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No. 2342535
ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.
Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2276512 No. 2342550
File: 1736619944122.jpg (31.87 KB, 500x337, 1705243910520.jpg)

I hate any flavored liquids. I only drink water and get pissy when it's not the right kind of water (ie from my home tap). Flavor is for food.
No. 2342557
i hate this one dr at my job who thinks he's hot shit. grown ass man who cant put the toilet seat down in the shared office bathroom, i would spit on him if it wouldnt get me fired.
>>2342550i agree, but i like water and black tea. ive been gifted different teas a ton of times and i just end up throwing it all out
No. 2342669
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When an infight goes on long enough, at least one anon will start posting weird pictures. I hate it
No. 2342687
>>2342563>>2342569I know this goes without saying but /g/ anons are
particularly weird kek. A while ago, someone in the sexual threads kept posting weirdass seedy porn of Asian women.
No. 2342729
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>>2342676You wish you were flat, don't you, nona?
No. 2343184
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>>2343049why is chloe bihet? shes literally the most realistic annoying bpd lesbian in media ive ever seen (glad the new game yeeted her out of the franchise, people are delusional if they think she wouldnt have broken up with max exactly like she did in double exposure), or do you mean that shes character bihets tend to latch on?
That's my contribution to thread btw, I hate Chloe. Extremely well writen but absolutely atrocious bpdemon.
No. 2343221
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This guy and his beady, creepy eyes. Stop looking at me like that, damnit!
No. 2343240
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>>2343049Waifus are characters one would fuck, not just faves. You're seething because no one is mentioning your favorite DEEPfag uwu shoujoshit or your atrocious deathfat westernshit?
No. 2343251
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>>2343247The latest one is hilarious.
>"Listen here you purple bitch, there's no creature more dangerous or unpredictable and out of the box than a straight femboy. If we hesitate for even a second, we're as good as dead." No. 2343287
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I hate when people get two short nails on a otherwise long set, over even get one hand completely short and the other long. I get it, you want to be able to finger, but it's ugly. Just get all of your nails short.
No. 2343290
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>>2343287The short ones might not make her fingers look abnormally long but they fit her hands much better and look clean. I hate fake nails sfm. Picrel is so common that nail techs don't even mention it to clients anymore
No. 2343300
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>>2343243>>2343251i hate the same thing, nona. i hate poop and fart jokes but the actual writing is too good. i love Chrysalis
No. 2343303
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>>2343243I always asked for a female its always sunny and i cant believe a horse autist actually delivered. God bless his little gay heart. Princess Luna best girl btw.
No. 2343304
>>2343300troons poses for selfie
>>2343302the selfie in reality
No. 2343436
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>>2343049Picrel is lesbians on this site I s2g. I cherish my sane of mind lesbian friends so much, they're such a rarity. (Granted, sanity is lacking in this entire site, not just with lesbians.)
The moment we try to be competitive over being "correctly" a lesbian, it's over. All of these arguments about waifu shit and the goldstar label are meaningless, if you browse this site it's very unlikely that you follow the queer ideology bullshit, so I don't see the point in policing each other so much.
Sorry for bringing up this shit in yet another thread, but I think this one is the only one where I wouldn't get mauled for being a non gold star who also doesn't like genderbending male characters into waifus. Do not prove me wrong on this.
No. 2343565
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>>2343376ntayrt but OP speaks the truth. I am the biggest rose of versailles fan in the world and love wacky 70s yuri manga, but OP is absolutely correct that yuri from that time period often ended with everyone suddenly turning straight. The only exception is that the lesbians suddenly die so they can't actually be together
Lady Oscar simping for men in the last 1/4th of the story makes me seethe so i just mentally edit it out but i also can't be mad because its just a product of the time
No. 2343602
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I hate how common this mentality is (old post but just using as an example). And "it's actually ephobhebepillybillyia!" "the teen made the first move!" shit as well. One time some "anon" defended Sam Hyde sexually abusing and beating a 16 year old using the exact same reasoning. I'm tired of everyone and their dog relying on the law to excuse heinous behavior. I swear to god people would justify rape (more than usual) and torture as long as it were legal.
No. 2343646
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Why does every mobile game ad these days feature a woman and sometimes her child being cheated on, abused, kicked out, sick, freezing to death, starving, et cetera??? Why do you need that to advertise your cookie-cutter match-three or pull-the-pin game? I know they're just stupid pixel people but it's kind of upsetting to have to see that shit every ten minutes. Not to mention these ads pop up on all-ages games, so I can't even imagine how a child would feel seeing this.
No. 2343751
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>>2343741Well, tell them I hate them!
No. 2344048
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I hate her. Idk what it is. I just hate her so much. No. 2344067
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How even anchorwomen have to be conventionally beautiful to tell the damn news but the ugliest geriatric scrote can keep his career forever
No. 2344427
>>2343741yea we use
italics, and ~whatever this is~ to different effect. its nothing to get upset over
No. 2344572
>>2344500It reminds me of nambla too, it's just definitely what someone who calls themself a "map" would say. Teenagers probably don't see the harm in it but any grown adult calling themselves a "boykisser" is automatically
sus in my eyes
No. 2344640
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>>2344500I remember when there was a subreddit called "little boykisser"
No. 2345255
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I love what would usually be considered "masculinity", no problem with that but I'm straight and it seems like most people attracted to me are either lesbian/bi women or "pansexual" men who tend to be "feminine" (not into feminine men at all).
I hate it.
No. 2346417
>>2346379same, nona. I've been searching for good stuff this year and I've mostly been thrifting or handmade on etsy. I did a little research on boots too and there's some good brands, they're just less popular.
i hate that the only option for good quality is the internet. i want to try things on and see the quality in person. fast fashion sucks
No. 2346445
>>2346379I've been thinking the same for a while. I'm slowly leaning towards thrifting and learning to make my own clothes, but that doesn't solve the issue with shoes and that's the one that annoys me the most.
I'm tired of the enshittification of everything
No. 2346619
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Why are there so many ai bots with big age gaps scenarios? I was curious and checking some and realized most of them are created to fulfill some weird age fantasies. No I'm not a 18yo into a damn 45yo man.
No. 2346706
>>2344640Wasn't the boykisser furry a pedophile who ended up getting bullied off the internet?
>>2346417The problem is that even though Etsy has good quality, prices are ridiculous, even without including shipping. I get that it takes time to craft shit but I don't think anyone could regularly buy from an Etsy creator without going broke.
>>2346597>>2346609You can give advice to people you call your friends without shitting on them for something a man does. Do you really wanna be more unhealthy to a woman than the average moid?
>>2346692It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out that it's troons causing this. When you think about it, character bots are perfect for AGP moids, and those tend to be pedophiles most of the time
No. 2347232
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I hate tomatoes so much. They are only good cooked, raw tomatoes are so nasty. They're always added to every sandwich or burger and it's so gross. I hate avocados, too.
No. 2347490
>>2347219There is a very easy way to make people who say that look stupid: ask them if they'd rather take it up the ass from a stranger for the price of a big mac several times a day or if they'd rather fuck their husband whenever they want while being financially stable. I think "pro sw" people forget STDs exist sometimes…
>>2347329AYRT dw they like him, and since they aren't total pickmes they would never give me shit if they didn't
No. 2347592
>>2342535>>2346379I feel you nona.
For instance, when I was trying to find a decent pair of dr martens, I had to dig around on ebay for AGES. Luckily I finally managed to find an old pair from the 90s that were still in decent condition. I’ll have to get them resoled soon but the leather is real and in good Nick so I should hopefully have them for years to come.
Thrifting is the only way to get anything of half decent quality nowadays.
No. 2347595
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>>2347232Beefsteak tomatoes like your picrel are underripe, watery, and have zero flavor. I avoid adding tomatoes when I go out to eat because this is what they'll use. Try a garden grown heirloom tomato with a sprinkle of sea salt. They're not the same.
No. 2347599
>>2346591To be fair, if women bullied men instead of other women, the men would commit violence.
Women are nasty to women because they know we can take it and aren't gonna do shit about it.
No. 2347608
>>2347599You’re not wrong tbh, it’s a big factor. Women act very differently around me when I ask them if they wanna take it outside after they talk shit. So do men, but I have to act extra crazy with them.
Nobody expects it but I grew up in a trailer park and fear nobody kek
No. 2347893
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>>2347877how Mauzymice must've felt seeing her mspaint doodle turn into what it's become
No. 2347991
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>>2347959nope, and if she was before the whole boykisser shit probably peaked her
No. 2348361
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I watched this and hated it
No. 2348381
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I am so mad at what happened to Emily Youcis. I thought maybe there was a chance she could be saved from her stupid nazi moid, but i didn’t realize she is this retarded. Reading about her, you would think she’s a 13 year old boy, not a women in her 30s with kids.
Emily was raped by a moid. A women never hurt her, yet here she is saying this shit. What the fuck? Men hate women for just existing and show it by murdering and raping us.
but men rape and beat us everyday and instead of hating males as they should, women become self hating misongynist. Genuinely pisses me off.
no race is inherently evil, it’s men who are inherently evil(literally scienticily proven that men are more violent and rapey AKA evil.). It’s so obvious That men are the true demons of this world, and i came to this conclusion in my teens, so it shocks me seeing women be like this.
Im guessing perhaps it’s hard to think of a world where women could free the world of men? Maybe it’s uncomfortable to think that 50% of the population consist of violent degenerates so they cope by accepting their perceived “inferiority” or coping by thinking that only other races of men are evil but not their own? The idea of riding the world of “lesser” races is more feasble than ridding the world of half of the population that holds the majority of the power(punching up).
Idk it just pisses me off how every single fucking culture and race treats women like shit . Even oppressed groups STILL opress their own women and don’t reconize the irony in it. We never even did anything to deserve our treatment whilst men are out here raping children, animals and genociding people yet somehow women face all this hatred.
I want this cycle of bullshit to fucking end already.
No. 2348402
>>2348361>are all men pedophiles Yes
>are lolitas losers who need to get a fucking life and should just become drug dealers if they love autistically collecting useless crap Yes
>was the creator of the film funny in generating lolita butthurt Yes
No. 2348428
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>>2348424NTA but where did you get that idea from?
No. 2348430
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>>2348424no, its this ugly manlet nigga on the left
(racebait) No. 2348775

