurable.
It doesn't hurt me so much depending on the size, but I definitely prefer more average sizes too.
Please try not to get too frustrated though. All bodies are different. The best sexual partners are the considerate ones. Best wishes anon.
No. 542047
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Do South Asian women have higher amounts of testosterone compared to other races?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 542101
>>542098Nta but lube is definitely useful for long sex sessions, huge dicks, sex with condoms, etc. etc.
What do you have against lube anyway? Is there a reason for your aversion?
No. 542140
>>542126it's not EXACTLY what you're looking for but this is pretty much how Spotify's song radio works - basically you open individual menu on the song, select radio and get list of music people would often listen to if they like this particular song.
If you search by song name + artist in the playlist section you'll also get playlists people started with that song and just didnt care enough to change name to something custom.
No. 542146
That being said lube is good for fisting, penetrating yourself with a fire extinguishers and sexual problems
No. 542156
>>542147Why do American men have circumiced dicks? Is it that common?
I've only heard about men getting their dicks circumiced for religious reasons before and I honestly find it mutilation. I didn't know/think there's Western men in 2020 getting their dicks circumiced.
No. 542159
>>542154well it varies I don't know much about Arabs but In Iran for e.g most people marry with in their specific tribe or clan, its a very big thing, same for Pakistan and Afghanistan
People are divided in to dozens of ethno-linguistic groups and then tribes/clans
(necessaryspeed4) No. 542168
>>542156Kellog the cereal man said it would stop men from sinning, a generation or two later fathers want their sons penises to look like theirs
That or facial cream conglomerates harvesting babby-foreskin for their products and doctors padding procedures after birth for extra vacation time
No. 542219
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>>542154in turkey it's:
- long hair on women is seen as beautiful
if you have short hair (shorter than shoulder length) then people are most likely to think that you're lesbian or assume you're some sort of satanist (speaking from my own experience here rip)
- also most men seem to melt when they see blonde women. it's so weird but they immediately think a woman with blonde hair is someone who's willing to fuck any guy
- to be "balık etli" which basically translates to "fish meat" but it means curvy/chubby figure. if you're skinny then a lot of the elders will most likely comment on your body and tell you to eat and "get fat" because they think being curvy/chubby means you're wealthy and "can afford food to feed yourself" and it's the "ideal figure any mother should have"
- no make up at all
- being light skin but with a bit of tan, i guess
if you're dark skinned then people are most likely to assume you're one of the gypsies who live here and they are seen as "trashy" and "ghetto"
pic attached is a turkish actress who is "balık etli"
No. 542221
>>542156And thank all stars in the sky for that. IMO uncircumsized weiners look terrible and I've heard many stories of women complaining about guys not cleaning their foreskin and stinking.
If I had a boy I would def get him circumsized.
>>542102You cannot just lose fat in one location, you have to lose fat all over.
No. 542225
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I have so many questions about this shit. Why is head so small, why is the art so ugly, why is this targeted to Christians?
No. 542228
>>542147Barf. Imagine having to use lube because your man got a broken dick
>>542221I feel sorry for you kek. Uncircumcised dick looks natural and feels a lot better no matter what you say to try to cope
No. 542272
>>541725>he enters her a few timesThat's sex anon. She wasn't holding a knife or threatening her. Your boyfriend had sex he regreted.
>>541732Lolno, the dude went along and had sex with her, are you high? There was no threat of violence or anything, he willingly engaged in sex.
No. 542274
>>542272>Your boyfriend had sex he regreted.>Lolno, the dude went along and had sex with her, are you high? There was no threat of violence or anything, he willingly engaged in sex.tfw you don't understand rape
that's like saying a woman had sex and wasn't raped because she got wet during the rape
No. 542289
>>542287>Is cutting off a part of someone's body mutilationYes, that's what mutilation means.
Also as far as I know, when doctors cut the foreskin for health reasons they don't remove the whole thing like they do at infants, they just cut the tip so it can slide, so it's nowhere near as intrusive.
No. 542303
>>542302Yeah, but I'm wondering if it's someone's fetish or a scrote looking to see what evil bitches farmers are who don't believe in male
victims or something.
No. 542341
>>542337>They also really like Ben ShapiroPretty questionable
>And they constantly try and push my buttons just to get a rise out of me by jokingly saying blatantly sexist stuff.Is he trying to flirt with you by being an asshole? Or does he actually believe the sexist stuff he is saying?
As for the rest of your post, some people are simply better at debating than others, ask him to stop changing the subject and stick to some center of conversation, it's the best way to actually make some progress. Also, why does he affect you so much, are there feelings on your side?
>>542339Does he think gender roles are gone or sth? That's just deluded, where does he base this opinion?
No. 542344
>>542329if this is a man i wouldn't bother, there are plenty of misogynists out there, and edgy autistic ones are a dime a dozen. if it's a woman… that's sad and i'm not sure what tactics would be best.
if it's a man, do yourself a favor and ghost. if you can't, match his energy. he doesn't want a debate in good faith and likes pissing you off. i agree with the notion men usually debate to win, not actually change minds. so either start making fun of his shit beliefs and be condescending. make sure to laugh at him. hating women is actually very common so why would he think he's special? lol
No. 542349
>>542340>>542341Thanks for the advice, anons, I really do appreciate it. I will make sure to try and ask them to slow down and focus on one thing at a time the next time it happens.
And responding to the question,, I actually find them pretty unattractive. They are my boyfriend's good friend, and while my boyfriend holds many feminist beliefs himself, he always just shrugs off whatever shit they say as a joke. Even when they stuff like, "it's good that you're the pretty one in the relationship" to me and other comments about my appearance. It's all a joke to them.
I generally like them as a person and know that they have a good heart and perhaps that is what I should continue focusing on. Someone else's beliefs does not make or break the world, you guys are totally right.
No. 542354
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>>542333basically there was and still is a lot of orthodox jewish people that hold high positions in the medical field and argue for it to be done so they can be part of their "covenant of circumcision", so you end up with people like
>>542221 who are brainwashed into doing it for aesthetic reasons
No. 542439
>>542434I don't care either way about whatever they're currently arguing about. That line just gets overused.
Half the anons on here talk about not even wanting kids and yet we're always worrying about the hypothetical future kids of other anons lol
No. 542465
>>542454Do they get these implants as children?
>>542455It's genital mutilation of children that can't consent to it.
No. 542475
>>542465it's not the
same thing. men with circumcised dicks can still pee and have sex without it being painful. you sound like a MGTOW lol
deleted my post to add that they don't die from it either, unlike many girls from "african countries"
No. 542491
>>542488>can you stop?why? if you guys stopped sperging about the same thing over and over again, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
>there are instances of men not being able to pee because of itgive me stats.
> it is still genital mutilation all the same.yeah i know, wasn't saying the opposite.
btw why can't you guys talk about how much you love uncut penises in the penis thread?
No. 542535
If you have worked in retail, you understand Karen is vaild an not sexist. Especially working in retail as someone not-white.
No. 542587
How do I stop giving relationship advise to my friends who have massive problems with their partners? I can't just stand by and watch them being ignored, abused verbally and treated like pieces of shit. They say to me that they understand my opinion, but they don't want it. I generally tell them that they deserve better and should separate, and they agree, but don't do it still. I see why, I also see why their partners do what they do, and I know that if they don't break up, it's their choice. If the break up, it will be their decision, not mine, and I get it.
But again, what am I supposed to do when my friend just told me that her boyfriend ignored her on social media and everywhere else for two weeks because of some minor shit, and she begs him for support while she has to deal with her family that tries to illegally evict her? What do I tell my other friend, who cries and tells me that she already knows that her gf doesn't respect her and stays with her for her own comfort? When I had a similar situation in my life nobody knew about it, but if I did tell anyone, I'd probably ask for advice. In these situations I see that my opinion is unwelcome, but if I say "oof girl, that sucks" it seems that it's not enough? How do you talk with people in shitty relationship?
No. 542642
>>542587I'm sorry your friends are so blind. My own friend said she'll probably get back with the dude who cheated on her and I'm so sad. I try telling myself "I'm sure he's not that bad" but god my friend deserves so much better. I'm just throwing stuff out there, hope it can help. I know you're already doing what you can and I hope they realize their worth.
I don't know if you would consider these straight up
abusive relationships, but if they keep ignoring you, giving direct advice to leave won't help and might push them away. Only they can decide they want to accept and are ready to leave.
If it hurts that much, you might just have to tell them not to bring up their relationship issues. If they keep using you as an outlet to vent, they might not realize how bad it is. Maybe you could ask if they'd want their friend or a daughter to be in the same relationship. Not wanting to hear about their relationship issues because they won't change it is understandable, but will hurt their feelings. Make sure they know you care and have their back, and continue to do your best to boost their self-esteem and help them in other ways.
No. 542736
>>542732Radfems don't like
pimps. There are radfems who are or were in the sex industry.
