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No. 498321

•No sperging (i.e., encouraging extreme violence or poop-touching)
•Keep infighting to a minimum
•Try to keep GC/PP discussion contained to this thread
•Ignore any post that is off-topic (racebait, homophobia), or that you suspect was posted by a troll/scrote

Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.

Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.

Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.

The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.

Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.

https://www.fairplayforwomen.com https://twitter.com/fairplaywomen
http://www.feministcurrent.com https://twitter.com/feministcurrent
http://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.org | https://twitter.com/gendercritical_
http://www.gettheloutuk.com | https://getthelout.wordpress.com/blog
https://resistersunited.org https://twitter.com/resistersu
https://theterfexhibit.com https://www.facebook.com/TheTerfExhibit/
https://www.womansplaceuk.org | https://twitter.com/womans_place_uk

Blogs, Writers

Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science



Pique Resilience Project

Documenting violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens

Parents and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://www.transgendertrend.com https://twitter.com/transgendertr

YouTube Channels
Venice Allan
Elly Arrow
Magdalen Berns
Cathy Brennan / Ally Missandry
Dr. RadFem
KORADFEM Radical feminism in Korea
Tanith Lloyd
Julia Long
Meghan Murphy
Posie Parker
A Woman's Place

Agitprop, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic
Feminist Struggle
Nina Paley / Mimi and Eunice
Red Katherinee
Sandy Draws Badly
The Snowflake Books
The Untameable Shrews
Woman Adult Human Female

Previous thread:

Last Pink Pill thread >>>/ot/444100 (includes links to previous PP threads)
Last GC thread >>>/ot/454392 (includes links to previous GC threads)
"TERF" thread >>>/g/67378
"Transpassing" thread >>>/ot/214811
"Trans women" thread >>>/ot/203215
"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread >>>/ot/116018
"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread >>>/ot/113748
"MtF General" thread >>>/snow/867400
Radical Feminism thread >>>/ot/373459

No. 498325

There's literally /2X/ what's the point of these threads anymore?

No. 498332

Some people just like using lolcow (assuming this is some other chan board you are referring to)

It's cozy here.
Good job on the OP image anon.
Rowling's terfgate was a significant change for gender critical thinking for the general population. Reading all the hate and death threats online directed towards her, and just women in general moved me from "sympathetic" to "wary."
It gets to a point when the thousands upon thousands of violent messages and death threats aimed at women online appear to be more of a problem than one person misgendering a male-presenting, male-named non binary person.

No. 498338


Read the last thread then move there. So far only good discussion with less bait and shitposting

No. 498348

What's the board/thread?

No. 498349

Admin posted a link in the last GC/PP thread, linking it in this empty thread will just make it easier for robots to find.

No. 498386

Sorry for dumb posting but what is /2x/?

No. 498388

You're literally retarded, it's just like /ot/ and /snow/…. Make the connection

No. 498389

Just link it instead of being a petty bitch.

No. 498401

Some people have lives outside lolcow Karen.

No. 498405

found my new homepage.

No. 498465

I love the OP image lmao.

No. 498493

I kinda don't like there being a separate "secret" board, it seems like a quarantine that will be deleted at some point (it literally says it's a temp board) along with our posts. What we post here isn't petty bitching, it's important.

Just a lil suspicious of this. I thought 2X meant some public board on another forum which would make more sense. IDK man.

No. 498502

They said they're keeping it unlisted not just because it's temporary for now, but because it could help prevent scrotes from coming over and shitposting.

No. 498584

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Ah yes once again being told to “learn our place” from another aggressive scrote. Don’t you have a decaying neovagina to tend to tranny?

No. 498587

It's always super odd seeing those "punch/kill terfs" memes because they're usually accompanied by a tranny complaining about hate and violence.
Remember: Hate and violence is okay as long as you believe your brand of it is more justified. Imagine being such a stunted toddler brain that violence in retaliation to hearing something you find objectionable is right…very male.

No. 498602

There’s something very wrong with Twitter when they think it’s perfectly okay to leave literal pedo communities on their platform but ban anyone who dares tweet something innocent and factual as “men are not women”. Scary times

No. 498665

Its because pedophiles run pretty much everything and the cp industry is one of the most lucrative industries on the planet. They have their hands literally everywhere and are doing a lot to normalize or decriminalize pedophilia so ofc nothing is getting banned

No. 498722

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Why do men always attribute gender relations and behavior as being somehow hardwired into biology? They think men make rational decisions in the everyday life, but when it comes to relationships, suddenly they’re just helpless apes. They also seem to think that women are in that “ape brain” state all the time - sexual relationships or not.

Obviously we know there are complex social and psychological reasons why SOME women go for “bad boys”, but they literally seem to believe it’s natural for women to want abusive men. Is it some strange justification for abusing them?

No. 498790

oh fuck off

No. 498793

Ok boomer

No. 498815


Is this bait or nah? Saged just in case

No. 498871

>Why do men always attribute gender relations and behavior as being somehow hardwired into biology?

Because it clears them of responsibility. If they didn't blame everything on either biology or women they'd have to take responsibility for their own actions.

No. 498872

I'm so confused by my mom. She's homophobic af. Well, both of my parents are because they're Christian conservatives. My mom once told me all lesbians are lesbians because they have mommy issues (which makes me wonder what she thinks of bisexuals). She also said in the past that she stopped watching shows because they features guys kissing and that it was "immoral". She just seems disgusted by homosexuals in general. But lately she has been super supportive of trans rights..? I thought maybe her views had changed altogether, but just a few days ago she said something homophobic. Yet every time I talk about the trans movement and how harmful it is, she doesn't seem concerned at all. She just keeps defending the trans movement and says none of it is infringing on women's rights, even though I gave her solid examples of how it's doing just that, but she refuses to acknowledge them. I think part of it is because she's close with my sister who is caught up in a bunch of leftist circles and is good friends with a guy who says he's "really a woman deep down" and was "supposed to be born a woman" yet doesn't want to actually transition. Said guy also has Asperger's (shocker). But, my sister is also friends with gay people and yet my mom retains her homophobia. My dad, however, just views transgenderism as a mental illness like anorexia.

Which makes me want to ask, how do you ladies deal with conflict with family members and friends about opinions on trans rights/transgenderism? I find it so frustrating, like its impossible to make them see my point of view, and any time I say anything critical of the trans movement, no matter how I put it, all they hear is "all trannies should be murdered".

No. 498873

There's a strain of conservative religious type who is fine with trannies since they see it as "fixing" homosexuality. They'd rather pretend they have a daughter than admit they have a gay son. It's why the Iranian government will pay for a gay man's SRS but also publically lynch him if he has gay sex.

No. 498874

Homophobes love troons because its like conversion therapy. Have a gay effeminate son bringing shame upon the family? Trans him and give him hormones so he can live his life as a straight girl.

No. 498878

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No. 498881

In that case I wonder what they think of the heterosexuals who transition which i believe are the majority

No. 498886

They are usually boomers/third worlders who don't know that's such a big thing in the modern west and still have the late 20th century idea that transexuals are when a gay man is so gay he wants to be a woman. They would probably just assume they were closeted like they do with any other crossdresser or GNCer anyway.

No. 498894

Either that or they’re Norman bates/ed Gein types, obsessed with their mothers. I wasted a lot of time explaining modern trans bullshit to my boomer parents while I was still high on tumblr kool aid. I’ve never been mocked by them so much in my life, they where laughing at me so much, like “anon what the fuck are you talking about?!” I told myself it’s just because they’re from a different generation, that they’ll come around. Now we all kek at trannies together.

No. 498895

Why are black women so relentlessly based and pinkpilled? White bitches could never.(racebait)

No. 498944

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I'm getting so sick and tired of TRAs trying to guilt trip black women into feeling sorry or support trannies. Has anyone else noticed this bullshit? black women are WOMEN men pretending to be women are deranged.

No. 498953

Yeah, people talking over Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and calling her a transphobe and TERF even though she explicitly expressed support for transgenders was a strong example of this. She was just saying we should be aware that females experience a particular type of sex-based oppression, for instance including female genital mutilation, and that we need to be able to speak about these issues and accept that "trans women" can't relate to all of them. But that still wasn't enough for TRAs. Her being a woman from the country with the most FGM cases worldwide is apparently not enough to evidence she knows what she's talking about, because to them women have "cis privilege," the biggest victims are always troons, and furthermore no one is allowed to acknowledge that being born with normal male genetics and a fully functioning set of normal male reproductive organs means you are male, not female.

No. 498957

Chimamanda was just the beginning. Watch these scrotes make racism and sexism #woke again. Trust, they will find a way, and covert racist (or just low IQ) handmaidens will cheer them on to be good allies.
Men can't help it, this entitlement is in their veins.

