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No. 2154883

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2154895

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Fucking hater I like those retard cats

No. 2154906

About the cuntboy discourse from previous thread: I used to be a TIF. Don’t be fooled by the language of ‘wahhh I want to breed him I want to rail him I want him pregnant’— we all secretly viewed cuntboy as self-inserts. It draws from the oldest ‘fujo wishes she was a heckin’ gay boy from one of her yaois’ play in the book.

No. 2154907

I don't think anyone will be surprised by that kek

No. 2154911

I know but nonas were arguing whether cuntboy fans are hetties or lesbians (since straight women aren’t actually attracted to pussy), so I’m just pointing out that it’s not about sexual attraction at all, it’s a self-insert fantasy gone too far.

No. 2154913

Am I the only who doesn't want cuntboy in her yaoi smut? There's an expectation two men are having sex and not a man and her pseudo-male bangmaid getting it on. I'd rather kill myself than live my life a gay scrote who's lifestyle might be the death of me.

No. 2154918

ARYT, after I de-trooned I learned to separate fictional yaoi from the heterosexual sex I wanted for myself and see them as two different categories of sexual fulfilment. The problem is that young, horny TIFs gorge themselves on yaoi without any other sexual outlet, so it’s only natural they would start projecting when they hit their late teens/early 20s and start wanting to experience sex for themselves. Naturally, that means the best solution is having healthy insert porn for women, which a) doesn’t exist and b) the current attempts are exclusively aimed at middle aged housewives, and/or are pretty fucking cringe. (Inb4 ‘but yume porn?’ It doesn’t appeal to me because I hate the general yume art style and I hate the way 99% of yumes draw their self-inserts. No offence).

No. 2154921

I think a good amount of anons know this, the discussion is just skewed to loud deniers and the rest of the discussion and nuance is ignored because of infighting.

No. 2154922

could elaborate why you don't like the art style (do you mean manwha)?

No. 2154929

A mentally ill straight woman who wants to be a man would.

Why are fujos so obsessed with either whitewashing or projecting their own cringe on everyone? It's always lesbians, yumes, moids, himes and your mom who do tranny shit, female character kill-off shit, yaoi paddle shit, seme-uke shit, self insert shit, sjw moralfag shit, never the legendary one true fujo. It's remarkable how embarrassed you are by your own "uniquely female4female culture" and how desperate you are to bury it.(fujosperging outside containment)

No. 2154930

No, not manwha. I don’t have examples but yumes tend to have a habit of drawing their men and women looking very flat? It’s as if they grew up copying shojo anime from the TV but never practiced drawing 3D forms or adding depth, which is pretty crucial to rendering a sex scene. There’s nothing arousing about staring at a bunch of flat shapes; I want to feel the weight, the fleshiness, the sensitivity of skin-to-skin contact… does that make any sense?

No. 2154933

I think I understand what you mean, like they haven't mastered drawing two characters interacting so it looks awkward and stiff. Hopefully the more they draw, the more they improve.

No. 2154934

>OP Image
This made me so depressed because it's so real. Even in popular fandoms with a hype spanning years you're only supposed to create content of the newest additions (such as new characters in a gacha game) or you risk being seen as a weirdo who doesn't keep up. Normies and their retarded high school click psychology should've never been introduced to fandoms.

No. 2154938

If yumes started studying how to sexualise the male form from certain baroque and neoclassical painters then I am sure they would be unstoppable art goddesses, kek

No. 2154946

>idk why this website acts like lesbians are innocent puritan angels
How do you even get this from nonas saying lesbians likely aren't the ones making male x cuntboy "yaoi" lol, does the idea of people disagreeing with you on your assumptions about lesbians threaten you that much?
Meanwhile the argument started in the first place because of anons immediately blaming it on lesbians "invading" and "ruining" het female spaces with degen troon shit without even considering the obvious culprit, self-inserting TIFs (and same anons ignored the first time they were proven wrong anyway >>2153574 ). So try considering that your precious het female spaces can be ruined by your own too. My last post on this argument I swear kek

No. 2154949

>not a man and his pseudo-male bangmaid getting it on
isn't that just regular yaoi>(antifujo derailing)

No. 2154970

then learn to draw

No. 2154972

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seeing wokies desperately cape for dustborn is so fucking embarrassing, It's insane the amount of mental gymnastics these bellends go through to appeal for "modern audience" that don't exist, it's just their annoying friend group, every "minority" is watching anime or mcu crap

No. 2154974

cuntboy shit is not yaoi therefore cuntboy fags arent fujos. Simple as. You wouldnt defend yuritroons who insert dick into yuri as true and honest yuri, so i dont know why cuntboy shit suddenly counts as yaoi.

No. 2154984

Sometimes I feel like an anomaly among fujos because I like to self insert as the seme.

No. 2154989

This goes against everything in my fujo playbook. The point about yaoi is that you don't need to self-insert. The point about yaoi is that you don't need to drag yourself into it. It is vacation from the works where you are expected to self-insert. It honestly puzzles me so much about the TIF phenomena, if you don't want to be a woman, why do you want to use the female genitalia?

SAME. I think we're more common than people think though, especially western slash fandom seems to have been more built around the idea that women enjoy seeing their men get railed too, I think maybe because we already have het romance novels that are not too rapey.

Japanese fandom has had the problem of female sexuality being repressed, women are expected to put up a fight, for a bit of a show, even if they want it. So it makes sense that they'd be more into the 'projecting on the uke', even if projecting on the semes do exist and have likely grown more prominent in recent years.

No. 2155007

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The game looks very shit and cringe(they also have a song that tries to jab at rightwingers by.. bragging about great replacement theory???) but I feel like 80% of the controversy would be mitigated by taking out the vitiligo chick(although the black femc would get hate regardless), everyone else looks relatively normal while she looks like an amalgamation of every sjw oc meme and caught everyone's attention. Every time I saw this game brought up pre-release was to make fun of her design. Kind of feels like this game was designed to be ragebait kek.

No. 2155018

Do you think I’d be able to spot the specific foundational areas lacking in their artwork if I didn’t already paint to a high standard myself? Use your head, yume-chan.

No. 2155023

Idk anything about Dustborn as I’m not a “gamer”, but these designs are nice overall, imo. However, the rise in characters with vitiligo is…interesting? I didn’t know the condition was so prevalent, until looking it up just now.

No. 2155025

That song was some of the greatest cringe I've ever heard. Imagine using tax payer funds to write and promote a racist song inside a weird video game.

No. 2155035

speak for yourslef lmao. i don't need to self insert, i have enough imagination to read something about people that aren't me without needing to relate everything back to myself. never felt the need to read about cubtboys either bc that ain't yaoi. you got tif brainrot not fujo brainrot.
based and true. cuntboy shit isn't yaoi it's just straight.

No. 2155045

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Nyart but how tf did you read any of that from her post… she literally said cuntboys are drawn by TIFs for self-insert purposes because they're straight women in denial, not that cuntboy is yaoi.

No. 2155051

spoilered for derail but i'm not into yaoi or in any fandoms and i'm into cuntboys, but that's because i just see them as women and i'm gay kek. i know i'm not the only tif chaser here… if anything i self insert as the person fucking them in my fantasies, not the other way around

No. 2155057

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>we're the new porn
>our kind is newborn

No. 2155059

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Norwegian tax payer funds, at that. One would wonder how a bunch of white scandis would get so deep on american liberal politics.

No. 2155060

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The game's combat is centered around twitter mechanics. It almost seems like a parody.

No. 2155062

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>we are the new porn

No. 2155065

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FemC triggering herself in a dialogue.

No. 2155074

Kek maybe this game was meant to create more racists.

No. 2155075

This has to be some kind of parody. Who in the hell looked at this and said, ”yep, this is good, past this through the filters.” The fact euros made it makes it even funnier. It they must’ve sat down and watch videos on woke dei slop and thought was their ticket to getting rich.

No. 2155079

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Fat girl with vitiligo is also both Indian and a practicing Muslim who prays in-game, as well as being a hypersexual bisexual. There's a long scene around the campfire where she talks about "tasting sausage" with the albino enby.

No. 2155083

I'm making fun of my own age group here but there's something about this kind of 30 something bleeding heart millennial who thinks da coolest thing evar is some wholesome DEI characters smashing the patriarchy or whatever the fuck to be the most interesting thing in the world that is so embarrassing to me. None of you ever want to be alien superheroes or powerful warriors there's always got to be an aspect of muh relatability or muh representation or muh activism. God

No. 2155085

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It reminds me of this thread, basically their forever coping with the fact that they come from wealthy backgrounds and aren't really tough or attractive

No. 2155091

Apparently the main character, Pax, is four-months pregnant. Also of course you’re able to romance the only conventionally attractive character the white or maybe Asian enby

No. 2155099

The enby is from Hong Kong. Voiced by a woman. Not sure if she has another nationality too.

No. 2155103

>self inserting
>tif chaser
is this a parody? it feels way too on the nose. then again i guess some wokies do like the post-ironic, pseudo-self-aware shit.

No. 2155105

maybe it's just me, but this is not the kind of game I trust to have a pregnant main character/tell a story involving pregnancy and be at all normal about it

No. 2155107

>how a bunch of white scandis would get so deep on american liberal politics.

Because Amerishit infects everything. Anyone who knows a decent amount of English will get taken in eventually.

No. 2155115

Im sorry, is it me or is that instrument mix insane. What kind of band has an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar, a keytar (I didn't even know they even made those), and whatever it is the fat lady is playing.

No. 2155116

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Apparently they received that funding before changing the direction of the game? I can't find much info on that though

No. 2155119

You have to be joking nonna. Please don't tell me this one fucks. There's so much wrong with what you described that I'm inclined to believe it's satire until I realize this game has a cancel culture mechanic. How will people take plights of real people seriously if games like this are in the forefront? They might as well come out and say they're racist too.

No. 2155130

I get that it's pointed out in the scene that the song isn't very good, but fuck is this a flat and awkwardly layered piece. I don't get how this isn't parody, everything about this is framed so unfavourably towards this big (introductory? since we get the title drop) scene and then the guard guy sounds too calm and reasonable in comparison.

No it is very weird, and I wonder if they partly picked it so they could reuse (possibly stock) animations because none of the movements match up with the music (especially with the two 'exotic' instruments). Sure, this isn't an actual music/rhythm game, but usually if you're going to do a scene like that you'd at least try to have convincing, if not accurate, movements. I think one of the regular guitars is supposed to be a bass too but idk it's all so shit kek

No. 2155132

Every time I see some non-american speak like a california LA shithead it genuinely makes my blood boil. You're from fucking brazil, you shouldn't give a fuck about any of this retarded shit.

No. 2155146

cosmopolitan bubbles nonna, there are people like this from japan to jordan, upper-class twits who often can't communicate with their own people. I have had mutuals from fucking malaysia who whine about white people and white privilege all day, despite coming from the upper-class ethnicity in malaysia

No. 2155159

>I get that it's pointed out in the scene that the song isn't very good,
That's just a hater, the meanie cop who's harassing them because he's racist/homophobic/xenophobic etc. (they're crossing the border illegally and have to pretend to be a band). Another cop tells them that it's great and becomes a big fan, he's supposed to be the nice guy.

No. 2155194

see, I knew in my heart something like that'd be the case, and yet I still gave them the benefit of the doubt for some reason. How do you write this crap unironically? How lost in your own retardation do you have to be, and how does no one during production seemingly question this shit (as in, 'hey do you think we could convey this better?', not even 'this shouldn't exist and is shit')? Boggles the mind.

No. 2155199

The funniest part to me is that they're supposed to be a punk rock band. Absolutely none of that is punk rock.

My favourite bit is rhyming "new porn" with "newborn". How did this get past multiple people and QA checks? Gives me the same energy as this enby singer talking about her kids being lingerie toddlers.

No. 2155206

That's what happens when you change your game to cater towards upper class social warriors who believe they're sticking it to the man by…making racist, sexist caricatures out of real marginalized groups? I wished this game stuck with it's original premise than the weird out of touch mish-mash of the current rendition. Everything feels like an alien's idea of a woke american indie game that was sliced through a blender before having it's inside mashed until it came out the other end a feasible product.

No. 2155270

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I've known people like this irl and everything they do is driven by their own insecurity about their own identity, these people are very 'culturally white' meaning they are exactly the same as any other white liberal and have trouble fitting in with people of their own ethnicity, so they overcompensate a lot and end up creating self racial caricatures, picrel is an Indian who argues that is a 2 hour long essay about how astronomy and even space travel are white supremacist coded

No. 2155276

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Do you think Japanese fandom cares this much about girls pretending to be european

No. 2155279

They don't know, don't care, or worst case scenario they'll find it a little weird and move on because they have actual problems in their lives, like 99.9% of the rest of the world.

No. 2155280

>Do Japanese fans care about delusional weebs
Unless they are literally coming to Japan and fucking shit up in their country, no they don't care in the slightest.

No. 2155282

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>Having reading comprehension this bad
I meant Japanese girls pretending to be european girls ie: otome games

No. 2155287

nta but the 'white' they want to be is a very different from white people in real life, the idealized white person in japan is half white, with blonde hair but still with the sensibilities and body of a japanese person

No. 2155290

Obviously, I think the same thing goes for westerner girls who larp as Japanese because of their ships. They moreso want to be a pretty anime character version of the race.
I just thought the OP post about 'YOU CAN'T USE JAPANESE NAMES' was funny since it's fairly common for the reverse to happen in otome.

No. 2155293

The ones who talk about foreign otaku mostly insult Chinese scalpers who ruin events and collabs of their favorite series.

No. 2155298

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"Cringe culture is dead!" Posts are always funny to me since it always comes with the OP stepping on eggshells and adding a bunch of caveats of "B-BUT IT'S OKAY TO MAKE FUN OF THESE TYPE OF PEOPLE!"

No. 2155299

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No. 2155300

This is getting so specific it's obvious she's mostly talking about her own interests here.

No. 2155301

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Jojifuku is literally an ageplay fetish for bodycheckers by the way, like it literally started out in porn studios. I have no idea how people convinced themselves that it's a 'totally legit jfashion' and not just a niche porn genre.
That's almost always what these posts devolve into, because they're insecure as fuck about their interests.

No. 2155304

it started somewhat normal and then ofcourse derailed into justifying ddlg pedo degeneracy. How can you be anti loli/shota but also defend age regression and jojifuku.

No. 2155306

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something something it's non sexual

No. 2155308

all jojifuku freaks are also into lolis

No. 2155345

I partially agreed with the second one until she defended bronies

No. 2155349

I don't think you're actually against 'cringe culture' then nonna.

No. 2155374

I think they're more honest with it being a larp, it's not criticized as much to use that sort of thing as fashion.

No. 2155379

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No. 2155381

>they overcompensate a lot and end up creating self racial caricatures
I know some people like this too. They call me whitewashed but that makes no sense. I'm just a normal person with my own personality while they all force themselves into stereotypes which is weird as fuck. It's kind of like women who force themselves to perform hyperfemininity because it means they're a real woman and if you don't do the same, they think you must be a tranny or nonbinary. I know I sound insane but it's the exact same shit. To be a real brown girl you apparently have to:
>enjoy wearing cultural clothing
>love spicy food
>wear only gold jewelry
>preach about palestine 24/7
>whine about colonisers
>whine about people calling it chai tea or naan bread
>put coconut oil in your hair
I don't do/like any of these things and according to them I'm "trying so hard to be white" KEK. No, I'm just getting on with my life without being obnoxiously cringe.
I was with my childhood friend when some woke Norwegian lady who was handing out leaflets came up to us talking about voting and stuff. She said how politicians were racist for trying to stop illegal immigrants from Muslim and brown countries and my friend was engaged in conversation with her while I awkwardly listened to them, cringing internally. My friend started talking about muh colonisers and how they "raped and pillaged our country and people" and how it was right that immigrant scrotes were taking over the UK now and that they deserved it. I just wanted to tell her that it didn't matter that British people did all that, they had the most power at the time so of course they did it. In an alternate universe, if it was nigerian/chinese/arab/etc. people who had the power, they'd be the ones colonising everyone else. The problem is with MOIDS obsessed with power. Moids are the ones who colonise and rape. Yeah it's terrible what the British did to South Asia but that doesn't mean that we get "revenge" because at the end of the day, it's women who are gonna suffer from the mass migration of scrotes from backwards cultures. Also, it's not like the Britain invented rape kek. If they never came to rape brown women, brown men would still be raping brown women. I don't know what the fuck my friend and that woke Norwegian lady were even thinking when they tried defending brown males. Especially my friend kek, as brown women we know firsthand how bad brown males are, yet you still want them to come over here too? Are you insane? Why be loyal to your ethnicity when you should be loyal to your sex instead.

No. 2155384

Free Palestine people are the worst

No. 2155391

I know what you mean. I was simultaneously accused of 'acting white' because I thought european cultures had better foundation than our own and I was seen as my nation's equivalent of a redneck because I spoke with a dialect and my english wasn’t as polished, the whole spicy food discourse is also really funny because if these people knew anything about our country they'd realize that a vast swaths of our population eats dairy and vegetables without any spices. I also grew up in a family that was poor and conservative but really admired the west because they defeated us and so we should learn from them(that’s what my grandfather used to say) and my father still says that any European country could conquer a large part of the world if it simply chose to

No. 2155456

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Whenever I look into zionism rumours it turns out to be nothing. Amy Schumer said this and Jennifer Lawrence praised her for navigating so well through the hate. Zoomers complete black and white thinking and herd mentality is so scary, they literally just repeat whatever they see someone else say

No. 2155726

I wish more TIF/cuntboy x woman content existed. Fandom is obsessed with trans shit, but they're really obsessed with dicks and straight sex.

No. 2155730

lmfao exactly(encouraging baiting)

No. 2155759

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Today on "moids STFU".

No. 2155819

Most millenials didn't participate in fandom via twitter/discord/reddit. We went to forums, myspace, facebook, gaia online or the local nerd hangout. We didn't normalize this weird shit that zoomers treat as normal wtf.

No. 2155828

Spoken like a true zoom zoom that thinks the internet was born with facebook and shitter. The earliest form of fandom was through fanzines, then through usenet groups. I know zoomies think only kids use the internet since they are proto ipad toddlers, but back in the 90s most of the internet users were college aged adult nerds who contacted eachother through usenet alt. newsgroups. Boomers were the fandom before kiddies invaded it.

No. 2155832

"millennial" means people who are in their 30s-40s now and there are indeed shittons of fandom moms on tumblr, twitter and reddit that are in that age range lol. not star trek boomers

No. 2155835

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if you've ever been a part of any leftist group, you will have encountered these types. without the fail, the one's who most look like IRL reddit mods, will be the ones advocating for violent revolution. People are usually confused and embarrassed most of the time, which they interpret as fear of them. funnily these are the same people who will unironically consider physical fitness to be literal fascism and eugenics. So they won't even train either.

No. 2155861

When we had to use Anime Web Turnpike (Anipike) to find a new anime.

Still, is always like these people's point is "women at (x) age cannot have fun or a fandom or friends". Even women fangirling for The Beatles were seemed like weirdos for liking a "boy band".

No. 2155907

>implying tif brainrot is not fujobrain rot

lmak(fujo derailing)

No. 2155931

no because its only western fujos that troon out like that, japanese fujos don't do that(continuing the derail)

No. 2156050

You aren't. I hate that shit. I hate A/B/O and mpreg, too. I'm sick of people trying to shoehorn straight shit into slashfic. I want them to rub their cocks together and blow each other and get fucked in the ass. Leave all of this pregnancy and vagina bullshit out of it. If I wanted that, I'd go read hetfic.

No. 2156056

Wow, her position on this is exactly the same as mine. I never would have guessed. She can't write a joke worth shit, but she's smarter than I gave her credit for.

No. 2156057

>telescopes are colonialist
Reads like a Mad Libs kek

No. 2156065

the american cultural influence cannot be overstated. Every upper/middle class city euro is obsessed with american style of politics, and the low class is obsessed with american music and trends

No. 2156078

Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’ve never seen a single example of that. Weird.

No. 2156090

Kek, it’s like porn. People get off harder to taboo content, but gay sex just isn’t socially ‘taboo’ enough anymore so they have to insert shit like cuntboys. I personally love historical yaoi because of the forbidden element but that’s just me. Otherwise it’s a bit boring.

No. 2156091

That's because drawing cuntboy x females will immediately get you cancelled by TIFs who think you're fetishizing them unlike drawing cuntboy x males breeding slave art.

No. 2156093

TIFs don’t think the latter is fetishising because of their ‘trans men are real men’ brainwashing nonsense. If you try to challenge them, then they’ll say: ‘how is it a fetish? It’s just regular gay sex’ and keep going. Gaslighting at its finest.

No. 2156097

Its even simpler than that, they just think cuntboy x male is hot so they won't cancel people for drawing that like they would with cuntboy x female.

No. 2156124

Not super fandom related but I've seen more trannies rage over TikToks wherein TIFs "fetishize" their TIF partners than when straight guys basically admit to not seeing them as nonbinary/the twue men they are. Even when women try their best to be progressive handmaidens in a cringey way, moids still get more slack despite troons claiming misgendering is literally violence. Hypothetically if an artist only drew female x cuntboy art I wouldn't even be surprised if people started calling them out for fetishization or begging for muh PIV cuntboy representation, retards already do that with yuri artists that don't want to draw dick.

No. 2156125

every time cuntboys get discussed here I have flashbacks to the first time I stumbled across it years ago (was a superjail character, of all things) and I hate you all for it kek

No. 2156153

t. western fujo(derailing)

No. 2156158

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Somehow I'm not at all surprised at autistic troons with Peter Pan syndrome trying to drive older people (always women) away from fandoms. Picrel is a pretentious tranny "filmmaker" obsessed with capeslop posting about his magical estrogen body thinking he'll just magically stop caring about his shitty X-men comics and talking about them online at 30. Why are the people most likely never to develop mentally past 15 the first ones to complain about the 30 year old boogeyman being online when they'll be one of them in five years? People inside glass houses just shouldn't throw stones.

No. 2156162

I don't think zoomers realize that until very recently the internet was for adults and fandoms were full of older teens and adults. I'll assume this one is a tourist and doesn't know shit about fandoms because the more popular fanartists and fanfic writers are grown women who spend their free time doing this for fun and practicing for years made them talented. Even in comic or anime cons irl there are plenty of grown adults and actual kids or young teens are a minority.

No. 2156166

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I don't have much to say, I just wanted to compain.
P3's ending is wonderful and the MC's choice at the final battle is so hearfelt (specially considering his backstory and taking into account what the devs said about how much he loves his mother and her being the reason of his actions and affection etc etc, a topic I love to talk about but this thread isn't the one for that), and it sucks people see all that and go "Do you know what we have to emphasize on a piece about his love and sacrifice? Titty chop"

No. 2156178

Tbh, even more annoying are claims that fandom has always been from and for ~kweer~ people when again, the vast majority of people contributing to fandom are women, hetero or not. Just because tumblr is a containment centre for genderspecials doesn't mean this demographic dominates fandom. It's especially hilarious in popular East Asian fandom, where married middle-ages with woman with children produce by far the most content (speaking from experience here). But they just live in their bubble full of kweer minors without ever seeing beyond their own nose.

No. 2156180

What gets me is that especially these people who are self-admittedly autistic will be eating their words in just a few years as they think they will never be "one of those cringe 30-year old fandom millenials" when the era of Gen Alpha making fun of them is just around the corner. I genuinely don't know if they think it's the barely functional and broke 21-year olds putting together all the big communities and conventions or if they just appear from thin air and I don't know what they consider the proper activity for those 30-40-year olds to pass the time.

At least the kweer theory holds more water because a lot of minorities had to learn how to go online to meet likeminded people from across the country/globe since as a gay person your dating scene was nonexistent but the kids being major players in fandom one was never real and still isn't, all of them are passive consoomers who are still too immature to produce anything truly meaningful.

No. 2156181

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No. 2156185

I'm not even straight and it bugs me so much how people keep doing this. You can like a m/f ship, it's fine, stop calling it yuri/yaoi to make you feel better. The whole point of shipping is either a)To explore dynamics you like and/or b)you find both characters hot; why do they have to moralise it and/or put so much weight on the participants' genders? They don't matter.

No. 2156186

I don’t know a single thing about persona but that last image pisses me off so much. How much more of a stereotypical looking het dynamic can you get?

No. 2156188

She's a goff in love with a jock no hate

No. 2156194

nta but that's also a classic het dynamic, how is everything "queer" to them

No. 2156199

The SethJane shippers are the new spicy straight cancer if I ever saw one, an assertive sexy woman and a fumbling man is now "queer" just because it's not a booktok boyfriend ravishing a dainty female self insert.

No. 2156201

Honesty most of them say it's not straight because the guy is actually nice to the girl, which says a lot….

No. 2156202

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It's driven by sheer insecurity, they just can't accept they like an icky heterosexual ship (even though 99% of slash ships are just heterosexuality with extra steps). so they just reverse the dynamics by saying the man gets pregnant and is just a "ball of sunshine", which they don't realize is reversing their sexes but not heterosexuality, you can feel their hatred for the female body when they talk about mpreg

No. 2156209

>It's especially hilarious in popular East Asian fandom, where married middle-ages with woman with children produce by far the most content (speaking from experience here).
I know, it's so funny that you just need to check twitter to know that because some of them will be post their yaoi art or 100 pages long AU fanfics about their husbandos on twitter and between these posts they're sometimes tweet about getting married or how they just gave birth to a healthy baby and post more fanfic chapters as soon as they recover from that. But seeing it irl makes it even more obvious, I went to a con in Japan and if you want to buy a R18 doujinshi you have to show your ID card or anything else with your birth date, and the longest lines were for the trashiest yaoi doujinshi. Teenage girls still had plenty of choice though but they were definitely a minority. I talked to an artist there with my shitty Japanese skills and we're both in our 30s, grown women with a degree and a job spending our free time making or reading shit about our favorite pairing.

> these people who are self-admittedly autistic will be eating their words in just a few years as they think they will never be "one of those cringe 30-year old fandom millenials"
It's kind of already happening, is it why there are more and more posts online about how cringe culture is bad and dead? Can't wait for them to either become mature or shut up.

No. 2156214

They don't think about it probably, because the only millenials that engage with these weird losers are usually gross creeps. I'd like to see the shock on their faces when a lot of the good fanart, cons, fanmerch, etc. just poof out of existence because "well, we're too old for fandom~". Really just shows they don't step out of their discord echo chamber.
The irony is the "Cringe culture is dead XD!!!!" is trying to recreate some old facet of internet subculture like old school fandom webmasters or scene so randumb kids in 2007 on the later millenial side. Both sides are dumb fuckers but just different flavors.

No. 2156223

NTA but I'd say it's because most TIFs into cuntboy shit are into it specifically because they are so aggressively heterosexual they can't enjoy m/m without het-ifying it, and on the other hand, lesbian TIFs are too dysphoric about their vaginas to enjoy media that would remind them that they themselves have one.

No. 2156243

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I blame it on the spicy straight enbies

No. 2156316

What is this Sweet Baby Inc. shit? We need a bingo card for every time a new woke DEI game comes out.
>None of you ever want to be alien superheroes or powerful warriors
I do!!! Man, give me a team and an engine and I'll crank out goddamn miracles

No. 2156320

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Whenever I see insane ship charts with tons of red/pink lines it only makes me think that the person has a porn addiction. Same thing when characters have a normal friendship (like the main three of any shonen or the main cast from shows like Scooby Doo) and some weirdo goes "they are poly". The older I get the less I relate to shipping culture

No. 2156324

I think you can like shipping without automatically linking it to porn.
There's such a thing as liking romance for romances sake, and just writing down romances that are clearly meant to be part of the plot/canon.

No. 2156325

One should NEVER relate to "shipping" culture. It's something you do when you're 13/14 and wanting to safely explore sexuality. Then you eventually mature out of it. However, everyone nowadays is a manchild/womanchild so of course they don't grow out of it. Plus, what culture is there in it beyond holding up two characters like dolls and saying "Now make 'em kiss"?

No. 2156330

Exactly! And while Japanese fandoms are obviously not all sunshine and rainbows, these women are generally regarded (and also see themselves) as "fandom aunties" who might even mentor the younger generation. It's such a different attitude to Western fandom spaces where any interaction between an adult and a teenage woman is automatically seen as problematic and grooming. Don't misunderstand me here, I'm not advocating for us older nonnies here to go out and find minors to talk to, but I do think this notion that no conversation between those two groups should ever happen online is just so unhealthy imo (and very American).

No. 2156342

lc has got to stop claiming women who read porn about anime characters are addicted to it kek. a porn addicted woman is sucking the cock of irl scrotes and engaging in bdsm or chopping her tits off because of bl, not writing shit to ao3 and squeeing over fic

No. 2156382

that seems true based on the chinese media I've seen, actual white people are usually cast as barbarians or dumb guys, that said a few white women who are considered 'dainty' do get put on a pedestal, but the ideal white person is basically a half-asian with blonde hair but asian in every other way

No. 2156429

I genuinely swear some anons think about porn more than any average coomer.

No. 2156445

Awww, stawp it, you. I would if someone provided me the raw pngs (I'm assuming they're pngs) of the dudes. Hell I'd even mod the fat ugly dude to be less fat and ugly.

No. 2156449

It's probably more that some pieces of media lend themselves better for a wide variety of ships to some fans than others do, either because it's got enough depth and interesting character dynamics that people like a lot of pairings instead of just a couple, or it's a game with a shitload of characters that are mostly aesthetics for fans to project onto eg gacha. Plus, those charts are an easy way to air ships a person might like other than the one they make content for. I've never really been into shipping, even when I was a kid, but it's not hard to figure out what most people are getting out of it, and there are plenty of ships that have little to no raunchy material attached to them, so boiling it all down to coom is a bit reductive.


If a fan makes a lot of ot3 art or writes fics for their ship/fleet, I'll buy that they're actually just into it for normal shipping reasons, but if all they're doing is yelling that some group of characters are totes a poly ship, then yeah, they're just a preachy retard kek

No. 2156471

What isn't porn addiction according to you people? Please tell us, what is an acceptable way for women to engage in romance media that isn't "porn addiction"? Moralfags never once answer this simple question.

No. 2156472

If you can't engage with media without thinking about which characters should bang or the tropes their imaginary relationship could fulfill you have some kind of addiction. Doesn't matter that it's not outright harmful to others

No. 2156476

File: 1724774909288.jpeg (541.17 KB, 1600x1200, FvjhDEqakAADAUH.jpeg)

Did you not read the part about charts being crowded?

No. 2156489

Tell us, what is an acceptable level of red lines on the meme chart

No. 2156498

Do you think its impossible to have interest in characters having chemistry without imagining them having graphic sex?

No. 2156507

Bless Haikyuu girlies and their autism. The gift that keeps on giving.

No. 2156508

File: 1724775753122.jpg (1.71 MB, 3500x2982, img_soukanzu.jpg)

When it comes to ship charts, I don't usually think the person making it is looking up porn of all of them.
If two characters they just find okay have a very obvious romantic subplot, wouldn't that be added too, regardless of what porn the shipper watches? Some people are just the gossipy type too, letting it out with fiction doesn't seem too bad. Pic related is an official penguin ship chart from a zoo.

No. 2156514

Seriously, it's just a fun little meme and people just pair up characters who look cute together because it's, get this, fun. I swear some anons here are brain-damaged with how they pretend everything in the world is about porn.

No. 2156544

>If you can't engage with media without thinking about which characters should bang or the tropes their imaginary relationship could fulfill you have some kind of addiction
not everyone does this + some media just isn’t good for anything else but delusions about ships

No. 2156545

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It's because the fandom thread is full of NLOGs who think any kind of fandom activity related to shipping is porn, when the great majority of it is actually clean. They had their minds tainted by AO3.

No. 2156548

It's kinda true though

No. 2156553

I'm pretty sure it's Paki-chan again.

No. 2156555

If the media is only good for the parts you make up yourself why consume it in the first place?

No. 2156556

People really need to stop reading fanfiction, it just brainrots people.
If the source material on its own isn't enough to keep your attention then maybe you should read something else instead of going to a03 and having mpreg live rent free in your head.

No. 2156563

I don't think it's an addiction, and I don't have any issues with fanfiction, but I do think fandoms overall became way too focused on ships. In a tiring, boring, repetitive way.

No. 2156565

Holy jesus this looks like such a waste of time.

No. 2156567

Taking a closer look what the fuck why did so many penguins break up??? I need the fucking backstory NOW.

No. 2156568

why do we eat fast food? it’s just like that, something quick and cheap and easy and it tastes good

No. 2156571

to go further i’m not going to like, approach king lear (pretentious example i guess) with the same mindset i might consume osomatsu-san

No. 2156574

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Apparently it was popular, they release a new one every year.
Would they have this information anyway? For stuff like penguin behavioral research and health.

