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No. 1966263
Thread to discuss the anti-fujo movement and the spergs associated with it. From trannies claiming that ukes are actually transwomen, schizos claiming that BL causes women to troon-out, to tifs and salty gay men claiming that BL is fetishizing gay men, etc.
Notable anti-fujo cows:
>paladinbooObssesed antifujo pickme from the moid farms. Claims feminism turned women into fujos and that all women have a rape fetish. She inserts her hatred of fujos into unrelated threads and derrails them into oblivion with her sperging. Has an obssesion with sparkle dog artist and hazbin hotel creator vivienne medrano.
>james somertonBreadtuber frogman who recently got outted as a plagiarist and a scammer. Harassed author of love simon for being 'a straight woman writting about gay men', author had to come out as a bisexual to stop the harassment. Despite being aware of the harassment and forcing the author to come out as bisexual, he still kept namedropping her and her book, and playing the
victim when the author told him to stop.
>paki-chanOur resident fujosperg. Pakistani NEET who spends her days sperging about first world problems like fujoshis while also sperging about living in a horrible country. Calls fujos degenerate and pornsick while simping for neo-nazi killer Varg vikerness. Has posted both her grandma
>>>/m/206387 and her brother's hand to the farms and has a very concerning hyperfixation on little boys getting raped in ancient cultures
>>>/ot/1874107 >>>/ot/1874111
>>>/ot/1874116. If you see a post that claims ukes are actually female, that's most likely paki-chan. She's also another resident personalityfag known as ''crap-chan''.
Social media links:
Paladinboo: No. 1966264
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I wanna know what kind of alternate universe paladinboo lives in that moids are reading wholesome romance novels where they fix autistic girls instead of rape fantasies and power fantasy harems where moid get a harem of underage sex slaves.
No. 1966266
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>>1966264imagine being such a pickme for cheese ridden kiwiscrote dick
No. 1966272
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>yaoi is the true bane of fandom, not the lolicons, coomer moids and groomers!
I swear if Null didn't hate loli she would be the type of pickme to defend lolicon while still seething over fujos and yaoi.
No. 1966273
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troons think everything revolves around them
No. 1966274
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No. 1966323
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kek why are trannies so obssesed with fujos lately? I know this is an old tweet, but i have seen a lot of ''fujos just want to objectify the poow twans womyn!' lately
No. 1966326
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These trannies and schizos make me miss the good ol DA anti fujo days
>>1966325>They discovered a lot of fujos are into hot anime guys crossdressing as womeni mean, not really
No. 1966329
>>1966273>>1966274>>1966275This is honestly both funny as hell and enraging. They really took the "fujos are fetishizing gay men" narrative and repackaged it from another angle.
>Umm ackshually, ukes are stand-ins for trans women because they're always dainty and feminine (like an average hon is of course) so they're STEALING TRANS WOMAN BODIES FOR THEIR RAPE FANTASIES!!!!!!It's actual schizo level narcissism. They absolutely can't cope with women liking something they find disgusting and can't coom to. They know they're talking out of their ass but they're willing to put on those clown shoes five sizes too big just to get rid of women, it's literally the same thing as those Korean gacha incels who call any women they don't like "
TERF" after they learned that it can be used as a magic spell to make English speakers attack them. It's concern trolling at its most moidish form.
>>1966323One word: misogyny. All you need to know.
No. 1966334
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>>1966317Seriously I'm so fucking tired of this meme it's time for light derail. If you like twinks you're not attracted to women or femininity, you're attracted to YOUTH, which is natural and untainted young female heterosexuality. This is what women naturally want before being bombarded with old and fug propaganda, or having to settle for utilitarian reasons. There are no old fart boy bands for a reason. So many fake bis, "pansexuals" and temporary lesbians could be prevented if we just accepted that it's normal to be attracted to men in their prime. You're not "queer" or into "male femininity", you're into maleness that hasn't aged yet. Males age fast and what they define as "masculinity" is 9 times of 10 just signs of age related hypertrophy, which is a form of DECLINE no matter what gymcels tell you.
I can't believe we as a society are fashioning a young woman's interest in young men into some sort of an aberrant paraphilia just because post-wall old liches are norwooding about it, it's wild.
No. 1966405
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No. 1966429
>>1966334>post-wall old lichesKEK
but you're right and you should say it
No. 1966441
>>1966435It makes no sense at all. To these people straight and bi women who simply want to look at good looking, handsome and/or cute men are fetishizing men, as if that's not just normal attraction. Meanwhile these exact same people on tumblr a decade ago kept telling everyone that kinkshaming anyone into BDSM was highly
problematic. And they're also the same people who to this day keep accusing lesbians of being weird predators for wanting to have sex with their girlfriends instead of just being satisfied with hugs and handholding. Basically if you're a woman who's not as pure and unwilling as a nun you're a disgusting sl- I mean, a man fetishizer.
No. 1966488
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>>1966264>>1966266Oh holy fuck so I wasn't the only one annoyed by PaladinBoo. She makes threads unreadable. She was sperging in the Baldur's Gate 3 thread over and over about the presence of romance in stories being a consequence of braindead women infesting video games (picrel, including an example comment, which isn't necessarily bad by itself but it goes on for pages– and this is only searching the 'romance' keyword in the BG3 thread).
