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No. 1737553
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1691641 No. 1738050
I honestly just hate how everyone suddenly thinks that their opinions or lives matter at all. I don’t have social media because I’m sick of looking at people unironically shoving their faces on a camera, talking about the most random shit ever, dancing, lip-syncing and so much more.
Social media platforms shouldn’t allow making any personal profiles public, it should be exclusively used by people with actual business to show the stuff they make and it also should be professional, not “hurr durr me taking a picture of my cat while doing some commissions lol” I don’t give a fuck about anyone’s animals, family members or hobbies, just do the damn project and sell it already, stop trying to make hashtag relatable bullshit, stop trying to make retarded ASMR shit and stop trying to make people get into parasocial relationships with your ass, which are really fucking vile.
I also hate that shit a lot, and I hate how most stores and shit try to make parasocial relationships a normal thing, I don’t want any fucking “hi beautiful!! Xoxo!!!! Heart emoji” shit in a message from a fucking store, I just want to be told if I’m going to get my fucking package or if my order got canceled.
No. 1738227
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>things you hate
Americans being all swooned by British accents, particularly fancy English ones. It's so bad, that the British accent lust bleeds to American media. Our shows and movies have characters with British accents even when it makes no damn sense to the setting. The quickest example I can give is the Beauty and The Beast live action remake, where they got a bunch of Stewie Griffin sounding ass actors to play characters that live in France. Why are Americans addicted to English accents? Isn't most of England ghetto now anyway?
No. 1738252
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I hate when some people are just so fucking miserable that they cannot abide other people enjoying anything. My former best friend was like that, a lot of anons on here are like that too. They have to try and shit on things or want to get you riled up to argue and it’s exhausting. Yes, life sucks and is hard for most of us, why try to spread it around tho? I genuinely don’t get it.
No. 1738354
>>1738247>Noctis, does not have a British accent, however for some inexplicable reason both his dad and his most "fancy"-vibed friend/advisor DO have British accentsFinal Fantasy localizers are stupid as fuck tbh. They also changed lines in FF16 for no reason like making
Dion the emperor after he stabs his dad by accident when he's nothing but a prince who cannot become the emperor in the original text, they do that to all the games but for some reason English localizations are always the most affected. Anyway the way you described it reminds me of Christian Bale and his kids kek.
No. 1738533
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i hate every faggot character that acts like this one. I dont even know how to describe it other than "hehehe im so interesting arent the things i do so deep even though its acting like a middle school emo kid from the 2010s??" I dont know if it started with black butler or something else but there are way too many patchwork, mad hatter, joker type characters that all act the same way. they exist only to annoy you until their death and kill some more well written characters in their path. i hate every character that acts the same 2edgy5me yet also like an autist.
No. 1738564
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>>1737687>>1738470But why? What is there to hate about fun makeup and talking about games/media most of us grew up with?
No. 1738645
>>1738203I agree, most of those posts seem to be moids larping as farmers
I fucking hate AI, especially AI art, it's everywhere now. It used to be "wow, it can do this?!" for like a second but everything has that uncanney look and you can clock it immediately. So ugly. Also all uni students are retards now who can't write a single sentence without consulting chatgbt. We're doomed. I also hate the boomer talk I'm just adding to of being doomed because of AI. I just wish AI never went were we are now because it's so annoying.
I also hate when people define themselves over how hard working they are like that's something to be proud of. These people usually have no understanding of politics and economy and especially how exploitative our system is. Like okay you think you're such a saint because you work your ass off 40 hours a week and aren't a "burden" to society like those unemployed leeches but really you're just contributing to the endless cycle and working to make other people richer (in most cases). And they never complain about billionaires like they to about the unemployed/immigrants etc. I don't care if you work all week and barely have any time for yourself, that's your own fault.
No. 1738695
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I really fucking hate the moids who drive loud cars. I seriously cannot wrap my head around their autism. Like how is it possible to be this retarded and selfish? Why do moids think waking people up by driving a loud car that sounds like a fart is “Cool” and “Manly”. These men are why i believe men are not people. I think i hate these men more than trannies.
No. 1738847
I hate webp. Why does this need to exist? What does it do that jpg doesn't? It's 2023, just png.
>>1738695This. I live deep in the country and a small dicked moid's loud exhaust can be heard for miles. Big loud aftermarket exhaust = small penis.
No. 1738898
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I am SO sorry to any nonas reading this who have it but I have an irrational hatred of knock knees. It gives me like war veteran ptsd of the bitchy sports girls in high school who always had some kind of soft leg brace shit on and were rude to teachers and like burped randomly to be “funny.” I get so disproportionately angry looking at this trair
No. 1739534
>>1738722can relate.
I can't identify any cars. I feel like a total car retard. I just don't care as long as it's clean and functions. I hate driving and take public transportation everywhere I can (pretty easy in my country).
I had to make a police report about an accident I witnessed and I couldn't identify the car make or model, felt really embarrassed about it.
The kicker: my dad worked in the auto industry for a big part of my childhood (mechanic, then petrol stations, then moved on to another thing).
No. 1739760
I hate schizophrenics. I don't give a shit that they "can't help it." If they can't help killing someone or threatening someone or harassing people because they're too fucking retarded to realize that God isn't talking to them through a toilet bowl or some other retarded-ass delusion, they should humanely and painlessly put to sleep like aggressive dogs are. It's better for them and for society.
They will never contribute anything to society but pain, discomfort, and disgust. They will never hold a stable job. They will never be able to provide for themselves long-term. Not only are they helpless to their own stupid fucked up brains, they take it out on everyone else and scream in people's faces about pedophiles and reptilians and how they want to rape you or kill you. They regularly and blatantly try to kill people and sometimes succeed. Why do we even let these people out of a fucking hospital? Just restrain them to a bed, hook up a feeding tube, slap a TV in front of them, and forget about them until they die. It's not like they're going to go more insane than they already are.
I live in an area with a high schizo population and I'm sick of being fucking yelled at or followed or harassed by schizos screaming about some retarded shit. I'd feel bad for them, but there's tons of free, well-advertised mental health assistance options in my area. Healthcare is free here. The ads are on every bus and there's several mental health clinics around here. They just refuse to get help and instead make it everyone else's problem, then get aggressive when someone else finally stops putting up with their delusional bullshit and sticks them in a hospital. Fuck off, just go rot in a jail cell for all I care if you won't take steps to not be a delusional retard.
No. 1739822
>>1739813Same, it literally
triggers something in me because I get physically uncomfortable listening to it kek
No. 1739881
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bumping shit off the front page
No. 1741016
>>1740971you missed
femcel white girls with brown hair and eyes reeing about white blonde women with blue eyes. makes me cringe everytime
No. 1741074
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>>1740971Pretty privilege and a certain breed of dogs
No. 1742095
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I Really hate Snoop dogg. I hate his ugly pedophilic voice. I am so tired of seeing this ugly creature in every single advertisement acting “quirky”. You would never see a women even 1/4 as ugly as he is in an advert. How the fuck does he even manage to find work considering his criminal history. Does no one care that he used to rap about and glorify literal human trafficking? Or how he actually has trafficked women? Amber Heard had her life fucked because she ALLEGEDLY abused Depp, but nothing about SnoopDogg is alleged and yet he still finds work.
No. 1742814
>>1742777Nonna, come to Currywurstland. I'm in the exact opposite situation where I look for wide EU38/38,5 or a small 39 cuz I have wide square feet and all I find in shops is either the smallest 37 shoes or from 40 onwards.
As for the thing I hate, there's an IG page where people submit their post either to be funny or to lecture people or to write a story where the whole bus clapped. It's ofc people from the Bratwurst speaking countries and the shit I have to read on there makes me realize how goddamn privileged some of those people are.
Best example was a post about "Back in my day, shops only had open til 6pm Monday-Friday and on Saturday only til 2pm. And we still survived." , where you could sense a detachment from reality and how people gotta do the bread winning with a minimum of 40h/week for their household to stay afloat, which is usually 9-5/10-6.
Plus, it reeked of those people who come to a hotel somewhere (been there, worked that job) and demand the reception to be available 24/7.
I can't stand the entitlement and selfishness.
No. 1742888
>>1742881girl no one compliments my weird ass feet. i'm deformed and majorly pigeon footed and i walk fucked up. no one looks at me if not to mock kek i'm saying weebs have a tendency to lie about being small in size but i can see why that came off as bragging, sorry.
>>1742873i'm not a size 36 i'm a size 35 which tbh isn't that big of a difference and you're probably right i could find the same size in mall shops plus inserts. i went on a retarded tangent but yeah, sorry
No. 1743037
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Seeing more and more troons modelling for women. Haven't seen a single transman.
No. 1743121
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How self care became synonymous with consumption. Pic rel is not self care.
No. 1743143
>>1743141Kek I was just about to to write that…
Self-care is less clutter on your tiny sink!
No. 1743484
>>1740971speaking of, I hate that women can get pregnant. Just a mention of it and I'm squicked out for an hour trembling and retching. It is absolutely vile that we have to be inflicted with a uterus, which is nothing but a sack designed to host parasites. and whether you want kids or not you always have to haul this useless sack around inside your body, it sucks up your nutrients, and it's always conspiring to ruin your life. at any time your body can just betray you. and it's ridden with diseases, too, like endo or cervical cancer, it can make you anemic, and menstruation ruins your quality of life starting for some women at age TEN. 10. when kids just want to play in the dirt and poke sticks at bugs, girls already have to experience the agony of their body betraying them. this is why i'm antinatalist, i dont' think this species should continue when half the population are hindered by this horrific defect. (and the other half are barely-sentient dick-sacks.) i hate that women are expected to suffer with this bullshit, it's so unfair. i wish there was an easy, risk-free, accessible way to remove the entire female reproductive system. a uterus is literally designed to destroy and kill you and people just walk around with this ticking timebomb in their abdomen obliviously.
No. 1743551
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autists in every thread lamenting about a cow dyeing her hair, even if it's a natural tone and not a clown explosion like what jillian vessey has. they always exaggerate the damage they see in pics too. let's be real, it's rare that someone's hair is that fried beyond repair a la luna slater. and for some reason they always insist that the cow goes back to her natural colour. and most of the time the cow in question's eyes and hair are the same dull shade of brown, so she just looks like picrel in the old photos that these nonnas inevitably cite. not everyone's natural shade is flattering to them. imo this kind of brown only looks good if you have pale white porcelain hikikomori skin to contrast it, and even then half the time these people look like gypsy rose blanchard anyway. nothing wrong with dyeing your hair. even people with virign hair often have damage because they use shit products or heat. at this point i am convinced that hair spergs just hate it when someone looks a smidge more memorable than their mousy grey ass or something.
No. 1744464
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I grew up being the child who was super autistic about Pokémon but now I hate it. The level of consoomerism around it is just insane and it's everywhere. Plus, the games have become so terrible and repetitive. I don't get how Pokémon fans don't feel insulted by the clear lack of effort GameFreak puts into the newer 3D games. I have friends who are the most loyal consoomers of Pokémon, playing Pokémon GO constantly, collecting the cards, and buying the latest shitty game, and as much as I love my friends, it kind of drives me insane that they're so obsessed with it. They don't know how much I actually despise the series and I feel like I have to feign passive interest in the series whenever they obsess over it.
No. 1744467
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>>1744446What's wrong with rouge?
No. 1744474
>>1744469 said, rouge itself is fine but it doesn't get used as much as rogue, which people misspell a lot
No. 1745017
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No. 1745041
>>1745002What should we say then, Original
Nonny? kek
No. 1745107
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The Asexual flag
No. 1745138
>>1745107I won't say I hate asexuals since most of them have sexual trauma
like me but who does it help when you turn into a orientation?I hate the "some asexuals like sex!!1!" Bullshit
No. 1745398
I absolutely hate femboy trannies on twitter. they made a relatively innocent term degenerate. I always had a thing for guys with feminine features (especially when I was younger) and liked the term femboy for it but after seeing countless profiles of disgusting ugly ass anime obsessed gay moids in striped kneesocks that are always in poly relationships with other filthy NEET coomers wearing cat ears and shit they always immediately come up in my mind when I heard the word femboy. Fuck them and their internalized homophobia that they externalize against women. They're terminally online and make everyone around them miserable. I always have to think about their poor mothers too kek
>>1741872oh yeah I hate that too. it became really apparent with the barbie movie.
No. 1745479
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Bleeding through 3 super absorbency tampons in a day after having super light 7 day periods the past 3 months
No. 1745483
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>>1745454I was about to say this too but I googled it just to see what the kids are saying and… nona, hold me, they're rewriting history out there this is gonna make me lose my mind! lmao at what internet dictionaries are saying about it –it wasn't derogatory it was a porn tag
No. 1745740
>>1744464I stopped playing at Gen3 I think (which one is the one with Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire?) because my parents didn't indulge all of our wants for new video games, since accumulating purchases of 40€ worth games is a sum after all.
I did play some of Mystery Dungeon on emulator and I watch some rom hacks of Pokemon because they sometimes have better story telling than the latest Pokemon games, so I can relate to your opinion.
I don't wanna be "that person" but a lot of "old" franchises have dumbed themselves down in terms of tutorial steps (where you'd spend 5 minutes in game ten to fifteen years ago, if not less, now a tutorial can be hours long), and in terms of getting lost in the sauce of the pre existing lore. World and story building IS a hard skill, and Pokemon has failed in those two aspects, when they could have kept the "sandboxy"-ish aspect of it and let other outside creators do their thing with their rom hacks which make better use of the Pokemon assets.
The Indigo League anime and the first two gens are still part of fond childhood memories to me, but as for everything past gen 3, guess I'm too old to "get it" or be a fangirl.
No. 1745763
>>1745450If only they would but the constant whining and suicide baiting is just for attention and part of their image
>>1745454okay maybe to my naive younger self it was an innocent term
>>1745442Google Lens sucks so much, it was so much easier to reverse image search before that
No. 1746619
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Men with beards
Why are so many of them full of shit?
No. 1747334
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>>1747306Another thing I'm starting to hate
No. 1749173
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No. 1749221
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Leaf blowers. They make me feel literally homicidal.
No. 1749257
>>1749235It's because Americans are lazy pieces of shit, addicted to noise, and allergic to effort.
>>1749251Shame on you.
No. 1749279
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>>1749235Leafbloweres are a way for gangstalkers to stand around outside without drawing much suspicion. Leaves don't need to be removed from the ground for any reason. What's next, vacuuming the trees before the leaves fall? It's utterly deranged.
No. 1749306
>>1749289Notice that you're so predictable I already replied to you via my image before you even posted anything
Checkmate, normie
No. 1749334
>>1749257>Americans hurrdurr You spelled "moids" wrong. Leafblowers are surrogate dicks just like everything else manmade.
The landscaping business is just make-work jobs for scrotes too retarded to even check emails all day.
No. 1749352
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It triggers me so much when people refer to calico cats as "he" by default, they are GIRLS. Unless you know for a fact that it is a rare mutated male, cats with 3 different colors are FEMALE CATS. Everyone should know. They need to teach this in all schools (it was taught in my school)
No. 1749402
>>1749376I lift heavy stuff for work but it never seemed to help
>inb4 are you sure it's not muscle weightI'm pretty sure at least 10-15 lbs of it is muscle, but I still have flabby arms and a stomach pooch
No. 1749492
>>1749352Just saw
>>1748051, seems like another nona addressed this before me, bless her
No. 1750039
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i hate men i hate men i hate men
No. 1750567
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Bitches who make inedible gingerbread houses. The fuck do you mean you used hot glue on your gingerbread house? I mean yeah, no one really eats them but it's still dumb.
No. 1750587
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>>1750567nona I feel you and also the weird ass cake boss type cakes that are mostly rice crispy treats, cardboard and even wood?
No. 1750677
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>>1750211Made me think of this
No. 1751063
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Old men. They trigger some sort of primal rage in me i fucking hate them. The way they talk and how they have the audacity to cat call women AND girls as if old men aren’t nasty fragile hideous subhumans. When i see an old moid when i leave the house i really want to fucking kill them with a hammer. IDK why people think old men are innocent or some shit because since they are older, their moid points are highly accumulated.
No. 1751143
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Shut the fuck up.
No. 1751380
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When ED-chans act like they’re hot shit when talking about fat people, but realistically look like pic rel
No. 1751858
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>>1751143Get some eep nonniwonni
No. 1751909
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I hate when people jump to tranny pandering accusation over simple stuff, when they see a ever so slightly masculine woman and the first reaction is "Oh noooooo, this is so TiF coded, are they trying to erase women?". Like, I get it, we make fun of trannies, but I also think is of poor taste to shame women who just so happen to be GNC or androgynous. Femenine, masculine or more neutral styled women should all be fine, since they are all women who are proud to born as such, or at least that's how I see it. Not every woman in media has to be ultra cute just so we are on the same page that she isn't an enby.
No. 1752382
>>1752354>being pro rigid gender role doesn't make you a tradthotkek
and it's the amount of time you spend talking about it that makes the other things become tradthot shit. they don't talk about anything else, the same people have the same infights about pregnancy, prostitutes, gays, gnc women, the female sexuality, etc. all day every day because they think this is tradfem /pol/. that's what they're here to do. thread has nothing to do with any of those topics? fuck it, lets start fighting about it anyways. they need to fuck off and die.
No. 1752594
>>1752382No, I said being AGAINST those things doesn’t make someone a trad. The women defending and babying prostitutes are the ones adhering to gender roles if anything.
>>1752358I think they must be new or something. It’s strange to see on here.
No. 1752619
>>1752446Continuing watching according to moids being upset that your shithead son forgot mother's day makes you narcissist.
I fucking hate men so much.
No. 1752664
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>>1752657And also a narcissist apparently, being parasocial internet armchair retards can clearly tell a person's internal brain chemistry based on a ted talk they did.
I genuinely hope people making these comments kill themselves though, it just sums up that women literally aren't allowed to make mistakes.
No. 1752673
>>1752664Idk anything about the rest so I won't comment on if she was a good mother but
>Sue was the real monsterSure, not her son who killed a bunch of people lmao
No. 1752683
>>1752673Half the comments were mad at her for calling her son a monster (which he is) but then also mad that she apparently was too easy on him and loved him too much? Which one is it?
It really does sum up that women but moms in particular are people moids love to blame the most and the only way they expect them to react to this happening is apologizing to literally everyone for something they didn't do and crying non stop for the rest of their lives.
No. 1752692
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I hate how ASMR mukbangs dominate the mukbang market. The original point of mukbangs was to feel as if you're eating with someone, I'm not here to hear you smack.
No. 1752751
>>1751909I'm still seething over that one bitch here who called sports bras and short hair "TIF coded". A lot of anons here don't even bother to hide the fact that they only hate trannies because they hate all GNC people and I'm not even sure if it's actually tradfags or that one unhinged misogynistic FTM who got her post history revealed samefagging endlessly.
>>1751958Kek and then it turned out that she was modeled after an actual IRL woman. Looking back at it she absolutely doesn't resemble a man at all and I've seen numerous sportswomen who look identical to her.
No. 1752842
>>1752594>No, I said being AGAINST those things doesn’t make someone a traddon't be obtuse. the mention of gender roles was about them supporting rigid gender roles.
>I think they must be new or somethingyou must've started using lolcow during the pandemic at the longest if you think this is the way it's always been here. fuck off to /pol/ or /2x/ if you want to sperg about your political beliefs for hours on end, /2x/ was created to contain that shit.
No. 1753189
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i always find these types of short form videos that try to teach pointless niche english vocab for ESLs extremely annoying. as a native english speaker i have not needed to know the word hopscotch for at least 15 years. like why not shift your focus to teaching useful vocab, phrases, idioms or slang which are more likely to be used in daily life? most people will need those if they plan to go to an english speaking country to work or study.
i actually think that shorts are a great medium to teach vocab for language learners but stuff like this just ain't it
No. 1753254
>>1753189>idiomsI agree but I think there's useless teachers like this online for idioms too. The reason I say this is because my autistic ESL father got really into learning idioms at one point but he picked up all these niche or outdated phrases, so he'd grin and confidently make some inane statement like
>Well, you know what they say, it takes a mighty bucket of flour to persuade a brown cat!and it'll turn out to be something people said in 1920s England that no normal person would understand today, or just actual nonsense
No. 1753287
>>1753254kek anon this is funny and kind of endearing honestly. i always enjoy it when my ESL friends pick up funny sounding or slightly outdated words and phrases tbh (or like childish language, for instance calling people a silly billy.) granted its no good for professional english, but amongst friends it's fine & makes me for more interesting conversation i think
i mention idioms bc i know that as a language learner myself, a lot of the idioms i encounter in other languages for the first time make me scratch my head and i know that if i didn't have my online dictionaries to hand id be really confused. teaching the more common ones would be really helpful (it's something that never gets covered in any kind of language classes though ive noticed – the focus is almost always on vocab, grammar and then stuff like syntax)
No. 1754272
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Those 'stimming' chewing necklaces that were trendy for a while. I feel like the mento illness 'trend' is kinda over but some people really wanted to look mentally deficient.
No. 1754373
>>1754354What I really dislike is how every infight gets dragged out and everything is taken so personally over the most stupid shit. I don’t think
everyone (except for obvious bait posters) who acts this way is actively trying to gain attention by posting their ill informed or tone deaf opinions, I think they’re just genuinely autistic and have access to the open internet with no one to stop them
No. 1754409
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>>1754373>"Megan looks better without makeup">"stupid newfag tard bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch twitterfag whore!!!11! MEGAN IS GOD YOU AZEALIA WANNABE">"I think stretch marks are gross">"worthless cunt!! Go get hit by a car!die die die die die you bitch! You misogynistic cunt bitch!">"it's possible for men to rape women">"retarded pickme go kys because everyone knows you can't rape men and boys over the age of fifteen! Its not degenrate you worthless bitch!">"I have a nice body, but I feel dysphoric">"tranny allert!! Everyone who thinks the word dysphoria isn't an obvious tranny bait is a retarded newfag sjw gendiekid who didn't graudtae!!!1!"Tinfoiling moment: is it the same person making and starting these overblown, monkey-brained responses? Why can't more users like that be banned? And when they do get banned, why do
other users have to be banned just for telling them to sit down and shut up?
No. 1754582
File: 1699222588734.jpg (119.53 KB, 765x389, shoesizingadult.jpg)

