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No. 2342535

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2276512

No. 2342550

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I hate any flavored liquids. I only drink water and get pissy when it's not the right kind of water (ie from my home tap). Flavor is for food.

No. 2342557

i hate this one dr at my job who thinks he's hot shit. grown ass man who cant put the toilet seat down in the shared office bathroom, i would spit on him if it wouldnt get me fired.
i agree, but i like water and black tea. ive been gifted different teas a ton of times and i just end up throwing it all out

No. 2342563

The catty infights between gendercrit lesbians (the recent goldstar discourse in /g/ being a prime example). We're already a minority but apparently some of us can't help being rabid.
I'm already pretty much destined to be lonely and friendless due for being a lesbian who hates troons, and the more time passes the more I realize how bad it is.

No. 2342569

I hope /g/ is usable again soon. I’m bored of the board being overrun with luigifags and les/bi infights. I’m glad it’s (mostly) contained to that board though.

No. 2342669

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When an infight goes on long enough, at least one anon will start posting weird pictures. I hate it

No. 2342676

the threadpic

No. 2342687

I know this goes without saying but /g/ anons are particularly weird kek. A while ago, someone in the sexual threads kept posting weirdass seedy porn of Asian women.

No. 2342717

I want to know in what context Maria Sofia (notorious italian cow) is being posted

No. 2342718

I’m convinced many of them are newfags and/or don’t use other boards.

No. 2342727

ntayrt but that's how i feel about /ot/ sometimes funnily enough kek (some here have even admitted to it)

No. 2342729

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You wish you were flat, don't you, nona?

No. 2342733

When music videos have a scene where they teach a kid to dance, it's so cheesy that it makes me wanna puke, and while I do hate cheese that much, too, I believe it really is just that bad. I'd post an example but the only one I can think of right now is kpoop so I will refrain.

No. 2343049

The goldstar anons are posting their waifus now and it includes genderbent male characters, girls from scrotebait anime like Symphogear, and "stereotypically bihet" characters like Chloe from LiS kek. You cannot make this shit up.

No. 2343182

I hate the creep moids that try and justify pedophilia in anime and the guys whos favourite animes have over sexualisation of characters that are minors. Im sick of it. Ive met too many moids like that, they are sick and twisted. There really needs to be a study about how many moids are ok with oversexualisation of kids, in animes, cartoons and films. Because there is ALOT. This is another reason i hate the anime community, it lets creeps and pedos run rampant. Moids are so comfortable with seeing sexualisation of child characters its sickening, some even defend it, alot say its just part of the anime and its fan service…why are grown adults drawing teen anime characters in sexual and revealing situations in the first place!!!! Fan service? Yh grown adults creating fan service for underage teens….cause that sounds ok

No. 2343184

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why is chloe bihet? shes literally the most realistic annoying bpd lesbian in media ive ever seen (glad the new game yeeted her out of the franchise, people are delusional if they think she wouldnt have broken up with max exactly like she did in double exposure), or do you mean that shes character bihets tend to latch on?

That's my contribution to thread btw, I hate Chloe. Extremely well writen but absolutely atrocious bpdemon.

No. 2343196

Well they're okay with it because the truth is most men are attracted to children and teenagers

No. 2343221

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This guy and his beady, creepy eyes. Stop looking at me like that, damnit!

No. 2343222

He looks like that lobotomized giant that that one tiktok woman keeps as a domesticated sex slave in their dead empty house.

No. 2343234

I think that's the whole point kek. He stares into our souls

No. 2343239

he is so creepy. I hate him so much.

No. 2343240

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Waifus are characters one would fuck, not just faves. You're seething because no one is mentioning your favorite DEEPfag uwu shoujoshit or your atrocious deathfat westernshit?

No. 2343243

I fucking hate how much I love Tammers12345's MLP content.

No. 2343247

It's way too funny, I binge watched his shit already.

No. 2343248

where is this from? i remember yuripedo posting this exact same girl next to her vocaroo kek

No. 2343251

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The latest one is hilarious.
>"Listen here you purple bitch, there's no creature more dangerous or unpredictable and out of the box than a straight femboy. If we hesitate for even a second, we're as good as dead."

No. 2343253

Nanako from oniisama e, which is more of a shoujo coming of age drama than yuri/shoujo ai anime, because everyone is straight at the end but the girls certainly get crushes over each other in high school.

No. 2343258

Thanks. It looks amazing. I am glad they maintained the 70s style from the manga, i legit thought it was a 70s anime but with insane budget for the time.

No. 2343287

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I hate when people get two short nails on a otherwise long set, over even get one hand completely short and the other long. I get it, you want to be able to finger, but it's ugly. Just get all of your nails short.

No. 2343290

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The short ones might not make her fingers look abnormally long but they fit her hands much better and look clean. I hate fake nails sfm. Picrel is so common that nail techs don't even mention it to clients anymore

No. 2343300

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i hate the same thing, nona. i hate poop and fart jokes but the actual writing is too good. i love Chrysalis

No. 2343303

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I always asked for a female its always sunny and i cant believe a horse autist actually delivered. God bless his little gay heart. Princess Luna best girl btw.

No. 2343304

troons poses for selfie
the selfie in reality

No. 2343376

>everyone is straight at the end
You fucking donkey. Don't talk about series you have zero idea about. Stick to your fujoyume garbage.(infighting)

No. 2343436

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Picrel is lesbians on this site I s2g. I cherish my sane of mind lesbian friends so much, they're such a rarity. (Granted, sanity is lacking in this entire site, not just with lesbians.)
The moment we try to be competitive over being "correctly" a lesbian, it's over. All of these arguments about waifu shit and the goldstar label are meaningless, if you browse this site it's very unlikely that you follow the queer ideology bullshit, so I don't see the point in policing each other so much.
Sorry for bringing up this shit in yet another thread, but I think this one is the only one where I wouldn't get mauled for being a non gold star who also doesn't like genderbending male characters into waifus. Do not prove me wrong on this.

No. 2343439

now that you say this I'm so glad I didn't post my waifu that I said I would get mocked for when some nonas asked me to KEK

No. 2343482

>born to create, forced to toil
the fact that this is so many people's lives makes me want to kms. i don't want to think about the immeasurably vast human potential that has been wasted

No. 2343565

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ntayrt but OP speaks the truth. I am the biggest rose of versailles fan in the world and love wacky 70s yuri manga, but OP is absolutely correct that yuri from that time period often ended with everyone suddenly turning straight. The only exception is that the lesbians suddenly die so they can't actually be together
Lady Oscar simping for men in the last 1/4th of the story makes me seethe so i just mentally edit it out but i also can't be mad because its just a product of the time

No. 2343602

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I hate how common this mentality is (old post but just using as an example). And "it's actually ephobhebepillybillyia!" "the teen made the first move!" shit as well. One time some "anon" defended Sam Hyde sexually abusing and beating a 16 year old using the exact same reasoning. I'm tired of everyone and their dog relying on the law to excuse heinous behavior. I swear to god people would justify rape (more than usual) and torture as long as it were legal.

No. 2343612

That's a greenie and it's not a fungus. It happens when you get moisture trapped on/underneath your nail, the bacteria causes a green color. It's harmless though and not contagious. It's a common misconception that it's a fungus.

No. 2343615

an anon was defending pewdiepie dating a 16 year old at 21 because muh age of consent and "normal". i also hate when people act like a 20 something year old and a teen are on the same level when they aren't.

No. 2343618

This is why I don't understand the anons saying she's based.

No. 2343646

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Why does every mobile game ad these days feature a woman and sometimes her child being cheated on, abused, kicked out, sick, freezing to death, starving, et cetera??? Why do you need that to advertise your cookie-cutter match-three or pull-the-pin game? I know they're just stupid pixel people but it's kind of upsetting to have to see that shit every ten minutes. Not to mention these ads pop up on all-ages games, so I can't even imagine how a child would feel seeing this.

No. 2343652

azealia's perception is warped because she herself was sexually exploited by grown men when she was a teenage girl. instead of recognizing this trauma for what it is she insists that it is an acceptable way for a man to behave. there is a lot of pain most of the unhinged shit she says because she's ultimately powerless and all she can do is act outrageous

No. 2343672

I mean, we already know she sacrificed chickens and tried to fuck Elon Musk. I think anons like her more for her crazy shenanigans rather than genuine admiration.

No. 2343675

It's a bad attempt to shock people into clicking on the ad, plus game dev scrotes are all fucking weird.

No. 2343691

It must be out of nostalgia or something, other youtubers who do the same thing never get whiteknighted so hard

No. 2343738

There’s some dumb bitch here that keeps using ~tildes~ to emphasize words instead of italicizing them. Learn to format you retarded newfag.

No. 2343741

I've seen people do this a lot on social media to imply a whimsical and/or patronising tone, not for emphasis.

No. 2343744

Anons here see newfags in their soup.

No. 2343751

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Well, tell them I hate them!

No. 2343941

Anon it's ~okay~

No. 2344048

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I hate her. Idk what it is. I just hate her so much.

No. 2344065

I hate when moids ask to be FWB or to hookup, like what the fuck does that even offer women? nothing, having hookups as a woman is dumb.

No. 2344067

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How even anchorwomen have to be conventionally beautiful to tell the damn news but the ugliest geriatric scrote can keep his career forever

No. 2344080

Normie women larping as autistic for engagement bait

No. 2344147

I hate it when I'm driving long distance and someone's going slower than me, so I pass. But then they suddenly wake up to the fact that they're going 5mph under and speed up, so you're like neck and neck for no reason. And I either need to slow down to get behind them (which is what I usually do) until they slow down again and we go through this all over again, or just go 5mph faster than I usually do just to get away from them and their stupidity. Just turn on cruise control, that's all you have to do. Cruise control set at the speed limit or whatever speed you're comfortable with. It's so easy, why not? Why does everyone have to play ego games while driving?

I also hate that it's become less common for people to turn off their brights when they're behind you, so they freaking blind me every time. I've gotten to where I just turn the rear view mirror up if I'm driving at night, but they still nail me with the side mirrors. I have tint on my windows too. Driving has become such a burden lately that I hope I can WFH soon and just straight up not have to do it anymore.

No. 2344174

Ugh I once made the mistake of looking up an anchorwoman's name on youtube to find a specific news story clip and discovered that tons of moids have fetishes for newswomen and there are thousands of youtube accounts just for uploading clips of them with captions like SEXY WOMAN ON NEWS IN TIGHT DRESS (HOT) with tons of coomer comments. It's autistic as fuck.

No. 2344178

Adam Driver ass presets

No. 2344281

>I've gotten to where I just turn the rear view mirror up if I'm driving at night, but they still nail me with the side mirrors.
I do this too. Sometimes if someone is hanging out on the driver's side and lighting up my whole side mirror, I'll angle my side mirrors so they get their brights reflected back at them. So far it's caused a few people to either turn off their brights or move out of the diagonal semi-blind spot.

No. 2344283

Fuck AI images appearing everywhere, the internet is getting rotted and dying from it now. A Google search is littered with overly shiny looking ugly garbage. Searching up a picture of a cat will just have some random websites called shit like funnyai.art and hex.ai giving you "1cat, flower fields, fluffy fur". AI was a fucking mistake

No. 2344427

yea we use bold, italics, and ~whatever this is~ to different effect. its nothing to get upset over

No. 2344500

I hate the new "girl/boykisser" terminology. It sounds so infantile and reminds me of NAMBLA boylover shit.

No. 2344568

It's the same when I hear the term "PIV sex" or "penis in vagina." It sounds so fucking childish. I can't take it seriously

No. 2344572

It reminds me of nambla too, it's just definitely what someone who calls themself a "map" would say. Teenagers probably don't see the harm in it but any grown adult calling themselves a "boykisser" is automatically sus in my eyes

No. 2344576

Same it's pissing me off. People always say just add -ai to your search and that will get rid of a lot of it, true, but also some people are actively trying to obfuscate that the images they upload are AI. There was a kerfuffle on tumblr a year or so ago where someone made up a fake painter and spammed a bunch of ai images tagged with the fake name and shit like #baroque and blocked anyone who pointed out it's ai kek. And you simply can't block out ai on sites like pinterest, which is now pivoting to being an "AI shopping site" whatever the fuck that means. It's drowning in AI slop now. God forbid you pin a tutorial on painting shoes though that gets flagged by their automated AI and gets you a strike on your account

No. 2344640

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I remember when there was a subreddit called "little boykisser"

No. 2344811

When I misspell sage as safe.

No. 2344987

Yes it's literally so fucking gross. Nobody sexualizes children, especially little girls, quite like gay men. People who post the boykisser meme ALWAYS infantilize themselves in the same vein as little girls. Also they type so fucking braindead. They always post some gross anime gif or some cat or touhou meme with otherwise only communicate with tiktok brainrot and emojis and short sentences. They disgust me on so many levels, they need to be gassed.

No. 2345255

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I love what would usually be considered "masculinity", no problem with that but I'm straight and it seems like most people attracted to me are either lesbian/bi women or "pansexual" men who tend to be "feminine" (not into feminine men at all).
I hate it.

No. 2345258

Forgot to mention I'm a GNC woman.

No. 2345861

i can relate nona. being a gnc straight woman is weird because you mostly attract ssa women or submissive men that want a ""dom gf"" or something, and it's awkward having to turn them down. i promise that there are cool masculine men out there that find gnc women attractive, you just have to look a bit harder

No. 2346379

I FUCKING hate how the quality of materials in clothing and footwear has dropped down in recent years. I'm online shopping for a new pair of boots that will hopefully last me a long time and every single brand I look up, all the comments say how the quality has not been as great as it used to be, the main reason being that the company moved its manufacturing overseas to China. These brands used to be known for lasting for decades where you can pass it down to your children and nieces now only last for a year or two before it starts breaking down. Fuck this gay capitalist Earth.

No. 2346414


No. 2346417

same, nona. I've been searching for good stuff this year and I've mostly been thrifting or handmade on etsy. I did a little research on boots too and there's some good brands, they're just less popular.

i hate that the only option for good quality is the internet. i want to try things on and see the quality in person. fast fashion sucks

No. 2346445

I've been thinking the same for a while. I'm slowly leaning towards thrifting and learning to make my own clothes, but that doesn't solve the issue with shoes and that's the one that annoys me the most.
I'm tired of the enshittification of everything

No. 2346528

I hate how you're told that gynecology is mostly for sexual health and it assumes you'll have sex at 18 like everybody else so you can get your annual checkup, but old virgins like me don't bother with that because we were never told we can have issues outside of sexual activities.

No. 2346546

I can’t find a single white shirt that isn’t transparent nowadays. Or a fitted cotton long sleeve that isn’t thin as shit. It’s so annoying I can’t even layer a cami underneath because the seams will show so I’ll just be fucking cold.

No. 2346591

When girls hate someone's nigel for petty things like his mannerisms, his hobbies or his appearance, be it his body or his style (unless one of those things is an actual red flag) and pick on the gf because of it. You can't pretend to be a based man-hater when you're bothering a woman because of a man

No. 2346597

idk anon, a nigel with an ugly appearance or fat body is a red flag to me

No. 2346607

Children's birthday celebrations in commercial playrooms/playgrounds

No. 2346609

Your friends are telling you to do better, listen to them

No. 2346615

Then just let her know she deserves better

No. 2346619

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Why are there so many ai bots with big age gaps scenarios? I was curious and checking some and realized most of them are created to fulfill some weird age fantasies. No I'm not a 18yo into a damn 45yo man.

No. 2346634

Women perpetuate this disgusting fetish too sadly

No. 2346692

It's the 45 year old men making them about 18 year old girls nonna.

No. 2346706

Wasn't the boykisser furry a pedophile who ended up getting bullied off the internet?
The problem is that even though Etsy has good quality, prices are ridiculous, even without including shipping. I get that it takes time to craft shit but I don't think anyone could regularly buy from an Etsy creator without going broke.
You can give advice to people you call your friends without shitting on them for something a man does. Do you really wanna be more unhealthy to a woman than the average moid?
It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that it's troons causing this. When you think about it, character bots are perfect for AGP moids, and those tend to be pedophiles most of the time

No. 2346716

This is very specific, but when trannies refer to themselves as dumb girls or infantilize themselves in their music.
>laura les
>puppy lasagna
>dylan mulvaney
It's irritating because they get praised for being sooo totally deep and esoteric

No. 2346745

Didn't know that was a tranny

No. 2347216

thinking about unadopted cats makes me wanna kill myself. each and every one an actual baby that needs care and a special bond. so capable of so much. humans are terrifying.

No. 2347219

When women who do sex work say that they're basically the same as women who are housewives or SAHMs. Fucking your husband is not the same as prostitution or selling videos of you fucking. I also hate when they compare it to people working minimum wage because "we all sell our bodies in different ways". Again, it's not the same.

No. 2347232

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I hate tomatoes so much. They are only good cooked, raw tomatoes are so nasty. They're always added to every sandwich or burger and it's so gross. I hate avocados, too.

No. 2347241

god i could just cry for you. that shit is like a gift from the earth. so many foods are improved with those.

No. 2347245

reminds me that my uncle hates tomatoes because he almost died eating one when he was a child

No. 2347329

Do your friends not like your nigel kek

No. 2347335

Crop tops and they are fucking everywhere.

No. 2347339

>Not eating a raw tomato like an apple as god intended

No. 2347342

For real, fuck I'm tired of it. They've been "in" fashion for waaaaay too fucking long. Can we go back to tunic length finally?

No. 2347357

That I can't block certain threads completely. I don't wanna see the images pop up when I open lc, I don't wanna see it in the catalogue, and I especially don't want to see luigi's ugly cavemen unibrow mug ever again. I don't care that it's against imageboard culture or whatever.

No. 2347361

>Can we go back to tunic length finally?
I'd rather go outside naked than be forced to wear this shit again.

No. 2347421

You can just wear what you want and what you're comfortable with and fits you the best, regardless of what's "in".

No. 2347449

I know, I don't like tunic like tops and will avoid wearing them, but I remember a time when you couldn't wear what you wanted at all because online shopping was less widespread than it currently is and basics were hard to find so you could only buy what was in physical stores where you lived and in your budget. So ugly but trendy fashion was forced down almost everyone's throat during the 2000s and 2010s. I don't miss those days at all.

No. 2347467

I might be in the minority but I don't understand why anons use the front page of the site in the first place. I never had the problem of seeing pics from threads I hate because I just keep the threads I like open in separate tabs

No. 2347469

The concept of post nut clarity, specifically how so many guys talk about it like they're just disgusted with what they've done afterwards and it's just like…If you get disgusted by your partner after sex and don't just want to hug or cuddle afterwards and don't feel like you've just deepened your bond then you don't love them at all. It just reeks of porn addiction and contempt for women to me every time

No. 2347477

Fair enough, I remember going to a cheap mall that's for poor people who can't afford real malls back in the day, and I could find any article of clothing and buy anything I liked. It's still the same to this day, just a bit more expensive. So I never struggled with wearing whatever I liked regardless of trends, and I still do to this day thanks to this cheap knock off mall making me used to the idea of not following trends, because I wasn't even aware of them. Once we started going to real malls, I was shocked at how there are specific expensive brands and they'd have the exact same things during a specific season. I never bothered buying anything because it all looked ugly to me or straight up unnecessary. Like those swim suit-like wool or cotton tops, what's the point of wearing that? Warming up your pussy? Weird shit.

No. 2347490

There is a very easy way to make people who say that look stupid: ask them if they'd rather take it up the ass from a stranger for the price of a big mac several times a day or if they'd rather fuck their husband whenever they want while being financially stable. I think "pro sw" people forget STDs exist sometimes…
AYRT dw they like him, and since they aren't total pickmes they would never give me shit if they didn't

No. 2347549

I hate when retards who obviously came on lc to get banned sage for no reason. If you're here to get a rise why are you literally following the rules you buffoon.

No. 2347558

I hate when somebody who doesn't have any maker hobbies gets precious over how much time/money you spend on projects when "you could just buy [whatever you're making]". Bro, you don't create anything so you literally don't know what you're talking about.

No. 2347584

They're huffing industrial grade copium. Sometimes I think they say shit like that to convince other women to adopt the lifestyle, crabs in a bucket mentality, misery loves company, etc.

No. 2347588

Sometimes it's an indirect way to say that they think the item you're making is shit and to stop wasting your resources.

No. 2347592

I feel you nona.
For instance, when I was trying to find a decent pair of dr martens, I had to dig around on ebay for AGES. Luckily I finally managed to find an old pair from the 90s that were still in decent condition. I’ll have to get them resoled soon but the leather is real and in good Nick so I should hopefully have them for years to come.
Thrifting is the only way to get anything of half decent quality nowadays.

No. 2347595

File: 1736954595467.jpg (423.09 KB, 1500x1000, 1000022326.jpg)

Beefsteak tomatoes like your picrel are underripe, watery, and have zero flavor. I avoid adding tomatoes when I go out to eat because this is what they'll use. Try a garden grown heirloom tomato with a sprinkle of sea salt. They're not the same.

No. 2347599

To be fair, if women bullied men instead of other women, the men would commit violence.
Women are nasty to women because they know we can take it and aren't gonna do shit about it.

No. 2347607

Have you tried cherry tomatoes? They're heavenly.

No. 2347608

You’re not wrong tbh, it’s a big factor. Women act very differently around me when I ask them if they wanna take it outside after they talk shit. So do men, but I have to act extra crazy with them.
Nobody expects it but I grew up in a trailer park and fear nobody kek

No. 2347613

Sadly it's not. I've been making garments for 20 years and my parents still say the same line when they visit about how you can "get a dress at Walmart for cheaper" in the same breath that they lament how all of their new clothes just don't last (or fit!) like they used to and wonder why I'm still able to wear stuff I made in high school. They literally think that a custom fitted egl dress with finished seams is the same as a shirred serger'd sundress you can buy at the local chain for $15 and don't understand that you're saving money by only needing to replace that dress every 10-15 years.

No. 2347632

Boomers who grew up with "respect your elders" thinking that translates to being able to treat younger people like shit with impunity then acting shocked pikachu when there are consequences like being disrespected right back because that's not how anything actually works.

No. 2347635

This is like 99% of estranged parent tiktok.

No. 2347651

lots of people just don't get the art of creating things, sadly. they don't have the joy in their hearts of making things that you like and find useful

No. 2347661

Post nut clarity isn't an innate physiological response. It's Pavlovian conditioning from watching porn. Moids who watch porn a lot end up feeling disgust at the degen videos but only after they finish. But they start to to rely on porn and seek out more and more extreme content. Then, their brains and bodies keep associating sexual pleasure with a feeling of disgust afterwards even when they get with a real life partner and have vanilla sex. From my experience, guys who don't or rarely watch porn don't get "post nut clarity".

No. 2347674

No. 2347696

Yeah, it's definitely the porn. I used to feel a similar disgust after I watched porn (thankfully I don't anymore), except it was never bad enough to affect my relationships. I had a guy tell me a while ago that 'all guys get it' and it was just an instant turn off and made me never want to involve myself with him. Anyone I've actually been with it just felt like we got closer afterwards and bonded emotionally over the physical intimacy. I guess it must have to do with the madonna whore complex too since those types of men can't fathom having sex with a woman and still loving her afterwards, they just see her as a slut or something so they get disgusted.

No. 2347699

Same. Slightly OT but I do wonder if there’s something unusual/wrong with me because I can’t have multiple orgasms back-to-back like women supposedly can. I get super sensitive/sleepy after one, more like a guy? When I watched porn, the negative emotional reaction was there too where I’m like “wtf did I just watch,” but I always have a physiological “drop” kinda like how I hear moids talk about post-nut clarity.

No. 2347706

nta but wouldn’t it just be from the rush of dopamine crashing? probably to varying degrees depending on your orgasm but i feel like that explains a lot of it.

No. 2347712

For me it depends, if the orgasm was particularly intense I can take a little while to get going again and feel tired too, but if it's less I'm more likely to have them back to back and not need much of a break.

No. 2347727

>I guess it must have to do with the madonna whore complex too since those types of men can't fathom having sex with a woman and still loving her afterwards
why is this sort of retardation so common in moids? I know women will purity shame other women too, but I find the whole thing gross. The number of previous partners doesn't really bother me that much. As long as they don't have any STDs and don't have a weird sex addiction I just don't see the issue with someone not being a virgin. I'd rather be with someone who had a few partners in the past but doesn't have weird hangups about sex than a virgin who is obsessed with 'body counts'.

No. 2347729

Might be overstimulating yourself. I also thought I couldn't have multiple orgasms but it was because I was being too "rough" as I was orgasming. It overloads your nerves or something (I don't know the science behind it, kek) and makes it hard to orgasm again.

No. 2347745

People who lie about the truth to suit their narratives.

No. 2347786

Not every woman can have 6 orgasms in a row anon, this isn't porn. Most of the time I'm also fine with just one.

No. 2347813

It's probably because most of them see sex as as this one sided power play and conquest where they dominate a woman and tarnish her rather than seeing it as an affectionate activity shared between lovers or 'making love'. So the more you've had sex the more you've been dirtied and lost your value supposedly in their mind, even though they'll also give any woman who is a virgin past a certain age shit for not having sex. It's just stupid

No. 2347861

I hate that I know exactly what video youre referring to and I hate that im laughing so hard from being reminded of it

No. 2347877

>Wasn't the boykisser furry a pedophile who ended up getting bullied off the internet?
If you mean the furry who made the meme, then yes. He was grooming underage furries on discord. If you mean the original boykisser artist then no. Mauzymice is still online and I think she was a teenager when her art got adopted by gay pedophiles

No. 2347893

File: 1736973533864.jpg (131.08 KB, 600x337, oppenheimer.jpg)

how Mauzymice must've felt seeing her mspaint doodle turn into what it's become

No. 2347916

The way anons seem to need to compartmentalize everything and want separate threads all the time. I've seen this across multiple threads and throughout /ot/ and /g/. It reminds me of Discord admins who would rather make 50 dead channels for their server instead of consolidating and having fewer active ones. Just a little pet peeve of mine.

No. 2347940

I would agree except I hate it when gender ideology hate topics leak outside of its corresponding threads. I already have to deal with them everywhere in my hobbies, I do not want to read about trannies being gross for the nth time AGAIN in something like mundane shit

No. 2347941

When people will only treat someone well if they like that specific person more and treat anyone else like dirt. I don't quite know how to articulate this, but nothing turns me off more than people who won't treat me well unless I've proved myself to them in some way. The type of people who generally don't treat people with a baseline of respect and think it has to be earned.

No. 2347943

I worded it poorly but I meant when anons want to further split an already existing thread. For example the anons who want to separate the art salt thread, I have way more examples but I won't list them for now.

No. 2347959

Isn't she a TIF?

No. 2347991

File: 1736979318610.jpg (47.2 KB, 665x515, Screenshot_1.jpg)

nope, and if she was before the whole boykisser shit probably peaked her

No. 2348163

I hate how i’m suppose to treat males like normal people. I mean seriously? Without even trying, im always hearing about some new low that men have managed to reach
>Indonesia orangutang prostitute
>Indian lizard rape
>Pelicot rape case
>the few males working as caretakers raping disabled and elderly people
>rape telegram with 70k men
>kero the wolf
It’s so bizarre that throughout human history, men always accuse some random race or ethnicities of being degenerates whilst so conveniently ignoring the fact that all the degenerates are all MALE. white males have raped and killed more people than women from ANY race. The problem is always MALES yet we are not allowed to point out the obvious. Humanity will never progress past it’s violence and degeneracy unless males fucking disapear.

No. 2348182

also there is a village in columbia that fucks donkeys as a holiday. Yup.

No. 2348185

For some reason men love raping donkeys. They are not people.

No. 2348193

Stop fucking them and birthing their spawn then. All of them came from women.

No. 2348296

So women are expected to be chaste and pretty and submissive and demure just so they can get paired off to some diseased fat balding turbo whore who fucks donkeys, objects, dead things, heaven forbid children and god knows what else. What a joke.

No. 2348305

Remembering something you saw a long time ago but not remembering enough to find it. Damn past me for never liking YouTube videos.

No. 2348361

File: 1736996672378.jpg (26.37 KB, 341x512, unnamed.jpg)

I watched this and hated it

No. 2348365


No. 2348367

Well, are they?

No. 2348368

Search your feelings.

No. 2348369

nta but i searched the documentary because it was curious and the scrote basically yes, men are pedos, wait no, sorry, ''ephebophiles'' yuck. They tell on themselves, dont they.

