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No. 2028593
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Man found guilty of double rape of homeless woman on the streets.
>A man has been found guilty of raping a homeless woman while he was on a night out and filming the attack. Liam Stimpson, 24, from Llanrumney, Cardiff, was convicted of two counts of rape and one count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent. The attack on the 40-year-old, which Stimpson filmed on his phone, happened on 27 December last year in Cardiff city centre. A jury at Cardiff Crown Court had already found Stimpson guilty of a separate charge of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and he will be sentenced on Monday.
>Stimpson, who wept and howled as the jury returned their verdict and began hitting his head against reinforced glass of the dock, denied the charges, claiming the woman suggested the filming as part of role play after he paid her for oral sex. He turned to his girlfriend and parents in the public gallery crying: "I didn't do it, I love you", before being led away.
>Judge Jeremy Jenkins told him only a prison sentence could be justified and he faced a lengthy period behind bars when he is sentenced. The judge also paid tribute to the jury, who were in tears as the verdicts were read out. "You have been exposed necessarily to some very unpleasant circumstances. This is the life and work of the court," he said. "We see it day in and day out, but we must never forget the effect it has on you."
>Stimpson’s victim was punched and kicked during the attack under a bridge near Cardiff Central railway station in the early hours. She begged her attacker to stop as she was stripped naked, beaten and raped twice. Videos taken from Stimpson's mobile phone showed the woman with a severely swollen and bleeding face, her right eye completely closed. She lifted her hands to her attacker and said: "Don't beat me up baby, don't beat me please. I've got kids." Mr Stimpson could be heard replying: "I'll tell you what to do. I'm the boss." He then demanded she remove her coat, despite the cold and wet conditions.
>Nicola Powell, prosecuting, said: "He battered her, humiliated and degraded her for his own sexual perversions." The woman could then be seen on CCTV running to the junction of St Mary Street at about 04:45. She was chased, punched and repeatedly kicked on the ground before running into a nearby pub where a staff member gave her their coat and hoodie. The police arrived shortly afterwards. Stimpson was in the city centre on 26 December celebrating his birthday when he met the woman, who was a rough sleeper. He befriended her, telling her he would get her something to eat if she went with him, before launching his attack.
No. 2028887
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There's this murder trial in the UK that royally fucked me up when I read the judge quoted in the article. I knew rape was practically legal due to how rarely it is investigated, and convictions are rarer still, and the punishments might be as hars as community service if you orally rape a child. But now it seems murdering your wife is also a minor six-year inconvencience.
>"Of course, there is a background and a context to these tragic events and the jury heard in some detail about the nature of your relationship with your wife, how the marriage which was happy at first and produced two children steadily deteriorated over many years - principally because of the abuse of alcohol. It seems that Dawn was a delightful person when sober, but a horrible person after she had had a drink."
>"He went on to speak of their struggles with alcohol creating an atmosphere 'in which there were many arguments'."
>"The evidence is that most of the arguments were started by your wife, and those consisted of her repeatedly and continuously belittling and undermining you. There were dozens of callouts to the police, but most of these I am sure involved exaggerated or false complaints by Dawn against you,"
>"There were occasions when you used more serious violence against your wife in response to her abuse. I am satisfied that it only happened as a result of serious provocation but I am also sure that it involved, on occasions, you putting your hands around her throat,"The scrote strangled her to death! Literally "well, you did murder your wife, but she was annoying so I get it." Can any UK nonnas explain what the fuck is going on with their judges? I spent a chunk of my schooling reading court transcripts, and there's no way in hell this would be in a legal proceeding where I live. How can they do this?
No. 2028939
>>2028933What confuses me is that she was pregnant with her husband's kid. This was all inside marriage. Isn't that what they want? Traditional marriage with following kids is their big perscription for women, no? Points to incestual obsession. I think there's a lot of incestuous obsession in those spheres, must be a reason why step-
something is such a popular porn category.
No. 2029620
>>2029007Who knows, it depends on each case but I wouldn't be suprised if a significant portion of men who kill their pregnant girlfriends or wives don't want the kid and murder these poor women to get rid of said kids for whatever reason, or they could be worried the child would be the center of attention instead of them as soon as they're born so they turn batshit crazy and violent. There's also how
abusive men in general wait until their partners are "trapped" with them either by marriage or pregnancy/having kids together so they're more likely to be violent enough when said partners are pregnant to kill them, "accidentally" or on purpose.
No. 2029696
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>Shortly after leaving the military, Wesson moved in with an older woman, Rosemary Solorio, and her eight children in San Jose, California. In 1971, Solorio gave birth to Wesson's son. In 1974, Wesson began sexually abusing Solorio's eight-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. Wesson married Elizabeth when she turned 14, and he was 34. Four months later, she gave birth to her first child. Eventually, the couple had 10 children together, including one infant who died. One of Elizabeth's younger sisters left her own seven children with them, claiming to be unable to care for them due to a drug problem. Wesson never held a steady job; he lived off welfare and had his working adult children give him all their earnings. In 1989, Wesson was convicted of welfare fraud and perjury. The family often lived in run-down shacks, boats, and vacant houses. Wesson was abusive towards his wife and children. He prevented Elizabeth from participating in the children's upbringing. He homeschooled the children and taught them from his own handwritten Bible that focused on Jesus Christ being a vampire. He told the children that he was God and had them refer to him as "Master" or "Lord." He taught the children to be prepared for Armageddon and said that the girls were destined to become Wesson's future wives. Wesson's school "curriculum" involved teaching girls oral sex as young as 8 or 9. Their domestic responsibilities included washing Wesson's dreads and scratching his armpits and head. The girls were not allowed to talk to their male siblings or their mother. Both male and female children were physically abused. Wesson raped two daughters and three nieces, beginning at age eight. Each of the five girls became pregnant. Before March 12, 2004, Wesson had declared his intention to relocate his daughters and their children to Washington state, where Wesson's parents lived. On March 12, 2004, several members of Wesson's extended family, along with two nieces who rebelled against him, converged on his family compound demanding the release of their children. Fresno police were summoned to what was described as a child custody issue, and a standoff ensued. Wesson told the police to wait at the door and disappeared into the home. When he came back to the door, his clothes were bloodied. Fresno police testified they did not hear gunshots being fired shortly after, though other witnesses at the standoff testified they did hear gunshots fired at that time. In the aftermath, police discovered nine bodies, including two of Wesson's daughters and a total of seven of their children, in a bedroom filled with antique coffins. Each victim had been fatally shot through the eye. Wesson's other children, who were not present inside the house, survived the incident. No. 2036040
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No. 2036744
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>Remote tribe gets hooked on internet porn>Introduction of high-speed Starlink turns some Brazilian tribesmen into ‘lazy addicts’ glued to their phones,social%20media%20and%20porn%20addiction.
>A reclusive tribe in the Amazon finally got hooked up to the internet, thanks to Elon Musk — only to be torn apart by social media and pornography addiction, elders complain.
>Brazil’s 2000-member Marubo tribe has been left bitterly divided by the arrival of the Tesla founder’s Starlink service nine months ago, which connected the remote rainforest community along the Ituí River to the web for the first time.
>“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The New York Times. “But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”>The Marubo are a chaste tribe, who even frown upon kissing in public — but Alfredo Marubo (all Marubo use the same last name) said he is anxious that the arrival of the service, which delivers super-fast internet to far-flung corners of the planet and has been billed as a game-changer by Mr Musk, could up-end standards of decorum.
>Alfredo said many young Marubo men have been sharing porn videos in group chats and he has already observed more “aggressive sexual behaviour” in some of them.
>“We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” he said of the kinky sex acts they’ve suddenly been exposed to on screen. “Everyone is so connected that sometimes they don’t even talk to their own family.” No. 2038993
The Gilgo/Long Island Serial Killer was charged with two more murders, a lot of people already assumed he was responsible but the additional information is horrible:
>extremely likely he murdered his victims inside his house while his family was on vacations
>police extracted a microsoft word file from the 2000s that categorized "problems", supplies, dumping sites, pre-murder preparation (including setup for bondage torture) and post-event evidence destruction
>following Heuermann’s arrest, numerous search warrants were executed at TARGET RESIDENCE, which culminated in, inter alia, the seizure of over 350 electronic devices.
>An analysis of these devices has revealed Heuermann’s significant collection of violent, bondage, and torture pornography, currently dating back to 1994.
>The pornographic images accessed by Heuermann include, but are not limited to, breast mutilation, vaginal torture, sex substitution (i.e., penetration with an object), the sexualization of decapitated women, bondage, and whipping, which notably and largely coincide with how the remains of Sandra Costilla, Jessica Taylor, and Valerie Mack were discovered
No. 2040041
File: 1717795956457.png (530.02 KB, 841x786, mtr.png) the twisted ‘cat torture ring’ sweeping across social media
>On a blurry screen, a kitten cowers behind a curtain as the shadow of a man looms overhead. He reaches out, grabs the cat by the tail and stamps down on it.
>The horrific footage, seen by Metro, is said to show what goes on in an alleged ‘cat torture ring’ dedicated to the abuse and killing of animals.
>In China, where the video was filmed, pets can occasionally be seen as pests rather then a much-loved member of the family. Dogs have been doused in hot oil, unwanted puppies buried alive and disabled cats abandoned on the street, according to charities who work in the country.
>But the perpetrators behind such horrific acts aren’t worried about being caught, because animal cruelty is not punishable by law in China.
>However, one group of vigilante cat-lovers is determined to change that.
>‘There are no words that can describe the amount of anger I feel,’ says Rachel*, a cyber activist at Feline Guardians Without Borders, a group made up of people from across 30 countries who have secretly joined online messaging boards where alleged abusers gather.
>Rachel – who doesn’t want to reveal her real name due to safety concerns – became aware of Feline Guardians Without Borders in May 2023, after several viral videos highlighted the treatment of cats in China. Since then, she has infiltrated social media platform Telegram to keep tabs on perpetrators.
>‘The amount of evil in those groups exceeded anything I could have imagined,’ Rachel, who is in her 40s, tells Metro.
>‘The last video I saw was of a cat tortured with an electric drill. It was posted to their [the cat torture ring’s] Telegram group. Their discussions are vile.
>‘They discuss how to amputate a cat’s legs without it bleeding to death. The abusers then post their “works” to the Telegram chats, and I, along with other undercover volunteers in those groups, watch cats die in horrific ways every day.’
>While Rachel observes the videos with ‘great anger and despair’, she remains silent to avoid being detected. She lies in wait and hopes the abusers will reveal details about their personal lives, which Feline Guardians Without Borders then use to their advantage. While they can’t force Chinese authorities to take action, they can contact the alleged abusers’ places of work, family or friends in a bid to shame the individuals. This shit makes me want to cry and vomit. The article just scratches the surface. The abusers groom children into this, too. They kidnap people's pets, brag about it and publicly show what they're doing (of course while hiding their own faces). They produce and sell videos of themselves raping cats. I've seen screencaps of them saying they want to do it to infants. The Chinese government has started ramping up propaganda content claiming that they "love" animals in response to this starting to spread around in the international sphere, all in a bid to save face instead of enacting laws against it. So many "humans" need to be wiped off the map.
No. 2040117
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>Psychiatrist Jo Erik Brøyn held a high position in Norwegian social services responsible for child protection and was involved in several high-profile cases of child removal. He also acquired two boys through an Indian surrogate. In 2018, police discovered 20 years’ worth of child pornography in his possession — more than 20,000 images and 4,000 hours of videos — depicting child sexual abuse including “boys masturbating each other, fixed/sexualized violence against children, anal sex by men with boys or oral sex of children (including toddlers) on grown men.” He was sentenced to less than two years in prison. Some sources report that the boys have been returned to his care.
>An unnamed German pedophile hired a Russian surrogate for €60,000 who birthed the baby in Greece. He then flew the child back to Germany. In 2020, a regional court found him guilty of child abuse and producing and possessing child pornography. His child was a subject of 16 of those cases between the ages of 2 and 3, and the defendant was in possession of 175,000 images of child pornography. He was sentenced to five years in prison. The child was removed from his custody.
>In 2013, Mark Newton and Peter Truong were convicted of subjecting their surrogate-born son to “the worst [pedophile] rings … if not the worst ring I’ve ever heard of,” according to one investigator. After paying a Russian surrogate $8,000 to carry the child, the pair began to violate the boy as a newborn.
>“The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple traveled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.” Police believe the pair created the boy through surrogacy “for the sole purpose of exploitation.” The child was removed from their custody, and the men are serving decades-long sentences.
>During the height of the Indian surrogacy boom, it was revealed that an Israeli sex offender had procured a little girl via surrogacy. Had #BigFertility had any kind of vetting in place or required fingerprinting or simply character references, it would likely have been discovered that the man had spent 18 months in jail for sexually abusing young children under his supervision. The discovery shocked authorities in both India and Israel, but because they couldn’t prove that abuse had yet taken place, there was no ground to remove the girl from his custody. It did however validate India’s decision to ban single men and gay couples, who composed 30-50 percent of intended parents, from the Indian surrogacy market.
>In 2014, intended parents Wendy and David Farnell commissioned twin surrogate children in Thailand, then a global hotspot for surrogacy. The little girl, Pipah, was healthy, but the little boy, Gammy, had serious medical issues as well as Down Syndrome. A scandal erupted when the couple took the little girl back to Australia but abandoned Gammy to be raised by the Thai surrogate.
>It was then discovered that David had been jailed in the late 1990s for sexually molesting two girls under the age of 10, and was charged, convicted, and sentenced again in 1998 on six counts of indecently dealing with a child under the age of 13. When his criminal record was revealed and investigated, a judge determined there was “a low risk of harm if Pipah stays in that home,” and she remained in the care of Wendy and David until his death in 2020. The “Baby Gammy” case was one of several scandals that prompted the Thai government to ban commercial surrogacy altogether.
And these are the only cases where they were caught and when the surrogacy was less common
No. 2040209
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>>2038993I saw a list of his search results on the mobile phone. There was argument that an Asian man found at the scene was coincidental and unrelated, but then the mobile device revealed that he had searched "Asian twink" once. My theory is that maybe they were transitioning and were unfortunate enough to be picked up by him at a time when he was desperate to kill.
No. 2040308
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Idk if anyone ever discussed this but this just reinforces the fact that Australia is a
prisoner island. Idk why any sane, rational woman would ever wanna fucking live there. I also saw that in the last news thread someone mentioned children murdering other kids, and this story shows that scrotelets from all walks of life are quite capable of being fucked in the head. No. 2040340
>>2040332Samefagging, but the man behind
one bitch, nine puppies was also an Austrailian scrote. Australia seems to be very good at creating the worst humans of mankind. Just sayin'.
No. 2040365
>>2040324aussie cope. sorry you're trapped with those scrotes,
No. 2040700
>>2040658Well at least now you know that men are far, far, far, far worse than the dogs you hate. Sadly we euthanize the men-made dogs that are aggressive, but we don't euthanize men who do much worse.
>>2040041Don't these guys have a thread on the kiwifarms? They're horrific, the only time they get lightly punished isn't because they recognize the animal torture, it's because they spread and promote "bad behaviour" and damage private property (aka the pets). China refuses to create a law against animal abuse/torture because then they won't be able to make and sell all their woowoo medicinal bullshit that involves burning/dismembering animals alive for "taste" and magical properties, and some animals are even severely endangered because of the chinese medicine market.
>>2040308Girlies, it's time to make a beautiful long spreadsheet rating all of your male classmates/coworkers, from highly rapable to unrapable!
No. 2041077
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>>2041052Let's be honest, there likely is a market for that obscurely just as there is in every other country. They had no problem killing all their female infants, now they are reaping their punishment for it and there are scores of single men. The sex trade in China is very protected because of how little the country actually cares. I'm sure there are more cases akin to Li Hao enslaving women underground and streaming their torture online. The population is too large and overworked to notice or care, they are heavily desensitized. On top of that, mentally ill or disabled people are seen with great shame and fall through the cracks. Picrel a 24 year old woman locked up by her family in a shed for six years because they didn't like her bf. Many examples of this type of behavior from family. China would
never allow the full extent of info on sexual slavery etc to be leaked.
No. 2041082
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>>2041077Here's another woman who had violent episodes that were never properly treated and instead locked in a cellar by her family.
No. 2041100
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>>2041082Here's another case of a man locking a wife he bought from human traffickers (empathetically identified as people traffickers) in a cage for 12 years because he said she was aggressive. In fact people sided with him and found him honorable for begging for help and resources 12 years later, because he cares about her soo much. Of course a woman who has been trafficked is going to be aggressive. Imagine the sheer amount of women and children who are tossed aside for their behavior that has stemmed entirely from csa. It is not xenophobia to shed light on the horrors of man. Social tension has caused people to become too uncomfortable to discuss these sort of crimes against humanity because they fear being called racist, but it has nothing to do with bigotry. Its a delicate tightrope because the morons and retarded hillbillys start hatecriming random second and third gen Asian immigrants since their schizophrenic peabrains are an abomination on the species and pliable to qanon style garbage. No. 2041134
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>>2041118I agree. I wish more people were capable of civil discussion rather than immediately devolving to "x bad must treat x like shit" levels of ape-brained racism, it keeps everything so stagnant. It's difficult to shed light on how horrible Muslim culture is too, because instead of showing support for women and minorities the worst kind of people immediately turn to racism and hatecriming. These are people essentially enslaved in a culture that views them as an expendable stepping stone. There is so much deciet and poor standard of living, poisoning people for spare change. I saw someone call China basically Epcott and that tracks.
No. 2045244
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The headline:
No. 2045245
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>>2045244The "woman" in question:
No. 2045263
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I have two stories if that's okay. Picrel is the woman in the first story.
1) Disgusting woman named Nicole Candelaria (I hope I spelled that right) forced her boyfriend's 3-year-old daughter to consume her own feces.
>The girl had had an accident while Candelaria, then 27, was giving her a bath.
>Candelaria allegedly held down her boyfriend's daughter and forced her to eat her own poop and then put soap in her mouth.
>Candelaria was also in charge of watching the girl's siblings, ages 3 and 5.
>Nicole has denied the girl's accusations, saying her boyfriend's daughter "lies often", but the 3-year-old's siblings have corroborated their sister's story.
>During an examination, "bruising was observed on the girl's chest, back, sides and legs," CBS 5 reported.
>Candelaria said the bruise on the girl's back occurred after she was playing with her and hit her too hard.
2) A teacher in Louisiana named Cynthia Perkins fed her students cupcakes laced with her husband's sperm.
>Perkins is now facing decades behind bars for sex crimes against children and second-degree rape.
>She also produced cp, involving a minor under the age of 13.
>One count of second-degree rape and one of mingling harmful substances.
>Perkins said she used her husband's cum to "season" the cupcakes that were later given to her students at Westside Junior High School.
>Her husband, Dennis Perkins, was also arrested for some kind of child sex abuse iirc
>Cynthia claimed her husband "manipulated her" to give sperm laced pastries to her students
I feel so terrible for all the children involved in these stories, the idea of consuming cum laced cupcakes, or your own shit, is fucking disgusting and I hope all three of these people rot in hell.
No. 2045396
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>>2045379Oh is it this guy?
No. 2045470
>>2040315it's not, I posted that article about the son who went back to find his mother, if thats the one you are talking about
>>>/ot/1897494if so you got the order wrong, they marry off girls at nine, they married one to an american researcher studying them, then gangraped her when he went back to america, and when he came back he didnt give a shit, he also emotionally abused their children, it's a really fucked up story
No. 2047143
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"Not all men" "you're all paranoid" "you're all searching for trauma porn"
No. 2047779
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scares me how much faggots hate females deep down. They really should not be allowed to adopt. They rape boys and beat baby girls to death. No. 2047785
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>>2047779Gay men think that baby girls should be silent little pink accessories for them to parade around. No paternal instinct whatsoever. No. 2047998
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Too many pictures to post so i suggest you go look at this thread for the details
This has to be one of the most frustrating cases i have seen lately due to the complete lack of justice.
Tamla went to a friends slumber party, the slumber party had 12 women and 3 men who were husbands of some of the women, after they all finished the slumber party they all went to sleep, the next day they found Tamla dead face down in their garden.
They blamed Tamla's death on her being drunk and said she fell of the balcony. But here is when things get weird, the police did not test the fingerprints on the unlit ciggarete and lighter left near her, at 2 am when everyone went to sleep the security alert caught the doors closing and opening multiple times, the bruises and injuries on Tamla's body did not look like they were caused by a fall but instead by something else, one of the husbands at that house who worked as a cop was fired after getting caught trying to tamper with evidence and access Tamla's incident report file. Despite all of this the case was closed and no charges were filed. This is the worst lack of justice i have seen lately. To me it seems like one of those womans husbands raped and killed Tamla and now all of them are covering up for him.
No. 2048683
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A guy in Wyoming hit a wolf (which is an endangered species) that was under a year old with a snowmobile. He then proceeded to tape its mouth shut and put 2 shock collars on it, drag it to a bar so everyone could laugh at it, then took a picture with it before he shot it. He only got fined $250 for this
No. 2049356
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No. 2049659
>>2049650Why does his identity need to be hidden in order to protect the
No. 2051351
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Don't ever believe crybaby men. They are definitely trying to manipulate you.
No. 2051384
>>2051351Gabby was a
victim of the ugly man psyop as well. Brian was so ugly there were conspiracy theories that he was 15 years older than his actual age.
No. 2051597
>>2051351I wish I still had the ss of me telling him to kill himself. He blocked me immediately. I knew Gabby (socially, not super close) when I was living in Wilmington, she was so sweet.
I wish I could time travel and warn her. She was so kind.
No. 2055803
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A couple of women joke about aborting males (some may actually do so, but that's as far as it goes). but here are thousands of men, abandoning their own sons just so they can rape more teenage girls
No. 2056545
>>2056130There was a clip a while back of a man who looked like he was 90 years old passed on a crossing with traffic driving around him and people casually walking round him. Went on and on. I remember people treating it like it's just people being selfish bastards there and I thought the same att.
Then I watched vids about how common it was (dunno if it still is) for people to throw themselves on the ground and then sue the everloving fuck out of you if you tried to help them or be a good samaritan. Kids, the elderly, there was no limit to who'd they'd have stage an injury in public for maximum appeal to your humanity and maximum ruin your life level of suing afterwards as if you were an attacker. Crazy manipulative public injury stunts. Apparently got so common that under no circumstances would you wanna risk helping an injured person. Fucked but a different kind of fucked than I originally thought.
No. 2058988
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“Refusing to sleep with him” don’t fucking downplay this shit. She resisted rape. She resisted rape and was murdered.
No. 2059011
>>2057007>Black lives matter but only black mens lives apparentlyThis is why I hate the movement.
So many black women and girls are killed, raped, and/or abducted every day but you'll never see any bleeding-heart liberals or black men out in the streets protesting against it. Whenever the topic of racial justice is spoken about in the media, they choose a black male '
victim' 99% of the time.
No. 2059225
>>2056443>It's because a lot of people used to do these scams where they pretended to be injured/get hit by your car/etc.No, it's because China still has some weird old law that makes the first responder to an accident responsible for the injured, no matter whether it was their fault or not (because why would you help if you're not feeling guilty, hm?). You step in to help somebody = you declare you will take care and pay for them. Very retarded. So, it's not like the entire country is just coldblooded monsters, they simply can't afford to risk getting financially ruined for helping a stranger. And many want a law change.
That video of the toddler getting run over also left me sleepless many years ago. No matter what it would cost me, I just couldn't not help. But maybe it's also simply how I was conditioned due to my country having the opposite law of China, you getting punished (with a fine or even prison) if you don't help a person in need.
