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No. 594733
>People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?I don't think they realize how good they have it with technology, but at the same time nowadays the internet isn't nearly as fun as it used to be, it's just way more convenient than before for homework or paperwork.
And what's that purchasing power forecast? It's for a specific year or period of time? I'm guessing it's about the USA specifically given the sources.
>>594727>They're also super nihilistic in comparison to millennialsI really don't have that impression at all, they give me the impression of just using sarcasm, self-depreciation and irony as a sense of humor because that's what's "trendy" online, on TV shows, in movies, etc. so since they're used to that they're grew used to expressing themselves this way. I'm not saying they're particularly optimistic but they're not at the opposite extreme either.
No. 594746
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>People who are currently 18-24, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 25-30?
The weird obsession with harry potter is retarded, why is a not-that-good book for kids so impactful? Look i was very into percy jackson and the olympians when i was twelve, it was fun to say hoho im daughter of x god but still doing that schlick in my 20s-30s? Its like having no personality.
Honestly thats my overall impression of the majority of millenials, most people over 25 lack an individual personality and resume their existence to a specific hobby (Vidya or sports usually) and media they consume (harry potter, MCU, NBA), my college classmates are 18-20 and they seem more much more like fleshed individuals with a wide arrange of interests than millenials.
No. 594752
>>594735I see them as not being "entitled" but taking some things for granted without realizing it when they're really recent phenomenon that changed almost everything in our daily lives, like what I said about the internet for example or you could even say that about cell phones.
Many kids and teenagers act like things were always this way, when I told my youngest sibling who's in high school that when I was her age our parents couldn't check my grades online because the official website for that didn't even exist she was shocked and a bit jealous. What happened with kids getting stuck at home and having to do their homework online because of the quarantine wouldn't have been as simple as it was like 10 or 15 years ago. Not saying it was simple but it could have been way worse. If you had a shitty sense of orientation 20 years ago you couldn't use google maps on your smartphone either, small but impactful stuff like that. We also used to pirate everything when she was just a baby too because everything was either on TV or nowhere else.
>>594744>The weird obsession with harry potter is retardedIt's because of the hype when waiting between new volumes. I haven't read Percy Jackson but apparently according to a lot of people I know irl and online it wouldn't have existed or had that much success without HP because HP was basically a trendsetter. I'm not into reading these days so correct me if I'm wrong.
>>594747The internet is literally just TV 2.0 at this point, I don't think it's a big difference.
No. 594762
>>594746personal sperg- millennial fuck wit here, never got into harry potter (was into pokemon…) never understood the hype and thought the books were just terrible "Said so and so! snape said Harry said Ron said". No that doesn't make me 'unique and cool' because I didn't like it, I know this haha it was weird seeing kids go "I'm house this! I'm house that!" anyone who says the are gryfindor are often major SJW fags, Hufflepuffs are autistic turds. No one is ravenclaw or Slytherin. Anyways the kids who liked it tended to be more book smart and extremely awkward when you talked to them. Obviously just a lot of kids wanted to feel 'special' and excepted and to be told they are meant for greater things without having to work that hard for it. After all, Harry is just a super good wizard chosen one. yeah his friends help a lot but he is the chosen one.
Percy Jackson has it's own problems breeding massive snowflakes and the author certainly doesn't help."can Percy be Hispanic because I want it to be that way?" "yeah sure, anything you want, btw, the greek gods are black too despite the ancient greeks not describing them that way! did you hear about my cool Muslim Valkyrie? Sorry I the one native character has feathers in her hair :(" no clue if he'll go the way of rowling though. You can only pander so much.
I think the millennial generation got pushed with the participation trophy stuff (that sounds right wingish, sorry), I remember it a lot from childhood. Lost, not even close to getting an actual placement? don't worry, heres a ribbon for trying.
No. 594763
>>594746>The weird obsession with harry potter is retarded, why is a not-that-good book for kids so impactful?Millennial here. I agree with this. I stopped giving a shit about Harry Potter at like 13. Didn't even finish the final book despite buying it kek. I don't really have an explanation for this other than general nostalgic attachment to something that was considered "generation defining" during a pivotal time in our early childhoods.
>my college classmates are 18-20 and they seem more much more like fleshed individuals with a wide arrange of interests than millenials.Not 100% sure why this is, but my guess is that it has to do with you guys having a much wider variety of options available to you in terms of media consumption. Everything was also much more interconnected for you guys via the internet than it was when I was growing up, so there is more crossover within communities, leading people within those communities to become more aware of and develop related interests. Like, my teen years were primarily spent subsisting on cable television, Myspace and DeviantArt. Y'all have/had Facebook, Instagram, 4chan and other imageboards, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Vine, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, Pinterest, a bazillion different gaming platforms, etc.
No. 594766
>>594763I agree with you, now if you're into video games you can check a let's play on youtube to see if you worth your time and money, you can easily buy consoles and games online, you can download games legally very easily even without a credit card (just buy a prepaid card in a video game store and type the code on the eshop or ps store), meanwhile back in my days if you weren't checking websites you had to buy video game magazines and buy whatever you could find in stores because downloading games wasnt really a thing yet, or you had to rely on word of mouth opinions before purchase, barely anything was localized for Europe and in languages other than English, region locked consoles were the norm, etc.
For series you had to not miss episodes on TV or you had to pirate on shitty websites making you wait 72 minutes to see the next 30 minutes of an episode. You had to watch whatever you found online that wouldnt make you computer explode or on TV and if you're nor happy about it then fuck you. Series and ads are more prevalent on the internet now. Spoilers were less of a worry for that reason though.
No. 594772
>>594727How are zoomers "super nihilistic"? They're uptight crybabies who start sucking their thumbs the moment someone says something slightly controversial and limit their activism to shitty twitter takes.
>>594753This post is like the living proof of the claim that zoomers have a nonexistent attention span rendering them unable to be passionate about anything and they're all about surfaces and constant stream of fresh stimulation for the next 8 seconds.
No. 594775
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>>594763>>594766That actually makes alot of sense, when I was 16 and saw skins gifs on good ole tumblr i could easily go and download the first season to watch, people younger than me can just pop netflix and watch it with no hassle, boom another chunk of media to make up the angsty teen personality.
Imagine it being like 2007 and you actually had to go and find a dvd to buy, that sounds rough.
No. 594783
>>594772Are you a ravenclaw buddy?
Ok sorry, but I disagree.
We aren't hyperfixated with one fandom because we have so much stuff to pick from, yeah I can enjoy some netflix show but im also watching other 3 different shows too, I take what I like from them and go on with my life.
Being obsessive about media doesn't add anything to your life, even the community sense from fandoms is gone and they are competitive
toxic places.
No. 594792
>>594778It's the boomers bitching about Millenials because they think getting burnt out over working 2 jobs to make rent payments and being offended by grandma saying the N word is being a pissbaby. Millenials definitely have their flaws but zoomers are so tightly tied into social media and form their whole view of the world around how it works that it's sickening. In other words where Millenials were raised with the retarded participation trophy mindset zoomers believe they're great and allmighty influencers with followers. Because that's how social media manipulates you to think.
I also hate how people think Millenials are the current people aged 25-30 when it's more like people aged 25-40. It's a much wider range and basing every negative Millenial stereotype on the behavior of the people born in 1993-1997 is almost shitting on older Gen Zs instead.
>>594787Gonna disagree here, their social activism and identity politics come from a place of vanity, following trends and virtue signaling instead of genuinely wanting to make the world a better place. It's a rehash if the 1960's hippie culture.
No. 594816
>>594797No one thinks 'cancel culture' is meaningful and the only people who really engage in it are 14 year old twitter stans. The people most 'obsessed' with cancel culture are the loser 28 year olds who love referring to themselves as 'extremely online' who never log off and are constantly complaining about it.
>I think it's much more healthier to be hyper obsessed with your personal hobbyPersonal sperg but why is this sentence so off-putting. Idk what it is but it just makes me cringe like literally every millennial raised on 4chan talks the
exact same way. Whenever people start with the 'muh personal hobby' I just want to get away from them. And their 'personal hobby' is always like anime or videogames and they're obsessed with and like 'ship' characters from in their 30's like how is that healthy or 'interesting'… it's creepy and embarrassing.
No. 594820
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>>594809I'm sure a lot of Millennials could relate to wishing for a Hogwarts letter once they turned 11 or hoping their letter was just late. The appeal came from growing up with the characters, I think. The big-budget movies helped a lot to rope in those who didn't read good.
I agree though, when you grow up you realize the writing and stories aren't that good. I honestly confused stuff that happened in fanfiction with the actual story because they had better writing!
No. 594827
>>594820I wasn't into Harry Potter while growing up in the 90s. Rather, I got dragged into that shit a few times.
Is 'popular and profitable thing isn't all that good' and 'this other lower profile effort that makes no money is a lot better' a generation specific complex or constant throughout human history? I run into it way too often.
No. 594833
>>594829HELL YEAH
Anyway I'm a millennial
My view of zoomers is pretty positive I think? Things like trolling trump on tik tok and shit is something millenials couldn't get our shit together to do. I don't think our generation has pulled something like that? Also they just seem less depressed. But it could be an age thing. What I don't like about them is the facetuning and heavy makeup and wannabe influencer girls that all look exactly the same. At the same time though it must be tough on their image to be hit with fake edited photos multiple times daily. For us it was only a problem in magazines and such. Also the new pressure for injections.
I also want to shit on my own generation and say I fucking haaaaaate when millenials make The Office or Parks and Rec or some shit into a personality. Also hate when they have no passion in life, no hobbies, don't want to get anywhere or grow, and want to live inside a bubble and become so boring just like their boomer parents and like they just gave up on their life.
No. 594838
>>594715>People who are currently 18-24, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 25-30?I always thought milennial extended later than that, up to ~40.
I feel like milennials have a big persecution complex, like they took the news articles complaining about millenials and decided to turn that into their entire identity. I also agree with how they often have a wierd obsession with turning media into their identity, like Harry Potter or the Office. I think a lot millenials have a poor sense of identity in general and latch onto external stuff to define themselves.
Also I feel like millenials are rapidly turning into 30-year old boomers as they realize they aren't really the dominant force online again. I've had so many 30 year old guys unironically tell me how much better anime was back in the day and shit like that, with zero self awareness.
No. 594845
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>>594748>had items with the word "adulting" printed on themShit like that is always a red flag no matter what age you are.
No. 594856
>>5947921997 gen z-er here and i agree with every damn thing you have said holy. not to be "not like those other gurlz", but i hate how tied to social media zoomers are. really annoying when you hear people quoting posts they heard on twitter and preaching them back to you (or talking in twitter slang or quoting or ripping all their jokes from tumblr and twitter word for word istg)
>>594850also i feel the same as you, so my view of millennials is that theyre pretty much the same as me i dont see a real diff
No. 594869
>>594865i would argue that i.e. class differences affect people more than generational differences. and "gen z" and "millennials" are pretty close in age (at least the ones born in the 90s) so the differences aren't even that impactful or big.
and duh, ofc people acknowledge that there are differences between generations and are aware of them, but it's quite frankly strange to see people on the internet dissect it like this and categorize it… there is a difference between acknowledging that people younger than me have a different relationship with technology and making these strange generalizations such as "X generation is entitled because they read harry potter". literally no one except people who spend way too much time on twitter analyze this stuff based on anecdotal evidence.
get some fresh air. get a grip.
No. 594943
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Turned 22 a few months back. Really feel like I don’t fit in with the millennials or the zoomers. The older millennials have young kids and the younger millennials are a bit more advanced in life than me, even if we graduated at the same time. Zoomers are still teens so obviously I can’t relate to that either. My parents not being huge into tech when I was a kid made me feel like « a 90s kid » even though my childhood was during the 00’s.
It sucks not feeling like you completely relate or fit in with a group. I just moved out, I’m finding my place in the world and trying to be optimistic despite the state of the world. I consume plenty memes but still remember when all we had was rage comics and videos with 1 million views being insanely viral.
TL;DR: too old for zoomers too young for millennials.
No. 594950
>>594909god this is so true, it's scary to think that if i was a teen right now how many cringy things i said/did would be memorialized for the world to see. i am so, so glad i'm older at this point
>>594910i agree anon! i feel like people that are currently like..22-24 are stuck in the middle of gen z/millennials like
>>594943 pointed out. we're not zoomers, we don't care about tiktok or fortnite but we don't have our shit somewhat together like mid-late millennials, it sucks
No. 594965
>>594957Maybe not, but you
are the only one autistic enough to make a post about it.
No. 595006
God the millenials who say "I love zoomers they trolled drumpf by posting fancams that's so cool!!!" make me experience so much second hand embarrassment. You're not getting any younger by licking zoomer boots.
>>594874Their only subculture is being a tranny because having an autistic obsession i.e. being interested in something for more than 2 days is "so cringeworthy like ew".
No. 595010
>>594997I mean the comments were always going to be biased towards the 'very online' type of people from either generation. This site and this thread is self selecting with zoomers that live online who have mostly interacted with Millennials that spend a lot of time online. A zoomer is more likely to have interacted with a Harry Potter obsessed Millennial than a Millennial obsessed with hoppy craft beers or Goat Yoga because of how their worlds intersect (or dont). Worth noting that earlier versions of internet culture have gone defunct or been swallowed by the increased agglomeration of the internet into smaller number of aggregator sites and apps. The internet of Gen X and early to mid Millennials is effectively gone. So yes its going to affect how Zoomers conceive of what internet interactions and culture were like and they can't contrast it to theirs.
>>595007 Depending on what measure you are using the oldest zoomers have already graduated college and have entered the workforce. I have friends in this position and I'd worry they are in a similar position to older millennials who graduated into the Recession, my younger friends have been unable to find work. The US is potentially staring down the barrel of another recession and possibly the largest mass evictions in recent history so I'd be concerned for the oldest cohort of zoomers tbh.
No. 595057
>>594715I remember infographics like these from the time millenials were the youngest generation. They said Millennials didn't take well to any form of advertising and didn't have brand loyalty.
Well now it's obvious that companies found ways to appeal to them by learning to advertize online, a practice entirely new for them. No doubt they will evolve again and learn new ways to appeal to gen z too, that last row is going to change in the following years.
No. 595079
>>594868Agree. It's hard to compare because the milennials have already "developed" into adults for the most part, whereas a lot of gen Z are still teens. Aren't teens usually more rambunctions and extreme versions of their later selves as they develop more in their 20s? It'll be an interesting comparison in the future when you can look back and compare both generations as they are as adults in their "true" (?) form.
Anyway I'm born in '96 so I take traits from both but consistently I relate to gen z more in terms of humour and nihilism, especially because I hate TV shows like The Office and Friends and everyone who makes these shows their leading personality traits
No. 595153
>>594746>my college classmates are 18-20 and they seem more much more like fleshed individuals with a wide arrange of interests than millenials.That's because the core directive of a "zoomer" is cherry pick from as many trends and hobbies possible to emulate a fleshed out individual without having any of the depth. Millennials aren't any better, we're just more transparent with our autistic tunnel vision.
>>595086Relatable. Please end my suffering anon.
No. 595162
>>595006a website i post on is like that. Everytime a zommer does something it's "omg so funny when i was their age i was such a loser!" yet half the time these kids are being insufferabe. Like a girl telling a teacher "you can't disipline me you don't make enough money" isn't cute yet the story got liked thousands of times on twitter with people calling her a queen???
>>595155I'm sorry but this isn't true. I keep seeing people talk about how woke zoomers are but they're just as racist/sexist as every other gen. Just because they scream about BLM on social media for ass pats it doesn't mean they actually give a shit. Get on any teen sub on reddit and tell me those little assholes are woke kek
No. 595181
>>595155My bf's little sister is a zoomer and she's the perfect replica of the highschool mean girls from 2012, just different fashion.
But she's fake woke online.
No. 595271
i was born in 95, not from the US
i have close friends who are older zoomers and i feel like they are fun and optimistic but its like they want to prove to you they are the doing the most all the time, if something sounds progressive/cool they jump on it right away and don't really question most of the info they consume
i agree with
>>595153 they cherrypick trends in order to seem more authentic
as for my millenial friends i think they are more annoying with their interests and more depressed, the general feeling of not wanting to grow up is real, boomers (at least in my country) really pushed the "work hard and you will have your life figured out by 25" lie pretty hard, it didn't happen so they feel like everything was a wasted effort
i feel like 90s millennials and zoomers are pretty similar
is really weird how the boomer media fixated and was so annoyed with millennials, no one talks about gen x and the media seems happy with how gen z is going to become the "entrepreneur generation" for some reason (?), boomers project hard onto them
No. 595282
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>People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
I'm 30 and I actually love the younger generations. I can see why people my age might have issues with gen z kids, because they have this very chaotic vibe about them, but I think it's refreshing compared to all the millennials I know who are depressed parents with zero interests outside Harry Potter, their shitty kids, "wine mom" memes, and brunch with mimosas.
I do feel bad for them though, because there is so much more pressure to look good and be interesting nowadays. It was bad when I was younger, before social media was a big thing, so I can't even imagine it now. On the other hand though, they seem more accepting of people who are unique than my generation did, so maybe it's not that bad? Like, I used to get bullied for being emo in school but it's trendy to be an eboy/girl.
No. 595303
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I was born in '96 but I don't consider myself a zoomer OR a millenal. There are many arguments as to where year '96 can fall.
I heard there was an unknown generation smack dab in the middle. Maybe it's because we fall on the cusp and could potentially embrace either side, but I truly don't think anyone who is currently 23 to 25 right now can be called a zoomer and definitely not a millennial.
I grew up remembering 9/11 vaguely, I remember where I was when it happened. I don't use tik tok or any other stupid zoomer app with crack addiction-like attention whoring. But I'm also not a boring weak crybaby like millennials.
Does anyone else fall in the boat where they hate both millennials AND zoomers? I don't want to be associated with either.
No. 595307
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>>595303you know you can just…be yourself regardless of what year you were born in, right?
That goes for everyone in this thread.
No. 595350
>>594812God this is what I've been trying to say for a long time. Gen X'ers doesn't get nearly the same shit as the boomers. If anything they're enabling some shitty ass ideals and are equally worse as the boomers.
>unfiltered opinion on people who are 25 to 30They're cool I guess. But i dont know if this applies to other millenials in other countries, but I wish they'd tone down the gentrification.
No. 595375
>>594715I'm a late millenial (26 atm) and I have a LOT more in common with my friends in their early 20s than people 30+. Idk why, but I'm not American and my country was doing really badly in the 90s so we lagged behind everyone a lot.
The OP image is really stupid though and I don't think people currently in their late 20s are the same as older millenials (30+).
No. 595379
>What's your opinion on…
>gives my opinion, asks others their opinion
>omg it's not about you, you're so insecureshut the fuck up
No. 595438
Millennial here. I feel this thread is heavily skewed to a certain demographic, white american born people which I'm not a part of, but I'll throw in my five cents since I grew up in the US:
- People here think Genz is more nihilistic? My personal experience is absolutely opposite. Millennials were the generation that created the " be stupid" champaign, paris hilton, hipster culture, and the dating shows breaking viewership records while we were busy bombing an entire country back into the medieval era. I see millennials to a certain extent as a continuation of Gen X apathy, and Gen Z as least seems like they believe in what they are doing no matter how retarded or underdeveloped it is, it's nice to see people give a shit about something.
-I honestly don't think any generation besides Genz as a group really understand the ecosystem of the internet. I began to use internet heavily when I was 10-11 but I know Millennials that didn't really use social media until they were in their mid-late 20s. Throw into the the belief the internet would fix all of humanity problems that was so popular with millenial-era pundits and journalists, you have people who don't understand what they are doing on the internet, can't handle large amounts of information and just raped by social media especially on a daily basis. I know this sounds like a description of Boomers but seriously, I have seen many millennial that have meltdowns because they saw some badly made 4chan meme about jews or some other shit that triggers their personal sensibilities and can't just move past it and don't understand why the internet doesn't function like the TV and Print media they grew up with. I think Genz, while being more dependent on social media for communication, are also much more aware of the danger it poses to their mental health while millennials are just hopelessly lost.
-A lot of Millennials were raised in the late era of american suburban culture and are still obsessed with owned their dream house with a yard, cars ect while it seems to genz could give less of a shit as long they have their own room with internet.
- I think genz is more fucked with the continuing breakdown of social institutions + accelerating hyperindivuation that has plagued america for decades now, we had SJWS during the Obama era but there was no people identifying as nonbinary transbian autistic BIPOC marxists fighting with NaSOC adjacent free market liberation autistic /poltards on twitter, I actually feel nervous of what endgame this is gonna have in my lifetime. Maybe new social institutions thats can serve as unifying forces will emerge but besides boomerbaiting that everyone loves to engage in I don't see how/where that could be yet.
- I def see a dumbing down of the middle class, a new type of feudalism emerging based on education/intelligence as a result on people losing familial inheritance of intelligence building hobbies, interests and activities in favor of shit like harry potter, capeshit, kylie lip kits and other media consumption, but fuck knows if thats on any of us, Genx was doing that shit too back in the late 80s/90s.
I'll come back if I have any additional thoughts, this is an interesting subject.
No. 595492
I'm a millennial on the cusp of each gen and since I mostly date a bit younger I've dated 3 different zoomer boys. They have been fine people and nothing really stands out as being a big generational difference but my current boyfriend is 3 years younger and spends hours on tiktok which I honestly find unattractive, I'd rather he play videogames honestly. His household is on lockdown because someone caught the coof so I'm not juddging him too harshly for now but I hope he doesn't keep the habit once he's out of lockdown. On that note:
>>595452 I have heard some very odd sexual misconceptions from these guys and it does make me wonder what sex and dating is gonna be like for younger girls. The guys I dated were all very vanilla albeit oddly misinformed, I wonder if there is a greater percentage of cumbrains among zommers.
No. 595668
>>594715I’m an older millennial. There are a few issues I have with the picture.
I’m more likely to browse the web before making any purchases.
I value quality and convenience. But quality always trumps convenience.
I hate wasting money on shitty things. It ends up costing more in the long run. Especially when you’re pinching pennies.
I only use desktops when I’m working or gaming. I type and work so much faster on a desktop than a tablet and smartphone. It mostly has to do with typing, having multiple programs and window-snapping while running on two different monitors.
My thoughts on gen z are that they are lauded as being digitally native and have high rates of digital literacy however all the members of gen z that I’ve met are woefully unknowledgeable when it comes to working with a desktop/laptop or digital literacy. The tide pod thing also wasn’t a good PR move. But their are idiots in every generation.
However, in all other aspects of life, I have no issues with gen z. They’re pretty cool kids.
I have more issues with boomers.
No. 595669
Sage cause I’m a dumbass
No. 595732
People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
What a Boomer tier rant. Anyway.
I'm only going off TikTok, my little brother, a room mate I once had and public sightings as examples of Gen Z, so it'll be generalised af. I see them in groups often just sitting together and occasionally showing a meme to laugh at together. If they're in a lovely place they'll be sure to take a nice photo of each other first then proceed to scroll. Christ I sound like a boomer, but it feels like such a diluted and unengaged form of social interaction. Also they seem like they're trying to create the illusion of depth, like the "alt girl" stuff or claiming they're the "main character". And a lot more emphasis is placed on creating their own "aesthetic" and looking like their lives are interesting than just chilling out and working on it organically.
Also they seem to be on a mission to be seen as the most woke. I mean it would be so nice to believe that they're the generation to wake up, but I've seen them nitpicking someone's video if it looks like they maybe began to lip sync the n word or cover their mouth, and it doesn't feel like they're doing this because they genuinely believe it's what needs to be fought against. They're bringing it up because they might get brownie points for being the wokest gen z in school. I mean the uhgyur camps, native american treatment, so so much and THIS is the hill they die on? This is the issue that NEEDS to be at the forefront? And the same with that fucking Doja Cat thing, most stupid cancellation I've ever seen. I'm sure the virtue signalling is good, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth because it feels like it's just for clout.
When I was younger if you were openly vegan, gay, a feminist or even an activist then you were ostracized. I'm glad it's not like that these days, but also think it's odd that it's gone in the direction of focusing on non or super minor issues instead of very real, very big current ones. For the record I do think it's messed up that it's basically a rite of passage that an inflencer eventually comes out as racist at some point in their past. It should be unacceptable.
