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File: 1738685168526.png (582.49 KB, 640x588, 69066a229c39bc156cc762cce18059…)

No. 2381717

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>2368018

No. 2381723

Someone make hyperpigmentation but as elsie

No. 2381724

File: 1738685484499.jpg (149.05 KB, 900x1200, 1671927346782.jpg)

I hate going to college its my second day and i am already feel overwhelmed with homework. Why cant i be pretty so i can find a rich old man i can poison.

No. 2381738

File: 1738685941744.jpg (2.03 MB, 3468x2429, 1000031466.jpg)

The ink levels of the printer at my work look like bubble tea, now I'm craving one.

No. 2381747

Is it any good? I've never had one in my life, wanna try

No. 2381749

I didn't catch up on my reflections for class so I hope today isn't the one day the professor decides to ask about them. I did the readings as they were assigned but forgot to do the reflections, except now I have to reread the readings to remember what to write. Such is life.

No. 2381757

nta but i had one and it sucked

No. 2381758

Knowing my own tastebuds and textures I probably wouldn't like it tbh

No. 2381762

thread pic is really cute, nice choice OP

No. 2381763

I can tell most of the userbase has been replaced here and it really bums me out

No. 2381772

If you like milk tea and especially very sweet milk tea, it's the drink for you. I like the brown sugar flavor and depending on the shop, the strong tea taste despite the milk. It's balanced and smooth and very refreshing. The bobba pearls differ from one shop to another, but generally they're sticky, chewy and firm. Some shops make them sweet with brown sugar, some leaves them plain. I prefer them sweet, they add flavor and texture to the drink that makes it a bit addictive.

No. 2381773

I’m begging for this please some nonna who can edit or draw

No. 2381782

The temperature is 50 right now and I'm chilly but by the time I walk to class it'll be 60 and by the time I get out of class and have to walk home it'll be 80. Debating if I should wear a light jacket or not

No. 2381852

eating chicken and broccoli for dinner kek like a /fit/ness retard. i could make something more interesting but it's simple and fits my macros

No. 2381917

Put some black pepper on it!

No. 2381921

I have been so insanely bored lately since I got kinda sick of watching anime. I need to get a life.

No. 2381944

Was in the waiting room for a doctor's appointment and there were a couple of cute babies I got to say hello to. Their moms are always so nice, too.

No. 2381956

same. feels like most of the grown adult anons left and the remainder is just teenagers acting like their life is over when they reach 20, teens arguing over anime all day, and self identified tifs

No. 2381960

agreed, where did everyone go? i get that people move on and i take breaks from lcf but i'm pushing 30 and i'll never leave IBs. did everyone get a life without me?

No. 2381965

I thought my life was over at 13 for not being as successful as my dreams were, these kids could never!

No. 2381990

I have always hated sporty attire , so I just own ugly sweatpants that I use for the house only and wear jeans when I’m out. But I bought a pair of nice sweatpants because I just wanted something soft and comfortable to put , I hope they fit me well.

No. 2381996

The jannies went crazy during hellweek and put a lot of people off. I know of 3 women I talked to that were banned for unspecified reasons with denied appeals. I think jannies cleaned house

No. 2381999

Thank you! I thought the cow and valentine theme was very appropriate. I’m not sure if we have much of a theme for threadpics at this point but it felt right.

No. 2382019

I have to get some things from Target after class but that involves taking the bus and I hate the specific route that goes to Target & back

No. 2382026

Agree, why is everyone swallowing the bait hook whole these days

No. 2382051

File: 1738696895405.jpeg (174.12 KB, 610x318, IMG_3590.jpeg)

I would have sex with every farmhand if they gave me each flavor of this yummy candy

No. 2382054

youre that cheap? atleast be a skittlesfag

No. 2382055

Kek you just noticed? I’ve been saying this for months and people told me to shut up. Only teenagers have time to argue over retarded shit like fandoms and men all day long

No. 2382057

Nooo it’s just the only flavor of that candy I can find in the store kek but it’s still so good. I love sour candy

No. 2382068

Today while I was sleeping, I felt something that felt like a painful bubble going up the length of my thigh. No idea wtf that was.

No. 2382074

Ever since I had covid a couple of years ago I've lost the ability of being able to tell when I'm about to get a stomachache when I'm eating. It's not like I eat particularly big portions, it's just that the boundary between "just enough" and "FUUUCCCKKK" is very, very slim (we're talking about a spoonful or two) for me and hard to catch now that my body doesn't give out any warnings anymore. I'm suffering from my second stomachache for today atm and it sucks because it takes forever to stop.

No. 2382077

I have to go to the dentist tomorrow

No. 2382087

Be careful.

No. 2382097

are you her dentist threating her or are you warning her

No. 2382101

File: 1738698610901.png (279.28 KB, 1419x1381, 1546463091507.png)

posted on the friend finder thread but so many nonnies just stop replying, even if the conversation is in full swing. i mean i know why it happens but i wish it wouldn't.

No. 2382105

Its not always about you, some people are just bad at keeping up with conversations

No. 2382108

Which anon are you in the friend finder thread? Link and I might hit you up if you want me too

No. 2382109

A lot of the anons on here have personality disorders or other psychiatric issues, so don't take it personally. I mean, just look at that one anon that was posted in the Vent thread a while back. If you're looking for online friends, I'd suggest looking into hobby groups or language learning groups. I made a really good online friend from France, she and I speak almost daily, we do one day speaking French and one day speaking English. We've improved our language skills a lot just by having normal conversation through the day. So, you get to learn a new skill and meet a new friend.

No. 2382111

happens to me as well. pretty sad…

No. 2382119

i don't take it personally, it's more just annoying.

No. 2382127

I'm mostly having trouble too, but for me people just ghost right from the start, even though they're the ones who decided to add me. I have had luck with one anon though, we have so much in common. I think the most important thing to do if you want to find someone you actually click with is to make your post very detailed.

No. 2382135

i think it's mostly that people get excited at the idea of making a new friend but then realize it requires effort and immediately give up/get overwhelmed.

No. 2382139

Mfw I posted in the friend finder thread like 2-3 weeks ago and got no DMs. At least these weebs got people to message them kek

No. 2382140

The skin on my right leg randomly has spots that sting like I got stabbed or cut but there's nothing there.

No. 2382141

Allergic reaction or walked past poison ivy? I'd wash it hope your leg feels better

No. 2382142

Were you that anon who hated literature but made your icebreaker "whats your favorite book?"

No. 2382148

KEK that post made me burst out laughing. One of the funniest things I've seen on this site honestly.

No. 2382149

you might want to make a more detailed profile. also some nonnies definitely come off a bit cold/rude in their profiles so maybe yours gave a bad impression?

No. 2382152

The liquid part is good but the boba pearls ruin it

No. 2382156

File: 1738700481913.jpg (208.99 KB, 903x903, 1000036635.jpg)

I just remembered that when I was depressed a few years back I really wanted one of those plush bear dolls like pic related because they looked so cute. Never got one and my ex boyfriend said that they are ugly.

No. 2382159

I am curious if any anons here have ghosted someone from the friend finder thread and what your reasoning for it was?

No. 2382162

No I was the one who posted the most recent one right after hers (which made me laugh ngl like damn anon chill kek) but I guess I came off kind of boring because I don’t want anything serious out of it. I feel like people desperately want like someone else to be their pet dog or cat or something or to be like an observer to their lives, I’m so put off by people with main character syndrome which is most of the anons who post in that thread anyways.
I was as chill and non-threatening as I could possibly be. I actually posted before in the previous friend finder and I was actually able to get some messages and we were going to exchange art but then I ended up losing complete access to my account which sucked.

No. 2382163

Kek so you're the anon who had drama with someone else in the last thread. No wonder people didn't add you.

No. 2382174

No??? I don’t recall having drama at all in that thread, if I did how would I have received messages from people?? I’m not the literature anon or any of the people you’re thinking of, you could easily go into the friend finder thread right now and see the most recent post because that thread has been dead for like a week or so. Learn to read please.

No. 2382189

>i'm not like those other losers posting in the friend finder thread, i'm special and different!
why are you judging people for doing the same exact thing you're doing?