No. 2059281
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>John William "Jackie" Elliott, 42, was executed by lethal injection on 4 February 2003 in Huntsville, Texas for the rape and murder of a 19-year-old woman.
>On 13 June 1986, police were called to a crime scene in east Austin. The body of Joyce Munguia, 19, was found under an overpass. An autopsy showed that she had been beaten 16 times on the head and eight times on the face. Fragments of metal were recovered from her head. There were also signs of recent sexual intercourse.
>The person who called the police was Danny Hanson, age unknown. According to Hanson, he and three other men – John Elliott, then 26; Pete Ramirez, 26; and Ricky Elizondo, 20 – picked up Munguia at a bus stop and invited her to drink with them in Elizondo's house. Over the next few hours, she consumed beer, grain alcohol, and cocaine with the men. She also engaged in sex with Elizondo. Hanson stated that he observed Munguia crying and slurring her speech, and she had difficulty walking. At Munguia's request, he began to walk her home.
>While they were walking, Hanson stated, Elliott intercepted them. He took Munguia into a dark, wooded area and raped her. Elizondo and Ramirez followed him and also raped Munguia. This is when Hanson said he left briefly to call the police. He then returned to the scene and observed the gang-rape still in progress. He said that he heard Munguia announce that she was "going straight to the police when y'all get through." Afterward, Elliott beat Munguia to death with a chrome-plated motorcycle chain.
>Police officers arrived at Elliott's house early on the morning of 14 June. His shorts and shoes were heavily splattered with blood, which was later matched to the victim.
>In addition to Hanson's testimony, Elizondo also testified at Elliott's trial. He testified that he, Elliott, and Ramirez had sex with the victim, but it was consensual. He further testified that Elliott left him alone with Munguia for a moment, then returned with a chrome-plated motorcycle chain, with which he beat the victim to death.
>The physical evidence presented at Elliott's trial included the blood on his shorts and shoes. In addition, Elliott's shoes matched shoe prints found at the crime scene.
>Like Elizondo, Elliott claimed that the sex he had with the victim was consensual. He denied killing Munguia and stated that the murder weapon - the motorcycle chain - belonged to Elizondo.
>Elliott had an earlier murder conviction. In 1982, he was convicted of intentionally killing a man in a bar fight. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but served only 4 months before being released due to prison overcrowding. He also had a 1984 conviction for burglary of a habitation, for which he received a sentence of 10 years' probation.
It's not mentioned here, but johns mother and dad denied that their son did anything
No. 2059415
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>A bus suspected of being used for a bestiality operation was pulled over in southern Pennsylvania, causing authorities to notify the Adams County SPCA of a “strange situation.”>The incident occurred Saturday night when police said they came across a broken down school bus full of animals, which was pulling a trailer that also contained live mammals.>Cops contacted the animal rescue workers, who said on Facebook the cargo included 30 birds, four shepherd-breed dogs, a bull and a pony. They were able to secure the animals overnight and remove them from their squalid conditions the following day.>“The dogs were being fed the chickens and the bull and pony were being used for bestiality purposes (in another state),” the SPCA wrote. most recent update I heard about this is that some of the animals have to just be put down because their sexual assault injuries are too severe. A duck was assaulted to the point where it can’t use one of its legs because it was broken. He and his girlfriend lived in the bus, he recorded himself assaulting the dogs, birds, pony and other animals, and he also showed these videos to minors
No. 2059446
>>2059432my bad, when the article mentioned the scrote harassing the female lodgers for sex through google translate i thought that was absolute japanese degenerate behaviour, but it then said,
>His counsel Nocola Cox said that the man is of little means and is being supported by members of his community in Ireland. i think south asians have larger communities in the UK and Ireland than japanese do so, he probably is indian.
No. 2060255
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This happened right outside my town. Christian Soto (picrel) stabbed 11 people, killing 4 of them, all in broad daylight.
>Soto allegedly smoked "laced" marijuana before the attack>Rockford police received a call about a person being run over by a vehicle and possibly stabbed outside of a home>Officers located the bodies of a man and woman identified as Jacob Schupbach, 23, and Ramona Schupbach, 63, both appeared to have been stabbed>Witnesses said they saw Jacob Schupbach being chased across the street by Soto, and they saw Soto with an unknown possibly black object that he was hitting or stabbing Jacob with as he was lying on the ground>Soto then got into a vehicle and allegedly proceeded to run over Jacob at the end of the driveway>Jay Larson was stabbed multiple times in the front yard of a home and died from his injuries at the hospital>Witnesses saw Soto battering Larson and stabbing him numerous times with a knife Soto retrieved from his vehicle, the witness, who had called 911, said Soto then got into his pickup truck, ran over Larson and then fled on foot>As officers responded to the scenes, a 911 call came in about a man armed with a katana-style knife attacking people at another home, three people at the residence were injured and treated at the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries>At a separate location, three girls were attacked with a softball bat, one of the girls, 15-year-old Jenna Newcomb, died>Soto allegedly entered the home through an unlocked rear door, Soto grabbed a softball bat from the kitchen, went to the basement, cursed at the girls and asked where the gun was>Soto is also accused of breaking into a woman's home in Winnebago County and attacking her with a knife>The woman ran to the front yard of a nearby home where a man driving past stopped and intervened, as Soto began attacking the man, police arrived and took Soto into custody>Soto faces up to 60 years in prison on each count of first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder, and up to 30 years in prison for each count of home invasion No. 2062076
>>2062010idk why it's a big deal to be pro death penalty. It gets rid of dangerous people (so we don't have to pay them jail time at least in europe) and teaches a big lesson to future criminal
>B-But it won't make you better than rapists and killers!Yes? I wiped out the source of sorrow of many people.
>B-But death is often an escape! Letting them rot is better!Nope, letting them rot in jail makes
victim live in fear that they could break out. See statistic about them doing it again after they get out of jail
>But he has a right to life!What about the
victims that often kill themselves? Or are permanently damaged? In therapy?
>But you don't know if he's guilty-guilty!Caught in action? Straight to the chair.
Anyone who's anti death penalty is full of shit.
No. 2062102
>>2062080The fact that inmates can study and work and not paying anything baffles me like? There are people that live way worse than inmates (like workers abroad with poor families that need to sustain them and don't have time/funds to study)
Basically the only thing that they have is some bars and a shitload of free time. Oohh prison is such a bad place :(
I wish human rights were earned throught a credit score rather than guaranteed, sounds dystopic but crime would be lower if we could just gas rapists and killers, idc if I sound unhinged, I'm tired of seeing moids get out of jail for good conduct when they surely didn't think twice about harming women and children.
Giving them more rights was a mistake. Cold cellar with bread and water.
No. 2062117
>>2062076Tbh I was anti-death penalty for a while bc I bought into the grift that a lot of men on death row are innocent and just
victims of the system. But them Kim K advocated for one of these innocence project guys, and I finally googled him. He helped murder an innocent couple for like $700 in jewelry and set them on fire inside their car. Like, what? The defense said the couple was already dead of gunshot wounds, like that’s supposed to make it less reprehensible that he did that. And they were like “He was just a baby” at 18? No way. It’s all bullshit. Death penalty all the way.
No. 2062123
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>>2062010This is why teenage moids freak me out. They're
basically men. Their bodies are still growing and they may not have much experience, but
psychologically? They already have the basic rapeape, scrote rage, and narcissistic instincts of the average scrote down. They don't get the benefit of the doubt with the "their brains aren't all the way there yet!" to me. When a moid hits puberty, he psychologically and automatically goes "there".
No. 2062142
>>2062035Jesus this is terrifying. I was kind of passively worried about pesticides when I smoked before, but didn't think about it too hard. I'm so glad I quit…
Weed kinda scares me anymore, a lot of the studies on the benefits for anxiety and stuff was from weed was WAY less strong. Weed is so strong anymore I can't enjoy it unless I'm like microdosing a couple hits.
No. 2062210
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>>2040308Late but you're one to talk if you're a burger, I hate the scrotelings here but at least they aren't retards when they have access to a certain type of weapon. And most convicts were sentenced for petty theft or fraud, not to mention that most of our population came here after the world wars. They're literally just moids.
No. 2062698
>>2062657might cop a ban for this but
>psychiatrist nahlah saimeh>rapists were mostly MENAI really feel like, in the west, people are willfully blind to the strength of ethnic solidarity. We don't want to believe that there are people actively working to protect people of their own ethnicity, even when those people are actively destructive and evil, as in this case.
No. 2062768
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>>2062657It gets worse, the German government is trying to prosecute anyone that speaks out about it>A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists.
>The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state.
>Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses.
>The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her.
>Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police.
>Five of the men were in possession of German passports, while the remainder were not citizens of Germany. Among those charged, none were of German heritage.
>Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court. Witnesses who did see the footage before its deletion did testify that it depicted clear sexual assault, with one noting that the girl had been holding her hands over her head in a protective position.
>However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.
>Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”
>The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages.
>Authorities in Hamburg are reportedly investigating 140 people for offenses related to issuing “insult, threats, or other detriment” towards the Stadtpark predators. No. 2063092
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>>2062657Day after day I have less empathy for men.
No. 2063301
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I feel sick. I have no words. I feel so sick. Immigrants immigrants
No. 2063306
I mean not really a news story but this is why we should just assume the worse and drop baby scrotes off a cliff because it’s just always them being born with these deficiencies that destroy and ruin families and communities and I’m tired of it.
No. 2063334
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>>2063301i am local to this and it reminds me of a similar case here back in the 90s where two teenage girls walking home from a party were raped and murdered by a group of scrotes, most of whom were from mexico. the thirty year anniversary of their murders recently passed and in all that time nothing has changed. i have known countless immigrants and have zero issue with people moving here to have better lives but not when they are feral moids who come from places with astronomical femicide rates and bring their violent misogynistic ideals with them. most of the people who cry racism every time someone criticizes the lack of border control live nowhere near border areas and have no idea how these moids view women and girls.
No. 2063837
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>>2063301>buh-buh-buh-buht we HAVE to let them all in!! Think of all of the women and children who are just looking for a better life! The women and children:
No. 2063846
>>2063837Our governments do not care for women.
These are men of working age. They are not female or children, they will not need education or maternity leave and our counties can prophet off them being here as they will do labour for us.
The whole “help save the poor immigrants! The women and children!” Is horse shit. The left and the right politicians are in on it together. Neither intend to save women and children abroad and entirely intend on importing foreign violent misogynist rapists just because it’s cheap labour for them to get rich. It doesn’t matter if you’re euro, bong, Aussie or burger, if you’re a woman your government does not value you as a human being. Your rape and murder is merely acceptable collateral damage for more cheap dirty labour to help satisfy the rich.
No. 2063856
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>>2063846the crazy thing is, a lot of them aren't even doing labour, either. There's a huge issue in NYC with immigrants getting bussed in and just loitering around the hotels where they're staying for free, harassing women and stealing shit from stores in smash-and-grabs and reselling it right on the street in front of them. That's their 'job', and they never really get in trouble, just told to move along and they do the same shit again the next day. This place is a mess
No. 2063924
>>2063903I’m curious, the nonas saying this is making them right-wing - how? There is a lot to right-wing ideology and to be frank closing borders isn’t going to stop rape from happening. It’s easy to lump it in on one problem but that’s not accurate.
In my opinion immigration should be conditional, and that exile should be brought back for immigrants that harm the health of a country. I don’t know how that would be implemented, but that would be the ideal. But I really feel for the hundreds who immigrate from bad conditions and behave well who would suffer because a proportion of scrotes scroted, as they always do.
No. 2064309>BOUAR, Central African Republic—A pair of twin sisters were happy to escape a harrowing abduction when Russian paramilitaries rescued them from kidnappers who had snatched them from their home on motorbikes. Their joy was to prove short-lived.>Armed men had abducted Fatou and her twin sister, 17, from their home in the northwestern Central African Republic (CAR) market town of Bouar in September. The girls were being spirited out of town when Russian paramilitaries in a pickup caught up with them, arrested the men and rescued the girls.>“We were so relieved when we saw the white soldiers,” Fatou told The Daily Beast. “We thought we were the luckiest girls in the world.”>But that wasn’t the end of the girls’ terror.>For three days, Fatou said, she and her sister were kept in a small, “dirty,” rat-infested room inside a military base in Bouar. As soon as they arrived, she said, Russian paramilitaries gave them injections which they said were meant to treat any injuries they had sustained. “We were surprised they were giving us injections for wounds because neither of us was injured,” Fatou said.>It wasn’t just the injections—which Fatou believes were contraceptive shots—that were sinister. Fatou also said the girls were given medicine that was intended to make them unaware of themselves and their surroundings.>“They told us we couldn’t return to our home immediately, as they needed to treat the wounds we sustained and be sure we were of sound health before letting us go,” Fatou said. “But whenever they gave us the medicine, which they usually dissolved in water, we slowly became unconscious.”>The girls usually became fully conscious of themselves hours after the drugs were administered, according to Fatou, who said she and her sister often realized their underwear had been removed and that they sometimes felt pain around their vaginas. “On the first day they gave us the medicine, my sister woke up hours later and discovered she was bleeding from her private parts.”>The girls were convinced they had been raped by the Russians. They then confronted the men, who denied the accusation but warned them never to tell anyone about what happened: “They said they’ll find us and kill us if we ever told anyone that we were raped by white soldiers,” Fatou said.>In the three years since the town was recaptured from rebels in February 2021, Russian paramilitaries have drugged, raped and administered contraceptives to hundreds of young women, according to dozens of witness accounts.>The sexµal violence continued even after the restructuring of the Wagner Group’s operations in Africa following the death of its founder, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a plane crash last August. Under the supervision of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which has now named the paramilitary structure Africa Corps, the abuse has not ended.>In many cases, the girls say they were raped after being drugged and injected with contraceptives without their consent. Some say they were forced to take the shot at gunpoint, and were given emergency contraceptive pills after being raped. The victims are mostly teenagers—some as young as 13.>This report is based on interviews with a dozen young women who say they were injected and raped by Russian paramilitaries inside an army base in Bouar, a town about 100 miles from the CAR border with Cameroon. The Daily Beast also interviewed three former rebel fighters who were later recruited by the Russians, and four soldiers from the Central African national army (FACA), including a medical officer who worked in the military base. All were aware of the incidents.>The abuse of young women in the Bouar military base has been happening on a regular basis for three years, according to witnesses. Women who were either rescued from armed male kidnappers or arrested for associating with rebel fighters were held at the base for days or weeks. The victims were often told that the injections and pills were aimed at preventing them from contracting viral diseases. Those who refused to comply were often tortured and then forcibly injected, according to two FACA personnel. No. 2064376
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>>2063837This shit is what making me leaning right despite not being conservative.
I'd sacrifice some minor things here and there, less food stamps (idk the correct them for the europe counterpart) but more reinforced borders.
In my country, a poor girl was lured in with drugs into a house, she was raped, chopped in pieces, her limbs and parts got bleached for some sort of primitive african bullshit cleansing ritual and then all the pieces were put up in a suitcase and left in a park. The media tried to water down the case to not loose left approval but her mother had to wear a t shirt (picrel, it's censored but you get the idea) with the pictures of her body parts. It's not a race problem. I don't care about the race. It's a matter of fact that these men aren't compatible with us.
We cannot let anymore of these primitive men here and let them stay here. This fucker has a drug record, here in Italy landlords and the government won't give you a home if you don't have two stable incomes and you need a clean record (common sense that's good) but will give houses to immigrants excusing it with some sort of inclusivity programs. I don't have a right to a house in my own country.
This is one of many such cases but I can feel the degradation in our quality of life.
Our government is trying to say shit like "These are all doctors and muh heavily civilized people they can help us!!"
Then they come, they don't understand and most importantly, don't want to interact to the locals, they create their own microcommunities where the police forces don't want to get involved because they cause too much trouble so some cities become headquarters of criminals. Like how retarded can you be to get out of your shitty country and then recreate that very shitty country elsewhere?
Poor Pamela (the girl that was murdered and chopped) was lured in by a group of these, they were even organized with their own taxi system and also took turns to fuck up her body and when I hear stories like this I always ask myself if they think (men in general but somehow men from primitive cultures are even worse like they didn't train even the minimal ounce of empathy) that they can get away with this and surprise, they do. Waste of men was also called "Innocent". I hate all of this.
I used to be a lefty, now I'm preaching for closed borders and death penalty. I'm very sick.
No. 2064418
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>>2064390I hate the constant lie that leftie country try to feed Europe saying stuff like "They're exceptions!! Don't generalize! They could help us!"
They could but they don't, how so? How so when there's a gruesome murder it's always men from second to third world countries?
Also the fuck are they running from? They're the people that are making their country a shithole and are leaving women a children behind, such care for their families! beautiful girl, Saman Abbas, was killed because she refused an arranged marriage. How can a whole family (father, mother and cousing were involved) kill their own blood in name of an ideology and bury her in a hole behind their house like it's normal to kill and bury and not expect consequences. This was planned, in name of a rapist god. How they could not feel anything while she was screaming for help? How they could not feel anything when they were swiping her under dirt?
I understand for her mother like she probably didn't have any words in this because muslim shitty rules but the men are demonic.
I will always hate these people. I will always hate people who get on the news because they refuse to integrate. Always hate men that end up on the news and don't feel an ounce of regret of their actions on a human level but only cry because they're gonna get fucked up big time in jail. I want instant death for all of them and forced laicism on every country, religion isn't race and culture and they shouldn't be an excuse during murder trials.
>>2064408Ritual killings are a thing, sadly.
No. 2064437 850 murders linked to long-haul truckers: FBI
>At least 850 murders across the United States over the past few decades are believed to be connected to long-haul truck drivers, according to the FBI’s “Highway Serial Killings Initiative.”>Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, said Wednesday on NewsNation’s “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” that truckers who spend most of their time on the road are often the suspects.>The FBI initiative helps link murders that initially seem unrelated but follow a pattern of female victims, many involved in prostitution or sex trafficking, being picked up at truck stops, sexually assaulted and then killed, with their bodies dumped in different locations.>“The FBI is confident (the 850 killings) are the work of serial killers,” Figliuzzi said. “In fact, there are already 25 long-haul truckers who are in prison for multiple homicides.”>He said there are 200 killings still unsolved and 450 suspects being looked at in those cases.>“In my book, I tried to narrow that suspect pool down by getting deep into three subcultures: long-haul truckers, sex trafficking victims and crime analysis,” Figliuzzi said, referring to his new book “Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers,”>Figliuzzi spent a year riding more than 2,000 miles in a semitruck to research the subculture.>He described an isolating lifestyle where 10% of long-haul truckers drink alcohol daily, 20% binge drink regularly, and 44% experience clinical depression.>“Some of these killers, when interviewed, say it dawns on them that they now have the license to kill because the freedom is there to exploit those law enforcement jurisdictions,” Figliuzzi, who spent 25 years serving the FBI, said.>The FBI contends that while most truck drivers are hardworking Americans, the inherent isolation and transient nature of the job could draw serial killers or potentially create them. No. 2064454
>>2064428The Mastropietro murder was linked to the Nigerian Mafia who often did ritual killings.
Quick question: what the fuck were they doing in Europe? I never mentioned skin color or race, my question is: how are these people allowed to raise hell in other countries and get houses while single moms on benefits are being thrown out in the streets? Why does Europe allow that? Why it's always them on the news? Either the EU is only allowing criminals or it's a weird coincidence.
It's never about race or skin, it's about irrelevant shit: culture and religion and the europe takes it in count to get some years off from jail time for these fuckers.
No. 2064478
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>>2064376>>2064418One more on the list of sad culture-related crimes:
Turkish girl, born and raised in Italy, who got removed from her turkish family due to beatings and domestic violence (and put in a protected space) was tricked by her family by saying that her little brother which she loved was heavily injured, once arrived to her "brother", which was only their family home in Turkey, she got kidnapped and held captive for months.
The reason?
"She was getting too westernized." Whatever the fuck that means, try to define this sentence without using religious reasons. Once free, she wrote a book about it. This story ends well but not many others do. I'm convinced that people who are too invested into religion shouldn't be allowed to leave their shitholes. Oh no my daughter is adapting the culture of the country I chose to migrate to! Pathetic men.
No. 2064752
>A retired Republican state senator from North Dakota is charged with traveling to Europe during his tenure for the purposes of having sex with a minor as well as receiving child pornography, according to a federal indictment unsealed Monday.>State Sen. Ray Holmberg, 79, was arrested Monday and released after pleading not guilty to the charges in U.S. District Court in Fargo. His trial is set for Dec. 5.>Prosecutors said in a statement that Holmberg, who served for 45 years in the chamber, repeatedly traveled to Prague in the Czech Republic from June 2011 to November 2016 for the purpose of paying for sex with a person under 18 years old. >The indictment, which also suggests Holmberg used aliases, says he received and attempted to receive images that depict child sexual abuse from November 2012 to March 2013. In order to solicit images, Holmberg used the alias Sean Evans, reports The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead. >Holmberg served for nearly five decades until his resignation last year, after The Forum revealed he exchanged dozens of text messages with a person who was jailed on charges related to child sexual abuse images.>Holmberg is not married. A 1996 profile on him from The Bismarck Tribune calls him a 'single parent of two.' No. 2064784
>>2063865>The most dangerous men to you are your male relativesSpeak for yourself.
>not fucking Rachid who delivers your overpriced Uber mealYou know two things can be true at once? Now not only are women being raped by white men they’re being raped by “Rachid”.
No. 2064838
>>2064793I didn’t want to get banned for samefagging because I also posted
>>2064784But I’ll say it again.
The people whose entire family will kill them at the drop of a hat want white people to feel evil for being white.
>>2064835Kill all rapists.
No. 2064872
>>2064835I like the netherlands but sometimes i wish they'd get swallowed by the sea. They're always at the crime scene when it comes to institutional degeneracy. Same goes for Germany
>>2063865>The most dangerous men to you are your male relativesYes, and? It's still a problem when women fear going outside because of spikes in violence (by whites or immigrants).
>RachidI'm going to assume you're north african. Because i am too kek ,you know so many NA men
hate having to share public spaces with women and. Yeah it greatly varies depending on the guy but they definitely have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to women having access to public spaces, unbothered. This affects all women nona, and you're more likely to be harrassed by a man of your own ethnic group than a racist. Defend yourself against racism, sure, but none of us owe rapist/harrassing moids anything.
No. 2064873
>>2063865> The most dangerous men to you are your male relatives, not fucking Rachid who delivers your overpriced Uber mealAnon… that is.. imagine reading this
>>2063301 and brushing it off by saying what you said. Gross. Like another anon said, speak for yourself.
No. 2065030
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>>2058589It gets worse, imagine your child getting beaten and burned alive by an entire mob, just because of the idea that he may have committed blasphemy, then you have to disown him, because if you don't a similar mob will likely brutally murder and lynch your other family
No. 2065182
>>2063301I'm ex Venezuelan and venezuelan men are truly some of the most fucked up moids in latin america. Child abuse is crazy there and most low income kids, both male and female, will get physically abused at best and molested/raped at worst. This has created an incredibly fucked up society where everybody has mental health issues/anger issues/sexual disorders.
I'd say they're just as bad as Mexican cartel moids. You truly do not want them in your country.
No. 2066308
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>>2066196A quote from the SPCA page. Several of the animals, including 3 German shepherds, had to be put down.
Also, bestiality isn’t illegal in West Virginia, so they can’t charge him for that. I think they are working on trying to come up with other charges. They are conducting DNA tests on the animals and if his DNA is found in the animals I believe they are going to try and charge him in Pennsylvania.
It’s beyond sickening. He may get away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. West Virginia is the armpit of America and I think we should flatten it out with an atomic bomb.
