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No. 2352326

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.

No. 2352329

Sometimes you need to lose your best friend to learn how to be a better friend. Cheers

No. 2352486


No. 2352638

I'm not even sad anymore kek thank you for showing me that I can do these things on my own if I want it enough.

No. 2352860

i feel like a certain anti-demographic thread only gets bumped when said haters are catching Ls in the thread where members of that demographic are allowed to defend themselves

No. 2352897

i wonder if you think about me how i think about you. i want to pretend that you do but that also disgusts me in a way

No. 2353473

You just don’t understand my strange kind of wit. The signs all point to a social infection.

No. 2353560

Go away with your weird saviour complex that I'm a helpless avoidant baby who needs to be healed with your oh so true love.

No. 2353561

They arent going to give me my meds, are they?

No. 2353926

are we ready for the snow madness?

No. 2353932

Watching you try to make something that appeals to the masses when you all have shit taste and no sense of style is going to be so funny kek

No. 2353935

I wish my boyfriend was tall and masculine instead of a 5'6 faggot.

No. 2354051

My brain is going crazy. I'm alternating between crying my eyes out and feeling numb every 20 minutes. I feel insane and unstable. I'm pretending it's all good until I break down. I've been on this cycle this entire week. Pathetic, weird, and scary. Extremely ashamed.

No. 2354153

there’s someone in your head waiting to fucking strangle you… tee hee

No. 2354160

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The longer it goes on, the more it's gonna be like pulling teeth.

No. 2354791

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And how’s that working out for you? Cheers

No. 2354909

omg lol! you predicted that tiktok would come back in your astrology forecast and IT DID! WOW! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE PSYCHIC POWERS! WOW! YOU'RE SO INTUITIVE AND SUCH AN EMPATH!

No. 2354922

Everything can just change. Even history and culture. I saw new york times archives of them openly talking about zionism and the plan to colonise Palestine. And they've been getting tortured for decades at this point and it's just allowed. And there's constantly wars. And things that once seemed important get destroyed and forgotten or rewritten and inevitably changed. Although with conservationship hopefully some parts of the wild world are allowed to thrive as much as humanly possible. The only real legacy left behind is biological. And I'd be really depressed in old age if I haven't had a child or two.

No. 2354967

Someone's still bitter…

No. 2354983

I own 4 homes in 3 different countries and what do you have

No. 2355073

never in my life have i ever seen a woman wear a matching comb over with her man til you

No. 2355195

you guys wear diapers to cons…

No. 2356594

You own a mental asylum in your own head. Fucking freak

No. 2356602

I wish I could fall inside my mind where everything is beautiful and never come back to this horrible place.

No. 2356884

I think my worst trait is ungratefulness. I'm not under the belief that I am entitled to anything, but I find it extremely difficult to appreciate what I do have because I'm so dissatisfied with living. This boring fucking life in this shit world. Of course I'd be born the way I was. It just wouldn't have been right if I was normal. The fact other people have it worse or deal with their own problems is a meaningless comfort because I'm not other people. I'm me.

No. 2357989

he was still a VIRGIN when he was saying straight to women’s faces “i’m sixteen years old and haven’t had sex yet, but i know that i want it, it’s more important and i care about it more than i care about you and your boundaries. we can have sex right now or i’m going to leave you.” and he admits it with his whole chest. he’s proud of it. he lost his virginity to rape the same way he took mine, let’s be honest hers and maybe that high schoolers as well? only he was the perpetrator in all three cases. and if he’s into virginity as much as he used to be he’s going to start reoffending in a different way how that he looks closer to 50 than 20. he used to talk about “my purity” “my pure skin cos i was pale” seriously i want to throw up about the skin thing.

No. 2357999

Why you keep annoying me even if I've treated you like shit so many times? Don't you understand I don't wanna be with you.

No. 2358003

and it doesn’t surprise me to find out he’s mooching off of you the same way he used to off of me. he is so cheap and broke its pathetic. he is never going to be able to provide for a woman so i hope you either don’t want kids or are okay doing all the child care with no maternity leave because otherwise you’ll end up on the streets and he’s proven before he does not give a single fuck. he left me while i was pregnant. remember that and go get an IUD.

No. 2358011

meanwhile r is like omg the way hes a monster and justifies it and is wasting away and looks like literal shit is jusstttt like viktorrrr

No. 2358056

You useless, hateful hag, I got no reasons to respect your cursed existence. Literally drop dead. Your vibes are as sour as a can trash full of rotten lemons, you got no drip, your hairstyle is lame, you're painfully stupid and your existence offends me deeply. Your racist tendencies are just a logical byproduct of your cognitive delay and lack of brain, how do you even function with HALF a brain??? You're literally so retarded is bordering on actual disability, you've the IQ and impulse regulation of a damn Chihuahua. I hate hearing about you, hell, I hate thinking about you, you're the definition of intrusive thoughts you cunt I want you out of my brain, I want you to stop existing as a concept. You're not even HOT enough to at least justify your embarrassing hoe tendencies, it's just traumatizing and double lame at that point girl jfc get a damn grip. If it's not clear enough, I fucking hate you guts, if you ever try that goofy shit with me I'll make you see and feel hell you trashy senior citizen looking ass

No. 2358099

he’s never shed a single tear for the child he lost.

No. 2358175

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I don't care about the USA. I really do not give a single fuck about the USA or any American. I have interacted with two Americans in my whole life and both times I thought that they were rude assholes. I hate that for the next 4 years I'm gonna have to see Americans whinging about Trump or the Democrats or the Elon Musk or whatever the fuck it is. It was already annoying as hell in 2016-2020 but this time it's gonna be so much worse. Every day it's gonna be the same boring bullshit, "Trump did this!" "Trump said that!" "Trump!" and I'm gonna have to scroll through it all. I'm gonna have to deal with retarded middle-class 18 year olds crying and whining and pretending like the economy and lifestyle and government in the USA is comparable to Zimbabwe. I'm gonna have to hear all about "fascism" like it's the 1930s or something. I'm gonna have to read non-stop drivel by bird-brained idiots that haven't picked up a book in years; and don't know anything about global politics, history, or geography, insert themselves into every situation imaginable to complain about the 80 year old president. I resent how the anglophone internet is so dominated by American bullshit.

No. 2358196

don't give me a nasty, snarky look about me apparently, "not doing anything" when I'm the one going to college and getting a license while you're still a stuck-up, immature, stupid, filthy pick-me pig

No. 2358301

what’s so funny is i never laid a finger on him or threatened to, even after everything. i love it when you project on me because it’s like a (sexual) predator holding up a baby bunny rabbit and being like behold. true evil. like okay.

No. 2358445

I found out who your gf is, how was Japan kek. I know you lied and were with her the entire time which explains why you were standoffish yet flirting with me and entertaining it. I don't want you, it was merely a fixation so idk why it still bothers me

No. 2358830

You're just kind of sad to watch.

No. 2358839

I'm sorry but such a pathetically obsessive and gross, perverse freak trying to be an intimidating bully never works. Outside of your bubble everyone feels the same.

No. 2358842

Right back at you, sweetie.(ban evading)

No. 2358857

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Your vibes are as sour as a can trash of wotten lemons

No. 2358864

No one was talking to you, devoted schizoposter. No one here is writing you love letters. Our posts are not about you. Fuck off lol(vain bitch)

No. 2358871

You are severely autistic.

No. 2358898

I can forgive the betrayals because if everything is about politics, movements, or your martyrs complex then I don’t want to be friends with you now anyways. Have a nice life!

No. 2358909

You stupid bitch cunt. I can walk 10 minutes easily rain or cold you stupid cunt. I have been walking my whole life kek. Now you try to work a miserable job and then wait 1 hour in the freezing cold to get home. Or walk all those kms home after being on your feet all day. Want to compare a 10 minute walk to a 30-40 minute one?! You stupid fuck. Yeah it's not that far to you because you have a fucking car and sit on your ass all day you bitch cunt. Suck my clit you ugly hag. Your voice reeked of insincerity, fucking condescending bitch. I am not your dear you unprofessional slab of meat.

No. 2358911

why the fuck are settings menus impossible to navigate and sewers of dogshit decisions by retards who should be gassed, executed, slaughtered like the pigs they are, drawn and quartered, etc. etc.

why do i need to FUCKING GOOGLE VIDEOS every time i want to change one of these random settings that they've made it near impossible to figure out what is going on in a simple manner?

No. 2358940

the computer retards won fine i'll change what browser i use. i can't fucking win, why is my old profile from college rooted in everything and pissing me off. i need to buy a new laptop to wipe away all this bullshit oh my god this shit makes me fucking mad.

No. 2358994

Perhaps psychiatric intervention is necessary.

No. 2359041

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I will never forgive you for what you did to me. May you suffer as much as I did this past year. Eat shit and cry, I hate you.

No. 2359133

Men be like YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH. YOU STUPID FUCKING WHORE. YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING RETARDED CUNT WHORE SLUT USELESS BITCH WHOREBITCH SLUT FUCK YOU ARE CRAZY–and they're talking to a complete stranger who has never spoken to them and doesn't think about them lol

No. 2359155

You being a weird and psychosexually disturbed person is the least threatening and awe-inspiring thing in the world, you love to hurt women because your penis is small and you are actually nothing in reality. Hope you find a fulfilling life or hobby that doesn't involve you being a creep and misogynist pest. You'll be chopping people into pieces and burying them in your basement by age 50 probably.

No. 2359264

obsessively hopping from hobby to hobby that you're skinwalking from someone else and immediately jumping on a bandwagon the moment you think they havr an interest in something is so… what are you even doing. The way you immediately spend an hour googling and wiking everything about something and making posts miraculously pretending to be an expert about a new thing every week like you're in middle school. It's laughable, you're too fucking old for this. Especially the part where you pretend to have been into something you just google university'd "since forever". Forest Gump ass bitch trying to insert yourself into everything and seem like a savant but everyone can see you're a pathological liar. You're not even ugly like why do you insist upon ugly behavior, wasting every bit of your 20s on being an obnoxious lying skinwalker while pretending to be a beacon of morality and social justice. You don't know anything about yourself except that you try really hard to impress the kind of people who bullied you growing up!

No. 2359289

I hate that I used to be insane, I got better recently after therapy but my insanity will always be there and I hate thinking about it

No. 2359301

i fucking hate you and everything you're doing.

No. 2359326

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>how it feels knowing I'll never be some dumb pickme/tardthot who carries a shitty moid's sperm for 9 months just for it to be an AGP troon
The piece of the puzzle I kept politely looking away from is these stupid fucking tradhags who happily spread lies about female existence. The fucking trap of femininity at the expense of humanity. The tradthots aren't just "out there", they don't sit in PTA meetings or stand around barefoot in the kitchen or whatever. They really do think they're on the side of good, and they feel entitled to spaces made for women who are actually gender critical. They're the same useless bitches who hate lesbians, GNC women and think abortion rights shouldn't even be given to little girls who were raped. Can't look at spaces like Ovarit without running into moronic handmaidens proverbially fellating Trump and other rapists, spreading racist bullshit and making us all look like idiots. It's a fucking joke. I'm sorry to all the radfems I ignored who complained about this, and who kept warning everyone that "Only the right will listen to us" was bad logic. I thought it'd die off, but it's just gotten even worse.
You, your worthless husbands, the corrupt medical system and pornographers created the tranny problem, and you want to cry that you "don't know what went wroooongggg". Kill yourselves.

No. 2359383

never ever make the mistake of associating with a person with a persecution complex. i’m exhausted.

No. 2359554

Are you fucking kidding me…

No. 2359685

absolutely based(vain bitch)

No. 2359693

Your seething insane jealousy of me is really starting to reach ludicrous levels. Move on with your life.

No. 2359753

Like you’re just outright making shit up now, possibly just projecting shit people have said about you in the past, which is the great irony. Still the same obsessive creep you’ve always been.

No. 2359766

Fuck it. I am so damn sick of people who don't want to learn and would rather wallow in self-exacerbated misery. I'm off to do literally anything else.

No. 2359788

Every time you’re cancelling plans with me I’m actually thankful because you bore me to death. I can’t stand being with you alone. And if you think you’ll get a reaction from me while you’re mentioning other people…girl, I’m dying for you to cut ties with me so I can be alone for once without you nagging me and being passive aggressive. I have been waiting.
You and this friend of yours can go fuck yourselves, I couldn’t care less, you’re trying to make me jealous -like a 14 years old-…kind of pathetic if you ask me. You’re 30 now. Grow up.

No. 2359915

so moids can get their dicks chopped off on a whim but women have to jump through hoops and hoops to get a reduction???? fuck the medical field i hope it burns fuck all doctors
"what if you have kids" fuck them kids i'm tired of having these overinflated cancer bags attached to me and limiting everything i do
fuck you

No. 2360091

so how’s it feel now that you and him don’t even talk at all since he was honest and cut you off

No. 2360100

going through two breakups at once is funny. karma said kiss kiss.

No. 2360154

Old and fat, you have it all kek

No. 2360156

instead of being envious about how someone is received by others, you need to learn social skills and how to spot the difference between what one person is doing vs how you are socially making mistakes. it’s the only way to learn.

No. 2360282

an easy way to figure out if you are being cut off or you are cutting someone else off is which person stopped wanting to be in a relationship first. there’s cutting out toxicity, and then there is being the toxicity that is pruned. hope you find this advice helpful because i think you are mistaking being so nasty and making people uncomfortable and even idk ruining your supposed friends lives dragging them into things with you freeing yourself from situations that no longer serve you. and if you continue feeling this justified i think you might make good on those impulses you can’t control yourself from sharing with us. your internal feedback loop is kind of scary. you even scare men which is. a lot. co-opting the language you do with none of the hours of therapy and professional guidance or any research because you see other people do it will only manipulate people for a few months until they start to notice cracks. just because i didnt say anything and quietly just watched to see if you were really telling me about yourself doesn’t mean i was oblivious the entire time.

No. 2360307

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>nooooo how dare you say racist women are pathetic no no no no
kek, every time

No. 2360309

An easy way to always feel a sense of unearned moral superiority is to decide you know exactly what another person believes, and then argue against that belief that you made up in your own head. Simple!(vain bitch)

No. 2360320

What is it with porn addicted men and obsessing over their own and other men's dicks? It's especially rancid when it gets racial. Stop spamming "statistics!!1" on shit like penis size and insisting any woman that doesn't like you must totally want your infected pink or brown peen, no one cares and it's gross. Nobody wants you, that's why you've made a career of attacking women.

No. 2360454

i could eat that girl for lunch

No. 2360457

Idgaf u retards let men live in your heads rent free kek. Not everything is about them

No. 2360582

Nobody was talking about you bitch. Sorry the shoe fit.

No. 2360638

Trying to be measured, cool, and analytical about accusations against you of abuse and stalking thinking it makes you look like an innocent victim being pursued by an ebil schizo lying about you doesn't work when there's a myriad of people who have watched you brag about doing it. You can try on as many hats as you want and pretend you're some superior person whose above it all but you're not like that in reality and no one wants to be you. You can pretend all you want that you're interesting or better than everyone but on top of being devoid of a soul you're a voyeur and a freak so why on earth would anyone take what you say to heart…? You've piled so many lies on top of lies to excuse your degeneracy and you only forget that what you do is fucked up and unacceptable because you only surround yourself with other people like you–and even then you have to lie to them to make them accept what you do lol. You can pretend all you want that you haven't spent a large portion of time filtering pictures of a woman through every image search database known to man and even searched for child porn in such an efforted way that it's disturbing, but that doesn't change th fact that its exactly who you are. No one wants your life except for other degens like you.

No. 2360643

you are making me uneasy and i wish you would stop. your behavior is making me feel uncomfortable and i want you to stop it and leave me alone. i have voiced my boundaries over and over and you continue to cross them. i don’t know how i can make myself more clear, i ignore and avoid you and make sure you can’t contact me anywhere. i will not talk about you to anyone i know or waste journal space. i just want to say to the void that you make my skin crawl and it disturbs me you don’t see how frightened you make me and keep trying to engage with me anyway. hopefully by continuing to not acknowledge you where you actually exist i can just continue moving forward in my life until enough time and distance has passed that you get bored. i know i wasn’t the first person you did this to and i won’t be the last. i just hope you don’t go far enough i get hurt. i think i am handling it the right way by refusing to acknowledge you. it feels empowering to keep you compartmentalized in a secure containment like a deadly disease. you will not infect me.

No. 2360946

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i can’t wait for valentine’s day.

No. 2361000

its way too soon, im sorry i ever considered it.

No. 2361088

I love feeling prettier than others.
Sorry, I love feeling as if I'm the one being looked at bc I look prettier/better but ain't no way I'll try to make them feel or look bad/ Even better! I love looking at pretty girls too and complimenting them on it. Girls supporting girls.

Ugly bitches who put others down just bc they dress differently are the ugliest mfs around.
You can feel good about yourself without putting others down but since some wanna act like a ranthrough cunt they'll get treated like one.

No. 2361096

I can’t stop stalking his socials

No. 2361108

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well… thanks for saying the quiet part out loud, i guess. i don't think you meant for that to hurt like it did but yeah i feel like shit now

No. 2361160

may your marriage be as “successful” as your last business move

No. 2361170

You are so dumb I'm sorry, how can you be so selfish and not see whats in front of you. Saying you hate men and understand how damaging it is to be in relatioships with them then continuing to fuck that pathetic moid, only to complain to me at least once a month on how he's annoying or mad at you or only wants you for your body. Yeah, no shit? And you continue to hang out and act all "girlly!!!" with that disgusting tranny after what he did to you and after supposedly peaking on how they all really are? But getting mad at me when I express disgust at them too even though I introduced you to these ideas in the first place?? And you have friends and a great fucking life so don't whine to me that you don't. You only text me now when it's convenient anyway. Probably fucking him again now even though you claim you totes hate men and totes wanna be a lesbian teehee

No. 2361216

i am a lover girl and this is truly my holiday.

No. 2361491

I'm confused about a lot of things, but the one especially odd bit is that if she never sent herself those fake messages, then which one of you did? Which one of you called that random girl Michaela (who looks perfectly fine and seems so randomly forced into all of that?) grandma faced? Are you all really that hateful and fucking weird. Do you just send random tumblr era women you evidently don't like or something hate messages and blame a non-existent woman made up from a catfish with stolen photos???? The screenshots are hard to follow when you know its all bullshit because there's this major tangle of loose ends where I have to wonder which one of you is that psychopathic. Men lol.

No. 2361493

Like where are all these random ass women from? They're all women too, why? Was being predatory and abusive starting to backfire so you had to manipulate women into your game of horror wtf. Taylor, who and why. Christy, who and why. Michaela who and why. I've seen (presumably?) all the screenshots and recordings you cobbled together–what the fuck. There is no real connection except you trying to recruit women to shit on a complete and total stranger and excuse you for being a bonafide fucked up abuser. Told Rashida to open a cc to see if she gets sent hate, did you do that to her too? What the fuck was going on with you sick faggots, go to hell for toying with women like this. What do I even say, the only connection is you three.

No. 2361501

I think the scariest part is that it's literally all sexual abuse any way you look at it and not only did you derive ultimate glee from it, you just couldn't bear to do it alone and decided to create all these elaborate, intersecting, convoluted backstories that were never real and even made sure you had multiple red herrings in place so you could victimize yourself if anyone questioned you. Knowing that people like you exist is nauseating. You've spent half a decade, more even, circle jerking to your own sick roleplay and then hurt dozens of randoms in the process. I bet you even have more lies and fake excuses for this being said, even. You have to quadruple down, and that's what they're too naive to understand. Of course youre a convincing liar, a convincing victim, and a convincing fake cryer–what would happen if any of these people went public and mentioned even just a fraction of what you partake in?

No. 2361564

ugh I really need to do something about it

No. 2361576

Listen, I didn't want to schedule the expensive dental work for a reason, I was planning on dental tourism where I can get excellent quality work done and my currency goes further; don't call me hounding about when i'm going to schedule it and then have a disparaging attitude while making me feel stupid for getting flustered by the pressure. $700-$800 for something that I can get done for $300 or so elsewhere is insane in this economy. I do not have money to spend on convenience otherwise it wouldn't be an issue.