>>2348614Admittedly, analog horror has become so saturated with amateurish drivel trying desperately to be the next The Mandela Catalogue (mediocre at best) or The Walten Files (same again) that it's pretty much just a meme at this point, however, the idea of a horror video formatted as though it were a TV broadcast or videotape is not inherently cringe, at least in my opinion. I think a lot of attention-hungry copycats are ruining the name of a really interesting style of videomaking by treating analog as a genre with a set of strict, boring tropes that must be followed to maximize views instead of just a format that you can tell any sort of story with. There are good examples of analog horror out there, interestingly all (or at least mostly) predating 2020 and the release of TWF. They're very popular so forgive me if you're already familiar, but I'd personally recommend Local58 and some Adult Swim videos (particularly Live Forever as You Are Now, Unedited Footage of a Bear, This House Has People in It and the latter two's accompanying websites (also The Sculptor's Clayground but that's technically part of THHPII)). I've linked what I think is Local58's best video, since it's the shortest of the list at 3 minutes long, for your perusal.
No. 2348882
>>2348775Ntayrt but I really like the idea of analog horror but the execution tends to be cringy and bland.
>the idea of a horror video formatted as though it were a TV broadcast or videotape is not inherently cringe, at least in my opinion.I think part of the reason why a lot of these videos turn me off is because they don't feel like real tapes or news reports. They just look so purposefully and poorly man made. The lack of authenticity and realism is what makes me roll my eyes.
No. 2349357
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I hate how everyone and their dogs are claiming they have autism (and claim to be disabled on top of that). It's such a disservice to people who have a real disability especially autists who are low functioning. Being socially awkward and being into something for an extended period of time does not make you autistic.
No. 2349709
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>>2348614I hate it more than creepypastas. At least creepypastas werent ashamed of being cringe self-indulgent stories to scare children, but analogue horror wants to be 2deep4u and the creators actually think the low quality videos they shit out are good writting. Most of them are absolute trash and just piss on the medium they are mocking, like the tranny puppet show based on the 70s or the spoopy dress up game thats supposed to be from the 00s but has the most generic 2020 tiktok artstyle
No. 2349775
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>29k likes to this comment because some girl on the internet accidentally broke her sink
We are seriously doomed, like it’s over actually
No. 2349808
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>>2348917>spoilerLooking at cute fanart might help kek.
No. 2349891
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Everything I want to say about this faggot will get me redtext'd for alogging.
No. 2350847
File: 1737141903186.jpg (Spoiler Image,336.7 KB, 720x720, 1000009182.jpg)

>>2348917AYRT, I completely agree with you and I think the poor quality is another symptom of the laziness of modern analog horror, and the 'trendification' (coining that now) of making art for online consumption as a whole. There's this prevailing mindset of, I have to pump out a whole series before this microtrend dies, who has time to do any actual research, or writing, or learn Adobe After Effects? I'll just make a CliffsNotes version of whatever got the most views on YouTube and slap the first royalty free VHS filter I find over it! And I'll have to check out Gemini Home Entertainment again. I think I may have seen a little bit but never caught up with it, thank you for the recommendation! As thanks, please take my small effort to help with your phobia. He is featured under the spoiler and he is hopefully no longer very scary. I hope you like him.
No. 2350901
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To each their own, I guess.
No. 2350936
>>2350912Maybe that one "study" about semen basically being biological, radioactive waste was right. That would very much explain why she looks "aged" at just 25.
>>2350901And over 1000 men in just 24 hours? That just doesn't strike me as chronologically or physically possible. I can believe the "100 men in one day" challenge because that number seems relatively reasonable even if it's still ridiculous, but over 1000? In just 24 hours? What would that even look like? Come on, that title has to be fucking with us.
No. 2350972
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>>2350971Yeah I also think she doesn't look human
No. 2351124
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I hate Ryan Seacrest and his ugly grating voice. I'm going to stop listening to I Heart podcasts because of his stupid ads.
No. 2351292
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>>2351124just gonna add this
No. 2351315
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>>2350901Kinda ot but I hate how when the lily phillips thing came out there were so many stupid takes like picrel
No. 2352187
I hate almost all males who have an interest in fashion, especially the straight ones. I refer here not to men who simply dress well, but to men who have favourite designers, run a blog or youtube account, are unaccountably elitist, etc.
>>2343221Lobotomised Fantano
No. 2352628
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>think entire group of people are all raycis low IQ criminals
>Still want to date the women from said group anyways
I don't understand this thought process at all. And I hate it because if these types do breed then they end up with self hating sons, and mixed daughters who they sexualize/act creepy towards to. Asian and Latino men are already self hating, so I'm not looking forward to a future where lee Sanchez on r/hapas complains about his Chinese father calling him racial slurs. Asian men are trying so hard to imitate the worst aspects of white moids while claiming to hate them
No. 2353121
File: 1737263834883.png (19.83 KB, 247x412, abcdef123.PNG)

Ask for a virgins first born and the head of a goat god, too, why don't you? It's a stupid online account, not a banking one, my password shouldn't need an entire novels worth of characters ffs.
No. 2353156
>>2353121I got that the other day for a random fucking portal account at work, it was for like accepting job requests rather than anything sensitive. Why do they need so much security, is someone gonna hack it and do my job for me??
Also my biggest pet peeve with passwords is that I know exactly what sort of password I would create based on the requirements, but when I have to enter my password for a specific account I have no clue what the requirements are. Like, did this website need a capital and a number? Did it want a special character too? Just tell me on the login page and I'll know exactly what to enter!!
No. 2353174
File: 1737266523937.jpeg (286.3 KB, 417x781, IMG_2625.jpeg)

I hate Pinterest ads and I hate makeup ads. Especially ads from this particular makeup brand. Never have I seen a model in one of their ads with natural lips. This weird face along with the emphasis on stickiness is setting something off in my fet detection alert system. This looks like a niche fetish from deviant art. I don’t know why I get ads like this if I don’t save anything relating to makeup. I keep selecting ‘not interested.’ I don’t understand how women who wear makeup see promos like these and don’t get weirded out. The squish on the cheeks is freaking me out.
No. 2353770
File: 1737297287493.png (137.25 KB, 1200x600, be2z7yb30usb1.png)

Wales not getting any representation on the Union Jack. The Welsh dragon would look cool and unique af. Ireland gets more representation than Wales and they are mostly not even a part of it anymore.
Justice for Cymru
No. 2353773
>>2353174It looks tacky and tryhard, plus why would any brand want their makeup to be associated with
stickiness? I know it's "brow glue" but it gives such an uncomfortable vibe.
No. 2354022
File: 1737308553793.mp4 (10.22 MB, 720x1280, Mt-Sp6zhIv1Gp-dx.mp4)

>gay moid influencers who purchased baby boys through the surrogacy, show them off for the camera
No. 2354557
File: 1737326405682.png (68.27 KB, 213x267, 1715184430551.png)

>>2354129>both are boysThe police better surveil these faggots considering the recent fag child rape surrogate case.
No. 2354723
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>>2354022reminds me of this article I came across on ovarit, didn't know where else to post but it fits here
>How Legalizing Surrogacy Helps Activists ‘Queer Babies’
>A psychology journal publishes a gay father arguing ‘surrogate babies are queer creatures by default’ ‘given their prenatal history.’>In December, gay father Balázs Boross published “Queering babies: (Auto)ethnographic reflections from a gay parent through surrogacy” in the journal Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society. The essay “explores how encounters with [a surrogate baby] disrupt or confirm normative expectations about the ‘babyness’ of babies, the ‘parentness’ of parents.”>Boross suggests “surrogate babies are queer creatures by default,” “given their prenatal history,” and “that queerness can serve as a window into the queerness of all babies.”>Evolutionary biologist and Manhattan Institute fellow Colin Wright condemned the “autoethnographic account” as depicting the “sexualization of infants.” He noted the somewhat “animalistic and perverse” nature of Boross discussing his daughter’s instinctual search for a breast during early skin-to-skin contact, and framing the connection between parent and child as inherently “gendered and sexual.”the introduction of said essay
>This essay focuses on the figure of the surrogate baby and explores how encounters with this figure disrupt or confirm normative expectations about the ‘babyness’ of babies, the ‘parentness’ of parents, and the interactions between these two. Given their prenatal history, surrogate babies are queer creatures by default: their becoming and existence have to be negotiated through a set of institutionally defined normativities. But can this queerness—whether imagined, experienced, or discursively produced—serve as a window to the queerness of all babies and how standards of normalcy are formed in the world they are born into? In this essay, I construct an autoethnographic account in dialogue with a collection of personal narratives from same-sex and different-sex parents to address the performative and relational aspects of this queerness—something that is not fixed but produced and attributed according to one’s horizon of expectations. I consider three domains where this process most evocatively comes to the fore: the nature-affect-technology nexus in conception stories, the exoticization of the newly formed families by bystanders and acquaintances, and the parental anxieties that emerge in envisioning the children’s preferred futures. Snapshots from these domains, complemented with stories of different-sex parents, will reveal how dialectics of absence and abundance are always at work in the hierarchies that produce babies—queer or unqueer. Alluding to the notion of double-liminality, I conclude with the epistemological challenges involved in this informal project and the ontological paradoxes of coexisting in time as babies and parents. No. 2354778
>>2354774>They won't even learn how to raise a child properlyNona they can't even learn compassion and empathy. At best, they can project themselves onto their children (like the faggots are projecting their disgusting faggotry onto those poor innocent babies)
I wish there was a major political party that was willing to oppress men for once. Fag moids shouldn't be legally allowed to raise kids due to the high risk of abuse but lesbians should be legally allowed to start families whether that's through sperm donation or adoption.
No. 2354877
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these neck rings
No. 2354906
File: 1737342329183.jpg (53.82 KB, 1200x366, shutup.JPG)

