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No. 2200772
ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.
Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2145908 No. 2200801
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Retarded AI truther moids. Learning any new programming language and want some YT examples? Than be prepared to be met with fearmongering moid cancer.
No. 2200837
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>>2200783The funny thing is that there have been natural disasters that fucked up their brick buildings. Picrel is from a tornado in Birmingham
No. 2200841
>>2200801I have mixed feelings about AI, but yeah the fearmongering and whining about it I see is as annoying as the insane reliance on it and overuse of it. There should be some regulated middle ground of some sort.
I especially hate when people criticize it for stealing art and artists not making profit off their work because AI stole it or whatever, but you never see them addressing the fact it's used to create CP and porn of random strangers. Like, they're only concerned when it's affecting profits. Really weird mindset. I find it funny when an artists uses AI as a shortcut and some people sperg out about it when they're not artists themselves and shouldn't have a saying in it anyways. The seething the new Tears for Fears new single caused because of its cover art is so hilarious to me. People can't fathom the idea of artists actually enjoying and using AI when in a pinch. But I don't remember seeing that kind of anger when the Taylor Swift porn thing happened which I think is much worse, other than on LC. But I guess we all know why, those people enjoy and love their precious porn, so they could never criticize it even if it's AI. Fucked up priorities.
No. 2200845
>>2200841>but you never see them addressing the fact it's used to create CP and porn of random strangers. Yeah. I've seen way too many moid posts with fetishising art that looks like minors that I just despise anything to do with it at the moment.
I remember I told someone that his AI art looked like a child, and in order to prove me wrong he posted the image into an online AI age detector to prove it wasn't underaged. Diabolical.
No. 2201109
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just saw this on twitter and holy shit… "its not that deep!" YOU CANNOT BUY SENSE OF SELF! WAKE UP! you'll never truly find yourself if you look for that identity in materialistic things. i understand wanting to have nice things of your interests or that fit your aestehtic, but that will never be your personality. i guess this goes hand in hand for people hopping from trend to another and molding their self image in that. i hate it so much
No. 2203642
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when something I like blows up on that stupid Chinese hell app. No more teens, trannies reseller scalpers, and normies in my communities please I'm so tired
No. 2204175
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When anons infight about hair or eye colour. It’s so boring and played out, and it’s to the point where I don’t even care if they are insecure about their hair/eye colour, they need to get over it already because I’m sick of reading the same posts over and over again for the past two years.
No. 2204265
>>2204175I feel the same way when the fujos and anti-fujos start slapfighting about "pseudowomen" for the millionth time kek. I
do not care what the correct level of twinkiness for anime boy is, take it to one of the containment threads PLZ
No. 2204347
>>2204175The only time I don't hate the infighting on this site is when it's about genuinely silly shit, like arguing over pasta or whether certain types of shoes are ugly.
This site could be paradise if anons didn't shoehorn their leanings into every single unrelated topic, I swear some anons must look at their own shadows and see a transwoman foreigner moid sometimes
No. 2204624
>>2204603I like to spell it however I want
nonny>>2204618I always assumed that it was just an island of the “non” ending
No. 2204663
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>>2204633I haven't seen it yet. I don't think the average zoomer knows what candydolls or mara is. I don't think most know about cp videos that were popular on 4chan (which is what I'm referring to). The only thing from that specific era that went viral was cunny, which I remember always being used in the context of real little girls
No. 2204665
>>2204347You're exaggerating, also I'd rather that than troons being shoehorned into things in a positive way like basically every other website.
>>2204577Same, it's horrible. Anytime I go under a fanart now all I see is retarded moids commenting "rape" or sob emojis if it's a young looking character (even if the drawing isn't sexualized at all). They ruined the sob emoji in general and UOOOOHH wasn't even a phrase used in japanese solely for loli shit but to westerners it is now. Also "pretend", they'll say it's all a big joke but all of them are just actual pedophiles hiding under it all being le ironic humor. If someone is constantly making pedophile jokes, finds them peak humor and says they're attracted to kids they're just a pedophile at that point. At least before when there was pedobear everyone was aware it was bad and creepy, now it's like they champion being an "ironic" pedophile and actually think it's based or some shit. They'll say it's only fictional but then I've seen the same men comment disgusting shit under videos of real life kids and wanting the youngest possible gf they can get away with.
>>2204592They think anyone who doesn't jerk off to lolis is an "anti" lol
>>2204663One of the most disgusting words that got popularized and every moid that uses it should kill themselves
No. 2204717
>>2204683The whole "it's just a drawing" argument was always retarded (it's still gross regardless if it's real or not) but it fell apart even more once I saw they're actually AI generating realistic child porn now and STILL trying to excuse it with that bullshit. "It's AI bro it's not real kids it doesn't matter" when it's an AI drawing of a realistic child. That and seeing them use references of real kids for lolicon drawings and all the weeb men I've seen into lolis who always end up expressing a desire to become passport bros to fuck underaged girls and want a petite barely legal jp gf.
You're absolutely right about how they separate women into those stereotypes too. I've had it happen to me just for being short and not having huge boobs, they're so insanely porn brainrotten that they'll consider anything you do and your general appearance in terms of the porn tags in their doujins or whatever hentai they've watched because they don't actually interact with women irl. The mommy shit is disgusting in a different way from the loli shit but disgusting nonetheless. For the jealous old hag shit it doesn't even make any sense, literally what would there be to be jealous of? An ugly pedophile moid wanting to fuck you? They don't understand when women speak up about this it's more so due to them just being disgusting rather than wanting their attention. As for japanese men yes they're creeps too but in a different way from western ones.
>>2204691 seems pretty accurate from what I've seen. Western moids think they're fighting against le woke culture and feminism or whatever so they lean into it even harder and then meme themselves into becoming actual pedophiles if they weren't already
No. 2204743
>>2204720Good point. They'll tell you it's totally natural for them to want to fuck kids because it's just their "biological urge" as a moid to fuck little girls when that's not even how that works and there's a million issues associated with doing it. Women are also the selectors for reproduction to begin with, not men, so even if you actually believed their bullshit it's still false because the male doesn't get to pick and choose the "best genes" to mate with in nature like they claim, the female is the one picking the males since we are the ones getting pregnant and have more to lose by mating with a subpar male. Males will also fuck anything and have no standards so their whole retarded spiel about how they're just made to fuck only the youngest possible little girls for muh genetics makes absolutely no sense at all, it's all just a cope for their unnatural fucked up fixation on little kids. They're supposed to want to protect kids, not want to fuck them. It's even weirder when the same guys not only shit on gays for being unnatural but also hate them for being pedophiles and touching kids when they themselves are pedophiles KEK. I've seen this on twitter where some right wing retard was doing this exact thing and then when someone said "this you?" and mentioned he has lolicon shit on his page he acted like he wasn't a hypocrite somehow. Probably because of the whole "it's just a drawing" bullshit logic again.
>>2204727Not only lolicon shit but general degeneracy is insanely normalized in anime communities to the point where if you speak against it and are just a normal fan you're called a prude, anti, sex hater, asexual, or whatever other retarded buzzwords. It's genuinely unbearable to be around 90% of modern male anime fans, they call their porn addictions being "men of culture" and are so proud of being sexless losers at this point, it's pathetic. I hate the e-whores too, they enable them for sure and are just massive pick mes
No. 2204746
>>2204603Nonna would be more correct considering all of our "anon" nicknames are just derivative of Tumblr's "
No. 2204935
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Book covers in which the author's name is in the same or higher visual hierarchical level as the title. you are ugly and confusing and I hate you
No. 2204974
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I really hate millennial men kek. Maybe it’s where I live but zoomer moids seem to be a lot less openly mean and bitter towards women. At least IRL for me. My zoomer bf has also been a lot more pleasant and sweet than my retarded millennial ex bf had been. I was reluctant to date a younger man at first but the zoomies are surprisingly alright. Some of them anyway.
No. 2205265
>>2204954Tbf the only moids who write fanfic are deeply autistic and incredibly socially retarded. They don't have the cognitive function to allow them to create something decent. It's fun to mock them- the fics and the writers- with my friends, plus they've peaked a few friends with how insane and misogynistic the TIM fanfics are. Make a separate account and use it exclusively for telling scrotes what you truly think of their work. Their meltdowns make up for the crap you just read.
>>2204974Really? Zoomies are just as shit as millennials in my experience, they only turn nice when you treat them like shit too. Idk where you live where any moid is decent but I'm glad you found a good one, I hope he stays that way.
No. 2205588
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Burgers being obsessed with calling themselves anything but American
No. 2205727
>>2205588I was thinking about this the other day and how it ties in with their representation schizophrenia. The issue is that America prides itself on diversity and being a melting pot of cultures etc., but that kinda makes it seem like there's no ethnic majority of any sort and no general culture, so each group gets a bit insecure about not being actually American, as in, a unified identity of some sort, so they resort to their ancestors' culture and identity, but the problem is they were disconnected from it for generations and don't know shit about, or only have surface level knowledge of it, but they still cling onto it so hard to have something to identify with, and it causes all this insecurity about their identity not being real or good enough and not seeing it in media makes them feel that way even more, they need constant validation and confirmation that their ethnic larp is good enough and an actual identity, hence forcing and seeing ethnicity in everything and everyone, in a way becoming a bit racist because of how obsessed they are with it and grouping people into boxes and only seeing it about a person. I think this also stems from Americans not wanting to admit the majority are white and it's an Anglosaxon country, and all other ethnicities are just immigrants, because technically, everyone in America ever is an immigrant unless they're a native American, so it worsens this issue even further, and the white majority doesn't want to admit to being a majority unified by being white, so they try to separate themselves into ethnicities based on their European heritage as well, but they have the opposite issue where they see any representation of any white/European ethnicity as the same and overrepresenting of white people because they subconsciously lump all white ethnicities together as just that, white, hence all the racebending "headcanons". Rate my schizophrenic rumbling out of 10.
No. 2205766
>>2205119>Younger ones are really shitty to women and buy into the 'brains don't mature till 25 so that means I can be as shitty as I want' and also think any older woman is a hag.This is interesting because I’ve only seen millennial moids say this. The incel movement started with them after all. Zoomies seem to be more open to dating older women and without the weird “MILF, Mommy” connotations. Of course there are zoomers out there that are extremely pornsick, but maybe they just know how to act in public? I wish I could study this kek . I also think there’s more push back from zoomers toward incel logic. It also seems to me that those shitty red pill logic moids are almost always millennials too. I’m interested in what other anons have experienced though
>>2205284>they think talking about their fetish to you is normal and will unironically call you a kink shamer and say you're infringing on their free speech if you say you don't want to hear it. they aren't ashamed of their porn consumption at all either since it's so normalized, while men in the past at least knew that shit should be hidden awayIve definitely seen this online but IRL I don’t think I’ve had any zoomies talk about their fetishes. But I sure as hell have heard millennial men do it in person. All the kinksters I’ve seen openly talk about their fetishes and scream about “kink shaming” have also been millennials. I think some terminally online zoomers are unfortunately falling for it too though now that more of them are becoming adults. It could also just be a moid thing though it depends.
No. 2206506
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I hate being a deep autumn cause all the colors are so muddy looking and makes me feel dirty and unpolished
No. 2206509
>>2206506I clicked this thumbnail attracted to the pretty color palettes so I think the grass might be greener
nonnie, I love these rich, deep gemstone colors, especially the purples, blues, and reds
No. 2206781
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>>2206506what does unpolished even mean…
btw i hate all the new fashion buzzwords. what even is polished, basics or elevated. WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN??? how do you make a sweatshirt "elevated" just say "bougie" or something
No. 2206822
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>>2205588white americans are the main dipshits I catch doing this shit. They are so bored with being American despite all this history and nationalistic media that they'll dig through records of their 7th great grandfather flying in from England just to say "Oh my god, I'm bri'ish". Like sure Jan, tell me more about how Italian you are when you don't even know how to speak it. It's not that they acknowledge their roots, it's that they overdo it by actually calling themselves their ancestors' ethnicity or nationality when they are culturally removed at this point and weren't even born on the right continent. It's misleading. Just because your ancient grandmother is from Spain, that doesn't mean YOU are. You should not go around telling people that you're fucking Swedish if you are just a born and raised American who knows nothing about Sweden other than some fucking meatballs, and if you do, you are retarded.
No. 2206975
>>2206822Italian Americans are some of the most obnoxious ones. Don't even know the language nor have visited the country but swear up and down that "Muh nonna cooks it better" or that "muh nonna would have a heart attack if she saw you make [insert Italian dish] like that!"
They are so gatekeepy yet also full of shit. Fuck your nonna, she's not even from the homeland either
No. 2207023
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>>2206833Holy shit no. That's not even how that works at all. If you are born and raised in America, you are American. That doesn't make you indingenous, but it does mean you are American. To call Americans "all immigrants unless native" is lawfully so incorrect, it almost hurts when I see people unrionically say it. It doesn't matter if your great-great-great grandmother was from Belgium. If you are born and raised American with no real attachment to anything Belgium, you cannot just call yourself Belgian just because your ancestor is from there. You may have some Belgian ancestry, but that would not be your nationality as a born-American, and that would not be your ethnicity if you are
raised American and not Belgian. The vast majority of Americans are born and raised American, so almost no white American should be calling themselves anything other than just American, but they keep saying that they are other things when they can't even speak one language that's not English.
No. 2207042
>>2206822I saw a bunch of tweets from an American fakeboi the other day trying to argue over whether fujoshi are sexist, homophobic and transphobic by saying a lot of factually incorrect things and when people made fun of her for posting random kanji in her English tweets she was like "nooo I'm Japanese here's a pic of my Japanese passport I'm allowed to lie about Japanese pop culture!!!", like no, she was actually an American with Japanese grandparents if you checked her previous tweets. At least she spoke fluent Japanese but she was making a full of herself by acting like she knew what it's like to live there on a daily basis and participate in fandoms with other Japanese people there.
As for Americans in general I keep hearing about Irish-Americans acting like they're actually from Ireland and Italian-Americans acting like they know Italy like they live there but it doesn't happen that often, right? I kind of want to know.
No. 2207055
>>2207023Everyone in the US who isn’t Native American was either an immigrant themselves or descended from immigrants, or descendants of enslaved people. Obviously people born in America are American, no one said otherwise. Different groups lived in different areas of the US and typically had their own neighborhoods and interacted with each other the most, and through the generations and new immigrants coming to those specific areas. People are aware of their heritage because it’s a significant aspect of American culture, there’s nothing you can do to change that. This isn’t something you would know about as an outsider, so just leave it. America has more language diversity than European countries and we have more bilingual speakers here, there’s nothing you can do to change reality. There’s a single street in New York where over 300 languages are spoken, nothing anywhere in Europe compares. If you’re really struggling to understand the concept of heritage and immigration, I would suggest looking into Cajun and Creole culture in Louisiana, Latino culture in California and the southwest in general, the way different groups had their own neighborhoods in cities like New York, and the concept of “china town” and “Japan town” which are commonly found in many cities, and the way that the Midwest had mostly German and Scandinavian immigrants and it shows in their culture and accents.