No. 2361680

It's pretty ironic how you talk about yourself being so awesome and amazing (while being all alone, mind you) and still have to act like a bully with those around you who care.
Do you feel better after correcting everything we say? After refuting things that only YOU care about? After declaring how you couldn’t care less?
Your life is meaningless. You have to share all these stories and anecdotes about you being the center of the world because no one else would do it for you; and that’s sad.
Your jobs are fleeting ones. You only had a relationship which didn’t lasted because he dumped you (yes, him, not you, I guess he got tired of you always talking about…ah, yes, you)You don’t owe a house, you’re still living with your parents but claiming to make so much money (where is it?) and you don’t get any ambitions in this life. So much for someone who always talks about hating people who don’t pursue things. You’re projecting, that’s what you’re doing.
As I said, you’re just a bully who has to bring other people down to feel better about yourself. That’s the lowest point for me, to be honest. I don’t care if I seem pathetic to you or if I’m always settling down according to you; at least I can say I’m a good person who mean no harm to others, something you can’t say about you.

No. 2361784

does your wife know about all of our emails? I would not have sent you those photos if you had told me you were engaged/married. anyway, thanks for the shout out in your book. was fun while it lasted.

No. 2361830

How does it feel to lie so much that no one believes you now. Your legacy is to be a lying bitch who will never be trusted. Fuck you

No. 2361871

we're all worried about your boyfriend because he's clearly been a doormat his whole life and been through so much, and you're older than him yet emotionally stupider and crueler than him. Your PD is untreated and you make everything uncomfortable. I don't fucking care about your preferences. You think your needs are more important than the rest of ours? Pound sand bitch

No. 2362067

by the way it’s scary you think there are human beings out there that don’t have any feelings at all. that’s frightening you can dehumanize someone with the snap of a finger so entirely. boom. i don’t like you, there is no you, anything i do to you is justified because i’m going to declare there’s nothing inside of you and since you can’t feel it, rape and torture don’t count as unethical. which doesn’t even make sense, even if i was completely empty raping me like that would still be just as unfathomably monstrous. but good luck explaining that to someone who views the rest of us as just empty puppets walking around. and any emotion we have is a performance for your benefit. that’s so scary. there’s no redeeming someone like you because you won’t ever begin to see what you’ve done as wrong. you’d crack like an egg. that’s why i thought maybe when you started looking like total shit it had finally hit you and you would apologize. that’s just you rotting from the inside out. it’s just really really really showing now. please cut your fucking side burns.(schizo)

No. 2362236

God. The fact that every time I see a picture of you I feel better about myself is crazy. Stay fat and ugly you faggot LMAO

No. 2362345

I fucking hate you and I don’t feel bad for you at all. I don’t know how you fucking sleep at night or live with yourself. You will always get what you deserve.

No. 2362464

The fact that you bump the thread and delete your shitty post within 5 seconds because you want to bump other peoples saged posts is so retarded. Dirty deleting coward kek.(schizo no. 2)

No. 2362467

My Shaylaaaa

No. 2362684

I am a sensitive young woman. I will only change for the better. I deserve a better future.

No. 2362749

It may come as a shock to you that other people aren't as neurotic, embittered, or superficial as you and so your silly, childish insults don't phase people who aren't like you. You just look immature, you have the depth of a puddle in the cracks of pavement which is only notable because you think you're somehow above it all or a refined tastemaker. Sorry normal people aren't that shallow and rude, it's such a pointless existence to have and project onto the rest of us. Feels like a little dog nipping at your heels.

No. 2362760


No. 2362787

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Me only say one word me funny. Me go haha.(schizo no.2)

No. 2362852

Fuck you and your ugly ass dogs I'm not a cunt for wanting to run without your dogs chasing and growling at me.

No. 2362895

I hope you think about what you have done every day

No. 2362905

I miss you every day. You were my dearest best friend. Your friendship was what kept me going for years. When you said I was too much for you and a burden in your life while I was going through one of the darkest periods in my life I knew I would never trust anyone again. You really took something from me I didn't even know I still had, and now it's gone.

No. 2362917

I'm too sensitive to be friends with you, plus you still have the stench of scrote site on you. I'm ending it now, good luck improving your work.

No. 2362930


No. 2363164

You deserved it. Still do.

No. 2363272

You’re so tiresome…I don’t care, at all. Drop it ffs, everything with you has to be an argument. Don’t you ever get tired of being so annoying? Act like your age.

No. 2363469

Deleted on sight.

No. 2363571

No I'm actually not a closet dyke. I lost my virginity in year 12 to a boy I dated for another 8 years. I didn't have need to dress like a slut and act a whore I was getting laid already. Costume parties I went for humour over sex appeal because I had sex on tap tbh.

No. 2363593

For the second time now I've been ghosted by someone that pretended to be overly enthusiastic about meeting up with me, only to never respond again right on the day I thought we were supposed to meet up. They even said shit like "We can definitely make it then!" I want to block and unfriend people like this too, if it weren't the fact I know it wouldn't do anything and that they still wouldn't care. And at the same time, I am a chronic very severe ghoster myself so I know I have no room to talk. At the same time in all fairness, I don't really ghost people that I thought we already made a great connection with and have alot in common with. I mean y'all literally told me you have social anxiety too (Yeah right, you're obviously very normie and hang out with other people constantly. I've had several people tell me they have that when that was just a sorry excuse or larp for being shitty.), we had the same major (I helped you with your classes, especially because you knew I was a tutor for them), we both are interested in Japan and went there, we both were career-oriented….Even despite all that, you still stopped talking to me me like nothing happened. This had happened with another girl I thought I bonded alot over and that was constantly coming over to cook with me and hang out with me. Then all of a sudden she stopped talking to me because I accidentally asked her for a favor I shouldn't have. This is why I have such bad trust issues now and don't even bother with friend-making. If I'm going to be this disposable, I don't need any "friends".

No. 2364393

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Picking fights with the reactive BPDettes so you can cry victim when they snap at you is a terrible strategy kek. You want to be a morally superior martyr so badly but everyone knows what you're doing. Emotional self-harm, and for what reason? Embarrassing.

No. 2364431

SHUT UP YOU RETARDED FAGGOT MALE. "eeheh since de trumpy said that technically he confimed we're all women and so are transwomen cause all humans started out as female hehehee" NO, SHUT UP. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN. YOU ARE LUCKY WE'RE RELATED BY BLOOD AND I LOVE YOU OTHERWISE I'D GIVE YOU A VERBAL LASHING.

No. 2364434

Omg just go away I can't stand you just leave!

No. 2364479

DARVO is an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It describes a manipulative tactic often used by abusers to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and shift the blame onto their victim. DARVO allows abusers to control the narrative and avoid accountability for their behavior.

No. 2364488

God your hairline is a sin against humanity. It’s almost as bad as your fucked up teeth. You’re not even broke, why do you insist on looking so gross? Embarrassing.

No. 2364581

don't eat the nuts bitch you are FAT

No. 2364687

Your dick is small and everyone hates you.

No. 2365044

You know damn well that if you had gotten your license and a car, this would be so much easier. Keep talking about your knowledge all you want fat cunt, you’re still behind us.

No. 2365437

I pray officials in your country enforce some sort of firewall that prohibits you from ever messaging or interacting with me you mouth-breathing retard. I can't stand you.

No. 2365474

“I was cancelled for being a huge creep to women, better double down by obsessively fixating on one woman in particular who is not the one I’m married to. I am very smart.”

No. 2365476

It’s funny how you really have no idea why someone would switch things up so often and it’s because you’ve never actually had to work a real job. The fact that you call them “hobbies” instead of skills is really telling. You’ve never had to diversify because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you can afford to sit around all day autistically focusing on one thing only. You have no idea what employers are looking for or why someone would add a thing that they seemingly have no prior interest in to their portfolio because you’ve never had to work.

No. 2365479

I know you like to blame me for what happened to you like I was the evil mastermind behind it all, but the truth is all those people (whom I’ve never even spoken to) hated you already, independent of me, and that is 100% your own fault. I didn’t rally them together, they did that on their own. Because you are exactly who they all said you were.

No. 2365486

what’s better than one breakup? two breakups.

No. 2365494

I miss it when you weren’t there

No. 2365504

You deserve everything bad that happened to you. Even you getting injured was your own damn fault.

No. 2365509

Moids deserve to die alone and rot and take their family slavery dogshit institutions to hell. They are walking cancer incarnate.

No. 2365510

i’m eating a whole tray of exotic tropical fruit after spending an hour in a bubble bath reading and then i’m gonna make myself look like a princess for my girlfriend and she’s taking me somewhere as a surprise i’m so happy.

No. 2365519

i think i’m gonna do curls and a selkie dress and maybe my miu mius. it’s restaurant week right now so i have a feeling i know what restaurant we are going to after but she said she had something so exciting it’s gonna make me freak out before and to make sure i don’t go all day without eating like i usually do.

No. 2365604

i spent such a long time blaming myself for everything and thinking that anything good was too good for me or if something good happens, it’s because something bad is about to happen. i’ve spent five years now waiting for the other shoe to drop. there’s no shoe in the sky. i’m okay.

No. 2365938

You can't hate someone you don't know, have literally never spoken to, had no real knowledge of except through being catfished using their identity. I mean I guess you can, but it doesn't make any sense. You definitely can't pretend they're a dangerous archnemesis just because some info of your activities leaked and some people actually do second guess your convoluted lies because, well, they don't add up or make any sense independent of the stories you spin. Please.

No. 2366312

It's crazy the amount of evil a man can create with ai, photoshop, aftereffects, and way too much time on his hands. Should be put down tbh.

No. 2366372

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at the end of the day what is most important is we all hate men. i peeled you some orange.

No. 2366489

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There's this guy I have had a crush on for the past 6-ish years.
He's not attractive, he's kind of a loser, and honestly the only good thing about him is that he has some money. But it took him some time.
We met when he was a student and he was an ABSOLUTE MESS. He had no money, he sucked at school, he kept losing jobs.
But istg the guy makes me crazy, and I think the only reason is because he actually knows how to throw back my snarky comments at me. Like, he doesn't mince the words or go "I can't be like this with a girl". Is weird, because it doesn't come off as cringe or trying too much, is like the guy naturally knows how to vibe with me like that. Is stupid.
And the worst part is that he liked me, but I was in a relationship so I had to keep rejecting him. I eventually cut him off for a while cause my ex kept getting jealous of him. HIM. I kept asking him, what are you on about? Have you looked at him? Like what the fuck dude? Did people really believe my standards where that low?
So I stopped talking to him, and the guy not only enrolled in school again and finished, he was the fucking valedictorian. He's been having this high paying job for some years now, and has a house to show it.
What the fuck dude.
So I started talking with him again, and I'm so fucking attracted to him. Not fiscally I guess, he still looks the same, just older.
But the way he talks, he way he seems to be in such control of his life. I want to fuck him and dominate him so badly I feel pathetic. I feel like of he tells me he's still into me I will lose my mind out of the big ass ego I will develop. Why.
And ofc I won't ever tell him, it just feels so lame. Like I don't want him to believe I like him cause he has money, but I also feel like it would be such a fucking cliche.
I'm this close of stopping talking to him again out of embarrassment, but then again that feels ashaming too.
Nonnas I can't believe I'm being this stupid about a moid that still plays TCGs, I'm so fucking serious.

No. 2366931

i’m genuinely baffled how you thought you’d stay friends with someone with a partner that you were sending romantic spotify playlists to and continually confessing your feelings to. at a certain point you have to realize that’s sexual harassment? only i guess you haven’t because it’s been weeks and now your new line is how grateful you are about his honesty and that you get to play a part in his life at all and to let him know if he misses you too and has he still been checking spotify…

No. 2367285

what comes next after slaying the dragon?

No. 2367717

HAHAHAHA bitch, is this the end!? are you leaving and never returning? I've been given the confidence and strength from friends to approach you if I ever see you on the street and bitch you out for being an abusive piece of shit to me, your boyfriend, our mutual friends and the townpeople. We fucking hate you, collectively, and I love that I wasn't wrong - I would ruminate about how maybe I was in the wrong for kicking you out of my life, maybe I should have been more patient or tolerant, maybe there was something I could have done to prevent a blow up like this, but no. Everyone fucking HATES you. And it's because you are a selfish, hypocritical piece of trash. I cannot wait for the rest of this year. Whatever happens, happens, knowing that other people are on my side and loathe you clear as day is empowering. You hear that? They've dropped all the niceties. They think your boyfriend broke up with you. I really fucking hope so. He's too young and I've known him my entire life, and yet your thundering ugly self-obsessed ass constantly demands he be your caretaker. How about instead of threatening to kill yourself next time, you actually do it? And call me before you do so I can get the champagne ready.

No. 2367743

i feel safer in the arms of my girlfriend than i did with the man in the profession that claims to protect us all.

No. 2367845

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No. 2367993

I'll get better. I have to. I really miss her. She wouldn't want me to be like this, I'm sorry.

No. 2368753

As soon as csa is mentioned, you immediately decide sexual harassment and delusional armchairing is okay. It's totally okay for you to abuse women and mock them for their abuse, right? They were asking for it. Victim blaming soulless sped.

No. 2368758

I know you have a severe personality disorder that makes you thrill-seek tormenting other people and you are incapable of understanding basic concepts, but CSA doesn't make you hate sex because you "hate yourself" you retard. You lack all ability to empathize and you demonize the most random shit. People don't want to have sex because they are often taken back to the day they were assaulted, arguably the worst day of your life. The memories never go away and live in your body. Fuck you and fuck the fact that you think it's funny to be a literal monster. You can't even pretend to be a woman for more than 5 minutes because it always devolves into you being creepy and sexually degrading. Your life is fucking pathetic.

No. 2369063

i want to have sex with my girlfriend

No. 2369066

how the fuck u in art school and bad at art

No. 2369071

then stop being a fucking stunted manchild retard and call the fucking lawyer.

No. 2369135


No. 2369445

So much for girl's girl. Some of you bitches make me remember why women are so hard to befriend online

No. 2369448

The amount of jobs I've been turning down for bullshit reasons cause my unemployment benefits out benefit them lol, however I have an interview tomorrow and I want to buy a house eventually so

No. 2369453

I’m imagining you have a cat and I’m howling(vain bitch)

No. 2369460

It feels so nice to have a secret Twitter account

No. 2369572

he told me i would get over it by the way. time didn’t heal shit and i can still feel his grubby hands all over me and it still physically hurts when i have panic attacks and i still can’t sleep normal and i still can’t eat normal and i still can’t function like everyone else and he stole all of these things from me and told me he doesn’t feel bad. which in case you haven’t noticed made everything so much worse. so much for too far gone. and in a few years we will look back at this as having been not too far gone compared to what happens and i just desperately want out.

No. 2369574

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I'll never stop hoping Charlotte Charms will one day get the plot back… I know she looks like a fat blow up doll nowadays but fuck, I still try to do my makeup like she did back in 2013. She was so fucking pretty. And even though she was a vain cunt I wouldn't have wished her current self on anyone

No. 2369597

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Like this shit makes me so sad. Spoilered for absolute grotesque tits(vain bitch)

No. 2369755

I’m scarred for life by the anon above me, can I say this please. I wanna cry. I shouldn’t have clicked anything.(vain bitch)

No. 2370008

i wish you’d make him apologize.

No. 2370380

he ruined life for me so i’m never going to stop ruining his.

No. 2370647

Nothing could ever make me hate you. The warmth you feel isn’t coming from the heater, it’s because the world is burning, I’m closer to the fires than you. And when I’m nothing but char and you start crying in its circle, I’ll gather my remaining strength to help you. But you won’t learn, because you never step outside to breathe its fresh air. I’m sorry that you grew up so stupid, but I’m unsure why you made it my cross to bear. I’ll smile through it all, mainly because I can see you face your consequences. Thank you for reminding me of everything I could be if I never got better, I’ll watch your body slowly get smaller as I keep moving forward.

No. 2370662

This guy I used to know, who is suicidal and pretty much doesn't care about his life anymore, is going all SJW after being far right. But hey it's his life and choice and I can't do anything about it

No. 2370709

so you apparently dont know how to do basic ass shit on the computer for work that you have been doing for the past 10+ years but you constantly talk about your laptop you use for your shitty white trash weekend dj job. yeah sure.

No. 2370818

KEKKKKKK how's it feel to #girlboss your way into more than 60k of debt? How's the garden going, peaches? Still keeping up with the rent even if you can't Klarna it?

No. 2371020

he made everything pitch black for me and now he wants to act like the light he stole from me is his

No. 2371026

he did all that shit to me and then told me i deserved it.

No. 2371053

God I love my boyfriend but I wish he’d just grow the fuck up. Mommy and Daddy paid for your whole life in a coastal city so now you have no resiliency, stoicism, or problem solving abilities. I’m not saying poverty is morally good, but at least it made me fucking resilient.
Like yeah money is tight right now, because of the profession YOU chose. And then you cry and bawl that all your friends are making more money than you and living in better places than you, etc. well babe you decided where we’d live after you graduated, and you decided your career. Why can’t you just put your head down, get a side hustle like me, and spend less on alcohol and fast food? It’s not fucking rocket science and also you literally have an economics degree how do you not understand how your credit card works.

No. 2371066

Good fucking lord you're retarded. If you're gonna attempt to armchair diagnose me with the latest disorder you learnt the name of then at least get ONE diagnostic criterion of them right. Fuck off fatass why don't you repair your relationship with your roommate who you SAd.

No. 2371127

Kek kek I’m glad I got that retarded Nigel vent thread locked.

No. 2371187

Hmmm, let's see. You're actually a faggot, so really, I don't miss out on anything. Good for me.

No. 2371506

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Still mourning the apparent death of our friendship despite my best efforts holy fuck I have so much I want to talk to you about I still want to talk to you SO BAD. Actually crying rn, I wish we had never met if it was just always gonna turn out like this but you guys were also great to hang with, I had so much fun and you turned me on to some cool new stuff. Yeah I said i was done but I think I just hoped if I said with enough conviction it would stick. Nope. It took me years and years to get over losing my last close friend, can't wait for this decade long mourning process to painfully limp along. I'm too embarrassed to come back now and you're still MIA anyways. But despite it all, i still just want to be your friend. I'm hopeless.

No. 2371720

All lolicons should be skinned alive, I'm tired of arguing the law with nonces.

No. 2371783

I know you never gave a fuck about me and I never asked you to, I just wish you hadn't pretended to care for so long. Objectifying me wasn't enough, you had to show that you thought I was stupid as well. I know I'm naive but you're not subtle at all.
After I went out of my way to lie for you and take blame for your bullshit, the only thing I asked for in return was honesty, and I never got it. Your friendship was the fakest I ever witnessed. You have female orbiters and you watch porn, but for some reason that wasn't enough and you had to go after my body as well, but why? Why is this all I am to you? Why was nothing I said or did enough for you to see me as a person? You will never take my virginity. You will never take my time and energy again. I'm going to wash you away from my life. I am more than this.

No. 2371838

> I resent how the anglophone internet is so dominated by American bullshit.
i agree with you nona but at the same time it is the fault of non-anglos for joining the anglo internet and abandoning their language/country specific forums/communities and clicks(vain bitch)

No. 2371868

i want my innocence back.

No. 2371939

how do you sleep at night knowing i’m in hell because of what you did to me.

No. 2371966

I'm tired of caring about people that's don't care about me! I'm tired of worrying about whether or not people like me

No. 2371970

My nigel is a string bean and I made the mistake of looking at my thigh next to his when we were sat down and I genuinely have never wanted to kill myself more kek I'm average weight and actually on the slim side [for me] but wow it's insane how easy moids have it. My leg legit looked 3x the size of his.

No. 2372121

everything will probably be okay

No. 2372124

you can do something that will help and that is to apologize to me. i think i deserve closure.

No. 2372252

SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you fucking hiccup one more time I'm going to force sugar down your ungrateful throat like you're a damn foie gras goose and if you keep going after that I'm going to stab you in the fucking diaphragm so you never make noise again. Don't fucking test me. I haven't slept enough for you to bring me this goddamned bullshit. STAY. FUCKING. ASLEEP. For once in your goddamned life. Farmhands don't fucking come at me; I'm not a-logging anyone except my own godforsaken body.

No. 2372364

Damn you're ugly and fat. Not to be superficial but I'm glad I'm not

No. 2372663

I still don't know what to do

No. 2372694

German synthpop has me feeling funny and ravenous

No. 2372875

i want him to apologize to me.

No. 2372879

i like wildflowers and sunflowers.

No. 2372888

i don’t want some shady text. i want him to treat me like how i deserve.

No. 2373038

I don’t necessarily want to die, but fuck if sliding into a coma and never waking up doesn’t sound massively appealing right now. I fainted for the first time a few months ago and was like ‘wow this is great’ the entire time I was unconscious, it felt like peace

No. 2373678

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i wonder who i would have gotten to be if it wasn’t for you.