Any non-Asian shoe sizing system. The fuck is a size 6? A size 38? A size 12? Size 3.5? Just give me the centimeters. Foot is 25 centimeters long? Congrats, size 25, simple as. Burgers, Librarians and Myanmars can do it in inches if that's easier for them, I don't mind.
No. 1754601
Doesn't China have some 30-somethibg size system too? I wear 36 in their stuff
No. 1754612
>>1754601Ah shit you're right, seems like Wikipedia lied to me and Japan and South Korea are the only real ones.
>>1754602You'd think so, but somehow some brands sometimes decide their size 87 is suddenly another brands 23. A centimeter on the other hand is the same for everyone, and will hopefully not change in the next twohundred years.
No. 1754721
>>1754612Most retailers, at least the ones in Europe, convert the brand's weird sizes to European ones anyway. They will also tell you if a shoe runs small or large so you can shop accordingly, so I've never had issues not using centimeters.
Also, length of the foot isn't the only thing that you need to look at when you buy a shoe so using centimeters isn't really as straightforward as you think.
No. 1754976
File: 1699231904741.jpeg (61.86 KB, 480x596, IMG_0313.jpeg)

I hate showering so fucking much and I always have. I shower once a week if I’m out and about but if I can get away with it I’ll shower even less. No I don’t smell, people often tell me I smell good. And no I’m not autistic or anything. I hate the whole process of having to detangle and brush my hair before I get in, wash my face, clean my cheeks, shampoo my hair, apply and rinse out the conditioner, wash my body, being all warm then suddenly being extremely wet and extremely fucking cold after. I hate the feeling of being wet and freezing it’s the worst feeling on this earth. Then having to wait for my hair to dry. Fuck this shit. It was even worse when I used to have bad eczema because I’d have to put cold cream all over my already cold body and sit in pyjamas which stuck to all the cream. Horrible
No. 1755416
File: 1699248872642.jpeg (634.16 KB, 1170x997, IMG_0659.jpeg)