No. 542748
>>542743Radical feminism is, understandably, against the sex industry as it's harmful to women and children. Radfems put the blame on men who buy or pimp out women, but they will also criticize female pimps and shills.
Farmers are farmers though, they hate everything and are rarely actual radical feminist.
No. 542784
>>542775>>542780>>542781There you have it, he's average on average
Jokes aside, I really do consider him to be completely average
No. 542799
Is there a guide anywhere for doing mail trades? I know someone made a post on /cgl/ a long time ago about using paypal to exchange money but I can’t find it.
>>542638I know someone who does it once a year, they like it but there’s a lot of work involved when it comes to RV maintenance. But theirs is old so I don’t know if it would be easier with a more up to date vehicle.
No. 542996
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Does Shallon Lester have her own thread or has she been discussed on LC before? I was disturbed by her the moment I heard her speak for the first time, she is just dripping with pathological narcissism. Lately thumbnails keep popping up on YT about her being exposed and whatnot but I haven't lurked.
No. 543026
>>542996>>543022She’s also a predator who tweeted that she had a sex dream about Justin Bieber when he was 15.
In addition to that she’s a pathological liar, my favorite boldfaced lie she told was when she said (with such confidence and aggrandizement) that Harry Styles pushed her up against a wall and made out with her.
She also claimed to have dated a k-pop idol.
No. 543178
>>542996One of her videos recommended to me ages ago and I've been watching on and off. Mostly when I'm bored. It's just fun to listen to insane gossip sometimes. A lot of these "exposed" videos on her I think are a bit of an overreaction. If you're that
triggered over someone roasting a crackhead celebrity, then you need help. They don't know you. They don't care about you. And I thought we were moving past the fake outrage/PC bullshit.
No. 543208
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>>542736>Radfems are whoresThat makes waaaaay too much sense.
No. 543264
>>542755I think it's fun. The totem answers would eventually be true just by the odds.
It's like if you prayed to a jug of milk for things and some of the things came true. You wouldn't start worshiping a milk god. Or would you?
No. 543542
>>543533Mine too. But unless theirs for several generations back were, the consanguinity likely had no affect.
In other words, you're a fuck up all on your own. Love you.
No. 543608
>>543591i think this depends on context. what race are you? who is telling you this?
for example, if you're half asian and a gross guy is approaching you trying to play the "what are you" game, i could see them guessing russian since some russians can look racially ambiguous like a half asian person might.
for example, if it's your paranoid alt-right neighbour, he might be trying to suggest that you look like a communist and/or not trustworthy.
are you just a pretty blonde haired/blue eyed person? then this is probably nothing to worry about…
No. 543635
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>>543633>>543620>>543616>>543614>>543613>>543609>>543608Wow these are all interesting and kind of conflicting responses, I kind of feel more confused over it now - next time someone says it I’m just going to ask them explicitly what that means
No. 544135
>>544116Diff anon, I don't wear (or even own) any make up but I don't get why anyone would shit on someone else for feeling like they need it.
All my insecurities are based around my abilities instead of my looks, we all have something we feel shit about.
No. 544149
>>544135I'm not
>>544067 but I think the point was why was someone taking a positivity tag and posting something misleading and saying it was no makeup, however I am heavily against people beating other people up for wearing it. It makes people feel good.
However, to post something with makeup and insist to people that it is #nomakeup on a trend going round where you're delibrately embracing a bare face, I'm not sure how I feel about that.
No. 544209
>>544193>>544193as someone who actually has had experiences with fakebois let me tell you that the '''all were
victims'' is bullshit.
Yeah some of them were, but the majority of them are either fujos who took their yaoi fantasy too far and now want to be their fav yaoi boy or they are nlog girls or self-hating dykes.
No. 544279
>>544273deleted it first because i made a typo but nice
>>544276It was completely out of the blue. i was sleeping and woke up to a bunch of sad stories on their account and they were acting like i make them feel like a burden despite them not even replying back to me wtf i hate men so much
No. 544288
>>544274This is just me but that wouldn't guilt or manipulate me to do anything. I'd just feel bad for them that they feel that way about their relationship with me even though I don't think that way about them. If I've already tried to reassure them then I'd just let them have their feelings tbh.
But take it with a grain of salt because I've dealt with mentally unwell people all my life so things like passive aggressive social media statuses are nbd to me. Most healthy people who didn't grow up around toxicity would rather not handle it at all and cut the person out like a tumor, and that's what works for them.
What works for you?
No. 544294
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>>544284So basically this guy my friend introduced me to was really getting along with me and he seemed like an OK guy so we exchanged our instagrams and continued talking for a few weeks until i had my "oopsie" aka told him one of my interests (which is kpop don't behead me pls) all casually without even getting into it (literally only said that i listen to their songs that's it) and he suddenly had this weird mental breakdown in my dms and started telling me how his ex gf also was into that and that she cheated on him and now he's broken and so i was like Wtf i am sorry i guess? and ended up apologizing like a doormat and then he stopped replying and started posting shit like that on his story like a teenager
>>544288Honestly yeah i do see your point and i agree with what you said but in this case he is behaving like some teenager (which is really embarrassing) and if he's already acting like this because of one small (barely) argument then i don't even want to imagine how he will act in the future so i am just gonna ghost him
No. 544401
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>>544398Hm, but you didn't say unfashionable.
No. 544451
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>>544447I don’t think so? Very annoying that people feel pressured to be a non-stop chatter box in order to “socialize”. This makes otherwise fun interactions so god damn draining when it doesn’t need to be. Like, some of us are just natural listeners? I’ll say something when I have something to say damn. Just let there be silence for once.
No. 544472
>>544447Dont take my word as a guarantee for a diagnoses but i have social anxiety and i felt that too. I'm naturally extroverted but when the anxiety hits oh damn i clam the hell up and end up withdrawing for everyone else.
Speaking of social anxiety, do you also got random bouts of cringe flashbacks and you wonder if its the anxiety or you are just autistic as fuck?
No. 544624
>>544482I'm other anon.
I'm dumb when it comes to computers, but what steps I need to take to be extra safe?
I don't want a situation like that ever happen to me.
Also, if someone gets access to my webcam/microphone, how much access they have to my computer overall? They see files on my computer? They see what I'm doing rn on my computer?
Shit like that make me paranoid.
No. 544732
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Does anyone know where i can watch the full series of "Rakudai nintama rantarou'' online? I really want to catch up but i most websites i know dont always have them.
No. 544751
>>544741It makes me sadder when it's a literal who because it could be my or anyone else's ass who I know. It's sad to me knowing there wasn't a damn thing more the world could have done for that person, and if it were me the world would just keep chugging along regardless of how painful, unjust, and/or cruel the situation may have been. Likely to be forgotten in a short amount of time at that. A clean and prepared death is a gift, and it hurts to know that so many people are robbed of that when they die tragically.
Celebrity deaths actually get less sympathy from me because of the fact that they likely had the best chances before death than any normal person, and that they won't be forgotten anytime soon like a normal person would. Maybe it's empathy fatigue, but it's like my brain assumes someone else has got the sympathy covered for a well known celeb so mine is better put towards someone else.
No. 544767
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>>544756I can understand very tiny nips, but i can fully understand Vietnamese though. May I have the source please? Much appreciated and thank u in advance.
No. 544790
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does anyone else feel really disgusted when they've shared a lot about themselves to others? every time i talk a lot about myself to a group of friends or even just one friend, i feel so gross and wish i could un-say it all
No. 544800
>>544163It means you are not being a pushover and don't let people walk all over you and you know your worth.
People who say you are "difficult" are trying to tear you down. Don't let them.
No. 544819
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>>544790yes, the word that comes to mind is embarrassed. i always feel embarrassed, even after a positive interaction. i wish i could say we just need to be confident and be ourselves, but i no longer think it's that simple.
growing up i was really private and wouldn't reveal anything about myself lest i be made fun of or feel too vulnerable, then i couldn't take it and snapped and just started oversharing all my secrets and saying whatever i was thinking to my friends. sometimes it was great and it really felt like me and my friends were having real, raw conversations, but other times i would just say extremely cringe cow-like shit that i still regret to this day. especially since we CAN sometimes make people uncomfortable with what we share, it's not 100% in our heads. so it took trial and error of going between embarrassing myself and holding back for me to figure out how much i really want to reveal to people and the line between what felt honest and what just felt wrong. everyone has a slightly different line and i don't think you can find what yours is without testing it, and testing it means probably being mortified from time to time.
No. 544942
>>544926>R/Depression is terrifying to click on because there will always be one person who is saying their goodbye or pretending to>recommends the suicideprojectThat sounds like the opposite of what OP wants. Anyway I'm sorry that you know about the website, hope you are doing better now (or will very soon).