No. 2374047

Wow you stupid fat bitch it’s so egalitarian of you to gain so much weight that you’re the exact same size as your fuck ugly retarded boyfriend whose brain is rotted from drugs who BTW has been in my DMs since I was a fucking sophomore in high school. You washed up stupid fugly cunt, how dare you move to my city. I won’t be happy until you’re out on the streets and suffering. You are a disgrace to all women, oh and did I mention you’re fat? F A T. Since you wanted to comment on my body every time you saw me, let me comment on yours. You are shaped like a brick, your tits sag down to your bellybutton, you race fish by pretending you’re a hapa when you’re literally an eighth Korean I have forgotten about your fucking Twitter handle. You’re a pick me, obsessed with dick including my ex boyfriend’s dick, told me you thought the two of you were soulmates…. Did I mention you’re fat. You’ve cheated on every man you’ve every dated, your paintings look like shit, you can’t dress for shit without getting those fat saggy Luna Slater tits out of your shirt, and you too eight fucking years to get a bachelors degree of art at a literal state school. I will beat the shit out of you if I ever see you in public again or have to here your annoying, shrill high pitched “omggggg” ringing in my ears. Also seriously your paintings look like shit.

No. 2374123

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I'm tired of black women pretending not to know why white women don't feel solidarity with or empathy towards black women. You openly hate us and we're scared of you. I'm tired of having to live in fear of black people in America. I have literally experienced and witnessed more violence from black women than white men. Even when it's not physical violence we have to fear having our lives/careers blown up by you calling us racists if we look at you wrong.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2374143

oh poor you plays world's smallest violin

No. 2374147

hate when I'm a racist bitch then people actually clock me for who I am I have to fear the consequences of my actions

No. 2374153

I'm from Ireland and I never understood this dynamic. Maybe it's the difference in history but to actually grovel to people and still have it socially acceptable to crucify you in their opinion more than white men is so bizarre to watch as an outsider(vain bitch responding to bait)

No. 2374156

what the fuck

No. 2374163

Good I hope you live in fear of us. I hope just seeing us smile makes your heart race and you drip with fear and anger. I pray a black woman gets you fired from your job and dates your husband and future son.

Lmao the Irish clearly don’t know what they became once they got to the Americas. My last name is Irish because the Irish came to America and raped little black girls. So again I hope all of you grovel at our feet when you step towards black women and girls for what you did. You are your ancestors and it shows from your shit post(vain bitch responding to bait)

No. 2374180

This is from a still of a woman calling them slurs. Leave black women alone or learn to fight

No. 2374189

men do this to women several times more and rape us on the top of it but I guess your handmaiden ass is fine with being racist but god forbid not being "not all men".(vain bitch responding to bait)

No. 2374192

White women abused little Black girls after they were raped by their husbands. White women would call their husbands to get Black women’s husbands lynched if she was having a bad day. If you don’t know US history stfu

No. 2374210

Nobody cares what you think anymore. You hate us? We hate you too. Your black husbands that you think are so precious have raped and killed us more than we have ever harmed you historically.

No. 2374212

>dates your husband and future son
It’s all rooted in jealousy and an obsession with white cock at the end of the day. We are supposedly responsible for them raping you like you said here >>2374192
Yet you still want to fuck them just to get back at us. It’s very pathetic.

No. 2374215

nobody cares what a racist person really thinks at the end of the day, most black people I know personally just avoid racists because if you try to be nice, they won't change their opinion and if you try to argue back you're just a violent black person. there is no winning. so just make sure everyone around you knows what you think so they can avoid you.

No. 2374217

God damn piggers are insufferable. Mask off moment(vain bitch responding to bait)

No. 2374219

I met up with an old high school friend and within minutes of seeing her again, she told me that a mutual friend of ours cheated on his wife with her for a long time. I didn't need to know this. Keep your secrets.

No. 2374223

You think every white person is racist so maybe the entire white race should avoid you by sending you back to shithole Africa where you came from. Trust me there’s nobody that hates slavery more than white people since it’s the reason we have to exist in society with people who are barely a cut above chimpanzees.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2374224

it's honestly better when people bare their shit immediately so you can parse your expectations. I hate when I meet someone seemingly normal then I find out something like that later on.

No. 2374232

where do you nonnies go when you're feeling lonely, i recently just broke up with someone and ive just been feeling lonely since.
don't know who to contact, breakup wasn't even bad but im just isolated now.(don't solicit replies in this thread, read the OP)

No. 2374234

where did I say every white person is racist? you're not only racist but also actually mentally disabled. go back to school.

No. 2374236

Love how everyone itt defending that woman ignored this kek(vain bitch responding to bait)

No. 2374237

if someone called me a slur outside they would meet these hands and I'm white.(vain bitch)

No. 2374238

i feel like everywhere i go is either dead or just impossible to meet people. every social media feels so distant and i deleted my account for every chat application so now i don't know how to get introduced to people anymore.

ive never felt this lonely/isolated before despite objectively being in worse places before.(newfag samefagging)

No. 2374271

>Amberlyn Reid trying to run me over with her mobility scooter because I called her a pigger
Belly laughing with tears in my eyes(vain bitch)

No. 2374279

Using the thread for its intended purpose, don't mind me: I loathe the artificial separations we've invented. I detest that which separates me from you and us from our collective humanity. Also I'd like to sleep through one damn fucking night for once in my life. Biphasic sleep might be natural, but it's a pain in the fuckin' ass in our modern shithole.

No. 2374282

The Barbary Coast slave trade refers to the centuries-long practice of North African pirates and raiders, known as the Barbary corsairs, capturing and enslaving people from European coastal towns and ships. This took place primarily between the 16th and 19th centuries along the Barbary Coast, which included modern-day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

Who Was Enslaved?
-Europeans: Tens of thousands, possibly over a million, Europeans were captured from coastal towns in Italy, Spain, France, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and even Iceland.
- Americans: After the United States gained independence, American ships became targets as well, leading to conflicts like the First and Second Barbary Wars.(infight bait, ai slop)

No. 2374287

My bones itch sometimes WTAF.

No. 2374288

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this place is unbearable when vpns arent banned. see you when admins get a spine again.

No. 2374308

I don't care if this is me falling for the ugly moid psyop, I hate that they gave Vecna a glow-up in 5e and made his pre-lich self look like he takes it up the ass from Kas. In the way they decided to make Vecna attractive, they made Kas ugly as sin. He obviously has poop particles in that new beard of his.

No. 2374329

>I hope all of you grovel at our feet when you step towards black women and girls for what you did. You are your ancestors and it shows from your shit post
No, because my ancestors stayed in Ireland and went absolutely nowhere near you. Hence why I am still here. You wish the worst on people who didn't do anything to you and that's why people want to withdraw support. My observation was that American women support you to the point of allowing themselves to be socially humiliated on the regular (fully gaslit into believing that they deserve it) and your reaction is to piss on that. Touch grass, look around you. The white women around you aren't beating or abusing you or black children on the regular. The opposite. They routinely sabotage themselves for your benefit when you give them nothing in return. They're people- like you, like me. To turn to me and say I owe you anything because of a man unrelated to me that lived long before me is the schizo behaviour that makes people bitter. In years to come women in America will remember that trying to shake hands with you was like putting their palms on a hot stove and you will be no closer to peace than you were a hundred years ago. If you want to drag ancestors and history into it so bad, then take a note from the Irish who exist without demanding Scandinavians and and English people act like dogs for us for crimes they didn't personally commit.

No. 2374451

The point of this thread is to scream into the void. Since literacy is apparently a dying art, here is a line from the thread OP:
>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

Do not solicit replies in this thread. Do not respond to others rants in this thread. This goes double for responding to extremely obvious bait, report and ignore it. Everyone involved in this derail has been banned, there is 1 red text per ban but the rulebreakers made multiple posts, so don't complain X person wasn't banned when you were.

No. 2374761

cut off the craziest drama whoring members of your family and only speak with them during the holidays.

No. 2374844

It was me who farted

No. 2374859

you make me want to throw up so fucking bad. you make me physically sick please forget about me already

No. 2375169

That's a weird song

No. 2375550

Ok I get it, I'm ugly and a loser but the lengths you go to avoid me are cartoonish. We both know if I was prettier you'd have no issue with me. I know you're a porn addict I know what you value. I'm sorry for misreading a situation and I'm sorry for what I said but I don't know what you think I'm going to try to do so many months later. I wish you'd let me apologise. I can't cross paths without shaking so hard people notice half an hour later. Please can we cut the shit?

No. 2375801

i love you but i wish so badly i didnt have to deal with this. i really hope some kind of miracle cure hits you soon, it's so painful for the both of us but i can't just up and leave you because of it, i still care very much. i'm not sure how either of us are meant to continue on with this, but i want so badly for it to just go away so we can have normal lives together. i'll always love you despite all the problems, though, no matter how difficult and stressful it all gets.

No. 2375960

Life sucks if you’re poor

No. 2376096

I ignore nonas who are rude or condescending to me in their replies. I like to imagine they get upset when I reply to nice nonas instead of theirs

No. 2376716

Everything you're experiencing right now is a direct consequence of your own stupidity and inaction. You started this mess, you picked the worst possible scrote to get involved with while in a relationship. Even then you wouldn't break it off with moid #1 and we are now at year 2 of you whining and bitching about your pseudo relationship and weird hookup love triangle. If you're waiting to see if he picks you (you are and he won't) then good fucking luck, both of them are quite literally fucking other people while you cry yourself to sleep. Wake up, cut these people out of your life, stop using me as a therapist, and stop acting like you're drowning in 2 inches of water. You could quite literally move to another state and buy a new place today if you wanted to, women in infinitely worse situations would kill for the resources and financial freedom you have. You are 35 years old and acting like a heartbroken 13 year old, I cannot fucking take it any more.

No. 2376791

Grow up retard. Being pretend ana at your advanced age is pathetic. That loser moid left you because you are insufferable. So why don't you fucking fix it instead of shopping around for new psychiatric diagnoses and abusing your psych meds, dipshit?

No. 2377287

mason cheated on you months ago dani

No. 2377322

It's so crazy how you talk about how kind and patient and empathetic you are and try to emotionally manipulate other women but the moment you think no one is looking you absolutely verbally abuse the fuck out of women just because you think no one knows you are. The way you talk about other women is so much nastier than you talk about men, it's actually kind of hilarious in retrospect because you pretend that you believe in women gaining footing from the cruelty and misogyny of men but you yourself are a raging, psychotic misogynist. You aim so much vitriol at women in ways you never put in effort for men, and then the moment you think someone catches your bluff you pretend to be some wounded victim and why can't women just all get along guys ugh women are so mean. Fucking insane. You are insane LOL.

No. 2377398

In order to be forgiven for that slight comment, we're going to require that you use the vacuum of your colon and the strength of your anus to suck all the juice from this lemon. That was so mean you chubby jerk, you're stressed because your violent asshole parents are visiting tomorrow and you are NOT stressed because I'm a chill and hot broad, you moron. Figure it out and be nice to me.

No. 2377910

I deserve that pink bag

No. 2377913

thank god that schizo you let mod now deleted random rants and left up all the racism. that isn’t suspicious at all.

No. 2377915

i’m sorry that it was always unrequited. that sucks for you. but it didn’t have anything to do with me and i wasn’t a part of his decision making process. so let’s not take it out on the victim again.

No. 2378070

Ha, you thought i was a chore and a hassle and since we broke up 2 months ago, I got new appliances and utilities in my apartment. My hair is longer and gorgeous and next week I'm trading my car in for a new model. Ive got a prescription for cannabis and pay less than half price what you pay. You cant even afford to use your gas heating and you're bald. You were a hassle, boring and shit with money.

No. 2378164

File: 1738524757046.png (2.49 MB, 1040x1136, IMG_7014.png)

Women only care about other women when it's convenient. But the moment a woman does something wrong or is imperfect the internalized misogyny comes fucking raging out. I hate moids. You will never make me support a fucking ugly disgusting ass ape moid again.

No. 2378187

File: 1738525621529.jpeg (749.42 KB, 2048x1215, GiyE1VibYAEt1nL.jpeg)

I miss my online friends. We were friends for around 10 years and shared so many niche hobbies together, so much history of laughs and memes all gone because of stupid petty internet arguments and drama. I wouldn't go back in time and do it differently since that whole environment was toxic for me but in these moments I really miss that cunt. Hope you're doing well and got some therapy bitch

No. 2378407

You were my best friend and I still call you that when I talk about you to people, but you moved to be an army wife, cheated, got pregnant and divorced, had to leave the baby daddy because he was abusive and controlling. Moved to another state, met another man, got pregnant again, and now you live with his mom and sister and brother and their family in a small room.. We don't have anything in common. I'm sorry, we don't. I miss you and I cherish what we had, but I don't know what to even talk to you about. I don't want kids, I don't like kids. I don't hate your kids, but I don't want to talk about your kids with you. Our hobbies aren't the same anymore and it's been almost 15 years now. I wish you never left, I wish you never, ever married him in order to "get out" of this small town. The small town got better, we couldn've moved in with each other. Instead you took the easy way out and all those trips and vacations you wanted to take in your 20s and 30s.. You can't. I can't help but feel so sorry for you.

No. 2378690

File: 1738540668844.png (184.32 KB, 500x565, shame.png)

>walking down to the bay to get candy at the convenience store with my sister and then eating it with her in secret
>playing in the hidey-hole under the stairs together
>selling lemonade and cookies that she made to the bikers that passed by
>believing wholeheartedly when my sister said she saw tinker bell outside the window
>staying up all night dressed up as veronica and reenacting archie comics with her and her friend

actually now that I think about it a lot of good childhood memories involve my sister. I really miss when we were closer before my brother got older and gained sentience and his sickness became the centre of everything.
I vividly remember having a nightmare that I saw a werewolf in the shadows of our room and she let me sleep in the top bunk with her because I was too scared to be in the bottom bunk. I remember thinking how glad I was to have a sister. I miss when we were sisters and best friends at the same time

No. 2379321

fuck you for not liking goats

No. 2379329

Fuck you, your fucked up country and all the people in there.

No. 2379342

There is a part of me that wants so badly to tell you you're a fucking idiot but it is always beat out by the part of me that knows you don't deserve that level of effort or honesty. Every time I get angry at you I remember you're just another asshole in a world full of them and it is an absolute fool's errand to dwell on it or feed into it in any way

No. 2379358

File: 1738569542331.jpg (6.95 KB, 244x238, 2010d262bfc19ef200b8475e21293f…)

I'm healing and I'll get better and get on track again. I'll keep on trying despite everything. I'll do my best even when if it's not enough sometimes. I'll keep on going.

No. 2379392

wake up

No. 2379623

I wish something would "happen" and I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore.

No. 2379866

Everyday I'm thankful that I got out of that fucked up situation

No. 2379909

Woah, trying to sprinkle breadcrumbs to manipulate people and lying on twitter seems to be a hobby very centric to your existence huh

No. 2379929

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I always make things so inconvenient for myself, whyyyyyy

No. 2379970

trauma bonds are forever.

No. 2380005

Can't imagine being so pathetic that I'd try to guess the posts of strangers from a server 2 years back

No. 2380348

Having to talk with you always feel like it ends in an argument. I can’t open my mouth to share my thoughts or to give you my opinion about the most mundane things without you starting with “no but…”, and it’s exhausting. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around you and it makes me pretty sad because you used to like the person I was before.
You are my best friend but I don’t like you anymore. I don’t like how defensive you are all the time, as if I’m not making enough effort. For you it will never be enough, ever.
You alibi is that I don’t care/listen/intervene enough. But I do, I always put you first, even when it’s so toxic and tiring and everyone around me wonder why I gave you so much of myself all the time if it’s not reciprocated.
I’m scared of your words. Of the way you reply to me. The passive aggressive way you have to communicate with me. Remember how I told you that every time I got a message from him my anxiety was the worst? It’s happening me with you too. When I see that you’re sending a voice message, longer than 30 seconds, my mind goes to all the times you lectured me about my way of treating our friendship, how you feel like I never care enough.
Do you know what it feels being this scared of someone? Feeling that you have all the power you want over someone? Of course you’d tell me it’s my fault after all because you only see me as a people pleaser, nothing else, someone manipulated, someone weak. I hope you sleep well after sending all that shit to me. He would be so proud of you, eh?

No. 2380383

Doesn't have anything to do with me.

No. 2380498

It hurts so badly that it makes me wanna die.

No. 2380509

DoL is such a sick game. The audience ruined it for me completely. In the discord there was a poll to see if people played as a male or female character more, it was overwhelmingly female. And of course it attracted the most repulsive male fans. Seeing them be misogynistic destroyed the game for me completely. Looking at DoL now makes me think, "what the fuck was I thinking?" I lost all interest.

No. 2380648

I'm so used to being demonised for being against genderspecial nonsense. Now I've just embraced it. I'm immoral/a terrible person. I don't fucking care about being seen as a good person anymore.

No. 2380702

oh great it's you again. How many fucking times does it need to be said to fuck off back to reddit before it gets through to your fucking retarded skull?(report and ignore)

No. 2380742

Multiple schizos genuinely think they've been talking to me to fuel their own narratives(vain bitch)

No. 2380884

Why can’t you grow or change? I’m tired of you ruining our days with your tantrums, and I’m going to fucking leave you. I don’t feel anything for you right now, it’s like looking at a stranger

No. 2380955

I fucked up my sleep schedule with diablo when I'm supposed to be finding a job

No. 2380963

So fucking gross. I don't understand how you can still like cute things but also be the type of person to do such disgusting shit.. How do you even live with yourself. It's so fucking vulgar and gross, how are you ever able to feel innocence? How hard do you have to cope with yourself to be that way? I really can't understand how someone could reach such a point… You have to realize on the inside that what you are is improper, right? Is that what maturity is supposed to be?

No. 2380974

So goddamned schizo.

No. 2381161

LOL k you’re like a less talented, less successful, balding Neil Gaiman so maybe shut the fuck up forever faggot.

No. 2381171


No. 2381196

I hate fucking trannies. I hate fucking trannies. I use Letterboxd to keep track of my movies and everywhere I go, there's this fucking ogre with 5 o'clock shadow writing huge walls of text reviews and all the other trannies on the site upvote him so his fucking awful posts are at the top and he's always there to say some retarded shit about how the nepalese movies is kind of problematic because blah blah blah and he's a man in a dress with his ugly sex offender looking retarded face peering out like a man in a cell FUCKING DIE TRANNY RETARD

No. 2381229

You people are genuinely so stupid. In so many ways.

No. 2381233

it is really hard to shut your brain off after caffeinated hyper focusing for hours on end and go to sleep. i got so much done today.

No. 2381362

Kill yourself.

No. 2381380

Please make him leave a lot earlier. For the love of God.

No. 2381671

File: 1738683330864.jpg (29.44 KB, 361x545, tootiredtodrive.JPG)

I didn't sleep for shite last night and must drive all today. Don't have enough energy to cry, so I'm just rubbing my eyes and screaming on the inside.

No. 2381966

File: 1738693587054.jpeg (4.86 KB, 275x183, images (3).jpeg)

Theres a hot but bitchy plus narcy as fuck moid in class who Im a subhuman in comparison to and I kept glancing at him several times throughout the day because hes hot and he caught me glancing at him pretty much. Every. Fucking. Time.

No. 2382098

i am genuinely sick of hearing about luigi and i can’t wait until he is bald and ugly from the stress of prison life and his simps have all abandoned him.

No. 2382307

This website is so infested and dead.

No. 2382415

sometimes while I’m stirring my tea I just think about taking a railroad spike and placing the tip against his forehead and then taking a hammer and just bashing it into his skull over and over again….as a little treat

No. 2382655

Same anon. Today was uneventful (thank goodness). I am home safe and going to bed. Zzz…

No. 2382873

So many stupid fucking retards out there

No. 2382887

i don't enjoy anyone's company, it always feels like work or going through the motions

No. 2382896

i have the worst crush on a coworker and i need it to die asap, she will never be interested and my emotions are awful about the whole thing

No. 2382989

Vertigo can eat my entire ass. If I wanted to fall over every time I tilted my damn head, I'd take up drinking again.

No. 2383005

True(vain bitch)

No. 2383338

it’s over just not called.

No. 2383362

My boyfriend's best friend recently broke up with his long term partner so him and my nigel have been going out more than usual and I'm trying to be chill about it but I just can't. Boyfriend is constantly trying to set him up with other girls, so he's doing the "so do you know my friend over here?" middle man and both nights he went out, he's had to turn down multiple girls who thought he was actually flirting with them. I mean, I get it, he's conventionally attractive and has a way with words/is unintentionally flirty, but god fucking HELL does it drive me insane. I try to be less possessive, I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but just imagining him dancing and drinking with other girls makes my eyes twitch and I get nauseous.
Jealousy and possessiveness are probably my worst traits, but I've been this way ever since I was a child, for example I wouldn't let anyone touch my mother, not even my older brother, and I always hated her boyfriends because I wanted her to only pay attention to me, so why would I be any different with my partner? I try to be better but it literally takes all my strength to not go full crazy girlfriend on him.