No. 2207099
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Recently tried to get back into egl and jfash and I hate hate hate! so fucking much! how girls can get so nitpicky and haters over new girls trying the hobby and the lick the dirty ass of a balding faggot in a dress. Girls can bully each other but cannot tell a man to fuck off and stop being a creep, I hate this.
No. 2208000
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Spotify playlists generated specifically for you. If I want to listen to 2010s music, why is there 2020s songs mixed in?? It always recommends those playlists too over user generated ones, and all of them have the same songs I've already listened to a 1000 times
No. 2208220
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I hate young Zoomers who claim to be into 4chan/imageboards KEK retards wouldn’t last a day on old internet.
No. 2208341
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I hate when i see picture i like but there is an ugly fat moid in the background. How are these things allowed to go outside? This rarely ever happens with women. Moids are so dysgenic looking they stick out like turd in a landscape.
No. 2209073
>>2209067We have become chat gpt
Humans became like bots much sooner than bots will become like humans
No. 2209143
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There's just something I can't stand about people who are constantly whistling, humming, talking in a sing-song voice, or straight up bursting into song. I will never tell them this or complain about it because I don't want to steal someone's joy. But goddamn if it doesn't make me feel like the Grinch whenever I'm around it. How dare they assault my ears like that!
No. 2209277
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I hate this christfag faggot and anyone who thinks he's the "good one left" is a retard.
No. 2209921
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>reading the a review of a manga im interested in checking out
>lets just say the title is something like torture villian evil badboy: the manga
>the reviews: omg dont read this manga the MC is such a evil bad boy! he tortures people its so disgusting!
No. 2210054
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If I could eliminate one cow from earth I think it would be ProJared because I fucking hate looking at him. He's so disgusting and worm like
No. 2210498
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I hate how so many animated movie/shows/etc make the males look ugly and toonish whilst the females must remain coomable no matter what. I actually surprisingly liked this movie but im still not over this design discrepancy.
No. 2210502
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>>2210498Also this one character is fucking horrifying. I feel molested just looking at him.
No. 2210512
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Fuming over this fucking shit. I hate how ads infest 60% of the feed nowadays, especially when they are completely irrelevant to the stuff you pin, not that i want them to have that information. They always advertise stupid horse rearing equipment, novel clothing items or ads for diapers.
No. 2210513
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>>2210498They look like the animal version of this couple (yet another completely insane, offensive disparity in looks in a children's movie)
No. 2210560
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>>2210512I keep getting various ads for chicken and duck leashes despite not owning or having any interest in domestic fowl
No. 2211578
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When newfags use the word "cis" to describe women. Holy shit, I get that some of you guys came from tumblr or twitter and are still learning to integrate, but can you practice lurking or at least make yourselves less obvious? my god.
No. 2211592
>>2210731Basically what
>>2211044 said. As annoying as it is, most women are good people in that we won’t hurt children, we won’t ogle them, and we will generally not let a kid die in front of us if there’s anything we can do to stop it. It’s basically having our good nature taken advantage of. Depending on the age of the child the best way to get them to choose a different spot is to start carrying around a pack of cigs and a lighter and lighting up in these situations, don’t even have to smoke at all. Or you could get a non-nicotine vape for these situations and blow giant ass clouds of weird scented shit (they do sell vapes at vape shops that can create wild clouds of vapor and you can get juice that is literally just flavor and no nicotine, or you could have them add some CBD to the juice in addition to the flavor lol)
No. 2211941
>>2211044It's so far never been a single woman, usually a couple and their baby who's going to scream or a couple kids aged 0-10 years.
>>2211592I might actually do this. Maybe that's why they didn't sit next to another 20-30 year old couple at the beach. Time to bring a smoking or vaping friend along!
No. 2212053
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I hate how fucking retarded tifs are about men. Like, internalized misogyny is one thing, but some of them genuinely have never been around a group of males and it shows. Men openly make fun of trannies, share and make memes shitting on trannies, kill trannies in the middle of the street, actively (and successfully) try to keep trannies out of their spaces, but somehow women are big terf meanies and are somehow worse? Get real. Men are judging the shit out of you more than the cattiest woman on earth ever could.
No. 2212218
>>2211037The autism about how people type on this website is next level, unless someone legitimately has an unintegrated typing style and talks like a retard why do you give a shit if they capitalize things or not kek
>>2212134I hate this too
No. 2212254
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>>2211037I do this to make myself look like different people posting, I enjoy pretending to be multitudes of nonas. We are Legionona.
No. 2212263
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>>2212218also same. i don't get the strict hall monitor attitude for a gossip site of all things, the mods themselves don't even type properly all the time (not just with capitalization but they've been making a ton more spelling errors lately too kek. we're all tards here)
No. 2212302
>>2212261Homeschool shillers are just straight up
abusive half the time or will excuse it. It's the first step to a cult mentality. The outside world is evil, the outside world will harm you, only family is safe. Statistically who is most likely to fuck up the child? There is love and education and kindness out there and not everyone is out to be your enemy.
No. 2212310
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I hate when people will make multiple posts on imageboards and never add images. Literally why are you here? Go to a forum. Shoo shoo, away with you.
No. 2212520
>>2212053They also always show how retardedly ignorant they are of the nature of scrotes when they want to use male restrooms. I remember watching that TIF Birdie's(the animatior) video "Im Back" and at one point she complained about how the homeless shelter didn't allow her to be housed with the MEN. Like was she serious? She wants to risk being house with HOMELESS MEN who are very likely to be criminals, rapist and druggies just so she can feel "
No. 2212735
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I hate how shein does not tell me when I accidently order the same product 3x, it's like shein was designed to mock ADHD people. Thank god I noticed it this time.
No. 2213739
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I hate Chrissa Sparkles and hope her Bpd ass gets exposed. After she got divorced from her soyjak husband she’s been spiraling but not enough to warrant a thread unfortunately. I dunno what’s more grating her shitty attempt to break into music/standup, her Chinese sweatshop brand failure, her Pilates business tanking, or her sudden need to talk about how Filipino she is and getting obvious fake tans to look more “PoC”. She was white as a sheet before the divorce.
No. 2213785
>>2213774Northern Europe is more than one country, and globally countries have their own routine for sneezing. For example in Britain it's good manners to cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough and not spit, usually either with your hand or closed fist, but during COVID it became unfortunately clear that a lot of people stopped doing this as soon as a teacher or mother was not longer there to tell them to.
In other countries people don't do this, iirc there's one cold country where historically it's too cold outside for germs to travel through the air so the practice never became a cultural norm.
I think the dabbing chicken wing thing is better than coughing into your own hand, but I've seen enough videos of Walmart in America to know that plenty of Americans don't even do it either. Wherever you go in the world people are gross.
No. 2213795
>>2213785>I think the dabbing chicken wing thing is better than coughing into your own handit is. i will concede that for a good while the chicken wing/elbow wasn't a big thing in north america either and i remember A LOT more people also coughing and sneezing into the air or into their hands. it's gotten a lot better over the years and in general i do see more people trying, at least somewhat, not to spread their germs even if it's simply just not coming into work or school or actually washing up after themselves.
>Northern Europe is more than one countryi know anon, i've been living here for three years. i just mentioned france mainly since that's where i am currently going to university and where i've seen some of the weirder things with questionable happen. i should have just said france.
>Wherever you go in the world people are gross.yes, sadly…
>>2213788if you say so anon.
No. 2214066
>>2214039I was going to say I wear masks when I'm contagious but nowadays I actually just don't go outside at all and ask my manager to let me work from home, and she always agrees. Otherwise I used to wear masks when I really didn't have a choice and as I said, I was treated like it was way too excessive by everyone. I avoid my family at home as much as I can when I'm sick with something contagious but that's obviously easier said than done. The mere fact that I wash my hands after pissing or shitting makes me way cleaner than the average French person anyway.
>>2214063It's the worst thing that ever happened to me so far, you're right.
No. 2214415
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I wish i never looked at the FBI's "Missing and Wanted" section. Almost all of them are female, mostly young and a good chunk of them girls. Whilst the women and girls mostly went missing under suspicious circumstances(kidnapping, murder), the circumstances of how the scrotes went missing were less suspicious. They were either:
>A: old demented orgres who probably wondered off and died somewhere
>B: mentally ill/disabled who also wondered off and died somewhere
>C: willingly left and abandoned everyone in their lives
>D: were kidnapped by a non custodial mom/dad
>E: were already willingly involved in criminal activity and got killed from their own stupidity
Very few scrotes disappeared under circumstances that would suggest
criminal activity. Instead they most likely just got lost or died from their own stupidity. Looking this shit over gave me such a terrifying sinking feeling in my stomach. I wish scrotes would go extinct already.
No. 2214483
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>>2214415The ecap section of the site just makes me sad
No. 2214502
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>>2214483jesus christ. i went and took a peek and after just a few minutes I'm feeling depressed. spoiler slight jumpscare
No. 2214571
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Anybody else have to wear retainers? I've put up with these fucking things for over a decade now and I get tempted to stop wearing them completely at times. Sometimes I can't even relax fully to fall asleep because of them.
No. 2214577
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>>2214571I always feel guilty when I see things about retainers. After getting my braces off I stopped wearing the retainer after about a year. My teeth have shifted back to normal quite a bit, but they still look relatively straight. If you really can’t stand them, not using it for a while shouldn’t hurt.
>>2214575Fairly sure you’re talking about a plate like in picrel. They usually give these to kids to prepare their teeth for braces in the longrun.
No. 2214582
>>2214575I had to use the metal Hawley retainers while my sister was given the clear plastic ones. I found it horribly unfair and the dentist never gave me a reason why I had to use the metal ones. Not sure if it's because my teeth were more messed up than hers or because maybe my dentist hated me because I was a stupid kid and sometimes didn't listen to instructions.
>>2214577You're lucky. My sister probably wore and stopped putting on her retainers about a year after getting braces removed. Her teeth are not as bad as prior to braces but they've shifted quite a bit and her smile is definitely not straight anymore. She's my constant reminder I have to keep my retainers on. I do sometimes go maybe two days or so not wearing them but the fear of my teeth shifting eventually returns and forces me to keep wearing them.
No. 2214585
>>2214582Second ayrt, I’ve always kinda liked the look of crooked teeth so maybe that’s why I haven’t noticed much of a change.
Surely if you’ve worn them for so long you can go longer than a few days without them? I understand your fears but your sleep and comfort comes paramount kek
No. 2215192
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I hate adults who don't cook for themselves, people with absolutely no knowledge of history, loud indoor speaking voices, constantly quoting memes, people who don't do chores, people who have non-abusive or negligent parents but still complain about them regularly, people who drive in a hazardous manner and think it's quirky, people who constantly self-infantilize as an excuse to never improve, meals with unseasoned meat or unseasoned vegetables (especially if anything is boiled), people who expect others to keep up with top 40 music or whatever music and celebrities are trending, people who don't know how to properly cook rice, people with stinky and or untrained dogs, and people who constantly take photos of acquaintances without consent. I also hate milk.
No. 2215336
>>2214843i know medical advice is like abloo abloo dont touch it muh infection just live in constant pain until it swells up to the size of a grape and explodes but I'm not waiting months to get my pussy ate so I just get rid of that shit. here's how I deal with em:
first you want to prime the area with a hot wet washcloth as often as possible for and day or two, it'll bring the cyst more to a head and thin the skin. next you want to try to extract the cyst with just clean fingers, id trim them to be safe because fingernails get in the way here and they can cut your labia easily while trying to extract it. if you're lucky then you might have it in a spot where you can fold your labia back, you basically want to try to fold your lip backwards to expose the cyst and provide as much passive pressure on the cyst as possible, and then you steadily pinch it until you can see white of the cyst beginning to extrude. if you cant fold your lip backwards, or its in a bad spot, then just popping it classic style with two fingers like a pimple will do but you might have to resort to longer priming with hot water at best, lancing at worst. it wont burst like a pimple at first, so you have to continually extract the thick pus until there is either soft pus or blood, I find picking out what extrudes with tweezers helps immensely with preventing it from clogging entirely and refusing to release any more pus. it might take more pressure than you expect, or you might have to apply pressure for a while before seeing any results. if you can't get anything out, try longer heat treatment beforehand. dont worry if you still feel a lump after, it's difficult to get everything and the swelling of the cyst sack is misleading, so I usually put a tiny hydrocolloid bandage on it after that (it might sting a bit if you have witchhazel and other shit in your hydrocolloids, but it'll prevent if from immediately reclogging and help it drain). replace the bandage often and check the cyst, making sure there isn't any more hard pus left every now and then. no biggie if you need to extract more later, as long as you got the worst of it removed at first. imo the hydrocolloid is essential in ensuring it drains entirely, as well as doing as much heat priming as possible.t. cured two of these fuckers at home when my doctor was worthless. ps be careful what weed lubes you use because I always get one of these when I use THC lube to get my pussy high. so not worth it.
No. 2215393
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I know the farmers will redirect me to the fujo vs anti-fujo thread but so many women have this opinion that it started to annoy me.
Women who get weirded out and get irrationally mad over other women enjoying cartoon gay porn are mentally deranged and anti-feminist. I'm not talking about mentally ill TIFs but normal perverted fujos who mind their own business. I bet these haters are the same women who are crying in the love after porn thread for tolerating their brain rotten nigels for watching teen rape anus prolapse videos with sex trafficking victims but god forbid women enjoy consuming content with 2d pretty men buttfucking each other. Anti-fujos are anti woman, anti femaly sexuality, anti female enjoyment, anti female liberation. Any judgement for the 'problematic' behavior of fujos is genuienly NOTHING compared to what sexual content the average straight man creates and consumes. Normie women will tolerate the grossest and most heinous thing from a man, gay or straight. Normie straight women will consume violent and degrading sexual content but yaoi is apparently drawing the line.
>It's problematic.
>It fetasihzes gay men.
>It is actually straight because the bottom resembles a woman for being too feminine and submissive. Anyways, you are misogyinistic and hate women for not including complex and interesting female characters in my gay porn comic!!
I enjoy reading about complicating and well written female characters but NOT when I'm reading yaoi. I just want to see hot male characters with sexual tension. Yes, sometimes there is some misogyny creeping in but most of the times, the anons just use it as a cover to simply shit on fujos.(fujo vs anti-fujo outside of containment)
No. 2215464
>>2215457i read your post just fine, women not into bl just don't want to see two dudes going at it. at absolute worst they're homophobic. bl is gay porn
>Anti-fujos are anti woman, anti femaly sexuality, anti female enjoyment, anti female liberation.again: bl is gay porn, it isn't a feminist safe space. this is such a dumb thing to think
No. 2215540
>>2215464>I read your post just fineYou may have read but didn't comprehend shit.
>women not into bl just don't want to see two dudes going at it.Then they should mind their own business instead of acting creeped out by fujos while being chill towards their porn addicted nigels.
No. 2215558
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>post great milk
>barley gets any attention because of a retarded in-fight that started soon after.
No. 2216029
File: 1729503804477.gif (422.57 KB, 450x306, 1704752010301.gif)

