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No. 1793227
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1737553 No. 1798248
File: 1701628701493.jpg (322.84 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20231203_133050_X.j…)

God, the future looks so bleak. Of course AI is going to be used for men's depravity. I hate AI for what it is.
No. 1798325
>>1798248>Every female model is doing some cutesy inviting TikTok esque dance>All the male models are just casually posing like normal human being.Holy fuck, it's like they
know what this is going to be used for. This is genuinely vomit inducing. What's the point? Like, what purpose would this even have outside of deepfake porn and libel?
No. 1798627
File: 1701656848859.jpg (155.6 KB, 1126x838, fuckasspillows.jpg)

youtube is showing me a lot of really small channels these days, which personally I enjoy, but today I came across this small asmr channel and I'm sorry dude but I really hate those pillows
No. 1798847
>>1798248Maybe uncle Ted was right…
But honestly the thought of every new tech being used for porn is so demoralizing
No. 1798865
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No. 1798874
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>Screenshot of goresite
>Image is of a user putting an anime girl border around their reposts of gore videos and severe self harm videos
>User trying to be cutesey about it
It has the same vibe of those "cute core" zoomers except it's worse. It's genuinely so lame when women attention whore on sites like those because the moids on there are NOT even worth it. Just like women who try to do it with pedos/polfags/and r9kfags from 4chan. I don't think I can take yet another generation of women damaged by schizo moids online just because their parents couldn't get a grip on their daughters internet usage.
No. 1798877
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>>1798248Have we learned nothing from Terminator and iRobot
No. 1798886
>>1798874It's incredibly embarrassing for the women, I agree. There's a whole trend of female socmed influencers that larp as edgy neets that do their best to cater to 4chan moids without seeming too obvious and it's so cringe.
I'll never understand what makes a girl want to attention whore on 4chan, even at my lowest and most desperate I was lucid enough not to do that.
No. 1799616
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I hate Lorry Hill, like no shit celebs get a lot of surgery but she's so over the top in her assumptions, like in her Adriana Lima video she says the woman changed breast implant size like 5 times, or her Angelina Jolie video where she was supposedly getting jaw and chin implants, nosejobs, face and lip lifts, bone shaving and facial feminization all in a time period where she was an actual heroin addict, like how does that even click? And apparently also wears colored contacts
Oh and her credentials are that she has plastic surgeon friends
No. 1799911
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I hhhhhhhate all the AIslop creeping up at pinterest FUCK OFF
No. 1800306
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>>1800279There's such a spitefulness running through AI "artists", it's strange. It's like theyre enacting revenge against people whose talent they're jealous of. Hateful people who cannot create but steal others' work and pervert it
No. 1800538
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>>1800532It won't be normies anymore
No. 1800546
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>>1800532I wouldn't be so sure of that. Disney used it recently.
No. 1800547
>>1798627>youtube is showing me a lot of really small channels these daysSame but I hate this so much. It's always depressing shit like "I have cancer" "Having no friends, family, job at 40" "My depression journey" like I never searched for anything like that, I never clicked on that and yet it keeps popping up. I'm starting to get paranoid as if youtube wants to make me miserable when I just want to watch my usual comfy female vlogger and asmr channels…
I also hate how I keep getting recommended videos of my country's trashy celebrities streamers even tho I never watch anything in my language.
No. 1800848
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Trashy clothing to weddings. Like this girl I saw in my feed wearing a literal bikini coverup to a formal wedding.
No. 1800849
File: 1701829299308.png (261.36 KB, 640x640, 1ufmpmqv3tj81.png)

All the AI threads. I'm anti AI-"art" and seeing all the posts about it in /m/ makes me feel disgusted. Using these softwares is helping develop them. I'm not mad at the girls who post it since it's not like they wake up in the morning plotting artist's demise or something, they probably don't even realize what the big deal is, but it's still sad
No. 1800861
>>1800849Isn't it funny how chatGPT didn't kill writing as a profession?
How computers didn't displace mathematicans and engineers?
How autotune didn't replace singers?
How photoshop didn't eliminate the need for photographers?
How automation did not get rid of factory work?
How immigrants didn't take yer jerbs?
You're fearmongering around a new technology because mediocre artists will use it as the excuse for why they fail. We should be critical of AI for more serious issues.
No. 1800881
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>>1799911I always thought AI art was lame but honestly it didn't make me mad until AI crochet images started being made. Now people are starting blogs and etsy shops using AI generated images and patterns. Now whenever see any crochet pic that looks well-photographed, I have to make sure it's not AI before saving it to my boards.
No. 1800886
>>1800861You are delusional if you think automation and computers didn’t replace a shitton of workers and entire industries even. Photoshop and photographers aren’t even related. You would be thinking of painters and photographers and hm there sure are a lot more portrait photographers than portrait painters.
The cream of the crop will survive yeah but the tech is a real threat. Designers and corporate artists are on their last legs. Sad because that was my life’s work but oh well it’s gonna get real hard for everyone else too in short time. Like I’m not replaced yet, my small workplace is too dumb to make AI art (but I use it for ideas and color schemes especially with backgrounds then just paint over in my own style) and I have a constant stream of commissions coming in on the side, but it’s only a matter of time before a model comes out where you can generate your OC perfectly instead of parting with hundreds of dollars. People love to say “there will always be people wanting real art from real artists!” but they’re all gonna eat their naive words when AI takes their jobs and money gets tight. It’s over
No. 1800932
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>>1800849I cant stop
nonny sorry
No. 1800939
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>>1800861You’re a moron if you think the adoption and refining of computer programs in the workplace hasn’t had a negative effect on overall quality of life. My last job was white collar and had an office of 14 people, doing more work than the same office was capable of in the 90s when that office had 45 people. So each person was doing the work of 3 people in the 90s. All the wage history info is public so I was able to adjust for inflation and found I was making less money than my same position did back then. Increasing efficiency doesn’t lead to less work for a worker or higher wages for that worker.
No. 1800954
>>1800436Same, that's the exact reason I ranted about it. I don't even mind people using AI generators in private, by why do they absolutely have to shit up every single image platform with it without even tagging it?
>>1800861You're really shooting yourself in the foot with those examples kek. Almost everything you mentioned had major negative impacts on some aspects.
No. 1800973
>>1800939This is why I hate the foregone conclusion that progress = good. I doubt working people today are happier than working people 30 years ago.
>”but muh internet and the world at your fingertips! You’d be miserable without that!”I wouldn’t even know it exists so how could I miss it. Ignorance is bliss.
No. 1801026
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The large portion of dumbasses who jack off billionaires for being 'old money' as if being a trustfund baby somehow makes you to people who got stupid rich in some other way. People this rich should be shit on in general and it makes me roll my eyes into the back of my head when people are like 'they don't seem snobby at all and they're so classy!' when they're showing off their bags that cost more than a luxury car.
No. 1801054
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>>1801026>>1801029Poor or middle class people who admire rich people are such dumb cucks, richfags and their tax avoidance, their lobbying, their ever-increasing capital are the reason why you can't afford to buy a house in your 30s despite working full hours and will end up in personal bankruptcy from hospital bills if you e.g. fall and break your leg.
No. 1801055
>>1801054The rich are the true scum of the world. Shout out to the retarded woman I was arguing with who said women don't deserve to have paid maternity leave because 'they didn't earn it and it's unfair to the company'
Anyone who sucks off rich corporate cocks is the ultimate cuck.
No. 1801362
>>1801355please look at what happened with the term "karen". every term that becomes trendy to use against women will be misused until it loses all its meaning and women continue to walk on eggshells when it comes to their behavior for fear of being called a slut/karen/
terf/pickme/any other term.
No. 1801369
>>1801362I feel like every negative term against women is now grossly misused. It's frustrating. A woman expressing her opinion or a real
valid safety complaint is now a karen? get real. Men dont even have terms like this.
No. 1802079
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this ugly fucking shit, they're WAY too long and just look horrendous
No. 1802136
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The fact that these videos mainly consist of men cheating yet the thumbnails always contain women.
>>1802079Ever since I learned how unhygenic it is to have them go past the flesh they have disgusted me. Same with real nails.
No. 1802166
>>1802079I've always wondered what types of jobs women who live in these nails have.
>>1802136They're really nasty. One time I was helping a lady at the store get something, and I saw the bottoms of her nails. There was so much shit underneath there I almost puked.
No. 1802302
File: 1701944164501.png (7.47 MB, 1899x4786, delusion.png)

I hate how both ugly moids and their fanbases view the moid as far more attractive than he actually is. I made pic related as an example. Feel free to add any popular ugly moids plus fanart comparisons you can think of.
No. 1802509
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Reddit is complete fucking cancer. It's not even possible to browse the site without getting an account anymore.
No. 1802519
File: 1701966361756.jpeg (120.22 KB, 595x605, IMG_3296.jpeg)

I’m really tired of how ever since Skyrim games keep giving women the Fox News porn star face
No. 1802540
>>1802302tbf Dream gets made fun of all the time. It's even a meme to make ugly fanart of him because he's so retarded looking.
Is that Turkey Tom at the bottom? He's genuinely so fucking ugly and looks like hes getting fatter.
No. 1802548
Hate girls who walk away from EVERY concert with items (setlists, picks, drumsticks) sometimes multiple. Holy shit you already have several setlists from that band with 10,000 monthly listeners, let someone else get it for once.
I’m mutuals with one who I swear gets a setlist and a pick every show. Today she posted a pic of two setlists (one for each night of the tour, and one was very crinkled, she clearly fought for it), a drumstick, and 4 picks. The picks could have been brought from home to be signed, and she had two friends so maybe it was a combined haul, but that’s still a shitton considering there were 1000 other people who got nothing. These hogs always tag the band members in the pics too like girl they do not care, you are merely a greedy consoomer, not any kind of creative producer. I hope she seethes when she sees band members liking my art and shitty covers
No. 1802576
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>>1802553I don’t want them to look like pornified toddlers either, though. I want women to look cool. FFS, LET ORC WOMEN BE UGLY AND BUFF
No. 1802589
>>1802581Idk if I already had a setlist and pick and then I and someone else both had hands on a drumstick I’d let them have it, but maybe I’m being too nice.
I have never caught anything despite being near the front always, maybe because of hogs. Actually I have picked up a setlist because no one saw it drop but gave it to the lady in front of me who was a huge fan and I was just so-so. I regret that.
No. 1802591
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>>1802560Lol i'm aware of that, i hate that too, i know it's asking for too much but i've meant it more in a facial structure way, they make them all look seriously like porn stars like anon said and i just wish they had at least some softer facial types
>>1802576Yeah i totally agree with that too, it's just that by their logic of only having attractive faces i don't see why they have to push the instagram model type
BTW i saw some videos about Dead Space 3 and the costume design for the female characters was hilarious, they actually get something heavy very later on but not for too long either
No. 1802594
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How is it normal and socially acceptable to say this shit out loud now? She's not even a self proclaimed bimbo, just a fucking brainwashed normie. I hate misogyny coming from women so much it's unreal. You're not even gaining anything you retard I'm going to kill you with a rock
No. 1802600
File: 1701970163725.gif (1.68 MB, 520x293, Tumblr_l_12430617440203.gif)