No. 2383574

Cannot overstate how much of a pathetic loser you are and at how every attempt to get a reply sinks you further into your own oubliette of perverse despair.

No. 2383662

get a job you lazy fag

No. 2383723

i guess that was your admission of guilt.

No. 2383726

having had the answer the entire time and it being my exact nightmare and it just being too heartbreaking to accept.

No. 2384098

File: 1738801501414.jpeg (955.4 KB, 947x443, IMG_7311.jpeg)

things are better and still somehow living on the 13th level of hell

No. 2384167

GTFO MY APARTMENT can our apartment please not be your guys' fucking social hour. can you not go to his apartment oh my fucking god. i just want a fucking smoothie but you guys are shitting up the kitchen right now

No. 2384248

You always try to make these shady meta connections and comparisons that are such a far reach all it does is lend to your turboautism and illustrate how obsessive you are. Stuck in a neverending feedback loop with other deeply parasocial retards.

No. 2384581

File: 1738832373970.jpeg (24.06 KB, 194x259, IMG_3702.jpeg)

taking ten tylenol and telling someone to attention seek is not a suicide attempt and is not the kind of suicide attempt that would mean “i’ve tried to kill myself and i know what it’s like to be suicidal more than anyone so i can say whatever i want.” you are so attention seeking you commemorated an episode of bpd permanently. that was not a genuine attempt on your life and you have no idea what other people around you are really going though because you can’t understand anyone who isn’t as histrionic as you. you literally think they don’t have emotions cos they don’t display symptoms of a personality disorder or feel comfortable opening up to someone who literally can’t understand and shows such an open disregard for others. you don’t come across like an empath; you come across as angry. you made it part of your branding.

No. 2384688

no wonder half a dozen incels have left you, honestly.

No. 2384772

File: 1738847979699.jpeg (269.4 KB, 2035x1033, IMG_3712.jpeg)

he deserved worse.

No. 2384800

Being a woman is so lonely

No. 2384816

Just for fucking ONCE I'd like to be the person who gets to be the bitch taking it out on everyone and flaking out on plans simply because I'm too ~depwessed~ to show up! But I never do! Because I actually give a shit about my friends and want to be reliable! Just once I want to be the bitch who leaves everyone on read and doesn't reply for 2 weeks while everyone worries about me! But I don't! Because I actually have a sense of responsibility! I've been cracking jokes and cheering my friends up while having a mental breakdown myself and sobbing uncontrollably behind the screen! Because I love my friends and don't want them to be worried about me because I can't trust them not to fucking GIVE UP ON ME while I wouldn't! I want to scream I'm so frustrated.

No. 2384824

Do that! Dont fake happiness If you are martyr about it. How could anyone know how you feel if you dont tell them, it only makes you bitter <3(vain bitch)

No. 2384853

I have small breasts and I actually love them personally, but I know for a fact no men except for pedophiles prefer small boobs. Every other guy will always prefer larger breasts, thats why they say things like "all boobs are good boobs". They don't actually mean it, but any woman is better than no woman. The only guys who have expressed a desire for my small breasts are also guys who turn out to be into lolicon and ddlg and such.

No. 2384865

Every human who has ever lived has been pathetic and a loser. No one has ever accomplished anything that actually matters.

No. 2385078

I'm not going to clean the house because your cat is the one who pissed on everything retard

No. 2385133

YOU ORANGE FUCKING FAGGOT! I have to pay a fucking IMPORT fee from DHL to get my fucking shit! I am so livid.

No. 2385159

Coffee was not my finest decision this morning.

No. 2385219

i miss having female irl friends

No. 2385352

File: 1738872547429.webp (14.51 KB, 250x331, IMG_1729.webp)

I love him(this belongs on /g/)

No. 2385397

Omg Liam from Coronation Street. I used to love him too(vain bitch)

No. 2385717

got hit with the /m/ banner of n, kaworu, komaeda and random dude, why the fuck isn't the original ryou asuka there? smh

No. 2385875

I’m always right in every argument I engage in. But I will no longer engage in arguments for my mental health

No. 2386259

Sneeze one more time bitch, I fucking dare you. Let's see how that goes for you.

No. 2386655

you don’t hurt someone the way you hurt me and get away with it. men like you belong in prison. i will never let you have a happy life.

No. 2386697

Girl get a fucking gun and just shoot his ass already, fuck

No. 2386903

boring B-O-R-I-N-G you are so fucking BOOOOOORIIIINGGG. ENTERTAIN ME

No. 2386921

Agreed, Nona. That one moid who got his face cut off was also annoying.(vain bitch)

No. 2386924

good god bitch. make up your fucken mind. EHHHHH i dont know if i want to go or not. what do you think. what if we go and but if we dont go then. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DECIDE BITCH JFC

No. 2386979

we decide not the fucken go because your bitch ass keeps hemming and hawing about it so we go back to bed and suddenly your bitch ass decides we leave an in hour. dont want your bitch ass taking my car anymore. offered it three fucken times and all i got was EEHHHH I DONT KNOW.

No. 2387269

Ex all insecure if I fancied him when I was never not wet and I have a crush on Steve buscemi in ghostworld. I am the pixie manic dream girl with great hair

No. 2387392

these threads are so awesome because for once in my fucking life I can say things that are fucking correct and every dipshit retard who can't think properly will just get threadbanned instead of wasting my time with shit tier attempts at debate. namaste

No. 2387402

intelligent women who are far ahead of the intuitive curve WILL be isolated at levels no other human can comprehend. guide books haven't been made for you but it's not as bad as you think as long as you can translate the vivid thoughts into real world drive so that you can protect yourself and survive

No. 2387531


No. 2387589

File: 1738983167883.jpeg (54.89 KB, 735x729, 1683400481526.jpeg)

I'm not attracted to you at all, I don't like your personality, and I don't care if you're out of options. Please leave me alone.

No. 2387632

File: 1738988724511.gif (902.63 KB, 500x240, 8c7609023bdfa5c7ce533cea134f51…)

Homura-chan, if you're out there …. I hope you know, I still think of you and am wishing you the best. Whatever you might think of me, if you hate me or never even think of me anymore. I put out into the universe that I am wishing you the best. Because I really did and do love you, and that even though I left, it was because I genuinely thought it was for the best for the both of us. I'm sorry for everything and the ways I hurt you, and hoping, genuinely, that life has gotten better for you and treated you well. God bless, and may the sun always shine upon you. You deserve all the best, loving you always and sending out good vibes to you. You were a good friend.

No. 2387712

sometimes i wanna kiss some of you finger maybe

No. 2387968

you may think you’ve evaded justice so far but i promise you, prison would have been the better option. at least you’d be paying off your karmic debt. you haven’t escaped anything you’re just acquiring accrued karmic interest. until you pay off your karmic debt, it’s going to get worse and worse and worse in every way for you until you either repent or get struck by lightning or killed in a terrible freak accident where your injuries mirror the ones you gave me. sooner or later, god is going to cut you down.

No. 2387997

Trannies should all die

No. 2388020

The worst of you are truly the worst and the best of you are truly the best. So happy to be friends with some anons, even happier they are no where near the level of mental illness of the average user. The best lc users are lurkers, I can't count myself in that bunch but I'm lucky enough to know them.

No. 2388318

Wake up bitch I'm bored

No. 2388407

Why would I stay with him jesus christ he was such a fucking bitch to me. I let him get away with too much for too long

No. 2388512

Trickle down post break up clarity is so annoying because I'll suddenly get another epiphany about him being deceitful and a fraud and while it's like yes fuelling the hate is good because I never want to be sad but I also want to make him suffer and that would involve me speaking to him which I will not be doing

No. 2388693

File: 1739054322786.jpg (83.26 KB, 736x736, 1000075633.jpg)

Lolcow just isn't hitting the same lately. I'm so bored and sad.

No. 2388736

Women who refuse to be seen without fake hair, heavy makeup, and huge fake eyelashes are always the worst to other women. You literally look exactly like the women you ridicule underneath the layer of sediment and farce please get over yourself. You won't even let other people see you without it on you delusional mean girl wannabe bitch.

No. 2388822

no matter how much i reassure you that you're a good person that doesn't deserve lonliness, that you surely haven't hurt anybody that badly, sometimes i second-guess that. i'm extremely curious why you and the other girl went from being so very close to practically strangers overnight, as well as the other mystery girl you keep mentioning. i always tell you i'm not lying, and i'm not really but i'm also not telling the whole truth. i am having doubts, beginning to think that you have to have done something bad to multiple people. i wish so badly i could contact 1 and ask her about her experience with you… i'm sure she's felt how i feel recently, just stressed and fed up with your constant mood swings and attention whoring, and i don't want to believe that there's more sinister things under the surface (because really, everything you say about things i already know is so juvenile and dramatic), but at the same time i'm not sure.

No. 2389021

why are you so quick to get upset when you bring your ghetto ways of doing things into my home? maybe learn what empathy is and how it's more than just words and platitudes. stupid cunt

No. 2390029

I guess I win in that way

No. 2390159

I got fuck and all done yesterday. I better get things done today or I'll cry.

No. 2390910

Wish we could've been friends. I don't think I'll ever meet someone as kind and understanding as you again. I know you don't think about me anymore. I hope your life goes well. You deserve it.

No. 2391009

Why are moids genuinely so dumb every argument I’ve had with one feels like I’m talking to a very stupid brick wall

No. 2391406

I need to move out I need to move I need to move out instead of getting on my knees and slurping up mommy's sweet piss dripping pussy and daddy's itty bitty crusty cock like a bitch every day. How the fuck do I live like this and emotionally neuter myself to get thru the day? That's a rhetorical question, I know because I do the same thing every day. I might as well have killed myself and looked up from hell and seen these braindead faggots get eaten alive by their so called "community" of fake fat cock-obsessed whores who want to fuck their sons because all of these people are worthless to the depths of their souls and bitter with nothing to live for except looking forward to dying. I was and still am a fucking retard and I hate this ghetto retard cock-enslaved society for further fucking things up and making it even worse to get out of this shithole cockmmunity. I'd suck a dick but I don't want to stake my heart with one like these dumb bitches!

Mother dumbest, you gave me retardation but even I can tell when a bitch is low-vibrational and creepy as fuck. Why did she want to see me when I was sitting in my room, why does she want to see pics of my sister and why are you all obsessed with pimping your fucking kids and think your entire existence depends on them getging hitched? You expect me to eat peanuts off the floor and be grateful. You got your ass beat but now that your witch is dead, you suck her ghostly toes. When she was alive it sure was a different tune! I can't do this bitchmade shit, except I am bitchmade to the core. I still don't want to hurt your fucking feelings because you have the mind of a retarded child that would have been killed in Nazi Germany. I let you control me because I don't and never had energy for the sheer scale of your retardation. You will never have grandchildren from me, and should be grateful because I'd kill the things for their horrendous genes.

My world is getting smaller and I am getting more fragile and stupid and angry and I need to not blow up. My life is a dead end.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2391677

Your story falls apart pretty easy if you consider that I have never and would never desire to talk to someone like you and would never find you interesting or admirable in any capacity. Wtf

No. 2391950

File: 1739200446791.webp (53.23 KB, 640x766, IMG_3809.webp)

i’m so excited.

No. 2392542

that dream i had was crazy and i can’t stop thinking about it. i ruined it because i knew it could never be real but it would really be that easy.

No. 2392595

You're really pathetic. You expect endless understanding for being busy, which of course, is normal and all, but the moment I don't respond for just a day or two you spam and screech until it's even more unbearable to return. Having conversations with you is beyond tiring because you refuse to actively engage in anything I discuss even though you constantly parrot how you're "trying". Yet on the same vein you're constantly venting to me and forcing me to waste my own time and resources on you—you see the problem? At the same time you actively idealise me for goddess knows what.
You have no self-respect and it's no wonder you waste your time and empathy on run-of-the-mill scrotes and friends who couldn't give less of a shit about you. Your only response whenever you get called out is that you knowwww and you supposedly can't help it and you're such a shit friend.
And stop calling me that fucking nickname.

No. 2392731

i wish someone would listen.

No. 2392773

i wish what happened to me mattered.

No. 2392958


No. 2393933

lots of blood. so much blood it won’t drain out of the tub. foul.

No. 2394408

You lie for sport now huh

No. 2394662

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pisses me off how hatred & obsession go hand & hand. everything he does makes me utter things under my breath wishing he'd die, lose his job, lose his band, lose his friends & i keep hoping the people(mostly the women) around him realize what a disgusting freak he is. but why do i even waste my energy caring? the best way to make people feel regret is by being better. i should be distracting myself in things that serve me yet im at the beck & call of my own hatred. anyways hope he dies

No. 2394681

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hey daddy o I cut myself again I hope you're proudy o

No. 2394682

But as an ancient Chinese proverb says: “ain't no jumpin' over your own ass cheeks.”

No. 2394688

i gotta stop this, gotta stop fixating on people

No. 2394915

Im gonna kill him and male catering women wont be able to do anything about it. Fuck you feminists and feminism adjusted cucks

No. 2394944

This fuckin incel at my work sent me this:
>90% of “sexism” is actually women experiencing equality for the first time in their lives. Coddling women is so deeply conditioned into all normal, socially-well-adjusted men that most women are completely oblivious they are even being coddled. Only autistic STEM dudes unaware of these social rules treat women in a truly meritocratic, non-gendered fashion. And because that is way worse than anyone has ever treated them, they perceive it as bullying and abuse.

the fuckin 4chan copypaste shit. İm so tored pf him i didnt even respond because if i try to explain him why this text is utter bulsshit (like i did 100 times to his pther texts and won), he still will believe it.
idc about anything but i just wanna tell him, when i see him next time in the office, something truly brutal. Shit like get raped dont work,i just wanna truly make him feel bad. will make sure i call him a fatty tho as he loves calling women fat but is obese himself.

No. 2395140

Please eviscerate him and report back.(vain bitch)

No. 2395270

I will anon, honestly I don't hold myself back with words so next time I see him I will make sure I tell him that:
1. he is biologically unfit to be selected by women as a mate because he is fat and autistic and short and evolutionary science bro u have bad genes, don't blame women for not choosing you they're doing the right thing.
2. that he isn't intellectually interesting enough for me to actually respond seriously to any of his arguments that he copy pasted from 4chan
3. Continue to ignore all he says, we are not in the same project but we sit in the same cubicle. He is into "goth girls" which he thinks I am (I like goth music and dress as alt as I can to the job, but I'm not into self identifying as a uwu goth mommy). Just ignoring him at this point cuz I'll legit get in trouble for aggression if I let myself do shit.(wrong thread)

No. 2395366

I straight up hope you kill yourself

No. 2395464

People with personality disorders be like how did you know I have a personality disorder and they're a creepy shut in stalker that obsess over women

No. 2395490

i may be tiny but i’m feisty and i’ve got heart. i know that the universe is on my side. i see proof of it in my life and in his life every single day.

No. 2395493

i just watched the little guy being oppressed fight off and win against a country backed by US imperialism. i think i can win against some deadbeat alcoholic manlet.

No. 2395585

people proving that they lack empathy as usual I don't know what I expected
you all have more miserable lives than my miserable life but yall are the ones who wanna make it an Olympic competition and try and get the gold medal, desperate attention mongering fucking retardos

No. 2395826

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muuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh abababableooblooismmmmmmm

No. 2396124

Men be like I can't envision myself having sex with you so I'm instead going to spend years of my life infatuated over your every move weirdly and talking about you like you're my special interest and all the ways I'd kill you as a woman I would never have sex with.

No. 2396454

are you ever going to get better

No. 2396819

You always try so hard to be funny and it's cringe!! Incel begging for validation with stolen jokes and stolen tweets. Every single format just stolen from someone who isn't a psycho like you.

No. 2396911

"You'll forever be known as [something I completely made up to debase and degrade women and make myself seem justified to the weird niche internet group I constantly lie to in order to feel more comfortable being an abusive deranged creep]" like, okay?

No. 2397429

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i am truth coming out of her well to shame mankind

No. 2397531

I'm so sorry, I cannot come back. And you might have forgotten entirely about me, but in the case you haven't, I'm sorry.

No. 2397615

I used to love Taylor Swift but i completely stopped after I found out she donated money to gaza and attended that retarded artists for gaza gala like Selena Gomez. I know it’s irrational but I have to draw the line there. I have family in Israel and i know people who were affected since October 7. Usually i don’t care about what an artist does but this hit too close to home.

No. 2397643

You never even called be by my name you liar. I meant nothing to you

No. 2398633

Digital womanface doesn't make what you do any less sexually pervasive, but it helps you reinforce your lie I guess

No. 2399132

why am i the only ex he didn’t scrub all evidence of off of his social media when we broke up

No. 2399318

ohhh we are SO back. favorite favorite favorite favorite

No. 2399731

I really don't mind not being married yet because of the state of the country. The only thing it would do for me is make me feel a little more secure in my relationship because I'd have the expected ring and "I'm taken" sort of thing. The other part of me knows I don't have to, but I don't even want to change my name. That's so much paperwork. Honestly all I'd want is to go to the court house, elope, wear a pretty dress, and that's it. There's pieces of marriage I like, but overall it's not a goal in dating for me. People who shame that seem so spiteful.

No. 2399894

Every day I hope and pray for your public crashout or call-out post, because I know it's coming. I loathe you so much that I will legitimately celebrate when I see you miserable.

No. 2400336

shut up about us talking in our language. you talk in spanish all the time to spanish speaking coworkers and no one says shit about it.

No. 2400518

guess i'll take a nap while pickmes have their wound licking sessions for now

No. 2401529

People lied you can’t just be friends with your ex and it’ll all be okay you WILL fall in love with him

No. 2401625

I feel miserable, gross, bloated, dead, ugly, insane. Just had a panic attack because I can't digest correctly and got frustrated, I feel so full after a handful of rice it's been an hour already I want to die and I look like I'm dying everyone eats and I can't eat, I can't even drink water without suffering I always suffer I want to cry I want to kill I want to die I want to be chunky like everyone else I want to eat but I can't, I feel gross and unlovable, I want to heal but can't, this body is a prison and god hates me. I don't want to wake up, I'm so horrible, let me out of this prison, let me eat, I can't even eat a spoonful of sugar without hating it, I've to force myself to eat anything, I hate my life, I want to be like everyone else, god hates me

No. 2401697

i love being a beautiful woman with generational wealth online shopping is crazy fun i would hate to be a man and not a cute girl playing dress up

No. 2401911

my coworker is so annoying and rude fuck you alex

No. 2402268

I'm weening myself off of taking edibles because I have a national trip in a few weeks and weed isn't legal over there, but god damn the withdrawals suck. Mentally I'm fine, but the physically my body is upset as all heck. I'm so sweaty and shakey. I knew this would happen, but when people tell you that weed doesn't have any effects, they are liars. There are withdrawal symptoms and the sweating one I hate so much because it'll be 65 degrees and my body is reacting like it's over 100. It goes away in a few days at least. Microdosing helps, but I would rather do cold turkey. Realistically, that's not going to go great.

No. 2402339

Sis I gotta ask how, I've smoked weed for over 10 years and gone on holidays no problem, how much are you consuming to need to detox for a week away??(vain bitch)

No. 2402387

Constantly except for sleeping and work.

No. 2402404

It's so pathetic when men try to larp as women here and think it isn't painfully obvious

No. 2402666

your neighbor told me about your big loud fighting. god you are such abusive freaks and next time the cops are getting called.

No. 2402705

File: 1739716691113.jpeg (472.17 KB, 1149x1513, IMG_3930.jpeg)

centering women in my life has resulted in a peaceful bubble i have now made my home. i’m glad i found my place.

No. 2402758


No. 2402856

"errr idk this man being conventionally attractive gives me bad vibes" we get it, you're an ugly girl with low self esteem who thinks you're only worthy of fat old men. That doesn't make actually hot men bad, stop being retarded. Why did we let this tumblrina disease spread? We need to be way meaner to the women who push this shit.

No. 2402862

File: 1739727912784.jpg (56.17 KB, 985x554, Mugi%27s_protractor_eyebrows.j…)

Even though pregnancy sounds like nightmare fuel and I'd rather die than go through something like that, you're probably quite literally the only man on Earth I could ever entertain the idea with. You would be an amazing father, oh my god.

