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No. 1751756
don't fall for bait
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/1747198 No. 1751769
Do people actually deep fry at home? I see it sometimes in cooking videos but I've never met anyone who does it.
>>1751764That's so sad, poor thing.
No. 1751788
>>1751774It was a long time ago so I can’t remember but it was probably just generic grocery store brand vegetable or canola oil. They were delicious. I made crullers too but they were a bit too oily, they’re probably better in a bigger hotter fryer.
I started working at a hotel in the kitchen and they had a real deep fryer and it’s just worlds different, so much easier and quicker. I made donuts there a few times when I was on a fucked up shift that had me leaving at 1am and returning at 4am or whatever, it was a little silver lining to my wageslaving
No. 1751808
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Question, and be honest: How TERF or anti-trans would you expose yourself if anyone asked about what you thought?
No. 1751809
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One of my favourite threads on this site gradually turned into rightoid tradfags whining about trannies, gay people, sex workers and "leftists" and I hate it so much, get a life outside of terminally online internet identity discourse and maybe you'll learn to hold an interesting conversation about other things that exist and realize that being a reactionary "anti-SJW" isn't as counterculture as you think it is
No. 1751815
>>1751808I would probably frame it all as nonchalantly and questioning as possible but say that trans people have different experiences growing up sure, but that I don't understand the denial of male/female socialization having an effect on them. There has been countless studies showing that adults react to and thus mold children a specific way based on perceived gender. So if you were raised male and transition, there are experiences intrinsically linked to being raised female they don't understand or experience, so why is it a big deal to draw that line? I'd also probably mention off handedly as possible that I find it weird that there is such a focus on "birthing person" and whatever language they use for women's sexual organs now over something like "ejaculating person" or "penis haver". Like I never see the same sort of dehumanizing language used for male sexual organs/processes. I feel like those are still "reasonable" things to bring up without someone immediately yelling at you for being a
terf (offline).
No. 1751825
terf out on the regular, nobody really gives a shit where I live. I only don't want to be annoying or seem politics obsessed so I don't bring it up non stop but I'm not ashamed of my views kek
No. 1751839
>>1751808Depends on who. My parents know I'm super
terf, they are liberal boomers who support transing kids (why!!). Coworker? Absolutely fucking not. Friend? Depends on how close, me and my friend lightly disagreed for a while but now she's more on my side. If I didn't know them well I probably would avoid topic unless idgaf.
No. 1751840
>>1751808Are people even put on the spot like this ever? I feel like a lot of anons on this site think that the moment they exit the door they're forced to deepthroat a girldick but I live in a fairly liberal area and have met maybe one clearly autistic TIM and mostly Aidens that are too socially anxious to ever bring gender discourse up outside of social media. The overwhelming majority of people consider trannies mentally ill but go by the "live and let live" principle when the topic comes up and I would look like a raving lunatic if I started sperging about 7 years worth of deep Lolcow
terf discourse at them. I usually just shrug and say "whatever, man" and so far nobody has cared. I'd rather lift up lesbians and GNC women and gush about how happy I am for seeing women like this than let trannies live inside my head for free.
No. 1751859
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I want to draw but everything i make SUCKS
No. 1751871
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cmon, be a lil open-minded
No. 1751874
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No. 1751876
>>1751871WORST BOY!
and blade is also cute
No. 1751878
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>>1751876incorrect your opinion is wrong and unbased
No. 1751887
>>1751840Trannies are politicians in my country and pushing dumb gender laws despite how conservative and homophobic this country is (we got gay marriage legalized in 2014/15 and from time to time it gets under attack by the conservatard politicians), as well we have no representation in lgbt spaces. It used to be lggg but now it is tttt. Even when talking about femicide (serious issue with women dying practically everyday here by male hands) some tranny has to come forth and talk about himself, and when gays or lesbians die violently/get hatecrimed, a tranny has to talk about himself and his degen ways because apparently homophobic men killing tims is everyones problem but especially women's.
Also trannies and handmaidens caused and cheered when a girl with diverging opinions killed herself cus she was conservative AND anti tranny. That shit is never justified. They also bullied another college girl that liked terfy posts on instagram and cheered when she tried to kill herself (unsuccessful), and from what I know, she wasn't conservative and people dug her likes and posts and then the handmaidens bullied her over it.
If tifs are too coward to speak their minds (and I agree, they have no spine), tims are not and will make use of their strength like when some tim hit a pregnant lady in the public toilet (I think it also was a university setting but don't quote me on that) and handmaidens will form their dream mean girl cliques to "protect" the tims. These girls might be nothing alone but they are never alone and the internet is a tool, everything is online these days unfortunately.
I do agree with you though that we shouldn't have them live rent free in our minds but sure gets hard when you're not straight and/or gnc in a lib area with media throwing them on our faces every time they can and talking about transing autistic/gay minors as if it's progressive and good parenting while never showing anything about the girls who got bullied by handmaidens for being gc.
No. 1751888
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>>17518840% based, even yakumo is a better top
No. 1751891
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When your parents would eat your Halloweeen candy, what would go missing?
No. 1751895
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>>1751892>Candy was forbidden in my houseyou: picrel
No. 1751921
>>1751808When i’m asked, i just answer my real thoughts (so full
terf) i’ve long given up on biting my tongue because it just means you end up surrounded by gendies
No. 1751930
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>>1751764The only flat faced cat that I’m rooting for is Wisp the cat. She’s not a breeder cat, but her mom was surrendered or a stray while pregnant, and they took wisp in because her mom didn’t want to feed her. I love that little used napkin cat. I’m sad that she has a lot of health issues, but she wasn’t a breeder cat, she just happened to be born to a flat faced mom and has a flat face herself. Idk maybe I have a soft spot for ugly cats
No. 1751942
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No. 1751953
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>woke up a few hours ago
>see this
No. 1751956
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Was this the thread of 87
No. 1751969
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I just found a huge ass crushed fly on a carrot in my salad. At least I saw it before I ate anything (it was pretty deep in and the only reason I found it is because the package says walnuts but I don't think mine had any walnuts so I was looking for them). I know these salads suck ass but I've ate them many times before with no problem and I was just really craving a salad. Anyway I'm sticking with publix salads from now on.
No. 1751975
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Fall for my bait please
No. 1751978
>>1751975Purple tree, plus I got this brown in me
Curly yellow dancin' on me
Said she smell the green on me
And she straight from California
Freaky as she wanna be
Told me she like boys and girls
Oh well, that's okay with me
And she said
"My old boo left me blue, I really loved her
So cold and so cruel, so many colors"
Play hoes like ProTools, can't never trust 'em, trust 'em, trust 'em, trust 'em
Nah, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em all
No. 1751979
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>>1751975he is multiplying
No. 1751980
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>account called hot men on muni
>uggos and one halfway decent male
No. 1751982
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>>1751974Kek I saw a user get banned for "tinfoiling" that this site had a tranny janny. Sometimes, it feels like the mods cherry pick specific things they don't like to ban, even if it's little.
No. 1751993
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absolutely repulsive man posted just because he speaks french and the acc owner is a xenophile ig
No. 1752005
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Scuze me just trying to get past you…
No. 1752007
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No. 1752008
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>>1752007I'm bIg, and
you're SmaLL No. 1752044
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>>1752029I dont know if I'd stop using it entirely, but it would explain some questionable bans and the suspicious 'lack thereof' cases.
No. 1752055
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>>1751930Wisp is a little perfect angel. How could anyone hate the cats though? Hate the breeders and people who keep up the demand. It’s not the animals fault they’re born that way. This dog is a rescue from the meat trade. I find him adorable but he has a lot of health issues and the rescuer has refused to tell anyone what breeds he is and I really respect that. I wish humans weren’t so selfish.
No. 1752067
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>>1751986>>1751998>anons from CC who kept coming to /ot/ and /meta/ to "expose" the staff.It was quite literally confirmed trannies. They admitted to it on their lgbt board, which is why they got banned.
No. 1752071
File: 1699124948449.jpg (918.11 KB, 2103x3000, 1580960996173.jpg)

