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No. 2354160
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The longer it goes on, the more it's gonna be like pulling teeth.
No. 2354791
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And how’s that working out for you? Cheers
No. 2358056
You useless, hateful hag, I got no reasons to respect your cursed existence. Literally drop dead. Your vibes are as sour as a can trash full of rotten lemons, you got no drip, your hairstyle is lame, you're painfully stupid and your existence offends me deeply. Your racist tendencies are just a logical byproduct of your cognitive delay and lack of brain, how do you even function with HALF a brain??? You're literally so retarded is bordering on actual disability, you've the IQ and impulse regulation of a damn Chihuahua. I hate hearing about you, hell, I hate thinking about you, you're the definition of intrusive thoughts you cunt I want you out of my brain, I want you to stop existing as a concept. You're not even HOT enough to at least justify your embarrassing hoe tendencies, it's just traumatizing and double lame at that point girl jfc get a damn grip. If it's not clear enough, I fucking hate you guts, if you ever try that goofy shit with me I'll make you see and feel hell you trashy senior citizen looking ass
No. 2358175
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I don't care about the USA. I really do not give a single fuck about the USA or any American. I have interacted with two Americans in my whole life and both times I thought that they were rude assholes. I hate that for the next 4 years I'm gonna have to see Americans whinging about Trump or the Democrats or the Elon Musk or whatever the fuck it is. It was already annoying as hell in 2016-2020 but this time it's gonna be so much worse. Every day it's gonna be the same boring bullshit, "Trump did this!" "Trump said that!" "Trump!" and I'm gonna have to scroll through it all. I'm gonna have to deal with retarded middle-class 18 year olds crying and whining and pretending like the economy and lifestyle and government in the USA is comparable to Zimbabwe. I'm gonna have to hear all about "fascism" like it's the 1930s or something. I'm gonna have to read non-stop drivel by bird-brained idiots that haven't picked up a book in years; and don't know anything about global politics, history, or geography, insert themselves into every situation imaginable to complain about the 80 year old president. I resent how the anglophone internet is so dominated by American bullshit.
No. 2358857
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Your vibes are as sour as a can trash of wotten lemons
No. 2359041
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I will never forgive you for what you did to me. May you suffer as much as I did this past year. Eat shit and cry, I hate you.
No. 2359326
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>how it feels knowing I'll never be some dumb pickme/tardthot who carries a shitty moid's sperm for 9 months just for it to be an AGP troon
The piece of the puzzle I kept politely looking away from is these stupid fucking tradhags who happily spread lies about female existence. The fucking trap of femininity at the expense of humanity. The tradthots aren't just "out there", they don't sit in PTA meetings or stand around barefoot in the kitchen or whatever. They really do think they're on the side of good, and they feel entitled to spaces made for women who are actually gender critical. They're the same useless bitches who hate lesbians, GNC women and think abortion rights shouldn't even be given to little girls who were raped. Can't look at spaces like Ovarit without running into moronic handmaidens proverbially fellating Trump and other rapists, spreading racist bullshit and making us all look like idiots. It's a fucking joke. I'm sorry to all the radfems I ignored who complained about this, and who kept warning everyone that "Only the right will listen to us" was bad logic. I thought it'd die off, but it's just gotten even worse.
You, your worthless husbands, the corrupt medical system and pornographers created the tranny problem, and you want to cry that you "don't know what went wroooongggg". Kill yourselves.
No. 2360307
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>nooooo how dare you say racist women are pathetic no no no no
kek, every time
No. 2360946
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i can’t wait for valentine’s day.
No. 2361108
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well… thanks for saying the quiet part out loud, i guess. i don't think you meant for that to hurt like it did but yeah i feel like shit now
No. 2361680
It's pretty ironic how you talk about yourself being so awesome and amazing (while being all alone, mind you) and still have to act like a bully with those around you who care.
Do you feel better after correcting everything we say? After refuting things that only YOU care about? After declaring how you couldn’t care less?
Your life is meaningless. You have to share all these stories and anecdotes about you being the center of the world because no one else would do it for you; and that’s sad.
Your jobs are fleeting ones. You only had a relationship which didn’t lasted because he dumped you (yes, him, not you, I guess he got tired of you always talking about…ah, yes, you)You don’t owe a house, you’re still living with your parents but claiming to make so much money (where is it?) and you don’t get any ambitions in this life. So much for someone who always talks about hating people who don’t pursue things. You’re projecting, that’s what you’re doing.
As I said, you’re just a bully who has to bring other people down to feel better about yourself. That’s the lowest point for me, to be honest. I don’t care if I seem pathetic to you or if I’m always settling down according to you; at least I can say I’m a good person who mean no harm to others, something you can’t say about you.
No. 2362787
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Me only say one word me funny. Me go haha.(schizo no.2)
No. 2363593
For the second time now I've been ghosted by someone that pretended to be overly enthusiastic about meeting up with me, only to never respond again right on the day I thought we were supposed to meet up. They even said shit like "We can definitely make it then!" I want to block and unfriend people like this too, if it weren't the fact I know it wouldn't do anything and that they still wouldn't care. And at the same time, I am a chronic very severe ghoster myself so I know I have no room to talk. At the same time in all fairness, I don't really ghost people that I thought we already made a great connection with and have alot in common with. I mean y'all literally told me you have social anxiety too (Yeah right, you're obviously very normie and hang out with other people constantly. I've had several people tell me they have that when that was just a sorry excuse or larp for being shitty.), we had the same major (I helped you with your classes, especially because you knew I was a tutor for them), we both are interested in Japan and went there, we both were career-oriented….Even despite all that, you still stopped talking to me me like nothing happened. This had happened with another girl I thought I bonded alot over and that was constantly coming over to cook with me and hang out with me. Then all of a sudden she stopped talking to me because I accidentally asked her for a favor I shouldn't have. This is why I have such bad trust issues now and don't even bother with friend-making. If I'm going to be this disposable, I don't need any "friends".
No. 2364393