Regarding the HP thing I'm actually a huge fan lol, but I think it was a cultural phenomenon that wouldn't happen today because gen Z culture is so scattered. Not a bad thing, but the films themselves spanned I think 10 years, and each was as exciting as the last, and the ages of the characters were the same as my generation, so it felt liek we were growing with them. And the books, I attended every midnight release then spent the next days jsut devouring the book. I think back then the world was slow enough to allow this, and build and maintain hype over so long. Once it became more commercial and there were HP shops and they sold merch in Primark it felt overdone and I don't actually know a still obsessed HP millenial, but that's just my experience.
I wonder what gen Z will be like in the future. When I was a kid visitng relatives I had the choice between reading, looking out the window or helping with chores. I had to constantly go over my texts because my phone would only hold 8. Photos were special things and I feel everyday life, including for me, is oversaturated and I wonder what a tech oriented childhood would do to someone.
No. 595744
>>595732re: the woke thing, this generalized too, but there's a reddit sub called ask teen girls. they had to make a rule saying top level comments must be from teen girls, boys could reply to their comments though. you know, because the sub was called ask teen girls. The boys absolutely lost their shit and raided the sub for days. They were definitely teen boys as well. they made post after post on /r/teenagers about how women are favored in society etc that got upvoted/gilded a bunch. I hate the "gen z are more woke" line of thinking because it's blatantly not true if you interact with gen z outside of twitter/insta.
The idea gen z isn't full of misogynistic porn obsessed moids is a joke. Same as every other gen.
the harry potter thing is dumb. gen z obsess over fucking rick & morty and tiktok. who gives a shit if some millennials likes harry potter. it's the least offensive thing you could possibly be into. I don't know why gen z is so obsessed with calling people out for liking a story that generated billions and has themepark open around it.
No. 595798
>>595774>Was the internet more fun back in the early/late 00's?Tons, it was less centralized, more experimental and lots more people were goofing off and having fun because you were encouraged to hide your personal information so there were fewer consequences. Most of the internet userbase was significantly younger too since there was no online shopping and social media. There were lots of spaces you could customize (LiveJournal themes, geocities etc) and hobbies weren't heavily monetized or turned into an "aesthetic" like they are now since there were no likes or virtual popularity points. Ofc there were pedos out there and other degenerates, but it's not like they don't exist anymore, I feel like they're even more likely to target young girls due to so much personal information existing.
>I have always wondered how the days of forums and small websites were like, was people more genuine or interesting to talk to?A lot. There's still small forums that survive to this day but they're heavily moderated and you often need an invite to get in. PC culture also wasn't as big back then so you wouldn't get shunned for the smallest verbal slip (I still remember when I got dogpiled for calling someone a retard… on 4chan).
That said, I'm a very young millenial on the edge of being a zoomer and also a third worlder so things might have progressed faster elsewhere.
I don't like millenial men online (mostly Americans and Brits), their whole personality revolves around media consumerism and they're turbopseuds who always make fun of stuff like astrology that girls mostly do for fun while drooling over Jordan Peterson's drug fueled ramblings and talking about evopsych and MBTI which they ironically take 100% seriously.
At the same time I don't like zoomer virtue signaling, I think it's admirable that they're speaking up about social issues but not everyone lives in the US and Americans have a very myopic view of the world, which often results in them bullying random people for no reason and shutting down everyone who disagrees with them. Wokeness and being PC don't really help anybody, they just make actual serious discussion harder when you have to argue about dumb semantics.
One thing that really angered me was butthurt tumblrites shitting on cottagecore because it's not "inclusive" enough, shut the fuck up, it's a dumb fantasy lifestyle people got into because they're sick of modern capitalism, participate if you want or don't.
No. 595806
>>59577430 y/o answering here, and in short, yeah definitely. There was a broader feeling of the internet being lots of little communities for all sorts of things like hobbies, political interests, sports, you name it. There was MSN Messenger, AIM, ICQ and boundless forums for talking about anything you wanted. It felt like actual communities instead of just this giant nameless/faceless brief 'hit like' 'subscribe/follow' bullshit we have now. Online interactions now are very passive and no longer have that personal feel. I had friends I met on Neopets and roleplaying forums that I stayed in touch with for a decade. Every time we checked in with each other, it was a genuine interaction, whereas I now feel like people these days ghost more easily and with little thought. I miss that a lot. It felt cosy.
I feel a lot of it now is getting online, sticking to your tribe and flinging shit at those who oppose you. That used to happen in the 'old days' too but it was less vicious. It was more 'haha, look at those goofs' now it's 'lets fucking ruin their life and cancel them'.
I also long for the days of stumbling across a strangers website for something they're massively interested in. Signing guestbooks, reading other visitors comments and being fascinated by where they said they were from. It felt like an adventure, now I don't enjoy spending as much time online. It was great.
No. 595812
>>595774I've been online since 2000 (oldfag + started very early) and it was much more exciting. For one thing social media didn't exist so people were creating content that was genuinely appealing and funny out of their own personal interest. Because megacorporations weren't online yet they were genuine and free of calculated marketing tactics. Now you get all these youtube influencers who are like "real people" when they're sponsored and controlled by different big businesses and have a suspiciously high production value with their shit with engineered scripts and content. Everyone was creating websites so I personally had like 30 sites I rotated between in a day, now I just refresh lolcow, news sites, youtube and twitter and that's about it. There's nothing else to see really. You found something new all the time.
As for the users themselves, normies didn't use internet back then except maybe occasionally. This meant that you got all sorts of weirdos around you but the biggest userbase was just general nerds who were smart and nice albeit a bit awkward. I came across pedos in the early 00's every now and then but because like
>>595798 mentioned you were highly discouraged from sharing any personal information about yourself they were much less likely to prey on you as they knew nothing about you besides your nickname and vague details. I just told them off because my parents always told me about stranger danger and back then digital cameras (or much less phone cameras) weren't as mainstream so you got only a limited amount of photos to post online to begin with.
Political correctness wasn't a thing at all either. However I don't remember bona fide misogyny existing like it does today. Now you got all these loser incels sperging out about cock carousels and whatnot but back then the worst you got was a "go make me a sandwich rofl" joke and belittlement, not hate. As a 14-year old girl I was welcomed in pretty much all the spaces I entered, not in a grooming sense either because I mostly hung around with people my age. Homophobia was a bit more reoccurring but it manifested usually in terms of dark humor, not vitriol. Same goes for racism, you got "Nigga stole my bike" type of jokes but there wasn't a /pol/ kind of mainstream narrative about blacks, jews and gays ruining the western civilization. All that sort of stuff didn't start existing until the early 2010s when politics started being polarized. In the early to mid 00s it was much more likely for someone to be called out for being an
abusive nutjob (think Final Fantasy house) than making some innocuous post someone found offensive.
Because most online spaces (Message boards, forums, imageboards and livejournal communities mostly) were small and moderated and didn't belong to some big blob of a colossal social media space, the discussion was much more pragmatic than what you see on places like Twitter or Tumblr where anyone can step on the soapbox to voice their uneducated opinions unchallenged. Spergs and sociopaths existed everywhere but they were often shunned, in the time of social media the crazy fuckers who would've been banned everywhere they set their foot in are now able to rise to the status of a hero and an influencer.
All in all internet is way better these days in terms of technology (faster speeds, bigger bandwidth capacities, user interfaces, streaming, instant messaging, online services etc.) but the community is dog shit compared to what it was in the early 2000s.
No. 595838
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>>595806>I also long for the days of stumbling across a strangers website for something they're massively interested in. Signing guestbooks, reading other visitors comments and being fascinated by where they said they were from.This took me back anon, I used to run a crappy website about anime and basically every related weeb subject I could think of to write a page about. This was back in like 2008 as a teenage weeb. I had a guestbook too and it was so much fun interacting with people commenting there feeling like this cool senpai giving recommendations.
Around the same time I met a girl by getting into a youtube comment back-and-forth doing cringy 'omg so random humor' roleplays of anime characters. We ended up continuing doing that same rp in private messages for like half a year. I knew she lived halfway across the globe but I never got to know her name or what she looked like or anything. Stuff like that just didn't seem important at all.
No. 595925
>>594854>>594840This, thank you anons. The best part of the "milenial culture" (to call it something) is the niche cultures, the online happenings, the websites zoomers didn't get to experiment because all they've known is corporativist internet and they had twitter instagram etc shoved into their faces since young. Not blaming them but pitying them, rather. I'd also be a hypersensitive easily offended baby if I had been raised on fucking twitter with all the tranny pedophile brainwashing propaganda. (That said, some milenials are this bad as well and I am clueless on what is their excuse because I've never been that gullible and I am a huge oldfag who spent her teen years online as well. Most of us were already adults when all the woke shit started getting out of hand. Tbh my personal believe is that frequenting some big websites were more damaging to growing teenagers than others
Many zoomers have a warped view of milenians because they've only met the most shit milenials. I personally think we can either be pretty based or pretty terrible. There really isn't a middleground with us for some reason.
Also milenial normies are awful. They definitely make up most of the worst milenial stereotypes together with the sjw manchildren. In fact they tend to overlap a lot.
To the person (>>594763) who said milenials had less options because they only had facebook and 4chan and zoomers had TIkOtK rEdDit and a list of other corporation brand names, are you a normie? People on the old internet barely used those unless they where those kinds who just owned a computer to do school projects and check facebook notifications. Life and activity back then was thriving in small forums, blogs (fotolog, livejournal & blogspot anyone?), chatrooms, geocites, and more niche hobby shit like oekakis, mmos etc. You can't understand the old internet with the current internet mindset. People used to get away with worse shit too since it was decentralized as well, not everything was fantastic and free to be honest.
No. 595969
>>595951What's even the purpose of this post. Are you salty that milenials got more variety to enjoy when they were younger and talk about it fondly when asked? Social media is crap and your gen keeps doing and liking the same shit because they killed originality and variety and anyone who goes out of their way and is "smug" (being passionate about something is being smug now? lmao) gets either cancelled or ignored.
Not our fault your internet sucks. Be mad at corporations, not at us; we would had rather kept things the way they were so you got to see them too.
No. 595976
>>595744It makes way more sense that gen z would have more coomers, who would think otherwise? Nofap is niche. They grew up with access to porn on the smartphones from a very young age.
Semi related rant but the influx of teen coomers makes online RP impossible. I had fun memories of role playing action-adventure type stories with other teens when I was a teen and trying to get back into it was super disappointing. It’s like no one wants to do regular roleplay any more only erotic roleplay and ITS FULL OF KIDS. I do not want to get Chris Hanson’d. I gave up honestly. The sheer quantity of kiddy coomers made it seem unviable.
No. 595989
>>595812I feel you, fellow oldfag, i feel you.
>Political correctness wasn't a thing at all either. However I don't remember bona fide misogyny existing like it does today. Now you got all these loser incels sperging out about cock carousels and whatnot but back then the worst you got was a "go make me a sandwich rofl" joke and belittlement, not hate. As a 14-year old girl I was welcomed in pretty much all the spaces I entered, not in a grooming sense either because I mostly hung around with people my age.I think it mostly had to do with these losers being larpers who do not even belong to internet culture in the first place; they are mostly irl losers with no hobbies other than the porn/vidya combo who tagged along later on when the internet became more accesible in the early 2010s and started polluting big forums with their sperging; if you pay attention the big boom of gamer culture, steam and competitive gaming becoming a thing happened precisely around those years. I don't think it's a coincidence lmanchildren infested everything around the same time.
Nerds before were too invested into their hobbies to start silly gender wars and children just sticked to each other as you said. People itt complained a lot about milenials being over invested into their hobbies but nowadays internet's main activity consists on everyone shitting on people they don't like, wherever you go. All you see is bitter, depressed, bored young people everywhere.
No. 596065
>>596054Lots of millennials didn’t spend that much time online before smartphones were ubiquitous, you could only access porn at home where your desktop computer was and lots of families couldn’t afford desktops Orr broadband internet. Obviously this wasn’t the case with families who were better off.
By contrast a zoomer could have had a smartphone at age 7 and could access porn walking to school. It’s not a difference of availability but ease of access.
No. 596067
>>595916I feel like the alt thing only exists online, and even then on really on tiktok where people kind of use alt/straight tiktok in the same way people use normie, local, npc etc
>>595969No one is being cancelled for being ‘passionate’
No. 596132
>>594719>Why is gen z's purchasing forecast less than a fourth of the millenials?I think it's more of a question of who's doing these analytics.
>Gen Z is not drawn to brands easily, which means retailers have to do more to reach themIf I someone gave me a marketing survey, I'd say no to buying every Pringles, Coca-Cola, Klenex, Apple, Dell, and so forth shit. And I block every ad, but I'd definitely scratch my chin at a Pinebook, other ARM Linuxfag laptop/phone or donate to something like AO3.
No. 596295
>>595989Agree. People who didn't understand internet culture got online and started bringing in their autism, then aggregated movements to adapt their ideals. After social media became popular the discussion online became much less moderated because these huge corporation-run spaces couldn't monitor everything that was being said, so you could just run your mouth saying whatever you wished and someone would always believe and agree with you because who's going to tell them you're full of shit? Now the sites are installing all this AI logic to handle the amounts of support requests and shady information gathering (like asking for your phone number) so innocent people get hit as well.
>Nerds before were too invested into their hobbies to start silly gender wars and children just sticked to each other as you said.Yep. Zoomers can shit on "autistic millenials" all they want but back then people were more interested in whatever their hobby was than constantly being at war with each other. Not saying dramas didn't exist because they did but the politicization of every issue didn't. As a 14-year old I sure as hell frequented hentai fanart sites because what horny teen didn't, but actually going to the message board to demand these adults to make their porn "safer" to me as a minor would've gotten my ass banned and ridiculed and I would've retreated to lick my wounds. Social media didn't exist, where would I be making my self-indulging callout post? People aren't expected to be in charge of their own internet experience anymore because everyone is stuck in the same massive online spaces and the other side is trying to police the grey masses to cater to their everchanging sensibilities causing more people to be pushed to the other radicalized extreme as their frustration boils over. I swear half of my friends who were nice, intelligent people in 2007 are now either trooned out ultra-liberal spergs and half are alt-right motherfuckers whining about m-muh immigrants and destroyed west. After I detoxed myself of my social media addiction around 2 years ago and only focused on fucking around in my own self-created bubble I felt myself being much more lax and inspired, and the anxiety and constant feeling of having to watch over my shoulder returns immediately if I open up any of my social media feeds.
As a side note regarding gender wars I can't believe it was only a bit more than 10 years ago when everyone used the word "tranny" freely and the term was "transsexual", not "transgender". I'm still waiting for my cancellation for openly dropping the "t-slur" in 2009, that's how much things change and how internet leaves a paper trail of what you said and did years ago and anyone can find it. Now it's especially dangerous because almost everything is tied to your real life identity. So zoomers keep this in mind whenever you feel like posting some edgy take on your Tiktok or Taktik or SnapGram or whatever you kids have these days. Something that was completely okay in 2020 might be the equivalent of calling black people the n-word when 2027 comes around.
No. 596306
>>596192Lmao if you think millennials will see much of that inheritance. Their parents are going to blow through their savings in retirement for end of life care which is stupid expensive. This is already happening to lots of families. The adult children end up with nothing because it all went to medical costs.
Mind you this is a very American reply. Might not be the case in other countries.
No. 596312
>>596306This. My parents are already planning to spend all that they have during retirement and leave us kids with zilch. We'll probably end up paying for their medical costs once they become old and debilitated and the money runs out. Boomers were the ones getting huge inheritances because the greatest generation was stingy as fuck and ended up being loaded and never spending any of that money due to their poverty traumas from the early to mid 1900's.
>>596307You're aware there are more types of people than just tech-savvy internet nerds and well-adjusted regular normies right?
No. 596329
>>596320Exactly, this argument style of constantly replying with "Ok but you're still a [word]" or "Whatever lmao" like they're too cool to be actually bothered by the argument when they're so seething they can't form proper sentences anymore is either the zoomer trend of being constantly bored and having a nonexistent attention span or just general teenager behavior because they can't hold a conversation that might force them to internalize what the other person is saying.
>>596324Also NTA but you aren't entitled to drop a spicy take and not have your viewpoint challenged either.
No. 596351
>>595280Close, but more:
>"Muh PTSD" is quintessential bait by LC standards, excuse me while I press X to doubtKek
No. 596356
>>596334Girl, 23 is no baby either, that's close to or already mid 20s, how can you unironically call people who are only 2 years older than you annoying, entitled and raised a certain way that's supposedly so different and worse than you were raised?
That's the same energy as 18-year-olds calling 17-year-olds children, just even more embarrassing…
No. 596361
>>596356I wasn't raised that way. I was poor, had to rely on family, did some stints in foster care, etc.
Also not saying I don't have my own shit I'm not dealing with. I'm just an idealist, and don't think - most - people from that age group are seeing how their lifestyle is going to dematerialize as resources run out. They function better in society than me, but what happens when society changes? What happens when consumerism has too many mouths to feed, and not enough resources?
Not everyone fits this stereotype, but I feel like at least my age group gets that better. Call it nihilism or hedonism, but at least we grew up on the idea that we're raping the planet of its resources. We can't all have an abundance mentality.
Almost everyone I know well who is 25-30 is self-absorbed and self-interested. At least 18-20 year olds have the excuse of immaturity still.
No. 596385
>>596375Bitch, I can say whatever I want. You don't know what I feel about people my age. That wasn't part of the prompt. We are stupid in our own ways. More stupid, cause we are more immature.
There's a difference between being youthful and holding on to your youth btw. Y'all were the Myspace gen, and I'm in the insta gen. At least, I'm assuming you're in that age group, cause you're butthurt. We have never known anything different. 25-30ers knew how much better interactions were before social media/connectivity ruined the spirit of relationships.
No. 596390
>>596385>>596388Again with the "y'all" vs. "me"…
>There's a difference between being youthful and holding on to your youth btw.And let me guess, you think you're the former while us are the latter? lol
You're a dumb fag, sincerely another "young" <25 person. Also, emojis aren't allowed.
>>596386She's not. She's a grown ass woman, average or even above average age for lc users, yet screeches about people a couple months older than her "plaguing" her.
No. 596393
>>596318>This might be bait but I actually feel like this is one of the gen z trends I've observed. You take something out of context and pretend you don't understand the original message, playing dumb just to sidetrack the discussion and trying to gain the upper hand by being cheeky and snappy.
This. This is why so many people get cancelled at the stupidiest thing too.
No. 596395
>Gen Z is not drawn to brands easily, which means retailers have to do more to reach them
MMM SURE. They’re just obsessed with non-brands like Airpods, Gucci, Jeffrey Star, AAA titles, e-celebs cult personalities dogshit merch. Overdosing on brands masquerading as people, marketing already got you from the womb fam. I have yet seen any significant divergence from this trend toward more local, homebrew consumerism and rejection of mainstream cultures like millennials did with “hipster culture”. The most I’ve seen zoomers do is shilling “ecofriendly” and “ethically sourced” products. 90% of which, you guess it, aren’t, just effective zoombies marketing. Capitalism stays winning while baby play pretend communist online. Making fun of their parents for falling for MLM schemes is peak irony.
No. 596465
>>596395“ecofriendly” and “ethically sourced” are just buzzwords to sell products at this point lmao
Zoomers are so obsessed with being right and righteous that they will shill brands that are “ecofriendly” and “ethically sourced” when they are still basically supporting a big industry and prioritizing brand over quality. Example, shilling Lush.
Millenials were big on DIY shit back in the 2010's.
No. 596468
>>596447Man, a friend's brother is like that too. Since I'm somewhat versed in zoomer jokers I kinda understand some, while others are just unintelligible gibberish nonsense. Sometimes all we can do is blank stare.
>it's dadaism!!!!!No it isn't, it's you dancing to Shrek meme. Stop trying to be funny Jimmy, you're embarassing everyone at wallmart with your forced tiktoks
No. 596476
>>596465>>596395Agreed. First of all zoomers love to pretend like they're not lowly consoomers like the preceding generations but they're just as vulnerable to marketing tactics as everyone else. Instead of corporations peddling their products themselves they pay social media influencers to promote them because they're seen as the "real people" who give "honest opinions" when they're nothing more than salespeople in disguise. Not to mention their own brand products (or "collaboration series") they hawk to their audience, often it being just some already existing production line crap they slapped their face and name on.
Secondly the eco-friendly/sustainable brand is their generation's Gucci and Vuitton, corporations can just buy that label on their products by paying off anyone they need to. The eco-friendly products constantly flunk the consumer-conducted tests or are found to be straight out scams. It's all the same shit but zoomers are too young and naive to realize they're living the regular ~evil~ consoomerism culture that we grew up in.
No. 596571
>>5965602000's was extremely bland af in terms of fashion and emo/scene/cringey ass cybergoths were the only memorable things that came out of it. Normies of the 2000's were the normiest of normies that wore boring t-shirt, hoodie, and jeans and called it a day. Felt like if the 90's lost everything that made it interesting bc boomers harshly judged anyone that tried to be "fun" unless they were literal kids. I also remember flowy tops that made anyone that wasn't flat as a washing board look boxy or pregnant, those were SHIT.
2010's had a lot more interesting fashion. Flower crowns, skinny jeans becoming mainstream, skirts becoming popular again, return of cold shoulder tops, space buns, dyed hair on the rise, eyeliner wings, people being more experimental with make-up in general, etc.
I feel like 2020's, besides the masks, will just repeat the 2010's and aim for 80's and 90's nostalgia like the latter of the 2010's was doing.
No. 596836
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>>596571But the 10's fashion was mainstream and boring, you could see your average stacy wearing flower crowns, skinny jeans and dying her hair to take "aesthetic" photos, it didn't feel like an act of rebellion. The 00's was weirder with goth, emos, scene kids, skaters/streetwear. I feel like Japanese fashion was at it's peak in the 00's too. My teenage years were awfull, there wasn't a counter culture to follow so if you weren't your typical tumblr/twitter addicted teen you ended up alone like me. I am glad my teen years are over, from what my 14 yo step brother tells me it's only getting worse, with teens only watching youtuber/streamers and feeling edgy by having "political ideologies" at 14 lmao.
No. 596864
I’m gen z, but I’m not as funny or clever as a lot of other Sooners. I used to think gen z is pretty cool, but I’m starting to find our group to be insufferable. It’s probably because we’re barely into adulthood at the oldest, but idk.
Like this shit where I was talking with a zoomer 2 years younger than me about the possibility of working for a huge company. I said that I’ve heard those jobs tend to suck and won’t make you happy, so I would prefer to work at a place with a more stable and mature culture. This bitch was all ‘that’s fine for
your generation but people like us don’t want to be mediocre’
>>596842It always looks like a costume, and usually frumpy
No. 597015
>Congrats on being able to read the data created by other generations regarding science and pushing for reforms we've told you tooThey really just had access to information technologies more advanced than anyone else in history. They just had easier access to education than anyone else in history. They have the audacity to think this means their generation is somehow innately more woke and caring of humanitarianism. Yet they love dunking on the people who gave them all of these things.
No. 597042
>>596999I'm this anon
>>595153 and I feel this on an spiritual level. Thank you.
>>597013Don't forget them literally eye fucking themselves in videos on tiktok/Instagram in an attempt to be a "thirst trap". They practically invented that autistic shit.
No. 597122
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Just remember that you were once young and cringe and you will also eventually be old and “outdated”
Be nice yo
No. 597132
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>>597124easy zoomie, go read some trans Voltron fanfic or vape or something
No. 597166
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Why does gen z have such awful taste in fashion? Like why do you guys like these long nasty nails?
No. 597173
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>>597166anon i hate to be the bearer of bad news but early 2000's fashion was not just one of your fever dreams
No. 597238
>>597173>>5971772000s "fashion" was a crime against civilization, and the second worst fashion trend in history right after the Chinese tradition of bound feet.
May we never live through such dark times again.
No. 597290
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>>597042Youtube has recommended some "reacting to Tiktok POVs" videos to me and I've watched them out of curiosity, it's baffling how full of themselves the guys are. They really think they're God's gift to women. There's like a hundred and ten videos that are like "POV: I catch u staring at me and falling in love at first sight because I'm literally the hottest person alive ;)))"
bites lip and ruffles hair. Like sure, a lot of the guys my age were obnoxious when I was a teen, but at least they didn't seem like they jack off every day in front of a mirror.