No. 2066515
>>2064376Holy shit that is horrible. The mom is based for the shirt though and the lawyer
>In June 2020, Mastropietro's uncle and lawyer Marco Verni took the knee in her memory during court proceedings during the George Floyd protests. He said that while he sympathised with Floyd's cause, he disagreed with some murder victims having more public and political support than others.[18][19] A year earlier, he published a photograph of Pamela's severed head, justifying his decision by pointing to pro-migrant activists who share photographs of drowned migrants.Based as fuck.
No. 2068518
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>>2068487>Brown and black women are okay with the patriarchy as long as they’re seen as superior to white women, and brown and black men are the same, as long as they’re seen as equal to white men.I don't think brown/black moids want to be equal, they want to take over, as they've said many times.
We as women still have rights and freedoms that don't exist anywhere else in the world and moids from misogynistic cultures like India or the Muslim world will remove them if they have the demographic power to do so.
What I worry the most about are incel white moids siding with them to take our rights away, though their racism seems to be stronger than their misogyny so far and brown moids hate whites due to their blackpill ideology anyways.
No. 2068555
>>2068499Thanks for proving my point. I regularly see black and brown women throw white women under the bus when we are abused and raped by black and brown men. The wife of a Rochdale groomer said “white girls are filthy”, black women say it’s funny when white women are beat up by men, accuse us of lying, and many such cases as that. Sorry but I’m not sticking my neck out for brown or black women.
>brag about owning slaves >ballwash natsoc menYou made that up because you can’t refute my actual point. Youre the ones who fawn over rich white men. If we dare to call them out you accuse us of white feminism. You’re the ones ballwashing all kinds of men. Nobody mules and ball washes more than brown women and they even fuck over their own daughters to satisfy men.
>>2068518They want to be equal to white men so they can take over white women. Right wing white men basically want sharia law but with legal pornography and prostitution which makes no sense but they demand it anyway.
>>2068509>There is only one group of women that continuously puts their race before their gender even when it’s detrimental to themYeah and it’s black women. They chastise each other for reporting
abusive black moids to the police because “omg you’ll get a black man killed! Race traitor! You’re as bad as a white woman!”
No. 2068574
>>2068555Yeah, sure, black and brown women are never abused by white moids and have it ignored or dismissed by white women (Chrystul Kizer totally isn't facing a lifetime in jail for killing the white pedoscrote who raped her as a result of the US's disgusting moid-pandering system, and it's not interesting how silent both libfems and radfems are about this). Native American women aren't the most likely demographic in the US to be trafficked and raped, to literally everyone's silence and indifference. Asian women aren't being trafficked to be exploited in "massage parlors" by white moids. And yes, white women never threw black women specifically under the bus via sitting idly by while their moids raped them so often that the average African-American is still something like 30% white in DNA today, coupled with excluding them from the suffragette cause and actively racially throwing them under the bus in speeches in a bid to get the vote by pandering to white men in charge. White women totally don't turn a blind eye to black, brown and Asian women's continued exploitation by moids of all races. It's all about you, you're the ultimate
victim, only white women have faced misogyny in this world and boohoo the blacky and browny women are treated as so superior to you. I've literally never seen black women say "it’s funny when white women are beat up by men or accuse [you] of lying", but sure I'll take your word for it.
>You made that upRacist tradthots happy about the "good old days" and simping for racist white men is made up? We literally had threads spanning years talking about that community, and that's where I learned about their existence. Nowadays, they're disciples of Varg, who's still active on Twitter and supported by his French wife. Go check /snow/, or ask anyone who's been here for 2+ years. But yeah, I'm sure everyone faked all those accounts, screenshots and that YouTubers like Ashton Birdie and "RageStorm" and co are like, crisis actors all designed to make you look bad, while these supposed swathes of black and brown women
victim blaming white female rape
victims and thinking of themselves as "superior" are totally legit. Again, more accusations being confessions. As for fawning over rich white men, are women like Trump's wife, the Red Scare "ladies" and the weird "sugar baby" coquette wannabes plaguing the internet now honorary POCs or something?
No. 2068576
>>2068574>Yeah, sure, black and brown women are never abused by white moidsNTA, but what percentage of rapes of black women are committed by white moids? And what percentage of those rapes are by black moids?
How about the percentage of rapes of white women by black moids?
I'm not picking a side w/ regards to
WOC vs white women but moids are another issue, some of them actually are much worse than others.
Black moids who are terrorizing
WOC in their own communities are being let loose or not even arrested because of "equity" and I don't see any BW talking about it.
No. 2068585
>>2068576>but muh percentageSo, it's okay as long as it happens less often? And we're meant to agree on a women's site that all (or even most) rape
victims totally go to the police, especially in countries where they are minorities and already distrustful/likely have bad associations with the police?
This is what I mean by functioning like a moid, kek. The next step will likely be "what about the 13/50" and some feeble attempts to pin that on black women to derail the whole thread into black vs white while glossing over the stats about Native American women's exploitation, too. It's all so tiresome.
>Black moids who are terrorizing WOC in their own communities are being let loose or not even arrested because of "equity" and I don't see any BW talking about itI've seen several black women talk about it, especially in black radfem spaces. This is like arguing that white women are okay with family annihilating porn addicts, pedophiles calling themselves "daddy doms" and transgender rapists in white communities because libfems (who are much more widespread and domineering in public discourse than white radfems) are, kek.
No. 2068591
>>2068585>So, it's okay as long as it happens less often?I didn't say that, but one group is being locked up for the crime and another group isn't. The majority of SA against black women is committed by black moids and the US government has a policy of deliberately releasing these criminals or giving them next to no sentence because of disparate impact.
>I've seen several black women talk about it, especially in black radfem spaces.Yes, and they also say that BW as a group cape for black moids far more than any other race of women does for their moids.
I'm not saying there are no problems with the criminal justice system at all w/ regards to race, but the rates of criminality we are seeing with black moids is far too extreme to be explained by racism. There can be structural reasons for why their crime rate is so high but you don't fix that by just letting them commit crimes to cook the books.
No. 2068604
>>2068591>I didn't say that, but one group is being locked up for the crime and another group isn't.Most rapists in general walk free, so no, they're all getting away with it. It's just that the legal system and the public as a whole care even less when it happens to non-white women, because of course. The system designed and governed by majority rich white moids is working as it should to be permissive toward rape/SA. They are not punishing their own kind more for what they're allowing men of other races to do freely.
>Yes, and they also say that BW as a group cape for black moids far more than any other race of women does for their moids.Because they don't want the discussion to be derailed to blaming white people (which it shouldn't be), not because it's true. Once again, the average white woman is not speaking out against trannies, groomer moids or other criminals like murderers who victimize themselves with the "mental illness" defense (or are victimized by the public). The deranged misogynistic right wingers who actually have the power to make things worse for everybody go home to their right wing wives and girlfriends who cheer them on and kick sand in other women's faces (especially non-white ones).
Note that I make no defense for any race of moids (they are obviously the problem, we've all seen and know it), my issue is with the special individual upthread attacking women of other races and claiming anything saying otherwise is "made up" in a bid to feel like an innocent pure
victim. Both history and the modern day disagree firmly with that, and again, feminism is a sinking ship because dumb women would rather pull on pigtails and regurgitate incel stupidity with pink nail polish painted on than face the reality of why things are fucked. Saying all black/brown/Asian/etc women are le evil pickmes, and pretending white women aren't/never do anything wrong won't get any of us anywhere, but it seems like some women are genuinely too retarded to apply the slightest layer of individuality to other women even slightly different from them.
No. 2068633
>>2068579You sit back and watch your own moids rape your daughters. You hold them down while their genitals are mutilated. You partake in their honour killings. You are far sicker and more evil as a collective than they will ever be. To this day brown women let their moids rape and murder female slaves and servants. Your crimes are far more recent. I don’t have to invent some poor attempt at an offensive slur because what I say speaks for itself.
>I hope brown women replace youFor what? To be the white mans favourite whore? They’re welcome to be that.
No. 2068642
>>2068636What the fuck are you talking about?
Here is what I said:
>>2068499>That phrase about accusations being confessions is proven to me every time I see a retarded racist tradthot complaining about misogyny from right wing men while bashing black/brown women at random, brag about how white women used to own slaves, ballwash the most pathetic white natsoc men, etc.Can you point out where I said
you said that? No, because I didn't say that.
And here's what you said in response:
>>2068555>>brag about owning slaves >>ballwash natsoc men>You made that up because you can’t refute my actual point. Youre the ones who fawn over rich white men. You're either making shit up to cover your ass after lying (bizarre thing to do on an imageboard), or you didn't bother paying attention to anything I actually said because you wanted to sperg about the minorities too badly and still didn't bother to look at what was actually said after the fact, kek.
No. 2068657
>>2068633Yeah and who sold who for gunpowder for stupid scrote wars?
Tbh tho it's not like any woman is responsible for scrote actions. There's no woman who ever got off scot free from oppression. Very rarely were we actually complicit in scrotal activities.
No. 2068686
>>2068640Probably yeah, although it's pretty easy to brush off because it reveals how uninformed the anon is. Sick of some burgers turning everything into a race dogfight, ffs you'd think browsing this thread alone would tell anyone that all moids of any race or creed can equally be as fucked as each other.
>>2068666This anon
>>2040328 did. I don't know if a supposed burger would want to make that statement because a much bitchier ausfag could make a similar more accurate one.
No. 2068693
>>2068627Some women don't actually care about the wolves. They just want to seethe about other women all day, and they will make any excuse to do so. It exacerbates the issue because only misogynistic/
abusive men of all races benefit in the end, but that's perfectly fine with them. They're happy to poison the waters by filling every discussion with racist horseshit and woman-blaming, making it near-impossible to talk about these things without being equated to said racists, whether you are brown or not.
A lot of things could've been resolved if feminists had been the first to address the migrant rape problem and tackle it as the very male problem it is, but instead, racist men and brain-dead pickmes got to it and ruin every conversation.
No. 2068715
>>2068706It doesn't need to be a major politician to be the general type of retard dominating every discussion and making normal-minded people look horrible. You can't even bring it up online without some faggot from /pol/ shitting everything up and insisting shit like it's western foid's fault for allowing brown men, white men would never rape and have never raped in all of history because white culture is flawless, retvrn to tradition, everything bad is jews, something something "
woc" are also to blame but they're submissive and will replace you white women because they are all looking for white men to be waifus to so watch out, blah blah blah.
The right wing politicians discussing it also tend to have backward views on what rights women should have as a whole, so that certainly doesn't help.
No. 2068733
>>2068696AYRT I think it's a mix of overcompensation from being privileged (either by being white, upper middle class or living in a first world country) and ignorance (willful or not), at least in my experience with self described libfems and a couple radfems.
>>2068715 Anon is also right in the fact that in a lot of spaces you simply can't criticise a culture without seeming like you align yourself with racist women hating soft skulls, except when it's in vogue to do so and its always the soft skulls side they take on
No. 2068797
>>2068604NTA, I don't really care what some basement dwelling permavirgins on the internet say or whether my opinions on a particular point coincide with theirs. I can tell you that my city has been transformed through mass immigration and many areas that I grew up walking through as a child are now unsafe for adult women, let alone young girls, to be in.
A lot of things lined up perfectly, it just so happened that the one part of the world that emancipated women and give us legal equality was also the most militarily and economically successful part of the world. If Europe was militarily weak we could have been overrun by Muslims in the middle ages and ended up like the Middle East. If we were economically weak we could have been colonized by China, with pre-modern Chinese social norms being imposed on us instead of the reverse.
The point is if we lose what we have now, the progress that was made for women over centuries could be gone forever. The stakes are very high
No. 2068820
>>2068797This post doesn't seem that related to what I said, anon. I definitely don't support
abusive moids from any culture. I also don't support retards who bash other women, accuse them of being pro-patriarchy and try to claim no one on their own "side" is when the opposite is true.
No. 2068825
>>2066760Just read the sharia law shitbook. Actually read it, do not look up inspirational "quotes" shared by brainwashed women and retarded men who don't want accountability.
In Europe you can more or less (depends how left leaning the country is) escape your home if your poor excuse of a husband hits you, in muslim countries women deserve beatings just for existing after getting their first period and the law is not existent for them. That's the difference. It's literally part of their religion, which is law in most middle eastern to central asian countries
>>2068627religion and culture is not race. Religion and culture can be criticized and it's only factual that some cultures use religions to excuse their ape tier actions. OOGA BOOGA WOMAN SHOWS HAIR?? She's a whore and I cannot maintain myself!! ARHgh!
No. 2068840
>>2068829A 12 year old girl was raped and instead of condemning it, you're first thought is "who did it?" so it can be used in an argument. What the fuck is wrong with you?
It's shocking because a 12 year old girl was gang raped by boys her own age for being Jewish. When they were caught, they used the war in Gaza as an excuse, as if a child has any political control over what goes on in another part of the world.
No. 2068841
>>2068820I'll make myself more clear: I don't care if some bumblefuck RW politician says platitudes about traditional families or whatever, we all know policy-wise they can't force women to do anything because they depend on us for votes as much as they do on men. What I do care about is the demographics shifting to the point where our votes no longer matter and these foreigners can impose their values on us. Things should be a lot better than they are but they can get a lot worse, and that change can happen very fast. Look at Iran under the shah compared to today. If you decide to not vote for an anti-immigration politician because he said something dumb pandering to tradcons, you are effectively voting for the people who will impose much worse on us.
>>2068825Despite nazi moids screeching otherwise, feminism is an organic part of the west. In the rest of the world they see feminism as a foreign concept imposed on them through western imperialism. There's actually a lot of truth to that. When western influence declines in non-western countries, even the relatively modern ones like China, they will flip rapidly back to their pre-western patriarchies because that's what is organic to them.
No. 2068852
>>2068840>A 12 year old girl was raped and instead of condemning it, you're first thought is "who did it?" so it can be used in an argument. What the fuck is wrong with you?NTA. Why didn't you take issue with
>>2068790 doing just that, but the anon who asked if it really was the religion she's claiming it is? In fact, the first anon didn't even ask.
No. 2068856
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>>2068327Call me edgy I don't give a fuck but as a fellow italian nona, I hate the costant guilt tripping about the Mediterranean see being painted as a "migrant graveyard". I will not feel sorry for these people.
When they succeed they end up on our southern shores and run around screaming and making a mess just to celebrate that they touched land like animals and often the police has to get involved so they don't destroy property or break in stores, since our little towns are very much on the sea level. Mothers have to run away with children when they see a boat on the horizon.
When they fail, most normie social media platform get flooded with black and white sea pictures with "RIP" on it like …am I supposed to feel bad? Did I put them on a boat? This little shit ended up on the news because one day she was bored and decided to hop on her boat, rescue migrants for brownie points and then wanted to bring them to Italy. Mind you, she's german.
Our government told them that our borders were closed and to ask other countries, for some fucking reason she said that other countries were muh muh unsafe and forced her way here. She. Forced. Her. Boat. She got into trial and the lefty youth of the country spoke to free her because she was a true human rights activist. Our statitics say that illegal immigrants are 14% more likely to commit violent crimes, she dumped a whole boat of rapists in our borders and went back to her home in germany. what the fuck? They don't even try to hide that they're full of shit. I'm aware that Italy is being seen more like a bridge to Europe rather than a place to stay (personal schizo theory that we didn't have a single terrorist attack due to fear of italy closing borders but maybe I'm reaching) but meanwhile that these people walk up all the way to germany and the uk, they sure end up doing the most fucked up shit. Sure, get fucking drunk and enter stores with a big ass machete, do as you please., come here and rape our mothers, the country is all yours!
A drown rapist is a celebration.
No. 2068874
>>2068848Ah okay, I thought you were implying from this
>The right wing politicians discussing it also tend to have backward views on what rights women should have as a whole, so that certainly doesn't help.That these politicians should be opposed due to their views. I'm at the point where if they put a stop to immigration, I'll hold my nose for a lot of this other stuff.
>The incel stupidity is claiming women of other races support white patriarchy and are all searching for white rich men or whatever.The kind of women from outside of the west who are fighting to get in (without moids attached to them) are educated and want the same freedoms we have, so I don't get where they are coming up with this. If anything they are usually more economically independent than average.
No. 2069334
>>2069308if you feel threatened by a child saying your "identity" isn't real then how strong is your conviction, really?
if a child told me "millennials aren't real" or "lesbians don't exist" what would i care?
No. 2069820
>>2028583Is there any nonnas keeping up with the Karen Read case in Canton, MA? I've been autistically obsessed but now going crazy because the jury has been deadlocked for 3 days in which seem to be an obviously not guilty case.
Karen is being charged with second-degree murder, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated killing her boyfriend O'keefe.
However, most people think it's a cop cover up and Karen is the scapegoat.
Most believe O'Keefe was killed at the Albert (cops) house during a house party and left out to die. The two families at the party are beyond suspicious (getting rid of the dog due to dog bites on the
victim, getting rid of phones, "butt calling" each other the night of, selling the house fast, weird google searches, missing ring cam footage, etc).
Victim has no bruises and no broken bones despite being "hit by a car" supposedly by Karen. Only injuries are scratch marks on arms, black eyes, fist wounds, and a gash on the back of his head. Nothing on the torso and legs. Even the 3 medical examiners agreed in injuries are not caused by a car in the trial.
I just feel awful that this woman is being scapegoated and possibly going to prison for life because of some moid cops.
No. 2070089
>>2068555No it’s the group that’s won’t fucking stop voting republican in every single major election even as they lose the rights to their bodies. The one that actively votes against their own interest so that they can maintain their status. Have black women ever done that?
Woc carry elections on their backs because they can’t rely on 53% of white women to not to vote in a “grab her by the pussy” moid who wants to ban abortion.
No. 2070091
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>A 19-year-old Afghan migrant has brutally stabbed a Ukrainian refugee woman who was sitting on a park bench in Frankfurt, resulting in serious injuries to the 41-year-old woman.>The victim was stabbed in her head, neck and in her behind with a box cutter, according to the public prosecutor. She was able to flee the scene, but then stumbled onto the ground a few meters away from the bench, at which point the Afghan man continued to stab her while she laid on the ground.>Witnesses rushed to help the woman, at which point the attacker fled the scene. The police searched the area and found the Afghan, identified as Mohammad Zaman A., hiding in a bush nearby. He was arrested and charged with attempted murder and other offenses. The weapon used in the attack was found in his possession, according to police.>At this time, it remains unclear why he targeted the woman.>The stabbing attack follows a wave of rapes and assaults directed against Ukrainian refugees, who, compared to other migrant groups from North Africa and the Middle East, have far lower crime rates. No. 2070304
>>2070089>No it’s the group that’s won’t fucking stop voting republican in every single major electioDemocrats let brown/black criminal moids run free due to "equity". Entire cities have been ruined due to out of control crime.
Don't pretend that the Democrats actually represent the interests of women. They are a coalition built on pandering and absolutely will throw you under the bus in order to win over some other interest groups. And while I'd rather have neither, being terrorized by criminals is worse than having restrictions on abortion.
No. 2070397
>>2068657>Yeah and who sold who for gunpowder for stupid scrote wars?Not white women? Are you stupid?
Brown women need to stop abusing the fuck out of their daughters and daughter in laws. No matter how evil white women are they’ll never be THAT evil and I don’t care if some Becky called you a paki bitch on the playground one time.
No. 2070593
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>>2062768>>2062933The Germans had this figured out 1500 years ago
No. 2070629
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>>2070614>Actually all races of woman put their race firstNot all
No. 2070678
>>2062768Samefag but she's insanely based kek. Also she got the weekend sentence because she didn't appear to the court dates.
Here's the un-paywalled story from the actual city, you can use a translator: No. 2070688
>>2070646I don't know what kind of brainworms some of these women have. I can't imagine this sort of thing anywhere else, even the black women who cape for black moids are at least being "loyal to their tribe" or whatever. Europe, especially Germany, has been mindbroken since WW2 and never recovered. You even see parents of murdered girls on the news crying about racism, like that preteen French girl who was murdered by an Algerian last year.
>>2070682Ah, okay that makes more sense. Still inexcusable
No. 2070746
I said this a dozen times already but I guess I have to once again: the huge issue and main difference between european and migrant moids is the number they show up as. Most Germans are loners, you will never encounter more than 1 or maybe 2. Meanwhile all refugees are always roaming around in huge groups of 5+ or even 10+. And that's what makes it so scary. Maybe you can fend off or run away from one single moid, but you have zero chance against 10. Yes, rapes have always existed. Yes, statistically the most dangerous moid is the one you live with. But something as inhumanly brutal as gangrapes? This simply wasn't a thing til a few years ago. Especially commited by "kids" as young as 12. If a local rapes you, then he rapes you alone. There simply is no way that you would ever encounter a group of multiple german (or other european) moids who gangrape you, and then you encounter another group and another and another. And if the 2nd, 3rd and 4th group were really alerted by the first - what does that tell you about their culture, if they know for sure that their brothers, cousins and friends wouldn't run to the police and instead join in on the crime?…
As a child you are always told to ask others for help if somebody bothers or attacks you, because the chances that you meet 2 evil people in one day/night are supposedly too slim. Well, apparently not. How is this young girl ever supposed to trust any moid ever again?
People like
>>2063846 are so so naive.
>our counties can prophet off them being here as they will do labour for us. Have you ever looked at a statistic? After nearly 10 years of living in Germany, still only 60% of them work (many not fulltime) meaning nearly half are still on benefits. They're not uwu poor people who were brought here to do the dirty work for us (the ones actually doing that are mostly Romanians who come for a couple months and then go back again), politicians are simply insane.
No. 2071071
>>2071018I don't really get what you want? There hardly passes a week during which you don't read about a poor girl getting brutally raped. This is a real huge concern for many women - and rightfully so, that fear is justified (plus not just for German women either, Ukrainians too).
So why are you still claiming that caring mostly about this big problem in your own country is white supremacy and only thinking about yourself? It's simply human and natural to think about yourself first, you won't find a country who doesn't and it's not like this is some petty little non-issue either.
>Remember and focus on that first and foremost, women need to band together to stop the moid blightPreaching this to us feels really ironic when you have this
>>2062657 happening as well. When I was a kid and saw the news about all those refugees coming, I was genuinely excited because I naively believed this would lead to a big change for many girls and women. But instead only moids came. And the few women who came or who were born here to a previous generation of migrants often rather support their moids. That court psychiatrist above even seemingly goes so far as to enjoy the feminist privileges here like free university education for everyone to reach a powerful position - and then uses it to aid her moids against "fellow women". It's them who often don't want to band together and patience for them is bound to run thin if constantly faced with such incidents. It would be snobby first world behavior to pretend that they're simply forced or brainwashed and don't know any better (especially of born here), sad truth is, they simply don't want a better world for women, they want to set us back and sometimes even succeed. Now in these cases rape get's treated less seriously and punished less severely than feminists managed to achieve years ago.
No. 2071574
>>2071071>When I was a kid and saw the news about all those refugees coming, I was genuinely excited because I naively believed this would lead to a big change for many girls and women.This reminds me of how whenever some atrocity happens against a woman or girl by migrants, inevitably moids chime in saying "she voted for it", as if we were expecting millions of fighting age men to suddenly show up in Europe as "refugees". Ukraine showed that, normally, refugees are entirely women and children, and the moids stay and fight.
My tinfoil on the Syrian "refugee" bait and switch was that western governments wanted to drain Assad's army of manpower so they deliberately targeted fighting age men to ship to Europe as "refugees". IIRC there's currently an EU law where no Syrian can be deported if he runs the risk of being drafted into the Syrian army.