No. 2382190

I wants that anon I was this anon >>399357 now this one I posted like nearly two weeks ago >>470312 and someone said I had “drama” but it wasn’t drama the only thing I did was post a screenshot of some random person from the thread who sent me something very weird and bizarre (I think an autism test??? idk why) and other anons said they also got the same kinds of messages from them as well. I hate being gaslighted kek I didn’t do anything..

No. 2382193

File: 1738701530967.jpeg (125.57 KB, 736x736, IMG_3583.jpeg)

You’re not going to bait me, I know what you’re doing kek

No. 2382194

>most recent one right after hers
This would imply your post is >>>/g/470312 . Take a look at the replies to the post. I am able to read, thank you very much.

No. 2382195

it was a dream

No. 2382198

the thread pic is so cute. I love it.

No. 2382203

what? genuinely confused as to how my comment comes off as bait. you're literally talking shit about everyone else posting in the same thread that you yourself posted in.

No. 2382204

That’s what I just linked and no, there was no drama, so apparently you can’t read and love to start drama and make stuff up for absolutely no reason and when people correct you or defend themselves they’re somehow “nasty” or “rude” even though they’re clearly matching your energy. Bait used to be believable

No. 2382207

Agreed! Thanks to the nona who made it.

No. 2382208

KEK please listen to yourself right now, your lack of self awareness is insane.

No. 2382211

ntayrt but there was literally drama in the last thread because you posted someone's dms and said that they were a male for no reason and then that retard uploaded a photo of her birth certificate to clear her name and she said that you were really aggressive and rude for no reason in the dms.


No. 2382212

File: 1738702349415.gif (364.63 KB, 220x165, bad-bunny.gif)

Drinking orange juice out the bottle, just had a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. I'm lit as fuck.

No. 2382214

Hell yeah

No. 2382218

i hope birth certificate nonnie is thriving

No. 2382222

File: 1738702773750.jpeg (40.16 KB, 400x358, EED3005A-9880-42B4-AC1A-F02DF5…)

I contributed to class today multiple times and made good points. I kinda flubbed my presentation last week so I’m happy I redeemed myself.

No. 2382224

No because you’re clearly baiting and have been caught in the act. Back to the unpopular opinions thread you go
Look at the context of why I posted it and the replies to the very post, people were literally agreeing with me that their typing style and energy came off very strange and it’s definitely not my problem that she posted her birth certificate when nobody told her, so now I’m responsible for a mentally ill person’s behavior? Would you would’ve preferred me to not warn people that there was possibly someone mentally unwell constantly going around and hitting up people from this website??? Her posting her birth certificate when there was no reason to do so is a major red flag anyways and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what else to tell you. Sorry, not sorry, any other anon would’ve done the same.

No. 2382228

The pic of the birth certificate fucking killed me KEKKK you anons are a riot

No. 2382229

File: 1738703095602.mp4 (558.84 KB, 640x360, 02982477283.mp4)

No. 2382231

I just think you are two people who didnt click, idk why anons have to act like one of you is the bad guy. Her sending you the autism test is funny as fuck though kek

No. 2382232

Like are people supposed to talk to someone who clearly is an underaged person who likely has BPD? What the actual fuck(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2382233

Samefag, I made a rap.
>Drinking OJ out the bottle (out the bottle, bottle)
>Getting lit like no tomorrow (no tomorrow, 'morrow)
>Colorful and cute just like a swallow (yeah a swallow)
>Farmers acting up (acting up!)
>But me I don't give a fuck (give a fuck)
>We all autistic in the club! (in the club!)

No. 2382235

No, she or whatever it was is clearly mentally unwell. There was something wrong with her

No. 2382237

a lot of zoomers try to mimic old school ways of typing, you see it on other websites.

No. 2382239

I like it. One critique is that I don’t think many autists would be in a club so perhaps a different venue would be more appropriate.

No. 2382240

She just sounds enthusiastic and happy to meet someone. Sorry not everyone is a grumpy bitch like you are.

No. 2382241

Idk how old you are but a lot of zoomers just type like her

No. 2382244

We all retarded on the farm! (yeah!)

No. 2382245

She types like how I used to when I was 14-19 trying to be cute with my online friends

No. 2382246

NTA the emoji and the train of consciousness typing style makes it clear that person is under 18 or severely stunted

No. 2382252

That was not what she was doing at all kek, please be fucking for real
Kek are you fucking serious?
The amount of anons defending that behavior is concerning. I know you would definitely block that person immediately if they ever came into your DMs typing like that

No. 2382253

The FF thread as a whole has given me some great laughs

No. 2382255

I agree kek. I saw nothing wrong with how she types. Maybe the emoticon was a little gauche.

You could have decided to not talk to her instead of posting her private messages to you and exposing her Discord username and profile picture. If anything, doing all that seems way more BPD than the message she sent to you.

You're having a spastic rage attack over this and it's weird. Did you take the autism test that she sent you? What was your score?

No. 2382263

Can everyone be retarded somewhere that isn't the mundane shit thread?

No. 2382265

do you think people naturally type like this? it's a deliberate choice to try and sound cute. obviously that's why trannies also talk like this but plenty of girls do too.

No. 2382266

I can overlook !! and u/abt but the 'intersted' 'whenev er' and 'n' and '-_-' are definitely what you see underaged twitterfags type

No. 2382268

Literally this
Are you defending her because you act in the same insane, disordered and manic way as her and want to make your insanity everybody else’s problem and when people finally say “no” to your bullshit you try to villainize people with common sense? Please reevaluate yourself on why you’re defending someone who wasn’t trying to be ironic or satirical, they are fully unwell and still are. I also don’t care, if you act like a fucking fool in my DMs you get blocked, kicked, etc. I don’t care if I’m a villain or a bitch for it, nobody wants to talk to crazy people.

No. 2382270

File: 1738704539289.jpeg (16.17 KB, 236x214, 371624C3-F890-4A9E-B808-041CD8…)

I have a class at 5pm (online) but I’m sleepy. I’m thinking about taking a little nap beforehand.

No. 2382271

File: 1738704560684.jpeg (70.16 KB, 453x528, IMG_3595.jpeg)

>I can overlook !! and u/abt

No. 2382272

you guys both seem insane and unwell. it's even funnier because you didn't block her, she blocked you kek. you could have just blocked her and not responded, but instead you chose to respond and then post her information in the friend finder thread after you got blocked.

No. 2382274

I mean, it's a Discord message. All she did was use lowercase, an emoticon, a few abbreviations and acronyms, and an ellipsis. Nothing really strikes me as too odd about it. She's 22, and it's how younger people like her that are online a lot speak. I don't think it was right of you to be super aggressive and rude in your DMs with her and that post her in the Friend Finder thread to "warn" others about her just because she sent you an Adult Autism test. It seems like you felt burned and wanted to get back at her by publicly humiliating her because you felt humiliated by her. Posting her birth certificate was definitely weird and too much, but you did publicly accuse her of being a troon in a thread where she had met a lot of others, so I can see why she'd want to clear her name so to speak.
Nobody is calling you a villain or a bitch except yourself. You are being very defensive and aggressive for no reason, which is in line with what that anon had said about you. If you thought she was acting like "a fucking fool," then you could have just ceased communication and left it at that, but instead you came on here and made aggressive posts about her accusing her of being a troon. Even now, you're lamenting that people won't hit you up from the FF thread, but you're still in this thread acting very strangely and arguing about something that happened 7 months ago.

No. 2382280

if a lot of people stop responding to you the maybe you're the problem?

No. 2382292

super secret pirateboard
the conversation just didn't hit off, it was just awkward so I ghosted

No. 2382294

Um, no.
Because being “defensive and aggressive” is having boundaries as a woman kek. What a world

No. 2382295

i doubt it's personal, it seems to be a very common issue. a lot of nonnies talk about feeling overwhelmed easily so it's probably more akin to that. like they add several people and then realize they have multiple conversations they're expected to reply to and just stop responding to everyone. i've actually had people reply months later which is always funny.