No. 498958

I thought I was trans when I was 13, I cut my hair short, wore boyish, baggy clothes, tried to fake a deep voice etc. In reality I was just scared of growing breasts (I would bind them with whatever I could find), being objectified and harassed by men and wanted to remain a genderless, sexless child forever. I grew out of it at 17, I'm scared to think what would've happened if I was a teen now.
Anyway, I tried to "come out" to my dad and mom because I did research online that convinced me I was totally trans. Their responses were:
>Mom: sure, I'll get you some new clothes you like I guess, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own skin, but I think it's just a phase and you're scared
>Dad: well maybe I feel like a hot 20 year old blonde model with big titties on the inside, what does that matter? I'm still a fat middle-aged man in real life, delusions don't help.

And you know what, dad was right.

No. 498961

When white girls with green hair and names like Ayden or Loki started calling Chimamanda a 'white feminist' I thought my head would explode. And nobody except radfems pointed out how insane it was.

No. 498970

trannies have been stealing style, self-expression and everything from black women since forever thus they feel there's "connection"

No. 498971

I just don't get why they keep saying they're the most oppressed when they make up for like 1% of the population, if that. Why are they so loud?
Half of the world's population is female, women's rights issues should naturally take precedence over some tiny minority group that even the DSM-V agrees is a result of mental illness. Yet they get offended when people speak up in favour of women and say that women's rights should be considered first, because it's not about them.

No. 498983

They won't go that far, black women are already sick of their shit. They second they push transracial (they're getting close) black women will leave the left and progressives and the DNC will be fucked because they single handedly carry the party consistently. So every time they say racist shit, black women see it and drive them further into radfem/pp/gencrit ideology.

No. 498992

Troons try SO hard to equate their transness with blackness, it's fucking retarded. The Chimamanda shit was the final straw for me and I peak transed.

No. 499002


They're parasites. They don't create, they leech off the hard work of other movements.

For example, how they leech off the LGB movement is obvious. They also attached themselves to the women's rights movement. And of course, as you see, they have leeched off the civil rights movement with shitty little slogans like 'It was never about bathrooms just like it wasn't about drinking fountains' and 'Trans lives matter'

That's all they do. They find another, bigger movement, insert themselves, and steal any memeable, memorable catchphrases and slogans for themselves. They don't create. They steal.

No. 499009

> 'It was never about bathrooms just like it wasn't about drinking fountains'
This is so insulting I can't believe a single black person would ever read it and stay supporting trannies. They are really just fucking themselves over whenever they make these racist, disingenuous comparisons because people who actually experience discrimination can tell how bullshit it is.

No. 499017

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made me chuckle

No. 499025

Decided to search JK Rowling on YouTube after the backlash started, was loosing hope when I came across this video. More and more young women are publicly speaking out. If she's not on your list already.


No. 499028

Oh yes. As a female, nothing empowers and validates me more than watching an obscene caricature of a woman getting her holes pounded to a pulp by tentacles while she "moans" like she's getting impaled on a spike.

No. 499029

I've literally been seeing the women of Lipstick aalley bring up GC talking points and use GC terminology. I never saw this a couple of years ago.

No. 499044

Thanks, I didn't know that was a thing.

No. 499045

I saw on LSA today that Cece Telfer is outsports female athlete of the year or something and when searching him up on YouTube I found this video with audio of him talking about himself. It’s posted on a homophobic channel unfortunately but I’ve never heard anyone more delusional in my life before wow

No. 499072

actually i think the original article he refers specifically to futa/dickgirls which is hilariously delusional that this man thinks he would just become a cute big titted anime girl who just happens to have dick.

No. 499091

league pro player remillia died and is considered the first woman to compete in pro league
turns out it was a troon and they died after getting SRS in thailand

No. 499108

>he refers specifically to futa/dickgirls

Doesn't the trans community consider those "transphobic" though? lmao

No. 499125

Depends, the ones who lean really hard into being "woke" will get mad at anyone who even says futanari/dickgirl/trap even if it's in the context of porn. On the other hand, the more unabashedly cumbrained trannies will happily admit to wanting to be a trap/futa

No. 499128

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No. 499177

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LOL. see pic related. this ideology is out of control and I hope that ten years from now everyone involved in this circus realizes and regrets that they were the clowns

No. 499185

Every little girl wants to be a boy at some point. I still want to be a man and I'm pretty sure I actually have the mental disorder that is gender dysphoria because I'm having a really fucking bad time 24/7 with my female body and if I was a man at least half of my mental issues would be solved but you know what? That still doesn't make me an actual man. I will never be a real man. You can not change sex. Dysphoria is like any other mental disorder. You have to deal with it somehow. But mutilating your body and causing yourself lifelong agony is not the way. I rather repress and endure than chop off my tits and clit and become an abomination.

No. 499200

I really hope you're getting psychiatric help, anon. You shouldn't have to endure on your own. Thinking your life would be so much better and all problems solved if you just had X or were Y isn't a healthy way of thinking. Sorry I don't want to sound preachy, I just hope you're getting help.

No. 499214

Am actively getting therapy and psychiatric help and have done so for years. Its gotten better in the sense that I can now talk about it and use the right terminology to express myself but the symptoms might never pass and thats just the way it is

No. 499220

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How do I save my aspergers, GNC zoomer brother from being transed, without alienating him/being shut down as a T E R F?

Family trouble and he never opens up to me, but I know he uses both discord and reddit. I can only imagine who he talks to. My mom wouldn't understand, but I've spoken to her about my fears with this.

No. 499221

I feel horrible seeing what happened to Remilia. Spent a whole life inside on the computer constantly looking at hentai and posting giant titted anime girls and yuri and was convinced that all he needed to be happy was a couple dozen surgeries. But it was never enough, always “I’m so close, just a couple more, just need to shave down my shoulders, just need to get my boobs sized up again.” But it never made him look like anime porn and he ended up miserable and cut off from the real world and a real sense of self. And this is happening to so many young males who are nerdy, effeminate, reclusive, and weeaboos. The idea that all they need is to hop on a never ending conveyor belt of medication and surgical procedures to find happiness is actually killing them.
I have friends who were normal feminine gay and bi men, encountered reactive depression due to traumatic life events, and were convinced by the internet they needed to troon out to fix it. Their lives are ruined now. Years later one is covered in deep self harm scars all over his body. He was told transitioning would make him happier but it put him in an inescapable abyss.

No. 499223

>Every little girl wants to be a boy at some point.
You mean in the sense of not wanting to eat this bullshit or as in being an actual scrote? Cause EW, never, and I mean it, never I ever have fantasized with being a fucking man with balls and a dick. I value my intelligence, beauty, and versatility that allows me to be good at almost anything I try to as long as I actually try. And the most men I get to know… Look, I don't completely hate them but most of them will at best manage to master one thing and that's the only thing they will be able to do for the rest of their lives. That's if they give enough shits to even try to be the best at something. Let's not get started with their biological limitations and such.

What I have fantasized as a kid with is being a cool strong woman who's both gorgeous and can kick ass, cast magic, do cool things and stuff. I think what most girls dream with is living in a world where they face no sexism and can develop their skills and passions at their fullest without barriers and no one limiting them (which sadly is what most of us are dealing with at adulthood currently. Specially women who are into sports and male dominated fields).

No. 499224

Yeah. Maybe I was generalizing and it was my dysphoria talking. Since I never had intelligence, beauty or versatility (or anything really) I was constantly thinking from a very young age how all of my shortcomings would be tolerated or even celebrated if I was a male. Maybe I'm genuinely an outlier but even as a little girl I was so goddamn jealous of males and everything they did and said. And yes, even of the dick and balls. Maybe girls who don't self loath the day away feel different but I always wanted to be a male. I'm basically that Sylvia Plath quote where she laments that because of her being female she can't experience life how she would like to.

No. 499226

>Since I never had intelligence, beauty or versatility (or anything really)
Oh anon, don't talk about yourself like that, that's sad. In the end to be honest it's mostly about keep trying and not to reduce everything you do to the limitations you perceive based on who you are. (And about the beauty part, anon honestly, I'm an average uggo at default myself, but have you seen the average dude? They fuck ugly. We barely have to try, exercise and keep a basic hygiene and we already are outdoing 90% of the male population).

As the other anon said, please I hope you get psychiatric help, you just sound so full of self loathing is sad. Life as a female in this world no doubt is tough but most of men are so pathetic they'll be shit miserable even while they belong to the winning privileged side, and I'd rather stay myself even if things aren't ideal than that.

No. 499227

delete the internet somehow. tbh that's probably the only way since they get groomed/encouraged 100% online.

