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No. 2381717
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.
Previous thread:
>>2368018 No. 2381724
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I hate going to college its my second day and i am already feel overwhelmed with homework. Why cant i be pretty so i can find a rich old man i can poison.
No. 2381738
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The ink levels of the printer at my work look like bubble tea, now I'm craving one.
No. 2381773
>>2381723I’m begging for this
please some nonna who can edit or draw
No. 2382051
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I would have sex with every farmhand if they gave me each flavor of this yummy candy
No. 2382101
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posted on the friend finder thread but so many nonnies just stop replying, even if the conversation is in full swing. i mean i know why it happens but i wish it wouldn't.
No. 2382156
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I just remembered that when I was depressed a few years back I really wanted one of those plush bear dolls like pic related because they looked so cute. Never got one and my ex boyfriend said that they are ugly.
No. 2382162
>>2382142No I was the one who posted the most recent one right after hers (which made me laugh ngl like damn anon chill kek) but I guess I came off kind of boring because I don’t want anything serious out of it. I feel like people desperately want like someone else to be their pet dog or cat or something or to be like an observer to their lives, I’m so put off by people with main character syndrome which is
most of the anons who post in that thread anyways.
>>2382149I was as chill and non-threatening as I could possibly be. I actually posted before in the previous friend finder and I was actually able to get some messages and we were going to exchange art but then I ended up losing complete access to my account which sucked.
No. 2382190
>>2382171I wants that anon I was this anon
>>399357 now this one I posted like nearly two weeks ago
>>470312 and someone said I had “drama” but it wasn’t drama the only thing I did was post a screenshot of some random person from the thread who sent me something very weird and bizarre (I think an autism test??? idk why) and other anons said they also got the same kinds of messages from them as well. I hate being gaslighted kek I didn’t do anything..
No. 2382193
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>>2382189You’re not going to bait me, I know what you’re doing kek
No. 2382194
>>2382174>most recent one right after hersThis would imply your post is
>>>/g/470312 . Take a look at the replies to the post. I am able to read, thank you very much.
No. 2382212
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Drinking orange juice out the bottle, just had a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. I'm lit as fuck.
No. 2382218
>>2382211i hope birth certificate
nonnie is thriving
No. 2382222
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I contributed to class today multiple times and made good points. I kinda flubbed my presentation last week so I’m happy I redeemed myself.
No. 2382224
>>2382208No because you’re clearly baiting and have been caught in the act. Back to the unpopular opinions thread you go
>>2382211Look at the context of why I posted it and the replies to the very post, people were literally agreeing with me that their typing style and energy came off very strange and it’s definitely not my problem that she posted her birth certificate when nobody told her, so now I’m responsible for a mentally ill person’s behavior? Would you would’ve preferred me to not warn people that there was possibly someone mentally unwell constantly going around and hitting up people from this website??? Her posting her birth certificate when there was no reason to do so is a major red flag anyways and if you can’t see that then I don’t know what else to tell you. Sorry, not sorry, any other anon would’ve done the same.
No. 2382252
>>2382237That was not what she was doing at all kek, please be fucking for real
>>2382240Kek are you fucking serious?
>>2382245The amount of anons defending that behavior is concerning. I know you would definitely block that person immediately if they ever came into your DMs typing like that
No. 2382255
>>2382240I agree kek. I saw nothing wrong with how she types. Maybe the emoticon was a little gauche.
>>2382232You could have decided to not talk to her instead of posting her private messages to you and exposing her Discord username and profile picture. If anything, doing all that seems way more BPD than the message she sent to you.
>>2382252You're having a spastic rage attack over this and it's weird. Did you take the autism test that she sent you? What was your score?
No. 2382268
>>2382246Literally this
>>2382255Are you defending her because you act in the same insane, disordered and manic way as her and want to make your insanity everybody else’s problem and when people finally say “no” to your bullshit you try to villainize people with common sense? Please reevaluate yourself on why you’re defending someone who wasn’t trying to be ironic or satirical, they are fully unwell and still are. I also don’t care, if you act like a fucking fool in my DMs you get blocked, kicked, etc. I don’t care if I’m a villain or a bitch for it, nobody wants to talk to crazy people.
No. 2382270
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>>2382263I have a class at 5pm (online) but I’m sleepy. I’m thinking about taking a little nap beforehand.