I hate these types of stupid posts. These are cope-posts for people who don't understand how their actions affect other people and frankly, don't want to. Nobody is asking you to be inauthentic. Authenticity is an umbrella term they use to describe "doing whatever I want, when I want, without regard for others, and if others respond to my carelessness, callousness and inconsiderateness, well they just don't want me to be my authentic self!" It's always the retards that act like they've done so much for the world and now it's time for the world to give back. News flash, you stupid bitch, that never happens. Instead of calling it authenticity, just say that you're selfish. Stop describing yourself with words that you choose because they lack the connotations and contexts for how people react to your behavior. You know what would be authentic? Not hiding your behaviors behind a shitty, watered down explanation like "I'm just living my trooth!"
No. 2354980
File: 1737346716502.jpeg (819.3 KB, 1125x1694, IMG_7531.jpeg)

Tired of onlyfans whores promoting prostitution to young children through cutesy tiktoks and memes. Between this and the bop house, it can all burn.
No. 2354982
>>2354906People who bitch and moan that i dont show up for their feminization emotional labor "not selfish" torture fest. Go nail yourself to a fucking cross and die there please.
It never adds up to anything you're just slaving away at mcdonalds or some torturous corporate job. we're all getting screwed by patriarchal swine the same way in the end. god shut the fuck up
(a-logging) No. 2355356
>>2354906I had an ex who bought into this shit perfectly. I'm the "unreasonable" one for expecting her to actually
do anything in the relationship. It's the excuse of lazy partners who don't want to put any effort in.
No. 2355465
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>>2355411I get the lion part but most sharks don't deliberately eat humans, especially great whites. They only attack humans if they confuse them for other animals, like seals. They aren't malicious towards humans, just stupid
No. 2355502
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>>2355489Is this advanced bait? There have been 69 shark attacks and 10 people have died from it in 2023. Humans kill millions upon millions of sharks for the illegal trade. Mosquitos would be considered a human apex predator atp kek.
No. 2355511
>>2355502Maybe if sharks had the advantage on land like we do at hunting them at sea, there'd be millions of dead people too. Braindead argument.
>humans kill millions of sharks every year!So? We kill a fuckload of dogs too but nobody says rover had some mistaken identity at the outrage when one kills a human.
No. 2355558
>>2355511My country has plenty of bears and wolves. 0 people here have been killed by wild bears and wolves combined in the last 20 years.
Just because animals are predators doesn't mean they kill and eat everything they see, most of them are so specialized in their prey they ignore plenty of creatures they could have eaten if they tried it.
No. 2355729
>>2354982You're one of those retards that insists everywhere that they are being authentic while being a huge BPD bitch to everyone around you and expecting them to labor for you? Because that's what I'm talking about. Stop acting like a
victim because someone expected you to consider their needs over yours for once
No. 2355839
>>2355739Or, you know, because they are hungry and a human presented a convenient opportunity to be used as food.
>also, most of the famous historical man-eaters had something wrong with them which stopped them hunting their usual preyYou're proving the point that they are opportunistic eaters.
No. 2355919
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>>2355511Even considering deaths caused by marine animals, you're more likely to be killed by a box jellyfish, or a cone snail. Picrel kills more 20,000 times more people in a year than great whites kill in decades via their parasites
No. 2356447
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I loathe the brand "lacemade", it's so gaud and corny. I don't get how people can buy that crap and feel "fancy" or "princess-like" in any way, shape, or form. It's tacky and only people with no self awareness would wear such thing.
No. 2356482
>>2356447I just watched this video a couple days ago, along with another video of her trying to fix the dress with the shitty cups. It's literally fast fashion trash for the similar types of people who get into lolita but are perpetual itas because their main priority is to acquire as much attention on social media as possible on a budget. I can't believe she thought that trash bag looking skirt was cute.
>>2356476They look pretty in the picture, but in person they are garbage.
No. 2356698
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>>2356447This looks like they tried to make a dress from, like, 7 different time periods.
No. 2356701
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>>2355502Shark sympathizer!
No. 2361797
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I really like fashion, but a few days ago I watched a video on TikTok about how fashion is political, which is generally true. What I hate is the number of clueless people who think it's mandatory to dress a certain way to express their ideologies. The comments on the video, for example, were full of people asking how they should dress, what things they should buy and from where… It's just performing at that point, larping as someone whose fashion choices are political.
On the other hand, I hate how many young people, especially on the internet, associate having a personality or not being an NPC with the way they dress. Not everyone cares about fashion as much as you do, and it's possible that many of those people judging others have their way of dressing as their only personality trait.
No. 2361802
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Mullets. Curly mullets. Unnatural color curly mullets. Gen z women with unnatural color curly mullets.
No. 2361864
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>>2361797I liked the FFA (reddit female fashion advice) hate thread from a while ago, though it was kind of secondhand ragebait for anyone who doesn't wring her hands over whether her neutral ballet flats are timeless enough. It's rare to see people openly criticize how neurotic, anxious, and fun-hating online culture around fashion tends to be. They really do deliberate over buying one pair of brown leggings (to go with their five black pairs) as if it's a Che beret.
And when I do see someone with a cool style online, there's a wave of responses from retards asking how to build a Shein capsule wardrobe for the aesthetic of the day. I think this contributes to the binge-purge consumerism cycle around clothes.
It was also often pointed out that many people who post highly stylized / OTT trendy outfits online wear nothing but casual NPC athleisure in public. People who act this way are soul sisters with those who go to the hairdresser and ask for their curly hair to be cut into a sleek bob with anime bangs, then say it looks good while they cry inside over the result.
No. 2361865
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People who make videos about quitting social media. Just fucking quit. Feeling the need to announce it to randoms on the internet is still feeding the social media beast. JUST GET OFF
No. 2362560
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>>2361802she has the same face as ari from 90 day fiance
No. 2362567
nonnie meant in the same way art can be political even if it's just those abstract paint bucket poors: artist/wearer says it's political so it is
No. 2362571
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>>2362553I think anon meant heartburn from acid reflux, sweet anon kek
No. 2362575
>>2362560Her face and head shape pissed me off so much kek I know it's mean but why does she look like
that? Her man is such a bum too
No. 2362742
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When men wear a formal shirt and you can see the fucking undershirt it looks so bad
No. 2363393
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>>2362789I have PCOS and very hairy genes thanks to my dad, I understand you nona. If it makes you feel better I have hair everywhere. I hate how much it has affected my self esteem and how even has made me think about becoming a TIF, I've been doing better lately though. Now I just tell myself I'm like a fuzzy cat kek.
No. 2363495
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>>2363474They want us so bad
No. 2364692
>>2364669The abuse was a very well known thing, too. Almost everybody in their immediate family knew, and outsiders as well. Her pig of a father fathered children with a woman before Judith's mother, and that relationship fell apart due to his abuse.
The last thing she said to her older half-sister was asking her to take her with her as she was scared her father was going to do something and her half-sister replied,
>"I told her that he had hurt [Barna and me] as children, but everything was alright in the end. It was only a temporary situation. I told her that she had to be strong, and I'll never forget the look in her eyes as we left." No. 2364845
File: 1737772702629.jpg (3.24 MB, 3464x3464, 1000116429.jpg)

I really fucking hate those obnoxious looping audios of random people laughing that everyone slaps on their retarded videos that loop forever.
It makes me want to kill myself violently.
No. 2365046
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This shit tastes like cough syrup
No. 2365316
>>2365313I like the ones from the 19th century where it's just women sitting around with their massive bushes out
>>2365268What are your tastes, surely you can find someone on LC who shares your interests?
No. 2365737
>>2365719Exactly. They also want it entirely on their terms. A village means people telling saying to a parent's face when their kids are being disruptive and to supervise them better, but the second that happens they get up in arms about how
dare anyone say anything bad about their perfect children or question their flawless parenting?
No. 2366233
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People who keep reptiles in racks like this. You see it a lot with snakes. Even for breeder, it's hard for me to justify this. You just can't provide proper heat, lighting and enrichment in something like this.
No. 2366242
>>2366233I would feel
horrible if I kept anything in this, especially snakes. They need more room to stretch than this, surely.
No. 2367197
File: 1737913613810.gif (305.68 KB, 220x226, IMG_8615.gif)