I was reading about the cursed Kennedys and I hate this one. He died a few years later by crashing into a tree while skiing, and he deserved it.
No. 1755434
>>1755430Like I said in the earlier post, a lot of comments seem to get blown out of proportion. I've seen some user chimp out because they thought a joke wasn't funny.
because they thought a joke wasn't funny. Fuckin' hell, who let the dogs out?
No. 1755609
File: 1699271584384.png (17.69 KB, 1200x446, 1200px-Latin_letter_Ƶƶ.svg.png)

When people write their Zs with a line going through it. If you weren't a complete retard and could draw a Z more angularly then you wouldn't have to put a dash through it just for people to know what letter it is.
No. 1755687
File: 1699282368512.jpeg (4.52 MB, 3024x4032, 1699189650841.jpeg)

>>1752838 was your post too. Checks out.
No. 1755701
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>>1755609I do what I want!
No. 1755702
File: 1699284805787.jpg (84.3 KB, 1024x1200, 1635445330040.jpg)

>>1755687That second post definitely wasn't her, because it was me. And yeah, I meant dysmorphia but my phone doesn't recognize it as a word and so always autocorrects it to dysphoria. Also, unrelated irony, but the mod banned someone else in that thread because she said something in my defense and the mod thought it was me ban evading.
Sorry other nona, we were
victims in the unending effort to keep trannies out.
No. 1755750
>>1755715The fight was stupid, but I also understand it. One, all anonymous boards have a slight climate of paranoia, especially one that is attempting to keep out men. And two, Freudian slips happen and it would have been really funny if I actually was a tranny.
>>1755726I took a three week break from lolcow, but when I'm here I'm probably 5% of all posts. I am here all the time and I love having my opinion heard. I never leave ot though, the rest of the boards aren't fun.
No. 1755993
>>1755857Then you probably don't live somewhere with a strong drinking culture. In my country socializing doesn't exist without getting shitfaced because people are too autistic to talk when sober. Nothing
triggers people more than the words "I don't drink". People will tell you to stay at home, ask you if you're Muslim in a derogatory way, or say they won't go anywhere with you because they're afraid you'll judge them when they get shitfaced.
No. 1757409
File: 1699339122106.jpeg (480.17 KB, 828x615, 017E297A-C08C-458D-B5CE-38D335…)

I hate how people are unironically using the word femcel despite not even being able to describe what a femcel is. Femcels aren’t even a thing. I hate it.
No. 1757413
>>1757409that's a pickme, not a
No. 1757440
>>1757409Some anons on here thinks
femcels are a thing.
you know where they come from No. 1757496
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>>1757454Don’t even worry about it, he will likely kill himself within the next 5 years.
No. 1757893
File: 1699379961225.png (66.74 KB, 683x1024, LIP-PIERCING-16-683x1024.png)

I hate when other people with facial piercings wear jewelry that doesn't fit properly. it looks trashy. and before anyone want to comment on how all facial piercing are trashy: ok. go ahead. you are welcome to your opinion and I'm not here to argue, I'm just here to bitch about it, because the people wearing curved barbells that are too long for their piercing look like poo and can also lead to problems with the piercing itself.
I got my vertical labret piercing way before they were very popular, and around the time tiktok blew up I started seeing them more. and I thought of it as more of a positive thing, like maybe the younger crowd in taking their dental health seriously (the vertical labret and vertical medusa/jestrum are unique in that the jewelry will not rub against your teeth like other lip piercings will, which can damage enamel) but can you people please wear the right size barbell? sheesh. and when you gently mention it to them, like suggesting a good place to get PROPERLY SIZED JEWELRY they're like "lol thanks but i like messing with it this way" dude, have you considered that a vertical labret in not only an "oral piercing" but also a "surface piercing"? do you know what surface piercings are known to do??? reject. stop fucking messing with it. I do not care if you have autism. in most cases, your should buy a shorter bar after your lip has stopped swelling. too much movement will agitate it. wear better jewelry. wearing fitting and tasteful jewelry makes a difference. even very conservative old ladies have given me compliments on it while adding that they've "never really been a fan of piercings but yours look so nice on your face".
No. 1758426
>>1758417True, my vagina doesn't smell like fish, it smells like BREAD
>>1758420seconded, please inform us
No. 1758526
File: 1699412029670.gif (4.47 MB, 498x278, 9e96069ea1356023c789a5a39092b2…)

>things you hate
People that unironically type the response "nobody cares" need to go drink toilet water with turds still floating in it since they just wanna talk some shit. If you don't care why'd you even fucking respond you dumbass bitch? It isn't the "gotcha" you think it is, it just makes you look stupid. It looks even more retarded when they say it more than once. You DO care enough to hurry up and close the conversation again and again, but that's not how you do it you petty little faggot. You either shut the fuck up or say something useful or even funny. And I hope that particular type of people are reading this post right now.
No. 1758783
File: 1699429773766.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1837, IMG_0768.jpeg)

Look at this hideous evil psychopath
No. 1759004
>>1758935go change your rancid tampon you boring ass bitch
>>1758959Thank you.
No. 1759100
File: 1699455116620.jpeg (37.01 KB, 500x379, IMG_3059.jpeg)

I hate how more and more sites are moving to use your gmail or Facebook instead of accounts and passwords. I just got the sudden realization that we are probably moving towards everyone having some unique online ID issued by a single party, and burners will no longer be possible. Shitposting will end.
No. 1759566
File: 1699472584597.jpeg (57.45 KB, 1000x725, 20231107_233028.jpeg)

I hate all the language/country specific threads. I keep hiding them but there are so many and before you know it there’s a new thread. It’s petty and I have no real reason for it, I just find them super unnecessary.
No. 1759591
File: 1699473343332.mp4 (6.57 MB, 556x1080, video.mp4)

People turning perfectly fines homes into bland, sterile, hospital, no personality, "we don't really live here" stage rooms. I vomit every time I see another white and grey minimalist "luxury" interior design.
No. 1759593
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This trend, it looks so bad kek.
No. 1759599
File: 1699473481683.jpeg (44.16 KB, 564x312, 1696268518886.jpeg)

>>1759591this is one of the most depressing things i have ever seen. We truly do live in the most soulless of eras. The late 2010s and 2020s are going to be reminded for being bland, grey, white noise of an era.
No. 1759613
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>>1759591I know an interior designer like this who is my personal lolcow. She turns everything greige, pic related is her inspo. Even her baby's clothes and toys, if you gift her something with color she grimaces and says she will donate it. (She did that at her baby shower)
These idiots think the peak of aesthetics is dimming the pigment in their life so much that you can just hide in the corner of "minimalism". They are cowards, and that video is a tragedy
No. 1759619
File: 1699473955964.jpg (107.49 KB, 620x680, 38674745b9311d62b66078937b482a…)

nonny I have a whole pinterest board dedicated to unabashed colorful homes. Inshallah I will one day have a home so lush with color it will burn the retina of every basic bitch I deign to let cross the threshold of my front door.
No. 1759626
File: 1699474273059.jpg (40.97 KB, 457x682, Screenshot_9.jpg)

I hate like 90% of fake freckles. People don't bother looking at real freckles pictures and it looks so fucking unnatural, almost cartoonish or like little sprinkles of shit. Esp. girls with pale skin, they don't blend them properly and they look so fucking obvious, it's painful. Most of them don't even blend their pattern into their necks/hands so it looks like a face mask with black dots, disgusting. And don't even get me started with who only puts them on their nose area.
No. 1759634
File: 1699474501721.jpg (205.83 KB, 896x896, 1682879979377519.jpg)

spergs here moralfagging about what women should and shouldnt joke about. in the site whose existence is based on bullying mentally ill autistic women.
No. 1759670
File: 1699475358913.jpeg (74.01 KB, 562x553, 1652116840009.jpeg)

>>1759651just overall, but i have seen autists complaing about yaoiposters making horny jokes and anons having fun drawing hamas kun. I hate it because i have seen so many genuinely funny women get attacked by these pearl clutchers and eventually becoming boring and unfunny thanks to them. People like that is the reason why people think ''women can't be funny'', it's not that we can't, it's that we get beaten into being submissive no-joy basic bitches who can only laugh and enjoy bratz, tumblr lol so randum, wholesome chungus reddit humor, and cat memes. So tiring.
No. 1759674
>>1759643>>1759647i hate them because so many of them are so low effort but i get scared super easily so they still get a rise out of me. It makes me feel like I "let them win" even though they suck. Also they spam up my youtube recs even when I keep saying "not interested," the only reason I can think of is that their stalking portfolio on me indicates that I'm in the age group that usually likes them
I think some of them probably have cool ideas but they're buried under the spam of lazy ones that just slap on a VCR glitch effect and distort a face with the liquify tool in PS
No. 1759692
>>1759566Everytime the finish thread is on the first page, my browsers google translate gets
triggered. meme language
No. 1759719
nonnie we are in agreement then
No. 1759771
File: 1699479884844.jpg (130.74 KB, 736x981, TACKY.jpg)

Going back to the interior thing, I hate that minimalism and modern architecture has become the "luxury" style. I love looking at expensive ass homes and I hate that so many of them are blocky and minimalist and white and grey. That or you get this tacky, glam, faux-luxury style that's also white as fuck but also has the mirror furniture and glitter and silver and random designer logos everywhere.
No. 1759775
>>1759758Maximalism looks great but who is gonna be dusting it??
Minimalism is still based provided there is some colour and personality in it, the problem with the aesthetic was always how sterile it looks.
No. 1759777
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>>1759599I know anon, it makes me so sad that art and life and fading from this world and it's instead being replaced with mass-produced looking everything. Minimalist bitches would literally rip these sinks out if they bought a home with it.
No. 1759780
File: 1699480195916.jpg (75.74 KB, 734x412, Buckingham Palace Gets an Inte…)

Ok ok last interior design post I promise, but I HATE buckingham palace. Have you guys ever seen that scene from Crazy Rich Asians where the new-money family has a home with gold EVERYTHING? That's what that palace feels like. I would cry if I had to live in this shithole but a minimalist home would straight up send me into a coma.
No. 1759808
File: 1699482290518.jpg (6.19 KB, 236x236, a62d96831676c378b5906f57383ec6…)

>waiting in line
>person behind me standing uncomfortably close
>like close enough to bump into my bag
>step forward to put a little space between us
>they also step forward
>they bump into my bag again
No. 1759866
File: 1699484594128.jpg (62.15 KB, 545x680, FbzzwH8agAAW-dy.jpg)

tattoos make me cringe. i'd understand it if they weren't permanent but considering they are…kek
No. 1759925
File: 1699486035020.jpg (52.33 KB, 625x415, 6f9faebe2ceea7e7e5a3b0f96f6f6e…)

>>1759902Here is a scientific graph describing the difference between light and dark femininity. Even better if you walk around LARPing as them with your little earbuds in
No. 1759931
File: 1699486249373.jpg (446.06 KB, 1597x1600, GTY_trump_home_trump_tower_ins…)

>>1759780kek nona you would probably love Trump's mansion then
No. 1759937
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>>1759931samefag but if I was rich I'd go for a 70's cocaine mansion aesthetic. Conversation pit, carpeted bathroom, mirrors on the ceiling, everything smells like cigarettes
No. 1759950
File: 1699487077118.jpg (85.58 KB, 453x428, fa7.jpg)

I'm doing academic research on incels and I visited one of their forums, why are men so retarded? They're genuinely so unself-aware aware it's inane. I can't even feel upset by anything they say because we live rent-free in their minds constantly. Most of them have little fag bios that say shit like "Chad always wins", why are they such cucks? I have been considering for many years to roleplay as an incel moid to propagate the obvious cuck fetish material to further disintegrate their shitty ideology by making them all realise blackpill rhetoric is the same as those old fetish Tumblr accounts based on concepts like "My Highschool Bully Fucks My Girlfriend And Tells Me About It!"
No. 1759956
File: 1699487179459.jpg (60.62 KB, 680x643, a21.jpg)

