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No. 2368018

actual mundane events edition

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2348141

No. 2368020

File: 1737966828419.jpg (87.03 KB, 736x981, bearded dragon.jpg)

I wanted to continue to spread the repitilian agenda, but I couldn't find any pics that felt like they fit the thread. Sorry! The artist for the threadpic is Kate Vasilenko if anyone is wondering.

No. 2368027

I love thread pic so much

No. 2368052

Taking a walk and dancing in my new heels to get used to them. I never wore heels before and these aren't particularly long or high but it's still a new thing. I picked the worst socks possible to wear for it though, with a bunch of lining lines that rub against my feet and are very uncomfy, but I was too lazy to pick another pair. Lesson learned, I guess.

No. 2368070

I only slept like 4 hours so I’m up way too early. My kitty girl is so happy though, right after I turned on my light she woke up in her kitty tree and chirped at me and then ran to my bed and started pawing/making biscuits and giving me a sweet look. So she’s been sitting on my lap and purring for a half hour now. She’s such a perfect angel, even though she fights with parents cats and tries to start shit with my dog kek. I love my little shit stirrer. She’s softer than a bunny.

No. 2368071

I remember that time i had two male pickmes fighting for my attention in hs. One started wearing fake glasses after i told him i was only into nerdy guys with glasses and another one had to go to the hospital because he started doing some dumb /fit/ femboy excercise guide after i sent it to him and told him i liked guys with that physique. I never picked any of them because they were both uggo but it was really funny as an experience, moids are so fucking retarded.

No. 2368095

No. 2368097

I stopped cuddling her for like 10 minutes and she promptly went to my door solely to hiss and snarl at my parents cats who were just walking by. Then that woke my dog up and she started yippin so I had to take her out kek. I love my pets but I miss having my own place, this never happened when cat and dog weren’t forced to live in the same room. Don’t worry nonnas my cat gets to spend time out of my room, there’s a screened patio she hangs out in often, and when my parents cats are on the patio she gets to run around the house. And obviously my dog goes for walks and gets to spend time in the yard and sometimes gets taken on trips to parks and stuff

No. 2368100

I have my period and it always gives me the shits, at this point I'm just used to having diarrhea almost daily.
I have to get ready to go to work.(wrong thread)

No. 2368103

Are NEETs the modern day equivalent of hippies.

No. 2368108

Stacey shit

No. 2368110

im craving pickles

No. 2368111

Actual Stacey right here

No. 2368121

I shit my pants on the first day of my period last week while I was napping. Really made me glad to be a pad-wearer that day.

No. 2368122

Only if they smoke weed all day

No. 2368123

I posted about how I was considering getting RDR2 a couple of threads back and I finally got it last week. I haven't been able to put it down since kek it really is an amazing game and I'm in awe at the graphics. I'm taking my sweet ass time playing it though, I'm really enjoying it. Unfortunately since it's quite an old game I've already gotten a ton of spoilers.

No. 2368124

The lifelong artist struggle of choosing between drawing hot husbandos or drawing actual meaningful art.

No. 2368125

Are you saying that hot husbando art isn't meaningful art?
Hippies were very social and would go to festivals, modern neets just stay inside on their phones and computers

No. 2368128

draw your husbandos in a meaningful, artsy way

No. 2368140

I keep thinking of how much money I'd save if I didn't need to eat or drink and just photosynthesised.

No. 2368150

File: 1737980959143.gif (1.68 MB, 221x244, 1672181470218.gif)

cant sleep so im up laying in bed thinking of ways to make my game project as transphobic as possible

No. 2368154

From the top of my head
>mediocre, average normie looking female characters
>handsome hot nice male characters
>all character are adults in their 30s (since troons are pedos and obsessed with youth)
>some fujobait or/and yumebait characters/routes
>no familial bonds such as sisters, brothers, sister and brother etc. so no incest shipping
>maybe a main straight shoujo-esque romance route
>any monsters/non-human creatures are ugly and as inhuman and object-looking as possible, possibly genderless without intelligence of any sort or something. (To avoid cooming to them, though the genderless thing could attract NB headcanon bullshit)
>full-fledged character and story lines so there's no place for retarded headcanons. Characters genders are emphasized as cis somehow from their childhood to adulthood and they're comfortable and proud of it.
>maybe a route/character arc about realistic female struggles
>feminist themes
>misandrist themes
>not too edgy
>not too cutesy
>appealing good quality realistic art style. Not anime, not quirky and different.
>normal modest fashion for female childrens, hyper sexual revealing fashion for male characters
>male characters are tall and fit
>female characters are of healthy weight and average height and frame
That's all I can come up with.

No. 2368160

I'm sad because the postman didn't come today. I want my stuff!

No. 2368165

Inspired by the lolcow doodle board - tower defense game where the aim is to stop the tranny from reaching the women's bathroom.

No. 2368169

I love the thread pic, you picked an amazing one.

No. 2368174

the spoilers won't ruin it, the game is amazing because of all the details in between. don't forget to talk to people in camp because they give you actually interesting dualogue and sometimes give you fetch quests. there's tons of detail all over the game, so take time to explore and don't rush main quests. one of my favorite games of all time

No. 2368187

based winky

No. 2368212

File: 1737987451877.jpg (39.61 KB, 735x870, abject disgust.jpg)

i looked up how to spell beastiality in google and first thing i see are porn links

No. 2368220

why..why woud you look that up and NOT EXPECT THAT how is this mundane??

No. 2368223

i don't know, i thought google would have the good sense to block those sorts of sites, my bad for trying to call a retarded brony an edgelord with good spelling/

No. 2368244

File: 1737990310583.jpg (290.16 KB, 828x828, tumblr_0cec9a22f7f021fb3a9563f…)

My mother and I made a cake with the Betty Crocker's French Vanilla Cake mix, and it was sooooooo good, even without any frosting, i just put scoops of my apple, plum, and kiwi jams on the plate to have with it, i like it so much, its so soft and spongey

No. 2368248

I keep getting cookies at work, my bosses give them to me, I think they see that I'm a fatty and they use that to keep me entertained kek.

No. 2368317

I love talking to the people in camp and saying hello to all the passersby. I feel like every time I play, I find new stuff and details. I tried online mode for a bit today mostly because I wanted to make my character kek I know rockstar abandoned it, and I have no one to play it with, but eh, it looks fun from what I've seen.

No. 2368360

File: 1737996908082.png (Spoiler Image,57.9 KB, 300x100, 1000003425.png)

i have hundreds of hours in the single player offline from all the content available, but only have a few hours of online in. i might give it a shot sometime soon
rdr2 discussion always reminds me of this banner

No. 2368387

Time flies huh u guys, I thought 2025 was so far away when we were in lockdown, and now…

No. 2368405

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found a farmer's real name and approximate location. she had it in her reddit account before wiping it to start posting on a snark subreddit for one of /snow/'s cows. she even posted her face but sadly(?) it wasn't arhcived. don't be retarded anons

No. 2368406

I thought I would be married by now and have a degree. Neither of those things happened kek

No. 2368410

That's awesome. You two should hang out.

No. 2368413

no she sounds annoying from her posts

No. 2368418

I haven't changed up my make up placement or even just played with make up in years. Might fuck around and see what new shit I can get up too. I also haven't had a hair cut in 15 months might start thinking about booking an appointment.

No. 2368424

just saw that video of Tarantino groping that female protestor and now I feel sick
God I hate men

No. 2368426

Betty crocker french vanilla cake mix is my 1# go-to when I have to whip up baked goods for an event. It saves time and I get to splurge on ingredients for the frosting.

No. 2368428

Ive seen people do one life/immersive RPs in RDO and they seem pretty fun. I like watching people get in character and act out an accent, the improv for rdr2 physic shenanigans are also hilarious/

No. 2368433

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Finally caught the raccoon that's been getting into my trash at night red handed. I had to scare him away like 3 times before he finally left for good. The little fucker was just standing there staring at me while I was banging on the window and yelling at him to go away.
He was pretty cute though, I almost wanted to grab him and bring him inside to cuddle kek.

No. 2368522

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I love chihuahuas op

No. 2368525

Kek my grandma had a Chihuahua who lived to 21 and looked a lot like that. She smelled like death.

No. 2368539

I love those tiktok videos of old, half dead looking animals. my sisters chihuahua was a lot like them, he lived to be 18, he spent most of his life utterly afraid of everything but when he got old and doggy demented he somehow became fearless. his only fatal flaw into old age is that when he was left alone he'd develop separation anxiety and wail like a banshee at 7:00 am

No. 2368543

I love old animals, dogs especially. It warms my heart to know that they have been loved their entire life.

No. 2368563

One of my coworkers just broke up with his gf of 9 fucking years because he suddenly had the realization that can't see himself getting married to her. Imagine wasting someone's time for nine damn years. I don't know the gf but I hope she finds someone better.

No. 2368564

This is why if my nigel doesn’t propose to me within 3 years I’m leaving…

No. 2368570

>can't see himself getting married to her
What does that even mean when you've already been with someone for a decade?

No. 2368575

Sometimes when I explain things to my mom I genuinely feel like I'm talking to a child. No mom, you're not supposed to throw thrash into nature. No mom, wasting water is bad. Why are they like this?

No. 2368578

I keep hearing of stories like this. It seems like such a large investment of time to put so many years into a relationship, but there are people who would drop it all like it's nothing. How could you not have figured out your feelings and talked it out at least a couple years earlier? It's ridiculous to me, maybe it's just the way they communicate being ineffective or something.

No. 2368585

Yeah I don't know either. They were together since highschool. He is now playing the victim, being annoying at work and being all "oh the breakup is so hard on mee and I cried on my way back home yesterday" but doesn't actually look that bad. As if he didn't do this to himself kek. I am kind of flabbergasted at the audacity tbh

No. 2368594

Feel like the gf has every right to murder him tbh

No. 2368602

The teenage girls at my work all have these botched looking cosmetic surgery jobs that make their face look like sillyputty stretched over your knee, with these swollen, sore looking lips. The moids still fawn over them, but some of them look like literal demons to my eyes. I started taking my lunch earlier just so i don't have to be around them.

No. 2368606

I can't imagine anyone on here being ugly.

No. 2368607

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The project I'm working on is behind schedule because I was sick for a week, and they are going to quality test it on monday. I'm also supposed to take part in another project starting wednesday, but it looks like it's been rescheduled. Still waiting for confirmation, but pray for me nonas that they pushed it to next week so I can catch up on what I'm working on!

No. 2368610

The last time i was in the canteen at the same time as them, a 19 year old boy had a video saved on his phone of one of the 18 year old girls' tiktok videos from when she was 13 or 14, doing some sort of dance. She was laughing and saying "how did you find that, i deleted that account years ago!" and they wre both from different parts of the country, and only worked together for 6 months. How the fuckk did he get that video? and how come nobody else was horrified that he had it on his phone?

No. 2368649

My roommate is planning on getting a new gaming computer, and is willing to sell his old one for cheap to me. It's a few years old and can't really run new games on the highest settings, but I'm not a graphics fag and I'm not interested in most recent games I can't already play on ps5 (that is also his but I've been occupying it for months now kek). I'm just so excited by the thought of having a pc again so I can take a peek at my steam backlog!

No. 2368670

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Me too, the little apple head ones are cute

No. 2368671

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I'm so glad I can post this and be on topic

No. 2368692

these ideas are lovely, thank you nonnies

No. 2368697

I just washed my hands

No. 2368703

The incel doggy is cuter

No. 2368715

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Me: I have a really good feeling about 2025! I think this might be my year!
Me this entire month:

No. 2368723

My sweet grandma just asked me if the fourth of july passed. Sweetie it's february.

No. 2368733

it's 2025 babeyyy it's still ahead

No. 2368742

In the past 2 weeks, I've helped 2 different people find fics they couldn't remember the names of. I'm basically Mother Theresa.

No. 2368744

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chihuahuas are the best. the uglier they are the more prescious they are i miss mine every day

No. 2368764

so you haven't seen the recent friend finder reveal huh (or that other one with the griffith tif anon)

No. 2368768

elaborate nonny

No. 2368771

Or the anon who posted herself on the coping with being ugly thread

No. 2368773

It's in the caps thread.

No. 2368781

kek griffith tif anon is my new personal cow thanks to that thread

No. 2368788

I wish OP returned to tell us who she was in the FF thread

No. 2368790

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I'm seething with rage because my favorite artist is coming to my country WHEN I'M MOVING OVERSEAS. And they never went to Japan either THIS IS USUALLY THE OPPOSITE I'M PISSED

No. 2368804

Its almost february where the fuck are the lolcow awards. This isnt a democracy anymore its a fucking dictatorship.

No. 2368805

Nonnas, when you think gangbang, what do you think of/how do you define it(nona, when you think about mundane things, what do you think of/how do you define it)

No. 2368807

Why do anons keep asking questions itt? We have two different threads for questions

No. 2368809

Me and a gang of me's wield baseball bats and go and rape moids. I don't fucking know, what a random question. A gangbang is a gangbang, nonny.

No. 2368810

What occurs when the leon kennedy husbandofags finally meet him

No. 2368811

I was going to give context…I haven't heard gangbang outside of the context of a girl getting banged by multiple men at the same time. I told my dad he should stop using it to refer to gangs committing crimes. I don't know if I'm just sick in the head.

No. 2368815

Your dad is really dumb

No. 2368818

Those are both the meaning of a gangbang/gangbanging, it just depends on the context

No. 2368819

Tempted to go into lipstick alley and start calling all the mediocre white man they fangirl over in their stan threads ugly and talentless but I don't feel like getting banned there today

No. 2368820

Is he… confusing gangbang with gang hit…

No. 2368822

Nta but nope, gangbanging was initially not a pornographic term and her dad was using it correctly

No. 2368825

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Neither of you are wrong, but you are right to suggest that he stops using it as it's very outdated to use it to refer to gang activity.

No. 2368826

I've heard "gangbanging" used in the context of gangs committing crimes irl many times before. Ya'll are just pornsick.

No. 2368830

They really are. Oldheads have always called it gangbanging.

It's not outdated just because zoomers are unbelievably pornsick. You aren't going to make like two to three different generations of people stop calling it what it was always called kek

No. 2368832

Oh yeah it refers to that as well I used to joke about gangbanging my English teacher because she was fucking rude and annoying

No. 2368834

I finally managed to delete my instagram. Every time I used it it just made me feel like shit showing me how people from high school are living their best life. I also mostly used it to compulsively look up my ex boyfriend and to go through his followers list. It feels kind of freeing not having to go back there. All of the people I need I can call or text, those other nobodies are not important and I shouldn't care.

No. 2368837


No. 2368840

You thought we'd be on your side

No. 2368841

If a word has been hijacked by a newer generation, I'm not going to use that word just for people to be confused and or start laughing, especially in serious situations. Would you say someone is gay to refer to them being happy in 2025? No.

No. 2368843

I didn't, I was just sharing that I wanted to beat her up

No. 2368847

They're retarded. I knew what you meant.

No. 2368852

We knew what she meant. Still didn't side with her.

No. 2368853

No you didnt

No. 2368856

Things were called gay 100 years ago, gang activity was called gangbanging in the 2000s.

No. 2368857

Go wipe your ass sped(infighting)

No. 2368859

No. 2368860

NTA but queer was used in the early 2000's by my elementary school teachers. It's not used to mean weird anymore.

No. 2368862

You guys are always extremely anti-porn but now youre claiming regular people should change their vocabulary directly because of porn. Fucking kek

No. 2368865

They are both beautiful

No. 2368866

Are you fucking retarded? Gangbanging is not just porn related. It can and is used to also refer to being raped by a gang or group of people. I worked in a womens shelter and many women came in crying about having been gangbanged. It does not just refer to criminal activity or porn, it refers to assault. So it's just better to not use the word to avoid confusion.

No. 2368876

Most people aren't going to stop just because of Gen z porn brainrot, so. have fun with your nothingburger.

No. 2368879

Did you even read my post. Did you read even a single word of it.

No. 2368886

Are you mentally all there? Nonna literally explained it's also used for sexual assault by the hands of gang members. You think gen z created that meaning?

No. 2368888

File: 1738021984918.jpg (48.9 KB, 736x726, 1000001493.jpg)

Tbh I just wish all of you would shut the fuck up.
Anyway, I went grocery shopping today and got bananas so now I want to eat them with chocolate cake. If I finish my hair today, baking will be the first thing I bake. I need to go to lowes soon to pickup an order, and while I'm there I think I'll look at the paint so I can figure out what color I want my bedroom to be.

No. 2368890

Mmmm I just had an elote bowl. Yummy.

No. 2368892

Based illiterate anon

No. 2368894

guys I just discovered the cutest cat on tiktok and all the comments are saying the cat is terrifying and unnerving. No one has good taste.

No. 2368895

Mmm bananas and chocolate cake. Good choice. My mom makes a great banana bread with chocolate chunks.

No. 2368896

what animal is that wtf

No. 2368898

It's a cat in a costume

No. 2368899

File: 1738022134875.jpg (55.86 KB, 736x735, 1000001494.jpg)

What do you mean? It's a flock of sheep.

No. 2368902

File: 1738022206871.png (64.17 KB, 850x505, IMG_7355.png)

it's a sphynx (hairless) cat in a costume

No. 2368903

Always love it when theres a sequel to an animal image. Reminds me of the deflated borozi picture having a normal variant

No. 2368907

File: 1738022275985.jpg (57.69 KB, 735x490, 1000001498.jpg)

Idk if you guys are blind, but it's a sheep. No cat looks like this.

No. 2368914

You can be mad and try to pearlclutch about it but no one with a real life cares. People that grew up with it referring to gang activity will continue to call it so, you're being so reactive for no reason.

No. 2368915

it looks like a bat, it scared me

No. 2368916

File: 1738022417676.jpg (64.48 KB, 800x800, mewcats-4.jpg)

Cute darling angel, imagine a herd of them grazing about. I would die happy

No. 2368919


No. 2368923

I'm going to ask one more time… Are you mentally all there?

No. 2368924

Excuse me while I daydream, but if I ever by some miracle end up a multi-millionaire (or just an overpaid CEO or some shit) I would live comfortably on a normalish but higher-end budget, but use as much money I could to create "bullshit jobs" for "unemployable" people.
For example I'd hire female autist neets to do their creative hobby of choice and give them a full-time livable pay for it. You want to write mediocre novels or fanfics? You do art? You want to review video games? Congrats that's your job now, just show me some bare minimum progress every week and I'll pay you no matter the quality. I'd let them have an easy schedule and a few deadlines just to keep them motivated, but I wouldn't ever enforce anything bad on them. If they can't keep up I just lower the expectations to what they can meet instead.
And physically disabled people too, and cute old ladies who had a shit job for decades only to get fired with no retirement fund at age 60, desperate to find a new job. Congrats, y'all work for me now. The only requirement is to be a half-decent person with some kind of desire to "work"/do something, even if it's minimally. Truly I just want them to get to exist without stress and pressure, while still letting them be part of something bigger.

