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No. 1691641
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1659923 No. 1691674
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Fuck this, the page keeps deleting my text after finishing it
So, I followed a guy because we share a series of interest, and ngl, he made me remember what I hated about the old anime fandom but something that gets on my nerves is the whole "New gen big 3" titles. I hate that debate because no matter what shonenfags say, it's not going anywhere. Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball and maybe Bleach were a thing of their time, they already left their print on the industry and still get talked about to this day, but people have this need to make every new midly successful series into their successor instead of letting it florish naturally, and each time that kills the series on the long run. The 7 Deadly Sins is hated by almost everyone, Boruto is boring and lazy and no timeskip is making it "peak" (Also hate that term in this context) and Boku no Hero is irrelevant outside of shipping. While we can point out the many flaws of each series, I feel like the fandoms overbearing need to make them on par with some of the highest selling titles (Which mind you, have existed for years and have a lot of influence on todays works) also ruined a lot of the hype. They were given expectations that they did not deserve given, and when they couldn't fill the shoes that the original big 3 had, the fandoms were exhausted and dropped the towel. If you genuine enjoy it, just appreciate the funny action show for what it is, making it all about a top 3 popularity poll makes the fandoms feel artificial.
No. 1691915
>>1691906To add to your post
nonnie, I also hate when boomers are like "yeah things are really bad, but they're going to be
really really bad for you guys. Glad I won't be here for it, hahaha!" Their generation literally caused all this housing crisis and climate shit.
No. 1692036
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How military action films often feature ugly steroid-ridden middle-aged men in the lead roles, which is not even accurate. My father(who served as in the special-forces) showed me pictures of his training and the members of his unit, as well as soldiers from other countries they worked with and they were all young and attractive men in their early 20s, with some even resembling models. He also tole me it was uncommon for someone in their early 30s to be in the special forces or active duty, and impossible for a 40-year-old to be part of the special forces. However, in the majority of action films, we always see older men in these roles.
No. 1692041
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This shit lmao. I know for a fact this girl is overweight and alone. These types are always on the same level as polyculefags
No. 1692081
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>ate that and left no crumbs
>it’s giving
>but go off I guess
>rent free
No. 1692104
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No. 1692204
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>>1692170It’s not healthy to draw yourself giving your bf a blowjob for the whole world to see, rather pornsick and egotistic innit?
No. 1692307
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wow the bait got even baitier than before kek
No. 1692343
>>1692150Nta but she's not responsible for other people, it's not like she's drawing NSFW My Little Pony art or something.
This isn't even about her kinks or art or whatever, I hate when people act like randos on the internet need to parent other people's kids. There are tons of artists who draw things with sexual themes (like Karlovy, who's art is also "cute" albeit not as explicit). That artist probably isn't very old herself.
No. 1692448
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>>1692127Her bf with the sexy hands
No. 1692534
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>>1692510>I'm into degrading stuff myself. But that's the point, I'm into it for myself, not for some moid.what does this even mean
No. 1692684
>>1692127why is this choking fetish so widespread now. my bf tries it once in a while and it pisses me off, even though he doesn't press and only puts his hands there, i can tell he's struggling with the desire to. i will literally bite his wrists and rip his arteries open if he does that shit for real. i already can't breathe when getting proneboned, let me breathe in the other positions at least my brain needs a steady oxygen supply i am a human being. i'll choke him and see how he likes it. an ex actually went out and bought a collar and leash but never had the guts to use it on me. where do men get these retarded ideas and why can't they stop looking at porn all day. and then handmaidens play into their fetishes to get male attention and validate their pornsick dumbassery and fuck every other woman over in the process.
you want a girl to feel good in bed? RUB HER CLIT. men will do anything except this! RUB HER CLIT. i hate men
No. 1692742
>>1692684I don’t think most men actually care if their sexual partner is feeling good otherwise they’d take the one minute to google how to touch and pleasure a woman and take time for foreplay. I hope your bf at least does that and stops watching porn…
>>1692692So many guys seem to think that rubbing your vulva through your pants is sexually stimulating. Or that simply squeezing your boobs is supposed to make you wet so they can penetrate you without building up to anything. I’ve gotten to the point now I don’t allow penetration until I’ve already had an orgasm. It’s laughable that men watch so much porn and then think that irl women will be happy to get manhandled and harshly fucked at a moments notice while screaming in delight. I wish romance existed.
No. 1692798
>>1692717>>1692717When I was 13-17 I was called a groomer, said I owned a pedophile cult, claimed I was "sexualizing children", being annoying and weird, kink shaming, etc
All because I was against ddlg posts that were raiding ifunny at the time kek. All of the people who called me this were grown too. If that doesn't prove to you how pathetic the "you're the one that's sexualizing children" defense is idk what is
No. 1692870
>>1692859You are not a
victim for being a fool and boosting the pride of a man who is a bad lay.
>>1692834Same anon I've guided them on being better before and the ones that care listen and will try to perform better. If anything they're humbled that someone is being honest.
No. 1692923
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>>1692684whenever i get my period and get horny for men i will re-read this post to remind me to not lose to the beast, they shall not divert me from my jourey to wizardom
No. 1692970
>>1692954I'm a medfag and yeah, we're taught about defense wounds and it can even help prove someone is
abusive if the person has defense wounds as it proves the woman they were being intimate with fought back and didn't want whatever was happening at that moment to happen.
No. 1693010
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>>1692127Betting they looks like this
It’s always these types that love to air out their degeneracy
No. 1693028
>>1692897Nta but you need to learn to read
nonnie. She's saying that you
should laugh at men who are bad in bed because if you keep quiet instead you're boosting ego.
No. 1693053
>>1693029As if anyone could be happy running around being treated like a animal by an ugly scrote- mighty keks
>>1693030This makes sense
No. 1693298
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addicts. never met an addict who’s a good person. They make everyone’s life around them a living hell, steal, and will deliberately give someone a fatal illness just cause
When I was 15 a junkie emailed both my parents to threaten them with legal actions because a picture of me in my bikini on a family holiday appeared on their facebook and she claimed it was ‘child porn’
fuck addicts
No. 1693410
>>1693405I noticed this ever since they made
nonny flip out and post nudes. I wouldn't be surprised if it was moids trying to manipulate mentally ill women into posting nudes
No. 1693562
>>1693535Dogs attack people, their pets, and children all the time. Shitty dog owners of these types of dogs ARE a huge inconvenience because they act like dogs can do no wrong when they’re clearly aggressive and aren’t obedient. And there are A LOT of shitty dog owners out there.
And no I don’t hate or wish harm on dogs or anything like that. And I don’t like the few spergs in that thread either. But it does feel like you can’t talk about them without another sperg coming in to defend every dog in existence even if said dog just killed a kid. And not just on here but everywhere.I just wish people took better care of their animals and people would stop owning aggressive dogs they clearly can’t control.
(there is a dog hate thread) No. 1693581
>>1693562I'm not reading your schzoid talk
nonnie. Stopped at the first sentence.
No. 1693946
>>1693399Yeah this board talks about men way too fucking much for being full of people who hate them, it’s embarrassing.
>>1691641I hate the term “nude” as in nude pictures. Nude, nudes. The word just sounds gross and juvenile
No. 1694762
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Summer. Thank god is over.
No. 1695890
>>1693298And you should keep saying it! I'm tired of addicts being coddled more than actual children and treated like they're so "helpless" and not responsible for their actions uwu don't
trigger them. Fucking hate how people will forgive an addict for heinous crimes and just tell the
victims to get over it. I see it online and I can tell these assholes never met an addict in their entire life or are one themselves
No. 1696078
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You aren’t “raising awareness” of special needs you’re just making videos to pat yourself on the fucking back and look like mother theresa
No. 1696445
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I will never get it. Feels like they’re all playing a joke on us because HOW are you unironically saying this is hot? There’s just no way. Is he the first male you ever laid eyes on? This hurts my brain. The only ugly man I see girls crushing on that legitimately makes me mad. His head is so lumpy, every feature is hideous.
No. 1696846
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>>1696763Dunno if it's autism or an anon being in a bad mood when replying but it sucks when someone takes a dry, deadpan joke as incitement to infight. Please understand I am retarded and gentle ribbing is funny to me.
No. 1698164
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I hate the new jannies they’re retarded and ban happy and half the type they’ll redtext shit that isn’t bait as bait, ”she” called me a bitch in the red text because “she” couldn’t call me a newfag or a moid or a retard, and it was all cause I implied someone was a twitterfag. (I think the jannie is a twitterfag calling me a bitch, typing it with her shitty acrylic nails and drag Queen makeup and basic pin straight hair)I also hate seeing people type like that on here it’s like I’m looking at a TikTok comment section “sis” “wrdgaf” “ok?” “Cunt””idgaf” “it’s giving” or they type aggressively idk how to describe it but like it’s a sassy twitter clapback, every time someone says something like that I imagine picrel typing it out. GO BACK TO TIKTOK UNDERAGE LITTLE DIPSHITS I wish jannies would ban the retards who type like an actual faggot ass moid on rupauls drag race(complain in meta, retard)
No. 1698167
>>1698164I hate them too, they are actual retards. they keep banning me for "race baiting" over literally nothing. I think they are
triggered sjw's who think everything is racist. ugh.
(ban evasion) No. 1698174
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>>1698164YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH now watch her get banned
No. 1698278
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>>1698002Sorry nonna. Don't worry, it will be over soon!
No. 1698454
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I hate trannies and sissies so much it’s unreal. They should all be castrated, shot, or both. Stop posting your sick fetish garbages on pictures of actual women. You’ll never be us
No. 1698483
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absolutely can't stand music. fuck music
No. 1699182
>>1698787God me too. I have a hard time not considering someone retarded (and rude) when they do that and I will refuse to meet with them again.
>It makes me go full boomer phones are evil reeeeIt sounds funny but it's just rude behavior. More importantly even it also shows they aren't interested. Why should you or anybody do something with them they obviously don't care about? In the end you only risk getting accused of using them for your gains and never giving something back, since "I was clearly bored doing this but always did it for you" or some shit. Hard to tell since they can never stop staring at that shit to begin with.
No. 1699235
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When people say pink is light red. It's literally not. If you lighten right you see that it's a completely different color, it's salmon. However, if they are using pink as a substitute for red in a pastel rainbow I will accept it
No. 1699286
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these interview vr channels who make light of the topics theyre covering the recent one is egregious
>im not using a voice changer
>loli animu retard voice
No. 1699309
>>1698586>>1698670everynonny hates it, most people on the rest of the web too, why the fuck is it still used?
i've noticed it's very used on wikias/""fandoms"", probably for donut steel reasons since it's not supported by most sites and therefore can't be uploaded there without converting to another image format
No. 1699420
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I am so fucking tired of this meme. Women will have their tits out but still try to convince people they’re men. At least it’s the fastest way to know they’re mentally unstable
No. 1699423
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>>1699420ugh it gets me too nona.
amandla stenberg pisses me off a bit, idk if shes still ‘NB’ tho. although i find her attractive and a good actor, nothing about these people indicate they/them or even he/him kek.
picrel, the most they/them person ive ever seen!!
No. 1699424
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Really not a fan when stock photos for clothes have the model doing some kind of "artistic" or "candid" pose that makes it hard to see the actual product. I mean look at this one, she blocked the actual bralette!! It's the only picture of a model wearing it from the front and she covered it up! Not to sound like I'm dehumanizing these girls, it's nice seeing pics of them having fun, but I really would like at least 1 photo in a straightforward neutral pose. A lot of different sites do this kind of thing, I've seen some where they won't show me what it looks like to wear it while simply standing but they'll make sure you know exactly what it looks like at a Dutch angle when doing avant-garde contortionist poses.
No. 1699425
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>>1699424this made me think of the zara photoshoots kek
No. 1699737
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i think a lot less of people when i find out they are video games hobbyists ( especially online ones ) regardless of sex. i don't want to turn this into an infight so i'll just come out and say that it's because of my millennial older brother who had a huge anger problem and is abusive and traumatized me for life and i'm not putting that lightly. as soon as i know a man is into them i smell danger. i hate really angry people too despite being that myself but at least i don't destroy shit in my house because of video games while yelling at the top of my lungs as a grown adult. he used to turn off the wifi for everyone else in the house just so he could play his dumbass online games. his female friends are just as bad and are honestly pickmes and i hate using that word because of what it's become but that is exactly what they are. i don't respect people who engage in self deprecating humor especially sexism ( and gamers are usually edgy people who love being LE IRONICALLY antiblack for no reason and it's not, never has been or will ever be funny ). i just hate edgy immature manchild adults in general. i used to respect gamers and as a kid even aspire to be like my brother because i idolized him kek but no more. sorry to any nice women who like video games. the only people exempt from this obviously are children because then it's on the parents and that should be the target audience anyway. i don't care if this will make me lonely forever because i'm so far from being a normie. i don't completely hate everyone i just think less of them, some women ended up being cool but i can count that number on one hand ( no man i've ever known into video games has been a decent person ) and i'm not a risk taker
No. 1700339
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I think gen X needs a turn on the generational hot seat finally. Mainly on the topic of religious panic which they took from the baby boomers. I seriously am getting tired of having discussions with gen Xs online and in real life about "demonic" shit and why nobody takes that accusation seriously anymore. It's because you assholes cried wolf too many times! Everything that was new and interesting is and was demonic! The internet was demonic! Pokemon was demonic! And all the while young millennials and gen z lived in houses and families in which the elders regularly refused to kick out literal serial pedophiles or abusers within the family. That's why nobody takes the demonic shit seriously anymore because you lead poisoned shitheads were too worried about throwing your kid's toys out than dealing with the creepy uncle or real life issues. Nobody gives a shit anymore and you're getting aged out of the conversation. These generations (gen x and baby boom) don't play about putting their necks on the line to defend any clergymen accused of bad things either. Why are they so whipped why are they like this. They will defend a rapist priest to the death and even at the end they'll call the child a whore and a prostitute for seducing him into raping it. wtf
I know boomers and gen x aren't all that bad though. When they're good and want to pass on their knowledge they're some of the kindest, sweetest most dedicated to solving your problem people you'll ever know. They're two very hardworking generations. But fuck when they go into the deep end cuz of that lead or lack of therapy god they're horrible. (I don't even think gen x has a lead problem I just think the lead meme is funny)
No. 1701193
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Moids in girly fashions. I don't why women INSIST on bringing them in and accepting thing when moids are only there for an ego boost because the women are too nice to say anything.