>>1759931Did he do this on purpose?
No. 1759966
>>1759777How beautiful this is… The modern designs in everything are so anti-beauty, i hate it so, so much too. And other people would find it weird or even cringe if you'd try to make your house like this.
I'm allergic to beige walls now after speding my whole life in them. When my room was renovated years ago, my parents didn't allow me to choose flowery wallpaper. And i regret it so much, those beige (again) walls depress me, i'd be in a better mood with flower walls.
>>1759931Why does he look shooped into this room
No. 1759972
>>1758417Fish smell is from semen and penis leftovers in the vagina. Never experienced or understood the claim until I had sex in my 20's, I was stunned. It is interesting because it says a lot about the guys who whine and claim it is vagina specific.
Anyways I hate that the average men are so filthy that even sleeping in the same room with them leaves a film on oneself. My father would literally leave yellow beige spots wherever he would linger. I also hate that the men who learn to wash their faces and ass with soap become SO uppity about having basic sanitary standards they basicallly think they are owed the world and are usually neurotic assholes.
No. 1759985
>>1759972Honestly, even as a virgin I've been fishy from an infection.
>My father would literally leave yellow beige spots wherever he would linger. Wtf, spots of what? Through his clothes?
No. 1759990
>>1759950nonny, what you don't understand is that they love that shit. they'd eat it up, it's their favorite thing. no incel will ever say "guys, can we stop talking about chad fucking all the women we want?". this is a futile mission, you have too much faith in them.
>blackpill rhetoric is the same as those old fetish Tumblr accounts based on concepts like "My Highschool Bully Fucks My Girlfriend And Tells Me About It!"they are the exact same people. they also slide into sissy fetishism and troondom because they want to self-insert on women based on how they imagine female life. you have to lurk more to understand them.
No. 1760000
>>1759996that's actually useful though, it's something that people dont seem to understand and most people that i have meet think incels are ''
victims''. which is crazy.
No. 1761993
File: 1699540036847.jpg (55.05 KB, 564x617, dinner.jpg)

People who let their cats onto kitchen counters and dining tables. They're literally an animal, idk how you can be ok with little litterbox paws on your eating and cooking surfaces.
No. 1762127
>>1761093if this were true then no one would lose weight. holocaust
victims wouldnt even get skinny because their body would just "hold onto the fat." your body can't operate off of nothing and if you aren't eating enough it will operate off of your stored energy, fat, until it runs out of that and you die. there's literally no basis for this myth but i see it all the time. not disagreeing that hormones play a role in weightloss either btw.
No. 1762135
>>1762095That same calculation process has been done to human fat, btw. The main issue, in my experience, with fasting or calorie deficit diets is that most people don't push themselves to maintain or increase their daily activity levels. I used to do 3 and 2 day water fasts each week and the key was keeping active throughout the day and not giving in to the temptation of lazing around or being lethargic. By day three I usually felt super energetic and motivated (but also ready to start chewing the furniture). I kinda miss that feeling tbh, but I'm not doing something that extreme again.
>>1762097Exactly, we're not bloody ectotherms. Everything your body does just to keep itself alive requires energy.
(not saying that other factors effect weightloss either, like another good one is poor sleeping habits, but none of these will ever be able to fully counter a lack of calorie intake– otherwise organisms wouldn't be able to actually starve to death)
No. 1762247
File: 1699551351632.png (33.14 KB, 639x377, Lwp2KJV.png)

I cant stand cheap bitches who want quality artwork for the price of a hamburger meal
No. 1762664
File: 1699560414514.jpg (255.82 KB, 1200x1200, 3825.jpg)

Cocky blonde men from cold depressing pissholes like the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden who come to my country on a "holiday with the lads" and act like they're hot shit, then complain that we're "so rude" when we don't all collectively drop to our knees to suck their dicks just because they dangle money in our faces and think they'll swim in pussy because they're rich Western men.
You can tell they think they're better than you and yet they only come to my country for the "porn stars", cheap beer and hookers. If I have to deal with another group of entitled men on a stag do I'm going to start doing at-home castrations and advertise it as a stripper service. Go be gross at home, where your poor girlfriend is waiting for you, you waste of oxygen.
No. 1763117
File: 1699571849671.gif (1.43 MB, 275x255, 1685973867264.gif)

The phrase "don't yuck someone else's yum"
No. 1763187
>>1763158i intentionally refuse to learn what any of the tone indicators stand for so i can assign my own
No. 1763207
File: 1699575719804.gif (208.74 KB, 450x404, girls-un-panzer.gif)

>>1763189well yeah, 99% of women are straight. I honestly hate female-targetted media for other reasons, like being super boring and the main female character always being a cutesy wholesome goodie two shoes instead of a badass stacy with a harem of 10 men like moid self inserts. I would kill for GuP with cute boys, but also i understand i am one of the 10 actual women into otaku shit like panzers and moe.
No. 1763224
File: 1699576465344.jpeg (27.08 KB, 196x275, 1663794106806.jpeg)

>>1763207btw you can definetly find some no-male media that isnt overly coomer, it's out there. Hidamari sketch and girl's last tour are some examples of that. Hidamari sketch is written by a woman. There is probably more obscure media out there, manga is vast and very diverse.
No. 1763227
File: 1699576687636.jpeg (258.52 KB, 1170x831, 778AC1A5-82EE-4510-9CCD-A935FA…)

>9/11 comparisons
as someone who’s autistically hyperfixated on watching documentaries about the event: hearing jokes and allusions toward it in such a blasé and tasteless fashion is so overdone. not a single interesting thought on the situation from anyone who brings it up, and yet they retrieve the memory of many hundreds of innocents dying violently so readily for what? internet points? being edgy?
No. 1763386
File: 1699583556484.png (202.86 KB, 864x882, Screenshot_20231107-150812.png)

>>1763259screenshot this one the other day. They just believe whatever men say, including whatever self-aggrandizing lies they tell about their "horrible wives." Yeah, that poster who feels bad for men is a woman. Child support and losing half his shit! (Most of them don't give anything up in a divorce unless the law is breathing down their necks.)
No. 1763453
>>1762127the holocaust diet isn't healthy and shouldn't be used as an example to "own" the fatties who are struggling with thyroid, there was also a lot less endocrine disruptors back then
either way its pretty gross to use an actual genocide to pwn fatties
No. 1763515
File: 1699587051052.png (295.88 KB, 500x628, 1265330228260.png)

Every. Single. Female. "Adult" Voice Actress. I hope not a single one of them ever has the company or friendship of another woman in their miserable fucking lives. I hate these cunts so fucking much, the fact that they """voice act""" for porn animations and work with some really fucked-up people. Fuck them all into the earth.
No. 1763518
File: 1699587407621.jpg (191.46 KB, 800x1104, 4ee6434a4cb52fdf0cec558832d220…)

>>1759937I so want a fucking conversation pit and a midcentury modern home, it's not even funny
No. 1768230
File: 1699795218425.png (71.21 KB, 791x753, b87f243dd7f32e0eaeadfb64d589c9…)

i hate that authors now have to do pr for their book on social media so they end up replying to tumblr posts sounding all desperate like PLS BUY MY BOOK PLS IT'S SO GAY PLS BUY IIIIT.
No. 1768235
File: 1699795874063.jpg (52.82 KB, 720x594, tumblr_4570033518deed8edf21d81…)

>>1768230That book sounds like it would be very cool if it wasn't "super gay." I think that writers that can truly rethink the human mind in order to write from the perspective of something that isn't human are masters of their craft. Most try and fail because they're just not imaginative enough.
>>1768234Orcas are awesome but river dolphins are physically disturbing. Pic related.
No. 1768262
File: 1699798058982.jpeg (3.67 KB, 225x225, me_rn.jpeg)

Everywhere I go there'a a couple on every sight—left and right. Straight couples, gay male couples, lesbain couples.. graying couples, middle-aged couples, teenage couples… all holding hands, touching arms, and kissing each other. Why? Is this God's way of reminding me that my life is dipped in shit in terms of romance? They low-key piss me off so much and I hate it. I hate that I hate it. I hate feeling like a fucking femcel. I'm not. I'm not. I AM NOT.
No. 1768271
File: 1699798779286.jpeg (890.4 KB, 959x1920, high level enemy spawns orca k…)

>>1768234you just reminded me of this
No. 1768819
File: 1699827912700.gif (Spoiler Image,3.77 KB, 128x128, 1633939578596.gif)

If I see another wannabe quirky artsy, carbon copy curated pinterest aesthetic, she/they, rich city, thrift obsessed, gentrifying, social media obsessed normie girl I am going to commit crimes
No. 1769184
>>1768262Nona moids drain you of life energy like nothing else.
But lately I've been seeing a lot of couples who really seem to resemble each other? It's weird.
No. 1770269
File: 1699916680646.png (123.19 KB, 420x420, mametchi.png)

i hate kids so fucking much. every aspect of their existence is irritating to me and i genuinely can't understand how people find them cute and enjoyable to be around. i also hate how the only places you can go where it's guranteed you won't have to deal with kids is bars or nightclubs, i physically cannot escape these little shits and it haunts me
No. 1770276
>>1769362Notice how they always claim it's only blonde white women who get media attention too. It's just pickmes who are mad they don't have blonde hair with blue eyes but yes I always find it disturbing that these people, especially women, are speaking this way about a woman who was murdered. It definitely is a weird thing to focus on and does feel like they're
victim shaming corpses based on colors. Very very unhinged.
No. 1770305
>>1770289So what youʼre saying is that white women are prettier than
No. 1771095
>>1770380That was a dark joke. As
>>1769362 said, men think that women are responsible for what men do. Conventionally attractive or not, men murder women and never allow them and their family to find peace.
No. 1771978
File: 1700021440703.jpg (50.18 KB, 563x642, 1d38d91f5df540bf6bc95109bbfa76…)

The AI Disney Pixar parody posters are not funny and the fact that they are spammed everywhere makes it worse. Besides, maybe this is just me, but there's something that doesn't sit well with me about the idea of messed up porn or tragedy references hidden in a child friendly art style.
No. 1775188
>>1774991Yep I will never forget Red Letter Media doing a review on…I think the Halloween movie? They were talking for some reason about missing white woman syndrome or something of that sort.
They then added in a montages of news clips of REAL MISSING WHITE WOMEN with goofy music behind it.
I'm not even white and I was so annoyed by it I stopped watching them.
Like you can make whatever point you want to make without showing actual footage of actual missing women with goofy music. It seemed fucked up to me.
No. 1775247
>>1775188Ugh I don’t remember that, that’s disappointing. Even the most supposedly level headed and rational people will use women’s suffering as a punching bag because it’s an easy target that no one will give much shit about defending compared to racism or something. If you do point out how mean spirited something like that is you’d get dogpiled for not letting the boys simply joke around and it’s not a big deal etc.
I stopped watching most content creators because the constant either blatant or subtle misogyny is overbearing once you become aware and it depresses me.
No. 1775465
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Sichuan pepper.
No. 1775699
File: 1700240687229.gif (59.79 KB, 220x205, IMG_2452.gif)

I hate how i have to act compliant and let shit slide when a moid does something incredibly idiotic or dangerous because i know it either will not listen to me or will get angry. My neanderthal brother is always doing the dumbest most dangerous shit ever like speeding with his infant in the car or leaving the gas stove with and open flame on for HOURS but i say nothing because despite my efforts, he has completely ignored me or laughs and dismisses what i say with technically shit or “WHY NOT?”. When i was 12 I once politely told my Uber driver to put his seatbelt on and he was visibly and audibly seething about it and said something “don’t act like you know better than me” and still didn’t put it on.
No. 1776181
>>1775699>don’t act like you know better than meI bet he must have been fined for not putting on his seatbelt at least once since then.
>>1775700Good for his niece I hope she's doing ok right now away from her incompetent father.
No. 1776623
File: 1700298038718.jpg (8.62 KB, 276x204, FQKJAh1UYAAvG0j.jpg)

