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No. 2258499
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters> Debates over death of the author> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creatorsRelated threads:
Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:
>>1978406Fujocoomer cringe:
>>2220128 No. 2258513>>2258521>>2258528
>>2258454>You know nona that you have to be attracted to real, made of flesh and blood, minors to be a pedo, right? ntayrt but what about men into lolis?
>It's like thinking that fujoshis are actually vouyerists who will enjoy watch two real 3d human fags fuck.tbh the slash shippers and real person shippers are like this though, especially extreme ones like Larries
(derailing) No. 2258528>>2258534>>2258536
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>>2258513men into lolis are attracted to irl little girls what dont you get, men cannot differentiate reality from fiction and it has been proven numerous times.
No. 2258543>>2258546
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>>2258538Because schizos are literally unwell, of course they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between fiction and reality
No. 2258545>>2258590>>2262809
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so can we all unanimously agree that whether or not lolicon and shotafag actually matters boils down to how the individual handles "proship" tier content? It's either, "it's just fiction", or "fiction can be taken too seriously by schizos and can lead to consequences IRL, therefore it's bad". That's it. Until someone busts out statistics, it's all a matter of personal taste and opinion.
No. 2258573>>2258617
>>2258554and me calling you a pedophile are just words wonder why so many of you get
triggered by it..
No. 2258608>>2258620
Fandom becomes a different experience once you realise how much of it is cliques for adult women who never got to be part of "The Clique" in middle school.
>>2258572Projection is a significant part of it imo, for most of them it's the closest they'll get to a real gay relationship to pair their 2D husbando with whatever uke they want to imagine themselves as.
No. 2258620>>2258630>>2258650>>2258695>>2259371
>>2258608Fandom are no longer about enjoying the original material but more about using the material to boost your own ego and parasite off of other's material.
People nowadays choose what series they're going to make fanfiction and fanart based off on popularity and sex appeal rather than genuine interest. They creat entire identities around franchises they don't even really like because they get to be a big fish in a small pond.
No. 2258630
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>>2258620I want off this fucking ride. Watching retards making fun of people having genuine interests and destroy the community is so blackpilling.
No. 2258708>>2258713>>2285332
>>2258645A big part of the revival was young female fans discovering the series through HLVRAI, an improv/satire/roleplay stream of HL1. This understandably annoyed a lot of the original fans because the Half-Life groups/tags were suddenly flooded with content for something that completely changed the plot/characters.
The strangest part is how this stream garnered such a serious fandom. You see a bunch of fujoshis trying to turn goofy, nonsensical meme videos into a tragic, deep romance when the dark themes of the original story would work better for their fan works. Some of the HLVRAI fans did later get into the actual game, so it was good for bringing more women into the male-dominated HL fandom.
>a lot of them are dudes and you don't normally see them participating in shipping but they show up for Gordon/AlyxMy speculation is that men get into shipping when they can self-insert onto the male protag and pair him with the female character they find attractive. I’ve also seen this in the BNHA fandom, where a lot of male fans rabidly ship Deku/Uraraka and despise the BakuDeku fujos. So seeing these ships become canon = getting the girl for themselves (the male protags they see as themselves).
>the characters never getting together because time travel shit would turn the love interest into a freaking baby>It's such a doomed pairingWhy? Before the timeskip this was the case, but now they’re close enough in age to be together. Or are you talking about
HLA time travel shenanigans?
No. 2258713>>2258735
>>2258708I think video games present an easier way for a lot of guys to care about the characters. Alyx fights alongside you/Gordon so it's like you're doing things with her. I have noticed the same with some other video game series that have female npc companions like Mass Effect or Prince of Persia. Mass Effect fits your theory very well because players are invited to control Shepard's reactions and dialogs (they become 'you'). Prince of Persia doesn't fit because The Prince has fairly strong characterization. I mostly agree with you though.
>irt baby AlyxOne of the writers released a rough plan for the next Half Life game (Epistle 3) and it was concluded that the Combine were too powerful to stop so the only way to save Earth was to stop Earth from ever being discovered in the first place. But if that means that Gordon would be sent back in time to prevent the Resonance Cascade then the events of the games would never happen. Alyx would be alive and safe, but she'd still be just a small child with no memory of him. This isn't expressly stated in Epistle 3 it's just the only outcome when you decide that they need to stop the Resonance Cascade. Epistle 3 was of dubious canon and has since been retconned by Half Life Alyx but if the next game revisits those ideas it's possible the pairing still doesn't get a nice outcome.
I'm gonna go look for HLVRAI, I haven't seen it yet though I have heard of it. They ship him with Barney right? I hope they do give the actual series a shot, you're right it would fit their fan work better but I wonder how they would react to Alyx?
No. 2258723>>2258739>>2258917>>2260785
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I hate the woobification of criminals in fandom spaces, I understand it doesn't matter in a fictional context, but it becomes so preformative. The worst is when they hate the police and praise criminal groups, it just shows that they don't know what lawfulness is
what's funny is that the people who are literally the first to collaborate with fascists are usually criminals
No. 2258735>>2259184
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>>2258713Huh, I read Epistle 3 a while ago but never thought all that through. Thanks for explaining!
Though didn’t it end with Alyx being taken by the G-Man and Gordon being sidelined and forgotten?
>I'm gonna go look for HLVRAIEnjoy. The humor is pretty cringey and the streamers behind it are annoying (and at least one of them is a TIM), but it’s an entertaining thing to watch if you’re bored. They’re planning to make a sequel with HL2 this or next year
and I hate that I’m looking forward to it, kek.
>They ship him with Barney right?They ship him with Benrey, a bastardized clone of Barney on crack. Some people ship him with Barney in the original game too.
>I wonder how they would react to AlyxApparently some of them thought Gordon/Alyx was a
problematic/pedophilic ship since Gordon, being friends with Eli, would hypothetically have known Alyx when she was a child before the timeskip. I wasn’t into Half-Life back in 2020 (new zoomer fan kek), so I don’t know how widespread this view was.
No. 2258882>>2258933>>2258982>>2259143
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How do you deal with idiots accusing you of things like "queerphobia" for really mundane fanmade content? I'm talking sfw cute art and OCs. I'm such a sperg and I know people are just jealous and want to be spoonfed their precious uglified qweer content instead of things women like but it's it's still really bothering me.
No. 2258993>>2259035
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>>2258536>>2258537>yuripedo>oneeloliThe only thing I've picked up from reading through the recent shota wars is that there's a bunch of factions that are all hating eachother but are ultimately united by their shared love of anime that looks like kids. You are all icecream just different flavours. What the fuck are these words?
No. 2259161
>>2259143I have a female fan character and doodle self indulgent mary sue tier stuff where I put her with whatever male characters I like. I ship some m/m stuff too but don't really draw it. I'll be the first to admit I'm cringe but I don't like the accusations. I'm literally just a nobody and I don't know why some people are so upset.
>>2258933 has the right idea.
No. 2259165>>2259184
>>2259061People on tumblr already call gordon/alyx
problematic and pedo
Ship discourse about half life games is very strange to me
No. 2259184>>2259211>>2260171
>>2258735I thought Epistle 3 wasn't supposed to be the end of the story just the end of the next game. But if the characters thought they needed to stop the Resonance Cascade from ever happening you still end up with Gordon and Alyx unable to never be together.
>>2259061>>2259165There have always been people who thought Gordon and Alyx was weird but it comes down to whether or not Gordon had ever met Alyx as a child and if so how well he knew her. We don't have any any indication he'd ever met her before the Resonance Cascade. Eli also gave his blessing so that kind of helps (though it seems to reinforce the pairing being weird for other people). I don't remember these complaints going past grumbles and eyebrow raises though, at least not with OG fans. Like people would say it was weird, accept it was weird and moved on and didn't make a big stink about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if this became more of an issue with younger fans though because they are more sensitive. And if people are coming to the original story from HLVRAI they might be biased, fujoshi can be prone to throwing female characters under the bus in favor of their ships. They'll say Gordon/Alyx is weird and that she needs to be liberated from the pairing to girlboss. In the hypothetical case of the characters being genderbent I think there would be more subconscious sexism at play because people might more strongly assume that Gordana should feel maternal towards Alyx.
No. 2259208>>2261013
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>>2258705hoyoslop fans are in an entirely different world, I cant imagine how hard it is to mischaracterize a game so easily digestible and simplified yet they still manage to bastardize the character into shitty ooc coomer tropes like HOW? theres hardly any character to "mischaracterize" in the first place??
Honestly I'd rather the tiktok zoomers stay in their containment zone that is hoyoverse slop rather than have them shit up other games with their media illiteracy and shitty trope-ification of characters (e.g. mouthwashing, silent hill 2 remake)
No. 2259211>>2260171

>>2259061>>2259184I never cared too much about this pairing but I do feel like I should defend it a little in this case; Alyx is 24 to his 27 and an age gap of 3 years isn't bad at all. Gordon also never actively reciprocates. The pairing to a large extent depends on the player's interpretation and preferences so if you'd rather believe that Alyx has a crush that Gordon is respectfully declining to encourage that's
valid too. Overall I think it's an interesting example of how mute protagonists can actually be a benefit to a story. Without overt characterization the writers are able to avoid things getting too weird or cringe, players fill in the blanks. I think the fan content is funny (and still a bit cringe) but overall not too bad, some of it is kinda cute.
Something similar happened with Portal, Chell is mute but fandom has developed characterization for her despite that. I buy her grit and tenacity but IMO from what I've seen of the Portal fandom I like their output less. Wheatley feels like such a dated character to me, he's absolutely of that era and not enough time has passed for me to be nostalgic. So much of the remaining Portal fandom is fixated on Wheatley and I just can't get into this whole thing where people try to make Wheatley an attractive twink. IMO Portal doesn't lend itself well to this sort of fandom at all.
No. 2259735
>>2259580Honestly, I respect genuine genshinfags that admit to spending in the gacha for the characters they like and are genuine enough to say "I like this arc, I like this storyline" more than ironic fags that act like being in it for the coom and their own headcanons is the only way to like something so "intellectually beneath" them like a
No. 2260171>>2260195
>>2259211>>2259184>fujoshi can be prone to throwing female characters under the bus in favor of their ships.Real. I don't like gordon/alyx but it pisses me off when people say shit like "gordon and barney are alyx's uncles/fathers/older brothers". They find a moral reason to dislike the ship, they are like family and that's why it's problematique and gross. They get her out of the way of the yaoi not by villainizing her, but by making her into a stupid child. It's like they are trying to virtue signal that they disapprove of the ship. They don't even care about her, they just post about her once a year to say "wow i love alyx such girlboss she's so silly". Alyx is a grown woman with an actual father and actual uncle. It's ok to dislike the ship but can't alyx just be friends with gordon and barney?
Anyway, i'm excited for the upcoming hl2 anniversary update. Wonder what valve has been cooking for it. And the news about hlx are very intriguing. Feels like half-life is back
No. 2260184
>>2259761I don't understand how can you be a fan of something if you don't actually watch/play/read it.
It's weirdly common in comics fandom, especially with batman. People literally write fanfiction based on fanfiction. They say that comics are hard to get into but they somehow read confusing 300k word fanfics about characters they don't know. They act like all comics are stupid and badly written
which they are without actually reading them. They say that comics don't have a canon or continuity so it doesn't matter if something they write is wrong or out of character. They say they love batman/batfamily yet they don't read batman comics, don't watch batman movies/series/cartoons, don't play batman games, they don't like anything about batman except their fanon uwu version of batman characters and act like their interpretation is morally superior to canon
No. 2260195>>2260254
>>2260171Pretty disappointing because she's a cool character. I get when fujos dislike badly written female characters but it always seems a shame when they ignore good female characters. I think it might be a symptom of age or how fandom has changed because I think it's weird to be into non-romance media primarily due to ships and I think that's the appeal for a lot of people now whereas before being a fan of something meant being a fan of all of it, or most of it at least. She's such a huge part of it and is as much of a mascot for the series as Gordon and they don't genuinely care about her? Sad.
And yes it's a good time to be a fan seems like stuff is actually happening irt HL3 and if not well there's a bunch of interesting looking mods and fan games that are being released.
No. 2260290>>2260616
>>2260254I can't think of a good reason to dislike the character. Her partner AI is still top notch, she never gets in the way when playing. As a character she is useful and resourceful. I could plausibly see someone preferring Gordon being a lone wolf, her inclusion cuts the solitude and tension (
valid I guess) and reduces the power fantasy feel (possibly sexist).
I don't think fujoshi hate her they just don't care about her for the same reason any fujoshi ignore any inoffensive female character in that their interests are simply male-biased. If they do dislike her/hate her it's because they're stupid enough to interpret her behavior as being romantic and getting upset with their own headcanon. Gordon never reciprocates but he's breathing in the same vicinity as a friendly female comrade, that's enough. They're there for new blorbos to use as trope dolls for yaoi-fic and cutting themselves off from appreciating what's being provided.
I did end up looking into HLVRAI because of your comment and I hope that fandom doesn't bleed over into any new Half Life content. I don't want to see trans Gordon EVER AGAIN.
No. 2260311
>>2260292Not to start a another debate, but I've noticed this trend where not liking a character a certain way means you must be some type of phobic because otherwise why aren't they devoting every moment making content of said character? That must mean their homophobic or a
terf when really, they have priorities outside of fandom, something these fans can't seem to rationalize hence all the callout post and doxxing. In their mind, I can't be a fan unless I love them without question which is maddness imo.
No. 2260488
>>2260429It may be smaller but it's filled with the same bullshit fans nonetheless. How do they manage to be so loud and
toxic when they're such a small group is beyond me.
No. 2260592>>2260670>>2260710>>2260812>>2265750
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Nonnas, out of curiosity, have you ever been part of a fandom that was huge but turned inwards on itself after fans universally started to hate every part of it? I seen this tweet the other day and all the QRTs are things like Doctor Who, Supernatural, Marvel, etc. which were juggernauts in terms of having a gigantic fanbase. It's always interesting to see when this happens
No. 2260616
>>2260290>I could plausibly see someone preferring Gordon being a lone wolf, her inclusion cuts the solitude and tensionI think this is the reason. A lot of people just don’t like NPC companions; people had similar feelings about Wheatley in Portal 2 (though he is obviously more annoying than Alyx).
>they're stupid enough to interpret her behavior as being romanticHuh? You can interpret it how you want, but it’s pretty heavily implied that she has a crush on him.
>I did end up looking into HLVRAI>I don't want to see trans Gordon EVER AGAINKEK yeah, it’s like a magnet for underage Aidens. Though, like a true farmer, I do enjoy looking at HLVRAI fan art just to laugh at it.
No. 2260637>>2260648>>2265507>>2271833
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>I am very bitter that her sparkledogs make more money than my sparkledogs
No. 2260677>>2260678
>>2260673To be fair I was like 16, although that ship was one of the first ones I had so I'm still attached to it kek
What amazes me nowadays are the 23-year-old retards who were very unhinged about it at the time. It was funny how crazy they were about "le age gap with a minor" in Sheith and later turned out Keith was 18 and Lance 17 kek
No. 2260678>>2260684
>>2260677I was also 16 though, maybe you just got poor taste as a teen.
I don't really see people complain about voltron anymore though, I think they moved onto seasonal shounen anime.
No. 2260710>>2260810>>2260813