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Picking fights with the reactive BPDettes so you can cry victim when they snap at you is a terrible strategy kek. You want to be a morally superior martyr so badly but everyone knows what you're doing. Emotional self-harm, and for what reason? Embarrassing.
No. 2366372
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at the end of the day what is most important is we all hate men. i peeled you some orange.
No. 2366489
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There's this guy I have had a crush on for the past 6-ish years.
He's not attractive, he's kind of a loser, and honestly the only good thing about him is that he has some money. But it took him some time.
We met when he was a student and he was an ABSOLUTE MESS. He had no money, he sucked at school, he kept losing jobs.
But istg the guy makes me crazy, and I think the only reason is because he actually knows how to throw back my snarky comments at me. Like, he doesn't mince the words or go "I can't be like this with a girl". Is weird, because it doesn't come off as cringe or trying too much, is like the guy naturally knows how to vibe with me like that. Is stupid.
And the worst part is that he liked me, but I was in a relationship so I had to keep rejecting him. I eventually cut him off for a while cause my ex kept getting jealous of him. HIM. I kept asking him, what are you on about? Have you looked at him? Like what the fuck dude? Did people really believe my standards where that low?
So I stopped talking to him, and the guy not only enrolled in school again and finished, he was the fucking valedictorian. He's been having this high paying job for some years now, and has a house to show it.
What the fuck dude.
So I started talking with him again, and I'm so fucking attracted to him. Not fiscally I guess, he still looks the same, just older.
But the way he talks, he way he seems to be in such control of his life. I want to fuck him and dominate him so badly I feel pathetic. I feel like of he tells me he's still into me I will lose my mind out of the big ass ego I will develop. Why.
And ofc I won't ever tell him, it just feels so lame. Like I don't want him to believe I like him cause he has money, but I also feel like it would be such a fucking cliche.
I'm this close of stopping talking to him again out of embarrassment, but then again that feels ashaming too.
Nonnas I can't believe I'm being this stupid about a moid that still plays TCGs, I'm so fucking serious.
No. 2367717
HAHAHAHA bitch, is this the end!? are you leaving and never returning? I've been given the confidence and strength from friends to approach you if I ever see you on the street and bitch you out for being an abusive piece of shit to me, your boyfriend, our mutual friends and the townpeople. We fucking hate you, collectively, and I love that I wasn't wrong - I would ruminate about how maybe I was in the wrong for kicking you out of my life, maybe I should have been more patient or tolerant, maybe there was something I could have done to prevent a blow up like this, but no. Everyone fucking HATES you. And it's because you are a selfish, hypocritical piece of trash. I cannot wait for the rest of this year. Whatever happens, happens, knowing that other people are on my side and loathe you clear as day is empowering. You hear that? They've dropped all the niceties. They think your boyfriend broke up with you. I really fucking hope so. He's too young and I've known him my entire life, and yet your thundering ugly self-obsessed ass constantly demands he be your caretaker. How about instead of threatening to kill yourself next time, you actually do it? And call me before you do so I can get the champagne ready.
No. 2367845
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No. 2369574
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I'll never stop hoping Charlotte Charms will one day get the plot back… I know she looks like a fat blow up doll nowadays but fuck, I still try to do my makeup like she did back in 2013. She was so fucking pretty. And even though she was a vain cunt I wouldn't have wished her current self on anyone
No. 2369597
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>>2369574Like this shit makes me so sad. Spoilered for absolute grotesque tits
(vain bitch) No. 2371506
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Still mourning the apparent death of our friendship despite my best efforts holy fuck I have so much I want to talk to you about I still want to talk to you SO BAD. Actually crying rn, I wish we had never met if it was just always gonna turn out like this but you guys were also great to hang with, I had so much fun and you turned me on to some cool new stuff. Yeah I said i was done but I think I just hoped if I said with enough conviction it would stick. Nope. It took me years and years to get over losing my last close friend, can't wait for this decade long mourning process to painfully limp along. I'm too embarrassed to come back now and you're still MIA anyways. But despite it all, i still just want to be your friend. I'm hopeless.
No. 2373678
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i wonder who i would have gotten to be if it wasn’t for you.
No. 2374047
Wow you stupid fat bitch it’s so egalitarian of you to gain so much weight that you’re the exact same size as your fuck ugly retarded boyfriend whose brain is rotted from drugs who BTW has been in my DMs since I was a fucking sophomore in high school. You washed up stupid fugly cunt, how dare you move to my city. I won’t be happy until you’re out on the streets and suffering. You are a disgrace to all women, oh and did I mention you’re fat? F A T. Since you wanted to comment on my body every time you saw me, let me comment on yours. You are shaped like a brick, your tits sag down to your bellybutton, you race fish by pretending you’re a hapa when you’re literally an eighth Korean I have forgotten about your fucking Twitter handle. You’re a pick me, obsessed with dick including my ex boyfriend’s dick, told me you thought the two of you were soulmates…. Did I mention you’re fat. You’ve cheated on every man you’ve every dated, your paintings look like shit, you can’t dress for shit without getting those fat saggy Luna Slater tits out of your shirt, and you too eight fucking years to get a bachelors degree of art at a literal state school. I will beat the shit out of you if I ever see you in public again or have to here your annoying, shrill high pitched “omggggg” ringing in my ears. Also seriously your paintings look like shit.
No. 2374123
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I'm tired of black women pretending not to know why white women don't feel solidarity with or empathy towards black women. You openly hate us and we're scared of you. I'm tired of having to live in fear of black people in America. I have literally experienced and witnessed more violence from black women than white men. Even when it's not physical violence we have to fear having our lives/careers blown up by you calling us racists if we look at you wrong.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2374163
>>2374123Good I hope you live in fear of us. I hope just seeing us smile makes your heart race and you drip with fear and anger. I pray a black woman gets you fired from your job and dates your husband and future son.
>>2374153Lmao the Irish clearly don’t know what they became once they got to the Americas. My last name is Irish because the Irish came to America and raped little black girls. So again I hope all of you grovel at our feet when you step towards black women and girls for what you did. You are your ancestors and it shows from your shit post
(vain bitch responding to bait) No. 2374212
>>2374163>dates your husband and future sonIt’s all rooted in jealousy and an obsession with white cock at the end of the day. We are supposedly responsible for them raping you like you said here
