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No. 2276512
ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.
Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2200772 No. 2276686
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Low functioning autist moids. Hoping science advances fast so it can be detected early and get scramble before it exists. I swear I never understand women who want to care for these things for life .
No. 2276988
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Hate when I buy a cute stationery set only for the envelope to be vertical. The post office in my country throws a fit over these and demands extra payment. I get that in the origin country, vertical envelopes are probably the norm, but I still hate it.
No. 2277101
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Streaming services are coming out with ragebait now
No. 2277486
swear that Pringles used to taste different and much better than they do now. Something is different about the recipe, I can feel it.
No. 2277718
>>2277704Unironically agree. I understand the original argument that reporting is technically more effective for reducing the overall amount of dumbass posts. But I think the decentralized organization and culture of the site is more important.
Now, to contribute: I hate the "wah wah nonnas will call your slurs if you don't sage" crybaby crowd. They're no different from the "boohoo lolitas are actually meanies" idiots. Women are allowed to gatekeep their hobbies and spaces. I thank lolcow for making me viscerally disgusted with sites I used to spend too much time on; I can't even read a full reddit thread without wanting to reply to every comment to stop blogging, kek
No. 2277728
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>>2277704I'm sorry but I don't want to scroll through 10 posts that all say the same variant of "newfag!" anytime someone posts something retarded. It's just so annoying. It would be okay if one person replied with "go back" but when 3-5 different anons reply "go back" it's just spammy and clogs the thread.
>to keep board culture strong2024 is the weakest board culture has ever been. I unironically buy into the schizo tinfoil that the new jannies are trying to destroy the site.
No. 2277781
>>2277742>Four years ago it there were a lot more individual cowsI think there's three reasons for this: the expectations for cows are way too high now; nobody wants to lurk to find milk; and nobody has the patience to wait and watch a calf grow into a cow. Even if someone does post a new cow, they're usually just dog-piled or outright ignored. I thought for sure the Tophia thread would be a great thread, but it seems like farmers are more interested in compulsively clutching at the dry udders of dead cows nowadays instead of enjoying fresh calcium-rich milk from new cows.
IMO the site has shifted from being a site about lolcows with some off-topic boards to an off-topic site with some lolcow boards, if you get what I mean. Way too much time and energy goes into the off-topic boards while the cow boards stagnate and die, and I think maybe that's due to the shift in the user-base. Most 16-20 year olds on the site just don't seem interested in lolcows. On the flip end, most older users seem adverse to cows from TikTok or any social media platform that wasn't around in 2016.
No. 2277799
>>2277698>>2277728In other threads I would agree but Jill's thread is a special case. There is a very large amount of gendies/troons/tranny supporters who lurk and post in her thread. The culture on /w/ is by far the most isolated culture compared to the rest of the site, sure weeb cows are part of our history but unfortunately for the last couple of years they've only really attracted some specific types of followers, one of those being gendies and gendie supporters. There have been numerous times in Jill's threads where anons will sperg about ~troonsphobia~ and have other anons join in. This happens nearly every. Single. Time. Something related to trannies and "gender" arises. Other anons in Jill's thread recognize this, and unbeknownst to outsiders there has been somewhat of a culture war in Jill's threads. The "go back" spam is annoying, but in the context of the history of Jill's thread it's very understandable that there would be more than a few anons replying to someone openly claiming to be a tranny. It's literally a culture war, it's not
so out of control because it's well known that the /w/ janny gets really ban happy, or at least used to, so anons are really careful with their words, except in this case where the bait was too good to pass up.
No. 2277839
>>2277829>By the way, jannies don't ban people for being pro-troon or respecting tranny pronouns.I've seem them do this at least one hundred times. I don't know where you got this idea from? You really just have to report them and in the report reason say "supporting troons /troon / integrate / newfag" and then the jannies ban them.
>I could literally link every reply in her thread post DID cake that was clearly made by some wokey gendie/enby/troon but I won't.>but I won't.You should do it to prove me wrong. It will be a good way to spend your day.
No. 2277860
>>2277847>It's not against the rules to support tranniesThe autistic fixation on rules strikes again. You realize that just because "don't support troons" isn't explicitly written down on the rules page, that doesn't mean that jannies wont ban for it, right? Every time I've reported a TRA or gendie they've been banned. My post isn't about the "culture war" that's happening in Jill's thread, it's about the fact that 7 anons felt the need to spam "go back," which then made the gendie they were responding to bite back and try to start an infight, thus clogging up the thread even more. It's so easy to report and ignore that I don't understand why anons still even bother to try to be witty and quip stupid shit.
Also I'm still waiting for the links to all the posts written by gendies and troons. If you could deliver that by 8PM, that would be great. Thanks again.
No. 2277866
>>2277860Autistic hyperfixation on redtext = ban. It doesn't. The redtexted troon loving anons you see were banned for being unintegrated (not for supporting troons) or they weren't banned and were just given a warning.
If you are ignorant to the change in demographic in Jill's thread you're basically not even reading the thread at this point, sorry 7 anons rightfully telling some tranny to go back takes away from your precious pony hyperfixation sperging.
No. 2277899
>>>2277893If you're going to double post just to add in a silly insult, don't delete it after 30 seconds. This is the second time you double posted. Learn2delete.
>>2277893I have no idea why she's so aggro about it.
No. 2277913
>>2277893I'm mad because someone who claims to lurk Jill's thread for 7 years doesn't even notice the uptick in retarded TRAs in her thread. There is literally a gendie problem in her thread, and what a surprise to see that once gendies started posting in her thread I see TRA posts in /ot/ happening at the same time. I genuinely think her thread has introduced the worst kinds of specimens to the site and I'm happy to see resistance in any way, even if it clogs up the thread. Anon here
>>2277854 is right, the anons in her thread are insanely annoying and at this point I'm glad to see pushback against it.
Also yeah, whatever, I feel strongly about TRAs and I'm getting passionate, whatever.
As an aside, the most annoying thing repeated in her thread are anons who say shit like "it's our JOB to highlight her hypocrisy!" As if that doesn't give away their tumblrfag/tiktokfag origins. It's not a callout post, we're here to call her retarded and make fun of her. Her thread is annoying and I don't care enough to pretend like it's not.
No. 2277933
>>2277913Lol. You heard it here first, anons: every TRA and gendie on LC actually came here directly from Jill's threads.
>we're here to call her retarded and make fun of herExactly. That's why it's annoying when anons clog the thread with pointless "go back" posts instead of just reporting.
No. 2277939
>>2277933>Exactly. That's why it's annoying when anons clog the thread with pointless "go back" posts instead of just reporting.Yeah except there's not a whole lot of "making fun" of her going on, it's a bunch of anons who think they munch way more genuinely than her getting assmad that she's faking autism and the ~TRAUMA~ disorder and instead of calling her retarded they go "OMG, she didn't slam her head on the wall and flap her hands, does she think her pony collection looks autistic?" and then anons will then nitpick her rusty pony's tail because OMG THE BITCH COVERED IT UP WITH A BOW SHE'S NOT A TRUE PONY AUTIST. Get a grip.
>Lol. You heard it here first, anons: every TRA and gendie on LC actually came here directly from Jill's threads.Not at all what I said but thanks for proving your retardation, I was really on the fence.
No. 2277970
>>2277947Okay but I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is that it's annoying when anons spam "go back" or other quips repeatedly in a thread instead of just ignoring the post and reporting it. I used Jill's thread as an
example. A gendie posted something retarded, and now there's 13 posts about that gendie clogging up the thread. It's annoying.
No. 2278309
Is this bait?
No. 2278350
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Furnishings that are primarily designed to look good for guests or look good for pictures. You'll see a lot of home design inspo mounting televisions up high, above fireplaces is common. But the sightlines are actually awful for viewing tv as it should be placed as close to your seated eye level as possible. The same goes for those old 2000s bulky computer cabinets/armoirs. They tried to hide the computers away and hide all the wires but that makes accessing the computer and wires extremely difficult. It's a pain in the ass if you ever need to check the wires or outlets. You also lack the ability to customize the height or depth of the desk which sucks if you are anything but an average height male. I would only get one again if I could custom build the entire thing to work for my height.
No. 2278365
>>2278348That's exactly why they are chill you absolute moron, we keep telling you that muslims in america are nothing like the muslims in europe and the middle east. You keep basing your experiences off of being a westoid and don't allow europeans, middle easterners, somalians and south asians to speak on their own experience. Muslims in america are extremely moderate and barely follow and care about their own religion but you have to understand that countries outside of america exist and that they are very different from america. The half naked muslim women in america would literally at best get harassed in other muslim places or at worst get beaten or raped.
The whole world doesn't revolve around america, fuck you amerilards.
No. 2278385
>>2278353anon if you like it's foundation that much then just go read the talmud or bible since that's what islam was mostly inspired by. Islam is just a weird combination of it's previous oriental pagan religion they used to have mixed with abrahamic religions such as christianity and old judaism which the prophet admittedly was inspired by. Old school judaism is definitely something they have been inspired by the most and most jews back then were exactly like modern day muslims, thankfully jews calmed down but muslims still are the same.
islam is a aliexpress/temu/alibaba knockoff religion, i blame jewish people for islam and for giving inspo to this shit ass religion.
No. 2278402
>>2278396It still makes the most sense kek. If I agreed with its principles I would have converted. Am I a convert? No. I hate everything about Sharia Law.
Jesus being the son of god then becoming god is retarded.
I just think there's some higher power. I obviously don't cosign to literally any religion.
No. 2278476
>>2278428im glad you mentioned the ginger part because most people don't know that muhammed was a ugly ginger.
>>2278457>never been tampered withOH boy here we find another larper who is pretending to be non-muslim while they are actually muslim. Your lies are easy to spot, it has been tampered with and there are missing passages and fragments that never made it to the quran so i don't know why you are lying. Either you know nothing about islam and like it for the vibes or you are a muslim larping as a agnostic.
No. 2278521
>>2278457You claim to be agnostic but everything what you're saying sounds Muslim.
>the Quran is the only holy book that has never been evidently tampered withImagine believing a holy book has never been tampered with. Lol, lmao even
No. 2278623
>>2278616Wait.. it really is just you. You keep using the same terms. You're the ex muslim kek..
Go to a religious trauma support group. Or take this out of your family for whatever they did to you. You're neurotic.
No. 2278629
>>2278623they are not me, kek not everyone is the same anon just for hating islam. i am the ex-muslim anon though and these are my only posts
>>2278476 ,
>>2278385Hope that calms down your same-anon delusion.
No. 2278652
>>2278646Clearly Struck a nerve. Wasn’t even an ad-hominem. It’s clear you have some religious trauma and you don’t know how to not make that other people’s problem. I’m not even the one who made comments about the Quran being untouched or whatever, I just think you’re insufferable and if anything you are practicing ad-hominems focusing on whether or not they’re Muslim then whatever argument they were trying to make.
This is boring bye
(infighting) No. 2278659
>>2278652>clearly struck a nervelmao how? i was more upset at that anon who mentioned the tamper thing than whatever incest rape fantasy you had of me.
>if anything you are practicing ad-hominems focusing on whether or not they’re MuslimThat's not the same as going ''bet your dad raped you'' in any form or way compared to me saying they are a muslim because they used muslim preacher talking points which i recognized.
No. 2278661
>>2278659Just ignore them
nonnie, that response about "being raped by your dad" was so mean girl Regina George larp unhinged and the "this is boring bye" made me think they might be one of the underage tiktokers flocking here lately.
No. 2278684
>>2278682lmao im sorry anon now she sperging at you too
, thanks for defending me though
nonnie>>2278675>>2278679meds now
No. 2278731
>>2278722My dumb mother let him in the car one day (he used to be an outdoor cat that we found as a stray. He jumped in my moms car while he was outside) and a few blocks away from the house he was crying to get out. She thought because he was an outdoor cat that he would make his way home just fine. He went missing for 5 days and came back with a completely broken face. We spent thousands trying to help him only to be told the one surgery that might help costs 10k and might kill him anyway. We were told to put him down but I refused. He miraculously healed almost fully and is in no pain now. He just sneezes really gross snot everywhere and I can’t handle it in my room anymore . It’s a nightmare to clean.
>>2278725They are silly and cute , I won’t disagree kek. I meant outside as in outside my room and into the living room. I leave it closed because the sneezer will come in and infest my room. But I’m really considering just leaving it open so that I’m not getting up every 10 seconds. I’ll make sure I play with her more though , especially before bed.
No. 2279221
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>>2279218Truly, they think that if you hug the anger issues and depression it will go away like in Steven universe.
No. 2280590
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Any cranberry sauce that doesn't look like picrel. If I'm eating cranberry sauce then I want that shit that comes out of a can in a cylinder that keeps it's shape, not the ones with the tough ass cranberry skin in it.
No. 2283147
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Bush crickets. I was watching a vid where a guy simulated the environment of Africa in a tank, and he introduced this ugly ass bug into the eco-system. They're just so fucking ugly and creepy.
No. 2283284
>>2283171If a guy talks about weed strains then they are annoying
If they don't, they are ok
No. 2283566
>>2283474>"oh she talk like that because of her disease"–no, she did not develop thr exact vtuber toddler speech patterns from her illness.Wait, do people actually say this kek? She has CVID, right? You can literally look up and listen to actual women with that disease on YouTube right now. As I'm sure you all can guess, they do not sound like anime lolis.
>>2283479Remember when she made that video about how she was bullied in school for her "natural voice," which basically served as a stealthy way to guilt-trip people who were pointing out how fake it was?
No. 2284948
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No. 2285470
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Those annoying faggot burner accounts on twitter with emoji pfps like picrel
No. 2285713
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This anon.
No. 2285810
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There’s another one like Imane Khelif they keep calling a “she” or a woman. This is clearly not a woman, they have already entered women’s sports, nobody cares. The people defending this covert shit secretly think black women are supposed to look like men, the same arguments being made with Imane that MENA women are supposed to look like men as well and if you object to this then you’re somehow keeping them away from their “womanhood” when they clearly aren’t biological women.
No. 2285942
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I'm always going to hate that men have convinced themselves and everyone else – radfems absolutely included – that they aren't capable of deeper emotion and are just dumb rape apes. That cheapens the evil of a male. They're detestable because they're fully aware of the harm they cause. Also hate the idea that women are just naturally more reasonable and even-tempered, women are just (understandably) scared and cautious, we won't possess some mystical magical emotional depth men just don't and could never grasp
No. 2286160
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when people give their unsolicited opinions to platinum blondes (especially me). i can't stand it when people tell me that i "looked nicer when my hair was dark brown" or how blonde makes me "washed out" or some shit. my natural colour is kind of mousy, but my brows are naturally darker and well-defined, so it's not like i have zero contrast in my face now. and i actually like the "washed out" look. i'd bleach my brows too if i wasn't so scared. if anything, i think i looked more ridiculous with the chocolate brown i had some 15 years ago, and the compliments i still get about it are just a cope from the brunette side of my family who want to claim me their own. either way, people like different things. not everything has to be conventionally high contrast for someone's viewing pleasure. i see this on cow boards too and it pisses me off.