>troons and TRAs
>TikTok slang
>"saying men have higher crime rates makes you racist because (insert shitty reasoning)"
>strawberry-flavored BNs/Nesquick/Pockys
>MH gen 3 fans
>all these sperglet FNAF fans gushing over the shitty movie
>Melanie Martinez fans
>"everyone is a little bi/autistic/depressed"
>poly shippers/romanticizers
>artists who make 2000s/Y2K OCs and make them genderspecials as if that wouldn't have gotten them bullied back then
>bland-ass, slow-ass pop songs à la Taylor Swift
>landwhales who call themselves thicc (their back rolls stick out further than their ass)
>"the feminism leaving my body when (insert moid)"
>people who put ketchup on the fries instead of making a little ketchup-puddle you can dip em in
>religious people on social media
>when he humps me so hard my head crashes into the wall in front of me
>edits where songs are sped up to sound like chipmunks
>moids on 4chan who ask for nudify edits
>people who say "there are bigger issues" when you criticize something they like
>dog haters
>"white women fuck dogs" jokes
>incels who think women want rape
>fat men who think they have the right to be picky
>men in general actually
No. 1776918
File: 1700328604520.jpg (31.23 KB, 375x656, Twinkles The Unicorn Crochet P…)

I hate that AI art has hit the crochet community. Everyday on my pinterest I see these AI generated amigurumi. Picrel is what popped up on my home page today, the picture is from an etsy listing with a pattern that was likely also AI generated by chatGPT. Etsy truly is trash if they're allowing people to AI patterns.
No. 1776935
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>>1776918Samefag, I can see this stuff being convincing to non-crocheters and beginners which is the worst part. And why does this ghost have a marijuana leaf on it's head. Not my pic btw.
No. 1777622
File: 1700366409555.jpg (828.63 KB, 1079x1991, Screenshot_20231118_225714_You…)

>things you hate
People who spend big money to adopt exotic animals, just to treat them like any housepet. They got this fucking caracal obese. Aren't caracals supposed to have a sleek, muscular build? It's already annoying when people baby/overfeed their dogs so much, it feels even more insulting when they do it to an animal that isn't even supposed to be there.
No. 1778465
It reminds me of that panther owner. It's a woman who found a newborn baby panther one day and thought it was a kitten. She nursed it and eventually realized it was a panther. Did she hand it over to a zoo or a sanctuary? Fuck no! She kept it to this day, it lives with her and her dogs, she walks it casually and everything. Could you fucking imagine living in her neighborhood? What if it escapes someday, can you imagine the terror? Despicable.
No. 1779180
File: 1700441068550.jpg (355.81 KB, 1273x1800, 92392324_p4.jpg)

when hetshippers genderbend one half of a ship so it's straight. i don't even go here but there are like 100 girls in genshit, you couldn't pick one of those to write as a uguu titcow? like yes do what you want whatever but it's so annoying to see
No. 1779544
File: 1700460043632.jpeg (431.04 KB, 828x738, IMG_7149.jpeg)

Why is YouTube pushing this filth into my face? Fuck off
No. 1779590
>>1779360women hating women out of pure jealousy is rare though, unless that person just hangs around teens or something. I also feel like a lot of women who are in
abusive relationships get jealous over other women not for any "good" reason but the fact their SO is treating the other woman decently even if it's not "technically" cheating
No. 1779648
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Torx screws. There's about five variants and all of them require a different type of screwdriver.
No. 1779719
>>1779715Kek maybe I'll try for the shits and giggles and feigh total ignorance. Pretend I've finally found myself and I'm a he/him transmasc nonbinary femme. And well I'm also more "masculine" than most of his guy friends, by virtue of growing up outside the city, so I can use that as my reasoning. That after moving to the city, I've realised I'm naturally more masculine than the cis men there so that means I must be a man.
I dont really have any need to hang out during their guys nights, I just find the double standard of allowing some chicks if they identify as dudes to be ridiculous.
No. 1779738
>>1779711Hahahaha, your boyfriend is cucking you. "No stupid woman, you can't come to my party! This one is for the BOIS. And other women I like more than you."
You are presented with a choice. Suck it up or leave.
No. 1779750
>>1779744I think he knows that if he says anything, he will have no friends where he lives. He is outspokenly trans critical among his home town friends, and pretends to be liberal among his city friends.
>>1779738Lowk how I feel tho even tho i know his reasonings
No. 1779766
File: 1700489391289.jpg (147.04 KB, 2048x878, you-do-not-fit-in-here-dorrisc…)

>>1779758It'll come back to bite them once they get older, sucks but they brought it upon themselves. Anyways I don't hate them because they're teens, I expect teens to be dumb, annoying attention whores who think everyone wants to be like them. That is why I avoid them and actively seek out spaces with older women. I hate them because they invade these spaces and start crying
victim once they are told to shut up and stop spamming low-quality posts. They have tons of places where they bully older women they could go to instead, they don't need this one.
No. 1780291
>>1779758I was a horrible vapid teen but nevertheless can't remember that my peers or I shat on older women. I think it's because they no longer watch tv. I grew up watching beautiful 40+ actresses (e.g. Angelina Jolie) and listening to great singers that my parents also liked while the only media they consume is tiktoks of a 20yo talking about "when I was young" "what I would tell my 16yo self"… the only adult women they witness are their moms and to most kids their mom simply isn't cool at all, so of course they think life ends at 25. Add manosphere trash getting recommended to everybody on top of that and you'll get young teens who are obsessed with anti aging.
I'm between millenial and zoomer, and have a full blown zoomer sister who just started college. The most annoying thing recently is her randomly adding a ton of english while talking to us in our native language. My mom often doesn't even understand her but is too tired to bother asking lol It's also extremely difficult to keep up with her monetary expectations. On the one hand she already is completely spoiled and we don't want that but on the other hand my mom and I know that nowadays it's nearly n
"normal" for most kids to always get any new and expensive thing they want, meaning if your child doesn't get that too, they'll be left out…
No. 1780776
>>1780747It's part of the performative femininity psyop, I've been debating cutting my hair and I can't find a lot of good advice online about it, I've been seeing this shit too "oh its so much harder to style", like what are we counting the "messy top bun worn to Starbucks in between classes with sweatpants" as a "style" all of a sudden?
Long hair with no fringe makes all women look the same, why do beauty standards have to make us all look like copies of the same person
No. 1781379
>>1781332I think it's mostly due to incel scrote manipulation everywhere on the internet.
I'm 30 and when I was growing up, adult women who were post-uni, employed and living in a big city were considered cool and girls wanted to seem more adult and experienced like them. My best friend at the time was 14 and idolized 30 year old women in Sex and the City (yes it was bad parenting to let her watch it that young, thankfully nothing bad happened to her.)
Nowadays I see 18 year old girls acting like their life is over because they are not considered underage and will soon stop being teens, wtf.
What I have noticed that in the past 10 years internet spaces, comment section and so on are filled up with moids talking about post-wall and seeing how kids grow up on internet nowadays, it must have played a role…
No. 1781390
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It’s so autistic and ugly the way that most adults now are constantly turning everything into an advertisement of their fandoms and shit they consoom. All my clothes? Must advertise my fandoms. My ballet solo? It must be Star Wars themed! Car covered in ecchi! Xmas tree is full of ugly shitty Rick and morty ornaments!! It’s more pathetic than the kids crying over a plain old lollipop that has Scooby-Doo do on the wrapper.
No. 1781459
File: 1700582092089.jpeg (38.18 KB, 589x255, IMG_4419.jpeg)

i hate when moids talk about sports like as american football or any kind of MMA sport and they sperg over how "huge" one of the athletes are, or how "jacked" they are. theyll will talk about football players like theyre Gods but in reality theyre disgusting, freakishly huge walking thumbs who will die by age 65 due to being genetic mutants. being 6'9" and weighing almost 400 lbs is still obese. MMA fighters obviously look more normal then football players, but i swear most UFC loving moids must have deep seated gay thoughts to literally fawn over the physique of other men as they climb all over each other in the ring
No. 1781850
File: 1700594930893.gif (1.47 MB, 500x375, Bang!.gif)

>**sexo!!! Made a spelling mistake ops
>I'm a femcel as is everyone else on this forum
>yall can't discriminate me since I'm an american and every one uses yall and every other twitter/tiktok slangs
>i love ot and hate /snow
>cutesy banners only, why would you want a cow related banner filled with tits and piss!!!
> alternate history
No. 1781913
>>1781905i agree with the rest but i have never seen an anon calls themselves
femcels and not get dogpilled afterwards
No. 1781932
>>1781913>anon calls themselves femcels and not get dogpilled afterwardsNot anymore. Now anons get dogpiled when correcting the "
femcel" along with many anon in /ot/
color me surprised using it with the meanings from twitter or tiktok.
No. 1781940
>>1781929>they don't have to say they are oneit's inherently cringe to call yourself a
femcel, but what is it you think makes a poster one without saying so?
No. 1781954
>>1781905Literally 90% of /ot/ at the moment and so specifically par the course to the point I'm tinfoiling that it's just one anon samefagging endlessly around the clock. I can't open one thread without the topic always being about trannies, racebaiting or tryhard unhinged edgy
femcel-ness, all interesting discussion gets smothered by the spergery. If I have to read one more baby's first armchair psychoanalysis with smug misogynist undertones on TiFs I will fucking end it.
No. 1781997
>>1781954These posts are daily for years now and it's not just one person. Whatever the popular opinion is here or what's popular to say, other anons will repeat it so it just constantly cycles throughout the site and the same sperging will pop up in every thread so that anons can get their approval and agreement points. I was in one of the streams recently and when more anons joined, somehow the conversation ended up being completely overtaken with sperging about trannies. Just can't go one minute without speaking about them.
>tryhard unhinged edgy femcel-nessKek that's a really good way to describe this. And you'll always see them reply based to the most retarded tryhard shit.
>I hate moids by the way I want to choke him and cut the limbs off one and fuck his corpse I'm so based right guys hello anybody with me>Based!1!Honestly, every year this place resembles /r9k/ more and more. I'm all for shit talking about how disgusting men are but the most autistic shit is said here and people go apeshit with it. Don't forget if you disagree with someone now you are automatically a moid or tranny. There are hardly any posts of value that are interesting. Even shitposters in the early to mid 2010s shitposted better if that makes sense kek.
No. 1782030
File: 1700600855743.png (714.48 KB, 680x680, 60f.png)