>>2374192Yet you still want to fuck them just to get back at us. It’s very pathetic.
No. 2374238
>>2374232i feel like everywhere i go is either dead or just impossible to meet people. every social media feels so distant and i deleted my account for every chat application so now i don't know how to get introduced to people anymore.
ive never felt this lonely/isolated before despite objectively being in worse places before.
(newfag samefagging) No. 2374282
The Barbary Coast slave trade refers to the centuries-long practice of North African pirates and raiders, known as the Barbary corsairs, capturing and enslaving people from European coastal towns and ships. This took place primarily between the 16th and 19th centuries along the Barbary Coast, which included modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.
Who Was Enslaved?
-Europeans: Tens of thousands, possibly over a million, Europeans were captured from coastal towns in Italy, Spain, France, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and even Iceland.
- Americans: After the United States gained independence, American ships became targets as well, leading to conflicts like the First and Second Barbary Wars.(infight bait, ai slop)
No. 2374288
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this place is unbearable when vpns arent banned. see you when admins get a spine again.
No. 2378164
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Women only care about other women when it's convenient. But the moment a woman does something wrong or is imperfect the internalized misogyny comes fucking raging out. I hate moids. You will never make me support a fucking ugly disgusting ass ape moid again.
No. 2378187
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I miss my online friends. We were friends for around 10 years and shared so many niche hobbies together, so much history of laughs and memes all gone because of stupid petty internet arguments and drama. I wouldn't go back in time and do it differently since that whole environment was toxic for me but in these moments I really miss that cunt. Hope you're doing well and got some therapy bitch
No. 2378407
You were my best friend and I still call you that when I talk about you to people, but you moved to be an army wife, cheated, got pregnant and divorced, had to leave the baby daddy because he was abusive and controlling. Moved to another state, met another man, got pregnant again, and now you live with his mom and sister and brother and their family in a small room.. We don't have anything in common. I'm sorry, we don't. I miss you and I cherish what we had, but I don't know what to even talk to you about. I don't want kids, I don't like kids. I don't hate your kids, but I don't want to talk about your kids with you. Our hobbies aren't the same anymore and it's been almost 15 years now. I wish you never left, I wish you never, ever married him in order to "get out" of this small town. The small town got better, we couldn've moved in with each other. Instead you took the easy way out and all those trips and vacations you wanted to take in your 20s and 30s.. You can't. I can't help but feel so sorry for you.
No. 2378690
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>walking down to the bay to get candy at the convenience store with my sister and then eating it with her in secret
>playing in the hidey-hole under the stairs together
>selling lemonade and cookies that she made to the bikers that passed by
>believing wholeheartedly when my sister said she saw tinker bell outside the window
>staying up all night dressed up as veronica and reenacting archie comics with her and her friend
actually now that I think about it a lot of good childhood memories involve my sister. I really miss when we were closer before my brother got older and gained sentience and his sickness became the centre of everything.
I vividly remember having a nightmare that I saw a werewolf in the shadows of our room and she let me sleep in the top bunk with her because I was too scared to be in the bottom bunk. I remember thinking how glad I was to have a sister. I miss when we were sisters and best friends at the same time
No. 2379358
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I'm healing and I'll get better and get on track again. I'll keep on trying despite everything. I'll do my best even when if it's not enough sometimes. I'll keep on going.
No. 2379929
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I always make things so inconvenient for myself, whyyyyyy
No. 2380348
Having to talk with you always feel like it ends in an argument. I can’t open my mouth to share my thoughts or to give you my opinion about the most mundane things without you starting with “no but…”, and it’s exhausting. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around you and it makes me pretty sad because you used to like the person I was before.
You are my best friend but I don’t like you anymore. I don’t like how defensive you are all the time, as if I’m not making enough effort. For you it will never be enough, ever.
You alibi is that I don’t care/listen/intervene enough. But I do, I always put you first, even when it’s so toxic and tiring and everyone around me wonder why I gave you so much of myself all the time if it’s not reciprocated.
I’m scared of your words. Of the way you reply to me. The passive aggressive way you have to communicate with me. Remember how I told you that every time I got a message from him my anxiety was the worst? It’s happening me with you too. When I see that you’re sending a voice message, longer than 30 seconds, my mind goes to all the times you lectured me about my way of treating our friendship, how you feel like I never care enough.
Do you know what it feels being this scared of someone? Feeling that you have all the power you want over someone? Of course you’d tell me it’s my fault after all because you only see me as a people pleaser, nothing else, someone manipulated, someone weak. I hope you sleep well after sending all that shit to me. He would be so proud of you, eh?
No. 2381671
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I didn't sleep for shite last night and must drive all today. Don't have enough energy to cry, so I'm just rubbing my eyes and screaming on the inside.
No. 2381966
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Theres a hot but bitchy plus narcy as fuck moid in class who Im a subhuman in comparison to and I kept glancing at him several times throughout the day because hes hot and he caught me glancing at him pretty much. Every. Fucking. Time.
No. 2383362
My boyfriend's best friend recently broke up with his long term partner so him and my nigel have been going out more than usual and I'm trying to be chill about it but I just can't. Boyfriend is constantly trying to set him up with other girls, so he's doing the "so do you know my friend over here?" middle man and both nights he went out, he's had to turn down multiple girls who thought he was actually flirting with them. I mean, I get it, he's conventionally attractive and has a way with words/is unintentionally flirty, but god fucking HELL does it drive me insane. I try to be less possessive, I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but just imagining him dancing and drinking with other girls makes my eyes twitch and I get nauseous.
Jealousy and possessiveness are probably my worst traits, but I've been this way ever since I was a child, for example I wouldn't let anyone touch my mother, not even my older brother, and I always hated her boyfriends because I wanted her to only pay attention to me, so why would I be any different with my partner? I try to be better but it literally takes all my strength to not go full crazy girlfriend on him.
No. 2384098