>>1802594Teehee I'm wearing a PINK miniskirt and that makes me a dummy dum dum with a cutie patootie style with the bimbo swag and t-DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE
No. 1802638
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>>1802615Yeah, I was kind of shocked when I saw recent pictures of him. It would've been so funny if that boxing match with him and iDubbbz had gotten set up for real though
>>1802606>>1802590You nonas make me want to defend him just because I like his youtube slop but I'll keep it to myself kek
No. 1802750

>>1802661Not true, I saw the videos nonas were talking about in the youtube hate thread but resisted commenting because I don't care if other people dislike him and it's really not that important for me to whiteknight a moid, especially on an anon imageboard kek but I'll do it this once. In those videos he either said he doesn't consider it to be or doesn't know if it counts as grooming if the age difference is only 3 years and the
victim is almost of age. He didn't defend those people at all, just said he doesn't think that specific term applies.
The way Tom talks about the boyinaband allegations concering him dating a 17 year old when he was 23 and later agrees when the youtuber whose video he's watching denounces lolishit is one example that shows me that he doesn't have bad values. He just tries to treat these things in a detached and objective way if possible because he wants to report from the outside without jumping to conclusions, I don't think that makes him a bad person to watch. I like that he's aware that he's also only an outsider reporting on this stuff. Of course he could be a bad person in his private life, but I just don't get that vibe and won't ever find out anyway because I don't know him.
No. 1802818
>>1802815he made a video
victim blaming a murdered girl, he's garbage and there are miles better content creators there.
No. 1802906
>>1802815I disagree with that first part, it really didn't come off as a defense to me. Imo it isn't a defense to say something needs to be proven to be true. That's what I like about his content, he mostly just shows available info on internet drama and is sometimes funny. I don't need a moid to outright say that something is bad for me to consider it so, so I don't really mind if he is impartial to allegations.
I don't like his fanbase much either and usually ignore it during streams but I enjoy when he calls out the dumb coomers in it. He did make some very gross comments about women, especially iDubbbz wife iirc, that were supposed to be jokes I guess? but went way overboard. Now that I think about it, I remember how it made me want to stop watching him but it's not like he does it often or like other commentary guys are better. I think I just forgot that because it's been so long, so thanks for the reminder nona. I won't bother to defend him again kek
No. 1803086
>>1802818>>1802834Searched a bit and found it. It's a deleted video from 2019 about Bianca Devins. It's pretty bad and full of screenshots that are apparently fake or at least not written by Bianca herself. He's trying to say that her and the killer both had mental issues and needed help, but to me it's clear that one of them is still more at fault than the other. Also fixating on the guy being a family friend, so someone she knew irl instead of a random 4chan incel stalking her online. Just very odd. I guess it's good that he felt enough shame to delete it and never speak of it again. Weird that he thought he should make it at all considering it can't come off as anything other than
victim-blaming but I doubt he would do something like this now. Don't know what ground a 17 year old moid could have to speak on this in the first place though
No. 1803367
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No. 1803393
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>>1803367It is insane to think about how nendos used to be just anime characters and cost $30. I don’t know how much a modern nendo costs now but an anime girl figma costs 10000-14000yen when 10 years ago they were 2800-4000yen AND came with way more accessories. Also they didn’t release long after the series ended because they weren’t busy making western shit nendoroids and ugly pillows and hot topic tier enamel pins and shit.
No. 1803398
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>>1803393Also fuck this coomer Miku
No. 1803405
>>1803393>It is insane to think about how nendos used to be just anime characters To be fair they've done non anime characters since basically the beginning, but they were usually mascot characters instead of characters from shitty 80s movies no one outside of 50 year old men who don't know what nendoroids are care about.
Never liked figma though, I would rather just get a scale figure.
No. 1803408
>>1803398stupid skin fang and hentai blush. gross
also, I fucking hate how moid artists always draw stupid nonsensical outfits just have to have skin showing.
No. 1803411
>>1803367I will never get mad at nendoroids because i've spent all my teen years waiting for the moment to buy the nendo of my ps2 game husbando but i get your point, i hope they release enough characters people actually want other than maybe collaborations or promos .
The only good side of stuff like that is that maybe people can use their faces and parts for characters that the company hasn't/will not make.
No. 1803432
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>>1803411>buy the nendo of my ps2 game husbandoLeon?
No. 1803443
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>>1803432i avoid mentioning Raiden because i'm gendiephobic and i don't like how popular he got with moids with mgr memeries
No. 1803740
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>>1803367i fucking love them, cry about it. I am tired of the generic popular animu nendos that are going to be forgotten in a year. I prefeer the western nendos over generic waifubait/miku 500
No. 1803847
File: 1702037277386.jpeg (853.96 KB, 1125x1620, IMG_0610.jpeg)

I hate the trend of men and pickmes that shit on people for being happy they’re childless. It’s expensive as HELL to raise a kid and the fact that risks + side effects on pregnancy is not talked about enough. This post on twitter is caps from the DINK videos going around and where’s the husbands? They’re just posting the wives and shitting on them because they don’t want to use their bodies and risk their lives in pregnancy.
No. 1803860
>>1803847I agree it’s wrong to shit on DINKS but pregnancy being life threatening is fearmongering I hate.
From CDC, maternal death = “the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes”
32.9 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births in the USA in 2021.
No. 1803861
>>1803847I hate the rabid scrutiny because even as someone who really wants kids, there can be a lot of obstacles that prevent you from having a big family. I've known women who do want to be mothers but struggle with infertility, don't have the financial stability to do it yet, or are unable to find men who actually share their values and aren't just online coomers larping with a "trad" veneer. The trad larping is also so retarded because there have always been celibate people (e.g., nuns) and they're obsessed with this 1950s/60s vision that isn't even that long ago or really traditional at all, people who are actually traditional aren't sperging online either because that's an extremely contemporary thing. They're trendhoppers just as much as any other made up internet aesthetic.
I do agree that some people are kind of unhinged about not having kids however, like redditors. I don't get why it's such a hot topic where people feel the need to shove their lifestyle down others' throat regardless of which way they lean
No. 1803863
>>1803847Fr. They're ALWAYS shitting on the women specifically, completely ignoring the moid she's dating because they just want to control women, they don't care about childless men
>>1803852I noticed this too. I remember a screenshot of a boomer moid harassing a childless 23yo woman on twt, he literally said she should "get herself stuffed and her insides exploded", if that doesn't tell you how much of a coomer he is and what he's actually thinking about…
No. 1803875
>>1803852Yup and they always love to guilt trip people “oh who’s going to take care of you when you’re old? Have fun dying alone” bro my dad left me when I was 10 and he’s going to die alone. Having kids does not guarantee being looked after into old age. That shit is delusional.
>>1803860People will not always die but there are lots of complications and possible trauma can happen during pregnancy/labour. It’s ok to be afraid of the risks especially if you have health problems.
No. 1803929
File: 1702044197735.jpg (94.26 KB, 736x1109, pinimg.jpg)

"Cunt" becoming a cute meme word.
No. 1803963
>>1803954I feel like that's stuff they make up because they think women don't want to work and have an income on their own, i had a situation like that once,
They can achieve any progress they want with or without a working wife anyway because in the end it's always women who end up spending more time with the kids.
I just generally don't believe anything those moids say because they always obsess over pretty young women like creeps, no sign of actual concern for the future generation or kids so the word "family" shouldn't even come from their mouth.
No. 1803971
>>1803469Stop being mad you were born in the worst era. The 90s and the early 2000s were the last good times before everything went to shit. Now we are getting a minecraft movie in the upcoming years. There were so many creative and original shit in the 80s and 90s that just doesnt exist now.
No. 1803985
My father is watching a video of some old ugly moid with bad hair, he's talking about insane fans, but he is referring to fans as if they are all inherently insane (and that is just not how the word is used), he's pulling such a "not like other fans" act, after spending the first two minutes shilling biographies of Elvies and the beatles. Embarassing, you aren't better just cause you didn't murder John Lennon, most beatle fans didn't murder John Lennon. "Oh a bunch of fans surrounded Lennon's residence and sang beatles songs, so grotesque", yeah but you're the type who cares about these classic rock artists that half or more of their revelancy is having/ have had a massive fan following, you only care about them cause all these people you're looking down on already validated your taste, fuck off.
No. 1804403
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>>1804401Yeah he's fucking ugly and that movie is godawful.
No. 1804511
>>1803740I'd love it if they made more capeshit ones personally, not based on the films.
>>1803847I don't understand why conservatives are so fucking hateful and care so much about what other people are doing. Nobody is stopping them from living their lives and they literally have to scrape the bottom of the pan to find reasons in which to justify the imaginary threat to they make up. Most people are culturally conservative, including the non-whites they tend to hate. They are literally the majority across the whole world. They need to focus on policing people within their own cohort who actually explicitly say that they want to live by their values and leave everyone else. There are so many hypocrites among them, i'd rather they go bully them.
No. 1804579
>>1803971There's a difference between enjoying media from the past and making it your whole personality. Like
>>1803728 said, there are people who frequently to almost exclusively talk to you using 80s movie/song quotes. Then if you don't get it, they start saying you're uncultured or otherwise imply you're lesser of a person for daring to not consume and memorize this shit. Is it so difficult to speak normally? It pisses me off.
No. 1805013
File: 1702133077297.png (149.47 KB, 640x480, Great-American-Cookie-Company.…)

>>1804993what other than a brownie cookie hybrid do people mean by brookie? thankfully "pizookie" is a new one to me. is that supposed to be a combination of pizza and cookie? if so we might as well say all cookie cakes are pizookies.
No. 1805036
File: 1702134328717.png (1.18 MB, 835x900, brookie.png)