No. 2286266
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I hate all this new discourse on Pho and I’m not even Vietnamese. Apparently some people love to make it extra spicy without even trying the broth and even bring their own hot sauces. And yes the people on TikTok have make it into a race war and appropriated the “ spiciness of the food” I unfollowed a long time mutual for constantly reposting this bullshit onto my fyp
No. 2286772
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i hate how i have a single strand of hair in my bangs that always points down instead of either side
No. 2286900
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Whoever designed this lamp is fucking retarded. I can't get the damn thing to come on, and apparently I'm not the only one who's had issues.
No. 2287552
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i accidentally briefly listened to 1 (one) troon music artist on spotify and fucked up my algorithm. it's been MONTHS and spotify still sneaks at least ~5 shitty agpcore tracks into my weekly suggestions playlist I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE ! ! !
No. 2287779
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No. 2287782
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>>2287779this made me never forget idk if itd help you but good luck queen
No. 2288032
>>2288014Except actual frequent imageboard users don't give a fuck if you mistake them for the last person. No one on 4chan or other boards who doesn't bother saying "not him but" from the jump gives a fuck if you think they're the person. This is because they lack dainty female socialization that encourages cowardice even on anonymous spaces. Stop using this "umm it's board kulcha to not use nta" excuse, you are a newfag and a pussy if you
only start sperging and correcting people when you get the expected reply after cutting into an argument and it goes south.
>"how dare you, it's a public board, i can cut in whenever i want"Yes, and don't be a little bitch about it, just go with it lmao
No. 2288049
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>>2288032This is one of the things I believe male-dominated IBs hold over female-dominated ones. They aren't afraid to infight and casually argue about what they think and believe, and their moids let them do it because they understand that arguing and confrontation (even if it's online) is literally a part of the process with human nature. Meanwhile, jannies here will van you for racebait for say, calling out black scrotes on their despicable behaviors, even if you are black yourself. It's funny how much of female socialization possesses the reoccurring theme of "keep your head down, avoid conflict, be agreeable, and don't say anything if you don't have anything nice to say", even on LC with how fast the jannies are with tossing out bans over squabbles that are
literally nothing. You can't even post obvious sarcasm without that one janny stamping a redtext that tries way too hard to be comedic.
No. 2288050
>>2288014For real.
>>2287894t. infighting sperg whose type of poster is the exact reason why "nta" established on here in the first place
No. 2288060
>>2288050 >"use NTA if you are bothered about being mistaken for the previous anon">"reeee it's imageboard culture not to use it">"okay, then in line with imageboard culture, stop getting huffy when it happens">"reeeeeee you must be an infighting sperg"Whether or not I'm an infighting sperg, what I've stated is correct, kek. Insulting me just makes it clear that you're one of those "Uh oh, I-I'm losing, better tell them I'm not the original anon!" tards. Grow a spine, shit doesn't matter.
>>2288049True, I get that the idea is to prevent scrote bait, but it's annoying that that's associated with basically being "ladylike" and never, ever "too" unruly, even if you're not being serious. There aren't any truly "free" female imageboards. I understand why, but I hate it.
No. 2288063
>>2288049Males are confrontational apes because they lack empathy and are under the influence of testosterone. We shouldn't aspire to bee like them in any way, and I think we're unfortunately emulating them way too well lately.
I understand your frustration with the moderation though, I do agree it's overbearing and just plain retarded sometimes.
No. 2288068
>>2287985The publicity feels so forced. I think it's going to flop horribly, the cast take themselves too seriously to be able to capture the whimsy and fantasy of the play.
>>2288023Yeah, agreed. It's very cute but extremely tacky, like they got 13 year olds to design all their products, and most of it is completely useless and overpriced for the quality. It reminds me of 2000s-2010s kawaii tutorials on Deviantart for making kawaii animal plushies with emoji faces, except Miniso's have worse quality materials, uglier color schemes and shittier construction. It'd be great if Daiso capitalized on Miniso's success and opened more branches overseas.
No. 2288169
>>2288060>>2288032No one actually gets huffy when you mistake them for another anon. It sounds like you're the only one who's asshurt around here because you got dogpiled for an opinion.
>Either say "NTA" to begin with or stand your ground.>REEEE YOU HAVE TO DO THIS OR ELSEKek you retards take your infights so seriously. Just chill
No. 2288183
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>>2288063But the fact that women are so non-confrontational and always have to go with this moralfagging "be kind :)" mindset is why female spaces are dying out. This is why you get shit like picrel. Women just allow themselves to get bullied.
(no emojis) No. 2288240
>>2288233They do, though. The same pattern can be observed in multiple threads. I'm pretty sure it's been called out before, too.
Attacking "posters like me" does nothing because there's no reputation to protect as an anonymous person (this is another thing a lot of women don't really get, I've seen nonnies talk about wanting to post nicely so the jannies won't dislike them, it's some big brother dystopian shit). We've probably agreed in other threads. If you do the thing I described, it's better to just get over it instead of reeeing at anyone who points it out, kek.
>Also infighting isn't the same as actual discussions, where there's no need for "nta"s in the first place.I wasn't talking about "actual discussions", but arguments, so this seems like a non-sequitur. It's normal to not use NTA, but it's dumb to get pissy if you're assumed by others to be the anon, because it shouldn't matter.
No. 2288759
>>2288743No it's a new coworker who did it because "he saw a friend playing it and figured I'd like it because I like puzzles and cats".
>>2288751Oh I can relate to this as well, especially when they get it for you because they like it and just want to talk to someone about it without taking your preferences into consideration. I'm sure I would've gotten the $5 game if I truly wanted to play it.
>>2288754Thankfully it was short and I just played through it while watching the X-files.
No. 2288887
>>2288876I'd never in a million years have sex in the shower, that seems so uncomfortable. I still like showering together w/ my Nigel very occasionally though, it's honestly a cozy treat every once in a while, and washing each other is fun too. Shower massages are
No. 2289334
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These fucking things. They never squeeze right. Also why is it that everyone I know of all ages and both genders has had a story of accidentally sitting on or stepping on one of these fuckers and having it squirt all the way up their leg in public with no tissues.
No. 2290729
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you have got to be kidding
No. 2290780
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Is there ANY media these days that's made for women and isn't centered on makeup and femininity? Sometimes I feel like a fucking freak for not looking like a clown or a sex doll. I get why so many gnc girls just troon out at this point. You can't even like pop music without it being all about this "I'm a sexy little girl/doll/whore" bullshit.
No. 2290859
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Nawra Smith doesn’t even look human, she looks like Jeff The Killer halfway through the editing process
No. 2290895
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Dr. retard represents everything i hate about scrotes. He had literally everything.
>successful streaming career
>job is playing vidya game
>beautiful loyal wife of 15 years
>super tall
Yet it still wasn't enough. He still had to talk to an underaged girl 1/4 his age. Why are scrotes like this? I am so sick of hearing scrotes complain about how depressed they are because they aren't tall or have no wife, but dr . Retard had literally all the things a scrote could ever want/need, but it STILL wasn't enough, so he basically tried cheating on his wife with an underaged girl. I want a scrote genocide now.
No. 2290907
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>>2290859I literally said this before that she looks like the Ice Age baby but I think I was banned for that KEK. She’s lowkey hideous along with her boyfriend-husband-brother whatever the fuck Lucky is
No. 2290908
>>2290895All that when he's ugly too and never deserved to have a wife in the first place.
>>2290902>MLP Bronies ruined it.
No. 2290979
>>2290905Yaoi is a genre made by women for women
>>2290908>Bronies ruined itIt's still made for women and girls first and foremost
No. 2290995
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Can this piece of shit (kek) media end already. It's not even good but their fans are basically stockholm syndrome level attached to it because deep down they don't wanna accept that they wasted 20+ years of life on this constant teasing.
"Ignore it, nonna!"
I can't! I fucking can't! In anime spaces there's always the one piece fag that talks about it and always says "Yeah that media is good but One Piece!" but what? Can you like both things at once, the fuck are you doing? If my favourite series was made up by constant teasing I would drop it at the first arc that promises me the end and just goes in circles, plus when there are manga/anime awards, the votes always get shat on because no matter how much stuff gets made or published, One Piece fags always, religiously vote it. They're biased and overall very irritating to talk with, plus the merch is everywhere at cons at even if you say you don't like it, not like I'm doing right now but when I say like "yeah I can understand the appeal but I personally don't like it", they always hit with that "uhhmm it gets good after" no the fuck? I don't want something that "gets good", I want to know exactly, episode one, what I'm getting into. I don't want to waste my time and energy. Fuck One Piece and everyone who likes it just because it's One Piece have the media literacy of a brick, discussing anime or media with an One Piece fan lowers your IQ. I've been into anime for more that 25 years now and I used to find weird niche stuff at cons or minor anime import merch, now it's all one piece merch because it got extremely popular so they only want to sell that. In my country, One Piece themed ramen stores are opening. There's One Piece everything and I can assure you, 100%, that when I was younger, despite anime being harder to access, there was a shitton more of variety, by age 10 I already know at least one per season and I used to watch a shitton of them out of curiosity and eventually found my favourite and now, despite the massification of Crunchyroll, people only watch this shit. It's tiring. Fuck Oda and his money grabbing scheme and fuck Shonen Jump.
No. 2291021
>>2291006I mean yeah of course One Piece is everywhere because anime is the equivalent of Japanese capeshit/pixar/disney. It’s fun for flashing colors and dopamine which is why children and teens gravitate to it rather than adults but pretending it’s a medium that allows deeper story telling is hilarious, most if not all mangaka tards are terrible at writing and rely heavily on tropes and art to carry it. It’s not surprise people like DBZ, One Piece, etc. I would even commend it for not trying to make it seem like it’s more than what it is, it’s aware it’s full-on slop and slop watchers are content with gaslighting themselves that’s good.
>>2291014Kek if you have the same interests as Chris-chan I think it’s time to completely jump ship honestly
No. 2291026
>>2291014>If you haven’t realized all anime is shit and you’re consuming it without an ounce of self-awareness then idkI am self aware, it's just a hobby that I like to engage im after my big woman responsibilities, no matter shit like Nichijou or more deep ones. I'm talking about the whole phenomenon of a one, particular media, getting pushed like a cult.
>it's always funny when I see anons complain about anime getting too childishBut where did I say that. I know. In fact I cannot stand grown people talking about One Piece like it's the best media ever made. It's not. I'm not running around saying that anime is good, I'm just mad at the fanbase, can you even read or are you on the same reading comprehension level as one piece fags
No. 2291033
>>2291026Where did I say
you said it specifically?? I'm talking about animefag anons in general, retard, if it doesn't apply learn2scroll.
No. 2291041
>>2290979Yes, but it sucks that now it's more associated with those creeps liking it and there's tons of porn and gore of the ponies everywhere.
>>2291000>>2291014>>2291021A lot of anime is slop and the fans are annoying and coombrained but it's not like it means everyone who likes anime is automatically an autist or something. For One Piece in particular
>>2290995I haven't been up to date in a long time but the western fans have been getting more obnoxious in recent years, there are still some chill ones but shounen anime fanbases in general tend to be awful, and since OP is one of the bigger ones if not the biggest one rn it ends up having a lot of shitty fans who can't handle it when someone doesn't like it, so I get your frustration.
No. 2291044
>>2291033And what it does have to do with my post?
Learn2scroll yourself if I'm talking about a specific phenomenon of a specific piece of media which doesn't really apply to anything else and you are talking about a totally different thing. jfc, tiring.
No. 2291068
>>2291054the main problem with arcs is that they are basically "yeah the plot is here but look at the excessively long side quest that adds little to no value to the main plot or worse, it teases you the end but it's actually not! tehee!". Arc is not about the lenght, arc is about how much can the main story drift off from the main goal that has been teased from the first season/arc. Plot has to be a long or short build up, not going in circles and modern media with arcs are just long ass segments about nothing important while the main plot is something minor in favour of a character which is deep like a puddle.
One Piece has been getting a whole, shitass remake anime so they can cut out the fillers. A whole REMAKE! Of a 1000+ episodes series! Because it had too many fillers! What the fuck!
No. 2291076
>>2290995I caught up to OP because my sister is a huge fan and it was utter dogshit. 1000 episodes of garbage that only recently finally started teasing proper lore reveals in the most recent arc. Oda is unironically one of the worst writers to ever grace WSJ and I find it pathetic that he was allowed to have a career for this long. His art and characters are especially so fucking ugly, no one ever talks about his disgusting coomshit he puts into a story thats aimed at kids and teens. All his women look the same in their thongs and balloon hips/tits while his male characters look like hideous gorillas most of the time with rare exceptions like Law existing.
By the way, no one ever talks about this because everyone was too young to realize when OP first came out. But the only reason why it survived for so long was editorial favoritism and forced shilling/marketing until it FINALLY actually gained proper traction with people during Marineford. It was obviously relatively popular before but WSJ tried so hard to make it THAT flagship series for the magazine because their actual national hits had already finished, and after however much money they spent forcing it down people's throats it finally worked like a shitstain that wont wash off. They're trying to do it again now with the newer generation by shovelling all this money into the live action, promoting it in the west, and hiring top tier animators for their shitty anime. Oda must have sucked some good editorial dick back in the day.
No. 2291088
>>2291061With Conan it's definitely much more focused on being episodic compared to other series even if it does have a plot that very slowly moves in the background, so if you can't handle that I'd recommend staying away from it or only going back and watching random self contained episodes, yeah.
>>2291068Well you can have a story be split into arcs and have them all contribute to the plot, it just depends on the series and if the author is dragging it out, so the problem isn't the arcs themselves as a concept, it's how they're used in the end. I agree for the fillers thing also, it's weird that they're going to be remaking it while the original anime is still airing but I assume it's just to make it easier to get new people into it.
>>2291076The way he draws women has always weirded me out and seems to have gotten a lot worse over the years. I remember OP not being as popular with western audiences compared to Naruto and Bleach because of things like the 4kids dub and people disliking the art style.
No. 2291111
>>2291085Even as someone that likes anime I still dislike those types of female characters, but there are still some out there that aren't like that and are better written. Death note was ok until it dropped the ball in the second half and Misa was definitely a shit character.
>>2291100The author has been going on more breaks recently so that's been slowing it down when it's already slow by nature. I feel like it could potentially wrap up in the next few years though if he just locked in since there were already some important reveals and developments.
No. 2291286
>>2291264"Raising awareness" benefits everyone
except the sufferers who were already very aware of whatever social media is virtue signalling about, it seems. Fucking repulsive.
No. 2291291
>>2291114I want a tall gf because I want her to protect me and I like to feel protected in a relationship regardless of gender. I don't want a moid but woman, I want a tall woman but if to you it translates to wanting a man you're a retard, short moids exist like tall women kek what the fuck are you on about.
Plus I never seen a tall butch woman but maybe it's me. I'm 5'2 for reference.
No. 2291304
File: 1733424394506.png (475.79 KB, 896x1344, brr.png)