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things are better and still somehow living on the 13th level of hell
No. 2384581
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taking ten tylenol and telling someone to attention seek is not a suicide attempt and is not the kind of suicide attempt that would mean “i’ve tried to kill myself and i know what it’s like to be suicidal more than anyone so i can say whatever i want.” you are so attention seeking you commemorated an episode of bpd permanently. that was not a genuine attempt on your life and you have no idea what other people around you are really going though because you can’t understand anyone who isn’t as histrionic as you. you literally think they don’t have emotions cos they don’t display symptoms of a personality disorder or feel comfortable opening up to someone who literally can’t understand and shows such an open disregard for others. you don’t come across like an empath; you come across as angry. you made it part of your branding.
No. 2384772
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he deserved worse.
No. 2385352
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I love him(this belongs on /g/)
No. 2387589
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I'm not attracted to you at all, I don't like your personality, and I don't care if you're out of options. Please leave me alone.
No. 2387632
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Homura-chan, if you're out there …. I hope you know, I still think of you and am wishing you the best. Whatever you might think of me, if you hate me or never even think of me anymore. I put out into the universe that I am wishing you the best. Because I really did and do love you, and that even though I left, it was because I genuinely thought it was for the best for the both of us. I'm sorry for everything and the ways I hurt you, and hoping, genuinely, that life has gotten better for you and treated you well. God bless, and may the sun always shine upon you. You deserve all the best, loving you always and sending out good vibes to you. You were a good friend.
No. 2388693
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Lolcow just isn't hitting the same lately. I'm so bored and sad.
No. 2391950
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i’m so excited.
No. 2394662
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pisses me off how hatred & obsession go hand & hand. everything he does makes me utter things under my breath wishing he'd die, lose his job, lose his band, lose his friends & i keep hoping the people(mostly the women) around him realize what a disgusting freak he is. but why do i even waste my energy caring? the best way to make people feel regret is by being better. i should be distracting myself in things that serve me yet im at the beck & call of my own hatred. anyways hope he dies
No. 2394681
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hey daddy o I cut myself again I hope you're proudy o
No. 2395270
>>2395140I will anon, honestly I don't hold myself back with words so next time I see him I will make sure I tell him that:
1. he is biologically unfit to be selected by women as a mate because he is fat and autistic and short and evolutionary science bro u have bad genes, don't blame women for not choosing you they're doing the right thing.
2. that he isn't intellectually interesting enough for me to actually respond seriously to any of his arguments that he copy pasted from 4chan
3. Continue to ignore all he says, we are not in the same project but we sit in the same cubicle. He is into "goth girls" which he thinks I am (I like goth music and dress as alt as I can to the job, but I'm not into self identifying as a uwu goth mommy). Just ignoring him at this point cuz I'll legit get in trouble for aggression if I let myself do shit.
(wrong thread) No. 2395826
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muuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh abababableooblooismmmmmmm
No. 2397429
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i am truth coming out of her well to shame mankind
No. 2401625
I feel miserable, gross, bloated, dead, ugly, insane. Just had a panic attack because I can't digest correctly and got frustrated, I feel so full after a handful of rice it's been an hour already I want to die and I look like I'm dying everyone eats and I can't eat, I can't even drink water without suffering I always suffer I want to cry I want to kill I want to die I want to be chunky like everyone else I want to eat but I can't, I feel gross and unlovable, I want to heal but can't, this body is a prison and god hates me. I don't want to wake up, I'm so horrible, let me out of this prison, let me eat, I can't even eat a spoonful of sugar without hating it, I've to force myself to eat anything, I hate my life, I want to be like everyone else, god hates me
No. 2402705
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centering women in my life has resulted in a peaceful bubble i have now made my home. i’m glad i found my place.
No. 2402862
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Even though pregnancy sounds like nightmare fuel and I'd rather die than go through something like that, you're probably quite literally the only man on Earth I could ever entertain the idea with. You would be an amazing father, oh my god.
No. 2402987
Never ever build a man up when he's down because as soon as he's back up, he'll think he's too good for you who was with him at his lowest and think he deserves better. You motherfucker, you'd be nothing without me. I paid for and supported your broke ass for years without much complaint, only for you to dump me a few years later when you snagged a high paying job, after giving me all this big talk about how we're going to get married, telling me you make enough to support two people and urging me to come move in with you (which I reasonably held off on), only for you to turn around and think "actually you know what, I want my real life trophy costhot with big titties and a bubbly, bright personality so everyone's eyes will be on me and I can show off. She's out there somewhere" like if you were REALLY feeling like garbage for dumping me after I waited for so long to hear from you again while you were apparently working yourself to death for "us" and "our future", why the hell did you open with "blah blah maybe my future partner will be more assertive, lively, friendly, etc" like you already had someone in mind even though you said there wasn't another woman. Man, fuck you, fuck your job (which you wouldn't have gotten without me, either) fuck your bullshit excuses and taking me for granted. I'm going to make sure your dick is limp, impotent and essentially broken for any future partners you're eyeing, you're not handing over to them the life with you that was supposed to be mine. I was nothing but good to you, gave you space, lent you money without expecting payback, and this is how you repay my patience and kindness? Newsflash, unlike what porn has told you, your ideal trophy costhot is NOT out there waiting for you. May you be faced with nothing but rotten, chlamydia rife pussies so foul and cheesy that you gag making any chance of intimacy impossible (on top of the impotency you're about to be burdened with for the rest of your life). You're about to learn just how good you had with me, and how you'll never have anything like that again with anyone. You're going to mourn how you took me for granted and beg for me back. This will be your well deserved curse. Your bloodline will not continue. You will not get your dick wet. You will be a broke ass loser bastard once again and repulsive and useless to all future partners inshallah.
No. 2404073
File: 1739795338727.png (91.55 KB, 719x621, cope1.PNG)