No. 2156579

So let me get this straight, fanfiction shouldn't exist unless it's fanmade continuation or a genfic? Do nonnas forget why fanfiction exist? Life sucks, let people have fun for once and not suck their souls in a shitty wage job.

No. 2156580

the food is that stuff all on its own though, you don't need to imagine up all those things by yourself to make the act of eating it worthwhile.

The idea that good media somehow equals highbrow, intelligent, or a lack of dumb fun is foolish, and that only vapid, poorly-made slop that needs you to make up stuff to give it value is the only kind of easy entertainment to have is even more retarded.

No. 2156584

Fanfic shouldn't be the main thing you're interested in.
It's extra completely inconsequential content made for fun. In a small niche fandom I like, while they do make fanfic and au they set it all aside whenever there's a release and just talk about what happened in the main story for a couple of days to a week because they genuinely find that the most fun of all.

No. 2156595

But the fandoms I'm in have their source material end or haven't been relevant in years. Often times they're made to bridge gaps or fix glaring plot holes that the source never bothered to fix either because the author was a retard or suits forced them to keep it after the changes. Not all fanfictions is autistic shipping soap operas or coffee shop AUs, some are as good as novels if a bit rough around the edges. What's the point of being in a fandom if people just let canon as is and never be allowed to write about their favorite characters?

No. 2156599

This just in, women imagining fictional characters kissing is on the same level as moids jerking it to rape on the daily. Everything is fucking porn addiction to you guys. Is there any acceptable way for women to be autistic about romance to you?

No. 2156601

What is a fandom if it isn't about being a fan of something?
If you no longer find it enjoyable or think the author is retarded, maybe let it go and pick something else up.

No. 2156604

If what's consumed can be classified as porn and the person can't enjoy media without it that is porn addiction.

No. 2156606

no? I think an anon who either didn't like/get multi-shipping complained about a chart meme and assumed too much of it was the result of coomrot, even though it's likely just the result of large-cast fandoms (considering the examples posted).

From my experience, fandoms that feel like there's an 'excessive' focus on ships are either big or ones with very shallow source material (or both), so that perception can depend on where everyone's lurking. I'm in both small/old fandoms that have a very mild/oldschool-feeling shipping scene and a lot of fic variation, and a few popular new fandoms that can feel like a horny kink-ridden hellscape when you're just looking for something chill to read while passing time kek

No. 2156607

I mean, you kind of create new stuff because being a fan is about loving something but not necessarily blindly, it also inspires people to write new stuff and such.

No. 2156609

Of course it's fine and no one will take that away but if you're writing something like genshin mpreg you might as well use your free time to write about OCs. Why cling onto something that isn't anywhere close to what you want it to be?

No. 2156612

And what does a shipping chart have to do wih pornographic content?

No. 2156614

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>Lol a minor trying to be hollier-than-thou about calling racism and-
>It says she's 24.

No. 2156616

NTA but the problem is that a large amount of fandom nowadays don't love the media at all and only want to consume fanfiction and shipping. Most people will only bring up canon and the actual media if it's to shit on it in favor of fanon and their delusions. Their fanfiction is meant to be a replacement of canon rather than something inspired by it.

No. 2156618

Idk, I just see people constantly complaining about how the source material is "ruined" because they spent so much time in the shitty fanfic/fandom part, why are you there?
Also when it comes to Voltron, I remember seeing stuff about how some of the first problems stemmed from fanfic getting so popular "it was practically considered canon", or other series having their rep stained becayse people just cant stop with shitty fanfic """fixing"" the series' problems", it's easy to see that the issue is rotting your brain on fanfiction instead of just enjoying the source material and reading other series.

No. 2156622

Because as we all know, once you turn 30 you're morally obligated to stop having fun and become exclusively fixated on Ikea and CSPAN. It's always fun to watch these types grow up and have their own quarter-life crises, because they're responsible for their own insecurities. Retards will invent unreasonable standards for 30-year-olds and then have an emotional breakdown in their own 30th birthdays. Many such cases.

No. 2156623

I can't believe Voltron has been brought up so many times and yet nobody has even mentioned the Klance Bible.

No. 2156625

NTA but not all shipping is porn, there's a Venn diagram of SFW and NSFW ships for sure but sometimes it really is as simple as liking a dynamic. Unhinged personal example but I like Patrick Bateman x Paul Allen/Owen because in the movie and book Patrick is clearly a faggot and I also want to see Jared Leto get beat up, no porn wanted or needed there.

No. 2156626

I think that one was less actual fanfic that got overly popular in comparison to canon, and more meta/analysis that were so wildly skewed in their interpretations of the show that they might as well have been fanfiction getting extremely popular, especially during breaks between seasons. The Klible is probably the easiest example to still find, but there was stuff for all of the big sources of insanity within the fandom. There was this whole thing about being such a good fan detective that you could prove canon/the writers wrong, which sure, has been a thing for forever, but Voltron fans got pretty wild with it.

No. 2156630

Who even said that itt?
Honestly I feel the quality went down overall. Not saying big fandoms didn't have massive amounts of trash, they always did, but there used to be better fics. I'm not against shipfics, I actually really like them, but recently they are mostly just written in such a generic way. It's like whoever is writing it doesn't really care about the source material that much to actually write something beyond two characters fucking in a void. Sometimes they feel like those fanfic simulators you could insert names and the body of the text would remain the same. Even massive fandoms with shallow source materials used to have better fics than that. This isn't just a fanfic issue imo, it shows on fanarts or even just plain discussions.

No. 2156633

So why does it need to be a ship if you just have a headcanon for one of them and want to see the other beat up? Wouldn't shipping them mean wanting to see them in a relationship

No. 2156635

Been seeing a lot of this type of retardation lately. When Fionna and Cake came out, I saw a ton of coping from people who felt ashamed to ship Simon and Betty calling it "T4T" or "toxic lesbians." How mentally ill does someone have to be to feel the need to justify enjoying a canon straight pairing like that? It's like they think shipping something straight will hurt their kweer cred or something.

No. 2156637

Patrick would be domestically abusing Paul, I'm not sure how clear I can make it.

No. 2156638

Thinking more on it, I wonder if fanfic becoming the center of attention in fandoms is the reason why fandoms seem to have stilled into massive mainstream blobs rather than spread out for small and new original series.

No. 2156641

>even though 99% of slash ships are just heterosexuality with extra steps
Can we please not have this retarded debate again and just focus on spicy straights coping

No. 2156643

By this logic, there should be no romance in any fiction made by or marketed to adults. Humans are apes and we get invested in the relationships between characters, idk what else to tell you.

No. 2156645

File: 1724781002443.jpg (8.79 KB, 200x176, 1702673065285711.jpg)

>author is a disabled gay trans man

No. 2156648

I think part of the problem is that the younger generations of fic writers are far more poorly read than older writers were at the same age. A lot of more recent fics read like modern generic spicy YA/NA romance novels, which is fair because they're likely what published fiction these authors read. Sure, some people still read better-written fiction as well, but usually classics and often for school and not because they enjoy them. If you don't read broadly it will show in your writing and what plots/concepts you can conceive to follow in your fiction.

Also, as I don't want to come across as 'young bad', it's also well-known that 30-40 year old women are also a large and powerful demographic when it comes to things like YA novels, so it's likely that their writing has also been influenced or derived from such fiction.

No. 2156650

So you believe fans thinking that two characters could be a cute couple is on the same level as men watching women getting raped on video on a daily basis? Really?

No. 2156654

Do you want me to say yes when that's obviously not what I'm talking about

No. 2156661

I think it has more to do with social media itself. You get the maximum amount of attention if you're posting about something that everyone else is posting about. I've seen good artists go from making original content with less than 5k followers to getting 100k for consistently and quickly making fanart of hugely popular media. They make one or two posts that blow up and suddenly going back to the usual stuff feels like a waste

No. 2156662

I don't have anything against shipping (I write fanfics myself once in a while) or fanons by principle as long as the fans are self aware about it just being their own delusion and don't push their shit on others, but such irritating behavior has become the norm now. As someone who respects the original canon, the fanon obsessessed zoomies that completely shit on the established settings to promote their autistic poly and gendie headcanons do not feel like they are talking about the same source material at all. I get irritated that they are wasting my time by forcing me engage with this completely different lame story that only exists in their head, I never signed up to expose myself to that crap.

>Their fanfiction is meant to be a replacement of canon rather than something inspired by it.
Exactly this, thank you nona. I wish to see a natural extension of the source material, or at least something thematically close to be a love letter to the original, not thr navel gazing delulu crap.

No. 2156664

Being a cloistered volcel who only imagines heterosexual sex in the missionary position while she masturbates without toys or technology. That's the patented Lolcow Approved Female Sexuality.

>shipping is purely a sex thing
>fanfic is purely a sex thing
>fanfic is pointless and ~ruins the source material~
Anecdotally, the only people I've heard talk about fanfic this way IRL are moids. What we're fundamentally talking about here is a female-centric expression of creativity and relating to art, and of course the way women engage with art must be perverse, shallow, or unintelligent.

No. 2156668

>I wish to see a natural extension of the source material, or at least something thematically close to be a love letter to the original, not thr navel gazing delulu crap.
Then write it yourself, lazyass, and stop getting angry at people who actually create shit for prioritizing what they enjoy over what you do.

No. 2156669

Then say you’re talking about pornographic fanfic instead of shipping. And even then, most erotica written by women is hardly comparable to the shit men put out, especially when one is words on a page and the other is real life acts done to women

No. 2156671

>I wish to see a natural extension of the source material, or at least something thematically close to be a love letter to the original, not thr navel gazing delulu crap.
I've been genuinely asked how I can enjoy content without being into the fanfic, it's because Im a fan of the official content? it's ridiculous.

No. 2156675

Honestly I wish people like you could say you just don't like shippers because they're annoying apes who will and can smear shit all over the walls and start threatening people the moment they FEEL as if they've been slighted, but instead all I see are half-assed arguments about porn addiction or whatever. We don't even disagree on finding shippers annoying a lot of the time.

This kind of person is so interesting to me. Clearly her NLOGism spawned out of some hijacked self-defense from kweers with icky het syndrome who go around harassing random hetshippers and yumes. That kind of thing is generally how spicy straights are formed kek

No. 2156677

I like to imagine my fav ships marrying and having kids what does that make me kek

No. 2156678

I find it funny how the term "porn addiction" is used to describe to completely different behaviors based on gender. Men are porn addicts when they goon their entire life away and irreversibly destroy their relationships with all women they know as well as dick function, but a woman is a porn addict when she reads a fanfic about some characters she loves boinking to unwind after a long and tiring week. Yes, we should use the same terms to describe these behaviors, apparently. It's like it's part of the "women are just as bad as men" psyop which tries to equate harmless female behaviors with harmful male ones and pretend they are in the same category in any way, like purposefully trying to drag down the female sex to the male level in order to soften the meaning of words we use to describe male degeneracy. Just something I noticed.

No. 2156679

Really funny attitude to have on lolcow of all places. Why focus on cows if you could get off your lazy ass and make something better yourself

No. 2156680

You can ship while only looking at the source material on it's own, the best type tbh since the fights throwing quotes and character monogues at each other like they're discussing the Bible is genuinely fun to see.

No. 2156682

Should it be erotica addiction then

No. 2156684

This. Porn involves actual vulnerable women being exploited and having their reputations permanently damaged so some moids can make a quick buck. Erotica is just writing– no matter how nasty or kinky it gets, its creation still doesn't involve actual people being exploited. Calling overindulgence in fanfic "porn addiction" is a classic example of women being held to way higher standards than moids, in the same way a woman who has sex on the first date is a "pickme," or a "slut," while a moid who does that is a "player" or a "lady's man." It's fucking horseshit. Shaynus is a porn addict. Dweebs on ao3 are just bored horny nerds.

No. 2156687

You answered faster than me but yeah that's the issue for me. There are 10 years kids out there who will think "Sakura and Syaoran should date" while reading CCS, which means they ship these characters, that doesn't mean they're porn addicts. You can just swap the words "shipping" and "porn" whenever you want because they don't mean the same thing.

No. 2156688

Its really just Fanfic brainrot.
I like the idea that the same people defending fanfic are the same as those that live with mpreg rent free in their heads and complain about it nonstop here.

No. 2156690

>a woman who has sex on the first date is a "pickme," or a "slut,"

No. 2156692

based and correct
> I wish to see a natural extension of the source material, or at least something thematically close to be a love letter to the original, not navel gazing delulu crap.
exactly. and yet most output now is eitther compleetely AU or aims to "fix" canon by removing anything interesing about it.

No. 2156694

You literally said that you wished to see something. I told you how you can fulfill that wish. Complaining about a lack of something is not the same as laughing at a cowish thing that actually exists.

No. 2156696

"Addict" implies that the thing you're engaging with is actively harming your day to day functioning in society. If someone isn't harming their own body, mental health, relationships, ability to work, sage money, etc., they are not an addict. When someone is engaging with erotic fanfic to the point that it's actually destroying them, sure, you can call them an erotica addict then. Words have meanings.

No. 2156697

Learn to read before going in a seething spree at random people

I have been asked that too, when I admitted to avoiding ao3 like plague for a fandom I was passionate about. I didn't tell her TRA ass but my reason was the oversaturation of gendie crap in the fanfics for that fandom (ik that's the case for all fandoms these days but dedicated group of "writer" TIFs in that niche fandom made things worse than usual). I miss the early 2010s where it was much easier to find good fics and average IQ of fanfic writers was relatively higher.

No. 2156698

>You can ship while only looking at the source material on it's own
Is this a commandment? Who died and made you queen? I'll do whatever I want and call it whatever the fuck I want.

No. 2156699

File: 1724782522784.png (91.24 KB, 1242x951, cyberbullying.png)

TBH, I always remember this pic everytime there is discourse about cringe culture.

No. 2156701

>seething spree
You're replying too kek. Is it not a "spree" when you do it?

No. 2156703

She said you can, not you must.

No. 2156705

I get that it feels nice to be a victim but I meant that people are capable of shipping without fanfiction being necessary.

No. 2156706

Note the use of the word "only." That's what makes it a command.

No. 2156708

>don't tell me what to do
>waaah you're being a victim11!!1

No. 2156709

Learn to read, holy shit.

No. 2156711

This x100

No. 2156712

No it doesn't, it's just saying that it's possible with "only" official stuff.

No. 2156713

Yes, because you are confusing me for other anons (the natural extension post was my first post in this thread and not addressed towards you) and lacking reading comprehension enough to think I am against women creating fan content in general when that was not the point of my post.

No. 2156715

Why do you have the need to impose such autistic rules on what other people are allowed to be interested in? I'm in the fandom for a thing that was made over 100 years ago and there is no "more" of it coming from the guy who made it because he's dead, should I just keep endlessly discussing the original work and never make fanfic? (Which are not mutually exclusive activities.)

No. 2156716

Learn what words mean, ESL.

No. 2156717

>you are confusing me for other anons
You're doing the same to me.

No. 2156722

"Only" referred to looking solely at the source material, not to shipping. You are embarrassing yourself.

No. 2156727

Nonnitas, you should stop replying to ESL-chan who will keep failing reading comprehension. Why not share some of your most wtf memories about obnoxious fanons? Mine is from when I was knee-deep in yuri on ice fandom and dared to comment that a silly orgy fic with mc fucking some random basketball team was a funny crack fic (I didn't even say it to the author, just on private twitter chat group). A bunch of people got on my case like reeee I cannot call it crack what if the author was serious! Me asserting that the shy mc of a sfw anime is not a whore in canon is close minded and hateful somehow??

No. 2156729

I'd say being in the FE3H fandom and seeing completely normal women being called a pedo because some random teen didn't like the pairings they ended up with in the ending

No. 2156730

If you're getting this upset over an anon telling you there's more to life than fandom, you should have a talk with yourself. I'm someone who's in an old fandom, too.

No. 2156731

>should I just keep endlessly discussing the original work and never make fanfic?
NTA but learn to read. Besides the retard comparing shipping to porn addiction, no one is saying this or that all fanfic or shipping is bad and shouldn't happen, just that it's bizarre how fandom isn't really about being a fan of media anymore but being a fan of fandom itself and how many people hold contempt and indifference for the actual media.

No. 2156736

Who ITT has said that fandom is their whole life? Learn to read yourselves before coming to the fandom discourse thread and getting upset that people are discussing fandom.

No. 2156742

I'm the second anon and nothing you said had anything to do with my post.

No. 2156756

Isn't the topic of gendies making fandoms their life/identity a basic part of these threads?

No. 2156761

>I'd say being in the FE3H fandom
You could have stopped there and I would still believe you.

No. 2156780

Please tell me that's sarcasm. You can't legitimately believe a woman having sex makes her a whore? Women will never be porn addicts because they're not men. Only men get roped into cooking any chance of normalcy while a woman can write the most freakiest crap and go back to enjoying life.

No. 2156816

Women can be porn addicts. You probably meant to say that writing smut shouldn't even qualify as porn addiction if it's not negatively affecting the persons life.

No. 2156822

File: 1724787959936.png (1.36 MB, 1194x524, queershitt.png)

I want to grab all of these youtube queer readings essays and throw a nuke on them.

No. 2156826

Zoomers learning the term "coding" is one of the worst things happening to fandom in recent years. Prove me wrong.

No. 2156829

The only one I could believe is gay here is the Lego joker

No. 2156830

> Marxist
> Movie where one of the main characters is a positively portrayed monarch
I'm pretty sure these things are conflicting kek

No. 2156833

Seriously, this is like the final boss of fandom autism.

No. 2156835

>Lego Batman
They're all just children's toys. Why not do queer essays on shit like "Master and Commander" or "Dr. Strangelove" or something? Or is that kind of stuff too hard for them to comprehend?

No. 2156837

Lego Batman and Joker were written in a way that obviously parodies movie relationships, and xitter types think they're geniuses for figuring this out kek

No. 2156855

>troid sneering at being a discord mod as if he's not gonna do that all the way until he 41%

No. 2156857


When I watched that movie all I saw was a sibling-like dynamic between Mebh and Robyn. Heck, at the end it seemed to imply that both their parent hooked up and they may become stepsisters.

No. 2156866

Is this not the same slop James Somerton was posting kek

No. 2156876

unironically, yes

No. 2156887

Thank you for this take, coding fags are unbearable. This shit is so annoying, who even likes these aside from spicy straights?

No. 2156889

>A Queer Marxist Analysis of Barbie
Imagine being so sheltered and spoiled that this is the sort of shit you have brainspace for.

No. 2156891

Underrated reply. "Coding" is now used as a basis for harassing people who fail to draw various alien characters with sufficiently POC features. I once saw someone argue that an alien character was "coded black" because he did drugs and had a bad relationship with his father.

No. 2156909

Gamzee from homestuck?

No. 2156914

>"Coding" is now used as a basis for harassing people
You could have stopped here.

No. 2156917

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they also don't realize that for the most part, it's played as a joke. gen-X for some reason, thought men acting gay was peak comedy and they still think the same. only now, hyper-wokies are convincing themselves it's subversive queer media(picrel)

No. 2156930

The deadpool thing loses merit since the loser kweerio comic writers made him canonically "pansexual".

No. 2156934

but deadpool is a fag

No. 2156946

>random post giving thought about relationship of 2 characters in canon (not romantic)
>9/10 times post writers out themselves to be shippers
Are shippers only ones care to write wall of text analyzing about characters relationship? The time they didn't outright reveal their ship is when ship is incest/minor etc lol

No. 2156953

File: 1724793807014.png (296.86 KB, 1031x320, whoopsie we did a cringy.png)

Thank you Lindsay Ellis for creating the fandom breatube genre so we can have insane cringe bombs like this.

No. 2156958

The first section (until about 9:30) is not really outrageous. Timon and his humour are very jewish, then afterwards, it just becomes this disjointed claim that the first two Lion King films promote white supremacy and Fascism. This is because the concept of lions being the 'king of beasts' and being at the top of the food chain is white supremacist rhetoric, as some white supremacists in the 19th century also said the same thing. She pulls random academic papers as some grand proof. Then it becomes Lion King promotes liberalism (which also promotes white supremacy) because the status quo of the circle of life is returned in each film. At around 37:00, she actually acknowledges that reading into a piece of media like that can be reductive. But then she brings up another academic essay on how queer and marginalized readings are very important as crucial commentary.
Also, at 14:10, there was a weird rant about how the circle of life isn't "scientifically accurate" and nature is far more complicated than the way the Lion King presents it.

No. 2156965

It's just so cringe seeing adults analyze Disney cartoons. Like fuck. Read a book or something why are we talking about cartoons at our big age?

No. 2156966

>nature is far more complicated than the way the Lion King presents it.
It's a musical for kids allegedly based on Hamlet, not a documentary kek what did she expect?

No. 2156969

Deadpool's been bisexual/a man whore since at least 2009. Though it is funny when take it so seriously as kweer rep or reee about queerbaiting, it's a Disney movie they don't care about their audience at all, why would they care about you? These people don't read comics either.

No. 2157002

The anti-fanfic anons itt would actually have a seizure if they wandered into the fujo, husbando or waifu threads kek
Lion King haters are always REALLY spergy about it for some reason and they seem to hate any kind of animal fable metaphors. But the movie is pretty much told from the lions' perspectives, so why wouldn't they see themselves as the best predators who deserve to be at the top of the food chain?

No. 2157010

It's cope because of their own self imposed rules that they're not allowed to enjoy ~problematic~ media, therefore they have to do mental gymnastics to explain why obvious caricatures are true and honest gay rep kek

No. 2157034

"Coding" probably used to have an actual meaning but now it's just a buzzword for spicy straights and 1/4thers to pat themselves on the back about their own racism/homophobia kek

No. 2157048

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Jesus Harold Christ.

No. 2157050

this is cringe but it's still less cringe than people who only ship m/m or f/f out of some weird vendetta against le hetties

No. 2157060

This is kind of verging on tinfoil territory, but these types of shippers give me the impression that they're TERRIFIED of irl relationships, especially sex. Most of them seem to be women and teenage girls so it's understandable ofc, but this is basically their coping mechanism. Like pretending they can opt into a "new" "queer" type of heterosexuality (kek) instead of the depressing reality that is most relationships with moids, and then pretending that this isn't just obtainable but SUPER new and unique and special. In theory they could just stop being retarded and date submissive scrotes (or embrace the yume lifestyle) but when you're brainrotted by booktok tropes and spicy straight annoyance, it instead manifests as confused shit like this.

No. 2157065

same with fujos tbqh(fujosperging outside containment)

No. 2157068

Samefag, you can tell they have neuroses about the female body and sexuality from all the "jokes" about the men being submissive and pregnant kek. It's not inherently because they hate women, it's because they hate what's expected of them irl, they're just too retarded to express it and unpack their desires properly.

No. 2157069

They are the same people, just at slightly different stages kek

No. 2157103

>yume lifestyle
You're thinking of husbandofags. Yumes have nothing with being 2D only and many of them date and simp for real life scrotes too.

No. 2157254

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>Who felt in love with a rabbit
>And is too autistic to understand Louis's character.

right, right.

No. 2157364

>Incapable of relating to media without coom
Why are you, a moid, dragging your fellow moids? It's literally all of you.

No. 2157368

>purposefully trying to drag down the female sex to the male level in order to soften the meaning of words we use to describe male degeneracy
Well said. Thank you for articulating this for me.

No. 2157426

older ladies are, objectively, the best at producing fan content. You can always rely on them having refined their skills and still beign dedicated to the fandom after a solid decade or more

No. 2157467

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No. 2157470

These people continuously seething at women having """porn addiction""" because they enjoy shipping characters are either Paki-chan (as sperging about "female porn addiction" like a broken record is her signature behavior) who wants to sneak in her fujosperging because she doesn't get her infight fix in the numerous dead circlejerking containment threads or they're just straight out scrotes faking pearl clutching to try to make women out to be "just as bad as they are". There's absolutely no point in humoring their bullshit and writing thoughtful replies will only make you frustrated and angry because they're not arguing in good faith. Just ignore and report.

No. 2157471

Idgaf what some fag thinks about lesbian fanart, he's probably just mad he can't go 'yas kween' at this rendition of Rhaenyra because she has slightly shorter hair.

No. 2157472

I mean laika albarn thread does prove that erotica can actually lead to fucked up fetishes that screw you up, are you really gonna defend her as well?

No. 2157473

that's not a man

No. 2157778

>who the fuck made this high quality art shipping Merida from Brave with Asterion from Baldur's Gate 3
>I guess it'd be cool but why is this a thing?

No. 2157802

someone get those disney crossover editing auteurs on this kek

No. 2157832

What's even the problem with the art if they're not nonbinaryifying her kek. A lot of posts complaining about gnc women because muh misogyny are just thinly veiled tweets of their hatred for masculine women or wanting F/F art to be fem/fem. They try to feign concern about the other one not being masculinized but they don't really care.

No. 2157837

ngl, from the thumbnail I was expecting sperging about Astarion being put into hetships again or something kek

No. 2157917

File: 1724869592534.png (2.73 MB, 2923x1749, lA2aaOB.png)

the issue people are having is that emma d'arcy/rhaenyra does not look like that irl, emma d'arcy and olivia cooke are roughly same height when and if anything emma is a bit softer than olivia. but for some reason, there's been a trend of masculinizing her, making her taller and less soft
it confirms with my theory that fundamentally heterosexual people can only recreate a near-heterosexual sex dynamic, even with same-sex characters

No. 2157951

This is why I hate twitter. You could have this dumb conversation without indirectly insulting an artist. Always "you guys" or "y'all" when the qrt clearly implies that they mean that specific work and person

No. 2157954

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No. 2157983

This is literally the same feature as in the South Park game where you get free hit when you spot a microaggression (that the PC Principal teaches you about), kek.

No. 2158124

I saw the same. I was so worried about retards eagerly shipping them when their relationship is so platonic and familial kek.

No. 2158494

maybe i'd get it if he was making a claim that he was bisexual, but HC'ing Legosi as gay is pure projection lol

No. 2161412

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Reylo, Adrienette, Daemyra, Zutara and Darklina are all in the top F/M A03 Ships

No. 2161420

>Miraculous Ladybug is #1
I did not expect that

No. 2161465

Damn most of them suck, het shippers have no taste.

No. 2161493

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Nothing's stronger than the fanon spirit rewriting a shit series.

No. 2161498

not suprised

No. 2161653

If I have to tinfoil, this comes from a very unique combination. the female mc is unhinged but not too pathetic and ugly for women to self-insert as and the male mc is genuinely every teenage girl's dream - tall, athletic, a literal fashion model, but also humble and kind and just edgy enough with a sad backstory. but the most important factor is the show's bad writing and lack of progression, which frustrates these teenage girls enough to want to write their OTP even though it's obviously the end game

No. 2161660

>law and order SVU in the top 30
my sides, who the fuck is watching a show about sex crimes and forming a fandom around it

No. 2161685

American housewives

No. 2161705

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not in the top 100, but one of the most popular het-ships in Dune is between the male mc and his own mother

No. 2161731

kek poor zendaya

No. 2161739

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Their relationship and the choice of making mother a main character alongside with chosen protagonist in general were the most satisfying part of Dune for me. It felt anciently slow and then you think prologue finished and interesting stuff happening it's ended kek
I need to catch up to sequel and read fics thanks for suggestion I just wondered what fandom to pick!

No. 2161741

the fact that despite her being his mother they look the same age, jfc moids age like shit

No. 2161810

This made me realize something, almost all of these ships are from movies and shows that have either female mc's or as part of the main cast, even a fucked-up ship between mother and son usually comes about when the mother is a main character alongside her son. I wonder if some autist would ever do an analysis of how frequently a ship will happen depending on proportional screen time

No. 2161974

Too bad there's no way to filter out "main" ships vs. background ships. I see a lot of ships listed that are almost always a background focus and not something people are actively searching for.

No. 2162133

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I don't get fandom these days having a disability in fantasy universes fetish and finding it offensive when fairies get their wings fixed or when crippled people gain the ability to walk.

No. 2162178

probably the case for james/lily

No. 2162190

This made me want to rewatch the Tinkerbell movies so bad, wish we could watch them at the movie nights

No. 2162200

The opposite also happens a lot. If you read any dnd-related sperg talk about how problematic it is that some magic powers can turn you blind or whatever (because the disability is seen as "negative"), you start seeing these people are so afraid that you Can get disabled by the most mundane, stupid things. We can never win with these people

No. 2162209

Do they get mad that in real life if lye goes in your eyes it can make you blind??? What the fuck

No. 2162236

Both of these just stem from them not wanting disabilities to be viewed as negative or something to be repaired, but disabilities literally hinder your life, that's why they're called that. It's this "everything about you is perfect and valid and absolutely no one should question it" mindset that is so cloying in fiction from these people.

No. 2162237

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The thing is, most people who complain about disabilities as mechanics or storylines in fiction aren't even disabled to start with, so they will never understand why a crippled person would want their movements back or why a blind person would get surgeries to correct their eyes, and they don't get that some aren't born with it to even start with. For them, it's just that mystical, representation thing to insert in.
Related to the topic, there's a well known TIM in the fandom I'm in that self-describes his job to "sensitive review" what elements in your stories could be considered ableist. Note that he's just a tranny afaik, not disabled. And all he does is copy some site that isn't in his language to be seen as smart and scam rpg companies kek. https://mythcreants.com/blog/ridding-your-monsters-of-ableism/
Note that he got rid of some cool insanity mechanics in a book because muh ableism, but even the site he bases his shit off says it's fine to do so if it's well written.

No. 2162249

>disabilities literally hinder your life, that's why they're called that
There's been a trend for a long time to write disabilities as a superpower in both fanfic and regular fiction.

No. 2162330

I was laughing at this chick’s vids with my friend yesterday, I feel like she constantly brings up that she’s disabled and disability in kids cartoons to try and separate herself from other fakebois (more special syndrome)

No. 2162476

File: 1726205030123.png (978.53 KB, 775x1907, 2Y9jtKC.png)

I understand why AUs exist, but there is a certain point where there's so much change that I really start to wonder, why don't you just have OCs? picrel is an AU is about Voldemort as a human, raised by Harry and of course there's a gay pairing

No. 2162489

I've seen "au where the villian is raised by the protagonist and then falls in love age gap" enough times that it's basically a trope imo.

No. 2162493

File: 1726207599498.jpg (30.93 KB, 236x674, c155fb16d77e2b4d28d32e9176135f…)

It was on my pinterest feed and I absolutely love Tomarry but this pic made me stare in the void sort of. Whole Let's meet at the Witches' Gathering memes and younger tops are not my thing.
About distant AUs. I wonder about cases on successful transitions from AU to OC stories while retaining fanbase from fanart account.

No. 2162496

How do Harry and Ginny have that many? How do Pepper and Tony Stark have that many?

No. 2162520

The first one has to be mostly as a sideship for Dramione fanfiction, I won't believe any other explanation.

No. 2162531

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No. 2162545

this kind of mindset makes me sad tbh– it's like they'd rather people not dream of worlds where people can be healed and healthy (through magic or sci-fi tech) in ways that they can't in reality (yet, for some things). Sure, if you get disabled you eventually have to face the music on how it effects your life and that it's likely permanent, but idk it can be a comfort for fiction to pretend otherwise in its own way. There's a similar mindset where people don't like stuff like redemption arcs or reconciliation between eg a child and their abusive parent because in real life it's better to cut someone off like that or something, but sometimes the hope or daydream of such scenarios helps people who've lived through that. Sorry I'm rambling, but stories don't have to be realistic or cynical to be worth something, and sometimes seeing a hopeful, optimistic outcome where people did manage to fix what was broken is better than one where things stay broken.

the dnd fandom (especially those that orbit and don't even play because no one will tolerate them) can be pretty insane when it comes to those kinds of takes. Especially annoying since most of them are genre tourists who don't know anything about fantasy except what they've read or watched someone else say, so they have all sorts of retarded assumptions on common elements– bg3 also has this problem kek.

No. 2162572

enby in 2 years

No. 2162626

My most hated part about the dnd fandom is the constant discourse about how orcs are supposed to be a racist representation of black people/mongols/indigenous folks/whatever and goblins and drow elves are a racist representation of the jews and humans as a class are all white-coded and so forth, it's literally the equivalent of the satanic panic its reputation was damaged by in the 80's. I think it tells a lot more about the person making the accusation who sees orcs as representations of black people but who am I to say.

No. 2162640

In Tolkien's own words aren't orcs and dwarves and shit representative of emotions/states of mind? And DnD to my understanding was based heavily on LoTR? So yeah it does say way more about them if they think creatures that were artificially made to just be full of rage and hate represent real people. Like other anon said these people are genre tourists at best.