>I want a tall gf because I want her to protect me and I like to feel protected in a relationship
Nigga you gonna have to protect her from osteoporosis.
No. 2291305
>>2291296"Protected" doesn't imply directly an external treat, you sound like a moid yourself if you think that. Proctection is about feeling, support, in any context.
>>2291298Kinda funny that I realized this after dating many girls that were shorter than me.
Tall doesn't necessarily mean moid tall you retards, it means taller than me. In North Europe the average height is higher but I guess americans can't see over their noses. By these logic, women that are attracted to short men are secretely lesbians? Kek that is heavy mental gymnastics
No. 2291317
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(spoiler your shit) No. 2291324
>>2291320>disfigured It's called GNC butch you
toxic asshole.
No. 2291333
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This is the ideal female body. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like. Yes I'm a lesbian, no bisexuality doesn't exist.(bait)
No. 2291334
>>2291321As I said, fucking a guy it's easy, it's much easier than go for a woman, but in bed there's still that factor.
>>2291322The fuck is a straight dynamic, you do realize that there are women that are dominant or the taller ones in straight relationship? I like tall women because they're tall, just like some women like short men because they're short or bald men because they're bald. You never met a woman or never been in a relationship with them if you believe that height alone can be a critical factor in a dynamic. I like to be the little spoon. Kek believing that a woman has to be short sounds like troon who have "height dysphoria" as if the problem is
just the height and not the whole package. In my case I like tall femme woman so yeah if you believe that the height automatically makes someone "masc" you're at the same level as troons.
>>2291324In her specific case, she's just very mentally ill, like all troons. I don't like crazies, gnc or not.
No. 2291338
>>2287779The way I remembered it backthen is you write ノ as if you're striking something through, like
noooo, you start writing ツ from the top, like you do with t (not T), シ from the side like a mirrored s and ソ just looked like so from the very beginning.
No. 2291356
>>2291352It's not heteronormative because it's pussy. The only heteronormative thing in a relationship are a man and a woman.
So you think that dominant women and men who have slave kinks are not heternormative? Sick!
No. 2291368
>>2291361>expecting some whore who sees other women as stand ins for scrotes to admit thisJust give it up.
>>2291363>I-im totally not that anon this is why I will personally insult youLol
No. 2291374
>>2291361You believe in social constructs like troons. You believe in roles, like troons.
You believe that a woman has to be short to be a woman, like troons.
You believe that what defines the "gender" of a person it's height and not what's in between their legs.
Sexuality is about SEX. It's not about liking made up constructs like troons believe, that's why they transition. At the end of the day, fucking a woman makes someone, lesbians or bi women, a woman fucker. A same sex lover.
If you really think that when I look at someone to date I look how
queer and absolutely
wholesome and
anti gender roles my relationship is and not how that woman is hot or not, you're a chronically online weirdo that uses troon logic.
I like women because I like pussy, height is a personal preference like hair or eye color but most importantly, it doesn't define the sex of someone. Are short and submissive men women? Because they don't fit in your made up stereotypes?
No. 2291379
>>2291376>What if the tall woman wants to be the little spoon? What if she wants to be protected?Are you…are you actually saying this?
When you're with someone taller than you and you trust them, it's natural to feel protected and I like to feel like it. My tall gf asks me to hug her? Sure! Does she need support? I'll be there.
Did you ever have a relationship or you see them as something that has to be strictly defined by roles with no nuance or changes? I called you a retard as a joke but now I'm actually thinking that you are one….
No. 2291391
>>2291387What makes a girl homosexual or bisexual:
>Liking girlsThat's it.
Reply without beating around the bush: are dominant straight women that are in a relationship with a man or even a short man lesbians in denial?
No. 2291395
>>2291387>I don't believe in rolesBut if a woman likes tall women for any reason then she better get a guy because tall women are like men ahah am I right?
Nonnas it's settled, I have to date midgets now (I am one myself) or I get my pussy lover card removed because my relationship is not so heckin
valid and anti gender…oh no….
No. 2291443
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I hate how Lena Dunham went from being cute at the beginning of girls to…this
No. 2291448
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>>2291443it makes me a little sad how she still tries so hard to be cute and quirky
No. 2291462
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>>2291446I think they are scars, if you zoom in her tattoos are cut off where the scar tissue starts, did she have some sort of illness that would demand surgery?
No. 2291468
File: 1733430661713.png (1.04 MB, 1170x1438, Lena Dunham has total hysterec…)

