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File: 1638345710793.jpg (38.94 KB, 611x631, 3nognwslnks61.jpg)

No. 982601

Anything goes here.

No theme, no venting, no discussion about anything, you come here to be an absolute retard and shitpost. Post whatever you want. Bark if you want to. However, global rules still apply, don't infight, don't post nsfw shit, don't be racist, etc

>How is this thread different from the dumbass shit thread?

The dumbass thread is for coherent dumbass thoughts, while this one is for yelling, shitting, and pissing into the void

previous retarded shit

No. 982603

File: 1638346453750.jpg (39.93 KB, 960x960, received_2494837337281376.jpg)

No. 982612

File: 1638348248441.png (23.47 KB, 170x240, ok.png)

nice pic

No. 982681

File: 1638365454511.png (479.28 KB, 515x899, Shari_NH.png)

pee monkey my beloved…

No. 982734

File: 1638372867977.png (1.01 MB, 800x800, imagen_2021-11-28_085638.png)

These ducks look like they're waiting for a spanking

No. 982772

how dare you

No. 982854

File: 1638382452757.jpg (40.8 KB, 352x1000, 57426249_10215402276944198_848…)

Here's how things are going for me

No. 982859

Anons what r ur favorite animal crossing characters wrong answers only

No. 982862

File: 1638382832378.png (727.88 KB, 738x900, Pietro_NH.png)

The mister mime of animal crossing
get out of my town and never return

No. 982864

File: 1638382883050.jpg (26.49 KB, 900x474, roald-animal-crossing.jpg)

Samefag for actual fav

No. 982898

File: 1638384713282.png (12.08 KB, 92x100, 1B2F4D49-2A66-479A-800E-D3C361…)

this son of a bitch. he is one of the villagers i remember sending hate mail to. FUCK YOUUUU AND WART JR AND FROGBERT

No. 982901

File: 1638384798343.png (50.18 KB, 288x456, Ribbot_NH.png)

I really hate this guy. And why is he a jock? I swear I'm overrun with jocks. Roald is a jock too but he's the only jock I want.

No. 982903

File: 1638384938452.png (25.6 KB, 488x488, Barold.png)

No. 982912

how can anyone hate any animal crossing character? what even is there to hate?

No. 982913

some are just hate mail worthy. i have sent out several hate mails and wrote various town billboard hate messages to certain villagers

No. 982914

why though? what do they even do to deserve the hate?

No. 982920

No. 982922

some of them ugly

No. 982924

You're telling me you don't hate >>982903 ?????? You must have the heart of a saint

No. 982926

just think theyre pesky and wanted them to leave my town but they didnt get the message kek its also fun to hate characters and send them shitty gifts in mail and then recieve furniture back and a letter which says “wow thanks you so much” etc

No. 982927

Only a mother could love this face

No. 982928

I love your mind

No. 982929

how shallow

No. 982931

File: 1638385880665.png (5.78 KB, 92x100, apollo.png)

A friend of mine and me both did this to Apollo who lived in both of our cities. We'd write him hate mail every day hoping he'd move out, but we as six year olds didn't quite understand yet why this only made him like us more. We were confused (and pissed off) when he started to act all buddy with us.

No. 982952

Aw but he's actually cute

No. 982964

He's a grumpy villager and we felt personally offended when he was an ass (even though he's an eagle on top of that!) to us.

No. 982965

thank you nona

kek i think apollo was one of my victims too

No. 982969

I miss the days when grumpy villagers were actually grumpy

No. 983036

File: 1638391173814.gif (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB, 158x131, 1003.gif)

Stop responding to bait NOW binaural beats for sleep

No. 983109

I read the posts and laugh and reach the end and read the posts again and laugh and reach the end again

No. 983130

File: 1638398669176.jpg (1.66 MB, 2177x2177, IMG_20200505_124013.jpg)

Nothing like an octo on a stick. Hehehehehe. Octo on a STICK. SLURPDHSHSHDGDH sllp mmm pop noice.

No. 983146

File: 1638399476317.png (Spoiler Image,573.06 KB, 976x549, imagen_2021-12-01_165734.png)

Taxidermy cat handbag
Open at your own risk

No. 983192

The Azealia Banks fashion line looks fire.

No. 983194

File: 1638402567965.jpg (23.69 KB, 540x405, caea4ea878b48e4758a5d130528636…)

which ones ya want

No. 983201

File: 1638403488995.gif (342.2 KB, 445x498, 275BE9FB-73F5-460F-9465-93C46E…)

what if we kissed in front of the tacomas at toyotathon?

No. 983206

File: 1638403896708.jpg (86.67 KB, 500x641, 1a66b117874346657ca8ebdd9c8def…)

None thanks I'll rather have the leg fluffies~~ ^^ x3

No. 983214

File: 1638404397237.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.73 KB, 751x952, IMG_3105.JPG)

i tried to tell you all the gays would be the downfall of amercica and you didnt LISTEN now look whats happenig

No. 983225

File: 1638406461798.jpg (80.92 KB, 480x640, gutterface.jpg)

Man I remember when I was into that style, dj sisen and that shit. It was around the time I found gutterface/joji/whatever-is-her-name-now. She was my first cow. You simply never forget your first cow.. when she pretended to be a tots real gay guy, the period blood doll saga, the suicide of her tranny friend which was herself, the incest-but-not-really yaoi pics, the cemetery vandalism.. I'm crying just thinking about it. Wish she was milky again.

No. 983227

holy shit i just saw this pic on front page and my brain is doing backflips good god i remember this person and all the milk i was so grossly fascinated by her for years and all her drama for so so long (and honestly thought many of her looks were really cool but she seemed like such a nightmare person, definitely a good cow)

No. 983229

fucking same!!! thanks >>983225 that was a quick bit of time travel for my thursday lunch time. damn.

No. 983255

would unironically dress like this if i had a tiny bit less shame

No. 983315

Lloyd is the ugliest name

No. 983331

followed closely by curtis

No. 983349

Also, Craig.

No. 983351

youre just american. say those names in an irish accent and they're immediately sexy as fuck

No. 983368

I hate the name Paul.

No. 983525

what if it's pronounced like Pa-ool

No. 983543

File: 1638453629664.jpg (216.8 KB, 1520x720, 1cru50iwp1181.jpg)

Wtf I need to post this image somewhere because wtf young meshuggah

No. 983552

i farted

No. 983559

scat fetishist. scum. distugins. calling mods.

No. 983562

farts on u

No. 983567

File: 1638455233623.jpeg (234.3 KB, 523x525, 1634640988467.jpeg)


No. 983574

so shrexy

No. 983576

Carl is the worst name cus I can't even pronounce it. Who thought it was a good idea have an L after the R, also names that end with th

No. 983606

You are so right, Carlo is so much easier to say than carl

No. 983650

File: 1638462848518.jpg (86.15 KB, 567x548, Tumblr_l_14087653074585.jpg)

Cock. Cook. Just one letter away. c o o k c o c k

No. 983653

No. 983707

File: 1638466216199.jpg (82.2 KB, 886x332, Screenshot_20211202-112950.jpg)

I'd appreciate the flayed minion but I need at least 7 inches or else I kill my mate, preying mantis style.

No. 983736

File: 1638467457341.jpg (94.33 KB, 750x846, Tumblr_l_311986043361922.jpg)

No. 983769

is that lillee jeans mom

No. 983803

hello gay people

No. 983821

File: 1638473016917.jpg (28.46 KB, 640x456, Tumblr_l_193113690234353.jpg)

How did you know I was gay?

No. 983843

File: 1638475034641.jpeg (9.37 KB, 225x225, gaypurchase.jpeg)

Look I'm not gay, I just thought it was cute and it was on sale

No. 983848

This post unironically made me ree

No. 983869

File: 1638477138950.gif (1.58 MB, 320x240, kdRLMv.gif)

I don't think you're ready for spaghetti, I don't think you're ready for spaghetti, I don't think you're for it dins, cause my pasta is too dang spicy for ya baaaaabe

No. 983919

File: 1638480777574.jpeg (123.69 KB, 1170x480, 29204AB5-6682-4B22-95E6-3BFB72…)


No. 983959

File: 1638485461937.gif (55.09 KB, 220x244, prince-charles.gif)

Unironically a better fate than being shackled to this regal faggot

No. 983992


No. 983995

I'm breathing and eating and feeling and knitting and shitting and killing and singing and

No. 983996

No. 983997

File: 1638489555438.jpeg (168.74 KB, 1080x1094, 717313AD-52FA-4914-9E44-3B664B…)


No. 984003

Thanks i hate it with all my soul

No. 984189

File: 1638510846827.jpeg (42.97 KB, 622x617, 0FCD67F9-11F6-42A4-93D0-2BA0CB…)

No. 984204

I love Avril rap

No. 984326

File: 1638533790836.png (532.83 KB, 720x998, iajdjb6qabc61.png)

this is what no dick does to a girl

No. 984347

This is what being underage, not interacting with real life scrotes and watching anime, k-pop and reading fanfictions all day does to your brain

No. 984362

File: 1638538290758.jpg (20.52 KB, 474x322, a.jpg)

>"dumb baby"

No. 984371

File: 1638539636178.gif (991.82 KB, 250x250, wEfpY7U.gif)


No. 984386

I hate this image and I hate that I read it all and I hate that the bottom right one made me think of Joseph Joestar

No. 984392

spoiler this shit

No. 984405

Are you male or something?

No. 984616

consume some 3d media I beg of thee cancerous weeb

No. 984622

Shit taste

No. 984648

here's some 1D media for you

….. …. . ….

No. 984651

File: 1638563729536.jpg (59.07 KB, 636x421, one-direction-press-2013-650.j…)

more 1D for your soul

No. 984654

now these are my kind of men

No. 984673

i'd fuck bottom right tbh
why were these ever shilled as attractive

No. 984684

Harry styles was kind of cute.

No. 984691

he's always looked like a dog to me

No. 984694

File: 1638567044183.png (304.61 KB, 323x472, MerleAmbrose.png)

how dare she tarnish the name of ambrose… merle ambrose would never do this shit, plus he's a powerful wizard (aeniayh could never)

No. 984702

File: 1638567974033.gif (229.36 KB, 400x394, 6443f99eb6c7979bea6eb3681669fd…)

Train of thought poetry starts NOW:
I go home I have lunch I take out the trash I don't know how many times I've seen this before how many lines of words I've read I have a chocolate cookie I love chocolate.
I ran out of thoughts

No. 984707

Bottom right is the only good one

No. 984722

just learned that doja is a carreyfag
of course she would be

No. 984793

File: 1638573997217.jpg (57.82 KB, 640x638, download (3).jpg)

There can only be one

No. 984812

File: 1638575091925.jpg (103.14 KB, 640x629, 19f572ec-aa5c-417e-8530-c373fb…)

In the green garden
freshly baked bread awaits me
alongside sweet juice

No. 984823

File: 1638575696373.jpeg (154.49 KB, 750x750, 666D9744-07F6-45B4-A178-F1BA27…)

i can’t tell if I stole this off of here can the anon who posted this tell me

No. 984836

you did lol

No. 984869

File: 1638580099274.jpeg (79.59 KB, 828x700, 686094A3-6B85-472C-97C7-BBCB50…)

No. 984876

File: 1638580772239.jpg (40.2 KB, 540x614, tumblr_48cf8271cd301f98d873e46…)


No. 984877

File: 1638580879548.jpg (44.38 KB, 960x960, Tumblr_l_897987207998796.jpg)

Where does she look japanese


No. 984885

Arigato Grande

No. 984886

wow i love hetalia

No. 984888

That's why I say hey man nice cock
A good cock, man
That's why I say hey man nice cock
A good cock, man

No. 984903

File: 1638584808293.jpg (326.96 KB, 658x1232, Screenshot_20211203-202146.jpg)

Your pants, madame

No. 984930

File: 1638587368171.jpg (16.61 KB, 478x641, perfect love poem.jpg)

As a kid I wrote lotta poetry
My efforts never acknowledged
Maybe lil me was just bad at poetry
Anger grew inside me
Like the yeast of the bread
I eat so desperately
Ain't gonna be shitting for days now

No. 985012

Please someone tell me if the first pic on top is truly her

No. 985021

Ok but what top would be good with this?

No. 985024

File: 1638595540626.jpg (Spoiler Image,384.88 KB, 957x1276, 5f50.jpg)

No. 985026

File: 1638595586468.jpg (89.33 KB, 1000x1000, justacowgirl.jpg)

No. 985060

oh my goďđđđ

No. 985075

File: 1638604563129.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.49 KB, 500x420, bun bird.jpg)

It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow. Twenty years might pass. But I will slap you for this comment, nonny.

No. 985362

File: 1638638403290.gif (15.1 KB, 170x43, picasion.com_fmfL.gif)

No. 985393

File: 1638640072911.png (403.79 KB, 347x900, f8377fa966ec70a8fde762ecdb9867…)

God I love this graphics from like 2009

No. 985414

File: 1638641455401.gif (33.79 KB, 195x152, 1609884dk7timwhmt.gif)

It's just three bears and a cheeseburger, it's not that deep…

No. 985421

File: 1638642073603.jpeg (84.14 KB, 322x512, ECA5DE60-B594-43FA-A409-437CF8…)

If the Tudor Queen Elizabeth I was alive she would marry Pete Davidson and we would be stuck with King Butthole Eyes I as a monarch, to be proceeded by Prince Butthole Eyes II and Princess Elizabeth Ariana II

No. 985433

And a fat spliff too I hope?

No. 985486

this is why everyone hates the british, anon.

No. 985504

File: 1638645848177.jpeg (55.13 KB, 261x328, 2E4FBB87-4DE8-479A-89AD-DC0F38…)

simpler albeit still traumatic times…

No. 985505

File: 1638646085308.png (674.03 KB, 703x716, imagen_2021-12-04_132806.png)

who wants a bit of my drink

No. 985509

Omg queen slay

No. 985510

File: 1638646409062.jpg (92.82 KB, 700x991, 53a7e5484c7676698a102f72418d94…)

He looks a bit like toon link. BTW all link are cute

No. 985511

didn't the girl who made this comic end up trooning out ?

No. 985514


No. 985515

Omocat? did she troon out actually

No. 985518

File: 1638646731195.jpg (104.23 KB, 736x1093, 7d73ff5301bd2a3472f055ffdf2ec9…)

Kek I have a type

No. 985524

File: 1638647078809.png (1.54 MB, 750x1022, imagen_2021-12-04_134428.png)

Who wants to play a pocky game with me

No. 985527

How are they supposed to kiss like that

No. 985528

He’s so fucking cute, my adorable, unhinged manchild.

No. 985530

They dont', their soul connects through their intense stare, And I think that's beautiful, in that moment they truly were Infinite

No. 985536

Hello lesbians

No. 985563

File: 1638648885944.png (262.02 KB, 550x550, 920-287365.png)

i will play with you just because i'm fucking hungry, b-baka..