No. 499240

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>I can excuse a murderous villain character but I cross the line at twanz violence

No. 499266

Back in the day, if gay conversion therapy "didn't work", they would often force gay men to live as women because that was less offensive to society.

No. 499268

That was my peak trans moment too! Then i discovered Magdalen Berns on YT and went full radfem

No. 499271

What character is this?

No. 499272

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Lmao the "trans" character they're screaming about is ugly as sin and straight up looks like a caricature of men that make no effort to pass but still want to be recognized as a women. Can't wait for them to start shouting about how Overhaul is transphobic and if you like him you are also a transphobe.

No. 499285

Kinda hate how anitwit is whining how everything is not catered to them plus it’s a fucking shounen series. They don’t give a fuck about tran rights as much as the fans claims it to be before dropping it like a ton of bricks bc boo hoo im triggered this twanz girl got misgendered post mortem when he was written as nasty villain. They will literally salivate at anything with a trans girl label for muh representation (and apparently the trans dyke from the pussy cat group wasn’t enough for them)

saged for blog posting

No. 499324

All thos talk about anime tranny characters and no one is talkibg aboutthe non binary Shep characters from the new steven universe episode.

No. 499329

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Ah you mean this mess?

No. 499335


>non binary

>dresses like that

Jesus christ what a joke.

No. 499337


>mfw 80s and 70s rock star styles is considered "non binary now"

What do you guys think of this? lmao

No. 499340

She's literally just wearing eccentric makeup and clothing. Genderspecial as fuck.

No. 499349


Isn’t Indya male?

No. 499350

To all the women on here who date men, would a man who’s dated or has a tranny fetish be a dealbreaker for you? Another guy I’ve started talking to has made some jokes about “chicks with dicks” and I naturally was very turned off by it. But he seems nice otherwise so idk

No. 499351

No. 499354

>chicks with dicks

No. 499356

i would not even waste my time on a guy in any capacity considering.

No. 499363

if he likes dick he is closet gay and a waste of time

No. 499366


Jesus christ I haven't seen SU since before the movie- is this woke shit for real?

No. 499367

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Eh, it’s probably too late to say that after witch-hunting lesbians for refusing girl dick lmao

No. 499371

Is Leah Tverly autistic?

No. 499372

Idk but she seems like she's trolling and trying to get negative attention with her "libby libfem" videos. I just think if these issues were as close to her heart as she says she would act like it.

No. 499388


She’s really off putting to me although of course I agree with a lot she says. I just can’t bring myself to finish a video of hers regardless of the length

No. 499434

Radfems and TERFs are your friends. Don't give up! Don't let them force you to suck "trans-girls" dick! Stay away from AGP ts!

No. 499445

You’re not being ERASED! You’re just being asked to re-examine why you don’t want to suck cock and cornered into saying you would, lest you be lynched online. Women who tell you that you’re not flawed or bigoted for your sexuality are NOT your friends!

No. 499479

Yeah, Sadie is dating Shep. Probably won't be a major part of the show though. I still like SU so I'm just going to pretend Sadie's off having a very cool time with her butch gf.

No. 499480

Yeah. I used to watch her because I found her aggression really refreshing and relatable but she does come across as pretty unhinged at times and should probably take a break from youtube or politics for a while. In one of her lifestreams she did with her friend Terri she got extremely mad at someone for referring to her as a "radfem" and not a "radical feminist" and from that point on I knew that this whole thing was taking a toll on her mental health. I also really don't like how she blatantly shits on every woman who is not like her. Even saying "most women have the maturity of children" which is just…how very feminist of you to say women you don't like are basically mindless children. Totally never heard that one before from scrotes or anything like that.

I miss Magdalene.

No. 499490


Are they bisexual then?

No. 499517

I had a friend of a friend who went on a soapbox about how dudes can't be bi. Like, how what the other anon said about if they like guys then they are just 100% gay no ifs and buts. It's really dumb, like why do you think that, because YOU are disgusted by liking other guys? I dislike throwing the word around but it's kinda homophobic. I'm a bi woman and he knows that, but I didn't get to ask him if the same applies to me, though he's also the kind of person who says that all women are naturally bi so y'know. Go off.

No. 499533

Talk to him about self-steem, many trannypedos use the "no girl will want a sissy man like you, so become one of us tehehe" shit as an excuse. Also, encorauge him to go out more, maybe pick up a sport or hobby that has nothing to do with the internet.

No. 499572

Yes, they are trans.

But, I guess they are now 'identifying' as non-binary??

No. 499582

I used to want a dick and balls because I saw them as symbols of power. I knew my female reproductive system would leave me vulnerable to rape and forced pregnancy. Menstruation also sucks.

No. 499583

Most sexologists classify GAMP (tranny chasers) as bisexuals who are genuinely attracted trannies since they are the 'best of both worlds' to them and straight men who have AGP. Gay men that sleep with trannies aren't that common and are nearly always doing so as a way to repress their homosexuality by convincing themselves that TiMs are female.

No. 499591


Hmm wow yeah that actually makes a lot of sense, thank you

No. 499612

Don't do it. I found out a guy I was dating was into "chicks with dicks". Turned out he was cheating on me and fucking men dressed up as women behind my back. He insisted he wasn't gay because they were dressed as women. He would let them fuck him too, because he "liked feeling like a woman".

Imo he was a closet gay in denial and didn't want to be. Don't date someone so porn sick, PLEASE. You will never be enough because he's gay and in denial

No. 499613

It would be a total dealbreaker. There are cases of many pornsick men who become so desensitized to degrading porn so fucking a tranny or being attracted to one gives them an adrenaline rush.

And why would you want to be with a man who has either AGP, possible covert homosexuality, or is a degenerate porn addict?

Love yourself and have standards. My ex is dating a tranny and I would never consider dating him ever again.

No. 499614


Damn girl that’s terrible I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m gonna take your advice and not waste my time. Thanks everyone!!

No. 499615

>Sexual attraction to transgender people has been the subject of scientific study and social commentary. Psychologists have researched attraction toward trans women, cross dressers, non-binary people, or a combination of these. Cisgender men attracted to transgender women primarily identify as heterosexual and sometimes as bisexual, but rarely as homosexual. Sexual arousal research has confirmed that their response patterns are unlike those of gay men and resemble those of heterosexual men, except that they are highly aroused by transgender women in addition to cisgender women. They show little arousal to men. A substantial proportion of cisgender men attracted to transgender women report also experiencing autogynephilia, sexual arousal in response to the image of themselves as female. There has been some discussion of attraction to trans men, but it has not yet been the topic of scientific study.

>A Northwestern University study recruited 205 men interested in trans women. In that online survey, 51% identified as straight, 41% as bisexual, and the remainder 9% as gay.

So I guess mostly AGP heterosexuals or bisexuals. Homosexual chasers are very rare in scientific literature and I have never met one in real life, met plenty of bisexual ones though.

No. 499616

You know, I’ve really started wishing I were a lesbian more and more these days. Dating doesn’t even seem worth it. I am not sure I’ll find a man who is even worthwhile, let alone compatible with, not that a man would complete my life anyways, probably just cause me more trouble tbh but I just miss the company and physical closeness I guess. But the single life it is. I think I need some nice like minded girl friends to cuddle with or something cause the loneliness is real sometimes

No. 499618


I’m confused. I just don’t get how a man attracted to a biológical male would still be considered hetero? When by definition isn’t that homosexual since sexual orientation is about biológical sex? Or am I wrong?

No. 499619

My ex was a tranny. Do not recommend. Lots of trauma.

No. 499620

If he is homosexual he will get some other typology like homosexual transsexual where he transitions to attract heterosexual men or escape homophobic pressure.

Gynandromorphophilia in heterosexual males primarily stems from autogynephilia. A man must be sexually attracted to women to have autogynephilia because he derives sexual pleasure from looking at the female body and wants to eroticize his own body by altering it to look female.

Also there was this study by Bailey:


>Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP) is sexual interest in gynandromorphs (GAMs; colloquially, shemales). GAMs possess a combination of male and female physical characteristics. Thus, GAMP presents a challenge to conventional understandings of sexual orientation as sexual attraction to the male v. female form. Speculation about GAMP men has included the ideas that they are homosexual, heterosexual, or especially, bisexual.


>We compared genital and subjective sexual arousal patterns of GAMP men with those of heterosexual and homosexual men. We also compared these groups on their self-ratings of sexual orientation and sexual interests.


>GAMP men had arousal patterns similar to those of heterosexual men and different from those of homosexual men. However, compared to heterosexual men, GAMP men were relatively more aroused by GAM erotic stimuli than by female erotic stimuli. GAMP men also scored higher than both heterosexual and homosexual men on a measure of autogynephilia.


>Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.