my art inspiration folder
>classical art
>classical art
>american illustrations from the 50s
>furry porn
>war posters
>paintings of horses
No. 1752103
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>>1752101Oh now I wanna go look for it
No. 1752110
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i though this granny was doing the funny ok sign zoomers do in photos
No. 1752117
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>>1752071one of these things is not like the others..
No. 1752122
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>>1752080Just from low effort surface searching in the lgbt archive:
>TiF going on about the dog hate thread:
>Tranny mentioning 2X:
>Tranny (likely blaine judging by the mention of that soyjak board) going on about how farmshands are totally collecting IPs and hacking us: about being banned for his retarded tinfoils:)
>Admin is hacking farmers and is a tranny, totally not me:
>Thread discussing the pooner memes about being called a scrote)
>That fat TiF that got her post history revealed admitting to spam reporting nonnies whp trigger her
>Said TiF claiming lolcow terfs are from reddit(spunds familiar, meta nonnies?)'s more but I'm too lazy to read further.
No. 1752131
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>>1752126It's from the doodle boards, the kikomi theme.
>>>/ot/1106490 No. 1752133
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>>1752131the fucking cars kikomi
No. 1752149
>>1752122whats your point? lolcow is mentioned all over 4chan, tiktok, youtube, and twitter every day, doesnt mean theres any correlation between that and the drama. at all. if that were true we could brush every bad egg off as someone from one of those places coming to sabotage the board, which I know some anons do but its a batshit tinfoil.
blaine didn't have any of the information posted, like I said admin herself posted discord logs confirming her identity and the identities of those involved. if you want to say it's all tranny shit then that means there are multiple trannies on the mod team as there's no other way they could've gotten that private information.
No. 1752199
>>1752071Rum and Coca-Cola
Both motha and daughta
Workin' for the Yankee dollaaaaa
No. 1752202
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>>1752195ui ui SEXO SEXOOOOO
No. 1752213
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he looks like such a whore with those patrick start boots, sexoooo
No. 1752235
>>1752149My point is that the ones posting about tranny janny and retarded cookie tinfoils on meta are actually /lgbt/ trannies. Which you would see, if you'd click on the links.
>>1752227Because it was infested with pol moids.
No. 1752255
>>1751808I suss out what the person I'm talking to might think and adjust accordingly. With my friends and family I'm full on "men can't be women and the ones that try are predators" with the exception of my sister, who is super liberal. But she keeps her politics mostly to her own spaces (social media, art, stuff in her own home) and isn't the type that is always soapboxing so we just never talked about it.
I'm in a university course where the instructor and class are generally overwhelmingly libfem and I still bring up gender critical stuff, but under the guise of neutrality, like "some lesbians believe xyz, I don't think we should make a sweeping generalization that they all support abc." The teacher is kinda a pushover so she lets me get away with it but I had a classmate soft accuse me of spreading
TERF views.
I don't think I will ever fully express support, but I do see the need to hold back dissent and hide my powerlevel at times
No. 1752260
>>1752131I remember the time I learned about troons, it was when someone suggested I might be non-binary or trans because before puberty I liked to mess with people by making them guess my sex. In early elementary school I didn't like when teachers made us compete boys vs girls (I just went on the team with my friends), that boys were made fun of for wearing dresses, that some toys were clearly for girls and other for boys, that female products were more expensive etc. I had short hair, a unisex name, did whatever I wanted regardless of gendered shit and adults (sometimes other kids) were always furious because of the shitty conservative country I grew up in. Sometimes I trolled the other kids by saying I was a boy when they asked, other times I said I was a girl, basically made them guess. Then later I moved to a better country, puberty came, still continued dressing and acting however I wanted because of stereotypes so this person is like "must be a TIF!" However I didn't understand the concept well, I didn't want to be FTM and I said "oh well I want to transition to female!" and everyone was like "No, if you're born as a woman, you can't transition to a woman". However I liked pranks always, I liked trolling so I pretended I was MTF online, followed other MTFs, occasionally made up lies about my dysphoria, my dick, shit like that, and then eventually other MTFs learned the truth and got so offended kek. That's before I peaked and learned more about what being a troon entails.
No. 1752264
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>>1752240>moderato sits in her apartment with her moid >NEVER bitches about the site to him or gives him the reinsfat chance. As long as jannies and mods are straight, they are not to be trusted
this site should and shall be ruled by lesbians inshallah
No. 1752287
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Looking at old art makes me sad, i wish i had an alchemist bf
No. 1752294
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>shaming my bf's friend for being a coomer
>he whines and makes excuses that I don't know what I'm talking about
>bf backs me up and says I'm right and he's being retarded
>bully him together
No. 1752307
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No. 1752311
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opinions on this horse? i think its face looks like a penis
No. 1752318
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>>1752313i come here to scape the reality that i will die a wizard because modern men are all coomers and you crawl out of your bed to come ruin my lolcor too, shame on you
No. 1752339
lousiana is so goddam pretty, by far my favourite USA state aesthetics-wise.
>>1752331i cannot commit to the nun life because i am a degenerate, however i have decided to focus on art and drawing cute anime boys. 22 years of virginity and counting.
No. 1752345
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>>1752334you dont like norman rockwell? shameful
No. 1752350
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>>1752331Many of the intellectual nuns were just religious in ritual but went there for the gorls
No. 1752371
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>>1752335I thought of a similar idea that highly introverted autistic men used to become monks who were devoted to God and spent their time in isolation writing manuscripts and doing manual labor to sustain themselves, but now they are hikkis who instead worship stupid consoomer media and spend their time cooming and being sedentary while draining resources, MAYBE producing some code if they're still using their brain at all. Unsociable men need to be encouraged down the ascetic solitude path, not the hedonistic solitude path.
No. 1752376
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>>1752368I don't need your permission. I AM TIRED OF THIS PHRASE!
No. 1752617
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yesterday i saw a sportswoman so hot it legitimately drove me to tears about like three times
No. 1752662
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kek I went to check and even the shaytards were like why the fuck did you do that
No. 1752682
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i can vbe youre angle…. or ur debil
No. 1752697
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smash or pass
No. 1752757
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I thought this guy was pretty funny
No. 1752782
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>>1752005I love anteaters, they’re adorable.
No. 1752791
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Please post your favorite yugioh cards please please
No. 1752796
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>>1752791Don't know much about yugioh (only read a bit of the manga) but the madolche cards are all incredibly adorable to me.
No. 1752803
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Found a cool gif but my phone turned it into a video
No. 1752811
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>>1752791Generic taste but loved these as a kid when watching the show. They seemed to be the coolest and strongest attacks. Idk anything about the lore and how all the cards work though because I never got that deep into it.
No. 1752821
>>1752803Aw poor cows
Whenever I drive by an animal truck I’m terrified this will happen
No. 1752825
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>>1752813I was jealous of dark magician gorl because I assumed they were a couple kek
No. 1752827
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That frown
She's us
No. 1752833
File: 1699148739357.mp4 (1.05 MB, 320x240, videoplayback.mp4)