Comment threads under depressioncomix may be helpful, but it's probably also not exactly what OP wants…
No. 545157
>>545118Well hell anon, you might as well be me. This definitely sounds like it should be in the advice thread but, fuck it lol
First thing's first: you gotta work on yourself. Whether you contact this woman again or not, you need to get your own shit together. Take the time to focus on bettering yourself and gain some insight into what you will and won't put up with from her anymore. Otherwise you're just going to end up in this situation again
After that, I guess reaching out depends on how you left off with her. If she never actually said she didn't like you, friend or otherwise, then it
might be an okay idea to reach out. If you didn't have some big fight or anything that is lol
If she did flat-out say she doesn't like you though, then you just gotta take the hit and move on. Sucks, but that's just how it is.
Good luck anon. It's been 6 months since I tried to reach out to my old friend and never heard anything back so I'm rooting for you lmao No. 545164
>>545157That's the thing, the only reason we stopped talking was because I felt I was just getting too obsessed with her
She never told me she didn't like me, in fact I'm probably in this situation because she didn't tell me she didn't like me. More often than not she told me she liked be but never really explained any further
I want to take the hit and move on, I just feel like for some reason I haven't done that–I know she probably won't be super into starting the kind of relationship I want, but I haven't internalized that despite thinking about it every day for the past 2ish years.
No. 545166
>>545024America's physically isolated from rest of West/Asia and ordinary people don't need to tune much into international politics, imo.
I try to came up with list of basic reasons. America has blatant income inequality, the education system is shit and so Americans are ignorant about nation's history and rest of the world. Political lobbyist money controls a lot in the government, and there's not a lot of organized workers so people are at mercy of their jobs. There's also history of racism, etc. as well as the two-party system making change hard. It's a diverse nation with lots of different people and so problems as well.
No. 545167
>>545024America's physically isolated from rest of West/Asia and ordinary people don't need to tune much into international politics, imo.
I try to came up with list of basic reasons. America has blatant income inequality, the education system is shit and so Americans are ignorant about nation's history and rest of the world. Political lobbyist money controls a lot in the government, and there's not a lot of organized workers so people are at mercy of their jobs. There's also history of racism, etc. as well as the two-party system making change hard. It's a diverse nation with lots of different people and so problems as well.
No. 545183
>>545175I definitely came here to bounce ideas off of people so it's not the worst to hear you say I shouldn't
But I guess I have to ask, what's wrong with being a little selfish? I do want to be selfish and satisfy my own needs because quite frankly I haven't focused on my own needs enough. If this is something that will help me get over this person then I should go for it–not at that person's expense, but I feel I know her enough to say that she wouldn't be bothered with me talking to her–I've mulled over this and I am getting therapy, I have no reason to believe I'd upset her by reaching out, accidentally or on purpose.
The underlying cause, and again therapy, is that I haven't felt the type of love that I truly desire and have lacked through out my entire life.
Do I think I will get it from her if I reach out–no, she never actually gave me enough love, though I fixated on her because she was the closest I ever got to that. She was super accepting of me even when I did freak out mentally and there are dozens of reasons to actually love her and I know that I'm not actually putting her on any sort of pedestal because that's just who she is–It's not out of the ordinary for someone to be great in a bunch of different ways that attracts a specific type of person.
She's great and there are dozens of reasons to like her, but there's no specific reason I should be obsessed with her in the way that I am. So I feel like if I confront this it will help.
If I am some how putting her on a pedestal, then wouldn't it be better to confront myself with how she actually is rather than my idea of her? How can I get rid of an idea of someone if I don't actually interact with them.
Sure, it's not the answer I want to hear, but I do want to hear more about what you think.
No. 545195
>>545183I think that it’s possible that she wouldn’t be upset that you reach out, and I don’t think being selfish is always wrong but I do think ultimately this decision would be upsetting and harmful to you, and I think being selfish is wrong in this instance because I believe an obsession with someone is inherently unhealthy and inherently dehumanising, so I don’t think that there is a way to engage with it that would be beneficial to you. I feel if anything initiating contact will further prevent you from focusing on your own needs because it will just feed into your obsession. I think that the only way to move on from this will be from within and no interaction with her will help, because I’m of the belief that the obsession is born solely out of internal conditions rather than anything external or actually to do with her (like you said, she can have lots of great qualities but there is nothing specifically to warrant an obsession).
If she is the closest you ever got to the love you have never experienced, I can totally see from your perspective why you would have formed this fixation, but I think even though you say you know you won’t get the love you need from her, you are to some degree using this as a unhealthy coping mechanism to get as close to it as possible (again, understandably) or as a distraction by focusing on the possibility of getting more out of this relationship than confronting the reality, which is that if she really cared she would reach out. This relationship is too imbalanced and can only harm you, and you seem to be in a vulnerable place.
I don’t feel like ‘seeing how she really is’ will help you deconstruct the idealised version of her you have because I feel like what will happen is you will become too involved in the interactions due to your obsession and ultimately just end up worsening it (you will put too much time into thinking about your communication, you will read into things she says too much, you will take things too personally because it means so much to you), I think you could get rid of an idea of someone many ways other than interacting with them, like by examining the conditions of which lead you to form that idea (which you are already doing by going to therapy), I think it will dissipate over time, have you asked about this in therapy? What did your therapist recommend?
I understand your perspective better now you explained the background a little more, I’m glad you’re able to get therapy and sincerely hope it is able to help you in the way you need. Even though I don’t think reaching out to this particular person is something you should do, I do think you will be able to form healthy connections and experience love the way you have always wanted in the future, I wish you all the best!
No. 545250
>>545247You're not going to solve the entire crisis yourself, but getting rid of your carbon footprint helps–even if it's just a little bit
Think about how much life there is in a square foot of dirt, not just the fuzzy animals but all of the ones that contribute to the health of the soil and all of the plants that grow from it
Plant flowers for pollinators, try thinking about eating less meat and more local foods, donate to animal shelters and conservation efforts
You can make a difference, even if it's not the game changing impact you want. If you want to make a big difference and have everyone pat you on the back, you can just buy trophies online if you want.
No. 545384
>>545382I would probably wait if you have had an order confirmation email.
Would imagine mood might be getting a lot of orders due to people making face masks for covid and because they are based in new york which has been pretty badly hit by covid. A lot of company
No. 545506
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No. 545509
>>542996lol all the videos coming out recently calling her out are making her hemorrhage followers and she went out of her way to post on reddit of all places her defense. she pulls blatant lies out of her ass. this point i think she might deserve her own thread on here for the constant lying she does No. 545512
Past few days have been headache central. I have a headache rn lol
No. 545528
>>545195I think the way I'm obsessed with her doesn't dehumanize her–maybe that's a bit contrary to your idea that inherently you cannot be obsessed with someone without dehumanizing.
I do think this is something I need for my subconscious to sort of deal with–rather than an active need, I feel my body attached to her in my subconscious and that's why I'm constantly thinking about her. More as a reflex rather than me actively thinking she's perfect.
So yeah, it is a coping mechanism, but something I'm trying to actively work with. I'm not going to find anyone like her, but that doesn't mean I won't find love.
Basically my only two choices are find love and teach my soul that it exists everywhere or confront her and teach my soul that love isn't coming from her–because doing nothing doesn't help and as much as I've moved on actively and consciously, there's still something I cannot control. So it's not about trying to lean into the coping mechanism, but sort of confronting it.
If I'm scared of water, then learning to swim will help in a sense.
I don't think the relationship being imbalanced, in that I care for her more than she cares for me is unhealthy in the sense that it would damage me to re-evaluate it. So talking with her won't be some sort of
trigger or anything.
This third paragraph is kinda why I didn't respond at first. It's taking a lot of liberties about who I am and how I act, especially with this person I'm thinking of. I don't mean to be that girl and say "You don't know me" but it does take an awful lot of assumption to say that I will become too involved in the interactions and it will worsen this obsession. To be fair, you don't know me that well and your idea of all of this is based on your own personal experiences and assumptions. I don't mind that, I just feel like something more concrete than an assumption, you know something more than "I feel like this will happen", is something that I need to hear.
I did talk to my therapist, which is why I'm responding to this post, and he's all for it. Relying on time to heal my wounds isn't really the best fix–that's not really how trauma works on any level. People don't just get over things, they have to accept and move on. I've done so consciously but there's still part of me that always reflexes back to her, so I need to do something that will allow my subconscious to move on.
If I'm constantly thinking about her and loving her, then how does that help my subconscious over time? Anyway, that's how I feel. I'll probably post in a different thread about how it goes if anything goes.
No. 545529
>>545382In this sorta area
How do I find people near me who make custom clothes?
I'm sure I could spend hours online googling, but if theres some sort of formula I'd love to get it
No. 545536
>>545534Diaper powder
it only comes out with the baby bounces
No. 545584
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Why are so many fujos lesbians?
No. 545685
>>545678What I do as someone with spinal problems is an exercise ball, you just stretch your back over it and go with the ball, I would also suggest replacing your chair with an exercise ball. Also any at home pilates does some really good stuff.
However, I've only gotten rid of dull back pain by lying in my bed (not useful if you're busy) or taking pain killers, hope this helps.