No. 985672

File: 1638661629060.jpeg (156.29 KB, 750x407, BF848215-3821-41E3-9F92-8BA9A1…)

send this to all the annoying gay men you know

No. 985674

File: 1638661753681.png (313.12 KB, 753x527, A bug.png)

No. 985676

File: 1638661992581.jpg (25.63 KB, 440x556, IMG_20201005_111247.jpg)


No. 985722

No. 985850

File: 1638687446172.jpeg (364.8 KB, 828x826, D8A32725-E0FF-4B42-B73A-406DB0…)

No. 985858


No. 985962

wtf is an oklahoma

No. 985969

File: 1638709612658.jpg (824.03 KB, 2551x2230, bl.jpg)


No. 985970

No. 985989

File: 1638711809055.gif (5.6 MB, 250x443, NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A BIG …)

a place where dreams come to die and the ashes are swept up in droves of tornados to be scattered and forgotten

No. 986001

where is this from?

No. 986046


No. 986077

File: 1638721823985.jpeg (55.14 KB, 750x613, 8B0B2519-444F-4D3E-8012-D2255D…)

I have a project due on the 7th and she's not going to postpone it this time

Why the hardest project is not the one postponed
Please professor

No. 986080

I want to masturbate, but my dad is frying bacon and the smell is really turning me off. FUCK

No. 986081

Ok but this gif looks super fun.

No. 986084

File: 1638722583157.png (20.97 KB, 572x139, groundcore.png)

No. 986106

File: 1638725338995.jpg (811.86 KB, 4500x3000, ea66868d-7688-4cac-8960-568e3a…)

we are very disappointed son

No. 986114

File: 1638725935471.jpg (104 KB, 975x650, Licorice-Pizza-Alana-Haim-Coop…)

omg the haim sisters are so ugly, but especially the one in the middle. her eyes are so close together and her face Is so broad and puffy. ugh their faces just make me mad. how did she randomly get a starring role in a PTA movie?

No. 986117

File: 1638726088743.jpg (87.35 KB, 1170x519, RDT_20211205_17371948987137338…)

I laughed at this until I remembered that lately I've taken to walking around in public with my hand on my belly imagining that I'm pregnant with my husbando's child.

No. 986123

once i opened the door for a delivery and i was so super bloated i put my hand on my stomach so the delivery guy would think i was pregnant, not just fat lol

No. 986127

because they're nepotism babies and their mom was that film directors crush when he was younger. Also they've been riding taylor swift's dick for years.
it's annoying because women that look like that are never given a chance in music/movies unless they have rich parents backing them
Also that movie her character is 25 and her love interest is 15. so woke

No. 986128

I thoughgt it was spelled grindcore
Dude hangs baseball caps above his bed. man…

No. 986159

File: 1638728925630.jpg (85.39 KB, 540x675, tumblr_prb1kjENi51xhddgbo1_540…)

Wiki says their dad is Bulgarian-Jewish descent but the mom is simply 'American'. Is she Asian?

No. 986161

Like other anon said.. the hats made me kek harder than the whole baby thing did

No. 986203

File: 1638732675008.gif (8.69 KB, 181x45, z61ad0f1924765.gif)

No. 986204

File: 1638732760419.gif (16.39 KB, 193x37, z61ad0f710c71d.gif)

No. 986205

File: 1638732852736.gif (9.8 KB, 142x53, z61ad0ec780e73.gif)

No. 986208

File: 1638732928086.gif (6.83 KB, 89x48, z61ad0e0cc39b3.gif)

No. 986212

File: 1638733440729.gif (5.97 KB, 104x46, z61ad15d698095.gif)

No. 986213

File: 1638733524201.gif (12.14 KB, 200x33, z61ad15b328fb6.gif)

No. 986226

which site do you use to make these?

No. 986254

there's multiple sites, I just google "glitter text generator" and some websites come up
here's one but I'm sure there's better ones

No. 986260

File: 1638737727561.png (32.35 KB, 150x72, Cool Text - stacy 399454829307…)

No. 986266

File: 1638737934572.gif (14.77 KB, 207x44, z61ad27c2484bb.gif)

No. 986267

What is this

No. 986268

File: 1638738082159.gif (157.41 KB, 2091x67, F802FC3F-3FF7-40AB-9C39-17AB02…)

No. 986269

File: 1638738092883.jpg (81.37 KB, 640x801, Tumblr_l_653975597060684.jpg)

No. 986272

File: 1638738164257.gif (96.38 KB, 1583x93, 5C571556-2C9A-44B1-BE6A-8DB1E1…)

No. 986274

No. 986275

Anon chill, it's the emotes for movie night and this is the retarded shitpost thread. Again someone helped you and you pay it like that?

No. 986277

Hey I like this font, stop being a sour bitch and post something good with it.

No. 986278

bitter and a racebaiter too I see

No. 986279

It's the emotes people are adding to cytube, chill pendeja

No. 986280

File: 1638738418098.gif (67.17 KB, 2069x93, 5A4EA541-A772-44B2-A280-41238F…)

No. 986284

you know you're doing this to get the glitter text banned. Stop being bitter

No. 986289

File: 1638738668959.gif (300.83 KB, 3831x93, ACC1E1A0-AAA9-4628-8136-EEA218…)

No. 986292

File: 1638738854505.gif (60.82 KB, 834x93, 54B58DBB-B546-4E0E-A79E-0B8E92…)

No. 986293

No. 986309

I can't even read this one.

No. 986323

It says "I'm a dumb bitch"

No. 986327

nta but it's clearly a joke, anon

No. 986339

File: 1638742630248.gif (11.67 KB, 269x93, z61ad3a56cdb5f.gif)

No. 986341

File: 1638742712739.webm (9.37 MB, 540x960, tumblr_qoz9finPd61tmf3kx.webm)

Fuck it up

No. 986346

>bi supremacy
Yes. The rest of the gif is retarded.

No. 986353

cute play on the lyrics

No. 986355

is he wearing a bald cap? this pic is very thinking hard emoji

No. 986360

File: 1638744835394.jpg (110.88 KB, 759x949, NINTCHDBPICT000557734419.jpg)

I instantly thought it looked like a surgical cap that you wear with scrubs (picrel), but I don't think that's it.

No. 986367

omg i love this picture

No. 986372

lmao this rlly went from memes to some random surgery gone wrong what class

No. 986373

pls don't barre me

No. 986381

the middle one looks like someone put lipstick on prince charles

No. 986401

Deltarune is set in Oklahoma?

No. 986414

File: 1638750769163.png (1.8 MB, 928x947, 1638339144838.png)

No. 986458

retweet if you agree

No. 986546

File: 1638769373734.jpeg (46.43 KB, 186x325, 78883754-3301-40B5-A94D-A12DA0…)

new jojo character confirmed

No. 986553

File: 1638770366770.gif (1.62 MB, 498x466, fade-away-oooooooooooo.gif)

my stepfather enjoys PhilosophyTube

No. 986587

so sorry for your loss anon

No. 986595

File: 1638778492445.jpg (90.62 KB, 1181x1116, Sagwa2.jpg)

Sagwaaaaa, eat fresh

No. 986685

No. 986687

I'm in love with you

No. 986773

File: 1638801901694.jpg (13.38 KB, 480x371, 106099_rsz_uglytom.jpg)


No. 986790

File: 1638803051632.gif (83.24 KB, 831x93, z61ae266546959.gif)

No. 986791

based i love it when women do bad things

No. 986822

No. 987182

File: 1638826381035.gif (38.79 KB, 346x93, z61ad59a0bfa8b.gif)

No. 987189

Why do I wanna fuck this?

No. 987192

bc you are a tomatophile

No. 987193

i diagnose you with squirrt on snirt

No. 987198

I kek'd.

No. 987221

What forbidden drug would you nonnies try if you absolutely had to (gun to your head)? For me it would be PCP angel dust

No. 987225


No. 987229

PCP??? that's like the last thing i would try kek that's the shit that will have people jumping off the top of a building because they think they can fly.

No. 987239

Sounds like just the thing I need for this languid, miserable existence

No. 987240

depressing but true, i'm going to kill myself

No. 987241

File: 1638830887921.jpg (349.03 KB, 1024x1009, Tumblr_l_394373845043256.jpg)

Would you like to take angel dust together and make it onto the local news together beforehand?

No. 987248

Which one makes you eat people?

No. 987251

bath salts

No. 987258

File: 1638831778961.gif (498.34 KB, 275x189, 6564656862.gif)

let's do it

No. 987259

File: 1638831817386.jpg (70.69 KB, 960x780, chomp.jpg)

Watch out, I'm on that bath salt

No. 987315

File: 1638835370412.jpg (70.94 KB, 800x535, B7L8970IQAAGhGZ.jpg)


No. 987319

la vaca mariposa es grandiosa

No. 987324

La vaca mariposa tuvo un terné, nanananananana… nananananaaaaaaaaaaa

No. 987332

File: 1638836433005.jpg (93.89 KB, 1000x667, Mid-action-Sports-Photos-That-…)

i kept flicking the lightswitch to flush the toilet i got too high

No. 987346

You have NO IDEA how loud i laughed from this post anon, hilarious

No. 987347

When you see yourself in a dark bathroom
Do your fingers itch, did you piss or shit?
Will you go online when you've gotten lit?
Can you flush that piss with a toilet switch?

No. 987350

File: 1638837484713.jpeg (160.01 KB, 448x593, C6A951C9-21D9-40C7-8A2A-38D84F…)

No. 987352


No. 987355

I hate this so much. fuck you

No. 987359

I love this! thank you

No. 987363


No. 987371

Thank you so much anon.

No. 987376

you are a gem i hope to cross paths with you

No. 987422


No. 987445

File: 1638846245679.gif (9.48 MB, 540x450, Tumblr_l_1074483407539489.gif)

Does Shrek count as cottagecore

No. 987448

Shut up you talentless fool!

No. 987450

No. 987460


No. 987466

File: 1638849114825.jpeg (72.63 KB, 567x569, C8008446-CFC9-457E-A529-E0FCD8…)

No. 987470

File: 1638849628239.jpg (137.9 KB, 1024x996, sanctitatis_shitstain.jpg)

my whole family is offering to buy me cbd oil because i am a fundamentally broken individual and they are desperate, but i dont want it. anyways hmu if youre a trainwreck with a box dye and will ruin my life, at least id feel something even if comes selfishly.

No. 987474

No. 987475


No. 987476


No. 987477


No. 987486

File: 1638852033034.png (5.08 MB, 1242x2208, 1964E62A-54CA-40A5-B0F7-9F4F04…)

No. 987492

File: 1638852286357.jpg (76.34 KB, 736x575, f0cd6df6eba6e583d34e0a3cd465ad…)

Is that data van toss

No. 987497

i only care about cute guys that are a bit girly

No. 987503

jes, sadam mandler

No. 987510

File: 1638855830951.jpg (179.02 KB, 1600x1200, 1638471685877.jpg)

fuck keto consume pasta

No. 987523

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

No. 987524

File: 1638857492679.png (67.98 KB, 795x442, Screenshot 2021-12-07 081106.p…)

holy fucking shit

No. 987529

>what if they were transwomen
They weren't because men don't get killed for being men lol

No. 987531

mods point me to the nearest schizo so i can be her gf i promise we will make excellent lolcows together

No. 987534

File: 1638859161391.png (151.68 KB, 336x327, Screenshot (314).png)

not the first time I have seen similar rhetoric but in a different context, the shooter Marc Lépine was half algerian and apparently that changes the entire context of the attack, cause then it would BIPOC male who felt rightfully anger against the Privileged white girls

No. 987535


The problem is that the pasta on the box is clearly penne, not spaghetti.

No. 987578

Fuck that woman, this tragedy is not about yourself.

No. 987910

No. 987911

Is this from the titanic pc game? The one where you time travel?

No. 987936

i want to eat the sky and fuck a monster

No. 987945

File: 1638903717383.png (1.82 MB, 1360x1244, d133ca6e15ddc775bedc6a2ba2c0af…)

I have no idea, I don't think it is, I think it's just a graphic someone made, there used to be lots of people who would make graphics like this and sell them, for people to put them in their ~digital diary~ for decoration

No. 987949

File: 1638904053945.png (165.74 KB, 474x507, kinzo.PNG)

>Elaine's dad is old
>Anon speculates maybe he has some gold bars buried somewhere
That explains everything

No. 987951

In the mid 2000s I'd beg my family to let me buy these hidden object games from AOL games? (Not sure) and they were historical with beautiful antique surroundings and music. Reminds me of that pic

No. 987962

Yami wo kirisaku

No. 987993

I would say swamp core.

No. 987996

Gghftufggbjjjjhhfghhhjjhjhhgggeefggjnjgfhjjb IM SO FUCKING EXHITING RIGHT NOW

No. 987998


No. 987999

File: 1638908212719.jpeg (69.11 KB, 1080x1080, AB70A806-C236-4969-8AE2-DB4CEA…)

Just put the Xmas tree up

No. 988003

File: 1638908631234.jpg (257.37 KB, 736x1104, 852d55c2cb6f94415704e8a1baa908…)

Swamp core kinda cute tho

Let's simmer in the bog together ladies

No. 988006

Being a bog body sounds so refreshing.

No. 988012

File: 1638909180147.jpg (978.44 KB, 964x3794, 95b1022ed537670eccad93ba0751b7…)

Reminds me of pic related

No. 988022

the guido kings were right

No. 988023


No. 988025

Do you have any more Brit wojaks? They’re pretty entertaining kek

No. 988027

File: 1638910103890.jpg (140.44 KB, 839x864, Screenshot_20211205-183115__01…)

Look at these Brits in the face and tell me there isn't a primal, telekinetic yearning there to RETURN TO BOG

No. 988029

As a British person this made me feel proud n cute

No. 988033

i may hate the Brits as they are, but i cannot lie, if i saw left lady in a swamp covered in mud and catching lizards i would be quite taken with her.

No. 988036

File: 1638910863632.jpg (206.05 KB, 560x560, FaceApp_1638910680404.jpg)

I took the Lindt truffle man and put him in my dungeon, you can't see it in the pic but he is shackled at the ankles.

No. 988040

File: 1638911059900.gif (1.6 MB, 450x360, 0c6.gif)

Why does your dungeon look like a spa?

No. 988042

are you utilizing him for just chocolate harvest, or do you have other plans (like taking his hat)

No. 988043

File: 1638911106147.jpg (41.04 KB, 680x707, df1.jpg)

No. 988044

Don't. He's bald under that hat

No. 988046

I'm vaping at him from the corner of the pic, and will allow him to keep the hat as he is worthless to me without it.

No. 988047

He’s so fuckin sexy he deserves a spa dungeon to make chocolate balls in

No. 988048

Reject Modernity
Return to Swampe

No. 988049

that must be why he's looking at you so lovingly

No. 988073

farmhand giving quality redtexts mwah mwah bellissimo thank you

No. 988074

File: 1638913543814.jpeg (107.3 KB, 660x495, 583A2E61-FD0B-42F9-9DC7-0BDBB8…)


No. 988076

No. 988077


No. 988082

That's like a thousand dollars worth of coke

No. 988095

a lot more than 1k$

No. 988105

why do so many people not know the currency sign goes in front

No. 988123

I don't know bout yall American money, sorry

No. 988130

don't americans use 'yall' tho?