No. 2382274
>>2382265I mean, it's a Discord message. All she did was use lowercase, an emoticon, a few abbreviations and acronyms, and an ellipsis. Nothing really strikes me as too odd about it. She's 22, and it's how younger people like her that are online a lot speak. I don't think it was right of you to be super aggressive and rude in your DMs with her and that post her in the Friend Finder thread to "warn" others about her just because she sent you an Adult Autism test. It seems like you felt burned and wanted to get back at her by publicly humiliating her because you felt humiliated by her. Posting her birth certificate was definitely weird and too much, but you did publicly accuse her of being a troon in a thread where she had met a lot of others, so I can see why she'd want to clear her name so to speak.
>>2382268Nobody is calling you a villain or a bitch except yourself. You are being very defensive and aggressive for no reason, which is in line with what that anon had said about you. If you thought she was acting like "a fucking fool," then you could have just ceased communication and left it at that, but instead you came on here and made aggressive posts about her accusing her of being a troon. Even now, you're lamenting that people won't hit you up from the FF thread, but you're still in this thread acting very strangely and arguing about something that happened 7 months ago.
No. 2382292
>>2381960super secret pirateboard
>>2382159the conversation just didn't hit off, it was just awkward so I ghosted
No. 2382294
>>2382272Um, no.
>>2382274Because being “defensive and aggressive” is having boundaries as a woman kek. What a world
No. 2382327
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I am so hungry right now. I've been craving egg salad or devilled eggs for a few days, but it's been very cold and snowy outside so I kind of want something warm and cozy like roasted tomato soup with grilled cheese. Maybe I should make both and eat until I pass out because I can't decide
No. 2382356
File: 1738708274521.jpeg (333.57 KB, 613x792, IMG_2307.jpeg)

just woke up and im very comfy in bed. i will smoke weed, refresh lolcor, maybe check yohoho and milk some cows today. i love my silly life
No. 2382373
>>2382332>>2382329You two are what my inner monologue sounds like right now.
>>2382337Brilliant idea!
>>2382339That sounds delicious nona I would probably be craving it right now too if I'd tried it before. This may be controversial but I only like grilled cheese made with kraft singles, ancient grain bread and margarine. plz no bully
No. 2382374
>>2382224oh you’re nasty lol. i was trying to find what nonas were talking about from the last ff thread and you just did the dirty work for them! who cares if she types like a zoomer or whatever (reminder that zoomers are 13-28) nothing in her message was weird and she just seemed enthusiastic to talk to you. also, not sure if you realised, but discord is a
chatting app, so to judge a nona for not typing like a forum is fucking stupid. scrotefoiling a perfectly harmless what you assume to be underage person is cringe and pathetic
>b-but they agreed with me itt!are you twelve?
No. 2382378
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>>2381717I saw another nona made a new Mundane Shit thread without knowing about this one. And I just wanted to say your threadpic was very cute! I hope this one gets filled before Vday so we can use yours!
No. 2382380
nonnie is going to read about eggs and grilled cheese and get the munchies
No. 2382403
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Said goodbye to a long-time ACNH villager of mine in hopes of getting more variety on my island but the empty plot got sold to fucking Quillson while I was island hopping and now I wanna kms kek
No. 2382462
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>>2382403This happened to me with Nate and I spent weeks feeling bad for wanting him to leave until he said “I think you really need this” and gave me a fucking digital scale. Kicked him out and got Mitzi.
No. 2382499
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>>2382403Jay is my Bill Wibbly because he pissed me off in TWO SEPARATE GAMES by building his house in the WRONG SPOT. In New Leaf, he also kept asking to buy my items for cheap, and the one time I thought to be nice and let him come over, he made a comment that he "needed to follow me" to "monitor my calf muscles." No. The only jock villager who can make all the dialogue endearing is Kid Cat, you will
never be him you annoying ass bird.
No. 2382509
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>>2382503squawkers get keelhauled!
No. 2382525
>>2382521 and did you ever play redm? or was it too cringe for you. i honestly enjoy getting on sometimes and doing cowboy rp kek
No. 2382566
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>>2382292not this shit again
No. 2382573
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>>2382566set sail me-
nonnie ye'll find us!
No. 2382645
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I keep waking up with my arms above my head like picrel. I guess my sleepsona thinks it’s comfortable
No. 2382774
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nothing beats the pure decadent fun of watching a bunch of straight to tv movies with like 7 rotten tomatoes ratings because a hot guy was in them
No. 2382928
>>2382919trust me
nonnie, i didn't do it out of my own free will, i love bathing with hot water too, we just couldn't get hot water because the geyser couldn't work because our flat is running on the generator right now(
i really don't know how to say it bc i'm ESL and i've never had to explain this to anyone but the rest of the flat is working fine, it's just stuff like geysers, microwaves, fridges, and the elevator that turn off)
No. 2382988
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i'm having some chili sauce with carrots bc i couldn't finish it with my chicken nuggets, even though i fully dipped them in, and tbh, not half bad, its good.