I remembered finding this video back in like 2008, and it freaked me out then. This cat is so. fucking. angry.
No. 1752850
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>>1752835Nah him x purple hair
No. 1752858
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>>1752854Holy shit, Chinese scrotes abort and kill their women and girls into lower numbers, but beg for European women to spread their legs and offer up their wombs to fix the female population crisis that
Chinese scrotes made in the first place.
No. 1752897
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>>1752893>users get banned for overblown reasons but the most obvious baiters don't even get slapped, and are allowed to come back in fifteen minutesit gets really weird.
No. 1752904
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who looks the best?
No. 1752916
>>1752911Well I guess now there's something for
you to read. Dysohoria doesn't automatically have to do with gender. Yay, you can drip your condescending twitterfag attitude!
No. 1752917
>>1752904Some of them look like they’re less likely to kill their own family after their wife gets pregnant, but military moids are too insane anyways, anything could happen.
But if I was bored as fuck, and their personalities weren’t ass (Impossible challenge btw) I wouldn’t mind having sex with 4th and 5th from left to right as long as the lights are off and they’re wearing the uniforms.
No. 1752924
>>1752893How is banning trannies scrotish?
>but anon is not a tranny!!Then don't post like one?
No. 1752943
>>1752920He says "um" a
No. 1752954
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laugh track
No. 1752976
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Playing the devils advocate because you want to argue instead of having a normal conversation and just repeating yourself in circles. Clock out bitch!!
No. 1752979
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what would you respond?
No. 1752987
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>>1752979I'm tapping him in
No. 1752990
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>>1752988What did he ever do to you. He is sweet and kind.
No. 1753001
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What are you bringing to the register
No. 1753011
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>>1753010he's worth way more than that
No. 1753028
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>>1753023I have a way u can pay
No. 1753036
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>>1753028Take this. I'm done here.
No. 1753040
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Look at them sharing a sensuous touch… their haters will deny it but they’re clearly a (closeted) attractive homosexual couple
No. 1753043
File: 1699159761690.gif (Spoiler Image,895.26 KB, 500x236, 1696995538966851.gif)

>>1753040Post real gay sex or gtfo
No. 1753048
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welp i picked the wrong time to come here. goodnight
No. 1753053
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>>1753043Be quiet and appreciate their slow romance
No. 1753055
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anyone else itt got da pression
No. 1753060
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>>1753043This is the dumbass thread not the cumass thread thx k bye
No. 1753063
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>>1753061i love you, what are you struggling with?
No. 1753077
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>>1753058What’s wrong with it
No. 1753078
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>>1753071>>1753071I used your post as an AI prompt
No. 1753081
File: 1699161381049.jpeg (221.36 KB, 1024x1024, OIG56u56u.jpeg)