No. 545807
>>545797>caffeine poisoning >nice cup of coffee and a big can of monster >detoxingrofl
Go see a doctor instead of quack medicine.
No. 545844
>>545832I'm not surprised at all tbh. A lot of people are stuck at home now, waking up is more difficult, being at home 24/7 makes you bored as fuck.
Can yall chill now?
No. 545887
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Does this type of makeup not look weird and cakey in real life? I have asian friends here in America and none of them wear their makeup like this so I don't know. I just feel like it looks like a lot? Especially when the foundation shade is too light.
No. 545916
>>545887Most "full face" makeup looks kinda cakey in real life. That picture is so heavily filtered that her hair looks CGI.
>>545898 said, it depends on the technique and products, but it's never going to look like the ultra filtered/facetuned pictures on instagram.
No. 546167
>>546078Talk to your doctor, but be sure you're aware of the side effects of benzodiazepines and maybe talk to the doctor about it. They are extremely effective against anxiety but if you start taking them regularly.. and then stop.. the withdrawal can be very serious. Even life threatening. Just be careful anon!
Good luck, anxiety is fucking terrible. Your doctor should be understanding, just describe your symptoms and how it negatively effects your day to day life. That's the key is mentioning specially how anxiety impedes your ability to work, study, etc. If you are specifically looking for medication, be sure to mention you've already tried breathing exercises, meditation, etc.
No. 546269
>>546257Nta but I can only think of Man in the High Castle
If there are more alt history shows like that I'm interested lol. I liked the aesthetic of Germany in season two, both the Nazi architecture and the retro-20s hippie counterculture
No. 546417
>>546360Only if you set up a business account, then there'll just be your business name on the bill. Otherwise that's a great way to get your funds frozen.
>>546378>>546403Literally how? I couldn't even receive more than 2-digit payments in a week without having them ask for my ID and bank statements.
No. 546518
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Does anyone know what’s going on with the cactus?? (spoilered just in case)
No. 546542
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>>546539 is the only blinkie maker i found that kinda works. the rest that i remember are all 404s now or the dollmaker itself doesn't work. sad!
No. 546664
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How do I get back into social media?
I used to really like posting and putting in work (before Instagram was a thing/got big) but now I really lack the time and my life isn't really eventful. I'm aware that I don't have to post but I also have no one to follow, as in I have no friends or even acquaintances. Following influencers or shops seems dumb, which is why I don't have social media in the first place.
I'm trying to be more social and shit and always get asked if I have instagram and people seem to seebit as a bit of a red flag or something if you don't. I'd also feel embarrassed to tell someone my handle and the account not having any followers.
No. 546682
>>546664You can follow hashtags now so if you’re interested in specific little communities / fandoms / other things you can utilize that quite well.
Also makes for a great place to meet new people even if they are just online.
If you like dogs for example, you can start following related accounts and it sort of snowballs. People will follow you back either out of kindness, or if you post even mildly interesting things
No. 546790
>>546721i'm from a muslim country and fam ,but i quit the religion decades ago but i know what u mean,i'm 27 and everyone is telling me i'm running out of time and the most stupid question from cousins is "did something wrong happen to you(down there) that's why you refuse marriage? "
i'm dating and not ready to marry ,anon just don't let them win .whenever they talk just say yes and then do whatever the fuck you want lmao
No. 546871
>>546721I'm from a muslim family and while my family abroad thinks it's weird me and none of my sisters are married or dating (my little sister is dating someone but it's a secret) but they only tease us about it, and my family in my country either kinda gave up or thinks it's great we're prioritizing university, traveling or our careers, or who think it's ok if we take our time to find a bf/potential husband. Then I do have my mother and one of my aunt who always go "men are trash, don't depend on one."
Then again my family is strict in some aspects and don't give a fuck about others. When I asked my grandmother and my mother why they never wear the hijab when I was a kid they laughed at me and said they'll only wear one when they'll lose their hair. Which isn't even true because my grandma still isn't wearing one. They also don't care if we don't pray or fast during ramadan as long as we don't tell them we don't believe in god lol. Are you from a middle eastern country or another country where the majority is muslim? I think how strict people can be with Islam often depends on the local culture.
>>546755Same at first, I grew up being told this shit and now that it backfired and I never dated anyone and I'm nearly 26 they actually don't care anymore as long.
No. 546895
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where did the dorito chin beauty trend came from?
No. 546932
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How to set boundaries when you have an overprotective parent?
No. 546985
>>546983He said he identifies as a straight cross dresser. What rubbed me the wrong way was him saying "I am not gay, I think of men only when I masturbate. It is just part of autogynephilia while you imagine being a girl"
I wouldn't care if he just said he's bisexual but his way of thinking sounds like a weird cope to me.
I don't want to get too attached to him and then dealing with the hardship of him trooning out later in the relationship after getting too much validation from me.
No. 547049
>>546897 said.
>>547016lol no. have you looked at traditional chinese paintings? they have either round or huge jaws.
No. 547065
>>546944its actually really simple, call them up and discuss with them. ask any and all questions you might have with the nurse on the line. tbh most vets would rather see a dog not suffer than people bringing them in last minute when they clearly havent had quality of life in a long time. usually what happens is they will talk to you over the phone about everything you ask (prices, appointment days and times for the euthanasia) and the day of will do a final check up to determine the dogs health.
when I had to put my dog down in 2018 (old age and he was rapidly declining his last year of life with doggie dementia and probably a stroke) i called up every vet in the area to asses prices and even called up the ones who do euthanasia at your home. the one i went with was the sweetest lady who was sad for us but glad to see us take him from his suffering because he was in bad shape. the euthanasia was quick and painless for him and to be honest i hadnt seen him that happy or relaxed in a long time because he usually hated the vet to the point of having to be muzzled every single time. i wish you the best for the tough call you have to make.
No. 547078
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Is this a long philtrum?
No. 547083
>>547082 said, it's more about the total balance. for me it was more noticeable that the chin is rather short which might make the philtrum look longer
No. 547087
>>547082 thank you!
>>547084>>547083I have a overbite,thats why my chin is non existence. Consindered getting a lift lip. No moneys to fix my crooked jaw
No. 547245
>>547242Nah, spells just sound like fantasy to me anon.
t. american
No. 547320
>>547273nothing afaik, art schools are only for developing skills, building a portfolio and networking.
the degree is basically worthless.
nobody wants to employ you for your degree, they want to employ you for your skills and stuff you show in your portfolio so they know what you are actually capable of.
No. 547414
>>547315There will be music you like you just haven't found the right thing. Maybe try chill mixes on YouTube?
There are loads of online backgrounds sound generators where you can combine things like rain, birdsong, ambient cafe sounds too. You can also pick up a cheap radio and tune it to a mostly talking station, depending on where you live, to take the strain away from your laptop.
You can't have noise all the time forever though, you might need to learn to get a little bit more used to the sound of your own thoughts.
No. 547513
>>547509It used to redirect from, but that doesn't seem to work anymore (at least for me), so some might still be confused.
>>545773 No. 547515
>>547507Not pissed, but realize that he's keeping you on the hook for a source of attention to feed his ego. You are 100% spot on that he doesn't care about you, and he's done nothing to prove otherwise. Demanding you pay attention to him is a one way street solely for his benefit, while he ignores and discards you when and how he sees fit. Why do they do it? I think in some part it's egotism, they just feel like if they have a circle of women interacting with them that it makes them seem desirable. He could be stringing you along as a backup option if right now he's courting other women and wants you in case it doesn't work out for them.
A man who is extremely attracted to you and wants to have you will not ignore you like that. Don't believe low value men who act like it's a huge hassle to ask you how you are over a text or give you a call, that's bullshit and they're just trying to make you feel bad for their lazy and bad behavior.
No. 547624
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What happened in Gabbie Hanna's past?
I only watch her when she's involved in controversy and she constantly goes on and on about her "fucked up childhood" and muh trauma. So what happened to her?
No. 547689
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How do I get a cute boyfriend with long hair. I want a sweet soft boy I can cuddle with.
No. 547694
>>547691What about it makes it a potato nose? Is it that it's large? Round? Downturned?
My nose doesn't look like hers, but it is round. Do I have a potato nose?
No. 547698
>>547694NTA but it's really not that deep
some people will call every nose that doesn't look like a tiny button nose a "potato"
gabbie's nose just looks like she will slice me open with it if i try to hug her
No. 547703
>>547698>>547696Why attack someone for their nose? It's not something they can control without expensive risky surgery. I mean if this lady is a cunt she's a cunt.
Plus it seems like people born with button noses are only common in a
certain demographic, if you catch my drift. Like maybe this hatred of big/round noses has a really
problematic origin.