When anons get retarded and overreact to what age other anons possibly are. Unless you suspect that some anon is an actual minor, who the fuck really cares about what age another person is? Last month some whiny faggot seethed about anons being here when they're over thirty because that's "too old for imageboards". Now some whiny retard bitched that people under the specific age of 26 can't use imageboards because "they'll never truly be autistic" or whatever. Imagine giving this much of a fuck. I don't give a flying fuck if a 90 year old woman is making threads, or if a 19 year old is posting. As long as most anons integrate, who should really give a shit? If you feel yourself seething because they're technically a zoomer or because they're "old enough to be your mom snd they're on LC", you actually do need to go the fuck outside.
No. 2216037
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and while I'm already here, let's add another thing I hate; when an artist has a fine art style but "evolves" it into something objectively more ugly. It's their freedom, but it's almost like a middle finger to the people who liked their art style before it devolved.
No. 2216200
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>>2216181can I add a subtype of those parents and children? The type of child that will only eat food with lots of added sugar. I'm talking tastebuds so fucking nuked and utterly destroyed that they want to put sugar in already sweet cereal. My stepsister is one of the biggest failures I personally know at being a parent and when I see her kids beg to put lots of sugar on EVERY SINGLE MEAL anyone cooks for them, I cannot feel anything other than disgust and fear. They look and sound like fucking addicts, and they're not even teens yet. Disgust that my stepsister has successfully FUCKED her children's sense of taste and food cravings all the way to the seventh layer of hell, and fear that these kids are most definitely going to be obese at the very least when they get older. When I look at them eat, my brain sees future diabetics.
No. 2216438
>>2216183It will turn violent even if you coddle it all the time too. Actually if it's a moidlet you can be the best parent ever and he will turn out to be a violent and stupid man anyway.
>>2216200Yeah I fucking hate that too. These type of kids will grow up to be not only diabetics but they will be unable to eat anything that isn't super duper sweet. My older brother for example needs sugar in fruit salads, on bananas, in yogurt, in teas and milk and he will act like a toddler if a vegetable that isn't a potato lands on his plate. Something similar is when parents cover anything in butter to make normal foods "tastier", to the point that every cooked meal will involve huge amaounts of butter.
No. 2216640
File: 1729532346601.png (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1290x2105, 9526784222674.png)