>>1753078nonny buying her goods
No. 1753082
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>>1753072Same. They had sexual tension in peaky blinders
No. 1753083
File: 1699161493811.jpg (72.57 KB, 500x637, 222552fg.jpg)

this kid cool af
No. 1753089
File: 1699161608236.jpg (2.68 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20231104_221902562.jpg)

>>1753081Tbh yes… All her art was really nice… Pixel is what I bought.
No. 1753090
Fucking autocorrect…
No. 1753092
File: 1699161651340.jpg (192.87 KB, 1077x456, Screenshot_20231105_011954_Chr…)

No. 1753109
>>1753091Yes well you must not havr seen him dancing at a club yet or else you would wish to see more
No. 1753116
File: 1699162572526.jpeg (193.61 KB, 1024x1024, 67f678.jpeg)

made this for the cillian murphy peaky blinders bitch… your mans a pepsi hoe
No. 1753124
File: 1699163080075.jpeg (168.68 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.9kXH2nbCgLTEV745y34t.jpeg)

No. 1753129
File: 1699163353251.jpg (127.97 KB, 868x1216, Tumblr_l_891771673211742.jpg)

am I late for baraposting hours?
No. 1753138
>>1753137no the prompt was: in downtown alley, peaky blinders main guy sad, he is laying around on the floor, hay and pepsi on the floor, anime convention girls with cow horns laughing behind
yes that last part is representative of nonnies
No. 1753148
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>>1753144buy me a mcdonald
No. 1753212
File: 1699166474725.gif (3.13 MB, 498x281, 1698696107508616.gif)

Newfags trying to larp as oldfags are always so chuffed about it. That's basically all this board has become. Just three anons samefagging and lying about their online activity.
No. 1753217
File: 1699166616966.jpg (169.06 KB, 768x1024, 229AD715D6AE0E73A4_master.jpg)

>>1752350This is a purely post-modern facade, which is imposed on every single facet of history, claiming that 'no one was genuinely religious, it was merely an elaborate ceremony,' which is absolutely infuriating! Yes there were materialistic influences that coerced women into becoming nuns, but to deny the existence of sincere faith in their choices and daily lives is utterly absurd and displays a complete lack of rational thinking,
No. 1753268
File: 1699167904367.png (643.99 KB, 546x597, 1696288866714.png)

No. 1753304
>>1753268>>1753277seriously though
nonnie can you please explain why you keep reposting that gazelle
No. 1753334
File: 1699169273176.gif (3.79 MB, 576x1024, 1689182508341055.gif)

Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman
No. 1753350
File: 1699169659715.jpeg (874.28 KB, 1074x1342, IMG_0603.jpeg)

>>1753334Kind of reminds me of Emily Blunt
No. 1753351
File: 1699169715298.jpeg (663.79 KB, 1085x1348, IMG_6995.jpeg)

>>1753338gender bending isn’t tranny loving. but posting pictures of a guy pretending to be a troon and saying that you think it’s hot? that is
No. 1753374
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No. 1753380
File: 1699170393275.jpeg (3.06 MB, 6000x4002, IMG_8455.jpeg)

cant believe they let this nigga Hilda Limbardo Lebosis run the site all by himself at 2 am…
No. 1753399
>>1753393No lol
>>1753380You are white
No. 1753407
File: 1699171107282.jpg (115.95 KB, 1440x1441, 1692191645348.jpg)

No. 1753409
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No. 1753412
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No. 1753413
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No. 1753417
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No. 1753421
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No. 1753438
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No. 1753443
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No. 1753455
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No. 1753460
File: 1699172247837.jpeg (48.86 KB, 736x625, IMG_0608.jpeg)

>>1753383Be quiet imbecile
No. 1753500
>>1753490get hit by a bus anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus go and get hit by a bus
honk honk
No. 1753517
File: 1699173088140.jpg (167.05 KB, 1023x754, thereshegoes.jpg)

No. 1753521
File: 1699173116396.jpeg (58.89 KB, 280x217, 528A61C0-77F4-45F6-98CD-77604F…)

what the fuck is going on
No. 1753526
>>1753514I summon all nonnies for an incantation
may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon be silenced
silenced by a bus
silenced by a bus
may anon be exiled from the farms
exiled by a bus
exiled by a bus
No. 1753544
>>1753525may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon be silenced
silenced by a bus
silenced by a bus
may anon be exiled from the farms
exiled by a bus
exiled by a bus
No. 1753563
>>1753544May he becomes encapacitated and unable to obsessively attempt to taunt women and condescend them with misogyny inshallah
>>1753554Actually that's exactly what 4chan men who come here do. Also you already outed yourself here
>>1753542 No. 1753567
>>1753542He admitted to it kek
>>1753550>>1753551>>1753554Look at all this samefagging
No. 1753568
File: 1699173825877.png (6.25 KB, 165x171, doodle_room0876554433.png)

everyone…sit down please
No. 1753572
File: 1699173879894.jpg (66.22 KB, 720x478, om-chanting-circle.jpg)

>>1753565You don't blend, you will never blend. You are annoying, unlikable, and unwanted here. All you do is complain and sow negativity everywhere you go. You are going to be smothered under the weight of your own bullshit eventually. Hope the bus is going at least 40 mph
No. 1753580
File: 1699174054237.gif (86.02 KB, 220x123, 1645773114373.gif)

No. 1753583
Yellow bus
Not paying attention
Can't hit break fast enough
Bus crash
Bus bus bus crash
No. 1753586
>>1753583bus explodes
bus on fire
anon can't escape
the bus fire
No. 1753593
>>1753586Nothing can be done
Casts on both arms
Can't type
Cant open 4chan
Cant open lolcow
Can't open discord
Doomed to reflect on own actions
Alone staring up at ceiling
No. 1753611
>>1753599You don’t even know what I look like
>>1753603It’s not even bait. “Troons are gross” and “stretch marks are gross” are the worlds most mild opinions.
No. 1753616
File: 1699174632496.jpeg (446.9 KB, 1170x775, IMG_7004.jpeg)