No. 988151

no, they use y'all'll'll

No. 988504

File: 1638968288073.gif (1.37 MB, 250x184, source.gif)

No. 988507

depends on the country

No. 988521

what is she dancing to anons

No. 988528

vagina pineapple

No. 988534

Holy shit KEK. This is fucking beautiful.

No. 988547

It's happening ladies!

No. 988554

File: 1638971764953.jpeg (325.49 KB, 640x610, A96BA826-3CFB-4EA6-ADA5-AC41DE…)

>mfw they bring the swamps back in time for brexit
We can endure anything in the faaackin’ swamps! Yes lad!

No. 988580


>mfw im a blonde manly faced english girl who jumped into a swamp whilst underage drinking

I don’t want it to be accurate guys, I wish it was a meme

No. 988584

Ok, but how long did you remain in it for? Hours? Days? Weeks? Because if you got straight out, you can’t sit with us.

No. 988616

I imagine staying in the bog during a chilly day is cozy as staying in a warm bed. Keep me in the bog. I'll put me phone in a plastic bag and shitpost with you all. This is my birthright.

No. 988639

It also soaks up a lot of carbon and greenhouse gasses. I bet it’s luxurious. Like a mud bath.

No. 988643

It must be cold as fuck. I don't get how British people survived before wellingtons were invented.
In fact the Roman army's armour rusted constantly while they were invading, this is probably one of the reasons they were so bitter about England.

No. 988659

Sorry but they kind of look like monkeys

No. 988678

Damn, not days so I guess I can’t sit with you. You truly are the swamp queens.

But in winter we broke through an iced up pond and used it as a ice cold pool for an evening and it was ok.>>988616 and if it’s chilly outside, the water is chilly too when you first get in, but once you get out you realise the bog is ok and it starts feeling warmer upon second exposure. Unironically do not go to a deep bog, or go alone. You can never know if your feet will get trapped by weeds or something, if you will panic and react negatively, or your body doesn’t adjust.

But yes, a dip in a bog can be enjoyable, although I can’t stay for days, I hope you queens still invite me to your swamps regardless ♥

No. 988681

They couldn’t handle England. It wasn’t the people, but the land itself that defeated them. The Romans where all fags who cried when they got their feet wet.

No. 988699

mosquito population boutta skyrocket

No. 988704

Idc about mosquitos, it’s a small price to pay for a healthy planet.

No. 988708

I remember the I saw a Tumblr post about how in battle against the Celts, the Celtic women would hurl Insults against the Romans, calling them basically ugly manlets
based as hell

I really dislike the Romans, while the world before the Romans wasn't perfect for woman it was a hell a lot of more egalitarian(something the Romans considered Barbarian Behavior) and brought institutionalized Patriarchy to Europe and North Africa, we also wouldn't have either Christianity or Islam if it weren't the Romans

No. 988715

Doesn't really matter, the country is being run by blood sucking parasites anyway

No. 988717

File: 1638981711630.jpg (Spoiler Image,541.24 KB, 1600x1200, bog.jpg)

It depends on temperature. Where I live is basically a giant bog. There aren't many mosquitos in the summer because there's too much wind and it gets too cold at night.

Pic it what happens if you spend too long in a bog.

No. 988718

How are you doing these days, neccessaryspeed? Had your baby yet?

No. 988722

Kek true, also they never take more blood than they need, don’t discriminate, and most importantly, don’t mess with my motherfucking money.

No. 988724

File: 1638981922226.png (609.75 KB, 600x540, sajksankasd.png)

No. 988726

NTA but I don’t think it sounds like NecSperg? Or are you just retarded shitposting and I’m an autist taking everything seriously…

No. 988731

The random capitalization and barbarian sperging made me think of her/him/it.

No. 988735

I hate the Romans too. People give them credit for shit they had nothing to do with. They also drove a lot of animals to near extinction because of their retarded exploits in the colosseum. They where destructive, deviant pigs. The OG colonisers.

No. 988739

I hate them too even if they're dead, they were some of the most massive scrotes in history. Couldn't handle any kind of female power. The Nazis used them as inspiration which says a lot.

No. 988744


>they inhabit wild and waterless mountains and desolate and swampy plains, and possess neither walls, cities, nor tilled fields, but live on their flocks, wild game, and certain fruits…They dwell in tents, naked and unshod, possess their women in common, and in common rear all the offspring. Their form of rule is democratic for the most part, and they are very fond of plundering; consequently they choose their boldest men as rulers….They can endure hunger and cold and any kind of hardship; for they plunge into the swamps and exist there for many days with only their heads above water, and in the forests they support themselves upon bark and roots, and for all emergencies they prepare a certain kind of food, the eating of a small portion of which, the size of a bean, prevents them from feeling either hunger or thirst" (Roman History, LXXVII.12.1-4).

No. 988758

I know this is Roman propaganda and likely made up but I really want to know what this magic food was.

No. 988761

u r welcomed

No. 988764

I never realised the English where this cool. The Romans truly destroyed us.

No. 988768

Romans write this about Brits, Brits get mad and say it's fake, then write the same things and worse about other groups and insist it's totally legit lol

No. 988772

Being a swamp dweller is nothing to be ashamed of nonny.

No. 988774

Celts didn't write any books about how other cultures were all barbaric and weird. Or any kind of book. Too moist in the swamp.

No. 988778

why would anyone get mad? "keeping women in common" basically meant they were allowed to be outside and exist socially. plus they had irl senzu beans

No. 988844

File: 1638986531908.jpg (38.15 KB, 652x558, lightingmckeem.jpg)

I feel so much fatty gay before my period. Can't get anything done! Hoe do I fix this my ladies?

No. 988863

File: 1638987943231.jpg (91.4 KB, 900x502, one_direction_furries_updated_…)

one dogrection

No. 988892

remove this from my eyes or DYE NOW

No. 988979

File: 1638995345842.jpg (33.53 KB, 564x564, 26aa6aefc6072a52ce23826ef3f11a…)

>Most of Britain is marshland because it is flooded by the continual ocean tides. The barbarians usually swim in these swamps or run along in them, submerged up to the waist. Of course, they are practically naked and do not mind the mud because they are unfamiliar with the use of clothing, and they adorn their waists and necks with iron, valuing this metal as an ornament and a token of wealth in the way that other barbarians value gold. They also tattoo their bodies with various patterns and pictures of all sorts of animals. Hence the reason why they do not wear clothes, so as not to cover the pictures on their bodies. They are very fierce and dangerous fighters, protected only by a narrow shield and a spear, with a sword slung from their naked bodies. They are not familiar with the use of breast-plates and helmets, considering them to be an impediment to crossing the marshes. Because of the thick mist which rises from the marshes, the atmosphere in this region is always gloomy.

Swamp himbos when

No. 988988


No. 988992

File: 1638996126399.gif (2.16 MB, 498x368, barbie-she.gif)

why can't my hair change with warm or cold water like borbie?

No. 988996

I knew I was poor so I avoided to fancy over things like that but I would've loved to own it

No. 988999

I just thought about kissing my younger coworker and the thought made me recoil and cringe. I have to check myself when I'm just pre period, my thoughts be racing wild. I will not be entertaining making a move on a young man.

No. 989008

File: 1638996900003.gif (10.16 MB, 480x480, barbie-fire.gif)

omg anon same here, i also always wanted one of the fairy ones that fly like in this notorious gif

No. 989009

even though i was poor my mommy bought me one of those and we would fling it into the ceiling fan for shits and gigs. If it makes you feel better my barbie dolls used to have roaches in their hair because i would bathe with them and i guess the roaches attracted so the next day i'd see dead roaches in my barbies hair. NIGHTMARE FUEL

No. 989012

dumbasses having tranny identifiers in games makes it so much easier to bully them

No. 989013

OH GOD I'm so sorry! I had all my sister hand-me-downs so the worst I got was a barbie with a bad haircut

No. 989017

File: 1638997242791.png (318 B, 120x16, loveyou.png)

No. 989025

>Because of the thick mist which rises from the marshes, the atmosphere in this region is always gloomy.
Damn, ancient Britain sounds badass, glad you're bringing back the swamps over there.

No. 989026

Make sure to bring back the himbos as well.

No. 989033

The naked, cold resistant, tattooed, metal adorned himbos!

No. 989211

No. 989235

File: 1639015357599.gif (2.62 MB, 450x344, 02EFE390-1E9C-4871-AA5D-3AB83A…)

caca-chan desu~

No. 989256

File: 1639017184109.jpg (38.23 KB, 725x725, 6bc5770cc74e8e1d990a8561bbf9b9…)

Tag urself

No. 989259

me on the left

No. 989263

File: 1639017694772.jpg (13.65 KB, 256x256, 80d3ed00569c9394b2cc89ed124762…)

What if God looked at you like

No. 989266

kitty theme ftw

No. 990043

File: 1639088829006.jpg (178.65 KB, 1280x1007, gay.jpg)

No. 990049

I'm the bottom ;)

No. 990059


No. 990066

File: 1639089578838.jpg (48.32 KB, 500x550, 59dfbc2a10c7f2a8c41b30d2c8a4b5…)

>blocks your path

No. 990068

>farts loudly

No. 990071

File: 1639089904274.jpg (31.21 KB, 720x456, America runs on dunk on.jpg)

>dunks on

No. 990475

File: 1639131804096.jpg (35.32 KB, 720x620, 22286128d997c35cd47153a5b79d8b…)

No. 990484

No. 990487

God I wish we had more historical shows, nowadays It seems like most historical shows are always there for woke propaganda pieces showing fat blue haired tumblrtards in renaissance Italy

No. 990513

Who is this?

No. 990569

I had a dream that Inside Job got a grotesque 3D animated movie in which the cast had to stop the UK from physically removing itself from Europe and turning into something called Battleship Brexit. At the end they have a Shrek-style dance-off to Stamp on the Ground by Italo Brothers.

No. 990573

>Senzu beans
Kek. Most of this sounds like hell to me, I'm glad that the colonising rapists drained our swamps and brought clothing and central heating to our gloomy shores but it's still funny to imagine the soldiers in rusting armour as naked root-eating swamp people terrorised them and stabbing them up their skirts because trousers were for barbarians

Buy these things now if you can find them on eBay, love them and play with them. When you are ready donate them to toy charities or resell so that someone else can love them

No. 990684

File: 1639149841134.jpeg (531.01 KB, 1498x1238, CEB72244-4E89-4329-82AF-2FFA36…)

Would you join him for lunch?

No. 990709

Yes, and then we would go to the movies afterward.

No. 990756

File: 1639153970340.gif (614.62 KB, 300x400, 1638805043810.gif)

>why are you still watching spongebob ytp and caillou grounded videos you are 20 years old you autistic retard

No. 990774

No. 990833

I'm closer to 30 and deal with high-stakes emotionally draining shit at work work, but I never tell anyone my favorite way to unwind is to lay around watching low-IQ, knuckle dragger, absolute retard content on YouTube

No. 990858

File: 1639160400601.jpg (22.49 KB, 462x460, 1561999918400.jpg)

I'm not gonna stop what's who I am
I'll give it all that is the plan

No. 990870

File: 1639160984648.png (6.26 KB, 80x80, erhipiphiopiohg.png)

thanks for the pic

No. 990874

File: 1639161068337.jpg (70.08 KB, 700x772, 12a40b1e80ed8b3d37ed99719ff862…)

No. 990881

Wojaks make me feral rage

No. 991031

File: 1639169791426.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, p8wp6l7pduy71.png)

No. 991043

Why did Serbia copy dark souls

No. 991047

Kek seems accurate

No. 991060

File: 1639172739639.jpg (60.84 KB, 431x720, e7d5633d829863cc4433edd96256d9…)

Cultural appropriation

No. 991131

File: 1639180659019.gif (4.61 MB, 455x262, ElderlyReasonableIchthyostega-…)


No. 991188

File: 1639187443211.gif (1.98 MB, 400x214, TheBestGame.gif)

No. 991675

File: 1639246479882.jpg (21.82 KB, 564x564, 0affdbecd84ed9a99e1240500b411e…)


No. 991697

I'm still singing this 19 hours later and I… I don't think I can stop it.

No. 991746

File: 1639249940654.gif (455.38 KB, 476x400, step0002.gif)

No. 991786

File: 1639251294496.jpeg (167.84 KB, 1280x720, 6A4D4F99-FE2A-4082-B47D-49321E…)

No. 991788

No. 991789

File: 1639251374652.jpeg (172.66 KB, 1280x720, ED423965-BCFA-4ACC-8029-E9B2C5…)

No. 991795

No. 991827

File: 1639253751080.jpeg (8.92 KB, 208x243, images.jpeg)

The real Queen of England

No. 991843

mods im so sorry for that embarrassing failure to sage my internet is bad because of weather and my phone is seizing out because of the retarded load times please sos

No. 991904

File: 1639261533910.gif (6.01 KB, 128x44, z61b522b951005.gif)

No. 991911

File: 1639261974029.gif (7.15 KB, 100x42, z61b52295db311.gif)

No. 991952

File: 1639264077931.gif (40.18 KB, 80x55, animated-text-text.gif)

No. 991968

File: 1639265222183.jpeg (77.88 KB, 600x450, B4971D0D-1086-4259-8CC1-BC15E7…)

Don’t sage on purpose as a power move. Just go into momokun or whoever thread write “FAT”.

No. 991978

File: 1639265719502.jpg (30.1 KB, 894x223, Screenshot_20211210-122159.jpg)

Men r gay

No. 991981

That's the funny part

No. 992062

File: 1639271973793.gif (14.73 KB, 240x35, 1638670030667.gif)

No. 992064

File: 1639272162888.jpg (48.81 KB, 488x613, 3b5db953acfc6c61e1b9bc80675759…)

Seme & uke

No. 992075

File: 1639273396833.png (30.81 KB, 150x65, cow.png)

No. 992094

File: 1639274722501.png (212.5 KB, 540x557, 324920345005211.png)

No. 992096

File: 1639274783882.png (28.13 KB, 80x80, 324920345005211.png)

No. 992138

File: 1639278704374.png (253.99 KB, 445x428, tumblr_njodtpbc4m1sel1e9o1_500…)

whoa, hey guys, welcome to my twisted mind

No. 992206

File: 1639284778302.png (429.52 KB, 760x623, Screenshot_20211211-224931.png)

lolcow tagline

No. 992207

love it

No. 992255

I would.

No. 992983

File: 1639359129599.jpg (339.96 KB, 640x638, Tumblr_l_1351739645880651.jpg)

No. 993002

cheugy midwest closeted suburbanite with lesbian tendencies (too afraid to admit it to her judeo-christian parents). bleaches her brunette hair, gains a few pounds and gets bullied by a bunch of self-righteous /snow/roaches once she inevitably gets posted in the board by one of her “friends”, tatted up, sweats have replaced her mall-chic clothing, she heads off to university and drops out immediately from separation anxiety. becomes a neet and browses lolcow.farm living off of her parents income that has suspicious origins, brags about almost getting pregnant at 14 but it turned out being a false flag and destroys her life from the underground meth epidemic in her cozy ignorant white collar community as the economy fucking crashes and says she was able to turn her life around. travels and moves into a gentrified NYC era, “what’s tiktok?” as she sips on a overpriced frap in her cheugy thigh-high boots. fairy lights, keto diet, gaslighting, tax fraud, soul deprivation.