>>1781954We get a lot of spergery about the same damn shit all the time, but I don't really find it surprising at all because while more interesting conversations could often be had most places on the internet, the edgy topics that get rehashed every couple of days aren't things you can talk about elsewhere without getting dogpiled by even more retarded internet zoomers than the ones we have here. I like to hope the baby's first armchair psychoanalyses on trannies are by newfags who recently peaked but I'll believe that for things like most of the racebait, or other topics guaranteed to cause a fight, is just a few anons samefagging because they want to start fights
>>1781997it's tryhard but I think it's also just anons having fun with the sense of freedom to be able to post that kind of apeshit stuff here, other sites such a sperg is either going to get you banned or spammed r9k shit right back from moids. I'd say it also likely works in driving away moids and trannies that love hanging around places with lots of women like tumblr, as well as the type of women abundant elsewhere who like to argue "men have it bad too guys!!" Anyway, for better or worse, this site definitely fulfills a specific niche to a lot of posters that is not just posting lolcow milk, sorry to oldfags who just care for the cows
No. 1782056
>>1781997The thing that gets me is that they actually want to fuck scrotes and desire them but think putting a thinly veiled "I want to rape him tee hee based!" prefix on it makes it "manhate". I don't want to read about how much you want to suck moid cock even if you cut his off his body first, that's still a dick you're sucking. Go to /g/.
>>1782030The "b-but this is the only place we can post about it!!" argument was played out in like 2018-2019 when the zerg rush of tranny sperging first started getting out of hand and the truth is this isn't or, even if you hate troons and scrotes it's exhausting to read the same shit year after year in literally every thread that pops up. Every year there's a new influx of zoomers who go "am I the only one who thinks trans headcanons for characters are annoying???" in at least 15 threads simultaneously and then you got another circlejerk about the issue repeating the same vents you've seen ten times this week alone. It's just been getting even worse during the past two years as Lolcow gets more and more Tiktok refugees who refuse to integrate because "there's nowhere else I can go!!!!111". Go to or even 2X to have your fix of transperging instead of shitting up yet another unrelated thread. Key word "sperging", it's never intelligent conversation with actual insight that would at least be interesting to read. Especially because it seems to correlate with the amount of racebait around here.
No. 1782098
>>1782056I was under the assumption the sperging complaints applied for all the non-cow boards, fair enough, full unprompted sperging (definitely blackpill sperging) should go to 2X. Lmao at the ovarit suggestion though. I guess it works for tranny sperging but good luck with anything beyond the mildest of manhate. That site is unironically filled with conservative women who just happened to realize trannies are misogynists but refuse to acknowledge a lot of the same problems in any man who's not in a dress. This site may not be but I'd still be willing to bet it's a rare poster in any of the non-cow boards that doesn't consider it a primary draw to the site that you can be honest about men and trannies here. It's one thing to shit up something like a fashion thread or a food thread where there's no way that's going to be on topic but like this anon
>>1782082 I don't see the problem besides "its repetitive" in posting some manhate or tranny hate paragraph in something like here, literally "things you hate" or the vent thread (dumbass shit probably not)
No. 1782146
>>1781997>I hate moids by the way I want to choke him and cut the limbs off one and fuck his corpse I'm so based right guys hello anybody with me>Based!1!Oh my god I hate this so much. It feels so tryhard.
The thing I hate most about the manhate content is that I’m tired of hearing about men constantly. Feels like no matter where you are on the ”pickme” to ”based
femcel” scale everyone is OBSESSED about males (this includes trannies).
>>1782030> I'd say it also likely works in driving away moids and trannies that love hanging around places with lots of women like tumblrIn my opinion it’s the opposite, the edgy
femcel larping ”no moids allowed!!” culture attracts r9k moids like flies to shit. I don’t want males here and I think all the ”no men allowed teehee” banners etc being so prominent on the site are like advertisements for raids and shit. Then again, I don’t feel like we should cover in fear of raids either, idk. Maybe someone gets what I mean.
No. 1782169
>>1782056Tranny shit is getting worse though, and I believe thats why people continue to talk about it.
10 years ago it wasn't being pushed onto kids, now look at it.
I have nowhere else I can talk about this due to social norms, even 4chan seems to love TiMs.
I'm a bit autistic and have moved to a big city where everyone loves them, its hard for me to make friends in general let alone in this environment.
Discord is 50/50 but normally those who are anti trans are retarded moids, not other women.
As someone whos trying to get pregnant I'm genuinely terrified what my children will grow up with because of this shit, schools are already going behind parents backs.
My future kids are 1 retarded teacher away from thinking theyre a girl and getting on hormones that will wreck their future once they see sense.
I feel like I'm going crazy because everyone outside of these little pockets love to dickride these mentally ill men while stepping on womens safety and necks to do so.
No. 1782172
>>1782146I definitely believe that all scrotes should be banned on sight raids be damned but some of the posters honestly feel like men posting their femdom fetishes, it's that obsessed and horny. Even if they're actual women, it still reminds me of all the incels who fantasize about how hot it would be to be bullied by stacy.
>>1782169Nice work proving the point there, jesus.
No. 1782216
>>1782056>>1782146I completely agree. Couldn't have said it better myself and I'm glad there are other anons who feel the same way and that we can have a good discussion about this.
>>1782191That wasn't before the no moids allowed. There was still a lot of no males allowed type posting at that time and that IS what attracted the robots and incels.
No. 1782255
File: 1700610718071.jpg (190.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1699641403449.jpg)

>>1781880>>1781902>>1782247>>1782250uh-uh take this to /2X/ and ovarit nonnies
(mini-modding) No. 1782265
>>1782098>That site is unironically filled with conservative women who just happened to realize trannies are misogynists but refuse to acknowledge a lot of the same problems in any man who's not in a dress. Sounds a lot like current Lolcow then. Anons here openly admit to hating trannies simply because they see them as deviant gay men and pornsick lesbos and wouldn't give less of a shit about the issues with transitioning and supporting gender ideology causes upon GNC women and lesbians for example unless whenever it's convenient for argument's sake. Even the constant thinly veiled racebait checks out.
>>1782259She's trying to be ironic, anon.
No. 1782273
>>1782255Keep your ai shit in your thread.
>things you hate .AI "art"
No. 1782309
>>1782146If you don't like it
>>>/ot/672223 rather than complaining about the user base being the same as it always has been. I always see this one anon try and posit that the site has changed, but it hasn't, it's been a natural progression with the rise in trannies (that control most websites since they're shut in men) for tranny hate to be more common (they're more in anons lives etc.). Anon said it best:
First misandry thread from 2015 hit limit
>>>/ot/21625Male made thread crying about misandry, got ridiculed by everyone
>>>/ot/371792015 thread shows consensus dislike of sexwork and knowledge that legalization does not work
>>>/ot/8230There are more fragmented threads with similar sentiments. But yeah suuure it’s the sudden invasion of evil tumblr/reddit feminists, and not grievances against the male breed is a female condition.
It just comes off as newfags complaining the site doesn't cater to what they want when you can just ignore threads/posts you don't like. Not to mention HE usually posts the same thing, like the last time he baited the same thing and started spamming incel white women/dog memes when it was pointed out as an obvious psyop and he also rees about us being
femcels and how women support trannies etc.
No. 1782412
File: 1700617372666.png (783.82 KB, 671x648, Will.png)

Obviously no shade to the artist. The art is very nice and I understand why they did this for a product to sell BUT at the same time I kind of hate it. I get forcing the softboi baby girl thing for say, Wesker and Leon but Birken? It's just a very odd choice to me considering what he was trying to do. But I guess that hasn't stopped anyone before. I completely forgot people try and ship him with Wesker too KEK
No. 1782424
File: 1700618221833.jpeg (318.65 KB, 1014x1352, IMG_8803.jpeg)

>>1782412It’s probably because “bad” scientist characters are usually depicted as being physically and/or mentally weak
No. 1782493
File: 1700623014703.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1800x1224, Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 9.15.…)

fat girls coping by whining "I'm just obese BMI wise because I have big boobs!" like ma'am not only are your arms the size of a skinny woman waist but you have zero neck. Not to mention the boobs you do have are like 90% areola, sag and 10% actual breast tissue. try again(reheating the fat sperging once again)
No. 1782528
File: 1700624481263.jpg (460.56 KB, 1080x1155, Slurslurslurpe.jpg)

People who think everything videoed to be put on social media ~*~MUST TOTES BE FOR REALSIES~*~ and no monetizer would ever lie about anything ever.
Idk why it peeves me, but there's this reel in particular that makes its way to me every now and then. Some chick from an asian country films a video of her hand holding a food and then, bite by bite with gross slurping and chewing sounds overlayed, the food disappears and onto the next. She pretends to eat some pretty gross stuff, not often intended to be edible, just for shock value clicks. Usually finishes her videos by guzzling something and then belching. Clearly for asmr and feeder fetishists.
But wtf, why are the comments full of people believing the bitch eats everything filmed? She'd be sick all the time and weigh 600 elbees. Clearly she just bites to leave teeth marks between each cut and probably has a spit bucket nearby.
It's so obvious.
No. 1782533
>>1738564random woman
>>1738898random woman
>>1744464random women
>>1745479random woman
>>1751380random woman (i think?)
>>1754976random woman
>>1759593random woman
>>1759613random woman
>>1782520are you going to tell me all these users are uber creepy and the same exact user you beefed with once?
No. 1782539
>>1782537My grandma had a double mastectomy and they were 1.5kg each.
She had big boobs but I assume less mass than younger women
No. 1782561
File: 1700626291872.jpg (133.38 KB, 540x674, Screenshot_20210804-220124_Ins…)

>>1759931Honestly I could get down with this. It would look nice in daylight, but overpowering at night though
>>1759591I remember as a kid we had a random home interior design book from the 90s that I LOVED looking at. Some of the looks were so over the top and tacky, and so 90s. It's probably a big reason I have such tacky style now. But it was so fun to look at. I remember a room on one of the pages that was entirely pink. But it was done in a way that there were so many different values and textures that nothing blurred together, yet it was very cohesive. I remember telling my mom that I wanted a pink room when I got my own home.
No. 1782646
>>1782640Samefag but also
>you were all posting proudly with men as long as they didn’t announce themselves I mean, you can't this is an anonymous board. You can't shun someone for being a man unless they literally say they are a man or otherwise make it clear through post topics. And besides, now this site is all just accusing everyone of being a moid or a tranny for anything and I'm not sure if that's better. And old lolcow is nothing like kiwifarms, unless you're talking about super old lolcow.
No. 1782771
File: 1700645703535.png (85.24 KB, 720x1007, Screenshot_20231122-033303.png)

>>1782751I feel like anons really underestimate the vast amount of samefaggotry here. If you see "multiple" anons try to defend the same point that only magically be to be posting at the same time it's very likely it's the same person. If you think "tons of people disagreed with you" it is 99% likely it was our local psycho samefag always trying to start shit even if it means contradicting the last few posts they made
No. 1782789
File: 1700647442838.png (34.17 KB, 892x358, lolcow.PNG)

>>1782771You put in only specified URL, that's only people who visit the main page and isn't an accurate measurement.
No. 1782818
>>1782814these are also accounting for the ave. per day. it might be because some people may not visit for a few days. there's no info on how many people visit every day religiously
>>1782816it's the same few people probably
No. 1782831
>>1782825I also wonder how many are bots? I personally believe in dead internet theory so 100 active years seem realistic to me. also according to this chart
>>1782771seems like Nov was a partially dead month and the previous ave during summers seems like 400 ish, which is probably why anons are confused
No. 1782837
>>1782835>There are a handful of users committed to starting as many infights as possible on /ot/, /g/, /m/ and /meta/. We are banning them but it seems they have nothing better to do with their time (see: OP text) so they are of course ban evading. Please don't give them the satisfaction of a response, it's very clear they have a specific goal in mind. Keep reporting them, we are banning them but we can't redtext every single post they make. The starting of an infight doesn't necessarily have to start with "kek ur dumb" or whatever. We've noticed many different ways that they are trying to pick fights. For example, being super critical of anons in vent or the advice threads. Just don't give in to it. Infighting is still against the rules, always will be, so if you and another anon disagree, avoid being vitrolic and just ignore them. If they respond with infighting, report them and move on. Be on the lookout for samefagging too, it's common for this group to hop onto other VPNs or devices to try to act as if there are other anons that agree with them.there's a small group dedicated to shitting up lolcow, yes but not "ex users" and nothing about mods deleting post histories. I feel like to solve this anons need to
1. Stop using moid accusations or accusing people of bait unless it's very clear they ARE baiting
2. stop going for the anon that isn't trying to infight, or call it out. the reason why these infights continue to happen so long is because the "infight 5" samefags so hard and frustrates the other user, so they fight harder to defend their point or if the infighters go for a particularly traumatized person (like the miscarriage situation) they know it's easy bait because they won't think rationally and just have a mental breakdown literally
No. 1782841
>>1782837finally found the thread
>>>>/ot/538242anon comes in very traumatized and was forced to be with her
abusive partner during covid, she ended up getting dog piled by baiters looking to further traumatize her, claiming it was bait because she didn't go to the hospital (which is common for
abusive relationships) and a bunch of other weird reasons that don't make sense
No. 1782846
>>1782837>nothing about mods deleting post historiesI'm not gonna comb all of /ot/ for it, but the movie night anon was apparently one of those ex users who was then spamming the site until mods deleted her entire post history, thus deleting movie night threads. There were posts in some thread detailing this plan in bullet points (Make threads, post quality content, but also shit up the site in between until you find something that
triggers the mods enough to nuke your post history) and then it actually happened so now I believe it. There are often infights on /ot/ about whatever happened in movie night chats so there was definitely some weird gayops with that
No. 1782850
>>1782846i think you got some of this out of order or mixed up anon. this part:
>There were posts in some thread detailing this plan in bullet points (Make threads, post quality content, but also shit up the site in between until you find something that triggers the mods enough to nuke your post history) and then it actually happened so now I believe it.was some random poster on CC saying this weeks
after the movie thread was deleted. the movie night anon also mentioned in the movie thread and in /meta/ that other posts and threads she created stayed up.
No. 1782867
>>1782835>>1782837Holy fuck some people truly have no lives. How the hell someone finds the time of the day to conduct a psyop like this is beyond me, I just come here when I'm bored at work so it's insane to think that people can be bothered to keep this up. Also to people doubting Admin's account - lolcow has many ways of tracking you besides your IP address and they've outed the posting history of multiple different users as a punishment for rule breaking so if they say users estranged from the site
probably those choachan schizos once again they're most likely telling the truth.
No. 1782877
>>1782846>There are often infights on /ot/ about whatever happened in movie night chats so there was definitely some weird gayops with thatNo there aren't, and nothing "happened" in the movie night chats. One anon came into the vent thread and said she didn't like one of the anons in the movie chat, but this issue was never brought up
in the movie chat, nor has it ever caused an infight. I don't know why you're making drama up out of thin air?
No. 1782897
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Former poorfags who base their personality around uwu struggling and tweet about 'rich bitches' from their iphone 12. Your life can't be shitty enough for these people, they treat it like the fucking olympics. No hate to Diane btw kek
No. 1783110
>>1783073Like, it isnt that difficult to tell people apart
Yes it is, can you tell Germans and Russians apart? Same thing.
No. 1783120
File: 1700671138237.png (1.23 MB, 1003x668, easy.png)