>>1753610>fawn over …Must not know the multiple definitions of the word
fawning you genuine retard
No. 1753621
>>1753614What, you think that? No one else cares.
>>1753616Kek the palpable male condescension. You cream yourself over any chance at a "gotcha!"
No. 1753623
>>1753613So you don’t know what I look like kek. You’re just imagining chris chan.
No. 1753626
>>1753621How? All I did was post a definition.
>you cream at the chance to What’s scrotish is sexualizing the most random things, like someone providing you with a definition to a word.
No. 1753629
File: 1699174845829.gif (2.54 MB, 498x207, 1649542940277.gif)

damn at least trump-chan was funny
No. 1753631
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Men are not alright
No. 1753635
File: 1699174944221.gif (4.47 MB, 498x278, 9e96069ea1356023c789a5a39092b2…)

Kylie Jenner was pretty in an "earthy way" before the surgery, Megan Pete looks her best in her natural face. Nothing to do with any infight going on here, just wanted to say it without attracting the any celebritystans.
No. 1753639
File: 1699175035102.gif (551.45 KB, 233x199, cat cooking.gif)

who wants some cookies?!?!?!
No. 1753648
>>1753644So nonnies what do you do and how do you react when you have a conversation or walk into an incident with another woman where you’re disagreeing about something? Do you just turn and run away? Do you say “oh you must be a man” and leave it at that? Because it sounds like none of you are capable of talking through a disagreement with another woman without accusing her of being a violent transvestite, all for saying that stretch marks are gross and that troons are ugly. That’s all.
>>1753646>silence women All I said was stop posting trooned out Cillian Murphy??? Not “don’t spread awareness about dangerous male behavior” you fucking sperg. How are you conflating that to this??
No. 1753670
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>>1753663He played a straight man in How I Met Your Mother, but is he not gay?
No. 1753677
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>>1753656The features look similar to his, sure, but these features are the pretty and feminine version. Males who troon out don’t look like the female version of themselves, they look like men in wigs. This is what makes me think you’re a troon, you thought transitioning would make you look like an actual female. Those pictures of Cillian
triggered you because you realized you’ll never look like “the female version of yourself” no matter the amount of makeup you wear or surgery you get.
No. 1753684
File: 1699176106044.jpeg (268.68 KB, 1788x1578, 1681850142866.jpeg)

>>1753680I'm sure if you keep typing it, it'll come true. No woman would do what you've been doing the last 4 hours.
No. 1753685
>>1753677You nailed what I wanted to say. I watched a little video of someone editing Ice Spice into a male, and they did more than just throw some "guy clothes" on the edit. They actually changed the jaw, the hair, and the body itself to look like a
biological male.
No. 1753690
>>1753684>no woman would possibly post online for four hours I had a cellphone handed to me when I was 11,
nonnie. I’ve spent much longer than 4 hours on this forum before, and it doesn’t suddenly strip me of my XX chromosomes and uterus.
No. 1753692
>>1753687It's almost robotic, the way you're repeating the same exact thing and desperately hoping one of us would actually want to interact with you. You must be awfully lonely to keep doing this to yourself.
>>1753677Lets ignore his posts now, he can talk to himself
No. 1753697
>>1753670Samefagging to add, I don't think Cillian "wants to troon out" because he played a tranny in movies, but the part in Wikipedia that says he hung out with transvestites
was pretty weird.
No. 1753698
>>1753533thanks for the clarification
nonnie mwah
No. 1753711
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Who remembers freeing them so they weren't trapped
No. 1753729
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Bump to get nasty shit off the front page
No. 1753730
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No. 1753731
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No. 1753737
File: 1699180710283.jpg (84.73 KB, 736x736, Tumblr_l_169620498994905.jpg)

I took her to my penthouse then i freaked it
No. 1753760
File: 1699182888344.png (863.89 KB, 1170x768, doomed.png)

>>1753310if i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone's fantasy about sucking pus off a person's skin, i would have two nickels which isn't much, but it's weird that it's happened twice
No. 1753764
File: 1699183344032.jpg (108.49 KB, 1000x1080, cat-with-crown-vector-24951581…)

I left the thread to go to bed and then the thread immediately goes to shit, so clearly my presence blesses the thread and i am an irreplaceable poster.
No. 1753828
File: 1699190548405.jpg (79.27 KB, 760x506, olive_green_nails.jpg)

>>1753817i don't know that pic so i googled it and came across these adorable olive inspired nails
No. 1753853
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Don't want no short dick man
No. 1753855
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>>1753761>>1753758Supernatural was originally intended for a male audience. It had guns, rock music, muscle cars, everything about it was made to appeal to men. However, it unexpectedly gained popularity on Tumblr and attracted a younger female audience. That being said, it was 50/50 overall until the end of season 5. I remember seeing a graph that showed a decline in male viewership after season 5, with women under 30 becoming the predominant audience. and the show continued for a whole decade. The tone became lighter, the effects cheaper, and they even recycled an entire plot for a season. Yet, none of these changes seemed to matter as the superfans kept on watching.
No. 1753868
>>1753853there is no need for a song about qualities in a woman a man finds unattractive bc finding a woman's normal genitalia repulsive is already a sentiment expressed often, and most male artists already casually mention stuff about ugly women.
also, i could've sworn Who Let The Dogs Out was about ugly women in a club, but the singer denounces that and even the lyrics don't seem that way, what?
No. 1753871
>>1753868Wait what, I just searched the lyrics of Who Let the Dogs Out and it's clearly about women calling males dogs, not the other way around. It literally goes:
Well the party was nice, the party was pumping (hey, yippie-yi-yo)
And everybody having a ball (hah, ho, yippie-yi-yo)
Until the fellas started name-calling (yippie-yi-yo)
And the girls respond to the call, I heard a woman shout out
Who let the dogs out?
Of course males had to spin it around about women being ugly, even though it's women calling males dogs.
No. 1753875
File: 1699194184470.jpg (321.46 KB, 1000x1000, image1chfb.jpg)

bong nonnies do you remember having these cheap chocolate footballs when you were young? I love cheap chocolate. not American-tasting cheap chocolate but like those you get in advent calendars. I fancy some of these now
No. 1753886
File: 1699194880156.jpeg (20.67 KB, 400x300, IMG_5237.jpeg)

