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No. 2165936

Previous Thread: >>2138490

This thread was created to take heat off of the main Fandom Discourse thread, and focuses specifically on any common fandom debates that can be narrowed down to a basic male versus female dynamic, such as:

>Ratio of female to male character fanart and fanfics in fandoms.

>Waifu to husbando ratios in anime and gacha games.
>Alleged lesbophobia from yaoifags and homophobia from yurifags.
>Any theories, spergs, or tinfoils you have about character gender preferences in media and fandoms.

…In addition to anything else that fits the theme of pitting fictional men and women against each other. Have at it.

Main Fandom Discourse thread:

Fujo vs Anti-Fujo Thread:
(Note that this thread is much broader than the fujo versus anti-fujo thread, as it is not limited to the topic of fujoshis).

Fujocoomer Cringe:

Anti-Fuji Cows:

Proship Cows:

No. 2165950

We really don't need sperg central part 2 the fandom discourse is enough

No. 2165976

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why do these “autists arguing about shit nobody cares about” threads keep popping up like a zit you can never get rid of?? KEK

No. 2165992

We already agreed not to make a second thread you sped

No. 2165994

Because dumbass shit thread is dead, that's why.

No. 2166002

>because dumbass shit is dead
>autists arguing about shit nobody cares about
kek, as this thread should be

No. 2166014

for fucks sake, we all told you to use >>>/m/271969

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