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No. 57404
I'm scared.
I'm 5'7" and I just hit 105 lbs
I spent two weeks without weighing myself and thought I had gained weight because I was sure my body was bigger, legs fatter, my shorts were tight. But I hadn't. My ribcage and hipbones poke out of my skin even if I don't suck in or contort my body… and yet I'm sure I look normal. I still have fat in me. I'm not fat, I know that, but I don't think I look particularly skinny either, not as skinny as you'd expect from someone with these stats.
The only time I feel I might be thin is when I take lewd pics to send my bf and I see my legs have no shape to them, they're… straight (but not stick-like because they're still thick), and my body doesn't look very sexual.
I think it's because I've been this weight for a good while now (over four months), I've gotten used to it, so instead of the "I'm thin! I'm thin!" rush I got when I first hit 105 and still remembered what it was like to be fatter, I now see my body at this weight for what it is, not in comparison with bigger. And what it really is is "still fat".
I'm scared because seeing emaciated girls who still wanted to lose weight used to boggle my mind, and now I have first-hand experience on how very possible it is to think that, and how it happens.
And I can't tell anyone about this, I don't want them to know, they'll think less of me. I know this kind of shit tends to get hate here, but lolcow is honestly the most acceptable place I can share this with, since on the forums for eating disordered people you need to actually create an account and have something like an identity (and /adv/ is too oblivious and would tell me to go eat a burger). So, um. Sorry about this. I'm just… terrified.
No. 57621
>>57408I never really had a healthy relationship with these things so "regain" is a poor word for that. I have plenty of (distorted, yes) reasons not to look for treatment, and a non-distorted one (being a poorfag).
I don't really get why people started understanding depression and some mental illnesses but not others, tbh.
>it's hard for people with depression to seek help, and that's ok but you should still try!>what do you mean you can't eat/are addicted just go get a therapist what the fuck stop playing the godamn victimA common part of being eating disordered is not wanting to get better.
No. 58071
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I love my husband more than anything, he is a perfect guy for me in every way…except sex. I've been cheating on him for about 5 years (about three years with one guy and two years with another) because he can't turn me on. He doesn't know. I also have this HUGE fetish for NTR he can't possibly satisfy.
We tried everything, but…just no. He doesn't needs sex as much as I do, so going for a few weeks without any sexual contact is completely normal for him. He doesn't cheat on me, I keep track of his accounts/phone whenever I feel suspicious. We don't go out much, so it's basically just two of us and two or three friends.
I don't even feel guilty anymore.
tl;dr - I love my perfect husband, but I use fuckboys to satisfy urges he can't.
No. 58072
>>58071That's..just awful anon. If you loved him you'd respect him enough not to fuck someone else. Get a vibrator?
Checking his accounts is really lulzy though tbh, like you're paranoid he's cheating and that's not okay.
No. 58077
>>58071Tell him and let HIM decide if he wants your awful arse or wants to work on it if you fucking stop and work on this issue WITH him. With honesty and no more cheating.
You should consider yourself lucky if he forgives you.
No. 58088
>>58087>>58087A couple of days later he called me on my phone and said he wanted to go to lunch. Since he was kind of nice to me and he gave me money, I felt obligated to have lunch with him at least.
He took me to a fancy restaurant and across it was a really expensive watch store. He asked me if I wanted a fancy watch. I can choose whatever I want no matter how expensive it gets. He also told me that he liked me. I was exactly his type and he liked that fact that I wasn't a money hungry bitch and that he was testing me at the shoe store and at the casino. He liked the fact that I dont like gambling and refused to gamble.
At this point I have to mention that the $800 he gave me the other day was forcibly given to me and I tried to give back but failed.
He proposed to make me his "woman" and in exchange he's going to take me to vacations anywhere in the world and for starters he's going to pay off all of my debts and deposit hundreds of thousands in my bank account and give me more money and designer shit in the future.
He then drove me around the city and started talking about his life while growing up and how his business started and how much of a bitch his wife was. He said his wife and him were not on good terms. The only time his wife would talk to him was to ask for money. The latest being a few days ago wherein she took $8000 to go to an international volleyball match happening in the city with 20 friends and she paid for their tickets. Prior to that she was in Tokyo for a shopping spree.
He then went to a fancy motel and made me give him a blowjob again and gave me $800 again.
No. 58089
>>58088>>58088I felt so disgusting and dirty afterwards. I really needed the money and I had debts to pay off and my life was a mess that time. I spent the whole night crying and thinking about suicide and called some friends but I didnt give them the whole story, just the summary that an old man wanted to make me his mistress and I actually thought about it. I skipped the BJ and money receiving part.
In the end I decided not accept it. I met him one last time and told him my decision. He was upset and told me I could have just told him over the phone but I said that I needed to give him the courtesy of saying it directly to his face and be upfront about it since he gave me money that is going to help me out with my current situation.
We shook hands and he walked away first, I called him to ask where I could get a taxi but he ignored me and just kept on walking.
2 days later he texted to ask how was my trip back home and that he missed me. He said he wanted me to go back to that city and he'll pay for my flights and pay me money again. All for a blowjob. I refused of course and then he said if I ever need anything I should just text him since I know his private number.
I never texted him since.
Thinking about it, he was just a very rich, very lonely man who just wanted someone to talk to and to be with.
No. 58095
>>58089Huh, did you really find that all that disgusting?
After I'm done with my education I'm going to be in tens of thousands of debts too, so for me that kind of exchange doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
People think of this stuff as disgusting, but financial support in exchange for sex? Well, it's physicality exchanged for an act of physicality. Money is worth something but at the end of the day your vagina is worth nothing.
Both can help you move forward in life however so it's good to acquire one early and the use the other one early.
That being said, it sounds like the guy might have been genuinely interested in a conversation partner as well, not just some fake prostitute who's pretending to like him for his wallet.
I'm a pretty lonely person too so I don't think I would mind this kind of arrangement.
Oh well at least you got some new shoes.
No. 58096
>>58095I did. Considering the fact that I was in a relationship that time it was.
>inb4 you answered a craiglist ad for someone to go to a casino withMy plan was to go see what a fancy casino looks like then bail out.
He offered to have a trial for 1 month. Because he was going overseas for an operation. I thought hard about it but in the end all the money in the world wont be worth ruining what I have with mu current husband. I have never cheated on him before and I guess that counted as cheating. I was in a bad spot in my life and I was vulnerable, lonely, angry, sad and stupid. I was lucky it ended like that.
No. 58103
>>58098I dont have any more stories and aside from that incident, I have never been with another guy during my relationship with my husband. That was the only time I ever cheated or kind of cheated during a relationship.
>>58101Grow up salty chan.
>>58101 No. 58107
>>58096Oooooh you were in a relationship already! Okay I forgot that part.
Still, I won't judge too harshly. I've lived in poverty before and been homeless. The desire for financial security makes us consider things we would previously never have dreamed of.
I almost became a camgirl because of my situation, but in the end I just couldn't do it to my partner.
No. 58171
>>58167I can tell you've never been poor before.
When you're in a really shitty situation with your partner you would do near enough anything to get them out of it in order to see them thrive and be granted opportunities that weren't previously avaliable to you before.
Money can give you that.
No. 58176
>>58106>>58071 and
>>58087 are two different people
No. 58230
>>58213Is he depressed? That is the only other reason I can think why he is disinterested in sex. Or maybe a hormonal imbalance. You guys should talk about this among each other, especially since you both have been in a relationship for years. Maybe he might need to see a doctor.
And there isn't much that can be done if you do break up and that makes things awkward for your friendship. Sorry, anon. It honestly isn't the best idea to date friends you want to keep, as there always is that possibility of losing them after a break up.
No. 58242
>>58230unless he's a delusional/entitled mollycoddled manchild, he should absolutely expect to lose his woman after three years without sexual/romantic contact.
a girl has needs.
if he doesn't want to lose anon, she has to make her expectations clear. if he doesn't want to change (or if he says he will, then keeps on with the same shit) then that is a perfectly acceptable reason to end the relationship.
If he tries to keep her shit, make an appointment to collect it. Just be fucking adults about it instead of doing something drastic like breaking into his house or something.
(that sounds unbelievable, but an ex of mine did that to me after we broke up. the really funny part is that he stole back what he'd ~given~ me, but kept my game system and much of my vidya collection. literally the only way I got it back was when a mutual friend pretended he wanted to play with the ex & then caught a glimpse of the stolen hoard. once confronted with 'hey, isn't that so-and-so's…? and there's my copy of etc.' he caved under the ~social pressure~ and gave most of the games back.)
No. 58276
>>58230He's not depressed, at least not from what I can tell. He just seems to be completely disinterested. And we have talked about it, and despite him saying he'd try harder it awkwardly lasted for about a day before he gave up again. This was probably about 6 months ago and I've felt too bad to bring it up since.
>>58242No no I'd never break in to steal someone's things like that. Really he doesn't seem like the type of person who'd suddenly go crazy and refuse to give my stuff back, but who knows how people will react to a breakup. But I have dated a guy who freaked out and demanded everything back he'd ever given me before, so I'd prefer not to go through not being able to get some of my very expensive and hard to replace games back.
No. 58385
>>58370FUCKING. KEK.
Well played Anon. Well played.
No. 58486
>>58370fucking hypocritical dude. I know it's a confession but seriously, every bitch here is always raging about the cows who do this kind of shit.
No. 58865
>>58775I can agree with you because as a support worker you have probably seen some shit.
No. 58875
>>58865Children in houses with needles/crack pipes/bongs/baggies
Similar houses but also full of trash and animals and excrement
I'm guessing you're after the really fucked up stories so ill leave you with this: 8 month old baby has gonorrhea, herpes in mouth.
No. 58909
I am honestly annoyed with my boyfriend.
>He is 23, one year older than me
>studies, but he is almost finished so he has very few classes left to attend and almost no exams
>lives alone, parents and grandparents pay his rent and expenses
>he doesn't work part time
>he barely has any money
>we can rarely go eat out or go to the cinema because he has no money
>probably not be able to go on vacations because again, no money
I'm a lazy student as well, but I still need to attend classes 4 days a week. I have part time job that requires work on Wednesday and Friday evening, usually on Saturday too so I haven't that much time- when we see each other in my free time all we do is watch Netflix, play vidya etc because of his very limited budget.
Somehow, this whole situation doesn't feel very "adult" to me. Not that I'm that much of an adult to begin with, I'm still young and poorfag enough to live at home, but still.
I wanna go try some reastaurants, I want to travel, I want to go on vacations, I don't want to be worried to much about the $10 we spend on tickets for the cinema. I want to be invited for dinner too, I want to have nice presents.
Call me a spoiled materialistic bitch, but this is going on my nerves. Sometimes, I want to scream at him to grow the fuck up and get a fucking job.
But how could I ever tell him? "Go get a job to fulfill my materialistic needs"? He seems to be content with his situation.
No. 58910
>>58909Hmmmmm, I'm at college/university myself and there's no way in hell I could hold down a part-time job and keep up to date with my work. Maybe his workload is a lot heavier/more difficult than yours?
At any rate being in your early 20's and being poor is something that goes hand in hand. If you're not interested in that kind of lifestyle break up with him and find a sugar daddy or something.
If you loved him enough money shouldn't even come into the equation tbh Anon.
No. 58917
>>58910>Maybe his workload is a lot heavier/more difficult than yours?It really isn't, that's the problem. If he had loads of exams, papers, uni work and so on, I'd totally understand him not wanting to hold a part time job! But he has very little work and about 4 classes left to do.
I'm not even rich myself, I only have a minimum wage part time job that earns me maybe $300-400 per months depending on my shifts. I have no great expactations, I don't want him to constantly buy me expensive dinners or jewellery or anything. But I work hard for my money in order to save up to do nice things like eating out once in a while or having a small vacation trip, and it saddens me that we can't really share that because he's too lazy to pick up a small job- despite having more than enough time to do so.
I also don't really feel comfortable with his expectations that whenever he needs something expensive, he'll just whine to his grandparents until they give in and buy it for him/give him money.
We're about to gradute within the next two semesters, and afterwards there's no more cuddling like University was. I really do love him very much, he is sweet and kind and gentle, but sometimes I'm afraid to build my future around a man who can't seem to be bothered even with some small part time job and constantly expects his family to pay everything for him.
No. 58923
>>58917I'm at this point with my current bf. Honestly I think you may have to break up with him down the line.
It's not a matter of being materialistic, it's the fact that you're on two different roads. It sounds like you're ready to mature and take on more responsibilities as an adult, you have ambitions and realize that money is needed to reach them. He's complacent and doesn't sound like he wants to grow up. He doesn't see the point in getting a job because if he can ask his relatives for money than he has it made. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to realize that you're not complacent wih that sort of lifestyle. If you haven't brought your problem with this to him yet you should.
There's many other men out there though that that have goals and ambitions rather than taking the easy lazy life. That's why I prefer dating older guys who have matured a bit more and figured out how to be an adult. Think of how amazing it would be to have a partner who you could go to the movies with and not stress about a damn $10 fee.
No. 58982
>>58959Thanks friend. I appreciate it. Thank god I have lolcow to judge me for the vile person I am.
Another confession: I don't contribute anything of value here, so I'm going to stop posting. Not to say I will stop lurking. But I don't have anything interesting to say. So I'll just contribute less cancer.
No. 58988
>>58959Are you seriously suggesting someone in a somewhat stable living situation should voluntarily become homeless and seek aid from a women's shelter when she has a roof over her head and probably food to eat? That's such shitty, childish advice.
>>58955You really should try therapy the moment you can afford to. You are living under so much stress and there is help out there (to those who can afford it, unfortunately). Have you tried looking into your county's health services? I know mine offers six free visits to local therapy/counseling clinic if you meet certain financial limits.
No. 59013
>>58989Last post, I'd just like to clarify this. I'm poor and can't afford treatment because I've never ha medical insurance/ect. I have a job and I support my boyfriend financially. I wouldn't want to leave him without anything. It seems like you're projecting, tbh.