Jobs are just such a scam, just because a person can't do a 9-5 every day with a fake smile on their face doesn't mean they don't have value. In olden times these people would still be helping out around the house or in the fields, maybe peacefully knitting wool socks for everyone, watch the young kids or the animals, be a beloved elder… and that was enough to be a valued member of the village and family. Now if you're not perfect, young and capable you're seen as nothing but a burden. Fuck that, I'd make their lives valuable because I see them as valuable.

No. 2368926

File: 1738022650145.png (2.19 MB, 908x1540, Screen Shot 2025-01-27 at 6.03…)

Crazy considering it looks similar to >>2368888 and we're both posting at the same time.

No. 2368929

Nonna I fantasise about doing this exact thing if I had money too, you're so based. Why do real billionaires have to hoard their money and spend it on shit like 10 identical cars or a house they'll never use, that's so boring.

No. 2368931

File: 1738022727964.png (2.53 MB, 1344x1224, Screen Shot 2025-01-27 at 6.05…)

wait I didn't do him justice! this is a better pic.

No. 2368932

Awww, it reminds me of Stitch from Lilo and Stitch!! So cute!!

No. 2368934

kek this is how Winnaretta Singer lived her life pretty much. glad her legacy and way of living is still reminisced within the people

No. 2368936

File: 1738022840160.jpg (8.66 KB, 225x225, no banana.jpg)

This is like a friendly kinder version of the no banana cat.

No. 2368937

File: 1738022844961.jpg (133.26 KB, 736x981, 1000001499.jpg)

I see now how anons could get actual cats confused with sheep like the one here >>2368916
He's a cutie

No. 2368938

I like him. He's a happy lad.

No. 2368942

Do you ever think people saw hairless animals dart off in the wild and that's why they thought they saw elves and leprechauns? This is a house elf.

No. 2368948

File: 1738023166010.jpg (128.52 KB, 736x1080, 1000001500.jpg)

Do hairless cats occur in the wild? I always assumed they were selectively bred. Although, they are associated with ancient egypt…

No. 2368954

Hence the reference to hairless animals rather than cats. But thank you for the knowledge

No. 2368955

I am personally adopting this theory as historical fact. thank you

No. 2368959

Hairless animals, including cats, can probably occur in the wild but I imagine it's very uncommon. It is a recessive gene after all, one that presents itself from two rex-furred parents, though I don't know what the equivalent of rex fur would be in some other animals.

No. 2368960

That's why I think people were so taken aback. Could see a medium sized animal with mange so bad it's bald and think the second coming of Satan was fiddling around the woods like a forest sprite.

No. 2368961

Mange was even worse, that shit was the Chupacabra.

No. 2368962

File: 1738023909951.jpg (36.69 KB, 404x354, 1737186873035.jpg)

Damn my aunt opened the door while i was in the middle of drawing pec envy fetish art. I like that she moved back to my state and close to my house, but i wish she would knock. I am going to watch Hair while i wait for them to leave.

No. 2368975

I wonder if there was a data breach recently, a few days ago I got a text with my full name and address and today I got two spam emails about a package being out for delivery (I did indeed receive a package today)

No. 2368982

Nonnies how do I regain the ability to think creatively and critically and become smart enough to beat others in jeopardy even? Medication has messed with my word recall and memory. I struggle to even do creative projects anymore!

No. 2368983

File: 1738025829789.gif (1.1 MB, 309x191, 1460181080144.gif)

Its my last week of NEETing. Goodbye, freedom and happiness.

No. 2368985

No. 2368986

>Pec envy fetish art
Kekkk nonna, unfathomably based

No. 2369013

I did check, but it didn't show anything recent. The most recent one was may 2024

No. 2369118

What a lovely gremlin
I fucking love sphinxes

No. 2369121

I'm really tempted to go in there and do it now if I attack the Chris Evans fans first there will be blood

No. 2369153

Milestones I’d like to share, didn’t go on LC or smoke all day and when I logged in I was gonna be like hey yall what’d I miss but after lurking for a while I noticed that it seems like it was pretty slow today

No. 2369160

It’s been so slow lately. Christmas break must be over for the kids.

No. 2369171

I feel like I gained back my love for lolcow in the last few months, it feels great

No. 2369180

I can hear my grandma snoring like a bear right now kek. She's probably congested, so I think that's why. I recorded it so I can show her in the morning

No. 2369186

the last few months are making me want to leave kek. I only stay because there's no one else to talk to

No. 2369213

I played some Mario Party 2 with my youngest sister, laughing, eating cookies and overall having a good time. Our niece walked in and wanted to play too so we taught her the basics and joined our game. She had so much fun and that made me happy because she's dealing with her first menstruation and wasn't in a good mood about it.

No. 2369214

Just finished watching a tiktok 30 times in a row. I haven’t laughed this hard in years

No. 2369232

I'm going back to school, I am not happy but my mother will be, so that's good at least.

No. 2369235

Same. I am starting college, and i dont want to, but it will make my mom stop bothering me.

No. 2369248

You could try reading - it may not necessarily get you into a creative headspace, nor get you jeopardy ready kek, but I've found that it can help with memory a lot. Getting back into reading a few years ago also helped me with my focus, which in turn helped me with staying dedicated to creative projects. You don't have to read something challenging right out the gate, but it helps to read something at least a little out of your comfort zone, and try to read non-fic books that interest you as well as fiction (this is huge for thinking critically; personally I recently read Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier, and it got the wheels turning in my brain like no tomorrow). It may not come easy at first if you aren't a big reader, but it might be worth it for you to try!

No. 2369265

Jeopardy players actually study trivia kek. There are themes to the questions so it isn’t as random as it appears.

No. 2369273

Studying for Jeopardy is probably one of the least creative things you could do, it’s pure recall.

No. 2369280

I'm desperately looking around for leaf litter (for anyone who's not familiar, leaf litter is literally just leaves) but I don't trust the ones on Amazon, I don't want to pay shipping on Etsy, and none of my closest pet stores sell it. This sux

No. 2369362

Reptile supply stores online?

No. 2369365

Good luck nonnies i also went to college for my mum, dropped out 2x and am a failure to her, but at least i am happy kek

No. 2369400

I wonder if sex is objectively more physically pleasurable for one gender versus the other.

No. 2369408

Women have more nerve endings in their genitals so if sex is being done right women are probably having the better time.

No. 2369414

my hubby, brothers and I have been helping each other with baking pastries and sweets and honestly it's nice, although we get a bit competitive, and i can't bake or cook for shit in a way that everyone likes so i'm being bested by males… sorry~ but the eating and bonding part is the best. got to get good so i can bake something great for my mother and grandmother. one step at a time

No. 2369425

Go back

No. 2369428

Kek good luck hope you enjoy your last neet week!

No. 2369432

File: 1738063890279.mp4 (33.91 KB, 324x184, 1000041850.mp4)

i saw this SA/MENA scrote, brown as shit, hairy as an ape, short as Snow White's harem, calling brown women "curry bunnies", i have now seen it all truly. Brown dudes see either porn with a white man or black man in it, and what they've watched now defines which race's dick they'll suck for the rest of their lives, white women can't get dreads without being compared to a nazi, but retarded indian men do the exact AAVE/black culture appropriation that was so frowned upon just years ago and then get to say "we were once slaves to British Raj so its ok for us to say the n word", then claim the p word? i want off this planet.

No. 2369491

Have you used any new websites that had you input your personal information in 2024? It doesn't have to be websites either, it could be store "sign up" clubs. A lot of websites & companies will sell all the personal data they collected in the previous year in January, since it's the start of the new year. Data selling is very common in all industries because it's an incredibly easy way for companies to make extra money to start off the new year. Even if it's illegal in some countries, it's often overlooked and the practice exists in a semi-grey area.

IME, the best way to avoid having your personal information stolen is to assume an alias. For me, I have a dedicated cellphone number under an alias that I use exclusively for transactions, both in-person and online. I also never reveal my surname, and I use a common variant of my first name. (E.g., if your name is "Anne," you could use "Annie,"
"Anna," etc.) I have a dedicated email specifically for "spam" things too. So it ends up looking like:

>"Hi, would you like to sign up for our in-store club to get 10% off today?"

>"Okay! We need your phone number, email, & name!"
>I give them my ulterior phone number. I give them my alias ([Variant Spelling] [First initial of surname]) and I provide my dedicated spam-email.
>I get the 10% off without revealing any personal data.
>The company can still sell the 'personal' data provided, but because it's not true it's irrelevant to me if it's sold or not.

It's the same thing for online purchases. I use my alias information, always using the dedicated spam-email. I have never had anything shipped to my home address, ever, so I've never inputted my home address to anywhere online. PO boxes are a necessity for online shopping that many people overlook.

If your personal data has already been sold online, which is very likely, there are certain services that you can employ to have that personal data removed from certain online brokerages and databases. Some common services that perform this are: Incogni, Optery, & OneRep.

No. 2369541

Surely I'm not the only one that thinks taking notes for studying is fucking useless?

No. 2369563

is picrel him?

No. 2369589

Anons and their autism on here is so cute.

No. 2369592

Do you pay extra for a second phone number?

No. 2369602

For my second phone, it's just a cheap flip-phone that I bought for $40. The SIM card that I use for it is a prepaid month-to-month one, you can usually find these types at electronics stores. I pay $15 a month for this SIM card.

I will also use this phone for one-off encounters, like if a person asks for my phone number, I'll give them that one until I can verify that they're someone that I'd want to have my real number.

No. 2369603

Nta but you can just order a free sim card online (most phones support dual sims) or buy a cheap one from the stores

No. 2369607

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LC is one of the few places online I feel like I can talk to other women like me. It’s nice.

No. 2369608

I feel the same way, anon. It's nice to know for the most part, this is a community for women by women.

No. 2369626

>time to focus
>close lolcow and open a new tab to research something, do some studying
>end up reopening lolcow instead
literally what causes this behavior, why am i so deranged? i need to quit this place KEK

No. 2369633

It's because deep down inside you know that this place is better than school. Your true soul path is to be a NEET on LC forever. I think you should stop lying to yourself and become a full-time farmer.

No. 2369661

I'm starving but I have nothing to eat at home. Should probably get my ass out of bed and drag it to the store.

No. 2369669

Samefag I put in 1 hour and been on LC 2 hours now..

No. 2369674

Did new blusher and highlight placement. It worked. I turned a lot of heads shopping today I also found a new way to do my hair. Sometimes you can dream it and make it happen. Felt anxious and periody though so I didn't hang around to see if i was approachable. Maybe try that outside of a synagogue this weekend I wouldn't mind a Jewish boyfriend

No. 2369682

I've been thinking of doing something like this, but what about your bank details whenever you're buying something online? Since attached to your bank card are your real details, is there any chance of them seeing that info?

No. 2369707

File: 1738083424342.jpg (112.73 KB, 770x472, prepaid card.jpg)

Never use your real banking information for online purchases. Instead, opt for prepaid cards. I have a re-loadable prepaid card that can hold up to $500 at a time, and I'll use that one for most of my online purchases.

In the event that you can't use a prepaid card, or the merchant doesn't accept them, you could use PayPal instead. When using PayPal, opt for a business account rather than a personal account. The business account will allow you to set a personalized "business name" rather than showing your real name. To be honest though, if an online merchant doesn't accept prepaid cards, I won't give them my business.

No. 2369709

I hate an edible 2 days ago and I had a terrible trip, spent all my day yesterday rotting away on my bed and I was still high as a kite this morning going to work. Everyone could tell there was something wrong with me so I bullshitted some food intoxication but of course people wanted more detail. The weird thing is that I already had an edible from the same packet a few months ago and it had almost no effect, now it feels like the universe collapsed on top of me.

No. 2369723

I don't really like edibles because of how it's metabolised in the stomach, I much prefer to inhale it so I can monitor the effect. Where are you in your menstrual cycle I definitely notice a change during the month with how my strains effect me. Usually during pms it can't out compete everything else going on and I'm much more unaffected but during my period it can make me nauseous and wake up feeling groggy.

No. 2369731

what? you don't need to do any of that. virtual cards mask your real card information for online purchases, and every major card issuer has such a feature. There's also websites and apps you can use that do the same thing.

No. 2369740

I don't live in a country in which banks provide that service, so I was just sharing my personal strategies.

No. 2369744

arent virtual cards still linked to your real name and address though? so in the billing details youd still have to enter your name and address even if the card number is different

No. 2369813

Back in high school we had to walk up this huge hill every day to reach the school from the station and it kept everyone who went that way in shape. I remember taking little damage from bumping into things thanks to the muscle I built then. Now many many years later I'm soft and weak having lost it due to simple commuting

No. 2369972

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getting all giddy thinking about what films id like to host this week for moovie night.

No. 2370049

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The office I'm interning at has run out of both sugar cubes and honey, since I'm the only one adding some sort of sweetener to both my coffee and tea they're probably not going to buy any new ones anytime soon (and I'm not purchasing anything for a workplace that isn't paying me). I don't want to only drink water all day, especially since I end up absentmindedly playing with my water bottle while reading emails or problem solving, which is probably pretty distracting - or at the very least annoying - for the others because of the sound. Prime time for me to learn to drink coffee and tea without additional sweeteners I thought, but every cup these past couple of weeks have just been depressing…

No. 2370053

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One of my ex-boyfriends married a Disney adult and she seems sweet. Which reminds me, I'm fascinated by how genuinely happy and cheerful Disney adults seem. I always assumed they must be playing it up or exaggerating, but no, from the ones I've met over the years, they're just THAT into Disney and it brings them so much joy that it almost makes me envious. I feel that way about some people I knew from church, too (and there's a big Disney/Christian overlap there), they always have such sunny dispositions, it seems like such a pleasant existence and I wish I felt that happy about anything, kek.

No. 2370057

Realized this makes me sound like I'm adding both honey and sugar to my drinks kek. Before anyone misunderstands me, I only add one or two sugar cubes but settled for honey once the already almost empty sugar package was empty.

No. 2370064

Some teas are kinda sweet by themselves, I've had one that had stevia or something like that

No. 2370067

you are on your pathway to womanhood. Only little girls drink coffee with sugar
>t. womanchild that still drinks coffe with milk and sugar

No. 2370081

all the Disney adults I met in college were genuinely really nice to me, despite being a weirdo. I hope they're all doing ok now.

No. 2370091

Can't you just bring some sugar from home in a little tupperware and keep it in your bag or something for yourself?

No. 2370098

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I have to reshoot some images for a class. I hate photography so much. Easily my kryptonite.

No. 2370099

File: 1738102017491.webp (16.71 KB, 320x240, CarmelDansen_5627.webp)

Randomly came across an artist doing 00s style moe art on twitter, then realised she was in fact the real deal and the original voice actress for the purple girl in the caramelldansen clip. She's still posting cutesy kawaii selfies as a middle aged woman.

No. 2370103

you gotta give credit to her, it's kind of impressive how she can do that lolishit voice when she was already a grown adult at the time of the game's release discussing the game is too much for this thread

No. 2370104

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I went to school with a now-Disney adult and her Disney-family were always so sweet and welcoming. She married another Disney adult and they have two daughters, like her and her sister and visit Disneyland every other year. I think it goes both ways and sometimes they can be really creepy though

No. 2370106

Slightly off topic but I wonder how many Disney adults are yumes for one of their characters

No. 2370108

File: 1738102867645.jpeg (168.4 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_5714.jpeg)

I’ve been seeing these type of pics around where a character is holding a pad or tampon and they’re so cute kek, if I didnt have brothers I’d totally do something like this during my periods

No. 2370110

Kek that's adorable, he looks so dutiful

No. 2370112

This goes hard

No. 2370126

Right before caramelldansen went viral I had a phase where I looked up openings to 18+ VNs out of pure fascination over how they put so effort to animate entire (and unsuspecting) intros to porn games with great songs most of the time. You can imagine how weirded out I was when that dance gif started making the rounds accompanied by a song that is made to make kids get up and dance kek

No. 2370131

Having to write a presentation letter is so humiliating. Just read my damn CV, that's why I made it for.

No. 2370141

This plus preparing yourself for an interview where you're sucking up to them so they can hire you… why go through all of this extra shit when you need my work and I need your paycheck?

No. 2370153

Exactly, I get the point of job interviews because it allows you to go more in depth with your experience, but questions like "why should we hire you?" "why do you want to work here?". Because you're offering a position I'm qualified for and I need an income. Period.
It's like the whole point of job seeking is made to degrade and demoralise people, sigh.

No. 2370162

Yeah if the interviews were just about elaborating on my CV or discussing the technical aspects of the job/what I know for the role it'd be fine, but having to prepare reasons for why I heckin love this company and job advert and repeating that X amount of times until someone finally hires you, its exhausting. The working class is in dire need of a revolution but we're all too comfortable.

No. 2370170

>The working class is in dire need of a revolution but we're all too comfortable.
Not so much an attack on you but just genuine questions:
>When was the last time you wrote a letter to your representative about the conditions of the working class?
>Have you looked into unions in your profession and if so, have you attended any meetings?
>When was the last time you went to a political rally in support of the working class?
Whenever I see people mention a working class revolution, even in jest, I just wonder about those aforementioned questions. As someone that has written extensively to my political representatives and who has attended many rallies, meetings, and workshops in support of the working class, I've noticed that a lot of people that talk about revolutions are the same people that aren't really involved in meaningful ways.

No. 2370171

I don't know what I was expecting from the orange theme but it was not this.

No. 2370183

>When was the last time you wrote a letter to your representative about the conditions of the working class?
I work with the local government and I have brought it up in meetings before.
>Have you looked into unions in your profession and if so, have you attended any meetings?
See above.
>When was the last time you went to a political rally in support of the working class?
I'm the one organizing them in my area together with my co-worker.

No. 2370199

NAYRT, I used to be much more active on the political scene years ago, but not so much now. 95% of the people who keep yapping about the revolution don't move their asses from their comfy chairs, for them, deleting their twitter accounts to "protest musk" or posting about how much they hate the rich on social media is the epitome of direct action.
I don't know in other countries, but in mine we haven't had a general strike in over ten years, and it's not because we haven't had plenty of reasons to do so! The situation for the working class just keeps getting worse and worse. The age of retirement keeps going up and up every year. Maybe every now and then our "leftist government" will throw us some crumbs like raise the minimum salary by 10 cents, but just a few days later, they'll approve some law that completely invalidates any tiny minimal improvement they made. And what do people do? Get their phones out, open twitter and say "kill the rich!!!!" and think that's enough activism for the day.
Our leftist scene is more worried by tranny and idpol shite than the fact that working class families keep getting poorer and poorer. It's honestly exhausting and the reason why I just got so burned out.
Anyway, I'll stop ranting, don't wanna write a whole manifesto kek

No. 2370251

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I know exactly what you mean. I feel that way about people who genuinely enjoy stuff like Dancing With the Stars or America’s Got Talent. The fact they can derive such enjoyment from media like that is enviable in a way. It seems like a happier existence than whatever the fuck I’m doing right now.

No. 2370264

I don't know, I think it depends how you think about yourself. I had 3 interviews yesterday and it made me feel good about myself. They were all nice and I enjoyed the pleasant conversation, and as a narcissist I enjoy talking about myself and my motivations, and hearing people say how great I am makes me feel good.