>>1966270I find it hard to believe it's a moid larping as a woman because she is genuinely just too dedicated and autistic about it.
No. 1966570
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>>1966391You know, it's legit made me feel guilty about being a fujoshi/creating fujo content, knowing that it's caused/ing so many women to TiF out and destroy their bodies. But knowing that it pisses off TiMs is a fantastic salve, thank you nonnas!
No. 1966583
There's something I don't get about James Somerton. I only heard about him for the first time when he got outed for plagiarism for his videos and I got curious so this week I watched the video about what he did exactly, which is super long. So what I don't get is: who the fuck watched his videos and thought "oh yeah he's right, straight white women are evil for liking anime guys holding hands"? All the short parts of his videos shown in the long video roasting him are horrible. He sounds boring and uninterested in what he says and says a lot of factually incorrect shit. Then out of nowhere he shit talks straight women who have gay bffs. How do you watch that and thinks he should be listened to? Seeing this shit really shocked me because it explained so, so many stupid or incorrect arguments I keep seeing online like "most fujoshi are queer", turns out the fujoshi saying this were coping hard because they didn't want to be accused of potential homophobia by some retarted youtuber. I wish the main arguments used back then when these accusations happened were more like "yes, and?" rather than "n-no I swear I'm a mooloomoo pls don't cancel me for not hating Junjou Romantica!!"
>>1966578You're both correct imo. BL by itself isn't making girls troon out. It's the fandoms and their shitty "if you're a straight girl you're fetishizing men and that's bad" rethoric. And guillible, well meaning teenage girls believed it and felt bad for "fetishizing" gay men (or rather, tifs calling themselves gay men) and started questioning why they even like BL so much, since they're not gay men themselves. If they're mentally ill or vulnerable enough and talk to the wrong people irl or online they're easy to brainwash into trooning out.
No. 1966615
>>1966550The entire kiwifag mythos surrounding CRPGs is gold
>Female characters were nice girls before!>clearly never played previous BGs, let alone NWN or anything else>brings up space furry datesim as good old daysMy sides are in the fucking orbit. Most gaming vidya game identity warrior.
No. 1966629
>>1966488>>1966498Don't think so, her posts genuinely sound like a lonely 15-year old girl, possibly ESL due to the clunky vernacular, who grew up online surrounded by 20-something nerdy misogynist moids telling her how fujos are disgusting coomers and not at all kawaii for not tending to male feelings. I feel like a FBI profiler being so specific about it but that's exactly the vibe she gives me.
>>1966570>>1966578>>1966583If "straights are being oppressed so they troon out" was the real reason, there wouldn't be a huge epidemic of butch lesbians going extinct by transitioning. At its root it's misogyny and the current time enforcing gender stereotypes even further by introducing transitioning as a viable option to take instead of restructuring the society into accepting women as they are.
No. 1966632
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>>1966578I don't mean that BL's literal existence causes women to troon out, or else my tits would be long gone. I mean the current fandom surrounding it, and the TRA/Influencer/ABO bs telling them that 'men' can have vaginas and be TOTES
valid gay boys uwu. There's also the ones who got guilted into trooning out, as
>>1966583 said.
No. 1966637
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>>1966631he found yaoi god very recently and posted this kek. I think hbomber guy's documentary exposing him as a fraud to 11million people completly broke him.
No. 1966638
>>1966637Ah, he's trying to score sympathy from fujos I see. It's always lovely how people relentlessly shit on the fujo community until they realize how powerful and dedicated they actually are, that's when fujos are suddenly cool and based. It's like when scrotes have a panic attack over their degenerate coomery being censored and try to use fujos as their personal army to fight against it with their "You like
problematic fiction too, right? We're in this together!" gaslighting.
No. 1966640
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>>1966638I dont think he's trying to garner sympathy from fujos, he's too arrogant to ever backtrack. He's clearly mentally ill and is having a breakdown of some sort. I guess he can no longer milk his tranny fanbase by harassing female authors, gotta start applying to McD
No. 1966668
>>1966488This may be tinfoil but this fuck definitely posts here as well, I remember some anon saying she? was in the ftm thread with the same exact talking points and typing style. I also doubt it's a female honestly because she's so obsessed with saying women want to be raped, but it may be a sad extreme case of coolgirl.
>>1966664Not really, unless you count them hiding behind a male identity to get take seriously as "trooning out". But if they were it's definitely because of BL, not the rampant misogyny and rape happening in Japan, surely women want to be men because of the pretty boys and not society treating them like breeding cattle and enforcing strict gender roles telling them that if they're not feminine then they're not women at all. It's those damn pretty boys kissing on paper!!
No. 1966679
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>>1966274The lengths they will go to, to make every conceivable thing about themselves is absolutely mind boggling. This level of word salad is only rivaled by gangstalking schizos, and honestly I think they’re far more capable at making a cogent, believable statement than TIPs.
Even the most porn addled chronically online maladjusted antisocial fujoshi on earth wouldn’t touch their frankenginas or smelly cheesy dicks and that must really hurt.
No. 1966682
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Kek, this is not completely antifujo, but this really reminds me of all the big mad at Sadistic Beauty, a manhwa with het, BL and GL simultaneously. A wurstie male character gets treated the way girls do in vanilla hentai and everyone wants the author killed. Example:, before the copyright crackdown, all the pirated panels were littered with some assblasted woman's commentary. Hoe actually paid to download it just to repost it with textwalls about how
triggered she is that her favorite woobie incel character got "abused".