No. 2402987

Never ever build a man up when he's down because as soon as he's back up, he'll think he's too good for you who was with him at his lowest and think he deserves better. You motherfucker, you'd be nothing without me. I paid for and supported your broke ass for years without much complaint, only for you to dump me a few years later when you snagged a high paying job, after giving me all this big talk about how we're going to get married, telling me you make enough to support two people and urging me to come move in with you (which I reasonably held off on), only for you to turn around and think "actually you know what, I want my real life trophy costhot with big titties and a bubbly, bright personality so everyone's eyes will be on me and I can show off. She's out there somewhere" like if you were REALLY feeling like garbage for dumping me after I waited for so long to hear from you again while you were apparently working yourself to death for "us" and "our future", why the hell did you open with "blah blah maybe my future partner will be more assertive, lively, friendly, etc" like you already had someone in mind even though you said there wasn't another woman. Man, fuck you, fuck your job (which you wouldn't have gotten without me, either) fuck your bullshit excuses and taking me for granted. I'm going to make sure your dick is limp, impotent and essentially broken for any future partners you're eyeing, you're not handing over to them the life with you that was supposed to be mine. I was nothing but good to you, gave you space, lent you money without expecting payback, and this is how you repay my patience and kindness? Newsflash, unlike what porn has told you, your ideal trophy costhot is NOT out there waiting for you. May you be faced with nothing but rotten, chlamydia rife pussies so foul and cheesy that you gag making any chance of intimacy impossible (on top of the impotency you're about to be burdened with for the rest of your life). You're about to learn just how good you had with me, and how you'll never have anything like that again with anyone. You're going to mourn how you took me for granted and beg for me back. This will be your well deserved curse. Your bloodline will not continue. You will not get your dick wet. You will be a broke ass loser bastard once again and repulsive and useless to all future partners inshallah.

No. 2403335

i just asked a tik tok psychic if you
would go to prison for what you did and she said yes when you are older you will go to prison.

No. 2403457

for all the times you've said you never hated me, you did love to make fun of me. I've had people be mean and cruel to me before but you had to be the first person who's ever openly mocked me when you got mad. at least i did the bare minimum of not airing out my frustrations at a place where you could accidentally see it. Of course it wouldnt work out, what did you expect? I hope you never treat someone else the same way you treated me.

No. 2403619

I feel terrible but every time you repeat the same old shit I feel less pity and more exhaustion. Everything I've done just in general and you can't get your head out of your own ass for one second to see how the world really is. I don't doubt you have legitimate reasons for feeling some of those things but for god's sake, you sound like an edgy teenage moid and you have no reason to.I truly and sincerely hope something drastically alters your worldview for the better soon. I just want you to be truly happy, even though you don't believe it's possible, I do. But also, I can't be the only one who helps you with it. You have to do a lot of work yourself.

No. 2404042

Wish I could clone myself and have lesbian sex with my clone

No. 2404073

File: 1739795338727.png (91.55 KB, 719x621, cope1.PNG)

>Getting instantly triggered by a stupid drawing
>The twitterfag reaction image
>Posts emanating pathetic coping
THEY'RE SO FUNNY AND RETARDED KEKEKEKEK(dragging infights across threads)

No. 2404126

You're really obsessed and they're right, just hide the thread if it being buried on page 8 isn't invisible enough for you, instead of dragging your infights into multiple threads.(do not reply in this thread)

No. 2404805


No. 2405143

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I fear I have fucked up and made a fool of myself. I hope you never even noticed my embarrassing behavior or if you did that you're forgiving of me being so retarded and cringe. Sorry. My brain, she is not so good. Why the hell did I do all of that…I wanna get shot in the head with one of those livestock guns. I really hope you did not see any of that shit. Fuck.

No. 2405292

stupid fucking mansplainers on reddit and nextdoor

No. 2405384

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i feel like i have failed my cool professor with my low effort rushed submission

No. 2405445

you are so unstable you cry at work even tho its a 9-5 sit down job w/ benefits. your geriatric husband dont even make no money and lies about paying the bills. you are a barely recovered anorexic if im being generous. WHY IS YOU HAVIN A BABY??

No. 2405630

You're begging for attention and desperate to share your retarded turboautism edits again. What a pathetic existence you lead.

No. 2405939

-I trouble making female friends
-oh yeah? well I hope your male friends gang rape you
Same to you I guess

No. 2405949

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I pray you lose your licence you greedy bitch I was just a child and you ruined me for life because you couldn't be bothered to do your job fucking cunt and now I have to deal with these withdrawals I hope you get sued to hell and back in America so you realize what hell you put your patients through you disgusting bitch

No. 2406181

Mine is so much better than yours

No. 2406187


No. 2406306

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No. 2406411

When men use half naked women in the backgrounds of their retarded music videos, I wish they'd just use trooned out full drag makeup men with their bulges right in the camera instead. They claim troons make better women anyway so by their logic it should pull in more engagement. And I'm sure the troons would do it for a handy & some bellybutton lint so the profit margin is better

No. 2406455

Anyone who says pretty privilege isn't real is coping, in denial, or is just so average that they've faced neither preferential nor bad treatment especially. Being pretty makes guys pay for you, opens doors, and gives you so many more opportunities. Bad things can happen to any woman but pretty or beautiful women generally have an easier time in comparison when faced with the same daily circumstances as ugly women. It is an objective, cruel fact. It's in everything we do- we love things that are pleasing to the eye.

No. 2406582

Occasionally, when I'm phonefagging, I fatfinger and accidentally press /g/ when I meant to press /ot/ or /m/ and all of my teenaged misogyny returns in full force.
What the fuck.
Actually, the moids might be right.

No. 2406680

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i hate fagg/ot/s

No. 2406771

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Defending deathfats and unhealthy lifestyles is not feminist nor does it help disordered people. Also men fuck literally anything so having a bf or husband isn't a flex KEK

No. 2406813

stfu about your sons already. Idgaf and neither does anyone else. Your life is so bleak if this is all you talk about

No. 2406814

Men mostly just ignore ugly women, which if anything seems like a good thing to me(vain bitch)

No. 2407014

Seeing a bunch of women infight and call other women bpeedemons over a criminal sure reminds me that despite being a woman I don't support all women some of you bitches are dumber than bricks

No. 2407016

my son could beat the SHIT out of your son(vain bitch)

No. 2407063

It's so creepy how braces have become a mainstream porn paraphilia for men because they're associated with girls in middle/high school

No. 2407066

agree, I wish the Luigi thread would be deleted honestly, they should just make their own board altogether like Kpop fags have(vain bitch)

No. 2407072

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its so much worse…(vain bitch)

No. 2407075

This place is worse than /pol/

No. 2407085

>I don't support all women
If the Luigi thread caused you to outgrow silly lib-fem beliefs then it's probably good for lc(vain bitch)

No. 2407086

Fuckk the nonas in the vent thread!! Specifically the ones ignoring my obvious scream for help because I have to go to the doctor’s office today not in 3 business days!! The fuck! Especially that nonna that said: it’s not even been 10 minutes. Well you are the clown it’s been 20 and NO ONE offered me any advice on what to do! Like wtf am I supposed to ask for advice 3 business days in advance?!
Especially that nona I hope you get your karma stupid bitch!!!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2407089

Can you please go back to tiktok(vain bitch)

No. 2407093

Can none of you read(report and ignore)

No. 2407231

Catholics are the Jews of Christianity. Out dated weird practices and hostile to women. Miss me with that

No. 2407334

greaaat now time for you to ignore me for days and make me feel like a horrible person for trying to help. next time you pull this shit i'll just leave you to deal with it alone

No. 2407342

I wont stop sex-pesting you, faggot. I wont stop until you know the taste of my pussy. You happened to cross my path when i am at my most mentally inestable, though luck. Fuck you.

No. 2407496

I'm nearly 30 years old and I want to stay up until 4am on a work night reading yaoi doujin then that's my right as an adult woman

No. 2407856

the way some anons lose their minds over other anons finding non-white men attractive is fucking bonkers. and it's not about whichever shitty cultures because literally no one defends or even mentions that, 90% of the time it's simply "i think x features/race looks hot" and nothing more. and then they try to shill some red faced Pillsbury doughboy as better looking…

No. 2408026

I know weegee anons are some of the dumbest most unwell on this site when they're the populace screaming "I wanna rape him" and calling other women "bpdemon" liberally like oh god check into the psych ward

No. 2408092

File: 1740004279925.png (280.31 KB, 712x464, pedos have very high standards…)

meh wanting to hurt a right-leaning yellowfeverfag is nothing, i'll never forgive the shit ezrafags said about teenage girls and all their kidnapping and choking fantasies in /g/

No. 2408325

fuck you jannies and fuck that one autistic-ass anon and her shitty low quality posts

No. 2408419

you can't just leave me like that. i won't let you.

No. 2408479

are you seriously going to

No. 2408610

In between me waking up & trying to get back to sleep I was casting many curses upon men I know in my life. Why do disgusting pedo evil men get to work a job & have friends. I wished for his car to crash, for him to get laid off at his job because they weren't making enough profit, and for his vail to lift & his girl friends to recognize how foul he is. Oh and for him to fucking die

No. 2408726

can you please go back to normal again, i miss it even if it gave me headaches sometimes

No. 2409195

Wow. You might actually be fucking stupid if your argument is basically "but on the DOGE website they admit they make mistakes, sounds pretty honest to me". Granted I can't expect an outsider with English as a second language to grasp the bigger picture no matter how fluent you are but it's more an issue of a lack of critical thinking and reasoning on your part. It will, however, stress me out, vex me, and keep me up all night worried over how someone I love and respected so much, who seemed to be really progressive and on top of things, is actually this dumb. Goddamn. Then again, you also think "Democracy=bad, because west bad" and love your CCP and russbot propaganda so I guess it's only natural that you'd be susceptible to all types of disinfo. I really thought i'd gotten through to you only for you to pick up another retarded tidbit of disinfo, huh.

No. 2409201

I'll never forgive you for choosing your job that stressed you out near to death over me, and probably lying about there not being some other woman you were leaving me for. I guess that you wanted to go on business trips unchained and fuck around, good luck doing that when you're leaking rancid pus from your ass. You have the audacity to complain that your little issue "might make me self conscious about the smell down there and impact my quality of life" yeah, for what, to pick up money grubbing visa sluts? GOOD. You're not going to be fucking for a long time, I guarantee and will see to it. Enjoy your impotency and recurrent anal lesions from gym strain or whatever kek

No. 2409211

If you use the phrase "non issue" I hope your pinkie finger rots away! It's such a retarded phrase and you deserve it.

No. 2409212

I don't wish for your happiness at my expense and i'm not sorry. I would love to see you suffer without me.

No. 2409225

That's the last time I eat something I'm allergic to out of politeness. I'm so sick I can't see straight.

No. 2409542

another fucking day and who knows where you are and what is even going to happen in the future. now i have to spedn all day talking with braindead retards and pretending like everything is fine when i just want to discuss things with you instead and then have everything magically go back to normal and then sleep for 5 days straight. today will be bad and so will the day and weeks and months after that

No. 2409718

You’re fucking ridiculous. So condescending. Do you think I actually care? “As I told you…”, bitch I’m not listening to you because you only want to take advantage of me. You always try to make me feel like a nuisance but the moment you need someone to travel / go to places / do some other things that no one wants to do, you came back at me. Seriously?
Your life is not so exciting. I have other people with me, you know. If you lose me, you’d have no one, at least not someone who cares so much about you as I do.
You think you’re acting so cool and so clever with those ass dry replied but actually I even forget you’re supposed to be mad at me. Whenever you put some distance between us you’re actually making a favour because you give me more free time to myself so thank you!

No. 2409745

If you were as good friend as you think you are, you would respect my feelings and not hate the people who are important to me. For years. So, so many years.
Do you realise my problems with you started the day you told me you hated him? Well, when you posted it on your not-so-secret social account. I knew it back then, some people confirmed it, and I know you’re still doing it (so childish…)
For someone as clever as you, I truly thought you would have got it by now.

No. 2409809


No. 2410497

Rampant mental illness

No. 2410579

Either fiber is a psyop or I have the guts of a smilodon. I get unreasonably sick and it stops my whole system up every damn time I eat even a fraction of my DV. I don't get it. I drink plenty of water, I exercise, I do everything I'm supposed to but my body just punishes the fuck out of me for daring to try and consume cellulose. I feel like one of those stupid youtube shock value carnivore influencers.

No. 2411805

If I find out that the reason you've been ignoring my texts is because you already moved on and are fucking around, I am going to render your dick completely useless until the day you die and I will take such joy in your suffering and sorrow, you selfish bastard. I will never fucking forgive you for the disrespect you've dealt me and I will never forget. You don't get to betray me and my trust on a whim and walk away scot free. You will be utterly destroyed and wondering where you went wrong in life and why all these horrible things are happening to you, never realizing that it's your karma for being a weak willed POS. Answer my goddamn messages, you fuck, if i'm really "so important" to you as you claim. If I were really that important you wouldn't have let me go because you wanted some bimbo bitch on your arm to show off to your shitty male coworkers. Fuck your coworkers, fuck your job, I will take everything from you that took you from me. You don't deserve peace.

No. 2411810

2015 ex bf reached out tonight I may or may not try to fuck him

No. 2411812

Because I think the world of you, you see me as beneath you, don't you?

No. 2412556

Maybe if you hate being accused of being a scroteposter then you should say less about your moidtakes and read the room.

No. 2412571

Why aren't non-Americans allowed to post in the America thread? I want to make fun out of those fat pieces of shit.

No. 2412619

I hate scrotes so much why do they think their "I think you're very intelligent, I would like you to become my friend" is a compliment. No shit I know I'm times more intelligent than you why would I want to become friends with a retarded ignorant scrote eww just die already

No. 2412670

I wish someone would just do it already. March 8th 2025 seems like an ideal date but I would be happy with anything

No. 2412674

The pills don't work here. I hate this place. Nothin' works here. I hate this place.

No. 2412993

Are you scheduling me out only a week in advanced at a time because you're concerned about our employer!? TELL ME SOMETHING

No. 2413227

File: 1740274049727.jpeg (193.49 KB, 612x612, IMG_6699.jpeg)

I love women. I love women! I LOVE WOMEN!!!! I am so glad I got over my NLOG phase because I fucking love women. I love supporting them and being supported in turn, heard, understood, and loved by other women. I would be dead had it not been for the female friendships I’ve made over the years. There are some moid-poisoned ones out there but more often than not women look out for each other in a way that men could never hope to, and everyday I am so grateful to be able to be a female and understand women in a way only other women can. It is innate and part of my biology. Sometimes it fucking sucks but it’s worth it just to know other women as a woman. Sorry I ever had a silly gender phase, even if I never took it seriously. There is no one way to be a woman, but there is something in my heart that can not be severed that makes me proud to be what I am. If you’re a woman and reading this I love you. Keep going even when the wind is turned against you. I am rooting for you from the bottom of my heart.

No. 2413839

You’re not as good as you think you are.

No. 2413844

This is about breaking free Luigi from jail(vain bitch)

No. 2413863

Your audacity never fails to amuse me hahaha grow up you’re more than 30 now, start acting like it

No. 2413945


No. 2414100


No. 2414356

I would break my moral code for you. Whatever partners you have after me, I won't allow them to take you from me completely. You owe me not only the plane ticket, but all of your heartfelt devotion and passion. You are mine. The future we envisioned, the promises you made, our special place- all belong to us alone and no one else shall benefit or prosper from those secondhand. They are wholly undeserving of your beauty, gentleness, your smile, your generosity, your intoxicating, mischievous sweetness. I won't let you go for anything or anyone. I don't care what I have to do to ensure you always find your way back into my arms, but you will not simply move on and forget me.

No. 2414414

You're creepy as fuck

No. 2414479

"but m-muh low energy!!" yet you have enough energy to go out and have lunch with female coworkers multiple times a week while you ignore me for weeks on things that need your input. I don't buy your excuses. The way you flippantly reply with few words is very telling of your bullshit. I know when you're being insincere and don't even want to put the bare minimum of effort into a reply. Fuck you. You better pay me on time, too. I'm not playing around with your bullshit.

No. 2414487

People who come here to indirectly criticize posters while making no contributive posts of their own in a vent thread are such low IQ, vain bitches kek. If you wanna gawk, you're free to, but no one asked for your opinion. Just read and move along, it's got nothing to do with you and it's none of your business.

No. 2414594

You were literally collecting and scraping every possible image search database using images of a girl at the age of 12 through 14. You saved and archived stolen images of a child. You bought clothing based off of images of a girl when she was 13 and 14 and literally built outfits around skinwalking a CHILD omfg. C said "have you ever thought I came to this conclusion on my own" meanwhile you were using crazy psychological warfare and manipulation trying to rope women into your fucked up sexually perverse bullshit. Does she know you were searching adult pornoraphy using the pictures of a child? Or that you said men who molest girls can't be pedophiles since they have "pepperoni nipples" (literally your words. Can't walk that back.)? Given the multitude of well-recorded evidence, she didn't seem to care at all either. It's more disturbing that you pretend to be decent people but all of that was fair game to you. Nothing you ever say or lie about means anything when you're so disgusting that you fucking bought articles of clothing to dress as a CHILD fucking lol. This will look like nonsense to everyone except for you, and I know you'll read it and pretend you have no idea what it means but you absolutely do. Maybe you shouldn't have cross-posted about it this much on your burners and chats and thought better than to involve actual women. Sick fuck.

No. 2414963

why does this tend to happen
I just wanted to reach out and maybe start something
i hate i hate i hate this
fucking people, no wonder im always scared to reach out anymore
I thought you were a "good one" but you ended up being a snobby asshole like the rest of them
fuck you fuck you

No. 2415057

Butthurt luigifag #10000804363799(vain bitch)

No. 2415092


No. 2415512

No one cares about me because I'm not worth caring about. No one cares about me bec use I'm not worth caring about. No one cares about me bec usa I'm not worth caring about no above cares about me because im not worth caring about. Nouone cares about me because Ipmlnot worth caring about. No one cares about Me because I'm nit worth caring about. No one cares about me because I'm not worth caring about. No one cares about me because I'm not birth caring about. No one cares about me because I'm not worth carrying about. Nobody cares about me because Ilam not worth caring about.

No. 2415542

Yes it's funny that any response you have to the (true) accusations about you is weirdly aggressive verbal abuse. Its proving the point. "You're an abuser and youre hiding behind a disturbing mountain of lies to try to excuse what youve done to women the last several years." "No im not you stupid fucking whore bitch cunt worthless fucking ugly whore slut cunt liar fucking lying bitch whore slut useless liar no guys shes fucking lying". Yeah that's normal.

No. 2416253

Sometimes I forget how pants shittingly retarded you are and how nuance has become a foreign concept. Please, grow up and get some perspective before it bites you in the taint. Thank you.

No. 2416423

Upon further reflection I will not be fucking any ex bfs ever because nothing good will ever come from it and I actually would like to break out of the karmic cycles of my past.

No. 2416448

I miss you, ya fuckin asshole. We need you.

No. 2416904

Woaooaow you have an elaborate excuse for every depraved thing you do, you must be so intelligent and special. Oh wait.

No. 2416936

Learn tact, learn self-awareness, learn reciprocity, learn to pay attention to someone besides yourself instead of acting like an overgrown child. I'm tired of "communicating" simple shit to people who aren't listening. No, I won't be retarded with you. Get it together or fuck off because I won't babysit you anymore.

No. 2417089

A man who has anything to lose, especially social currency or reputation, is going to do his absolute best to sound as calm and as rational as possible if the skeletons in his closet are threatening to come out. You can't let the faux aloofness disarm you or make you decide he's innocent because I guarantee his lie is so important to him that he's practiced this scenario over and over in his head. If you deliberately choose to trust a man with such dark accusations against him, there is a point where you have personal responsibility to either walk away or accept that you prefer the benefits of being associated with an evil person over your supposed morale. Of course someone is going to seem so vulnerable, honest, and some sort of divine exception to everything you've ever learned about predators when they want you to see them that way and their entire vacuum relies on you continuing to be complicit. If that's the sort of person you want to be, then be it. But don't continue to pretend you care at all about any sort of compassionate social issue when you know you've been happily aligning yourself with abusers. There is no "grey area," only a toxic microcosm which you have been more than happy to upkeep and foster as long as you feel like you're a part of something.

No. 2417156

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No. 2417692

Quit ignoring my messages and run me my money you philandering faggot.

No. 2417767

everyday i imagine my workplace exploding or catching on fire and everything burning down. god hate that place.