No. 2370272

>as a narc
We can tell

No. 2370277

File: 1738108522253.png (424.68 KB, 1428x714, Screen Shot 2025-01-28 at 5.55…)

Okay mods you ate with this one.

No. 2370280

Kek why does your screenshot's filename give the exact time you took it

No. 2370283

That's default for macbook

No. 2370284

it's just the default filename for screencaps on some computers. you see it on here often, sometimes in different languages too. anon probably has a mac

No. 2370303

KEK. Deserved ban though tbh

No. 2370305

I'm building furniture and immediately lost the l shaped tool (wrench?) That came with it. REEEEEEEEEEEE.

No. 2370312

File: 1738109855579.jpg (50.28 KB, 960x898, 1708214433242.jpg)

Just had a cheat day. Ate a ton of snacks and now my tummy hurts. Worth it though.

No. 2370314

Dark triad stacy maxxing

No. 2370315

No. 2370317

Your mom.

No. 2370321

No. 2370328

Which snack did you enjoy the most

No. 2370338


No. 2370378

I also got startled after shuffling through the site themes kek

No. 2370442

I played piano for like 5 hrs straight today and it felt like no time at all. Made up a cool solo to a new song I learned recently.

No. 2370500

File: 1738118343825.jpeg (32.81 KB, 275x275, 1737537681345.jpeg)

it's the price of intelligence, nonnie. they do have a happier experience but also a more fried brain from retarded formulaic shows like the ones you've mentioned.

No. 2370514

The farmhands ate what? I don't get it. The ban isn't even about food?

No. 2370515

It’s newfangled newfag slang.

No. 2370517

I just looked it up and apparently it's gay scrote slang. Why is gay scrote slang being used on my basket weaving forum? Sad & disappointing.

No. 2370518

File: 1738119704072.jpg (128.45 KB, 1080x1113, ate.jpg)

One of the definitions, as per Urban Dictionary

No. 2370523

i thought "ate",was originally from black american slang

No. 2370531

That's just faggy scrotes taking slang and mannerisms from black women again. Someone pointed this out to me years ago, and I never stopped unseeing it. Why do gay white scrotes keep skinwalking black women? It's fucking BIZARRE.

No. 2370542

Doctor prescribed me a nose spray for allergies and showed me how to aim at my sinuses. Today I was finally able to do it properly and wow it felt so weird. None of it leaked out of my nose or down my throat, it all went inside my face. Crazy.

No. 2370544

File: 1738121691385.gif (19.37 KB, 112x112, 1000012270.gif)

Took a sip of water and realized I haven't had any water for like 7 straight hours.

No. 2370547

It's mockery, a form of minstrel. They might not admit to themselves that that's what they're doing, but it's obvious. They use these terms, copy and exaggerate mannerisms, then laugh.

No. 2370624

I'm making blackened salmon with dill tomorrow and don't know if it would pair better with roasted potatoes or rice. I guess I have a while to decide. I like my new kitchen so cooking has been enjoyable again.

No. 2370638

No. 2370641

Your corpse will bloat as much as mines, I’ll hold your hand, because I already know the feeling of being ugly and fat scares you much more than it scares me. Don’t worry anon, the mirror isn’t your enemy

No. 2370648

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Nta but no one ever binges on fruits or vegetables so I mostly think about how many bodies they've eaten and milk they've stolen from baby animals when I see a really fat person. No one really cares what happens to their bodies after they're dead. That's why so many moids work in the morgue anon. You're probably just a little pudgy and cheetos won't kill you and turn you into a bloated corpse

No. 2370666

Kek I usually just say it because it makes both the anachans and deathfats seethe. I don’t mind being pudgy but I’ve already lost a few pounds from dieting, I wanted to take this as a cheat day but that’s not gonna stop people from being annoying. Hope your bed is extra comfy nona.

No. 2370777

Building furniture and listening to music to help me get through it. Currently vidrel is playing

No. 2370812

I can't get into skincare no matter how many times I try it, I constantly forget to put on the products and I get very easily overwhelmed by smells. I also don't think wearing sunscreen is mandatory every single day even in my grey eurofaggy climate.

No. 2370873

I'll be having pizza

No. 2370892

File: 1738158161263.mp4 (9.02 MB, 540x960, HEgDjKfcrY6WTx29jdCGc.27.mp4)

So this is how I discover you're supposed to cook and eat the steak as soon as possible after you buy it. This explains why I had a 2 days food poisoning after eating a steak that's been in the freezer for a week, oops. I survived though.

No. 2370894

That's fair. I got into it religiously years ago, and through trial and error and trying different products and routines, I finally found the best ones that actually work. Now I have 2 face washes with different purposes that I use in the shower once or twice a week, and 2 moisturizers I alternate between depends on how dry my skin feels. I use differin every once in a while for exfoliating, and in the rarest occasion, I use a hyaluronic acid mask for extra hydration and because it's kinda refreshing.

No. 2370895

I only have a couple of episodes left of Gilmore Girls left and I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life once I finish it.

No. 2370897

Once I get paid I'm going to buy some beef tallow skincare from ancestralskincare. Went down a tiktok rabbit hole of skincare past night and found a local business that sources all natural products locally and make the products. My skincare routine isn't too complicated I basically just use the simple brand cleansers and toner and olay moisturiser but I've noticed my skin is changing a bit and getting a random dry spot on my cheek.

No. 2370898

Ancestral cosmetics* even. They have a website and do bundles. Seems decent priced if the product lasts long which it seems to according to reviews. My grandma always had great skin and she was born in the 30s. She used olay which is why I do lol

No. 2370901

binged on a bunch of random food at midnight and now i am suffering from a stomachache before work. shouldnt had done that but i was craving something.

No. 2370907

No. 2370908

File: 1738160033606.png (1.19 MB, 1216x614, 1000068108.png)

naming your disease Faggotry in Plague Inc has very amusing results

No. 2370912

File: 1738160112613.png (1.29 MB, 1305x620, 1000068110.png)

oh nooo

No. 2370913

File: 1738160169487.png (641.78 KB, 1539x352, 1000068111.png)

No. 2370914

File: 1738160216014.png (1.3 MB, 1600x720, 1000068112.png)

Faggotry, more infectious than HIV kek(lolcow is not a chatroom)

No. 2370923

No. 2370932

File: 1738161761052.jpg (14.35 KB, 385x357, miffy2.jpg)

older woman who came into my work said i have a beautiful smile and now im happy

No. 2370946

File: 1738162611538.gif (25.79 KB, 220x220, спать-sleep.gif)

Wanted to download subtitles for Nosferatu because I finally got the movie but the subs weren't finnished and tons of translators were arguing under the link. It started as something about one translator claiming the rights to translate to movie way before others and ended up with communist accusations, the fuck?

No. 2370961

I want to go to New Zealand

No. 2371041

File: 1738168241441.jpeg (325.54 KB, 1125x1127, 97CC15CD-C92B-4DC7-948F-3A5B98…)

>it's the price of intelligence, nonnie.
Kek I didn’t want to mention that since I think I’m a retard and didn’t want to come across as full of myself, but I know what you mean. None of the people I knew like that were exceptionally bright but they were happy and made friends fast. It seems like a nice life.

No. 2371071

File: 1738169754757.jpg (54.96 KB, 650x650, 1000118350.jpg)

I kind of want a burger with fries from McDonald's.

No. 2371084

File: 1738170973544.gif (22.26 KB, 220x275, 1000036310.gif)

Just saw my ex at the grocery store and he is clearly losing his hair. There are a few small bald spots on the back on his head and his hairline is receding at 26. Probably a combination of his vegan diet and shitty personality. Today is a good day.

No. 2371145

nona…you should not have gotten food poisoning just from eating previously frozen meat. you can safely freeze steaks for like up to a year. there had to have been something else involved that caused you to become sick.

No. 2371188

File: 1738175612658.gif (387.74 KB, 200x200, 200wnjknkj.gif)

I couldn't get ANYTHING done at work today, I couldn't focus for longer than a few minutes and I couldn't retain any information I read. My brain just couldn't work today for some reason. I wasted 8,5 fucking hours today trying to pretend I'm not retarded.

No. 2371194

Why do I feel like there isn't a single hispanic nonna on lc

No. 2371203

There are, I just don't see the point of talking about it all of the time.

No. 2371205

There is literally an entire whole Hispanic thread and the majority of ESLfags are Latinas.

No. 2371208

kekk reminds me of illegal manga scanlations having translators argue at each other in the margins on who gets to translate the chapter first

No. 2371229

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Finally gonna see my girlfriend again after almost 3 months, I am so excited! I can't wait. I made her a painting and I got her some warm clothes for when she goes back. I hope we have a lot of time together, I've missed her so much.
Sometimes, I think about the fact that she has all these organs inside her and how cute they must all look, when she got an xray of her lungs, she sweetly gave me the film, it looks so cute. I wish I could kiss her bladder and her liver and her intestines, they all work together to make her, her. I love her so much.

No. 2371234

That's cute, I'm glad you're both happy and in love.

No. 2371236

I suddenly started having dreams about being pregnant at the brink of giving birth. I’m completely neutral about it in the dream, too. I wonder why…

No. 2371240

I think I might have found a food habit I kinda enjoy, it also works with my current schedule since I don't have time to go to the gym atm and too tired to anything when I get home from work. Being sick for a week was a good opportunity to use my lack of appetite to teach my brain to be fine to not eat a full meal for dinner if I'm not particularly hungry instead of forcing it just because someone at some point told me I have to, and it has worked wonders for me - instead I focus on eating a proper lunch with enough meat and veggies, and for dinner I either have a couple of sandwiches with some fruit on the side and an occasional protein coffee or a bowl of granola and fruit. This has been a great way for me to feel better both in body and mind. My office also has a lot of fruit available, so I sometimes snack on a clementine and/or a handful of grapes during the day.

No. 2371241

Thank you, I hope you have a nice day

No. 2371275

I feel like no one is going to believe me, but my sexuality has done a complete 180 overnight. I've never cared for men throughout my entire life. I've never been aroused by the idea of dick, i've never had romantic feelings for them, etc. Literally within a few days I've become boy crazy in every way. I want dick, I fantasize about being with men romantically, etc. I have no idea what's happening. Obviously I'm bisexual but I've never heard of this popping up out of the blue. Maybe it's a hormonal thing and the biological desire to procreate or something.(wrong thread)

No. 2371322

why is lc DEAD. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER NONNAS(off-topic/derailing/lolcow is not a chatroom)

No. 2371359

Hate the way my ends grow out when they’re thinned out it looks so ratty but then if I don’t get them thinned my whole hair shape looks like a mushroom

No. 2371368

It's called a bi-cycle. Not joking, look it up.

No. 2371401

same struggle, i've accepted being a mushroom over the ratty ends.

No. 2371420

how do I stop it from going back to just girls. I don't want that. What if I fall in love and marry a guy and all of a sudden I don't get horny from men anymore.

No. 2371437

The nonnies are working or sick, nonnie, don't ask too much to a bunch of normies/pseudonormies like us.

No. 2371521

You aint no normie

No. 2371535

File: 1738189093482.png (1.01 MB, 1286x642, bicycle.png)

I looked it up but I don't get it. What do these have to do with anything she said?

No. 2371536

File: 1738189093781.jpg (6.23 MB, 4624x3468, 1000031294.jpg)

I got my pineapple like that at the restaurant and it made my day, my life is so fucking boring and predictable that a pineapple cut in a fun way is enough to spice it up.

No. 2371540

Kek my grandma taught me how to cut fruits similar to this when I was a teenager. It was important to her for me to learn how because back in her days this was one of the ways you'd be able to find a suitor.

No. 2371554

You say this but have you seen how LC is dead during the weekends and holidays?

No. 2371557

ntayrt but it's probably dead because everyone is on the new ib lately

No. 2371570

>new ib

No. 2371576

Seconded, what ib?

No. 2371583

If you weren't around for the beta you probably won't be able to access it anyway. Plus it's not proper etiquette to promote IBs on other IBs & sites, that's why this place got so bad in the first place.

No. 2371584

I don't define normie as someone who has a job. Chris chan had a job.

No. 2371588

Does being the creator of Sonichu really count as a job?

No. 2371589

ok schizo

No. 2371593

lol just because you don't know about it doesnt mean anyone that does is a schizo

No. 2371598

how dare you

No. 2371599

Uh huh

No. 2371605

I mean, if you have an actual job and you can't be online all of the time, that's a normie to me.

No. 2371611

but the opposite of normie isn't neet.

No. 2371616

Anons here are failed normies. Normies dont use imageboards

No. 2371619

It's not 2014 anymore anon. LCF is mentioned on TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, even Roblocks. It's really not a hidden secret for only elder millennials. The whole "normies never use imageboards…" is more like what losers that use imageboards tell themselves to cope. Normies have always used imageboards and they always will use imageboards.

No. 2371626

Thats nice, normies still dont use imageboards anon. You're a failed normie.

No. 2371628

Okay then. Why do I bother?

No. 2371629

You wanted to prove something to yourself

No. 2371634

I never said I was a normie. I said that normies use this site. I don't know why you got aggressive and decided to attack me like a rabid skunk. You're part of the reason why us autists get such a bad rep online.

No. 2371639

File: 1738191433369.gif (432.9 KB, 220x162, leave-flying.gif)

the sooner you accept you're not a normie, the sooner you can be free to live your degenerate life nonny. Be free.

No. 2371645

nta but when was nonna aggressive KEK

No. 2371646

When she hurt my feelings and made me cry and self harm.

No. 2371650

damn nonna you could have just rubbed one out.

No. 2371661

Sanic I didn't know u could post

No. 2371685

Put bisexual after bi-cycle

No. 2371687

Slammed a 10kg plate directly into my crotch at the gym today, it hurt but not for long. Would've bodied a man though, based womanhood

No. 2371696

Watching Friday and remembering I don't always have to roll a long joint. An L plate is enough sometimes

No. 2371775

This job is typically very low stakes but there are pockets of time where I feel myself getting grey hairs.

No. 2371794

Goddddd I’m so bored. What are you guys doing rn? Anything fun, any suggestions?

No. 2371796

I'm dealing with a broke pedophile, when I'm bored I usually start playing tetris.

No. 2371798

Chris Chan was fired for imitating Donald Duck
What does this mean? Dealing as in killing him I hope?

No. 2371804

About to play vidya with my bestie Roots of Pacha if you like cute farming sims. It's Stone Age Stardew Valley

No. 2371808

Um.. why? Kek
Oh that sounds nice is it for the computer or console?

No. 2371812

I think both? I have it on Switch, but the website says it's on Steam, Switch, PS4/5 and XBox.

No. 2371845

I'm so bored. Wish I had a hyperfixation that would make me maladaptive daydream

No. 2371852

File: 1738199330713.jpg (55.49 KB, 657x527, 1000001412.jpg)

the spa i work at is always playing relaxing instrumental music and today one of the night time tracks from skyrim found its way onto the station so i ran around telling my 50yr old coworkers how excited i was. i was even wearing my skyrim earrings today it was so perfect

No. 2371854

Maybe one day I’ll check it out and pirate lol

No. 2371864

does this guy like me or do i like him and that is why i notice him around more often.

No. 2371865

Go ask Sanic this

No. 2371866

You would 100% know if he liked you

No. 2371996

File: 1738208803852.png (153.87 KB, 512x512, 1649209899850.png)

I wanto to be a nepo baby like Laika's president so badly, nonnies. I wish i had a rich family to bankroll me so i dont have to start college and persue a boring, stable career just to not end up homeless. Its not fucking fair. I am going to get a super cute sketchbook and buy tons of cute stickers to decorate it to cope. And i am going to draw the most raunchy autistic yaoi in class to repell normalfags. I am tired of having to be pretend i am friendly.(wrong thread)

No. 2372027

File: 1738211045524.gif (514.74 KB, 480x340, chiikawa-usagi.gif)

me too nona… taking a subsidized career class just to make a little more than minimum wage cleaning shit and other bodily eliminations for the rest of my life. coping by consooming chiikawa stationary and decorating my post-mortem notes with usagi deco

No. 2372077

File: 1738213576726.webp (157.48 KB, 1080x1080, D_NQ_NP_2X_995984-MLA809878438…)

wish we had chiikawa shit here, the chinese aliexpress importers havent caught on what a money making machine chiikawa is. I am buying tons of cute capybary shit. I got like 30 bucks to waste on this garbage.

No. 2372086

Same, nonnie, I'm feeling sad because I will have to get some proxy to order my own bootleg chiikawa shit, I just can't wait for the Chinese store resellers to get the merch, I really want some chiikawa plushies and maybe a pen or a notebook too.
But I also can't wait for them to bring the bootleg stuff because it will be hilarious to see.

No. 2372090

File: 1738214613273.jpg (27.79 KB, 314x324, Sa60dd86d18f0499f8cd3ffa09c7d4…)

bootleg chiikawa merch is a gem on its own highly recommend

No. 2372091

File: 1738214664112.webp (99.92 KB, 1445x1327, FotoJet_1_6a33ee1b-4237-4034-b…)


No. 2372092

anachan chiikawa and deathfat chiikawa

No. 2372093

Kek, I love the deathfat style.

No. 2372094

It was purple and smelled weird, wasn't like that when I bought it. It was imported from Brazil if that's relevant. Brazil imported meat and poultry always had a bad reputation here.

No. 2372135

It was probably already going bad when you bought it. Or maybe your freezer isn't cold enough.
Unless it's the absolute only thing you have to eat you really shouldn't cook meat that looks and smells funny.

No. 2372150

File: 1738223798300.png (334.62 KB, 500x370, farmers.png)

I'm actually unemployed right now, but I haven't been as active as I usually am because 1. I'm not that interested in the new milk (the vent thread drama and /snow/ threads) like I want to be, and 2. I've been playing Bimboland since there's an event going on.

No. 2372155

I bought Sasuke ramen. I was going to buy the Naruto ramen so me and my friend can have a NaruSasu dinner to bid farewell to my NEET status before i start college on monday, but he's a fag and choose to bring pizza instead. So i am eating Sasuke ramen alone. I am going to force him to watch After Hours now.

No. 2372180

sakura won

No. 2372258

i always have a shitty mouth taste/feel. to be fair, i need to be better with washing my teeth, but even when i'm on top of it, it's nasty.

No. 2372275

Fucking funny when moids have daddy issues and be like "I hate my dad, I don't want to be like him at all he sucks for not accepting xyz" but then you take a good long look at him and realize that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree kek they are exactly like their dads, sometimes even worse(off-topic)

No. 2372279

Brush your tongue and invest in ACT mouthwash.

No. 2372281

Same. I wear a retainer so i smell like death in the morning.

No. 2372297

File: 1738235843258.gif (980.96 KB, 220x220, 1000068204.gif)

right now the metro i was taking was underground it smelled like petrichor, had me like picrel kek

No. 2372337

I placed an order on yesstyle a few days ago and everything is ready to ship except the one free gift that I don't even want and they're waiting for to get in stock again. Just ship my order without it! I don't need a shitty face mask.