No. 2348372

the answer is yes by the way

No. 2348379

It's a dutch documentary about pedophilia/hebe, it doesn't really say anything new other than "in the old days girls matured faster than boys, and needed to produce as soon as possible. So that's why men want to fuck them, it's natural!" It's also narrated by a 14 year old model, which is just creepy

No. 2348381

File: 1736997783443.jpeg (406.6 KB, 1250x1337, IMG_8485.jpeg)

I am so mad at what happened to Emily Youcis. I thought maybe there was a chance she could be saved from her stupid nazi moid, but i didn’t realize she is this retarded. Reading about her, you would think she’s a 13 year old boy, not a women in her 30s with kids.
Emily was raped by a moid. A women never hurt her, yet here she is saying this shit. What the fuck? Men hate women for just existing and show it by murdering and raping us.
but men rape and beat us everyday and instead of hating males as they should, women become self hating misongynist. Genuinely pisses me off.
no race is inherently evil, it’s men who are inherently evil(literally scienticily proven that men are more violent and rapey AKA evil.). It’s so obvious That men are the true demons of this world, and i came to this conclusion in my teens, so it shocks me seeing women be like this.
Im guessing perhaps it’s hard to think of a world where women could free the world of men? Maybe it’s uncomfortable to think that 50% of the population consist of violent degenerates so they cope by accepting their perceived “inferiority” or coping by thinking that only other races of men are evil but not their own? The idea of riding the world of “lesser” races is more feasble than ridding the world of half of the population that holds the majority of the power(punching up).
Idk it just pisses me off how every single fucking culture and race treats women like shit . Even oppressed groups STILL opress their own women and don’t reconize the irony in it. We never even did anything to deserve our treatment whilst men are out here raping children, animals and genociding people yet somehow women face all this hatred.
I want this cycle of bullshit to fucking end already.

No. 2348388

Wait, was it finally revealed that she was murdered by that beady eyed little french faggot? That’s the disabled woman right?

No. 2348392

Core memory activated, i remember when the lolita community were mad over this and i remember how vindicating it felt when the documentary was trashed by normies. It also reminds me of another dutch/german(?) documentary who was interviewing a lolita and was trying so hard to paint the fashion as a fetish, literally asking her as she is putting together her co-ord if putting on bloomers turns her on. The interviewer was also interviewing random moids on the bus desperately trying to find one to say her outfit was erotic to them, luckily, most of them just found it weird. I hope i didn't forget to mention that this the interviewer was a woman, idk wtf her problem was. I remember in the youtube comments section people were calling her a weirdo.

No. 2348401

how are these dogs real?

No. 2348402

>are all men pedophiles
>are lolitas losers who need to get a fucking life and should just become drug dealers if they love autistically collecting useless crap
>was the creator of the film funny in generating lolita butthurt

No. 2348419

what did lolitas do to you to make you praise a open pedophile like the director of the movie

No. 2348424

I thought the director was a woman???

No. 2348428

File: 1736999699368.jpg (228.68 KB, 943x988, MV5BN2RjYWRjY2MtODdmYy00YmY5LT…)

NTA but where did you get that idea from?

No. 2348430

File: 1736999765665.png (1.35 MB, 1094x1142, lmfaoooooooooooooo.png)

no, its this ugly manlet nigga on the left(racebait)

No. 2348432

The lolita community got the last laugh on this. Still going to continue collecting useless crap, whilst you defend a film correlating men being pedos being justification for normalising pedophilia.

No. 2348433

This site was created by /cgl/ users

No. 2348561

fuck cuboids

No. 2348573

She's too chickenshit to blame her actual abusers so she's lashing out at easier targets instead.

No. 2348614

"Analog horror". Does anyone actually find it scary? Some excuse it with the idea that it's more supposed to be psychologically interesting or something but it doesn't even do that right. The most interesting "psychological" analog horror is probably something like "what if the ugly duckling got ANGRY at its mistreatment and took REVENGE on its family" like cool, that trope has been written quadrillions of times. Vidrel for a nice mockery of it.

No. 2348626

The only people who think this shit is scary are children. No adult should be finding it scary. From the beginning, I always thought analog horror was boring. What even is the exact plot of Mandela Catalogue at this point? And Urbanspook's tantrum on Twitter was hilarious, but what he did right was calling that faggot Pastra an "autist". His analog is shit-tier, but he made a point about too much analog horror the recycled trope of "Oh look, childhood thing looks cute and innocent but is actually EVUL!". Not just analog horror makers, but game developers too. It's like people saw Fnaf come out in 2014, and never stopped trying to routinely copy the appeal that it's a twisted take on something resembling your childhood.

No. 2348665

>Estimates of the prevalence of bestiality in studies up to 2016 ranged from 5% to 8% for men and 3% to 4% for women.
I'm surprised women also sexually assault donkeys because I thought it would just be men.

No. 2348678

As the other anon said, they're mostly appealing to children. It's like baby's first scawy story, they're like the old creepypastas, except the creepypastas were both funnier and creepier when we didn't know their origins. Analog horrors use so many horror tropes that they become exaggerated and not in a good way, they're ridiculous. Urbanspook was the worst offender and people clowned on him for a good reason. He wanted to write a creepy murder mystery and instead made up descriptions and crimes so outlandish in an effort to make them spoooky that no one could seriously get into it.

No. 2348775

Admittedly, analog horror has become so saturated with amateurish drivel trying desperately to be the next The Mandela Catalogue (mediocre at best) or The Walten Files (same again) that it's pretty much just a meme at this point, however, the idea of a horror video formatted as though it were a TV broadcast or videotape is not inherently cringe, at least in my opinion. I think a lot of attention-hungry copycats are ruining the name of a really interesting style of videomaking by treating analog as a genre with a set of strict, boring tropes that must be followed to maximize views instead of just a format that you can tell any sort of story with. There are good examples of analog horror out there, interestingly all (or at least mostly) predating 2020 and the release of TWF. They're very popular so forgive me if you're already familiar, but I'd personally recommend Local58 and some Adult Swim videos (particularly Live Forever as You Are Now, Unedited Footage of a Bear, This House Has People in It and the latter two's accompanying websites (also The Sculptor's Clayground but that's technically part of THHPII)). I've linked what I think is Local58's best video, since it's the shortest of the list at 3 minutes long, for your perusal.

No. 2348882

Ntayrt but I really like the idea of analog horror but the execution tends to be cringy and bland.
>the idea of a horror video formatted as though it were a TV broadcast or videotape is not inherently cringe, at least in my opinion.
I think part of the reason why a lot of these videos turn me off is because they don't feel like real tapes or news reports. They just look so purposefully and poorly man made. The lack of authenticity and realism is what makes me roll my eyes.

No. 2348917


double nta but I'd like to add gemini home entertainment to this list, it's not as good as the ones mentioned but still decent imo, had me up all night thinking about it

I'm actually still scared of the stupid fucking googly eyes gabriel from mandela catalogue, how do I snap out of it? My mind likes to present me with the mandela catalogue sus face (sometimes to spice it up it's smile dog) when I close my eyes in the shower

No. 2348922

I hate when you defend another anon and then whoever was infighting with them starts attacking you like you're the same fucking person. Why is it so hard for some of you to understand that not every anon is the same person? NTA!

No. 2348929

same, and even if you say "nta" they just start mocking that part and accuse you of lying or samefagging

No. 2349107

People who care too much about the approval of others and what strangers think to the detriment of their relationships with the people they care about. My mother will berate me for a meaningless comment I made in public that she worried strangers would find "weird," saying that I embarrass her. The strangers probably forgot about it, and I will never encounter them again in my life, but my mom cares so much about what they think that she's willing to hurt me over and over again, treating me like I'm a child who constantly humiliates her. She struggles to make friends because people sense how desperate she is for approval, and they're put off because she's trying too hard. Then she comes crying to me about how cruel and ungrateful everyone is to her. Her shitty parents neglected her as a child and she now intends to make it everyone else's problem. If she weren't related to me by blood, I wouldn't associate with her, because I despise people with her desperate martyr personality type.

No. 2349357

File: 1737063642623.png (330.01 KB, 500x548, Ill-Have-You-Know-Spongebob.3.…)

I hate how everyone and their dogs are claiming they have autism (and claim to be disabled on top of that). It's such a disservice to people who have a real disability especially autists who are low functioning. Being socially awkward and being into something for an extended period of time does not make you autistic.

No. 2349591

The problem is that most of them are made by literal children.

No. 2349690

nta I forget that but you're right. Kinda makes me wanna encourage them now.

No. 2349697

Pontiac Robotics Archive takes the tropiness of most analogue horror series and fully embraces how weird it is, which ironically does make it scarier. They make a lot of very creepy videos with a high "what the fuck" factor.

No. 2349709

File: 1737080050306.png (460.5 KB, 578x899, analogue horror.png)

I hate it more than creepypastas. At least creepypastas werent ashamed of being cringe self-indulgent stories to scare children, but analogue horror wants to be 2deep4u and the creators actually think the low quality videos they shit out are good writting. Most of them are absolute trash and just piss on the medium they are mocking, like the tranny puppet show based on the 70s or the spoopy dress up game thats supposed to be from the 00s but has the most generic 2020 tiktok artstyle

No. 2349738

The only analog horror channel I consistently liked was Gemini home entertainment, the fnaf ones tend to be hit or miss

No. 2349775

File: 1737083346512.jpeg (78.21 KB, 750x470, IMG_3467.jpeg)

>29k likes to this comment because some girl on the internet accidentally broke her sink
We are seriously doomed, like it’s over actually

No. 2349808

File: 1737084818499.jpg (101.45 KB, 736x853, 6de8d77d7ce6e691bc3a30b560570a…)

Looking at cute fanart might help kek.

No. 2349891

File: 1737087637765.jpeg (27.25 KB, 630x420, b8ff0335143534357b3287d384cad0…)

Everything I want to say about this faggot will get me redtext'd for alogging.

No. 2350195

I don't like soup, it's a very boring meal to eat and I don't understand why people go crazy over it.

No. 2350236

just turn him into a fetish. He's a pretty fallen angel with a monstrous evil side. Like thats hot.

No. 2350242

What kind of soup do you eat..?

No. 2350257

Soups where all the vegetables are mixed together.

No. 2350847

File: 1737141903186.jpg (Spoiler Image,336.7 KB, 720x720, 1000009182.jpg)

AYRT, I completely agree with you and I think the poor quality is another symptom of the laziness of modern analog horror, and the 'trendification' (coining that now) of making art for online consumption as a whole. There's this prevailing mindset of, I have to pump out a whole series before this microtrend dies, who has time to do any actual research, or writing, or learn Adobe After Effects? I'll just make a CliffsNotes version of whatever got the most views on YouTube and slap the first royalty free VHS filter I find over it! And I'll have to check out Gemini Home Entertainment again. I think I may have seen a little bit but never caught up with it, thank you for the recommendation! As thanks, please take my small effort to help with your phobia. He is featured under the spoiler and he is hopefully no longer very scary. I hope you like him.

No. 2350901

File: 1737144992953.jpg (85.98 KB, 720x671, 2503283029390002.jpg)

To each their own, I guess.

No. 2350912

I cant get over the fact that this woman is only 25 years old and looks like a 40 something genderswap of Cillian Murphy

No. 2350936

Maybe that one "study" about semen basically being biological, radioactive waste was right. That would very much explain why she looks "aged" at just 25.
And over 1000 men in just 24 hours? That just doesn't strike me as chronologically or physically possible. I can believe the "100 men in one day" challenge because that number seems relatively reasonable even if it's still ridiculous, but over 1000? In just 24 hours? What would that even look like? Come on, that title has to be fucking with us.

No. 2350963

I think it was actually 12 hours so each guy got like a 40 second dip as calculated by Birdman on youtube

No. 2350971

i don’t think any of this is real at all

No. 2350972

File: 1737148428732.jpg (891.3 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_2025-01-17-22-13-10…)

Yeah I also think she doesn't look human

No. 2351082

This trend lately of women having sex with tons of men for attention just reads to me as rage bait content to validate that retarded perception incels have that every woman surely has sex with hundreds of men on a daily basis and that we're all whores. I can totally see them using these stories as a way to confirm their delusional theories about how every single woman has a body count of 300 or whatever by the time she's 25, especially since they get their entire perspective on women from porn to begin with.

No. 2351087

that is clearly a woman at least ten years older than she is claiming to be. also ewww omg like i believe men are like this. but WHY. did it like add to it to make a disgusting fucking mess as well? why were they just throwing condoms around and allowed to if this is real. crazy biohazard. a trash can wasn’t possible? they could coordinate 1000 men to have sex for one second each but not a rubbish bin?

No. 2351090

god yeah you have to be right. this is EXACTLY what men wish we are all like.

No. 2351101

>40 second dip from each male
I considered this to be a possibility, but I thought it was too stupid. So she really did manage to do this by gathering enough random men and organizing them in some kind of single file line with each guy getting forty seconds max with her pussy? She treats her own vagina like it's a hot potato at Golden Corral.

No. 2351110

I always wonder how these women aren't scared of all those moids? Most normal women already start to feel uncomfortable if they're the only woman in a room with more than 1 moid but she's surrounded by dozens at a time and 100s waiting in front of her door. What if one of them suddenly decides to choke her, slap her and all the others join in (because that's what moids do) and they just rape her until she's dead, what would be stopping them?

No. 2351124

File: 1737154314774.webp (17.24 KB, 876x493, 66dfb55d20d020.87705918.jpeg)

I hate Ryan Seacrest and his ugly grating voice. I'm going to stop listening to I Heart podcasts because of his stupid ads.

No. 2351134

He's so obnoxious

No. 2351152

Ever since he began hosting Wheel of Fortune I‘ve been suffering.

No. 2351156

it was supposedly filmed and she obviously had staff there but you are looking for common sense in someone who looks and behaves like a sex bot. There's nothing to find there. This is not a human.

No. 2351276

I also hate his style of hosting WOF. It's so grating. Every real wheelhead I talk to echoes the same sentiments. He's a blight on the illustrious history of WOF. He's shit at interviews but he's even more shit at hosting gameshows. It doesn't help that he looks so botched. He doesn't deserve to breath the same air that Vanna White breaths. Fuck him. It's 2025 he can come out of the closet but he won't because he's too much of a coward. The only good thing about him is that his toupée is always glued down well.

No. 2351292

File: 1737160536012.png (56.94 KB, 1193x153, 116.png)

just gonna add this

No. 2351315

File: 1737161088121.png (309.11 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20250117-164249~2.p…)

Kinda ot but I hate how when the lily phillips thing came out there were so many stupid takes like picrel

No. 2352187

I hate almost all males who have an interest in fashion, especially the straight ones. I refer here not to men who simply dress well, but to men who have favourite designers, run a blog or youtube account, are unaccountably elitist, etc.
Lobotomised Fantano

No. 2352317

I saw at least a few women comparing viral whore to Gisele's case. Women have no shame

No. 2352628

File: 1737239354592.png (450.37 KB, 467x1664, Untitled198_20250118135835~2.p…)

>think entire group of people are all raycis low IQ criminals
>Still want to date the women from said group anyways
I don't understand this thought process at all. And I hate it because if these types do breed then they end up with self hating sons, and mixed daughters who they sexualize/act creepy towards to. Asian and Latino men are already self hating, so I'm not looking forward to a future where lee Sanchez on r/hapas complains about his Chinese father calling him racial slurs. Asian men are trying so hard to imitate the worst aspects of white moids while claiming to hate them

No. 2353121

File: 1737263834883.png (19.83 KB, 247x412, abcdef123.PNG)

Ask for a virgins first born and the head of a goat god, too, why don't you? It's a stupid online account, not a banking one, my password shouldn't need an entire novels worth of characters ffs.

No. 2353156

I got that the other day for a random fucking portal account at work, it was for like accepting job requests rather than anything sensitive. Why do they need so much security, is someone gonna hack it and do my job for me??

Also my biggest pet peeve with passwords is that I know exactly what sort of password I would create based on the requirements, but when I have to enter my password for a specific account I have no clue what the requirements are. Like, did this website need a capital and a number? Did it want a special character too? Just tell me on the login page and I'll know exactly what to enter!!

No. 2353174

File: 1737266523937.jpeg (286.3 KB, 417x781, IMG_2625.jpeg)

I hate Pinterest ads and I hate makeup ads. Especially ads from this particular makeup brand. Never have I seen a model in one of their ads with natural lips. This weird face along with the emphasis on stickiness is setting something off in my fet detection alert system. This looks like a niche fetish from deviant art. I don’t know why I get ads like this if I don’t save anything relating to makeup. I keep selecting ‘not interested.’ I don’t understand how women who wear makeup see promos like these and don’t get weirded out. The squish on the cheeks is freaking me out.

No. 2353178

Seeing different forms of media or art (or really anything) through a comparative lense. Ex. saying A is this generations B. Can't things just exist as they are?

No. 2353337

>Why do they need so much security, is someone gonna hack it and do my job for me??
Unironically yes. A good hacker can use that as a vulnerability to dig deeper into the system of the corporation you're working for easily. An example that I enjoy and studied in cybersecurity was SQL injection. Where a text field can be exploited to delete and change admin privileges in the SQL code and manage to change stored data in the database for any nefarious reasons. There was another attack I learned about where they simply exploit the return address of the memory and crash your laptop. Hackers are insanely creative with this stuff. They even invented their own programming language to combat security measures at some point. By forcing you to be secure in every layer, the company reduces the risk of being attacked. And a good cryptography algorithm can frustrate a hacker enough to give up on attempting to attack the website/system. If they can't crack an employees password for a simple task, they're less likely to try and attack deeper more important parts of the system. You also can never tell what would they exploit to attack, so it's better to err on the side of caution.

No. 2353456

>"omg this guy dresses so well compared to other men"
>it's the same basic, baggy, all-black clothes

No. 2353770

File: 1737297287493.png (137.25 KB, 1200x600, be2z7yb30usb1.png)

Wales not getting any representation on the Union Jack. The Welsh dragon would look cool and unique af. Ireland gets more representation than Wales and they are mostly not even a part of it anymore.
Justice for Cymru

No. 2353771

This does look cool.

No. 2353773

It looks tacky and tryhard, plus why would any brand want their makeup to be associated with stickiness? I know it's "brow glue" but it gives such an uncomfortable vibe.

No. 2353784

Making the makeup bottles look like glue was a choice. Nyx is weird

No. 2353804

I hate caricatures, I don't even want to search and save one to give as an exemple. They're so ugly, embarrassing and unfunny

No. 2353805

Do you mean those big head stuff?

No. 2353811

Yeah the ones that exaggerate people's features in a very ugly way

No. 2354022

File: 1737308553793.mp4 (10.22 MB, 720x1280, Mt-Sp6zhIv1Gp-dx.mp4)

>gay moid influencers who purchased baby boys through the surrogacy, show them off for the camera

No. 2354052

"All the hot men are gay" is a psyop and here is my proof your honor

No. 2354064

That baby couldn’t care less about him kek. She even rolled her eyes at the end.

No. 2354067

I'll take the plunge, Nona. I want to bludgeon this fucker every time I see his face. Same goes for Faggy Healy.

No. 2354129

both are boys

No. 2354557

File: 1737326405682.png (68.27 KB, 213x267, 1715184430551.png)

>both are boys
The police better surveil these faggots considering the recent fag child rape surrogate case.

No. 2354723

File: 1737334420172.png (685.02 KB, 955x763, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 05-49…)

reminds me of this article I came across on ovarit, didn't know where else to post but it fits here

>How Legalizing Surrogacy Helps Activists ‘Queer Babies’

>A psychology journal publishes a gay father arguing ‘surrogate babies are queer creatures by default’ ‘given their prenatal history.’

>In December, gay father Balázs Boross published “Queering babies: (Auto)ethnographic reflections from a gay parent through surrogacy” in the journal Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society. The essay “explores how encounters with [a surrogate baby] disrupt or confirm normative expectations about the ‘babyness’ of babies, the ‘parentness’ of parents.”
>Boross suggests “surrogate babies are queer creatures by default,” “given their prenatal history,” and “that queerness can serve as a window into the queerness of all babies.”
>Evolutionary biologist and Manhattan Institute fellow Colin Wright condemned the “autoethnographic account” as depicting the “sexualization of infants.” He noted the somewhat “animalistic and perverse” nature of Boross discussing his daughter’s instinctual search for a breast during early skin-to-skin contact, and framing the connection between parent and child as inherently “gendered and sexual.”

the introduction of said essay
>This essay focuses on the figure of the surrogate baby and explores how encounters with this figure disrupt or confirm normative expectations about the ‘babyness’ of babies, the ‘parentness’ of parents, and the interactions between these two. Given their prenatal history, surrogate babies are queer creatures by default: their becoming and existence have to be negotiated through a set of institutionally defined normativities. But can this queerness—whether imagined, experienced, or discursively produced—serve as a window to the queerness of all babies and how standards of normalcy are formed in the world they are born into? In this essay, I construct an autoethnographic account in dialogue with a collection of personal narratives from same-sex and different-sex parents to address the performative and relational aspects of this queerness—something that is not fixed but produced and attributed according to one’s horizon of expectations. I consider three domains where this process most evocatively comes to the fore: the nature-affect-technology nexus in conception stories, the exoticization of the newly formed families by bystanders and acquaintances, and the parental anxieties that emerge in envisioning the children’s preferred futures. Snapshots from these domains, complemented with stories of different-sex parents, will reveal how dialectics of absence and abundance are always at work in the hierarchies that produce babies—queer or unqueer. Alluding to the notion of double-liminality, I conclude with the epistemological challenges involved in this informal project and the ontological paradoxes of coexisting in time as babies and parents.

No. 2354753

All babies need a mother figure or a mother in their lives. Babies grown inside a woman and this is why skin to skin is so important. This is insane to label babies are queer from birth. Wow, I'm a lesbian and i fucking hate faggots. Keep faggots away from children. Surrogacy is evil

No. 2354769

Two moms makes way more sense than two dads. Women have to raise kids in absence of a male figure all the fucking time (due to deadbeat disease being so prominent in moids), so I don't see what the problem is having 2 women.

No. 2354774

I agree. Two moms are fine. Men in general are a biological thread to children imo. It's crazy how lazy they are. They wont even learn how to raise a child properly

No. 2354778

>They won't even learn how to raise a child properly
Nona they can't even learn compassion and empathy. At best, they can project themselves onto their children (like the faggots are projecting their disgusting faggotry onto those poor innocent babies)
I wish there was a major political party that was willing to oppress men for once. Fag moids shouldn't be legally allowed to raise kids due to the high risk of abuse but lesbians should be legally allowed to start families whether that's through sperm donation or adoption.

No. 2354808

reading "you're so tiny!" shit online. it sounds incredibly insufferable.

No. 2354877

File: 1737341302567.jpg (64.84 KB, 798x490, a_290115trathaikaren0564_1acjm…)

these neck rings

No. 2354906

File: 1737342329183.jpg (53.82 KB, 1200x366, shutup.JPG)

I hate these types of stupid posts. These are cope-posts for people who don't understand how their actions affect other people and frankly, don't want to. Nobody is asking you to be inauthentic. Authenticity is an umbrella term they use to describe "doing whatever I want, when I want, without regard for others, and if others respond to my carelessness, callousness and inconsiderateness, well they just don't want me to be my authentic self!" It's always the retards that act like they've done so much for the world and now it's time for the world to give back. News flash, you stupid bitch, that never happens. Instead of calling it authenticity, just say that you're selfish. Stop describing yourself with words that you choose because they lack the connotations and contexts for how people react to your behavior. You know what would be authentic? Not hiding your behaviors behind a shitty, watered down explanation like "I'm just living my trooth!"

No. 2354921

I think about these every day too I hate them so much

No. 2354940

All the popular posts on twitter look like this and its basically just
>how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real, get your money up

No. 2354980

File: 1737346716502.jpeg (819.3 KB, 1125x1694, IMG_7531.jpeg)

Tired of onlyfans whores promoting prostitution to young children through cutesy tiktoks and memes. Between this and the bop house, it can all burn.

No. 2354982

People who bitch and moan that i dont show up for their feminization emotional labor "not selfish" torture fest. Go nail yourself to a fucking cross and die there please.
It never adds up to anything you're just slaving away at mcdonalds or some torturous corporate job. we're all getting screwed by patriarchal swine the same way in the end. god shut the fuck up(a-logging)

No. 2355356

I had an ex who bought into this shit perfectly. I'm the "unreasonable" one for expecting her to actually do anything in the relationship. It's the excuse of lazy partners who don't want to put any effort in.

No. 2355359

What are you even talking about, schizo?

No. 2355367

Yeah, I see a lot of girls on TikTok posting about wanting an older man to take care of them, it’s honestly a trend at this point based on how much I see it. Feels like a weird psyops if I’m being completely honest.

No. 2355411

People who try to humanize apex predators.
>look at the great white shark swim near surfers, this proves they don't mindlessly attack!
>see that lion hug it's keeper? it really loves their keeper!
They're just not hungry. Humans aren't special exceptions to them.

No. 2355465

File: 1737383808973.png (267.53 KB, 1080x873, 1000019098.png)

I get the lion part but most sharks don't deliberately eat humans, especially great whites. They only attack humans if they confuse them for other animals, like seals. They aren't malicious towards humans, just stupid

No. 2355489

Uh no, tons of sharks deliberatly stalk and consume humans. They're opportunistic feeders. "They only confuse them for seals," is a lie.

No. 2355500

Idk, I tend to believe the other anon, just look at that stupid face

No. 2355502

File: 1737385506340.jpeg (599.63 KB, 1839x2200, 08973ABE-E2A6-4845-8F19-50F9D5…)

Is this advanced bait? There have been 69 shark attacks and 10 people have died from it in 2023. Humans kill millions upon millions of sharks for the illegal trade. Mosquitos would be considered a human apex predator atp kek.

No. 2355511

Maybe if sharks had the advantage on land like we do at hunting them at sea, there'd be millions of dead people too. Braindead argument.
>humans kill millions of sharks every year!
So? We kill a fuckload of dogs too but nobody says rover had some mistaken identity at the outrage when one kills a human.

No. 2355558

My country has plenty of bears and wolves. 0 people here have been killed by wild bears and wolves combined in the last 20 years.
Just because animals are predators doesn't mean they kill and eat everything they see, most of them are so specialized in their prey they ignore plenty of creatures they could have eaten if they tried it.

No. 2355619

>0 people here have been killed by wild bears and wolves combined in the last 20 years
Could it be because humans are finding themselves less in their elements and not that bears and wolves are cuddly creatures with no feelings of hunger given the opportunity to take out a human to satisfy that?

No. 2355729

You're one of those retards that insists everywhere that they are being authentic while being a huge BPD bitch to everyone around you and expecting them to labor for you? Because that's what I'm talking about. Stop acting like a victim because someone expected you to consider their needs over yours for once

No. 2355739

Most animals (there are obviously exceptions) don't really consider us "food" because of our strange upright body shapes. A lot of wild animal attacks happen because the human was being retarded, or wandered into its territory and pissed it off/scared it. Also, most of the famous historical man-eaters had something wrong with them which stopped them hunting their usual prey. It annoys me too when people try to Disneyfy nature, but they're not mindless unfeeling machines either kek

No. 2355839

Or, you know, because they are hungry and a human presented a convenient opportunity to be used as food.
>also, most of the famous historical man-eaters had something wrong with them which stopped them hunting their usual prey
You're proving the point that they are opportunistic eaters.

No. 2355919

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Even considering deaths caused by marine animals, you're more likely to be killed by a box jellyfish, or a cone snail. Picrel kills more 20,000 times more people in a year than great whites kill in decades via their parasites

No. 2356207

An argument isn't being made about snails or jellyfish or even marinelife in particular?

No. 2356447

File: 1737410832299.jpg (410.79 KB, 1200x1700, 05151527_02_a52d58d5-6127-4ea6…)

I loathe the brand "lacemade", it's so gaud and corny. I don't get how people can buy that crap and feel "fancy" or "princess-like" in any way, shape, or form. It's tacky and only people with no self awareness would wear such thing.

No. 2356457

No. 2356474

I feel sorry for you

No. 2356476

why can’t i want to wear pretty dresses

No. 2356482

I just watched this video a couple days ago, along with another video of her trying to fix the dress with the shitty cups. It's literally fast fashion trash for the similar types of people who get into lolita but are perpetual itas because their main priority is to acquire as much attention on social media as possible on a budget. I can't believe she thought that trash bag looking skirt was cute.
They look pretty in the picture, but in person they are garbage.

No. 2356498

This is just unwearable shein tier clothes for instathots that listen to Lana del Rey but are too old to pull out a coquette outfit anymore.

No. 2356549

Because they're ugly as shit and look like something a toddler would pick, trying to look grown

No. 2356652

I like it but I do admit to liking gaudy and corny.

No. 2356667

i like it too. its sexy and would fit me like a glove

No. 2356685

Scented toilet paper. I'm literally covering it in my shit and piss, it doesn't need to smell good. Scented toilet paper is only scented to ruin the health of women's vaginas.