No. 499622

AGP gives you brain rot. There is this phenomenon in AGP where straight men become pseudo-bisexual. They want to fuck other men, not because they are genuinely attracted to men but because it allows them to become the "ideal woman" (who is heterosexual and desired by men) and they want to experience PIV but in a woman's body. I recommend reading 'Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism' by Anne A. Lawrence if you want to get into the minds of how AGP think.

No. 499625

File: 1577760862680.png (88.4 KB, 887x787, 2e08cu7esxn21.png)

Samefagging because I forgot to post this image

No. 499639

It was grim, but only dated him for 3 months so got over it pretty fast! Thank you for heeding my warning, trust me you're making the right choice. I used to get upset when a straight ex-bf followed big booby Instagram girls, but after chicks with dicks fetish guy I realise it was a blessing - at least I knew for sure that he was really into women lol.

Wish you nothing but the best finding a man, anon <3

No. 499640

They're fetishizing being sexually submissive and since they're still men, submissiveness always equates to feminine or being a woman.

Yes, a deal breaker.

No. 499649

They are not attracted to men but want to have a female body but their idea of being a woman means getting fucked by men so they start thinking they need to get fucked by men too. I saw some straight eggs worry about HRT "making them gay" but I doubt it's the hormones changing their sexual orientation and more that they can now act on this misogynistic submission fetish.

No. 499661


That’s so fucked up I almost can’t wrap my head around it.

No. 499663

Genuine question here:

Does anyone know why a lot of trans activists say that “science literally proves trans people exist” and “I have a female brain”?

What science are they referring to? I just don’t see how you could have a female brain if your DNA is all the same throughout your body (I think) right?

Would that be similar to intersex people having a penis as well as ovaries?

Anyone with studies or info would be great

No. 499669

Interesting how straight TiMs would think they’re becoming gay men through HRT rather than seeing themselves as “straight women” according to TRA logic. Also straight men love to fetishise female/female relationships but are violently disgusted by male/male ones so they’re all LARPing as transbians while the gay men think they can finally live out their same sex attraction by becoming “straight women”. The concept of being attracted to other men as a man is just too vile for them to handle.

No. 499671

No intersex person can have both a fully functioning penis and ovaries. Intersex people are still either male or female.

No. 499689

"I'm not that into guys just getting fucked by a disembodied cock" is a thing you read CONSTANTLY from AGPs which makes it all the more obvious it's porn/hentai sickness since that's how men are protrayed in most of it, especially hentai where they are often literally faceless so the focus is on the girl being le degraded by getting fucked.

No. 499696

File: 1577779520229.png (261.29 KB, 640x845, IMG_1577755642284.png)

My sides.

No. 499705

Based cis gay male
I fucking love when they preface someone with a description like you NEED to make sure to point out he's cis, gay, and male.
I took a look at this guy's Twitter and he definitely has a humiliation fetish.

No. 499707

I used to hear from pro-porn activists that porn wasn’t misogynist because it “objectified men more” by putting the men’s body off-screen or making them faceless while the woman was always in focus lmao they don’t even know what objectification is.

No. 499708

Troons have this really strange hatred for “cis gays” aka homosexuals

No. 499710

I love this

No. 499712

sorry this answer isn't very good, I haven't read up on this in a while, but I hope it at least helps a bit.

they say that because there are, on average, differences in male and female brains. however, there is hardly such thing as a "female brain" or a "male brain", because almost everyone is in between more or less. what there are is brains but with deviations. for example one of the biggest differences in male and female brains is that male brains tend to be more geared toward things and female brains more geared toward people. and although some people's brains are hyper geared toward things (these people are often autistic) and some people's brains hyper geared toward people, almost everyone is more in between and just leans to one side.

hormones have also been shown to influence brain development. estrogen has different effects on the brain than testosterone. and one time I was watching a YT video of a TIM who at first simply thought she was transgender but then found out she was actually intersex- she was genetically male, but she had been exposed to estrogen in the womb and couldn't process male hormones right (androgen insensitivity syndrome, I think. that's not a perfect description but you get the picture) so, if you research, there is definitely some scientific validity to transgenderism as a mental disorder.

I remember dr drew and other people saying that when you scan men's and women's brains the scans are different, and then when you scan a transgender person's brain then their brain will look more like the opposite sex.

however, what I find problematic about this is that what trans advocates say is that these differences are what makes you a woman, not biology. I'm a woman with mostly interests that are deemed masculine by society, yet that wouldn't stop me from getting pregnant if I got raped. why is it automatically assumed that it's the body that's the problem and needs to be changed, not the brain? why should we infringe women's rights because of brain scans?

transgenderism used to be very rare, but now is becoming more common. and all of the TIMs I've seen don't actually have feminine dispositions. they still have their violent male impulses and sexual desires, like how they constantly threaten "choke on my girl dick" and "shoot all terfs in the head" to any woman who disagrees. I don't know about you, but I've NEVER had a woman threaten to sexually assault me for disagreeing. whenever I've seen a TIM explain why they're a woman, it almost always comes back to sex. it's always "I make love like a woman" (that's what contra points said) and "I like being submissive, getting choked and having my hair pulled, it confirms I'm a woman" that was what a TIM said on reddit, but there are infinite examples like that. and you really have to ask yourself what they've been watching that put that idea in their head. I truly believe internet porn is a huge factor in why transgenderism has skyrocketed recently. or they base their identity on superficial things like makeup (which has only been mainstream for roughly a century) instead of the deeper things like liking people instead of things. and don't forget that transgenders often have other mental issues like autism, body dysmorphia, ptsd etc. yet for people with those issues they are seen as their problems to handle and not society's, yet when a man thinks he's a woman it's suddenly society's fault.

just added my own opinion even though it wasn't necessary because I didn't want anyone to think I was a TRA lol.

No. 499716

Why do they feel the need to point out that the person was a gay man? This just comes off as really homophobic unless homophobia is supposed to be woke in SJW circles now.

No. 499717

Most trannies are not intersex at all. I am intersex and I have nothing in common with them. In fact, the vast majority of intersex people continue identifying with their assigned sexes.

No. 499719

You don't have to answer this but how does that work for you? Are you mostly female but have more male hormones?

No. 499721

My condition is very rare (Swyer syndrome). I am infertile because I don’t have ovaries and I required surgery to get rid of my streak gonads when I was a child. I also required hormone treatments or I would not have experienced puberty and would have an underdeveloped uterus. If I had developed without all the mutations then I would have been born male but I am externally female. I can get pregnant if I used a donor egg but I can’t have my own genetic children.

No. 499731

>I'm a woman with mostly interests that are deemed masculine by society, yet that wouldn't stop me from getting pregnant if I got raped.

Very important point. Even if the psychology is different between sexes, and there are variations and overlaps, it doesn't stop a female-sexed body from having a female reproductive system and all the risks associated with that.

Trying to erase female biology seems just another technique to erase and ignore female issues.

No. 499761

The libfem narrative is that women are oppressed for being “feminine” and not for their female biology so I always see libfems celebrate femininity and want women to embrace it…which is not revolutionary because conforming to gender expectations is exactly what men want women to do. I always thought it was weird how they did not see gender itself as the problem even back when I believed in neoliberal bullshit.

No. 499772

How did he even know that this dude was gay in the first place? Did he have it written over his forehead or something? That tweet smells like r/thathappened

No. 499847

Also wonder how he knew he was “cis” since anybody can be trans these days even without transitioning

No. 499916

Happy new year everyone!

No. 499920

Kindaaaa off topic, so I apologize if there’s a better thread for this. But anyways, I came across this article from 2018 that says everyone is bi. What do y’all think?


No. 499921

The study referenced seemed to be looking at how much men and women’s pupils dilated while watching porn, basically how aroused they were I guess. I.e. masturbation by both sexes for men, and porn involving lesbian and hetersexual sex for women. I may have read it wrong, but they seemed to have used two different forms of porn for each sex (solo v couples)? That’s weird. Either way I’m no expert but I feel like there may be a difference between being aroused by watching porn, and actually wanting to do those things in person. I’m sure there are quite a few more people that are mostly hetero but might be attracted to the occasional person of the same sex. But I doubt /everyone/ is bi like the article’s title claims.

The idea that any woman is bi, they just have to find the right woman seems just as questionable as saying a lesbian woman just need to find the right man imo. Bisexuality in men is also still not as acceptable culturally I feel like, and/or seen as just being gay when they are simply not.

No. 499923

Arousal while watching porn is hardly a definite indication of sexual attraction to that specific person. It can just be association with sex or self insertion. I've heard of many straight women, myself included, who watched lesbian porn because it's the only thing that involves actually touching a clit and it's more wanting something to reflect what feels good than wanting to touch or be touched by the girls in the video. Of course, once I ditched porn forever and got into literotica, doujins etc aimed at/written by women, I've never had to resort to that.