>>59010Thank you for your support. I will try to find a way to help myself. I want to stop being a crazy unstable person. I don't want to have any excuses, I want to be a better person. And I realize that means treatment. Thank you for genuinely trying to help me, I will turn my life around.
No. 59016
>>59014I think ESAs are bullshit, but my cat legit saved my life when I was suicidal a few years back. I knew he was depending upon me for his survival so I had to habe my shit together enough to ensure he had food and shelter.
I hope you get the help you need, anon. I know you're in a shitty place right now, but I'm rooting for you. I hope you're able to have a sweet cat one day.
No. 59017
>>58923>>58933I think I will wait until I have graduated, and see how it goes. Maybe once he's graduated and off the student life, he'll get a bit more serious about this.
Since he is pretty mature in many other ways my hopes are up. I love him and I hpe I can stay with him, and that we can solve this.
No. 59231
>>59017He might grow up when you graduate, or he might not. I've seen this in a few of my own and friends' relationships and in all honesty, when a guy has it all paid for and his parents are going to pay for him anyway, he probably won't cut the apron strings and earn his own money. Because he hasn't earned his own money, he doesn't see the value and so won't understand your approach to saving and spending when you have the occasion to do so.
It's also worth remembering that as you get older, you do earn/have more money but you'll also spend more of your time at home watching netflix because you have to work, so doing nothing special with your evenings is more "adult" than you think!
There's loads of good free stuff to do even if it's just going to a nature reserve, or exploring a different part of town, fun doesn't have to cost money if you're in the right company…
No. 59289
>>59232Hes an educated man with a deep interest and respect for the natural world. Hes also incredibly devoted and humble about his work. Plus who wouldn't want to run off into the wild with such a charmer?
He gets girls so hot because we feel that Davids impeccable genes should be spread throughout the human gene pool to halt the rapid decline of the modern male.
No. 59598
>>59592You can't reason with people when they're from another time like that. It's really hard sometimes to deal with it. Especially in public.
When I think of how my views might be considered really backwards some day even if they are pretty liberal and accepting for now it scares me.
No. 59617
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>>59588Holyshit anon, I just went through this EXACT same living situation 4 years ago. I lived with my grandmother at the time and my GREAT grandmother who had bad dementia came to live with us because my grandmother is a piece of shit and basically wanted to keep her in a room and cash her checks. I loved my great grandma a lot but it was tough. she'd get up in the middle of the night (usually 2am) and stand in front of my bedroom door talking to herself. It was the hardest two years of my life and I felt bad for her. I spoke to her and fed her and cleaned up after her, but she needed a nurse and my grandma was too greedy to hire help or put her in a resting home.
Finally she did towards the end of her days and she died peacefully at age 99. I do miss her. my grandma was a cunt for doing that to her own mother and I'm glad I moved out.
I dunno how old your grandma is, but chances are she'll die soon or be put in a proper home. Hang in there, anon!! It's hard as fuck now, but it will get better and you can look behind you and sigh.
No. 60124
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>>60121I alread have some wrist cuffs, a spreader bar, a set of bed straps, and pic related. I know how to find the good deals. Just not the good men.
No. 60144
>>60124You're just going to have to find someone at a munch (most people will be older) or just date someone who is open and non-judgemental about sex. There are plenty of websites that explain BDSM to guys who might be hung up on it. Just don't spring it on them all at once.
You'll most likely find somebody, being a female sub is normalfag-tier in the grand scheme of things.
No. 60190
>>60186I'm exactly the same and I've talked to a lot of men about this both IRL and online and they can't seem to mentally quite grasp the concept of good sex without an orgasm.
Like they really can't wrap their brains around it because they equate the penis to the vagina in terms of basic anatomical response and function, and obviously for them sex isn't complete unless they reach orgasm.
My boyfriend finally gets it now but it took many years of explaining to get it through to his head. Sometimes if I'm still frisky after sex I'll finish myself off whilst he cuddles me or plays around with my body, and this works out pretty well for both of us.
The vagina is inherently more complicated with the penis. When explaining it to men I always liken it to a Rubix Cube, i.e. in order to unlock orgasm you need to follow a precise and delicate order focusing on various different spots at one time, but one bad move and it's very difficult to reverse and you often have to start right from the beginning if you fuck up completely.
No. 60609
>>60594Ok not to sound like a pedo, but it's not unheard of for some kids to masturbate. I think most accidentally rub their privates on a surface, notice it feels good, so they keep doing it.
Molestation though… I'm sorry. Maybe see a therapist? You don't have to let the past define your value.
No. 60648
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>>60611Being an asshole is a prominent part of being human. You only focus on women being assholes because you have false expectations for them to be nice and caring creatures. When in reality, we are asshole people like anyone else.
You are also on a chan site. More salt flows on chans than in the Pacific ocean. This includes male-dominated chans, unless you pretend men are not horrible assholes on those sites.
No. 60649
>You only focus on women being assholes because you have false expectations for them to be nice and caring creatures. When in reality, we are asshole people like anyone else. No, it's because you guys are less honest about your feels and tend to use more social and mental manipulation about your discomfort.
Though all people are assholes, true
No. 60657
>>60649Who is to say if one is honest or not without proof?
Women are social/mental manipulators. While men just go shoot up a school or church.
No. 60682
>>60649Less honest? You need to lurk more bud. Posters here don't hid anything to the point that we can be a bit petty.
If you hate women so much then why come to a forum where women are the majority?
>hates kids works as a teacher. No. 60710
>>60124Don't give up anon :( I'm into light bondage, SM and roleplay and by pure luck my current boyfriend started to get into it too after I iniatiated. And I'm quite independent and strong headed outside of the bedroom too.
I started really light by suggesting some hair tugging (though I might come off as too strong in the beginning, he wanted to take his time) and he never did choking, slapping or anything before. Now he's going to buy me a ballgag, choker and restraints.
Maybe try dating without suggesting it at first then coming up with light stuff ? I don't think that it's pretty rare to find guys turned on by this, most of them are just freaked out at first and have this weird idea that because it's featured in porn, it's degrading to any woman.
No. 60749
>>60728Jrcach, is dat you?
>>60730Anon… The Onion is a known satire site.
No. 60774
>>60176They are very gullible and desperate.
Low self esteem etc.
When i met her she was failing most of her college classes.
I know what i've done is wrong (I was bored and my bitch ass found this a good enough way to not be bored)
Along the way i did start to care for her.
Not love but i want her to be ok and happy.
So after a few months when i wanted to break it off she was so attached to me and i did not know how to deal the blow so i kinda kept it going.
Meanwhile to make my guilt feel a bit better i helped her fix her studies and helped her get a job.
But whenever i feel like ok now is the time something will be up like she'll have fights with her family.
She has no friends and tells me everytime ''I wouldn't know what i;d do without you'' Which pisses me off because i just want to end this.
i think i owe the truth to her but at the same time i fear what
>>60183says and that it will fuck her over worse if i tell her the truth.
No. 60775
>>60695L-like what?
pls help me
No. 60805
>>60774How are you catfishing?
If it's through FB or something then it's a little harder, but if you're using an account on a forum or some shit then it's not too hard to wriggle out of.
Just kill the bait. Tell her that you can't do a long-distance relationship anymore, you've met someone else, you have to take a break from the internet because of your studies, etc.
then never talk to her again.
easy peasy lemon squeezy.
No. 60827
>>60606Sometimes I feel this way too. Idk if it was all the drinking or drug experimentation or the lack of stimulation from external sources that has caused it. I'm quitting the booze to see how it goes. I have always been a responsible drug user and haven't done shit except weed for a bit.
In all honesty, I think it's just what happens when you grow up. My bf is older than me and I've seen the switch. He's less deep and more into relaxing after a long day crunching numbers.
No. 61068
>>60201Same. I enjoy this place and can relate to a lot of the feels, and from what I can tell the tone of conversation here is much less combative than on other image boards, which is nice. It is slow and a bit lacking in dank memery for my taste, but I suppose quality is inversely related to traffic
I also secretly browse the bf threads on /g/ and feel very inadequate
No. 61077
>>61075What is your obsession with them though? Is there anything other that monetary gain that makes their letters so valuable?
Honestly serial killers are degenerates with malformed brains who should be removed from society, why don't you write to some down syndrome kids instead?
No. 61115
>>60854I tend to agree with
>>61067Why not tell him you think roleplaying might be fun and then repeat your last sentence to him?
>>61075Irl people are probably a bit creeped out since like attracts like–birds of a feather etc.
Why did you stop corresponding with your previous penpal? Did they know you were a minor? (Would the prison even let an unrelated minor send a prisoner mail? Is that why you used your sister's name?)
Honestly I would be creeped out having a serial killer for a penpal, but I find your hobby in itself fascinating.
No. 61129
>>59588Exact same boat over here. My parents have always been extremely abusive towards me. Now my Mom has Dementia, and the other is struggling with the stress from it all. I'm moving out in a few weeks, they have no idea yet. I don't plan to tell them until I actually start packing things into the moving van, because I'm terrified of how bad they'll freak out on me. I don't want to get kicked out and have my Dad trash all my stuff. I know other members of my family are dying to pick a fight with me too, so I have nowhere to go if I get kicked out before I actually move.
She's completely dependent on me. I know that when I leave, she's pretty much fucked, but I CAN'T stay here anymore. Every aspect of my health is going rapidly downhill as I stay here.
I feel awful. I really feel like I'm abandoning her. Even worse is that I plan on completely cutting off contact with them - Because they have a bad habit of stalking and damaging the properties of family members they don't like - so I won't know when she dies, and even if they wanted me at the funeral I couldn't go.
I know it's what's best for me, but damn it's hard to ditch the only constants in my life, even if they've been a largely negative experience for me.
No. 61341
more than anything I wish I could just…. get money off guys online without having to do anything in return or meet them
I always wanted to get easy money somehow but what rly sealed the deal was when I googled it and came across this: bitch is ugly as fuck she has a himezawa nose and otherwise is the lower half or average, and she's making thousands off randos on the internet. I thought it would be easy peasy for someone like me seeing how I don't look like a sewer rat but…. I have no idea how to start, and if it's even possible to start
I can't be a sugar baby bc I just don't have time for it, I'd get waaaay too many questions about why I'm going out so much and the idea of fucking a 80 year old makes me want to puke
No. 61348
>>61344that's also the thing tho (just realised I didn't rly make it clear in the first post, sorry)
I don't wanna talk to these gross ass guys who want me to make them poop their pants and macarena in the middle of a meeting or something, I just want to be able to make money off thirsty ass weebs or whatever, even old guys to buy my cosplay or lolita or just give me cash but I legit have no clue how, since its almost impossible to find any male on the Internet who doesn't live in his parent's basement
No. 61361
>>61341First requirement: Be white
Second: Be Korean or Japanese
You'd think I'm joking but no, I've seen white hamplanets with big noses get more attention than other races with smaller more feminine features
No. 61373
does half chinese half white count
maybe if I pretend I am actually a nihongo not chinese I can rake it in
>>61361 No. 61595
>>61592this this this this
highschool was great looking back on it, i had friends, i did things, now… i have no friends at all. none. i only leave my apartment to go to work or to shop for food/necessities. i haven't hung out with a non relative in 6 years.
No. 61972
>>61944I know it's pathetic but it's not unreasonable.
In high school you're constantly surrounded by friends and you can actually do things, but your responsibilities are limited. Plus you have shit taste so stupid things seem amazing.
After high school you realize the world is far less bright and exciting than you though. And all your friends move and lose contact. Anime just makes it worse because it's all about high school. (Japan is way worse than lol cow in this regard) I honestly stopped watching because it made me too sad.
No. 62004
I Liked a girl and she asked me if I'd ever have sex with her, I said yes and learned she was allowed to have sex with any friend she chooses since she talked her bf into and let him have sex with 3 of her friends. But when we tried to have sex her bf stopped us. She tried to do this with me and my other friend a lazy 30 year old virgin guy with a small penis and lives at home at a dead end job.
Anyway eventually she took birth control and it switched her personality and libido off completely, and the sexual frustration turned her bf into a cuckold. He needed money and he said I could grope her in her sleep if I payed for something he wanted, I did and groped her in her sleep. Me and him planned more and I made a deal that it has to be exclusive, that my heart couldn't take it otherwise. She eventually allowed me to suck her nipples at a later night and grind my dick between her legs. Me and her bf planned many things but her libido destroyed from stress even after the pills didn't help. Tho she started to get horny again and one night we fapped to eachother with her ontop of me, her bf suddenly stopped her tho.
Flash forward and they were moving and in a few months id live with them for 3 months, and I was hard at work busting my ass off to get noticed in my career. When I moved in with them, it was nice at first, she was almost always naked around me, and let me draw her in erotic poses. But then I caught glimpse of her cell phone and learned that she had slept with that 30 year old guy who happened to be one of my 3 best friends Including this girl and her bf. I was heart broken and destroyed, it was 7 years down the drain, and I wish I hadn't looked at the phone, she never slept with me partly my fault because I was so desperate after that to reinforce my pride. Since nothing happened and all I fapped to for past half a dozen years was her, it has haunted me everyday. It is getting better but it taught me that no matter how hard you work, become better(I became less annoying, good at craft, lost a ton of weight while my friend gained and balded; that things may not go your way. I thought I was main char or important or karma was real till that point. Now I am lost and am bitter towards my used to be best friends.
I need to move and get new ones and never do something this stupid again.
TL;DR don't look at peoples phones ever, or don't get into swinging relationships
No. 62019
>>61962I know it can't be helped. But his dick is smaller than his middle finger. Only so much can fit in, but there's a point where's it's barely pleasurable, and he's at that point.
For the other anon, I just like the idea of being capable of it.
No. 62088
>>62066I'm in the same boat, let's be friends.
I'm trying to manage my self harm and most of the time I'm good, but shit still happens
No. 62109
>>62088>>62066I relapsed into self harm again after almost a whole year of being clean :,^)
To be fair, my life is kind of shit right now and my mental health has deteriorated significantly. So it's not really surprising.