No. 1966686
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Another oldie but goodie: Teahouse. A long time ago, at the peak of its popularity, there was a hekin tumlr blog called "peehouse" in which unironic pornsick moids seethed about how it's evil and "rapey" that there's a submissive uke in it or whatever. The blog is long gone, but maybe there are archived pages.
It's just fascinating how every single filthy coom chimp with a 50TB stash of BBC facially abused painal teens channels his inner Andrea Dworkin the moment he catches a whiff of yaoi, findom or women wanting to fuck something that looks nothing like his repulsive balding self.
t. someone who actually dislikes yaoi
No. 1966699
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>>1966682you weren't kidding. i looked this manga up and this was at the end of one of the chapters… what the fuck is this kek. why even translate something you hate this much?
No. 1966713
>>1966699kek I remember reading this translation and being so annoyed with the constant notes complaining about how evil the fmc is
Also hilarious that she wrote ‘healthy and consensual’ bl with those two characters when one rapes the other in the original story long before the fmc does anything questionable
No. 1966718
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>>1966713right? also funny how she's virtue signaling with her own notes in another person's manga when she obviously liked this uwu evil rape story to the point of writing her own fanfic for it. very mentally ill, contradictory behaviour
No. 1966725
>>1966713I just remembered the cow's username. Somewhere on that blog is a diatribe about how Minho is actually the
victim and his misogyny is understandable because he has a micropenis kek: her shit was unreadable so I just paid for the webtoon. Good work getting me to support the author lmfao
No. 1966789
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>>1966725Holy shit this is my favorite flavor of retarded. When the sidestory was originally releasing I didn't even finish it then because the TL notes were so goddamn annoying
>So instead of seeing him as a character who is mean by choice, you understand why he behaves this way. He is constantly bullied for his penis size (something the author strongly insisted is small), erectile dysfunction (which goes away when he’s being raped), his poverty, low paying job, money-strapped ways, sexual inexperience (he’s a virgin until he’s raped by the fl), he is also shamed for his alleged tendency of being a masochist even though he’s “tall and muscular”. Not to mention he doesn’t have one genuine, consensual sex scene in the manhwa, each one has the element of force and the worst scenes show him peeing, puking, crawling, feeling suicidal, getting beaten, pierced, locked up with his bones broken. Therefore, even though he’s unbearable with his meanness, you understand his side of the story, feel sickened by how he’s being treated and wonder how he’d be if he was actually seen as a human being rather than a piece of good-looking fetish flesh by the author.>Hiii local, friendly Feminist here!! To all the people labelling this manhwa as some sort of new wave feminist revisionist discourse masterpiece, I would like to say that it CAN’T be anything along those lines or even any variation of a broken feminist narrative because Feminism isn’t a women’s cause, it’s a societal cause. Patriarchy isn’t restricted to men or is singularly imbibed in men but is a system that anyone, even women can exploit. Duna, so far in her actions, has been extremely pro-patriarchal or reverse-patriarchal (which is not Feminist either), judging Minho’s capacity by his penis size, chiding him for having masochistic tendencies, mocking him for not being the typical alpha male like Cha Wookyung, reducing him to his body, looks, fetishising and objectifying him and not even beginning to consider the possibility of him having any semblance of mental health that she might be actively affecting and bringing to ruin. No. 1966792
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Pathetic millenial 'lesbian' who displays obsessive hatred for fujos and kneels for her troon audience in the process. Lesbian in scare quotes because why would a homosexual woman constantly fish for approval from creepy ugly moids?
>>1966632Tranny in picrel is a TiM doing his best TiF impersonation. Not quite sure if he's just an unfunny gay into BL or an AGP in disguise (likely the former)
No. 1966890
>>1966889Not every fujo is into the porn sides of yaoi though, some of us just enjoy the fluffy romance types instead, just as much as we enjoy straight fluffy romance content. You're getting all worked up instead of just making your own thread,
No. 1966907
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>>1966875kek, maybe dont act like a sperg, derrail threads and ban evade if you dont want to get labelled as a cow. I seriously doubt those posts weren't all hers, she was retarded enough to confess that at least one post was hers(what samefaggers always do). Here is her posting her fat boy hands
>>>/ot/1146823 No. 1966910
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>>1966907and here she's exposing her brother to the farms because she got angry farmers called her fat
>>>/ot/1147070 No. 1966937
>>1966838>>1966834kek i had no idea (thought she was a tryhard nobody so didn't bother looking 'her' up), i love this kind of reveal. That explains why her account feels like a shitty time capsule
>>1966912Right, she perfectly embodies the ethos and style of enraged 'nerdy' tumblr TiM bullies, it's troubling
(deleted to fix reply)
No. 1967025
>>1966979shes been doxed a few years back, i think it was in kf? she's an extremely wealthy thai heiress. as in so rich she lives in a bubble and her lifestyle is completely different from that of her countrymen.
she doesn't care about anything that isn't terminally online fandom discourse so you never see her oost anything about rl thai politics, but iirc her family were close supporters of the thai monarchy.
it's hilarious how racist she is about asians living in the west and lords being a "proper" asian over them, but is the sort of westernised degen who only posts in english about us politics and gendie shit made up by us academics.