And am I the only one who thinks
>“We’ve always recognized mostly straight women, that is, women who mostly are straight but if the right woman comes along, well maybe she’ll try it out. We used to think that was only a female phenomenon,”
is bullshit? Men 'experiment' DESPITE stigma against being gay, whereas women experience some level of pressure/positive reinforcement for indulging lesbian fetishists. Like, sure, it's the girls making out with each other at parties for attention or having threesomes to keep their scrot bf happy who prove we're all gay in the right circumstances. Meanwhile it's men who are notorious for fucking each other in prison or in the military when there are no women around, or pedos (priests specifically) who target boys because they are less likely to speak up, and the straight men who let gay dudes suck their dick just to get some. Female phenomenon my ass, any hole is a goal for men and that's absolutely not true for women.

No. 499927


Yes I was thinking that. When I used to watch porn i would get arouse at stuff that i had no interest in just because I associated it with sex and sexual feelings etc. So I feel like a lot of their “evidence” is just that

I also preferred lesbian and solo female porn because it felt more comfortable because I could relate to their anatomy, even though I’m pretty much attracted to men only

No. 499941


I’ve always wondered how men in prison have sex with each other when they’re “straight”

Cause wouldn’t they be unaroused if that were the case?

No. 499945

How did you stop watching porn?? I was groomed when I was 13 and older men taught me to watch porn, I do it less these days but I still come back to it sometimes. I feel so sick everytime I do it

No. 499950

tbh I was never addicted to porn in the first place, it was an occasional thing that I only did because it was the norm. But I can tell you that reading up on anti-porn information (especially first hand accounts from women in the industry) has given me an automatic, visceral response of disgust and despair to any form of filmed porn. I have zero tolerance for it now, I know too much about the horrors behind the scenes and how it affects people who consume it.

And like I mentioned, I moved onto other forms of 'porn' that don't involve any real people. You already know you don't want to watch porn and feel bad when you do, so maybe you just need a healthy substitute to fuel your imagination. Are there any fictional couples you like from movies or TV? Look up fanfiction or fanart (ideally more vanilla/wholesome stuff while you're kicking the habit).

No. 499951

You can get physically aroused from physical stimulation or from already being horny. Most likely they're just already bisexual and compartmentalize it as "just gay for the stay".

No. 499956

Sex for males is only about power and availability, not sexual attraction.

No. 499984

Straight men actually think it’s only gay if you’re “receiving” because it’s like being a woman. If you’re the one penetrating or “giving” then you’re not gay because you’re taking the man’s role. Also straight male inmates will feminize other men to make them more palatable and attractive to them such as calling their receivers “bitch”, have them grow out a goatee so their mouth can become a “prison pussy”, make them act submissively, etc. They are not attracted to other men but it is important to use rape as a form of humiliation and control to maintain power. Especially in this scenario where everybody is a threat and there are no women around who are the usual receptacle for this sort of violence.

No. 499985

This is why a lot of gay men get gang raped by straight men in homophobic hate crimes. I used to wonder “wtf didn’t those straight men just have gay sex though?” but then I realized its because a lot of straight men think penetrating a man isn’t gay but being penetrated by a man is gay because they take the “female role”.

No. 499989

I am straight and I have watched lesbian porn before mostly because it wasn’t violent like straight porn with a constant focus on gagging on dicks or PIV sex but more clitoral stimulation. Women are constantly sexualised so women come to normalise their own sexualisation and objectification which they may misinterpret as sexual attraction to other women. I even used to identify as bi because I was a woman who thought other women were hot but then I realised I would never want to eat out a pussy and I just didn’t feel anything for women like how I felt about men. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if most bi women were actually just straight women who thought other women looked pretty but wouldn’t want another woman as a spouse, others identify as bi for male attention, especially when most “bi” women will never date another woman in their lives and over 84% of bi women are with men. Lesbianism is seen as hot to straight men but they get very offended at how lesbians don’t make themselves sexually available to men so they end up developing a fetish for bi women. Bisexual women are the single largest faction of the LGBT but I don’t think it’s that high in reality, however, I believe the number of bi men is way higher than what the official stats say but male bisexuality isn’t fetishised like female bisexuality which means it is less known or “accepted” so most bi men identify as gay or straight.

No. 500019

This shit right there is the ultimate pinkpill. Once you realize this fact you will never look at males and relationships the same way ever again. As a woman you're literally better off creating an imaginary boyfriend than having a real one. Love and intimacy like you imagine in your head will never happen with males.

No. 500037

>Straight men actually think it’s only gay if you’re “receiving” because it’s like being a woman.
While that might be true in actual "prison gay" circumstances with no women around("I have my needs!!!"), I wouldn't say that is true otherwise. If anything we could simply say men(including TiMs and even many gay and bi men) see the role of a receiving partner to be submissive and emasculating due to it being associated with women while being the penetrative partner engaging in gay acts is acceptable because he's still doing "the man's job". This kind of implicit misogyny is definitely a factor contributing to straight male homophobia towards gay men.

No. 500050

>Especially in this scenario where everybody is a threat and there are no women around who are the usual receptacle for this sort of violence.
Depressing. Even when there are no women, they will still hate and cause violence to anything feminine. Wish there was a cure for male aggression.

No. 500063


Unfortunately I think you might be right. I still haven’t had intimacy with a man come close to what I imagine in my mind. It’s sad but I somehow doubt the kind of man or relationship I desire even exists. More and more I am getting turned off by men. Ignorance really is bliss.

No. 500073

I once read a study that said most men in prison were not attracted to other men but rape was used by them to emasculate other inmates by turning them into “women”. In some prisons if a man is raped then the rapist will tattoo a teardrop under his eye to mark him as the rapist’s property or “bitch”.

This is just like how many straight men do not rape women because they are attracted to that particular woman but to intimidate or punish the woman. I used to be brainwashed by novels as a girl that men forcing themselves onto woman was romantic and that men raped women because they were in love with them. Now I know rape is about power and control so attraction doesn’t matter.

No. 500076

>straight male inmates will feminize other men

>He went on to report how one of his rapists took a fancy to him and "purchased" him from the tier rep for $20. Even though he was thereby essentially enslaved by his new "prison husband", he was grateful – because his days of "being the communal bitch were over". He said he tried to do whatever his prison husband wanted or needed, including cleaning his cell, washing his clothes, preparing his food, and whatever else his "husband" wanted or needed, including, of course, being available for sex – because "he did what I wanted and needed – kept other inmates off me."

>As time wore on and "husbands" came and went, Rodney perfected the art of being a "prison ho", as his only means of surviving intact. This involved establishing a female name and identity, learning how to speak when spoken to, "respect his man" and emasculating himself to the point where he could not stand while urinating. There is nothing about the experience that could be considered enjoyable.


No. 500129

I love Steven Universe and Shera but their creators are MASSIVE handmaidens and it pains me

No. 500139

That article is dark huh

Especially with how close "trad wife" life is to prison bitch life.

No. 500159

>being a "prison wife" makes you gay but being a "prison husband" makes you straight

Male sexuality is truly fucked. I wonder if straight men are even attracted to actual women or if they are just attracted to vaguely female shaped things and feminine stereotypes since they view women as objects.

No. 500161

You know what, I always hear about TiMs begging to be put into female prisons but never TiFs begging to be put into male prisons.

No. 500162

That says everything anon, and I honestly don't feel bad for male prisoners for being subjugated like that if they hurt a woman or child to get there in the first place

No. 500175

If you're going to write a wall of text at least make it correct. Men's brains aren't "more geared towards things" while womans are people. jesus, stop parroting this shit. This is how you get men saying "durrr then I guess women should stay in carer roles and raising kids". There's absolutely 0 proof of this and it's petty clear you're a tranny stealthing trying to push an agenda.

Also, the idea that autistic brains are inherently male is spread by misogynists as a new way to push the idea that "logic = male."

The brain is completely unsexed. It's influenced by 2 things: hormones and socialization. Nothing else. All modern research backs this up. https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2019/feb/24/meet-the-neuroscientist-shattering-the-myth-of-the-gendered-brain-gina-rippon

I see so many radfems spreading this idea that there ARE actual differences between brains and I'm sick of it. Stop. Do some research before you speak out. You say you don't want people to think you're a TRA but you're in here pushing the same myths they do.

No. 500202

It’s the concept of “jailhouse gay”
No women are around in male prisons, but prisoners are still horny, so they’ll resort to fucking dudes (usually effeminate gay guys like the article suggests) because at least they can get their rocks off.

No. 500204

File: 1577944835987.png (668.06 KB, 747x1097, download.png)

look its mr taylor swifts egg watch man, anyone surprised lol.