>>1805013All of these are labelled by their recipe as brookies.
Cookie cake = skillet cookie = pizookie. IMO only one of those names makes sense because being large and round doesn't turn a cookie into either a cake or a pizza.
No. 1805272
File: 1702144901629.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.86 KB, 275x183, 12.jpg)

when men have these shiny slimy lips contrasting with a full beard. the only thing that's even more disgusting is when they have a chest full of thick hair a la neanderthal and the only part that isn't covered is their girly puffy pink nipples.
No. 1805884
>>1805879thank you nona this estimate will have to do
>>1805881I found some but several of these websites have awful UI themselves and it's unclear how up to date they are. I understand that there's also regional differences in pricing to complicate things
Also, Starbucks aside, I'm trying to figure out the price of tea from another restaurant and the only way to see is to get their app. Why can't there just be prices on the online menus without going through an ordering screen… they could easily let you check by store location or at least give an estimate but they make it as hidden as possible
No. 1805893
>>1805884Did you try fastfoodmenuprices? They usually keep their prices updated (it says at the top, I checked and their menu was updated on nov. 23) and iirc there's an option to select where you're from. It's just a list so you can ctrl f the name of the drink
I do agree though, It's so incredibly annoying how so many things with stores and fast food restaurants are app exclusive. I'm not even sure why they've made it like that and why it's become standard.
No. 1806268
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I hate that the renaissance faire went from a LARP-lite counterculture festival to a consoomerist merchant row. Tickets used to be affordable and you could do activities that weren't just paying to eat overpriced turkey legs or watching bawdy pirate comedy. My home state had incredible fairs 20-ish years ago (sorry I'm old) where the kids could at least go on scavenger hunts set up by fairy princesses. Where I live now has a fuck-off massive fair… but it sucks. It's just one giant marketplace and there's nothing for kids or adults to do that isn't wildly expensive or overcrowded. The pirate comedies are also no longer appropriate for all ages (they used to have a lot of parental bonus jokes but were still appropriate enough for kids to watch or partake in.)
I also hate that the fairs got overrun by other costume groups and that contributed to the expensive tickets and overcrowding. No one cared when it was just LOTR and fantasy LARPers (elves and fairies have been a part of the fairs since before my time), and most of us didn't mind too hard when the steampunks started attending in their gear-festooned garb. That sentiment shifted when the cosplayers and EGLs followed, and absolutely no one is happy about the BDSM freaks channeling their inner saucy bar wench except for the BDSM freaks playing saucy bar wench. I just hate what the festivals became. They used to be so much fun.
No. 1806445
>>1806435I feel so
triggered when I call customer service and an indian picks up. I hate that I can't talk about that shit with my leftie friends, but it's frustrating as fuck. I want to talk to someone who understands what's happening, not mandeep who will apologise 10 times in a sentence as a way to placate the customer.
No. 1806447
>>1806435Don't even mention that… my ISP (who are also the biggest telecommunication service in the country) has a AI chatbot you have to go through to open any case and get some actual help from a real person, and it's extremely frustrating. It'll ask you to tell "her" what your problem is, and you can't fucking get past "her", because it's retarded. Which in return will probably lead to even more people getting fired because "oh, it seems no one even needs a specialists, the AI must have solved their problem because it didn't make any outside calls this month". When usually is goes
>Hey, I'm Kate, tell me your problem>Yo, our set box doesn't seem to be working, can you send someone out to check on it>I do not understand. Did you say you want a service installation?>No, set box isn't working>I do not understand. Do you want to prolong your contract?>SET BOX PROBLEM>I do not understand. Could you repeat yourself?Fuck you, Kate
No. 1806527
>>1806435…..businesses sending customer support jobs overseas and chatbots have NOTHING to do with AI and everything to do with saving money.
Outsourcing existed well before AI and is never going away even if AI disappeared tomorrow wtf.
No. 1806534
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No matter how careful you pour your coffee or tea, there will always be a little at the bottom of your cup. Pisses me off.
I also hate how the catalog is so laggy and that sometimes it'll take you to a thread you didn't click on because it can't keep up with mouse movements
No. 1806609
>>1806600Sigur Ros is good for creative writing sometimes.
I get what you mean about the lofi stuff. I've tried a few of the working "coffeehouse music" streams but they are so hit or miss.
No. 1806635
>>1806609ya, unfortunately, in my case, it's academic writing. i do have a bone to pick with sigur ros specifically too, after a shitty concert i attended lol. a colleague of mine also once said that his male friend managed to hang out with sigur ros after a concert once, and that, coupled with that story about jonsi meeting his bf, embitter me so much. bunch of misogynistic fags, all of them (i am projecting). but their music just makes me cry tears of joy and sadness at the same time.
but if someone ever needs study music recommendations, animal crossing soundtrack is the shit.
No. 1806643
>>1806624lmao, omg,
nonnie. I swear that BG3 and Cottagecore fags are the exactly same people. It's insane how they can't think for themselves ever. You can't even find anything at artist alley anymore, unless it's super popular with young zoomers
No. 1806646
>>1806635holy shit, are you kidding me? I have only attended two concerts of theirs but they are one of my favorite bands and I am crushed to hear this about them. Thanks for letting me know though.
For academic writing, have you tried Anonymous 4? They are a female quartet singing medieval music. I'm trying to think of other things that really worked for me. (I'm in a silent writing phase rn). I'm working on my diss and want to kill myself every day, it's torture at the moment (just this chapter). If I think of anything else, I'll put it here. I did have a period of time where I wanted to listen to works by Maurice Ravel all the time but that's pretty niche. I also had a Swan Lake phase, yeah, idk.
No. 1806654
>>1806646nonna, take my words with a grain of salt. i haven't been personally victimized by sigur ros, nor do i know any woman who has been. i just get an off vibe from them.
thank you for the recommendations though, i will definitely give them a try.
No. 1807165
File: 1702266520040.jpg (970.99 KB, 3072x5120, GridArt_2565555.jpg)

Moids. But mainly that many of them leave their dying wives. Stats like these are what really broke the fairy tale illusion for me that finding a good moid is likely. So many men that leave their wife at one of the worst points in her life, yet of course a wife is always usually there when her husband is sick.
No. 1807179
>>1807165Worst part is that the divorce rate goes DOWN when the man is sick. Meaning women who would have otherwise divorced him, stick around specifically to take care of him.
I never want to get married, those stats are the most blackpilling of all.
No. 1807648
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How if you google something (say, a random word), the first result is always gonna be some kind of product, film/show or company that has that name. Like if I google "1 million", the first results will be the fugly ass cologne (I hate that design) instead of the number. Everything feels like a ad.
No. 1807926
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I HATE this
No. 1807967
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>>1807942Samefag, But Barbie is so plain jane and lackluster now. If they released a furry Barbie years ago, it would've been glittery with fairy wings and way brighter colors. The little pet is the best thing about that doll and that's not saying much.
No. 1807974
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>>1807967>But Barbie is so plain jane and lackluster nowBratz and Bratzfags were always cooler. I don't why, but they just are.
No. 1808012
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i hate retards who don't know what deckle edges are so they tank book reviews in online book stores with one star reviews because "the print is poor quality" when they're just too dumb to know about deckle edges. i also hate that publishers don't know how retarded people are and don't put in a disclaimer that explains how the uneven edges are that way on purpose.
No. 1808823
>>1808674If you don't mind listening to religious sperging, my trick to get out of telling people my beliefs is to ask about theirs.
>"Oh, you're [religion/denomination]? That's cool, what's it like?"Usually they'll talk about theirs to the point where they forget to ask about mine or move onto a different topic.
No. 1808843
>>1808674I hate religion. I've been an open atheist since I could finally move out of my house when I was 18. My mother isnt religous either, so when she passed, her entire family wanted to throw a funeral, when she stated in ink and paper she wouldnt want that. My father's family truly believes that if someone is in the hospital, they can die there and go to heaven; doctors shouldnt have to go so much to save people. Religion is non progressive. Look at the dumb ass war that has been going for 70+ years over some 'holyland.' If someone is religious, I will automatically assume you are brain dead, especially if you are hyper religious and truly believe there is a god and he has a plan for everyone.
After I was assaulted, I was told it was part of god's plan. I know no woman ever wants to hear this. It's extremely insulting.
No. 1809576
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>things you hate
How common and "normal" it is for the staff and boss to side with the most piece of shit customer over any employee. "Oh this trailer trash scrote started screaming slurs and sexual harassment at you because he got his math for his own change wrong? Well that's too bad because the customer is always right, and you need to get over yourself and apologize to him or you're fired!"
No. 1809597
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I really hate how hard it is to just get honest reviews out of people. I see this for every item I ever try to research. And no, it’s not hype for overpriced stuff that’s the issue. The two main problems I face is 1. being unable to tell any quality because the users are all mega retards who can’t read or 2. People hyping up shit products just because they’re so cheap and they are mad at the company who made the original design for pricing them more expensively. This just happened to me with the NICAPA ripoffs of the cricut cutting matts. Rave reviews, everyone insisting they’re soooo much better than cricut and how the cricut ones suck, when in reality the NICAPA ones have a weird texture glue on them that is way too tacky on the first cut or two and makes tears more likely, and they also won’t actually go in the machine unless you are pushing on it while the feed runs. Like it’s not completely useless but a far cry from the claims.
No. 1809699
>>1809597>People hyping up shit products just because they’re so cheap and they are mad at the company who made the original design for pricing them more expensively.I felt that in my soul. The amount of lies and tooth gnashing in some creative hobbies is insane. Also, this is like 90% of bjd owners and "customizers". ISTG they lie just so they can unload shitty dolls and products onto other unsuspecting buyers. But they'll rage out at you if you question the quality.
>>1807926They definitely know what they're promoting.
No. 1810045
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read this a decade ago and I still think it's for pickmes
No. 1810176
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When it was a trendy, I HATED rose gold. Anything in rose gold just looked so cheap to me. I tried so hard to like it but I just couldn't do it. I dislike it a lot less now-a-days but I definitely don't prefer it over regular gold or silver.
No. 1810178
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>>1810176Samefag but I will say it is pretty as a hair color.
No. 1810250
>>1810241I wish I could agree, and granted I have never seen a motel myself so I definitely believe you on that front, but that hotel is literally the worst hotel I've had to seen pictures of on ever since I moved to this place.
The tenants are not locals, their standards of cleanliness and not health hazardous are definitely something, they probably save a lot of money not doing any renovations (for humidity in bathrooms so that the ceiling paint doesn't fall off for example) or real deep cleaning of their rooms, but I would never recommend anyone sleep in that hotel just because it's cheap.
Usually cheap hotel offers here means you're sleeping in less than healthy cleaning standards and/or in buttfuck nowhere with a 45-60 minutes commute from the accomodation to the city center.
Too many people forget that cheap comes with other costs, if you don't have standards then fine. If you do and you still get the cheap service/item, you're simply a moron.
No. 1810419
File: 1702473746742.jpeg (65.07 KB, 638x638, E3EC5DF3-7B80-4FE4-BE7A-967A86…)

>get made fun of for liking certain thing
>thing gets popular among normies
>they fuck up the market and consoomers turn it into a pissing contest
>they fuck up the otherwise dormant and quiet fanbase with their screeching
>do this for a couple of months then move onto the next thing to ruin
This has happened without fail more than once and I’m just so tired.
No. 1810457
File: 1702476040533.jpg (34.64 KB, 564x564, a42f26a10d07fe7da074a450a85bb6…)