No. 993005

hastag me

No. 993232

I don't wanna wear a mask again my skin just recovered and is practically glowing and stupid mask is gonna cause breakouts again aaaaaaaaaaaaa

No. 993440

File: 1639403608036.gif (2.56 MB, 336x335, 879C060F-620B-4E7A-B413-375AEE…)

What the fuck I totally missed that Chris Crocker trooned out and somehow thought he had passed away but sadly found out that only the latter was untrue

No. 993444

So did Joe Goes. It's a last ditch attempt for relevancy of the dino Youtuber

No. 993463

File: 1639406474837.jpg (73.37 KB, 1080x865, rainbocorns_fairycorn_surprise…)

This gay shit is wasted on kids

No. 993491

That is ugly as fuck. It doesn't even look remotely like a unicorn. It's more like a pig with no snout.

No. 993515

File: 1639409471414.jpeg (107.3 KB, 1004x1459, CC991A1A-B06C-49FD-9612-433E77…)

No, kids can keep those, these on the other hand, are wasted on kids.

No. 993519

My 10 year old self would love both.. my 30 year old self just thinks they're a waste of money.

No. 993521

File: 1639410010681.jpg (38.47 KB, 500x500, c39bafb479eaef364513e862d0d221…)

How about this, a rare golden hippo.. don't you dare pretend you don't want it

Pikmi pops…
PickMe.. branwashing little girls

No. 993531

File: 1639410500000.jpg (172.01 KB, 1400x1500, 81ia983CasL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

I like these things, it's a shame the dolls they come with are shitty quality and near impossible to repaint due to the shitty materials

No. 993533

I love toys and I'm never going to stop asking for them or buying them. I love my RC cars, Legos are awesome, my stuffed animals extend my life with their cuteness and recently I bought this set that comes with a Jeep that has two mounted guns, two muscley dudes, a raptor and trex that both roar and some little trees for environment and you know I'm putting the dinosaurs in the Jeep and having them run over the guys. I work hard, my home is clean and lovely, my cats are healthy and happy, and I wash every single day, I'll play with as many toys as I waannnaaaaaaaaaaaa

No. 993534

No. 993548

kek anon, I love you.

No. 993673

File: 1639417495036.jpg (75.78 KB, 404x316, 1368753245.jpg)

I ship my mom x Mr.clean

No. 993696

File: 1639419133506.jpeg (19.21 KB, 274x184, EAA77B22-1149-4C2D-B322-7A4FC4…)

I’m sure he would make her very happy, nonnie. I, on the other hand, ship my mom with el zorro.

No. 993711


No. 993752

File: 1639422368134.jpg (74.56 KB, 850x638, f850x638-1140_78629_4825.jpg)

I ship my mom with Thor, she absolutely loves him and talks about how hot he is in front of my pos dad every time she can kek

No. 993772

File: 1639423372324.jpg (193.51 KB, 970x1224, Screenshot_20211213-132247.jpg)

I ship my dad with pic related

No. 993774

No. 993776


No. 993777

My mom loves Keanu Reeves (don't they all) she talks sometimes about how amazing he is

No. 993782

File: 1639424128401.png (102.22 KB, 500x338, tumblr_b237bd70209da9aff134478…)

There was some anon's mom that was a driverfag, I ship her and the forbidden man. That's my sacrifice for today, good moms deserve good things

No. 993972

File: 1639437517140.png (31.72 KB, 600x337, untitled-article-1463735298-bo…)


No. 994010

File: 1639439512224.jpg (143.12 KB, 750x1201, 5d34a7134293e8db3cd95410269ce6…)

My mom's bf Christian

No. 994012

File: 1639439643288.jpeg (102.07 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpeg)

My mom's bf Jim Beam

No. 994028

File: 1639440291585.jpg (65.11 KB, 960x1227, jd-tennessee-honey_960x.jpg)

My bf Jack Daniels

No. 994062

File: 1639442366963.jpg (9.3 KB, 245x331, mizutan.jpg)

My gf, tap water.

No. 994075

File: 1639443082617.jpeg (262.64 KB, 1500x1099, 65433.jpeg)

my harem

No. 994085

File: 1639443658858.jpg (207.63 KB, 752x1024, istockphoto-172215952-1024x102…)

My ex-bf cause i love milk but now i'm lactose intolerant

No. 994091

No. 994100

File: 1639445600559.gif (72.48 KB, 299x84, cooltext400084090768175.gif)

No. 994106

I'm about to steal your gf sorry not sorry

No. 994109


No. 994133

File: 1639449490881.gif (72.4 KB, 451x106, cooltext400084273736851.gif)

No. 994148

kill your celf

No. 994151

actually "kyc" is an acronym for "kayece" ("shut up" but with bad grammar)

No. 994154

I thought the gif said kill your oelf

No. 994155

We can do both

No. 994164

wait what? are you sacrificing the low poly borzoi so anon's mom could be with the forbidden man?

No. 994175

>the forbidden more
Voledemort as 'he who must not be named' would have his ego so fucking hurt if he ever came here

No. 994181

I would sacrifice anons mom to acquire a low poly borzoi and be with forbidden man

No. 994199

No but not a bad idea, my sacrifice is to give up him for myself and allow anon's mom to have him. The low poly borzoi was just a cute unrel pic

No. 994290

not so fast, you will have to rip the forbidden man out of my cold dead hands
lmfao anon

No. 994406

Yall nonnies dont forget to hit your elbows with that moisturizing cream

No. 994763

File: 1639510255915.jpeg (504.66 KB, 750x876, E81C5CB4-C1D0-4444-9323-E41030…)

No. 994767

>yucky bitter crunchy seeds
>inside a rock hard placenta to begin with
>taste like grape with a period
>ugly gave a tumblrfag a gore trigger
>deceiving with the juicy outsides and crunchy inside of each morsel
>bad pom juice that tastes like blood

No. 994807

Literally cannot comprehend the madness of >>994767, but this game seems like an autism central almost giving Kingdom Hearts a run for it's money. I've heard the developers are women so good for them, though.

No. 994911

I hate how they almost taste 'dry'. Cranberries too.

No. 994976



Anon >>994085

No. 994980

me too but i always thought it was a me problem so i try to force myself to get used to cranberry juice sometimes

No. 994992

what about cranberry sauce, that's not dry

No. 995005

File: 1639529443686.jpg (100.3 KB, 736x736, e039e1cce8701435137312108994ca…)


No. 995044

File: 1639532637148.jpeg (77.82 KB, 720x638, 543422A6-14DE-43A5-9B49-668C96…)


No. 995075

not american so ive never really had that

No. 995187

File: 1639549037113.jpg (65.55 KB, 735x1043, ed4497dc9e04f65626b9f6c59b3563…)

HER NAILS! She needs to put the rodent away and go get a fill in, like right now bitch

No. 995190

im not american so ive never really had that either

No. 995192

>tfw not an american and cant have this

No. 995193

not an american
cant have it

No. 995197

File: 1639550420241.jpeg (57.57 KB, 680x462, D895133A-9BE3-41C0-87C1-C0A774…)

No. 995198

I don't care if it makes you fat, I'm buying a shit ton of cereal boxes on my first paycheck!

No. 995200

if you believe me carbohydrates have zero calories keep being a skinny legend queen

No. 995225

I didn't understand a single word…

No. 995231

File: 1639552593356.jpeg (65 KB, 800x800, 04308F31-0182-4C4E-AD77-898544…)

Beautiful gorgeous show stopping never done before give him all the apples best boy Ryuk

No. 995232

File: 1639552661238.jpeg (56.17 KB, 583x462, EE8FEF11-1654-4EFF-849C-A421FF…)

Whatt the the FUCK do you want?

No. 995236

im retarded 71 IQ growlingvpanting autstic feral dinosaur shaped nuggets consumer

No. 995248

just say you like funko pops

No. 995269

File: 1639555643341.png (16.33 KB, 259x259, nugget-dino5.png)

Dinosaur nuggets are cultured. They teach us about art, paleontology, that life is finite, white meat only, and a crispy breading

No. 995284

No I'm a nendoroid girl I'm not 60 IQ

No. 995311

You are a fucking retard, you don’t know what’s good, pomegranate is the best fruit in the world

No. 995313

File: 1639560128443.jpg (61.83 KB, 800x566, grenade.jpg)

No. 995928

File: 1639608345149.png (23.17 KB, 80x80, 299-2991068_rosa-pink-overlay-…)

No. 995932

File: 1639608603546.png (149.41 KB, 512x512, sticker_2.png)

do you want this as a cytube sticker

No. 995934

Use case?

No. 995935

idk its gay

No. 995952

File: 1639609726177.png (27.26 KB, 100x52, Aesthetic-Stickers-No-Backgrou…)

No. 995955

File: 1639609750122.png (17.55 KB, 100x45, 443-4430492_pixel-wtf-sticker-…)

No. 995991

would love this one! the shy cat-thing one also is cool

No. 995999

File: 1639612621330.jpeg (489.47 KB, 597x734, 33D7FF1A-DA28-4C50-A307-194530…)

XDBEASTIALITYRAPEFUNNYXD jesus fucking christ I’m not a saint but I hate this world sometimes

No. 996001

File: 1639612683491.jpg (8.54 KB, 132x137, x7wuDSazMtvmdzo405z3wWtrK6w_lm…)

Need a "god I wish that were me" emote kek

No. 996017

File: 1639613091057.jpg (98.14 KB, 1000x513, Do-we-live-in-a-simulation-Res…)

Everything and everyone around me is fake, in the sense that nothing is real and we live in a simulation, that's why i'm the realest bitch here

No. 996018

File: 1639613240145.gif (27.52 KB, 97x202, Tumblr_l_250646254412665.gif)

As a AFAB woman, JK Rowling gives me powerful gender euphoria

No. 996034


you’re a woman anon.

No. 996038

File: 1639613734131.jpg (58.02 KB, 720x709, 44e57aa2583e711a4564ad33040b87…)

What if we were the lolcow all along?

No. 996076

same. you'd think trannies would at least try not to sound like the degenerate scrotes they are

No. 996214

File: 1639623210779.jpg (76.77 KB, 735x657, 570ef8a8731ab1c1cbcb81efba5d77…)

das da joke

No. 996231

File: 1639624431662.jpg (44.89 KB, 664x708, 2627ce37984771872c662076cfe629…)

Ojou-sama… Would you like your feet rubbed now, or after your nightly killing spree

No. 996237

I never knew I wanted this, until I saw it

No. 996241

Whats a acab afab amab women? I’m not going to memorise an acronym that’s longer than three letters. What do you retards think I am, a dictionary for acronyms or something?

No. 996245

File: 1639625732093.jpg (46.42 KB, 720x718, Tumblr_l_1549541828771915.jpg)

Assigned Caca at Birth
Assigned Faggot at Birth
Assigned Maggot at Birth

No. 996273

post this agane and i will show you you a real shiniggami (god of death0 bitch

No. 996392

I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be a crazy motherfucker
I want to be an unhinged woman
I want to be an unhinged woman
I want to be an unhinged woman
I want to be an unhinged woman
I want to be an unhinged woman
I will defile society
I will defile society
I will defile society
I will defile society
I will defile society

No. 996394

Only trannies make bestiality jokes because they're the biggest dog fuckers.

No. 996396


No. 996397


No. 996405

well you can't, because you're not american

No. 996407

ewwww, christ.

No. 996429

wow, they really showed us how sane and not creepy they are

No. 996434

File: 1639643047519.png (389.33 KB, 894x894, imagen_2021-12-16_022424.png)

No. 996437

File: 1639643221216.jpeg (35.11 KB, 360x259, 131682B3-87D3-496C-B0A0-ECBC36…)

i want to be a sad little tetrahedron

No. 996460

No. 996508

Yin and Yang
Female and male
Do not try to destroy the natural balance like these so called ‘ryuk’ fangirls, no devoting yourselves to fictional men

No. 996672

File: 1639670194132.jpg (405.22 KB, 1080x2099, sex.jpg)

The future is here.

No. 996673

Anyone who can even joke about waking on Legos needs to be institutionalized

No. 996676

good so i can just neet in peace

No. 996788

File: 1639676183533.jpg (78.48 KB, 540x425, fghj.jpg)

No. 996955

kek what website?

No. 997054

It's that retarded Replika app.

No. 997081

File: 1639702104460.png (650.34 KB, 720x992, THAT_ME.png)

No. 997119

File: 1639706106626.png (31.89 KB, 3232x1120, nullfags.png)

No. 997129

will do your job for free so i can put it on my resume as volunteer work, will eat out your wife for no returns, call me if you need the power of the scum of the earth

No. 997134

if your nation is or ever has been a major world power, it's a shitty nation of retards and im coming to implant random invasive species into it

No. 997140


No. 997146

File: 1639709582839.jpg (62.56 KB, 720x725, Tumblr_l_422331576474249.jpg)

Sometimes, our fantasies are all we have to look forward to

No. 997218

You mother phucker.

No. 997220

And that should be a warning call. Fantasies are never an escape, anon.

No. 997238

File: 1639720636154.jpeg (15.99 KB, 704x396, 79930331168.jpeg)

Okily dokie

No. 997299

File: 1639730100615.jpg (10.08 KB, 246x256, 4f67911c347ce7fecfe685deafeae9…)

shut the heck up let me live in my daydream world

No. 997338

File: 1639737875575.jpg (470.1 KB, 2048x1463, bhramarii1.jpg)

I wish this would happen to some men…

love her!

No. 997358

File: 1639742745139.png (1.4 MB, 1059x640, WOOHOO.png)

w-woohoo terms??..

No. 997372

>she doesn't know about woohoo terms

No. 997405

File: 1639750868646.png (25.54 KB, 224x280, 86-862797_woohoo-gnome-bare-es…)

>she doesn't know which woohoo terms*

No. 997434

File: 1639753797463.gif (2.16 MB, 350x350, 203f95798d286ddc3a980645c2c16a…)



No. 997439

File: 1639754037284.gif (263.05 KB, 107x125, PolnareffWithStand.GIF.gif)

Come at me 「bitch」

No. 997544

marry me

No. 997827

File: 1639774234181.jpeg (305.41 KB, 750x748, 78E6058A-B143-4942-A85D-ACEA9A…)

When I say I enjoy modern literature…

This is what I mean

No. 997831

Can someone recommend me where to find a kind, old oak tree to scream beneath?

No. 997908

File: 1639780159119.jpg (59.49 KB, 500x281, tumblr_npsrjbFAz51s2kojso1_500…)

Oh… I will

No. 997917

File: 1639780580523.gif (2.68 MB, 436x240, whl5ijlojolh90fdgd.gif)

i know nothing about pokey monsters but i feel this one truly captures the spirit of farmers

No. 997925

the only cool otherkin i ever knew was kin with that dog in the jojo anime

No. 998049

File: 1639790777425.jpeg (1.76 MB, 3464x3464, F4BB42EB-5934-4BB9-A3E0-B5504A…)

No. 998060

File: 1639792031467.jpg (63.51 KB, 1000x563, Higurashi-Gou-episode-20-higur…)

Why does he have anime cheek highlights?