No. 547732
I have EXTREME paranoia (mostly fueled by disorders, I think, but still…) My biggest paranoia is that my friends (and people around me but mostly friends,) are talking shit about me, or even just.. a little? Anything but positive. I thought I was slowly getting over it, that they wouldn't do that, except I overheard them kinda shittalking someone in our group, and then did it again today, when all he did was mess up one fight in the game we play, and is not the best at what he does b ut… clearly tries? and I think it's really rude to all casually talk about how disappointing he is and how irritating it is to play with him; It makes me entirely think my fears are true, I'm not the best and make stupid mistakes mostly because I have severe ADHD and my focus gets switched, so like, I understand… if they're talking shit about it, but it's just upsetting..
So, is it understandable that I'm upset? Or are they in the right? I'm legitimately torn and it's upsetting me even more.
No. 547736
>>547732So the
toxic gaymers meme is true
No. 547934
>>547933ok i have a really hard time expressing myself bc i'm esl and retarded but in my case, i am aware of some of my delusions when i snap back into reality. idk what
triggers my self awareness and my hallucinations but i can feel when something is changing my mind state. like i see something innocuous and my brain fixates on it for some reason, and i get chills, a feeling that something is wrong. then the thoughts come in and the delusion sets in. some delusions are so silly that i know they're just delusions, like i'm the only real human being and everyone else is a robot or some shit. some of them are hard to get rid off, like the thought of being dead and currently reliving my life again and again in limbo. sometimes i move on and forget about it for a while, but something happens, maybe an hallucination, and i start doubting everything again lol
No. 548018
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How stupid would it be to move from a major city in the US to a major city in Poland? I hold dual citizenship, and can speak Polish decently, but not extremely well. Fluent in English. I have family there, but we're not really connected, so it's mostly a non-factor. I work in tech, and I feel like I'd possibly be a more competitive candidate there than I am here.
I'm mid-twenties, and I think it might be interesting to live abroad for some time. I've considered other places but the visa/immigration issues seems like a hassle to navigate. NZ, GB and NL would probably top my list, but they have country-specific barriers.
I haven't visited as an adult, so I'd definitely do so again before making any decisions. Homophobia is a concern for me because I'm a bi woman predominantly interested in dating women, but I'm used to navigating traditional Polish views.
No. 548164
>>548153Most places have payment plans, tbh.
My friend pays for her once a month, some people do it biweekly (same week as pay) some people it's upfront if they can afford it. Just ask your orthodontist for the available payment plans, and if they refuse, just go elsewhere.
No. 548521
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Could somebody explain/give a theory as to what separates ugly-hot people from regular ugly people? II can tell the difference between cute and ugly-cute and why it occurs (Despite the ugliness they have neotenous features that make them cute), but I don't really understand ugly-hot-ness
No. 548625
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>>548545This. I find big nosed people super attractive but I can see why other people think they're ugly.
Pic related is my latest celebrity crush and she's definitely not conventionally attractive.
No. 548630
>>548521I think the way a person carries themself contributes greatly. I agree
>>548625 is super hot, and it's not about her features, she's charismatic and the character she plays has that wolfish energy. If I imagine her as a timid awkward woman in bootcut jeans she's suddenly not that hot anymore.
No. 548765
>>548759Why do people from the south of the US like so much to end names with 'lee', 'lyn', 'klyn'?
I don't get it.
No. 548857
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>>548765Because they have no taste
No. 548966
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>>541259are there girl coomers?
No. 548975
>>548966coomer just means porn sick, its someone who inserts porn into every aspect of their life
so yeah
No. 548985
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>>548966I think every woman with a fetish is a coomer by default. Especially if it's stuff like bdsm or ddlg. Anybody that puts their pussy on the internet free of charge is a coomer to me too.
No. 548989
>>548986That sounds like a lot of dissociation type stuff, and it does sound incredibly delusional. You need mental help, it’s probably not healthy to be so disconnected from reality. At least right now, you can kind of tell you’re doing it I guess? That’s probably good.
>>548987You have to be 18 years old to post here.
No. 548996
>>548989Thank you for your answer.
I can tell sometimes that I'm dreaming it up but the other times I feel myself going back into this headspace and I feel at ease because everything just feels made up and my real life is waiting for me on the other side. It's like this is my first chance in life and if I fuck it up then things are still ok because my other life (aka the one where I'm sleeping right now) is waiting for me and I can always start again. Living alone doesn't really help at all I think. I also told my sister about this yesterday on the phone and she was weirded out and told me to get help too. Normal reaction I guess. This is probably something to feel weird over for other people. I think I will take the help thing into more consideration after the entire virus thing is over.
I appreciate your reply a lot, thanks again.
>>548987I know this is a reddit slang type of thing but I'm serious.
>>548994It wasn't funny.
No. 548998
>>548986This sounds like depersonalization or dissociation to me. I go through this a lot and it feels like you're a robot or watching yourself through a mirror.
It's always weird when I see myself or am aware of what I look like because I don't feel like I should be in my body.
It helps to have some grounding techniques but it's a pretty manageable thing with therapy and self awareness.
No. 549007
>>549003>>549004No, I am not a minor. The only thing I'll admit is that seeing the supernatural power thread made me wanna talk about this on here for some confirmation, because my talk with my sister on the phone had me a bit confused and I wanted a bit more (which I ended up getting). Was actually gonna post it on there but I decided against it and came here. I get why you'd think that way because this place has indeed been run over by minors lately but I'm really not one.
>>549002>>548998Thank you! You're very sweet!
When the time comes I'll try my best.
No. 549008
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As a guy am I allowed to post on this site?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 549035
>>549030I think that anon was being sarcastic, but I don't know. Food is food. As long as you know you're not sick, I don't see a problem.
Giving it away wouldn't be wrong, people need to eat.
No. 549037
>>549035I don't know if I've got the virus and I wouldn't want to unknowingly spread it to someone who is ultra vulnerable and most likely doesn't have healthcare
I don't really track sarcasm online super well
No. 549045
>>549042That's effectively what is meant unless it's physical therapy
Freud is a little outdated, but if you want a more typical example, watch this,_Professional_Therapist No. 549050
>>549047That's just an aspect of it–I mean, therapy can be all of those things
But yeah, when someone says "get therapy" on the internet, they usually mean it as a joke on websites like this
No. 549052
>>549051It definitely could–a lot of therapy does look into why certain behaviors exist
Pinpointing a reason why people act a certain way can help them change that behavior
Therapy isn't a 100% cure, but it usually helps in the way you're referring to
No. 549055
>>549054Psychiatrists typically just give out meds and diagnose stuff, they don't typically help you work things out unless it's completely serious
Therapists and counselors typically do all of that stuff
No. 549057
>>549052yeah a little bit sure and so would reading a free article about it or trying some meditation. it can't change the core problem cows have which is simply that they are stupid.
>>549055I don't really rate psychiatrists either i just put that because you said personality disorders which I mixed up with mood disorders. I think psych
ology stuff like CBT and stuff might be a start for the cows.
But Oh well i won't clog this thread more, the main thing i wanted to sort out was whether anons were overreaching by claiming to have The Answer, which i think we can agree on
No. 549060
>>549059They are all pretty much the same–sorry for the confusion.
The psychiatrist medical, therapist talking thing is accurate
No. 549061
>>549059>>549060More specifically, a lot of CBT happens on a couch
Unless you're wearing heels
No. 549085
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Do yall have any tips for fixing a short attention span?
No. 549258
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Wtf is going on in the PULL thread? I can’t tell if it’s some sort of bot or an actual person.
No. 549294
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Alright, so, kind of just a weird question over a 'stupid one', I guess, but… (warning to readers in /OT/ with SFW interests: sexual nature)
Lately I've been having this weird sexual fixation/penis envy desire to feel what it's like to have a penis and have sex with a woman. I would consider myself fully straight (I've had lesbian experiences in the past during more 'experimental' years and tried regular strap-ons and did not enjoy them), but lately whenever I view pornographic material or anything vaguely arousing, I get stuck imagining how good it must feel to be the dude and the sensation of cock-entering-vagina. Other than this I'm happy with being a female and the concept doesn't enter my life in any other aspect, so I'm gonna chalk it up to momentary fetish.
That decided, any anons here have any experience with sex toys like the feeldoe or whatever it is? like one of those double ended strap-ons that you insert into yourself? good ones/bad ones?
I feel like reviews of sex toys online are super overrated, hence wanting to ask here. I find most sex toys/dildos/whatever underwhelming (honestly, for what must be such a high $$$ industry, sex toys are so underdeveloped and overpriced, what the hell), while even 'neutral' reviewers will make them sound like gods orgasm-inducing gift to woman-kind. So… I'm not asking for a sexual experience play-by-play from anyone, but if you could give some more detail on 'what' they feel like if you did like yours, that'd be appreciated. (what I mean: is it similar sensation to using a dildo? a vibrator? is there significant sensation from thrusting, or does the 'pleasurable feeling' of the item come purely from having it inserted, whether you're using it as intended or not?