>>2291462NTA i see she had a hysterectomy but that’s all i can find
No. 2291582
File: 1733438276027.webp (59.17 KB, 1996x1200, 1000041145.webp)

This fucking transvestite, I don't even mind ugly or obese models as long as they're actually females. I don't care how much the media waterboards me with Hunter and this other troon they have no serious place in the industry. They're not talented, they're only famous because they are a fetish existing outside of porn. Women have hard time existing in the industry and these people will never have it as difficult. I hate not being able to express my opinion on gender without being called a terrorist evil person. I fucking hate this time line.
No. 2291891
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Hate this ugly faggot so much.
No. 2292022
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>>2290902>"Is there any content out there about women that doesn't focus on looks and femininity?">Content for little girls and gay male animeslopI'd say it's over but truly it never even began.
No. 2292041
>>2290780Music produced by women: directed by women:'s insanely irritating how media made by women is difficult to find. Almost everything popular and promoted is made for men and their handmaiden.
No. 2292073
File: 1733481686669.jpg (103.6 KB, 1179x798, tumblr_85bef0c96cb98b24626d906…)

>>2292041Thank you nonita. Made by women still has the issue of self objectification (pop singers are basically soft porn actresses atp) like you said but these are good resources to dig through so I will stop bickering
No. 2292076
>>2292041Samefagging but that letterboxd list
>Why is [movie by trans director] on here?>Trans women are women, if they made movies before they came out as trans women I'm gonna include it.TTD NOW TTD NOW TTD NOW TTD NOW TTD NOW
No. 2293785
Niki Demar, what is this shit.
No. 2294328
>>2293944It's fucking aggravating
nonny, especially when they're porn addicts
No. 2295066
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Novels about authors, manga about mangaka, movies about actors… That one episode in Mousou Dairinin was on very thin ice.
No. 2295118
File: 1733610533136.jpg (163.63 KB, 687x1000, Time-Paradox-Ghostwriter-11-2.…)

>>2295066Is it because they feel self indulgent?
Kinda curious on what your hate read thoughts on Time Paradox Ghost Writer would be tbh.
No. 2295289
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When you're holding a baby and it reaches for someone else. It just makes me sad.
No. 2295771
File: 1733630373187.jpg (5.27 KB, 245x205, 1733441992438.jpg)

When moids screech about MUH SEGREGATION and I THOUGHT WOMEN WANT EQUALITY??when they see women only buses. They really expect me to believe they care about racism/prejudice? KEK Gimme a break. They literally cannot accept that they're the problem. Retards want to be victims so bad.
No. 2298171
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Sonny Angel is boymom propaganda.
No. 2298176
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My actual face irl reading the unconventional male attractions thread.
No. 2298407
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>>2298171kewpie better anyways
No. 2298923
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>>2292022Ayrt, My Little Pony Fim is unironically the most feminist cartoon of all time, in the show there is
>A nerdy main character>A tomboy pony (Rainbow Dash) and multiple other tomboy and gnc ponies>Male characters who are only there to be in the background, look pretty or be walking jokes>Only one male main character who is a baby dragon that gets thrashed around and used>A radfem pony (Trixie) and her commie gf (Starlight)That's why moids tried to ruin the fandom for it so bad, NONAS WHO ARE TRYING FOR BABBY IF YOU HAVE A GIRL AND NOT AN EARLY-STAGE ABORTION (BOY) PUT HER TO WATCH THIS ASAP. Also yaoi is based so shut up, frogposter.
No. 2298947
>>2298923I have all my friends who are moms put this on for their kids and plan on doing so for my children. I am a little annoyed at how later seasons have more male ponies, but it’s still an excellent show. Also, the finale of Arcane is just the finale of Starlight Glimmer’s villain arc.
As thread tax a separate thing I hate is how identities are increasingly about costuming and posturing for social points and based on how you want to be perceived now instead of on what you actually DO. I avoid people like that like the plague IRL and don’t actively look at those parts of social media either, but it’s still annoying to come across it so frequently.
No. 2298985
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>>2298923I hate that they spit on Lauren's concept. Ofcourse they cant have a nerdy autistic female mc she has to also be a princess to seel toys and shit. At least the writers knew how to create cool stories with hasbros demands, i still think chrysalis is cool as shit.
No. 2299086
>>2298985>Ofcourse they cant have a nerdy autistic female mc she has to also be a princess to seel toys and shit. As a long-time MLP fan that's been an avid collector before FIM is a thing, I hate FIM fans so much holy shit. No shit the cartoon was made to sell toys, it is a
toy franchise. At least FIM knew this, but fan expectations about the show led to the gen 5 retardation and as a result the horses are the ugliest they've ever been and gen 5 has the LEAST amount of toys of any generation and it was overall a major flop. FIM 100% led to the death of MLP though.
No. 2299120
File: 1733764408140.gif (54.93 KB, 220x202, shush-shut.gif)

Jesus Christ I am sick and fucking tired of people continuously trying to make small-talk with me when I'm clearly not fucking interested. I have headphones in, I'm giving one word answers, and I'm not making eye contact. How many signals do I have to put out there before people figure out that I want them to fuck off? If I'm in a talkative mood, I'll initiate, but if I'm not, leave me alone.
No. 2299204
File: 1733766984882.jpeg (103.85 KB, 800x794, IMG_8195.jpeg)

Small businesses be like
>waaaahhhh no one shops small
>blocking the driveway for no discernible reason
>weekday hours are 8am-4pm
>closed every day “for lunch” between 11-1, the same time as working people’s lunch
>open late and close early saturdays
>closed on sundays
>selling to the same customer as every other small business in the area
>half or more of their goods is aliexpress shit
>passive aggressive toward browsing potential customers
No. 2299438
>>2299119if this is about
>>2298835 that was a sincere question, wasn't trying to accuse anyone. i thought that moment was funny, a lot of old posts are funnier than recent posts
No. 2300254
corn emoji or "cornball*
No. 2302195
>>2300103 I hate the censoring of the word rape. Saying grape or
unalive makes me genuinely want to smack the shit out of these idiots.
No. 2302481
>>2302471i didnt know
unalived was redtexted, thats extremely funny
No. 2302556
>Nobody I know likes/listens/talks aout xyz so it's not as popular as everyone is saying!
>I never met someone who likes xyz!
it's very silly to me, like I never had a conversation about Taylor Swift irl and no one I know has ever named her as their favorite artist, but i know she's wildly popular and it's retarded to base how popular she really is on the people I know.
I never had a conversation about how much I love Popcorn, and I know nobody with popcorn as their favorite food, doesn't mean it's not a popular food that lots of people like.
Maybe I'm being a little nitpicky, I know people judge from their own lives, but it's so annoying to me.
I can't describe how it comes off but I do think SOME things can be judged by the people/things you know, but when something is proven to be popular and loved by many, you don't look cool going, "not it's not, the people I know don't talk about it/like it! I don't like it!"
No. 2303545
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I hate when I'm listening to ASMR and a moid opens his dumb fucking mouth to speak softly in my ear! ASMR Zeitgeist makes the most interesting 3D trigger videos but I can't stand male voices in ASMR, and sometimes he shuffles vocal triggers into his compilations. Hits me like a fucking jumpscare.
No. 2303893
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I hate the way weebs ruin perfectly good memes with anime girl coomslop. Why do they do this. The image isn't funny anymore now that the original ugly fat retard was replaced with a generic anime girl.
No. 2303906
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>>2303893Original for reference
No. 2304258
>>2303121Oh uh, thanks I guess?
>>2303117Well I'm glad there's at least one person. IRL it feels like I'm surrounded by gum chewers and it drives me bonkers.
No. 2306878
File: 1734118528222.gif (716.76 KB, 480x192, unnamed.gif)

Picrel sums up why I hate telling people I like anime and gaming.
Boring people with no personality always think sharing a niche interest = automatic friendship or even worse romance. It doesnt help that Im ugly and dumpy so a lot of desperate guys think itd be easy to win me over, but Id highly prefer to be alone than be with some smelly weeb.
I hate that this happens because I have cute merch of anime characters I like that I got from cons, but I cant stand when strangers try to have full-on conversations with me beyond just "I like your keychain, where'd you get it?"
No. 2308402
There are a few different ways but you could have made it more clearer by formatting it something like:
>I realize how retarded this sounds, but: I hate when someone whom I dislike chooses a character that I like to use as their profile picture, especially if that character is not so popular.
The verbs you chose were unclear (e.g., "to make" a profile picture instead of "to choose" a profile picture) , and the punctuation wasn't correct (e.g., without punctuation like a colon, your post should have been two sentences), and you didn't connect the clauses. So your writing choices obfuscated the thought that you meant to convey. You also used vernacular (e.g., using "that" instead of "so" in the part "is not that popular" as well, which can be confusing to some less familiar with spoken English.
Sorry if this was mean, I just wanted to answer that other anon's question kek, and then you asked your question so I gave a critique. It's just my thoughts so don't take it too seriously. Also, sorry for reposting, I made a typo then forgot to reply, then I messed up again. It's late kek.
No. 2308405
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>Things you hate
I hate when I mess up on a post, and so I fix it and re-post it, but then there's another error. I just re-posted something 5 times and I still messed up on the 6th time. This is my karma.
No. 2308833
File: 1734291900370.png (1.95 MB, 1080x1080, it's supposed to be LPS themed…)

kickstarter pin bags like this
>Windows are so small that you can't even put any merch in them so they don't work as an itabag
>Always some overly specific shit/furry bait
>VEGAN LEATHER aka plastic
No. 2308845
File: 1734292592018.jpg (99.72 KB, 576x488, yotsubartist.jpg)

i hate how being a gen z artist trying to grow an audience puts me in the same community with a bunch of retarded queerio genderinos like i wasn't already socially isolated and resentful of people enough. i just want to share and look at good art without all this nonsence. i also really fucking hate furries. rant over
No. 2309653
>>2308833What is it with these kickstarter pin bags anyways? Most of them are not special in any kind of way.
>>2309142High waist to me is only acceptable if they are leggings because my shirt will be covering the waist. Never under any circumstances will i entertain high waist jeans because they bunch up horribly or hit a weird place on my rib cage.
No. 2311193
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How spotify gives me an unskippable ad and then goes telling me I have now 30min free music without ads… then promptly give me 3 ads after my first 2 minute song ends. Every year a new low, it never ends.
No. 2311938
People who claim to be fans of something but then spend all their time criticizing it, misunderstanding the story, actively saying their headcanons are better, and saying it supposedly went to shit and isn't like the story they liked anymore or whatever when it's been like what they're describing from day 1, kek. Like at that point just admit you're not really a fan (or ever were, really), I don't mind someone criticizing something especially if it genuinely dipped in quality, don't get me wrong, but if you do this so frequently why do you still call yourself a fan. I know this is oddly specific but I keep seeing it for a series I like and it's annoying how all the western "fans" are just retards like this, it's behavior I would expect from someone who dislikes it or is a hater or something, not a "fan".
No. 2311964
>>2311960Moids are such attention seeking pickmes. Anytime there's media made for women, there's always that one faggot that's like
>i'm a male but i enjoy this too!1!!And the handmaiden bitches never fail to give them the attention they are obviously craving. Sick
No. 2312134
>>2312033I like gal, I'll join you in on using that as apart of my daily vocabulary.
Chick sounds too cutesy and I don't like how it connects to baby chickens.
No. 2312141
>>2312133nonnie can you spoonfeed me a reading list for how to into rafem lit? I found this library but it's an intimidating volume of material and I don't know where to start
No. 2312168
>>2312141If you're learning mathematics for the first time, you have to learn counting before you learn addition and subtraction, and you have to learn addiction and subtraction before you learn calculus. If you were to learn calculus first, you'd be very confused and it would be almost impossible to learn because there would be no foundation for it in your mind. When learning something new, we have to start by learning the simple basic things, and slowly work our way up to learning the more complex and specific things.
Literature is the same way. Theoretical literature is always growing and advancing. So, to understand the literature of today, you must understand the literature of the 2010s, to understand that you must understand the literature of the 2000s, and so on and so forth.
My best advice is to avoid overwhelming yourself with these Google Drives or massive libraries, just start small by pirating literature from the first wave. Choose authors that you relate to or that you like to read, some of them have better styles than others. Once you think you built a foundation of what the first wave was, what they wanted to accomplish and why they wanted to accomplish it, what they accomplished, and what they failed to accomplish, then you can move on to second wave literature and repeat the process until you're ready for the third wave.
Reading theory is very important, but it's just as important as community outreach. When was the last time that you volunteered at a women's shelter, or hosted a donation drive, or took part in protests or strikes, or wrote a letter to a local politician? These things are just as vital to the movement as theory. Even if one reads all the literature one can, if one doesn't involve oneself in directly contributing to women's empowerment through community outreach, one is still shirking one's duties.
No. 2312377
>>2312350"Moids that post playlists, or songs, on Spotify with the intention of tricking several women into believing that the playlists are related to only them. A related thought – moids that believe women are as retarded as them, based on the very few women that are as retarded as moids are."
Maybe? The way it's written is very confused, it sounds ESL.
No. 2312410
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>>2312401Why lie about it? You posted it, then you deleted it right after. I responded to it because I was confused, but then I saw you deleted your post so I deleted mine. Then you responded to my post with this post
>>2312391 No. 2312413
>>2312410>>2312407You guys know jannies can see our post history right? I'm sure they can see what's been deleted (and by which user) as well. I posted simultaneously as the deleted comment
>>2312391 but you conveniently cropped that out. Reddit-tier detective skills though, great work
No. 2312423
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>>2312350>>2312368>>2312377>>2312385>>2312386>Stupid bitches clogging up the board again.>>2312377>>2312417>>2312393Anon can you tell me what every single one of these posts have in common?
>>2312272>>2312362>>2312382>>2312391>>2312413and how every single one of my posts itt (and on this board) differ? I will give you a hint since you're retarded: .
No. 2312444
File: 1734509557388.mp4 (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Video by corporatespiritguide.…)