I hope that you guys can keep going in life without hurting yourself. This is the only body you get, so try to be kind to it. I know it's really tough to resist. But I believe in you!
No. 62126
>>62109>>62066cutting yourself quickly releases endorphins that kill emotional pain. endorphins are just endogenous opioids, so you could try taking morphine or heroin as a (barely) safer alternative.
though dealing with your problems is probably a better idea.
No. 62131
>>62088I'd love to be your friend. I was good for a little while but then started slashing again. I wish we knew each other irl or something so we could be there for each other.
>>62109Me too, anon. My mental health is horrendous and it scares me. I wake up crying because I wish I was dead but I can't kill myself because that would destroy my mother. I'm trapped.
>>62126It's just very difficult because I don't know how to deal with when I was raped in June. Among so many other issues that have destroyed my life.
No. 62699
I'm so sick of living at home.
I'm a student and I don't get any financial support from the government, so my parents would have to pay for everything. They asked me to stay at home because the Uni is close, and it saves my parents a lot of money. I do have a part time job but this is obviously not nearly enough to support myself. On top of that my city is one of the most expensive cities in the whole country so rent/living costs are extremly high.
I never used to be bothered by living at home. I get along quite well with my family too. I didn't want to ask my parents for money, it was comfortable, and I could spend all the money I earned in my part time job on friviolous things like expensvie J-fashion, make up and animu merch.
But lately I get annoyed more and more. I'm 21 now and I've been doing the same shit for the past 15 years: Wake up in the morning, go to some educational institution, come back home to the same room again. And I'm just so tired of this, the routine, my room… It feels like I'm stil stuck at High School. Not like a "grown up". Not that I think I am a mature adult, but as said living at home doesn't give me the impression that I am actually moving on with my life. It makes me feel like a child. It's gone so far that I never invite my boyfriend over anymore, because I can't bear the thought of having sex in my room anymore. It just grosses me out for some reason, because it feel sso unsexy to me.
Due to being a lazy student though, I'll need to add at least another semester. And I would hate to ask my parents for money to move out when I clearly don't deserve it.
Guess I'll have to live at home for at least another year, but I need to vent anyway.
I know I sound super spoiled and entitled, but I can't help myself…
No. 65405
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>>62699Try being in a similar situation but being in your upper twenties.
So many of my friends are long gone and being adults and I'm still fucking living in my parent's house because my job is shit and I can only take so many classes at a time. Feels bad, man.
Part of me is wondering if my parents don't want me to leave, though. I don't think they like the idea of living alone together.
No. 65629
I have $1.67 in my bank account and almost no food but I somehow need to come up with $50 by the end of next week to spend on a bus ticket.
Fuck my shit up.
No. 65636
>>65615If you wouldn't like your friends doing it to you, don't do it to your friends. Have higher standards for yourself. Dude sounds like a fuckboy anyway.
>>65616Agreed. Seems like a waste of time.
>>65627Wait until he's out, pack up everything you own and get out of there. Don't stay to explain. If you need to explain yourself, leave a letter or a note. Tell your nearest and dearest what's happening. Don't let yourself be isolated. A support system and a group of people who know what's happening will be invaluable. Your boyfriend isn't worth shit. Even if he says he loves you, even if you love him, believe me when I say it'll be 10000x better when you're away from him.
>>65629Sell stuff on ebay and review things on SliceThePie. Buy cheap but filling foods to keep you going until you have more money. Ana chans are gonna hate me for this but bread, milk and fruit are fairly cheap and will keep you from going hungry.
No. 65644
>>65615Since you're so vague about their status it's hard to tell. If there's an element of exclusivity between them then there will be jealousy and an opportunity to ruin the dynamic of whatever those two have going on by a third party. Not that I expect anything good come out of this, but at least you won't end up with the blame.
>hurr durr cewl older dudeI wish I could watch a video of you interacting so I could go point by point how much he's got you fooled. kek
That's not to say I blame him. If young naive females are willing to exchange ass for some strained wit it'd be cruel to deny grampa coolguy reliving some of his distant youth.
>>65627I have no idea how you arrive at a point, where you don't know what to do with someone who's slugging you across the mug. Leave him. Nobody's parents die in a car crash daily to have an excuse every fucking day. There's a difference between losing control during intense drama and a mundane habit.
Report him, make photos of the bruises. Random men get fucked up by biased domestic abuse laws and when there's finally a use for them you're telling me you're too battered housewife syndrome'd to use them? Snap out of it.
Unless you're both mutually abusive and make each other go ape shit he'll probably reenact this on somebody else in the future. In which case you should feel obligated to leave some kind of mark in this individual's record, so when this comes up again the justice system will be able to see a pattern.
>>65629Uhhh, extra large bags of rice from farmers' market?
No. 65974
>>65934I'm a guy who has lived in the far east (with a real job). Your attraction is just novelty appeal. It's not fun being a racial alien in any country after a while, especially ones as racially exclusive as East Asian countries.
After a while the novelty appeal wanes and you want to be with your own kind again.
No. 66009
>>65973 Not the person you were quoting but
>US>prosperous>safeI can understand why they'd be interested in moving to Japan, especially if they've already lived there for a bit (military family?) but unless they already look like a Japanese person it could be difficult to integrate.
No. 66025
>>66023Try living there for a few years.
Japanese culture is great, but at some point you have to accept the plain and simple fact that you aren't part of their group and never will be.
No. 66048
>>66025Oh, I definitely get that and understood that when I was there. I don't feel anyway about it because I'm an abnormal fag that never fit in anywhere. My baseline cnfort zone is being in the out group.
I would like to, I just don't know how to go about it without failing miserably and being homeless.
No. 66076
>>66053Real talk: go on vacation and meet this guy before too much longer. You need to let at least one irl friend know where you're going, who you're meeting up with, all travel details, his contact info, etc. and plan on texting them at least once a day using some type of code so they know you're still alive (or conversely, to call the police).
This guy could be catfishing you or a killer or the true love of your life. You owe it to yourself to find out as safely as possible as soon as possible so you're not wasting precious time.
No. 66152
>>66076I mean I've seen him on cam and we skype daily, and I've heard his parents talk to him more than once. But yeah, I plan on visiting him, or him visiting me, just got college to deal with atm.
The contact info is a good call though. Before I go I'll let someone i can trust with secrets know about it tbh.
No. 67564
>>67558just have a fun life and die of old age
best way to die
No. 67613
>>67610I'm broke af so it'll be a lot of hitch hiking
maybe some crazed psycho will end up fulfilling my death wish anyway?
No. 68002
>>68000I'm genuinely afraid that I'll do the same thing to one of my friends.
Or that I already have.
No. 68016
>>68007I dont think this is really too uncommon of a sentiment outside tumblr
I cant think if any friends of mine who want/would be okay with something like that
No. 68070
>>68016The concept of polyamory is fine to me.
If I knew poly people who were normal about it and not fat autistic freaks with primaries and secondaries, it wouldn't bother me so much.
It's kind of like being okay with homosexuality in the abstract but feeling disgusted by it IRL because all the gay people you know are idiot flamers who try to convert straight guys or self-righteous feminazi lesbians. :|
No. 68178
>>68077Hedonism has always been a degenerate and destructive philosophy to live ones life by. Yeah, it's fun and comfortable, but the most fun and comfortable things are typically really bad for us. That's why our society desperately needs to rediscover virtue. People can't comprehend the fact that they aren't inherently perfect, and that self-improvement and betterment of oneself as an individual is important, and a process that takes hard work and dedication.
If you don't actively work to make yourself a better person, and you constantly take the path of least resistance, never getting outside you're comfort zone, you'll end up weak, ignorant, and broken as a person.
That's why Aristotelian virtue ethics should be a core component of education beginning at the earliest ages.
No. 68180
>>68178I was going to make a joke about sjws and white male history/logic but decided it would be obnoxious.
I agree with you 100%.
No. 68188
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>>68007This, but with the whole BDSM 'community'. It just pissed me off how in denial they are. Nobody is abusive in this community >muh SSC, in fact we're better than 'vanillas'. I posted about how is was violated by a woman I met at a munch on plebbit's r/bdsmcommunity and most of the comments told me to stop blaming the 'community'.
They also blatantly deny that one's environment can influence sexuality, I'm sure the fact that your stepdaddy molested you has nothing to do with your kink.
No. 68193
>>68188I don't have any "BDSM community" experience but I agree with what you're saying about their denial of the role the environment plays.
It's also why a lot of them will just flat out deny porn can ever be a negative influence.
No. 68198
>>68188This is a very interesting topic.
Environment absolutely influences sexual preferences. (Some histrionics will gleefully misinterpret this statement as "you hate gay people you bigot!!!!!")
I think re:kinks, the primary issue is whether or not having and indulging in certain kinks is, on principle, immoral. If someone is raped and participates in rape fantasies as a way of dealing with the trauma (it happens), is that wrong?
No. 68204
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>It's also why a lot of them will just flat out deny porn can ever be a negative influence.
Oh yeah, I forgot that they also claim their porn (mostly is superior to regular old brazzers shit, because muh consent. Even though hires a bunch of people from insex (which was shut down by the FBI and was notoriously abusive), that James Deen raped a buncj of people there and that they took the virginity of a nineteen year-old with a gangbang, so much so that the had to put aneasthesia up her vag. They'll point out that retarded gullible James Franco documentary.
No. 68212
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>>68198Don't think there is anything wrong with BDSM per se. Plenty of regular people like being spanked or tied up and don't have any issues at all. The problem is once again the 'community' they take the principle way too far. They say there's nothing wrong with fantasizing about murdering or castrating people or wanting to be castrated. They normalise these fantasies when those people should be seeking help.
They also promote dangerous behaviours like 24/7 dynamics which makes abuse so much easier and difficult to spot.
In general they take a reasonable principle such as SSC and stretch it way out of proportion so it includes as many dangerous and retarded behaviours under the guise of being anti kink shaming and inclusive. It goes without saying that most are tumblrinas.
No. 68229
>>68212Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're saying that 1) some sexual fantasies are inherently immoral regardless of whether or not they're realized IRL (or perhaps because they necessarily lead to real life shenanigans) and/or 2) that people with such fantasies are either immoral, ill, or both.
There's a lot of nuance here, so sorry if my writing is confusing to parse.
No. 68304
>>58071You should really stop while you're ahead.
Have you ever thought about what would happen if for some reason one of your side pieces got mad and decided to spill the beans to your husband?
tl;dr, I had a boneheaded affair with a married guy when I was a teenager. He had the same basic problems with his wife as you do with your husband. Sailing was not smooth and I nearly ended up doxxing him to her several times. Don't risk it.
No. 68316
>>68304Not going to lie, this
triggered me:
>tl;dr, I had a boneheaded affair with a married guy when I was a teenager. Do you have any idea how you made his wife feel?
No. 68318
>>68259>I once dated a guy for like a year and didn't correct him when he started namedropping the DNC and bitching about the GOP.It's one thing to keep your power level hidden, but to keep on dating someone that doesn't share your values? Ugh.
I live in the Bay Area and just about everyone I know is moderate or left leaning. I also go around in stealth mode and only my closest friends know I own guns.
>At least the municipal shooting range is rarely crowded. No. 68323
>>68322Maybe when you get married one day, have kids and settle down and your husband starts to stray, shows no interest in you sexually or even intimately, is constantly on his phone and gone at weird hours.
Maybe then you'll realize.
No. 68326
>>68259Your political leanings are not that obscure. I'm a moderate libertarian and just vote for who I think will do the least amount of damage.
It's funny to see your view of things since you live in a blue state since I live in a red state and also don't usually feel free to speak politics with most people I know (though close friends and family are in the loop). I think it's really sad you felt uncomfortable talking about your feelings to your SO; that must've sucked.
>>68316Did you seriously never make mistakes as a teen?
>>68318Wow, are guns that much of a conversation killer? I assume at least 30% of people anywhere I go are carrying.
No. 68330
>>68323I get what you're saying, but this guy was
good at hiding shit.
Contacted me from a burner account. Even used a burner Google number. So no weird phone/email records that could be easily traced back to him.
Only talked to me while he was at work (had his own office, so no nosy coworkers) or when he was otherwise away from wife.
…never told me his last name. I found out because I stalked LinkedIn. But I guess that means he trusted me/was dumb enough to tell me a lot about his professional life.
Again, I get your point. It was stupid and selfish on both of our parts. I regret it.
No. 68342
>>68318I really need to hit up the range soon! Yeah…stealth mode sucks. At least I can relax a bit when I'm back in the suburbs.
>>68326It's not so much that I live in a "blue" state. As it is elsewhere, the suburbs are more moderate. It's that I haunt Boston, particularly Jamaica Plain (land of the leftist mombies) and the people's republic of Cambridge.
>>68333Takes two to tango. If it was really just some bitch trying to steal your man, he wouldn't have gone along with it, would he?
No. 68370
>>68329Teens tend to have very volatile relationships. Add inexperience with romantic relationships and I don't think it's crazy to think a teenager in love/lust would do something they may regret later.
To answer your question more specifically: I don't think it's especially uncommon. I knew of a few girls who had an affair with our married teacher (he was a predator; he lost his job and his wife); I worked with a guy who had an affair with his neighbor's teenage daughter while he was married (he was a police officer; he lost his job and his wife); when I was in middle school one of my best friends was having sex with a 25yo (to my knowledge he wasn't married, but this is another one we can chalk up to teens in love making poor decisions).
>>68347It must be utterly and completely bizarre for people from cultures where civilian gun ownership is uncommon. I'm used to seeing people carrying and I know far more who don't flaunt it; it honestly makes me feel safer when I see people carrying guns in public even if it really shouldn't.
>>68366You gave him the best story to tell back home!
No. 68482
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I got kidnapped and semi raped when I was a kid, didn't talked about it with anyone. I feel like a half man all the time and always on alert when I go out because of this. It fucked up my interaction with over people and I can't talk about it with anyone because I'm ashamed.