I am so sick of the wojak “memes”. Picrel is how i feel when i come across another retard who uses them for EVERYTHING.
They are never funny, they are either:
>political(imagine getting radicialized by a hideous soyjak meme)
>scroids whining about some minor problem
>coomer shit
Whenever i see someone who uses any of those things, i block them instantly because i just know they are annoying as shit.
We have had several mass shootings perpetrated by retards who were radicalized by those retarded ugly memes. What black magic are these wojaks casting on soiceties retardest members?
No. 2367207
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This vtuber model I saw in the wild
No. 2367232
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>>2367197>What black magic are these wojaks casting on soiceties retardest members?The wojaks appearance appeals to the same demographic of autist who hyperfixate on anime or cartoon characters. When funny cartoon man tells them to kill or believe in something, they will because it's like trying to satisfy their waifu/favorite fictional character
No. 2367312
>>2365731Yes, I've never been able to find anyone else irl.
>>2366737>>2366741Aren't men still more
abusive towards animals than women in general though. That's the impression I had, especially for beastiality and just hurting their pets more. I even remember seeing some story about a group of men that gangraped a lizard before.
>>2367207I hate this design too, looks terrible.
No. 2368242
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I hate bras, the difference between when I wear them and then I don't it's huge. I swear to God I want to kill myself when I'm wearing one, I just want to get rid of my breasts. And besides that, I feel like proper bras (not sport or those that reduce the size slightly) make me look like a cow. I feel so humiliated, ugly and uncomfortable.
No. 2369385
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I hate videos of people holding bats like babies and feeding them. I hate the sounds of the bats eating. It's not cute at all. I don't have any problem with bats, i like bats in their natural habitat doing their thing, but this is disgusting me for some reason.
No. 2369467
>>2369454it was from bats kek
what I hate: amazon's retarded search engine.
No. 2369474
I hate when I go to a coffee shop and everyone is hoarding tables by ordering one drink for the whole day and using their laptops the whole time. Things are changing though, I see more and more of these coffee shops putting signs saying that laptops are strictly forbidden or allowed for only 30 minutes.
>>2369454Yes and no, bats carried the virus and some people in China ate them and got contaminated, or the bats were contaminating animals in a disgusting wet market in China. I've heard in the news that it could also have been because of some sort of rodents they killed and sold right there but I forgot which species. Next time I hear something like "don't judge exotic food, it's their culture" after what the pandemic was like I'll shoot myself in the head.
No. 2369604
>>2369591I also find complaining about subscription services stupid. I have no idea why people act like they're
forced to pay for subscription services when piracy is the easiest it's ever been.
No. 2369614
>>2369604Even for the people who are adamant against piracy it’s super easy to get a bluray, rip it, and put it on a media server like plex or jellyfin. I have jellyfin and it’s super easy, now practically any machine on my local network can open up the twilight zone or whatever. There boom now you have a 100% legal no streaming solution. I’m pro piracy in every single way forever, tho. Even digitizing vhs’s is super easy, but you need some tools to do it, they’re very cheap.
No. 2369615
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>>2369609I lived in the era of owning 500 dusty DvDs and it wasn't as amazing as they say it is. Having one of these gigantic disc albums full of movies that you had to purchase at full price only to never watch ever again wasn't based actually, especially if you were buying a several movies a week. You would just end up rewatching the same shit over and over. Nowadays you get to watch new stuff at basically the same price adjusted for inflation
No. 2369803
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I hate seeing this hulking thing everytime he shows up on screen
No. 2370473
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Main character syndrome.
No. 2371054
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The phrase “cooked” in reference to being shit out of luck. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me and it’s ubiquitous, even on LC.
No. 2371478
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I can't stand when a man says he likes redheads. It makes me think of reddit moids. I have nothing against redheads, love you all, but the way men fetishize them is disgusting. I just roll my eyes when a man says he loves redheads. And yes, I know men also fetishize blondes and brunettes kek but for some reason the ones obsessed with redheads disgust me more.
No. 2371492
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>>2371478Related to this: when men talk about odd or weird traits they like on women. They always mention things like freckles, pale skin, and many other very common or attractive things.
No. 2371509
>>2371497There is
some evidence that being a redhead correlates with a higher pain tolerance on average, but obviously correlation doesn't equal objective truth for all redheads. It's pure scrote copium.
No. 2371514
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>>2371504samefag, she looks like Erin Reed the troon
No. 2371555
>>2371533There are studies claiming it goes both ways, because the pigmentation that produces red hair comes from a gene that does something fucky to skin cells and messes with certain receptors. It's the same reason they tend to be very pale and get sick from heatstroke/sunburnt very easily, even compared to other white people
I'm white myself don't be calling me racist over this. But it's obviously impossible to test every single individual redhead so it's still largely just speculation.
No. 2371561
>>2371552I don't really think she looks like a troon, her face shape is too feminine. I just think it's
easier for troons to larp as her versus (Idk) Adriana Lima, since she is not actually that pretty. I've never seen a celebrity with more well-curated image machine. Even her google image search results are all favourable/perfect shots, most celebrities get a few candids or less flattering images on the first page. She just reminds me of Fake-Hollywood in general and I don't think she has the natural/talent or beauty to be as acclaimed as she is. If I worked with her or met her at a lesbian bar, I would be super impressed
No. 2371909
>>2371893>especially because if it was an adult they would've responded.No they wouldn't
t. autist who never responds to anyone of any age
No. 2372289
>>2372221When I was a kid my grandma kept talking about washing shit out of my cousin's reusable diapers AT THE TABLE. I got yelled at so much for telling her I didn't want to hear about poop while I was eating kek, so I started burping and making farting noises to make her stop and she got the hint. Nothing else got through to her or my parents, who also loved discussing diarrhea over dessert.
Parents seem to forget that nobody else wants to hear about baby peepee and doodoo ever, even if it's a really cute baby that everyone likes, even if it's a really huge crap. I get that they need someone to rant to about how their baby is a turd machine and they're sick of churning through endless packs of Pampers, but in a fucking recipe blog? This does not need to be shared. If parents are that desperate to discuss their children's bodily fluids they can go on parent blogs and brag about how their toddler can projectile vomit farther than anyone else.
No. 2373346
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>instagram reels
I need to use this piece of shit app for art/online store but I REALLY hate it. Instagram is such a fucking cesspool even if you don’t click on anything they’ll still give me fucking garbage. Zoomers even pushing some video of an Asian toddler surrounded by adult men holding out sausages at waist level towards the kid as an “ironic meme” . How fucking retarded are they to encourage posting this? I’ve seen some terrible things after being on the internet for forever, but some zoomers/alphas treat watching gore and CP like it’s a badge of honor or something to laugh at. I’m so tired of this internet hellscape.
No. 2373361
File: 1738272855609.png (Spoiler Image,821.42 KB, 720x1245, Screenshot_20250130-222817~2.p…)

>fall in love with art style of Bojack Horseman and Tuca&Bertie
>find out artist is Lisa Hanawalt
>wanna buy something from her so check out her art prints
>dicks everywhere
Disgusting. There is absolutely nothing aesthetic about male genitalia.
No. 2373417
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People who whine and bitch about anonymous or anonymity in general.
No. 2374791
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3/4 sleeves
No. 2375365
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This kind of man. You know which kind of man I mean.
No. 2375504
File: 1738362860985.jpg (29.6 KB, 540x303, 1000003339.jpg)

i HATE roko's basilisk its literally one of the stupidest ideas ive ever heard and i hate hearing retards online take it seriously!! oh, the AI supercomputer wants me to suffer because i didnt do everything in my power to create it??? hoe i am a receptionist!!! this hypothetical AI wants to punish me because i didnt take up coding just so i could program its ass into existence? if i coded an AI it would be utter shit, and any artificial intelligence would arrive at the same conclusion. i s2g this crap is just 'the game' for people who have taken their first philosophy class. im so glad no one brought this shit up when i was ran my philosophy club in college, i would have kicked them tf out.
No. 2376060
>>2375504>Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to incentivize said advancement.You're right, this sounds like some im 14 and this is deep tier shit.
>It originated in a 2010 post at discussion board LessWrong, a rationalist web forum.Fucking kek, "rationalist" is just another way of spelling "retard" at this point.
No. 2376674
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My boobs aren't even that big but I hate when this happens.
No. 2376753
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I hate that most sport bras are like this. That and straps being too close to my neck are a sensory hell.
No. 2377043
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>>2367197>>236723299% of wojaks are cringe. There's only one wojak I truly love and it's picrel.
No. 2377901
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I hate this bitch ass company.
No. 2379528
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I hate the idea of being perceived as sexy; I even hate the word "sexy".
No. 2380071
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>>2375504>>2376083Surely the omnipotent, all-powerful AI would understand
why not all humans could pursue programming as a career (we have a society to run after all) and that its programmers wouldn't even be able to work without the fruits of other people's labour? Surely it could find a more useful job for its human slaves than throwing 90% of them in a huge, energy-wasting simulation? If programmers are the only ones who get spared, the AI obviously needs them in order to function, so why can't they just program it to stop being evil? Why do these retards believe that programming is the only thing that goes into making/running a machine and not mining the materials, shipping them to the factory, putting them together, generating electricity…hell, you could go even further and say that providing food to the workers is part of it. What a lobotomised brainfart of a concept kek
>>2380028>CreepypastaIt's funny because this entire "theoretical" is stolen from picrel, just without the lore which makes the scenario plausible.
No. 2380084
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>>2380067 and I love that our minds had the same thought at the same time kek
No. 2380088
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>>2380084KEK our braincells synchronized across time and space
No. 2380342
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Single men who are friends with dads. Imagine the most toxic, jealous, bitchy stereotype of a side chick your brain can muster, and now transfer those behaviours into a male body. Combine it with a midlife crisis and that's the average single scrote friend. They have so much faggy contempt for their friend's wives (and kids!) it's unreal.
No. 2380473
>>2379999and they say men dont believe in manifestation
>>2380040a lot of philosophy is just made up but this is the
most made up
>>2380071exactly. if everyone immediately gave up whatever else they were doing to program this master AI human beings would die out in a generation before we could accomplish such a thing. the hypothetical AI would understand what the retarded philosophybros could not
No. 2380862
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When Alice in Wonderland adaptations are clearly based off of the decently mediocre 1951 movie, or god forbid the Burton version, and not the original novels. Normies who try to act quirky and different love the Disney versions but dislike the novels because they find the structure confusing and Alice to be annoying. She's seven ffs. Modern adaptions sand down her personality until she's nothing more than an audience surrogate. My obsession is autistic but this makes me seethe so bad.
No. 2380957
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>>2380862The only adaptation that matters
No. 2380959
>>2380958Nta but why
No. 2380971
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>>2380959Because I learned it was based on a real ten year old Lewis was into, and the fact that "Alice day" exist thanks to him. I just can't enjoy it anymore
No. 2381591
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Modern beauty standards and the pickmes that waste thousands of dollars to look like unrealistic blow up dolls for men while throwing women under the bus. The fact that someone like marilyn monroe would get called mid, old, fat and with saggy tits nowadays is honestly ropefuel. Compare her to any modern model and she looks so natural while they look so plastic. Any playboy model from the 50s or 60s would get called whale now. Disgusting.
No. 2381599
>>2371478Don’t worry nonna, I’m a redhead and hate them too. They’re either coomers who think all redheads are promiscuous and angry BPDemons, or fat nerds who want a quirked up manic pixie girlfriend with red hair, round glasses and bangs because this is their childhood stereotype of a nerdy gf for some reason. Strangely enough I’ve met a lot of nerdy women with dyed red hair, what is it with nerds and red hair?
>>2371537Add goth to the list. To moids it means egirl in skimpy Shein clothes.
No. 2381667
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>>2381655Ahh is a differentiated slang term iirc. It looks dumb though
No. 2381691
>>2381681Idk anything about goth tbh other than that (the current people, not the culture whatever it is) is full of TikToktards.
>>2381684The e-girls who make TikToks of "goth history" and any other subculture probably have the facts 99% right at least compared to the scrotes who think they're smart because of moid superiority. I never hate the former for some reason kek
No. 2381785
>>2381377Funny thing is gooning started out as a gay male practice on 4chan and delved into exposing minors to porn as a fetish and men eroticizing their own degeneracy to the point they're jacking off to the
idea of ruining their sexuality with porn. Whenever a stupid zoomer says it i want to ask "oh so you like showing porn to kids? thanks for telling us"
>>2381033We really should. Especially when the general public is being exposed to zizians right now
No. 2381792
>>2381691>I never hate the former for some reasonTo be absolutely fair on those egirls, I think most of them genuinely do believe they're "doing it right" and I think a lot of them do just like the style for their own sakes, not necessarily for moid attention (or not
just for moid attention.) Plus most of them are young and stupid so eh.
No. 2382708
File: 1738725693079.gif (1.68 MB, 222x250, giphy-tumblr.gif)