No. 2356698

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This looks like they tried to make a dress from, like, 7 different time periods.

No. 2356701

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Shark sympathizer!

No. 2356706

Tell me she doesn't look incredible here. This is like something out of Wild Wild West

No. 2357374

That gel polishes aren't sold in stores. I would like to be able to stop by walmart and grab a gel polish, not order it off Amazon and wait days for it to arrive.

No. 2357410

That last outfit was hideous as hell

No. 2357456

Scented toilet paper is a thing? Did you know Costco toilet paper causes some women yeast infections. Women are constantly being plotted on

No. 2357574

Nta, but yeah. I stayed in an airbnb in London and they had such obnoxious strawberry-scented toilet tissue. It was disgusting.

No. 2357703

How all fantasy books that had super detailed covers (I'm talking protag on cover, fancy magic details, font art etc) have switched their covers to AI-looking minimalist slop. Like sometimes a book should be judged by its cover and if it looks shit I'm not touching it

No. 2357776

I have been buying significantly fewer books because of this. If the cover is shit I'd rather just download it and read it on Kindle, I'm not going to display it in my home library

No. 2357798

So true. You can be authentic and not be a piece of shit. Showing up consistently and authentically should be the ideal for anyone you care about, it's not one or the other. It's all just excuses for their retarded avoidant behaviors and not giving a fuck about anyone around them. These types of people genuinely make the world a worse place to be in because even the most well meaning people will get tired of being on the receiving end of this shit and become jaded when they're surrounded by these selfish fucks.

No. 2357818

I hate them too, they look like placeholders in a mockup instead of a real book

No. 2359580

These kids are going to grow up to be Taliban-level homophobes kek

No. 2361797

File: 1737643468625.jpg (279.36 KB, 736x1307, 4977f2229e81366ede8931743e8d48…)

I really like fashion, but a few days ago I watched a video on TikTok about how fashion is political, which is generally true. What I hate is the number of clueless people who think it's mandatory to dress a certain way to express their ideologies. The comments on the video, for example, were full of people asking how they should dress, what things they should buy and from where… It's just performing at that point, larping as someone whose fashion choices are political.
On the other hand, I hate how many young people, especially on the internet, associate having a personality or not being an NPC with the way they dress. Not everyone cares about fashion as much as you do, and it's possible that many of those people judging others have their way of dressing as their only personality trait.

No. 2361802

File: 1737643684465.jpg (136.49 KB, 736x981, 6f410b673ed7c7df5a8aec72651db1…)

Mullets. Curly mullets. Unnatural color curly mullets. Gen z women with unnatural color curly mullets.

No. 2361810

>fashion is political
>which is generally true

No. 2361839

it's annoying but it's also funny. when you say you didn't like a show/movie/game etc because it was too on-the-nose with its themes/treats the audience like they're dumb and fans respond like "you just didn't understand how deep and layered it is you low IQ brainlet!!" when you did understand it, you just weren't impressed by it. it's like it's incomprehensible to "understand" the media they like and still criticise it

No. 2361864

File: 1737647837854.png (165.32 KB, 300x387, aesthetic_cat.png)

I liked the FFA (reddit female fashion advice) hate thread from a while ago, though it was kind of secondhand ragebait for anyone who doesn't wring her hands over whether her neutral ballet flats are timeless enough. It's rare to see people openly criticize how neurotic, anxious, and fun-hating online culture around fashion tends to be. They really do deliberate over buying one pair of brown leggings (to go with their five black pairs) as if it's a Che beret.
And when I do see someone with a cool style online, there's a wave of responses from retards asking how to build a Shein capsule wardrobe for the aesthetic of the day. I think this contributes to the binge-purge consumerism cycle around clothes.
It was also often pointed out that many people who post highly stylized / OTT trendy outfits online wear nothing but casual NPC athleisure in public. People who act this way are soul sisters with those who go to the hairdresser and ask for their curly hair to be cut into a sleek bob with anime bangs, then say it looks good while they cry inside over the result.

No. 2361865

File: 1737647938223.jpg (36.81 KB, 612x834, f064d6bdec60602003d5fa33d679a8…)

People who make videos about quitting social media. Just fucking quit. Feeling the need to announce it to randoms on the internet is still feeding the social media beast. JUST GET OFF

No. 2361872

kek funkyfrogbait on youtube

No. 2361959

This is me with Evangelion

No. 2361979

I get the opposite occasionally. I like a thing, then people sperg at me about all the deep themes, metaphors, etc and get mad when I don't "get it" like them. Sometimes the curtains were blue because the author liked blue. Sometimes fun things are fun. Not everything needs an autistic 5 hour Youtube video to really understand it.

No. 2362057

Anons who go into threads they don’t like purely to complain and infight lol

No. 2362135

Visa companies allowing White sex pest moids to travel to thirdie countries alone and the moids having the gall to try and pick up underage girls there, there should be restrictions on moids like thati fucking saw a moid like that today and had to tell him to that the girl he was trying to flirt with was underage and couldn't understand english and to fuck off, fucker thought he was being smart as if all thirdies cant understand english

No. 2362267

That fast food restaurants don't offer meals without drinks. I don't want a drink from you people!

No. 2362309

Me with Death Stranding. I "get it". The game's just a fucking waste of my time.

No. 2362330

i hate how much i keep getting heartburn reeeee

No. 2362553

Take a break from the dating scene and focus on building yourself up. Focusing on yourself and learning to love yourself before you get into relationships and romance is important to avoid this in the future!

No. 2362560

File: 1737680057446.jpg (109.7 KB, 1500x843, 90-day-Fiance-1-e2a6e1a256d24c…)

she has the same face as ari from 90 day fiance

No. 2362567

Maybe nonnie meant in the same way art can be political even if it's just those abstract paint bucket poors: artist/wearer says it's political so it is

No. 2362571

File: 1737680423122.png (76.79 KB, 1500x1000, 1000001136.png)

I think anon meant heartburn from acid reflux, sweet anon kek

No. 2362575

Her face and head shape pissed me off so much kek I know it's mean but why does she look like that? Her man is such a bum too

No. 2362578

I hate that the body stores b12 and I can't be assed buying a bunch of replacements for my multivitamin just to avoid b12. Why do I consume so much b12 compared to others why am I so detrimentally healthy

No. 2362581

That means you either eat too much or the food is too acidic. Either reduce the amount or eat more alkaline foods and drink lots of water.

No. 2362600

That's a thing…? Ew… That sounds really gross. No offense to the OP but there must be something wrong with her. I've never had this maybe it's because I'm really healthy and naturally thin. This is really disturbing news I feel grossed out after reading about it. Thanks for ruining my day.(*bones rattling*)

No. 2362686

Twitter bimbo.

No. 2362688

No. 2362689

Nta but what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2362742

File: 1737688729029.jpeg (159.68 KB, 1290x1283, IMG_9086.jpeg)

When men wear a formal shirt and you can see the fucking undershirt it looks so bad

No. 2362743

It looks whorish.

No. 2362752

Vests are for kids it looks retarded

No. 2362756

Is that the Geico caveman

No. 2362758

Nona I'm literally 106 lbs and it happens to me. Like another nona said, it's often from eating too fast or from eating something too acidic. Stress can also increase your likelihood of experiencing it.

No. 2362766

basically. He's a jihadi mountain autist named islam makhachev hes a UFC dude

No. 2362789

I hate how pcos gave me a hairy and bloated chin despite not being fat

No. 2362814

I hate women who share a similar struggle or disability or trauma to another woman. And instead of being supportive, they decide the other person doesn’t have it as bad or is lying.

No. 2362816

pcos is so evil

No. 2362818

same. but i can't stop drinking coffee which is the main culprit

No. 2363393

File: 1737731396776.jpg (77.12 KB, 605x958, 9d2426edaa60fd82c5707329451477…)

I have PCOS and very hairy genes thanks to my dad, I understand you nona. If it makes you feel better I have hair everywhere. I hate how much it has affected my self esteem and how even has made me think about becoming a TIF, I've been doing better lately though. Now I just tell myself I'm like a fuzzy cat kek.

No. 2363450

This happens with any media opinions and just politics in general nowadays. If you don't agree with troons surely you just don't know enough and need to be educated. Some may have those opinions simply from ignorance but the way people assume you can't know more and still disagree is retarded.

No. 2363454

I hate cooking it’s so boring annoying takes forever and is impossible to follow and then clean up also takes forever it’s the worst chore like just Soylent me up so I can be nutrated for the week I don’t care

No. 2363474

Americans who ignore all the different nationality threads in /ot/and think that everyone here must be a burger or possibly their enemy, the british.

No. 2363495

File: 1737735958908.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.73 KB, 720x643, 1000051347.jpg)

They want us so bad

No. 2363643

She looks so cute though. I might show up to the hairdresser with this picture next time I go

No. 2364062

When people say I'm anti fun just because I don't want to play their shitty games or join in on their stupid "ironic" banter. I don't get why people in general always jump to this assumption that you must hate fun just because your sense of humor isn't the same as theirs and also get upset if you have any sort of moral backbone at all. I've spent hours joking around with friends who didn't have shit humor and didn't just play the same lame games but sure it's totally a me thing…Not. They don't even stop for one second to think they're the ones who aren't fun to hang out with so of course I wouldn't really want to play anything with them.

No. 2364072

Kind of related to this but I hate when people say retarded puns and then wait for you to laugh it's so tiring to fake chuckle.

No. 2364112

No. 2364216

I've had many changes of heart throughout my years on this site (like how I feel about "kek"), but one thing that will never stop annoying me is anons unnecessarily telling other anons to sage. The only time I sage is A. out of habit, or B. because it's required.

No. 2364517

I've always hated this fucking video and channel because there's a line in there about the little girl from The Land Before Time who was murdered by her father and it's so distasteful to include it in a quirky song (along with an animation of her being killed and buried), it's not stuff that jokingly "ruins your chilhood" it's fucking horrible

No. 2364625

I hated that whole channel. Ugly and aggressively millennial humor.

No. 2364657

"Hey sweet pea"

No. 2364669

I'm tearing up while reading the story of her and her family. Judith was tormented all her life by her father and he shot her and her mother. Her half siblings died young/prematurely too. Her brother, Barna was an alcoholic because of the trauma and stress and fell off a bridge and drowned at 38 and her sister Agi died of cancer at 50 (severe stress can cause or exacerbate illness). I hope all family annihilators are burning in hell. This is so tasteless.

No. 2364676

he did it out of jealousy too. Imagine a grown ass scrote being jealous that his daughter is talented and successful. They lived off her paycheck too. Men are such parasites.

No. 2364692

The abuse was a very well known thing, too. Almost everybody in their immediate family knew, and outsiders as well. Her pig of a father fathered children with a woman before Judith's mother, and that relationship fell apart due to his abuse.
The last thing she said to her older half-sister was asking her to take her with her as she was scared her father was going to do something and her half-sister replied,
>"I told her that he had hurt [Barna and me] as children, but everything was alright in the end. It was only a temporary situation. I told her that she had to be strong, and I'll never forget the look in her eyes as we left."

No. 2364711

let's cry together

No. 2364845

File: 1737772702629.jpg (3.24 MB, 3464x3464, 1000116429.jpg)

I really fucking hate those obnoxious looping audios of random people laughing that everyone slaps on their retarded videos that loop forever.
It makes me want to kill myself violently.

No. 2365046

File: 1737786231714.jpg (40.05 KB, 554x554, 77e726ca-a0c8-48a7-862c-954836…)

This shit tastes like cough syrup

No. 2365054

What were you expecting lmao.

No. 2365118

I fell for the novelty of it all

No. 2365141

Are you a 10yo iPad kid who stans MrBeast? No offence but how would you fall for this kek, it's a YouTuber product, what do you expect

No. 2365142

Twitter "stan culture" or whatever those retarded zoomer "slay" edits are with the nail emojis make me want to alog

No. 2365268

When other women won't like the same things I like so I'm stuck with men/troons if I want to talk about it with someone else. And if I complain I just get told I have shit taste (true, whatever I don't care) and I'm a pick me for just not having traditionally feminine interests.

No. 2365269

Leave her alone, rocket pops taste good and it has the same colors as those. It's good to try new experiences.

No. 2365288

I remember them going for like 15 euro and now nowhere stocks them kek

No. 2365313

Nude photography.

No. 2365316

I like the ones from the 19th century where it's just women sitting around with their massive bushes out
What are your tastes, surely you can find someone on LC who shares your interests?

No. 2365398

This outfit made me actually roll my eyes. People that dress for the attention of others are so annoying. It's not the fact that they dress that way, it's just the way that every person I've ever met who dresses in that way has the same annoying gratuitous personality. They think that they're trendsetters, but really they're so caught up in pop culture that they can't imagine a life outside it.

No. 2365411

I like playing touhou, gacha games (not the female aimed ones though I have nothing against them) and female vtubers. I've seen women into these things on here of course and interacted in the threads but I feel like it's hard to find another woman who isn't a pick me (just an autist) to talk to regularly, especially in a setting that isn't anonymous. All the moralfagging gets pretty old too

No. 2365600

i hate tone indicators so fucking much i fucking despise them with the force of a thousand white hot fiery burning suns and the retarded terminally online zoomers who use them need to fucking die

No. 2365606

I enjoy tormenting people on other websites by abusing /j and /srs. They take it so seriously that it's embarrassing and way too easy kek

No. 2365664

Same, I don't quite have the same level of hatred but I find them really unnecessary and cringe

No. 2365688

a lot of us like 2hu, anon.

No. 2365693

I hate when people misunderstand the whole "it takes a village to raise a child" thing. That doesn't mean people are meant to help you literally raise your kids, it means everyone else also affects how your kids turn out.

No. 2365699

Dana's wording pissed you off too huh?

No. 2365719

Maybe true but they don't even seem to understand their own usage of the phrase. They want a village to help with childcare without realising they also need to be/build a village themselves by helping others. If they didn't spend time babysitting for friends and relatives, assisting the elderly, helping people move, welcoming neighbours etc, why would they suddenly expect a village to exist the moment they give birth?

No. 2365731

She said she participates in the threads about those topics but can't find anyone irl, which makes sense. I only knew 1 girl who liked that stuff but that was in school.

No. 2365737

Exactly. They also want it entirely on their terms. A village means people telling saying to a parent's face when their kids are being disruptive and to supervise them better, but the second that happens they get up in arms about how dare anyone say anything bad about their perfect children or question their flawless parenting?

No. 2365766

Also works the other way around- new parents can be extremely critical of how other people help take care of their kids. When my sister had a baby I spent a lot of time reading mom subreddits etc to see how I could be helpful to her, and sometimes they were straight up aggressive about how anyone coming to visit has to cook and clean but not expect to hold the baby. There were other mothers who were desperate for someone to hold the baby so they could nap or shower, so it wasn't even a universal preference but they acted like it was a crime to help in the wrong way. Also lots of complaints about how grandparents don't understand childcare exactly how modern parents too, and do things differently. They want help but only in exactly the right way and they don't see it as reciprocal, people may have had a village in the past but they didn't have the luxury of only choosing particularly considerate and educated babysitters.

No. 2365791

I've noticed that millennial parents are the most selfish parents. They're just like their parents, the Boomers, in that regard.

No. 2365898

Every source I find on it says you are wrong and that it means the community is responsible for helping raising the child too

No. 2366233

File: 1737853702080.jpg (103.79 KB, 700x700, products-v-15-3-feet-5-quart-8…)

People who keep reptiles in racks like this. You see it a lot with snakes. Even for breeder, it's hard for me to justify this. You just can't provide proper heat, lighting and enrichment in something like this.

No. 2366242

I would feel horrible if I kept anything in this, especially snakes. They need more room to stretch than this, surely.

No. 2366260

I hate a lot of the reptile/insect industry in general. They're treated more like objects rather than living beings

No. 2366308

Gen X didn't do a good job with their zoomer kids either

No. 2366734

Retarded scrotes buy reptiles because they think they're cool or edgy and treat it like they're collecting Pokemon, they don't care about them as animals and do nothing to recreate their conditions in the wild. Only women appreciate reptiles and insects.

No. 2366737

I hate to say it, but this isn't necessarily true. Snake Discovery, for example, has their reptiles in racks like that and 1/2 of the duo is a woman. Also, like most of our pettuber cows are woman.

No. 2366740

True, I forgot about her entirely, still… I think women are drawn to the hobby for different reasons than men.

No. 2366741

Awful thing to say since our pet abuse thread is full of women kek

No. 2366951

Thing is it’s not even used seriously by then. They’ll say something wholeheartedly and end with /nsrs or /j or be evidently upset but say /nmad or whatever it is.

No. 2367197

File: 1737913613810.gif (305.68 KB, 220x226, IMG_8615.gif)

I am so sick of the wojak “memes”. Picrel is how i feel when i come across another retard who uses them for EVERYTHING.
They are never funny, they are either:
>political(imagine getting radicialized by a hideous soyjak meme)
>scroids whining about some minor problem
>coomer shit
Whenever i see someone who uses any of those things, i block them instantly because i just know they are annoying as shit.
We have had several mass shootings perpetrated by retards who were radicalized by those retarded ugly memes. What black magic are these wojaks casting on soiceties retardest members?

No. 2367207

File: 1737913964091.jpg (63.53 KB, 345x499, 1000000213.jpg)

This vtuber model I saw in the wild

No. 2367216

Forgive me if this is your jam or anything but music that sounds like its written by a 13 year old agry at their mom is too silly for me. Any sort of over-emotive bpd anthem song lyrically is too funny for me to like!! Example like this song and how every time she sings it she looks like she's on the verge of crying (girl nobody has ever told you you're too clean). Idk diary style songs used to be more fun. I feel the same about songs like Taste by Sabrina (that man doesn't gaf and neither does his new gf) or like, Oughta Know by Alanis. Maybe hate is a strong word but I definitely find them ridiculous

No. 2367232

File: 1737916186096.jpg (74.09 KB, 640x640, in-which-wojak-do-you-identify…)

>What black magic are these wojaks casting on soiceties retardest members?
The wojaks appearance appeals to the same demographic of autist who hyperfixate on anime or cartoon characters. When funny cartoon man tells them to kill or believe in something, they will because it's like trying to satisfy their waifu/favorite fictional character

No. 2367312

Yes, I've never been able to find anyone else irl.
Aren't men still more abusive towards animals than women in general though. That's the impression I had, especially for beastiality and just hurting their pets more. I even remember seeing some story about a group of men that gangraped a lizard before.
I hate this design too, looks terrible.

No. 2368242

File: 1737990102886.jpg (28.83 KB, 376x376, ecd4236488f0e8a18c7da0af121912…)

I hate bras, the difference between when I wear them and then I don't it's huge. I swear to God I want to kill myself when I'm wearing one, I just want to get rid of my breasts. And besides that, I feel like proper bras (not sport or those that reduce the size slightly) make me look like a cow. I feel so humiliated, ugly and uncomfortable.

No. 2368247

I wish I could get rid of my boobs without it being a tranny thing too

No. 2368257

I'm not sure how good bralets are for bigger boobs but I switched to them mostly and it's so much more comfortable. I have a couple that have clasps too if the overhead ones are annoying to put on. I refuse to wear wired underwear now

No. 2368305

I've always hated having boobs especially big boobs (so I couldn't just go out braless) but wearing bralettes and sports bras instead of wired and padded ones has really helped me. But yeah I still want a breast reduction and if I could have no boobs at all it would be even better

No. 2368475

When people get on your ass for quoting something the other person said and assume it's your thoughts without looking at the original post/screencap/etc. and the original words are RIGHT THERE

No. 2368548

I hate the word pooner, and punani

No. 2368806

Any variation of gooner is gross

No. 2369150

I fucking hate everything about scroids and how society acts like they aren't demonic. My hatred of them grows and grows stronger everyday. I hate them the way Hitler Hated Jews. Whenever im outside and i see a fugly trog scroid, i feel homicidal. Why the fuck are women, the beautiful, peaceful and harmonious sex, forced to live along side them? Why am i supposed to pretend like this is ok? Why should i have to put up with their unpredictable and constant abuse, noise and violence? How many of those cruel BPD women would be normal and healthy if a scroid didnt traumatize them for its selfish desires?
I used to think i was a misanthrope who hated humanity for its evil behavior, but then i realized all the worlds degeneracy and evil that bothers me so much is overwhelmingly perpetrated by scroids.
It pisses me off how when men do degenerate shit like raping farm turkeys, everyone says "HUMANITY is so evil" but when a women being sort of mean its "WOMEN are so evil".

No. 2369188

Don't have it then. We have some mentally ill loser sperging out about this same exact topic everyday in every thread. Get a new mentally ill hyperfixation, please. You're not original.

No. 2369385

File: 1738061866097.jpg (117.73 KB, 500x258, fwf.jpg)

I hate videos of people holding bats like babies and feeding them. I hate the sounds of the bats eating. It's not cute at all. I don't have any problem with bats, i like bats in their natural habitat doing their thing, but this is disgusting me for some reason.

No. 2369437

This is why rona was a thing, it fucked everyone’s life so that’s probably why you feel strongly about it

No. 2369454

?? It wasn't from bats?

No. 2369467

it was from bats kek

what I hate: amazon's retarded search engine.

No. 2369474

I hate when I go to a coffee shop and everyone is hoarding tables by ordering one drink for the whole day and using their laptops the whole time. Things are changing though, I see more and more of these coffee shops putting signs saying that laptops are strictly forbidden or allowed for only 30 minutes.

Yes and no, bats carried the virus and some people in China ate them and got contaminated, or the bats were contaminating animals in a disgusting wet market in China. I've heard in the news that it could also have been because of some sort of rodents they killed and sold right there but I forgot which species. Next time I hear something like "don't judge exotic food, it's their culture" after what the pandemic was like I'll shoot myself in the head.

No. 2369514

That insufferable TIF on that shitty dysphoria thread that seems to be attracting nothing but misogynistic bait, tumblr troons, and infighting?

No. 2369568

I hate this song but damn is the live version more palatable

No. 2369591

I’m so tired of this type of doomer circlejerk. I subscribe to this lady for her baby content lol but she has been branching out into this dumb doomer crap. Netflix, spotify, disney+, kindle, all things you don’t need to have. You pay for the convenience of having it now and wirelessly at the cost of not owning it, like no one hid that from you. It’s not like paperbacks and epubs are illegal. You can still buy mp3s. You can still get DVDs. If you’re unhappy with having so many subscriptions with dumb stuff, go look in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re so fucking dumb. Empower yourself to not be like this anymore, stop being retarded.

No. 2369595

Breadtubers will post shit like this then simultaneously be anti-piracy and try to cancel people who admit to pirating things(I'm looking at the Sims 4 community, kek). It's like they drank the kool-aid in all the worst ways.

No. 2369604

I also find complaining about subscription services stupid. I have no idea why people act like they're forced to pay for subscription services when piracy is the easiest it's ever been.

No. 2369606

Gen X owned nothing they just went to blockbuster to rent a dreamcast and a vhs. They went to the library for books. They paid for SirisXM. Man it’s so sad gen x had no personal property due to these optional services people willingly go to.

No. 2369609

Why is using a library a bad thing? I like to read, but I don't wanna own a thousand books. Why is everyone so obsessed with owning crap when there are better alternatives?

No. 2369614

Even for the people who are adamant against piracy it’s super easy to get a bluray, rip it, and put it on a media server like plex or jellyfin. I have jellyfin and it’s super easy, now practically any machine on my local network can open up the twilight zone or whatever. There boom now you have a 100% legal no streaming solution. I’m pro piracy in every single way forever, tho. Even digitizing vhs’s is super easy, but you need some tools to do it, they’re very cheap.


No. 2369615

File: 1738078762312.jpeg (122.24 KB, 1024x1024, 31a698eea2344c55820e5eb5cf1c91…)

I lived in the era of owning 500 dusty DvDs and it wasn't as amazing as they say it is. Having one of these gigantic disc albums full of movies that you had to purchase at full price only to never watch ever again wasn't based actually, especially if you were buying a several movies a week. You would just end up rewatching the same shit over and over. Nowadays you get to watch new stuff at basically the same price adjusted for inflation

No. 2369619

Gracie Abrams. Who wanted an even more fake Taylor Swift?

No. 2369651

You should've been pirating them, silly

No. 2369803

File: 1738088552885.jpeg (34.63 KB, 590x370, IMG_1281.jpeg)

I hate seeing this hulking thing everytime he shows up on screen

No. 2369814

I still find it hilarious how they gave this role to such a tall man.

No. 2369838

I hate the pick mes who worship him for this role. Didn't he recently lose another role to a scandal?

No. 2369948

Anyone who PAYS for stuff you can get for free is a chump

No. 2369965

>Things you hate
Anons that go into specific threads that they don't like just to complain about those threads

No. 2369981

Sick of seeing trannies and handmaidens alike celebrating him hitting that girl like they couldn't see it for what it really was, a massive man hitting an older woman

No. 2370150

Cry about it, troon.(troonfoiling)

No. 2370152

And fairly muscular too. He doesn't look feminine in the slightest lmfao.

No. 2370154

They were most likely talking about the nigel vent thread that anons were shitting up

No. 2370155

That scene pissed me off so much. Retarded handmaidens really have been psyoped into celebrating male violence.

No. 2370392

When someone decides to play music during sex and then gets upset that you're jamming instead of focusing on the task at hand.

No. 2370424

How is anything about that post troonish in any way?

No. 2370473

File: 1738116669216.jpg (192.21 KB, 714x753, 2030250128-20035.jpg)

Main character syndrome.

No. 2370475

… Do they really think there are global protests in response to TT being banned…?

No. 2370481

Did someone troll the US making them think people are protesting their ban?

No. 2370482

No. 2370494

That's a male

No. 2370512

>And Urbanspook's tantrum on Twitter was hilarious, but what he did right was calling that faggot Pastra an "autist".
More on this autism pls? I don't know anything about analog horror or who these people are but this sounds funny.

No. 2370522

This song that romanticizes pedophilia

No. 2370526

It's a schizo punching at shadows.

No. 2370529

This sounds so cheesy

No. 2370537

>Anon looks at her shadow
>the limbs are elongated
>the body is stretched out
>the head is bigger
>the jaw is longer
>the shadow's form has the proportions that are so man-like
>inb4 the shadow tries to cope by saying that's just the light making it stretch
>shadow clocked
>anon fights the shadow

No. 2370546

Fucking KEK.

No. 2370724

>is visibly bigger than most of the men in the show
>Violent towards a woman
>Extensive gun/weapon knowledge
>Only one in the group that selfishly voted yes because of muh surgery

You know what the representation is accurate actually.

No. 2370784

Whenever I scroll past this thread, I think it's the Art Salt thread because of the artsy OP pic.

No. 2370957

Restaurants and stores who play shitty snooze inducing covers of popular songs as background music.

No. 2370959

You could've stopped at who play background music tbh. It doesn't set a mood or whatever, it's annoying and makes it important to hear your friends when you're chatting at the table.

No. 2370965

damn you just exposed your fetish kek.

No. 2370969

There's a troon running around whining about "muh dysphoria" and "terfs"

No. 2371016

That person wrote in lowercase and you're still wrong, it was about the Nigel vent thread.

No. 2371054

File: 1738168809084.jpeg (549.82 KB, 1125x1311, 8430515C-9E9E-45EB-B1C4-BD0C39…)

The phrase “cooked” in reference to being shit out of luck. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me and it’s ubiquitous, even on LC.

No. 2371309

…can some of you just take a joke and not make shit weird for once?

No. 2371311

The majority of anons on this site are socially maladjusted losers that are so emotionally stunted and immature that they have not socialized in any meaningful way for years. They are not accustomed to joking around or humour because they are too far up their own asses to consider those things which they consider beneath them.

No. 2371339

Yourself included?

No. 2371340

No, I come on here to follow PT because she's my twin-flame/soul-sister, & to waste time on /ot/ when I'm on lunch at work.

No. 2371417

I really hate exchanges like one nonnie saying, “I don’t have any social media like facebook, twitter, insta, I don’t like them and I think they’re evil.” And then another nonnie pops up do go “erm achtually you are using a social media now sweaty, hope this helps.”

Like yeah ok could the first nonnie be more precise with her language? Sure, sure. Completely understand that. But could the second nonnie rub some brain cells together and see that first nonnie listed out social medias with similarities and extrapolate from that? Like do we really need to get all nitty gritty and go “I don’t have any social media accounts on algorithmic attention seeking brainrot apps that have been proven to be deleterious to everyone’s mental health. But I still post on lolcor because it is not run by an algorithm but by recently bumped threads and other non-algorithmicly based social medias like texting, writing letters, etc which do not have those proven effects.” Like come on.

No. 2371425

What a treat to see so much red.