No. 68483
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>>68220I feel a physical rage build up whenever I hear people or the media figuratively suck its cock. I just can't handle their smugness, must be because they're from San Francisco.
No. 68489
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>>68225I'm beginning to think this whole sex-positivity meme was created by the porn industry. Like BDSM it started with a decent principle (there is nothing inherently wrong with sex, don't be ashamed of liking it) but retards took it way too far and started implying that everyone who isn't into at least some freaky stuff is some kind of prude or misogynist. Once again they promote dangerous behaviour and have become just a terrible and judgemental as 'prudes'. They also think that you should break up if you have even slightly different sexual tastes. It's just used know to sell people shit. Just an example, in a post on plebbit (r/bdsmcommunity or r/sex) a woman explained that she was a rape victim, but that she had a great fiancé who helped her etc. Now she explains that she is considering ending the relationship because he waa hesitant and uncomfortable engaging in her rape fantasy. The worst thing was that the comment all implied that he was a misogynist with a madonna-whore complex and that he was 'kink-shaming' her. It didn't occur to them that some people (especially men) are not into pretend raping their gf/wife whom they know to be a rape victim.
There are so many more examples, but I'm honestly convinced of how toxic this thing is. I fear for my future children, I don't want them to be shamed into things that make them uncomfortable, and I don't want them to be raped. Yet all this shit makes it so much more likely.
No. 68500
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>>68229>1) some sexual fantasies are inherently immoral regardless of whether or not they're realized IRL (or perhaps because they necessarily lead to real life shenanigansIndeed, some fantasies that are physically and permanently harmful or have a good chance of leading to emotional/physical abuse should not be acted upon.
>) that people with such fantasies are either immoral, ill, or both.Immoral? Well that depends, that depends on how much you have influenced acquiring the fantasy, if it was something you got because you were abused or whatever then no.
People who have fantasies that sould never be acted upon should seek help, because they shouldn't be acted upon for a reason and keeping those persistent fantasies can be dangerous
I should also add that I don't have anything against regular BDSM, I'm into it myself, so I don't think you're a terrible person if that's what you thought I was implying.
No. 68504
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>>68230>As someone who likes stuff that could be considered "BDSM" (just dominant sex in general)I am as well, and it's why I'm so frustrated with the 'community', especially with the femdom community which is even more awful.
I agree, those 24/7 dynamics, that are D/s specifically and long-term are just FWB living together. I don't know how you can do any relationship stuff like discussing things you like or find , cuddling and kissing, and just regular emotional support when some person is permanently above you.
I wanna say that this only applies to D/s long term shit. Some people have done things like making their partner be naked all the time around the house, but that doesn't make abuse easier and doesn't stop you from having a regular relationship.
No. 68584
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>>68489>Now she explains that she is considering ending the relationship because he waa hesitant and uncomfortable engaging in her rape fantasy. The worst thing was that the comment all implied that he was a misogynist with a madonna-whore complex and that he was 'kink-shaming' her. It didn't occur to them that some people (especially men) are not into pretend raping their gf/wife whom they know to be a rape victim. Man, that's awful. And you're right. There's too much harmful sex behavior disguised as something else. Real sex positivity is talking to your partner about what you want and not faking an orgasm to make them happy. The porn industry is messed up– and it's somehow worse now. I think a lot of men and women feel like they HAVE to be into certain sex acts or else they won't be normal. I don't even want to touch how pretty much all Japanese porn is rape or borderline rape. It disturbs me that this is how men see women there. And obviously with enough people watching it, it can influence the way certain men think.
I'm not having kids, but i have a niece that I love dearly and I feel for any parent in this day and age that has to deal with all the glorification of porn and sex and people like Miley cyrus.
No. 68617
>>68613True, but their raging throbbing hate boner for Trump is what makes the defeat extra entertaining to me.
As far as I'm concerned, both are idiotic populists and its pretty rich for one side to feel morally superior to the other.
No. 68623
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Hillary got more delegates out of NH
>The democratic party is democratic, unlike those GOP facists!
No. 68624
My last relationship happened when I was 17-18. It was a disaster.
I got together with a girl around the same age who seemed cute and relatively normal, but as soon as she felt comfortable around me it turned out there is something very… wrong with her. To this day I have no idea what was wrong with her exactly, but she was highly unstable. She had this normal "cute anime girl" act (which I thought was acceptable, we were both pretty weebish back then), was a bit too clingy, but nothing alarming. But then sometimes she'd turn fucking nuts, like an actual real life yandere - I hate using that comparison, but it's the closest one I can manage.
She used to say we're gonna get married one day. I thought she was saying that jokingly… but no. In her head she had delusions that we are ACTUALLY engaged and got FURIOUS when I pointed out that we're not because I never proposed to her. Then her delusions were getting even worse. She planned "our" entire lives in terrifying detail, which ended when she hits 25 - an age when "we are going to commit double suicide, because she won't be cute anymore". She was dead serious.
I was semi-interested in becoming a Lolita during that time. She used to constantly put me down, say I'm too old/fat to be a Lolita, that Lolitas are only allowed to be cute and I'm not, or that classic (a style she knew I liked) is for fucking whores with sugar daddies because only gawwffik (her favorite style) is kawaii enough. She basically trashed everything I liked. Constantly.
I realized I need to get out of this mess of a relationship asap, but whenever I tried to tell her there is a problem or even mentioned a break/breakup (not necesarily our own, just break up in general), she was immediately back into her crazy mode, screaming, crying, threating that she'll kill herself if I ever leave her. One time she even grabbed a fucking knife. So, I was scared shitless and a fucking moron, so I tried to separate her from myself very slowly instead of risking her hurting herself or me. It went worse than I planned initially.
I tried to mention her behavior to my friends. No one believed me. She was acting so perfectly normal in front of my friends. I probably wouldn't believe it myself. (Well, she was normal at least until she felt comfortable enough around my friends as well, and started having slight sanity slippages in their presence. Then they finally believed me)
The retarded process of slowly separating yandere-chan from my life lasted a couple months, but she had a few more crazy episodes during that time:
>she told me about being HIV positive. We were together for couple months, so of course I got scared shitless. We had an actual serious talk about her illness for at least 2 hours… only so she could simply tell me "Oh, it was a joke." in this flat, careless tone. No, she didn't understand why I got angry. And you know why she did this shit? Because I was watching a TV show SHE DOESN'T LIKE and she wanted to punish me.
>Later, she pulled the same shit as above, and told me a sob story about how she was raped at age of 13. Except… She told me the EXACT SAME STORY BEFORE, with no rape involved, a couple weeks before. Hell, she was bragging about that event. I pointed that out to her and she immediately dropped the act and pretended nothing happened.
>She accused me and my friends of wanting her death/possibly plotting her murder because my friend jokingly said "we thought you were kidnapped or something!" when she wasn't picking up our calls. She had a meltdown in a public place…
>I slowly realized that I am honestly not sure if I know this girl at all. She sometimes would tell me about her family, her siblings… Only to find out few months later she has no siblings. Sometimes she'd claim to have a sister, sometimes the sister changed into a brother, sometimes it was only a half-brother. It made me wonder how much shit she told me was actually true. And I felt sad for her parents, they were very nice people.
Finally, I had enough and broke up with her through text. I wanted to avoid giving her a chance to put on a show and threaten me with a knife again. I honestly don't care if people give me shit for being immature, I didn't want to see this crazy bitch ever again. I couldn't care less. She slowly moved out of my life over the course of months, after some text floods and showing up to the same events as me. I caught her standing on the street, looking at my windows a couple times. She gave up eventually.
This girl pretty much ruined my self esteem and gave me some serious trust issues. My depression returned. I decided to get my shit together and focus only on myself, not on future possible girlfriends.
I'm 24 now and I really can't imagine myself being with another person. I'm happy now, but at the same time I feel like I might lose at life because I'm missing out on something. Meeting girls is hard for me, so I don't think I'd have much luck anyway.
I just really wanted to get this shit off my chest.
No. 68629
>>68622Not going to work
SJWs are rampant across school campuses, and they see absolutely nothing wrong with censoring and silencing any viewpoint that doesn't confirm to current SJW dogma
No. 68662
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>>68584I really just fear for the future, because it´s on a path that can´t be changed. The left controls the zeitgeist, lolcow is contrarian but in five years people on here will agree with most of what we mock now. The only thing you can do to counter it is to hijack the left, just like the 'sex-positive' crowd did.
No. 68671
>>68662It's like a forest fire. It needs to be allowed to run its course and burn itself out. I suspect that will take another few decades, but the fundamental change will occur when the actual axiomatic
principles that underlay liberalism itself, and have underpinned it for the past two centuries, are invalidated. Liberalism has been allowed to continue for so long because in spite of all the damage it has caused, the axiomatic foundation of it has gone unchallenged: Namely the ideas of individual liberty and equality as absolute goods (if anyone is looking for a quick "red pill", that's really it, those two ideas are the root of everything wrong with contemporary western society).
You can't run nations on principles that ignore reality forever. Sooner or later they destroy themselves. The rise of China is useful in this because it's a totally illiberal, ethnocentric and nationalistic power that is eclipsing western hegemony. It's challenging that inbuilt notion westerners have that the social changes we've seen over the past 100 years are somehow intimately tied to the growth in technology. The idea that LGBT and landing on the moon are someone contingently linked is dealt a pretty serious blow when the new technological superpower is essentially some giant Confucian superstate.
On that note: One of the things that turned me away from liberalism was the realization it can only ever really subsist in societies that are incredibly wealthy. Something about that struck me as unnerving, I gradually began to realize it was the fact we could use wealth to abstract ourselves further and further away from reality. For me, for a system to be good, it has to be able to subsist in all types of material conditions - But you can't just go around letting recidivist rapists and murderers out of jail over and over again in societies like Ancient Macedon or Germany. They're too in sync with the natural order of things.
>lolcow is contrarian but in five years people on here will agree with most of what we mock now. You can already see it with trannies, or various other pathologies on tumblr - Farmers will say things like "yeah, not all trannies are bad. It's just that the bad ones get mixed in with the good ones!"
The heartstring pulling of the media/entertainment industry retards people's ability to form clear, red line based principled decisions.
No. 68686
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>>68682it's fucking disgusting
No. 68697
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>>68692>how much I can gain after losing weightMultiple inches. You should research the anatomy of that area and you will be surprised.
Image is a related anatomical diagram.
No. 68701
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I'm an Asian guy who runs in asian-american and fob circles (spent a number of years in asia), and consider myself in touch with asia. Lately I've been seeing pictures of adorable Eurasian kids, and even knew this half-japanese/half-french girl with blue eyes and blond hair (with asian features). Now a part of me is totally curious what my kids would look like if I married a blonde girl.
Now that would be totally racist if I married someone purely because of their hair color and eye color. It would also make me a total sellout since I've always disliked how Hollywood pushes Caucasian looks as the beauty standard across the globe. Nevermind that it will kill my mom since she's always asking me when I'll bring home a nice Chinese girl for her to meet.
>tl;dr: Chink feels guilty over recent obsession with waitu piggu
No. 68702
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>>68701I'm sure /r/hapas will welcome your future son with open arms.
No. 68703
I just found out my boyfriend is an Asian fetishist and I unknowingly caused a rift in my group in highschool.
I used to love being Japanese as a teen. Anime was just starting to get popular with my generation and I didn't have to feel awkward about not buying pizza during lunch and eating my rice. All the weebs surrounded me during lunches and eventually I joined the anime club. The attention was great at the time I won't lie, any teen getting attention and feel popular/or wanted would eat that shit up and I was no exception.
During highschool I started to go to local conventions with the anime club at the school. The attention would continue during the convention when I would speak Japanese.
During my last years of high school I got asked out by my crush (now boyfriend) and ever since we have been together. Going to the same university and all. I just came back down this weekend to catch up with our old group. We went to a nice restaurant and started to talk, eventually we got on the topic on me and my boyfriend because we have been together so long. In which one of the girls who apparently was his ex got all salty. She eventually talked over a friend who was asking a questions to me to say that my boyfriend was "a gross Asian fetishizer" and that I was awful for taking him away from her.
I was embarrassed because she basically yelled it and the entire area around our table got super quiet, so I just got up and left while some of the group followed suit to comfort me. They gave me the whole scoop that basically he left her because he always had a thing for Asian girls. He wasn't apart of the weeb group I was with, he did soccer and interact club in high school. I never caught that he was into Asian girls because all his exs were white, which is why I never thought I'd have a chance with him before he asked me out.
Then the others just chimed in about it the porn he used to watch with them, all asian girls. And other tales of that nature. Before I went home I decided to talk to his ex again about it, which she gave me her side of the story. I don't know if she assumed that I was going to in flames about it because when she was done she gave me a face as in "what are you going to do about it"
I love my boyfriend, and if he has some strange obsession with Asian girls then I will talk to him about it, but it just seems like a preference more then a fetish to me.
However ever since the dinner there's been a visible rift in our group again, which is honestly stupid because we are adults now like how is this still eating at her then she has to be comforted by people?
No. 68706
>>68701>and consider myself in touch with asiaThe fuck does this even mean?
You're in touch with Iran? India? Kazakhstan and China?
Whites are just better looking m8. Same reason you prefer white women is the same reason asian women prefer white men.
No. 68707
>>68701The only way your child could end up with blue eyes ( which its still slim) would be if you're a carrier of the blue eyed trait as well. So if someone on your mom or dad side had blue eyes then it's possible for your child to have blue eyes.
If not then it's impossible unless you make a designer baby and ask for them to make your child's eye blue
No. 68718
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>>68706I probably didn't word that correctly, but I'm literate and fluent in Chinese (with little or no accent), so I watch Chinese/Taiwanese shows without difficulty, and fobs always assume I was born in Asia, just like them.
Also I don't share your thesis that white girls are always more attractive. However, I've been in the US for too long, there's something off about Asian american girl fashion.
>>68707You cannot assume everyone in Asia have monolithic backgrounds. A sizable number of Japanese have Ainu backgrounds, and Chinese with Persian, Arab, and Turkic ancestry. My own eye color is bordering on hazel
No. 68721
>>68718>we also have blue/green eyes and blonde hairI've noticed a lot of non-white people peddling this meme recently.