No. 500208

File: 1577945952418.jpg (221.25 KB, 1397x842, make-women-great-again-28-5e0c…)

Forget to say as its easy to miss-this is aimed at women, not men. These men are trying to convince women to fork out over $2000 to hear them whine about how feminism is making women less submissive and how its horrific to
women no longer seeing themselves as baby making machines. Would love to find out how many women will go, or if hopefully numbers are so low it gets cancelled kek.

No. 500209

Imagine paying $2000 just to hear the same shit that's spewed all over the Internet.

No. 500210

Kek exactly. They think because their incel following have been paying for this shit convention for many years many women will do the same.

No. 500212

Shouldn't they be doing it for a lower price if they're so concerned about women becoming 'better'? They might get a few 'trad' women attend to brag about it on Twitter, but they're already sold on the idea. The only hope they have is male followers paying for their wives.

No. 500213

They are already offering it half price and you can bring a friend (imagine hating your friends that much) sounds desperate. The forum I found this posted-where quite a few women fit the "ideal" women these guys are trying to promote are calling them dumb incels who they wouldnt even talk to kek.

No. 500214

I predict the price is going to come down a lot more.

No. 500225

Men and women have different brain structures though. The brain is sexually dimorphic to the same extent as faces. There is no one single male or female face but you can still tell a male face from a female face.

No. 500236

>Get pregnant and have unlimited babies!
Lmao men really think birthing and raising children is easy.

No. 500237

>Men and women have different brain structures though.

They don't, the pop-sci articles that say this just don't understand statistical distribution. IN GENERAL along a spectrum of different modes of function more women tend to be towards one side and more men towards the other, it's not a group A or group B binary thing.

If you shuffled up male and female brain scans a neurologist couldn't tell the difference other than making guesses based on context clues like the size or skull shape or gaming the probability, unlike say a pelvis x-ray where they instantly know for a fact it's one or the other.

And that statistical distribution isn't of entirely biological origin since the younger you are the more your brain activity changes to what you're exposed to. So a woman who's parents made her play chess all her childhood would probably have even stronger reactions to a spacial logic puzzle than the average man who just grew up playing legos and a man who spent his entire childhood having to care for his infant siblings would probably have a stronger reaction to a picture of a crying baby than the average woman who just grew up playing with dolls, but pop-sci articles would call these reactions "male" or "female" reactions because they're more commonly found in those sexes.

No. 500240

'Trad' men can't even imagine that their wives might not be able to plop out 10+ kids.

No. 500242


Very informative, thank you anon

No. 500247

As a woman who's identified herself as bi since the age of about 7, I now wonder if there's any such thing as bisexuality. It seems rather highly correlated with mental health problems and history of abuse (or both), and even then most bisexuals tend to display it most during their teens (puberty hormones) then settle into het or homo as adults (and it's usually het, especially for women). I know women on this thread will want to call that compulsory heterosexuality, and I get the point, but I just don't think that it's a strong enough argument (when you live in a generally LGBT-accepting country) these days. Even when they found the genes believed responsible for homosexuality all that was specified is that it enabled the individual to not be heterosexual, rather than being definitively bi/homo.

Not that any of this matters, people will identify their sexuality however feels best to them. Just my perception on it after 20 years of experience!

No. 500248

Hang onto that sick feeling and start to associate it with the reality of what's happening on screen, like "I'm watching a woman being contractually obliged into having sex with a stranger, that looks like it's hurting her". Soon you will groom yourself out of being aroused by it. It takes time and commitment but it's worth it. Good luck!

No. 500249

>the banner of this event features only men
>this is a "women convention"

this made me laugh, are these people real? how can you host an event like this when all you have is men telling you how to be more "womanly" "feminine" this shit reminds me of the 50's how men did not gave a fuck about what women had to say feel lul and on top of that they are charging 2000 dollars?! I am sure this is gonna be filled with incels with hopes of meeting women in this event kek!

No. 500253

File: 1577958573859.png (49.91 KB, 591x339, 78798.PNG)

A bisexual is just somebody who is sexually attracted to both male and female bodies so I don't think that is anything bizarre.

In regards to mental illness there was some research about bisexuality displaying Dark Triad traits higher than other sexualities so there is a meme on /tttt/ that bisexuals are psychopaths and "ultramasculine" but this is /tttt/ we are talking about.

No. 500256

I assume people with social disorders like ASPD or ASD simply care less about pretending to be straight so are less likely to be closeted.

No. 500266

Maybe because psychopaths are usually hypersexual and care less about sexual characteristics so they generally identify as bisexual

No. 500268

Yes, also lesbians, and bisexuals who are rightfully repulsed by neogenitals. Almost like they’re just homophobic in general. It’s shocking that they’re still included in lgbt with all the vitriol and distain they show to people who dare to share themselves with the same sex only. They don’t deserve to be included in it at all.

No. 500272

If you put "cis" in front of gay then it's ok

No. 500275

Just like if you put “white” or “conservative” in front of fat/bitch/cunt

No. 500295

What do anons think of the slur "bitch"? I hate it and never use it but people around me use it all the time. I especially hate it when men use it.

No. 500304

The event is mainly run by MRA/"PUAS"/manosphere/ guys so its really not a shock they believe the best people to talk to women about being women are men lol.
The story is they run a mens convention which is very much about charging incels to tell them women are shit and how to bang them blah blah blah but this year decided to do one aimed at women. They have clearly been huffing their farts for too long.

No. 500305

File: 1577971476413.png (3.65 MB, 4984x3144, 1512168059454.png)

Is it bad I'm so use to men being unattracted and hating their girlfriends and wives that it is literally shocking to me when a man is openly attracted to his wife/gf? It should be expected and all but it does give me some hope

No. 500310

imagine requiring of your girlfriend to have their body cut into and put foreign objects into because YOU don't like how one(!!!) aspect of their body looks. My god.

No. 500333

"Trad" men wouldn't be able to afford them either. These guys expect women to just have magical money in their accounts all the time to afford all these kids without being a gold digger.

Stefan should stay home and follow his advice. He's a dad after all with a wife that works. Who's watching his kid?

Also how much you wanna bet that this event will be canceled and molyneux will make an online rant about how feminists are evil. If not, it'll be an abysmal turn out. Maybe 12 in the audience. All middle aged men.

No. 500356

I am laughing. How the fuck do they think this is going to work? I'd laugh even harder at how much they'd have to pay to rent out a place just for nobody to show up. Men truly have no humbleness about them

No. 500357

I guess it wouldn't be that big of a dealbreaker if the guy is openly bisexual and recognizes that dickgirls are just men in dresses. My ex was into traps and got super offended when I said that it doesn't matter how cute, feminine and passing someone is, if he likes the fact that there's a dick under the skirt, that really makes him at least a little bit gay. He wouldn't change his mind even after I reminded him that I'm bisexual myself and actually find it kinda insulting how negatively he reacted to the idea that he might be even slightly bicurious.

No. 500361

I don’t really care that much about bitch whore or even cunt, but I judge the fuck out of men who use it excessively. It’s one of the easiest ways to see a mans attitude to women. I use bitch as a way to describe women in both positive and negative ways, and I live in the uk where cunt is horribly offensive yet somehow gender neutral.

No. 500408

idk i use bitch sometimes,mainly misspelled as a way to show affection to my other friends,but sometimes i'll say "she's such a bitch" or say about a man that he's a little bitch. I don't see it as a slur just like retard isn't a slur to me despite many people thinking the contrary.
But men using it especially excessively? I judge the fuck out of it

No. 500422

"wahmen are narcissistic" says the men who demand women to give them several weeks worth of paychecks to listen to their opinion

No. 500423

Why would any woman, even a morbidly fascinated one, pay $2000 for this when we can just go to Reddit, YouTube or visit their blogs to read their bitching and "advice" absolutely free of charge? I doubt even the most hard-line handmaidens will pay for this shit.
I thought it was a mixed event, but since it's "natural born women only" (it'd be fucking hilarious if a bunch of AGP trannies who want to be tradwaifus showed up instead, not gonna lie), I'm guessing most of the attendees will be pick-me women who were guilt-tripped by their husbands and/or boyfriends into going.

No. 500430

Husbands and boyfriend's get in free too. How are women they supposedly want to be tradtional going to pay 2k just to hear rants? And women who can afford it don't care

No. 500465

I'm sure no sane would woman would attend this bullshit event and the "trad waifus" won't be able to go since their husbands control their money and won't let them go to a place that's basically a sausage party. I'm sure the price will go down to 100 dlls or so lol seriously charging 2k just so some ugly old farts tell you how to act and dress wow! This level of delusion is over 9000!