No. 998063

No. 998069

File: 1639792854750.jpg (206.13 KB, 603x524, Tumblr_l_1550025995158240.jpg)

No. 998070

It's the jihad glow

No. 998074

my starter.. i just got her photo so she can leave…

No. 998087

breaks nail
I am Sonic

No. 998150

oily skin and big cheekbones i should know

No. 998176

In response to the new Seeking Arrangement guidelines I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, photos and videos, etc. (as a result of the Berner Convention) For commercial or any use of the above my written consent is needed at all times. (Anyone reading this can copy this text and paste it on their Seeking Arrangement profile). I hereby notify Seeking Arrangement that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and/or its contents. The aforementioned prohibited actions also apply to employees, students, agents and/or any staff under Seeking Arrangement's direction or control. The content of this profile is private and confidential information.

No. 998180

the y chromosome truly is a handicap

No. 998201

File: 1639809337158.gif (8.33 KB, 80x80, 743514_d4bd6.gif)

No. 998295

File: 1639827258385.jpg (59.49 KB, 1024x798, pig.jpg)

Everybody is mean to me..

No. 998301

File: 1639827507445.gif (474.15 KB, 498x347, hug-cute.gif)

i'm sorry, anon

No. 998425

No. 998489


No. 998500

Well I think you're just grand. I also have that piggy bank!

No. 998503

Did you mean to post this in the shitposting thread?

No. 998514

File: 1639848673562.jpg (114.03 KB, 736x722, 155dc207a42f63e4b146c770d7f9ca…)

>sits down at your table without saying anything

No. 998515

Sorry, I don't have any change.

No. 998556

am I about to get robbed

No. 998567

Nah. Joji is a manlet and would cry if you pinch his nipples

No. 998568

>stands up and leaves with my belongings

No. 998571

File: 1639851663349.jpg (80.7 KB, 600x600, Johnny_.jpg)

Sorry I'm with someone already

No. 998574

No. 998578

listen i can go out looking rough sometimes but not enough to be mistaken for a dealer

No. 998582

File: 1639852350456.jpg (110.91 KB, 735x774, fc4a439968f27a4db749ccd1eda36a…)

>tfw i used to be fucked up enough that people approached me asking for meth

pic unrelated

No. 998583

she cute
who she?

No. 998585

Found her on Pinterest with no name

No. 998590

Her messy table reminds me of my mom's apartment

No. 998604

No I will not donate my piss for your drink, good day.

No. 998615

Yeah you eat ass, but do you eat

The Front Bum ?

No. 998618

Oh man I used to say front bum all the time when I was a kid. But like if you've ever seen a reallllly big person you know front bums are no joke.

No. 998627

File: 1639854423644.jpg (9.41 KB, 194x236, 1616973254599.jpg)

A twiddly-doo, a twiddly-dee,
Working retail is killing my feet!
A twiddly-doo, a twiddly-dum,
I'm gonna drink a whole bottle of rum!

No. 998680

File: 1639856798106.jpeg (332.03 KB, 2048x1536, 9558FE4C-2400-47BC-B217-DF45A2…)

Look at him. Immediately.

No. 998721

Nose looks like a bellybutton

No. 998740

File: 1639860210513.jpg (40.31 KB, 634x357, f7be9067d35f43d056b6a3a0ad69b4…)

Look at the back of squirtles head tho. As a bit of a plush cowwector… shit like that always bugs me. DO BETTER!

No. 998789

File: 1639864669972.png (3.03 MB, 1080x1920, FotoJet (4).png)

Null romantic xmas aesthetic ♥

No. 998792

don't summon them i'm begging you

No. 998794

Do one for the forbidden man

No. 998797

i am always among you

No. 998799


Was it you that had the lady wet dream about him

No. 998800

File: 1639865822059.jpg (9.18 KB, 236x302, dad40c7d57e55e0fda66655d5708a3…)

"Sorry hun, I won't fix you"

No. 998803

File: 1639865923617.jpg (32.32 KB, 720x709, 3er568.jpg)

No. 998815

File: 1639866311896.jpg (46.78 KB, 717x486, EfcmhN4UwAMFsAn.jpg)

KEK no, not quite there yet
see pic

No. 998833

File: 1639867740612.png (162 KB, 520x292, tumblr_87edb903329d133fa0aeadb…)

It took me a while to understand

No. 998859

I don’t know if i should feel relieved or horrified to find out i’m not alone in my bad taste for parasocial crushes

No. 998867

listen nonnies a couple threads over are cooming to gay spiderman memes, we don't have to be that ashamed

No. 998868

omfg i love this so much. need me more memes like this one

No. 998869

yes, this one would actually be appreciated

No. 998873

File: 1639872822238.jpg (63.24 KB, 1080x848, E16Q9zHXoAEuOhS.jpg)

Ehehehehehe……….hehehehehe…hehe……heeeeeeheeeheeehhahahoohoo….hah…..heehee…..huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuú……..mehehehehheheh..mhehehe..heh. tch… You couldn't understand my mind…hehe…eheh.

No. 998893

spiderman is less ugly

No. 998944

Agree. Give us more anon.

No. 999118

Goo goo gaa gaa bibby bibby bop,
Schlep schlep shlaa shlaa sleepy sleepy slop

No. 999524

File: 1639946857613.jpg (207.68 KB, 1561x2048, 674764.jpg)

everyone is so mean 2 me

No. 999528

nooo dont kill yourself your so sexy aha

No. 999661

File: 1639960107372.png (28.75 KB, 80x80, 1.png)

No. 999662

File: 1639960161989.png (25.82 KB, 80x80, 2.png)

No. 999663

File: 1639960210241.png (29.57 KB, 80x80, 4.png)

No. 999665

File: 1639960322341.png (29.16 KB, 80x80, 3.png)

No. 999668

File: 1639960685936.png (27.31 KB, 80x80, 1639730100615.png)

No. 999672

File: 1639961074428.gif (25.37 KB, 150x50, cooltext400516686313690.gif)

No. 999673

what aire itarnation

No. 999751

File: 1639968264511.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.93 KB, 1500x1500, 25282829292.jpg)

This child isn't mine. The child is  from the darkness. I've given birth to humanity's curse.

My soul will be swallowed and vomited and swallowed again. Forever.
Sick joke. But no one is laughing.

My blood will remain. Death isn't the end.

I am in hell. This is hell.

No. 999754

File: 1639968559767.png (67.96 KB, 337x282, 1637564605446.png)

No. 999755

File: 1639968639697.png (332.19 KB, 411x411, tumblr_n725ckeKJo1s2s45bo1_500…)

I'm going mad because I fell in love with a stupid freakin imaginary character, why didn't I tell my crush in high school that I liked him, I could have had a real husbando. I could have had someone to hold instead of imagining how I would hold an imaginary man. I am the fool

No. 999756

File: 1639968840622.jpg (83.4 KB, 648x963, 16c1da5b6c3e882b1043606488333f…)

Having a man won't make you long for your husbando any less nonita

No. 999757

File: 1639968939048.gif (394.34 KB, 500x265, ePijZ5X7V26Xsj1qEgXevgE10dtd50…)

thinking about how much time I spent caring about plastic asian moids in my teens

No. 999829

Facts, I've been in a relationship for a decade and I'm still madly in love with my husbando.

No. 999887

i miss maid ryuk anon i hope shes having a good holiday season with her dead god husbando

No. 999952

GET happening soon

No. 999953


No. 999969

File: 1639984604788.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.4 KB, 1080x776, Tumblr_l_540896105813923.jpg)

I have to go to bed now but I'll have you all know I stayed up a whole 15 minutes in hopes of making pic related the 1000000 GET

No. 999972

You got 69 kek

No. 999983

I hope you don't sleep well at all.

No. 1000000

File: 1639986216600.png (132.85 KB, 894x894, 828272727272.png)


No. 1000013

you are a disgrace

No. 1000014

fuck you lmao

No. 1000015

File: 1639986321870.png (134.25 KB, 508x560, 789DBBE7-3812-4686-8E57-76E04E…)

Fuck you.

No. 1000017

Undeserving bitch fuck you lmao

No. 1000023

lady luck smiles upon you

No. 1000024

No. 1000031

BIG SHAYNUS would have been funnier

No. 1000032


No. 1000034

This is terrible omg

No. 1000037

what a waste, made me laugh though

No. 1000044

Anon you literally are this kid

No. 1000045

File: 1639987708380.png (196.74 KB, 589x375, 1634882912864.png)

Fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you
Fuck you fuck you fuck you Fuck you fuck you fuck you

No. 1000052

File: 1639987991502.jpg (12.6 KB, 251x234, 1544.jpg)

fuck you bitch

No. 1000054

Chongus chongus chongus chongus

No. 1000108

come on guys it's the retarded shitpost thread it's not that bad

No. 1000116

Its a dead forced meme

No. 1000122

Looks like Asian Snape

No. 1000129

File: 1640000226185.jpeg (94.93 KB, 750x666, 72B08135-DE66-43D2-A1BD-56705C…)

Better than some anon venting about her boyfriend wanting to do anal or wanting to get pegged.

No. 1000147

File: 1640003587889.jpg (111.25 KB, 540x725, tumblr_f1050ee269feb1c72c40414…)

No. 1000148

Based. Everyone's mad at you but I'm just glad the 1000000th post wasn't someone talking about their boyfriend or their dad shitting on the couch or something

No. 1000161

File: 1640005319215.png (136.13 KB, 261x320, pinay gf.png)

No. 1000165

What, do you guys not like big chungus

No. 1000179

of all the posts you had to post a dead meme from 2018

No. 1000183

File: 1640008875632.jpg (89.63 KB, 720x1142, Screenshot_20211220-014100_Chr…)

Last minute gift idea for your nigels

No. 1000185

that's what makes it funny though

No. 1000186

File: 1640008915284.jpeg (Spoiler Image,12.13 KB, 103x112, 1635026307763.jpeg)

>retarded shitpost thread

No. 1000188

File: 1640009591591.png (100.24 KB, 420x413, ].png)

kek come on anon not even BIG YOSHI??

No. 1000195

File: 1640010493722.jpg (54.27 KB, 792x839, flatten.jpg)

or worse, this

No. 1000237

KEKKKKKK Getting it now

No. 1000239


I'm so jealous I bet your day is going amazing right now

No. 1000263

File: 1640016072632.jpeg (57.86 KB, 411x739, C9C9C412-EECA-4843-8825-B1B5CC…)

Chig Bungus

No. 1000289

I'm proud of you, no one can take this moment away from you

No. 1000291

File: 1640017637255.jpeg (67.02 KB, 792x1056, flatten.jpeg)

No. 1000294

Is that Joe Exotic?

No. 1000298


No. 1000308

No. 1000325

>>1000000 and >>>/ot/999999 are both valid and represent the dichotomy of /ot/

No. 1000328

What dichotomy? Stale memes and pandering? Nvm you right

No. 1000329

sense of community and being retarded

No. 1000333

File: 1640020384817.png (313.64 KB, 600x589, 14387697-4D37-49B7-98E1-E3ADC1…)

Imagine being a santa denier

No. 1000392

File: 1640025981426.jpg (43.37 KB, 720x540, 1ea66580f594d36cc005a676d2aeb9…)

Santa memes GO

No. 1000413

File: 1640027420921.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.78 KB, 194x260, 4D1E61C7-CA39-410F-9389-EE7F59…)

Santa is not real.

No. 1000423

File: 1640027718738.jpg (86.48 KB, 1300x1085, fitness-christmas-woman-wearin…)

average santa believer physique

No. 1000427

He supposedly comes in from the chimney… but my country's houses have no chimney unless you're rich, explain this santa believers

No. 1000432

File: 1640028305903.jpg (74.42 KB, 736x1211, c3bf2939574f6dc8cc1e3b5471f022…)

Santa can come into your residence no matter if it's a wooden shed or a yurt

No. 1000507

File: 1640034186849.jpg (71.69 KB, 736x673, acbdb432bc965d6ebd13128a1bee0e…)

Why would komaeda do this??

No. 1000509

lies, he's not even a bihet

No. 1000510

With that pencil dick? Nah.

No. 1000512

Uh oh the bihet fujo is back.

No. 1000516

You can still get pregenant from a pencil dick, it just ends up a skinny baby (skinnier sperm)

No. 1000528

File: 1640035592846.gif (714.81 KB, 498x262, mean-girls-damian.gif)

No. 1000534

File: 1640035846018.jpeg (50.16 KB, 533x849, B404141B-C741-4AEE-AC75-475ABB…)

There’s no way such a pencil, tiny komaeda dick would get anything pregananent.

No. 1000539

>pencil is for writing on paper
Checkmate autists

No. 1000543

File: 1640036185727.jpeg (74.69 KB, 668x528, 0B7052E4-7992-4BDE-9CDC-215826…)

No. 1000544

File: 1640036253220.png (1.11 MB, 761x1086, 602.png)

No. 1000551

File: 1640036676262.gif (296.09 KB, 220x128, laughing-hysterically-dying.gi…)

LMAO anon you're a legend, rejoice

No. 1000554

File: 1640036804696.jpeg (59.95 KB, 500x375, B96973A8-9AE6-4ABA-B30B-2B138F…)

No. 1000555

File: 1640036900013.jpg (25.49 KB, 236x341, 255cb9eebcfa911e6b45b517f3f17f…)

FUCK I missed being the 999999th poster

No. 1000560


No. 1000566


No. 1000571

File: 1640037453325.jpg (93.62 KB, 992x716, kitty_in_my_pocket_take_my_mon…)

these bitches are cute asf, can i find them on aliexpress?
anon i love you and toys are based. i've a collection of these and might order more. i also collect plush in forest animal, cat and fruit themes. i like to make stupid videos with them and pose them on stuff when i travel.

No. 1000577

When pissing in the woods dont forgt to do a little bounce sHuFfLe to dangle off the last droplets

No. 1000580

Wtf I used to have Tabitha, Shyla, Felix, Snowflake and Jenny. I had some that aren't in the image too. And I did keep them in my pocket and they turned blue from jeans. So I scratched off the fur from Tabitha and painted her with nailpolish and put her on my keys as a keychain. Then I lost her but I found her again in the park in a corner of a bench, someone found her and didn't take her, instead they put her in a visible place so I would find her again. I'm so thankful to that person. Now I place her in the corner of a window to keep it open I am afraid I will lose her again if I carry her around. I didn't know her name was Tabitha

No. 1000593

Holy shit i have all of those
I keep them in a padded treasure box under my bed
I had completely forgot

No. 1000598

File: 1640038285516.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.28 KB, 680x960, 1BB698EE-EC74-402A-BE32-6776C7…)

holy shit when did jerma get this old?