No. 2071651
>>2063865All the more reason to not import more, just like how Thailand and the Philippines need to stop letting single men travel or move there to commit sex offences. Just because women are already being victimized by the men that live there doesn’t mean we should open the floodgates, what kind of dumb mindset is that? “Oh what’s one more dead rape
victim? We already have so many anyway!” Your retarded.
No. 2071734
>>2071728No I’m saying your coping by thinking every comment you tagged is a samefag, also
>check my IP mods!!Newfag
(retard) No. 2071750
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>>2071728>Farmhands, please prove me wrong kek.Reminded me of this
No. 2072023
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No. 2072125
>>2072023Found the article. It's from 2021. The moids were Indian
shocking. Two eleven year old moids beat her to death with a rock and another eight year old moid helped conceal the body. One of the parents was charged with tampering with evidence.
God I want India to be eradicated so badly.
No. 2072232
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Fun fact: Indians poop on the streets.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2072260
>>2072167They keep reproducing with Indian moids and making even more Indian moids.
I agree the women and girls in those countries are largely
victims, but a lot of them end up becoming so brainwashed that they go along with culture of rape/shame/punishment of their own gender.
No. 2072273
>>2072260Exactly, they still allow for their daughters to be married and given to scrotes 30 years older than them. So
>>2072253 < this anon is probably from one of those countries herself
No. 2072405
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>A US soldier has been charged with the kidnapping and rape of a teenage girl in Okinawa, a Japanese island chain that hosts the region's largest American military base.
>The anger has also been fuelled by sexual assault cases - one of the most high-profile was in 1995, when a 12-year-old girl was raped by three US service personnel, sparking months-long protests.
>The 25-year-old Air Force man allegedly assaulted her on 24 December and he was identified through security camera footage after the girls' family reported it, local media said.
>Local media reported that the soldier was off duty when he allegedly approached the girl at a park and asked her to get into his car so they could talk. He then drove her to his home where he allegdly raped her.Men like this deserve nothing but the death penalty.
No. 2072529
>>2072264>All of their scrotes need to be purged and killed and release these women and girls from their control and influenceI mentioned this during a conversation about asylum seekers and was given shit for it, but it's true.
This is really the only solution for saving the MENA and Desi women.
No. 2072577
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>>2072167>What did innocent Indian women and girls do to warrant their eradication?I know a lot of Indian nonnas and they would 100% agree with eradicating every moid in India
No. 2072581
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>>2072529Imagine being trapped in a place like this. Its like a nightmare
No. 2072594
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>>2072579I'll expand my position to include brainwashed scrote-carriers who excuse and perpetuate misogyny in these countries. They all need to go too.
No. 2072608
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>>2072599I chimed in on this topic from
>>2072577 onwards, that's not my position in the first place.
I don't agree with the other stuff that was said but if we're talking about moids and scrote-carriers who defend them, India needs a bioweapon targeting them
Though at the rate they are killing their female babies, this might not even be an issue soon
No. 2073915
>>2072679This isn't baiting, wth
>>2072636Yes, we should shaming them for their betrayal at the very fucking least, we do not even do that on a large scale. Give them consequences for their choice. They harm us all together with men as a team.
No. 2074665
>>2074660>>2074658Only recently I've heard my mom and some other people talk in careful whispers about immigration
I've always said what I believed on the topic when asked but this is the first time I've heard other people start questioning it
The problem is so many simps are just stopping at "muh economy" when the real answer should be "I don't want to live in a country full of Indian moids"
>Hope they’re both okay and the moids die a painful death by castration.The entire west needs Nayib Bukeles to fix the moid criminal problem
Lock them all up or just line them up and shoot them, problem instantly solved overnight
"Restorative justice" was one of the most disastrous ideas libfems contributed to
No. 2074672
>>2074668Canadians just need to realize it's okay to put their ethnic and national interests ahead of randoms on the other side of the world. Nobody else makes this distinction, for example Tunisia just expelled hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Africa because it was in their national interest to do so.
Turks are now kicking the crap out of Syrians because their moids are acting the way they do in Europe. Really shameful for Europeans that the Turks are showing they care more about their women being harassed and SA'd than Europeans do
No. 2074685
>>2074660>>2074668I don't like how the accusation of racism is being thrown around at everyone who has
valid criticism on the norms and values and religious convictions of certain groups of people. Even on here you get redtexted for racebaiting when you point out you don't like muslim immigrants even though it's clearly about the dangerous norms and values they bring with them and not about their race. It's insane. I think many people are so sheltered they've genuinely forgotten that there's many people out there with conflicting values that pose an actual danger for your freedom.
No. 2074744
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Stuff like this scares me so much I’m genuinely terrified about humans constantly feeling the need to play god. I don’t even want to imagine what unnatural plans these scientists will come up with by the time I‘m an old hag
No. 2074758
>>2074690Nta but she’s clearly talking about
valid criticism of mass immigration getting labeled as racism, which is what she said verbatim. Not alogging entire countries
No. 2075024
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I'm not even fucking wh*te and yp scrotes come to my country to rape children because they have enough money to come here and get away with it. At the same time even in my shitty third world pedo ass culture it's relatively unheard of groups of scrotes randomly attacking women out on the streets in plain daylight despite being shitskins, simply because it's not entirely normalized by the culture. Like most scrotes in the world they will wait until they get home to beat the fuck out of their wives and children. But this is in part why I don't live with scrotes. If suddenly I started seeing a bunch of sandnigger dogs flood my country and randomly assault women on the streets I would really sperg out because it would be clear that the female safety situation worsened (and it's already pretty bad). It's completely unacceptable to get to the point where women are also unsafe when they choose not to relation with scrotes at all in their lives.
Men actually deserve to be racially profiled simply because race, place of origin and culture tend to be related to each other. In fact, I'm glad many states in here won't allow single wh*toid scrotes enter the country because they KNOW they are coming here to rape kids (i.e. single white man -> comes from a high income country -> likely here to buy sex without consequences due to trends). Shitskin moids from Arab countries should be treated the same because in their brains it's normalized to attack women on the streets over shit they don't like. Simple as and the psyop'd dumbasses here can cry me a river.(racebaiting, ban evading retard)
No. 2075087
>>2075076Nice strawman. If you genuinely think it's okay to blanket bash women of certain races over men, then you're no better than a moid. There is nothing "radically feminist" about that. By your logic, calling Europe a pedophile continent for the shit moids from there also do should be based, too.
If you can't understand something this simple, you're probably part of the faction of men who actually enjoy women not being able to discuss this topic and speak out as a group against it.
No. 2075199
>>2075192>whataboutismSo, how does the Middle East being full of pedophiles contradict the fact that the Netherlands hosts most of the world's CP, Europe happily covers up its wealthy people's child rape (eg the Dutroux affair) and its men love to visit poor countries to abuse children? It just means both of you should be called subhuman, if you're represented by your moids.
Since we're all (supposed to be) women and anti-abuse here (and not a bunch of men trying to cover up our own abuse by deflecting), why would we use insults that affect women on this topic? It's so weird how you can't answer this.
No. 2075231
>>2075224>It's telling that white scrotes have to go to third world countries to rape children as we don't tolerate it legally hereIt is tolerated, though, as long as the scrote is rich. The poor ones just have to be a bit more careful. Plus, most
victims don't speak out anyway. I agree on the point about women's influence making a difference, but moids are still in charge and make that known.
No. 2075949
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>While the event is met with swift backlash each year, event organizer Matt Bailey defended the tradition, calling the country’s feral cat population “possessed by the devil.”>“They will try and attack you, if you get your hand near the cage, they will try and have you, you can see the evil in their eyes,” he added.The organiser is a psychopath. If he didn't have a legal outlet for his zoosadist urges, he'd be adopting puppies to cut in half when alive.
No. 2075952
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>>2075949This is the country that dares to lecture others about 'hate speech' and censors the Internet the China way.
No. 2075959
>>2075949This shit is disgusting, I hope he gets what's coming to him.
>he'd be adopting puppies to cut in half when alive.After the Adam Britton shit, let's be real. He probably does this too.
No. 2075965
>>2075954Well, first, Australia and New Zealand are part of the west. This isn't some traditional woo-woo muh ancestors bullshit. Even if that were the case, the whole "cultural relativism for reprehensible acts" shit doesn't work when non-westerners do it, either. The world has standards, it's time to evolve. Second, this isn't about "culling predators" or else they'd put funding and work into programs to spay and neuter them, not celebrate killing them for fun, trapping them in cages to shoot, etc. Every normal person sees this for what it is, and it's fucked.
No. 2075982
>>2075965Feral cats are killed because they are a threat to the unique fauna of Australia and New Zealand. I love cats and its sad they have to do this but if they just let them breed out of control they will wipe out wildlife that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.
What would you have them do instead?
No. 2075986
>>2075982Did you read the article? They're very clearly not euthanizing them quick out of necessity and moving on.
>What would you have them do instead?I explained what I would do in that same post, anon. It's not brand new or alien to employ spaying and neutering to deal with this sort of issue. This isn't about protecting the wildlife, some humans are just sick.
No. 2075996
>>2075954I thoroughly disagree with this after observing how people talk about these animals. You can even see it in the article. People who care about the environment don't say animals are "possessed by the devil."
Also telling how people only rage about cats and not invasive bugs/birds/plants. It's because lantern flies or isopods don't have emotions or express pain when you kill them. I've seen the Chinese zoosadists say they love the screams of cats because they sound similar to women.
No. 2076018
>>2075949Meanwhile, New Zealand when dogs maul endangered birds:
>U-umm please leash your dog mmkay? We won't be imposing fines at this time uwu>>2075982>>2075954Le ebin reddit virtue signalling. I'll believe this is aktually about conservation when mutts are euthanized for this: No. 2076023
>>2076020No shit, except dogs always get a pass on mauling birds, with like 5 posterity fines per year being the absolute worst that can happen. Therefore, criminal-descended zoosadist sheepfuckers don't give a shit about wildlife and never did.
>>2075952The faces of these scrotelets shouldn't be hidden, childhood zoosadism is very useful in predicting future criminality.
No. 2076044
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So true. When are we culling:
1) Inbred anglofelons;
2) The non-native livestock brought over by said anglofelons (which decimated over 90% of NZ's wetlands and reduced the total forest area to a quarter of what it was);
3) The invasive grass planted by anglofelons to feed said non-native livestock;
4) The chronically unleashed mauler dogs owned by anglofelons.
I also absolutely love how this gratuitous zoosadist distraction is run by the #1 genociders of native wildlife on the planet - NZ livestock farmers. It's like being lectured on paper straws by fucking Exxon-Mobil. Perhaps they hate feral cats because they hate competition?
No. 2076045
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>>2076040We have more than one event, the one you listed only happens in Queensland. The one that I’m referring to is the ‘Great Cane Toad Bust’ where they encourage you to (humanely) kill the cane toads yourself. No. 2076050
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>>2075965Who is paying for this? Because the government doesn't officially recognise the cats as pests so the farmers are having to deal with them themselves. Which is obviously not the best option but until the government steps up and puts these plans into place are they expected to spend their own money to re-home them?
No. 2076061
>>2076050>a disease that has an impact on New Zealand's sheep industry Ah, but of course that's what it's about. Does the farmbux cuntrag want to talk about the impact of New Zealand's sheep industry on New Zealand's native wildlife and freshwater reserves? Or how hard New Zealand's farmers chimp out whenever their malignant occupation is minimally restricted to save wildlife habitats?
This insufferable virtue signalling is why the impending decimation and poverty of NZ farmers is something I'm unironically gooning to. I hope every zoosadism competition enjoyer also gets put on a public list so their conservation efforts can be appreciated in the future, when they have to find a real job.
No. 2076077
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>A 12-year-old disabled girl was allegedly gang raped by at least 8 boys at her school in Spain in May. It was revealed, however, that an investigation would not be conducted and the rapists will not be held liable because they are under the age of 14, even though a forensics team was able to confirm the girl had been penetrated.The porn industry needs to fucking die. Even 12 year old scrotelets are becoming porn addicted rapists.
No. 2076078
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>>2076061>unironically gooningdon’t use that disgusting word you sound like a scrote
No. 2076089
>>2076052 and the post that person is literally replying to. If you think freezing or gassing an animal so it dies humanely and even having a section on the site about the topic saying that they should be killed humanely because they're an invasive species
stupidly introduced by humans is the same as what's going on in NZ, you either have fecal matter for brains or you're coping because you really want to defend your cat torture fetish.
No. 2076092
>>2076089That cunt also dropped "cute and fluffy" as if zoosadists don't specifically prefer that. No fucking shit a cat torture contest will attract more of them than sanitized and discreet euthanasia of frogs.
Next she's gonna drop a reddit conservationist banger like "you wouldn't call spraying roaches with Raid zoosadism"
No. 2076099
>>2075949This same deformed shitpig (vid related), in another article:
>It would be awesome to hear the song of our native birds, but their numbers are dropping because the feral cats are annihilating everything around here.A cow fart huffer would love to hear the birds sing after destroying their home to farm more farts. Infuckingcredible. What degree of consanguinity and criminal ancestry is required to produce such genius?
No. 2076101
>>2076052They're being hunted with rifles, that's not necessarily an inhumane method if the hunters know what they're doing.
I'd much rather have a massive sweep and humane euthanization of these animals but the cost of undertaking such a thing would be very high for the government so it's unlikely to happen
As another anon pointed out, catch neuter release is another potentially good idea but this would have to be done for decades before any significant impact on the population would happen, meanwhile all those cats are killing indigenous wildlife
Also, conservation of wildlife is a very recent concept, even our modern grasp of biology and ecology is only 150 years old at most, by the time these conservation movements started the damage was already done. It's not fair to blame the people living there today for actions their ancestors took before wildlife protection was even a thing
>>2076099It's easy to complain about farming policies when your livelihood isn't dependent on it btw. All these lefties would suddenly change their mind if farming was shut down altogether and suddenly food prices went up 500%. Might help Australia and New Zealand slim down though
No. 2076107
>>2075965>spay and neuteranon, feral cats in the outback in aus at least aren't like pet cats, as boars are to domestic pigs feral cats are domestic cats. in the cities there are spay/neuter programs but the ferals in the bush are built different. there are a shitload of funded government efforts in aus and im absolutely certain in nz for the culling of feral cats/dogs/pigs/deer/foxes. i agree that this is a bit distasteful but it is really necessary, nz have an extremely vulnerable bird population and in aus bilbies, bandicoots, potaroos, quolls and other little marsupials are hugely impacted.
and this does have traditional impacts as well…
my family is part indigenous and our ancestral animals (like totems) are heavily affected by feral cat activity (a bird and a bat) No. 2076116
>>2076084>>2076089just so you know, while more humane methods are encouraged, people will still walk around in a line with sticks or golf clubs to hit the toads with as they flush them out (sometimes collecting them in buckets to do a count later), or throw them onto the road to get run over. It's a whole thing, especially in areas that have high cane toad populations.
The cats were trapped and shot, which really isn't that cruel and pretty standard as far as culling goes (unless you really wanted someone using idk a chook farm's depop bin to toss the cats into and then gas them en masse? euthanasia via injection would have probably been too expensive or something). Also no one here seems bothered by the feral pig and deer hunt that was mentioned in the article as part of the whole thing, who are also deeply destructive invasive species
No. 2076119
>>2076112> Also farmer faggotry is subsidized and generally isn't subject to proper market forcesYou know why? Because if you let cheap third world food destroy your local food production, you then become dependent on those supply chains for your literal survival and they can either be blockaded or simply shut down in the event of a foreign conflict and your people starve to death. This is what happened in Germany after WW1, the British blockaded the ports at Hamburg and 1 million Germans starved to death.
There's no use crying about colonization when if it wasn't the English doing it in Australia and NZ, by now the Chinese would have taken over those islands and populated it themselves. And do you think China would have a better record on the environment and wildlife there than the modern day Australians and NZers? I don't think so.
If anything it's fortunate they were colonized by a population that has some degree of ecological responsibility, if not as much as we'd like. Look up the impact of mainland Indians on the Andaman islands if you want to see how other civilizations treat virgin lands and indigenous peoples
No. 2076122
>>2076116At least there's lip service to opposing zoosadism against frogs. Nobody celebrates it with a contest that results in flight tickets to the venue being sold out.
>collecting them in buckets to do a count later), or throw them onto the road to get run overAnyone who does this (especially if it's a child) should be put on a registry. Guaranteed psychopath 10 years down the line.
No. 2076129
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>>2076119What in the fuck are you talking about? More than 90% of NZ produced meat is exported, usually as a luxury product to turd worlders with an emerging taste for a "western lifestyle". US farm subsidies result in enormous waste and have to do with lining pockets, not protecting local supply chains.
Farmers are universally considered scum for a reason. There's a person that grows food and there's a Farmer™.
No. 2076171
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>>2076141I just read the whole thing, they are advocating for trade liberalization with the EU and tariff reduction. Doesn't sound like an industry dependent on subsidies for survival to me
>Dunno, what do wealthy small countries with zero natural resources do for a living?Those countries don't just start off "wealthy", they have to actually provide something to outside markets in order to become prosperous in the first place.
In the case of Asian microstates like Singapore, they relied on cheap labour from their overpopulated neighbor and eventually became a tax haven due to their location on the Malacca straits being highly strategic. New Zealand is in the middle of nowhere without any selling point for international finance
Also, it looks like total agricultural land use is going down in New Zealand, not up
No. 2076403
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>>2076119>There's no use crying about colonization when if it wasn't the English doing it in Australia and NZ, by now the Chinese would have taken over those islands and populated it themselves. And do you think China would have a better record on the environment and wildlife there than the modern day Australians and NZersI haven't seen so much whataboutism in a while. What about if Japan colonised New Zealand instead? What about if the Spaniards did?
>If anything it's fortunate they were colonized by a populationAre you listening to yourself?
>>2076121Making a splatter spectacle out if it should never be encouraged or promoted though.
>>2076134>what exactly does the NZ economy have to rely on to survive?You make NZ look like a Sub-Saharan shithole of the Burkina Faso sort. Agriculture contributes only a small fraction to the GDP of every developed country in the world. Why should NZ be different? Because the people there are abysmally uneducated, retarded, decimated with malnutrition and with close to no capital, like a Burkina Faso village dweller? If they can't compete on the global scale, then I suggest mass emigration or becoming a US state or turning into North Korea.
>Farming exports produce 1/4 of their GDPAnd this is also a lie. I don't know where you asspulled that number from.
No. 2076666
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>Drowned her 2 boys (3 yo and 14 month old) by driving her car into a lake for some scrote who broke up with her over the kids.
I don't know how this bitch lives with herself. It's a shame she didn't just kill herself instead.
No. 2076720
>>2076403I wonder if farmwhores defend Amazon deforestation because it's being done by muh poor people who have 0 desire to become anything useful.
I wonder if Brazil has its own population of rural subhumans who decimate acres of forest for pennies, then spout Wikipedia knowledge about some invasive gecko because they really enjoy dismembering it on lunch break.
No. 2076773
>>2076162Yes, I am aware. Yes, I would thoroughly enjoy watching smug inbreds clutch their cow-insemination gloves over something they normally gleefully celebrate and rub in everyone's face. Yes, their sudden onset of impotent, hypocritical screeching would literally make me hands-free coom.
>>2076153All 3 of them I'm sure. Meanwhile owned dogs are routinely off-leashed in natural habitats and nesting areas, with any resulting harassment and maulings being seen as cute whoopsies. Too bad they're not technically "feral" so they can't be euthanized. The owners can't be fined or told to leash the beast without some white obese dogfucker acting like it's literal 9/11. ZERO dog owners comply with the "no dogs" rule in protected habitats - not just in NZ but anywhere in the world.
>>2076171Farming is subsidized in the US, not NZ.
Sorry, what was the point again? Ah right, flagrant polluters virtue signalling concern for the environment to whitewash zoosadistic urges. I don't know how to explain to you why everyone with a brain is rightly disgusted by farmers doing this of all people. Imagine a Nevada lithium miner nagging residents of the surrounding towns to conserve Tiehm's buckwheat and lobbying to fine them for trampling it. This wouldn't even begin to approach the level of cynical cuntiness displayed by NZ cattle molesters.
If you are going to LARP as an annoying conservation faggot of this caliber, you better be ready to give up your shockingly polluting livelihood as a minimum or be seen as the coping zoosadist you are. Not being selective about the kinds of invasives you kill goes without saying, so off-leash farm Nala goes to heaven when he plays with the penguin too hard.
Instead this is promoted by the same "people" who take their shit stained tractors to the city every time someone tells them "umm, maybe your water use should be regulated and billed like everyone else's u-uwu?". Yeah, feel-good exercises in gratuitous murder of invasives after you've murdered the native animals for "muh economic growth" is a great front, how could anyone possibly see through it?
(continuing the derail) No. 2076829

Sorry to link a long video, I don't usually watch these true crime vids but occasionally a thumbnail or title with catch my attention. I thought this was going to about a young moid killing his friend or something but holy shit this is so disturbing. I'll summarize but I feel awful just typing this out.
>Moidlet brought into police station under suspicion he committed acts of burglary on peoples cars and a possible carjacking.
>He confesses to burglary, and then confesses to the carjacking when his mom is out of the room.
>During the stint of crime on his block, a 98 year old woman was found murdered in her home.
>He denies this crime, cries when confronted because he supposedly feels like shit that people would assume he is a murderer.
>Evidence is found tying him to the crime, he is arrested and brought back days later.
>He confesses to breaking into her home, filming her sleeping, and then strangling her when she wakes and begins to panic.
>Evidence finds male dna on her body and clothing, her underwear is torn off her body, and her bra and nightgown is pushed up around her neck and sternum.
>Gloves are found at the scene, as well as grape jelly on the table next to where she was killed. Grape jelly is also present on the gloves, as well as male dna and her dna.
>Moid admits to using the jelly as a lubricant, and using her hand to jerk him off after killing her.
>Videos are found on his phone of him committing sexual acts on her dead body.
>Details are unclear on the extent of the acts, but seminal fluid is found in her underwear, on the outside of her body, her hand and her mouth.
This is the second or third recent case I've heard of moidlets raping and murdering elderly women. There is something so wrong with men, I can't imagine getting to the age of 98 only to have your life selfishly taken by a moidlet with not even 2/10th's of your life experience so that he can have a little adrenaline rush and get off. They should just take him out back and shoot him, he's irredeemable. He's not sorry he raped and killed a woman. He wrote in his journal that he has no empathy, he's desired to kill people before, and wrote verbatim that he could drag a girl into the woods, rape and kill her and feel no remorse after.
One thing that struck me as odd was the reaction of the mother, I'm not blaming her in any way I just wonder if she might have suspected he did this. At the end of the video the female officer who took the moidlets confession tells both parents they found videos of the victim on his phone before and after her death. The mother asks "like having sex with her?" And the officer says "engaging in sexual acts." The father sort of steps back, sways a bit like he's going to pass out and starts pacing while clutching a tissue. The mother asks "was she alive when he was doing that?" And the officer says "we don't believe so." The mother says "oh my god, this isn't happening, this isn't real." And remains seated. The father is like bending over like he's trying not to pass out, and crying and pacing. I could just be reading this the wrong way, she might just be a very tough individual with a lot of tolerance for strong emotion but I don't know. It just gave me the vibe she knew more than she was letting on, I've seen other videos where parents find out about their moidlets committing horrific acts and they usually seem so stunned and heartbroken. But occasionally they'll be a video where the parents seem calm and collected and with those it usually turns out the parents already knew about the crime beforehand. The only time she starts crying is when an officer informs her the moidlet will be tried as an adult instead of a juvenile. Unfortunately he has the option to get paroled after 25 years, but his initial sentence is life in prison. So, here's hoping he's denied parole in 2043. Sorry for the length I tried my best to condense it
No. 2076844
>>2076829Average boymom behavior. They all know and have probably covered up for their bedicked spawn multiple times already. Those women aren't necessarily evil, they're just pozzed and doing everything they can do to protect something that aged and infected them. Sunk cost.