>>1966937she's been at it since 2003. someone made an exposé kn her in 2014 that won a hugo award lol. but nothing has stopped her. i have no trouble believing she's mega wealthy bc she's managed to get her books published and stay in the sf/f community withiut ever facing any consequences for her behaviour.
No. 1967152
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No. 1967218
>>1967152Always a pleasure to see fujos pushing back against male genderspecials (predators) and chronically online pickmes.
>>1967090Paki-chan and others alike are just hypocrites who are okay with women being abused in fiction (because that's their place I guess) but will piss themselves as soon as a male is shown in the same position, so they really just can't stand seeing men being sexualized because they're too precious for that. They also can't stand when an icky woman is sexualizing a man while not sexualizing herself.
No. 1967263
>>1967079>>1967095>>1967241Besides genuine homophobia and run of the mill yume lunacy it's always felt like a mix of insecurity and jealousy to me. A few years ago there was an artist who became the twitter main character of the day for writing an embarrassing thread about how she feels oppressed and unrecognized because she only creates straight content and that only gay content gets any sort of a fanbase and how "misogynist" it is, completely ignoring the possibility that maybe her work was just painfully subpar and uninteresting (after taking a look, it was) and anyone creating original premises, gay or straight, struggles with getting their work out there. It's the symptom of terminal stages of online poisoning, being so far removed from reality that you forget that like 99% of all mainstream media revolves around heterosexual relationships.
You can see this happen on Lolcow too, people unironically hating fujos because they feel slighted by their work and see it as a zero-sum game wher the more homo stuff they create the less straight content they receive, and since heterosexuality is considered the default in all media they've grown blind to how much they still are surrounded by it. The reason why the fujo community is so large and active is that they have nowhere else to go, it's not like the seasonal anime is going to give them a canonized gay ship so they have to create an extended fanon universe or completely original works to satiate what they want. People into straight ships don't have to do this because they're being fed by the official storyline, so of course they don't need to go through the effort fujos do. For someone with conventional tastes it's a tough pill to swallow that things you can't relate to or like get more praise than your work.
No. 1967274
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Dont fall for bait nonnies stay strong
No. 1967276
>>1967273You think gendies created omegaverse? They latched onto it, but omegaverse has existed way before all the tranny shit. And the reason it exists is pretty simple, a lot of women enjoy babies and family themes so they found a way to do it in yaoi too. But I guess the armchair psychoanalysis is more fun to you. Just keep in mind that this isn't the right thread, you literally have your own and you're delusional.
>>1967025She's such a cow. Do you know what books she wrote? I'd love to see just how bad they are.
>>1966875What a stupid fuck kek she said she was the one making the posts in the past. She also posted her hands once other than
>>1966907 and
>>1966910, it was a picture of her hand on a mirror, not sure if someone saved it. She also admitted to being (c)rap-chan. Reminder that if you don't want to become a cow then maybe consider not announcing your retarded posts each time, dear proud jatt.
No. 1967282
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No. 1967284
>>1967282their only criteria for ~feminizing~ a dude is if he takes dick up the ass or not. and
we're the misogynists?
No. 1967288
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Paladinboo has been fully doxed, picrel is her, she used the same name on KF as she did for her letsplay youtube channel and all her other online profiles. I assume she's such a pick-me because she is autistic and ugly. She is extremely annoying on KF, just constantly looking for male attention.
No. 1967292
>>1967290She was doxed by Onion Farms think she deleted the channel, at least I can't find it anymore.
No. 1967307
>>1967292So pushing 40, from the looks of it.
>>1966498 confirmed.
No. 1967314
>>1967282This is their thought process. A male is shorter, slightly weaker, or the receiver of either dick or abuse? That's basically a woman, doesn't matter if he has a dick. I wonder if they think the same when they see lesbian couples in real life or fiction? If a woman is tall, muscular, strong and dominant in the relationship is she a man in all but pronouns? That's some literal tranny thinking.
>>1967312Maybe she's just obsessed with herself and wants her autistic moid audience (if she had any) to find her everywhere kek
No. 1967323
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>>1967314kek you are so right.
shorter and ''curves''(where? they are both roided?)=women. It's hilarious because deku is the one that takes it up the ass, so no, the uke isnt bakugo. They are so incredibly sexist i have no idea how they ended up her, they sound like christian moms that freak out when the little girl picks the blue tshirt over the pink one.
No. 1967334
>>1967323Samefag as
>>1967327 but I find that anti-fujo spergs would be much more tolerable if they didn't make their hatred a moral crusade and just pointed and laughed at fujo cringe.
However, this also reminds me that actual fujo cringe as a type of milk is dying, because most of it now comes from TIFs which ends up counting as TIF cringe instead of fujo cringe. Trannism is truly the bane of female fandoms whether they are heteros LARPing as gays or self-hating lesbians.
Non-troon fujos are relatively boring now, nothing on the level of hetalia fujos from the early 2010s.
No. 1967425
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>>1967411>>1967288KEK she does look like a wojack but not the one in her Kiwi profile pic. Also I found this old twitter acc with her old user name and it looks like it's hers. If it is, it looks like she has OCD and Aspergers and has been sperging about fujos since 2016 kek
No. 1967463
>>1967425>cheating is a new england pass timenow i kno lil miss does
not watch football
No. 1967526
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No. 1967538
>>1967528It's bait, anon.
