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No. 2200772

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread:

No. 2200777

When a natural disaster happens in America and annoying Euros get to talking about how we need to build our houses out of different materials. As if tornados and hurricanes can't destroy cement and bricks, or make them cause more damage.

No. 2200780

I'm literally watching nbc from Ireland and they keep explicitly stating that they're safe because they're in a concrete parking lot

No. 2200781

I mean the reporters. The ones in sarasota are staying overnight in it

No. 2200783

the euros are so lucky they don't get the kind of natural disasters we get. could you imagine if the roles were reversed and it was the burgers tellings euros they should just build better structures after getting their shit fucked by an earthquake or something kek

No. 2200788

concrete structures do hold up well in hurricanes but they do nothing to stop a place from flooding for the most part since water can come in through doors/windows/any crack. hospitals that are in areas prone to hurricanes actually have this kind of concrete barriers they put up that go around the hospital to prevent flooding its really neat technology. the obvious problem is that residential houses being made out of concrete would be insanely expensive

No. 2200792

I get that but the reporters made a point about being 4 or more storeys up and they're staying overnight because of the storm surge. All the local mayor's were discussing how high insurance costs are for home ownership in florida so something will have to give. The Japanese have pretty cool technologies to withstand natural disasters

No. 2200794

Isn't there a parable about this? Wood on sand bad, brick on rock good

No. 2200801

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Retarded AI truther moids. Learning any new programming language and want some YT examples? Than be prepared to be met with fearmongering moid cancer.

No. 2200803

Why is there a random lady in the background?

No. 2200808

I hate those people who bring up how “introverted” they are at any opportunity.
People hated vegans and gendies for bringing up their lifestyle at any opportunity so idk why i don’t see these people get shit for doing the same exact thing. I ALWAYS see them do this anytime people bring up any kind of problem in society.
spoilered because this is getting long, but i was watching on how many young adults are socially awkward these days and without fail it was full of speds with gatcha life profiles spamming something that essentially says: “XD Im a quirky introvert so this problem is my life teehee!!” Like ok? It’s one of those things where there is no way to respond to it. Like wtf do i say? No1curr plus it is irrelevant to the topic. These retards also think everyone else is an extroverted obnoxious party goer when most people are not. Most people can socialize just fine with people and enjoy it whilst ALSO enjoying solitude. Introverts also make up more than 50% of the population so you’re not special either.

No. 2200813

Coom bait obviously. Though the placement of this one is egregiously transparent to the point of retardation kek.

No. 2200837

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The funny thing is that there have been natural disasters that fucked up their brick buildings. Picrel is from a tornado in Birmingham

No. 2200841

I have mixed feelings about AI, but yeah the fearmongering and whining about it I see is as annoying as the insane reliance on it and overuse of it. There should be some regulated middle ground of some sort.
I especially hate when people criticize it for stealing art and artists not making profit off their work because AI stole it or whatever, but you never see them addressing the fact it's used to create CP and porn of random strangers. Like, they're only concerned when it's affecting profits. Really weird mindset. I find it funny when an artists uses AI as a shortcut and some people sperg out about it when they're not artists themselves and shouldn't have a saying in it anyways. The seething the new Tears for Fears new single caused because of its cover art is so hilarious to me. People can't fathom the idea of artists actually enjoying and using AI when in a pinch. But I don't remember seeing that kind of anger when the Taylor Swift porn thing happened which I think is much worse, other than on LC. But I guess we all know why, those people enjoy and love their precious porn, so they could never criticize it even if it's AI. Fucked up priorities.

No. 2200843

>These retards also think everyone else is an extroverted obnoxious party goer when most people are not.
Somewhat similarly, I think a lot of self-diangosed "autists" are pathologizing normal behavior thinking it makes them special. Apparently neurotypical people are NPCs with no hobbies and interests beyond watching Netflix and just love it when a baby cries in the subway.

No. 2200845

>but you never see them addressing the fact it's used to create CP and porn of random strangers.
Yeah. I've seen way too many moid posts with fetishising art that looks like minors that I just despise anything to do with it at the moment.
I remember I told someone that his AI art looked like a child, and in order to prove me wrong he posted the image into an online AI age detector to prove it wasn't underaged. Diabolical.

No. 2200860

It's like they pride themselves on being socially inept. "Shy" adults grind my gears because you should have grown out of this in childhood, learned to speak up for yourself, learned to conduct yourself socially. And I don't mean you should be a carbon copy normie, go ahead be a freak (in fact I prefer it) but be a proud freak. Hate social situations where everyone just sits around and the people with social skills have to lead the kindergarten class in show and tell. If you can't hang and aren't willing to try — do not come.

No. 2200868

Introversion and shyness/social ineptitude are totally different things. You can have charismatic, outgoing introverts and socially awkward extroverts.

No. 2200881

The only people I know irl who call themselves introverted are by far the most extroverted people I've ever met so I dislike it too but not for the same reason at all.

No. 2200889

The duolicious thread, I regret making that shit

No. 2200981

Literally me, I'm very extroverted, I love meeting people, partying and sperg about my interest with others but I suck at doing it.

No. 2201004

I hate obese people, I hate the HAES movement and I hate that when obese people try to lose weight they do less than the bare minimum, complain that a miracle didn't happen and start being shit talking normal looking people out of jealousy. The few ones who don't try too hard to be "the class clown" and almost always fail to be funny, especially when they use self deprecating humor because they get upset if you laugh and make things awkward if you're too polite to laugh.

No. 2201007

No. 2201010

how some of the blueberries are sweet, some are sweet and flavorful, some are sour and some are horrendously disgusting

No. 2201032

When people answer yes or no questions with a third secret thing.

No. 2201060

It won't save you from hurricanes but it is kinda stupid to build your house out of weak ass materials just in general

No. 2201070

I hate fall. I'm feeling cold for the first time in months.

No. 2201091

That Sephora and Ulta don't carry the same brands, or that some brands are Sephora exclusives. I'm looking at you, Kayali. It's also because I would like to be able to buy my products from the same store.

No. 2201109

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just saw this on twitter and holy shit… "its not that deep!" YOU CANNOT BUY SENSE OF SELF! WAKE UP! you'll never truly find yourself if you look for that identity in materialistic things. i understand wanting to have nice things of your interests or that fit your aestehtic, but that will never be your personality. i guess this goes hand in hand for people hopping from trend to another and molding their self image in that. i hate it so much

No. 2201110

I feel like you're misinterpreting what that image probably means tbh.

No. 2201113

it could be that the artist originally was thinking of living without financial worry and more time for hobbies and such. in that case i do get it of course, but the comments were filled with the people that i was describing. it's a mindset that i've seen more and more, of "buying your ideal self"

No. 2201118

I hate you for making it

No. 2201566

Google Pay. Absolutely useless, if I want to pay with a CC, I'll just fucking pay with the CC. What's the point of its existing? And why make it sound one letter away from google play if it has nothing to do with eachother? Why split it when it both literally has the same purpose? This is cancer, utter fucking cancer. Kill yourself google you stole 10 bucks from me.

No. 2201577

Any discussion that goes along the lines of
>"you're evil because you like pancakes"
>Huh? Why do you think that makes me evil?
>"because being a pancake lover means hating waffles and wanting people who eat waffles to die"
>What? I don't feel that way at all! I actually really care about waffles too! Part of why I like pancakes is because I like all breakfast foods!
>"you're a stupid idiot if you actually think that supporting pancakes isn't about hating waffles. I knew a pancake lover who would poison waffles and crush waffle makers with rocks all day long, if you support pancakes then you're supporting the oppression of waffle enjoyers"
basically circular arguments where someone already decided you're evil/crazy/wrong based on a misconception and/or an experience with a random idiot who agrees with you in an unhinged way, and refuses to listen to the fact that you literally don't even support whatever they're mad at you about.