I invite every nona ITT to imagine what they would do in her situation and how they'd cope. This is why you should never have a son.
No. 2076904

>Angeles Rawson, 16, leaves for PE and never comes back
>the next day they find her body in trash bags on a landfill
>the first autopsy was poorly done, it claimed Angeles died from being crushed by the garbage truck
>they check the CCTV footage and they find out she came back home after PE
>they start investigating her step father
>the media starts pointing fingers at him and the mother for not acting the way they think they should
>they also start victim blaming Angeles because she did cosplay
>they call the doorman to testify
>at first only to build a timeline to know if Angeles ever left her appartment
>but he starts acting suspicious
>he makes up a story about being beat up by police
>when they ask him to show them his wounds they find scratches in his arms, some of which were covered by self inflicted cigarette wounds
>eventually he confesses to the crime
>there is a second autopsy, also poorly done, this time its disproved that she was crushed alive and instead her cause of death was asphixiation
>during the trial they released an official timeline, she was lured onto a secluded part of the apartment complex, abused and then asphixiated
>the lawyer of the faggot tried to claim she consented to the abuse and was into BDSM
>the fucker that killed her is thankfully rotting in jail right now
this fucked me up so badly as a kid, its was the first time i understood murder and what was going on in the news. I was also an otaku and seeing her cosplay photos in the news made me feel such a connection with her. She was such a good cosplayer and seemed like such a lovely girl, i hate scrotes so fucking much. Sorry for my shitty english, i just wanted to share her story.
No. 2077220
>>2075952I rememner last years there was also some cat hunting news in Australia and in like two weeks there was another news from there crying that they are ifested with rodents lol. Served them right.
>>2076009Crete had a cat capturing probram last time i visited, no cats were shot. In the particular place i was they just put them into a sanctuary or homes. I'd say about 90% of feral cats can be tamed. I tamed a completley feral cat in a month. At two weeks she let me do a headbutt to her. People don't have to be psychopaths if they don't want to. Problem is they want to.
No. 2077318
>>2076666Whenever someone smiles in their mug after doing something this horrific it's always jarring and
triggers repulsion
No. 2079659
>>2079525I mean that does happen, albeit with shovels and it's really disgusting.
Anyways as an ausfag I wish feral dogs would have more action put against them besides bait, I don't think anons understand how fucking scary it is to to be walking around at or after dusk while there's a pack of half dingo part bully dogs who regularly attack and kill pet dogs,cows and horses and sit less than a kilometre away howling all night.
No. 2079694
>>2078961the pump is surrounded by a fence, so to get a body there you would need to have a key or have caleb in on his own before killing him or drag the body over there somehow.
>>2079553it's not skeletonized afaik
>>2079623there have been cases where people fell in after passing out from the fumes too
No. 2080521
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>>2080375The news story is real
>Two Afghan migrants are facing light sentences after being convicted of raping a young girl and filming the assault. Irshad Ahmad and Elham Bahram will not face deportation from Sweden as the two were granted citizenship approximately four years ago.
>The rape took place in February in the residential Nydala neighborhood of Malmö. Armed with a knife, the two migrants – both of whom were 16 years of age – coerced the girl to a hidden spot outdoors. While threatening to murder her if she resisted, the girl was raped by both of the predators.The sentences they received are disgusting
>On July 2, the Malmö District Court convicted Irshad of aggravated rape against a child, offensive photography, child pornography, and additional assaults against two other girls. But, due to his young age, Irshad will not be sent to prison and will instead spend 10 months in youth residential care.
>Elham was similarly convicted for the aggravated rape of a child and spared prison. He has been sentenced to 1 year of youth supervision, and the sentence will be carried out in the community.
>The two have also been ordered to pay SEK 365,000 (approx. $34,000 USD) in compensation to the victim, but there has been speculation that Swedish taxpayers will have to step in and shoulder the cost as the teens likely do not have the financial means to fulfill the order. No. 2081221
No. 2082097
Both were in on it but the boyfriend commited the most abuse on the poor girl
No. 2082102
Another shitty mom choosing men over her child.
No. 2082134
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>>2082102>started throwing her around for fun like a toyAbort male fetuses
No. 2082401
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>>2076904I’m a cosplayer too, so I was curious and looked up her cosplay photos. Her Sanji cosplay is adorable. She looked so happy. Cosplayers have way more resources now, but if she was already this talented at the age of 16 in 2013, I can only imagine how great her cosplays would be today if it weren’t for that scumbag. I’m absolutely heartbroken and tearing up. Thank you for sharing her story
No. 2082566
>>2082522I just learned about it from your post and I feel like i should have saw it coming considering how rapidly she was deteriorating in her mental health and acting really strange. She seemed to be surrounded by enablers who were praising behaviours that were
toxic towards herself, which honestly is just part of the
toxic positivity culture that is pushed on the snowflakey side of the internet where hyper individuality is king. Everything is
valid, all decisions are made in a vacuum and everyone is stunning and brave no matter how much they hurt themselves or others and we should never question anyones decisions or else they are a bigot. It's so tragic that her life had to end in such circumstances so soon, i always hope that people with threads on this site can come out on top tbh.
No. 2082592
Started off feeling bad for this moid who got murdered and eaten by another moid, then nearly halfway in we find out the "victim" moid was actually a scumbag who stalked, harassed, threatened, and possibly (probably) sexually assaulted a woman he went to college with. And his dad bailed him out and made sure there were no repercussions for his actions, so fuck it, fuck the victim, fuck the killer, fuck the dad. I rarely feel bad for moids and when I do I find out shit like this and feel like a fucking idiot for ever having empathy for them in the first place. Fuck it, get murdered idc, you all deserve it anyway.
No. 2082796
>>2082725I think they were brothers or adopted brothers or the "
victim" was an exchange student or something. I was falling asleep while the video was playing so I was only half paying attention, until they started talking about how the "
victim" was once arrested for assault and stalking then I just closed the tab.
No. 2082819
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Failed embryo entered a furry convention with a sword. irony is that people were okay with him when he was "joking" with a real sword at the convention. A lot of layers on this one.
Many news outlets are biased to not disclose the reason behind this but you can take a wild guess about his religion. For being a religion of peace they sure love to go around and annoying people.
Yes that was the reason. He did this because his rapist god didn't approve of people dressing up as animals…I guess.
No. 2082913
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>>2082888>Many news outlets are biased to not disclose the reason behind this but you can take a wild guess about his religionThis is one of them. And google is your friend.
No. 2082914
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>>2082888Yeah ahaha a joke
No. 2082915
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>>2082888Some are biased, some are not. Do your research.
No. 2083838
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Lol sure, it's not the insane working hours or the housing crisis or the fact that mental health is a taboo in South Korea. No, it's WOMEN's fault that men are killing themselves. I can't even, wtf
No. 2084304
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>Babysitter Admits Raping, Murdering 3-Year-Old NY Girl Found Covered In Bleach>One year after a 3-year-old New York girl was found murdered inside her home, the man responsible has formally confessed.>Rensselaer County resident Robert Fisher, age 34, of Rensselaer, pleaded guilty to murder and rape on Tuesday, July 9, in the death of Josefina Cunningham.>According to prosecutors, emergency crews were called to the girl's Rensselaer home near Broadway and Tracy Street on July 7, 2023, after relatives found her not breathing.>Josefina’s mother found her lying lifeless on the floor, foaming at the mouth and drenched in bleach, the girl's brother, Jay Quan Stewart, told>She was later pronounced dead at Albany Medical Center.>Fisher was a trusted friend of the family and was babysitting the girl at the time, Stewart told the blog. >He was indicted three weeks later following an extensive investigation involving multiple agencies. >Police determined that he had raped the girl sometime between 8 p.m. on July 6 and 7:20 a.m. on July 7, and caused her death during the act, WRGB reports.>In court Tuesday, Fisher pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and first-degree rape. >He is expected to be sentenced Tuesday, Aug. 6.>“Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of the child,” Rensselaer Police Chief Warren Famiglietti said. “This horrible incident has affected many people in many different ways.” No. 2084365
>>2084304Why would anyone allow a serial killer moid like this (or any moid no matter what he looks like) to babysit for them? Moids are not safe around strange children. I wish parents would wake up and stop leaving scrotes alone with their daughters, poor girl. This is so tragic.
>>2084324I think it might be better for single moms dating men not to tell them they have children at first, or not to tell them the age and sex of their children at least.
No. 2086295
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I can’t think of anywhere to put this that is relevant. It’s not exactly piping hot news, but it disturbed me that I went my entire life without learning that Franz Ferdinand’s wife, Sophie, was murdered right alongside him. She was shot in the stomach. I have never once seen her mentioned anywhere regarding the Sarajevo assassination, you’d think Franz was alone in the car. Maybe it’s just proof of my ignorance, but it bothered me
No. 2086304
>>2086187Dubai isn't going to change ever, nonna. Unless the money dries up and Islam chills out the way Christianity did, but that's not happening any time soon.
It might, maybe, put some tourists off from visiting. If Dubai keeps getting negative press from ex cons and women who were treated like criminals for no reason, they'll pretend to change the law and continue doing the same shit as before. Alcohol is technically legal there but the air hostess got charged with alcohol possession and consumption too. There was a woman who got pregnant out of wedlock some years back and got sent to prison for the crime of being a ebil whore. Muslim countries are so incredibly backwards, even when the population is relatively normal the laws and politicians are on a whole other level of batshit crazy. It's depressing to think of how normal these places were a few decades ago, when women wearing jeans and being singers and playing sports was normal and accepted in society, now toddlers are being wrapped up in niquabs and being murdered by the police for imaginary lady crimes. Religious fanaticism is a curse that blights everything it touches.
No. 2086548
(Not posting pictures or links because they upset me greatly but)
Two minors (a moidlet and his pickme gf) threw a kitten of a bridge in Sardinia, Italy. A lot of people threatened the two guys and the moidlet is crying, saying that he even feels unsafe in his house because people know where he lives and are telling him that they're coming for him, like what did you expect, retard? Praise and flowers? These two are not little kids, they're around 16-17 and were laughing in the video, at 18 you don't get a magical switch that turns you into a responsible adult, you can understand what cruelty and torture is. The girl can be recovered, but the guy deserves anything that will come for him. I don't care anymore. "But it's just a kid! He can learn!" Don't care, how come that now he's afraid of his consequences? Only right now, after he posted that video online?
It's not about being edgy, the earlier these moidlets get punished, the better.
For more info, check out Ogliastra Kitten in the news but beware because it's graphic.
No. 2086568
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>>2086548The only thing I can post is this, the moidlet is saying that even if he gets insulted, he lives anyway. After crying, he's taunting everyone and even threathening of throwing off even more cats. By the italian law, his name and his family is all public but sometimes I wonder what kind of brain damage do moids have
No. 2086606
>>2086593I hope that Sards throw him off somewhere. Sardinia is very tribal in their culture and don't think twice about selfmade justice (because it's an island with a very few police forces), I hope to read his name in a morgue list.
Source: I am Sard, people used to randomly disappear and found down a cliff, I think that he will join them.
No. 2086735
>>2086548Hope they fucking curb stomp him and break both of his arms.
>>2086606>I am Sard, people used to randomly disappear and found down a cliff, I think that he will join them.Even better. Praying for some sweet Sardinian justice to find him soon.
No. 2087107
>>2086883Ayrt, I'm saying I love to see men getting the same treatment they put women through or ignore women getting put through that treatment. Relax, I'm also this anon
>>2086187 so no, I already stated I don't want to see any women experience that. So I'm ~the~ baiting moid if I don't care about men being victimized? Kek, what a reach, take your meds.
No. 2092993
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poor kid
No. 2093030
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>>2093016It's a myth that courts favor moms, it's just that dads usually don't fucking try. This guy tried probably had family helping him
No. 2095999
File: 1721357394114.jpg (596 KB, 1079x1534, Screenshot_20240719-124652_Chr…) excerpts:
>This is not an uncommon example of the experience of a child with FASD or other intellectual disabilities who are incarcerated in youth detention centres, according to Prof Carmela Pestell, a clinical neuropsychologist and the FASD course coordinator at the University of Western Australia.>“They genuinely don’t understand why they’re in prison to begin with, or why they’re being punished when they do the wrong thing,” she says.>A groundbreaking paper published in 2018 by the Telethon Kids Institute assessed 99 young people aged between 10 and 17 assessed in a WA detention centre and found nearly all of them had severe brain impairments, including 36% who were diagnosed with FASD. Of those with FASD, 96% identified as Aboriginal. This is among the highest known prevalence of FASD in a custodial setting worldwide.>Common misconceptions about FASD are prevalent among GPs and child protection and youth justice workers, she says, further delaying diagnosis and care. A myth also persists that “FASD is only an Aboriginal problem”.>“This is not an Aboriginal problem and the majority of Aboriginal people don’t even drink,” she says. But about 60% of all pregnant women in Australia drink, with about half stopping once they realise they are pregnantThis is especially fucked up considering the amount of absolutely fucked abuse happens in youth dentention centres in Australia and in WA in particular.
No. 2096117

This shit pisses me off so much.
>This mother was failed as a child by her piece of shit parents and got pregnant at age 11.
>Went on to have 4 kids with different men while living in poverty.
>She settles down with a man who abused her children and then shot and killed himself in front of all of her kids.
>Her older moidlets take care of the younger ones when she's not home.
>The 12 year old moidlet breaks her youngests leg by bending his body backwards, like his back towards the back of knees like a doll, then lets the kid cry with a swollen broken leg for 2 days before getting him medical attention.
>Doctors say it's one of the worst breaks they've ever seen on a toddler.
>The mother is aware her son broke her toddlers leg, lies to DCF to cover for him, then continues to leave the toddler under the 12 year old's care.
>The 12 year old verbatim admits to feeling angry for what his stepfather had done to him, and taking his anger out on the toddler.
>One morning he takes the toddlers head and bashes it into a wooden shelf twice. The toddler falls unconscious and begins to bleed from both nostrils, he calls the mother and admits to what he did.
>She returns home and cleans up some of the blood, drives the rest of her moidlets to school, then returns home again and lets her toddler bleed while googling retard questions about what to do about her dying kid.
>In that time she also plays around on her phone and downloads screensavers and music and looks up celebrity gossip.
>She calls a doctors office then hangs up when placed on hold, and then finally decides to take the toddler to a hospital in the evening after picking her kids up from school, 8 hours after the incident.
>The child dies after spending 2 days on life support, doctors think he would have survived if he had gotten medical attention right away.
Immediately after confessing his crime to an officer, the moidlet starts talking to himself alone in the interrogation room. He fake boxes the air and says something about "pow pow, and David's knocked out." David being the toddler he murdered. I was so happy to hear that the 12 year old was charged as an adult for first degree murder, until the narrator followed up by saying his sentence was reduced to a juvenile sentence of 7 years because a bunch of retards sent letters to the court in his favor and got 9000 other retards to sign a petition to lessen his sentence. So he is free now, walking among normies until he undoubtedly commits his next violent offense. The part that really pisses me off is it's so obvious the abuse and neglect the mother endured as a child caused this poor parenting to continue. And now these 3 moids are going to go on to have kids themselves, repeat the same poor parenting habits, and create more criminal moids who will have kids themselves, and so on and so forth. It's just an endless cycle of retards who shouldn't be allowed to have kids ruining the population for everyone else.
No. 2096234
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Strange, this story popped up as I decided to look into this thread. Its hidden behind a paywall but I found bits of the case online.
The moid managed to get his sentence reduced and is now out, im getting so sick of oxygen thieves like this being let out and the rest of us being "warned" because we have to live in proximity to these bastards.
If I had elon musk's money I would buy a country and make it women only. No moids, no troons, just a place for women who are tired of the so called justice system not giving a shit about our safety or lives.
No. 2096240
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>>2096234found an article from 2002 describing what he did to her as well as another paywalled article saying he's dating again
No. 2096327
>>2096240TY nonna!
>>2096289Can speak for the rest of Europe but here in the UK there has always been an issue with moids getting let off henious sexually based crimes even when they result in death. I find it fucking laughable that people here complain about 3rd world countries treating women like shit when its so difficult to get a conviction against these monsters. The only ones that seem to get actual punishments are ones that have had a lot of media around them (Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells, Sarah payne) even the murderers of James bulger were released as adults and one of them got called back in twice for being a pedo. There was also an issue with how police deal with these types of crimes and how they treat
victims (sadly I know from personal experience) probably doesnt help there are rapists hiding in our police force and the courts.
No. 2097243
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Long article detailing the predatory japanese porn industry.'ve made lots of posts across various platforms about this, but the general response from men is "jealous roastie". Which, as usual, is a form of projection. They'd love it if other countries could be as coldly perverse as nippon.
Any Japanese women speaking out for womens rights and dignity are eviscerated mercilessly online, similar to Korea. Gentle reminder that Japan's "low" crime rate is largely due to inability or shame to properly report anything, pic related.
No. 2097556
>>2097243Jfc, rape by contractual obligation, what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 2099258
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Meanwhile in Australia
>pram rolls onto train tracks >father tries to save twin daughters before train strikes and kills him and one of the girls in front of their motherEveryone is hand-wringing over “how can train stations be designed this way” and “he should be given a post-humous bravery award.”
What actually happened was he was absorbed in his phone and let go of the (perpendicularly positioned) pram in front of the tracks.
And of course all the moid takes are about “of course it’s a man who risks his life for others” etc etc without actually knowing the context. No. 2099271
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>>2099258Not to sound callous because that'd be incredibly traumatic and fucked for the widow and sister and the train driver but how the fuck did the pram roll so far without either noticing and why were they standing so close to the edge in the first place? It's not like the platforms are small by any means.
Of course the moids respond like that, if the mother had died they would call her a retard and the husband a brave soul~ regardless
No. 2099293
>>2099258I live in the same state and literally just yesterday I was at a train station reading a big ass poster about pram safety on the platform. Place it parallel to the tracks, use a wrist strap, etc. I don't have a kid so it's not like it's relevant, but it's easily noticeable and accessible info so I feel like our stations aren't neglecting that aspect of safety precautions.
Apparently the pram got blown by a gust of wind? We did have a couple of very windy days but taking your hands off the pram in the first place is the mistake.
No. 2099345
>>2099271>why were they standing so close to the edge in the first place? It's not like the platforms are small by any means.Despite our stations often being pretty spacious, a lot of people tend to wait right by the yellow or white line. Stations will have repeat announcements and safety signs (on walls and the ground) telling you not to stand beyond it as well but that doesn't deter a lot of people. I feel like Metro does a decent job trying to promote safety around trains like
>>2099293 said, but a lot of people ignore them or just don't think about it idk (prams going off the platform/tipping a child out stories pop up every now and then, but most I've seen are scary rather than tragic since no one gets harmed). Just trying to give some context.
No. 2099463
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Redditors thought this was hilarious
No. 2101505
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No. 2102259
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>>2084329>hypnotizedThis disgusting pig looks like someone took the mugshots of all offending Caucasian pedophiles in a database and generated it into one photo.
No. 2102276
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>>2092993This reminds me of the video of the creepy gay dad biting his sons head while torturing him. Why do they bite children
No. 2102627
>>2102459The video is genuinely sickening. And if the other cop didn't have his body cam on, he probably would've gotten away with everything. So many cops are just mentally ill,
abusive pieces of shit, and I hope that one gets exactly what he deserves. He literally had an existing criminal record before this and was switching departments frequently, no doubt in my mind what kind of person he is.
No. 2102636
>>2102459Wasn't it obvious to the goddamn retarded autist that she was joking when saying "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus"? Or at most she was being snarky because of the cop's shitty attitude. She immediately dropped it when he pointed the gun and ducked behind the counter, but he still shot her in the head and had the nerve to act like a
victim because of the BoIlIng WaTer he thought was directed at him. Actual schizo behaviour, it's insane that he's allowed to be a cop while being so mentally unstable.
No. 2103366
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I know you can’t talk badly of migrants here without sounding like a /pol/tard but here you go.
No. 2103500
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I remember when I first heard about this case. Fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins, pastors strangers, family friends, coworkers, students, teachers, any man you know. Children and women are regularly sexually assaulted and discarded and nobody cares. If it effects you, you're a paranoid stupid schizo bitch. If it angers you, you're a Karen. Everything is a vulgar, crude, overtly sexual joke at your expense and you're expected to laugh along and ignore it. Nobody even cares, get over it, etc. Men genuinely do not have souls.
No. 2103871
>>2103500>Retards: "False rape accusations ruin men's lives!!"In reality, even true rape accusations come with few to no repercussions most of the time.
Also, why is his name withheld? And why is there always some dumb pickme bitch ready to accept a literal rapist into her life?
No. 2103885
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No. 2103935
>>2103527Idk, I don't really see it. I see her turning with the pot in her hands, then the cop turns so you can't see but it sounds like she's just pouring it in the sink or some of it spilled. Then the cops get angry, point a gun at her, she drops everything and crouches behind the counter, and then they shoot her.
Even if she had bad intentions (which I doubt) they could have literally ran outside and call someone else. They didn't really feel threatened because they stood around, chitchatted and then shot her when she had already dropped the pot and was harmless. They acted like she was fucking chasing them down splashing buckets of boiling water directly in their faces when that's not the case and they overreacted like the emotionally unstable monkeys they are.
No. 2103941
>>2103935In the full bodycam video on Youtube, you need to slow down the video right before she gets shot to see her throw the pot.
Anyway, I don't see why those cops had to create that situation in the first place. They didn't have to: enter her home; ask her to walk over to the pot to stop heating the water; yell at her in the most panic-inducing way possible when it was clear that she had mental health issues.
They didn't have to shoot her in the face to stop her from throwing the pot. They could've shot her elsewhere and just as well stop her from hitting someone with the hot water. Again, they did not have to create the circumstances in which she was close to the hot water to begin with. Then the shooting could've been avoided completely.
No. 2104021
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>>2099463that was the most demented shit I've ever read
>woman sees car hit beaver>woman takes beaver home, leaves it outside so it doesn't freak out in the house, calls animal control>while the woman is away & before help arrives,>homeless man on meth finds the beaver in her yard, rapes it, possibly accelerating its death>the beaver dies waiting for medical care it doesn't know was coming No. 2104027
>>2104026did you know that the reason there are so many more homeless men than homeless women is because homeless women get murdered more
I know you did, I just feel like shit after reading that
No. 2104052
>>2104050You wouldn't defend yourself by shooting someone who's about to throw a pot of boiling water at you? You'd risk permanent burn scars? That's fucking ridiculous.
The main problem with the entire situation is that the cops constantly escalated when there was absolutely no need to. It's unbelievable that some of you think the cops should've allowed themselves to risk getting permanent burns from boiling water because they're cops.
No. 2104056
>>2104052>You wouldn't defend yourself by shooting someone who's about to throw a pot of boiling water at you? You'd risk permanent burn scars? That's fucking ridiculous.Instead of walking toward that person, I would keep a wide berth from them because I'm not a
trigger happy scrote who loves to terrorize small women and drive drunk. Not everyone should be a cop. I also wouldn't take someone calmly, jokingly saying "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" as some kind of threat because I'm not a literal sped who doesn't know what the word "rebuke" means. If this line of reasoning is unintuitive to you, you definitely shouldn't be one. Hope that helps a bit.