Kinda considering getting one and a 'pocket pussy' or something just to live out the weird fetish. Don't really wanna involve an actual woman as, like I said, I don't feel I'm a lesbian or a person who wants to have real sex with another woman. But if the sensation is akin to just having a prone dildo or vibrator inside of myself, then, well… can't say it's worth the money for my situation, lol.
No. 549297
>>549258I didn't see whatever it was, but I've been suspecting lolcow got cross-linked somewhere high traffic recently. that and usual summer-fagisms amplified by quarantine. 'cause there's been a huge amount of non-saged, extra moralfag, mildly off-culture and cowtipping posts all over lately.
anyone else also feeling there's a larger influx of the weird 'this cow deserves to written about because they're a bad person and so we're justified in making fun of them!' mentality, or am I just nitpicking? like, legit anons going on tirades about how they're posting to protect people/spread the word about how scammy/shitty/whatever ___ cow is, and are super defensive when anyone tries to say something that's not in favor of the cow being a dangerous psycho criminal? (even if its not WKing)?
I mean, that mentality seems to be more common place over time, but it's been in real high abundance lately in the threads I read. like shit, why we all gotta be virtue signaling super heros all the sudden, i just wanna read/gossip/speculate because they're fucking lulsy train wrecks and it's entertaining… you'd think some of these anons are rehearsing their speech for when they meet heavens gates and have to justify getting in lmao
No. 549298
>>549294You're probably experiencing this when you watch porn because porn is made for men. All porn, even girl-on-girl, is created with a male viewer in mind, so that will come through psychologically when you consume it. Becoming fixated on a certain male-oriented aspect of it (having a penis and inserting it into a vagina) is normal for the experience.
To answer your question about toys: I hate to tell you this, but there will never be a way to recreate the experience with female genitals. Clit-sucking toys are probably the closest you're going to get, but even that mostly just feels like receiving (robotic) oral sex on female genitals. Double-ended vibrators feel exactly like it sounds - a vibrator stimulating you inside your vagina and against your clit. It feels more intense when you push in, but in the same way it would if you were using a vibe solo and pushed it more firmly against yourself.
Basically, there isn't a good way to simulate having a functional penis yet, so I wouldn't waste your money. Sorry, anon.
No. 549302
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>>549298Thanks anon! I appreciate the insight (and I think you're absolutely correct in it). Sadly when it comes to the toys, I had a feeling that'd be the case. I mean, I knew there wasn't going to be some magical device that'd make it the same sensation, but I was hoping there might be something a little better than 'lol we tied two bullet vibrators together, have fun'.
Off-reply tangent:
I know it's a male-dominated industry, but dear God is it really so much to ask for someone to develop something for women that isn't a Chinese knock off of a Mcdonalds action figure with built-in buzzing?!
About to start a blog based around DIY fitness-sex toys. Aka sex toys that motivate you to work out/work via you working out; two birds one stone, y'know? The fact that pic related (What a joke - spoilered more for the sadness of its existence vs nsfw nature) and ben-wa balls are the only thing that come up in relation to it kills me. We're really not utilizing the potential of female sexual enjoyment. I don't even understand why, since I'd always figured women would still be pretty large buyer demographic of toys, even if men consume more media etc…(I mean, it'd even be logical straight women would be buying more toys if the vast majority of men are getting their idea of a good sexual experience from porn, lol?).
Even the 'long distance/couple experience' items make me sad, the woman's version of the pair always makes it seem like even the people designing sex toys intended for women's pleasure are the same ones who think we orgasm each time we use tampons or something…
That or I'm some vaginally numb super-mutant resistant to the mind-blowing, world-shattering sensations of 'it's-reminiscent-of sitting-on-the-edge-of-a-rattling-dryer 3000 turbo max (now on sale for $769!)'. And somehow I doubt that, considering ((TMI-apologies to anyone still reading)) I'm one of those lucky ladys capable of continued multiple/stacked orgasms.
No. 549464
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Wtf is the confessions thread pic, pic related.
No. 549481
>>549472How did you end up in juvy?
I dropped out at 16 because my life was a mess and I was mentally ill. I was a neet until I was 20 when I went to my country's equivalent of community college. I have kind of mixed feelings about the whole thing.
No. 549487
>>549481I tased a bully in the 7th grade
Middle school was living hell for me too,no one should ever experience such torment not even for a 13/14 year old,I'm a neet too but I'm close to moving out at 19 years old
No. 549504
>>549493That's not what I'm talking about though. They talk about having a serious mental illness like it's a quirky personality trait or trend and it's so transparent.
>>549497They're in prison now because they're just as much of a sociopath now as when we were kids, so kind of
No. 549526
>>549500Hey anon, this is an interesting question. I do think I am introverted because of how I was “allowed” to socialise in my teen years.
I was an outgoing and sociable child, but my family moved to UK and were living in a housing situation were basically no kids were allowed to be, so for 5 out of 7 days of the week my sister and I had to pretend we didn’t exist.
Then coming back to my home country, my parents wouldn’t give me money to see friends outside of school, and wouldn’t allow them to come to my house, and since that I guess I have become used to spending all my free time alone and this has now carried on into my adult life.
TL;DR I would say that I am introverted largely because of my upbringing.
No. 549534
>>549500It definitely is the case for me. My parents aren't the most extroverted party people either but they're still normal. My sister is a lot younger than I and my parents were a lot more lax with her, so while also a bit introverted she's a perfectly normal girl too.
When I was a child they raised me to be uber polite, they didn't praise me for meaningless little stuff like other parents did and they also scolded me for small things (sometimes even in advance before I even did something). As a result I'm very timid and scared of basically anything. As a kid I always though I'm not a mommy's child but now as an adult I totally depend on them. I can't do anything on my own, I'm always worried about making mistakes. At work too, I always ask or double check with an older coworker because I can't make decisions on my own. I'm just so scared of possible consequences or backlash.
My parents also made sure to always tell me that I need to stay quiet when adults are talking, as in never interrupting anybody, so I just grew into a person who doesn't speak much. Starting from when I was a teen everybody around me including my parents suddenly expected me to be bubbly, outgoing, fun, talkative,… which I just wasn't used to. I was supposed to be the perfect obedient child who magically turns into a super popular young woman. My biggest flaw is not being good at talking (I simply have no idea what to say) but that is essential for school or work settings so I always fail.
No. 549561
>>549559since rabbit is down i use rave
it's not as good as rabbit but it still works
No. 549571
You don’t get raised by an actual autist and a passive aggressive, emotionally void asshole and come out normal.
>>549536, my parents didn’t really have friends either. And like
>>549534, I never got any praise of any kind. It’s like I was expected to just know things. I was never asked how I felt, I was never soothed, I was never encouraged. In fact, I was often discouraged, either directly or indirectly. I’ve never had a proper conversation with either of my parents. I don’t feel they ever really took an interest in me as a person. Or even saw me as one. When I wasn’t being ignored, I was being belittled. They fed me and clothed me but they checked out with everything else.
I think if I had parents who engaged with me, and life in general, I would have been alright. Probably still an anxious mess because some of that is just genetic but otherwise fine.
Instead I’ve just been a NEET for 10 years.
I don’t have any older people in my life to guide me in anything. I wish I did.
I think I grew up without love.
No. 549587
>>549571Man I feel you anon, this is pretty similar to my experience as well.
My mom had absolutely no friends. She was "friendly" with a few people, but would constantly berate/shittalk them to me. She was so highly critical of everyone, even the few friends I had as a kid. Any little misstep they did would have her saying they're bad kids, their parents are terrible people, they're probably child abusers, etc. Example being I scraped my knee playing with a friend when I was like 4, so my mom freaked out on the kid saying it was her fault and that she was "using" me. It was really hard to stay friends with anyone because she hated everyone.
I feel guilty even talking about it, like I should just get over my weird family issues and stop crying, parents don't define me, etc., but it's impossible to believe it didn't impact me and how I handle relationships. It's made it so hard to relate to people.
No. 549598
>>549500Absolutely. Every thing I did as a child was heavily downplayed by my parents. If I got the best grades in my class it was just my job. If I wasn't the best I was punished.
My parents were also part of a weird doomsday cult and I wasn't allowed to play with children outside the cult. At first I did it anyway and got beaten everytime so I just learned to stay inside and read/watch TV. Now that they got outside of that they ask me why I don't have many friends lol.
On top of that when I was 12 my parents decided to send me to a prestigious school in the city because they thought I was a child genius. My classmates bullied the shit out of me for being a poor country bumpkin and I lived with a creepy old lady who wouldn't let me turn on the heating in winter. I ended getting lots of health issues and spent most of my teenage years in hospitals which definitely didn't help me being more social.
No. 549642
>>549611They were adventists. I think onion boy was caught in that bullshit as well but I don't really follow his drama.
Aside from some chronical minor health issues I'm alright now but I still have trust issues and I always think people will judge me so social situations drain me. My relationship with my parents got a bit better since they left the cult but I can't see them as normal people anymore.