>>2260592I will never fully understand the BBC Sherlock fandom despite kinda being in it long ago. I watched the first season on TV not knowing what it was beforehand and enjoyed it a lot, made a tumblr account for an unrelated reason, saw how crazy everyone was for the show, then I watched the second season on TV and enjoyed it a lot and opinions became very divided on the cliffhanger. But these people were too obsessed with the show to calm down, and then controversies happened because it turned out that the director was bigoted or something, and I swear to god everyone hated the series when the third season got released, yet posted spoilers as soon as they could. Like what's the point in being that much of a hater? Move on and watch something you actually like instead? Just say "I used to be into that show but not anymore" instead of sperging on a daily basis to prove you're not sexist for not noticing that the female characters are just secondary in most episodes?
One iconic moment was when Shinee was on hiatus and then released video related, and fans talked about it on tumblr which pissed off the BBC Sherlock fans because both things were just tagged as "sherlock" so the tag was full of unrelated posts. That was funny as hell, I wish I had screenshot of teaboos and koreaboos insulting each other over absolutely nothing.
>>2260670A friend of mine followed the series during the first seasons and gave up halfway through, but she provided context for all the fandom drama I kept seeing at the time. It got me curious so I checked the first two seasons and I will never get how grown women, or even late teenagers were so invested in the ship war between the two popular gay pairings. It felt like a very childish show to me. My friend and I found the reactions to the last season hilarious, but I don't remember much from it aside from Shiro(?) marrying some random guy who looks like some guy from Macross.
No. 2260766
>>2260292This mentality is so strange, people will act like you’re misogynistic for not constantly glazing a female character/having her as a fave even if she’s poorly written. They think liking female characters is a paragon of feminism especially if she’s hated
for good reasons usually. No I do not have internalized misogyny just because I don’t care for some irrelevant character from shonen manga #45938. In fact these people don’t even care about misogyny either they just want an excuse to police others.
No. 2260810>>2260841
>>2260710>I don't remember much from it aside from Shiro(?) marrying some random guy who looks like some guy from Macross.That was a huge reason why the ending was so hated
>Exec producers swear for like 2 years they are planning on putting gay rep on the show>After season 6 is released, they confirm in a convention that Shiro is gay and has a boyfriend named "Adam" >They hype Adam and say fans will "meet him" in season 7>One of Season 7's alternative cover in Netflix has a rainbow flag and the show has the "LGBT" tag>Turns out the gay rep is a "blink and you'll miss it" moment; Adam aappears only in a flashback of 5 minutes and you can easily believe his relationship with Shiro is just a friendly one>Adam is killed in another flashback. Shiro mourns him in a scene of ten seconds and move on>Everyone hates that subplot>In the season finale Shiro marries some random background character>An instagram post gives proof to the theory this was pretty much a last minute addition as a way of damage controlThe fans were insane but the creators also baited everyone tbh
I honestly have a lot of stories about that show but I'd be here sperging all day kek
No. 2260812>>2260989
>>2260592I was big into sherlock when it first aired. I'd watch the new episodes with my family and then go fujo out on tumblr, it was a blast. There was some controversy, I don't remember the specifics but the showrunners started being outspoken about how much they hated johnlock and the fandom.
I want to say they even added an obvious "fangirl" stand-in to the show just to bully her but I could be thinking of something else… the plot was starting to go off the rails too. That's about when I remember leaving. They literally fujobaited, rode off the success and attention, and then turned on their fans kek. Tried to rewatch the show recently and it's so painfully corny I couldn't do it. Would never have been nearly as popular as it was without tumblr tbh
>>2260670I was never into Voltron but had friends who were and I learned about a lot of the drama from them, what an insane time that was
No. 2260830>>2260836>>2260839>>2260851>>2260898>>2277912
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If you think your fandom or favorite ship from back then was more annoying than klance no it wasn't No. 2260850>>2260853>>2260860>>2261231
>>2260841>>2260835Allura was done dirty on so many ends. Apparently the creators originally planned that in the finale, Allura would become a baby and Lance would raise her wtf
She should have ended up with Lotor, forcing a relationship with Lance didn't make sense for any of the characters
No. 2260851>>2260862
>>2260673There was a lot of dictatorship in the fandom to try and prevent people from shipping what they wanted, so Klance could remain supreme and untouched.
>Calling Sheith problematic/pedophilic so people wouldn't use Keith for something else>Shipping Shiro x Allura, even if they didn't care for the ship, to prevent both from being used with Keith or LanceOf course there was genuine Shallura shippers, but I saw all the Klance shippers supporting it for disingenuous reasons.
>>2260830>interactions played in slow-mo>the color palettes of certain scenes>taking any rival bickering as romance bickeringHaving Shiro outed as the gay character was only good for the Klance cope and meltdown.
No. 2260853>>2260860>>2261051
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>>2260850>She should have ended up with LotorAgreed, they just don't want women to have anything so they pair them up with ugly farmers instead of bishounen purple elves.
No. 2260925>>2260928>>2260950
>>2260891>>2260899I hate 90% of Harry Potter fandom analysis on YT because their creators often have a five-minute disclaimer about how they totally are not transphobic and JK Rowling is "
Vidrel is especially bad. I was curious about the title because JK is not very fond of Draco as a character, but half the video is about crybabies coping that J.K. Rowling is a
TERF instead of staying on-topic
No. 2260956>>2260991>>2261276
>>2260950I'm a fujo but I always found 'guys who hate each other and don't really have anything else going on getting together' to be the laziest form of shipping possible.
I get it for just general hatefuck stuff but whenever people try and make it deeper than that I just roll my eyes.
No. 2261013>>2261059>>2261106
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>>2259208lmao, that pic is literally this meme without any irony, and you're right, it's weird how genshintards will take two characters that literally have the exact same body type (like they have the same character model just with different hair) and portray one of them as a uwu-feminized woman and one as hyper-masculined to varying degrees
No. 2261235>>2261278>>2261282>>2261299>>2261338>>2261843>>2261856>>2261859>>2262022>>2262035>>2262877>>2278071
So, I'm not sure how many of you are into Interview With the Vampire (the 2022 TV series) or the books/movie in general, but there was some recent controversy in the fandom where, from my understanding, a group of British fans took a trip to New Orleans and visited a slave plantation where they not only took pictures of their funko pop figures of Louis (who's a slave owner in the books) but went on a haunted plantation tour and took shipping photos in St. Augustine Catholic Church, one of the oldest Black catholic churches in America that has a dedicated history and memorial of the freed slaves who built it (tried to upload some pictures of the whole ordeal, but kept getting server errors, but if anyone's interested, I'll try again later). Since then, those involved have tried to apologize, but the damage is done and are currently being torn a part by the Twitter and Tumblr fandoms. I also think it's a good example of how brain rotted some people are in fandom, to the point they forget how the real world operates.
No. 2261276>>2263943
>>2260956So basically you hate bad written enemies to lovers? But then you say you roll your eyes when they do
try to make it deeper?
No. 2261322>>2261953
>>2261278I think the issue people had was the history of free and enslaved African Americans surrounding the church, as well as it also standing on a site of a former plantation. So while there's nothing wrong with taking pictures, I think the fact that they chose such a place specifically to reenact a scene in the show for their ship fodder is what got to people. Also, the fact they visited so many places involving slavery to do so is…odd.
>>2261299I remember someone mentioning that as well in relation to this. Crazy stuff.
No. 2261344>>2261347>>2261368>>2261372>>2261569>>2261920
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I remembered the dumbass attention this show got from random zoomies in 2017 for being "graphic and super creepy" for a kid's show. When I watched a few episodes, I didn't think it was really out of place for a kid's show. The only real different this show has between the average American cartoon with slapstick comedy is that Japan isn't afraid to show kids blood. Why is the United States so anal about showing kids depiction of blood in their cartoons, again? Why do do American parents think that would be so traumatizing?
No. 2261349
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>>2261299Yep, what a Tumblr classic
>>2261338British people speak English just like Americans, I hope they have some clue what slavery was like considering they participated in it as well, or their education must be worse than even the US's. Fictional character or no, it's plainly disrespectful to do that at a site where real people suffered and died.
No. 2261372>>2261426
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>>2261344i liked the cartoon a lot, but its true. the misadventures of flapjack or courage the cowardly dog had more disturbing episodes and scenes than this did, but popee has a really unique and offputting 3D style with a cute male main character (that a lot of the violence was directed towards) which set it apart and made it ripe for a tumblr fandom.
No. 2261426>>2261740
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>>2261372OTGW came out a couple years before Popee blew up and had picrel in it amongst other things. Selective memory maybe but I mean Ren and Stimpy also exists and Animals of Farthingwood showed impaled animal babies so it's just another form of "thing, Japan" imo.
No. 2261569>>2261602>>2261722>>2261760
>>2261344some people are just kinda pathetic tbh, half the time people talk about 'childhood trauma' media (stuff for kids that had anything mildly confronting/dark/depressing/off-looking, often without the intention of being disturbing but sometimes it's horror media for kids) they're either exaggerating or are just massive babies that expect everything to be 100% sanitised when it's for kid's eyes. If you ever want to see a bunch of adults being weenies about media, go check out any random cartoon's 'nightmare fuel' page on tv tropes, and you'll get to see desperate descriptions trying to talk up how a given scene or concept is totes scary.
Tbh I feel like this sort of thing is just a symptom of people trying to uplift kiddie stuff into being secretly more mature or meaningful, instead of just enjoying it for what it is, similar to classic fan theories like 'pokemon is Ash's coma dream while he's in the hospital on life support' kek
No. 2261602>>2261790>>2261901
>>2261569>Tbh I feel like this sort of thing is just a symptom of people trying to uplift kiddie stuff into being secretly more mature or meaningful, instead of just enjoying it for what it is, similar to classic fan theories like 'pokemon is Ash's coma dream while he's in the hospital on life support' kekmlp nailed the "man children fanbase trying to feel grown up" vibe that every other preschool tier show gets the same treatment, some less successful than others, while also having spergfits when a cartoon…acts like a cartoon? I still avidly remember a tvtropes page where the caption image has the MC's face bathed in red light on a darken background. If it were satire it would've gotten a laugh from me. But then you realize it's serious.
Animation is a medium, I think even the most normie of normies knows that. But when autist flock around kid's content, I often wonder they don't put their resources in actually mature media? There's a multitude of amazing, niche animation tackling deeper themes, but they get pass over for bluey of all things.
No. 2261740
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>>2261426OTGW and even gravity falls both did have similar fandoms at one point with lots of gorey fanart and edgy AUs for both wirt and dipper such as the popular murder husbands and bad end friends trends, every episode where something slightly creepy happened would have people spamming posts about
>how could CN or disney get away with this?? No. 2261790
>>2261602>tvtropes page where the caption image has the MC's face bathed in red light on a darken backgroundkek yeah that's exactly the type of shit I was getting at, and yeah, sometimes you assume it's gotta be satire/someone taking the piss, and then you realise nope, it's serious and other people in the fandom see it the same way.
>I often wonder they don't put their resources in actually mature media?They don't want real mature media, as it doesn't coddle them, they just want to 'uplift' safe media to fit their interests or age-related tastes. Mature media is usually more complex by default, and for some that leads to anxiety because they want simple paths to follow with a lot of hand-holding (just watch how people will chimp out if media similar to mlp actually does contain a more nuanced moral lesson or doesn't end neatly because the slightly more complex topic doesn't logically resolve like that).
>>2261722oh definitely, it was even pretty obvious during the 2000s anime boom that older kids and teens were gravitating towards it because there were more genre options and felt more mature/cooler– kids generally like 'aspirational' media where the characters are a little older than them doing things that are a little more mature or weighty than where they're currently at. Interestingly, there were more western cartoons around that time that were aiming for more of a teen audience, but they either legitimately flopped or were held up to restrictive and dated metrics and considered failures despite good viewership (eg failed to sell toys) and got canned. There's a lot of audience gaps western animation could fill, but for now it's pretty stuck in the twee kids cartoon/adult comedy rut with few outliers.
>>2261760yeah I know the 'trauma' part of 'childhood trauma' in regards to cartoons isn't literal (I hope, at least kek), it's just a common way I've seen the content be discussed by those acting this way and figured anons would get what I mean. And sure, sometimes people are just hamming up how disturbing something is, usually for views, but other people will take that literally and match that same level of hand-wringing, promoting that perception of a scene/etc, and there are others who were already really just that sensitive to begin with and prone to over-emphasising things (especially common in western/american animation fan circles).
No. 2261843>>2261852
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>>2261235Can I just say that I'm surprised those bongs made that trip over to New Orleans all because of this TV show remake of the damn book and movie? The recasting for Lestat isn't even good, the fucker looks like Mr. Incredible from this angle.
No. 2261859>>2261973
>>2261235To be fair you can't walk two blocks in New Orleans without someone trying to sell you a haunted plantation tour, tons of people take those tours every day. Not their fault people who have not been to New Orleans do not know how common it is.
Lestat is also not real so the people calling him a white slave owner saying it's disrespectful to take his funkopop (kekkk) on a plantation tour are retarded. If these are TV show fans he didn't even own slaves in the TV show, they wrote that out.
No. 2261952>>2261995>>2262071>>2262079
Even scrotes are getting tired of gamer grifters whining about "ugly" female characters
>>2261278its definitely the plantation thing and making a cutesy photoshoot moment kek. Its like going on a history tour at auschitwz then taking photos with a magneto funko pop kek
No. 2261995
>>2261952Asmongold (the balding moid complaining at the start) is a legitimate turbo-sperg who lives in squalor despite being rich
and also ate maggot infested meat on stream. He has a big following of autists who are beyond saving (his chat is special needs incarnate) but I'm pretty sure most gamer scrotes hate him. It's a good thing he's crying about this stuff. Hopefully he embarrasses other gamers into shutting up. Reposting because I forgot to spoiler that certain part.
No. 2262050>>2262154
>>2261953Ayrt but I mentioned how it is with "plantations" in Latin America, as long as you don't preserve the tools and infrastructure of slavery and turn it into a museum it's basically just a farmhouse, and since they're offering "haunted plantation tours" in these properties it's obviously not being used as a museum and witness of horror where you're supposed to be quietly contemplating historical atrocities, it's being used as a villa with a terrain. The church commemorating black history and thus taking pictures in it being
problematic doesn't make any sense to me; in the IWTV TV show Louis' grandfather was literally an emancipated slave, if anything (as cringe as it may be) taking a picture of your Louis funkopop in it "recognizes" that aspect of him. Churches all over Europe and I'm sure abroad also commemorate all sorts of murders and genocides and I've literally never seen it be considered
problematic to get married in them. Japanese fans also take pictures of their acrylic stands based on real people in shrines dedicated to literal war criminals and nobody is batting an eyelash.
No. 2262071
>>2261952Chasing fidelity is a rat's game, but if it means making more moids seethe then so be it.
>>2262003Everywhere you looked, there was a pony just around the corner, people were being turned into ponies, one third of pfps were ponies. And even now, with MLP out of the limelight, the autist who made that bed are still seething about its downfall. Sorry if this sounds personal, but speaking as someone who liked the show as a young girl, I can never understand why some cling to it in hopes something will fill the void?
No. 2262077>>2262199
>>2262017>That being said, the person in question owns a FunkoPop, so I will be supporting the backlashKEK
>>2262022the TV show woke adjustments were insane because they made him black and changed him from a slaveowner to a brothel owner and this was somehow better?? iirc he has a moral dilemma over owning slaves in the books but there is no moral dilemma over owning sex slaves in the tv show. hm.
No. 2262154>>2262170
>>2262050Anon, I don't know what to tell you. American history and race relations are complicated. What I will say is that I'm not going to be the one to argue on whether or not a certain group of people have the right to feel offended about their historic sites being underminded for some cutesy fandom photos to post to your followers on your Twitter about. And in America, plantations are still very much advertised as plantations. They may not be active anymore, but the history is constantly in mention. The grounds are still maintained/preserved as the plantation that it is. Various plaques, stories, and pictures are found throughout them to remind you of what the people there endured. It's not simply "some old farmhouse or villa, " the appeal is that it's literally a plantation and that the "haunted" aspect comes from the slaves that were killed there, which is what gets people interested. The issue is Americans just don't give a shit about slavery, let alone the various other atrocities its committed, that's why you see people having weddings and throwing parties at these places because they genuinely do not care. Of course, that isn't to say all Americans are like that, since there are people who realize how fucked up it is and speak out about it, but the general consensus is that we all should just "get over it."
No. 2262188>>2262202>>2262236
>>2261856>>2262017The answer is quite simple: ameritards don't have real problems like we latin americans have, so they have to create their own and identity politics is in vogue with the mainstream now.
Also didn't know that change from slave owner to brothel owner. Guess that when it comes to female slavery it doesn't matter, like any female issue.
No. 2262228>>2262287>>2262302
>>2262202Anon probably means that people care more because one issue also involves male
victims, while the other specifically is about women’s oppression as women. Sex slavery is constantly downplayed and brothels are posed as normal, quaint, even empowering in tons of media.
No. 2262278>>2262565
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The Western animation thread briefly touched on nu-Ra, and it reminded me of my all-time favourite sexuality headcanon where this person claims that autism gives you an innate prison gay mentality for inanimate objects (also referring to a living being as an "animate object" topkek)
No. 2262287>>2262302
>>2262228If you and anon genuinely believe Americans held slavery in greater regard over sex slavery because one involved men then it shows that one, you both are incredibly ignorant of American history, and two, incredibly ignorant of the current and historical attitudes towards slavery in general because I guarantee that they do not align with what you're talking about. I know this website hates men and that's fine but to even argue that another women's suffering under slavery is less important because it didn't specifically involve women is insane. Like I'm sorry slave owners didn't differentiate between genders jesus christ.
>>2262241Glad we cleared that retardation up. Thank you, anon.
No. 2262302>>2262377
>>2262202You want to be offended so bad that didn't read well what I wrote.
I mean what
>>2262228 says.
>>2262236 I bet they think that, is there any character from the brothel acting like a badass girlboss from "Harlots"?
>>2262287 but it's true, or at least it is what you as a society show us to the rest of the world. Why the vampire doesn't have a moral dilemma with the brothel as he had with the plantation?
No. 2262417>>2262438>>2278069
>>2262377I found silly your american centrism, american politics are not the interest of like the whole world, and you are part of an imperialist country so your race doesn't absolve you from being an oppressor. So find a real problem, privileged-chan.
And to stay on topic: american centralism is part to blame of the current state of fandoms. Everything has to cater to american sensibilities, everything has to be about american politics. There should be a segregated space free from murrican bullshit.
No. 2262565>>2262567
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>>2262278As retarded as it's used here, autism is connected to objectophila, so it's not totally a ass pull
No. 2262567>>2262603
>>2262565Yeah I also generally hate to agree with any Steven Universe Voltron brand of junk like this but the true aspect of it is that autism does come along with tons of weird obsessions including very high rates of unusual sexual fetishes. Autists focus on weird stuff and form extremely strong one sided bonds with things like Sonic foot inflation art.
Obviously though the stupid aspect of the post is the whole tumblr format where blogs proudly announce what cartoon character of the day is greyace demiromantic polyamorous genderflux with neurodivergent tendencies and PCOS.
No. 2262842
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>>2262833It's always pic rel with TIFs
No. 2262879>>2262881>>2262882>>2262883>>2262886>>2262889>>2262898>>2263267>>2263499>>2263981>>2265416
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Surprised no one has posted this yet but apparently Disney pulled an episode of 'Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur' (never heard of this before lol) due to the election. The episode was leaked online by the crew and is genuinely peak libslop, a poor brown transgirl gets excluded by an evil blonde terf karen and then he teams up with his diverse female friends (includes nonbinary and hijabi representation) to beat the shit out of the terf with a volleyball. Twitter is currently very mad that children won't get to experience this on tv
No. 2262881>>2262889
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>>2262879Stunning and Brave
No. 2262882>>2265416>>2265752
>>2262879The hijabi would team up with the
TERF. Immersion totally broken.
No. 2262897>>2262914>>2262919
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Damn this shit is omega cringe they beat the boogeyman twansphobe gatekeeper girlboss karen to the rhythm of some cringe pop song
Here's a working archive btw: No. 2262921
File (hide): 1731761354198.png (49.02 KB, 938x497, 1731713903472067.png)

>>2262915Is catbox compromised?
No. 2262922>>2262924>>2262929>>2262941>>2263031>>2263066>>2263073>>2263078>>2263267>>2263494>>2263891>>2263981
File (hide): 1731761381050.jpg (963.25 KB, 1959x1220, 1731714728790.jpg)

Shit never mind after clicking through 30 links i found a catbox reupload that still works. They drew the
terf karen super fucking thicc, not beating the socialized men and turned trannies after cooming brainrot allegations No. 2262926>>2263019
File (hide): 1731761630705.png (1.28 MB, 1280x802, moidss.png)