>Getting instantly triggered by a stupid drawing
>The twitterfag reaction image
>Posts emanating pathetic coping
THEY'RE SO FUNNY AND RETARDED KEKEKEKEK(dragging infights across threads)
No. 2405143
File: 1739839180147.jpg (215.82 KB, 1634x1241, 1000076496.jpg)

I fear I have fucked up and made a fool of myself. I hope you never even noticed my embarrassing behavior or if you did that you're forgiving of me being so retarded and cringe. Sorry. My brain, she is not so good. Why the hell did I do all of that…I wanna get shot in the head with one of those livestock guns. I really hope you did not see any of that shit. Fuck.
No. 2405384
File: 1739848230337.jpg (41.19 KB, 600x452, failure.jpg)

i feel like i have failed my cool professor with my low effort rushed submission
No. 2405949
File: 1739890301540.jpg (25.06 KB, 640x658, 1732382346044.jpg)

I pray you lose your licence you greedy bitch I was just a child and you ruined me for life because you couldn't be bothered to do your job fucking cunt and now I have to deal with these withdrawals I hope you get sued to hell and back in America so you realize what hell you put your patients through you disgusting bitch
No. 2406306
File: 1739913843682.jpg (22.34 KB, 699x439, 1000023761.jpg)

No. 2406680
File: 1739934043968.gif (1.97 MB, 320x266, 100546539.gif)

i hate fagg/ot/s
No. 2406771
File: 1739938896745.jpg (45.34 KB, 587x540, 1b0d2050a4a9627aa56a7375dadd86…)

Defending deathfats and unhealthy lifestyles is not feminist nor does it help disordered people. Also men fuck literally anything so having a bf or husband isn't a flex KEK
No. 2407072
File: 1739954914837.png (62.54 KB, 955x248, Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 08.45…)

>>2407063its so much worse…
(vain bitch) No. 2408092
File: 1740004279925.png (280.31 KB, 712x464, pedos have very high standards…)

meh wanting to hurt a right-leaning yellowfeverfag is nothing, i'll never forgive the shit ezrafags said about teenage girls and all their kidnapping and choking fantasies in /g/
No. 2409195
Wow. You might actually be fucking stupid if your argument is basically "but on the DOGE website they admit they make mistakes, sounds pretty honest to me". Granted I can't expect an outsider with English as a second language to grasp the bigger picture no matter how fluent you are but it's more an issue of a lack of critical thinking and reasoning on your part. It will, however, stress me out, vex me, and keep me up all night worried over how someone I love and respected so much, who seemed to be really progressive and on top of things, is actually this dumb. Goddamn. Then again, you also think "Democracy=bad, because west bad" and love your CCP and russbot propaganda so I guess it's only natural that you'd be susceptible to all types of disinfo. I really thought i'd gotten through to you only for you to pick up another retarded tidbit of disinfo, huh.
No. 2413227
File: 1740274049727.jpeg (193.49 KB, 612x612, IMG_6699.jpeg)

I love women. I love women! I LOVE WOMEN!!!! I am so glad I got over my NLOG phase because I fucking love women. I love supporting them and being supported in turn, heard, understood, and loved by other women. I would be dead had it not been for the female friendships I’ve made over the years. There are some moid-poisoned ones out there but more often than not women look out for each other in a way that men could never hope to, and everyday I am so grateful to be able to be a female and understand women in a way only other women can. It is innate and part of my biology. Sometimes it fucking sucks but it’s worth it just to know other women as a woman. Sorry I ever had a silly gender phase, even if I never took it seriously. There is no one way to be a woman, but there is something in my heart that can not be severed that makes me proud to be what I am. If you’re a woman and reading this I love you. Keep going even when the wind is turned against you. I am rooting for you from the bottom of my heart.
No. 2414356
I would break my moral code for you. Whatever partners you have after me, I won't allow them to take you from me completely. You owe me not only the plane ticket, but all of your heartfelt devotion and passion. You are mine. The future we envisioned, the promises you made, our special place- all belong to us alone and no one else shall benefit or prosper from those secondhand. They are wholly undeserving of your beauty, gentleness, your smile, your generosity, your intoxicating, mischievous sweetness. I won't let you go for anything or anyone. I don't care what I have to do to ensure you always find your way back into my arms, but you will not simply move on and forget me.
No. 2417156
File: 1740442816508.jpg (1.38 MB, 2047x1610, 1000075321.jpg)