No. 549669
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>>549642I'm glad you're doing better, anon.
No. 549722
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Why does South Park have a suddenly large fujo audience ? like seriously go to a youtube clip of the characters and you'll find teen girls with kpop profile pictures gushing about how cute the boys are
No. 549754
>>549752>I can remember like 60 pages of text almost word for word>for about 6-10 hoursWtf. I wouldn’t say something is
wrong with you but that is certainly not something that most people would be able to do. I’d love to have that ability.
This isn’t meant as an insult, but do you have autism? Your post just made me think of that autistic savant who can memorize songs on the piano after listening to the song one time.
No. 549773
>>549758>Do you think the average person would eventually be able to memorise 60 pages word for word maybe if they studied it for a while or that the average person can literally never remember that much?It’s probably possible, but most people would have trouble with it and would really need to dedicate themselves to it. How long does it take for you to memorize the ~60 pages? From your post it sounds like you just automatically remember them after reading them just once(?).
Even if you aren’t autistic, you definitely have some sort of cognitive gift and I am jealous.
t. autist with no special talents
No. 550064
>>550062take 30 seconds to think about what you're posting before you post it. most likely you're just screaming into the void and getting way more worked up about it than just leaving it be. whatever you're trying to say, the person has heard it before.
besides, are there ever any true winners to an internet argument?
No. 550169
Kissmanga you gotta jump through a hoop or two to block ads but they do have a big library
No. 550209
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It's 5 am and I can't sleep. Should I just complete any online work that I have and sleep whenever my body wants to sleep?
No. 550404
Meh I agree I should leave forever but it’s hard. If I were richer and more stable (by that time I’ll fully quit imageboards hopefully) I’d get kids. In fact I’m still trying to detox myself from them fully. It’s not always going so perfect. And I was more referring to their behavior. who the hell tripfags on /pol/ so much when you have 3 kids?
This is the stupid question thread and I got angry moms coming for me instead of admitting it’s bullshit to shitpost on imageboard.
No. 550409
>>550406Ok but all tripfags that are moms regardless of the board are still cows no
How old are you btw? (It’s a stupid question thread)
And you can bully me I’ll just hope real life bullies you more h-haha
No. 550417
>>550415I think we might be, but the UK and Russia (where I'm from) might use a slightly different version, i guess (idfk anything, i dont go to med school). Anyways, It is a pretty severe drug in general, and obviously shouldn't be used recreationally. It is used to treat severe pain in hospitals/hospices, for example, but in my experience, it did
also have some hallucinogenic side-effects, though.
No. 550465
>>550464what would suicide baiting my ex even do for me? even i know that's just manipulative.
i just want to be heard, i guess.
No. 550478
>>550477she lives 3500 miles away in a different continent, so fat chance.
another reason why i didnt understand why she pursued him so aggressivley, he literally moved across the world to be with another woman and none of her mates had the good sense to tell her that she's being delusional by chasing him? that they have their own separate lives?
No. 550480
>>550478the other woman = me, btw
he relocated to be with me and still she thot she had a chance lol
No. 550485
>>550481I don’t wanna text with my non existing bf every single day. Is it bad? I never used tinder either btw. I hate constant clinginess. i’m ok with irl chilling doe.
>>550479 Like one message? What does he message you?
No. 550491
>>550485"I'm sorry hun I passed out or I was busy"
He doesn't have a job, hes 19 and plays video games all day. Theres no excuse for me having to wait 12 hours+ for a text message reply lol
No. 550495
>>550491>> 550492Wtf so there were no dates? Screw him then. I mean fuck smartphones and texting and social media but I will definitely try to make it worth on dates and I certainly won’t send texts like this to a potential bf.
(imo) Delete tinder and don’t meet someone from online unless they’re in your irl network.
No. 550502
>>550491I love how it's always the unemployed ones that live with their mom and don't even clean or cook their own food that say "oh sorry I passed out" Bitch from what?
Right choice anon
No. 550565
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>>550556Something like this?
No. 550575
>>550525I first found crystal cafe through 4chan
it was /r9k/ and I’m ashamed and then somehow got here from cc because people couldn’t stop talking about it.
No. 550603
>>550595For me I discovered r9k a lot earlier than lolcow or even (radical) feminism. I was the edgy pick-me type that used to get angry at women for speaking out against men. I also was quite the loner so I felt more or less understood by the posts there. They just spoke to me in some way but at some point I realised that the whole thing is just
toxic to the max and now I only go because I used to go so often in the past. Tbh lolcow really helped me get out of the robot mind space and find acceptance for myself and others.
No. 550626
>>550624For OP titles
Standard image board format
No. 550627
>>550595Because feminism is a whore’s club and a whore’s club involves slutshaming, being 20-faced, and just being a dumb slut who shitposts on r9k and seeks validation from men when their fellow fat whores aren’t looking.
This is the truth and I won’t fucking reply to y’all butthurts fembots under the disguise of radical feminism.
No. 550652
Are we being raided?
>>550525I hated berrytsukasa
No. 550702
>>550700Nothing anon said indicates she's in a loud environment, management is obviously just yelling out of anger/to intimidate her.
I disagree with everything you said, if management ever yelled at me I would go straight to HR. It's fucking crazy that a company would allow bullying in the workplace, especially from higher ups. Managers are supposed to MANAGE people, not scare and embarrass them. It's completely out of line and inappropriate in the workplace.
No. 550768
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No. 550791
>>550788Fun is the defining characteristic of Jojo, there's a reason it's constantly memed.
I preferred reading it to watching it personally, and keep in mind parts 1 and 2 are quite different to the rest of the series.
No. 550859
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>>550788I think Jojo is super fun, it's really crazy and it's important to not think too much about what is happening because it doesn't make sense mostly and to just enjoy the ride. The characters look the same because the mangaka uses like one reference photo of Natalie portman for everyone. I don't think everyone can enjoy it, if you like fun characters and weird supernatural action but don't care too much about the details of the story I recommend it. I prefer reading the manga, Jojolion is my favorite
No. 550871
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>>550788I know a lot of people like it, but if you’re expecting quality writing and dimensional characters, then I wouldn’t watch it. If you like drawn-out battles, strategy, strange situations, and eccentric characters then you might find it fun. I really don’t get it, but my bf loves it lol.
No. 550877
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>>550864I'm serious, I watched an interview and he had a photo of her face (at least I think it was her) pasted on his wall, I can't find it anymore though. I think he just wants to make everyone beautiful and he has one idea of what a beautiful face is, so he just draws the same face on everyone.
No. 550885
>>550789>>550791>>550859>>550871Thanks a lot anons! I'll give it a try and see if I like it
>>550877That's interesting. I can kinda see the resemblance
>>550881I don't think emoticons are cringey
No. 550937
>>550905If it's a pattern, meaning this has happened consistently for longer than two weeks, then you may possibly have a condition. Although none of us here are physicians so it's impossible to tell, you might have diabetes, or it could be something else. See a doctor.
But no, generally speaking. I never eat breakfast and the only way I wake up ravenous is if I didn't eat enough or fucked up my nutrition from the day before.
No. 550943
>>550525i'm a fan of dance gavin dance and jonny craig's voice. looked him up on wikipedia and had some lulz about his laptop scandal.
somehow stumbled onto a Taylor Dean tea Twitter account. they tweeted about lolcow, i checked it out. have been hooked ever since.
No. 550948
>>550525/cgl/ oldfag. There are still dozens of us, dozens!
>>550943It's nice to know you're out there, the amount of overlap in people who followed that drama here but also are actually interested in that music scene is surprisingly low. I think because those kinds of fans are mostly guys that only discuss things on Facebook meme pages or /mu/.
No. 550956
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How does it work that I look at this one IRL dude and genuinely think he's the most attractive person I've ever seen in my life, spend the next two and a half years of my life gushing over how attractive he is and then one day I just look at him and feel bored? Is that just losing interest in him, something as simple as that, or is there something more into it? Am I exaggerating it? I feel so weird about it now, because I used to worship his face so much and now I just think he's OK looking and that's it.
And no, it's not a famous person.
No. 550958
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>>550881First one is perfect to express your pain, the second one is also perfect but I use it when I want to die.
No. 550965
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>>550958these emojis have the same vibe as those weird comics that used to be around on fb
No. 550973
>>550956Why is it a
bad thing that you're not attracted to him anymore? I feel relief over getting over someone, for example, because it means i no longer have to think about them all the time. It gets annoying after a couple days, really, after that it's just a really annoying routine.
Maybe you've realized you've stopped thinking about him as often? That always dissolves my interest in my crushes. Or you saw him in a completely different light (as a father/teacher, maybe) and you can't think of him in the same way anymore?
In any case, you'll always find someone else to gush over, anon. It's not a huge deal.