>uyghur girlYes. A very small proportion of Uyghurs, who aren't even Mongoloid people anyway, have lighter eye/hair colors, because of Indo-European admixture with the general Turkic admixture of some central Asian peoples.
No. 68724
>>68701You sound like the rest of the world who wants mixed children with blue/green eyes.
What the other anon said about the eyes is true, mixed children come out looking any sort of what. You don't know what you get until the come out.
No. 68752
>>68724Half Asian and half White babies are generally pretty fucking cute
I have a few relatives who have Asian SOs and their kids are adorable
No. 68757
>>68702Tbh all the hapa kids are now are super well adjusted and even a few would fit the "Chad" archetype
I've never seen anything close to /r/hapas irl
>>68703His ex just sounds like a buttmad idiot tbh
If he finds Asian women attractive then that's how it is. I don't see how that's "fetishizing"
No. 68758
>>68731If she is as immature and emotionally stunted as her rude behavior in public suggests, an apology will not improve matters and may even make things worse since you'll be validating her and acknowledging your own guilt.
Do you feel guilty? Did you purposefully seduce your boyfriend away from this other girl and feel bad about it? Seriously, do not apologize to her. No good can come of it and who knows what she'll tell the rest of your friend group? ("Anon admitted it!!!")
She's still carrying a torch for your boyfriend and she's pathetic enough to drag old drama into public view after all this time. She says he's an Asian fetishist to hurt you while saying that you stole him from her… and she's not Asain. She is purposefully trying to hurt you, purposefully trying to stir shit up, and she should be apologizing to you.
This girl is not your friend and will do her best to take you down. Best thing to do is not engage with her as much as possible. Be careful of mutual "friends" who may come to guilt you about her.
You don't owe anyone any explanation or apology at all. If you feel you must say something, keep it simple and move the conversation to other things:
>BF had broken up with EX before we began seeing each other. We're really happy together.If they try to talk about fetish/porn:
>I don't really want to discuss what my boyfriend likes or doesn't like sexually with anyone but him. No. 68767
>>68757Before my sister had her first child she would try to calculate the chance her child would come out with blue eyes, lol. To this day she still tells me because her child's eyes are not dark brown they have a "tint" of their father's color.
Her child is rather cute anyway, but IMO it's not because she's "half." I hope she doesn't grow up to think that she's only pretty because she's half-white but I feel like that's inevitable with half-breeds. The kid looks like my sister, anyway.
>tfw /r/hapas made me paranoid about breeding with whites No. 68772
>>68767>/r/hapas>88 readersI really hope you don't actually take that subreddit as a serious indication over how most hapas are
My cousin married a Japanese girl and their kids have green eyes. Genetics are weird. I wouldn't say they look more or less like either parent. Pretty 50/50 mix to me.
No. 68774
>>68772Woops my keyboard got stuck
It's just a group of bitter autists who blame everything wrong in their lives on being half asian. You forget how many millions more are out there enjoying their lives and not making bitter posts on reddit
No. 68778
>>68773Misery is company I guess.
I hope you hold on too then
No. 68780
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>>68774Well there are quite a few trolls there too. I can confirm that.
No. 68781
>>68758Omg thank you so much anon, I really wasn't expecting anyone to reply because it ended up being so long.
You're completely right, I won't apologize for it. I'll just be civil and try to steer clear of her for the rest of the week before I go back. I'm hoping the friends who I care about in the group are still up for the plans we made.
I'm not going to let her make me second guess my relationship anymore, because I'm happy with him.
No. 68794
>>68780Hmmmm how do you know this?
>>68781Good plan. I'm sure you're far from the only one who thought she was extremely out of line
No. 68795
>>68781I'm so glad I could be helpful! I agree with
>>68794 completely.
I'm sorry that a petty person made you uncomfortable. I'm incredibly glad that you're not going to waste more energy on her.
Best of luck, anon. I wish you every happiness.
No. 68797
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>>68794I see all and know all.
No. 68802
>>58071Just seeing this now
I hope it's robot bait. I really do
No. 68894
>>68869There's plenty of birth control to go around. I get mine for $9/month out of pocket at Target. They stock tons of condoms, too.
Sex Ed is only part of the issue. It's more profitable for some teens to get pregnant and collect various forms of taxpayer-funded assistance than to get a job/go to school and stick it out. And they know it very well.
No. 68930
>>68869It has nothing to do with birth control. Some women are just put in difficult situations and abortion is an option that some have to do. Even if you think 'abortion is bad' that's fine, just as long as you don't vote to make it illegal, putting women in more dangerous situations, which is shit.
No one WANTS to abort unless it's their only choice usually. No woman should be forced to carry a baby to term that they do not want. I don't care how they got pregnant.
No. 68934
>>68929M or F?
I've tried a few sites and the only message I've ever gotten was from a tranny
Dating sites are a meme
No. 68940
>>68938I'm not sure which gender is worse to be when going on dating sites
As a woman you'll be flooded with messages by thirsty guys while as a guy you'll probably get none, but if a girl messages you then that at leasts means she has some interest in getting to knoe you. Whereas if you're a girl your inbox will be full of every horny guy within 50 miles
No. 68945
>>68774You know r/hapas is something r/asianmasculinity came up with right? The entire forced narrative on there is that children with Asian fathers and white mothers are well adjusted whereas the reverse isn't the case. You'll notice r/asianmasculinity posting the same sort of shit on 4chan now and again. I actually remember one of them grilling a seagull about whether her dad or mother was the Asian one.
They're absolutely pathological.
No. 69100
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>>68945Seriously, are Asian males really treated that badly to justify such a hatred of whites abd Asian women?
That whole place is just a strange combination SJW anti-racist narrative and anti-white pan-Asian nationalism. They will justify any crime committed by the Chinese goverment simply because it fits their goals, which are still not entirely clear to me.
On the other hand it's hilarious that they think they're the fucking KBG psy-ops department because they spread a few memes to 4chan and some SJWs.
The comparison between them and TRP is easy to make, both feed off of extreme insecurity and projecting those unto a large enemy.
No. 69106
>>69100I think these dudes would be undesirable in Asia too. Except here, transplanted into the west they can project their hatred onto an outgroup, white men, rather than simply better looking Asians as it would be back home. More broadly how they think of getting white women as a way of getting back at white men for perceived slights is scary and creepy.
It's a good thing for white women to look out for imo. If you're dating an Asian guy and he suddenly starts going on a rant about white men with Asian girls then you know he's one of "those". The nice guy routine isn't exclusive to white dudes.
No. 69159
>>68720There are exceptions. One of my friends has 0 people in her family with blue eyes but yet she has them. The chance is just super minimal tbh (like the mutation for blue eyes happening I guess?), she freaked out when she learned that shit in school and was afraid she was adopted or some shit lol.
> just saying On a side note hafu kids are a hit or miss to me.
But tfw asian bf, if we ever have kids i hope they'd be cute ;;
No. 69411
>>69400>better position in society Northeast Asians occupy a much better position in society than white Americans in America. They're uniformly upper middle class and they have nothing like appalachia tier poverty.
Asian American victimhoood is bullshit. Boo hoo breakfast at tiffanys was mean to us 30 years ago. Don't buy into it.
No. 69586
>>69574Just go to any Chinatown in a major city and see who's washing the dishes.
Many of those people lack high school diplomas are illegally overstaying their tourist visas/working under the table
Although most Chinese come in with pockets full of cash these days. They're buying up all the real estate on the west coast, and their kids drive better cars than their professors
>>69411For the most part I agree. However Asians remain completely invisible in US pop culture today. Other minorities have singers, models, actors, athletes, and other public figures representing them. I can count on one hand the number of Asians that are recognizable to the general public.
That's why I think black people complaining about the 'White Academy Awards' don't appreciate their privilege.
No. 69589
>>69574Actually, southeast Asians have a far lower average income. (The ones who have education and/or a decent job, though, are pretty well off.)
My fear, as a SE Asian who was fortunately enough to grow up solidly middle class due to parents who worked and saved money, is that we are becoming far too dependent on transfer payments. Which is only going to fuel more misguided social justice antics.
No. 69656
>>69586I mean if it's in Chinatown I can expect Chinese people to be washing the dishes just as I can expect the restaurant owner to be Chinese…
>>69590I will agree that Asians get shafted the most by far when it comes to American media.
No. 69661
>>69656>I will agree that Asians get shafted the most by far when it comes to American media.Very very few Asians go into the performing arts. Even proportional to population.
That being said, I doubt your average Chinese would be happy if every performance of 京剧 were as "diverse" as every performance as Shakespeare is here.
No. 69674
>>69589Yeah, I've noticed NEAs on tumblr always retreat back to associating themselves with SEAs whenever the fact they're obviously more economically advantaged than whites is referenced, as if half of the faggots don't secretly hate flips and viets behind closed doors.
I guess my predominant issue with Asian SJWism/"leftism" has always been, following on from the above, that it's so transparently dishonest.
The question I always pose is this: Of the 75% of Asian Americans who vote Dem, how many of those do you suppose would be happy with Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China adopting policies like birthright citizenship and mass re-settlement of refugees?
I do feel a genuine sympathy for Asian Americans who really do want to become a part of America - some of the earlier Taiwanese KMT loyalists who emigrated to the US are a good example. But there's an increasing amount of animosity and even hatred between second and third generation Asian Americans and Whites.
The hatred goes two ways though. Whites have always regarded Asians as perpetual aliens. As much as white Americans have always condescended to and disdained the African in their land, he has grudgingly become accepted as part of the landscape. This has never really happened with Asians.
This isn't the fault of Americans alone of course - given how tightly ethnic and racial ties bind Asians to their homelands, Americans would be foolish not to be suspicious of them, especially considering historically how often Asians have been found to be carrying out espionage on behalf of foreign countries.
Too many Robert Kims. many Wen Ho Lees.
No. 69678
>>69625You must be referring to old money WASPs and Jewish families right?
Asians are predominantly middle managers and corporate drones. Like most middle class and upper middle class, they are useful puppets of the establishment with the highest tax burden and no political influence whatsoever. Even blacks can get NAACP, Oprah, and Al Sharpton to throw a fit for them
No. 69681
>>69678>middle managersThat's where you want the bulk of your population to be, there aren't enough C and board-level positions to employ millions of people at a time.
It's a fact that Northeast Asians are wealthier than Whites, have less of a poverty burden etc.
More generally. Asians are CEOs of some of the most important corporations in SV.
>Even blacks can get NAACP, Oprah, and Al Sharpton to throw a fit for themI assure you Asians have thousands of professional associations, activist organizations, political caucuses, pressure groups etc, all working on the principle of "what is good for my group?"
I'll agree Jews are more powerful though.
No. 69688
>>69674>Of the 75% of Asian Americans who vote DemI'm not disputing your overall point, but I'd add that there is a misconception that because most Asian
voters vote Democratic, it follows that
Asians as a group lean Democratic.
You know how people are always bitching that too many Asians don't vote…well, the ones that don't vote are often a) skeptical that state social programs actually improve things and b) as a result of that skepticism, prefer the Republican Party, though they're still too skeptical of politics in general to actually vote. (Or they might be genuinely apathetic, which obviously doesn't mean they lean Democratic.)
Also, screw all the "rock the vote" types, because 99% of the time they're just trying to get you to vote for their candidate and would rather you stay home if you didn't.
No. 69695
>>69693It's not really a direct response, I'm just saying my comment about Asians voting Dem isn't motivated by spite.
Multiracial democracies are horrible, horrible things that always balkanize and explode.
No. 69700
>>69698 may be of interest to you.
>The day that I start hearing a lot of talk about being a credit to my race, I'm going to try and look into that wack skin de-pigmenting process that Michael Jackson went through, better to be a deformed wack than a token. This might sound strange, after all, brown Americans (South Asians) are well educated and affluent. The current perception about us is "positive." But the race hustlers are ever present, and there are those who didn't make it into medical school, law school, aren't engineers or don't own their own business, who have low self-esteem and so forth, and they exist as a resentful minority ready to spring into action when they can get the leverage they need. Right now they man the Minimarts and drive the cabs, their race does not give them any special opportunities. Those few with brains who end up in the humanities are already shiny prizes for their departments, a little-bit-of-color-in-the-vanilla, deconstructing forces and paradigm shifting atoms. These people are a minority, but they are active, and they exist in all "model minorities." While the passive majority is busy about their lives, they are aiming to create a corporate structure of ethnic identity, and of course, they are ready to take on roles of leadership as the CEOs of such diffuse bodies. Once the corporation of race goes public, everyone falls under its shadows, even those who don't buy stock. Perception starts to influence reality. Walls are put up, inter-corporate interaction becomes distorted, and the process begins to feed upon itself as the dividends of good behavior in the corporation begin to outweight dissent from corporate policy. Soon enough, even dissenters are co-opted in their own way, as they are viewed as exiles, but nonetheless, stamped by the corporation and so good moles and messengers by corporate "enemies." No. 69701
>>69690Asians used to support GOP over the Democrats 55% to 31%. The Reagan era was the heyday of the Asian American Republican. And then Dubya had to fuck it all up.
I fully expect the pendulum to swingback this year, because neither Hillary or Sanders are really connecting with Asian Americans aside from a few SJWs
No. 69702
>>69701How did Obama cater to Asians in 08 and 12?
How are the GOP candidates catering to Asians currently?
No. 69704
>>69702That's just it though, ethnic interests creates a nation of tribes with their own competing interests.
This is an Empire, not a Nation. And an Empire needs an Emperor, a Caesar or a Pope, to govern by dictat to keep the peace.
No. 69705
>>69661Saw A Christmas Carol in Chicago over winter
They made Scrooge Black, Tiny Tim Biracial, the ghost of Christmas past a Muslim, and ghost of Christmas present an obese black woman
>>69662I don't think it's a huge deal, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few Asian leads
That being said I don't think every fucking film needs to have x number of nonwhite actors.