No. 2426561
File: 1740963515974.webp (62.36 KB, 506x900, evangelion-phone-1080-x-1920-c…)

I think about you too a lot and how smart you are even if you don't believe in yourself sometimes, I hope you're doing better than last year as well, and I will always remember you as a good friend! I hope you get everything you want in life, and that all your dreams come true ♥ I'm sorry for causing you trouble as well, you deserve a good life and you will obtain it, I'm sure of it.
No. 2426675
File: 1740971100285.jpeg (93.69 KB, 736x434, IMG_7861.jpeg)

you are seriously the coolest, funniest, and most beautiful girl i have ever known. i always thought that the whole having someone's smile light up your whole day thing was sappy bullshit, but i understand what that means now because of you. i have the biggest fattest crush on you and it almost feels unhealthy how excited i get to see you, how nervous i am to mess things up when i'm close to you. sometimes i get a little annoyed that you're able to say such intimate things to me but keep things platonic because we're both girls. selfishly, i wish you weren't such a radiant and amazing person so that i didn't feel like my love for you, platonic or otherwise, was in constant competition. and i feel gross for wanting to make out w you so badly lmfao. i wish i was less ugly so i could ask you out and do all the corny romance stuff together
No. 2431782
File: 1741283533370.jpg (29.17 KB, 736x709, black cera.jpg)

i wish that didnt make my day but it absolutely did, KEK. laughing my ass off now, there's always trouble in paradise i guess.
No. 2432141
File: 1741299571569.jpeg (232.03 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_8801.jpeg)

I don't really even wanna be here anymore, I'm just here because I'm sick. But before I leave again, I'm gonna take the piss
No. 2434008
File: 1741412152361.gif (1.71 MB, 320x180, W1Dfbl-3345022009.gif)

Ahkekeh-eh-chah! Ahkekeh-eh-chah!
No. 2437193
File: 1741558797940.jpg (21.71 KB, 380x331, tails cry.jpg)

LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MOID ive made it so incredibly clear that i do not want you my god. stop fucking messaging me
No. 2438746
File: 1741643167118.jpeg (83.36 KB, 750x458, 5F1672ED-7CA1-414C-A77E-FFB5F6…)

Lolcow is not a radfem website ffs we just happen to have some anons who are.
No. 2439264
File: 1741677528966.jpeg (742.31 KB, 1125x1106, 26B18C1E-4740-4422-A553-59103D…)

God I don’t want to WORK on this DUMB ASSIGNMENT. I wouldn’t even mind it that much except it’s UGLY. I would never inflict this on another human being. Why would you choose literally the most boring and ugliest prefab assets known to man. Why do this. Who hurt you. What happened in your life to have such bad fucking taste. I am literally going to go mental I fucking hate this class so much.
No. 2439531
File: 1741702227235.jpg (1023.85 KB, 2885x1442, 2muchbait.jpg)

No jannie, I am not a vain bitch! How can you have a thread that bursts at its seams with delectable and succulent baits of such diverse forms and not expect me to want to take a nibble? It is absolute cruelty to do this, it is abusive and cruel. Can you not see that I am the victim here?
This is IMMORAL. This is WRONG!
No. 2440874
File: 1741789732676.jpg (34.06 KB, 500x383, venus.jpg)

it really has been a year hasn't it. goddamn. funny how so much can change kek
No. 2446221
File: 1742076480270.jpg (68.56 KB, 1013x812, 1000075882.jpg)

sorry I was MIA for so long but I'm here now and trying to make it work, in my defense I was extremely depressed because of, well, anyway if this doesn't work, if it's a total flop then the embarrassment will be so much that it really will have to be the end. Reminiscing doesn't make me as sad anymore. I hope we can still be friends, if not I understand sorry for being so creepy annoying and gross, thanks for spending time with me. Being my friend is like doing community service. Sorry.
No. 2446278
File: 1742079976918.jpg (6.62 KB, 220x212, 1737611007852.jpg)

You have a kpop moid as your profile pic. So it looks like they're not the only one with an "Asian fetish" KEK
No. 2447533
File: 1742158372535.png (1.34 MB, 966x1063, F3VsyP0WMAANFa8.png)

Holy shit we're going to be millionaires. 6+ year relationship and she recently showed me a statement from BoA. I was never with her for the money, but obviously never having to worry about money again one day is a plus for anyone. I can't tell anyone about this and bringing it up would just be extremely obnoxious bragging and attract many leeches. The two of us have been through so much together with being closeted as well as her extremely homophobic parents. Luckily those two have 0 control or influence over the trust and who it goes to is controlled by another relative who's only supported us since she came out to them. Life can be good.
No. 2447537
File: 1742158645005.png (607.43 KB, 1024x715, 1000029771.png)

I thought of you today, and it made me realise that you haven't entered my head in years. I'm proud of myself for that.
No. 2448158
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No. 2449437
File: 1742254673662.jpeg (270.15 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0198.jpeg)

Yes I am better than you. Only a fucking loser would pick on a dead person kek
No. 2449677
File: 1742264989544.jpeg (16.05 KB, 201x133, IMG_7440.jpeg)