No. 2383039
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Just asked sanic totem what to do and I did NOT like the answer FML
No. 2383182
>>2383127aw, poor baby, she must've been so scared. I'm glad you found her before something happened to her, hopefully you can find her owners!
Do people in the US not get their pets microchipped? In my country it's against the law to not get them microchipped. It makes it so much easier to find missing pets that way, you just take them to the nearest vet or shelter and they'll contact their owners.
Give that sweet baby a pet from me nona ♥
No. 2383359
>>2383355I think about this random interaction I had while on vacation, it’s been years.
>Visiting a well known tourist town for vacation, eating at a restaurant on the second level>Weird time so it’s only really me and my friend and this large table of 2-3 families vacationing together>The families have smaller kids ranging in age from like 4 up to 10, the restaurant is very hot because of the time of year. The kids are going absolutely ballistic>Almost deafening screaming, crying, running around, just a constant ruckus. The moms look frazzled as they attempt to soothe the kids and get them to stop>All of the dads ignore it and are on their phones the entire time, occasionally talking to one another>At one point one of the dads glances up from his phone, looks around at the chaos, makes eye contact with me and half-heartedly says “sorry about the noise”>Goes back to playing on his phoneIt made me so mad then and still does now.
No. 2383464
>>2383127Mundane update: the shelter came and picked her up. For the first week, she will be held to see if an owner comes forward. After that week, she becomes the property of the shelter and her adoption fee become upwards of $350USD. We don't necessarily have that sort of money to spend on that and didn't ever plan for owning a dog, so we told them to reach out to us if the dog is there for what they deem to be "too long" and we'll take her for sure. Apparently dogs can start getting a weird behavior from being in the shelter for too long so I told them if it comes down to it, we'll gladly love her. We just have this concern that a late-middle-aged mutt with a big facial scar might not be someone's first choice when the shelter is riddled with 1-2 year old mutts without facial scars. Whatever the outcome is for this baby will be good though, and in a week we'll know if the owner came forward too. Could be even easier if she turns out to have a chip. Wahoo! I could do a backflip right now! This is all good news.
>>2383302You're very kind. I ultimately hope she finds her owners too, but either way it will be a happy ending!
No. 2383505
>>2383464I hope her owner's are looking for her and she goes home quickly! Just thinking about my baby becoming lost and having to spend time in a shelter alone and afraid breaks my heart. I also hope that her still having her collar on means that she just got lost and didn't get abandoned. Is it a possibility to become her foster family if no one comes to take her?
Looking forward to more positive updates
nonnie! Thank you for helping that sweet baby
No. 2383509
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I drank coffee in the evening and now I'm restless and my heart is beating fast. I think I won't be able to sleep tonight.
No. 2383532
>>2383518>>2383519I'll try both. I didn't know there's a way to fix it.
>>2383529I hope I'll be able to sleep, I have to go to work in the morning. I'm so retarded
No. 2383655
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>gets feedback on the website I've been working on from the designer
>comments from him all over the place
>oh shit I'm such a failure
>"holy shit anon, Gustav must be really satisfied with your job! He's usually super picky about even the most minor things but most of these comments are just about fonts, margins and paddings"
>oh shit maybe there's hope for me after all
Maybe they're being extra lenient because I'm the retarded intern, but I want to think I'm doing better than expected since I'm building the company's new webpage
No. 2383861
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>>2382218i know this is probably sarcastic but in case it isn't i am
nonny and hope you are as well. was eating picrel on my lunch break today when i came across this thread kek
>>2382268I want you to know I have no ill feelings towards you and hope you eventually find the friends you are looking for. The problem isn't that you didn't want to talk to me, it was that you got extremely upset and made a post lying about me. Instead of blocking like a normal person you called me retarded, a weirdo, a man, and said I was trying to track your IP address. 7 months later you are still insulting me by calling me insane, BPD, and mentally unwell. I am mentally ill but in a very different way than you are
nonny. You are announcing to the world that you have no issues being a "villain or a "bitch" so I don't think it's any wonder why you are struggling with friendships right now. I'm over it so please just ignore other anons who try to bring up our little spergfight in the future.
Also I want everyone to know I did NOT post my birth certificate, it was the little card the nurses attach to your baby bed when you are born. Also I don't think it was that abnormal to post? I felt like I needed more proof than just posting a picture of my hand because it was some pretty serious claims.
No. 2383893
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I'm seriously thinking about getting a chicken. I've spent this entire day researching chicken care. I'll only get 3, I would only get 1 but they're social so they need friends.