No. 597298
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>>597290I'm not going to lie, I think guys back then would've done it too. It's just that they didn't have a way of filming it and sharing it with millions of people.
But if you were on or early YouTube, you'd find a lot of that stuff there, just a different form of it.
Pic related, 14 years ago but you know if this guy was that she in this current time, he'd be all over tiktok doing some stupid shit.
No. 597303
>>597298Yeah but this dude is being normal and not "a godsent creaute~" kpop reject that these ugly motherfucking creatures pretend to be
>>597290GOD just by looking at their ugly faces with makeup and thinking they look sooooooo hot I want to fucking punch them all I hate them god I hate them
>>597291this, douches will never look attractive
No. 597428
>>596842Your ugly.
>>596836I feel like most alt fashion nowadays is just about putting on an outfit for your Instagram, then taking it off immediately. I live in a big city, and everyone is just so boring. There's no interesting people, nobody taking risks when it comes to fashion. I also can't with that hideous mom jeans trend and nasty blue denim trend as well, it's so fucking ugly and also those calf length dresses that are unflattering on everyone.
I hate how smug and full of themselves gen z are. They all see themselves as either hot, or if they fail in that department, they go for quirky Emma chamberlain lite.
I also hate how thristy for e-fame gen-z kids tends to be. When I got to work, I always hear teenagers talking about their ideas for their shitty tik toks, I've had to wipe away people writing their tik tok handles with makeup. But of course, many millennial are also guilty of being thirsty for e-fame too, particularly the younger ones. I just find it odd how this generation are so comfortable putting EVERYTHING online without thinking, nobody is concerned about catfishes, pedos or weirdos gawking at them.
No. 597468
>>597166As a Zoomer I fucking despise her
And her stupid,ghetto trash fans.
Long fake nails are trashy like her,go figure
No. 597477
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>>597428>emma chamberlain litethis is how zoomzooms literally wanna look like lmao
No. 597502
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I feel like the main reason why there isn't much counter-culture, and in turn new alt-fashions that don't ape older alt fashions , is because the internet has allowed everyone to have a seat at the table and most people stay in their own groups
No. 597565
>>597428imo mom jeans are super cute and versatile and I also like wearing clothes that are kinda bulky and shapeless as I find the silhouettes more interesting, but every zoomer I see wearing mom jeans just pairs them with a solid color crop top and calls it a day (see:
>>597477) also they buy ones that are super fitted which absolutely eradicates most peoples figure unless they have irl instagram bodies.
>>597504the day I went to my grandma's place and found she'd casually dyed her hair purple overnight is when I realized this kek
No. 597650
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>>595774Yes, it was tremendously more fun, almost a wild west. There used to be be a small level of technical skill required to even get online and personal computers were not common. I remember in middle school classmates would say things like "I don't go on the computer" so the chance of someone you know finding you online was slim to none. It was easy to be anonymous. Security wasn't even on people's minds. Passwords were emailed in plaintext. You used to be able to just guess people's security questions or bruteforce their passwords as many times as necessary until you got access. It was super easy to buy drugs or pirate literally anything thanks to the warez scene (shoutout to all you present day lovely seeders). The computer art scene was in its infancy and you could actually surf the web. Hacker groups defacing each other's websites with their own custom intricate ascii art for clout. After the mid 90s, websites were trivial to make because there was just tons of free web hosting available. Static sites that were tributes to characters or shows or books were common and most had webrings, letting you find even more unique sites. Neocities at least exists in the same spirit. You can't really do that anymore with the modern search engines. Winamp skins were the shit.
I cannot imagine making the online friendships I did during the early 00s. People I met then on random forums or niche fan page chatrooms I will be friends with for the rest of my life. I can't find a modern online community that is equivalent to the type of intimacy you could develop within a friend group of online strangers on the forums of like newgrounds or gaia or tigsource. More people use the internet than ever, but so many ones I meet only consider the internet to be google, social media, twitch, reddit, 4chan, wikipedia, or youtube. It's hypocritical of me to say this since I work in tech, but the tech giants really did destroy a beautiful thing by commercializing the internet. I have faith that breaking up ISP monopolies and finding a way to scale promising concepts like mesh networks could make the internet like it used to be, but better.
I think there is a distinction to be made between a millennial who came of age online and one who began using it after already having established a career and life. Internet culture is a combination of awe and horror and to grow up immersed in it during a time where it was mostly not moderated def fucked me up.
One thing about zoomers though is I honestly feel sorry for them. I don't mean to sound like I just pity them or something, but they've been dealt such a dogshit tier hand. Millenials were too, but the oldest of the generation significantly less so than the rest. I'm an Amerifag and seeing zoomers deal with school shootings, the broken economy, and now the pandemic. Some of them don't know how it is to not be under constant surveillance. Also, it is bewildering to me how many of them don't know how to do the most basic of computer or internet troubleshooting. RTFM.
No. 597769
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>People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
Tbh I think they're a lot more aware of issues from around the world and more willing to do something about them. The millennials in my life are so beaten down by life that it feels like my generation feels much more defeatist melancholy and just jaded in general. Gen Z feels much more gregarious and sociable than millenials? I think it has to do with how everything is becoming acceptable to the general public and people don't have to hide their true selves anymore. Gen Z just seems much happier despite all the shit happening in the world compared to Millennials from my american perspective.
No. 597877
>>597769This. I’m an older millennial and I feel defeated by the world in general. I think it started with the recession and now it’s the boomers (A lot of millennials’ parents) and media gaslighting our generation into thinking we’re the problem with society. While I agree on some things that are annoying about my generation ( ie majoring in some idiotic thing like old English and then complaining about the lack of job opportunities), both millennials and gen z have a better understanding environment and social issues.
The boomers are all going insane because of lead poisoning from leaded gasoline.
No. 598188
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>>597877Gen X got all the lead. I wonder if it would help in court just like being an unformed brainlet like people under 25?
No. 603589
>>602668The thing about the 90's is that we never grew past them, we wanted to be stuck on them on purpose. The early 2000's were an extension of the 90's if you really think about it, then around 2007-09 pepole tried new stuff and didn't like it so as the 2010's hit everyone wanted it to be the 90's again
Plus, I think 9/11 did affect people, not just burgerland. It really affected the perception of the world
No. 605044
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I've been thinking on this the past few days, I'm in my late 20's now so I'd be a millenial.
I don't feel like a boomer and I know I've been out of touch for years, always liked my own space and doing my own thing.
but it feels like to me when growing up we had cliques like goths, punks, emos, freaks, jocks etc that all feels like its died off or became less at the forefront and now for zoomers it feels like the focus is more on gender and sexuality being cliques.
The next thing I say I know it sounds so out of touch but it feels like to me a lot of zoomers wear their gender and sexuality as a accessory, similar to how trendy mental illness was or being a nerd was.
Am I crazy thinking this ? I get that people say Zoomers are woke but on the other side of the coin they seem so filled with vitrol and hate if you don't follow their views.
it feels like a odd subsect of a religion in a way.
I wonder as well how damaging it must be to grow up with social media and the internet having always existed and being raised by it, Millenials had a few years before it blew up to be maybe self aware but it must be damaging to being raised by it from day one.
>tfw I have friends that just throw their tablets at their kids 24/7 like we were with tv's.
It's just such a weird though that if I was born a decade later instead of being a tomboy I'd have people convincing me I'm a pan trans boy.
actually talking about cliques it feels like its moved from a group to a consumer product you can just buy.
No. 605096
>>605044>it feels like to me a lot of zoomers wear their gender and sexuality as a accessory, similar to how trendy mental illness was or being a nerd was.And that's true anon, they found a political correct fad to die on. If you call them out, they'll call you transphobe or something. It's different to emos because we could call out and make fun of them and nobody cared. But make fun of a demigender asshole and you're cancelled forever.
This is sad, because actual lgb people are gay because they were born gay, not because they chose to dye their hair pink. I think they forget that a lot of lgb normies exist and lgb people with actual lives and jobs who happen to be gay also do. They treat it as a fashion accesory, it's tiring.
No. 605116
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I was feeling pretty down about my future prospects as a millennial and went down the economic rabbit hole. I guess we’re getting called the “lost generation” now. coronavirus basically killed jobs for everyone, with millennials and gen z getting hit the hardest. usually takes about two decades to get out of a recession, but here we are again. Millennials are the most educated (until all of gen z ages into college age then they’ll probably be the most educated) yet we have trillions in college debt and there’s less jobs so we can’t get to the same place our parents were at our age. I really hope there’s legislation passed that will benefit future generations because this shit sucks.
No. 613268
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I see a lot of hate on zoomers and millenials but I think we shoud be genuinely afraid of what's going to be the generation raised with free access to the youtube kids app. I wonder how damages their attention span ans sanity is going to be
No. 613291
>>613275NTA but I don’t think it’s totally the same. Actually, I would say that watching TV a lot did have an effect on the population, though people mostly never spend anywhere near as much time watching TV as they do on phones. They could walk away from it, it didn’t feel like an extension of themselves, and couldn’t just whip out the TV when they were bored for 15 seconds.
We can see the effects social media has on adults and teens already — actual science based facts. I don’t think it’s weird to think that being connected literally 24/7 to ads that are masquerading as genuine human experiences will cause harm to kids.
No. 674561
>>674551>their ugly long fake nails OT, but what is with all the anons going in on fake nails lately? Like suddenly every post
exaggeration, obviously in /ot/ is talking about fake nails.
No. 674566
>>674561Because Gen Z has a very weird fixation on those; if you watch the video I linked you can even tell how they flex on those, IDK how to descrive it but there's like, slight hand movements and tapping and really making sure that their long nails are on camera instead of grabbing things like a normal person would
>>674558Lol yeah, they think that reselling random stuff is like, the biggest investment of their life. It's just gen z trying to virtue signal everything they do like always, everyone is just trying to one up each other on social media
No. 674579
>>674558something that I also forgot to mention is that almost everything I saw them reselling is cheap as fuck aliexpress shit lmao, the earrings, makeup, everything you can find on aliexpress for less.
I've never seen a tiktok video where they share actual tips for small business owners or for people who are planning to have one lol, it's pure flexing
No. 674631
>>674571>teenagers are always insufferable but it’s amplified by social media.This is so obvious but I never thought about it that way wow
I'm not friends with teenagers, I don't know any, I only have an awareness of them because social media keeps jamming everything they do in my face
No. 674649
>>674633I never did that cringy shit because I never wanted to be an attention whore, and the thing is, whatever these teens are doing or saying gets amplified by social media and then it seeps into real life and the news. Just look at the trannies and the genderqueer shit.
Plus, back in the day, I'm pretty sure there millenial teens who had small shops but with actual handmade stuff, like soaps, clay charms, and stuff like that, and it was always chill. Not everything was perfect, but we definetely didn't see the cockyfest we are living through right now. Video related, the vibe is completely different.
No. 674700
>>674633Ayrt and I am fully aware of how cringe I was, but it was contained in a way where the only adults who had to see it were my family or teachers.
My post and the one I quoted was exactly about what you're saying, that the internet is the reason why this generation is so much cringier. The internet mixes this all up, it connects them to other insufferable teenagers to be inspired by and acts like a megaphone
No. 675005
>>594792> their social activism and identity politics come from a place of vanity, following trends and virtue signaling instead of genuinely wanting to make the world a better place. It's a rehash if the 1960's hippie culture.Disagree! I’ve canvassed during both the last US elections. I remember it was me and a bunch of old people 4 years ago.
This year half the people to turn up were Zoomers, it was awesome! And that isn’t superficial, that’s work that requires you gets you completely out of your shell talking to others. In the end a lot of them really weren’t actually that good at talking to others because they were so socially inept so they had to get paired with older adults. Which is actually very ok, because I’m sure a lot of them learned a new skill by doing this.
Idk I’m sure for lots of Zoomers it is superficial but a greater portion of them seem to really care about getting involved which is cool as hell.
No. 675008
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Im a Gen-z and i dont really see myself fitting in at all, some of the zoomers act like holier than thou personality types and think they are entilted to things, some of them act too sensitive and cry wolf if you say anything they dont agree with.
Maybe it's because i grew up in a different house hold and the internet shaped me to have a back bone.
Also i kinda like millenials i think they are cool, i sometimes have discussions about the 70s with my parents since they were born somewhere there, and basically share 70s-90s music with them. Thats all the opinions i have.
No. 675075
I’m in the 25-30 gang. I identify readily with my age group- insofar as I can definitely find people who think like me, but there’s such a stark divide between us. I’d be labeled as a liberal person- but in my area I know quite a few conservatives.
They fit the same bill. Rich, white, detached- and totally unable to articulate their political identity because they vote the way daddy does.
I think that for people who are 18-24, their social politics are a lot less divisive. Some posters believe that it’s for brownie virtual signal points, and that very may well be. But the implication is they realize the tide has turned.
I’ve never bought into the entire “entitled millennial” tag line. But I do see where we can come off as crybabies. We have an entire generation who realized the wrongs of our parents and grandparents- but it feels like we as a generation has never been able to articulate or offer up solutions.
We grew up in a weird, dark world where we were always at war because we watched thousands of Americans die on live television. I feel as if though millennials are a traumatized generation. 9/11, inescapable domestic terrorism from lack of gun control, a plague, the inability to conform to the “American ideal” because it’s not financially possible, etc.
I feel like the 18-24 group has more people who are disconnected from some of the major political episodes we’ve had, and it makes it easier for them to acknowledge through the use of an entirely different interconnected social media presence than we had.
All in all- I like your gusto, kids. I think us older ones will end up following your lead on major social and political changes from here on out. And I am okay with that.
No. 675086
>>675075I honestly do think that Boomers just didn't have the patience to raise us properly. They were given every opportunity to do all these amazing things we can only hope to achieve. They hardly ever had to wait for anything, so imo, they are the original instant gratification generation. In turn, it made them impatient parents. Child crying? Give them a toy to shut them up or slap them. Child bored and pestering you? Sit them in front of the TV, neglect them while you go to work to pay off your fuck-all mortgage. I honestly think they don't realise how damaging they were. They have raised a generation of depressed, anxious and sensitive adults. I get that some people take it too far, being upset by everything, but on the other hand I think who the fuck wouldn't be upset? They bang on at us about having to move out - we can't, jobs pay shit and buildings are owned by boomers who don't give a fuck about living condition, as long as they are getting that sweet rent money who cares. Oh, you need to get a job to pay for said shit-hole apartment - yeah I can, but it's massively competitive now, and the fact you need to know how to juggle flaming chainsaws, speak fluent in an ancient language, and be able to do a backflip just to work a retail job, it's just ridiculous. Also, the pay is shite.
'But that's what we had to do!' No it isn't. You could walk into a shop, speak to the manager and get asked to start that week. We have to write a CV, a covering letter, take a test to go along with our application, wait for an interview, get asked bullshit questions and then compete against a few hundred people just for the one role. They just don't have a clue and are living in the past and it is the most frustrating thing about them. Who the fuck wouldn't be on edge or depressed if you were being battered over the head by boomer parents about having to do all this stuff, but the society they have created does everything it can to throw hurdles underneath you? Sorry for ranting. I'm just really fed up of it all.
I do hope Gen Zr's and later gens can do more to turn this ship around. X were never given much opportunity, Millenials are too apathetic. I will do anything I can to make the world better for Z's. I don't fully understand their humour, or the fact they like 90's/2000's fashion so much (it is trash, sorry!), but they overall seem good and will probably be able to achieve great things if they pulled their eyes away from their screens.
No. 675091
>>674551>Living off of mommy's buck to sell your stupid merch and hocking shit from Aliexpress on Etsy is "being a resourceful small business owner" Kek.
>>674633>>674571Honestly I don't believe the core nature of being a dumbass teenager has changed over generations but the fact that now you have the ability to broadcast your stupidity to the whole world. As a millenial who grew up with no social media I count my blessings that there are no traces of me being a cringey teen except maybe a dead forum post using an old nickname that can't be traced back to me. Now you got these social media sites owned by megacorporations that have the power to share everything in seconds all around the world. Your profile is filled with personal information, your IRL name, your selfies etc. because that's how you've been conditioned to behave online to "seem more
valid" contrary to how millenials were taught never to share information about yourself. Then you go off to tweet something dumb a 15-year old would say and it gets shared on every platform, people will attack, gather that personal information you shared yourself and come after you in real life. It's bound to affect zoomer psychology and the final results are only going to be realized later.
>>675086>they are the original instant gratification generation.Agree. In many western countries boomers were the ones who got to enjoy a peaceful time with no war and a massive economy boom where anyone could be employed and advance to management positions with minimal training. They were the ones who created all the ridiculous expectations with expensive degrees for the following generations which millenials were the first ones to actually deal with. They were the ones who took being well off for granted and thus felt entitled to own property while milking young people with no choice dry. They were the ones who are currently eating away a fat pension the current millenials are paying for, only to never get any of that money back themselves.
>We have to write a CV, a covering letter, take a test to go along with our application, wait for an interview, get asked bullshit questions and then compete against a few hundred people just for the one role.Legitimately had to do this shit for a brainless part time retail job to be able to eat while earning my degree. It's absolutely ridiculous. Unless you know someone on the inside and can just fast pass your way in employers make you jump through a million hoops wasting time, both yours and theirs.
No. 675117
>>675093Oh sorry, I was in no way stating I want or expect them to fix everything. These things take decades. I just think they have the potential to help turn things a bit, and that I would be fully supportive of them and will do everything I can to help!
>>675091Me too. I had to take an exam to get my current job which is stocking shelves in a supermarket. It's not what I want to be doing, but it's all I can do at the minute with the state of things. Sucks for us.
No. 675163
I remember the cut off being at 1995 and people born in 1995 were already considered gen Z. Now some sources show 1997 or even 1999 kek
>>594737That's quite US-centric. I'm 25 and yuropoor and I don't remember 9/11
No. 675172
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>>675163Yeah in 2018-2019 people born in 1995 were often considered zoomers. I have a mix of Z and Y characteristics
No. 675178
>>675163>That's quite US-centric. I'm 25 and yuropoor and I don't remember 9/11I'm 24, from Europe and do vividly remember it, but I think I probably wouldn't have remembered it if I didn't happen to be in front of the tv that day. But I agree, it's quite an US-centric measurement and a bit stupid.
I feel like there's some sort of Gen Z vs Millenial 'competition', both in this thread as well as on social media and it's fucking stupid.
No. 675180
>>675178> I feel like there's some sort of Gen Z vs Millenial 'competition', both in this thread as well as on social media and it's fucking it's so stupid. I don't have an issue with millennials. It seems like since there's many shitty boomers (they stand out at least or maybe I'm making the same mistake) people expect the generation conflict to continue with the next ones.
also, millennials were shat on so hard for their struggles (and strengths!). Maybe some zoomers think they have something to prove so they don't get the same treatment
No. 675205
> People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
I'm 31 so a year over but, Like other anons have said the first thing that comes to mind is being coddled and not showing alot of resiliance as a result of that. The online self labelling of mild lows as depression gets annoying and the need to use the internet as a venting tool for everday lows and a soap box for beliefs is a bit full on at times. (though in fairness older people do the soapbox thing too, mostly on fb)
I grew up at a time where my parents only used disposable cameras every now and then so pics of childhood were pretty few and far between and I've never taken up the habit of taking pics of myself or recording moments that aren't very significant. The amount of photo sharing is definitely different. I dont hate it, I just don't get it.
Back to self labelling with illnesses. It's one of the things that I would say actually bugs me. Things like PTSD, parents being narcs, autism self diagnosis, saying self diagnosis is valid. When I was 12 (nearly 20 years ago, woah) I stopped being able to leave my house, started having panic attacks and was suicidal. I was diagnosed with clinical depression, agoraphobia , put on a hefty dose of meds considering how small I was and I still had a dad saying mental illness is bullshit when professionals were trying to get through to him to stop punishing me. There is definitely a balance to be reached when it comes to acknowledging the mental health issues of young people but not to the point where self dignosis becomes the norm or where online venting replaces therapy. Professionals need to be involved, there's more mental health awareness now than there ever was so this pulling away from real world diagnosis seems crazy.
No. 675211
>>675086This book I read for CPTSD suggested there’s a pandemic of narcissism among Boomers (remember, they were raised by a generation traumatized by war, economic depression, fascism), and so the Boomers have raised a generation of traumatized adults in return.
My bf is a millennial with Gen X parents and the difference is crazy remarkable.
No. 675223
>>675172I was born in 1990 and I consider anyone born after 1993 a zoomer. Can't relate to them at all and the generational gap seems to be born at around that time.
>>675159>zoomers seem to be less focused on superficial shit like looks and trendsThey've replaced it with superficial political views and destroying someone's life for not agreeing on some bizarre political issue. Something like the gender ideology is a luxury first world debate and just as shallow and useless as the teens in the early 00s fighting over bands and artists, only now the self harm scars and eating disorders of that time have been turned into hormones and mastectomies.
No. 675245
>>675228Why is this so prevalent with boomers? My parents are also boomers and they are just the narrowest thinkers. They have this idea of "I did everything myself, I'm self-made, fuck everyone else" when it's not true in the slightest. My parents both got a shitload of financial help from
their parents; houses, cars, money to start their business, etc., but somehow my sister and I were greedy for wanting help with college or lazy for not moving out when we were 18.
No. 677197
>>677188in my country even younger millenials (1992+) act like zoomers because the 90s were basically just war and poverty and all the pop culture consumption and adoption of attitudes at the time happened after the y2k mark.
the whole "gen x/gen y/gen z" divide just doesn't apply to us at all and seems wildly American, millenials as they are in the US (craft beers, avocado toast, lumbersexuals and backpacking etc) simply don't exist here.
No. 677258
>>677247lol sorry anon but it's true, everything associated with millenials in the west (Glossier, influencers with overly perfect ig feeds, HelloFresh, Uber and similar companies, beauty boxes, trendy tech companies with jungle gyms and hired clowns, hell even costhots) is something most people my age see as things for rich, older anglos and scandinavians.
the only people who hopped on that train back in the day in my country were local celebrities that everyone hates for being out of touch and fake, the rest of us just couldn't afford "experiences" outside of pirated games and music.
No. 677328
>>677309I'm just sat here wondering what lifelong health issues they'll have, how long they will live and whose taxes will pay for that in countries with cheap tax-funded healthcare.
So many of them are sedentary shut-ins who already whine about mental issues and needing benzos to function, combined with all the surgeries and hormones many of them seem to be getting I'm curious what will become of their bodies in the future.
No. 677355
>>677348I think if the system becomes too overwhelmed with genderspecials crying for free money and treatments, we will eventually have no choice but to move to privatized healthcare thanks to them. Then they'll be fucked, but so will so many other people who genuinely need support like diabetics and cancer patients.
Actually I wonder if cancer rates will skyrocket thanks to all the synthetic hormones, crappy diets and unnecessary body modifications.
No. 677602
>>677300>but i loooove craft beer and i cant help itnayrt and it's ok anon I'm a zoomer and i fucking love craft beer too
Shame it's a bit out of my price range since I'm eastern euro but I love me some good beer
No. 677654
>>677632>>677562>the muh heart weeps for children enslaved by the screens!! memeBefore tablets and smartphones it was game boys, comic books, walkmans, coloring books and the fucking kids corner at the restaurant playing movies on repeat. Kids will get restless and have zero patience which they will learn with time but I simply don't understand how for example forcing them to sit quietly following adults talking about things they don't understand for hours on end is doing that. I don't see how letting your kid watch cartoons on youtube to entertain themselves during a situation where anyone would be bored to death is a bad thing.
Those kids you see "glued to the screens" in restaurants and public transit probably get to play plenty and do healthy activities at places where they aren't strapped to a chair having to stay still. The problem occurs when you don't monitor what they're doing on their devices. Literally just saw a reality TV episode in which a 9-year old had seen some liveleaks level goreshit and creepypasta videos online because the mother hadn't kept tabs on his internet activity.
No. 677901
>>677679And what anon, you’ve been peeking in everyone’s windows and noticed the kids are on ipads 24/7?
I don’t know the reasons why playgrounds are empty in your anonymous area (though there could be plenty of reasons other than “parents are failing”). But just because you don't see the kids outside, doesn’t mean they are all living on technology alone. Toys exist, and kids have crazy imaginations.