No. 2162642

great to see the x files still has a chokehold on the shipping community

No. 2162663

No. 2162675

It's so bizarre to me that they list the races of the characters. Who cares? Why not list their ages, or professions, or hair colours? I guess they want to guilt fans into shipping fewer white people.

No. 2162679

orcs are quite literally just elves who were corrupted by morgoth's influence, they are a representation of how evil can warp even a perfect and idealised people

No. 2162716

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Younger tops are my problematic kryptonite. I love when a single man raises a cute kid who has a juvenile crush on him, only for the kid to grow up into a virile young adult and relentlessly pursue his caretaker romantically. A good example is USUK. P.S. This only works if the younger is the one pushing boundaries, otherwise it’s just a boring power imbalance. It’s the subversion that’s hot. Sorry not sorry.

No. 2162724

I feel weak for still remembering of being called out by discord pal who would always interfere with my posts to antagonize me. I can't no longer enjoy any age gaps.

No. 2162736

>it tells a lot more about the person making the accusation
Honestly, it really does. If you look at an orc, especially a more negative or evil depiction of one, and your first thought is, 'ah, a black person' etc it's you who has the problem.

A fantasy race can also carry inspiration from real world cultures without being synonymous or allegorical to anything that exists. Most fantasy or sci-fi races will be mixes of multiple things and are also usually intended to embody a theme or idea, they aren't meant to be 1:1 to reality and I don't get why this is such a struggle for people kek. 0 imagination, I swear.

No. 2162781

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kek, you reminded me of the drama that happened last month over the asshole-y comments by a "sensitivity reader" who worked on a dating sim called Our Life, by gb patch games. Screenshots from a private discord were leaked where rose, the sensitivity reader in question, was talking shit about Kab/gb patch, her future boss (aka the main game dev) and the fandom to her friends. She angered people mainly by calling gb patch a pussy and bitching about a bisexual character often being paired with male mcs in fanworks (reeing about heteronormativity and bi erasure). Outside of that, she has also whined about body shape and clothing of the token FTM love interest in the game being "sexualized and not masculine enough" on her tumblr. The screenshots were posted in r/OurLifeFanPage on 14 Aug 2024 and resulted in many subsequent discussions(in case you wanna do some digging on your own), but the post got deleted and I found the pics on tumblr (https://archive.ph/MsZPs) . The leakers apparently first went to gb patch, but she's a classic doormat who made a number of posts on tumblr and reddit making excuses for rose, up until the very end (https://archive.ph/TJH3a).
Do note that rose is a "black trans bisexual" tif, who also posts thirst traps on twitter (same handle as tumblr) that focus on her boobs and wonders why people are doubting her transness kek. I assume that the dev was afraid that not defending rose would get her labeled as problematic, but considering her game attracts gendie and/or woke people a lot, her continuing to defend rose's shitty statements got many fans to drop the game anyway. Her friends also kept painting anyone angry with rose's comments as "racist" "transphobic" haters, so it was a pretty messy shitshow. Funniest one was a "cis woman ally" friend came out to defend rose, painting herself as the "villain" in a comically dramatic way (https://archive.ph/dRQOs).
In the beginning rose dodged the accusations by claiming the convos were taken out of context and offered some half assed apologies (https://archive.ph/3hUp8), but in the end she stepped down from the position with this non-apology post where she plays victim (https://archive.ph/QCzuQ). This is how far I went in my investigations, donno if there has been updates. I really enjoyed the subreddit posts throughout this whole drama, it's so fun seeing gendies rip each other apart.

No. 2162794

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There's no way to pander to wokies without them inevitably turning and ree-ing at you and I laugh every time somebody has to learn this the hard way. Imo there was nothing Kab could have done that would have dug her out of looking ebil and problematic. I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier. It sucks but it's the harsh reality of pandering to gendies. Also kek at the fact that a moid who often draws women's bodies/clothes in a weird vacuum-sealed way is the sprite artist for the game and that's why the TIF side character looks like that.
What makes me laugh is that if this TIF looked actually male, they probably all would have been ree-ing about it being unrealistic standards. Again, no way to win when you pander to these types. The fact that the character just looks like a thin woman drawn by a moid who refuses to put women in baggy clothes probably reminds the resident TIFs that they won't pass either. Sad that they even trans-ed her because I thought she looked like a cute butch.

No. 2162824

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I can't read japanese so i dont't exactly know what goes on japanese female-centered spaces, but i know they aren't this cucked

No. 2162826

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No. 2162830

why do retarded zoomers type in all caps

No. 2162834

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No. 2162840

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No. 2162860

Your husbando is a murderer, girl…

No. 2162884

They never care this much when it happens in real life and the genders are switched kek. So pathetic. Hope your ugly animu faggot gets sodomized by a group of nurses and dies

No. 2162907

I wish that happened to the real moid too

No. 2162950

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rare based pinterest

No. 2162955

KEK i thought this was furry fantasy art at first glance

No. 2162957

Is anybody a fan of Rush, the Canadian rock band?(off-topic)

No. 2162958

he wasnt even nice he was an absolute faggot

No. 2162960

Besides, have you heard about how Dave Grohl of Foo Fighhters cheated on his wife?(off-topic)

No. 2162968

Where tf did you come from? Go back.

No. 2162970

Why are they going SO HARD over a fictional character? He's literally not real why are you defending the rights of anime boy n#74678995 and bringing up the law kek?? It reminds me of the seething that Astarion maid dress drawing caused
>Bwaaaah bwaaah the fantastical vampire faggot was le SA'd don't draw him chained up it's literally rape and immoral and-
Kek fucking retards

No. 2162971

yv_edit did a breakdown of the grohl thing.

No. 2162980

sadistic beauty translator flashbacks

No. 2163036

Analytics. This list has been going on for years, and the demographic for most popular ships couples have not moved an inch, even Harry Potter despite seemingly falling out of favor, still ranks high in Ship stats across the board.

Even the mixed couple themselves outside of anime/videogame characters, one character like Marinette, are mixed race themselves.

No. 2163057

File: 1726252229530.png (48.85 KB, 666x438, dazi.png)

Does the BSD fanbase even talk about anything outside of the Dazai and the nurse panel? I've been seeing discourse centered around this scene since 2018. Back then, it was mostly animeonlies getting heartbroken upon learning that their precious husbando is a whore. But with every passing year, the discourse keeps getting more insane. Some months ago, twitterfags were unironically arguing over whether or not to call him a manwhore/slut kek.

No. 2163059

Not sure if this belongs in this thread kek seems more fit towards celebricows, but I hate how his retarded female fanbase is shocked. It's 2024, how have these women not learned not to put ANY moid, no matter how harmless he presents himself as, on a pedestal? At this point, no one should be surprised any man turns out to be a cheater/rapist/pedo, especially a famous one

No. 2163146

My personal peeve is when people conflate generic tribal races as African or Polynesian people when literally every culture ever has had such a phase in their history where they live in huts, wear animal skin and make bone necklaces and iron swords and pikes and so on. For example I swear orcs are more closer to vikings in how they're portrayed and how Tolkien had a huge boner for northern people but tell that to the person with polarized identity politics brainrot who thinks big, brutish and animalistic equals "black people". I often wonder if people making all of these wild accusations are ever able to have fun or enjoy things but whenever I see them out there on the internet the only fandoms they ever enjoy is childish slop (sorry nonnies who like them but it is what it is) like Splatoon or Animal Crossing. I honestly feel it's just a form of an autistic special interest hyperfixation on spotting problematic things in media at all costs.

No. 2163167

It's a series where the only time it's respectable to think it's the coolest shit is when you are 11-13.

No. 2163185

File: 1726260068780.png (795.66 KB, 800x1134, qzDMX26.png)

nta but but he's a fictional version of the real Japanese author Osamu Dazai. In the BSD he's a spy, but irl Dazai was the biggest manwhore. He wasn't outright abusive to the women he was with, but he was constantly getting into relationships with older women, gaslighting them for money so he could buy heroin. When the women would eventually leave him, he'd find another poor woman to feed his addiction. His family forced him to live on an estate far away from the cities, where he ended up seducing a younger girl and ultimately committed suicide with her

No. 2163186

is this by junji ito?

No. 2163207

nayrt but yeah, junji ito made a manga adaptation of dazai's book "no longer human"

No. 2163254

I’m getting to the point where I don’t ever want a non-black person to even think of writing a black character ever again

No. 2163284

you will identity as non-binary in about 2 years(weird infight bait)

No. 2163312

>cute kid
Shotafags stop psych-oping USUK

No. 2163332

AYRT, I’ve never been into shota and am personally repulsed by it. Literally nothing romantic can or does happen until the younger one becomes an adult, thats the whole point of the trope you retard.

No. 2163341

Why? Ntayrt, just don't get you.
KEK, i will never forget her, hillarious.

No. 2163468

Don’t most authors spam a ton of couples to get more reach? It could be why it’s skewed.

No. 2163634

That's not really my experience on AO3. Only stories I see with a ton of relationship tags are one-shot compilation series.

No. 2163985

>I often wonder if people making all of these wild accusations are ever able to have fun or enjoy things but whenever I see them out there on the internet the only fandoms they ever enjoy is childish slop (sorry nonnies who like them but it is what it is) like Splatoon or Animal Crossing. I honestly feel it's just a form of an autistic special interest hyperfixation on spotting problematic things in media at all costs.
That's weird. I found that fans of kiddy games (like Nintendo stuff) tend to be in their lane and at most they'll just be annoying little kweers.
Since reading about fantasy books online I found that the accusation of racism to Tolkien come from pretentious fantasy and sci-fi readers who frequent academia or dabble in woke social justice shit, so still people obsessed with something, just not kiddy games.
One of the biggest examples I can think of is Michael Moorcock, the very influential fantasy writer of the Elric of Melnibone fame, calling Tolkien and his work crypto-fascist.

No. 2164146

File: 1726326995966.png (1.34 MB, 751x3084, img_9674.png)

all of fandom degeneracy in a nutshell

No. 2164163

>How do Pepper and Tony Stark have that many?
Side couple. I assume it's the same thing for Harry and Ginny.

No. 2164168

Or maybe Ironman waifufags who use Pepper because she's bland enough to self-insert.

No. 2164173

>Wanting to husbando Tony
Wow bad taste if this is true.

No. 2164179

nta, while he was never as popular as steve or bucky (if I remember correctly, those two were in the top with "x/reader insert" characters), tony definitely had his own appeal, a rich ceo who was also snarky, with just the right amount of self-destructive tendencies

No. 2164183

KEK at all the women posting their kpoopies and husbandos and the faggot posting his asshole

No. 2164187

File: 1726328520164.png (446.76 KB, 567x496, literally me.png)

He just makes me think of this meme or fics where he grooms Peter.

No. 2164202

all of those fictional moids remind me so much of women that i started tinfoiling that the scripts or these characters were originally meant to be women but women don’t “sell” enough for these companies so they turned every single one of these characters into a scrote to become more marketable and respected

No. 2164203

I have no idea how you'd come to the conclusion that Jared Leto Joker was supposed to be a woman but it's funny so I'll roll with it.

No. 2164205

all of them are evil and fugly and those are male only traits

No. 2164207

You think Patrick Bateman is ugly?

No. 2164215

he looks like the rat from flushed away

No. 2164216

ugly women don’t exist? WRONG. how do you explain most of the anons on here?

No. 2164217

File: 1726330252993.jpg (270.5 KB, 1143x1200, men owe me sex.jpg)

we are all giga stacies here, fuck off cctard

No. 2164218

kekkkk only a fandomfag would say something like this

No. 2164222

File: 1726330338499.jpg (20.68 KB, 686x386, hehehe.jpg)

No. 2164223

stop looking into a mirror

No. 2164224

god that’s so disgusting, do you have penis envy or something anon? why would you want to look like a cut up rotisserie chicken like gymbros, being ugly/evil is moid qualities but being sex-obsessed like them isn’t a mood quality??? huh

No. 2164226

File: 1726330410331.jpg (381.66 KB, 1290x1935, 1699384167348.jpg)

found it, these are the top "reader insert" characters on a03

>#9-Suga at 2383

>#8-Sam Winchester at 2386
>#7-Batkagou Katsuki at 2715
>#6-Jungkook at 2863
>#5-Steve Rogers at 3660
>#4-Sans at 3773
>#3-Loki at 3819
>#2-Dean Winchester at 4187
>#1-Bucky Barnes at 6661

No. 2164227

shut up ugly, i hate ugly scrotes and ugly women disappoint me(infighting)

No. 2164228

File: 1726330477624.png (25 KB, 256x256, 6890e7a1d901bb915d614283d71994…)

>penis envy

No. 2164231

>#4-Sans at 3773

No. 2164232

the bottom right looks like my aunt the fuck

No. 2164233

File: 1726330575709.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, anon you have autism.png)

autists really need to stop taking everything so seriously they are turning the board into a convent

No. 2164268

>unironically likes that cow’s trash
i think you’re truly the autist here anon

No. 2164273

File: 1726332005504.jpg (119.35 KB, 1217x1028, kyung_and_friends_comic_25_by_…)

NTA but Dogisaga stuff is pretty hilarious.

No. 2164277

i hate the faces, it triggers me so much i really don’t know why

No. 2164286

is dogesage inspired by nekojiru?

No. 2164288

Most likely

No. 2164307

I only find this believable for Patrick Bateman in some aspects.

No. 2164327

Ngl movie Patrick Bateman felt like a parody of female socialization shown through a man.

No. 2164333


No. 2164336

Patrick batemen felt really fucking gay to me

No. 2164349

he was written by a gay guy who commenting on the subculture(yuppies) he despised

No. 2164352

No. 2164355

Pretty based.

No. 2164373

File: 1726336428031.jpg (86.27 KB, 720x615, 257b5d225d8fe477ca9d936a39ed3c…)

This is bitter as fuck but I hate when pinterest girls make the wojak a cute girl, defeats the entire point of the meme.

No. 2164378

File: 1726336590359.png (1.7 MB, 1600x1066, j8UFivr.png)

as a kid, I used to ship justin and alex from wizards of waverly and didn't realize how fucked up that would be

No. 2164379

Not sure how that's related to what I said but I've seen you post about that before
I also ship incest so I don't really care though.

No. 2164385

God so trueeeeeeeee IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVER he reminds me so much of women without the scrote obsession with serial killers

No. 2164386

No. 2164396

Worst type of woman

No. 2164399

these women are always fat

No. 2164404

…nta but..you do know half of the userbase here is also into those things except for the coomer bait

No. 2164405

Yeah and those farmers are insufferable.

No. 2164406

They're the shitty half of the userbase.

No. 2164407

I do too, it feels vain and misses the original point of why they're bald see through sad mobs.

No. 2164409

That's kind of why I said this but only in some aspects, because then there are very male specific scenes like him hiring prostitutes and beating them up just for fun.

nta but several parts of the movie remind me of these recent videos of young women posting their morning routines or their average work day where they do nothing but eat vegan breakfasts, go to the gym at 6am, eat lunch in front of their laptop, drink with coworkers after work because they realistically can't show their actual jobs because of confidential data and NDAs and then go to bed.

No. 2164413

File: 1726338774382.jpg (31.45 KB, 635x479, lmfao.jpg)

>mfw this is actually realistic and now thousands of people are forced to put their pronouns in their email signatures

No. 2164415

In what way are any of these people ever like Lain? Trannies do this shit, too. Is it just because they're addicted to the internet?

No. 2164416

File: 1726339000662.png (827.88 KB, 750x746, yaasified wojak.png)

Wouldn't go that far, but they do annoy me.
Because your bones are rattling
Agreed, it seems like they can't even slightly laugh at themselves and have to depict themselves as cute and soft 24/7.
I think the lolita edits where they're all slovenly are much better.

No. 2164417

I guess because of the internet but also because she's cutesy and quiet.

No. 2164420

Insecurity, loneliness,and wanting to feel loved.

No. 2164421

she's not cutesy, quite the opposite

No. 2164425

File: 1726339299699.jpg (205.03 KB, 2048x1590, 4f334af66d36bfac7642e1481ae51f…)

>she's not cutesy
Anon she wears a bear onesie.

No. 2164426

i meant how she's depicted in the anime, she's meant to be creepy

No. 2164427

Not really, Lain's meant to have some creepy scenes but she's overall meant to be cute.
They wouldn't have given her a teddy bear motif if she wasn't meant to be cute.

No. 2164455

Why do fat people always think everyone has the issues with food they do? Go waddle around, you're sure to lose weight(infighting)

No. 2164464

You’re not helping your case on the bone rattling anon. Most of the people into ‘soft’ stuff like this are anas anyway

No. 2164479

These remind me of when people made pretty looking black women wojaks kek. This can't even be considered a wojak because of the line weight among other things, it's literally just a drawing.

No. 2164484

we need a kikomi wojak

No. 2164515

You're so wrong, I know that Fight Club and A Clockwork Orange as well as American Psycho were books, and come on the Joker is from Batman comics. I also think Wolf of Wallstreet was a book as well. Although I'd like to see these characters as women, it'd be interesting.

No. 2164524

patrick bateman is seen as crazy because he obsseses over his image down to his every pore and how others perceive him and dedicates his whole day to conform to a strict unrealistic perfected idea of a man yet this is what most women do everyday and even more and dont manage to chimp out like he did

No. 2164529

>Although I'd like to see these characters as women
There's a female Deadpool and there's probably been a female Joker because alternate universe bullshit.
He would have calmed down if he accepted the gay guy who wanted his dick.

No. 2164532

female joker is literally just harley. They retconned most of her pickme attributes lately to make her lesbian joker.

No. 2164533

>and dont manage to chimp out like he did
I would sell a kidney to have a good book or movie like that with that premise and a female protagonist.

These characters aren't comparable, they're from very different genres and settings.

No. 2164535

File: 1726344870503.png (517.04 KB, 521x897, this costume is so retarded.pn…)

They're also trying to make her a hero character though which they wouldn't do with Joker.
>like that with that premise and a female protagonist
Gone girl?

No. 2164539

>Gone girl?
Haven't watched it, if it's a dark comedy movie as well I probably give it a try.

No. 2164542

Lady Deadpool has only had one single stand alone issue, and has been a barely-there side character every other time. She and the rest of the "Deadpool Corps" are just joke multiverse characters created when the Deadpool craze was still kind of in its infancy to capitalize off the character's success.

No. 2164544

File: 1726345048673.jpg (52.91 KB, 756x1134, 3Oy3iLMqD79us2iAUD6fKqWebYU.jp…)

i never understood why lady vengance never became /our/ american psycho. She's the closest thing we will ever get to a cool cold blooded murdered, and she also killed a scrote that deserved it.

No. 2164548

I wouldn't say it's a full comedy but it has some comedic elements here and there.

No. 2164549

Thanks for the recs then, I'll look up these movies later and see how they are.

No. 2164550

I feel like you can fit in some sort of metaphor over women having to shit on other women to feel better about themselves if you had to.

No. 2164555

do it nonny. I will kill for a Lady Vengance moovie night but last time i tried hosting for my friends i couldnt make the shit work so i gave up.

No. 2164565

i hate when people try to make villains or antagonists heroes or "good" especially if theyre women. Most of the time (if theyre women) they just become cucks and abandon their personal goals to put other's above them (usually a scrote's) or just accept defeat and get written out of the story to be "fixed" by an ugly moid, ex Annie from AOT.

No. 2164581

File: 1726346464135.jpeg (341.53 KB, 1134x828, IMG_5386.jpeg)

based movie. the granny was always my favourite

No. 2164914

Pinkie Pie as an assassin would be close to this
>Scott Pilgrim
>Wolf of Wall Street
Too scrotey to be a woman
>Clockwork Orange
Way too scrotey to be a woman
Jinx has evolved from a Harley Quinn knockoff to being Joker-esque in Arcane
>Donnie Darko
This whole movie was a teen boy fantasy so it wouldn't work as well with a female protagonist but I'd be interested in a female Donnie type of character
>American Psycho
Patrick is meant to be a critique of scrote behavior. He would not work as a woman.
>Star Lord
The only one I can see here.

No. 2165151

I know this is not good but I just saw an artist I admired in a fandom I’m in get eaten up over the weirdest drama (ship wars I guess) and I can’t help but think what I would do if I were in her position. I’d have to resist the urge to send people instructions on how to tie a noose to help them end their miserable lives faster.
What gets to me is that she never really wrote in English either and it’s obvious that she was trying to keep the Anglo crazies away

Sage for blogpost.

No. 2165152

Gone girl is so fun to watch yes. It’s a bit dark.
I wouldn’t say it’s a comedy? I guess you can think of it that way

No. 2165384

File: 1726411826239.png (711.94 KB, 1080x1097, MfyF3Jd.png)

No. 2165407

File: 1726412519954.png (38.47 KB, 212x188, yF53DKG.png)

I hate how elves are reduced to porn clichés, with busty elf women being raped by orcs or Japanese/Korean male self-inserts, while the men are portrayed as total wimps or "femboys", existing only to be humiliated or portrayed as ultra-feminine pseduo-males who resemble prepubescent children. And this coom-fueled image has now infiltrated Western fandom, not just for elves, but of any fae or pre-human civilization

No. 2165484

I hate this very much as well. Male elves should be handsome and cool, not shitty failmales for agps to jerk off to.

No. 2165487

why cant men just like cute boys without being weird about it? Women have liked Link for decades just fine, but the microsecond scrotes started liking link they had to turn him into a big hipped futanari

No. 2165502

Femboys are a putrid plague upon our glorious bishie fields. We must purge all femboy slop on sight. No mercy

No. 2165516

Huh? Hasn’t the “canon vs. fanon” comparison been an art trend for years? Or are we talking about something else

No. 2165521

It's seething jealousy because the majority of males are ugly, fat, balding subhumans whereas elves are beautiful like angels as well as tall, strong, and wise. Males identify with orcs because they are fat, ugly, and stupid. Simple as.

No. 2165523

And to make matters worse, they worship dwarves as symbols of masculinity despite being a bunch of greedy manlets with anger issues which frankly describes all these scrotes. I want someone to make a scene where a male elf proceeds to clown on a human male and take his girl just to see them seethe.
I like it when orcs aren't ugly and oddly attractive in their own right instead yet another vehicle for ugly bastard hentai.

No. 2165529

it doesnt help that everything that isnt a hairy roidpig gets called a femboy nowadays

No. 2165536

I remembered some guy calling a whole ass man a femboy because he looked slightly pretty. Can't win with these people.

No. 2165537

this is why I prefer soyjaks, or at least before those also began turning overly detailed

No. 2165541

File: 1726422285140.png (158.27 KB, 736x660, Screenshot 2024-09-15 184337.p…)

Actual mental illness but it's Genshin (I think?) so not surprising

No. 2165545

that thread was the most retarded thing i've read all month. no wonder the quality of posts on this site is going to shit, you're all obsessed with incel programmeroids who fancy themselves "social scientists".

No. 2165612

they can't be serious

No. 2165627

what does any of this mean?

No. 2165637

File: 1726429093299.jpg (68.73 KB, 943x530, 1000020772.jpg)

Any example of such orcs? I remember liking Thrall (picrel) from warcraft series. I only played warcraft 3 though, he was pretty chill and level headed there, a nice foil to the hot headed human bishie Arthas who fucks up everything.

No. 2165638

The native american hilichurl drama and now this. Can these people touch grass already? It's like every day they scream that hoyo are racist for caring about their bottomline.

No. 2165641

i hope you are kidding anon

No. 2165655

File: 1726429995134.png (343.35 KB, 510x337, BlHsF3x.png)

the thing about orcs is that they are also meant to be corrupted elves (per tolkien), they are a twisted form of actual perfection. it's believed he was inspired by the corruption of angels according to christian tradition
>those unhappy ones who were ensnared by Melkor [Morgoth] little is known of a certainty. For who of the living has descended into the pits of Utumno [Morgoth's castle], or has explored the darkness of the counsels of Melkor? Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressea, that all those of the Quendi [Elves] who came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty were corrupted and enslaved; and thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orcs in envy and mockery of the Elves.

No. 2165665

I guess it's because unlike in American Psycho the protag feels justified in her killing? i love lady vengeance but she wasn't as cold-blooded as other moid characters, and in the end it's even implied that she wants to repent for her crimes

No. 2165682

File: 1726432233524.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1830, Twittertardscreeching.png)

Not this shit again,there was a screenshot with another retard complaining but I couldn't find the original post so I screenshot this retard complaining instead.the funny thing is the artist is Brazilian lol.

No. 2165686

File: 1726432627819.png (1.16 MB, 840x1809, Bash.png)

Pic related is super moidy dont rec but I guess it's unique in being orc Guts.

No. 2165704

Wasn't the original Brazilian Miku implied to just be really tanned not brown? Plus from my understanding Southern Americans can get super light skinned if they stay out of the sun? Why are these people so ready to fight randos that they make shit up, what a stressful state to be in.

No. 2165707

File: 1726433808634.jpg (27.81 KB, 216x216, 8525863258646.JPG)

>bishie arthas

No. 2165767

ot, but I'm honestly sick of japanese terms infesting fandom spaces, they are just like gay moid terms tbh

No. 2165783

>I'm honestly sick of japanese terms infesting fandom spaces
oh my god yes. it enrages me. stop talking about 'isekai' for non-Japanese media, you weeaboo fucks.

No. 2165791

What do these movies have in common really? The characters are vastly different in personality, motives, story, and development.

No. 2165799

File: 1726441398518.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1698, 0Q8RPnV.png)

the “contact local politicians” point is fucking hilarious

No. 2165859

Genshitters will literally do anything besides uninstalling the game. The account later corrected it and said to contact "cultural ambassadors"/Native communities about it instead and even emailed some too kek.

No. 2165862

Sometimes I want to remind these people that their phone is made of materials mined by modern day slaves in Africa and they are wasting that resource by crying about Asian video games

No. 2165867

Damn I was hoping they'd at least harass some politicians

No. 2165877

Didn't that evaporate into smoke?

No. 2165879

The genshit boycott drama is genuinely fascinating to me, you have all these entitled twittard westerners failing to come to terms with the fact that they aren't the main target demographic for once and that they're merely along for the ride with whatever the asian consumer base wants.
I'm sure those hoyo higher ups will risk ticking off their biggest whales in favor of some retards on the other side of the globe throwing a tantrum on twitter.

No. 2165880

I like how they start with telling you to share their posts

No. 2165942

a majority of these girls on pinterest are very young so I’m just glad they know about proper consent. I wouldn’t take a 12 year olds opinion that seriously

No. 2165948

During the peak of the boycott Chinese whales threatened legal action against Hoyo over a Neuvilette gameplay patch and they responded within 24 hours which was basically a slap in the face to the Natlan complainers kek. This is the third boycott attempt too (previously did it over hilchurls and Sumeru) and the company obviously doesn't give a shit and never will so I don't understand why they keep trying.

No. 2166046

Ofc low pixel game art from 2002 will look like shit, congrats for the discovery, have a cookie
Vidrel is a massive collection of cutscenes that show him across different games.

No. 2166052

gay moid ass comment
nta but he looks like a muscular young man, not my usual idea of a "bishe"
im assuming you posted him because he has long hair

No. 2166056

Yeah when I think of bishies it's like Yuki or Kyo Sohma. That guy looks like a normal undeformed young man with long hair.

No. 2166087

Like I actually agree that it's dumb that all the NPCs and characters are white in a region modeled after African, Polynesian and South African cultures is inappropriate, but holy shit people are being increasingly autistic about this. Sign a petition? Contact local politicians over a Chinese anime game not having enough darker skintones? What the fuck are these people smoking? I find it hard to believe that these people are serious about this, it has to be some sort of a game of clout to them. Why is complaining about the female characters being given ugly coomer designs wrong because it's ackshually all for lesbians and totally not for porn addict scrotes but Mavuika being light skinned makes these people lose their shit?

>Genshitters will literally do anything besides uninstalling the game.
That's the thing, I'd say "just don't play the game" to them but truth to be told I don't think they actually play the game and the ones who do are free to play so they're not even paying customers.

No. 2166088

Coomers ruin everything. Tolkien would fucking hate them.
Yeah some brick-faced troglodyte without a haircut isn’t a bishie. Dude looks like he tanks hits with his browbone and eats sheet metal with every meal.

No. 2166100

File: 1726482167288.webp (101.61 KB, 1000x1000, e18f6a1e1d07b07909681364157a68…)

>Why is complaining about the female characters being given ugly coomer designs wrong because it's ackshually all for lesbians
I fucking hate "lesbian" hoyo fans so fucking much. They'll defend the questionable gender ratios cuz female led and super feminist, get mad with people not shipping female genshin characters together, and all around seem like fakers to me? I know some lesbians who genuinely do not like the designs yet get called a bigot and slut shamer over it. Understandingly, finding female gaze fanservice in a gacha is like finding diamonds in a sweatshop, but my god, these people need new standards if they see this as hot.

No. 2166104

I'm convinced that many of them self-insert as the female characters and have somehow deluded themselves into believing they're hot/desirable by proxy kek. I can't imagine any other reason why they'd be THAT defensive.

No. 2166117

NTA but this is basically it, their "sapphism" is just self love. They see a cute/sexy girl, go that's literally me fr fr and think they're totally lesbians for it.

No. 2166123

File: 1726484005390.png (244.57 KB, 1194x1360, a reasonable take.png)

am a lesbian hoyo fan, i can confirm the fanbase is fucking insufferable and contrarily to what some will have you believe, gay/bi women aren't all on board with the male gazey shit either. the thing that probably pissed me off the most is that when we finally got a female character that was more covered up, all of these retards rushed to draw her in the skimpiest possible variation of her outfit (ill never forgive the devs for that one) and still feminize her in ooc ways to this day. all the while, those very same people were the ones who'd spent their time saying they wanted a less fem woman, a woman in pants, etc etc…people constantly say one thing and do another, that shithole is truly full of the most spineless and hypocritical virtue signallers i've ever seen.
>Why is complaining about the female characters being given ugly coomer designs wrong because it's ackshually all for lesbians and totally not for porn addict scrotes but Mavuika being light skinned makes these people lose their shit
i couldn't agree more, these morons are deeply deluded. have you seen the shitshow picrel caused? op got absolutely dragged through the mud for stating plainly obvious facts, go look at some of the comments over on the post/qrts if you want your braincells to wither and die. its genuinely looking bleak for society.

No. 2166139

File: 1726484927754.png (2.38 MB, 1460x1322, men dont like watching women m…)

kek I remember this tweet, the amount of braindead honkaicels in the replies hardcore reeing at them how IF THEY WEREN'T PRO LGBT THEN WHY WOULD THEY MAKE TWO HOT ANIME WOMEN KISS AND GROPE EACH OTHER? as if it wasn't literally proving their point. My god, this game (Honkai Impact 3rd) has a 99% incel fanbase to the point one of them tried stabbing the CEO because he was so mad his pure waifu was "disgraced" with an outfit he didn't like and when their player survey had a question about if they would approve of a playable male character they had to issue an official apology for upsetting their playerbase with the mere thought KEK. But yeah totally for lesbians.

No. 2166143

Kek the sheer amount of copium in this screenshot. Also this is definitely in tinfoil territory, but after spending time on fandom xitter, I have to wonder how many of these girls are lowkey homophobic because anything beyond "socially acceptable cute girls kissing teehee" makes them ~uncomfy~ at best and legitimately angry at worst.

No. 2166152

File: 1726485689201.png (897.75 KB, 1201x1366, beyond parody.png)

ayrt, seconding what you said and adding this screenshot as possibly the most surreal thing i've seen come out of that shitfest. i genuinely thought this tweet was satire upon first seeing it but no, they're being sincere. how can anyone possibly type that with a straight face knowing this boobshot is the thumbnail to their "argument", its pure insanity.

No. 2166153

Most of them openly hate butch lesbians and depictions of gay men both real and fictional so it's definitely some sort of a cutesy girly sisterhood fantasy for them and not a genuine acceptance of homosexuality. In my experience most of them are extremely young, have actually stunted development and the rest are just porn addict transbians poisoning the well further. Having known a (cis) honkai lesbian IRL she just had a really weird NLOG attitude (akin to "all other girls like yaoi and bishounens but I like cute anime lesbians!"), a fairly autistic understanding of her surroundings to begin with and seemed to only be attracted to anime girls and not real women.

No. 2166155

It kinda reminds me of the sheer denial that men do in fact like lesbian porn. Not in the same way as a woman, but the fantasy of two women having sex with no man in sight is alluring to moids because that's the point. Lesbian sex isn't real sex therefore she's pure enough to never be soiled by a dick. Anytime hoyo inserts lesbianism in their stuff, always rememeber it's for the men not actual lesbians who probably wouldn't like it anyway.

No. 2166157

I'm confused, have these people convinced themselves that men don't like yuri or lesbians?