Anons on this site a weirdly intense about Chappell Roan. Across the whole site, I've mentioned her twice, not including this post. Yet the second I said something negative about her, some retards decided I'm one of the anons with "vendettas" against her and swim up my ass. The fuck?
It's just another FOTM pop star I don't care for. Why does everything have to be pidgeonholed into either intense love or searing hatred? I don't like that she pretends to be a lesbian, and her songs are meh. But anons reacted like I said I wanted to hunt her down and bludgeon her with a toaster. Christ.
No. 2382730
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>>2381377I hate the word gooner but I hate "goonette" even more. I've seen so many trannies labeling themselves that recently. I remember gooner being exclusively used by pedos and porn addicts, but like "cunny" all it took was one shitty meme to get normies to start using it. Give it a few years and they'll probably start saying hebe and lgf casually too
No. 2383503
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Why am i suppose to treat men like people when i look at shit like this?
I also hate the fact that prostitution is on here as if these women aren’t being drugged up and trafficked against their will and as if scrotes aren’t making the choice to buy them.
No. 2383571
>>2383480I'm one of those people who think being single is the best thing ever, but I completely understand what you mean. Like
>>2383484Said, the ones bragging are coping, and like
>>2383565 said, the ones complaining have it so easy if this is their biggest problem ever. Having or lacking romantic relationships tend to make people retarded for some reason.
No. 2384131
>>2383844Then you should be smart enough to realize that these terms mean nothing in 2025 and you can't talk with authority about countries you've never been to. China is communist in name only, just like both America and Norway are capitalist countries but one is a de facto oligarchy ruled by billionaires and the other one has good healthcare and social benefits.
I've been to China and it's better than the US in terms of living standards, cope harder. And don't start with muh Uyghurs if you live somewhere with mass school shootings, Native American reservations, Donald Trump as president elect and a history of slavery to top it all off. Sit this one out.
No. 2384213
File: 1738806612502.webp (155.4 KB, 2120x1414, 1000001393.webp)

I hate QR codes on everything.
Yesterday I went to the mall and even McDonald's has the stupid QR codes to scan them for the menu.
No. 2384234
File: 1738807111256.png (1.74 MB, 1290x2285, 7225632577521.png)

>>2384194Kek reminds me of anons thinking this AI touch-up was real
No. 2384320
File: 1738813037742.jpeg (39.31 KB, 903x357, IMG_8706.jpeg)

I hate terrible baiters and the autist who fall for it. Picrel is a perfect example of this.
No. 2384476
File: 1738822874331.jpg (140.73 KB, 838x1500, 71oRNzNvj4L._AC_UL1500_.jpg)

this fucking style.
No. 2385113
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>>2348381This reminded me of this post, I hate when anons here try to make it seem like every woman must be some secret radfem/feminist. Like yeah, women like emily totally become neo-nazis because they are ~critical~ of misogynistic culture and not yknow, just racist.
No. 2385120
File: 1738864612285.webp (Spoiler Image,20.19 KB, 492x579, screen-shot-2022-10-24-at-4171…)

>>2385115kek did you catch that fungus-fingers? I guess it hasn't spread to your brain yet
Btw the "they don't get in the way" excuse is pure cope. I have to keep my nails cut short for work but when they're long they still get filthy and I use a nailbrush religiously. I've never seen another woman use (or even possess) a nailbrush when washing their nasty bacteria/fecal scoops, ever. So I don't know if the word "boner" applies to something that makes you want to puke and recoil
No. 2385129
File: 1738865034282.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.93 KB, 700x525, green-fungus-under-acrylic-nai…)

>>2385122It is the fungus that grows under the vast majority of acrylic nails, that women don't see. The tech usually won't even mention it and you only see it if the fake nails are taken off very carefully
No. 2385131
>>2384639you need fingers to grip/scrunch the tp after swiping up though
>>2384655not even trying to be funny but isn't it uncomfortable not drying afterwards? cause then the undies will feel wet
No. 2385134
>>2385130samefag, also never said that. I said my
own natural long nails that I can grow myself and have had all my life, get dirty and I use a nailbrush to clean them. I didn't say I stick my nails into my vagina or anus when wiping. If I had weird fake things glued to my fingertips, I would probably accidentally make contact with all sorts of things. Since they wouldn't be a natural part of my fingers
No. 2385185
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>>2385174They look like normal nails, but with fake nails I can get whatever OTT fun design I want and it brightens up my very monotonous job. Im not really into the single colour look. I get BIAB so the nail bed is fine as long as I give them a rest.
No. 2385187
>>2385174Fake nails you can have fun stickers on and pretty designs. They count as a form of art like some makeup is.
t. never worn fake nails in my life, but admire them
No. 2385195
>>2385174Eh, I appreciate anon who cleans her nails, but I agree with you. A lot of women don't keep their nails clean or are generally unhygienic. A lot of women are, but there were a lot of studies about fecal matter found under long acrylics released when I was younger.
And I also prefer the short nails and polish. There's holographic and other effect nail polishes if they're too boring. I also do a lot of craft and manual work, and I'd hate to be hindered by long nails in an emergency kek
No. 2385214
File: 1738867336839.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1881313423.jpg)

>>2385185kek you're like a fake nail poolshark or something anon, I feel like you
know picrel is what most people think of, at least in 2025. But no, your nails are very demonstrably clean, artistic and not what I was thinking of so you're definitely the exception to the rule
No. 2385273
>>2385261I know that, I was talking about
after powerwashing it. Surely no one just leaves their butt wet kek
No. 2385368
>>2385120>>2385129I'm late, but I'm soo tired of people calling this a fungus. This is pseudomonas (a "greenie"). It's just when moisture gets trapped between the nails. The green a product of the bacteria. In most cases, it's harmless, and the treatment for it is simply letting your nails grow out.
It's not under most nail extensions. This only happens when the fake nail lifts long enough for moisture to get trapped, or if it wasn't applied correctly in the first place. And most women get full removals of their nail extensions/overlays so I'm not sure how they would just miss huge green spots on their nailbeds kek.
No. 2386670
File: 1738946284551.jpg (Spoiler Image,286.42 KB, 1200x1378, kristin-chenoweth-at-nbc-unive…)

Kristin Chenoweth's singing voice, apparently. I hadn't heard her sing before but assumed she must be Mariah Carey-tier since she is so overrated. I thought she was a parody, it was truly one of the worst things I've ever heard. I also didn't realize her face scares me too until I looked for this picrel. I don't understand the point of this person at all
No. 2386698
>>2385671Twitter hate thread used to be funny/interesting but yeah now its just ragebait screenshots from blue checkmark engagement farmers. So tiresome,
I cant even pretend to get mad at obvious bait.
No. 2387252
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I hate these 'side hustle' influencers that encourage people to produce worthless slop that litters the internet for the rest of us. And none of what they recommend actually makes any money anyway.
No. 2387273
>Things you hateI hate when people have those huge bulging forehead veins like the woman in
>>2386670 has
No. 2387274
File: 1738968367007.jpeg (24.37 KB, 268x256, IMG_1506.jpeg)

I hate relying on anyone for anything!!!! It’s the fucking worst!!
No. 2387283
>>2387252Lots of AI bros love to parrot of how they'll kill art made by "drawslaves" (correct me if I misused the term), but unironically, with how easy and accessible AI shlop is now, it just makes art by people actually
more valuable.
Like, we value food made by chefs cooked with their own hands than fast food or canned goods. The AI obsession will definitely backfire, especially since stuff like "sounds like ChatGPT" are used as insults.
No. 2387749
File: 1739004018558.jpeg (15.29 KB, 275x275, shayna nails.jpeg)

I don't mind how they look. But I hate how people with really long fake nails are always the most unhygienic person you've met. Always dirty and maybe addicts. "YES, I CAN WIPE WITH THESE" Sure you can but why is it always ashtray-smelling ass people wearing them.
No. 2387804
File: 1739008994086.jpeg (64.94 KB, 525x426, IMG_8768.jpeg)

When you have to share a room with someone that snores. Like why does that make me angry cry? It makes me borderline violent like how is this bitch sleeping so deeply and here I am under attack. Fucking bitch.
No. 2387822
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I used to find the appeal of this guy because he has a nice voice and funny moments, but I really do just find him irritating now. And he's probably ugly. Also stinky since he apparently can barely walk anymore and likely can't take care of his hygiene or bodily functions.
No. 2388264
File: 1739036968208.png (1.21 MB, 1158x1189, ck.png)

