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No. 1400915
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No. 1400919
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No. 1400924
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No. 1400927
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No. 1400932
>>1400914>underagedShe’s twenty fucking two
Regardless I’m glad my request has been fulfilled every time I’m angry he’s gonna be my digital punching bag.
No. 1400946
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No. 1400952
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Nah I could write a better OP than that
First, find out how old he is and his job (he is probably a NEET). Second
>/r9k/ incel and failed Reiko clone
>enters Lolcow and CC friend finder threads to find and groom his "ideal woman", catfishes as a fellow woman for 10 days before admitting to being a male and sending links to MGTOW articles
>massive attention whore with extreme mental issues, rages at any/all internet girlfriends and threatens to doxx them/leak their nudes for breaking up with him, tries to have them cut his name into their skin
>/pol/tard but supports trannies and hates women, jews and black people
>bitches about "modern women" all day and self-victimizes because he has no gf
>sends other incels and pick-mes from his Discord server to post about him on Lolcow and defend him
etc etc Anyone who knows him personally can add more. Not sure how long a thread would last, but I do think he deserves to be recognized because he's batshit insane, targets farmers/miners and is clearly abusive
No. 1400965
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>>1400960spitting image of buffalo bill. they all are.
No. 1400974
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No. 1400978
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>women are the attention whores
No. 1400984
>>1400946I’m saving this till next year then I’m gonna post it again.
In fact post it to the banners thread.
No. 1401002
>>1400986Alright, so, it’s kind of true what you’re saying. I have shut myself in coz I can’t trust anyone because of IRL traumas. But had he given me attention irl I’d probably like it. Maybe I wouldn’t lose my guard but knowing myself I would. He’s not that attractive but when you’re naive and insecure, he’s a prince at first sight. But since I’m safe behind a screen, I think objectively only nerdy and/or quirky girls would go for him, third worlders and women of color who want mixed kids.
It’s so horrible that apparently even scum like him can have their own personal
victims, but online. Just when you thought guys like him at least can’t abuse women…
This thread should exist in the google search forever so anyone male or female can be warned when they decide to form any friendship or romantic relationship with this twisted sick failure of an individual. I’m
Glad she went to vent for this.
No. 1401013
>>1401011No leave me alone, I like it here safe and comfy even when my opinions aren’t like anyone else’s.
>>1401005Please don’t laugh at me. And I didn’t mention that I’m ugly, so my standards are extremely low. And maybe we can laugh at me, but how did he even manage to collect his female friends who aren’t facially ew at all? The romanian girl is extremely beautiful as are his other
victims/friends (?). They gave him attention clearly because he’s not that ugly at all/
If I’m wrong tell me. I’ll just get plastic surgery then and maybe I’ll find him facially extremely hideous just like you non uggos.
No. 1401017
This moid admitted to posting here for years, so you can be sure it's him selfposting about his supposed good looks, this freak uses lolcow as a dating pool specifically because he knows imageboards have vulnerable women on them that are likely to fall for his obvious grooming techniques.
The screenshot of him 'I want to marry you and live with you and have your kids' which the anon wasn't even responding to kek, he clearly practices these lines to try and pretend he has anything other than seething hatred for women, and does anything other than string them along, bait and abuse them for his own amusement, like all pathetic weak men who are too scared to fight with another man.
Nonnas, if a man messages you from an imageboard, or an anon reveals themselves to be a man, block them. They will be a manipulative abuser like this scrote.
If he had anything to offer women in real life he wouldn't be specifically targeting women on imageboards, or mentally ill/abused women in third world countries,
and then going on a narc rampage when they reject him.
Consider it's christmas fucking Eve and this is what he's doing, he's from the US. where's his family or friends. Nobody wants to know this hopeless scrote.
And clearly everyone in his locality finds him to be repulsive. Steer well clear.
No. 1401040
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his entire personality truly is shitting on women and only seeing the faults of women with lack of self awareness. He does not realize he is a stupid, ugly, useless worthless moid. Objectively worse than any other woman in his social class that was given his opportunity. He truly thinks women are given some special privilege when being a woman specifically makes your life worse. You're prone to sexual abuse, harassment, being demonized, cancelled. You constantly have to kiss the asses of ugly, entitled and narcissistic scrotes like him to make it in society even if you work very hard. You have to include men and their ugly dicks in women's right's movements. You cannot talk about women without men getting their ugly asses involved
No. 1401063
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this is what he posted on Facebook. He is always the fucking victim no matter how much or how badly he hurts women he is always the victim. He willingly chose to doxx me and post my personal information out of context after grooming me from lolcow and pretending he is a woman. He has the nerve to post shit like this and constantly believes he is the victim no matter how badly he hurts others. I could have seriously killed myself today, I am in a very dark place and he chose to share my deep secret childhood trauma with the entire world and doxx me and demonize me and act like I'm some monster when he is the monster. He is deluded. He is convinced he is always the victim
No. 1401068
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No. 1401070
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he approaches women and have them trust him and then he hurts them and uses very personal information against them and then self victimizes
>>1401063 and acts like women have something against him. He is a literal sociopathic and insane abuser
No. 1401072
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steven, you're not wasting your time. Women are wasting their time with your sociopathic worthless ass and you prey on women at the lowest points. You are a predator and you deserve to be known in your circles for your abusive behaviors so that women can stay away from you
No. 1401075
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the stupid kind of 4chan pick me that always likes his post while he had the guts to constantly tell me I'm BPD as an abuse tactic when I did something he did not like. I'm genuinely traumatized and I had to work very hard my entire life. I'm not some retarded 4chan pick me that does "anon" pandering. He had the nerves to shit on me and shit on normal women while he talks with literal BPD pick mes
No. 1401077
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wow girl you're so epiccccccccc life gave you all opportunity in the world and you chose to give it all up to get attention and ass pats and attack women for the worst type of moids in the world
No. 1401079
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wow epic elf QWEEEEEN you're so based QWEEEN
No. 1401190
>>1401146Nope, but thanks for the movie recc. It actually reminded me of a Roma girl I personally knew. Same energy, the lives of the assholes who wronged her went to shit. Wishing this scrote encounters the same misery, tbh.
>>1401177>how she hopes this site gets nuked a couple months back in /ot/Sad. I thought that was Elaine with her low quality bait.
No. 1401263
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>>1400984>>1400985He would make such a good elf though. He has the face for it. Banner worthy or Ban worthy?
No. 1401305
>>1401279Stfu with your autism
Can this thread get locked please it's clearly just some autist playground and we don't want it
No. 1401451
>>1401279Pickmes really are mentally diseased huh
Shut up autist
No. 1418322
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women love cheaters
No. 1418323
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it is my fault a 55 year old man groomed and beat me when I was 18 and in the mental hospital
No. 1418326
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thinks that a woman is at fault for having her husband hide the fact that he had a cheating fetish because according to him women love cheaters
No. 1418328
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he still posts on lolcow on /ot/
No. 1418329
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>women enjoy being with cheaters
No. 1418331
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No. 1418334
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No. 1418338
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and some farmhand is protecting him
No. 1418341
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he's been posting on lolcow for years and then he will go on /ot/ making posts about how I kill cats
No. 1418342
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No. 1418343
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No. 1418344
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just so you know the scum that lives amongst you I think all posts that complain about "whores" on /ot/ should be aloged because it is very likely Steven or another incel