I hate this hairstyle on women.
It makes the top of the head poofy and looks like a dick tip and if it's longer in the back/sides gives out 70s pedo uncles vibe. It doesn't sit well on any face shape, because on longer faces it becomes a pineapple situation and on rounded face it's just sad.
I've seen countless hairstyles in my life and I'd take back tumblr space buns over this psych ward patient looking shit
No. 1810462
>>1810093yaoi is clean and female gazey, it's good.
irl faggots are dirty misogynistic little shits, I don't even shake hands with faggots because I know their fingers have been in some std ridden asshole. Plus their fashion sense is horrible and their voices are grating, I don't even speak to them
No. 1810477
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I hate this shit these dumbasses are gonna get girls killed and disabled bc of their kinky sex jewellery
No. 1810578
>>1810569Yeah, because they're foreign words they use in English? I don't call my grandparents grandma and grandpa in English when I'm speaking my own language lol, it's weird.
>>1810569>>1810571>>1810574Go shoot up a school lol, this is why you'll always be inferior
No. 1810581
>>1810402I saw that on LSA. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case in my country but they were talking about American countries. It's scary.
>>1810454It happened several times to my friends and sometimes they paid extra to get their stuff, including big pieces of furniture, delivered at home at a specific hour and date. They always fuck up. I only order small items and ask to get the delivered at specific stores so I'm sure I can go there after work easily instead of needing to go to some shithole by car, which I don't have.
No. 1810585
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>>1810562NTAYRT but Americans have a habit of larping as different fully ethnicities when they're just regular ass American-born "mutts". It's why you hear Americans say "oh, I'm 1/30th native american!". It's why you hear them call themselves things like "German, Swedish, French" and other things even though they've never been outside the USA and don't even speak any language outside of English. It's why you hear Americans call themselves Irish whenever it's St. Patrick's Day and they down bottles of shitty booze. They're bored with themselves and the "boring" label of being American, so they cling to whatever other identity they can weasel themselves into being. Including using random words from different languages to give themselves the impression that they're an honest to God "XYZ ethnicity".
No. 1810997
File: 1702494456898.png (12.57 KB, 484x203, IMG_4081.png)

>>1810874Yeah. It was a big thing on tumblr in the 2010s mainly influenced by Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock and One Direction kek
No. 1811092
>>1810997>5 quid fish and chipshello food poisoning
and lmao at tumblrinas romanticising chavs, they would have a panic attack just walking by a group of tracksuit-clad men drinking in public and listening to shitty 'ardcore
No. 1811364
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Don’t get me wrong I hate yandere dev as much as the next person and beleive that he is a disgusting groomer but lol wtf is this avatar and pose. I can’t take it seriously .
No. 1811647
>>1811630women are expected to be punching bags constantly even though its primarily women who defend "oppressed" groups like troons, gays, etc
other gay moids will literally get wives to mooch off of, give aids and other stds to their cheating partners and all other weird shit yet its women who are gross for existing?
No. 1811648
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>>1811630I don't have to imagine, I embody that male hatred every day
No. 1811666
>>1811662Really, I don't understand just what's the deal with that. Like why are the same made in China items so expensive when made in China shit costs less? I can only feel like a high price is justified when an item is actually handmade and doesn't even have a "made in insert 5th world country" tag.
I'm just sick of having to buy clothes and seeing those tags anywhere, knowing that for some dumbass reason I can't buy cute shit is tiresome.
No. 1811756
>>1811753sorry for the delete I fixed my grammar and that is still inaccurate. A more accurate statement would be that the "combo" of sperm and egg
transforms into an embryo, life continued. But yeah fuck the fags.
No. 1811944
>>1811941Hpv vaxs only covers the main cancer causing ones (depending on which Vax it's either 2 or 9 it covers).
There are at least 150 different ones.
T. Unlucky hpv nona who has to get pap smear every year to see if it's gone away, getting one this month and if it's not gone they said they need to zap the area (?)
No. 1811945
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>>1811549>When gay men try to say that they're better than women because vaginas are fishy, or they say that vaginas are dirty because we menstruate. Faggots have to suck as hard on their copium supply as they do cocks. They cannot stand that at the end of the day, men will pick us.
I can't even be mad at fags, it must be terrible to constantly be reminded how women have won and will always have their choice of man as a default.
When they say fucked up shit like this all I see are sniveling, red-faced toddlers throwing a tantrum because they have no real power except to try to make us feel bad because the men they want sure don't KEK.
No. 1811951
>>1811944>>1811941But yes I agree with you, I went on grindr looking for drugs since the fags in my city know where to get the good mdma. No pfp, no bio, everytime I'd click it it would show I'm online and I'm not exaggerating 5-6 faggots would message asking if they could come buttfuck me.
Not even a pic i show what i look like.
I was so grossed out I nuked the profile and uninstalled.
Incels go on about how shit women are, when you take women out of the of the equation men turn into even more filthy fucking degenerates who spread disease. Literally bug chasers. They couldn't stop buttfucking even if it meant it would save their life (aids).
No. 1811968
>>1811945At the end of the day, is not even the sexuality that matters, is that for some reasons, faggots are born with a specific set of personalities and shitty attitudes.
I've met chill faggots but they're like a drop in the ocean. I actually want to study faggots on some anthropoligical level. Aside from troonery, where it completely fabricated thus fake and artificial, faggotry is innate.
They follow a specific pattern:
>Dramatic personality, exxaggerated sensitivity>Consoomeristic tendencies>Innate obsession with fabricated femininity. I always get offended when faggots get described as "feminine men" because I never met an actual female, that wasn't a narcissistic pick me, act or dress like them. They're their own kind>Histrionic tendecies>Nonsensical sex drive>Unfaithful>Competitiveness>Dunning-Krueger effect where they believe that X or Y person is gay and they obsess over them, Larry fans tier>Gross fetishes>No empathy>The only women they respect are the ones who provide them entertainment>Grating, high pitched, fake sounding voice.It might be a personality disorder for all I think, it's so weird that the only trait that they share, liking dick, always comes with a lot of common traits that instantly make me clock a faggot.
No. 1811977
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>>1811941>>1811951Reading up about the AIDs crisis was honestly very depressing, because all they had to do was stop having unprotected sex with multiple male partners, that's it. but even before AIDs there were so many forms of STDs being created and spread en-masses coming straight from fecal matter.
No. 1811985
>>1811977>Out of the baths, into the ovens?Stuff that would awesome if only was true
Yes faggot, your aids and hpv viruses need to burn out. Not having sex won't kill you
No. 1811987
>>1811977I felt relieved when I realized the big scary AIDS was truly a “gay disease” like they tried to tell you it wasn’t
My eyes would glaze over in college when reading about a gay male artist after gay male artist dying young. You just knew. They just could not contain themselves.
No. 1812023
>>1811977This makes me kinda sad because I find the concept of bathhouses so comfy and useful (like for example popping into one after work or when outside is raining, taking a time for yourself and relax) but I just know that men will ruin it because either they will scream out about them being women only or them being flooded by troons, either way, they will feel the need to jerk off in the water or fuck each other. Hell, where I leave, moids meet up in mall bathrooms to fuck, truly animals.
In my countries, the most similar thing to a bath house are expensive SPAs but I don't want to pay like 150€/day just to chill in warm water and maybe taking a shower when I get drenched in the rain. Faggots ruined everything, from our fun spaces and niches (like dolls) to our heatlth, walking biohazards.
No. 1812060
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I hate people who say "If not friend, then why friend shaped?" Every single fucking post on IG about animal education and rehabilitations centers have those same ass tired comments. Worse are the ones asking where to get said wild animals as pets because they are cute. I hate people so much
No. 1812284
>>1811991>If artificial wombs were real then great transplant them thereKek what for? So they can actually become alive and be born, then I assume you'd take care of them all?
Embryos are as alive as bacteria. Human DNA doesn't really make a difference, tumors have human DNA but you wouldn't want to save them.
The point is that it's unethical because of all the resources and time wasted on embryos so a couple of stupid rich faggots can choose their favourite, and then they'll have some poor woman birth it and then the baby will inevitably get abused.
No. 1812293
>>1811985>>1811941Ones of my friends had a male relative with HPV who also apparently never washed his hands, because he infected her whole house with his smegma, and people who went in there after him got body warts. I got them around my fingernails, I must have had cracked cuticles/hangnails the day I got exposed. She was so ashamed, but it wasn't her fault. She cleaned regularly, but she didn't know that she needed to burn the whole house down. Males are just nasty.
>>1811977>>1811980Monkeypox, seeing shit like this, and the now quarterly stories about gay couples using their adopted son (s) as child rape slaves is what finally broke my idealized view of gay men. Oh, and the part where the famous ones all admit to getting molested as young teens, and don't see anything wrong with it.
No. 1812538
>>1811980I remember seeing some health organization release a PSA recommending to "reduce the number of new sexual partners" and the language they were using was really soft, like they were saying "try to have deviant uncontrolled sex a little less than usual!" rather than "stop doing it, because it's causing a horrible disease."
I wish it was acceptable again to demand for people to have some self-control, I'm sick of this culture where people BAWWW about kinkshaming or not being sex positive or about even modest expectations for chastity being some regressive concept. With other things we still recognize (at least a little…) that its wrong to be a slave to every impulse but for some reason people think they're entitled to whatever unhinged behavior they want if they're turned on. The other day I saw a guy with an account full of diaper fetish stuff harassing a single mother and he played the
victim when her friends defended her and shamed him, because "nuuu its my kink you can't criticize that!" Awful mentality
No. 1812664
File: 1702601070949.png (Spoiler Image,391.99 KB, 566x585, IMG_2890.png)

I hate how coomer art has this weird fog/steam around the face motif. I see this shit a lot in the tranny thread and it bothers me. Like what the fuck is it trying to convey?
No. 1812737
>>1812664It's trying to visually express feeling hot and flushed in the face from embarrassment, note how it's paired with sweating and blushing. Steam clouds are also often used in hentai so they probably picked up the trope from there
Troons have an obsession with humiliation, I guess in part due to how socially inept and laughable they are
No. 1812739
File: 1702605014197.png (495.07 KB, 489x489, 1671233371630.png)