No. 69713
>>69700Thanks for the link, I'll have to look through the rest of the blog.
As much as I try to convince myself that I've abandoned critical studies, they keep popping up in my reading and thinking. (Maybe I'm not trying as hard as I could.) I despise race hustling but at the same time can't shake the thought that the more energy I expend on this issue, even if I'm fighting what I believe to be harmful, the more I'm perpetuating it. You know?
I wouldn't say that the XXX studies majors are universally unfit for college, but I do believe that many of them are wasting their intellectual capacity.
I'm one of them, and I paid for it in lost time and opportunities. Kids…don't ignore your math and science classes. There's a very real chance you'll grow up to realize that there's a glut of cultural/critical studies majors with no marketable skills aside from blaming the patriarchy, and that you really should have studied engineering or some other dynamic field that will allow you to make a far greater difference in the world.
No. 69716
>>69713Not all humanities are bad, classics is an example of a rigorous humanities subject for example. It's not as hard as something like physics, but it's genuine scholarship (learning two difficult ancient languages, having to understand grammar, rhetoric, archaeology etc).
>critical theoryWhat do you find compelling about critical theory?
>and that you really should have studied engineering or some other dynamic field that will allow you to make a far greater difference in the world.Yep, even if it's just learning some basic HTML/CSS/JS - Or learning to use Adobe Creative Suite well, these things go a long way. It doesn't necessarily have to be engineering.
There are plenty of respectable professions in the west that are bloated as fuck and full of people doing nothing of any net benefit to society too - law is a great illustrative example. We have ten times the per capita number of lawyers as Japan in western countries, specifically anglo saxon ones, and it shows.
No. 69730
>>69716I didn't mean to imply that all humanities had no value; a classical education has tremendous value, and it's something I wish I had received. Philosophy is a formidable field, as well. (Average IQ of philosophy majors is up there with physics and astronomy, according to ETS.) I was referring specifically to the proliferation of identity studies.
I was originally drawn to critical studies as a cop out. I have attention/memory issues (untreated ADHD is a real treat) and as a result have constantly made silly arithmetic errors all of my life. This means that despite understanding larger mathematical/scientific concepts quite well, I could never quite get top marks in those classes due to screwing up my calculations. So, apparently bad at math, but above average IQ and verbal skills…oh hey, and I'm Asian and kinda gay…guess it's cultural/critical studies for me, then. Big mistake.
No. 69737
>>69730I see.
>big mistakeNot true, there's all sorts of less mathematically intensive masters programs (specialist business fields like shipping) or professional qualifications (accountancy) or hell, even small IT-related marketable skills you can build up.
I don't think I've ever encountered a gay Asian before. Are you a girl or a guy?
No. 69745
>>69737I'm aiming a little higher than that.
We can talk more off lolcow, to save everyone else in this thread the powerleveling.
No. 69750
>>69745Alright then.
No. 69844
>>69707Africa and the rest of the world also have their own local films. I'm perfectly against people recasting Shakespeare and other classic Caucasian parts with people of color because SJW wanting to throw minorities a bone.
I'm just saying Hollywood is so adverse of casting Asians they intentionally whitewash roles written as asians in source material. (ex: Emma Stone playing a hapa in Aloha; whitewashing the Avatar: The Last Airbender; the producer of 'Make it Pop', a Nickelodeon show based off of Kpop saying he'll cast male asian actors over his dead body) But since Asian Americans are a 'model minority', SJWs believes it's okay to be racist against them.
>If you are asian and a SJW, you have a screw loose in your head. The Social Justice movement doesn't give a fuck about you, and we'll be next once they dethrone the evil 'cis white scum' No. 69853
>>68761Are you me?
I've accepted for years now that I'm meant to be alone and feel empty. I don't ask "why me" anymore, I've just accepted it and it feels ok now.
I know to most people that probably sounds depressing, but I really do feel this bizarre peace at knowing that I'll always be alone.
No. 69875
I've had a premonition of my own death. years ago when i was 15, i woke up with an overwhelming sensation that i was going to die on march 26th, 2018. I wake up everyday with that sensation.
for the past 8 years, my life has basically been a shit box. I'm terrified of my future. im terrified that i'll have lived the last moments of my life in the shit box im in now. You would think that knowing my supposed death date would give me the confidence to go kick life in the balls, but my fear is too crippling. I have confidence problems in general, partly stemming from my emotionally abusive father. Over the course of my life, he has always had a temper, and his profession involves a lot of physical labor, of which he asks me to help sometimes. I want to help him and be useful, but every time i always fail and he yells at me and makes me feel like an idiot. Sometimes i just cant take it so when im alone I curl up into a ball and start crying while calling myself a worthless loser that deserves to die.
I try to mask everything under a guise of humor and video games but due to my problems above, its no wonder why i haven't been able to attract a girl. For the largest portions of my life I was never really concerned with finding a girlfriend. I still found women attractive, and when puberty kicked in i would still masturbate and try to watch porno but i was never concerned with finding a girl IRL. Only somewhat recently I started feeling this way. Perhaps do to my premonition but i dont truly know. Eventually i was drawn to /d/'s gentle femdom and role reversal threads where i've been hanging around lately, shitposting with >tfw no gfd gf. It simple, but it coneys some of my deepest feelings. That I just want a girl to hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay.
thats pretty much my big web of secrets i keep from my friends and family
No. 69985
>>69979If you still like him, just add him normally and message him. It isn't that weird/creepy, as some people add even strangers. Stalking won't do anything but make you feel like shit and prolong your "what could have been" fantasies. At least by directly messaging him you would have tried to get something going.
Or learn to move on to the other fish in the sea.
No. 71204
>>71201That doesn't mean that they care about it. It means that they find you big for them and they love it.
I dated a guy with a long dick, most people would call that a big dick, i hated it.
I'm with a girthy average length guy. I call THAT a big dick and I love it.
No. 71253
>>71221At the risk of being a faggot/repeating a cliche: at least one anon cares and would feel sad if you decided to go through with this.
Sorry. I had to say something.
No. 71269
>>71255What would your father say?
I'm not saying this as some poor attempt at trolling. I'm asking you to genuinely ask yourself. If you had a dad who was there for you, who loved you, who thinks of you still (in some capacity) as his little princess… What would he say if he knew? don't you think it's likely he'd break down completely?
Please read this:
>In my twenties, I lived with two punk chicks who were lazy and wanted a job where they didn’t have to leave the house. They chose phone sex. Neither of these girls were molested as kids and despite the tattoos and pink hair, ultimately just wanted a nice boyfriend whom they would eventually marry and make babies with. Guess what happened. The job rotted them. I would come home after a hard day’s work and feel glares burning through the back of my head. I would turn around and find them staring at me like I habitually raped them both. “That job made me hate men,” one of them admitted to me years after quitting. “It messes with your head.” Their boss eventually convinced one of them to go to hotels and urinate on perverts for money. She recently described the experience as “damaging”—though she’d never have admitted it back then.I at least care about you, even though you're a stranger. I don't want you to abuse yourself like this. You're better than that.
No. 71272
>>71255You're an exchange student where?
Please don't say an asian country…
No. 71280
>>58867I have this same mentality although I haven't traveled abroad or anything. It's all from my mother completing high school and college and becoming a nurse. My extended family sees our cell phones and cars and what not and call us spoiled because my mother could afford to buy us these things, whereas they're sitting in filth and poverty because they were "too challenged" in highschool. They've been working all their life, gotten nowhere, and it's almost as if they blame us.
Anyway. My secret is that I had sex with my ex's best friend. I never thought it would've EVER happened but it did and I loved it. The thing I don't like is that he won't fuck me again, and I know it's because he's thinking of our friendship being ruined, his friendship with my ex, his relationship with his ex, and my relationship with his ex also.
None of that concerns me, he was the best I've ever had ok.
Deleted this to add: i manipulated him for 3 days into giving it up.
No. 71290
>>71287Are you…trolling?
I didn't say I was "open doors". And there is too much nuance to that clusterfuck of a national problem to even discuss here.
No. 71292
>>71290>nuanceIt doesn't seem to be "nuanced" to me. Either you keep your borders closed to mass immigration and only allow for high skilled immigration which, even then, is governed strictly by work visas and strict deportation laws.
Or you support what you seem to support (shallow appeal to the status quo by pretending it's too complex to actually change things and shut the borders to the scum you are describing).
No. 71295
>>71292you seem to be assuming a whole lot about my policy preferences based on one post.
I am in favor of
significantly cutting back on social programs while leaning toward immigration policies that encourage more skilled immigration - but not "open door"
in the way that you seem to describe. Did you assume I was a leftist PoC activist or something?
No. 71300
>>71295>more skilled immigrationAssuming you are from the EU, there are all sorts of visa programs for genuinely talented engineers already in place.
Sounds to me like you just don't like the idea of less of your own kind coming into whomever's country you're squatting in presently.
Majority of net inflows to European countries are unskilled, and no, a BA is not a "skilled worker".
No. 71307
>>71303>backtrackingThat's not backtracking, that's a fact. Look at the current debate taking place in America, where the general consensus among virtually all of the Presidential candidates is that 25 million or so illegal immigrants should be given some sort of route to citizenship because, you know, fuck laws and shit.
In China that would never happen. In Japan that would never happen. In Korea that would never happen. In the Gulf States that would never happen. In SEA that would never happen. Nowhere outside of the west does naturalization just automatically happen to any fuck who happens to turn up on your shores after a few years, regardless of circumstance.
>>71305I very much doubt whatever country they arrived in ultimately was the first safe country their parents crossed en route.
And yes, I'm bitter about my government's ineptitude to deal with millions of people just casually crossing our borders because they invited them here in the first place. I'm annoyed no liberal ever takes responsibility for the myriad rapes and other violent crimes (including murder) committed by them.
No. 71314
>>71307>doubt whatever country they arrived in ultimately was the first safe country their parents crossed en routeI'm not an immigrant myself, and you would be surprised on the other counts.
If you wanted to rant about immigration policy, you should have ranted about immigrant policy rather than projecting all sorts of things onto a random anon comment.
No. 71321
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>>71314>and you would be surprised on the other counts.What would I be surprised about? Look at the present "crisis", where only 25% of the nominal "refugees" are Syrian (probably closed to 15%)?
>rather than projecting all sorts of things onto a random anon comment.Everything I say can be backed up by substantiated fact. Western countries, in general, have vastly more permissive immigration and naturalization laws than non-western countries.
That is fact.
No. 71470
>>71469Well not all of them are whores but I've been noticing more and more girls going into the adult entertainment business are less Stacy and more Femanon these days, into video games and anime and all that.
Lolita is cray cray by design.
No. 71476
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It was really rough finding this board because I was involved in some pretty fucking terrible drama with a moderate lolcow. When I was a minor (14) I met one of this lolcow's friends (18-19 at the time I can't remember) in a Skype group, and eventually they solicited nude photos of me. They said a lot of really fucked up things about me and people in my friend group, and eventually threatened to find me and kill me if I told anyone. They assured me multiple times that it wasn't a big deal before disappearing from my life entirely. I only learned that they were friends with the lolcow later, which sort of wasn't that important to me at the time.
Anyway, eventually I told the lolcow and there was some sort of confrontation between the two. I didn't get got luckily and LC invited me to be "friends" with all of them minus the creep. It grossed me out a lot that given what I believed to be the severity of the situation they were completely fine with it. I eventually deleted all of my social media for unrelated reasons and then a year after that told the creep's girlfriend he'd gotten and she was pissed. All of her friends probably just brushed it off and said I was full of shit.
I have pretty severe C-PTSD and developed borderline personality disorder so needless to say it's taken a decent toll on my life. I think about it pretty much daily and feel endless shame, like that gif of the guy at his computer where he cringes and goes "oh shit" and then waits a second and goes "I'm fine." Medication, therapy and what have you has made it slightly less bad, but on top of all of the problems I had to start with I can't keep jobs and pass classes. I'm in an infinitely better living situation but it sucks knowing that I am unhappy because I am struggling with issues outside of my control.
I can't give out too much information because that person and all of their friends know who I am, probably down to the name and maybe my phone number/how to find me. I wanna talk about it so bad and expose all of them for how nasty they are to accept someone like that but I don't want to get doxxed. I myself am pretty derpy albeit not in the spotlight so naturally I would like it to stay that way.
I don't know how big this forum is and whether or not it's a good idea to say it here, but here I am. :y I hope post deletion works if this causes issues for me irl.
No. 71478
>>71476I think the vast majority of women on here have probably given out nudes at some point.
It's sad. But understandable. Young women who end up on 4chan have abysmally low self esteem and are extremely gullible and desperate for the attention of older men.
I totally feel for you farmer, but stuff like this makes me worry a lot about having a daughter one day.
No. 71481
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>>71478Yeah. I didn't really intend to post any more about it but it creeps me out that an 18 year old had an active enough sexual interest in a 14 year old to perpetuate that kind of arrangement. Once in a blue moon I'll see an attractive 17 year old, and then they open their mouth and I'm just disgusted. Even college freshmen are too much.
What really sucks is knowing that the kind of people who are loud-mouth, pro-young-women, bra-burning, down with cis-het-men feminists are so quick to turn the other way if it happens to one of their own.
No. 71483
>>71481I've never gotten involved with a really young girl, but I've had the opportunity. I just know for a fact the damage that having sex with much older men at a younger age does to some girls because I've dated some of them later on in life, I've seen them break down and start crying about how they feel worthless and shitty and slutty.
It's so sad. I just hope you can understand why some guys worry now, not from a point of view of wanting all women to be eternally chaste hijab wearers but because younger women really do need an older male authority figure in the form of their dad.
No. 71516
>>71511Thank you.
I'm scared whenever anyone exhibits remotely similar behavior of talking about suicide (even though what she did was basically threaten it) or otherwise trying to emotionally pressure me. It's good in the sense that I actually can spot people like her (even though I tend to be attracted to them despite it being bad for me) and possibly avoid them. I'm scared that most women are like she was, and if I even think/imagine that I see parts of her in others I will become absolutely calloused to them. I don't know how to fully articulate it. But yeah, I started using drugs and wishing I was gay after her because things felt hopeless. I was not prepared.