The lady in the video is low-key retarded for hating on main but this girl is overreacting I don't get why fat people get so mad at people calling them fat when they literally make themselves that way. We should have a FPH thread. No. 2312450
>>2312446Haha you got me- I was simply larping as the anon above! #unmasked
I'm not from the westosphere so malls are still going strong here. The CCTV thing is so interesting because urbanites couldn't care less and rural people think it's literally 1984. What helps me tolerate them is knowing how incompetently they are managed. Chances are nobody is watching you and the footage will be auto-deleted very soon
No. 2312457
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>>2312450I wonder if they'll always be going strong in other countries? I hate how malls died out, it seemed so sudden after 2008. I remember being a teenager and having so much fun just walking around the local mall with my friends, but now as an adult I dread the idea of going to one.
It wouldn't be so bad if there were a lot of stores, but in my local mall there's an entire hallway of useless stores all owned by the same guy with the exact same style of font on the signs, it's always comic sans and it always end in an exclamation mark. It looks just like picrel, I'm not exaggerating. I hate lazy graphic design. If you're gonna take over an entire wing of the mall at least hire a graphic designer.
No. 2312495
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I hate the Hartley Hooligans thread. Fucking nightmare fuel.
I read through it out of morbid curiously yesterday and i woke up at 2am from a nightmare about them screaming in terror as they stared at me longing for something.
No. 2312831
>>2312684Kek alright, I won't. I used to watch winx club as a child, didn't know it also had a fandom like that.
>>2312692Probably yeah. They'll make it their entire personality and want to be included in the fandom, but then diss it all the time. It's just annoying.
No. 2312934
also I notice lots of them end up being creeps wrt real people and not just characters in one way or another,
like fanny for example No. 2313698
File: 1734580617632.jpg (249.5 KB, 2048x1309, istockphoto-1067786966-2048x20…)

I hate how workplace sensitivity training has gotten so woke and sexist. I hate having to take a mandatory course where I get lectured about respecting nonbinary pronouns because "some people identify as neither male nor female" and told that makeup is a tool of gender expression (bullshit, we all know it's a tool of the patriarchy). What really grinds my gears is that over half the examples of sexual harassment were of women harassing men. It used to be that they'd throw one or two examples like that in to show that it can happen even if it's rare. But this training made it seem like businesswomen are all out here giving our male coworkers unprompted shoulder rubs, complimenting their biceps, and offering them promotions in exchange for dates. What world are these people living in??
No. 2313709
>>2313289>They’re not like dogs, cats, horses, chickens. They don’t like you back, they don’t seek out your company, you can’t cuddle them. Something about this rubs me the wrong way. Even if they don't like me back, the point of keeping a pet is for companionship and because
you love and care about them and are fascinated by this existence. I believe it's unnatural that we expect animals to love us if anything and that you need an animal to love you in order to take an interest in it.
No. 2313745
>>2313709>the point of keeping a pet is for companionship Aren't you contradicting yourself? Companionship is a two way street. A pet that doesn't like you isn't much of a companion.
To me, pets like reptiles and fish are like expensive, high maintenance living decorations rather than companions. Many other pets are social animals and want/need to be close to their owners. It's fine to want one or the other, you just have to do you research and choose your pet accordingly.
No. 2313757
>>2313732>>2313745>To me, pets like reptiles and fish are like expensive, high maintenance living decorations rather than companions>Why the fuck would I invest in a pet that doesnt give a shit about me when I am paying for its food, vet bills, etc? That makes no sense.I do not get this thought process that's commonly directed at reptiles because it comes off as incredibly selfish and spoiled, from the kind of person who cannot completely disconnect and appreciate another life just for being what it is and instead view animals as commodities to entertain them and nothing more. That by owning a pet, you're entitled to some kind of reward. Especially the whole "expensive living decoration" part, I see that comparison a lot and it annoys me. I'm a huge lover of reptiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, you name it. To me, the whole point of having an animal is because you love that animal unconditionally and find them fascinating in itself just for being what they. You don't need them to reward you because you love them and that's all that matters. Now would it be nice to know if my snake secretly loved me even 1/3rd as I love her? Sure it would be, but I don't need my snake to wag her tail to feel some kind of emotional connection and companionship with her. That's retarded. The reward and love I get from having a snake is taking care of her, watching her grow and thrive and knowing she's well because I love her and that's more than enough.
No. 2313811
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>>2313785I hate ugly people too
No. 2313815
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>>2313811Well, fuck you too
No. 2313817
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>>2313811I can't help it anon.
No. 2313819
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>>2313811No even your attached photo isn't "ugly" to me. This is a different animal from me, like it just looks like a dog or a horse or something. I can tell that this isn't a real being. It looks like an artistic rendition of something, so I can accept the faults. I'm aware of artistic license. I'm talking about something like my picrel. I wasn't going to post it because I wanted to spare you, but then I saw your pic and the desire to compare struck me. In my pic, this is a real human being. This isn't a piece of art made for the intents of showcasing ugliness. This is why my picture is worse. I have never seen someone with this type of bone structure. It's like my body is saying to me "FIGHT OR FLIGHT" when I look upon it.
No. 2313820
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>>2313785>>2313811i especially hate when its an ugly child actor
No. 2313827
>>2313825Look at this post,
>>2313819 , this was the person that made me type out my OP.
No. 2313830
>>2313826yes anon, i hate the shape and distance of the eyebrows, the long philtrum, the hairline swoop, and the siberian husky nose bridge
>>2313827Oh. yeah hes definitely ugly
No. 2313834
>>2313828when was that kek
>>2313833you're allowed to think people are ugly anon, you don’t have to be all
>UwU everyone is beautiful and perfect! No. 2313835
File: 1734589808881.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1806, Screenshot_20241218-222800~2.p…)

>>2313831Bailee Madison, and I think another child actress too
No. 2313848
>>2313845i don’t believe that not liking someones hairline and facial features makes anyone mentally ill but ok anon, there are several other factors that go into diagnosing mental illness
>>2313847KEK exactly, this too
No. 2313852
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Hollywood is about selling the idea picrel-generation Hollywood nepo-mutants are attractive and not horrifying manmade horrors beyond our comprehension. Therein lies the "magic". Honestly you're all a bit entitled to expect more or different
No. 2313855
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Male characters (and moids irl) who look like this. Fills me with unwarranted rage. So ugly to me. Is it because they're so plain? Is it because they're so obviously meant to be self-inserts? I think I may hate men who wear glasses overall.
No. 2313858
>>2313852My OP wasn't talking about Hollywood though, just ugly people in general. Also I don't even know who this is in your picrel, but he's still less ugly than
>>2313819 like that guy fully has a trapezoid for a skull.
No. 2313864
>>2313858Anons brought up Stranger Things and child actresses so pretty weird thing to mini-mod about, from a post that wasn't even replying to anyone directly. Does the Hollywood mutant man resemble your nigel,
No. 2313879
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>>2313870it’s like they purposefully cast her because she had that weepy eye infectioned bulldog face!
No. 2313883
>>2313767>I get that you're sooo selfless you don't even need your pet to like you>yet not quite selfless enough to leave those pets in their natural habitat where they belongSarcasm noted and frankly, I don't see how those are mutually exclusive to one another. I love snakes doesn't mean I'm going to own one and I can have opinions on pets either way. I don't get it. It's okay to own another living thing because it loves you but it's weird to own another living thing if it's indifferent? The fact that you have to implicate that you're spending money on a living thing, therefore you're entitled to unconditional affection only tells me how you view animals. A transactional relationship. I can't appreciate this animal for being an animal, it doesn't love me and reward me how dare it! You wouldn't own a dog not because you love dogs and are aware of of what they are, an animal and are fascinated by them. That to me, is the worst kind of view you can have towards an animal because it shows that you can't give them the bare minimum of respect for what they actually are. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that there are social animals that love their owners and are able to conceptualize affection and love. However, what I don't like is that because of that aspect to a social animal it creates this weird double standard that results into this questionable hierarchy of animals that are deserving of "humanity" or "love" and because of this hierarchy animals are treated with different levels of respect for better and for worse. This is a bit schizo, but I don't like dog/cat owner culture and how the dog/cat owners give their pets these elevated levels of humanity that doesn't exist and because of that it leads to this almost disregard for the animal's nature in favor of a projection of what we believe. Not saying that the sentience of a lizard is the same of that to a dog, far from it. But I believe that projection of humanity is what leads to issues in how pets are treated as a whole, and results in tons of problems like pitbull maulings.
Since we're going there and this is the thread for it. I hate most pet owners and I hate the society and culture we've developed around pets (and by proxy, animal welfare in general). I hate the commodification of animals and I hate how a lot of pet owners develop this innate almost psychopathic view of animals as living stimulated toys that are fine as long as they're given the bare minimum to exist. I hate how pet culture has resulted in us unfairly treating animals and developing unfair preconceived notions and double standards regarding animals and their welfare. No, you can't eat dogs that's ethically wrong even though we slaughter and eat animals with similar level of sentience and intelligence. That person abuses cats, how horrid, fuck fish though they're not sentient enough for my ethics. Sparky's fine, who cares if he only gets walkies to take care of the bare minimum of pissing and shitting. Don't get me wrong, I'm no vegan and I will eat any animal in this world if given the chance. I love meat, and I would commit war crimes if it meant a complete restructuring of the meat industry as a whole. I just hate that too many pet owners don't treat their pet as if they're living things. They never comprehend or think about how owning an animal is owning another life with its own existence hence why most pets live in what could be considered hell of the absolute bare minimum to not be considered
abusive. It fucks me up when I think about how the average dog lives, it's nightmare fuel. I wish we as humanity never domesticated most pets in the way that we have, or at the very least there was more awareness to how we treat and respect animals whether they're food or pets.
No. 2314115
>>2314068at least it's not Lulu
>>2314079that's one of the nicknames his school gave him actually (but spelled as Squeej)
No. 2314116
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Couples that look alike freak me out really bad
No. 2314328
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There's no concise reason why but I get so fucking angry when someone misinterprets something I clearly said. At least the people who don't double down when they are corrected are redeemable.
No. 2314679
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I hate the kind of people who are into horror now. I hate the term community, but I don't know what else to call it. It is plagued by gendies and annoying people. If I see another, a male horror protagonist with post op chest scars, I'm going to lose it. Unrelated, but I hate the Dead Meat YouTube channel too.
No. 2315197
>>2313709I agree with this completely. I have a reptile cause I think they're fascinating little creatures and super cute. I don't even really try to handle mine anymore, I just observe. Maybe he doesn't love me, that's alright because I don't need reassurance or whatever from a literal whole other species. Although it is awesome when they do, I don't expect love from any animal because I know not all species' have the capacity to love like us. Gaining a pet's trust is enough to me. Also, a lot of dogs and cats don't like their owners or similar to reptiles in the sense that they don't "love" you but trust you enough to let you touch them, feed them, be close to you, etc… People still love their animals that hate them, because it's not all about that. If I needed my feelings reciprocated, I would just get a girlfriend.
Also I will say, having an enclosure is like half of the fun of having a reptile. You can have a whole ecosystem in a tank. It's like having a little bit of earth in your house. It's awesome to look over and just be like "oh yeah, there's a mini jungle in my house".
>>2313767>yet not quite selfless enough to leave those pets in their natural habitat where they belongThese animals are domesticated, most pet reptiles were never in the wild and wouldn't be able to survive on their own since they were bred in captivity.
No. 2315522
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>>2315520I hadn't driven for 9 years, then I slowly became competent in 4 years and am now able to drive effortlessly
Gasoline costs too much and maintenance repair costs a lot as well though
>>2315381Try using duct tape on the mouth to force nose breathing
>>2314594Bidets offer a fillable large cup where you can place your feet for saline foot baths, it's good for people who sweat a lot on their feet
No. 2316061
File: 1734725792615.jpeg (65.62 KB, 750x531, 1633181422244.jpeg)