I am sick of meeting "lesbians" and finding out their "girlfriend" is a mtf sissy level tranny. Lesbians will truly never be able to escape men and larpers invading our space
No. 1812810
>>1812284There’s a waiting list of couples wanting newborns, I wouldn’t have to take care of them all. But in an ideal world faggots wouldn’t do IVF and surrogacy in the first place.
Another retarded argument that won’t get you anywhere. A tumor isn’t a separate organism from the host, it won’t turn into a new human, absolutely not the same as an embryo.
No. 1813176
>>1813154My empathic nature isn’t being weaponized, I can assure you. I arrive at my convictions by comparing and contrasting with other things I know are true. It’s very hard to feel anything over them because they don’t look like “standard” humans walking around but I know that’s what they are since all measures of humanity are arbitrary except for if the organism has its own human DNA or not.
They were human beings created and killed for no reason besides moid narcissism. IVF should be banned.
No. 1813198
>>1813176I guess you think something like HeLa cells are human and people too. Your empathy is absolutely being weaponized against you. An embryo won't develop by itself, they were frozen, far far FAR from concious and at that stage they can't feel anything. They're technically alive the same way a tumor or even a plant are alive, except the latter may be more complex than that.
>>1812810Kek you're naive if you think abandoned newborns can easily get a normal foster family and couples are waiting in line to get them. The truth is that very few people adopt, and among them are many abusers. Again you only want this hypothetical children to be born because "the embryo is a person" (untrue) but you don't care about what happens to them afterwards.
And you're also ignorant because you think an embryo will magically develop by itself (it won't) and it's totally different from bacteria or tumors. They're not people at that stage, get over it. It's fine if you believe they are, but the fact is that's they aren't.
No. 1813566
File: 1702661699490.jpg (114.5 KB, 1500x844, art on the floor.jpg)

leaving art on the floor is so fucking tacky, why do people do this?
No. 1813743
>>1813190That's not "infantilization", those things are common occurrences even if you have people reading ability and make the correct choices.
>>1813207And this too. Every time I see those arguments on lc is whenever someone's trying to
victim blame women who were abused or excuse giant age gap relationships.
No. 1814152
File: 1702686360703.jpeg (26.95 KB, 400x400, F2489A64-4BBF-4BD9-BCE9-EE484F…)

>>1814062I hate it because she looks like a little girl. Porn is disgusting.
No. 1814654
File: 1702713530805.png (528.02 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20231216-085546.png)

>>1814217This is actually the only way I don't lose my keys - key difference is that my carabiner is retractable, and I attach it to my bag. I just reach over to the side, use whatever key I need, and it snaps back into place. Wherever I go, my bag goes, and thus my keys. Please pass on my top tip to all your local tiny hats and let them know there is a way to annoy everyone with their jangling AND function in society.
No. 1815030
>>1814887The entire drag queen era ruined so many women. So many fag hags were open about supporting gay moids and drag queen faggots. They dont even care that drag is just a mockery of women. I hate so much how so many zoomers use the words 'slaaay' and 'yass' as part of their normal vocabulary.
Plenty of Lesbians and Bisexual women on lolcow at least don't support that.
No. 1815240
File: 1702756775224.png (209.82 KB, 753x707, 1700778367138.png)

Seeing 13-16 year old girls on twitter "joke" about wanting to be battered by their boyfriends
No. 1815443
File: 1702763891381.png (357.79 KB, 1200x675, dave-the-diver-all-fish-guide-…)

What the fuck is this? Why would I wanna play as this fat fuck?? This is bullshit, I thought it looked fun and comfy but now I'm not touching this game with a 10 foot pole, fuck whoever made this
No. 1815622
>>1815443>playing a Dr. Eggman-shaped guyyesss
>reddit soyjack faceew no why
No. 1817636
File: 1702870405688.jpg (116.44 KB, 584x418, 1000006318.jpg)

I can't tell if I hate this. I'm just unsure how to feel about this image
No. 1817642
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I hate Dr. Pepper
No. 1817705
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I hate this ugly man so much it’s unreal even before he made that shitty clown cartoon
No. 1817814
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>>1810964I love Americana art, especially stuff by Norman Rockwell
No. 1817969
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I hate that most women with nigels will ignore and see their single friends as inferior to them, happened to me quite a lot.
All the while it's usually the ones who beg their nigels for crumbs of attention and bare minimum stuff and not wanting to partake in this masochistic bullshit will make you look insane in their eyes or assume that something is wrong with you. They are also quick to become your friend again as soon as you find your nigel and don't seem like a "threat" to them anymore. Some of them are deadass so insecure and think that you being single is going to ruin their relationship like fam, I wouldn't touch your moid even with a 10 foot pole, keep his musty ass to yourself all you want kek.
Also the normalization of dropping your women friends when they try to wake you the fuck up to the fact your moid isn't this perfect prince and he's worse than the worst woman possible.
No. 1818089
>>1813207it's projection because women take all the blame in everything
>>1813199typical spoiled brats who never experienced real violence
No. 1818131
>>1801340I remember seeing a guy with a porn studio logo on his car when I use to work in the city. He had anime girls in bikinis plastered around too. I also saw a guy with “PORN HUB” smacked right onto his motorcycle. He’s was definitely from
Mexico and not from here though. I know scrotes across the border absolutely normalize this shit.
No. 1818145
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>>1818139Alternative: Wear pic related to assert you believe men aren’t human and are useless pieces of meat
No. 1818174
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I posted this in another thread, but I hate these stupid shein mold candles.
Fat middle aged women buy them thinking its empowering when its just stupid moid coomer ideal bodyshapes that are worse than blowup dolls.
This candle sells for $70.
No. 1818220
>>1798627Sorry to hear that
nonny. recently yt showed me a channel made by a cute, nerdy, young guy with like 200 subscribers.
No. 1818601
>>1818563Neoteny and being able to get away with shit immature behavior because of it, or worse maybe even rewarded by beta moids is the problem.
Like it might be my background talking as someone who has a mom that gets shit done professionally and personally, but there are some millennial and zoomer girls/women that were raised to think they are always going to be a "babygirl" even if they're past 40, and so they can do no evil and can also not take any responsibility for anything bad that happens to them or when they harm themselves and/or others.
And that sometimes is under the guise of modern feminism and sometimes it's under the guise of general adoration of Hollywood IRL and in modern media tropy couples and portrayals of adult women (cuz that's what we should all strive for /end sarcasm).
That's why every time I see someone online or in my IRL connections "joking" about getting themselves a "Sugar Daddy", I turn even more into a misanthrope.
I think there's a clear difference between being mature and realizing that you ain't going to be the one lifting a couch up some stairs on your own, and just assuming that of course five rando moids from your workplace are going to help you for free because you gave them the puppydog eyes.
The first one, being the mature one, doesn't imply you're not allowed to get help, but it implies you'll do your part as an adult to get shit done, and feel some satisfaction from participating. And apparently a lot of people, the immature, always a kid/teenager don't find any interest in that cuz effort.
No. 1818674
>>1818662Sure, but I don't see how it's relevant to what I said. A teen girl is a human female between 13-17 years of age. I don't believe one can truly "behave like a teen girl on purpose", but rather that they can engage in stereotypical teen girl activities portrayed by media in an attempt to live the life they perceive teen girls live.
The point I was trying to make was that it is not unreasonable for humans to want to be teen girls, given the environment we live in which excessively glorifies them.
No. 1819016
>>1818244"women" is seen as too terfy, thanks to blue hair brats
I will never stop calling myself a grown woman
No. 1819023
>>1818658>>1818674men harass teen girls because they're horny and women harass teen girls because she reminds them of her lost youth. Everyone hates teen girls, even teen girls.
It was a miserable existence, no matter what you tries to do. Escapism is more common among teen girls
No. 1819273
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>>1819240They call those refrigerator women in comics. When they make a female character, just to kill her in a horrific way and progress the male character's story or emotional growth. it's disgusting. It most famously happened to Kyle (green lantern) in flash point, but it has been used too many times, like the main plot for Identity Crisis.
I used to read DC comics before I realized I couldnt take the sexism. it got worse and worse No. 1819356
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When all the recent posts are just some infight that I don't care about
No. 1819632
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Why would you get a nose job and have kids that will be born with your natural nose?
No. 1820284
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I hate that we can't have a cool female character in a souls type game because she is immediately sexualized. There's some boss in Lies of P (the new souls like game) where you fight an armored boss. When you can break her armor and find out she's a woman, all the comments are so annoying. Calling her mommy, etc. WHy are people so brain dead. I just want a cool armored female boss without her being sexualized. They did the same thing to Melania from Elden Ring.
No. 1820326
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No. 1820680
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>>1820284That's why out of all souls games, demon souls is my favorite, followed by bloodborne. I know executioner miralda was a minor character but I liked her. And yuria the witch is a way better than ranni. I know ranni is supposed to be a doll, but I don't like her anime doll face with thar tiny little noss. I much prefer the doll from bloodborne.
No. 1821141
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>things you hate
Parents who record themselves yelling at, grounding, or even whooping their kids with belts. Holy fucking shit, as shitty as my mom was with her parenting, parents who upload videos of their kids being punished make me very grateful that my mom didn't go that far. Imagine being twelve, doing stupid kid things for your age, but instead of your parents sitting you down to give you a long talk and grounding you like normal people, they whip out their phones and record you being forced to say that you're just a dumb kid who doesn't know how to wipe your ass. Then your parents post it on the internet so that thousands to millions of people get to see and laugh at you being humiliated, even when years pass. I don't think it's a viral thing for parents to do, and thank God for that, but it still fairly happens enough for content like that to still be around.
No. 1821566
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>>1820506>spoilerI agree so much, the amount of people larping as being aboriginal is insane. At lot of them also like to pretend to be downtrodden
victims of a racist society despite the fact that they are white and no one would ever know that they have aboriginal ancestry if they didn’t mention it at every opportunity. It’s so accepted in society too, in America native larpers get bullied into oblivion but in Australia they are coddled and you get called racist if you ever even dare to suggest that someone that is blond haired, blue eyed and pale skinned may not be a full blood aboriginal, it’s like we’re operating under the ‘one-drop rule’.
Also this reminds me of the news article of a university proudly proclaiming about how they have ‘a record number of indigenous people’ graduating as doctors at the same time, and you look at the photo and they are all white, pic related.
No. 1821840
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I need to make it clear that 1. I understand it's retarded to care what reddit scrotes think and 2. the truerate subs are designed to put women down but picrel is the one woman who, whenever posted, gets tons of comments about how she's a 10/10 and I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong she's very beautiful but these are the subs who take off points for negative canthal tilts. Those types are always going to be biased towards white blonde women but even compared to other white blonde women I still don't get it.
No. 1822058
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>>1821875how can you hate these little guys
No. 1822091
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>>1822081alright ill just post another one then
No. 1822141
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>>1821900Their nuts are so big they drag behind them. Fooking gross.
No. 1822501
>>1821566KEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK your picrel. literally considering doing this to pay for med school lmfao if theyre going to be retarded about this may as well take advantage.
(i dont think i could actually bring myself to because im not that ruthless also i doubt i could get my parents on board. which is another thing- i feel like some of these younger ones are almost like MBP kids, if you look into these white aboriginal families theres SO often a total psycho mum obsessed with ancestry who undoubtably spent her kids childhood telling them about their sacred mob)
No. 1822994
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I hate snakes and snake owners.its very cruel to own one,they have absolutely no emotions or feel any kind of love other than their own kind.I hate how everyone treats snakes as some kind of adorable innocent animal and
anthropomorphizing them for example calling them danger noodle and some other retarded shit.vile creatures.
No. 1823353
>>1823314No,are you lost?
Do you know which thread you're in?
I can call them whatever I want,deal with it.
No. 1823355
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>>1822998A lot of these snake owners just treat them like objects rather than pets,I mean look at this, collecting snakes as if they were some Funko pops.I just hate reptiles owners in general and they act so oppressed when nobody else can stand them.
No. 1823905
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i hate this specific form of moid humour where the goal is to trick someone into searching up porn or some other shock image. it's happened so many times before like with boku no pico, lemonparty, 2girls1cup, etc etc. they get some gross satisfaction from exposing someone to degen shit. men stop being coombrains challenge (impossible)
No. 1823962
File: 1703233955167.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.23 KB, 1290x1525, 20231222_033134.jpg)

Gay men who are so desensitized to their circlejerk misogyny online that they think peak humor is photoshopping a hairy vagina over a mans unibrow is a normal thing to do to try to make fun of or humiliate them for their looks. Meanwhile they're all mega hairy themselves with blown out cow pussy holes omg. Like I did not scroll with intention of seeing this but gay men have autism and are missing any common sense.
No. 1824423
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this weird smile. my irl friend does it too and it makes her look like a retard. hate it even more when moids do it.
No. 1824782
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>2 male characters
I dislike transbian headcanons so much
No. 1824808
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I hate the coconut flakes that are sometimes randomly on chocolates or cream donuts (or when the inside of a chocolate bar is just coconut EW), I also hate coconut water, it's disgusting. Coconut in general should only be used in your hair because ingestion otherwise is nasty (other than coconut milk in soups and curries etc)
No. 1826511
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>>1822994Most snake owners do not live feed their pets, 90% of them are at the same conclusion that it's needlessly cruel and even dangerous for their snake. The vast majority of owners use frozen thawed rats and mice that have been warmed up, and use tongs to make the rodent look like it's moving.
Responsible pet owners don't do things that can cause potential harm to an animal that they care for (and usually have spent a large sum of money on), and most people who like snakes have empathy for all sorts of small animals, fuzzy or not. You're entitled to not liking snakes, but they aren't vile or mean animals. Assigning morality to the diet of an animal is sort of stupid, no? We do much worse things to animals that we eat, and I'm sure you don't call yourself a monster when you eat a cheeseburger.
No. 1826520
>>1826349The media in my country unironically depresses and
triggers me. Everything on tv is either super "realistic", meaning ugly, grey and depressing or super sexual. There's hardly anything without sex scenes, full frontal nudity (of a fat old man), everybody being divorced and depressed, or wokepandering like somehow every character being bi. Even commercials are insufferable. And everybody on tv is insanely ugly because "we're no like those other not-deep and superficial countries".
I don't care if this makes me childish and having a bad taste, I try to stay away from it as much as possible and only consume happy unrealistic asian (and some american) stuff.
No. 1826538
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>>1826511I don't care what you say those things are still disgusting and vile I don't really know why it's bothering a lot of anons when I say that lol stop being so sensitive over some glorified legless lizards that won't hesitate to bite you.
No. 1826543
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nonnie no legless lizards are their own thing
No. 1826561
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>>1820016me too, I know Faust regretted making that character and episode but her design was so based
No. 1826696
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i hate (most) millennial parents and their gen alpha ipad babies
No. 1826819
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People who are “anti-gatekeeping”.
No. 1826885
>>1826646That's true about a lot of animals. Fortunately the vast majority of us are now in situations where we don't need to use that evolutionary instinct all the time, and we can appreciate the unique qualities of all sorts of animals together. Just as we have evolutionary fear, as humans we have inate curiosity of our surroundings.
>>1826538I'm sorry that you've been personally victimized by snakes. I hope you can find peace one day.
No. 1827237
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I'll never not be mad that the concept of reddeming sinners in hell was made by an anti-christian, becasue Vivzie's take on it is the exact atheist fedora tipping expected and it lacks the nuance to look a religion and the nature of a place without God in the context of the Old and New Testament and a cast of both human sinners and not human devils/fallen angels.
Like I had a fun time learning about how nasty the Phoenician/Canaanite peoples where and you bet Hazbin Hotel is going to skip over how evil demons are becasue they love God and hated humans so much they wanted to make humanity more evil/beastial than our typical nature.
I just think there's untapped potential for Christian stories that aren't just adaptations of the Bible stories itself. I would fight for an actual adaptation of Dante's Divine Comedy in general but it would be cool to see new stories that aren't trying to recruit people as if it's a cult or are made by people who actively hate the religion.
No. 1827445
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Crochet pet peeve, I hate when people make hat patterns but don't model it or at least put it on a mannequin head. I want to see how it will sit ffs.
yeah I know picrel is knit, it was just the first I found
No. 1827527
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Like come on
No. 1827529
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>>1821875Whenever the gross Molly soda thing was popular and girls would make vids and pics of them with nasty fat testicled rats crawling all over them. I at least understand mice over rats.
No. 1827557
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>>1827542Who are the people who would think a tattoo like that is sexy? Even the average tramp stamp looks miles classier than whatever the fuck that abomination is
No. 1828492
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what the fuck is new balance ad? it's giving barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen cult propaganda
No. 1828827
I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but goddamn it, if no one said it so far, I will. People who go out in their goddamn pyjamas or outfits that are made for chilling at home, like a pink or blue kigurumi onesie with Crocs or socks and flip flops in a goddamn fucking coffeeshop, or anywhere downtown. Anyone who does that has lost control over their lives.
And I'm not even an extremist, I sometimes take out my trash with a towel turban on my head because I just got our of the shower, but I at least wear a normal set of pants and some sweater or whatever if I do that. I have colleagues who were raised in the old GDR, the towel turban is already the last straw for em, because people used to spy on each other and report that stuff, so there's no way you'd catch them with sweatpants to take the trash outside, they'd be properly dressed. Like I said I'm not an extremist but the moment you're unironically walking around outside of your home, in a home attire, you're not better than a 4 yo kid chosing what they want to wear for school despite what their parents say.
No. 1828889
>>1828205Kek I agree but I want to hear your reasoning.
For me, the profession is corrupted by an almost religious dependence on the Magic of Pharmaceuticals with a frankly flippant disregard for the ever mounting proof that many psychiatric drugs do more harm than good. So many psychiatric ideas are just terrible, the institution of diagnosis in psych is fucked from the get go.
On a more personal level, psychiatry departments are staffed by morons who refuse to help even and especially when a given case is theirs to manage. Nothing more intolerable than trying to get a psychiatry consult for a psychiatric patient who has presented to emergency.
So many of them are scam artist vultures watching trends in diagnostics that they can exploit (though this also extends to psychology) notice how many autism/adhd “specialists” and “clinics” have popped up recently kek.
No. 1830128
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I hate men's brow ridges. They just make them look like ugly Neanderthals.
No. 1830132
>>1830119In what way dependent? People can
and definitely will complain if you don't have one, but they can't force you.
No. 1830145
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>>1830128In this it looks so bad because he falls or gets kicked in his face so often kek.
No. 1830517
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This tree. FUCK this tree. Everyone always claims cutting sugar from your diet will eliminate environmental allergies and guess what, I'm still sneezing like there's no tomorrow even with dietary changes and two types of allergy medication. If I could, I would burn every single one of these damn trees to the ground for always making me and others miserable during the holidays and the few cool months we have before the 9 month Summer arrives again.
No. 1830866
I'm tired of Duolingo. Duolingo is the most harmful thing to ever some out of human civilization. I am shocked at how they are somehow able to trick people into installing that garbage app. I'm currently learning a third language (and it has been pretty rewarding so far), I have some friends that have decided to do the same, and they definitely would have succeeded if it wasn't for the devilish temptation that is Duolingo.
Anons, I am telling you this from the bottom of my heart: do NOT install Duolingo. Do not even think of installing Duolingo. Whatever you are hoping to learn there, there are faster, better, and cheaper alternatives to learn it. There is zero reason to use Duolingo, ever.
Another thing that I hate is that Duolingo users are also in a constant state of sunk cost fallacy (because they've already wasted so many days, they can't possibly admit to themselves that despite reaching a 1000 day streak they still can barely hold a conversation). So whenever you try to tell them that hey, since this app isn't working maybe you should change your approach a little, they will come at you with the biggest cope ever seen in the history of mankind.
>I'm too busy with school/work/etc!! I can't possibly study on my own!! (Never mind the fact that you're wasting your time on essentially nothing.)
>Duolingo is good enough!! I don't need anything else!! (Never mind all the bilinguals that try to warn people about how terrible Duolingo is.)
>I can't possibly start reading texts on my own!! I'm too much of a beginner!! (How the fuck do you expect to learn, then?!)
>I prefer Duolingo because I'm a visual learner!! (This one is 100% pure copium)
Stop using Duolingo. I wish that stupid app would just burn to the ground. The damage it has done to the minds of people cannot be understated. If any anon reading this is currently using Duolingo, STOP. Uninstall the app immediately and put that brainpower towards reading a good book in your target language instead. It'll suck at first, it'll be painful, but if you keep this up you'll be able to actually read your target language in no time. Fuck Duolingo. I want it to be gone so badly
No. 1831029
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Get this a lot with book recs or tips for accent reduction on reddit, it always plays out like picrel lmao
No. 1831140
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>>1830866I installed it to cram before a spontaneous trip, immediately uninstalled when I saw this load screen. I learned 15 words A DAY at my laziest just using an anki deck. You can learn 100 words in a month by watching subtitled movies and not studying at all. Completely useless app.
No. 1832978
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I hate autistic people. They can't stop announcing they're autistic in every conversation.
No. 1833011
>>1832978Me too. I feel like most autistics have some type of complex related to their personalities in comparison to the personalities of the "normies" (non-autistics in general), it's always that they are "very silly/vain" or "very serious, logical, intelligent" as if only autistic people can have some sort of personality? They say they hate the stereotypes put over them, but clearly they love to be called "intelligent" or "innocent" just because their brains came different/wrong (?). Even though not every autistic person is intelligent, or even worse, some are extremelly dumb (to the point of retardation) just like normal people.
Why the stereotypes? I believe it must be due to the fact that most diagnosed autistics are males/boys.
Anyways, i hate when autistic people do their sort of humble-bragging about being sooooo sensitive to sound, touch, smell, or being so hyperfixated or any of those symptons that are hyper quirky. Like. Okay? I'm so sorry you can't pay attention to shit because the tap is leaking
No. 1833313
>>1833295Nona have you read
Anthem? lol
No. 1833333
>>1833313No? How is it related?
The only anthem I know is a failed video game
No. 1833334
>>1833062I dont mind this sort of fiction but i hate Dead Poets Society it was just too cheesy which is a shame because i like the message. New academia-oriented media also sucks because the authors are trying way too hard to be le dark academia-core so itd soulless and the characters relationship and coming of age themes are weak because the authors main priority is to make something that looks good on a moodboard. Old academia-oriented books can also be super obnoxious because they are spreading the message that a high educated man is superior to everyone and that "boys will be boys". At least the old books are more genuine because the author based them on their own schooldays so the connection between the characters feels real.
>>1833295>What the fuck is that "we" trend that has been creeping up lately?on lolcow or on the internet in general?
No. 1833660
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This is my least favorite fashion trend ever, the langire top with jeans. Sometimes I see it paired with a blazer and it makes me even more upset. Looks like shit, most disparate combo of clothes. Looks cold and hot and scratchy and uncomfortable
No. 1833672
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No. 1833746
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I hate porn and hate people like the twitards in the replies that think it's "so awesome and based!!" This scrote is in a university position and films this shit with his wife? Nasty.
No. 1833897
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YouTube has been reccomending tiny channels lately. That's fine and all but it tends to be depressing people vlogging. What I hate is that this fail male tranny is vlogging with Osaka (pic related) as his thumbnail in every video and avatar. His doomer coomer ass could never be that funny or easygoing. Attention failmales, Azumanga belongs to the girls. You will never be a nonchalant borderline retarded anime girl.
No. 1834092
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I hate terrible sausage fingers that death fats get. They gross me out so bad
No. 1834749
>>1834717Those two attitudes have the exact same goal, to pressure women into partnering with men, to service them sexually and do emotional labour for them out of fear (that she'll die alone or he'll shoot up a school).
The most feminist thing a woman can do is choose to be single, just existing in a way that doesn't benefit men sends them spiralling and seething.
No. 1835028
>>1835003You're probably going to get accused of tradthotting by someone but I agree honestly. My unpopular opinion is that sex should be treated with more respect rather than the careless attitude people have about it now where it's just something that everyone does with no meaning, not for stupid "ohh men prefer virgins, women should never have desires it's uggo" reasons that retard "conservative" men push but because it demonstrably IS predominantly harming women. Women are more vulnerable to being harmed by sex (due to male violent and exploitative behavior/mindsets), are the ones affected by pregnancy, are the ones who usually get the brunt of side effects from efforts to prevent pregnancy (painful IUDs, hormonal irregularities, just the stress and burden of responsibility), and then don't even usually get as much enjoyment out of it.
It is such a raw deal and I'm so mad that so many people don't see it, idiots from all different "sides" ignore women's dignity and see it as this inconsequential little thing to squabble over. As if it was as basic of a debate as "women are cute with short hair!" vs "eww, I hate short hair on women!" It depresses me so much that people have this popular notion where treating women as nothing more than outlets for pleasure is somehow supporting them, and that it's anything goes as long as both people agree to it, the inclusion of actual love and respect and safety don't matter apparently.
Every time I see a guy who acts all befuddled and like he's being treated unfairly because he had sex with a woman he doesn't care about and she got pregnant (or is worried about it), I want to alog so badly it's unreal. Loving that woman and the possibility of creating a child are so much more relevant to what sex is about than how it makes his stupid ugly penis feel, moids have it all backwards. I feel like maybe it was a bit better at some times in the past but I hesitate to side with "conservatives" because I have a hunch that most have always prioritized their own coom since forever.
Nobody ever wants to hear me out and just accuses me of being a square or a tradfag because I think chastity is important. But it's NOT because of some wishy washy "women are icky" reason, it's because maybe
men ought to learn some self-control and take responsibility instead of finding ways to placate the misery that inevitably stems from viewing women as commodities! I mean, we laugh at people who feel entitled to money and get upset when they don't get the riches they seek, so why don't we tell off people who feel entitled to women, which is way more absurd because at least money is an object?
Sorry for sperging I just feel very strongly about this topic.
No. 1835535
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wasted potential
No. 1835827
Cillian Murphy is so pretentious and obnoxious. He always carries on about the music he made when he was younger, and tried to sound deep and plays up how talented he was. This is the trash his band made kek
No. 1835829
>>1835393Hard agree, it's interesting in a historical sense, but I don't get why anyone feels the need to argue over that shit.
Nationalists are just people with no redeeming traits or positive qualities so they base their entire personality off of their nationality (and their race in most cases)
No. 1835988
>>1835344girl me too. i was in one of the most infamous cities at the time too, held out as long as i could but my degree + housing + ability to buy food were all threatened and i had to fold. i will never trust my nations government after that ordeal.
on topic: i hate my fucking faggot excuse for a country
No. 1836048
>>1836042But most of the time when someone is "calling out" samefagging, they're wrong. You can tell cause like 99% of the time no one actually gets banned for same fagging.
>This also wouldn't happen if anons didn't cry "that wasn't me!!" Over any reply even when it wasn't directly accusing them of being the other person I rarely even see this happen so idk. Most of the time someone does get accused of being another anon, or they repeat an argument that was made by a different anon so the other person has to make it clear it wasn't them.
Only semi-related, I honestly do believe that anons needing to know who every anon is and wanting everyone to differentiate themselves has a direct link to the rise in personalityfagging.
No. 1836102
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When I'm watching a mukbang or eating with someone and they have sauce or oil on their hands and they pickup their cup with their DIRTY, SAUCY/GREASY hands and leave sauce all other the cup. You people are fucking pigs! You should be out eating hay and dirt like the barnyard animal you are! Use a straw or just wipe your hands before you drink something!
No. 1836138
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i’m watching catfish and i hate all the stupid moids on it. they can’t actually be this fucking retarded, right? you don’t think to do a reverse image search before sending a girl hundreds of dollars? at this point you’re asking to be catfished. and are they seriously that delusional that they think gorgeous model women would be with their greasy coomer asses?? they’re so desperate for pixelated tits that it pollutes their common sense?
No. 1836145
>>1836138There's a channel on youtube where they help out boomers n elderly people who are being scammed and show them that the person is catfishing with stolen pics. Some of them are so old that I kinda get why they need the help to search up shit. But what bugs me is how much more angry the comments get over old women thinking they're talking to a real man. They rarely even involve age gaps or a massive looks gap but these women are put down for thinking anyone would want them. They're the biggest idiots on earth.. k
Meanwhile old men being catfished and scammed by men posing as 20 year old drop dead stunning lingerie models.. oh I feel so bad for him! He just wanted love! Oh hes married already?.. but he must be miserable and lonely in his marriage!
No. 1836220
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>>1836207What's your problem man
No. 1836252
>>1836244Not what I said. I do think samefagging happens, just not as often as anons accuse other anons of samefagging during infights or whatever. Also,
>so true!Why are you talking like that
No. 1836513
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I hate the state of the contemporary entertainment industry. God forbid you want to get in the industry and you're older than 20/21 especially as a woman or you aren't some nepo baby or rich kid who can afford all these meetups with industry folks. Yes, the industry relied on connections and the who you know game since the crackass dawn of time, but it's way worse now, despite the work one has put in that domain. And it happens worldwide too, not just in America's Hollywood. 15-20 years and dare I say even 10 years ago you had new faces in television that came from humble backgrounds (in my country at least) and weren't some rich kid. Now, it's just rich kids who can afford things like art school (that usually is the door to the industry here).
It saddens me to see talented and creative people not making it just because of these petty things and rich people gatekeeping the industry to themselves and thus, it became bland with no taste at all.
No. 1836528
>>1836513I wouldn't even mind rich kids and nepobabies that much if they actually had talent and if the movies that are made today were actually worth seeing. Liza Minnelli and Sean Astin, famous nepobabies, are both decent actors. I'm just tired of mediocre, bland hacks with no personality starring in films with almost AI-generated milquetoast scripts and safe dialogues with maybe some extra wokeness shoehorned in where it doesn't belong. Not that movies in the 90s and 2000s were brimming with originality but even those had some charm to them that made you at least take a look. I can't say there was a movie in the past 5-10 years that genuinely made me want to go see it.
I also noticed that storytelling is all over the place and movies rarely feel cohesive now. I thought it was nostalgia goggles until I went and saw some older films from the 90s for the first time. They genuinely never made me want to scroll my phone and held my attention just fine.
No. 1837005
>>1835340That’s weird that milk donation banks haven’t been accepting donations from the vaccinated in person because online it states they’re permitted to do so. I also read that about half of the parents seeking surrogacy request unvaccinated surrogates. That tracks with the representation of political beliefs amongst the population so there would naturally be a demand for unvaccinated mothers.
As far as reducing spread, it did. Along with those who had immunity from previous infections. It wasn’t great how the vaccines were required but I understand why it was pushed because our health systems were at critical mass and completely overloaded. Really it was a choice between whether you wanted to risk infection or risk the effects of the vaccine which annoyingly might’ve been a similar outcome anyway. I do wish that was listed in the fine print because I stayed at home most of the time and for me, risk of transmission was quite low. So it’s like I willingly contracted Covid to minimize the capacity strain on hospitals. I wonder now what would’ve happened if we just let the health systems collapse. Maybe then they would’ve done something about the absolute state they’re in. Like why should the onus be on a random citizen
No. 1837033
>>1837005>As far as reducing spread, it did.Did it really? Or was it just the natural immunization that happened with everyone catching covid at some point? A lot of people caught covid during the first waves, but the truth is that a lot more people got it without noticing, so you can imagine just how may people already caught and healed from covid before the vaccine even arrived. SO covid become "weaker" over time could very well be the result of natural infection occurring in most of the population.
I don't believe in the vaccine reducing spread because Pfizer clearly said that they weren't tested to reduce the spread (and this is not tinfoil, they literally said it). Most vaccinated people got covid within a couple of months after the vaccination, some even a week after. It doesn't stop the spread. You could argue that it helps with the severe symptoms but even that's unclear because a lot of people who caught covid (I'd say most of them) also had light symptoms while unvaccinated. Right now the covid vaccine seems to be utterly useless because covid right now is like a regular flu.
>>1835333Did you live under a rock? Banning people from traveling, access to public buildings, healthcare (in my country unvaccinated people couldn't get surgery during the vaccine pass thing), stores, work and schools isn't exactly straight up genocide but it's discrimination and it shouldn't be acceptable. They were banning people from having a job and a life. I never got that shit not only because it was pretty clear it didn't work, but also because the way they were enforcing it was surreal and evil. I'd never trust anything the government wants to shill to me THAT much by even denying the people the right to work. They were freezing the back accounts of peaceful protesters ffs.
No. 1837040
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It's so frustrating. Almost every time I find some cool unique home decor stuff on etsy it's just overpriced rubbish from aliexpress, wish or something like that. When I try to find a shop that's more sustainable and sells something similar, I can't find anything as cute as the stuff on these cheap websites.
It also takes the fun out of browsing etsy when I have to make sure the item is not rubbish being resold for ten times the original price.
No. 1837047
>>1837040I stopped using Etsy because of this. Bought something "handmade" that I later saw on Amazon. Ugh.
There has also been a bunch of scandals with them not giving their sellers the money they earned and them allowing pedo items, so I deleted my account.