Overseas shop algorithms. I’m trying to look for snail mucin face masks why the fuck are you showing me this(spoiler your shit)
No. 2217451
File: 1729555779283.webp (28.57 KB, 1200x675, resize.webp)

I hate that ugly inbred guy from YouTube who got a gf and eventually got married and everyone especially scrotes congratulated him and cheered him on.I really hope she doesn't have any kids with that circus freak.
No. 2217463
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>>2217456Ew,I feel bad for the poor kid already.
No. 2217559
>>2217451i hate this too, he probs ignored the ugly girls for her i hope news comes out that he cheated
>>2217456how sadistic
No. 2217794
File: 1729588993219.gif (444.34 KB, 172x175, 1000018568.gif)

The valley girl accent, or whatever the fuck you call that modern, stereotypical tone of dialect for any 20-something white girl or gay moid. I hate it, it makes the person sound like they're too stupid to know what they're talking about even when they do. I'd rather listen to any goddamn British accent than the American one I'm ranting about right now.
No. 2217801
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I hate how whenever I see anything Sonic related, I think about Sonichu. It's not very pleasant
No. 2217934
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>>2217794you mean a vocal fry?
No. 2218234
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No. 2218245
>>2217794>white girl or gay moidNo nonna… straight males have began doing it too
>>2217934No, the accent comes with it. The over pronunciation of every vowel.
No. 2218324
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No. 2220847
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I hate how the tarot readers that come to imageboards to offer free readings to anons act like they are the next coming of Messiah and they are hollier than everyone, tarot readers from twitter/youtube/tumblr/facebook and even whatsapp shady tarot readers aren't unhinged like this and will actually be consistent and diligent in their readings and have patience for the people who asked for readings. Please cure your BPD before considering offering spiritual advice for people. The anons who suck readers dick on /x/ and here in order to get readings from them are also stupid as fuck "I am going to white knight this reader so they read my query I'm such a nice anon!" so annoying.
No. 2220862
File: 1729757650172.jpg (9.8 KB, 290x174, images.jpg)

I hate having the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. Retards put it in everything, and it ruins whatever dish it's in. They can genetically engineer grapes to taste like cotton candy, but they can't come up with a way to fix cilantro? Fucking hell, we'll put humans on Mars before cilantro tastes good for 100% of people.
No. 2221111
>>2220920Same and anytime I voice this people will just tell me I'm a jealous bitter prude bitch or something even though that's not it at all. I'm also in a relationship yet I'd never do shit that makes people around me uncomfortable and it'd be just be embarrassing to show off something so private and intimate in public in the first place. In hs I had these friends who got together and would constantly kiss with tongue and grope each other during recess and even a few times in class and it was just really fucking annoying and gross.
>>2221090I hate this too and it happens to me all the time. Probably because I usually like art of cute anime girls so ofc the artists always end up drawing coomshit of them even if they have cute sfw ones.
No. 2221213
>>2220862Idk how it tastes to me because it smells the exact same as stinkbugs so I would never try it
Are these two things separate or related? Soap smells nothing like stinkbugs
No. 2221573
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Can someone PLEASE for the love of Christ invent a non-stinky vaccuum cleaner??? No matter how often I change the filter, empty the bag, or buy a different vaccuum, I have to deal with the horrible vaccuum stank after using it.
No. 2221578
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>>2221464>palette/palate/palletI just googled this and learned the difference. Thanks nona.
No. 2221600
File: 1729807809275.jpg (73.41 KB, 827x784, 1728563743380197.jpg)

you know when can feel that neediness for sex coming from your moid but he's pussyfooting actually initiating anything so he just lays there kind of breathing down your neck. yeah i fucking hate that and when it goes on for long enough i end up blowing up at him for seemingly no reason for something unrelated
No. 2225130
File: 1729973115353.jpeg (446.61 KB, 2048x1536, EwkR32LVIAQEyoc.jpeg)

I fucking hate male gamers
No. 2225217
>>2225178Me too. It's fucked up that male is always the default.
I went to 4chan recently after many years, made a post, and didn't try to hide the fact that I'm a woman, unlike before, because that's coward shit. I got so disgusted when another woman replied to me calling me a "
fellow femanon" in spoilers. I feel bad for all the women that can't express their opinion freely due to misogyny and being treated like second-class citizens, I know how it feels.
No. 2225652
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Rapid fire post of things I hate:
>Activists in first-world countries
Try shutting your mouth for once. The sound is delightful.
>Men who identify as women
Immediately no. Also, stop smiling at my kid.
>Women who identify as men
Ew. Why? Also, stop glaring at my kid.
>Anyone who identifies as non-binary
Don't ever speak to me. Ever. I don't want to lose my job for accidentally saying "she" because you had your tits hanging halfway out of your dress on casual Friday.
>Men who paint their nails then let it get all crusty
You fuckin' touch me and I'll scream.
>Older women who touch other women's pregnant stomachs/babies without asking
???????? Don't??
>Dog-hating cat-people
Any friends you do have apologise on your behalf after you meet someone new, and yes your house DOES smell like cat piss actually.
I don't understand how you don't believe in the divine when it's a fucking miracle you're able to grow the most impressive pube-beard without possessing a chin.
We get it. Stop. It's way too much.
I'm sorry a strand of my hair was showing. Please don't beat me.
>Literally all of India
At this point you should just reset the country and try again. Which, yes, I do feel bad for saying because it was almost really beautiful for a minute there.
Ugly, queer losers with authority issues.
Ugly, bald losers with mommy issues.
"Eat the rich" like you aren't all fat enough?
Yes, yes, you're a fucking saint. Now please put down that couple's newborn and stop treating it like a hand-puppet, you're late to speak to the old women with a broken leg in the next room in a snarky and sarcastic tone.
You're literally a court jester people watch while eating their food. Settle down.
>"Chronic illness" sufferers
Stop screaming at the autistic child for touching your service dog, you literally dyed it's fur in eye-catching kid-friendly, approachable neon rainbow. "He's working" then have him look like it you annoying fuck?? It's call professionalism.
>Fake service dogs
Sorry ma'am, but your crusty white yapper lunging at the ankles of unsuspecting patrons isn't a service dog and you'll have to leave the restaurant.
No, weed doesn't make you normal, it makes you high, like everyone else, you fucking junky.
>Onlyfans models
Please stop talking about your butthole, people are trying to eat their food… No, don't cry and self-harm, you just don't have to talk about it all the time is all I'm saying!
>Male podcast hosts
A sheep in wolf's clothing? Now I've seen everything.
When you're done with your 6th strike of the month, do you think we could have a quick chat about not permanently fucking up the children in your care? I promise afterwards I'll let you talk about how you don't make enough money.
>Gay people
Why are you so rude? Why is it all the time? Do you ever switch off?
Men used to fight in wars, now you play pretend human sacrifices… Like how little girls play with their LPS and Barbies? Embarrassing.
>People who do a weird/unconventional sport competitively
Why are you ALL like this? Doesn't it get tiring being the absolute worst person you can be all the time?
See above.
>Flying insects
All this space to move around freely and you choose to b-line it to my fucking ear canals and nostrils every time. Take a fucking hint the first time I swat you away.
You know that irritating pick-me elephant in the movie SING? That's you.
>Vivziepop fans
I mean this with utter disrespect, you're the new Homestuck.
>Big food corporations
Why are you putting all this toxic shit in my food? It's literally easier and cheaper not to fuckin' do that.
>Men who do the fake Corpse Husband voice online
Pic related.
>Women who do the fake anime girl voice online
Pic related.
No. 2225681
>>2225652I forgot one, sorry
>The mod who inevitably ends up banning me for this blogpost I'll be back, you hobbyless uggo.
No. 2225743
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>>2225735KEKKK I forgot about peodbear! Now I know what I'm going as for halloween
No. 2225842
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The fact that this is true
No. 2225895
File: 1730021465448.jpg (82.92 KB, 720x327, 1000000054.jpg)