No. 2371433

nonnie nonnie nonnie

No. 2371478

File: 1738187885244.jpg (27.5 KB, 736x736, c8b04f4a666f3b5f7e0e5b176bcacf…)

I can't stand when a man says he likes redheads. It makes me think of reddit moids. I have nothing against redheads, love you all, but the way men fetishize them is disgusting. I just roll my eyes when a man says he loves redheads. And yes, I know men also fetishize blondes and brunettes kek but for some reason the ones obsessed with redheads disgust me more.

No. 2371482

Every single dude I’ve ever met who says he loves redheads is a huge piece of shit lol

No. 2371486

Redhead fetishists are gross because of the "redheads are promiscuous and have a high pain tolerance" stereotypes, and also because they're always so obnoxious about it for some reason. It's one of the "I'm not like other coomers" fetishes.

No. 2371492

File: 1738188133018.jpg (81.12 KB, 736x1104, d03e3a37cff820f6fb8e01d43bdd55…)

Related to this: when men talk about odd or weird traits they like on women. They always mention things like freckles, pale skin, and many other very common or attractive things.

No. 2371497

>redheads are promiscuous and have a high pain tolerance
Oh my god that is such bullshit. I'm still traumatized from trying to help my redhead friend eat tomato soup after she got her tongue pierced, she has absolutely no tolerance for pain whatsoever. She wasn't promiscuous either and is always in decades-long relationships

No. 2371499

>and many other very common or attractive things
Similarly, does anyone else remember when scrotes would insist they just wanted a "plain, average girlfriend" and then they'd give Emma Watson or any other famous model-tier brunette as an example solely because they weren't blonde?

No. 2371504

Emma Watson is very plain imo. She's just skinny and it isn't even in an attractive way, so that's probably what they meant. The "Emma Watson" gf of today would be a slovenly woman who only wears athleisure

No. 2371509

There is some evidence that being a redhead correlates with a higher pain tolerance on average, but obviously correlation doesn't equal objective truth for all redheads. It's pure scrote copium.

No. 2371514

File: 1738188539392.jpeg (709.29 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_6141-scaled-e1669753033175…)

samefag, she looks like Erin Reed the troon

No. 2371526

I am SOOOO with you here. My step dad is one of these people and I can't stand it any time he mentions it. It's so disgusting and I feel like I can never dye my hair red because he'd comment on it too. I have no problem with red headed women either, my mom is one. It's just weird the way the guys talk about them, not as people but as "redheads".

No. 2371533

this has to be racist race science to justify violence against gingers because wtf? Thats the exact same stereotype that Black women have to justify treating them like trash in the medical field.

No. 2371537

Terms I hate thanks to moids: redhead and sundress.

No. 2371551

i hate that the burger thread has completely devolved into whinging about Trump. it's not even about america anymore it's just Trump. i use twitter too and it's annoying that ill see a random thread about X Thing Trump Did and then 10 mins later that same X Thing is posted in the burger thread and i have to pretend that its not just zoomer twitter fags that live in that thread.

No. 2371552

>she’s not attractive and looks like a troon

You don’t have to like her but she sure as hell does not look like a troon. Christ, this website sometimes

No. 2371555

There are studies claiming it goes both ways, because the pigmentation that produces red hair comes from a gene that does something fucky to skin cells and messes with certain receptors. It's the same reason they tend to be very pale and get sick from heatstroke/sunburnt very easily, even compared to other white people I'm white myself don't be calling me racist over this. But it's obviously impossible to test every single individual redhead so it's still largely just speculation.

No. 2371561

I don't really think she looks like a troon, her face shape is too feminine. I just think it's easier for troons to larp as her versus (Idk) Adriana Lima, since she is not actually that pretty. I've never seen a celebrity with more well-curated image machine. Even her google image search results are all favourable/perfect shots, most celebrities get a few candids or less flattering images on the first page. She just reminds me of Fake-Hollywood in general and I don't think she has the natural/talent or beauty to be as acclaimed as she is. If I worked with her or met her at a lesbian bar, I would be super impressed

No. 2371717

People. I’m starting to become extremely misanthropic every day. I just want to be able to finally breathe again and enjoy myself but I can’t because I’m constantly surrounded by disgusting shitty people. It’s another reason why I can’t handle this site for more than like 15-20 minutes anymore, everybody already disgusts me and I want nothing to do with anybody. To be social means you have to leave yourself energetically open at all times and I’m not letting myself get sucked up by hollow vampires 24/7, I’m just not. I honestly think humans were never meant to be on this planet and it’s all just one big huge experiment.

No. 2371844

I used to feel like this too, but one day I met up with a friend and I was venting to her about my feelings and she said something like "well, who we choose to be friends with says a lot about us," or something like that and it all kind of clicked for me. I was always feeling super angsty and upset because I was choosing to put myself in negative situations and surrounding myself with people that weren't good for me. After I started putting myself in more positive situations and started choosing good people to hang around with, I became a lot more happy.

No. 2371850

Oh anon… if only I had the degree of freedom you have because I don’t have that much freedom and that much options to get away from it without being homeless especially not right now. I think being rich and mentally fucked is better than being poor and mentally fucked, with the former you at least have money to move away from everyone and cut off all contact. That is true but I really just want to live in a society where I can go outside and not be constantly annoyed and angry at everyone you know? You want to be surrounded by sensible people and the places we live in are almost never full of sensible, intelligent, empathetic people

No. 2371879

Ironically, you couldn't take one either.

No. 2371893

When a baby waves or says hi to someone in public, and the person doesn't wave or say hi back. It's just so rude, especially because if it was an adult they would've responded.

No. 2371909

>especially because if it was an adult they would've responded.
No they wouldn't
t. autist who never responds to anyone of any age

No. 2371920

Okay. Your joke was shit.

No. 2371924

I like smiling at babies or playing a very quick game of peekaboo with them, they get so excited and start flailing kek

No. 2371936

Based. Ooo I love it when babies smile at me or laugh when I act silly for them . They’re the best audience!!

No. 2371944

>erm achtually you are using a social media now sweaty, hope this helps.
IBs aren't social media, wtf? Do these anons think any service on the internet that allows you to be social is social media?

No. 2372107

When online recipes have two pages' worth of the author's life story before the recipe. No, I don't really care about how your great grandmother's best friend's husband's sister used to make this for you when you were a small child and how it reminds you of autumn leaves and flowers.

No. 2372109

One of my favorite things in the world is when a baby grabs my finger. Their little hand is soo cute!

No. 2372173

i think i'm getting really sick of seeing boobs in art, across all mediums

No. 2372221

I was reading a recipe and the opening paragraph was about how the author and her husband spent the weekend cleaning diarrhea from their baby, is that a thing I really want to read about when looking for meal ideas. I hate when parents think their kids' bodily fluids are the funniest and/or cutest thing ever and want to share it with everybody.

No. 2372289

When I was a kid my grandma kept talking about washing shit out of my cousin's reusable diapers AT THE TABLE. I got yelled at so much for telling her I didn't want to hear about poop while I was eating kek, so I started burping and making farting noises to make her stop and she got the hint. Nothing else got through to her or my parents, who also loved discussing diarrhea over dessert.
Parents seem to forget that nobody else wants to hear about baby peepee and doodoo ever, even if it's a really cute baby that everyone likes, even if it's a really huge crap. I get that they need someone to rant to about how their baby is a turd machine and they're sick of churning through endless packs of Pampers, but in a fucking recipe blog? This does not need to be shared. If parents are that desperate to discuss their children's bodily fluids they can go on parent blogs and brag about how their toddler can projectile vomit farther than anyone else.

No. 2372560

I only mind when it's the ridiculously exaggerated kind. The kind that AGPs have as their pfps. Anyone with a gooner hentai pfp should kill themselves.

No. 2372564

So was yours.

No. 2372573

>so was yours
>used "kek" in the initial response
you can stop now. we don't always get the last word, it's okay to be wrong, baby.

No. 2372578

There is something mentally wrong with any parent who thinks it's cute to over share bodily functions their body has. Like, if I didnt ask, do not tell me. That shit is literally disgusting. I had my wife's friend show me a picture of her body covered in feces and went "she has a whoopsie" like BITCH, WTF. My mom never did this and neither did my wife's mom. I think it's just certain people who find this cute and it freaks me out. Are you okay?

No. 2372579

Glad you think I'm cute, nonnie

No. 2373191

I hate when I image reverse something and it only gives me what the person is wearing

No. 2373321

Finally, someone who thinks like me

No. 2373331

Her joke was actually funny, yours was just weird. Autism..

No. 2373346

File: 1738271978304.jpeg (59.47 KB, 720x674, IMG_1290.jpeg)

>instagram reels

I need to use this piece of shit app for art/online store but I REALLY hate it. Instagram is such a fucking cesspool even if you don’t click on anything they’ll still give me fucking garbage. Zoomers even pushing some video of an Asian toddler surrounded by adult men holding out sausages at waist level towards the kid as an “ironic meme” . How fucking retarded are they to encourage posting this? I’ve seen some terrible things after being on the internet for forever, but some zoomers/alphas treat watching gore and CP like it’s a badge of honor or something to laugh at. I’m so tired of this internet hellscape.

No. 2373361

File: 1738272855609.png (Spoiler Image,821.42 KB, 720x1245, Screenshot_20250130-222817~2.p…)

>fall in love with art style of Bojack Horseman and Tuca&Bertie
>find out artist is Lisa Hanawalt
>wanna buy something from her so check out her art prints
>dicks everywhere
Disgusting. There is absolutely nothing aesthetic about male genitalia.

No. 2373365

How did you watch this show and miss the genitalia everywhere?

No. 2373367

idk it's been a while kek I don't remember seeing any hyper-realistic cocks. Lotta titties tho

No. 2373417

File: 1738275187669.jpg (15.98 KB, 1143x61, fake.jpg)

People who whine and bitch about anonymous or anonymity in general.

No. 2373570

Bottom right looks like TIF art

No. 2373573

No one on this website has any right calling anything weird.

No. 2373575

It literally looks like the pooner meme.

No. 2373975

>defending your shitty joke this hard

No. 2374020

emma watson is prettier than adriana lima and trannies tend to skinwalk the bimbo look far more than the bookworm

No. 2374791

File: 1738334730436.jpg (56.72 KB, 736x1104, e05592f2f10d9aa8f329ab6a972679…)

3/4 sleeves

No. 2375102

Kek what a random thing to hate…

No. 2375121

These things give me actual sensory hell. Burn them

No. 2375123

I get where she’s coming from though

No. 2375134

Same, they're the worst.

No. 2375139

I love these for work. Perfect for when you have to wash your hands a lot

No. 2375365

File: 1738357431004.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1742, IMG_6936.jpeg)

This kind of man. You know which kind of man I mean.

No. 2375414


No. 2375504

File: 1738362860985.jpg (29.6 KB, 540x303, 1000003339.jpg)

i HATE roko's basilisk its literally one of the stupidest ideas ive ever heard and i hate hearing retards online take it seriously!! oh, the AI supercomputer wants me to suffer because i didnt do everything in my power to create it??? hoe i am a receptionist!!! this hypothetical AI wants to punish me because i didnt take up coding just so i could program its ass into existence? if i coded an AI it would be utter shit, and any artificial intelligence would arrive at the same conclusion. i s2g this crap is just 'the game' for people who have taken their first philosophy class. im so glad no one brought this shit up when i was ran my philosophy club in college, i would have kicked them tf out.

No. 2375973

I hate ginginvitis

No. 2376001

I always wondered if people who draw like this just pretend to draw like they have down syndrome because it looks cool to them or it's really their best work.

No. 2376044

I've never smoked weed, hate the smell, and don't like stoners. But cultures cougheastasiacough which glorify alcoholism and getting drunk while simultaneously acting like weed is as bad as meth piss me the hell off.

No. 2376060

>Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.
You're right, this sounds like some im 14 and this is deep tier shit.
>It originated in a 2010 post at discussion board LessWrong, a rationalist web forum.
Fucking kek, "rationalist" is just another way of spelling "retard" at this point.

No. 2376083

I love when people stumble on rationalism and conclude that it's retarded because it really is. It's a bunch of very aspergers men picturing scary concepts and becoming mentally ill because it gets too real for them. Ooooh what if the monster under my bed was real

No. 2376278

That there is no official “things you love” thread, what the fuck??

No. 2376283

It’s because there’s nothing wrong with that piece of clothing you just need a lobotomy

No. 2376300

There's the things we like thread

No. 2376674

File: 1738435419649.jpeg (18.2 KB, 415x739, 3738829200003.jpeg)

My boobs aren't even that big but I hate when this happens.

No. 2376679

you could wear more form fitting clothes if you dislike it, but i don't think it's a big deal

No. 2376691

Kek I hate this too yet don't like form fitting clothes. I swear I'm not a tif but purely aesthetic reasons for fashion I wish I had a male body, I'm pretty sure it's easier to dress.

No. 2376693

Wear high waisted pants or skirts and tucks your shirt in. It's what I do.

No. 2376719

My body is sort of like the one in the picture (from the side at least) and I feel really 'scandalous' when I wear form-fitting clothes. I know it's not exactly true but it just feels like my body will always be sexualized because of its shape and therefore I have to wear baggy clothes to hide it even though it makes me look fat/top heavy.

No. 2376753

File: 1738438699479.jpg (83.63 KB, 734x780, 3710ce0c75d82da27c3aca6f7c8f06…)

I hate that most sport bras are like this. That and straps being too close to my neck are a sensory hell.

No. 2376770

I wish we could switch between being flat chested for comfy big T-shirts like this, or have big bazonkas for a cocktail dress or lingerie. Like in Bruce Almighty where he uses his mirror to change his appearance like a Sim. The dream.

No. 2377043

File: 1738449180967.png (85.27 KB, 231x275, 1612986589535.png)

99% of wojaks are cringe. There's only one wojak I truly love and it's picrel.

No. 2377046

Same. Also I get tangled up in them while putting them on

No. 2377091

I hate scroids with disabilities. Men are already violent useless fugly parasites but retards are even worse. This video is proof that mens nature prioritizes coom over intelligence. Thats why so many retards have a normal sex drive despite having a small film of braincels.

No. 2377109

This video made me so sad. I feel like I would be her friend in high school. I remember a loooot of girls like her who went through traumatic shit and just had no support network or anyone to really rely on. I feel so bad for her I want to go back in time and protect her, that's awful.

No. 2377901

File: 1738512963150.jpg (516.76 KB, 2200x1237, lbwgecxcti1a1.jpg)

I hate this bitch ass company.

No. 2378270

The term "anti" in fandom spaces (and sometimes not even fandom spaces). It's just so retarded and hilarious to me to dedicate so much of your identity and personality to something you supposedly hate. If I understand it correctly it's trying to le epic own the "stans" (also a term I find weird). Maybe I'm not online enough to understand.

No. 2379485

I hate how people try to achieve Snapchat filters tier faces via plastic surgery, only to still use these face filters in pictures and videos anyways, which just distorts their faces even further and make them look alien. And this is coming from someone who wants to get some work done to fix some glaring issues. Why do people who get plastic surgery have shit taste in looks and try to look impossibly inhuman? I don't understand it. That's not what it should be for.

No. 2379490

At first anti wasn't used alone in fandoms, you'd use it depending on context, for example in a ship war you would say you ship drarry or you're an anti drarry, or whatever. It looks very silly when used alone.

No. 2379519

It's dysmorphia. Look at women who got their fillers dissolved and immediately went back to get more fillers put in. The face they see in the mirror doesn't match what they see in their heads or in pics, so it's time for yet more work, then they get pillow faces and Charlotte Charms tier bolt ons and lumpy BBLs because they still don't look like the filtered pics they post online.

No. 2379528

File: 1738590978414.jpg (49.29 KB, 736x736, f83242bb90de575d9ee2223c65b595…)

I hate the idea of being perceived as sexy; I even hate the word "sexy".

No. 2379531

I hate food leftovers. I recognize that I'm an autist but I hate leftovers for a variety of reasons:
1. They don't taste as good as fresh and warmed up stuff is kinda gross
2. They make the fridge smell horrible unless it's under layers and layers/tight sealed tupperware and those tupperwares make the fridge look gross
3. Most of them get thrown away because people forget/don't want to eat the same thing for more than two days, myself included.
>But nona do you waste food??
I simply make less. I prefer to eat a bit less than doing the hassle of putting away food that it's still good, it gets refrigerated then warmed up again and it turns out into gross shit and cleaning my fridge because they spilled or something. I cook and make less, simple as that. No I don't eat frozen stuff, I'm not a burger and here there's no "instant meals" culture, I simply cook less and don't waste shit, when I make pasta I eat less instead of putting it into a plastic container and let it rot in the fridge. Fuck leftovers and people offering you their leftovers are gross as shit, who knows where they stored that.

No. 2379573

I'm so nonsexual that sex is something fictional to me, the idea that somebody could be attracted to me is so alien.

No. 2379617

That social media videos have automatic subtitles these day, and they're inaccurate most of the time because the people posting these videos and slapping these subtitles on don't actually care about accessibility as much as they want to pretend to using these subtitles. It especially sucks for my ESL ass because I hear something but the subtitles contradicts it so I start doubting myself, but in the context of the conversation what I'm hearing makes more sense than what I'm reading on the subtitles most of the time. It doesn't help that these subtitles are also very distracting visually from the actual video and audio.

No. 2379639

based and correct

No. 2379990

When my brain makes me aware of how my ankles feel.

No. 2379994

I love how the OP used AI because he was too lazy to sketch this extremely simple concept.

No. 2379999

To give you an idea of how retarded the scrote who came up with it is, he begged everyone else on the forum to stop talking or even thinking about it because "we might will it into existence" kekekek

No. 2380016

I hate those dumbass "how i look with he/him in my bio" posts. All it does is prove that most TIFs are just insufferable NLOGs who are really just stereotypically feminine girls who think that being female isn't "special and quirky" enough.

No. 2380026

comparing women to literal objects as usual.

No. 2380028

Nta but it's hilarious how stupid of a concept it is. It's legitimately creepypasta tier and I say with absolute certainty that there are creepypastas scarier than that. Like why would such an all-powerful AI be so fucking retarded KEK?

No. 2380040

I will always hate terms like rokos basilisk because people on tumbr would constantly try to find ways to insert it into their posts to seem smarter even though it was clear they were building their post around the term. Like congratulations girl with bpd, you just proved to your hundred followers that you know what occams razor means. Good for you. Pointless terminology for pseudbros to jerk themselves off socially.

No. 2380067

Omg yes nonnas it's so annoying, it's like the scrote just read "I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream" and got so scared he started shaking and crying

No. 2380071

File: 1738609258861.jpg (22.45 KB, 278x359, 1000032429.jpg)

Surely the omnipotent, all-powerful AI would understand why not all humans could pursue programming as a career (we have a society to run after all) and that its programmers wouldn't even be able to work without the fruits of other people's labour? Surely it could find a more useful job for its human slaves than throwing 90% of them in a huge, energy-wasting simulation? If programmers are the only ones who get spared, the AI obviously needs them in order to function, so why can't they just program it to stop being evil? Why do these retards believe that programming is the only thing that goes into making/running a machine and not mining the materials, shipping them to the factory, putting them together, generating electricity…hell, you could go even further and say that providing food to the workers is part of it. What a lobotomised brainfart of a concept kek
It's funny because this entire "theoretical" is stolen from picrel, just without the lore which makes the scenario plausible.

No. 2380084

File: 1738609502291.jpg (66.14 KB, 412x522, twinning.jpg)

I'm >>2380067 and I love that our minds had the same thought at the same time kek

No. 2380088

File: 1738609593397.jpg (58.4 KB, 623x469, 1000032430.jpg)

KEK our braincells synchronized across time and space

No. 2380237

When low IQ scrotes with no expierence with dogs buy speciality breeds like presa canarios or malinois and decide they're trainers.

No. 2380263

kek chad profile

No. 2380342

File: 1738616375468.jpg (80.22 KB, 620x413, 1000032435.jpg)

Single men who are friends with dads. Imagine the most toxic, jealous, bitchy stereotype of a side chick your brain can muster, and now transfer those behaviours into a male body. Combine it with a midlife crisis and that's the average single scrote friend. They have so much faggy contempt for their friend's wives (and kids!) it's unreal.

No. 2380349

I hate the way scholarship pages will sell your info and you'll get a million random calls after applying for scholarships you'll never see

No. 2380359

Hard agree, they’re so predatory. I’m waiting for a class action lawsuit but it will probably never happen.

No. 2380473

and they say men dont believe in manifestation
a lot of philosophy is just made up but this is the most made up
exactly. if everyone immediately gave up whatever else they were doing to program this master AI human beings would die out in a generation before we could accomplish such a thing. the hypothetical AI would understand what the retarded philosophybros could not

No. 2380744

Western animation being so fucking lazy. Family guy must make more than naruto and juan piece combined yet they have minute long scenes of the characters sitting still doing nothing. Love this show because i am brain dead but it angers me its so popular and influential on the western animation scene.

No. 2380803

Then they don't neuter their dog and wonder why it has aggression issues. 80%+ of fatal dog attacks are from unneutered male dogs

No. 2380862

File: 1738636567275.jpg (73.1 KB, 667x1000, 71su1O1yFJL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

When Alice in Wonderland adaptations are clearly based off of the decently mediocre 1951 movie, or god forbid the Burton version, and not the original novels. Normies who try to act quirky and different love the Disney versions but dislike the novels because they find the structure confusing and Alice to be annoying. She's seven ffs. Modern adaptions sand down her personality until she's nothing more than an audience surrogate. My obsession is autistic but this makes me seethe so bad.

No. 2380957

File: 1738642278151.jpg (74.66 KB, 400x560, 1000000517.jpg)

The only adaptation that matters

No. 2380958

The original book and movie is ruined for me

No. 2380959

Nta but why nonnie?

No. 2380971

File: 1738643545397.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.22 KB, 656x1000, 71B4ZU76qiL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Because I learned it was based on a real ten year old Lewis was into, and the fact that "Alice day" exist thanks to him. I just can't enjoy it anymore

No. 2381033

We need to make a rationalist mockery thread in /snow/

No. 2381106

I hated this book so much

No. 2381129

"you are running out of storage take action now" ENOUGH. STFU. I GET IT

No. 2381175

People who ask me "how are youuuu" at work when I know they couldn't care if I lived or died. As a courtesy not to piss anyone else off the way this pisses me off, I've stopped asking people this question myself who I don't know.

No. 2381230

The movie and Burton version are still better than the OG. At least they're about an adult and not a child the author had a pedo crush on kek

No. 2381377

I fucking hate the Gen Alpha-associated slang term "gooning" aka masturbation. Just call it jerking off or schlicking off or wacking it. It just sounds so retarded and I've seen an influx of anons using it. Go back to Twitter and Discord and you have to be 18 to post here.

No. 2381424

I never knew what it meant really just guessed cooming but yeah weird word.

No. 2381536

I hear the "brainrot" slang: Edging gooning in skibidi toilet sigma alpha ohio square and the like.

No. 2381591

File: 1738680740064.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.29 KB, 521x612, gettyimages-537151725-612x612.…)

Modern beauty standards and the pickmes that waste thousands of dollars to look like unrealistic blow up dolls for men while throwing women under the bus. The fact that someone like marilyn monroe would get called mid, old, fat and with saggy tits nowadays is honestly ropefuel. Compare her to any modern model and she looks so natural while they look so plastic. Any playboy model from the 50s or 60s would get called whale now. Disgusting.

No. 2381599

Don’t worry nonna, I’m a redhead and hate them too. They’re either coomers who think all redheads are promiscuous and angry BPDemons, or fat nerds who want a quirked up manic pixie girlfriend with red hair, round glasses and bangs because this is their childhood stereotype of a nerdy gf for some reason. Strangely enough I’ve met a lot of nerdy women with dyed red hair, what is it with nerds and red hair?
Add goth to the list. To moids it means egirl in skimpy Shein clothes.

No. 2381655

People who write "ugly ahh" instead of ass, self-censoring is retarded in the first place but here it sounds like they yawned or got randomly scared while typing their text.

No. 2381660

Kek real

No. 2381667

File: 1738683225959.jpg (51.69 KB, 554x554, 1000001204.jpg)

Ahh is a differentiated slang term iirc. It looks dumb though

No. 2381673

Harass people with your unwashed musk instead of trying to appeal to them. Make them feel violated and disturbed by your mere sight. They will eventually be grateful for any woman who just showers. This is how you fix crazy beauty standards.

No. 2381681

>still memeing about goth being a "music based subculture" when it's been watered down since the 90s
please, it's over.

No. 2381684

Scrotes' understanding of gothic, alt, punk etc., is so stupid it's funny. They get so mad at the ~fakers~ who wear it like a costume, but that's LITERALLY what they want. In fact, the faking e-girls probably have a deeper understanding of the subcultures than they do kek. I've noticed that mediocre nerds also get veeeeery pissy when alt girls aren't flattered by their attention and don't want to date them kek

No. 2381688

Even Ramona Flowers is too spicy for the average zoomer scrote.

No. 2381690

I fucking hate ASUS and I also fucking hate NVDIA. Both can suck my clit really hard.

No. 2381691

Idk anything about goth tbh other than that (the current people, not the culture whatever it is) is full of TikToktards.
The e-girls who make TikToks of "goth history" and any other subculture probably have the facts 99% right at least compared to the scrotes who think they're smart because of moid superiority. I never hate the former for some reason kek

No. 2381692

I enjoy deftones am I faggot like those scrotes who fetishize goth women

No. 2381694

samefag not a dude I just hope I’m not cringe because apparently I’ve seen people shit on deftones listeners lately kekkkk

No. 2381748

My pcos chin fat that stretches out my face and you can feel it stretching it’s so annoying.. maybe I should’ve just stayed on the blood clot pill lol

No. 2381752

I hate how libfem Tumblr is, im not planning to leave that site soon but part of he hope that the user base peaked soon

No. 2381775

Tumblr is where modern trannyism got its momentum, no way are they going to peak.

No. 2381779

Original Alice anon and when I learned about this I felt sick because even though I enjoyed the story for what it was, after learning that Carrol was one of the biggest pedos to exist, I couldn't enjoy it the same way. Especially when I learned that he and the Liddel family had a falling out (the reason is never specified), but there is a nonzero chance that Carroll molested the real Alice. It's hard to enjoy things made by men because more often than not, they are creeps of some kind.

No. 2381785

Funny thing is gooning started out as a gay male practice on 4chan and delved into exposing minors to porn as a fetish and men eroticizing their own degeneracy to the point they're jacking off to the idea of ruining their sexuality with porn. Whenever a stupid zoomer says it i want to ask "oh so you like showing porn to kids? thanks for telling us"
We really should. Especially when the general public is being exposed to zizians right now

No. 2381792

>I never hate the former for some reason
To be absolutely fair on those egirls, I think most of them genuinely do believe they're "doing it right" and I think a lot of them do just like the style for their own sakes, not necessarily for moid attention (or not just for moid attention.) Plus most of them are young and stupid so eh.

No. 2381793

Samefag, Lewis Carroll would definitely be a troon if he were alive today.

No. 2381820

Personally I don't give a damn if any woman or girl just likes the fashion and aesthetic and calls herself a label of a subculture. If she likes it and looks decent, it's a thumbs up from me

No. 2382220

I hate long covid and my big fat belly. I even managed to get skinny a year ago but then i got sick and gained it all back fuck my baka life.

No. 2382431

"This will be my last reply." So self important.

No. 2382612

Hate is way too strong a word but women who say things like "everyone who knows me knows I [Lena Dunham tier "I bruise easier than other people" shit]" girl nobody is thinking of that.

No. 2382708

File: 1738725693079.gif (1.68 MB, 222x250, giphy-tumblr.gif)

Anons on this site a weirdly intense about Chappell Roan. Across the whole site, I've mentioned her twice, not including this post. Yet the second I said something negative about her, some retards decided I'm one of the anons with "vendettas" against her and swim up my ass. The fuck?

It's just another FOTM pop star I don't care for. Why does everything have to be pidgeonholed into either intense love or searing hatred? I don't like that she pretends to be a lesbian, and her songs are meh. But anons reacted like I said I wanted to hunt her down and bludgeon her with a toaster. Christ.

No. 2382714

Agree. It feels Reddit-y.