No. 550984
>>550918Thank you, this was it. I havent been eating as much bc of a side effect from a drug
>>550937Yeah, I definitely have been neglecting my nutrition. It feels so good to eat healthy things ugh
No. 551014
>>551009Oh anon you are about to love me! because I know just who you are talking about! I loved his shit back in the day. are so welcome (I am certain this is who you meant)
No. 551026
>>551014Thank you anon but I'm afraid that's not him. The artist I'm thinking of was much more advanced.
His artworks looked like polished anime screenshots or promotional artwork. I think he was a professional digital artist. He may have had realistic/painting type digital art too. The only artwork I remember of his was a landscape orientation fanart of the Chunin Exams in the outside arena from a low angle (with original characters maybe?).
No. 551078
>>551067You take one D and another D and then you have D&D
No. 551083
>>551026dang I was really hoping that was the guy and you'd found what you came looking for.Sorry about that. I mean both the guys are asian-canadian/american. Going through this guys deviantart I notice a lot of his older shit is missing.
I hope someone finds it for you soon, anon! Good luck!
No. 551146
>>551121No it isn't and everyone else who says it is keeps reaching and reaching, and they don't know how to do proper thinking and how to analyze a manga that has themes like war, genocide, etc. in it without immediately jumping to the conclusion that it is some sort of antisemitic propaganda, because some of the characters have European names. Sure, if you look at a few panels then you might get the idea it is (like fucktards from Tumblr), especially if you look at panels from the basement arc. I know Isayama putting the armbands on the Eldarian race wasn't his greatest move but that's how he portrayed the oppressed, and once you read it then you really know that it really isn't some way of him brainwashing his fans to think Nazism should be supported.
The current arc is about how genocide is wrong and why you shouldn't support it and all that jazz, the majority of the characters even want to stop it, so why would a manga that is apparently "nazi propaganda" have something like that in it and not the complete opposite?
I don't want to tell you what to believe, you're free to do what you want and even hate this manga, but I cannot stand people who immediately jump to the conclusion that it's linked to nazism and Isayama wants to say antisemitism is good bla bla without even actually reading it and thinking about it. I blame Tumblr and their need to call every single thing that doesn't scream "WOKE" to them some "crypto fascist manga".
No. 551155
>>551133>>551146But like it says in this article
>>551140, the author and many of the manga's themes are facist, nationalistic, pro-japanese imperialism, and anti-korean. It's disgusting and makes me uncomfortable that I ever liked aot in the first place.
No. 551178
>>551168Try Shiki or Erased.
Deleted and reposting so I can add some info since my other post was shit. Shiki is about a mysterious illness sweeping through an isolated mountain town. It has supernatural elements to it and is a suspense/horror show. Erased is a crime/mystery series with time travel. I don't want to give too much away about either, hopefully I didn't make them sound boring. Shiki seems appropriate for the day and age but also really good around Halloween.
No. 551186
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>>551155Japan is tone deaf and fetishizes Nazi Doitsu. WW2 might as well have been anime to them. “
Problematic themes” of the fascist variety are rampant in otaku media (like literally everything with a military involved), AoT is just more on the nose. Shocking to weebs I know but it’s not just Isayama, Japan at large IS nationalist, anti immigrant anti globalization and pretty damn racist lol So y’all better stop watching anime period or you’re a literal nazi ok?
No. 551192
>>551151Hmmmm gazing into her eyes a lot, anon. Maybe the real conundrum here is, are you a lesbian?
All jokes aside, one of my old friends had the most gorgeous blue eyes. Not that cold kinda grey-blue but like bright blue sapphires. Super blue eyes can be natural but I think they're really rare
Sorry for blog
No. 551193
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>>551178Shiki is so good, I get frequent urges to rewatch it. The creepy OST, based Toshio, the moments where it's actually almost a little scary… love it.
No. 551266
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Why is this site so slow??? Why does nobody respond to my eloquently crafted shitpost? Are you all fucking full emotional sacks of shit who have nothing better to do than act like retard robots pretending to have issues meanwhile I'm over here bleeding my heart out for a goddamned response or reply ANYTHING to valide my fucking existence over here!!!!!! Eat my fucking ass you geriatric pisstained vagina addled prices of trash!!! God I am so SICK of you all!
No. 551274
>>551273You're boring
You're face is boring
You're mom is boring
Bore bore bore I'm pissing upwards and hitting my face with boring liquids
No. 551360
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Does that "spark" that you have in your first relationship ever happen again?
I've been single for almost 3 years now, met some alright people but even if I find them interesting and attractive there's just nothing there.
No. 551373
>>551360who knows. if it makes you feel better i'm in the same boat. granted, i didn't feel a spark with my first bf and the only other times i've felt "sparks" were when i was drunk in love.
don't beat yourself up. and don't settle because you want a relationship. hold out for someone who makes you want to be in a relationship.
No. 551407
teri, the queen of lolcow!
No. 551498
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any anons here into asian skincare? what's the market for it like right now? can you still buy directly from your favorite retailers? any US based stores that carry a good variety or are they starting to get low on stock? any price mark ups?
No. 551520
>thinking every single asian man is attractive>thinking that asians are the most superior race in the entire world and no one is better than them>wishing you were asian>feeling envy when you see people with an asian boyfriend>desperately trying to have an asian boyfriend>think it's the end of the world if you don't have an asian boyfriend>claim to know any of the languages to look better/smarter when you obviously don't know shit>accepting even the ugliest asian man as your partner because you just want that uwu sweet nihongo~normal:
>you like them for the way they are and not because they're asian>you like the culture in a non obsessive creepy way>you're normal No. 551544
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Can someone, who has been a shut-in for six years, become a normal person?
No. 551546
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Why do reddit retards like Elon Musk so much? They always fan boy over him and will defend him to the death to anyone who dare criticises him, though isn't he just like any other billionaire? He looks like he's an annoying dick imo, especially a shitty person and father with his 6 sons
I don't see hoards of incels stanning Jeff Bezos, so what makes him so special? Is it bc haha he makes car I like cool car n space ships
No. 551553
>>551548Keanu is popular for being a legit nice guy with a sad past.
Muskrat is popular for being a memelord who how-do-you-do-fellow-kidsed his way into becoming a meme himself
No. 551615
>>551544Yes anon, though you have to first start with some basic self discipline, such as maybe some daily light exercises(nothing major just some stretching and jumping jacks) and then you can start, once you leave you'll never want to go back
t. NEET for 5 years
No. 551626
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>>551606Check here, anon:
>>>/meta/6821(included a cap, just incase you can't be bothered)
No. 551692
>>551687I was terrible at math in highschool, I ended up graduating with a math heavy major after studying hard.
>>551685James Stewart 8th Edition Calculus Early Transcendentals You can probably find this online.
No. 551803
>>551792For a while I would get this the few days before every period, felt like I was going insane, not like grumpy or a little tearful but full on losing my mind. I went to a womens clinic thinking it'd be the best place to get help.. I cringe thinking back to it because I sobbed through the appt and they pretty much shrugged and said to get antidepressants from my regular doc.
Took SSRIs for a year which took the edge off. The 'monthly mental crisis' luckily never returned after coming off them.
No. 551811
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Are tapestries tacky? I've honestly been looking to get some like in the picture for my room.
No. 551863
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What some nice things you can tell yourself to get you to kick your ass, but y'know, kindly?
I feel like I'm too harsh to myself and need to love myself more. I want to stop saying things like "I hate myself" and "Cuz I'm a dumb bitch".
No. 551867
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>>551809>Nationalism>BadNo anon, nationalism good, as long as you don't fuck with your neighbours. Then yes, nationalism bad.
No. 551869
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How do you guys feel about this case?
No. 551881
What do anons think of the whole sex differences thing? I've been reading about it and it made me rethink my entire opinion about gender dynamics. A lot of stuff I understood as just men being shit have a biological origin, hell even patriarchy is the norm across different peoples, women's sexuality being controlled is the norm, women not being allowed a say in important decisions (or downright not being allowed to own property) is the norm, infanticide of baby girls is common, all the shit we complain about have been consistently present in various civilizations.
Most important of all, old school feminists knew this, and instead of doing what we do (that is, blaming it all on socialization, thinking that the solution is to somehow make men to change their ways) they sought alternatives to bypass these dynamics like creating networks of support between women (because banding together and isolating the women is men's main domination strategy) and stuff like that.
Idk, I just feel like we are all collectively wasting our breath complaining about men and protesting the way they act as if they're going to change. They're not.
No. 551883
>>551873have you actually seen anyone banned yet?
>>551869They charged the two people involved but they still need to collar one more person.
No. 551917
>>551911>lc is dead because reddit tradthots leftsurejan.jpg
This is the only board where you can get a reply within an hour or less. Hellweek was only a few weeks ago and twitterfags and redditfags can't seem to help themselves during the summer.
No. 551930
>>551917Oldfag MH anons left dumb ass. Tradthots are moving in like an STD actually
>within an hourLol you obviously weren’t around when this place was popping off
No. 551935
>>551930>man haters leftso? that's good.
>>551932they're losing their shit in /meta/ currently