No. 2382302

No. The reason I said that you're acting defensive is because 7 months after the incident, you're still having a meltdown about it and trying to convince us all that you were in the right when none us care and you're fighting with anons that say you were acting weird. The reason I said you were aggressive is because you accused me of being insane, disordered, and manic all because I said it was wrong of you to post her DMs on LC and accuse her of being a troon and a bippie. If you're wondering why anons stop replying to you mid-conversation, I'd advise you to reflect on how you behave. Right now, you're coming across as highly argumentative and hyper defensive, and I think maybe those negative traits seep into your Discord messages too.

No. 2382314

Because someone brought it up and thought it was “drama”, I didn’t.

No. 2382327

File: 1738707274666.gif (1.34 MB, 224x399, food-cat.gif)

I am so hungry right now. I've been craving egg salad or devilled eggs for a few days, but it's been very cold and snowy outside so I kind of want something warm and cozy like roasted tomato soup with grilled cheese. Maybe I should make both and eat until I pass out because I can't decide

No. 2382329

do the devilled eggs those are great

No. 2382332

I disagree, tomato soup is better

No. 2382337

use one egg to make two deviled and eat it as a side to a nice bowl of soup

No. 2382339

Reading your post made me hungry… The macaroni salad my family makes basically is a deviled egg salad. I've been craving it recently even though it isn't really the season for it. What cheese would you put on the grilled cheese?

No. 2382348

I just finished up my farm in minecraft and I'm thinking of taking a little nap myself. Hope class goes well for you!

No. 2382356

File: 1738708274521.jpeg (333.57 KB, 613x792, IMG_2307.jpeg)

just woke up and im very comfy in bed. i will smoke weed, refresh lolcor, maybe check yohoho and milk some cows today. i love my silly life

No. 2382368

Picrel is so cute kek

No. 2382369


No. 2382373

You two are what my inner monologue sounds like right now.
Brilliant idea!
That sounds delicious nona I would probably be craving it right now too if I'd tried it before. This may be controversial but I only like grilled cheese made with kraft singles, ancient grain bread and margarine. plz no bully

No. 2382374

oh you’re nasty lol. i was trying to find what nonas were talking about from the last ff thread and you just did the dirty work for them! who cares if she types like a zoomer or whatever (reminder that zoomers are 13-28) nothing in her message was weird and she just seemed enthusiastic to talk to you. also, not sure if you realised, but discord is a chatting app, so to judge a nona for not typing like a forum is fucking stupid. scrotefoiling a perfectly harmless what you assume to be underage person is cringe and pathetic
>b-but they agreed with me itt!
are you twelve?

No. 2382378

File: 1738709114179.jpeg (306.84 KB, 1125x1023, 461B1CD3-3D0B-45A7-B17D-87062D…)

I saw another nona made a new Mundane Shit thread without knowing about this one. And I just wanted to say your threadpic was very cute! I hope this one gets filled before Vday so we can use yours!

No. 2382380

stoner nonnie is going to read about eggs and grilled cheese and get the munchies

No. 2382387

ah you bitch. i have no savoury food in my house and its killing me. i think im going to order uber eats now. damn you nonas!!

No. 2382403

File: 1738710110008.jpg (27.13 KB, 640x592, who-is-your-bill-wibbly-and-wh…)

Said goodbye to a long-time ACNH villager of mine in hopes of getting more variety on my island but the empty plot got sold to fucking Quillson while I was island hopping and now I wanna kms kek

No. 2382412

aw thank you, for some reason thread #33 didnt show up on the catalog when I checked and I got a little too excited making a themed thread for the month. Ill be a little quicker with an updated number this time around

No. 2382417

i've lost a lot of weight recently. i love it i cant lie, but i havent been making efforts to eat less or workout or anything. i'm even getting sorta toned? i know that ill bounce back again soon bcs my weight fluctuates like crazy but i wish i would keep getting smaller

No. 2382455

Another day, another failed attempt of fixing my sleep schedule

No. 2382459

You and me both, but at least I managed to start sleeping two hours earlier kek

No. 2382462

File: 1738713206391.png (405.76 KB, 600x600, IMG_0164.png)

This happened to me with Nate and I spent weeks feeling bad for wanting him to leave until he said “I think you really need this” and gave me a fucking digital scale. Kicked him out and got Mitzi.

No. 2382465

serves me right for never consistently engaging in a community to be in the know for something like that

No. 2382471

He needs to look in the mirror and check his fucked up eyebrows before he comes for you like that nona

No. 2382474

Valid complaint. A villager I already hated one day decided on his own to wear a "moldy shirt" to stink up my towm even more and I wanted to smash my DS I swear he did it just to spite me

No. 2382499

File: 1738714486185.png (81.43 KB, 230x322, 1000032502.png)

Jay is my Bill Wibbly because he pissed me off in TWO SEPARATE GAMES by building his house in the WRONG SPOT. In New Leaf, he also kept asking to buy my items for cheap, and the one time I thought to be nice and let him come over, he made a comment that he "needed to follow me" to "monitor my calf muscles." No. The only jock villager who can make all the dialogue endearing is Kid Cat, you will never be him you annoying ass bird.

No. 2382501

I wouldve thrown molotov cocktails in their houses in a fit of rage. sorry to alog the dinky vidya animals but my pretty village comes first

No. 2382503

The black spot be upon ye for talking about the pirate board in public.

No. 2382509

File: 1738714909449.gif (37.25 KB, 130x130, Корсары_капитан_несет_сундук21…)

squawkers get keelhauled!

No. 2382518

Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 after so long, and waow. I played it once nearing the end of 2018 and found the prologue too much of a drag, now I kinda regret putting it aside for 6 years. Such a pretty game, and more fictional moids for me to add to my husbando list

No. 2382521

File: 1738715317508.gif (826.58 KB, 220x303, arthur.gif)

wait til' he starts coughing

No. 2382522

I'm waiting to get a 4k tv to replay again.I beat the entire game back in 2021 and it was such a gorgeous game. I had a blast doing RDR2 online stuff, but my posse and friends kinda drifted after 2023.

No. 2382525

i'm >>2382521 and did you ever play redm? or was it too cringe for you. i honestly enjoy getting on sometimes and doing cowboy rp kek

No. 2382547

You should post a link to the login page so we can see what it looks like

No. 2382562

squawkers get keelhauled sorry… a real pirate does not request a spoonfeed fer booty

No. 2382566

File: 1738717359407.gif (387.76 KB, 220x220, angry.gif)

not this shit again

No. 2382573

File: 1738717855127.jpg (107.14 KB, 1280x720, ousa_pirates_revy.jpg)

set sail me-nonnie ye'll find us!

No. 2382645

File: 1738720956164.jpeg (20.66 KB, 368x240, IMG_5270.jpeg)

I keep waking up with my arms above my head like picrel. I guess my sleepsona thinks it’s comfortable

No. 2382650

Why does MSI have to be degen creeps? How i learned to stop (…) is such a good album…

No. 2382652

The few times that happened recently one of my arms was completely numb and god I hate that feeling it's so scary and gross.

No. 2382656

You can still listen to their music. I enjoy xxxtentacion, he's dead and idgaf

No. 2382665

I know it's kind of a recent meme but Kai Trump [trumps granddaughter] really does have intense lesbian energy idk if it's just because shes a gym rat but everything about her just seems like shes trying to larp as a straight sorority girl kek i'd bet my neck that shes a dyke

No. 2382668

she could just be a bruh girl

No. 2382670

somenona come draw with me valentine board. i want to kiss

No. 2382672

I wish I had a tablet!!!!! I want to draw so bad

No. 2382687

dude i hate flippers so much, so many cute houses on zillow that have been turned into the most soulless, cheap looking nightmares.

No. 2382689

I never used twitter and obviously don't use X either. I'm stalking someones profile right now though and I can't believe in the past fifteen minutes I feel for the X, as in ex-twitter-X, being the X to close the window twice now. Also, why is everything showing like
? I thought twitter was anti-chronological like tumblr is.