>>1753817I can only find this one but I swear there was another
No. 1753896
File: 1699195684220.jpg (139.64 KB, 774x544, CIS.jpg)

>>1753886Ew it's cuz it was a foot my bad
No. 1753897
File: 1699195690510.jpeg (145.99 KB, 828x827, 1649629993438.jpeg)

Reading fanfictions and fuckin ai chatbots to feel powerful n sexy because the attention of real moids is disgusting
No. 1753934
>>1753901Your tummy is probably just sensitive to one of the ingredients. For me it is garlic. Within minutes of eating it I get the squirts for the rest of the night. But sometimes I eat it anyways cause it's delicious.
Sodas are the nectar of the gods. Don't let the poops defeat you; drink it anyway lol
No. 1753961
File: 1699201018654.jpg (100.96 KB, 468x800, 236715fg.jpg)

he asks you to come to the latrines with him, what do?
No. 1754034
>>1754019Samefag, but also honorable mention to
>>1425720>>1425786>>1425655>>1754026Maybe they haven't renewed their VPN yet kek.
No. 1754040
>>1753812Why are you
still posting photographs of my hand over a year later? Do you really not have anything better to do at all ever
No. 1754060
>>1753878There’s actually a song about vaginas somehow smelling like shit, and as far as I know, it was made by …drumrolls… a gay man or some shit like that. Like, no one can even say that moids haven’t made songs making fun of women’s anatomy because just the fact that at least one exists is quite the reason why moids can’t act like
victims when they’re always the ones starting the fights.
No. 1754063
File: 1699207022516.jpeg (368.98 KB, 1170x2188, IMG_7492.jpeg)

I didn’t know where to post this but I laughed out loud at this based Stacy’s comment on Instagram.
For context, in the video a guy is grabbing his laundry basket and as soon as it touches his hip, the filter color changes and he looks like picrel and his voice over says in a twangy accent “I’m a simple gal. Always loved the countryside…it’s all I’ve ever known”
No. 1754066
>>1753812The infighting had already died and it was re-started by reposting my hand onto the website. I hate it break it to you kids, but me saying that Cillian AI fantasies of him trooning out are gross is
not at all on the same level as trannies coming in here to post CP and snuff. It might annoy you that I disagree with idiotic statements and
reasonably stated “Hey this isn’t the thread for that”, but that doesn’t make me some violent dangerous male, no matter how badly you want it to.
No. 1754079
File: 1699207500081.jpg (122.89 KB, 735x687, 95f0603792d3c52c6d8db0cdfc9535…)

>>1754073Nta but do you have bara to post?
No. 1754097
File: 1699208119341.png (1.37 MB, 1243x2048, F6yvLD9a8AAvTBf.png)

>>1754093I just find that phenotype hot, is this more your liking?
No. 1754104
File: 1699208301042.png (2.38 MB, 1343x2048, F8sWvzeawAASsXV.png)

>>1754098alright alright, how about this one?
No. 1754115
File: 1699208613715.png (1.98 MB, 2048x946, F7P4SWAboAABLv-.png)

>>1754107okay alright, this one
No. 1754119
File: 1699208868396.png (2.79 MB, 1448x2048, FovpIEIaMAAAOih.png)

nonny you are giving me a run for my money kek
No. 1754125
File: 1699208996975.jpg (19.45 KB, 513x516, hhhhhh.jpg)

>>1754063>>1754067Honestly, I don't consider myself homophobic, but I'm starting to get really annoyed with gay male culture and humor. If they were regular, boring men who happened to like other men, I don't think most people would have an issue these days. However, they aren't. They act like such massive degenerates and willingly spread mass diseases amongst themselves (and to women) that I don't know what to feel. and I just can't stand their humor. They are the unfunniest demographic in the world
No. 1754126
File: 1699209058209.jpg (119.63 KB, 782x1000, 1663961302828.jpg)

>>1754119i am sorry i am not into gay shit i like my buff men with pretty faces
No. 1754135
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>>1754132Stupid question, but how come your hand is so big? Are you very tall?
No. 1754153
>>17541061. Who said anything about husbanding this is eye candy only
2. This is better than the "discussion" at hand
3. No
No. 1754161
File: 1699210843578.jpg (537.68 KB, 706x965, 20231005_013416.jpg)

No. 1754170
>>1754125I am a reluctant homophobe. Each interaction I give the benefit of the doubt and put aside my bias but every fucking time they do some degenerate shit or prove that what my gut thinks is correct.
Incels carry on over how awful women are, look at gay "dating" culture. Its horrific.
Take women out of the equation and men go full degenerate mode and have their cock and balls out in the streets in front of kids. They spread disease like rats. The rate of pedophilia is the highest in gay males. Everything is sex related, they see women as memes they can cherrypick from to exploit.
I couldnt imagine being a well meaning gay man just trying to navigate life and trying to find a respectable husband when you're surrounded by the worst catty humans ever that cannot stay monogamous for the life of them.
No. 1754177
File: 1699211531153.jpeg (25.02 KB, 249x207, 1699204057427.jpeg)

>>1754125i've felt the same way for so long. after seeing picrel i knew my judgment was right.
No. 1754178
File: 1699211767716.jpeg (186.61 KB, 850x1063, IMG_2134.jpeg)