No. 677925
>>677901Yes, I stalk children for a living.
I know because I work as a teacher assistant and live in an urban area with lots of families, everyone lives in an apartment, there's just playgrounds, skate parks and basketball courts. If they're not there, they can't really go anywhere else, especially with the lockdown going on.
There is a stark difference between kids from 10 years ago and kids now, they've become a lot more socially inept and overweight.
Parents don't do anything because they usually both have jobs and a lot of them just leave them money for takeout or food to microwave. During recess they don't play, they watch things by themselves on phones they shouldn't have in the first place at this age.
No. 677969
>>677959I have some idea, I have to feed a family too with this salary, you're acting as if I earn millions doing what I do.
My LO is a toddler so I have even less free time than parents of a school-age child, yet I can still afford two hours every Sunday to prep meals for the week.
Buying a phone on a monthly plan leaves parents on an even tighter budget which means fewer quality meals, yes. It also shows they don't have their priorities straight, but you seem to be intentionally acting obtuse.
No. 677983
>>677969You're being obtuse saying luxuries which have their own sliding scales of costs deem families destitute by owning them.
The issue is kids access to them in school if it's making them remain motionless when they should be running around. I haven't noticed kids being less active by having a mobile phone.
No. 678007
luxuries and not necessary for a healthy, productive life. If you can't afford to feed your children but they have a smartphone, concentrate your efforts on fulfilling their basic needs first.
>>677984If you don't want to properly parent said children and can't afford to raise them and feed them healthy meals, don't have multiples of them. I understand people wanting a child and not being able to wait because they might not be able to conceive in the near future, but why have several if you can barely afford to raise one and don't want to put in the effort for your own kid to even make them lunch?
No. 678042
>>678007My point is coming from making judgements about the life situations that you can't understand because you haven't lived that experience.
I'm not arguing with the purchasing of phones, or really any of your points. Kids don't need phones. Even tablets are questionable, and to be honest I'm less than impressed with how much technology that's used with Chromebooks now.
It's cheaper to make kids' meals at home. Taking 10 minutes to pull together baby carrots or cherry tomatoes, some kind of protein, and a carb item is cake.
No. 678070
>>677925This makes sense. On that note, I'm actually surprised that so many anons are this
triggered by the suggestion that excessive reliance on new media tech is harmful to the development of children.
No. 678728
>>678471I completely agree anon. I honestly just feel for the zoomer generation. I was lucky to escape most of the social media, but they're growing up in it, where they're encouraged/pressured to share very intimate details and pictures of themselves online. Coolness back in the 90s/early 2000s was wearing bellbottoms, buying authentic Birkenstocks, or having a Razor scooter, owning a flip phone. Video games and anime were taboo. Nowadays it's all about having a fanbase, whether that be on Instagram, twitch, or youtube. It's funny, and maybe this is a local thing, but apparently sweatpants and big t shirts with running shorts are in style now. My high school sister claims it's cool to look frumpy, which is just so bizarre to me kek. That was considered a fashion no no when I was growing up.
No. 680132
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As a zoomer myself, I will never understand why most zoomies like clout in tiktok or twitter so much.
Like mtf don't you have a personality outside social media
No. 685311
I’m 29 and used to have Gen-Z kids work for me at my old job. (Worked in restaurants, so I had a ton of different people work for me)
I think the thing they have going for them that people my age and older didn’t have was openness about mental health issues, etc. They were way more likely to just be upfront about suffering from depression/anxiety and needing meds/therapy, and being sympathetic. That was nice.
OTOH, sometimes they were WAY too open and upfront about very personal things- and they didn’t really see the inherent danger in, say, discussing their “kinks” with a creepy 35+ y/o groomer standing in earshot of them and their buddy. The males were also way more likely to talk about stuff like porn/hentai, which I thought was weird, but I guess it’s been normalized compared to like 10-15 years ago, and they prolly grew up being exposed to some pretty degenerate shit. I mean, men would talk about weird shit at my work, but usually when they didn’t think people were listening. These kids, though, are -brazen- about it.
TBH, I don’t have a lot of opinions about “x group of people”, Gen Z in my mind is largely still young people who’re trying to finish college/get a career/figure out what they want. I guess I feel a bit bad for them because they don’t have as much breathing room to fuck up and make mistakes and not have to worry about it getting plastered all over SM.
No. 729950
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This is probably wishful thinking on my part, but
I think late zoomers who are growing up at home will definetely be more tranquil, quiet and serene than their older counterparts. Maybe we'll enter a new era of being more silent and pacifist since we all agree as a society that some people are too aggressive and virtue signaling out of nowhere. Plus, those kids are being raised by older millenials, and if I know one thing, older millenials tend to me more positive and caring parents. The apathy that millenials have towards annoying stuff and the desire they have to have fun and peace with each other is nicer. Plus millenials in general are more… real? They don't police others, they know everyone has their own weird hobbies like star wars or whatever, and they're respectful.
But that's only a wish, really
No. 729952
>>677896Holy fuck, I fucking hate these assholes. I hate these parents. I want them to die. I hope they die in a car crash misteriously. I want people who give their toddlers and babies a phone to die.
>remember when narcissism was bad>remember when being self absorbed was uglyHoly shit, this video said it right.
No. 729998
>>729969I agree, with the caveat that American zoomers are batshit and can go fuck themselves.
They turn on everyone including each other and try to cancel you for racism or transphobia that isn't even there in the first place. They don't know or care about the world outside of their bubble, the West needs to be permablocked from Twitter so they can collect their thoughts and stop being mentally ill.
No. 730044
>>730011>We are all beta testing what technology does to human health and development and it takes a generation to figure out if it fucks you up or not. Agree but humanity may decide to keep it if we determine the net positives are better than the negatives. Previous generations said the same about electricity, vehicles, radio, and television. Maybe they all had points to an extent (maybe it made societies more lazy and convenience-driven, or it altered the way we behaved) but overall none of those things ruined us. I'm sure if we could revive a generation from a thousand years ago, we would be unsalvagable degenerate aliens in their eyes.
I feel that a fair amount of criticism is healthy, but if the next generation takes it upon themselves to steer towards a different way of living then it's not necessarily my right to say it's messed up. My ancestors wouldn't agree with my lifestyle in the least.
No. 736021
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I cannot believe my generation will be known for this pronoun bullshit. Please, please let us do something remarkable as a group (when we're more matured) to bury this shit out of sight.
No. 736032
>>736024You know what… I think we will!
by like 2030 But I think a small rabid group will survive.
No. 737640
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One thing I don't get about zoomers is how none of them know how to torrent/pirate anything. And not only that, but they don't seem to want to learn. My girlfriends younger sister says it's "too scary" to do and a zoomer coworker of mine would rather just pay for Netflix or a game on Steam inside of just pirating it. Out of all the generations, you'd think zoomers would be the most eager to pirate shit since they're so anti-capitalist but I guess not.
No. 737661
>>737640I'm a zoomer and
want to learn how to torrent shit. The most I know to do is download music from youtube as mp3 files and using streaming sites for films and tv. I just don't what to trust, yet I can tell what's obviously sketchy and malicious.
sorry for the rant, it just sucks not having an older sibling showing me the ropes.
No. 737675
>>737630Whose company I prefer is irrelevant, I still have a lot more in common with 21+ zoomers as a generation than fellow millenials over 35.
>grew up with the internet being a central part of life and socializing>most people in school had a smart phone by 16>SJW shit was rampant and genderspecials had solidly become a common thing>grew up with the same vidya and cartoonsJust to name a few off the top of my head. People over 35 have far less in common with me as far as what we grew up with.
No. 737676
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>>737653This. The "zoomers are super good a tech" thing is true, but "tech" in the way it's used is to broad. The average zoomer is super good at using
apps and
sites, pc hardware and gaming if you're pushing it, the way they were intended to, piracy and APK confuse them. Any tech related thing beyond that and most zoomers fall to boomer levels of technological failure. Zoomers are only good at tech when compared to boomers
Since we're talking about zoomers shitty at tech my professor had to start class with a "So when you send an email you don't put your message in the subject line. You put it in the big box under the subject"
No. 737677
>>737655>>737653>>737640This is such a huge
trigger of mine, oh my fucking god. So many of them act like it's useless to own a real computer then act like they discovered a whole new world wjen they find out about all the shit you need a computer for that you can't just do on a phone. Like, they genuinely think the only thing you need a computer for is gaming and their mind is blown when they find out otherwise. It annoys the shit out of me.
No. 737699
>>737661>>737668agree with these. another good torrent spot is rutracker, especially for music. to search there i recommend entering "" in google (or whatever search engine), at the end of your query (with an artist name or album name or whatever it is you're looking for at the beginning
if that wasn't obvious). searching from within the site seems to require account login but you can get to the individual torrent pages by using an external search engine and you don't need to be a registered member to download the torrents and the trackers are not private either.
No. 737709
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>>737695This was my first time watching it and I am very upset
No. 737727
>>737640yeah, this is what made me realize I'm not a
full zoomer. bc I've been torrenting since I was 12 and now I'm 23.
It's definitely partly the ad campaign against torrenting + rise of easy to watch streaming services. Plus if your parents are paying for Netflix etc., why even bother torrenting?
But I feel this also goes hand-in-hand with zoomers not using desktop computers very often, if at all. My brother who's literally only two years younger than me exclusively uses his phone for everything, ig in particular. I think zoomers really excel at social media the most tbh, using it to their advantage to make money/promote their art/brands/network etc.
No. 737733
>>737681Have you guys noticed that they went through
4 decades of fashion starting from 2017? 80s, 90s, 2000s, and now late2000s/early 2010s. Jesus fuck, do they all have adhd or something?
No. 737776
>>737727>why even bother torrenting? It kills me that zoomers are content to just wait until a show or movie gets put on Netflix or watch a 240p version on 123movies. I just don't get it when there's a simple, quick solution available to them.
A zoomer friend of mine missed seeing a popular movie in theaters before the pandemic hit and was seriously going to just wait for god knows how long for it to appear on Netflix. Literally took me 20 minutes to torrent, zip it, and send it to her. Yet, she still doesn't want to learn to do it herself because she thinks she'll go to jail or something.
No. 737780
>>737775I'm also a zillenial and feel the same. I also think the generation "categories" are very America-centric, most people my age in my country are virtually zoomers.
I don't have a lot in common with the tiktok zoomer teens or people 30 and up, but I feel no difference between me at 27 and people who are 21+. Although most of my friends and I hang out in the same circles so that could also be why.
No. 737821
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>>737733calling it now that the next trend to make a comeback among younger zoomers is the 2013-2014 ~soft grunge~ arctic monkeys aesthetic, i already had this shit recommended to me the other day. i swear i remember seeing this exact meme when i was 13 and going through that phase
No. 737836
>>737821>>737827Why can't they make up their own ~aesthetic~?
Are e-girls and e-boys going to be their only contribution? kek
No. 737864
>>737844I'm a "zoomer" but more of a millennial than my boyfriend, an actual millennial.
I really don't think it has anything to do with what you can or can't remember and more with how you were raised, values, and traits.
I believe the cut off for who is a millennial was when the year 2000 began.
No. 737872
>>594715>People who are currently 18-24, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 25-30?Probably going to be the most anarchist, left-wing generation and that scares the fuck out of corporations.
Everything in modern America now that sucks is entirely an attempt to brainwash them before they grow up and start taking positions in office and telling the corporations to fuck off.
No. 737875
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>>737776> she thinks she'll go to jail or something.that's what I'm saying, the PSAs literally worked. it's simply just been ingrained in people.
No. 737879
>>737875I'm not sure if it's the PSAs or the lawsuits of giant companies crushing little middle-aged mothers with million dollar lawsuits for downloading cartoons and songs for their grandchildren.
THAT is what ingrains into people. The piracy ads were aimed at us, and we laughed at them.
No. 737929
>>737881Then I think there should really be a word of its own to describe the generation between millennials and zoomers. A lot in terms of the internet and technology changed in a very short amount/period of time, I definitely don't remember/didn't experience the internet when it was
the absolute wild west but I also
did get to experience it when it wasn't the corporate monster it is today. That's not the only thing that separates late-90ers from millennials and zoomers, so it's silly to just relegate us to zoomers lol but also this whole thread is silly and i don't know why I was trying to set myself in a box.
No. 737936
I am a 21 year old zoomer with background of severe insecurity who is not on any social media except a reddit account i have never posted on (for muh mental health) and I can't fathom how I'll ever making a single friend, even when I start going to college in person. If I interact with others, how will I maintain the friendship?
I've always thought I had niche interests that would make it hard to connect with others. Now I'm starting to realize that being disconnected from social media is going to make it impossible to join into new interests or communities. Even though there are a thousand ways I could make friends at a distance, my crippling fear of social embarrassment will make it even more impossible since I'm too scared to put myself on social media and have to post myself being happy and fear criticism.
>>594753With the Harry Potter thing, I don't look down at all on harmless sperging. But when I mentioned to a 30 year old acquaintance that i liked to read and was a quiet kid in school and she asked if I'd ever read Harry Potter, she was super mean to me when I said I hadn't because my parents wouldn't let me thanks to the witchcraft. It was like I was 7 years old again being bullied.
Supremacy of childhood interests is really silly.
No. 738687
>>594715>People who are currently 18-24, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 25-30?I'm sure OP meant what zoomers think of millennials and vice versa but either way I was just thinking about this but the ones I know are cool, I like them more
BUT the worst trait as a generation was the taking of feminism in the completely opposite direction it was meant to go. Previous generation of women's hard work down the drain. I remember the whole free the nipple shit when I was a teen. A whole generation of groomers is what I see a lot of millennial liberal women as. Almost fell for it.
No. 842824
>>842723There's such a stark divide between people born in the early 90s and late 90s. I have to assume it's because the early 90s kids remember the pre-internet days.
>>842709Porn. I blame us millennials for degrading feminism to the point of unrecognizability. Zoomers are simply playing around in the trash heap that millennials built.
No. 842981
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>>842826Gen x was pretty based
No. 843064
>>842981problem with Gen-X feminism(and gen-xers in general) was that they were too focused on looking cool and radical and never actually doing anything, everyone thought the Gen-xers would be the one's to lead the revolution and they ended becoming boomers-lite when they get older, so many of the women who participated in riotgirl ended up in the neo-liberal cooperate camp
This is where Gen-x feminism would eventually be led to
No. 843209
>>843178It's funny the fact fidget toys have become a trend with zoomers, but learning how to use a computer is technically fidgeting itself. Seriously, any electronic I own, I usually spend a few minutes up to hours just tinkering with it; going through random menus to see what leads to where, looking up YouTube videos and through the manuals to see if there's any hidden features, etc. Don't be afraid, just fidget. I learned how to manually remove spyware by myself. I know reddit is cringe but they do have pretty well compiled lists of essential programs and tweaks for your operating system, smartphone, browser, homebrew console… Honestly, take a few minutes out of your day, step away from the never ending live feed of social media, and just get curious about the limits of the hardware you own.
No. 844008
>>843178zoomer ('01), learned the basics from older relatives. horrifyingly enough i had a girl ask in our freshman year of college how to work a zip file (cs major no less).
basic pc literacy is going down probably because device sharing is becoming less and less common
No. 844252
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I honestly feel bad for zoomers, I hate so much about the post ~2012 internet and I think zoomers are/will be all the worse for having grown up around it. Plus the somewhat-unexpected technological illiteracy which you guys have mentioned.
As far as “where do you draw the line,” I was born in ‘95 and my sibling in ‘99, and their experiences particularly regarding high school onward feel like a different generation than mine. The difference is even more obvious for students entering college right now (I’m in grad school so I work with them).
No. 848688
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So Zoomers are less likely to be Christian or any other real religion then previous generations, but they are more likely to have weird folk beliefs like reincarnation and astrology.
I mean on tiktok and twitter see Zoomers unironically believing in shit like healing, witchcraft, magic, reincarnation, kinning and other shit
No. 848741
>>848688It’s interesting how much the Internet is the tethered to alt spirituality.
Old internet- think geocities- was full of witches and stuff.
No. 848751
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>>848741You just unlocked so many buried memories of copying down spells from every geocity type sites I could find, they were all filled with flashing animations of pentagrams and daggers
No. 848874
>>848851I think that's just due to not being a normfag. I'm also a 97 baby and could never relate to anyone because I'm a dweeb.
And you're on an imageboard in 2021 so you, too, may be a dweeb. Sorry.
No. 848912
>>848851Generational characterizations don't really include counterculture or alt people. You probably just fall outside the norm.
I was in the punk scene. I don't really identify with the millennial meme, but almost all my 90's baby peers really are quirky harry potter obsessed people addicted to Buzzfeed. I told this girl recently that skinny jeans are off trend and she c r i e d.
No. 866874
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Sorry this isn't really my full opinion on millennials but I just want to sperg:
I was born in '98 and I've always been really jealous of people who were older because personal customization of your online profiles was common back then.
Don't judge me for the context but I recall learning about how kids in high school in the late 90s would have websites when I was looking into Columbine. Regardless of what shit they had on their own websites, I thought the fact that the concept was really neat.
By the time I got social media under my own name (2010?) any of the fun or customization for Facebook was gone, see picrel for what I remember it looked like. By that point the 'fun' was simply about statuses and likes. I remember that Twitter used to let you customize your background and the interface colors but they've scaled that back to practically no customization. The closest thing gen Z has that I've seen is carrd which is from my understanding just a bunch of fucking retards. Altogether it doesn't really matter if you give a shit about your personal information or privacy because you should have no social media under your actual name.
Another thing that weirds me out is how easily lost some of the internet is up until a couple years ago. Growing up I had a presence on some kids website including being on hate blogs and I can hardly find those anymore when I look up my old username. Contrast that to today where it's fairly easy to link people to their real identities if they don't have any computer literacy. I do kind of resent how I never got to enjoy the 'fun' parts of social media (like AIM, AOL, bebo, Myspace) because nowadays it's so serious. Serious to the point that there's no hope for curating a neutral digital presence due to inevitable negative consequences like your info being sold for pennies or your 'cancellable' actions being tied to your real name and career.
No. 1492909
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My older sister is a core millenial, although we are not from the US so the culture is a bit watered down in comparison to the extreme cases shown in the video.
Her humor comes down to "OMG I have depression! Men, am I right?! Capitalism, am I right?!" there is no depth or any want to see beyond, she is reaching her mid 30s, she is responsible and socially functional but when it comes to humor, media, politics and hobbies she never got past 2010.
I believe that millenials are having their early mid-life crisis (at 30, I know its stupid), and their way to lash out is to stunt their worldview into what they percieve as their prime, their teenage years
No. 1492946
>>1492921>>1492934What's with this narrative that millenials have never said anything bad about zoomers? All generations have hated on the ones that have come after them and the ones before. Maybe if you're exclusively browsing sites with a significant zoomer demographic like tiktok it'd appear that way but it clearly goes both ways.
>>1492916Agreed. Generations have always been meaningless to me and always felt very American especially when it comes to pop culture/nostalgic references. You'd have more in common with someone born a couple years before/after you but in a different generation than somebody born on the other end of the same generation as you.
No. 1493443
OK, sorry this is so long but I want to post some thoughts.
I think most serious "generational conflicts" (note: I think these & "generations" are artificial and manufactured by people who want to sow discord) aren't between consecutive generations but between skipped generations: so silent generation vs. gen x, boomers vs. millenials, gen x vs. zoomers. These are the conflicts and even petty differences that tend to get covered in mainstream media & opinion articles. These trickle down to social media. No one decided to mock a hair part until someone at a large fashion magazine or marketing thinktank decided to start telling people that some hair part is "millennial."
I might be biased as a millennial, but if we believe this generation exists, we really got fucked. As the first generation truly raised with the internet and certain technologies from childhood, we were criticized for being interested and "addicted" to them. (Now it's pretty much required to be addicted if you want a job.) We had insane university fees in the US with very, very few scholarships or offsets if you wanted to attend a private or special university. My university gave out NO merit scholarships and not even people under the poverty line who were admitted got a full ride. All of that came much later and tbh I'm still not sure whether that university gives significant reductions in tuition for people who aren't dirt poor. My mom worked as a pharmacy tech and she applied to work at the university hospital so I could get 1/2 tuition. I worked so many jobs (once 3 concurrently) on top of taking courses. It really is insane how I survived and managed to perform well under those conditions but it wasn't healthy at all, and I didn't have a social life.
After the economy crashed in 2008, housing and rent costs skyrocketed. Millennials were the ones encouraged to take unpaid internships and volunteer work for our resumés - these things often did jack shit except allow us to be exploited. During my masters program, we were paid as teaching assistants under the poverty line. Normally we would have qualified for food stamps but in my state they fucked that up for us too. TAs taught insane amounts of hours for peanuts. As a millennial, you learned to keep your mouth shut and work to death to maybe break even. To maybe have a chance. It felt like even the best and brightest of us were at the mercy of our elders all the time - no wonder that so many sexual harassment stories broke after #MeToo. We were promised a chance after being hazed. Most of us never got it. Those who did (I can say I might be considered among them) still feel like it could be ripped from them at any moment. We tend to work for boomers and not gen x. Boomers (if we are generalizing) still don't give a shit about mental health, harassment, bullying, nothing. I report sexual harassment and literally am told "he wouldn't do that." By a woman. But I need her, ok, she will write my recommendation letter. So I'm not in the position right now to make waves and I know that.
Zoomers benefit from being raised in a culture where mental health is discussed, though the glorification of mental illnesses is a cancer on the world. I am probably "too old" amd performed too well to get adhd treatment though I could benefit from that. I was/am probably a bit autistic in the aspergery sense but bullying and shaming will actually beat some of that out of you. I mean, how else did we survive school? I learned what to do to survive and make a career path for myself. Most millennials didn't have the option of saying "oh I've got this condition" and waiting for others to accommodate them. There are good and bad things about that. I guess it hurts a little to see how open Zoomers can be about mental health and bullying, because these were taboo topics when I was growing up. Absolutely taboo. But I wouldn't take that openness from them, just wish a little bit would have been available to us when we were kids.
The "conflicts" between millennials and zoomers are usually completely petty things or things that show me how young they are. Once they grow a bit more they will see how our serious generational trauma relates to theirs, and why we apologize all the time or whatever. I don't care, I have zoomer friends but I keep some distance there bc of the age gap (don't want to seem weird). We usually have shared hobbies and that's an ageless connection you can make with someone.
I miss blogs. Facebook is a cesspit. Sorry for the novel. Ugh my dog needs me, i just need to post this now.
No. 1493475
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>>1493443>I report sexual harassment and literally am told "he wouldn't do that." By a woman. But I need her, ok, she will write my recommendation letter. So I'm not in the position right now to make waves and I know that. Real
No. 1493534
>>1493443>Zoomers benefit from being raised in a culture where mental health is discussed>most millennials didn't have the option of saying "oh I've got this condition" and waiting for others to accommodate themI feel that a lot. I've been one of the first people at my school who self-harmed back then, no one talked directly to me about it, except once, asking me if I'm in a satanic cult (yes, wearing black means satanic cult) and that was it. There was no help from anyone and every other person I knew at that time who also self-harmed would be treated for BPD (at 15/16), that was the only diagnosis you would get for that behaviour and it was one of the reasons I never went to therapy because I didn't want to be labelled like that, it wasn't/isn't what's wrong with me. Bullying was also a topic no one talked about, even though it happend to me for so many years that I've never learned to trust anyone. "Just ignore it" was the advice I got from my parents, so I never talked to anyone about it.
But there is one thing I'm very happy about, growing up before social media was used by everyone, it would have been hell on earth what they would have done to me online.
>I miss blogsblogs and forums, all those small blogs, those forums for specific topics, not a huge website like Reddit, small, tiny communities. I miss that a lot, I feel like it all got so big today.
No. 1493555
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I just recently got a happy 19th birthday email from Livejournal for my main journal. It prompted me to go look at it and damn… I remember the day I made it 10th grade. Was on a library computer, back to the check out desk so I couldn't tell if the librarians were watching me (the computers were strictly for doing classwork). I read somewhere above about the loss of personalization of blogs/websites etc and even I felt that way back in 2004. I was feeling like I missed out on the ultra personal, homemade websites. I had one, but never quite mastered web building. I felt that Livejournal stripped away the freedom to make it whatever you wanted. Little did I know what was coming down the pipeline, MySpace took a little more away, and Facebook really was the nail in the coffin.