No. 2372396

File: 1738241350951.jpeg (10.32 KB, 174x275, 1681369662587.jpeg)

just today i suddenly started feeling like my friends aren't really my friends and sitting alone in a row of seats in class bothered me more than it should've(it's the first row that's in direct view of the professor's desk ofc nobody wants to sit there, it's not because they hate you, you dolt) and when the prof left the class for a bit, i immediately started thinking about packing up my stuff and just leaving just because i felt "off", it's my period isn't it.

No. 2372408

can you emphasise a little more on where you don't feel a bond with your friends anymore? you also feel as if sitting alone is connected in some way or form, which is exactly how i felt when i was ostracised at school. i was constantly gaslighted to, told i was just 'a kinda like a narcissist who always wants to be around everyone' and backbited about. but if you see any other signs of your friends neglecting you or intentionally leaving you out of your social circle then i say to make new friends.

No. 2372410

Went on a date and the only things he wanted to know were about my job. "How many hours would you ideally work?" "Why did you choose that specific field?" It was kind of weird. I tried to tell him about some funny anecdotes and told him about an weird ass old dude that send in an "application for a woman". The moid then said that he could relate to that. I have a weird feeling in my gut now

No. 2372471

File: 1738244894830.jpg (1.91 MB, 4000x1848, 1000014051.jpg)

>go to Walmart before work to kill time
>check out toy aisle
>vintage recreation of Jem and the Holograms doll and My Buddy plush doll
>black space in between
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago's doll?

No. 2372490

i don't really know, i feel like this girl that i got closer with with just feels different nowadays(that i was really happy about), like she just doesn't smile as often, i don't know, just seems a bit more high strung, but i attribute that to her recent business and academic stuff(she's gotten into selling custom crochet stuff and she's a part of this Trends and Forecasting group of our college), and i've gotten in my head about people just not inviting me out to stuff(like going to get fabric in bulk that we need for a subject, or people talking about cafes and bakeries opening nearby, or people discussing plans right in front of me), but it's not like people just straight up never consider me, i went out for lunch and saw an exhibition with a friend before and she reached out first, and its probably bc i live quite far from college and most friends i have just have Paying Guest accommodations right next to the college that they think i'll say no to any plans bc it's too far away, and i recently learnt that i have a certain unapproachable unpleasant "vibe" to me, i'm >>>/ot/2367096 kek, and that could be the factor, but recently i've taken on more of a "studious" dork reputation and i hope that improves.

No. 2372491


No. 2372494

File: 1738246291405.webp (13.64 KB, 360x360, GIGASTACY.webp)

I only know about Carmen Sandiego from the show based on it and i thought it was so good, not that memorable, but entertaining when i watched it, i always loved it's art style, and i liked the lil infodumps when they would go to a new place because it reminded me of the writing in Thea Sisters. also, she walked so Scarletella could run.

No. 2372498

I love you for this joke kekkk
But ouch, that price. Toys are so expensive now.

No. 2372534

File: 1738249097075.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.65 KB, 856x324, no mention on lolcow.JPEG)

Probably talking about the one that launched in October. part of the rules now is to not link it on lolcow or talk it about it here, but I don't know how they'd enforce that anyway. i highlighted the part that mentioned it was against the rules now

No. 2372555

i will move to the usa if they unban kinder surprise eggs. i don't care about healthcare i just want the chocolate eggs.

No. 2372596

Is it invite-only?

No. 2372616

>LCF is mentioned on TikTok, Twitter, Tumblr, even Roblocks.

That’s exactly why the quality has gone down so much. This is why you’re not supposed to mention them in public.

No. 2372628

cerbmin got doxxed? whoa

No. 2372639

So what is up with that omg super secret ib, why can't it be linked? What is the theme and is it women only too?

No. 2372640

seems to be pirate themed

No. 2372642

kek cuckquing going for the jugular with the dox apparently

No. 2372647

either pirate or generic nautical

No. 2372651

Oh fuck OFF! I love nautical and pirate themed things. I’m so jealous someone was able to make an ib from scratch with that.

No. 2372659

thread pic is so fucking adorable

No. 2372661

I know right. I love chewawas. I always wanted one ever since Paris Hilton got one. When I was little there used to be a drug dealer that lived across the street that owned 2 chewawas and when she hung out in her front yard my mum and me would go over to pet them. Everyone says they're obnoxious but I don't think so, I think they're lovable and friendly and very kindhearted as well.

No. 2372682

I genuinely hope the new ib isn't hosted by that faggot

No. 2372693

If you're going to talk about that imageboard you might as well post the name, don't be coy.

No. 2372714

File: 1738256282621.webp (102.79 KB, 860x1290, HOT.webp)

I suggested to my nigel that we watch Smallville together and he enthusiastically agreed, not realizing that I'm only watching it so I can ogle the cute guys

No. 2372717

someone has to be brave and post it for a couple of minutes so only us who spend here all day can see it

No. 2372718

Which faggot?

No. 2372720

No. If you're going to do that, make it into an anagram with a missing letter so that you can only figure out the name given context clues.

No. 2372721

i know, im really sad. id keep it safe with my entire heart.

No. 2372724

please please please

No. 2372727

Don't listen to these people, don't post it. Hell, one of them could be a scrote.

No. 2372729

So nobody else will ever be able to have the link ever? It will just be open to those who were lucky enough to grab it while it was around?

No. 2372730

don't make me go lava rock chan on this thread to prove my worth. please, an anagram or a 5 min post or something, lc is so dead these days

No. 2372731

File: 1738256873480.png (5.21 MB, 2816x2084, dollar store shit.png)

Choosing to stop ordering food and instead put the money aside and have a big dollar store haul at the end of the month was probably the best decision i ever made. I could have ordered fast food three times with the money i wasted buying all this stuff. I also havent bought a pecil sharpener, stickers or a pen since i was in middle school, so it made me feel like a kid again. All my stuff from hs is completly chewed out at this point it was time to buy some new stuff that doesnt have bite marks. I am proly going to get bullied in college for my kawiwi bnuuy sharpener but fuck them.

No. 2372732

Unironically yes. It should be spread by word of mouth. If you want a truly insular protected women's only imageboard you have to be protective of it.

No. 2372734

Seconding. The whole reason we aren't supposed to share imageboards is because it drags in the wrong crowd. This is especially true with women-only imageboards and communities. We don't know who is lurking this thread right now.

No. 2372736

its so unfair to the nonnies who were busy that moment or on breaks. i understand but i suppose it still sucks that i missed out. also who the hell would you even share it with irl? most females love trannies and have no clue about ib culture

No. 2372738

Amongst other trusted friends I assume, both online and irl.

No. 2372739

I'm biased because I'm not one of the privileged ones to know what board it is, but i feel like that's a really bad strategy and it'll just doom it to fail if no one can find out about it kek

No. 2372741

sorry you said word of mouth, not irl. oh well, im envious of the theme and i hope its more glorious than these waters (or pastures)

No. 2372742

At that point its just a small female friend group, no? Eventually people will be able to tell whos who if its that small and people start to fall off or take breaks

No. 2372743

File: 1738257131511.gif (2.32 MB, 394x302, emma-roberts-tantrum.gif)

but i have no troon hating friends

No. 2372747

the screencap is kind of cut off but it says 600 unique daily visitors on the bottom so it can't be that small

No. 2372749

hell, i know lolcow is dead, but even I can recognise some anons on here by the stuff they post and the way they write.

No. 2372751

Anon, it has ober 600 daily users. That's anything but small.

No. 2372752

how the fuck have 600 people migrated there in the span of 3 months? seems inaccurate

No. 2372756

unique daily visitors isn't the same as posters. those visitors will include web bots etc, people visiting on multiple devices. its still not small though

No. 2372757

Same nona, we are missing out together

No. 2372760

Either way, it shouldn't be shared.

No. 2372761

fine BITCH!!! go get scurvy

No. 2372762

Me too nona

No. 2372764

If you think lolcow is too slow you have never been in an imageboard before and are used to the stream of content from social media. I used to post on ibs that had two daily posts. Lolcow is probably one of the most active ib left.

No. 2372768

not about it being slow but tainted. feeling dirty and needing a wash after being here nowadays

No. 2372769

Sorry that I remember what lc used to be like?? I don't care how "active" it is now when it's just seething trannies and selfposting fags.

No. 2372770

I remember a nona ages ago who said she would make a pirate-themed IB when CC was down I think, and that she would share it here when done. And now it's done and she isn't sharing? Such bullshit.

No. 2372774

I get that it's unsafe because this site is like 80% lurking moids at this point. But it still sucks that I wont be able to hang out there because I'm too retarded to find sane female friends.

No. 2372775

what's frustrating is that I remember that too kek I was here for the OG idea but not privileged enough to see the finished product, feels bad

No. 2372777

same nonnie, im sorry. i wish there was something that we could do. ill probably just ditch LC for solitude but then i may never find the website. i wish i thought of the idea first.

No. 2372778

not every opinion you disagree with its a moid, you honestly sound annoying so it doesnt surprise me pirate anons dont want you in their sekrit club

No. 2372781

They're sailing the seven seas without us and it's probably for the best

No. 2372783

File: 1738258005308.jpg (51.64 KB, 800x450, scared hamster.jpg)

>lolcow has been compromised
what does this mean

No. 2372784

File: 1738258008064.jpeg (6.25 KB, 275x183, images (8).jpeg)

I feel like the userbase has little to no internet sleuthing skills anymore, given the context clues, footprint of posts relating to the site both here and other related places and the image given it shouldn't be too hard to find it. That's how I found that niche korean pop music imageboard.

No. 2372785

you are begging so hard i'm starting to think you're a scrote honestly. wanna link it to sharty as soon as someone posts the URL here?

No. 2372786

No. 2372787

who the fuck is sharty? ive relented i was just persistent because im upset i missed out

No. 2372789


No. 2372790

I feel like the news reporters on my local news station are genuinely on the spectrum. They act like David Lynch characters. They’re so awkward that the have frequently ended up in “most embarrassing newscast moments” on YouTube.

No. 2372791

what, i none of the annoying newfags begging for the link. I am fine with lolcow.

No. 2372794

Spent hours searching the text, trying to figure out the letter of characters in the url, tracing back to threads. Guess it’s only for true pirates who can find the treasure

No. 2372795

What do they mean by compromised, and what dox? Anywho, if the site isn't allowed to be shared anyone then honestly it's probably slow anyway.

No. 2372797

so is it confirmed pirate-themed?

No. 2372798

Choachan and whatever the new name is now has been openly talked about many times here though. I'm not saying you're wrong, but you don't exactly need sleuthing skills to find it.

No. 2372799

I'm not talking about chaochan.

No. 2372801

File: 1738258419259.jpg (967.55 KB, 1600x1677, sub-buzz-723-1557513933-12.jpg)

They should have gotten together.

No. 2372802

heolkek then whatever

No. 2372804

I dont care to hide myself across imageboards tbh, i have the same stuff to say here and in other places

No. 2372806

This is part of the problem. Certain anons can't gate keep at all and shoutout any female ib constantly instead of using euphemisms like >>2372784 did. It invites raids and moids to colonize them.

No. 2372808

>says the name so flagrantly
This is why secret, insular female only imageboards will never catch on.

No. 2372810

>or whatever the new name is

No. 2372812

That mindset is why the name shouldn't be shared.

No. 2372813

they call eachother femoids there, its like wanting to protect the integrity of the soy chan

No. 2372814

This is a kpoptard imageboard, who the fuck wants to use that kek

No. 2372816

on the pirate ib? oh hell nah they got a tranny running that shit!

No. 2372817

>if we dont say the name and only use euphemisms, they wont find it and wont raid it!
this doesn't make any sense. the same hoops that i would go through to find it a troon would too

No. 2372818

They also call each other roasties

No. 2372822

i am glad they kicked them out of here, they are pure aids

No. 2372824

Beeped at three people today who don't understand indicators, traffic lights and road positioning and all of them came out of the university. Retard alert! Woo woo

No. 2372825

The ayrt was talking about the kpop board. The admin of the nautical ib already posted hand pic and a vocal recording to the site for transparency reasons. She also uses voice chat during the town halls and it's pretty obvious she's a normal woman.

No. 2372826

Stop lying, it's not that retarded board.

No. 2372827

someone on crystal cafe said the name is 18 characters long. the old crystal cafe threads here where they talked about making it suggested they use a funny pun name for it, we know it ends in .net so maybe its something dumb like fi.shing.net but longer idk

No. 2372830

The admin also lusts after some plastic faggot who bullied women, it truly is a blessing that kpopfags are banned

No. 2372831

Start thinking of nautical/pirate puns

No. 2372832

Is CC free of cp spam right now? I want to dig around for the name of the board but I don't want to end up seeing that shit.

No. 2372834

Fuck it im making my own nautical IB since i love nautical things. Or a western theme.

No. 2372835

Why not post it in the designated autosaged thread?

No. 2372836

Snails dead..you have to let cc go nona..

No. 2372837

like? literally cant think of anything that fits

No. 2372838

Already dug best I could. Many of us nonnies are on the case. I think it was bait/fake, maybe the site is still in progress. Kind of fucked up that they'd post that and leave, they're probably laughing at us on there

No. 2372840

>Lolcow.Farms in the Mystery of the Nautical IB
This is the most fun I've had on here in days. A part of me doesn't want anyone here to find it and go blabbing here, but good luck and have fun.

No. 2372841

something like piratescove? I remember when the idea of a new in was being discussed and that was one of them.

No. 2372842

thats… not even close to a pun

No. 2372844

The post said the pun was suggested, not that they actually did it

No. 2372845

Wait, wait. Don't you remember the roots? Where LC and all of the other similar female oriented boards come from? It was nautical, but I can't think of any puns or huge ass names.

No. 2372846

What if it isn't a pun too? It's 18 characters long and we do know it's pirate and nautical theme so give or take it'll include words such as
>seven seas
and so forth, we can't forget possibilities of the naming being similar to lolcow.farms.

No. 2372849

Okay, not exactly a pun, but more of a theme

No. 2372850

dead (wo)man tell no tales
seawoman? seadogs? voyage? ahoy? mate? matey? treasure? island? parrot

No. 2372851

If it has nothing to do with seagulls then it can't be that good.

No. 2372854

how THE FUCK are we supposed to find it with the hint being "natical themed, 18 chars and ends with .net"
it can literally be hoypiratebooty.net

No. 2372856

it better fucking have seagulls and eyepatches and a containment board for scurvy catchers and peg legs and rum and a vast ocean

No. 2372857

Is it 18 char in total including the .net or is only the name 18 char?

No. 2372858

What I wonder is if the name itself is 18 characters long or is it entire web address that's 18 characters long?

No. 2372859

if they count https as a character they are retarded

No. 2372860

I vaguely remember ideas about a nautical imageboard being discussed in the august 29th incident bunker threads, but I didn't think it would actually happen.

No. 2372862

File: 1738259902447.png (149.55 KB, 936x499, confused wagie gets called by …)


No. 2372863

How are there so many retards that dont know how inspect element works.

No. 2372864

Kind of sad the admin did a big fuck you to all of her supporters/contributors in the thread. Not trying to neg but still?

No. 2372865

If it was talked about there then there are already moids on it.

No. 2372867

It didn’t exist then. It was created in October.

No. 2372869

it was discussed way before that too

No. 2372870

are you autistic

No. 2372871

that filename has me howling

No. 2372876

some nonny needs to snitch

No. 2372878

actually braindead

No. 2372882

Yeah, the idea was born here so it should be shared here.

No. 2372883

Yeah but from what I remember, people in the one of cc bunkers were talking about how a new imageboard needs to be made, and someone suggested a nautical theme. Obviously this was before anything actually started properly being planned out though (if the site is even real), so it's unlikely to be a lead unless someone suggested a name that did end up being used.

No. 2372886

wait where the fuck was this posted? I've never seen that theme

No. 2372889

its probably a screenshot from the nautical ib making fun of our attempts to find it

No. 2372890

It just looks like a theme that got fucked up by a dark mode browser extension.

No. 2372891

Honestly I used to think they where annoying until my neighbor gifted me one (long story short, her chihuahua got pregnant altough she was spayed, and she didn't wanted to sell her puppy) and I gotta admit she is a sweetheart,she loves her dog sisters and I never seen her being agressive at all. I love that dumbass.

No. 2372892

There was some nonny that was able to de-censor a chat shared in addy's thread through some filters. I haven't figured out how to do it because I tried to brighen/contrast/etc. that screenshot and it didn't reveal anything. Maybe I'm using the wrong method but someone else could try?

No. 2372895

Sure, post what you want to decensor

No. 2372898

it's from the junkuchan bunker thread

No. 2372899

the url of the new ib that's censored here >>2372534

No. 2372906

I bet they're laughing at this over there right now and are glad we can't find it

No. 2372909

Is it true that Cerbmin is a real homosexual in his mid 30s??

No. 2372911

i just want cerbmin dox kek

No. 2372916

that's what i want to know too.
maybe we are lucky one day. i have been improving my social skills but everyone i interact with in rl is a normie. it's nice that they don't talk about troons, but we usually don't share interests

No. 2372919

I found it. This shit is deader than fujochan, whats with the theatrics about it?

No. 2372924

are you trolling. i think youre trolling. post some caps from that ib

No. 2372925

File: 1738261895507.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait.jpg)

No. 2372926

drop name however you can im still curious, idk post and delete after 5 minutes or something

No. 2372928

Don't tease. Post screenshots.

No. 2372931

If you really found it, post the full version of the page shown in >>2372534

No. 2372932

moids will flood the site if anon does that. it's better to be left unknown even if it sucks for us nonas left behind

No. 2372933

apparently the admins here are really, really sick. i cant be here anymore, even on vpn, and i hope one day nautical IB can shelter us if it even exists. apparently a troon hosts there too, but theyll deny it

No. 2372936

File: 1738262079831.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1113x1288, fbef7ef1f7a0a346ca5b7f0c944ea9…)

I saw her! I was worried I'd be awkward but it was like we didn't just spend the last 3 months in an ldr, it was all so natural. She got me so many things. She is so cute, she looked so pretty. She said she loves me a lot. I missed chewing on her thumb, I missed her!

No. 2372937

I think it's the sharty, as in soyjak.party

No. 2372938

Pics or it didn't happen.

No. 2372940

What do you mean by "really, really sick"? Post caps and elaborate, otherwise there's no point in posting this

No. 2372941

>t. janny trying to distract us

No. 2372942

You can't just say that and not elaborate.

No. 2372944

Dont snitch no matter how much they beg

No. 2372945

can you please post proof? even if jannies delete it anyone with this thread open will see it before they do. please you gotta protect us

No. 2372948

ngl the riddle one would be cool but then again if it's supposed to be female only they can't give hints on this infested site

No. 2372949

proof or it's fake. someone posted something similar on CC with no proof either

No. 2372950


Shut up nautitranny admin, im posting the link once i confirm its been found

No. 2372951

I have a feeling this is going to end by either
>Anon will have claim to have found it, tease everyone in the thread for not finding it and not post it. Another Anon will post the link right after.
>A Anon will find it, post the link, and everyone here will flood the site for 2-3 hours before getting bored and rarely touching the site again but the site will never remain the same.
>It will be revealed that there isn't a board and that the image board actually died and self-imploded due to discord drama. Anons will claim to have found it and it will become a in joke here.
>Alternatively, the board never existed and that screenshot is fake.
>Anon will find the site, but will be banned if posting the link or anything to damning because Cerbmin doesn't want her(?) doxx to leak because it has the most degenerate, cowish, and disgusting information possible that will cause many users to flee.
>Nautical poster will come here, post a vague riddle in order to find the site. It's too hard, and because 95% of posters on this site have poor reading comprehension it is never found.