No. 2166159

File: 1726486021527.png (206.64 KB, 1480x910, yes.png)

As a lesbian playing hoyoverse games I'm capable of enjoying the lesbian relationships they have written (although the only one I genuinely really enjoy is Beidou x Ningguang which none of these hoyoverse yurifags ever hype up because it's not a cute pink and purple combo) but I'm also capable of understanding and accepting that most of them are made so that moids don't have to feel threatened by the presence of male characters cucking them because all the female characters are lesbocoded. It is what it is.


No. 2166161

Being developmentally stunted explains a lot, including the fact they're only attracted to anime women kek. A lot of this is probably straight-up denial about how real sexualities work because that's too real and uncomfortable for them.

No. 2166164

As a Straight woman, I ship them too and maybe nothing else because every yuri shit afterwards has gotten dumber and dumber until I uninstalled the game. I'm glad the pyro archon has no one to be shipped with. If she ever was paired with a guy, the whole twitter community would erupt into a pile smoldering rage. It be fun to watch until they start calling their local politicians to bully mihoyo some more.
Wait, so fictional characters don't count as your sexuality? I really want to know why because I know some who discovered they liked men or women from anime, cartoons, movies, and shows.

No. 2166166

The key word here is "only." I said ONLY being attracted to anime characters.
> Having known a (cis) honkai lesbian IRL she just had a really weird NLOG attitude (akin to "all other girls like yaoi and bishounens but I like cute anime lesbians!")
Kek this is so funny to me, I can't imagine caring enough about straight women's anime crushes to get this superiority complex. This specific type of discourse is always retarded.

No. 2166167

NTA but it's mostly the /only/ being attracted to fictional ones part what she waa referring to.
They can help in figuring out what you're into, but also (if we are talking about drawn ones, not actors) they're just caricatures of the real thing, that's why some people can be into characters of the opposite gender they're attracted to as long as they look male/feminine enough to them.

No. 2166174

File: 1726487503096.png (19.11 KB, 585x168, Capsddsture.PNG)

Thanks for clarifying. Didn't know 2d characters threw a wrench towards the whole thing. But given some characters like astolfo are very "draw girl, make them a boy" coded, that might explain uptick in men calling themselves queer or something more retarded. If it's not that pink haired faggot it's usually the super masc anime women that are so "gender" to these people.
In other news, why the fuck do troons believe that men or women reading GL and BL must mean they're secretly "eggs"? Is it just autistic white or black thinking in play? Like girls love romance and flowers therefore anyone who likes them are a girl vice versa?

No. 2166179

porn addiction

No. 2166182

File: 1726488982124.jpg (332.24 KB, 1024x1024, Valkyrie-Drive-Bhikkhuni-DLC-2…)

This reminded me of something. Around 2015~2016 I browsed /v/ for weeb games and I remember there was this multimedia coomer franchise called Valkyrie Drive that had this ridiculous premise that made it semi-viral for a week or so. Basically it was about magical lesbian couples where one would kiss the other and the kissed girl would turn into a weapon.
Anyway, I remember reading that despite the amount of shilling the franchise got, it more or less failed except with female yuri fans for some reason… even when looking for a pic for my post I saw fanart blatantly drawn by women.
But instead of continuing this series and catering more to said female fanbase, the creators decided to drop it all and move onto other things.

Otaku markets seem to not trust female fanbases at all. I'm not crying for the loss of coomslop lol but it's still a story that makes me think.

No. 2166183

It's the prevailing idea that men are the only ones who spend money on franchises.

No. 2166189

In the context of Mihoyo they exploited the fuck out of the female userbase when launching Genshin Impact, it would never have achieved the incomprehensibly big international status without appealing to women as well. But now that Asian gachacels have radicalized and are constantly sending them death threats for hiring an artist who had tweeted in support of feminism and made an entire movement around refusing to play gacha games with playable male characters they buckled and are now in the process of abandoning their female audience altogether. Men are the only breed of apes going into domestic terrorism en masse just to be able to coom and that's why they always get their way and are thus the audience all companies want to cater to.

No. 2166191

The hell they do? Don't men just pirate shit and wank it to out of context gooner crap? I literally knew several guys who post fan art of a series I know, and when pushed to answer they'll always say they never watched, read, or played said property in their lives. Maybe it's me, but I can't for the life of me engage in fan content unless I'm a fan or passing enjoyer of that thing. It's like quoting a book but never read it so they don't even know what it means in context.

No. 2166193

File: 1726489633572.jpeg (42.85 KB, 220x276, IMG_3787.jpeg)

Well, for starters this looks like a court case and is genuinely disgusting.

No. 2166196

So if a open world gacha with actual combat releases, and all the characters are male, will they start murdering people over it? I'm genuinely concerned because we are starved for good games that pander to women.
the girl on the right, straight up looks like a child. How the hell is it legal?

No. 2166197

Funny enough men are also the hugest posers when it comes to books, particularly philosophy and literature. They 100% use them for social posturing and for trying to seem deep for picking up women, but when you start asking them for specifics, they break down and admit they’ve never really read these authors.

No. 2166198

For example, the entire modern stoicism movement kek

No. 2166201

File: 1726490026216.jpg (430.6 KB, 982x1200, Valkyrie.Drive.-Mermaid-.full.…)

Idk ask japanese lesbians. Unsurprisingly the fanart from women makes her look older.
The point wasn't about the moral side of the coomslop anyway, it's that these companies will never prioritize women, even the women who are willing to buy their slop and who were the only ones who cared for it.

No. 2166202

Example #12847489202 of women handling the subject matter a million times better

No. 2166208

I'm starting to think it's because men refuse to read out of a misguided need to be masculine. To read is a feminine hobby but playing video games and watching slop is somehow more stimulating than an enthralling book about the nature of life. I swear men do this to themselves.

No. 2166209

Honestly I hope Genshin fails at this point.

No. 2166211

It won't unless mihoyo kills for some retarded reason. I think it's for the best because genshin kiddies would ruin every other game if their golden goose hits the trench. Just be glad the containment procedures are going as planned.

No. 2166215

> Social media scrotes are maladjusted, autistic nerds
> Simultaneously proud and ashamed of their nerd status because muh incel astrology
> So autistic their brains can only cope with vidya
> "Muh vidya is ART"
> But at the same time they MUST be smarter and more enlightened than all the other gamers because that take is too mainstream now
> "Uhhh yeah I read philosophy and shit I know what I'm talking about"
> Blatant lies
> They think other people can't tell they're lying because they surround themselves with other autists and barely socialise irl
> "Only muh fellow intellectuals understand me"

No. 2166233

Don't most gacha games incomes come from 'whales' rather than the majority of the player base?

No. 2166234

Lmao at the art part. Video games for most of their life have been the signature brainless entertainment, but as soon as criticism got levied suddenly it's art and should be free from critical analysis. The whole point of viewing art is analysis, which requires deconstructing the good from the bad. What is there that's hard to comprehend with these retards.

No. 2166237

Whales do exist, though women are capable of whaling as seen with some of the sensor charts, it's not strically a male thing. Doesn't stop gacha games from buckling under their weight. Once the incels start packing up, the money well dries up.

No. 2166251

I don't even disagree that video games are an art form, but that particular talking point was still born out of retardation kek

No. 2166259

The new region has been a massive flop despite 100% pandering to incels and the new girl being half-naked waifubait, they're already failing (or at least on a huge decline) because they abandoned their female audience and incels aren't exactly the most loyal audience.

No. 2166262

Japanese and Chinese male nerds are huge consoomers, the ones who talk shit about everything but pirate their favorite manga and anime are most from the west.

No. 2166275

These dudes will both scream that "video games are ART!" but at the same time you can't criticize said art, and this form of art must be apolitical at all times or else it's cringe libshit brainwashing. They can't stick to an argument.

No. 2166279

It can't be apolitical, anything that doesn't 100% pander to them 100% of the time is clearly part of the woke agenda to exterminate the white race kek

No. 2166303

Genshin is too big of a franchise to rely simply on whales. The "whales make up for most of the income" thing is true mostly for gacha games that barely break even and get their only income from the game, but with Genshin their merchandise, events, collabs and other factors contribute to the revenue as well. And whales in Genshin roll for meta units (i.e. the strongest or most useful characters) both male or female, if they break the game everyone will spend their paycheck on them regardless of the character's gender. The ones developing parasocial relationships are more essential to games that are literal PNG collectors with minimal effect on the gameplay like most idol rhythm games.

No. 2166315

Men consoom like you wouldn't believe.
But wait, there's more! Due to widespread culture of cheating in Asian gaming, they paypig for cheat engine creators too. Those ain't cheap, and you absolutely have to have them to be competitive.

No. 2166329

If it's a medium to convey an idea, then it's art, but most video games suck it. Take it from someone who plays games sometimes. Story driven games didn't became a thing until the fucking 80s or so, and upswinged to the 90s when tech could finally render cutscenes and audio. Game companies are still in the mindset that gamers don't really care for truly thought provoking content save for the few that do. If you want good stories, you're best bet is either adv style visual novels, rpgs, and interactive narrative games. Braindead action shooters leave no nuance besides excuses to shoot people and maybe a "they killed my wife and kids" backstory. I chalk it up to the medium's age, but considering both flims, tv, and books have greater staying power and deeper stories and themes, there must be something about games that makes it hard to balance narrative with gameplay.
There are three genders in video games–men, bimbos and political (meaning women they can't fap to). It just so happens bimbos are a dying breed and now the gamers seethe at their masters for depriving them of coom material.

No. 2166351

… they paypig for cheat engines you say? Where might I find more information regarding this?

No. 2166360

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Is there any place where we can talk about HYV's double standards without being hit with baseless accusations? Twitter is filled with the most insane opinions. You cannot say anything remotely "negative" about any female character, or they will launch a witch hunt against you. Of late, even the general on /m/ has got filled with shitposters who try to shut down any discussion regarding the glaring difference in the way male and female characters are treated. Honestly, it's just sad at this point.

No. 2166373

File: 1726500769512.webp (177.21 KB, 1024x1820, Feixiao.1024.4228112.webp)

Why are they acting like she also isn't wearing a top where the sides are cut out kek, twitter users are so bizarre.

No. 2166377

Xitter libfems have such bizarre ideas about the meaning of terms like "male focused" kek

No. 2166378

By their logic the porn industry is female-focused, kek

No. 2166390

>Original post by Xitter user "TransfemFurina"
The theory about all of this "stop slut shaming my sapphic queens you male worshipers" being driven by trannies remains more solid than ever.

No. 2166392

How deranged are these people to turn generic incel pandering into some sort of activist argument

No. 2166400

It's a mixture of trannies pushing their bullshit into every discussion, heavy doses of copium, and idealistic/weeby delusions about how the gacha industry works (especially the ones from East Asian countries.)

No. 2166406

File: 1726502661306.png (1.02 MB, 1367x1469, tbf you have to have a very hi…)

so either a moid or a terminal case of pickme handmaidenry, got it. found this from the same specimen who's apparently aiming to turn missing the point into an art form. as if a woman in the "boring" male clothes wouldn't be infinitely cooler, more stylish, and more revolutionary than any skimpy outfit #872928392 could ever aspire to be. not to mention thatd actually appeal to the female gaze.

No. 2166408

>there must be something about games that makes it hard to balance narrative with gameplay
It's the interactivity and agency of the player, and design choices to do with that that are basically poison to narratives in games. If your game is an open world with rpg elements and a decent sandbox, it's difficult to work out how to string a story along in a way that both makes sense, has depth or nuance, or even just good pacing (great example of this is Tears of the Kingdom, which didn't even employ a system to keep you from seeing collectible cutscenes out of order, further damaging an already weak story). You don't exactly know where the player will go first, or how long they'll dawdle in between pieces of information, or outright miss or skip it– hence why games known for stronger stories tending to be more linear with less player freedom. Choose your own adventure books, which are part of the dna of the modern video game, are also far more limited than regular novels due to how they work. Also have you seen how braindead streamers/youtubers are? Imagine spending years crafting mechanics, environments, characters, and a story, only to see some of the most viewed players (who can heavily skew audience perceptions) completely brush by it and then complain as if it wasn't there– it seems like a very discouraging field to write in kek.

A lot of games also just don't intend to have a narrative that's better than a framework to hang the mechanics and levels off of, and that's fine too. I'd also argue that the 'art' factor of games is often more so in their visuals and design, but more people understand basic narrative theory thanks to english classes than they do art/film theory, visual symbolism or anything like that, so they always focus on the story that's in the script and not the art bible.

Sorry for the sperg, I love games as a medium and find their construction and potential fascinating… even if they often fall short kek

No. 2166409

> Yall will gag over anything as long as dick and balls are attached
My money is on seething jealous troon male.

No. 2166452

File: 1726505264340.webp (92.48 KB, 1024x1024, Degenbrecher.webp)

The worst thing that has happened to these Gacha game communities are the fakebians who act like them loving a few 2d coomer waifus is actual feminism and real signs of female homosexuality. They always shut you down the second you try to criticize a female character because they think this makes them such a lesbian and the supporter of women. They are too busy asslicking the incels who do the exact same as them to husbando likers, it reminds me a lot of the Honkai Impact 3 sapphics who are so willing to team up with incels to shit on female fans who want a few playable male characters in that game.

And the outrage over the design between Jing Yuan and Feixiao is absolutely understandable, I wish they made Feixiao at least look a bit like picrel.

I absolutely detest these people, they act like women preferring male characters is a big sin and they're the better ones for eating up the most mid looking skimpy dressed female characters and then screaming misogyny when you say you don't like it.

No. 2166453

The amount of male seething in this twitter post is astronomical, good god. Literally indistinguishable from an incel reeing about women liking good looking male characters, which when it's all said and done, this person actually is. Also the replies and QRTs of the original tweet kek, filled with autistic transbians joining the same choir. Nonnies, remember this when you see the "Why must female fandoms always be so male-worshiping!" rhetoric being spread around Lolcow.

No. 2166461

Feixiao's design could've been fixed with very minor touch ups too, like make her pants long legged and get rid of the retarded skin windows on her top and she'd look fine. Even when you point out the hypocrisy between how she and jing yuan are designed despite both being generals they just ignore it and scream slut shaming.

>it reminds me a lot of the Honkai Impact 3 sapphics who are so willing to team up with incels to shit on female fans who want a few playable male characters in that game.

And the worst part is that most of those Honkai ~sapphics~ who are actual born women are virgins never over the age of 15 and they hang around 20+ coom-addicted moids in the fandom playing a game that used to have a groping mechanic where you could touch the girls to raise their "affection meter". But it's okay because some of the girls would hit you if you touched their pussies of course!

No. 2166464

Degenbrecher my love, arknights gets coomery but when the right artist is in the studio they just hit all my buttons.

No. 2166465

Arknights nonnie ♥ I agree wholeheartedly. Once you look past the waifubait characters the moid fandom loves, there are surprisingly a lot of amazing non-sexualized ones

No. 2166467

> they act like women preferring male characters is a big sin and they're the better ones for eating up the most mid looking skimpy dressed female characters and then screaming misogyny when you say you don't like it
It's kinda been touched on earlier in the thread that a lot of these people are pretty homophobic kek. Sometimes they go mask off and sperg about butch women/gay men but hide it behind wokeisms like "protecting feminity" or "I'm just against MLM fetishizers uwu", even though that doesn't explain why they have such a strong kneejerk reaction to anything beyond cutesy yuribait. Either that or they're the annoying half-assed brand of misandrist who comically miss the point about everything.

No. 2166472

File: 1726506618628.jpg (43.13 KB, 622x506, 3375f5eb13f00c314a7de340c6a4db…)

>sperg about butch women/gay men but hide it behind wokeisms like "protecting feminity"
this but "let women be feminine"

No. 2166477

NTA but it's basically this. I was recently having a discussion with other women about female characters and said that I would like to have more butch and masculine female characters that are wearing covering clothes with cool designs like all the male characters and practically got jumped for being a misogynist who hates femininity. It's bizarre world, people are so online they completely forget how the majority of the society functions like.

No. 2166488

The way it's not even about policing how women should dress like some jihadist; it's about having a range of representations that reflect different styles and personalities. The world isn't just women wearing one pink dress or looking half naked no matter what, and it would be great if media could reflect that more, but talking to female fans of these games is always a massive hit or miss. Either you'll meet somebody who understand your struggle or it'll be a massive retard like this.

>y'all will gag over anything as long as dick and balls are attached
It's not husbando likers fault that female characters in media often end up being either overly sexualized for the male gaze with little depth - I'm not interested in one-dimensional female characters dressed half naked and it's not my fault for this so this pseudo victim blaming thing can fuck all the way off. Why should I settle for generic female characters who look the same clothes wise and act the same, when there are male characters out there with more interesting and fully developed personalities?

No. 2166489

The kids who parrot this nonsense are going to get chewed up and spat out viciously.

No. 2166496

Tbf, not sure if it's the case with this, but there's times where the person in charge of writing is actually good at their job while the person drawing is the first ecchi artist they found on twitter.
Nothing is worse than when the people behind the story don't trust it enough that they get someone to "touch it up" by adding boobs booking boobily to the visuals.

No. 2166502

Luv me some Degenbrecher as much as I hate Arknights nowadays since they shaft male characters just as hard as most gacha games.

No. 2166562

Modern fandom makes me want to alog so bad. Internet fandoms have always been flawed but at least you could count on them being full of women who were equally autistic about pretty anime men as you and who were just as fed up with the constant objectification of women in media. Now said objectification is "progressive" just because autogynephilic men say it is, and you can't even point out how insane it is that men with sissyfication fetishes are dictating what is or isn't misogynistic without being ostracized by them and their handmaidens. I know it's retarded to care this much about something so ultimately meaningless, but I am genuinely heartbroken about the state of modern fandom. It's hard to jive with other women irl sometimes, and now all the women I could get along with online hate me and themselves. Things have never been bleaker for us terminally online girlies.

No. 2166588

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Seeing nonas call out tranny hoyofags on their weird fake-feminism bullshit is giving me such overwhelming relief as someone who has to block at least 15 of these retards per day to keep their incel defence league tweets off of my feed. I’m tired of it!

No. 2166592

File: 1726512880292.png (58.61 KB, 582x443, dorontabi.png)

Why do western 'antis' never attack men? korean feminists doxed dorontabi, so whats their excuse. What i wouldnt do for a western equivalent of korean radfems, imagine the amount of moids we could take down a peg.

No. 2166600

File: 1726513220372.png (4.87 MB, 2048x2048, image_2024-09-16_145844394.png)

I'm sorry to go off topic I am so sorry but Arknights is mentioned and I need to sperg about one of my favorite characters in history. I wish they didn't sexualize her so hard in the past couple years. Honestly though I'm kinda an Arknights defender and I would die on the hill that a lot of characters aren't as sexualized as 99% of other gachas unless it's for optional skins.

No. 2166604

Antis only complaint about shipping, they don't care much about actual issues

No. 2166605

based W lover. the only W fans i can tolerate are the women, the men only like her as a tsundere waifu or futa art way

No. 2166616

File: 1726513989110.png (1.52 MB, 992x1403, image_2024-09-16_151119781.png)

I can go on an autism rant about her all day, she's one of the best written characters, DM is one of the best events and her character development is so good. I hate when people call her a "tsundere", she's literally just a larper who puts on acts to survive. Bitch can't even read! I love her to bits. Male W fans are some of the worst fans in existence.

No. 2166622

Please sperg about her, anona, I need to know what you think of her, I actually liked her, I thought at first I was just coping because she really feels like a well written character.

No. 2166623

This is not tumblr

No. 2166627

Her, Ines and Hoederer have the best relationship ever.

No. 2166628

>I would like to have more butch and masculine female characters that are wearing covering clothes with cool designs like all the male characters
Aren't some male designs shirtless though? how'd you do that with a woman without accusations of sexualizing her? Otherwise, based opinion as always. I want more male archetypes (female) unironically.

No. 2166632

>What i wouldnt do for a western equivalent of korean radfems
be the change you want to see. The world would be much better if people started calling out these men rather than complaining about the lack of callouts. But also pedo western moids can't lose. Look at Shadman, he's been called out for years but still has an audience. No matter what we do here, men will keep their livelihoods until all women band together and start taking them down. And that's not to mention pedo men who are celebrities or politicians that won't be taken down.

No. 2166633

there is no point in doing it alone. The big akorean radfem account who called out dorontabi the first time had 100k followers and it was mass reported by his simps

No. 2166634

Her alt’s outfit being coomslop was so lame

No. 2166639

I really wish there was a possibility of western women doing the same to moids in fandom spaces but unfortunately they're the first ones to bend backwards for the most disgustingly rancid men, excuse their nasty fetishes like handmaidens and are massive doormats in general. They're the twitter equivalent of r/relationshipadvice women asking if they are boring for being uncomfortable with their husbands' anal fetish and a bunch of women in the comments talking about how he is so 'valid' for it and you shouldn't kink shame, yadda yadda.

The entire world's view on everything is directly affected by male influence because they're the sex holding all the societal power, including how women treat each other when it comes to fandom issues. Men can easily be memed into cooming for anything and chase the fetish in real life be it little children or hurting women and women rarely become terminal sex pests like that, but suddenly if a woman dares to voice her liking a 2d male, it's the end of the world.

No. 2166640

File: 1726516215476.png (1.68 MB, 850x1895, image_2024-09-16_154333443.png)

Her development from DM and the beginning of the main story of now is paced so wonderfully. From her being part of Reunion for her own personal goals to joining RI despite what Doctor did because she cares about Amiya and has some belief in what RI does to being reunited with her best friends to finally finding a name and identity for herself surrounded by people she cares about and cares about her. I love thinking about how much she cares for other people and always has, but always hid it due to circumstances of being a mercenary, and a Sarkaz one at that where tomorrow is never guaranteed. DM broke my heart in a million ways especially since W finally found hope and faith in Theresa and that was stripped away and to see her regain that hope and desire to see her species subjugation end is so nice. Her recent short was amazing and I loved seeing more about what happened during the time after Theresa and before Reunion when she was at her most broken.

This is so true I couldn't agree more. I love how you see them all in each other's arts all the time, like how you see the Ines and W in the back of Whorederor's skin and W and Hoederer in Ines' skin. The DM trio is one of my favorite trios ever and I love how despite all the time they spent apart they never stopped worrying for each other despite their circumstances, and when they finally meet it's like they were barely apart.
They literally give us so many good outfits for her (DM and the skin, her base art, Victorian crisis) and then we got… that. I hate it. What the fuck. At least she's the best character in the entire game stats-wise by far so that's nice, but it does piss me off that we got a limited alter of an already limited character. I fear Arknights is going to start pushing into other gacha methods soon, the powercreep is getting worse.

No. 2166643

I just had a horrifying realisation. A lot of Genshin fans probably grew up with the game and it moved with from as they went from their teenage to adult life
That's why some are so overly protective about it.
I'm glad I never had an autistic obsession with something as braindead as Genshin

No. 2166651

yeah the reason why antis in the west dont work is because they allow men. Reminds of how 2 of the 'antis' that cancelled aang for her shota shit ended up being actual child molesters.

No. 2166656

>A lot of Genshin fans probably grew up with the game
Isn’t it a bit early to say that? It just came out in 2020. I’m only 20 and yet it still feels so recent to me that people were anticipating that game coming out

No. 2166657

I was in my early twenties when I first started and now I'm nearing 25. Fuck that game. Strung me along only to leave me downtrodden over broken promises. I generally think games that set out to pander to everyone never work and genshin should be the main reason why.

No. 2166659

Sage for nitpick but 24 is still “early twenties”…

No. 2166663

>badass suit
>retarded bowlegged pose
I hate gacha artists so much kek

No. 2166667

I know, but some days I feel fucking old. Anyone 21 or under act like retards and i'm starting understand why gen x and millennials hate our asses.

No. 2166726

how any woman could support hoyo after seeing zzz baffles me. they’re spitting on you with that game kek

No. 2166766

I can't help but laugh at all these Hoyofags whose first gacha ever was Genshin or Honkai being shocked at how the women are treated. Mostly everything in gacha is geared towards men unless it's stuff like Enstars or Twisted Wonderland. Why are they even shocked anymore? There's a few gacha out there that treat their men and women mostly similarly (Limbus Company for example) but waaah it's not bright colored ooga booga fast forward auto button disney shit. Also, women aren't normally the ones who whale in the game. They're usually ones who buy merch and do other things to support outside the game, which explains why so many gachas cater to men because it's instant direct money.

No. 2166767

Samefagging I forgot to mention Bandori is also heavily catered to wlw.

No. 2166780

Does anyone keep noticing there is a certain type demographic that always makes fandoms annoying? Dream, K-pop, any Hoyoverse game, my hero academia at its prime, Danganronpa at its prime, they typically hop from one fandom to another. They make fandoms so fucking toxic. I still remember when I first played genshin impact when it was launched when genshin impact had a chill peaceful fandom, but then as more people kept coming in THOSE fans started to join which turned the genshin impact fandom into a overly sensitive, hyper toxic community. Has anyone also noticed these types of fans?

No. 2166781

The thing in common with these fandoms are that they're overrun by teens and adult children. That's the common thread lol

No. 2166783

They're refugees from the Homestuck and/or Voltron fandoms.

No. 2166785

Fotm trend hoppers.

No. 2166786

>certain type of demographic
Literally just teenagers and very young adults. Usually some type of troon.

No. 2166796

Adults aside, I have noticed a shift in how fandoms engage with media when it gets popular on Tiktok, which always leads to the most cancerous people ever joining the fandom. It's most of the time the genderspecial minors who act the same, talk the same and each one of them have the same interests. Take Resident Evil as an example. It used to be an enjoyable game series with a dedicated fanbase. It wasn't exactly obscure, but it had a niche community that appreciated the game's unique aspects (if you ignored the coomer men). However, after the RE4 remake gained popularity on Tiktok the discourse around the game changed significantly and now I see nobody really caring about its story or other characters anymore, it's all just how hot Leon is and how he is their little "meow meow baby girl bottom girly pop", especially the way children from Tiktok managed to get their hands all over him when he's been a thing for 3 decades now. I swear I sound like a seething old hag right now but there is just something about gendie minors from Tiktok that make me see red, right after the Homestuck/Voltron/Danganronpa ex-fans who are on a mission to taint the next media they get into.

No. 2166797

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somewhat related, the pandemic was really the turning point for most fandom spaces. like there were weirdo's before, but now they were everywhere and actively getting worse

No. 2166798

regrettably having been part of both fandoms, that's true

No. 2166805

People clown on Genshin all the time for its horrible fandom but the lore goes actually really deep and Mihoyo does impressive research on basically everything they do, in Star Rail the way they handled the entirety of Penacony and its layered dreamscape and the philosophy of free will was great to observe because they had brought in actual neuroscientists to consult about how they should present their narrative. The way how they handled the music for Fontaine and Sumeru was superb. The dedication they put into the underwater swimming mechanics to make sure players wouldn't be subjected to motion sickness. It all gets wasted on the horrible fandom that rarely appreciates the work they do, as someone who has been playing gacha probably before the majority of this thread even got a smartphone Mihoyo's dedication to push the standards for just a gacha game is very, very underrated. I've thoroughly enjoyed the content Genshin has given me over the years, Natlan (the latest region) is the first time I've actually felt disappointed and it's mostly because they themselves admitted during the 5.0 stream that they're "starting to listen to the fans more".

And I'm not talking only about the beyond retarded western fandom that flanderizes the characters, skips all of the dialogue and world quests and then complain about wanting a skip button because they can't read and endlessly rees about the skintones. It's also the Asian fandom and its gachacels, the men going into straight out terrorism holding the company by the balls and posting cat killing videos because girls are so into a male character associated with cats are going to affect how they approach things or risk being reported to the authorities for towing the line of what's acceptable in their fascist country. And not to mention all the creativity that goes into the leaked concept art of the characters, only for them all to be thrown into the trash because marketing wants another generic booba waifu with mismatched titty napkins like what happened with Skirk and Emilie.

No. 2166807

This. RE is one of my favorite franchises ever and the TikTokification of it and Leon makes me want death. The RE fandom was one of the most pleasant fanbases before the RE4 remake aside from few weird horny people, but that was it. Now they're everywhere and I hate the mischaracterization of Leon and Ada so much. Your "uwu softboy bottom tramp stamp kawaii babbyyy" is a horrifically suicidal and depressed man with alcohol and guilt issues please fuck off. Oh, and don't forget that Ada is the most evil spawn of the earth and a mean whore to poor wittle Leon.

No. 2166808

I'm pretty sure most people who were into Homestuck are now in their late 20's the youngest and Voltron people are pushing the same age bracket too. Bandwagon hopping people like them have always existed and always will, social media has just made cool things more accessible to them and the rest more likely to be exposed to their retardation. And you can never really predict which fandom gets picked up by them, like how the hell would ANYONE had predicted in 2010 that a new season of My Little Pony would be tainted by grown men drawing furry porn of the characters? It's an everpresent looming threat and anyone's fandom could be next.

No. 2166809

Sounds cringe but they're fandom colonisers imo. They come into a niche fandom with its own unique environment, contort it into the culture of all the other fandoms they've been in by flooding it and then when they get bored they abandon it and leave it as a poor broken husk. Take Fear and Hunger for example, it was originally filled with edgelord men but the women there were really chill and lowkey, now look at it. I blame SuperEyepatchWolf for this, fucking faggot who made a bad video.

No. 2166811

Anon, you and me are in the exact same boat regarding this situation I swear kek. I went from being really excited for the RE4 remake (my most favorite RE game is the OG RE4) to straight up hating the remake and I never finished playing it too. I even block all sorts of Leon simping on social media but it still finds its way to me, like it desperately wants me to lose my mind. Every time it's some child with @leonshusband or some cringe user acting like they have a PHD in the game series when they didn't even know about its existence a few months ago. I went from having an intense 6 year long Leon fixation to not even acknowledging his existence anymore, he really got ruined like crazy for me.

No. 2166813

Waking up everyday being grateful that I was never a Voltron, Homestuck, Vivziepop, Pomni, BNHA fan and my DR phase was only a couple months long.

No. 2166814

As someone who learned of fear and hunger through the SEW video, I thought the concept was really cool and wanted to try it out but never got around to it. Suddenly when I came back to the game its fandom was overtaken by these tards graduating from the five nights at freddy's fandom being just as awful and unintegrated. I'm so sorry for the original fans.

No. 2166819

Knowing it was going to happen and seeing it step by step in real time when it came to Dungeon Meshi was a real trip, for 7 years the thought of trans obese Falin was completely ridiculous, and then the flood happened like a smack in the face.

No. 2166821

I started playing Funger early 2019 and I absolutely hate the way the dev trooned out an obviously female character and started talking about how she is akschually trans after the game started gaining popularity lmao. If you google his name you can find his Etsy where he liked some dresses to buy later because he's a tranny faggot enby too

No. 2166824

Reading this caused me physical pain. Creators should be banned from interacting with their fandoms once the follower count exceeds 10 000 or something.

No. 2166825

Anon trust me as someone who has been into RE since I was a little girl (thanks dad and brother) I completely feel you 100% on all of this. OG RE4 is my favorite too and you have got to finish the RE4 Remake, don't let stupid teenagers who are eventually going to move on ruin this for you. The retarded Leon simps will fade eventually, they'll probably hop on the SH2 Remake train more likely than not and the real fans will stay. It's so worth finishing the remake and playing SW, it's such a masterpiece.

No. 2166832

I will actually take your word on this, nonnie. Perhaps it really is time to finish it. Thank you! Feels so satisfying to know there's somebody out there who shares the same RE fan agony as me kek. ♥

No. 2166834

>fandom colonisers
They're often called tourists by male weebs. Bot phrases work pretty well imo.

No. 2166835

Say what you will about anime but I do like it when authors have enough shame to keep themselves out of the limelight like that, even if they're perverts.

No. 2166836

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>Her mother, not wanting her child to be forced into the Dark Priest lifestyle, wished for a chance for Marina to grow up divergent from her father's religion; which would have otherwise involved a lifetime of worship to The Old Gods. Despite Marina's birth gender being male, her mother decided to conceal her identity to all others, including Marina's father and label her child female. This spared her now-daughter from the Dark Priest line of succession that all eldest sons of Priests must follow.
scrotes have such a shitty way of telling stories

No. 2166841

They can literally never decide if being raised as a girl is horrible or uwu valid trans rep kek

No. 2166847

I've been an RE fan since day 1. Played all the games, seen the movies (in theaters when they released) etc. After Remake 4 came out, it just went a full 180. When fandoms suddenly get discovered by brain rot tik tok and young generation it RUINS it. I knew Remake 4 was going to bring in new fans, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

No. 2166848

>strung me along only to leave me downtrodden over broken promises
god, i feel that so hard all they had to do was not fuck up one (1) character and honor their build-up, thats all i ever asked for and yet. people will be in for a rude fucking wakeup call when nothing happens in snezhnaya after all these years of saying it will be this amazing payoff, or maybe they'll just huff another round of copium and proceed to move the goalpost to khaenriah. we'd all be much better off just enjoying the exploration or gameplay and not thinking it will ever be that deep (at least not in the main quests). it truly is just a gacha game, and a male-pandering one at that.