No. 1493562
>>1493475boomer academic. I wasn't the
victim this time but witnessed her former student (now a professor) saying he wanted to sit on this woman's face and impregnate her. Other woman didn't know he was saying that. "Oh he wouldn't do that." She knew the whole time and didn't do a damn thing. Professional conference. Multiple days. He also said impregnation was the ultimate way to own another person.
I'll expose him completely after I get my damn phd, I told everyone I know to stay away from that guy and not advise anyone to go to his department.
No. 1562489

I'm genuinely concerned about the future of Zoomers. As they approach their 30s, many are experiencing more financial hardship than even Millennials did. I guess one positive aspect is that they have been aware of the rigged system from the beginning and have not wasted their youth. It's heartbreaking to see my grandparents, who are 80 years old, living in a large, empty house, while many others don't even make it to 70. If I had inherited wealth in my 20s, my life would have been much easier. It's frustrating when you don't have much money, which is why I don't blame people for wanting to become influencers or YouTubers, since money is so important in providing a good life.
The world is just in a strange place right now, because on one hand, most people, even the poor working class, have easy and instant access to cheap entertainment (smartphones + streaming apps + internet/social media + video games + streaming music + porn + junk food) all for virtually free, yet on the other hand, actual human needs like healthcare, housing, education, and a crime-free environment are increasingly out of reach for the majority of the population, including the ever-shrinking middle class.
No. 1562763
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>>1562688>They're too scared to look offensive or make actual statements of their own in their jokesI get this public wise but on the internet I think this is more true among zoomers than millennials. Millennials were offensive as fuck especially on the early internet when everyone was on sites like New grounds and YTMND and they still are. That's also why the ones who cry the loudest about muh censorship are millennials. Younger Zoomers are a little bit more divided, or at least that's what my zoomer bf says but they are still just as edgy.
Also zoomers seem to really love old millennial internet culture which I find kind of cute.
mods pls no ban it's just an example of an old popular millennial meme No. 1562802
>>1562774I’m tired of old “random ecksdee” type media that was popular among internet users of the 00s being “rediscovered” by zoomers and claiming that the media in question was “before its time”
It wasn’t before its time!!!
No. 1562826
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>>1562802At least some of them are respectful
No. 1612656
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it wild watching millennials undergo boomerfication, complaining about zoomers being on their "tik-toks" all days
No. 1612671
>>1612656I'm a(n admittedly young) millennial and I also use TikTok, as do many people even older than me because it's insanely popular.
It's just another SM platform and I hate to see people scorning all of it as if it's the same as it was in 2020 when it was just dances and cringe coomerbait.
It makes sense, gen Z like it because looking at the lives of people like yourself and interacting with them is a lot more fun than watching a show about a teen superhero or Chosen One out to save the world, or some moid's rape fantasy disguised as artsy television. TikTok is just what magazines used to be back in the day, but better because it's real people posting their outfits and not some middle-aged moid deciding what to shill to teens this week.
No. 1613213
>People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
I feel they have more extremes. Extremely consoomerific, extremely climate focused, extremely critical, extremely depressed, extremely intelligent, extremely determined, extremely ambitious, extremely lazy. Etc. As in whatever personality trait that person would have reguardless, it is amplified. Zoomer likes tiktok? Addict. Zoomer hates tech? Dumbphone and faraday box. Zoomer disgusted with social, economic, global, climate etc issues? Activist. Its really interesting to see imo. Some Zoomers disgust me with how they seemed to be molded by advertisers and data mining algorithms, and some astound me with their critical thinking skills and values. I feel very protective in a way, because if I were much younger I dont think I would have any clue how to achieve the life I do at this moment. Sometimes I wonder if I were younger if opportunity would have been easier to spot, to propel me to where I want to be, too. Probably the former.
No. 1616232
I'm 24, usually call myself a zoomer but don't really feel like i fit in fully with either group. close relatives, coworkers, friends who i could strongly identify as "millennial" or "zoomer" and find it interesting to analyze. there's good and bad in both.
better social skills, terminally afraid of commitment, obsessed with normie media (avengers, GOT, HP, anything popular), more "safe" sense of humor (tumblr like?), prefer to avoid political topics, dress the same, AWFUL baby names, cry about how "adulting is hard" constantly, tend to have libfem viewpoints (cringe), reddit facebook funko pops memes
more experimental with fashion (can be a good thing or a bad thing…), very divided politically and tend to be more interested in talking about political stuff OR think it's "cool" to not care about anything, obsessed with stupid tiktok bullshit and influenced by it too much, may have more niche interests but tend to ruin everything, edgier sense of humor, awful perception of their appearance, weird mumble rap, either sleeping around or a khv into their 20s, the worst slang ever that i hope will die out soon, whats your snap discord tiktok memes haha sewerslide iykyk
awful attention spans, obsession with "brands", porn addictions rampant, more environmentally conscious and seem to be more into working out and eating more relatively healthy than previous generations
No. 1617005
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I feel this applies for most of my generation, many are actually more brainwashed than previous generations except instead of TV they get their political propaganda from YouTube and Tiktok
No. 1617014
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>>594715My tinfoil is that the establishment media and shady old men started the gen-z vs millennials language to divide the youngest, most powerful generations still in their prime so we would not unite and destroy them. We are more alike than we're not. We suffer in almost the same way, in every way. The minor differences like zoomer haircuts or HP loving millennials do not matter and are completely, utterly aesthetic. If we ever catch on, there's some old men that are going to wind up on the gallows and they think about that every night before they go to bed.
No. 1617434
>>1617014I think you're absolutely right,
Nonnie. Classic divide and conquer.
No. 1701004
>>1700879(zoomer) I relate, and I think it'd help to point out two main parts to this. The first was a lot of feminist-style "sex positivity" stuff that depicted an empowered cool woman as being a sexual one. I'd hear women saying stuff like that having tons of sex is totally normal and everyone is doing it, which made me feel self-conscious as a virgin. For context, I was (am) sort of a shut-in no friends type who didn't get any attention from either sex. I never ever heard about girls not having sex, only loser incel boys, and it actually fuelled tranny thoughts. I'd also talk about sex online to try to be that image of the cool sexy chick which was pretty bad at 11 years old.
My sister is a millennial and I noticed that people like her usually talk about being shamed for being active, which made me feel weirder because it was very much the opposite for me. I am sure there are also girls my age who were shamed as well but I'm just offering my honest review.
The second part to it is the openness to porn/kink that zoomers are exposed to. Some people call this "sex positivity" too I guess. I was watching porn at like… 10 or 11? And learning about all sorts of fringe fetishes. All my (online) friends watched porn and talked about that stuff too. It was extremely normalized. (retarded, disgusting:
I remember a moment when I was a teen in an online art community with other teens, and this like 13yo girl posted a drawing she did of a dog using a sex toy, like a 4 legged puppy with a dog penis not even a fucking furry, and all my friends were telling her "nice job! cute!" and I had this sudden epiphany like "wait a minute, this is fucked up. What the fuck? Where am I?") I feel like this is not a millennial thing since there wasn't access to unlimited niche porn delivered via internet when they were that age
No. 1702009
>>1701582i don't know anon, it still think it depends on socioeconomic class and where you're located. the aunt i mentioned became of age in the late 90s and that was when my poorfag thirdworld country's economy took one of its biggest dips, there wasn't any room for her to breathe or exist in and she suffered the consequences of said dip well into having her own family. my other cousins millennial and gen z (1993-2006) are not screenbound due to being too poor to afford anything other than a television and a brick phone up until like 2016/17 when screen phones became accessible to everyone ( at least in my country ), so none of them are tech proficient, you pretty much had to pay a cybercafe by the hour to use the internet or a computer until then. i just don't believe there's a one-definition that applies to everyone, that's why there's a blurry cusp line, and i also think it definitely depends on what generation you were raised by (our parents are boomers). i'm a "slightly younger zoomie" too
2004 for reference
No. 1724216
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Zoomers are dumb. We spend more per student than ever before but the zoomers keep getting dumber and dumber. They can barely even read.
No. 1724230
>>1724219"no cap fr fr tiktok is my life, imma be a youtube star, i dont need no edukashun, i'll just ask chatgpt to do my homework for me." –some zoomer somewhere. ipad toddlers are going to be even worse than zoomers. I bet the entirety of gen alpha will be spergy little tards drooling on the floor. we'll have to beg china to send us some of their kids just to have anyone left capable of holding a job.
>>1724225teachers are the only profession who, upon failing to perform their job adequately, feel entitled to more compensation.
No. 1724233
>>1724230that's because they're essential workers on the same tier as nurses and doctors but treated like actual dirt. like good luck having a functional society without teachers. there are no other jobs without teachers. they're the very foundation of society yet paid peanuts and expected to not only teach the curriculum but also take of care of behavioral issues children have. parents of
problematic children treat teachers like absolute dirt and keep defending their crotch spawns instead of raising them properly.
No. 1724240
>>1724233Teachers constantly whine about how low their salary is. So I looked it up. In my state they start at 80k and they only work 3/4 of the year. They get more vacation time than anyone else of any other profession, and their job is teaching 2nd grade math to small children. You have a union, you have benefits the rest of us can only dream of, you have actual retirement pensions which no one else has anymore, it's almost impossible to fire a teacher so you have mythic-level job security. Yet you whine endlessly. Meanwhile the more money we spend on education, the worse the result is.
>>1724237I agree parents are raising smoothbrained demon brats with no manners or self control. I just hate hearing teachers whining about pay when they make very above average pay, especially given that they have the entire summer off. Even engineering and accounting start off making 45-50k anymore. Teachers are whiny and coddled, so I don't feel bad that they have to wrangle devious licks zoomer brats all day. The education majors at my uni were the dumbest people in the room. No wonder the kids they teach end up dumb.
No. 1724434
>>1724278Absolutely right, nonna.
80k/year is a bit less than 4 times what I earn as a Yuropfag, and that's after there was a wage re-evaluation and scaling at my work place (despite the scaling in the branch I'm at, I'm still the base of the food chain of the place I work at).
>>1724252And I still live comfortably with about four times less than 80k/year.
Granted, 2/3rds is due to my Mom going to dangerous work missions abroad which she got paid for like a goddamn politician (she's doing this to have a decent retirement wage) who helped me got a good real estate deal at a good timing -
right before the banks decided to stop loaning any money.
But you also gotta be smart with your money, put some away in investment funds, some donations for the common good which are paid back through taxes, do some small voluntary side hustle to help an association or small local company for a 20-40 bucks a month, avoid going to the restaurant or ordering takeout four days a week and cook yourself, the whole shebang.
Or as we would say in my mother tongue, don't put all the eggs in the same basket.
No. 1725575
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No one remade the zoomer hate thread so I’ll put this here I think it’s insane that it’s actually trendy to get hand and face tattoos as your first ones with Gen Z. They act like anyone who says to wait until you’re mostly covered to get those spots done is being a rickety old gatekeeper but it’s just common sense kek. I know someone who has a handful of tattoos but they’re mostly covered who just got a scratcher on his hand and it blows my mind. It’s just some ivy, literally could have moved it up to the forearm.
No. 1725599
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>>1725575I thought most artists don't let people get face and hand tats if they're not tattooed otherwise? Also that tattoo is so ugly. I know it's almost bandwagoning to hate them at this point, but please end that type of clock tattoos.
No. 1725609
>>1724240not to mention many teachers don't have to pay for childcare because they can have their children in their classrooms. If you make 80k a year you get like 6k monthly, you can comfortably afford a 1600 apartment/mortgage, which is more than enough to live in any suburb - not to mention how many reimbursement options there are for teachers who work in inner-city schools. I remember seeing some documentary about low teacher pay and how hard it is to survive and a girl drove a fucking tesla, shopped at whole foods, and ate 20-dollar meals for her lunch break
not to mention how little teachers actually do, majority of the time they just put on a video or some pre made powerpoint they stole as their "lesson plan" and then a reused worksheet that all the students will get on quizlet for answers
No. 1725615
>>1725575This is funny to read as a zoomer that dated a millennial who had tattoos on his face and hands way more than anything else on his body.
Actually, I e-stalked him today weirdly enough and almost his whole face is covered and I heavily doubt he has anything on like.. his back ever since we stopped dating almost 3 years ago.
No. 1725622
>>1725609> not to mention how little teachers actually do, majority of the time they just put on a video or some pre made powerpoint they stole as their "lesson plan" and then a reused worksheet that all the students will get on quizlet for answersFuck off. If a teacher does that, it’s a shit teacher.
Most of the times you have to plan everything, from the “shitty PowerPoints” to picking the videos so the stupid ass kids don’t get too bored because they can’t live without a YouTube video or a cartoon moving on a screen.
Most real teachers would love to have the time to research, make fun projects and shit, but then you tell the kids to read more than a paragraph and you get a sea of Fs because they’re too retarded to comprehend anything.
Jesus I hate students so much.
No. 1725631
>>172562428 years old and I had to teach some stupid teenagers, I made projects, I picked fun videos, I did everything that the teachers from my time at school didn’t do often. And the stupid ass kids still failed because they’re too fucking lazy, they paid other people to do the projects at home. What happened? We had to then make them work at school, but they hate working, so they complained to their parents, but their parents don’t want to deal with their kids’ homework, so it’s all a bunch of bullshit.
Having to deal with a bunch of ungrateful little shits that you didn’t even gave birth to, for any amount of money is the most miserable thing ever, but as a teacher you have to suck it up.
>>1724240No, teachers don’t really get that much time of vacations, because during those vacations you have to deal with the most retarded and lazy students that didn’t study during the period of classes, that’s at least a month, then you have to start planning the classes, the activities, trying to beg the other teachers of other subjects to work with you so you can do joint projects so the kids have some fun, doing a bunch of office work like fucking charts and shit to see how shitty were the grades, calculate the average of the grades and wonder why are you even doing this shit because the grades are shit unless you help out the kids, try to figure out how to helo the problem kids that always fuck up the classes (which aren’t that many btw, specially if you’re only teaching one subject) and so on. It doesn’t seem like it’s too much work, but doing all of that for at least 6 classrooms of at least 41 kids is a pain in the fucking ass.
By the time you’re done with everything, you had spent most of your vacations worrying about the miserable bundles of idiocy that have been alive for less than half of your life.
No. 1725651
>>1725612NTA that mentioned teaching but I’ve been working at a school for a few years and the class of 2023 was the meanest group of students I’ve ever been around. I’m used to some of them being awkward or pretentious but there was a level of immaturity unlike the other years. Totally addicted to their phones, stealing, destroying property, harassing their classmates + teachers, vaping/spraying perfumes and shitting up bathrooms, filming other students to make fun of them etc. You could just tell how many students had zero support from their families and did fuckall during covid lockdown/remote compared to the students trying to do their work and map out their future goals. It was a sad year.
It almost feels weird with how normal 23-24 has been going in comparison.
No. 1725655
>>1725636It’s insane, they literally can’t read. Sure, you have at least 15 students, in a classroom of 40 students, that read and enjoy reading, but the rest can’t even copy a small paragraph well, it’s insane, back in my day (kek) it was the undiagnosed children with ADHD and Autists that had troubles understanding shit (I was one of those). But now, making them read a book is literally torture, like, will cry level of torture.
I had a girl almost cry because I told her to look for some information in a book that had the titles highlighted in very bold letters and had the information clearly displayed. I had a student tell me that he couldn’t find the information that was right there in front of him, I had a student tell me that he didn’t know how to use the index of a book. It’s pathetic and it’s the fault of their retarded parents.
No. 1725882
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This is allegedly from a fashion school, but it still feels tacky.
No. 1725962
>>1724287>You may need roommates, a budget phone plan, and may not have a lot left over for non-essentials and travel.imagine going through a degree, or a master's even, so you have to live with roommates, have a budget phone plan and pay student debts so you can teach teenagers who dont give a fuck and have shitty parents who say you're out of touch and are entitled and spoiled for asking for better pay kek
also Idk where yall are getting 80k from, the US median salary for teachers is 61k, with some places going as low as 41k, 80k is a very high salary and probably in a very expensive area to begin with. starting salaries are 47k in new york, you'd probably get to 80k within decades of work. No. 1726394
>>1726246I had a 19yr old looking zoomer walk up to me mumbling something then ask me for my ig in a Walmart parking lot and when I said no thanks I'm 30 BTW to dismiss him easily, he did this weird bulging eyes + retching noise then screamed DAMN at the top of his lungs and jogged away giggling and clapping
I feel bad for zoomettes their males can only communicate in emotes
I also host a job fair booth for my company at community colleges and the zoomers have very weird social gaps, they will walk up and stare at you in the eyes not smiling and when you lead them by saying hi would you like to leave your resume or ask any questions, they just say "yuh" or "mhmm" and slide their paper on the table and keep staring, answering in 1 word max. Even the chad/stacy looking types who years ago would be considered the top of the social heirarchy are walking around like aspies.
No. 1726578
>>1726356>One thing I noticed about the zoomers is they are basically rehashing our trends literally rhe generation before and act shocked you can keep up with something they think is niche.This just happened to me at uni. I’m a millennial but the zoomers are getting all the remastered versions of the videogames I played in high school and they act like it’s so weird and quirky to like games like Persona 3 in 2023 kek
>>1726308Last semester my zoomer classmates were really nice and would share notes with me. I kinda wish my current class was similar but no one talks or if they do it’s only about videogames and anime.
No. 1726586
>People who are currently 25-30, what is your unfiltered opinion on people currently 18-24?
I'm early 30s and I feel like my experience is a bit different from other young Millennials because I was kind of the "proto-Zoomer" in a way. I first had dial-up in 1999 so even as a kid I was on the computer constantly, and I had all the textbook cringe phases like "weeaboo", "genderqueer", "otherkin", "Satanist", "anarchist", the Invader Zim "lol waffles XD" humor, etc. But even then it feels like the difference between young Millennials who are logged on and the average Zoomer is still like night and day. When I had those phases, nobody IRL encouraged them or took it seriously, my parents and classmates thought I was the biggest retard (I was, TBH). I still have nerdy hobbies like video games but the extreme stuff like trying to be a wolf of a third gender in high school was a transitory phase. But now I notice so many 20-26 year olds act like the way I did when I was 13-16 and take it dead seriously.
No. 1726650
23 but it turns out everyone I've ever gotten along with is cripplingly mentally ill, had an
abusive childhood, or is on the spectrum so I can't give any insight on the average zoomer
>>1726394One time in Walmart an older looking teen boy asked me if I have snapchat when I walked past him. Didn't think he was talking to me so I kept walking and he kept yelling "snap?" progressively louder like 10 times.
>>1726408Is it true that millennial men don't flirt? I have noticed that only teen boys and 40+ year old men hit on me
No. 1726672
>>1726246zoomers are obsessed over ages. they think everyone over 25 is a candy-van driver and live terrified. once they turn 25 that changes to 30 ofc. i've never seen anyone this obsessed with ages before, as if numeric age has shit to do with anything. they act like humans die after 25 and the only years that matter are before that. after grade school exact age matters less and less, but zoomers won't let it go. "um i'm uncomfortable interacting with anyone older than 30" okay dumbfuck how do you intend to hold a job? I've had coworkers (not managers–people with the same job title as me) in their 60s and had to get on with them in teamwork. how is a zoomer going to hold a real job?
gen z is worthless. they're all terrified socially awkward fuckups who cannot even speak to a stranger without pissing their pants. zoomers are basically human chihuahuas. they want a mommy to tote them around in a little baby pouch and protect them from life. they'll snub anyone over anything no matter how petty, make word salad to justify their vindictiveness, and act like crybullies, but give them a taste of their own medicine and they're threatening suicide and sobbing. they have no chill and no sense of nuance, it's all black and white to them, which leads to absurd retardation. and they're always out to cancel people and backstab everyone they can, but then act like they're precious innocent little angels. not even boomers did this shit.
"i'm a 25 year old child, how dare you, a 31 year old, even speak to me! this is rape!" honestly send them all to the draft, they need a dose of cold hard reality.
No. 1726700
>>1726672>zoomers are obsessed over ages. they think everyone over 25 is a candy-van driver and live terrified. once they turn 25 that changes to 30 ofc. i've never seen anyone this obsessed with ages before, as if numeric age has shit to do with anything.For real. As a millenial born in the late 80's I've never witnessed this kind of obsession with peoples' ages. And now they consider even women pedos if they even exist in the vicinity of these 21-year old minors and call them out for "child grooming" if they talked to a 17-year old.
Also the hyperfixation on youth zoomers have is genuinely worrying, I don't remember 18-year olds in my youth considering 30-year olds "grandmas past the wall" in the way they do now. Women like Gwen Stefani, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez were all considered icons in the 00's while being in their mid to late 30's but now anyone over the age of 23 is considered officially worthless. It's actually grim and combined with the popularity of the nymphette aesthetic I'm tinfoiling it to be some sort of pedo psyop despite zoomers simultaneously being so presumably scared of them.
No. 1726701
>>1726650>One time in Walmart an older looking teen boy asked me if I have snapchat when I walked past him. Didn't think he was talking to me so I kept walking and he kept yelling "snap?" progressively louder like 10 times. This is so funny.
>>1726650>Is it true that millennial men don't flirt? I have noticed that only teen boys and 40+ year old men hit on me40+ are the elder millennials. I think they might just be horny peak ages for men, 40+ is when men historically get divorced and try and bang young stacies, teen is self explanatory.
No. 1726727
>>1726700I feel like zoomers somehow absorbed the same
toxic youth culture that's existed in East Asia. Either via anime or something else. There's basically next to no popular media past high school or maybe college years because writers and everyone are so doom-minded about adulthood in japan and korea.
If any zoomers are reading and dread aging, it's really not even happening yet. At 30 you're much, much more likely to have the income to get and do what you want, people are more chill and you become less fearful of what others think. Life just makes more sense. And if you live well you will not look or feel "old".
No. 1726738
>>1726727i don't think japan's work culture of karoshi is influencing jobless zoomoids who will never be in that position because they will never have a job more complicated than being a walmart shelf stocker or barista, as they are uneducated lazy skill-less retards. there must be a different reason at hand, and that reason is self-absorption and terminal narcissism. zoomers dehumanize everyone who isn't a carbon copy of them, whether that's people with different political or philosophical opinions, people with different lifestyle choices or hobbies, people who like different ships in their cartoons, and people of different ages to them. they didn't get it from anyone else. they came up with it because they don't have capacity for empathy. which is something even children are supposed to be able to develop.
the internet lobotomized them.
No. 1726808
>>1726768She might've just been high,
nonnie. Fast food workers are always doing drugs (and claiming to have no money).
No. 1726916
>>1726672I’m sorry but they literally got this from millennials. I had all of these thoughts until I turned 25 during the pandemic then I realized just how young I truly am. Honestly I can’t wait to be 30 my 20s sucked ass! And I make more money now. I think us millennials just have to show Zoomers just how young we all actually are and how stupid it is to fixate on your age in your 20s. Idk about the rest of millennials but I distinctly remember having a quarter life crisis at like 23. 2016-2017 was terrible for me. I felt so old and it was because older millennials would make me feel that way by saying I was too old to like anime or K-pop etc. meanwhile Zoomers are 23 just now getting into anime and K-pop! Like! I was on the right path! I stopped experimenting with my clothes cuz again I was constantly fed that ESPECIALLY after college years you should have a career, wear blazers and shit and drink coffee. I was working at fast food thinking I was a failure because only “teens” work in fast food. So basically no Zoomers are just doing what’s been shown to them in terms of aging. It wasn’t Zoomers who came up with the wall or Christmas cake. Millennials, gen x and boomers made it seem like you need your life together in your 20s and if you don’t have it figured out by 30 like your parents you failed!
Sadly instead of us millennials breaking that dumbass mindset we doubled down! But now that we are entering or are currently in our 30: we realize too late being 30 isn’t the end it’s just the beginning of a new era of your life.