No. 1701324
>>1701236Yeah, when someone was sperging about rape babies and ivf babies not having a soul in the tinfoil thread.
>>1701120I may be mentally ill but the only sex with men that's acceptable to me is when he just doesn't get off. No orgasm, very little pleasure or none at all. I could never let a moid use me as fleshlight, I will never change my mind.
No. 1701369
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Being a glutton
No. 1701592
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>>1699140i fucking hate coffee so much. it smells like shit, tastes like shit, & gives those who religiously drink it stained teeth & the most vile halitosis possible. even worse are the people who own coffee grinders or machines, theyre some of the filthiest people ive cleaned for. coffee grinds everywhere, milk frother covered in weeks worth of dried milk, wet coffee juices seeping out all over the counter, the easy to tip jug of water attached to said machines, of which is always covered in limescale, the stench emanating form the forever unwashed grinds bin. i could go on & on. eternal damnation for coffee drinkers.
No. 1701623
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Not race bait istg. Why do super religious Muslims come to places like America just to act very childish when they naturally see non-muslims acting "unmuslim-like"? I've seen Muslims act mellow dramatic to cover their eyes instead of just casually looking away when they spot a woman wearing shorts in 80 degree summer. I've caught Muslims outside of restaurants loudly judging people for eating things they don't like, such as a simple pepperoni pizza. Sorry not sorry, if you're super dedicated to your religion and think the world should revolve around your standards, MAYBE you shouldn't be living in a place like America. You know what, this goes for literally any immigrant or visitor that shits on everything they see native citizens doing when they made it their choice to live there. If you're an immigrant and Austrailia, Britain, Russia, Japan, or whatever the fuck is so much better than your "new home", you're welcome to go right the fuck back to where you came. Hating a country and the citizens in it, but making the conscious choice to live there anyway while crying about how it's not exactly like your country is some laughable low IQ brainpower.
No. 1701747
>>1701740I agree with this, but a lot of people in Sweden are mad racist anyway. They say they hate Muslims but they actually mean they hate ethnicities that happen to be Muslim and not Islam itself. They don't know what Islam preaches and they don't care, they just hate brown people.
I'm not religious but my family are Bosnian Muslims. People don't know because we are white but as soon as people find out they have names like Malika and Hasan they start being weird and say something like
>oh but your family is not like one of them, you're differentIf they only hated Islam which, yeah I do too so I won't take offense, they'd be as horrible to me as they are to my MENA friends, but I'm off the hook and so is my fam. And it's not like my friends are violent rapists or smelly beggars or whatever, they're regular computer nerds who like anime and fast food. People just hate seeing them exist.
No. 1701857
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Artificial grade flavors. Bleh. I've only had grape soda like once or twice, but I'm sure all of them are disgostang.
No. 1701929
File: 1695143438974.jpg (74.84 KB, 673x958, f4f8034f40bfa6576f064273e97531…)

>things you hate
I hate faggot males being obsessive, jealous, hateful, and misogynistic towards women over men who wouldn't touch anything gay with a ten foot pole anyway. Then they go into detail about how much they hate vaginas, and how they're sad that most men are attracted to vaginas instead of another man's dick. They compare vaginas to fish, say that it's "inferior" to the male asshole because women have the ability to get pregnant, or even try to lie by saying vaginas are "much grosser" even though gay males are the most likely to catch HIV and things like monkeypox because of them fucking where they shit. All because they fetishize having sex with straight men, and using their poopy "bussies" to "magically" turn them into faggots. I hate men, but it's still creepy to see all these faggots on social media openly wanting to "turn straight men gay" and to "steal them from their wives". They use the phrase "turning men gay", insinuating that sexuality is a choice, but act genuinely offended when people start to think their gross lifestyles are a choice. But what I have to hate the most about gay men hating women for straight men is the fact that it perfectly sums up one of the worst traits that men as a whole possess: entitlement. For some reason, gay males cannot seem to fucking let it go that the majority of men aren't brokeback mountain cowboys like them. I don't know if gay males have the "must eat forbidden fruit" curiosity about straight men, if they get off on wanting to fuck straight men specifically to spite women, or because gay males genuinely believe they're entitled to straight men just because they share the same gender. I've seen faggots complain about all the hottest men they've ever seen being "unfortunately straight", so maybe it's a "grass is greener on the other side" kind of mindset for why they want straight dudes so much. Faggot males would have a seizure if women felt this entitled to them, because faggots will be the first to tell you that they're gay and that women need to fuck off. But it's like they cannot take their own advice when they're told to fuck off by straight men who would never find them attractive, even when they're drunk with the lights dimmed. Then faggots go full retard by blaming women and throwing an absolute fit about straight men. How are women "stealing men" away fron gays when straight men would never fuck another man in the first place? You can't miss what you never had, you dumb fucking degenerates. And the funny thing is, if a gay man does succeed at "turning a man away from his heterosexuality", all that means is that he just found a closet faggot, or a bisexual. Real heterosexual men will never end up with faggots, otherwise they're not truly straight in the first place. With this hole in their logic, all these creepy ass faggots can continue crying themselves to sleep at night since their dreams of "catching" a straight man is arguably impossible to make real. Doomed to be lusting and pining over a type of man that they can never truly have.
It's funny how faggots have this obsessive hatred to women and their bodies when they work so hard to even imitate how we talk. They copy women's slang and even our voice's pitch to SOUND like us. They put on wigs, dresses, makeup, and other articles of fashion and clothing to LOOK like us. For fucks sake, they even come running and crawling for us to be surrogates when they feel entitled to a biological child, even though faggots should have already accepted the inability to have biological children as a natural consequence for their homosexual lifestyle. Despite generally being misogynistic, faggots take advantage of desperate women so they can immediately snatch the newborn from her arms, tear off their own shirts, and pose for the camera as if THEY were the ones who gave birth. Just so faggots FEEL like they even share the same ability as us. The only difference between the average faggot and a tranny is that faggots are only slightly less mentally ill, and just grounded in reality to still understand that they're men. Faggots hate women, yet try to imitate women every fucking day they show their face in person, on TV, or on the internet. They need to get over themselves and fuck off back to the bar or wherever they fuck they congregate. I'm not going to sit here and believe that my vagina is gross just because faggots don't understand it. I'm not going to believe that faggots are entitled to women's boyfriends and husbands just because faggots claim to be "better at blowjobs" or whatever. I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I get more attention from straight men than faggots do. I'm not going to waste my brain's sense of empathy on a bunch of narcissistic, HIV infected, misogynistic, predatory faggot males who demand that the world feel sorry for them just because they're bored of other faggots and wanna try harassing or even raping straight moids. Faggots want women to feel all sorry for them and shit, but I hope they're lurking right now because here's my answer: FUCK YOU.
No. 1702632
File: 1695220408430.png (276.32 KB, 720x562, otae.png)

I hate this meme cause so often Otae is paired with something she wouldn't be caught dead with.
No. 1702670
File: 1695224613888.jpg (13.89 KB, 225x225, ZwIjIkn.jpg)

>>1701929Yes to all of that.
I would like to add troon straight males that are "lesbian". They are the same old misogynistic moids but now in dresses, pretending to be an improved version of what they think it's a woman, that is, an object.
I'm fucking disgusted about them and their mansplanations while they are playing to be a women. Not to forget that a big amount of them are pedophiles.
The worst part is that we can say nothing about it in this woke society of us, or you'll be cancelled and be called a bigot or
TERF, just for telling the truth.
I feel really sad about this.
No. 1702717
>>1702670>detailing dysphoriaThis i never understood, why even have children which would
trigger dysphoria?
No. 1703096
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>things you hate
Lore or writers that don't know how to be comprehensible. The best example I have at the moment is Five Nights at Freddy's since the damn movie is coming out and will inevitably make the fans overthink the story's plot line even more. There are so many details and plotholes in FNaF that are either retconned, crumbled up and thrown away to never be relevant to the story again, or just leave you with more questions than answers because the story rarely bothers to make anything clear. At least with games like Lisa: The Painful, you can understand the story directly as the plot goes along, and use what the game shows you to reach obvious implications about floating details. In games like Yume Nikki, they're not even supposed to have a direct meaning because the point of those games are meant for the viewer's own interpretation. Five Nights at Freddy's though? Holy shit, it's like it wants to be mysterious and intelligent by having a large plot that stretches across all these games and books, but like what I already mentioned, the game only makes you wonder if Scott designed it to be as unsolvable as possible just to fuck with everyone that even remotely cares. If you're going to make over five games with like a dozen books to help your audience explain ONE FUCKING PLOT, tone the symbolism, red herrings, random retcons, and unexplainable new plot lines the fuck down. You either make a mysterious game that leaves the plot simply at that, or a long game that actually gives you enough to understand what's important. Scott tried to do both, and now you got fans overthinking and theorizing everything, even details like why William's kids have different colored eyes. And the fans have got to be the most annoying aspect of this game's franchise, because they fight all day about what's "aschtually CoRrEct" to the plot and backstory, when it's been nine years and the plot still doesn't have a well-written picture. If you make a theory and it's "wrong" according to the fanbase, honestly who the fuck even cares at this point? Obviously not even Scott cares if he still didn't make time to breakdown wtf is going on for the whole story anyway. The story is so convoluted, even the biggest nerd is bound to get at least seven things "wrong" about the lore anyway. Especially when Scott will make his 20th game and retcons the fuck out of everything we thought we knew. Take a good look at picrel, and all these animatronics alone should perfectly and visually summarize just how overdone the details for this game are.
No. 1703351
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I hate when people cough with their tongue out. Are you a fucking baby? Put your tongue back in.
I will say though, some coughs are so fucking hard that sticking your tongue out is almost uncontrollable.
No. 1703408
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I love the name Leda but I could never name a daughter that because the most famous Leda is the mythological woman who got raped by Zeus while he took the shape of a swan. Literally 99% of myths with Zeus in them have him raping random women and men, often while in the shape of an animal for some reason. He fucking sucks. Hera should have stopped punishing the mortals he slept with or raped and should have started murdering Zeus (especially considering Hera didn't even want to be with Zeus in the first place). I know it's dumb to hate gods no one has worshiped in thousands of years but this guy fucking sucks. Fuck you Zeus.
No. 1703424
>>1703417Maybe it’s because I’m a teacher, or because I went to a school with obligatory uniforms, but I don’t get what’s supposed to be sexy about them.
Uniforms always look frumpy as fuck, even if you’re a skinny legend, teenagers are weirdly shaped with too long limbs and too short torsos, so they look even more shitty with uniforms and honestly they all look retarded with any type of clothes which is pitiful but whatever, we should all be glad it only happens once in our lifetimes.
Even knowing that yeah, you as an adult can just wear the uniform, it still looks like shit because they’re made to make kids look the same so they don’t have to feel too shitty about their own bodies and so they can have some clothes that will make them look somewhat decent or “polished”.
I feel like you either have to be a child/teen yourself, a pedo, or to never have seen a real school uniform (a real uniform, not those outfits that are inspired by uniforms) in person to think they’re sexy in any way.
No. 1703453
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>>1703408Hera was such a dumbass pickme. It's like sure, go ahead and keep punishing random human women because of what your husband did. Cursing and killing mortal women
totally won't be pointless when Zeus inevitably cheats on you again for the 29447292944720th time with yet another human. But seriously though, why was Greek mythology just full of dense fucking assholes?
No. 1703707
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these trashy plastic talons
No. 1703827
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No. 1704589
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>things you hate
When people with mental illnesses try to make normal people feel like bullies for basically not having a mental illness. I find it very pathetic when autists, ADHDfags, BPDs, or anything of that "caliber" try to write average, everyday things, features, or means of communication off as "anti-autism", "unADHDfriendly", or "harmful to neurodivergents" just because they're too lazy to understand and adapt to the outside world. Body language is not that fucking hard to understand, and it often helps people emphasize the nature of what they're trying to communicate. Only a literal autist who can't even make eye contact would think there's no point in body language, hence why this faggot even made this stupid video. But that lies the problem, why should everyone else have to rewrite how they communicate just because autisimos can't touch grass or identify other people's emotions? Like one of the comments basically said, if all the weirdos of society get to change the rules of human socialization just because they're too childish to adjust, you might as well be arguing that people should not use their vocal cords and mouths to talk just because some people are too deaf to hear you, too braindead to understand you, or just physically incapable of speech. Autismfags also try to compare themselves to people who are in wheelchairs just because both conditions are disabilities. But people in wheelchairs need things like ramps to help them because they can't fucking walk no matter how much they want to. In general people with autism absolutely can learn how to socialize like a normal person, it's just that a lot of them choose not to because they're too lazy and disinterested to use their brains on the outside world.