No. 2166849

What the fuck. I had no idea this happened. Devs listening to fandoms actively dooms anything. I'm convinced.

No. 2166852

Yes, they're all (teenage) gendies very into SJW politics/have their politics solely informed by Tumblr refugees or Xitter. This breed was birthed in Homestuck fandoms and Voltron was the catalyst.

No. 2166857

Was the backstory added before or after the game blew up because it sounds like the former? Regardless of Marina officially being a troon the backstory already put me off from the game because moids are allergic to having prominent female characters without pulling some weird shit on them. Not to mention the Samarina transbian retards.

No. 2166871

Fear and Hunger Termina came out in 2022 but the dev used to talk a lot about it and post pictures of his progress, Marina was always portrayed as a normal girl there. After more and more people started getting into it, at first he dropped the bomb of Marina being a tranny on the itch.io page, then he released the official version with the tranny lore and people unfortunately ate it up. Every time people say that Marina and Samarina are lesbians I want to commit bodily harm

No. 2166874

Also samefagging sorry but the fandom is filled to the brim with people who keep drawing the female characters with gigantic futa dicks always fucking each other just because there is one tranny in it. I hate troons so much

No. 2166878

Tbh, open world gameplay has never been my favorite. Most of them take up space, lack interesting locales, and oftentimes feel copypasted in terms of mechanics. Oh look another crafting mechanic, or gliding mechanic, or rep mechanic. Please, stop making games do everything at once. I do not care what it offers, if it cost 100 dollars yet still has mtx, I'm fucking off. I may not miss the bullshit older gens did, but gaming was simpler back then, most things were really.
You could've had a compelling female character who would've resonated with female survivors of cults, only to crap the bag and turn her into a troon icon. What is it with indies and the need to make everything queer troon bait? Gamers can whine all they want, but nothing compares to the absolute sainty of indie fandoms kek.

No. 2166885

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>You could've had a compelling female character who would've resonated with female survivors of cults
She would like a word with you.

No. 2166886

File: 1726528125702.png (Spoiler Image,589.43 KB, 828x725, 10YXPFM.png)

from my time on the mtf threads, I've noticed that tims (or soon to be tims) are obsessed with the fantasy of a boy being forced to be raised as a girl. like something like that may happened in real life a few times, but it seems to be a common fantasy for the vast majority of tims and even a few fujotifs

No. 2166892

It's a fetish thing, nona. They see femininity as something that is "shameful" and thus get aroused at the thought of being forced to be a girl.

No. 2166903

don't forget the paedophilia

No. 2166935

Is this why they defended bridget when they got troon'd out? Their backstory literally had them leave to prove their manhood. By making them trans, you proved the village right. Fuck these people.

No. 2166938

tbf bridget was always meant as a fetish character for paedophiles

No. 2166939

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other common similarities include believing that crossdressing males are always more beautiful than actual women, and that being an obese moid is the equivalent of having a woman's curves

No. 2166941

I'm aware, but I wish they were detrans or at least more masculine in the timeskip. but I could be biased as someone who likes mature feminine men

No. 2166944

Why not men be good looking while women can be as hairy and ugly as they like? Not like, in a troon way, but in their own way, like nature actually intended.

No. 2166948

That would mean men trying to improve and women being people, impossible for the moid brain.

No. 2166949

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Early testament filled nicely in that niche before they coomerfied his design as well

No. 2166966

He doesn't look the same anymore….

No. 2166968

I think it's because it's not as easy as it seems, you need plenty of proof for that. Korean feminists are all after dorotanbi for a specific reason: he uses real children as reference for his drawing, there's proof of it because he traced junior idol photos that are available on surface. He's not just some guy drawing fictional lolis, he uses csam to create it.

No. 2166971

I've seen a handful of lolicon artists getting doxed/mass reported by soyjak party, they aren't antis though

No. 2166990

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Much better when they grow properly.

No. 2166993

pedo on pedo violence

No. 2167153

>treat their men and women mostly similarly
>Limbus Company
very funny

No. 2167188


No. 2167244

Eh, I think it's interestingto know that some do stop crossdressing.

No. 2167262

Oh damn the s;g trap got hot

No. 2167270

>I forgot to mention Bandori is also heavily catered to wlw.
You mean male yuri fans in Japan right? I still remember when Lisa's little brother was MENTIONED in passing, not even introduced or given a sprite, and jap yurifags went psychotic at the mere thought of another male existing in the same vicinity as their precious pure lesbian. Her little brother.

No. 2167287

Yeah because JPfags, especially men are incestfags. Fork found in kitchen, but I would still say the relationships between the girls is still well written compared to other similar slop, especially YukiLisa, MocaRan, and KaoChisa.
What do you mean?

No. 2167292

the irony of a limbusfag shitting on hoyofags even though hoyo at least defended their female artist from angry korean incels

No. 2167301

Go to any competitive/tourneyslop game lobby and weep.

Jokes aside, here's an example: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-56579449.amp. Cheats in China are basically third party whaling subscriptions and you will be a bronze permastucker forever unless you also buy them. Netcafes offer them by default. Googling something like "Chinese gamers cheating" will give you a lot of milk about the matter.

No. 2167310

I’m a gachafag absolutely but I wouldn’t call myself a Limbusfag, I laugh at hoyofags because it’s so obvious that hoyoshit is their first gacha and act like hoyo doesn’t do the same cashgrab shit as any other gacha.

No. 2167316

at least genshit is an actual game and they dont bend down to incels demands

No. 2167317

Okay and Bandori is made for the japanese audience, so its made for those subhuman moids and not "wlw" like you said. They even erased the existence of the little brother after scrotes threw a fit about it

No. 2167353

24 (and especially 24 pushing 25) is not early twenties anymore. You’re in your mid-twenties. It’s okay to just accept that for what it is. It doesn’t mean you’re “old” or have one foot in the grave or anything. But the extended adolescence shit and refusal to acknowledge something as simple as our own real ages is only going to reinforce the insecurity around growing older that gen Z has for some reason. Part of that is why fandom sucks so much now, because everyone thinks “real” adult women should do nothing but pay taxes and birth children, not have hobbies or do anything on the internet.

No. 2167356

Its interesting when you make this a generation issue when this this is a human issue, a biology issue.

Humans have been treating women like they are old after their teenage years since human existence.

I hope i reincarnate into another world and a big asteroid blasts this earth causing humans to cease to exist.

No. 2167661

I think the age-in-fandom insecurity in specific is most prevalent with gen Z, yeah, and some millennials, mostly because they're the first generations to be into online fandom so deeply that aging causes them insecurity about it. Outside of that, I agree that the problem of women being treated like they're ancient as soon as they turn 21+ is a much more widespread one. But that's also why I refuse to be ashamed of simply being in my mid-twenties, and I will refuse to be ashamed of turning 30, 40, 50, and so on. Feeding into the insecurity just makes it worse.

No. 2167747

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>believing that crossdressing males are always more beautiful than actual women
often not even cross-dressing males, but whole ass men

No. 2167757

>looks like a "girl"
i can never understand the worship of one of the worst moid types on earth

No. 2167758

It's like people have forgotten that male beauty is it's own thing that is possible to imagine without having to connect it to women every damn time.

No. 2167762

none of them look like women how pornsick do you have to be to think anythng that isnt a balding hairy roidpig is a girl

No. 2167767

They're just Asian men with good genes or (way more likely) plastic surgery and good styling.

No. 2167785

'like a girl' is doing a lot of heavy lifting, these are all obviously men kek. Are these people just completely unfamiliar with asians/asian men specifically (especially prettier or better groomed ones)? I know guys who look similar but you'd never mistake them for a woman (hell I'd never describe them as feminine either, they just have different features to eg caucasian men, but they're still clearly masculine in appearance and behaviour). Always a good laugh seeing people treat asian men like they're seeing a rare and exotic flower for the first time kek

This too, tired of 'the fairer sex' shit and how anything pretty/cute/beautiful has to be linked to femininity/the female sex rather than be a neutral positive trait

No. 2167810

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It's so bizarre that people from a hundred years ago understood that male beauty is its own separate thing. Even the most stereotypical "macho" associated men in history were good-looking young men once, whose careers were started by their good looks and Instead of trying to pointlessly hold on to those looks and ending up looking botched (this was the issue with most 90s stars), they allowed themselves to age more naturally, picrel is young clint eastwood

No. 2167882

Nona, about the lore: no. I used to be a massive lorefag for all the Hoyoverse games. Even now I could sperg about it for hours and hours. I lived in delusion that Hi3 and Genshin would converge in their intricate timelines to a wonderful conclusion linking the Hoyo-verse together, but as we moved on from Inazuma, the dream faded. All it took was a Reddit rant about how gacha games are inherently fated to a shallow story to protect their business model to make me realise that Hoyo's new staff ultimately do not care. There are too many loose threads, ignored plotlines and contradictions to suggest anything else at this point. Now I only log on for the gameplay. It's sad but true.

No. 2167889

This is awakening something in me… turning feminine men into masculine, sexy adults KEK

No. 2167953

The forbidden masculinization fetish…

No. 2167956

Is there a link to that post? I need my fucking catharsis

No. 2167981

>I lived in delusion that Hi3 and Genshin would converge in their intricate timelines to a wonderful conclusion linking the Hoyo-verse together
God I hope that will never happen. I've always hated the "Genshin is a pocket universe in Honkai" theory or them even existing in the same universe, I wish Genshin to be its own standalone franchise without any meddling from the Honkai lore besides a few fanservice expys at most.

No. 2167995

they should not have been "traps" in the first place. I'm sorry, but it's weird japan has so many fucked up fetishes that people really should be scrutinized.

No. 2168008

As a major RE fag, I have to admit even Capcom doesn't care that much about the story or characters kek. The inconsistencies over the years always made some lore fans really mad. The remakes are a slap in the face to a lot of old fans, though some are too bitter and fail to admit some positive aspects of them too. All this said I agree with you. I'll say new tiktok fans are divided into two categories, the thirst posts from "leons wife' users who barely know there are games beyond remakes 2 and 4, and the gendies who come up with schizo headcanons. The tiktok users who claim to be into the story and characters honestly piss me off the most, sometimes I wish all they say was how babygirl Leon is because when I read their deluded analysis I feel like I lost some brain cells in the process. I'm oldhag, and I remember RE6 bringing new fans to the franchise, It wasn't a really big hit in the market, but certainly attracted a different audience at the time. A lot of them managed to integrate and become valuable fandom contributors (Sardine being one of them). Admittedly, the influx was far less than the remakes, but that's what really bothers me about the current new fans. I could really turn a blind eye to all the annoying parts if among them we got some fresh, new, fun fans willing to make creative fanarts, fanfics, and discussions. I have yet to see one new fanartirst in the fandom with any sense of quality that isn't drawing Leon thirst, shipping, or redrawing a screenshot from pinterest. The best new art I've seen was commissioned, the original artist isn't even a RE fag.
Tbh they mischaracterize every single character, but I agree Ada and Leon get the worst. The fandom wasn't perfect, but it was so much more chill. My gut feeling is that a lot of the old fans genuinely liked the games, they genuinely liked playing them, the enemies, the gameplay, and so on. Now we have people obsessed over the characters on superficial levels and ignoring every other aspect of the games. I still can't get over seeing tumblrinas labeling themselves as true fans while never playing a single game and saying they are being oppressed for being seen as less in the fandom for that. It's a fucking game, for fucks sake.
As the other nonnie said, you should really try RE4R again. It's probably the best remake we'll have. I know people like RE2R (and I do too), but we lost so much of the original in that game. It makes me sad they ditched the zapping system and the lack of sides A and B (we have the same story 4 times, they merged A and B from both characters into a single nonsensical storyline. I could sperg about it, but I sperged enough already in this post). RE4 is still my favorite game to play, but RE4R is still worth your time, overall it's the most faithful so far, you'll notice changes but I think they are mostly all ok if you don't nitpick. The original gameplay is the best one to translate to today's gameplay, the story was fairly simple and short, so they didn't have to adapt as much as they did the others. I think this will be the peak remake we'll ever have. Sorry for sperging so hard nonnies, I'm autistic about this series and I related deeply to the dissatisfaction in your posts.

No. 2168071

I got into RE less than a year before RE4R but even I felt the shift in fandom content around March 2023. There was obviously still a good amount of Leon thirst but it wasn't… like this. For a while I thought the influx in this sort of content was due to hype for the new game but it never really went away, and then it somehow became most of the fan content. I kinda wish I could blame the person who made that RE4 tramp stamp mod, though the real culprit is probably Capcom themselves making fancams part of their marketing campaign on tiktok

No. 2168092

ryo (the idolm@ster guy) is 15 in both images. pretty sure feris or whatever hasn’t “grown up” either, he’s just from another timeline there. regardless, both characters are drawn indistinguishably from adults in series, as are most anime characters.
>but b-boys post-puberty can’t look like that!
boys pre-puberty can’t look like that either, it’s a cartoon.

>trooned out an obviously female character
nothing was obvious about it? it’s more like they trooned out a gnc male, but even then i’m pretty sure interpreting him as a guy is okay

No. 2168095

most of the guys parroting this are closeted gays you wouldn't really want to interact with anyways

No. 2168097

once you start seeing trans/watermelon/palestine(or any flag)/christian cross emojis flood your fandom thats when you know its time to leave.

No. 2168098

these are straight women saying a guy looks like a woman so they claim attraction to the same sex. these are obviously not reddit homosexuals

No. 2168099

basically, they desperately don't want to be seen as "boring" straight women, so they have to make their attraction to male subversive

No. 2168101

how is gen z somehow more sexist than boomers? A guy can't watch anything outside of the hyper specific box of media they feel men should watch..one of the reasons i got into anime as a kid was because it didn't feel gendered in the sense that only one gender was supposed to watch a show etc.

No. 2168105

yeah but of course it’s obvious to us and them that those are just regular, slightly androgynous dudes.

ot but the trend of calling blatant male characters butch lesbians pisses me off. if they were doing it with the intent to genderbend that’s fine but they just want their bl/het ships disguised

No. 2168129

This reminds me of there being a huge influx of twittertards calling feminine looking male characters by female pronouns and straight up referring to them as if they're women too. They even do this to characters who are quite masculine but only have long hair. It's so backwards and hypocritical kek

No. 2168130

>pretty sure feris or whatever hasn’t “grown up” either, he’s just from another timeline there.
Nah, it takes place in about 20 years in the future, in a gacha "what if the mc didn't die in this scene and instead ran around with brain damage for 30 years" route.
He does keep looking young though because he's basically an almost immortal healer (the sad joke of his character is despite being the best, he's never able to heal the people he wants to save. The best he can do is crossdress and act like a catboy.)

No. 2168224

i see. actually poked around on his wiki page and he’s 19-20 to start with, so it’s weird that he was brought up as an example of pedophilia

No. 2168281

A lot of things get taken wrong about his character because trannies/moids latched on hard to the way he looks and made up a lot of bullshit.
For instance "Felix" isn't a deadname, "Ferris" is just a nickname given to him by a male friend who later died of a sickness Felix wasn't able to cure.

No. 2168293

this awakened something in me. idk what but something

No. 2168349

Every time i play as Marina i just cope to the maximum and imagine her as an actual girl I even made her a new backstory in my head kek. You can't trust male devs for shit and it's such a shame as the other nona said because religious (cult) abuse is something that affects women fundamentally, just see what's going on with the Opus Dei.
Right.. i just hate the fandom so much. Karin as a concept is very interesting as a female war correspondent back in the ~1940s but the fans just want to make her another fetish category, or hate her and want to humiliate/hurt her. Gamer moids are deranged.

No. 2168352

ryo is 15

No. 2168372

none of these characters were ever "men" or even male, they were paedophilic fetishes meant for perverts

No. 2168381

Being fair, have you watched/read/played any of the series they're from?
Can't really take either side seriously if they're both just making things up.

No. 2168393

nta and no idea why that anon thinks they aren’t male but "men"(little boys) crossdressing has always been a fetish for pedophiles, look at japans history

No. 2168397

NTA but I don't care kekw. As long as the shota doesn't straight up resemble a child and is too young I cannot find any fucks to give. A woman can lust for teenage anime boys yet never transfer that desire to real life yet we constantly have male lolicons outed for being arrested for IRL child pornography or child grooming

No. 2168409

According to nonnas and google; they're 20, 16, and 15 years old, not really loli/shota equivalent to begin with.

No. 2168441

their actual age doesn’t matter, they could be 500 years old as long as they are males dressed like women who pass as female they’re meant to be very young. traps are modern day pederasty

No. 2168476

>Kirito and Shinji are shota confirmed

No. 2168487

No. 2168492

Please don’t summon her

No. 2168501

Are you retarded? 15 is roughly the median age for mainstream anime waifus, but moids would never second guess themselves over it. Unless you're out on 4chan hounding scrotes with the same standard of moralfagging then I simply don't want to hear it.

No. 2168512

i agree with you i just was correcting anon that they arent adults lol

No. 2168539

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>as they are males dressed like women who pass as female they’re meant to be very young
male children can’t pass as adult/teenaged women, this is the mentality of right winged men who make towel boy jokes all the time. men can’t pass as women period, it’s a trope that only exists in 2d. plus re:zero and idolm@ster have children characters you can compare felix and ryo with…and adults too. they both more resemble the former than the latter.

No. 2168598

men can't pass as women but boys can pass as girls. it’s not a trope that only exists in 2d, it existed in real life in buddhist temples where women were banned and men rather had sex with crossdressing male children instead. the characters in your picture all resemble children, it's just that the one on the left looks younger. a 5 year old and a 13 year old look different, both are children nonetheless. in anime the average teenage girl looks like a child while a loli looks like a toddler.

No. 2168604

>but boys can pass as girls.
this isnt true, jazz used to look like a boy in drag. you need to be misogynistic and think long hair=female!!11! for it to be true

No. 2168616

Imo they all look different enough to me. One is clearly a child, the other are adults.
Regardless, as far as Felix goes, in his case he was neglected/abused as a child to the point that no matter ehat he does he will always be physically weak. He wanted to do anything in his power to help the girl he loves, and since she's basically an autist on the verge of being gendie he crossdresses for her while she crossdressed as a man until her dad and boyfriend cried and begged her to stop and said she could be a woman and still go into politics and wear pants.

No. 2168618

I thought these people were like the basis for why these threads exist in the first place? Why is everyone talking about it like a new thing you just started noticing

No. 2168647

Pederasty was performed in a lot of places, and it's not because young male children look like girls it's because of the retarded monkey brain need for domination that moids have always had, not a "trope". Men view women as lesser so lesser men are women. A example of a exception was Sparta which was praised for how they trained their male youth and pederasty by much of the Hellenstic states, they weren't dressed up as women and in fact where so used to raping boys that when Spartan men were to "marry" a woman, the woman had to dress up like a boy. Its just moids being perverted as they always have. Also they're drawings not real people and that's why they pass, kek.

No. 2168649

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Is like that infamous "BTS hates terfs" in urfavhatesterfs. And this too. Of course Gods would hate terfs, Antique Greece used to hate women in general.

No. 2168676

Are we just not gonna talk about how the second one is an actual troon? Eventually is an actual woman too because of time traveling shit

No. 2168683

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i agree. this fanart depiction of him is canon in my heart…….

No. 2168686

that ugly faggot ruined steins gate for me, would have been 10/10 if the tranny didnt exist

No. 2168690

At least in the show, they undo that and he ends up accepting himself as a gay guy, doesn't he?
The design is from Steins Gate Zero, he's a man.

No. 2168727

i knew a boy who has long hair and he got mistaken for a girl many times when he was a child. of course that happened because people associate long hair with females, but no one thinks adult men with long hair are women. children possess natural androgyny. adults don't which allows prepubescent boys to be the only kind of male to dress as the opposite sex without it being obvious.

i wanted to point out why i think traps are based on children and a pedophilic fetish. i brought up pederasty because in japan, where trap characters come from, pederasty is connected to crossdressing boys. would you say shota characters are also just drawings and therefore not pedophilic? pico is known as a shota, though he doesn't look younger than the traps posted itt.(image removed - global rule 14)

No. 2168737

>though he doesn't look younger than the traps posted itt
He's slightly less than half the height of any of them.

No. 2168752

Put of curiosity
>Ferris is 5'8 (172 cm)
>Luka is 5'3 (161 cm)
>Ryo is 5'3 (162 cm)
nothing shows up for Pico though.
Ferris being that tall is fucking scary ngl.

No. 2168763

File: 1726614252327.png (318.14 KB, 360x509, image_2024-09-17_190318134.png)

Let's post good traps instead. Picrel is actually a character unlike most on that image.(derailing)

No. 2168766

Shut up trapfaggot

No. 2168768

I don't even like traps like that, I just like Astolfo.

No. 2168769

i hate you and your ugly annoying faggot but i admire the bravery to keep shilling trapshit here of all places

No. 2168774

these trap characters literally just look like the average generic anime woman. “he looks like a child!1!1” take you meds

No. 2168778

I never said it wasn't pedophilic.

No. 2168783

No. 2168784

I only posted once about traps and it was this Astolfo. My ugly faggot husbando is in the same series actually but not him.

No. 2168786

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nta but I feel like the nonas that hate male crossdressing/otokonoko hate it because real life men into those things are perverts but 3D is not even remotely like 2D

No. 2168789

I recently watched F/A and I actually ended up liking Astolfo, he's cool.

No. 2168791

why the fuck is felix taller than me

No. 2168793

Hajime doesnt crossdress, he's just feminine. I actually like that they never make any of the cute guys crossdress in ES!! era.

No. 2168796

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My favorite trap is Rimuru

No. 2168801

Its the same spergs that feel the need to bring up incels in every topic

No. 2168819

literally not true.

i explained why they look like children, even mentioning why generic anime women look like children as well.

glad we agree in that case

No. 2168820

do you watch anime? genuine question

No. 2168823

She definitely stalks the anime threads kek

No. 2168824

>literally not true

No. 2168828

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lin chan ♥(derailing)

No. 2168852

i do, i'm a shotacon believe it or not. i'm just tired of trapfaggots denying the truth while openly posting their pedophilic misogyny fetish. at least people who like shota don't pretend they're not attracted to underage boys, 2d or not.

put them next to each other and you will see. he's not even that short compared to the adult in the ova.

No. 2168858

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No. 2168987

this "trap" also gets pregnant, but remember it's not heterosexuality with extra steps

No. 2168992

you will be trans in 2 years(infighting)

No. 2168993

>draw girls
>call them boys
paedophiles, fujos and miscellaneous perverts eat it up for over 30 years

No. 2169006

Pico being 5'8 would be the funniest shit

No. 2169011

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No. 2169022

I bet the semse guy is probably only 5'7, I've been to japan once and they are quite short over there

No. 2169024

leave hajime alone

No. 2169038

I haven't read enough of Patalliro to get to this part but KEK Mineo is pushing it with the pregnancy. It's pointless to make a trap functionally female
Nah, i like it when artists leave reminders of their malenes or draw them realistically, too. Have you ever heard of suspension of disbelief
I just realized where this is sourced from… it's so good nona

No. 2169048

it’s so obvious that certain yurifags don’t actually care about yuri because they don’t focus about wanting to see specific tropes or stories it’s just numbers numbers numbers

No. 2169066

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there’s nothing you can do about it
anime characters barely look human because cartoon styles are supposed to be exaggerated. bishies also tend look more androgynous

No. 2169099

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introducing identity politics to tumblr was such a mistake. I remember a very distinct and radical change in fandom etiquette from 2012-2013. People became so much more hateful. There is something about the combination of being in fandoms + the queer community that breeds such nasty superiority complexes in everyone it touches. It’s like people have gotten comfortable with being so nasty, it drives anyone worth keeping in fandom spaces out, your artists and writers, because they don’t want to put up with the negativity. who could blame them??

No. 2169101

The thing is that the people who do shit like that genuinely think they are making the space a better place. That's the most tragic part. But at the same time, with some media the topics of politics are completely unavoidable and it can be frustrating.

No. 2169102

>Nah, i like it when artists leave reminders of their malenes or draw them realistically, too
99% of these people would say that these characters are meant to be little girls (which they basically are in function)
nta but posting prepubescent children to 'own' us is pretty troonish

No. 2169104

i agree, but i also think it's anger that they can't coom to it, plus they come from some mirror dimension where it isn't an extremely niche fetish. like i get that ironic femboy memes are in right now, but that's not really otoko no ko/trap content, and a lot of "femboys" don't actually like draw girl call boy.
>inb4 some retard tells me men everywhere actually love it
not really. i've seen guys seethe over it and insist a femboy should be more masculine/androgynous. they aren't really a monolith

No. 2169109

it’s just some idol game faggot which funny enough isn’t even underage

No. 2169128

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> some media the topics of politics are completely unavoidable and it can be frustrating.

my problem is that you can never expect a tumblrite to address any important issue that requires maturity and thoughtfulness, with maturity and thoughtfulness. Hetalia has nothing on the amount of absolute insensitive bullshit and graceless tact, and hell-raising that has become online sj discourse. fat annoying autistic bitches with the emotional regulation of a cornered hamster are not in any position, to be talking about important issues in society.

No. 2169130

If the 5'8 20 year old man counts as shota then anything is possible.

No. 2169131

please tell me this artist got reamed for this comic

No. 2169133

>Ferris being that tall is fucking scary ngl
What? 5'8'' is pretty average for a guy (hell he'd be short next to me kek) and he's the same height as the male protag anyway

No. 2169135

This feels so strangely cruel but idk why

No. 2169144

I can tell the intention wasn't to be cruel but really this is a result of never touching grass and seeing no separation between fantasy and reality.

No. 2169148

it's more like really blatant trend hopping

No. 2169149

He'd be almost a head taller than me.

No. 2169157

it’s extremely tasteless and reads like you’re spoon-feeding the realities of life and war and death through a retard filter, to retards.

No. 2169161

Some might genuinely think they're being helpful but I think a lot of people have realized that they can say anything they want as long as whoever they're directing it at is someone who deserves it. But the bar for deserving it is so low it's ridiculous. I can't imagine trying to engage in fandoms where one quote retweet could open you up to hate from a bunch of randos over some perceived slight

No. 2169322

Yeah, even actual yuri fans have brought this up. Yurifags who claim to be all about GL but don't really give a shit about the genre besides one ship, cooming to porn or stanning a k-pop idol and are there only because they hate BL. The BL community has a similar problem with fundamental contrarians, the edgelords who claim to be hyperfujos despite never liking anything past Dramatical Murder memes but they're desperate to own the libs.

No. 2169345

>don't really give a shit about the genre besides one ship, cooming to porn or stanning
Feel like this is becoming a bigger and bigger trend across a lot of genres recently in general as well– so tired of turning up to supposedly fan spaces and getting treated like an alien for wanting to more broadly talk about lore/characters or tropes and storylines. Everything feels so shallow and more about scoring on some imaginary point system than anyone really unironically enjoying something for all that it is

No. 2169349

The irony poisoning phenomenon is real. Nobody actually likes anything because that would make you vulnerable and open for mockery for liking a thing. I.e. someone could attack you for that trait alone and embarrass you. So everyone just likes things on a surface level and ironically to shield themselves from being genuinely invested in something that could get them judged. Liking a game's lore or gameplay mechanics is cringe because you can't coom to or meme that. Actually wanting to discuss a character's story according to strictly the official canon is gatekeeping and should be frowned upon because not everyone has the time or money to watch/read/play it and even if they did they don't want to be embarrassing nerds finding enjoyment in genuine attraction to things.

No. 2169353

No. 2169379

And when you ask them what they like, they start sperging out something something lesbophobia but really you just wanted some gl to read

No. 2169389

I genuinely want to torture this fucking character to death.

No. 2169414

so desperately need a good remake of this

No. 2169416

i genuinely want to give this character a big hug

No. 2169424

They could never make me hate you, Astolfo. ♥

No. 2169491

Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene

No. 2169499

they could never make me love him either ♥ you can keep this fag to yourself

No. 2169508

good hop up off my goat

No. 2169512

maybe it's because of my time at university, but this isn't that strange to me. People who make these types of comics also make shorts, films, plays and novels with basically the same premise. They know that they are weak losers in general and thus have people they consider the "most marginalized" (the marginalized beings tend to be strong black women, drag queens, and whatever trendy identity is popular at any given time) to actually to 'fight' against patriarchy, capitalism and oppression, even radfems are guilty of this, it's all male believe

No. 2169544

KEKK are trapfags really considering watching anime as a point of pride/proof you're a connoisseur when it's the only reason their brains are rotten to the point of not recognizing both traps and most anime women purposefully look like children? this thread is hilarious

No. 2169614

Ntayrt but not being interpret what isn't a child seems like a bad thing.

No. 2169651

Tfw the anons having a meltdown over traps in this thread are the same ones thirsting after irl scrote celebrities who most likely have a few SA scandals under their belt or ugly faggots like Adam Driver and Jerma(bait)

No. 2169669

No idea why you think these two things are related, though it’s funny you claim to dislike ugly faggots and rapists when you have the same fetish as them(bait)

No. 2169670

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Is anyone else getting s vibe that fandoms don’t feel like fandoms anymore or is it just me?

No. 2169675

>none of that has ever been true
My fucking ass, every fanfic fanatic I've seen ends up sperging out and crapping on the actual material.

No. 2169679

It's about Palestine. At least of all virtue signaling watermelon fanarts, this one has the merit of having some effort put into it I guess

No. 2169681

I don't even like traps but it's funny because it's true kekw somebody feels triggered because her celeb crush is most likely a rapist and she cannot goon to him anymore

No. 2169684

The original post was about traps turning into not traps anyway,
showing what the opposite of what happened to Bridget looks like. People getting mad at that seems more sus than anything.

No. 2169692

It seems like a lot of fandoms have changed over the years, especially with how much identity politics and other political discussions have become a big part of them. I remember when I was a fan of Black Butler, the biggest crime you could've ever committed back then was being a bit too much into Ciel if you were above the age of 18 - but even then people were not really willing to dogpile on you like crazy. Now if you look into the fandom people will straight up lose their shit at you if you say Grell isn't a trans woman, and also call you a pedophile for thinking Ciel is good looking. It feels like things have gotten more intense and divisive, it's people always wanting to be the number one of wokeism and superiority. Since anons above are talking about trap characters, it's kind of like how they used to just be seen as sinful femboys, and that was it. But nowadays you will come across some who argue that terms like femboy and trap are actually slurs against trans women in real life and all 2d traps are akschually strong and brave trans women. In all my years of being terminally online I've never seen a take like that until all the identity bullshit and politics started taking over fandom spaces as well.

No. 2169694

>they have no interest in engaging with the material beyond regurgitating what is explicitly given in canon
kek I wish, what rock has this person been living under? many fans give the impression that they've only caught a glimpse of canon while speeding past and using it as an aesthetic to prop up their OC-level or plain delusional headcanons/'analysis'

the desire for things to be made canon and therefore real and valid has been around for ages, with some notable examples causing shifts in fandom behaviour during the 2010s (that destiel letter thing for an older example, but klancers and the klible feel like a blueprint for current behaviour, and the attention fans get for corrective headcanons/full rewrites or redesigns hasn't helped either in changing the general culture/vibe of fandoms as a concept). I'm sure the attitude has been around for ages, but the way fandom functions in the social media environment lets it effect the broader community further.

the idea that fandom content is transformative and therefore this cool magical enlightened activity rather than a bit of fun also leads to this nonsense. don't intellectualise (or moralise) your hobbies, just enjoy them unironically ffs.

No. 2169697

>People getting mad at that seems more sus than anything.
agreed.its more sus since traps are always liked more by troons or coomers so..

No. 2169703

Sure you don’t kek. I already said I'm a shotacon why would I be interested in gooning to any adult male celebrities.

No. 2169707

I swear Fate is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to anime.

No. 2169708

Idk, but I don’t completely agree with the tweet you posted. Enjoying a story for what it is without wanting to change or add on to it does not mean you don’t want to be in fandom.

For example, fan fiction isn’t my thing, but I do look at (and make) visual fan art. I’ve never been into shipping or AUs either, instead preferring art that depicts characters close to how they are in canon (although even canon fan art is filtered through the artist’s own style and view of the original work). This isn’t a lack of interest in fandom.

I do see where this person is coming from with the idea that people can make fan works that deviate from canon without wanting their additions to become canon.