No. 2450536
I'm getting really tired of your empty compliments. I know that you see me as an easy target to have sex with at the first convenience. But what you don't know is that I actually am using you for the free gifts. I used to feel bad, but when I told you to stop because I find them disingenuous, you continued. Congratulations. Not only am I not interested in you, but you have sparked my desire to see other people instead.
I know I've known you your whole life, but I see the angle that you're playing at now. You've grown into something twisted and ugly and I'm not a fucking fan of it at all. I wish you remained the innocent little guy that I knew you as, but instead it had to turn out the way it does for ever one of your kind, for every ball having fucking moid out there. It truly is a fucking stupid outcome. I wish you were a girl, but even then, we wouldn't have grown close like we already had.
I wish you the best, you horny piece of shit. I hope that you get erectile dysfunction and come to me about your emotional worries instead of about how many orgasms you can pump out of yourself in a single day. Addicted to the visage of yourself, you're damned to die alone and unhappy. Enjoy your cats, retard.
No. 2452453
File: 1742425853331.jpeg (61.96 KB, 567x579, IMG_7475.jpeg)

If I got a dollar for every time I cried over you I’d be a millionaire. I miss you but also fuck you
No. 2452521
File: 1742427665930.jpg (582.81 KB, 2000x2828, 6ahm7k9gva5a1.jpg)

Now that I'm calmed down. It took some chemicals. chemically calm. But I'm calm. I understand what you were trying to communicate all along. I think. I realize how much of our relationship was like a game of charades, with how things got all bent out of shape. But I think now, with the space away from it. I understand what went wrong. I see where I messed up, entirely. I thought I would have be okay to put it out into the universe. but when i saw you again, i couldn't handle it. I really didn't think you'd see it. I know it wasn't you. I didn't ever want to believe it was you. I was just so scared, I couldn't do it. I thought I was big enough, bigger than it. That I was strong, I could handle anything. I wanted to show I wasn't afraid, and I wasn't shaming or looking down upon. But I think I understand now, what happened. All of it. At least a way to make sense of it. I hope you understand my side of it too. I'm sorry, I really didn't think you'd ever see it. I just panicked seeing you again, the terror. But it wasn't you I was seeing. It never was.
I love you. I always imagined us as some kind of tragic pair anyway. I'd think of the imagery of that rickety bike rollercoaster from the brazil(?) themed park up in the sky in Japan, closer to heaven. Something you're amazed is still allowed to exist. I guess it made me think of you. I think the biggest problem was really the separation all along. it made things hard between us. we understood but through text it got all mixed up and in voices it still got confused. we were on opposite sides of a spectrum in a bunch of ways, but i think we were learning something from the other. I realize the ways you were trying to reach across the table and got it wrong, I hope you see how I did that too to you. Because I see it, the ways I slapped you away. I think in a way I really felt like things between us would have worked out to just hold one another in person, in silence. to know that this was enough, what was trying to be communicated. no more words needed to be said. nothing more needed to be done, us just holding one another in the dark. i feel like i'd weep if i thought too hard on it. You taught me a lot about love, relationships, communicating. I miss you so much. But I feel like this is a mistake, is it? I never shut the door entirely on you. Even if it might seem that way, I left the door unlocked. I was just waiting to see if you'd return. But you knew me well enough and just left it once you calmed down. I understand that now. Or else you felt like it was another trial you were being set to.
I realize the ways I didn't finish my sentences, the way I half communicated with you, went silent, quiet or irritable. Because I wasn't seeing you, I wasn't listening to you. My mind was somewhere else, far away. The mother wound, attachments, society. I understand it better now. I feel like I see you more now. The anxiety, the need for attachment and reassurance, the pain. Now that I understand myself. I never changed the locks on anything. That was my way of leaving the door open. I'm so used to others breaking in, I thought you'd know if you tried again I'd let you in after some time. Even if it was a mistake, because I loved you too much. I didn't chase you because I was scared and felt like it was just obvious things had gone rotten, overstayed their welcome and it was time for us to move on. Even now I feel the tears ready to spill over. I understand it now. There's too many words to say, to many things to speak. It's why I wish I could hold you in my arms in person. Even just to hug goodbye. I think part of it was I felt like you found what you really needed and it was time to make my exit anyway.
I'm not at home right now. I don't know if I could talk to you even if you knock. I hope you know It's not you though. It's just me. Part of me wants to talk. But then I shake my head. It feels already over anyway, why tear open old wounds? It was probably a mistake in the first place. I never even read what you said before, I was too scared, caught up in my own panic. Trying to save myself further heartache and pain and fear. Because I didn't trust you enough. But I feel like I should have. You never did me wrong, not intentionally.
No. 2452849
File: 1742435210934.jpg (90.33 KB, 500x738, cry.jpg)