No. 2417785

i love stealing gendie artist's oc's and making them not-cringe and giving them a better life

No. 2417817

MFW I don’t have anyone’s face to sit on… after getting married my Nigel never does oral anymore. I keep fantasizing that some cute girl will help me out but I’m straight and too shy to even attempt it(vain bitch)

No. 2418306

Why am I always the one paying for almost everything on our trips?? Food, transport costs, lodging… If you're mister moneybags now, FUCKING ACT LIKE IT AND PAY YOUR SHARE. There is no way in hell i'm going to keep spending money I don't have like I did when your ass was broke, when you can comfortably pay for things yourself now. God, you're pissing me off so fucking bad right now. There is NO EXCUSE not to keep your word and pay me on time. Be a fucking man and pay for me sometimes for once in your goddamn life. I honestly don't gaf to hear whatever lame excuse you're going to give me, "oh I forgot nona", "i'm just too busy and tired", GET YOUR FUCKING PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.

No. 2418558

If you're sad that your recovery time from surgery is preventing you from going on that business trip, GOOD. I hope you lose that job. Fuck that job and fuck your coworkers.

No. 2419002

You're still a massive hoe, for the record, and your haircut is fugly. Don't ever forget it

No. 2419033

Creepy ass loser pretending to be Oz the great and powerful. You aren't intimidating.

No. 2419278

bitches really be having ad hominem meltdowns thinking you're every person they ever disagreed with when you rightfully call out their bullshit

No. 2420902

You don't abuse women "for their own good" and the fact that you truly tried to pull that argument was insanity. Same person who was "jokingly" saying they were doing orgasm denial to a woman you have never spoken to in your life, pretty fucked up and weird. And you were claiming that for years. The kind of fucked up that isn't reformable. You can try your hardest to backpedal, but it's all there. You try to pretend that these statements are made in a black and white way to make you seem worse but like… that's literally what you did, there is no grey area or nuance to it and you aren't making women "better" by abusing them. The constant "no but its different with me, it's different when I do it" thing doesn't hold true to anyone except the highly toxic community you've fostered.

No. 2421189

Reeee why am I like this

No. 2421357

I really hate the term "queer" not only as a slur but an excuse to be as wishy-washy with your sexual orientation as you like. It's so funny when someone says their queer but then it turns out they're straight with extra steps or think being 95% gay and 5% straight means they're queer and not just bi. The vagueness must be intentional because there's no telling whether their even gay to begin with.

No. 2421372

My ex was so annoying and insecure I never even got to tell him the football top he got me for my birthday got me out of a speeding ticket with a policeman. It would have just caused a massive fight and he probably would have cried like he did when I shaved my pubes after a particularly messy period shedding. I hate him and his fucked up teeth so much

No. 2421594

why do you think i want to look you in the eyes and thank you? you ruined my life. you're a degenerate rapist. it doesn't matter how good looking you are. how everyone laughs around you. how tragic your home life has been. i hope you overdose somewhere down the line and you continue to find things to frown about while you're still alive

No. 2421914

You need to cut your losses. He doesn’t want to be with you and he broke up with you and wants you to move out. Writing me a diatribe about how upset you are about this does not change that he wants to break up with you. And you were in the wrong! A lot of this relationship! You ARE a hoarder! You did yell and throw things and call him mean names! You haven’t had a job in three fucking years dude, why are you surprised he feels resentful and like he can’t save any money?? The fact he’s going to insta kick you out if you call him mean names should tell you what kind of person you’ve allowed yourself to become. I do not have empathy for you right now, and this is like day five of you spamming me with page long texts about it! You’re a bad partner! You’re my friend, but you gotta understand THAT. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM.

No. 2422080

Keep collecting STIs like Pokémon if you want but stop fucking calling me when I’m at the grocery store

No. 2422147

I'm starting to hate you so much that I want to kill you. You don't deserve to be happy after screwing me over. I will make your life a miserable one. I imagine stabbing you repeatedly in the chest. You will never make another woman happy who isn't me. You don't get to selfishly decide you no longer need me on a whim after I built you up. You fucking loser. Trying to make up for some high school fantasy. No different from any other man. That's what makes you a loser to your core. Instead of enjoying a well adjusted relationship with everything you ever wanted, you decided it wasn't yet enough. You want to see what kind of women your newfound money will buy. Hope your dick shrinks and breaks completely. Hope you meet nothing but scumbag women who look down on you and treat you horribly. You took me for granted entirely. I was too nice, too permissive. I praised you too much, so you think you're hot shit now. You shortdicked bastard. Know your place.

No. 2422180

You could not be a more pathetic person if you tried omg

No. 2422428

knew i shouldnt have tried making any new friends im going back to being a hermit i cant take this crap

No. 2422433

Never give up, failure is inevitable, people are going to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally and it really doesn't matter, you need to get over it and move on.

No. 2422513

Haven’t been on here in a few days I say something so normal and I just get instant snark for no reason. I hate girls sometimes girls, yes half of you are so childish don’t even deserve the word woman. Can’t believe feminists/womanists went to war for some of these ungrateful sourpatch bitches. Kek at sourpatch bitches even though I say so myself. Can’t take a little push back because no they can’t tolerate a different opinion. Sometimes it’s better to not say anything if you can’t even see the point of the discussion. If all you want to see is negativity then I”ll hand it to you and make you realise how stupid you are. I’ve realised that I’m finally getting the backbone to standup to some of the most bitter bitches in life. I’m only going to get better at standing up for myself. I’m so over it. Who cares if they don’t like me, I don’t. I’m starting to love myself more and more.
It’s not always that I have to be a womanist. Why? Women have been my biggest bullies. Some of you literally have no life and thrive on bullying others.
Enough is enough. Trying to bully me, but I’m seeing straight through the bullshit. Not naive anymore. Can’t wait to become mentally even more equipped to be like, immediately no, when I even as get a whiff of some of the bullshit.
Also to anyone reading this. It’s oke not to be liked and it’s oke to stand up for yourself.
As long as you have yourself that’s all that matters. What I wrote some will view as an insult or whatever but I don’t care. This is my experience and I started it out with what I encountered on here and branched out to life experiences including recent ones with some of THE most bitter women I’ve encountered.
I hate scrotes too for the record but right now it’s about bitter betties.
So again it’s oke if you don’t have friends because others can’t take a different opinion than theirs trying to instigate shit. Pisses me OFF. I can’t believe that I as a fellow woman have to feel like I’m the only one who says it like it is and people can’t take it. I’m not even mean at all they just decide to focus on one little thing that might be negative to them and disregard the rest I said. Or for instance I ask for help and I do everything diligently and they are just lacking in every way. Yet judge me even though I’m not even a threat to them.
They just WANT to dig at me and shit for no reason. If your life is about making others miserable along with you then it’s just a failure doesn’t matter how many degrees or how popular you are. Bitterness doesn’t discriminate. Read my reply again if you can’t comprehend. It’s not about all of you but some of you are so stupid it’s crazy. I bet this has some people mad but I don’t care it’s not about you if you can’t see yourself in what I wrote.
Stop caring so much about others that aren’t even a threat to you then maybe you will know peace. I feel a tiny bit better and I’m taking my own annoyance elsewhere to cool down. Thanks for letting me vent to the other lovely nona’s have a great day.

No. 2422556

It's fucked up she made others, including me, draw for someone else because their mom died and then not do the same when mine did. I wasn't even close to that person kek.

No. 2422587

I'm going to stand on business

No. 2422737

life is suffering and it never gets any better

No. 2422832

You keep messaging me like I care! Just clean your room, I don’t need to hear about it. I’m having empathy burnout from your fucking text messages, insane

No. 2423402

Wish my life wasn't so fucked up so you would still love me. I just want to go to the forest and fuck you again. Now I'm all emo and shit like a tard

No. 2423594

i hate you so fucking much. i wish i could push a button and you get everything u put me through and die so that i dont have to live on this earth with someone as retarded as you

No. 2423923

I stay on business!

No. 2423947

You were supposed to get me out of this hell, and instead you leave me completely alone at the worst possible time. I should have secured the marriage visa bag when I had that small chance. Life there isn't great but it's sure miles better than being stuck in this increasingly dystopian hellhole. I wanted to marry you for love and wait until I was a little more financially secure to make the move, guess you couldn't wait and decided to dump me out of "convenience".

No. 2424375

Are you happy? Was it worth it? I'm nauseous, I can't breathe, and I barely sleep. Did I really deserve that? I don't feel like a person anymore. What more do you want from me?

No. 2425102

Stop acting like a pissy baby. You literally said and agreed to call me when you got there and now you're acting passive aggressive for me not contacting you and seeming uninterested? Go fuck yourself.

No. 2425148

I'm not in a good place, but I'm still better without any of you. You were inconsiderate, fake friends and I hope your current and future "friends" take notice as well. No sane, rational person wants to deal with someone willing to have only one-sided conversations with them, standing them up at the last second to meetings you specifically said you would "definitely" make it to and faked excitement about, get presents from me constantly but never so much as hear a single "Thanks", bringing up your fiancee calling off your engagement but not being able to get anything but a "Man, that sucks / Yikes! / Oh no!" or being completely ignored when I have literally cried my eyes out right in front of you and talked about my being abused. You weren't actually good people. You just wanted to look and feel like good people do.

No. 2425337

For future reference you don’t have to tell people you’re autistic, we can tell.

No. 2426393

Why is another man's girlfriend YOUR responsibility?? Much less someone who's more like an acquaintance. It's so fucking weird that she moved there "for him" but apparently he can't even live in the same house much less the same city due to "Work"?? And you spend all this money treating her on his behalf, while you haven't spent a dime on me, relying on me to cover almost all of our expenses. And now, somehow, you've run out of money or are broke despite claiming to be making so much money you didn't have time to spend it since you were grinding so hard. Make it make fucking sense. Guess our spring break is a bust because you're overly generous trying to impress strangers and yet you can't even remember my birthday or any of the holidays. Something just isn't adding up especially when i'm only asking the minimum of financial input from you.

No. 2426394

We are happy together, I'm sorry that makes you unhappy, but it's your choice to be angry and unhappy ultimately. I wish you'd just be happy for us, but I always knew your rage and sense of perceived unfairness would win out. Have fun hating me when it'll lead to nothing, bitch.

No. 2426482

i don't care what i said earlier. i'm not coming over to see you. get fucked

No. 2426561

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I think about you too a lot and how smart you are even if you don't believe in yourself sometimes, I hope you're doing better than last year as well, and I will always remember you as a good friend! I hope you get everything you want in life, and that all your dreams come true ♥ I'm sorry for causing you trouble as well, you deserve a good life and you will obtain it, I'm sure of it.

No. 2426675

File: 1740971100285.jpeg (93.69 KB, 736x434, IMG_7861.jpeg)

you are seriously the coolest, funniest, and most beautiful girl i have ever known. i always thought that the whole having someone's smile light up your whole day thing was sappy bullshit, but i understand what that means now because of you. i have the biggest fattest crush on you and it almost feels unhealthy how excited i get to see you, how nervous i am to mess things up when i'm close to you. sometimes i get a little annoyed that you're able to say such intimate things to me but keep things platonic because we're both girls. selfishly, i wish you weren't such a radiant and amazing person so that i didn't feel like my love for you, platonic or otherwise, was in constant competition. and i feel gross for wanting to make out w you so badly lmfao. i wish i was less ugly so i could ask you out and do all the corny romance stuff together

No. 2426697

You are not a good person no matter how much you posture and condescend people online and no amount of your fake, passive aggressive, loser moralizing will make me care about your opinion or perspective because you are full of shit

No. 2426709

If your apology wasn't substantial enough for me to remember it over the abuse it doesn't count/never happened. My mother succeeded in apologising substantially and stands over her remorse and that's why I speak to her.

No. 2426727

Ugh. I know you're seeing another chick and you were only using me to pass the time while she was in between leading you on and ignoring you. When will I stop being your doormat? I CAN live without you. I NEED to live without you.

No. 2426729

abnd i hope i never am!(vain bitch)

No. 2426735

Narcissistic schizo retard

No. 2426736

the shit my mom does is so fucken infuriating. "just sign my name for me when the paper gets here" yeah bitch thats called forgery. especially for a paper that this bitch ass keeps saying will get turned into a lawyer. god this bitch is fucken retarded.

No. 2426855

You're a stupid fucking pickme and I wish you would go away forever.

No. 2426869

shits fucked

No. 2426962

>thats called forgery
retarded ungrateful bitch, just sign it for her, for fucks sake. literally why are you so fucking annoying?(vain bitch)

No. 2427002

Just because you were raped by a women when you were a child doesn’t give you a pass to go around saying that you hate women, retard

No. 2427246

Reverse the sexes in that last post and you’ll realize how ridiculous you sound(vain bitch)

No. 2428342

How tf are you broke? I'm barely juggling having just 1-2k in my account right now, living paycheck to paycheck, and now because you won't pay the $700 you owe me, i'm even worse off, and to top that off, it looks like one of my crowns needs to be replaced which will be $1700 minimum… I think you're just fucking stingy and your version of "broke" is having 8k in your account at this point in time but you're making far more than me. You claimed you had so much money, what the hell happened to all of it?? Did your dumb ass fall for some bleeding heart Gaza survivor scam? Claiming "what's the point of having all this money when I have no time to spend it" you fucking moron. Where'd it go, then? I thought you weren't spending it? Quit spending money on treating randos all the time to impress them and get your fucking finances in order.. and PAY ME BACK you dumb asshole.

No. 2428476

You can bait me all you want, you can willfully misinterpret my posts and provoke me, but you will never make me infight. I am zen. I am above your petty attempts.

No. 2430598

I haven't even been on the website in a month but I'm certain you've been punching your own shadow thinking it was me..

No. 2431057

i hate your art and i hate that i love you so much, but your art is dogshit gooner slop. it makes total sense your fanbase is just other virgins. you have so much skill but you dont know how to use it. youre a pussy who is afraid of everything, a guy with friends sure, but theyre mostly losers too. no wonder girls are so repulsed by you. youre a dumb faggot and i dont like a lot about you, but i dont want you out of my life. i want to change you

No. 2431084

It should be no men no cry

No. 2431085

I want some happiness too but I don't exist

No. 2431186

Stop being stupid!! He literally told you that you talk too much. Why would you even consider anything other than moving on?

No. 2431219

Damn you really still be lying round the clock

No. 2431399

Tryhard aggression is so funny like you're about to burst a blood vessel over some stupid shit and you intimidate no one. Just salty and rude and weird

No. 2431782

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i wish that didnt make my day but it absolutely did, KEK. laughing my ass off now, there's always trouble in paradise i guess.

No. 2431904

I fucking hate izzzyzzz so much I cannot stand her stupid zoomer ass and I'm sick of people here defending her gendie bullshit

No. 2431981

please stop telling me about your mental problems.

No. 2432079

it's going to happen any time now isn't it. i might as well get ready but nothing will prepare me unless i completely circle back. i wish everything could be normal

No. 2432083

You’re not as good as you think you are. You hate my life because you have to think it’s bad in order to feel better about yours. That’s so pathetic, to be honest. Keep trying to gaslight me into thinking I don’t show how much I care for you, I’m not giving you any effort because you don’t deserve it. Get over it, girl. I couldn’t care less about your trip, or your job, or your new friendships. I simply don’t care.

No. 2432141

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I don't really even wanna be here anymore, I'm just here because I'm sick. But before I leave again, I'm gonna take the piss

No. 2432378

The whole angry stalking and obsessively tuning in but then saying "heyyyy guysss just hopped online" thing hours later as if it's an alibi thing is. . . Truly insane

No. 2432397

i love you and i don't know why you insist on believing that i would be better off without you after all i've done. i don't know what else i can do to prove it to you.

No. 2432574

How does it feel knowing you’re all alone after you talked so much shit about the boys you’re now missing? I guess you thought it was fun and quirky when you were younger but now you’re in your 30s and I’m sure the panic is starting to set in. It’s so great being able to see your downfall.

No. 2432852

why is everyone so annoying, everyone needs to stop and evaluate themselves

No. 2432907

I hate it hate it hate it when the objectively correct choice fulfills my ulterior motives. It makes me feel like I'm unfairly getting away with something even when the right thing for everyone else is also the right thing for me.

No. 2432917

Terrible things will happen to you. You're cursed. Life will deliver everything back to you, hopefully worse. It'll all crumble down and you'll feel the exact pain bearing down on you and ruining everything you thought you've built. If you thought there would be no consequences, you're wrong. I want your insides to be just as twisted up. You were never right, never a good person, whatever fucking complaints you constantly write everyday mean nothing. Your standards are fucking nothing, you're just another snobby, pretentious bitch. I want you to get fucked up in the head about it. Every time something bad happens to you, I'll feel good, and something good will happen to me. You deserve to be tread on by Life. Suffer in Hell.

No. 2432935

Holy fucking shit I hope he gets exposed for looking at child porn. That would be so fucking funny.

No. 2432942

You are fucking delusional. Keep gorging on this illusion you've created. When really all you are is a spoiled cunt that could get the ego knocked out of her so fucking fast. And I hope that happens to you, and that it all topples over, leaving you painfully aware of what and who you really are. Pathetic. Everything you have is fake.. The conditions around you will worsen. Your life will start leaking in and destroying you. Die in a car crash, it's a fitting, boring but agonizing death, perfect for you. You're not special, and you're certainly not smart. What other words reach you do not matter, it'll just turn rotten. There will be no consolation for you.

No. 2432969

You will never be a man, non-binary is made up bullshit and your entire sense of 'masculinity' vs 'femininity' is just based on idiotic little stories you've cooked up in your own head. You've never had a creative or original thought in your entire life and your 'totally complex mental and spiritual state' is just a mishmash of ideas you've picked up from watching too much television and refusing to actually engage with or get to know another human being. You're a mentally and physically frail self-hating woman who is too stupid to even realize that you're stupid and the reason nobody takes you seriously isn't because we're all just incapable of understanding the profundity of your perspective but because you're incapable of making a coherent argument. You think you've suffered more than actual survivors of violence and sexual assault in spite of living a coddled and comfortable life, you do nothing but make the life of everyone around you worse and we only spend time with you out of pity but you insist that we need to be grateful for your presence.

No. 2432970

Mine was better.

No. 2432999

cocaine is bad for you

No. 2433000

no, your dogs aren't "cute little babies that wouldn't hurt a fly". if they were, you and your mother wouldn't need to lock them in the other room when i was visitng so they wouldn't fucking maul me. "they just get easily excited" my ass. either send them to a training course of euthanize them because one day you'll wake up with your hand bitten off. why is it always shitbull owners who act so reckless, i swear to god the bigger and more dangerous the dog's breed is the more its owner is retarded.(wrong thread)

No. 2433286

I hate you. You’re not a good person, you’re actually terrible.

No. 2433379

This is me. I feel me again. This is what's changed my life and means a lot to me

No. 2433694

Back to Discord, sweetie.

No. 2433747

I don't know which one of you bitched about me at work earlier but you should actually be not-a-pussy and speak up next time. If I can do it, so can you. I'm just going to assume you're a hostile bitch now that can't handle workplace issues like an adult.

No. 2433863

You're going to suffer for what you did.

No. 2433908

I hope you get massively screwed over by her so you can finally shut the fuck up about your self-righteous shit. Please get treated like the trash that you are.

No. 2433934

Being hot and self aware is just par for the course for an intellect like me. Sorry some of yall were born ugly, there was nothing I could do about it. Yes it is easy to have a spine when you have the lived experience of either people falling over themselves to help you or people you've never interacted with having a bad opinion of you. Either way I look good which gets you far in this gay fucked up world

No. 2433944

Once you realize haters just hate themselves and project it onto others, life gets easier. Stay mad, I’ll stay winning while you continue to lose. Cheers!

No. 2433960

I told you for the last fucking time you absolute retard, I'm not sending you nudes. You can keep buying me as much shit as you want, you're not seeing my fucking ass.

No. 2433972

Hope it all disintegrates and you see exactly what I see one day.

No. 2433989

You are so fucking stupid. And you're not even aware of how fucking stupid you are. Funny how that works..

No. 2433997

Listen to yourself. Realize your own flaws.

No. 2434008

File: 1741412152361.gif (1.71 MB, 320x180, W1Dfbl-3345022009.gif)

Ahkekeh-eh-chah! Ahkekeh-eh-chah!

No. 2434041

Some people really just want you to hate yourself as much as they hate themselves. So sad to see. You’d be less miserable if you stopped putting all that hate into the world. It eats you up from the inside.

No. 2434052

Wish I could telepathically communicate with people just so they could really understand.

No. 2434105

Type of shit a retarded mentally ill bitch says when someone asks them to do the dishes(vain bitch )

No. 2434320

Misogynistic men love to cope and pretend misandrists are closeted lesbians because they can't fathom being critical of men. An existence so egotistical, so emotionally retarded it isn't worth acknowledging. Keep telling yourself that faggot.