No. 2372953

This all feels like a big gayops

No. 2372954

Maybe this is all a plot to get people to post on LC again

No. 2372956

File: 1738262392343.png (41.89 KB, 1013x371, screenshot.png)

This has the potential to be the first LC shitstorm of the new year, provided it isn't trolling

No. 2372957

I'm starting to think the discord thing above said is true. Didn't someone mention a discord group earlier being related to this? A nonnie had a female only discord they made on the friend finder tread. Not sure

No. 2372961

fwiw i can't find any results by searching the text of the page anon posted the screenshot of, i can find lolcow pages using the same method so idk if they're hiding it from search or what. that's about as far as my snooping skills go

No. 2372963

I haven't been this excited since yuripedo's doxx kekk, someone needs to find that ib ASAP

No. 2372964

if anon actually had that proof they'd just post it, they are just attentionwhoring. the crystal cafe jannies hate lolcow they'd definitely let whatever proof stay up there

No. 2372965

Its fake because they would have already posted a tiny bit of proof of the dox by this point

No. 2372966

Lolcow arg

No. 2372967

That's what I'm thinking too. I have a feeling that either the site in its entirety doesn't exist, or that this whole cerbmin stuff is a attempt at baiting because if it's "worse than we can imagine" then you would assume at least someone would've posted or even told us what is it that's so bad. This is some Cicada 3301 Polybius shit and it's actually unnerving me.

No. 2372970

the people who decided the admins were "ashley jankowski" spammed meta for weeks but the people who apparently have proof the admin is a sicko raping kids or whatever don't post it anywhere but a super secret imageboard that nobody can prove exists? suuure I believe it.

No. 2372973

File: 1738262841693.gif (18.75 KB, 130x130, pirate.gif)

pirate ib is a psyop

No. 2372974

Even though I consider myself alt/casual goth I can't stand other goth content creators. You would ever guess I was based on my fyp except for interior design things. It's just most are unhinged, too ugly to stare at or are just ethots. That and the "advice" they give others is absolute shit or common sense. Hate it

No. 2372977

If there is a board don't visit without a VPN in case this is some sort of tranny operation to get farmer IPs. They're trying to get nonnies riled up over some sort of horrible secret they refuse to elaborate on.

No. 2372978

try writing it in 1337 then

No. 2372979

baiting retard

No. 2372980

post an image with the name in it (if youre not lying)

No. 2372982

don't bother posting it here, if we can't find it for ourselves, then we were never truly worthy.

No. 2372983

fake and gay

No. 2372984

Post an image, link to a pastebin. Hell, make a Youtube video and link that. You know there are ways around it.

No. 2372985

There’s only one I watch with a couple thousand subs. She is more eclectic and doesn’t just make videos about goth subculture. But she’s a recovering nlog.

No. 2372986

File: 1738263061515.png (2.36 KB, 244x226, 1348764844816.png)

i doubt its real but i wish it was

No. 2372987

>guys i found it but every time i try to type the name the deep state pulls up in a van and starts breaking down my door!!

No. 2372988

The imageboard name?

No. 2372989

File: 1738263111669.jpg (31.15 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1392352614-612x612…)

Right? This is getting interesting, retardation be damned.

No. 2372990

I might be interested then. I like to have youtube on for background sound. I've been listening to Soda pets on YT or horror movies.

No. 2372991

Was a post deleted?

No. 2372993

Yeah, an anon said “everytime I try to post the name it gets auto deleted”

No. 2372994

The post was just some retard claiming that they were trying to post a link to the ib but it kept getting auto deleted.

No. 2372997

it could be the anon deleting the posts themselves to cause more drama, hasn't been anywhere near thirty minutes since it was posted

No. 2372998

>2372976 now deleted
She deleted it herself, right?

No. 2372999

Wait… what's going on itt? First I discover my entire inner social circle and family have been completely oblivious to the airplane crash that happened like 15 hours ago, and now there's talk of evil admins, doxes, and janny conspiracy? Wtf? What's happening?

No. 2373000

if they were actually trying to silence discussion they would be deleting the rest of us talking about her post and not just deleting her post that says "jannies deleting". it's dumb bait, I guess mods are asleep

No. 2373001

>retards falling for this obvious bait
anons are right, lorcor is dead. No one posting ITT and falling for this ruse can be older than 18.

No. 2373002

cerbmin is deep state

No. 2373003

Either something really stupid and retarded or something really unnerving and serious.

No. 2373005

Nonny… your time has come. We are in a simulation. This world is a fabricated reality.

No. 2373006

What plane crash?

No. 2373007

Is an anon accusing admins of being pedos? Idgi.

No. 2373008

File: 1738263404000.jpg (213.65 KB, 1080x466, 82837473838.jpg)

Their supposed reasoning for not posting it

No. 2373009

No. 2373013

Her YT is THE MOST CANCELLED MAN ALIVE. She’s desisted but she still lets people in the comments refer to her with male pronouns. pretty sure she’s a farmer but stopped after people recognized her posting style, she has a recognizable cadence

No. 2373014

Sure, I don't believe it.

No. 2373016

but if the convos are already serious enough that anons would never use the site again what's the point of holding out, unless janny is trying to scrape enough evidence to actually report cerb to authorities or whatever?

No. 2373017

>The thread contains intimate details that would reveal her identity to cerbmin…
But why would someone post private information/self doxx in some thread on a dead website instead of emailing back and forth or just texting with the people they’re trying to communicate with?

No. 2373020

Isn't posting that already damning too?

No. 2373021

seems fake, I doubt they have enough staff to have 4 different mods just for /w/

No. 2373022

So there's a janny doing a sting on the admins for illicit behavior and conversations?…

No. 2373028

So, what are you all's bets on Cerbmin's skeletons? I'm going to guess bullying and embezzlement.

No. 2373031

Fuck, I have no idea lmao. Maybe posting without their admin tags?

No. 2373032

Is blue beards wives the site? I tried bluebeardswives.net but got nothing.

We should report posts on /w/ to send her coded messages so she knows she has our support

No. 2373034

The military helicopter and civilian jet crash in Washington D.C.

No. 2373036

I'm a lesbian and I have no gag respect and I think it is the funniest thing ever. I have also had a few male doctors say some weird things to me. Like this I was getting swamped for strep and he was like "wow your going to make someone very happy one day" bro I was leterly a miner and the time and didn't understand what he meant by that until years later.

No. 2373040

File: 1738263896862.jpg (48.29 KB, 720x480, 1684921020362160.jpg)

>post number 301696
>on an imageboard made in october with less than 1k monthly visitors
you guys are actually mentally challenged fuck you for derailing the thread with this retarded crap. I fucking hate zoomies.

No. 2373041

The screenshot is from crystal cafe, retard.

No. 2373042

You have to be 18 to post here

No. 2373043

this is cc

No. 2373044

I'm pretty sure that screencap is CC

No. 2373045

it's from cc

No. 2373046

File: 1738263954724.jpg (131.43 KB, 800x1628, object.jpg)


No. 2373048

that's from cc

No. 2373049

Seeing anons calling this "unnerving" is so pathetic

No. 2373051

can something intersting come out of this already

No. 2373052

>less than 1k monthly visitors
it gets 600 unique visitors a day according to the screenshot

No. 2373053

File: 1738264111305.png (572.44 KB, 986x920, cece.png)

>letrely a miner

No. 2373054

I think that was just one, probably in on the bait for just genuine autismo.

No. 2373055

>We should report posts on /w/ to send her coded messages so she knows she has our support
All the other jannies and farmhands will see it and it'll become an even bigger issue for everyone involved, including whoever reports said posts.

No. 2373056

Too late I already made like 50 reports I really wanted to encourage her

No. 2373059

Nta but enjoy the incoming bannerino.

No. 2373061

you are still retards for not knowing what inspect element is. You are on the level of boomers who get scammed by indian moids.

No. 2373062

It's fine I made them from 50 different VPN IPs so she'd think she had lots of friends

No. 2373063

Dunno, I’m enjoying watching anons fall for it

No. 2373065

same anon I've been stirring shit up on all the other imageboards too I'm having a great time kek

No. 2373066

You know farmhands are monitoring this thread and reading every post right? This is a gayop anyway

No. 2373067

Kek anon

No. 2373068

To be fair, if this is all true the last thing the moderators/cerbmin will want to do is acknowledge it.

No. 2373069

>you are still retards for not knowing what inspect element is. You are on the level of boomers who get scammed by indian moids.

No. 2373070

File: 1738264469259.png (6.25 KB, 410x168, bluebabe.png)

Are you dumb? the main theme setting is supposed to be a SEA

No. 2373071

No. 2373074

To what end? You need the url of the site you want to inspect, dumbass. What is lc's HTML going to tell us?

No. 2373076

>they can use emoticons
already better than lc

No. 2373077

what's this?

No. 2373081

lmao retard

No. 2373082

File: 1738264686203.jpg (263.86 KB, 900x900, pasture it.jpg)

>they're discussing the secret ib!!
pasture it

No. 2373083

If they really cared and any of this was real, farmhands would come here and shut this conversation off immediately. Then whoever is trolling would probably continue over CC.

No. 2373084

she doesnt look bogged enough 6/10

No. 2373088

she doesnt need to be, her site code is bogged enough

No. 2373094

I want to believe

No. 2373095

No, no you don't understand. Think about it, if what this secret imageboard is true and what that Crystal Cafe poster here >>2373008 said is true, then the very last thing the moderators or admin would want to do is acknowledge or bring any attention to it because at this point, it's more advantageous to both sides to let us retards argue and fight than actually find that board. If, and if this is all true, we find that board then
>cerbmin's dox and by proxy some really fucked up information about cerbmin will leak to the greater LC userbase
>the mole farmhand will be outted and won't complete her expose on cerbmin.
This is all if everything we've learned is true though.

No. 2373098

File: 1738265005121.png (9.89 KB, 827x93, fuck off fakers.png)

Fake screenshot. You will never find us.

No. 2373099

Kek why are you getting so offended like anyone would know that from the one screenshot that was shared

No. 2373100

so the theory about the tranny farmhand may turn out true huh?

No. 2373101

So we're not all terminally online autists like you, get over it. Tell us how inspect element accomplishes anything if you're so smart.

No. 2373103

Wouldn't it be better to let us believe the fake screenshot though?
tranny and worse.

No. 2373104

it's just what a lot of anons want to believe whether or not it's true

No. 2373106

>zoomies cant google

No. 2373108

>10 months ago

No. 2373110

>we must protect the whistleblower at all costs
Kek, if this is real then whatever they have on the admin is most likely some dumb discord drama shit. If it was something serious, then they would've took action and it would've been posted somewhere (not even here necessarily, but CC for example) to protect the people that use this site and prevent admin from causing any more harm. Fraudulent and homosexual.

No. 2373111

as if they could keep a secret for ten months

No. 2373112

Inspect element allows you to locally edit the text on a web page, meaning you can get it to display whatever you want and then take a screenshot. I'm not sure what that anon is trying to imply though, I'm guessing that it's a screenshot from some random site but with the text edited to look like it's from the supposedly fake nautical one?

No. 2373113

What I know from the discord chat
>nautical/pirate themed
>/ho/, /ar/, /deck/, /sail/
>ocean themed
>banned anons are sent to "walk the plank"
>at least one tranny janny because its admin's autistic brother
>daily discord fights

no thanks

No. 2373115

why are you lying

No. 2373116

Sounds like a nightmare

No. 2373117

kek , a pirate theme ib sounds fucking retarded unless its for sharing pirated shit

No. 2373118

No. 2373119

>a pirate theme ib sounds fucking retarded

No. 2373121

Post it then bitch or you'll walk the plank

No. 2373122

pics or it didn't happen

No. 2373124

Imagine stumbling upon it, thinking someone there might know where to find an obscure movie you wanna watch, but it's self-identified femcels role-playing pirates. The disappointment would kill me.

No. 2373125

>at least one tranny janny because its admin's autistic brother
if that's true that's pathetic. it shouldn't be so hard to have one website without a degenerate cooming to cp every day. use a normal moid admin at least

No. 2373128

File: 1738265947362.jpg (48.5 KB, 313x400, AHHH.jpg)


No. 2373130

Stop letting these fake posts distract you. We need to get to the bottom of this so we can find out what fucked up shit "cerbmin" is doing behind the scenes.

No. 2373131

This is so fucking autistic kek

No. 2373132

it’s literally not real

No. 2373133

ain't it great

No. 2373134

Someone did say it was on tumblr so I'm going to check there

No. 2373135

This is 100% done by Cerbmin/Null to distract you from the fact its almost february and we dont have the results for the Lolcow Awards.

No. 2373136

What if it's all troons

No. 2373137

hilarious cos the real new image board is actually ninja themed

No. 2373138

No. 2373139

oh fuck off with the retarded null conspiracy theory, only newfags can possibly believe this because the admins have posted his cringy emails begging to be affiliated with this site over the years. he used to post here himself and get banned all the time. also null can actually code kek

No. 2373140

>Stop letting these fake posts distract you. We need to get to the bottom of [what fake posts told me]

No. 2373141

Oh my God, this is a Schrodinger's cat of an imageboard. Nothing is true but true at the same time.

No. 2373142

File: 1738266391507.png (108.01 KB, 316x237, IMG_3590.png)

i love my real new image board

No. 2373143

cerbmin is just null, lowtax and shoe on a trenchcoat

No. 2373144

File: 1738266442838.gif (507.18 KB, 640x640, surenull.gif)


No. 2373146

i need chadification edit anon rn, i need her to help me visualize how null looks now that hes a skinny legend and no longer a deathfat

No. 2373147

File: 1738266519752.jpeg (365.71 KB, 1242x1927, IMG_3591.jpeg)

No. 2373148

actually its space themed

No. 2373153


No. 2373155

File: 1738266666122.png (230.55 KB, 720x1443, 1.png)

searched for it and all I got was garbo posts about lolcow

No. 2373157

>women imageboard

No. 2373159

he really has a fetish for misandrist women, huh?

No. 2373162

File: 1738266967945.png (265.31 KB, 730x506, img-2025-01-30-19-55-27.png)

someone just posted this on another ib, I think it's actually real

No. 2373163

the new caps posted are so fake, nonnies give it a rest.

No. 2373164

What is going on in this thread

No. 2373165

>another ib
which one? the ninja-themed one? kek

No. 2373166

why do these pickmes always praise the most sexist men on earth, mark millar, really?

No. 2373167

This looks like the same red scribble as the original poster AND you can't like inspect element on mobile and this is a mobile screenshot
I believe it anons. She's stupid to keep leaking stuff though

No. 2373169

Freudian slip

No. 2373170

i believe it, he seems to have the hots for that lidl girl from the moid farms. I ship them.

No. 2373171

Really bored anon wants to mess around today

No. 2373172

with inspect element you can make the site look like if it was on mobile, nonnie probably edited the safari and fake mobile sc together

No. 2373173

no bitch you cant read

No. 2373176

File: 1738267392436.jpg (116.61 KB, 520x839, people-at-walmart-dressed-bad.…)

America nonna here. I was going to the store today and I remember 10 years ago it was like half the people were overweight and obese. Now? Every single person in the store was chonky. It actually helps me stay fit because when I see these people waddling down the aisles I choose healthier options and stay out of the snack areas.

No. 2373178

i believe in the lolcow deepstate

No. 2373180

File: 1738267429479.jpg (80.29 KB, 465x604, KE0f6j11cHM.jpg)

I hope one day we can have a new ib

No. 2373181

i would be morbidly obese if i was american, i would waddle from work to chipotles to taco bell to wendy's to burger king, not mcd i dont like it, to hooters to kfc then go home

No. 2373182

I sailed with secrets, hidden and deep,
In corners of the net where whispers creep.
A man with a beard, both blue and strange,
Kept us in silence, locked in our cage.

Our stories were drawn, in shadows and ink,
Shared in hidden spaces where fujos think.
The door we couldn’t open, the room we never knew,
Where all our tales turned a darker hue.

Who were we, bound by fate’s cruel thread,
With only our images, left silent and dead?

No. 2373183

File: 1738267586293.png (45.53 KB, 275x191, 1738267451153.png)

someone on cc posted another pic

No. 2373184

why would you go to hooters kek

No. 2373187

File: 1738267626749.jpg (65.38 KB, 1280x720, boomy.jpg)

damn they got boomy the cat?

No. 2373188

File: 1738267685067.gif (2.45 MB, 480x270, 34230948093.gif)

This is not fun anymore.

No. 2373189

I don't blame you. Resturants are everywhere lol. When you step outside you smell it. Drives me crazy.
I'm kinda picky now, or the sludge they pass off as food changed. McDonalds here is gross now and baked goods/coffee in America doesn't slap like it used to. It tastes like "food". My weakness is texas road house and Oppa grill.

No. 2373190

Anon her post didn't even have an 'e' kek. You added that

No. 2373192

surely somebody can edit these pics to somehow show whats underneath the red censor
I'm trying but I can't for the life of me figure it out kek

No. 2373193

>same time
>same battery percent
so they either screenshotted the images at the same time and held onto them to post an hour later, or they edited them then posted

No. 2373195

File: 1738267747279.jpg (5.38 KB, 275x183, kyat.jpg)

My friend threw her fries at a street cat to get it away from me because I'm scared of cats kek. I thought it was really sweet

No. 2373196

If the thing censoring the text is somewhat transparent, then yes. If it's block colour, no.

No. 2373199

>tfw i've already consumed 750 calories, its 3 pm and been sedentary all day due to classes

im killingmyself

No. 2373200

File: 1738267844031.webp (497.96 KB, 580x813, sh-2.webp)

to meet sonic

No. 2373203

your friend is a hero kek

No. 2373204

No. 2373205

File: 1738267895366.png (11.49 KB, 1765x147, vivaldi_Ogsd0mQ2tn.png)

No. 2373206

this is the biggest psyop in lolcow history kekkkk

No. 2373208


No. 2373209

File: 1738267979765.jpg (466.69 KB, 2560x1707, Sonic-Prototype.jpg)

I'll forever be dissapointed that Sonic never did a collab with Sonic. They already serve chili dogs and have onion rings. They even have bright blue slushies and drinks. Like, come on.