>>1967526Bitter detransitioners who project aggressively like this and feel no ounce of empathy for others who were roped into trannyism are just as destructive as the TRAs providing kids with under the counter hormones. You might've transitioned because you're a "porn obsessed fucking loser" who was "groomed by yaoi" but usually they transition because the world around them keeps telling them they're failwomen for not keeping up with the insane standards laid at women's feet, the freedom they see in male privilege and money grubbing gender clinics assigning them expensive treatments that they request instead of questioning their gender feefees. I can't take some "anti-gender cult" activist seriously if they simultaneously tweet about those poor young girls being led astray yet turn around to post peak antagonistic NLOG takes.
No. 1967585
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>>1967554TiFs into yaoi are so weird, they don't even understand the appeal of the characters so they change them completely. Like at what point is it a headcanon and not just an OC? Kek.
Something that most people don't seem to get is that it's dumb to change a whole ass character by following some random headcanons, while still keeping the name of the characters for the sake of having something to tag your shit with. That's what's kind of annoying, it isn't something to threaten to kill someone but it really makes you block people kek.
Like how do you go from pic related to
>>1967282Overfed state fair contest pigs? At this point it's just so funny to see them side by side.
(derailing) No. 1967613
>>1967526I don't get how people can be detrans and blame transness on only one thing, in this case yaoi and/or porn. They can claim that it's always just being pornsick, but multiple accounts from women and even from men can prove otherwise. Besides, if you are pornsick you probably have underlying problems that aren't porn related. Addictions tend to be a symptom of something else.
I feel like OP is going through some sort of self-hatred instead of accepting that T injections made her hornier and gave her a porn addiction.
Kinda related: I don't get people who insist yaoi/BL is always just porn. There's a lot of it that's porn, but also so many which are just fluffy romance where at most it fades to black. Even a lot of the porn is plot-heavy.
If anything yaoi/BL addiction is a form of escapism for these kinds of TIFs, instead of a quick rush of pleasure. They live vicariously through the gay/bi male characters instead of accepting themselves.
The thing is: this is not exclusive to yaoi or even anime, manga and japanese videogames. TIFs with these deep-seated problems of self-loathing will always try to live vicariously through any kind of fictional male (sometimes even historical characters!). Liking yaoi in their case is just correlation, not causation, and I'm tired of seeing yaoi and fujos being blamed for the gender nonsense of current year, especially since it engulfs so many sides of the world of female fandom. I mean, how many hetero ships get called T4T or Bi4Bi or LeSbIaNs nowdays?
No. 1967620
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>>1967526They are always pickmes. Imagine cooking every day for a scrote and he still dumps your ass.
No. 1967622
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And this is her ugly ex ogre that she's crying about, she can do miles better. I feel bad for her because i imagine her self steem must be in the gutter to date and cook dinner and meals for this scrote every day, but they always have to take their anger onto other women. Imagine being angry at women who enjoy BL when you are crying over this creature keeek.
No. 1967672
>>1967526>"Wanking themselves into oblivion">Calling yaoi "gay porn">Thinking comics about pretty boys can groom women>Concludes by saying T is a helluva drug as if it had anything to do with the above (is she saying T causes the "porn addiction"? Is she just stating T is bad because she mentioned tifs before?)Why do all fujohaters speak like they're having some sort of schizo episode? They go on rambling and rambling about things they're wrong about and they're don't make sense. Maybe spending too much time orbiting low value males fries your brain.
Also they always blame women for everything. Tifs exist? It's because of those icky women drawing men fucking!! Women sexualize men? They deserve to be raped!! Women have an interest men (and pickmes) don't like? They're all gross porn addicts, they're ugly and men don't want them how dare they!! All fujohaters have this strong hate for women (and not even just fujos) and at the same time they suck mediocre moid dick. Think of paki-chan wanting to fuck varg, spewing tradwife shit, blaming women, husbandofags even, for Japan's rape issue and paladinboo saying fujos want to get raped while being a good girl for the kiwi/4chan autists.
No. 1967687
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>>1967672Fujo tifs agree with her though.
No. 1967749
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Coming from a woman who posts in the "Official Woman Hate Thread" on KF for male approval.
(Yes I have all KF incels on ignore, otherwise the site is unusable)
No. 1967793
>>1967752At least they get banned from the Man Hate thread
But yeah /pol/rapefugees are the worst thing to happen to the other farms
No. 1967935
>>1967934Still bummed the fujo cringe thread is just a containment thread that doesn't contain anything instead of an actual depository of fujo cringe caps.
What they post as milk is also boring and bad and just a way to be passive aggressive over posts itt.
No. 1968529
>>1967752That, and when Reddit started cracking down on subs like r/fatpeoplehate and r/the_donald
It doesn't help that Null feeds in to their bullshit. I just wish he wasn't such a sperg about politics in general, the site would be so much more usable if it was less political.
No. 1976405
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friendly reminder this is what antifujos think, they think uper class women dont suffer from misogyny so they troon out because of cartoon. They are really self-centenred after all.