No. 2382723

i hope you can get one nona. im using the same shitty wacom thats like 8 years old i stole from highschool

No. 2382729

I really like this thread pic it made me happy to see

No. 2382774

File: 1738730167487.webp (48.26 KB, 640x697, 80C8E68D-402B-4C5F-98DF-7E38E6…)

nothing beats the pure decadent fun of watching a bunch of straight to tv movies with like 7 rotten tomatoes ratings because a hot guy was in them

No. 2382788

Kek why is there a facebook grandmother in the ai image threads?

No. 2382791

Man we really have to invent decent porn for women

No. 2382799

KEKK i was thinking the same thing

No. 2382800

File: 1738731020575.gif (489.27 KB, 500x289, okay.gif)

No. 2382810

One of my fav parts of LC is getting to make a new thread with a threadpic to brighten everyone’s day. The disappointment in a new thread with a bad threadpic sucks so much, especially in slow-moving ones that will be around awhile.

No. 2382828

Especially when it's a shitty AI pic and because it's a slow thread the mods are not inclined to change it.

No. 2382894

If you don't have an account you're seeing posts ranked by like count. If you made one to lurk that person could've been retweeting older posts

No. 2382908

i just bathed with really cold water and now my hands feel really hot but only when they're touching each other, weird

No. 2382919

why a cold bath? i like to esentially burn my skin in hot one, i want to hear about the world from your perspective

No. 2382928

trust me nonnie, i didn't do it out of my own free will, i love bathing with hot water too, we just couldn't get hot water because the geyser couldn't work because our flat is running on the generator right now(i really don't know how to say it bc i'm ESL and i've never had to explain this to anyone but the rest of the flat is working fine, it's just stuff like geysers, microwaves, fridges, and the elevator that turn off)

No. 2382935

this is the most fake and gay thing I have ever seen

No. 2382976

nta but i guess the pirate life is not for ye’!

No. 2382988

File: 1738745575068.jpg (41.09 KB, 809x677, 0074DB17-CC9B-4EBC-9653-0A4611…)

i'm having some chili sauce with carrots bc i couldn't finish it with my chicken nuggets, even though i fully dipped them in, and tbh, not half bad, its good.

No. 2383039

File: 1738748939123.jpeg (94.76 KB, 1200x1121, IMG_5810.jpeg)

Just asked sanic totem what to do and I did NOT like the answer FML

No. 2383070

I wonder what it would be like to get addicted to something. I have rather low volition so I think I could easily get stuck in a bad habit, but my body also develops resistance/tolerance to things weirdly easily so if I were to take anything it would lose its effect in a day or two and I wouldn't see the point of taking it after.

No. 2383074

For some reason the eggs in my fridge are frozen?

No. 2383094

Did you put them at the back of the fridge?

No. 2383097

I did but I usually put them at the back and I've never had any problems

No. 2383107

Is it possible the temperature knob in the fridge got accidentally bumped making it colder?

No. 2383127

While driving home last night, my boyfriend and I happened upon a coyote at the side of the road, so we pulled up slowly. I started hollering at it to get out of the road and the damned thing looks at me and its instead a freezing cold lost dog, not a coyote. So my boyfriend goes out to grab her as cars are seemingly ATTEMTPING to hit her, so he picked her up and she was very gentle. Collar but no information. We brought her home and she's maybe 6-8 based on her agility, lipomas and teeth. Healthy but hungry. She's very well trained and walks on a lead nicely. She looks like the littlest hobo. Ohhh, she's just very sweet so someone must be missing her dearly. We scoured the local everythings for lost dog reports and made one of our own, and once they open today I'll contact the ASPCA too. I hope her owners find her but if they don't, she can stay here. We never wanted a dog but always agreed if it happened like this, that's just how it goes. She also has zero prey drive or desire to chase our cats. She doesn't shred things up or play with any toys. A very sweet lass.

No. 2383182

aw, poor baby, she must've been so scared. I'm glad you found her before something happened to her, hopefully you can find her owners!
Do people in the US not get their pets microchipped? In my country it's against the law to not get them microchipped. It makes it so much easier to find missing pets that way, you just take them to the nearest vet or shelter and they'll contact their owners.
Give that sweet baby a pet from me nona ♥

No. 2383188

If i wasn't so lazy I would make a gym/weight lifting thread. I know there's a working out thread in /g/ but to it feels more like a weight lose thread than anything kek I just wanna talk to nonnies about weight lifting and what are our favourite exercises.

No. 2383208

She was terrrriiiified, when my boyfriend reached out to pick her up she flopped flat onto the ground and made those whistling-crying noises. She seemed grateful to be brought into a really warm car. And I'm not sure about chipping legalities for the states, I'm not from the USA and just used the ASPCA as a shorthand but here it's very common, I expect that she'll probably have a chip. I'm really hoping we find her owners, I couldn't imagine having a freezing cold night pass by thinking my baby could be anywhere! I'll give her some more love from you. It's been cool to have a dog visit so we've been taking turns spoiling her.

No. 2383230

Missed dinner yesterday and overslept this morning so I couldn't have a proper breakfast and I feel so fucking bad. I'm so tired and I feel like fainting. I can't wait to get home and finally eat something. How the fuck do anachans do this shit willingly

No. 2383302

You and your boyfriend are wonderful people. I hope you find her owners soon.

No. 2383329

Visited west Texas recently and I was enamored by it. It is the complete opposite of where I live, I was living in kind of a dinky town but it's still so weird and unique to me. The warmth in winter was such a a nice break, too. I would even maybe risk the heat and the bugs and the boredom and the melanoma to live there.
Texasfags here might say "ohhh it sucks so baaad" but shut up I like your state deal with it.

No. 2383349

Texas politics are an absolute shitshow, but geographically speaking, it’s a beautiful place.

No. 2383355

>witness father with his very young kids in train, girl and boy
>kids talk and play around
>playing escalates, the moidlet fucking spits on his sister
>the sister retorts
>the shitty moid scolds her for half an hour for it and making her cry from the injustice, saying "you don't behave bad in response, that just makes things worse"
>he didn't even once scold his moidlet or told him that he shouldn't, idk, maybe not spit on his sister
I hate men so much it's unreal. I don't even have any siblings and still got mad just listening to it. Besides that it was also really noticeable that he favorited his hyperactive moidlet even though his girl seemed much more intelligent. The father was fucking geriatric too, probably around 60 when his kids weren't older than 6.

No. 2383359

I think about this random interaction I had while on vacation, it’s been years.
>Visiting a well known tourist town for vacation, eating at a restaurant on the second level
>Weird time so it’s only really me and my friend and this large table of 2-3 families vacationing together
>The families have smaller kids ranging in age from like 4 up to 10, the restaurant is very hot because of the time of year. The kids are going absolutely ballistic
>Almost deafening screaming, crying, running around, just a constant ruckus. The moms look frazzled as they attempt to soothe the kids and get them to stop
>All of the dads ignore it and are on their phones the entire time, occasionally talking to one another
>At one point one of the dads glances up from his phone, looks around at the chaos, makes eye contact with me and half-heartedly says “sorry about the noise”
>Goes back to playing on his phone
It made me so mad then and still does now.

No. 2383382

thinking abt this girl i saw with a homemade kuromi paintjob on her Scion. bet she posts here tbh thats the level of unhinged I'd expect from a farmer

No. 2383383

>check family guy tag on ao3
>most common pairing is stewie/brian

No. 2383395

They have lots of interspecies homoerotic scenes in the show.

No. 2383428

I thought this said kikomi kek

No. 2383442

I met a girl at school and i cant tell if shes a tif or has a weird name. She told me her name is Christian, which is a male name here and its also written in english like a tif would, in spanish it would be cristian. But it could also be christiane, which is a name i have literally never heard a woman have here. I am so confused. I hope its a woman with a quirky name. I also escorted her to her bus stop, i feel like a shoujo bishie now. She was super nice. There is also a cute guy i like and i sat her in the cuck chair seeing him and the tif talk, sigh.