No. 1726963
>>1726748Media 100%. Zoomers grew up with media played by people in their 20s-30s, playing high schoolers who are doing cool and fun stuff like vacationing, exploring haunted places, going to bars, doing drugs, solving mysteries and partying. When in reality no one really even does those things at all until they're in their 20s. It started with PLL/AHS and they even ruined the characters as soon as they reached their adulthood in the last season then everyone became boring and
problematic. Now you have shit like euphoria or just about any book or movie catered to YA now isn't for college students or adults oh no it's for high schoolers doing the same exact shit that people in college or YA movies were doing. Most high schoolers nowadays barely leave their house anyway
Are movies about college even a thing anymore? Are there any decent modern shows that depict fun drama/mystery well into adulthood nowadays?
No. 1726989
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>>597290Reply to old comment, but I find more tiktoks of zoomers making fun of thirst traps like these.
No. 1727369
>>1726954calling everyone "groomers" is really narcissistic. no one wants to fuck zoomoids. they stink of vape, are fat, take 20 psych drugs, and have broccoli for hair.
i get the same shit, that i'm supposed to not have hobbies after 25 and just sit around being a miserable corporate drone or whatever zoomoids imagine adult life is like. meanwhile everyone UNDER 25 sucks at their hobby. it takes time to get gud. everything zooms enjoy was created by a -gasp- person older than 25. they're seriously deranged and need to get a reality check.
No. 1727667
>>1727661Pedophilic men have always existed and with how online kids and teens are nowadays, they've become even easier
victims. I'll never understand literal adults
victim blaming or calling teens narcissistic for coming out with their abuse and exposing their abuser.
It's also weird how some adult men and women get weirdly offended when a teenager doesn't want to talk to them online after a certain point - like they have nothing in common and probably wouldn't have talked irl so I don't understand how it's that big of a deal for a minor to tell them the conversation is over.
No. 1727675
>>1727671I personally don't want to talk to teenagers or early 20s online, so I support people having boundaries like that, but the issue is they act like it's inherently predatory that 20+ spaces have someone
gasp over 30 still having hobbies. They're allowed their boundaries but it makes me wonder how they cope with having coworkers and whatnot. My workplace has people aged 20-50+ and I'm friends with some in the latter range.
No. 1727783
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>>1727661I think the men maybe. Zoomer guys are really gross to me, I don't like their style and I think they have the worst haircut trends I've seen from any generation aside from maybe the 60's slicked back look. They also seem slightly more… doughy to me? Not fat just rounded and soft. Idk how to describe it.
The girls too have a certain look but I'm not attracted to women so i can't say, but I'm not a huge fan of zoomer fashion I think it's all super unflattering. I think if millenials want to fuck zoomers it's like when old men hit on me when I was a teen but back then old men hitting on you wasn't seen as something to he proud of its just something that happens
No. 1728216
>>1727914Uh… Won't my friends also age with me? And as I said, I don't feel comfortable befriending younger or older people so I wouldn't befriend younger people once I reach my 30s. I'll never understand why some anons get upset when teens or young adults state that they don't have much in common and that they don't want to be their friends. Just because they wanna befriend people their age lile
>>1728171 said, you can't call them mentally ill
No. 1728275
>>1727671>>1728216You have to be 18 to post here and you need to go back to Twitter. Nobody here is forcing you to talk to people in their 30s or young teenagers. Anons have an issue with you demanding that adults MUST join "adult groups" to engage with a fandom or else they're just like the brony pedophiles in 2011. You need to drop the disingenuous
victim complex, nobody here is advocating for jumping in the DMs of random teenagers on the internet.
No. 1728396
>>1726246I've had the same experience where I'm working now. This is the first place I've worked where Gen Z outnumbers everyone else and it's just so weird.
I have hybrid working, so I can choose to work from home if I want to. I was very excited to be able to go work in an office again to meet new people, but that hope was shattered after actually going into the office. So I pretty much just stick to working from home. It sucks, especially since this is the first time I've not been able to click with anyone in a workplace. This is also the first "new job" I've had since the pandemic, so I'm not sure if that's also had an effect.
It's very lonely once you tell people you're in your thirties. It makes me wonder if I should just hide my age going forward, especially since the group I had been talking to thought I was around 25 before I told them.
No. 1728425
>>1728401What hobbies are age-appropriate, according to you? Being a mommy and knitting?
You'll be shocked to know that writing fanfiction has existed since the 60s and older people can do whatever they please with their free time since you're not hobby police anywhere outside of this site. You're acting as if older women who got stupid rich off of their fanfics don't exist.
No. 1728437
>>1728268i saw that same video/discussion you did and it infuriates me. when parents make bad decisions that end up putting children in shitty circumstances, it has long lasting and even permanent negative effects on the kids, who are innocent. the last thing we need is more child neglecters/abusers in this world. you aren't brave and strong for making kids in bad circumstances whose only future is going to be neglect, poverty, abuse, anxiety, and depression–you're an asshole and a narcissist.
the media is seriously trying to glorify single mothers. and it's goign to lead to an entire generation of child abuse. but we can't even call her shitty without people going INSANE because waaah that's somehow misogyny? STOP ABUSING KIDS. STOP NEGLECTING KIDS. how the fuck is that misogynistic. if you aren't even married get a fucking abortion, your not-kid will thank you. you aren't so special that a hypothetical kid would choose to be born into garbage circumstances just to hang around with your neglectful stupid ass. i hope these kids go no contact on these stupid teenage moms as soon as they can get out. a child is a human being, not a pet and not a barbie doll.
god i hate child abusers so much
No. 1728448
>>1728401i don't go out of my way to "talk to minors" you narcissist, i'm in my hobby groups sperging about dumb shit without a care in the world. you're like the stupid moms from the 2000s who thought AIM chatrooms were terrifying and they had to be hypervigilant of pEdOpHiLeS so they put their nose up their kid's business and terrorized them daily reading over their shoulder and harassing them about what they're doing. but i agree, i don't want to talk to minors, flag your stupid ass self so i can block you. i do not MAGICALLY know how old everyone on the internet is and i don't stalk people's profiles to find out. no one gives that much of a fuck about you.
the problem with zoomers is you think you can police what other people do. i'll be damned if i have to leave my hobby group because YOU for some reason think everyone is out to get you. that's called paranoid schizophrenia, go down some meds. when you freak out and call everyone a pedo and a groomer, no one is anymore, the word loses its meaning. you're the reason children will be raped by actual pedos.
god damn zoomers are so infuriating. i wish we had 2 different internets so i never had to come across the dumb ass shit zoomers say.
that good fanfic you enjoy? written by someone in their 30s. all art that isn't BEG dogshit? drawn by adults in their 30s or older. all media you have ever loved? written by people in their 30s, 40s, and 50+s. get over yourself. if we did ever quarantine <25 year old "children" to your own lane of the internet you'd be the first one breaking the barrier down because none of your own age group produces any good content. how about to keep you oh so safe we just ban people under 25 from posting on the internet at all. go touch some fucking grass
No. 1728746
>>1728737I use bidets and hair gets in the way of trying to clean myself witb the water so I prefer to take it off too.
>>1728726 You sound like a retard whose brain is scrambled from radfeminism. I like hairy pussy as much as the next woman but sometimes shit really does just boil down to personal preference and yes, even "muh hygiene".
No. 1728893
>>1728448I'm a zoomer and I don't know any zoomers that read fanfics or enjoy them, neither my irl nor online friends who overshare even mentioned liking fanfics. If anything it's usually something autistic 30 year old women do because fanfiction was popular when they were younger, it's not quite as popular nowadays.
Either way, most fanfics are sexual so it's probably good that zoomers or teens aren't reading them.
The only zoomer I know who likes fanfics is rancefag but I suspect she lies about her age given that she has a really old history of posting in 4chan claiming to be the same age for years so there's that.
No. 1729330
>>1729177>>1729182Truer words have never been spoken. They grew up in relative luxury and safety and made it just in time to get a degree and a house before the economy went into its terminal stage of capitalism yet act so fucking smug about it. I entered adulthood during the 2008 financial crisis and the world still hasn't recovered from that, yet now we're on our way to yet another severe recession, people my age are so doompilled on the future that everything feels pointless because we know we will never have the lifestyle the generations before us had. Even owning an apartment has become a luxury available only for the choice few unless you want to move in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where you'll remain unemployed and thus unable to pay for the mortgage anyway.
>>1729278What are you even talking about? Unless you're from fucking Yugoslavia then no you did not grow up in a warzone in Europe and even that was more relevant to millenial children than GenXrs.
No. 1729432
>>1729295It annoys me so much when people are glued to the phone when with others, do they not understand that their behaviour is rude or are they just so phone addicted?
>>1729330Ever heard of Northern Ireland?
No. 1729446
>>1728891So when you "hit the wall" you're going to stop liking everything you love because otherwise it makes you a groomer, and you'll sit in a quiet room with no music (music is only for people under 25) knitting sweaters for geriatric people (in adult colors like grey, greige, and beige, because fun colors like blue and orange are for people under 25, and anyone over 25 wearing anything but grey/greige is obviously a groomer) eating plain bread and water (because beverages other than water are for people under 25, it's weird for "old people" to drink lattes and boba, and seasonings and condiments are only for people under 25, because adults should only eat adult food like plain chicken breasts, saltine crackers, and boiled spinach)?
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." Zoomers think they're smart but you little fags are uneducated screen zombies who have never interacted with the real world and have no historical or cultural context. But they're also so coddled and spoilt that they think they can police what other people do because they have 2,000 followers on twitter and that makes them some kind of global authority on appropriate behavior.
Guess what? Every author of YA literature is an…adult! Probably an
adult adult over the age of 30. OMG DA GROOMERZ. The reality is that zoomers are fundamentally just narcissists.
No. 1729464
>>1729436Inb4 one cares and blogpost but once in the past year I (2001 zoomer) had to leave my phone charging at home, bought a frappuccino, pencils and a wordfinder book and started working on it in a cafe and felt so weird and out of place like a senior citizen. Felt kinda cool though to focus on engaging my mind and not frying it distracted with my phone for once but at the same time I felt nervous like what if my mom calls me and I don't answer while I'm away?
I wanted to do a coloring book too but didn't find any that I liked, and simple math problems but the workbooks I saw in the bookstore were too complex to be relaxing. That was the day I took stereotypical senior citizen activities/hobbies very seriously and made me realize how important they are. I thought it was funny I was knitting in a rocking chair when I was 15 but I've stopped for a long time since then and now I'm thinking of taking it back up seriously as I'm now more phone dependent for white noise at virtually all times now more than ever.
No. 1729546
>>1729432The gen xers in my life do this. Every time I have been in their company they’re more glued to their phone watching tiktok and texting and interrupting the conversation to show us stuff on their phone or talk about buying shit.
>>1729530I just tell them to calm the fuck down it’s been 3 hours that’s what texting is for.
No. 1729754
>>1729546not to mention gen x helicopter parenting had a contribution to gen z phone addiction. Everyone had phone trackers, you always had to answer back ASAP or you were accused of doing something
sus kek. Teens were no longer able to sneak out and fuck and do drugs, which is good but when there's give there's take, instead of having sex teens just got groomed online by millennial moids or developed porn addictions. People overanalyze everything including blasting you for how you said "Hi" have just made gen z hopeless for irl socialization
Basically - the less Gen Z was allowed to make normal teen mistakes the further we winded back it resulted in phone addictions
No. 1730071
>>1730041>the constant stream of socialization expected of the internet also killed a lot of socialization irlAbsolutely. Imagine being home alone, bored, pre-smart phones. What did you do? Go out and meet people.
I'm seriously so sick of how much attention smart phones take from us but at the same time, they are so vital now. I wonder what kind of solution there is to this…aside from turning it off sometimes.
No. 1730544
>>1730310younger zoom here, it depends on the person. in my class only the trashy people(those who sit at the back of the class always on their phones always chatting and not paying attention, think of a roadman/chav, that's how they look/behave like) refuse to read anything or do assignments (they're also tiktokbrained, to nobodys surprise)
>struggle to do them because of their short attention spangod I fucking hate what short form content did to our society. but yeah some people (not every single one) has this problem… are they this fucking retarded to not realise what they're doing to their brains?? it's genuinely terrifying. I know a girl in my class (part of the trashy people) who couldn't watch a fucking 30 min short documentary… shame
unsaged 'cause response + I want to hear from other younger zooms as well…
No. 1730564
>>1730544have this problem* not has
sorry I’m way too fucking sleepy
No. 1731964
>>1730972>are literally giving themselves ADHDthis. some of them even think it’s quirky and kewl to have adhd and put it in every single bio from every single social media platform they have
>And all it would take for them to improve their focus would be to do a digital detox and delete that cursed app.this², they should fucking open their eyes and maybe have critical thinking
No. 1734010
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I'm a zoomer clumsily trying to learn to torrent for the first time with the help of various reddit tutorials. Holy shit I see why millenials tease us for being tech illiterate now. I feel so DUMB. Still, better late than never.
No. 1735179
>>1734134Same I think these groups are so retarded. The range of years is way too long. I think officially Gen Z is 1997-2013 which just…makes no sense to me?? Like that just isn't even the same generation.
I was born in 1998. Someone born a decade later grew up in a completely different cultural environment than me, especially technology-wise. I watched VHS tapes as a child and later on my internet experience was Webkinz and Neopets. My first phone was an LG rumor touch with a slide-out keyboard. I can't relate to the iPad generation at all and i'm starting to notice myself cringing at them more and more.
No. 1741197
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Why was this peak normie Millenial comedy in the mid 2010's?
No. 1741318
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>>1741197This and their RPDR and Office gifs make me want to die
Why do millennials in particular hate spontaneous phone calls and facetime so much? I see this a lot. OP got bullied by zoomers who look to be back to not giving a fuck about offhand calls just like gen X and boomers.
No. 1741455
>>1734134Absolutely. The whole defining of generation is retarded, especially since culturally, it will vary widely from one country to another. I'm 95 and eldest brother born in 81, we have lots of tastes in common because siblings, lots of things we don't like in common too. My younger cousins are 99/2005 born, again, plenty of tastes in common, plenty of stuff that are not and that's fine.
I don't understand that obsession of generation and bashing entire groups of people based on that. Reading through the thread, all I see is plenty of completely out of left field takes on millennials' kek, but won't get into that debate. It's stupid. Don't pit so called generations against each other, it's just retarded. I was honestly expecting something other than a bashing thread full of clichés on millennials' lmao.
No. 1764344
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Millennials are so bitter and jealous of Gen Z people and they think they're funny too. (watch the whole video)
No. 1764519
>>1764490It's because they aren't normal and they are young. In due time they will either grow up and move on from their old ways or they will stay permanently trapped in the husk of their youth and become NEETs
>>1764500I can only assume they mean old in the context of Zoomers, the youngest of which were born 2012-2015 (depends on timeline followed). Most (or about half of) Zoomers are still underaged.
No. 1765668
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>>1765630Same place as you and I think ty e attempt at putting some sort of war or heirarchy between the two onlu distracts from the horrible state of the world and how we are expected to just shut up and ignore it. There are also a lot of millennials who liken themselves more to zoomers and try to get zoomer attention like they completely forget their age and end up looking like picrel. I think trying to create a rift between the two is a great distraction for the old honkies that ruined the planet
No. 1765877
>>1765869I noticed something similar always happening in fandom spaces, and while it has existed for like the entire time I've been in them, I feel like the frequency of the mindset is a lot more common now. It's the idea that when a woman (because they never go after men) turns 25 or 30 she should stop liking things and go be an adult. Whatever that means. And also ignoring the fact that the content they consume are all made by people 25+, including the better fancontent.
One thing specifically I have noticed is when teens will force their way into a clearly 18+ fandom space, then complain about it being 18+, and when called out for being there in the first place, say those icky adults shouldn't be fans of anything at all.
No. 1765894
>>1765668why do zoomers think we want zoomer attention kek the last thing I want is children paying attention to what I do when they waste no time trying to cancel you or finding something you do is
problematic. no sane adult wants the attention of 14-19yos with no sense of self identity, self worth and community, you guys only bring destruction to whatever fandoms you invade because you weren't taught how to behave in a community. I've seen teenagers trying to gatekeep adults out of a +20 year old fandom like stfu you weren't even in your dad's ballsack when this was a thing already, why do you think anyone wants to impress you when you didn't even exist yet when those people got into those things?
No. 1765945
>>1765877It's especially funny to me when they try to bully millennials for being gross old hags who should go and die (not the men though, unwashed millennial manchild daddies are hawt and never made fun of), and then immediately turn around and make TikToks about "telling millennials apart from Gen Z" by shit like the socks they wear or bags they have. Which is it? Why are you having such a hard time identifying a millennial without looking at their socks if we're all gross cringe oldies unlike you?
My guess is that there are no subcultures to identify with anymore and Gen Z people dress very differently depending on which aesthetic they want to embody so they try extra hard to differentiate themselves from millennials through name-calling and making shit up.
No. 1766129
>>1764490I notice the adult zoomers born in 1999-2001 tend to be less brainrotted than the ones born later. My sister is a zoomer and she's kind of a hot mess when it comes to mental health and self-infantilizing but she at the very least never got into Tumblr when she was in high school. It still boggles my mind how many adult zoomers act like teenagers. In one Discord server I was in I thought a 16 year old just joined despite it being strictly 18+, but it turned out she was 23 and having weird Homestuck typing quirks and a million gender labels. These things were a transitory phase in high school but now people are like this past 21.
>>1765630>They think no one else has lived a life like theirs, despite growing up with the internet and having full access to information from the entire world.TBH as a young millennial that had internet access as a kid, the internet was completely different 20 years than it was now. I didn't access a lot of this information before Google and Youtube existed, I just played games for kids until I was a teenager. I do think young millennials are high on their own farts and are convinced they're immune to a lot of the zoomer trends/politics/behavior, when a lot of the worst Tumblr shit a decade ago is by people who are in their 30s now and half of them didn't grow out of it. Zoomers grew up on the new internet too young but they got the "heckin doing a thing" and self-infantilizing identity shit from the previous generation who were in their 20s on social media. I started using Tumblr when I was 19/20 and most of the people in my circles were in the 18-25 range, but when I check up on them now a decade later, most of them that are still online act exactly the same.
I think what's missing from the conversation is the older millennials that would be over 35-39 now, they didn't have internet access until they were at least 16+ and no social media to boot (unless you count Bebo/Xanga/Myspace/etc.). But weirdly enough I rarely see people that age online anymore (I don't use social media either, for the record). Sometimes it's refreshing to stumble upon someone who was in highschool when 9/11 happened and not someone who was a baby or kid (like me) then. I kind of envy them. Sometimes I wish I was an older millennial or gen X so I would've been an adult by the 2000s and not have to spend my teens and 20s in this climate.
No. 1766925
>>1765869Please read
>>1765708 because my post wasn't about that at all.
>>1765894 read
>>1765708 I'm specifically referring to the ones who attempt to pander to young zoomers (usually men but some desperate 'content creatint' women as well) and clearly want to be considered cool by them. My post has nothing to do with overlapping interests or natural parallels im just talking about adults who try to adopt the traits of teens because its the only content they consume online and they look and sound like Peewee Herman.
No. 1774677
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So I know this is a Gen-Z vs Millennial thread, but it looks like things are not going well for Gen Alpha (kids born after 2010), It was obvious to anyone with common sense that putting kids in front of a screen all day every day since they were 3 years old was going to mess them up. but this happened and it's not just in arbitrary Western generational terms, but around the world in any country that has internet access and smartphones, and I get that parenting is exhausting and pacifying them with screens is easy, but my nephews and nieces are zombies with their devices and it's honestly scary.
No. 1774690
>>1774677It's so sad to hear about teachers mass quitting because of ipad kids. I can't imagine how bad their attention spans are. We used to use tomogatchis in school and they were banned during class room time, so we waited until lunch to feed our pets. We also used to play YGO in the back of the library. As someone who grew up reading fantasy books and books like Harry Potter and LOTR, it makes me sad to hear about kids being glued to a screen and parents not giving a shit.
I truly hope older gen z does better for their kids because gen alpha seems fucked already. Tech today is not like tech from 2002. I had AIM, yahoo, msn, but it was only afterschool and I still had friends irl. I feel like a lot of these kids have zero idea how to make friends without using tik tok and some kids, even have snapchat.
No. 1774865
>>1774677I'm not surprised to hear about teachers mass quitting, my friend is a teacher and she's fucking done with her career too. She teachers younger zoomers, not gen alpha, but they already have 0 attention span, behave terribly even compared to milennials (who already made teachers cry) and are dumb as rocks.
Whereas in our time most students were passable, some were an incapable mess and a couple straight up disrupted the class behaving like demons, she now gets less than 5 passable students, the rest couldn't give less of a shit about school and the "bad" ones are straight up delinquents. Tons of fights and drug selling, stealing, threatening the teachers and doing fuck all during class. She struggles to have a single normal class because students face no consequences for their actions and their parents don't care or defend them. If they get expulsed then great, more time to be on their phones and they'll be back anyway.
She's on the verge of quitting too and I don't blame her. Can't imagine once the entitled ipad babies become towering teenage moids.
No. 1775296
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>>1774865>>1774677I'm really thankful that my dad took the initiative to help my little brother put down his phone during the pandemic. My dad noticed that my brother was constantly glued to his smartphone for hours on end every single day. So, one day, he presented my brother with an ultimatum, either give up his smartphone or commit going to a local boxing gym for at least one hour every day. Surprisingly, my brother chose the latter option, and it has had a positive impact on him. He has become more grounded and normal compared to most other kids. This goes to show that it can be done, even Ipad kids' brains can be fixed.
No. 1775300
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>>1774865unpopular opinion: teachers should be allowed to hit. bring back indestructible strict nuns, with full control over electric collars around the tards which they can press at any moment.
No. 1775383
>>1774751Millennial parents had early internet access too, though social media didn't exist in the same capacity as when gen Z started going online. They're just lazy. I can't count the amount of times I've been called an angry boomer for saying giving them an iPad or smartphone so young is bad for them. They will just say
>you used to do this TOO, it was just a TV and a computer instead of a smartphoneI also noticed a lot of grown ass children still in strollers, phone in hand instead of walking with their parents, and kids playing outside by themselves while supervised by their parents, on a playground surrounded with other children doing the same. Of course mentioning that any of this isn't normal will just get you
>uhm you can't tell me how to parent my children, mothers get judged for everything these days No. 1775509
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This made me hopeful.
No. 1775550
>>1774751The worst thing about it is how nonchalant people are about it. I knew people who didn't even allow their kids to have a phone until the end of middle school, and now I hear the same people wishing they had iPads to keep their own kids busy when they were little. I think older generations are unaware of just how much horrible stuff is on the internet. There is so much stuff that I wish I've never seen when I was little.
>>1725575Yeah as an older zoomer I have to say that face tattoos really aren't as popular as you think. Most zoomers my age with tats have it on their arms. It's still somewhat weird.
No. 1775575
>>1774690>>1774751I'm a younger millennial and I notice that most of the parents of iPad kids are exactly my age or older millennials. It fucking infuriates me because the internet and phones are not remotely the same as they were in 2003. Cellphones and iPods were banned at my school, I begged my parents to have one and they refused. But now I see babies and kids glued to a screen in public. It literally messes with kid's development to not be able to play outside and develop motor skills, have their parents read them stories and play with toys, or have friends to visit and play pretend with. My childhood sucked but at least I played with other kids on the playground (I played video games too as a kid but I pretended to be Pokemon outside instead of being glued to a Gameboy) and did "imaginative play" with dolls before I touched a computer, now parents are too scared their kids will get hurt on the equipment to let them do anything. I see some parents play with their kids at playgrounds or let them bring toys instead of phones, but it's so much easier to make them shut up and watch Youtube.
>>1774751>The youngest gen z was around 2 when iPads came out, and a lot of gen z kids had unsupervised internet access and we know how much it kills imagination and rots the brain, not to mention how open we were to predators. A lot of us are not trying to bully their parenting, we just WERE the iPad kids once, and it fucked us up bad.My sister is an older zoomer and our parents (gen Xers) did the exact thing iPad parents do now, they threw her in front of electronics when she was really little to make stop crying and having meltdowns. I didn't get to have an iPod until I was 17 (and that was just to listen to mp3s, no phone capabilities), but she got a smartphone as early as middle school. Now she's getting a dumbphone to try to fix her attention span because ADHD medications made her worse.
No. 1775590
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>>1775575>messes with kid's development to not be able to play outside and develop motor skills, have their parents read them stories and play with toys, or have friends to visit and play pretend with.>now parents are too scared their kids will get hurt on the equipment to let them do anything. >I see some parents play with their kids at playgrounds or let them bring toys instead of phones, but it's so much easier to make them shut up and watch Youtube.>>1774865>She teachers younger zoomers, not gen alpha, but they already have 0 attention span, behave terribly even compared to milennials (who already made teachers cry) and are dumb as rocks.>she now gets less than 5 passable students, the rest couldn't give less of a shit about school and the "bad" ones are straight up delinquents. Tons of fights and drug selling, stealing, threatening the teachers and doing fuck all during class. >She struggles to have a single normal class because students face no consequences for their actions and their parents don't care or defend them. >If they get expulsed then great, more time to be on their phones and they'll be back anyway.Unless Gen Z cleanly slices off their
victim complex, "fuck everyone else" attitude, laziness or anxiety to socialize with others, the overdone identity politics, their social media addiction and all the symptoms that come with it, Gen Alpha is going to be sooooooo fucked. Like, the future for Gen Alpha is looking like a full on hazard. You know how humans took the ancestors of dogs and evolved them
down into shit like pugs? That's going to be Gen Alpha if Gen Z doesn't snap out of huffing their own farts; a new generation bred to be thoroughly fucked up in every possible way. Like, we're going to be looking at the generation of humans with probably the worst physical and mental health the world has ever seen. Emphasis on 'physically' thanks to Gen Z even trying to normalize being really fat or obese. God fucking help Gen Alpha.
No. 1775651
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>>1775646>Gen Z isn't giving birth to or raising Gen Alpha, retardBut a lot of them are,
retard. You think milennials are the only ones reproducing kids into this world? Get it together, I know several zoomers that are already having kids.
No. 1775672
>>1775509Tbh this doesn’t make me feel better because it’s only half of them and because zoomers are so coom-addled that they don’t know sexualized imagery if it slaps them in the face with their massive bouncy anime tiddies
>>1775590The younger zoomers I know are fine intelligence and probably attention-wise but they are the biggest fucking snowflakes I can’t imagine how they will be able to hold a job. I’m talking you can pad your speech with as much coddling as possible and they still have a mental breakdown and cry about muh anxiety and needing more tone indicators and demand extra time to making them feel better
No. 1775686
>>1775671I am aware that millennials are hugely responsible for Gen Alpha already being raised like iPad babies, but if the zoomers don't snap out of all the circus shit they got going on, the problem is only going to be worse. It's good that not all zoomers are like that, but I'm already seeing young zoomer parents act like the milennials in regards to using the iPad to shut up the crying.
>>1775672>The younger zoomers I know are fine intelligence and probably attention-wise but they are the biggest fucking snowflakes I can’t imagine how they will be able to hold a jobAnd that's a point with what I mean. We're seeing rates of depression, anxiety, PTSD and shit like that increase with zoomers, so what is it going to look like when they keep having babies for Gen Alpha and raise them without seeking any counseling first? Milinneals already dropped the ball with zoomers, and they're letting the ball sink into the river with their Alpha kids. Knowing that zoomers are also having kids, I'm praying that enough of them can hold it together better than the milinneals did.
No. 1775693
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The iPad generation is caused by busy overworked moms being able to quickly shut a kid up for long stretches of time (dads don't help anywhere in any recent generation for a significant amount). Previous generations had more help from family esp grandparents for this.
If you have a screaming shit in front of you that shuts up immediately for cocomelon you will open pandoras box for both of you. Raising them raw is hard as fuck (I nanny and observe much) since any cool irl toy you buy bores them within seconds and many don't have siblings to play with or if they do, large age gap or the sibling is always in some club activity
Ironically the closest disruption I've seen to this is a household that only bought their kids offline local multi-player games on older consoles. Their kids only choice for quick e-dopamine was to play together and talk to eachother but this only works if they have siblings or nearby friends (even this is a problem: I only had to walk to my friends house to play… nowadays bitches want a RESERVATION a week in advance for specified times before kids can play)
However even the 50s or whatever boomers idealized were highly unnatural. Pic related. Babies should be watched over by a tribe of doting friends and family, and meander between them watching them craft and live.
Babies and toddlers and kids are FUCKING BORED for the most part and that drive for activity gets stamped out by the school system and they resign to a boring life of various addiction and required paperwork (school, jobs, taxes)
No. 1775718
>>1775681It seems like the definition for what constitutes a zoomer varies by who you ask. I thought zoomers were born after 1997-1999.
>>1775686>Milinneals already dropped the ball with zoomersMost millennials didn't give birth to zoomers, my parents were gen Xers and made the same mistakes with me and my zoomer sister (watching TV isn't nearly as bad as giving children computer access but they went from making me watch TV to shut up to handing my sister a phone). I think it was after the 80s was when the whole "stranger danger" paranoia happened so people born after the mid-90s didn't get to have childhoods going outside and interacting with other people (I grew up in the 90s and while I got to play with kids at the park, after elementary school my parents were more paranoid about kidnappings), parents becoming more overworked to get by with less time to raise kids, and the recession in 2008 made moving out and living alone as an adult even harder (in America, at least).
No. 1775726
>>1775693 The problem with today is that both parents work FT just to make ends meet. A lot of them dont have the time to raise their babies. I am not saying I agree with ipad gen at all, it's the worst gen by far, but I have memories of being a kid and my dad and mom only worked PT and took turns raising me. When they were too busy, I had my aunts and grandparents. So many people just dont want to raise kids and it's sad. It definitely takes a village and so many people are unprepared, thinking they can just throw electronics at their literal infant to distract them, killing their brain development.
I wonder if they were allowed to give them ipads in day cares?
No. 1775730
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Why are middle schoolers so much uglier than they used to be? Like their jaws are so underdeveloped, the teeth are totally fucked, every child has a long ass forehead that makes their face look like a foot…what the fuck is in the water that’s causing this kek oh my goodness
No. 1775802
>>1775748>>1775730Shit like this is why I can't take this thread seriously
Imo, social media has made it so that no one can have an ugly phase anymore and children are growing up faster instead of enjoying their youth and not worrying so much about being ugly or wearing embarassing stuff.
No. 1775807
>>1775802I feel like the problem isn’t just that she’s fugly it’s also likely that her parents encourage her reckless behavior, because Gen X parents
love to fucking do that
No. 1776205
>>1775730Lol everyone's jumping you for saying this but I was too busy with another in-thread argument to really comment. Your post is funny to me because when I first read it, my thought was "so middleschoolers are
supposed to be hot? aren't they like twelve??" KEK
No. 1776351
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>>1776335>>1776335Well yeah, tacky dyed hair and pancake makeup are pretty embarrassing on their own. But the post mentioned
>Like their jaws are so underdeveloped>the teeth are totally fucked>every child has a long ass forehead that makes their face look like a footAs if middle schoolers are shamefully ugly by the way they just are, which is weird because they're like
twelve kek
No. 1776804
>>1776443It scares me how gen alpha and younger zoomers are going to turn out. I was a young millennial raised online and it fucked me up hardcore, the least I can say that I got to spend my early childhood offline and developed an internet addiction before algorithms were rampant and people practiced basic online safety to never give out your real name or location. I was an outlier back then. People treated their internet and offline life as separate, but now people don't have an offline. Having friends via social media and video chatting through a screen is the only life these kids are going to know from day one.
>>1776458>The fact that people (mostly millenials) praise what is essentially neet behavior terrifies me.Young millennials started it and the later generations followed. I knew people who basically had their maladaptive behavior as an identity since high school and some of them never grew out of it because they could find communities online that enable it, instead of living in the real world and finding out that's not going to get them anywhere. It pisses me off because I've actively tried to re-socialize myself and I have 60% less social anxiety as I used to by pushing myself to be in these situations, but that's not something you don't get praised for as "relatable".
No. 1777127
>>1777123Samefag but shit, I’ve been to
free group events and some even offering free coffee and not a damn zoomer in sight. Most of the friendlessness is self induced
No. 1777133
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>>1777100You must have a lot of free time and money if your sympathy is based around how willing one is to spend $15 for hour in some special event. At least concerts are pleasures that appeal to personal tastes, you don't go to a concert as often as taking regular friend meeting events.
No. 1777223
>>1777100I find it weird whenever I watch videos about "no third places" as the reason why teens are lonely or screen-addicted. I live in an insanely walkable city where public transport costs almost nothing for students, and we have plenty of parks, malls, libraries and a lot of places have discounts for people <25. Yet the zoomers still steadily are becoming isolated and overstressed with their daily no-screen time measured in minutes.
Zoomers in general seem to also be able to cope with stress less than any generation before even though they care way more about mental health than others did.
No. 1777326
>>1777223I'm convinced a lot of Zoomers are in hour-long internet fights with strangers over stupid shit at any given time. It's especially telling since many people will insist they "won" if the person isn't replying fast enough or blocks them because they don't feel like being spammed with how they're literally Hitler for not letting a troon fist them. This would explain why they're so engaged, weirdly tense and angry, and seemed to get
triggered over menial subjects
No. 1777389
>>1777364I think it's because of helicopter parents nowadays. Life360 is fine but some parents go overboard and will literally flip out if their kid stop at a store for snacks after school. Constant monitoring, you're unable to make mistakes even now thanks to cart narc you cant even forget to return your shopping cart without being filmed and having millions of strangers be nasty towards you, the internet, especially since a lot of people can have fairly anonymous profiles, it's one of the only places zoomers are capable of making minor mistakes at and facing no real consequences . Which would probably explain why they're so angsty online.
basically - the only acceptable place for kids to be kids nowadays is online
No. 1777572
>>1777389I completely agree. My boomer dad used to tell me about how he went to places alone as a teenager and his parents didn't care, and my mother bragged about going to parties when she was 17-20. But it seems like every generation after the 80s, parents became more paranoid over child kidnappings and strangers with candy in vans (even though most child abusers are people the
victim knows) to the point "going to the mall with your friends" was just a teen movie trope and not something teenagers could do anymore. When I was a kid my father constantly fearmongered to me about how any little misstep I did was an opening to be kidnapped, when I talked about going somewhere after school I got in trouble because they're might've been creepy men hiding. Whenever I talked about my friends at school, he wanted to know more details and would judge or say things to them when he saw them. I just retreated online after that.
No. 1777634
>>1777633>In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace. Examples of third places include churches, cafes, bars, clubs, community centres, public libraries, gyms, bookstores, makerspaces, stoops, and parksFrom wikipedia
No. 1777680
>>1777674I have a teenage sister and 70% of her sentences are just regurgitated phrases she got from tiktok. I don't
wanna describe her like this, but goddamn it's often like listening to an NPC. I wish it would stop too.
No. 1777713
>>1777691Why do older anons here act like they're entitled to intellectual discussions with younger people who are mostly barely adults? I doubt any of the gen Zs even talk to old people who aren't their friends and when they do, they probably try to keep it short because it's kind of awkward talking to strangers who are from a different generation - you have nothing in common.
I've also seen one old anon complain the 17-19 year olds in her fandom spaces didn't want to continue talking after learning she's 35+ and she got super mad. This stuff is creepy, go talk to people your age and stop judging younger people like a bitter old man.
No. 1777890
>>1777882sage for tinfoil, but I feel like parents are being pushed to believe everything is
abusive because it stimulates the adoption industry. I remember some moms were talking about how CPS was intervening over mild things like kid scraping their leg at the playground, etc and there were unsettling commenters saying stuff like "babies are the greatest gift a family could ever have"
No. 1778054
>>1777909This. A lot of predators that prey on young girls online pretend to be women so even older women aren't seen as trustworthy because of those catfishes.
Irl I've only seen old men complain about zoomers aka college age girls not talking to them. I've never seen older women complain.
No. 1778262

>>1775693>>1775726I can empathize with the exhaustion that parents experience, but there are limits and then it just becomes purposely negligent. Recently, I visited cousin and his wife, who are both working professionals (although the wife works from home). It had been a while since I last saw my eight-year-old niece and six-year-old nephew, and I was utterly appalled when I saw them watching in a "recap video" of a slasher film on their Tablet(vidrel was the video they were watching btw). I don't even know how this could happen? These kids, barely above the toddler stage, were watching a video that depicted a serial killer clown, even though the gory scenes were somewhat spoiled. They simply stared at it, unfazed. I attempted to discuss the matter with the parents, but all I received were shit excuses. They claimed that the kids would cry if they stopped the video, and they also resorted to the classic 'you don't have the right to criticize our parenting.' After all, we both work and have children, so you couldn't possibly understand what it's like."
No. 1778339
>>1775693I wanted to add onto this with the general sentiment that the world today really fucking hates children and mothers especially. The sheer amount of casual eugenics and talks about how children shouldn't be in public spaces is absolutely astounding. Not to mention that it's somehow always the mothers fault and never the fathers.
>>1775859Don't forget that any parental advice is either outdated, contradicts itself with other advice, or is suddenly considered terrible and how dare you to use it (despite it having been recommended for the past 10 years)
>>1778285I feel like that sounds nice in theory but your child is absolutely going to be shunned socially by the time they reach middle school age at the latest. How do you expect them to connect to their peers if you take away the main communication? I'm not saying you should give a young child a phone but late teens is unrealistic.
No. 1778483
>>1778339>casual eugenics criticSage, I’m with ya
nonnie it’s sick
No. 1778540
>>1778453I had the same experience as you and now I'm 29. Not having a phone until my last year of high school directly ruined my ability to make friends until I reached university. I couldn't stay in touch with people unless we were already face to face, so that meant being ignored because nobody could or wanted to plan outings with me because not having a phone was very inconvenient at a time when almost all phone booths were removed because of cellphones being the brand new commodity
I miss phone booths so much. During summer break my classmates were still communicating
with each other or hanging out with each other while I had to wait two whole months until I could talk to them again because my parents didn't want me to use the home's phone, and they weren't on MSN or Skype, and it was even worse when I visited relatives abroad because even if I had a phone I couldn't have used it because of how data plans worked back then. In middle school most classmates had a smartphone, some even bought the very first iphone as soon as it got released because they were rich, but smartphones back then weren't like what we have now so I'm talking about how just not being able to receive texts and phone calls was a problem.
>and because I didn’t have a phone I didn’t get groomed or send nudes to other guys like most girls I knew didThat doesn't mean much, if you had access to the internet one a computer you could still be groomed online. Back then we were taught about it at school in 2000 of all times because the internet wasn't used by everyone yet, now nobody bothers teaching their kids about internet privacy and safety even though it's more relevant now than ever with cameras in every smartphones and apps tracking and showing everyone's location.
No. 1778653
>>1778490If you come across any post regarding bad parents or just sometimes even regular parents you'll likely find at least one comment thread discussing how some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, with varying degrees of who shouldn't.
Another example is that reddit loves the movie Idiocracy, which has a major plot point being that eugenics would have saved the world (the world is stupid because only "trailer trash" had kids unlike the cool smart college educated people).
No. 1779303
>>1779293People who romanticize being poor have never actually experienced
really being poor.
No. 1779308
>>1779269How am I being obtuse? Whether or not your parents treat you as an object has nothing to do with whether or not you get to eat or have clothes kek
>>1779278I think I’m doing a lot better than a lot of people with my background currently but I did end up homeless as a teen and basically being prostituted for a few years so…
No. 1779354
>>1775729Sometimes this feels like zoomer hate thread #2
>>1775726Because people have less connections with people, there is also less people who raise the kids. Even in a century back, people had cousins, uncles, aunts, neighbors and family friends who they could rely on to help raise children. People have less relationships with others, and add the fact that parents are more wary of letting their children play due to fear of their children getting kidnapped by strangers.
No. 1779604
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>>1777326Kek I remember leaving a slightly transphobic comment on a dumb Pinterest post and immediately got DMd by two zoomers. One of them even accused me of still “being in the closet”.Like what is the point of this? Lmao just block me and move on I’m not going to entertain your autism over a tranny post. Also even if I was “in the closet” I would still be transphobic like every other normal gay person.
No. 1779623
>>1778339>Trying to shill saying people shouldn't have kids if they aren't in a good situation because it won't be good for the child as 'eugenics'.>>1779293It does read as tradfag shilling. Telling people not to have kids because of something that does not affect their ability to thrive and quality of life like race or religion is eugenics, not telling people who can't afford to care for a child in their current state to hold off at least until their life is more stable. It's selfish, treating the child more like a pet (and ironically as anon pointed out doing the same with pets is considered animal abuse
>>1779293 ). Just because someone has kids doesn't mean they love them or treat them right, many people have their kids taken from them because of mentalities like this.
>>1779198>>1779352>>1779388>well life is hard some times (to poverty/neglect/homelessness kek)>trying to claim everyone can just live off welfare>blaming only drugs for all homeless children and refusing to acknowledge generational poverty as a factor (ignoring that the point they try and shill could also be applied to drug addicts and prostitutes - should they just have kids regardless of their situation and how it might fuck up the kid for life?)Oh, it is a shill.
Never forget, the same people who ree about welfare are the same ones who want women to have kids no matter the circumstance and it's possible affect on the child. It's about winning/status, not love.
No. 1792662
>>>/ot/1792588So can somebody please tell me why the fuck zoomers are so afraid of being adults and why they're obsessed with staying teenagers forever? When millineals age, it's
>my back is starting to hurt more, but at least I'm still kickingWhen zoomers age, it's
>omg I'm 20!! I'm so fucking OLDWhat's up with that? It's creepy and sad.
No. 1793523
>>1792662I feel like every generation fears getting old but with zoomers it's worse because most of them were glued to social media from a young age and think the real world functions the same way.
Somewhat related, but I remember trying to look up some gen alpha slang the other day and I read so many comments from zoomers lamenting that because they didn't understand what GYAT meant then that means they're old meanwhile they're just in their mid-20s.
No. 1793542
>>1793514Basically we were promised the moon from the sky. Study whatever shit you like and you're guaranteed a job. Boomers will retire sooner or later so there will be huge demand for professionals so it's free jobs for everyone! Oh the economy is doing good (let's not think about the 90s depression too hard here) and each generation so far has always surpassed the previous ones in terms of finances and life expectancy and everything so of course you're going to be doing even better! Hey look we have fancy new technology and you have the whole world at your fingertips! Computers and cellphones for everyone! We also fixed the hole in the ozone layer so everything is A-OK on that frontier too, just don't think too much about it!
Everywhere I went growing up it was always about the oh so bright future my generation has ahead and yeah well here we are. I'm so sorry for the zoomers to be the first generation that's predicted to do worse than the previous ones but goddamn it also hurts to see everything you were promised to turn into ashes kek.
No. 1793544
>>1793514I've never really heard talk of a "promise" specifically. But for me (middle class western European) I believed while I was growing up, until the recession (2008) that as long as I studied and worked hard, all the "basics" in life were pretty much guaranteed to me. To own my own house, have a car, afford bills and groceries, go on holiday once a year, afford to have one or two children, have a job, were all normal things that were to me, in reach of anyone in my generation in my society as long as they were sensible, went to college, and worked hard. I also believed you could pursue any path in life and as long as you worked really hard, you could make it work and make a living from it. Now it feels like you need a tremendous amount of luck, to have locked in an IT career from age 18 and also be married to someone with a similar career, to even have a shot at not living with your parents in your 30s.
No. 1793621
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>>1778033I know this is a late response and I'll probably get dogpiled for it, but I can't help but agree. I just turned 32 and while I'm not interested in befriending zoomers, I did start to get a little irritated around 2017 or so because it seemed like fandoms and spaces I'd frequented for ages were then overrun with these people. Hell, I'd join servers that advertised themselves as for older adults and yet every time I'd find that the admin or mods allowed a minor or someone in their very early 20s in because 'they're an exception'. They'd ruin any all discussion by either rushing into the main chat with stupid random anime gifs or emoji and whenever somebody vented about real problems, they were the first to play the one-up game. I was told to shut up and stop gatekeeping even though gatekeeping has its merits at some point, because a community does need some kind of standards to keep it from completely going to shit. It feels like the costhot bullshit of the early 2010s all over again, because we were also told to pipe down and stop being jealous roasties even though that literally wasn't what it was ever about.
It feels like zoomers are permitted to gatekeep and usurp without having ever actually contributed to communities/fandoms by virtue that if they pitch a tantrum to a large enough audience online, randos who won't bother looking deeper into the situation will throw on their capes and rush to their aid. I'm sorry, but that's fucking obnoxious and aggravating, yet there's an article every few months or so now about how we're supposed to feel sorry for them?
I had compassion at first. Sure, I never wanted to be BFFs, but I'd think back to how I felt undermined when I was younger, so I'd try to exercise more patience. It just seems like they're so unhinged and so far removed from reality that they legitimately do not understand that they're not entitled to everything and that other people have their own autonomy.
And while this one isn't serious, I do agree with
>>1778059 about an authenticity problem because these people are making youtube shorts about how to do a butterfly haircut when its called layers and it predates them being sperm in their father's nutsack. I don't get this obsession they have with renaming things which have already existed for ages. Wolfcut? Its a fucking mullet. Blueberry milk nail polish? Its called baby blue.
No. 1793629
>>1793621Samefag to also add: I saw another anon mention that nobody is entitled to conversation with anybody else.
That's true, but I don't see people demanding conversation with zoomers. I see people feeling frustrated, confused, exasperated, and at times disappointed in them and trying to create a dialogue to figure out why they behave the way that they do. Again, I'll probably get dogpiled for this observation, but I don't really understand how the same group of people are so readily available to overshare on tiktok (from trauma dumping to unsolicited opinions on shit they have no experience with to what they found under their toenail that morning), but the moment someone actually does aim a question towards them which may require accountability or introspection on some level.. the response is to shit yourself, throw a tantrum, send a personal army after the opposition, and then hyperventilate about how unsafe you feel? Dude, what the fuck. And these are the same people who expect, more than they'll ever admit publicly, everyone to listen to what they have to say on complicated topics such as geopolitics, the economy, etc.
No. 1793651
>>1793514I think we all went through that whole "as long as you study hard, go to university and work a qualified job fulltime you'll be fine and won't have to worry about money". The previous generations were really optimistic about the future for us and the next generations when I was a kid, then 9/11 happened, a bunch of geopolitical bs happened, the 2008 crisis happened and had repercussions in my country a bit after 2008 so it already made life just expensive enough that I couldn't afford to leave my city to study in the universities that interested me as soon as I graduated from high school so I couldn't study what I wanted, etc. There's also this whole "the internet will revolutionize everything, it'll be great" thing in the early 2000s but it made a lot of things worse, especially when it comes to safety and privacy, etc. imo in reality it's a lot of things that snowballed into what we have now, a shitty economy all over the world, wars everywhere, etc. so if like me and many anons, you're a millenial woman who got an education and has a qualified fulltime job, you're most likely struggling unless you're a surgeon or working in IT.
No. 1793870
>>1792662This is a Zoomer trait that's super weird to me. When I was in high school my friends and I lied about our ages sometimes (I know, cringe) because we wanted to seem "older and mature", we couldn't fucking wait to be adults and fantasized about what life would be like in our 20s and 30s. Now it's super weird seeing teenagers infantilize themselves and seeing 18-year-olds say "I'm a literal CHIOLD!/I'm baby".
It feels like pedo pandering and I have no idea why girls are doing this to themselves
No. 1793880
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it drives me insane how zoomers cannot google for shit or come up with their own answers. they invade every comment section with “what is this called”. they are the most uncurious rude boring hobblyless donothings.
No. 1793881
>>1793514 Something I've been thinking of recently was that Occupy Wall Street happened right after I graduated high school. Everyone mocked the protestors and I even told my parents they should just get jobs instead of going broke from college loans…I worked instead of going to school and after 6-7 years it got me nowhere. I've worked my way up with an A.S. and I'm working on a B.A. but I still don't make enough to afford to live on my own.
>>1793561 When I was discussing apartments w\my mom she revealed that she and my dad split a whopping $350 rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in the 80s. I checked an inflation calculator to compare that with current rent prices and I'd have to earn 3x what they paid together to be able to afford the same.
No. 1795068
>>1794973Hey anon I’m 25 and in a similar situation recently despite being employed. Don’t be too hard on yourself. The only friend I have not struggling in some capacity makes like $150k a year. Use it as an opportunity to form a good bond with your family.
>>1793880From my experience with my pinterest using siblings and nieces, most of the more active users are 12 year olds. Ofc they’re going to say stupid shit. No need to be so aggressive.
No. 1795156
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>>1793883>>1793880As a zoomer I had to teach myself how to do things like reverse image search, basic Google search filter options, and I can confirm that these helpful tools aren't well known by other zoomers. Stuff like this wasn't taught when I was in school. Keep in mind that the parents and teachers of zoomers are even less tech savvy than we are, so we look like professional computer specialists in comparison (In my family, I was in charge of dealing with tech issues, looking for the family computer, etc). As a result, we weren't taught anything about this, since teachers didn't understand the internet that much either and we were assumed to be tech savvy enough anyway.
I haven't met any zoomers who can't type properly or right click save though. The zoomers some of you guys deal with sound unusually incompetent and annoying.
No. 1795157
Born in 90. Teens from my era and teens from this era are the exact same, they just have different avenues to consume media. Obsessed with hip new things (I had magazines for trends), fake activism (remember when PETA was at it's peak? When anti-online bullying ads started playing?), funky fashion and makeup, our parents being out of touch, it's always been the same each generation no matter the decade. Youths are optimistic and carefree, young adults start to get serious but still have no cares because their brains aren't fully developed, adults hyperfocus on finances in order to support themselves and/or family, retirement age people continue working no matter the economic climate because when they stop they die. My interactions online and in real life with gen z, millennials, and other age groups confirms my personal thoughts. Technology is the real generation divide imo.
No. 1795249
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>>1795192Nta but agreed on hiding comments for pinterest. I hate how everything I like has a comment section full of retarded zoomers that need to infiltrate and make it about their gender identity, no matter how far the reach, or they'll find a way to turn something totally benign into something insidious and political. I have to carefully tread content pertaining to Anne of Green Gables, as someone who prefers the books and the 80s live action adaptation, because there's swaths of mouthbreathing gen z "women" who love to shove the Netflix adaptation down everyone's throats and insist that its superior, while simultaneously screaming about how Anne and Diana were ackshually lesbians and Gilbert is an evil man.
Cue some moron writing a thesis about Anne smashing her slate over his head when he teased her about her hair as aboosive, as if this isn't an innocent series and we all did dumb shit as kids.
>>1795246This is why I said that gatekeeping has its merits. Its just that people, naturally, don't like to be told 'no' and have an inclination to oppose authority even in the vaguest sense.
No. 1795291
>>1778038This is spot-on though. I remember when I gave one of Mina Le's stupid videos a chance and it was the one about aesthetics. She explained at one point that it was/is about giving the appearance of xyz, but purely on a surface level, for the approval and admiration of others. At least, that's what it came off as to me when she explained balletcore and I'll admit that as someone who was a ballerina for eight years before opting out to focus on my studies, it chapped my ass a bit. So, you want to wear the Danskin, but you've never (and don't plan to) attended practice, auditioned for/danced with the company, honed your craft, etc.
That's very much what skinwalking is. Once again, I find it hard to process that this is the same group of people who are so ready to screech about perceived slights/abuse, while simultaneously doing some of the most creepy and
abusive shit I've seen outside of having grown up in an
abusive household. And, I understand that narc, gaslighting, and abuse are all words which have now been so overused that many of us feel as though they've lost their meaning.
But, what is attempting to constantly control and subjugate others (along with their perception of reality) and spaces, lying about easily verifiable shit (your age, skinwalking our generation), and then utterly losing your shit when confronted about your behavior, if not abuse or gaslighting? Or even signs of unchecked narcissism?
Again, I know these terms have been thrown around a lot for the last several years and people are probably tired of seeing them. I'm not trying to paint millennials as hapless
victims by making this observation. I just genuinely do not understand this behavior and writing it off as 'yet another generational war' or 'old people don't understand/remember when they were young!1!1' doesn't answer the question and it certainly doesn't address the behavior.
No. 1795363
>>1795291I feel like Millennials were constantly shit on, all of the time, for being “self centered”, “The Me Generation”, “narcissistic” etc and somehow zoomers also shit on us for being lame and outdated and “old” while we’re treated like we’re retarded children by everyone else. It feels like everyone older and younger than us constantly crap on us while zoomers are praised and worshipped and act MUCH more narcissistic and “
triggered” than our generation ever did.
No. 1795369
ayrt and I agree. I was actually thinking about this last night while out to eat with friends, specifically that "Me Generation" label which was tagged onto us at some point. I've mentioned it to some in my circle as well. It feels like we're the "new" Gen X in a way, because they were also hung out to dry as the original latch-key kids and they were also the first generation to really get caught up in the crossfire of the events of 9/11. Someone close to me has said that there's a version of his father that no longer exists after having been deployed and nearly shot down in his helicopter for that Afghanistan bullshit. I've even seen many of them attest to feeling like the forgotten generation and with how many of them ended up turning to drugs and alcoholism, I can't really say that I'm surprised, but I do feel for them. I might catch shit for this, but I actually feel more for them than I do Zoomers. Especially when so many of them echo the same story about their Boomer parents, having not given a shit for their entire lives, now expect to live in their homes with them (if they can even afford one and aren't still living at home) and be catered to during their final days while they also admit that they will not be leaving any money to them and are quickly trying to spend all of it before they drop dead.
The few gen x that I know of who didn't end up broken people are some of my aunts and uncles, my mother, and my late father, but every single other one I've met? There's this sadness about them. Its truly upsetting to see, because I genuinely don't think they deserve how badly the Boomers did them.
No. 1795378
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>>1795221I actually learned all of this at school, ever since my very first year of primary school in 2000. It was during this whole "the internet will change everything ever" era so my primary school bought a lot of computers to prepare us and made some compsci students teach us the basics from time to time. Then in technology class in middle school our teacher really focused more on the internet, how to do researches with google, how to use an email address, how to avoid online pedophiles and scammers pretending to be Nigerian princes, etc. but most people in my class and I also fucked around with computers, the ones who didn't have a computer at home would go to the library for that and you could borrow a bunch of games and "virtual" magazines that would sometimes teach you about what you should never post online like pictures of you, your address, your full name, etc. as well. French anons will recognize this one.
No. 1795500
>>1795221The way you learned about using the internet really doesn't sound too different from how I learned it, minus the mmos and CDs, of course. Most zoomers I know can type, I learned from playing Roblox rps (this really makes me fall into the zoomers stereotype huh), and we have our grammar nazis.
But other important stuff like avoiding scammers and not posting personal info online like in
>>1795378 phased out of learning by the time I was in 5th grade. I don't think it was a coincidence that it was around the time phones and social media started really getting popular. Personal computers, especially desktops, are seen as something more for digital production and gamers nowadays. Otherwise, get a laptop or phone.
No. 1795516
>>1793880zoomers literally believe extreme bodies they see on tiktok are real kek
it is kind of depressing though, the previous generations worked so hard to try to give us realistic body standards in the 2010s just for zoomers to jump through hoops to try to demand everyone have as unrealistic standards as possible
No. 1795528
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I think the fact that gen z parents were more apprehensive about letting their kids go out and play made zoomers more reliant on their phones for entertainment as well. Parents are afraid that their kids will get hurt or kidnapped if they go out their sight. For families that aren't active, this means the kids are stuck inside. Children are trusted less with being able to move around without supervision, so the next best thing is to stay at home, and occupy yourself by watching YouTube all day.
No. 1795545
>>1795485The hair wars are stupid, yeah. My issue with the center part is that I had it growing up and it doesn't "frame" my face, if that makes any sense. The stylists I've been to told me that I could absolutely wear it still, but they understand why I'd feel "lost" in my own hair when it was both long and center parted. My hair is short and even with a center part and curtain bangs, it does nothing for me. Not terrible, not fantastic, but just bland? That's the best way I can describe it. Short hair suits me best because it frames my face and high cheekbones. A part of me has wondered if gen z is obsessed with the center part so they can look like anime characters, because its a pretty stereotypical asian haircut.
Still no shade at all to those who enjoy the part! Do whatever works for you and be comfortable in your own skin, dude!
No. 1795585
>>1795576Oh, okay. Well, did you read the OP? Because people are sharing their thoughts about how they feel towards one another and that's kinda the point of the thread. You're going to have discussion that naturally branches off into other aspects. That's.. kinda normal. If you don't care for the thread you're more than welcome to hide it.
It should also be obvious that we're talking about generalizations. The reason why I asked if you were that other anon is because you both took a generalization personally. I'm sure there are zoomers out there who are struggling, who aren't getting the help they need, and there are millenials and gen exers throwing their weight around to get what they want. But, there is not enough room on the internet to sit and go through every individuals unique circumstances. So, of course we're going to look at patterns in the generational gaps and speak generally. The idea that this would be taken to a literal degree is either ignorant at best or intentional obfuscation at worst. I'd like to hope that you fall under the former or maybe you're ESL, because I could totally understand either situation.
Respectfully, I'm going to have to echo
>>1778074 and point out that none of us should have to say #notall in order to placate you.
No. 1795628
>>1795590>Imo, it doesn't even really make sense even from a generalization stand point, which is why I asked.Word, okay. Myself and others upthread have pointed out how it seems to be a running theme with zoomers where they can infiltrate fandoms/communities, demand to be capitulated to, and if they don't get that they make the space so unbearable for others that they have to leave. Some offline examples could be the mobs/riots that have been taking place in major cities across the U.S. (sorry if you're outside of the country and my example falls flat on its face), and all of it is just for the sake of destroying things. They will go somewhere, become a nuisance, and if you criticize them or even just try to opt out, they will treat you like it's a problem with you. I mean, look at the one dude who harassed an older guy at a food court to the point where the older guy shot him. Or, the asshole in Japan who eventually got arrested and was told he's not permitted to return to the country. It took six months for that to happen.
I do absolutely see how social media has played a role in this though. The more deranged behavior has been incentivized, whereas in my area/group we left that sort of stuff to the dudes on Jackass. By no means we were perfect, but there's a reason why a lot of us are confused by all this stuff.
No. 1795946
>>1795933Based nonna.
>>1795922>I feel like I’m being punished for being a single woman kek.It be like that.
No. 1796051
>>1795545but most anime characters have bangs across the forehead. i always associated center parts with mormon horse girls kek
>>1796006isn't 27 millennial? i keep seeing different answers
No. 1796256
>>1795528Yeah, this started with the young millennials because when I was a kid my father would go off about how any little move I make would get me kidnapped (I'm 30+ now) after the "stranger danger" panic in the 80s. I notice every generation born after have been kept inside "just to be safe", even though it's more common for kids to be abused by adults the family knew. It's gotten worse because 20 years ago only middle class people could afford a computer and internet (AFAIK, I had poor classmates at school who didn't have internet and I went years without internet when my parents were struggling), but now phones and a data plan are affordable even if you make min wage.
>>1796051I thought young millennials were 27-33? People keep waffling on if people born in 1996-1999 are zoomers or not.
No. 1796327
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I'm a millennial and I love the center part kek. It hides my temples so my head looks cuter. Used to have Boxxy hair and now its like pic related (from pinterest). I went back to a big side part for one day and got a few compliments from males though and girls prefer the center,
No. 1796359
>>1794249I'm a zoomer and I think it's a shame that we were never given a course on the dangers of social media. It scares me how toddlers these days are given technology before they can even understand a few core lessons about posting online. Like:
> Everything you say can/will be used against you> People can take screenshots even if you delete it later on> People can take your pictures and reuse them for other purposes (esp sex pest moids)> Most of the time you will have no idea that people are sharing your posts or your pictures> People can figure out your location by what you post> THE INTERNET IS NOT YOUR PERSONAL DIARY and you will regret it majorly if you treat it as such> Not every application you download is safe and they can steal from you or hack your system> Not everyone is who they say they are, especially if you are a child–pedophiles don't even have to leave their house to find targets anymoreI think elementary, middle, and high schools should have a seminar on the dangers of the digital world and social media.
>>1795037> it's not like millennials did it (stop raising retarded iPad babies tho, pls)Yes I agree, as an early gen Z (like you) I think millennial parents need to learn from gen X parents' mistakes and really stop shoving screens in front of these kids' faces. Millennials' children are going to be even worse than us from what I can tell. I partly have poor social skills from being on my computer as a kid/tween/teen in the 2000s/2010s and I can't even imagine what life is going to be like for these children who are on phones watching Youtube Kids during dinner with their parents (which is something I keep seeing) or at the store with their parents. I get that kids scream and cry but giving them a screen every time to distract them is adequately preparing them for the reality that boring tasks are a thing that you must do. It's obviously also creating an overreliance on phones. It also screams attachment issues and parental neglect to me. These children as adults will most likely be very stunted and insufferable to deal with. And even if you raise your kid contrary to this, it doesn't change that the majority of the human population in this generation in the developed world is raised like this.
Also I wanna say that I know this thread is about Millennials vs Gen Z but I swear to god the phone addiction is rampant among old people as well because every time I see someone looking down at their phone while driving it's hardly someone my age but someone who is old as hell. My gen X dad even went half a dinner on his phone completely ignoring everything I was saying to him. The world is really fucked.
No. 1796560
>>1795249The new one is such a bastardization, it’s just more trauma porn for the shock whores of today. The thing that made Anne so good was that it was a mix of escapism with a healthy and optimistic process of healing from trauma and grief without wallowing and it didn’t need to go super deep into specifics to
trigger people and garner sympathy, the target was able relate and feel good about doing so.
No. 1796595
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>>1796560BASED FUCKING THANK YOU NONNA!! I was hoping to find another Anne fan who understands. Every single post or video about the Netflix version has these zoomers slobbering over how ermergerd deeeeeep it is for hamfisting a random black couple and their child, the residential schools and indigenous, whatever was going on with Diana, and Anne making a total ass of herself in the first episode by mentioning a euphemism for masturbation to the rest of the girls. None of this shit would've been in the original and rightfully so. We didn't need it. I normally enjoy Karolina Zebrowska's content, but even she disappointed me when both she and her audience nutted themselves over that version and any comments (including one of my own) which poised criticism were swiftly removed. I assumed that somebody who has been so heavily invested in historical accuracy would've seen this for what it is, but I guess not.
Anne WAS weird in her original form as she was written. Maybe not by today's standards, but for the time period she certainly was and that was part of what made her memorable and entertaining. And, the sniveling, sunken eyed thing they got to play Gilbert? Nobody could own that role better than Jonathan Crombie and I will die on this hill. Megan Follows will always be the only Anne to me. She's lovely.
God forbid you say anything though. These morons hurry in, practically tripping over themselves in the process, to declare that you're somehow racist for not wanting a beloved series to be touched by their filthy mitts. The other response is to claim that Shit with an T was "bringing awareness to issues" by including this crap in the show. Literally fucking how lmao. It doesn't produce any meaningful, real-world change. Its an excuse to seem woke while lazily profiting off of someone else's IP. And I get that the 80s version also changed some things, especially with the later films in the series, but I'd happily take those since they still stayed very close to the source material. Even when they deviated, they didn't pile slop on a plate before us and tell us to eat up the way this version did.
Pardon my tism, its so fucking hard to find other fans these days who don't suck the Netflix dick.
No. 1799565
>>1799559A friend of mine applied for a job recently that she’s qualified for and she got denied based on a personality test that said she was too aggressive…
People can’t handle shit or take personal responsibility anymore, it’s always someone else’s fault and you better be nice otherwise HRs gonna hear about your baaaad attitude. Like this is what corporations wanted way back when, the ability to fire people who didn’t smile or suck enough dick and zoomers are all for it weirdly (they got their by a different route but they still go their). And corpos don’t care because they think they’ll have robots to replace zoomers within the next 10yrs.
No. 1799621
>>1799607Has anyone else noticed this other really strange thing that they do where they honestly think that they're the first ones to discover a certain film or book? They create these obnoxious, r/iamverysmart-tier tiktoks with this OMG I CANNOT BEEELIVEEEEEE U GUYS DIDN'T HEAR OF THIS UNTIL MEEEEEEEE or they have these video essays over on youtube where its a half an hour or more of them acting like they were the only person to discover something and why their super unique and totally not boring ass opinions about it need to be heard. I've seen zoomer girls act like nobody has heard of Perfect Blue until they watched it and reviewed it over on tumblr, as if most of us didn't watch it back in junior high as a Blockbuster rental. Not even trying to sound like a hipster because it isn't about that, but its the way these twats seriously think that there was no community prior to them. If you say, "Oh yeah, I watched that back in 2001 with my weeb friends..", they either ignore your comment and only respond to what they think are other zoomers or they'll get defensive about the fact that someone remembers something fondly from before they were born. Its so weird and I hope this makes sense. Its like they're inherently angry and threatened by the concept of linear time. They're angry and threatened by people who are older than them, who enjoyed the things they mistakenly deemed as underrated (when many things they profess to love so much ended up being cult classics, but sure jan you have such obscure interests and no one understands you), and they get absolutely shitter shattered when you point that out. Again, I don't mean in a nasty way either. You can say you remember a series or band that they just discovered and you can see their expression fall when it happens offline, too. "What do you mean I'm not THE FIRST TO FUCKING LIKE THIS THING REEEEEEE"
No. 1799668
>>1799654How is it their generation's show when they're the ones constantly bitching about how
problematic Cartman and every season before 21 is?
No. 1800074
>>1799621I don't really feel like this is unique to Gen Z, it's really just us getting old enough where we see the renaissance of some cult classic for the 4th time or see the songs of our youth reworked and sampled for the 15th time. Like I remember about my "music discoveries" to my dad while he was very unenthusiastic about some shittier rework of a song from -20 years of time.
Also why it's hard to be around children in general, because nothing they say has novelty value but to them it's their first time thinking about something. So I don't feel like this is particularly grating, but I also stay out of BookTok and shit like that.
No. 1800101
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I just feel bad for them. and us millennials. and gen alpha. boomers and above cooked us.
I'll take (what else) I can about how shit millennials are but someone raised us. and the ones before. and the ones after.
I've unironically turned into picrel and just hope we figure it the fuck out before it's too late
No. 1800338
>>1800304Fair but discussion would be nice since I doubt gen x parents of zoomers tried to protect them from the dangers of the internet, child kidnappings and the whole madness that was satanic panic, different times make different experiences… and to be honest, I actually have no idea what gen x taught zoomers.
Some while ago there was a discussion somewhere in ot about boomer parents and the people talking about it were young millenials I think, I wonder how different were their experiences growing up too.
No. 1800347
>>1800289I agree with you, but I think millennial parents are either repeating or trying to do the opposite of what their parents did. I have millennial parent coworkers and they either had controlling parents and want to be "better than that", or their parents coddled them and they think that's the right way to go now. (Obviously there are exceptions and different experiences but I'm generalizing.)
>>1800338IME, the boomers and gen xers bought into the "child kidnapping/stranger danger" and satanic panic hysteria, I had helicopter parents who were both scared of letting me play outside without supervision because the neighbors might kidnap me. But they also warned me to not talk to people on the internet or give out my real name/location. A lot of millennials and older zoomers internalized the 101 online safety, but it's nonexistent to young zoomers and gen alpha because their parents only used the internet casually when it was just a fun side thing and not a replacement to their social life and think it's harmless.
No. 1800386
>>1800289It's lowkey
abusive, too. Children need boundaries, routines and structure to function. They also need parents, not friends, to make them feel safe. I feel like some millennial and gen Z parents take "gentle parenting" to mean "never saying no to your child" rather than "not being a selfish moron who uses their child as a punching bag to relieve stress" the way boomers did to them and gen X. If you wanna know what happens when kids are let to make their own rules, go work in a kindergarten. Bullying, hitting, biting and chaos
will happen if you don't intervene and set rules.
>>1800347I do think a lot of millennial parents mean well, but many of them are also narcissistic, I don't have any other word for what they're doing. Some of them looove preaching about what a good dad or mom they are and how different they are from their parents but inevitably fuck up their kids anyway with their laissez-faire kumbaya parenting that is very lazy once you scratch the surface and look deeper.
No. 1800432
>>1800074It has to do more with their need to control everything and that authenticity problem nonas have mentioned. Zoomers get particularly venomous when someone older stumbles upon their video and is able to relate or divulges further information about the topic. It can be done in the most neutral toned or enthusiastic way and you'll still see other zoomers in the comments descend upon that person with 'im wondering who asked u' or random gender and political bullshit they pulled from nowehere.
They never want to actually have discussions. Its: shut up, listen to me talk, and then go away. And I'm sorry because I really am not trying to nlog or anything, but I wasn't like that. I was really happy when I found people online who liked the same things I did and fucking STOKED if I happened to come across them offline. The latter was rare. I remember us having discussions a few years back about how even the convention scene has drastically changed from when we were younger. These people show up to our cons, our spaces, and they're pissed off they we're there when its our money and attendance and booths which kept events going to the point that they're even able to enjoy it.
It keeps coming back to control. They really are like mini boomers. They are so miserable and they want to control everyone and everything around them. I don't give a shit how bad they've had it. That doesn't give anybody the right to demand the subjugation of others.
>>1800386A lot of millennials shouldn't have had kids. Period.
No. 1800972
>>1800641The teacher
>>1800953 in this video said these gen alpha cocobabies are being rude, can't speak properly, have no attention span and are hitting people and each other. I saw many similar comments in the original post from teachers sharing similar anecdotes. Seriously, what are these parents doing? No wonder teachers are quitting. It's is concerning.
No. 1801018
>>1800986Really good observation,
nonnie. Another example your content-approach and adding comments being seen as competition is how people contest opinions on TwitterX by "ratioing". People will throw a half-assed teenage-level comeback to someone's public message and then zoomers will celebrate """victory""" (over what?they do not present any counterarguments) if they write enough one-liners in qoutes.
No. 1801518
>>1800953There's going to be a serious education crisis. Millennials are raising their kids to basically act like barnyard animals, so now teachers are quitting en masse
en masse is an exaggeration but it is a lot and anyone who may have considered being a teacher is going to see what's happening and decide to not even deal with it. That leaves virtual and home schools, both of of which are terrible options. These parents already don't care about their kids so home school can't happen, and virtual school with actual educators has it's own issues. Anyone who still decides to teach public school in the future will be seriously overwhelmed.
No. 1801572
>>1800953Kek I feel for her but it’s so hard to take seriously when she keeps saying
and I’m 22, I’ve never in my LIFE like she’s 80 or something
No. 1801981
>>1801627right? i feel like a big problem with young parents is that their parenting philosophy is "i'm gonna be a good parent and actually respect my kids unlike my
abusive narcissist whore mom!!!1 i'm gonna give them the childhood i never had!!" and then proceeds to let them eat whatever, do whatever and behave however to then get them a diagnosis for adhd or autism to justify this parenting style. and to me it seems like the kids' issues are a reflection of the parent's issues with resenting authority (muh narc parents), internet addiction, and self pity.
No. 1801991
>>1801528>>1801524Actual school shootings involving actual schoolchildren are statistically insignificant. Please don’t believe that “multiple per day” bullshit. The other fear is
valid though.
No. 1802000
>>1800953My mom works as a teacher aid and this is an everyday occurrence at her elementary school. She manages kindergarten through fifth grade. The stories she has told me…she says it's common for the children to punch and kick other kids as well as adults. She told me about a child so violent and prone to outburts, that he has to be followed around at a distance and watched by staff. I assumed this was a 10 year old. He was only 6. She also has literally heard from children under 6 "Prison is no big deal, it's just a few years and you get out, like my Uncle/Dad/etc". And this girl's right, whenever the parents are confronted about the child's behaviour it is never their fault, they will defend the child and insist that the teacher MUST have done something to provoke their kid. The parents encourage bad behaviour and there's no accountability.
In my area, police are called on a daily basis because Gen Z high schoolers will walk out of school en masse (it's retarded the school keeps open campus, but it's so overcrowded that they just want the kids gone during lunch) and walk to the local food businesses across the street. I'm talking hundreds flooding these places, you have to completely avoid the area during 11am-1pm. Outside of these businesses, huge groups gather and will jump other kids to the point of putting them in the hospital. They will go outside these places to have fights. They trash the restaurants and harass the minimum wage workers, screaming and wanting to fight the employees. And this is OLDER Gen Z doing this. I cannot imagine how bad it is going to be when these elementary-aged kids get older. I'm a young millennial that attended that high school years ago, we went off-campus too, and this did not happen.