This isn't a call out to the anon wo typed this cause idc about that faggot but I've noticed that actual narcissists and socios love to say this sort of thing in response to backlash from the people they've hurt. It's so interesting to me how shitty people try to push for apathy and nihilism when they're trying to hide something. Like yes, people routinely have emotions and thoughts every day of their lives. Conflating it to narcissism and writing nihilistic manifestos about how we are all ants that don't deserve x or y is unironically a narcissistic thing to do. Everyone is an ant whose opinions, feelings, agency, and persons don't matter… except for yours, of course. But everyone else: get over it, eat the slop, shut your mouth, let people walk all over you, talking about them is a cardinal sin and WEAKNESS. Haha.
No. 2226302
>>2226287Anon if you're a millennial you're forgetting yourself, where do you think zoomers got the porn infrastructure and chronically online slutty blueprints from?
I hate to say it but it's not their fault because they are just doing the same as the generation before them, only now all of them are online instead of only some millennials
No. 2226814
>>2226445As said I wasn't having a row over that anon, but that sentiment in general is always so strange and in earnest you don't really see regular people say things like that because it kind of strips you of humanity. Like okay girl, speak for yourself. Most people are special within their own lives and that's actually perfectly normal to
not view yourself and those around you as ants on an antfarm. Really bleak and miserable way of thinking, contradicting as well.
No. 2227068
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>>2217451males cheer when a dysgenic, navel-gazing self pitying covert narcissist weak beta freak breeds especially with a hot girl thus nuking her genes, but scorn any hot young guys getting attention. Males are literally anti evolution. Thats why we're weaker, have smaller brain sizes, and shittier bones and jaws compared to pre-agriculture humans.
No. 2227155
>>2227068Pull the
trigger piglet
No. 2227378
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>>2221573Vacuums obtain their smell from the shit they vacuum up. A large portion of dust in your home is dead skin and hair you shed. It's not as noticeable when the dust is in your carpet bc it's spread over a larger area, your vacuum condenses it and then heats it up, making it even smellier. You can't get rid of it but if you live in the us you can try buying fragranced powders and sprinkling it down before you vacuum.
No. 2227464
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Fraternity/sorority pics make me uncomfortable, probably because everybody looks copypasted and people there tend to be psychos.
No. 2229693
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>>2227464Speaking of, i hate fraternities. As creepy as sororities are, the sorority house probably smells good and non of them have rape accusations.
Fraternities on the other hand probably smell like sweat, jizz and alcohol. I have never seen so many rapist in one photo.
No. 2229952
File: 1730235257257.jpeg (341.31 KB, 1205x2048, GZGHydNa8AACHhx.jpeg)

stupid rant but I hate men who pretend to suddenly care about women when an "outsider" does something to "their" women. Recently some Pakistani guy I think got arrested for groping a woman in Japan, and of course Japanese moids are acting all high and mighty going on about how oooh death penalty is okayu. Even though they definitely don't care when their own men do it. It's the same on places like LSA, where the few male users pretend to suddenly care about black women when one gets killed by a white moid. or white scrotes on 4chan saying how evil da Jews and blacks are for doing XYZ to white women while then bragging in the next hour about how they just had a 30 hour kiddie porn binge before writing in their manifesto how white women deserve to raped and enslaved
No. 2231552
>>2230567It's come up a couple times before that nonnies who are for some reason mapping out their family planning on here will talk about how they'd just abort a baby if it's autistic and then have another. Idk if it's commonly believed that's a thing but people are planning kids thinking any intellectual issue will be picked up..
Saw rates lately on what percentage of adults on the spectrum are in employment in my country, the whole spectrum in there like 'high functioning' and all so I was surprised at how crazy low the number was. We're slowly moving away from the every life is a miracle and god causes every disability for good reason! bullshit, how suffering in itself is also a blessing etc
No. 2231783
File: 1730323110621.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1504, 1000006596.png)

I hate when people try to 'modernise' classic, traditional, vintage wooden furniture and houses
>How do I make this incredible piece of art to look more contemporary
uhhh YOU DONT?? don't fucking touch it with your landlord devil hands and just go to ikea you stupid fuck
Don't even get me started on the words 'modern farmhouse vibes'
Millennials and Gen X's should have mandatory background checks done before being allowed to purchase white paint. If they are found to have a vintage-to-modern DIY flipping social media account, it should be considered treason and they should be barred from all their local hardware stores
No. 2232962
File: 1730365491343.png (209.82 KB, 753x707, 1702756775224.png)

>female character: exists
>incels think its the funniest shit to spam "wow I have feelings for her"
>literally no discussion whatsoever about anything else
No. 2233250
>>2231420And it's always the women who has the deal the brunt of this nonsense. Some people want kids because humans are family based and people want to expand their family. It makes me sad knowing that these women wanted to expand and have a happy family, but ended up with something that technically shouldn't live past infancy.
You could argue that they could have put hum up for adoption once the autism came up, but its not that easy once they are past being a baby, and they may not have expected him to grow up to be huge and violent because of the "autistc are uwu small beans who are just a little different" psyop.
No. 2233412
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>>2208341removed him in Photoshop for you, nonna.
No. 2233456
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>>2233412nta but you're the best nona
No. 2235004
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I can't think of anything more disgusting than the pedo wiggers from soundcloud that produce shitty music on FL studio, use webcore and old 4chan memes as aesthic and spend all day talking to underage kids on discord. They are posers and try to hard to be edgy and most of them don't even use imageboards other than streaming it for their shitty discord failed normie friends. These types of guys also think suicide is quirky and funny and suicidebait 24/7
No. 2235030
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i fucking hate men. i hate every day having to live as prey. they reek of desperation, they shamelessly beg like cretin lower life forms, then try to rape when it doesn't go their way. we exist on this beautiful paradise and men are the disgusting vermin balancing out the scales, ruining what would otherwise be nirvana, the cross humanity (women) have to bear. if you don't have you wits about you and think smart, you will be assaulted and raped any normal day of the week. if i made the wrong choice yesterday that disgusting fuck would have continued to follow me, down the dark alleyway where he would've taken from me what he so clearly wanted, with force and violence. this is the reality of life for women. every day.
No. 2235848
File: 1730562264620.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.42 KB, 917x1102, 1f7c5-yoshiyuki-iwase-10.jpg)

I hate how all nudity is regarded as sexual or pornographic. I saved a photograph (pic rel) that I saw on a while back that and my friend started questioning me about it. I legitimately liked the shot and do not see it in a sexual way.
No. 2236221
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Something I don’t appreciate is how if you don’t capitalize the first initial of a dogs name you’ll get the red lines but if you don’t capitalize the first initial of God’s name you get nothing?
No. 2236267
File: 1730580981144.jpeg (178.53 KB, 750x876, IMG_4058.jpeg)

I fucking hate AI. Every place that allows it gets spammed to death with it, like google images for example. AI has destroyed google images. Most of it doesn't even look acceptable, its just a fever dream of stuff. I cant search anything without 99% of the images being AI images that barely resembles what i was trying to find. I have to search results before 2022. The internet was already bad with the misinformation but now you have AI running amok and hallucinating bullshit everywhere. It used to be easy to identify but now i really cant unless i heavily scrutinize the image or text. I knew the internet would get worse but this is way worse than i ever anticipated. I was trying to learn was Aspergers is and i saw this on a website i clicked on. Absolutely no shame. Are they not embarrassed posting this shit? Did they even look at it?
>"strengg in intteest"
No. 2236346
File: 1730582575374.jpg (51.34 KB, 740x761, vomit.jpg)

People who do this to houses need to be rounded up and launched into the sun
No. 2236610
>>2236432Some retards in my neighborhood painted their houses black and white like that, which totally clashes with all the other pastel-colored homes in the subdivision. Thankfully, I've yet to see a facade ruined near me the way it was in
>>2236346. I don't understand why people hate siding (especially fish scale siding, which I love!) and cornices so much. I blame Apple for making minimalism and greige popular with the lowest common denominator.
No. 2236632
>>2236221Because "God" has two meanings; the proper noun referring to the Abrahamic God, or the common noun "god" which just refers to any kind of deity. Here are some use cases:
>Christians believe that Christ was God's son.(proper noun^)
>The god Hermanubis is a syncretism of Greek and Egyptian mythological beliefs.(common noun^)
Some spell-checkers can automatically detect these kinds of differences, but most can't.
No. 2236925
>>2236552Honestly I'd fucking die if I got with a guy and found out later he was wearing a wig the whole time. It's like permanent hatfishing, absolute fraudery, they should get permanent hair plugs/transplants instead. (this obviously does not apply to women since it's way more socially acceptable for men to be bald in public)
The real worst case scenario is marrying a guy who goes bald. You can't even be righteously angry like you would if he pretended to have hair.
No. 2237058
>>2237054>wah wah FUCK my parents FUCK my grandma FUCK everythingAnon, this is the things you hate thread. I'm allowed, and encouraged, to post about hating it when people who can't even hear how annoying they sound flap their gums and never stop in this thread specifically. If you do
not want to encounter a post made by someone sharing something they hate, then maybe don't open this thread.
No. 2237090
File: 1730613828934.jpg (31.3 KB, 924x924, uglything.jpg)

I hate small dogs. They're always upset and barking and their owners let them get away with biting and nipping because they're small. Not to mention most small dogs are butt ugly.
No. 2237163
>>2237048>Didn't deny having a bitchy high decible voice.Called it. I bet it pisses you off the deaf can't hear your voice which sounds like the retarded abominable offspring of a crow and minion imitating a pig's squeal.
>Have you considered confronting this person directly?Yes, I'm doing it right now.
No. 2237508
>>2236999i have no reason to lie, i feel the exact same way. my sister was friends with a lot of deaf people growing up for some reason
because she wanted to look like a good person, and every time one of them started talking to me like normal i’d just cringe cause their vocals aren’t developed whatsoever. and their ears always stick out weirdly, considering they can’t hear at all.
No. 2237925
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I hate the way people’s faces look when they drink from a straw. Repulsive.
No. 2238203
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>>2237542 my grandma says "worsh" and she is the best perosn every i genuinely hate you die in hell
No. 2238799
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>>2237090I also think most small dogs are ugly but they're only aggressive because most owners are retards or old people who don't train them and don't treat them like regular dogs. They can be cute and normal with good owners
No. 2240053
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I know some feminists support it, but everything about artificial wombs disturbs me. I can only imagine people born for exploitation by rich, evil scrotes
No. 2240684
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Of course the twitterfags are too lazy to make a new celebricows thread but god do I hate this busted looking slutwalk™ bitch and the amount of shilling she gets on here rivals Beyonce and Kamala
No. 2240751
>>2240718Saying that women's inherent value is to reproduce and that men hate women because they wish they could get pregnant
except for trannies is retarded. Thanks for the laugh though miss woo-woo.
No. 2240802
>>2240751Nowhere did i imply that's our
only value, moreso that women are inherently essential for several reasons including creation, one of the things that we can do that males have been trying to replace or control since ever. Me personally, I think birth would be a cool human feature have not been for males exploiting it, so I don't think it's wrong to assign it the value it has
No. 2240834
>>2240053"It's over for you ladies" what the fuck does he mean? Does he think women actually enjoy being pregnant or something? Does he think that women stress about "muh legacy" the way scrotes do?
Why does he imply that it would make women worthless or something as if we don't work jobs. We have female physicists working on making nuclear fusion a thing whilst this faggot plays around with AI in his basement.
No. 2240840
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>>2240684ayyy fellow mts hater!!! let us rejoice in the fellow hateration!! i cannot stand that bitch kek
No. 2241080
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oz perkins' face, but this photo specifically. uncanny valley as fuck, he resembles a chimp
No. 2241094
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Hate it when non-burgers write up a big spiel in the American thread instead of just watching and not touching. You're ruining a closed terrarium, I just want to read what burgers are doing and not understand a single thing they're saying but liking the general vibe behind it.
No. 2241390
File: 1730843413590.jpg (67.88 KB, 750x543, garlic-presses-stainless-steel…)