No. 2373212

taco bell's meat definitely changed. it doesn't taste like actual meat anymore and they barely chop it

No. 2373214

File: 1738268020058.jpg (150.33 KB, 730x506, NEWSC.jpg)

they posted another one

No. 2373215

they can’t collab they aren’t seperate entities

No. 2373216

i hope sega buys it out and makes it a forever themed sanic restaurant

No. 2373217

File: 1738268065747.png (498.33 KB, 1460x500, img-2025-01-30-20-14-03.png)

These are so fake.
>exact same time and battery
>the scribble in the top bar is pixel perfect identical in both pics
>the crop of each screenshot is pixel perfect identical in both pics
>header font in both images is a different size

I think we got baited anons…

No. 2373218

File: 1738268111075.jpg (28.57 KB, 500x500, real eyes.jpg)

No. 2373219

File: 1738268119739.png (304.35 KB, 1018x853, Untitled41_20250130221428.png)

needed to check something, if I fucked up let me know

No. 2373220

the way it took nona an hour to hand draw the oceans to fake this

No. 2373221

The discord arent sending their best

No. 2373222

wow this looks 100% legit

No. 2373223

>didnt inspect element

No. 2373224

It took you this long for you retards to realize you were being baited? the absolute state of this site

No. 2373225

they forgot to post it elsewhere the first time around to pretend they grabbed it from cc lol

No. 2373226

Kek, the different size fonts… the stray pixels… this is very real!

No. 2373227

No. 2373228

I've tried searching the text from the screenshot shared itt and also nothing comes up, in any browser. The admin could've hidden it from the results, but I'm 99% sure we're all being baited by some bored anon who's having the time of her life right now kekk

No. 2373229

When I was a teen I worked at tacobell. They don't list the full ingrediants but there is meat in it, but a lot of it is filler with flour and god knows what. I use to gag pulling the frozen meat packs out of the boiling water because it stinks so bad. The only thing I loved eating was the fiesta potatoes. The cheese wasn't cheese but they're so good.

I wouldn't even be mad

No. 2373230

File: 1738268317511.png (2.71 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_3592.png)

farmhands right now

No. 2373232

Nonnas…. please you're fucking KILLING ME there's no fucking pirate boaaard

No. 2373233

File: 1738268354516.jpg (49.42 KB, 550x412, bd0cb72c32b2a92fdd2b33f2f7fa12…)

Most non-Americans don't know the most hilarious fatass secret of all. In the south, almost every gas station is also an ice cream shop. So you have to frequently stop for gas, since we drive everywhere, and there's an ice cream shop just tempting you with its topping bar. The topping choices will be ridiculous, and the gas station that I go has mounds of baklava available as a topping.

No. 2373234

why is all this not banned for derail but posting your random thought is?

No. 2373236

>implying farmhands have soul and can feel joy
they are probably stomping their diabetus ridden stomps in anger realizing they have to ban anons for baiting and clean up all this shit

No. 2373238

good dogs together go wild

No. 2373242

File: 1738268558148.jpg (40.39 KB, 550x309, 20160929-155315-largejpg.jpg)

America nonna here. I can confirm, but it's actually worse (or better)
most gas stations have full on resturants inside. The one near me has a popeyes in it. Others have like pizza places or sub shops. So you stop for gas, smell some friend chicken, and your fat ass goes to eat when it was suppose to be a quick stop. kek, the system is literally designed to make you fat

No. 2373243

Hopefully the vet clinics I just sent my CV to respond soon so I can stop wasting my entire afternoon looking for an ib that doesn't even exist kek if this doesn't scream chronically unemployed i don't know what will

No. 2373245

pretty sure it's a psyop. the theme in these >>2373217 is pretty different from the theme in >>2372534 it's sea foam green vs plum and blue. either trolls from here like >>2373098 or trolls from that ib freaking out that it was mentioned here and trying to throw us off the trail.

No. 2373246

File: 1738268623019.gif (6.43 MB, 640x438, pepe-pirate.gif)

this is all so conveniently cryptic and mysterious

No. 2373248

File: 1738268654492.jpeg (80.92 KB, 867x1390, IMG_3595.jpeg)

the farmhand in /w/ catching all these strays today

No. 2373250

I was talking to my boomer dad about how much I loved the food at the konbini when I went to Japan and he started ranting about how the South has good food at the gas station too and it made me kek because he's not wrong.

No. 2373253

File: 1738268693320.gif (84.99 KB, 220x164, sailor-moon.gif)

I never realized how difficult cleaning an apartment is on my own. I shouldn't have accumulated so much junk. This is also opening my eyes about my past spending habits. I bought so much stuff (mostly cheap clothes) that I really don't need.

No. 2373257

File: 1738268788040.webp (8.31 KB, 294x200, 7038ff_27ac0db2752c40e18c5f80b…)


No. 2373264

File: 1738268973001.jpg (12.74 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)

Speaking of gas station food. I'm upsetti cuz I heard a rumor that 7/11 was bought by Japan and we'll have Japanese snacks and dinners in there. I'm so sad because it's probably never going to happen

No. 2373266

>comparing an acclaimed male storyteller with amateur fic writer women to prove males are superior
They've been doing this since time immemorial. Also Frank Miller is a misogynist, which of course earns him points in pickme's eyes.

No. 2373268

apparently its already begun slowly rolling out

No. 2373270

men will do the absolute bare minimun like not make their female characters get raped and stored in freezers to give the male protagonists motivation and pickmes will lick their wounds and claim they are so feminist and so much better than women that just do writing or art for a hobby and arent hurting anyone

No. 2373273

Moid authors will literally force their much younger employee to each feces for sexual gratification and there will still be pickmes defending him. Also kek at that post saying that anyone is claiming that "Jimin ABO" is empowering. Who the fuck is saying that?

No. 2373274

Needs to slowly roll into my town cuz yum.

No. 2373276

Love getting a text from the royal mail saying my legal weed is arriving tomorrow lol. The only benefit of childhood trauma is getting previously prohibited drugs at a cheaper rate than the black market.

No. 2373277

they have such a weird obssesion with ABO, when in reality is a niche within a niche

No. 2373281

My older brother has no idea how fat I really am… he was guessing how much I was trying to lose to reach my goal weight and he guessed 10kg… lad, I have 30kg of excess weight on my body

No. 2373296

They should compare fanfics to amateur moids coom stories. ABO would seem like art.

No. 2373304

File: 1738270148276.jpg (181.2 KB, 1368x313, Screenshot_1.jpg)

first thing that came to mind is that 3 million word, 2k chapter harry potter smut fanfic on ao3 kek

No. 2373307

File: 1738270301985.png (226.5 KB, 298x431, me after being transphobic onl…)

>harry potter has a large cock
what being transphobic does to a motherfucker

No. 2373309

No. 2373310

female autism

No. 2373312


No. 2373314

I have unironically seen Tumblr posts that claim ABO is a racist term because of the overlap with the racist word for Aboriginals

No. 2373315

File: 1738270820954.gif (7.7 MB, 500x281, giphy (4).gif)

We're at the halfway point of our internships at my uni, so we were all called in for a review meeting today so we could get some reminders about important dates, talk about our internships, opportunity to the program supervisors about possible issues or complaints about our current internships (in case anyone felt uncomfortable with calling or emailing) so they can step in if needed, etc.
One of the things brought up was how common the feeling of inadequacy you feel as an intern is, while it was just a very brief talk about mindset it was still very validating to know that it's so common it got it's own powerpoint slide kek.
Also went for lunch with a few of my classmates where we talked about this specific feeling of wondering if we are complete dumb dumb idiots that have barely learnt anything during our first year in uni, and barely contained the information we need. I opened up about having a complete breakdown after getting home a few days ago, wondering if I did a grave mistake in choosing this career since I clearly have no talent in it and struggle so much. The others let out a breathe of relief over not being the only ones having these thoughts, but we all promised each other that we are going to call each other next time we have these concerns because we are all in this together. It was such a nice moment that helped me go back to the office later with a revitalized mentality.

No. 2373319

File: 1738270959603.jpg (30.09 KB, 800x888, ABO-Ags-and-Abs.jpg)

Those guys would hate to see this then

No. 2373326

Was extremely bloated while getting some new pyjamas and as I left the store I walked into a glass pane instead of what I thought was the exit and ripped a loud motherfucker of a fart in front of the staff. So that's my day so far.

No. 2373333

This stuff was probably developed by men though (and even it it wasn't it will be assumed it was), things are only problematic when women do it.

No. 2373339

I think (personal income) taxes wouldn't be so unpopular if it was just framed differently. Instead of them taking a chunk of YOUR hard earned money, they should have it set up so that you have a set salary they don't touch - but the more you earn personally the more money you also raise for the state. So the tax is always a separate amount, based on your salary, but never directly part of it.

Psychologically people dislike losing something more than never having had it in the first place, so this way it's like they don't take money away from you but you instead earned bonus money for the state, for free. Your hard work rewards the state too and they don't just steal from you. In the end people pay exactly the same amount of taxes and the government can still fund things normally, but you're not adding the feeling of humiliation and being stolen from that makes people angry.(wrong thread)

No. 2373340

>Erm guys I just found out blood is hecking racist…and blood type is a cisheteronormative measurement developed by privileged scientists and has no value on your self worth anyways

No. 2373364

>Hint: Pearls
Mother of Pearls maybe?

No. 2373368

Genius nonnie, you are absolutely right and you have convinced me. I'm stealing your idea and sharing it with all of my taxlawfag friends.

No. 2373369

File: 1738273128048.gif (1.09 MB, 220x260, 1000032227.gif)

We should turn the pirate imageboard into our own version of Goncharov. Just gaslight as many anons as we can with this psyop. It's too funny

No. 2373374

Agreed, whether it exists or not it's too funny to pass up on

No. 2373380

This is a good way to frame it. Also (and I may be totally retarded for this idea), but I really wish in my ideal world that will never exist that when we're paying our taxes, we could check several boxes where we wanted our money to go, instead of most of it going to the military. Don't like "welfare queens" "stealing" your tax money? Ok, just check education, national parks, whatever, etc. Sure, some people want to fund the military I guess, but if there were like 50 choices and you could vote with your taxes, things might be different and people would argue less about it?

No. 2373383

This doesn’t work for 1099s or business owners. And if abolishing income tax is on the table, I support it. There’s no motivation for me to work more if half of what I earn goes to the gov. This change will make people more productive because they’ll actually get to keep 100% of their money

No. 2373384

No they're not, wtf. A lot of gas stations in the south do sell fresh food but I've never, ever seen one with ice cream. First you guys make up an imageboard, now this…

No. 2373390

I’ve been through Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida several times and I’ve seen a few ice cream stations like that, although hot dog stations were more common.

No. 2373396

>Saying these things are fake when the pirate ib has a whole thread dedicated to plundering ice cream in odd places
The scurvy seadogs speak lies

No. 2373407

pic or it never happened

No. 2373416

OP here, why is the mundane shit thread wrong, I really thought talking about taxes was as mundane and boring as it gets!

No. 2373461

File: 1738277558288.gif (513.19 KB, 320x231, IMG_7980.gif)

squawkers get keelhauled! don’t forget ye’ nonnies

No. 2373463

File: 1738277751017.webp (1.67 MB, 3200x1801, 5E6525A3-DF53-4056-9885-0266D1…)

I’ve seen soft serve machines but not like a frozen yogurt setup as >>2373233 ‘s picrel. When I was in Europe I feel like I saw fast food restaurants attached to gas stations as well so that doesn’t strike me as particularly notable. The most extreme gas station I can think of is probably Buc-ee’s. I guess Wawa is a bit similar to something like a Japanese 7-11? But that isn’t really a standard setup I feel.

No. 2373605

File: 1738282770603.png (1018.44 KB, 1146x1476, Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 3.18.…)

i tried guessing nomansland and found some japanese woman's blog

No. 2373621

Took a shower after a long day of classes. Have to work on a paper now but it’s due at midnight. So regardless of what happens I can go to bed at midnight and sleep in a bit tomorrow.

No. 2373646

I looked on all the GitHubs of popular imageboard software, mass lists of IBs and also on this DNS lookup and couldn’t find anything. This lets you search for any domain name ending in .net and see when it was registered, if someone wants to brute force it maybe I’m leaving it here

No. 2373655

They are building a Bucees near my area and I hope it opens soon. I want to visit one so bad, but I refuse to go to Texas.

No. 2373677

they sell boozey slushies instead of ice cream at the gas station 'round the corner

No. 2373685

How do you bring yourself to do something thats due the same night
As soon as I reach that point I just dont work on the paper

No. 2373698

it was already proven fake nona

No. 2373712

I know it’s fake since no one found it but what was the proof so we can lay it to rest. The photoshopped screengrabs?

No. 2373713

it is so real

No. 2373717

Kek something your cheeto leader would say.

No. 2373719

How could that be when I'm scrolling it right now? Yo ho ho!

No. 2373722

I really wanted it to be true

No. 2373728

do you mean trump anon? i’m not an amerifag

yoo ho ho, these landlubbers be talking out their behinds!

No. 2373737

Samee when the nonnas said a pirate board is for tranasses, I thought but why pirates can be something cute for women too like wtf. Sad.

No. 2373740

Found it

No. 2373751

you lie.

No. 2373785

I’m calling BS on this because some /w/ janny leaked, presumably, DMs that would identify who she was but also stayed on the mod team. If they wanted to protect her they wouldn’t keep the leaks up, doesn’t matter how small/private the IB is someone could always repost them.

No. 2373788

Agreed, and I believe that with a userbase of 600 there would be no way that someone would post about it prior to this.

No. 2373805

its grocery day so I might get some red tea/rooibos since Ive seen many nonas recommend it a lot in different threads. hopefully I end up liking it; Ill update on my opinion and if its good on its own or needs sweetening

No. 2373807

Why was it recommended, just for flavor?

No. 2373820

i really like rooibos! it’s super calming and a nice flavour

No. 2373821

I can’t sleep but I will sleep, must sleep

No. 2373831

Its a caffeine-free alternative warm drink since I'm deciding to taper off due to it interfering with my medications. Coffee used to be my go-to drink and a nona suggested that its flavour notes is closest to what you'd get from coffee (not the actual coffee taste I presume) and I haven't been able to enjoy decaf since it tastes burnt. Somewhat relevant, but I also found out that matcha has a high amount of caffeine in it and I'm looking if theres a more affordable option of a decaf variety aside from the domatcha brand

No. 2373832

Just saw some post about an instagram influencer accidentally linking a brand deal with a popular store where she signed on to make $45k for posting an image and two tiktok length clips or something. And obviously these influencers do more than one deal. What the fuck do they do with all of that quick cash? I’ve never even seen that much. Like that one nonnie said, if I ever had the money, I’d use it to help the neets who want to learn or do “good” in unconventional ways or work on their skills. I’d also help animals. I don’t say this to seem like a saint or something its genuinely what I’d like to do but I say this because again WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY DO WITH THAT MONEY? 45,000 x what? 5 brand deals a month? Do they flush it down the fucking drain? People are sick and greedy. Everyone has a right to their earned money but when you earn that much for so little work at that rate its disgusting(wrong thread)

No. 2373851

And that's just on the advertisements. They buy retarded luxury garments and purses, overpriced skincare and makeup, houses (sometimes multiple) and expensive furnishing and renovations, vacations that cost multiple 10ks, multiple luxury vehicles, cosmetic treatments and surgeries, one influencer I follow just signed her 5 kids up for a 40k/year private school, etc. A few hundrered thousand go to income tax, too. Plenty of things to spend money on. Just to promote overconsumption and be lied to about some skincare product. The influencer is just some random person no better than you are. You're being played like a fiddle, people.

No. 2373867

Better a lackluster product than an automatic F for an absent submission; if its a post secondary assignment every point and grade counts.
Its always advised to pick an option during multiple option tests because not offering anything means a guaranteed failure, regardless if the answer is incorrect you've at least increased the percentage of getting that point by a small margin.
the same concept applies to your paper/assignments.

No. 2373945

Local neet here. Just settled into an online fandom space that hates trannies. A good escape from touching hellgrass.

No. 2373972

my friend is coming over to play a new rhythm game she got today, i'm excited

No. 2374005

What fandom you can be vague for obvious reasons.

No. 2374008

The song "1-800-273-8255" by Logic ft. Alessia Cara, Khalid will always get me crying it doesn't matter if I'm listening to the song or watching the music video it gets me balling because I remember being there questioning my life and hating myself for being gay. This song both got me in the feels and got me off the edge several times. i listen to it every once in a while to remember where I used to be and how far I have come to getting better. if you are struggling rn know you are not alone and even though it doesn't feel like it now, it gets better. you are worth living for. hang in there, please.

No. 2374010

Not sure what the flavour notes are but it doesn’t taste like coffee that’s true. If you want coffee vibes try a bitter tea kek.

No. 2374013

if you get tea, get loose leaf and use a non-plastic infuser

No. 2374031

drink hot barley tea/mugicha

No. 2374050

File: 1738300298369.jpeg (305.95 KB, 1140x1516, 780F78FD-F8B0-419E-B8ED-52156C…)

Kek are you a NC nonny? I’ve never been to Texas but I’ve been to Bucee’s, they’re a lot of fun for the camp factor alone. I always like to get an over the top t-shirt.

No. 2374053

File: 1738300484549.png (989.42 KB, 900x900, 21397739_front_a06_@2.png)

Try dandelion root tea! It's caffeine free and has a similar nuttiness like coffee but the flavour is much more subtle. It might be hard to find, though. This is what my mom gets, picrel.

No. 2374063

careful though i use that as a diuretic

No. 2374066

Why would you refuse to go to Texas? If it's about muh politics have you considered Austin, or how racist you're being considering how many black people live in Texas?(infighting bait)

No. 2374072

I live in NOVA, but they are supposed to be building one near Virgina beach area. I would like to visit NC too though.

No. 2374073

How the most insufferable scrote alive addresses men:

No. 2374078

Just found out today that I'm having triplets. Lots of conflicting emotions!

No. 2374083

congrats and good luck nonna, you've got this ♥

No. 2374084

>huge searing pain in chest, feels like I'm dying
>oh god oh god is it a heart attack should I call an ambulance
>panic for about 2 minutes
>burp and fart at same time
>pain goes away

No. 2374085

NOVA is a nice area of the country! When you get a chopped brisket sandwich and some beaver nuggets think of me and know I wish you peace and prosperity nona.

No. 2374094

Lawfag nona advice: get whatever scrote that impregnated you to contract to take care of the kids no matter what happens to your marriage. Have a "no liability for adultery" clause and everything, in case he tries to pull anything. Pay the money to talk to a family law attorney about this.

t. quadruplet whose deadbeat dad meant that I grew up in the galling bitterness of poverty

No. 2374097

Obesity attack

No. 2374098

are you going to give them names that all start with the same letter

No. 2374105

No. 2374134

name them after the three stooges

No. 2374225

File: 1738311190511.jpg (1.18 MB, 1892x1855, Maurice_Leloir_-_Les_Trois_Mou…)

No no, name them after the Three Musketeers

No. 2374227

no name them after the powerpuff girls

No. 2374244

File: 1738311987963.jpg (87.12 KB, 736x552, 1000001537.jpg)

I do appreciate the advice, I did lie about having triplets (I'm not even pregnant with 1 baby. I'm not pregnant at all.) but you being a quadruplet is so cool! If you shared a sac with one of your siblings, do you feel closer with them than your other siblings? Were you guys not able to get government assistance?
Cat pic as an apology for my fibs.

No. 2374247

File: 1738312147931.gif (2.74 MB, 239x498, 1000022602.gif)

>me observing newfag nonna exposing herself by pretending to be different anons in the Off Your Chest thread, which specifys no replying allowed, during the most dead traffic time on lolcow.
I just feel bad for the racebait that triggered her.

