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No. 1783934
>>1783275Yes they resemble abuse
victims to me too kek
No. 1783938
>>1783844I'm with you anon. How funny that during the time we had a bunch of kiwifags infiltrate lolcow there were a ton of "my wife" posts.
No. 1783952
>>1783844It's probably just the same few anons. This is such a weird thing to tinfoil about.
Sometimes I feel like anons genuinely hate not knowing who every person on here is.
No. 1783953
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Snow is nice and pretty
No. 1784012
>>1783971You mean the snow posts?
>>1784005Op here, I do! A lot of people in Canada complain about snow but I love it!
No. 1784046
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It should be illegal for men to be fat
No. 1784052
>>1784046This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. People want to "normalize" letting men talk about their little feelings and telling men that they're "
valid" and shit but nah. Males need to be bullied and shamed more often so we can prevent fatass losers from being a wide phenomenon with them.
No. 1784064
>>1784046He was 145 in the first pic, really? Is he like 5’2”? I’m a 5’3” lady with less muscle and I look about that muscular (no, fit not muscular) at 145 lol
He has so much fat for a 145lb man he must be short. A 6’ man looks almost skeletal at 145 if any of it is muscle.
No. 1784065
>>1784012Aww you sound so cute nona. I don't like snow either because it turns into a mud slushie eventually but I enjoy the cold.
>>1784046He really let himself go…does his wife even fuck him anymore when she has to look at his schlubby ogre ass?
No. 1784082
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>>1783953I really like snow, but I think that's cause I've only lived in places that rarely ever snow.
I remember one time when I was a kid, it snowed and I tried to save it by putting it in my fridge freezer. Of course it melted and I got upset cause I thought someone was throwing out my snow kek.
No. 1784148
>>1784145That's cool,
nonnie (puns)
No. 1784783
>>1784764Here’s one
>>>/ot/46070 , here’s another
>>>/ot/1572306 , and another
>>>/ot/1302690 , and another
>>>/ot/1136258 , and another
>>>/ot/1760495 , and another
>>>/ot/603913 , and another
>>>/ot/1773054 , and another
>>>/ot/594715 , and another
>>>/ot/1553987 No. 1784856
>>1784817I don't know the best way to respond since you seem very angry, but I'll try. The point I'm trying to make here is that the reason I feel threads such as funposting and lounge are redundant is because, in a sense, there's an extreme overlap in terms of thread content, topic of thread, and posting. That's not to say there aren't differences in posting styles, there are as funposting tends to have a lot more fujo-adjacent content where dumbass shit tends to be more every-day general content. However, I feel these tonal differences are so minute it sort of bleeds into eachother that it does become redundant to have what is essentially having two clones who are completely the same save for something like a different hair color. Yes, it is different but the difference is so small that you wonder what even is the point. It becomes even more redundant when you realize that these threads wouldn't have even been made if it weren't for a months long infight. That's the point I was trying to make Anon, I wasn't trying to be ignorant. My apologies.
>>1784821Yes and no. The best way I can describe it is that you could but the topics you wish to talk about are so specific that garners a specific interest of discussion that it is better suited for its own thread. For example, you could post about your prepping stuff in the dumbass shit thread but since it is such a hyperspecific topic it would be better discussed in a thread for prepping since other Anons who are preppers can join in for that specific topic with their own thoughts, ideas, and resources.
No. 1784968
>>1784951You all were posting porn, just two days ago someone posted shota at your thread, granting another autosage
Literally just abstain from acting retarded
No. 1784993
>>1784981What about the guy blowing an insect, the amputee fetish art, those two dudes fucking, that guy getting raped graphically and now recently the shota crap? Did I mention those were unspoilered so everyone saw that shit? Are all those falseflags too? Several stances of the same bullshit: users in the funposting thread posting horrendous porn without spoilers for attention in a thread you created for attention.
If you all are unable to behave, deal with the consequences, you should be glad you didn't get permabanned and your thread deleted yet you keep crying about your self inflicted problems all over the board, "waaah my thread is autosaged" deal with it, that's what you get for acting retarded
No. 1784998
>>1784996Nta but you are lying out of your ass. "Anti fujos" werent posting porn, and whenever the same people you referred to as anti fujo complained about having to see pork in the wrong board, you only posted it more
>>1784997The lies are ridiculous.
No. 1785021
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>>1785016Just like those two zoomers that argued about which one was more retarded and pretentious when they both tied for being the most retarded and pretentious in the whole site KEK
No. 1785027
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/m/ has a general with my favorite fictional boy and I refuse to click it, I don't need the mental damage.
I appreciate nonnies when we gossip, but I can't stand the fujo cuckery and anons who are unironically into maledom
No. 1785031
>>1784063Nooo what da hell im just poor
>>1785027This is how I feel about my husbando cause he’s MINE I don’t like how other nonnies like him
No. 1785500
>>1785314I've noticed when you samefag, instead of saying "anon said" you carefully say things like "it was stated" so you can't outright be accused of samefagging. You mean
you stated that? By your logic, anyone who makes a shit thread can say "btw if you delete this or lock this you're MALE111!!!" and that automatically makes them correct whenever it's deleted. You're on a fucking roll because people don't like you.
No. 1786052
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>>1785314>>1785543nta you mean this post? that wasn't a farmhand
No. 1786227
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>>1783844>I have a suspicion that the majority of anons claiming to be married lesbians are either moidsI know this post got some pushback, but I firmly agree with this. I'm sure there are a lot of lesbians but I'm sure there's also a lot of moids, too. I'm not tinfoiling and don't want to start an argument, but I take all "my wife" posts with a grain of salt, though I don't say anything in the threads about them. And especially when it's some topic about "my wife and our baby" because now not only is it a married lesbian poster but also one who has gone through fertilization/adoption/whatever and the moid chance rises with each new narrowing.
Just want to say again I'm not accusing anyone or going schizo with moid hunting, I just happen to agree with this poster and feel the same as
>>1783915 No. 1786232
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Best character from this show. I love characters like this.
No. 1786237
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>>1786232I’ve been thinking about fish hooks constantly too. Clamantha in particular
No. 1786253
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>>1786158This isn’t unpopular anon. Most people fawn over them.
I absolutely will defend a female character tho. But only because I’m a pick me for women and annoying
No. 1786268
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Best Barbie show. It was fun! I know Dreamhouse adventures is more popular but this series was comically self-aware and had a broader appeal.
No. 1786305
>>1786214Atyrt, I hate them, too. What else am I gonna do, kek. Like this one serial killer character in a game I like whose spirit kidnaps his adult daughter after he dies so she'd resurrect him, traumatizing his granddaughter and causing her depression at 4, and she ends up killing herself as a 40 yo woman. He also killed all of his family members except his nephews before his death, and I fucking despise him for everything he's done to them. Especially his sister, and his sister-in-law that he had a crush on and took her egg after killing her to create a child with her, i.e. his daughter. The fandom loves him though and it seems to be only me and some few people out there who dislike him. Doesn't help that his fans are the "he's so babygirl mew mew maid outfit hot" type, and lots of gendies and autism fakers.
>>1786240For that, I sort of don't see it. I've consumed enough media from all over the world to see enough bad ass female characters. It just depends on the medium and what you're watching/reading. I like Ai Magase from Babylon, she's crazy and 'evil' because she pushes people to commit suicide and wants to legalize it world wide. I love Marie Joseph Sanson, she literally executed men at 9 yo of age. I love Kaato Higashikata from jojolion because she literally killed some kid to save her son. Lucy from steel ball run who was ready to kill the president of the United States to help save the world, and later on killed the better Dio. I love Whitney Stane from iron man armored adventures because she almost killed her dad because he didn't give her enough attention kek, then later on decided to turn on iron man for putting her dad in a coma. I love the mom from a trail of blood for showing that being a mom can break a person and make them do horrible things if it's against their will, and they come from horrible circumstances.
Unfortunate that the author decided to make her regret attempting killing her son after decades of not seeing him though. Even winx club has crazy evil villainesses like the trix and Klashara. W.i.t.c.h. had Nerissa. And so on. Just stop reading/watching mediocre stuff or mainstream stuff and you'll find the type of character you're looking for.
No. 1786375
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>>1786253I feel like it is, because there's a subset of women who cry and shit their diapers over the fact that male characters and yaoi are popular. They obliquely (or sometimes explicitly) say that you're a pickme or whatever if you don't virtue-signal and pretend to like more female characters than you actually do. Most media is written by men, and I loathe how men write women. It's not rocket science.
>>1786202I'm fine with character being bad people. Some of my favorite characters are morally ambiguous women. I just don't like being told what to like, or that my taste makes me a ~bad feminist~. Fandom isn't fucking activism, if I want to be unwoke as hell with my bullshit pretend imagination people, that's my fucking prerogative.
No. 1786453
This needs to happen to all male professors, they all try to date and have sex with their students. Literally all of them.
No. 1786503
>>1786380Evil gay intentions kek.
OT anon I’m not saying I don’t believe you but I wanna see anons who call themselves pretty. Like the anons who call themselves ugly turned out to be quite cute so by that you should be goddess tier.
No. 1786569
I like Myra Magdalen. This probably isn't even that unpopular, but I've seen her posted in the tiktok hate thread before. Idk I just like how you can tell she doesn't take her whole schtick too seriously and she's cute
No. 1786922
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>>1786470>>1786914No, it's still up. Here's an mp4 if you're having trouble seeing the embed for some reason .
No. 1787004
>>1786995i think the shayna thread might be mostly other camwhores vendetta posting, it would explain why shaynafags drop their nudes at the slightest
No. 1787140
>>1787130>I fell through the cracksYou are not a
victim, cut the dramatics.
No. 1787172
>>1787132We still had lockdowns until early 2022 in Canada.
>>1787142>>1787140I'm just disappointed in myself. I've been a NEET for a while because it's borderline impossible to find a job in this shit city
No. 1787189
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I don’t think it’s wrong, or particularly matters, if women, make ‘problematic’ art that ‘glorifies abuse’ or even really screwed up shit like necro, incest, leg amputation or whatever. Most women know that it’s wrong to do irl and don’t actually commit any violence like that. An exception should be made for men though
No. 1787201
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Hello fellow oldfags, how are we doing? I remember when lolcow was so old, you could watch other anons type their post keystroke by keystroke. It was like the wild west of the internet…
No. 1787259
>>1787150Is this unpopular? Some teas even say on the box that the bags can be used more than once.
My unpopular tea opinion is that it doesn't matter what temperature you boil the water or how long you steep it
No. 1787289
>>1787252>>1787234I was aware of PULL existence back in the day but I didn't lurk there, I preferred here. Please stop with the assumptions it's getting annoying
>>1787268Okay that explains everything
No. 1787441
>>1787259Yes some other nonnas said I was wrong.
I agree with the steeping, I just let it sit for maybe 30 seconds, bop it up and down a few times and take it out to reuse lol. I'm sipping my second teabag cup right now
No. 1787508
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the microwave is a great device to make tea with
No. 1787529
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Modern fashion is so ugly and basic. Not an ounce of personality.
No. 1787572
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>>1787514Good take. Sometimes we just want more or less fat in different spots. They screech "fat cant be spot reduced" and then don't want anyone agreeing with that and just getting lipo to spot reduce.
Pic related. Genetic fatneck can't be stopped unless youre full anachan. You have to have Angelina Jolie jawline to spread that fat out just like longer torsos carry the same amount of fat flatter.
No. 1787988
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>>1787968Disgusting moid tier post, go back to wherever you came from. That anon didn't even say anything to prompt such a response, what are you getting aggressive at?
No. 1787991
>>1787988It was a dumb post and got a slightly mocking reply. You reading aggression into it is your own thing deal with
>>1787978First part of your post, nobody said anything about other people not finding him sexually attractive
No. 1788040
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>>1788035>companionshipUgly males are rude, from my experience
>sexWith an ugly male?!
>desire to have a familyNot me I guess.
>current economic climateYeah I guess that's true, it still seems dangerous to share an asset with a male. Am I vain for not wanting to even share a room with an ugly moid? From my experience, and I'm not saying being attractive makes you a good person, but ugly moids tend to also be rude, entitled, lazy, and unbearably annoying. I'd want to kill myself if I was in a relationship with one, yet they all have girlfriends already. I know an ugly fatty who is lazy and his girlfriend drives him around and everything. I'd throw myself under train tracks if that were me. What I may find attractive might not be attractive to other people, but if a male is ugly in my eyes (90% of them) I just can't even imagine having to spend time with the creature, let alone letting it put its hands on me.
No. 1788044
>>1788041No? Just masturbate. You don't need to have a stranger's penis inside of you to feel sexually satisfied, in my opinion.
>inb4 well some of us have stronger libidosI get horny all the time, just wait until you cum in your sleep, or masturbate.
No. 1788057
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>>1788051Okay, I didn't know having sex with a male was that important for people, even with all of the risks and even if he's ugly. Ugly males just turn me off so much to the point where I want to hit him. I just can't imagine intimacy with something that physically disgusts me! Would you have sex with him even if he's fat and/or balding??
No. 1788133
>>1788082Do you actually know any poor people?
You'd be surprised what antics poor people forgive out of the necessity of having as many social and financial connections for survival as possible.
No. 1788150
>>1788124It's sad but true. A lot of Hispanic households that are heavily religious are known to cover up abuse,which tends to come from male family members. I cut off a lot of my
toxic family for that reason, including them thinking they can pray away my gay.
No. 1788178
>>1788155How is it a woman's failure when a man won't carry any weight?
Maybe shame into thinking it is our failure is why so many pickmes choose to ride the strugglebus thinking that scrotes can be fixed with enough lurve.
Men are the failures.
No. 1788246
>>1788010Because having a bf is social currency for women. It’s better for us to have a ugly bf than no bf and most women would rather be able to say they have a man because in the society we live in you’re considered worse off being single than with a man whose ugly and beats you everyday. There are women who have bfs who are pedos,
abusive, fat and or ugly but they still feel they are superior to women who are single.
No. 1788257
>>1787514idk about the rest of your post, but I agree squats are a meme and just give you huge legs.
the best butts are genetic and nothing on this earth will convince me otherwise. People give examples of female weightlifters and tbh if my lats were that wide I'd kms
No. 1788471
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The Matrix trilogy isn't as deep as sci-fi fans think it is but Carrie-Anne Moss was great as Trinity.
No. 1788547
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>>1787947his hair is his worst feature
No. 1788604
>>1788525So you're a NLOF former fatty? Most people don't respond well to bootstraps mentality and bodyshaming. I'm also a former fatty and it took me forever to get the weight off because I was stuck in a cycle of
>look in mirror>still see a big gross fatty fat fat despite consistently losing weight (because healthy weight loss can take months or even years) >trigger BDD>eat feelingsMaking fat people feel like shit about their bodies is counterproductive. It's nasty, insecure anachan behavior. HAES is dumb but it does make one good point, you don't actually know someone's health by looking at them. A 200 lbs fatty fat who was 300 lbs 1 year ago is doing amazing and doesn't deserve that negativity.
No. 1788874
>>1788857Yeah I had a feeling. I don't care for action movies, and most classic movies aren't my thing. Watched the 5th element because it was highly regarded and it sucked ass.
>>1788866Yeah I know the meme part, but the dystopia thing doesn't appeal to me because I live somewhere worse than fictional bad countries made up by americans. I go through enough grim shit on my day to day life so I prefer rainbow and sunshine pink could butterflies fictional settings kek.
No. 1788882
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>>1788879The romance was strange to me, and the pyramids thing and the woman being the 5th element thing was so underwhelming. Only good part of it is the diva dance song, because it's why I watched the movie anyways. But yeah moids have some superiority complex over what they consume for some reason. Picrel sums it up.
No. 1788990
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>>1788478This just shows no matter how bad most people think you look there’s always someone who finds you attractive because I think Ariana look her best in this era
No. 1789027
>>1787955women don't stay in long term
abusive relationships because of sexual desire, it's because of their emotional attachment to the person or fear/low self esteem etc. assuming you're not trolling, self proclaimed asexuals always have the most retarded theories about relationships kek
>>1789015>I don't want to have a mental breakdown because someone offered me a slice of pizza at work what is wrong with peoplethen don't? i don't get when people say this as if the
toxic food communities were banging on their door trying to come police what's in their fridge. most of it happens online where unhinged ppl are always the loudest and you're free to ignore them
No. 1789031
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>>1788471the true Wachowski masterpiece is Speed Racer and I say that unironically
No. 1789039
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>>1789027I think you underestimate how dog-piling people can be anon. there's influencer who basically send out armies to attack you if you don't eat "approved" foods, freelee did this, liver king did, and now morticia is doing it. At least freelee and liver king basically just call you a fat ass, morticia is trying to convince people they will get sick and will die if you don't eat her tiny list of "approved" foods and sends her army after people and encourages people to attack others for not eating like her
No. 1789040
>>1789027yeah, weird food communities and fringe dieters aren't a loud enough minority that they have an impact in the real world
the only real concerning thing about those communities is how people file into them so they can hide their eating disorder
No. 1789087
>>1789076You're already getting attacked for it but I agree with you. I read some posts about how their boyfriends did something "nice", and I'm like that's bare minimum? And I'm single with no prior relationship experience, but I won't sette for bare minimum. And the looks thing is also true. They describe what they're attracted to as if it's objectively perfect, then it's either an old weird looking british guy/old guy/nerdy guy or some faggy looking youtuber. They'd be calling anyone cute for some reason. And the most annoying ones to me are the Araon guy, he's ugly, and idc that an
ugly old woman married him, she looks identical to him, they deserve each other kek.
>inb4 post your taste/describe the perfect manNo. The only perfect man is a man who'd unironically be my slave 24/7 and go according to the scenarios in my head and looks like a fictional character but irl, and he doesn't exist.
No. 1789117
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>>1789098Tf is uniqlo? And while I agree attraction is subjective, I've seen anons post the ugliest men on earth and calling them attractive. Like some rapper some anon said she found attractive, picrel. She described him as "feminine pretty". I'm still confused by this.
No. 1789251
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She’s the most attractive woman in Hollywood, past and present. Every feature is unique and stunning, she has perfect blonde hair and she’s dainty and frail. No one compares to her. The only people who think she’s unattractive are misogynists, because blonde women are targeted more than any other hair color.
No. 1789255
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>>1789251Isn't she a brunette?
No. 1789264
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>>1789255different anon but this is why the blonde sperging recently is so dumb. if you wanna be blonde so bad, then go blonde for fuck's sake instead of seething that you weren't born that way. I get, I wanted to be blonde too when I was little. I thought you had to be blonde to be "pretty" and I wanted to be pretty like Hillary Duff. but then I turned 7 and realized that was a dumb. you don't need blonde hair to be pretty.
No. 1789298
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>>1789269She does not look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Even here without makeup she looks more beautiful and striking than any other celebrity I’ve ever seen.
No. 1789368
>>1789076The actual problem is that men having standards and meeting expectations anymore is a rarity.
We're too busy laughing at women getting taken advantage of and abused rather than demanding that men do better.
Tired of seeing women do more than they ever have before in history because we are
forced to do so, yet seeing them blamed when their happiness under these circumstances is unsurprisingly hard to achieve.
Thanks for contributing to the no-win game for us.
No. 1789375
>>1789367When I hear about men getting raped, I just
laugh so I guess we're on the same page with not giving a shit about male
victims No. 1789387
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I don’t give a fuck about muh double standards. Even men don’t care and see it as a plus. Men dating younger/barely legal women is absolutely predatory and should continue to be publicly shamed though kek
No. 1789393
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>>1789387Remember reading a confession on here a few years back, some anon would seduce and date younger moids so that she could use them for sex and collect their offered engagement rings to sell them. She would then just leave the younger moids like they were nothing. When I hear about older women with younger men, I think of that anon. Good for her. I hope she saved up lots of money (assuming she was being truthful).
No. 1789400
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>>1789387No offense but I'm tired of anons regurgitating the same opinions over and over like they're revolutionary. You're on lolcow, this sentiment has been posted in multiple /ot/ threads like tens of hundreds of times this past year. If you really want to shake the table go on reddit or something.
No. 1789408
>>1789400I've been here for enough years to see anons posting this same "older women dating young moids are so based" to become jaded to the point I always think they're the same people bitching about women in their 40s being old hags and how they're terrified of aging. It all sounds like a cope they repeat like a mother mary. Younger moids are just as misogynistic and hold just as much societal privilege over you as older scrotes anyway.
>>1789393And this sounds like a fake reddit story. Anons here are like 21 on average, what younger moids buying elaborate engagement rings are they selling? 14-year olds?
No. 1789415
>>1789408I feel like the anons who say shit have never actually pulled a younger moid kek. Yeah they’re a lot hotter but they’re terrible as actual partners.
>>1789393Do you really believe her kek? Younger moids are commitment phobic as fuck. It’s almost impossible to get moids to propose to their girlfriends of 10 years, I really doubt some sperg is getting swathes of 22 year olds getting her actually valuable rings kek.
No. 1789422
>>1789404Agree. As cruel as it sounds, failwomen sitting on their hands rolling with the punches saying "it's the men who need to change" without initiating it are pathetic enablers to scrotes. Of course moids will exploit their goodwill, why wouldn't they? What's the worst
nonny could do to them? Post an anonymous vent on Lolcow about Nigel being a disgusting,
abusive slob? Nigel doesn't give a shit, he can always groom a new Discord kitty.
>>1789414This, the "a-at least they're hot" sounds like a cope from women who want to believe they can achieve power over scrotes similar to the OF thots "taking control of their sexuality" and the FDS larpers who brag about not settling for an engagement ring less than $10,000 thinking they're smart enough to pick the Nigel who won't be the one to snap and kill them or dump them in the ditch for a younger woman. Women looking for these easy options to "dominate" instead of a sustainable progress like taking over male-dominated industries and positions and liberating more women globally or at the very least not being cucking themselves into these "femdom" pyramid schemes are pathetic.
No. 1789435
>>1789428The point is that these anons are claiming it as some big feminist girlboss win to score a hot young scrote when it's not. Sure it's miles better than a fat ugly neckbeard abusing them but it's the bare fucking minimum to have a partner that you find attractive and you can just Not Date the men who treat you like a disposable cumrag
from the start.
No. 1789461
>>1789436>The reality is women need to changeNo we fucking don't you retarded ass ballsnarcher.
>hurr lets not say shit to men cause they wont change anyway duuuuuurThat's not enabling? Treating
victims like perps of the crimes against them isn't enabling criminals? Achtually the
victims going about their day and trying to be decent are the problems who need to adjust?
Stfu. Gtfo.
I am going to happily & repeatedly call out men for their brazen bullshit any day of the week if I so fancy. But oh, feel free to tell me I'm wrong and insist I should wagglefinger at women just trying to live a life.
Hopefully this level of audacity is just bait.
No. 1789468
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>>1789415>Do you really believe her kek? Younger moids are commitment phobic as fuck.Is it an unpopular opinion to think that this isn’t true? Kek fuck boys are definitely still a thing currently but it’s not hard to find moids looking for commitment too. Even the younger ones. Or maybe I just got lucky twice I dunno
No. 1789470
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Men who like Kirby are universally soyboy and cringe incarnate.
What makes their love of this fat pink faggot convince them that being obnoxious and punchable is a cute and endearing trait?
No. 1789475
>>1789472What sounds more delusional?
>I’ll do what it takes to make my own life as a woman better Or
>I’ll just whine until scrotes finally notice they’re hurting me and change No. 1789477
>>1789475>this black and white binary are the only options you've got anon THE ONLY OPTIONS!!!!Fuck off and get some nuance.
There's more to life than throwing away your dreams for some baddie copium or being a ball-licking doormat.
No. 1789484
>>1789480>why would they change to be kind and fair to women? Because everyone would be on board to socially enforce it without subtly passing some blame onto women by saying it's their fault.
Men love women like you who say they cannot be changed and it's up to women to constantly play 4D chess to not be abused. What has your status quo helped with so far? Nothing. The answer is nothing.
No. 1789485
>>1789484Men can be changed but why should they change?out of the kindness of their hearts?
If they’re getting benefits from oppressing women there’s no reason for them to change.
No. 1789548
>>1789520Who's defending them? What anons are saying is that deluding yourself by thinking that younger moids are any better option when they're just as bad, often in other ways that aren't compensated by supposedly better looks. The only time I've seen a scrote change his ways is when his girlfriend dumped her for being an inconsiderate jerk and he actually took that to heart and became a better person. They need to be held accountable instead of trying to pull this weird FDS larp about how scrotes are only good for their money while like
>>1789536 and
>>1789528 said rich men are cheapskates blowing their money on prostitutes and fun things for themselves, never their girlfriends and wives.
No. 1789723
>>1788704this belongs on 2X but you're correct, moids don't see women as fully human. that's why if they do see you as a human being with autonomy, they will no longer find you sexually attractive because they can't reconcile you as autonomous with you as a sexual object
it's literally wired into their lizard brains
No. 1789743
>>1789387Based and twinkpilled
>>1789415Nah, the younger ones with mommy issues are clingy af. And all moids are terrible partners, tbh why settle for an uggo with a broken dick when you could get a college boy with energy and smooth skin. It's a no brainer
No. 1790554
>>1789819Nah, I hear you, especially in current year, a moid adds nothing beneficial to your life.
All I'm saying is, IF you MUST have dick, young dick is the best dick
No. 1790826
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>>1790746Do you pat the water dry and let your crotch air dry before wearing your underwear? And do you wear polyester underwear? If so that can be it. I've been using a bidet like picrel my entire life and never got a uti.
No. 1790861
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Honestly, your post smells like a scrote calling himself a "lesbian" to disguise his hatred towards women into something more "digestible" and "righteous". You even implied that straight women don't get beat enough, like that's something that needs to happen even MORE OFTEN than it already does. But why am I talking to you when the report button is right there?
No. 1790978
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Not really unpopular since it kinda became a cult classic of outsider/experimental music and received quite a lot of praiseful in-depth reviews, but I fucking love this album. Farrah may be a shit person (and I’m sad she couldn’t make it after all) but this is genuinely one of the most gut-wrenching, raw pieces about trauma I’ve ever heard.
No. 1790985
>>1789967kek sorry I did not mean it to be like that
>>1790635I meant I personally feel cleaner, that's all nona, just a personal preference. especially on my period.
No. 1791415
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>>1789251>blonde is targeted more than any other hair colorHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a GOOD one, nona! Like we didn't have a phenomenon of blondes being so fetishized that "blondes have more fun" was a coined quote for it. As if
gingers aren't called uggo at any opportunity and was never the most bullied hair color for years KEK
No. 1791529
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I'm fine with tifs who are "truscum" and some HSTS tims, and I think being too passionate about being a terf is just the other side of the coin of gender ideology. If we can't admit that some troons are okay, why would we expect TRAs to be fine with terfs.
People are just way too radicalized nowadays– nothing is 100% black or white.
"Truscum" tifs are fine, because at least they admit they're biological females. TBH, I don't care if a girl wants to escape misogyny if she's able to, as long as she doesn't try to say shit like, "women aren't the only one who get periods/can get pregnant!!!". Also, if she doesn't decide to be a parent and confuse her child with her LARP.
HSTS are significantly more annoying, but at least they're not trying to fuck women. I think there's a small percentage who can imitate female socialization well enough, and again, I don't really care as long as it doesn't affect me.
For both tifs/hsts, being twans shouldn't be their entire persona or identity.
>inb4 accusations of NLOG tif
I'm a gender-conforming cis woman/former handmaiden
No. 1791546
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>>1791542ayrt I mean, idk I'm not a troon kek. But I know there are some out there, see picrel.
No. 1791736
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>>1789278That’s from the buccal fat removal. I miss her face from before
No. 1791750
>>1791738Because your gender isn't a feeling but a biological state so a man trying his best to pass will always be a man. But if we use "trying your best to pass" as a measure of who is a woman or not that means men can then use women's quotas, enter women's competitions, enter women's spaces including changing rooms and washing rooms, contribute to women's statistics, use their deceiving status to get close to actual women.
And (in my opinion) more importantly: you're having the state of being a woman taken from you and re-defined by men, people who arent women. How not more women see how that's offensive at best is beyond me. I'm not having a man decide for me, a woman, what a woman is.
No. 1791765
>>1791758Unfortunately "freak" isn't a legally definable term so when you let "the good ones" in, the bad ones are a package deal. The trannies who don't hurt anyone don't need to transition either, it hurts
them and lowers their quality of life. What they need to do is accept the body they were born with and learn to cope like the rest of us
No. 1791785
>>1791765I mean people should also not let themselves get obese, shouldn’t smoke, shouldn’t cut themselves, shouldn’t binge-drink, etc. I can only lose so much sleep over people hurting themselves.
It would be great if they didn’t self-harm and learned to accept themselves, but I didn’t particularly care about trannies until the enby shit, neo pronouns wolf/gender, changing laws to negatively impact women, the indoctrinating children, invading women’s sports, etc. and most of that is from straight TIMs/hons.
HSTS are trying to escape homophobia, imo. A lot of them come from conservative backgrounds where being gay is worse than pretending to be a woman.
No. 1791893
>>1791848this made me laugh hard
nonnie thank you, I needed that
No. 1791963
>>1791738I don't get why passing is so important to you? it's not like the problem is that you can see they exist, it's about what's inside.
personally I never cared about the sports angle. professional competitive sports is already evil and everyone is on performance drugs. it's just the cherry on top of the ridiculous pile of other issues like juicing, molester coaches, ruined human bodies, every single athlete being exploited while all managers coaches and executives make way more money, etc. that a man can transition and take the title in the women's field. of course he can. there's no honor in professional sports anyway.
No. 1791996
>>1791529Buck Angel agrees with exposing porn to children as "sex ed".
An observation I've made that seems to be inconvenient for both radfems and TRAs is that a lot of women who were previously sexually "normal" (or at least not extreme) go off the rails on testosterone. A lot of FtMs have sexual paraphilias. Not sure if it's purely a matter of the HRT increasing libido, or if they were always like that, but feel more comfortable being open when trying to live out a male gender role.
No. 1792006
I think people are too hard on women who are child free and go overboard with it. Sometimes it's a bit much, bordering on child hate when they think children shouldn't even exist in public, but I understand where they are coming from. I haven't decided whether I want children yet, but I know that often the reason why some women get so expressive about "breeders" or "crotch goblins" is because of the societal expectation that they are pushing back against. Some of us have had to hear since childhood that we need to prepare for a future of being a wife/mom. For me personally the reason I never bothered learning how to cook is because my father would tell me I need to learn for my future husband. Obviously now I'm ill equipped in my 20's to even cook that much for myself, but the point is that for years I didn't bother to do a thing in the kitchen because I didn't want to have to learn for a hypothetical man, and have an expectation of feeding him every day. So I think women who are staunchly anti children are just trying to reinforce how much they don't want that for themselves, and it could be due to having to constantly babysit as children, being told you have that motherly instinct, being told you need to act a certain way now or have certain values now so that you're ready for when you have kids, sayings like "it takes a village" often expecting women to band together in the name of childcare. It's just inherent in society that you should live for a husband/children and not for yourself, and that's why SOME child free women want to get as far away from those assumptions as possible.
The others possibly just genuinely hate children, and as for the ott child free men, they are just despicable creatures in general
No. 1792011
>>1791969Pearl edits.
It feels weird like it’s not authentic because that’s a beautiful hollywood actress getting paid billions pretending to be mad and scream or whatever. I don’t get the girls who are into it, it’s not real
No. 1792033
>>1792006Partly yes, but it was largely caught up by scrotes and now being childfree cool thin Stacy hating on children and evil Karen mothers is also an ideal for some moids.
>>1792015That's part of the problem, the main reason imo is capitalist hellscape we live in. Movie industry is scared of putting anything new and losing money, so there's plenty of remakes (even of movies that were made only 10 years ago) or continuations of big franchises every year and five the same actors in each one, nepo babies and Jacob Elordi, Zendaya or Timothee Chalamet. Nepos have connections and some recognition from their parents and the latter have had solid fanbases for a few years now so it's safer to cast them than to look for new talents. The entertainment industry moves faster than ever, the real excitement for media lasts very short and then everybody moves on to next thing.
No. 1792077
>>1792006I agree. For men I judge like hell but women I sympathize with, the grooming to become mothers since childhood that happens culturally and within families is so pointed.
>For me personally the reason I never bothered learning how to cook is because my father would tell me I need to learn for my future husband. Obviously now I'm ill equipped in my 20's to even cook that much for myself, but the point is that for years I didn't bother to do a thing in the kitchen because I didn't want to have to learn for a hypothetical man, and have an expectation of feeding him every day.I'm in this same position, but it didn't change any expectations kek only that I'll still learn eventually and feed hubby.
No. 1792108
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>>1791844Why is it that everytime some anons hold a legitimate argument or discussion about 'transgerism', someone has to pull out the "you're all obsessed" card. It's like when anons accurately pick apart the shitty side of how gay males behave towards women, some anon pops up to yell about how we're being "homophobic and need to be ashamed". Nobody is losing sleep, money, or food over faggots and trannies just because we take some time to explain
why we don't like them or their actions, and it's weird that some anons are trying to shut the conversation down
every time those two groups get picked apart in here.
No. 1792138
>>1792117Beyoncé fans try to make it seem like she’s not head over hills in love with that man and will ever leave. Just look at her here, she loves the ground that man walks on
>>1792131 it probably makes them boil that she loves him so much fr
No. 1792211
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Parents who fuck up their children's credit are terrible and need to be slapped. This doesn't sound like an unpopular opinion, but it happens so often that I feel like it is.
No. 1792216
Since we're talking about shitty pop stars, all former nickelodeon and disney stars who became musicians suck. With the exception being Victoria Justice, Elizabeth Gillies, Drake Bell but he fucked up everything by being a pedo, and Britney Spears who is the best former child star to pop artist. Everyone else sucks, Justin Timberlake, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cirus, Ariana Grande, and so on. And the people who were famous at the same time as them also sucked, like Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, 1D, Taylor Swift etc. I could never get into their super generic music and they all sounded the same to me, I can't recognize any of them just by sound.
No. 1792303
>>1792236He sang the opening song to Josh & Drake, and iirc he plays guitar. He had an alright sound and style that was a breath of fresh air in the world of r&b and pop boybands and male artists at the time, but I think he never made any other music after that even though it seemed to interest him.
>>1792243Even if they're songwriters, their songs still suck and have shit lyrics. She on the other hand can sing properly despite her super pitchy voice, has nice low notes (as low as the second octave which is rare for female singers, let alone one with a naturally high voice), and she can dance and perform live and sing while dancing. Idk if she plays any instruments though. I personally believe that a singer's job is to sing first and if they're good at it, then they're talented. Songwriting and instrument playing comes second and doesn't conceal bad singing or a limited range or a boring generic vocal tone imo.
No. 1792630
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>>1792624That's right. You tell 'em, nona.
No. 1792632
>>1792303>She on the other hand can singShe’s never been known to be a great singer, her forte was dancing and performance everyone knows that, she's not different than them on that regard. Her homologue Christina Aguilera had way stronger vocals
>Songwriting and instrument playing comes secondIf you don't write your own stuff you're prone to depend on everyone around you and paying producers that could abuse their power, Britney was abused to the extent she was because she had zero control on her whole brand and career, it
is a valuable trait to write your own music to have some resemblance of control in your output and revenue. Britney couldn't create her own material, Taylor and lady Gaga for example had longer careers than she did despite not having her star power
No. 1792634
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>>1792624That’s why Adrianna limas daughters are so mid compared to her because she decided to have sex with uglies
No. 1792638
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ngl I like the bald look. for the past couple of years, most of the guys I've met who are my age (25) do have notably receding hairlines and it's just sad and thin overall. finding out they were even a year or so younger than me was surprising. idk, I think they should just embrace the look. I've kept my head shaved a couple times myself and enjoyed it. the lady who manages the gas station up the road said I looked like a young Sinead O'Connor. personally I liked it 'cause my hair is so thick that it can be a lot to deal with, so the opposite problem, but nonetheless I like how it looks
No. 1792706
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>>1792685Adrianna Lima was literally model tier as a teenager and now her older daughter just looks alien like with too far apart eyes like her dad. She will probably have to get plastic surgery when she becomes a nepo model
Like Bella hadid.
No. 1793062
>>1793044>”shut up, you’re all obsessed” literally no one said that schizo-chan.
if it’s a genuine discussion, people pointing out that hating all trannies is obsessive shouldn’t shut down the conversation.
No. 1793214
>>1792689Nona am I reading this correctly that you think Britney is a better vocalist than Lady Gaga?? I agree with you that Taylor's voice is not great and her strength has been her songwriting + relatable image to her fans. However, I feel like Lady Gaga is a much better technical singer than Britney. Gaga is also super versatile and can adapt her singing into many different genres and vocal styles.
I don't dislike Britney's voice and I miss the late 90s/early 2000s when she'd actually sing live while dancing. I've watched some Youtube videos of her performances from that time and I really enjoyed them, she definitely had star power. I feel like the "sexy baby" vocals and lip-syncing her team made her switch to (plus ofc all the other horrible things she's had to endure) really held her voice back, it's unfortunate.
No. 1793229
>>1792793Japan uses it to hide how shitty their society and their history is too. It works, people seriously believe that Japan is this amazing place where Pikachus run around in the street and there’s 0 crime and every person has a smart phone with advanced technology from the year 4000 and that the Japanese are so polite so that must mean that they’re polite to foreigners too. And for moids they think all Japanese women are thin beautiful and will forgive them for being ugly NEETs and marry them anyways. And they’ll come home from a cool job (no weebs who want to live in Japan actually have a job plan- why would they when anime is rarely about adults with actual jobs?) to homecooked sushi and pocky.
It’s honestly insane to me just how pedophilic Japan and anime is and no one bats an eye. When anime was gaining popularity in the west was it this bad? I can remember the occasional fear mongering against it because of violence and the likes but not the pedo shit. I’m going to look for that now, and give those easy criticizers a million dollars and tell them i’m sorry the world didn’t heed their warnings.
No. 1793452
>>1792108This. The entire internet is very supportive of troons or neutral at best, and in the West it's slowly but surely becoming illegal to refuse to participate in their bullshit, but anons are "obsessed" and "emotional" for debating and ranting about trannies on one of the rare sites where it's allowed. Sure.
>>1793229>It’s honestly insane to me just how pedophilic Japan and anime isYes same here. Bleak af.
No. 1793612
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Billie is literally SO pretty in my eyes.
No. 1793624
>>1793452When I see a new case about some trannoid putting up cameras in locker rooms, stealing awards and opportunities, and straight up lying about how biology works and threatening teachers over it, I won't lose sleep but I will care enough to know and acknowledge that those things are gross and should have a stop put to them. I don't think anons are bad people if they don't care, but I think it's annoying when they insert themselves into related conversations just to mention that they don't care, or try to simplify other anons and the conversation just because they're probably mad that other people care more than them. Like I mentioned before, it's almost suspicious that they keep trying to derail and belittle these criticisms
every time they occur.
>but anons are "obsessed" and "emotional" for debating and ranting about trannies on one of the rare sites where it's allowed"Obsessed and emotional". I'm surprised more of those anons aren't using the word "hysterical" while they're at it.
No. 1793698
>>1791903From what I've seen, most women against age gaps are typically teens or women in their early 20s themselves who are tired of the "wall" getting lower and lower to the point where they're saying women in their early twenties are expired, and the fact a lot of those men don't even genuinely like those women but want to be with them because they're less likely to spot red flags. Another reason is as you said most women even in their early 20s don't want to "age" out of the preference of someone they're in a relationship with, it's not stable for a long term relationship
That being said, I notice it's typically 30+ yr old women defending age gaps, where as teen girls are the ones against it. Can you name a specific influencer who is in her 30s and 40s against age gaps?
No. 1793702
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agree, but I’m talking about Eilish!
>>1793612repost for the second time because something went wrong sorryI’m not into the whole dead eyes look on anybody but her genuine smile is so cute. I’m glad she’s been happier and doing better.
..I think this is not an unpopular opinion among her preteen fans but she’s quite pretty to me
No. 1793789
I've noticed at least some farmers have called her ugly and I've always disagreed aggressively.
Admittedly she is prettier nowadays than when the onion drama happened
No. 1793890
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>>1793869I ship me and you nonna
in middle school my friend and I would write each other fanfiction about our male teachers and send it through dms on tumblr. We would write AUs where they’re childhood best friends/enemies and shitty headcanons about whose more stern/dominant between the two from how they would teach us math in class. Miss those days tbh No. 1793909
>>1793624>I don't think anons are bad people if they don't care, but I think it's annoying when they insert themselves into related conversations just to mention that they don't care, or try to simplify other anons and the conversationExactly, even on lc it's very easy to avoid the topic of trannies if you just avoid their threads, which is what people do with any topic they actually don't care about. Trying to dissuade others from caring is another thing entirely.
>>1793784Same, it's probably just bait
No. 1794126
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I don’t think asexuality in humans is an actual thing with the exception of people who are severely mentally ill/autistic or traumatized. Especially when you consider a good 80% of people who identify as asexual identify as something like “demi sexual” or “grey-ace” (AKA not asexual) or are terminally online teenagers with a page longer than the bible (no shit you don’t have sexual feelings, you’re 13).
No. 1794171
>>1793786Semi joke semi serious but my ship and husbando AI 'fanart' is real to me and has a story because I said so. I come with the designs and ideas after all and the AI brings it to life for me because I'm too retarded to do it on my own.
>>1793833Wasn't the Loab thing a creepypasta/fake for halloween?
No. 1794188
>>1794182that's incorrect, you brain damaged anglo. not every country is colonized. you have to be trolling, nobody is this fucking dumb.
>>1794187you didn't say she worked in public service, you fucking moron. god, I fucking hate americans.
No. 1794193
>>1794180we no speak americano
No. 1794197
>>1794195No I didn’t have an issue reading what you said, it’s just that you’re sperging out like
>MLEHH YOU DIDNT SAYWell guess what faggot? I am now
No. 1794211
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>>1794205Are you sure? Because multiple sources state otherwise KEK, including all the exchange students I’ve met during my tenure in public school, university, and in business.
No. 1794215
>>1794210Not only is it that they can’t afford to live in my neighborhood on a restaurant servers salary, but they also wouldn’t be granted access to
renting in a building under their own name, because they have no identification.
No. 1794234
>>1794231she probably spat on your food
nonny lol
No. 1794238
>>1794234Not something to worry about since I walk out on any employee who disrespects me
kek, I’m that kind of Karen. I don’t need throw a fit in public and make myself all sweaty, the police will do it for me.
No. 1794240
>>1794233Me too. I'm not involved in this fight, but I agree with the general premise of her point. Plus, I personally wouldn't move to a country whose language I hardly know because of this exact problem, so how mad can I really be at that
nonnie losing her patience?
No. 1794252
>>1794243It felt good handing the plate in the manger and relaxedly leaving the restaurant to go get food that wasn’t potentially drugged or biohazardous because of some criminal
>>1794246Not if you don’t pay! KEKK and that was only my first time going to a mexican restaurant at the city I’m currently in. Hell of an experience huh?
No. 1794305
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>>1794293Jeez OP, I tried to defend you.
No. 1794332
>>1794328Yeah the britbongs who are
stuck in Britain, not the ones who became American, babygirl! They whipped those reds into shape quickly and were all better off because of it.
No. 1794350
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>>1794343she probably wouldn't even notice if the woman was caucasian
>>1794345yeah you let your kids walk with assault rifles instead
No. 1794352
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Burgers vs. Mexicanfags vs. Britbongs now? Might as well throw a few Scandinavian, French, and Slavic Street Fighter nonnies in here too
No. 1794373
>>1794366They are sold at walmart but you’re obviously carded. You show your ID and gun license, just your ID proving you’re 18 if you’re in an open carry state. Buying a gun doesn’t give you permission to shoot random strangers. If some 18 year old kid decides to buy a gun and shoot up the school, that is
his fault for abusing his right to bare arms as an American citizen, hence why they’re either imprisoned or execute themselves after committing a crime like that. It’s not the fucking fault of America as a whole. Really think it’s logical to blame the gun for someone else pulling the
trigger? Please kek
No. 1794376
>>1794372No, a child can’t walk into a gun store and buy a gun, actually. They are not so
lax with their paperwork that they’ll sell little kids assault rifles. And if someone leaves their gun out for another child’s discovery, again, that’s criminal negligence. Are all of you missing a chromosome?
No. 1794377
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What does Strawberry Passion Awareness even MEAN?? Come ON Fruitopia I am begging you to get your shit together. Do you guys know Sunny D doesn't contain any vitamin D??? I'm sorry but, WHAT? Juice has lost it's way. I want to go back to Welches real fruit juice. Who is with me?
No. 1794391
>>1794384oh sorry
nonny I should've never joked about blaming the guns because they're a protected class in the US of A.
No. 1794408
>>1794377holy shit frutopia is back? i drink fruit punch snapple
specifically because it reminds me of frutopia from way back when. also i love that retarded flavor name kek
No. 1794420
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>>1794408You send this juice to the newfags
No. 1794433
>>1794429I googled “underage shooting” and it’s all stories about little kids getting shot, not some underage kid committing a shooting. If you aren’t capable of providing a link to a news story then you can just admit you lied,
No. 1794435
>>1794423please tell me the neighbourhood you live at so I'll drive around it playing el sonidito at 3am.
No. 1794441
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>>1794434Do you think the buddah drank juice?
No. 1794442
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>>1794433nta but this case has been in the news all flipping year where have you been?
No. 1794449
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>>1794442And the mom was charged for the crime as she should’ve been, because he didn’t waltz into a gun shop and buy the gun?
No. 1794455
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>>1794450Proudly Canadian
No. 1794466
>>1794447Well it’s never gonna happen
>>1794443>oh my god it’s her neighborhood obviously they’ll know it’s her! No they won’t…none of you are famous kek
No. 1794489
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>>1794480noooooo nonna you CANT post proof it actually happens unless it's on her very white very rich Seattle neighbourhood. otherwise it's just filthy criminals, illegals and other disgusting people committing crimes, not on HER area though!!!! because daddy bought her an apartment in the most gentrified neighbourhood, everything for his princess.
No. 1794498
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>>1794488from accents to gun violence denial. take your meds, girl.
No. 1794502
>>1794498I’m not denying gun violence at all. But this whole
>MLEHHHH CHILDREN CAN BUY GUNS UNDERGROUNDjust feels like a faggoty David Lynch style fantasy that isn’t real.
No. 1794511
>>1794506He's 6
nonnie, he is incapable of understanding the consequences of his actions. Your brain doesn't even develop logic until you're between 10-11
No. 1794516
>>1794508I've only replied to this thread like twice
nonnie, kek, I literally said I'm just observing. Gun laws aren't like the US where I'm from, only hunting rifles are allowed.
No. 1794535
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>>1794520Ofra Haza didn't deserve it.
No. 1794547
>>1794540>>1794537They would use their teeth to nick the skin to make it bleed first, then cut, then suck it to stop the bleeding.
Pure vile villain shit.
No. 1794555
>>1794548I second'd the execution of bald people.
Women with bald issues who wear wigs are the exception.
Bald scotes get gone
No. 1794557
>>1794551My two sisters have a different mom than I, and
she had herpes and gave it to them because she kissed them on the mouth as kids. It’s embarrassing I bet, but it hasn’t stopped them from spreading it to their partners kek.
No. 1794598
>>1794585They're so bad with this. I even have prescription meds for oral herpes but even when i got diagnosed the doctors didn't call it herpes they just call it cold sores. The term is so stigmatized even the doctors didn't inform me when I had the
non-sexual kind. I had to figure that out myself
No. 1794613
>>1794594do you mean
that elephant?
No. 1794626
>>1794619Is it truly racist to point out the melanin elephant though?
>>1794623lmao whos said that
No. 1795036
>>1795029People in my country have no nation wide hateboner against black people, your race wars are an US/NA thing face it, and employers still hire immigrants for the same reasons
>>1794317 mentioned.
(unpopular opinions posts still need to adhere to site rules. read them) No. 1795050
>>1794322Not OP but kek please, if the roles were reversed and she was the one getting rude and upset because of people not understanding her poor Spanish accent, people would have trashed her all the same.
(taking obvious bait) No. 1795088
>>1795079ur right
nonnie fuck the haters let’s go to aruba
No. 1795547
>>1795541I'm not a burger or a fan of guns but to be honest… yes we should. In my country, in the space of 7 days, a man has stabbed a little girl to death in front of her school and also the two women trying to stop it, and then a 19 year old slovakian immigrant assaulted and raped a woman multiple times over a period of hours. Women
need to be armed ad long as moids are around. I'm not allowed to carry weapons in my country and I feel so scared all the time
No. 1796185
>>1796180>Of course it's not healthy to the extreme but as a woman you are allowed to be fat unlike men. Your body accepts and needs fat to a certain extentIf you're overweight you're overweight, being female it's not going to prevent the damage you're making your body go through
>Being so emotional about weight makes you sound crazy and vain. I'm not acting emotional? I'm just stating a fact, it's an illness and is unhealthy to be overweight, your personal opinion about it doesn't change the reality of it
>Testerical like a man, evenWhat??
>Skinny people don't talk like this>I sense a vicious little butterball porkchop in your soulI'm skinny, always been (hormonal issues) but most of my family is fat and it saddens me how much they've been through just because of their size, health wise. Diabetes II, very early heart problems, mental health issues, IBS, chronic body pain, etc. I don't understand how could you even imply such an existence is remotely nice, even as a overweight person (not obese) complications start appearing early on
No. 1796253
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>>1796173>everyone is tiny as a peaJust the women lol
No. 1796281
>>1796259Most women stay in
abusive relationships because to them being single is worse than death
No. 1796289
>>1796259Imagine your male family member being such a coddled, conniving shit that he repeatedly chooses to abuse. Beyond boymoming this king into tyrancy, you further believe not that you should enact social consequences for his
abusive behavior such as ostracization and estrangement, but you select the copium that his
victims are "choosing" the abuse so you can sleep at night telling yourself that they deserve it. Go read a book and educate yourself.
No. 1796295
>>1796289A lot of boymom families lie about or omit facts because their truth is that they want a stranger's daughter to distract and take care of their monsters for them, and so they can blame her for when shit goes south. Then they hide behind "Hurr we just didn't want to badmouth our family!" Whatever, families like that know how terrible their men are but they worship them. It's easier to blame someone else's daughter than take any accountability as a parent to raise such a horrific turd.
It's an automatic red flag when a scrote tells me he has bad relations with his family cause that tells me he is an asshat with a smart, non-enabling family who wanted to send a warning message.
No. 1796296
>>1796289Nta if they’re not choosing to be in
abusive relationships what’s happen then?(not including women who can’t leave because they’re scared for their life but let’s be real that’s a small% of them)
No. 1796301
>>1796298The irony is most women in
abusive relationships end up boy moms. They let their daughters get molested and beat up by their bfs or husband while their male sons get to live normal lives. Since they’re use to getting treated like shit they really don’t mind if the men they’re dating also abuse their daughters as well.
No. 1796303
>>1796299>I cannot control what he doesNor can the women who he tricked into caring about him.
You have the power to not blame them for it.
>I can't control family members that allow him at eventsYou have enablers, that's the point. You can't blame outsiders for decisions your family consciously reinforces with social reward. And no, they cannot have it both ways.
>women stupid women no innocentWhy don't you go suck his cock instead? You sure love riding it now.
>>1796301I think it less of irony and moreso by design.
A lifetime of being told that a man's actions against you are your own fault, of course a mini moid would grow up witnessing that dynamic and then never being corrected when he starts to live it out.
No. 1796310
>>1796305>you not only stay but get jealous of your daughters for getting “more attention”How specific, who was talking about this before?
I don't think every boymom has a daughter to be jealous of, but she may certainly raise an entitled son who we should absolutely hold accountable for his own
abusive actions.
No. 1796313
>>1796299>dating a bad boy that makes their pussy tingleWhich do you think is more likely: Women having an innate, biological attraction to
abusive piece of shit manipulative men, or those same men manipulating them into thinking he'll get better, they won't find anyone better, only he understands them, they deserve it, he's hurt too so they shouldn't blame him, etc?
No. 1796315
>>1796259Whoever mad at this it's one of them, I advice running as fast as you can before they involve you into their personal hell too. These women love involving kids and female friends into this trash only to go back to the same idiot while everyone else pays the price too by extension, it's
toxic>>1796298Nta but you always say the same bullshit don't you get tired?
No. 1796318
>>1796310What do you think happens to the daughters of mothers who always have a string of
abusive boyfriends coming in and out of the house? People always have so much empathy for women in
abusive relationships but never think about what the kids who have no choice in it are going through. Ask any girl who grew up with moms like this what their life was like. They let their lovers do whatever they want to you because “he will change” or “maybe you shouldn’t provoke or dress that way around him”. And who ends up getting kicked out in the end? Not the scrote but the daughter
No. 1796319
>>1796313NTA but why don't y'all mention that these type of women have their own streak of mental illness? I wouldn't say it's innate, because nobody choosing violence is mentally stable, but to pretend everyone could fall into such situation is kind of crazy. There
are women who are more proclive to fall into these circumstances, and predators know how to spot them. If you have your head in the right place, a strong circle, good self-esteem and alert senses these type of men will avoid you, they know an already disturbed woman is easier to manipulate than a non mentally ill one
No. 1796320
>>1796318>What do you think happens to the daughters of mothers who always have a string of abusive boyfriends coming in and out of the house? This wasn't in the scope of the original discussion, and I refuse to allow you to move goalposts in a bid to control the narrative. If OP witnessed daughters of those abused women getting abused, then that would be one thing. But that isn't what we were talking about.
>>1796315Who's "you" as that is the first time I have said something like that? Huh, guess you must argue the same shit takes with other anons. Surprised it hasn't sunk in for you by now.
No. 1796330
>>1796324>"Some abused women love being abused and it's pointless to help them. They have some piece missing inside them that makes them crave the drama and attention of being a victim. Not every abused women but a lot of them. I've been pulled into drama too many times where's it's so fucking clear she doesn't want help she just wants free shit and then she'll go right back to him. There is a dude in my fam that has pulled this with so many women I'm like oh he has a new gf it'll be about a month or two before she cries to my family that he's hitting her and stealing her medication. But conveniently she'll never leave him, or will only because of something inside her personally not any outside help. We tried to help his one exwife for like 15 years and she only left him because she found a new guy. Now I hear some woman is in an "abusive" relationship I sideeye like hmm are you really so stuck or do you just want people to kiss your ass while you still suck his cock every night happily because muh bad boy."I see nothing mentioning kids.
You are a horrific liar, no wonder you stan so much for male abusers.
No. 1796335
>>1796324My empathy runs out when kids are involved. Yeah, nope, it's not about you and your crazy ass relationship anymore, get those kids outta there before he beats them too
>>1796330She mentions it here
>>1796299>I can control whether to extend pity to the stupid women that continually bear his children that also get abusedYou can cut the bs already
No. 1796338
>>1796319Yeah those women more prone to become
victims were usually
victims of trauma at the hands of some family member or even stranger as a child. Or they are poor, or physically disabled, or both.
Victim blaming off the charts ick. Even if they’re just bpd chans they don’t deserve it and aren’t complicit wtf.
No. 1796339
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>>1796322Um, excuse me retarded WAHMEN, have you liek, idk, tried not choosing abuse?! Lmaooooo
No. 1796340
>>1796319Okay, so some of those women have mental illnesses. They also tend to come from
abusive backgrounds. Now what? Does it make sense to blame them? Does that mean the moids are not manipulative? Come on.
>to pretend everyone could fall into such situation is kind of crazy. Can you name a single demographic of women who
never get abused? How do you not see that this mentality screws all women over and gives
abusive moids and pickmes a convenint "out"/scapegoat? The number of women who are supposedly just absolutely cuckoo and stay with
abusive moids with no other factors involved is so statistically insignificant that the whole argument's retarded.
No. 1796342
>>1796338I wasn't saying they're complicit at all, nor I blame them. It's just that some anons imply anyone could be manipulated into an
abusive relationship no matter what, directly ignoring the fact that the usual
victims are already traumatized with no support at all
No. 1796346
>>1796340I don’t understand women who go claim they date
abusive men because they were abused. My dad literally knocked all my teeth out as a kid when he punched me in the face. That’s not my idea of sexy at the age of 26….