UGH the way Calvin Klein underwear fits on your body now pisses me off so bad. It’s always either sliding down or the big thick band will roll over onto itself, and the fabric is not comfortable either.
No. 2388580
File: 1739050724586.jpg (13.09 KB, 206x275, 1696280280094.jpg)

>>2387795>>2387757The way Shayna gets her nails done is one of the most baffling things she does. She just likes them this way. I'm horrified everytime
No. 2388869
>>2388842$100 for the ugliest plastic rings I've ever seen. If there's any silver lining to the pending recession at all, it's the amount of social media bullying toward retarded, wasteful cash grab business ventures
>when you order a coral ring you get a free shell box!Oh yay, a stupid plastic box you made with a 3D printer to go with the stupid plastic ring you paid $100 for.
No. 2388887
File: 1739059898888.png (461.38 KB, 750x678, uZQdhtU.png)

>“Allegations of misogyny have also emerged and several people told us that some young female members of staff had been asked to act as the couple's surrogates.”
No. 2388907
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>>2388901Because i want tor age its raage time you fools
No. 2389724
>>2389411That's such a retarded kind of name, reminds me of that anon who wants to call her daughter
No. 2390142
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lolcow shouldve been gatekept more
No. 2390752
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Tattoos, and heavily tattooed people. Every one I've met has fit the wastoid stereotype to a T. Munchies, perverts, drug addicts, criminals. I'm happy to see tattoos going out of fashion recently.
No. 2390760
File: 1739135026638.jpg (174 KB, 720x1280, f1fe37e1c4e9e7d72a595c604780d8…)

>>2390752I hate these random ass bathroom-wall-graffiti tattoos bpdchans get
No. 2390809
File: 1739136710213.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1290, C0A2345A-6C8E-4913-8A82-C235AD…)

>>2390752I heard about a year ago that the majority of the burger population has a tattoo. I think I’m the only person I know in their twenties without one which is a bit wild. It’s odd how common they became considering I rarely to never see a good one. I was forced to witness picrel out in public once which almost feels like a crime.
No. 2391501
>>2391496But I also read that Hans is already an adult in the first game, and his "real life counterpart" (the person he was based on) was 15 at the time?
But kek, even if I'm wrong, you're right about the double standard. Moids are insufferable.
No. 2391517
>>2391501Ayrt Yeah Hans was always an adult in canon since the first game. But now that there's
optional gay content in the game people are swarming the steam discussion page to talk about pedophilia because like you said, some barely related real life person was 15 at that point on history which means gays are pedos and pizzagate is real or some shit. Males on xitter are seething as if Hans is a little boy being buggered by a grown man ok screen, and there are people being influenced by that without having any real context.
No. 2392342
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>>2392333nta but stuff like picrel
No. 2392484
>>2392342>>2392347Yeah exactly, it looks so trashy and tacky.
>>2392457I had him in mind as well but he has more incestuous Gummo vibes.
>>2392479I really don't know how to explain, I imagine growing up in this environment and feeling trapped there.
No. 2392509
>>2392484These aesthetics are about
not fitting into these environments, just look at Lana's "ethereal baby doll lost in the hood" thing or Chappell's clownface princess thing in the backwoods hillbilly midwest thing. Everything about these phony aesthetics serve to tell a sort of story about the key figure of the aesthetic itself. There will never be a "trashy" aesthetic that is about being trashy as fuck, being made for that life, and reveling in it (excluding AGP troon Ethel's entire thing, that guy is gooning to murdered women so he doesnt count). The trashy aesthetics gain notoriety as a sort of tongue-in-cheek way to spurn that very environment. Chappell's old timey clown princess in the backwoods midwest thing isn't about loving that environment, it's about being trapped in that environment and being the sort of chuuni character that comically sticks out. She is born into that life but it's obvious she wasn't meant for it. A real representation of a trashy midwest aesthetic would be uncolored hair in a long, frumpy style, wearing bulky casual camo hunting gear, and living in a trailer park and going hunting, oh and being slightly overweight. Nobody will do that though kek, so nobody is truly celebrating this environment. It's all about being the bitch who stands out and is "trapped" there, like you said.
No. 2393321
File: 1739270258858.jpeg (84.14 KB, 687x446, IMG_8387.jpeg)

I hate light sleepers and their main character syndrome. My ex moid used to get pissy if anything bothered him while sleeping while needing very specific conditions to fall asleep. It had to be dark with black out curtains and the door closed so that the sun can’t get in. He needed earplugs and a white noise machine. If I got up in the middle of the night to pee, he got pissy that I opened or closed the door too loudly no matter how quiet I tried to be but would slam doors himself with not a single care in the world, and this was with the earplugs. Once I tripped and fell because he pushed the blanket on the ground when he was too hot and he got mad I woke him up cause His Majesty had work in the morning. His whole family was like that. Once we slept over at his parents’ place and his mom asked that I not flush the toilet when I go because it disturbs her sleep. She walked it right back when I took a fat period shit in the toilet a few nights later, all of a sudden flushing didn’t bother her so much.
Get medical help and stop making everyone tiptoe around you, bitch.
No. 2394519
>>2394374>>2394480Fucking thank you. It’s weird because I feel like I thought it was refreshing and funny for a brief time, but now I’m so sick of the Joss Whedon-style “quips” and sarcastic unrealistic banter in everything now.
Also can’t stand those “will they, won’t they” love stories shoehorned into everything that features a man and a woman as lead characters.
No. 2397168
>>2397120I had sex and bfs like 10 yrs ago and I wish I hadn't bothered, they were a total waste of time and I resent that any moids have knowledge of my body. Being single and celibate doesn't automatically mean lonely btw, I simply feel happy and secure in the fact that no moid is able to negatively impact my life as so many of them do.
Anyway just go on tinder and lower your standards if you're suffering so much, it's not that hard. If you have justifications for not doing that, clearly being single isn't the worst possible outcome.
No. 2399890
>>2399799If I'm in a good mood and I'm addressing more than one woman I'll refer to them as "ladiiieeeesssss" with it drawn out. I've only done that with coworkers via Teams Chat and my roommate's cats, though. I also sing that Sean Kingston song to my roommate's cats about how they make me suicidal.
>I hatestupid elderly people that call and get legitimately upset and want to argue with me about how the automated system told them to dial a number for English. They get even angrier if they first option isn't English. They get sooooo fucking mad, and they're always people who are looking (begging) for help and assumed that up until now, only parasites and mooches got government services. They always get so fucking mad when I tell them there isn't anything for seniors beyond meals on wheels or a 30 pound box of dry food, and even then, that's monthly food delivery you salty bitch. Fuck off. You don't do shit anymore and by your logic, you are now the welfare mooch. That, and you have most likely spearheaded the worst policies in the country, which have contributed to you having NOTHING and getting NOTHING.
No. 2399944
File: 1739577753328.jpg (315.06 KB, 3840x2165, https___assets.lareviewofbooks…)

I'm on episode like 4 or 5, and I hate this stupid horse.
>Takes in Sarah Lynn
>"Omg you're like my daughter, I love you so much, I'll let you do anything you want, but also you're a legal adult now so let me take advantage of you and fuck you"
>"Omg I'm so talented and confident and so amazing, but also insecure and need validation and I'm so tragic"
>Ruins Todd's chances of being independent from him
On top of all of that, his head is shaped like a semi-hard, uncircumcised penis with saggy balls.
No. 2399971
>>2399963I already know that Sarah Lynn dies and he has something to do with it, not very excited to see what else he does (but I will keep watching to hate on him and in hopes that someone fucks up his entire life and he becomes a hobo or something).
>>2399946It kind of baffles me that there are people who like him considering it's made abundantly clear that he's a dickhead.
No. 2400809
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I hate how every time I watch a video of a woman talking about normalizing body hair or feeling comfortable without makeup, there’s always a group of women jumping in to defend their right to wear makeup, shave, etc. No one’s taking that right away from you, just shut up.
No. 2400927
>>2400484Thank you nonna, I thought I was the only one annoyed with historical costubers here. Most of them are insufferable and the chill ones who just do a tutorial without the faff are rare. The faux wokeness is annoying too. Like one of them ranted through a video about how banyans have a
problematic history… but then still made one and acted like it was fine because they called it a robe. There's one youtuber who I really want to like, but she's spicy straight and "qweer" that it distracts from what are otherwise decent videos (like no girl making a Viking women's outfit in the asexual flag colors is not "Viking But Make It Queer".)
No. 2401202
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People who are bad at cooking eggs give me bad vibes
I always assume they are some mix of stupid, lazy, privileged, helpless, irresponsible, immature, wasteful, etc
Literal children can fry eggs without breaking the yolks, overcooking, getting the eggs stuck, or getting shell in them, but why do adults that always seem to mess up such a simple food treat it like a quirk? I've met multiple people that proclaim that they never cook eggs right as if it's endearing
This expands to overall cooking of staple foods, but I've been seeing it with eggs more than I'd like to
No. 2401211
>>2401202I knew someone who was very
abusive towards children and animals and whenever she cooked eggs they turned out literally grey and disgusting.
No. 2401583
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fandom retards that think they're being oppressed because some people don't want to be hit with extreme kink shit. i miss when people had more shame and would hide their truly degenerate stuff on separate locked accounts that only a select few who were into said stuff had access to.
No. 2401750
>>2401746Those anons are just newfags from 4chan
Which is funny because thats not how sageing works over there either
No. 2401807
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>>2401746>It’s also funny when they do this and then don’t actually sage their postThis reminded me of when Erin Painter did this exact thing while undercover in her own thread. I went looking for her post history to reminisce but it's gone. Wtf
No. 2402360
File: 1739696510615.png (1.9 MB, 954x1466, simpsons do it for her.png)