No. 500476

Not to mention the narcissism these males must have to think their opinions are worth 2000k. Most of these men just want women to be mommy sex slaves and now they want women to shovel money to them just to repeat the echo chamber opinions of women not doing exactly what they want? hA

No. 500477

>And women who can afford it don't care
Right? Like, they are targeting women who want to be tradwives, meaning they want to be financially dependent on a man. As if they would have 2k to spend on this shit.

No. 500480

>And women who can afford it don't care
Right? Like, they are targeting women who want to be tradwives, meaning they want to be financially dependent on a man. As if they would have 2k to spend on this shit.

No. 500484

File: 1577999309301.jpg (873.78 KB, 1440x1920, 1558897140304.jpg)

No. 500486

No. 500494

the caricature writes itself

No. 500501

File: 1578004923652.jpg (6.17 KB, 345x79, oone.jpg)

Oh boy…

No. 500515

Is that an Utena shirt? How dare he.

No. 500529

Ikr! You know these retards should have gotten some trad bitches like Lauren southern or that fox News lady or even Brittany Venti or that other girl that is obsessed with guns. Heck even blaire white hahah but wow that shit is def gonna flop I mean why host a convention about women when the only speakers are men, pathetic!

No. 500530

File: 1578013081782.jpg (110.47 KB, 1080x1081, 10le6d.jpg)

that utena shirt is an insult to utena fans though

No. 500536

File: 1578014143398.png (331.59 KB, 418x598, Screenshot_20200102-190925(1).…)

The "sister" of Benjamin Troonkin?

No. 500555

how unfortunate

No. 500569

What's even funnier is that your examples wouldn't even cut it for them. Lauren went back to uni and disappeared to avoid backlash from her trad audience for it. Tomi (the fox news one who talks too loud) is pro choice and likes her career so she wouldn't be accepted, gun girl would be too "masculine" because they think guns are for men and women should stop carrying and assuming all men are predators, Brittany? KEK and Blair white can't have kids which is stefans fetish. Literally the only woman I could see be there is Lori Alexander (transformed wife) and the rest would be men needing to feel validation for their misogyny.

Judgybitch (audrea) before she left the internet had a convention a few years ago about how awful feminism is and how women should just stay home with less rights than men. The audience? No more than 30 men. The turnouts for these things are always embarrassing.

No. 500588

i'm not a tard but a lot of conservative people I do know all support women owning firearms for protection, maybe only online alt-right dudes would have a problem with women owning firearms

No. 500592

I remember reading some trad woman saying women should would use firearms to defend themselves from rapists and then some male user derailed the conversation by saying marital rape doesn't exist because wives belong to their husbands and forfeit their autonomy when they say "I do" at the altar.

No. 500598

>lauren went back to uni
KEK! WHAT? hhaha Lauren the same Lauren that said that women belonged at home and women over 25 that arent married and dont have children are useless. The same Lauren that said that women should not go to college and instead dedicate themselves to the home. hahaha omg this shit writes itself wow! how ironic! kek I bet all the neckbeards that donated to her patreon must feel like shit.

No. 500607

These women talk shit about feminism all the time even though their livelihoods have benefited massively from feminism. I was grateful for feminists fighting for women's rights even though as a young girl I did not understand the importance of women's suffrage, abortion or why men wanted to keep rights away from women in the first place. I think I was just happy I was taught to read and that I wouldn't be married off by my parents at a young age. I used to see a lot of anti-feminist propaganda about how feminists were ugly and hated men so I did not read much about feminism until I was 13 but I still did not understand why people hated it so vehemently when men were doing so many awful things to women every day.

No. 500609

I agree with you! my thoughts exactly! if it wasn't for those "ugly feminists" women would still be stuck at home not being able to vote or go to school or have any type of independence. Sure there's some cows here and there that call themselves "feminist" but dont do shit, I am talking about the actual women that try and change things. But yeah men are trying to shill that "all feminist women are bad" but if they had their way I am sure they would love to have women be submissive and be stuck at home in the kitchen. lol then you have women like Lauren promoting this type of toxic shit to people while she does the total oposite, hypocrite much?

>says to date people of your race

>dates a black guy
>says women over 25 with no kids are worthless
>is over 25 and doesn't have kids nor is married
>says college is useless
>starts going to college

No. 500633

File: 1578038725886.jpg (145.92 KB, 1242x1271, BJCViJUkGHCTEzPZhPTYEsJPGkT5b4…)

Wonder if this had anything to do with it?

No. 500653

on the same note Stefan Molyneux wants his daughter to become a great philosopher and intellectual but also thinks women belong in the home nurturing children despite being a house husband

No. 500668

He wants other women to be like that but his "own" women are an exception.

No. 500684

If there's a contradiction there I'm not seeing it. He, as a man, can effectively split his time between philosophy and raising a child, so why would it be impossible for a woman to do the same?

No. 500688

Well well well if this isn't the consequences of your own actions.
Tradthots need to learn the hard way i guess

No. 500693

Because he screeches at all women who live their lives outside of the kitchen, and is constantly undermining women in general. Are you the same person who said we "just have to breed with someone" and that Molymeme is superior to an actual accomplished, successful person (Taylor Swift) because he has a kid and that's "the only thing that really matters"?
The funniest part? He is a lazy househusband surviving off his hardworking wife, a therapist, but he condescends on the internet about traditional values.

No. 500702

I wonder if his wife even knows about his Twitter. I doubt any sane woman who works for her husband would be completely okay with him shitting on women for not being barefoot and pregnant and fetishizing teens all day

No. 500703

This is what makes me wonder if he's merely scamming gullible conservatives. Like there's no way he can actually believe this shit if he's shilling traditional values while being a fucking house husband.
I guess it makes more sense when you consider the fact that a lot of men can only empathize with women who are in their family. So while his wife and daughter are exceptions, all other women he has no relation to shouldn't have any aspirations outside of being dumb broodmares and serving their husbands.

No. 500754

Wait, he's lazy because he's a house husband, but housewives are exploited? Which one is it?

No. 500756

He's not lazy because he's a househusband, he openly bragged about how his wife had to stay up all night to take care of the kids and go to work in the morning. Nothing is wrong with being a stay at home parent as long as if you're actually parenting. He pretty much just has a mommy sex slave who does everything so he can sit on his ass and bitch about women

No. 500763

Damn, that's just sad.

No. 500774

What exactly does he do that equates him to a housewife besides staying at home? He doesn't post about cooking, cleaning, taking care of his child or being confined in any way from reaching substantial life goals due to pressure, society and/or laws.
He just offers his bullshit opinions on the internet all day. He's never even squeezed a child out of his own body, carried one to term or even helped the mother deliver one, lmao. He is useless in every way except as a sperm dispenser that talks, and now that he's old, crusty, bald and post-wall (as his manosphere ilk accuse women of being), that sperm is far from ideal.

No. 500780

His wife follows him and was caught trying to push "defooing" onto her clients. I think her self esteem is gone and has been for a while. She does all the work. She ahs a professional job being a therapist, she's gone to school and grad school, she had her kid in her 40s and does all the housework on top of it all. Stefan? Nothing. He does nothing but sit on his ass and whine about reproductive systems and women causing white genocide all day on twitter. He's exactly what you would get if you pair up with someone like him and his views.

They don't actually want traditionalism and never had. They just want women to be property and broodmares again while also being an heiress so she'll never work but all her money goes to them. The only example of a woman like that is fucking gimpgirl555 and she's a manic dumpster diving horrowcow

No. 500792

She also can’t for the life of her pose in a feminine way, she always poses like a male bodybuilder or David hasslehoff. Cracks me tf up.

All of the tradthots and scrote right activists are hypocrites, just like how Ashton birdie is a bpd psycho, Lauren southerns a whore with a body count of at least 50+, mrs Midwest can’t keep her man interested, mouldy-meme is a worthless househusband, Gregory fuba has game executive function of a retarded child etc etc

No. 500808

This is the kinda the point I was making though. I also have bipolar disorder, of which a symptom is hypersexuality. There's also a lot of gatekeeping about bisexuality because it's such a fluid thing - are you bisexual if you watch lesbian porn? What if you enjoy FFM threesomes but would never get with a girl independently? Like there's so many factors that can influence expression of sexuality that it does start to blur the lines. Tbh I think the same about women who date men for years then get a girlfriend aged 40+ and start calling themselves lesbians. But sage because this has turned into ramble, it's just been on my mind recently.

No. 500815

Well even a couple years ago when the Lauren thread was active, farmers knew she'd fold. That it was only a matter of time and when the money she got from pandering to scrotes dried up.
All these tradthots are with the subjugation up until it doesn't serve to benefit them anymore, and then when their boyfriends or spouses start to treat them like stupid turds then they cry for independence, rights, and financial freedom back.