>google "Gender of first human"
On quora:
>Neither came first. The two coevolved together, simultaneously.
>There was no first individual. There was a first population which had males and females.
>They evolved together. Basically, the ability to mate developed first and we later labeled them male/female. Remember, evolution works by population, not individuals. There was never the “first” anything.
>This is an unanswerable question.
>There simply was no singular first human. It's up for debate how different something can be before it's no longer allowed to be classified as "human".
>The process involved both males and females who gradually evolved together into what we are today. There was no “first person”.
>There's not a "first man" or "first woman".
>It is not possible to determine who was the first human to be born as a man or a woman
>The knowledge of gender is irrelevant. What is a species?
On reddit:
>Sexual reproduction came after asexual reproduction, and as you may have already known, sexual reproduction only means that two individual organisms form a new offspring by combining their genetic material. So at first, there was sex, but no male or female.
>(Lone correct redditor: Ppl beating around the bush, there is absolutely no question the Female came first.) "Based on what?" "Proof ??"
>Essentially, asexual reproduction was the primary form of reproduction, at some point some species began swapping genes (horizontal gene transfer), some members tried to take advantage of the gene swapping process with two different strategies and overtime they evolve into male and female. Male and female came out of this selection process. It really didn't exist prior, at least in that you wouldn't call an asexual species male or female.
Our whole worldview is so fucked. I will never forgive religious XYs for writing copefic after copefic about how they're akschually the proto humans and the complete ones when everything about their biology including their genitals tells us otherwise, to the point they memed it so hard people immediately think YOU must be the one making shit up when you refer to the truth. The research about the mitochondrial eve was published in the fucking 1980s. Why is it not taught in school when it's literally the basis of every human existing today? How is that possible? Shit is so fucked.
No. 2316085
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>>2316061I went on Google and typed in the same query you did, but replaced 'gender' with 'sex', and got something better:
>Based on our understanding of evolution, the "first human" would have been biologically female, as in most species, the sex that carries the offspring is considered the "default" and the male sex evolves later; meaning the first reproductive event would have involved a female-bodied individual producing offspring through a process similar to parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction) before the development of distinct male and female genders.I also searched up your query and got picrel. At least it has the lowest updoots
No. 2316248
>>2315339Pretty much. Any time I'd vent to moids in the past they would give the most bare bones responses like or just make it all about themselves. Even chatgpt will have better things to say.
>>2315520I haven't learned how to drive and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm glad I live in a place with good public transportation so I don't have to rely on cars
No. 2316634
>>2316624I think people judge by appearances a lot so this ends up happening, men always think if you're more alternative that you must be more sexual for sure, I see them do that all the time with any woman who is mildly goth-y or even just if she has curves, big boobs, or whatever other trait they associate with that, it's annoying. I think for me I'd prefer it if the reason they thought I'm a virgin is just because I'm an unnatractive greasy nerd since at least then they would just leave me alone, but this usually comes from weird guys who are trying to hit on me and it seems more like they're idealizing me into this sort of "pure" woman or something just because of how I look, and how I don't talk about sex or my relationships, how I'm actively very anti porn (which always makes them say I'm asexual), and so on. It's like their brain can't compute that someone like me who hates porn could enjoy sex and have a libido in general, since a lot of them associate sex with porn pretty heavily. I do agree that people mostly associate virgins with weird male nerds or incels though, which is why it baffles me that this even happens to me.
No. 2316686
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I hate justpearlythings so much she is the pickme final boss
No. 2316702
>>2316686Never realized how much she looks like Honter Schaffer.
>>2316691NTA but is this your first time on the internet? Have you never heard the memes of women with gummy smiles always marrying military moids?
No. 2316749
>>2316717Probably, I haven't met any actual real human who had that take.
>>2316686How does she already have such wrinkly skin, around her eyes especially? I'm the same age as her and don't have that.
No. 2317102
File: 1734830256840.png (239.73 KB, 402x334, Screenshot 2024-12-21 201503.p…)

Retarded YouTubers who can't even get the shit they're hating on right.
No. 2317678
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the fact that there is not a single woman on the board of directors of bobbie, one of the largest infant formula companies in america
No. 2317935
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People who make cows their entire personality WITH their faces attached kek Unsurprisingly she’s a zoomer but I thought she was way older.
No. 2317967
>>2317964Probably because they look like underwear. Also you will definitely get shit talked wearing booty shorts in America kek
No. 2318334
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>>2317935She looks like Sydney Watson
No. 2318341
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No. 2318630
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call me a buzzkill or a killjoy but i get so annoyed by jokes like this
No. 2318764
>>2318685it's not feasible for humans right now and probably won't be for a while but parthenogenesis does occur in nature. but humans have reportedly been able to create mice, that could live normally and reproduce, from unfertilized mice eggs. so, it's entirely possible that one day women will be able to create life without moids.
but men and other male animals will never be able to do that.
No. 2319691
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When people start transvestigating real women. I just saw people trying to say Donyale fucking Luna is a man because she has an adam's apple (I don't see it), a small chest and apparently her pointer finger is longer than her other fingers or some shit.
No. 2319851
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This is the third fucking time I ended up spilling a sample all over my wrists.
No. 2319983
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Newfags who reveal milk without archiving it and then asking others to do it after the cow dfes it
No. 2320223
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Things I Hate: Passing on a Two Lane Road Edition
1. Drivers who hug the dotted yellow line, making it so you can't see oncoming traffic around their fatass cars and need to move halfway into the other lane just to see oncoming traffic. Why is your car so fucking fat? How are you so unaware of how much space you take up? Can't you see the line of cars forming behind you?
2. Drivers who drive slow as shit when passing is restricted, but stomp on the gas as soon as you reach a passing lane. You stupid faggot, you cannot be both first in line and slow as shit. Pick a lane, literally.
3. Drivers who insist on tailgating you for miles even when you've heeded Point 1 and made it easy for them to see that there is no oncoming traffic and they could've passed your sorry ass fifteen minutes ago. Are you going to lick my tailpipe clean? No? Then stop following so close and move on already. I'm not going 20+ mph over the speed limit just because you want to drive like you have a tiny peepee.
No. 2320423
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Why do I despise it when my dad talks about his friend's sons and how nice they are. You have no sons, you will not treat others as a son. Especially males who have been rude to me, you will not respect them or treat them with fatherly intent. You will not go to dinner with them, you believe in God and God gave you daughters for a reason and it's to not look upon males as sons. The only sons you are allowed to have is whatever male I choose to be my lover in the future, if it happens.
No. 2320555
>>2320501Or when they act like a
victim because of it. "Hey everyone I'm a straight male and I listen to this female artist with a predominantly female fanbase, I feel very alone… Give me attention and pussy pics now"
No. 2320635
>>2320553I dont entirely disagree with you, but I hate all cosplayers. It's all cringe, especially when the person gets really into the character and larps. It just seems so childish. I'm fine with character inspired outfits but I cross the line with cosplay.
Cosplay is a plauge to the convention scene.
No. 2320912
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I hate how women are written in older shows and movies. I hate the stupid ugly husband and beautiful wife trope. I hate the default male gaze.
No. 2320945
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I hate Tom Mcdonald. He's the biggest grifter ever, this motherfuckers whole deal is just larping as an American.
>I want to be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner with my family!
You. Are. Canadian.
No. 2320963
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>Remembered a late 2000's-early 2010s Youtube comedy duo that got big making Arnold Schwarzenneger parodies
>Rewatch old vids
>I wonder what they're newest videos are
>Le woke boogyman parody vids
I stumbled onto this board looking for a place to vent cuz 4chan still doesn't have an Internet meta/ecelebs board but why can't pre 2016 era youtubers just chill out & do their own thing. Why is it that male youtubers of a certain age either become overly apologetic pharisees who are trying so hard not to be like their younger edgier selves that they police anything similar to their past content OR replace all edgy jokes with angsty complaints about le wokey trans, le liberals, le Kathleen Kennedy's
I can only think of 2 youtubers of that era who just went
>Yeah we're doing our own thing
and didn't go down either path
No. 2321104
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I really don't like kurt caz, he's a generic passport bro but with some weird right leaning shit mixed in like his audience is obsessed with his "germanic" appearance and he himself has said any European who voted for immigration should be stoned. His website also has the typical Greek statues "chuds" are obsessed with. I won't say he is a chud because if he was then I don't think he would be dating his brown girlfriend, but overall weird guy. And passport bros are shitty regardless
No. 2321122
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>>2321104>"germanic" appearanceoh it's germanic alright, yikes
No. 2321130
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>>2316689>>2316691>>2316702wait, nonna's onto something, Nara has a weirdly gummy smile too, it's not just gummy, it's so wide, it exposes her back teeth too
No. 2321309
>>2321034my 1st thoughts were soulbrothanubmuh3 and rlm. soulbro is a lolcow but a smarter one. He attracted alot of 4chan users with his Arthur dubs and video essays. Then he pretty much made a Star Wars 8 video essay that was a fake out to him pretty much going
>I'm making original stuff nowNow he's made 3 instalments of a parody of dating sims, funded a full 11 min animated pilot for the series, and is in talks with Lyle Wrath of Pregame Discharge and OneyPlays fame. Even though his newer fans have been trying to cancel him for old stuff, he's done the smart thing and shut up and keep working
Redlettermedia always came off as Bush era Democrats, edgy jokes but very passive on left leaning ideology, but also annoyed with radical liberalism. They could've easily gone the path of
>Le wokes are sooo evilor
>Boohoo we were so edgy, sorry sorry sorrybut just kept on doing the same stuff, ignoring any backlash outside of William Shatner
No. 2321500
File: 1735244553543.gif (696.62 KB, 480x268, giphy.gif)

>>2320582eww, that dude is built like Mr. Mackey, big ass head and skinny body and he talks about this with his fucking face attached. Ugly and cringe.
No. 2322086
File: 1735273870381.png (657.67 KB, 1080x1933, shit.png)

I hate this fuckass animator and his ugly shitty weeb animations made for gooners.
No. 2323141
File: 1735341197926.jpg (17.13 KB, 1000x1000, 41juvdh36iL.jpg)

I hate that the overall width of tableware isn't listed on the package like it is with clothing and the like. We now have two kinds of tablespoons at home and one kind is a tad bit too big for me because it's like a milimeter or two wider on each side than the other one.
No. 2324281
>>2324192When the blurb/tags say some shit like
>Reader is AFAB but no explicit pronouns are used/no genitals are describedLike jesus… we're all women here why do you have to do this shit
No. 2324487
File: 1735451776495.gif (137.61 KB, 400x266, 57528c8c91368f7a03199d10089b9f…)