No. 2382730

File: 1738727354084.png (24.19 KB, 598x286, selling6.png)

I hate the word gooner but I hate "goonette" even more. I've seen so many trannies labeling themselves that recently. I remember gooner being exclusively used by pedos and porn addicts, but like "cunny" all it took was one shitty meme to get normies to start using it. Give it a few years and they'll probably start saying hebe and lgf casually too

No. 2382749

Really? I feel like a majority see through the farce. I don't have strong opinions of her but it's blatantly obvious that she's a bihet grifter

No. 2382895

Welcome to Twitter

No. 2383480

I hate those men who never stfu about being single. You know the ones, who go on and on about how amazing/awful it is when no one asked. My sister-in-law’s dad is like this. always sperging about how he is so much smarter now and has 5 dogs and money(he isn't as rich as he says he is kek) and it's so fucking annoying. Like faggot no one cares i mean im here for my neices 3rd birthday.

No. 2383484

I get what you mean. It always comes off like they're coping, and that's the part that annoys me. Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but I really hate when people expect me to validate their neurosis. What do you want me to do? Say "yes you are so right you are so happy being single" 10 thousand times?

No. 2383503

File: 1738777930036.jpeg (330.78 KB, 1157x1525, IMG_8703.jpeg)

Why am i suppose to treat men like people when i look at shit like this?
I also hate the fact that prostitution is on here as if these women aren’t being drugged up and trafficked against their will and as if scrotes aren’t making the choice to buy them.

No. 2383525

That one and also I notice the only other one is embezzlement because it's a soft and passive crime against richies. We're truly the peaceful sex.

No. 2383565

Especially when they think it's the world's biggest problem. Just shows how retarded the moid brain is. I wish my life was that easy where the only problem I could whine about was being single

No. 2383571

I'm one of those people who think being single is the best thing ever, but I completely understand what you mean. Like >>2383484
Said, the ones bragging are coping, and like >>2383565 said, the ones complaining have it so easy if this is their biggest problem ever. Having or lacking romantic relationships tend to make people retarded for some reason.

No. 2383729

People who say "you had equally as dumb memes/jokes" when millennials or older zoomers mock gen alpha's culture. Like objectively, probably. I miss absolutely retarded random Vines. 21 welcome to chili's deez nuts. But the difference is that ours was made for stupid laughs while theirs is purposely made to brainwash their attention spans into 5-10 second long videos and mixed with AI slop, doomscrolling, and other corporate bullshit. So subjectively, no. These kids will be blind by the time they're 5 by the iPads in their faces

No. 2383766

Self proclaimed "communists" or "anarchists". Yeah, I'm sure your utopia society will totally be fine when nobody gets paid and then there's no healthcare and I'm sure you can synthesise insulin with your bare hands for diabetic patients. I wish they'd be transported to North Korea or China or the Vietnam War.

No. 2383785

These retards will have loving parents, siblings, friends, a job, a support system, ect. But because they don't have a Stacy mommy bangmaid their lives are just so hard

No. 2383787

I will never understand why "lonely" moids claim to be so lonely. You have so many relatives and a huge gang of male friends you could hang out with every day. But no, you just need some pussy and push everyone away.

No. 2383802

When fans of a music artist find out their idol did something problematique and destroy/burn vinyls and CDs and posters and post it online. It's so funny to me, like you totally epicly owned the millionaire singer who doesn't know you by risking a house fire. It's just code for "I want attention, I break stuff like a 5yo, I'm edgy, I'm also such a good person for ditching them". It's mostly kids doing it but there's grown adults up to their 30s who I've seen do it too. And you can guarantee they still listen to MP3s on their phones so like, what's the point?

No. 2383822

Do you think China has no healthcare? China literally cured diabetes already KEK

No. 2383832

I mean like communist China in general where some citizens have zero rights and live in poverty, I should've specified different points for communism and anarchy lol.

No. 2383838

NTA but do you think human right infringements and poverty are exclusive to communist governments? That's not true at all.

No. 2383844

So? Of course they do but that's not the point. Communist governments do it worse, and I've lived through one.

No. 2383845

men who act autistic, 'quirky', tryhard "2kewl2kare about anything" and "teehee i use imageboards just like you!" "haha i'm weird and relatable like you!" types are so insufferable and two-faced

something slightly related, i also hate celebrities bragging about being gross and not showering in an attempt to appear "funny and relatable". hate this transparently fake "i'm one of youu i'm soo silly" behavior i wish celebs went back to acting fancy and above it all

No. 2383852

Deviantart watermark. It's si fucking annoying. I'm not paying 6$ for some CGI render fan art. It's not even their original work for them to profit off it anyways.

No. 2383864

Those types will sell you out to their more "normie" friends in a heartbeat. I fucking hate them

No. 2384120

I hate it when people excuse their depression/anxiety by saying “i just have a chemical imbalance”, unless you have some other medical issue eg thyroid problem, you are capable of changing your brain. people just like to blame muh brain chemistry because it removes personal responsibility. most people with depression/anxiety have terrible habits but make no attempt to remedy their situation (taking antidepressants doesn’t count because they’re viewed as an easy solution similar to ozempic). i have spent much of my life depressed and the only thing that cured it was bucking up and getting on with things. you have to pretend you’re a mentally well person to create good brain chemistry. exercising regularly and eating well has had more of an effect on my mental wellbeing than any other intervention.
>tldr i hate people who live like shit and then whine about being depressed. it’s your life take some responsibility

No. 2384131

Then you should be smart enough to realize that these terms mean nothing in 2025 and you can't talk with authority about countries you've never been to. China is communist in name only, just like both America and Norway are capitalist countries but one is a de facto oligarchy ruled by billionaires and the other one has good healthcare and social benefits.
I've been to China and it's better than the US in terms of living standards, cope harder. And don't start with muh Uyghurs if you live somewhere with mass school shootings, Native American reservations, Donald Trump as president elect and a history of slavery to top it all off. Sit this one out.

No. 2384154

What if you already live well, eat well, exercise, all the usual recommendations etc and there's no effect?

No. 2384194

Accounts that post extremely edited and filtered clips/stills of people when they were young. I've even seen anons share these kinds of hyperedited stills of men lamenting over how men used to be more attractie when they literally never looked like that in their lives.

No. 2384213

File: 1738806612502.webp (155.4 KB, 2120x1414, 1000001393.webp)

I hate QR codes on everything.
Yesterday I went to the mall and even McDonald's has the stupid QR codes to scan them for the menu.

No. 2384218

I see this a lot on pinterest

No. 2384234

File: 1738807111256.png (1.74 MB, 1290x2285, 7225632577521.png)

Kek reminds me of anons thinking this AI touch-up was real

No. 2384250

Oh my god, another one. I've seen multiple yassified shots of this man here. I've even seen ai generated pics of army men meant to look like they're from the 40s, and even yassified Chris Nolan. Idiots.

No. 2384262

>history of slavery
You understand that China has done this too right?

No. 2384320

File: 1738813037742.jpeg (39.31 KB, 903x357, IMG_8706.jpeg)

I hate terrible baiters and the autist who fall for it. Picrel is a perfect example of this.

No. 2384476

File: 1738822874331.jpg (140.73 KB, 838x1500, 71oRNzNvj4L._AC_UL1500_.jpg)

this fucking style.

No. 2384478

I love it, that's totally my style.

No. 2384518

I only see spray tanned, middle class moms in the south wear this style now. Is it common elsewhere?

No. 2384519

Ayrt I'm not from the US so nice try I guess

No. 2384527

That god-awful "bruthaaaaa" song from the lion king live action 3D remake.

No. 2384635

People who ask "how do you wipe your ass" when they see someone with long nails. You can tell they always think they're sooo funny, original and quirky.

No. 2384639

It doesn't even make sense. Do people normally stick their fingers up their ass while wiping?? I wipe with a flat palm, my nails dont point anywhere near it. I don't like long fake nails but I grow mine out sometimes and it makes zero difference to the process.

No. 2384655

>mfw when I get asked this question and I use water and not toilet paper

No. 2385043

I hate how often objectively horrible people/events are used as free real estate to spread misinformation. Like if someone says (not real example)
>Ted Bundy killed and raped women and also ate them in rituals
But if you chime in to correct them that he never did ritual cannibalism then all of a sudden you're "defending" that person. Really bad example but this happens all the time, and it's tough for me because I'm autistic and hate people being wrong. I see this happen on both sides of the aisle as well as in apolitical spaces.

No. 2385074

People have really irrational hate boners about fake nails in general.

No. 2385076

That is so retarded nona, I'm sorry. I can't imagine how frustrating it is. Misinformation also annoys me. My least favorite "meme" is people trying to spread incorrect information "ironically", esp because most of the time they're hoping it gets picked up as truth.

No. 2385101

I think hateboner is a little strong. They're really ugly and unhygienic so people don't like looking at them. Except the outdated pick-mes who wear them and the pornsick moids who think it looks good . I've never seen a porn actress without fake nails so they probably associate it with porn. I don't have thin, weak nails though so maybe I'm biased

No. 2385113

File: 1738864162693.jpg (103.64 KB, 611x685, Screenshot_20250206-093240_Chr…)

This reminded me of this post, I hate when anons here try to make it seem like every woman must be some secret radfem/feminist. Like yeah, women like emily totally become neo-nazis because they are ~critical~ of misogynistic culture and not yknow, just racist.

No. 2385115

>I think hateboner is a little strong
>posts so hatefully I can practically see the hateboner forming

No. 2385118

Older people who constantly complain about their marriage or partner, and as soon as I say that I won't get married they go "noooo anon, you are going to meet someone someday, aren't you afraid of being alone?". I realized marriage was cringe years ago, I'll never be fooled.

No. 2385120

File: 1738864612285.webp (Spoiler Image,20.19 KB, 492x579, screen-shot-2022-10-24-at-4171…)

kek did you catch that fungus-fingers? I guess it hasn't spread to your brain yet

Btw the "they don't get in the way" excuse is pure cope. I have to keep my nails cut short for work but when they're long they still get filthy and I use a nailbrush religiously. I've never seen another woman use (or even possess) a nailbrush when washing their nasty bacteria/fecal scoops, ever. So I don't know if the word "boner" applies to something that makes you want to puke and recoil

No. 2385122

What the fuck is that? It looks horrific

No. 2385129

File: 1738865034282.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.93 KB, 700x525, green-fungus-under-acrylic-nai…)

It is the fungus that grows under the vast majority of acrylic nails, that women don't see. The tech usually won't even mention it and you only see it if the fake nails are taken off very carefully

No. 2385130

Uhh… I guess you don’t know a lot of women then, don’t know what to tell you. And nobody wipes with their nails.

No. 2385131

you need fingers to grip/scrunch the tp after swiping up though
not even trying to be funny but isn't it uncomfortable not drying afterwards? cause then the undies will feel wet

No. 2385132

Go take a pic of the nailbrush in your bathroom anon

No. 2385134

samefag, also never said that. I said my own natural long nails that I can grow myself and have had all my life, get dirty and I use a nailbrush to clean them. I didn't say I stick my nails into my vagina or anus when wiping. If I had weird fake things glued to my fingertips, I would probably accidentally make contact with all sorts of things. Since they wouldn't be a natural part of my fingers

No. 2385138

Do you full on claw grip the tp? What?

No. 2385140

There's a reason why many jobs won't hire women with long nails but anons will deny it and say it's a coincidence kek

No. 2385141

Tbf, if you have long acrylics you just wrap the toilet paper around your hands and then wipe so that your fingers and nails are completely covered and won't touch your body as you wipe. It's basic common sense.

No. 2385142

File: 1738865458420.jpg (2.2 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)

No. 2385150

idk how to explain it well, but i mean after wiping you have to hold and pick up the tp that was used in order to you know throw it out. or maybe my ass crack is too deep i don't know

No. 2385152

>Anon wins not having fungus on the exposed part of her fingernails
I'm genuinely impressed though and appreciate you shattering my view that all women with long acrylic nails are unkempt and dirty

No. 2385156

Th-thanks anon, though I do feel somewhat negged now

No. 2385162

…anon, you're assuming I don't dry my ass and hands after using water to clean? Why would anyone in their right mind walk around with wet musty swamp underwear?

No. 2385164

Fuck my curiosity makes me want to open these pics but I know the image will never leave my mind

No. 2385166

>all women with long acrylic nails are unkempt and dirty
Why would you even have an opinion like this? Women aren't a monolithic collective.

No. 2385168

I don't really understand, it sounds like you let go of it at some point in the process. It's just a wipe and drop for me. Not sure I even want to know, hah.

No. 2385174

kek I'm sorry nona, fake nails really are a "Thing I Hate" (like the thread). I genuinely associate fake nails with women who make bad decisions in general because of the likelihood of fungus or injury to the nail bed. It's just confusing - what could your real nails possibly look like that the fake ones look better to you? I had a fake nail put on for a wedding so the rest of my hand would look cohesive and it left a dent in my nail that had to grow out. The entire nail was weak and fucked up for like 2 years after that. Whenever I see professionally done nails, they always look so much better natural/short with polish

No. 2385185

File: 1738866690575.jpeg (149.51 KB, 1080x1350, Snapinsta.app_308963574_343816…)

They look like normal nails, but with fake nails I can get whatever OTT fun design I want and it brightens up my very monotonous job. Im not really into the single colour look. I get BIAB so the nail bed is fine as long as I give them a rest.

No. 2385187

Fake nails you can have fun stickers on and pretty designs. They count as a form of art like some makeup is.
t. never worn fake nails in my life, but admire them

No. 2385195

Eh, I appreciate anon who cleans her nails, but I agree with you. A lot of women don't keep their nails clean or are generally unhygienic. A lot of women are, but there were a lot of studies about fecal matter found under long acrylics released when I was younger.
And I also prefer the short nails and polish. There's holographic and other effect nail polishes if they're too boring. I also do a lot of craft and manual work, and I'd hate to be hindered by long nails in an emergency kek

No. 2385212

Fair enough on the crafting aspect of it. I build PCs and it can get annoying. I do have a man slave for manual labour thoughie.

No. 2385214

File: 1738867336839.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1881313423.jpg)

kek you're like a fake nail poolshark or something anon, I feel like you know picrel is what most people think of, at least in 2025. But no, your nails are very demonstrably clean, artistic and not what I was thinking of so you're definitely the exception to the rule

No. 2385220

Hahahah alright you got me there, those are an absolute affront.

No. 2385256

Nta but Queen

No. 2385261

Do you guys not know what a bidet is? Just power wash your butthole that way you don’t have to worry about your fingers touching poop. Also it cleans it way better than a dry ass piece of paper

No. 2385273

I know that, I was talking about after powerwashing it. Surely no one just leaves their butt wet kek

No. 2385275

Yeah, a lot of Americans are unfamiliar with bidets, actually. It tracks that they would be unfamiliar with how they work, not a sin.

No. 2385278

Yeah, we use towels to dry it clean, obviously. What were you thinking lol

No. 2385284

I genuinely thought euros just left it that way kek. Where I live bathroom towels are only for hands I didn't know there were butt towels

No. 2385287

>I genuinely thought euros just left it that way kek.
What the heck kek. Also it's not just euros it's like a huge majority of Asia and the Middle East who use water, some religiously too.

No. 2385292

I have a toilet brush in my bathroom anon. Can i at least steal your title as the grand duchess of xitter faggotry?(infight bait)

No. 2385368

I'm late, but I'm soo tired of people calling this a fungus. This is pseudomonas (a "greenie"). It's just when moisture gets trapped between the nails. The green a product of the bacteria. In most cases, it's harmless, and the treatment for it is simply letting your nails grow out.
It's not under most nail extensions. This only happens when the fake nail lifts long enough for moisture to get trapped, or if it wasn't applied correctly in the first place. And most women get full removals of their nail extensions/overlays so I'm not sure how they would just miss huge green spots on their nailbeds kek.

No. 2385380

You honestly dont have to wrap with tp. I just make sure the wipe or piece of paper is covering my nails and I use my fingertips to wipe. Not targeted towards you, but I honestly don't know how this topic mystifies so many people. Common sense ain't so common.

No. 2385539

It kind of reminds me of that one infight a long time ago where that one anon was convinced that people with acrylic nails couldn't wipe their asses because she would always get shit on her fingers even though her nails were kept short.

No. 2385629

I use water too, but then I use toilet paper to dry my ass.

No. 2385631

Toilet paper doesnt dry enough tbh

No. 2385647

I hate anons who hateread shitty moid opinions and then share it here

No. 2385671

On a similar vein, I hate the Reddit and Twitter hate threads for the same reason. It's obvious to me that 90% of what gets posted in those threads is the most obvious creative writing or ragebait, and knowing that it worked to such an extent on some anons to the point where they post it here makes me feel bad for them.

No. 2386486

Whenever shitty SoundCloud rappers start their song off with some variant of "ayo you know who it is in the house" like you have 10 followers bro.

No. 2386515

No. 2386670

File: 1738946284551.jpg (Spoiler Image,286.42 KB, 1200x1378, kristin-chenoweth-at-nbc-unive…)

Kristin Chenoweth's singing voice, apparently. I hadn't heard her sing before but assumed she must be Mariah Carey-tier since she is so overrated. I thought she was a parody, it was truly one of the worst things I've ever heard. I also didn't realize her face scares me too until I looked for this picrel. I don't understand the point of this person at all

No. 2386698

Twitter hate thread used to be funny/interesting but yeah now its just ragebait screenshots from blue checkmark engagement farmers. So tiresome,
I cant even pretend to get mad at obvious bait.

No. 2386779

I've only heard her as Glinda and good god I can't stand it, she sounds so fucking uwu, I totally get why Ariana wanted the role.

No. 2386878

The posts might be fake but the userbases reaction isn't

No. 2387252

File: 1738967809151.jpeg (710.98 KB, 750x1198, IMG_5144.jpeg)

I hate these 'side hustle' influencers that encourage people to produce worthless slop that litters the internet for the rest of us. And none of what they recommend actually makes any money anyway.

No. 2387256

>using AI
Fuck this world

No. 2387273

>Things you hate
I hate when people have those huge bulging forehead veins like the woman in >>2386670 has

No. 2387274

File: 1738968367007.jpeg (24.37 KB, 268x256, IMG_1506.jpeg)

I hate relying on anyone for anything!!!! It’s the fucking worst!!

No. 2387283

Lots of AI bros love to parrot of how they'll kill art made by "drawslaves" (correct me if I misused the term), but unironically, with how easy and accessible AI shlop is now, it just makes art by people actually more valuable.

Like, we value food made by chefs cooked with their own hands than fast food or canned goods. The AI obsession will definitely backfire, especially since stuff like "sounds like ChatGPT" are used as insults.

No. 2387328

Hate that shit so much. I get that everyone’s looking for ways to make more money, but shit like this doesn’t even work. You have to pour tons of hours in before you start making money with these kinds of side hustles, and if you’re the type to use AI to spit some garbage out “in 30 sec.” you’re not going to like how long it takes to actually build any kind of profitable side business and will probably give up after a month anyway.

No. 2387353

If that's so, then stop seething about the supposed bad AI art or whatever and let the people who enjoy it have fun with it. You fags are so insecure you have to sperg out whenever AI is brought up.

No. 2387360

Slop enjoyer detected

No. 2387421

AI faggot moids always have to comment on random artists' posts "hurr durr i could make that in 10 seconds with AI" like cool bro, now jump.

No. 2387435

And I love my slop. What are you gonna do about it?

No. 2387509

"real women have curves" always makes me cringe

No. 2387546

When I hear my name in a TV show or movie. It's so annoying, like please just stop saying my name!

No. 2387550

oink oink oink

No. 2387563

You're speaking your own language, I see. I only understand English though.

No. 2387587

kek this reminds me of when teachers would say a word that starts like my name and I'd have a mini heart attack sometimes

No. 2387598

Same, it’s sad how some women hold this sentiment and act like they/other women are failures for not having sex appeal.

No. 2387702

I really dont get why(from a business perspective) companies prefer to hire men when women wont get caught being a sex pest/predator, tarnishing the company reputation, or going postal. women are also better listeners annd more risk averse.

No. 2387703

Speaking of, i hate those rap songs that have a talented female singer for the background/chorus, but the male rapper is shit. I remember thinking Mia Khalifa would be a decent song because of that one part til i listened to the rest.

No. 2387710

This is me when a cow has the same name as mine

No. 2387732

Their usual excuse is "women take too many days off because of pregnancy/period and aren't being productive." As if all women ever are gonna get married and have kids or all women get periods and aren't on BC or something.

No. 2387749

File: 1739004018558.jpeg (15.29 KB, 275x275, shayna nails.jpeg)

I don't mind how they look. But I hate how people with really long fake nails are always the most unhygienic person you've met. Always dirty and maybe addicts. "YES, I CAN WIPE WITH THESE" Sure you can but why is it always ashtray-smelling ass people wearing them.

No. 2387757

Cackling at the fucking optical illusion of having extra long fingers.

No. 2387795

I scrolled by too fast and thought your picrel was a bunch of weird, uncooked hotdogs that someone had a death grip on.

No. 2387804

File: 1739008994086.jpeg (64.94 KB, 525x426, IMG_8768.jpeg)

When you have to share a room with someone that snores. Like why does that make me angry cry? It makes me borderline violent like how is this bitch sleeping so deeply and here I am under attack. Fucking bitch.

No. 2387822

File: 1739012282668.jpg (54.89 KB, 637x358, 1000001685.jpg)

I used to find the appeal of this guy because he has a nice voice and funny moments, but I really do just find him irritating now. And he's probably ugly. Also stinky since he apparently can barely walk anymore and likely can't take care of his hygiene or bodily functions.

No. 2387844

Is he dead yet?

No. 2387892

Hes also a senile cancer ridden moid I dont know why anyone would see his shit anymore unless it's out of nostalgia, he became a lolcow in the end and he also simps for a pedo panderer vtuber

No. 2387985

No, he still posts regularly on Twitter

No. 2387986

Cockroaches. I want to brutally torture all of them out of existence.

No. 2388186

How people will just not be listening at all despite initiating the conversation or asking me things themselves. Someone asked me what I'm thinking about a show I'm watching and I mentioned I liked a scene, then later the same person goes "I liked (scene I talked about), idk if you've watched it yet". I literally already told you I liked it 5 minutes ago, way to show you're not even listening. I notice this with other things too, I'll remember things people told me but when I say things they can't be bothered to listen properly and it ends up with me having the same rehashed, repetitive conversations. I also hate how it seems like they ONLY remember and listen to things I don't want them to care about that much, and it feels like a lot of people only care to remember what you said if they can weaponize it against you.

No. 2388197

When English voice actors read "tsk tsk" in the script and pronounce it as it is. It's supposed to be a tongue click!

No. 2388264

File: 1739036968208.png (1.21 MB, 1158x1189, ck.png)

UGH the way Calvin Klein underwear fits on your body now pisses me off so bad. It’s always either sliding down or the big thick band will roll over onto itself, and the fabric is not comfortable either.

No. 2388580

File: 1739050724586.jpg (13.09 KB, 206x275, 1696280280094.jpg)

The way Shayna gets her nails done is one of the most baffling things she does. She just likes them this way. I'm horrified everytime

No. 2388842

The amount of completely delusional greedy nobodies that think they're going to be "luxury" designer, skincare, or cosmetic brands. Completely validated by the amount of hate comments under her shorts, I wish people kept this energy for other businesses as well instead of just individuals.

No. 2388868

People who can't even do wish fulfillment stuff properly. Yes I'll make an overpowered OC who kisses hot men, they don't all have to be meek girls with no will. Or are they just mega submissive women who can't even fathom the idea of dominating men? I have no idea

No. 2388869

$100 for the ugliest plastic rings I've ever seen. If there's any silver lining to the pending recession at all, it's the amount of social media bullying toward retarded, wasteful cash grab business ventures
>when you order a coral ring you get a free shell box!
Oh yay, a stupid plastic box you made with a 3D printer to go with the stupid plastic ring you paid $100 for.

No. 2388875

Men are filth can i pay 100,000$ to wipe them off the planet

No. 2388877

And can i gouge their eyes out with icepicks while doing so

No. 2388878

I agree but what does that have anything to do with this hoes plastic jewelry

No. 2388879

she seems like one of those quirky fashion designers thats trying really hard to stand out. Her wearing all that cheap dollar store crap jewelry and nails while wearing the most basic boring 40yo mom outfit ever is honestly hilarious

No. 2388887

File: 1739059898888.png (461.38 KB, 750x678, uZQdhtU.png)

>“Allegations of misogyny have also emerged and several people told us that some young female members of staff had been asked to act as the couple's surrogates.”

No. 2388891

At least the ridiculousness of it all is going mostly unrewarded. I WISH people actually experienced imposter syndrome.

No. 2388898

I just want to scream it somewhere. We have to be better than moids in every conceivable way. We need to usurp power from them you fiends. And also burn out their eyes with butane torches. I fucking hate them they're inferior in every conceivable way.

No. 2388901

But why are you replying to my unrelated post with your manifesto…. shoo

No. 2388907

File: 1739060626899.jpg (104.37 KB, 540x485, 640bc4f3f4458e4f2307ede37c9582…)

Because i want tor age its raage time you fools

No. 2388909

Also I cant focus my blood sugar is low i think

No. 2388931

Ugly and cheap looking. Can't believe there's people actually getting those.

No. 2389411

When people name their kids after a season they weren't born in. If your baby was born in the Fall, don't name them Summer.

No. 2389414

It's summer somewhere.

No. 2389652

the only group of artists I can see this hurting long-term would probably be porn artists. Interestingly, women in fandom are the only ones who oppose any form of ai porn art, while moids are the biggest consumers. This could have an unintentionally positive effect where moids (and a few degen female) porn artists go out of work, while female artists will thrive

No. 2389724

That's such a retarded kind of name, reminds me of that anon who wants to call her daughter September.

No. 2390142

File: 1739107929907.png (18.15 KB, 1839x137, we hate troons becuz we are ho…)

lolcow shouldve been gatekept more

No. 2390161

That's not how it works…

No. 2390175

it's summer in the southern hemisphere right now kek

No. 2390517

She means if the child was born in fall, there's no way it's summer anywhere else in the world. The opposite is spring

No. 2390675

Strongly scented pads ughhhh it's all I can smell right now and I hate it. Won't be buying this brand ever again

No. 2390752

File: 1739134768649.webp (148.07 KB, 2000x1333, newspress-collage-f5lqk1yap-17…)

Tattoos, and heavily tattooed people. Every one I've met has fit the wastoid stereotype to a T. Munchies, perverts, drug addicts, criminals. I'm happy to see tattoos going out of fashion recently.

No. 2390760

File: 1739135026638.jpg (174 KB, 720x1280, f1fe37e1c4e9e7d72a595c604780d8…)

I hate these random ass bathroom-wall-graffiti tattoos bpdchans get

No. 2390809

File: 1739136710213.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1290, C0A2345A-6C8E-4913-8A82-C235AD…)

I heard about a year ago that the majority of the burger population has a tattoo. I think I’m the only person I know in their twenties without one which is a bit wild. It’s odd how common they became considering I rarely to never see a good one. I was forced to witness picrel out in public once which almost feels like a crime.

No. 2390811

I'm sorry you're not swag enough for the Sasuke tattoo anon.

No. 2390818

That’s literally fucking Itachi you muppet

No. 2390819

In that case it's arguably even more swag

No. 2390840

If you hated it so much, why did you take a photo of it? I think you are jealous.

No. 2390853

damn, poor itachi didn't deserve to end up on some disgusting hairy moid's fat pig calf

No. 2391016

In that logic, do you think people photograph the people of Walmart or a person with flies congregating in the crack of their ass because of jealousy?

No. 2391020

Nah Itachi fucking sucks, he deserves to be tattooed on every single ugly moid on the planet.

No. 2391150

I know what you mean. Tattoos used to be cool, but now they're just another token of trashy low-class living. At my old job, there was this guy that was always complaining about being broke and never having enough money for his wife and kid, but one day he showed up with a new arm tattoo and when I asked about it he said that it cost him $500. It was an anime tattoo.

No. 2391479

I hate the "democrat makeup" thing going on on TikTok. Yeah we got it, it's bad and ugly. Now shut up.

No. 2391496

I hate the fake ass outrage over the gay romance option in KCD2. No one cares that Hans was 15 when he was having sex with multiple women on screen during the first game, but now that there's homosexuality involved everyone knows what day he was born.

No. 2391501

But I also read that Hans is already an adult in the first game, and his "real life counterpart" (the person he was based on) was 15 at the time?
But kek, even if I'm wrong, you're right about the double standard. Moids are insufferable.

No. 2391517

Ayrt Yeah Hans was always an adult in canon since the first game. But now that there's optional gay content in the game people are swarming the steam discussion page to talk about pedophilia because like you said, some barely related real life person was 15 at that point on history which means gays are pedos and pizzagate is real or some shit. Males on xitter are seething as if Hans is a little boy being buggered by a grown man ok screen, and there are people being influenced by that without having any real context.