No. 1000603

Correction i dont have tabitha or felix but i have three more that aren’t listed
Punkin easily favorite

No. 1000604

that's such a cute story, good on that stranger to let you come back for her!
i have a different collection from them and some of their dogs! my favorite is the white cat with the little wizard hat lol
i want a punkin so bad. halloween theme is the best

No. 1000606

My neighbor had Punkin I was so jealous

No. 1000622

File: 1640039575225.jpg (130.69 KB, 1200x943, asdfghjkl.jpg)

fuzzy fish
fuzzy fish

No. 1000623

my friend cleaned her kitten figurines with an old toothbrush. i was like. you clean them? because i was so autistic that i just liked taking them in and out of the box and line them up on my shelf, instead of actually bringing them out to play lmfao

No. 1000631

File: 1640040109426.jpg (48.27 KB, 736x734, be5ccf44db167f0223d962a35a601f…)

You too my precious cow

No. 1000639

omg i used to have a bunch of these fuckers in a little wicker lunch box. i loved them so much when i was little, but i guess i donated them - i just hope whoever buys them will cherish them as much as i did lol
i can't believe one of them is canonically called jenny. i was so autistically obsessed with the name jenny that i named every single one of the bigger 'mother' dogs jenny and half of the puppies. i thought the jenny cat looked like a boy and called her michael

No. 1000642

File: 1640041003841.jpg (1.09 MB, 1862x2804, binum.jpg)

i was triggered that tabitha is not a tabby cat

No. 1000645

Very cu

No. 1000646

VEry cute

No. 1000664

File: 1640042994894.jpeg (43.28 KB, 495x619, Peter rabbit.jpeg)

There's a mother cat called Tabitha in Peter Rabbit and she was a tabby cat. Never noticed this, cause I am ESL. I always wanted to have a gray cat named Tabitha as a kid, though, I thought she was lovely. Now I also realize that her son was named Tom as a nod to tomcats.

No. 1000668

i was so autistically obsessed with the name jenny
me too anon, there was a popular song about a girl named Jenny - it was actually about a victim of child abuse, but I didn't get the lyrics as a child and just thought the song sounds magical and the name is so lovely

No. 1000669

Anon I love drawings like this….

No. 1000670

This is what happened when I answered every Akinator's question as if the character was me (i couldn't find the screenshot so have this pic instead)

No. 1000675

File: 1640043991390.jpg (80.31 KB, 509x700, 5ea4b80ae0c5f93271e80af1681329…)

You should look for all of Beatrix Potter's illustrations, nonnie! I love Peter Rabbit. The new movies are a travesty, though.

No. 1000677


No. 1000680

Nta but i never thought a cat in a dress could be so cute. Wholesome stuff

No. 1000693

Fuck yes there’s a weeb on the new 90 day fiancé!!!

No. 1000699

They're all weebs

No. 1000703

I have a book from my childhood that has this story in it.

No. 1000709

Do any non-US anons wanna pretend to be in love so we can make some TLC cash and troll the millioms of normies that watch this show?

No. 1000713

>pretend to be in love
Have you watched the show? They don't even pretend kek

No. 1000734

Eww she’s the fat yellow-fever kind, probably a fujishit too

No. 1000811

where can i buy??

No. 1000949

Theres a good song called jenny by walk the moon

No. 1000953

If i saw a morbidly obese whale swinging a katana on her front lawn i would kill her.

No. 1001600


Juss wanna know what was the first post

No. 1001620

aliexpress has 1 box if you search ocean in my pocket. i saw kitties and puppies on ebay, overpriced to high heavens. if you are american, those big beach souvenir shops like gay dolphin might have cute aquatic figurines from this franchise or close knock-offs.

No. 1001623

File: 1640140801052.png (315.67 KB, 628x580, bird.png)

shoot im canadian lol also i really try to avoid buying from china… any other ideas? honestly i just love flocky animals but i never see them anywhere for an affordable price

No. 1001626

File: 1640141611220.jpg (109.21 KB, 643x1200, 37098774ec091456d313aaad8e1852…)

Imagine men

No. 1001649

Fellow jermamite, hello
Jerma is amazing and can't wait for more monster rancher 2 tomorrow

No. 1001650

Platinum was my first Pokemon game and hearing this theme again is making me emotional.

No. 1001679

They all come from China anyway no matter whether you’re buying direct or not.

No. 1001731

jerma wishes he could be so magnificent
someone please tell me why I am in this crisis where I like demonic monkey men

No. 1001798

Handmade from small plushiemakers but that's not affordable or second hand (personally don't love the idea of buying plushies second hand).

No. 1001872

File: 1640176240168.jpeg (37.35 KB, 500x501, D5A1E1B4-52D5-4A1B-BC3E-964681…)

he is making a list
he is checkin it twice
he is gonna find out
who is naughty or nice

No. 1001888

Had a dream that they had to change the lyrics to My Neck My Back to ‘all you menstruators pop your pussy like this’ because of trannies.

No. 1001991

File: 1640190988080.jpg (107.42 KB, 563x767, Weekly_Jump_January_10_1996.jp…)

Sorry I only accept giorno santa

No. 1001997

File: 1640191486709.jpg (762.66 KB, 1080x1080, Lussebullar-foto-Nurlan-Emir-M…)


No. 1001998

File: 1640191702939.png (942.46 KB, 2048x2048, delicious.png)


No. 1002013

File: 1640193821227.jpg (90.79 KB, 736x1109, 522889e9447cdb481bac4ac457dc51…)

No. 1002016

I enjoy this version for the holidays

No. 1002140

Anon I’m laughing I love this so much, thank you.

No. 1002241

File: 1640209074876.png (5.03 KB, 567x40, 1234325467878765432.png)

when are you going to cook for me nonna

No. 1002284

File: 1640212137690.png (117.09 KB, 448x294, cumberlandformynonna.png)

Only the best Benny Cumberland for my nonna, eat up for grandma so you can get tall and reach Stacyhood ♥

No. 1002356

File: 1640216169810.png (201.65 KB, 608x730, 0cecad72cf034b588bd9be61a7b83d…)


No. 1002407

get away from me

No. 1002412

File: 1640220103229.png (1.13 MB, 792x1091, Screen Shot 2021-12-22 at 6.40…)

This product photo is Troon coded

No. 1002436

File: 1640221606959.jpg (102.67 KB, 1000x1000, apple.jpg)

When I run, about 15-20 minutes in I start having EXTREME food cravings. 99% of the time it's either for gatorade or fruit and sometimes for a specific candy. Today my craving was apples. But today it was so strong that as I was running, all I could think about was apples. My mind was just repeating the word "apple, apple, apple" and I felt like I was turning into a apple monster. There was a green apple rotating around in my mind and the gym started to disappear around me. Now I'm home, eating my apple slices and feeling normal again.

No. 1002437

File: 1640221749143.jpg (26.04 KB, 640x336, 76cd67f1ba573fc1a1e041f2ad0ab8…)

… You can run for 20 minutes??

No. 1002439

>all I could think about was apples. My mind was just repeating the word "apple, apple, apple" and I felt like I was turning into a apple

This is the second time I've read about anons craving apples. I think the Ryuk poster cursed us.

No. 1002470

File: 1640224438390.gif (2.7 MB, 460x259, 860.gif)

anon on her run

No. 1002688

I wish to bop to this

No. 1002693

No. 1002695

I don't get it

No. 1002751

lighten up, at least it wasn't autistic husbandoposting or some retard calling bella hadid fat

No. 1002754

MY bella Hadid is fatter than YOUR Bella Hadid. GET OVER IT!

No. 1002757

you're a faggot. this triggered one of my alters to front earlier and I'm back now and ready to kick your dumb ass. come around I think you're a scrote toxic faggot you wish you could bop to anything. you are bopless. you're nothing.

No. 1002763

File: 1640269162549.png (246.2 KB, 605x964, yesireadbooks.png)

Gonna read more books in 2022

No. 1002770

File: 1640269889996.jpeg (193.96 KB, 1200x797, 2FE798AC-8358-4541-B807-050DBE…)

Reminds me of the existence of these books.

No. 1002771

reminds me of that dude from Anonymous Agony


No. 1002923

File: 1640281218355.gif (592.25 KB, 275x155, 1640277643782.gif)

this pic always makes me laugh so fucking loud ewoihfdwioehffo

No. 1002971

what is the source? GoogleLens try to sell me ugly jackets when I reverse search. Fuck it

No. 1002986

This became a meme

No. 1002987

This is my favourite
Greenshirt bebop

No. 1002991

I’ll find one of your alters to bop with instead. We will bop without you.

No. 1003003

the headshake is the best part. "nope, you're not fooling anyone. not even a little bit."

No. 1003006

im sorry this makes me laugh so fucking much man he's a fucking hero

No. 1003007

I love the way the troon is so offended like "ah… ah… im a victim…" kek its so pathetic yet funny

No. 1003009

File: 1640288405686.webm (1.86 MB, 640x352, 1629831972570.webm)

a worthy sequel

No. 1003011

im dying im at work trying not to laugh aopihdiwpoefhoiwrhhg

No. 1003016


No. 1003018

samefag but holy shit the close-up on the adam's apple made me kek

No. 1003029

I'm in the bathroom watching this. And dying of laughter

No. 1003064

never fails kek

No. 1003072

I'm fucking dying

No. 1003074

still can't get over this. Just absurd

No. 1003076

This is now stuck in my head

No. 1003129

File: 1640297696359.gif (1.49 MB, 454x498, 16f.gif)

No. 1003133

File: 1640297910032.jpg (32.34 KB, 543x383, Tumblr_l_109658947904156.jpg)

It do be like that

No. 1003329

File: 1640320160956.jpg (21.26 KB, 235x320, bde0ca4453d108e7a5c6923495f513…)

Why am I crying

No. 1003339

Because Naruto should had married Sasuke

No. 1003341


No. 1003343

File: 1640321304113.jpg (44.32 KB, 720x703, Tumblr_l_654927199472821.jpg)

No. 1003364

File: 1640325124265.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.89 KB, 1242x621, 746B5A6D-6EF0-4AE3-8F5F-713648…)

No. 1003366

Your fursona is cringe

No. 1003368

File: 1640325502885.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.69 KB, 205x322, 41233D6E-5735-4BFA-8FDD-D2CD7D…)

No. 1003500

File: 1640349290506.png (12.95 KB, 338x66, Screen Shot 2021-12-24 at 6.32…)

No. 1004121

File: 1640375564341.jpg (989.52 KB, 1600x1200, Tater_Tots_Close_Up_(247828526…)


No. 1004125

File: 1640375782151.jpg (85.82 KB, 1080x1337, Tumblr_l_109517458185304.jpg)

Is this real life

No. 1004128


No. 1004136

I hate myself

No. 1004140

A hero, he also looks like a great dad who loves and protects his daughters from other creeps

No. 1004145

We truly need to up the percentage of troons dying to 71% or something because those pieces of shit are multiplying like crazy

No. 1004146

Adjusted to inflation if you will

No. 1004147

this is so based

No. 1004155

File: 1640377274022.png (560.35 KB, 1500x1125, narutards rise up.png)

Sasuka is LEGGALLY married to ME HE IS MY MAM
Naurot is bad father, dorky haircut, EVILL, and I do not accept the legitimatcy of his Hokagaeship. I DON'T believe IT! PLEAE never post your ship again or I will be force SINK it!

No. 1004157

omg Im gonna make a banner out of this

No. 1004180

That's amazing.

No. 1004185

i better be rich enough for the plot of catscrach to happen when i die.

No. 1004249

File: 1640383305432.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.54 KB, 567x471, NINTCHDBPICT000542992788-e1574…)

I'm horngry

No. 1004308

Thanks for unlocking a memory for me lol

No. 1005038

I'm sorry for being cringe but I love this fucking song

No. 1005584

File: 1640541659793.gif (2.3 MB, 334x251, PlainAnotherKilldeer-size_rest…)

No. 1005610


No. 1006069

nlog??? pickme??? handmaiden????
I will call you SCROTETTE

No. 1006070

File: 1640573310641.png (69.37 KB, 621x101, cooltext400948968684029.png)

No. 1006106

Not to shill but Ban Roll On Deodorant/Antiperspirant is the best I've ever used. I don't even sweat that much so I don't understand how it is that all the previous anti-deo sticks I used before were unable to last the day. I used to use Certain Dri (which works very well) but it was too strong for me to keep using.

No. 1006129

File: 1640578294743.png (43.67 KB, 943x451, math cats.png)

I'm finally home.

No. 1006131


fuckin love mid-2000s text gens

No. 1006227

File: 1640587402487.gif (19.99 KB, 107x47, cooltext400929747826983-(1).gi…)

No. 1006232

File: 1640587665693.gif (12.84 KB, 150x40, z61c96111e8454.gif)

No. 1006234

File: 1640587758024.png (22.77 KB, 150x25, 1640573310641.png)

No. 1006236

No. 1006303

File: 1640597520940.jpg (23.57 KB, 256x400, 75241526-256-k965761.jpg)

I had basic ships in naruto but after it ended, for some reason I just started shipping Hinata with Sasuke because aesthetically they have the same color scheme in different intensities. Concept of both of them being from strong clans and having different outlook on the whole clan thing. I guess it's more believable for me Sasuke would fall for someone who was not obsessed with him and at the same time shared his admiration (love) for Naruto rather than some obsessed simp chan.

P.S. that different universe movie also railed me up I guess

No. 1006308

File: 1640598859605.png (817.96 KB, 900x894, tumblr_f85f55fb76f4180db0319e8…)

No. 1006320

File: 1640600682301.gif (994.23 KB, 400x400, 563846569_1060410.gif)

No. 1006330


unironically made me install the game nona time to go down the memory lane

No. 1006366

Im sending this to you all nonners, thanks for the hearty keks 2021

No. 1006422

Please post more. I love these

No. 1007487

File: 1640714893093.jpg (57.86 KB, 736x472, 8faed818e0882bcb6e32fab78ced4a…)

No. 1007647

File: 1640726702492.jpeg (147.72 KB, 750x866, 257448CF-C314-4C11-A367-14EFA1…)


No. 1007727

File: 1640730797947.jpg (27.93 KB, 386x580, 149841-grimes.jpg)

I think Grimes is the biggest giga Stacey on earth. She's literally THE manic pixie dream girl. She never had to wear skimpy clothes or a full face of makeup. She puts on the most random shit, dyes her hair until it's completely fried and sloppily applies some random eyeliner she'll wear for days without washing her face. She's 30+ with a baby and still gets to be the little girl. Her performances is just her jumping around on stage like she's a 4 year old in a bouncy house. Yeah I just had to say that now goodbye.

No. 1007751

she looks so cute here. I miss that era.

No. 1007845

I don't like Grimes, but I agree with you she is a giga Stacy. Biggest on Earth though? Maybe for her respective niche. I don't think the biggest Stacy on earth would be so regularly and hilariously dunked on by Azealia

No. 1007847

how can you be a manic pixie dream girl AND a Stacy?

No. 1007853

You can't, but Grimes is.

No. 1007859

Elon left and remarried his first wife FOUR times. Chances he doesn't have a harsh prenup with grimes? I think zero. We'll see how this all turns out kek

No. 1007876

If she’s happy then I agree. She’s professionally successful and has a healthy child. She’s seemingly at peace with her appearance and presentation given how she’s never had surgery or changed her fashion or music style to be more broadly appealing and she’s never had to get nude or dress super skimpy. I think the potential lowest point for her is her relationship with Elon which might not be happy or healthy. But maybe it is and we misinterpret what we get to see, and even if her relationship with him isn’t destined to be forever I think she could find someone else. She is kind of cringey but I don’t think she’s a super bad person.