No. 2383914
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my newest reading project is to read pretty guardian sailor moon in its entirety. i had several single issues and volumes but i've never finished it
No. 2383930
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>>2383909No, I'm currently considering Rhode Island Red or some sort of Bantams chickens. I wanted buff orpingtons (admittedly, just because I think they're so pretty), but I don't think they'll fare well with how hot it gets where I live. Anyway, I just want the eggs but I like animals so I can definitely see myself hanging out with them. I won't butcher them, if they die I will dig a hole for them in the forest and let them decompose into the earth, as things are intended to be. I do eat chicken but I don't think I could ever eat a pet.
No. 2383934
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>>2383915I do this on discord, you have no idea of how much I laugh whenever I'm flirting with a moid and then I glance at my pfp which is usually the least sexy thing in the world like pic related.
No. 2383945
>>2383938Why is this kind of flattering.
>>2383941Oh I know. I just like to fuel their "all women are the same. I deserve pussy" ideologies.
No. 2383978
>>2383965It's one of those "don't like, don't read" situations. If you don't get it, it's not for you. Simple as.
I wouldn't use my personal face, though.
No. 2383986
>>2383983And that's totally fine if nonna wants to do that? Tf
>>2383979So what if I want to boost my self esteem by knowing a semi hot scrote wants to fuck me. I'm not open to a relationship right now, and until I am I will continue fucking with scrotes for my own enjoyment. You're missing the point which is that I love making scrotes mad and I love knowing a scrote wants to fuck me and the lengths they'll go to.
No. 2384010
>>2383992But I'm not playing lawyer for them. I think you're romanticizing and idealizing your behavior and wasting your own time. You think you're leaving a mark that you just aren't, I'm sorry.
>>2384001It's literally the zoomer version of them kek the worst part is that they quadruple down and call you a scrotes for pointing out the obvious.
No. 2384096
>>2384024Funny how these anons never bring such topics up in dumbass shit because theyre well aware it wont appear on the frontpage and get quick engagement. Its all a farce and theyre clearly brain fried zoomers who cant handle slow paced discussion and want to larp as pink pilled stacy radfems when in reality they jebaited themselves into centering their hobbies and past times around scrotes even if they try to convince themselves its le based misandry.
Anyways today was snowy so I decided to take a picture of the trees outside my house veiled by the fog of snow but my dog ran out and I had to chase her down in crocs and shorts in -10 C weather. the porch was slippery so she slid right back into the house and I didnt have to wrangle her back inside.
No. 2384124
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I just submitted my thesis. Wish me luck
No. 2384140
>>2383990AYRT Jesus Christ you are making a mountain out of a molehill kek
You're more bothered by it than the rest if the people here. Fucking with people doesn't mean they're automatically young??? You're clearly doing it yourself right here right now.
PLEASE just think about other things than trying to project onto us delulu nonnas.
No. 2384232
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>>2384124Good luck! I just submitted my essay today as well; nothing as grand as a thesis but it still got me a bit nervous cause its been a hot minute since I've last written a formal paper.
No. 2384297
>>2384024I miss what once was.
I’m sleepy but I need to do some work still tonight. I like to force chatgpt to give me encouraging messages every fifteen minutes to keep me motivated.
No. 2384306
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Bought two palahniuk books for myself, and a book called "a cake for all seasons" for my mother who lost it when she lent it to a friend who accidentally donated it to charity after clearing out her flat after her roommate died of cancer 5 years ago.
No. 2384326
File: 1738813458968.jpg (335.5 KB, 736x1099, 1000001597.jpg)

Gonna make chocolate cake no icing.
>INB4 "just make brownies"
No. Brownies have a stronger flavor and a different texture.
No. 2384371
>>2384326Sounds delicious! Enjoy it!>>2384124
Congrats on getting it submitted! Wishing you the best!
No. 2384416
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>>2384113I use Bing now. It’s similar to what Google once was, before it became entirely useless.
>>2384368As soon as I see the AI summary I just automatically skip over it and discount anything it says. The few times I have read it the information was completely wrong, not even in a funny way like picrel. Just wrong.
No. 2384552
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my right earphone is turning on and off randomly, i'm so fucking mad.
No. 2384792
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I have class in a few hours and
I do not want to go
No. 2384983
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>>2384963>I hope all bugs go extinctWrong and unbased
No. 2384992
>>2384969Hilarious because I come from one and my family catches them and eats them occasionally during their season, but I don't. I'm too afraid of bugs to eat them.
>>2384983Cringe autistic opinion. You won't be saying this when one jumps on your face and ruin your walk.