No. 2374251


No. 2374258

Do I get to physically assault you now?

No. 2374259

File: 1738312544033.gif (151.66 KB, 400x299, racewar.gif)

No. 2374262

Well go ahead and schizo post to kick it off proper, kek.

No. 2374267

Piggers is hilarious but so retarded, I for one prefer the term 'mayo monkey', 'walmartians' or 'cream creatures'

No. 2374268

i heard my neighbour playing bagpipes earlier

No. 2374269

Lol none of these have the killing power of the n word

No. 2374276

nonnys were replying to racebait but not my hopefully not a vent post where i ask a question..

No. 2374281

nta where is the question dear nonna

No. 2374285

You need to terrorise him back with something worse. Buy a zurna

No. 2374289

Were they any good?

No. 2374291

>where do you nonnies go when you're feeling lonely
its certainly attention whorey but i don't know where else to ask

No. 2374294

Join in with the sultry and refined sound of the humble vuvuzela.

No. 2374298

i don't know much about bagpipe playing but it sounded like it was in-tune so i guess he was good. i might buy a recorder or something. also my upstairs neighbours have rigorous sex that last for like half an hour sometimes, i don't know how people do that

No. 2374299

random questions thread, stupid questions thread, idk why you'd choose the thread where no one would be allowed to answer

No. 2374301

>sex noise
You're sitting on a musical goldmine anon make it happen!

No. 2374311

you're right nonna, just was in a really bad mood so decided to post there and later rephrased it as a question.

No. 2374316

There goes the neighborhood.

No. 2374323

You should absolutely buy a recorder and play this song when your neighbors start having sex.

No. 2374325

File: 1738314675498.gif (180.23 KB, 220x229, ginniemeow-anime.gif)

TOPKKEEKKK YESS omg i love soul eater.
can you all help me perform the song >>2374315

No. 2374331

File: 1738314876018.jpeg (96.6 KB, 965x1000, 1663993947505.jpeg)

12 men have hit on me through all my life and NONE have been even mildly cute. I want to kms. At this point i wish i was just ugly instead of average so no moid hits on me ever again.

No. 2374334

One bagpipe player can reverse-gentrify an entire postcode. Walking through the valley of greed and tanking real estate value as he goes

No. 2374335

hit on the men you want

No. 2374342

No joke I have put that song and the Excalibur song on repeat and left the house back when I had shitty loud scrote neighbors. Works like a charm. Excalibur is particularly good for discouraging loud sex neighbors.

No. 2374348

kekk you are a genius. i have a big soundsystem in my living room so that will be splendid..

No. 2374355

i find all of them ugly

No. 2374428

I'm gonna have a cheese omelette, bacon, and Brussel sports in the morning. I don't really like eggs but I'm still excited.

No. 2374436

Why such a heavy meal

No. 2374440

I’ll probably eat a bake off roll with garlic butter but it’s nearing lunch. So ya

No. 2374443

I'm sick as fuck, zero appetite, dulled taste and smell, and all lolcow is talking about today in every thread is food…

No. 2374446

It's mostly protein anon, and it won't even be a lot of food.

No. 2374447

File: 1738319505948.jpg (368.86 KB, 2560x2560, 1000001538.jpg)

Feel better soon anon. Idk where you live but maybe you can get something like picrel, they're pop rocks that give you a little immune system boost.

No. 2374477

Thank you anon
I think I've seen something like that in the pharmacy, I'll try it

No. 2374503

this russian moid i befriended who moved to my country a year ago, who doesn't really drink, despite being a 6'2 avg slav male, randomly called me out of nowhere and he is so drunk and it's so funny, he's so fucking esl. i think he's trying to hit on me? but we initially went on a date 6 months ago and agreed we were better as friends.
he is now buying alcohol online and streaming it? he just mispronounced moscato as mosquito KEK

No. 2374509


No. 2374525

>i'm laying on the floor already
>i'm having fun
>i have small three bottles of wodkaa
>i will check my kitchen wardrobe
he is now using a calculator to estimate his vodka/water ratio

No. 2374564

>my country
are you georgian? there's so many obnoxious ztard russian males who moved to eastern europe and the caucasus

No. 2374565

kek i'm australian surprisingly

No. 2374581

File: 1738325063737.png (65.49 KB, 200x255, halfhuman haf monke.png)

>never been into makeup
>go to the dollar store
>see all the shiny makeup with cute packaging
>now want to get into makeup
why is my monkey brain like this

No. 2374586

Probably depends on the country you live in but dollar store makeup tends to be for small kids (to feel "in") and those just trying to get by on low money. Quality wise it might be worse than alternatives. Check out the drugstore and see if those ones are cute too, they'd be a step up

No. 2374590

You should get a bb cream, i like loreals and then find a palette that you has eyeshadow,blush and highlighters to play around with. Oh and mascara to top it off. Bb creams are so much better than foundation imo, lighter consistency and far easier to blend and not look done up

No. 2374591

File: 1738325446324.jpg (1.81 MB, 3889x3024, c-beauty-redflowerbeauty-chine…)

thanks nonny but i dont want to get into makeup. I already have shit skin plus i am lazy and men dont deserve it. I wish they sold actual paint in cute packaging like that, it would drive me bankrupt. I am pretty sure its not meant to be for children though, its chinese and chinese makeup tends to have cute packaging.

No. 2374592

an hmart opened up near me and I went for the first time yesterday
there was more seafood than land meat which is interesting. it's heaven if you're pescatarian
so much tea
not really into ramen so I walked past those aisles, but there were dozens of options compared to the usual nissan/buldak cobonara
they had corn popsicles kek
overall everything felt a little more expensive than generic grocery stores, but it's a nice lil treat to have on occasion

No. 2374593

A bb cream is basically a tinted moisturiser, might help with your skin then if you get one palette you think is cute with a bunch of different applications you can play around with it without investing in a whole lot of shit. Make up can sometimes make you feel that bit more confident even when just dealing with other women.

No. 2374597

File: 1738325714073.webp (20.77 KB, 1001x1001, S1f235244215a4e09b1730956c24a9…)

thanks nonny but i was just being enticed by the cute chinese packaging kek. I bought a cute lip balm shaped like a bear though.

No. 2374598

That is cute I always neglect my lips lol

No. 2374599

corporate overlords are trying to get you to spend money on plastic junk, don't fall for it

No. 2374605

aw thanks nonny but i am not insecure about my looks, i like myself just fine. I just like cute things and those palets have such pretty colors and would look to pretty on my desk.
same! i actually have very dry lips because i drink a lot of coffee so i actually needed. Ofcourse i could have gotten a cheaper, pharmacy lipbalm thats not as cute but shhhh
sorry already bought tons of useless junk >>2372731

No. 2374642

Troons and their cocksuckers being retarded as usual, talking about some "cvnty" trans icon, like
>this character is a non-human mythical being that is genderless
>which is why it validates me, a mentally ill woman with zippertits and a septum piercing/white as mayo man with a period red mullet and a Shrek yuri tattoo

No. 2374667

The first few days of portion control were agonizing but now it’s so easy and I’ve already lost a kilo without having started my workouts. I’ll probably have to start eating a bit more once I do get active though.

No. 2374701

2 of the bands I like are collaborating, but they have different styles and types of fans. One has creepy old males, faggots, and tranny fans because it's an all female Japanese bad, the other is Russian all male band, and the former's fan are losing their shit over this because the Russian band's main singer is homophobic and transphobic. Hopefully this cleanses the fandom from all the gross creeps and keeps the normal bases people only. But I'm probably asking for too much.

No. 2374702

my brain defaulted to atarashi gakko and molchat doma

No. 2374703

Close enough, Babymetal and Slaughter to Prevail. I always wanted this to happen so I can hear a deathcore Babymetal song, so I'm happy it's finally gonna happen.

No. 2374705

oh thats sick actually! it’s awesome babymetal is still going, they’ve been playing so many shows recently

No. 2374726

Atarashi gakko has old male fans?

No. 2374730

Yeah, and they got a bit of a heavier sound now and a new member who maybe can scream. It pisses off the weirdos and I'm here for it tbh. I hope they get even edgier and scare the idolfags who don't actually like metal. They're way worse than metal fans so I'd rather have the metal fans in the fandom than the idolfags. BM is kind of trying to appeal to more female fans as well so it would be great if male fans were slowly pushed out of the fandom, they act so entitled and claim if it weren't for them, BM wouldn't have been popular. I'd rather they gained popularity with normal female fans over the creepy old fags any time.

No. 2374732

Nta, but they're young Japanese girls, ofcourse they do. They were on Babymetal's new radio show recently and I think there's an overlap in the fans. They even want a collaboration between them.

No. 2374743

File: 1738332621094.webm (1.45 MB, 540x540, 1718318519450.webm)

I hope Tammers never stops making videos. Its the only thing keeping me sane.

No. 2374762

I think it's time for me to wash my tumbler again… It's not growing mold or anything but I just smelled the inside, it kinda smells like an aquarium.

No. 2374771

it's so strange to see that word with an e, it somehow looks wrong now

No. 2374839

I’m home alone, what should I do. I’m so bored.

No. 2374866

Damn, I was going to try it, but that's the last thing I need.

No. 2374873

Organize a pinterest board.

No. 2374882

File: 1738338449137.mp4 (1.79 MB, 720x1280, bee shrine.mp4)

I've been taking stacks of vitamins and minerals for a few months now, and it's really making a difference. I have more energy, I have better emotional balance, and my sleep quality is a hundred times better. I always believed people when they said that vitamins were a waste a money, but I definitely had imbalances that weren't being met by my poverty diet that were affecting me physically and mentally.

No. 2374913

I’ve just taken a massive shit after being constipated for days on end. It feels like winning the lottery. God bless.(wrong thread)

No. 2374914

Which ones are you taking?

No. 2374927

Listen to your favorite music as loudly as possible.

No. 2374928

NTA but I’ve had the same experience. I take creatine, l-theanine, magnesium glycinate, methylfolate, a multi vitamin, and omega 3 & 6.

No. 2374936

A multivitamin for adults, zinc, and magnesium.

No. 2374937

So glad that I cut my hair

No. 2374945

magnesium makes me worse, i'm starting to suspect i must be allergic or something. while multivitamins had no effect

No. 2374995

Sing your little heart out anon

No. 2374996

My dad keeps calling his hometrainer "the homo trainer"

No. 2375016

There’s different forms so glycinate might be easier for you. Iirc that’s the one that’s easiest to take. But tbh the only supplement I’m gung ho about is creatine, it’s seriously the best. You could skip the other ones and just take that. It’s given me so much energy! Super cheap too.

No. 2375037

i think it's funny when i go on the home page and can guess exactly which recent pics are from /g/

No. 2375039

I wonder if my feet and hands would still get so cold if I never started smoking.

No. 2375040

come to watch a moovie!

No. 2375077

I’ve never smoked but have poor circulation as well. I had an ex mention that most women make a comment about their feet being perpetually ice cold so I wonder if it’s just more common in women? It wasn’t until he mentioned that that I realized no moids have ever mentioned cold hands and feet that are the same severity.

No. 2375090

File: 1738348163997.jpg (34.36 KB, 736x736, c2e422ae180eae32ddaa34fffd37ef…)

I want to start playing tennis this year. I'm going to buy a racquet and convince my friend to play with me, she's been telling me she wants to be more active so hopefully it should be easy to convince her kek

No. 2375110

You ever notice how rich people will often try to deny that they’re rich, while poor people will try to deny that they’re poor? Bit odd, that.

No. 2375112

yes it would. i never smoked and have the same problem

No. 2375136

Reminder to myself to stop taking extended breaks from drawing because getting back into the groove of things is super difficult and annoying.

No. 2375163

Samefag, my team won the competition! Woohoo! Now I can use lolcow more again.

No. 2375182

Rich/wealthy people larping as poor has been a historical activity for them. People in actual poverty know that being poor is actually shit and the noble genteel poverty is overplayed. No one wants to seem poor lest they be judged…

No. 2375305

I can't imagine a single benefit in exposing one's wealth.

No. 2375314

I want to run a LC-only GMod server that runs once a week on the weekends with changing passwords each session to weed out moids but I don't know how many anons actually like playing Gmod

No. 2375341

I haven't played gmod in ages but I'd play, nona

No. 2375344

I can't find the fucking food thread

No. 2375378

File: 1738358000479.webp (319.27 KB, 3024x4032, inch.png)

i accidentally killed a baby inchworm. and by baby i mean baby, picrel i found on google. i found it on my leg and got nervous thinking it was a pest or something invasive since id never see it before. i hope mother nature doesn't hurt me

No. 2375415

Put it outside so it can decompose and nourish other small organisms like it. Asa lama lakeum, anon.

No. 2375447

Alhumdelilah, anon

No. 2375448

File: 1738361387856.gif (2.14 MB, 177x177, 1697622228790.gif)

I'm so bored I'm deleting a lot of pictures I don't need anymore to free space in my phone. Maybe it will bore me even more until I can finally fall asleep though, that would be nice.

No. 2375465

I won't be vague. The MegMan fandom. It has their fair share of trannies, but I did watch an entire Discord server drive them out openly and call the TiM a pedo to his face. I tried to put on my neutral normie face, saying "What if they can't help it" and I had 5 or so in the Discord server break down to me why TiMs are subhuman. One of them was a moderator telling me. Absolutely surreal and blessed.

No. 2375479

I've been scamming Amazon into giving me refunds so much lately. I'm pretty sure they're gonna end up banning my account lol.

No. 2375511

Slow day on lolcow today huh?

No. 2375515

i’m a gmodfag i am so down, i’ve had experience adminning too

No. 2375526

Just got some peppermint candy and a pizza yesssssssssssss. I'm about to feast while I watch SATC.

No. 2375539

every thread i'm using today is speedy actually, idk why anons keep saying this kek

No. 2375540

just woke up, caught up on lolcor, now i’m rolling around in bed. gonna make an iced coffee(its summer for me right now) and smoke weed and document cows. i love my life

No. 2375545

I love your life too, sounds fun. It's summer here where I'm from as well. Where are you from?

No. 2375553

i’m in australia! i hope you’re enjoying your summer nonnie. i haven’t done much ‘summer’y activities but its okay because i have aircon and a pc at home

No. 2375557

Same! I need to know where you get your weed from please hook me up

No. 2375563

this >>>/ot/2374092 is me nonnie, i gotchu!!!

No. 2375574

File: 1738365386413.jpg (205.94 KB, 1280x720, 2025013112021700_c.jpg)

I GOT RAYMOND!!! OMG I GOT RAYMOND! I wasn't even villager hunting I was just fucking around going to different islands and I looked up and holy shit it's Raymond!! Yay!

No. 2375581

He looks so metrosexual

No. 2375585

If enough are interested, I can do a test run of what it could be like. I'll make a poll in the video games thread on /m/ to garner interest.

No. 2375594

yayy thank you nonna that sounds so fun!

No. 2375629

File: 1738367521865.jpg (121.53 KB, 450x700, 505568-147805855.jpg)

>messages group chat about plane that crashed into strip mall 10 mins ago
>male responses "lol no way"

No. 2375637

sorry i was busy looking for a job

No. 2375644

File: 1738368296466.gif (175.12 KB, 220x120, lazy-cat.gif)

i'm waiting.

No. 2375645

I hope you got your job

No. 2375646

I looked it up just now, what's going on with planes in the US these days? I considered visiting the country for the first time this year but I'll pass.

No. 2375652

I'll do it later promise kek

No. 2375666

My islander side of the family is so accustomed to fatty meat but when I eat it I nearly gag. Unfortunately back home it's the only sort of meat imported so if they wanted meat, it's that. It's no wonder they are all riddled with gout

No. 2375672

Who fucking knows. Why do they act like they didn't believe me when I told them but now they act all sad about it when they said lol. Man I hate my friends.

No. 2375703

I love the tif thread pic kek

No. 2375706

File: 1738372674564.png (328.13 KB, 568x319, Screenshot 2025-01-31 201702.p…)

this has to be fake, i don't believe it.

No. 2375720

congratulations!! I continue to hope for my faves

No. 2375770

The nose and lip work is probably pretty extreme irl but a lot of these surgeons in Turkey or the Middle East who advertise their work use a lot of photoshop, too. I remember reading a post from someone who got plastic surgery in another country and she wasn’t happy with the results, they totally botched her and she pulled up their social media page to show them the quality that she expected and one of the doctors laughed and said something to the extent of “come on, you know that social media isn’t realistic!” I’d take these with a grain of salt.

No. 2375776

any games that nonnas here feel a little silly for playing so regularly? i play alot of roblox and im in my mid-late 20s. don't interact with anyone outside of my younger relatives because it's mostly kids and that'd be weird but it's simple, most games are easier to run and i like to dress my little lego character up lol

No. 2375780

i'm in my early 20s and play roblox when i don't have the energy to hop on a more intensive game. i don't interact or play social games really, there's so many cool hidden gems and fun dressup games

No. 2375802

There's a Roblox thread on /m/. Please use it, anons. But I like playing Horrific Housing with my friend, the rng makes it chaotic and fun to replay. Plates of Fate has an eccentric community and you can find even more games through looking through their profiles. I need more recs. Roblox is just an easy way to pass some time.

No. 2375836

I’m happy there’s people that relate to this lol. I’m 22, and I’ve spent an embarrassing large amount of time on Roblox in my life, and I actually really enjoy it. I wish I had people to play with since all my Roblox friends have grown up and started living their lives

No. 2375953

I wanna go in the vent thread I reply my reply disappears. Idk I just want to vent some more and talk about how miserable I am. Why can’t I do that.

No. 2376006

I lifted and carried a 50 lb bag of sand by myself.

No. 2376007

can you carry me next

No. 2376008

Fuck the derailers in the elon thread but also thanks to the derailers in the elon thread because one of them recommended a docuseries about the dark secrets of the playboy mansion and i am utterly fascinated by it.

No. 2376009

I am a billionaire on neopets kek.

No. 2376010

Maybe if you weren't so ugly.

No. 2376011

so fucking rude i am going to find a stronger nonna to carry me i bet you cant even lift me

No. 2376012

File: 1738399791486.webp (16.17 KB, 680x760, stacy.webp)

Good luck with that. The truth is, I am the most proficient milk-drinker on the farms thus I have the strongest bones. There's not many that come close to me.

No. 2376016

>not being a breatharian.

No. 2376019

Genuinely jealous of you nona, I only have 50mil after blowing a bunch of points on the Hidden Tower mystery capsule things.

No. 2376025

Its really easy to become rich if you wait on the stocks and have a very old account. Thats how i did it. Now i can buy anything i want and its honestly pretty boring lol.

No. 2376030

File: 1738401691071.jpg (113.48 KB, 736x1362, ✥ Bunny Boy Set✥.jpg)

I dl the sims. I am going to make my own playboy mansion with husbandos. Fuck real life i need escapism from this gay earth.

No. 2376032

I actually deleted a lot of pictures, I'll continue today.