No. 2104068
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>>2104052NTA but Britbong cops have to deal with similar shit without having guns at all. Picrel is a more justified excuse for gunning someone down but even then it's still retarded
No. 2104749
>>2104052 Grayson is at fault here, even if he was attacked, because his actions led to Sonya’s death at every step. Grayson told Sonya to go get the pot of water. Grayson told Sonya he was going to shoot her in the face – not because she had a pot of water, but because she was praying at him too loud. Grayson pulled out his firearm instead of his taser. Grayson advanced on Sonya, even when she apologized and was cowering in fear of him. Grayson leaned over the counter separating him and Massey in order to get a better shot, something you can see in the footage above and something that is stated specifically in the arraignment. Grayson told his partner it was pointless to render aid, and refused to render aid himself, making him culpable after the fact. These are all things you can see in the body camera footage, and things used to deny Grayson bail; you can read it in the arrainment, which I have attached to this post.
I was able to find a lawyer (on twitter – ) who explained that the jurors who charged Grayson with murder either determined the pot wasn't thrown, or that whether or not the pot was thrown was irrelevant. So this isn’t just my opinion; this is the opinion of the people who charged Grayson with three counts of murder, including at least one prosecutor and one judge.
And let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture here. Grayson told Sonya he was going to shoot her in the face, and then he walked up to her and shot her in the face. Grayson told the other officer it was pointless to render aid. Grayson lied about ‘having’ to shoot Sonya because he was attacked. Again, those aren’t my words, that is the determination of the jury that indited Grayson for three counts of first degree murder. You know how I can tell you’re a newfag and a moid? Because you can’t even sage right and use Reddit spacing. Kill yourself.
No. 2104760
>>2104052You're talking like she suddenly went up to take the hot water and immediately and violently threw it on the cops but that is not what happened. The video is unclear and personally I think the phrase was a joke and she didn't really intend to "permanently disfigure" them. Either way watch the footage and see that the cops were not in immediate danger and could have de-escalated the situation in other ways. THEY tell her to go take the pot, she gets up and takes it, it's unclear if she actually threw the water or not because the cop felt safe enough to turn around and hehe about hot water. She has the time to calmly say "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" twice and she sounds like she's joking. They have the time to go "what?", they yell some shit at her (still in the same position, they didn't feel like running), they point the gun. She panics and says "ok I'm sorry", drops the pot while she crouches, then they aim at her head and shoot her. They had multiple occasions where they could have run away, de-escalated the situation, or just detain her after she had dropped the pot and was disarmed. Literally, HE pointed a gun at her and walked toward her, evidently he wasn't too scared about the pot (imo because she wasn't actually throwing it at him and he was pissed at what she said instead), she literally cowered and said sorry, pot wasn't a threat anymore because it's on the ground, HE kept pointing the gun, leaned over to aim (so chasing after her) and shot her right in the head. Bragged about it being a headshot and not needing aid.
No. 2104987
File: 1721951286579.jpeg (867.74 KB, 1180x1835, 00946460-FD49-4B85-A000-93201D…) I really couldn’t give two shits about the content of this article but what genuinely fucks with me is the fact that a squatter got 40 years and rapists, murderers and worse get shit like 12 years or less. To be clear, I am in no way defending this squatter, I barely ready beyond the main fact of this article. I just don’t understand how this is taken sO sEriOuSly. I’m sure that condo was so traumatized, physically disabled and committed suicide after they locked up that squatter. Bravo
No. 2104997
>>2104987He didn't just "squat"; he apparently committed decades worth of identity and other types of fraud in multiple states.
However, I agree. Rapists should get life in prison minimum.
No. 2105579
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>>2104021in another version of the story the beaver is in a park after being hit by a car and the woman went home to get a cardboard box etc to take it to a vet, but when she got back the man was with it and it was dead. also all charges were dropped even though he admitted it, he's too insane to prosecute or something
No. 2107757
I'll post this because it enrages me. A Netflix documentary came out a few days ago in my country about a very famous case involving the murder of a 13 year old girl by an ugly construction worker moid (that is him dramatically posing for the cover). Thing is, the documentary tries to spin the moid as an innocent victim that was somehow magically framed by some unknown third party and a lot of people are eating this shit up.
>2011, a 13 year old girl goes missing after attending her gymnastics class in the evening
>Everyone panics, everyone is called to search for her, tons of money and resourches are poured into looking for her
>They find her body a couple of months later in a field, she has multiple wounds of her arms and throat, her underwear is cut and the dna of an unknown man is on it
>Even more resourches and people get involved into finding this man
>Police secretly intercepts every person in the province, they take a lot of people's dnas using excuses
>Finally through a complex process they find a man that matches, and they identify his mother as well through the dna sample
>He's a construction worker that lives not too far away with a family, they arrest him while he's on the job and immediately he looks like he's about to run away
>Looking into him more they find out he doesn't have an alibi, the day of the disappearance he wasn't home, a car that's identical to his is seen driving past the girl's gym several times, on the girl's body they find his dna, traces of materials found in contruction sites, traces of fibres compatible with the seats of his car, searches on his pc involving "virgin redhead girls", "teens" and "shaved pussy", he blames the wife for this, every one of his collegues says he's a pathological liar who once faked having brain cancer to stay home from work, and the day the girl went missing he wasn't at his job
>SOMEHOW all the evidence was planted, he's completely innocent, every man searches for teen porn!! I-it's all a coincidence! It was her CLASSMATES they murdered her together and hid the body!! How could a normal family man do something like this? It's not him! Y-you didn't politely ask him to come to the police station when arresting him so actually the police is in the wrong!!
Istg people have an amazing imagination and they will do everything to defend their poor moids. Bossetti is fucking guilty, he looks like a maniac and he had the gall to say that since the victim's parents weren't there at his trial, then that must mean they believe he's innocent too! Narcissistic piece of shit liar, he's continued to say he's innocent all this time even with all the evidence. Ridiculous.
No. 2107889
>>2107757Sorella mia ti rispondo in inglese così la risposta sarà più accessibile.
I'm far from defending a moid but it's also true that a lot of details don't connect with each other. Sure, Bossetti's dna was there, but along with ELEVEN others dna. ELEVEN. He only was the first one to be discovered. Totally guilty? Who knows, but Yara's wrists were full of her teacher's dna and she was carried in that field by someone holding her arms and legs and the police didn't bother to search for the other dnas. Bossetti is a liar but also her gym teacher and her "class" mates didn't speak a word about her. A girl dies and suddenly her teachers and classmates "don't remember" or "I don't know". That's all they said at the interrogations. It's all a big mystery and someone is hiding something, I'm not saying that Bossetti isn't involved, I'm saying that maybe he's the scapegoat for a much bigger and sick-er picture. Yara was a very good gymnast and had enemies in her class, maybe her gym teacher called some bad guys around the area to fuck with Yara's family. Remember the words of her father to her mother when they were called to talk about people around them. "Don't speak, we have other children to protect."
You don't say shit like this if you don't know that there's someone else or a group much bigger than a classic, liar moid around and don't forget that there's a mafia circle around. Maybe someone paid Bossetti to idk, making her disappear but he panicked and let someone else finish the job. Someone else brought her body months later in that field and Bossetti is a bad liar and a coward, of course he didn't hid Yara in his house/car for three months, he couldn't have come up with a good excuse about a dead body or the scent of death around him. There's a bigger circle and our police is famous for being lazy fucks who want a quick culprit to close the case and that's what happened again. We might never know who actually killed Yara.
No. 2108014
How do nonnies feel about the Alison Chao situation? I'll add a tl;dr and news article for anyone unaware:
>A 15-year-old girl, Alison Chao, from Monterey Park, CA went missing on July 16 but was, thankfully, found safe on July 23.>Initially reported to be biking to her aunt's house, footage suggested she might have been running away.>Her parents were going through a divorce, and her mother allegedly wanted to send her to a mental health facility.>A video showed Alison claiming her mother abused her while her mother appeared eerily indifferent.>There have also been allegations that she may have been sexually abused in addition to being emotionally and physically abused by her mother and other relatives.>Public suspicion has grown towards the mother, with calls for further investigation.>Just recently, Alison's father was arrested and is potentially facing charges for child abduction, conspiracy and falsifying a police report. No. 2108422
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Not a news story technically, but I thought it was interesting. Ig this explains the overlap between zoophilia and pedophilia No. 2108429
>>2107889It's true that the police was being sloppy because they were rushing to find the culprit, but Bossetti has too many things against him, seriously. I agree that other people may be involved but he's definitely guilty and I hate how he's now trying to play along with this "I'm innocent" shit because he sees that a lot of people are drinking it up.
If you read up on the documents you will know that the girls didn't go "I don't know", they just told all they knew which is that they saw her leave the gym around the same time. Her teacher having her dna on her coat is normal because she's her gymnastics teacher, of course it's going to be there even if "they didn't share a bathroom" which is such a shit excuse kek. Eleven dnas were there but they were traces of a bunch of different people she most likely knew like her teacher and sister, however Bossetti's was on her cut off underwear and she didn't know him. Some people acted suspiciously but this doesn't erase the fact that there's plenty of evidence against him. Like I've seen some wild ass theories, like someone somehow got a hold of Bossetti's semen (who by coincidence! showed a strong interest in teen virgin girls, passed by her gym often, is a liar and wasn't at work that day) and smeared in of her underwear to use him as a scapegoat. I'm sorry but it's ridiculous. Don't forget that Yara's lungs and wounds were full of construction materials, that the bloodhounds sensed something on a construction site and Bossetti is a construction worker. When it comes to the car, 4 other men had a similar car that could have been the one passing by Yara's gym, but they all had alibis while Bossetti didn't. His wife confirmed that he wasn't home. He "doesn't remember" when he was, why he wasn't at work that day. Even the popular theory that the body was moved has holes in it because Yara's body was grasping onto grass compatible with that field, and plants had started to grow around her ankles.
No. 2108457
>>2108422Interesting article and I skimmed a bit of it so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding but the ending paragraph struck me as disturbing.
>Previous research found increased brain responses of men with sexual interest in children (i.e., pedophiles) not only to pictures of naked children but also to pictures of child faces. This opens the possibly that pedophilia is linked (in addition to or instead of an aberrant sexual system) to an over-active nurturing system.
>Currently, pedophilia is considered the consequence of disturbed sexual or executive brain processing, but details are far from known. The present findings raise the question whether there is also an over-responsive nurturing system in pedophilia.Kind of makes it seem like they're trying to make pedophilia seem less horrific. Like how would wanting to rape a child be seen as nurturing? Also if they're only basing the idea for this study off of the pedophiles being aroused by photos of children's faces, it's probably because they're imagining sexual activities being done with those kids. Not because they want to nurture them, it's like they think pedophiles only get turned on by naked kids, but pedophiles are completely headfucked and get aroused by things like babies eating fruit.
Also I think you may have misinterpreted the article, or maybe I did, but I think it's saying the pedophiles don't get a sexual response in the brain when viewing baby animals, they get the nurturing response in the brain.
>By using pictures of infant animals (instead of human infants), we aimed to elicit nurturing processing without triggering sexual processing. We hypothesized that elevated brain responses to nurturing stimuli will be found – in addition to other brain areas – in the anterior insula of pedophiles because this area was repeatedly found to be activated when adults see pictures of babies. Behavioral ratings confirmed that pictures of infant or adult animals were not perceived as sexually arousing neither by the pedophilic participants nor by the heathy controls. No. 2108500
>>2108429>Her teacher having her dna on her coat is normal because she's her gymnastics teacherEh, not really? I mean, unless you're very intimate with a teacher aside the usual hug and little italian kiss, there's no reason that her dna was that much and only on the wrists and not like on her shoulder? As if the teacher patted her back goodbye? There's so much dna because her teacher grabbed her wrists for a lot of time, why the fuck is a teacher holding a girl down by her wrists? Try to imagine that scene. Putting this to the side, the entire town is too quiet about it. Don't forget that in the same time period, other two teens got killed in the same way but they didn't make to the news because they weren't white and italian like Yara, how did you explain that? Also the construction site of Mapello was very well know for their mafia ties, something happened (and Gambirasio's family knows about it, because they didn't speak about that in particular - way too suspicious if there was "only" a random pedophile running around) and Yara was the
victim of the day. No parents spoke about it, no parents like retired their girls from school or work and her teacher remained silent the whole time. Either she's a fucking bitch or she knows something and couldn't risk her precious tiny life. Sure, it was Bossetti's car but anyone could access it with the keys, in somescene like "Yo massimo come here give me your car and I'll give you some money" so that also explains his dna on her: it was his car but he wasn't there and there were other dnas who didn't even got checked. They didn't get checked, at all. My theory is that someone had a grudge against the Gambirasio family, put up a nice little theathre, bribed some random constructions workers (not saying they're innocent! They're guilty and pathetic as them!) to put their hands on it and voi là, you have a cult classic pedophile case. But people aren't behaving accordingly. A girl also said that she didn't remember what Yara texted her for the last time, she had the cellphone in her hands.
>Even the popular theory that the body was moved has holes in it because Yara's body was grasping onto grass compatible with that field, and plants had started to grow around her ankles.The body was moved. It wasn't there two months prior, the dogs didn't find it and before Yara, another body was found nearby but not her and it's not like that zone isn't so much environmentally diverse, I also live in that zone and if I grabbed grass from the local playground and I was left in a random grass field, the grass would probably be the same. If you also saw Yara's body images, you will absolutely see that everything is fabricated to make it seem like a classic case. If Bossetti truly used her and ejaculated on her, there would be so so so much more dna. A lot more. He's a pathetic man who got bribed and since he's a known liar, of course the public wouldn't believe him if he said that he was innocent. Don't forget that cases like Meredith Kercher, despite everything going against Amanda and Raffaele, they are free to roam around because muh insufficient proofs and contaminated crime scene but Yara's case was immediately closed and forgot by the police and you goddamn well know who rules the police in this piece of shit country
No. 2109782
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Convicted rapist who started grooming a 10 year old for 2 years before flying to another country to repeatedly rape her was allowed to compete in the Olympics.
No. 2109805
>>2109795I don't understand how he was allowed to compete. Couldn't the olympic committee or whatever decide that the Netherlands can't appoint a criminal to represent their country?
It's things like these that make me believe all men are pedophiles. Only a pedophile would support a fellow pedophile. All the men who are behind him must be pedophiles.
No. 2109841
>>2109782>>2109795It makes me sick that people like this ever get to leave jail. Rape and violence offenders cannot be rehabilitated ever. Why do people not understand this. And even if they could be rehabilitated, they still wouldn’t deserve it. Let them rot. I don’t care if they regret it, I don’t care if they were on drugs, I don’t care if they were mentally ill, I don’t care if they’re not dangerous anymore. Their
victims lives are ruined. Let these monsters rot with no second chances.
No. 2110210
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Single and gay men should not be allowed to adopt, ever. Men that go out of their way in order to have children in their house without any female supervision whatsoever is simply predatory behavior and they always end up raping the poor kids.
>>2109808>white men try to not rape children challenge impossible No. 2110223
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No. 2110331
>>2110223>The businessman said he had directed police to an address in Hart Street behind the Hart Space studios, where one of the events listed at the time of the stabbings was aTaylor Swift-themed yoga and dance class for children ages six to 11, according to its website.
>A 17-year-old boy was arrested at the scene.KAM
No. 2110378
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>>2110353>>2110364I also expected Russia or Thailand, but the laws in the Netherlands are notoriously horrid regarding child sexual abuse. For example, regarding
>>2109782, look at picrel. He was sentenced to 4 years in the UK, which was already nothing, but once he got back to the Netherlands, they reduced it to one month.
No. 2110408
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>>2110378Stuff like this is why I don't understand the existence of active pro-pedo groups in Europe. The ages of consent are already low and child rape is basically a slap on the wrist. But I guess some men just have to sleep with 9 years old cause ig 14 year olds are old hags now
No. 2110410
To add onto what
>>2109808 said, vidrel is worth watching for more insight from someone who experienced it firsthand.
No. 2110575
>>2110349>>2110408Why do wh
te """"""people"""""" want child rape to be a human right so bad. And yes, I say people because I know one pedo grm woman and even in the 20th century European """"""intellectuals"""""" including some women defended this shit. What the fuck. And don't even get me started with zoophilia.
(learn2integrate/bait) No. 2110886
>>2108457>>2110414>Kind of makes it seem like they're trying to make pedophilia seem less horrific.>They really need to flesh that out because it doesn't correlate at all with the vile, violent things that pedophiles do to children. I thought so too. And they admitted that they had a conclusion first, conducted the study later:
>This study aimed to evaluate whether there are hints of an aberrant nurturing processing in pedophilic men.>However, in the absence of behavioral correlates our inference about an over-active nurturing system is mainly based on reverse inference.>Also I think you may have misinterpreted the article, or maybe I didBecause their brain response increased to infant animals, the connection is there.
>We cannot rule out the possibility that differences in moral reasoning between the participant groups were associated with response differences to nurturing stimuli. A considerable portion of the pedophilic participants were recruited from the community or received treatment voluntarily in the out-patient departments.I imagine "the considerable portion" of those were the ones who didn't rape children, but the increased anterior insula activity was associated mostly with the offenders.
>because our findings do not show that brain responses of pedophiles to human infants are driven by an over-responding nurturing system. Here we found an increased response of pedophiles to non-human infant stimuli and we are not able to generalize these findings to the processing of human infants.Must have acquired pedozoophilia because they engaged in pedophilia.
>>2108422>previous findings showing some kind of mal-functioning mostly involved pedophiles that already committed child sex offending. By carefully comparing pedophiles with and without a history of child sex offenses recent studies revealed that mal-functioning is mostly restricted to those that committed child sex offensesSo they weren't like this before commiting those crimes. "Over-active nurturing system" is not be the origin of pedophilia.
Also, how did they measure non-pedophileness in "teleiophiles"? Did they show them photos of children too and measured, kek?
>In order to study nurturing processing independent from sexual processing we exposed our pedophilic and teleiophilic subjects during an fMRI-session to pictures of infant and adult animals because these images were not PERCEIVED as sexually arousing.They didn't. They just asked, kek.
>First, because the functional overlap of the left anterior insula of nurturing and sexual processing does not necessarily imply that both domains are simultaneously involved in the processing of infant animal stimuli. Many brain areas fulfill different functions. >It is of interest that some of the areas of increased response to infant animals are related to the mating domain. The left anterior insula, being a crucial area of nurturing processing, was also frequently found to be activated in sexual brain studies.>It might be hypothesized that, in contrast to ancient maternal infant stimulus processing, human male brains process infant stimuli with brain areas that might not be associated primarily with caregiving. If so, it is conceivable that the involvement of brain areas not “geared” to the paternal nurturing aspects associated with infant stimuli makes male brains vulnerable to not maintaining the functional division between the domains of nurturing and mating behavior.>The absence of behavioral (in the sense of an increased fondness of pedophiles to infant pets)This is pivotal. I think those brain areas should better be associated with other functions in males, probably sexual, not the nurturing one at all. They aren't nurturing anyone.
No. 2111222
>>2110223Well they're not giving the identity of the attacker and discussion online is being heavily moderated so it's no doubt a brown/black refugee moid. I keep seeing comments about a teen moid from Rwanda being the attacker but there's no proof beyond speculation. Most of the
victims are girls but that won't be focused on, never is. They never call this shit for what it is, a hate crime against girls/women. Everyone is just so concerned about people not offending black/brown moids. As if men's feelings are more important than girls and women's safety, and that can't even really be argued when there still importing these things in. Has everyone just decided that attacks like this are just "worth it" so black/brown moids can occupy a place they don't belong in? One
victim is too many, I'd rather see them all die out than have even one little girl feel mildly unsafe. Fuck these "people," if you can even call them that.
No. 2111497
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>>2111467There are lots of talks about this being a media cover up right now. As the suspect is supposedly under 18 I’m unsure if we will ever find out who did it. However every time there is a mass stabbing of young girls in recent years, it always happens to be someone who claimed asylum. A lot of men who claim asylum lie about their age to receive more government support and so it’s harder for them to be deported, so I really guess we will never know unless they decide to do the smartest thing and publicly identify them.
No. 2111504
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>>2111467Ayrt, how accurate is that though, cause I saw another article that said he's from Rwanda and was brought to the EU at 6 years old. It's behind a paywall though so I'm only going off of what someone else said so I don't know how true it is. And even if this one mass stabbing wasn't a brown/black moid that doesn't change my point, every day in Europe there's reports of crimes being committed by these moids, it was already bad enough with the white moids but now they're literally importing moids from places where violence like this is commonplace, what can people even expect at that point. The crime rates have skyrocketed so bad it's sad to see. I have family that lives close to where the stabbing happened and hearing how bad the area has gotten is staggering. Their kids used to be able to walk to school with their friends, a few years ago one of my cousins tried organizing something like that for her 9th grader and a few of her friends and literally 5 minutes into the walk some 20 something homeless black moid started shouting at them and running after them. It's just common now, no one lets their kid walk to school anymore because they'll get shouted at or harassed or groped. One of the schools started locking there doors during school hours because the brown/black refugee moids would just walk in and treat it like a community shelter or something. The government should have left them all to rot in the countries they ruined.
No. 2111555
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>>2111547>I’m so sick of living with imported 3rd world scum under the guise of supposed “doctors and nurses” or “vulnerable women and children”, it’s all unemployed and uneducated men.Nta and same, even when they are doctors or work in a medical setting they do shit like picrel. I recently saw a story about a pajeet who worked in a nursing home get arrested for sexually assaulting the elderly women there. They can't be trusted.
No. 2111718
>>2111649anon, im going to try to be nice here… rape and sexual assault arent about "access to women" and framing it that way occludes the truth: men deliberately terrorise us with sexual violence because they WANT TO HURT US, not because they want sex or companionship or whatever other sick incel justification. it is ALWAYS premediated terrorism. they dont want partners, they want
No. 2111783
>>2111555Hi, I’m the anon that posted this in the Canada thread originally. I know one of his
victims and it is assumed there are more. I will literally refuse to go to a doctor/dentist/hair dresser/ANYTHING if it’s an Indian moid. I don’t care how fucked up it makes me sound, there’s a reason for distrusting them.
No. 2111833
>3rd world scum under the guise of supposed “doctors and nurses” or “vulnerable women and children”, it’s all unemployed and uneducated men
I hate that we're expected to believed that doctors and nurses are fleeing their home country like what the fuck are you doing? As if our concept of doctor is the same as their concept of doctors, most third world "doctors" are people that idk, have a shitty tent with some crushed minerals in which people go for a simple headache and they go "ooohh aahh pray to the gods for it to go away" and it goes away anyway because it's a simple tension headache that takes rest to heal, shit that everyone could pull, or "dentists" that if someone has a tootache they get the tongs and forcefully rip out the teeth and if someone dies of infection its their fault for being weak. I can say with confidence that I'm more qualified than any third world "doctor" just for knowing how ibuprofen works, like bring me an indian woman from a shitty muddy village that's run by old, rapist men who sees everything as evil and I could heal her major problems within a week. Take some ibuprofen, rest a little (and don't do shit for your husband for a day, he will survive), get your teeth deep cleaned, use glasses, use condoms and learn how to check for idk, breast cancer symptoms and learn how to listen to your body and I can assure that she will see me as an all-seeing goddess of healing, which is sad but at the same time tells a lot about their concept of doctors.
No. 2111868
>>2111783I’m sorry, I hope your friend and the other
victims are okay. And I’m hoping so badly that he goes to jail and then gets deported but heartbreakingly enough I know he won’t. One
victim is too many for any type of moid immigration to be worth it, I’ll always stand by that.
No. 2111901
>>2111833There’s a push by IIRC to allow visas for “teachers” and “childcare workers”—I would not want a third world moid anywhere near my child if I’m not present, especially as a teacher.