No. 1704645
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I’m getting ANGRY Pregnant is literally one of my muted words because I’m sick and tired of losers with breeding fetishes talking about how they just got pregnant and are claimed by some dogshit faced moid and here Elon Musk goes forcibly making the word a trending topic on my screen, every single time I hit “not interested” I still fucking get it again. I’m tired of this and I hope everyone couple reproducing a child gets exactly what they deserve for what they did.
No. 1704774
>>1704766Are we really going to act like Elon Musk having 13 kids, buying an IVF clinic and becoming a mass sperm donor to assure that women get pregnant with his children,
and continually utilizing surrogates like every single year to reproduce more children with his orbiter waifus isn’t some obvious breeding fetish peacocking?
No. 1704779
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>>1704770Wait, nona what? That anon was merely pointing out the gross, coomer nature of men frothing at the mouth and associating porn with the sight of a woman being pregnant. That anon has a point too, because why should pregnancy be bastardized and associated with the breeding kink just because coomers don't know how to stfu about what gets them off? Why are you being so hostile when that anon made a decent point?
No. 1704833
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>>1704812Eddie Gluskin from Outlast was written to be "transmisogynistic" on fucking TV Tropes, when that term makes no sense in context to his character and what actual trannies believe about sex and gender. In the game, Eddie terrorizes the male protagonist by wanting to chop off his penis to "make him a woman" so that the protagonist would "be his bride". Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't what Eddie tried to practice literally what trannies preach? Trannies unironically believe that men can be women if they just cut their dicks and balls off, hence their glorification of gender-reconstruction surgery. So when a tranny posts that he's gonna get his dick and testicles chopped off by a doctor to "become a woman", it's fine, but when Eddie literally preaches and attempts the same gender-reconstruction logic, it's "transmisogynistic"? How tf is Eddie transmisogynistic when he would literally agree with what trannies do and say? Even down to the death and rape threats? Did the retard who put this on the TV Tropes page do it because they completely missed the realization that Eddie would 1000% be a tranny-supporter due to his beliefs aligning with theirs? I also feel like the idiot who slapped "transmisogynistic" on Eddie's page did it to distract you from realizing Eddie's psychotic logic is actually quite identical to what transgenderism is pretty much about in the first place? These editors tried to make Eddie seem like he's a "politically incorrect villain" to the nature of "transwomen", when the ironic reality is that he's just as fucked up as they are: he's just the video game equivalent of their morals.
No. 1705104
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"daddy/mommy" kinks
No. 1705119
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>>1705094say it again I dare you
No. 1705259
>>1703408this is like when gamers lose in a video game and they say "oh no I am getting raped this game" or something
except it was like real people complaining about animals and then they made myths about it actually being zeus who is written to always be an asshole that nobody is allowed to complain about. that type of person was probably a common occurrence back then. Swans are rly violent animals btw. Tbh if she is cool she can become the next memorable Leda
No. 1705262
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>>1705078>Body language is a pseudoscience anyway. The majority of the time peoples’ idle animations are usually pretty insignificant. You can over analyze all you wantThat is such an autistic take. It is not hard to catch on that a person is clearly uncomfortable or upset if their eyes widen at you while gritting their teeth and clenching their fists while they talk to you. Taking note of how a person composes themselves and even just how they talk is a part of identifying how they're feeling. Socialization 101. For fucks sakes, they literally teach this shit in
elementary with the charts of facial expressions. How is it that I witnessed a five year old identify when someone on the playground is having a bad time, and see these 20 something year olds on the internet whining about how it's "overthinking"? All that tells me is that a child younger than ten has a greater social intelligence than the average redditor who has to ask strangers why his girlfriend is frowning, eating less, and cuddling herself more often since the recent death of her mother. I don't know wtf is it with autisimos trying to downplay the importance of body language, tone of voice, and facial changes during communication, but if the world had it their way, everyone would have their bodies stiff as a pole, talking with the most annoying monotone and with a resting bitchface at every situation.
No. 1705276
>>1705078Tbh some people tho it's uncommon actually fake reactions to be manipulative etc. Like a YouTuber thumbnail but in real life, like actual histrionic traits. It's not every single person though some people actually are open
people who are closed off are probably used to people trying to manipulate their emotions to get a certain reaction or achieve a kind of debt based relationship based on you being some kind of difficult presence (doesn't matter if you are helping them in some way, they are narcissistic and trying to milk it for their favored outcome). In those cases it's more helpful to go "radio silence". It makes it difficult to be friends with others though
No. 1705284
>>1704830Yes I am
triggered by reproduction life is fucking horrible! You know life sucks
nonnie if you had a choice between forcing a cute baby to be traumatized and just smoking some weed, you’d choose just smoking some weed.
No. 1705403
>>1705262NTA but the problem is some people's assumptions end up being wrong. Like thinking anyone who's not smiling at all times even during mundane activities is angry or sad, thinking any woman who touches her hair in any way is flirting, everything that
>>1704627 mentioned, etc
No. 1705981
When anons remind you about the XX black pill that being a woman is so awful and bla bla bla I KNOW! I think we all know
>>1705601Another thing I hate is cardboard.
No. 1706009
>>1706007There's two main appeals to catholicism for online larpers.
One is the idea it will somehow give them a state mandated virgin waifu, the other is wignat bullshit about it being a way to raise the white birthrate. Everything else is window dressing.
No. 1706167
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>>1706159Don't wanna turn this into an infight, but I'll take a ski slop pig nose over a fucking eagle peak any time. At least the former has the pro of being small and not standing in the way, while the latter just looks gross and conceals/takes away from all the other features of the face since it's in the center and draws attention to itself by virtue of being big. It also ruins side profiles so much, but the small pig one doesn't affect a side profile as much. There's a reason why you hate your own big nose, and that it ruins your looks probably and you'd look prettier with a smaller one. It's the silver medal syndrome, you're
almost pretty or decent looking but your nose stands in the way so it makes you angry and you hate it. Picrel is how I see people with big noses.
No. 1706178
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reminder for you poor beta bastards
No. 1706183
>>1706156I broke my nose as a kid. It grew really crooked and bumpy afterwards but everyone in my family asskissed me when I said I wanted to fix it by telling me it was super unique. It was unique because nobody in my whole ass family had a nose that big and witchy! In the same breath my sisters would also tell me to "shut up, ugly". When I moved out I worked my ass off, got a nose job and started looking cute.
Soon after that I got a boyfriend, and people were a lot nicer to me. I don't care if I'm not "unique" anymore, I'm pretty and reaping the benefits. I don't want to live a shit life for the sake of uniqueness, break your own noses and be unique if you care so much.
No. 1706186
>>1706178I’m a low ranking beta. Idc. I need people to think I’m as attractive as possible so I can reap the benefits. I’m not a forceful alpha qween, I’m not powerful and im sure you can tell but I’m not particularly intelligent either, so I have to be strategic and gain respect in this harsh jungle of a world somehow. The world and humanity is ugly and they’ll chew you up and spit you out. If you don’t have something to offer, a way to get a foot in a door,
any door, then you won’t survive. I put on my silly makeup and do up my hair and put on my silly clothes and the world bends to my whim but if I don’t put effort into my appearance then I’m not pretty, people look through me. I lack both social and societal opportunities. I’m just a woman, not a particularly smart or brave one, not one born to privilege, I do what I can to get some enjoyment out of this bitch of an earth.
No. 1706189
>>1706178Keep believing that while I and the other
nonny enjoy postive attention, respect and appreciation of everyone around us. You enjoy your alpha stoic solitude.
No. 1706202
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>>1706189I’m the other
nonny and honestly, I respect her. I aspire to be that confident, but maybe when I’m old and don’t have as many charms to wield against moids in order to monopolise them for my own gain. In fact, looking pretty even helps you control other women, not just lesbians, ALL of them. Other women see beauty as power and respect well put together women who catch their eye. All straight women have a female celebrity that they low key orbit, a “girl crush”. If you’re well out together then other people assume you know what you’re doing and that you’re smart.
I do have SOME principles. For instance, I haven’t gotten a nose job on my big ol’ honker even though I can afford it. It’s a powerful nose. I don’t care if it isn’t the beauty standard. It USED to be.
No. 1706204
>>1706186And I’d never deny pretty privilege is a thing. It absolutely is. A hard pill to swallow is there are some who can roll out of bed with it. I am not one of them.
No. 1706205
>>1706200So I have had dreams before that either upset me/or looked
so similar to my real life that they’ve caused me to have seizures in my sleep. I can also have seizures while fully conscious and awake but it happens more frequently during sleep. For me personally, I don’t have a seizure unless I’m feeling a really disorienting, almost inebriating sense of deja-vu, or fear, or sadness - and this is what brings them on instead of them just occurring at random times. It’s so fucking weird kek.
No. 1706222
>>1706151They immigrate because there is money to be made not because of an oppressive government. If they could make as much money in their home countries they wouldn’t migrate at all.
> I'm afraid one day one of them will recognize me as one of them outsideNot sure how you could write this and not feel any shame.
No. 1706223
>>1706214Because you wake up covered in urine and vomit surrounded by people with the worst headache of your life and pain all over your body. You don’t
actively know that you’re seizing while dreaming, the dream just continues and then you wake up and see what has happened, basically. And it can look very similar to conscious seizures, only the person seizing is awake and usually has their eyes open. I’ve been found a few times having seizures just sitting upright, eyes wide open, and staring into the wall, then 2 minutes later I’m vomiting and shaking my arms around like I’m Ian Curtis kek. But it is definitely different for everyone.
No. 1706226
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>>1706202Ayrt and I agree with the anon above, that's not what I mean by big nose kek. That's actually a normal pretty one, the statue just needs a more protruding chin. The kind of noses I find ugly and gross are like picrel, they're so bulbous and huge and too round. You just proved my point that people don't actually love big noses, they just pretend to to seem nice. But I bet no one will ever find people like picrel objectively attractive before their surgeries (not that they look gorgeous after lol, but at least they look less hideous).
No. 1706235
>>1706222They can't make money because of their oppressive governments. I know because I live under one. The job market is shit and they keep hiring foreigners over locals, even though this country is considered well off. Lots of people are unemployed or have low wage jobs, and the reason for that is the inadequate education provided by the government, despite it being free even in college. They don't teach or train people properly because they don't actually value education, knowledge or science because it "goes against the religion" to an extent, as well as they don't want people to develop any critical thinking skills as to not turn against the government. If they keep them uneducated and poor they'll never find a way to rebell against the government when it's demolishing their houses for being "too ugly and old fashioned", causing homelessness numbers to skyrocket. Ofcourse they'll decide to leave to another country that won't evict them from their own houses for stupid reasons, and to a country where they can get real education and a job, but still they're not ready or smart enough to realize it's their religion and culture fault. Don't talk about this like you understand it, I live in it and have always did and was born in it and I have a deeper understanding of it compared to an outsider. Also ofcourse I hate the place and people I come from, they're trash, I don't want to be associated with any of them because I'm better than them, but you'll never understand what that feels like because your people aren't as embarrassing or retarded.
No. 1706242
>>1706231So saying big noses are ugly is bad but saying small noses look like pig noses is ok? Funny how that works. You try too hard to put the actual good nose down to the ugly one up. She looks better after.
>>1706232So you choose whether to communicate with someone based on their nose type? And you think you're better than me kek. I only care about someone's looks and noses when it comes to sexual attraction, but outside of that I don't judge someone based on their looks. You're the crazy one for avoiding someone for daring to…have a pretty nose. Also I'm not an Indian but good try I guess at what you were attempting?
>>1706230>>1706233Yeah they fucked up the bridge, I agree. But she isn't looker either way.
No. 1706320
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I really really hate how Etsy has so many listings that aren't handmade items. That's literally the whole point of etsy. If I wanted something factory made I could literally just go to like any other site. It's so many mass produced items mixed in with the genuine crafters selling their work. If it's just people trying to resell stuff they don't need or didn't like, I feel like they should go to EBay.
No. 1706326
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Why the fuck all furniture nowadays looks like shitty DIY Halloween tombstone decor? Like for real. I’ve been searching and searching and only found like two stores selling decent looking desks with either nice veneer or all solid wood, even higher end. Why is this so hard? Honestly I’ve been looking at a lot of older and antique furniture too and a lot looks bad too but at least they usually don’t have this thick plastic ass veneer. PS guess how much for picrel? its over $5k USD
No. 1706423
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>>1706403Amazon is subsidised by AWS which hosts a massive amount of the internet. It's more accurate to say they are a web host that dabbles in being an internet shop. Because of this no one can compete with them without offering a quality experience. That Etsy CEO is a fool for giving up their own competitive edge.
No. 1706441
>>1706387So my country attracts rich Chinese mainland and it's because that's what my country wants, they actively try to find them to boost the economy (which is bs since they'll never work here) and they tend to partner with China. They were really horrible during the Free HK protests, actively committed violence on the student from HK when they did a peaceful demonstration. Uni did nothing of course.
It's only really available to rich ones so it hurts their image when they act like rich snobs.
No. 1706459
>>1706226I wish I had any other sort of unconventionally attractive nose besides a Roman one, I look harsh and strong or whatever
regal idk I’m just a girl I’m not a Greek goddess lmao I would rather have a flat wide African or Asian nose cause those are just cute I don’t like feeling like handsome squidward at best about my appearance
No. 1706467
>>1706443In both my country and HK there was forms of FreeHK. In HK it was serious protests but in mine it was more like "hey we have a flier that says FREEHK and a table with some leaflets" but they were from HK, since my uni hosts Chinese and Hkers. Everyone I know supported them, the Chinese students were the only mad ones.
Now I've studied in both my own country and HK, the disdain towards Chinese powers is fairly clear. But I should say that I wasn't going around HK asking people their opinions or anything, I was advised not to by my own university lmao. And to avoid wearing black but realistically I'm not the type of person the police stop.
No. 1706489
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No. 1706503
>>1706445I’ve been on the highest dosage available of the strongest antiepileptic medicine in pharmaceuticals for about 2 years and still unfortunately have a seizure about every 2 months. Epilepsy is a shitty, cruel disability, and sometimes it overrides the power of medicine. It fucking sucks it makes me feel like such a sperg it’s honestly very very humiliating.
>>1706452Thank you nonnita being able to talk about it without anyone knowing who I am does make it a lot easier tbh
No. 1706528
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Weird terminally online gay men who make edits like this of women and think its peak hilarity because they are retarded and have spent their entire lives stalking and degrading women in the entertainment industry. They're legit mentally deficient.
No. 1706579
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These types of fucking headlines.
No. 1706592
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I cringe so hard seeing these sorts of videos. Some random mom who always has to make her entire personality about how she had kids extremely young, the worse double chin angle possible for some reason, weird and sad thirst shots, and then cooking unhealthy microwave tier meals if that. If you try to call it out if there's way too little on the child's plate moms start coming and screaming about how "she knows how much her child eats" as if it's wrong to care about if a child is being malnourished or not? Or about how ~being a young mom is so hard~ which I'm not denying but seriously? You can't be bothered to replace potato chips with broccoli or something? They even make those ones you can steam in a bag in a microwave if you can't be asked to use the stove and clean more dishes. I knew moms who went to college and worked that were perfectly capable of making their kid healthy food. Am I in crazy land or something why is it suddenly bad to worry about if a child is eating enough?
No. 1706607
>>1706592there was a mom feeding her toddler and baby donuts for breakfast, mcdonalds for lunch and pizza for dinner with literally ZERO fruits or vegetables on the side. it was huge portions too, kind of the opposite of this girl kek
but for this chick, i do feel bad for her. teen moms depress me. i think the other one was an adult woman. but her kids are never going to just accept and eat broccoli now that she’s gotten them used to highly processed and addictive foods. like there’s properties in the chips that the broccoli just doesn’t have.
No. 1706648
>>1706646It was so funny back then because it was from a purer, younger place. Now those people have evolved to try to weaponize
abusive language and police and manipulate other people for no known reason beside dopamine chasing. Just annoying and exhaustive and emotional vampires. Bring back being annoying with no ulterior motive.
No. 1706712
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Can't stand this one tiktoker or anyone like her. She talks to everyone who isn't off their ass scared of food like they're complete idiots and only promotes a very small group acceptable to eat or else you'll literally die. She also mocks people for using natural remedies instead of getting anti biotics for every cough (as if a microbiologist should know using antibiotics constantly + getting rid of too much bacteria constantly actually hurts our immune system??) She claimed she helped people with food problems by… telling them like 99% of food they eat is wrong kek. I can understand "controversial" things like sushi, raw milk, etc but she will demand everyone to literally burn food, nothing pre packaged, zero fast food or restaurants, absolutely nothing microwaved, no fried rice, etc… I can't imagine demanding everyone be this paranoid
No. 1706841
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I hate when bougie vegans claim they eat "natural".
I don't even like meat myself and I don't eat it so I'm not one of those bullshit-canine teeth-human people but when I see vegan using meat, milk and egg substitutes that are processed as fuck and claim to eat natural just because their food isn't made out of suffering it makes me wonder if they're stupid or something. If a vegan eats only local or like makes veggie meatballs out of actual veggies go for it, that's awesome (in particular I want to learn from a vegan friend how to make my own almond milk since it seems easy as fuck and doesn't hurt my tummy) but if someone buys stuff like picrel I want to ask how the fuck is that natural. When I was little, in the weekends I always visited my grandma who had chickens, when she needed an egg for baking or cooking it was a fun game for me to go and fetch one in the chicken coop and it took like one minute, me moving my legs, me taking the egg and getting it the fuck into the house, most egg substitutes need to be created, processed, packed, shipped, bought, taken home and mixed it with some other thing like oil or water and then you have some weird slime and then toss the packaging away, thus creating waste. Chicken gladly eat their own egg shells and it's a great calcium source for them. Idk, it makes me feel icky, just use a banana or apple sauce or tofu for fuck sake, don't claim to eat natural and clean if you need multiple grocery store trips to get a substitute of something you can get from your local farmer at a fraction of the price. I don't fucking care if it's "plant based" if it takes a laboratory and a factory that waste a lot of energy to pack it and a smelly, polluting truck to bring it to your local, big grocery store so you can feel better and brag it on social media. Fuck you.
No. 1706848
>>1706841Veganism is so dumb. A lot of it is based in pure ignorance like believing bees suffer when honey is harvested.
In reality beekeepers are some of the biggest bee stans on the planet, are single-handedly keeping bee populations alive in many countries, and only harvest excess honey because it's in their best interest to keep bees alive and thriving throughout winter. There is just a lot of excess honey because guess what, beekeeping has evolved with that sole goal in mind. Just like modern chickens lay lots of eggs due to selective breeding.
People who have never set foot in the countryside seriously need to shut up. I agree that the meat industry is terrible but just be vegetarian. Buying fake eggs and overpriced substitutes is ironically more harmful to the environment than just eating regular fucking eggs.
No. 1706851
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>>1706848>just be vegetariant. dairyshill the cow rape apologist
No. 1706854
>>1706848ayrt, and this, also this, holy shit, for the honey part
Most of them say that beekeepers purposefully breed "slave" bees and while that's true for the great industry, country bee keepers are just some dudes who keep bees and pollinators safe, hell, they even save the fucking Queen or go around relocating bee colonies so they don't get hurt and people don't randomly set them on fire. The big industry is the enemy, not the local farmer who harvests honey.
No. 1706863
>>1706855Babe vegetarianism without dairy is still vegetarianism if you're eating eggs and honey. Nobody is holding you at gunpoint and telling you to drink milk.
Keep a chicken yourself if you care about muh murdered moid chickens, they're fairly easy to care for and don't require a lot. Otherwise shut up since you can't seem to grasp a simple fact that most eggs are unfertilized and harvesting them kills no chicks.
>um ackshually it is called ovo-vegetarianismLiteral, black-and-white thinking is a sign of autism.
No. 1706867
>>1706863chicken tend to die. in factory farming, male chicks are murdered as they're useless to raise, they won't lay eggs.
local farming normalises industrial farming, as corporations see that local farmers make profits from selling animal products and want to cash in themselves, but on a massive scale, thus, the horrors of industrial farming like cow rape and chicks in crucibles.
No. 1706947
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>Go thrift mainly because I want to save and don't like current trends (absolutely fucking hate cropped/boxy fit shit)
>Find cute thing
>Read tag
I don't want your fomo regret purchases made out of shitty polyester!!! Most of the stuff is also new with tag so you know it's brought it by zoomers who do sponsors/tiktok and then throw it out, this also worsened the quality of everything on the market because brands saw that even the shit quality sells well so they slowly made everything worse (I can't be the only one who noticed this, like shirts getting thinner and itchier). Fuck!!!!! I hate the tiktokification of music and fashion!!!
There are 80s and 90s good quality pieces as well but now thrift stores check the prices online and want to ride over the vintage wave by overpricing it, I hate this!!! Go buy your shitty sweaters online and leave thrift store for low income people and antifomo people like me reeee!!!
No. 1706972
>>1706867>local farming normalises industrial farmingAbsolutely not. Removing local farms just drives up the consumption of industrial farming products. City dwellers will still consume factory farmed meat, honey, eggs and dairy if local farms disappear because they don't have a choice.
In my country, industrial farming is very difficult because the barriers of entry are too high with not that great growth potential since our market is very small. Instead, food is supplied by a consortium of small farms which gives money to the farmers. Every farm has its own code consumers can use to track where their food came from. Consumers also have the option to support whatever farm is local to them directly by going there and buying whatever's in season.
No. 1706980
>>1706968>People resell the expensive shit100% Cotton is now considered expensive? The fuck?
Idk how old you are but lately there was a drastic decline in quality in fucking general, we're not talking about wanting to find high brands there and nobody expects it, but basic stuff that wont break down with two washes. 10 years ago you could find cute 90s stuff that still held up nicely and I still have some thrifted pieces from my fucking highschool years, now not even the new stuff lasts a year.
You're retarded if you think that "poor people" want high brand stuff, they want stuff that won't break down in a year. Easy.
No. 1706988
>>1706951i get you, but i was more talking about removing industrial farms first, after all, they were created and modelled (at first) after small farms, people were already consooming animals so it was "normal".
>>1706972>because they don't have a choicethe choice is always there, to not consoom animal products at all. city dwellers don't live on remote islands where they absolutely have to depend on animal products for survival (and too broke to move and live somewhere else).
No. 1707027
>>1706988All commercial food products, animal or otherwise, are made out of crops grown on industrial farms. People living in cities have to rely on them to survive, since they can't grow anything themselves. Industrial farms are some of the biggest polluters on the planet and vegan products like quinoa, almond milk and soy destroy endangered animals' habitats or contribute to droughts and wildfires.
>city dwellers don't live on remote islandsMany of the biggest cities on this planet are located in places that are normally not livable and nothing can be grown there for sustenance. Unless you think you can grow apples in Vegas and the entirety of Arizona.
No. 1707043
>>1706980You were obviously complaining about the brand, don't try to shift the focus. Also no outfit gets ruined in two washes unless you don't wash it properly, if anything pure organic material means a clothing is less durable as synthetics can help a clothing hold shape after longterm use.
A lot of ignorant people like you think %100 organic materials are the best and then use harsh dryers for their delicate organic clothes as if that's not destroying them.
No. 1707195
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Uhh just realized I posted this to a different thread. I was very tired when doing that.
God I hate 9gag. I hate browsing Pinterest, finding something interesting like picrel and clicking on the link, only to find out it's a link to that horrible website. The vast majority of things on there is reposted, unfunny slop. At least reddit is funny and original sometimes. If this site disappeared from the face of the earth, it would be a net good
No. 1707272
>>1707107>>1707089>Posting your opinion about things you hate isn’t a-loggingPosting about how you want a group of people executed/ shoot
is a-loggin, smart ass. glad you got banned, i'm sick of schizos posting on lc
No. 1707277
>>1707274>>1707272You’re both just upset that neither of you are gonna be spared from the autistics trial.
>>1707207Thank you
nonnie No. 1707318
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I hate kissing scenes in movies so much. Kissing is nice if you're the one doing it, but it looks gross as fuck to stare at. Especially when it's accompanied with sloppy slurpy sounds and doing the full on face eating and gross lip biting shit. Picrel actually makes me want to throw up, who finds this hot?
No. 1707743
This should probably go in the dog hate thread but it's an overall mentality problem: Dogs with abandonment and anxiety issues. Problematic dogs shouldn't be adoptable nor available, if they can be reeducated good but then they should be put down out of misery.
In the last year I've seen my friend in like, 3 times? Because she got a problematic, anxious dog. She said that the dog is loving and affectionate but I call bullshit, like of course it is when you fed and cuddle it but every fucking time now, that we have to go out, she asks if the place is dog friendly and the scenarios are:
1) if it isnt, she isnt coming.
2) if it is, then we cannot enjoy our time because she has to constantly restraint it, check on it, make sure It doesnt randomly start to cry and such. Nightmarish.
She cannot come to my house because I have a cat and that dog doesnt like cats and she can come only if her boyfriend is at home with the dog. Self made slave.
The reason why they don't leave the Little shit alone at home and don't get it used to loneliness its because It would bark and cry and SHIT all over the house.
One time, the boyfriend took the dog out to shit and piss, left it at home to get out for groceries and the dog shat all over the house like it had a second intestine where it stored an absurd amount of shit, because it was afraid that he never came back.
I hate this. I hate all of this. Obviously it's their choices but fuck shelters Who take in a let people adopt problematic dogs without training them. I know It would take a shitload of money in between each trainer but at least there were less useless creatures around.
No. 1707820
>>1701929I came here to state something I hate but searched for “gay” in this thread to make sure I’m not repeated something
So first of all, based
Second of all my thing, I HATE how gay men are THE most protected class in America and yet have the audacity to cry about wehhh less rights wehhh in danger wehhhh evil Christians wehhh. Try saying anything negative about gay shit being everywhere all the time and get a bunch of fags but mostly faghags jumping down your throat. Love is love uwu ok you got your marriage rights YEARS ago shut the fuck up! I will not be forced to like your ass. A man gets murdered, ok whatever, a gay man gets murdered, it’s a hate crime. They literally have MORE rights than the average person.
Any time you see someone hating on Christianity it’s solely because of muh precious gays and trannies. They get everyone else tiptoeing around them and get everything handed to them, they can deal with some boomer telling them they’re going to hell.
I came across these fags that do these “mean gay” characters on instagram with that nasty woman voice real-life mean gay do. Very popular and supported fags. Then of course I scroll and see they made scathing America criticisms on 4th of July because wehhh my rights will be stopped weehh life is so hard for us gays! Holy shit I am just so tired of them.
No. 1707963
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for the past two days, while scrolling through tiktok, i get recommended these debate livestreams made by men where they debate women. Yesterday one was discussing "Women who cant cook or clean are useless and aren't marriage material". Today i saw "Body count doesnt matter for men but it does for women". Im irritated because first off, i dont understand why the fuck i keep getting recommended these lives. Everytime one comes up, i block the user. Secondly, why are men so desperate to be useless sluts? If you are a grown ass man and you cant cook or clean cuz you're waiting for a mommy bangmaid to take care of you, you're absolutely fucking useless and should perish. Same with men with high body counts. Men who have stuck thier dicks in more than 5 people are disgusting. I hate men so fucking much
No. 1707983
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>>1707963Do you mind if I ask what kind of content you consume on tiktok? I get there are retarded moids that unironically think like this, but at the same time a lot of it is just ragebait being used to for views or engagement. Tbh I noticed when I browse that cursed app with my nigel on his acc he sometimes gets recommended them too. I've gone through his likes and bookmarks and he only likes inoffensive zoomer memes. Maybe it's because some are from games and we all know gamers love that smooth brain content? I'm so fascinated on why/how this app is trying to get people to engage with redpill/manosphere nonsense.
Maybe it's a psyop i dunno No. 1708124
>>1708058>>1707983I clicked on some pop culture news shit on YT, and suddenly "debates" is one of those gray pill keyword tab things at the top of my main page. "Debates" must be be a really hot topic for scrotes.
>>1707963Women shouldn't even engage with this kind of shit. It's like trying to have an honest conversation with a drug addict.
>>1707820I don't give any good boy points to fedora tippers, because they treat women horribly, and then use the existence of strawman Christians to scare women into pretending their shitty behavior is in any way better.
No. 1708232
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Female-only communities, specially discord servers. I know we have been socialized to be kind blah blah, but holy shit my art improved so much once i ditched a female-only discord server for one with mostly males. It was such a hugbox, to the point you could read the fakeness through text. As soon as I posted my art on the new server I got told I was never going to improve if I didn't get out of my comfort zone, and that woke me up. Sucks because I would kill for a female only community were we could actually improve. LC is the exception though. Being anons leads to a rare community where people are both very understanding and also honest.
No. 1708244
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I hate searching for random keywords on twitter and seeing the soulless eyes of a camgirl trying to advertise her work, especially if she has weeb-oriented interests. Wish there was a filter that automatically detected and blocked them.
>>1708232Couldn't agree with this more, but I think it helps if the female only community is made out of autists who are passionate about your common interest. All you have to do is ask them for actual critique and they'll give it to you straight.
And my main issue with majority male art communities is that they often don't draw the themes I enjoy looking at, or if they do they bastardise them.
No. 1708248
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Fuck off.
No. 1708263
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The normalization of botched results is horrifying. I hate the lack of standard for American surgeons and they need to be held legally accountable for what they do to people.
No. 1708327
>>1708281No idea. The bank says my info got leaked somehow , but they contacted me immediately to shut down the fraud quick, so the charges didnt go through.
>>1708266i really appreciate your kind words!
No. 1708378
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>things you hate
The fact that the world decided to put Aileen Wuornos to death, but keeps awful scrotes like Peter Scully alive. A woman that serial kills only men could never be hated by me, and this world is wrong for what they did to her.
No. 1708398
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>>1708385This reminds me of Americans who would take ancestry tests and say that they're "technically" Swedish, German, British, African, Latino, Asian, indingeous or Mediterranean–and over the tiniest little percentages too. Who tf looks at 3% English from their DNA test result and goes around saying they're British? Goddamn, it gives me second-hand embarrassment. I feel bad for non-Americans who have these burgers come up to them and run their mouth about some shit like being "part middle eastern" because of their 27th great grandma and the shape of their nose. I understand identifying as something non-American if your parents are fresh off the boat and such, but down the lineage and at a certain point, it'll be time to let the whole ancestry shit go.
No. 1708601
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>things you hate
That I always catch the prettiest, coolest, and smartest women with men that are uglier, lamer, and stupider. I got this short randomly recommended to me, and it features a young woman doing the backwards Mario jump better than her fifty-year-old-looking boyfriend. Why is it so common for the most gorgeous and talented women to end up with moids who are, comparatively, such losers? Moids always spew some shit about how they only wanna marry women who are a "10/10" in everything for "good genetics" in any future kids, but why won't women do the same for moids???? Why do women always pick the ugliest, dumbest, and most untalented scrotes and reproduce his worthless genetics into the bloodline? What the fuck happened that made all these starry women so complacent with dating several levels down in terms of intelligence, beauty, and skills?
No. 1708609
>>1708601Don't complain for her, she made her living off neckbeards like that.
Normal people don't give a single solitary fuck about the "skill" it takes to do a backflip in games nor that a woman can do it better than a bog standard moid.
I get your point tho.
No. 1708690
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this thing
No. 1708820
I also hate when fags get involved in drama stuff like "Hayder nation". Every single fag commenting on the lives of those deathfats were insufferable.
No. 1709011
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I hate the way people use the term intrusive thoughts. I know it's technically not wrong, but I feel kind of better because I'm plagued with intrusive thoughts 24/7 meanwhile for them it's just a little urge they get.
No. 1709073
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>>1709064TiFs are clowns. They wanna be taken seriously as "men", yet they're still so fucking female with everything that interests them. They're still gonna write fanfics, they're still gonna play "girly" games, they're still gonna watch the same "girly" media, and etc. Other than wearing two more shirts of flannel, they're still gonna be the same as they were before they "changed their lives". It's so stupid. They need to fuck off when they try to make women-dominated interests into something to be shared with moids just because they wanna be males.
No. 1709257
>>1709250I'm an EU expat in another EU country and I only get to vote for municipals (mayor election) or EU matters. I can't even be a volunteer for the organisation of national elections (like help opening the votes and counting at the end of election day) cuz I don't plan on changing nationality.
But I speak the language here at least, I vote knowing what's going on.
But I see where you're coming from, I think electors have to inform themselves before going to the polls.
No. 1709261
>>1709250I don't know about non-EU countries but in the EU immigrants can't vote unless it's the municipal elections which, as the other anon said, impact them directly. Plus many of them work and pay taxes yet aren't entitled to any benefits citizens are and often have to endure workplace mobbing for fear of being deported.
Y'all know nothing about immigration and just run your mouth believing whatever the hell you want because you're racist but are too much of a pussy to be upfront about it.
No. 1709283
>>1709273In many places learning the language isn't that easy, I would never bother learning Hungarian for example because it's not like you'd ever get to use it anywhere else, and I'd just give up because it's not like I could ever be fluent. Lots of people just camp in one country until they find something better because they can't go home. Doesn't mean they shouldn't be comfortable or have rights there.
Then you have the natives who tell you to get a job or get out. But to get a job you need language. To learn the language you need lessons. Lessons cost money and time, and if you work and have small kids for example you have no time to study. So I'm not at all surprised that there's people who don't speak the language.
No. 1709290
>>1709283I get what you’re saying but I also think you’re making some unnecessary excuses. Even if you work and have kids I think you can learn a language. It really isn’t that hard.
Conversely I know single, childless Westerners here in Japan who have been here over 10 years and cannot even have basic Japanese conversations. I don’t know if they have voting rights or not but holy shit. I hope not, tranny supporter poison needs to stay contained in america and Europe.
No. 1709314
>>1709283You go over to google dot com and search for "title language book free pdf" and you can basically pirate any commercially available language learning e-book. In the same way you can find unlimited free native media content and people to talk to if you're not in the country of your goal language. Learning a language has never been easier and cheaper before and everyone with internet access can do it for free.
Books and lessons are overrated anyway, speaking with natives and consuming native content is how you really make rapid progress and migrants are already in the country of their goal language so they out of all people shouldn't complain about how haaaaard and time consuuuuming and expensiiiiive learning a language is. Go talk to someone on your way to buy food man.
No. 1709320
>>1709314Cool! How many languages do you speak? Must be ten with all the free as in freedom resources out there, right?
Aside from learning how to order in a restaurant, learning on your own from a pirated scan of some shitty American textbook printed in 1989 is hard because you have no feedback on how well you're doing, there is nobody to correct you if you make a mistake and likewise no stranger on the street is going to converse with you for an hour or correct your grammar because it's considered impolite and they don't care. You also don't know how correct the information in the textbook is. I burned myself too many times to blindly repeat everything they teach.
In general you can't learn grammar of more complicated languages easily on your own or just by watching YouTube. You also won't know how polite someone is being if the language has different levels of formality and might come off as rude. Sure you could theoretically sit slogging through A2 German on your own but who wants to do that? Lessons exist for a reason.
>Go talk to someone on your way to buy food man.Ok, didn't know learning how to say "would you like the receipt", "I don't need a bag" and "I'd like to pay by card" was considered fluent. Obviously I'm not talking about learning how to have casual chats with locals, I'm talking professional-level fluency. Which you can't get by talking to randos and cashiers.
No. 1709353
>>1709352Tbh I think the new Coke variations are disgusting but certainly not due to the sugar. The flavors are nasty combined with being overtly sweet.
How irritating.
No. 1709354
>>1709331I don't live in America and people won't just stop and talk to a stranger to help them practice, that's some tourist shit. People have better things to do than babysit migrants and lessons exist for a reason.
>>1709332>>1709324Cope for what? I'm bilingual Finnish and Swedish and also speak English fluently as you can see. You've never studied a language in your life if you think everyone can become fluent by ~talking to ppl uwu~.
I've taught many immigrants here who just have a hard time and can't hold a proper conversation after 10 years. Not for lack of trying because most of them try, they just have a hard time making time for it since not everyone is a NEET living on mommy and daddy's dime with nothing else to do. The fact that you're stubbornly refusing to understand that and calling people stupid for not trying harder is peak privileged behavior and you're no better than a finance bro telling poor people to just stop being poor.
But sure, make me into a strawman and call me a dummy American if it's easier for you since you haven't got any other arguments other than calling migrants lazy.
No. 1709392
>>1709381Who am I, tell me?
>>1709373I'm sure. It's not my place to judge a Arab woman with 4 young kids for struggling to make it in a new environment when even people like me have trouble finding work, hence why I'm a teacher. I can't imagine how hard it is for them and they work very hard in class for me to assume they are lazy. Not all of these people are young or educated and they deserve a better life too.
No. 1709403
>>1709332Same as you nonna.
I moved as a pre-teen to the country I'm living in now as an adult (Germany), I shed tears, sweat and blood to learn the language plus English (cuz at that age you would start with a second language) and now I can speak my mother tongue French, and two other languages fluently, German and English, and I'm learning two others on the side (Italian with a tandem partner, Japanese with online and free podcasts). And I didn't grow up in a household where we spoke two languages. I could have learned an Arabic dialect in childhood but the family that could have taught me died early on.
>>1709320 Your way of thinking to me, as someone who fought to learn a language that is far from mine and that is proud of having overcome the hurdles, makes me roll my eyes.
No. 1709405
>>1709394I seldom post, and nobody I know online or in real life knows this website exists. So tell me if you're so sure, I'm curious.
>>1709403So you moved as a teen and think that is in any way comparable to someone moving somewhere as an adult with responsibilities and a family?
No. 1709407
>>1709400You're clearly monolingual and don't understand how migrants work in Europe. Many of them contain themselves inside their communities and it's literally impossible to get a job unless you can speak the language or work at minimum wage job which at this point you might as well be grabbing the unemployment bux because it's backbreaking work and often not worth it. At this point anyone teaching an european language needs to be realistic and not think all migrants will learn it to fluency in 2 years because they're actually living here, not just here to study.
>>1709403I really doubt you could use all those languages in a professional environment, but if you can, kudos to you. Also good job on making the best of your unemployed years learning something useful.
No. 1709413
>>1709405Nice but that's not what happened.
I moved there for three fucking years, had to move back to my home country and move my fucking ass to keep my language level in German while not living there. Í only moved back here for a volunteering job 6 months in 2012 and then finally moved here for good only six years ago after having not been around the language on a daily basis for 5 damn years.
Cope more
>>1709407I work in tourism kek
No. 1709424
>>1709416God just shut up, you’re so jealous
No. 1709429
>>1709416Define "Professional lingo", because as far as I'm concerned, the vocabulary I use at work, you probably don't use on a daily basis. Plus, working in tourism, when you're the only office that's open for every guest, and non guest (so citizens that look for a,b,c thing, because the city hall is closed), you get more than touristic questions thrown at you
>>1709420Please stop. There are public offices in EU countries for migrants where they get the adresses of the language schools that, if not even get the scholarship paid. My parents had to spend their own money, my father tried to learn the language, he was too lazy and uninterested to learn German. It's not a questions of means, it's a question of motivation.
No. 1709433
>>1708990I understand how that feels
nonny. My advice is to exfoliate using either physical or chemical exfoliants that contain salicylic acid, niancinamide, and vitamin c since these 3 fight discoloration and hyperpigmentation and restore the skin by promoting new cell growth. I started doing that for 3-4 years now and my knees became lighter in color and my stretch marks faded away a lot. I still have some chicekn skin texture though but I'm sure it will go away eventually. Also don't forget to moisturize after exfoliation, since dry skin can get dark. Only problem I can't find a solution to is mechanical damage caused discoloration.
No. 1709442
>>1709436Do you try to coax them out of Islam anon
I kinda don’t feel bad for Muslims in non Muslim countries tbh
No. 1709449
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Faghags who think shit like vidrel is peak comedy.
No. 1709460
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>>1709442Thanks for admitting the real reason behind this infight.
No. 1709462
>>1709449Omfg those are the fags I was talking about in
>>1707820I hate them so much
No. 1709482
>>1709467>"this may be irrational"Softening language because, especially in the presence of faggots, women are accused of being hostile, aggressive, and angry when voicing a reasonable concern or complaint.
Can't tell you how many times even my straight boyfriends have claimed I was being "mean" or "yelling" when I was speaking about something negative in a normal tone, or even slightly elevating my voice when they would talk over me.
Men are threatened by women.
No. 1709567
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Random back pain. Why are sexy people (me) put on this earth to suffer???!?
No. 1709571
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>>1707820>>1709467I blame stan twitter for this shit, they'll see gay men walking in heels and comment shit like "slay queen" or "how is he so much better then me?" its pathetic
No. 1709585
>>1709571faghaggery is older than twitter
>>1709467>Is the point that women shouldn't take them too seriously because they're gay and thus "harmless"? yes, that's literally it. that's why so many of them even expect to be treated like some sort of "honorary women"
No. 1709736
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Female bullying tactics like the silent treatment, ostracism or malevolent gossip in adult environments. They're hard to fight against because they're hard to prove, and if you call them out on acting shady they play dumb. I read somewhere that the Amish use these to keep their own people in check, and I can see why it works.
The one I hate the most is when you have a fight and, to punish you for disagreeing, they try to be extra sweet with everyone in school that day, especially each other and your own friends, and ask them to do stuff together in front of you while pretending you don't exist. Things like complimenting your friends' hair, asking them to eat lunch together, acting totally unbothered like they're having a blast, while side-eyeing you every other minute.
I started seeing it a lot at my former job as a nurse (not against me) and it's so petty when grown adults do it. Just take it outside and duke it out for 10 minutes, it's less hassle. I saw anons do it on LC too. It's so childish.
No. 1709785
>>1709755i already have in a thread before but in short due to my experiences i have a general distrust and contemptuous attitude towards gamers of both sexes because they both happen to be mentally/emotionally stunted individuals who think way too highly of themselves/are selfish whether they play online multiplayer games or offline ones. i do believe there are a ton of games that make you smarter by solving puzzles and figuring other shit out thus training your brain but as soon as i know someone's hobby is video game i immediately feel like tapping out. they're almost always depraved
sorry to the pervert gamer nonas idc that you're here speak your truth but i wouldn't like to be in your company non anonymously, and that's okay. you wouldn't either or have insane anger management issues. i also feel the same way about anime fans but to a much much lesser degree when it comes to women (i wouldn't even say that i dislike anime loving women depending on certain genres) and to a higher degree when it comes to scrote weeaboo geeks. i'm not better than anyone i just hate these two types of people in particular. i don't care if some games are "femgaze" or whatever dumb shit people attach to seem based i just hate video games and their players in general male or female
the reason for this is due to a family member who pretty much traumatized me. i completely hate male gamers and wouldn't even be caught dead near one no matter what as for women i wouldn't trust her either. we're just completely incompatible. no offense to the nonas here
No. 1709800
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Also men:
No. 1709916
>>1709785I hate gamers, or people who’s legit only hobby is video games, because they are entirely consumers. They never produce anything. Total creative voids with no drive to learn new skills. Disgusting.
Also only men who are fit should be allowed to play videogames.
No. 1710010
>>1709996And I have no obligation to like people who come home from work and sit on their ass wasting the health of their youth a playing video games all day, every day.
>you think you should spend every second of your free time hustling for another skill.You cannot read
No. 1710043
>>1710030except she hates everyone who plays videogames regardless of having another hobby that involves skill. also you're ignorant if you think some games don't take skill, effort and knowledge to beat or be good at. if some games didn't require skill, effort and knowledge, esports wouldn't be a thing and streamers wouldn't be paid millions just to sit and play videogames. I would argue that people who watch streamers and don't play games themselves are the ones comparable to people who watch tv. also a lot of games let you express yourself creatively through customizing. I agree gachas and mmos suck simply because they're made to suck money out of retards but they're also mostly sponsored by people who are very very rich so I dont give a shit about some Arab oil baron paying 10k a month for a better weapon than everyone else. being sucked into spending money in a game when you could just not is a skill issue easily preventable by not being a retard when it comes to your finances. if it wasn't gacha or buying skins/weapons on mmos, it would be gambling or another idiotic expense.
>>1710031fuck your hobby too then.
No. 1710406
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actually yes it is. Now go run a few laps before you try to cry at me.
No. 1710422
>>1710407nta but from what I have observed, that is a very typical thing for that thread specifically. you aren’t supposed to respond to people
i’m conflicted in my feelings over that, however I feel it’s ultimately dumb and out of place here. but it satisfies the need for an app I really want ed to create I guess. my app would be cooler though. >>1710406 I would have responded had it not been in the thread where you’re not supposed to respond.
No. 1710437
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>>1710433This is what the post said. In response to a post where anon simply stated that the excessive obesity in America is gross. Americans are so mentally unwell wtf
No. 1710442
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I hate romantic relationships. I wish i never dated my boyfriend i feel like being friends was more fun. I can't say shit anymore without worrying if it'll gross him out and he'll lose feelings. I miss having a best friend to talk about the anything in life without caring too much.((ntm the sexual expectations just make things awkward))
No. 1710444
>>1710437Let me explain myself. I'm not saying that people should be allowed that fat, or that it's healthy to be fat. Far from it. I just get annoyed when people ask obviously answerable questions. "jeez how do people get THAT fat???" because they eat and have poor impulse control, no fucking shit. It sounds like the kind of shit an anachan would say.
>>1710440I'm sorry for your inability to follow basic rules that stems from clear mental difficulties. Many apologies, and many sympathies.
No. 1710703
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>>1709842>what about women who like videogames but don't act/look like the stereotypical gamer and don't even call themselves that?i'm not sure if i am understanding this right but it has absolutely nothing to do with looks or the way anyone labels themselves. if someone spends their free time gaming all day especially multiplayer games i'm keeping my guard up because they've often been scrotebrained and explosive, and i like intense people, but not when they like video games kek. in my experience i can best describe it as being around alcoholics, a male is obviously way more dangerous and could kill you but a woman is also absolutely dreadful to live with. a woman can call herself a gamer because she likes them, obviously there's nothing objectively wrong with that but as soon as it becomes the main or major thing about her i feel like
triggered and feel like tapping out forever. just liking something isn't a problem, i have favorite video games too. i just wouldn't ever trust or be comfortable around a genuine gamer no matter how they describe themselves because i get freaked out.
>>1710050> I'm curious, what are your hobbies or what you do in your free time?i'm big on old films and reading, and i have an autistic interest in languages.
>animeyeah, i grew up being an otaku but i eventually grew out of it in teen age when i started seeing how creepy and degenerate so much of it is, that's when i discovered the antipornography movement and i couldn't ever go back, i could no longer ignore the degeneracy because it's "just anime wtfjapanxdddd amirite". i still revisit i watched as a child. i still love jfashion and (older) japanese music i just don't engage with manga or anime anymore but i wasn't ever really interested in anything new that was coming out anyway. i watched the last few animes i always wanted to and got them out of my system and i'm happy with where i am at right now, and i'm grateful for the years of joy that media has provided me etc etc
>so it's curious to me how you ended up on LC as someone who hates those things.i don't hate anime, i just grew out of it kek. i found this site unfortunately through PULL because of a jfashion vlogger back in the day iirc, or it was a cosplayer through a google search(?) in around 2016. as i said with women it depends, i definitely don't hate all female otakus, it really depends. i hate being around fans of anime in real life, it's very different to online, but even then it's like you said there is an overlap of the type of geek that likes those things and i can see it even here. i'm not a fan of that
delusional behavior, but i'm not going to shit on anybody's fun because it's not my business to interfere with. i'm just hiding those threads and blocking accounts for my own peace of mind and curated experience kek. i'm uncomfortable with any type of scrotery ( and you can really tell when a woman has a lot or majority male friends due to their abundance in said hobbies ) pretty much and i don't take it lightly. i'm irish goodbyeing out of there.
i just didn't grow up playing video games so i'll never understand, i wasn't really allowed to without being bullied so that was already the start of my disdain and hatred but then i started getting abused so now i just can't be around them anymore and i immediately look down on people who are gamers because of the association. besides everyone i knew had bad time and especially anger management to a frightening degree and as i said was seriously emotionally stunted but otherwise smart either academically or otherwise. i hate them and i'm afraid of them and they disgust me
No. 1711032
>>1710703I’m with you nonna, my gamer friends moid and human alike hate that I judge their gamer status, but every one of them has had their own computer since childhood being able to stay up late playing games and coincidentally every one of them is depressed, stuck in shit jobs, and socially and emotionally stunted not to mention misogynistic (yes I fight them on this when it shows) and horribly anime pornsick. I will never let my future kids have their own computer or game system because I see how it turns out. But this shit so normalized it’s tough.
Something else is how they take people not liking games or justly criticizing them as personal attacks on them. Hmm I guess your whole personality really is video game then.
No. 1711066
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>find cute female orientated manga about dog boys
>decide to check comments to see what everyone thinks and who's the fan favorite dog boy
>without fail a lot of the comments are "YOU JUST KNOW" and "WHITE WOMEN" dog bestiality jokes made by males
>or "where are the female dog girls????"
I hate porn addled men and this whole meme, it's fucking disgusting. I especially hate men who go onto female orientated media and shit it up with their retardation.
No. 1711137
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>things you hate
When people try to force you into doing some shit just to entertain some company. Goddamnit, if I don't want to use my singing voice for karaoke, then I shouldn't have to. Please, stop trying to force me to sing just because our relatives are visiting. You're just embarrassing me and yourself. Fuck.
No. 1711214
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When people make retarded memes like this one
No. 1711294
>>1711228Kek, idk why it just screams boomer. You’re probably right a modern man making a meme like that would either be like
FOIDS CANT KEEP THEIR LEGS CLOSED SO THEY NEED ABORTIONS AND THEYLL DIE ALONE WITH NO EGGS WHEN THEY HIT 30 on an image of an ugly wojack with pink hair saying reee I need government mandated whore candy
Bitches be having hella bodies and needing abortions on they ran through ahhh shit ong bruh nobody want dat frfr
No. 1711912
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When TRAs call me a “pickme” for not wanting fetishistic men to have access to women’s spaces. Sometimes I really do hate that the only people I can vent about tranny shit to are men because most of them think trannies are disgusting. I’m so frustrated that I have to walk on eggshells around women because so many of them can be tranny handmaidens. Being called fascist or bigot for hating trannies is also retarded. Like troons aren’t trying to justify pedos and murders just because they’re trans and silencing anyone who disagrees with them.
No. 1711941
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women who say shit like "uwuuu im so short and tiny i get mistaken for a child all the time!! im a smol bean"
No. 1711947
>>1711438>i know bc gets recommend to some patients regardless for other things,its used as a (not really) bandaid for lazy doctors who don't want to treat women with endo or pcos, and then they can just get IVF.
- it only "gets rid" of symptoms because it gets rid of periods, it does nothing for the main struggles of these issues like bloating/weight gain, fatigue, hormonal imbalance,etc
No. 1711959
>>1711941imo it's only
valid if the woman has a legitimate medical issue where she looks young, majority of women saying these things aren't the teenager they describe they just look their age and just got ID'd or something not realizing some stores you can't even complete the transaction without ID
No. 1712210
>>1712091as a woman into military history i agree. most males into it are incredibly annoying and stupid, they don't actually study the history, they just obsess over retarded details like uniforms or weapons.
that or they twist history to suit whatever immature political larp they're into.
No. 1712225
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Kek this reminds of some loser I knew back in high school. He never stfu about the military, how "badass" it was, how much "stronger" it would make him, and how "rich" it would get him "when" he joined the army. He also told me he had autism and takes meds for his "anger issues". Now I'm not a military nerd or anything, but I know the army doesn't like to hire people with things like autism unless they prove to be exceptionally functional with a waiver or something. Met him again sometime after high school and asked him about his army career. He said they turned him down. I played dumb and asked why. He said they just "didn't agree with what he is". I held a straight face, but mentally I lol'd. I guess he couldn't prove himself to be anything more than an autist to the "powerful, industrious, lifechanging" army after all. Honestly, it seems like the military dodged a bullet with that faggot. If only they filtered out ALL the dumbasses and psychos.
No. 1713233
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>>1711944I literally just came back from going shopping with my teenage daughter and the store clerk thought we were sisters!! When me and my husband were getting a car the car salesman thought I was his daughter lol! It’s a real thing and a blessing I’m sorry you don’t have it hon.
No. 1713237
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>>1713219yeah. it was just one model though. feel bad for her, anyone with eyes could tell you she's a cute girl with short hair, but it took one pedo on twitter. it didn't ruin her career, at least, but the first things you see when you google her name is that meme
No. 1713901
>>1713827"The book of a GENERATION!" -Literal Who Publishing
"Tiktok cannot stop gushing!" - New York Times
"Author talking about things we just weren't ready for! Thrilling! Romantic! Haunting!" - Some Random YA Author
No. 1713910
>>1713903I have a long winter coat that get to my legs, but I also layer a lot. I've got genes that are good with 35° C but not so much with -10°C to 8°C, so I wear thermoleggings or tights underneath my jeans/skirts/whatever, kinda like how you would do before wearing a ski combination.
In my case it's the extremities I'm more concerned about (ears, hands, feet) so I have gloves, pocket warmers in my coat pockets, different winter hats/beanies and for my feet, if I can I put thick wool socks on or I layer two sets of socks if they're made of thin material.
Layering is the key to surviving the winter, nonna.
No. 1713919
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>>1713505>>1713894I'm not part of either of those ethnicities but used both because it sounds cute
No. 1713939
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Shameless bragging online. It just makes you look insecure and desperate. When people do it semi-anonymously it's even sadder. Not only do you not know what confidence even is and are trying too hard, you're also bragging to people who don't know you and don't care, for no reason other than a cheap ego boost. Tweets like pic related and random Reddit comment chains of pickmes in their mid-40s trying to outdo each other or prove themselves to some fat Funko Pop-ass male is making me want to not have eyes.
No. 1714478
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i hate moid scientists who imagined stupid impossible shit like this and had them memed into tHoUgHt ExPeRiMeNtS
No. 1714716
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>>1713979The bumper sticker has Varg vibes.
No. 1714815
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I hate bedbugs and cockroaches. Filthy and disgusting. Not surprised these things are all over Paris tho
No. 1715006
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i hate the internet & social media for forcing me to look at men's shitty opinions
No. 1715397
>>1715393A kink is suppoaed to be an unusual sexual preference. What is so unusual about getting turned on from getting complimented
IN BED?? In that context, getting turned on by praise is SUPPOSED to happen… Sick of people thinking normal things are "kinks".
No. 1715961
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That specific genre of insults that men use for women who “constrain” their “vibrant” “masculinity”: hens, schoolmarms, underfucked, den mothers, etc. Saw a guy on Twitter use the term broodsquaw today and I gagged. It honestly boggles the mind that conservative women exist: men certainly seem to stop giving a fuck about muh morals when their rape porn is under threat and an upstanding tradcath waifu who even briefly dares to questions this narrative is just another feminist in disguise
No. 1716120
>>1716034Tortitude is fake but orange cat behavior is absolutely real. They can kind of mellow out into king/queen of the house behavior when older but they are so uniquely retarded when young.
Are there any stereotypes about black cat personalities? I have one and he has such a bold personality and a distinct skill set compared to his sweet and innocent gray tabby bro. He’s like an expert feline food bandit with a tortured Byronic hero side I think the stigma against black cats is/was so strong so the only stereotype is “omg they’re actually not unlucky!!!” Like duh… every cat is lucky idiot!
No. 1716122
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I hate moids from my family’s shithole home country. Their autism is so specific that even if they spoke English I’d still know exactly where they came from. The coomerism and obsession with violence is especially bad. Even the women are there pretty bad pick mes which is unfortunate considering how often they get murdered there. Their edgy autism is unmatched.
No. 1716229
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boku girl pisses me off. i hate that the mc settled on being female in the end, and i hate the message that being a gay girly guy means you're ackshully a woman. the art is so cute so it's genuinely a waste of what could've been a decent bl, now it's just a troon mascot manga.
the conflict is really dumb too. i mean picrel is the meat of the series. just be gnc! stupid bastard
No. 1716238
>>1716234the whole manga is definitely agp fantasy. i didn't read it in full (more like skimmed the first ~10-ish chapters then shot straight to the final three) but i could tell that's all it was
pic i posted is from a random chapter in the middle
No. 1716270
>>1716156It is
especially annoying when it's from neets, but tbh it's not even always them a lot of the time.
No. 1716361
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No. 1716944
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People who abandon their pets or otherwise leave living creatures to suffer and die.
My boyfriend's ex still hasn't gotten her BPD ass over to this apartment to collect the rest of her possessions for several months even though we have given her numerous dates and times to do so. Items include a decrepit fish tank left on the kitchen counterspace with two neon tetras inside. Idk how they are still alive. The tank has not filtered for months, scum at the top, the snails are dead (maybe they feasted on the snails?). Yet somehow they are alive.
Whenever her and bf talk thru messenger she mentions this tank and talks about her fish like they are already dead when in reality they are alive. If she cared, she could come get them anytime she wanted like what we have been offering.
I want to clean the tank myself and get it back up to maintenance, and who knows, maybe the fish would survive long term. But I fear her unstable ass would see the clean, nice fish tank restored and then try to claim it.
Maybe we should just pretend the fish died and tell her we threw the tank away. I hate people like her. They are in love with the idea of pets but don't want to put the effort and care into them at all. Reminds me of a 6 year old but at least children have ignorance as the excuse to be selfish.
No. 1716978
>>1716970I hate it too, it's a super common way to describe SSA people where I live. Queer women this, queer man that. Fuck off it's a slur.
>queering catalogingKEK. Please report back here on what the hell that means.
No. 1718533
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>things you hate
when people casually don't understand how even basic genetics work. I've met a surprising amount of people who look at other families and unironically think that some kid is adopted just because he's blonde and his parents have brown hair, that another kid must be adopted because they have blue eyes and their parents have green, that the mom must have cheated because the baby has lighter skin than both parents, or parents getting stares just because their kid happened to look nothing like either of them. It only gets more retarded when these retards try to cite the punnet-square to assume a child is adopted just because they have recessive genes and their parents have dominant ones, because recessive genes like to fucking skip and even the punnett-square TELLS YOU THIS. Their own "biological equation" literally tells them that the baby with recessive genes absolutely still can be the biological child of their dominant gene parents, but the genetards still ignore that.
And for fucks sakes, it may be unlikely or improbable for two blonde parents, or blue-eyed parents, or any parent with recessive genes to give birth to a baby with relatively dominant ones, but biology is not even as simple as the fucking punnett-square that high schools love to shill anyway. There's a LOT of genes present behind one's hair, skin, and eye colors, not just fucking BB, Bb, and bb. People with blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin, or whatever actually CAN carry hidden dominant genes that can activate in the baby. So yes, blue eyed people can make brown eyed children. Blonde people can make brunette kids. And yes, two light skinned people can have a brown child that is 100% their child by blood. It's NOT likely, but it IS possible, as there ARE cases of the "throwback gene" phenomenon. All these nosy motherfuckers wanna stare, point, and "haha" at random families in public just because their negative IQ, unicellular brains think that people can only be related if they look identical. To this day, my cousin still gets retards who think he's adopted just because he has green eyes, and his parents don't.
No. 1718903
>>1718899Speaking of retarded takes on how people view women's bodies
>things you hateThat tall women get associated with trannies. Holy shit, do people accuse manlets of being women just because they're munchkins? No, so why do people gotta point the finger and yell "tranny" at women for just being tall?? Why are people so retarded about women's heights??
No. 1719621
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When gay Tiktok moids shit on men and explain why most of them don't deserve women. I see what you're doing faggot, and it's not for the reason you claim to do it.
No. 1721247
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Remember this little girl well look at her now, she is SEXY!
I’ve seen this with Eminem’s daughter and people said it happened to the Olsen twins and
No. 1723713
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I am not the person who made the newest Sam Hyde thread, but i need to complain about him. If i could murder any person in the world, i would murder him. Im not shocked that the same retards who love to call everyone pedophiles will defend this roided up BPD rape-ape cuz he's one of them. I know a girl who was groomed by him pre-MDE and she is one of many apperantly. The Marky situation makes me fucking sick
I watched MDE for the first time a month ago and it was not funny. Its peak moid humor (loud+offensive). His autistic fanbase love to swear up and down about how he isnt alt-right/nazi-affiliated. You expect me to believe that the man who has skits about "the woke mob" (minorities) acting like victims and white supremacy isnt a fucking nazi?
I hate the faggots he's associated with. Jet Neptune is a moon faced faggot who is money hungry and apperantly fucks underage r9k egirls. Im giving that ape 60$ to watch the directors cut of Bicflame is a wall eyed freak. The leaked DM's are embarassing. I worry for Nick's daughter. If i were him, i would keep them far away from Sam. Charls is just a schizo
Also i dont feel sorry for any of the dumb bitches who have had his children. I already know that faggot most likely never sees his fucking kids. Males never practice what they preach. Idk how he gets pussy. His lips are permanently chapped, he looks like a roasted ham. His dick is ugly as fuck too.
All his fans are bottom of the barrel chincel retards. "Idubbbz is a cuck" they say while donating to Hydestein, asking him for advice as a way to cope with the fact that they are fatherless. Hoping his roid usage causes him to have a heart attack
No. 1723735
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I absolutely fucking hate how everyone uses Antisocial as a lol so qwirky way to describe themselves.
No, my dear retard, you’re not fucking antisocial you useless sack of shit, you’re an attention starved loser that needs a fucking label to feel something because drugs aren’t enough anymore or because you’re such a waste of space that you can’t get money to buy drugs.
Whenever I see some stupid ass fucking retarded motherfucking jacket with a “uwu antisocial social club lol I’m so clever haha” logo, I want to stab the jacket with a rusty knife and throw a heavy ass book to the retard selling that shit because being antisocial means, and quoting google:
> 1. Contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices.
"a dangerous, unprincipled, antisocial type of man"
That’s what it fucking means, not “uwu I don’t want to do small talk” or “I’m an alpha lone wolf” you stupid fuck, yes, it also means “not sociable” but it’s because it’s fucking tied to the idea that an antisocial fucker acts like a fucking feral monkey in a tea party, throwing shit everywhere and biting the guests, not sitting on a corner and listening to some vapid ass rock band like an absolute eyesore.
Not even “asocial” fits because that means not using, wait, what was the name? Oh right! social media who the fuck says “I’m asocial” while using fucking social media? It’s like saying you’re an atheist but going to church every Sunday to pray to God while on your knees, it’s such a fucking retarded thing to do.
God I fucking hate retards.
No. 1723738
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>go on youtube
>see a video about something that interests me
>click on it
>immediately hear the nasally voice of a troon
Every single time. I always seem to find them covering nostalgic girly things, horror content, visual novels, or obscure media. Why can't I just find a video of an actual woman covering something I find appealing.
No. 1723821
>>1723738For horror content, check out hannah the horrible.
For girly stuff, lost media and obscure girly stuff, check out bubbling moon, talkytilki, rosie vision, lavendyre, Lauren G, and Lucid Willows. Enjoy!
No. 1723828
>>1723799hell yeah
nonnie you shoe ‘em who’s the real boss
No. 1723831
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>>1723821i will add one more channel for nostalgic media or obscure/lost media: Li Speaks
(sadly I think she’s a handmaiden judging by her “they themer” merch (picrel) and of course lots of people(women) in the comments went KRAZYYY when they saw that and some shirt with “boysbobames” which is supposed to be a male version of girlsgogames but cmon, no boy ever played on that website
No. 1724208
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I hate this.
No. 1724261
>>1724034I love her and will keep watching her, but I was really disappointed to see her link a tranny in one of her videos. I was hoping she was an undercover
No. 1725761
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male metabolism is a crime against nature.
No. 1725859
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I genuinely enjoy point-and-click and hidden object mechanics in games but almost all of them are genuinely GARBAGE and the fans have no standards whatsoever. If you go looking for recommendations of good games on Big Fish one of the games you will be recommended is "Detective Quest: The Crystal Slipper" which as it turns out is one of the worst games of all time.
So the premise is you are a detective who has been hired by a fairytale prince to investigate the mystery of cinderella, who has just pulled her vanishing act. It's not addressed how he managed to hire you from out of the real world into his fantasy world, whatever. There are a few rooms to investigate here so you can find a chest which you'll analyze and declare is probably opened by the key in cindy's chest. Y'know, the one you haven't seen and could not possibly even deduce the EXISTENCE of because it's in the NEXT part and you can't go there yet. BTW this game's advertising for some reason makes it out to be a major feature that you can RIDE a UNICORN. Bro it is a point-and-click game it's not remotely immersive who cares what you can "do". But the kicker is that the feature is actually just that you click on the unicorn and it fades to the next scene. Look at this screenshot. That is the ENTIRETY of the unicorn's presence in the game. They could have at LEAST animated a CUTSCENE of you riding the useless thing. Or maybe they couldn't, because they are AWFUL animators. Did I mention yet that every character's face is actually a photograph, as in some random stock image model, and that they talk by doing nightmarish photoshop liquify warps? They don't even attempt to make them look like fairy tale characters it's just Prince Bob from Accounting. Except actually it's Bobby from Math Class, because he sounds about 12 years old.
Anyway the unicorn takes you to cindy's house. Turns out she was literally next door. You walk (oh excuse me you """"RIDE"""") three paces out of the palace and there she is. She's waving out the window at you. The prince gave you a photo of this exact scene. So you go say hi and then her evil godmother decides to show up and kidnap her because apparently she was just waiting to make sure you'd witness it so you can ruin her plans later. So considerate.
The game works with a map feature that lets you see which scenes still have tasks to complete so you don't end up wasting your time in locations you can't make progress in yet. Unless, of course, you have triggered a STORY EVENT. These do not have map indicators! You are required to simply blindly stumble into them. There is also no indication that the tasks available to you are impossible before the story event occurs, aside from the fact that you can try every single RATIONAL option available to you and make no progress whatsoever. Ah, but if you're unsure what to do, you could ask for a hint, and it will tell you the exact name of the location you need to go! Wonderful! By the way, the locations don't HAVE names. So at best you're still left trying to guess exactly which location this name might have been meant to refer to at some point in this game's cursed development.
The cause of all this trouble, and this is indeed the story event in question, is that a random evil flower showed up to cindy's empty house. To menace, uh, you. Or maybe her. Or it doesn't really matter who because NO ONE is even THERE. Nevertheless, you must defeat the flower before you can continue your quest on the other side of the map.
This game was a reverse hidden object puzzle mechanic where instead of finding stuff in a scene you have to put objects back into it, where they belong. That's a nice concept. It would have been REALLY nice if the developers could have come up with more than about three different sensible object placements so that EVERY other one wasn't just a 50/50 of playing a baby matching game putting each item next to its exact duplicate, or randomly trying every single object on every single pixel in the scene and then guessing at what insane moon logic leads to matching "cheese" with "bell".
You'll eventually need to infiltrate the evil godmother's icy fortress of doom to rescue cinderella. Why are you doing this instead of just turning in your contract to the prince and letting his army handle it? Who knows, but that's what you do. Which of course means having to do evil sliding block puzzles because a point and click game can't legally be published without one. That's just life. You also have to fight a genie, which is a really thematically appropriate choice in a european fairytale. You must also bargain with the ghostly captain of a hundred-year-old ghost ship which wrecked here. In this icy mountain range. In the middle of the continent. And then someone built a castle next to it. The captain wants to play a shell game with you. He will only play it with his SPECIFIC personal set of dusty old wooden cups. But one of these cups is missing, somehow vanished right out from under his nose. Out of this hundred-year-old ghost ship. On this icy mountain range. Next to a castle inhabited only by a fairy. In the middle of a hundred miles of wilderness. So you go to look for this specific moldy antique cup owned by a ghostly pirate and you find it in only the most logical place. That's right! CINDY'S LINEN CHEST.
But the worst part of all is reading the reviews because believe it or not, this is considered one of the greatest games on Big Fish! It's a top seller! Reviews include:
"Ah Romance" (…..where?)
"a breathtakingly beautiful journey through a fairytale storybook brought to life" (so your ideal fairytale storybook takes its cast from a highschool pageant, its outfits from party city, and its scenery from half a dozen different time periods?)
"It's not short, it's not childish, it's not for girls only. Enough with the stereotypes!" (I actually completely agree. this game is not for girls only it is for nobody at all)
"Use of creative twists and turns kept all activities focused on the mission" ("""creative""" is a weird word to use for "completely random nonsense thrown in your face out of nowhere to hold off the end of the game because the devs couldn't manage to write a mystery that would last 5 seconds on its own merits")
"Who doesn't love Fairy Tales, especially the story of Cinderella." (the only reasonable explanation for this travesty is that the devs don't love Fairy Tales, actually. why else would they have gone so far to ruin it?)
"it's very lovely, very girly and and the same time very brainy" (yeah because you'll strain your brain trying to work out what drug dosage the developers needed to think this was a good idea)
"A lovely fairy-tale!!!" (yes all those exclamation points were in the review)
TBH some of this is garbled and also I've missed out some of the worst bits because it's actually been a while since I played it. I'm just getting so mad again thinking about how impossible it is to find good hidden object games. There are literally only two good games on BFG and I've played them both already. And every single other one is just bottom of the barrel garbage that gets eaten up by women who must be halfway to dementia to enjoy this stuff. These are the same "girl gamers" who are also funding every microtransaction-riddled asset flip on the playstore as long as it has "magic" or "garden" in the title. They are literally to blame for ruining the casual gaming market and for a sizeable portion of the entire advertising industry that is ruining the world today.
No. 1726389
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I don't like nails that grow upwards
No. 1726390
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>>1725864yes I agree
>>1725865>>1725896>>1726312You guys will love this, I misremembered and there's actually three good hidden object games.
Pure Hidden - No story in this one, just a bunch of hidden object scenes interspersed with some other puzzles and minigames. It has a really interesting collage-y style, not just visually but in everything about it right from the design level, and it's themed around zen and relaxation. Some of the minigames are pretty boring but there's like 20 different ones, they couldn't all be great.
Hodgepodge Hollow - This one is super cute, you play a housewife who answers an ad to learn potions from a gnome who secretly just wants you to help the gnomes with their quest. In the hidden object scenes you find potion ingredients, and then you get to actually make potions at home in a really fun minigame, and then you can use them in later puzzles. There's no voiceover (a positive, IMO) and the art could've been a little better (it's mostly good but the shading and edges are a little amateurish, pic related so you can judge for yourself) but it's really really cute and it's a genuinely gorgeous and whimsical magical world.
Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal - Now this one is exactly what every other game on big fish WISHES it could be. You play as Brunhilda, an ordinary girl from NY who, as a favor to her aunt, accidentally ends up gaining a demon familiar and journeying to a magical world to save it from the Dark Crystal. This game has an engaging story, likeable characters, good VO (a miracle!), unique and fun minigames, and a cute artstyle! It's seriously the only hidden object game on BFG that actually lives up to the hype and I really wish there were more like it.
BTW is there a hidden object / big fish games / shockwave / girly games thread or would anyone be interested in one? I don't mean to derail the hate thread now that I'm talking about the few that I love, and if anyone else knows any hidden gems I'd love to hear about them.
No. 1726452
>>1725764Makes me wish I was tall.
>>1725775I think it's because of the bulking trend amongst body builders and men who workout in general. They all think bulking is the answer and it's gonna make them hot af or whatever. And some do it to transition to cutting later on and get rid of all their fat for their muscles to be defined but they go too far ofcourse and end up looking like dry cooked chicken breast. They hate balance I guess.
No. 1726463
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Autistic men are a plague. This random woman said “he’s 5 minutes away from me” without even posting her actual location and now he’s screaming
Nobody cares. I don’t think anybody wants to come to your house. Lock your door and your problem will be solved
No. 1726468
>>1726463men make fun of women's (statistically accurate) fear of being attacked and then try to LARP as potential
victims in the most mild situations ever
No. 1726595
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When the aloe vera chunks in my aloe vera drink are too small. They're like 80% of the reason I enjoy drinking them, I don't appreciate getting treated like that.
No. 1726686
>>1726602I like my chunky discharge and if that makes me insane, so be it, thank you very much.
>>1726666I did, but only the lychee one because the only thing better than anything aloe vera flavored is lychee
and I actually didn't even know there's an aloe vera variant, either. I liked it, but it's too expensive, so I'm keeping it as a rare-ish treat.
No. 1726850
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>>1726841you WILL drink the frogspawn
you WILL ribbit
you WILL hop around
No. 1726870
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I kinda hate the constant "Actually japan/anime/manga is better than anything western!" mentality I've seen for a while tbh. I appreciate their culture and media just as much as everyone else, but putting them on a pedestal feels like biased fanboyism.
>Inb4 "Actually, anything western is better!"
That would be biased too, both industries have their problems and not everything japanese is a harem isekai the same way not everything american is trans pride pastel colors.
No. 1727726
>>1727690Well, it makes sense. Imagine you look terrible in pink but pink is all that is sold in stores. You need to buy clothes for an event or you're getting into sports and need gym clothes, but everything is pink. You hate how you look but it's the only thing available where you live. One day, yellow becomes the new trendy color and you look good in yellow, so you're happy. Meanwhile your friend's old coat wore out and she needs a new one, but she can only find yellow and white ones. She hates yellow and white because it makes her look washed out. She is upset.
Now realize that this also happens to colors, textiles and cuts of a garment simultaneously. If you only look good in certain things like most people, you will also be upset when something goes in or out of style.
No. 1727905
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That his name is pronounced Air-vin and not like how it's spelled
No. 1729088
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>things you hate
When moids, tomboys, and tomboy pickmes try to make you feel stupid or uncool because you don't give a fuck about any moid-dominated interests. I don't give a fuck about football, I don't give a fuck about The Sopranos, I don't give a fuck about Star Wars, I don't give a shit about Berserk, I don't give a shit about fishing, I don't give a shit about hunting, I don't give a damn Call of Duty, I don't give a damn about Fallout. Stop trying to make small talk and acting all taken aback when I don't understand yet another movie reference that I didn't watch or care enough to understand. I hate small talk, and I don't care about your interests. Shut the fuck up with your Fallout sergeant impressions and get the fuck out of my way so I can keep thinking about what it would be like to date picrel.
No. 1729100
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>H1B leech takes over youtube
>immediately turns it to shit
I'm starting to believe the theory that corps hire cheap shitty Indian CEOs when they're stagnating
No. 1729226
>>1729088Isn't horror also a tomboyish interest?
Thing I hate, is more girls liking horror or fantasy then sci-fi.
No. 1729280
>>1729226Women have always loved horror
No. 1729316
>>1729226>more girls liking horror or fantasy then sci-fi.Yes, it's illogical that women don't conform to the three genre that are expected of women to like, sci-fi, fantasy and romance. Anything else are for men.
We all know that monsterfuckers, slasherfags and maskfags are all male in women's clothing.
No. 1729691
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I hate online artist spaces now. Full of tifs and otherkin system retards. Where the hell are all the based female artists. Redkatherinee please come back
No. 1731064
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When I eat something super sugary and it makes my teeth feel plaque-y.
No. 1731088
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the smooth edges trend. just look at google chrome. what the fuck happened???
No. 1731090
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>>1731088I wish google chokes on their smooth edges
No. 1731100
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let's gooo nonnies
No. 1731138
>>1731111All that shit always finds a way to somehow blame the
victim and the man is always okay because he had mental issues and needed a hug. True crime sucks.
No. 1733263
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>>1733248Sensitive. Only re-posting because jannies are stupid and probably going to ban me even though text doesn't need to be spoilered.
No. 1733517
File: 1697917570802.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1048x1048, IMG_2092.png)

I really hate trophy hunters. Whenever i see stuff like picrel(it’s an ugly scrote proudly standing over a small albino coyote but i blurred it) i automatically assume the moid is a retarded psychopath. Short blog incoming but I have a shitty cousin that i used to see all the time when i lived with my grandparents. He was an ugly obese autist who would brag about hunting small animals as trophies and he clearly felt like a big scary guy for shooting small animals. He would always try and show me images just to upset me and would call me soft for not liking them.
No. 1733572
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>>1733517I feel similarly. I was exploring google maps recently and found a hunting service in a small town in GA that takes people out with night vision goggles to hunt wild pigs and one of the google review photos was literally the whole group of people grinning kneeling behind what looks like a mother and child pair of wild hogs. Like…. Bruh that is not impressive that’s kinda fucked up actually
No. 1733580
>>1733517>Albino coyoteImagine taking out a pretty rare animal (or any animal really) just to take a shitty picture of yourself grinning like a retard in front of the corpse. Most of these people don't even eat what they kill, they do nothing with it.
I know hunters in my town shoot down hares or birds, show the animal to their friends and then throw the thing in the trash.
No. 1734105
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>>1734088I hope your cat made a really good and full recovery, nona. You're right, kids can be very evil, especially moidlets. I've seen child moids successfully break down and bully teachers to the point of tears. They even took pride in it. I've babysat lots of cousins, and the male ones were always the worst. They intentionally eavesdrop and try to get under your skin with info they picked up about you. Thats not even getting to their constant use of violence to get their way too. I don't like awful children, and I don't like the male ones. Moidlets seem to become identical to their adult counterparts very fast, if we're talking about cruelty. It's like they're born evil and you have to teach or even scare it out of them, it's really creepy.
No. 1734158
>>1734088>>1734105see this is why I think kids, especially boys need discipline, not abuse but some yelling and ear pulling to know that being a shit has consequences, my brother once beat another boy really badly and my mother hit him with her shoe to show him what it feels like, girls too need some discipline by their parents(again not physical) but still some stern yelling is required.
I don't think kids are evil, but they are natural anarchists and boys are worse cause they have no restrictions placed on them.
No. 1734178
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>>1734105>Dworkin's strongest soldierUnrionically the six year old has a better chance at killing a Dworkinfag rather then the other way around
No. 1734223
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>>1734215No. Don't say that. I have stock in Ozempic.
No. 1734990
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I hate when artists put big ugly watermarks on their work.
No. 1736766
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I love sex with my husband but I hate it afterwards where I’m so tired I can barely move. Takes me over an hour to get up and be productive again. For a while I would purposely avoid sex so I can get more done.
No. 1736773
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>>1735717That's not Andrew. That's some gay french streamer who does cosplay. He goes by R.octavoc.r
No. 1736862
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>>1736773Is that the bottom G
No. 1737115
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No. 1737137
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>>1737135I can't anon I can'ttttt why can't we come here to talk about stuff we love why is this board so damn negative
No. 1737180
>>1737164Top kek
The radfems aren't the ones spreading negativity all the time though
No. 1737219
No. 1737236
>>1737219I also hate when anons reply with "why don't _you_ contribute" like it's a real gotcha. Uh, I do, the userbase just makes it nearly impossible to post anything unrelatable to rage bait because the rage is what draws people in. Reading about how some anon has an
abusive bf so you can shit on not just him but also her is way more exciting for our monkey brains than an anon posting about a personal project she's been working on for months. Well I want to hear about the nonnies fucking project so stop drowning it out with how much you want to snip a man's dick off. It's been said once it's been said a million times, no posts here are "owning" the scrotes.