Being pressured to go to bed early
No. 2324888
>>2324862The problem is that nobody knows how to party anymore, or at least people my age don't know how to. They think a party means loud annoying music, cheap drugs, cheap alcohol, and the lights turned off. This leads into what I hate -
I hate that people don't know how to host parties. I got invited to a party in early December as a plus one of my friend. We get to the house and I can hear the music playing inside from the drive way. I walk in and everyone is smoking cheap weed, zoned out, and watching TikToks, while aggro hip hop is playing so loud that I had to pop an ibuprofen. I managed to stay for an hour before I noped out. It's like some people think a party is just hanging out and getting high together? No, that's a hang out. A party is supposed to be a fun and engaging social event, not just sitting down and scrolling on your phone for 3 hours while nodding out because you smoked too much weed. And this isn't an outlier event, almost every "party" I go to hosted by someone my age is just the lamest shit imaginable.
I'm the only person that I know that hosts parties people actually have fun at. My last party was in November, the theme was "movies that you hate," everyone had to show up with a 10-minute Powerpoint prepared on a movie they really hated. I cooked hors d'oeuvres for everyone and had a lot of appetizers to serve, I had cocktails prepared and bought 3 bottles of red wine, and prepared a playlist that was playing at low-to-medium volume so that nobody had to scream over the music. We all had a blast laughing at our Powerpoint presentations, drinking, and enjoying each others' company, and my friends are still talking the party 2 months after the fact.
No. 2325486
>>2325449Look at:
>>2325362I seriously don't know why people on this website use "you're younger than me HA!" as some kind of epic own. This isn't 11th century Confucian Korea.
No. 2325855
File: 1735568234380.jpeg (120.33 KB, 506x700, 3xPGCZ2.jpeg)

I was recommended this series that was supposedly about a badass female main character and her young assistant. It starts out strong, but by chapter 5 there's a pointless nude scene and right after that, an entire chapter filled with nude slaves and the child character almost being raped. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with jap authors, why are they so obsessed with child rape and slavery?
No. 2325872
File: 1735569292942.png (Spoiler Image,630.9 KB, 723x1040, q7u4oM6.png)

>>2325865you're probably right, but these decisions make the characters come across as idiots, like the reason the female mc sold her assistant into slavery was because she knew he would escape and that escape would cause enough chaos for her to sneak in the palace and kill the evil disgusting baron but the fact was the kid only escaped because of a deus ex machina and so it just makes her come across as a complete idiot
and the slavery scenes with women and children come across as incredibly fetishistic
No. 2325889
>>2325855Consuming most media made by men is like picking your poison. You'll probably have to overlook something at some extent, especially japanese media. I gave up on most of it.
>>2325880Western comics are also full of that crap, and I don't mean just superhero trash, a lot of highly acclaimed european comics have the same problem.
No. 2325917
File: 1735573477683.jpg (38.35 KB, 720x585, 50obh9.jpg)

I hate this dumbass town that make it impossible to hide from people. I need to move somewhere people don't know my last name.
No. 2326555
File: 1735610432104.jpeg (21.62 KB, 488x488, IMG_3369.jpeg)

Stanley cups are legitimately some of the most retarded looking water bottles I’ve seen. Why do you need that stupid ass handle on the side? Why is it so big and bulky? How are those comfortable at all? I feel like people just buy them because everyone else is buying them. Also the straw is always exposed which almost beats the purpose of a thermal bottle, no? Don’t even get me started on people that own like 7 different ones for some reason
No. 2328242
File: 1735756678541.jpg (23.02 KB, 640x480, 1000000450.jpg)

>>2328239I was about to post that I hate winter kek.
No. 2328385
>>2328383Samefag kek I didn't notice
unalive was redtexted now
No. 2328559
File: 1735770673565.jpeg (28.77 KB, 750x212, IMG_5494.jpeg)

I hate these people who bring up their introversion at any opportunity. I noticed this a lot recently and it irks me.
It feels like historonic narc behavior to me. This comment is on a video about the 10 people who died in New Orleans today. No1currs about how special you are, People died, Nam. This man is 30 btw.
No. 2328587
>>2328571These retards think that liking alone time makes them special, but dont realize that everyone likes alone time lol. It would he more unusual if they hated alone time and had like 1000 friends.
Also if they are so introverted and hate talking to people then why do they feel the need to constantly tell thousands of strangers online about their introversion, even under videos where people were murdered?
I generally just hate people who think they are unique or special for traits that they think are rare but actually are the majority. Like those people who say "I LOVE FOOD" in their bio as if it says anything about them.
No. 2328914
File: 1735788393050.jpg (99.2 KB, 720x727, 1000000217.jpg)

any video on yt that involves a woman bravely sharing horrific childhood abuse always has a string of comments from the most useless men alive blaming them for their assault, sexualizing them, doing uncomfortably condescending and perverse analysis of them–genuinely if they would die on the spot I guarantee the world would be a slightly better place. There's fewer men more pathetic than the kind that hang out in the yt comments of vids about sexual abuse. BTW this woman is just wearing a cute outfit and talking about living in poverty and abuse while her entire male extended family sexually abused her as a little girl and men are saying she dresses this way as a result. Because you aren't allowed to dress cute as an adult, then you're asking for it and you want it.
No. 2329213
>>2328916No they definitely enforce it, even recently
>>2326027Here's some others
>>2251274>>2236125>>2155458>>2092885>>2039228>>2043474>>2004397>>2004397>>2024381>>1935371>>1945176>>1971932>>1928451(and during that one long derail/infight derail about americans but there's too many to link
No. 2329385
>>2328571>>2328587I know this isn't the unpopular opinion thread, but people who brag about work from home give me the same feel. "I don't like people!" "I'm way more productive!" etc etc. Granted yes I'm sure there are some benefits to WFH, but some of these people go into full on meltdowns if the job starts to suggest to come into the office sometimes.
I hate the spoiled WFH crowd and how much a lot of them have this "I don't want to socialize!" attitude like the alleged introverts. 9 times out of 10 those people claiming to be introverts get the fucking definition wrong anyway.
No. 2329439
File: 1735836483012.png (403.55 KB, 850x451, Screen Shot 2025-01-02 at 11.4…)

I hate that we still have button links at the top to super dead boards but we have to type in /g/ or /m/ or /w/ in the URL to access the other not-dead boards. Seriously why do we need a link to /sty/ but we don't get a link button to /m/???? Nobody even uses /sty/ anymore why can't the admin just replace it with a link to /g/??
No. 2329451
File: 1735836694074.png (604.15 KB, 1080x1013, Screenshot_20250102_215055_Fir…)

>>2329439I have all the main board links on top.
No. 2329484
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>>2329451I can't tell if this is a genuine post or if you're trolling me.
>>2329470I just cleared my cache again and it's still showing me the same thing? I just want a link to /m/
No. 2329514
File: 1735839404354.jpg (104.46 KB, 1080x537, 1000000459.jpg)

>>2329484Nta, but ayrt is not trolling. Picrel is mine
No. 2329515
File: 1735839434063.png (5.4 KB, 570x51, 1000020332.png)

>>2329484Nta but I'm pretty sure you're the one trolling kek. The other boards have never been hidden, but /sty/ and /cream/ are
No. 2329540
File: 1735840269778.jpeg (413.36 KB, 572x1051, IMG_0614.jpeg)

I hate that I want to support GNC men but the tranny rhetoric has completely distorted it. I’m wary of men because there’s always some sissy fetish shit hiding in the shadows. I just can’t trust men to be normal when it comes to being GNC unless they’re literally gay.
No. 2330648
>>2330642A lot of popular personalities do, though. Being deliberately obtuse about the specific contagion I'm talking about doesn't make it any less real. If every person has to PC-specify to you that we aren't saying all people act like that, it's a you problem. No shit I'm aware #not
allJapanese women.
No. 2330688
>>2330682While Japanese women doing the high pitched voice is cringe we literally have the same thing in America in the south especially. If they are in the church they all have that high pitched kid like voice and they are usually in the most
abusive marriages with the most porn sick scrote. It’s scary af how the baby voice thing is really wide spread. It makes me hate having a naturally high pitched voice kek
No. 2330779
File: 1735910214506.jpeg (590.52 KB, 1170x899, IMG_0629.jpeg)

Whatever the fuck this is. The 4chan Miffy is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen kek. Also I’m betting this post was made by a moid/tranny.
No. 2331355
File: 1735940160302.jpg (82.69 KB, 558x757, 0250103-153154_45283939.jpg)

This looks hideous. Yet people are commenting "body goals".
No. 2331491
File: 1735945740649.jpeg (507.35 KB, 1170x801, IMG_6605.jpeg)

Women like this are so gross and tacky. I feel so much secondhand embarrassment and shame for her, this is literally coomer bait and you can’t tell me otherwise. This is why black female musicians will never escape the ghetto trashy stereotypes
No. 2331538
>>2331491Under patriarchal society, women have to uphold femininity so moids believe they're elevated, or they start malding about their own reality that they're just like everyone else and have no inherent power over anyone.
In this case, because black moids feel they are below white moids, black moids make black women suffer for it by degrading them even further than white moids do to white women. This is all so they can feel elevated in comparison.
No. 2332366
File: 1736003137638.jpg (1.88 MB, 2026x2048, MV5BMTMyOTY5NjI0N15BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>2331922We have to return.
No. 2332603
File: 1736016304167.jpeg (198.53 KB, 502x330, IMG_4342.jpeg)

I hate this ugly as sin thumbnail.
No. 2332691
>>2331491And any time you try to criticize them the fanbase will you hit you with the "errrm why do hate Black women being confident in their sexuality and expressing it??"
Like huh???
No. 2332766
File: 1736020744444.jpeg (12.54 KB, 168x300, 59679E3C-29F4-4F35-9100-9826CD…)

Picrel is some random OF girl that Instagram keeps forcing onto my timeline. She’s not milky or anything her eyes are just so dead it creeps me out. Maybe I’m overreacting but there’s nothing behind them and not even in a burnt out way. She is deeply unsettling to me.
No. 2333013
Anons who misinterpret what I say and immediately give the most agressive answers to it, probably because they felt attacked that it was describing them and their own shitty behaviors.
>>2332999Some people can get genuinely traumatized by seeing gore, but if they went and searched it up themselves rather than being exposed to it by accident then it's their own fault tbh. And anyone who is legitimately traumatized wouldn't be making retarded insensitive dark humor jokes at the expense of
victims for social media points anyways.
No. 2333037
File: 1736029699374.jpg (147.06 KB, 1024x577, 87788932.jpg)

I hate this rice pudding shit, it's disgusting to me and always has been but nobody around will accept that I don't like it just because culturally it's very popular around winter/christmas here.
"Oh but you haven't tried mine!" like ffs there's like 2 main ingredients of rice and milk, it's gonna taste the fucking same as all the hundreds of times I've been forced to "just try it". I'm not a picky eater at all, I just don't like THIS specific dish and people won't accept it.
No. 2333288
File: 1736037161445.jpg (17.35 KB, 1200x675, 1000000289.jpg)

>talks in engrish constantly despite literally no one else ever using english
>like full on speaking robotic broken english to people who show no indication they understand what hes saying
>is supposed to be a thug or delinquent with a drug problem but its like hes written by a 14 year old who has never encountered drugs
Korean westaboos are so odd, it's like they imitate white people imitating black people, an ouroboros. It's like seeing the inverse of weaboos up close. I think the Squid Game Thanos character was hopefully supposed to be a parody of this, but given the way Korean pop culture is obsessed with black culture im not sure since they do this in music all the time. Either way hated his character, while others were well written his was just off. I'd like to think it's making fun of westaboos though. Still don't understand the point of the engrish.
No. 2333680
File: 1736059700001.jpg (65.68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-902313963.jpg)