No. 2383464

Mundane update: the shelter came and picked her up. For the first week, she will be held to see if an owner comes forward. After that week, she becomes the property of the shelter and her adoption fee become upwards of $350USD. We don't necessarily have that sort of money to spend on that and didn't ever plan for owning a dog, so we told them to reach out to us if the dog is there for what they deem to be "too long" and we'll take her for sure. Apparently dogs can start getting a weird behavior from being in the shelter for too long so I told them if it comes down to it, we'll gladly love her. We just have this concern that a late-middle-aged mutt with a big facial scar might not be someone's first choice when the shelter is riddled with 1-2 year old mutts without facial scars. Whatever the outcome is for this baby will be good though, and in a week we'll know if the owner came forward too. Could be even easier if she turns out to have a chip. Wahoo! I could do a backflip right now! This is all good news.
You're very kind. I ultimately hope she finds her owners too, but either way it will be a happy ending!

No. 2383505

I hope her owner's are looking for her and she goes home quickly! Just thinking about my baby becoming lost and having to spend time in a shelter alone and afraid breaks my heart. I also hope that her still having her collar on means that she just got lost and didn't get abandoned. Is it a possibility to become her foster family if no one comes to take her?
Looking forward to more positive updates nonnie! Thank you for helping that sweet baby

No. 2383509

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I drank coffee in the evening and now I'm restless and my heart is beating fast. I think I won't be able to sleep tonight.

No. 2383512

i have no intention of ever playing league of legends but i'm going to try to get into the lore just because i think some champions are really cute yes it's also because of arcane but i wasn't referring to any of the characters within that show

No. 2383518

Drink water nonna and pee it all out

No. 2383519

If it's still >2 hours before bed, try to do some fast-paced calisthenics for 30 minutes.

No. 2383521

They've got other media you can get into anyway, like comics, web stories and a card game. Afaik the original game barely does anything for the lore anyway outside of character dialogue.

No. 2383529

This happened to me yesterday and I didn't get to sleep until 2 am

No. 2383532

I'll try both. I didn't know there's a way to fix it.
I hope I'll be able to sleep, I have to go to work in the morning. I'm so retarded

No. 2383597

I can never find rings my size online and it's annoying. I'm always one size smaller. Maybe I need to thicken up the skin on my fingers. Maybe a bit of physical labour or gardening will help.

No. 2383625

What ring size do you have? I wear a 4.5 so I understand the plight well

No. 2383655

File: 1738785029943.webp (20.24 KB, 682x632, uo2zpzx2xoc21.webp)

>gets feedback on the website I've been working on from the designer
>comments from him all over the place
>oh shit I'm such a failure
>"holy shit anon, Gustav must be really satisfied with your job! He's usually super picky about even the most minor things but most of these comments are just about fonts, margins and paddings"
>oh shit maybe there's hope for me after all
Maybe they're being extra lenient because I'm the retarded intern, but I want to think I'm doing better than expected since I'm building the company's new webpage

No. 2383720

I think international size I'm 5, 4 for my pinky finger. Most rings online are 6 minimum

No. 2383760

Currently have a soft plushie with an adorable sweet face cuddled against my stomach. My daughter now.

No. 2383807

I finally found the motivation to clean my fridge that was beyond disgusting (I was very ashamed of the state of it). There were things that dated from covid in there. I had to scrape mysterious sticky substances.
I finally have space in it, it doesn't smell vile when I open it. It makes me want to cook again.
My place has been a mess for so long because I was too depressed to do anything about it and it got so big that I didn't really had the courage to do it. The things left that I have to clean are not as daunting so I give myself two weeks to complete it.

No. 2383826

Good job!

No. 2383849

My mom can sniff if I've been eating garlic thanks to my body odor and it's funny.

No. 2383861

File: 1738792454472.webp (286.75 KB, 500x500, yummy.png)

i know this is probably sarcastic but in case it isn't i am nonny and hope you are as well. was eating picrel on my lunch break today when i came across this thread kek
I want you to know I have no ill feelings towards you and hope you eventually find the friends you are looking for. The problem isn't that you didn't want to talk to me, it was that you got extremely upset and made a post lying about me. Instead of blocking like a normal person you called me retarded, a weirdo, a man, and said I was trying to track your IP address. 7 months later you are still insulting me by calling me insane, BPD, and mentally unwell. I am mentally ill but in a very different way than you are nonny. You are announcing to the world that you have no issues being a "villain or a "bitch" so I don't think it's any wonder why you are struggling with friendships right now. I'm over it so please just ignore other anons who try to bring up our little spergfight in the future.

Also I want everyone to know I did NOT post my birth certificate, it was the little card the nurses attach to your baby bed when you are born. Also I don't think it was that abnormal to post? I felt like I needed more proof than just posting a picture of my hand because it was some pretty serious claims.

No. 2383870

I love when you guys talk about your animal crossing woes

No. 2383882

Why do you type in that way outside of lc

No. 2383885

Do you think AI will reach a point where you could take an entire movie or show and interpret it into another artstyle/direction/genre?(not mundane)

No. 2383893

File: 1738793836030.jpg (122.75 KB, 736x920, Salmon Pekin pullet.jpg)

I'm seriously thinking about getting a chicken. I've spent this entire day researching chicken care. I'll only get 3, I would only get 1 but they're social so they need friends.

No. 2383894

No. 2383909

Is picrel the breed you're considering? Are you in it for eggs, meat, or just companionship?

No. 2383913

Damn why the fuck are there so many cute guys in my city now that i am fat? where were they when i was 18yo and underweight due to stress.

No. 2383914

File: 1738794578990.jpg (88.43 KB, 634x1000, 51D1Q5sMgVL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

my newest reading project is to read pretty guardian sailor moon in its entirety. i had several single issues and volumes but i've never finished it

No. 2383915

I love flirting with men on ig and giving them hope, only to dump them once I've received my validation for the day.

No. 2383917

No. 2383922

What's fun about entertaining some scrote's delusion, idgi. I never understood this, and I think it's part of the reason my friend with BPD would split on me.

No. 2383924

kek i used to do the same when i was a teen.

No. 2383930

File: 1738795100009.webp (156.61 KB, 1000x1000, rhode-island-red-mpc_1.webp)

No, I'm currently considering Rhode Island Red or some sort of Bantams chickens. I wanted buff orpingtons (admittedly, just because I think they're so pretty), but I don't think they'll fare well with how hot it gets where I live. Anyway, I just want the eggs but I like animals so I can definitely see myself hanging out with them. I won't butcher them, if they die I will dig a hole for them in the forest and let them decompose into the earth, as things are intended to be. I do eat chicken but I don't think I could ever eat a pet.

No. 2383931

It's just super fun. The manipulation, the admiration, the anticipation. I just picture them printing out a picture of me, taping it to their wall, and stabbing it with a knife, and falling into a pool of their own tears. I know I'm pretty, it's more of a test of how pretty of a man I could get if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I hate all men as of right now.

No. 2383934

File: 1738795261376.jpg (69.39 KB, 735x646, 1000121758.jpg)

I do this on discord, you have no idea of how much I laugh whenever I'm flirting with a moid and then I glance at my pfp which is usually the least sexy thing in the world like pic related.

No. 2383938

You are utterly deranged nona but that seems to be working for you and I'm proud that you've been able to weaponize your mental illness + fuck with moids so good job

No. 2383941

No offense but unless you physically see it for yourself, most men aren't doing that lifetime movie shit. They just pretend they are to try to get some pussy.

No. 2383945

Why is this kind of flattering.
Oh I know. I just like to fuel their "all women are the same. I deserve pussy" ideologies.

No. 2383948

Please, report back if it's better than the anime. I couldn't stand the pedo shit in the anime.

No. 2383952

Nta but I read the manga fairly recently and it's pretty good. I'd call it better than the 90s anime for sure even though I love my shifty DiC dub

No. 2383958

I get it. When i was a teen there was a guy that was head over heels over me. I told him i liked guys with glasses so he would steal his friend glasses and send me pics doing cringe shit like ahegaos with them, i told him i liked yaoi so he went and kissed his friend and sent me a picture, i am pretty sure he did more cringe stuff for me but i dont remember. He eventually became fat so i stopped engaging with him and he went insane, he told me he paid a witch to put a curse on me KEK. He recently fell down while doing a job and hurt his back real bad and now he's addicted to opiods. So the curse must have realized i am a queen bitch slay stacy and did an 180 and went his way.