Lauren will be okay. But what about all the younger girls she wrongfully influenced and deceived? The ones who anchored themselves to low quality men who will cheat on them after having reared their children and took care of their domicile? They're the real tragedies of the situation.

No. 500817

Are you anons trying to make a connection between mental health and bisexuality? I also identify as bi, though the only mental health conditions I can say I have is depression and mild anxiety/ADD. I've also never had any trauma or abuse in the past related to sexuality. I'm probably reading wrongly into it but it feels a little off to say that bisexuality is caused by other factors besides just naturally being so. Not to say that they don't at all either. I did "mature early" in terms of discovering porn at like 14. I've since moved over to literotica and some art/comics as most porn is shit because of the made by/for men situation. I do like men a lot, but I've become more pessimistic about getting what /I/ want out of a relationship compared to one with another woman. I also get bugged by the casual piggishness I see in the male friends around me and they're not even bad people. I like ladies like they do but I can't even relate to them in that way either.

No. 500824

>What if you enjoy FFM threesomes but would never get with a girl independently
That's called being a cuck

No. 500835

Yeah this! Exactly all those girls who were dumb enough to fall for Lauren's bullshit are the real victims here because now most of them are dating neckbeards who probably aren't able to provide for them financially and will end up leaving them for the next dumb bitch and leave them with debt and kids in hand. That Shapiro guy was right if you're gonna promote this trad life style bullshit then yeah find yourself a man that has a stable income and is actually able to provide not a sweaty neckbeard who "wins" keyboard wars with the "ugly femenists" seriously all those alt right people are a joke specially the stupid trad thots like Lauren that later back pedal because it was no longer profitable for them

No. 500840

Because he thinks women shouldnt do the same.

No. 500846

Female bodybuilders also pose that way.

No. 500851

But there's my point again - you do describe yourself as having mental health problems, and they are generally accepted to be epigenetic (hereditary) and therefore identifiable in brain physiology. There is a clear link between bisexuality and history of abuse/mental health problems/substance abuse/etc - that doesn't mean it's the universal cause of all bisexuality, obviously. I'm just musing on the subject. We all know how porn grooms people via the reward of orgasm, also.

No. 500860

If you’re “bi” and watch lesbian porn but would never have sex with a woman then you’re straight and conditioned to view women as sex objects by society. Just like how a lot of straight girls will make out with other women for male attention or think other women are hot but would never down with eating pussy. It is very common for straight women to watch lesbian porn meanwhile lesbians almost never watch it. A woman who is with a man but then gets with a woman is bi, she was never a lesbian if she was into fucking men.

No. 500864

>Tbh I think the same about women who date men for years then get a girlfriend aged 40+ and start calling themselves lesbians.
Well they aren’t lesbians are they? I am straight but I have noticed it is very common for bi women in straight relationships to emphasize how they are bisexual not straight then start calling themselves “gay” or “lesbian” in a homo relationship. Bi women always feel the need to let people know how “queer” they are. Sometimes this even extends to saying how their straight relationship is actually a queer one because she isn’t a straight woman so it’s somehow innately different or “above” a “boring hettie relationship”.

No. 501026

>If you’re “bi” and watch lesbian porn but would never have sex with a woman then you’re straight and conditioned to view women as sex objects by society. Just like how a lot of straight girls will make out with other women for male attention or think other women are hot but would never down with eating pussy.
Plenty of people enjoy watching things depicted in porn/media that they wouldn't feel up to doing in real life. Not being ready to perform what they watch in real life doesn't mean they aren't still attracted to it, as if they weren't, they wouldn't receive sexual gratification from watching it. Attraction can have degrees.

>A woman who is with a man but then gets with a woman is bi, she was never a lesbian if she was into fucking men

Let's say two women are in a relationship, and one of them has had a romantic past with men while the other hasn't. That's still a lesbian relationship, is it not, due to the lack of male involvement?

No. 501049

It’s a “lesbian relationship” because it’s a same-sex one involving two females but a woman can not be a lesbian if she is not exclusively attracted to other women. Lesbians are homosexual so they will never feel attraction to males. If a woman is attracted to both sexes then she is bisexual. Bisexuality is fluid and most bisexuals have a preference (usually for the opposite sex since on average over 80% of bisexuals are hetero-partnered while less than 10% are homo-partnered and more bisexual women are in hetero relationships than bisexual men). With bisexuals their preferences can change over time so some bisexuals may lean towards men early in their life but then lean towards women later in their life, or they can have it the other way around. I don’t many bisexuals who are equally attracted to both sexes but they do exist as well.

No. 501051

A lesbian is a homosexual female but lesbian relationships can include bisexual women. Just like how bisexual women can be in straight relationships but that doesn’t mean she is now a straight woman.

No. 501085

tbf the same hypocritical logic can apply towards the many campus libfem woc I know who talk about wanting to end the "white male patriarchy" but primally only ever date white guys

No. 501105

>I think the same about women who date men for years then get a girlfriend aged 40+ and start calling themselves lesbians.
I think this can be a bit dicey as just because you're dating a man doesn't necessarily mean you're attracted to him. A lot of women suffer from devestatingly low self esteem even up to 40+.

in both of these situations it's 100% a cope.

No. 501106

I am East Asian and this is like 70% of Asian women I know. They all have white boyfriends/husbands, want "cute mixed babies", and talk trash about Asian men. Also white supremacists have a fetish for Asian women even though they scream about "white genocide" and get angry at white women who date non-white men.

No. 501109

>I think this can be a bit dicey as just because you're dating a man doesn't necessarily mean you're attracted to him.
True, all women suffer from compulsory heterosexuality but lesbians are hardest hit since they don't experience attraction to men at all. Society will pressure them to be with men since unmarried or childless women are viewed as worthless to a patriarchal society and in many countries acting out on same-sex attraction is illegal or highly dangerous.

No. 501111

plus, there's the double whammy of women not really being encouraged to practice active attraction and are pressured to passively accept some dudes attraction to her, and women being more pragmatic about choosing partners and more likely to settle for the less attractive but more stable option.

I think it's hard to judge fake bi/real bi/lesbian attraction under a system that actively clouds all of those decisions and feelings

No. 501177


I've read about this in a science mag recently, and that one scientist who opposes these relevations unironically said:
"saying there is no significant difference between men and women brains is like saying there is no difference between a polo and a mercedes".(don't remember the exact words or car brands he used)
comparing brains to cars to talk distracting shit about scientific relevations he doesn't like. Seriously?
>also he had a very big chin. forgot his name tho

No. 501222

I'm Jewish and Jewish men actively bash tradtional Jewish features Jewish women have while praising features white or Asian women tradtionally have, so obviously most Jewish women date men who are attracted to them which is usually ethnic or very rarely white men and Jewish men get mad. I honestly don't know what goes through these men's heads tbh

No. 501240

Preach sister. Yet we inherit all the good looks anyway, all Jewish men look like your average pervert uncle. I don't even feel bad when Jewish men experience anti-semitism because they bash us first. Glad I married out and turned down many Jewish guys.

No. 501241

I've never had an issue attracting white guys, but I also don't look very ethnic or middle eastern for a Jew.

No. 501248

Not a lot of Jewish people in my country so I don't know much about it, but I thought the stereotype was that Jewish girls are hot and the guys aren't?

Can't say I'm surprised though, men are always trying to get 'their' women competitive and desperate to appease them by pitting them against other groups of women, then getting mad when those women choose to date men outside their race too.

No. 501254

My friend is going through hell because his trans "gf" turned out to be (surprise) violent and unhinged and everyone keeps coddling him because trans girls can do no wrong and its disgusting.

No. 501257

Men like Howard Stern put us down all the time, and portray us as old ugly nags on tv here in the states. I agree that generally Jewish women look better than the men but I'm biased haha.

No. 501264

I'm so sorry your friend has to deal with that shit, let him know he doesn't need to stay with the troon, and it's better to leave ASAP, if he's able to.
I used to have a troon "gf" and he would be so reliant on me for his own happiness and never did his part for me, basically used me and took so many of my belongings without asking. About $500 worth.
I moved in with him at the beginning of him trooning out and it only got worse from there. Glad I'm out! Lots of therapy sessions afterwards and still ongoing, it's been about 5 years since. There's true happiness waiting for your friend when he leaves.

No. 501274

This is literally whats going on. He admitted to using him for a place to stay, stole money out of his wallet, trashed their place etc, he's filing a restraining order because the troon strangled him hard enough to leave cuts on his neck while forcing him out of the apartment in order to livestream about how oppressed he is

No. 501277

Some of the East Asian women are based and pinkpilled tho. They'll use white men (most of whom are fetishists) for money and green card then dump them for American chads kek a few years of being first world bang maid is a small price to avoid generations of third world bullshit.

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