No. 1976413
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and lastly, entitled antifujo strikes again!
dont like straight romance where women are treated as a fleshlight and have gigantic boobs that are the whole focus f the story? go watch a show with ugly 3DPD scrotes instead you nasty fujo! kek the entitlement never fails to make me laugh, they sound so much like moids
No. 1976414
File: 1710485211009.mp4 (8.83 MB, 640x360, 1710410272267.mp4)

>>1976407she also said that women who read and write fan-fiction in general, are intelligent(but also highly neurotic and obsessive)
No. 1976440
>>1976413I still can't believe she said that lmao, then she proceeded to act like anons are into 3DPD Asian gay moids. I just wonder what makes them seethe this much about yaoi? Enough to make threads and even post about how they all hate it in other threads too.
I will never understand the whole "uwu stob sekchualyzing gway moihds".
No. 1976443
File: 1710504111722.png (9.35 KB, 1583x103, the poow cartoon gay moids.png)

>>1976440They are genuinely just angry women enjoy their sexuality without women being abused in it. That or they genuinely think women reading about gay cartoons is equal to exploiting gay moids kek
No. 1976478
>>1976443Also, the movie is this annoyingly tired theme about
>but what if men were treated like women????As if nobody else has said the same things over and over again, everyone knows that high heels are uncomfortable and that it's also terrifying when a moid catcalls you because you don't know if he will hurt you for not accepting his "compliment" (aka something along the lines of "nice ass").
Everyone is already tired of acknowledging this shit, men don't change from seeing or even experiencing those things because they're men, women don't need to remember these things that happen daily, like being told you're dumb or useless for being a woman, it's self harm at this point.
Whoever enjoys shit like that movie has to be a moid with a fetish or a retard with no way to reflect about what the fuck is going on to her, or "her" I dare say.
No. 1976484
>>1976478the funniest part is that she brought up that crappy movie because anons were trying to explain to her that most women read yaoi because its basically the only alternative to the
abusive straight romance genre.
No. 1976567
>>1976544So in the society of the book, males have a choice to either stay and fight in the warrior communes or go to the cities and live as servitors.
Despite the name servitors are not second-class citizens in the city-states, but are considered inferior by both all other men and the younger women, who view them as unmanly, old and ugly. Again, children are born through ritual courtship meetings in which the young men from the communes and the women and girls from the cities freely choose partners among themselves and have consensual sex. Now here comes the spoiler.
at the end it is revealed that none of the warriors ever fathered children. Instead, it has been the servitors all along. The warriors are made infertile and the women are artificially inseminated as they undergo medical checkups, all without their consent and knowledge. This is approved by the female elders of the women's country whose master plan is to remove aggression and the capacity for violence in men. The novel actually cheats by showing a society of fundamentalist, ultra-patriarchal Christian sects as the only kind of alternative No. 1976585
>>1976567samefag, funnily the main thesis of the book shares many similarities with
>>1976407 argument regarding women needing to control their sexuality and desires. The book ultimately suggests that women should select more suitable partners for the betterment of womankind. But, it's also contradictory because as it extensively portrays the warriors as being hot, muscular, beautiful, and attractive the warriors are, and how much the girls are attracted to them. Meanwhile the servitors aren't hated, but they are thought of as "gay uncles" and that's what makes the "reveal" more fucked-up, the fact that women's bodily autonomy is being robbed from them is presented as a good thing because a few intellectual women think it is for the greater good.
No. 1976590
>>1976538You put it perfectly into words,
nonny. Wish i was as articulate as you.
No. 1976630
>>1976405>I've never seen gay men say they enjoy yaoiGo on the /a/ homo threads for like 5 minutes.
With that being said I wish less of them liked it, since they want to fundementally change the genre to just be a BL version of yuri (purest form of love shit).
No. 1976634
>>1976443Femdom is such a moid tier fetish honestly. Everything about this post just screams moid wish fufillment to me (I WISH A DOMMY MOMMY WOULD BE TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING WHILE I SIT AT MY DESK AND SHE RIDES MY COCK).
>>1976538Female sexuality has always been terrifying to people, including self proclaimed 'feminists'.
Half the time I wonder if they'd rather women go into onlyfans or some shit instead of enjoying stuff by and for them.
No. 1976659
>>1976484That's particularly hilarious lmao "go watch this movie about "reversed roles" so you can feel hope about romance as a genre again".
Plus the anon acting like this is somehow the ultimate gotcha was particularly retarded.
In the end, media doesn't know how to portray romance, no one seems to know at this point, and I know yaoi isn't the best example of romance between equals, but shit, it's better than anything with the usual female main character that's abused by moids or that's memed into being a "liberated" woman who has sex with random moids and doesn't totally dies inside every time she's dropped like a hot potato.
No. 1976666
>>1976658Man the comments on this vid make me feel like i'm tripping. Back in the day Loveless was considered pretty standard yaoi fare and no one thought the relationship dynamics were creepy but now it's the most "
problematic" and "disturbing" thing? I don't get it, either I was entirely brainwashed by fujos as a 13 year old in 2007-8 to think that it was normal or these people are overreacting to an absurd degree.
No. 1976707
>>1976658>lovelessKEK man I’m old. I haven’t seen thevideo ,but Loveless wasnt even THAT popular. From what I recall it wasn’t even graphic either. I could think of a couple off the top of my head that would actually be good choices but even then there’s significantly more foul straight hentais dedicated to the even worse things.