No. 2383961

I want to be you when I grow up.

No. 2383965

Yeah but like… it isnt power. They aren't punching walls or crying because of you. They're just stringing the convo along and hoping you eventually give them what they want. They literally don't comprehend why you would talk to them unless you were interested in some way.

No. 2383970

I might do this. My therapist is a useless moid so I need a better outlet.

No. 2383971

NTA but you underestimate men and their habit of defining self worth with whether or not they can lock down a pretty girl.

No. 2383975

Just get into nerdy hobbies. You can find three million guys that will do cringe stuff for you if you are into the same autistic hobbies as them. I am trying to land a normie moid now, but i have a nerdy guy into painting miniatures on the side that buys me tons of stuff. I promised him i would date him but i keep telling him i am busy with school and that he deserves better that i am too ugly and will date him when i lose weight blah blah. Just dont larp as stacies with them, manipulate them by making them believe you are insecure and they are playing you. I scammed like 500 out of this sccrote in the span of 2 months already. Also, you need to have null empathy for men. That is the key. Some of these guys are genuinely super nice and you want to feel bad for them, but dont. Remember they are scrotes after all.

No. 2383978

It's one of those "don't like, don't read" situations. If you don't get it, it's not for you. Simple as.

I wouldn't use my personal face, though.

No. 2383979

No, I just don't delusionally conflate "toying" with men that don't serve me with being empowered. Either way you're doing a disservice to yourself because you are indirectly pretending you're interested. It doesn't make you powerful or a bad bitch kek it's a monumental waste of your time and clearly just to try to boost your self esteem/need for main character energy. And no, I don't underestimate male derangement–thats how you end up semi-decapitated by a machete in the passenger seat of a 4ch incels car.

No. 2383980

I'm so nervous that the AOT movie won't still be available in my theater after I get my new glasses. My optometrist appointment is late this month and THEN I'll have to order new glasses and wait for those. Curse having poor vision.

No. 2383983

I get it, I'm just reminded you its not because you're a badass misandrist but because you're lonely and it fuels your ego. Maybe you'll understand that one day.

No. 2383985

AYT Being rude about these types of things to people who are explaining "it is not for you" is not boss ass bitch move you think it is. Just let women do what they enjoy. They're only hurting moids.

No. 2383986

And that's totally fine if nonna wants to do that? Tf
So what if I want to boost my self esteem by knowing a semi hot scrote wants to fuck me. I'm not open to a relationship right now, and until I am I will continue fucking with scrotes for my own enjoyment. You're missing the point which is that I love making scrotes mad and I love knowing a scrote wants to fuck me and the lengths they'll go to.

No. 2383989

Even your posts have a very "I'm a delusional girl" vibe but okay, enjoy yourself.

No. 2383990

They aren't hurting them, though. No offense but I think some of you must be really, really young kek. You like the fantasy of pretending you're hurting men but in reality, you're just one of three dozen catfishes in their inbox that they're trying to e-date.

No. 2383992

What about what I'm saying is delusional, and why are you playing lawyer for moids right now? If you think I actually think moids are stabbing my photos and sobbing, then you're special needs. I know for a fact men get pissed off when you flirt with them and don't give them what they want. Maybe you don't have a lot of experience with men yourself. Is the problem that I am fueling my own ego, or that I'm dumb for thinking MEN get MAD. Which is it because you keep dancing around whatever point it is you're trying to make.

No. 2383993

>Three dozen catfishes
Away with you scrote.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2383998

And then the audience clapped

No. 2384001

They remind me of those yasss boss queen libfems from 2015

No. 2384004

kek i still have his cringe pics on messenger. Dorks will do absolutely anything for female attention.

No. 2384006

Have you never learned about incels.

No. 2384010

But I'm not playing lawyer for them. I think you're romanticizing and idealizing your behavior and wasting your own time. You think you're leaving a mark that you just aren't, I'm sorry.

It's literally the zoomer version of them kek the worst part is that they quadruple down and call you a scrotes for pointing out the obvious.

No. 2384012

Who would have thought toying with men and getting their hopes and dicks up is a waste of valuable time.

No. 2384013

Yeah, which is why I referenced the case where one hacked a girls head nearly off her body with a machete when she did this kind of stuff.

No. 2384015

They act like it's flattering to give men an erection or that it empowers them. So libfem it's painful.

No. 2384019

Did you ever stop to think it's just fucking funny to fuck with men. Why is everyone taking this so seriously kekkkkkk.

No. 2384020

Post one that doesnt doxx you, I wanna laugh

No. 2384021

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No. 2384024

God who gives a fuck, this used to be a chill thread now every week you guys are starting some retarded infight

No. 2384029

I toyed with a well known asshole in my area for a week straight non stop. I told him I was out of town but that once I was back that I would let him pound me into oblivion. He asked if I was back in town yet and I told him I had been in town all along and wouldn't let him come near me with a 10 foot pole. He lost his absolute shit and said he actually had feelings for me and that I'm an evil bitch. I laugh about it to this day. Men are emotional and egotistical - it's fun to aggravate them. Some people snort crack, this is harmless so long as you don't fuck with the wrong one.

No. 2384033

You think we are taking this seriously but we are just being blunt with you. The way you talk about it genuinely makes you look like a delulu teenager.

No. 2384035

Just logged in into an old account I had on a streaming service back in my emo phase and Piscart edits era and saw my pfp and username from the time. I'm dying of laughter. The emo toothpaste hair and fake tattoos and makeup on some random person's art work is sending me.

No. 2384039

Who is we. You are the only one throwing hands.

No. 2384042

You are literally receiving other replies pointing out that you sound like the libfems of a decades past, don't be schizo.

No. 2384043

Take a xanax

No. 2384051

Nice tiktok reply, very underage assumption that everyone who calls you out is mad.

No. 2384053

God I want a Xanax

No. 2384054

Same. A vicodin as well

No. 2384057

I said away with you

No. 2384059

You have to be 18+ to post here.

No. 2384068

My first chickens were rhode island reds, still have half of them today. They're fun and silly, one of my favorites personality wise. You'll love them. It'll open up more hobbies too kek. I dedicate a portion of my yard to growing a mix of plants for them, there's nothing more enjoyable than picking berries in the summer evenings and watching them go crazy when I throw berries inside their fence.

No. 2384096

Funny how these anons never bring such topics up in dumbass shit because theyre well aware it wont appear on the frontpage and get quick engagement. Its all a farce and theyre clearly brain fried zoomers who cant handle slow paced discussion and want to larp as pink pilled stacy radfems when in reality they jebaited themselves into centering their hobbies and past times around scrotes even if they try to convince themselves its le based misandry.

Anyways today was snowy so I decided to take a picture of the trees outside my house veiled by the fog of snow but my dog ran out and I had to chase her down in crocs and shorts in -10 C weather. the porch was slippery so she slid right back into the house and I didnt have to wrangle her back inside.

No. 2384113

Google Search really became unusable in the last week or so. I know it's been declining for a long time but it noticeably accelerated recently.

No. 2384124

File: 1738803362731.jpg (27.87 KB, 423x423, 1000036751.jpg)

I just submitted my thesis. Wish me luck

No. 2384126

Good luck nona!

No. 2384128

Goob luck nonna

No. 2384130

good luck! smartie pants nona you're so smart~

No. 2384140

AYRT Jesus Christ you are making a mountain out of a molehill kek
You're more bothered by it than the rest if the people here. Fucking with people doesn't mean they're automatically young??? You're clearly doing it yourself right here right now.

PLEASE just think about other things than trying to project onto us delulu nonnas.

No. 2384184

2 litres of pineapple juice downed in the last 2 days. Probably not a good time for my blood sugars since I'm diabetic, but damn I love pineapple juice so much

No. 2384187

I have a hard time believing you're an adult because you sound naive ad retarded. So?