If you saw him in public what would you do
No. 1754187
>>1754176Men on boys is way more than men on girls.
A huge % of gay men were
victims from adult men when they were children.
Before lesbians entered and marched with gays before LGBT was a thing, the gay population marching had a subgroup called Man-boy love.
Once lesbians got involved they essentially said uhhhh what the fuck no? And that subgroup was booted.
Also a funny(sad) bit of info, guess where the idea of reading hour with children while men are dressed in drag came from…
Quite literally on a document written about how MBL could slowly make their movement more acceptable and groom both parents and children over decades to be more lenient towards it.
No. 1754196
>>1754191I cannot find my original source, it seems to be scrubbed from the internet.
It was some sort of research paper by an expert in behavioral psychology.
I've done a quick search and it seems over the last few years there has been a huge push to try to cover it up.
I have found this one but unsure how creditable it is."1992 study in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that homosexual men are three times more likely than straight men to engage in paedophilia.
A 1988 study of 229 convicted child molesters published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour found that 86% of paedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. A 2000 article in the same journal concludes that among paedophiles the rate of homosexual attraction is six to 20 times higher than among the male population generally. These are only a few of many studies.
Equally compelling is the evidence of gay activists themselves who state clearly there is a link between the gay lifestyle and paedophilia.
For instance, Alfred Kinsey, the sex researcher and gay activist, found in 1948 that 37% of all gay men admitted to having sex with children under 17 years of age.
Gay activists Jay and Young reported in 1979 that 23% of gay men preyed on adolescent or younger boys. Such conclusions have become commonplace among professional researchers.
Most of these testimonies come from America simply because information is easier to obtain on the internet from there than elsewhere, but human nature remains much the same all over the world. Gay activists have gone to great lengths to overturn or distort the evidence, but it remains too strong to be entirely smothered."
No. 1754205
File: 1699212761765.jpg (88.24 KB, 960x960, 1699206103310553.jpg)

No. 1754213
>>1754196RaPaul and George Takei both causally admitted that they "slept" with older men when they were like 12, like I felt so sorry for them, cause they were
victims preyed on by adult men.
No. 1754215
File: 1699213086976.jpg (79.87 KB, 933x668, ETtSeH0XkAEgzAL.jpg)

>>1754196AYRT and wow. At this point, is it really immoral or "homophobic" to hate and distrust gay men as a group? Perhaps being homophobic isn't inherently a bad thing.
No. 1754218
>>1754206Maybe men would finally get "it" when women say how terrified we are walking alone if it was more common place.
I've had men tell me its an overreaction.
My response is usually "Imagine you take out your whole life savings in cash and carry it on you late at night."
How likely are you to get robbed? Probably not THAT likely.
But does it make you feel paranoid as fuck and makes you think its not a risk worth taking just incase? Fucking aye.
>>1754210I hope I'm able to again, but I've been looking since I posted the other link and nada. I wish I remembered the guys name.
>>1754213I'm not surprised. I wouldnt be surprised if it came out that childhood molestation causes
some homosexuality honestly.
>>1754215Socially it would be considered immoral and you would be shunned regardless of how true and correct it is. It sucks because it not being a common known thing only hurts the children more. Theyre the ones not getting protected when they could be if more attention was paid to the issue.
I personally dont think homophobia is a bad thing.
No. 1754238
>>1754196I’m sure pedophilia is common among gay men, but I don’t think it’s more common for them than it is for straight men. If you look at
victim statistics, something like 90% of CSA
victims are female and like 99% of pedophiles are men. The crime statistics are that 1 in 6 girls are sexually abused during childhood, but since most sexual assaults go unreported, especially when it’s a child being victimized, law enforcement believes the statistics is more like 1 in 3 or 1 in 2 girls are sexually abused during childhood. Nowhere near as many boys are abused. Pedophiles will also prey on children who aren’t the gender they’re attracted to, because prepubescent children look more similar and gender is secondary to the actual paraphilia itself. It’s usually the same with other paraphilia like bestiality and necrophilia. So pedophiles who are only attracted to adult females will molest boys if the opportunity is presented, and pedophiles who are only attracted to adult males will modest girls if they get the opportunity.
Also either a minimum of 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 men have raped someone at least once before, it’s just common for males to be predators and I think their rates of assaulting others are similar regardless of orientation
No. 1754239
>>1754232All Men Are Faggots.
It makes so much sense.
No. 1754242
File: 1699214096406.gif (872.14 KB, 498x373, pichu-pickachu.gif)

>>1754214your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death
No. 1754249
File: 1699214167283.jpg (27.59 KB, 455x455, 1676941003487688.jpg)