Sometimes the pain is necessary. I understand that better now. I understand better how a family unit is meant to work. How it really is just an example of any sort of partnership or group working healthily. That It's true, communicating is key. Whether that be with yourself, with others, or in a society. I was just TERRIFIED to be vulnerable. Especially like that. ESPECIALLY like that. Even now. My earliest memories are just of the terror, the pain, the helplessness, the humiliation. The realization this was all done to lower me, to make sure I knew my place. That I was worthless. Even if I couldn't make sense of it at the time. I was too young, too passive, I just wanted to be cared for, to be looked at, seen. The feelings of humiliation, being out of control, disgust, anger, horror I just silenced them. I stayed still, focused instead on how it felt nice to be at least held by someone to get through it. I wasn't really there anyway, none of it was real. How it tied in with my father. It wasn't him. But just being around him made me feel like that. That it was inevitable when the 'real' him would come out. If they did it, why wouldn't he? He'd already shown me through his actions this wasn't love. No one would protect me. All civility was was a cover for how the sausage gets made. Maybe the others did it too, who knows, I was too young. There was no other deeper meaning to things other than power and control. That people would inevitably want that from you, for something. That you could give them whatever else you could offer, and you could have a nice time, but you know in the back of your mind that's what they're all waiting for. Nothing gold can stay. That if they'll take that, they'll take your life next, because you're nothing. I realize now because I realize, anytime someone comes close, even just to hug, to hold, to talk sometimes. I want to shove them away. I feel that same fear, even if part of me wants to. The others that I tried to get close to, very close to, maybe they'd tolerate it a little but when they saw how I just laid there, I was completely passive. They (understandably) got freaked out. They could see the death, the damage. They saw there was something wrong there, and they ran away. I was scared of scaring them. I was scared to be forward as well, even if I felt comfortable, because what if I bit off more than I could chew? What if I got the script all wrong? It was terrifying. Like life or death each time. Or even worse, what if I hurt them? What if I ripped them apart? It was better to play dead. To show that even if I hurt them, they can walk away without any repucussions. The more I thought on it, the more disgusted I felt. The more I wanted to run from society. From everyone, to hide away in a cocoon. I think I understand better now. It's still hard to be outside, to speak to people. To look at them. To let them in even a tiny amount. But I know I have to. I can't afford to be scared. I'm sorry. I think I understand you better now. Now that I've let the pain in more, to face the inside and not let it destroy me but to face it. It's still hard, I still feel very confused. I'm in chaos. Flux. But through chaos come renewal. Two sides of a coin. I was so focused on what I saw was the immediate danger or the ghost of the nightmare. I couldn't see what I was looking at, talking to. It was always on my back, always over my shoulder, always waiting. I was always waiting for it to return, in some form, in some new shape, some new face. Whether an outright knife or something else, or both. But I understand now how you understood. You were trying to tell me there was nothing scared of. That you were okay too.
No. 2452884
File: 1742436488192.jpg (77.81 KB, 736x552, dafb635dc218dae84a3255863f4c34…)

fuck i fucking love getting paid i love getting money what the fuck?? this is so fucking funny holy shit i make more than any shitty dicksucking manager i've ever had, more than they'll literally ever make. thank you lord jesus thank you god thank you lolcow you've all seen me through the toughest times, i'm getting all of us out the hood!!!!!!!!
No. 2452996
File: 1742441276222.png (572.73 KB, 960x544, AMNESIA.full.3093836.png)

You're right to hate me. If you do or don't. It's important to feel it. I put too much on you, and you carried to much of mine. I wasn't seeing how you needed more to help carry the weight. We're all humans, not sinners, not angels, not gods. Only human after all. I just felt like an albatross hanging down around your neck drowning you with my problems and issues. It's not your fault. I just wanted to let you know that. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm realizing more and more how important it is to feel things, to let it out, in healthy ways. As much as possible, without relying entirely on others or just one person.
No. 2454895
File: 1742541448607.jpg (108.38 KB, 1400x700, 3805659836.jpg)

Jesk? No…
No. 2454963
File: 1742548586844.gif (28.35 KB, 220x220, 2956540909.gif)

Not again teeheehee
No. 2455019
File: 1742556186763.gif (403.55 KB, 220x163, you're-just-jealous-jan-marcia…)

No. 2455508
File: 1742580145688.png (47.54 KB, 600x670, poop time.png)

I hate when people give you the advice to find friends in mmo's because it just doesn't work, I have legitimately never felt more alone than when playing Elder Scrolls Online.
Same with going on discord servers for games I like, I try to be nice and funny, I even post original content (memes, art) but everyone either ignores me or acts like I'm butting in on conversation. Most of the fandoms I'm in are moid infested as well, so I can't use vc because they either start acting like assholes or try rizzing me up in embarrassing ways. Literally no one wants to talk to me and no one wants to be my online friend.
I unironically have an easier time making friends with normies irl than on some faggy server and that says a lot because I'm an antisocial, autistic retard. THAT'S HOW BAD DISCORD AND MMO'S ARE. Fuck.
No. 2457289
File: 1742672430152.jpeg (75.96 KB, 560x337, 11E6D2BB-4DD8-4F33-B3C7-9772F7…)

KEK I knew that topic would bring the retard out. Too EZ
No. 2459792
File: 1742825073762.jpg (46.42 KB, 564x636, 1000080081.jpg)

There's a non-zero chance that you've read my schizoposts here because despite apparently being just the BUSIEST woman on the planet you've somehow got enough spare time to lurk every single thread on lolcow. If that's what scared you away, you don't have to worry anymore, I'm gone, you can go back to posting there if you want, I'm done with lolcow, nothing here interests me anymore. Sorry to everyone else, no hard feelings you're all very nice but things just never went beyond surface level pleasantries. You did introduce one positive thing into my life and I'm thankful for him at least. Bye.
No. 2459814
File: 1742826279135.jpeg (97.39 KB, 500x557, IMG_5632.jpeg)

(vain bitch)
No. 2460775
File: 1742873975711.jpeg (361.79 KB, 1645x1287, IMG_2285.jpeg)

Tbh this is why I only discuss this with moids or specific women because if not the autism and excuses jump out. Also I hate both and no amount of sperging is going to change my mind tbh
No. 2460825
File: 1742880173569.gif (1.27 MB, 498x375, icegif-823.gif)

How do you make something like this. The scrote was ugly too. I hope the victims families never see this.