Also, its not just one moid in the team, there is another nonbinary scrote too. Also, this garbage is animated on the budget of a bag of potatoes and a single HRT shot god damn the animation is attrocious i feel sorry for the poor korean animators who were paid peanuts to animate this garbage.
No. 2262939>>2262941>>2262942>>2263031>>2263083
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>>2262929these two are the main writers of the show for anyone wondering
No. 2262941
>>2262922wow this whole episode is just troon bait ew, cartoons arent for children anymore it seems kek at the hijabi being on the troons side
No. 2263031>>2263087
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>>2262922Jfc they have to shove the flag in every 5 frames lest you forget he's meant to be a tranny kek.
>>2262939Not that I don't believe handmaidens could've written this slop alone because I do, but are there seriously no (male) trannies on the team that influenced this? The thicc Pixar mom
TERF couldn't have been designed by a woman.
It's so bleak, we can fight for women to get more positions of power all we want only to end up with the most dicksucking handmaidens in charge writing the same misogynistic slop anyways.
No. 2263073
>>2262922Fucking hell that was painful to watch
Even getting past the troon shit the writing itself was just really unfunny and forced, I can’t imagine any kids actually enjoying this.
No. 2263081
>>2260165Gen z in a nutshell. If I had a $1 for every time I got excited to talk to someone about a fandom, but they only liked the design and nothing else from it. Dont even know the names of characters.
>>2260185That's so annoying. I hate retards who only watch streamers. Random, but now I feel like replaying TEW
No. 2263083>>2263090>>2263140
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>>2262939I think it could be the VAs this time. Troon on the left, enby on the right. IRL left is a TiM, right it a TiF. Both are they/thems.
No. 2263174>>2263184>>2263312
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>>2262919They wanna be hip with the kids
I do agree that this trend is obnoxious as fuck though.
No. 2263184>>2263192
>>2263174All the tries at emulating Sailor Moon's magical girl transformation has made me absolutely sick of it in western animation.
At this point I'd clap if they used literally anything else, even Madoka, as inspiration despite thinking those go a bit overboard.
No. 2263192
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>>2263184That or male animators referencing Dragon Ball
I give SU props in that at least they mostly referenced Utena.
No. 2263222>>2263289>>2264272
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>>2262917I kind of hate the western animation industry because it has too much of this. Adults making shows "for kids" that are actually just for adults and the type of people they have as friends. Even when there were snippets of politics in 90s cartoons, it was extremely basic shit like "hey kids, don't be a nazi!". Nowadays, I feel like the average American "children's" cartoon is more likely than ever to basically be a lengthy tumblr post of retarded, overly SJW takes but put into animated form.
No. 2263253>>2263358>>2264137
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i miss when fandom activities like writing fanfic or drawing fanart were super niche and not something people would attach their faces to.
No. 2263282>>2263284>>2263290>>2263302>>2263312>>2263324>>2263338>>2263981
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I wholeheartedly, unironically believe women should not be allowed in the video game industry and I have my reasons. I
Picrel is the CEO of azur lane, when she could've created a video game with cute guys that are also sexy which acts in her own self interest, she decides to be a pickme cunt and create one of the biggest coomer gachas known to man (Azur Lane). I never understand why women do this out of sheer disrespect. She's quite pretty too, does she love sucking dick that much?
Additionally, Stellar Blade was modelled after the creator's wife, who was very complicit in the creation of said game.
A woman also made Rance too. Women in the video game industry never act in their self interest or want to make women happy, they just want to make their precious moids happy. When has a woman ever positively contributed to a video game or make it better for female fans in the past 20 years? Never. Ban women from working in the video game industry, less moidgaze slop. Simple.(bait)
No. 2263291
>>2262949It depends on the game to be honest. If they're very text-heavy, like VNS or some RPGs, then I don't think there's harm in only watching a Let's Play as you won't miss too much outside some gameplay segments. You will get 70% of the content thru those videos or whatever format you pick.
But for games like plataforms or fighting games, then yeah you should play the game. The fun and meat of them is the gameplay.
The former is akin listening to an audiobook instead of reading and the later it's like saying you enjoy to cook when you just watch cooking programs.
I remember after I played P1-3, I wanted to try 5 but didn't had a console for it so I just watched a gameplay. Thought it sucked, but people told me to play it myself, so I did as comanded when the port released and still thought the game sucked kek Wasted 150h and €60, playing myself barely added anything to the experience.
No. 2263338>>2263917
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>>2263282>Azure Lane>biggest coomer gachaThere's bigger coomer gacha than that. I get that nobody knows what these games are actually like because fuck playing them, but the standard of coomer goes harder than that.
No. 2263353
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No. 2263358
>>2263253This person is also conflating a good fanfic with how many kudos it got. In some fandoms, especially those who skew younger, you have cringe high school AU chat fics top the "sort by kudos" rankings.
But I agree with you. Too many people create fics or fanart with the explicit (and often only) goal of getting lots of likes and adoration only, which results in lots and lots of slop.
No. 2263383
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>>2263374Even Nikke has their own basic nonsexual units to round out the gacha.
No. 2263539>>2263625
>>2263494Eh, a ton of black women are pro-tranny because they feel like they need to make up for black men's violent homophobia and play the role of supportive faghag mommies for black trannies. Black troons are also mainly HSTs as opposed to AGPs, so black women peak less due to them not being nearly as degenerate as white TIMs.
There's a lot of based transphobic black women of course, but most seem just as handmaiden-y as white women.
No. 2263739
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>>2263499Kekk you're 100% right. If something is targeted towards gendies, they'll nitpick it to hell and back and ultimately deem it
problematic and then go back to watching One Piece all day
No. 2263891
>>2262922>Full episode of tranny outshining the girls like your typical uplifting PSA lol what a joke
This was actually mind numbing to watch holy shit.
No. 2263917>>2263977>>2264016
I enjoy reading about HP ships, even though i'm not an HP fan. The fandom sounds so different from the state of modern fandoms in general it's refreshing.
>>2263338oh my god the anatomy sucks so fucking much here
>>2263289it'd be great if animation became a thing for adults again.
No. 2263943
>>2261276nayrt but some of us hate enemies to lovers altogether. doesn't help that most of it is basic and lazily written but it's just not a dynamic i'm interested in
>>2263826a lot of hermione pairings were like that. back in the early days of the fandom (when we didn't know endgame canon pairings), harry/hermione aka harmony was the biggest one. some of the harmony shippers were absolutely unhinged (hp fandom drama back in the LJ era was INSANE) and they were the first ones that made the "evil ron" fics. the pairing isn't that popular anymore but lazy character bashing is still unfortunately common in hp fanworks.
No. 2263981>>2263986>>2264016
>>2262922>muh evil karendoes anyone else cringe at the mere fact that they made the evil villain based on a normie misogynistic Xitter caricature? i can't stand the Karen meme, much less a low effort attempt at turning it into a literal children's cartoon tier villain.
also she has such a coomer design kek why is there so much emphasis on her hips and ass
>>2262879what a retard, it's so obvious that the issue with the episode was the whole plot, not the character himself. but no, mUh transmisogyny persecution complex makes more sense
>>2263282ok i'll bite.
the games industry is severely misogynistic, keeping potentially good female developers out, discouraging them from becoming developers, or brutally harassing them if they dare release something big that doesn't pander to moids or if they manage to convince their higher ups of toning down female sexualization or sexualizing male characters. gaymergate only made it worse. if you're a woman in the industry and not just a no-name indie dev, you have to be a handmaiden pickme or at least pretend to be, just to be able to survive. even more than 2 decades ago this was the case, in the 80s and 90s. why the fuck would i want to work in AAA video game studios when all we ever hear about them are sexism and sexual harassment scandals? that's why you only see the pickmiest of pickmes in that industry. the game studios are usually founded by men too because men are encouraged more by all sectors of society to pursue careers in tech and computing than women in most first world countries, and because the system is rigged to favour men so they end up with the most financial resources, or in other words, men are richer than women. now gaymer scrotes on the internet are claiming that anything that wasn't made specifically to make their dicks hard is "DEI slop", meaning that not pandering to their dicks is evil feminazi shit as if video games were supposed to be exclusively violent pornography for the scrotiest of scrotes. they're just mad that women don't have to hide their video game hobby anymore and that it turns out that women and girls are expressing their own opinions now.
If you want to prove something you should stop being all talk and join a big studio to develop a female-pandering game without female objectification. If it's so easy even a retard like you should be able to do it. go ahead, show us how it's done.
No. 2264016>>2264032>>2264275>>2264281>>2264715
>>2263917>it'd be great if animation became a thing for adults again.Tbh I think we'd be left with the same degen coomer slop anime and shitty edgy flash animation shows like rick and morty we have now. The average adult into animation is too much of a retarded manchild to handle any themes deeper than fucking Bluey, they're more than happy consooming the current lifeless pandering slop they're being served.
>>2263981>the games industry is severely misogynistic, keeping potentially good female developers out, discouraging them from becoming developers, or brutally harassing them if they dare release something big that doesn't pander to moids or if they manage to convince their higher ups of toning down female sexualization or sexualizing male characters.This, thank you
nonnie. I hate when people defend the most misogynistic writing just because
>"ermm did you know a DISABLED WOMAN wrote this??"Yeah, a disabled woman married to a sexist neckbeard writer. A disabled woman who likely has the same conservative sexist views as her hubby and the rest of his coworkers. How stupid do you have to be to not realize if sexist moids are forced to hire women to appear egalitarian, of course they're gonna hire a pickmeisha who agrees with everything they say. And of course the pickmeisha is gonna feel pressured to create the same sexist slop as every man in the company to not fall behind, even if she doesn't want to.
No. 2264032
>>2264016There's plenty of anime that's not coomer, shouldn't be that hard to have bad stuff
and some not so bad stuff for adults.
No. 2264272>>2264274>>2264622>>2264644>>2264661>>2264680>>2264704>>2264777>>2264787>>2264879>>2265308>>2265367
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>>2263222>>2262917the fans they do manage to attract are ultimately the most delusional groups, take this meme for example, only avatar comes close to the relevance of harry potter, pjo is not popular anywhere outside of america and the owl house has no influence or legacy, only weirdo gendies and porn addicts like it
No. 2264275>>2264281
>>2264016There is animation for adults that is not American SJW preaching or anime:
>>>/m/430429And also this:
>>>/m/189358 No. 2264281
File (hide): 1731835017116.webm (1.41 MB, 1920x834, 1658370514116793.webm) [play once] [loop]

>>2264016>>2264275I like primal. It's a silent cartoon about a dino and her friend neanderthal beating zombie dinosaurs, evil monkes, witches and other random crazy stuff. Its pretty unique compared to your animated family sitcom or those boring, poorly animated milennial cartoons about dealing with mommy/daddy issues like bojack and inside job.
No. 2264644>>2264655>>2265028
>>2264272>r/EnoughJKRowlingRent free
>The Owl House These people have to be +30 years old and the only media they can think of to rival Harry Potter is an even more childish children cartoon for literal toddlers. Has anyone considered consooming media aimed towards their big age?
No. 2264655>>2264668>>2264749
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>>2264644tbh nona i find it really hard to even find any media aimed at adults that isnt straight up just braindead porn nowadays, any tv show made after 2014 is extremely sexually explicit and all the drama revolves around situationships and sex.
Asian media tends to be better in terms of content but its generally more conservative and doesnt tackle too complicated character relationships and topics with nuance, the shameless product placement gets annoying too.
No. 2264704
>>2264272>percy jacksonA shittier American Harry Potter. I thought these books were shit even when I was in the targeted age range.
>avatar the last airbenderA completely different medium and genre
>the owl house85% Little Witch Academia, 15% Harry Potter. Tried to ride off of Gravity Falls's fumes.
No. 2264790>>2265439
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>>2264749I guess it comes from the restrictions themselves, you can't have porn (and i say porn straight up because thats the point we have gotten with HBO tv shows, just full blown uncensored simulated sex) on asian tv, so they need to find other ways to engage the audience, hell with most romance shows you wont even get a kiss until episode 20 or something, sure it leads to some goofiness because they come up with increasingly more unrealistic conflicts like serial killers, demons etc etc but the need to compete with western media on top of all of these restrictions make the writers actually put in some effort and create plenty of gems if you get past the wackiness and some cultural differences.
There's also much more effort put into making common and mundane lifestyles like being in the countryside or working at a restaurant seem romantic and cozy. The shows aren't afraid of being slow and having low stakes while making them engaging through cinematography, picrel is a good example, its a japanese show about a girl being a cook for a geisha house. thats it. Theres no romantic relationships, much less sex. But its a beautiful and emotionally compelling show that deals with themes such as professional dreams and vocation.
No. 2264794>>2264797>>2264805>>2264925>>2264936
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Nonas, I just stumbled across this comic on Twitter and now I feel all mushy and gooey inside. I have a feeling that you girls will also appreciate this. No. 2264807
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>>2264797I think someone is being tsun-tsun and needs to be glomped ecksdee
No. 2264884>>2264910>>2264944
>>2264879It's not
egregiously bad but there are some typical moidisms like the Aphrodite house being full of vapid makeup-obsessed girls until Piper joins because she's a cringe Mary Sue NLOG kek
No. 2264944
>>2264884Samefag, fuck it, I'm going to vendettapost about an irrelevant 10+ year old character but idc. I loved flashy cool girl characters as a kid but even I was like "holy shit this bitch is annoying" kek. One of the most "written by a man" characters in the whole franchise
>Daughter of Aphrodite and a literal A list celebrity>But she doesn't care about her appearance (unlike her peers) because she's just SUCH a tomboy (kek) and she actually looks even prettier WITHOUT makeup (this is pointed out several times)>She also doesn't care about being rich and steals things all the time because "I just want to be normal so dad can give me attention sadface">Somehow avoided detection from monsters and the life-ruining consequences of it even though literally no other halfblood in history has ever managed that>Is hated on-sight by the cartoonish mean girl in the Aphrodite cabin who didn't exist before now, she was invented just to make Piper look better>Is such an NLOG that she literally gags after walking into the cabin and smelling perfume (can you tell a scrote wrote this)>"Oh no I can't believe I told everyone I have a famous dad that's so embarrassinggg">Her charmspeak (mind control) ability is driven entirely by plot convenience, one particularly ridiculous scene is when she uses it on a MACHINE>Demigods can easily shrug off her powers but Gaia herself was easily lured to sleep by them>Uses her powers on her friends to shut them up when they're concerned about something and it's treated as nbd (some instances are justified but still)>Gets into an annoying relationship with a scrotelet called Jason>Like a REALLY annoying relationship>They're fully obsessed with each other, her personality just becomes "Jason's perfect waifu" during this era, but it turns out their few bonding moments were made up entirely of fake memories and they break up (kek)>Was willing to essentially be a side chick after he remembered his real girlfriend but it doesn't pan out. For some reason the narrative acts like Piper was wronged by this>At the end of the series she's shoved into a relationship with some random new girl >They have zero chemistry except "we're soulmates">Is generally just super judgemental even though she's not done anything that great compared to the other characters>Has an amazing singing voice but is just ~too shy~ to realise how good she is>Her wiki page is obviously written by a waifufag who worships her>>2264910Oh yeah, all the characters have a bit of a smug Tumblr kid vibe to their POVs. Riordan knew his audience kek
No. 2265308
>>2264272Yet only one of these has a theme park area…
Seriously though I’m not into any of these series but you have to be smoking crack to think this, at least compare it to some other multi billion dollar franchises like Marvel and Star Wars.
No. 2265367>>2265402>>2265471>>2265528>>2265607
>>2264272Why are they whinging as if those series aren't incredibly successful? I fucking wish the Owl House was uber underground and unknown so I wouldn't have to see its ugly art style and character design every fucking where I go. Removing the aspect of "men/womenchildren should just read books for adults instead of being fucking speds", why not suggest something like the HTTYD books which are comparatively way more underappreciated (and better than the movies). From what I remember (I was 12 when I started reading the series so I could be wrong) the writing is on a similar level to HP and handles serious topics like abuse and generational trauma and human slavery in a really respectful way, in comparison to Percy Jackson's "my mummy died and I'm retarded" and Mangus Chase's fucking unoriginal fantasy racism and ableism. Not to mention its way more creative world buildingwise in comparison to lazily rewriting and incorporating myths that everyone slightly into Greek history knows. I've seen the Greek underworld and Hades/Persephone story/dynamic handled more creatively in a Schoolastic book fair book about vore for fuck's sake. PJ is gay and lame and deserves none of the shilling it has gotten.
Probably aged poorly as fuck, but less than PJ, but also what about like Skulduggery Pleasant? There's so many fantasy books/media for children that aren't fucking the Owl House or Percy Jackson.
No. 2265407
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How do you find other fans that are relatively normal? I've had enough of being surrounded by handmaidens.
No. 2265476
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>>2265463Nta but I knew that plot sounded familiar! Didn't know that it got a la adaption, the manga is pretty cute too.
No. 2265517>>2265522
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No. 2265528>>2265560>>2265644
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>>2265367I loved the HTTYD books when I was a kid and I'll never forgive the movies for how they butchered the original characters, story and charming artstyle
No. 2265594>>2265603>>2265693>>2265738>>2265968>>2266008
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>>2265572so the male version of what happened to most fujos?
No. 2265644>>2265647>>2265666>>2265691
>>2265528>>2265560I have found my people! I’ve tried introducing fans of the movies to the books (“there’s books?”) but every time they refuse to read them because the illustrations are “weird”. My sister in Christ the main character is called Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third of course he was never meant to be a hot bishie. Shit. These are the same people who spent half their life obsessing over Harry Potter without ever realising the school is named for warts on a hog.
What I don’t get is why none of the ex-HP fans have jumped ship to The Worst Witch. Too kiddie? Not enough male characters to ship?
No. 2265666
>>2265644oh man, The Worst Witch/The New Worst Witch tv shows were some of my favourites when I was a kid (never encountered the books for some reason though). I liked it more than HP at the time because the HP books started frustrating me with how little time was spent doing magic school shenanigans kek (and also because WW episodes would air shortly after my dad'd get home from work and we'd watch it together)
I do remember dumb slap fights over what got to be considered the one true magic school series though that would include WW, which always seemed like strange arguments to have to me since similar premise or concept doesn't equal the same execution, which is usually what causes people to love a story over another anyway.
No. 2265691
>>2265607Kek, I was over simplifying the plot but it's something like, Help! The Easter Bunny Ate My Sister! Basically a rabbit toy teaches MC all about Easter and how it's okay that you'll die one day but you should make the most of your life instead of worrying about it all the time by abducting her and eating her through its skin. The depiction of the Underworld iirc was a rabbit burrow with a large banquet of rotting food and wooden rabbit dolls everywhere and some scary animal stuck in a fireplace. 90s Scholastic books were something else.
>>2265644The illustrations are so charming and full of emotion, it makes me sad that people won't read it just for that reason. The dragon info cards you used to get with the older editions were the best thing ever too.
No. 2265748>>2265753>>2265827
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i actually love yuri but the more i see people like this the more i want to push harder as a fujo. such ugly behavior
No. 2265752
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>>2262882>>2265416>The real gatekeepers would have been the hijabi's parents angry that a moid is in the same dressing room with their daughter, not a white KarenThey missed a good chance by being cowards.
No. 2265756
>>2265738Because they think communism means "free shit doing nothing" while it meant "If you're not fit to be in the working class, you're a waste of oxigene". Even the Gulabs were worse than Auschwitz-Birkenau.
I don't get neither why also GBT are communist too.
No. 2265771
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>>2265761that's far too generous an assumption, they like most neurotic fail moids they have pathetic violent fantasies but are massive wimps irl and so they live forever with the idea of a violent revenge fantasy revolution, recently a german socialist activist made a musicvideo about how he's going to castrate men and kill all the homophobes, terfs and racists while pointing a toy gun and safety scissors and it was honestly so pathetic and embarrassing but he and most troons think that's badass
No. 2265867>>2266693
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>>2265750Hilarious. So the shippers survived the sexy bunny, gore, vIoLeNcE AgAiNsT WoMeN, but couldn't stomach shipping a 16yo character?
No. 2265872
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>>2265833It's already a cesspit. Why even move?
No. 2265897
>>2265615She's right though, trannies are ridiculously gendered when it comes to hobbies. Tifs are all into yaoi, cozy games, custom dolls or girly gore while Tims are all into Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, autistic vidiya related things like speedrunning, et cetera.
Of course, some troons do break the stereotypes, but for the most part they are autistically obsessed with things that are prominently enjoyed by people of their sex.
No. 2265906
>>2265775Ngl the only thing I remember is getting pissed that the anime adaption didn't use the cool voynich manuscript designs the manga had.
I do remember thinking the chemistry was kind of lame, the mc was a bit too bitchy without the bounce back to make it work, at least imo.
No. 2265983
>>2265968i honestly don't prefer them because the psychological gaslighting they
trigger in me when they call people criticizing them "misogyny" makes me want to tear my hair out
No. 2265999
>>2265968one group you can tell to kill themselves, the other is held up like golden calves and is also actively convincing young girls that their lesbian fetishism is normal. i remember seeing a yuri reading list put together by a 16 y/o and several titles were just blatant gender bender porn, it makes me sad.
if they came across that naturally then it’s whatever but they explicitly seek it out because they think it’s le tgirl representation
No. 2266008>>2266010
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>>2265522>A Touhou pfp is even more of an instant clock than straight up having a tranny flag in your display name at this point, any time a "woman" talks about Touhou it's guaranteed to be a moid.I'm a bio woman that likes touhou, there are dozens of us. Admittedly i do like the yuri of it but i think me shipping terumoko is different from trannies masturbating to suwako futa porn.
>>2265594>hata no kokoro pfpDisgusting. All touhou girls hate trannies.
>>2265738Commie trannies are inherently an oxymoron, troonism can only exist under capitalism and marx would laugh in their faces.
No. 2266082
>>2265572>they were a community that was hit the hardest during the mid to late 2010's trannydemic, much like how crack devastated black communities in the 80's.I'm sorry
nonnie I actually laughed out loud at how apt this allegory is kek
No. 2266661
>>2265833I like the blocklist feature, there's been a lot of
valid criticism over it but tbh at the end of the day I don't want to see some peoples posts and they don't want to see mine, so it evens out. I like it for smaller fandoms because it's easier to see everyones posts at once. I've been having a good time creating content for it and having actual engagement instead of praying and hoping it shows up without getting shadowbanned like on Twitter or Instagram.
Of course it's fandom dependent and if I was in any major ones I'd want to shoot my brains out they seem more annoying on Bluesky than Twitter.
No. 2266693
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>>2265867I swear no one complained about anything about pairings, specially Rooster (Chicken?) and Dog or the Dragon/Snake duo or even Tiger and Ox after their background, (but now would be
problematic since "Tiger looks like underage with a drinking problem!"), but yeah, he speaks with Rabbit about something before being killed and police arrived to tell you to not ship them because Rabbit is an adult and Rat is a minor. Uh Rabbit is also a Necromatic and Sadistic monster??? The age range is the least of the concerns.
No. 2266699>>2266725
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>>2266682There's a way to hide your record off Clearsky.
No. 2266914>>2266920>>2266921>>2266944>>2266953>>2267036>>2267122>>2267171>>2267173>>2267222>>2267446>>2267518>>2267926>>2268229
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The Arcane fandom is infighting with its fujos and honestly based. Ignoring all the fujo vs yurifag shit, Arcane is one of the few shows with a majority female cast. I don't think there need to be more shows with a 90% male cast even if it's bl when that's already the majority of animated action shows
No. 2266917
>>2266896imo it's both a form of self-validation (they're not speaking on
behalf of gay men, they're saying they
are a gay man who likes gay things and has gay man things to say about their gay interests, unlike those darn straight fujos and their yaoi fetishes!!1!) and also stems from discourse trends popular on classic tumblr, where having the correct identity qualifier gives more weight to whatever nonsense you then proceed to say, regardless of how wrong it might be (it's similar logic to the Own Voices movement(?), where being part of a category is believed to automatically make you an authority on it and write it better than those outside of said category, which is a massive over-simplification and also further pigeonholes creators). Basically, it's a kind of social checkmate in certain circles.
No. 2266921>>2266930
>>2261819League of Legends is probably the single most scrote-infested community in all of fandom. The cast isn't all-female because hashtag girlboss feminism, but because of their majority straight male audience. I'm not saying they aren't 'good' female characters- after all, I really adore Mel and Vi- but to fight back against fujos on the pretense that this has anything to do with misogyny and not just sexual preference is retarded.
No. 2266930>>2266933>>2267223
>>2266921>The cast isn't all-female because hashtag girlboss feminism, but because of their majority straight male audience. I'm not saying they aren't 'good' female characters- after all, I really adore Mel and Vi- but to fight back against fujos on the pretense that this has anything to do with misogyny and not just sexual preference is retarded.Only 3 of the characters are conventionally attractive to scrotes (Mel, Cait and Jinx). If sevika, Vi and Ambessa were released in an original game without the arcane promo scrotes would be making rage bait about hoe their design are woke and ugly like they did for horizon zero dawn, dragon age, star wars etc.
The story is driven by Jinx and Vi relationships, the other plot line being ambessa + Mel's relationship and Cait. It is pretty female centric even with Joyce viktor and ekko.
I don't care if the fujos aren't sexist (in the arcane fandom they definitely are with the way they used to bash mel and now sky kek). But I'm over people begging for yaoi when in reality we will get another show with mostly scrotes and the bare minimum subtext which they go gaga for.
No. 2267033>>2267084
>>2266944Notice how it’s always TIM-worshipping yurifag handmaidens who are always starting slap fights and never fujos. Point in case: the person in nona’s picrel telling that fujo to shut up unprompted and nona herself posting that picrel here,
also unprompted. Himes need to take their meds and learn not to jump up at every little thing a fujo says or does.
(continuing fujosperg infight) No. 2267143>>2267145>>2267146>>2267152>>2267153>>2267172>>2267257>>2267398
File (hide): 1732030149391.jpeg (106.61 KB, 637x680, FjMhWn_WIAA83Bp.jpeg)