>>1976443>exploit gay menKEK give me a fucking break. Men make the most putrid graphic and morally questionable gay art imaginable. And openly mind you. They have no issue “exploiting” themselves and they don’t give a fuck about women drawing yaoi unless they’re giving the men pussies.
No. 1976759
How nice of "feminist" to give paki-chan and paladinboo their own personal thread where they can insult women freely and sperg while coming up with the most misogynistic theories on why women enjoy BL. Even spouting tranny shit like "if man short and beautiful he's woman". Waiting for one of them to drop the "women want to get raped actually". Oh and the "if misogyny was the reason then women in fucking IRAN would troon out!! White wimmin don't experience misogyny, they're just stupid bitches that troon out because cartoon!", that was a bold autistic take.
>>1976753Could be actual autism, which would fit with them failing to understand why women make and enjoy BL and the tard rage that comes from not getting it.
No. 1976840
File: 1710601940290.png (22.05 KB, 2462x162, lollmaoo.png)

>you cant be a lesbian and read yaoi because it has men
>but also at least one of the yaoi boys is a woman!!1!
what the fuck is this schizo babble. She needs to be studied in a lab like a rat, maybe that way they will find the cure for this level of autism.
No. 1976842
File: 1710602400826.png (39.21 KB, 2391x334, reeee stop enjoying two cute b…)

and more entitlement, lol. I don't even read yaoi anymore but i know that kind of ''dommy mommy'' stories would inevitably attract moids, with yaoi that doesn't happen.
No. 1976851
>>1976795I love how she and a couple of other pickme anons insist that the evil foojos are the ones derailing every thread to "spam gay porn" but all I see is them mentioning fujos in several threads when it's not even relevant to the topic. Then if other people tell them to shut the fuck up they accuse them of being fujos and suddenly they're the
>>1976840This fucking dumb bitch is such a cow kek. I'm not lesbian and I'm not the one posting in that rancid thread that smells like smegma. Oh but it's the foooojos that are schizos and accuse everyone of being pakichan!! I was right, they must be the biggest fucking autistic retards.
>faggotFunny coming from the chronic dick suckers who ree about women totally abusing the poor gay men by drawing and writing and gasp, cosplaying male cartoon characters.
>female reproductive system>gives birthAgain, the autist cannot comprehend that yaoi isn't entirely about mpreg, And even then, is she saying that a fictional character with a dick that gives birth through its literal ass can be a woman? If fake fictional man has heat like animals and gives birth through anus, he's woman? Woman = birth and heat like animals? Oh, maybe it's just a plot device… nah that can't be, it must be that they're all nasty smelly lesbians… but no lesbians can't read yaoi because there's dicks… but the yaoi men are women… idk get your autism checked maybe.
No. 1977450
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>>1976424>>1976407she retweeted picrel
No. 1977617
>>1976407The "it's just heterosexuality with extra steps" grates me so hard because what they usually mean "it's female sexuality" but make it about men for some reason. Imagine if men writing moidish stories about lesbian couples would constantly get called "heterosexuality with extra steps", that would never catch on.
>says its girls grooming each other I fucking swear boomer feminists are so out of touch it's not even funny. I guess this is where Paki-chan gets her shitty takes.
>>1976538Exactly. It never ceases to baffle me how averse they are to accepting that teenage girls and young women can have a budding interest in sex and them experimenting in an all-female group like writing fanfiction is possibly the safest way they would do so compared to the alternatives, but for whatever reason they're stuck in their sex wars era moral panic mindset where showing any kind of promiscuity is giving in to men, no matter the context.
>>1976630The homo thread moids from /a/ blogging about how much they love shota rape doesn't count.
No. 1977700
>>1977673Self lubricating asses are about as realistic as women orgasming from dick in vag, which moids pretend is a real thing in every form of coom material they produce. I won't even mention womb tattoos or "throat orgasms" or whatever other vile body horror they come up with. As usual, the phalloid entity looks for a speck in a woman's eye while waddling around with a fucking beam in his.
I hate fujoshit but I hate moids more, and I understand the appeal of them being subjected to dick on an asexual level. It's kind of like making someone who maliciously shits in public eat his own feces. If fujoshit makes stupid dicks and their lowly chattel feel sad, debased or inferior, I support every fujo with all my heart. Normalize coom material of ugly moids being physically mutated to take the ultimate expression of their own worthlessness - a cock.
No. 1981201
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>>1976407This comment from Ovarit about the Helen Joyce is nothing but the same trash that pakichan spews.
No. 1981302
>>1981206Yeah, even back in the early 2000s when there was a legitimate yaoi boom full of the worst porn trash imaginabile tifs were extremely rare in fandoms and they mostly hanged around male spaces. They were also lesbian, not heterosexual.
I'm still inclined to believe that paraphilias are a result of someone's problems and not born out of nowhere. Yes, even in the case of coomers and retard AGPs… coomers aren't coomers for no reason at all. I don't pity them at all but they all have bigger and worse problems lying underneath the trooning and the cooming.
This can apply to the worst imaginable tif fujo coomers and usually in their own work their psychological problems are extremely blatant, like that fucker who gets off female genital mutilation who got posted in various threads.
No. 1982973
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>>1966264>>1966266>>1966270>>1966272PaladinBoo is apparently an unmedicated schizophrenic. The KF moids egged her on until she had a meltdown, sperged on Null's profile and presumably ate a ban.