No. 1007877

File: 1640744453586.jpg (167.94 KB, 1075x1073, Tumblr_l_241477264885018.jpg)


No. 1007878

File: 1640744591856.jpg (580.57 KB, 2000x1545, Exv32mOWUAoMhh4.jpg)

>A Stacy

No. 1007880

>But maybe it is and we misinterpret what we get to see,
anon they literally broke up lol. and elon has a history of being shitty towards his previous partners

No. 1007881

That picture just proves it more.

No. 1007883


No. 1007884

Oops. My bad. Well she still has her child and her career. She can meet someone new, someone nicer.

No. 1007886

File: 1640745056619.jpg (282.23 KB, 1080x1158, Screenshot_20211228-202451.jpg)

Burn shit
Skip school
Get a tattoo of your husbando

No. 1007888

Wasn't Grimes a lunatic who was born into a rich family and then larped as a poor artisté?

She called her son X Æ A-Xii. How vain and self obsessed do you have to be to give your child such a horrendous name?

No. 1007892

No that was her evil twin Crimes

No. 1007895

How does any of that preclude her Stacydom? Obviously larping as poor (if she did that, idk idc) is lame, but she's still doing whatever tf she wants and succeeding at it

No. 1007898

File: 1640745773372.png (257.18 KB, 500x299, stop-right-there-criminal-scum…)


No. 1007900

She needs a containment thread

No. 1007910

I'm pretty sure she has one already, these fuckers just wont stop mentioning her everywhere

No. 1007936

I'M GONNA BROWN is the best meme of this year…..nay, maybe the best meme of all time. It is so faithful to the feeling of taking a big fatt shit

No. 1007938

File: 1640747769380.jpg (188.88 KB, 1080x1330, Tumblr_l_251566166926586__01.j…)

>blocks your path

No. 1007942

dios mio

No. 1007964

File: 1640748659068.png (677.93 KB, 848x1224, 540497905404979054049790.png)

No. 1007968

File: 1640748778205.jpg (3.11 KB, 300x168, descarga.jpg)

No. 1008072

File: 1640760172918.jpg (48.22 KB, 640x473, Tumblr_l_252659551501117.jpg)

No. 1008078

God no, please no tranny memes

No. 1008160

>insults their flabby bara titties and they start crying and run away

No. 1008221

File: 1640784602519.jpg (76.41 KB, 638x636, grimes.JPG)

NO!!! NEVER!!! I will throw you in the grimes dumpster!

No. 1008347

File: 1640795029701.jpg (44.02 KB, 736x727, efabdab26f088397b067b341acf821…)

No. 1008352

It needs a path leading to a Ferrari in the middle for those fuck boys who like to compensate lol

No. 1008387

File: 1640798230211.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4096x2303, A541A300-0456-48F1-B10B-634F24…)

Either a Ferrari or a ridiculously huge pickup.

No. 1008426

File: 1640800667642.jpg (35.61 KB, 721x960, Tumblr_l_252548953311420.jpg)

Do you guys go into a salon when you molt or do you do it yourselves

No. 1008428

Half the guys in the Midwest on their way to their desk job

No. 1008449

No. 1008788

People pay to get molted at salons? Cringe.

No. 1008865

This song still lit

No. 1008912

may I introduce

No. 1009069

File: 1640825243919.jpg (57.2 KB, 669x549, 1639724835767.jpg)

What if baboons raped men at the same rate men rape women

No. 1009085

No. 1009098

Not all heroes wear capes.

No. 1009108

Someone start a patreon for this baboon

No. 1009116

>Import male baboons
>Train them to be aggressive towards men

No. 1009130

File: 1640827066933.gif (180.4 KB, 104x104, Loloops.gif)

>the baboon pins down passerby who do not resist
are they sure those men were raped?

No. 1009152

Men are literally stronger than apes, that wasn’t rape, that was just some males being degenerate.

No. 1009304

This should be sanctioned by the UN gender equality people

No. 1009310

I will add this to the cytube later!

No. 1009311

Nvm just added it lol

No. 1009540

File: 1640866816159.jpg (127.87 KB, 1190x1200, 1640719569349.jpg)

Where the fuck is komaedachan? I saved this pic for her

No. 1009547

Sadly fake news.

No. 1009613

Not the person you are looking for but I like and appreciate it

No. 1009621

Why is the farm so boring sometimes… The only fun thread or discussion right now is the consumerism thread. Everything else is dumb infighting or lame stuff. The infights are anooooooying. Someone do or post something funny PLEASE

No. 1009707

be the change you want to see

No. 1009730

File: 1640879142016.jpg (119.61 KB, 736x912, The court jester by Claude-And…)

nonnie wrote this like she is at the royal court kek, sorry that the silly little farm jesters were not funny enough today. Couldn't be me though, picrel is me and myself always having fun in here

No. 1009863

File: 1640883565733.png (357.62 KB, 625x625, 1.png)

No. 1009870

Why is there an ascetic monk at the court?

No. 1009954

I knew this would happen since I got employed.

No. 1009959

File: 1640885946679.jpg (199.87 KB, 1024x771, larger.jpg)

The royal court of lolcow would be a great theme for a thread

No. 1010027

Please quit!

No. 1010079

Girl, I wish. I miss my old life.

No. 1010150

File: 1640892858824.gif (93.46 KB, 600x600, 1638414414957.gif)

No. 1010457

File: 1640915480006.jpg (63.74 KB, 640x749, IMG_20211231_023619.jpg)


No. 1010460

Could someone give me context on this painting? Who are these women? Are they lovers?

No. 1010488

No. 1010733

Givin' her sister the ol' purple nurple. Like sisters do

No. 1010794

my weight is threeeee hundred pounds
my favorite is bEEf j3rKy :D
i'm a vAgAb0Nd, i'm a vAGaboNd~
my mom says you are kinky

No. 1010805

I miss them

No. 1010808

me too, non. me too…

No. 1010828

fuck yes

No. 1011805

Took a bite of my spring roll at midnight and it didn't burn my mouth. This is my year!!!!! Happy new year, nonnies.

No. 1011869

File: 1641036189920.jpg (13.72 KB, 320x180, canada.jpg)

A surprising amount of people have told me this looks exactly like my brother

No. 1011919

So you are the ones behind this thing. I've seen the emote on the farmmovienight cytube and I love this so much!
2022 and already a new favourite word

No. 1011920

You all must be scrotettes, bacause she's a massive fake and retarded pickme

No. 1011984

Grimes stans are insane, how is being a "little girl" at 30 a win? Especially a lolicon pandering one

No. 1011992

File: 1641044972589.jpg (158.5 KB, 516x869, babies.jpg)

Little orbs little babies

No. 1012003

what are theyyyyy??? cute

No. 1012010

Reading that post all I could think was "and I'm supposed to be impressed by any of this because???", but I guess it's a prerequisite to be a scrote or have scrote mentality to think maniac pixie dream girl is something enviable, this trope isn't even that popular anymore

No. 1012016

How does one animal reach such a level of roundness? Sphereability? Rotundness? Plump orbishness? Furry ball of chub? Round roller? Truly amazing

No. 1012031

based and beautiful

No. 1012051

File: 1641053083274.jpeg (519.47 KB, 828x632, 1F5696AB-C64D-4B87-A93C-A6BE55…)

if you watch content like this you should be put down like a lame horse

No. 1012053

all i know about the matrix is that drake took the blue pill

No. 1012054

im sorry but that log with the rocks make the shape of a dick. please rearrange

No. 1012066

Maybe she likes the dick, maybe the rodents like cock too. Like chill out.. Judgey McHatesCocks. Gawd.

No. 1012141

Give brother

No. 1012565

Facebook: Live, Laugh, Love
Instagram: Good Vibes Only

No. 1012570

I'm glad you liked it nonny!

No. 1012582

Lolcow: Sage Your Shit

No. 1012597

kek love it

No. 1012603

File: 1641090993612.png (501.98 KB, 2048x1374, tbh.png)

"[This is just me]," Spamton said, "BUT I [Fink] I [prefer the smooth taste] OF MEDIA INFLUENCED BY JAPANESE MEDIA RATHER THAN [Actual Japanese media].

No. 1012605

I thought he was wearing something super hot with a hot expression and got a mini heart attack but also yes I love spamton… my daddy spamton (just kidding)

No. 1012944

>how is being a "little girl" at 30 a win?
When you fit this type people let you get away with more.

No. 1013219

File: 1641149337913.png (254.24 KB, 320x556, Jack_Krauser.png)

if anyone saw this in the dumbass shit thread before i deleted it, shhhhh

No. 1013223

File: 1641149778393.jpg (31.43 KB, 680x737, Tumblr_l_1565210350907396.jpg)

Barry the Bee (voiced by Jerry Seinfeld) finds the prospect of ingesting your breast milk very enticing.

No. 1013229

Why he got some nice titties. Is Barry a nickname for bara?

No. 1013246

Sure, in a pedophilic society. If you pander to it, don't call yourself a feminist though

No. 1013327

Idk she seems pretty successful and self-directed to me

No. 1013340

File: 1641157033871.jpeg (169.93 KB, 1080x1360, B52BEA72-C15C-4F99-B8CD-268980…)

hi babygirl

No. 1013342

File: 1641157139064.jpg (51.92 KB, 490x470, tumblr_84956d3532de48c3b306c94…)

I was looking up pics of Alyssa Sutherland because she's so pretty, but then I see one pic that looks kinda weird and I'm like wtf so I visit the website it came from and it's this weird ass tumblr with only pictures making her look ugly and creepy, it's so weird like Apex Twin or something. Idk if it's a fetish or some evil scrote planned it so when you look her up she appears ugly.


No. 1013353

File: 1641157447640.jpeg (139.2 KB, 634x780, 2A36A114-3FD7-4CE3-82BD-A994E1…)

this is hilarious. honestly mostly because of the context of a nonnie being scared of this Tumblr though

No. 1013354

Anon what the fuck this is making me sick

No. 1013357

File: 1641157566816.png (1.6 MB, 996x1120, Screen Shot 2022-01-02 at 3.05…)

No. 1013360

This is weird as fuuuuck

No. 1013369

I can't tell if you're exaggerating or not anymore

No. 1013379

Sorry, but this pic with the caption is so funny to me

No. 1013438

File: 1641162032643.jpg (70.31 KB, 640x962, tp6n8gqp5u751.jpg)


No. 1013445

These are legit terrifying to me and i feel likethis pic needs to be spoilered

No. 1013464

File: 1641164207017.jpg (103.18 KB, 800x1131, tumblr_b4b334c40c738a4cdbd271c…)

I'm glad they seem to have stopped in December 2020. Whatever this was, it didn't seem healthy. They posted this caricature of her, so I suspect it's a fetish to see her features deformed. If so, there's a very high chance that this person had/has multiple other blogs where they did this to different celebrities (most likely all/mostly female)
On the other hand, part of me imagines a very angry woman making these as "vent art" because her (ex) boyfriend openly idolized this actress. A "This is what she looks like to me", "This is how she deserves to be seen" type of thing. Pretty weird

No. 1013528

File: 1641168360278.jpeg (452.86 KB, 1080x1440, 14DC4A1A-D09A-4532-8BCF-55B9C3…)

>alyssa sutherland

me when I lie her face looks disgustingly primitive

No. 1013624

File: 1641177743386.jpg (43.21 KB, 500x735, 0361ce02e6.jpg)

>disgustingly primitive
She looks like a sexy feline.

No. 1013626

nta I am sorry but she looks unsettling as fuck. Like a computer graphic cone wrong

No. 1013628

File: 1641178088550.jpg (196.65 KB, 822x822, tumblr_7bce9e58b15bc6e77fb97a1…)

No. 1013677

I don't need a maaaaan
I sometimes wish I didn't see men at aaaaaallllll

No. 1013692

im scared

No. 1013696

File: 1641184172338.jpeg (57.13 KB, 720x540, 7F1AC71F-29CD-4E4F-BB9C-454BAC…)

POV: some attraction downtown in the city where you live still has Christmas music playing

No. 1013710

File: 1641186506074.jpeg (96.97 KB, 422x511, 1640608121120.jpeg)

No. 1013719

File: 1641187689852.jpg (2.7 MB, 1920x1920, collage1.jpg)

TBH i don't think that blogger purposefully made her face creepy. They just turn up the contrast to eleven in all of their reposted pictures for some reason. Maybe thought it was a nice look or filter

No. 1013721

File: 1641187758301.jpg (73.23 KB, 598x597, lagertha.jpg)

Psh. Move over for the true queen

No. 1013799

Excellent taste nonita

No. 1013832


No. 1013835

File: 1641198039440.gif (53.27 KB, 137x275, face.gif)

For some reason they slightly widened her face? EW and WHY

No. 1013840

you have good taste, let's be friends but I've shipped them since way early in the manga early 2000s. It's nice though seeing more people invested in the pairing

No. 1013920

If you are ok to be friends with someone who also ships gintsu, ichiruki and reylo, then yes.
>I've shipped them since way early in the manga early 2000s
You unironically have galaxy brain. I always suspected that Kishimoto knew Hinata and Sasuke had too much potential together so he never let them interact.

No. 1013927

Ok you are a genius. How did this pairing never occur to me?? I do think sasuino is funny tho because she's a turbo stacy lmao but sasuhina makes sense.

No. 1013954

File: 1641209183368.jpeg (129.24 KB, 900x600, C6EA7B51-F20A-4CC1-83F3-241C99…)

I cant get over orca skeletons

No. 1013960

File: 1641210243969.jpg (110.86 KB, 736x981, 22077f320161f5f519b25c8a0f99a8…)

Link is cold and is hoping you'd kiss him!!

No. 1013988

File: 1641214930560.gif (109.01 KB, 220x124, 0ABC1EAB-8823-442B-9D1F-D18F70…)

No. 1014483

File: 1641251223759.jpeg (114.07 KB, 605x446, 1C47D891-6060-4F12-8D19-10EAFA…)


No. 1014487

I Love you link

No. 1014494

I can, took a bit of a leap since they're pretty big, but managed to clear one on the second try. Best of luck nonnie!

No. 1014497

rosy lipped batfish you are so beautiful to me…

No. 1014524

File: 1641253982275.jpg (254.77 KB, 1080x936, f268c9c6e72e4c59335c5d57841123…)

Wow. I love you.

No. 1014530

File: 1641254349553.jpg (27.75 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

No. 1014539

File: 1641254903506.jpeg (69.07 KB, 530x692, AC7D293A-7900-40F7-806A-8ECFE2…)

how can you hate these monkeys seriously

No. 1014540

File: 1641254906338.png (1.18 MB, 1280x1467, 1634026228037.png)

mwah… sweetheart

No. 1014550

is that Dante from the hit series devil may cry

No. 1014609

is this real

No. 1014621

Adorable creature. Monkey haters are just legit psychos

No. 1014631

File: 1641260567518.jpg (150.35 KB, 518x899, Screenshot_20220103-193909.jpg)

This pic is unnerving

No. 1014634

Girl i've been seeing amazon post this shit on my pinterest too. The angles of the pics are so unflattering. Not to mention those basic ass outfits

No. 1014635

If you're such a monkey ally, name 5 monkeys

No. 1014639

Her head is just so big compared to her body, I thought my vision was skewed and I was lucid dreaming again

No. 1014643

please tell me the name of the monkey in picrel. never seen it before

No. 1014648

File: 1641261287630.jpg (27.97 KB, 366x488, 7991318d756e63c7970310c1c9380e…)

This monkey looks familiar

No. 1014650

I was thinking the same thing. I think she has a literal disability so I just forget about it after I see it.