>>1783110that is easy, germans have straight noses while russians and east europeans have a bump on their nose as well as the end of their nose being bulbous
No. 1783339
File: 1700683501398.jpg (74.13 KB, 530x475, 10113e75bd27e9a982bd31c38b467f…)

Vocal fry, croaking at the end of every sentence. People are starting to do it in other countries not just USA and it sounds horrible and triggers my autism. I cannot overstate how much I hate the little popping sounds that come from the gullets of these lazy vocal postured fools. I have started calling it out to people because if B.O. is an olfactory assault, vocal fry is an audible assault, and as much as swampass people need to be told to wash, vocal friers need to be told to speak properly or stfu. I genuinely hate them. I will go insane one day and when I do I will make the Grudge type croaking sounds the whole time.
No. 1784589
>>1782837>>1782841I think this has been going on for a few years now and not just months. This place visibly went down the shitter late 2010s but even worse in the 20s. I do remember a lot of random vitriol towards rape
victims when they posted about their experiences in threads saying they deserved it a few years ago and around that time another anon mentioned in a thread that there was a group of friends who admitted to starting fights with users all over the site. Unhinged. I'm not sure if it's the same group of people.
No. 1786303
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when scrotes draw women like this
No. 1786468
File: 1700812120725.jpeg (26.48 KB, 320x229, img Small.jpeg)

>but but going to a HISPANIC country for plastic surgery is SUPER DANGEROUS
sorry I don't feel like spending the downpayment on a house for mediocre breast implants. I swear American surgeons crying bloody murder about American women going to Colombia or some shit is just the medical version of hairstylists seething over box dye
No. 1786498
>>1786475>>1786483I hate I Fucking Love Science soys so much. They act superior because science is their special interest which = smart in their own heads. It's a cheap cope for the fact they weren't hard working enough to get an actual STEM degree. Always the same Funko Pop consoomer type of men, too.
I also don't like that the US education system lumps all forms of science together into one class, that's how you get retards like that. Not saying you can't be interested in or good at all scientific disciplines but it's quite rare, usually people choose one or two things because there's just too much. Of course, that's assuming any of these people actually care about any form of science at all past YouTube videos.
No. 1786529
>>1786526Actually, regardless of where you got the surgery, certain breast implants companies like MENTOR will pay for any post surgical complications and even replace the implants for free.
Given, plastic surgery is becoming increasingly more expected of women, this is just cannon
No. 1786533
>>1786527Jesus christ learn some reading comprehension anon.
>It's dangerous not because the surgeons are inherently worse>>1786529As far as I know this applies only if there's a problem with the implants, not the surgery work. Sure the company will compensate for a defective product but that means the product has to be at fault, not the person installing them.
No. 1787156
File: 1700868607098.png (451.83 KB, 548x518, 3095472956476547023756.png)

I always sleep with fluffy socks during winter but i hate that during the night they always come off and that i wake up with frozen feet
No. 1787789
File: 1700898760310.gif (3.04 MB, 640x406, IMG_8162.gif)

I hate the anons that keep shitting up my favourite /snow/ thread (tradthot) with nonstop race-baiting, pseudoscientific sperging about pregnancy, infighting, and general newfaggotry.
No. 1787797
>>1786513I feel like people who employ dark humor but then backpedal when someone gets offended are really just autists who failed to read the room which explains the sudden defensiveness.
No one shoots off edgelord humor irl unless they have a certain degree of assurance that it will be well received.
No. 1787880
File: 1700907361783.jpg (159.17 KB, 1078x604, 92838885.jpg)

I fucking hate jirai-kei and I'm so fed up of seeing it, it's so ugly and soulless
No. 1787941
>>1787927As I said japan is the same 5 girls everywhere, ok I lied I can only think of 3 they are that prevalent:
1) alt girl 1, oversized black shirt, bare legs or thigh highs, and big shoes
2) alt girl 2, jirai-kei the same fucking purple/pink/white frilly blouse and black skirt with twin tails over and over
3) normie girl with long sleeves or jacket with black skirt and knee high black boots
Source: live here
>things I hatePeople’s idea of cool unique fashion japan woah vs the creatively bankrupt reality of it
No. 1787945
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>>1787880Not the same nonna but I’m adding onto this. I hate the maximalist layered look that TikTok fags are doing too. If it’s all the same colour and flows well I’ll let it pass but the way these things are layered looks like the homeless people I see in my city.
No. 1788169
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>>1788164maybe if zoomers handnt killed the internet there would be an alternative that isnt social media
No. 1788193
>>1788182It's not bad when you can recognize bait and have a laugh at yourself.
I thank this site every day for being the perfect void to shout into. The man hate is the cherry on top.
No. 1788238
>>1788156both are filled with moids and trannies
>>1788162anon even the craziest posters here are less obnoxious than the average 4chinner don't lie
No. 1788454
File: 1700949393699.jpg (285.21 KB, 800x876, Different-Gyaru-Styles-via-hel…)

>>1787941What do you think of these? I like the hime gyaru look, and the gyaruo one. Are they as repetitive and uninspired, too? Genuinely asking.
No. 1788459
File: 1700949666917.jpg (55.25 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1788418It's when you have 3 fingers up and the thumb and pointer finger held together at your mouth. Picrel is what I found on google and I only spotted what it was today cos the kid actually held it up to his mouth this time
No. 1788488
File: 1700950943085.jpg (16.45 KB, 358x414, 16939381_1459166874108141_1692…)

I fucking hate "regular viewers" for lack of a better term. They are mostly loser scrotes who orbit around streamers. They are nothing but johnsmith123s spamming the same copy paste/emotes in chat with a week+ of watch time. I could not think of a gayer thing then attaching yourself to a man online who basically pimps you out for subs and ad revenue. Even worse when most of the men they obsess over are extremely boring and completely lack any personality. Living vicariously through irl streamers because their personal lives are so devoid of anything meaningful. They have subreddits surrounding some of these streamers and I could name off so many that are as stale as bread or just complete spergs with 0 in between. Lirik, Shroud, Forsenlol, xQc, icePoseidon, iShowSpeed, TimtheTatman, DrDisrespect, lolTyler and these are just a few in a sea of many. I try to understand the appeal outside of watching a few minutes yet it's all lost on me on how some one could accumulate 72+ hours of watch time unless you're a complete shut in. These moids will be the same ones that laugh and point at e-girl boob streamers and their orbiters yet they are no better, if not worse off. Search any of these names and most of the top results are [streamer name] girlfriend/wife, house, car, height. I could not imagine being so cucked you feel the need to know this information like it'll suddenly manifest all these things simply because you worship the ground of someone that doesn't even know your name? Men can form parasocial relationships with other men online but can't even put a fraction of that energy into bettering themselves or relationships with the people actually in their lives.
No. 1788490
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>>1788477I'm just cute and not medium ugly, so women who do their makeup to look prettier don't bother me because I don't feel bad around pretty girls. I also think everyone deserves to get pretty privilege, being beautiful or not is just pure luck and not a moral failing. I was an insecure teenager too, so I know spending hours doing a full beat is its own punishment.
No. 1788502
File: 1700951461018.png (180.03 KB, 474x453, Die moid.png)

>>1788490Sure troon go cake up your horse face somewhere else
No. 1788519
File: 1700951891616.gif (3.43 MB, 640x352, sushichaeng-jake-enhypen-dog.g…)

>>1788493>>1788494>>1788502Grasping for straws and calling me a tranny isn't going to make you any less insecure and seething. Here, maybe you'll like this reaction gif better.
>no wonder you want to make women feel insecure and pander to the male gaze instead of letting them be free and uncaring like menLol no I just don't live in fairytale land where a woman isn't going to be called an ugly sow, bullied, passed over for jobs and disrespected for having one hair out of place. I'm extremely aware of how wrong it is, but as long as we live on planet Earth we are all part of the same misogynistic culture and have to make the best of it. Extremely ironic that you're complaining about ugly women not wanting to accept their fate on of all places, as if there are not multiple threads calling women ugly fat cows, posting unflattering images of them and making fun of their faces, or bullying celebrities like Adriana Lima right now for being fat old hags.
Ugly women not wearing makeup isn't going to make misogyny go away and it's not their job to fight it either. You do that by having less pedos direct popular shows and be in editorial staff of magazines. If they find it easier to go through life with a face full of makeup, so be it and there's nothing you can do to stop them. Just stop hiding behind "feminism" because it's painfully obvious that you're only doing that since you're unable to do anything about your own looks yourselves and it scares you.
>>1788424>>1788412Not just Anya. I've seen so many influencers, typically smaller ones, get accused of FAS when they barely check 1 or 2 signs of it. People are also confusing a lot of social media brain rot with actual FAS symptoms. The biggest one I've seen is claiming someone has "small eyes, thin lips" and then it will be someone who has perfectly proportional lips and eyes to their face, genuine FAS kids have NO upper lip,not "you saw someone on the internet without lip injections" upper lip.
And surprise, it's all women too, because no one would dare make men feel deformed for having features that aren't the extreme even though majority of male influencers have way more checked off on the FAS list on average than every single woman who gets accused of FAS
No. 1788895
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>>1788593I’m the one who made fun of Anya by saying she looks like she has FAS, and it was clearly a joke. I don’t understand the Anya defense brigade honestly, because she does literally fit the beauty standards and she had a lot of plastic surgery, so crying that “you just hate women who don’t fit plastic surgery beauty standards” doesn’t make sense. People dislike her because she’s untalented but shilled everywhere, then we found out that it’s because her family is rich and bought her career, and her entire backstory was made up for attention. She wouldn’t have been famous otherwise because she’s very average looking and her plastic surgery made her uncanny and odd
No. 1788982
>>1788971and I lost brain cells
>she meets the beauty standard>is very average looking??
No. 1789071
>>1788982She fits the beauty standards, her fan girls like to act like she has a special face when she just botched herself. She’s average in terms of attractiveness, she isn’t pretty or beautiful to the majority of people, just a rich nepo brat.
The reason it seemed like you hadn’t read my post, is because I said that saying she looks like she has FAS was very obviously just a joke, then you responded with “well how dare you try to medically diagnose her just because you don’t like her looks” because you’re an idiot kek. You also said that the only people who think she’s weird looking are people who hate her for not having plastic surgery and not fitting the beauty standards, to which I said that she has had A LOT of surgery, and while she’s not pretty she does fit the beauty standards- tall, thin, bleached blonde, feminine
No. 1789639
File: 1701028585889.jpg (43.46 KB, 1024x683, 1696542331479037.jpg)