>>2111868Speaking out about these crimes by immigrants tends to get you touted as a “bigot” most of the time it seems.
No. 2112750
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>>2112624ages 6, 7 and 9. I want to actually throw up, those poor babies never even had a chance at life.
No. 2113329
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>>2113062Let me guess, he spent all his time reading incel propaganda, islamist manifestos or other patriarchal shit encouraging violence.
I have a hard time believing that this targeted attack on little girls wasn't terrorism.
The police even caught another moid with a knife going to the vigil later. Were there a connection with the original perpetrator or just another moid who wanted to the opportunity to harm innocent people? No. 2113333
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What do you guys think happened to Meredith Kercher? Growing up I remember hearing how Amanda Knox is some villainess who killed her during a sex game. But now hearing about the case it seems she was completely innocent and Rudy Guede killed Meredith. It's crazy people were quicker to believe a young woman orchestrated her rape and then murdered her rather than a drug addicted moid with a history of arrests raped and killed her. He was released in 2021 and then rearrested in 2023 for assaulting his girlfriend, seems like a very open and shut case but people still seem to think Amanda Knox is the one who killed Meredith.
No. 2113472
>>2113395They stab and rape and pillage all the time in their countries too, this take
>>2113375 is retarded, i doubt they encounter much racism perhaps even now, let alone years ago. Why are you imagining them excuses? Lmao. They come from the most mysogynistic societes where it's normal, not being racist to them won't change them, it'd just allow them, which is happening. And they're men, men are ALWAYS bad news, even western white. You get a large group of men in your country - you're basically quarantieeed rape and murder. There's literally no need for them at all, we have enough of our own violent rapist and murderers.
>>2113435Omfg, you just love to ignore the problem because the discussion bears the mention of their race and makes you feel icky. It's about their insane religion and being males, not polfag white supremacy racism, anyone could potentially end up just like them, there're plenty of incels everywhere in the world who'd love to have islam for its misogyny.
>>2113419It's so strange, anons mentioned that the government might prefer male migrants for certain types of work, but they don't even work, the fuck are they even here for?
No. 2115167
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>>2114713clicked the link and they changed the headline to something even worse. what happened to her was horrible but she's using her platform to stand up for other women and girls.
No. 2115200
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>>2115185News outlets are only using pictures of him from when he was little. They look nothing like the courtroom drawings of him. He's adult sized.
No. 2115586
>>2115185I really want to see a statement from his parents, they were avid church goes and reported to be good people. I’ve only seen comment from one of the
victims mums but it was damning the riots that happened and the damaged mosque
No. 2115678
>>2108014From the article, the mother was awarded temporary sole custody during the divorce process. It seems like the girl went to her father's place to escape her
abusive mother, and the father lied about where she was, resulting in the abduction and falsification charges.
No. 2117265
>>2117120I'd say it's a tie between indian moids and middle eastern moids
all the women I've met from either of those groups have been great, I feel horrible for them
No. 2117352
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Look at this disgusting moid stealing from women.
>'Unfair, unsafe and wrong': Fury after second female boxer is reduced to tears after losing to 'failed gender test' opponent as Lin Yu-Ting cruises to unanimous points win a day after Imane Khelif left her battered opponent crying> discussion on this topic belongs in the gender ideology hate thread) No. 2117405
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>>2117377Have you even read the article? It's a man on a genetic level (XY) - testosterone doping or not has nothing to do with it. Don't embarrass yourself.
>Boxers Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting at last year's world championships in New Delhi fell foul of International Boxing Association (IBA) eligibility rules that prevent athletes with XY chromosomes from competing in women's events.(all discussion on this topic belongs in the gender ideology hate thread) No. 2117635
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No. 2117638
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No. 2118491
>>2117750The title of the video is misleading as fuck. A double homicide is not a mass murder… I know it's semantics but mass murder requires at least 3
victims. Also I find it so weird how her halloween costume was included in the video. "She's dressed like a corpse to mock the
victims!" her costume looks nothing like a corpse, it's just a low effort crappy costume wtf. I'm not defending her or anything but it's weird a channel would put in something that has nothing to do with the case and is such a stretch to try and connect it to the murders. Also I found it so fucking annoying in the comments people are going after the dad for demanding he be able to talk to his daughter and tell her about her rights with a lawyer. Commenters saying that he is only doing that because he knows she is guilty and it's the parents fault for raising her like that. Wtf? Even if she was innocent, a normal caring parent would also demand that, it has nothing to do with admission of guilt kek it has to do with a parent caring about their kid. Also it's a known thing that police will absolutely take advantage of someone not knowing they don't have to talk without a lawyer, happens time and time again. You'd think people watching true crime would know about that, but I digress.
No. 2119498
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>>2063202on the same topic was murder. no parent would leave their kids in the car while being at home. i can't believe the mother is defending him.
No. 2119650
>>2119498I saw comments on a news site where people added that his teenage daughter from his previous marriage said she used to be left in vehicles for hours, too.
>>2119619That girl used to record videos from her bedroom about how shitty her home life was. Unfortunately she was talking to older moids online that were harassing her, too.
No. 2120659
>>2119619>i know facebook is a shitty website to begin with but fucking wowWhy? Facebook is basically boomer LiveLeak. Not to diminish the fucked up tragedy of this but I'm more surprised a 12 year old child used Facebook.
>>2119498Murder isn't murder if it's a girl or woman, we know this from how no media outlet or normie see the Southport stabbing as femicide. Terrorism isn't terrorism if it's a population deemed subhuman by moids and murder isn't murder. This murderer will get manslaughter at worst. We live in a clown world that hates women and girls for simply existing.
No. 2125033
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Two stories today
>Montreal man sentenced to 18 years for buying African girl to use as sex slave>Montreal man convicted of buying an eight-year-old girl in Africa and bringing her back to Canada to serve as a sex slave for three years was sentenced to a record 18 years in prison on Wednesday.>Judge Pierre Labelle handed down the sentence to Sylvain Villemaire at the Montreal courthouse. Villemaire, 60, is a former psychoeducator who specialized in helping at-risk youth.>The man travelled to Africa in 2015, where the girl’s mother agreed to send her daughter to Canada with him in exchange for money to pay for housing and drinking water. He told the girl he would give her a better life and look after her.>Instead, he kept the child as a sex slave for three years where she endured egregious abuse, sometimes at the hands of others, and sometimes after she was forcibly intoxicated. Villemaire had 8,000 images of child pornography in his possession and showed the graphic images to the girl in an attempt to normalize the abuse and ‘groom’ her.>Police discovered the girl three years later when they arrested Villemaire in an investigation for possession of child porn.>He was sentenced Wednesday on the following charges:>sexual exploitation of a minor (10 years)human trafficking (eight years)
possession and distribution of child pornography (total of approximately three years,Villemaire%20at%20the%20Montreal%20courthouse.
>Texas man sentenced to 40 years in prison for brutal murder of newlywed wife>A Texas man has been sentenced to four decades in prison after brutally murdering his wife, just months after the couple married.>District Court Judge Gary Chaney sentenced Jared James Dicus, 23, to 40 years behind bars after he pleaded guilty to brutally murdering his wife, Anggy Diaz, 21, last year, the Waller County District Attorney's Office reported. The trial concluded on July 31st.>The couple had married in October 2022, mere months before the heinous crime.>According to the Waller County Sheriff's Office, on the day of the Jan. 11, 2023 killing, Discus’ parents called 911 to report a death on their property in a small cabin behind their home near Magnolia, a city about 45 miles northwest of downtown Houston.>Waller County police responded to the property and discovered a horrific scene. A few days after the discovery, Sheriff Troy Guidry described finding Diaz dead, decapitated and dismembered. She appeared to have been stabbed multiple times with a kitchen knife.>"A portion of the body was dismembered, and the residence was covered in blood. Gruesome scene at best," Guidry said in a press conference following the murder.>Dicus was detained at the scene, according to a release. When detectives arrived, Discus admitted he killed his wife.>Officers arrested Dicus on a murder charge and booked him into the local jail.>Dicus' motive for murdering wife remains undisclosedA motive in the killing was not released by police, but prosecutors said during the pre-trial phase of the case, "potential mental health issues were raised regarding the Defendant’s competency to stand trial." No. 2125048
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>>2125033>only 18 for trafficking a child and keeping her as a sex slave for 3 years and producing CP of her on top of that. Not to be dramatic but he deserves death for that.
No. 2125324
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>>2125033Do you guys ever wanna just
No. 2125620
File: 1723035008203.webp (33.21 KB, 333x333, 7144d-110.jpg) in a while I remember this case and it leaves me fucked up for the rest of the day. A woman and her male friend take the night bus home after a movie, but unknown to them is that the bus was illegally operated and its 6 occupants had already used it to commit crime earlier. They beat up the friend and brutally gangrape the woman with a foreign object before tossing them out the bus. After 5 surgeries she dies en route to an ICU out of country (seriously I can't even bring myself to describe the extent of her injuries it was that nauseating). The assailants ranged from ages 17-30, with the 30 year old dying in custody and the 17 year old getting the maximum 3 years of jail and even a stipend because he learned to cook and sew while locked up. Unsurprisingly blame is passed onto the
victim in the worst way because how dare she be outside at night as an unmarried woman? This case happened in 2012 and the remaining 4 creeps only JUST got executed in 2020.
I know that India has been discussed and shit on to death here, and I'm not trying to racebait, but I'm genuinely baffled how this is just the way things are and we have to accept it. That the damage this case did to India's reputation is somehow worse than a girl getting sexually gored??
No. 2125625
>>2125620i remember this case.
they pulled out her intestines which is ultimately what killed her and i believe they tried to run them both over with the bus afterwards.
No. 2125657
>>2125113What is said and what is done are vastly different things. Karla Homolka is out living under a new indentity in Quebec and was found to be working with children. The Greyhound beheader is out under a new name with no supervision, just a “promise” to take his meds.
Our justice system is a joke.
No. 2125713
>>2125625Yeah that's the part that fucks me up the most, I can't even imagine how painful that must've been. What kind of brain rot would make someone want to even do that? I can believe that they'd try to run them over
>>2125655Big rage re-reading the Wiki article and seeing that one financial advisor calling it "one small rape case" because tourism dipped and Dehli was rated 4th worst place to be a woman. But like the
victim's parents said, nothing's changed. I remember that news story earlier this year about that couple camping in India that played out similarly (man knocked out and woman gangraped) and STILL there were apologists trying to blame "lack of education" and shifting blame to the beaten man for not single handedly taking down the group
No. 2126673
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Why can't they choose far right rallies, boxing matches, or like a Coldplay concert
No. 2126826
>>2126753>They hate women, singing, dancing and happiness.Absolutely this, same with the Ariana concert back then. It's honestly a miracle that it hasn't happened more often already, female celebrities with lots of female fans who are freely living their life are the epitome of what Islam despises.
That's why (despite also not liking her music) I also dislike the severe hate she's getting by western moids (and women). There's ultimately nothing wrong with her or her songs, you have no reason to be so upset about many girls and young women liking her, be glad that your daughters look up to somebody harmless and have the freedom to go and do fun things like concerts and to enjoy their life.
No. 2127142
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Time and time again I've warned libfems about what the future holds if we allow fears of being called racist stop us from dealing with the problem of immigrant moids from these countries becoming numerous enough to influence elections and policies with their votes.
There's already Islamic political parties in continental Europe and they're only going to keep growing with the Muslim birth rate and immigration.
No. 2127204
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>>2127150What's funny is Muslims are defending this law by saying it's "optional"
And who gets to make that choice? The father, of course
No. 2127569
>>2127142>legally raping 9yosSometimes I want to become a suicide bomber…
What pisses me off the most is that 1st world governments do nothing. I'm not talking about starting a war with them, but essentially submitting 50% of your population to torture should result in stopping any business, any financial help and any migration.
We talked about this before (itt?) but why is moids starving/getting hurt/killed due to fights/war -> We must step in immediately! but women getting treated lower than dogs for centuries -> Our countries are friends, we must respect their culture and we send them money and weapons! ???
>>2127204This is so insanely frustrating, within less than a decade millions of absolute monsters came to europe to get fed and dressed in the ugliest expensive brand shit with the taxes we pay (close to half your income) and then you're not allowed to say anything about them because they're forever
victims while my privilege is endless (foreign moids of course get oppressed so badly by local women…)
I think such riots like in Britain will soon start in other euro countries too
No. 2127593

>>2127204Here's the full video. It's basically a dating show in which girls with insanely low self esteem let moids verbally abuse them. Such huge groups are not uncommon and I think it's not farfetched to say that as women passing them by you can feel uncomfortable if not scared…
>They are 14 to 25 years old, mostly migrants, often with German passports – and they have a worldview from the Middle Ages. They are the “Talahons”! Misogynistic, sexist, patriarchal and glorifying violence. Young migrants with shoulder bags or bum bags from Gucci, Armani or Lacoste and even more fake luxury clothes. They always walk through the city centers in groups, their heads shaved. They steal, act rudely and are brimming with self-confidence, striking gangster poses on TikTok.>Two women are wedged between young migrants. The men jump around them wildly. One shouts: "Do you want my Afghan Gurka, you slut!" He insults a woman he could have been set up with, but who is not into him: "Your face looks like my s… " Another young migrant runs into the picture, shouting: "There are only four types of women, one for cooking, one for cleaning, one for sex and with one you can do whatever you want." >"Niki" asks an underage migrant who calls himself "Arab with curly hair" what he would do with the boy his girlfriend cheated on him with. He demonstrates with fists and kicks how he would beat him up and says: "After that I would call an ambulance." He would also torture him with sexual violence: "I'll make him sit on a bottle. No, on the Eiffel Tower." No. 2128000
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They should just put this retard down. Absolutely no life in his eyes. A human pitbull.
No. 2128116
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>>2128081probably because if these women comprehended that it's not that woman's fault she was almost beaten to death by an autist then it would mean a lot in their own lives they don't wanna think about.
as in, they weren't at fault that they were hurt/abused but the moid who did those things isn't going to take responsibility and it may even be dangerous to try to hold certain men in their lives accountable (men in authority/
trigger happy brothers or fathers), on top of that, what backup do they have to hold those men accountable? therefore they internalise it so it must be their OWN fault for not being "good" or "kind" or "accomodating" enough, and THAT'S why they were mistreated or scapegoated.
then they project their standards onto other women. which always looks like "i can't believe that Woman didn't give that aggressive male what he wanted, if she was good like me he wouldn't have done that. unlike her i take responsibility for the things other people do to me which means one day i won't be hurt anymore." when in reality that behaviour is what actual fucking sadists seek out because they see that submissiveness as weakness, implying vulnerability, which inspires further attack on these girls/women. which then reinforces the belief "i just need to be better/kinder/do everything by other people's rules and then i won't be hurt anymore!" when that's exactly what sadists want them to keep believing so they can keep hurting them.
anyway yeah it's a giant cope based on fear, and defending abusers is a "symptom" of that cope. a prime example from what i've seen online was watching depp defenders learn what DARVO was, then comprehend that's what happened to
them in their own relationships, and then realise that's exactly what he did to amber.
No. 2128178

>>2128070>The school failed this kid!I want to travel back in time and lynch whoever first used this phrase… Nowadays kids (not that this ogre is one) have to do less and less, their homework is done by ai and in school teachers have to make in insane amount of effort and often bribe or downright beg their students to participate at all - and despite getting such a cosy environment both students and parents still abuse them mentally and physically. Teachers never really have freetime, parents feel entitled to contact them at any hour, usually to question why their kids didn't get a better grade or because they think their little monster receiving some light punishment was unjust…
People have been talking about western kids being absolutely out of control for a while already but now it caught on to most other countries too. This video is about a primary student in Korea beating up his principal (who of course is not allowed to defend himself at all) but I also heard teachers in lesser developed countries like the Philippines say that it's starting to be the same for them too, absolutely zero respect. Recently Korea had quite a lot of young teacher suicides because they simply couldn't take the abuse anymore. Ironically they still had beatings in school until 2013 and it switched around so quickly. Kids immediately turning into ruthless brutes as a result of schools not being allowed to correct their behavior just proves that their parents at home do absolutely nothing to install any kind of life skills and morals in them.
No. 2128181
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>Autistic moidlet is autistic>He has very specific triggers, like being told "no" and videogames>Of course he's in a public school and his specific mental retardation flavour involves playing videogames in class>Teacher talked about taking it away, it was disturbing to the whole class plus what the fuck>He premeditates, as opposed to say in most news outlets where they describe him as having a meltdown, to beat up the teacher>He beats up the teacher, an older woman, unconscious, leaving her with lifelong injuries, stomps her head.>Of course it's the teacher fault for not being accomodating enough>Of course people think jail it's too much for the poor autistic baby who almost killed a person over a videogame I love when these people say to not infantilize autism because they're normal adults but draw the line at being charged like normal adults, infantilizing him as if he didn't know better, as if he didn't premeditate and waited for this teacher to be defenseless to jump on her.
No. 2128186
>>2128070People like this are so fucking dumb and it's scary to think this mindset is becoming fairly common. Even if this is a special needs kid who was "failed" by the school how is beating someone almost to death an appropriate reaction? And how would it be fair to then have that dangerous retard living amongst normal people, if he's literally so fragile and violent he could snap at any minute and stomp someone to death? People like this have so clearly never been
victim to crime or known someone who has, who cares if he's autistic? He's violent and dangerous and the public shouldn't have to suffer for his disabilities. I sincerely hope he pisses off the wrong moid in jail and gets killed, I hate to think of him walking amongst women and girls like a bomb about to go off and curb stomp the first person to slightly piss him off.
>>2128076Agreed. The injuries she sustained are probably going to impact her the rest of her life, if there's brain damage it could drastically shorten her life expectancy. I haven't looked it up because it's too upsetting but I can imagine damage to her head like that left her with pretty severe after affects. He doesn't deserve to have any type of freedom and neither do the people caping for him.
No. 2128282
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this discussion reminds me of the kelli stapleton case from about a decade ago. her daughter is autistic and was extremely violent towards kelli to the point where she suffered multiple traumatic brain injuries. eventually she tried to kill both of them in a failed murder/suicide and served time in prison before being paroled last year. kelli had a blog where she wrote about her experiences and she compared taking care of her daughter to being in a relationship with a domestic abuser.
>I’ve been bruised from head to toe, knocked unconscious, suffered injuries that were visible and others that weren’t. I’ve had to make decisions about going out in public because of how my face looked, and what to wear to best cover my bruises and contusions. I’ve had a bank close my account because my signature never matched my signature card…but it doesn’t if your fingers are broken, strained, and sprained.>There was a day recently when my abuser was really out of control. The blows were coming, and coming, and coming I was seeing stars and unfortunately lost my footing. Now I was on the floor prone and in real trouble. I reached in my pocket for my phone and was able to dial 911 before the phone was thrown out of my hands. When the officer arrived, I was so relieved! I had survived it!! It was (thankgodinheaven) over. Just like that, calm replaced the savage beast.>my abuser is my autistic daughter. She is now much larger than me and has no understanding of the damage she does. There doesn’t seem to be a way to stop her. Nor is there anyone who can help us. We’ve tried. No. 2128323
>>2128282My heart breaks for women in positions like this, whether it's a son or daughter I sometimes wonder what I'd do if I were in the position of the mother and I'm going to get shat on for this but I understand why they do what they do. I hope her daughter went peacefully but honestly I think that's the best thing that could have happened for both the mother and daughter. For one the mom shouldn't be condemned to a life of pain, suffering, and financial ruin just because she drew a shit hand and had a disabled child. And the child is almost never happy, they're constantly angry and upset and they're getting violent all day. And once the mother dies the disabled kid, now adult, is left homeless, a ward of the state, dumped onto relatives who then have to undergo the same treatment the mother received. And that's if they even have family, often times the adult is placed in shitty,
abusive hospital conditions or completely neglected. If the adult is violent it's extremely difficult for them to be placed in a stable environment, some of them even end up in jail. I can imagine why this mom and so many others think it would be better for her and her child if they were both gone. I'm glad she survived, but I can't imagine how much emotional pain and ostracization she faces every day. I hope she's okay and I wish no women had to go through stuff like this.
No. 2128441
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16 is the legal age of consent in the UK. I wish tabloids would stop blasting her. She has done nothing wrong and i hope she keeps living her life unapologetically just to trigger all the scrotes and pickmes
Diana was 16 when she was engaged to Charles and no one said shit, nice try retards.
No. 2128544
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>>2128441I thought the comments would be a shitshow but they're all more or less supportive. Many tell their parents story who've been married for decades and also met when they were that ages (but of course with genders reversed). I don't really get why she likes him but for him having a hot igthot gf is of course a win (tho they likely break up in a month anyway). He looks like a young adult and she looks like one of those trashy teen girls who use way too much makeup and spray tan.
No. 2128905
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What percentage of moids do you think are secretly rapist criminals? His wife quietly left him when convicted and he only received a 10 year sentence for all this. Also had multiple folders of CP of course.
No. 2128936
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>>2128928Mind you, this is what this woman
>>2128282 used to look like. I cannot fathom how people read her as some sort of calculated, skillful actress lying about what her daughter does. She looks completely broken.
No. 2128979
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>>2128936To be clear I don't view this woman as a martyr and she deserved all of her jail time. But this is definitely a grey area that a lot of people aren't willing to explore or try to improve for these parents
No. 2129065
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If a man is a teacher, it's partly because kids/young teens make him hard.
If a man works in a morgue, he has a sexual fixation on corpses and hopes for young hot ones to come in to molest and take pics of and share.
If a man wants to be a gynecologist it's partly because he wants to see women vulnerable and in pain, and to both inflict and dismiss that pain.
If a man works at a daycare… then he is very likely to be producing CP.
All of the above and pic related are genuine news stories.
No. 2129067
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>>2129065Gets more time than most men get for raping human beings
No. 2129095
>>2129067And still less time than that one stupid squatter anon posted that got 40 years.
Rape their kids = bad
Rape their dogs = badder
Grift from the rich = unforgivable! Death!
No. 2129334
>>2129194>>2129095>>2129067Anyone caught torturing, raping, or killing anything for fun, along with anyone caught with child sexual abuse material, needs to be given the death penalty. You can’t rehabilitate people whose brains are wired to justify those things to begin with. The existing punishments for most crimes are way too lax, even in the US, where we love to lock people up.
You don’t have to like dogs to acknowledge the fact that torturing them with a bread knife and raping them is vile deviant behavior. Those sickos need to be put down.
No. 2129519
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>>2129506Jessica Callimeri. I looked for the article that says what you said and all I found was she’s been attacking other female prison guards in the same way she used to regularly attack her own mother. gives me satisfaction that her sister won’t have anything to do with her and absolutely read her to filth in court. She’s right, her mother is worth so much more than that hideous retarded pig and should never have had to deal with her. She should have been euthanised*YW1wLWFvTmtpN0NyTFpoUF9yazd0eFc3Y0E.
No. 2129540
>>2129527Nobody benefits, but we have to keep them alive because they are technically human. They walk upright, they “talk” (it’s always retarded shit like “Brendan want waffle house!” Followed by a pterodactyl screech when they don’t immediately get waffle house) they are born from actual humans. Yet they are entirely lacking in their psyche. They’re basically violent sociopaths that are too dumb to look after themselves.
I wish people had more empathy for their family members and caregivers than for the tards themselves but people are always desperate to blame and judge them for every little mistake they make when they’ve never had to be beaten on by a drooling autistic tard with an iq lower than most animals themselves. Parents of these children who actually stick by them are some of the bravest most selfless people in the world. It’s a fucking curse I would not wish upon my mortal enemy.