>>2267084Are you stupid? 99% of women are heterosexual. YOU are the anomaly. The absolute audacity of you entitled little dykes to come into OUR spaces and tell us what kind of media we can and can’t prefer, while you trip over your feet to suck off male-centric porn addict fandoms who only care about a woman’s ‘sexual’ empowerment and never her personality, intelligence or strength. It’s retards like you that are genuinely turning me lesbophobic these days. I am SICK of being forced to see the same old anti-fujo bitching day in, day out and politely sitting in silence while a bunch of catty, fish-tongued she-faggots spew their woman-hate all over fandom Twitter. Go crawling back to your little TIM-infested cesspits and contribute something useful for once instead of daydreaming about fujos 24/7.
(bait) No. 2267146>>2267148>>2267149
>>2267123>she said she wanted a show like arcane but with men not that arcane needs more menNTA but that's basically the same thing you retard. She straight up said there's not enough yaoi in the world kek you fujofags are not beating the misogynistic retard allegations.
>>2267143Couldn't even finish reading this autistic spergout. Take your meds and go back, this is why you get called cum guzzlers.
>yew come into OUR SPACES!!Calm down KEK bitch acting like this is fujo general and not fandom discourse.
Why is it always the dogs/cats avatarfags who are the biggest whiniest little mongoloids? No. 2267153>>2267409>>2267900
>>2267143Most of the spergs arent lesbians, they are polilez talking on behalf of lesbians. There was some recent drama with some
terf ''lesbian'' artist who shitted on fujos who turned out to be a faking polilez who used to make MPREG one direction yaoi.
No. 2267163>>2267293
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>>2267152Actually most troons have lesbophilia. But you’d know that, what with all the clammy TIM-my asshole you’ve been sucking up to like a true scrotelicking himejoshi. Salute the flag, cuntbag!
(infighting) No. 2267177>>2267191
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this person arguing that if your against incest and rape pornography, then you've been brainwashed by christian moralists
No. 2267228>>2267233>>2267236>>2267239
>>2267084It's not even just Himes. Everyone is just sick and tired of their shit. Can't criticize fujos without having them spiraling into an autistic meltdown and acting like a
victim. I miss the days of fandom when they just stayed in their own lanes and normal people bullied and laughed at them for being autistic sexpests.
(keep this in the fujo hate thread) No. 2267231
>>2267164Again, that's exactly what she said. We get you're a fujofag, but take your retard glasses off and re-read the sentence.
>>2267175Most sped sentence ITT so far, take your meds fujotard.
No. 2267236
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>>2267228What makes me kek is when fujos, particularly the ones on LC, unironically try to argue that being a fujo is "feminist" because you'd get to ship
toxic traits between two fictional males instead of letting any
toxic romance get on a fictional woman. Fucking kekkk, you can tell that more of them need to go the fuck outside for once.
No. 2267239
>>2267233The way you literally proved
>>2267228 right KEK.
>Fujotards have to call anyone criticizing them yurifags/yuripedos when in reality everyone is sick of their retarded moidslop and their REEEEEEEEING every time precious moids aren't the center of everythingGo back
No. 2267243>>2267260>>2267515
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This thread is giving me cozy reminders of ancient shipping wars and how fun it was to laugh at retards who took it seriously.
No. 2267247
>>2267233>"Someone makes a little tweet on their personal profile and le evil yurifags dogpile and bash lil ole me!"Owwww, did they hawwass poor widdle fujos in their widde personal pwofiles where they were making widdle tweets? No wonder most of you retards end up trooning out, same
victim complex and annoying entitlement as troons kek
(fujobait) No. 2267257
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>>2267143dangerously based
No. 2267326>>2267376
>>2267293i honestly din't get why some people get this mad over others liking anime dong.
a lot of ppl enjoy shit i think is slop. you don't see me making whole threads moralfagging about how anyone who enjoys musicals is literally hitler
No. 2267376
>>2267291>'I can't coom to this, so of course I don't care/care less about it than I would if I could' This, fujo mentality is utterly braindead, especially because it never stops. I enjoy reading the usual fanfic or doujin, but media you enjoy can't be ALL about the precious coom. You can't sperg every time someone is interested in female characters instead of male buttholes for once.
>>2267326>moralfaggingYou retards really are tranny-lite kek. Nobody's moralfagging against your animu porn, we're sick of you having spergouts every time something is about anything other than yaoislop.
No. 2267398
>>2267143i am 100% sure that there are straight women out there who think about things other than sucking cock or cocks being sucked, but you would never know it listening to the way they talk about fandom. "most women are straight so that means 99% of fan content HAS to revolve around having sex with men or men having sex with each other! there is absolutely no reason to enjoy or appreciate a story or character outside of the degree to which they serve as good masturbation fodder!" like their incurable penisbrain should be everyone else's problem.
the single-minded obsession with erotica/porn is a problem that pervades all of fandom, but i've never seen anyone more self-righteously proud about contributing to it than some of the people on this website.
>politely sitting in silencebe serious.
No. 2267443>>2267469>>2267731
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>>2267409This is what I've been saying forever. Writing and making art about the concept of two dudes sucking each other's dicks and fucking each other in the ass and
liking it is not the mind of a woman that's strictly attracted to other women. Sure, they may not fuck dudes IRL, but there's still an extent of their minds that's attracted to males even in the form of an imagined concept. If we followed the logic of a horny fujoposter being a lesbian just because she doesnt fuck dudes IRL, technically any woman that's been single for a long time can register as a lesbian, and we all know that's not how sexuality works. Unless you are a fujo that is looking at yaoi that's strictly PG and nothing more, there is no such thing as being a lesbian and a fujo at the same time. Sorry not sorry, incoming seethers can eat my ass while I die on this hill.
(infight bait) No. 2267461
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>>2267446for real, i can't believe something so unserious incited such a spergy infight
No. 2267476>>2267479>>2267482>>2267488
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>>2267223>this >moid magnet Oh please, every female character is coombait moidmagnet to you. Ya'll will never be satisfied with any female character unless they're wearing a niqab
No. 2267486>>2267495>>2267500>>2267504
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Fujoshart yumewhales SEETHING because we WON and LITERALLY HITLER didn't fuck a MAN like how it happens when they want to write """""""lesbians"""""".
I would rather have REAL lesbians because the fanbase is mostly waifufag scrotes than have cocksucking BISEXUALS being passed off as DYKES in a franchise composed by conversion fetishist BISLUTS and yumeniggers SELF-INSERTING who just want the """"""lesbians"""""" to fuck MEN.(fujosperging outside containment)
No. 2267487
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>>2267479It depends on the skin.
No. 2267488>>2267502
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>>2267476she has a shit ton of porn, you are dumb if you dont think men want pixie dream punk girls
No. 2267518>>2267524>>2267525>>2267541>>2267556>>2267774>>2267995>>2269014
File (hide): 1732040905762.png (966.33 KB, 489x1587, shouldhavebeenyuri.png)