No. 2435835

You're just such a gigantic fucking disappointment. What is wrong with this world? And why are you like this? Why do you fucking torment people this way? Why do you make them like this only to subject them to pain? What good can possibly come out of this? We were doing fine and then everything just erupts again. People are so fucking agonizing.

No. 2435998

Nigga get a job.

No. 2436090

I wish someone would make a thread on that selkie TIF chick or whatever her name is I'm tired of seeing her posted in a million different threads

No. 2436176

Looking very rotund and dead behind the eyes lately, bitch! Hiding your fucking chins in the photo your gross boyfriend took of you. I honest to god hope you develop complications from alcoholism or better yet, type 2 diabetes you stupid pig. Karma is coming for you, you horrendous pick-me cunt. Also all your art is narcissistic, navel gazing, and clearly just done for instagram. Maybe ANOTHER millennial pink blurry self portrait will get you noticed in the art world. You’re not good at oil painting either btw it looks fucking amateur. Why’d it take you eight years to get a BFA you clearly weren’t learning fucking anything

No. 2436182

Can I just go already can my departure from this world be soon please I'm so tired of living god I'm so tired of living I need death

No. 2436184

I will actually jump you if I see you in real life again. And I will win

No. 2436263

You can always tell a useless ass loser freak by how they choose to alog people over minor scruples that no sane person would give a fuck about. Just sick in the head and nasty. Like damn bitch you are literally mentally retarded and shadow boxing with the voices in your head over women who just think you're a fucking loser and leave it at that.

No. 2436696

I cringe so hard when anons in the TIM thread showcase their poor reading comprehension or don't understand jokes because the other side is so obviously wrong but they make themselves look stupid

No. 2437193

File: 1741558797940.jpg (21.71 KB, 380x331, tails cry.jpg)

LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MOID ive made it so incredibly clear that i do not want you my god. stop fucking messaging me

No. 2437394

shove it up your fucking ass you goddamn good for nothing deadbeat

No. 2437438

jfc bitch go take a fucken shower. walking around the carpet with your nasty sweaty stinky ass feet and sitting on the sofa without changing your nasty ass clothes or showering. i can smell you from my fucken bedroom. fucken DISGTUSTING.

No. 2437440

It wasn't about you schizo.

No. 2437441

I don't have to do anything, you seem unhappy enough.

No. 2437468

I'm actually gonna vomit and die

No. 2437576

I wont reply because I have better things to do but I genuinely appreciate the anon that stood up for me. thank you.

No. 2437927

Faildaughter moment…

No. 2437930

Fuck whyyy whyyyyyyy. He has everything I could've ever wanted in life that I'll never be able to achieve.

No. 2437933

I think Twitter just starts infecting people's brains and they start forming their sentences like one of the bots on there because their minds are malleable. You are imitating a soulless bot..

No. 2437934

No one cares. No one finds you interesting. People constantly overestimate just how important they are in other people's minds, they seem desperate for the attention their parents probably never gave them..

No. 2437946

You care a lot.(vain bitch)

No. 2437951

fuck this gay earth, but i will prevail

No. 2437981

Always a chance of some stray schizo projecting onto your posts itt. Lol.

No. 2438010

Who the fuck was talking to you?

No. 2438384

So it turns out you dumping me was just me catching strays from your yearly quarter-life crisis, unsurprisingly. It wasn't hard to do seeing as you'd grown emotionally distant from me due to your job consuming your life but all it took was less than 6 months between the last time i'd flown out to see you for you to start detaching, after telling me to believe in our future together, promising marriage, urging me to move in… at the time I disassociated because I had waited so long to hear from you again only to be shocked with how casually you dumped me over a phone call. Telling me you want someone "more lively, assertive, and outgoing. Not high school or college age but someone who can match my momentum…" nice way to say that you think i'm too old now. How the hell could I "match your momentum" when we didn't have time to discuss a solid plan? All I had were your promises and reassurance. I'm so sick of doing things earnestly only to be repaid in loss after loss. I should have been more demanding instead of giving you space and allowing it to accumulate like this even if you'd have ended up annoyed. I should have insisted more. I'm going to resent how the job changed you and exposed you to shitty moid influences until the day I die. My future happiness was stolen.

No. 2438480

I'm always put on the back burner by people who should make me as important in their lives as I make them. Don't bother contacting me if you don't really care and just want to half-assedly cure your boredom only to dip. This is why i'm hesitant to invest time into new people. I'm so tired of this.

No. 2438601

People like you don't tend to age well. You'll have to actually emotionally mature.

No. 2438746

File: 1741643167118.jpeg (83.36 KB, 750x458, 5F1672ED-7CA1-414C-A77E-FFB5F6…)

Lolcow is not a radfem website ffs we just happen to have some anons who are.

No. 2438765

Girl you’re creeping me out, I can’t even imagine how she feels right now. Let her breathe, she just had a baby.

No. 2439141

I'm getting REALLY REALLY tired of obscure music I liked for years getting popular with retarded zoomies cause of some shitty tiktok edit

No. 2439142

I have no opinion on your post but I do approve of your picrel. Rock on, nona.(vain bitch)

No. 2439264

File: 1741677528966.jpeg (742.31 KB, 1125x1106, 26B18C1E-4740-4422-A553-59103D…)

God I don’t want to WORK on this DUMB ASSIGNMENT. I wouldn’t even mind it that much except it’s UGLY. I would never inflict this on another human being. Why would you choose literally the most boring and ugliest prefab assets known to man. Why do this. Who hurt you. What happened in your life to have such bad fucking taste. I am literally going to go mental I fucking hate this class so much.

No. 2439428

You're a stupid bitch and you're making the world a worse place. The world would genuinely be a better place if you were gone. Everyone hates you. Just go away, please.

No. 2439510

I don't deserve to be deliberately neglected and ignored by you. I had to endure it for almost an entire year already, and for what? For things between us to deteriorate until I was nothing more than air to you? You stopped seeing me as real at some point. The you from two years before would never have treated people whom you consider truly important to you like this, but somewhere along the way you seem to have given up on making an effort.

No. 2439531

File: 1741702227235.jpg (1023.85 KB, 2885x1442, 2muchbait.jpg)

No jannie, I am not a vain bitch! How can you have a thread that bursts at its seams with delectable and succulent baits of such diverse forms and not expect me to want to take a nibble? It is absolute cruelty to do this, it is abusive and cruel. Can you not see that I am the victim here?
This is IMMORAL. This is WRONG!

No. 2440272

"Omggg hehe sorry guys just hopped online xx" and you've already been online for hours being a creep… what's the point.

No. 2440764

Citing your intuition as if you haven't willfully and deliberately entrusted men who are so sick and sociopathic that they routinely disregard the agency of women and ignore the meaning of "no"… maybe you should be a little more introspective. Or maybe you're pretending to be retarded on purpose, right? Pathetic regardless

No. 2440874

File: 1741789732676.jpg (34.06 KB, 500x383, venus.jpg)

it really has been a year hasn't it. goddamn. funny how so much can change kek

No. 2440957

Give a moid an inch and he will take a mile. Buddy, I know for a fact nobody else is hanging out with you here. Don't get too big for your britches and start demanding shit of me.

No. 2441104

I really don't understand you at all. You say all these nice things and the next day you're treating me like this… I'm scared to ask what I was going to now. Wtf

No. 2441989

Ewww just because someone likes watching different creators online doesn't mean they want to have sex with them or find them attractive? You'd know that if you weren't such an incel holy shit

No. 2442072

If you have to keep repeating you’re not the problem all the time, maybe you are the problem indeed. You don’t have a strong personality because of your zodiac sign (kek), you’re just insufferable. Stop trying to blame the people for being too sensitive and start acting like a good person and maybe you won’t end up being hated by everyone.

No. 2442103

It may come as a shock to you but you clearly try so hard to be cruel online to feel better about yourself. Nobody cares about your opinion, especially about other people. You're a sped.

No. 2442563

Chill out and be nice to each other. Stop trying to be an edgy bitch. Seething so much is not healthy. You're exhausting. Just calm down. Try focusing on yourself or adding something good to the world for once.

No. 2443143

I'm actually a little bit glad to see you fall. I said that you'd suffer for doing me dirty and now look. You lost the precious job that you thought was more important than me. You really thought you was doing something by dumping me on a whim so you could pick up chicks in other countries with your loser work friends, huh? Those women from countries where the man pays for them aren't going to be as nice as I was and offer to cover your ass for everything. They're gonna bounce on a broke ass bum like yourself unless they think they can use you for a visa but oh wait, you can't support two people now, good luck with that lol. It's instant karma for you getting too big for your britches and thinking you're too good for me, who was only ever good to you, far more than you deserved.

No. 2443183

Maybe you should take your own advice.

No. 2443648

After everything and all those years it took you telling me you didn't even realise I had depression for me to realise you're such an ignorant self absorbed twat. I cannot believe the rose tinted glasses I had on reminiscing about us. I have been clinically depressed since my teenage years it was I though a defining characteristic about me lol. Mental.

No. 2443689

You're only like this because your ex-boyfriend was a porn addict whose dick didn't work.

No. 2443706


No. 2443872

You try so hard to scrape together the weirdest and most autistic insults from the most milquetoast nothingburger content ever. Please get a life. It isn't hurtful when the oddly empassioned attempts at degradation are from a sped.

No. 2444034

You’re not special or unique. But it doesn’t matter. Just accept it and live your life and do what you want. Stop trying to prove yourself to an imaginary audience. You’re just playing mind games with yourself.

No. 2445288

You always act like youre exceptionally intelligent but whenever you try to argue you're always so snide and condescending and it becomes obvious you're just a Supreme autist that thinks you know more than everyone else. You don't even converse with people you talk at them and down to them. Even grosser when you burner hop.

No. 2445849

So fucking sick of my muzztard mom. Bitch shut the fuck up or when you're older and totally dependent I'm going to ditch you completely. I can't enjoy my fucking weekend in peace because this cunt wants to drag my ass to our local mosque for iftar and eat on the floor with these pigs and be crammed like we're in a fucking gas chamber because the "people" (men) running it are retarded and the women's section is puny. Being dragged to this shithole regularly is why I stopped believing, if I wasn't I could be a good muzzie lib bitch instead of seeing how haggard and retarded these people are. Islam is slave mindset retardation.

No. 2446065

I’m drunk and high af right now and I’m ENJOYING it. I’m sure you’d have a heart attack if you knew. I don’t care. I couldn’t care less, even when I’m going to ask you…well. It’s not important at all.

No. 2446221

File: 1742076480270.jpg (68.56 KB, 1013x812, 1000075882.jpg)

sorry I was MIA for so long but I'm here now and trying to make it work, in my defense I was extremely depressed because of, well, anyway if this doesn't work, if it's a total flop then the embarrassment will be so much that it really will have to be the end. Reminiscing doesn't make me as sad anymore. I hope we can still be friends, if not I understand sorry for being so creepy annoying and gross, thanks for spending time with me. Being my friend is like doing community service. Sorry.

No. 2446273

I'm happy you ghosted me. Our friendship made me want to die since you ghosted me back then too but this time I didn't come running back. Everyone you do this with will get pushed to their breaking point sooner or later. You are so much fun to be around, back then I even wished we could live together in the future. I thought we where something like soulmates, which is just so embarassing now. You will pull people in by having a good time with them and then push them away once the fun of a new person playing your game and being on your side ways off.

It's injecting someone with heroin once, then dangling the syringe infront of their face and running away so that they chase after it, just so you can feel wanted. I sincerely hope you go to therapy and find someone else that you won't hurt like you did with seriously everyone else who ever liked you. You don't have to traumatise people who are nice to you just because your parents didn't love you enough. Just stop haunting me.

No. 2446278

File: 1742079976918.jpg (6.62 KB, 220x212, 1737611007852.jpg)

You have a kpop moid as your profile pic. So it looks like they're not the only one with an "Asian fetish" KEK

No. 2446288


No. 2446481

Stop inventing dildo shaped biomedical and dental devices!! Pen shaped or smaller only!!

No. 2447121

You threw away 3 years of relationship because of one night out. I respectfully think you’re fucking dumb. You had a decent woman by your side, who genuinely cared about you and helped you a lot. Your life was better because of me. But you preferred your fucked up friend who only led you to ruin and self destruct during the worst time of your life. Wise choice huh? Dumbass.

No. 2447320

There’s no point in infighting but you are so, so. Wrong it almost compels me to make fun of you.

No. 2447533

File: 1742158372535.png (1.34 MB, 966x1063, F3VsyP0WMAANFa8.png)

Holy shit we're going to be millionaires. 6+ year relationship and she recently showed me a statement from BoA. I was never with her for the money, but obviously never having to worry about money again one day is a plus for anyone. I can't tell anyone about this and bringing it up would just be extremely obnoxious bragging and attract many leeches. The two of us have been through so much together with being closeted as well as her extremely homophobic parents. Luckily those two have 0 control or influence over the trust and who it goes to is controlled by another relative who's only supported us since she came out to them. Life can be good.

No. 2447535

Woah congrats! Where did you get that money from though? If its just a one time thing and you dont invest it its going to be gone in months though nona, be careful(vain bitch)

No. 2447537

File: 1742158645005.png (607.43 KB, 1024x715, 1000029771.png)

I thought of you today, and it made me realise that you haven't entered my head in years. I'm proud of myself for that.

No. 2447668

ohhh poor me i'm such a sad loser oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo

No. 2447729

I hope I die within the next 2-3 years, the sooner the better.

No. 2447809

It's a trust, 1 of 2 that is assigned to go to her. We don't have it yet and will only inherit them after a passing (I don't like to think about them passing because they've been nothing but kind and accepting to us). The balance of the smaller one I saw was over 2 million. There's a second larger one as well but we don't receive the quarterly statements to that one only her elderly aunt does. When a discussion came up over the phone regarding the trust her aunt assured us "We'd be taken care of and not to worry about her parents". Luckily we aren't struggling by any means. My partner works a 6 figure job and we do well between the two of our combined incomes. Neither of us has plans to do any crazy spending but we definitely want to travel. It's just a shell shock to me because I grew up in a poor family that always struggled.(vain bitch)

No. 2447826

My bad. I actually forgot what thread I was in for a second. I'll take my ban with honor.

No. 2447997

If you have money to gamble away at casinos, you have money to help me out. It's so fucking frustrating that my salary went from $972 to a measly $986 per pay period. What the fuck. How the hell am I supposed to live on that?? I budget like crazy but then get hit with bullshit emergency medical fees, doubled electricity fees even though I cut that shit down, subscriptions I canceled still charged me until I removed the goddamn card from the account, a mfer won't/can't pay me back after all; am I going to have to work two jobs in this shittastic market just to make ends meet? I'm so sick of all of this.

No. 2448158

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No. 2448231

So all it took was a youtube video by some masked loser to ignite your quarter-life crisis and make you decide to dump me for someone younger. No such thing as a good moid, only too-good-to-be-true moids. They always seek to raise their status or degrade their partners eventually. You talked about growing old together with such sincerity at the time. Wow. I fell for you offering me a life together with you. I will never ever believe a moid again. If you of all people could betray me so lightly, I have no hope to get involved with anyone else again in the future.

No. 2448460

No one thought you were nice. Maybe strangers, but everyone else has always known that you're a bitch.

No. 2449062

If you feel like I don't care it's simply because I don’t care. No matter how many times you ask me and how many times I have to lie to you, you know it and I do too. I don’t trust you at all.

No. 2449121

I will never stop cyberstalking you.

No. 2449156

I can't help but still hope that you try and take advantage of someone who is angrier and more shameless than me (lol). It would be hilarious to see your solo-poly partner from the future lay out how absolutely predatory you are. We know you're solo poly because you can't stand that women don't want to fuck you, they just want to fuck your boyfriend. And to anons reading this, this surprisingly isn't about Dana Hare, but they might as well be because they're also a busted histrionic bitch masquerading as a progressive.

No. 2449212

I found so many old accounts you have, and I genuinely think you've probably forgotten them kek. I'll never stop.

No. 2449413

Jobless behavior tbh

No. 2449433

Fucking loser kek

No. 2449435

It's so easy to lie, isn't it! You've been pretty faithful to that.

No. 2449437

File: 1742254673662.jpeg (270.15 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0198.jpeg)

Yes I am better than you. Only a fucking loser would pick on a dead person kek

No. 2449443

This is literally all a cope for your shopping addictions. You don’t need 10 fucking water bottles holy shit

No. 2449451

hey guys I found sinead o conners secret blog from 20 years ago. How can I prove its her? Uhh vibes I swear

No. 2449537

Nobody believes your sick fucked up twisted lies. Nobody is buying your bullshit because every day you do the same thing day in and day out. You think we all don't realize? KEKKKK YOu're so stupid it makes me laugh. I'm laughing at you because you're ridiculous and shameful. It's so insane that I have to defend myself every day from lies and attacks and libel. I don't deserve this but I put up with it because I'm storng. You Dont think I had to deal with worse? You dont even KNOW me you don't know my life you don't walk in my boots stupid gringa piece of human garbage

No. 2449540

Just shut the fuck up already!!! Get over yourself, no one cares!!! Too many words with so little substance

No. 2449541

Crazy disturbing pieces of trash. I live my life and it's my life and it's my life for a resason. I don't give a damn what you think because you're not me. You dont knnow me ANnd I don't want to know you. You're not even someone that I would WANT to. know. Disturbing creeps. Who do you think you are? Because it's not what you are. Projections delusions defenses enigmas dogmas it's all the same with you and your elk. Disgusting.

No. 2449545

Cuckoo cuckoo

No. 2449677

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No. 2449679

I fucked up big time didnt i.

No. 2449748

I love you very much but you put in so little effort that I'm not sure if it's even worth it in the end. You claim to care but your actions completely negate that. At least tell me you love me once in a while, at least try to seriously tell me something without disguising it under layers of irony

No. 2449796

I don't understand how other people can get along with others so easily. I'm so so so jealous of people who are loved. I'm so lonely.

No. 2449798

I just want to erase who i use to be

No. 2449813

Fuck you and fuck the beatles. Fiona apple sung across the universe 10 times better than those ugly moids

No. 2450130

You're completely self absorbed and spout nothing but hate and negativity. I've been there for you so many times over the years offering support and advice and listening. When the tables are turned you don't give a fuck about me or even care if I'm in pain. You're exhausting to be around now. All you do is think about yourself and how you can get what you need. Yet continue to make terrible choices and then want to bitch about how terrible your life is and poor me this and that. This is why the friendship is over. I've given all I have and there's nothing left. Adios bitch

No. 2450259

Kek now I know for sure it's full of retarded zoomers because none of them actually bother to read

No. 2450294

I want you to be in pain. I hope it never goes away, even after you are dead. Which I would love to happen soon too

No. 2450536

I'm getting really tired of your empty compliments. I know that you see me as an easy target to have sex with at the first convenience. But what you don't know is that I actually am using you for the free gifts. I used to feel bad, but when I told you to stop because I find them disingenuous, you continued. Congratulations. Not only am I not interested in you, but you have sparked my desire to see other people instead.
I know I've known you your whole life, but I see the angle that you're playing at now. You've grown into something twisted and ugly and I'm not a fucking fan of it at all. I wish you remained the innocent little guy that I knew you as, but instead it had to turn out the way it does for ever one of your kind, for every ball having fucking moid out there. It truly is a fucking stupid outcome. I wish you were a girl, but even then, we wouldn't have grown close like we already had.
I wish you the best, you horny piece of shit. I hope that you get erectile dysfunction and come to me about your emotional worries instead of about how many orgasms you can pump out of yourself in a single day. Addicted to the visage of yourself, you're damned to die alone and unhappy. Enjoy your cats, retard.

No. 2450563

You're the one who has been treating me like shit for years. If you weren't such an insecure and jealous dumbass, I wouldn't have to be like I am around you and your people. Don't you realise I'm basically acting around you? I've been doing it for so long now…

No. 2450643

Of course I will keep lying to you

No. 2450739


No. 2450853

Batshit cwazy

No. 2451125

So stressed exhausted and angry and I know you mean well but you're just making me feel so much worse pleas just shut up shut up shut upppp ugghhhhhhhhhhh. shut up

No. 2451242

Nobody fucking cares. Die

No. 2451311

Shitting up the thread and then leaving for a week to come back to see they’re still infighting. I feel like the joker

No. 2451398

you say you're so proud of yourself for not being toxic anymore. you say you actually like me for me, not the things i can do for you or make you feel. i wonder if you even believe that yourself? or perhaps you used to be so much worse that this is genuinely a huge improvement? it's so clear you only love the me that you've created in your mind. you don't give a shit about me or even see who i am. you must have some sort of self-awareness since you always worry about being too pushy. no shit, you are constantly breaking my boundaries and when i let you know you play the victim.