>>2241154I bought a garlic press thinking it would solve the problem of lingering smell on hands, but it gives shit results. It just sort of smooshes the garlic and there's garlic juice seeping out and more of a garlic paste then garlic pieces and lots of wasted garlic
2/10 kitchen utensil, I guess it could be useful specifically in recipes that call for garlic paste, otherwise it cannot substitute chopping
No. 2241398
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>>2241338I feel like it's good entertainment. It beats my country's election which is normal politician vs voldemort who wants to cut funding from everything and give his friends government money and set up nuclear power plants and keep mining coal forever. And everyone votes for voldemort in the end.
No. 2241565
File: 1730848137215.jpeg (421.57 KB, 1170x1075, IMG_6346.jpeg)

Black people again love to play the victim card. Also the racism card, because black people cant be racist. ALSO why are they claiming mac and cheese, when it traces back to Italy and medieval England?? Tard.(racebait)
No. 2241575
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>>2241565Both embarassing and wrong
No. 2241636
>>2241580Yes kek so retarded and embarassing because she is so serious
>>2241585> Black people love mac and cheese it's a thanksgiving staple for themKek its origins began in bongland. Maybe bongs should claim it instead
No. 2241730
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No. 2242314
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>>2236416Old post but I had to add as someone who's experiencing female pattern hair loss. Bald moids have no excuse to be bald. Majority of hair loss research is done on males and female pattern hair loss is less researched and less understood compared to it. Moids also don't have to jump through hoops to get prescribed medication, they can just walk into a GP clinic and ask for finasteride. Meanwhile women have to wait for months to see a dermatologist to treat their hairloss or have to continually insist to her doctor to be prescribed anything other than spironolactone because "think of your future children!!!" Moids can also make more drastic recovery like picrel but for women it's a more gradual and slow process regaining back your hair. Dealing with hair loss is definitely not easy for both sexes but more often, moids just do not give a fuck about their appearances.
No. 2242543
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No. 2249384
File: 1731020983955.jpg (386.45 KB, 1280x720, 64647-1.jpg)

Any type of media where all the girls are hot, young, and attractive and all the males are ugly, old, and have weird quirky body shapes/faces. Was just looking into playing a golf game series called Hot Shots and it seemed innocent enough until I looked at the cast. It has cartoony graphics but obviously the female characters are meant to be attractive while all the male ones look like dysgenic freaks.
No. 2249388
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>>2249384Agree with your sentiment but also bro is kinda…
No. 2249402
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This special breed of men
No. 2249469
File: 1731024035780.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.58 KB, 1440x966, biggest-mouth-woman-titleholde…)

This woman with the biggest mouth.warning it's really gross.
No. 2249817
File: 1731036016209.gif (211.74 KB, 300x100, 1000018896.gif)

People who are perpetually offended at the slightest teasing and respond with low blows and "out of pocket" shit. The type of people that will bring up a genuinely sensitive subject they learned about you if you even slightly tease them about the smallest thing. Do I have to break down why these people should be punched in the mouth? They need to calm their egos and learn to take a fucking joke. When they tease other people, it's okay but when it's on them, they lose their minds. I can't tell if it's autism, narcissism, or what but these people should unrionically be belted across the face.
No. 2249827
>>2249384so basically all media then
>>2249302>How could you hate an enemy you don't even recognize?that's the point, it's pretending to be something it's not
No. 2249831
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>>2249402i hated dani because i hate flopew’s obnoxious frown
No. 2249841
>>2249402The moids (especially Mark, he straight up called Dani
abusive for needing emotional support from her boyfriend kek) in that film deserved to die. And their sympathisers too. It's pretty common for moids to think this way. Yet they project saying that women will leave and mock them if they cry, the irony. If you're not going to be there for your girlfriend then what's the fucking point of dating.
No. 2249950
>>2249384I fucking hate it so much, it's fucking everywhere. Once you see it, you can't unsee it
i hope pointing it out to other people every time it happens will kickstart backlash against this shit
No. 2249970
File: 1731042270876.jpg (50.43 KB, 431x454, e869e0cd90a46e7caffa005dc1b12b…)

I hate moids who think they're the ultimate gatekeepers of what music is good. This coworker moid thinks the only music that's good and can ever have meaning is music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. He hates anything past 80s music. Made the mistake of mentioning that I like the song Holiday by Green Day and he gave me the most soulless, autism stare of disapproval. Fuck you, you hyper judgemental faggot. Somehow, I find this worse than people hating genres as a whole but trying to pass it as a "fact" that there can't be anything good about any genre they hate.
No. 2250053
>No Queen? No towers!Ironically the same zoomers getting
triggered over school shooting jokes are the same that like to flex about how unbothered they are by 9/11 jokes
No. 2250209
>>2250082Ayrt and I was referring to the tiktokers who seethe whenever the "evil british" people make school shooting jokes in response to "beans on toast bad" jokes that the other anon was referring to.
I wasnt at all implying "nobody should ever joke about 9/11" or anything. My point is that tiktokers are just massive hypocrits for telling British people they cant make fun of school shootings while these same exact people make fun of other tragedies, and I only mentioned 9/11 in reference to the post I was replying to bringing it up first. I can assure you milking 9/11 is exclusive only to the 65+ crowd and literally no one else unless you consider making jokes about it milking.
No. 2250293
I hate when people post really awful and violent stories with absolutely no indication at the start of the sentence like this awful one
>>2250261 and don't use spoiler tags either
So if you are randomly scrolling on the page you read it before you realise it's from one of those threads
No. 2250348
>>2250293i hate unironic
trigger warnings kek
No. 2252006
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I hate working but I like money but I hate working
No. 2255786
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>>2251562Okay I know that I'm the one that did that little rant about disliking it when people generalize entire genres as "garbage" just because it's not their taste…but I'll never listen to any music made by a tranny. I just won't. I listened to one song by that tranny "Severslvt" or whatever the fuck you call him, and that garbage genuinely sounded like pots and pans. Took me two seconds to connect the dots that he's skinwalking that Japanese teenage girl who was horribly raped and left for dead, and that put him on a mental blacklist for me. Even insulting her by using the name "sewer slut", which actually advanced my disgust to trannies. I think he is disgusting, I hate his music, and I automatically distrust anyone who listens to him. I don't like trannies, and I don't trust anything they make.
No. 2255813
File: 1731339998625.gif (1.39 MB, 201x275, IMG_1308.gif)

>>2255786So fucking mad because I had no idea who Kim Petras was when he first came out and would play Heart to Break on repeat because I’m a pop girlie. Of course the moment he got slightly any attention he went straight into the “bimbo slut” persona and I quickly found out why. If they weren’t such freaks they could have a normal fan base but we know why they troon out in the first place, to be open with their fetish. Why can’t they just be normal reeeeeee
No. 2256516
File: 1731365853532.jpg (224.02 KB, 996x1000, 81jxtfW7GsL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Fake lashes. They're ugly 95% of the time and cheapen most looks.
No. 2257264
>>2257253All the clothes I'm getting for them are like animal onesies from a thrift shop. What's the point of dressing babies like adults and buying everything new? Childhood is exactly the time when you're allowed to look ridiculous and I want to have something to laugh at.
>Keeping them in diapers for THREE. YEARS.Yeah that's why I'm going to try elimination communication and avoid diapers as much as possible. Like what do they think people do in regions where they have no access to diapers? You basically just hold the baby over a pot and let it piss and shit like that, the timing is quite predictable. Plus that way you can get them out of diapers within 18 months, instead of it taking 3 fucking years. In general mothers are encouraged so much to go against nature and make things actually more hard on themselves with a lot of things.
No. 2257402
File: 1731427909405.gif (1.25 MB, 320x240, 1000018966.gif)

I don't know if there's a word for this type of male approach to a conversation: but when a moid decides to suddenly turn his initiated small talk into real life, wannabe philosophical paragraphs about life and responsibility as if he's J. Cole, and when you didn't ask. Are moids just desperate to sound so fucking profound when they do this? I wish it was socially acceptable to explicitly tell moids to shut the fuck up.
No. 2257466
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This freaky ass ad
No. 2258048
File: 1731454699421.gif (57.7 KB, 200x116, i deleted this immediately .gi…)

>>2257922Ugh I always hated the dumbass gifs people would post from the movie, entirely unrelated to the topic of whatever tweet they were replying to
No. 2258069
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Autism. Particularly men with autism. Went to this event at uni today and there’s this guy who I already can tell is autistic. But genuinely facially wise including hair he was about a 8
7/10. And if he wasn’t autistic so implemented a skincare regime he could be bumped to an 8. Half peruvian too so he had a lovely complexion and hair colour to him. But when he spoke god it was so intensely autistic it was unavoidable. God had cursed him
No. 2258120
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>>2258094Nah, it's rebranded Chinese philosophy, lots of hippies ime get into it to open their mind and seek inner balance yada yada but end up looping back around to being misogynistic and hateful
No. 2258241
File: 1731462064613.png (452.29 KB, 842x505, 1709939357631.png)

What is wrong with people and their fucked up views about aging? She has flawless skin and zero wrinkles, this is just a random post but it's everywhere online. I'm so fed up with society's obsession with beauty and youth anyway, I wish more women would just not give a fuck and prioritize comfort over everything else
No. 2258342
File: 1731465905828.jpeg (779.81 KB, 1170x1275, IMG_2013.jpeg)