No. 2169710

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No. 2169711

More that saying "why do this, traps are for pedos anyway haha, any male character that looks feminine is meant to be a child anyway" while also revealing they're a shotacon…

No. 2169716

>shitting on trapfags as a shotacon
nonnie that is your sister

No. 2169718

Kekk no anon shes gonna see this on the front page and feel special!!

No. 2169753

I think fandoms changed because the internet changed too. The two main factors seemed to be social media and monetization. There used to be forums and websites solely dedicated to pieces of media, but now the fandoms are all contained to social medias with algorithms that push posts into people. The monetization made fandoms into a tryhard and soulless place. People making fanarts for franchises that sell instead of the ones they love. Cosplayers doing popular characters without knowing a thing about them. I know a content creator for a specific franchise that clearly hates the current content, but that's her job and it pays her bills, so she pushes videos about it every other day. She's been talking about it for over 20 years, you can tell she's sick of it. And now we got supposedly "experts" doing analysis and tryhard takes on media, paying their bills by bulshitting opinions and posting youtube essays. I didn't see the problem at first, but now I see when fandoms were purely a love and hobby, they didn't feel so forced and full of unnecessary arguments.

No. 2169755

Samefagging to add that authors and creators becoming acessible with social media was also a mistake. Fandoms started acting like kids demanding things from them more than ever, and fanservice became a new type of cancer. Fandoms shouls have stayed as groups of delusional passionate autist sharing things for fun imo.

No. 2169826

This is very much a specific experience lol
I disagree. I'm personally tired of engaging with people who only have a passing familiarity with the media they're supposedly fans of and dedicate hours of art, fics, posts, analysis about it.

gatekeeping is actually good

No. 2169831

It all depends on what you want from fandoms, I realised a long time ago that I have no patience for talking about non-canon shit, headcanons, non-canon ships etc just bore me. It starts useless ship wars and eventually boils down to the same cut and paste tropes over and over again. For most stories it just doesn't make sense to me to attach all this time talking about non-canon ideas. That's basically what twitter fandom is

I prefer actually talking about what the story is about, the themes, the characters, theorising about future events (only works if the story is ongoing) even Watsonian vs Doylaist conversations seem interesting. I really like fanart but have mixed feelings about fanfics (if it wasn't obvious) I noticed I only gravitate towards fanfics when the story itself feels weirdly underdeveloped but that's also a sign for me to jump ship tbh

I'm going to be honest, twitter fandoms are very active but rarely do they feel like they're actually talking about…the story they're obsessing over. It's a very weird experience.

No. 2169832

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What you said 1000% also picrel
I think politics + fandom on tumblr caused people to become massive moralfags. They just don't like something no it's 'offensive'

No. 2169857

do you just hear the word shotacon and automatically assume it's her?

No. 2169865

The best is when people get together and actually discuss what happens in the story, bringing what they thought this or that meant, mentioning their interpretations of text, throwing quotes and foreshadowing at each other in arguments about how things will end up, genuinely enjoying talking about it. Most of the time it's a lot of "well I think the author is stupid and they probably don't think as hard of the characters as I do," there's no respect of the work.

No. 2169886

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I felt uncomfortable admitting it to myself because the first time I saw someone putting it to towards was this tumblr post which essentially went "transformative fandom = women = good (tumblr)" "curative fandom = men = bad (reddit)" and I was so embarrassed to accept that in the eyes this somewhat viral post I was basically a redditor

Obviously now people dropped the gendering of the whole thing and just stick to "transformative/curative" fandom but it's still very much "feminine/masculine" but no one likes to say that. Makes me feel very weird.

>Most of the time it's a lot of "well I think the author is stupid and they probably don't think as hard of the characters as I do,"

This is your sign to look for something else, no need to keep yourself chained. Unless it's an adaptation and you want to set the showrunners on fire which is valid.

No. 2169962

Even fanart is boring in twitter fandom, it's mostly thirst drawings. When it's done by people who are into the story they tend to go beyond a hot character looking at the void in a sexy pose.
>I think the author is stupid and they probably don't think as hard of the characters as I do
kek and every single time, the people who say this have a list of the most delusional headcanons possible.
In all honesty, I like both curative and transformative parts of fandoms, both can be annoying in different ways, but also be very entertaining and interesting. Curative is dying among all types of fans though, including supposedly Redditors males. I swear to god, most men in fandoms mostly want to wank to characters and whine about minor things. I follow a few fans who like talking about canon restrictively, and they are so rare and underappreciated, a dying breed. Transformative fandom was always a guilty pleasure I indulged on the sides, when it's good it's incredibly good and fun. When it's bad, it's tragically bad. I feel there's more bad than good, while also not having a lot in between.

No. 2169972

IME the male fandom experience is literally just cooming to everything now. I grew up on the old internet with 50/50 male and female fandoms and today the "men are rational and autistic about the lore and powerfagging" is a myth that died, they're literally just gooning endlessly unless you're into some super niche stuff, and even then they'll find a way. Female fandoms on the other hand still have pockets that will write literal essays about the source material with citations but they get buried in the sea of tourists and other parasites.

No. 2169982

ntyfag is obsessed with her
>inb4 she calls me rancefag too

No. 2169999

Yeah, I feel the same, and even back then when male fans would supposedly discuss lore, a lot of times they would get into retarded slapfights over minor shit or force their opinions as some official and true interpretation. They forced some fake philosophical allegory to try sounding deep when it was clearly not the author's intention at all and it barely made any sense with the lore, when anyone would confront them, they would claim you were too dumb to understand their super deep and true interpretation. Now that they managed to make every possible character in existence some form of cooming material, they don't give a shit, it's all a different flavour o fetish for each character. The best essays, fanarts, and fanfics are still made by women hands down. Even if the quality declined overall, there are some diamonds to be found.

No. 2170051

Then what do you do when the source material just…ends? there's so much analysis you can squeeze until the cow runs dry. I respect it, most of shipping is retarded anyway and straight up ruins otherwise interesting characters and dynamics.

No. 2170073

You can set it aside until you're interested in it again and watch something new.

No. 2170074

Probably because a lot of canons males went mega autist over died in the past 20 years. Why invest time into learning the real canon when Disney can buy it up and turn canon into non-canon in an instant?

No. 2170092

Nonnas for some reason my childhood love and joy for Sonic is resurfacing. Yes, I am actually autistic…how fucked am I? I’m 22 and even when I was younger I never really interacted with the godawful fan base. Should I just find something else to fixiate on?

No. 2170110

No, embrace it and go see Sonic 3.

No. 2170132

22 is still very young, you should fully bask in the Sonic autism nonnie, don't feel ashamed

No. 2170140

>thirst drawings.
That's just fast food to me lol. I don't count that as fanart

No. 2170147

Eventually when discussions run dry and when fanart is stale I probably moved on to something else. There are a few pieces of media that I always revisit but there's also so much out there to explore.

I'm sorry I just don't see the point in engaging in non-canon material to that extent. It just doesn't make sense to me.

nonnie what do you do? I'm curious.

No. 2170148

>Why invest time into learning the real canon when Disney can buy it up and turn canon into non-canon in an instant?

Tbh if you're talking about Star Wars, people still care about the EU or whatever it's called.
The problem is that the new stuff Disney is putting out sucks and fans refuse to integrate it into the canon

It's quite fascinating to see

No. 2170150

Just blame it on the Sonic movies

No. 2170257

NTAYRT but nope kek. People ate this shit up on tumblr and a few months later Palestine is pretty much forgotten to them. Tasteless trendhopping for likes.

No. 2170296

File: 1726715916484.png (350.37 KB, 720x593, 4aDatJ7.png)

unironically brainrot

No. 2170298

File: 1726716586452.jpg (296.78 KB, 1080x1465, 1000002974.jpg)

>sensible post about online fandom, fandom opinions and shipping
>random scrote thinks it's about untagged cheesecake and porn

No. 2170299


No. 2170301

where? isnt the appeal of that guy that hes ugly and rough looking

No. 2170315

Personally, I either drift of and find something new, or, for a select few pieces of media, just find some new angle to approach it in art or fic. I think people tend to underestimate just how far you can play with even mediocre media if you like to ask 'what ifs' or explore more niche aspects of a character's actions/personality/design within the canon setting, especially if you like to play around with unusual character combos or the piece of media has a larger ensemble cast, or want to chew on a concept or theme within the broader story/setting. However, while I can keep spinning ideas that stay within the bounds of canon years after the source material has ended, the frequency/output slows way down (and I'm not even particularly fast or productive during 'peak times' within fandoms kek).

Also, just on the topic of 'transformative fandom', I think the fandom aspect ends once your fan content becomes impenetrable to a newcomer who's only consumed the source material– at that point it's time to go make original content.

No. 2170320

why is it always a emo asian man that brings so much brainrot?

No. 2170322

And especially an ugly one too kek I will never understand women who are nonstop creaming their pants over Gojo and that guy in the picture. I don't mind husbando autism but JJK in general has very ugly male characters and yet they're incredibly popular

No. 2170357

Gojo is cute and has a really pretty and detailed face but the deadbeat dad is hideous and i cant get over his ballsack ears

No. 2170361

No. 2170397

In canon he's supposed to be very attractive, have a pretty, delicate face, but he's also tall, fit and strong. And he was more popular with women than Gojo before he started committing crimes. But the art style doesn't really convey that in the manga and he looks weird in the first season and the movie, it's only believable thanks to the second season having a different character designer. As for why it's almost always Geto who gets the "he should be a woman" treatment by fans, I've seen some crazy shit on twitter from some of his fans, I don't even know where to start. Usually it's just because he has long hair, earrings and is slightly more polite than the average male character in this series.

Please don't tell me your confusing Geto (the guy with the big ear lobes and priest robe) with Toji (the actual deadbeat dad).

No. 2170450

SA, Either move on or take what I like and incorporate it into the stuff I make. It isn't exactly fanfiction, but frankly, the amount of expectations and drama ruined my views on it. Reading fics is fine. It's only the writing part that makes me wanna tear my hair out. Most of my fic ideas are pretty AU or oc centric anyway so I'm in this crossroads between should this be shared or am I sort of the problem? I don't have any characters I like or really care for nor do I get the fervor they bring. If taking about how deep this work is makes you happy, cool, but all this curative chit chat bores me sometimes. I'm getting to that age where wasting time on trivial things just isn't worth it and I'm starting to feel the burn out as more and more fandoms go to the wayside.

No. 2170454

I hate it so much when this happens. Women tweet about fandom discourse and how certain people have become so entitled they can't cope with their trauma and heal and instead demand everyone to tag even mundane things such as food and a scrote barges in to whine about his coomery being judged. You're not a part of this conversation you knuckle dragging troglodyte.

No. 2170469

i hate jjk fans. leave geto alone

No. 2170478

Honestly, this. People treat fandoms and source material as something to be used and disposed. I've had fandoms that I've been into for a literal decade but I just take breaks from them, focus on something new and come back to it when I find the spark again. I never understood people who completely abandon everything they've ever been into, it feels like a huge waste.

No. 2170500

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related to this, I fucking despise the modern fantasy trend of having physically weak characters always using bows while strong characters wield swords or clubs. It's ahistorical and not even physically possible, archery requires a ton of upper body strength(essentially lifting a weight tens of times over a meter. And you can't let your hands shake at all, otherwise you'll miss and all that effort would be useless). my brother whose bigger than me but not as skilled, can effortlessly draw a 75 lb recurve bow, whereas I struggle with, but in almost every modern fantasy depiction, the archer is portrayed as a small, rail-thin person, this isn't me saying that fantasy archers should only be super well built young men but for either sex, archers should look like they have the strength to actually pull a bow

No. 2170505

This is a nitpick I never understood, if everyone in fantasy wielding a weapon was jacked as fuck because of muh realism the party would look like an olympic athletics team. The only scrawny ones would probably be the healers and wizards without any cool weapons and that would be boring and restrictive. I'm personally completely fine with weak looking people swinging huge swords or axes around or wielding a bow and whatnot because it allows more variety with the characters and their combat.

The only disparity I have a complain about is that muscular women are way too uncommon in all genre of fiction including fantasy. Like even when a female character is canonically obsessed with being strong and athletic she still has a very soft, scrawny body with no visible muscle.

No. 2170511

>Like even when a female character is canonically obsessed with being strong and athletic she still has a very soft, scrawny body with no visible muscle.

This reminds me of Karlach from BG3. She does have a tall, slightly lean body but also a softness to it. I'm not saying she needs to be roided but you'd expect a lot more muscle mass from a soldier who's been fighting a decade long war in hell.

No. 2170522

I think muscles on women is cool and wish more people weren't sexist pussies about it, men especially.

No. 2170528

This trope pains me as well kek, I'm not even asking for characters to have the full muscle definition of a career archer/bow hunter, but they gotta at least have some instead of arms that look like they've never lifted anything heavier than an apple (plus any shot, especially a slo-mo, showing a draw and release will always look cooler and more convincing if you can see the strain and release of energy in the arm as well as in the bow and arrow). Give the scrawny waifs slings, they require basic levels of strength, maintain the accuracy component of being an archer character, and can cave in a skull.

Tbh I could also rant about how non-noblewomen female characters are also depicted as soft and lacking any definition despite ostensibly doing regular hard labour, or any wear such as calluses (so tired of fiction pretending callused hands are exclusively a male/male fighter thing in particular, especially to compare to the soft, uncallused hands of the heroine… despite her also being some rough and tumble sort like a Katniss-expy or thief), in both period pieces and fantasy, but I'll stop kek

No. 2170698

They always hijack the conversation on parent-self responsibility of online exposure. Seeing erotica of 16 year olds written by a 16 year old is one thing, and a "fanfic" of a 30 year old moid with misogynistic writing and porn gifs ripped from pornhub posted on AO3 is another.

No. 2170883

File: 1726767479063.jpeg (381.11 KB, 1170x991, IMG_6659.jpeg)

Not sure why she single out Relyo, it’s just another dark ML/chosen one FL that has existed since girls started writing fanfics

No. 2170890

also "cis-het romance" has always been one of the largest markets for books since the 19th century and has never gone into decline

No. 2170900

And they argue in bad faith all the time. Scrotes conflate shit like women shipping 16-year old manga characters with defined characters in a high school setting to the same ballpark as a man drawing grotesque rape porn of a prepubescent girl. They absolutely know there's a tonal difference but pretend they don't.

This is actually a real problem in publishing. Publishers are scouting actual fanfic writers who take their shitty wattpad smut fanfics, change the names around and put it between covers while people who are trying to get their original story published are turned away because they're harder to exploit.

No. 2170904

This feels like sour grapes

No. 2170921

from what I understand, there is some kind of reylo-to-published-author group/clique that have found success and (possibly) help each other out or something within the romance genre, but it's small and really not as impactful as other fanfic-to-'original' books have been that pre-date them. Reylo is just a tumblr whipping ship, it's very mediocre/simple and yet it sends a bunch of users frothing mad at a mere mention kek.

The supposedly superior fanfics aren't getting picked up for original publication because they're likely both too entrenched in the source material so are harder to fix for print by simple name changing, and also aren't doing high enough numbers (to go back to reylo, possibly due to the lack of substance in the sequel trilogy and the ship's fans being uninterested in the larger franchise canon, has a lot of extremely distant AUs as highly popular fics, which are much easier to spin into their own thing since the characters are already being used more like an actor cast in a role than themselves as star wars characters who do and think star wars things). Porn also gets more hits because people will find it through smut tags as well as fandom ones, so some readers aren't even in the fandom itself.

Also tbh I feel like the people who write the legitimately good fics either just don't have the ego to try and file the serial numbers off and get it published or are working on original books anyway and would rather publish those. For some, writing fic is just a fun hobby they get to share with others, and that's enough.

No. 2170967

This. Most good fanfics will only make sense within their original universe, if you strip that away it becomes generic for every possible pairing out there.

No. 2171009

Straight up delusion. Gay shippers aren't any more normal than het shippers.
Manacled got picked up and the author is apparently doing a 2+ year long rewrite to try and transplant the HP setting to her own original one. So I agree. The lore heavy fics aren't going to be worth the effort to get them into a publishable state unless they're super mega popular.

No. 2171015

I remember when the whole Zamii case was something that was considered insane and new, and now I feel like that level of hatefulness over nothing is something that happens daily within fandom circles.

No. 2171032

Zamii’s suicide attempt was linked to personal issues, not the harassment she received online.

No. 2171071

Yes but I don't mean just that, the harassment in general was considered particularly bad and something that stood out.

No. 2171232

i partially agree but aren’t fantasy bows like made of light and magic and feather-weight elf wood and other fantasy elements

No. 2171508

The worst is when the woman is described as physically fit but the artist can't be assed to learn how to draw a fit woman and instead draws her looking the same as every other female character.

No. 2171528

imo I don't mind it so much when the bow itself is blatantly magical and supposed to be easier to use, but a lot of fantasy will just mention a bow as being plain old yew kek

No. 2171667

File: 1726803368287.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x3413, 1000002985.jpg)

>pretending equally bad fujo fanfic writers don't get picked up.

No. 2171687

File: 1726805072790.jpg (49.97 KB, 591x527, alice-oseman-author-of-heartst…)

Tbf most of those throw fujoshi under the bus as disgusting fetishizers.
Not sure if yume are other fic authors do the same, guess some of the Harry Potter ones do.

No. 2171689

Hate this bitch

No. 2171690

Her eyes look so soulless

No. 2171696

tbh I can understand an author not wanting to categorise a story as yaoi or BL just because it's a gay romance, as both of those terms come with certain expectations and assumptions that might not fit a work just because of the pairing. However, you can just… not do that, rather than try and slyly criticise yaoi/bl in comparison to your totes different and superior work (that likely reads like a two-bit yaoi fanfic anyway). Why is it so hard to just be normal

No. 2171706


A fujo in denial. Bleak. The kissing scenes she drew of her two main boys were so fujo gazey—why must she deny who she is??? You're one of us!

No. 2171735

This qualifies as prose poetry

No. 2171741

man, felt this one in my bones kek. OwnVoices is a curse and does little to benefit anyone as well

No. 2171770

Tbh this is why a most of proship discourse falls apart. Very little female made content I'd consider as harmful as a fraction of what moids do in our fandom spaces. The worst I saw is probably a snuff doujinshi from the Osomatsu fandom and the toilet jjba artist, sure maybe Null/Fanny cartmanpedo oc too. While the average fotm scrote will relentlessly produce uninspired ooc big titty camel toe of a female character getting pounded by a faceless male character from the same kids/general audience show.

No. 2171789

this happens with every single harry-potter/percy jackson rip-off, they get hyped for weeks on booktok, and then their first book gets mildly popular, publishers greenlights sequels but no one ever buys them cause no one ever actually cared about the first books, they were just virtue signalling

No. 2171829

File: 1726818448143.png (1.04 MB, 546x1575, 0YbdBSU.png)

see picrel, It's meant to come across as 'badass' or something, but you know the real artist went through this and meekly said nothing and again queers, furries, western communists, radfems etc are all like this

No. 2171871

Ngl, I thought this was something about cannibalism and giving palestenians lavash out of human meat but I didn't see any graves so I wasn't sure.

No. 2171888

i don’t know how i feel about farmers posting screencaps of other farmers social media posts

No. 2171894

I wonder if she has ever addressed this comment afterwards now that the general reputation BL had has improved a lot in the past 5 years. People bring up racism at the drop of the hat all the time but I honestly feel like there's a certain layer of unchecked xenophobia coating these statements basically saying "those jap women can't write shit for good representation because they're all homophobic barbaric nonwestern savages" when a lot of Japanese BL portrays the characters as regular people who just happen to be in love with the same sex.

No. 2171903

Don't expose yourself/her kek.

No. 2171909

Some Americans still believe that Japan is a developing country, even though it has been developed for years. Japan however isn't as liberal, but to imply that japanese women are these meek, braindead gabs feels so ironically sexist someone might assume the poster was a bigot. No, it came from the mouth of affluent white woman with a straight-with-extra-steps sexuality. Can't make this up if you tried.

No. 2171913

>when a lot of Japanese BL portrays the characters as regular people who just happen to be in love with the same sex
lmao, are you serious

No. 2171915

Yeah. Japan does definitely struggle with sexism, homophobia and racism but they've made advancements regarding those issues and most people under 40 have fairly liberal worldviews, especially if they live in big cities. The biggest problem is the boomer politicans and their kin that refuse to step down. It's honestly equivalent of the altright narrative of Japan being a based redpilled nation free of wokeism just because a shopkeep put up a "Japanese only" sign and there's a niche market for loli porn despite male otakus being seen as antisocial weirdos by normal people.

No. 2171920

>their first book gets mildly popular, publishers greenlights sequels but no one ever buys them cause no one ever actually cared about the first books, they were just virtue signalling
its okay nonnie you can say the atlas six and the poppy war

No. 2171923

Plus, I'm pretty sure the "Japanese only" signs were, in most cases, put up because of tourists being annoying and not necessarily any anti-immigrant views. I don't know how true that is though.

No. 2171964

Every country struggles with it, but weebs take one look at japan and assume it's a otaku paradise with meek anime girls. But in reality, japanese people are people, with their own beliefs, personal views, and lives. Even progressives who regard themselves as open minded of other cultures still fumble bag when and let their true feelings slip. It's like they never grew past their oriental phase which only been embolden by the constant stream of k-pop and anime. A good third them are no better than the racist alt-right kooks they rally against (and given the lib-left's current infatuation with troons, something in common).

No. 2171965

nta but Kuang is super popular regardless, even if every good review about her books is jerking themselves off about how woke it makes them (especially Babel) despite the author being the embodiment of a 1%er but we all know wealth is somehow on the bottom of the totem pole of wokeness.
Somewhat related but it sucks because you can never have proper criticism about these kind of stories in those spaces because someone will just call you racist/homophobic, or my favorite "you just don't get it"

No. 2172031

as if BL was ever meant to be ~accurate and sensible MLM representation~ and not just entertainment by women for women. kek I don't even understand having this expectation of fujoshit. If you want to see true and honest "achillean" representation just look into something actually made by a gay moid? ffs.

No. 2172032

I wish for Japan to turn brown and gay as much as anyone, but sometimes i get worried that if its done too fast they might rebel and stop producing cool stuff for the rest of the world.

No. 2172045

I don't know why people still think bl is nothing but "unrealistic woman fluff that would die if they heard about enemas" when you can throw a rock and hit a bl manga where the mc is fucking gay men in gay bars up and down and all over town before settling with another guy who fucks everything and has a big dick.

No. 2172048

I don't even think there's anything wrong with "unrealistic woman fluff", if anything I just don't understand why women are expected to provide realistic representation for gay moids when they can do that themselves.

No. 2172054

Everyone simply refuses to believe that BL has evolved from what it was 20 years ago. It's just willful ignorance at this point and not worth engaging with.

No. 2172060

Disgusting. I can't believe a genre with pretty boys made by women for women ended up catering to faggots

No. 2172064

The faggots still only see Junjou Romantica if they see a woman drawing so its fine.

No. 2172132

>If you want to see true and honest "achillean" representation just look into something actually made by a gay moid?
i want to see gaydens who whine about fujoshis actually do this and witness their degenerac/y/ and disgusting muscle furry shota kek they'll come crying right back to yaoi

No. 2172136

It's almost as if fujo mangakas aren't a collective hivemind and BL isn't a monolith but an entire category with multiple different genres attached to individual stories. Who would've guessed.

No. 2172137

and then you have moids who believe all bl content promotes woke gay agendas turning the tomboys gay. It's better to move on and stop giving a damn…

No. 2172195

I don't even like yaoi but I think the anons are saying it's never gonna be about real gay men because it's eyecandy for women first and foremost and that's fine. Gay men have their own media that panders to them lol. I have half a mind that even lgbt branded stuff are still for and by (spicy) straight women too.

No. 2172277

in a way she’s right and based for not labeling her boring lgbtqiazyx+ shit as “bl” because it isn’t. in another she’s lame for being smug about ultimately enjoying the same subject matter the evil fujos do, e.g. boys kissing

No. 2172308

File: 1726854306680.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1350, CaNs8Wn.png)

poppy-war is a weird case, it's not inspired by the harry potter or any popular ya fantasy. It's literally just a beat for beat retelling of the second sino-japanese war but with fantasy armies, name changes and mao zedong as a teenage ya heroine

No. 2172372

ironic weebs will consume shounen slop made by a coomer moid who larps as his little sister but draw the line at icky manga made by women for women

No. 2172440

the absolute delusion, japan only outlawed child pornography 10 years ago and the law is barely enforced, your precious nippon is an entire nation of degenerate porn addicts who should have been left to the soviets

No. 2172444

File: 1726863541427.webp (36.31 KB, 1366x911, 19AEEC56-1715-4D0C-A088-3A6F5B…)

pedophilia is a global thing. for most of human history, children were getting raped by adults, it isn’t a japan-specific issue. in the modern era plenty of the world still allows child marriage to some point or otherwise has a freakishly low age of consent. you can stop your dumb crusade against japan now

No. 2172465

Truer words have never been spoken

No. 2172469

Set the tiktok brainrot down and figure out that you can think pedo bad but also also writing not bad, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

No. 2172491

> when a lot of Japanese BL portrays the characters as regular people who just happen to be in love with the same sex.
“a lot” is an exaggeration but that is okay, accurately portraying homosexual men should not be the goal of bl. the goal is to be an entertaining story

No. 2172515

The goal of BL is to be something I can shlick to.

No. 2172585

american has child pageants and they had a 10yo in playboy

No. 2172637

Semi unrelated but I hate that achillean term so much. How that fucker got passed down as an uwu gay boy and not a massive manchild who cries when his war spoil who is a whole, living woman gets taken away I'll never understand. Wait, I do know why, fuck you madeline miller. I don't even care he is not real.

No. 2172700

Why do female fandom spaces always devolve into a circle of who's the most holier than thou, even on lolcow. Male fandom has their own problems but at least shonenfags dont pretend to be more morally righteous than yurifags.

No. 2172703

madeline miller sent the mythology fandom into the dark ages with her milquetoast pickme-ass slop and I will never forgive her for that

No. 2172712

They still haven't broken female socialization even on lolcow.

No. 2172739

The only reason why they did it was because the olympics were happening in japan too kek, it would probably still be legal today if they didn't host it.

No. 2172769

Tiktok and twitter are not places to get information.

No. 2172778

no, they didnt. The ban was in 2014 lmfao. Only the possesion was legal, not the distribution or making. Posession is still legal in many countries like in Uruguay and most countries have a low sentence for the crime since its very hard to trace.

No. 2173120

File: 1726896469998.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1080x1700, ag36aoaqizpd1.jpeg)

Everyone in this screenshot is retarded

No. 2173123

Fifty bucks the person who replied reads tranny fics that are functionally straight

No. 2173125

fujo on fujo violence

No. 2173129

I sent fan art on the mail to someone when I was younger (I may had been still 19) that later on turned out to be a terrible person and now I'm too scared to continue drawing because people will make that connection eventually.

I'm very regretful that I didn't do my research back then, or else I wouldn't had done it, that creator still has a post with my fan art up and every day I regret this choice. I regret this so much to the point where I don't want to do art anymore. I don't see a point. I already told that person to take it down to no avail. What should I do? Just quit art out of fear of this shitty mistake I did? Kill myself? (I've really considered it because I don't forgive myself).

No. 2173135

who is it? did you draw fanart for a mass murderer or something? damn

No. 2173138

Anon I realize this is stressing you out but I really don't think it's that deep, in the very unlikely case that someone recognizes your fanart for that person just say you were underage and didn't know what they did. Don't let something like this keep you from a hobby you enjoy

No. 2173139

Maybe making fanart of Osama bin laden having turkey with Hitler while fist bumping Satan was a bad idea, anonancillia.

No. 2173141

depends on if you were shit at art at the time or not. if you were bad at drawing but aren't anymore, wipe your old account and start a brand new account under a different name and nobody will even be able to tell you're the same artist. if you're still bad just grind improvement for 6 months until your art isn't recognizable. if you weren't shit at art, it will be harder unless you are capable of significantly switching styles.

No. 2173146

I don't understand why this is such a big problem? If someone brings it up then you can just tell them you didn't know at the time and have asked the person to take it down. Most people are reasonable and won't even care.

No. 2173148

There are people walking around today with Bill Cosby tattooed somewhere on their person. They get by just fine and don’t think about killing themselves over what was ultimately a mistake. It isn’t a big deal anon, no one is going to hold that against you if you just tell them what you said here. Live your life

No. 2173208

Reading gay fanfiction does not make taste

No. 2173209

the funniest part of this whole debacle to me was all the bepronouned girls acting like they're quirky or special for liking noncon/mpreg/bdsm/other degenerate flavor of the month fetishes instead of "boiled chicken" m/f pairings. I wish they would realize that terminally online porn addicted girls are a dime a dozen and they're not special for reading mpreg cuntboy bakudeku or whatever instead of Edward/Bella. at least the Edward/Bella girlie isn't being an annoying nlog about her tastes in fanfiction

No. 2173228

Only true on a technicality. Japan already had obscenity laws that banned child porn for 100+ years, but the explicit ban happened in 1999. In 2014 they updated the law to close the final loopholes people could possibly exploit to possess child porn. I wish teenagers on this site would at least check a wikipedia article before trusting every retard with a microphone on Tiktok.

No. 2173358

In all honestly I don't know why is it stressing you up. We don't know people's private life, enjoyeing someone's work (from a singer to a youtuber) and later finding out that person turned out to be a terrible human has happened to almost every single person.
I can assure you no one is gonna think you support that person, you don't even have to lie if someone ever confronts you about it, that was years ago and you were clueless.

>I'm very regretful that I didn't do my research back then

Stop having the mindsent terminally online 14yo have, normal people don't "do research" on people they like.
And in any case, always remember that whatever shitty thing you have done in the past, men have done it x5 worse and probably still think they were on the right, so don't think much about it. Just move on with your life.

No. 2173371

I have zero idea of who colin and penelope are, does this mean I'm old?

No. 2173412

Yes. time for the nursing home, grandma (jokes aside, I feel so sheltered seeing these tags kek).

No. 2173416

I don't get the obsession/worshipping of ao3

No. 2173424

People just like it? It's not the best in terms of filters, means to report questionable content, or even formatting, but after wattpad's collapse and the decaying corpse of ff.net, Ao3 is the best option for fanfiction.

No. 2173467

File: 1726927205634.png (839.22 KB, 1185x447, poopfromabutt.png)

MLP is the worst thing to ever happen to glorified toy commercials. Now grown autistic men feel like they matter whenever some horse toy tie in show for little girls pops up. They should have never been pandered to at all.

No. 2173555

Having an ao3 birthday cake is cringe but thinking you're somehow superior for reading omegaverse trans man homoshit instead of generic hetshit is even more cringe. These people need to go outside.

No. 2173877

File: 1726938173295.png (870.21 KB, 1042x1212, 2PeuIQG.png)

No. 2173910

i think it's the tiktok zoomers or gen alphas or whatever who sees it as some holy grail juxtaposed to wattpad or any other "bad" quality fanfic sites and also think it's super edgy to use ao3 because muh problematic ships and fics

No. 2173912

I'm pretty sure this is a joke tweet. It's not even on the topic of the thread.

No. 2173918

I swear some anons in this thread need to genuinely be screened for autism. How do you look at this and start reeing and screaming about how oppwessed muh heterofics are when it's worded bombastically as a textbook self-deprecating joke? It's a reoccurring gag that everyone goes on AO3 for the gay shit so when such an eloquent AO3-themed cake only featuring hetships appeared everyone started making jokes about it. Maybe we do need those tone little /srs and /jk indicators after every tweet.

No. 2173931

it's got a good tagging system, gets high traffic, and probably still enjoys the lingering halo of general greater quality that it had for a reputation from the early days when it was invite-only and a lot of fandom big names moved there from ffnet and LJ. It also feeds people their porn, and people always defend/champion their coom sources kek.

imo ao3 fic does tend to be better quality than I've found on other sites, but I think that's also fandom (sometimes even ship or character) dependent, rather than much to do with the site itself.

No. 2174140

Post characters that are literally you.

No. 2174150

File: 1726949712347.gif (7.93 MB, 540x351, tumblr_1aa741e5e540abc893cd7ad…)

Oh it's that bridgerton couple with claire and an ugly guy that always make me think of this scene

No. 2174238

If it weren't for lauren, Mlp would've fell to comfortable obscurity. Literally watch their reactions to old gens and being shocked their actually aimed at little girls. Moids will find anything girly praying it has enough moid pandering in it to sink in their fangs of degeneracy into. We really need to filter them out. Maybe then less of these vids pop up and less troons shitting up anything with a female-aimed focus.

No. 2174340

It would be so easy to just say, "I don't want to write about teenagers having sex." And leave it at that.

No. 2174349

People who always have to "win" the discussion are so fucking annoying kek. AO3fags always have the same energy as "oh, you got 3 hours of sleep last night? LUCKY!" retards.