No. 2452095

My mom is a bit of a hoarder. Like not extreme level like on tv shows but she does keep shit that nobody needs and has no special or sentimental value in every single room. Broken scissors, expired hand cream, etc. I hate having to see the boxes upon boxes of shit that I know will go to the trash once she dies. She thinks that as long as shit is in a box or a bag it means it's tidy. It's not. Having this many things that do not serve a purpose everywhere is annoying. We are never going to use this shit.

No. 2452453

File: 1742425853331.jpeg (61.96 KB, 567x579, IMG_7475.jpeg)

If I got a dollar for every time I cried over you I’d be a millionaire. I miss you but also fuck you

No. 2452521

File: 1742427665930.jpg (582.81 KB, 2000x2828, 6ahm7k9gva5a1.jpg)

Now that I'm calmed down. It took some chemicals. chemically calm. But I'm calm. I understand what you were trying to communicate all along. I think. I realize how much of our relationship was like a game of charades, with how things got all bent out of shape. But I think now, with the space away from it. I understand what went wrong. I see where I messed up, entirely. I thought I would have be okay to put it out into the universe. but when i saw you again, i couldn't handle it. I really didn't think you'd see it. I know it wasn't you. I didn't ever want to believe it was you. I was just so scared, I couldn't do it. I thought I was big enough, bigger than it. That I was strong, I could handle anything. I wanted to show I wasn't afraid, and I wasn't shaming or looking down upon. But I think I understand now, what happened. All of it. At least a way to make sense of it. I hope you understand my side of it too. I'm sorry, I really didn't think you'd ever see it. I just panicked seeing you again, the terror. But it wasn't you I was seeing. It never was.

I love you. I always imagined us as some kind of tragic pair anyway. I'd think of the imagery of that rickety bike rollercoaster from the brazil(?) themed park up in the sky in Japan, closer to heaven. Something you're amazed is still allowed to exist. I guess it made me think of you. I think the biggest problem was really the separation all along. it made things hard between us. we understood but through text it got all mixed up and in voices it still got confused. we were on opposite sides of a spectrum in a bunch of ways, but i think we were learning something from the other. I realize the ways you were trying to reach across the table and got it wrong, I hope you see how I did that too to you. Because I see it, the ways I slapped you away. I think in a way I really felt like things between us would have worked out to just hold one another in person, in silence. to know that this was enough, what was trying to be communicated. no more words needed to be said. nothing more needed to be done, us just holding one another in the dark. i feel like i'd weep if i thought too hard on it. You taught me a lot about love, relationships, communicating. I miss you so much. But I feel like this is a mistake, is it? I never shut the door entirely on you. Even if it might seem that way, I left the door unlocked. I was just waiting to see if you'd return. But you knew me well enough and just left it once you calmed down. I understand that now. Or else you felt like it was another trial you were being set to.

I realize the ways I didn't finish my sentences, the way I half communicated with you, went silent, quiet or irritable. Because I wasn't seeing you, I wasn't listening to you. My mind was somewhere else, far away. The mother wound, attachments, society. I understand it better now. I feel like I see you more now. The anxiety, the need for attachment and reassurance, the pain. Now that I understand myself. I never changed the locks on anything. That was my way of leaving the door open. I'm so used to others breaking in, I thought you'd know if you tried again I'd let you in after some time. Even if it was a mistake, because I loved you too much. I didn't chase you because I was scared and felt like it was just obvious things had gone rotten, overstayed their welcome and it was time for us to move on. Even now I feel the tears ready to spill over. I understand it now. There's too many words to say, to many things to speak. It's why I wish I could hold you in my arms in person. Even just to hug goodbye. I think part of it was I felt like you found what you really needed and it was time to make my exit anyway.

I'm not at home right now. I don't know if I could talk to you even if you knock. I hope you know It's not you though. It's just me. Part of me wants to talk. But then I shake my head. It feels already over anyway, why tear open old wounds? It was probably a mistake in the first place. I never even read what you said before, I was too scared, caught up in my own panic. Trying to save myself further heartache and pain and fear. Because I didn't trust you enough. But I feel like I should have. You never did me wrong, not intentionally.

No. 2452546

If you really felt about me the way described, you would have cut the cord and shut me out for good a long time ago. It's what you always do in relationships and semi-relationships, even the longer ones. Yet, here we are. I know it's not utilitarian, because you enjoy getting X and Y from me. It doesn't work this way with you either. And had the sexual interest died out, it wouldn't rekindle so easily all the time either. We both know how your libido works. We are there for each for good. We just need to find a way.

No. 2452590

If you really felt about me the way described, you would have cut the cord and shut me out for good a long time ago. It's what you always do in relationships and semi-relationships, even the longer ones. Yet, here we are. I know it's not utilitarian, because you enjoy getting X and Y from me. It doesn't work this way with you either. And had the sexual interest died out, it wouldn't rekindle so easily all the time either. We both know how your libido works. We are there for each for good. We just need to find a way.

No. 2452614

Omg guysssss I just got here (youve actually been staring blank for hours and repeatedly refreshing, hanging on to every word, trying to form entire fanfictions and narratives off of every minute detail)

No. 2452849

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Sometimes the pain is necessary. I understand that better now. I understand better how a family unit is meant to work. How it really is just an example of any sort of partnership or group working healthily. That It's true, communicating is key. Whether that be with yourself, with others, or in a society. I was just TERRIFIED to be vulnerable. Especially like that. ESPECIALLY like that. Even now. My earliest memories are just of the terror, the pain, the helplessness, the humiliation. The realization this was all done to lower me, to make sure I knew my place. That I was worthless. Even if I couldn't make sense of it at the time. I was too young, too passive, I just wanted to be cared for, to be looked at, seen. The feelings of humiliation, being out of control, disgust, anger, horror I just silenced them. I stayed still, focused instead on how it felt nice to be at least held by someone to get through it. I wasn't really there anyway, none of it was real. How it tied in with my father. It wasn't him. But just being around him made me feel like that. That it was inevitable when the 'real' him would come out. If they did it, why wouldn't he? He'd already shown me through his actions this wasn't love. No one would protect me. All civility was was a cover for how the sausage gets made. Maybe the others did it too, who knows, I was too young. There was no other deeper meaning to things other than power and control. That people would inevitably want that from you, for something. That you could give them whatever else you could offer, and you could have a nice time, but you know in the back of your mind that's what they're all waiting for. Nothing gold can stay. That if they'll take that, they'll take your life next, because you're nothing. I realize now because I realize, anytime someone comes close, even just to hug, to hold, to talk sometimes. I want to shove them away. I feel that same fear, even if part of me wants to. The others that I tried to get close to, very close to, maybe they'd tolerate it a little but when they saw how I just laid there, I was completely passive. They (understandably) got freaked out. They could see the death, the damage. They saw there was something wrong there, and they ran away. I was scared of scaring them. I was scared to be forward as well, even if I felt comfortable, because what if I bit off more than I could chew? What if I got the script all wrong? It was terrifying. Like life or death each time. Or even worse, what if I hurt them? What if I ripped them apart? It was better to play dead. To show that even if I hurt them, they can walk away without any repucussions. The more I thought on it, the more disgusted I felt. The more I wanted to run from society. From everyone, to hide away in a cocoon. I think I understand better now. It's still hard to be outside, to speak to people. To look at them. To let them in even a tiny amount. But I know I have to. I can't afford to be scared. I'm sorry. I think I understand you better now. Now that I've let the pain in more, to face the inside and not let it destroy me but to face it. It's still hard, I still feel very confused. I'm in chaos. Flux. But through chaos come renewal. Two sides of a coin. I was so focused on what I saw was the immediate danger or the ghost of the nightmare. I couldn't see what I was looking at, talking to. It was always on my back, always over my shoulder, always waiting. I was always waiting for it to return, in some form, in some new shape, some new face. Whether an outright knife or something else, or both. But I understand now how you understood. You were trying to tell me there was nothing scared of. That you were okay too.

No. 2452884

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fuck i fucking love getting paid i love getting money what the fuck?? this is so fucking funny holy shit i make more than any shitty dicksucking manager i've ever had, more than they'll literally ever make. thank you lord jesus thank you god thank you lolcow you've all seen me through the toughest times, i'm getting all of us out the hood!!!!!!!!

No. 2452938

I project how I feel on to others in relationships. I'm still mindblown the guy I was in a relationship for 7 years did not realise I had depression. Did I never tell him about my childhood? Flabbergasted. In the future I will need to make a point to assess if the person I'm interested in romantically is also interested in me as a person, I am not getting any younger and I feel so utterly retarded.

No. 2452968

I love you. (Not any of you, fucking ew)

No. 2452996

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You're right to hate me. If you do or don't. It's important to feel it. I put too much on you, and you carried to much of mine. I wasn't seeing how you needed more to help carry the weight. We're all humans, not sinners, not angels, not gods. Only human after all. I just felt like an albatross hanging down around your neck drowning you with my problems and issues. It's not your fault. I just wanted to let you know that. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm realizing more and more how important it is to feel things, to let it out, in healthy ways. As much as possible, without relying entirely on others or just one person.

No. 2453027

Could you imagine if you liked someone and then found out their online typing style is weird Shakespearean cringe and that they were talking about you like Helga from Hey Arnold. Monumental disappointment it would be.

No. 2453548

P1: You aren't smart enough to gamble. Please stop.
P2: Stop telling me about your mental problems like why are you telling me this every single day it's as if you're weirdly proud of being retarded

No. 2454069

Fuck, I'm so pretty

No. 2454650

Jesus Christ Almighty what the hell man.

No. 2454771

Why cant I read you? Why do I still even care? But also please pay attention to me, I'm really trying for you! I am very stupid!

No. 2454894

fuck off, bitch. i got rid of you for being a shit friend. you can't come crawling back a month later, i am done. no i don't care if you're "totally healed" or whatever. my problems with you are on a base level. you can't drag me down into your misery.

No. 2454895

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Jesk? No…

No. 2454929

I hope you finally get to feel the full weight of your chaotic (in)actions. God will cut you down.

No. 2454963

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Not again teeheehee

No. 2454979

You are the definition of rent-free

No. 2455015

One thing find funny about vain and narcissistic people is that they love to whinge about how everyone is "all the same" for not going above and beyond for them or going out of their way to entertain them. A lot of people are actually pretty comfortable with themselves and aren't looking to impress or cater to you, being snippy or shady and calling them forgettable or npcs is retarded asf. People aren't performing for you. You may put on some stupid facade for other people and act like an obnoxious shit-eating brown nose, you may try to be loud and funny or whatever but people aren't moved not because they're stupid or dull but because you are annoying and unimpressive. Some flamboyant grandiose display of indulgence doesn't make you better than other people. You associate being "memorable" with being superior only because you enjoy manipulating people socially, meanwhile plenty of people find you exhaustive but you don't see or absorb warranted criticism so it's just you in an endless feedback loop of asspats from people who think acting like Laganja Estranja is novel or whatever. The rest of us have our own thoughts and our own lives to think and worry about, not stupid social warfare/the empty shallow theatrics you care about because you're gay and retarded

No. 2455019

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No. 2455211

Funny how you tried to shame me, your (now ex)partner, from following you on instagram in the past like you have something to hide. "We already talk through (x), I'm disappointed that you of all people use instagram, we don't need to be connected there" like what in the DARVO fuck?? I guess you did have something to hide, since I tore your ass up about your penchant for twenty-something costhots and immediately unfollowed you the first time when we were still together because it was too much for my heart to take. Why is it that you won't accept my request now if we're supposed to be on such good terms still? I'm going to find out who the bitch you dumped me for on a whim is, get her photo, get her birthdate… you're going to be destroyed, both of you. Accept my request already you elusive faggot. You had no problem accepting and following handfuls of people this past week, even yesterday. Afraid i'll find out the truth? I already know a lot from your threads account lol. I'm documenting everything.

No. 2455508

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I hate when people give you the advice to find friends in mmo's because it just doesn't work, I have legitimately never felt more alone than when playing Elder Scrolls Online.
Same with going on discord servers for games I like, I try to be nice and funny, I even post original content (memes, art) but everyone either ignores me or acts like I'm butting in on conversation. Most of the fandoms I'm in are moid infested as well, so I can't use vc because they either start acting like assholes or try rizzing me up in embarrassing ways. Literally no one wants to talk to me and no one wants to be my online friend.
I unironically have an easier time making friends with normies irl than on some faggy server and that says a lot because I'm an antisocial, autistic retard. THAT'S HOW BAD DISCORD AND MMO'S ARE. Fuck.

No. 2455693

I'm not going to throw away my life with him just because you're jealous, cow. I don't care how many times you keep repeating it, if I wanted to change it, I'd have done it by now, don't you think?
He doesn't want to get involved with you at all because you’re all fucking crazy, I’ll always be the bad one in your stupid narrative so…just fuck off.

No. 2455973

Stop. Fucking. Backseat. Moderating. Nobody likes you

No. 2456480

I wanna vomit and KMS. Fuck s*n shippers I hope they all get burned alive at the stake(calm down)

No. 2456830

If I can de-escalate something I will do it. You can leave if you don't like it

No. 2456835

I wish all lanzafags a very go fucking die. You're absolutely repulsive and your family and loved ones would mercy kill you if they knew the things you post here. You should be ashamed. Even with all the problems I have somehow I'm still nowhere near as gross as you.

No. 2457289

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KEK I knew that topic would bring the retard out. Too EZ

No. 2457296

I'm so in love with a moid it's driving me crazy, I'll get my happy ending though. I know I will

No. 2457300

I want to participate in the thread for my country, but it's filled with left-wing nationalists that would probably jump on me if I so much as breathed anything critical about Our Glorious State.

No. 2457360

At least I contribute to the community. You're probably just a sad loser lurker who does nothing

No. 2457554

How the fuck can you complain I've been distant with you when all you have done these past weeks is sit on the couch and watch a shitty TV show I have on interest in!? How about YOU get off your ass and come talk to ME for a change, is that such a retardedly hard concept you idiot fuck? What do you even want me to do, walk into the room and just start talking while your eyes are focused on a screen? How do you think it feels to always be the one who has to initiate conversation? And even when you do get off your ass and come to see what I'm up to you just end up standing there staring at me waiting for ME to entertain you. For the love of GOD, JUST TALK ABOUT SOMETHING. ANYTHING. YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT, JUST FORMULATE A QUESTION AROUND THAT! Dumbass.

No. 2457847

I can't fucking stand when you're like this and it's worse that I can't even do anything about it anymore besides wait for you to stop being such a sullen loser "wahh nobody loves me wahhh" and then you go and say stuff like this and you still wonder why?? Go hide in your cave and call me the next time you need something I guess.

No. 2458353

I deserve so much better than this

No. 2458536

Last chance to fuck off

No. 2458543

maybe if you stayed out of my shit you wouldn't find things you didn't like, this didn't bother you before but suddenly you take an issue? piss off and drink yourself half to death like you have always done. you gave up your opportunity to be present in my life a long time ago. and i am not stupid, none of this is because you want to do the right thing, you just get off on trying to scare me and have power over me. you aren't scary anymore when i can see just how much of a pathetic toddler you are with your tantrums. good luck needing me when the parkinsons kicks in.

No. 2458630

It's probably just my dumb self having limerence like it always does but I developed a slight crush on you for god knows why. I always develop crushes even on online friends who I don't even know what they look or sound like. Sorry, I'm just a weird old KHHV desperate for a boyfriend I guess. I need to have a dream face reveal style reaction so I can get over this soon. I'm sure this will go away but it is annoying.

No. 2458651

I haven't been on here in weeks btw.

No. 2458669

"you deserve someone who…" as you try to pawn me off guilt free. No, I deserved for you to keep your promises and not dump me on a whim because you wanna fuck around some more. If it's true you could have been perfectly happy with me like you said, then your reasons for leaving are weak and shallow. I'm going to make sure you're miserable without me. You will face every misfortune possible and long for what you've taken for granted with me. There won't be any other women in your life after me, your dick will shrivel and be little more than a useless decoration hanging off of your lithe frame. I'm going to watch you suffer with a smile. You fucked up in this life. Better luck next time.

No. 2458814

I'm not going to tell you what happened and give you the satisfaction of playing hero, you just want something to gossip about which is the whole reason things went badly for me in the first place. Your doubting, negative energy on my relationship that you spoke the end of into existence instead of just being happy for me. I will never open up about the good things in my life again, this always happens. So stop being fake and asking me what's wrong or what happened, you don't really care. You're not my mom and never will be. I made the mistake of trusting you in the past but you're a judgmental, gossipy bitch. We will never be close, you ruined that for yourself already.

No. 2459309

Hmm I thought you could trust sociopaths, remember? Thought they would never dox you because they don't care enough, remember that?

No. 2459561

This isn't some "big twist". It's the first thing I said when I found out about the secret gfs with kids and a literal grandmother. I was never "blind" to this and now that you're being honest I'm just figuring out how I'm going to deal with it

No. 2459792

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There's a non-zero chance that you've read my schizoposts here because despite apparently being just the BUSIEST woman on the planet you've somehow got enough spare time to lurk every single thread on lolcow. If that's what scared you away, you don't have to worry anymore, I'm gone, you can go back to posting there if you want, I'm done with lolcow, nothing here interests me anymore. Sorry to everyone else, no hard feelings you're all very nice but things just never went beyond surface level pleasantries. You did introduce one positive thing into my life and I'm thankful for him at least. Bye.

No. 2459814

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(vain bitch)

No. 2460371

the act or an instance of making an idea or statement clear:
You may use a pencil to circle words, passages, or phrases that you don't understand or that need clarification.

the removal of solid matter from a liquid so that it is clear or translucent:
The clarification of butter involves first melting it and then getting rid of all milk solids, leaving behind pure saturated fat.
(not found: double speak, secret pedophilia club)

No. 2460756

I want to be loved by someone. I want to be needed by someone. I want to be someone's favorite person.

No. 2460770

I get immense pleasure seeing the download numbers on my sims 4 builds. I hope people love it

No. 2460775

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Tbh this is why I only discuss this with moids or specific women because if not the autism and excuses jump out. Also I hate both and no amount of sperging is going to change my mind tbh

No. 2460825

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How do you make something like this. The scrote was ugly too. I hope the victims families never see this.

No. 2460830

you always say youre going to kill yourself, hurry up and do it

No. 2460833


No. 2461425

You don't ever listen to me. Ever. You think you do but you don't do it. And I keep trying and trying but it's never enough. I'm so tired…

No. 2461747

Actually really bleak that "ewwww you're so fucking creepy and gross" isn't something that can get past your thick skull and into your fucked up degenerate brain and instead you get off on it. There's a name for being obsessed with ignoring consent and hinging your entire life on exploitation.

No. 2462310

Girl, he used to run servers and channels grooming underage girls into EDs. You're not just a pickme you and him need to be put down.

No. 2462316

I still feel bad for you and I don’t hate you but my god, you are pathetic. You are delusional. You are genuinely mentally ill and the fact that you need a social media hug box to constantly give you asspats and reassure you that you’re the only fan of that character is genuinely pathetic. Genuinely, how do you function in the real world? Can you drive without ramming into another car because they’re in the same lane as you? Do the people at your school just smile and nod whenever you open your mouth or can you not even do that? You say people should die over shipping things you don’t like— which even as a joke is pathetic because you literally will not stfu about it. You screech about it constantly. You want your followers to unfollow the people that you dislike so that you can still delude yourself into thinking you’re the only person on this whole wide internet that likes this character. I’ve seen your selfies, you’re the pastiest motherfucker I’ve seen and yet you draw yourself way darker.

It’s all about you you you and I have no idea how you have the following that you do. How do people put up with you yelling all the time? I wouldn’t even be typing this whole rant up if you were just nicer about everything. Is it so hard to just block people and call it a day? Do you really have to add to your 10k+ tweet repertoire where you’re bitching about ships and the people you don’t like? It makes me want to get better at drawing and writing, just to spite you. I’m mentally ill too but holy fuck. Thank god I have CPTSD like a normal person and I’m not a BPDchan like you. Why can’t you be normal? I know you’re mentally ill but if you’re seriously considering suicide or if you’re at the point that you feel sick over seeing certain people on the internet, you need to log off. I’m only following you because you’re a cow to me. I hope that I’ll be able to get into your private account too. I don’t even want to do anything, I just want to laugh at you. You’re so, so unlikeable. You’re pathetic. I hope you get better because you’re an adult. I can’t believe that I’m only three years older than you. We could’ve been friends if you weren’t so goddamn annoying. I don’t care that you have BPD, either be normal or get off the internet.

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