No. 2201585

Also somewhat similarly, people who spend too much time online and think they're gay or trans or asexual or whatever because they have a horribly warped idea of what's normal. Thinking attractive people of the same sex are good-looking doesn't mean gay, having some discomfort with your body or gender roles and not being a living stereotype doesn't mean trans, and being content with being single and not spontaneously developing rabid lust for random people doesn't mean asexual. It's weirder to never have those experiences.

No. 2202080

I use it for when I use my debit card online

No. 2202092

Truly one of the worst eras for "humor" is 2013-now. How these influencers keep these videos up without being humiliated by them is beyond me

No. 2202131

When I'm amazed by a piece of fictional media, and then I extensively look up what it's inspired by and realize all the best parts are just pretty much copy pasted from the influence. Ruins the magic everytime..

No. 2202153

I still think it was creepy diplo let her live in one of his houses while she was practically a minor considering the allegations against him.

No. 2202163

i really hate the kidcore fashion aesthetic. while I don't think that the people who like this style are actually pedobaiting something about it still gives me a visceral ick. by kidcore I mean the gay guys/qweer women who are obsessed with primary colors, overalls, 90's nostalgia kind of shit.

No. 2202167

Thank you for pointing this out. Some mid 20s moid sent me this corny ass video claiming it was the ‘funniest shit he’s ever seen’. I felt like I was in a time portal to 2016 era, it’s so ridiculously unfunny.

No. 2202177

I hate all aesthetic tbh. It sometimes popularizes some nasty and sinister shit

No. 2202403

I hate the word 'snag', it sounds gross to me.

No. 2202679

i hate meds i hate beck's depression test i hate therapists i hate listening to them talk about how i'm a beautiful young girl in my prime and how it's about time i started acting more feminine and sexy to attract a man and "become" a woman as if that's going to fix my completely fucking unrelated depression and professional burnout

No. 2202688

I think having a scrote or romance in your life will cause you to spiral even further when it inevitably ends don’t listen to their psyop

No. 2202788

fits in with how many people troon out nowadays and think their real self will be purchased with hormones and surgeries. for women it's them thinking they'll finally be themselves once they buy all the egirl shit and fit into aesthetics

No. 2202871

i hate having low IQ.(integrate)

No. 2202910

Being called a tourist when I can read japanese and been into weebshit for over 20 years just because I'm not a lolicon/shotacon or some type of degenerate. It's like, unless you 100% like every single aspect of a piece of media or have any criticism of it whatsoever, you're instantly called this term, but from my pov they're the real tourists who only watch shit for the coom and couldn't care less about the actual stories and characters usually and have barely watched as much as me. I'll get some guy who's only seen shounen slop and flavor of the month shows and is only into the medium to jack off half the time calling me a tourist when he hasn't even seen anything before the 2000s and has like 100 completed shows. It's basically code for "you disagree with me/you dislike something I liked/you aren't a degenerate like me" at this point and not having any counterargument except assuming the person they're talking to just hasn't watched enough anime and it's pathetic and obnoxious

No. 2203565

Am I dumb or was this post a joke

No. 2203573

I like a lot of Japanese urban legends and horror stories and that sort of thing. Imagine how fucking annoyed I got when someone recommended me Saya No Uta, an overrated coomer game by the vastly overrated Moid Urobuchi. To hell with that loli-loving edge-lord and his shitty coomer fanbase.

No. 2203583

"It's not that deep" and this person is probably in credit card debt from all the overconsumption. Buying a new wardrobe every fucking month. Either that or they leech off their parents.

No. 2203628

I don't know if zoomer/alpha teens are just more vapid than the previous teen generations but they have this really retarded fixation on aesthetics and trying to buy a personality. A lot of their trends are centered around collecting things.

No. 2203641

i hate when you catch someone using "he" when talking about a guy and "they" when talking about a woman. so fucking sus and theres so much to be said about why they do it too

No. 2203642

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when something I like blows up on that stupid Chinese hell app. No more teens, trannies reseller scalpers, and normies in my communities please I'm so tired

No. 2203778

I hate how “pooner” is 4chan scrote language and cant be used here. It’s so much more fun to say than TIF or FTM.

No. 2203791

It was started by TIMs

No. 2203804

More like a thing that makes me depressed, but how easy it is for pedo shit to go mainstream. We're in the new era of anti woke, and because saying "niggerfaggot" isn't shocking anymore you have men instead constantly admitting they're pedos. I'm not surprised by it but it makes me anxious that old pedo shit from 4chan will be popularized again by nasty zoomer males

No. 2203818

I hate when a niche thing i liked blew up in popularity. I know its retarded but imagine if you live in a cozy beautiful cottage in a nice village with Nice people just like you where everyone rides horsies and bikes, but then suddenly thousands of Soylent tech bros drive in their fucking Cyber truck and demolish the pretty pink cottages and replaces them with brutalist tech offices and overpriced condos and then excludes all the original residents from their society for not sharing their beliefs.

No. 2203819

During the pandemic, a band i loved since childhood blew up in popularity on TikTok with retarded Gendies and now im seeing my favorite songs in their retarded callout or gender jargon videos every now and then and i hate associating the band with the retards now.

No. 2204059


No. 2204064

People that make having sex an ordeal. I miss my ex boyfriend that was always up for a quickie and didn't make me feel disgusting by immediately going to the bathroom afterwards to wash off. Funny enough I've only ever got a uti from your bath dick than quickie with a thickie fs

No. 2204068

>didn't make me feel disgusting by immediately going to the bathroom afterwards to wash off
Sounds like a you problem rather than a problem with your partners kek. Who really wants to sit in sex juices.

No. 2204072

Oh no I can feel moisture around my nether ranges I must immediately shower it off rather than lie in bliss cuddling for a few minutes and not making a chore of sex

No. 2204073

Also literally a piss and a wipe and washing hands is plenty tf dirty mother fuckers are people use to sleeping with

No. 2204147

Funny you've mentioned this because I've actually read it. It's overrated for sure and had a resurgence recently, probably due to e-girls co-opting its aesthetics. I can see why you'd get it as a recommendation since it's a horror vn but I don't blame you for not wanting to read it and deal with coomshit. People (more like men honestly, only very rarely do I see pick mes do this) can't understand this though and will call you a tourist if you don't like coomshit things in general in jp media or simply see them as a flaw in the works because they have this strange idea that you must love every single part of a work (especially the degenerate sides) in order to be a "real" anime fan. It's like they don't understand this basic idea that you CAN like certain things but still dislike others (very basic critical thinking skills). It's either you love everything or you're just a hater, no inbetween, and they can't take the most minimal criticism about anime. I didn't see this mentality pop up as much until recently as back in the day it seemed like they still had somewhat of an understanding that the coomshit can be offputting especially to women and would just be like "yeah makes sense you aren't into that" and just be glad they met another anime fan at all since it was rare. But now it's like unless you agree on absolutely everything some retarded 4chan basement dweller "anime fan" says and don't jerk off to lolis you're a tourist (while they still hypocritically hate anything fanservice-y meant for women and never give it a chance, btw). It's like they're always on this one sided defensive crusade and come at you agressively as if you're personally destroying the medium with your own hands and must only have seen 5 shows in order to disagree with them (nope!). And they seem to think the only way to not be a tourist is just to constantly want to fuck the characters, only consume male made works and embrace all the gross sides of jp media and agree with every single opinion an author holds when this is ridiculous to anyone with braincells and doesn't happen nearly as much for any other mediums that I know of. They reduce the medium to the coom and can't tell you anything about the stories and the characters (I've even seen men brag about how they only consume the porn for certain series and don't actually watch them) but want to call YOU a tourist, it's laughable. They're also usually the type who got into it in the last 5 years it's just ironic how they act so uppity about it and as if them jerking off to loli doujins somehow puts them above or makes them more knowledgeable than someone who knows japanese and watched 10 times the amount they have. They are the real tourists only into it for the temporary coom and haven't seen anything that isn't already relatively well known, but they love projecting this onto everyone else.