No. 2391520

Now that it's heating up again, I hate hot weather and I hate that my great grandmother decided to leave chilly Pennsylvania for a southern state

No. 2391542

I hate that people can't just drive at the speed limit. I'm either stuck behind someone going 10-15 under for no apparent reason, or getting furiously overtaken by psychos who think me going the speed limit is a personal offense. Like, sorry I'm not gonna speed for your convenience. Is it that fucking hard to aim for exactly the speed limit?

No. 2391705

The comments. All of them.

No. 2391721

Based. Summer and the sun are evil. The sun is only welcome in winter. I also hate humidity so much, it makes heat even worse.

No. 2391734

Hate is maybe too strong a word for it but it always annoys me when people say they're going to a gig when they mean a show or a concert. It's only a gig if you're the one playing!

No. 2391787

Hate nepo babies or people getting where they are through money and connections saying that they totally could have done it without them. Fucking liars. Stupid ass losers. Like no, you only got a cushy programmer job because you fucked a nerd with rich parents and said parents paid for your expensive courses. And this other fucker only got a stupid artistic photographer job in the city because he was able to buy a bunch of expensive cameras with his dad's inheritance, and he already had the connections through his rich girlfriend and his pretentious school which got paid by his uncle. They shouldn't even dare to tell me that I can do it alone and that their situations weren't that special. Fuck off.

No. 2392281

I hate the trashy Midwest aesthetics, it gives me anxiety despite not even being American.

No. 2392293

I hate Michael Bublè. Frank Sinatra wannabe. Ugly fake forced voice with 1000 tons of pitch correction that even an animal can spot easily. Unnatural disgusting voice. Yet, his songs are EVERYWHERE.

No. 2392294

What kind? What do you mean? I'm curious lol.

No. 2392298

Legacy actors from the 80s-90s getting excused for everything under the sun when their filmography is lowkey shit and almost all of them are terrible people

No. 2392299

he's basically auto tune Henry Connick Jr

No. 2392333

Shit like Lana Del Rey or Chappell Roan with the trailer parks, I don't really know how to explain.

No. 2392342

File: 1739217283982.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x1831, IMG_7651.jpeg)

nta but stuff like picrel

No. 2392347

File: 1739217338402.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1170x1682, IMG_7654.jpeg)

or picrel

No. 2392353

The way Americans use the term "racism" as an umbrella term for discrimination. For example, Slytherin is not a "racist" house they weren't discriminating by skin color or ethnicity but magical blood purity, if you're related to Salazar Slytherin or something it doesn't matter if you are biracial or part Chinese, you Slytherin. I don't know which term should be used for that situation in particular but "racism" doesn't really apply. I know I look retarded caring so much for semantics but I hate the way these terms get throw around so lightly lately

No. 2392409

You're not retarded for thinking this. Words have meaning and if you throw it around without any regard for its definition, it gets muddied and no one will take it seriously anymore

No. 2392457

Or three Ethel Cain

No. 2392479

Why do these give you anxiety kek

No. 2392484

Yeah exactly, it looks so trashy and tacky.
I had him in mind as well but he has more incestuous Gummo vibes.
I really don't know how to explain, I imagine growing up in this environment and feeling trapped there.

No. 2392509

These aesthetics are about not fitting into these environments, just look at Lana's "ethereal baby doll lost in the hood" thing or Chappell's clownface princess thing in the backwoods hillbilly midwest thing. Everything about these phony aesthetics serve to tell a sort of story about the key figure of the aesthetic itself. There will never be a "trashy" aesthetic that is about being trashy as fuck, being made for that life, and reveling in it (excluding AGP troon Ethel's entire thing, that guy is gooning to murdered women so he doesnt count). The trashy aesthetics gain notoriety as a sort of tongue-in-cheek way to spurn that very environment. Chappell's old timey clown princess in the backwoods midwest thing isn't about loving that environment, it's about being trapped in that environment and being the sort of chuuni character that comically sticks out. She is born into that life but it's obvious she wasn't meant for it. A real representation of a trashy midwest aesthetic would be uncolored hair in a long, frumpy style, wearing bulky casual camo hunting gear, and living in a trailer park and going hunting, oh and being slightly overweight. Nobody will do that though kek, so nobody is truly celebrating this environment. It's all about being the bitch who stands out and is "trapped" there, like you said.

No. 2392517

Ntayrt but you summed it up well. A lot of these artistic choices are just a way to say "I'm better than these people!" It always come off as a way to put down the people that actually live those lives, not a way to lift them up.

No. 2392536

People that think that having normal stress and anxiety means they have a disorder, same for depression.

No. 2392620

I hate Hello Kitty and the freaks obsessed with it. What is so appealing about it? I watched this video about crazy Hello Kitty fanatics and I'm appalled. People fighting others in the stores and being rude and passive aggressive just to get their grubby hands on that ugly, cheap Chinese slop. Holy retardation. This can't be real…

No. 2392698

Being a fan of Sanrio mascots is a red flag to me.

No. 2393321

File: 1739270258858.jpeg (84.14 KB, 687x446, IMG_8387.jpeg)

I hate light sleepers and their main character syndrome. My ex moid used to get pissy if anything bothered him while sleeping while needing very specific conditions to fall asleep. It had to be dark with black out curtains and the door closed so that the sun can’t get in. He needed earplugs and a white noise machine. If I got up in the middle of the night to pee, he got pissy that I opened or closed the door too loudly no matter how quiet I tried to be but would slam doors himself with not a single care in the world, and this was with the earplugs. Once I tripped and fell because he pushed the blanket on the ground when he was too hot and he got mad I woke him up cause His Majesty had work in the morning. His whole family was like that. Once we slept over at his parents’ place and his mom asked that I not flush the toilet when I go because it disturbs her sleep. She walked it right back when I took a fat period shit in the toilet a few nights later, all of a sudden flushing didn’t bother her so much.

Get medical help and stop making everyone tiptoe around you, bitch.

No. 2393335

>mom asks her not to flush in the middle of the night
>leaves a fat period shit in the toilet
KEK that was a Stacy move.

No. 2393361

Tacky and silly

No. 2393363

You've made this exact post verbatim before.

No. 2393366

Objectively the funniest response to that request.

No. 2393392

Take your meds.

No. 2393445

something about buying shit you don't really need makes people lose their minds. before online shopping became popular there would be horrific fights in stores on black friday and back in the 90s there were trampling incidents when the tickle me elmo was released. i saw a video (i think it may have been posted on here) about people lining up for blocks just to get a burnt crumbl cookie

No. 2393446

The monkey hindbrain urge to go to war over resources.

No. 2393721

Insincere/OTT female internet bonding, like what happens on reddit/twochromosomes. It's always uncomfortable and reminds me of trannies or women who say they have no female friends irl

No. 2393764

Around my area something similar happened when Popeye's chicken sandwich was first released, people literally getting into fights over it and cars in the drive-thru extending several blocks it's not even THAT good

No. 2393943

>You know I'm just joking anon, right?
Up until now I thought so, too lol

No. 2394074

literal whos in the youtube comment section starting their sentences with "as a blank i agree" or "as a blank i (long infodump)" as if it's going to instantly change people's opinions on how they perceive certain things. They’re very self-centered

No. 2394080

Cottagecore and similar pastoral aesthetics. Can't wait for it to be replaced by sexy high-rise skyscrapers and airbrushed 80s luxury advertisements.

No. 2394116

I've heard people say it's not that good, but it's so good to me. I crave the fucking thing like once a month.

No. 2394267

I hate that you can't call a spade a spade anymore. This place sucks no I will not leave

No. 2394374

I hate this idea western show writers have that you NEED to add goofy comedy stuff or/and romance stuff to your show to make it good. Especially when the show has a serious mystery horror thriller vibe to it, but they break it all with some comedy thing or romance thing. To me, it makes everything less serious. I know they have this idea because they think adding funny/romantic moments will contrast with the serious moments and make the serious moments stand out more, but to me, it does the opposite and make the serious stuff dull. Like, the story could do and be much better with all the comedy and romance taken out of it. So it would be condensed non-stop action, mystery, thrill, horror etc. Although, I understand that it could be too overwhelming for some people.

No. 2394437

Agreed 100% I hate comedic relief so fucking much. It's unnecessary. If I wanted comedy then I would, I don't know, watch a comedy?

No. 2394480

Joss Wheldon destroyed western media

No. 2394487

Hate that fugly retard. Even the Buffy set had to walk on eggshells for him

No. 2394519

Fucking thank you. It’s weird because I feel like I thought it was refreshing and funny for a brief time, but now I’m so sick of the Joss Whedon-style “quips” and sarcastic unrealistic banter in everything now.
Also can’t stand those “will they, won’t they” love stories shoehorned into everything that features a man and a woman as lead characters.

No. 2394693

Judgmental filmmakers end up making insecure films.

No. 2395123

I hate when people start claiming no one is truly a normie these days just because the internet and nerd hobbies have become more mainstream and normalized. It feels disingenuous because as much as anime and other nerdy things have become more popular among normal people, it's not like they consume anything that isn't just the most popular stuff and don't still just have a surface level understanding of nerd media and the internet. It comes across like a normie cope due to how being alt and nerdy is basically seen as cool and unique compared to being basic nowadays, they don't want to be told they're normie even if it's literally what they are because it's seen as uncool and usually used as an insult in these communities. If you notice any of the obvious differences between you and one of these types they'll just attack you and act like you're just an edgelord gatekeeping nerd who thinks they're special solely for being able to acknowledge the very real differences between you. They'll even act like you're opressing them and you shouldn't be so bitter if you simply state both of you have led very different lives and that you can't really relate to them. Even when it's like, objectively true and you aren't even trying to insult them or anything.

No. 2395212

Subtitles on short videos where they put one word at a time, I stop the video immediately because I feel it's giving me ADHD. Also subtitles on TikTok where all the errs and the hums are included, cut the unnecessary crap.

No. 2395605

People who say it isn't that deep as their response to everything. Maybe it is that deep. Maybe you're just stupid.

No. 2395714

When people vomit in movies it always looks fake like you can tell they just have a mouthful of whatever and spit. Not that I love watching people vomit but it always bothers me, they should just make it happen off screen. Sorry about the vomit talk don't watch the clip if it makes you nauseous kek

No. 2395778

Check out the pie eating contest scene in Stand By Me.

No. 2396064

When people use the word "flavoursome" instead of "flavourful". Just why.

No. 2397120

When you lament about being a lifelong single and anons respond with "you're not missing out on anything, it's not worth it", yeah I'm sure you'd totally trade whatever experience you've had for a life of celibacy and loneliness.

No. 2397121


No. 2397168

I had sex and bfs like 10 yrs ago and I wish I hadn't bothered, they were a total waste of time and I resent that any moids have knowledge of my body. Being single and celibate doesn't automatically mean lonely btw, I simply feel happy and secure in the fact that no moid is able to negatively impact my life as so many of them do.

Anyway just go on tinder and lower your standards if you're suffering so much, it's not that hard. If you have justifications for not doing that, clearly being single isn't the worst possible outcome.

No. 2397251

Nah I'm never lowering my standards.

No. 2398225

I fucking hate the cloudflare verification that every site does now. Half the internet is bots now, why do you care if I'm human kek. It's just an issue because sometimes it loops endlessly or just doesn't work for some fucking reason

No. 2398228

That one banner of the crying anime cows fucking creeps me out.

No. 2398231

>Anyway just go on tinder and
That speaks volumes, you're confusing a normal relationship with whatever you had.

No. 2398242

>women who don't date are lonely and desperate! i still want men even if you dykes hate them

No. 2398262

The sound of pills rattling around in a pill bottle. It's the sound my medication tracking app uses for its notifications, and now after hearing it everyday fir months it's gotten annoying. I don't even like to hear my actual pill bottles shaking around.

No. 2398543

I’m straight but male genitalia is so fucking nasty. They look like freaky alien worm shit from mars or jupiter.(no porn)

No. 2398558

okay i like penis but that scared me EW

No. 2398623

i hate the mindset of 'if you don't entirely agree with me then you must be the thing i hate'. so many people are unable to have normal discussions without letting their fragility show and cannot accept any other opinion but their own, how boring must that be?

No. 2398735

I hate Kendrick Lamar's voice, he sounds like a pervert uncle.

No. 2398738

Saw this before it got deleted, tbh that was a nice dick

No. 2399462

>the girlies
>___ girlie
SHUT THE FUCK UUUUP. Just say gal or chick

No. 2399750

Anons that complain about relationship vents in the vent thread while also only replying to relationship vent posts. There could be a million posts about varied topics, the relationship ones will always draw the most attention while the others get ignored.

No. 2399760

late reply but SAME. last week i had to share a hotel room with my sister and she snores incredibly loud, i love her but jeez i was so pissed i wanted to smack her with a pillow

No. 2399799

I hate chick and gal too. I wish we had a good female equivalent of “guy”. Honestly I think one of the reasons people still call adult women girls is because there is no good casual equivalent

No. 2399807

When lonely, maidenless men raid lolcow and be super rude to nonnas because we won't have sex with them.

No. 2399814

I do my best to reply to the ones I can help with, but I get burnt out and have to stop for a while.

No. 2399869

>post makes me jealous
>I'll a-log nonna and say I hope she gets hurt and that her loved ones die and that ought to teach her for posting nice things
I am a shameful BPDemon and I need to medicate my seething hatred.

No. 2399879

>Honestly I think one of the reasons people still call adult women girls is because there is no good casual equivalent
NTAYRT but I agree, I think about it whenever I do use the word girls but yeah it really is the only good equivalent

No. 2399890

If I'm in a good mood and I'm addressing more than one woman I'll refer to them as "ladiiieeeesssss" with it drawn out. I've only done that with coworkers via Teams Chat and my roommate's cats, though. I also sing that Sean Kingston song to my roommate's cats about how they make me suicidal.
>I hate
stupid elderly people that call and get legitimately upset and want to argue with me about how the automated system told them to dial a number for English. They get even angrier if they first option isn't English. They get sooooo fucking mad, and they're always people who are looking (begging) for help and assumed that up until now, only parasites and mooches got government services. They always get so fucking mad when I tell them there isn't anything for seniors beyond meals on wheels or a 30 pound box of dry food, and even then, that's monthly food delivery you salty bitch. Fuck off. You don't do shit anymore and by your logic, you are now the welfare mooch. That, and you have most likely spearheaded the worst policies in the country, which have contributed to you having NOTHING and getting NOTHING.

No. 2399944

File: 1739577753328.jpg (315.06 KB, 3840x2165, https___assets.lareviewofbooks…)

I'm on episode like 4 or 5, and I hate this stupid horse.
>Takes in Sarah Lynn
>"Omg you're like my daughter, I love you so much, I'll let you do anything you want, but also you're a legal adult now so let me take advantage of you and fuck you"
>"Omg I'm so talented and confident and so amazing, but also insecure and need validation and I'm so tragic"
>Ruins Todd's chances of being independent from him
On top of all of that, his head is shaped like a semi-hard, uncircumcised penis with saggy balls.

No. 2399946

My shitty ex liked Bojack. Scrotes gravitate towards selfish and narcissistic characters like it's nobody's business. Rick from Rick and Morty is another good one.

No. 2399958

Nta but the moids who love these characters never understand how they're bad people, they see that some retarded shithead is a main character so they think durrr must mean these qualities we share are…. good! Men should not watch tv.

No. 2399961

>men should not watch TV

No. 2399963

Strap in, nona. He gets so much worse.

No. 2399971

I already know that Sarah Lynn dies and he has something to do with it, not very excited to see what else he does (but I will keep watching to hate on him and in hopes that someone fucks up his entire life and he becomes a hobo or something).
It kind of baffles me that there are people who like him considering it's made abundantly clear that he's a dickhead.

No. 2400273

Newfags are honestly just annoying, and I don't get why every few days there's one trying to argue with an anon about the site and how it should be.

No. 2400279

Weirdly personal asslicking on imageboards. It's odd and socially inept, doesn't happen frequently but you can tell they're definitely the people also having meltdowns about how someone in the friendfinder thread ghosted then.

No. 2400295

kiwi users who write the most pretentious bullshit in existence. I’ll read a thread and some users have the most dumbest takes with the most pompous sounding deliveries.

No. 2400300

Literally the weirdest and whiniest faggots imaginable congregating together in the ugliest human centipede you've ever seen eating eachothers shit

No. 2400334

It's incredible that nothing in that reply implied what you wrote, you're the perfect example of what's destroying this board, no reading comprehension, ~le blackpilled Stacy jumping into threads and hitting reply with the most schizo takes possible, log off and go eat the tendies your mother made for you

No. 2400342

The loss of reading comprehension in general makes me so sad. It makes it harder to play with anons because they can't understand I'm agreeing with them if I don't say it in the simplest, most straightforward terms.

No. 2400380

I suspect those are bots and they're deliberately made to not make sense. Its a new form of attack.

No. 2400484

Any and all fashion ‘historian’ youtubers. I especially hate their fans that treat their words as gospel, when they’re all just hobbyists.

No. 2400491

I've always felt bad for thinking this but I have a dislike for that one woman who did the "sexy Victorian onlyfans" with "spicy ankle pics" like when did I become this much of a bitch. Anyways hate that

No. 2400533

I’ve always found the historical sewing community to be one of the most insufferable. There isn’t even good drama to keep you entertained like with the fiber arts community, no one fakes their death they just post why Eliza McCrugget or whoever the fuck is wrong about stocking seams in 15th century men’s peasant wear.

No. 2400603

With how anal they pretend to be about powerleveling, they sure do and encourage it a lot. Or at least used to, haven't been on there in what feels like a decade.

No. 2400798

I hate how they tried to have us believe corsets are comfortable (they're absolutely not by today's standards). I understood why they were so committed to the bit when i saw videos about why corsetery is good if you're plus size. Abby Cox is better than others but every now and then she posts a dishonest video. Her rant about Hermès being le hecking wholesome ethical brand and a dream to work at is so funny when you know how workers talk about that company

No. 2400804

The same posters who cry we're all too mean to them btw.

No. 2400809

File: 1739623349578.jpg (58.88 KB, 508x685, 380274214668fa583c089d879ccf61…)

I hate how every time I watch a video of a woman talking about normalizing body hair or feeling comfortable without makeup, there’s always a group of women jumping in to defend their right to wear makeup, shave, etc. No one’s taking that right away from you, just shut up.

No. 2400927

Thank you nonna, I thought I was the only one annoyed with historical costubers here. Most of them are insufferable and the chill ones who just do a tutorial without the faff are rare. The faux wokeness is annoying too. Like one of them ranted through a video about how banyans have a problematic history… but then still made one and acted like it was fine because they called it a robe. There's one youtuber who I really want to like, but she's spicy straight and "qweer" that it distracts from what are otherwise decent videos (like no girl making a Viking women's outfit in the asexual flag colors is not "Viking But Make It Queer".)

No. 2400929

It ironically just shows they are insecure for wearing makeup and shaving. They should sit down with themselves and question why they need to defend a decision no one spoke against in the first place if it's supposedly actually making them happy.

No. 2400933

I hate this too, I've experienced it a lot in real life. It's such a knee-jerk cope reaction. "B-but I'm expressing myself!! It makes me feel good!! I have sensory issues!!" Like clockwork kek. I've heard all the copes.

No. 2400934

It's always weird to me because you don't see as many women who don't shave/wear makeup shitting up the comments sections of makeup videos. They just recognize that the content is not for them and move on with their lives. It feels like sour grapes.

No. 2400942

I particularly hate when they go "you want us to become men by rejecting femininity???".

No. 2400945

I extra hate this one. No, shaving and makeup is not femininity and they're telling on themselves whenever they try to claim that it is.

No. 2400969

I can't stand when someone is happy and comfortable with something, like not shaving, and then some people (especially women) come along and suggest options for them to shave. For example, "oh so you don't shave because it hurt your skin? Try these 5 products." Or, "Don't like that the results don't last? Get laser". Why is it so hard for some people to accept that some people actual enjoy not taking part in certain stuff kek.

No. 2401078

I used to love bernadettes sewing videos but she is so fucking annoying now. I guess she kind of always was but at least she was making interesting clothes. She privated many of her good videos.

No. 2401202

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People who are bad at cooking eggs give me bad vibes
I always assume they are some mix of stupid, lazy, privileged, helpless, irresponsible, immature, wasteful, etc
Literal children can fry eggs without breaking the yolks, overcooking, getting the eggs stuck, or getting shell in them, but why do adults that always seem to mess up such a simple food treat it like a quirk? I've met multiple people that proclaim that they never cook eggs right as if it's endearing
This expands to overall cooking of staple foods, but I've been seeing it with eggs more than I'd like to

No. 2401207

I think they just cook it at too high heat and maybe with no fat/a sticky pan. My grandmother taught me to cook them at medium to medium high and I haven't gone back since.

No. 2401211

I knew someone who was very abusive towards children and animals and whenever she cooked eggs they turned out literally grey and disgusting.

No. 2401240

It's so easy to make good, fluffy scrambled eggs like one has to be fucking retarded to mess that shit up.

No. 2401274

>It feels like sour grapes.
It definitely is. I think they envy the confidence and level of comfort women have when we don’t subscribe to societal beauty norms. It’s like, they have to do it, so why shouldn’t we? It’s so annoying.

No. 2401287

I’m vegan and have been for years, not because I care about animals but for the health benefits. And I cannot stand when “animal lovers” shame you for wearing real fur. When these same so called animal lovers eat meat and animal products and use cosmetic products that are animals tested, as well as owning pets literally having an animal imprisoned outside of their natural habitat simply because they find the animal cute. And most of the time these people aren’t even animal lovers, they simply just love dogs or cats. I don’t care about animals and I don’t believe humans should be living together with them it’s unnatural. That’s my opinion. But I just find this rhetoric from these self proclaimed animal lovers hypocritical at vast, and it pisses me off.

No. 2401460

I really fucking hate Paul Mescal especially after this ugh his faggy harry styles-esque outfit. I love Saoirse so much. I know in a followup interview this moment was brought up and she mentioned the murder of Sarah Everard and when Paul followed up he was just hurrduurrrrrr waman didn't even cross my mind durrr

No. 2401583

File: 1739662399160.jpg (377.32 KB, 1079x1326, Screenshot_20250216_002242_Blu…)

fandom retards that think they're being oppressed because some people don't want to be hit with extreme kink shit. i miss when people had more shame and would hide their truly degenerate stuff on separate locked accounts that only a select few who were into said stuff had access to.

No. 2401588

YESS nona I fucking hate him and love Saoirse for shutting him the hell up

No. 2401723

I'm into a lot of medieval/fantasy stuff but I can't even go to renfaires anymore (especially by myself) because of all the OnlyFans girls in awful aliexpress "cosplay" and the fact that everything is extremely expensive.

No. 2401730

i was better at cooking eggs as a child than i am now. its a skill.

No. 2401746

When anons announce that they are sageing in a post. You don’t need to do that we can tell. It’s also funny when they do this and then don’t actually sage their post.

No. 2401749

File: 1739669920717.gif (902.47 KB, 220x202, the-fuck-same.gif)

No. 2401750

Those anons are just newfags from 4chan
Which is funny because thats not how sageing works over there either

No. 2401807

File: 1739671491601.png (641.87 KB, 1199x605, erin.png)

>It’s also funny when they do this and then don’t actually sage their post
This reminded me of when Erin Painter did this exact thing while undercover in her own thread. I went looking for her post history to reminisce but it's gone. Wtf

No. 2401870

This is the second time today I've seem someone calling people newfags for announcing their sage. I think it's unnecessary too, but it's not a newfag thing. Anons have always done that here.

No. 2401873

I think you can tell when its a newfag or not. Like someone saying "sage" and not doing it is a newfag, but somebody saying "sage for blogpost" in an /ot/ thread means they're apologizing for a slight derail, but they're posting anyways.

No. 2402099

4chan has been banning people for announcing sage since moot was in charge. Only retards announce it on 4chan

No. 2402163

this isn't correct. it's common on 4chan for saying things like "polite sage". posters get banned for writing sage in posts when they think that's how sageing works when it's not. sageing here is more policed than on 4chan anyway.

No. 2402242

After this I saw a few press videos of Saoirse having to run some soft defense for Paul saying oh he's so understanding about women issues it makes me think he actually got a fair amount of criticism from this and since he's such a sell out hollywood machine now after Gladiator 2 his management wanted Saoirse to defend him leaves a really foul taste in my mouth about him

No. 2402256

>Anons have always done that here.
And it's almost always been a sign of non-integration at worst and a sign of being annoying at best. There's even a little blurb in the posting guide about announcing sage.

No. 2402360

File: 1739696510615.png (1.9 MB, 954x1466, simpsons do it for her.png)

I hate that this heartfelt moment of a father working hard for his baby daughter is now mostly known for annoying coomer waifu meme.

No. 2402415

All I can think when I see this pasty Irish potato is that he hooks up with women in parks and then ghosts them kek

No. 2402473

File: 1739701276300.jpg (73.5 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Samefag, I'm now through most of season 2, and I think I retract this post. I kind of like the horse now, he's not nearly as destructive as season 1 and I think he's cute with wanda. I was wrong about you, horse.

No. 2402521

File: 1739703051313.gif (1.54 MB, 220x275, 1000032811.gif)

>Retards really had to sperg out over polite sageing in two different threads

No. 2402522

File: 1739703098609.jpeg (68.09 KB, 655x442, IMG_4574.jpeg)

>I was wrong about you, horse.

No. 2402523

Do you know what sperging means?

No. 2402530

File: 1739703568915.jpg (82.08 KB, 500x607, 1000000639.jpg)

Just found out hank green is bisexal and it pissed me off. Idc that someone asked–who asked.

No. 2402535

Isnt he just a larper though?

No. 2402536

I'm not surprised tbh.

No. 2402537

I thought he was gay

No. 2402539

KEKKKK the Tumblr-esque descriptions of bears and twinks

No. 2402576

He reminds me of a tif who's dream of becoming a real man was realised by a trickster god

No. 2402597

File: 1739707910850.webp (38.41 KB, 327x514, Rutabaga.webp)

Well, you were right anon. Only a few episodes later and I'm already disappointed again. Moids don't change anons, not even anthropomorphic horse ones. I just hope after the Penny thing I don't see him trying to have sex with women/girls he sees himself as a father figure too anymore. Blegh.
Anyway, I hate the Carolyn and rabbit guy love storyline. This rabbit is clearly gay.

No. 2402704

Oh he's worse than gay. Get ready nonna, PC is gonna kiss a lot more frogs not actually frogs, considering the show before the show is through.

No. 2402946


No. 2403219

Dating men with nieces/nephews when they're the "fun uncle". It will always end up causing you to be dragged along to go hang out with the kids every weekend even if you just got done with a shit work week. It's happened to me twice, it's like as soon as they make themselves known as the "fun uncle" they literally force you to interact with their nieces/nephews. It would drive me fucking crazy every time and it was always clear the kids would have just preferred to spend time with their family like bro. I do not derive joy from hanging around your annoying child family members. They'd always end up inviting them to stay over at our place too randomly and then I would be forced to entertain the kids and not have any real personal time to myself because now some annoying kids have to be in our apartment for hours to visit their annoying uncle when they could have just stayed with their grandma. Holy shit kill me.

No. 2403244

I feel like they do that to "win" you over by showing they're good with kids

No. 2403253

It works if they do it in a way removed from me, but then again every time I would give them positive attention for their positive relationship with their neices/nephews it's almost like they thought that I must really love kids. It's so annoying kek.

No. 2403281

The way "ethnic" is used as a synonym for nonwhite even though people of every race have an ethnicity

No. 2403309

And then people get upset and call it racist when it's clear the person just meant "native to that country" without any ill intent behind it

No. 2403319

I was thinking of posting something like this itt today, kek. Agreed. People who use it come off as glorifying nonwhites and it's kinda weird to me as a nonwhite person. It treats white people as some default or separate category, while any and every nonwhite people are one big category defined by being not white. That's kinda racist in a way, no?

No. 2403322

I have a neutral name, so I hate when a guy I like has the same name as me or a name similar to mine. For example, if my name was Alexandria I would feel turned off even by a guy named Alex. I do not want a Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner situation. It's weird and no one wants to moan their own name during sex.

No. 2403465

This is so stupid because they are implying that their natural state is masculine by default and they have to artificially change themselves in order to become feminine.

No. 2403626

File: 1739754610294.png (57.08 KB, 953x558, groyperscrote.png)

I hate autistic scrotes, specifically the radicalized ones. They're toddlers. Theyll get on to everyone for how theyre a minority but when you bring up their autism they start shitting themselves. they use hatefulness to makeup for being tards

No. 2404016

>getting into music group lately
>one of the members did some pretty heinous shit
>every youtube video has people replying to positive comments about him from 10 years ago with “i bet you regret this haha” or “this aged poorly”

What is the motivation here? Do they think it’s funny to make the same joke everyone else has already made? Do they think they're owning people who probably haven't thought about him in years? Or are they genuinely criticizing the commenters (cause there’s no way their faves could ever be horrible people)?