>>2266914Is this post really THAT tone-deaf to deserve so much backlash? Yurifriends on xitter always make posts about how xyz of media would be better if it were yuri and honestly, it doesn't bother me at all. Maybe it's because I enjoy both yaoi and yuri, but all this outrage over a corny post seems a bit excessive to me.
No. 2267541>>2267558
>>2267518According to
>>2267173 it's not even a fujo, but some teen guy.
No. 2267556
>>2267518One thing that bothers me about modern fandom (this isn't aimed at yuri enjoyers in particular, just using the pic as an example) is that supposed die-hard fans who are
so starved of content that they're clawing at the walls and growling at the neighbourhood dogs…will do literally anything except MAKE the goddamn content they want to see kek. A lot of fanartists can obviously draw so what's stopping them?
No. 2267561>>2267570>>2267572>>2267573>>2267594>>2267631
>>2267122Newsflash: Most women are straight and want to see hot guys, not women. Stop caring about the feelings of fictional women.
>>2267159>No1currs you have millions of fujocoomer slop with no female characters in sight alreadyThere is no good or engaging media with a predominately attractive male cast. Quit your bullshit. Meanwhile there's ton of the inverse out there for lesbos
No. 2267578>>2267579>>2267626>>2268236
>>2267567I don't give a shit about most female characters because I'm straight. This is a female socialization thing and an inability to be honest which ironically enough creates more issues.
>>2267570We need to start bullying asexuals. Not liking something because you can't coom to it is based (if you're a woman).
>>2267572What? Just watch strike witches or utena if you want yuri or some shit, there's tons of it out there, especially in anime.
No. 2267610>>2267663
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>>2267586Yuripedo spotted. Yoshika, sanya, erica along with francesica (who i'm asssuming you're talking about) are all lolis. Even picrel who are the only adult women argulably have loliface. I enjoyed strike witches but the "interesting plot and lesbians" doesn't mitigate the fact that a good chunk of it is ecchislop fanservice, in fact it was the least enjoyable part of the show.
>>2267594Most casts are mixed gender. Good quality media with attractive males doesn't exist, and if they do there's no yaoi fanservice or any at all
>>2267603>Kinda sucks because the lewd yuri fanservice got toned down with itTranny
>>2267606If you're a non brainwashed straight woman who doesn't virtue signal for dadbods and dilfs it is actually super hard.
No. 2267614
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>If you watch anime with an interesting plot and lesbians like Strike Witches you get called a pedo in here because there is a token loli (like in every other anime ever).
gee i wonder why people call you a pedo for liking this shit
No. 2267624
>>2267494Newsflash: 99% of feminism happens at the level of real women. Your fictional female characters will never do more more feminism than a group of REAL women in REAL life coming together to draw and create the things they enjoy doing freely. It's a sign of deep autism and terminally online brainrot that anyone would think otherwise.
>>2267508No1curr. Real fujos don't have opinions on yuri either way.
>>2267514Sexy female characters made by men are coomslop. Sexy female characters made by lesbians are based. League is for men, by men, so it falls into the former category. Have some self-respect for your own gender.
>>2267567Jesus Christ, why do you even care what we like? Genuinely. You guys always kick off arguments with a random tweet or post like:
> Dumb stupid fujos, obsessed with men, everyone knows that yuri is better!!!Then get mad at fujos for responding when you
directly insulted them out of the blue. Now, if you tried something like:
> I love yuri! Yuri is great!Without mentioning fujos or yaoi at all, see how much less antagonistic that sounds? Atp I'm convinced you guys
enjoy the kickback you get from making these argumentative statements, then throwing up your hands and doing the 'but I'm just a little guy!' act when fujos inevitably and rightfully take offence at your unecessary rudeness.
Finally, I want to add that no, most fujos are not addicted to coomslop yaoi. We have hobbies outside of yaoi. You just have perception bias because all you know of us are what we choose to post to the internet. I'm a qualified lawyer who likes debating, politics and literature. But how would you know that from my Ao3 page? Stop taking women at face value. We're allowed to have retarded, horny hobbies like men do. Let us be.
(fujo sperging) No. 2267626
>>2267578>UtenaAn anime over two decades old that became a cult classic BECAUSE of how rare it was to depict f/f relationships without being primarily concerned with titillating a male audience does not prove there is an abundance of similar titles.
>Strike WitchesThe fanservice put me off of it. No, thanks. Hardly a good example to prove there is an abundance of media with a nuanced female cast that don't exist for the male gaze.
There are a few anime series that have predominantly female casts, which means the relationships between the female characters are central and lend themselves to shipping, like Madoka Magica. But that does not mean this is the norm or that it is FOR lesbians. The idea that anyone is prioritizing or considering lesbians (tiny sliver of the population) when making media is so out of touch with reality it's not even funny.
No. 2267670
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I think you misread; I like the plot and the characters but hate the fanservice. I heard that the later entries don't have as much fanservice, can I skip season 2 or is it necessary to watch? I don't know how much more loli pantyshots and groping I can take.
No. 2267703
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>There is a drunk sloppy kiss between Mina and Sakamoto in S2
Hot. I actually don't mind fanservice of them considering they're both mature adults and my two favorite characters respectively. One of the highlights of Strike Witches to me was Mina/Sakamoto's surprisingly complex relationship. I'm not really a yurifag so that's telling, definitely my favorite ship in the series, possibly yuri ship in general.
Eilanya is a good ship and I like their relationship so I don't mind that either, in fact the yuri subtext when it's not overt with coom is something I like about the anime. I just hope there's none of Yoshika/Lynette or Charlotte/Francisca because they're both trash ships. I'll definitely pick up season 2, thank you anon!
No. 2267706
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>but as the series progresses it goes beyond "booby monster Yoshika groping Lynne for the lulz" and they get sweet scenes together
I thought they were really cute together when it wasn't just obnoxious boob jokes or retarded groping scenes, also nice to hear kek. I always thought they were better as best friends than girlfriends though.
No. 2267731>>2267760>>2267764
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>>2267443>infight baitmods have fell off so hard that they'll call genuine arguments "bait" just because they don't like other people's takes.
(take it to /meta/) No. 2267753>>2269697
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>>2267525>art style makes the moid look like a woman anywaysAs long as he does not have trap proportions, I do not see an issue here. I prefer this over the standard anime sexual dimorphism.
No. 2267918
>>2267900>in a relationship with a TIFhow? isnt she a
terf? is tifpussy that strong?
No. 2267995
>>2267933why would you post these ugly ass designs
>>2267954ok? and yurifags say the same shit
>>2267518 who cares?
No. 2268162>>2268165>>2268248>>2268341>>2268462>>2270211
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>>2268099from my experience in fandom it's either
>shipping googles. the only thing that matters is getting them together and characterisation has no impact whatsoever. a lot of shipfics are the literary equivalent of a 6yo smashing a barbie and ken (or 2 kens) together>focusing on side characters. a lot of ppl take a guy that has like 3 lines and one personality trait in canon and then make up an entire story about him, other characters only exist in relations to him. (see an extreme example in picrel for a guy who has canonically no lines and no role in the story, his only trait is that his wife cucks him with the big bad.)>focusing on headcanons. ppl decide canon sucks and replace the characters' og personality with their own preferences. mosy of the tiime the character gets turned into a self-insert, the author's ideal love interest, and/or "demisexual nonbinary fat queer vitiligo hijabi amputee" idpol salad.and more and more often these days
>people who don't even engage with the source material. back in the day fans used to complains about ppl who only watched the movie adaptations and not the books. Now it's much worse bc you've got people doing fic and art who only picked shit up through let's plays, youtube or tiktok videos, fanfics, other people's posts or even just ~vibes~. pathetic. No. 2268229>>2268252>>2268511
>>2266914There's more than enough yaoi already, what we're really lacking is media for women with a mostly female cast that is treated with respect (since moids already have all the media in the world with the sexes inverted) and a story that doesn't suck (looking at you SU)
on the other hand, fujos have a shit ton of yaoi manga, and even anime and games, fandoms are already fujo dominated, what more do they want? meanwhile other women who like 2d boys but aren't fujos are forced to choose between internalized male gaze titty monster manga and male on female abuse, and lesbians have to share genres with male troons, not to mention all the women that don't just want romance and are just starved for decent female-led stories
No. 2268247
>>2268023male to female genderbends are often just "guy but with boobs and long hair and skirt" honestly, most of them suck ime
No. 2268248>>2268274
>>2268162I was going to say that harry potter fandom comes to mind, cus it is full of these especially the last two but then I read your picrel tags kek
Worst part is that these people hate jkr but can't let go a work of fiction they don't even like
No. 2268252>>2268269
>>2268229It's almost like it was a moid baiting on twitter. Ffs, I get it but at this point its a
victim complex.
No. 2268255>>2268281>>2268462
>>2268165yup. it's incredibly annoying imo, you check out fanworks to get more of the characters you know and love. not OCs with the numbers filed off
ther's also anlot more fic that has 0 to do with canon anymore, like completely different settings where the characters have totally different backgrounds and nothing in common with canon except names.
in general fadom at large is way more fast and loose with canon, i've noticed that the majority of fanfics now are AU, even the canon settings are time travel or fix-it. and of course a lot alternate settings.
No. 2268274
>>2268248lol yup, it's especially bad in the hp fandom bc poeople feel entitled to shit on canon, brag about not having read the books, and a lot of the marauderfags base their entire idea of the characters on one fanfic and some roleplays.
the harry potter books are good genre ficiton but most of these people aren't literate enough to get them even though they're for teens. sad!
(Also minor gripe but so many people mix up book and movie characterisations… mcginagall isn't motherly and voldemort doesn't run around screeching manically in the books, and yet)
No. 2268332
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>>2267291Beautifully put,
No. 2268349
>>2268281ayrt and yeah, especially when they act like canon sucks and their version is better. usually they don't get why the canon ending was written in a specific way and completely miss themes, narratives and character arcs. i totally get not wanting to kill off your faves but most fix its are total shit, either some totally conceited "heres why im a better writer" shit or meaningless uwu fluff where nothing
problematic ever happens. a lot of fix-it fuckers don't understand you're suppsed to have some conflict in a story.
>>2268341i'm not even a husbandofag and i totally get you, characters getting turned into daddy doms is the worst. they get their personality completely replaced by some generic dark romance clichés straight out of booktok. why do people act like they love a character but completely erase their personality?
No. 2268373
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>>2267223In game Vi is Moid bait, but Arcane Vi would get the too woke accusations. Just look at how moids talk about female MC ghost of yotei
No. 2268380
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>>2267223nta but in-game she looks like what men think lesbians look like
No. 2268462
>>2268162All this based on like two sentences where character 1 is dissociating and character 2 is panicking because they’re about to be sent to wizard torture prison. Where does the fish tank come in?
>>2268255One thing I’ve been seeing with the HP fandom is people making new OCs and acting like they’re canon characters. Who the hell are Lorenzo Berkshire and Mattheo Riddle? I keep seeing them everywhere but I have no idea what fanfiction or other source they even come from. Fandom has yassified the entirety of Slytherin house. Nearly every Slytherin student we see in canon is explicitly said to be ugly and crude but fandom has decided to mentally replace them all with charismatic supermodels. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if most of these people have never read the books or even seen the movies and are purely going off TikTok edits or whatever the kids are into these day.
No. 2268469
>>2268099this is the bane of my existence, whether my fave is male or female they always seem to get heavily mischaracterised by the majority of the fandom in glaringly obvious ways kek. imo it's due to a mix of poor comprehension/attention towards the media itself, projection and wish-fulfilment motivating it, as it's clear the mischaracterisations cater heavily towards the person making them. what really confuses me about this is that characters that match the mischaracterisation
exist, often quite commonly, yet instead they'll warp a more niche or uncommon character to fit instead of just… finding stuff that caters to their tastes straight out the box lol
another aspect is how the idea of 'fixing' or knowing canon better than the creator/canon knows itself has also become extremely popular, and people get a kick out of and encouragement for writing extensive 'meta' that's really more headcanon than discussion/analysis of the source material. it's not a bad thing to do either as a bit of fun, the problem is people treating such fan-made apocrypha as true canon (or even just not realising that every other fan doesn't live in their head or read their blog kek).
No. 2268511>>2268605>>2268984
>>2268229Yes, true. But what do fujos have to do with anything? Yaoi is mostly fan-made media, not official. You aren't experiencing a lack of new, interesting female-centric media because of other women. It's because men, who have most of the media power when it comes to deciding what new shows can be created, don't want to
see interesting women. They want vapid, sexy dolls. You're just taking out your frustration on your fellow women (who are equally powerless as you!) because they're easier targets of anger. It's cowardly and cliched.
No. 2269014
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>>2268932>fujo this fujo that bwaaahIt almost feels as if I am talking to a wall but it is very much a retarded post, nothing exclusive to fujos
>>2267518. And multiple anons have pointed out that he is a dude, if that isn’t proof enough for you then it takes less than a second to look up his account.
No. 2269068>>2269078>>2269094
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>tfw a quarter of a billion dollar animation project has canon lesbians in it
Fujos BTFO'd KEK
Keep seething when you only get literal breadcrumbs(baiting)
No. 2269105>>2269189>>2269384
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fandom twitter finally figures out that no one outside of fandom twitter calls grown men 'babygirl', in fact they find it cringe and awkward
No. 2269291>>2269312>>2269315>>2269361>>2269371
>>2269239Not sure myself, but I feel idpol and gender politics may have had a hand at simplifying sex interactions via "gender roles bad therefore femboys tomboys subversive". In a bid to seem feminist, it instead evolved into a new form of heteronormativity where the roles of women are imposed on men while the roles of men are imposed on women without any regards to nuance or outside alternatives. You never see these types talk about men eating women's pussy or clit–it's always moid centered pegging or strength based dominance because their minds can't envision sexuality through lens of something female orientated. In other words, it's still rooted in patriarchal paradigms that still serve men while reducing any women and man as mere objects bereft of humanity.
On a slightly unrelated note, am I insane or is anything aimed at women somewhat more woke than something aimed at men. As much as moids bemoan wokeness taking their coomslop away, I've seen more women-aimed content get hit the hardest simply because "women are more empathic to other minorities" or something to that effect.
No. 2269308
>>2269293So just
one series?
No. 2269347>>2269685>>2269718
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>>2269297No, iirc the issue was that they didn't show them getting married or saying it definitely at the end of the show, just showed them happy together. They also announced pic related recently.
No. 2269361>>2269389
>>2269232>straight women like…their men to be masculine?Not all of us do.
>>2269291>gender politics may have had a hand at simplifying sex interactions via "gender roles bad therefore femboys tomboys subversive".Ironically, trans ideology is anti-tomboy/“femboy” because it encourages GNC people to transition.
No. 2269384>>2269393
>>2269232Even as a femdomfag who likes submissive men, I still want them to be masculine kek. I can't think of anything more unnattractive than a crossdressing/effeminate man. I do think
>>2269105 is being blown out of proportion though, calling men babygirl might be a cringe fandom thing but its not like they're campaigning for all male leads to be limp wristed trannies.
>>2269241Thank god that fad is over, but a few years ago women were unironically memeing themselves to be into femboys and pegging. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 2269389
>>2269361I'm aware. I'm just saying for the most part because apparently pretty boys are too masculine therefore scary to lib progressive folks. They must all be trans or turned into turbo femboy parodies (i.e women) in order to feel palpable to a certain subset of brogressives. Hence, TIMs seething at the existence of beautiful men and TIFs tomboys due to both feeling happy for being themselves unlike them.
>>2269371I just don't buy it. Women aren't inherently woke but since women who aren't beautiful are often deemed "woke" then it snowballs into content decentering women in favor of anything non-women related like gendies lamenting their specialness or straight couples with extra steps. I hate it when it almost happened to otome and I hate it now as finding anything aimed at women that isn't filled to the brim with woke queer bullshit seems impossible. I just wanna look at cute guys and squee about fashion not troon melodrama.
No. 2269697>>2270318
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>>2267753late but damn does this image make me seethe i edited it so her proportions are somewhat equal to the moid. the tiny ass mouth with realistic lips on a lot of moeblob faces look so retarded
No. 2269706>>2269725>>2269749
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Why is there so much hate surrounding masc x fem gay ships? Why is it wrong to ship a feminine man/woman with a masculine man/woman? I hate it because it makes it seem like the only "acceptable" gay ships are boring masc x masc shit. Or fem x fem shit for lesbians.
No. 2269725>>2269742
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>>2269706the trope isnt wrong but if its fanart its definitely a slippery slope into trooning out one of the characters (e.g. brujoaris) its especially egregious when the characters look nothing like the extreme dimorphism fanart portray them as.
No. 2269749
>>2269706i mean that meme is more about characterisation isn't it? i don't know if there is hate for masc x fem in general (probably somewhere cause there are bitter retards that will get pissy about anything) but this seems more like the gripe being expressed is with a type of flanderisation. Instead of writing or drawing something that captures the nuance of the original dynamic the perceived more effeminate man gets a complete uwu-ification 'soft boi' makeover whereas the masculine one gets turned into their classic edgy wattpad daddyman.
Less of the reason you're reading these characters specifically and more "wow you could swap their names for anyone and i would not bat an eye"
No. 2269755
>>2269742they were originally jojo's bizarre characters who are both male in canon before being converted into TIF ocs.
i tinfoil that brujo made jotaro/alex a tif last minute so she wouldnt get backlash for hetbending a gay ship even if one of the characters is supposedly a "non-masc presenting trans man uwu". even she knows no one is falling for that shit and has to scramble to keep it gay (technically is but not in the way she intended kek)
No. 2270035>>2270049>>2271854
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Glad that gaming fanbases are getting tired of stellar blade gooners acting like their coombait is the second coming of christ. The gameplay looks terrible too.
No. 2270052>>2270118>>2270151
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at this point stellarblade is just a wojack scrotes use to make hot vs ugly tweets about western games. At least people were still talking about Wukong after release. Everything with stellar blade is coom coom coom ragebait
No. 2270125>>2270156>>2270831
>>2269718You don't need to be a fujo to be cucked by showrunners, iirc teen titans showrunners insulted their fangirls by dumbing down the female character to be retarded so they'd like her less. Why? Because they wanted less female fans so their toys would be sold in the boy's section. When they noticed their fangirls weren't lessening, they dumbed her down even more and just kept going. Even in England JKR's publishers demanded she use her initials because they wanted to market the books to boys and believed boys wouldn't buy them if they thought a woman wrote them. Also random but I remembered BBC Sherlock's writers dedicated a whole episode to mocking their female fans despite the fangirls being the only ones keeping the hype alive for actual years between seasons. Imagine waiting all that time for a new season and the first episode is just calling you retarded for… being a fan of the show. It's misogyny through and through. Happens in the west and it happens in the east. It's all about pathetic moids who enjoy degrading their female fans because they think they can get away with it.
Genuinely this is why I never watch shows or read books written by XYs, they're just inherently a waste of time because sooner or later you get disrespected as a girl/woman.
Also regarding the "le based yuri" in gundam since it seems a topic lately, I don't see lesbians written by voyeuristic moids for voyeuristic moids as based. In Sherlock too they wrote a "lesbian" character have Sherlock be her "exception" and in NBC Hannibal they did the same and made her sleep with Will. Genuinely disgusted with moids and I hope those walking porn addicts die out, judging by their male suicide rates and retarded wars they keep starting they're doing a good job so far. Nothing a moid has made has ever impressed me. I actually believe if every moid had his hands amputated at birth it would lead to world peace.
No. 2270144>>2270153
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what the fuck does "bisexual energy" even mean?
No. 2270156>>2270167>>2270831>>2271013
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>>2270125Ignoring my sperging about the teen titans/comic fandom
>iirc teen titans showrunners insulted their fangirls by dumbing down the female character to be retarded so they'd like her less. Why? Because they wanted less female fans so their toys would be sold in the boy's section. When they noticed their fangirls weren't lessening, they dumbed her down even more and just kept going. Even in England JKR's publishers demanded she use her initials because they wanted to market the books to boys and believed boys wouldn't buy them if they thought a woman wrote them.I will never get the nostalgia and love for the teen titans cartoon. It completely overshadowed their original comic characterization. Now raven is just a goth girl and starfire is dumb alien + dick graysons love interest. To the point where they gave starfire a new love interests and scrotes were mad. Comic fandoms love having their wish fulfillment scrote MCs have hundreds of love interests while female characters are stuck with one mediocre scrote
No. 2270167>>2270611>>2271837>>2271865
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>>2270156Samefagging for more titansperging but there hasn't been a more brutal case of fanon super imposing over every iteration of a character than raven and teen titans
No. 2270174
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>>2269374>>2269290>>2269293The mecha thread feels lonely without more Gundamfags
>>>/m/299164 No. 2270471>>2270687
>>2269450And what do we do now that the thread for fujos has been locked? I'm asking in good faith: if we created a new thread
exclusively for female himejoshis with a ban for any TIM material, would you let us have that? Otherwise you're leaving fujos with absolutely nowhere to vent our frustrations, while yurifags have both mainstream sites and LC under their control.
No. 2270559>>2270561>>2270684
So /ot/ can accommodate the fujohater, but having threads dunking on hime/yurifags is verboten?
>>>/ot/2270465>>>/ot/2270477>>>/ot/2269355>>>/ot/2270499The moderation here disgusts me.
(take it to /meta/) No. 2270565
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>>2270561Whatever you say, tranny janny.
No. 2270601>>2270602>>2270609
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>>2270595>their school girl moeblob yuri is different from moids school girl moeblob yurihonestly, youre just ignorant and dont actually know anything about yuri or gl general. making a thread on himejos and then only posting about trans is misleading. sounds like you have a hateboner for lesbians and looking for a reason to bash them
No. 2270609>>2270615
>>2270601>sounds like you have a hateboner for lesbians and looking for a reason to bash themYeah some of the deleted posts in that locked thread was some anon implying lesbians were "just as bad as men"/pedos because she knew someone who dated a freshman when they were 17 or something
>>2269745 . She also said "lescels" were malding that straight women (fujos) exist
>>2269662 . She seems to be implying that lesbianism itself is "male gaze," because they talk about women being sexy or whatever (in her deleted posts), whatever twisted logic that is.
No. 2270623>>2270642
>>2270618This isnt about tims being women, its about tims being part of the yuri fandom. And they are a majority of it.
>>2270620Because yaoi and whatever gay men do is different. There is virtually no difference between yurishit by women and by men. Most of the stuff that gets nitpicked on the fujocoomer thread isnt something thats present in gay men art(mpreg, feminised ukes, Tifs being called ukes, cuntboy shit, etc). But himejoshis and their troon brothers share the exact same type of media.
No. 2270642>>2270644>>2270677>>2270761
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>>2270623>There is virtually no difference between yurishit by women and by men. youre actually blind and illiterate if you cant see the difference between gl works by men and women, and i doubt you ever tried giving yuri a chance other than going into loli tags to look for it. ofc ur going to find trash that way and think that it somehow proves your point. if you arent attracted to women at all then stay away from gl honestly, or youre probably going to find another way to push that ssa=moid brain
>>2270634hetalia has a huge fujo audience despite the creator being a man, and ive seen other gay male artists draw yaoi in that style. there are also a plenty of fujos that are into bara and "fat old man yaoi"
No. 2270649>>2270654>>2270703
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>>2270644alright listen nta i think the lolicon yurispeds are retarded but dont come for tamen de gushi like that it doesnt deserve it. plus its not weeb loli shit its chinese and the characters look like adults.
No. 2270650>>2270656>>2270677
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>>2270644thats tamen de gushi, a very popular GL manhua by a woman. if youve never heard of it, then you actually have zero valuable insight about gl and your opinion on womens art is invalid.
No. 2270665
>>2270654you must have fat hands
nonny, but its alright. most fujoshis are overweight
(infighting) No. 2270677>>2270695
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>>2270650>>2270642The truth hurts. just one example of a female yuri artist whose art is indistinguishable with that made by a moid. Cope.
>>2270656She give me off the 'you have to have a very high intelligence to enjoy yuri(bait) moeslop' energy. Nope. Fujos don't use that defense, /a/ lolipedos don't use that defense, shounentards don't care - it's only the resident yurifag crybully who tattles to the mods when her hobby is under attack. She is this
>>>/meta/86448 and belongs on /snow/.
(infighting) No. 2270684>>2270692
>>2270682>You have your designated threads to sperg about fujos vs himesUpdate time: THE THREADS HAVE BEEN LOCKED THAT'S WHY THE AUTISM SPILLS OVER HERE
>>2270559Harass the mods for their obvious bias.
No. 2270687>>2270693
>>2270471>And what do we do now that the thread for fujos has been locked? I'm asking in good faithCope, seethe and dilate. Maybe take a shower if you're feeling brave.
>Otherwise you're leaving fujos with absolutely nowhere to vent our frustrationsOh my god will someone PLEASE think of the fujos and their frustrations?!???!!!!! Vent threads aren't segregated by porn category, retardnona. Cope and seethe there until you can be normal. World's biggest
victim complexes, are we sure you gals aren't trannies?
No. 2270690>>2270693
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>>2270681are you talking about shota or..? because i did say that shota looked like it was drawn by a woman but fujos like to pretend that shota is small portion of their fandom even if its not made by men. here is also a free(also a lot of fujoshi fans) cap from bing of a shota that has the same yaoi style
No. 2270693>>2270697
>>2270687this is rich coming from yurifags considered they shitposted a thread making fun of them just because it got their feefees hurt
>>2270690the artist of the comic you posted is a woman, i checked. I dont know why you think only men like shota, free is a franchise for women and it has a shota movie.
No. 2270695>>2270698
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>>2270677this is art by a bisexual moid that has a comic about gays and the style looks exactly like yaoi, he draws just like a fujo
No. 2270715>>2270717
>>2270707You can sperg about everyone you dont like being a lolifag all you want, but as evidenced by both meta and this thread that you've been shitting up for hours: fujotards are the only speds who can't handle criticism. Also, why do you even pretend to care about the alleged hime lolifags if all you fujotards defend shotacon with your dying breath?
>>2270712>everyone i dont like is a yurifagYes, I will ignore it because your infighting has been completely onesided. All I saw in that thread were fujospeds fighting imaginary comments.
No. 2270717>>2270719>>2270721>>2270722
>>2270713both consume the same garbage, yurishit. I dont understand why female yuritards are above criticism. All of the lolifags were female.
>>2270715>fujotards are the only speds who can't handle criticismthen why is only the fujocoomer thread still up, while the yuricoomer thread is a banned topic?
>Also, why do you even pretend to care about the alleged hime lolifags if all you fujotards defend shotacon with your dying breath?i am not a fujo, guess what normal people think both yurifags and fujos are weird coomers.
No. 2270721>>2270735
>>2270717>then why is only the fujocoomer thread still up, while the yuricoomer thread is a banned topic? Because their thread contains actual milk, wasn't made as a bitter vendetta, doesn't post male trannies, and its not an autistic seething spergfest like your threads. Maybe try not being such a sperg if you want threads to last because you were given multiple warnings to stop or it would be locked.
>i am not a fujodoubt.
No. 2270722>>2270736
>>2270717>All of the lolifags were female.The lolifags:
>A straight woman who didn't ship yuriand
>A detrans woman who self-shipped with Lisa Simpson and who also had shotacon/brocon in her bioNot seeing much hime cringe there
No. 2270726
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goddamn the seething from fujos in the past four hours is so hilarious. They really can't help but act like absolute speds can they?
No. 2270733>>2270737>>2270739
File (hide): 1732204278721.gif (325.41 KB, 165x163, IMG_7349.gif)