No. 1837072
>>1837033>Did it really?Yes. It did. Even if the central concept and purpose of the vaccine is to gain immunity without the need to catch the virus itself and its associated risks, it also did reduce transmission. But you’re right in that it was not researched to reduce spread in the initial trials. That was not promised at approval, however it did anyway. There are numerous studies which support vaccine effectiveness, lowered transmission rates and immediately lowered hospitalizations following vaccine rollout especially for the first couple of variants. These studies also account for those who are tested to have antibodies from previous infections. They’re on the Lancet, pubmed, various other research study journals.
My personal concern with the vaccine isn’t effectiveness, it’s safety. Because conceptually the vaccine was formulated to principally gain immunity which also varies depending on the individual’s own immune systems and genetics, I’m not sure if they had time to trial for long term safety. I mean obviously they wouldn’t have been able to. So ergo my problem is that it was advertised as being completely safe and without risks. Speaking of, that’s one word I’m completely sick of. But everything has risks and a vaccine that couldn’t undergo the years of clinical trials necessary can’t guarantee no risks. I’d have liked to have known any severe side effects and the respective percentage outcome values of each.
I know this is drawn out already but for example, Accutane is very effective in resolving treatment resistance acne in adults. However, anybody under 18 years is unable to undergo treatment without parental sign off due to the certain horrendous birth defects it causes. There’s also a less than 1% chance of liver failure and a chance of liver toxicity in 15% of the users taking it. With this data I was able to ascertain that I would only opt for one treatment of isotretinoin. We didn’t have detailed and thorough data like that when the Covid vaccine was introduced to market and researchers are probs still working on determining that data tbh.
No. 1837077
>>1837047nta but
>Bought something "handmade" that I later saw on Amazonhappened to me too. i bought resin bookmarks for 12 buck but later i found the same thing on aliexpress for like 3 euros. i'm usually good at spotting resellers but this time i was fooled by them taking their own pics instead of using the same pictures from the aliexpress store.
No. 1837083
>>1837040I only buy screen printed tshirts, vintage clothes or crystals every now and then (yeah go ahead and clown they’re pretty) on Etsy now. If jewelry or a gift item catches my eye and is advertised as handmade I also double check on Aliexpress to be sure I’m not supporting dropshippers. It’s more convoluted now for sure
I have a theory Aliexpress sellers also take inspiration/direct rips off of Etsy sellers so beware of that too
No. 1837404
>>1837040Extremely relatable, it makes me so sad that cute designs are always cheap aliexpress garbage and actual quality products from trustworthy brands are always just plain black and white minimalist styles. I get that black is "safer" and appeals to more consumers but it sucks. And because of the etsy spam it's hard to find the small artists making pretty and functional products since they're drowned out.
>>1837152Speaking personally I don't know of shops like this in my city but I also mostly shop online because I don't have a car and don't want to go through cumbersome travel just to browse and potentially not find anything
No. 1838177
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I fucking hate Made in Abyss and I hate youtube. I watched one anime related video and this disgusting shit appeared in my recommended. It's so obvious the author is a pedo inserting his countless degenerate fetishes in his work and I have zero respect for the retards jumping to defend it at every chance. I think anyone reading it (assuming they're not turned on by it) does it out of pure morbid curiosity (if not sadism) to see cute kids getting tortured in twisted ways. But they'd never admit it and pretend it's just dark and deep instead.
No. 1838329
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>>1838215As a former weeb who had to deal with anime community's misogyny and harassment and grew fucking tired of the genre i haven't watched a new series in years and i don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Last series i saw new was Eizouken and i stopped caring after that. I've only rewatched a couple shows from the past since then. A lot of the series I watched in hindsight were just boring or moid bait. All the while i was missing out on western media. It's like the moment weebshit became mainstream i stopped caring and now I can't escape how years ago the faggots who told me i was a moron for watching anime are now watching it. I guess i will forever be doomed to be a hipster
No. 1838591
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I don't like the word "slutty", not for any specific reason, it just feel grossly unattractive to me.
No. 1838675
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No. 1838832
>>1838725nta but cunty confuses me because im old and ESL. Dickish makes sense because you call an unpleasant person a dick but you also call an unpleasant person a cunt so why isn't cunty negative? I also hate any variation of
>she served cuntto me it just sounds sexual in a gross way. Like a woman who had sex with a moid because she was pressured into it. I know it refers to someone who does something cool but I can't stop getting a gross mental image whenever i hear the phrase. It also irks me when it's used for drag queens. I guess the idea is that drag queens don't have vaginas but they radiate a "feminine energy"
yuck so that's why they serve cunt or are cunty? I'm sure the person who coined "serving cunt" thought he
I refuse to believe a woman coined it was being progressive because it sorta implies that a woman is better than a man and therefore men come of as woman-like(hence cunty) when they do something cool. But cunty just sounds so demeaning
No. 1839650
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Ever since Jenna Marbles left, I've been annoyed with how people act like cancel culture made her disappear. I love Jenna, but she basically cancelled herself.
No. 1839654
>>1839651No, it was like 2020 when she left. It's only been 3 years.
>>1839652Yeah, I think she just wanted to drop YouTube and used the whole Nicki Minaj thing as an excuse.
No. 1840018
>>1840012I hate this too. My friend refers to her Nigel, who she is MARRIED to, as her partner. Some women I think do it because “boyfriend” may be weird for older scrotes but there is no excuse for refusing to say husband.
I wonder if it’s to please trannies and their erasure of gendered language.
No. 1840033
>>1839650Bitch got her bag and then used cancel culture as the scapegoat to bounce. I do not blame her.
Eventually all internet personalities get exposed for some such shit or fade out. She was smart to leave at peak money.
No. 1840059
>>1840012I'm divorced, not looking to do marriage again and I think people in that same situation were the first straight ones to start saying partner alot. It felt more age appropriate I guess and like it adds seriousness to the relationship. Like we're living as if we're married but stopping short of marriage for certain reasons so this is the word that indicates that. Now young people are saying it too and really soon into dating. It used to mean that you were at minumum living together a while, had been together for 'x' amount of years already.
I don't love forever saying 'muh bf' at my age but partner doesn't really mean anything anymore and sounds weird
No. 1840230
>>1840212That’s why the analogy is
born on third base. Stop being obtuse.
No. 1840235
>>1840012Hot take for lc but I really don't give a shit. I've been hearing this term since I was a kid and it always sounded like a more serious term for bf/gf or a synonym for spouse. Didn't gay people use this term to mask their partners sex? Meaning, had this term not been used by straight people in the first place, gay people that used it would stand out which would beat its purpose.
It's only cringe when the people using it are spicy straights that have the intent of sounding like kweers but otherwise who gives a shit? It's a nice term, it implies a certain level of equality and respect and partnership and it doesn't sound juvenile.
No. 1840653
>>1840630gays really forget they're the
minority sometimes, what makes them believe their minuscule presence could appropriate such a simple word as "partner"? ridiculous
No. 1841421
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>>1841204I only think about Lana del Ray for that Summertime Sadness. I liked it ten years ago back in 2013, and I still do.
No. 1841422
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>>1841406sounds like someone needs to pass you the vape
No. 1841426
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>if he existed
Bitch please, I am so tired
No. 1841455
>>1841204They are so cringy but the "I'm a dragon, you're a whore, don't even know what you're good for" line made me laugh so hard that it became like a private joke between me and myself, I think I might be retarded.
>beat some mf in a Yakuza game>"it's like Lana del Rey said… I'm a dragon, you're a whore">fucking kek every time>>1841426She's so Not Like Other Fangirls. He's not gonna come out of the screen to pick you lmao
No. 1841459
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>>1841456This is the version they are mad about, but I'm happy women are getting more figures thanks to 3d printing and custom kits lol.
I personally won't get it because I don't want awkwardness with family and kids,but more power to them. No. 1841473
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>>1841426irl males literally dont interfere if a woman gets physically or verbally harassed in public and yet there are handmaidens fighting for the rights and decency of virtual (evil) vampire faggots
No. 1841476
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>>1841406aahahaaa, soft ice cream
No. 1841482
>>1841479Anon he's
literally a faggot
No. 1841491
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>>1841486>He fucks Lae'zel at the party if you don't romance himew I didn't know this and I've already done the party. I don't think Laezel would want him he's not frank and tough enough for her to be turned on. plus she does the active fucking. this is an abomination if true.
No. 1841516
>>1841479He's kinda wrinkly with bad eyebrows tho.
>>1841512Why is everything I hear about this game sex related? Like I have no idea what this game is about otherwise. And maybe talking out of my ass cause I haven't played it but
>She basically rates Astarion 10/10 would bang againIt just feels like the writers fangirl about this character a bit too much.
No. 1841590
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>>1841426This thinking makes me livid.
Who the fuck cares? Female characters get tacky, sexualized ooc figures all the time that the character would be repulsed by.
I don't give a flying fuck if a hot male character would be ashamed of a figure of him as a sexy bunny or some shit. He doesn't exist.
No. 1841654
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>>1841479Legit can't even look at astarion without a mod
No. 1842308
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I hate quotes you see on tumblr, instgrm etc etc that are so sickly sweet that go something like "my dear, you are beautiful beyond measure. You are a magical drop of rainfall on a flower, you are coming back home to yourself darling." etc etc (I just shat that out). They terms of endearment are so cringey and patronizing, who looks at these and thinks, "YES!."
pic related, best I could find in 30 seconds.
No. 1842313
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>>1841564To be fair male gamers loved Lady D in Resident Evil so maybe middle-aged vampires are the trend now. Although Lady D is 100% more stylish than that guy.
No. 1842658
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'Hate' implies a passion I dont have or like it holds space in my mind often, but God could you imagine having to carry retarded tattoos like this into your adult life?
No. 1842688
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Been playing Tears of the Kingdom bc I love LoZ. It’s been so much fun so far, however, I just got to the quest that requires you to assist an adult man to romance Finley. This is the 1000 year old loli bullshit Japan loves to push and I’m so disgusted that it’s in the game. I refuse to touch any content that pulls this horseshit and it was such a nasty surprise. I don’t care if the lore says that “zora age slower”, she looks like a toddler and acts like one. It’s so nasty and I want to punch whatever dev put this garbage quest in the game. I wanted to do all the side quests in the game but I won’t be doing that now because I’m not gonna participate in some pedo bullshit storyline, my god. Including an image so you can see what I’m talking about. Disgusting.
No. 1842726
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This is Lolcow, so lol hardly an unpopular opinion, but I really do hate trannies now. I used to get depressed over their suicide rates (of course I still have sympathy for the children who get brainwashed) and mental illnesses but now it just makes me sick. I genuinely want troons to suffer. PLEASE do get SRS so you can see the truth of your delusions, PLEASE DO rot your body on hormones it doesn't need. The quicker it happens the quicker the world will peak, and the less I'll have to see you.