I hate that this heartfelt moment of a father working hard for his baby daughter is now mostly known for annoying coomer waifu meme.
No. 2402473
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>>2399944Samefag, I'm now through most of season 2, and I think I retract this post. I kind of like the horse now, he's not nearly as destructive as season 1 and I think he's cute with wanda. I was wrong about you, horse.
No. 2402521
File: 1739703051313.gif (1.54 MB, 220x275, 1000032811.gif)

>Retards really had to sperg out over polite sageing in two different threads
No. 2402530
File: 1739703568915.jpg (82.08 KB, 500x607, 1000000639.jpg)

Just found out hank green is bisexal and it pissed me off. Idc that someone asked–who asked.
No. 2402597
File: 1739707910850.webp (38.41 KB, 327x514, Rutabaga.webp)

>>2402522Well, you were right anon. Only a few episodes later and I'm already disappointed again. Moids don't change anons, not even anthropomorphic horse ones. I just hope after the Penny thing I don't see him trying to have sex with women/girls he sees himself as a father figure too anymore. Blegh.
Anyway, I hate the Carolyn and rabbit guy love storyline. This rabbit is clearly gay.
No. 2402704
>>2402597Oh he's worse than gay. Get ready nonna, PC is gonna kiss a lot more frogs
not actually frogs, considering the show before the show is through.
No. 2403253
>>2403244It works if they do it in a way removed from me, but then again every time I would give them positive attention for their positive relationship with their neices/nephews it's almost like they thought that
I must really love kids. It's so annoying kek.
No. 2403626
File: 1739754610294.png (57.08 KB, 953x558, groyperscrote.png)

I hate autistic scrotes, specifically the radicalized ones. They're toddlers. Theyll get on to everyone for how theyre a minority but when you bring up their autism they start shitting themselves. they use hatefulness to makeup for being tards
No. 2404944
File: 1739829366818.jpg (145.34 KB, 1098x1137, 1000004602.jpg)

i hate when nonnas sperg about threadpics. whether its complaining about how an inoffensive threadpic needs to be spoilerd or insisting that threadpics have to follow a non-official theme, its all annoying. mini-mod acting bitches that unironically need to lurk more
No. 2406024
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>>2406001samefag if anyone thinks I'm exaggerating or being anti-woman/unfair
>ROLLO, the eccentric drugstore clerk, sneers at Juno from behind the counter. He wears a polyester uniform vest.>ROLLO>Well, well. If it isn’t MacGuff the Crime Dog! Back for another test?>JUNO>I think the last one was defective. The plus sign looked more like a division sign.>Rollo regards her with intense skepticism.>JUNO>I remain unconvinced.>Rollo pulls the bathroom key out of reach.>ROLLO>This is your third test today, Mama Bear. Your eggo is preggo, no doubt about it!>An eavesdropping TOUGH GIRL wearing an oversized jacket and lots of makeup gapes at Juno from the beauty aisle.[/formattard]
No. 2406025
I fucking hate when men try to turn any basic ass conversation into a debate or invalidate you at every chance they get. I can bring up some random thing that isn't even controversial in any way and instead of engaging like a normal person they'll deny the basic premise of what I said and try to invalidate it and turn it into an argument. It's so obnoxious. It's like they're always looking for ways to misunderstand you, be condescending and put you down even the most innocuous shit and if you get pissed off at constantly dealing with this then you're an overly emotional woman. I hate men who don't know how to shut the fuck up and constantly want to fight you on things in general
>>2400809These same women will also call you weird if you tell them you don't like hairy men kek.
No. 2406331
>>2404944Agreed, we don't need 50+ posts whining about "THE THREADPIC ISN'T FUNNY, REMAKE IT
NOW" like goddamn, maybe stop being a lazy newfag and make threads yourself then kek
No. 2406353
>>2406331Yeah, it's kind of weird how entitled and impatient everyone is. The vent thread got filled last night, and instead of making a new one, retards started shitting up mundane things. What? I don't make threads but I just picked a photo, copied everything over, proofread, checked my styling, and hit post… it took less than five minutes, but it seems as if designated anons aren't online, nobody will help maintain the site they all want to shit up.
And it's not a big deal if you mess up. Anon last night accidentally broke her link in the new artist salt thread, I let her know why it was doing that, and she remade. Nobody was mad or anything, I was very happy she made the new thread at all. And she went above and beyond in my opinion, because most anons don't bother to correct mistakes in their ops.
No. 2406386
File: 1739918755659.gif (1.89 MB, 330x315, 1612965313534.gif)

The fact that the Unconventional Male Attractions thread has 27 threads. And that its always near the top of /g/.
No. 2406469
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I hate it when non-virgin women take a guy's virginity.
No. 2406474
>>2406459The only time it's
valid is when someone takes an obvious joke too seriously, otherwise butting into a discussion just to say "UH, IT'S NOT EVEN THAT SERIOUS LMAO" is loser dumbass behaviour.
No. 2406479
>>2406458To be fair, I think thirsting over Luigi is fundamentally different than thirsting over someone like Bundy and their "fandoms" shouldn't be lumped together. His
victim was one single morally bankrupt scrote, no1curr. But you're right about his thread being insane kek
No. 2406506
>>2406386I hate anons who don't know how to hide threads they don't like
>>2406392This is why I said in another vent that /g/ should be hidden because recently there's tons of anons going out of their way to visit threads they dislike, not just the unconventional one either but basically any horny related thread
No. 2406509
>>2406392>>2406506I hate anons who start their
victim act as soon as someone says something mildly mean about their ugly scrotes. Who said the thread wasnt hidden? You still see it on the catalog and when scrolling down the standard view
No. 2406920
File: 1739945673221.jpeg (84.57 KB, 828x709, IMG_1680.jpeg)

I hate his ugly ass so much I wish they’d shove him into a hydraulic press
No. 2410132
>>2410108Yeah, I get you. It really is a shame.
A positive thing we get from it is we know other artists see that and get inspired to do better, because if some retarded coomshitter can do it, why can't they?
No. 2410358
>>2410331Kek my stepmom is into getting Crumbl cookies twice a month and she's very normie, doesn't have any weird habits other than scrolling tiktok for a couple hours a day.
I think Crumbl cookies are like, enrichment for them.
No. 2410567
File: 1740127876742.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.18 KB, 640x596, IMG_8917.jpeg)

I hate when women do the “what was she wearing?” Bullshit like are you fucking kidding me? Men open up animal brothels, rape babies and rape rotting corpses they found in the woods. Men are actually demonic and should be shot on sight the way we shoot dogs when they step out of line.
Ever since i saw all those men(and only men) in the Kero the Wolf incident raping puppies to death, dogs, sticking dead fox dicks up their ass and fucking dead rotting deer, i have never viewed men the same way since. I dont think of them as human anymore.
It is appalling that women live their whole lives believing that everything is a womens fault whilst men are just victims somehow. Even when men shoot up an elementary school, it was actually some girls fault for rejecting him 5 years ago.
No. 2410582
>>2410567I have an older friend who tries to rant about high school girls dressing too provocative and then "crying rape"
exact words once. Bleak. and I've had to shut her down multiple times about it. Just vile. I have no idea how someone can get to her big age and still think that women are the cause of male violence.
No. 2410600
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>>2410597You're a very patient and kind anon
No. 2410832
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Facial hair is disgusting. Bald men are disgusting. Bonus fat bald bearded men are peak ugly yet that is the look moids choose to have
No. 2410856
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>>2410849Huh I never knew people were out there deepthroating straws
No. 2410897
The fact this thread
>>>/ot/1628600 is inactive compared to this one and all other hate threads. I love to hate but it reminds me that people are animals and ready and quick to dog pile you over the slightest things, ready to drag you down and make sure your spirit is completely wrecked and gone. That is probably why I prefer being alone
No. 2410968
>>2410956Yeah, and I also don't want to see the thread constantly bumped with tumblr ass shit like "sunset" "the birds" "fried eggs" like yeah I get it, I like those things, too.
I think it's also why the things I hate thread gets bumped more than things that annoy you thread. Just a different subject matter and way of interacting.
No. 2411007
>>2410968Yeah, that makes sense. Tbh I think others are the ones who are dragging
me down by doing things I don't like, my spirit is the one that's more wrecked from seeing things I hate all the time and this is just a place for me to talk about them without being dogpiled myself.
No. 2411160
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The cognitive dissonance of being a radfem or generally feminist and yet body shaming fat women in line with moidtake requirements that a woman must be visually pleasing in order to have value and that not meeting this requirement is one of the worst things a woman can do.
No. 2411185
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When people call their fat ass domestic long hair cats that they found on the streets a maine coon. Or their grey cat a Russian blue. Or their colorpoint dsh a Siamese. Or their cat with no tail a manx
No. 2411270
>>2411223I got one as a gift and it listed my cat who was picked up off the streets pretty accurately imo as being a broad mix of many breeds. It didn't say 25% this or 50% that.
It also listed several pages of potential health markers. It was interesting but I'm not sure what else people are trying to do with it, it's just for entertainment at the end of the day. I mean someone could start declaring their cat is 100% some certain breed after getting the test, but that doesn't actually do anything or mean anything so who cares let them believe it kek
No. 2414107
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When people argue against milk consumption because "animals don't drink milk beyond infancy, so adult humans drinking it is weird and unnecessary!!", as if human's dietary habits aren't completely different from the rest of animals. A lot of the things we eat and drink are simply because we enjoy them, not because we need them. Animals don't boil pasta or make casseroles either, should we stop doing that too because it's unnecessary? I love milk and yet I can acknowledge there are other stronger reasons to argue against it, this one is just stupid.
No. 2414539
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I hate how so many OSAs are trying to psyop being financially dependent on a scrote as some epic feminist thing. Most successful coupes, gay and straight have double income. Gays are richer on average for that reason
No. 2416693
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I hate it when I want to take a bath and realize all the hot water's gone.
No. 2420031
>>2419972I actually hate that also.
I also hate when people expect you to know everything about a topic and accuse you of lying because someone told you something different or you read different.
No. 2420169
>>2420149I know they're all self-hating
They shouldn't make a universal ideology out of their personal insecurities
No. 2421273
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"Utah curls" are ridiculously fucking ugly. Glad i don't live in Utah.
No. 2421460
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I like to paint my nails sometimes but I hate the idea of "Engagement nails." More specifically, I think that getting acrylics just for that purpose is fucking retarded. I bet the moid proposing always has nasty calloused shitty dirty nail-biter hands so its so wasteful to drop like 50-100 bucks just so you can have slightly longer nails in an "I said yes!" post on a social media when people are just going to look at the ring and then move on. I saw a video where a woman got a new set of acrylics every 3 weeks just so she would be "ready" for when her nigel proposed. Absolute insanity.
No. 2421724
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The Born This Way cover, it's so awkward to me. It looks like Deviantart transformation fetish art.
No. 2422332
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This grossed me the fuck out.
No. 2422363
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>>2422332>look this up>one of the first image results is a tranny Reddit memeThey really find a way to ruin anything good and beautiful
No. 2422784
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Apple varieties that are soft and extremely sweet.
My grocery store ran out of gala apples so I had to buy some other kind and they're really gross. Elsie give me the strength to finish this apple, I need the nutrients.
No. 2422836
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Idk how these thin pieces of shit are still in business. I actually don't even remember what they taste like (or if I've even had them at all) but the way they look when soggy is disgusting and I know they probably have the texture of soggy frosted flakes. I feel this way about Captain Crunch too. And cinnamon toast crunch is disgusting.
No. 2422848
>>2419068I don't get this either, except I would also include infighting and moralfagging over it.
>>2420395It's probably the same person
No. 2424434
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So, does she have smoke for males consuming porn/hentai or it's all just moralfagging against other women's hobbies? It's fiction, it's not that deep. Why can't women stop going at each other's throats over meaningless shit?
No. 2424452
>>2424434Are you being deliberately obtuse? Those books are being shilled to little girls who don't know any better and then start romanticizing that shit because
abusive relationships are depicted as so much more ideal in literary form
No. 2424917
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>>2424764There’s nothing fun with being a narc
>>2424782Everybody does that, nothing spectacular about it
>>2424790Get ready for her funeral. Hope she dies
(infighting) No. 2427373
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I decided to read the first volumes of Gantz after hearing this guy saying it's not of the greatest and how much he loves the art style. And, at least what I got to see, looks bland. Also I hate this bitch, she makes me cringe so much.
No. 2427665
I hate the losers that camp out in the vent thread just waiting to be assholes to random people there
>>2425070I post in that thread regularly and I've never used the unconventional attractions thread
No. 2427742
>>2427665And I hate that when you reported them for breaking thread rules (before they were deleted from the recent op), mods never did anything.
>>2427709It kind of sucks because I do try and give anons a little help, but there's so much all the time. There's no way you can respond to everyone. Sometimes I'll see a really sad one and go "okay, well an anon with more relevant experience than me will be able to give her some advice" and then another infight about euthanizing all fatties forever breaks out and it goes to shit.
No. 2427911
File: 1741062462712.png (Spoiler Image,787.03 KB, 1766x1274, plastique.png)