>>2270728PLEASE lock the anti-fujo thread. If the past 24 hours have taught me anything it’s that himejoshis are just as whiny and entitled as trannies and hate being treated the way they treat others. Having their cesspit sprayed down like a wasp nest will cause a meltdown the likes of which LC has never seen.
No. 2270736>>2270769
>>2270722>A straight woman who didn't ship yuriyou never watched hidamari sketch did you? one of the characters is a himejoshi who writes GL.
>A detrans woman who self-shipped with Lisa Simpson and who also had shotacon/brocon in her biostill a himejoshi, her drawing shota and yaoi doesnt mean she isnt also a hime who drew helga and her sister incest yuri art
No. 2270743
>>2270732It's so funny
>one single baiter posting retarded shit=all anti yuri anons are lesbophobic misogynists!!!!1>multiple examples of moids trooning out because of yuri, creepy female loli yurifags = umm ackshually that doesnt prove anythingso which is it?
No. 2270744>>2270749>>2270755>>2270769
>>2270735tifs are women so they count as fujoshis.
tims are men so they don't count as himejoshis.
No. 2270753
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>>2270747Are you implying that transbians are lesbians or what?
No. 2270758>>2270771
>>2270755we CANT make fun of yuri, the tranny jannies locked the thread. However the fujocoomer thread is still up so you can sperg there if you want kek. Imagine still acting like a
victim when mods locked a thread because it hurt your feefees
No. 2270761>>2270765
File (hide): 1732205030794.gif (1.07 MB, 380x273, IMG_6150.gif)

>>2270735>>2270732>>2270719>>2270713>>2270644>>2270642If mods perma-banned this lowercaps hime-chan personalityfag then I guarantee my nonas that all the current fujo/hime discourse would halve in the span of a second. I’ve been keeping an eye on her posting habits, typing quirks, reply time, catchphrases, etc. and she makes up a solid third of all the seething posts on this thread, the locked yuricoomer thread and the anti-fujo thread combined. The thrust of her entire agenda has been desperately clawing at nonas to differentiate between TIM yurifags and ‘pure, innocent’ himejoshi lesbians who can ‘do no wrong’, despite the fact that the latter are just as capable of being every bit as vile, nasty and misogynistic towards their fellow female fans as men are. Hime-chan, I respect the hustle— seeing as you probably haven’t closed your laptop once in the past 24 hours— but it’s getting pathetic and you’re convincing no one. Go pour yourself a cosy, hot drink, kick up your legs, open one of your lovely little yuri mangas and unclench.
No. 2270769
>>2270736Oop, another one from our darling hime-chan.
>>2270744There she goes! “Nooo himejoshis are pure!!! Don’t group us with TIMs!!!”
>>2270747Say hime-chan in the mirror three times and turn around… boo!
No. 2270806>>2270811>>2272885
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>>2270797crumbtoast. she's become the mouthpiece for modern fandom RE7/8 discussion and while she certainly played the games and has a genuine grasp on the character's characterization, her orbiters certainly dont and take her "Ethan winter's is Miss D's pet dog ecks dee" comic as literal and assume thats what happens in canon.
No. 2270821>>2270832>>2270850>>2271347
File (hide): 1732207501329.jpg (956.1 KB, 999x1325, RCO023_1463652090.jpg)

>>2270797If you can count an official Transformers comic author that used to write extremely lengthy fanfiction involving mpreg as a popular fan, then yes. I have this autistic hateboner for James Roberts and his writing in the latter half of the IDW Transformers continuity. Him making Tailgate a soft boy yaoi uke and babying him annoyed the fuck out of me. If he was going to make Cyclonus gay he should've given him a boyfriend that wasn't a pain in the fucking ass.
No. 2270824
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>>2270811Yes its the same artist though she doesnt make explicit content of him, she also draws (almost) every RE female character as a TIM though which I find more egregious imo
No. 2270831>>2270938>>2270944>>2271019>>2271329
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>>2270125>teen titans showrunners insulted their fangirls by dumbing down the female character to be retarded so they'd like her less. Why? Because they wanted less female fans so their toys would be sold in the boy's section. no, it was because all the characters were simplified and made younger/more immature and dan didio used the "too many girl fans" to get both that cartoon + young justice cancelled because he hates legacy characters like dick grayson and stephanie brown.
>>2270156>Now raven is just a goth girl and starfire is dumb alien + dick graysons love interest. To the point where they gave starfire a new love interests and scrotes were mad.that character shes hugging looks ugly, and has that even been confirmed as a new lover for her? we all know how well branching her relationships out to other male characters went in the new-52s, just a complete embarrassing mess that turned starfire into a braindead slut, there is a reason why fans are so sensitive to it. her and dick were iconic before the cartoon and were screwed over by the bat editorial wanting dick to be exclusive to the batfamily, leading to the most boring, forced relationship of all comics (dickbabs), while starfire has been juggled around from team to team and mediocre comics. there are far worst character butchery when it comes to starfire than the cartoon version, and most people who get mad about it have barely read NTT and only give a fuck about her because that one artist said he based his drawings of her off naomi cambell (even though she was originally based off isis chacon), same people who pretend to like that ugly bald jinx design from 2004 to try to shit on her design from the cartoon.
as for raven, i'll partially give you that one. i always loved the character as a child but never enjoyed any of her comic appearances, although i understand why they deviated so heavily from her NTT version as she is a pacifist (which wouldn't work in an action cartoon) who pulls some weird shit (the wally mind control plot, for example) but the 2003 version of her was also a hit with female fans, whether they were aiming for her to be or not. in most interviews, the writers (murakami, slack, wolfram) seem to care about her pretty deeply and have some interesting insight into why she was written the way she was, especially to be relatable to children who have poor parents/home lives. i think its important to remember the cartoon versions were simplified and altered to appeal to 6-12 year olds, i don't think its their fault that weird scrotes ran with the goth girl aesthetic and butchered her comic book counterpart.
No. 2270840>>2270850>>2271002
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>>2270832God, I can bitch about the end of his run all day. It sucks that mtmte and lost light are still the only idw comics tf fans actually bothered reading. I'm so glad nobody cared about his transbian ocs, they were insufferable. I'm also happy that he hasn't written anything since lost light ended. I hope mpreg Scorponok was the last straw for hasbro.
No. 2270841
>>2270797HP fandom has always had this issue… back in the day it was cassandra claire's draco in leather pants and thanfiction's dark 'n edgy shit that influenced fandom perceptions. (both authors were batshit insane lolcows).
nowadays it's tiktok edits and that one marauder fanfic called "all the young dudes" where they're all big gay softbois or something.
No. 2270850>>2270856
>>2270821ayrt and kek I wasn't expecting tf stuff to turn up but yeah I'd say he counts since he's an ascended fan iirc. The mpreg thing was wild, it didn't even go anywhere lmao
While I liked some of the Lost Light stuff, I'm glad the part of the IDW continuity I actually like to hang around in is pretty isolated from it.
>Tailgate/Cyclonusyeah… I didn't mind them at first as a duo/potential couple, but it just got sappy and dumb. Also kinda just felt like a bit of a repeat of Chomedome/Rewind in the end.
>>2270832>communist Megatron, introducing the epic trans lesbians, making his boring oc God etc etcugh don't remind me. Megatron being at all redeemable needs to be done at the
start of a continuity, the tranny shit was annoying and derailing with all the exposition required to explain it (and was there to try and make up for some earlier writing trying to explain 'why are there girl robots?' or something), and Rung should have just stayed a sue-ish shrink and not robo jesus
>>2270840kek this panel gets me every time
No. 2270856>>2270875
>>2270850Everything about fembots in the idw universe was so dumb.
>girl robots don't need to exist.>fine. we can introduce arcee but make her a crazy tranny science experiment>oh? hasbro wants us to make a comic about their new girl transformer? ok. nevermind all that. girl robots exist they were just on other planets during the war.Retarded
No. 2270944>>2271019>>2271137
>>22708312003 version of her made her characterization an infantalized fish out of water while new 52 did all that with her hooking up. I miss her OG characterization of being a warrior princess stacy and not just dick grayson's hot sidechick. The new love interest is ugly but current comics have reduced her to being a cuckqueen for dick and babs while not even letting her be a powerhouse. She should've had captain marvels, jean grey and storms status despite what comic culture spergs say marvel out sells DC despite DC doubling down on pandering to batman fans.
I forgot this but the bat family is the only other comic that has worse cases of fan headcanons rewriting original canon than teen titans.
No. 2271002
>>2270832God I fucking hated Rung and the troon bots, I genuinely think their introduction turned me into a quote a quote
I didn’t mind Megs though, helps that he and Rodimus had some cute chemistry going on.
>>2270840Mpreg Scorponox was so out there that it didn’t bother me and I just found it funny
No. 2271019>>2271038>>2271137
>>2270831>dan didioHoly fuck why is it always this bald fat faggot behind all misogyny and bad choices in DC?
>>2270944>I miss her OG characterization of being a warrior princess stacy and not just dick grayson's hot sidechick.I know she must've had better characterization in the past, but even in older og comics she was always a "sexy born yesterday" stereotype constantly portrayed as a sexy bimbo who didn't get it's inappropriate to show her tatas 24/7 outside of her promiscuous fanservicy alien culture. They could never make me like Starfire, she's always been such coomerbait. But then again Barbara is boring and lame too, so I think all shipping wars about who Dick should dick down in the main continuity are stupid.
No. 2271038>>2271066>>2271397>>2271671>>2279011
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>>2271019>all shipping wars about who Dick should dick down in the main continuity are stupid.He should have a harem of older men, simple as.
No. 2271137>>2271397
File (hide): 1732222413177.jpeg (303.43 KB, 525x1571, 36C4C833-3A6D-4E5B-A4CF-EC6349…)

>>2270938he doesn't like dick because he believes he ages bruce, makes him redundant, and makes him happy which superheroes shouldn't be. he just wants comics to permanently be in the silver age because thats what he grew up with.
>>2270944>2003 version of her made her characterization an infantalized fish out of water while new 52 did all that with her hooking up. I miss her OG characterization of being a warrior princess stacy and not just dick grayson's hot sidechick.once again, not the fault of the cartoon. its like insisting BTBATB completely butchered aquaman and is the reason no one takes him seriously anymore, starfire got screwed over by didio hating the titans and known sexual harasser lobdell getting to write her in the new-52s, and she hasn't been dick grayson's hot sidechick in awhile, unless you're talking about titans: academy where the writer wanted to get them back together but then tom taylor wanted to do more dickbabs so that relationship was prematurely ended? definitely weird, but it wasn't the intention of the writer, and instead poor communication between editorials.
> but current comics have reduced her to being a cuckqueen for dick and babs while not even letting her be a powerhouse.i agree with the cuckqueen point, i hate the fact they're trying to make her and babs friends. it was very clear when dick wanted a break from their relationship and decided to work with babs again that kory knew something was going to happen, and now making her forgive and forget something like that is very OOC. barbara is everything she dislikes about the batfamily and a reflection of everything she strove to lead dick away from, i think she deserves more agency outside of her relationship with him but this just feels insulting. that being said, the closest we've gotten to her being able to show off her powers was JLO and that comic was pretty terrible.
>She should've had captain marvels, jean grey and storms status despite what comic culture spergs say marvel out sells DC despite DC doubling down on pandering to batman fans.agreed. all the titans have great potential and are very beloved, but editorials have just repeatedly screwed them over. sad.
>>2271019>Holy fuck why is it always this bald fat faggot behind all misogyny and bad choices in DC? dan didio was the biggest mistake DC ever made, he coddled a lot of known sexual predators and was extremely hostile to female fans. giving such a disgusting misogynist such a powerful role in the company enabled a lot of abuse and terrible writing choices, absolutely tragic.
>I think all shipping wars about who Dick should dick down in the main continuity are stupid.okay fair, but i hate the way the bat editorial went about breaking up kory and dick. retconning bruces friendly relationship with her to make him only refer to as "the alien" and insist that dick is perfect for barbara is lazy and weird, i hate that they feel the need to pair up all the female members of the batfamily and i'm glad stephanie and tim broke up. personally i think he should date joey, but i'm not even sure the status of them knowing each other in the current continuity.
>>2271066as much as i enjoy dick getting gay harassed i miss midnighter and apollo in wildstorm so much, they were the only gay couple in comics ever written in a fun and interesting way. i'll always miss apollo's long pretty hair and hate his disgusting roided and balding redesign in DC.
No. 2271246>>2271284>>2271299
File (hide): 1732226821596.jpeg (57.76 KB, 586x755, IMG_2436.jpeg)