If I hear this song on the work radio one more time I'm going to go full Pearl
No. 2258369
>>2258213I don't have anything against Valerie Solanas
nonnie I said
Lena Dunham as Valerie Solanas pissed me the fuck off No. 2259477
File: 1731538547445.jpg (50.16 KB, 612x421, istockphoto-93201739-612x612.j…)

working in an office, specifically because they always have the AC blasting and it's SO FUKING COLD
in the summer I go on walks during my breaks to defrost but in the winter I just suffer
No. 2259529
>>2259271Kek I think that's one of the most irritating tropes to exist and it's fucking everywhere now, hell world. I live in a dystopian injust hellhole, let me have my happy fictional endings where the good guys eradicate evil with a really big axe.
To make it worse, there are stories that try to explore what happens if the good guys kill. They're terrible stories, more wooden than a forest, literally no direction in the story other than hammering at the same point of killing bad, and atrocious writing and characters too. The point of those stories is 'maybe you think that the killing was justified, but I and my comment section agree that it's just not poggers enough, so the rapist is a good guy sowwy'.
I'd love for a character, especially a female character, to be able to shoot some escaped criminal through the head and be lauded for ridding the world of a junkie piece of shit rapist… but it's never that simple because the dood was just a childhood cancer survivor trying to keep his orphaned street kid gang alive, abloooblooo. Fuck that. Villains like that don't exist IRL, if they did they'd be insane and an even bigger danger to everyone around them. There was a nonna in the gender critical thread who said that she grew up brainwashed by the tranny cult to think that creepy men being inappropriate was normal because it could be a trans woman exploring her ladyhood, and she finds it hard to leave potentially dangerous IRL interactions because of it. The 'killing always bad Batman right' crowd remind me of that, pure brainwashing. Putting a bullet through any serial killer's head would have done more net good to the world than any amount of lessons on friendship and kindness.
No. 2260143
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I think boomers should be classified as mentally handicapped
No. 2260602
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This bitches face
No. 2260624
>>2259706A massively overweight couple I used to work with were indignant that their 6 year old son wanted healthy food instead of the same processed snacks, they acted like he was demanding a new Switch instead of asking for an apple instead of crisps every so often.
I know that a lot of kids have issues with eating and it's better to get them to eat literally anything than have them starve, but we all know that's not the case with 99.9999% of these fuckers. It's not even that expensive, you can get a pack of oranges, pears, apples or grapes for the same price as a multipack of crisps, and they last about the same amount of lunches. Their kids are too fat to bend their arms all the way and can't breathe because their necks are constricting their airways and the parents go 'Aww, that's sad, have an entire pack of chocolate biscuits and maybe you'll feel better.' Honestly fuck those people.
No. 2261055
>>2259477I wish my office looked like that so I could feel a bit separated from my coworkers. Instead we're like a dozen of people on the phone all the time in the same room, with several of them straight up screaming anytime they open their mouth. I even got very sick for over a month because the girl who won't stop sitting in front of me just kept coughing on me. The kitchen is too small for everyone because we share our floor with other teams so we almost all eat in front of our computers and everyone's trying to talk to me when I'm eating or trying to do other things too just because they can see my face, it's pissing me off. Right now we're supposed to have the heater on in our office but it doesn't work, we have no clue when it will be repaired yet, but my manager is still forcing us to come to the office despite knowing that.
>it's SO FUKING COLD in the summer I go on walks during my breaks to defrostSometimes it gets so cold in my office I fall asleep without even noticing in front of my computer and wake up like 5 or 10 minutes later because the fat fucks at my office are too hot even when wearing tshirts and with the AC turned on.
No. 2261207
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I hate 4chan. I hate moids
No. 2261302
File: 1731636901841.jpg (39.57 KB, 283x290, 1000019011.jpg)

>things you hate
Parents that are always fucking late to pick up their kids. Always making their kids the last person in the whole classroom and maybe even school to be picked up. Not much is a more creative, parental "fuck you" than making your child late to get to their own fucking house. How does school generally end at 3pm, yet it's either sunset or twilight and your kid is still at school waiting for you to pick them up? Late people are obnoxious, late parents are despicable.
No. 2262379
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I fucking hate male nurses, they're the most insufferable type I had to deal with
No. 2262533
File: 1731726055708.jpeg (11.54 KB, 217x300, 1684304654552.jpeg)

I hate saving random pictures in my puter and then forgetting why like what is picrel doing here.
No. 2265606
victim blaming then? This is so messed up, I need to know what's the thought process of whoever wants to make this legal.
No. 2265709
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When people say the most unfunny shit that you don't even realize is supposed to be a joke, and they throw their heads back to laugh their asses off while you have to force a smile just to not be "awkward".
No. 2265873
File: 1731947408212.jpg (64.44 KB, 532x666, 1000085777.jpg)