No. 2174352

I think G5 MLP wasn't very good but to hear it picked to pieces by basement dwellers just because of how they appropriated FiM is pure shit. MLP was never high brow entertainment but because of developmentally stunted moids you have people holding rainbow horse toy commercials to the standards of Evangelion. It's the toddlers playing with the toys, their opinions matter most.

No. 2174373

I think a lot of ex-weebs genuinely go through the stages of grief when they learn that Japan isn't like anime irl so they can't be rational about it kek. On the other side of the spectrum you get rightoids crying into their pillows because they think Japan is "woke."

No. 2174401

For sure, though. It's like a rite of passage. People who were embarrassing weebs in their teens try so hard to distance themselves from it that they direct their anger towards Japan as a nation and go from idolizing them to outright demonizing with the "ackshually Japan is a nation for homophobic racist misogynist pedophiles" narrative because they saw out of context myths being posted on tiktok by people who might genuinely be racist (or Chinese shills). It's this strange form of orientalism that makes them believe all the mythical things altrighters think makes Japan "based". In reality most people in Japan are regular normies living their lives not very different from how people in other developed countries are.

No. 2174469

I really don't get why Honkai is supposable the "pro-yuri" game, when it's the same game that use to have a mechanic where the player would be able to rub up on the female characters bodies, for stat and affection points. This included interactions for when you touched their breast and or groin area. This is a game made by coomers for coomers.

No. 2174497

Xilonen's has a character animation that's basically heavily referenced after this skater's video. They're right in that Natlan(and other Hoyo games as well) are just one big heaping of taking a bunch of cultures who have a large if not overwhelming darker skin populace's aesthetic, music and arts, and making them all white or lighter skin to appeal to colorist eastern ideals. And if skin color is that big of deal over in Eastern countries, where they won't even consider playing with characters darker than a tan, then they should've stuck to Eastern/European countries to avoid this criticism all together.

No. 2174533

Not to jump down your throat, I'm directing this more generally, but throughout this extended critique (that Hoyo doesn't give a shit about because some teenage girl Twittard isn't going to try and stab the CEO like their target demographic will) I've noticed and really despise the use of the word aesthetic to describe people's cultural symbols, it's such a vapid term for some things that have hundreds or even thousands of years of history behind it. I don't know much about African cultures but I do know quite a bit about Polynesian ones because I live in that general area, so I don't know if certain things carry the same weight but some of the communities here get pissed if you draw a fish in certain way without permission because it holds such significant value to them. Obviously Americans wouldn't really know about that, nor it is really mandatory but to act holier than thou about a png slot machine game and then use such a weirdly demeaning phrase is a bit annoying. Like I don't know, you don't go to a mosque and go "wow what a cool aesthetic."

No. 2174550

I don’t think evangelion is high brow entertainment either

No. 2174581

I do get the issue with the aesthetic, as it's very vague, and generally can and has been misused to just mean a sort of "vibe of something". I think in this case, I can let it slide only because so many of the characters in Natlan seem like a mismash of many cultures from around the globe, that it vague at time to know what is from where. In Xiolen's case, she has both Brazilian influences, Mexican influence, hell even the "tribe" she comes from has Black American influences. You have people arguing over which side she's influenced by most. It's a hodgepodge of different cultures shoved into multiple characters, so yeah it's annoying, but I put the blame mostly on Mihoyo's end for making Natlan that way in the first place.

No. 2174626

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Wild Manes looks cute,I'd rather watch that than this bean mouth shit anyday.

No. 2174633

Someone needs to kyoani calarts

No. 2174718

I wish you're right about that and the rest of the infighters here are also just joking.

No. 2174725

I find this weeb machismo(?) very weird kek. "These fics are so boring to me, I must be fucked in the head amright guize?"

No. 2174730

How embarrassing. What a sad genre of porn

No. 2174732

Yeah I miss MySpace too

No. 2174798

>What a sad genre of porn
Compared to what happy genres of porn? Moid hentai?

No. 2174821

Maybe you're the one who needs to be screened for autism, nonita. It absolutely wasn't self-depricating, people were shitting on her for liking hetships. I'm a fujo and I don't give a fuck about hetships, but even still I think it's retarded to call someone bland or boring for liking hetships instead of mpreg cuntboy fetish shit like the latter isn't much more common (and therefore bland, boring and predictable) in most fandoms.

No. 2174907

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ukrainian and other european activists are mad that robin will be played by russian actress(even though she's lived in germany her entire life)

No. 2174909

did she like do or say something

No. 2174912

imagine moralfagging about who gets to play generic same faced big titty lady n351

No. 2174913

It's a fictional character in a fictional world, people are insane.

No. 2174914

Hope all the people who spent time racesperging about live action actresses (especially with One Piece) realize they set the stage for this other form of stupidity.

No. 2174923

>What i wouldnt do for a western equivalent of korean radfems, imagine the amount of moids we could take down a peg.
One thing I'll give to kpoppies is that even the gen z ones on mainstream platforms are far more ok with dragging random moids through the dirt than most other western based fan base for an Asian thing

No. 2174965

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How easy is it to find people in fandom who are just shippers who don’t care about the sexuality of their ships and just ship whichever characters they like paired together? It’s crazy baffling to me looking from the outside in how obsessed everyone is including all of you about whether it’s het or yaoi or not like why can’t that not matter?

No. 2175011

I've gotten old enough to not care for the IP but autists still cling to it like it's still relevant, not knowing it'll never reach it's peak again. Lauren try to move on with other things too but it's clear none of them caught on or really had the same hold like g4 had.
Impossible. When 2016 happened, everyone collectively lost their minds after that. Now you gotta deal with 14 year olds calling you acephobic for shipping a sociopath with anyone.

No. 2175052

Unironically good luck finding anyone who's not some flavor of sexuality pearl-clutcher. Shipping is either some form of activism or shitty way to self insert for 99.9% of people now

No. 2175059

MLP:FIM was actually very good for a childrens cartoon aimed at young girls. The fact that the mc was a weird antisocial autist who had to grow as a character instead of being the naturally bubbly and social butterfly that female mcs always are was pretty unique. A shame hasbro ruined laurens original ideals to market toys.

No. 2175065

It's easier if you learn another language and search for a very niche franchise with both fujo/yuribait and genuinely good het chemistry where there isn't enough people to cut themselves off into their own little groups.

No. 2175072

How the fuck did it even get this bad? I would unironically watch a Sarah Z style video on the history of fandom devolving into two extremely polarized political camps. It fucking hurts that I can't explore toxic relationships and abuse in art and writing without getting lumped in with literal pedophiles. I want to say it started getting collectively worse in 2013 when Attack on Titan made anime mainstream but also I was a young teenager then which may skew my viewpoint as I saw people condemning fictional incest in Harry Potter fandom on livejournal as early as 2002.

No. 2175074

isnt toxi yaoi and yuri super popular amongst gendie zoomies?

No. 2175075

NTA but they like the aesthetics of being a based girlboss into yaoi and yuri just to make moids seethe, not actually consuming them and everyone who does is a degenerate loser in their eyes.

No. 2175082

Extremely watered down versions of it. I want to explore themes of sexual abuse and the type of control an abuser has over their victim that makes them feel hopeless and like everything is their fault and they can never escape and even if they do, they deserve to die because of their perceived wrong-doings. Not a lot of people today have the reading comprehension to understand depiction isn't endorsement when it comes to that kind of thing. I'm a recovering victim of abuse and it feels genuinely cathartic to me to write these things, in the type of way where I feel adrenaline rushing to my head, it's probably the feeling of retaking control, but a lot of people want to say it's an "unhealthy" way to cope and say people who write these things are bad people projecting their desires, so it kind of forces people who are into actual dark themes based on people who are grown and not related to each other into spaces with gooner pedophiles.

No. 2175105

Their idea of toxic yaoi is bakugo and deku.

No. 2175138

zoomers? most of them have never even heard of the dead dove tags or htp or any of the similar tags that has been popular and well known for being full of moids being abused.

No. 2175222

The words “toxic yuri” make me think of Chell/GLaDOS, which I think is a pretty popular ship among millennial/zoomer women into Portal.

No. 2175298

What? Yes they have.

t. zoomzoom

No. 2175309

Kek I don't know at this point, but I'm just tired of almost everybody I meet having an 'ew icky hets' or 'ew lesbos/fags ruining my perfect ship' attitude and finding some sort of excuse to be super uppity and annoying. Like I said you'd be hard-pressed to find someone that isn't a fandom activist retard even on lolcor. Is there even a double digit number of people left on the internet that aren't sexuality spergs?
>It fucking hurts that I can't explore toxic relationships and abuse in art and writing without getting lumped in with literal pedophiles.
More and more proshippers have started to include actual pedophiles (muh MAPs) and zoophiles under the guise of fandom activism as well as other cowish activities, so I've been out. The whole group is incredibly annoying so do your own thing, but it's unfortunate you'll be grouped anyway

No. 2175416

they want toxic yuri/yaoi without any depth or complication, just the aesthetics of the thing

No. 2175433

There's plenty of people who multi ship. They're just not going to get invested in shipping discussion.

No. 2175440

Yeah, I've seen a concerning amount of people here feeding into that fandom activism mentality, though I'm not about to start any infighting. It's just such a huge thing that it kind of can't be helped. Antishippers feel scared to step out of line and be socially ostracized, and proshippers feel scared to be within the line of fire of antishippers so they get pushed deeper into spaces with genuine degenerates which can't be good for anyone's mental health, on either side. I had a phase where I refused to engage with other artists for a good while out of fear of having to pick a camp, but I really just want to chill.
Honestly, I wish more people would use their critical thinking, because why do we include forgettable harem romcom trash incest anime in the same boat as people drawing toddlercon rape? This is what I mean when I say people are pushed into darker places for the sake of momentary self preservation, why can't we just judge people on a case by case? Fandom is not activism but kids treat it as such. Unpopular opinion, but The Coffin of Andy and Leyley was so weirdly fearmongered as something that was clearly done for shock value and never not once attempted to condone anything going on here beyond "haha! taboo things done causally is funny!", yet it was received basically like the fandom version of the satanic panic. It's really not that serious and only serves to drive vulnerable people into darker places and develop weird self image issues.

No. 2175477

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A good example is Ti-Grace Atkinson, She was a radical feminist who advocated for "violent revolution against men and capitalism" Well In 1971, while she giving a lecture at a Catholic University, she called the Virgin Mary a used whore and a Catholic woman slapped Atkinson. This one slap made Atkinson rethink her entire ideology on violence and sisterhood (because "sisterhood leads to this level of bloodshed"), She apparently was traumatised because of this

No. 2175489

>she called the Virgin Mary a used whore
>a Catholic woman slapped Atkinson
Based anonymous Catholic woman. The fuck did this retard think would happening going into a CATHOLIC university and calling Mary a whore?

No. 2175495

I’ll tell you one thing about the artist of this comic (it’s called Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist btw) - at least she hasn’t kowtowed to trannies in the 21st century. She remains a lesbian committed to the notion that you need to be a woman to be a lesbian, which is probably why her comic books haven’t been reprinted since the 1990s (unlike other comic artists who got started in the 90s like Alison Bechdel and Leslie Feinberg who’ve been poisoned by queer theory).

No. 2175497

Oh shut up. You don't even know the exact words she used, you're just going off of this anon's post.

No. 2175500

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she used to pull stuff like that all the time in feminist/leftist spaces. Like one time during a conference about violence against women, she showed up wearing Vietnamese Pajamas, praised a dead mafia boss and said that feminists should be like him "outlaws"

No. 2175502

I'm literally this, based ship btw. I would say I ship an equal amount of het yaoi and yuri and I have no preference, I literally just like certain dynamics regardless of gender. Shinji/P3FeMC is an example of one of my favorite dynamics, edgy person x ray of silly sunshine

No. 2175513

If you're willing to promote violence and talk shit, get prepared to get hit.

No. 2175515

What does that have to do with my post?

No. 2175517

You act like I didn't go fact check her.
>Before an audience of 800, Atkinson said the Virgin Mary was more “used” than if she had participated in a sexual conception.
Yeah, she called Mary a whore and got hit for it.

No. 2175524

Is that really the same as saying she's a "used up whore" though? That's what I was skeptical of.

No. 2175525

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nta but this wasn't unique to radfems, around that time, maoism was very influential with the western left, If you wanted to prove you were a real revolutionary, you had to talk about how totally radical and violent you were, how many cops you totally beat up and how much property you destroyed. everyone was doing this, feminists, leftists, and anarchists. The fact that these were all out-of-shape nerds didn't matter, it was the style at the time, picrel

No. 2175564

If a slap traumatized her then she was nothing but a fraud lol
Fandom spaces not tainted by US gender propaganda are still like this and still host some classic spergouts, like LATAM fandoms and Russian fandom, but sadly zoomers and younger millennials still get infected by this ideology in droves.

No. 2175588

>Fandom spaces not tainted by US gender propaganda are still like this and still host some classic spergouts
by nature of fandom, it will obviously be influenced by us liberal politics, unless it’s something extremely niche with an untranslated language barrier, no fandom will escape internationalism, globalism and degeneration

No. 2175599

I'm not saying these people are right, but unlike the vast majority of twitter accounts these people are actually collectively traumatized. they all have family members who have died, their brothers and cousins have also been conscripted and either killed or gravely injured, this isn't a usual fandom thing, this is genuine collective hatred because of war

No. 2175604

A random woman from Germany shouldn't pay the price of their collective hatred, that's demented. I don't care what past trauma someone has, singling a random nobody out for their nationality is retarded.

No. 2175610

who's gonna be the one to tell them that literally all of the strawhats are terrorists

No. 2175620

I don't get it, do you expect people to never cast or hire random (technically) russians?

No. 2175630

The same people who defend Islam's right to oppress it's women under the guise of fighting islamophobia absolutely would have partaken in Islam erasure directly after 9/11 if they were born a little earlier, kek. I don't get how they don't see the irony in calling a random woman who has only ever known German soil a terrorist.

No. 2175690

I still see shameless yumejos and fujoshi who barely gaf about queerness and LGBTQ+ crap in LATAM spaces, they're too busy drawing their self insert OC with Iori Yagami or Kyo and Iori kissing

No. 2175698

i’m from Ukraine and currently living there, and i can confirm that as stupid as it sounds, yes, majority of people actually want full erasure of Russian culture, language and so on. people here are very hateful to ANY Russians due to war. everyone is affected in one way or another by war, so that’s why. though i personally think it’s a bit pointless in this particular case, if she’s born in Germany and has no ties to Russia, why bother? but majority of people here will not agree with me.

No. 2175705

A man traumatized me so I expect Netflix to not show me anything with a man in it ever again.

No. 2175707

Kek this but unironically

No. 2175733

agree with you about what, idgi

No. 2175737

i meant my fellow Ukrainians “here” in the country will not agree with me, sorry for the confusion nonna! even my friend earlier today brought up this same situation and i just had to react like “yeah yikes wtf why would they do this…” and quickly switch the topic. i love my country, but i couldn’t care less about some random Russian or not actress.

No. 2175803

fr. They are just gonna get someone who looks closest to Robin and leave it at that. Only americans are super triggered by this.

No. 2175933

No, it sounds like she used 'used' as a synonym for 'exploited', a very milquetoast feminist interpretation of what happened. You really don't have to give it to right-wing biblethumpers ever

No. 2175956

>only americans are super triggered by this
those are Ukrainians

No. 2175985

It's still awful to lose your job for the race you are??? 2 russian artist friends of mine lost their jobs because of the war. They are not pro-Putin, they don't even live there, but their names are still russian. This kind of rethoric is insane, are we going back a 100 years?

No. 2175986

>their brothers and cousins have also been conscripted and either killed or gravely injured
based war

No. 2175994

>Three traumatized people lashing out on social media
I fucking swear

No. 2175998

i think people really enjoy having some group to take out their emotions on and this is a good opportunity for them now that you can't really be racist anymore

No. 2176002

I have a Russian coworker (she's the wife of another coworker) who got hired shortly after the invasion just because finding a new job would be impossible.

No. 2176011

If by ‘not caring about sexuality’ you mean letting people ship what they ship, those are a dime a dozen in older circles. But if you mean exploring all sexualities, it’s fair that most people aren’t interested. I don’t care for het shipping or yuri, so I don’t want to spend my free time discussing it. Ofc I won’t be rude about it or anything but the only people who would be enthusiastic about ALL sexualities for a character are bisexuals or pansexuals or whatever.

No. 2176020

>she called the Virgin Mary a used whore

No. 2176026

I like both het and m/m ships, what does that make me?

No. 2176027

stfu, I'm not ukrainian but I hate americans who romanticize or joke about our conflicts. [eople are dying, losing their homes and their children are being taken away. I hope you never go through a similar trauma, because then you'd know what these people feel like

No. 2176033

>religious figure of debatable existence has one (1) child through immaculate conception
>still gets called a used whore
If she were active (alive?) today she would call Virgin Mary used goods who hit the wall. Really gets my nogging jogging.

No. 2176065

Do you want a medal orrrrr

No. 2176067

It was hypothetical question nonna, kek.

No. 2176068

I mostly ship m/m with only odd f/f and m/f ships and I make fun of and joke about straight hetshippers because they're the biggest fucking babies around. They get so mad over le gays committing literal heterophobia while getting fed way more than anyone else with endless amounts of canon straight content in every imaginable form of media ever to exist. And that's not enough, they still need to call their straight ships "bisexual representation" as a gotcha and weep obvious crocodile tears about "biphobia" when they get called straight ships. And I don't buy the "but it's because the gays bully them into it!" reason, if you're conforming to the mainstream sexuality with the ships and media you consume and prefer you genuinely have no leg to stand on about "being pressured" and you should be able to take the banter instead of being a weak bitch yapping your lip about imaginary oppression.

No. 2176084

shipping m/m is the most heterosexual thing a woman can do.

No. 2176089

Who asked and what does it have to do with anything being said here? Shipping f/f could be the most heterosexual thing a woman could do for all I care because I don't. It's not my fault it's straight hetshippers who are insufferable crybabies blind to their own entitlement. B-boohoo, fujo fanart gets more likes than my mediocre hetshit. Must be because straights are oppressed.

No. 2176111

no the most hetero thing a woman can do is fuck a man

No. 2176168

potentially trans

No. 2176176

damn i am going to die gay then

No. 2176194

As if it isn't a recent trend by self-proclaimed fujos to trans the uke of their ship and turn him into a cuntboy because obviously taking it up the ass means you're secretary a woman.
Seriously, I ship m/m almost exclusively, but I avoid reading fics or looking at fanart of my favourite characters because the the Western yaoi fandom is gendie infested. If it wasn't so obvious that in 90% of her fanfics the author sees herself as the female character getting railed by her husbando I'd have long since switched over to m/f. Gendies are ruining yaoi.

No. 2176217

What if a woman doesn't want to? does passing attraction not count? is it less straight to play otomes for example? What are you even getting at, nonna?

No. 2176230

No. 2176248

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similarly, 'doomed yaoi/yuri' is just a twitter way of saying slash ships that are not ever going to be canon, which applies to all of them

No. 2176277

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what do you think of the hate against the new twst character?

No. 2176280

I cant believe yana toboso gojo-ified undertaker like that

No. 2176281

>pic rel
Can we not? I swear, "queers" care about this more than actual gays kek.

No. 2176288

he looks exactly the same as every other character

No. 2176294

i’ve been seeing him all over my twitter yesterday FUCKING STOOOP but i like his design a lot. yes i like gojo. i might redownload TWST since i haven’t played in a while and my lilia nesoberi stares at me daily

No. 2176295

kinda looks like a mix between fgo mothman and gojo tbh, nothing groundbreaking. i'm sure he'll print money though kek

No. 2176296

Always thought doomed yaoi was when one of the characters is guaranteed to die or you 100% know they're probably going to end up killing each other/want to kill each other at the end.

No. 2176298

He looks cute enough, why do people hate it?

No. 2176299

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looks like another Belphegor clone

No. 2176303

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Husbando mentioned and literally no one else ever mentions him on this site. Sorry nonna I gotta autism real quick. I’ve seen the comparison but I personally don’t see it outside of the crown.

No. 2176307

people wanted oogie boogie or whatever his name is, this sets a precedent of having non-villains as characters

No. 2176315

you can argue that jack himself is a flawed hero so they might just use that logic, i’ve heard some people say he has some finkelstein in him too

No. 2176321

I just know my former alt fashion high school classmates who were weaboos obsessed with KH and had dozens of the nightmare before christmas merchs on their school bags would have loved this back then. I just know. It's like Yana Toboso made this guy specifically for these specific girls 15 years too late.

No. 2176325

That's because it's what doomed yaoi is. I'm not into yuri at all but the closest equivalent I can think of is Homura/Madoka and they're not even an actual canon yuri pairing even if you can say it's implied. It's like when people say "I love enemies to lovers stories" and they start listing petty rivalries or people who genuinely never get along instead of actual enemies becoming lovers.

No. 2176326

There’s a fate thread on /m/ I see him a lot there

No. 2176330

The usual Yana Toboso slop, never been my thing.

No. 2176332

I need Yana to drop Disney shit for a little while and finish Black Butler.

No. 2176340

>enemies to lovers
I'm so tired of seeing this everywhere, it's like you said, it's never a pairing with an actual enemy dynamic, it's always just 'characters who are rude to each other, maybe, and then they bang', which, fine, whatever, but that's more an idk, tsundere ship than people who are genuine enemies/oppose each other eventually managing to come together and develop a relationship. If it's not that, and this goes especially for published examples of 'enemies to lovers', it's just a domineering man who verbally belittles a woman who is never on equal footing with him nor does she give as good as she gets… so, regular romance genre nonsense but with a marketable trope name slapped onto it and no other changes to the usual song and dance.

No. 2176343

>>implying the trope was never not petty rivalry or an excuse to have your female character abused by their moid love interest

No. 2176386

idk about you, but before the recent big 'enemies to lovers' boom, most examples that I read had the pairing on fairly equal footing, with some het ones also having the male love interest be the one at a disadvantage (usually as a catalyst to enable the forced proximity and de-clawing that lets the plot happen kek). I hadn't really seen it in published stuff though (aside from some very mild, 'redeemed & recruited villain gets shippy moment with a female side character' type stuff) since imo the 'enemies' part of the trope needs like one book's worth of set-up before it can really work (hence why it works better in fanfic generally anyway), and most eg fantasy authors don't seem to be interested in that and that's not how romance novels are written kek

No. 2176390

I just don't like the trope in general. The fact it's dreadfully easy to botch doesn't help me Warm up much to it.

No. 2176398

Who's this supposed to be, Jack Skeleton?

No. 2176399

Maybe you're right about published original works, but there are plenty of fanfics and doujinshi that 100% fit the bill of characters who are or were enemies and who fell in love or are at least physically attracted to each other and they're tagged as such. I swear if HP were released now people would say Hermione and Ron having stupid teenager arguments but still getting married at the end counts as enemies to lovers shit while it used to mean things like Sephiroth/Cloud.

No. 2176400

The way I see people using it, just feels to mean that it's a relationship that was destined to fail from the start. By fail it could mean that it was just never going to work out and the people involved are all the more worse for it. It's a tragedy that you can't prevent blah blah blah

I've seen it used on het couples as well.

I personally love the idea but only found it appealing for one couple (who are unfortunately hetero) it's a very sad relationship but I like it

Madoka/Homura are very much "doomed lesbians" but the show doesn't really have them as a couple. It's a very one sided relationship from Homura who throws herself over and over to save Madoka. You're entitled to think it's platanoic but the intensity of her relationships make her seem BPD so people just go "oh lesbians" (not that I mind, it's my preferred interpretation)

No. 2176403

Yeah fair, tbh it's not something I seek out either, it's mostly something I read because a character I like will be prone to fics that include it kek (also imo it tends to work better when it's the slight variation 'enemies to friends to lovers', as the middle phase can really help with the pacing/feel of the relationship dynamic). I just like discussing tropes and their implementation/general narrative theory nonsense/how fanfic is influencing original fiction

No. 2176405

>I realised a long time ago that I have no patience for talking about non-canon shit, headcanons, non-canon ships etc just bore me…I prefer actually talking about what the story is about, the themes, the characters, theorising about future events…I'm going to be honest, twitter fandoms are very active but rarely do they feel like they're actually talking about…the story they're obsessing over. It's a very weird experience.
holy shit nona, you put exactly how i feel about fandom into words. i relate a lot to what was described in this post too >>2169886 because i'm very much into curative fandom and never enjoyed transformative fandom content, it always felt cringy to me. i strictly like talking about the canon, analyzing the characters and going very in-depth with plot subtext analysis and even just discussing how much i enjoy certain stylistic elements in the way the media was filmed and edited; i keep my thoughts (and obsessive spreadsheets and charts kek) to myself because online, it's all just fanart, AU fanfiction, "what do you think this character would do in this made-up scenario!" posts, etc. and not in-depth media analysis sperging like i'd want to engage in with others so it felt pointless trying to be apart of it. i know i'm an outlier in this sense and most people just want to have fun and sort of "make the characters their own" but oh well.
>I follow a few fans who like talking about canon restrictively, and they are so rare and underappreciated, a dying breed.
i love this nona, thank you for supporting them ♥

No. 2176408

different anon, I do love headcanons etc within talking to friends who enjoy the same works etc but I appreciate you all. It does suck when things because AU's and the like that are so reaching they have nothing in common with the actual work anymore.

No. 2176418

I absolutely despise this trend I see around of thinking that every author that doesn't directly write your super genius and passionate fanfic is stupid and never trying to dig further into what they might actually be trying to write.

No. 2176437

i just hate how so many fandoms have been butchered by people only ever caring about ships and not the actual material

No. 2176499

I feel like the opposite. I enjoy the transformative aspects, but If I need fact checking or accuracy, there's some use to cuarative but that's it for me. There's so much raw to take in until I say screw it and stick to original content. I'm a terrible person for liking and making fan stuff? Should it just be banned to make fandoms good again?

No. 2176504

Really glad I've never been into fanfiction shittery. Most of it tends to completely mischaracterize characters for the sake of ship shittery. If you feel the need to change things or you can't even understand the characters/story then what is the purpose of being in the fandom? Geniune question.

No. 2176620

it was more fun when there was a greater portion of genfic

No. 2176627

I feel this so hard. I've seen so much anime go from chill to absolute cringe because of fandom. Anime going mainstream in the last decade really solidified this.

No. 2176689

File: 1727129152964.png (2.65 MB, 752x6609, jih9P1B.png)

most popular voted f/f ships

No. 2176690

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No. 2176720

Completely agree

No. 2176851

That's actually fair criticism

No. 2176857

gojo but he does meth

No. 2176861

I started reading Dungeon Meshi in 2016 because I liked reading newer lesser-known manga, but when the anime came out I switched to older stuff and actual novels. Too scared that I'll find a good series and be forced to see it become the most annoying, inescapable thing in the world again.

No. 2176877

western femslash fans have such boring fucking taste dude

No. 2176879

File: 1727135841878.jpg (163.75 KB, 1080x1920, 1000021065.jpg)

I kek'd so hard at this tea about LnD stealing yaoi lines

No. 2176880

old stuff has been going viral and glomped onto by idiots so nothing is truly safe.

No. 2176881

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No. 2176895

File: 1727136273671.png (48.82 KB, 663x434, img_4389.png)

absolute delusion

No. 2176903

Why does this list feel so woefully Tumblr-y and out of date? No offense to any lurking Swifties, but it looks like she exclusively polled Gaylors for these ships.

No. 2177015

>Ban BL
>Copy BL for your otome game
Kek at yumes having a melty because their husbandos lines originally belong to a yaoi boy.

No. 2177033

I think it starts with self inserting and it just snowballs into “modern au with 9-5” or “medieval au”
I’m about to sound very hypocritical but I’ve grown to have complicated feelings about fanfics. I used to hate them and mostly view it as negative but lately a show i’ve been was disappointing and i started looking at fanfics to basically “fix” the shitty season because I unfortunately like the characters or had a certain expectation from the show. I still find some of the AU fics to be unreadable and veering into “maybe move on?” But if something is so attached to an original source material yet you still want to write about it, maybe that’s better than pretending your story isn’t actually South Park BL

No. 2177036

Funniest thing is when these people get their hands on tv, cartoons, and movies
It’s so obvious and embarrassing

No. 2177040

He looks so generic. Are people just excited because he looks like Gojo?

No. 2177042

If it's not a direct copy and the scenarios are different how fo they know it's plagiarism? A lot of BL tropes are just old shojo/josei, but with two guys.

No. 2177045

What are the lines? I'm curious, I don't think it should be too hard for him to speak like a BL daddy dom when he already is basically a daddy Dom.

No. 2177048

File: 1727141915165.jpeg (46.32 KB, 640x480, everyone-whats-happening-v0-f0…)

I can't speak Chinese, but apparently they stripped the lines directly from a CN fan tl of a KR webtoon, only changing a few characters.

No. 2177050

Fucking Jack Skellington?? OMG this is too funny, 13 years old me would've grabbed my parents' credit cards to get him KEK.

No. 2177074

Yeah, ooogie boogie would've made more sense, plus he was kind of erotic in the movie. But I do get why Jack, he's the face of the movie after all, and the emo bf that every girl wanted back in the days of yore.

No. 2177081

Can't read a word of this. Only thing I find concerning is how Gachas can make all this money and yet the writing is allegedly copy and paste tier. Yeah, having to write an infinite number of filler scenarios sucks, but from my understanding LND is one of the more successful and popular gachas available. Can they not hire better writers?

No. 2177084

File: 1727142557316.jpg (574.08 KB, 2048x1536, 20240923_214834.jpg)

I didn't like him at first because its the first instance in twst where I thought he looked like another character that wasnt already Tobosos, but artists are making him weird and I hope the game takes that route when the event is out.
I love my shitty ikemen game, I cant wait to see who voices this fucker

No. 2177134

>Can't read a word of this.
Fwiw it's the same characters.

No. 2177256

File: 1727151230412.png (405.49 KB, 754x1227, img_9679.png)

I try not to hate fujos, but I swear gojo/geto fujos are probably the worst, they are so fucking annoying

No. 2177263

Embrace the fujo hate. Tell me why you hate them, every single one of them. The site has too many pro-fujos, it's refreshing to find like minded individuals too.(fujo derail)

No. 2177264

>Can they not hire better writers?
Otome is literally incapable of writing anything good or remotely compelling. Otomefags will claim otherwise but it's just cope because there's a husbando they like in the game. The same shit happened with "Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" where the author plagiarized a BL.

No. 2177270

I still don't like them and think they're cringe, but I try to avoid them now

No. 2177295

samefag, most of them will be gendies or get into the worst fetishes, so I already won

No. 2177320

This has been an issue with chinese and korean novels for a while now. It's basically lawless over there, everyone constantly steals resources and content from each other, but no one ever brings it to the government because it's either too embarrassing (mostly for koreans) or because they know they've also broken some morality law or copyright law (for the chinese), the only way to get another user to stop stealing your shit is through "face" basically acting innocent and trying to get an online mob to go after someone you dislike

No. 2177352

Not surprised, chinese otomes or visual novels are known for being steamrolling garbage (atleast the ones that i see getting localised). Ive looked at chinese vn's that get localised and they always look low quality with terrible translations.

?? This is more of a chinese otome issue than it is with whatever hateboner you have. Chinese visual novels are known for being badly produced, not being technically wall made, having terrible translations etc etc ive played chinese BL vn and they were kinda bad

No. 2177354

I'm glad I'm avoiding the English speaking fandom aside from them posting unavoidable spoilers and leaks all the time, but it's going to be so much worse when the next anime seasons will come out.

No. 2177367

File: 1727157644164.webp (18.73 KB, 640x479, if-the-anime-takes-place-aroun…)

sorry for asking in this thread but some nonnies may be able to help.
What do you think of the game franchise ''devil may cry'', is it a good game worth playing? is it male-gaze and targeted too much to a male audience?
Are there weird or sus moments in the game towards women or girls?

No. 2177419

Use the video game thread in /m/

No. 2177420

DMC is more gameplay orientated than story. Yes, it has some fanservice moments of women for moids in 4th and 5th games but they're sparse. I guess DMC has a fairly equal number of women and men fan, despite its dogshit story, kinda like resident evil fandom

No. 2177421

>Yes, it has some fanservice moments of women for moids in 4th and 5th game
Oh i wasn't asking about the the 4th and 5th ones since Dante looks walled in those ones (don't want to look at dante as geriatric). I was thinking more of the first three.

No. 2177425

I'm more surprised someone caught on the copy paste work.