But yeah the person who started this post chain sounds nothing like that please don't feel like I'm comparing you to this girl!
No. 71525
>>71520Surprised? Seriously? Oh wow, you made the decision to exercise basic respect for young people and were able to wrangle in your dick at the same time. You took on your moral and legal responsibility to not commit statutory rape and potentially fuck up the lives of other human beings––human beings, mind you, who don't have the mental and emotional capacity to process what they're getting themselves into.
Good on you. That must've been hard and heartbreaking. Truly outstanding. I cannot imagine having to shoulder the same burden as you have. All in a day's work though, huh?
No. 71529
>>71525But I've still slept with and perhaps taken advantage of if you want to view it through that lens, women who had that done to them and worse. They were well above legal age but what they experienced in youth led to their seeking of negative attention in adulthood. That and all of my fantasies are sadistic and a few abusive.
Incidentally it was those experiences that helped me empathise with women fully. Problem with that empathy is that you start to see women as weak and helpless and in need of constant protection.
No. 71596
>>71532Frankly, anon, he probably gets his rocks off arguing with random women over the Internet about this topic.
Just ignore him. The more people berate him, the more justified he feels taking advantage of girls who are not fully mentally there.
No. 71673
>>71598Fucking same. I withdraw from people at school/work because I don't want to lose my shit at them, but it hurts to see them walk on eggshells around me. I want off of this
cycle, but I have no idea what norMal human interaction is.
No. 71677
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what is this thread and why are all the confessions so weak, pathetic, and tumblr-esque? I've seen edgier shit come out of a poorly-drawn scenewolf's asshole. Seriously? Anorexia complaints? How about you donate that food to a third-world country, you spoiled lardass.
well let's go down the list of what I've done…
shot a police officer in the leg, i think it was specifically the knee, when i glanced back. and the leg was like, barely holding onto her from the impact.
snorted (almost an OD) of cocaine on a multitude of times, my buddy had to literally shove an IV into my elbow because i was losing so much water and i couldn't go to an actual hospital, y'know.
raped a 12-year-old chick when I was 19 and they still haven't pressed charges, I'm 30 now, so case is probably cold and stiff as fuck.
member of a cartel on the FBI's most-wanted list. (not the leader, though, but i'm well-on-my-way)
No. 71678
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I think nearly all my interactions/attempts to befriend people have a cycle
>start off okay, making jokes and talking for a while
>then I stop interacting with them because of my own self doubts/depression
>don't really speak to them that often again
Because of this I only really have 2 legitemate friends, and even then they're just my collegues
And this is making my attempts to make a move on my crush even worse
No. 71679
>>71677>m-my issues and bagagge are better than yours!what did you honestly expect, this is a site populated mostly by women
also nice bait
No. 71681
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>>71679Wait… Mostly women? Yeahhh, I'm out…
No. 71682
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>>71681>tumblr filenameof course
No. 71690
>>71678I have the same problem.
I'm also horrible at making small talk and keeping in touch with people.
No. 71793
>>71781>size doesn't matter anonAfter
>holy fuck I love your big dick That's what made me insecure
No. 71814
>>71809They're trying to
trigger/troll anon, not say that whites love Asians. Not this shit again.
No. 71839
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>>71821So I don't understand the logic where WM+BBC makes you happy yet the once in a blue moon AMWF pisses you off. It's nowhere near as common as the ever so popular WMAF relationship.
>Does it have something to do with a weak pathetic loser beta guy being able score where you failed? No. 71846
>>71829Southeast Asia disagrees.
Especially the Philippines lol.
No. 71847
>>71839>So I don't understand the logic where WM+BBC makes you happyIt doesn't.
>yet the once in a blue moon AMWF pisses you off.They both piss me off. It's just that I don't encounter black male spammers and shitposters nearly as often as I encounter Asian American male ones.
That and the fact it doesn't make black men nearly as mad when white men date and fuck their own women as it makes Asian men, who are among the most hypocritical on this subject.
No. 71851
>>71849Ikr. What's the endgame with this shit? What does he wantnus to say so he will stop bringing it up?
>>71850>>71847>our women>their womenI think you guys have some issues that you need to sort out
No. 71852
>>71795>>71821>>71847Why do you care so much about the hypothetical sexual relationships of strangers?
Let's pretend I entered crazy town, and everything you're bitching about is true. So what? What's the big issue that I'm missing?
No. 71855
>>71851>I think you guys have some issues that you need to sort outIt's accurate. No group of men is happy about a foreign group taking and fucking their girls. Hell it has spawned an entire discourse in "asian American studies". They call it the interracial dating disparity.
That being said I don't object to the term our women and their women. Not only could western culture not exist without white people, but white women could not exist without white men. I mean that quite literally. Groups and their cultures are dependant upon endogamy to survive.
No. 71856
>>71855Do you feel that white women have some sort of allegiance to white men that they aren't living up to?
Why does all of this make you so angry? Just say you hate "race mixing" instead of dancing around it, and acting like you're trying to prevent the downfall of civilization.
You sound so overdramatic
>sometimes white women date…Asian men!!!!Well call the fucking authorities! I am just clutching my pearls in fear of this debauchery!
No. 71857
>>71855What if I told you that these white women aren't dating non-white men to piss you off, or promote any agenda?
What if they don't consider themselves "your women"?
What if they never thought about you at all?
No. 71858
>>71853Lolcows are interesting and funny. Laughing at them doesn't mean that I believe in any bizarro conspiracies.
Unlike this guy, who seems fixated on the dating history of white women, as a whole. He seems very invested in convincing us that…something is happening that we should be outraged about.
No. 71859
>>71856Typical lolcow strawman crap, sigh.
I never said I didn't dislike race mixing as a rule. I do.
I merely pointed out that the existence of white people is contingent upon endogamy. Or do you think you and your oppa are going to make white children together?
No. 71860
>>71859Why do you assume that I even want children?
Why should you care what my hypothetical children look like?
No. 71866
>>71862I thought my tone was very pleasant. I honestly have no dating preferences that center around race.
Do mixed-race babies upset you?
No. 71867
Butbwhy do you care what my hypothetical children look like?
No. 71868
>>71867I don't. I'm pointing out the fact white women literally cannot exist without white men.
>>71866For the most part I'd rather white women with mixed race kids stay in Japan or Korea. If Japanese and Korean men are so wonderful then it seems logical to live in a society created by them.
No. 71870
>>71868So you think families with mixed race Asian children should relocate to their phenotypic-matching country?
What if the parents were born in north america?
No. 71871
>>71869Then understand the concept of "our" in this context. We belong to the same group the continued existence of which hinges on endogamous fertility.
It doesn't mean "omg ur trying to own me fuck you dad!"
No. 71873
>>71859>>71868>I don:'tOkay but this:
>Or do you think you and your oppa are going to make white children together?Made it seem like you were somehow concerned about my hypothetical children's race.
No. 71874
>>71872I don't know who that is.
Or how it answers my question.
No. 71876
>>71874A dog born in a stable is not a horse.
An Asian born in America is not in any way less ethnocentric than any other Asian.
No. 71877
>>71871But what I'm saying is that I don't see how I could be "your woman" in that sense, if I don't subscribe to values where the race of my children is relevant.
I don't make my romantic decisions based on race. I don't believe anything you're saying, so when you go on about white women being "our women" I'm all "lol ya I'm not a part of this race war, so don't assume that I'd associate with you because we're both white"
No. 71883
>>71878Still applies.
>>71879Culturally they are.
>>71877>how I could be "your woman" in that sense, if I don't subscribe to values where the race of my children is relevant.1) I never said you were my woman. You're some Asian's woman.
2) Race is relevant whether you think it is or not. Conceptually and biologically it exists apart from you.
The irony of a bunch of self professed "don't see race" Liberal white girls fetishising men from some of the most ethnocentric societies on earth is palpable incidentally.
No. 71888
But you can't control who people have children with, or where they live. So you're going to have to make peace with that and move on.
No. 71892
>>71886The fact you're on lolcow compounded with your obvious taking of offense.
>>71885>if somebody is born in a country that means they are loyal to itYou may want to look into the various Asian American legal funds and who they've bankrolled.
>>71888"Fuck you dad" tier strawman.
No. 71895
But you can't control where people live or who they have children with. so you need to make peace with this and move on.
No. 71916
There are some times where I just want to be left alone, so I would ignore any phone calls or social media messages outside my work time, either from family or close friends, and go into hiding without telling them why.
There is a reason for this though, whenever I explain that I just need some time to myself, they would look at me like I'm the crazy one and often goes with sayings like,"Why do you want to be left alone? You can't do anything by being alone you know, the more the merrier!" I know friends and fams, but personally I find being around people all the time really exhausting, I need to be alone to recharge myself. Personally I'm also tired of explaining it to them over and over again, because they just don't get it.
There were times when they worried sick about me though, like they legit thought I was kidnapped or murdered somewhere, and I sometime feel guilty about it, so I made up stories like,"My phone is having some error and I just get it fixed. Sorry loads of emojis"
No. 71939
>>71916I basically did all of this ( especially when I was dealing with deep depression ) and when it was done to me by someone I truly cared about, I finally understood how shitty it feels. I knew it was wrong eventually, but I didn't
really get it before then.
My reasons for lying about it was that they either wouldn't understand or I didn't want to hurt them and made them think it's about them, that they're doing something wrong. So since then I always tell people that I'm doing my alone time and whether they understand it and still stick around ( a lot didn't, I can't blame them for finding it weird for someone to disappear for days or weeks ) is up to them.
No. 71948
>>71901Doing it just because you 'don't mind' all the time, when you're not enjoying it, it's putting him before you.
If he needs to get off you can suggest he jerks off. If your want to get involved you can give him a time limit or allow him a nice view when he does it or if you want you can talk to him about what might improve xex for you but it's not right to put his desire for sex over yours. It's not your duty.
No. 72060
Facial hair is killing my sex life.
I am absolutely 1000% not attracted to guys with facial hair. I even put it in my Tinder bio. And yet I met this super cute guy with the most gorgeous shoulder length red-blonde wavy hair and the cutest smile and a great sense of humor, none of his 5+ pics show him with a mustache/beard combo, but then after chatting and doing a pic swap he looks nothing like that shit. He's got a dark orange mustache/goatee combo, and his hair is about 8 inches longer and is a dark orange unkempt curly mop. When I pointed out how he looked nothing like his Tinder pics he got all defensive and shit, "well idk what I tell you, they are real pics of me :(". He also wouldn't tell me how old they were, Iin fact he stopped talking to me. The last fuy I met on Tindee looked like his pics, no facial hair, was cute and funny and cool for a while, but then out of nowhere he decided to grow a godawful 70's porno 'stache (and he's a baby faced Asian guy, which made it worse) and refused to shave it even when I stopped having second with him. He tried to argue the point that his coworkers and his guy friends all thought it looked good, to which my only response was "okay, then why don't you get one of them to suck your dick? Because I'm not gonna do it."
And yes I know, Tinder is a shithole, but I just want to bone some cute guys not get married and have kids or any of that shit. Yes, I know it's a petty and superficial thing to bitch about, but I think I deserve to be physically attracted to a guy I intend to have sex with at the very least. But it's spreading like an STI and I can't get away from it, unless I wanna date guys younger than me which is a huuuuuuuge fuck no.
No. 72071
>>72068You just seem so obnoxious is all.
>no man, shave that shit off>but my co-workers love it>i no give u dik suk>but bbyToppest of the keks. I mean, do you share this shit with your friends irl? In the exact bratty way you posted it? Cause that's some comedy behind your back gold. It has
nothing to do with what looks good on someone or what you're attracted to, just how
you come across.
In any case, anon, I hope you find your clean shaven prince and thanks for the laughs.
No. 72130
>>72074Kek. I repeated twice what my point was. I'm not baiting you. I'm going to repeat it the third time. It has
nothing to do with what your preferences are, it's
how you go on about it. Only this time you've added a little
>I has standardz, I no need to suk dik of dem beards to feel validationwhich is only adding to the funny.
>>72120Because IRL you can actually not be deceived by a pic and who needs all that jazz, amirite?
No. 72133
>>72131I think you linked to the wrong post. Did you mean her
>>72060 hooking up/not telling it afterwards?
No. 72567
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I want to sell my used panties to Japanese men online ever since I found out used panty vending machines were a thing in Japan.
I know there are websites to sell/auction them to everywhere from America/Canada to Europe, but I don't think they have a lot of Japanese buyers. I think JP buyers would pay more, since I buy "cute" underwear much more than sexy silky underwear or thongs (which are more popular to western buyers).
I think it will satiate my pervy kawaii kink nicely without having to be a full blown loli nymphet camslut, plus at $30-50 a pair and up to $250-350 for a 7 pair bundle I could buy more useless weeb shit and use my paychecks for adulting and stuff.
>yes I'm a slut idc uwu
No. 72570
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>>72567See, I would totally do this, if it weren't for the fear that someone is going to run my DNA and build my face from it like that artist in NYC.
No. 72577
>>72567You know you don't actually make that much from it, right?
Girls in Japan are already supplying in Japan, so it's not like they need to import. I've given you the benefit of the doubt that you now know panty vending machines aren't a thing but your business plan is really flawed.
If you sell in the Western world you make hardly any money unless you do 'extras' like photos of the pants worn, videos, running a photo blog etc. Just pants without any extras is like $15.
I have no problem with it, but I just don't feel like you know what you're talking about at all.
No. 72581
>>72567>You might be better off using reddit.r/pantyselling
No. 72672
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Not very interesting but I actually have one of those texture/sound hypersensitivity bullshit things. You know the type of shit "autistic" tumblrinas like to moan about and how it makes their life so hard that nobody thinks is real because the aforementioned make such a huge deal of it.
I can deal with it generally but for example, listening my bf currently opening up millions of cardboard boxes ( he ordered some stuff ) is killing me. I hate the both sound ( scrape cut cardboard against cardboarddnnnghh ) and feel of cardboard, makes my skin crawl like hell.