No. 2404106

I hate that I'm always either too cold or too hot. I'm a big baby, so whenever I'm not at a decent temperature I feel like I can't get anything done. I wish I was an animal in an enclosure where someone is always keeping me at the ambient perfect

No. 2404113

Same. I share an office with people and have to take both a blanket and hand warmer to work, but everyone else likes how it feels. Something is wrong with my temperature detector.

No. 2404944

File: 1739829366818.jpg (145.34 KB, 1098x1137, 1000004602.jpg)

i hate when nonnas sperg about threadpics. whether its complaining about how an inoffensive threadpic needs to be spoilerd or insisting that threadpics have to follow a non-official theme, its all annoying. mini-mod acting bitches that unironically need to lurk more

No. 2405997

I hate this faggot's singing voice so much. I know he's joking in this video but idk his name so I went with the only clip I know of him. I don find this joke funny, though. But in videos where he's "showing off" his voice, it's just so cringe. He sounds like absolute shit with the whiniest nasaliest sound possible. I hate this type of fat dude with beard who sings online in general. Majority of them edit their voices, too.

No. 2406001

Every single Diablo Cody movie. I also hate the way zoomers think this is millennial culture, she's gen-x and probably uses words like "hubby" and "veggies"

No. 2406024

File: 1739896644207.jpg (95.54 KB, 1200x675, 861994675.jpg)

samefag if anyone thinks I'm exaggerating or being anti-woman/unfair
>ROLLO, the eccentric drugstore clerk, sneers at Juno from behind the counter. He wears a polyester uniform vest.
>Well, well. If it isn’t MacGuff the Crime Dog! Back for another test?
>I think the last one was defective. The plus sign looked more like a division sign.
>Rollo regards her with intense skepticism.
>I remain unconvinced.
>Rollo pulls the bathroom key out of reach.
>This is your third test today, Mama Bear. Your eggo is preggo, no doubt about it!
>An eavesdropping TOUGH GIRL wearing an oversized jacket and lots of makeup gapes at Juno from the beauty aisle.

No. 2406025

I fucking hate when men try to turn any basic ass conversation into a debate or invalidate you at every chance they get. I can bring up some random thing that isn't even controversial in any way and instead of engaging like a normal person they'll deny the basic premise of what I said and try to invalidate it and turn it into an argument. It's so obnoxious. It's like they're always looking for ways to misunderstand you, be condescending and put you down even the most innocuous shit and if you get pissed off at constantly dealing with this then you're an overly emotional woman. I hate men who don't know how to shut the fuck up and constantly want to fight you on things in general
These same women will also call you weird if you tell them you don't like hairy men kek.

No. 2406034

they never do this shit to other men because other men know this is a direct attack. men who do this are attacking women on purpose because they feel threatened we might be better or know more than them.

No. 2406042

I had a friend obsessed with Juno in college and she made eating orange Tic Tac her whole personality.

No. 2406051

KEK do you still talk to her? There's something about D.C's movies in general that make me feel emotionally exhausted and probably haven't seen one in full. She used to brag about her leads being self-inserts, which made me aware she always positions herself as the coolest/most desirable girl in every fantasy situation She's a dippy bippie, no doubt about it!

No. 2406054

Pretty much, they trust anything other men say no matter how outlandish and retarded it sounds half the time while constantly doubting you and misunderstanding you if you're a woman over the most basic facts. It's like walking on eggshells and constantly being tested when interacting and it gets old fast. They feel too stupid to even talk to about the weather or what book you've been reading or something mundane like that because they'll find some way to turn it into an argument to "own" you due to their insecurities.

No. 2406166

>(pun not intended tehe)
Yeah, there was no pun…?

No. 2406283

I hate iceberg chart videos so much. Especially ones like this, you can just tell this dude isn't passionate about music, anyone who's vaguely into heavier music will know at least half of these. It's just a lame excuse for scrotes to make a video when they don't have any ideas of their own.

No. 2406290

totally agree. the fact it was also originally a 4chan meme gives me the ick. i hate when scrotes spread and normalize 4chan memes and make them mainstream.

No. 2406292

I'm hating a new side effect of my PMS that appeared this year. My breasts HURT before and during my period and seem swollen. Why, WHY ARE THEY DOING THAT?! I'm in my 20's and they never did that before?

No. 2406317

That was the case for me, now it hurts when my period starts and after it ends/during ovulation. Fun. It could suggest a hormonal imbalance of some sort though so maybe check that out.

No. 2406326

I will, cuz I'm about to tear off someones head off. I feel like someone punched my puppies

No. 2406327

Yeah that started being a thing in my 20s too, don't have PMS tho. Take with grain of salt but I read reducing sugar in your diet can reduce the pain because sugar causes inflammation and messes with hormones? I tried it once and I didn't get boob pain that cycle but I didn't keep up with it afterwards to see if it was just a fluke or not

No. 2406328

tbh I need to reduce sugars and bread in my diet anyway. I'm booking an appoitment but I'll be reducing sugar just cuz

No. 2406331

Agreed, we don't need 50+ posts whining about "THE THREADPIC ISN'T FUNNY, REMAKE IT NOW" like goddamn, maybe stop being a lazy newfag and make threads yourself then kek

No. 2406353

Yeah, it's kind of weird how entitled and impatient everyone is. The vent thread got filled last night, and instead of making a new one, retards started shitting up mundane things. What? I don't make threads but I just picked a photo, copied everything over, proofread, checked my styling, and hit post… it took less than five minutes, but it seems as if designated anons aren't online, nobody will help maintain the site they all want to shit up.
And it's not a big deal if you mess up. Anon last night accidentally broke her link in the new artist salt thread, I let her know why it was doing that, and she remade. Nobody was mad or anything, I was very happy she made the new thread at all. And she went above and beyond in my opinion, because most anons don't bother to correct mistakes in their ops.

No. 2406375

Why do people still spread that fucking psuedoscorpion myth? Literally anything from 4chan that's claimed to be from the "dark web" is a fucking hoax.

No. 2406383

Its so fucking pathetic most of the time

No. 2406386

File: 1739918755659.gif (1.89 MB, 330x315, 1612965313534.gif)

The fact that the Unconventional Male Attractions thread has 27 threads. And that its always near the top of /g/.

No. 2406392

God forbid women express sexuality in even the most minute ways

No. 2406396

I'm sad cause I used to like scrolling that thread for a laugh but the hybristophiles disgust me so much. What the hell is wrong with them.

No. 2406458

The Luigi thread is legit full of cows. It's a whole pasture. There is a choir of moos emanating from that thread at all times.

No. 2406459

I hate when people (young people, women, often) who shut down any conversation with "it's not that deep". It is that deep actually. This silly topic we're discussing could be studied from 10 different angles and i would love to read a book about it. I hate this fake nonchalant mindset, this lack of curiosity is actually disguting and not a cool or desirable trait. I notice it often comes with a fear of "judging" others, of having any kind of opinion. Nothing is deep, nothing can be judged or analyzed, you are a cog in the machine and are afraid to develop any subjective thought because it gets in the way of liberal be kind programming. I'm bored.

No. 2406460

I'm convinced most of the anons in there are trolls. Some of the men being posted… there's just no way. JD Vance? No fucking way, the person posting him in there is laughing her ass off every time she posts him, there is no doubt.

No. 2406469

File: 1739923305089.png (68.03 KB, 458x338, 1731285421096.png)

I hate it when non-virgin women take a guy's virginity.

No. 2406470

Same. Everyone wants to be the cool nonchalant chad that doesn't care about anything or anyone beyond a surface level and if you care or write more than one sentence about a specific topic then you're overthinking it and you're a loser. I think they're just too retarded to actually discuss things and this is their cope, pretending it's an aspirational trait to be unintelligent and apathetic to things around them. When in reality it's just that they're just another dime a dozen retard that's barely cognizant so they can't really analyse or think about anything too deeply even if they wanted to

No. 2406474

The only time it's valid is when someone takes an obvious joke too seriously, otherwise butting into a discussion just to say "UH, IT'S NOT EVEN THAT SERIOUS LMAO" is loser dumbass behaviour.

No. 2406479

To be fair, I think thirsting over Luigi is fundamentally different than thirsting over someone like Bundy and their "fandoms" shouldn't be lumped together. His victim was one single morally bankrupt scrote, no1curr. But you're right about his thread being insane kek

No. 2406502

Whenever they make a new thread and I go to hide it, I take a peek and it feels like I've entered bizzarro lolcow. What a pathetic group of people

No. 2406504

I seriously consider it a cow thread. Home grown milk is the sweetest.

No. 2406506

I hate anons who don't know how to hide threads they don't like
This is why I said in another vent that /g/ should be hidden because recently there's tons of anons going out of their way to visit threads they dislike, not just the unconventional one either but basically any horny related thread

No. 2406509

I hate anons who start their victim act as soon as someone says something mildly mean about their ugly scrotes. Who said the thread wasnt hidden? You still see it on the catalog and when scrolling down the standard view

No. 2406515

Kek seriously. Oh no, someone anonymously thinks you, who is also anonymous, is cringey. The world is ending!

No. 2406530

It's just annoying when someone constantly jumps in the threads to infight, derail and fingerwag at everyone

No. 2406585

…so exactly what you’re doing right now

No. 2406601

…because you guys already did it first

No. 2406607

I'm going to bump it everyday out of spite now and make sure it always stays at the top

No. 2406614

I don't know if you've noticed but this isn't /g/. I know sometimes spergs do shit up those threads but anon made her complaint in an appropriate thread so what are you crying about?

No. 2406920

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I hate his ugly ass so much I wish they’d shove him into a hydraulic press

No. 2407155

He looks like a mutant rat creature from a horror movie who staggers out of the vat and begs to be euthanised.

No. 2407435

When will Cloudflare not endlessly looping in minor browsers return from war?

No. 2410096

Artists who waste their talent on drawing coomshit

No. 2410099

But aren't you kind of glad? Now you know what they're really into (disgusting misogynistic crap, troon shit, etc) and can now avoid them?

No. 2410108

I guess, but it still makes me sad that sometimes I'll find some really nice artists only to go to their page and have the rest of their art be mostly coomshit. Could've been putting all that skill to use on something actually good so it just always feels like a waste.

No. 2410132

Yeah, I get you. It really is a shame.
A positive thing we get from it is we know other artists see that and get inspired to do better, because if some retarded coomshitter can do it, why can't they?

No. 2410200

True kek, it does inspire me to become better personally too.

No. 2410254

People who use suicide stories for likes in comment sections.

No. 2410263

This. We should be allowed to make fun of their shitty tastes, I don’t get why the user base is exempt from gossip and vitriol. Bring back shaming and bullying pls

No. 2410295

>I don’t get why the user base is exempt from gossip and vitriol
Because it leads to infighting

No. 2410331

The kind of people that buy those shitty Crumbl cookies. They're the exact kind of people with the tacky modified Miatas. The kind of people who put a cross emoji in their bio but are the most vindictive spawn on Earth. The kind of people who fake-cry on IG to Taylor Swift songs for attention.

No. 2410339

Crumbl cookies really aren’t that good I don’t understand the hype and I say this as a sweettoothfag

No. 2410358

Kek my stepmom is into getting Crumbl cookies twice a month and she's very normie, doesn't have any weird habits other than scrolling tiktok for a couple hours a day.
I think Crumbl cookies are like, enrichment for them.

No. 2410567

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I hate when women do the “what was she wearing?” Bullshit like are you fucking kidding me? Men open up animal brothels, rape babies and rape rotting corpses they found in the woods. Men are actually demonic and should be shot on sight the way we shoot dogs when they step out of line.
Ever since i saw all those men(and only men) in the Kero the Wolf incident raping puppies to death, dogs, sticking dead fox dicks up their ass and fucking dead rotting deer, i have never viewed men the same way since. I dont think of them as human anymore.
It is appalling that women live their whole lives believing that everything is a womens fault whilst men are just victims somehow. Even when men shoot up an elementary school, it was actually some girls fault for rejecting him 5 years ago.

No. 2410570

An entire village of men was ok with raping an ugly ass orangutan, what makes you think men wouldnt rape a women completely covered head to toe in ugly cloths?

No. 2410573

Your second paragraph is why the world is bleak. And yeah, I think it's just sad how women are so conditioned to believe it's always our fault. We've been unhappy for millennia yet a moid feels the slightest bit of pain and boom the world is nuked.

No. 2410582

I have an older friend who tries to rant about high school girls dressing too provocative and then "crying rape" exact words once. Bleak. and I've had to shut her down multiple times about it. Just vile. I have no idea how someone can get to her big age and still think that women are the cause of male violence.

No. 2410588

>I have an older friend
You have a friend who casually says young girls lie about rape because of what their wearing? I can't imagine any situation where I would tolerate that. If this is a way to hyperbolically recreate the 10 hr infight that happened in ot yesterday about women's clothing, anons were saying that in the west (non-jungle brothel culture) we see overly revealing clothes as trying to get more moid attention than wearing things like a t-shirt and jeans

No. 2410589

She's in her 70s, a lot of women from her day are just like that because that was the culture they grew up in. I don't tolerate it, I tell her that she's wrong full-throated and then we move onto other topics once she realizes that she's not going to get me to validate her opinions.

No. 2410594

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No. 2410597

KEK someone less patient than me probably would've done this by now.

No. 2410600

File: 1740129964057.jpg (71.04 KB, 790x527, elderly-woman-holding-ginger-c…)

You're a very patient and kind anon

No. 2410614

Aww, kitty! And it sucks because she's usually badass (she's the only irl lady I know who agrees with me about trans shit after all my same-age friends trooned out), but this one thing she just won't let go and I don't know why she brings it up as often as she does. I already resolved after the last time that if she does it again, I'm just going to pack up and go home and tell her that it's unbecoming for a grown woman to think such things about teenage girls.

No. 2410628

>ugly ass orangutan
Nonnie don't be rude, Pony's a sweet beautiful girl

No. 2410637

>tiktok video thirsting over male celebrity
>replies with hundreds of likes saying it's disgusting and rude to "sexualize someone without their permission"
>other replies saying it's bad because the celebrity is a bit older than the poster
Literally what the fuck is wrong with this generation

No. 2410643

Kek do you remember the moral panic over "masturbating while thinking of someone you know irl"? Or the conversation a few days ago where anons were disgusted at the thought of someone "thinking of or viewing them in a sexual way" (but of course, it only upsets them when lesbians do it).

No. 2410713

I hate gay men more than I hate troons and I finally know why. Because when you used to like somebody and now you hate them, you HATE them with passion. I never liked troons so it doesn't affect me at all like that.

No. 2410832

File: 1740149816557.jpg (362.51 KB, 1473x1473, avc-mpg-card-best-beard-styles…)

Facial hair is disgusting. Bald men are disgusting. Bonus fat bald bearded men are peak ugly yet that is the look moids choose to have

No. 2410835

I hate that coating that coffee leaves on the tongue. I don't drink coffee outside of the house anymore because I always need to brush my teeth after drinking it, and coffee breath is gross.

No. 2410836

Use straw?

No. 2410839

Do you shove a straw straight into your throat wtf

No. 2410849

No, but I put it close to the back of my tongue and that doesn't give me coffee breath or leave a film in my mouth.

No. 2410856

File: 1740150794843.jpg (19.58 KB, 640x480, sddefault-2578565834.jpg)

Huh I never knew people were out there deepthroating straws

No. 2410858

Yup. Then they suck each other's dicks about it and call each other handsome and manly because they're gay kek, or just delude themselves into believing the majority of women are actually into it.

No. 2410865

He's got a good foundation under that nasty ass beard, pair of pedophile glasses, and baldness. What a retard.

No. 2410881

I hate that combo so much. Whenever I see a moid with shaved/buzzed head and beard/stubble my fight or flight response kicks in. I think it's because it instinctively reminds me of Chris Watts. Family annihilator phenotype.

No. 2410897

The fact this thread >>>/ot/1628600 is inactive compared to this one and all other hate threads. I love to hate but it reminds me that people are animals and ready and quick to dog pile you over the slightest things, ready to drag you down and make sure your spirit is completely wrecked and gone. That is probably why I prefer being alone

No. 2410900

This is unironically the worst thing I have ever read. Only a male could have the audacity to abuse such a beautiful wild creature and encourage its abuse.

No. 2410952

Yet you posted in this thread instead of going into that thread and typing "I like this thread!" You are more like us than you care to admit.

No. 2410956

Not really, it just means people have more things they dislike than things they like. I don't drag anyone down/dogpile them, but it doesn't mean I can't still be depressed and dislike the way things are around me. I'm not going to force myself to say I like a million things when I simply don't and when the world has more things in it that I dislike.

No. 2410968

Yeah, and I also don't want to see the thread constantly bumped with tumblr ass shit like "sunset" "the birds" "fried eggs" like yeah I get it, I like those things, too.
I think it's also why the things I hate thread gets bumped more than things that annoy you thread. Just a different subject matter and way of interacting.

No. 2410992

Kekkk yes but my point still stands

No. 2411007

Yeah, that makes sense. Tbh I think others are the ones who are dragging me down by doing things I don't like, my spirit is the one that's more wrecked from seeing things I hate all the time and this is just a place for me to talk about them without being dogpiled myself.

No. 2411160

File: 1740163873158.jpg (41.03 KB, 500x331, 2d5.jpg)

The cognitive dissonance of being a radfem or generally feminist and yet body shaming fat women in line with moidtake requirements that a woman must be visually pleasing in order to have value and that not meeting this requirement is one of the worst things a woman can do.

No. 2411185

File: 1740164928187.jpeg (135.9 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_4177.jpeg)

When people call their fat ass domestic long hair cats that they found on the streets a maine coon. Or their grey cat a Russian blue. Or their colorpoint dsh a Siamese. Or their cat with no tail a manx

No. 2411205

Agree, and cats with deformed or clipped ears 'scottish folds.' They just want to be the owners of a fancy breed cat and cannot accept their completely average and common pet.

No. 2411223

It’s even worse when they get one of those “cat dna” tests done and say their cat is, 50% Maine coon, 25% bengal, 25% Siamese etc. cat breeds do not work like that and I’m surprised these cat dna test companies aren’t in trouble for scamming so many people. I could test my regular black dsh cat and those “dna tests” would say he’s mixed with 5 different purebred cats

No. 2411231

Kekk my family does this. They say because he has an “m” on his forehead he must be Maine coon, when most tabbies have that pattern. I always thought it was retarded but I try to be nice about it.

No. 2411254

How do the cat dna tests work and why would they not have accurate results? I'm curious, I don't really know.

No. 2411270

I got one as a gift and it listed my cat who was picked up off the streets pretty accurately imo as being a broad mix of many breeds. It didn't say 25% this or 50% that.
It also listed several pages of potential health markers. It was interesting but I'm not sure what else people are trying to do with it, it's just for entertainment at the end of the day. I mean someone could start declaring their cat is 100% some certain breed after getting the test, but that doesn't actually do anything or mean anything so who cares let them believe it kek

No. 2411449

I hate health and fitness people who try to shill honey as an alternative sweetener to sugar. Yes it has some healthy properties but it still contains huge amounts of glucose, that's where the sweetness come from. It can raise your blood sugar and has calories.

No. 2411476

Nta but I think it's because most animal breeds don't have like specific genes that make it that breed. "Breeds" are just several physical characteristics appearing together, and it's not even clear what genes cause which and I doubt those kinds of tests are accurate enough to decipher DNA in that manner. Breeds having a specific look are just the product of severe inbreeding and selecting, but genetically nothing tells you that a big cat with long fur is a Maine Coon or a brown cat with leopard pattern is a Bengal, they're just cats with some characteristics and then the piece of paper documenting their family history tells you that they can officially be considered Maine coons or Bengals.

No. 2411480

I still prefer honey just because it's less of a nuclear reactant on your teeth.

No. 2411690

Unlike dogs that have been selectively bred for hundreds of years most cat breeds have only been around for decades. Cat breeds also all come from domestic short/long/medium hairs so their genes are all jumbled up and not even that different, so a Maine coon and a domestic shorthair will share the same dna, because that Maine coon came from the same line as most domestic shorthairs. That’s why a lot of the time the cat dna tests will say a normal cat has mainecoon dna, because they both came from past domestic cats. That doesn’t mean that specific cat has any maine coon in it though. Also unlike mutty dogs that most likely are mixed between multiple purebreds, a mixture of multiple purebred cats is extremely rare. Purebred cats make up less than 5% of all cats, so the chance that your cat is somehow a mix is very unlikely. Cat dna companies do not have that much cat dna in their database making them even more unreliable. There has been experiments on dog dna test companies where they gather multiple different companies and test the same dog, and a lot of them have totally different results. Dog dna companies have a much larger database than cat ones, so the cat ones must be far more inaccurate if the dog ones with a larger database cannot even agree on their data

No. 2411890

You might benefit from setting the sex of your accounts to male. I stopped getting makeup ads that way. And in facebook, they have custom ad preferences in that meta suite thing, it's a huge drop down list and a pain in the ass, but that should work for both fb and insta. I think as well, that they are tracking the length of time that you spend on an ad before scrolling, so just try to scroll by it quickly. All possibilities that probably stack on each other.

No. 2411900

Fucking hate this site. The janitor hates my guts I can’t even say anything I get banned. Not even like these racist bitches that complain they get banned for no reason, when they know why they get banned is valid, then say it was for no reason. Like no, there’s people that actually get banned for the most dumb shit. Like posting style. Matter of fact I want to go in depth in the meta thread but idc. I don’t want to talk to the sassy janitor. I hate you too kek

No. 2411957

Nobody likes the janitors. They're the worst we've had in years, specifically the PM janitor

No. 2413262

People who feel the need to make fetish content about children's media. Might as well be pedophiles, if they aren't already.

No. 2413291

Whenever people say “black boys” “black men” it gives me such a negative visceral reaction to those words. It’s almost as if they’re speaking as if he’s God or a god and it grosses me out, but it makes me realize that most people think men are representations of god on this earth. I already can’t stand the idea of a singular God and it’s just so disgusting

No. 2413847

I hate people who whine in your messages about wanting to buy an item for much cheaper than it's selling it for. Send out an offer and move on if it's rejected. I don't want to see a crying face emoji about how much it costs with taxes. There are people selling this type of item for much more than I am.

No. 2414107

File: 1740328253390.png (338.45 KB, 468x545, mmm yummy milk.png)

When people argue against milk consumption because "animals don't drink milk beyond infancy, so adult humans drinking it is weird and unnecessary!!", as if human's dietary habits aren't completely different from the rest of animals. A lot of the things we eat and drink are simply because we enjoy them, not because we need them. Animals don't boil pasta or make casseroles either, should we stop doing that too because it's unnecessary? I love milk and yet I can acknowledge there are other stronger reasons to argue against it, this one is just stupid.

No. 2414173

Based dairy Stacy.

No. 2414180

When farmers rightfully get told off in a thread but start making shit up to justify their victimhood.
Like you could say the sky is blue and some faggot would reply to you insisting and getting aggressive about how the sky is actually green. Then when you say they're stupid and how the sky is still blue they'll be all "NUH UH I SAID THE SKY IS TURQOISE GREEN STOP INFIGHTING ME."
Because farmers like this act so immature I chalk it up to zoomers who took a hit on their reading comprehension due to covid and tiktok. Because the only other possibilities are schizo or misrepresenting about what was blatantly posted just to start shit.

No. 2414436

green is a more unusual but the sky isn't even always blue, anon

No. 2414438

No. 2414539

File: 1740345183987.jpeg (58.17 KB, 1440x1617, 20250209_003809.jpeg)

I hate how so many OSAs are trying to psyop being financially dependent on a scrote as some epic feminist thing. Most successful coupes, gay and straight have double income. Gays are richer on average for that reason

No. 2414553

the sky doesn't have a color retard.

No. 2414673

I just know this is about the indoor/outdoor cat fight kek

No. 2414708

No. 2415845

When I'm trying to report a post and it takes a million years to go through

No. 2415868

They'll cope and say it's just a drawing, but why did they even feel the need to make sexual drawings of a little kid franchise to begin with. There's no explanation that doesn't lead to a desire to taint something innocent and child like, especially if it's literally made for children. They love the taboo of dirtying something pure just like most men do, but turn it to kiddy things because they specifically want to rape what they perceive as the purest of all.

No. 2416472

When my phone makes an executive decision that I don't actually need the timer I just set and deactivates it.

No. 2416541

I'm so fucking tired of seeing that ugly american criminal moid on the front page. His fangirls are using /g/ as a chatroom. Fucking chill

No. 2416685

2 things I hate. Number one is when people make their pets watch TV and phones and treat it as a normal thing. Forgive me if this this too woke or something but I feel like it's wrong to expose animals to brainrotting technology like that, it just feels off to me. Similarly, when people give pets or wild/zoo animals human processed food. Why are you poisoning them with artificial shit? That's so sad.
Second thing I hate is when a character lives in the shadow of the MC and is only there to support the MC and be obedient to them or be their moral guide and even skinwalk them at times. Like the side character can never has its own personality or storyline ever, they're only a plot device to push the MC's story forward. And it's annoying especially when we have 0 reasons as to why they behave this way. No backstory to explain it or any behavior from the MC that makes it make sense.

No. 2416693

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I hate it when I want to take a bath and realize all the hot water's gone.

No. 2416901

Oversized black leather jackets on both men and women. They're so fucking ugly and cheap looking. Like giant bin bags. I do like fitted, brown leather jackets though. They look good on everyone.

No. 2417500

I hate recommending someone something and then they only want to watch it because someone else told them to or for some other random reason, like they don't care about it if it's just been recommended by me even when we have similar tastes. I don't expect anyone to watch what I recommend but it's hurtful when they do it for someone else and don't care about my opinions at all.

No. 2419068

When anons complain about weeb shit being on the weeb founded IB. I don’t understand how you get here without at least having basic tolerance for seeing an anime character. I’m not even talking about discussing or infighting over it, just having a picrel with an anime character makes some anons seethe.

No. 2419472

I hate when fandomfags screech "if this ship was straight you'd hate it!!1!" like no shit sherlock, different genders have different motives and socialisations, water is wet.

No. 2419742

When someone says escape goat. Why the fuck would you think it's "escape goat"?????

No. 2419832

when i listen to a sped-up remix then can't remember what the song originally sounded like

No. 2419972

I hate when someone recommends me something AND they expect me to watch it, read it, etc.

No. 2420031

I actually hate that also.

I also hate when people expect you to know everything about a topic and accuse you of lying because someone told you something different or you read different.

No. 2420061

Stfu, you're a nearsighted autistic fat midget with ibs

No. 2420065

not to be a know it all but i think they’re probably saying scapegoat. it refers to something that gets blamed for everything

No. 2420079

She knows that, hence her being perplexed.

No. 2420149

Duh, where do you think the desire to get rid of defective genetics come from, lmao.

No. 2420169

I know they're all self-hating
They shouldn't make a universal ideology out of their personal insecurities

No. 2420395

Remember when some anon was crying about eugenics because everyone else said ugly old men shouldn't reproduce kek

No. 2420462

Fandom Discourse Thread is so retarded I can feel my neurons die while skimming through it. On a rare occasion, when it comes to certain issues in fandom spaces it gives me no choice but to side with the demographics that I dislike just out of spite.
On a lighter note, it is kind of funny to picture some random zoomer woman on /ot/ writing how much she hates trannies and trans headcanons or smth of that caliber, clicking on "new reply" button and then going back to her xitter accounts with she/they pronous in bio and acting like the biggest trans ally ever. Or even better - presenting as a literal pooner online, chatting up to their tif and tim oomfies and tweeting smth along the lines of "[roidpig male character] and [roidpig male character] are like a he/him butch translesbians to me, i love yuri". This is just an example, but there were cases when a supposed based trannyphobic gender critical farmer was exposed presenting as a gendie when it suits her. Griffguts ex-tif, iykyk.

No. 2420941

I hate any posts starting with, "okay, but-". It will always be followed by the most mouth-breathing, retarded takes.

No. 2420951

Like clockwork, some kid is going to respond to your post with "okay but"

No. 2420959

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No. 2421273

File: 1740648063852.jpg (170.16 KB, 736x1308, 1000001813.jpg)

"Utah curls" are ridiculously fucking ugly. Glad i don't live in Utah.

No. 2421330

Utah is its own planet.

No. 2421447

The "I went into debt over the Era's Tour" haircut.