Margy Qualley’s fake tits in the substance. Very much sex-doll esque, grosses me out. It would’ve been better if they just showed her normal boobs
No. 2429695
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Recently discovered this girl who makes videos on interesting topics but I hate her mouth area so much. I can't help but stare at it when watching the video. She has teeth kinda like these and sausage lips, it's kinda unsettling. And to make it even worse, she fakes this stupid laugh.
No. 2429785
File: 1741187883209.webp (Spoiler Image,140.24 KB, 1280x960, damnitall.webp)

the pornification of the josei genre into something at now targets coomer moids rather than tell stories about mature women is the hardest blackpill there is, it makes me suicidal how badly the genre has fallen we couldve had stories as evocative as nana but instead we got balloon tits mcgee
No. 2429905
>>2429785I have no idea why everyone's talking about Nana but it's pretty clear that's the only josei work they've interacted with in the past five years kek. I really do hate how the adult female market is such an afterthought, though, especially for het stuff. I hate how it's so common to have to trawl through loads of shit like your picrel just to find something remotely decent. I don't
love BL but I like it sometimes and I understand why so many fujos just outright avoid things with female characters. Many Japanese creators feel this deep need(money? social pressure?) to make female characters retarded and over-sexualized. It's probably just moid shekels and the myth that female-oriented works won't make as much money. I think this has always been an issue though, especially with r18 content.
No. 2430015
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I hate oatmeal why do I still eat it. Even the flavored ones taste like shit.
No. 2431055
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I hate when men talk about their "type" of woman. I just don’t trust men, kek. If a guy is only into blondes, he probably has an inferiority complex. Prefers fatties? 100% a fetish. Obsessed with goth girls? Total coomer, maybe into bdsm. Likes tall women? Yeah, he’s into calling you “Mommy.” No hate towards any of these women. I love them all. But moids? They always seem to take their preferences to weird, extreme, or downright dumb levels.
I think liking some features more than others, but when men have "types" is usually just their favorite porn category.
No. 2431123
I hate when, very abruptly, like in the span of a few days, suddenly everyone under the age of 30 is over-using the same word and you just know they all got it from tiktok. Linguistic evolution is all fine and good, I have no problem with slang development, etc, but something about the instantaneous nature of these terms being deployed in unison by everyone, crossing traditional linguistic boundaries like race, country, economic status, just suddenly EVERYONE, is unsettling to me.
Guess what word I'm thinking of as of March 5th, 2024.
No. 2431460
>>2431162If you're French then I get it, French pop culture sucks and if youw ant to check movies or series from other places it's better to watch them with the original voices and subtitles. The most I can deal with in French are a few youtubers here and there but now I watch them way less often than before because they have jump cuts between every words or le joueur du grenier releases one video a semester with longer and less funny skits than ever. Even social media with French people is exhausting or Americanized arguments over social justice and the media.
>They sometimes don't even know what the French word for something is.He needs to read good books, it will make him memorize or learn words faster than trying to watch some shitty movie or some youtuber yelling slang words at a camera or speaking in franglais or whatever.
No. 2431500
>>2431454Anon I replied to specifically said
>new phones' camera settings have auto filters built into them that you can't turn off anymoreShe did not mention the phone camera's physical hardware. Which is why I recommended the app.
No. 2431605
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Do you also have experience with moids not flushing the toilet despite their piss being literally apple juice yellow? Fucking pigs
No. 2431704
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I hate most audiobook narrators. I can't stand when I find a good story but it's either badly or over-acted. All I want is a text-to-speech voice
No. 2431722
>>2431360We are in French Canada. They used to watch/read things only in French. I blame my brother in law for never wanting to watch dubbed movies with them and always complaining about how they suck. They watch a lot of kids shows on Netflix and they are mostly in English and now they started watching Youtube slop at their friends.
>>2431460They love reading but the oldest only wants to read in English and complains about how much it sucks having to read in French at school. They at least play video games in French. We actually have good media in Québec and the 80s and 90s movies dubs are great. The youngest generation is way too deep down in franglais shit. It went from using some words here and there to almost speaking something akin to Chiac. It's harder nowadays to be a French nation surrounded by English nowadays because the media is universal and the kids/teenagers don't watch locally produced things anymore. Next time I'm gonna pretend all my dvds are only in French and my tv has an issue that makes it only play dub or French things.
No. 2431731
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i hate the trope of the strong independent woman falling for an ugly/plain dopey and immature comic relief guy. even before girlboss x malewife shit started gaining traction this is one of the most prevalent het dynamics i’ve ever seen in media. i fucking hate it when media sows the idea that you just have to be funny or “chill” enough to get a girl to like you in the minds of men. idk if this has been discussed in the fandom discourse or ugly man psyop thread before but i’ve grown tired of seeing this ship dynamic and people praising it on pinterest of all places. i guess people are just too insecure to see a couple who match looks in media, or are just generally repulsed by the idea of an unattractive woman bagging a hot guy. maybe it dispels the self-insertion fantasy for men but i don’t care, men need to be made aware more of the fact that their waifus will never fall in love with their uggo asses and realistically will pick a husbando in her league. this is why i’m forever a sad little shipfag hoarding my own art of my rarepairs that will never see the light of day.
No. 2431746
>>2431722I was about to make a joke about you being from Québec in my first post, I can't believe I actually guessed right. Then I think it's more understandable that your nephew will care more about English media, it must be easily accessible where you live.
>Next time I'm gonna pretend all my dvds are only in French and my tv has an issue that makes it only play dub or French things.That could work if he's young enough. He should also try to read the French versions of books he already liked in English.
No. 2431786
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Pictured: korean game developer licking the feet of a little girl character from the game he worked on
No. 2432180
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I hate minecraft build tutorials that use a lot of shaders and subtle texture packs. It feels like I am being deceived, which is silly I know. I suck at building and try to follow tutorials to improve but mine never turn out to be presentable because I don't use a bunch of add-ons. It makes me sad because these builds would still look very good without them but I think the culture on social media makes it competitive, so creators feel inclined to use them. Similar to what happened to ACNH.
No. 2432207
File: 1741301694496.jpg (Spoiler Image,897.71 KB, 439x4095, 997422589963.jpg)

>>2431812It's crazy how he hasn't been arrested, then again a Korean man hosted the largest cp website and got let go. So it wouldn't effect him in the end
No. 2432328
>>2431123I need to know the word
>>2431177Okay, I laughed
No. 2432436
File: 1741312871811.jpg (1.5 MB, 2160x3840, 20250307_050005.jpg)

>>2432409Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these phrases a thing already before TikTok? It's just that TikTok popularized them in meme format all of a sudden. But they're actual English phrases. Maybe the meaning is a bit different now though. Picrel is from Cambridge dictionary.