I seriously can't stand teaching at schools. But what I hate the most is the people going
>uwu you hab do keep going!!
>you can't just quit! That's lame!
>u iust hab to be patient!!
>just have some character!!!
>don't let them take over the class!!!
Like bitch, do you know what is it like? Do you? Because anyone who says shit like that doesn't know what it fucking is like to teach crotch goblins like these, specially because they're like 16 years old fuckfaces, God I fucking hate all of them so much.
I can't wait to quit from this shit and never put a foot in a fucking school, and I hope I never talk to anyone who defends the fucking monsters because it's just wanting to be a contrarian for the sake of having a fucking argument as if anyone fucking gave a tiny single little fuck about their retarded opinions.
I'm just sick of people always trying to tell me that I'm wrong about how I feel about something and who are always like
>uwu but they're children!!!!!
I was a fucking child too and I wasn't a little bitch like these fucking retards.
I want to fucking die.
No. 2265942
>>2265873I find it fucking unbelievable how horrible most children are these days. Im always amazed at my niece's manners and how she cleans up her messes when i tell her too. And how she does it with enthusiasm. I always thought children were naturally demonic but no.
As long as you discourage bad behavior as soon as it shows, and reward good behavior or just be a good example, children can actually be fun to be around. I cant speak for scrotelets though.
I really dont see why most parents find it so hard these days to raise their children to be good people.
No. 2266014
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No disrespect to Chloe, but I hate this face that women make. Close your damn mouth, you look retarded
No. 2266028
>>2265880I really want to do that, funnily enough I do enjoy teaching kids individually or in really really small groups, but the moment there's more than 10 children I want to kill myself.
>>2265942>>2265967I seriously don't even know how they manage to create such awful creatures, it's the worst.
No. 2266717
>>2265606Ayrt, it's just to prevent all CSEM for some greater good in theory but they never think about
victims. This makes me want to work in legal advocacy around this topic in the future because god, someone has to do it.
No. 2267590
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Okay I think I already mentioned hating it when artists abruptly change their art style into something ugly, but I also hate it when they just delete things. Do they understand that maybe some of their watchers like to come back on their accounts to lurk and keep ogling some of their pieces? What makes them randomly delete random and good pictures? Like come on, if you don't like your old artwork, at least make a "dump" account where you can dump your old art on it.
No. 2268194
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Fuck I'm so sick of retarded giant cars. I swear they get bigger every day. If you drive a small car, you're totally fucked on the road because you can't see anything, and if you get into an accident, good fucking luck because your car doesn't stand a chance. Big car truthers are always bragging about how safe their cars are, but they're the ones making the road unsafe for pedestrians and other drivers. And that's not to mention all the urban congestion. Parking lots keep needing to be repainted where I live because these cars do not fit in the spaces anymore. And even when they're repainted, it's still a pain in the ass to get in and out of your car because there's no space to open the door when you're packed like sardines. And the more people have giant cars, the more people want them just to level the playing field. And the kicker is that no one even needs all that space. What the fuck do you need an 18ft car that weighs 6000lbs for? So you can drive it to fucking Publix? Because that's the usecase for 99% of these people, just normal city driving with 1-4 passengers max. Hardly something that requires a car as big as a fucking U-Haul. These cars are worse for the environment, they make the road less safe and more expensive to maintain, they're ugly, and they're totally unnecessary to boot. I have a bottomless reservoir of seethe for these stupid ass cars.
No. 2268212
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>>2268198At least in the US, it wouldn't shock me at all.
Source: No. 2268326
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No. 2268999
>>2268798but kek or lol means-made me amused
hahahahaah means made me or kind of scoff breathe really hard out of my nose
No. 2269060
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>>2268194Third time posting this because I'm a retard, but the blind spots on those bigass cars just seem so stupid. For context, the kid in the orange shirt shows how far away he has to be to be
sort of visible to the driver.
No. 2270103
>>2270057oh god yes, dropping these huge statements after talking to someone just a few times is such a gross manipulation tactic
Had some newly met woman try to butter me up saying things like "wow I'm so happy we get along so well despite being both women" which already raised red flags but after that I soon found out why she doesn't get along with them lol
No. 2270115
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People's idea of 4chan, it's always either
1.spooky dark web hacker forum
2.le funny shitposting epic green text website vigilantes who save cats and probably a bunch of references from 2009
It takes only a day of reading to find its just sad rejects babbling about their special interest in either women kids minorities or porn
No. 2270158
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>>2270154cute if you know how to take care of them
>>2270155sure some are pretty in the nature like butterflies or ladybugs, not fucking milipides that look they are straight from hell
No. 2270161
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>>2270158i dont care if they're ugly or creepy, they are still cool to me
No. 2270162
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>>2270157>you are weirdyou sound offended at me because you disagree with me. Also yes they fucking do there are many centipide owners on instagram and this one got over 100k likes
>>2270159his little eyes are cute i guess
>>2270161why do you people want to take care of those? please explain to me
No. 2270172
>>2270166not everyone cares to pet and play fetch with their pets. do you think it's also stupid to have fish? bugs are cute and a lot of them have fun little behaviors to watch. jumping spiders for instance are really active and seem to interact with people, and some insects are social and like to interact with each other
>>2270170grow up tbh
No. 2270175
>>2270172>bugs are cuteto you and everyone else born without the natural primal fear of them, yeah
I hate bugs and the individuals who like them are possibly even worse because they, like you, think they're so quirky and nonchalant about it. You're strange, in a bad way.
No. 2270193
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>>2270191i think it is weird to say that most people hate and are scared of bugs when so many baby and child-focused toys and activities are about bugs. because bugs are cute. i think you should chill
No. 2270199
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>>2270191hating bugs is one thing because most of them look scary but hating fish is weird as fuck they look adorable and babish (except the abyss ones that look monster-like)
No. 2270210
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>>227020Just because I vehemently hate fish and bugs doesn't mean I only exclusively like dogs or cats. I'm quite fond of hedgehogs
No. 2270218
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>>2270202ok I understand you hate fish but evolutionary wanting to cook colorfull fish like that one and this one and many others is weird, our ancestors would find these dangerous and not eat them. So like wanting to eat sardines is very different than wanting to eat golden fishies, some fish are meant to be eaten by humans but not these ones nonna…
No. 2270298
>>2268798LMFAOOOOO does it for me
As long as it's not the laughing crying emoji spam like Facebook boomers, I'll take it
No. 2270353
it's literally always been like this. women would have full beatdowns in 2010 on tumblr about stuff like that, and then even before that on sites like livejournal and xanga. genuinely don't know why it bothers you or why you even care. there's always going to be people that maladaptive daydream.
No. 2270416
>>2270353Yeah but you can daydream, be invested in your paper dolls without being enraged like this. LC is more open and less curated than a Tumblr feed. I can't count the times they've inserted their obsession in completely unrelated discussions. Another thing is how they try to tie their womanchild spats with debates about male gaze or female sexuality, anything to browbeat other women and make it seem like their Bluey-tier disucussions are deep
>>2270372>>2270350Exactly. I'm tired of seeing them having a meltdown about fujocoomers or yumecucks or himecoomers on every corner of the site. If someone brings up art or any medium there's a 70% chance you'll see a retard immediately jump to '[type of female nerd] BAD!!!'. I don't know how they end up like this, there are enough people into autistic/childish hobbies who aren't this developmentally delayed on every level
No. 2270427
>>2270353>would have full beatdowns in 2010 on tumblr>tumblrThere's the problem. It's not native to image board culture. Fujos both here and back on 4chan before LC, used to be chill as fuck. You wouldn't even realise that 4chan had a yaoi board. It was yurifags that were seen as shit flinging retards that would have months long arguments across multiple boards about if a series was yuri or not.
Up until recently on LC neither side was a problem because they kept discussion in it's dedicated threads. Now any mention of someone not liking a yaoi/yuri/series/whatever results in a full on tard rage meltdown. How did anons become so mentally fragile over such a short period of time?
No. 2271689
>>2271124I was neutral about her because I genuinely never heard any of her songs at the time, and I found her asian-esque looks with blue eyes very charming. Until anons posted about her Pagan Poetry song and music video….ew wtf. The fact she sewed pearls into her skin, filmed herself having sex with some moid and censored it to use it as an MV, and made an entire song about how much she loves her Nigel and wants to marry him, only for him to cheat on her is so pathetic. It's not her fault ofcourse but going this far for anyone is lame mentally unstable loser behavior. No one is worth any of this effort, like, have some self-respect, Jesus. Oh, and she can't sing, her voice is very damaged, I'm guessing she smoked and did drugs or something? The sound of her music is also boring and basic and not as experimental or weird as people praise it to be. If it actually was, she'd be underground instead, but to me, she seems very popular, which proves to me that her music appeals to the common denominator.
No. 2271869
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Isn't this a pornstar? Why is she getting her own figure that includes a baby, Does anyone else not find that creepy?
No. 2272018
>>2271871Now those same defects will have access to her child in figure form. Just what the fuck.
No. 2272343
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Vinted/Depop users complaining about reused packaging. It is retarded to complain that your £1.50 shirt came wrapped in a plastic bag (without any damage, mind you.), it makes no sense to spend extra money to purchase wasteful shipping bags if the item is adequately packaged. I really don't believe these people should be using a second-hand platform, perhaps PrettyLittleThing or ASOS would be better.
No. 2272354
>>2272240Here's a basic rundown, spoilered so if you don't want to know, you can avoid it:
basically, he's a pedo and autopedo agp troon into role playing as a school aged child in school uniform, and especially one who died from asphyxiation/drowning, hence the pale makeup, big lips, red lips, buck teeth etc. He also has a boots fetish, and he makes really weird nauseating bright colored edits of real children pictures where he "yassifies" them for his bizarre niche fetishes. He roleplays as multiple kid personas he made. He's known around his area and some people claim he was like this since he was a child himself and might have a mental disability. He filmed himself recently chasing after real kids and that got him reported to the police, which kickstarted people discussing him and wanting him punished. He was let off though because the judge ruled he's too retarded and genuinely thinks he's a child and all the kids around him are his peers, and so can't be trialed, but I doubt it. He larped as an anti-pedo mom before all of this, so he understands what he's doing is wrong. He also enters classrooms/schools and playgrounds to be close to children and it's so creepy. He's too dangerous to be free. No. 2272416
>>2272354I didn't know his persona was meant to be an
asphyxiated kid specifically that's so fucking creepy. How does he keep getting access to these schools??
No. 2272424
>>2272410He does have a house and iirc lives alone. But I don't remember anything being mentioned about his job status or how he makes money. There used to be a subreddit about him but ofcourse, it got banned. But tbf, they doxxed him and got his real name and other details in attempts to report him to the police I think, and that could be why the subreddit was banned.
>>2272416I was wondering the same. Maybe it's a britbong thing. My theory is because everyone in his town knows him, they take pity on him and let him roam freely so he doesn't get violent or something?
No. 2272587
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I hate that the sexy anime boy design contest thread devolved into retards trying to be funny, it's so tryhard and painfully unfunny. It's also the same ''lol yaoi hands dorito chin big annemay eyes loololol'' shit that we have seen a million times already, there is even an anime making fun of that that was released in fucking 2016. Like shit, if you are going to make a funny entry at least do something more original.
No. 2272771
>>2272062Teenagers are more self-absorbed than ever, they think that everyone and everything revolves around them.
>>2272066Not true, I've seen people use it in serious discussions.
No. 2272932
>>2272587I hate it too. Really sad how a creative idea for a thread for anons to participate devolved in such fashion. Makes me want to contribute just to make it less shitty. Reminds me of an anime convention contest I participated in where more than half the people were making meme-tier entries, knowing the judges were people associated with the series(voice actors, etc) and were gonna look at each work. Fucking shame and since it was a likes contest, the most voted were these joke entries since they got their friends to vote for them. Thank God the staff didn't let get away with that stupidity.
>inb4 you're taking it too seriouslyI don't care, I love the LC anons who draw and create, no matter their skill level or if I may not like all their ideas/themes.
No. 2272947
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How dare you save and post her in that hellhole.
No. 2272951
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>>2271689ugh the video itself is already bad enough but learning about what was specifically going on made me nauseous
No. 2273013
>>2200777This was something that always got me into fights on social media because people would get so fucking arrogant and would completely lie to try to beat tard Americans in an argument. I kept seeing a woman say her country's buildings would survive a tornado bc she claimed she experienced an f3 tornado and "my house didn't budge". Meanwhile you can find videos online of tornados crumpling steel beams like paper.
I recently had an experience with a tornado this year, and the actual tornado didn't hit where we live but just the high speed winds ripped massive trees out of the ground. I'm not saying that American houses aren't built shit today but they definitely aren't shit just bc they're wood framed. Also argued with a German man who was insistent that wood wasn't flexible and residential homes should use steel like commercial buildings if people want to live in earthquake prone areas. Like please shut the fuck up and stop trying to be "right" in things you know nothing about.
No. 2273236
>>2273220I tried doing that many many times. Even my cats who have much quicker reflexes than me failed to catch it. It also survived being sprayed directly with bug spray a couple of times.
I am not match for this creature, even with the help of sidekicks and technology
I am defeated by a mere fly
My homebase has been occupied and taken over
Nothing left but to pack my bags, accept defeat, and move on
No. 2273330
>>2273316>kittens hiding under tiresThis is how I adopted my new kitten
I've never ever seen or heard about a kitten hurt or killed on a parking lot. But I know a lot of stories like mine where someone found their new cat under a car.
I don't want to ease your anxiety and sadness because those made me adopt my cat. But just know that things are as they're supposed to be.
No. 2273603
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>the rock
Not enough words can be used to describe how much I loathe this roidpig and every garbage he shits out from Hollywood. Every movie he makes always have the same hollywood scrote formula for comedy. How can so many people think these movies are entertaining every time he shits them out? People liking this samoan roidpig is like the appeal of sports, to me. Not enough societal shilling will ever make me get it.
No. 2273636
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At first I thought it was a progression through 4 different ages and I thought it was cute and fun and then I realized top and bottom are the same age but bottom is if "things went wrong", fuck you Oda
No. 2273649
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>>2200772I hate hate hate hate hate love. I hate sentimentality. Because it reminds me of moids. Their desperate need to manipulate you into being their perpetual fucking
Whenever I hear scrotes or other people vomit prolove sentiment it makes me want to throw up. I just hear this moid need to attach yourself to a woman and suck the life out of them, in a one-sided relationship. "Love" is the biggest con in the history of the world. Men are nothing but parasites that use "love" and "family" to destroy your existence as a woman. Reproduction is nothing but a lifelong slavery and hell. Just the THOUGHT of a moid's REAL attraction to me makes me want to throw up. (No I'm not a lesbian)
Someday people will stfu about it for good, because they'll all come to realize simply enjoying yourself in peace and solitude away from family and other human plagues, will make life infinitely more peaceful uncomplicated and enjoyable. Obligatory men are filth.
And no i really dont care if there are supposedly nice men they only want one thing and i want to stay the hell away.
No. 2273774
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I hate the fact that nobody actually knows that the fuck a radfem even is. Picrel is what rightoids and moids think they are, meanwhile libtards think they're all worse than nazis
No. 2273812
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ive seen so many retards use the word "based" that i automatically corelate it with a retarded take whenever i see it even here,i fucking hate that word now
No. 2273933
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>>2273812>>2273892Aren't you just seething at a woman-hates-love post scrotoid
(scrotefoiling) No. 2273943
>>2273933I have never seethed
nonnie I am pure of heart
No. 2274527
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That way this smells and also, granted I could be using too much, how it feels on my skin. Ugh.
No. 2275519
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>>2274996Pardon my shitty screenshot job (I didn't feel like hunting down a jpg) but the naturium bha liquid is a GREAT dupe and it sinks into the skin way nicer than the Paula's choice one. PC always felt like it sat on top of my skin for literal ages.
I have used the PC version for literal years until I switched to adapalene gel, I use the naturium version for my nose and chest/shoulders. I 100% prefer naturium. No. 2276419
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>>2276417I hate weirdos that blame everything on americans it's more likely an esl made that error