No. 1983021
>>1982991She's not banned (you can tell if someone is banned or not by weather or not they still show up in search).
She had a meltdown over Lidl Drip because she isn't used to get pick-me tactics not making her the most popular and simped for girl in a male space and Null is simping for the
TERF girls and not eating up her anti-feminist schizo posting the way men usually do I guess.
No. 1983022
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No. 1983035
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Some more of her posts seething before she left
No. 1983036
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No. 1983044
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>>1983042She's probably using the moid definition of tomboy
No. 1983045
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>>1983042She defines her entire personality by being a "gamer girl" who is not like other girls.
She unironically calls other women empty egg cartons and always shit talks women in their 30s and 40s. I think she is hardcore projecting because she is 34 with no prospects of ever having kids and a husband due to her mental illness and being a NEET.
No. 1983046
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>>1983035>>1983036I don't know why she isn't banned. She posts nothing of worth and just shouts CUNT CUNT CUNT repeatedly.
>>1983033There's over 40k threads in the news subsection where users celebrate women being murdered, raped and suggesting they be put under surveillance so they can't have abortions. Theres a single thread for man hate so that means the feminists are taking over the site.
No. 1983047
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>>1983045Female gamer here!
No. 1983048
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>>1983046Apparently Null warned her to stop infighting with other users (she constantly spergs out at people on their profiles)
No. 1983049
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I genuinely wonder if she tardraged so much over KF drama in real life that her parents cut her Internet or sent her to the looney bin for fear she might listen to those voices that tell her to kill herself. She claims to be medicated but it really doesn't feel like it.
No. 1983051
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>>1983048That's hilarious. She was sperging at people and telling them to kill themselves for disagreeing with her over video games. People didn't start posting her dox until she'd been sperging on their profiles for awhile.
No. 1983053
>>1983051She is extremely aggressive towards other female users, but if anyone ever bites back at her she plays
victim immediately and gets her simp squad to defend her
No. 1983058
>>1983055Yes her simps still are pretending that doxing her is against the rules even though it's not.
No. 1983281
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The post wasn't even fujos, it was about a troon and his gay boyfriend but of course they just had to bring us up! I swear, this is done deliberately to get a reaction.
No. 1983283
samefag, I'm getting sick of radfems lately, constantly comparing us to male porn addicts and insinuating that we are no different from them
>>1967526. The entire fandom thread reeks of nothing but moralfaggotry.
(bait) No. 1983298
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>>1983045It’s so wild to me that a girl that looks like this>>1967288 has the audacity to say things like that kek. Being a pick me who still lives with her parents at 30 is one thing but she’s also an unironic schizoid on top of that? Yeesh,no wonder she has to asskiss moids because otherwise they wouldn’t pay attention to her.
No. 1984926
File: 1712941514593.png (333.65 KB, 1190x798, CAPTURE.png)

>>1983281I agree, regardless of the subject matter, whether it's related to bl or fujos or not, someone manages to bring it up. The worst case is when yaoi is used to compare with MTFs, as if they have anything to do with each other.
(sage your shit) No. 1985246
File: 1713037491791.png (175.54 KB, 2459x428, retarddd.png)

>gay men fetishists
>calls all fujos pedos just because of some cherry picked examples
>a few cherrypicked examples are pedos therefore all fujos are pedos and they are on par with scrotes that commit 99% of crimes against children
and the cherry on top
>posts ryona fetish art of a school girl as a reaction image
No. 1986155
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>directly comparing us with AGPs
what the fuck is wrong with radfems?
No. 1987451
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I am laughing my ass off at how she proved the comic right by jumping in to call all fujos pedos just because she's illiterate.(dragging infight across multiple threads)
No. 1987459
>>1986155uh, is she not comparing yaoi obsessed tifs to agps? struck a nerve with the tiffany who thinks she's a real uke i see. there are tons of regular sane fujos who don't troon out but it's the same phenomenon as agps who want to become kawaii anime yuri lesbians
and nothing she said in the first paragraph is wrong, she didn't say all fujos are into shotas/rape/etc, said men are violent and disgusting, and called yaoi fiction made for women. i feel like if she just shat on fujos i would wave her off as a self hating misogynist but this really isn't like the pickme NLOG women who shit on fujos/women in general for daring to write erotica a la
>>1977450 No. 1987543
>>1987459Edgy attention seeking voy wannabe fujos were a thing in 2007 when I was aware of yaoi, the only difference is that they didn't have institutions enabling them.
Anyone who compares yaoi, sht that is coming out of Japan, a notoriously conservative culture and which portrays awful hetero dynamics and abuse by males that is unfortunately and a reality to gay comics by gay men which is violent but from the perspective of moids who likely. commit sexual violence irl, you cannot tell me that fujos are anything like the moids.
It's idiotic to look at young gays online talk about wanting to violently rape hetero male celebs who are taller, stronger and buffer than they are lmao ( which is just a fantasy!!) and pretend that fujos are a threat to them. Any woman who is weird and likely to cross boundaries deserves the same treatment a moid gets for that behavior but the terminally online activists actively pretend like a weird 17-year-old girl obsessed with Naruto and Sasuke is an actual threat to gay men who just hate women and who see fujos as an easy target to use to milk the sympathy of handmaidens bc they're self centered narcs.