No. 2129676
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>A 13-year-old girl in Austria has been forced to flee her community with her family after she was repeatedly raped and sexually abused by a gang of 17 migrants over the course of several months. The family’s decision to leave Vienna was spurred by the fact that police have failed to detain the suspects.
>The girl, who was 12 at the time of her ordeal, was allegedly repeatedly abused by the gang of migrants in Vienna. The perpetrators were of a diverse, non-Austrian background, with suspects hailing from Syria, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, and other nations. Out of the 17 suspects, 12 of them are minors between the ages of 14 and 18, one is 19, and two are 14, which in Austria is the age of criminal responsibility.
>Mia further told police that she repeatedly told the suspects that she didn’t want to engage in sexual activity, but that they forced themselves upon her.
>During the investigations, the suspects claimed that everything was consensual, and that Mia had said was 14, the age of consent in Austria. However, German newspaper Bild revealed that chat logs showed the opposite. The logs also demonstrated that the suspects knew the activity was non-consensual, with one of them directly acknowledging that Mia had begged them to stop.
>One suspect, named in the press as Abdul, was 15 at the time of the assault. Abdul allegedly blackmailed Mia, stating he had videos and photos of what they did to her but would delete them if she submitted to his sexual demands. Videos of her assaults had been circulating on both Snapchat and Instagram. No. 2129844
The video of the plane spiraling out of control in Brazil made me want to cry. Apparently 10 people missed the flight so they're still alive, they're going to have deal with the survivor's guilt. I hope everyone on the plane was unconscious if it lost air pressure
Recording of the plane crashing: No. 2130084
>>2130015I know what you mean, these retards will be our downfall, they don't realize the only reason they are allowed to act like this is because they live in a weak liberal government, but as soon as they actually face a violent, chaotic state, they won't be valiant muslim warriors, they'll be arrested and shot by whatever police force is in charge. It's the same in my country, every couple of years, some islamist starts trouble and then they all get beaten and arrested by the police and I don't give a shit what happens to them, but I fear for ex-muslims like us, who might be associated with these morons
No. 2130224
>>2129525Maybe this isn't a bad idea
We can send all the Islamists there and then drop an anthrax bomb on them
>>2129547That would also be a nice outcome
No. 2130591
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>on April 22, 2022 Carson Peters-Berger (14) lured his cousin Lily Peters (10) into a wooded area near their homes>he began to violently attack her before strangling her to death >once she was dead he proceeded to rape her lifeless body This article is so incredibly bleak. Not just for the obvious crime committed against this innocent little girl, but as I read more, it was obvious that there wasn’t a single good adult in Lily’s life.
>Lily’s fatherMultiple drug and DUI convictions
>Lily’s motherMultiple theft convictions, currently on probation, seems like she may have been absent in Lily’s life
>Carson’s mother/Lily’s aunt Drug and battery convictions, currently dating a man convicted of fraud
>Carson’s fatherChild porn convictions (clearly the apple did not fall very far from the tree)
No. 2130742
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>>2130591I was thinking when I stated reading the article, what relative or family friend hurt him when he was little? And when this photo came up while I was scrolling, before reading that his father was a pedophile I immediately in my head was like probably him. I cant imagine what his father must have done to him. I think its less likely that the boy was born with psychopathy and more likely that his father did horrific things to him and probably traded images of him. It's hard to tell exactly what kind of monstrous things his father subjected him to. He probably forced him to watch porn and participate in sex acts or had him molest another child in the past.
No. 2130774
>>2130755nta I do think there is some genetic stuff involved like lack of impulse control, low intelligence, etc but I mostly think these are cases of children reproducing behaviors that they either witnessed first hand, or saw in porn.
Like in the cases you mention where the father is absent, chances are several relatives/strangers helped the mom raise the kid so he had a higher risk of running into abusers/pedos/porn under the supervision of negligent people. I think it's more this and less that there's an evil gene. The
No. 2130828
>>2130755i do think it's entirely possible that there is a genetic link but even in instances where pedophile fathers are completely absent from their son's life these boys often still end up encountering other pedophiles and being sexually abused. many of them have mothers with their own problems who aren't cautious about the men they bring around their children or they leave them unsupervised and vulnerable to predators. it's not that uncommon for children raised in dysfunctional environments to have known multiple
abusive figures by the time they've reached adulthood.
No. 2131936
>>2130755We have miriads of 14 year old who rape without any suspected molestations, they're just like this from the womb. He's not even that young, why are you immediately came up with this to feel sorry for him? It's not like, at 14, he wasn't aware of what he was doing. He looks creepy, i'd avoid him in public just like i avoid adult men. Stop tring to be sympathetic to them, i'm begging you, you probably just tried to imagine what'd possibly could make you to do such a thing, but he's not you, you'd likely never do something like this anyway, ever, how much should we repeat that it's their nature, they're evil and vile.
>>2130826This. Moidlets are rapier and rapier these years, even much earlier than at the age of 14, when the signs of puberty can be seen clearly on him. Just another rapist-neandhertal.
No. 2133072
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>>2110223The funeral of Alice da Silva Aguiar. This picture made me cry
No. 2133682
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Received more time than the majority of rapists. Chicken wings are more valuable than your body or humanity.
No. 2133686
>>2131936I dont feel sorry for them at all when they hurt others. But I do believe that a main difference is that men are not raised with the same restraints as girls. Girls are expected to just deal with whatever is done to them. Men are told they have "manhood" and something to prove. It doesn't surprise me that being molested as a child leads men to be violent and
abusive, but that doesn't mean I feel sorry for them when they hurt others. I also acknowledge that a lot of men are just naturally psychotic. All I said in relation to this particular case was that im almost positive his father did really horrible things to him. I never said it explained or justified the action, nor would I ever. I don't think he can be rehabilitated, I was just stating the obvious. Pedophiles are fucking monsters.
No. 2133730
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>>2130755Teenage boys don’t need to be molested to become rapists or pedophiles and it’s been happening long before porn was available even in magazines. No. 2133786
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This is an old one but I have just read about it:
>Danish entrepreneur and engineer who makes submarines and rockets invites journalist over to his submarine to interview him
>Next day the submarine sinks and they save the guy, who says the woman died due to an accident, but keeps changing his story
>Weeks later the police find the journalist's body parts
>They find that the guy searched decapitation videos and violent porn on his computer prior to the journalist's arrival
Poor woman, I cannot imagine what she went through. She thought it was just another interview conducted with an eccentric guy in unusual circumstances. I also found it weird that although the guy had a rough upbringing, he had no history of violence
No. 2133814
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>>2133786He also broke out of jail at some point and had to be recaptured, that was wild too.
No. 2133993
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This happened 3 days ago, 15 minutes from where I live…(sorry no english article)
>2 years ago a somali moid (not a refugee, brought here on a special program that helps Africans I guess…?) stabs a homeless man 111 times and then cuts off his head
>"He's not evil, he's simply ill!" -> put in psych ward instead of prison
>3 days ago him and 4 female nurses go to the cinema to watch the new minion movie
>he manages to flee, only gets caught many hours later
There already are so many useless moid refugees, why do we have to additionally get more on top of it? Why is an absolute psycho put in a cushy euro prison instead of simply being sent back? He is insanely dangerous and has a history of trying to flee, so why is he allowed outside his cell? Why is he accompanied by women only (including one who was just a student)? Why does he get to have fun at all (5 cinema tickets paid by tax money, meanwhile many parents can't afford to go with their kids anymore)? Why is a sick brutal murder allowed to watch a childrens movie surrounded by families with little kids? And why did these retards allow him to go to the bathroom alone and somehow didn't watch the door (I know that this cinema only has toilets with a single entrance and no windows)? I know the answer, because my country is full of braindead doormats who thinks everybody has uwu human rights, needs to be treated gentle and giving 100 2nd chances…
Everybody is (rightfully) so mad. I always wonder, do our politicians and the people coddling refugees not understand that riots like in the UK will likely start soon here too? If they want to help foreigners/poc, then why don't they think of the innocent (christian) black people who speak our language, who work, who just want to live peacefully and then get roped into this, possibly also catching hate, because they share the same skin color and/or ethnicity?
No. 2134098
>>2133993What do we do when dogs act out? We put them down. PUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!
>>2134036I agree. What the fuck is the point? Why do they treat these literal rabid animals as little uwu babies who need luv and caaare? I bet those poor female nurses would rather be anywhere else, doing anything else, than coddling a worthless shitstain like this. What the fuck. Society coddles moids so much, it's insane.
No. 2134127
>>2134036>what was the purpose of letting him go to the movies?Prisons and asylums in my country focus on "resocialization", meaning they live insanely comfortably and get to do fun outside activities already shortly after they commited their crime.
>>2134098>I bet those poor female nurses would rather be anywhere else, doing anything else, than coddling a worthless shitstain like this.Sadly no. They and people like them are a huge part of the reason why this system even exists in the first place. A distant cousin of mine works there and she too is a bleeding heart liberal who thinks every monster can change into an angel if he's just given enough love and understanding…
No. 2134846
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I'm watching a documentary on this case and it always baffles me summary
>19 year old is found dead in his room, police frames it as a heart attack>This thing is sus because that guy is physically very healthy and sporty, plus very young>His little sister and his mom left early in the morning for church, in general it was a religious family but he didn't woke up so the mother didn't disturb him>When they come back they found the door open, initially blame him for not closing the door>The walk into the house: there are hand prints on mirrors, blood marks, a girly earring is found on the floor with some sunglasses, the door of this guy's room is open, he's face down, with a broken front tooth, dead.>Police tries to say that he fell on the furniture, knocking out his teeth in the process, unbelievable due to the location of the mark>His friend goes suspiciously through the phone right after they found the body, they all live close>"Someone" immediately changed his profile to a commemorative one>Yeah ok weird>The mom (kudos to her for her dedication, I couldn't live like this) doesn't clean the crime scene to this day, leaves the hand marks on the mirrors and walls, leaves dried blood there.>She has his phone, receives a message from an unknown number, calling her son in a "wrong name">Mom searches the wrong name on facebook, she founds a second, fake account, somehow she gets in>That second account is full of gay men asking for feet pics, dom/sub shit, urine and torture videos>Meanwhile, this dude was "happily engaged" with a girl irl, poor her>He sent videos of him acting like a dom to other closeted faggots like him, in the messages the tone is highly sexual, he used to give orders to subs, asking them to show feet and armpits>Most likely, what happened is that this dude invited those faggots over for some bdsm session in the hour her mom and sis were out, it ended bad (or he angered them somehow, there are banging marks on the doors), they all ran away and no one wants to get into this shit and the mother has to live with this crime scene home because she cannot accept that her son was a sexual deviant, at just 19, because they are religious.>Autopsy reveals he choked to death by action, someone choked him.I'm sorry for her, the pain of losing a son is immense, but I feel that this dude could simply not get into this shit and let random, horny people in his house, I always think about what could've happen if his mom and sis came home early…
No. 2135046
File: 1723619161042.jpeg (783.21 KB, 1290x2565, IMG_9623.jpeg) is from 2001… I want to throw up. What the fuck was ‘’????????
No. 2135057
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Men should never be left alone with babies, even their own daughters. This evil subhuman raped and killed his three month old infant.
No. 2135140
>>2134976Yeah, just look at
>>2134846Guy got killed for the coom, it's absurd how men would get in danger for something so trivial, it's almost fascinating
No. 2135357
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Women need to leave India en masse so men can kill and rape each other all they want
No. 2135942
>>2134976I'll blogpost a little but ever since I was a girl I had the perception that sex was something exploiting, violent and humiliating. I've always felt weird because normie women will all think that sex with males is this loving, sweet, intimate experience but I could never see it, mayne because I knew how men saw it instead. It's fucked that girls are brainwashed into seeing sex as a pleasurable loving thing while males all collectively agree that sex is and humiliating and violent act they get to do to women to use them as sex sleeves.
>>2135057100% he wouldn't have done this if the baby was male. At most he would have yelled or shaked him, but this little girl's father couldn't help but see his own infant daughter as a sex object, because she's female and has a vagina.
No. 2136732
>>2136673Pedos are so comfortable being brazen like this in public holy shit it’s despicable the lack of consequence. This happened when I was
In middle/high school and there was a warning for us not to interact with randos in their car because kids almost got taken from school grounds area. Still I see moids acting like being vigilant about this stuff is ridiculous and overreacting. All it takes is one chance and it’s someone’s life. They’d rather judge our survival instinct than judge their own for being predators.
No. 2136804
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>>2135357This one is horrific if you read the details
>“She had no clothes on her body. Her legs were 90 degrees apart…one on one side of the bed and other on the side of the bed…the legs cannot be torn apart like this unless the pelvic girdle breaks, which means she was torn apart. Her specs were broken, and there were shards of glass in her eyes. She was choked to death.">The initial post-mortem said there was bleeding from both eyes and mouth and injuries over the face and nails. "She also has injuries in her belly, left leg… neck, in her right hand, ring finger and… lips" news agency PTI reported. She reportedly had bite marks as well.
No. 2136826
>>2136809There was 150mg of semen found inside her body, the average moid produces 15mg
I'm in Canada and we are importing hundreds of thousands of these men here each year, to such an extent that the gender ratio is now imbalanced by nearly 1.1 males to 1 female
I have no idea how this is going to end but I'm at the point where I hope the white guys overthrow the government and deport them all, and I'm not even white myself
No. 2136847
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This isn't "news" literally but I honestly don't know where to put this and… well there is a victim and it is realy disturbing.
No. 2136868
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>>2136856Theyre saying she is in jail because she took the fall for HIS drugs. So she isn't even the one on her account. It's him.
No. 2136995
>>2136804Whenever an indian rape case goes public I know that I will be sleepless for nights. They never "just" rape women, no, it's always a gangrape, the
victim is always very young, they always kill her (often by burning) and most importantly they also always have to torture, break and rip apart her entire body.
I said this so often already but them always being in those huge violent groups of monsters is what makes brown moids so much more terrifying. If it's a local moid who's alone I at least have a slight chance of escaping or defending myself. But if it's 10 of them, who believe women are worth dogshit and if your "community" and the government supports them too, then you have no chance of survival.
There's nothing you could say or believe in that could make this any less devastating. Her parents, her friends and every woman know that her last day on earth were spent in excruciating pain and fear of her sure death.
No. 2137891
>>2136933A lot of white girls just take for granted how their moids and countries are compared to everywhere else
That doesn't mean there's no room for improvement of course, but I don't have much sympathy for women who are born with the gender equivalent of a silver spoon and throw it away
There are millions of Korean women who know exactly what life is like there and would have gladly switched places with her
No. 2138312
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>>2137528Was it really necessary for them to show a picture of her handcuffed to the bed…? Anyways eyes completely devoid of a soul as per usual
No. 2138837
>>2138816You're so funny. You even feign ignorance even though there are posts of the very 'inflammatory bullshit online about mass murdering people' sort you pearlclutch about in this thread:
>>>/ot/2136870>>>/ot/2068490>>>/ot/2095237>>>/ot/2128076>>>/ot/2135076>>>/ot/2055820>>>/ot/2059422You willingly post on an website with extremist content then pretend you're better than the rest of us to virtue-signal. You're such a pick-me.
No. 2138848
>>2138837Extremist content is on literally every website. I bet if I browsed Reddit enough I could find moids wishing for horrible things to happen to women. Does that make every normie that uses Reddit complacent with the extremism? And okay, people post about wanting to murder others in this thread, I don't see nor engage with the behavior myself. And on a side-wide basis, alogging is against the rules. I really fail to see your point.
>>2138840This woman is obviously being scapegoated. I don't agree with her sentence either.
No. 2139238
>>2128282sheesh, rough read. in the blog its so clear how cornered and afraid she felt. absolutely miserable, i hope she can get some reconciliation with her other children and live peacefully.
as an aside, i really do think ABA often makes monsters out of autists. its a dreadful, shallow, willfully ignorant view of human behaviour that negative reinforcement is a dirty concept or automatically equals abuse.
this quote
>I spent all this time teaching her [through ABA methods] instead of just having her sit in my lap and rocking her and enjoying her. What kind of child does that create? What kind of mother does that make?genuinely nearly made me cry. god
No. 2139308
>>2135357adding onto this action plan: all other nations must have harshly CLOSED borders to all indian and pakistani scrotoids, even for tourism. they can bother each other
>>2136879only women can be refugees. i would be happy to accept all female refugees on the condition that absolutely no male no matter how young or elderly or sickly is ever accepted. unfortunately though many of these cultures produce boymommies as a matter of patriarchal reinforcement, but they can stay with their spawn in this scenario i guess
>>2136995i cant even call them animals. the word "demon" has been so diluted by pop culture but its really the only applicable thing to call them. what that poor woman went through is an indescribable hell worse than the suffering of a thousand retarded moids starving in their shitholes or getting blown up by drones or whatever. its apocalyptic the violence that moids, all moids im under no delusions, are capable of, and to see the extent of that violence actually happen is like seeing a vision of hell
No. 2141624
>>2140991i'm sorry for what you what happened to you nonna. it makes me sick that your story is a common one.
>>2140978as far as i'm concerned women who stand by moids that terrorize their children are almost as bad as the moids themselves. these sick women often blame their daughters for what their moid is doing do them.
No. 2141720
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This is why Indian men. Brown men. Muslim men whatever are the WORST kind of men to walk the earth
No. 2141734
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>>2141720Indian men are hindus, this isnt new for them, this is the kind of stuff they post, I feel bad for Indian woman who have to put up with their men constantly making themselves the
victim after acting like demons.
No. 2141741
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No. 2141748
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>>2141741>>2141734>>2141720I know I will get shit but being half south Asian I avoid indian moids like the plague even here (UK) they bring their awful cultural beliefs with them.
No. 2141761
>>2141734>>2141747It's like "men going their own way". Would be great if they stayed the fuck away from women but they are completely unable to leave women alone.
>>2141748What has gone so completely wrong in India? Indian women are generally lovely, but too many of the moids acts like total demons. And I don't usually use that word.
No. 2141774
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>>2141761Men never do what they actually say, i've spoken to mgtows on dating sites like, FUCK OFF!
>What has gone so completely wrong in India?Nonna, hate to break it to you but its always been like that i've known about their reputation since I was a child in primary school.
>>2141764The caste system is specifically an indian hindu practise. This is important to note because there are white people who proclaim they have converted to hinduism but hinduism is not a religion you can convert to-you need to be born into it because of that caste system. Some hindus are now lying about it because they know how bad it makes them look-its even banned in other countries. I a making this distinction because when they tried to enforce it here saying its something all south asians practise they got shut down when other south asians said no its not. I think its really important that people outside these communities know so they can shut down this bs when it comes up. I'm very thankful to be born here my heart hurts for my desi sisters back home.
No. 2141783
>>2141748I'm fully South Asian and I hate all South Asian moids too, not just the Indian ones. Indians with their hindu shit and then Pakistanis and Bengalis with their Islam bullshit. Neither is better or worse than the other.
>>2141774I want to find and painfully murder each one of these pathetic fucking scrotes
No. 2141794
>>2141782> India used to practice the burning of widows it still happens but many are passed off as "accidental"
No. 2141891
>>2141782No worries nonna. IDK either I know moids everywhere are bad but Indian moids seem to be especially bad. Their culture hasnt really changed much despite being one of the oldest.
>>2141783>Neither is better or worse than the other.Thats your opinion which you are entitled to i'm speaking about my reality and its not. I've moved up north to get away from them, even when they are in someone elses country they try to turn it into india.
>>2141799My cousin said this and hes Portugese kek.
No. 2142061
>>2141891Sorry nona, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was defending Indian moids or something. I hate em too.
>even when they are in someone elses country they try to turn it into india. You're right about this actually. My town barely had Indians in it before. Mostly just Bengalis and Pakis and it was a nuisance to bump into them because they always gossip about you if you're not a perfect Muslim girl but I guess they're quiet and keep to themselves. These past few months a lot of Indians have been moving in, no idea why. And they bought up some of the abandoned shops in town and started their own shops. The shops don't match the rest of the buildings on the street and are really gaudy and cheap looking. The shop signs are shittily photoshopped with their whatsapp numbers on them, kek. They also always blast their shitty Bollywood music at night. At least Pakis and Bengalis don't listen to music because it's a 'sin' to them.
Basically, Indians are bad for my town, and Pakis and Bengalis are bad for my own personal life considering I'm an ex-muslim that doesn't want to deal with them shoving Islam down my throat. >>2142056Proud of this cow kek. I hope the moid dies from his injuries
No. 2142134
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>>2142061No worries nonna. My issue is that most people know the issue with moids from other communities but Indian moids here get a pass even by white nationals (basically because they suck upto them, there was even a popular sketch on goodness gracious me about Indians pretending to be white) but the issue is the lack of respect they have for others especially south asians because they also view them through the cast system and see the rest of us as beneath them
also ex-muslim here too I guess I struck it lucky my family is accepting but I know the issue nonna! Even so im my community the other muslims were more open especially with hindus but I know that isnt the case everywhere>>2142065Yeah no every other week i'm reading stories like pic related. Point is indians are more open about it because they dont have any shame and its not surprising the worlds youngest serial killer is from india. They really dont see rape there as wrong.
No. 2142180
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No. 2143143
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>>2142211I think the tide is turning very quickly because of how many of them have flooded into Anglosphere countries as "students" and are now harassing the local women and generally being a blight
I think it's a harsh lesson that needs to be learned by women here in Canada, 90% of the world is NOT like our countries and we have to respect the privilege of being born free in the West instead of taking it for granted
No. 2143292
>>2143201Nta but most Canadians are not happy about the massive influx of immigrants. But it’s not as if we have a choice, every possible party we could vote for is pro immigration. There’s no one to vote for that could put a stop to it.
>You asked for it.The bleeding hearts asked to let the poor refugees in because their misguided by their sympathy, no one asked for a bunch of half wit brown moids going around raping everyone. Get real, why should we just accept that brown moids are just going to turn us into India 2.0, fuck that. If you want to lay down and accept it then fine, but don’t expect everyone else to be as weak willed as you.
No. 2143669
>>2143292>>2143316I sort of get where that post is coming from
For full context I'm not white and my family comes from a Middle Eastern country
White Anglo Canadians were up until recently overly accommodating (in my opinion) to immigrants to the extent of even harming their own people, it just wasn't an issue until recently because Canada was an overwhelmingly white country
The change has happened so fast though that a lot of the boomers don't even seem to realize it and are just acting like it's business as usual, most of the radicalization is coming from young people
On the one hand I would fully support the natives doing an insurrection on their own government but on the other hand I'd end up being sent to the Sharia shithole my family came from along with the moids
Why can't the far right have an option where we only deport the moids and the women married to them kek
No. 2143891
>>2142180Always playing
victim and acting like generalizing is a worse crime than disemboweling anything with a vagina en masse. Can't focus on holding individuals accountable when your country is rated as being the capital of rape
No. 2143994
>>2143744I don't know anyone other than the incel adjacent "right wing" that blames women or "the left" or whoever else for the situation. Multiculturalism was imposed on Canada before most of the women suffering from its effects were even born.
That said, a trait I noticed with white people is they assume everyone else fundamentally thinks the way they do, like if you take a coin and scratch Abdul for long enough you'll see a progressive, liberal underneath
I wasn't surprised about Rotherham and other outrages in the UK but I was floored at how docile the British were in dealing with the Muslims responsible for it
Now with the absurd crackdown on the recent riots it seems to me like all western governments see their own indigenous citizens as the enemy and will protect the immigrant men at all costs, its like some kind of occupation government transferring enemy foot soldiers into the country to reinforce their occupation
No. 2144505
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Just a reminder that men will exploit literally anything if given the opportunity