No. 2384215

I hope you realize you're one of the sperms I'm talking about kek

No. 2384220


No. 2384232

File: 1738807057235.jpg (167.17 KB, 736x981, 3f41a47edd3895c6d4bd733f80ce8b…)

Good luck! I just submitted my essay today as well; nothing as grand as a thesis but it still got me a bit nervous cause its been a hot minute since I've last written a formal paper.

No. 2384255

tried decluttering my room and i ended up moving junk to different places and stuffing them into drawers only. so overwhelming

No. 2384259

nooo not the churning

No. 2384273

I find it hard to believe someone wouldn’t post cerbmin dox here or on kiwi for keks so I’m skeptical

No. 2384279

cerbmin… you mean null?

No. 2384297

I miss what once was.

I’m sleepy but I need to do some work still tonight. I like to force chatgpt to give me encouraging messages every fifteen minutes to keep me motivated.

No. 2384305

IHNMAIMS good ending

No. 2384306

File: 1738812263622.gif (368.4 KB, 200x200, Caipirinha.gif)

Bought two palahniuk books for myself, and a book called "a cake for all seasons" for my mother who lost it when she lent it to a friend who accidentally donated it to charity after clearing out her flat after her roommate died of cancer 5 years ago.

No. 2384317

HR just sent notice to not include pronouns in our email signatures, not like it was required of us to do so anyway, a win I guess though lol?

No. 2384325

nature is healing fuuck, this gave me hope

No. 2384326

File: 1738813458968.jpg (335.5 KB, 736x1099, 1000001597.jpg)

Gonna make chocolate cake no icing.
>INB4 "just make brownies"
No. Brownies have a stronger flavor and a different texture.

No. 2384327

What excuse did they give? I mean it's obvious why, but I just wanna know what they said to professionally get around any backlash

No. 2384331

God I'm so hungry now. Gonna clean my kitchen and make chocolate cake at 3:50am

No. 2384338

I just ate three pieces of cookie dough because I’m doing so much assigned readings I needed a treat. I probably could have told myself no, but I think it will be okay. I just cannot have cookie dough around, it is a weakness!

No. 2384368

the ai summary is a blight on this earth

No. 2384369

good luck

No. 2384371

Sounds delicious! Enjoy it!>>2384124
Congrats on getting it submitted! Wishing you the best!

No. 2384378

I'm super fucking annoyed because I have to pay $7 to return an item.

No. 2384380

Good luck!!

No. 2384382

Samefag, nevermind. I selected a different reason for return and now I can return it for free. Yippee!

No. 2384416

File: 1738819818735.jpeg (136.9 KB, 1170x1241, 0B8B2B95-0FDA-4895-B2BF-93AF8E…)

I use Bing now. It’s similar to what Google once was, before it became entirely useless.
As soon as I see the AI summary I just automatically skip over it and discount anything it says. The few times I have read it the information was completely wrong, not even in a funny way like picrel. Just wrong.

No. 2384425

I have ground beef and mashed potatoes so I guess I'm making sheperds pie tomorrow. I also have turkey wings so after the pie is ate up I'll make those.

No. 2384432

what a coincidence I just had shepherds pie this evening (sans the meat so it was just corn and mashed potatoes for me) we ran out of shredded cheese so we just placed sliced cheese on top and it came out pretty nice. hope yours turns out well!

No. 2384455

KEK fuck

No. 2384528

This shit again? Why would null keep is quiet if he was admin?

No. 2384552

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my right earphone is turning on and off randomly, i'm so fucking mad.

No. 2384632

I just remembered that when I was 13 I would email and join the livestream of some middle aged dating coach and would frequently send in stuff about my boyfriend I broke up with (we were together for 2 weeks kek) he read it out loud and actually took it seriously though

No. 2384644

Your ex boyfriend is retarded

No. 2384673

I can't make myself sleep so I've just been playing the waiting game all night. It's past 6:30AM now and im starting to get tired, hopefully after 7am I can sleep.

No. 2384684

which books did you get? i've read some of palahniuk's work over time and enjoyed most of it but there were a couple of duds

No. 2384699

>got a scrote to do megane ahegao faces and irl yaoi
incredibly based if true, incredibly sad if not. i wish Elsie didn't have a moral compass so anons would have to post evidence of their Stacy storytimes.

No. 2384709

Felt heartburn coming on and I have no ENO antacid drink powder for it so I just sat up, breathed in and out, microslept and I dreamt about it. Pain went away almost instantly! lol

No. 2384733

Do you got any baking powder/sodium bicarbonate? It could help you

No. 2384792

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I have class in a few hours and
I do not want to go

No. 2384822

i went to a Book Fair recently and i went looking for certain books, i know i could just order them online but the thing about this book fair was that imported books would get a discount and also that if the books happened to be unpopular they'd get marked at Half Price. but i couldn't find Interview with the Vampire(i was hoping to find a cool looking copy, all the ones online that aren't compiled are boring looking), or any Chuck P., i did find Stephen King but i realized i really don't care for King. but i bought a volume of Saint Seiya and another shoujo-looking manga at half price bc all the retarded scrotes were missing out on peak and seriously discussing blowing thousands on a box set of Gay Note or One Homo, i'd buy Merman in My Tub too if i hadn't already read it all online kek. oh and, there was a Dianetics & Scientology section too.

No. 2384870

I play the SpongeBob ending theme on loop as ambience noise in my house to relax sometimes. Doing it now.

No. 2384874

That sounds really nice. I use to play stuff like “ambient coffee shop piano jazz” or more generically “vintage French songs” to get me to do chores. It made me feel like I was a character in an independent movie.

No. 2384884

even though i'm only 30, i still feel like i should have grown out of my hobbies but then i remember my queen Food4Dogs and my soul is instantly cleansed. she's such an inspiration to me and i love her.

No. 2384886

I tried porridge again after a decade and the texture, consistency, taste… all barf-inducing I’m literally holding it back as I’m trying to finish this bowl. This shit is not for me.

No. 2384887

she's a goddess I love her great tastes nona

No. 2384894

She got married and had kids though, which makes her feel a tiny bit less relatable

No. 2384903

seeing how many women (have to) abandon their hobbies when they get married and/or have kids, i think that just makes her extra amazing.

No. 2384932

Kek this are my favourite sticker pack on WeChat

No. 2384948

Sometimes random body parts hurt. Yesterday it was my hip and today it's my right wrist. I didn't bump or twist anything…

No. 2384951

nona you might have a vitamin deficiency, when i started consuming more calcium my body pains went away. Its usually calcium, iron or magnesium causing that, maybe B12 if you dont consume many animal products.

No. 2384958

Thank you for the advice!

No. 2384963

Wanted to take a walk on the rooftop and found a fucking locust. How did it even get there? I fucking hate bugs that can jump and fly. And that thing was BIG. Disgusting glutinous creature. I hope all insects go extinct. Idc how bad that is for the environment, it's already dying anyways.

No. 2384969

I want to visit a country that eats them. Really want to try one

No. 2384983

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>I hope all bugs go extinct
Wrong and unbased

No. 2384992

Hilarious because I come from one and my family catches them and eats them occasionally during their season, but I don't. I'm too afraid of bugs to eat them.
Cringe autistic opinion. You won't be saying this when one jumps on your face and ruin your walk.

No. 2384994

You're so right for this nonna, anything that can fly freaks me out. Wtf are they so loud for?

No. 2384996

The autist will inherit the earth.

No. 2385014

the two women at the restaurant next to me kept talking about how everyone around them trooned out and how good it is for people to be valid and seen. one of the woman talked about how she is helping her brother -who is 12- troon out as well, then they talked about the patriarchy and how terrible white men are. it was like a comedy skit

No. 2385041

I can just visualize how that conversation went and I'm cringing

No. 2385045

>You won't be saying this when one jumps on your face and ruin your walk.
Flick it off pussy

No. 2385053

Nooo it's terrifying

No. 2385056

And people say it isn’t a social contagion

No. 2385058

Woke up sick today and I'm already feeling pretty done with this sore throat, anyone willing to trade?

No. 2385107

I did the same exact thing yesterday, going to try and remedy it today if I'm not too tired later

No. 2385128

I still have back teeth somehow growing and it's annoying because my tongue won't be able to reach them. Toothpicks for life now…

No. 2385199

I'm in a bad mood and my cat was pissing me off by constantly meowing (he always does that when I come home from work) so I locked myself in my room not to yell at him, poor baby is yowling at my door because I don't want to see him.