No. 2385257
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there's a french OF fag on twitter that goes by femboygigi, watch his name be Jean or smtg kekekekekekekekek(off-topic)
No. 2385436
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It's a bit late for me to talk about this but throughout January and for the first third or half of February, all the planets of the solar system and the moon will be aligned. Which is a rare event. I managed to capture pictures of Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. I'm waiting for mercury to get visible so I can capture it. Currently, it's orbiting too close to the sun so it's impossible to take a picture but I'll wait until it's in the horizon in the evening by March and try to capture it. Idk if I can share the pictures I took or not, it's not the full sky or all the planets at once, but I'm very happy with them nonetheless. It was a nice adventure to stargaze all night and capture them in the best quality possible. Ofcourse, it was on my phone camera, so don't expect actual planets. I found my dad's Telescope but it wasn't good enough to actually see the planets close enough so they'd appear like in those NASA pictures. I used my phone astral map to track the planets and now I know them by eye and I feel cool for that, lol. Picrel is the map showing the alignment I'm talking about. They're sort of above each other in reality. It's midnight here so the moon, Mars, and Jupiter are visible, while Saturn and Venus aren't visible from my location. I wish I had a car so I'd go to the desert nearby and take pictures from a truly dark place, but oh well, the rooftop of the house will do for now.
No. 2385488
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It’s very foggy and cool here today. I wish I could make soup for dinner, preferably something like a she crab or shrimp bisque.
No. 2385613
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Money is nice power, but there is no happiness and serenity quite like being a neet. Sleeping in and getting all eight hours of rest without having to sacrifice time for anything else. Having all the time in the world to research, dork, and sperg about interests, commit to hobbies, and talk to people. Being able to shower, use the bathroom, eat or take naps whenever the hell you want. Not even having to deal with ugly, angry and questionable retards you wouldn't trust with children or animals because you're a neet and you don't even have to leave the house unless you want to. Anons with autism and can live off checks from the government have it perfectly made.(wrong thread)
No. 2385857
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Our prof cancelled our class after i already stayed up all night finishing the assignment she gave
No. 2386022
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Nonnies start paying your taxes, chatgpt is carrying me hard through my accounting degree. I am failing miserably at writing, i want to kms. I specifically choose this degree because i fucking despise flowery academic writing.
No. 2386044
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nonny i get you being pissed, i am too at myself and i wasnt planning on using AI, i am just stressed as fuck. Its 2am where i live and i spent the entire fucking day doing homework and i just want to go to sleep and be done for the week. I am super bad at writing and its not going to improve in an afternoon, i dont think its worth risking a poor grade or a lack of sleep due to pride either. AI took my job(art) and now i have to go to college thanks to it, so in a way its like taking my revenge on it(cope).
No. 2386058
>>2386044I'm not pissed off at you. I'm disgusted by you. My nose curled up reading your post. You could never do anything to piss me off. You have a problem with excuses, you think X, Y, & Z reprieve you of your responsibilities, but they don't. You're making the conscious & deliberate choice to cheat. You shirk your duty & you spit in the eye of everyone that didn't have the immense privilege of tertiary education. You have the means to correct your behavior and to improve yourself, but instead you choose to be buried beneath the avalanche of your inadequacy.
A poor grade is not an insult, it is an initiative to grow and to learn. If you turn in a poorly written assignment, you will be graded accordingly, and from the errors you will learn to write better. You have to err in order to learn. You are afraid of erring so you will not learn.
No. 2386061
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I have a meeting early tomorrow first thing so I’m going to go out and get some bagels and cream cheese from the local place as a treat
No. 2386064
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Maisy is the single cutest export from bongerland. This bitch fucking rules and she mogs hello kitty, miffy and snoopy.
No. 2386073
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>>2386064This looks like a book hastily put together from the nightmares of dead children caught in between dimensions in The Other World anon
No. 2386082
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I want them to drink a milkshake with me and then Harpo’s straw is comically long
No. 2386083
>>2386044Nona if you think an accounting degree is going to prevent AI from taking your job again, you truly are retarded. Nobody is hiring CPAs anymore, and they're going to be hiring even fewer now that AI is getting more reliable in these areas.
And I agree with the other nona, you're weak and lazy if you can't pull it together and not cheat in fucking
undergrad. If you're not willing to risk lack of sleep one time, then you need to face some actual hardship for once. Your foremothers would have done ANYTHING to have the privilege of being educated and this is how you repay what they did to put you in this position?
Get offline and read actual books if you want to become a better writer. Every time I have an essay or written exam coming up, I read tons and tons of books and I find it makes me a much better writer because I can emulate the prose that I've read recently.