No. 2376037

File: 1738402297698.mp4 (356.93 KB, 1018x576, v0f044gc0000ch7agk3c77uf5tkdbb…)

i think i’ll do this when i wake up

No. 2376059

Going to a concert tonight, the farewell tour of a boomer prog rock band, no idea what to expect since the singer hit the wall vocally before I was born and the average age of the spectators will probably be 70, but we'll see.

No. 2376085

In my country when a moid watched dragon ball back when he was a child you can safely assume that he is a low eq lazy ass guy without manners that you can't ever introduce to your parents

No. 2376090

I have a strange tiny bit of skin a few millimetres long on the back of my right hand that's lighter than the rest. It kinda looks like scar tissue but I don't recall ever getting a deep injury that small. Guess I'll never know

No. 2376091

a spider crawled in your hand when you were sleeping

No. 2376098

I have a bunch of scars on my right arm but it's not because I am a self harming bpd chan, it's because I'm a fatty that can't wait to get the fries out if the oven

No. 2376100

File: 1738407542416.jpg (69.49 KB, 879x1000, 1000001588.jpg)

I think I'll finally order one of these machines, I've been craving one so bad. I think it would help me so much, especially because I'm too scared to go to the gym.

No. 2376118

I've been spending a lot of time with my granny it's been so nice. I love her.
Have fun nonnie! What band?

No. 2376127

File: 1738411665923.jpg (479.57 KB, 1388x2082, 73e020f56c4a86221823bc32113b43…)

Nonnas, I have to get passport photos done and I hate it lmao
I hate going to the photographer.

No. 2376128

Get an air fryer like a cool person

No. 2376130

That applies to half of the countries in the world so I get how you feel about them.

No. 2376149

I promised a friend yesterday that I'd show up to her birthday dinner tonight, and I really regret it. Her partner and 99% of her friends are the autistic types that don't really hold conversations and are more the types that wait for their turn to monologue. I don't wanna waste my saturday evening on them.

No. 2376223

File: 1738417998020.jpeg (368.07 KB, 750x636, IMG_3569.jpeg)

Kek the admin of this website is apparently a lolcow. The faggot just decided to post this shit with the link blocked and then never tell anything else about it of course but I really wonder what the website is that has her dox kek(restarting stupid derail)

No. 2376235

So, are you cleaning your phone? I'm not done yet because I never noticed how many duplicate pictures I have. I have no clue how that happened.

No. 2376240

are you stupid, this has been disproven.

No. 2376263

youre late and gay.

No. 2376275

>this has been disproven
Sureee and if it was ever posted here it would be taken down faster than the gore and cp
Post the link before the mods get in!!

No. 2376289

I cant tell if you are retarded, bored or just baiting.

No. 2376401

where have all the good nonnies gone and where are all the gods

No. 2376449

I have light skin but black hair and as a result have to constantly shave my visible upper lip hair "moustache" like a moid. It's embarrassing.

No. 2376455

Anon, we literally filled up the last thread talking about this and nobody was banned or deleted. Shut the fuck up.

No. 2376457

I have the same problem anon! I bleach mine though because shaving that area makes me break out for some reason

No. 2376587

I wish I could do that but bleaching irritates my skin a bit too much unfortunately. Maybe I'll go the laser route, idk.

No. 2376638

File: 1738433786749.jpeg (102.46 KB, 735x723, IMG_5228.jpeg)

I forgot about my bananas from last week but at least now I have the chance to make some scrumptious banana bread.

No. 2376639

They look great from this angle but look at Ariana/PNP. Her profile is crazy. Extreme PS is always noticeable IRL.

No. 2376695

I had a nice smoked brisket sandwich today for lunch. I ate it while sitting on my deck since it’s a nice, sunny day.

No. 2376701

I made a really nice breakfast hash this morning and I actually bothered to parboil the potatoes first for once so it didn't taste like half-cooked potatoes. I feel like a domestic goddess.

No. 2376706

i go up to this coworker from another department when i need help with something and we talk comfortably, i think, about work. but when we pass by each other we dont say hi we just kind of glance at each other. idk how they feel but i feel so awkward.

No. 2376709

say hi then

No. 2376714

i'm in my subway surfers era but also bad at the game

No. 2376715

File: 1738437201126.jpg (10.25 KB, 233x311, 1653006577261.jpg)

I want to order a big meal to bid farewell to my last saturday as a neet, but i dont know what to order. I am going to miss my freedom so much, i wish i was born a millionaire.

No. 2376793

all i want is to get off this plane and get some

No. 2376837

I am finally above 100 pounds, devouring some pastice right now

No. 2376841

I'm so fucking sorry, nonna. Maybe order something you used to have as a treat with your family when you were younger? I hope you can achieve freedom again, and soon.

No. 2376848

>the last thread
This thread actually

No. 2376868

Almost thought this was a waffle iron

No. 2376888

i love the use of the word scrumptious. exactly the kind of word i imagine this kind of dog using. now im picturing this little polite dog standing up on her hind legs and using her little paws to stir chocolate chips into her banana loaf with a big wooden spoon. stupendous post

No. 2376894

I ended up ordering like 15 bucks on fast food and i regret it already ughhh
thanks nonny i had a whopper with big onion rings

No. 2376953

I think I've finally started to really appreciate my eyes. Growing up I would always get complimented on how beautiful my eyes are, I never saw it (partly because they're brown, and thus boring) and those compliments would fizzle out more the older I got.
But now? I'm starting to see that they are actually really pretty. All I needed to do was to FINALLY let go of my beloved black eyeliner.

No. 2377002

File: 1738447639377.png (33.47 KB, 304x488, 1000020009.png)

I like Cherry, but it is taking her such a long time to get the hell out of my house already.

No. 2377029

i have like 19000 pics rn and i dont delete shit after i ss, so yes. espec when i'm using lolcor a lot on my phone, my camera roll is a warzone kek

No. 2377030

The only dog I like is Shep

No. 2377047

friend gave me a sedative for my wisdom tooth removal but I didn't end up needing it so I popped some an hour ago and I feel so fuzzy in the head like my head was concrete but soft

No. 2377127

Ntyart but don't worry, 19k is so little. I have 48k on my phone right now. I'm a data junkie.

No. 2377139

ty nonna. all the normies i meet always freak out at my amount of photos, even when it was only like 9k

No. 2377187

It’s weird having a job that I actually enjoy

No. 2377206

I'm hungry. Making bacon, egg and cheese sandwitch.

No. 2377207

If I had celiac I think I'd just kill myself.
What do you do?

No. 2377208

Getting solar panels installed before trump peels back the fed incentive

No. 2377211

Nta but I always thought data center patrolling might be good for a lot of ib dwellers, most places do paid apprenticeships, don’t need college degree and you can work at night with minimal social interaction

No. 2377220

I have a lot less than that, having too many screenshots annoy me for some reason so I often delete the ones that aren't useful. I would have a lot more photos if it weren't for my previous phone being stolen just a few hours before I could save everything from it. I just deleted 1300 pictures that were just duplicates or photos I took because I was hesitating to buy things. My hands hurt.

No. 2377228

Do it. Get fed, nonnie. For breakfast I had a salami egg and cheese sandwich. It was so satisfying, I might have one for dinner too

No. 2377231

first ayrt, it annoys me too but i'm too lazy to go through my entire camera roll, i do it occasionally but give up halfway because there's just so much kek. i haven't done a proper clean in like 2-3 years.
i'm kinda a photo hoarder tbh, i can't part with pictures even if i know i'll most likely never look at them again. the new apple feature that lets you search for photos by keywords is amazing for nonnas like me and >>2377127

No. 2377243

Currently watching the Angie J episode of My 600 lb life and having a "I hate when a woman makes me side with a man" moment.

No. 2377251

Veterinary technician! I’m getting my degree + license this spring, but my vet clinic lets me work as a technician without my degree and license since I’m in school for it. Before this I worked fast food and every second of it was miserable

No. 2377259

File: 1738460074462.mp4 (11.77 MB, 854x652, Zx7uk33.mp4)

I love xena

No. 2377262

I love tennis and it's a great workout and fun but nobody plays it besides college kids and old rich people

No. 2377282

File: 1738461855600.jpeg (141.05 KB, 901x460, 9CC6A15D-C54C-4AB7-B01C-AD798F…)

600lblife nonny here. Maja’s Story (Season 7 episode 8) is another one like that. I saw Angie J’s episode again last week and I agree with you that she is particularly bad.

No. 2377284

File: 1738462019419.jpeg (46.85 KB, 500x375, fuck you moomins.jpeg)

i cut my thumb when making a moominhouse model.. such is the price you pay for making art

No. 2377285

I hate how every patient narrates the exact same way. It’s irritating for some reason

No. 2377311

Just found out giving birth can tear your clit apart and permanently numb you. No more cumming, just cooking & cleaning for mama bear I guess.(not mundane)

No. 2377313

Tati really thought she was going to make us give a fuck about james charles talking about dicks and cocks

No. 2377314

>21 year old fag wants to fuck 17 year old fag
what a scandal

No. 2377316

>sucking dick and cock
>and you did at my birthday dinner
i think of this moment often

No. 2377319

bought some new thongs today, 4 of 5 ended up being awesome. the 5th one has the largest waistband but its made out of a more heavy duty elastic which actually makes it fit the worst

No. 2377326

LITERALLY. This is exactly what I think of every single time i get even a glance of her face while scrolling, it echoes for awhile too. Silly bitch.

People were acting like I was a problem for saying I didn't give a fuck.

No. 2377348

File: 1738466281003.jpeg (179.95 KB, 690x709, IMG_1376.jpeg)

Saw this gorgeous girl in the bushes the other day!! I don’t know if she’s a stray but I wish I had had a treat to give her. Might start carrying around cat treats with me now whenever I go out tbh.

No. 2377355

That first sentence totally made me think you were spying on women from the bushes before I read the rest of your post kek. Cute kitty! I'm sure the local cats would appreciate the extra treats.

No. 2377368

Very pretty, looks too fancy to be a stray? I’m sure she’d love a chat and a churuu

No. 2377371

Did you hit x to start quest line?

No. 2377375

>BM is kind of trying to appeal to more female fans as well so it would be great if male fans were slowly pushed out of the fandom
NTA That's amazing. I don't keep up that much with them but I've loved their songs since the original trio and it's always nice to see how far they've come. Hopefully they get more female and metal fans in the future.

No. 2377386

File: 1738469359237.jpg (682.08 KB, 1080x1921, 1000119926.jpg)

I made myself a new wallpaper for my phone, I knew I should've avoided chiikawa more because I'm literally obsessed, I may even download shitter again so I can read the strips even if I can't understand Japanese.

No. 2377412

Do you know when you can tell someone has rehearsed their post in their head over and over and they think it sounds super clever but it's just schizo and cringe? Hate that quirky post-tumblr type of person and how they want to embody both azealia banks and hank green at the exact same time. Full body shudder level of cringe.

No. 2377413

I worry that I sound like this sometimes..

No. 2377417

well when you write things and want to convey your message clearly, people tend to revise what they wrote and read it back to themselves

No. 2377429

You don't have to be defensive, I'm talking specifically about people who try too hard to sound funny or quirky and only make themselves look cracked, chopped, and screwed.

No. 2377454

have you tried threading? it hurts a bit, but the hair isn't as obvious when it's growing out, you can learn to do it on your own too, i do my own, and only the places where the hair is too fine and short do i go in with a razor.

No. 2377466

Why am I seeing this fatty everywhere

No. 2377469

File: 1738477174583.jpg (63.92 KB, 329x328, 1000018028.jpg)

it's not fat, it just has downs

No. 2377471

Oh brother, you guys are being super autistic about a random cartoon mascot again.

No. 2377475

my dog was a pretty unique mixed breed and whenever ive searched up pics of similar dogs there's only ever one or two examples so i finally uploaded a few (non-identifiable) pics of him with the proper hash tags to pintrest. it makes me happy to think ive immortalized him just a tiny bit and other people may find the pictures of my dog when trying to look up the breed

No. 2377477

who the fuck names their kid “kaden”?

No. 2377487

The ones that change their chosen names to Luca and look like Peter griffin with a septum ring

No. 2377491

File: 1738479350608.gif (121.3 KB, 498x463, cat.gif)

i took apart a whole couch by myself. woohoo! didn't need to pay a bunch of men to come carry it out for me

No. 2377507

Just installed a new theme on my phone because it looked cool, but now that I look closer at the background pic I'm worried it's AI generated

No. 2377573

I went through an entire bag of peppermint candy in 24 hours or less. It's so addictive.

No. 2377579

i have a nosebleed

No. 2377587

So we romanticizing 2014 now?

No. 2377593

Yes, the good old days. Idk about other people but I was happy then.

No. 2377594

File: 1738491152796.png (371.76 KB, 1810x2561, nose-bleed-chart-1810.png)

Tilt your head forward a bit, pinch your nose lightly to stop the bloodflow for a few minutes. If it keeps going on then go to a hospital.

No. 2377598

thank you nonny

No. 2377605

The last good year of the internet

No. 2377608

how are there 10 fast and furious movies

No. 2377609


No. 2377612

I just realized this and this is true

No. 2377625

there is a nighttime tropical thunderstorm rn, which is cozy, BUT lightning just went off really loudly very close to my house (jumpscared) and now my wifi is kill. is it aliens?

No. 2377629

I did some online shopping in Japan to have sent to a shipping proxy. Usually I use rikaichan to understand websites but this time I used yandex browser and the translate webpage feature is amazing, it's much better than google.

No. 2377634

Yup there's thunderstorm at where i live too and i just got my anus probed

No. 2377635


No. 2377636

No. 2377638

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don’t yell at me please the thunder is scary

No. 2377679

Went to bed at my usual time last night and woke up at 7:30? I usually sleep 10+ hours so this is atypical. Trying to decide if I should still try to go back to sleep.

No. 2377681

I accidentally stabbed myself with a sewing needle

No. 2377717

Opened the Listen Flavor lucky bag I bought today, got a t-shirt of the based man-hater Tenko from DRV3 so I'm pleasantly surprised.
Although I do feel a bit embarrassed wearing anime graphic tees…

No. 2377799

I just stole 2 cream eggs. I think I could get addicted to this rush.

No. 2377855

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I’ve been addicted to making that 3 ingredient Nutella cookie recipe. They are so tasty and easy to make

No. 2377859

i made pancakes and they turned out yummy. yay
when i was like 15 i saw a tiktok edit of hot women from fast and furious and thought whoa damn i should check it out. was so disappointed to find out it was about sweaty moids and their boring drama and cars

No. 2377866

Technically 11 and a 6 season Netflix show for kids.

No. 2377878

As in cadburys? Sick lifting haul

No. 2377885

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>woke up late and started making lunch, needed to boil water in a saucepan
>left it for a while and wondering why it isn't boiling
>finally realise I had the wrong ring on
>because of this it took me an hour for something that should've taken 15min
Fuck my stupid baka life. I did enjoy my packet risotto eventually though, added hot sauce to it.

No. 2377889

You know it! Eating the evidence of my crimes right now

No. 2377975

I've been calling both my ex boyfriends Tammy 1 and Tammy 2 because they are exactly like them.

No. 2377990

im doing my 90 minute daily walks again and decided browsing lolcow would pass the time. it certainly did, but tainted the walk because it felt kind of depressing. i can’t browse this site without my mood tanking. i really wish that pirate ib could have been real nonnies…

No. 2378016

You're not missing much, it's deader than CC. I'm pretty sure captmin is a troon too.

No. 2378088

what a shame.. a pirate-themed imageboard sounds fun

No. 2378094

If this is real, then what is there to gatekeep, post the link. (You wom't because it isn't real)

No. 2378118

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Finally got my meds to help me fall asleep nonas! Just took one and it's supposed to take one hour for it to kick in, I so look forward to falling asleep before 2am for once

No. 2378139

good morning babushkafarms

No. 2378140

Not this again kek

No. 2378144

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im obsessed with the viral asian cucumber salad from tiktok. as a lazy bitch i love how little effort it takes to make. I put in: cucumber, soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, fish sauce, garlic, sugar, toasted sesame seeds, crispy chilli oil and msg.

No. 2378150

Someone should just make one at this point kek

No. 2378154

All that cant be good for you

No. 2378158

I think it’s healthy for you because it has msg

No. 2378162

My brother is utterly obsessed with tik tok. Especially people semi local to him that spend all day on live. I guess there his personal cows but I've had to hear some of this inane shite anytime I'm with him because he checks near enough every hour to see who's live and has 3 accounts to spam chats etc. His behaviour is weird but also I simply do not understand the people that actually cater to his obsession. He spent 10 minutes listening to a woman talk about her experience at a restaurant and it mostly amounted to her repeatedly stating "oh my God the food was sooooo good." Then it made me ptsd over the fact my ex use to ask every meal time what I was eating which made me dread meal times because it was like I'm having yesterday's leftovers why the fuck is this all we have to talk about. Like some people actually just exist to talk about mundane things in the most simple mind numbing way.

No. 2378168

Sugar in a salad? What's the point of eating a vegetable then.

No. 2378171

nta but a lot of salad dressings have sugar in them

No. 2378174

An actual salad has the following to garnish it: vinegar, olive oil, balsamico, salt and spices.
Everything else is mental illness

No. 2378177

i believe the sugar is to counteract some of the intensity of the vinegar. its part of the sauce.

No. 2378179

Sugar is electrolytes it’s good for you and pairs well with the flavor of the cucumbers

No. 2378180

you know that balsamico contains sugar, right?

No. 2378181

I came to terms with the fact that I need to get a pair of glasses instead of wearing my contacts all day long but the thing is. I look SO bad in glasses it's almost laughable, they never fit me and I just find them uncomfortable to wear.
Anyway, I'm going glasses shopping tomorrow, I saw a pair at a shop that I thought were cute and they were also quite cheap, hopefully I don't look ridiculous on them.
Everyone keeps telling me to get lasik, but I'm scared I'll end up like those people with chronic dry eye and depressive as hell because of all the side effects kek

No. 2378190

same. ts is decadent

No. 2378204

I discovered the recipe years ago when trying to make something out of the leftovers I had. It has become a comfort food for me. Nothing better than eating this and watching a series late at night.

No. 2378252

Kind of tempted to just live in my car forever…

No. 2378465

Lots of things have sugar nonna

No. 2378470

Watching the second season of Squid Game, it's not bad but it's not really grabbing my attention like the first one did. I care for none of these characters

No. 2378514

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Got some sour gummy bears and cheez it's. No I'm not sharing.

No. 2378515

mm love sour gummy bear

No. 2378531

Wounds before they're about to heal completely are so fucking itchy. Got a few rough scrapes on my legs healing and I'm trying not to scratch them every minute

No. 2378534

I tried freezing them for a couple hours recently and it was really good however they thaw comically fast

No. 2378574

I have two job interviews tomorrow. Pray for me pls I really need a job and it's been months.

No. 2378585

Goodluck anon

No. 2378709

I need to eat this right now

No. 2378723

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Can anyone tuck me into bed, I just got home from work

No. 2378884

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Just for you nona!

No. 2378982

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Samefag holy shit then 3 days later I get Lucky!!! Omg I'm buying a lottery ticket! I never get good villagers!!

No. 2379064

I need to tongue kiss an attractive man right now(wrong thread)

No. 2379071

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