No. 2385235

Sorry you had a shitty day anon. I hope you can rest and take a much needed break soon.

No. 2385255

It's been like this for a few weeks now, don't know what I need to make it go away, probably get a new job and get the fuck away from everyone I know.

No. 2385257

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there's a french OF fag on twitter that goes by femboygigi, watch his name be Jean or smtg kekekekekekekekek(off-topic)

No. 2385320


good luck to both of you!!

No. 2385410

Nah I don't unfortunately otherwise that'd have been the second resort. But I'll be getting some in my grocery shopping today

No. 2385436

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It's a bit late for me to talk about this but throughout January and for the first third or half of February, all the planets of the solar system and the moon will be aligned. Which is a rare event. I managed to capture pictures of Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. I'm waiting for mercury to get visible so I can capture it. Currently, it's orbiting too close to the sun so it's impossible to take a picture but I'll wait until it's in the horizon in the evening by March and try to capture it. Idk if I can share the pictures I took or not, it's not the full sky or all the planets at once, but I'm very happy with them nonetheless. It was a nice adventure to stargaze all night and capture them in the best quality possible. Ofcourse, it was on my phone camera, so don't expect actual planets. I found my dad's Telescope but it wasn't good enough to actually see the planets close enough so they'd appear like in those NASA pictures. I used my phone astral map to track the planets and now I know them by eye and I feel cool for that, lol. Picrel is the map showing the alignment I'm talking about. They're sort of above each other in reality. It's midnight here so the moon, Mars, and Jupiter are visible, while Saturn and Venus aren't visible from my location. I wish I had a car so I'd go to the desert nearby and take pictures from a truly dark place, but oh well, the rooftop of the house will do for now.

No. 2385488

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It’s very foggy and cool here today. I wish I could make soup for dinner, preferably something like a she crab or shrimp bisque.

No. 2385579

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>she crab

No. 2385591

File: 1738880352444.jpeg (742 KB, 1280x1402, 688A8EF2-251A-490C-8745-EEA7BC…)

>she crab

No. 2385602

>homeless miku

No. 2385613

File: 1738881325130.jpg (91.03 KB, 736x736, 1000019822.jpg)

Money is nice power, but there is no happiness and serenity quite like being a neet. Sleeping in and getting all eight hours of rest without having to sacrifice time for anything else. Having all the time in the world to research, dork, and sperg about interests, commit to hobbies, and talk to people. Being able to shower, use the bathroom, eat or take naps whenever the hell you want. Not even having to deal with ugly, angry and questionable retards you wouldn't trust with children or animals because you're a neet and you don't even have to leave the house unless you want to. Anons with autism and can live off checks from the government have it perfectly made.(wrong thread)

No. 2385618

God I wish that were me. I have autism but i don't know how to get neetbux and leeching off of my parents is out of the question

No. 2385669

Eh, take it from me who's never had a job and been a neet on neetbux for an extremely long time. It's a double-edged sword.

No. 2385780

Been wearing this spots bra all day and for the first time it's not killing my traps. Feels good to be ripped.

No. 2385784

Why do NEETs act like wagies can't fathom enjoying doing nothing? No shit that sounds amazing. Unfortunately most people can't do nothing all day unless they're leeching off the poor fuckers who DO have to work.

No. 2385796

All neets have a unfounded sense of superiority.

No. 2385857

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Our prof cancelled our class after i already stayed up all night finishing the assignment she gave

No. 2385888

during the summer I was in a yoga club and today I got jump scared by the class anorexic/orthorexic using the treadmill at my university's gym

No. 2386006

Its like the second time a moid tells me he likes me because i am funny. I am like the female version of the ugly man psyop.

No. 2386022

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Nonnies start paying your taxes, chatgpt is carrying me hard through my accounting degree. I am failing miserably at writing, i want to kms. I specifically choose this degree because i fucking despise flowery academic writing.

No. 2386036

Wouldn't it be better if you actually challenged yourself to improve your writing instead of cheating? What's the point of getting a degree if you're just going to cheat your way through it? Doesn't that make you feel guilty at all? The picture asks "Am I Retarded?" and to answer your question: you aren't retarded for having poor writing skills, you're retarded because you refuse to improve them and instead opt to cheat your way through university. People like you disgust me.

No. 2386044

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kek nonny i get you being pissed, i am too at myself and i wasnt planning on using AI, i am just stressed as fuck. Its 2am where i live and i spent the entire fucking day doing homework and i just want to go to sleep and be done for the week. I am super bad at writing and its not going to improve in an afternoon, i dont think its worth risking a poor grade or a lack of sleep due to pride either. AI took my job(art) and now i have to go to college thanks to it, so in a way its like taking my revenge on it(cope).

No. 2386058

I'm not pissed off at you. I'm disgusted by you. My nose curled up reading your post. You could never do anything to piss me off. You have a problem with excuses, you think X, Y, & Z reprieve you of your responsibilities, but they don't. You're making the conscious & deliberate choice to cheat. You shirk your duty & you spit in the eye of everyone that didn't have the immense privilege of tertiary education. You have the means to correct your behavior and to improve yourself, but instead you choose to be buried beneath the avalanche of your inadequacy.

A poor grade is not an insult, it is an initiative to grow and to learn. If you turn in a poorly written assignment, you will be graded accordingly, and from the errors you will learn to write better. You have to err in order to learn. You are afraid of erring so you will not learn.

No. 2386061

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I have a meeting early tomorrow first thing so I’m going to go out and get some bagels and cream cheese from the local place as a treat

No. 2386064

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Maisy is the single cutest export from bongerland. This bitch fucking rules and she mogs hello kitty, miffy and snoopy.

No. 2386067

All that self-righteous melodrama over some rando that’s probably going to drop out anyway.

No. 2386073

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This looks like a book hastily put together from the nightmares of dead children caught in between dimensions in The Other World anon

No. 2386075

Wow i havent seen this since I was a child, is she really a thing over there too?

No. 2386079

shes a product of england but I'm a burger and I knew about her

No. 2386082

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I want them to drink a milkshake with me and then Harpo’s straw is comically long

No. 2386083

Nona if you think an accounting degree is going to prevent AI from taking your job again, you truly are retarded. Nobody is hiring CPAs anymore, and they're going to be hiring even fewer now that AI is getting more reliable in these areas.

And I agree with the other nona, you're weak and lazy if you can't pull it together and not cheat in fucking undergrad. If you're not willing to risk lack of sleep one time, then you need to face some actual hardship for once. Your foremothers would have done ANYTHING to have the privilege of being educated and this is how you repay what they did to put you in this position?

Get offline and read actual books if you want to become a better writer. Every time I have an essay or written exam coming up, I read tons and tons of books and I find it makes me a much better writer because I can emulate the prose that I've read recently.

No. 2386103

Gonna get my clit sucked this weekend

No. 2386156


ive never had this be a pleasurable experience tbh, is it something you can get used to overtime or does it depend on the person doing it being good at it? also i hope u enjoy and have fun congrats nonna

No. 2386169

>unable to sleep all night due to sore throat and super runny nose
>oh well, could still have been worse
>change position in bed and does a deep breath out through my nose at the same time
>snot rain

No. 2386201

Damn i cant believe i am being lectured by terminally online losers. Even our teachers told us to use AI to help us. Second anon is right that AI has overtaken pretty much all job markets, so what even is the point of putting effort anymore? not getting sleep over an assigment out of pride isnt going to save your future job from being replaced by that same AI kek. Might as well embrace it.

No. 2386208

I remember loving her when I was 3 years old. Life was a dream.

No. 2386228

I’ve played 450 hours of a single game since I started in October last year

No. 2386232

I don’t really use social media anymore so whenever I’m bored on the computer, and not on lolcow or YouTube, I look up recipes. Do I ever try any of them? 95% of the time, no. Do I still have an embarrassing number of tabs open in my browser with recipes I TOTALLY SWEAR to make next week? Yes.

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