I just want to be rich so i can focus on drawing and playing vidya, the day to day stress of being a poorfag is stealing my gains
No. 1754251
>>1754232I find it hard to believe than in a country as conservative as pakistan, homos would act out in public
No. 1754253
>>1754246this. that's why i can't take homophobic straight men seriously, or homophobes in general because most are pickmes. if the
victims are male why should women even care that much? thats a men problem.
No. 1754263
>>1754250It probably is less reported. There’s a stereotype that CSA
victims will become pedophiles, which was invented by pedophiles to excuse what they did and get pity from juries, and it works to silence
victims. I’m pretty sure males who were molested have lower rates of pedophilia because they’re traumatized. It certainly doesn’t affect female
victims in that way.
No. 1754281
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>>1754270fujos are already mass producing men sex desu
No. 1754294
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>>1754270You're right… for the sake of a better future, I will accept yumejoshis as my sisters
No. 1754300
>>1754251In their logic it's considered gay and immoral for two men to have sex(regardless of top or bottom) but a man can rape a "beardless youth" that's the term Muslims theologians have used to describe and justify it, so it's not a sin, so they don't think there's anything wrong.
>>1754295still working on it, it's really riding on my cousin.
No. 1754317
>>1754315if it makes you feel any better, It's not your husbando getting fucked, it's a r63 version of him, cause fujoism at its core is the most
toxic aspects of hetroseuxality with extra steps.
No. 1754318
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>>1754307hamas-kun rapebait confirmed
No. 1754330
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>>1754328i cant see myself in romance media targetted at women because they always make them for beckys
No. 1754340
>>1754328normal people see characters as characters and so it feels like cuckshit. only autistics self insert into everything.
which is the real problem with yumes. it's a real autistic people thing, normal people don't do it. autists are exhausting to be around and their fanart is usually really bad so while I don't necessarily hate them I avoid them. I can't stand people with no self/social awareness.
No. 1754341
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>>1754330Stacies don't into gay sex homo stuff
That's for pic related
No. 1754346
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>>1754341>understanding that you are a heterosexual woman and embracing your sexuality by enjoying content of a female protagonist, even similar to yourself, ends up with the perfect man.Yes.
No. 1754357
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Make a wish nonnarella
No. 1754364
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>>1754316i wonder if yana sensei looked at the artists who draw sexo of frollo, honest fellow, and scar for gijinka research
No. 1754367
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>>1754341>had a massive harem>scammed people out of millions>ended up setting up her ex and getting scott freethat's literally the definition of stacy though
No. 1754371
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>>1754357> close eyesI wish that I will hear back from the jobs I applied for as I worked really hard on the cover letters.
> blows out candleThanks nona
No. 1754376
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>>1754340autistic? for sure, but no fujoshi can make something as soulful as this
No. 1754378
>>1754357I wish for everyone to embrace anonymity and stop begging for attention wherever you can get it
>>1754363Autistic over analysis of each others posts and samefagging going unbanned
No. 1754382
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This is my ship
No. 1754391
File: 1699218276732.gif (Spoiler Image,192.83 KB, 300x250, 91244568-24.gif)

your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1754403
>>1754400I only like the
abusive m/m ships tho. It's fun to see two men destroy each other's lives
No. 1754405
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>>1754394she won an official spongebob tshirt design contest, basically making her buff demon spongebob husbando canon
No. 1754411
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>>1754404I am a bong and I know it spelled as Stacey
No. 1754418
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>>1754405>unafraid to love unconventional husbandos.Groovy and Godly.
No. 1754419
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>>1754403I'm a yume but i'll admit that's hot, i'm always up for men suffering and getting bloody, i'm the type of girl to stand by calmly while two dudes are fighting
No. 1754429
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>>1754423sidenote, I often wonder what ##Character Characters coom would taste like, like Hanks would taste like hamburgers and smell like grass. Homers would be yellow and lemon heads. Peters would taste like bleach and kill you etc.The Super mutants from Fallout would taste like green apple jolly ranchers
No. 1754433
>>1754429If I ever get coom in my mouth by Allah I will grab his jaw and force it into his mouth
As below so above
No. 1754434
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>>1754420burlington cope factory
No. 1754442
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No. 1754445
Every time i try getting into yaoi i just cannot stop thinking about
the smell, like, you know the whole room smells like shit cause they fucking each others's asses
>>1754441Ew but i'll give you a pass because i can't say no to Ben Shapiro slander
No. 1754453
>>1754416It's not the men but more the fact that I find the idea of 2 people hurting each other than loving each other hot/romantic. The hurt of this specific ship I'm obsessed with is very serious bodily injury and kidnapping loved one and faking their death from one side only. The hurtful guy then befriended the guy who he caused all of this to since he doesn't know it's him. They become enemies later when all of it is revealed but the bad guy actually felt bad about it all and decided to apologize and try to undo it as much as possible but got too overwhelmed and just left. The possibility of him coming back as a changed person and the other guy falling for that is very hot to me but thinking about what he has done to him in the past makes it seem
toxic and unhealthy and I don't like that I'm attracted to it. Doesn't help that the good guy has a gf and I want him to cheat on her or breakup with her for the bad guy. I feel insane liking stuff like this.
No. 1754455
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>>1754446ME, ME AND PIXY
No. 1754468
>>1754459nta They fucking each other anuses that's just the logical conclusion
No. 1754472
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>>1754163>All yaoi is gayStraight yaoi
No. 1754479
>>1754454We just genuinely ignore it, don't even think about it. Ukes have it crystally clean, they're not real kek
>>1754472Shion is sooo cute, i didn't even mind the heterosexual scenes
No. 1754493
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>>1754475Based, Now I will think about their bodies like that.
No. 1754498
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>>1754493kawoshin cutie kawaii
No. 1754501
>>1754477It's straight when he's a woman
>>1754479>Shion is sooo cuteTRUE, there's a lack of gyaruo boys in BL in general so I'm glad he exists.
>>1754480No, it's BL where the protagonist switches between a man and a woman.
No. 1754507
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>>1754489Nah, just manga for fujos who also like boobs.
No. 1754518
>>1754515Damn so dramatic
No. 1754533
>>1754523Autists* not artists, actually there are probably less artists among them
>>1754525Yeah whatever you call them
No. 1754536
>>1754530what do you mean? i'm this
>>1754419 anon btw
No. 1754552
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Yaoi tradthot
No. 1754569
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>>1754566Lizard is an antisemetic slur and everyone here should apologize to him
No. 1754587
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AI men good
2D men good
2D men kissing good
real moids bad
simple as
No. 1754604
>>1754587>AI men goodtrue
>2D men goodtrue
>2D men kissing goodpost ruined
No. 1754624
>>1754619for real, at least ban both fujos and husbandofags
>>1754620I'm literally an oldfag stfu already
No. 1754627
>>1754625okay, enlighten me, what the hell did i say that
triggered you so much, retard?
No. 1754628
yumes vs fujos can have their silly little fight
No. 1754633
>>1754629NEW THREAD
>>1754629NEW THREAD
>>1754629NEW THREAD
>>1754629NONNY No. 1754639
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>>1754598Not really, I have the feeling it's always the same dumbasses who start this. It feels fake, both yumes and fujos are my sisters and not too long ago, most of lolcow agreed with that sentiment.
No. 1754648
>>1754640Zero now HEH
No. 1754652
>>1754650It's okay,
nonnie, mwah. See you in the next thread.