No. 2177429

Well women existed in first 3 games but they're not main focus, nor any fanservice of them. The rest of game you will just play as Dante. (you can play as his retarded edgy twin of Dante in special edition of 3. and 2 other female characters in 2,which is the worst DMC game)

No. 2177432

File: 1727163337826.png (Spoiler Image,323.24 KB, 811x630, eyebleach.png)

I like Satosugu/Sugusato but I have noticed that some top Gojo/bottom Geto shippers feminize Geto to the extent that he loses whatever personality he has, and it almost feels like he is a self-insert for the shippers. There is one Vietnamese artist - getoswomb, who takes this to an extreme. She uses female pronouns when referring to Geto, writes extensively about Geto and femininity, and frequently draws him barefoot and pregnant with Gojo’s children. It almost makes me wonder why she doesn't ship Gojo/Utahime instead.

No. 2177445

>despite its dogshit story
People don't play DMC for the story, it's just a pretext to have hot guys with mommy issues killing demons and each other.

No. 2177446

god this artist is so schizo, iirc she also drew gojo as a dog fucking fem geto. how coomerbrained do you have to be to get to this point good god.

No. 2177450

I can kind of see where they're coming from based on some specific things in the plot like how his technique works or how he seems inspired by a specific female buddha who's considered the goddess of compassion but these fans take it so far he's ooc every time they draw or write him. I almost want to know the thought process of these fans, just morbid curiosity.

No. 2177452

File: 1727164300745.png (3.75 MB, 1631x1080, 1000019337.png)

I do believe you about shitty chinese VN translations in general (translation of chirality, the last chinese BL I played was absolutely terrible during hscenes, with lines like "press against the deep part of the colon"), but I must ask- are there that many localized chinese otome? The only one I've played is my vow to my liege, and it was quite excellent in terms of writing and had a very strong minded, logical and capable mc. I also played Soulslayer (also great), but it wasn't really otome but a murder mystery with a female mc.

No. 2177458

>mommy issues
funny, since the latest director (who just left crapcom recently) took over, Dante never personally mentioned a word about his mother anymore. Now it's Vergil got mommy issue nowadays

No. 2177461

Speaking of which, I wonder what will happen to DMC now that he left.

No. 2177462

I always wonder what made girls in my country obsess over cuntboys that much. They collectively melt down everytime this was mentioned

No. 2177468

Nonnie I always see cuntboy fan artists from Vietnam, sometimes even more than western fans, so I'm glad to see somebody from there acknowledges it kek

No. 2177477

It's also very popular with Chinese fujoshi, from what I've seen but maybe it's just because of the specific fandoms I've seen.

No. 2177478

They joke about wanting to lick random moid char's nonexistent pussy so much it became a common humor in community. They rarely joke about sucking dick of female chars though. That's girls side, boys are same lame moidy jokes which I don't really care

No. 2177481

i will literally never understand cuntboy and how it popped out of fucking nowhere and became a cancer in bl spaces

No. 2177485

Everyone complains about westerners being into it but literally every cuntboy artist that ever ended up on my feed has been Vietnamese. I wish I could give you an answer as to why but I can't.

No. 2177505

I don't mind it but i also don't get the point of cuntboy x male. It'd make more sense for a yumefag ('i like husbando, i have this weird fetish, i'll draw my husbando with a vagina'). Anything else looks like regular self-inserting with extra steps
The most baffling thing about this is that it's adults doing this..?

No. 2177512

I expected some horrifying art since the filename is "eyebleach.png" but wow she didn't even draw him looking like a bloated man, he straight up looks like an asian pregnant woman in the most cute and demure family art ever (except the one where he sucks on the boob, ew).
Honestly I'm glad I don't know the source material right now.

No. 2177526

>Honestly I'm glad I don't know the source material right now.
That's why it's not too horrifying by itself. The character with long black hair doesn't act or look like that at all, it's so ooc it's almost scary. Not by itself but wheb you think about how the artist's thought process works here.

No. 2177538

>i also don't get the point of cuntboy x male
i always assumed its because vaginas are more pleasing to draw and 'hotter' in nsfw gay fanart compared to dicks to them so thats why they have this obsession with it. in gay fanart its just a dick in an asshole so they dont think its appealing anymore

No. 2177545

penis in pussy isnt gay though these women are just heterosexual

No. 2177562

i hate bottom geto with a passion because of hyper feminizing art like this. i'm usually not autistic about top/bottom role distribution but geto must be a top otherwise all i can imagine is super ooc hyperfeminine parody of geto.

No. 2177569

I love Geto as a bottom with Gojo but I got so good at avoiding weird shit like this I don't have this issue. I look for art and headcanons with Japanese tags on twitter and block everyone I find weird or annoying in any language.

No. 2177573

>drew gojo as a dog fucking fem geto
Why is it always either Chinese or Vietnamese artists drawing yume zoo shit? Do they not get shamed as much as a western artits would?

No. 2177575

It's just spicy straight zoomers self-inserting as the cute bottom. Since they lack any kind of imagination they then give the guy a pussy becasue the internet has brainwashed them that real guy totally have pussies too.

No. 2177578

>block everyone I find weird or annoying in any language.
based, I do the same. 95% of the time it's a gendie, so blocking all gendies in sight has significantly reduced this shit in my feed. Nowadays I'm always so clueless when my friends complain to me about fandom drama and gross fetish art, since I've already blocked all the biggest offenders

No. 2177580

Do you look for specific things that makes you block people? If they're not annoying or weird as I said, I'll block them anyway if they type their bio a specific way, if they have their pronouns listed, their health issues (unless it's not a fandom account and the point of their account is to talk about their health issues or disabled people's rights), if they have the tranny flag anywhere in their bio or user name, etc.

No. 2177585

It's a swimsuit + you sound male(scrotefoiling)

No. 2177588

I'm very critical of Natlan, but where do you get the info from that it's failing in any way? Unfortunately, most whales will be male incels with too much disposable income and as you rightly pointed out, Hoyo is catering exactly to their tastes in this region.

No. 2177592

Devil May Cry is very fun.
Story is whatever, they don't even try tbh but it's fun to try and piece together a coherent story with autistic fans
The point is to have fun and make cool combos, or just have fun because combos are hard (yes I know skill issue).

DMC has quite a few fan service towards both male and female audiences but it also depends on what you consider to be fanservice. I think there's more obvious male fanservice

No. 2177593

It's so funny how different male and female JJK fans are. Maybe I didn't venture far enough but male JJK fans just constantly make "hype" edits. I thank the universe for giving us autistic male fans who create never ending Sukuna vs Gojo to Judas by Lady Gaga and they unironically made the song popular for a bit on tiktok.

No. 2177596

One of these ships is hilarious because it's single handedly ruining the show and caused the creator of the original book to write an entire blogpost against just one tiny criticism
I know he hates the ship so much.

No. 2177602

Genshin is nowhere near EoG, especially when it still breaks top 10 app popularity in China every time a new banner rolls. Y'all saying it's the end of the game despite Kinich gathering more attention than Mualani on launch and yet Hoyo's getting dragged to the planks for the excessive coomery of ZZZ. Thanks to their gachacel pandering they successfully drove people away from the game. I don't think Lighter's sales will salvage the game kek.

No. 2177605

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All of a sudden adaptations shouldn't make changes and should stick to the source material because you perceive these changes to be a betrayal of it

No. 2177607

All I know about male fans is that they're powerscalers and sometimes when they interact with female fans they apply their powerscaling math equations to shipping wars. Like when some of them start arguing over whether Gojo and Geto are gay for each other and which one is the uke and which one is the seme except it's worded like "my goat Gojo can't take it up the ass!" or "nah I'd never do all that for my male best friend". That or they argue whether JJK is not like other shonen manga because characters die more often than average. Which recently led to "how disappointing the last arc is, just because Sukuna killed 3 people instead of everyone" so now you see people calling the series Disney Kaisen.##

No. 2177608

I think male fans are just trying to navigate the hellscape that is shipping culture.
I noticed that shipping is becoming less gendered but it kind of depends on the media and if it has a large amount of female fans
But it's always funny to see because of shit like
>"my goat Gojo can't take it up the ass!"

No. 2177615

Unironically, no. Vietnamese are very protective about their "hobby". You would be called a "snowflake" if you dare criticize their shit taste

No. 2177633

Yes it's the funniest shit because instead of being like "it's gay I don't want to see that shit" they actual try to be more logical about it and it makes them look like they actually care about yaoi shit. Sometimes they argue among themselves over this without any actual fujoshi intervening and talk about mpreg (especially with Geto I guess) or who's a top or a bottom unprompted.

Another one is when there was that one panel of Kenjaku as a female nurse and some guys where like "we need to show this to Gojo so he can come back to life because Geto as a woman looks hot" right after arguing that Gojo and Geto are just close male friends and it's platonic between them.

No. 2177652

i'm glad to see others bringing this up. while you can see cringy degen shit everywhere, i feel like the absolute worst ive seen in terms of coomerslop, tradwification, and futashit have all been from SEAsia. specifically that whole area around the south china sea (philippines, indonesia, malaysia, and vietnam). i wish i knew why.

No. 2177658

I was actually saying the opposite. While I'm personally disappointed by the lack of male characters in Natlan (though I got Kinich on a whim and actually really like him) and can't stand the design of the female characters they've shown us so far, I'm under no delusion that Hoyo's decision to cater almost exclusively to the CN incel crowd will negatively affect the game. Not only are the new female designs coomer slop, but they're also making them super OP. I personally hate everything about Xilonen, but know she'll sell super well because of her whorish design and the fact that she seems to be the newest op support character all the meta slaves won't be able to skip.

No. 2177718

>adaptations shouldn't make changes and should stick to the source material
Honestly, yes, I'm not sure about the changes made in that xitter post, but I think there are way too many adaptations that could have only been inspired by the original and turned into a new story. They announce the adaptations names to gather an audience, but skew the story into new directions and act surprised when original fans dislike it. Maybe it's time for the industry to stop being so awfully lazy and start creating new stories other than writing AU and off character fanfics as scripts and pretending those are adaptations. I'm not saying there can't be any adaptations, but I'm tired of seeing complete garbage ones that change the source material so much you start questioning if the director even knows the source material.

No. 2177734

It's ladyboys.

No. 2177740

nta but one of characters was implied to be a gypsy

No. 2177743

this element has always existed in bl works, what you posted is basically the logical conclusion. but in most cases, they still leave the uke with a pseudo-penis so they can at least pretend it’s a relationship between two males

No. 2177746

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No. 2177752

File: 1727188706071.jpeg (Spoiler Image,199.01 KB, 2048x1152, FD68A6D8-E495-4D91-A894-198FC3…)

is a thread discussing the class of 09 drama? dev apparently added a lot of unironic and dead serious foot fetish + /pol/shit to the game. at first i was like “it’s always been south park what gives” but some of these caps don’t seem to have a punchline unless the joke is how absurd it is

No. 2177756

What gets me is that these women can never genderbend normally, they always have to make the female ver 100x more sexualized than the male ver. This is why I started avoiding women who like female characters because they can never be normal about it.

No. 2177762

It looks exactly the same but with white eyelashes.

No. 2177763

I think it's just another symptom of porn-brainedness. People can't write any non-degenerate smut anymore and they also can't draw normal, non overly sexualised female characters either.

No. 2177770

File: 1727190048424.png (Spoiler Image,419.19 KB, 680x385, IMG_4349.png)

No doubt the developer is a porn-addict, but the weirdly topical Palestine quip in one of the endings made me think he's also trying to scare off the TikTok Zoomer side of the fanbase. Courtesy spoiler, pic is aforementioned ending featuring one of the MCs in her underwear.

No. 2177777

File: 1727190988393.jpg (145.26 KB, 980x825, pancake-moth.JPG)

Ughhhhhfjg I kind of like him and I don't even care for Gojo wth is happening to me.

No. 2177783

Reminder that this is the same developer who sperged out about Japanese VNs not being real and authentic enough kek

No. 2177800

>Creator tries to attract edgy nihilistic 4chan teen boys with game
>instead ends up attracting edgy nihilistic Twitter teen girls
I would say this is the case of a writer just failing to capture lightning in a bottle twice, but I do believe after seeing some of the endings that they just hate the fanbase it accidentally spawned and now is just trying to scare them off.

No. 2177804

This looks traced?

No. 2177805

How the hell is Wuthering Heights “whitewashed” when the story is literally about white people from different classes in Victorian England?

No. 2177806

Might be about heathcliff being a moor?

No. 2177811


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2177817

heathcliff is implied to be a gypsy, back then being accused of having gypsy ancestry was an insult and you still see it today in eastern europe, middle-east, latin-america e.t.c

No. 2177829

They're unironically so deranged. I feel like I'm watching a circus show whenever I run into one of these shippers

No. 2177836

i don’t care about the changes but please be fucking real with me, do you actually think margot and jacob are right for those roles? because i think both of them are talented but that casting choice is insane for cathy and heathcliff. we need more actors. there could have been worse casting choices but holy shit as someone who loves that book i am hoping my girl margot can save it. i do love her and maybe she’ll surprise me. no faith in jacob sorry.

No. 2177841

I legit thought it was just an edited comic panel.
Edgy nihilistic 4chan teen boys are literally the worst possible audience you could ever attract so good luck to him ig kek. Inb4 he just gets popular with TIFs instead.

No. 2177844

What even is the shiny amorphous black mass in the corner of the screen supposed to be kek

No. 2177900

File: 1727199530165.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.7 KB, 1448x2048, akuta_sky.jpg)

I agree anon - I have never played twst and I also happen to like Gojo. But I think Jack's fluffy hair and painted lips make him more lovable and distinct. It's a shame that everyone just sees him as a Gojo carbon copy kek.

No. 2177910

What the fuck??? Beyond disturbing especially considering the only people I've seen mention class of 09 have been underage female zoomers

No. 2177919

Exactly, I'm pretty sure his attempt at winning scrote audiences back is just gonna backfire and make it even more popular with TIFs lmao

No. 2177921

Back of a guy's head, he is licking the feet.

No. 2177928

The kynn user is 29 btw, embarrassing. Why is it always the ones pushing 30 who act like this.

No. 2177943

The EXACT same thing happened with yandere sim, it would be hilarious that these terminally autistic 4chan incels are such retards they can't even comprehend they're making slop only preteen girls would be into if it didn't always end with them attempting to groom said zoomer fanbase. At the very least these retarded obese "gamedev" NEETs don't leave the house and keep their grooming strictly on discord which their victims can easily screenshot and expose them with as soon as they turn 16-17 and wise up

No. 2178062

this phenomenon has occurred a few times, probably the most famous case was with Supernatural, where the intended audience was young males and while some males did watch, the majority audience ended up being mostly women. The creator of Class 09 wanted an older mixed audience, but now one's ended up playing were mostly young women and girls, which freaked him out and now he's trying to shock them into leaving his project alone
videl, there's more fan-art and fics of the characters from a single april fools video, then any of yandere dev's other works

No. 2178081

Wait, I'm out of the loop. Someone explain to me why this is so popular with teenage girls, please.

No. 2178097

Teen girls are more likely to like "edge".
Same reason why K-on and Yuru Camp have higher male audience while stuff like Golden Kamuy manage to lean female despite looking like it'd appeal to gay men more.

No. 2178102

It's not even all that edgy tbh, it's just like a shittier version of mpgis. Your average Ryan Murphy show is way edgier than anything in class of 09, I guess it's just the newest viral shitty thing that randomly got popular with zoomers because they'll consoom anything.

No. 2178139

I'm >>2178081 and yeah this is exactly why it confuses me so much, as far as I've understood it's more like 12-year old boy edgy, not teenage girl edgy. Then again those genres have a surprising amount of overlap.

No. 2178159

If I had to guess, I’d say that a good portion of the popularity comes from the recent 2000's nostalgia

No. 2178198

File: 1727214325861.jpeg (191.99 KB, 1200x900, CF185A99-1D22-4E77-B4BC-D1C761…)

y2k trend + zoomers love edgy humor, doesn’t matter if they’re male or female. you also could claim “toxic yuri!1!1!1” cred by being into it, i’d also argue the first game (only one i’ve played) had weirdly feminist messaging. it at least approached the ~female experience~ in good, black faith. the humor was also rarely at the expense of le poc (or other groups that’d make zoomies squeal bloody murder), it actively made fun of nazis and incels and pedophiles so i guess it is a bit weird that the creator decided to go back on all that [spoiler{i’m guessing he has, anyway — won’t be able to play flip side until this weekend[/spoiler]

No. 2178199

>the humor was also rarely at the expense of le poc (or other groups that’d make zoomies squeal bloody murder),
But that's true edgy, y2k humor though

No. 2178203

you’re right but they’re zoomers so it was edge within reasonable constraints

No. 2178205

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Anyone else confused on why zoomers love the early 2000s so much? They're zoomers, meaning they were literal infants when Y2K even started. Nostalgia how? They most likely weren't conscious of any "culture" until the late 2000s and early 2010s. It's like if millenials became nerdy and spergy about 70s "vibes" and disco even though they were literal babies when the 70s was even still relevant.

No. 2178207

did you forget about the "90s kids" who were born in 1995?

No. 2178210

for the same reason you loved the 20s or whatever

No. 2178215

1995 just never counted as zoomer to me. I thought they were just late millenials.

No. 2178216

They are late millenials. I'm telling you this isn't a specific zoomer trait. "I was born in the wrong generation" types were already memed to death before zoomers ever logged on.

No. 2178218

You know what? Yeah, that's actually a good example. I thought where you were going with that was to argue that 1995 kids count as zoomers and had a chance of actually remembering any Y2K "culture". But I agree with you, it IS funny when people born in 1999 unrionically post about being a 90s child.

No. 2178225

Does the FGC count as a fandom? Interesting things happening over at the Guilty Gear community because troons have been invading ever since Strive’s release and there’s been tons of sexual assault controversies ever since. I keep seeing people on Twitter ask what happened and that the GG community/fandom was not like this before, and deep down they know the answer. Have troons ruined your fandoms?

No. 2178228

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I love Yume Nikki and I'm a fnafag. Take a wild guess.

No. 2178244

One side are moids and gendies, the other side are Japanese housewives.
Seeing them fight over fan art uploads and edits, mostly.

No. 2178246

>Anyone else confused on why zoomers love the early 2000s so much?
Because there is no culture post-pandemic. Everybody is terminally online now with algorithms only trying to show them culture war shit that pisses them off for engagement. Thing like low quality fast fashion and microtrends make it so there's no defining traits of the 2020's, there's no subcultures or nothing. the music is bland too with many mainstream songs being interpolations of songs that were popular in the decades before. Gen-alpha is performing horribly in school because of social media addiction. Architecture, design, interior, branding, is all greyish and uniform. It sucks for them, they have no culture. everything is online and zoomers can only look at the past to see a time where their brains wouldn't have been rotted

No. 2178250

do these people even like yaoi anymore

No. 2178253

I suspect the oversaturation of yaoi is making some of these women to turn the bl into het ships. That's just a theory though.

No. 2178255

No, they're the fakers who just ship ""yaoi"" because they are too scared to admit they're regular old hetshippers. There are tons of these girls, come into a fandom for a m/m ship and exclusively draw m/f of said ship.

No. 2178259

sorry let me Akshully really quick. that’s not Geto, that’s Kenjaku who is an actual genderless curse that can steal bodies and took Geto’s body. Kenjaku can essentially be whatever the fuck so technically they aren’t wrong with calling him a woman because he took a woman’s body and gave birth to the protagonist

No. 2178260

That doesn't make sense either, everything is oversaturated now due to overproduction of entertainment. The question is why do they feel the need to hetify gay ships when there are spades of get content already available. This does not happen at nearly the same frequency in the opposite direction (gaying hetships) so I'm confused. What is it that makes them choose the hetbending route rather than shipping het straight from the get go?

No. 2178268

>with many mainstream songs being interpolations of songs that were popular in the decades before
I'm still seething at all the current music blatant sampling Euro pop and house music from the late 90s early 2000s. Fuck David Guetta and that one Albanian chick that won't stop using old music to get them noticed

No. 2178283

omg nona, I seethe at exactly the same thing. LEAVE MY CHILDHOOD SONGS ALONE. thing is though, a fair amount of europop did the same thing back then but with 80s music, and I know I'm nostalgic but it wasn't as shit, those songs were still enjoyable as their own thing while current music just sounds like "HEY, REMEMBER OLD THING????"

No. 2178291

They prefer the character dynamics of the gay ship. Generally m/m is written differently from f/m.

No. 2178293

Maybe true, but they completely change them into OOC crap so it still doesn't make sense.

No. 2178299

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i don't understand why media that is obviously made by channers attracts a zoomer gendie fanbase. With South Park and Smiling friends I'll give it a pass cause they're adult comedies thus will always get normies. But class of 09 is literally just snoot game with better writing. Why are zoomers calling this shit feminist, i hate "media literacy"-fags.

No. 2178302

Honestly I think it just has to do with the fact that on the internet, most zoomers fall into two categories: gendie or chud, with too few that fall into anything else. Just by how broad a demographic it covers, your game is going to attract gendies as long it has anything that generally appeals to young people.

No. 2178312

maybe it's because it was always "het", in the first place

No. 2178313

>Might be about heathcliff being a moor?
wuthering heights was written in the 1800s not 1600s nonny
he also got called indian slurs, he was definitely some kind of half south asian
I think its that + zoomers self inserting with nicole/jecka like people used to with regina george. zoomers are contradictory in that they want be edgy mean girls that get validation from channers but also get PC when it actually effects them. Its the same thing with the hazbin/helluva boss fanbase. the game had domestic violence, school shooting, the mc joining the kkk and terrorist attack. But the foot fetish shit is the line kek.

No. 2178318

Same reason people in the 70s and 80s were obsessed with the 50s and we got a bunch of shitty 80s cgi reboot movies in the 2000s and early 2010s, it’s the 20 year rule.

No. 2178321

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the cope

No. 2178322

If it's the exact same then they should be shipping het too, so they are different.
It's probably the same mindset as people moving where the grass seems greener but then taking their problems with them.
They deny they like het dynamics because they're not supposed to, so they set up shop in yaoi land but add the het dynamics because its what they like.

No. 2178326

It is true that it's pretty damn tryhard ironic weeb tbf, it makes sense that weeb males don't like it.

No. 2178327

It's over for the new generation.

No. 2178329

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tale as old as time Mindless Self Indulgence, Vivziepop and SBN3 creating edgy media hoping they gain adult audience that appreciates "the social commentary". Only to be stuck with teenage shippers

No. 2178331

That’s what happens when you don’t put R18 scenes in your game

No. 2178332

Has anyone else noticed when women want high quality games with male fanservice, we're told to just play otome or BL vns instead? Why is it that women must settle for an inferior product? Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and men were told to just play eroge and yuri vns instead? Exactly.

No. 2178335

it can't even attract the yuri side of 4chan because it's not infantilised or cutesy enough. it was destined to get south park and invader zim fans

No. 2178337

Basically, the creator royally flunked the market research phase of his project.

No. 2178342

>Why is it that women must settle for an inferior product?
Neither of those are inferior products though? Just because it’s directly made for women doesn’t make it ‘inferior’

No. 2178350

Yeah, about VNs….they're not good. There's a reason only hardcore otaku play them.

No. 2178352

what is it with zoomers and trying to make the shit that they like morally perfect and conscious, if it's funny, it's funny. Why do they need to do mental gymnastics to justify themselves liking it?

No. 2178353

people have been talking since 2015, most of the popular memes almost always come from politically right-wing spaces, even before memes, far-right culture had a disproportionate impact on pop-culture as a whole

No. 2178355

Because Voltron happened in the 10s, that's why.

No. 2178356

I meant in production values. Compare something like Slow Damage or Love and Deepspace to Nikke or the most recent Atelier game. We get objectively inferior products and you'd have to be blind not to see that. Not only that but female-oriented games are often relegated to two genres; gachashit and VNs. Men get everything from RPGs to platformers to fighting games that have sexy women everywhere.

No. 2178357

>they're not good
Except they are, you’re literally just writing them off because you’re too lazy to read.
>There's a reason only hardcore otaku play them.
Why is this an issue? You’re asking for video games with male fanservice which is already in the otaku zone if it’s weeb shit but then writing off an entire genre of it because ‘icky otakus’.

No. 2178358

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despite all this drama these fans will still buy SBN3's slop because unlike yandev he doesn't procrasinate releasing his work
i have to confess I was a yansim yume shipper fag and have been watching his fall off for a while. Even after the yandev milk got more attention he still had a fanbase of loyal haters kek. He still has "fans" who basically nitpick everything and hang onto the hope that the game will finish thanks to sunk cost fallacy. Which is why he can live off of people hatewatching him and breadcrumbing game updates

No. 2178360

Play fire emblem or something then. I’m not saying you’re incorrect but most of the people who play video game are men anyway (outside of mobile games)

No. 2178361

NTA I like VNs but they are not for everyone. Literally hours of clicking and reading not exactly the gameplay most people like

No. 2178364

Might be unpopular here and I'm an adult zoomer which probably influences my opinion but I really enjoyed the game and thought it was funny as fuck, or at least the original ones. It was however painfully obvious that the game had fetishy undertones that idk how the main crowd didn't see.

No. 2178366

I thought Love and Deepspace has a fighting mode

No. 2178367

This. They're not even games, just books turned into software. There are much, much better books in existence for me to be wasting time in edgeslop VNs with sloppy sex scenes. If I play a game, I want gameplay.

No. 2178369

>I’m not saying you’re incorrect but most of the people who play video game are men anyway
Lol are we really going to resort to gender stereotypes on lolcow of all places.
I guess i must be a man now.

No. 2178371

Production quality wise they are not good. Also otaku are degenerate subhumans, cope.
More and more women are into video games these days, this is just myth.
I play VNs myself, I'm just saying we shouldn't have to be restricted to one niche genre.
So? It's not enough at all. Just because it's one game mode doesn't mean we should be happy about it.

No. 2178372

Most high quality games I've ever seen that created content explicitly for females were BioWare titles. Too bad the devs are now trash.

No. 2178373

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I feel like Love and Deepspace has more stuff than Nikke, just that collabs are an option with something like Nikke.

No. 2178374

I get that but it does track that it would be the main area where female gaze gets represented since other than RPGs most video game genres don’t really place an emphasis on interpersonal relationships and romance.

No. 2178378

Nikke is coomshit but the characters still look better than the ones in love and deepspace not gonna lie.

No. 2178380

I hate the fugly CGI look so much, they look like booktok alpha males run through an anime filter. I want fun and inspired designs.

No. 2178381

Where? Most men I've seen in bioware titles are ugly
Nikke has fun gameplay, constant characters, and high quality art at least from what I've seen. I don't like nikke btw
>most video game genres don’t really place an emphasis on interpersonal relationships and romance
Misogyny and stereotyping on my lolcow? More likely than you'd think!

No. 2178383

I don't want romance, I want a hot piece of ass to play as while I wreak havoc.

No. 2178384

Isnt it live2d vs. fully animated 3d?

No. 2178385

There are games that are female centric but they are set up to fail unless they stay within the safe cozy game scope. Because scrotes are more aggressive when it comes to policing games and making sure they pander to them than women are. Women are fine with defaulting to male protags and ignoring male gooner pandering, scrotes are not. Scrotes will support any game that panders to them esp gooner bait even if its shitty gacha. But any game that is female centric gets shit on without backup. There is no reason why stellarblade is treated like the 2nd coming of christ but forspoken had to flop. dontnod is releasing a game that has yellowjackets vibes

No. 2178386

i am glad this faggot is getting cancelled, time to get off his high horse and realize his shitty game is only a shitty fad for alpha kids akin to all the fnaf clones

No. 2178387

Devil May Cry

No. 2178389

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>love and deepspace still oversexualizes its female characters

No. 2178390

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I feel the same way towards Nier and Bayonetta that the anons her feel towards 09 class.

The robot girl in Nier and Bayonetta are both extremely sexualised yet for some reason i am supposed to find that empowering??? Gay moids keep trying to gaslight me and tell me how these games are empowering and so feminist meanwhile the girl in Nier literally has random camera creep shots of her panties throughout the game for no reason, tight impractical outfits with high heel that show her panties when moving around, there is literally a achievement award that you can get in the game if you try to look up completely under her skirt, one of the other character also tells her ''i want to ** you''. Now for Bayonetta it's slightly better compared to Nier but it still doesn't change how Bayonettas whole personality is just being sexual or a seductress.

Im tired of gay moids and pickmes defending these two games or even daring to call them empowering.

No. 2178391

>Men in burqas
>In the male fan service game
I'm so done. I'm finished. We are fucked as a species.

No. 2178392

Resident Evil
Devil May Cry
Metal Gear: Rising
Fighting games
Do you even play video games holy shit nonna

No. 2178393

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I loved yandere simulator years ago, I was sort of obsessed with kokona. I would mod the game with posemod and dnspy to make lesbian relationships between all of the female students i shipped. He's never going to finish the game, it's been ten years and he's still focusing on frivolous shit like 1980's mode. Amai came out so rushed one of her elimination events is literally SHITTING on a cake she made kekekek

No. 2178395

Aren't these optional outfits you can gamble for if you want to?

No. 2178396

Bayonetta actually is empowering because she owns it and brings the sexuality on herself and she is genuinely badass, another example being Lollipop Chainsaw. Nier:A is NOT empowering because 2B is literally uncomfortable when you oogle her ass and literally smacks the camera away if she catches the player, and Yoko Taro is a gooner fuck who gets off to women being uncomfortable. Huge difference.

No. 2178397

Two sides of libfemmery

No. 2178398

Gambling is the whole point of the game, it's a gacha.

No. 2178399

>another example being Lollipop Chainsaw.
Anon I love silly James Gunn humor: the game as much as the next person but literally nothing about this game is remotely empowering or feminist.
If there is feminist video games out there I sure as hell haven’t seen them anyway.

No. 2178404

Oh but anon, we should be happy with it since it's totally femgaze and women LOVE wearing revealing clothing for their burqa'd men and you should just suck it up!
Yeah, for a supposed "femgaze" game it sure is shit at doing its job.

No. 2178405

I get loving bayonetta because it's campy but scrotes would never take a character that was obviously bait for women and try to reclaim. They would instantly shut it down. You would never get video games that are obviously power fantasy for women like twilight, bridgerton or hunger games without game commentators calling it woke garbage or something

No. 2178406

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Couldn't you just… not roll for the conservative outfits and save for revealing ones?

No. 2178408

A lot of these girls are autistic and straight, they probably don't connect to the male gaze way hetero ships in mainstream media are written with. Telling them to just consume hetero stuff made by men for men is not going to solve the matter.

No. 2178409

The men should ONLY have revealing outfits is the thing.

No. 2178410

No. We'll always be forced to settle for scraps unless we become deranged terrorists like male gamers. CN sisters are on the right track, as much as it hurts to admit.

No. 2178412

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>Yoko Taro is a gooner fuck who gets off to women being uncomfortable.

Yeah i remember Yoko defending the sexualisation of 2B in Nier because he ''likes to look at pretty women'' like tf does that have to do with literal creep shots.

>Bayonetta actually is empowering because she owns it and brings the sexuality on herself

Really? is it worth playing then because some of the screenshots of this game made me feel uncomfortable like those weird ass up face down poses she makes or her personality being just sexy sex mcsex lol
Alice madness returns is the only one that i can say is for women. Its a pretty good game, it's currently on sale on steam for any nonnie interested kek.

No. 2178413

>bayonetta is empowering
please be baiting. And i love juliet, shes my favourite female character in vidya, but shes still a piece of ass for men. Its a shame juliet is the closest we will ever get to antihero mc like Travis.

No. 2178414

Fuck no outfits like this are cringe as hell.

No. 2178415

nta bu for you. For me suits and the like are cringe.

No. 2178416

Speaking of bait what do you mean Hunger Games and Twilight are women’s power fantasy
>woman almost folds and nearly commits double suicide with a moid
>predatory relationship
>the entirety of New Moon
>getting married at 18 and almost immediately having a kid

No. 2178417


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No. 2178420

>Alice madness returns is the only one that i can say is for women
That’s true, still wouldn’t really say it’s a ‘feminist’ game but I also don’t think a game exploring feminist topics would be that good in general (it would probably just be inoffensive shit so no one gets upset on twitter anyway).

No. 2178421

Wouldn't the revealing outfits being more popular push them into that direction anyway?

No. 2178422

I have horrible news for you regarding just how mentally cucked most women are, live example right here btw >>2178414

No. 2178424

NTA but those kind of are teenage girl power fantasies.

No. 2178426

they are power fantasy because they are explicitely aimed at women. no they aren't feminist or ground breaking but they pander to female fantasies unapologetically and if scrotes can get 100 shitty isekais or games about divorced losers being badass. i'll tolerate women having their action adventure with a bow, arrow and love triangle

No. 2178428

i don't like deep space but that white haired one with the red eyes called Sylus can get it ifykwim.
I wish this game had a 18+ version so i could make my character have sex with him lol

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