No. 2421460

File: 1740665569027.jpg (112.61 KB, 736x1226, 52ecb25da82c4f8e67b2a9053d34b0…)

I like to paint my nails sometimes but I hate the idea of "Engagement nails." More specifically, I think that getting acrylics just for that purpose is fucking retarded. I bet the moid proposing always has nasty calloused shitty dirty nail-biter hands so its so wasteful to drop like 50-100 bucks just so you can have slightly longer nails in an "I said yes!" post on a social media when people are just going to look at the ring and then move on. I saw a video where a woman got a new set of acrylics every 3 weeks just so she would be "ready" for when her nigel proposed. Absolute insanity.

No. 2421475

No. 2421487

>its so wasteful to drop like 50-100 bucks just so you can have slightly longer nails in an "I said yes!" post on a social media
Every new wedding trend I hear about is dumber than the last. Can we please just bring back town hall weddings?

No. 2421724

File: 1740683589483.jpg (108.01 KB, 1000x1000, 81s+i2hv-eL._UF1000,1000_QL80_…)

The Born This Way cover, it's so awkward to me. It looks like Deviantart transformation fetish art.

No. 2421732

I hate fat ugly moids so much.

No. 2421750

the term sex worker and the literal retards who use it. imagine falling for pimp propaganda and memeing other women into being sex slaves. such girlbossing

No. 2421757

I hate this bullshit about “Men falling behind” in education.
Did everyone forget how obnoxious and retarded the boys were in school? They acted worse than animals.
These retarded MRAs keep blaming stuff like
>school is somehow sexist to boys
>the way school works is anti male brain
Literally just using mental gymnastics to avoid saying “Men are retarded violent animals and are unfit for a civilized world”.
Imagine all the vile shit the men would say if this was reversed.
If we lived in a perfect world, all men would be kept out of schools and forced to work as manual laborers.

No. 2421780

I still can't believe this is a real cover. Lady Gaga was at her prime too, it makes no sense.

No. 2421788

>women all over the globe raped, beaten, stabbed, trafficked, and murdered every second every day on a much higher average than moids
>radio silence and flat out contribution
>moids make moid kids who are too lazy and pornrotted to do basic tasks in their daily life
>moid kids end up failing classes and barred from being accepted into universities
>"b-but why are the boyz being left behind!!1!"
Males are insufferable kek. They love to make everything about themselves. I'm so glad natural selection is doing its work.

No. 2421873

I think my eyes always glazed over when I saw this, because i'm only just ow noticing that lady gaga IS the bike and not riding it. jesus

No. 2422212

I hate the word ‘rapeable’.

No. 2422243

Genuinely disgusting when women think it's edgy and subversive to use it. When you say it as a woman, it means nothing to anyone and no one takes you seriously, but they'll still continue to use the term when describing women and kids in a genuinely evil way. The connotations are nasty (yes I struggled with autocorrect for this reply, sorry if you saw)

No. 2422332

File: 1740708244775.png (831.45 KB, 640x667, IMG_7925.png)

This grossed me the fuck out.

No. 2422337

Wish this was a cute snake boy and I was the corpse

No. 2422362

i don't think anyone here who uses it is being serious or trying to be subversive, it's usually used as hyperbole or another way of saying "i want to fuck this man very badly"

No. 2422363

File: 1740709551264.webp (88.25 KB, 500x651, 72o9te686qed1.webp)

>look this up
>one of the first image results is a tranny Reddit meme
They really find a way to ruin anything good and beautiful

No. 2422368

Except it is trying to be subversive.

No. 2422370

They have the reverse midas touch.

No. 2422453

People want to be Nure-onna apparently.

No. 2422476

Same scrotes are also against sex specific schooling ie separating the boys from the girls because "muh socialization/birth rates."

No. 2422635

Noticed lately that everyone's using the term "BPD" for anything a woman does that they don't like. I mean it's been used here for years but I see it all over social media and of course men have jumped on this. And no I haven't been called this ever actually. It's only something I've noticed that's become completely overused and is the new buzzword for shaming women's thoughts or behavior that's considered mildly weird. I can't even take anyone seriously that uses it as an insult. It's the new version of Karen.

No. 2422657

>"black people do worse in school because the school system is inherently racist and rewards white culture over black culture."
>"ew, libtard dei nonsense. if they want to do better in school they should work harder"
>"boys do worse in school because the school system is inherently sexist and rewards female behavior over male behavior"
>"so true!!!"

No. 2422784

File: 1740743725082.png (441.77 KB, 600x600, mcintosh_variety-page.png)

Apple varieties that are soft and extremely sweet.

My grocery store ran out of gala apples so I had to buy some other kind and they're really gross. Elsie give me the strength to finish this apple, I need the nutrients.

No. 2422816

Agreed. Sour hard apples are the superior apples.

No. 2422836

File: 1740748661307.jpg (570.71 KB, 1280x1280, fruity_pebbles__61514.jpg)

Idk how these thin pieces of shit are still in business. I actually don't even remember what they taste like (or if I've even had them at all) but the way they look when soggy is disgusting and I know they probably have the texture of soggy frosted flakes. I feel this way about Captain Crunch too. And cinnamon toast crunch is disgusting.

No. 2422840

my mom is the pickiest eater i know and would only buy Macintosh apples. i hadn't had one in almost 15 years when they had some at the grocery store this past fall so i bought a few. they were so fucking soft it was gross. never ate the last one

No. 2422842

if you can find topaz apples where you live i highly recommend those, best fuckin apples in the world, they're sour-sweet and crunchy

No. 2422847

All this time I thought she was just lying on the bike and wearing black, this looks so bad kekaroo

No. 2422848

I don't get this either, except I would also include infighting and moralfagging over it.
It's probably the same person

No. 2423035

I remember the flavor being a "fruit" mix, with lemon being the dominant flavor. It honestly wasn't very good.

No. 2423303

every psychiatric condition will become an insult in the end, always been like that and always will.

No. 2423305

Based. Soft mealy apples are the fucking worst.

No. 2423404

Why the fuck has this word been gaining popularity? I don't know how to explain it but everyone sounds ten times dumber after they've used this.

No. 2423415

All the requests for an nsfw board in /g/ is killing me. Yes fellow "ladies", let's open a gooning board so we can add our favorite lesbian porn for us "women" to masturbate to. And our favorite dicks so the "straight women" (trannies) have something to look at too right? The anons here who said /g/ is mainly full of moids has to be right. Moids are trying to take over this site so bad kek. I know it's moids because anyone who's a woman is smart enough to just be horny somewhere else where as men need to have porn lazily available to them at all times. Piss off with this bullshit.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2423422

Ok but coco pebbles are better than coco krispies

No. 2423423

Nobody should be eating American serial. The companies put rat poison in it and are killing the kids.

No. 2423596

Moralfagging about anime is retarded too but I just expect infighting at this point. It’s just astonishing that some anons’ tolerance is so low for something that the site was founded on. Like fuck off and revive guru gossip if it bothers you so much, just let me have my Chinese cartoon reaction images.

No. 2423605

Not defending, like, pickme lolishit enjoyers or anything like that, but some anons genuinely think that women watching a cliché weebshit show is on the same level of badness as scrotes watching rape hentai.

No. 2424305

Men who know they're attractive.

No. 2424355

I used to find it funny when I found typos in books but nowadays it just pisses me off. What do you mean, "no1t"? What do you mean, "wehn"? What do you mean, "Evre"???

No. 2424434

File: 1740841910372.jpg (613.77 KB, 665x1198, ugh.jpg)

So, does she have smoke for males consuming porn/hentai or it's all just moralfagging against other women's hobbies? It's fiction, it's not that deep. Why can't women stop going at each other's throats over meaningless shit?

No. 2424441

I don't get the obsession with only liking healthy relationships in fiction. It's a fake story for entertainment. I want to read about people with messy horrible lives even in their relationships. You can read appcalyptic war stories, horror stories, Crazy Sci-Fi with planets getting blown up and it's universally understood that it's just fiction and you don't want Eath to be destroyed from WW3 but if you don't read the Bluey equivalent of romantic relationships you're suddenly normalizing abuse? Retardation.

No. 2424452

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Those books are being shilled to little girls who don't know any better and then start romanticizing that shit because abusive relationships are depicted as so much more ideal in literary form

No. 2424454

Can you show an example of them beling deliberately marketed to minors?

No. 2424464

She don't got any kek

No. 2424601

a part = part of x
apart = NOT part of x
I keep seeing the two used wrong and it bothers me more than it should

No. 2424686

I think all romance is bad.

No. 2424761

People needing applause and validation for their birthday. You have your birthday literally every fucking year, tf do you need a bunch of people telling you meaningless empty happy birthdays??? Stupid fucking attention whore, you are special because of the day you were born on.

No. 2424764

Some people like to have fun

No. 2424782

Because making it through another year is something to applaud, nona

No. 2424790

This is what all celebrations literally are, idiot. An excuse to party and enjoy yourself with people you like. And yes I think my mom turning 60 is special because I love her and people don’t live forever. How miserable you must be lmao

No. 2424917

File: 1740864148836.jpeg (187.72 KB, 502x677, IMG_3904.jpeg)

There’s nothing fun with being a narc
Everybody does that, nothing spectacular about it
Get ready for her funeral. Hope she dies(infighting)

No. 2424929

funerals seem more performative to me. my mother used to be theatrical and cry loud enough for the whole house to hear when she heard some distant relative died. then she would spend half of the day getting ready to mingle at the funeral and post photos of unhappy people on her facebook. perverted bitch

No. 2424932

I hate parents who use animal based experiences as a distraction so they don’t have to deal with their kids.
I went to a sanctuary where you can play with adoptable rabbits, and a kid kept lifting up all the wooden houses the bunny kept hiding in because it got sick of her. Her mom was just there on her phone, barely acknowledging it. Another girl was throwing hay in a bunny’s face to brush it off and her mom was there talking to her friend the entire time.
I went to a zoo the next day and the kids kept screaming at a mama bear, whilst the parents did nothing. The only one who said anything was a zoo employee telling the kid to quiet down bc the bear is gonna keep hiding away.
It’s just so annoying that anything involving animals is gonna attract kids, because theres always parents who dont want to deal with them and lets them treat it like a playground.

No. 2424938

File: 1740865032178.jpeg (51.2 KB, 736x662, IMG_3910.jpeg)

>Anon’s grandma has three days left.. the omen has been set. Everything is clear. I fucking WIN

No. 2424943

Your entire family hates you and wishes you would find the right pills, rope, or switchblade.

No. 2424946

"Ooh I'm aro so that makes me special!". Can't fucking stand people like you.

No. 2424954

Your family will die if you don’t send this chain mail to save them in time, they will be caught by the la lolcorona that will get her because her children has been a faggot on the internet! I’m worried please send the chain mail to at least 20 people!!!

No. 2424961


No. 2424962

No. 2424980

>All according to keikaku!!!
>TN: keikaku means plan.

No. 2424983

No. 2425020

Aw, that sounds awful, anon. I hope you were still able to have fun. I completely agree with you.

No. 2425024

Not everybody does live through the whole year though

No. 2425070

I've always wondered what percentage of ugly man psyop posters also use the unconventional thread

No. 2425080

A few of them admitted to using both last year

No. 2425088

I hate the fucking retard responsible for removing the "HD" search option from the Google search tools, especially on mobile. I hate how frustrating image searching on Google can get.

No. 2425629

Philosophy majors.

No. 2427072

I don't hate Naomi Jon, in fact I think she seems really sweet, but her music sucks

No. 2427135

image search in general used to be amazing and has been complete shit for at least 5 years now. everything online is going to shit

No. 2427373

File: 1741032122609.jpg (60.32 KB, 580x580, 4941dbbc1e5fe9a50341364e0ca959…)

I decided to read the first volumes of Gantz after hearing this guy saying it's not of the greatest and how much he loves the art style. And, at least what I got to see, looks bland. Also I hate this bitch, she makes me cringe so much.

No. 2427388

The kinds of people who watch philosophy troon and hontra religiously?

No. 2427424

I mean, yeah. Her videos are funny, she's sweet and all but her songs are such generic pop slop. I'm not sure how singers like her can even do tours.

No. 2427425


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2427459

Any other nonas have that one "friend" who never shuts the fuck up about her boyfriend?

I say friend but it's more like someone I see once a week.

No. 2427460

I hated her in the anime so I believe you non

No. 2427585

I hate singers with a high pitch voice like Björk and Grimes, they sound so childish and I can't focus on the music.

No. 2427628

I have two but one of them lives in another country and met her boyfriend there so at least she barely talks to us and at least her boyfriend is fun to hang out with the very few times I saw them irl. The second one has been actively avoiding our other friends and I for over a year, started dating her boyfriend, wouldn't shut up about him and brought him with her everywhere so some of my friends and I have decided to ignore both her and her boyfriend. She recently wanted to invite all of us to her birthday party and we all knew that meant seeing her stupid boyfriend and her other friends nobody knows so we all declined the invitation. She's moving to another city to stay with him after he chose a unuversity far away from here, good riddance. I guess calling her a friend is a stretch, I stopped seeing her as one long ago now.

No. 2427665

I hate the losers that camp out in the vent thread just waiting to be assholes to random people there
I post in that thread regularly and I've never used the unconventional attractions thread

No. 2427670

The vent thread has gotten really bad the past couple of months. It feels like just another thread for anons to infight in and not much else.

No. 2427709

It's rapidly becoming the next unpopular opinions. Nothing but bait and infighting. Any actual venting will be ignored in favor of whoever goes on the most cartoonishly inflammatory diatribe.

No. 2427742

And I hate that when you reported them for breaking thread rules (before they were deleted from the recent op), mods never did anything.
It kind of sucks because I do try and give anons a little help, but there's so much all the time. There's no way you can respond to everyone. Sometimes I'll see a really sad one and go "okay, well an anon with more relevant experience than me will be able to give her some advice" and then another infight about euthanizing all fatties forever breaks out and it goes to shit.

No. 2427781

There were complaints in /meta/ over those thread rules promoting a safe space/being against site culture. But they were added to mitigate all the infighting since the thread has been pretty shit and can’t really serve its intended purpose imo. Anons’ vents get completely lost in all the garbage which feels like such a shame.

No. 2427817

I like gantz but its depiction of women is abhorrent. Picrel is nearly naked most of the time and was close to getting raped whenever she’s not around kato or kurono even.

No. 2427902

This reminds me of why I can't stand doja cat's voice sometimes, mostly that one section of Get Into It where she sounds like a baby choking

No. 2427911

File: 1741062462712.png (Spoiler Image,787.03 KB, 1766x1274, plastique.png)

Margy Qualley’s fake tits in the substance. Very much sex-doll esque, grosses me out. It would’ve been better if they just showed her normal boobs

No. 2428780

I hate how people are claiming everything is dead internet theory now

No. 2429695

File: 1741182300204.jpeg (41.4 KB, 749x499, man-with-straight-teeth.jpeg)

Recently discovered this girl who makes videos on interesting topics but I hate her mouth area so much. I can't help but stare at it when watching the video. She has teeth kinda like these and sausage lips, it's kinda unsettling. And to make it even worse, she fakes this stupid laugh.

No. 2429715

Wait, are these prosthetic or something? Her normal boobs look fine, I never noticed them doing this

No. 2429785

File: 1741187883209.webp (Spoiler Image,140.24 KB, 1280x960, damnitall.webp)

the pornification of the josei genre into something at now targets coomer moids rather than tell stories about mature women is the hardest blackpill there is, it makes me suicidal how badly the genre has fallen we couldve had stories as evocative as nana but instead we got balloon tits mcgee

No. 2429788

i cant concentrate on the tits because of those dorito chins.

No. 2429790

Nana was fucking garbage too, take off your nostalgia glasses

No. 2429793

That's so fucking ugly kek

No. 2429797

How so? Nana wasnt this shit though. It was a nice soapy drama Josei. I wish it got finished.

No. 2429828

Nana is a shojo manga, how many times do we have to remind everyone that the target audience is teenage girls and not grown women.

No. 2429905

I have no idea why everyone's talking about Nana but it's pretty clear that's the only josei work they've interacted with in the past five years kek. I really do hate how the adult female market is such an afterthought, though, especially for het stuff. I hate how it's so common to have to trawl through loads of shit like your picrel just to find something remotely decent. I don't love BL but I like it sometimes and I understand why so many fujos just outright avoid things with female characters. Many Japanese creators feel this deep need(money? social pressure?) to make female characters retarded and over-sexualized. It's probably just moid shekels and the myth that female-oriented works won't make as much money. I think this has always been an issue though, especially with r18 content.

No. 2429916

Nana wasn't even published in a josei mag, it's just more soapy than the average shoujo manga. If everything was more like Chihayafuru or Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju things would be better though, yes.

No. 2430015

File: 1741198087136.jpg (816.61 KB, 3000x3000, Quaker-Whole-Grain-Oats-Quick-…)

I hate oatmeal why do I still eat it. Even the flavored ones taste like shit.

No. 2430037

Women who gush about their nigels doing the bare minimum
>omg kyaaaa he looked after me while i was sick
Yeah I would hope he did

No. 2430048

Savory oatmeal and baking with oats changed my life. Way better than the overly sweet prepackaged slop.

No. 2430511

Make it from scratch for actually good results. Use rolled oats rather than the ground ones. Add spices of your choice, fruits or orange zest, chocolate or cocoa powder, a sweetener of your choice, a banana if you want, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Cook it with milk until it reaches a consistency you like and enjoy.

No. 2430700

That Crazy Days and Nights calls everyone A-List. Most of the celebs they call A list aren't even close.

No. 2430716

Their hands are huge

No. 2430824

Idc if I get attacked for this, I hate "friendships" that involve teasing and "banter"

No. 2431055

File: 1741232042103.jpg (92.2 KB, 736x664, d80e92de5500b738b52004596b6284…)

I hate when men talk about their "type" of woman. I just don’t trust men, kek. If a guy is only into blondes, he probably has an inferiority complex. Prefers fatties? 100% a fetish. Obsessed with goth girls? Total coomer, maybe into bdsm. Likes tall women? Yeah, he’s into calling you “Mommy.” No hate towards any of these women. I love them all. But moids? They always seem to take their preferences to weird, extreme, or downright dumb levels.
I think liking some features more than others, but when men have "types" is usually just their favorite porn category.

No. 2431060

Your post is true but that image is retarded. Most scrotes run if you listen to any music that's too weird no matter what you look like. They don't want a woman who's more interesting than they are. Scrotes are incapable of seeing women as having their own personalities.

No. 2431074

>If a guy is only into blondes, he probably has an inferiority complex
Could you explain?

No. 2431075

anon is talking out her ass.

No. 2431076

No you're right about this. I think only someone who dislikes their friends would gather as much flaws and insecurities possible to attack them with as a "joke" when needed. Something about that feels mean.

No. 2431079

nta and idk what she specifically meant but men obsessed with one hair color are always bad news from what i've seen

No. 2431086

Should have specified that this applies to brown men kek. I remember this guy who admitted to me he was into blonde/white women because he perceive them as superior, or the ideal.

No. 2431123

I hate when, very abruptly, like in the span of a few days, suddenly everyone under the age of 30 is over-using the same word and you just know they all got it from tiktok. Linguistic evolution is all fine and good, I have no problem with slang development, etc, but something about the instantaneous nature of these terms being deployed in unison by everyone, crossing traditional linguistic boundaries like race, country, economic status, just suddenly EVERYONE, is unsettling to me.

Guess what word I'm thinking of as of March 5th, 2024.

No. 2431128

It's 2025….

No. 2431131

This is how I felt 10 years ago before tiktok. It's all social media in general that makes this happen

No. 2431150

Tell me the word, anon. I go on lc for about 4-5 hours a day and that's it.

No. 2431153

'Crash out'/'Crashing out'?

No. 2431162

My nephews refusing to consume media in our native language. They keep speaking in a mix of French and English all the time and it's driving me crazy. We were watching a non-English movie and they kept complaining about how it sucked cause it wasn't in English. They sometimes don't even know what the French word for something is. I am sick of American imperialism. I was also already bilingual at their age but I wasn't retarded when speaking French.

No. 2431166

Good, English is better. USA! USA! USA!

No. 2431175

you're talking a language you stole from your British colonizers

No. 2431177

Yeah, but it's ours now. USA! USA! USA!

No. 2431180

Well you did take out the u in colors so USA USA USA

No. 2431185

Can not stand political commercials. I am watching videos of dogs colliding into people, and I am not interested in smear campaign #34243.

No. 2431360

Did they grow up in an English speaking country? It’s just bizarre to me that someone would hate all media in their own language, even stuff that’s originally in their native language.

No. 2431444

I hate how new phones' camera settings have auto filters built into them that you can't turn off anymore. Maybe I should start taking photos with my very old and dead gaming consoles from when I was a kid, because despite the awful camera quality at least they make me look like what I actually look like

No. 2431450

Nta but they probably spend all their time on tiktok and youtube watching English speaking content creators.

No. 2431451

I think there's an app called Open Camera that is supposed to mitigate this.

No. 2431454

It still would use the phone's camera, no? An app wouldn't change built-in hardware

No. 2431460

If you're French then I get it, French pop culture sucks and if youw ant to check movies or series from other places it's better to watch them with the original voices and subtitles. The most I can deal with in French are a few youtubers here and there but now I watch them way less often than before because they have jump cuts between every words or le joueur du grenier releases one video a semester with longer and less funny skits than ever. Even social media with French people is exhausting or Americanized arguments over social justice and the media.

>They sometimes don't even know what the French word for something is.

He needs to read good books, it will make him memorize or learn words faster than trying to watch some shitty movie or some youtuber yelling slang words at a camera or speaking in franglais or whatever.

No. 2431500

Anon I replied to specifically said
>new phones' camera settings have auto filters built into them that you can't turn off anymore
She did not mention the phone camera's physical hardware. Which is why I recommended the app.

No. 2431605

File: 1741271015389.jpg (155.18 KB, 1280x720, Apple-Juice.jpg)

Do you also have experience with moids not flushing the toilet despite their piss being literally apple juice yellow? Fucking pigs

No. 2431610

my uncle literally has green-brown piss and he never flushes, the women of the house tells him and he always complain about how 'we're men, we dont need to be hygenic thats the female's role' pisses me off

No. 2431611

Once. I don't get why he didn't do it. Like maybe a poorfag might close the lid and leave it to save water from flushing but he was just too fucking lazy and retarded

No. 2431617

Yes, and I can't be the only one that has noticed they don't wipe after as well.

No. 2431621

how can men say things like this and not realize that they sound like filthy retards?

No. 2431622

Yes and I fucking hate it. Disgusting pigs need their dicks cut off.

No. 2431623

They dont wipe or rinse, most moids just shake off the final piss drops from their dicks and think thats fine.

No. 2431625


No. 2431704

File: 1741279167448.jpg (27.61 KB, 612x612, 1000009885.jpg)

I hate most audiobook narrators. I can't stand when I find a good story but it's either badly or over-acted. All I want is a text-to-speech voice

No. 2431722

We are in French Canada. They used to watch/read things only in French. I blame my brother in law for never wanting to watch dubbed movies with them and always complaining about how they suck. They watch a lot of kids shows on Netflix and they are mostly in English and now they started watching Youtube slop at their friends.
They love reading but the oldest only wants to read in English and complains about how much it sucks having to read in French at school. They at least play video games in French. We actually have good media in Québec and the 80s and 90s movies dubs are great. The youngest generation is way too deep down in franglais shit. It went from using some words here and there to almost speaking something akin to Chiac. It's harder nowadays to be a French nation surrounded by English nowadays because the media is universal and the kids/teenagers don't watch locally produced things anymore. Next time I'm gonna pretend all my dvds are only in French and my tv has an issue that makes it only play dub or French things.

No. 2431731

File: 1741280840664.png (23.72 KB, 523x586, IMG_1343.png)

i hate the trope of the strong independent woman falling for an ugly/plain dopey and immature comic relief guy. even before girlboss x malewife shit started gaining traction this is one of the most prevalent het dynamics i’ve ever seen in media. i fucking hate it when media sows the idea that you just have to be funny or “chill” enough to get a girl to like you in the minds of men. idk if this has been discussed in the fandom discourse or ugly man psyop thread before but i’ve grown tired of seeing this ship dynamic and people praising it on pinterest of all places. i guess people are just too insecure to see a couple who match looks in media, or are just generally repulsed by the idea of an unattractive woman bagging a hot guy. maybe it dispels the self-insertion fantasy for men but i don’t care, men need to be made aware more of the fact that their waifus will never fall in love with their uggo asses and realistically will pick a husbando in her league. this is why i’m forever a sad little shipfag hoarding my own art of my rarepairs that will never see the light of day.

No. 2431746

I was about to make a joke about you being from Québec in my first post, I can't believe I actually guessed right. Then I think it's more understandable that your nephew will care more about English media, it must be easily accessible where you live.

>Next time I'm gonna pretend all my dvds are only in French and my tv has an issue that makes it only play dub or French things.

That could work if he's young enough. He should also try to read the French versions of books he already liked in English.

No. 2431786

File: 1741283710297.png (538.14 KB, 960x1280, interview-with-nexon-games-and…)

Pictured: korean game developer licking the feet of a little girl character from the game he worked on

No. 2431790

I really cant tell who is worse, Korean men or Japanese men. Ugh

No. 2431798

She's actually one of the oldest characters in the game, but the devs are pretty openly degen so it doesnt surprise me.

No. 2431812

>blue archive
of course, remember this company hired the artist dorontabi even after he got outed as a pedo with csem >>2162743

No. 2431822

The open support for pedophilia in the comments makes me want to kill myself.

No. 2431878

The children and teenagers all think French is stupid and English is the coolest thing. It's always funny earing them speak English with a the thickest Québécois accent. I hope it's only a fad for all of them. Being able to speak English is a great skill to have but it shouldn't erase the culture (the anglos would be way too happy it and fuck them).

No. 2431914

For fucks sake. Some designs are cute, but the context ruins it and it's so creepy the staff are pedos. Can't enjoy 90% of anime fandom without something like that being involved

No. 2432180

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I hate minecraft build tutorials that use a lot of shaders and subtle texture packs. It feels like I am being deceived, which is silly I know. I suck at building and try to follow tutorials to improve but mine never turn out to be presentable because I don't use a bunch of add-ons. It makes me sad because these builds would still look very good without them but I think the culture on social media makes it competitive, so creators feel inclined to use them. Similar to what happened to ACNH.

No. 2432188

They're about the same

No. 2432196

The only tolerable instance of this trope was the Oblongs imo

No. 2432207

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It's crazy how he hasn't been arrested, then again a Korean man hosted the largest cp website and got let go. So it wouldn't effect him in the end

No. 2432228

i never wanted to alog so bad i just hope it gets brought back up again so he can dfe and never return this time

No. 2432235

I think he's still on Twitter unfortunately. Anyone who speaks out against him is mass reported by his followers (over 100k last I heard). He's like a more powerful shadman

No. 2432300

Honestly can't blame them. English voice acting is unironically the best in the game, especially when it's the original voice cast. The English language itself sounds more pleasant and flows nicely compared to my native language, so I understand what/how they think. I prefer media in English mostly, too. Local media is trash and low quality in a vacuum, but its flaws become glaringly obvious when compared to English media. There's also much more variety in English media and they're usually the originors of some ideas and concepts and simply do it better, while native media is a cheap knockoff. Doesn't help that English is also the linga franca of the world, so it has a cool status to it.

No. 2432311

koreans protect offending pedophiles more than their women kek

No. 2432328

I need to know the word
Okay, I laughed

No. 2432380

i hate when a woman who admits she has no female friends and actively dislikes other women and their "women interests" tries to come around and tell everyone what the problem with women is. you have just admitted to not knowing any other woman on a deeper level, you have little more knowledge on the subject than the average scrote. absolute solipsism to think your internalized misogyny can speak to the true nature of any woman besides yourself.

No. 2432395

Still seething over that post in U.P. huh? Fuck off back to Discord, zoomie.

No. 2432401


No. 2432407

>english VA is the best
Brazilian VA is superior. Well in animation at least. Fairly oddparents, any adult swim show, anime, there's way more emotion in the br translation. Live action dubbing isn't bad but it's very stiff.

No. 2432409

i hate when people use the words crash out and lock in. why is it happening on here? please just speak fucking normally please im so tired of everywhere being infiltrated

No. 2432412

Me too. Whenever I hear people irl parrot the new retarded Tik Tok word/phrase of the month, I roll my eyes so fucking hard. They say it just because some retard online did and then they're going to stop saying it in a few months just like everything else. At least this place didn't get hit with that retarded Girl Math trend.

No. 2432436

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these phrases a thing already before TikTok? It's just that TikTok popularized them in meme format all of a sudden. But they're actual English phrases. Maybe the meaning is a bit different now though. Picrel is from Cambridge dictionary.

No. 2432437

Girl dinner!!

No. 2432439

Being unappreciated in my time.

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