No. 1014656

File: 1641261377142.png (111.37 KB, 1024x1024, jngek.png)

Super Monkey Ball monkeys
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey (monkey in anon's pic)
Pic related
Rafiki from the Lion King ig

No. 1014657

kris jenner? is that you!???

No. 1014658


No. 1014666

she's probably just a midget/dwarf

No. 1014670

File: 1641261759428.jpg (91.54 KB, 590x887, 131a802062fc62d467389b57a4dda6…)

Who gave him this haircut

No. 1014724

File: 1641265059177.jpeg (323.38 KB, 671x510, ABAB1D11-7655-4574-BB98-6CB29E…)

golden snub monkey, they’re endangered rare old world species from china that are extremely fluffy and look like dr seuss characters. the mothers and female monkeys are extremely compassionate and help each other with their monkey infants, they also love to hug and huddle during the winter months to keep cool. they also mourn whenever their babies unfortunately die during extreme conditions (although a lot of monkeys and primates are shown to mourn their own dead babies). picrel is a newborn and it looks like an alien it’s so freaking cute

No. 1014726

she looks super ugly and gross, looks like she’s gonna climb a tree and collect all the bananas

No. 1014803

wow i thought it was fake because its so cool! anyway to somehow save them?

No. 1014811

File: 1641272532304.jpeg (27 KB, 533x575, 15626727.jpeg)

shinji evangelion

No. 1014815

Bardock was once a brilliant scientist!

No. 1014820

>Okay, so this is minor in the grand scheme of things, but …

>My fiancee got me a gorgeous engagement ring. It's a round solitaire that I love SO much. The only glitch: the setting is yellow gold. He told me he debated getting a white gold ring and I SO wish he had. (I only ever wear silver. I don't even own any yellow gold!) I love my ring, but I'd love it so much more if the setting were white gold.

how the fuck does this happen? how do these retarded women marry men that know so little about them?

No. 1014884

I bet none of you can spell pregenant properly.

No. 1014900


No. 1014929

File: 1641283154079.jpeg (87.07 KB, 640x413, 0DB61865-9254-40D8-997B-DD130C…)

goodnight, sleep well

No. 1014964

File: 1641290344333.gif (4.87 MB, 480x480, dingo.gif)

Pregnonte. Am I right?

No. 1015062

Is that a Concorde taking off?
No, it's my laptop loading The Sims 3.

No. 1015129

When I die, i'm going to become a ghost/demon and possess the bodies of morbidly obese people. They would lose weeks of their lives to amnesia and wake up a decent 30-40lbs lighter in a new wardrobe. Some ill-equipped, non-religious therapist won't know how to handle the gaps in time and will diagnose these people with a bizarre title and give them medication that will cause them to slowly gain weight, prompting me to reenter their lives. A cyclical haunting.

No. 1015130

how is pregnate formed

No. 1015182

File: 1641312069704.jpg (186.13 KB, 964x751, e4a.jpg)

No. 1015198


No. 1015213

Can you possess Shayna first?

No. 1015231

Absolutely. She'll wake up one day in a fog, reach up to scratch her usually-itchy scalp and recoil at the newfound texture of her clean hair. It'll be such a foreign experience to her that she'll probably tweet about how "weird and dry" it feels "but not crispy"

No. 1015233

fuck yeah, ethan klein here we come

No. 1015284

passes you the bowl of cheese crackers come on nonnie it’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay it’s gonna be fine. Come on nonna just go off I’ll be there with you.

No. 1015300

Important question; are these cheese its or cheese nibs (formerly known as cheese nips but was too sexy for the children)?? How you answer decides everything about what we have together.

No. 1015352

File: 1641319545733.png (98.49 KB, 498x359, by-the-way-that-wasnt-web-meme…)

sexy sploogerman memes, can't be beat

No. 1015355

File: 1641319646047.jpg (14.69 KB, 444x290, Sexy-Railroad-Spiderman.jpg)

I want you to rail me

No. 1015366

File: 1641319968640.png (445.97 KB, 607x475, agreed.png)

No. 1015374

File: 1641320164771.jpeg (67.84 KB, 455x455, 5991E0C0-9BA8-46C2-A060-8A8C12…)

Um neither

No. 1015375

Wow you're introducing me to a whole new world of cheese crackers. This is so exciting. This is so new and fresh. I feel like a young woman again, like a giddy school girl. Is this love???

No. 1015378

File: 1641320303094.jpg (43.27 KB, 581x425, spiddy.jpg)

No. 1015399

File: 1641321275321.jpeg (8.55 KB, 262x192, download (1).jpeg)


No. 1015465

File: 1641323550917.jpeg (79.54 KB, 750x421, 5B12C4BE-C67A-4E62-A0DB-D107FF…)

pinterest has started recommending me borzois
this sites impact

No. 1016017

File: 1641348250149.jpg (9.71 KB, 236x303, 38787285eec23b7c2fb44fafaa1e63…)


No. 1016020


No. 1016205

Someone get over here and RP with me right now
>slaps you upside the face
Fight me

No. 1016206

Kisses you

No. 1016209

N-nonnie, not here..
>pushes you away, blushing
another farmer might see…

No. 1016212

Please anon, I've been in love with you since the moment I met you. I want you, I need you…

No. 1016214

But.. I'm sorry I just can't!
>turns away, tearing up
It's not you, I promise it's not you. It's just that…there are others. Other beloved nonnies, other precious cows….

No. 1016222

Please listen to some Bamboo Water Fountain 24/7 自然の音とともに音楽をリラックス バンブーウォーターファウンテン 【癒し音楽BGM】#Tony89 I think you all are in dire need of Bamboo Water Fountain 24/7 自然の音とともに音楽をリラックス バンブーウォーターファウンテン 【癒し音楽BGM】#Tony89 thank you

No. 1016230

So you're telling me I can listen to some Bamboo Water Fountain and I can listen 24/7???? I can listen to 自然の音とともに音楽をリラックス from a バンブーウォーターファウンテン???? 24/7??? That is truly【癒し音楽BGM】#Tony89

No. 1016236

thanks tony and btw nice trips

No. 1016245

File: 1641365467246.jpg (62.95 KB, 500x742, Band_Candy_01.jpg)

Buffy's mom has got it going on

No. 1016260

File: 1641366767152.png (56.51 KB, 848x378, mongoliaeffect.png)

I've been laughing at this for like 5 minutes

No. 1016420

File: 1641376899724.jpg (78.91 KB, 1280x720, 4323.jpg)

Buffy can't you see you're just not the girl for me
I know it might be wrong but I'm in love with Buffy's mom

No. 1016471


No. 1016762

This is a shitpost

No. 1016764

She was pretty as hell. Buffy will always be my fav tho

No. 1016861


No. 1016878


No. 1016897

File: 1641412442759.jpeg (974.99 KB, 1125x1566, 2A40ED9C-FB7F-4790-9644-3D7446…)

Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino scelto. Rimane solo il risultato che voi sarete distrutti. L’eterna cima esiste solo per me. Puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza tempo.

No. 1016901

File: 1641412695205.jpg (345.89 KB, 1920x1200, swans.jpg)

Yeah I listen to swans. They go "toot toot" like a trumpet

No. 1016905

File: 1641412974571.jpg (248.8 KB, 1920x1277, swan-face-1370106904eWw.jpg)

So you listen to swans?? Name three songs other than "toot toot", which is overrated btw. Swans don't even really like toot toot much anymore because everyone is always asking them to play it.

No. 1016906

File: 1641413205353.jpg (199.02 KB, 1000x667, photo-1593069310094-080326c950…)

Ummmmm sweetie stop reading too much into my words I said I listen to them which is true even if I know only one song, I didn't say that I listen to every song they have. Eh heh heh. By the way post more swans pics if you have because my aunt asked me to paint some for her and I'm looking for photos

No. 1016910

File: 1641413387266.jpg (52.58 KB, 446x800, f0a4dfd84e6ca3e194263223449389…)

Oh baby you want swan pics I'll give you swan pics. incomiiiinnnggg

No. 1016912

File: 1641413413613.jpg (45.59 KB, 480x852, e7f1e0c3f9c5545d02faf7de43c735…)

Damn take a look at this beauty

No. 1016913

File: 1641413436637.jpg (56.99 KB, 500x717, b47ab12db7fd1a4f63cd3131b54cff…)

This must be lerve

No. 1016914

File: 1641413464490.jpg (201.86 KB, 736x1308, 47f2ef2ca02a602fe549c2723dcf7b…)

Black swans to subvert your expectations

No. 1016915

File: 1641413496087.jpg (45.6 KB, 500x690, b198d82ef247498cb906a8c4a8da1a…)

Marvelous, stunning, brave, thriving, swan

No. 1016917

They're so funny
Wooooooow that is beautiful!! Thank you so much I'll ask my aunt what she thinks of it

No. 1016922

File: 1641413906411.jpg (14.18 KB, 379x322, o boy.jpg)

I did something right

No. 1016924

File: 1641414466014.gif (49.43 KB, 221x214, giphy.gif)

You did, as you always do

No. 1016944

File: 1641415553994.jpg (43.13 KB, 282x480, 1a294088e4b656b7c12039ce7f82af…)

>blocks your path

No. 1016946

Majestic, may I brush your mane?

No. 1016949

>drops to my knees in tears
What are your demands?? Sugar cubes, human sacrifice, I'll do anything.

No. 1016963

File: 1641416239444.gif (2.99 MB, 540x304, tumblr_a8abd6dd4bcaaf8dc7cde7b…)

>accepts your human sacrifice surrounded by sugar cubes and trots away

No. 1016968

File: 1641416486673.png (67.64 KB, 200x212, 2B1F760A-451F-47B6-8840-84D34E…)

Thou shalt ne'er a true maiden be. Thou hast neither womb nor ovary. Thou art a catamite, twist'd by foul perversion of chirurgeon's art to crude fleer'ry of Divine perfection.
All validation as thou receivest like unto Janus' own be, and tepid to boot. 'Pon thy hind, good folk fleer.
Thy good father and kind mother art in troth disgust'd and in shame of thee.
Thy friends doth make sport of thine hideous countenance 'twixt themselves.
By thee art all of Adam's sons utterly repuls'd. Our Lord didst fortuitously permit all menfolk to divine thy fraud with wondrous accuracy.
If by trickery, thou didst 'pon occasion "pass", all gentle folk verily wouldst 'pon closer examination revile thee. By the Lord's arrangement, thy very bones betray thee.
And if 'pon chance thou pliest with drink an unfortunate companion unto thy fetid bed, 'twould soonest fly as drink in the aromas from thine diseas'd, fest'ring wound, the which thou cherish in mockery of Eve's daughters.
Tis certaine that never shalt the devil's spawn pass from thine false womb, thus fruitless art thy efforts to ensnare gentlefolk.
Joy shall likewise escape thee.
'Pon waking, thou paint upon thy face a Deceiver's frippery, but inside thine heart, parlous despair circles like Leviathan, eft t' crush thee 'neath th'unbearable weight.
In the end 'twill be too much to bear - thou shalt find thyself procuring firm rope, mocking the hangman's noble art, and plunging into the bitter abyss of the Divill's embrace, to spend thy days better cavorting with thine masters.
Thine father or mother shall occasion upon thine empty shell and weep, caught 'twixt heartbreak and relief that the shame thou broughtest them hast, anon, abated.
Thine headstone shall reflect thine Christian name, and hist'ry shall record thee a man.
As worms and creatures of the earth feast on thine unholy corpse, thine bones shalt betray thee again - unmistak'bly like unto Adam's.
'Tis thy fate, self-appointed. Ne'er shall thee revoke it.

No. 1016971

wtf I hate horses but this one is ridiculously beautiful wow

No. 1016987

Feeling cute
Might break up with my boyfriend later

No. 1017002

Idk if horse girls did this to you but horses are dope and magical. Horses and deer.

No. 1017044

Holy shit this is so good kek

No. 1017105

File: 1641421167117.jpg (37.96 KB, 298x529, men1.jpg)

Hey girlS, how are we doing tonight, can I ofeR you a drink ?

No. 1017106

File: 1641421232155.jpeg (179.31 KB, 729x730, 7F304C27-1BB0-43FF-AB33-B69071…)

Just cleaning up the home page

No. 1017112

File: 1641421466573.jpg (230.86 KB, 2000x2541, Ambrosiana-Giuseppe-Vermiglio-…)

be careful anons, gore on /g/

No. 1017116

File: 1641421593021.jpeg (183.67 KB, 658x900, 203E7068-C346-45B5-8452-6D774A…)

This image is so refreshing

No. 1017122

File: 1641421752289.jpg (205.22 KB, 808x956, fulvia with the head of cicero…)

I have more anon if you want

No. 1017128


No. 1017130

File: 1641422447704.jpg (863 KB, 4096x3207, @BettyDesuJiang.jpg)

sorry it's /w/ not /g/, I really hope none of you saw it

No. 1017153

i unironically love this

No. 1017156

Based af.

No. 1017247

File: 1641429355206.jpg (32.95 KB, 640x621, 40ylcndfpuk41.jpg)

No. 1017285

that is the prettiest horse i've ever seen.

No. 1017303

If I say my daydreams about living with my beautiful videogame husband are manifesting, is it going to come true?

No. 1017530


No. 1017550

thinking bout lucy anon and her ex scrotes song about her

No. 1017551

When was this? Anyone know what thread it was in, by chance? Haven't been back on here until very recently so I think I missed it.

No. 1017580

File: 1641459830363.jpeg (114.64 KB, 828x584, B5C8B435-B2DB-4E43-BE56-A3F95D…)

Not all pee pee times are poo poo times, but all poo poo times are pee pee times - Norman Osborn

No. 1017581

Pure fucking gold. I wish nona had the actual song to share

No. 1017589

No. 1017590

No. 1017597

i accidentally had this on for like 30 minutes the last time a nonnie posted it

No. 1017607

File: 1641464356627.gif (810.88 KB, 220x123, wow so deep.gif)

No. 1017618

why is he so sexy

No. 1017620

HAHAHAAAAA god I love these so much, G-man SFM memes are keeping me alive

No. 1017621


No. 1017625

File: 1641466407508.jpeg (15.6 KB, 193x250, 27709203-8C69-4F44-8BEA-7A2D6E…)

Look at his nose

No. 1017628

File: 1641466597551.jpg (232.2 KB, 667x709, friend.jpg)

Cute little ears… I'm partial to warmbloods

No. 1017652

pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee 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pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee pee 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No. 1017654

poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo p