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No. 993458

You’re in danger.

Previous thread:

No. 993472

I like the thread pic anon

No. 993476

Someone I know got posted on a different board as a potential lolcow and now I'm very uneasy because some of the shit anons said to watch out for is exactly what they were doing to me.
We live in different cities and I haven't been overly involved with them but I am seriously worried now.
I considered asking some of the anons here if there's any milk on them but I would feel like a shitty person if I posted them here lol
Will probably quietly distance myself from them to avoid potential drama

No. 993642>>993661>>993873

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I think that if you're posting here, you're supposed to have big problems, but mine isn't the biggest. I'm just scared that, soon, it will become one.

About two years ago when I was 16, I began to hallucinate for the first time. I chalked it up to lack of sleep, but I had a terrible home and school life, and a lot of pressure on me too. I could smell bad smells in my nose, hear sighing and whispering, and it looked like there were spiders on the walls, I could feel them all over my body too. I thought people knew all my thoughts and often felt that something inanimate was alive, and, in a way, watching me evilly.

It receded a little, and as I had less pressure on me, and got accustomed to it, I began to take it less seriously. It's weird, but I know it's not real.

Then, recently, it 'flared up' again, and objects are once again looking like people in the corner of my eye. I think people are following me sometimes. I have been feeling watched and as if random things are messages made for me. The breathing walls and spiders are back, and it wasn't scary.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, it became really bad. It went from 'ah, it's not real' to total loss of logic and lucidity. Every time I saw people I thought they saw the evil in me and wanted me dead. I thought they were trying to taunt me as retribution for my evil, everywhere these pretend humans (demons) were seeing through me and wishing me harm and humiliation. They wanted to eat me, or so I thought, and I could hear noises behind me that weren't there, and I thought it was part of the 'taunting' that I was supposed to face. I tried to say it's not real but my blood was electrified by primal adrenaline. There was an extreme sense of guilt, danger and impending doom.

When I got home, I could barely move, and had to pilot my body like some machine. I was frozen for a long time, and then incredibly exhausted, sapped of energy. All I wanted to do was sleep.

What am I supposed to do? I thought if I looked after my body and didn't managed stress that this wouldn't progress, it would go away. And the incident was two weeks ago, so it isn't really frequent, it's just the first time it has happened, where I became entirely delusional. I thought it wouldn't get worse, and it's been two weeks. Am I going to be ok? I fear it will happen again, but also I'm scared I'm being hysterical about it. It seems to be getting worse, as I hit a low that day and I'm not sure what I should do.

No. 993661>>993677

That prologue made it feel like this was a Lovecraft or Borges story.

No. 993662>>993663>>993668>>993689>>993812>>995040

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American recipes be like:
it was a cold rainy day when my grandma passed away.. I always loved her warm apple pie.. [insert rest of life story]

1 pie crust
2 1/4 cup pie filling


>MMMHH just like grandma used to make!!!

No. 993663>>993671

I am seriously considering buying cookbooks so I don't have to deal with this shit anymore.

No. 993668

God bless the "jump to recipe" button any respectable recipe site has on their pages.

No. 993671>>993676

Literally hate burgerfag recipes so fucking much. I already bought cup measurements to deal with this shit, but then they use all these pre-made ingredients that we just don't have here in Europe. Not to mention they all expect you to have a "food processor" which apparently every American household has. My bf is amerimutt so I want to make some stuff for him from back home for the holidays, but boy if it is not a fucking pain in my ass.

No. 993676

>toss the mix into the food processor and hit three twice
>blend the fruit on high for one minute then low for three minutes
>bake at 250 F for seven hours in your Easy Bake oven

No. 993677>>993678

Haha I don't think I'm cultured enough to know what that means but I think you're referring to horror stories. I tried to accentuate the gravity of the situation in an attempt to receive advice from anyone who has gone through the same thing, I am feeling a little scared and confused atm.

No. 993678

I'm sorry, but I can't help. I hope someone here can.

No. 993689

Idk if it's just the usual premenstrual antsiness and discontentedness but I've started feeling bored at this new workplace where I've been for 3 months and the 'honeymoon phase' is starting to go away.
Also I just realized that the fact that I'm obsessed with my coworkers and stalking them online is not due to them being special or anything like that, it's just me dealing with my crippling loneliness that I've been in complete denial about in a completely unhealthy way

anon this had me in hysterics

No. 993695

I'm failing 2 classes, can't stop binging after maintaining weight for almost a year, haven't found an apartment for the next semester, can't get days off work for the holidays and didn't realize I have a very important exam on Wednesday. My laptop broke so I need to buy a new one, but I don't have money and my dog is sick and my mom is overburdened with my senile grandmother. I just want to scream.

No. 993784>>993803>>993806>>994673>>994686

So, I like to stick to my bf. I get really bothered when we go to a party with his friends and he just disappears to hang out somewhere else. Of course, I try not to let this bother me, but it still does a little and I tell him about it afterwards.

His solution is to not bring me to future hang outs?? He believes he can just leave me randomly and I'm supposed to be completely fine. And sure, I should, but he knows it upsets me. It's not like I'm flipping out, I just want him to stick closer to me or at least tell me when he's going. His reaction just makes me sad and tells me that he doesn't want to give me any consideration. This is a reoccurring problem

No. 993803>>993811>>994260

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Unfortunately men don't work like that, saying you're upset is just a nag to them. Next time he abandons you just start chatting with whatever guys are there and have fun. I guarantee he'll suddenly act concerned about leaving you lonely and bored.

No. 993806>>993811>>993816

Is he disappearing to do drugs or be gay ask him. Thats how I would handle this

No. 993811

Yeah, I did that in our hang-out yesterday until I got exhausted of hanging out with near-strangers, but I think I should keep having fun in future ones. I'll just pretend he doesn't exist
Lol, but I can clearly see him. anything I say to express my discomfort just sets him off

No. 993812

yeah that’s what white southerners make, lots of american pies leave a lot to be desired and that is the only thing I will only praise europeans for they know their way around a damn oven and baking proportions!!! thank you eurofags for your delicious buttery ass flaky pastries and deserts

No. 993816>>993820

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As if there's something wrong with either of those things.
Cheating is what's bad.

And you're bad. You're a keeper and enforcer of a shit homophobic system.

No. 993820>>993822


No. 993822>>993825>>993832

I know you cant tell why youre wet, but I'm not crying, I'm literally spitting on you.

No. 993825

mommy and mommy are fighting

No. 993831>>993845>>993962

I feel like I can't put my phone away. I deleted all social media accounts I had but one because it's pretty much empty, but I still check it multiple times a day and spend huge amounts of time on there, I don't even notice the hours going by. I can't quit and I feel like an idiot for it because it's always empty (because no one but me spends so much time on there). I used to do the same when I was chatting with friends online, I'd keep the tab always open and I'd try to be as available as possible and while this was how I spent my entire free time and I neglected everything else they could somehow live normal lives and would only log on for a while. I wish I could do the same, I think I do this because nothing else makes me happy in life so I distract myself any way I can, even though I know that ignoring my responsibilites for essentially nothing will lead me to feel worse later. When I look back on the time wasted I don't feel good, it's just comfortably neutral, yet whenever I'm working I wish I could go back to slacking even though I know that it won't make me happy. But I know that achieving something also won't make me happy. I just don't care enough about what's happening in my life, it's like it isn't even mine to begin with

No. 993832

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Suck gay cocks in hell

No. 993845

Life is for living, not achieving, in a way all is good now.
However, you need to be the master of your time. The most precious resource there is.
Everyone is vying for your time, choose carefully who you give it to and under what conditions.
You also need to be the sole master of your mind, which can be very difficult when everyone wants to implant their own ideas there and has an easy way to do it.

Honestly? Fuck the phone. It gives so many people and interest groups a shortcut into your mind. That power is not symmetric in the slightest. Do not trust them.

>it's like it isn't even mine to begin with

It's not unless you fight for it.
The only right anyone ever has, is the right they are able and willing to fight for and defend.

No. 993856

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I distanced myself from all of my friends and today I recalled some things we did together in the past and it conjured up no emotion. I feel like I'm genuinely broken and unable to connect with people

No. 993861>>993871

A woman's body was found in the park I liked to go walking in. I feel heartbroken for her and sick to my stomach thinking about what might have happened, and I feel selfish for being sad that I'll never be able to enjoy that park again.

No. 993866

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I had yet another dream of my old best friend who I miss a lot. In the dream we became friends once again and I remember how nice it felt just simply being able to message her whenever. Then for some reason I ghosted her again over nothing but added her back shortly after, and she said something like "it would be nice if you wouldn't leave me for once". It broke my heart.

Our friendship ended because I cowardly ghosted her, because I felt like we were growing apart and I couldn't handle it, but also because I was jealous of her boyfriend. I didn't like him and I didn't like him being around us, I selfishly wanted it to be just us two. Maybe I felt romantic feelings for her, maybe I didn't, I don't know. I miss my best friend a lot but she doesn't deserve me, she deserves better. I've matured since then but I still feel guilty over what I did and I'm too afraid to message her again. My feelings for her are very strong and I'm not sure how strong hers are for me so I'm afraid of coming across as a creep. Still, it would be nice if every dream of her wouldn't break my heart again. She's always in my dreams. She lives in my head and heart literally rent free.

No. 993871

Jesus Christ, that's scary. Please take care and don't go anywhere near that park again

No. 993873>>993985

Legitimately you're going to have to go to the doctor, psychiatrist, somewhere to get started on handling it before it becomes full blown. Maybe it can be pinpointed as to why it flares up. You'll need to be medicated temporarily at the least, which is fucking terrifying, but so is hallucinating and fearing all that's around you. That could eventually fuck you up worse.
Don't be afraid to reach out. If you have a trusted friend or family member who could help you get it situated, as well, it mitigates some of that fear.

Please please take care of yourself and I hope you get real answers.

No. 993876

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Ive been sick these past few days. My sister came to visit my brother and I but for unrelated reason. Somehow, she has the nerve to tell me to go out into the winter cold while she can obviously tell Im sick to take out the trash. She thinks she's helping but in all honesty if she wanted to really help two struggling and constantly busy uni students she'd do it by going ahead and taking it out herself and stop coming over to hassle us everytime she needs an ego trip.

No. 993884>>993927

I recently cleaned up a majority of my life. Stopped drinking, smoking weed, still have a bit of tea and nicotine but that's it. Exercising again. Got a job that works for me. Not engaging in unhealthy friendships or social situations.

I also got rid of someone I've been in love with for two years because it's obvious he doesn't take me seriously. This is the only thing that still bugs me because he's a fantastic friend, yet it seems that it just doesn't click with him. That's perfectly okay but I begged him so often to be honest and pull back if he needed more time/space/or was flat out not interested.

I am doing my damn best to love myself and I am refusing to settle for less anymore. I worked my ass off and sacrificed too much for everything else in my life and barely got a percentage of it back. He's the first one in a long time who at least made an effort, I'll always appreciate that. It hurts having to let go from loving someone who doesn't want to be a part of your life in that way while treating you like it's a relationship. All I asked is for one word of confirmation and somehow that's too much to ask. I deserve to be recognised for fucking once. I don't care how long it takes this time.

Everyone should get a chance to feel properly loved, safe, and secure. And if it doesn't exist in your current situation, please find the strength to do it. Even right now, this fucking sucks and I hate crying, but the weight off my chest is already worth it since I know in my heart it can only get better.

No. 993904

I'm slowly losing attraction for my partner and I feel so fucking guilty about it.

She's gained a decent amount of weight recently, and what makes me feel especially guilty is the fact that I know she used to have an eating disorder. We met while she was toward the end of recovery but still relatively thin I guess.

I also don't know if it's the actual weight gain that bothers me or if it's her "I'm so hungry :/ I'm gonna go make a snack" texts at like midnight when I know she ate a decent-sized fast food dinner hours earlier, that constant hunger and desire to eat.
She also texts me about having a closet full of clothes that don't fit her anymore.

I don't even think she's that fat, I'm pretty sure she's average-sized for someone her age and height, it's just the snack texts and the lamenting about not having clothes that fit. And then continuing to wear those clothes.

I want this to be a good thing for her, I know in my heart that recovery is good. I want her to recover and be her healthiest self, as healthy as she can be! I know disordered eating can be a life-long issue! I just can't reconcile that line of thinking with my diminishing attraction

No. 993905

Needed to fart the entire time at the library and now that I’m home…nothing. Annoying body.

No. 993927

Proud of you, nonnie. This is very mature, especially to take all that one simultaneously. Someday you'll be so far from this dude and so at peace you'll forget he ever existed.

No. 993934

My job search is going even worse, spent most of today crying after an interview that went fine but I already feel like it isn't going to work out. I couldn't meet my goal of getting a decent job before graduation so I'm just going to crawl back to my parent's house and my state minimum wage job. I guess I can wipe my ass with my STEM degree. Got another email rejection today- the third to eliminate the position I've applied for and not fill it at all. I'm so fucking tired and angry and miserable all the time, I can't believe I was so stupid to fall for the college meme. I did my research, my field was booming when I came in but wages are even fucking lower than when I started even though the motherfuckers consolidating companies are making money hand over fist. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Kill myself for being born in a working class family I guess. Am I too ugly to hire or something? I've been working with the career center at my college and have no idea of what I'm doing wrong. Everyone is surprised I haven't found anything, current and former bosses included. I want to cry every time someone asks me what I'm doing after graduation I feel like such a failure

No. 993938>>993964>>994097>>994125>>994207

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Feeling really lonely nonnas. I went through a lot of trouble to set up a christmas card exchange for some online friends. I was just getting ready to mail my cards today when I read in an unrelated chat two of them are moving this week, so their addresses are going to change, and the other one never even bothered to send me a card back.

I guess none of them cared about receiving a christmas card. I was the only one excited about this. I bought supplies too, since I was hoping to surprise them with letters, and now I don't have anyone to write to anymore.

No. 993940

i live with a family member who cooks a lot of meals and bakes occasionally and seems to enjoy doing so, but they are awful at it. i feel bad for thinking this because i see it as an act of love to make and share food but i often only eat it out of being polite and not wanting to waste food. they have some awareness that they arent a good cook but i know they are disappointed when i give constructive feedback about it (they ask) but they also have zero passion to improve or follow recipes. i just dont understand it, i end up eating so many meals that are poorly made and it makes me feel ungrateful for not thinking theyre good. it makes me so frustrated for some reason

No. 993957

How do I stop projecting? I don't want to go into details but it makes my life hell.

No. 993962

anon i completely understand, sometimes i feel like i could just stare into space if it meant finding a way to avoid doing what im really "supposed" to be doing. to help with the phone at least, maybe you could try turning it off and only turning it on again when you need to use it? that way you have it with you, but youre forced to be more aware of when youre using it/ it will deter you from randomly looking at it. you could also try reading books, at least you would be staring at something "productive" and maybe it could bring you out of the slump youre in. good luck. i used to be obsessive about checking tumblr back in the day because i felt a social pressure to keep up with it but ive managed to really curb my "scrolling time" ever since i stopped trying to be social online. it also just takes time to break habits, so it may be a while before you stop having the urge to "check" your feeds. just give it some time

No. 993964>>994089

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I would kill 10,000 men for your Christmas card

No. 993980>>993995>>994059

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Had a 4.0 GPA my entire time in college and took a chemistry class. Had a perfect grade in the class despite my concerns, passed every quiz with flying colors. Take the final, miss half the questions which I don't even know how I failed, grade down to a B. I just lost my fucking 4.0 GPA and I don't know what to do. I feel like such a disappointment that I was literally a "perfect" student and now I'm not anymore. I grew up with extreme strictness on my grades so fucking up like this hurts so bad. I know that I still have a great GPA because it's just one class, but it feels like I massively fucked up what I had going for me. I was always told if I wasn't a perfect student I'd fail in life, never have a career, those thoughts just repeat in my head. I feel like no job will ever want me once I graduate because I wasn't perfect. It's so irrational I know people with 2.0-3.0 GPAs get hired and I'm far above that right now I'm just fucking angry and disappointed with myself and want to die.

No. 993981

Not to boomer but new music is so shit.

No. 993985>>994064

I appreciate the care, but after two weeks, do I still need meds? I’m not very scared of most of the psychosis, just the paranoid and delusional episodes. The real scary stuff is so infrequent I don’t even think I need medication. Did it help you? Did your psychosis progress without medication? Or can it make a debut and then go away entirely?

No. 993995

You most likely will never be perfect and the further you go in your studies, the more your grades will be affected. Life after high school is hard because not everyone go this far, because you have to make choices for yourself and because you move on your own. But this is what makes it worth it, nobody wants a perfect employee , but one that could adapt to the hardships of college, which is what you're doing.
Being a gifted kid is never easy and i'm just a stranger on the internet bu i'm proud of you for going this far

No. 993996>>994000

I still think about moments from when i was abused physically and mentally at 16 by my family (even prior but at 16 is when the physical abuse started) 5 years later almost everyday, i will analyze things that were said to me and done to me and still realize things i didnt at the time and it breaks my heart and ruin my day i feel so silly for not moving on

No. 994000

Wow we are like the same person in that aspect

No. 994018>>994222

how do I get over someone harassing me and making money off copying my personality and interests without committing murder???????

I hate BPD chans I hate BPD chanssssssss. How do I stop attracting abusive BPD chans. I don't want to appear vulnerable anymore. I was abused/bullied so much this year that I'm starting to question my reality and I feel like I deserve it or everything I say or think must be a lie when objectively it isn't. What the fuck is wrong with people?? I literally don't want to return to society after what has been done to me. I cannot believe this shit has happened to me. I cannot believe my life is real. Why live and re-enter society? I'm convinced sociopathy and psychopathy are more prevalent than we think and most humans are aware of those features even in themselves.

No. 994020

I'm tired of having to struggle and why is everything so fake in this world. Why must I see all the things I was ostracized for and called weird for become trends and why must I see narcs profitting off those trends? There's no genuinity anymore, no passion, just fake narcs that appropriate things they don't even truly care about to pander to audiences.

No. 994036>>994053>>994060

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I'm stuck in a NEET bubble of my very own making. Since I've graduated high school this year, the only thing I've ever really wanted was to move abroad. I applied for so many jobs to save up for plane tickets, living expenses, etc. However, I either got rejected the majority of the time due to the fact I haven't been vaxxed, or gotten a QR code. On the weekend I make barely 20 dollars for nannying two kids, which is enough for me to spend on the bar I go to right after I collect the money. The rest of the time I'm a maid for my mom, which I don't mind, but, y'know. I want to feel like an adult, and have structure to my life, and I can't create it myself.
Basically thanks to COVID and, subsequently, the vaxx, I have no means to make a living for myself, or go to school again, but also, I don't even want to stay in this country. Making money here, for me, was just a means to save for overseas, but now not even the first step to being where I want is available to me.
I can't explain my situation to anyone (they'll tell me to just get vaxxed and get over myself), and it makes me feel straight up ashamed and embarrassed to talk about my life with friends and certain family members - "What do you do?" feels like someone is trying to deliberately psychologically torture me. I feel like I don't have a purpose to accomplish anything. I feel like such shit.
Someone slap me in the face?

No. 994041

In love with someone who seemed so into me at first. The moment I reciprocated the attention… it’s like I’m repellent.

Does this shit really matter though nonnies? Seems like an obsessive crush is a first world problem. I can pay my rent, I live in a peaceful quiet neighbourhood. My job is tolerable and my skills in demand. I’m independent from my barely functioning family who barely function in another country. I’m healthy. I have hobbies. But sometimes without love I just feel like another person taking up space in a crowded world. Like what will my life be worth in the end? Yay I sustained myself. Being wanted back seems like there’s a point to being here.

Sage for soliloquy.

No. 994049

my best friend who lives in Canada (I'm a burgerfag) has gone full far right anti gov death to globalist and and commies. I can't criticize her without her threatening to break the friendship off. she used to be the baddest, most admirable woman I have ever known. it's sad. I feel really sad.

No. 994053>>994078

If you’re Canadian, you could save up and drive to America where the border is less occupied, these places do exist. If you can’t fly, drive, if you can’t drive, walk. In the meantime, you could learn to code, learn a practical skill like plumbing and electrics (just patience and the internet and some tools needed), or cleaning, so you could independently go to people’s houses to help, instead of joining a company where a vax is required, or you could translate stuff online if you speak other languages. It’s important that you advertise yourself and have a car, or at least are able to drive.

Also, religious and ‘neurodivergent’ exemptions exist. Do you get panic attacks from needles? Are you Muslim? Have you reacted negatively to a dose before? Get creative. I am not against all vaccines, but mandates are a bunch of bullshit and the goalposts have been moving as the public gets lied to and gaslighted. Censorship has increased and the government has stopped representing the people. Stand your ground. I’m with you as a post high school semi neet and i know there are options. Is uni prohibited to the unvaccinated where you are?

No. 994056

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And here i am, doing 4 essays at once for a career i don't give a single fuck, a career i was forced to take because my parents won't accept me for who i am and my actual talents, a career that won't get me out of this shithole and that only works as a placebo for my family so they can ignore i'm chronically depressed. They think that if i go to college my depression will go away, but every time i open a fucking word file i feel like a such a failure, so inadequate, it's also December already and all this bs is killing my Christmas mood. I want to kms so much nonnas, i wish someone in this gay earth valued me for who i am and stop ignoring my input, it has been YEARS since someone in my family actually asked me what I want for my life, i'm a human being with thoughts not just some machine, i feel so alone, and every time i pray to God no one answers.

No. 994057

Im very afraid I am developing psychosis or I have multiple personality disorder. I do things I dont remember. Say things I don't remember. And I have videos on my phone where I pretend to be another person but I do not remember them. I already feel like my identity and sense of self are fragmented because of abuse

No. 994059

Stop humble bragging

No. 994060>>994065

I disagree with your vaccine opinion but have you checked out https://jablessjobs.work/? This could be helpful. Good luck, anon.

No. 994064>>994088

That would definitely be up to you long term if you feel that medication helps. Even temporary hospitalisation could help, if that's what you meant by only being medicated for about two weeks, and sometimes therapy can aid in the paranoia/delusions depending on where they stem from. Starting with a therapist could be a good first step so that way you can discuss it with a professional who can help you find out what's up and then can give you a variety of options.

Medication worked for me short term, yet after a few months I usually started getting more side effects and it affected my mentality greatly, sometimes worse than where I started since a few doctors insisted that I would need it for the rest of my life. It just made me suicidal since it just didn't feel like me anymore since the drugs were technically changing brain chemistry. I'm schizoaffective/obsessive compulsive so I went through the whole catalogue from benzodiazepines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. Yet once I could tell I could handle the paranoia/delusions and the anxiety it caused by myself or the situation passed, it no longer felt necessary. A good therapist did the most. I also qualified for a fantastic hypnotherapist and that weirdly worked out a few complexes, as well.

So hopefully as long as you can get these thoughts out to someone and find some order in all of this, you'll know yourself better and pick the right option for you. The sooner you start the process, the sooner it might get solved. Best of luck.

No. 994065>>994078

Sf but oops, didn't see that you wanted to leave the country. Anyway maybe you can find something there and save some money before your exodus.

No. 994072

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God, there's this fucking asshole singing and literally screaming right now and I can hear him from here while he sings along to his stupid-ass christian music, I can't stand it anymore this shit should be illegal, what makes him think that everyone wants to hear him and his nightmarishly loud music?

No. 994078

I'm not in Canada, but I haven't thought of self-learning a trade through YT. You don't have to get vaccinated to go to uni where I live, and likely I'll go next year to a trade school. I'm glad you understand my concerns. I was actually about to get it done with until my dad got thyroid cancer a month after his shot.

Huh, somehow it didn't occur to me to search for things like this. Thanks for understanding, it's appreciated, really.

No. 994079

I’m in so much fucking pain. I wouldn’t wish fibromyalgia on my worst enemy this shit sucks

No. 994088>>994223

Huh, I didn’t consider hypnotherapy, that’s interesting. And if a good therapist is enough I would rather avoid medication. I guess it would be a better idea to get help seeing as it has already progressed to something more, but seeing someone similar talk about it honestly and casually helps, I would never tell anyone but my immediate family about this. Plus, with so many people my age being like ‘adhd/depression/tics/pan/demigirl’ i felt paranoid about being like them.

And I know it’s not anything to celebrate, but you’re obsessive compulsive and schizo affective too?? Wtf I think this is how astrologyfags feel when them see someone of the same sign.

No. 994089

Thanks nonny. I wish I could send you a card instead

No. 994097>>995088

File (hide): 1639445135555.jpeg (79.14 KB, 764x900, 5B181A0F-F2BB-4E41-902E-9F0D2A…)

I would kill 20,000 men for your Christmas card

No. 994104

Been trying to get a letter of recommendation from this one professor and holy shit is he dense. I (politely) wrote to him three times during our exchange that I needed his contact information to input into the school's system and the dense motherfucker just refused to read what I wrote and instead sent me a poorly formatted letter. I'd rather not remind him for the fourth time that I need his contact information for him to send the letter himself to the school. There is no way I can send it myself but with how generic and poorly formatted the letter is, I don't think I even want to send it to the school. It was incredibly painful thanking him for his half-assed work and the lack of consideration for what I wrote. I'll have to take my chances and hope one of the two other professors I contacted actually pulls through for me. Ugh.

No. 994114

File (hide): 1639447050866.gif (182.14 KB, 220x197, pepe-apu-rain-raincoat-for-pro…)

My mom is being passive aggressive towards me for… being sick. I caught a really bad cold a couple days ago, and it's the sickest I've been in like two years. Luckily it's not Covid or strep, but it's still pretty bad. I can't stop coughing, my tonsils are swollen, my voice is gone, and my chest hurts. My mom is angry because her birthday is a week from today and she thinks she's going to be sick on her birthday because of me.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago she asked me to write a vignette about my favorite memories of her for her birthday. I've had to restructure it into a poem because I honestly don't remember more than brief snippets of happy memories with her. It feels like the happy memories are being drowned out by negative ones, which are so much more vivid in my mind. I feel bad, because I know we've done fun things over the years, but they're just not what I remember. I remember very little of our trip to Disneyworld, for instance, but I vividly remember the time she threatened to punish me for crying at a school conference. I don't remember catching my first fish, but I remember how she ruined my graduation over me giving a slice of cake to my dad, who she's divorced from. I don't remember the first time I rode a horse with her, but I remember slaving away on a drawing to give her for her birthday only for her to hate it and insult it. Am I just a fundamentally negative person who remembers sad things more prominently? Am I just at a stage in my life where I'm particularly resentful of her? I don't know.

I guess it's just very hard to write a nice, pithy vignette about someone while they're demeaning you for being sick.

No. 994119>>994258

File (hide): 1639447677007.jpg (49.54 KB, 383x400, s-l400.jpg)

My ex boyfriend let his best friend steal my favorite stuffed bunny that I sewed myself and gave to his his girlfriend. It's been years and it still makes me depressed. I'm not with him anymore but it just boggles my mind how others can be so careless with my close personal treasures. This isn't my bunny btw it's just an image i found but it looks similar

No. 994125>>994229>>995088

Nona I’m currently in the process of writing back to my penpals that I found on LC, I’d love to get one of your cards and mail you something back if that’s ok!

No. 994207>>995088

File (hide): 1639456741691.jpg (44.91 KB, 677x960, 8bad705c019de16b8c3de1d6f45a43…)

Please don't let that get you down anon, they don't deserve the time and love it took to make those cards anyway. If I could draw I would make you a digital Christmas card, but I can't so please accept this cow pic instead.

No. 994222

You sound kinda bpd yourself

No. 994223

Wow, what are the odds?! It seemed familiar to what I dealt with so I felt the need to respond to you. I still get the "seeing people out of the corner of my eye" thing but it's typically nothing.

But yes! Literally talking to someone who doesn't really judge solved like 50% of it, the rest felt like will power and pretty much self assurance. It does suck, since as you said, it seems like everyone has some weird stuff going on. But you deserve to get better just as much as they do.

Definitely see if insurance can set you up at a decent clinic, read as many reviews on psychs and stuff too since it'll make a huge difference. After an intake, it might be partially or completely covered depending on the situation. Try to avoid the drug pushing type too, they're the most annoying lol.

No. 994225>>994232>>994237>>994337>>995349

File (hide): 1639460697369.png (2.21 KB, 600x283, Cast-icon-header-600x283.png)

The ''cast to TV'' button is taking over and it makes me so paranoid. It's on YouTube now and even lots of porn sites. I hate knowing I'm like two accidental clicks away from streaming what I'm watching onto my family's devices.

No. 994229

Exchanging addressess with people from LC sounds like a very bad, unsafe idea.

No. 994231

I have to do some sort of exercise every day or else I wake up with a sore and stiff neck that I cannot turn in any direction. I hate my body

No. 994232

i really hate it. wish there was an option to disable it globally.

No. 994237

If you watch porn you deserve the shame of being exposed lmao

No. 994238>>994251>>994995

File (hide): 1639463059181.jpeg (44.01 KB, 275x275, 4B94C0A8-2063-4AB5-AEC3-FC1E77…)

i had a party the other night and my friends bf was drunk and cuddling me on the couch, it was really nice, i had a crush on him way before they even got together so i was trying to relish the moment but at the same time i didn’t want to make my friend feel bad or jealous (even though he was cuddling me and i was literally just sitting there). i value our friendship way more than this scrote. but in that moment i didn’t want to move or get up, it’s been 2 years since ive cuddled with or kissed anyone. im so touch starved and lonely. i just want a cute boy to hold me i want to feel something

No. 994250>>994261

>dated someone a couple years ago when I was in a bad mental place
>allowed myself to get caught up in his breadcrumbing antics, but at least I scored a decent weed plug from knowing him
>realized he wasn't serious
>met my current fiancé so I stopped talking to him
>he cold texted me for the entirety of the two years one as recently as this past October
>I never responded to any of these texts but kept them as a reminder about how pathetic he was deep down despite playing his mind games
>I'm actually way above his league in many ways

>have a holiday party coming up

>want weed for my place but I lost contact with the old weed plug who was decent cause I moved
>pretend to suddenly receive all the scrote's pathetic texting randomly hoping he can lead me to some weed
>he responds and strikes a convo with me
>hoping he will agree to smoke and catch up which he does
>then lets me know he has a partner now and wanted to be transparent in case I was trying to restart anything
Lmao, scrotes are so projecting and presumptuous. I responded how we both can respect that we each have partners now and that I certainly meant within a friendship context, the same as he meant by texting me for the past two years on and off because he couldn't have possibly been trying to rekindle something. Except that's bullshit and he totally was. My eyes rolled so hard reading that text I think they're stuck in my skull.

No. 994251>>994362

Your friend deserves better. In all aspects. KEK imagine finding your boyfriend cuddling your "friend" and her response is uwu I was touch starved.

No. 994258

WTF, he was an asshole and his friend and their girlfriend were assholes

No. 994260

> Next time he abandons you just start chatting with whatever guys are there and have fun. I guarantee he'll suddenly act concerned about leaving you lonely and bored.
Fuckin based

No. 994261

He sounds pathetic.

No. 994274>>994278>>994287>>994288

File (hide): 1639470393021.jpeg (47.88 KB, 488x488, 8A149121-5223-49BD-B35F-826890…)

Yo this hair dye is a fucking lie! I used to neutralize yellow tones on my already lightened hair and all it did was turn it a few shades darker, like a dark ash blonde instead of the “ice platinum blonde” it promised.

Fuck L’Oreal

No. 994278>>994687

File (hide): 1639471195074.png (65.21 KB, 450x450, silver__44115.1520312608.png)

try and get some clarifying shampoo bby, toners can be gotten out with some elbow grease. sorry that happened though, that's bullshit
De Lorenzo has an amazing silver shampoo, it's super potent but will get you white/silver pretty much instantly

No. 994287>>994687

That's what you get for buying bix dye.

No. 994288>>994687

Don't worry anon, toners fade eventually and your hair didn't get darker at all. Even though it seems like the hair got darker, it just turned into a different tone (since toners can't actually lighten or darken your hair like dye). Like the other anon said, you should get some clarifying shampoo to get it out quicker. I hope it works out for you!

No. 994326

I've been talking to a guy and when he first brought up visiting me, I said sure, in the future, and he instantly bought tickets even though we didn't really discuss the details. I was praying the COVID regulations would lead to flights being canceled and me being able to think things over again, now I just feel pressured. He also just assumed he could stay with my family, I told him to book a hotel, but they couldn't give him a room for the last night and he wants to stay with me instead of moving hotels, my parents obviously do not like the idea (which is fair, this is their house). The thing is that this connection has been the best thing that happened to me lately and yet all I feel is anxiety and dread now, when all I enjoyed was how low pressure this situation was. My parents are pretty conservative too, so I'll have to listen to them preach about me staying with him in the hotel room too, why didn't I move out already, I'm so tired of being judged.

No. 994334>>994338>>994371>>994405>>994584

I wish I had a irl radfem friend so bad. I can’t feel any connection with my current libfem friends anymore. They just have the most ignorant, misogynistic takes and think it’s feminism. One of them now at 23 had her ~queer~ awakening and it’s just exhausting for me to get along with that. I have to walk on eggshells around them. I’ve had an abusive foster father and I’ve been punished for being female since childhood and they know that but they still decide to be assholes, caping for men in makeup because they themselves have never experienced what it’s like to be a woman like me. They speak about validating these troons and genderfans but have invalidated my shitty experiences every time. They go on Twitter talking shit about me for being a radfem, when I never once said anything offensive about trans people or the lgbtq. I simply told them about my views on feminism. They both have rich progressive parents who let them do whatever they want and they don’t treat them like shit because they’re female so to them these experiences are foreign. I’m not saying they don’t experience sexism but it’s just that they didn’t grow up around people who let them know they’re valued less. Anyway, I just want a normal, sane young woman to connect with who doesn’t live to pander because she’s so afraid to be excommunicated by her peers from the cult. I’m so tired of all of this. Men really ruined women like this, making them stand at the frontline fighting for their fetishes and made them see other women as their enemies. It’s all so perverse if you take a step back and look at what’s happening.

No. 994337

When I was a kpopfag I accidentally pressed it whilst watching a girl group dance, and it streamed to my brother's TV and he freaked the fuck out and thought "Chinese were hacking him" kek

No. 994338>>994375

I really don't understand why so many anons here put up with 'friends' like that. It's better to be alone. Why deal with that?

No. 994339

My boss emailed me asking whether I can come in 2 days before my PTO ends to cover for someone else.

Before I left I asked her to email me about the outcome of a meeting that took place last week that I wasn't there for. It's pretty important for my work and she's been dragging her feet for months about giving me the promotion I need to have to have the formal authority to do the things I already do. Of course there's no mention of that, and I won't see her in person until mid January.

So screw her, I'm not coming in early. I'm going to spend those days playing video games and chatting with my online friends, like I had planned to.

No. 994341>>994349

My bf got his dumb paint for his shit nerd miniatures on my $170 wool cardigan. I want to strangle him.
He moved into my place two weeks ago, because his lease was up and he can’t move in to the place he bought until April. I thought I would make him feel more at home by setting up a hobby station and said he could be as messy as he want as long as the paint doesn’t end up on my stuff I’m so upset wth man

No. 994349

Dude owes you $170

No. 994357

Why is it that I can have my shit together for 6 consecutive months at a time ?
I mean fuck. I've managed to somewhat function but I feel like I want to just benzo myself out of existence again after about 4 months of sobriety and normal functionning working 9to5 life. How I am alive? Why? I wish I could just die out of wrecklesness and finally be out.
Sorry for ending up crytyping Nonnie. It's been my birthday and I feel miserable.

No. 994358

I miss being a neet. I just want to do nothing again

No. 994362

We were all in the same room together, and we’re all good friends who aren’t shy about platonic physical touch. Also it’s not like we were spooning, I was literally just sitting there minding my business and he started resting against me. It was a sweet little moment.

No. 994371>>994375>>994405

Why deal with that? Just cut them off.. i had a friend like that who invalidated my interests and hobbies and made me question myself for me being a female even tho she was one too kek. I still deal with imposter syndrome from this bitch. She was slowly ditching me for a group of fakebois and a troon or two so i ghosted her ass. Don’t let yourself be walked on by people like that

No. 994375>>995127

I study with them so we basically have almost every class together, making it harder for me to just leave or slowly ignore them. They weren’t that extreme a few years back even though they were always the type of girls who were susceptible to that kinda stuff. One them is actually slowly starting to replace us with edgier kweer friends so I hope she fully integrates into that circle and leaves me.

No. 994376>>994387

Social anxiety is legitimately curbing my binge eating. Every time I want to run to the shop and get cookies or cake between 9-5, I stop myself, as I would have to walk past the barber's shop I go to, staffed by two nice, observant men that people-watch relentlessly and seem to cheerily note everything me and my husband do. Sometimes they smoke out front as well and they would make conversation. Why does it have to be like this.

No. 994387

What a fucking nightmare. I once completely stopped going to the nearest little shop from my flat because the cashier remembered what I bought and small talked about it.
It's dumb social anxiety but fuck I hated it so much, it almost made me sick.

No. 994398>>994401

I'm so asocial, I'd like to have friends but sometimes I just fuck off and talk to nobody for weeks and I don't even realize it. I think if I had friends that'd piss them off

No. 994401

I do the same thing. Honestly I think one has found a good friend if you can not talk for an extended period and then come back like there was no absence at all.

No. 994405


I know the feeling. I hope you find a friend, nonny.


Proud of you for cutting off ROGD-chan, instead of getting sucked in.

No. 994411

File (hide): 1639488634930.gif (1.61 MB, 500x316, uwp180317.gif)

I feel like there's nothing for me to do.I don't have many interests and I do the same things daily.I have few irl friends who have no time.My few internet friends are busy with their lives too.I know that it would be helpful if I made new friends but I feel I'm too boring and sad not to be annoying so it would be fruitless and it's a thought loop that goes around over and over

No. 994416

Work is so exhausting because of the holiday season, I'm working 52 hours week, I can't do anything once I'm home because I'm way too tired to do anything and I dream of my job at night, can't wait for Christmas to be over.

No. 994424>>994428>>994436>>994480

File (hide): 1639491005256.jpg (147.74 KB, 800x533, plant.jpg)

All I want for Christmas is for Mariah Carrey to FINALLY be cancelled so that I never have to hear that godawful song she refuses to let die anymore. I can't even understand how she got to be what she is now, she isn't relevant at all, she only has one or two songs that anyone knows, and IDK but it's just fucked to me that she made an entire career out of pretending to not be white and everyone goes along with it.

Seriously, I have never met anyone who is not sick of her or that tacky ass Xmas song. She has a McDonald's commercial with it now & she lip synchs it horribly while eyefucking herself in the camera lens. She isn't nearly as talented as she thinks, the bulk of her "good" songs are just good production. How is it that she can keep dragging that tired ass song that nobody even likes out every year?

No. 994428>>994431

I swear to god you have got to be that race sperg from the celebricows thread - you really need to get over biracial people

No. 994431>>994434>>994456

That's not me, but since when is she biracial? Back in the early 2000's she had to hide behind the "one drop rule" as the reason for "why she doesn't feel white", she did a handful of interviews where she had to move the goalposts to get herself out of white ppl world & now for some reason she gets to just stagnate and shove herself in everyone's face. How is that not the definition of white privilege?

No. 994434

Yeah that's definitely your retarded ass. Nefeli get a job

No. 994436>>994439

I'm sorry, Mariah Carey isn't talented? What is your gauge for talent?

No. 994439>>994441

She was, she's been pretty stale for a while now.

No. 994441

You not being interested in any music she's been putting out doesn't erase her voice from existence.

No. 994442>>994448>>994453>>994460

I hate being a woman so much. Not in the way I’m unhappy being a woman, but that I hate my stupid fucking uterus and I hate that I have to suffer everyday and be in emotional and physical pain and there is not solution because gynaecology is all made by gross sexist rapist men. I just want birth control to actually regulate my period and ensure I never ever get pregnant, but instead I get my period every other week. It’s like I have no time away from my shitty hormonal body and I’m screaming into the void when I talk to anyone medically. I want to not be mentally ill but it feels impossible to improve myself when I am literally hormonally unstable. I want to stop taking my pill but I know it’s going to destroy me mentally and I am already in an awful place because of Christmas. The fact that men argue about the issues of male contraception but don’t realise the hell the pill/coil/implant puts women through makes me furious and I’m sick of being seen as a radical because I believe it’s evil and wrong that men don’t care!

No. 994448>>994453>>994469

>The fact that men argue about the issues of male contraception but don’t realise the hell the pill/coil/implant puts women through makes me furious

literally the only reason we don't have male bc is because men don't want to admit they're too pussy to handle a few uncomfortable side effects- which for them is worse than having to just jizz in a woman without a condom. Why would they care? They already have it the easiest when it comes to reproduction.

No. 994453

me again, one more thing- we as a society should maybe stop saying "men can't/don't realize/understand/accept X/Y/Z!!" when it comes to women's issues because they absolutely DO realize. They DO get it- that's why when a woman stands up for herself or tries to hold a man accountable for his shit, the victim blaming & infantilization of the woman always begins.

They are fully aware of how they treat us & pretending to be dumb, emotional, helpless little boys is literally part of their grooming tactic. Men know women care more in general for other people so they manipulate that to brainwash women into passively making excuses for men like this that implies they're all functional retards who need to be pitied and helped along instead of just predators working a system. If men were all really that emotional and retarded, it wouldn't be so impossible to fight the patriarchy.

No. 994454

I'm worried about where the economy is going now that everyone and their mother wants to make everything a monthly subscription. More and more artists I like are making channels and signing up for websites where the only way to see their new content is to have a sub. What is the end goal?? Is being a touring musician not good enough, now to even see the live you have to subscribe?

No. 994456>>994457>>994474

it's not a one drop rule to call yourself biracial when you ARE biracial, dumb fuck

idc if there's only one or more "one drop rule" sperg, the fact that you don't even use the terminology correctly just expounds the retardation all over the board

No. 994457>>994474

File (hide): 1639493182991.jpg (6.12 KB, 212x160, sheisbiracial.jpg)

dropped pic

No. 994460>>994462>>994473>>994504>>994514>>994517>>994675

I thought the pill was keeping me safe but it was cucking me and making me an unbalanced crazy person with suicidal tendencies. I rage that I spent my prime years on a medication that literally dulled my sexuality like that pill from The Giver. There was massive pressure on me from various sources to play musical birth control and "just try other methods" with my hormones, or keep going with a pill like the mini that made me suffer such unbearable side effects for 6 months but they say "that's just the window period". Time I'll never get back. Men will never have to suffer this the standards are much higher for them. Men will never have birth control dangled above their head carrot and stick style unless they submit to a rape exam that isn't even entirely accurate at detecting cervical cancer and is mostly used to make them money. I'm never having a rape exam again or putting that birth control poison in my fucking body.

No. 994462>>994481

The shitty state of female birth control & how hard it messes with us has to be part of the game somehow. You said it yourself, it's nearly impossible to function with your hormones running wild- plus it fits right into the 'hurr wimmin so emoshunal!' argument.

No. 994469>>994478

This kinda reminded me of the fact that in the US, women’s essentials like pads/tampons/birth control are still counted as “luxury” items, therefore are taxed. Yet stuff like male condoms/razors are not, like????
I know the tax is small, but it builds up, and to call something like mensuration a ‘luxury’ to have and to pay extra for astounds me, especially now when people today are trying to be “progressive”

No. 994473>>994479>>994997

Nayrt but I can't help but feel angry at my gyno because he keeps trying to pressure me into getting birth controls, even back when I came to him with bleeding (those were not periods), I used prescribed medications but they will keep making me faint EVERYDAY for two weeks (I would always be on a verge of passing out, too, and me being anemic doesn't help that either) he just tried shilling the birth control onto me, also saying that maybe I'm just 'depressed'.

No. 994474>>994475>>994477>>994487

NTA but Mariah Carey's father was biracial/mixed lol, making her a quadroon or just multiracial at most. I guess calling herself biracial is easier to understand for the average American

No. 994475

File (hide): 1639494026514.jpg (197.15 KB, 1920x1266, mariah-carey-father-alfred-roy…)

Dropped pic

No. 994477>>994482

So much useless words rather than just calling her white-passing and moving on kek

No. 994478

Don't forget about "gendered pricing", like when a stick of unscented deodorant from the same brand with different genders printed on the label cost different amounts.

No. 994479>>996209

Why would you even go to a male gyno?

No. 994480>>994482

Nonny never, ever post your true and genuine opinions on here. Contrary to what you think you are not entitled to your own opinions and anyone wanting a “debate” or discourse here is already leading you into a trap. The way people perceive what you’re gonna say is already decided, there is a formula to integration. Go to lipstickalley please, they’ll actually listen to you lol

No. 994481>>994486

^^ this. I know society has always been against women, but even today, when it’s so in your face, people don’t call it out.
Women get hit harder when they do something “wrong” online, compared to the guys who get away Scott free with pedophilia. Even movements like the MeToo gets a negative stigma because “well the girl could be lying”. I like my guy friends and all, but I can’t tell you how many times they’ve talked negatively about the movement as if it’s an attack on them

No. 994482

This. She's white passing and her father left when she was 3, she was raised in Long Island by her white mother. White privilege. Find me one fully nonwhite artist from her era that can still prance around like her and push her ancient songs.

looooooooooooooooool, k.

No. 994486

Pretty much the only way to fight the patriarchy is for women to band together and help each other- but I mean with like REAL issues. Example: you & 3 women you know are stuck living with an abusive moid bc you can't make enough money as him to live alone? All 3 of you pool together and get a place!

No. 994487>>994494>>994495

File (hide): 1639494667048.jpg (15.29 KB, 474x357, mcgrandma.jpg)

he's not actually
mariah herself thought so too until she took a dna test
both of His parents are black, his mom is Venezuelan

so yes mariah carey is biracial

No. 994494>>994499

>both of His parents are black, his mom is Venezuelan

No. 994495>>994498

File (hide): 1639495024142.jpg (13.92 KB, 474x357, mcgrandpa.jpg)

his american dad

n pls shutup about her white privlage, she grew up in segregated ass long island - shit's literally a sundown town depending once you leave the black side and Maraih LIVED on the white side

No. 994498>>994502

>she grew up in segregated ass long island - shit's literally a sundown town depending once you leave the black side and Maraih LIVED on the white side

Soo, a white passing girl with a white mother grew up in a segregated WHITE neighborhood in Long Island then went on to have career as a biracial artist? That's the literal definition of "white privilege".

No. 994499>>994500

her retarded ass stans, who else?
I'll also say this, Mariah Carey's white fans fucking hate the fact that she's half black and wish she was full white. I hate going on their boards/twitter spaces/fan congregation

No. 994500

It's probably way more likely that they wish she would stop clinging to her race like it's more significant than it is to her life/career. It's all but inconsequential to her until someone points out her white privilege, always.

No. 994502>>994506>>994507

could you get over your hatred for biracials already, race sperg? why do you not think that shit wouldn't be traumatizing for a mixed race child, even if others think she is white like them? Stop making everything a competition

No. 994504>>994505

Literally this. And the mini pill is hell: I’ve been on it a YEAR and it still causes ridiculous amounts of spotting and instability. It’s insane that it’s considered ‘harmless’, the fact they offer something like that to TEENAGERS is sick. Drives me crazy the double standards and how the fuck are women the crazy ones for being upset by it. I wouldn’t need it if I wasn’t so (justifiably) terrified of rape and men being men.

No. 994505

>fact they offer something like that to TEENAGERS is sick.

Because if they get on it while their brains are still developing, it'll fuck them up permanently and make it harder for them to think clearly and critically because of it long term, even after stopping if they took it long enough.

No. 994506>>994529

>why do you think it wouldn’t be traumatizing for a mixed race child?

Because Queen Mariah Carey the Melanin lll is barely mixed race and passes as white. Next or are you going to continue to gaslight black people about worrying about “race” when their entire lives has to be calculated through that very construction? Fuck off anon lol you know this shit is important to some people and it always will be with your fantasy land peter pan ass

No. 994507

How would she be traumatized for being biracial if "others think she's white", & she lives in a white segregated upper class neighborhood?

Aside from that, everyone get bullied, grow the fuck up and get over it. It's not like she ever had to live in a shithole bc she was biracial.

No. 994514>>994517

>rape exam
I'm glad I'm not the only one disliking gyno exams. Everyone just says "it's a normal exam, it doesn't hurt!! You're just being too sensitive and scared". Do they even have to be that invasive?

No. 994517>>994547>>994558>>994675


Prime reason to NEVER use a male gyno- no gyno exam should be painful or excessively uncomfortable, though it's an odd experience bc a doctor has their fingers & tools inside you which is the weirdness of it. It shouldn't be painful at all.

No. 994529>>994531>>994534

Stop trying to talk for the whole race retard. Your ass was the one who brought up her race and said she wasn't black at all. My ass posted proof of her black dad And his black parents and you still wanna call her a quadroon. She is biracial, has always said that she is biracial ie. she has never "one drop rule"d herself as black - her mom is fucking white and Mariah knows that she, herself, doesn't look like the stereotypical mixed girl. But, it's still her heritage and her fucking life, why the fuck shouldn't she allowed to talk about it?? Cuz monoracial people had it rougher??? Fuck off, girlie, it's not a goddamn competition!!

at this point, we might as well talk about lightskin privelage and desirability politics, see you on lsa

No. 994531>>994538

Nobody ever said she wasn't black at all, but you seem to be convince you're only talking to one person yet you aren't. You're makin an ass of yourself, all because you want to defend white privilege. cope.

No. 994534>>994541

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hehe you’re esl
>see you on lsa

learn2integrate plz

No. 994538>>994540>>994543>>994550

sorryyy if I think yall are one fucking person who repeatingly brings up the one drop rule and misuses it cuz that was the original nona whomst i was replying to thnx
also, dont ever have mixed kids - they are so whinyyy about the racism they face! don't they know monoracial people have it worse?!? white privilage lol

No. 994540>>994560>>994568

Jesus Christ, go touch some grass and stop living on LSA you child.

No. 994541

File (hide): 1639498242743.gif (1.18 MB, 370x288, words.gif)

im just a simple retard who cant spell, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

No. 994543

File (hide): 1639498342776.jpeg (190.89 KB, 1300x1102, 4B94FB55-411C-4BC8-B92A-C0B6D7…)

No. 994547>>994553

I had my first pap smear at 27, got tested for hpv while I was there too seeing as they offered it as an optional add on and I'm too old to have gotten the hpv vaccine. Well I had it, one of the cancer causing strains and I had cervical changes already.. a clump of abnormal cells. I zoned out while the details about 'my stage' were being explained. Had many follow up appts and thank god it was an all female team from beginning to end. Never had an appt be any harder than it really needed to be. I was stressed to bits after just losing my mom to cancer but the exams never hurt and my dignity felt intact throughout.

No. 994550

No. 994552

Feeling really stupid right now for giving up so many good things in my life for a fucking scrote literally kicking myself right now, nonnas don’t make the same mistake as me!! Now I’m trying to make amends with everyone I ghosted for his dumb ass and it’s harder than it looks

No. 994553

Exactly! I don't understand the logic of letting a man examine you when there are female gynos that have the same genitals and know firsthand how tender they can be. Granted, there are a few good male gynos out there but they're the exception, just like there are plenty of female gynos out there that are terrible too. I wish there was a universal website where people could rate and review their doctors and medical experiennces.

No. 994558>>994566>>994573

The gynecologist that violated me was female. She was rough, rude, and insulted my vagina's appearance and grimaced at it and used 3 different speculums. I didn't know how to advocate for myself I thought if I didn't just suck it up and let her violate me I was going to get pregnant without birth control. They wouldn't give me birth control without a pap so I got assaulted.

No. 994560>>994562

but ,nona, who else is gonna race sperg at the race spergs in a timely fashion?? yall need me

No. 994562>>994566

you’re just gonna keep getting banned though

No. 994566>>994570

just report & move on

Pretty sure I already know the answer, but did you say anything to her or anyone at the office about it?

No. 994568

Quite ironic that a farmer of all people is telling people to touch grass kek

No. 994570>>994572

Planned Parenthood deleted my google review I left them about my experience. If you look this up this is something planned parenthood does to hide their poor quality of care

No. 994572>>994574

PP has only ever been good to me, but that was when I lived in Washington. Where do you live? PP isn't a bad place, they just have to deal with infiltrators now more than those protesters bc someone somewhere figured out how to trojan horse the wrong kinds of people in there.

No. 994573>>994574

>grimaced at it and used 3 different speculums
I don't know how to word this nicely but was she having trouble 'accessing' things?

I've read of anons with vaginismus or just exam anxiety having a horrible time because they tense up, then the gyno rather than going gentle just powers through or acts annoyed by it.

No. 994574>>994576

She asked if I knew I had a "deep vagina" and asked if it were really my first exam. She also pointed out a vein on my labia and seemed freaked out by it and asked if I knew it was there.
My planned parenthood was dirty and blared The Fresh Prince of Belair every time I went in. I live in Michigan

No. 994576

>My planned parenthood was dirty and blared The Fresh Prince of Belair every time I went in. I live in Michigan

I'm so sorry, anon.

No. 994584>>994590>>994620

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I relate heavily. Many such cases. I think half the problem is no one reads anymore. Just regurgitates hot takes from Twitter without any thought toward material analysis. Libfem shit is essentially PR for the porn industry and sexist gender theory and identity politic queer theory bull fucking shit.

No. 994590>>994625

you should check out /2x/

No. 994617

I'm so fucking annoyed UGHH. I've never worked a job where I had to submit accounting vouchers or anything, but I do basic ones for my boss for our department and my coworkers explained how I can get reimbursed for company related purchases that I make on my own card. I made a voucher to get reimbursed for a program I use for work but I didn't realize I had to put my own name on the voucher and not the company name (because it just says vendor name and I usually just put the company name there). The accounting department sent the check out to that company so they got a double payment. I reached out to see if they could refund one of the payments, or at least get next year credited to my account, but they don't want to because another department has their own account for that program so they're saying the check for those people's account now. UGHH just give me my $100 back! I know it was my fault but they won't tell me what else they need for proof that the check was meant for my account and not the other people's.

No. 994620

I wouldn't listen to the words of a fat subhumans academic, they are by nature reactionaries and will lead you astray
blessed are the fit for they shall inherit the earth

No. 994625>>994631

never heard of it, what is it?

No. 994627

File (hide): 1639502607037.jpg (65.37 KB, 400x518, 1638932399635.jpg)

I legit don't know what I'm doing wrong in dating. Everything is going very good and suddenly the guy just kinda dips out. One day he brings me gifts, sends me hearts and messages 3 times a day and the next it's one word replies.
I don't mess shit up AFAIK, I still act the same, message the same way. Can't identify what goes wrong. I'm definitely not ugly and I'm not too awkward. We get to the touching/kissing phase and they lose interest. Do they get scared of commitment? What happens? Or do they find someone else? Do I say something wrong?? Am I too cold? Who the fuck knows.
I'm just so fucking sick of this. I never know what to expect, I try to lower my expectations but they still disappoint. What I hate the most is the pre-ghosting phase we get into, replies become slow and dragged out and it's so boring and frustrating. I always match their tempo of replies so the convos get so slow. I always get tingles when I get a notification and get disappointed it's not them. Then I realize they lost interest and just stop writing them too.
Honestly I'm too tired for this. I wish I could read minds and just not bother with these fuck boys who just wanna keep girls around in their orbit.

No. 994631>>994639>>994694

I know this post is sarcasm, but seeing posts like this where people don't know what 2X is reminds me of how many new users there are here. I've been here for a couple years and I still feel like a newfag

No. 994639>>994645

not sarcasm, i am genuinely stupid and thought that anon was referencing a community that's off this site. i've been here on and off a few years (since onision billiegate) i was under the impression /2x had been removed or is otherwise inactive?

No. 994645

Oh, sorry then. /2X/ was inactive since you could get banned for posting there, but in the last townhall Admin said it's fine to start posting there again. It's still very inactive though.

No. 994654>>994659

I fucking hate that I was stupid enough to take cultural studies for my major at university. I’m surrounded by woketards that act all fake genuine and nice and it makes me wanna throw up every time I have to interact with one of these brain dead creatures. I can’t quit either because I’m 3/4 done with it and would be fucked by my student debt if I did. All I hope for the future is that I can get a job as far away as possible from any kind of work associated with these kinds of people.

No. 994659>>994662>>994715>>994743

Anyone who gets into a useless degree like philosophy or cultural studies has to come from a wealthy family so my empathy is already cut short. Begone bourgeois

No. 994662

NTA but ever heard of financial aid?

No. 994673

Don't listen to me since I have BPD but if my boyfriend did this to me I would just steal from his wallet, post his credit card info on facebook and leave his ass. but u do u, much love.

No. 994675

The pill made me suicidal and stunted my sexual development when I took it as a teenager. In the future, I think it's going to be one of those things we look back on and wonder how on earth anyone thought it was a good idea like radium water and over the counter cocaine.
I know it's different for everyone but I prefer my male gyno, though I have had some great female gynos. I had a horrible experience with a female gyno who insulted me when I was in too much pain to get an exam for my pain. She thought I was exaggerating my endo and what turned out to be vaginismus because I "wasn't letting" her do the exam. She told me to go back on birth control even after I told her about my experience. My male gyno referred me to a pelvic floor therapist and never dismissed me or creeped me out. In a way, I think because he has never experienced it before he treats it very clinically. There wasn't a feeling of how I "should be" but just the physical facts. I felt like I was treated in the same way as if I had gone into a doctor for torn shoulder. If any of you have endo, check out Nancy's Nook, there are tons of reviews of gyno clinics and surgeons.

No. 994686

Dump him, you aren't the girl he wants to be with or be seen with if he keeps doing it after you say it bugs you.

No. 994687

Thanks nonnas, I still have some clarifying shampoo left and one of them has viniger known to remove dyes and toners so I’ll probably use that.

Not all box dyes are truly awful if you know your color shade, just this one.

No. 994694>>994702>>994703

NTA but I only use this site very casually, so I didn't hear about /2x/ until a couple weeks ago and still don't know how to access it.

No. 994702>>994827

No. 994703>>994827

you can only access it through the url bar with 2X in caps

No. 994704>>994706

I am so fucking anxious about my oral hygiene. I may have accidentally brushed too hard with this shitty disposable toothbrush and it bled a little. I freaked out immediately and i can't stop thinking about gingivitis or other gum diseases. Why does the smallest accidents have to always send me into an anxious spiral

No. 994706

Maybe you have anxiety.

No. 994715>>994726>>994746

Why are you acting like STEM isn't as privileged???? Those careers tend to require ongoing education, training, and certifications that many poor people don't have the energy or money to afford. Not to mention it's often difficult and risky to break into those fields when you don't have friends nor family to act as supportive guides. I'd by far expect privileged people to go into STEM than any other field. How many doctors and engineers do you know who came from fucking trash? Idiot.

No. 994726

Thank you. These people are middle-class tards LARPing as working class. That anon probably watches Contra Points.

No. 994729>>994737>>994756>>994760

I've gone through a lot of really hard traumatic experiences throughout my life, including the loss of both parents, and I feel like I'm going actually insane. Legitimately, I think I'm losing my marbles. I've never been able to think about my past and grieve but now that I'm able to, I can feel myself slipping as I realize I'm gonna have to go through my whole life without any sort of actual family. I just don't want to have to think anymore, but life goes on so I have to as well.

No. 994737

Because this is the way things are designed now. If an individual can support themselves, they can stand up for themselves. Vulnerable people can always be manipulated, hence why nobody can afford to move out of their parent's house or get out of some middle class asshole's $800/mo spare room with a list of house rules you have to follow.

Today is your birthday? I'm sorry you're down, but I wanna wish you a happy birthday anyway bc I hope you get a sweet surprise today that turns it all around and makes you smile. Wish I knew how to do the site-allowed heart emoji but I don't, so (heart) for you!

No. 994743>>994748>>994751>>994775

Degrees are just a job ticket now, I'm a STEMfag and I regret not doing something like marketing or communications. I'd make the same shit pay in some office without as many grey hairs from stress.
Pretty much everyone is fucked, no matter the degree.

No. 994746>>994779

nayrt but if you choose philosophy as a major while aware there are really few places to fill as a professor you're likely not studying to get a job, which means you're privileged, whereas with STEM you can ascend socially and make money.
the idea humanities are reserved to people who don't have to work, or are a pastime for the rich and powerful only, actually dates back to antiquity (look up "otium").

No. 994748>>994782

People with communications degrees say the same thing, lol. I think the problem is that the jobs that people go for based on pay/stability might not be jobs they're exactly suited for which makes it harder for them than others.

Why aren't aptitude/job placement tests a thing anymore??

No. 994751>>994775>>994782

I'm a bachelor of hr major with a relevant internship and multiple office jobs experience and I still can't get a job. It's all who you know. I want to kill myself every single fucking day but I just press on

No. 994752

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Anyone ever look in the mirror and can’t believe that you’re in your body? Sometimes i get those episodes randomly out of no where

No. 994756>>994760>>994777

Hey anon, I feel you on this. My parents died and the only family I have left is my siblings because all my parents siblings or friends fucked off once my other parent dropped dead. It really does feel like it gets harder as time passes rather than easier. No security financially, emotionally, no holiday family things, no family dinners. I'm sorry yours are gone too and I'm guessing you have no siblings, but you are definitely not alone as it may feel. You should vent or admit as much as you need to on lc, maybe anyone who will listen. Buy or make yourself some nice food, have a drink, go out with someone if you're feeling down and they know your life. I don't think it exactly gets easier especially the value on family when you go from 20s to 30s but there's always something to do, someone to listen just a bit. I always try to think when I'm dead broke or feeling really rough my parents would want me to keep going and nothing can strip away that I was their daughter.

No. 994760>>994764>>994777

Are you guys me?? Same. I wish there was a thread for us lonelys without families to connect.

No. 994764>>994769>>994777

Well at least I know now there's three or more of us. I feel i barely meet anyone in real life with 1 parent much less 0. We are in this shitty boat together now.

No. 994769>>994777

Same again, ugh. I'm here with you!

No. 994773>>994791

File (hide): 1639510718167.jpg (65.83 KB, 780x520, W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvYXNzZXRzL2…)

I WANT TO DATE, I WANT TO HAVE A CUTE FLIRT WITH SOMEONE, I WANT TO GET MARRIED AAAAHHH but online dating sucks, don't know how to go out and meet new people, and my friend's single friends are either not my type or not my kind of people at all. I'm so goddamn ready to settle down but I don't want to be (nor come off as) desperate either.

No. 994775

I’m neet and I’m happy bitches on lolcow getting degrees and job prospects. Manifesting opportunities for you guys. Hate seeing how much of a battle it is but you, you’re doing it!

No. 994777>>994786>>994794

I have an older brother who is extremely narcissistic and abusive so I try to avoid him, and I had an older sister but she died too. You're right, it only gets harder. The 40 hour work week was designed with men with families at home in mind, not people like us. I hope that you're doing alright right now, anon. I hope you have someone right now who loves you.
If there's this many of us, there should totally be a thread for it. Nobody understands what it's like to lose a parent until it happens. The forced independence changes you. The lack of definitive emotional support changes your worldview. It makes it really easy to tell who gets coddled by their parents and who doesn't.

No. 994779>>995294

>you're likely not studying to get a job
Plenty of people are memed into the belief that any liberal arts degree can get them a job. People do it explicitly because it is so accessible.
STEM grads do not trend from poor backgrounds, sorry to burst your bubble.
STEM is majority male, white, and privileged.

No. 994782>>994789

>Why aren't aptitude/job placement tests a thing anymore?
That would require someone who actually knew things about the job to be involved in the hiring process, which they don't want to do.
Damn, I guess it's just shit for everyone. At this point I think most job postings are just data farms and there are very few real jobs behind them.
I make less now doing cancer research than I did waiting tables in high school.

No. 994786

Yesss, lonely hearts thread please!! There really is nowhere that women without resources and support to gather that isn't just a pen for predators to come soft through.

No. 994789>>994804

I meant aptitude tests for people in general, not one give to you by a job you're applying for. One to tell you what job you'd be best at so you can pursue that career before you have to commit to a degree or apply for a job, something that tells you what you'd be best suited for before you start trying to grind the rest of your life.

No. 994791>>994795

File (hide): 1639511560913.jpg (2.96 KB, 128x128, Tumblr_l_128115408884563.jpg)

Read a bit of /r/breakingmom, that should fend off the yearning for a good while

No. 994793>>995008

I would love to have a bf and someone im that im attracted to who i can spend my time with but the reason i dont even try anymore is because its so much work with little reward. Ya have to have the right body,be feminine, nice skin, good education, nice but not too nice, the right race blah blah! scrotes ask me for all these qualifications but are barely average. Its just degrading to constantly getting negged, rejected or fuck zoned by trash and its not worth the effort. With literal plastic surgery bimbos who look like models giving average and ugly men a chance because of personality and porn desensitizing men to normal sex, the dating world is just a waste of time for average or ugly women.

No. 994794

I've never thought about the 40 hour work week but maybe that's why I've always felt suffocated with full time, my siblings, trying to finish school. When we lived together I cleaned, did trash, pet cleaning, laundry, groceries, coupons, homework, work, and a little of my own hobbies. I used to cry in the shower after work from the stress and finally got a break when we all split up. Now we will probably move back in together due to jobs here not hiring full time. I'm not looking forward to it as much as I love my siblings because they've all got some problems. You're right about the coddled by parents bit too since one of my friends can basically fuck off at any job or quit whenever he wants because he has his parents home and somewhat money to land on. There's no place to go but debt if an issue in income or bills happens without family/financially stable family.

No. 994795>>994802

They are redditors, their experiences does not represent normal, well adjusted people.

No. 994796>>994798>>994801>>994805

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Was peacefully lurking on one forum today and stumbled upon an idiot, who decided to enlighten everyone with his off-topic opinion about how men are no drama and bear no grudges, whereas women are more vengeful and vindictive. He concluded it after comparing the way moids interact with each other on 4choid and the way women interact with each other on Guru gossip and the like. This fuck can't realize that the only reason for that is anonymity, on every male dominated gossip(y) forum they behave so obnoxiously autistic (especially with their doxxing power-trip obsession) that most gg women can hardly compete. I know that's a wrong place to say this lol but, how tf women can possibly be more vindictive than men anyway? We are generally more compassionate and merciful, whereas they are crueler. Pretty tired of male hot takes on gender anyway. They all should shut the fuck up already and stop ruining my internet experience.

No. 994798

Ohh, women are so vindictive, that explains the violence and murder rate!

No. 994801

Every single negative stereotype about women is just projected male inferiority, jealous insecurity. They hate how they are and how we aren't like that, so they flip the script by taking all their flaws and slapping us in the face with them.

No. 994802

Nta but at least they're women so they're closer to normal than the usual reddit poster..

No. 994804>>994810

Oh, I see. I've always thought that should be a part of every high school, trying out different types of working styles and exploring careers before applying for college. I love the work I do, and what I studied, but the studying was hellishly grueling for everyone no matter the passion level (though there were a lot of people pushing through only for the thought of money). It was like academic hazing- profs wanted to put us through the same miserable shit they suffered through along with legitimately dangerous lab conditions, which are schockingly common in universities.

No. 994805

We're often raised to be so polite and to put the feelings of others ahead of our own.. even if it's to our own detriment. That's treated as normal. Calling someone a tard on a board cancels all that out?

No. 994810

It should and is USED to be, but then nepotism became the default so those tests went away in order for there to be less competition for the lazy entitled fucks that slide into those careers. Someone poor and passionate about something they're naturally inclined to will always be able to outperform a lazy, entitled bitch.

No. 994813>>994829

File (hide): 1639513041444.jpg (60.39 KB, 642x404, Screenshot_7.jpg)

A series of minivents:

#1 I'm PMS-ing and despite the fact that the previous month I did not have the usual suicidal thoughts, now they are back again. Cried during work. Feeling worthless and lonely.

#2 Can't stand my mother's lack of boundaries. She nonchalantly asks things like how much money I have in my bank account or if I merely take my phone in my hand she starts asking away if I'm about to text someone, and if yes, who is it? Is it a ~guy~? ~Are we dating?~ And she's trying to push me to date people I barely know or never met. If I mention a male coworker I exchanged LITERALLY 2 WORDS with, she tells me to invite him to go somewhere with me on the weekend. I cannot.

#3 I suspect that this is also due to premenstrual insanity but I cannot switch off my thoughts about the person I could have become if I made different choices in life and take more risks and get out of my comfort zone.
Person I could have become? Mature, independent, intelligent, active, warm and social.
Person I am? Dependent on others (a literal womanchild), avoidant and lazy, doesn't even read anymore or does anything that requires effort, just mindlessly browses in her free time, cut off all of her friends and literally has noone because of her fear of emotional intimacy.

I ruined my own life. I have only myself to blame.

#4 I'm fucking freezing even though I'm huddled in a blanket, just had a hot shower and set the heating to 24 celsius

No. 994826>>995117

pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online pls go back online

No. 994827

I was filtered by the capital X, thank you very much.

No. 994829>>994917

I feel you, nona. In all of the points but especially the mom one. They obviously know what scrotes are like so why not let us be single in peace. Mine keeps accusing me of being lesbian but I wish I was kek

I hope your hot shower warmed you up a little and you’ll feel better soon!

No. 994832

File (hide): 1639514891260.jpeg (50.32 KB, 629x586, D1E580D9-FFDD-4414-98F0-E55F96…)

these antidepressants are kicking my ass. the nausea is unreal, I just want to eat.

No. 994834

paladins that cast clemency do not deserve respect
eat shit crusader apologists, either play a healer or uninstall

No. 994853>>994891>>994892

god those “mommy milkers” shitcoin ads on 4chan are SO FUCKING ANNOYING. i hope any idiot who invests in that gets rugged.

No. 994891>>994931

why are you on there in the first place

No. 994892>>994894

adblock, it works for phones too~

No. 994894>>994931

Brave browser is pretty good, it has adblock built in. I had nothing but problems with those ad blocking apps.

No. 994917

thank you nonnie

No. 994931

some of the hobby boards are fine and i also use it for trading and getting free stuff in games.
didn't realize that was out on mobile now since i used to have issues with ad blocking apps not working. thanks, anon.

No. 994955>>994956

bitch. shut the fuck up. how many times does your retarded ass need to ask how much i'm making. stupid fucken bitch.

No. 994956

But, how much are you making anon?

No. 994959>>994962

Everyone cut off contact with me. Even my mom. Not that she ever loved me for who i was.

I’m going to ask for the bpd diagnosis because without mentioning bpd i’d get pity, if i’d get pity i’d try to stay afloat and alive just because I’m receiving human warmth. If i’m like officially psycho cluster B, i’ll be resented like the good ol pos whore that I am by other types of pos that are less pos than me. And that tempts me closer to suicide because being truly alone boosts suicidality to a 75% increase. The world wouldn’t be better off than me, but I’m just so useless, that my space could be given to something or somebody that’s not me.

No. 994962

I think you are a good use of space anon.

No. 994994>>995006

File (hide): 1639527341757.jpg (40 KB, 650x650, 1604855747978.jpg)

Fuckckckc I have to finish these last missing assignments but I really don't want to record myself speaking in fucking German. Plus it's already past 1.am but I promised myself I would turn them in by the end of today (yesterday now). I need someone to come hold me at gunpoint and make sure I actually start doing shit instead of wasting all my time doing nothing. How do I turn myself around and get my shit together instead of getting overwhelmed by stress and giving up again?

No. 994995

Wow I would hate to be your friend

No. 994997>>996209

>male gyno

No. 995006

Your post number is a sign that you should start now. Fuck the haters and start recording.

No. 995008

Feeling this hard tonight

No. 995009

I’m so fucking tired of myself. I never get any work done. I tried everything and I end up having fucking philosophical monologues for hours in my head instead of doing any work and now I have uni in a couple of hours. Yesterday I was supposed to do some work and study and instead I ended up debating myself in my head about evolutionary biology and anthropology. I would be cool with this if it didn’t paralyze me; I’m so behind compared to my peers, and I was supposed to be doing great. I’ve wasted three years at this point. I can’t buy adderall because it’s not available in my country and all I have are non-stimulants that could take weeks to work. I want my old 16-year-old brain back. I’ve lost any ability to have a coherent thought since then and I wouldn’t have cared if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s destroyed my life and my dreams and my performance in uni.

No. 995010>>995038>>995141

File (hide): 1639529855933.png (241.42 KB, 500x501, ED1B6C9E-C4D6-4CEA-BDC6-C4A03B…)

My 6 year old brother really likes Yotsuba so I ordered him the first volume for Christmas, but someone stole my package from the mailroom. I’m so pissed. Why would someone do that!!! Luckily there’s a manga shop nearby that has it in stock but ugh people suck

No. 995017

File (hide): 1639530504694.gif (4.35 MB, 540x286, 825649329256.gif)

I don't want to work. I don't want to study. I don't want to go to university. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to leave the house.

No. 995030>>995062>>995065>>995081>>995107>>995158>>995217>>995354

I fucking hate bpd-chans with good patient bfs
A decent scrote is already rare enough you don't need to be wasting them on someone who is already trying to destroy the relationship

No. 995032

i have a gummy smile but my lips are full/big enough to hide it but god do i hate how short they fucking look.

No. 995038

File (hide): 1639531973567.png (804.04 KB, 1200x630, 28A1C158-2A08-418B-98F4-599CE0…)

Buy a big envelope, stuff some of your shit or soggy food wrapped up inside so it looks full, write a fake name and address, then leave it there for them to take. There will be justice for your brother.

No. 995040>>995080

This reminds me of my nonna's tiramisu. People seem to think italians are all amazing chefs and nonnas spend hours labouring over perfect food, and while some of the food she makes is great her tiramisu is:
store brand coffee, store brand cream, and store brand biscuits, all drowned in alcohol and coffee

She makes it pretty much every time there's a family event and everyone has a reluctant tiny piece of it which they all very slowly gulp down. Italians can and a lot of the time are very fucking cheap.

No. 995049

Every few weeks I start to feel so lonely and worthless out of nowhere. A few people I barely know have offered to talk, but I'm too scared to accept, I don't want anyone to know how I'm feeling and yet I want someone, anyone to pity and care about me. I think it would be easier for me if I wasn't completely alone most of the time. Once I start feeling like this nothing gets me out of it, compliments and kind words from others just make me feel even worse, because it feels like it's wasted on someone like me. I wish I could feel differently about these things. I've gotten many nice words about the things I create but it never feels like enough. At the same time it's too much, nothing I make is good, all the kindness is unwarranted and I start to think it's all a lie. But why would anyone feel the need to lie to me, a complete stranger? I wish I wasn't so focused on myself, I'm just ignoring what others are saying and feeling to mope and wallow in my own misery that no one will ever even know about

No. 995062

>seething that you're not me
Sorry, nonnie. I chewed up and spat out all the other good ones.

No. 995065>>995089

Seethe harder nona, my good boi is making me bread pudding rn after doing our laundry and packing me hot chocolate for work tomorrow.

No. 995080

kek this is so cute anon. my nonna and nonno are cheap too as italians tend to be, but i must say she (and me and my sisters also help so also we) makes an amazing tiramisu! im pretty sure storebought cookies is the standard, maybe buy her some mascarpone to substitute the cream!

No. 995081>>995089

Mine not only is patient of my bs, his dick is 18cm and buys me ice cream when I tell him I feel bad. Stay mad.

No. 995088>>999051

ayrt and I'm sorry for the late reply nonny, I would really like to do this if the offer is still open! I'm not sure how to go about contacting you though.

Thank you kind nonas… I feel a lot better now. And the cow is so cute!

No. 995089>>995158>>995183>>995217

He’s sick of you btw and has a crush on his cute coworker

No. 995107

People are so jealous of bpdettes because they are never trying to hide how crazy they are unlike normie anons

No. 995117

No. 995118

I get so annoyed at one of my friends for no logical reason. I've known her for years and she's an incredibly sweet person, she has never done anything to wrong me, but years ago I was told by her other friend that she had a crush on me, with screenshots and everything. And ever since then, I just don't like talking to her, I hate being seen that way, I hate it when my friends develop crushes on me, especially because her friend was trying to force me to date her because "she needed someone to take care of her", and she wanted me to move to her country so I could do that which made me feel sick. I'm not gonna get into a relationship to be someone's babysitter, and I don't even like girls.
I know that this isn't her fault, she has never told me she has a crush on me herself, and it would be logical to assume that she's no longer crushing on me, but the way she talks to me, the way she acts towards me, it just reminds me of the way I acted towards people I had unrequited crushes on.
I've tried talking less to her and I'm still trying to, since she doesn't have a lot of topics to talk about either, but I feel bad thinking that I could be unintentionally hurting her feelings.

No. 995122>>995140

i forgot how to make a piza no one will eat the sad pizza but me

No. 995127

Fuck, fair enough. Sorry you have to deal with that anon. It sucks sharing classes with people you dislike.

No. 995140

File (hide): 1639544530138.jpg (88.28 KB, 625x417, young-girls-eating-pizza-home_…)

I'll eat it with u anon

No. 995141

This made me seethe wtf
You're a very good sister though nonnie

No. 995158>>995173>>995184>>995186>>995361>>995371

File (hide): 1639546057070.jpg (68.25 KB, 562x681, 1636139224890.jpg)

If it makes you feel any better I'm an autistic NEET with a supportive husband, he loves, makes me food, buys me whatever I want(but I don't ask for much other then vidya and books) and pleasures me
I'd probably kill myself If I didn't have him

No. 995173>>995174>>995186

God I wish that were me. Sorry if this is prying too much but how is your everyday life? Does he work the usual 9-5? And do you think he resents you sometimes because he's jealous or thinks you're lazy/unfeminine?

No. 995174>>995182>>995186>>995217

Anon let’s be real he’s probably ugly as shit but has money in the bank, praise him

No. 995182

>he’s probably ugly as shit
He's really nice to her and takes care of her. A good looking guy who makes you pay half the bills is more of a turn off than a slight uggo who provides.

No. 995183

Sure anon, feed into bpdfag paranoia. He sure is putting a hell of an effort into pretending to be obsessed with me, kek.

No. 995184

Same exact situation here nonnie
We are blessed

No. 995186>>995361

File (hide): 1639549032286.jpg (66.56 KB, 540x926, 4ddd.jpg)

Well I mostly wake up at my own time, It could either be 6:30 or 10:00 AM, by the time I have woken up he's usually made breakfast, always an Omelette with usually some juice
I spend most of the day on my Laptop, browsing forums, binging movies and tv series, usually from the 2000's and from different countries
I feed myself on the leftover's in the fridge which I reheat in the microwave, when my husband comes home first thing he does is take a shower and takes an hour rest
after that he makes one of his dishes, usually with big portions and can feed me for about 4 days(I don't eat much food anyways)

we usually talk and watch a film I've already watched and I usually lay right next to him the whole time
as for my husband I don't think he cares much, I think he's with me cause he feels he has to be out of obligation and he can't comprise him beliefs

were both odd people who can't find our place in the world and so we ended up together and we like it that way, Its splendid isolation but with a companion

No. 995191

a Manager in a wireless telecommunications industry, why do you ask ?

No. 995199

My new antidepressants that were working really well quit working and I kinda just want to give up tbh. I thought I finally had it after almost 15 years. I’m a fucking idiot for thinking I could ever be happy or normal

No. 995204>>995207

I'm a fucking cliché. I can somewhat get men interested by being broody, nerdy and quirky. They like me but then they start to see some of the crazy and the sadness so I push them away and pretend I'm not a fucking mess.
I'm feeling so fucking lonely. I wish I could be normal and stop this feeling I have to hide who I am 'cause I'm so afraid people will leave me if I don't pretend.
This is dumb shit.

No. 995207>>995216

File (hide): 1639551302259.jpg (17.36 KB, 267x174, 1612653800772.jpg)



No. 995216

File (hide): 1639551949821.jpg (505.66 KB, 2048x1360, BDKy7z0CcAAFEhs.jpg)

Kek. That's hilarious. I'm not even mad.

No. 995217

can’t even be mad at this cope and seethe bc i know this type of projection only comes from being in a shitty place. hope y’all can get nice bgs/gfs who love your mentally ill asses too

No. 995241

Watch out, next he'll be banging your mom.

No. 995245

wtf. Makes the fact they were all at dinner together even more disturbing.
They could have asked you to join in. That's plain rude, I'm really sorry it happened nona.

No. 995271

What the fuck, why?

No. 995273

Wow isn't that so cool how they blatantly disrespect you like that, very okay and not fucked up at all

No. 995276

That's fucking gross. You're going to be able to make a legendary speech at their wedding about their undying love blooming while he was fucking you, tho!

No. 995291

I had to go get a tooth extraction done yesterday. I've had them done before and they were fine so I'm used to it. But holy shit today was the worse experience. They had to numb me three times and refused to do anymore. They didn't even want to numb me a third time because "all you felt was pressure." I had to put my foot down that what I felt was not pressure. It was sharp, it hurt. I could still feel the pain when the doctor pulled the tooth out. I legitimately burst into tears as soon as the pain got too bad. The dentist gave some non-apology of "well it was as numb as we could get it and it had to come out it , it was really bad it should have come out sooner." I was like "yeah well I had it scheduled a couple of years ago but covid happened and I live with my parent who is at risk if they were to get it sooooo…." And he went "oh" and left. Lmao. I have to go back in a week to see how it's healed up and then I need to go back yet again for a cleaning/full exam. When I went originally to get it confirmed I needed an extraction the dentist was female and she kept talking down to me it was so fucking annoying. "Oh you should get your teeth replaced." Uhhh I have no money and my insurance doesn't cover that "oh but it covers fillings and cleanings" that's not what you were talking about though. Legitimately talking to me like I'm stupid. Also basically making me feel like shit because of how bad my teeth are "you should have been having work done." we're still in a pandemic,even their own website says to not make appointments unless its emergency.

The sad thing is I thought going back to this dentist would be fine because they had to extract 4 teeth before and the experience was a breeze compared to this. So I thought it'd be the same thing here but unfortunately not. It was even the same male dentist that pulled my four teeth that pulled this one.

No. 995294

where did i even suggest that most stem majors are poor ? try reading my post next time, you might learn a thing or two.

No. 995298>>995312

Ok I decided I'm gonna get on antidepressants because my overall mood can't get worse than this. I feel like dying and crying all the time and the occasional happy moments aren't worth being in negative mood almost all through the day. I always chicken out of getting treated because I have good days/weeks but man, being depressed and stressed for about 15 years almost constantly isn't it.

No. 995308>>995360

I always genuinely wonder about people life. Do they cry when they're at home? Is everybody hiding depression or I am a fucking lunatic in the midst of normal adjusted people?
I know I can't ask and people will fucking recoil if I do but I want to know fucking bad.

No. 995312

I'm about to do the same anon, just got my prescription this week. I hope things get better for both of us.

No. 995337

I'm going to skip class today because I don't feel like going and there are extra safety measures this week, someone from inside would have to open the door to the uni building for me and I can't deal with the contact it would involve. I feel like shit, my sleep is fucked and I have to get up at 7am on friday and sunday to not miss two very important things. I don't feel prepared for anything and yet I choose to waste time online instead of doing something about it. I wasn't meant to live a normal life it seems

No. 995349

that's what you get for being a mobilefag

No. 995354

t. bippie

No. 995359

Exam today was so unnecessarily difficult and worded strangely so now I'm pretty sure I fucking failed it. I'm so angry. I hope my midterm can bring the overall grade up but I'm genuinely upset right now. What's the point of studying with the given materials when the actual exam is going to be completely different

No. 995360

Personally, I am insane at home but also I think that I must seem like a freak even to people that don't know me at all, so there's that.
I remember right after I finished high school I stalked some of my former classmates on the internet and I actually found the tumblr blogs of quite a few of them. It was all black and white, depression, effy stonem, self hatred, the kind of thing that was popular back then. And they were all the normiest of all normies. That was definitely an interesting experience.

No. 995361>>995431

Where/how did you guys meet? I'm envious right now

No. 995365

This sounds like a movie scene, like in a bad romantic comedy

No. 995371>>995438

I was living that same life years ago but
>I'd probably kill myself If I didn't have him
Same. He left one day and that was my reaction. I was depending on this guy as my everything thinking a split was near impossible. We were married. 'I'd kill myself without you' is never an okay way to feel in a relationship. That's the kind of thing you need to get help for now and not when or if the worst comes to be and you two split. No joke I've been on wards with women who all thought that a scrote leaving equals.. okay my life is over now. You can't live like that.

No. 995372

I don't want to do anything, I can't get myself to start. There are two things I'm supposed to be doing, studying and a present that needs some time and care to be assembled. And I can't do any of it, they both have the same deadline but the studying is somewhat more important. And yet it's like this pressing thought in the back of mind, I have to do the present! And I end up floating in a weird state of nothing, I can't decide what to do. I feel pressured by both so I end up doing nothing. Is that normal? Am I actually just lazy and really bad at prioritising? I feel like you should be able to do one thing and then work a bit on the other, but for some reason it makes my brain stop working. Like when I have an appointment and I have two hours left before it starts. I could potentially use that time to do anything productive, but the thought of having to get ready and leaving the house and getting there and doing whatever feels so overwhelming, I end up locked into place and can only do very simple tasks like cleaning or browsing the internet. And after an appointment like that it's almost a weird rush that I need to relax from and even if it's over in the afternoon, I will spend all the time I have until I go to bed just doing nothing. It's like I can only do one thing per day, I don't get it. I feel so useless and stupid because of it, like is this as much as I can handle with my stupid little peabrain? Why do I have no self-discipline? Feels like my mother was right after all, she used to scream at me so often for being lazy and needing her to shout at me so I get started on chores. I get most easy tasks done after a while (like having to hype myself up for 40 min to take the trash out), but as soon as I realize that it will be boring or harder than doing nothing I just give up. I hope it can all be over soon. I feel locked in my head, how can other people just get up and do things? Is it this hard for everyone and I just don't know because I don't have any friends to talk to?

No. 995380

I went to therapy to fix my problems with insecurity in relationship just to eventually realize that my former PUA boyfriend made sure to make me feel worse than other women and not worthy of him from the very beginning of us dating. I've spent years trying to prove myself to him, living with mix of intense gratitude for being picked despite him letting me know I'm not the best and fear of being left behind because I cant ever become good enough.
Bless therapy, fuck men, I hope I can recover from this one day.

No. 995382>>995384>>995385>>995390

I'm frustrated the scrote I'm with doesn't have any kinks and has such a low sex drive. I thought him having an assertive personality would mean he would do the same in bed, but no. On the other hand he cooks and clean.

No. 995384>>995390>>995395

Give him to me, nonnie. My sex drive is less than zero.

No. 995385

>the meal
Ready-made stir-fry sauce + noodles
>the cleaning
Washes a dish

No. 995387>>995392>>995414

Sometimes I realize I've had sex and it completely fucks me up. I know it's my Islamic upbringing showing through. Pre-marital sex is literally the worse thing you could do, it's too taboo and completely unthinkable here for a 'respectful lady' to have had sex before marriage, like, I know I could seriously get disowned because of it. It sometimes haunts me, like I'm such a disappointment to my family, how I've betrayed them and their trust in me and a lot of negative feelings and guilt that I don't know how to manage.

No. 995389

A scrote literally tried to outsmart me when I was having a conversation about the economy with my friend but doesn’t even know basic economic theory. I’m glad I shut him up but I’m still pissed off by it.

No. 995390>>995395

I was about to say the same as >>995384 but then scrotes with 'low libidos' are often just guys who prefer to wack it to crazy porn and then deny it it til the end of time. You could offer them any type of sex on a plate and they'd say no because their energy is going into that. Shit thing is you can never tell what's truly going on when a guy is claiming low libido

No. 995392>>995394

Did you do it because you wanted to have sex with the person or was it just to get it out of your system

No. 995394>>995406

With the first person, it was too hasty imo and I would undo that night if I could, kek. But with the second dude, we had been talking for a while and I actually wanted to. Why?

No. 995395>>995398

If you own a scrote with a higher libido, I would gladly make a trade

Nah, most of the times he complies but he feels… robotic during the act. I asked him if ever felt attraced to men, which he denies, because I wonder if he's a closet gay.

No. 995398>>995399

Closet pornsick, gay or not attracted to you.

No. 995399>>995402

Or some medical problem, or just low sex drive in general. Not all men are coomers. Some are outright asexual.

No. 995402>>995404>>995412

>Not all men
This made me kek

None of us know the reason but why stick around while not matched in that way? I've been left over my low libido, even when I was giving plenty of 'just for your sake' bjs. Not even mad. It was a poor match.

No. 995404>>995412>>995420

>This made me kek
Because it's true? Telling someone her bf is not attracted to her because he has a lower sex drive than her is spiteful.
As you said we don't know the reason, and there's perfectly benign ones.

No. 995406

I was just wondering if someone would still feel guilt if they had sex with someone they really liked. I’m still a virgin at the moment but I understand the guilty feeling to some extent since I get it when I even imagine doing it

No. 995408

All you guys do is whine about shitty scrote bfs who don’t love or respect you seriously just go make a relationship vent thread on /g/ and fuck off
Thats my vent

No. 995409>>995416>>995848

Now that I have a boyfriend, attention from other males is even more unwanted than before. I want to attract more girls to befriend, which I have been quite successful in recently! They simply don't outnumber the guys who are romantically interested in me. It just feels really frustrating and I want to avoid men who aren't my boyfriend, family or colleagues even more than before. Just surround me with girls and my bf please!!

No. 995411>>995413

File (hide): 1639574141730.png (554.9 KB, 1914x824, dear god.png)

Being a TERF, I do use internets to keep up to date with trannies and their latest ridiculousness, but sometimes I need to step away to calm the fuck down.

I just went to my usual knit/crochet site, Ravelry, and saw this in the HOT RIGHT NOW category.
Can't even get away from this shit when trying to avoid their pronouns, fake dicks, mutilated tits, etc. ON A KNITTING SITE.

Extra irritated because I've got a web funeral in 15 minutes and wanted to get into a calm frame of mind.

No. 995412>>995422

We're not in a serious relationship, but we get along pretty well, and we both enjoy the erotic tension between my high demands and his faint indifference. It can get annoying tho. But it's not easy to find a scrote that I can get along with, so I enjoy what is to be enjoyed in the meantime.

I think women here are so used to pornsick 4chon/reddit scrotes they date that they tend to forget that other kind of males exist.

No. 995413>>995417

What is "web funeral"?

No. 995414>>995425

I know how you feel, although my guilt is Catholic. Know that you're a healthy, normal human being. Humans gain experiences, but that doesn't define us, it simple means we are truly alive on earth. You aren't worth less than you were before whatsoever. It is an entirely flawed way of thinking. Even then, the concept of true virginity and purity extends far further than simply having sex, such as to how houses are built… It sounds bizarre, but it is true. Almost nothing today is truly virgin nor pure. Still, we exist and persevere. I hope I made some sense to you. Just know you aren't alone and you're still worthy of respect and you can still be and achieve just as much as before you had sex, if not more

No. 995416>>995430

> which I have been quite successful in recently
t. Friendless loser

No. 995417>>995429

Crematoriums have services broadcast if a person lives too far to attend the service. It started off during lockdown, I think. You can't just gatecrash a random's service. You get given a password.

No. 995418>>995421>>995423>>995424>>995457

My scrote offered to buy me fast food, but when we got there (after making me wait for hours) he was all “That’s what your ordering?? You’re going to eat ALL THAT?? At this time??” It was 8pm and I wanted a fucking chicken sandwich and small fry. I haven’t eaten in 10 hours.

Ended up just going home because I was irritated and embarrassed. I was still pissed off after an hour so I found his hidden stash of instant ramen and crushed all the packages. I feel better now. I’ll get my chicken sandwich tomorrow.

No. 995420

I kekd just because the phrase 'not all men' is funny. I never said I disagree with anon. I laughted at a phrase with a silly history and not at her whole post. I didn't say what you're responding to here

No. 995421

You need to train him better he shouldn't think he is allowed to speak that way towards you. What the fuck? I'd force him to apologize.

No. 995422>>995457

I was in a somewhat similar boat and it resulted in a lot of guilt om my end. We both had a high libido but I was aroused by very specific things whereas he was not. I thought my standards were too high or that I was simply perverted by pornography and other influences in media. My boyfriend insisted otherwise, however, and was consistently supportive of my sexuality and how it is healthy. He has always been respectful of and patient with me regarding our intimacy. As our relationship progressed and he became more and more comfortable around me, we became more compatible sexually as well. I kept communicating my needs and I actually ended up allowing him to further explore his sexuality as well. He realised he really enjoys what I like as well, and now it comes naturally to him to engage sexually in a way that meets my needs perfectly. We have incredible sex now, but it is all thanks to the pure love we feel for each other, alongside respect, patience, clear communication and sufficient comfort to be awkward. Sometimes things simply didn't work out, and that was fine. We tried again another moment if the time was right, and usually we saw progress. Sex really is mainly about having a connection and making it stronger, nothing more. I believe that all of those extra frivolities (turn ons) simply come naturally once you have a strong foundation. For context, the things I liked were: praise and verbal teasing. He was a bit awkward at first because he wasn't used to it, but now that we're more aligned and close, it comes naturally to him and he genuinely enjoys it. I feel like his entire personality has actually changed somewhat, in a positive way. He is way more comfortable around me and we're simply really aligned. We match so well but it only keeps getting better due to experiencing more together. So have faith and remain peaceful!

No. 995423

You both sound retarded and immature, it wont last but you’re perfect for each other.

No. 995424

wtf, this is so shitty. some really 'got mine fuck you' behavior.

No. 995425

Aw, thank you so much. You kind of put my thought into words, like the way it's talked about by people I know, I thought I'd completely change into a different person post-sex, and I was expecting it, till I saw I was the exact same person as before and it didn't enhance or diminish anything about me. If that makes sense? Thanks nonna, I needed this. It's sometimes hard to NOT feel so much guilt over it, and feel like I've soiled myself somehow. I hope the best for the both of us!

No. 995428

File (hide): 1639575079454.jpg (32.8 KB, 500x348, fucknofucknofucknofuckno.jpg)

what a piss ass day
>can't sleep until 2 hours before i was going to play with a friend
>wake up and text that i'm ready but they've left the computer
>fall asleep within 20 minutes
>miss my gym appointment 5 hours later because suddenly i could fucking sleep
>wake up feeling gross and sweaty
>partner's work event cancelled because of rain
>no archery, no shooting, no golf, so nobody wants to come anymore
>i fucking took off a day for that
>manager is being a dick because i'm too slow
>fuck him, if he wants to work with my lack of sleep and back pain i wish i could give it to him instead
>still finish earlier and then have to help out even slower teammates
>still raining so i'd uber home but i'm out of data
>walk for 40 minutes in the heavy rain
>ass is itching
>i got a yeastie
>scrub myself extra clean because i feel super disgusting
>skin dries out from too much showergel
>found out my mother or brother went through my stuff
>weird itchy back pain still present
i just want to tear my skin off nonnies

No. 995429>>995450>>995513

My mom died ten odd years ago and I was badly agoraphobic at the time. Her church funeral was was shown on the parishes lil website. No link or password. Just sat in bed with my partner watching my moms funeral. It was the weirdest experience.

No. 995430

This is going to sound bizarre and nonsensical to a lot of anons, but I unironically think it is related to manifestation and maturity. I haven't been doing anything different in particular, I've just been focused on myself and becoming more confident. I've been respecting myself and others, curating my style, attending events and participating in activities I like. Through all of this I feel like I've been attracting more healthy people. Girls at events or social media, who live in my neighborhood, have been reaching out to me. I responded to them positively and openly, since that is how I truly feel, and in turn I've been able to develop healthy, normal friendships with girls nearby. I also believe this is how I've been able to attract a boyfriend. I was like you just a few months ago. I was an extreme shut-in and had suffered from terrible depression for a few years. But I had been making steady progress regardless and I feel it has skyrocketed this year. I believe in you, anon!!

No. 995431

I've posted this before but at work, I was upfront that work was killing me from the inside and I just wanted to be alone all day

No. 995432>>995435>>995439

File (hide): 1639575359521.jpg (39.39 KB, 800x533, sad-woman-eating-salad-slimmin…)

I'm so fucking sick of acid reflux, it seems like a seasonal thing or something, because it goes away for like 4 months and then comes back again, unfortunately this time before Christmas which is extra shitty. I pop a omeprazol when i need it which helps a lot, but my main problem is that i eat too much without realizing, i don't know how to be mindful of my portions, i'm not fat, i'm actually skinny and that's why i'm not used to mind how much i eat. I'm also kinda dehydrated because every time i drink water acid reflux comes back immediately, i wish i could afford to eat more healthy too, i love vegetables they never give me problems but they're too pricey were i live

No. 995434>>995437>>995440>>995441>>995442>>995443

File (hide): 1639575543579.jpg (149.79 KB, 1600x1168, KS8W64BIV7C.jpg)

I caught my bf masturbating to a gym picture of his friend that she sent him. He then had sex with me doing the pose she was in on the picture. I did not fully process what the fuck was going on but I am sure he was thinking of fucking her while using me as a placeholder. I feel so sick and angry now, I cried and almost threw up.

No. 995435

Wait i just called my doctor, apparently there's is something like "seasonal reflux", but mostly affects people that suffer from allergies, and i do suffer from a lot of allergies, lmao that explains a lot. That also explains why bananas of all things triggered it the most, bananas are connected to latex allergies, i fucking hate bananas

No. 995437

>>995434 he deserves a "bye hope to never see you again"

No. 995438>>995444>>995467

File (hide): 1639575753226.jpg (86.95 KB, 960x960, 1628177015221.jpg)

Okay but I have no body else, I could probably go back to work but I don't wanna, I'd rather die then go out in the world
I just hate the world and the stupid people that inhabit it

I feel peace in the solitude. I feel free but I also wanna be taken care off, which is what my husband provides me

No. 995439>>995449>>996993

I used take omeprazol for a stomach acid, after a while my stomach acid kinda stopped and I developed ibs. My dad started taking omeprazol for an ulcer, he has to take it to prevent the risk of the ulcer turning cancerous I think. He now has crazy bad ibs symptoms. That's only 2 people but I swear it fucked us both up. Years later I'm ok again but if I take one antacid say at xmas I get an upset stomach the next day. I hate trying to address one issue and getting another. It's like taking antibiotics for a uti and getting trush form them.

Is your 'lower stomach' ok after taking them?

No. 995440

File (hide): 1639575764969.jpeg (96.7 KB, 500x917, 1170C0ED-8BC6-41B9-9676-7DD204…)

Here’s some Starbucks and Britney to give you the wake up call. Fucking dump him. There’s so many men out there who are total dickheads. Give yourself the gift of self respect this Christmas nonna, he ain’t worth the tears.

No. 995441>>995445>>995446>>995447

Why did you fuck him after catching him masturbating to that picture……?

No. 995442

Kill him. (As a joke)

No. 995443

Are you serious? Dump him. Porn is bad enough but pulling himself off to a picture of a friend is a massive red flag. He doesn't respect you or your relationship, you deserve a man not a filthy scrote. I promise you, you will find someone else.

No. 995444>>995454

Aaaaaaah I’m so jealous you get free everything, no working for shitty bosses and sex what the fuck

No. 995445>>995448>>995455

Ntayrt but sometimes things happen so fast that you freeze, especially if they're shocking. I think that's what OP meant: she was still processing what happened and it hasn't fully dawned on her yet. I've been in similar situations were scrotes move really fast and cross my boundaries whilst I'm too stunned to properly resist. It's sad and horrible. Luckily we're resilient enough to get over it and move on!

No. 995446>>995448

>I did not process what was going on
I think anon was in shock and wasn't in control of the situation (thinking straight).

No. 995447>>995930

I thought it was a photo on imgur and not his friend's

No. 995448>>995453

This too, I don't know what went through his mind to jack off to that knowing I could see

No. 995449

My whole family suffers from ibs kek, but at least for me is not very aggressive and its severity depends on my mood

No. 995450

It's good that you got to attend, at least. I'm sure people understood. Grief is different and hard for everybody. That's nice of them to show it on there like that I've never seen that

No. 995453>>1000131

The real question you need to answer (to yourself, more than the thread) is why you would chose to be with someone like that moving forward? It’s not gonna stop, it’s going to escalate. Are you willing to be apart of that? Or are you gonna dump his lame ass, and make your life better and more fulfilling for you?

No. 995454>>995458>>995462>>995465>>995471>>995488

Oh yes how liberating, being an adult woman who retreats from the world and is completely dependent on a man
imagine being this much of a pick-me

No. 995455

OT but this happened to me but not with a scrote, i was at the dentist and said dentist in question was very shitty and downright abusive, they treated me very badly and kinda mentally scarred me but i couldn't defend myself because i was so shocked and dazed (by anesthesia) that i couldn't fight back, it was like i was trapped in my own mind while she was trowing insults at me, i was only 13yo. Sometimes i daydream on finding that bitch and sucker punching her, because i know for a fact i wasn't her first nor last victim

No. 995457

I'm glad things turned out for the better for both of you. Good relationships need work from both parts. i'm glad you both made it.

Do you have BPD or something ? Your reactions are weird. You could simply have answered "yeah why? i'm hungry." to shut him down and go with your day.

No. 995458>>995460


No. 995460

>"uwu I'm just a helpless girl who needs to be taken care of by a big strong man"
pick-me behavior

No. 995462>>995472

>has chosen a scrote that works to provide for her while she's a NEET
>pick me
Isn't that actually the opposite of a pick me? Pick me girls work to appease men. Her man is the one working to appease her.

No. 995465>>995472>>995486

File (hide): 1639577038174.jpg (38.13 KB, 500x281, ne_p1brmcd9Dk1rr08jv_500.jpg)


No. 995466>>995468>>995470>>995473

File (hide): 1639577064960.gif (486.31 KB, 498x498, triggered-cat.gif)

I'm feeling triggered by the all pick me talking. I didn't get picked and didn't even get dick. I'm going to vent my pick me ways all the way to jaunary and nobody can't stop me.

No. 995467>>995474

I've just seen how bad it is when the 'he'll be my everything forever' plan falls through. I know where you're at right now though.

I got dumped, had a whole crisis and I'm ok again. I was a hopeless case when I was with my ex. In the long run it ending and me having no choice but to pick myself up was the best thing to happen. I never thought I'd say that but it was.

No. 995468

No. 995470

Pathetic, you should be picking

No. 995471>>995476

I agree, not because I think she's pickme, imo she isn't, but I find grown neets depending on other people to be really pathetic, man or woman. Unless, it's a debilitating disability.

No. 995472>>995486

she's completely reliant on a scrote and can't be expected to grow up and provide for herself, it is cringe and pathetic and no woman should debase her self like she does

No. 995473

what does this mean? also, dick isn't worth it, sis.

No. 995474>>995478

Nta but how did you start providing for yourself again nona?

No. 995475

I need a man so perfect-looking, he looks more AI than human.

No. 995476>>995477>>995482>>995504

People like you sperg at neets because you could never afford to do the same

No. 995477

I don't want to. I don't like feeling dependent on someone for my livelihood, everyone's different I understand but I value independency and solitude and being 'in-control' in that sense.

No. 995478>>995479

I was initially put on disability because of mental health. I'd become an almost housebound recluse while with him and I was in a total state of panic post break up. I used to only really leave the house when he went places with me. I got help, inpatient and outpatient. Then entered into the workforce eventually. I've no parents or anything to fall back on so thank fuck I had that in the beginning.

No. 995479

very happy for you, anon.

No. 995482>>995484>>995490>>995491

I have been a comfy NEET during first lockdown, using covid restrictions as an excuse for why I didn't get a job and move out. It's a great feeling, but let's be honest, you can't afford to be a NEET forever if you aren't crazy rich. If you have to be dependant on someone, you know they will leave in a way or another someday, and you will be helpless, alone and miserable.
Disdain for NEETS is called maturity.

No. 995484>>995490

I don't think being a neet is bad and if I had a job I wouldn't despise them. I'd envy them. When I worked I was so miserable and it was so hard. I know when I have to work again it will suck, too. I am counting on being a neet for the next couple years at least, maybe forever, I'm charismatic enough to keep it going.

No. 995486

oh shit, didn't realize that my post >>995465 was unclear. I also think it's cringe and pathetic

No. 995488

Tradwife final boss ver.

No. 995489>>995510

Have to cook…clean…guests coming over later… I wish I lived alone or I was white so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this(racebait)

No. 995490>>995496

to be a neet you have to rely on someone for financial aid, either your parents, a sibling or your partner
I think If a woman has to be a NEET why not rely on her husband, exploit the patriarchal system and claim to be "housewife" who does jack shit housework

No. 995491>>995497>>995504

>you know they will leave in a way or another someday
Sorry you’re so unloveable that no one in your life sticks around

No. 995496>>995501>>995555

All too often neet women are mentally ill and ignoring their unlying issues because their married/dating lifestyle enables that. Then when you break up you end up with a bpd style meltdown and an overdose. That's the issue. Years of slow mental decline and then wanting to kill yourself (like an anon upthread kept saying she'd kill herself without her man) You need to be ok with or without the man. That's the thing. Neets aren't ok on their own.

No. 995497

where i live, the wife is unironically expected and encouraged even to be a 'neet', so to say, and the man the main breadearner and women are really fighting to not let this be the standard so it just feels a little odd kek
thanks anonymous, very cringe

No. 995500>>995504>>995509

Some jealous bitches itt kek "pickme" cut the bullshit you wish you could afford being a neet, so transparent

No. 995501>>995506

I unironically think may be the fault of the capitalist system we live in, where value is decided by how much we have and what job we do, its obvious some people would be alienated from this system and wish to escape from society all together

No. 995504

you're an idiot, sis.

No. 995506

before the current system, people were working for themselves but i agree, it's not for everyone, especially the current truly shitty climate. i still judge them though, the capitalist brainwashing kind of worked on me.

No. 995508>>995525

I hate MtFs so much I feel like I'm gonna explode yo

No. 995509

I'd rather be a wageslave then a wannabe tardthot

No. 995510>>995511>>995516

what does cooking and cleaning have to do with being white…. you do realize everyone has to do those things

No. 995511

Anons be baiting

No. 995513

That anon. It does feel strange. It was my friend's mum's funeral. Her dad died 18 months ago and that was streamed as well. I felt really bad for her because her dad's funeral was when only a few people could go, and this time all the guests AND the vicar person wore masks and he was behind a perspex screen. For me, I prefer to be remote because I bawl my heart out at funerals in a really embarrassing way. Truly sorry your mum went to a better place too soon. Hope you managed to beat the agoraphobia. I had that too, and it was a bitch to get over.

No. 995516>>995519>>995523>>995528>>995559

The white kids I know aren't raised to be housemaids and mini moms from childhood so yeah times like this I do wish I was white
No need to take everything offensively or see it as bait I don’t mind cooking or cleaning in the general sense

No. 995519>>995524>>995526>>995544

nta but I think its less about being white and more about western culture, cause I've rarely even seen black american kids help out around the house like I've had too
Western anons really don't understand how horrible non-western cultures can be towards women and girls

No. 995523>>995526

I think it has more to do with class than race.

No. 995524

Seriously this. I wish everyday I was born in the west. Shucks.

No. 995525

feelin' ya.

No. 995526>>995534>>995544

see point here >>995519 even the most low trash culture in the western world doesn't compare to the level of misogyny outside the west, especially in the muslim world

No. 995528

Tbh posts like that get redtexted all the time for being bait. It's not unreasonable to think it is.

No. 995534>>995547

When did that anon say she was living in a country like that?

No. 995544

Is that you, Paki anon? If yes, I'm wishing you the best with all my heart, but I'm real tired of your spergouts. We get it, Muslim countries are a shithole compared to western/european ones. Women in 'normal' countries are still allowed to complain about their lives.

No. 995547

Yeah I live in bongland. Family moved here almost 40 years ago.

No. 995555>>995558>>995566>>995572

>Years of slow mental decline and then wanting to kill yourself
To me this is what working was like. I'm happier not having to work a mind destroying office job that involves dealing with other people. It's true that I'm dependent on my husband but how is that any different from being dependent on an employer for a wage? At least if decide to leave my husband I would get half of everything we've built together, what do I get if I quit a job?

No. 995558

This, exactly this

No. 995559>>995576

>No need to take everything offensively or see it as bait
Mods marked it as racebait

No. 995566>>995590

>but how is that any different from being dependent on an employer for a wage?
How is it not different? You are an employee working and earning a wage for it versus depending on, and asking a man, to give you money to spend and live on. I know I feel against it because of my own enviornment and for some people this would be ideal.

No. 995572>>995590

As long as you don't have thoughts about ending your life if he ever walks out on you. That's the important thing that anon highlighted. Nobody should be leaning on a scrote as their live or die thing.

It's less about right now and more about how the loss of it would affect you. Life throws changes at us. If you lose your job you'll usually be ok after a while, you find another, if you go through a break up you'll usually get there too. Whearas anons earlier were saying they'd want to die without their husband.

No. 995574

What a sucky situation to be in, nonna. I'm sorry. And no hate but, I feel like even if they didn't enjoy the gift as much, they shouldn't have been so blatant about disliking it if they were. Even if I think a gift is mid, just someone thinking of me and giving me a gift is enough for me to feel happy. Is it someone young? Maybe they're very immature.

No. 995576

Because even mentioning a race here is considered bait nowadays

No. 995581

Can you just use she or he no one cares if you’re straight or lesbian here

No. 995590>>995598>>995602>>996480

>How is it not different?
The result is the same. Work for an employer and I get my needs met through being given a wage. Be a housewife to my husband and I get my needs met by him giving me money or buying things for me. Both involve exchanging labour for something that I need.

Someone women prefer working, some women prefer being a housewife/NEET/whatever. It's not about one being better than the other.

>Whearas anons earlier were saying they'd want to die without their husband.
Fair enough. I'm not in that situation. I have qualifications that would enable me to go back to a decent wage if I needed to.

No. 995597>>995606>>995609

File (hide): 1639584020320.jpg (38.74 KB, 712x599, 0f060903a1f332d7b22eb2ba3b7178…)

My favorite energy drink changed their recipe and it tastes like utter shit now. Several people on their SNS noticed it too and I also wrote them a mail, but they don't plan to change it back.
I don't get it,they already have a bazillion flavors, why not just make a now one instead of changing the original?
Just to torture their fans? Rockstar was the only energy drink I actually enjoyed,so why??? Just WHY

No. 995598

I wouldn't call you a neet. Just a housewife where one wage is enough for you both. Neetwives to me are women who need that hubby and his wage or else they'd be back at moms place.

No. 995602

There is a difference between someone you live with, are intimate with, to give you money versus your boss giving you your paycheck.

No. 995606>>995635

Start a storm anon, we changed Sonic we can change Rockstar

No. 995609>>995635

When did you first notice? I've had it lately because it's suddenly always on offer in my local place. I'm new to it tho

No. 995613>>995629

Anon the fact your providing for your when your an adult woman means they care somewhat about you and what the fuck are you gonna do when they get old and can't financially support you, will you leech of your siblings

No. 995614

I feel like everyone always talks about money with neets but the other thing is being 'capable' The number one thing I'd say to any neet, a married one or one with parents is to ask if you'd be able to manage in other ways too if they dropped dead tomorrow. Not just cash, making sure you don't fall behind in being capable is a large part of what really matters. You can use this time (time where money worries aren't a thing) and concentrate on any other areas where you're behind in life.

In my last relationship there was a neet dynamic. I thought we'd last so I let myself kinda regress with some things i struggle with. I wish I'd used my time better. Moving on was hard because the rug just got pulled out from under me.

No. 995629

Nta but I have a neet uncle who eventually lost his parents and my god.. the drama. He refused to leave the parents house. The house should've been split between 5 siblings but he wouldn't budge. He wanted them to sign over their shares of the house. He's despised and isolated ever since.. in his house. The house is falling to bits because he can't care for it. It's a modest old house not worth much and in the middle of nowhere. If it were worth any more I think he would been booted. Thing is he could've accessed free housing if he wanted… he's fucked in the head though. Terrified of change so everyone has to baby and enable him.

No. 995635

There's already a relentless fighter who spams their twitter for months straight now under different names whenever he gets blocked, but even he can't seem to make Rockstar/Pepsi reconsider.

I (along with others from my European country) noticed it in November, when it was on sale on my local market too. I just posted about it now because I'm craving it terribly. But from what I read, people in the US already had the change in October. And it's true,they really ramped up the advertising and sales offers since then.
I they flop further.

No. 995636>>995657

Does anyone else constantly feel paranoid about people hating them for no reason/without telling them or otherwise letting them know? I unfortunately tend to monitor my social media (IG) following and whenever I see my follower count go down, I'm convinced someone has unfollowed me because they hate me for reasons unknown. I also sometimes get paranoid and afraid that everyone is out to get me or "cancel" me or is secretly talking shit about me and spreading rumors about me behind my back. I have very few friends and this paranoia makes it very difficult to trust people/open up to them for fear they will turn on me one day

No. 995645>>995657

File (hide): 1639588062691.jpg (123.74 KB, 413x550, 512e97db7f1a7a67dd9d59d7440607…)

I know I am sabotaging myself but I geniunely cannot imagine a woman being into me or finding me pretty or attractive or pleasant in any way enough to pursue something with me. I tried dating apps (because it's the only way I can find women into women where I am) and I just felt bad I was so unlikable compared to the women on it, how could one chose my ugly ass over the much more extroverted, cuter and sweeter girls? It was unsuccessful and I got ghosted plenty then gave up. I want to feel desired but even the thought of a girl actually wanting me is literally impossible, incomprehensible to me. It's not like I haven't tried to improve myself, I have, but this feeling remains the same. No woman would want to be with me in any romantic or sexual capacity, and I would feel like an ugly, creepy beast if I tried to 'make moves' on someone when all I would feel in my heart would be that she'd rather be with someone better than me and that I'm being a weird, unappealing creepo.
/pathetic rant over

No. 995647>>995702

The influx of newfags is making /snow/ unreadable. It's basically just twitter at this point, a bunch of pathetic failed egirls seething about their mutuals.

No. 995657

I could've written both of these

No. 995659>>995662

I'm so scared of my mom dying aaaaaaaaaaahh
(She's not sick or anything i'm just thinking decades into the future)

No. 995660>>995667>>995683

File (hide): 1639589427032.jpeg (155.96 KB, 1778x999, XE3VwGE.jpeg)

Today marks a month since my 22yo cat left me. It hurts a lot, I can't even explain how much.
I wish I could go back in time and spend one more day with her, hug and kiss her.

No. 995662>>995694

girl, please don't remind me. i want to believe my mom is immortal. seeing her age makes me cry.

No. 995664>>995666>>995686

Cleaning mirrors is hard

No. 995666>>995674

Try spraying some glass cleaner on it and wipe it with a newspaper. This gives me a really clean mirror.

No. 995667

deep. society. jokes aside

No. 995673

I can't help but be angry at my parents. I feel like they stopped being actual people when I was very young. But for as long as I can clearly remember, they don't do anything. They don't have hobbies, they sit on the couch all day, etc. They're lazy. I was diagnosed with diabetes at a very young age and they never really took the time to learn anything more than how to administer shots. I was never sat down and taught how to care for this autoimmune disease. I ended up in near ketoacidosis at 10. My endocrinologist at the time was LIVID with my parents and had said he'd NEVER seen diabetes as out of control as mine. Really lucky for my parents that we switched insurances and so I had to switch endocrinologists. I had a bunch of cavities when I was young because they never told me to or made me brush my teeth at night. I literally just started doing that regularly NOW as a 21 year old. I'm just so fed up with myself and my family. I don't want to be a lazy fuck anymore but that's all I've ever known and have been around. I feel so fucking trapped. I hate that it feels like this but I feel like I will never get better if I stay in this fucking house. Nobody does anything, nobody really gives a fuck. Anons, does anybody relate to this? Has anybody managed to become a better person despite their lazy family? Things are fucking rough.

No. 995674>>995709

File (hide): 1639590105547.jpg (76.55 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20211215-114135.jpg)

You can also buy mechanics paper towels if no newspaper. They are designed in a way that doesn't leave particles behind and are super sturdy. Plus they make amazing oil blotting paper

No. 995683

She had 22 years worth of hugs and kisses from you, I'm sure she went into the great goodnight feeling loved and appreciating every moment you spent with her. I'm sorry anon

No. 995686

File (hide): 1639591193269.jpeg (32.16 KB, 675x675, DCDB26A4-E1EF-4829-A1DB-27377F…)

I swear by this glass cleaner

No. 995691>>995703>>995777

File (hide): 1639591644182.jpg (176.76 KB, 1248x904, Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 1.06…)

I can't believe I'm 26 years old. I can't believe I lost my early 20s to tragedy and mental illness. I feel like I've been in a daze for the past 6 years, just going through the motions. This shit happened so quickly. I can remember my 20th birthday so clearly, I was so excited and hopeful for the future. Time is a fuck.

No. 995694

): hugs

No. 995700>>995705

Given how many women have had to live through sexual assault and rape, it’s casual inclusion in films and tv shows has become sickening. It gets treated like it’s just some story beat that every new show needs to hit. That or there needs to be a gratuitous sex scene that would count as soft core porn 10years ago. Im so fed up with it. Now any time I watch a show I have to be on high alert when a female and male character interact because the very next episode could have him just fucking raping her because reasons. Like what about graphic rape scenes (either where they focus on her facial expressions or another character whose being tortured by bearing witness) is entertaining to these writers!? to create a fantasy world/fictional story and decide “you know what this needs? Rape!” Is just so exhausting. I honestly don’t understand it. It’s not entertaining, it adds nothing. All it serves to do is be a reminder that even in fictional worlds I should expect women to be raped and objectified in order to serve someone or something else. Just pick another fucking trauma already? How is having your arm blown off not traumatic enough? How is watching your husband or family be murdered not traumatic enough? Why does a women constantly have to be raped for her traumatic backstory to be treated as a reasonable catalyst for revenge/gritting her teeth and still getting shit done despite the odds? Where’s the women vs environment/monster? Why does it always seem like women vs rapist? Or not even that, sometimes it’s just women exists in story to be raped and then never seen again! I understand women have a sexuality but I sure would like it if some shows didn’t hinge the whole fucking premise on ways they can sexually use her.

No. 995701>>995704

Fucking hell I hat "Not all men" pick mes so much.
One just spoiled the women only meeting from my work team.
Why do they feel it's necessary to say that sexism is not actually important and that women issues are trivial?

No. 995702>>995712

Bully them harder

No. 995703>>995711>>995777

File (hide): 1639592619494.jpg (52.99 KB, 460x624, photo_2020-01-04_12-23-58.jpg)


for me its 28 in two days, honestly after uni, time has flew by so quick and this whole coronavirus shit just made it easier for the days to meld together.

No. 995704

how tone deaf is she

No. 995705>>995713

I get you, I don’t understand the need to write shit in which a woman needs to get raped or some sort of “hurr durr man has sex with pretty woman look” like, fuck off, it’s redundant at this point, it stopped being groundbreaking when Netflix got popular enough to shit a bunch of retarded series every week.
I just want someone to tell me why do I need to see two crusty retards fucking at the very beginning of a series, tell me, what’s the purpose? To show that the guy has sex? Or that the girl is hot? Because that’s honestly unnecessary.
I think I’m so sick of this hypersexualization pandemic, that I’ve become a prude, or maybe I’m just normal and everyone is taking crazy pills, because this is a whole new level of retardation.

No. 995709

I remember these from my old labs

No. 995711>>995777

So true! I'll be 29 in 2 months and while I don't mind the aging per se, I feel like I completely wasted 2 years, which makes me sad. Like I'm almost 30 and 2 years just went down the drain, I was literally a NEET when I wanted to be working, studying or traveling.
I hope we all can get our shit together soon and make the best out of our late 20s and 30s!

No. 995712

it doesn't work, they all have persecution complexes lol.

No. 995713>>995742>>995779

ayrt, exactly. And who wants to be watching some sci-fi show with their family and have there suddenly be a naked women on top of a dude moaning and crafting on!? It’s like they decided because no one can see any “naughty bits” it’s suddenly ok? Like the sheets were artfully draped around her pelvis and his hips while they gyrated but it’s not porn because you saw no nips! I don’t want to watch that shit, I especially don’t want to watch it with grandma beside me!!! I’ll take prude, I’m over it at this point. If not wanting to be subjected to rape and sexual shit while Im trying to relax and hangout with people makes me a prude I’ll happily label myself as such. Prude pride! We could make a flag.

No. 995742>>995767>>995779

>Prude pride! We could make a flag.
nta but I love this haha

No. 995762>>995769

File (hide): 1639596632966.jpg (59.57 KB, 750x436, 8a1.jpg)

I had a breakdown yesterday and I still felt like utter shit this morning. I've been trying to get rid of the feelings of sadness and anger within me with healthy distractions but nothing fucking worked. I caved and cut up my arm. Nothing is deep and I wear long sleeves to work so I'm sure I'll be fine at work at least, but I hate that it came to this. I feel pathetic.

No. 995767>>995779

Nta but I want a frigid pride flag, not asexual, specifically frigid.

No. 995769>>995773

I'm not a cutter but if you don't mind me asking can I ask what do you get out of cutting

No. 995773>>995775

AYRT, I feel like it's the only way to truly relieve my anger, as cringe as that sounds. I've tried plenty of other "healthy" things, but nothing works as effectively or as quickly as hurting myself. I could just as well burn myself but I think cutting is easiest, and I also never go super deep so I'm not at risk for serious damage

No. 995775

I had a friend whose bf was a cutter, he turned to boxing as his form of coping, maybe you could try something similar

No. 995777

Try the recovering NEET thread

No. 995778>>995785>>995937

>the amount of jealous bitches itt that will never have the opportunity to not work some shitty "job" or "career"
but yes continue to seethe and call others tradthot pickme's lol it's not transparent at all. you wish you had the personality or looks to pull someone that's more than happy to be the breadwinner for you

No. 995779>>995787>>995789

Count me in Nonnas. What is the most prude color,besides white?

No. 995785

if you're gonna post retarded bait at least do it in the appropriate threads. let people vent FFS.

No. 995787


No. 995789>>995795

Maybe gray and a flower that represents purity like a lily of the valley. Or something like a gray background and a golden shield with some symbols or a symbol that represents purity but isn’t some half-naked woman.

No. 995795

The lily of the valley idea is so cute anon! I like it

No. 995796

So I ordered a sweatshirt that I'd been eyeing for a couple months and got a size that would normally be baggy on me (the same size I have other items from this brand in. It arrived today and it fits like a youth size and is fucking CROPPED. I literally look like I am wearing a child's top and I'm so sad. I just want a normal, cute sweatshirt and not a weirdly short monstrosity.

No. 995799>>995826

Personality wise I'd say I'm the same as what I was in my early 20s to my early 30s. I obviously handle my emotions better but I've noticed they with age you do just get that little bit more respect. Like in work the workplace now I can hold weight and I haven't had anyone try to provoke me or essentially insult me in a passive way. People really do talk down to young women, because if anything with increased drug use I am even more daft than I was in my early 20s yet I don't get flack for it anymore. Hell, in a lot of instances I've noticed people follow my lead and I'm still a dumbass.

No. 995826

I'm less impulsive and I guess I have a lil stack of 'hard learnt life lessons' tucked away in my brain so I'm hopefully less likely to repeat mistakes. Other than that I feel like my brain changed very little over the years. My inner self essentially feels like a kid trying to pass itself off as their mom on the phone.

No. 995843

I can't find my notebook with drawings, there were lots of bad drawings of my husbando there and lots of bad drawings of shirtless men, my mom visited me what if she took it but I don't think she would go through my stuff and moreover take it, I had 2 filled notebooks and they are both gone so maybe I threw them in the recycling but I don't remember ugghhhh maybe I'll find them tomorrow by day but god I hope my mom didn't see it god damn it she loves me but she is a bit overprotective but I don't think she would go through my stuff would she god where is my notebook I wish I were dead anyway I'm not going to bring it up ever I will just hope if she took it she won't show anyone but she wouldn't take it why am I even thinking about it kek right? Right???

No. 995848>>995859>>995864>>995880

Samefag, the attention seriously seems to keep multiplying. I was just at an event with primarily girls, aside from approximately four men, of which one was clearly gay. Just when there was a break to socialise, one of the guys caught me off guard and started hitting on me. I wanted to talk to the girls, particularly since they looked really kind, but I still haven't mastered the art of rejection. It was really frustrating again, though. Maybe it is something about being so uninterested or secure in a relationship it attracts romantic interest, or maybe it isn't, but either way it is horribly annoying. I dislike complaining, especially about something as essentially positive as this. However, this just has something so frustrating and unpleasant. I don't know what it is exactly nor how to put it into words. It isn't as though I want to be an undesirable blob. I don't mind men finding me attractive or interesting. But being hit on and approached and chased so much isn't something I want more of. Does anybody understand what I mean or can they relate?

No. 995859>>995900

I wish i could give you advice but honestly I've never been approached by guys, actually your experience sounds quite surreal to me, are you attractive?

No. 995864>>995900>>995938

I'm single, been staying single by choice to fully get over a bad relationship I was in before. Recently I hit the point where I think I could be receptive to dating again. I'm not chasing it but I've taken enough time off to 'heal' already. Even after deciding that lately, couple of different men have approached me and I still went into my usual 'just pretend I don't see or hear them' mode lol

It's hard to not just feel like you're being preyed upon, that and men just love to aim above their own league. It can be insulting at times.

No. 995869

I hate having pmdd so fucking much, no I don't want to take pills forever that will give me side effects, I just want to fucking fix whatever's wrong with me and move on. Cursing in the grave all the scrotes who burned midwives knowledge and female doctors. Women's medicine is basically the wild west right now, can't even find an alternative medicine person without getting scammed bc the country outlawed it all so there's no certificates or ways to vet. I'm so sick of being suicidal for no reason for 3 weeks out of the month.

No. 995880>>995900

how old are you?

No. 995900>>995914

I never thought I was, but as I said in a response above, I've been transforming a lot as a person and think I am attractive to other people from what I have been told and am experiencing (and kind of beginning to feel myself, even if it is difficult).
Indeed, often a bad or untrustworthy character shines through just a few benign, flirtatious comments. To me it also feels like time is being taken away from actually valuable relationships I could be developing. I already have a boyfriend, I don't want more romantic involvement in my life. It is just a waste of time…

No. 995914>>995923>>995996

I just turned 33, a young 33 in some ways, I haven't been drinking, smoking, overeating, making babies or collecting baggage. Nothing like that. The men who hit me up at this point are 45 and up, have spent 2 decades smoking, drinking, making kids, collecting debt and baggage and excess weight. The fucking nerve lol

No. 995923

33 isn't old to begin with, but still mature, which I respect. I read in a screenshot from an incel-esque forum how a moid encouraged his ilk to hit on women out of their league, especially since these men tend to be unattractive, low-life individuals (supposedly), because he believed it would be insulting to the woman's ego. So, I don't enjoy giving these men the satisfaction of actually insulting me or affecting my disposition. It also just doesn't really insult me, it rather irks me a little. Even if the man was handsome and respectable, I already have a boyfriend. I really don't care, I just don't want to spend time on flirting and dating and more men right now… Anyway, that is just my experience. At least I am not entirely alone with these opinions.

No. 995930

>letting your bf masturbate to random imgur nudes
You signed up for such a pathetic scrote

No. 995937

No. 995938

>men just love to aim above their own league. It can be insulting at times.
You can fucking say that again

No. 995946>>995950

Holy shit, my sister is such a loser. She is still 27 and in college/uni (undergrad), a huge pickme, and only friends with scrotes. She has zero work ethic and has a stupidly easy major (Economics). She couldn't get into a real Ivy so she goes to a wannabe Ivy league but acts like a huge striver despite aforementioned lack of work ethic and a terrible resume. Really wish I could tell her to fuck off.

No. 995950

Also I have to add, she is dating a guy who is 5'6" and makes $20/hour even though he is 30. Holy kek

No. 995961>>995974

File (hide): 1639610127889.jpg (182.06 KB, 917x1250, main-qimg-9c7d8d02d8afc1c709bb…)

Give back my uwu marriage fantasy complete with ever exciting sex and feeling kinda understood, nonnies. I wasn't done with it, it still had some heartfluttering moments and good fapping in it.

No. 995974>>995978

If you’re going through a divorce right now I hope it isn’t too hard on you and you have friends to support you.

No. 995978

NTAYRT but I think she was talking about a daydream aha

No. 995996>>996011>>996021>>996110>>996257

“young 33”

lol, cope especially when anon said she’s 18

No. 996008>>996032>>996131>>996373>>996473

I'm applying to universities and struggling a lot with it internally. I come from an abusive, poor household. Despite this I always performed exceptionally at school. I was diagnosed to be highly intelligent and advanced a year. However, I suffered from a burn out in high school and became extremely depressed. I was absent for the majority of the year and overall struggled a lot to simply live. Meanwhile, my situation at home didn't change. I managed to graduate eventually, but with extremely poor grades due to my absence and mental state. Now I am applying to universities that would usually have equated immediate offers but no longer do due to my horrible final grades. It is just such a blow to the face every single time I work on my application. I didn't ask to be abused, I didn't ask for family members to die, I didn't ask to live in poverty, I didn't ask to live this way. I did my best despite all of that but still chances that would be so healthy and befitting to me are stripped from me due to these extenuating circumstances. How is it fair that an intelligent girl is not allowed to go to a university at her level simply because her mother abused her so she could barely muster the energy to take care of herself as a fifteen year old? I feel so abandoned and it seems as if nobody understands. I try to explain it to them but they just don't seem to listen. I feel like I am being punished for things that are already so painful to me. I have to deal with C-PTSD every day alongside the fact that I cannot pursue the dreams I have always had for the same reasons. I just don't know what to do, don't know what to think about. I honestly am beginning to consider writing that my mother was abusive in my applications so that maybe finally somebody will take me seriously. I just feel like nobody listens. Nobody ever takes me seriously when I talk about what I have to endure at home. I still feel guilt well up whenever I talk about how my mother treats me. I just know what I am capable of, I have so much to prove it. But the only things they look at are grades from when I just couldn't take it anymore. I also experienced sexual assault that year and I think everything combined was the tipping point. Please help. How can I still make a strong application that reflects my true abilities? I don't want to sound conceited, but I know I deserve to go to an ivy league school. I know what I can do and so does everybody else around me. I work hard and persevere, I deserve an honest chance and judgement based on my true abilities. Please help!!

No. 996011>>996021>>996042

How tf is that a cope? Everybody ages eventually anon.

No. 996021>>996042

Pickme lost her way and ended up on lolcow

No. 996025>>996037>>996048

File (hide): 1639613409270.jpeg (34.84 KB, 513x513, D2316C38-049C-4629-A6B1-3F7F50…)

My male ex came out as trans I feel like vomiting is this normal

No. 996032>>996445

Should I send an email to one of the universities about my specific situation and ask what they think/what I should do? I just don't know at this point. I feel so lost and sick and alone.

No. 996035

File (hide): 1639613668758.jpg (233.72 KB, 1024x683, 1598570411053.jpg)

my dad's smug behavior is kind of…annoying me
i'm majoring in compsci, right? i got an a, a few b's, and one c. all he can focus on is the fact that these b's could've been a's, and the c could've been higher too. and he does it all in such a smug, haughty, rude way, it pisses me off.
he'll go "oh well u know i graduated magna cum laude" or whatever
and i'm like, mentally going, "okay that's nice dad but you realize you majored in sociology right? i've never scored below an 'a' in a writing course or my few psych classes i had to take for gen ed, i would like to see you try to code a compiler or something then get back to me"

No. 996037

File (hide): 1639613714206.gif (309.34 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

You need to celebrate, he's an ex! CLINK CLINK BITCH

No. 996042>>996046>>996049>>996054>>996154>>996497

ancient-chan is so entitled though she expects to be hit up by 20 year old gorgeous people and is surprised that the people in her age group albeit are not the best candidates are attracted to her? hilarious, all of the young and pretty men are not trying to fuck old women and are at least trying to date people their own age, stay in your lane and just stop 30 years old is no longer young

No. 996046>>996258>>996431>>996497>>996601>>996630>>996652

samefag but also 27+ year old women are not entitled to young men just as much as scrotes are not entitled to young women, keep the standard consistent I fucking hate older women leave our men alone or I’ll knock you over grandma

No. 996047

the /g/ polycuck can't be more obvious

No. 996048

You hurt him so bad lmao gross

No. 996049

>30 years old
>ancient chan
>old women
>stay in your lane and just stop 30 years old is no longer young

No. 996054>>996071

Seeth is palpable. I hope you plan on killing yourself before 27. Imagine competing for scrotes attention.

No. 996071>>996077>>996089>>996106>>996135>>996652

But am I necessarily wrong anon? She thinks she’s entitled to hot young men who would only glance at her because of their filthy milf obsession

No. 996077>>996083

>men have filthy porn trope fetishes and you know this
>somehow they are still worth hating older women over

No. 996083>>996094>>996105>>996107

Yes, they need to stay away from younger men

No. 996088

My mom will literally crane her neck over the table to see how much I’ve eaten so she can make sure she eats less than me. It drives me nuts because I already have body/eating issues thanks to her but if I call her on it she’ll blow up. God I miss eating alone

No. 996089

Men only glance at you because of their retard fetish

No. 996094>>996109

lol did an older woman fuck your bf?

No. 996095>>996108

Our small friend group made a discord server to talk about this one game, we were having a lot of fun with it and then the new ff14 expansion came out. Now one friend has turned it into a spamfest with ff14 screenshots all day even though the rest of us don't play and I'm kind of at my limit, especially since she doesn't want to talk about the other game anymore.

ff14 shit is so cringy, it's a bland self insert fantasy that sounds like it came out of ye olde otome game kek. I don't care about wol ocs and how the npcs love them.

No. 996105>>996138

imagine being such a raging pick me on lolcow of all places
if your precious young scrotes, who will all bald and age like milk before 30 anyway, are so naturally attracted to you and your youth, why are you so worried about what 30 year olds are doing? Aren't you supposed to be the better option? So why aren't you being picked kek

No. 996106>>996112

With this topic going on, I actually hate how much people started openly fetishizing "mommy milf" stuff, or their age in general, saying "she's ExPiErEnCeD just like in muh porn". It's incredibly disgusting to me. At least it shows how most of these people want nothing but a parent figure as their lover who would wipe their ass and listen to their half-assed problems. >>996071

No. 996107

>they need to stay away from younger men
Or what? You're gonna call the milf police?

No. 996108>>996114>>996116

File (hide): 1639616086329.jpeg (308.83 KB, 1170x1377, FDD33F2C-721F-4DF9-8BA5-65E7A4…)

I mean what’s the point of role playing games if not to self insert. Sorry your friend is annoying but leave aorzea out of this. It’s one of the few mmos that attempts to cater to women.

No. 996109>>996113>>996438

he cheated on me with my 55 year old mcdonalds manager so yes

No. 996110

I wouldn't go near a 20 year old. I just don't want to date men… who have sons who are already past 20… y'know lol

The exact thing I want is a man my age. That was my whole post. Imagine what you want. You're letting some stream off kek

No. 996112

Men even call young women mommy if she’s a bit serious and not the uwu oniichan type. It’s like they only view women as porn categories.

No. 996113

Lmao pickmes never win

No. 996114

Nah. Good for you that you enjoy it but that doesn't change what it is kek.

No. 996116

How does ffxiv cater to woman and how can you husbando roleplay? I'm interested

No. 996122

Nayrt but I always wish I could tell normie women that can't stand not being single to just invest in otome games and husbando/waifuism so they could save some nerves.

No. 996131

Ahhhh I feel so puzzled and hopeless… I don't know what to do at all

No. 996135

Saying that at 33 you don't want to date men who are over 45 is entirely normal.. Those are two different age categories. Nowhere did it say anything about turning the tables and going for younger men. Nowhere.

No. 996137>>996146

Posting here to not derail another thread with my porn rant.

God I hate porn. All women ever done is try to satisfy his wants and they just push the dopamine goalpost further. Even if you alter your body to their liking, spend hours of your life removing your bush and get that BBL, develop those sexual pickme skills, the sex will still be empty, performative, and you will not cum.

Fuck it, I wish I could develop and genuinely enjoy violent and gross perversions to make them uncomfortable, to refuse to fuck men unless they perform oral, get asphyxiated, get slapped around, make them drink your piss (still not as bad as cum). Make them learn to like it and they would pretend they do just to cope. Act like they enjoy drinking piss so he's Not Like Other Boys. I'd expect all that without a relationship. But I'm not that simple, and I don't have that power.

It's ironic because the less they'd watch porn the more men would desire and enjoy fucking regular women without the performances. Without having to pretend they're fucking someone else or demanding to fuck a colon. Hell, most of the guys who do no nut november end up curing their ED. But the irl skinner box is just too good.

I'm not sucking any dick, I'm not getting any more razor burn, I'm not doing colon sex, I'm not letting any man hit me without filing a police report after. I hope all porn addicts isolate themselves and die alone rather than inflict their bullshit on any more women. I fucking want to cum too. I've got a working pussy and I've yet to find a man with a properly working brain/dick.

No. 996138>>996150

>So why aren't you being picked kek
she's just that undesirable…rip, i can already tell how she looks

No. 996146

Basada. Was the sex that bad?

No. 996150>>996152

>rip, i can already tell how she looks
>why didn’t you get picked lol

this is convincing me that women have no incentive to get rid of the toxic competition between us and the hypocrisy that a woman who wants to be desired is a “pick-me” but to anons if she isn’t she “must be ugly”

make it make sense

No. 996152

They read the og post that said one thing and then they just made up stuff that wasn't in the post and sperged. None of that dicussion was even based in reality

Why start drama about being nice to autist anon? They wanted drama, stop giving it

No. 996154>>996157>>996497

File (hide): 1639619248602.png (228.56 KB, 678x798, stop being ugly lol.png)

here i drew you a pretty picture, sperg-chan

No. 996157>>996159

>stop being ugly lol

you’re threatened by a young zoomer when you don’t even and will never know what they look like and it’s probably bait. move on and ignore it no one cares about your superiority complex.

No. 996159>>996163

this is my first post in this thread, i'm just relishing in the smorgasbord of fine zoomer butthurt and you're reaching(enough)

No. 996163>>996172>>996174

let me guess you’re one of those self-hating 21 year old zoomers? kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 996172>>996174

no, but you seem awfully upset by my taking the piss out of zoomers yourself. curious!

anyway, calling people ugly is your retard award for calling someone else old. what did you expect to happen, OP to smile and say thank you?

No. 996174

File (hide): 1639620426995.jpeg (67.63 KB, 600x888, C9A84D31-9866-442C-BA31-DA77D4…)

Heel, anons.

No. 996188>>996190>>996193>>996194

next thread should put a rule to not start fight, reply to obvious bait and ban all kek meme. Anons venting here are usually not in a good state of mind to have discussion.

No. 996190

Ban retarded "my bf hates me" vents too, take that shit to /g/

No. 996193

>ban all kek meme
What? Anyway, I think it was a rule in previous threads, but anons just ignored it.

No. 996194

Tbh seeing retarded infight is the only thing getting me tf off lolcow for a few hours so maybe it’s better this way.

No. 996209

late to reply but he is the only general gyno in my area, the other choices are paid clinics unfortunately

No. 996216>>996387

I feel like im posting this at a really shitty time in this thread but I'm going to post it anyways then go to bed.
I linked an article of someone I knew who was arrested for some pretty heinous shit to a News station's socials a few days ago. He is finally standing trial. I genuinely thought they were going to announce his trial on the news but instead they covered some petty crime, so I angrily linked the article online knowing some people would see it even if the trial didn't make the 5 oclock news. It was kind of dumb, but I'm tired of what he did being a giant open secret to only his coworkers and people that work in the same building. I got a reply from a man telling me in the comments that he's innocent until proven guilty and insulting me. I felt so much peace wash over me when I first posted it despite the way I did being pretty poorly thought-out and stupid, but now I'm upset someone is taking up for him, and that more people will probably do the same. I would love for just once to be proven that men don't ALWAYS get away with (sometimes literal) murder.
How can someone look at an article's headline about a man who tried to kill a woman in her sleep, see his disheveled mugshot and say to others "well innocent until proven guilty"? I've been in a similar situation with an abuser who did get away because the jury bought his attorney's bullshit of "he's young and the mistake was big but don't ruin the rest of his life", so when people question why I'm so invested in the verdict of this case I'm taken aback that I have to explain myself. I had to deal with him daily at one point where he said and did crazy shit that pushed boundaries with basically every woman he came in contact with, was super disturbed when I found out but he got to go about his days like normal after less than a month in jail, and the whole thing makes me relive something most women are familiar with being a haunting part of their past or someone they are close with. I hope he gets what he deserves one way or the other. I need to get over a few ignorant people who are probably abusers themselves being shitty but right now I just needed to spout off.

No. 996227

I don't like the bittersweet feeling. I feel I should be mad, tried to be, only mustered enough to blow up the thing for good and get some relief about knowing that I don't have to ask myself some big questions about it, that it's just done for good and useless to get so agitated over. I wish I could be a man and get myself mad about something like they do and just rage their way through life. It looks less painful? Who knows.
I'm now mourning the whole infatuation again reminding myself of some good times or telling myself telling me it could have been so nice.
I know time will wipe it up but part of me also know I'll keep some of that longing and it feels bad after getting rejected. I guess I'll write some long corny letters about all I've liked about it and then file them under 'don't be this dumb again.'. Definetely not try the look at all the bad stuff instead and be mean about it to stop the pathetic feeling: that's worse anytime. Maybe write a post or two in the next few days as cheap therapy. Definitely delete any remaining keepsakes I know I have around when I'll be able to look at them without going through the whole process AGAIN.
This too shall pass.

No. 996257

Moid detected.

No. 996258

peak retard

No. 996262>>996269

how and why do people even want to go outside and have a normal life? talking to people, getting up and getting ready and having to waste your life smiling and expelling energy talking to your friends and going places and wearing clothes and having jobs and talking to people and have a stupid fucking romantic partner and doing it all over gain under the pretense that it’s a routine.. just the thought of normalcy exhausts me. i don’t ever want to leave my cocoon the outside world has already rejected and traumatized me enough. i don’t want friends, i don’t want a career, i hate my hobbies, i don’t want to continue college, i don’t want to love or be loved and i don’t want to have sex and i’m tired of eating i just don’t want to live at all. i have no will to live and that is a difference between suicidal ideation for me personally

No. 996269

anon, we are so similar. it's so true. i wonder all day how people have the energy to do routine tasks, and especially to socialize, to go out, to do hobbies, to get in the car and prepare for going out, it's just crazy. all my energy is zapped once i'm done with work, and i don't even do energy consuming work. i have 0 interests and can't imagine having any, it's just more work and exhaustion for no payoff. not just the physical energy but the mental energy is just not there to do anything at all but barely continue to exist.

No. 996319

I love waking up at 6am during my pto just to go to the hospital, I'm not mad or tired, not at all…

No. 996371>>996374

Reading an article about the awful pornographic exploitation in France at 6am wasn't an good idea. I fucking gagged and I'm going to think about it all day.

No. 996373

I really wish I could help you anon, I live in a shit country and have no knowledge about how writing to universities is like,we just make some stupid test and either pass or try again next year. What do your teachers say? Can't they help with that or they don't give a shit? Could you contact someone who went through something similar? It might sound weird but a friend of mine usually gets a lot going simply by trying to contact people, it works here at least. I believe you have the potential nonna, but I have very limited knowledge about unis at the US.

No. 996374>>996476

I kinda want to know but also I don't want to, I'd be even more disgusted by the guys in my country.

No. 996387

I feel you so bad nonna. I had a very traumatic experience, I seriously thought I was gonna die that day, it was only for a single night but I felt so fucking shit after I didn't deal with that properly. I tried ignoring and pretending it didn't happend and lost all possible evidence against the abuser besides my word on it. I ended up never getting any closure, I never told anyone who knew him about it and those who know never met him. I know people won't believe me and his family is rich so there is no way I could do anything. I felt so angry at myself because,in hindsight after hearing others comment about him, it was clear he was a shitty person. Specially to his ex gf who I felt kinda guilty for failing her too. I know I failed the next girl who he will abuse even if it's not my fault directly. I wished I had half of your courage nonna, you are amazing and I hope karma exists and your abuser gets what he deserves.

No. 996403>>996408>>996409>>996427

I once had a """therapist""" with a psychology degree and all telling me that I was histrionic because she's histrionic and she had an inkling I was too. Then she read me the criteria for it, she twisted it a little and then asked me if I was that and I said "No" to most of them. I did say to "yes" to one but it was something like "do you like being friendly to strangers" or whatever. She said "I KNEW IT, I WAS RIGHT" and I got very grossed out.

I'm not histrionic, never was.

No. 996408

Samefag, but I really am not sexual with random people or dress in a sexual manner, or think people are my friends without knowing them better first (I am selective tbh). But me saying "No I'm not histrionic" for her was like a "yes" to her ears because apparently histrionic people always deny they have it or whatever. I mean, NPDs and BPDs do too, hell even depressed people do. So wtf?

No. 996409>>996411>>996413

psychs and therapists are psychos themselves, more at 12. sorry about yours, nona. that's very weird, also… kek, a histrionic psych, who would ever want that?

No. 996411>>996419>>996439

nta but I bet she was a "therapist", they are not supposed to reveal personal information about their own lives like that. WTF is that

No. 996413

I really don't trust most psychologists and therapists anymore. I just can't put something as fragile as the human mind in the hands of these people and hope for good results. I've only ever had one psychologist who actually helped me but he mostly gave me some resources so I could apply them myself. It wasn't intrusive and it was nice to be heard.

No. 996419

I'm the original poster, and I actually went there because she was recommended by a psycheatrist to me. The psycheatrist was also awful, she just saw me arguing with my mom (I was anxious and my mother is overbearing) and said "yep you have BPD". This psycheatrist was also an idiot.

No. 996427>>996440

it's like cops, the majority of people who would be useful and proficient at it won't end up pursuing it, while it does often attract like, the worst people for it. it's the self obsessed, lazy (who just want to rake in $130 an hr while doing nothing), and schemers that end up going into it.

No. 996431>>996438

Kek you’re right older women aren’t entitled to young men, it’s actually almost the opposite. I was staying with friends a few weekends ago and their 24yo moid roommate came home at 8am absolutely buzzing that he’d nailed a 33yo woman who he knew from his gym. Most girls I know would be sheepish about sleeping with someone nearby a decade older than them, but he wouldn’t shut up about her age and how stoked he was that he bagged a fit older woman.
Sorry that your college crush has a thing for milfs nonnie, maybe if you start working out taking good care of yourself today you can pull young studs when you’re in your 30’s.

No. 996438

Lmfao she admitted to it:
>he cheated on me with my 55 year old mcdonalds manager so yes
Fucking hilarious, so her bf is a dirty cheater scum yet it's the women who "are not entitled" and should stay away. Delulu, down to thinking that a 33 years old is in the same group age. Good for the 55 years old woman fucking younger men like that!
I can only hope that OP gets pinkpilled by lolcow sooner or later. Unless she is baiting, of course

No. 996439

most therapists seriously get way too into it, i know therapists and their patients who added eachother on their vent!! instagrams and other weird shit. i know a few people doing their masters and becoming practicing therapists and how much of a mess they are themselves. one of them thinks masturbation is a sin and i am a whore for getting raped. it's legit out there, man.

No. 996440

oh, this exactly! like, it's not a bad profession at all and actually helpful but the only people who seem to pursue it are complete nutcases.

No. 996445

Asking for pity is going to lead no where. People simply don't care and can't help if your grades suck that bad. I absolutely feel for you but no one is going to let you go to the uni you want just because you have a sob story. There's no shame in going to a "lesser" university, I doubt you can't get in anywhere. You could always transfer after the first semester if you do well.

No. 996454>>996465

I'm moving to a different country for an internship/study combo in March and I'm dreading it. I thought I wanted this but all I want to do is stay in bed forever and cuddle my cat. I'm going to miss my family so much. I'm not ready for independence. I barely function at home. Not to mention the financial strain I put on my family by deciding to apply. I hate myself.

No. 996465>>997408

Anon I would have murdered someone to have this opportunity. It may seem hard but go for it, it's a one in a lifetile opportu'ity and could positively influence your career. And if you feel you're not ready for independence maybe it'll actually help you. I lived with my parents until I graduated and then left to live abroad, it helped me become way more independent super fast. Do your research on the country and try to make friends in the foreign university in case you need support, even just moral support.

No. 996470

How do I stop questioning myself and how do I start playing it smart. I don't want to care about the truth anymore, I want to only care about succeeding no matter what it takes. How do I start standing up for myself when others wrong me. Even when someone hurts me I feel like it is my fault and act so insecure that people believe it is my fault or that I am lying. I literally get the store security check me because I am so anxious it seems like I have stolen something

No. 996473

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, It's horrible feeling like you couldn't reach your full potential because of factors outside your control. If you have any kind of tutor or pastoral support at your school please contact them. If you have a teacher you like and trust enough to be open with, talk to them about it; they will know your track record of good grades and could write a good recommendation. Some universities do take extenuating circumstances into account, but it would have to be done through the right channels. Putting it into your application without any evidence will seem unprofessional. If your grades aren't close to the right level, I admit it is unlikely that this will work, but it's absolutely worth trying.

My advice would be to apply to a less prestigious university, and perform as well as you possibly can. It seems like being out of your home situation will make studying a lot easier again, and you'll be able to prove your academic ability. The university might also have resources for therapy and other support; mine offers free therapy and has support groups, so this could be helpful for you. Considering your circumstances, it might actually be nice to temporarily have the lowered pressure of an easier course until you move on. Once you have built up a good foundation of academic work and have worked through some of your issues, you can see if you can transfer to a different university. You can also look into doing a year abroad at a different, more prestigious university, or wait until the end of the course to do a masters elsewhere. You will likely have a personal tutor or pastoral support of some kind to discuss all of this with, but make sure you build up a good amount of high quality work first. Try to build a good relationship with some of your lecturers by being polite, asking intelligent questions, and getting good grades, so that they will vouch for you when you apply to other courses. Obviously, whichever uni you do apply for, they accept people who sound like they really want to be there, so don't let them know your plan beforehand.

I hope things improve for you, and best wishes for your applications.

No. 996476>>996506

It's the first one of a serie of four in LeMonde. It's great journalism but don't read it if you don't have a few hours to deal with the disgust afterwards. I don't know if I'm going to be able to deal with the next one and I'm not squeamish. This was just brutal.

No. 996480>>996924

Being an actual housewife is fine. If you aren't mentally ill, go out, have friends, hobbies, and have the social skills to do stuff without being dependant on your husband you're living the good life.

No. 996481>>996505

I love Paki anon, and I wish I could hang out with her and become her friend.

No. 996497>>996572

this is the kind of person that will be having mental breakdowns when she hits 30 and develops a plastic surgery addiction. also lmao no woman over 30 wants your toddler boys, I don't even understand where you came up with that

underappreciated post

No. 996505>>996626

you would have to be extra patient and understanding, since the moment you would vent, she would screech that you are being a sheltered western woman who doesn't understand the real struggle and has no right to complain. Doesn't seem healthy to me

No. 996506

If it's really that bad then maybe I wont read it actually. I don't want to add anything to the seasonal depression. I already suspect some things based on surveys I found long ago though.

No. 996514>>996517>>996532>>996534>>996593

The cat ate some banana bread off the counter and my husband is acting like it's a fucking tragedy and something to really be upset about. Why are men so fucking immature? It's banana bread, fuck face, it's not a big fucking deal. The cat didn't even leave a mess.

No. 996517>>996519>>996523

Samefag I just want to add that he's the one who left the banana bread uncovered on the counter but he's angry at the cat..

No. 996519

He's hungry obviously, feed your toddler, he's throwing a tantrum over banana bread.

No. 996523>>996532>>996593

I would be pissed off too tbh

No. 996525>>996542

My housemate constantly invites over people, when I first got there I saw her cig packs laying on the floor, I always do her dishes, I never use toilet papier there because I use my own wet wipes (I felt guilty and greedy so I just left some of mine there so they too could have a clean arse).

I cough because I suspect I have corona and I get complaints. I cough in my own room, I stay away from my room mates, BUT they complain because it’s annoying to hear and they can’t sleep because of it. Jesus christ. I tried really hard to be the perfect neutral non annoying housemate but my coughing ruined it all. I bought toilet paper (which I barely use just to clean up my snot) in bulk to please them because I feel guilty and I bought medicine that helps against the itching throat even though I’m not supposed to go to the supermarket.
I wonder if I’ll still put effort in keeping the house clean after being such a beta cuck. No more house mates just god give me the studio I deserve.

I’ll continue keeping the kitchen clean because it’s for me not for them. And I’ll start using toilet paper to pat myself dry prior and after the using the wet wipes. It’s mine anyways. HAHA.

No. 996531>>996533

I'm so fucking done with this routine life. I just want to take my dog and run away somewhere where I don't have to do the exact same things every day over and over with no rewards or fun.

No. 996532>>996541>>996593>>996635

then you're retarded and shouldn't have a pet? leave your banana bread uncovered but don't blame animals when they eat it.

he sounds like a loser. who gets angry at a cat over their own laziness?

No. 996533>>996590

This is gonna be your dog saying the exact words in dog speak

No. 996534

Banana bread is god tier though. If I were there your husband would complain even more coz i’d eat all of it

No. 996537

Ate beans yesterday and now my lower abdomen hurts like hell, i can't even move, i know I'm just gassy but for some reason i cannot fart or shit to ease the pain (probably because I'm also constipated) god please make it stop

No. 996541>>996543

He does this a lot, it's one of his few flaws (besides being a male), everytime he gets mad at the cats it's either his own fault or out of the cats control. Our oldest has tummy issues and sometimes can't keep his breakfast down, he's very old! But he'll act like the cat is doing it on purpose, it'll be genuine anger and eventually downgrade into "let's bring him back to the farm" jokes. How many times do I have to say this cat is a little elderly man before he accepts that he will get throw up sometimes? At least he cleans it up, though. I'm sure other men would just whine and complain and do nothing but mine whines and complains while he scrubs the floor.

No. 996542

Also Same OP, is it normal to have conflicts like this? Pls answer

No. 996543>>996545

this is really upsetting. i love cats so much and i can't imagine someone making jokes about putting my cat down because he's in pain and having stomach issues. he sounds like a seriously unempathetic douchebag. you should have a conversation with him about it if you intend to stay with him because it's honestly really alarming that he's quick to anger over this and doesn't care about how the animals are feeling. not really a good sign in general if he doesn't naturally feel bad for vulnerable creatures that are comparatively visibly frail and sick.

No. 996545>>996547

Nonnie, the jokes aren't about putting him down, but taking him back to the farm where we adopted him, just wanted to make that clear.

No. 996547>>996551

oh, it literally read like he was using that euphemism. not sure if you know, not sure if you're american, but typically sending an animal "to the farm" or "back to the farm" or an animal "going to the farm" means putting them down or them dying. that is different.

No. 996551>>996554

Ahhh, yes I have heard that expression. Don't worry though, he isn't unempathetic. He tells me how embarrassed he is by the way he gets so frustrated and angry, and he's never done anything to hurt the cats. He also never gets that way with anything I do.

No. 996554>>996567

glad to hear that. you never know with aggro guys sometimes, it can get dicey out there. just making sure you and your kitties are safe xx

No. 996567

Aw thank you sweet anon

No. 996570

I make everything according to how it is supposed to be then i fuck up something so stupidly and even though everyone is making major mistakes I get pinned and I want to die because of it

No. 996572

I'm the anon who inadvertently started that off by saying you can be "young in some ways" at 33. You can though. The guy I like right now is what I'd describe as the same. 33 and no major baggage or signs of bad habits catching up with his health. Hairline intact, energetic and not weighed down by bitterness over ex wives and custody battles. Ive dated that mess before. I was free and uncomplicated and suddenly I was constantly working around his complications with no appreciation for how my life then became complicated in ways I'm not feeling. Especially if that's taken for granted and one-sided. Thirty somethings just have majorly varying levels of baggage and even health. And then scrotes 15 years your senior still want to nab you up after their second divorce. Men aiming younger just never stops. The gap never seems to want to close..

Tbh if anything comes to be with my age-matched crush I'll be delighted. I just hope my elder-chan heart can cope.

No. 996588

At work and a coworkers face timing with her young kid who’s at school
Rn and talking to her mom but is but she speaks in incomplete sentences and jumps topics and it’s just so annoying I wish they wouldn’t face time in the fucking break room. I hate people who just make phone calls in general in break rooms. Like take it outside or in your car. I don’t wanna listen to your 8 year old struggle with the English language.

No. 996590

Why kek

No. 996591

I had an awful nightmare, it's been months since I had a nightmare, maybe because i was sleeping while being stressed/ gassy, god it was terrifying

No. 996593>>996635

He should be happy he got a warning not to leave his food near hungry animals. What if the cat ate something poisonous? I assume banana bread isn't toxic for cats to eat, I have no idea since I have neither.
This. It's like that one game about a dad trying to stop a baby from committing accidental sudoku. Your pet's goal is to inhale whatever food you leave in it's reach. Your goal is to not let it kek

No. 996601

Lmao I'm dating a 22 yrs old at 27 right now, I can tel he feels so cool about it, it's pretty cute.

No. 996626

I have all the patience and understand for someone who hates as much the same group of scrotes as I do

No. 996630>>996634>>996652>>996695

File (hide): 1639666427860.jpg (259.51 KB, 750x562, queen-hero.jpg)

>mfw 30 years old and currently a 20 year old cutesicle with a giant dick and won't leave me alone until I smoke weed and fuck him
>I'm engaged and he knows this

I try not to brag around here but holy shit you are either a moid or a pickme who doesn't know how good life fucking gets in your 30s–granted you worked to have something to offer and got your shit together. You're a fucking cuck.

No. 996634

No. 996635>>996644

Well I don't have pets for this same reason, I don't want their dirt and saliva on my table

No. 996644>>996654>>996657>>996662

I agree, I think it's gross that owners are just ok with letting them jump all over the place and sit their anuses on their counters and dirty shit/piss/litter caked paws. The thought of my dogs jumping on my tables and counters is so hilarious and absurd, to me. Imagine being so trained by an animal you just let it do whatever it likes and blame yourself when it goes on the counter and eats your food. It shouldn't think it's allowed up there. Toxo is definitely a thing because this makes no sense to me.
I decided no dogs are allowed in my bed or on my couches and life is way better for me. I'm the human and they are the animals they are lucky they aren't sleeping in a kennel

No. 996650>>996655

A creepy old guy at my work keeps trying to get me to go on a date with him and I just want to quit because of it, this shit has happened before and it freaks me the fuck out

No. 996652

File (hide): 1639668498841.jpg (603.21 KB, 2048x1365, me_when_40.jpg)

This has been posted before but it makes more sense for women to date younger men, than for men to date younger women.

>men maturing later is bullshit

>it is only prevalent now because we excuse and put up with manchild behavior
>men in their early 20s are stronger
>they have healthy sex drives and a peepee that works
>they look their best at this age
>women live longer than men on average
>a younger man will probably not die before you
>if they want to be the provider, they have longer time to do it during your companionship
>they still have a zest for life and some goals
>younger men are not yet bitter from divorce
>by taking the younger hotties while they still have potential we may train a generation of men to be of value, instead of squandering their life away on weed, videogames and porn
>older women can teach younger men how to be better lovers for their future female partners

No. 996654

>I'm the human and they are the animals they are lucky they aren't sleeping in a kennel
You sound skeevy.

No. 996655>>996659

Go to HR or something?

No. 996657

>I'm the human and they are the animals they are lucky they aren't sleeping in a kennel
Why do you have pets? Do you just live with someone who has them?

No. 996659>>996663

I took a pic of his license plate and called the cops but they couldn't find anything. My boss knows and he said he'll give him a talk if he comes again but I just don't want any of it anymore. I was looking for other jobs anyway so maybe this is a sign or something to just fucking quit

No. 996662


I was with you until that last sentence nonz

No. 996663>>996667

I think I’ve misunderstood you. I assumed “at my work” was a coworker of yours, but I realise now he’s a person coming into the store? That makes it a lot more complicated. If I where you i would nag my superiors to protect me and ban him and if I saw him again I’d give him a vicious verbal flogging, but I am a psycho with anger issues, so…
You’ve taken the right steps. I wouldn’t blame you at all if you wanted to leave because men are psycho and unpredictable.

No. 996667

Thank you so much nonna. I'd applied to a job last week, they haven't responded yet but once they do I'm getting the fuck out.

No. 996679

I will most likely have to take out my right nipple piercing and get it redone in a few months. I can't help but feel sad because I did everything right and that lil shit still decided to reject. I also don't like the one pierced nipple look so the needle through scar tissue is going to hurt like a bitch.

Man it's going to look so stupid once the right one goes back to being inverted. Wish I had normal nips

No. 996695>>996797

>you’re a pick-me

>but the 20 year old pick me!

Sincerely kill yourself

No. 996696>>996710

File (hide): 1639671960040.png (104.06 KB, 272x275, 1639158029442.png)

Pls Mr Cia man, get some coffee your bait is shit

No. 996710

Even if it’s a “glowie” they’re still right, all men deserve to be killed lmao

No. 996712>>996713>>996723>>996730>>996770>>997061

Fuck “female unity” every time I come on this stupid ass website other anons will always divide and create meaningless hierarchies and superiority over any other woman. I don’t give a fuck about other women, there is no such thing as any “positive female role models” or friends, they’re all selfish pieces of shit just like their male counterparts

No. 996713>>996728

hierarchies like what? who is at the top allegedly?

No. 996721

In my utopia there would be yelp for moids so women don’t have to waste a single minute.

No. 996723>>996728

Okay then hop off my board.

No. 996726>>997064

My mother has let her anorexia take complete control of her life. I work for a family business where both of my parents are technically my bosses and it’s very obvious that she cannot focus on much of anything without getting irritated and it’s almost impossible to have a real conversation with her. Being in this environment constantly makes it very difficult not slipping back into my own eating disorder that I was able to mostly heal from during my late teenage years. I love my parents and it’s horrible having to deal with this. I have tried encouraging her to be more gentle with herself but she gets so hostile and always tries to turn any issue back around directly at me. She has been wearing my old clothes she kept on to from when I was sickly anorexic during middle and high school and the entire ordeal is eerie. I want to go to their house and burn all those old clothes but thankfully I have better things to do with my time. Realistically I know I need to see a therapist about dealing with this because it’s all so insane. I am not prepared to deal with my
mother getting worse and worse (her hair is already beginning to dry out and thin, she is taking NyQuil so she can sleep at night, and you can see her ribs when she wears anything that exposes her back)

No. 996728>>996733>>996748>>996761

They perpetuate the same fucking discrimination and exclusion that men have always done. Why radfems fucking come here to begin with? This place is just shit and I’m allowed to vent about it.

You will never be Regina George, you’re a histrionic witch that wants to feel better than other women. You have no intention of destroying the division between other women, you’re just another dumb pig-brained heterosexual woman. There is no difference between you and a berry-picking tribalist, disgusting fuck

No. 996730>>996745

>what do you mean women aren’t a big orgy of unconditional love and enabling and slumber party and soft kisses
Tranny moment.

No. 996733>>996741>>996749

Exhibit A of how trannies actually view women

No. 996741

definitely a man/troon. the scrotal smell and energies are wafting hard in every direction

No. 996745>>996747>>996753>>996760


Whatever the fuck you want to make me, because I know I’m not a tranny and never will be. I don’t have a problem with women being toxic to each other online my problem is that you all are just deliberately dishonest and hypocritical about it. You are not better than scrotes, their cruelty is only brute and sloppy while female cruelty can be subtle but deadly to every kind of woman on the planet. Engaging in deception, lies, and doublespeak, can’t even tell if the cause of this is genuine retardation/ignorance or intentional gaslighting when this is brought up. You are shit of the highest order pretending like you don’t know what I’m talking about because your constant imageboard scrolling has damaged your brain. Kill yourself

No. 996747

Didn’t read plus YWNBAW

No. 996748

File (hide): 1639674534829.gif (2.95 MB, 600x338, 898BAAD4-D878-4091-9548-B1306E…)

No. 996749>>996755

Exhibit A of another cis woman telling you like it is, because I’m fucking tired of this shit. I refuse to put my words through a “female” generator when you damn well know I don’t have to defend my femaleness. Exhibit A of women socializing other women who express their rage in unorthodox ways that is stereotyped as “manly”

No. 996753

File (hide): 1639674806913.jpeg (47.06 KB, 800x450, 6ADAE86E-1911-498B-AD50-6C01B0…)

>You are not better than scrotes, their cruelty is only brute and sloppy while female cruelty can be subtle but deadly
>kill yourself
This is why you don’t have any friends.

No. 996755>>996758

>cis woman
Nice self report lmaooo. Bitches on here love female rage. You must think we’re so stupid as to not see how blatantly misogynistic and male that block of sperg is.

No. 996758>>996765>>996769>>996800

>why aren’t you using my radfem terms self-report self-report I have worms eating out every faction of my brain!!!

Because I don’t fucking have to because I am a cis woman, not every woman gives much of a shit about radical feminism. Also continue lying they only view acceptable female rage but are not willing to be criticized for their equally bigoted views towards women in their own community

No. 996760>>996763


No. 996761

>Berry picking

No. 996763>>996767

I don't think it's her, pretty sure it's the same anon sperging out against black women in the unpopular opinions thread. I think Tsundere-chan is actually long gone, haven't seen her in a minute. I wonder what happened with her and that person who she said was posting her in the LC discord?

No. 996764>>996766>>996768>>996776>>996786>>996970

do Americans really call Thomas the TANK engine, just Thomas the train? I saw it online? I have never heard something so ridiculous! It was my favourite show when I was young and I feel outraged!

No. 996765

Trans women aren’t women, if that’s what you’re talking about.

No. 996766>>996775

We call it both nonna. I call him Thomas the Tank. Makes him sound tough.

No. 996767>>996866

who tf is tsundere chan?

No. 996768>>996775

I hate Americans. I work in retail and they are the most rude, obnoxious and demanding people ever.

No. 996769>>996786

Fucker go back to twitter or Reddit or even fucking 4chan where there are literally millions who kiss tranny ass, and will praise you for being sooo ~*unorthordox*~. Why do you care so much about a tiny internet corner? Because you’re obsessed with us, you think we’re cool as fuck and you wish you could ignore our own unpopular “unorthodoxy” and be one of us.

No. 996770

Anons say some of the sweetest shit to me on here when I share long ass posts about my past. I return that energy to others. For the most part you get back what you give out. If you don't reee at people they don't reee back.

Vent is extra weird these last few days. It's not the normal vibe. But then you definitely arent the normal vibe either.

No. 996775>>996795

File (hide): 1639675517948.jpg (52 KB, 600x411, ac75ae8e245aa5534cdebd87f1db2f…)

Thomas simply isn't just a train, he is a tank engine! I feel protective over him as I am britbong and he should be respected by being called his proper title!

No. 996776

Oh great, now I'm gonna have that tune in my head all day lol. Might as well go listen to some of the remixes..

No. 996786>>996796

File (hide): 1639676118611.jpeg (45.65 KB, 685x397, 1575459543933.jpeg)

the envy is palpable. sadly for him, he will never be liked, much less loved by anyone, his shit-stained, yeasty balls will never comfortably fit in a skirt, and he'll never know what it's like to experience a full and sane range of healthy human emotions
apparently that name is based on one of the original books, so we're right to call him that

No. 996793

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I have no idea why random, nobody channels keep showing up on my fyp, but this is a prime example of why I don’t believe in polyamory. It’s just a gross, subhuman, moid fetish and women participate because they’re groomed and manipulated into it.

No. 996795

File (hide): 1639676585679.gif (9.95 KB, 324x14, choo choo.gif)

I have to keep calling him Thomas the Tank, I'm sorry anon. It's just better.

No. 996796>>996805

No nonny, none of the books call him Thomas the train. He is Thomas the Tank engine. You Americans dumbed it down as usual. Just like with Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone instead of Philosophers stone. So you don't have a right to call him that. Address him by his real title.

No. 996797

What point were you trying to convey? It's not my problem that men are pickmes, men acting like the pickmes is a GOOD thing lmao.

No. 996800>>996809

File (hide): 1639676772390.jpeg (635.14 KB, 1536x2048, 1639253386635.jpeg)

I know you're the same tranny from the unpopular opinion thread >>996752
Get the fuck off this website

No. 996805

i misread. no, we call him thomas the tank engine. i've never heard him called thomas the train. i thought you guys called him thomas the train.

No. 996807

Fuuuuuuuuuck dating fuck it all men are fucking retarded. I wish they all just burn, get bald, get fat and die of heart attack by 30. I want them all to fall down some stairs and break their nose and lose their teeth. Fucking freaks.

No. 996808

For a while now, it's been less fun talking to my best friend or hanging out with her and there are some things she does now that really bug me now as well. I think maybe it's a sign that we're growing apart, which I guess is bound to happen eventually but it's weird to think about.

No. 996809

I'm excited for the days this cryptid dies, and I don't even know him.

No. 996829

I’m upset and I hope my brother stops doing this but yesterday and today he has been trying to wake me up while I’m sleeping. I know that sounds inconsequential, but it’s so annoying. Yesterday he kept talking to me in the morning, shaking me and shining my flashlight in my face. He’s persistent so he kept doing this at every moment I was close to falling back into sleep (I was so tired I couldn’t move though it’s not like I woke up). I know some nonnas must know the feeling, but the feeling of having your sleep fucked with feels like absolute torture. It’s partly my fault because I sleep in the couch and sleep late, but I really don’t know how he can even feel ok to see me asleep and just decide to fuck with me. Whenever he sleeps I respect it! Anyways today in the morning he was talking to me about what he found in the supermarket coupons and I was like ok.. I fucking hate the brain scramble of being woken up so my brain is all on high alert and then confused as I try to decipher what he’s trying to tell me. I know this makes him sound autismo, he’s not, I just think he has a disregard for things that bother me, and he knows this bothers me and thinks I should get over myself.

Im just hoping these two days are anomalies because back when I used to go to high school I had a messed up sleep schedule and I would nap when I came back from school. I guess this made him upset because he, 8 times out of 10, would try to wake me up. Shake me, prod me, hit me with pillows, hit the pillow I was laying my head on, shine the phone flashlight in my face, pull me off the couch. The one where he would hit the pillow I was laying my head on was always the worst and would make me jolt up. I’m glad it’s in the past, and the only reason why I think of it is because that awful awful feeling of complete exhaustion and brain melt is something I don’t want to feel again. I think I’m gonna just wake up early (he’s only up early because he stays up until morning) and have a consistent sleep schedule because this super bothers me.

Also extra vent but I like to take pictures of bugs I see right. My mom tells me about a spider web she saw outside with rain droplets in it and I was like awesome I’m gonna take a pic, can I take it with the dlsr? He fucking gets mad at me saying I don’t know how to use the camera and that I think I know everything and so on. I got really upset because my dad wanted me to use the dslr because he liked my animal and bug pictures and I really appreciated that offer. When I got up really mad he just called me “una tarada.” Ugh I still fucking seeeeethe about it because I know when I get around for asking for the dslr again it’s gonna be whole mess. Reeeee

No. 996859>>996880

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I used to sometimes enjoy browsing a few different 4chan boards, but it's completely ruined for me now. Years ago before I got pinkpilled I somehow was able to ignore the rampant mysogyny or laugh it off (sad, I know). But nowadays every time I see woman hate or coomer shit on there it only infuriates and pinkpills me more.
I was reading a thread about JK Rowling and her GC tweets, and it was so telling to me that despite trannies being universally mocked on 4chan, pretty much all of the posts were vicious and hateful towards Rowling. They will always hate women more than they hate trannies. Just like I'm pretty sure that, although they hate a lot of groups, they're always going to hate women the most out of all of them.
Idk it just fills me with disgust to realize how many years I spent on there amongst all that vitriol directed at me. It disgusts me even more to think of all the people, young girls included, who are still brainwashing themselves into mysogyny on sites like 4chan today.

No. 996860

So I asked my GP to prescribe a specific antidepressant for me because my premenstrual anxiety/suicidal thoughts are back and it's literally sold out everywhere because it is apparently effective against Covid or something

No. 996866

nta but it was an anon who made spergy walls of text about how much she hated the site, how she was glad it was shutting down and was totes leaving but still kept coming back anyway and still kept responding to everyone even days later.
although the current sperg ITT doesn't sound like her, seems like an ambrose drama refugee tbh with all the talk about "bigots"

No. 996880

Same. If any one ever dared say she was based, they're throw up and shit themselves about how she's still just a rich feminist whore. Sometimes I want to be like old 4chan was so much better but I know I was only looking at the good times through nostalgic eyes of a clueless teenager. It makes me mad but in a sad way now when I see girls going through their edgy 4chan phase. I hope I'm underestimating them, but I genuinely fear that those girls will get so much more brain damaged than we did.

No. 996905>>996923

I met a client at the place I work at, due to my job I'm not allowed to exchange contacts or even give out my full name. But she is such a nice gal and we share almost all interests, I bet we would be best friends if we met outside. I even got a warning for being so friendly with her, it was so annoying and I want to die, my autist ass struggles to makw friends and the one time I meet someone and click instantly I have to eat my boot. I want to scream.

No. 996911>>996922>>996939

idc if im problematic i like reira and takumi from nana. Yeah theyre bad people idgaf. Why are 15 years old girls obsessed with bashing anyone who likes villains? Its just fiction who cares? Anyways that was my rant. I miss the anime fandom from a decade ago

No. 996922>>996927>>996932

They're straight up unlikable, not just because they're problematic but because they're turbo retards on top of that. Even then Takumi is "problematic" in a realistic way so it's understandable if people hate him for that, and I feel like that's the point of the character to begin with. Now, the real hot take is that Nana is as retarded as Hachiko. I know I'm right, don't even argue with me.

No. 996923>>996956

What why? What kind of job do you have?

No. 996924

but what if i don't want friends and hate going outside

No. 996927>>996969

well to be fair i like reira because she has fear of abandonment and shes so lonely and desperate i guess i can relate to that because i was bullied when i was younger. I do get why takumi is hated. Youre right about nana being as retarded as hachiko though kek

No. 996932

I once criticized nana in an ai yazawa server and i got kicked because apparently criticizing her choices was misogynistic. I miss the days you could talk shit about any characters. Anyways saged because my rants are autistic

No. 996939>>996973

Speaking of nana I wish Ai Yazawa would just spoil the rest of the plot in text instead of going "I'm gonna finish it~" for 12 years. I've been waiting since 2011

Or have her publisher hire some people to finish the rest of the drawings. Don't big mangaka tend to outsource a lot of the artwork anyway?

No. 996951

Is there some kind of digital dorm effect going on here where everyone is on their period at the same time? Because there is some extra spergy infighting going on today.

No. 996952

I can't find anyone I get along with other than my best friend lately, but I feel like having my bff as my only source of communication won't be good for the long run. She's unironically so amazing that she's ruined everyone else for me, or maybe I'm just surrounded by bad people. I want more friends, but every time I talk to someone that isn't her I feel like I'm wasting my time or I'll just not get along with them at all.

No. 996956>>997024

Health related, it's not allowed to exchange personal information with the patients/their families even if they're not our patients. I'm not a doctor or anything, I just work there.

No. 996968>>997281

So I was in a really toxic relationship with a dude for about four years. When I broke up with him he became obsessed, he befriended some of my friends,started some rumors about me and tried to contact me ( I had to block him from everywhere). Even my mom was spooked and angry at him.
Now, six years later my current bf and I were at a party and my ex's ex (they never stopped being friends) approached us. She was really drunk and started to say that we reminded her of my ex, she repeated that like six times before leaving us alone. It was the first time that she spoke to me. I too ended up drunk that night and I made the mistake to contact my ex, basically telling him that I was tired of his lies and to tell his friends to leave me the fuck alone. He responded saying that he doesn't even really speak to her anymore (lies) and begged me to have a chat over the phone. I didn't respond.
Today, he sent me another message saying that he was feeling really bad and that he needed to talk to me.
Also, his ex just liked a bunch of photos of me on IG without following me. I'm sure they talked, it's too much of a coincidence. I don't know what they want, I wish he'd leave me alone. He doesn't even live in the same city as me anymore but I run in some of the same circles as his ex. And his ex likes my current bf lol.

No. 996969

There's a difference between just having a fear of abandonment and trying and failing to manage it and straight up sucking every single bishonen dick you find, including a 15 years old' little boy's dick and an abusive married man's dick. Reira needs to stop being a stupid bitch and needs to start seeing a psychiatrist right now.

No. 996970>>996973

I thought it was Thomas the tank engine always? Maybe I'm brainwashed because I read the actual Reverend stories and I watched the Ringo Starr narrated series

No. 996973>>996990

same but also with Clamp and X/1999
it absolutely always was thomas the tank engine

No. 996975>>996999

Beats placement in music videos make me want to throw my laptop across the fucking room.

It's not often that I listen to chart releases anymore, but whenever I try one of the songs I see an obnoxious ass beats placement thats just embarrassing. It takes me out of the whole thing. I was listening to woman, enjoying the costumes and dumb storyline and suddenly slow pan across doja's side profile wearing stupid cringe as fuck beats earbuds while wearing this ancient egyptian getup. Then just a few minutes ago I watched that old jessie J bang bang music video from 2014 (which is shit btw) and oh, beats placement. How long has this gone on for? Why is it so pervasive? How long will it continue to be relentlessly pushed?

Like why? Is their whole marketing strategy to trigger people like me into complaining to everyone about the shitty product placement so that i'm essentially a walking ad for beats?

No. 996976

God, I fucking hate all entitled fucking asshole macho dudes who won’t do simple fucking shit like BACK UP when I’m trying to get to a gas pump and have already flipped my car around twice. Just fucking move your ass you fat sack of shit. I can’t even like say fuck off or whatever because then I’m an entitled white woman karen??? I want to die and also kill everyone. Thank u for listening.

No. 996990>>996991

I wonder if CLAMP has more or less chances of continuing X1999 than Ai Yazawa with Nana.Yazawa is still very sick so she can't do any more chapters of Nana but she still releases the occasional illustration in the Cookie magazine. But iirc while CLAMP are able to create mangas usual the problem would come from the publishers since the reason why they went on hiatus several times were because of very specific circumstances, like the Kobe earthquake that looked a lot like several scenes in the manga.

No. 996991>>997000

God I wish whoever had rights to X decided to cash in on an anniversary or something. Like re-release the manga and the final volume ffs

No. 996993

>I used take omeprazol for a stomach acid, after a while my stomach acid kinda stopped and I developed ibs
Lmao i can't believe it, i thought this wouldn't happen to me but omeprazol took effect and now my acid reflux is gone but the ibs is back kek

No. 996999

Beats sound like shit and they always have done. They are also extremely over priced for what they are. Audiophiles will not recommend them to anyone and instead will suggest common entry level headphones by other audio companies. A quick search online will show thousands of results where people who care about sound say how awful Beats are. This leaves the only market for Beats as people who are too stupid to use Google and instead rely on celebrity endorsements to make purchasing decisions.

No. 997000>>997016

Me too. Knowing that the manga just needs three more volumes to be over is hell on earth. It's so close yet so far, especially because of the cliffhanger in the last chapter. CLAMP even made fun of it in one of their artbook where Kamui and Fuuma are just teleported to the shop in XXXholic and just fight again, and that shit lasts 2 pages.

No. 997014>>997019

I see more and more Polish ppl here and i would love to do a topic for the pl ppl to talk etc but i am too retarded.sorry.

No. 997016>>997019>>997038

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Goddamn it, Clamp. I'm worried that they dgaf about finishing X, just like Clover (though maybe this one wasn't popular enough and that's why it got dropped by a publisher? Genuinely don't remember). They love to start 3 series at the same time, hiatus 2 and barely finish one. Fuuuck. Goddamn, all I want us a quality Tokyo Babylon anime to lead us into X/1999 revival (new anime with canon ending, manga rerelease and the 3 volumes finally getting published).
I love reading the few posts speculating on the real ending of X/1999. I wonder if those fanatics are getting it right, at least partially.
Was X translated into your language, Nona? Curious about a sentence in picrel which makes zero sense to me. I think it got mangled in translation, or I don't have a galaxy brain big enough

No. 997019>>997023

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Karen managed to make some sense out of whatever Fuuma bullshitted
another Polish Nona, always wanted a Polish topic but the other anons didn't seem interested. I could make it I guess if there is a need

No. 997023

I am really happy a Polish anon is here!

No. 997024

Oh, that sucks but it makes sense. Making friends is hard enough as an adult.

No. 997035>>997042

My mom has cancer and went into the hospital, she caught pneumonia while she was in there and now she's stopped treatment and is at home for her last days. The last time I saw her she looked ill, but now she's on oxygen and paralysed from the waist down and looks so small and fragile. Her skin felt so squishy, I can't stop thinking of her laying there knowing she's going to die. She's only 60, I never thought I'd lose her so soon

No. 997037

Nothing angers me more than rich people preaching to the general population and minimum wage workers that they got where they are with HaRd WoRk. Nearly every millionaire was born in an already wealthy family, in a place with tons of possibilities, got to know influential people due to their already wealthy status and then got even richer. So no, they didn't work hard, they were lucky from the start. They knew the right people from the start. They were already rich compared to the average poor bastard. Dreams and talent and work won't get you anywhere if you're not born under the right circumstances.

No. 997038

I've read a theory not that long ago about why Fuuma kills some people but not others. Supposedly whether he kills someone or not depends on their "wish", so he beheaded the blond guy whose name I forgot because he was ready to die for Hinoto because he fell in love with her, but he spared Nekoi because she was legit begging for her life. Which is why this cliffhanger is so annoying, what about Kamui then? Even Kamui doesn't know what he wants, but does Fuuma actually want to stab him according to Kamui's hidden wish or is he just faking it because maybe deep down Kamui absolutely doesn't want to die? It's not even like the blond guy was straight up suicidal. I'm getting a headache. What about Sora, would he have died for Arashi the exact same way?

No. 997042

I'm so sorry anon, it's really hard watching a parent in their final days, I'm still traumatized by my experience personally. I hope your mother can have some comfort in her last moments and rest peacefully and I hope you can properly say goodbye. 60 is so young to lose a parent. Fuck cancer.

No. 997046

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I have my first real appointment with a therapist this week. It'll be my first time seeking therapy outside one counselor session at college and the short initial consultation. I started to develop some anxiety few years ago that usually isn't too severe and depression that comes and goes and i'd consider myself successful by most people's standards so I felt guilty trying to go through public health service to get one. Plus it'd probably take way too long and be a real fight that I just couldn't be bothered with, i can afford it every month or so which is probably all i'd need. Now i'm kinda nervous though bc only realised after shilling out a load of money that the therapist didn't have any reviews on the website i hired from and couldn't find anything about her by googling her name despite claiming to be very experienced so i'm a bit apprehensive. Idk if it'd be appropriate to ask for more reassurance on that.

No. 997047>>997139>>997168

why did everyone around me growing up have to bully me for my looks from when i was a little kid. why did it happen so much, why did i have to deal with so many comments about the colour of my skin, about my lips looking like actual shit, about being the ugliest person in class. from kids at school, from my own family. why was i constantly made to feel ugly growing up. i was just some sad kid already dealing with my family being shitheads in other ways. why did my mother rub my skin while i bathed until it hurt and say it was to get the "dirt" off when it was just my skin colour. no matter how much effort i put into my appearance now it feels like it won't ever be enough. i know the solution is probably to try to recondition myself to not value my appearance so much or the appearance of others. and to not inherently think of myself as "ugly" all the time, but it'll take so long. i'm gonna be this sad for so long.
why did i have to deal with all of that?? why did they all have to act that way to me, i didn't do shit to any of them. i was just existing. why can't i just accept my face, why can't i stop thinking about it. i was looking at old pictures of myself from my early teen years and it broke me down because i look like an almost totally different person but i still feel the same. my first instinct looking at any of those pics is thinking about how ugly i was but i hate that i'm so harsh on myself, i was just living. i hate posts people make where they show pictures of themselves as kids and them now and call it a massive glow up because they were just being kids, they weren't caring about how they looked. i hate this attitude and that i secretly have it too, i try hard to remove myself from it but it's so instinctual

No. 997061

damn, nonny, just bc no one likes you doesn't mean we all hate each other

No. 997062>>997076

At the beginning of this year I was out on ADHD meds and they worked great for me but also triggered me to lose about 45~ lbs. Before the weight loss I was overweight and feeling really shitty about myself. After starting my meds it made food a lot less appetizing for me but also improved my mood so I didn’t feel the need to snack/comfort eat as much. I was always a pretty picky eater (texture problems) and I don’t know why but my meds have exacerbated my problems with food textures. It’s not that my meds completely took my appetite away, I just will suddenly get really grossed out by foods I’ve been usually neutral toward.
However, my roommates, coworkers and brothers have been commenting about my weight a lot recently in a very worried way. They keep badgering me to eat and saying that I’ve lost way too much weight. I’m still in a healthy BMI and not close to even being underweight but it’s making me 2nd guess everything. I went shopping with my best friend and she was aghast when I tried on a pair of size 4 jeans and fit them when we had previously been the same size. She started going on a tangent about how unhealthy that is that I can fit in such a size and that she basically suspects me of having an ED. To me fitting in size 4 is not abnormal at all and I was really taken aback by her being so passionately upset. I don’t know if she’s just jealous that I’ve lost a lot of weight and we can’t share clothes now. But my friends and family are all for lack of a better term fatties and I feel like they’re chastising me because they’re bitter and not because they actually care.

No. 997064

What in the actual fuck anon, that's so sad. It sounds like your anorexia triggered her majorly. It's said she's a grown ass adult and is still healing from her own wounds. My mom isn't anorexic so I don't know anything about what you're going through, but she talks shit about her appearance and her weight when she's perfectly healthy and she looks extremely young for her age. It saddens me so much because that screwed with how I viewed myself growing up, but I'm determined to heal from it (I too, became anorexic in college). It makes me so sad thinking about my mom who is 60 and she still doesn't think she's beautiful or healthy. I am so sorry for your situation. I hope we both are able to heal our self image so we're not in our elderly age hating ourselves.

No. 997067

I left my bf because he didn't want to stop watching porn two weeks ago, I was super sad for a week and then distracted myself enough to stop thinking about it. But today there have been a few artciles published about a major porn scandal in my country and that has led me to finally read a book about my country's porn industry that I've always avoided because it seemed too hardcore for me. It's not even explicitely anti-porn, just a description of events. It's so distingusting and sad I legit started heaving. I feel like I am reading an anthropology book about a barbaric tribe with ritualisitc rapes, but it's our society and my own fucking ex refused to see this reality to keep having his precious little orgasms. I want to cry.

No. 997068

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I hate the holidays so much, getting stronger with each passing year. I like seeing my grandma, and that's about it. But I wish I could visit her any other time.
I am not christian, so I don't give two fucks about its religious meanings, we have to travel to another state and it's just not pleasant (especially if it's air travel cause I am scared to death of planes), the weather is always too fucking hot, these holiday's parties are too noisy and I always get a massive headache, my mom always get beyond stressed and take it all out on me because I am usually the one that has to stay the longer with her, I am usually used as a makeshift maid because I am the youngest one around, the food is eehh, I can't drink to alleviate things and I usually get like one present which I don't mind being something simple and I don't wanna be ungrateful or anything, it's just that the stress is not worth it at all. I remember wanting to cry multiple times in 2019 and I was honestly so relieved when we didn't have to travel for 2020. I honestly still wish it was like that, it was so peaceful just doing a quick video conference for a day and just fucking off to my room.
I can't wait for the day I'll live in another country and just do some video calls, and celebrate it peacefully with my partner.

No. 997070

I despise how social media made me look at certain things as gay when I never did before.

No. 997076

Yeah, lots of fatties have this weird thing about constantly telling healthy weight people that they need to gain weight.
Is your weight stable now? If it is, and is within the healthy range, then things are fine. If you're still dropping that could be an issue.

No. 997077>>997089

I feel numb and kinda want to die. Not suicidal though, everything just sucks a little bit right now. I can't do any of the fun stuff I love and I'm all isolated. I wish I had close friends but I simply don't. I think people have fun hanging out with me and all but at the end of the day there's no one who I can spend lots of time together and talk a lot and be on the same wavelength as. I hate my family. I'm not really good at anything. I feel like the woowoo shit I've been taking to avoid getting sad is either not working anymore (grown tolerance to it? maybe the placebo just worn off) or I'm just generally sadder than before.
This, however, will pass and I'll be okay eventually.

No. 997078>>997083

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Help me I can't stop seething. We have this tradition at out work place, before every christmas there's this "lottery", we draw names and every person gets someone to whom they give a gift. I have a huge crush on my coworker and I wanted so bad to pick his name. I'm very shy and I barely talk to people, so I imagined it would've been a great opportunity to talk to him, to do somethig nice for him, to see him smile. But I didn't pick his name, so I was like please, at least don't give him to someone I don't like. And this fucking two-faced woman I hate got him. Out of all fucking people (there's like 20 of us) SHE had to be the one to pick his name. What the FUCK. WHY. I'm so sad and jealous right now. She already has a boyfriend and I don't see her as some kind of competition, but it doesn't fucking matter. Why her out of ALL people. Fucking 1 to 20 odds. It's like the universe wanted to deliberately piss me off. I'm so angry I want to cry. She's gonna buy him some fucking Rick and Morty themed socks and I will have to watch him wear this shit. FUCK ME

No. 997083

Buy him Pickle Rick socks and give them to him with some pretence. Someone gifted them to you and you can't wear them because you're allergic. Ask him whether he wants to eat cucumber salad with you, you made too much for yourself.
There, you only need to do it now.

No. 997084>>997086

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It's insane to me that the individual who drove me to cut and overdose tonight is enjoying the night with her boyfriend in the other room. I really hope this works or does something just so I can ruin her night too!

No. 997085>>997415

My sister is engaged to a fucking loser and keeps going back and forth between wanting to leave him and wanting to get married. He drinks every night around her kids and used his first pay check from his job (she was taking care of him while he was jobless for a while) to buy her a ring, which imo is a major red flag. He keeps suggesting they get married quickly at a courthouse. I wish she would just get her head out of his ass. Not to mention he tries to turn her own kids against her by telling them she has mental issues. Now she’s ignoring me because I told her she deserves better. I’m going to support her because I love her, but I’m never going to support that sham of a relationship. I want to send him anonymous messages telling him he’s a worthless piece of shit. I want his life to be miserable to the point where he kills himself. He’s already used suicide threats as a way to keep her locked down.

No. 997086>>997088>>997090

Nobody made you cut or overdose but you, you lunatic bippie.

No. 997088

not according to the law nonny!

No. 997089>>997091>>997093

What kind of woowoo shit?

No. 997090

Reminder for the retarded: this is the vent thread, not every emotion or vent needs to be examined and judged and called out like this is Twitter.

No. 997091>>997093

Fix your shitty attitude and leave anon alone

No. 997093>>997096

Saint jon's wort, daily capsules

Read the post anon, she was asking what I called "woowoo shit" myself kek

No. 997096>>997111

Sorry anon my bad kek, hope u have a great evening

No. 997101>>997108

There are a ton of threads on lolcow and I don't feel like scrolling through all of them so I'm posting in this fast-paced thread: I've been a bit messy, lazy and unproductive lately, but I am going to improve this tomorrow. I am just finishing my sandwich now and will brush my teeth and then have a nice sleep. I have faith in myself, it is quite nice.

No. 997105

Had a really good day, finally felt happy for once, came home and got comfy ready to watch movies and my fucking stupid ass upstairs neighbors started stomping like crazy. I wish I could kill them and get away with it

No. 997108

I believe in you! Having routine is the best.

No. 997111

TOPKEK it’s all good

No. 997123

i hate getting gifts for birthdays or xmas.. i hate feeling ungrateful but i rarely actually like what people get me and its always some random thing that i have to figure out what to do with. for example i was gifted a thrifted tea set. its like the 3rd tea set ive been given and i always get rid of them because they just take up space and i never use them. (who even uses tea sets?) my grandma tried gifting me a snowglobe and i had to convince her not to, and another friend gave me two pairs of novelty socks that i will never wear but every time i see them in my drawer i feel bad. i really dont like owning things i dont like but i feel heartless getting rid of them too. gifts just stress me out and make me feel guilty. i wish there wasnt so much pressure to give them.

No. 997124>>997131

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I have such scrote-y interests that it makes me feel so isolated because i can't talk to the other women around me. I hate talking to men about my interests they literally just exist to make me feel superior but I love talking to women. Even my major in University is a total sausage party.

No. 997127

Twitter in my country can be an absolute disgrace. Today someone legit said that being helped up if u fell -without consent- was the same as being molested. I’m losing it.

No. 997128

I feel so unprepared for my exam tomorrow. I couldn't focus on studying because I had to pull some all nighters for an exam two weeks ago and it took so much energy out of me, I couldn't get myself to do it again for this one. I can't even read the material for it, I can't understand the words, I have to read them so often and remind myself to think but it's useless, I can't make sense of it. I tried doing one of the exercises but just started to cry, I have no idea how to even begin solving it. I know it's all my fault for slacking so much during lecture time and I feel so fucking stupid because of it. There will be three more chances to correct a grade or at least pass but everyone knows that the first exam is the easiest out of them. I feel like I'm wasting my only chance to get it done since I'm so fucking dumb and won't make it on the other tries. It feels so hopeless, I tried studying the entire day but my mind just wanders off after about 30 minutes and then it's impossible to get back on track. Time also goes by so quickly, I have no fucking idea what happened to the rest of the day. I woke up early and was busy until 2pm, then nothing. Now it's 3am and I'm starting to get tired. I'll just sleep. I know there's still a possibility that the exam goes at least okay, but I'd rather not show than spend five hours in that hall just to hand in absolute shit and cry on the drive home. I'll probably still go just to try it, I just wish everyone stopped talking about the next exams as if they were completely impossible, it's really as if I'm wasting my only chance right now by being too dense to get any info my fucking head

No. 997130

I wish my best friend and I hung out more and talked more, but I never want to bother her or seem too needy. She’s just so normal and well-adjusted and emotionally intelligent and I’m …not. Consequently we see each other maybe once every couple of months. I say it’s because we’re both busy people but really it’s because I’m just afraid to reach out more often.

No. 997131>>997132

what are your interests anon? unless is like ultra coomer stuff I think you'll be fine

No. 997132>>997133>>997141>>997160

history (especially eastern euro and ww2 history), global politics, global economics, coding, and trains . I'm majoring in architecture and the only other "woman" in class is a troon. My only non-scrotey interests are art but it's pretty boring to talk about in general. I'm a radfem and I hate porn and scrotes alike but because of wanting to pursue a passionate career I end up talking to scrotes most of the time.

No. 997133

aaww nonny I'm sorry, although it may be "rare" to find women who are openly interested on these topics irl you can definitely find them online. If you want irl female friends maybe you can go meet women who are majoring in history or politics in your campus? I know they're out there most likely also feeling like you and wanting to connect with more women with similar interests.

No. 997135

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Everything feels so impossibly hard right now and I don’t know how to get out. I felt like blowing my brains out at math homework. People call me immature for my age but I feel too young and unprepared for all this responsibility.

No. 997139

I'm so sorry nonnie, you never deserved any of that

No. 997141>>997153>>997160

Lol I make models of military tanks, planes, etc. and all I pretty much consume at the moment is military related content especially WW2 shit. I was obsessed with global/foreign policy last year in particular Northern Korea. It is kinda looked down upon to like historical stuff if it involves war so I definitely keep this stuff to myself with other people. It's a bit autistic.

No. 997151>>997529

How do people stay productive? I can get through one or two weeks, waking up and going to sleep early and spending my time with class work and studying, but it leaves me with no free time. That's already exhausting, but the realization that it's never enough is even worse. There's just no end to it, it's a constant struggle to stay on top of it all. How does anyone do it?
Another problem is how weirdly time passes. I feel like a sims 3 character, between tasks there is a 20-60 minutes period in which I can't do anything, sometimes even longer. And once I've done one of, say three, tasks for a day my brain goes "Wow you've done so much! That's all for now!" and I can't start anything else even if I want to.

No. 997153>>997160>>997164>>997196

I feel this nona. During the pandemic I got super into history but primarily wars and US presidents. I mostly enjoy researching the conflicts between countries and how they started and the aftermath. It’s such a scrotey hobby I kind of hate myself. But I’m not into the military technical part of it moreso just the dynamic between countries and the societal and political impacts.

No. 997159

This was supposed to be the best Christmas ever, but now i'm doing a bunch of missing homework, I've been working all this month, i feel so burned out. My sleep schedule is fucked and i'm tired, i was supposed to chill and enjoy the holidays but i'm trapped with all this work

No. 997160>>997163

Take those hobbies back from the moids, they never owned them and they don't deserve it

No. 997163

if only lc had more active threads that cater to the autismos like us

No. 997164>>997169>>997188

I always thought History was a gender-neutral/female coded hobby kek, most girls in my class back then liked history a lot, we were always talking about random history facts, i thought moids didn't like it…is it an american thing?

No. 997166

i wanted to be this chicks friend, she was the coolest out of everyone ive trained at my job so far, and she seemed quiet but we bonded over having pets. she quit recently, which i don't blame her for, but she's been back multiple nights since then & is always pow-wow-ing with everyone else in our department, not even saying hi to me. tonight she spoke to me the first time since quitting (despite being back nearly every night this week) and it was just to ask me if anyone else was working.

i really want to know what i did to make this girl dislike me, because i really wanted to be her friend. i thought she was quiet but it turns out that shes incredibly friendly and social, i just never saw that side of her. im ok with people not liking me….. if i understand why. its been really eating me up inside, makes me feel like im secretly horrible and unlikable and the rest of people are instead just being nice about it

No. 997168

Damn anon are you me?

No. 997169>>997203

i think it's a male coded hobby in the US, where are you from?

No. 997188

it's seen as moid centric because "history buffs" hyperfocus on war and that's about it

No. 997196

Women have always been the primary historians and in education. It's only the media and mediocre men that overshadow them.

No. 997203

I'm from Latam

No. 997204

I hate upper midder class people that are offered the opportunity to study by their parents and they refuse to because "le depression". You are not depressed, you have all the opportunities and resources in the world. You're just a lazy and spoiled brat that does not even want to be held accountable for being lazy and spoiled

No. 997215

I toyed with the fantasy I had of meeting him all night since I couldn't sleep and got myself sad and wanting to be held. I kinda regret getting myself in love like that. I want to think about his voice so bad. I'm going to try to believe it's better I screwed things up. This level of infatuation wasn't healthy. I want it to go away, it hurts to still want him so bad. At least feeling this rejected made me stop spinning so bad, I know there's nothing to actively do now. Ugh.

No. 997222

Feeling this lonely is hurting my sobriety though. Maybe I should go back to the pills. It's so hard to both struggle with both these feelings and being sober. I'm not sure how much I can still take of it before feeling really desperate. I'll talk to the shrink about it but I think I'll go back on a low dose. Maybe I'll be better if I feel again like I was before I started leaning on him.

No. 997254>>997255

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feeling the
>tfw no friends
thing hard today. also i didn't fail the class i was worried about failing; our report was in fact graded independently of our project. that being said my gpa is now a 3.2 instead of a 3.4, but i suspect it will rise again next semester as uni is still online & i have a bio course (i've never done badly with bio) and a few mandated writing courses for cs majors. booyah

No. 997255>>997257

You could join an activity club if your interested

No. 997257>>997266

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i don't really want to join any clubs; i tried joining clubs in highschool/freshman year and always always ended up in the background.

this is self-pitying i know, but i often think i'm just missing that "something" which allows people to connect with other people. e.g. even in circles composed of outcasts, i'm outcasted.

i go through cycles where i'm fine with it – because no matter what, i end up alone, and there's no point in getting tearful over something i am already so familiar with – but something happens to trigger me and i feel depressed all over again. if it weren't for my parents, i'd just have nobody.

pardon the essay nonnies, but i'm feeling majorly bummed out rn

No. 997266

I can sympathize nonnie, what do you mean by something trigger you and you become depressed all over again. What stops you from joining club activity or just hobby-based connection with others, did something happen?

No. 997267

my best friend married a coomer and i just… why. what is wrong with you girl? seems like the theory that women end up marrying their dads holds to be more and more true

No. 997272

It's so weird when someone tells me what a nice and polite girl I was growing up. So quiet and helpful. In reality I just went along with every thing and let everything roll off my back because I was scared of messing up. I didn't speak for fear of sounding stupid. I was so fucking timid as a child. I practically had a breakdown if someone so much as acknowledged me. I wish my abuse took me in the opposite direction sometimes. I wish I lashed out instead of taking everything on inwardly. I wish I clawed his eyes out.

No. 997278>>997280>>997306>>997549

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what's the point of existing if i didn't even remotely win the genetic lottery like this

No. 997280

Chin up anon. A lot of these girls use photoshop and filters to look like that anyway. That pic you posted even looks pretty suspicious with her waist curving dramatically different on both sides.

No. 997281

Just reiterate you want him to leave you the fuck alone. Make it very clear the relationship is over for good and you have no interest in him and are happy in your own relationship. Block that stupid pickme bitch on Instagram and move on with your life.

No. 997283

I dislike my boomer parents. The internet has completely colonized their minds. They sit for hours and hours swallowing thousands of Facebook videos on loud volumes. They take their phones with them to the bathroom. They fall asleep and their phones are still on. They don’t do anything…except sit on their phones, and they see nothing wrong with this. I’ve tried pointing out the issue again and again but they laugh and smile about it and it triggers me, like them losing themselves is a matter of laughter. I’m just angry at them now.

No. 997288>>997290

I spent less than one hour with a huge pad and I already need to change it because I had a blood clot the size of my fist and it spilled all over my trousers. And I'm stuck at work trying to hide it. I want to kill myself.

No. 997290>>997292

oh my god i'm sorry man, fuck that's unfortunate

No. 997292>>997300

It happens at least once a month, I think I'm cursed. My periods are normal according to several doctors, they're not even painful, they're just very intense.

No. 997300>>997334

Like super duper heavy bleeding? Do your periods last like 3 days? I've honestly had blood clots the size of slightly bigger grapes but no more than that. That's really wild.

No. 997306>>997549

Get a hobby, purpose of life isn't just being fap material.

No. 997311

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Christ I’m really hating my job and general life situation right now. I felt so lucky when I first got it because it kind of fell in my lap straight out of college, but the longer I stay there the more I realise why they were so desperate they’d hire a graduate on for key work.
It’s in local government in my hometown so everyone there is either a commuter from the nearest city or a bitter 20+ year veteran who curses you out any time you dare and suggest that they do their job. It doesn’t help that I’m moved back in with my parents, but since I went to boarding school I have no friends back home, and even if I did I’d never see them because I’m working all the time and we live in the middle of nowhere.
I’m gonna take Christmas break to cool off, but I can’t see myself being here much longer. The key teams I work with are comprised of bitter veterans and I have no interest in taking on their shit habits and bad attitudes. I gave myself a year minimum (it was originally 18 months but even my own supervisor told me to get out while I could kek) and it’s been six months already, so I’m gonna start seriously looking in April. Just sick of living in bumfuck Egypt working with old hags who huff and puff about how much they hate the boss and how they work harder than anyone else there. The only other person I work with who is under 25 is moving back to the city in February and hopefully I won’t be far behind.

No. 997334

It lasts like 5 to 7 days but I have these two days when it's basically the Niagara falls with blood and sometimes visible bits of flesh, it's not just disgusting, it makes me super anxious and I'm always on the verge of having a panic attack when I'm outside because there's like 90% of chances I'll have a huge stain on my clothes unless I change pads every 30min. Once it's over I barely bleed though. In high school I spent a whole day with a huge block stain all over my ass on a light colored pair of jeans because I didn't feel anything and I was regulated back then. Ever since that happened and I noticed that everybody and shit talked me and nobody wanted to help I'm scared it's gonna happen again.

No. 997335>>997339

>have issues to focus at work
>manage to focus
>feel relieved
>phone rings
>don't answer to keep focused
>phone rings again louder
>get irrationally mad
>finally answer coworker
>continue to feel mad afterwards
>anger mixes up with shame

Worst thing is I was the one in the wrong, she was right to call me to ask me to correct a mistake I made. I wish I could stop being affected so much by mundade shit like this. It's exhausting. I shoud just work as freelance tbh.

No. 997339

Literally everyone gets pissed when phonecalls interrupt their work, it's annoying af regardless of what the call is about

No. 997341>>997350

Some parents really need to understand that their children's needs go beyond food and shelter.

No. 997350

absolutely. raising a healthy child requires a lot, emotionally and mentally, and it should require a lot of forethought. unfortunately there are parents who don't give a shit at all and think they're gifting the child by feeding and housing them. these type of "parents" piss me off so much. like they're doing the child some sort of favor? if you don't feed and shelter your child, you'd be in prison. just trash human beings. starting your child off with guilt in this world for having been given the necessities that are legally required of the parents anyhow is a horrible thing.

No. 997355

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i've had slight cramps since yesterday but my period isn't due until monday reeeee

No. 997357>>997363>>997445

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A guy asked me if I got inspiration for my hairstyle from anime. If I knew I wouldn't look like a jackass I would shave it off

No. 997363>>997445

I'm so constipated my right hip hurts tf
Kek this happened to me too, but they compared me with a a character i like so

No. 997408>>997672

Nta but how were you able to find a job abroad? Was it difficult? This is definitely my plan after graduation too but I have no idea how to go about it

No. 997414>>997456

Does anyone else get sinus issues with PMS/their period? These end up translating into headaches and teeth pain too. On top of endo bullshit. Pls end me. Not trying to start period talk in the vent thread but wtf why?? My teeth have to hurt too??

No. 997415

Try to find some genuine dirt on him nona prevent this shitty marriage from happening, it's only downhill from here for your sister's health if she goes through with it

No. 997427>>997445

i’m currently on a family road trip/holiday and today we had a very dangerous road incident. essentially my mother (who only learnt to drive a few years ago) decided to slow down and brake in the middle of the highway approaching a bend in the road to let a massive truck overtake us. the truck driver had to swerve into the other lane and thank god there was no oncoming traffic coming around the bend otherwise we probably all would have died. my dad got extremely angry at my mum and took over driving since he has decades more experience than her but we seriously all could have died especially if the truck couldn’t pull off that overtaking properly and flipped or something. it’s now midnight and i’m just laying in bed freaking the fuck out. i have anxiety and it’s really making it hard for me to sleep. the worst thing is im currently in a ldr and the idea of not seeing my partner again and her not knowing about the accident until days or weeks later is upsetting me a lot. we didn’t die and nothing happened but something could have happened and it was such a near thing. i know people can die at any moment but at that moment the chances were so much higher. i can’t sleep and i feel light headed and my heart is beating like crazy. i just need to turn off my brain. the worst part is i kept thinking about the multiverse theory and how there could be an alternate reality where we did all die and now i’m worrying about that too. i am a dumbass i know.

No. 997445

kek,what haircut did both of you have ?

shit, anon, I'm glad you are still with us. Could you afford to see a therapist ? It would be an absolutely normal procedure after having to go through something like this

No. 997449

Just send a guy I've been on a few dates with that always sends me just one word replies that I'm bored of this and bye, take care. It pains me because he was really cute but fuuuck, making me wait for every reply and always only sending one or two words is just low-effort as fuck. I also replied like that to not seem overbearing and it's just a really boring conversation going nowhere. I'm not interested in playing some games or making him into me by also ignoring him, I just wanna chat normally. Sad. He probably wasn't that into me anyway. I guess we would've gone on more dates but this long wait game isn't worth it.

No. 997456

I get a stuffy nose, and jaw pain that radiates through my entire mouth. I think PMS worsens my TMJ and just fucks up my whole face.

No. 997464>>997475>>997495>>997517

Dropped into a store to buy gifts for a friends toddler. I had a little Elmo doll in one hand and I was just staring at the lil baby/toddler section to see what else there was. Next to me I could see a girl of maybe 18 stacking shelves and a guy of maybe… 38, telling her she's a lovely girl
>No I mean it you're such a lovely girl to talk to! You're so nice..
It was weird. I mind my own business and go back to staring at the wall of baby stuff. He walks up to me next, says "aren't you a bit a young for that, aha!" and he reaches out and touches my hand that's holding elmo. Tbh I did my usual cope of 'I just don't see you, I don't hear you' and acted like he wasn't there. He walks on and then circles back and goes up to the same young staff member and starts up again, extra loud this time
Leave women alone. Let women work, don't make the worlds shittest attempts at flattery at a random woman holding a fucking baby toy in a store. Most of all, don't touch me you asshole. Part me of wanted to say it but honestly… considering all I really do is work and shop, I've had a weird amount of creep interaction lately and I don't have it in me to acknowledge strange men. Even to tell them off. Ignode mode is getting used alot lately.

No. 997465

I want to die. I feel like if I die, both my mother and my schizoid personality disorder piece of shit brother would be so much happier.
One mouth less to feed. I really wish I died.

No. 997475

kek, I menat ignore, but that's a catchy shortening of ignore-mode. Creep appraches… ignode.

No. 997480>>997491

His voice makes me want to hang myself

No. 997484>>997488>>997489>>997619

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My mom told me to kill myself recently,

she was outraged three days back, she snapped at me "You always say you want to die, but you never even try to kill yourself anymore, why don't you do it already"
She's the main reason I have been doing so horribly. I learned to ignore her a long time ago and I don't really feel anything anymore when she says those things, but that remark really hurt me

No. 997487>>997490

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No. 997488>>997505

I'm sorry your mom is such an evil cunt anon

No. 997489>>997505

Dont do it, let her be more and more mad that u are still here. Give her the pain, win with her.

No. 997490>>997547


No. 997491

Samesies I never want to speak again, no matter how well I try to speak my voice is still nasally annoying.

No. 997495


Men never get the hint and then start crying about how they're being boolied by mean women when someone finally snaps and tells him to fuck off. Gross. I bet that dude had a wife/babymama his age while sniffing around highschoolers.

No. 997496>>997527

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if everything pans out im going on vacation tomorrow for like 4 days. Its my first vacation in years and my first one ever with my sister. We dont really like the holidays because our mom passed when we were young so it just never felt the same. We planned on going on vacation in november for thanksgiving but the prices were so high that we decided to do it as a christmas present to ourselves. Unfortunately fucking Omicron variant came through like the tomb raider and im fucking terrified that maybe i caught it.I barely leave my house except to go to work and maybe to a restaurant but i've been indoors for the most part and i wear a mask as soon as i step outside. But my sister has been bringing her bf over again even though he had covid over the summer. im so scared that i might have it. I dont know why it couldjust be my anxiety fucking with me but i have back pain that started last night (upper back) and it only hurts when i put a bra on so its probably my period boobs coming in. Also my nose stings on and off (but it usually comes on after i smoke a blunt lol) But what if its fucking not!? My sister works with kids and we all know how kids are usually the main culprits of spreading shit lmao. I also feel like a dick for going on vacation when the variant is kicking so many people's asses but i didn't know it was going to get this bad again. UGH like everyone else got to go on vacation guilt free why tf am i being so guilt ridden. Im just gonna double mask the whole trip and stay away from people as much as humanly possible. I really hope i nor my sister have it or get it. I really dont want to have it or to infect someone else with it. Did any other of you ladies book a vacation during this week and are regretting it/not? how tf do i rid myself of the guilt that im killing millions of old ladies lmao.

No. 997497>>997523

I just want to burn everything down. I am so sick of this. Someone invent a bomb that only takes out Y chromosome.

No. 997503>>997506

redditos getting mad about parents getting their children birds that live for 60 years because that's a LIfElOng COmmItMENT but crusade for kids' right to demand shit that will sterilize them lolll

No. 997505>>997522>>997531>>997619

Thanks for the support but as long as I'm a NEET I'm stuck with her, I plan on moving in with my cousin and yeah It might be a rash decision but I really would prefer most things over my mother

No. 997506

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No. 997508

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my sister died in september like a month after i graduated and moved out to a bigger city. I had to take bereavement like two weeks after i started my new job to go visit my family where they live. they visited me for thanksgiving and it was a great time. i miss them a lot esp now but i don’t want to visit again for christmas. I have Friday and Monday off so I could but my bf’s parents are coming to town and I haven’t seen them in a whole year, and they’ve been inviting me to stuff and wanting to see me all year. They are so nice and I love them a lot too, but I feel sooooooooooooo bad telling my family that I basically don’t want to be with them because I am worn out and want to see my boyfriends family. It tears me to bits because I love my parents a lot too and I hate making excuses. They always understand but I still feel bad especially NOW. I wish this kind of stuff was easier.

No. 997512

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Kibbe is shit and the online community is even more shit. Until recently I would go on the subreddit for drama and because no one knows what they are talking about, but I think it gave me body image issues.

No. 997517>>997532

I'm always torn between ignoring the parasites or flat out insulting them. Seriously, what gives (especially) old decrepit moids the balls to approach and think I'll giggle or teehee with their basic compliments?

No. 997522>>997530>>997533>>997541>>997587>>997705

I pray to not get a borderline NEET daughter. I used to let my mom know I wanted to die and I can’t imagine how stressful it is. I absolutely hate NEETs and it’s because how shitty most of them are, they stop being NEETs so long they stop blaming their mommy for everything. Sorry but not sorry.

No. 997523

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No. 997527

Just get tested nonnie. I don't know how you feel about the vaccine but take it if you feel like that'd make you safer.

No. 997529

Learning the self help tip that motivation is like a muscle you need to train rather than a constant flowing or randomly appearing emotion helped me a lot. Like dont feel bad for only doing one or two small things a day because if you keep that up you'll build up a tolerance and be able to do more. There will always be days you can't be bothered to do some things. Try not to beat yourself up over taking breaks, because as common as this advice is taking frequent short breaks will be better for you in the long run. I'm the kinda person that can stay focused for hours at a time and spend a whole day getting stuff done but that doesn't work well in the long run cos after a few days/weeks of that your brain just goes into full distraction mode cos it doesn't want to be chained to a desk all day. Try peppering in things to look forward to into your breaks instead of just social media or eating - like watching a favourite show or talking to a friend. Also it's totally normal to feel time is passing quickly as you age, especially when you're busy and during the pandemic. But it's important to focus on the now and getting through the day and the current week than thinking too far ahead. Try looking up journalling techniques and the idea of "SMART" goals if you want some techniques on how to plan out your tasks and goals

No. 997530

I'm a loser and I have my problems and I admit that, I blame myself on a lot of but my mother is just a narc
She made me her personal therapist(and later her driver) since I was a kid, when I just wanted to stop and be alone to deal with my own issues, she made me out to be personal enemy
for her everything I do is some nefarious scheme to embarrass her

I don't blame her for me being a NEET, but I do blame her for ruining my self confidence and emotionally abusing me and physically abusing me when I was younger, besides I'm leaving and am going to get a job

No. 997531>>997596

Are you a NEET because of a disability or because you don't wanna work? Sorry your mom said that to you

No. 997532

There's always the high risk that by telling them to just leave you alone or not touch you.. you'll only end up treated to the classic "I was only being nice, gawd take a compliment" and then they'll run off to reddit to complain that you can't approach (ie pester and randomly reach out and touch?!) strange women nowadays.

No. 997533>>997629

Wow you are one stupid, ignorant little bitch.

No. 997535>>997555>>997561>>997567>>997610

I forgot to cancel my Netflix subscription that I never fucking use and now I don't have any money left in my account. I needed that fucking 20$. I have no food left and I don't know what I'm gonna do.

No. 997541>>997690

Nobody cares about what you want your hypothetical future daughter to be. What a weirdo kek

No. 997547>>997550>>997569

It’s NAFLD. I only drink socially at most. In fact I hadn’t gotten druuunk in years and am recovered edfag just as long. I’m lowkey spiraling because it’s an obesity disease.

No. 997549

From my fried brain, I see her as big. If you have an hourglass figure and a curvy, small waist, with body dysphoria, nothing is enough. You don't even see yourself as curvy. I get obsessed with being fap material as >>997306 advises against, and that's really good advice. The only way to heal is to consume content beyond aesthetics and pretty girls. Pretty girls are fun to look at and it's a nice fantasy to imagine yourself as perceiving you the way you view those girls. But it's unproductive. Find other fulfilling interests and hobbies. You don't need to give up on aesthetics entirely, but you need to stop pumping that content in your brain. I am still planning on getting aesthetic surgeries and all that, but I don't let it consume my brain. There's so many other interesting hobbies to get into. The other thing to remember is pretty people are severely overrated and overrepresented because of social media. Don't allow them to dominate your mind just because they dominate society.

No. 997550


Your ED is prob what caused it tbh. Unless there's a underlying condition somewhere else lurking inside of you

No. 997555

Oh fuck anon I dont know your country but if you're burger or maybe canada look for a food bank nearby. If you or a friend is going to college look into the schools food bank/pantry where they'll just need an ID scan or form filled out. Your friend could pick you up some stuff if it's the ID not form one. They even have period supplies, house cleaners, bags, soap, snack type items. Please look into your options I was close to your situation a few weeks ago. You don't have to be homeless just to receive food security.

I also just want to vent: god I want other women as friends in my area not just online so we can actually do stuff in person. I'm tired of people saying "just make friends" when I refuse to have anymore scrote friends which usually fall into my interests and I refuse any lgbcluster fuck women who sperg about fandoms too much and live in some sort of terminally online safe space for troonery. I just want other women who like more than make up and centering their lives around men or are going to pretend to be so queer just because I date women. I refuse any friendship where I ever have to walk on eggshells about enby/troon stuff again because I'm very glad I cut everyone out of my life like that.

No. 997561

Yeah local soup kitchens or pantries. Asian churches, they usually serve food after service. Get on dating app and ask, fuck it.

No. 997567

Anon, I would Venmo you 20$

No. 997569>>997579

I want to feel sorry for you but clearly you're one of the gullibles who fell for the meme that skinny women don't get sick.

No. 997579

>the meme that skinny women don't get sick
What kind of retarded reading is that? The issue is that it's a disease that mostly affects obese people (according to google >90% are fatties).

No. 997580>>997584>>997592>>997771>>997799

People get fooled into thinkng humanity is getting more rights and is getting more free with gay rights and trans rights and whatever it's like a flashing neon sign to a fly. Iinstead things are getting more and more complicated, there are more and more rules that make people miserable, that people aren't noticing because of the neon sign. I think we are the least free humanity ever was. We became the slaves and we didn't even noticed it. Covid helped some people realize it but it was going on even before. I'd go to 16th century… gladly. Then only portion of people were slaves, not everybody like now. Dude was sentenced to 20years in prison for growing weed here. What the actual…?! That would never happen ever in history but this modern time, this modern fear controlled camp we live in. And worst thing is people don't even understand the severity of how bad it is, because they have a home, money a job, they are satisfied with being pet of the state. But when you look at how the world functions now from above how can you not see how shit it is.

No. 997584

You restrict the rights of the majority by expanding the privileges of minorities to the point they infringe upon the right of the majority. Easy peasy!

No. 997587

you have angered the bpd NEETs kek

No. 997592>>997605

I mean, the laws are often pretty clear, if weed is considered illegal in a place, maybe don’t grow it because someone will rat you at some point.

No. 997596>>997607>>997619

No usual the autism and depression

No. 997605>>997658

>>997592 The point of what i wrote is that laws like this make us slaves, makes us toys that idiots in the goverment can step on and in that particular case ruin their life, the only thing you truly own is you and someone just decides to ruin it, takes such a huge amount of time from the experience you have been given by the epic chance you were born… For growing a plant that does very little in terms of intoxication. Everybody should question the laws, not be like you were just now. It's crazy, it's literally insane that we must live by these nonsence extra rules. Humans should have mind of their own.It was christianity before what controlled minds and now goverments control them and i can see that very effectivly if some people dont even question the laws and don't get it. I'm just so mindblown how it's possible it got so bad. Everybody is mentally ill, everybody has at least depression and the cause is the system how the world works. It's all wrong.

No. 997607>>998111


Do you contribute to the house in other ways or do you stay holed up in your room all day? It's time to get out of NEETdom nonz, your mom is always going to treat you like shit because she's jealous you're home all the time and she feels like you're leeching off her.

No. 997610

hit up soup kitchens and churches and food pantries. Idk where you're at but in my neighborhood at least once a week the local church gives away fresh fruit and vegetables. And cancel Netflix asap lol

No. 997619

I have had the same diagnosises and have been a neet. Reality is, being a Neet is a choice. You can work to get out of it and as a result get away and become independent from your mother.

No. 997627>>997632>>997634

The city decided to cut down the tree in front of my building, it was like 70 years old and I loved watching the leaves from my balcony, I'm so fucking sad and angry

No. 997629>>997633

Did that hit a nerve? Get a job Jillian

No. 997632>>997700

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That sucks so much. I'm sorry anon, to you and to the tree. A national park near me was recently raped by a new rich subdivision so I feel your paid.

No. 997633

I have two, but I also have a narc mom

No. 997634>>997700

That fucking sucks… do you know why?

No. 997658

You sound like a scrote who just had his first shroom trip

No. 997672

I decided to go to Japan with a working holiday visa, I wanted to look for a job once I already arrived because it multiplies your chances of getting interviews by a lot, but two or three weeks after I arrived the first covid cases in the country were found. Or rather, Japan let like 500 infected people on a cruise just go back home from the boat to their home by using public transport. As soon as I started getting interviews for full time English teaching jobs I got too sick for way too long, so I just kept my part time job as a teacher of my first language and went back home. It's an opportunity I'll never have again so I'm still mad to this day. I wanted to go there because finding a job in my own country was nearly impossible and I wanted to improve my Japanese: just as an example, finding a shitty part time retail job in my country took me like 4 or 5 years, but getting a comfy part time teaching job took me two weeks of me just scrolling Craiglist. I'm saving money in case I can go back there or find other destinations, friends keep telling me that Canada and Ireland could get me good opportunities but not with the pandemic.

Look for countries where you can get working holiday visas or where you could do some kind of working program for young people. No idea what's the equivalent of a VIE in other countries but this could be a good opportunity especially if you study in science or engineering.

No. 997690

So defensive over nothing lmfao

No. 997700

No, I got home and there was only a stump, sawdust everywhere. It was healthy and beautiful, wasn't leaning, wasn't lifting the sidewalk. Some people just hate trees.

No. 997705>>997729>>997742

I'm not a NEET but the seething against them just reeks of jealousy

No. 997729>>997743

Being a part time neet is fucking awesome, freelancers are talented people and I admire them. But neets who cry about going to their uncle because they can’t stand their fed up mommy are nothing to be jealous of. It’s like being jealous of hambeasts that are bedridden. It’s disgusting. Oh, btw, you may be mentally retarded because you use dumb reasonings for your dumb opinions.

No. 997742

Anon, I can tell you never had a NEET sibling that kept (or keeps) sitting on the family's ass while doing nothing but making up excuses. Eg my sil never wanted a job in her life, now she lives with grandma and mother that has to work from 7am until 2am because of this lazy woman that does nothing but scream in video games. Doesn't clean, doesn't cook but thinks that the whole world should revolve around her. I always have to travel for 3hr to take care of their garden, even though she is fully capable of watering plants herself, but the only time she did that was only because she asked mother for money. They can barely pay for electricity, let alone water now, rent is tough too but she doesn't give a shit.

No. 997743

>Part time NEET
No such thing. You're either not doing shit other than existing in your moms/husband's/boyfriend/uncle/whoever the ducks house or you're being productive at least sometimes. A freelance artist is not a NEET, they're a free lance artist. Someone with a part-time job is not a NEET. Depending on their goals they're either grinding and using the job to survive or they're bums. NEET= Not employed, education or training.

No. 997755

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I'm PMSing and so dehydrated I look possessed help

No. 997771>>997781

you'd gladly go back to the 16th century because only SOME of us were slaves girl fuck you lol.

No. 997781

Let her go back, she'd probably immediately die off from some long forgotten disease she got cuz people back then didn't know about germs or proper hygiene and cooking habits.

No. 997783>>997784>>997791>>997861>>997863>>997951

Feeling selfish and wanting to use grandma's inheritance to invest in money for only myself instead of using it as part of the down payment for a house for me and my boyfriend. I've never been this selfish before, why live.

No. 997784>>997791

Also, we will be married before buying the house of course. I get paranoid and I wish it didn't control me.

No. 997790>>997793

I HATE noise I HATE people who breath loudly speak loudly walk loudly GRRRRRRR shut uppppp!!!!

No. 997791>>997795


So is he your boyfriend or fiancee?

No. 997793

Playing loud music by yourself when you might as well wear headphones should give you the death sentence

No. 997795>>997800

I did not want to be engaged or have a wedding (we will have a courthouse marriage). He has 1 semester left of college (I already graduated a year ago) and after that we will get married. That's been his outlined plan since he first dated me and it hasn't budged at all.

No. 997799

>I'd go to 16th century… gladly.
>Dude was sentenced to 20years in prison for growing weed here. What the actual…?! That would never happen ever in history
This is either bait or someone homeschooled who literally never touched any history media in their entire life. I refuse to believe someone on lolcow can be that much of a dumbass.

No. 997800>>997951

So far, the main financial deal that I want outlined in our pre-nup is that debt is tied to the individual (if that is possible). This is in the event if either of us dies that the other will not be responsible for any potential debt the other accrues. I have been debt-free my whole life and he has student debt, which I am willing to help pay off, but I do not personally want to be tied to it. I struggled with that for a while because I felt like a bad partner to not want to be tied to the debt of my partner even though it's for a just reason. He isn't a floozy with money by any means.

I just get frightened by the prospect of him cheating and then what if he makes more than me so he logically gets to keep the house? Dumb scenarios like that play in my head even though he's never shown himself to be disloyal. I suffer from the syndrome of believing if I'm not licking his ass 100% of the time that I deserve to get cheated on. It has seriously impeded me being able to enjoy my alone time as I feel guilty for even wanting that. He likes spending all his time with me, and I feel like I should be amazed a guy is happy just being with me. My other two exes cheated on me but I didn't care about them the way I do this guy. It still affects you even if you didn't really get hurt. Sorry for trauma dumping. This is the vent thread.

No. 997814

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My desk chair broke. I paid £60 for it many years ago. It's only a Chinese made clone of a Herman Miller but it's been comfortable and reliable. Now I just had to pay double the price for a replacement of a similar quality.

No. 997840>>997847>>997855>>998001

I got permabanned from the Cheesecake Factory because I had trouble paying for a meal on time. They literally got a security guard called on me when I told them I needed 10 minutes for my sister to give me her card info to pay.

I’ve never been permabanned from anywhere in my life and feel so guilty.

No. 997847>>997867

Are you serious? That’s so shitty. I hope you didn’t pay them after all.

No. 997855>>997867


Did you pay after they pulled that? I would have flipped shit lol

No. 997861

Fuck that. It's your grandma, not his. Don't let him guilt you into using the money grandma left for YOU into something you don't want to 100 percent. It's not selfish, that money is yours and if the shoe was on the other foot I'm sure he'd already be at least mentally spending it all on shit he wants.

No. 997863

Anon, wtf. You should spend grandma's inheritance on yourself and only yourself, she gave it to you. Also, my advice is to always save up money in secret after you get married, because at the end of the day you never know what's going to happen. I understand the idea of perfect marriages is all over the media, but you always have to make sure to have a secret stash. It's life and you never know how things will go.

No. 997867>>997872>>998002

No, thankfully. They wavered the payment and got banned from the mall where it was located for a day but now I can’t step in any Cheesecake Factory location ever.

No. 997872>>997879

I mean…how are they gonna know? Not like they got your face plastered on the door at other locations right? Such dicks, I feel like theres a complaint to be made to someone.

No. 997878>>997883

That’s fucking insane, so even if you went to a Cheesecake Factory at Dubai, you wouldn’t be able to eat there?

No. 997879

I was forced by security into giving my name and DOB but at least they didn’t take a picture of me lol. I’ve tried to be reasonable and explained my situation to the waiters and manager but they dgaf and basically told me they just wanted their money.

Who would I complain to? I’m the one who didn’t pay

No. 997883

I probably can’t use my cards containing my name there but idk what it’s like to be banned from a place.

No. 997896

My boyfriend tries to makes me hit him, like a lot. Sounds bad before the explanation lol, but like if we’re hanging out and watching a movie or talking, while holding hands, he’ll use his hand to make me ‘hit’ him. I always end up using my own strength to hold back my hand and then playfully tap him to play into the joke, because if I didn’t he would be full on slapping himself with my hand, if that makes sense?
Like I would never ever hit him, and I’ve kinda asked if it’s like a kink or something, but he just denied it. I don’t know how to go about the situation, just venting cause I have no one I feel comfortable telling this to haha

No. 997951

Girl…definitely go and invest it in yourself. Definitely

No. 998001

File a complaint. Post them on social media. If you won’t, I will. This is sickening.

No. 998002>>998009

Wait you didn’t pay? Lmfao nvm idc for you bitch

No. 998009

The state of reading comprehension. They didn’t give a her a chance to pay.

No. 998023

What are you talking about? She's talking about a restaurant not an individual person.

No. 998024>>998058>>998110

To be wildly over dramatic but I fully believe that this world is hell. I hate being alive and I’m furious I can’t opt out. I’ve tried to kill myself 3 times, twice I dealt with alone and the most recent I was in hospital and I hate it. It’s just embarrassed me and dehumanised me, and I can’t believe it didn’t work, I wish I could do anything more substantial than overdose. It’s so depressing that I can’t even kill myself properly. I feel like I am stuck in this hell where the world is hateful and evil, healthcare is trash and mental health services are shit or ridiculously priced, and nothing brings me joy. And I can’t even access help without getting removed from my education. It’s okay though because only 50+ more years of suffering- probably having to deal with more sexual assault and trauma yay- and I just don’t want it. I don’t want to get my degree and work myself to death, I just want it all to stop. I don’t know how I’m meant to live and be happy when my brain remembers everything, how am I meant to love myself unconditionally when not even my family can.

No. 998031

Witty comprehension joke

No. 998040

My boyfriend has a stomach bug so I won't be able to see him before Christmas and that's upset me more than it should. I've always been very independent and I do not like that somebody seemingly has this much impact on my mood. I'll try to distract myself until I can see him in person again but what the fuck.

No. 998051>>998118>>998131>>998163>>998174>>998233>>998238>>998246>>998251

i’m a mentally ill NEET who lives at home with my parents. i struggle with severe anxiety and agoraphobia and even though i have a versatile degree from a really prestigious uni i’ve been doing nothing with it because i’m so crippled by my anxiety.

anyway, i feel a lot of shame about still living with my parents and not working when they both do, so i work my ass off to try to be a productive part of the household. i do basically all of the household chores, i clean often, i take care of all the animals. i cook dinner from scratch for them every night even though i rarely even eat it myself bc my appetite is pretty small in the evening. every day they come home from work to a hot meal, clean home, dishes done etc. i also do basically anything they need (shopping for gifts, returning things they buy online, financial planning help, researching companies so we can minimize our bills, errand runs, tech support, you name it.) the only thing i don’t do is their laundry.

last night my parents seemed pissy and distant. today, my dad and i took the dogs for a walk and he told me he felt like i don’t respect their household because our new dog is struggling to be house trained (we’ve had him two weeks) and because i forgot to take out the trash. he said they discussed giving me more “chores” that i’m responsible for. then he said it was just because they were in a bad mood though and they don’t feel that way today. even if that’s true, i find myself being so hurt by the fact that they even thought that. not angry, just hurt. i keep thinking about it and it’s putting me on the verge of tears.

i try so hard to show i don’t take their patience with me/letting me live here for granted. i also know my mental illness makes me less efficient at things and that the average person could probably do what i do in a couple of hours and still work full time easily but it takes a lot out of me and i’m exhausted all the time. i just feel so taken for granted i guess. i feel like they don’t see all that i do and how tiring it can be. as it stands, they get to come home and just eat and relax. even today i cooked dinner, mealprepped for the weekend, and made a breakfast pastry and desserts just to be nice and my mom made a snide remark about how she had to clean the stove even though i had done all the dishes from cooking and just hadn’t gotten to the stove. i don’t know. maybe i’m overreacting and maybe they’re right. it just hurts to be basically told you’re not doing enough at all even when you’re putting all your effort into doing the most you can. i feel completely depressed and hopeless and like a total loser.

No. 998058

Unfortunately I don't have any answers for you but I hear you.

No. 998108

I never look good in anything. I feel like I know what pieces of clothing work together and what looks stylish in general but every time I try and put together an outfit I just look like shit.

I am normally proportioned, 5'9 and 130lbs. If anything my head is small but it shouldnt be this hard for me to dress myself and not always look autistic. Multiple people and partners over the years have commented on my "fashion sense" being impaired or something.

No. 998110

I feel you nona, and I've tried many more times to kill myself than you, pretty sure I've got memory loss and brain damage from it. My body hurts all the time as a result of my degrading job, I wish it could just contract something bad or i end up dropping dead in a freak accident. I wish I could say there was a reason to go on living and sometimes I claim there is but I tend to end up in the same old hopeless spot time and again. I realize my reason to live and what I want and aspire is likely too far out of my reaches these days. I was stupidly wistful for thinking I could ever have something as impossible and as stupid as what I wanted. Nowadays I really fluctuate on and off about wanting to kms but I haven't tried to OD on pills for a few months. Just know there's someone else out there like you.

Hoping and praying if we don't find something to live for we instead find our closure and our bodies won't save us the next time it happens. You're probably a better person than me tbh

No. 998111

I drive everybody everywhere and always pick up the groceries, take my mother to the hospital, drop off and pick up my sister from school
I'm basically the family's driver but I am planning on leaving all right

No. 998118

It sounds like you do plenty and bring a lot of convenience to their lives. But the fact is, there's nothing you can do around the house to make them happy if what they really want is for you to earn your own money and move out. Chances are they're just nitpicking your chores because they're resentful in general it's easier to criticize than your mental health and NEEThood.

No. 998120>>998147

lately I can’t stop thinking about how many girls my rapist has probably ruined the life of and how it’s on me for not reporting him

No. 998131>>998542>>1000262

you're a NEET because you have enough comfort to wallow in your mental illness. A lot of mentally ill people are enabled by their environment into being lazy. If you were kicked out n the street or had that coming you would get over all anxiety and agoraphobia in the world if your only two options are working or being homeless. No offense, these are actually encouraging words for your situation.

No. 998132>>998135

It used to be fairly easy to get money out of men online pre-2016 without doing much. Now? Next to impossible. If only these e-whores realized that they did not have to spread their holes for literal pennies we all could have still been getting money for nothing. Fucking sucks.

No. 998134>>998142

When I was 12/13 I used to hang out with one of my cousins a lot and people would constantly come up to us and compliment her on how pretty she was while I was right next to her. It kinda hurt and made me think I was ugly when the thought had never crossed my mind before. Idg why people do insensitive shit like that

No. 998135>>998136

you still can if you pander to the interests and become the embodiment of their "ideal" girl. Basically pandering to them. Like right winger women get money out of right wing cucks for pandering to them and having the same "beliefs" as them. Or thee girls that play "not like the other girls" role.

No. 998136>>998138

Hence why I said "without doing much". You didn't used to have to pander and that's too much effort compared to what once was.

No. 998137>>998163

>Dad wants me to fly over and visit him and my cousins, obviously I say yes
>get there, literally nothing there to fucking eat
>even the cereal is expired
>can't eat anything containing meat because of some weird intolerance I have
>Everything they make has meat in it, I have to make my own food which is completely fine
>But once again literally no fucking food in the house
>Prices here extremely marked up, can't afford to fully grocery shop because broke college student with maxed hours
>try to order at least something rq so I at least have dinner
>store closes before they can complete my order
>Dad assumes that since he's always sick and goes days without properly eating that I automatically can and should be able to do the same
>can't go outside alone to the store because the city is extremely dangerous
>fuck my life
>anticipating going to my aunt's and having her avoid me despite desperately needing to go to the market with her
>Im fine sucking it up and just paying for something but she just won't take me
>nothing is anywhere near walking distance
>family complains that I'm losing weight and too skinny when I'm with them
I am so tired of this cycle but I'm a terrible person if I don't go to see this side of the family. It's not even like I dislike my family, but being underfed genuinely feels fucking awful and I end up dreading having to come here. I don't even eat much to begin with. I'm not expecting anyone to hand anything to me but at least take me to the fucking store so I CAN GET MYSELF SOMETHING. I cannot sit here and live off of Macaroni, store bought pancakes, and fucking 50 cent ramen. Everytime I come here I lose weight so fast I end up looking sick and my stomach is ruined from the amount of trash I end up having to put in my body. Am I being an entitled cunt? I just want some damn food, they've been underfeeding me since I was 7 fucking years old but I cant actually go out on my own and get something.

No. 998138

oh yes you're absolutely right anon. Pandering can be as dehumanizing as sex work and it turns into a job. You have to fit this character and keep it up and sync up your interests and self expression with it and it can end up up more dehumanizing than a retail job, it works only if you're genuinely an attention whore and you feed off male attention or maybe if you are very stupid and you believe the shit you say kinda like Lauren Southern. I'd rather work retail my entire life than take up a role to satisfy moids

No. 998142

Done a lot of thinking back through life and had many similar moments to you. I wasn't lucky enough to outgrow my ugly duckling phase and only had clarity on it in recent years. Sucks. I wish little girls were valued for their talents and spark and not looks. It really fucks you up later on in life when you experience these things

No. 998143>>998163

all the talk about neets reminds me of my siblings who actually do have a job and money yet still won't move out lol

No. 998147

It’s never on you. It’s no one’s fault but the rapist’s. You have a right to prioritize your own safety.

No. 998149>>998157>>998159>>998163

>at friend’s house
>friend is in bathroom
>friend’s cat jumps onto the counter and rubs herself against my hand as i try to pet her
>friend comes out of bathroom
>’aww look, i think she likes me!’
>’nah, she doesn’t like anyone except my brother. she’s only nice because she’s hungry and wants food.’

idk why my friend was so quick to neg my experience with her cat. if my cat was nice to someone i wouldn’t immediately try to discount it even if i knew she was only being nice to them for food. i’m probably just misinterpreting her intentions but i remember feeling uncomfortable and not really knowing what to say in response. that incident has always stuck with me lol.

No. 998157

Usually it's because the person is salty that the cat doesn't like them and therefore can't like anyone else. That or maybe the cat really is a greedy bitch.

No. 998159>>998167

your friend is retarded and kind of a jerk, simple. and cats aren't fiends for food like that or pretend to like people to get food.

No. 998163>>998178>>998518

Sorry, nonnie, but they resent you. You can maintain a clean house for them all you want but the fact you are not working pisses them off. You could work part-time and it still might not be good enough but it'd get them off your back even a bit.

They work all day and come home to their kid spooked out of her mind. They don't care if they played a role in how you grew up, leading you to a neet lifestyle. All they care about is you getting a job and possibly moving out. That way when you do move out, they can move on to bitching about something else you do they don't like. You have a uni degree but have done nothing with it? Did they pay for your schooling? Can you even land a job rn with said degree?

> i also know my mental illness makes me less efficient at things and that the average person could probably do what i do in a couple of hours and still work full time easily but it takes a lot out of me and i’m exhausted all the time.

real shit, nonnie…Everyone working has to get up and go to everyday shit, regardless of how exhausted they are. From grocery shopping after a tiring shift to cooking dinner for themselves and for others. Everyone is tired. Everyone.

I don't think you are entitled, nonette.
I relate

>Be me

>17 years old
>Visit Aunt up north for 5 days
>She isn't a poor fag like my mom so there is food in the house
>Eat when hungry
>Food was so cash
>Go home
>Mom hasn't gone grocery shopping in over a week
>Yes I was gone 5 days but before that, the food was dwindling
>Look in the fridge and find some stale lunch meat and condiments
>"Hey mom, can we go grocery shopping?"
>"Sorry Spergette. I don't want to go and I can't afford it anyway."

No foodbank or anything just general laziness and the house was messy once I got back. Hope you get that food, nonette!

To be fair, it's hard to afford any place these days without having a roommate if a foreveralone type.

The cat liked you. Your friend was just being a hag.

No. 998164>>998170>>998214

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Screw Instagram

No. 998167

My cats definitely get sweeter when it's close to dinner time but they have never tried to get food from one of my friends

No. 998170>>998177>>998429

Insta is weird. They make it tough to make a throwaway account. They didn't accept protonmail but were ok with a 10 minute mail kek. They also wanted my phone number at one point but I managed to get around that with another account creation attempt. I've only logged in a couple times and now they locked out my account until I verify it with the throwaway email, which I obviously can't access

No. 998174

I feel very similar to you.
I work a job but only because my mother got it for me. I'm not agoraphobic but I have major social anxiety and cant go anywhere unknown without someone that I know around. I would essentially be a neet if I hadn't gotten a job through my mom. I understand that it's hard taking care of a household but literally no one else pitches in, and my slob of a stepdad will bitch about the house being dirty yet do nothing to clean it. His fatass will even make more trash bc hes somehow physically incapable of putting garbage away in a trashcan.
I've been gaslit by his lardass tons of times about "not being an adult" and "not taking responsibility" hes literally forced me to clean the whole house with my siblings ON MY DAYS OFF. So I get no time to relax. My mom will parrot the whole bullshit of the house needing to be cleaned, the pets being taken care of, etc. When he and my sister are there day in day out doing shit. It's so damn unfair. Especially since I already feel like shit at work, and come home to more stressing shit so I can feel like shit at home. Then get bitched at about responsibilities when I work a full time ass job and help pay bills.

No. 998177

I hate how controlling and intrusive social media is nowadays. I decided a few years bad that I wanted to delete my insta, just to start fresh. But the process of deleting your account is so convoluted and pointless that there's no point in wasting my life on it.

No. 998178>>998179

Rip nonnie, there's no dinner for tonight. I'm gonna go to my gmas house early tomorrow instead so I can give her a Christmas gift and also be fed copious amounts of food until I explode. alas, it'll only be for one day but I'll be so happy.

No. 998179


Ah, that greentext story was from years ago. The point still stands, not once were you being entitled. Eat and be merry tomorrow, Nonette. You deserve it!

No. 998195>>998199>>998215>>998217>>998235

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Does anyone else feel happy or excited we're almost at 100 vent threads? we should have a celebratory special 100th vent thread with a cool anniversary pic as the OP or something

No. 998199

I didn't even notice! you're right though, it needs to be something special. we've been through so much…

No. 998212>>998231

Shrink told me it was possibly too much too soon. I'm going to take a deep breath and take a few months to really decide what I want to do next. I'll probably need to live up to a year alone before I'm ready to fall in love again in a way that's healthy.
That's scary. It's a hard decision to make. I also feel a little cheated. I didn't mind feeling lonely before this now I'm starved for a meaningful connection. Feels like I've been robbed of something I didn't even really have. It's frustrating.

No. 998214

01.01.1900, as always

No. 998215

I just know no matter what it is someone will complain and we'll fight for the first 154 posts about it

No. 998217

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No. 998231

I never understand people like you who can't be alone and instead get themselves into abusive or toxic relationships. You are whole, you are enough, you won't die even if you spend the next 30 years alone.

No. 998233

That's what you get for being a NEET. Your parents are angels for entertaining it for so long without showing resentment.

No. 998235

>>998195 i was eating a sad frozen pizza bur now it is a beautiful tribute

No. 998238>>998242>>998252>>998542

The anons bashing you probably have no idea what they're talking about. Obviously you "work" somehow by doing things for them. But they still resent you and no matter what you do for them they'll never appreciate it so it's useless. Perhaps you could at least try to get a part-time job, or something that allows you to work from home at least.
I know it's difficult anon, you could say I'm in a similar situation. Yeah everone is tired, everyone despises work, everyone can have mental illnesses, but some people are better at coping than others. I tried "ignoring" my mental illnesses and needs for a long time and had a serious breakdown which led me to NEETdom. Now I try to make some money with drawing and that at least gives me some dignity, but I wouldn't be able to hold down a normal job and my parents hate me still.

No. 998239

I think everyone suffers from some form of NPD or BPD they just like the emotional dysregulation that abused people have. Just a day into the real world and everyone takes their anger on each other. And most people refuse to believe even anything remotely negative about themselves or even admit they are doing something wrong. Most humans are narcs and egoistical and to survive in society you actually have to be a narc.

No. 998242>>998250>>998366>>998374

Imagine raising a kid to the best of your abilities, only for them to refuse to do anything with their life and think cooking dinner makes up for it.

No. 998246

I'm an (ex?) Agoraphobic, tbh I feel it never fully goes away but you manage it better over time if you push yourself the right amount. When I was 16 to 19 I was living the same life. I did all the housework, meals and laundry. No school, no work, totally housebound fora few years. My mom was also home all the time but physically sick and disabled. We had an OK time. When my dad decided to take early retirement I knew life at home was about to get real uncomfortable for me. He has grumpy old man syndrome, is very particular about everything, extra sensitive to other people's noise. Just generally overbearing and hard to live with. His house though.

Tbh it was a blessing in disguise. It was the sudden motivation for me to get out at only 19 which.. I'm still surprised I turned shit around so fast. It lit a fire under my ass. If life at home is too cosy then where's your motivation to work towards change? Agoraphobia is all about avoidance. Being too accommodating of it is where you get held back. The times in my life where people (bfs too) enabled me too much.. it did me no favors in the long run. Only sets you back when people around you avoid the bigger issues and make it feel too comfy to stay as you are.

No. 998250>>998542

NTA but you're assuming every parent is a good one. Everyone has their unique reasons for being a NEET.

No. 998251

Are you doing anything at all to overcome your problems? You should show them you're trying to improve. Right now it sounds like you're just comfy as you are, of course they're not going to be happy if you make no attempts to get out of living on their dime and in their house even if you do all the cleaning work.

No. 998252>>998260>>998279

>some people are better at coping than others
You mean some people are forced to cope because they don't have the luxury of parents who are willing to support them.

NEETs have plenty of excuses and justifications for their supposed inability to work but I'm sure they would manage to suck it up if the alternative was living on the streets.

No. 998255

The craigslist pets section in my region is full of assholes rehoming pets they got 2 months ago because "Suddenly too busy now!!!". Or rehoming because they're moving and are too lazy to take their cats with them. I literally moved with my damn cat across USA these people have no excuse. Why would you get a pet if you are in a transient situation and have no future plan for your pet anyway. I thought all the breeders would make me upset but no there is so much of this. And on top of it all most of them want money, not like 50$ to deter weirdos, 100's of dollars for their designer pet they suddenly can't handle. People should need a license to own a pet or something

No. 998260>>998279

An overlooked option for neets who are quite genuinely disabled by a mental illness is to at least apply to live in whatever their countries housing option for disabled adults is. Disabled people don't just live with parents most of the time. Use those supports as a stepping stone if you have that option in your country. But only treat it as a stepping stone if you can.

I've seen people do it, they move out first, learn to manage their disability money and bills, grow up fast, start feeling more capable and then eventually they get sick of living on the bare minimum so it pushes them and they get a job. You don't ways have to get a job first, sometimes you can work backwards like that and for stuff like agoraphobia I've seen it work out. Getting on disability sometimes hooks you up with programmes and social workers who help you search for jobs you can manage, part time jobs at first that wont affect your housing. It eases you into work and pays off in the end when you become productive. All sorts of help can be out there and you might not know because you're not registered as needing it if you don't apply. Neets fall through the gap when parents foot the bill and you're just never registered as needing forms of assistance to get on track.

No. 998279>>998293>>998309>>998316

No, not everyone can manage to "suck it up". Some people are severely mentally ill, some people have physical ailments. Just because you manage (or have the means) to suck it up doesn't mean that everyone can. There are tons of mentally ill homeless people who can't get a job because they can't hold one and simply have no place to go. NEETs are lucky that they have at least a roof over their head, but op anon did say that she tries to give back by doing house chores and cooking and basically caring for her parents, which honestly sounds pretty acceptable to me. Better than being a neckbeard who plays videogames all day for sure.

That's a good idea but depending on shere she lives it may not be so easy to apply and get disability money.

No. 998283

I am so fucking mad. We have to do a presentation for our finals and had to submit our topic until the 17th of december through a filled out form. This presentation has to be done in groups or pairs and since I didn't have anyone to do this with I asked my boyfriends bestfriend with whom I am also okay-ish friends with to do this. We went with my theme proposal since he couldn't think of one and I filled out the form since he also couldn't be bothered to do this and we were close to the deadline so I just said yeah fuck it I will do it. I filled out the form on the 16th of december and because the professor who collects these wasn't there I asked another professor to put this form into his box (every professor at our uni has a box in the staff-room where students can submit work or other necessities). Yesterday after classes I saw a huge paper hanging in the hallway naming all the students who didn't submit the filled out presentation form. While my name was on there, my partners name wasn't so I was confused and texted him If he submitted something to which he replied that he didn't. At first I thought that the professor just didn't receive my form and even asked another professor to take a look at this box to see If it was still there and it wasn't. I was at first confused but after a while I knew what happened. When I filled out the form we had to put our group members names there and since its a respect-thing in our country I of course put up his name first which was my mistake and also probably why the professor noted down the name of my partner but not mine, despite it being my form (don't know If I can blame my professor for it but he has my partner in his courses and knows his writing and this form was clearly filled out with my writing which would indicate that he didn't fill it out except for signing it with also another pen?). I texted my partner and was like 'hey what shall we do now because the deadline is over and this professor really doesn't like me and wouldn't make an exception for me (also If you don't fill out the form you will get a random topic assigned). He literally replied with 'Yeah, don't worry he won't be angry I am sure you can submit yours on monday so it won't be a big deal'. Like dude what the fuck? I submitted my fucking form because you couldn't be bothered to fucking do this why should I now talk with him about me not filling out my form when it was clearly your mistake? Why can't you just stand up for me and take some fucking responsibility for yourself If you didn't even care about this entire thing? He literally texted me that I shouldn't worry and that nothing will happen to me If I submit my form again. Why should I do that? I already filled out mine why are you being such a fucking asshole? Especially since you know this professor doesn't really like me and likes you very much and already made exceptions for you? Such a fucking lazy piece of shit. I don't know what to do because how should I text him and be like 'yeah, but you know its your fault right? why don't you stand up for me and clear up the misunderstanding?' without actually saying that and not being rude. I fucking hate men.

No. 998293>>998315>>998324>>998359

Yeah, there are plenty of mentally ill homeless people. But they're like… schizophrenics, manic depressives and addicts, not terminally online 20 somethings with social anxiety and depression.

No. 998309>>998505>>998542

I did say
>if you have that option in your country
I meant it in a more general way though, not aimed at purely the one anon above. Plenty of anons living the same way are likely to live in places where they absolutely have these services and aren't using them. There's whole systems in place to get people out of their situation and living independantly.

Fully grown adults who are already out of home can have nervous breakdowns and rely on the same services to not become homeless. Women leaving controlling relationships with destroyed confidence and bad nerves etc. It's usually not a matter of 'if my parents don't give me a roof I'm automatically homeless' Some neets are too comfy lumping everything on their parents and not on services. I'm not saying any of that to have a go, it's kinder to encourage someone to seek help than it is to excuse them staying stagnant.

Ime you won't get better staying in the same place, with the same people who created this dynamic in the first place. I'm an ex neet too so I know that headspace all too well, total stubborn avoidance of the real issue was my thing for a couple years. Now when I'm even dating people I warn them to never make a phone call on my behalf, go up to a cashier on my behalf, deal with a stressful errand I don't like, do anything where it's ultimately not in my best interest to have them enable muh still lurking anxiety problem.

No. 998315

exactly kek

No. 998316>>998368

Anon in questions suffers from anxiety and agoraphobia though, those are mental illnessess that can be overcome if she chooses to work on it and push herself. Not to mention she managed to get a "versatile degree from a really prestigious uni" despite her mental health, clearly she's not doomed to be a Neet forever. I've overcome severe anxiety and depression (both diagnosed) myself, I know how much it fucking sucks to work on that shit but not pushing yourself to improve and overcome it and instead live as a Neet without attempting anything is a deliberate choice.

No. 998319>>998330

Was scrolling on the ig explore page and came across one of those 'innocent caption with cleverly cropped porn screencap' memes but this one was just brutal. The woman's face was completely debauched with cum and tears and mascara and it made me actually feel ill. And it was on a memepage for probably teens and underaged people, like imagine a 14 yo girl coming across that and laughing along not really realizin how fucked up this is. I hate this shit so much.

No. 998324>>998542

That's boldly assuming to think that depression and deep social anxiety doesn't lead routinely to addiction.

No. 998329>>998377

Fuck the dishes

No. 998330

Kinda blogpost but related; my country doesn't have good sex education and definitely zero talks about how porn skews your perception of sex; I remember reading about some top model skincare and she said something along the lines that she doesn't allow ANYTHING touch her face after going to bed with evening skincare and my retarded porn-fed brain thought "she must be miserable and have shitty sex life if her boyfriend can't ejaculate on her face". To this day I cringe at this but because of knowing sex only from porn I didn't know any better, I legitimately thought for a "good sex" woman has to take things like this, and any other degradation shown as default. I feel so bad for anyone who may be still thinking stuff like that.

No. 998336

Cried so much last night after a fight with my dad, still feel hurt. Slept five hours and I have to go to work, probably see him and I'm not on the mood to be the bigger and more mature person once again to my parents. My eyes are so puffy I can barely open them, it's too hot outside and I'm so exhausted.

No. 998339

I can't stand my little sister anymore, stupid bitch was in close contact with her coworkers and like two of them were tested positive with covid so she has to stay at home until she can get a negative test in a few days, and the stupid bitch goes into my room, touches everything and yells like an autist because she's upset she's treated like a leper. Like bitch, you might as well be, it took me three months to recover from covid and that was before all the fucked up recent mutations. She started coughing on my parents' faces even though they're both immunocompromised just because she thinks she's an oppressed special snowflake. She's already unbearable regardless of covid, if she gets killed in a car accident or something else tomorrow I'll go get myself a glass of champagne.

No. 998349>>998476

I have suicidal ideation every single day and it's getting unbearable idk what to do. i'm eing denied adequate care anywhere cuz of a false bpd diagnosis from 8 years ago, i want to die so bad i'm trying my hardest not to think about pouring out my rubbish bin in the bathroom and getting a razor i threw in there and selfharming. life isn't good and i feel pathetic for even wanting to die but being to lazy to, feel like a lazy fat cow every day, but cant find motivation to do anything cuz i feel like i wont be alive much longer anyway but i also don't want to die? my brain just wants me dead.

No. 998359


How do you think they ended up homeless?

No. 998366>>998542

I'd wager mose NEETs had absuive parents. Or parents that over protected them to the point they're afraid of society. If you actually do good by a kid 8/10 the kid will be fine.

No. 998368>>998370>>998395>>998542

I mean, anxiety, depression and phobias can be crippling and can even affect people physically, lead to addictions, disorders and breakdowns etc. thought I guess it's not as bad if she did get into uni and get a degree… but maybe it got bad later? We can't know.
Anon definitely needs to actively try to improve her mental health, but honestly I think that generally offering to care for parents or relatives for a while (and they agree with it) while one is having troubles isn't so bad. I don't know if it's a thing in the US but in Europe that happens often, mainly because help is hard to get and it's not easy to move out even after saving up years of salary. Though anon's problem is that her parents don't seem to want her there.

No. 998370

They want to enjoy their old age without worrying about their adult daughter and her failure to launch, but I can't say if they gave her their all when she was growing up.

No. 998374>>998502

Imagine having a kid, being a shit parent and then being genuinely surprised and angry when the kid doesn't end up fine.

No. 998377

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It's christmas next week and I'm not looking forward to it because of the whole ass family fight going on and I'm def not interested to see my brother or my batshit crazy aunt. I just want to be the week after christmas, fuck that shit. Kind of envy people who got the rona and will spend xmas in quarantine kek.

Also this >>998329

No. 998395>>998542

> I think that generally offering to care for parents or relatives for a while (and they agree with it) while one is having troubles isn't so bad.
Nta but the thing is they're dealing with agoraphobia and that works differently. The longer you're allowed to 'give in' to the desire to hide away, the harder it is to get back out there. I've been dealing with it since early puberty. So 20 years. I live alone and I manage but a few years back we had a random week of bad snow so a week of not exposing myself to the outdoors, it had me feeling like I did when I was a teen again. Exposure really is the key. It's the opposite of care to let an agoraphobic person stay home with no need to leave. Even if you mean well, that's killing them with kindness.

You use exposure and increase the distance (or the crowd size) until your comfort zone expands to a somewhat normal or liveable range again. Then you keep that up because a week at home can half rob you of some progress you already made. Every week or month that passes not challanging agorophobia.. it's a shame because you're not even standing still, you're going one step back from the loss of exposure. That's the trap.

People are prob sick of all the neet talk at this point but that's just my experience with managing agoraphobia.

No. 998408>>998638

I tried making friends, thinking that I must take initiative to find interesting, or like-minded people, only to be reminded that I despise human interaction. I hate it, I hate having to put on an act to pass, I hate feeling detached and off-ish because I have to “pass”, and I hate feeling like an idiot playing a game they don’t understand. I hate how people can seem so genuine but they’re just engaging in social niceties; how the fuck can I be able to tell the difference? They speak in the same tones and in the same ways, keep talking about how we should see this film or grab this coffee, and then I empty out my weekend only to find out they’re being…nice. They’re not being real. Why would you call me your “friend”? Or have me wait hours for you so we could go home together because I’m thinking, oh, I’ll just sit here doing nothing because I want to spend some time with my friend? Only to realize that I’m prolly a weirdo acquaintance. I normally wouldn’t care, except that I can’t tell the difference when one is being sincere and when is not, and I hate it. And I don’t want to talk to be friends with people, I think, anymore, if I have to constantly guess at what they mean.

No. 998415

I hate gay scrotes

I went to live concert with my friends. We were early and secured good spots near the stage. Then about five minutes before the concert started one flaming scrote tried to push me out of his way to get to the front row.
I'm tall so I didn't move because why should I?

So the motherfucker got mad because ofc he's entitled piece of shit. He started "dancing" "with" me, meaning that he basically dry humped my butt. A flaming gay man basically sexually assaulted me.

I was confused and froze because my brain didn't process the male aggression when the male in question was gay. Gays are not a threat, you know? They are pets you take to shopping with you. Cute accessories.

Luckily one lady defended me but the scrote still pushed through to front row.

I'm lesbian and I think most men sense it even though I'm not butch. I just don't vibe with gay men ever, but now I'm leaning towards that gay men are my natural enemies as lesbian woman.

My friend also got harassed by drunk scrote. I think he was gay too bc apparently the artist is super popular amongst gays. My friend was standing behind him and his fag hag and the drunk scrote tripped against my friend and started yelling "don't touch me!!". When he was the one who couldn't stand straight.

I fucking hate that these entitled piece of shits are put on pedestal by straight women. They don't want to fuck us so they are ready to throw us under the bus to impress another penis haver.
I find yaoi and gay porn disgusting but at least there's hope that Aidens will destroy the gay community like AGP's have done to lesbians.

No. 998422>>998431

I met a scrote that's hot, considerate, funny, affectionate, and likes me back but 1. he lives 2hrs away and 2. he has a high sex drive while mine is almost non-existent. It's just not going to work out and I'm just really bummed about it.

No. 998429

Wtf yt suddenly wants phone number too. On Pinterest they nag you with "make and account!1" constantly if you aren't logged in. It feels like all social medias have turned up the big brother this year.

No. 998430>>998436

Anon in the stupid questions thread just unlocked a new fear in me. A second puberty. I am in my early, early 20s and I don't want anymore changes to my body in terms of looking more womanly. Fuck, even just thinking about it is scaring me, I already look so fucking matronly, mother of 5 looking boobs. If I grow hips, I might just have to off myself. My heroine chick dreams were already fucking ruined because I grew a big bust, wide hips would just kill my self esteem once and for all. I already look too mature, the complete opposite of what I'd like to look like; supermodels who have no curves anywhere. Only having broad shoulders with narrow hips is my saving grace. I'm trying hard to accept my body as it is, I wouldn't be able to take a second fucking puberty. I feel nauseous just thinking about it.

No. 998431

A weekend boyfriend could be a very nice set-up, nonna

No. 998436>>998442

I've never heard of a 2nd puberty before, I doubt it's common.

No. 998441>>998458>>998461>>998464>>998466

Foreword: someone off-mention the Whole yoai thing, so if the same nonnie is reading this, this is not directed towards you, just scrotes with too much time on their hands.

Yoai/boy's love keeps getting misinterpreted, and I'm sick of it. Every time the same goddamn points are brought up, I get so frustrated.

>Oh but yoai terrible because it sexualizes gay/bi men

And all this lesbian porn and male-aimed Yuri isn’t? Hell, they seem way more gross and creepy than half the yoai I've seen.

>But I know a gay friend who was harassed by mean Fujoes who wanted him to kiss his boyfriend in front of them.

Those incidents are a dime a dozen compared to the copious amounts of full on sexual harassment lesbians and bi women get daily. Please shut up. (And yes I’m aware of the whole yoai paddle bullshit, don’t care)

>But they keep stealing our precious platonic bromances from us

Yet there’s so much media containing deep male friendships while girl and boy friendships never becoming a romance are almost as rare as getting struck by lightning. Hell, maybe the reason why there’s so many gay ships is like, maybe there’s a drought of actual positive representation that isn’t just stupid gay stereotypes or freaking burying the gays tragedies. Ever thought of that? Now, at times since rabid shipping can evolve into full on harassment, but speaking as someone who writes and reads the occasional gay romance, shamethem. They are stupid.

>but what about all those yucky topics that shown up in yoai?

Believe it or not, it’s literally fiction. Sure, I don’t like the more extreme non-con shit you sometimes see in some stories, but I can reassure you there is plenty of boy’s love manga and fiction that isn’t literal love rape. Seriously, go ask some actual sane Fujos what stuff they recommend. They do exist.

Seriously, I hate how asinine these frequent arguments are when actual gay and bi men don’t even give a shit. It’s squares back to insecure straight dudes scared of women exploring their sexual interests, like yea know, human beings that don’t exist to be someone’s object.

And lastly, let women enjoy gay shit for fuck sake. She doesn’t have to become a UBER GAY PORN FAPPER just to enjoy yoai. If a lot of guys can enjoy yuri and lesbian shit without turning into cringe turbo coomers, then the same can happen to women. You can debate me and say the whole genre disgusts you but I don't have the time or energy to engage today.

No. 998442>>998479

Really what it means is that you don't stop developing till you're like 25 as a rough estimate. I just hope I've somehow gone through everything already. I'd seriously kms if my hips get wide. I'm tearing up thinking about it. It's dramatic but, it's really important to me.

No. 998458

Just say your degenerate whose coomed their brains

No. 998461

>yoai/boy's love keeps getting misinterpreted

No. 998464

>If a lot of guys can enjoy yuri and lesbian shit without turning into cringe turbo coomers
Spoiler: they can't.

No. 998466>>998891

I not only don't mind, but even support yaoi fangirls as long as they don't
>lie about fandom history and demographics
>defend drawn pedophilia
>act like rabid dogs towards women who prefer straight content/ships or are yumejoshi

No. 998476

Same with the suicidal ideation every day. Will be walking in the park and wonder how it would feel to throw myself down into the river and drown/bleed everywhere or smashing my face into a tree and bleeding everywhere. I guess I've became used to them over the years bc it's sorta like a comfort to know I'm able to end it all, but choose not to. I hope there never comes a day where I actually get into a really bad situation and do something drastic.

No. 998479>>998501

Go off the women in your family. Mom, grandma, aunties. If none of them have wide hips then you probably won't either

No. 998501

This gives me hope. My momma's bodytype is the same as mine currently, even with the fat she doesn't have wide hips, neither does my older sis. Thanks anon, I'm not on the verge of losing it anymore.

No. 998502

Anons parents don't sound abusive. Cope and seethe. neets really can't take any responsibility for their own actions.

No. 998505

Nonna you offered really good advice, and I'm proud of you for escaping that kind of mindspace.

No. 998518>>998552>>998605

>real shit, nonnie…Everyone working has to get up and go to everyday shit, regardless of how exhausted they are.
Hate how people bring this up like it's some revelation nobody has ever thought about before. Some people are better at taking abuse than others. It's not surprising some people handle being exploited worse than others. You have the retards proud of working 140 hour weeks instead of having the self-respect to demand better or join a fucking union or something.

No. 998542>>998552

just woke up to see all the discussion about my original post, just want to thank all the nonnies for their feedback because it has actually been really helpful to me. sorry in advance if i blog a bit here, i don't have many friends and don't talk to anyone really about these issues so it feels good to get some of it off my chest.

>If you were kicked out n the street or had that coming you would get over all anxiety and agoraphobia in the world if your only two options are working or being homeless.
you're completely right, and i don't take offense to it. it makes me feel encouraged. i have fallen into a routine that has left me very stagnant and i need to snap out of it.

i do wfh as well, i forgot to mention that. i do a lot of side jobs selling things online to make money that i'm saving up to move out eventually. just slow going unfortunately.

i don't know if i'd say they're "abusive" but my mom is an alcoholic narc and my dad is a severe codependent. he in particular relies on me a lot for his emotional wellbeing. what's weird is he talks about never wanting me to leave (prob bc of the codependent nature) but they'll randomly start expressing resentment/hinting i'm not doing enough. there's a lot of mixed messages and it gets confusing. they want me here but only if i'm meeting every expectation and am in the mood they like. i guess that'd be easy if i didn't struggle with depression so much. keeping up that mask can be very hard for me.

i have struggled with addiction for the past few years. even while maintaining at uni i nearly OD'd from pills laced with fentanyl, was binge drinking hard liquor nightly and was perpetually hung over. just this month i have gone completely cold turkey sober and i feel great. i think my alcoholism was aiding my stagnancy a lot.

i live in the US so unfortunately our resources kind of suck but i definitely hear you.
>Ime you won't get better staying in the same place, with the same people who created this dynamic in the first place. I'm an ex neet too so I know that headspace all too well, total stubborn avoidance of the real issue was my thing for a couple years. Now when I'm even dating people I warn them to never make a phone call on my behalf, go up to a cashier on my behalf, deal with a stressful errand I don't like, do anything where it's ultimately not in my best interest to have them enable muh still lurking anxiety problem.
this was super motivating to me, thank you. i think because my dad is codependent he shelters me from things like phone calls, errands, etc like you mentioned because it keeps me here. i need to start taking accountability for my own independence even if it's scary… ty for sharing/responding to me.

your post is really encouraging too anon i appreciate it a lot. i know you're right. i need to force myself to go do things or i'm just perpetuating the cycle. it's hard but i feel motivated to do it. i definitely need to get a job for exposure therapy. i'm scared of it but hell, it's better than dealing with this and getting nowhere.

just a question (since you seem to have mostly overcome your agoraphobia), do you ever have times where it becomes overwhelming even when you're consistent about being around people? when i was in uni i nearly failed because i had a horrible "episode?" i guess where even though i had been doing it every day, i suddenly couldn't walk out of my front door to go to class. it was bizarre, like there was a literal physical barrier. i have a lot of experience with the anxiety, but had never felt it that strong. my saving grace was literally covid making classes online when i was in the midst of it so i was able to attend lectures again. just wanting to pick your brain because i want to know if theres a good way to overcome those moments for when i do get a job. i don't want to fuck things up or be like this anymore.

No. 998552>>998622

you clearly don't mingle in the real world. Seethe. No one is telling neetnonna she has to break her fucking back out there, just if she ever finds herself exhausted and overwhelmed in life, most everyone else is in the same boat. Bosses suck, people suck, just know that others out there are trying to make the best of it, never take it personally if someone you come across is a dick.

How the fuck is it an issue to point out that most everyone is tired and overwhelmed?

>>998542 appears to be more than capable of creating positive change for herself.

No. 998589>>998633

I know some anons on here may have gone through something similar but it's really hard to kind of reconcile my current self with my past one. I was completely demented as a teen, I did a lot of stupid things, like, I was drinking my own piss for no reason other than the old man who I thought loved me and I him thought it was hot. I was sending him videos of me peeing, like, fuck's sake. I was cutting myself for another older guys attention. That's only scratching the surface. And the thing is, I've grown a little now and I've definitely tamed A LOT. I completely refrain from sex, I think it's too early and I am still a little 'fragile' and like, I've got a good hold on myself. I'm in medschool being a complete normie. But like, it feels so unreal. I feel fake and weird, like how would my friends think if they knew? How would my future partners think? I also feel so disconnected from that time of my life. Can anyone else relate? I'm happy that I've gotten so much better but sometimes I still feel like some derangedness might bubble up to the surface and it makes me scared. Tell me I'm making sense lol

No. 998605>>998610

>You have the retards proud of working 140 hour weeks instead of having the self-respect to demand better or join a fucking union or something.
fucking this

No. 998610>>998621>>998632

neets vs people working 140 hours. neets vs homesless drug addicts. Stop lol

No. 998621

You don't have to be a neet to think the mindset of "I'm so proud to give as much of my lifepower and time to my bosses who has a better life than I ever will thanks to my sacrifice and treats me like tissue paper" is retarded.

No. 998622

Way to miss the point. Clearly you're more interested in attacking me than actually absorbing what I wrote.

No. 998632

overworking can result in an earlier death for some people, in a few cases even right at their job. and then some people not having time to exercise, etc. it shouldn't be either extreme tbh you don't wanna end up like japan

No. 998633>>998707

I relate, kind of. It's not your fault. You were just young and wanted attention and validation. The disgusting old scrotes who took advantage of that are to blame. Plus when you're associated mentally, you don't really think about the reality of the things you're doing.

Unless you're tempted to start doing weird shit, I think the thought of it "bubbling up" again might be more related to you being afraid of going back into that mental state again, not an actual desire to start doing whacko crap again.

Feel better soon & good luck with medschool. Try to channel any disgust at the scrotes who wanted you to cam. You were so young, young people do stupid shit.

No. 998638>>998678

>They speak in the same tones and in the same ways, keep talking about how we should see this film or grab this coffee, and then I empty out my weekend only to find out they’re being…nice.
If this doesn't sting, anon. Jesus christ I hate this so much, just had a breakdown about it a few days ago. A lot of my "friends" are exactly like this.
>Aww anon, I miss you so much! You know what, we should totally hit it up and go grab a coffee/come over to my place to spend the evening! We're going to have a great time!
>Me, being the tard who doesn't realize they're just being nice, emptying my schedule for them and later asking about if they're up for anything next week
>Oh dang anon, all of my evenings are booked and I'm seeing some friends during the weekend. Next time, okay?
>Repeat ad nauseam
When do I learn not to get excited that someone actually wants to meet me? It's especially hurtful when they try to pull that "Oh you know the pandemic and stuff" to avoid seeing me but at the same time meet up with other people all the time.

No. 998670

One drive is such an annoying app it never works AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH GOD DAMMNIT

No. 998674>>998772

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i'm a lesbian and i get so jealous of men sometimes. not necessarily because they're men, but because i often see the ugliest, dullest motherfuckers with the prettiest women. just bothers me as an ugly woman that they have such confidence.

No. 998678

You can show enthusiasm, but at the same time take a step back and let them initiate things. If they want to meet you, they'll plan and follow through. If they can't meet people because of the pandemic, they'll find stuff to do with you online. Basically look at their actions instead of their words.

No. 998687>>998694>>998705>>998717

I am worried about a guy my IRL is dating. He is obsessed with watching people arguing (not only debates, but also video of people straight up talking shit about eachother. He is also extremely agressive about some topics, the kinds that you can also talk about calmly without being agressive as hell. Am I overthinking or is he a walking red flag? He also spams her everytime she doesn't respond to him for a few minutes or even goes to spend time with guests that came over.

No. 998694>>998696

>my IRL is dating

No. 998696>>998710

I meant my irl friend , sorry

No. 998705

Red flag for sure, especially the spamming thing. It seems he's impulsive, which can end bad when things get heated

No. 998707

Yeah, you're definitely right. I'm pretty paranoid about going back to that sort of behavior so much so that s I avoid dating and everything to do with it to make sure I don't set myself off. I just feel like me today is such a huge constrast from past-me that it starts to feel like I'm not sure which one is the actual me. I guess as time goes on, I'll work through these feelings. Thank you for listening nonny, good luck with your life as well.

No. 998710

Nah, I'm a bit slow, you're good. But the getting angry at not responding sooner is always a redflag imo.

No. 998717

>He is also extremely agressive about some topics, the kinds that you can also talk about calmly without being agressive as hell.
Mega red flag

No. 998719

I'm so sick of being painfully below average. I genuinely have no skills in anything I'm both embarrassed and disgusted with myself. I think other peoples toxic positivity has rotted my brain

No. 998724

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My boyfriend just left to spend the holidays and a good chunk of next year with his father, which is in another city. I am sad he's not here and I am sad that I'll have to travel to another state as well soon, just wanted to be with him for the holidays.
I also have a headache and stomachache that are pretty bad aagh

No. 998737>>999223

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My shitty laptop wont let me edit any videos. How am I supposed to get familiar with the software when shit keeps heating up and asking to force quit? I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to not buy this dumb overpriced meme laptop.

No. 998745>>998746

Hey nonnies, I’m >>970739 / the girl that got ghosted by her ex friend. She told me texted me that she sees me in a different light after what happened during the falling out, and that while she is a resentful person she is happier to be away from the toxic friendship group we once had. No bullshit I don’t consider myself toxic for telling her how mentally ill she was after she stole a piece of equipment from my male friend and acted like it was reparations (that’s why we fell out) but obviously she means the friend group as a whole. She also was mad about how I talked to the police and called her a bootlicker while a friend of a friend being a suspected MURDERER and how she was totally against the police but she wanted the police to defend her stealing this $500 object. Won’t say what it is bc doxing but yea.

It’s kind of weird I was having a lot of anxiety stomach pains thinking about everything that happened and it magically disappeared after she texted me. I can’t fucking wait to move from this hell city and start over.

No. 998746

holy shit there are so many typos, don’t feel like correcting myself I think it’s not to hard to comprehend sowwy

No. 998766>>998774

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Why is this channel being recommended to me all of a sudden? I've never even watched his videos but now every time I open up youtube I see one being recommended. Fuck off reee

No. 998772

Those men are the most insecure. They’re definitely controlling bc they know the women can do better at any time. Unfortunately those women probably don’t even know their worth to begin with.

No. 998774

He gives suuuuch covert narc. It’s pathetic watching women tripping over themselves like pre teens.

No. 998778

The joys of getting to know men
>we're talking about emotions and such
>he says he basically never cries
>I say I cry weekly at least, I cry when I'm stressed, tired, angry etc. and it's annoying me
>says if he'd be able to make me cry if we meet
>I ask why he'd want to do that
>"dunno, might be hot"
What the actual fuck is wrong with guys? They could have a good thing going and can't stop themselves from saying the most disturbing shit.

No. 998839

im fucking bored and need attention i wish one of my internet crushes would message me so i could flirt shamelessly with them

No. 998842>>998854>>998900>>998903

>watching "to catch a predator episode"
>most likely male user in the comments wonders why there aren't any episodes with female predators
GEE I wonder why. It's almost as if females are way less likely to be predators. Almost like the degenerate pedophiles are almost always men. Hmmm I wonder what this COULD MEAN

No. 998843

I have a migraine heeeellp

No. 998854

um actually that's misandrist and problematic sweaty. Women want us poor men bad and they are just as likely to be sexual predators. Only feminazis and hysterical mothers think otherwise. I know this is true because reddit told me

No. 998891

Never got this het is ew sentiment especially the the two characters in a show do in fact have some chemistry.

No. 998900>>998903

No it is because evil feminazis that control the media censor all the episodes featuring female predators.

No. 998903

They’d foam at the mouth if it features a “female” (tranny) predator though. There isn’t a shortage of those.

No. 998914>>998934>>998969

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>me realizing tyler the creator used to be in odd future
>odd future is known for their scrotey misogynistic and homophobic song lyrics often about rape and cannibalism
>even though this was in the past still was able to have a prolific career along with the retarded thing 2 and 3 frank ocean and earl sweatshirt
>be azealia banks
>talk shit about sacred cow trannies and male fags
>career and existence is turned into a meme

seems very random and dumb to vent about but I just realized that

No. 998924

Aw I just wish I had a boyfriend and was at the stage where you are just accepting and so pleased to have someone you overlook them not being perfect. And when you've drank too much and got room spin they're there to help you through it. And when you feel better they don't mind kissing you even if you stank.

No. 998934

Anon their fanbases are the problem. Tyler has a male fanbase and Azelia has a female/gay male fanbase, so this means Tyler can get away with talking shit because his fanbase won't care while Azelia was essentially criticizing the people who were supporting her to begin with. I don't give a shit about male fags, but that was a reckless move considering the demographics that listen to her music.

No. 998965

I'm going to be ok. I'm going to fill my time with activities to stop the daydreaming, wait for the December anxiety to pass and find myself a new meaningful goal.
I'll be fine.

No. 998969>>998976

I don't think odd future was ever as big as Tyler's solo career, and there probably are alot of casual Tyler fans who don't know about OF, but yea it's messed up. He was basically the driving force of OF but came out as gay and gets to play this whole woke king act now kek

No. 998973

I was reading that guide to getting over maladaptive daydreaming and then I suddenly started daydreaming midway… I’m literally never going to be cured

No. 998975>>998985

Someone in my apartment is streaming and I really wish I can find them online so I'd be able to scare them into turning off the stream cuz holy shit they're so annoying and loud and I'm pretty sure this is the same person I hear hysterically laughing at 3am. I can't make out exact words since it's a little muffled so there's no way I'd be able to find them though. (I can only make out words and phrases like "what? really?? that is so (inaudible) what?? I'm so fucking (inaudible) omg! thanks for the sub!")

No. 998976

You are correct lol i liked tyler creator more as a person back then as bad as it sounds because he was funny and promoted going outside, getting off the computer, he didnt drink or smoke weed, etc.

is he actually gay (confirmed) now? when a friend of mine started to be a fan of him thats when i noticed his switch in popularity and new fanbase, etc. also i got tired of him because things felt more performative but i saw him in concert which was fun. Its funny though how by the time i saw him I was hardly a fan anymore also I have some kind of a hipster complex or something so once I noticed the zoomer-like fans and how my friend (who had no idea about him before) started asking if hes dating jaden smith or something because hes gay and her friends believed they are together. (I am not proud of myself its just how i am kek)

No. 998978

I work at the grocery store owned by amzn and it’s my first month. I’m chopping up veggies and fruit in the produce kitchen, and 50+ pineapples and other fruits later I get a migraine that is so bad I run to the bathroom and puke. Knowing I have vomited, and by the policy I agreed and signed my acknowledgment, I have to report it to the manager. Since, after all, I am handling food.

They sent me home but acted like I was being a fucking problem. I could barely drive with the migraine but I made it home to hide under a blanket until it eased. I swear if they write me up I’ll just fucking leave. I love my coworkers but fuck it corporate ain’t always some bs.
Ps to all shoppers, wash your produce and stop buying any prepared food item; it’s more likely to be shipped in than made in store.

No. 998979>>998980>>999008

stoned, alone, no friends, very depressed and i turn 24 in less than an hour
its not even close to my worst birthday ever since i spent my 16th a month into a stay at the mental hospital and my 21st fighting with my boyfriend over discovering a porn addiction causing me to have my worst mental breakdown in my life
i would also usually have dinner with my grandma every year for my birthday but she died in august so i guess i can add one more thing for me to be sad about right now

No. 998980

Happy birthday nonna, wish we could be stoned together

No. 998985

My brother is a streamer and its so fucking infuriating to hear

No. 998992>>999006

I got back from a long tiring trip during a rainstorm yesterday and my whole body was aching. All I wanted to do was rest when a roach crawled up on the wall, fell on my bed and crawled inside my biscuit packet. I cried and screamed I was just so tired and wanted to rest. I couldn't even go back to my room knowing the roach might still be there.

No. 999006>>999048

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Noooooo nona I'm so sorry. Was it one of those big ones or was it like the tiny german roaches? I hate those mfers. It's winter here so I'm not seeing any for a while but as soon as summer rolls around I will see them like once a week

No. 999008

Happy birthday anon. Love you

No. 999016

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I used to have a huge problem with sex dysphoria when I was a child. I've reached peace with being female and having a female body now but it was a really shitty time in my life where it always felt like I would never fit in being an autistic female attracted to women. I confessed this to my sister (I used to identify as a trans guy to her) and at first she was really accepting and even peaked. But she always makes fun of me and says I think I'm "not like other girls" and I'm "sexist" if I do something as simple as pick a dark blue phone case instead of a pink one like hers. I have nothing against women who are feminine or whatever, I just hate how I'm forced to be. It's like she thinks because I detransitioned, I was supposed to magically become a feminine woman instead of accept being a masculine woman. It's so retarded, and I hate how people conflate sexism with a personal distaste for femininity. Sexism is hate and prejudice against women, not fucking make up and the color pink. Shit like this is why my tween self wanted to be a boy

No. 999021

it fucking hurts so much!!! Please God i promise i wouldn't be degenerate again please make it stop it's almost Christmas don't do this to me make it stoppp!! I just want to sleep but the pain won't let me

No. 999024>>999025>>999028

10 days ago i had to go to the hospital because of a bad uti with high fever, i was already on a course of antibiotics that failed. at the hospital they prescribed me a 10 day course of cipro, things were going well up until day 7 when i noticed my symptoms were beginning to return. now my uti is back and i took my last pill, fml. i have to go back to my doctor but im across the country visiting my family. i have to pee every 45 minutes and it’s so uncomfortable. im kind of scared that i caused irreversible damage to my bladder when i was addicted to ketamine last year. ive never had a uti like this before. pray for me nonnies

No. 999025>>999038

I'm praying for you nonny! I've also been having issues with vaginal infections, it's truly hell especially when you think the symptoms are going and they come back stronger than ever

No. 999028>>999038

Drink as much water as you can. Had a ketamine addiction, it's been 7 years since I stopped, but my bladder is still fucked. I have to pee every 10 minutes and the pain only eases up when I'm constantly drinking water. Be honest with your doctor about everything so you can get proper treatment. Best of luck to you anon. Take care of yourself.

No. 999038

thank you sweet nons. ive been drinking lots of water, i need to cut out caffeine and alcohol though but it’s hard with the holidays. im hoping it’s not ketamine related, i haven’t done ket since the summer when i relapsed and my uti symptoms only got bad a few weeks ago. plus the antibiotics did help somewhat at first. i have noticed though, in general i have been peeing a lot more frequently since i started doing ketamine, and at the peak of my addiction i was having bladder issues that subsided after i quit the first time. i wonder if i somehow damaged the structure of my bladder, it seems a lot more sensitive now. i need to see a urologist asap i think

No. 999043>>999047

I've been severely abused by someone with BPD, actually I think I've been abused by several people with BPD. Most normies are very manipulative and most humans are very manipulative and being manipulative is an indispensable trait in society. I have PTSD from all the abuse I've been through although sometimes I question myself but it's just how my abusors have affected me mentally into thinking I am the evil one. I'm extremely sensitive and I always fall pray to sociopaths. How do I learn being more manipulative and less vulnerable? If I don't learn it I will die very soon by the time I'm 30 because of my environment and not being able to hold down any job. Even holding down a job implies manipulating people. Most interactions imply manipulation.

No. 999044>>999050

my dad just died and my boyfriend just told me that I'm a crazy and stupid bitch I didn't think he would call me that ever. I'm so sad and so hopeless, all my friends are having fun with their families right now I can't bother them but I'm so shocked and so sad, I can't.

No. 999047>>999049

the girl that abused me turned everyone against me and nobody believed she was abusing me and she made people believe I was the one abusing her. It made me develop psychosis and I believed for 4-6 months that I was evil because my already low self esteem dropped down even more to the point where I believed I was evil and manipulative when I'm actually unable to manipulate or hurt others not even on a normal level to get ahead in life. I'm always targeted by sociopaths/psychopaths. I was severely abused as a child which made me develop very low self esteem so I think they smell me immediately. I'm also very receptive to other's beliefs or references and such or their opinions about me. How do I learn to impose boundaries and make people see me for my real value? I grew up in a very abusive environment and absolutely all my friends until now have been abusive, I swear. I just don't want to approach humans anymore. I think I'm developing agoraphobia

No. 999048

It was an american cockroach, and idk if that's considered big but it was a full grown one and that's
already pretty huge for me. I slept in another room the whole night. Hoping for a more roach-free future the both of us!

No. 999049

I'm convinced most humans have a personality disorder or sociopathy/psychopathy. Being part of society is all about persuading and getting other to be by your said and manipulating people into liking you.

No. 999050>>999053

Anon please reach out to your friends. If I were in their shoes I wouldn’t mind being there for a friend in your position at all, regardless of the time of the year or whatever. I’m really sorry about your dad and I would give you a hug myself if I could. Also it goes without saying, but you need to break up with your boyfriend.

No. 999051

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ntayrt but I would also love a christmas card if it's still on the table. I'd send you one back too

No. 999053

We took a walk to clear my mind and he said something like "remember when we met? I liked you more when you didn't talk" and he said it was a joke but it really hurt me and a told him but he just said that he needed to go and that I was toxic and called me that. And thank you, nonna. I really appreciate it
I will talk to someone thank you. And yes, I think is time to break up. Thank you.

No. 999063

I hate how men are never punished or criticized for using their sexuality to get money or attention. There's countless eboys on Twitch and Youtube and TikTok but 4chan incels don't foam at the mouth at them like they do to women. Even the term eboy is not as degrading as egirl. Egirl is basically used as prostitute. There's even a handful of men with onlyfans. I hate this gay earth. Men have such a huge advantage in the present. The advantage of the past and also being considered equal to women so they can use their sexuality and they're not required to be house keepers and husbands or have any responsibility or go to war. FUCK THIS GAYYY EARTHHH

No. 999068>>999079>>999082

I've been with my boyfriend for six years and I can't decide if I want to marry him or break up. I go back and forth day to day. I'm pretty happy with him and our relationship, except our sex life lacks passion. Our sex life has always been difficult on my end, I don't think I've ever been super into him sexually except for the beginning. It's been getting a lot better but I'm afraid I'll never have that raw passion for him. I think about other men often and want to experience truly hot sex…
The worst part is, I never really expected to have super hot passion with the person I will marry. I think that kind of thing comes more easily with men who are bad for you. But I got with my boyfriend at 21 and was very inexperienced. I feel like if I just could have experienced it for some time in my life, I wouldn't care much now.
Aside from that, my boyfriend is amazing and I feel so selfish, like I should just let him go and find someone who can commit without hesitation. Sadly he is most of my social world now and I'll be so alone without him. I stayed with him for all this time because I think he is the "right choice" for me, and if I break up with him I don't think I'll love again. There's more I could say but this is already too much of a blogpost

No. 999074>>999075>>999076>>999084>>999185

I spent the day arguing about troons and made up sexualities with the man I am dating. He was offended when I told him that if you call yourself demisexual and are not a teenager, you are fucking dumb. He's an autist, so obviously he's gonna fall for that kind of shit but I don't know if I can deal with that. I also fucking hate how I never know what emotion he has because he always has a blank face. I'm a bpd bitch so it just makes me feel insecure not knowing how he feels.

No. 999075

he sounds like a retard, dump him

No. 999076>>999185

>dating an autist

No. 999079

Take my advice with a grain of salt, but only marry the right kind of man if you want to make a family with him. Not everyone is up to raising kids and that's fine. Otherwise sleep with all the hot unstable men you want. Men do it all the time and don't feel guilty about it in the slightest.

No. 999082

Anon if it's literally just a sexual aspect just bring it up in conversation. Don't straight up tell him his sex lacks passion but talk about each other's fantasies tell him what your into. If he's unwilling to listen then that's when you know it's time to move on.

No. 999083

There’s a girl I know by proxy who is probably going to turn into a cow in the near future. She’s not exactly milky in terms of drama which is a good thing but she’s going down a path so many cows have gone down and I just don’t see it ending well for her. It’s unfortunate and I genuinely hope she doesn’t continue messing up her life but she’s venturing further into sex work; first it was posing in lingerie for social media and some burlesque. Then she posed full frontal for an indie magazine and had an onlyfans for a few months. As a side gig she was doing hair and makeup for a pornstar (which by itself I guess would be a non-issue but combined with everything else it’s a red flag). It hasn’t been released yet but this month she shot a softcore porn video for a major company. This didn’t all happen in rapid succession, or at least it didn’t until OF; it’s been building since 2015 so everything is kind of low key and not so much in your face.

None of this should bother me but it does. The further she goes, the sadder she looks. Her eyes are dead now and there’s fewer and fewer posts of her smiling. People that are closer to her have noticed a change in personality. This girl isn’t terribly dumb, comes from a lower middle class family, and used to have her shit together. Why waste so many opportunities? It’s one thing to be a sensual person and share a little here and there but this pipeline of regular everyday girls becoming e-whores is beyond depressing.

No. 999084

Do yourself a favour and don't date autists, especially male ones. They'll ruin your damn life

No. 999085

I edited a pic of myself to have narrower shoulders and now I wanna kill myself, why would I do this

No. 999086

Am I horny because I miss him or do I miss him because I'm horny? Wish I could fuck him and move on either way.

No. 999097>>999137>>999347>>999368>>999373

Nothing more pathetic than trying to pass as a cultured educated individual while you have NO taste. Liking the most basic music and thinking this makes you an interesting person. Trashy girls will always remain trashy because even if you have an education taste is something you develop on your own, it cannot be taught. Thinking about a particular girl in my group who won't shut up about her fantasies of meeting an older cultured man while she thinks Marilyn Monroe is the epitome of style. I probably sound like a stuck up asshole but this snobby behavior she has while having no taste to back it up makes me kek

No. 999098

had a horrible dream about my ex which brought up a lot of feelings around low self-esteem and feeling as if I'm replaceable. I wish I could learn to like myself and to untie my self-worth from whether or not someone is romantically interested in me

No. 999137

Lol Katherine Harlow in /snow is the cow for you. I agree… you can’t fake being cultured and high class. You either are or you’re not. Nothing wrong with either but pretending you are makes you look even dumber.

No. 999157

"The way I acted during mine and anon's relationship wasn't good at all, and I regret that"
While I'm happy to hear that you say that to others, since I was worried that you would spread shit about me considering how you talked about your other ex, don't fucking act like you're taking some sort of accountability for how you treated me during our relationship you when you haven't even ATTEMPTED to apologize to me you piece of absolute garbage. It's only been 1,5 years (barely any time at all to truly reflect imo) and I know you follow me on social media so how about you own up to your bad behavior and apologize to me. I still carry so much hurt from the way you acted, ASSHOLE.

No. 999164>>999184

I woke up and immediately started thinking how no one really likes he and are just pretending to be my friend so they won’t feel guilty when I eventually off myself. Then that Segway into thinking about HOW I could kill myself. I live with a roomate and my three cats currently and I don’t have anything I could OD on. I don’t want to bleed out and I don’t wanna hang myself. I’m a pussy I just want something quick and painless. I don’t even care I’m leaving behind my cat, who cares. They can go back to my parents. What’s the big deal. I’m just tired. I’m really tired. I’m tired and lonely and I’m tired of feeling tired and lonely. Whose really going to care anyways. You know? It’ll be better this was all things considered. No one wants me anyways so why not.

No. 999184>>999186

>Whose really going to care anyways
There is always someone who cares after the fact. If you feel no one cares now, make yourself care. It may take a minute to happen and can be hard but genuinely caring about yourself is one of the most freeing things a human can do. When you care about yourself, you don’t care how others feel; you still have emotions and your feelings can get hurt but it won’t affect how you feel for yourself and you’ll eventually see how retarded 90% of an hero reasons are.

No. 999185

This >>999076
You people never learn

No. 999186>>999187

“Caring about myself” self care isn’t going to make me feel any less like I wanna die. Killing myself would be the most “not caring about what others think” move I could think of. Because I don’t. Because THEY don’t care about me. No one fucking does.God knows I’d certainly feel better after the fact. Because I’ll be dead as fuck and I’ll never have to care about myself or anyone ever again

No. 999187>>999203

No. 999188>>999191>>999198

File (hide): 1639921749248.jpeg (92.91 KB, 564x565, D892F2FB-7EB2-4047-90B6-26A22E…)

CP thread in OT idk how to report it without opening it… here’s a possum to bless the front page in case there’s more being posted throughout the site

No. 999191

Okay I went and reported it, it’s been up for 2 hours wtf

No. 999198

Click on the lil white square next to it and then it’ll come as a report, you can add a reason if you want but not necessary

No. 999203

NTA. I know you are trying to be witty, but better help is a scam. I beg whoever needs mental help to look for anything else

No. 999206

Great, now I'm probably sick just days before Christmas, i usually love christmas carols but now i feel they mock me with their positivity

No. 999223>>999334

What laptop is it?

No. 999224

My friend is coming to visit me in my country(yay!)
I'm so excited to meet her but the stupid airport people lost her luggage. They've found it now and will get it to her in her hotel but I feel so bad for her because that means she's not wearing any warm clothes right now. It's cold here. Why do airports have to be so stressful?

No. 999242

I was doing good not thinking about my ex and moving on, but I met him randomly in the street. What the point of living in a megalopole if I am still bumping into the one person I don't want to see? I feel massively sad now. It sent me back in a spiral. He looked great and so carefree.

No. 999256

>sister is awful at math, and barely passes it
>"Should I take A or B level math? What if I need A level for some university?"
>"I think you should take B level math, just to be safe"
>she storms out of the room and slams the door
>"Nooo I won't make it into any university! I give up, fuck you all!"
Jfc, I wish she didn't have such thin skin, but I am not her mother and she ignores everything I say

No. 999261

Someone in the family got covid and now we're not even sure what's happening for Christmas. I'm very frustrated. I missed last Christmas because my cat needed a very serious surgery and we had to stay home and help him heal. I miss sitting by the fire.

No. 999334

Macbook Pro 2018, biggest waste of money

No. 999341>>999345>>999350

I don't know what I ever did to make everyone in my family hate me. Is it a middle child thing? Because I wanted to give a book to my niece instead of my mom's grandson she threw all my books down the stairs and put them outside for people to take. "I bought them for you I can do whatever I want with them!" Threatens to kick my dad down the stairs all while the 50 pound dog that bit them multiple times is getting ready to do it again, to drag me by my hair into the job I just quit to help her pack to move. Comes into my room that has never had closeable doors, taunts me multiple times, throws a water bottle at me while I'm trying to make it look like I'm busy throwing stuff away so she doesn't punch me. It happens so rarely but it has taken 21 years to realize that I am genuinely afraid of even slightly angering my own mother or she will go crazy, destroy/ throw away my things, beat and throw water and hard stuff at me. And I'm moving with them to a house with a smaller bedroom because I have no money or friends except an orbiting moid who would rape me if he could.
Why is it a crime to NOT want people to take your things and do whatever they want with them? My parents wonder why I have anxiety, if standing up to them means getting punched in my arms by my dad and really hurt and threatened by my mother why do they expect me to be some outgoing sociable person who can dish out insults and defend herself without a sweat? I'd join some drifters home/commune thing but I want privacy and no fear of attacks from men in my living space,rapists, kidnappers and I'm probably too old.

No. 999345>>999384

Are you me? I was in the exact same situation as you when I was your age. Get out ASAP. It's them, not you. I hope you're moving somewhere with doors and job opportunities. If you think you can work from home/call center without them throwing shitfits in the background and ruining your employment, there's plenty of stuff starting at 15/hour (if you're a burger, I don't know about other places). Pulling for you, nona

No. 999347

What kind of things are considered non-basic/good taste?

No. 999350>>999384

God are you me? My life was exactly like this. I actually met my now husband at 21 and he saved me from that shit. I was so embarrassed though, his family are like saints compared to mine. In our first two months of being together my father and brother got into a huge druken fight and broke one of the living room windows and my dad called me drunk while I was at my bf's house begging me to come help him in this frantic tone. I was terrified and rushed home to find him passed out in his lazy-boy, glass and blood all over the floor, and my cat hiding under my bed shaking like crazy. I called my bf because I was so shocked and I couldn't stop crying and he came over and helped me clean up all the glass and blood and never said anything negative and was so supportive. He still treats my family with respect every time we visit but he tells me how he'll never forgive them for hurting me. I hope you escape, or maybe even meet someone like I did who can help you grow into the kind of person you want to be who isn't scared 24/7 and who isn't constantly second guessing themselves wondering if you're the crazy one.

No. 999364>>999371

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Desperately trying so hard not to alog and sperg right now but holy shit some of you really need to get your ass best maybe that’s just the only way, violence is the only way yes that’s exactly what I’m saying

No. 999368>>999387>>999417

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Marilyn Monroe had a great style though, her photo albums are a pleasure to look at for that reason. I'm not even talking about her glitzy outfits, but casual ones. A small part of the charm is that a white shirt and jeans look great on her. Her outfits were genuinely good though and she rightfully is a fashion icon.
I understand that for that reason it's "basic" to love her style instead of Nana Rapeblossom's, some obscure Japanese blogger's or whatever altcow's that is making the rounds on Instagram.

No. 999371>>999393

i see ur taking the unpopular opinion thread too seriously, dont worry nonners its all paralympics

No. 999373


No. 999381

File (hide): 1639937472052.jpeg (65.57 KB, 827x787, 2EEC8DBA-B904-499C-84EA-844E53…)

I hate it when anons reply to like, 5 different posts at a time like we were all waiting for them to share their opinions or something

No. 999384>>999388>>999392>>999925

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I'm moving from a city with sidewalks, restaurants and little shops to a suburb: no sidewalks, shops are side of the road things at least 10 minutes away only accessible by car, 2 houses away from a highway because they want to possibly retire in the next 2 years. The only plus is a small gardened area, maybe my mind will change but them being gone for most of the day will help. If I can find an online job/ wfh that's not a scam, that would be the greatest help I could get.
I just don't understand how even my older and younger sisters tell me I'm acting like a spoiled brat, bc no one listened to what I explicitly and repeatedly told them a week ago: that I wanted to buy my first drink by myself to celebrate the milestone of turning 21. Instead I got a screaming lecture on how I'm not focused on important things and will become an alcoholic. I have NEVER threatened to stab anyone, bullied anyone, made bomb threats, smashed my daughter's cake and pulled a knife on her for crying, snuck out at night, skipped school, hung out smoking weed in a hotel room full of guys, sold my laptop for money, tried to kill myself over a boyfriend like other people did in my city. But I'm the daughter who gets yelled at, told I'm being disrespectful and dramatic by defending myself from my dad's verbal abuse. And none will ever know except anons who read my vents. I can only tell literal strangers instead of shitty therapists they try to force on me for "acting crazy". Literally while I was typing this most, if not all of my sewing material was thrown away, but if I say or do anything my room will be destroyed.

No. 999387>>999423

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I realize I gave a pretty boring example… this tumblr has a pretty wide selection of her outfits:
I understand her style isn't for everyone (and wouldn't look good on many people), but I could never side-eye anyone for looking up to her

No. 999388

Samefag, at least I have the retarded shitposts thread, my cat, and movie night as a way to cope kek. /ot/ has been a blessing to me

No. 999392

The parallels in our lives are wild. I hope that those parallels mean you'll also get out very soon.

No. 999393

ty nonny it was pissing me off kek

No. 999417>>999433

nta but I don't really see how wearing mostly one-pieces (aka require no/little styling) and boring basic tops and bottoms = great style

No. 999419

I have to work new year's eve and new year's day and my shifts start early in the morning. I don't have a bf or a friend that lives in my town and my family all live miles away. I'm going to have to celebrate the new year alone and also probably be in bed early and have to try and sleep through the entire world celebrating. I'm so sad. I'm speaking to a guy I like but I don't want to invite him over for the new year because I don't want to start the new year off with a probable one night stand. How fucking depressing.

No. 999423

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Thanks for posting she is so beautiful

No. 999433>>999461

You still have to choose your pieces (taking your body shape into consideration), accessorize, match shoes and bags, wear clothes accentuating your body etc. Check out the blog if you want. The sweaters and shorts, as well as what's now seen as vintage dresses, Marilyn's glamours outfits… all of them are timeless and iconic.
>I don't really see how wearing mostly one-pieces (aka require no/little styling) and boring basic tops and bottoms = great style
It doesn't matter how many clothes you put on yourself — what matters if it looks good.

No. 999441

I hate it when another farmer with a vendetta against an old anon accuses me of being the same anon but I guess that's life and it happens to the best of us

No. 999458

Mitski is coming to my city next year around my birthday and I can actually afford them but it seems like these new covid variants are gonna fuck a lot of shit up so I'm afraid to jump the gun and get a ticket. Why did the second coming of the fucking plague have to happen

No. 999461

Okay, I still don't really agree with her style being great or iconic but your point about choosing clothing that fits your body type is fair.

No. 999484>>999529>>999539

the constant struggle of being a south asian woman and being very attracted to certain south asian men but deeply, utterly despising them to your very core at the same time. pls dont ban for racebait this shit just gets on my nerves

No. 999490


No. 999518>>1000364>>1000366

newfags in the lolcow discord are literal lolcows

No. 999529

I’m central Asian and same. Our men can be hot, but why does our country have to be muzzlim

No. 999539

I hate the scrotes from my country so much that I've lost attraction to even the ones considered conventionally hot

No. 999560>>999578

I love my grandma and most the time taking care of her is not as bad as my grandpa was but man I cannot stand when she has a BM accident. I know she can't control it I just am someone who pukes easily so everytime I gotta get her cleaned up from that I WILL puke at some point.

Like today I'm getting her bed cleaned while she's on the commode and go to clean her up. Well she cant tell if she is going or not so she stands up, I wipe & then a log falls right into my gloved hands. That was it this time, immediately puked in the sink. So now not only do I gotta clean her up & get her changed & clean the toilet & floor but now I got a nasty ass sink to clean too ugggggh.

No. 999569>>999647

Dunno if anyone is interested but I got accepted to the internship program!!!!! I promised to report back so here i am

No. 999578

Nonnie I commend you for being able to do that. I genuinely don't know if I could ever take care of old people no matter how much I love them. Especially with how easily I've been getting grossed out recently.

No. 999597>>999619

my bf bought me airpods, three months later I've lost them. Can't find them with Find My service, have looked everywhere. I feel bad about losing them because they are so expensive. This will be my last Apple phone, their products get more and more inconvenient.

No. 999605

I'm really struggling with some strong self hatred. It feels like I'm a burden on everyone around me, especially my parents. The fact that I'm 24 years old on their payroll and just barely dragging my ass through college isn't helping. Right now it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. As if I will never be able to put out the kind of work volume people expect of me. So I'm just perpetuating this holding pattern, trying to convince everyone around me that I'm just finishing my degree and will totally get a 40h job after. Something I can't really believe myself anymore.

No. 999617

After years and years of successful home haircuts, today was the day I fucked up my bangs. I look like a goddamn clown. I look like I'm polyamorous. I hate this shit and nothing I'm doing is making it look any more tolerable. Guess I'm going to get my pronouns asked for the next 4 weeks.

No. 999619


Have you checked all your purses and any jackets/coats you've worn in the last couple months? That's where all my shit ends up being found.

No. 999620

Why does my mom invite family to sleep over at our house when we have no fucking space? Maybe if you didn't baby your grown ass middle-aged sons they would've moved out by now and we'd have room for everyone.

No. 999647


it’s only up from here

No. 999650>>999671

I’m sorry, I’m a bitch, but I refuse to believe that a 15 years old teenager still believes in fucking Santa in our third world country. That’s bullshit, seriously.

No. 999666

Just did my Christmas shopping for my failson uncle. I put it off for so long because I didn’t know what to get him, not because I don’t know him well but because he literally has nothing going on. He’s nearly 50 and has no wife, no kids, no long-term relationship, no pets, no homeownership, and no hobbies. All my moms brothers and uncles are failures to some level but he really takes the cake. Imagine Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons but if he was also really into the rave scene. His Facebook is exclusively photos from 10+ years of him and friends off the shits at raves, posing with women who the older I get the more I suspect were sex workers. He smoked something at my cousins wedding that turned him into a lunatic, and we had to drive him back to where he was staying with my grandparents, from which he disappeared in the middle of the night and didn’t show up again until 10am the next morning. He can’t drive, has a shit menial call centre job and absolutely no ambition to elevate himself, and yet he’s still got a scrote sense of superiority. About 10 years ago my dad offered him a short-term stay on our farm so he could teach him to drive the paddock car and eventually help him get his license, and he turned up his nose at him and said he “prefers to fly” (he actually has to take e bus for 5 hours every time he visits his parents kek). He’s also just a weirdo dick in general. My sister had a big birthday party a few years ago, and he stormed the DJ booth to play trance music that not a single person wanted to listen to. He also pulled me aside to make sure my (early 20’s) friend didn’t think he (mid 40’s) was following her around all night, bc he’d “seen her around” before in the city and didn’t want her thinking he was stalking her or some shit. Just shows were his mind is at when that’s the first thing he thinks to make sure of kek.
I just genuinely don’t know how men can cope with being such huge failures. It’s especially frustrating that my grandparents give him a pass and coddle him for being a failure to launch when they kicked my mother out at 15 and made her drop out and get a job to support herself for basically no reason.

No. 999669>>999670

Oh my fucking god who in their right mind gets someone a HUNDRED DOLLAR GIFT CARD to a fucking place theyve never even mentioned before
i dont care if i sound spoiled ive been struggling with money so fucking much and they still got me a $100 non-returnable bath and body works giftcard when they couldve given at least a fucking walmart or target one? Even if i wasnt poor as shit it would have made sense since it’s at least broader.
Great I have no groceries but hey at least I can get fucking hand sanitizer meant for little girls.

No. 999670>>999677>>999687

I can’t even fucking sell it because NO ONE FUCKING SHOPS THERE
Maybe I’ll just buy some lotions and shit to donate to a womens shelter idk, couldve really fucking used that money though

No. 999671>>999680

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No. 999677

There are websites you can sell giftcards to although it won't be for the same amount

No. 999678>>999723

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I felt so depressed lately that I dyed my blonde hair to black, straight up black box dye with no color filler in between. I’m 30 and hated how older I looked with it and was just tired of trying to get the “godly platinum white hair” while killing my natural Mexican hair with bleach and hair color remover.

I’ve been platinum blonde in the past with the help of professionals but I’m broke so I’ll just wait to get a permanent day job to afford it all again. It’ll probably fade to navy blue like before (this ain’t the first time I’ve done this) and I’m cool with that ‘cause I won’t be dying it for awhile. Picrel isn’t me

No. 999680

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No. 999686

A few years ago, my dad got a job in his home country so he basically moved to live there, which was fine with me and my family because he travelled a lot for his old job and we were basically used to seeing him a few times per year anyway. Since Covid happened, he obviously hasn’t been able to see us much, which is fine with me because again, I’m pretty used to not seeing him. Except my mom tells me about how he complains about how lonely he is all the time and she even tells me that he’s cried on the phone to her before too because he’s been so isolated because of Covid shit. This is the second Christmas that he’s probably going to spend by himself and I can’t help but feel guilty because that must really suck. We also suspect that he might be on the spectrum, so it’s not like he’s made any friends at his job either. My mom is honestly happy that she doesn’t have to see him because they don’t get along and my brother doesn’t seem to give a fuck either. I guess it makes sense that they feel that way but I can’t help but feel bad. I’m not super close to my dad or anything, but I guess I feel bad knowing how lonely he is and how little my family cares. I know I could probably reach out to him more too if I wanted to, but because we’re not close it just feels really awkward to me… I guess he could reach out more if he wanted to too.

No. 999687

There are places online you can sell gift cards for 80-90% of the original value. It’s a pretty popular store I thought, lots of people load up on their candles and smelly shit

No. 999723>>1000240>>1000243>>1000264

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Good for you. I've always adored black hair and found bleaching/blonde worship to be the most overrated aspect of women's beauty. It's so annoying having sisters say their fried hair is so "luxurious" when it doesn't suit their skin tone and bleaching is so much more damaging. I wouldn't recommend box dye at all but it's too late now kek.

No. 999761>>999763>>999830

im visiting my parents for christmas and i'm scared my dad is going to kill me and my mom. I would just leave and go back to where I live now but i'm scared to leave her alone with him now and if I actually did say something to her about it she'd think i'm insane. which I realize that I do sound insane. i'm probably just being paranoid. but earlier he got really mad at us and called me a fucking bitch to my face and yelled at us calling us fucking idiots. i thought he was about to hit me. he never has been like this, ever. i'm worried there's something wrong with him now that's making him act like this and that his behavior is becoming unpredictable. I don't have a lock on the door but I feel like I need to barricade it. but then I worry if he finds it and realizes it might make him angry again.

No. 999763>>999771

Idk if this is helpful advice, but you should take protection. Maybe also let another relative know about your situation incase anything happens.

No. 999771>>999775

yeah I just went and got a small knife I keep in my car just in case. I don't have any other family to say anything to, my only family is my parents… if he kills us I hope the police search my computer and find this

No. 999774

how many times has this been posted kek

No. 999775

If you have anyone close to you at all then you should tell them. I hope everything goes ok anon. I hope I don't sound like I'm trying to make you paranoid, but please let us know if you and your mom are safe.

No. 999784>>999828

Christmas is stressful, I'm not sure what to get my BF. He bought me a new phone, how do I compete with that? So far I have a tortilla blanket, an Attack on Titan shirt, a mouse trap (because he has mice in his place) and a 2 liter of Sprite (he loves Sprite). What else do I get him!? Shopping for men is hard.

No. 999828>>999837>>1000033

Get him a nice cologne. That's something you can both enjoy.

No. 999830

girl, if you sincerely feel this afraid, you NEED TO leave. if you think your mom won't take your concerns or advice seriously, you should just go. if your dad decides to attack and kill your mom, what are you going to do about it? you know what i mean? you can't do anything except maybe call the police and she may already be dead by then? both of you may very well end up dead before you receive help. no offense but i feel even with the knife, a man (who i presume is larger than you and men tend to be stronger even when not fit) with a weapon is more likely to overtake you if they have their own weapon

No. 999832

Shrink told me it might be good to think about the things I didn't like about him. It hurts to do, though.
I honestly wish he hadn't gotten me kinda excited about my birthday. It made things so much worse when my birthday came. I know it wasn't a bad intention but it fucked me up. I didn't know my BD could feel even lonelier.

No. 999837

this is a good idea! my bf recently bought himself a nice cologne (i think dior) and it has been great for me too plus the lasting power is great! washed my top and i still smell the cologne

No. 999839>>999842

I got my grandpa a gift for his birthday that I thought he’d love and was really excited to give it to him but he obviously hated it and I’m so upset. I feel so stupid

No. 999841

Why do people ghost me? I completely understand sometimes it’s the best/safest way to go, but I consider myself to be a pretty stable and understanding person? A straight up “this isn’t working for me” would be fine. Or even if they just stopped initiating conversation. But to just disappear into thin air and leave me wondering what happened and what did I do wrong is just cruel.
I’m a mature adult and I don’t think it’s too much to ask the same from the people I’m interacting with.

No. 999842

awww nona! i really doubt he hates it. if he is anything like mine, he just hates when people spend money especially if its spent on him. i think no matter what it is, he appreciates it inside.

No. 999854>>999857>>999860>>999864>>999871>>999882

Posters on here are so intellectually dishonest and intent on distorting points. It's tiresome and actually very pathetic. I can't tell if there are just more men or you bitches have really lost it over the past few years.

No. 999857


No. 999860

It's about not losing the internet battle

No. 999864

What else do you think anonymous image boards are for?

No. 999866>>999895>>999924

Makes me lol sometimes how salty anons are on here
And sometimes it makes me sad
Like I know I gotta pick my battles so I mostly lurk
But I’m drunk now so I don’t have a filter anymore
Like I love when anons take down predators or creeps or people that are dishonest / shitty
But I don’t love when anons are like ew her style choices are bad or ew gross nasty acne
Because it’s petty and stupid and not milk u bitches get it together
And yet I want to be friends with you sometimes even the hella salty ones. But maybe you’d just turn on me if I was real with you or something idk
Sage because this post is also stupid

No. 999871>>999882>>1000369>>1000482

it's always been like this on lolcow but when I was younger I used to think it was normal. Most threads of cows are filled with exaggerations, most cows barely have any milk and the anons are just exaggerating and demonizing them. Keep in mind this place is filled with sex workers, cosplayers, ethots, BPDers, weeabos and fujos and just pretty much the mentally ill. I go to /snow/ /pt/ monthly and all the posts in the threads of the cows seem made by 10 anons at max that simply mentally obsess over the cow in question. No, I don't think Lori being a 35 year old cosplayer ethot is milk. There's many other older thots that photohshop their pictures. It takes a mentally ill BPD bitch with a lot of issues in her life to obsess over another mentally ill bpd bitch on the internet.

No. 999882>>999937

What do you mean?

Then why are you here?

No. 999895>>999924

Why is this spaced like you’re composing a sonnet kek

No. 999924

KEK now I read her post singing
>sage because this post is also stupid
Yes, it is extremely stupid

No. 999925>>999928>>999930

Please realize that you are not going to get raped or qssaulted or something by moving in with strangers. Especially because you do not have to live with men.
Check Facebook marketplace and Craigslist for roommate wanted ads that have "WOMEN ONLY" or "looking for female roommate" in the title and something along the lines of "about us: we are 2 females…blabla" or something indicating the poster is a female. If it's a man it's usually pretty clear because there's sexual undertones in it.
Women posting these ads are not men pretending to be women, and you will not be hurt in these situations.
Even then, you can ask for a timestamp from them when you reach out or ask to have a phone call or FaceTime or meet up or anything to calm yourself.

Secondly, please recognize that what you are doing is a sunk cost fallacy. You are allowing your fear of the unknown to outweigh the known. The unknown in this situation being moving out, the known being what will happen if you stay living with your parents.
I'm going to tell you straight: you are being a retard to act as if staying with your parents is the "safe" choice. It is not.
Too often, we forget to evaluate the costs of the "safe" and "known" option. I want you to seriously consider what your life will be like in 5 years if you stay living with your parents.
Well… firstly, you will move to the suburb, and then you will be trapped. Then, your parents will retire. That means they will be home more to harass you. And if you're struggling to have a job, they will treat you like their little servant. Sounds pretty miserable and like you'd be even more suicidal.
Now let's weigh the cons of leaving: you have to be around strangers, you might be financially unstable.
Let's consider the pros: you won't be abused by your parents anymore, you won't be trapped in the suburb, you will have independence and not have to fear your shit being messed with ever again.
Trust me when I say, moving out is WAY easier than your parents will make it seem. This is coming from someone whose abusive parents gaslit them into believing they would never be able to afford living on their own.

You need to get out nonnie because this will destroy you. You will never be able to know how relieving and good it feels to be free of the burden of living with parents like that until you finally escape.

How much money do you have saved up? When does your family move to the suburb?
Are you in America? If so, does your state have anything like food stamps or medicare or literally anything like that?

No. 999927>>999933>>999939

I've been completely selfless when it comes to my relationship with my husband. It's partly my fault for marrying such a man, but basically I have been the driver of all things handy and domestic while juggling my own career. He doesn't care about manning up and stepping up, we have talked and argued about this countless times. Basically if I don't do things then nothing gets done. Thank goodness he refuses to see a doctor because he hasn't gotten me pregnant yet but I imagine killing myself if I threw a baby into this dynamic.
I do so much in the way of acts of service. Cleaning up after his messes and clutter without demanding his praises, cooking him delicious food most friends envy yet he rejects, taking his criticisms during chores while he sits on his ass, listening to his same work tirades which he never does anything about, putting up with settling for watching tv and going to bed at 8pm everyday because he's boring, etc.
I don't neglect him. I am very sweet to him and fuck him so that every malecentric need of his is met. Because I care a lot. He gets everything from me on demand and yet I always feel like I lose out.

A couple nights ago we had a party at our house. It took me my entire two days off but I cleaned our entire house by myself, bought all groceries for it by myself, did all the prep and cooking by myself, and then did most of the guest entertaining while husband made a drunk idiot out of himself. He contributed very little even with my nagging.
Well after he drunkenly crashed upstairs to bed early after the guests went home, I revved up a conversation with a guy I've known online for over a decade. I was angry and just needed someone validating and familiar. I didn't want to bitch to my friends. He let me vent about my day. He lives an ocean away and I will never meet him irl so I feel fine telling him whatever. Maybe I was just turned on by his levity and the genuine attention he paid to me. He flattered me with compliments, and even though I knew where it was going I did not care. I just wanted my body appreciated and to feel desired, with aggressive male energy I never get from my husband. We had a type of emotional and sexual closeness before I met my husband, so he got flirtacious and reminiscent. The conversation was turning sexual and I was starting to feel up my tits before I noticed my husband had snuck down the stairs to eavsdrop and confronted me angrily about my "cheating." He blew up at me. I apologized and told him I did something impulsive, selfish, and stupid based on my feelings, but that there was no chance of anything going further since this was strictly someone online that I would block immediately. The interrogation lasted all night and he's been ribbing me ever since. He told me that indeed the situation would have escalated into me "masturbating," which apparently is the highest of hells.
He flops back and forth between forgiving me, fucking me, but then reopening the subject to victim more. Despite how I am trying to make it up to him, he's been treating me like I dragged a man physically into our home and fucked him on our bed, and he has told me there is no difference between that and what I did. He asks me "no win" questions so no matter how I answer he cuts my response down to extrapolate something negative from it. He repeatedly says how he cannot trust me anymore.

I know I fucked up, but it feels more like a punishment and not someone truly grieving about a trespass. It's like he's gotta convince me that what I've done is somehow net worse than how he's been treating me on almost a daily basis. If I knew he was gonna treat me like getting some internet attention was the same as sucking some guy's dick or meeting up to fuck, then maybe I ought to have done so for all the trouble and hassle this little mistake has given me. It's such a man thing to blow up at their girlfriends and wives about their use of the internet for what boils down to porn purposes and equating it to betrayal. I would have been called psychotic had I called out my ex when I found the same paid camgirl sites in his browsing history, or when he'd have days out around town with one of his girl "friends" who happened to blow into town.
I told my husband about some of his behavior that might have tempted me to stray, but of course he denied it and now it's clear I will have to keep a written score.
I feel so vengeful. Why did I bother with all this effort and everything I ever did for him if he was just gonna take this moment of weakness and use it as a weapon against me indefinitely.

He says he'll work on it but I don't know if this will be worth dealing with his suspicion. I wish my company would fucking promote me already so I could afford to live on my own in case this doesn't work out so I won't become homeless for the second time in my life.

No. 999928

what's so wrong with that

No. 999930

Can confirm the first part, for my first real roomie from Craigslist and she was amazing. I had a great time staying with her and I always felt safe.

No. 999933

Hope you get out of that relationship anon, sounds terrible.

No. 999934


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 999937>>999943>>1000471

I like /ot/. I like a lot of the posts and opinions around here and especially I do enjoy threads about male cows like the Jake guy. He is a sociopath and used his girlfirend for 10 years then dumped her. I don't think everyone is bad on here and it is a unique image board and much better than other ones. I was just agreeing to the anon saying that a lot of posters are intellectually dishonest.

No. 999939

Your husband sounds like a lazy piece of shit.
>I wish my company would fucking promote me already so I could afford to live on my own in case this doesn't work out so I won't become homeless for the second time in my life.
You already know your relationship is miserable, and you already see the breakup coming.
If I were you, I'd tidy up my job resume and send out applications to jobs that pay more with a nice cover letter sucking the dick of the company to maximize my chances.
And if I were you, I'd do this until I could land a job that paid more so I could get out of this situation.

No. 999943>>999945>>1000029

As much as I like /ot/ I don’t think I have it in me to keep waiting up for >>1000000. Goodnight anons, you better make it a good one.

No. 999945

smooch, sleep tight

No. 999967

I missed my train in a really frustrating way. I was on time and in the queue filing in through the doors but with a bit of a gap of not now than a meter, the door started to close so I pressed the button to keep it open, but it kept closing then wouldn't reopen and went off.

What the fuck, it's gonna give me an insecurity about being the last one on the train now AND I'll be late for work.

No. 1000029

Just wait until she wakes up and sees the atrocity that is >>1000000

No. 1000033

I like this idea but I think it is more of a date night than a surprise present, I'd rather go with him to pick something. I added some gloves to the order since he mentioned being cold.

I finished my (online) gift shopping. One little cousin gets a Godzilla shirt. Another gets a Hisoka plush because she has trash taste. And another gets a Warrior cats book she has been wanting. All the adults are getting homemade coffee cake. My coworkers are getting donuts.

No. 1000075>>1000076

I live in a small block of flats (ground, first and second floor) and my ground floor neighbours drive me nuts with how they treat their cat. They leave the poor thing in our shared hallway/lobby area for extended periods of time with no toys or anything to keep the poor thing stimulated or entertained. I just had to get dressed and play with him for a little bit because he was incredibly lonely, and would meow/chase me whenever he thought I was going to leave.

No. 1000076>>1000080

steal their cat. Invite it in to eat. I have done this. Or I'd buy it a toy of some sort.

No. 1000080

Seconding this. If not you someone else might take it or it could run away or something. No harm done if you invite it in. Might be even able to play dumb if they find out you took it

No. 1000131>>1000135>>1000311

if it stays the same or gets worse i'm going to dump him. i am focusing on myself in the meantime, getting healthier, prettier, sociable, smarter, busier.
he is the best bf aside from this coomer shit. he hasn't done it before at all. him liking hentai was a red flag though, warning other nonnies.

No. 1000135>>1000154

he also dug himself into a hole with this one since he justified the jerking. i asked him how he'd feel if i fapped over guy friends' pics or even flirted with them, let them flirt with me, and he said he wouldn't care because he trusts me. i trust he won't cheat and i won't either but if i can get away with being a bit of a whore then i'll fucking keep simps too.

No. 1000154

this sounds like playground shit. really immature on both sides. just break up with him because neither of you sound like you want to be in a healthy relationship.

No. 1000155>>1000168>>1000236

File (hide): 1640004579787.png (297.65 KB, 680x383, 323.png)

See some "nb" scrote who likes to dress feminine posting from my town about feeling weird about going to a women/non-binary only climbing gym night event. And how uncomfortable and offended he was with the phrasing. Fuck off god, I wanna message him so bad saying piss off its not meant for you.
Fucking women always have to give a inch for them to take a mile. Can't have shit to ourselves and have to sound inclusive as well.

No. 1000167>>1000194

I really want a friend this Christmas. I want to talk to someone and not feel alone.

No. 1000168

men are so shameless

No. 1000194

Sending you love nonny

No. 1000217>>1000218>>1000229>>1000238

I'm so upset nonas. We got a new kitten yesterday and she somehow escaped. It makes no sense because when I went to bed, my door and window was closed and she was hiding under a shelf in my room. When I woke up, I turned the entire room upsided down and shes nowhere to be found. Not even our other cat(who she warmed up to right away) can seem to track her. Its so bizzare and upsetting.

No. 1000218>>1000282

anon I feel so so sad for you. are you sure she isn't somehow trapped anywhere in the house or garden? could you ask your neighbours?

No. 1000229>>1000282

This happened to my aunt, and it turned out her cat had somehow gotten into the wall/ceiling. She frantically cut a few dozen holes in her walls before leaving catfood everywhere, and he made his way out. Cats are weird like that. Keep us updated when you find them

No. 1000236

This. I was trying a dating app a few weeks back that was supposed to be for lesbians and of course here comes the “female identifying” and NB scrotes on an app meant for women. Men are fucking disgusting and it’s like they can’t fathom that no one wants their dick and they can fuck girls straight because they think their two inch chode is enough to switch a girl.

No. 1000238>>1000282

Any chance she could've opened the door or windows on her own? My cat can open the window on his own even though you wouldn't think it when you look at it. But she's probably still hiding. Have you set out food?

No. 1000240

File (hide): 1640014445649.jpeg (26.39 KB, 1200x750, 570AABD9-E54D-4486-AB94-3A1632…)

Thank you for the encouragement, anon <3 and I understand the aversion to box dyes but it was the only thing I could afford at this time (or so I thought). Those Revlon box dyes got expensive when last year, one could get two of them for $4 but the price increased to $8.

Now I look like an anime girl kek

No. 1000243>>1000260>>1000272>>1000280

blonde sucks, I've only ever gone black and red, and I'm saddened I got more compliments on red. my hair is naturally dark so i feel like black suits me better anyway, but eurocentric fetishism seems to win when it comes to color that red was better liked by people. I will never go blonde, i grew up seeing my mother dye hers blonde constantly and the results looked devastating with her skintone, to the day I'm still scared to dye it because I've seen what bleach damage did to her hair. fuck scrotoids preference for blonde. dark haired women are hotter

No. 1000254

my friend has been doing the ~uwu im so GAY~ thing a lot recently, and just said she promised not to bully me if I'm %100 straight. She's been married to her middle school boyfriend for over 10 years, has admitted she would never have sex with woman, and she's too young to be having a mid life crisis. She needs to stop being so fucking annoying

No. 1000258

I once again waited too long to get gifts for my family and now they won’t arrive in time if i order them, i feel like such an idiot

No. 1000260>>1000313

i really don't buy that liking redheads is eurocentric, the human eye is naturally pleased looking at bright colors, it's way deeper and more ancient than colonialism. that's why we like flowers and butterflies and parrots, though the eurocentrism on top of all that plays a part also, even if it's not the cause of people liking colorful hair.
but on a personal taste level i agree blondes as we see them everyday are way overrated. the blonde women i know are eh and for the fake ones the hair almost always doesn't match their undertones.

No. 1000262

Nah, they just become programmers.

No. 1000264

File (hide): 1640016157155.jpg (122.42 KB, 683x1024, light-brown-hair-color-highlig…)

This post makes me feel better about my natural black hair kek. I've been dying it a light brown for about 6 years now, but have only just decided a few weeks ago that I won't go out to re-dye it again. I realized that I'm just tired of redyeing my hair every 3 months to keep the color up, so I'm just going to grow out my hair and enjoy the black.

I also have a friend who has naturally light/ashy brown hair and I think the color is absolutely beautiful and it's my ideal color, but he dyes his hair black kek while I dyed my hair to try to achieve his natural color kek. Grass is always greener on the other side I guess.

No. 1000266

Over the summer some guy asked for my number and I gave it to him only because we had a nice conversation first and it turns out we went to the same school. Anyway, we ended up meeting up to hang out a week later and I followed anon advice and tried to make it clear it wasn't a date by paying for my own shit. It was pretty fun, though I pretty much felt afterward that I wasn't interested in dating him or anything. After the date, he ghosted me completely, which was fine with me since I wasn't keen on dating him anyway.

But looking back on it, I feel sort of self-conscious. He obviously spoke to me and asked for my number because he thought I was cute and for the week leading up to when we hung out, he was super active in texting me and sent me a lot of stuff. Then after we hung out it was basically radio silence. I'm not mad he ghosted me, but I can't help but wonder if my personality scared him off or something lol. Now I'm self-conscious in the future if I actually go hang out with or date a guy I'm actually attracted to that my personality will scare him off too. I'm sure he also might have ghosted me because he could tell I wasn't interested in a relationship, but I can't help but wonder if it was me lol.

No. 1000272>>1000313

People like red because it's rare. For me on the rare occasion I see a girl with beautiful long red hair she sure makes my head turn.

No. 1000278>>1000288>>1000314>>1000377

My birth mother who didn't raise me works with my boyfriend, and texts me odd things like "He complimented me on my dress today. It was very sweet of him. Made me smile. Boys usually don't do that." and it weirds me out. My boyfriend is polite, and my birth mom dresses very well so I don't doubt it happened, but she always words things so strangely, like she's suffering from Anime Narration or something. Sometimes the texts will be extreme details of how her boss ate something, and I love reading them aloud in a theatrical voice but sometimes it's just too weird. I'm probably overthinking it, but she struggles to type like how a human being would hold a conversation. I told her that she talks to me over text as if we have a manager-employee relationship and that she makes every single person in her life viscerally uncomfortable. She's like if a person was the feeling of a Junji Ito or Lovecraft story, or something like The Castle. Unfinished and confusing. I just don't understand why she even talks to me about such random topics, it's never warm or comforting, or really even about anything. Just rambling

No. 1000280

>eurocentric fetishism
Just say you're insecure you have the world's most common hair color next time

No. 1000282

Thanks for the responses and advice, after reading >>1000229 's comment I decided to check my wardrobe more thoroughly and turns out she had crawled her way through a gap in the bottom of the wardrobe and was hiding there! I feel so relieved that she didn't get out.

No. 1000288>>1000295

It sounds like your mother is autistic or something.

No. 1000292>>1000297

I just lost my close guy friend. I told him I liked him 2 weeks ago but he said he just sees me as a close friend. This broke my heart but we finally got over that hurdle and started to carry on as normal, however yesterday he said he didn’t want to give me mixed messages by complimenting my outfit and again clarified he only saw me as a close friend which brought back all the hurt again. He suggested we either need to forget it or not talk for a while. I wished him all the best for the future. Part of me feels I made a big mistake saying goodbye but it’s clear he can’t continue as normal when he’s acting unnaturally worried about mixed signals and having to constantly reject me.

No. 1000295>>1000374

I wish. She functions really well irl and presents really well. Over text is just confusing and bizarre, it's like someone else is using her phone or something. Reminds me of when a young woman is killed and her killer is texting the family pretending to be her, but everyone can tell something is really off. I think it's because she stopped reading like a decade ago, tbh. And her new husband has an IQ of ~70 so she has no real reason to communicate well anymore.

No. 1000297

Aw, anon, I'm sorry to hear that. It can hurt a lot especially since you guys were pretty close. Do you think you guys would start speaking to each other again in the future after some time? I understand it might be awkward right now and it might be best to let it mellow out for the time being, but if you guys really are as close as you say, the friendship should come together again.

No. 1000311

>she's still giving him another chance
Jesus, women never learn

No. 1000313

Nah, redheads were historically considered ugly and/or demonic in a lot of places. It's only recently that it's been considered attractive

No. 1000314

Honestly, I think older adults just don't really know how to text. Subconsciously there's messaging etiquette that some people just haven't learned. You can watch videos of people reading texts that their moms have sent them and it sounds like an alien communicating rather than a person lol. I guess it's a different story if she also acts that way irl, but if it's only through text then I think she's just kind of out of touch like a lot of older people and doesn't know how to text.

No. 1000318

Im so fucking tired, my mental health is so bad it physically hurts there's just this pain in my chest and I can't do anything to make it stop, im waiting for a call from the doc to get back on medication because living like this is not an option, please don't let my only option be hospitalisation it only 5 days until Christmas if I can just make it that far I'll be okay

No. 1000341>>1000346>>1000348>>1000349>>1000353>>1000356>>1000357>>1000361>>1000365>>1000375>>1000381>>1000388>>1000407>>1000421>>1000426>>1000434>>1000444

beware if a scrote contacts you from lolcow. He is very dangerous and will try dating you. He hates women, thinks all modern women are whores because they want to. He thinks women are worse than men although from an ethical perspective men are worse than women because they rape, kill and hurt women and even condition women into being whores. He is also a right winger anti semitist and thinks black people commit most crimes because of genetics and not due to socio economical factors. Stay away from him if he contacts you from lolcow, he is a sociopath. I know that because I broke up with him he will try to seek another woman from here since this place probably has his "ideal" woman. He will pretend to be a woman for the first 10 days or something until he tells you he is a scrote. He's dated another girl from here before me. He also looks inbred but is convinced he is a 8/10

No. 1000344

Yellow fever white scrotes are becoming self aware and are trying to hide their fetish but still fail miserably by bringing up how they taught in Japan like I give a fuck. I have more in common with the southern black guy in my office that loves to talk about and cook BBQ.

And now I made myself hungry.

No. 1000346

I pray this is copypasta OC

No. 1000348

I remember seeing a post about this a month or so ago? Are the you the same anon? Iirc at the time you seemed pretty pleased with the relationship even though other anons told you it was stupid to go out with someone who pretended to be a girl on LC. I guess you get what you get.

No. 1000349

Give us details and a picture, I want to know more.

No. 1000353

Might as well expose him some more now

No. 1000356>>1000436

You said this place has his ideal woman? Care providing details? We're all waiting for our ship to come in, nona, don't tease us like this

No. 1000357>>1000359

This means little to nothing if you don't give us more warning signs anon

No. 1000358

Went to try on some sexy bras today thinking of buying something nice for myself. They all gave me quadra-boobs and now I feel like no one ever must see my saggy, wide-sitting sad titties. I can sort of relate why FtMs and enbies use gender as an excuse to self-harm, I'd rather just say I quit boobs on my own instead of feeling sad looking at them.

No. 1000359>>1000363

he will talk to you fake being a woman and pretend he is understanding of women issues then he will open up about his true beliefs and link you hundreds of articles about how women cheat in relationships, are attracted to dark triad men, are attracted to abusive men and can only orgasm with a wealthy partner

No. 1000361

Hilarious to think a scrote is using lolcow of all places as a dating pool

No. 1000363>>1000367

Is he hot?

No. 1000364

They all suck

No. 1000365

>Hates women
>Thinks his ideal woman is on lolcow

Ok I suppose. Are you a NEET/terminally online farmer that only uses /g/ and /ot/? I want to know what his ideal type is and who actually is willing to date someone off a image board

No. 1000366>>1000436>>1000437

If you ask me the discord is for attention hungry weirdos, I've never seen a normal conversation happening in there.

No. 1000367


NTA but I can tell you he isn't. Attractive men aren't using lolcow as anon tinder

No. 1000369

Based and true post

No. 1000370

I don't know how retarded you have to be to even consider seriously dating a moid who actively uses 4chan, let alone one who LARPs on a female imageboard

No. 1000374

She sounds like she has a wild life kek

No. 1000375

Is it Joules

No. 1000377


Sounds like she's old, bored and trying to make small talk with you because she wants to be part of your life again but doesn't know how to get past the elephant standing between you two.

No. 1000378

i half assed a task they told me to do because i didn't know what the fuck i was doing and didn't give a shit anymore. plus they never showed me how to do that crap so whatever. they know it was me, i know it was me. i don't give a fuck anymore. they didn't bring it up to me but i assume they were talking about it when i walked in the room and they ended the conversation. they want me to do shit but they don't train or even show me how do to anything.

No. 1000379>>1000401

Hurt myself making food for my pets, drive to a doctor to get it looked after.. Bandaged up, drive 15mph in a village around a bend and hit a fucking rabbit.
It was flopping on the road. So I went back and got it. Broke its neck right there.
I don't really know what I'm feeling. I know it was necessary.. It needed to be taken care of. I killed a chick and a pigeon before that were both suffering but by other means. I didn't know I could do something like that.

No. 1000381>>1000382>>1000402>>1000409

A study about Tinder usage in Belgium by Timmermans and Courtois (2018) found that 21.87% (95% CI: 18.66, 25.07) of female users, but only 9.33% (6.48, 12.18) of male users used Tinder to engage in casual sexual relationships, i.e. 2.34 times (1.67, 3.29) as likely as men (source of these figures, also replicated below). These sex differences are likely in truth even more extreme because women are known to lie and downplay their partner counts, especially when it comes to short-term dating and sluttiness. As expected, women engage less frequently in one-night stands because that's particularly damning to their reputation, but also contradicts their choosy nature as predicted by Bateman's principle.

Similarly, a 2018 study by Rosenfeld based on the How Couples Meet and Stay Together dataset (HCMST), found that among individuals who actively date and were currently single, i.e. people who live an active, uncommitted dating life, heterosexual men met an average of 2.4 partners for dating or sex in the past 12 months whereas that figure was 5.1 partners for women.
Cohen and Shotland (1996) computed correlations between when people thought sex should start and when they actually began having sex. For the men, the correlation was not significant (r = .19), which implies they had no say, whereas for women the correlation was very high (r = .88). Moreover, women rarely initiate, and hence get to choose. Hence it is likely that women cause this pattern somewhat more than men.
This finding is strong evidence of Briffault's law which states that women have a surprising amount of power in any given relationship. The fact that women get to choose results from the principle of least interest. The party with the least interest gets to decide on nearly all conditions of a contract as the party with more interest has fewer alternative options that are as valuable to them and hence more likely makes compromises. As men are more attracted to women and are more sexually active, this means women always have much more options to choose from than men. This is a main cause of hypergamy as making compromises means dating down, which in turn implies that women date up.

this is what he sent me just now

No. 1000382

You are so boriing, post his pics or stop kvetching over his boring ass convo topics

No. 1000386

Every time I go to change boards the [lite] loads later for me and it ends up shifting every other link a few spaces so I click the wrong board and every time I do it I want to beat whoever uses lite mode because why does it do that and why are you using lite mode? Are you browsing on a Firefly phone? iPod touch first gen? Library iMac? Grow the fuck up

No. 1000388

post his pic so we can laugh or fuck off with your useless warning. Also anyone who chooses to contact anyone from here off-site is an idiot anyway.

No. 1000401

you did the right thing anon. looked out for the animal’s quality of life even though it created a traumatizing experience for you. so sorry you had to deal with any of that.

No. 1000402

post the scrote i want to see his sigma male dark triad face kek

No. 1000407>>1000412

Imagine being so pathetic you date scrotes who larp on female imageboards KEK

No. 1000409

>These sex differences are likely in truth even more extreme because women are known to lie and downplay their partner counts, especially when it comes to short-term dating and sluttiness.
Why do men project so much, kek? Whores. Anyway, please post his face anon, I want to see something.
The least he deserves is for his face to be known on a small women's imageboard. That way, we know exactly who to avoid, even if he doesn't do the same catfish schtick in the future. Incels like to use multiple tactics

No. 1000412

This. You have to be unbelievably desperate for any form of attention or have abysmally low self-worth

No. 1000421

lol is he the tradthot in the friend finder thread?

No. 1000426>>1000431>>1000441

That's not surprising at all, plenty of /r9k/ scrotes know about this site and think that it's infested by "fembots" or whatever they think is their female equivalent, which they think is their only chance at dating. Ignoring that most of the women here all probably fairly normal, except for the kind of dramasperg that they wouldn't be able to handle anyway. They want to date themselves, but gender reversed.

No. 1000431>>1000435

>They want to date themselves, but gender reversed.
They thirst for transgenders and femboys

No. 1000434

What does he look like physically? I feel like I may know him. Just give a general physical description of him.

No. 1000435

Yeah, since they absolutely can't stand women but desire them deeply. So the "compromise" they meme themselves internally is lusting after guys that are willing to perform all the porn stereotypes created by porn directors and telling them all the things they want to hear. Honestly, it's a match made in heaven.

No. 1000436

File (hide): 1640028624390.jpg (31.43 KB, 680x737, Tumblr_l_1565210350907396.jpg)

This. Idgaf if it's the 'official' discord, that shit is not lolcow, not anon, not shit.

Second hand shitty flattery shouldn't make you want to know more about this faggot. If you all are that easily swooned then no wonder the relationship thread is a mess.

No. 1000437>>1000442

Every time i’ve looked at it it was the same two or three retarded zoomers writing unfunny walls of text and elaine clit-sucking, it’s the pits

No. 1000441>>1000445

File (hide): 1640029108295.jpg (63.62 KB, 480x480, ead189bf937d8cdc52ed34e478ff7d…)

Women on /r9k/ are the biggest bottomfeeders in the entire female population on earth. Even fat bitches on 600lb life with husbands who wash their ass have more dignity and finesse than a dumb bitch constantly browsing r9k. Even female ISIS members have more to be proud of. If you're on 4chan, it should be to derail via trolling and severely piss off scroties, or to spam cock and ball torture in porn threads. "Fembots" go to hell

No. 1000442>>1000451>>1000452

I'm always tempted to join the lolcow discord just cuz I want more girl online friends. but discords suck for me. And I always figured the ones to join a chan adjacent discord might be unpleasant to interact with

No. 1000444>>1000450

She's never going to post pictures because she never got one. This dumb bitch probably spilled her guts to a nameless, faceless stranger without so much as a voice confirmation. R9k will get her nudes before we ever get a face shot of this dude.

No. 1000445>>1000451

Anyone who uses 4chan in this day & age, that's a red flag for me. I tried to use /tv/ the other day for the first time since like 2010 and the amount of derailing & antisemitism and deranged, edgy shit you need to scroll through to have a conversation is astounding. There's more intelligent conversations on Reddit than 4chan these days, and that's saying something. 4chan hasn't produced any funny OC in years either. Shit website

No. 1000450>>1000453

I dunno if she she post pictures for her own safety, because he might go nuclear, but she should give a description of him if she knows what he looks like. What she posted about him isn't unique, most young men on chan adjacent internet hold those same (stupid) beliefs and tend to act terribly, so it doesn't narrow down much. There are tons of men from the chans who would LARP as women in order to speak to women, too.

No. 1000451

The lolcow movie nights have much more pleasant anons and honestly had some great conversations there. But I know if anyone starts posting discords it would go to shit. The best nonnies stay anon, the worst are always doing the most annoying aspects of namefagging

Yeah I was on 4chan in 2008, when everyone was l33t libertarian and the only political threads were about legalizing it and later on Ron Paul, You Laugh You Lose was actually funny, /b/ was truly random, would troll cat abusers, My Name Is John copypasta, and not infested with pages of porn. Even when r9k was new there were "ask a girl anything" threads and were quite tame, it was just a version of /b/ with longer posts aiming for discussion. Any serious woman sperging would have been met with LMAO VIRGIN and they actually put faggots in their place. I always laugh when these faggots think they're edgy when their website of choice is now basically a CIA observed basket of retards, /pol/ really fucked the whole site and should not have been added.

No. 1000452

The nonna above is correct, join the movie nights instead! There's always one going on and the discord is too messy.

No. 1000453>>1000454

You're probably right, in that this nona was too dumb to interact in a way that couldn't be traced back to her. Really dumb, for real.

No. 1000454>>1000457>>1000459>>1000478>>1000498

Sure, but using this moment to beat her while she's down and trying to warn other girls isn't appropriate.

No. 1000457>>1000461>>1000463

So when is? And she's hardly doing a good job or warning when she's ignoring farmers questions

No. 1000459>>1000461

File (hide): 1640030488421.jpg (113.87 KB, 1024x683, 1625547967025.jpg)

NTA, but I agree. I hoped it was trolling but if there's anyone actually talking to males on here, please know they are preying on low self esteem BPD chans and think you're retarded. Never send pics or even entertain males, and assume any male posting on here or any chan looks like pic related

No. 1000460

This girl at my office doesn't quite understand that me ignoring her existence is the best I can do for now because I find her so annoying that if I open my mouth I will probably say something mean. But seriously fuck her and her dumb lil "pranks". Silence is a blessing

No. 1000461>>1000464>>1000466>>1000498

At least wait until she answers the questions to shit on her? Maybe she has yet to answer because she's not even here right now? Maybe she's running errands? Who knows?
KEK, what is this? Is this an /fa/ meetup?

No. 1000463>>1000466

She's probably having an anxiety attack to all the people shitting on her kek. I know I hide threads when I make an embarrassing ass of myself.

No. 1000464>>1000465>>1000469>>1000472

File (hide): 1640030837650.jpg (116.7 KB, 900x599, EjGG1zjX0AMkmX6.jpg)

That's /pol/, this is /fa/

No. 1000465

/fa/ is a fashion board right? What the fuck are they wearing?

No. 1000466

She already responded to the thread with random shit while ignoring another anons. Scroll up.

No. 1000469

Is that not Dylann Roof just shooped into the pic on the right? The guy in the middle has to be photoshopped, I refuse to believe there is a natural neck in existence that is that long.

No. 1000470


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1000471>>1000474>>1000475>>1000476>>1000479>>1000498

Oh yay, another anon who's in blissful ignorance of what site she's on. I wish all "ot only" users would just fuck right off. This is a gossip site with bonus social boards, not the other way around. If you just want to use /ot/ then do it and don't complain about the actual purpose of the site.

No. 1000472

That guys neck lmao.. his tiny head

No. 1000474

Nta, but why are you so upset? Anon didn't even really say anything that wrong. You guys need to stop being so upset when someone criticizes the this site and/or it's userbase.

No. 1000475

Oh yay, a /snow/ schizo

No. 1000476

The ot only users are here because there are no alternative spaces for women that aren't troon town or normie bullshit.

No. 1000478

I can definitely see where you're coming from, but I feel my criticism is warranted considering the fact that she hasn't actually provided any information that is useful to any of us beyond "people aren't always who they say they are online", which… duh?

No. 1000479

She has every right to complain about the gossip boards in the vent thread meant for complaining about dumb shit like this lmao fuck right off

No. 1000482

>Most threads of cows are filled with exaggerations, most cows barely have any milk and the anons are just exaggerating and demonizing them.

This site has a problem with actually finding quality content so they just talk about the same old cows, as if there aren't millions of people doing dumb shit on the internet that we can legitimately laugh at. But no, let's do another zoom on someone's inner thigh rather than make quality posts. It cracks me up when nonnas try to police InTeGRatION like this site isn't starved for content and new users already. Throw in these hags' tendency to actually get upset over different opinions, and here we are. Everyone saying the same shit, about the same people, day in, day out.

No. 1000489

File (hide): 1640032980877.jpg (98.54 KB, 1000x1000, taxidermy-fox-png-1.jpg)

Found out from my ex fiance that he and his current partner are trying for a kid, and while I don't want to have children ever or even date men anymore, it kind of made me feel like I'm behind everyone and everything. Like he's trying for a kid and has money and I'm scraping by to survive, probably too mentally ill to even be in a relationship. Idk I feel so stupid and childish for not acomplishing anything in life.

I know I shouldn't compare myself to anyone but man… can something in my life go right for once? Please?

No. 1000498


No sympathy for anyone retarded and lonely enough to entertain a scrote you met off lolcow who was pretending to be a woman. I'm sure that anon shared everything about her life and if she did get a picture of the scrote, he'd spam her nudes everywhere.


I agree with you. Those girls are tired and boring. And probably don't have people to talk to IRL so they use /ot/ /g/ and the discord instead. This isn't directed to the anons who quietly just use /g/ and /ot/. I'm talking about the ones who like to feel morally superior for it. You're not lol.

No. 1000526>>1000532

are all men narcissist and lack any emotional depth? i just talked with my boyfriend about how seeing too much scary shit online at the ripe age of 10 kinda fucked me up, which is why i think porn should be regulated, and it is overall not a good thing to have it. another thing i admitted is having had psychosis once. he did not know how to react, seemed disappointed that i'm not a perfect human on a pedestal with 0 traumas, faults and "negative" opinions. his "best" friends are people he only sees once a week and people he knows from work. he always talks about how great they are because of doing this and doing that. i am also an active person, i work two jobs and i have many hobbies, yet i am not so great now because he has also seen my "bad side". scrotes really think women are just perfect pretty little creatures who should always take care of them, but when we need some support or want a deep discussion of real life issues, we are asking for too much. too dramatic, too hurt, too sad. get a fucking grip. those people you think are so fucking perfect only appear that way because you are not actually close to ANY of them. you just don't see it up front because they are being strategic about it.

No. 1000532>>1000562

yes all of them

No. 1000561

what is it with younger zoomers (think 19 and under) and leaving out massive important chunks of info just to essentially pretend you only said one thing so they can sarcastically dunk on you. like, they either are legitimately so brain fried from the modern age of the internet that they can only read one single sentence or they are just the most delusional and annoying generation ever. and ratonally, i would say "well they are fucking teens, still mostly under 20" however i'm only barely a few years older, i clearly remeember, have proof of everyone being less retarded when it comes to online debates and simple online reading. and it wasn't even a debate or fight on my end, i just witnessed how this utter retard zoomer left out so much detail that was wrotten in plain english to try to have a witty retort and it made me realize, this is what is mainly wrong with the "new generation" of young people. i just miss when you could type a short paragraph and people in your own age range could at least comprehend it. usually i never contribute to the zoomer hate on here since i am gen z ultimately, but it's just so in your face these days how simple reading comprehension or fairly judging something is no longer in fashion.

No. 1000562

what's even the point of expecting anything from them, i am unfortunately straight but to expect love from a man seems asinine. at most they experience lust, obsession and comfort from having you.

No. 1000564>>1000572

This house always smells like shit and I can no longer take it. Between multiple cats and two housemates who nuked the toilet daily the smell knocks you over as soon as you walk in the door. I used to be able to mask it somewhat but not anymore and I don't know what to do. It's like living in a toxic waste dump smell wise. They're clean but FUCK THE SMELL

No. 1000572

switch to bulk horse bedding pellets instead of useless clay cat litter

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