No. 2204159

I hate psychiatrists. They're just spergs and psychos obsessed with imposing on others their idea of what healthy and normal looks like while having a very limited life experience themselves. Anyone who doesn't fit into their boxes will be experimented on, prescribed with dozens of medications to see if they "help", but the real intention is to "normalize" and sedate them enough so they can just become mindless zombies and do mundane jobs that fuel the system and pay the taxes, stifling their natural potential. They take a shitton of money for their services which are based on guessing but have no problem suggesting that you go do a soul killing job putting products on shelves and wasting your life away. They themselves admit that they have no idea how or why these medications work so how can they know what kind of consequences someone taking them 20+ years will face?

No. 2204175

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When anons infight about hair or eye colour. It’s so boring and played out, and it’s to the point where I don’t even care if they are insecure about their hair/eye colour, they need to get over it already because I’m sick of reading the same posts over and over again for the past two years.

No. 2204215

>by immediately going to the bathroom afterwards to wash off
I thought that's normal kek I just hate feeling moisture and condom smell

No. 2204222

I wouldn't even mind cuddling and then getting washed together afterwards if it was that hot and sweaty, but not even having post sex cuddles and pillow talk sucks. Idk about others but I feel a little bit used if afterwards there's an immediate focus on clean up like sorry for being aroused ill stop that now, who wants to live in the moment

No. 2204231

It should be considered a form of alogging. Because that one insecure girl always comes out of the gate swinging and her screeching always sets other people off because she's so crazy in her hatred.

No. 2204241

That's not what alogging means

No. 2204251

Hence my use of the term "a form of alogging." Duh.

No. 2204254

It reeks of /pol/faggotry and then of course other anons just HAVE to take the bait. You have to be genuinely retarded or a shut-in since birth to not know that women can be beautiful with any hair/eye/skin colour, now just report and ignore them.

No. 2204265

I feel the same way when the fujos and anti-fujos start slapfighting about "pseudowomen" for the millionth time kek. I do not care what the correct level of twinkiness for anime boy is, take it to one of the containment threads PLZ

No. 2204277

I'm with you anon, it's so tiring. I'm here because it's one of the few communities for women in the internet and yet these stupid bitches can't help themselves but sperg about how fuckable their race/genes are to ugly moids. Pathetic.

No. 2204290

The fact that animals endure unfathomable amounts of pain and suffer in silence a majority of the time. Nothing makes me feel more doom than what humans have done to the earth and her creatures.

No. 2204308

I've been in a meat processing facility, makes you believe in prison planet. So much of our hidden reality is surreal and dystopian horror.

No. 2204326

I'm a fairly open minded person, so whenever i encounter some controversy i tend to explore both sides of the spectrum. Now i hate everyone.

No. 2204347

The only time I don't hate the infighting on this site is when it's about genuinely silly shit, like arguing over pasta or whether certain types of shoes are ugly.
This site could be paradise if anons didn't shoehorn their leanings into every single unrelated topic, I swear some anons must look at their own shadows and see a transwoman foreigner moid sometimes

No. 2204552

I really cannot stand people who try as hard as they can to be edgy

No. 2204556

No. 2204577

I hate how weeb dudes and memer moids usually larp as pedophiles with their shitty uoooh jokes and "haha funny child grape" memes, you can't trust these type of men to give you a kid they would be the worst dads ever and would probably do evil things towards them. Just ew ,I hate the lolicon epidemic and how it's cool for men to pretend to be pedophiles online, it also happens in animecons they make pedo jokes and chase cosplayer girls. Why is this shit so normalized nowadays?

No. 2204578

They convince themselves that everyone only hates them out of envy or because we can't handle their epik pwnage truth bombs but the reality is just that they're really fucking annoying kek

No. 2204592

Mix between irony culture, owning da "libs/antis", lack of shaming people for degenerate or cringe behavior, edginess being cool again and men becoming just increasingly more degenerate and openly pedophilic

No. 2204599

>the past two years
unfortunately it's been longer than that. one of the earliest unpopular opinions threads (i think around 8 years ago?) had hair color sperging. i remember it started really increasing around 2021 or 2022

No. 2204601

we are set for dark times in the future since the average young man is becoming more and more pedophiliac because of irony culture, extremism and porn. I just wish they liked women their age and behaved like a decent human being instead of an "anime edgy e-boy roblox epstein sigma kang", like how will these men act when they turn 30?

No. 2204603

The word "nona" spelled like "nonna". "Nona" is the correct way to spell it and it's pronounced like "nonna" because "anon" is pronounced as "uh-NON" because of how "anonymous" is pronounced. "Nonna" just feels overly saccharine and childish and any time an anon replies to me and says "nonna" I have to hold myself back from calling them a retard because it feels patronizing. Yes I know this is autistic as fuck.

No. 2204607

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>Yes I know this is autistic as fuck.

No. 2204609

And it was pol/r9k each time

No. 2204616

I complained about it earlier but I'm terrified at the idea of pre 2016 4chan pedo shit going mainstream. It happened with wojaks and pol tard ideology, so it probably won't be long unfortunately. I think a good portion of them will unironically be in jail before they hit 30, there's already many underage zoomer boys being arrested because they were in possession of cp because of stupid shit like foodist/uttp and just being pedos

No. 2204618

Nona is just anon backwards.

No. 2204619

But nonna is cuter because it means granny in italian.

No. 2204620


No. 2204624

I like to spell it however I want nonny
I always assumed that it was just an island of the “non” ending

No. 2204625

I hate conspiracy theorist

No. 2204633

>pre 2016 4chan pedo shit going mainstream
I think it already did because of belle delphine /shadman and youtubers shilling /pol/ and 4chan memes towards their zoomer audiences. Zoomers found 4chan very early and it destroyed their minds.

No. 2204649

That was sort of the case for me, I'm an older zoomer and I knew about 4chan as a chronically online child. I only visited it a few times but I knew it was a "scary" website kek

No. 2204656

The cat/dog hate threads are by far the most unhinged and bizarre threads on this entire site. I honestly have a lot of pity for the regulars of those threads.

No. 2204663

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I haven't seen it yet. I don't think the average zoomer knows what candydolls or mara is. I don't think most know about cp videos that were popular on 4chan (which is what I'm referring to). The only thing from that specific era that went viral was cunny, which I remember always being used in the context of real little girls

No. 2204665

You're exaggerating, also I'd rather that than troons being shoehorned into things in a positive way like basically every other website.
Same, it's horrible. Anytime I go under a fanart now all I see is retarded moids commenting "rape" or sob emojis if it's a young looking character (even if the drawing isn't sexualized at all). They ruined the sob emoji in general and UOOOOHH wasn't even a phrase used in japanese solely for loli shit but to westerners it is now. Also "pretend", they'll say it's all a big joke but all of them are just actual pedophiles hiding under it all being le ironic humor. If someone is constantly making pedophile jokes, finds them peak humor and says they're attracted to kids they're just a pedophile at that point. At least before when there was pedobear everyone was aware it was bad and creepy, now it's like they champion being an "ironic" pedophile and actually think it's based or some shit. They'll say it's only fictional but then I've seen the same men comment disgusting shit under videos of real life kids and wanting the youngest possible gf they can get away with.
They think anyone who doesn't jerk off to lolis is an "anti" lol
One of the most disgusting words that got popularized and every moid that uses it should kill themselves

No. 2204675

Samefag but I'm not on Twitter or TikTok, so I have no real idea if it might be happening without my awareness. I do remember going through some channel and it had clips of a little girl climbing with the caption "cunny escape" and another with a little girl dancing in front of the black sun symbol. I also heard from people that calling real little girls lolis is common on Twitter now. So it might already be begining

No. 2204682

I've seen weebs do that already yeah, they'll call either a petite woman an irl loli or straight up call a little girl that. They also comment things like "if she's nine, she's mine" and "if it bleeds, it can breed" openly on videos of little girls, and it somehow doesn't get taken down and usually has tons of likes on places like instagram reels.

No. 2204683

>now it's like they champion being an "ironic" pedophile and actually think it's based or some shit.
Yes this is exactly what it seems, being a pedophile is seen as "based and internet culture pilled" it's so annoying and disgusting, if you call lolicons pedophiles they will say "it's just a drawing you fucking normie" or call you a "jealous old hag". It's insane how weebs and zoomer men think women become hags after the age of 22, it's so fucking weird and scrotish they are like "bussiness lady hag femdom sex!" and if you have big boobs and a developed body they will call you "mommy". To modern men there are only two type of women "kawaii loli sex dolls children submissive " and "busty milf hags pegging femdom", there is no fucking in between I know this because I have been in anime events and the men there are always porn addict retards. I know japanese men are creeps but at least they aren't as agressive with their pedophile shit unlike western men who boast how they love flat chested kids and porn all the time to literally everyone on the internet and spread their "cunny porn " everywhere. I think at least japanese moids say "watashi aishiteru roris hehe" in a form to shit on human 3d women but western man say " I love loli cunny so much bros" to shit on adult women but signalize they like human children? it's like japanese lolicons are trolls and western lolicons are pedophiles larping as trolls

No. 2204687

Tbh I think japanese moids are also pedophiles larping as trolls. They are just more ashamed about openly being sexual degenerates whereas it's seen as cool in the west. Other than that I agree.

No. 2204691

I feel like it's because there's no "based" factor in liking Loli in Japan. There's probably a million nerdy otakus there who love Loli, so it's not special. In the west however there's enough people against Loli to where liking it makes you "based" if you're interested in it. The same applies to pedophiles and even animal abusers. Edgelords see people are against it, so they adopt it and pretend that it's based and cool. And people who are sincerely into it will blend in with these edgelords

No. 2204699

wasn't that "uoohh" meme originally started by a japanese artist though

No. 2204701

I hate how deceptive content creators are always the most successful, I'm talking about the ones that use clickbait or produce slop and have 69M views every time and take up the top search results, you end up having to shift through the slop to find genuine content. Stolen valor.

No. 2204703

Nah he was Korean larping as Japanese. Korea has a similar weird phenomenon of men thinking it's "based" to sexualize kids

No. 2204717

The whole "it's just a drawing" argument was always retarded (it's still gross regardless if it's real or not) but it fell apart even more once I saw they're actually AI generating realistic child porn now and STILL trying to excuse it with that bullshit. "It's AI bro it's not real kids it doesn't matter" when it's an AI drawing of a realistic child. That and seeing them use references of real kids for lolicon drawings and all the weeb men I've seen into lolis who always end up expressing a desire to become passport bros to fuck underaged girls and want a petite barely legal jp gf.

You're absolutely right about how they separate women into those stereotypes too. I've had it happen to me just for being short and not having huge boobs, they're so insanely porn brainrotten that they'll consider anything you do and your general appearance in terms of the porn tags in their doujins or whatever hentai they've watched because they don't actually interact with women irl. The mommy shit is disgusting in a different way from the loli shit but disgusting nonetheless. For the jealous old hag shit it doesn't even make any sense, literally what would there be to be jealous of? An ugly pedophile moid wanting to fuck you? They don't understand when women speak up about this it's more so due to them just being disgusting rather than wanting their attention. As for japanese men yes they're creeps too but in a different way from western ones. >>2204691 seems pretty accurate from what I've seen. Western moids think they're fighting against le woke culture and feminism or whatever so they lean into it even harder and then meme themselves into becoming actual pedophiles if they weren't already

No. 2204720

It doesn't help that most lolifags are HUGE hypocrites politically who sperg about how "disgusting and unnatural" gay people are as if their fetish isn't a million times worse.

No. 2204727

Well japanese men who are into lolicon can be pedos too ofc but they are memed in japan and seen as creeps unlike in the west where they are seen as based memers. I think Loli in the west is becoming too normalized because of e-whores that pedopander have become famous like belle delphine, porn addiction becoming more common and imageboard culture being seen as cool and edgy for example instead of "ew fucking nerd losers LOL" 4chan is seen like " omg so based lets bully autistic kids into suicide and rape animals and children omg we love cp tiktok and soundcloud we are the kings of the internet" ,if things continue like this more and more zoomers will become actual pedophiles and move on to something even edgier. I feel like the e-whores who contribute to the normalization of lolicon and pedophilia will REGRET so much when they turn 25-30 and female zoomer suicides will sky rocket when their simps become actual pedos and ignore them when they turn "hag age". Anime becoming popular in the west was a fucking mistake, maybe the internet on itself was a mistake.

No. 2204743

Good point. They'll tell you it's totally natural for them to want to fuck kids because it's just their "biological urge" as a moid to fuck little girls when that's not even how that works and there's a million issues associated with doing it. Women are also the selectors for reproduction to begin with, not men, so even if you actually believed their bullshit it's still false because the male doesn't get to pick and choose the "best genes" to mate with in nature like they claim, the female is the one picking the males since we are the ones getting pregnant and have more to lose by mating with a subpar male. Males will also fuck anything and have no standards so their whole retarded spiel about how they're just made to fuck only the youngest possible little girls for muh genetics makes absolutely no sense at all, it's all just a cope for their unnatural fucked up fixation on little kids. They're supposed to want to protect kids, not want to fuck them. It's even weirder when the same guys not only shit on gays for being unnatural but also hate them for being pedophiles and touching kids when they themselves are pedophiles KEK. I've seen this on twitter where some right wing retard was doing this exact thing and then when someone said "this you?" and mentioned he has lolicon shit on his page he acted like he wasn't a hypocrite somehow. Probably because of the whole "it's just a drawing" bullshit logic again.
Not only lolicon shit but general degeneracy is insanely normalized in anime communities to the point where if you speak against it and are just a normal fan you're called a prude, anti, sex hater, asexual, or whatever other retarded buzzwords. It's genuinely unbearable to be around 90% of modern male anime fans, they call their porn addictions being "men of culture" and are so proud of being sexless losers at this point, it's pathetic. I hate the e-whores too, they enable them for sure and are just massive pick mes

No. 2204746

Nonna would be more correct considering all of our "anon" nicknames are just derivative of Tumblr's "nonny"

No. 2204751

>If you not down with my clique, then you can just doodoo on a stick
I know what's being alluded to and I know that R Kelly was behind it and I hate him for it.

No. 2204762

I don't understand how lolicons say that Adolf Hitler would have loved them and that they are "aryan gods amongst mortal normies" when they are jerking off to drawings of children being raped. They accuse jews of destroying society and creating psyops yet almost all zoomer men have fallen for the 4chan cp meme , accuse the LGBT troons and furfags of being groomer pedos (which is a literal projection and they always have the cringiest beefs on twitter) , white modern women of being "coalburner whores" and not feminine enough (yellow feverfags who want to commit race traitor stuff, literal hypocrites), they even blame the west for allowing black people in and having hiphop black culture (what a suprise of course they hate women with curves and fiesty attitude because they view black women of opposite of what a loli is). They blame the fall of the west into everyone and view themselves and their pedo peers as based but they are worse than everyone they talk about. I can't stand the hypocrisy of the modern man, this shit is so stupid and disgusting and I'm sure Hitler would have tell SS to gas these fat moids up and end their rapist low iq genes from the pool.

No. 2204917

No? A lot of the wannabe edgy guys are men that boast about how they’re so traditional and religious (despite being complete and utter degenerates). I fear for religious women as these are the men they have to deal with, I hope they wake up soon.

No. 2204935

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Book covers in which the author's name is in the same or higher visual hierarchical level as the title. you are ugly and confusing and I hate you

No. 2204954

Moids writing fanfics. I probably have ranted about it somewhere but they ruin it and their fanfiction are always autistic and stupid. They are intruders and I hate them, especially when they infest AO3 with their retarded fetishes.

No. 2204959

agree. i can instantly tell when a fic was written by a moid just by looking at the tags

No. 2204962

Unbelievably correct. The plus side to it though is I've encountered extremely autistic males with very weird, fucked up fetishes that I get to make fun of in the comments. It gives me life to sense the palpable shame in how much of a failure they are through their responses.

No. 2204974

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I really hate millennial men kek. Maybe it’s where I live but zoomer moids seem to be a lot less openly mean and bitter towards women. At least IRL for me. My zoomer bf has also been a lot more pleasant and sweet than my retarded millennial ex bf had been. I was reluctant to date a younger man at first but the zoomies are surprisingly alright. Some of them anyway.

No. 2205026

It's not just AO3 that got absolutely ruined by moids - Deviantart in the early 2010s was (and probably still is) festering with them and their weird moidish obsessions.

No. 2205065

When men do that little inhale shudder before a sneeze. You're a fucking man, act like it.

No. 2205098

You're not alone nonna as a millennial woman I hate them too, younger guys are just nicer in my experience

No. 2205116

I remember one nonna defending moids and their fics all because they tended to write adventure fics over romance or shipshit. Their adventure fics were always shit. ALWAYS even in ff.net.

No. 2205119

Older zoomers (26+) are OK. Younger ones are really shitty to women and buy into the 'brains don't mature till 25 so that means I can be as shitty as I want' and also think any older woman is a hag. Young millennials (29/30) are also chill.

No. 2205150

I don't know why zoomers pretend to have a "mommy" fetish but at the same time hate women older than them and call them "hags", is it to shit on women their age?

No. 2205174

I hate how emos are going back in trend and how people fetishize mental illness nowadays. Most guys in the emo/scene community were groomers.

No. 2205265

Tbf the only moids who write fanfic are deeply autistic and incredibly socially retarded. They don't have the cognitive function to allow them to create something decent. It's fun to mock them- the fics and the writers- with my friends, plus they've peaked a few friends with how insane and misogynistic the TIM fanfics are. Make a separate account and use it exclusively for telling scrotes what you truly think of their work. Their meltdowns make up for the crap you just read.
Really? Zoomies are just as shit as millennials in my experience, they only turn nice when you treat them like shit too. Idk where you live where any moid is decent but I'm glad you found a good one, I hope he stays that way.

No. 2205284

zoomers are just as bad, they think talking about their fetish to you is normal and will unironically call you a kink shamer and say you're infringing on their free speech if you say you don't want to hear it. they aren't ashamed of their porn consumption at all either since it's so normalized, while men in the past at least knew that shit should be hidden away. they're also incredibly selfish and self centered and tend to lack manners, not that older moids don't but they basically grew up in an era where their identity and individualism is prized above everything else. they're also misogynistic as hell but will pretend they're not, and will call older women hags and mommies and think it's a compliment

No. 2205529

I hate going out to buy clothes, I hate interacting with retail people. Why do they try to push stuff that I specifically said I don't want to? I still have no idea if they are genuinely stupid or just pretending to be

No. 2205588

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Burgers being obsessed with calling themselves anything but American

No. 2205631

men writing historical women to be adulteresses just for plot is fucking disgusting and disastrous to their legacy. The Greatest Showman painted Johanna Lind, an amazing opera singer who never had any affection for a charlatan like PT Barnum, as a homewrecker. The Hamilton musical painted Angelica Schuyler out to be thirsty and pining for her own sister’s husband, based on a single fucking comma in a letter. She never had any indications of wanting Alexander Hamilton (who was clearly Miranda’s self insert but let’s not go there) but now an entire generation will think of her as a woman who wanted “to form a harem.” it’s fucking gross. these women were actual people reduced to romantic props just to create drama.

No. 2205727

I was thinking about this the other day and how it ties in with their representation schizophrenia. The issue is that America prides itself on diversity and being a melting pot of cultures etc., but that kinda makes it seem like there's no ethnic majority of any sort and no general culture, so each group gets a bit insecure about not being actually American, as in, a unified identity of some sort, so they resort to their ancestors' culture and identity, but the problem is they were disconnected from it for generations and don't know shit about, or only have surface level knowledge of it, but they still cling onto it so hard to have something to identify with, and it causes all this insecurity about their identity not being real or good enough and not seeing it in media makes them feel that way even more, they need constant validation and confirmation that their ethnic larp is good enough and an actual identity, hence forcing and seeing ethnicity in everything and everyone, in a way becoming a bit racist because of how obsessed they are with it and grouping people into boxes and only seeing it about a person. I think this also stems from Americans not wanting to admit the majority are white and it's an Anglosaxon country, and all other ethnicities are just immigrants, because technically, everyone in America ever is an immigrant unless they're a native American, so it worsens this issue even further, and the white majority doesn't want to admit to being a majority unified by being white, so they try to separate themselves into ethnicities based on their European heritage as well, but they have the opposite issue where they see any representation of any white/European ethnicity as the same and overrepresenting of white people because they subconsciously lump all white ethnicities together as just that, white, hence all the racebending "headcanons". Rate my schizophrenic rumbling out of 10.

No. 2205766

>Younger ones are really shitty to women and buy into the 'brains don't mature till 25 so that means I can be as shitty as I want' and also think any older woman is a hag.

This is interesting because I’ve only seen millennial moids say this. The incel movement started with them after all. Zoomies seem to be more open to dating older women and without the weird “MILF, Mommy” connotations. Of course there are zoomers out there that are extremely pornsick, but maybe they just know how to act in public? I wish I could study this kek . I also think there’s more push back from zoomers toward incel logic. It also seems to me that those shitty red pill logic moids are almost always millennials too. I’m interested in what other anons have experienced though

>they think talking about their fetish to you is normal and will unironically call you a kink shamer and say you're infringing on their free speech if you say you don't want to hear it. they aren't ashamed of their porn consumption at all either since it's so normalized, while men in the past at least knew that shit should be hidden away

Ive definitely seen this online but IRL I don’t think I’ve had any zoomies talk about their fetishes. But I sure as hell have heard millennial men do it in person. All the kinksters I’ve seen openly talk about their fetishes and scream about “kink shaming” have also been millennials. I think some terminally online zoomers are unfortunately falling for it too though now that more of them are becoming adults. It could also just be a moid thing though it depends.

No. 2205785

yeah I meant online for the fetishes thing. I personally haven't met millenial men who do it irl either though.

No. 2205911

legitimately hate fantasy stories about discrimination. its like the author wanted to tell a story about racism so bad but they needed the protagonists to stay white so instead people are prejudice against elves or androids or catgirls its so transparent

No. 2205940

I can only give you anecdotes but I agree with you that crying about kinkshaming is a millennial thing, whereas unfortunately I have found a lot of zoomer boys have accepted Andrew Tate style redpill incel stuff because they have grown up with it so to them it has more legitimacy. I'm not saying millennial men are better, they are all shit, but just that the phenomena of incels being the new laughable thing to dunk on was when millennials were young, so zoomer boys missed all of that and instead take incel ideas as longstanding facts.

No. 2206045

I hate the anons that get so aggressive out of no where. You say the most mundane non controversial thing ever and someone gets mad as hell and derails the thread with infighting.
They remind me of twitards and how they spend hours fighting people on the internet.

No. 2206065

Twitterfags have been investing the site lately.

No. 2206086

I've noticed this too. They're always completely retarded as well. A few nonas will be having a normal level-headed conversation and some room temp IQ individual will come in and shit up the entire thread.

No. 2206093

Some of these anons are from Twitter,I remember on two different occasions they used some Twitter term mid way through their infight

No. 2206235

Something about this feels so weird… even the pfp of their channel puts a bad feeling in my stomach about her moid.

No. 2206446

I hate the recent crop of newfags. They can’t spell, can’t format a post properly, refuse to do even a little bit of lurking before posting, use their retarded slang constantly (like ‘glazing’ and ‘gooning’) and are overly aggressive and confrontational even about the most minor of things.

No. 2206470

Myself. I hate myself with a firey passion and I would mutilate the fuck out of my own voodoo doll if given the opportunity.

No. 2206506

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I hate being a deep autumn cause all the colors are so muddy looking and makes me feel dirty and unpolished

No. 2206509

I clicked this thumbnail attracted to the pretty color palettes so I think the grass might be greener nonnie, I love these rich, deep gemstone colors, especially the purples, blues, and reds

No. 2206544

I hate most restaurants now, either take out or sit down. Idk why but I can't find food I like or good service, at decent prices. Genuinely would pass up most restaurants for a ham and cheese sandwich I made at home.

No. 2206551

All these colors look really pretty, there's nothing dirty or unpolished on them.

No. 2206561

Even expensive restaurants that have an excellent reputation all over the world had bad service the last times I went there so I agree with you.

No. 2206576

And still are. Look at all the hyperpop "scenecore" "scene revival" troons caught sending dick pics to minors on discord kek

No. 2206758

Me too, anon.

No. 2206762

>either take out or sit down
What other options would there be?

No. 2206764

I hate the gay ass QR code system

No. 2206781

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what does unpolished even mean…

btw i hate all the new fashion buzzwords. what even is polished, basics or elevated. WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN??? how do you make a sweatshirt "elevated" just say "bougie" or something

No. 2206801

She’s not saying that there are other options, she’s saying that neither of the two available options are good.

No. 2206819

the scenecore hyperpop trannies are edgelords that use 4chan as an aesthic and talk to 15 year old girls all day on discord I hate those guys so much

No. 2206822

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white americans are the main dipshits I catch doing this shit. They are so bored with being American despite all this history and nationalistic media that they'll dig through records of their 7th great grandfather flying in from England just to say "Oh my god, I'm bri'ish". Like sure Jan, tell me more about how Italian you are when you don't even know how to speak it. It's not that they acknowledge their roots, it's that they overdo it by actually calling themselves their ancestors' ethnicity or nationality when they are culturally removed at this point and weren't even born on the right continent. It's misleading. Just because your ancient grandmother is from Spain, that doesn't mean YOU are. You should not go around telling people that you're fucking Swedish if you are just a born and raised American who knows nothing about Sweden other than some fucking meatballs, and if you do, you are retarded.

No. 2206833

No one does that. Once again, Eurodivergents don’t know the difference between race, ethnicity, nationality and heritage. Americans are all immigrants or descended from immigrants unless they’re Native, everyone who knows where their immigrant ancestors immigrated from acknowledges it because it’s part of the culture

No. 2206936

>eurodivergents don't understand why Americans do this
Amerimutts are a mix of everything but do the most to be either Irish, Italian, or get a shit haircut and be a vikings. It's not about heritage- it's about the lack of identity and not wanting to be lumped together as "white american"

No. 2206975

Italian Americans are some of the most obnoxious ones. Don't even know the language nor have visited the country but swear up and down that "Muh nonna cooks it better" or that "muh nonna would have a heart attack if she saw you make [insert Italian dish] like that!"

They are so gatekeepy yet also full of shit. Fuck your nonna, she's not even from the homeland either

No. 2207023

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Holy shit no. That's not even how that works at all. If you are born and raised in America, you are American. That doesn't make you indingenous, but it does mean you are American. To call Americans "all immigrants unless native" is lawfully so incorrect, it almost hurts when I see people unrionically say it. It doesn't matter if your great-great-great grandmother was from Belgium. If you are born and raised American with no real attachment to anything Belgium, you cannot just call yourself Belgian just because your ancestor is from there. You may have some Belgian ancestry, but that would not be your nationality as a born-American, and that would not be your ethnicity if you are raised American and not Belgian. The vast majority of Americans are born and raised American, so almost no white American should be calling themselves anything other than just American, but they keep saying that they are other things when they can't even speak one language that's not English.

No. 2207028

I hate when /snow/tards post their cows nudes unspoilered but i can't tell them to spoiler their posts next time because they maxed the thread out posting their cottage cheese skin

No. 2207042

I saw a bunch of tweets from an American fakeboi the other day trying to argue over whether fujoshi are sexist, homophobic and transphobic by saying a lot of factually incorrect things and when people made fun of her for posting random kanji in her English tweets she was like "nooo I'm Japanese here's a pic of my Japanese passport I'm allowed to lie about Japanese pop culture!!!", like no, she was actually an American with Japanese grandparents if you checked her previous tweets. At least she spoke fluent Japanese but she was making a full of herself by acting like she knew what it's like to live there on a daily basis and participate in fandoms with other Japanese people there.

As for Americans in general I keep hearing about Irish-Americans acting like they're actually from Ireland and Italian-Americans acting like they know Italy like they live there but it doesn't happen that often, right? I kind of want to know.

No. 2207046

No. 2207055

Everyone in the US who isn’t Native American was either an immigrant themselves or descended from immigrants, or descendants of enslaved people. Obviously people born in America are American, no one said otherwise. Different groups lived in different areas of the US and typically had their own neighborhoods and interacted with each other the most, and through the generations and new immigrants coming to those specific areas. People are aware of their heritage because it’s a significant aspect of American culture, there’s nothing you can do to change that. This isn’t something you would know about as an outsider, so just leave it. America has more language diversity than European countries and we have more bilingual speakers here, there’s nothing you can do to change reality. There’s a single street in New York where over 300 languages are spoken, nothing anywhere in Europe compares. If you’re really struggling to understand the concept of heritage and immigration, I would suggest looking into Cajun and Creole culture in Louisiana, Latino culture in California and the southwest in general, the way different groups had their own neighborhoods in cities like New York, and the concept of “china town” and “Japan town” which are commonly found in many cities, and the way that the Midwest had mostly German and Scandinavian immigrants and it shows in their culture and accents.

No. 2207057

Not to be a Tumblrina but Hamilton has a lot of very questionable writing choices based on its historical figures. They also made Maria Reynolds out to be a simple cheater/homewrecker and completely glossed over her abuse and the ways her life was ruined after Hamilton blabbed about their affair.

No. 2207089

I hate working in a clothing store in the men's section because moids are always the worst customers. I generally think men's sections in stores are always messier. Has anyone else noticed that? It's like they don't give a shit about putting things back in their place because there's always someone else who will do it for them. They almost always walk up to you and try to shop as close to you without saying a word. Another thing that pisses me off is when they just stand directly behind you when you are trying to sort things out on the shelves, etc.

There are some other certain types of customers that I fucking hate, but men are the absolute worst.

No. 2207099

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Recently tried to get back into egl and jfash and I hate hate hate! so fucking much! how girls can get so nitpicky and haters over new girls trying the hobby and the lick the dirty ass of a balding faggot in a dress. Girls can bully each other but cannot tell a man to fuck off and stop being a creep, I hate this.

No. 2207101

they trash talk him behind his back but are forced to behave nicely in public so troons don't cancel them on twitter

No. 2207105

and this is shit: the more people act nice in front of these faggots and troons, the more they feel welcomed to invade spaces and then pull the"liar" card on them. Girls should tell men to fuck off the second they dare to post on women spaces.

No. 2207126

Women being nice to troons is HOW troons got so much power to begin with. if women would have told them to fuck off since the beginning, we wouldnt be in such a huge mess like we are today. But no, too many of them were like 'they are harmless. they only want to use the bathrooom.' fuck all the hand maidens that put us here.

No. 2207134

I don't think mtf trannies should visit women bathrooms cuz when I went to an anime con last year I saw a tranny and his gf waiting in the line to go to the bathroom and he smirked at me. It's like he was smug and happy about being the only man in the bathroom and seeing women in such a intimate way… he was probably bricked up and having fantasies about having sex with all the girls in the bathroom just ew

No. 2207446

I hate when moids act quirky and clueless around women's hygiene products or makeup. You're not a child anymore, it's not funny. And I don't understand why make this unless it's to make a joke of us or periods. You're not a woman and you're clearly not taking this seriously, no one gives a shit what you think about tampons, mind your own fucking business. No one asked for this yet he comes in and makes his stupid video about something he doesn't know shit about, and on top of that he has this aloof uncaring attitude like he's being forced to do this thing he doesn't care about and wow tampons are so weird and ridiculous, and he calls it "the definitive" tampon tier list. Idk if I'm overreacting but I just find this offensive and disrespectful. Not completely related but it reminds me that I hate when people are disgusted by the idea of boiling menstrual cups in cooking pots, it's so many layers of retarded

No. 2207453

Being ignored. Why can’t people respond to me? Am I that boring or something?

No. 2207454

Oh god, another Cody Ko who’s going to eventually be exposed for rape or talking to his underaged female fans in the making

No. 2207458

lol same anon, especially on lc . please give me attention

No. 2207468

i’m giving you attention nonny

No. 2207481

>Idk if I'm overreacting but I just find this offensive and disrespectful.
Absolutely not, bullshit like vidrel is just further stigmatising an uncontrollable bodily function. Nobody ever talks about different types of toilet paper or diapers this way. TIMs do this too, filming themselves oogling some panty liners. It makes me sick thinking this makes moids money.

No. 2207487

ilu nonny

No. 2207565

How some anons think zoomer translates to 13 year old underage. The oldest zoomers are 29 and the oldest Gen Alphas are 14 right now.

No. 2207577

This thing pisses me off too

No. 2207584

It's such a huge range, i am straddling the fence between millenial and zoomer, i feel like it makes more sense at this point to separate the generations depending on what access to technology you had and what major events would have affected you. Are you telling me somebody born in 1997 and 2008 really grew up in the same world? The differences in technology and the overall cultural zeitgeists are far too different.

No. 2207904

Telling someone that you're close and they increase the pace/pressure instead of keeping it the same. Wish I could say this is only an issue with men but unfortunately it's sometimes women too.

No. 2207919

Generations are bullshit. Class, money, education/intelligence, and power all divide us more than age.

No. 2208000

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Spotify playlists generated specifically for you. If I want to listen to 2010s music, why is there 2020s songs mixed in?? It always recommends those playlists too over user generated ones, and all of them have the same songs I've already listened to a 1000 times

No. 2208043

I hate how most men are bisexual even if they say they are straight they would fuck femboys that look like little boys and are "small enough to pass as a woman" they would say stuff like "just give them a wig" and fuck the femboys, moid sexuality is so pedo and hypersexual I can't even.

No. 2208045

when nonas ignore me

No. 2208207

This current crop of mods is the worst so far

No. 2208220

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I hate young Zoomers who claim to be into 4chan/imageboards KEK retards wouldn’t last a day on old internet.

No. 2208341

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I hate when i see picture i like but there is an ugly fat moid in the background. How are these things allowed to go outside? This rarely ever happens with women. Moids are so dysgenic looking they stick out like turd in a landscape.

No. 2208342

That whenever I record myself speaking I either sound like a valley girl or an ESL Filipina.

No. 2208362

your pic took me back… damn

No. 2208437

I really fucking hate the people who say shit like
>Did you know Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg are best friends huhuhuhuh!!!!!
Fucking kill yourself#

No. 2208555

I hate it when anons act like moralfags about cows.
>It's our job to point out their moral failings!!!
No dumbass it's our job to LAUGH at them because they're self-destructive and funny, or they're like a train wreck you can't look away from. The tiktok and tumblrfags that have infiltrated the cow boards are incredibly fucking annoying. I'm so fucking tired of them. We need a mass exodus now.

No. 2209067

I hate how online socialization has become. I used to be able to talk to so many random interesting people but now it’s just the same people focusing on the same topics and the same repetitive convos (with the exception of trolls and baiters who know bringing up topics will bring great flame wars) and it almost feels like I’m invisible now. I used to shove this down so I didn’t seem like I was complaining or needy, whiny or anything like that but seriously, I just want to have a genuine convo with somebody. It’s like that possibility has completely ended right after COVID and the bunker threads, it’s just the same slop being served to you and you have to take it. Sigh

No. 2209073

We have become chat gpt
Humans became like bots much sooner than bots will become like humans

No. 2209076

Agreed anon, these days it feels like if you try to start even the most amiable conversation online people will ask why you are so mad and pressed, and on platforms with character limits there's no way to get a nuanced point across anyway

No. 2209143

File: 1729049592790.gif (1.54 MB, 540x270, tumblr_1cbe6aece28307c511c6be6…)

There's just something I can't stand about people who are constantly whistling, humming, talking in a sing-song voice, or straight up bursting into song. I will never tell them this or complain about it because I don't want to steal someone's joy. But goddamn if it doesn't make me feel like the Grinch whenever I'm around it. How dare they assault my ears like that!

No. 2209169

kek is this about that post in Today I Learned? anon said she's not American so she most likely just learned about that recently

No. 2209190


No. 2209224

>fanart or cosplay of a female version of a male character
>it's a woman dressed sexy with a few motifs of the original
Every single time. If it's a woman then it's sexy, because what else would it be, right? Fucking hell.

No. 2209277

File: 1729063504404.jpg (513.22 KB, 1438x1132, IMG_20241016_182357.jpg)

I hate this christfag faggot and anyone who thinks he's the "good one left" is a retard.

No. 2209409

I fucking hate it when youtubers dick around too much when playing a video game.. like yeah I get it, you gotta play it up for the audience, but for fuck sake you can at least attempt to make some progress with the gameplay.
Like I really wanna see where the story goes and what else the gameplay has to offer, but the chucklefuck gamer bros are too busy faffing about the tutorial and trolling each other. Like after a while it's not even funny, it's just fucking boring watching idiot men die over and over again on the same fucking level… Like come ON. The game you're playing is actually really cool and I wanna see where it goes. Get a fucking move on, funny man, BEFORE I finish my dinner.

No. 2209413

Go watch a no commentary playthrough.

No. 2209785

I detest when people talk like old-school AVGN online. These idiots can't just dislike something, no, sunny side up eggs can't just be not for me they have to be snotty and vile like a buffalo took a dump on a plate!!!!1!1!1!1

No. 2209898

I hate when men say a woman is a "bratty bitchy tsundere" when she is mean towards him, no I don't have a secret crush on you I just think you are a pig disgusting moid.

No. 2209903

KEKKKK nonna this is so passionate and so specific

No. 2209921

File: 1729111619393.png (61.14 KB, 506x535, 1000003128.png)

>reading the a review of a manga im interested in checking out
>lets just say the title is something like torture villian evil badboy: the manga
>the reviews: omg dont read this manga the MC is such a evil bad boy! he tortures people its so disgusting!

No. 2209932

When they play games for a living but still suck is hilarious to me. Like can they not be funny while playing well? Normally when I no life a game I get good but not these losers. Makes it more apparent moids getting angry at women gamers is just typical male projection.

No. 2209984

I hate thinking about what happens to puppies and kitties after their owners pass away

No. 2210054

File: 1729116499994.gif (1.77 MB, 275x207, 1541444547483.gif)

If I could eliminate one cow from earth I think it would be ProJared because I fucking hate looking at him. He's so disgusting and worm like

No. 2210211

I hate the "im just a girl11!" shit

No. 2210219

Gay moids think liking cock in their ass gives them a pass to be misogynistic, then act shocked and surprised when you call them out on their misogyny. Even worse are all the women who blindly applaud their misogyny for keeping it “real,” knowing damn well if the same thing came out of a straight man’s mouth they would be (rightfully) upset.

No. 2210223

I’ve always thought this. Let alone if the catty gay moid was a real woman, she would be crucified and ostracised by everyone for being a cunt, yet these fags get a pass because ‘muh gay best friend’

No. 2210462

I fucking hate the anons on here who derail threads talking about how attractive they find the cow. It makes me so mad when people stop posting milk just to talk about how they personally “think their cute tehe” or “can change them”. No one fucking cares you disgusting coomer tard. stop using this site and make a fan page for your retard on tumblr instead and let lolcow lolcow.

No. 2210468

i usually use a old tiny iPhone when using lolcow so im probably guilty of retarded spelling errors. i swear im not a newfag kek.

No. 2210498

File: 1729134144628.jpeg (281.71 KB, 1600x800, IMG_7832.jpeg)

I hate how so many animated movie/shows/etc make the males look ugly and toonish whilst the females must remain coomable no matter what. I actually surprisingly liked this movie but im still not over this design discrepancy.

No. 2210502

File: 1729134416686.jpeg (Spoiler Image,37.52 KB, 308x417, IMG_7834.jpeg)

Also this one character is fucking horrifying. I feel molested just looking at him.

No. 2210512

File: 1729134953681.png (105.54 KB, 848x524, Screenshot 2024-10-16 231012.p…)

Fuming over this fucking shit. I hate how ads infest 60% of the feed nowadays, especially when they are completely irrelevant to the stuff you pin, not that i want them to have that information. They always advertise stupid horse rearing equipment, novel clothing items or ads for diapers.

No. 2210513

File: 1729134972108.jpg (282.23 KB, 1800x900, Queenie-Goldstein-Alison-Sudol…)

They look like the animal version of this couple (yet another completely insane, offensive disparity in looks in a children's movie)

No. 2210560

File: 1729138145805.png (627.26 KB, 565x829, 19D64D3E-3413-4F47-A1DB-0E2832…)

I keep getting various ads for chicken and duck leashes despite not owning or having any interest in domestic fowl

No. 2210567

I hate that every commercial I see now is for ozempic and viagra

No. 2210574

Do you live with a fat man with a broken dick?

No. 2210591

I was browsing mangadex without reading all of the tags on manga and saw a lolicon manga… Kill all men.

No. 2210621

I swear I posted about this earlier but it disappeared. Anyway yeah, Pinterest sucks for this but at the same time I can't blame them kek. Hopefully unlock will have an update for it soon.

No. 2210724

I hate the word cute, it feels very infantilizing.

No. 2210731

People expecting all adult women to love babies and kids. ive had so many encounters of me and a friend hanging out in a secluded area only for a family with toddlers and babies ploping down close to us. an entire beach area, a park spot no one was at, public chairs for a street of cafes. there is no way all this space existed and they really chose an area close to two adult with 0 kids trying to talk.

No. 2210765

I cut the corner of my mouth and it keeps re-opening. It almost completely healed but I let my lips get too dry and opened my mouth too wide. Now we are back to square 1.

No. 2210893

I hate talking or eating with a split side lip because I always end up ripping the wound up

No. 2211037

I hate anons who purposefully go through the effort to de-capitalize all of the words in their posts. You look like a dumb gen-alpha faggot when you do it, and I am embarrassed on your behalf when I see it. If you are sharing a thought or opinion, it is immediately disregarded because I assume you are 12.

No. 2211044

I think solo moms do it because they think there's safety in numbers and being near two strange women is safer than being alone in a public place as a mom with young kids. Hate when solo moid parents or full families plonk near me though. You fuckers don't need the social safety that vulnerable women do. Go away.

No. 2211053

how can you tell the difference between someone using a PC and someone de-capitalizing on their phone

No. 2211132

File: 1729186351189.webp (14.4 KB, 390x280, shift-button-on-computer-keybo…)

No. 2211266

who the fuck purposefully de-capitalizes letters? I always assumed the people who type without capitalize are just being lazy and don’t have autocorrect on(me).

No. 2211578

File: 1729205212672.jpg (4.38 KB, 169x176, 1698783298814.jpg)

When newfags use the word "cis" to describe women. Holy shit, I get that some of you guys came from tumblr or twitter and are still learning to integrate, but can you practice lurking or at least make yourselves less obvious? my god.

No. 2211592

Basically what >>2211044 said. As annoying as it is, most women are good people in that we won’t hurt children, we won’t ogle them, and we will generally not let a kid die in front of us if there’s anything we can do to stop it. It’s basically having our good nature taken advantage of. Depending on the age of the child the best way to get them to choose a different spot is to start carrying around a pack of cigs and a lighter and lighting up in these situations, don’t even have to smoke at all. Or you could get a non-nicotine vape for these situations and blow giant ass clouds of weird scented shit (they do sell vapes at vape shops that can create wild clouds of vapor and you can get juice that is literally just flavor and no nicotine, or you could have them add some CBD to the juice in addition to the flavor lol)

No. 2211707


No. 2211717

we are traumatized from having to make incredibly specific ass posts on tumblr etc or people harass us in our DMs. it’s not just for the word cis you’ll notice defensive and before you ask it wasn’t this type details that are extraneous in a lot of posts.

No. 2211720

oh my god that person thinks mobile posters typing in lower case are deliberately undoing the auto cap omg. that setting is off lol

No. 2211725

>we are traumatized
>no capitalisation
This post is embarrassing through and through.

No. 2211726

I also ignore posts from anons that don’t use any capital letters or punctuation. Why should I care about what you have to say, when you don’t even care enough to type properly?

No. 2211728

I get you but some don't have autocorrect for grammar or spelling or whatever it is.

No. 2211729

you’re a WELL ACKSHULLY ass motherfucker

No. 2211730

>we are traumatized
Stopped reading here

No. 2211777

>purposefully go through the effort to de-capitalize
Wut? Most of us are just lazy, nobody's doing that on purpose kek. Sometimes I'll also do it to change my way of typing since some anons think they can detect typing styles.

No. 2211779

Nah I'm just lazy and use my laptop and can't be bothered to press shift

No. 2211791

you really opened this thread and forgot that computers exist.

No. 2211795

if you think i meant that word seriously go get an autism evaluation right the fuck now you’re about to find out something that will change your life and explain a lot

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