>>2333672Kek here I was hoping the thread would be clogged with a boring weed debate for hours/days but you shut it down immediately. Damn it, anon
No. 2333838
>>2333817Comparing Japan's and France's smoking habits is silly because in Japan you have to smoke in designated areas or you'll be fined, but you can smoke in plenty of restaurants and in some hotel rooms as well while it's the reverse in France and people love smoking in front of pregnant women, their own babies/toddlers, people suffering from anything like the flu, asthma and lung cancer, the elderly, etc. and they will shame anyone who politely ask them to not literally poison them inside a subway station or next to a bus stop because "muh freedom!". On top of that smoking cigarettes in Japan before you're 20 is seen as a terrible thing but a lot of French people start smoking when they're in middle or high school so you have 25 years old adults telling you how they tried to stop smoking because they can't take the stairs anymore without choking and wheezing and failed like 5 times and it's a normal conversation topic.
Smoking weed is illegal in France but a lot of people do it anyway and never get caught. If you get caught you won't be punished as harshly as in Asian countries unless it makes you do dangerous things like provoking car accidents. If you're white and smoke weed nobody will give a fuck and judge you.
No. 2333887
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No. 2333932
File: 1736091242887.jpeg (107.74 KB, 800x991, j-howard-marshall-anna-nicole-…)

>>2333887so very tired of the joke about marrying an ancient geezer for his money. it's neither cute nor funny to place a price tag on your pussy and your dignity, never mind that women who enter such arrangements are often deeply troubled and come from dysfunctional backgrounds. those who think anna nicole smith was based and aspirational conveniently overlook that she came from a very poor family, became a single mother as a teenager, and suffered from drug issues that ultimately killed her before she turned forty.
No. 2334322
File: 1736110406596.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.67 KB, 1500x1159, anna-nicole-smith-2-1-87e119c0…)

>>2334283maybe but they still had some contact
No. 2334581
File: 1736122609700.gif (Spoiler Image,4.3 MB, 620x280, 1000020424.gif)

I hate Sia and her weird ass videos and I hate Shia and his abusive dog killing disease spreading ass
No. 2334832
File: 1736142635333.jpg (42.93 KB, 683x1024, German-Chocolate-Cake-3-1.jpg)

Fuck Germany for making this. I don't like the coconut topping, and the cake part is never as chocolately as a regular chocolate cake.
No. 2334876
>>2328914She isn't even dressed slutty. Unless you're some weird puritan taliban moid or something. Like, oh no, she's showing a tiny bit of skin on her leg!
Grow the fuck up. She's clearly dressing for herself, not for the gross moids who made her feel like shit.
>genuinely if they would die on the spot I guarantee the world would be a slightly better placeNot slightly. The world would be DRAMATICALLY better. All those creeps who make comments like that are chomos. Child molestation would be borderline non existent. Big pharma would die and people would be able to grow up feeling normal and not have to deal with severe unnecessary childhood trauma on top of all the other bullshit that comes along with life..
No. 2334891
File: 1736147727881.png (547.24 KB, 640x640, 55d75771df0fd82007c15febcdd980…)

It's been said before but I HATE how trannies hijacked blahaj into a troon symbol. I still love mine regardless and have loved the sharks long before troons got their grubby hands on it, I won't let them ruin another thing that brings me joy. Regardless, it annoys me because I initially associated the plushies with "shark week" since I'd use the plushies as a comfort body pillow during intense period cramps, which TIMS can never experience kek. I'm just peeved off because I can no longer gush about my collection without immediately getting flagged as a tranny. I'd rather be called a hyper consoomer for owning multiple than an troon ugh.
No. 2335041
File: 1736166479869.png (82.89 KB, 200x236, IMG_2567.png)

This fugly manlet who thinks he looks like a Greek god but just looks like Zach Galifianakis and Jonah Hill had a kid together.
No. 2335074
>>2335053>Robin Hood cosplayersOh I like that! I know what you mean, but I've seen a decrease in that bullshit since the elections and they realized that they might have some actual problems for the first time in their lives.
You're not going to get anywhere by showing them the reality of TIMs. Sadly your best bet is to get them to meet up with TIMs IRL, such as by getting them to volunteer for a trans event. They can experience the moidness first hand and peak from there.
No. 2335083
File: 1736169284364.jpeg (571.5 KB, 2893x1170, IMG_2576.jpeg)

>>2335041Pretty homoerotic of him to have an edited image of himself and an image of an edited-to-be-more-jacked Hercules statue side by side on a post peddling a scam workout plan.
No. 2335867
>>2335041the only thing he has in common with the ancient greeks is that they were also autistically obsessed with beards and body hair to prove their masculinity, mainly because having sex with a grown man (even if you were the one doing the penetrating) was considered "unnatural", but it was perfectly okay to rape a young boy, provided he hadn't gone through puberty
>"An obvious characteristic of sexual dimorphism, the beginning growth of particular kinds of facial and body hair often marks a boy’s “entry into gender” and was compared to a girl’s first period." >"In the world of classical and, to a certain extent, Hellenistic Athens, the eroticization of the youthful male body was expressed in the first appearance of secondary hair, particularly on the face" >David Leitao's paper explains "men in gender-segregated societies think of boys as feminine themselves", using ancient Greek society as just one example of several he provides. He explains how boys, stating life coded as feminine, must undergo transformation rituals at puberty in order to convert them into males.>"Most lovers preferred the effeminate look, and as soon as the beard showed on the boy‟s face, many pederast relationships ended. No. 2336242
File: 1736206652103.webp (Spoiler Image,48.74 KB, 640x692, IMG_7518.webp)

I really hate when obese ftms get their mastectomies done without trying to lose weight first, and then they just wind up developing moobs or those weird flaps of fat deposits. I saw this post on reddit of a guy who gyno that got corrective surgery and he made sure to lose 100lbs before getting his moobs chopped (spoiled because huge guy boobs). It makes such huge difference
No. 2336630
File: 1736226157440.jpeg (912.58 KB, 1493x1536, IMG_0853.jpeg)

So did anyone make that Luigi Hate thread? I need a containment because I can’t sperg about it anywhere, if the simps get a containment so should we.
No. 2336746
File: 1736233912622.jpg (1.24 MB, 1439x2556, Screenshot_20250106_225507_Ins…)

When thirsty desperate coomer women hype up average looking men in Instagram comments. Thank God my boyfriend doesn't use social media. This video was filled with comments begging for his social media and saying nasty shit
No. 2337025
File: 1736253782766.jpeg (117.3 KB, 1000x1000, sg-11134201-7rd6r-lx2fgcsicngq…)

I hate how every month there's a new product young girls obsessed over. Labubus for example, no long ago I remember everyone wanted those naked babies kek, before that they wanted calico critters.
Also, I hate how ugly and how uncreative these are.
No. 2337085
File: 1736258145593.jpg (291.58 KB, 1500x1500, s-l1600.jpg)

>>2337025keep calico critters out of your mouth
No. 2339412
>>2339399Lol it depends what job you're applying for. A cover letter takes less than 20 minutes to write and it's the easiest thing in the world.
>>2339403You don't understand that the technology to cheat evolves at the same time as the technology to detect cheating.
No. 2339677
File: 1736402018696.png (592.21 KB, 1396x950, it didnt just happen.png)

I hate articles with titles like this because no, Caliifornia did not just “erupt in flames”. A fire did not just magically appear. These fires are being purposefully set by the literal thousands of homeless tweakers who light them to stay warm and then allow them to burn for miles and miles and miles.
No. 2339821
>>2339649There's this belief that the trans population does so much for us and we should all help them out in turn. I don't know where that idea came from or why it's uncontested or what exactly the trans population does aside from ebeg and get pissed off at everyone all the time.
And it sounds better than 'begging'. Mutual aid isn't very mutual if it's some handmaiden donating Deliveroo gift cards to a screaming porn addict in return for absolutely fuck all.
No. 2339992
>>2339843When I was younger I thought it would get easier to watch sex scenes with other people, like my future bf. Fast forward to now when my Nigel and I are watching the Sopranos and, no, it's still uncomfortable.
I'm sure the vast, vast majority of female nudity by male directors is gratuitous or for shock value. Watching it still feels unpleasant.
Sex can absolutely be relevant to the plot, but it's always the women who are naked and attractive which always makes me irritated, so I feel it's just cheap most of the time.
No. 2340082
File: 1736437576641.jpeg (709.4 KB, 1125x806, IMG_3468.jpeg)

Everyone hates this, but apartments that combine the kitchen and living room. This apartment costs 2.2k/month. What is wrong with landlords. Such pieces of shit.
No. 2340117
>>2340099My CV is already summarised lol, it was more does anyone have any advice on how to format it but I'm just going by the guidance on my government's website. Seems so fucking retarded though.
>>2340106Exactly and you'd get penalised if you just wrote something humorous too. Load of bollocks, guess it's to keep the wankers in HR busy
No. 2340147
File: 1736442077255.mp4 (5.21 MB, 576x1024, kBtVV3Snf6M_ehmB.mp4)

I hate seeing female insecurity, passive-aggression and cuckold anxiety masquerading as concern and confusion about "type", especially when race comes into the question. I hate the desirability politics debate as a whole.
Even more commonly than that, I kind of hate it when women tirelessly compare themselves to their moid's exes and develop complexes because "Well I'm ABC, you've previously dated DEF, so you can't truly be attracted to me". I've also seen the opposite of this where they say things like "You have a history of dating women who look like me, that must mean it's a fetish and I refuse to date you". Neither really make sense. 99.9% of men don't have rigid "types" (unless they literally are just fetishists), even if they have favorites. Liking redheads or dark-skinned or tall women or whatever isn't a sexuality like being gay or straight lmao. They largely think about whether they find a girl hot, and what their male friends (and maybe their family) might say. Women are just painfully neurotic, and I hate seeing their insecurities play out, watching them fight over stupid shit and all their attempts to instill similar complexes in each other. I hate it so much, it feels like watching incels. Imagine placing what makes these useless men's dicks hard over your own mental wellbeing.
No. 2340228
>>2340176>now the dude moved on to someone different.The only time that happens is when
the woman blocks the man completely from contacting her. Then the man stops trying to hook up, he never "moves on"
No. 2341201
File: 1736517705369.jpg (48.53 KB, 933x806, IMG_20250110_112700_082.jpg)

i hate this stupid fucking picture and whoever made it. it's always trannies posting it in responce to women wishing death on rapists and pedophiles and no i do not believe in rehabilitative justice in the first place you retard i never fucking said that. i do not believe we should rehabilitate child rapists because it's a waste of time and resources and i'd rather have them ground up into dog food.
also osaka would not fucking say that. she would say saata andagii and ooh mah gaaad and she'd recoil in fear if she ever saw any of your repulsive dead-eyed AGP mugs. TTD can't come soon enough
No. 2342073
File: 1736575117563.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.92 KB, 582x680, 1735830143885.jpg)

I hate and also never understood why male weebs salivate over thighs. Most anime girls don't have particularly plump thighs outside of fanart. I don't get the obsession with it irl either, maybe if the person has really muscular or thin thighs I could get it. But picrel just seem like extremely average thighs also femboy thigh pics are next level disgusting
No. 2342092
File: 1736576822168.jpg (64.47 KB, 1236x823, 2616436047.jpg)

>>2342073This was his most popular post because they're just legs. The "obsession" is that it's the only remotely passable part of their body, which is why every single one of them take photos like this (and cross their legs together to make it appear they have plump thighs, since they all have almost no fat to hide their muscles/veins). It takes a lot of weight and non-activity for males to obtain fat legs and would resemble an egg on toothpicks first. The funniest part is how much they focus so much on cheap clothing/knee socks/accessory items since they know their unadorned bodies would never pass as a woman without those distractions. It's really the definition of "less is more" - the
less you see, the
more they look like a woman
No. 2342540
say they have types and preferences, but they're too slutty to have real standards. They'll fuck anything that stays still for long enough.