This tweet has done immersable damage to the gaming community and these same moids get mad and hurt when they find out women like shit like love and deepspace.
>original tweeter is an ugly black scrote that calls women bitches
Like clockwork
No. 2271299>>2271307>>2271316
File (hide): 1732229422989.jpg (66.83 KB, 686x386, 3932690525842.JPG)

>>2271246>love and deepspaceanon please he looks like that faggot from baldur’s gate.
No. 2271336>>2271832
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>>2271316KEK. Honestly that "astarion but bishounen" mod should have been what his character model was replaced with because the modder was so right when she said that the devs matured him when he should've looked younger (in his 20s). I've never even played bg3 but the ugly male psyop nonnies really opened my eyes.
No. 2271361>>2271397
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>>2271066We need more gay man sexual harassment
No. 2271394
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>>2271347I agree 100%. Getaway was wayyyy cuter, and I'm 99.9% sure that James Roberts made him cartoonishly evil compared to the literal genocidal warlord out of spite. I wouldn't even doubt it, honestly. The way he ruined Nautica's character so he could kill Skids x Nautica just felt so malicious to me too.
No. 2271397>>2271412>>2271667
>>2271137>dan didio was the biggest mistake DC ever made, he coddled a lot of known sexual predators and was extremely hostile to female fansWasn't he let go after making such retarded decisions he even pissed off his fellow misogynistic racists only to be rehired AGAIN? I swear I didn't even get to cheer for a full week before he was involved in another project, how much cock did this bald faggot guzzle to become uncancellable?
>retconning bruces friendly relationship with her to make him only refer to as "the alien" hate when they shill dickbabs too but I politely disagree with this just because I think Bruce being kinda xenophobic towards aliens and also protective about who Dick dates is funny kek.
except fanon only because the day they actually make Grayson a canon faggot I'll flip my shit..
No. 2271412
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>>2271397>Wasn't he let go after making such retarded decisions he even pissed off his fellow misogynistic racists only to be rehired AGAIN?they never gave an exact reason why he was fired, and it was apparently a mix of fostering a poor work environment, low sales, and poor reception. i have no idea why they still associate with him, his recent story for their newest collection of horror short stories even included him finally getting to kill dick grayson in the most retarded way possible.
>I think Bruce being kinda xenophobic towards aliens and also protective about who Dick dates is funny kek. it can be pretty funny, but they should be consistent about it. is superman his best friend or not? i guess he's just weirdly possessive over dick and uses it as an excuse, he's been through a lot since the 70s. i always enjoyed the subtle brudick teases when devin grayson wrote them discussing his love life too.
No. 2271537>>2271586>>2271622>>2271630>>2271706>>2271777>>2272886
File (hide): 1732242092672.mp4 (1.03 MB, 500x500, 1633001-298218e5fad1fe4b820670…) [play once] [loop]

Whats the most autistic cancellation you have ever witnessed? for me it was a bunch of zoomies harassing some turbo autismo woman who drew fanboy and chumchum rule34. I feel sorry for her because she had been posting Femboy and cumcum art since 2011, she was single-handly running her extremely niche autistic fandom and then zoomies found out about the show thanks to ironic memes and harassed her into stopping posting.
No. 2271586>>2272044
>>2271537I'm actually amazed by this because by most of the farmer's standards, drawing lewd art of child characters will surprise surprise get someone on the cancel train. I'm not a huge moralfag over this stuff unless it involves live action actors or heavily based on irl children. Otherwise I find it distasteful and degen,
but fanboy and chumchum? really? reminds me of how some Steven universe fans found out Rebecca Sugar made Ed,Edd,Eddy lewds and attempted to cancel her over it
No. 2271622>>2271639
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>>2271537I remember when fans of Welcome to Night Vale cancelled some cosplayer for "brownface" when she cosplayed as Carlos, a character with very little physical description in the source material (they just assumed he was latino based on the name). The thing was, the cosplayer they cancelled was actually Mexican and that was just her actual skintone. That one has to be the most autistic I've seen.
Steven Universe fans were also notorious for cancelling cosplayers for painting themselves to cosplay as the crystal gems, even though they don't have human skin colors (fans still thought they were "characters of color"). What really takes the cake though was the time they bullied an artist for not drawing Rose fat enough, sending her death threats and harassing her until she attempted suicide. Picrel is the fanart they were so offended by.
No. 2271697
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I'm not tumblr enough to understand at least half of this.
No. 2271701>>2271709>>2272695>>2279011
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>>2271671It's just sexy as hell all around. Also an age gap can automatically improve most ships.
No. 2271706>>2271742>>2271846>>2272047
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>>2271537When zoomers found out a popular DR artist had a side account for Gru incest and instead of finding it hilarious they were screaming about how
problematic incest is and ran her off kek. I hate that these days people care way too much about fictional shit, it drives away all the female autism from the internet
No. 2271854>>2272058
>>2270049>>2270035Apparently Stellar Blade's gameplay and soundtrack are very good. I do think the gameplay looks fun but I don't like how sexualized the characters are. It's coming out for PC eventually, if someone makes mods so the character looks less ridiculous I might get it but chances are low.
>>2271837I like her modern design, it's nostalgic to me. But it is so different from her original look I wonder how the designers even came up with her new appearance.
No. 2271943
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>mfw turbonormie fandom friend keeps bringing up retarded troon headcanons because she wants to be a good ally.
I usually just ignore it or go "oh, I find this gender thing a bit confusing to understand but you do you haha!" and she drops it because she isn't personally invested either, but man it's exhausting sometimes.
No. 2272044>>2272478
>>2271630I dont think so, she's married.
>>2271586The fanboy and chumchum characters look nothing like children though kek its like rebecca drawing edd,ed and eddy porn, they just were very attached to the source material and their personalities. She seems like a legit sped too.
No. 2272047>>2272070
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>>2271706i wish someone had archived that shit because whenever i think about it i laugh like a hyena
No. 2272058
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>>2271854Gameplay and Soundtrack being good imo doesnt mean anything if there isnt a captivating story or character design to cement the experience. I have some OST from FF Stranger of Paradise saved and found the combat system fun, but there wasn't anything else going for it except for the chaos memes. It had an interesting concept, which I wont spoil, but the way it was presented was predictable and bland. The characters who are supposed to be a parallel to the original FF1 team look generic as fuck, which is a shame since the FF1 characters are known for being eccentric and stylish and couldve greatly benefited from a 3D depiction.
That is to say Strangers of Paradise had the crutch where its a spin off of an existing series, had it been a standalone game it wouldve become obsolete from how generic it is.
Stellar blade is a game that is such, and aside from the rage bait/memes it gathered no one will remember it for it's supposed decent gameplay and soundtrack because it's glaring flaws overshadow it.
(reup cause im retarded and replied to the wrong nona SORRY)
No. 2272869
>>2271902>blaming the cartoon for all the retarded design choices over the years makes me believe you don't read the comics either.Adaptations definitely bleed over to comics. Dick/Barbara becoming a more significant ship and Barbara going from a more adult character to more youthful is leak over from BTAM.
Another example is Jane Foster gaining more prominence in the Thor comics when she was a one off love interest for years before the Marvel movies.
No. 2272885
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>>2270806I haven't checked her channel for some time but she wants people to refer to her as an 'it' now? What the hell.
Also her claiming not to use a voice changer and that that is her natural speaking voice is hilarious. No. 2273076
>>2272604Which leads into disgust. And if it isn't porn, it's woke forms of censorships where sexuality is
problematic cuz it might offend those poor asexuals among their ilk (read turbo autist with schizoid fetishes). The pro/anti truly encapsulates how the younger gens are being taught these things like their normal when the person passing them us are freaks themselves.
No. 2274815
>>2274452it's fine, honestly. Visuals were fantastic, and imo the writing was fine and really not some great divergence from season one (unsurprising, really, since S2 scripts would have likely already been at least drafted by the time S1 was released, and roughly the same group of people wrote S2). Maybe having a tenth episode or even an extra set of three episodes would have helped with the fast pace, but oh well, it's really not that bad.
To be honest, I feel that a second season was
never going to live up to the first, especially after the original has had time to crystallise in people's minds and placed on a pedestal– not to mention that gap in time would be full of fandom chatter and content, adjusting people's hopes and expectations along the way (I feel like sequels have to come out with shorter and shorter gaps these days to avoid fan expectations and the hype train skew people's perceptions, but that's more a general observation, not a purely Arcane one). I enjoyed the first season for what it was, particularly its animation and visual direction, but I wouldn't say I was a
fan, so maybe I'd take more issue with S2 if I was into it that way. I don't play League either, but I can see why people who're into the actual game might have some issues with S2, but eh it works as the conclusion to a self-contained show, even if it doesn't play nice with the larger web of the game lore.
Wonder how the shippers are doing though
(go to /m/) No. 2276172>>2276189
File (hide): 1732554860429.jpeg (201.35 KB, 750x1107, IMG_1937.jpeg)

It is literally a lolicon VN, what are these people smoking.
No. 2276364>>2276368>>2276383>>2276386>>2276388>>2276522>>2276743>>2283712>>2283729
File (hide): 1732562758491.jpg (264.32 KB, 1079x1091, evDTNIM.jpg)

The mouthwashing fandom is proof that even with a piece of media created as a metaphor and critique of rape culture, the female characters still take a backseat. One side of the fandom is drawing coomer art of the rape victim, the other is cinnomin rolling all the scooter characters and writing fanfics about the victim raising the fetus made from rape
No. 2276368
File (hide): 1732562906769.jpg (Spoiler Image,412.88 KB, 1079x2070, bhnCrlS.jpg)

>>2276364What started this, and the rest of their art has same face syndrome.
No. 2276388
>>2276364Ofcouse moids dont care about a rape
victim since its literally just a porn genre for them… I hope a early suicide for all of these moide
No. 2276713>>2276714>>2276727>>2276738>>2276744>>2276752
File (hide): 1732579395105.jpg (207.78 KB, 360x505, cover_250x350.jpg)

How do we feel about this story?
It's fairly popular in smut circles. Its a dark erotica geared to towards women but tbh it feels male gazey. Also the art is kinda shit.
No. 2276738>>2276747
>>2276713Most straight porn comics for adult women suffer from a severe case of internalized male gaze, this is nothing new
>>2276732On this site there are fujos (or shotafags,) with a hate boner for "antis" and they're always bringing them up saying antis only attack women, just because they feel personally attacked when someone criticizes them here. They say Xitter antis never go after men or only want to attack women but that's a lie
No. 2276743
File (hide): 1732580417137.jpg (266.59 KB, 1125x1902, 1000011553.jpg)

>>2276364lol the difference between how women and men treat rape
victims. Remember when astarion was fotm husbando and his simps would harass artists for drawing him in a maid costume? meanwhile men are defending their right to coom to a rape
victim as if there weretn 524861616 coomer characters already
No. 2276752>>2276772>>2276777>>2276811>>2276845
File (hide): 1732580712792.jpeg (297.68 KB, 800x1080, 61811417_800_1080_304829.jpeg)

>>2276713Decided to check it out. Found this on first few pages. Looks like yet another doormat fl
No. 2276762>>2276809
>>2276747No, I didn't say they attack men and women equally, the anon said "antis don't attack men" but we have a clear example of the opposite right here. The reason they usually go after other women is that they share fandom spaces with mostly women. I don't agree with antis harassing women over trivial shit like adult yaoi incest, let me be clear, but the self-proclaimed proshippers they are against are also pedophiles often and I'm glad that this time their hatred for "
problematic" shit has led to a witch hunt against a moid drawing rape porn, I hope they succeed in cancelling him
No. 2276811>>2276822>>2276825>>2276844>>2276903
File (hide): 1732582230742.jpg (75.08 KB, 736x736, 392e145f59184bc4df724bc35f0176…)

>>2276752idk if i should continue reading the fugly manhwa version of this or pick up the novel version of this again instead. Im only in the beginning chapters of the novel and i kind of like it until they reach the part where SPOILERRR he finds out she is a spy and then the blackmail and all the other fucked up shit starts to happen.
I feel like this story had potential if it wasn't noncon because the premise of it is interesting.
ALSO ANOTHER SPOILER they end up having children (who are all blonde and blue eyed just like him lmfao) in the end which is crazy tbh and kind off funny because the novel side stories are like them being a happy family and stuff meanwhile the main story is like fucked up dark romance and him raping her constantly.
But yeah the manhwa art looks so gross, tacky and male gaze. In the novel art both the female lead and male lead look better.
>>2276744meh, when it comes to english there are way more femdoms accessible both by scan teams and officials. Finding josei maledom is harder due to moralfags who want to sreech at fiction.
No. 2276820
>>2276815proshippers arent a collective either, you get called a proshipper if you are a pedo or if you just like
toxic ships with an age gap of 2 years
No. 2276827>>2276833
File (hide): 1732583382559.jpg (24.12 KB, 321x235, 6162589522527.jpg)

Any heterosexual “dark romance” that doesn’t end with the male gruesomely killed on-camera is wrong
No. 2276828>>2276829>>2276834>>2276845>>2276859
>>2276822Idk i like these stories more than femdom because i am repulsed by women touching,licking and fucking male anuses and almost every femdom in existence has that (combined with some gay shit with the male lead being homo/bi in these femdoms). Femdoms also many times have the women basically do all pleasing and become the mommy bangmaid caretaker in the relationship. Most male leads in femdoms are horrible too and emotionally
Meanwhile with dark romance atleast the male leads are independent and can do things for themselves and there is way less of a burden or things that the female lead has to do for the male lead compared to femdom.
Yes dark romance is
toxic and the male leads are rapists but atleast both the readers and the authors are aware of it meanwhile with femdom it's just ass play, retarded male lead who only knows how to be emotionally
abusive and starts becoming a homo as the chapters keep going on.
Im so tired of the ass play, female emotional/sexual labor and random gay scenes that i see in femdom. Femdom is not feminist and im tired of you retards acting like it is.
I know i will get flamed by some angry femdom enjoyers for saying this but i don't care. Male anuses are gross.
No. 2276852>>2276854>>2276858>>2276862>>2276863>>2276869>>2276872
>>2276829i mean i read femdom too, and i also read sweet wholesome stories. This is just my opinion from reading female-oriented smut in general that if i had to pick between femdom or dark romance i would pick the dark romance for many reasons that i didn't mention in my previous post (many times the authors have a change of heart in femdoms and make the female lead become lukewarm and soft as the story goes on, also the male leads in femdoms remind me too much of men i know irl who were terrible people)
>>2276845using one story as a example so you can hype up your shitty shounen moid slop lol.
>>2276844true, and i always defend the FMC in those comment sections and then i get downvoted. I think it's a bit hard for some anons here to comprehend that anons can like both dark romance and femdom here and that not everything should be political or so analysed.
I hate it when ppl shit on sadistic female leads but i also hate it when it's the opposite too.
Also would any anon be interested in a female erotice or josei smut thread in m/?
No. 2276858>>2276884
>>2276852just samefagging my post to add that nevermind we probably shouldnt have a female smut thread since that thread will just be infighting since alot of smut has noncon in it even if it's for women and the meltdowns in that thread would probably lead to it getting locked lmfao.
>>2276854this is what i meant when i said meltdowns, and you call me the whiny one?
No. 2276859
>>2276828>Most male leads in femdoms are horrible too and emotionally abusive.Because normally they're revenge stories?
Yes there is pegging in a lot of those comics but there's also a lot of pussy eating and males servicing women, the rest of what you're saying isn't common in the comics I've read, maybe you're just reading the shit ones
Femdom manhwa has a lot of problems like the balloon tits but it's miles better than your average maledom garbage (which also has balloon tits MCs) also nobody said that every femdom manhwa in existence is good, a lot of those artists are amateurs that basically just wrote maledom but with pegging, nobody here likes that shit
No. 2276881>>2276890>>2276901>>2276929>>2276937
>>2276872the male leads in dark romances act more like archetypal cartoon villians which feels far more removed from reality, but with femdoms when the male lead is
abusive or a jerk i notice it tends to be more realistic like the male lead from ''love to hate you'' or the male from ''sadistic beauty main story''
>>2276869tbh i don't even read dark romance often so i shouldn't be defending it this much but the reason why i am is because i see how a woman can't mention one dark romance story without everyone dogpiling on her. People need too stop trying to make dark romance political.
No. 2276903
>>2276894I hate maledom and i think thanks to your comment now i know why. I agree, i wish the mc had personality. Hell i would kill for some ''
femcel'' mc to be bullied by a cute guy. I also wish there was more maledom with cute male doms, instead of this
>>2276811 yaoi hands abomination. I would be super into a genderswapped nagatoro where a younger classmates bullies his older dorkier senpai. I also wish maledom was less
abusive, instead of being rape and choking i wish it was more playful teasing, i have seen some maledom pussy eating and i found it hot, too.
No. 2277655>>2277776>>2277790>>2277796
File (hide): 1732647157002.jpg (745.35 KB, 1170x1705, dogjetong.jpg)

>argentinian fans so annoying a korean alnst fanartist posted in english to call them out
KEK (she posted Till x Mizi fanart which is now deleted)
No. 2277892>>2277901>>2278058>>2278804
>>2277837Lol, nowhere in her Sanrio JP official profile is her age mentioned, only that she's from London and that her birthday is November 1. Also her height is that of 5 apples and wieght of 3 apples
>the person that made Hello KittyShe's a mascot owned by Sanrio, not a singular individual. That person is retarded.
No. 2277901>>2277907>>2277909>>2277921>>2277924>>2277953
File (hide): 1732658804143.png (24.12 KB, 966x127, nigga she a coin purse mascot.…)

>>2277892This comment section is full of retarded people overly humanizing sanrio mascot characters, I love sanrio shit and own a bunch of plushies but to claim it's anything but a capitalist machine to pump out plushies and stationery to sell to women is in the room temp IQ zone.
No. 2277909>>2277924
File (hide): 1732658946089.png (35.35 KB, 1000x169, most braindead of all.png)

>>2277901Most braindead one I saw was this, as if Japanese people aren't the biggest consoomers of all kek.
>>2277907I think overly humanizing mascot characters is pretty stupid, it's not even like hello kitty is a character with anything particularly deep about her she's pretty much just there to look cute and sell goods.
No. 2277921>>2277925>>2277932
File (hide): 1732659343600.jpeg (63.86 KB, 637x479, GDaK3fAacAAItGX.jpeg)

>>2277901Sanrio doesn't give a fuck and puts Hello Kitty on literally everything as long as it sells.
No. 2277925>>2277932>>2277962
File (hide): 1732659565639.png (1 MB, 1426x534, everything in japan gets a san…)

>>2277921Literally the header on their website right now is anime merch collabs they're doing kek.
>>2277923Do kids still read creepypasta?
No. 2277932>>2277943
>>2277925At least Precure is a cute, normal show for little girls, it's not like Sanrio associating Hello Kitty with a sadistic mass murdering cannibal and giving us an official illustration of them cooking food together which could contain human meat like here
>>2277921 instead of any other characters from the same series, or associating her with a pornographic visual novel studio's mascot that has tons of NSFW figurines. There are some adult only items that have Hello Kitty plastered on them in stores too.
No. 2277943>>2277953
File (hide): 1732660250032.jpg (27.55 KB, 400x287, 109543-cf57c.jpg)

>>2277932Eh, it's not like sanrio collabing with gorey/horror stuff is a new thing (they've done collabs with danganronpa and higurashi)
No. 2277953>>2277958
>>2277943That's my point, if a franchise is popular enough regardless of genre and target demographic there's going to be some cutesy mascot collab at some point, so I don't get the
>>2277901 type of posts in which people talk about how whatever capitalist mascot taught them to be nice and befriend everyone.
No. 2277958>>2277976
File (hide): 1732660603311.png (311.92 KB, 375x425, paris hilton hk.png)

>>2277953Oh I see, agreed then. Seriously though there's a Paris Hilton hello kitty they clearly don't give a shit about those things kek.
No. 2277962>>2277966
File (hide): 1732660672178.jpeg (70.41 KB, 441x600, ujls0ef.jpeg)

>>2277925This isn't on topic but why tf is that Precure show basically the characters from Tokyo Mew Mew? Are magical girl shows just lazy now? That green haired girl looks like a darker hued Mint.
No. 2277986
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>>2277976Paris Hilton just really likes hello kitty actually.
No. 2277994>>2278010>>2278117
File (hide): 1732661318964.png (1.01 MB, 640x686, emx9cun7wuq61.png)

>>2277981The designs are so overly cluttered yet dull that they all reek of 'this year's toy' to be dumped next year.
Compare this to stuff like Sakura where while not every outfit she has is a 100% winner you can tell that Clamp actually knew what would make for a cute outfit, granted this comes down to precure being aimed more at 2-6 year olds while other mahou shoujo like Sakura is more for kids in the 8-12 zone.
No. 2278058
>>2277837>>2277892Maybe she’s trans-species
No. 2278099
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>>2278069Speaking of which lol
No. 2278117
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>>2277994I thought pic related was cute.
No. 2278705
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>>2277837If they find Kittylers they're in for a stroke
No. 2279010>>2279030>>2279188>>2281725>>2282346
File (hide): 1732719395883.png (2.14 MB, 745x3950, IMG_4781.png)

the qrts to this are so fucking funny, like the most cliched and mediocre written shonen-tier, friendships or rivalries that a creative writing student could end up making and they treat this like there's some secret, genius chemistry that only their fandom-brained minds can see
No. 2279114>>2279124>>2279130
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>>2279097>actress isnt her character in real lifeWhoaaa
No. 2283515
>>2282346I think in this case they mean that the friendship is 'heterosexual' because the two characters
aren't in a romantic relationship, but are still very close/important to each other? (guess these fans won't be beating the friendless nerd allegations any time soon kek)
I thought at first it was a reference to what tv tropes called 'heterosexual life partners' tbh, but idk how much impact that site still has on this nonsense– and in that example, the 'heterosexual' part is there to specify that at the end of the day both characters are straight, possibly engaged in other romances, but still massive parts of each others lives. The posts do just feel like more whining about how their ship wasn't realised by the canon though, rather than appreciating the actual friendship dynamic of the characters.
No. 2283705>>2283708>>2284541>>2285284>>2285308>>2285324>>2290971
File (hide): 1732961331459.jpg (52 KB, 1080x402, IMG_20241130_022234.jpg)

This was about the extra pages of the My Hero Academia last volume.
No. 2283896>>2284011
>>2283712Honestly, I don't hate it. It's not like coomers are the only ones this applies too.
Honestly, people were acting like this game was a PSA rather than a game made for entertainment.
No. 2283998>>2284067
File (hide): 1732981309629.png (1.03 MB, 986x842, 3hF4ZVt.png)

>>2279734it's fine but one thing I find unintentionally hilarious is the fact that the male actors are visibly going through puberty even though canonically each season is supposed to last a few weeks and the actor playing percy specifically is so fucking tall, but he's supposed to be playing a 12-year-old boy, despite now being about half a foot taller than the rest of the cast
No. 2285332>>2285337>>2285353
>>2284541I thought Izuocha shippers were flipping out about it
not being canon? I talked about that here
>>2258708. Or are you talking about the extra pages after 430?
If so when and where can I read those pages? No. 2285337>>2285353
File (hide): 1733072499166.jpeg (Spoiler Image,120.06 KB, 422x840, bakugo.jpeg)

>>2285145>>2285332Same as above.
Chapter 430 actually supported BakuDeku more though with Bakugo buying Deku an Iron Man suit, and the IzuOcha shippers were angry that Deku wasn’t confirmed to have gotten the girl. No. 2285375>>2285380
File (hide): 1733074183497.png (756.34 KB, 1179x1758, tiger.png)

>>2284584>>2284612>trans charactersI think there were only two trans characters—both TIMs—the villain Magne, who
got blown up by Overhaul, and his friend who was only mentioned in a flashback.
The English-speaking fandom always claims that the hero Tiger is a TIF because of picrel (Shonen Jump app translation). I interpreted this page to mean that Horikoshi was originally going to make him a woman to fit with the other Pussycats, but decided to make him a man instead after being inspired by Thai ladyboys (because Tiger is a GNC man who likes wearing dresses). Other people interpret it as saying that
Tiger himself visited Thailand to get FtM surgery, but I have a hard time believing a Japanese author would even acknowledge TIFs in the first place.
No. 2285380
File (hide): 1733074287582.png (227.21 KB, 796x1250, tiger2.png)

>>2285375I also found this alternate page online. Is this a different translation? Perhaps this is where people are getting the idea that Tiger is a TIF?
No. 2285723>>2285728
>>2285717No, honestly that sounds like pain in the ass overthinking.
I just watch anime on my own and don't interact with retarded social pressures either way. Being your own individual and all that.
No. 2285747
>>2285728For me, I was feeling sad about how series were more frustrating and annoying now than when I was a kid and was having genuine fun reading stuff like Naruto or D. Gray Man. Then, I realized the pretty obvious answer that the biggest reason why was because back then I did not have any access to retards online telling me their stupid opinions. I usually read everything alone, or with friends.
After reading a book without looking up fandom stuff online and completely isolated the whole way through, I started having genuine fun again.
I think fandoms can be great, but how they are right now is unbalanced and
toxic, cesspools of the self absorbed, attention whores, and grifters.
No. 2286258
File (hide): 1733119517810.webp (70.85 KB, 470x784, VC_Alicia_Melchiott.webp)

>>2286255It also applies to female characters tbh, pretty much all adult female characters are either boring office ''cakes'' who spend their screetime crying about how they are ''hags'' for daring to be over 18 and childless in an animu, or cringe ass dommy mommy types. I remember being so surprised that Alicia was 21. Honestly VC is pretty based for having most of the cast be in their 20s.
No. 2286570
>>2285717>>2286359There are some josei romance with office working characters that have cute outfits these days, sure it's not as colourful as high school romance but they aren't all grey and boring.
It's sad that as long as Japan has their depressing societal structure all the best stories are set in highschool, it's no wonder they kill themselves when they believe they can't have fun anymore
No. 2286706>>2287485
File (hide): 1733154903969.jpg (59.76 KB, 400x600, 5c482d20-3382-425d-bce7-7221e3…)

>>2286559Japan is very youth and underage obsessed so i can see why there is less mangas with adult female mc's unfortunately.
There is alot of office worker stories in the manhwa genre if you are interested though with the most popular one being A Business Proposal.
No. 2286799>>2286803
>>2286333Adult mcs are in seinen (for office) and isekai (for wagies), though in isekai not many want to he reminded that they're old and wrinkly and portly so they slim down and look young anyway.
Just doesn't seem like there's any around because nobody likes isekai and nobody watches the really bad quality seinen anime that get released.
No. 2287040>>2287271
>>2287028As you should,
nonnie. You deserve the best!
No. 2287071>>2287271
>>2285717I used to be like you but then my frontal lobe developed and I began not giving a fuck about the reception of others of the shit I like.
I just want to fuck whichever character I want to fuck and that's it.
No. 2287085
>>2285717That's called maturing nonna
>>2285799>ur tarded for not liking underage charactersQueue shota wars part 3
No. 2287271>>2287300>>2287482
File (hide): 1733183015017.jpg (370.46 KB, 500x629, 1481136915505.jpg)

>>2285740>>2285799>>2286251>>2286271>>2286287>>2287028>>2286288>>2287040>>2287052>>2287071>>2287191How come it's only ~
problematic~ to like your average animu girl but shotafags keep getting a free pass?
(yuripedo) No. 2287285
File (hide): 1733183492051.jpg (60.91 KB, 584x428, Screenshot_1.jpg)

bold words coming from a themlet. its as if trannies arent the most self absorbed nasal gazers in media production hm
No. 2287300>>2287477
>>2287271bakugou is not a shota, also no one said its
problematic to like normal anime girls. i personally dont give a shit if men jerk off to marin kitagawa or whatever highschool waifu is popular currently.
No. 2287493
File (hide): 1733191994487.png (2.11 MB, 1784x4001, d5t07kw-e67d2245-c0c0-4ae1-b86…)

ok now compare them to normal adult women in anime
No. 2287565
File (hide): 1733195454416.png (217.48 KB, 402x201, 1732731945776.png)

>Am I a loli uwu?????
No. 2287570>>2287582>>2287589>>2287597>>2288848
File (hide): 1733195589542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.37 KB, 1242x1815, GdwJaxuXQAAlbyL.jpeg)

KEKKKKKKK. A moid that works for the studio that made Mouthwashing sperged on twitter after Asmogold played their game. Keep in mind, this after the devs defended some shitty scrote's coomer art of Anya. I genuinely can't feel bad. Fuck him. Spoilered for coom Anya fan art
No. 2287572
>>2287568And? The stanley cup inventor was a man too.
>>2287567You're right.
No. 2287582
>>2287570I do, pretty obvious the reason why they "defended" it by saying "please just ignore it, let it go" was because they didn't want this sort of shit to be bigger than the game itself.
Because all of the shitfligging their game is no longer a game, it's just retards throwing shit at each other and screaming about headcanons and porn art.
No. 2287583
>>2287575yuru yuri has like 7 seasons she's definetly being deceitful. Japanese romance, whether straight or gay has always been subtle.
>>2287579I like my fair share of scrote animu too(thats like 90% of anime tbh) the difference its that i dont lie about whos their intended audience, i am not here trying to convince you haremshit is actually for straight women like you are trying to convince people your loli military animu is actually for lesbos
No. 2287589>>2287593>>2287594
>>2287570its such a shame edgycore crap like this for zoomers went viral instead of other games from that studio. To me arctic eggs seems more interesting than mouthwash.
>>2287573anon they are a personalityfag STOP GIVING THEM ATTENTION AND TAKING THE BAIT YOU NEWFAGS. Can you all just integrate and just report yuripedos posts instead of replying to them.
No. 2287612>>2287621
File (hide): 1733196963221.jpg (115.7 KB, 524x524, FePcMFZUUAANTrA.jpg)

ignore and report personalityfag bait
No. 2287635>>2287640>>2287646>>2287652
File (hide): 1733197930791.jpg (69.37 KB, 584x678, 328748324782647826.jpg)

>>2287621its times like these I think the cc mods arent retarded after all for nuking threads entirely once posters start to break rules. mods were doing so well with deleting anything relating the the fujo/hime infight, why dont they have the same protocol for blatant personalityfag posts?
pic for thread tax
No. 2287649>>2287650>>2287653
>>2287646nta but moid isnt just used here ive been seeing it people use it in those "red scarce" "ironic
femcel" communities too, stop trying to infight bait.
No. 2287650
>>2287643I wouldn't even doubt it.
>>2287646The call is coming from inside the house
>>2287649Nonna, the tranny is also a moid.
No. 2287659
File (hide): 1733199135434.jpg (165.94 KB, 1280x938, polly.jpg)

>>2287656Probably (+ the fake nostalgia graphics aspect) but I unironically like it.
No. 2287666>>2287675
>>2287656I haven't played it so I can't say what makes it special but there's always a trending horror game around.
What was before this one, Iron Lung? Fear and Hunger? Faith?
No. 2287675>>2288055
File (hide): 1733200073802.jpg (85.78 KB, 770x962, 7e8mwi.jpg)

>>2287666>>2287656not directed at nonas, but im so sick of rape culture metaphors and analogies being in everything that happens to have a woman in it. Berserk, belladona of sadness, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, fear and hunger, and now mouthwashing, all these series that is shilled as "good SA rep!!!" when its clearly just easy shock value as a plot point. I dont care how well the topic is handled, I am just so fucking tired of seeing everything having to be about rape rape rape when I already have to deal with these fears in reality. Its like a woman can't have depth unless she's been defiled and her whole characterization is centered around getting raped. im tired, im so tired.
No. 2287692
>>2287671Wasn't there a joke in the new Scott pilgrim show where that was the exact problem, that a guy was dating an actress playing somebody underaged?
I'm not sure, but wasn't that based on stuff happening irl or not?
No. 2288450>>2288476>>2288511>>2288514
File (hide): 1733254563277.jpg (144.51 KB, 1280x1210, omo0x0nUY11w7t56so2_1280.jpg)

>>2288414at most we got standard ugly tumblr art style fanart of all the characters drawn brown and fat but holy shit did it just barely miss the tactical nuke that was the titchop troon plague
No. 2289377
>>2287643It's not tinfoily. The way it popped up on twitter was kinda weird. I personally have my account to
follow hotline miami artists and Mouthwashing art just got relentlessly spammed on my timeline one day, yet only like 2-3 (out of 100s) people I follow were into it at that time. I got curious and googled the game, only to find out it was released more than a month ago.
No. 2290971
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>>2285145>>2283705what did they think was gonna happen?
No. 2291098>>2292141>>2292541
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>>2288414We still had the fans telling to Sayo about Wallmark making a "straight horrid version" movie (like if movies can be done in 6 months) and certain guro doujin. I'm all for titchop troon bodies than telling to the creator stuff she shouldn't be aware off, specially a R18 doujin!
No. 2291280
>>2291010>>2289450Yeah, that Lara Croft thing you described is just fetish fuel for retarded scrotes, as is the case for most ryona.
>I imagine this is the himejo version of how fujos have to deal with edgy retards who claim they like shota rape and don't actually give a fuck about the genre of BLAs a borderline ryonafag fujo these edgelords are a plague. I can appreciate dark and even brutal themes in
all media because when it's done well, it can be super engaging with the high stakes and emotions involved. I also generally just enjoy watching trainwreck characters who make bad decisions so there's a big crossover there. The question of "how the fuck are they gonna get out of this?" Or "what the FUCK is gonna happen next?" is a big driving force behind these types of narratives, I think. However, like most things, most of it is nonsensical slop. Even the shock value isn't particularly well executed most of the time. The edgefags who screech about "fake fans" can be split into two camps: the surface levellers who think they're badasses after reading their first doujin, or people who EXCLUSIVELY seek out obscure degenerate shit that nobody likes and don't know anything about the rest of the genre. I bet the hime equivalents are exactly the same.
No. 2292007>>2292046>>2293606
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Maybe I expected too much from alnst fans, they are way more dumb and adhd-ridden than I could have possibly expected.
Also, the comments that are like “I couldn’t notice such an obvious detail about her that was immediately shown off to me because I was too focused on her beauty!!!!” remind me of the conversation about how people only engage with female characters in shallow ways (there’s more to her character than having a prosthetic, but it says a lot that these people can’t even pay attention to the first 16 seconds of a video about a female character they claim to love. Goes in hand with how often she gets mischaracterized by people who call her a girlboss)
No. 2292377>>2292433
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do wokies just not understand that there are a lot of jewish people and a lot of zionists working in hollywood and that it's almost impossible to avoid them if you want a career?
No. 2292485>>2292560>>2292602
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More Hoyodrama:
>Genshin's female-to-male ration gets fucked over with the only remaining male characters in the roster being relegated to 4*
>HSR releases Sunday and yuritrannies are throwing fits about him
Yuritrannies really have their perception of reality completely warped. Not even the Genshin subreddit remains happy about Hoyo's questionable decisions and they are gloating from their high horse that the game is still 100% pandering to them.
No. 2292486>>2293575>>2293592
>>2289450Where could you find normal himejoshi circles for anime and western media? All I see on Twitter and Tumblr are either "transbians" forcing their fetishes onto people or actual women afraid of ships being "
problematic", although to be fair that's most fandoms nowadays
No. 2293352
>>2292983This is a lie, but ok.
>>2292618People can do two things at once, anon.
No. 2293494>>2293504
>>2292983These days shippers are actually way more likely to overcompensate and give female characters a lot of prominence as a best friend or confidant or something. It's obviously disingenuous tokenism, but they're only trying to stave off retards throwing a fit that straight women want to focus on the male characters they're actually attracted to rather than female characters.
I never see this hate for female characters that people claim is the norm. It's about as outdated and irrelevant as yaoi paddles and calling fic 'lemon'.
No. 2293540
>>2293524We care and we're calling you annoying retards about it. You can't pull a
>Let people enjoy things!!!!here
No. 2293546
>>2293524Not exactly the point, anon.
>>2293534The comment was specifically in response to the claim of slash shippers being misogynistic, which they have a reputation for a reason. You're going on a whole other tangent unrelated to the point.
No. 2293554
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>fujosperg again