What I hate is horrible pickme Reddit-tier dating advice where they tell you with their whole chest to "ask him out! maybe he's shy!!!1"
"If I hadn't asked my husband out first we wouldn't have been married for 12 years now!"
This goes against everything I've ever observed about male behavior, why does it seem so prevalent when in current year we should all scientifically know better. Like I'm sorry but this is a great way to establish a dynamic where you are complete life support for a couch creature, who won't respect or appreciate you. Pursing moids makes you worthless in their eyes, but if they're desperate they might still settle for you. I'm tired of seeing this advice everywhere online and the only people who will tell you not to chase men are tradtards who also talk about "being in your fEmINiNe EnErGy" unironically.
No. 1789844
File: 1701037217644.gif (3.08 MB, 798x685, 742717_f2ce836961f64828a81eee1…)

the power grid in my state is built out of duct tape and string and every time it rains slightly too hard all the traffic signals turn into picrel. People are already too dumb to figure out stop signs so when the busiest road in the city turns into a 4-way stop it's absolute chaos, they don't know how to take turns and it becomes a total free-for-all where you just try and guess when you're safe to cross. And good luck if you're trying to left turn kek. Several friends of mine have gotten into accidents because of these stupid broken lights and I 1000% believe they were not at fault every time
No. 1789867
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>>1738695Not even just with cars, but anything in general. One thing I've picked up from my life of being on this earth is that moids always more are loud with any-fucking-thing they do. Playing music, talking, and even just
watching TV they turn the volume of their electronics or the volume of their own voices higher than they should ever be in any context that's not a party. Revving up their goofy ass motorcycles to draw attention to themselves even though it's fucking ten at night. Why are they loud? Do they think they're fucking cool? Do they think their music taste is that good?
No. 1789872
>>1789789Nah I came to my senses and deleted it before it was too late
>>1789795It ain’t much but it’s honest work
No. 1790580
File: 1701062461497.png (357.37 KB, 662x1448, Screenshot.png)

I hate Islam so much, imagine you or anyone you know and love getting murdered over a perceived Insult or a genuine criticism of a dead lying Arab pedophile.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1790996
>>1790981Yes, I’ve seen people banned for insulting Christianity/jesus, or just saying god isn’t real. I’m not sure I’ve seen it spelled out as a rule or anything but religious hate posts often get banned depending on criteria I’m not really aware of because I’m not a mod. Probably to prevent trolling and infighting if I had to guess. Maybe this poster is doing this too much who knows. Muslim Arab posts are also thinly veiled racebait sometimes. And like the other nona said there’s a whole thread for this on the hidden board for anyone who wants to criticize Islamic sexism.
Personally I don’t care some guy killed another guy, scrotes gonna scrote and make up reasons for it afterwards. It’s honestly low quality twitter ragebait.
No. 1791002
File: 1701097161891.png (1.6 KB, 431x17, fdeerr.png)

I despise when games do this. Didn't ask
No. 1791016
File: 1701099320202.png (181 KB, 732x827, scr.png)

i hate this pedophile faggot so much its insane
No. 1791026
>>1791016Does feminism not enable women to make choices, even if those decisions are bad? I always thought the point of that was that no woman would be unequally punished for a choice that a man would not face consequences for.
Not that this scrotebait is right on any level.
No. 1791030
>>1791020>>1791022Mods don't want Islam discussed on this board because statistically, it's a religion that's held by
POC and mods are afraid that criticism of Islam will lead to racial infighting so they hand out bans for posts like this. To avoid temp bans, any criticism of Islam should be confined to the 2X board.
No. 1791185
File: 1701108745185.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.31 KB, 640x640, pompompurin asshole.jpg)

>>1791180wtf I didn't know he had a visible asshole. I've seen other Japanese designed characters like that as well, it's so weird especially when its an animal
No. 1791188
File: 1701108799954.png (926.7 KB, 1002x676, Screen Shot 2023-11-27 at 10.1…)

REBOOTS REBOOTS REBOOTS. "____ would be great in a reboot!" SHUT THE FUCK UP
No. 1791197
File: 1701109167025.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1396x786, Screen Shot 2023-11-27 at 10.2…)

>>1791180ME TOO I specifically hate Pompom Purin because of the butthole. I also hate how there are so many visible buttholes on "cute" animal drawings and figures in Asian art. I have no idea why it's a thing but apparently everyone thinks it's cute and funny except for the two of us
No. 1791205
File: 1701110101073.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.47 KB, 564x544, IMG_5493.jpeg)

>>1791185>>1791197It’s so nasty. It’s everywhere. I am searching so hard right now for pictures of the worst gacha figures I have ever seen irl related to this subject. If I find it I’ll post.
No. 1791293
File: 1701115166898.jpg (71.13 KB, 564x564, 725ae7dbf3234ca54d65962a3d0d7c…)

i hate the trope of the hyperfeminine character being super smart and scheming the entire time without anybody noticing because everyone thinks said character is dumb. libfems always eat that shit up and act like it's the most progressive shit ever and that hyperfemininity is sooo empowering (nail polish emoji) and everyone who criticizes the beauty industry is an ugly pick me. it's so tiring and i feel like things will never change for the better for women.
No. 1791310
>>1791188They're both too ugly kek. If they're going to do a shitty reboot I hope they at least pick some hot actresses and actors. Tired of seeing ugly people on my screen
>>1791209Should I be glad I don't know what this means?
No. 1791313
>>1791293I thought the fun of that trope is they’re hyperfeminine and still reject men for being trash in spite of the whole aesthetic being a product of the culture grooming women into being pretty bimbo types? Like even if you fully get yourself into thinking a pretty feminine appearance is peak woman men are still trash and should be shunned and mocked which is so funny.
I always think of spies who are women sitting in the corner knitting or something and passing on every secret they hear because men don’t think they’re even human. Think there’s a quote about this somewhere but I’m not that into espionage lore.
But I’m not sure I know exactly what you’re talking about.
No. 1792533
File: 1701210265656.jpg (102.67 KB, 640x640, DBHJmHTXkAEJxSq.jpg)

When people get two short nails on their manicure. I die every time I see it, it just makes it look like you broke your nails. Either get them all the same length or buy a sex toy or something.
No. 1792563
File: 1701211030806.png (143.74 KB, 482x343, hzx.png)

I hate that women fight back and forth on what men find attractive, how something must be good because men find it attractive, how that's wrong because actually men don't find it attractive, how to be attractive for men, what body typ.
End of the day, most men in society are ugly, but you all go fucking googoogaga apebitch nutso. What is the point in looking for male attention when they're not even hot? I might understand if the average man looked good or even tried to be physically appealing, but that's not how things are.
>not my nigel though hehe
No. 1792623
File: 1701213204212.png (573.78 KB, 1592x1008, uglymoid.png)

>>1792563reminds me to that woman who got a bbl while her bf looks like this
No. 1792657
I hate men with no backbone who run away from conflicts.
>>1792563I 100% agree. We've been brainwashed that our value lies in what men think of us.
No. 1792795
File: 1701216944334.jpeg (433.79 KB, 1777x1111, IMG_7440.jpeg)

>>1792735Speaking of funky town. I hate gore moids. They’re always edgy retards and into the shittiest metal music ever concocted.
No. 1792806
>>1792795Big agree. Gore women are (sometimes) an entirely different breed and they seem to have an understanding of the horrors of life and seem to idolize the suffering
victim in a secular "christian" way. As an edgy teen I exclusively viewed gore blogs by other edgy teen girls
No. 1793295
File: 1701264451517.jpeg (26.08 KB, 566x342, IMG_3304.jpeg)

>>1793236Fuck me, I misread how many posts were in this thread, I thought we were past 1200 already. In hindsight I should have wondered why the thread hadn’t been locked…
No. 1795493
File: 1701378976143.png (435.35 KB, 640x853, the-toothpaste-stain-on-my-mir…)

I hate when someone posts a pic and you can see the toothpaste spots on their mirror. Just wipe it off ffs, I don't even know how people get toothpaste on the mirror unless you're purposefully spitting it on there
No. 1795616
File: 1701386857123.jpg (28.44 KB, 360x360, 12-101367456-81afa36b80e34f47a…)

I hate when it's barely raining, maybe even just hardly sprinkling, and while driving I see some dumbass with their windshield wipers approaching mach speed like we are in some torrential downpour. Your wipers are dragging against dry glass, you are ruining them! Its just a fine mist. Its going to be okay, windshield wipers dont have to be all or nothing, your glass and your wipers will thank you. You just look like a coward that cant handle a slight inconvenience without panicking. Pic not really related. Just thought it was cute when I was googling a pic to use kek
No. 1795638
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>>1795616Stop calling me out.
No. 1795758
File: 1701397151803.png (60.89 KB, 223x282, tears.png)

I know i have some porn rot but why is there a trope for guys turning into women in hentai?
I have to scroll through so much awful moid-made content when it's not yaoi and i'm always surprised about how something like that is not something niche.
I sincerely don't understand, i'm not even going to ask why it's always about fucking their bros but it's so unnecessary, just draw a woman?
Do straight moids even find it appealing or are the creators just running out of ideas? Is it for closet gay moids? After all they usually don't have hideous looking male characters…
No. 1795773
>>1795760I wasn't sure since i'm used to relate it to troons but if it's so this version is even more stupid and i hate it, not as much as troons tho.
It's just so odd, i'm used to see weirdos spiraling in whatever obsession they have but when it comes to this it seems like they come out of nowhere and that's it.
No. 1796020
>>1795980It makes me so sad and angry when women degrade each other for stuff like that, or for having relationships with men, especially those that turn sour. Plus sometimes people will recognize how women are coerced or forced into certain conditions or ways of acting by individual men or society/culture on a broad level, but then still turn around and
victim blame?
I know there's a certain irony in saying this on a site for bullying primarily women. but I strongly disagree when people surpass laughing at someone for unhinged behavior and begin picking on them for general female-specific things. I'm not usually a "there could be moids posting" tinfoiler but sometimes it sure seems like it
No. 1796112
File: 1701425602977.jpg (293.46 KB, 1079x1086, reddit.jpg)

>>1796089You could at least try to blend in better, reddit scrote. Don't you have fujos/husbandofags to cry about or something?
No. 1796158
File: 1701428763792.png (64.69 KB, 625x626, bait.png)

>>1796147>Women reading romance novels are the real rapists!>Women are the real porn rotted ones!KEK.
No. 1796246
File: 1701437788370.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1716, IMG_3972.jpeg)

>>1796245If you don’t wanna watch this video. This is who I am talking about. Squirmy and Grubs
No. 1796248
File: 1701437996269.jpeg (162.14 KB, 1170x487, IMG_3973.jpeg)

>>1796246Some of the comments are hilarious though. Either people who think it is weird and don’t understand and then people who reply with things like “disabled people deserve love” and then the odd scrote like this kek
No. 1797289
File: 1701538956539.jpg (73.57 KB, 500x667, CurrentBody LED Face Mask how …)

I hate this red mask thing. It suddenly keeps popping up on tiktok for me now, and I always get jumpscared by it. This is some horror tier shit because WHYY are you putting an led light on your face? I don't even want to know what it does this is so bleak and I will never stop advocating for women to just live, and just age naturally. I don't care about how many pretty privilege infights you anons have, because when is it ever enough? Is it just makeup? Just plastic surgery? Just strapping this contraption on? we live in a hell world
No. 1797328
File: 1701541607539.png (4.33 KB, 1306x744, Screen_Shot_2019-04-26_at_10.1…)

I hate this specific kind of video player. I think it's only in Chrome based browsers. It buffers literally every 2 seconds. Impossible to use.
No. 1798079
File: 1701614672113.jpeg (657.6 KB, 825x1478, IMG_0955.jpeg)

I hate the long denim skirt trend that surfaced this year. It reminds me of my Pentecostal neighbor in the 90s and looks good on no one, not even the model in the picrel! Cannot wait for this trend to die.
No. 1798316
File: 1701633371193.png (140.1 KB, 600x800, ugc_stylehint_uq_sg_photo_2211…)

>>1798079Is it that bad? I really wanted this Uniqlo denim skirt but it sold out before I managed to get my hands on one…
No. 1798326
>>1798316Ditto what
>>1798317 said. If you wear a floor-length denim skirt, you risk looking like an escaped Duggar. Anything that goes above mid-calf or knee-length should look okay, I think. The Uniqlo skirt you posted is cute! Reminds me of a 2000s denim skirt I had as a grade schooler; it was so cute, but I outgrew it and was so sad, haha.
No. 1798842
File: 1701674253358.png (948.66 KB, 1212x965, Untitled78.png)

gamers made an indie studio go bankrupt because they didn't make enough porn in 1 game