And I can't moan about it in peace because I feel stupid for it.
No. 72715
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>>72707>>72711I know one in real life.
She still dresses and acts like a woman too, kek.
No. 72726
>>72720I used to feel this way too. When I turned 19 i kept thinking I wouldn't make it to 30. It was at the most depressed period of my life. Since then a lot has improved and I have planned a lot for my life in my after I turn 30, so your current circumstances play a large role too.
More than anything I see it as not
wanting to live past a certain age as opposed to not making it there for whatever reason (as I've commonly seen it been phrased)
No. 72752
>>72672I've heard of people having success with using brain training programs for auditory processing. They do stuff like play a tone and you have to figure out if it's going up in pitch or down in pitch and it gets shorter and shorter. There's a bunch of other stuff, but basically the idea is to help your brain maps become better differentiated so that one sound doesn't
trigger a bunch of areas in the brain, it just
triggers the one that it's supposed to. I think a company called posit science has done some research on it. Might be worth a shot.
No. 72807
>>72698Not very easily, thankfully because I know how to avoid Muh
Triggers but very occasionally I have days when I "hear everything" and I pretty much just plug my ears and rest for a bit.
>>72752Hmm, I'll have to try this. I figured I'd get better with the other therapy ( DBT ) I'm doing but I'll definitely look into this, thank you!
No. 73406
>>72696me 2
I was so disappointed
No. 73432
>>72711really i don't think it's just cis people making them uncomfortable but rather that some people get unecessarily violent
for example, that video of the trans woman getting beaten in baltimore. idk
No. 73508
>>73504Dude, I'm sorry to hear about this. Sometimes it helps to let stuff out anonymously.
I was molested at your age by my older brother. I didn't really understand what had happened until years later, but I was a lot more fucked up about it.
I know that you say you're not damaged or anything, but maybe you could talk to a counselor or something about it. You might have some weird underlying issues that you have repressed that are causing you some confusion in your life (that was definitely my case.)
I wish you the best, man. Shit happens. Don't be afraid to open up about it if you trust someone. If anyone judges you for something like that, then they're a fucking loser.
No. 75280
>>73504I'm sorry to hear that. Like
>>73508 said, a counselor could help even though you say it wasn't scarring. There were things in my life that I thought I was okay with but that actually messed me up. I never realised until I spoke to a professional.
Anybody who reacts as though there's something wrong with you is a fucked up individual. The older brother was at fault, not you.
No. 75517
>>75184I know how you feel
Once I figure out how to get over it I'll let you know kek
>>75216He was like 16 at the time
I stalked his facebook a while ago and seems to be doing alright with a gf and a job. Doubt he'd be doing that anymore. Probably just couldn't get a girl at the time
>>75280Thanks anon
No. 75519
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If it weren't for the Internet, I'd still be a hugless, kissless virgin at age 23.
And I'm a girl.
No. 75539
>>75533I think you'd be surprised. Not everyone lives in Buttfuck, Podunkia, where the majority of the population is overweight and inbred and possibly a convicted felon.
Unless you are saying that anyone on Craiglist - regardless of physical appearance or success or personality - is by definition a desperate sleazeball, in which case I might agree.
No. 75560
>>75549Did you read my other comments?
The point was that I was
literally too retarded to get laid the normal way. The fact that I am female compounds the retardation factor about 10x.
No. 75746
>>75736You know why they call him the Craigslist Killer, right? Because there are a million killers out there who don't find victims on Craigslist.
By that logic, stay out of Boston, or else the Boston Strangler will get you. (Actually there has been a weird string of deaths of young men in Boston in the past several years…creepy stuff) Milwaukee too, because Jeff Dahmer will come back from the dead and cannibalize your ass. Forget Wichita, remember BTK?
Has anyone used Tinder to kill/rape yet? It will happen eventually.
No. 75763
>>75751Polite sage for OT.
I don't put stock into the smiley face thing, but anyone who's curious about the Boston deaths: author is pretty woo-woo (idk if anyone is into that here) but this is a good article.
No. 75823
>>75820> It's so hard to when women are rubbing sexuality in your face.He is retarded and blaming women for his own lack of self-control. No different than a fatty blaming everyone and everything for being fat instead of the fact that they are the ones who chose to shovel down three meals in one sitting.
It takes two to fuck and be unfaithful. If he struggles, then he will likely cheat again regardless if the woman is "rubbing sexuality in your face" or not.
No. 75825
>>75820"When women are rubbing sexuality in your face"
Sounds kind of like the opposite of a radfem thanking men who, for once, don't pull out their penises 24/7 to rape women
No. 75839
>>75835Something related to finance.
>>75836I think most men do.
No. 75844
>>75841Finance != Lots of money necessarily, if you're working in the origination department of an investment bank with a PhD in Mathematics, then yeah. But there's plenty of guys in mid-office on average, or rather above-average wages.
Plenty of front-office failures too who fold.
>women are throwing themselves at youLiterally only online. Most girls I've slept with I've met online.
No. 75848
>>75847confirmed for same guy
racial dating chart incoming
No. 75852
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>>75851But why do
you have such strong opinions about it?
All I said was that it doesn't seem to be that common and that outside of very selective demographics, white girls don't seem to be attracted to asian guys and you sperged out at me.
No. 75863
>>75860Ok, but nobody brought up "damaged goods".
I do agree you can pick out specific people here though. There are a few old /cgl/ shitposters who are obvious, but who cares?
No. 75868
>>75864- A few /r9k/ers.
- That Turkish guy who posts interesting photos.
- A few /pol/acks, including a couple of girls.
- Some old /cgl/ posters, including a couple of britfags (Spoony and some others), as well as Tim, the artist alley girl.
- Some PULL members who came over.
not the person you're replying to. That's all I can think of in terms of specific people.
No. 75872
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>That Turkish guy who posts interesting photos. :3
No. 75902
>>75901There are lots of good Turks I've met over the years.
Just Islamism is the problem really.
No. 75911
>>75908Actually quiet carriages are common everywhere, so it's not particular to Japan.
I'm not a typical robot on that question, but Tinder represents everything wrong with modern dating.
No. 75912
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>>75910N'ah man, it's cool. Hopefully our people will leave their subhuman ways someday.
>>75902Everything will be good after this guy goes and we get another secular president.
No. 75913
>>75912It's amazing how things have been getting more Islamic in the Middle East right? Especially in a place where drinking a small glass of raki was no big deal to the vast majority of people.
Even in Egypt the idea of the vast majority of women wearing hijab in a place like Cairo 40 years ago was absurd. I guess it's partly demographic change too.
No. 75940
>>75911Not really but ok.
Well you're out of your containment thread and your in over your head. Your first problem with that is the fact that you don't realize that society adjusts itself and doesn't stay stuck In The 1950s. And from what I've heard, it's mostly looking for a fling, not serious dating.
No. 76223
Okay, I have a confession. I'm confused with my sexuality, and this frustrates me because I'm an adult, I should have figure this out by now. My main concern is that I like guys romantically but I don't have an interest to pursue sexual relationships with them. Like..don't get me wrong, I've dated some guys that I genuinely love and they love me too, but somehow I just can't seem to get physical with them. Every time we do it, my heart was just not there and mostly that's the reason why my exes broke up with me. But it's different with girls. If they hit on me in a sexual way and I like it, I'd do the sexual relationship in a heartbeat. The strange thing is, while I'm down for sexual relationship with girls, I can't never seem to be romantically involved. Just pure physical. I've tried though, really tried to maintain a relationship with this nice and amazing girl, but…I don't know how to explain it with the right words. The feeling I felt when I'm with her was just somewhere along 'like', but never as 'loving' as when I'm with my guy exes. This was the reason why she broke up with me, she said that while the sex was good, the affection wasn't there. Very strange, right? I questioned myself everyday, "what's wrong with me? what does this mean? Am I a bi or a lesbian? Or I just haven't found the right person?" For now I just stay away from relationship things since I'm afraid I will hurt anyone if I decided to pursue one again. Also, I'm thinking about talking to a professional about this, but to be honest, I'm still in doubt, so I'd let it out here for now…
No. 76227
>>76223(inb4 gb2tumblr)
Your sexual and romantic orientations are mismatched. You're homosexual but heteroromantic.
It's rare since most people's sexual and romantic orientations point in the same direction. But when it happens, it sucks.
Sorry for no real advice but it might help to know that the issue is a real thing.
No. 76231
>>76223this sounds normal tbh. most people are down for a heterosexual romantic relationship to some degree (not necessarily sexual relationship) because you've been raised since birth to want/expect that. I know that can sound like bullshit, but every bi and gay person I've ever known has gone through
exactly what you're describing. It's honestly very hard to overcome.
I don't ascribe to all that hetero/homo/sapio/whatever-romantic" etc crap orientations… you either want to fuck someone, or you don't. The end. Everything else is friendship. Sorry to anyone's 12 year old furself that can't handle reality.
I'd say still try getting therapy if you can, it might help just to hear yourself talk w/ someone. This is probably something you're going to have to just work out over time.
No. 76262
>>76223Do you have anxiety? It is common to get anxious during sex, like performance anxiety. Maybe that is why you are willing to get romantically involved with men but not sexually. Women probably don't scare you as much so you are willing to get involved sexually, but you may not feel strong enough about them for a romantic relationship.
That's just my view, though. Talking to a therapist would definitely benefit you a lot.
No. 76401
>>76261>>76243I'm going to assume you're both not retarded.
A=no gender=gender
There are people who don't identify as male or female. Yeah, the ones spreading selfies online are probably tumblrina fake bois, but there agender people do exist irl. Now, you are no longer ignorant, congratulations.
No. 76424
>>76406Lol, no. Fine, agender people aren't real. I made it up. Trans people aren't real either.
All I was trying to say is that if I am attracted to someone, then I'm attracted. I don't care what they identify as. I don't care what race they are. As long as I find them visually appealing, I don't particularly care if they're male/female.
No. 76437
>>76435I can't speak for anyone else but there are a lot of girls here who don't like the idea of guys with dicks coming into places like women's changing rooms and women's shelters.
Understandably so too.
No. 76452
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I try to help others. When someone needs something, I spring to action because that's what I'd want others to do for me. But I always feel so dumb, like I'm desperate for approval or something. It's hard to explain. I really do want to be a connector/help others, but I'm horribly inept and feel like a pathetic phony when I offer help. My worst fear is that I'm not just ineffective, I'm completely the opposite of helpful.
No. 76453
>>76401>There are people who don't identify as male or female.It doesn't matter what they identify as, they either male or female. Its stated clearly on their birth certificate.
>>76424>Trans people aren't real either.Its not that they're not real, its that they're mentally ill and are pretending to be something theyre not to avoid reality.
>>76436Sadly yes, its is politcally incorrect to point out someone is bat shit crazy. Did you know that homosexuality used to be defined as a mental illness in the DSM, and was only removed after they protested it for years.
>>76448/pol/ and i'm 6'4"
No. 76461
>>76453So…are you anti-gay too? I find it weird that people are anti-trans because it's unnatural but a-okay with gays, even though by that same logic, homosexuality is just as unnatural.
After all, it doesn't matter what you're attracted to, you have to consider your sex. So you're a man and attracted to men? Reproduction is male/female, sorry, clearly you are mentally ill and need conversion therapy.
If you actually are anti-gay AND anti-trans, then I applaud you for your consistency.
No. 76465
>>76435Here's what I think.
There's the transtrenders and tumblr faggots + whatever idiots on tumblr trash tv on MTV, like Nev's new show. This may also include lonely, questioning kids/teenagers who are going through things, like most others have and do, but who unfortunately met with the wrong people online and now they're a tree frog. May include a legitimate mental illness.
Then there's people like Chrischan and Laurelei and whatever idiots and/or abusers who "become women" because either they couldn't get women to like them as a man, so they're trying this out; they are abusive or perverts and want to get to vulnerable people or gratify themselves through getting special access to women; and/or they put women on a pedestal and think everything will be all hunky-dory if they are a woman. Guaranteed to include a legitimate mental illness.
Then there's people who are seriously, truly at odds with themselves and they way they feel, they way they see themselves. It could include intersex people who were raised a certain way basically on a gamble. It could include people who were abused and "took to" the opposite sex because of the abuse. Undeniably includes a legitimate mental illness.
I've read a lot of stories from people who detransistioned, including people who actually had surgeries, and I'm a lot less "live and let live" about this and more "they need to see people who will take them and their issues seriously, which does not include pushing for them to undergo surgeries/hormones because that is not therapy, 9/10."
No. 76468
>>76461>anti-gayYes and no. Yes for obvious reasons, no because a lot of fags I meet take care of themselves a lot better than I do, so them being out of the dating pool is a plus for me in that respect. Bi-sexuals are the worst imho, they want to have their cake and eat it too.
>>76462No, unless you're that grill from lolcow i've been hitting on for the past few weeks.
>>76463James Yeager plz go, no one wants to hear you shill your side business.
>>76464>>76466ty anon
No. 76469
>>76461>homosexuality is just as unnatural.Is it really though?
I'm right-wing and I don't agree with the normalization of homosexuality in the media, but I think there's a difference of kind between fucking another man or woman and destroying your own genitals and taking a potent mix of chemicals to make yourself grow fake breasts.
Just saying.
No. 76482
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>>76478>How does it affect you, personally?I previously said it benefits me personally here
>>76468. My complaint was that it was detrimental to society.
>What is the "normalization of homosexuality" ruining for you?pic related
No. 76483
>>76478Well we don't live in a vacuum, the weaker my nation gets, the less competitive it gets, the less fecund it is, the less strict it is against immigration and settlement - the worse off I am. Inter-generationally it also means my nation ceases to be my nation (and those of my descendants) and becomes the land of those who were allowed to enter and settle because of successively permissive governments.
All of these things I reference, in some small way, contribute towards the health of the nation. Healthy breeding patterns are a huge part of future success.
No. 76490
>>76469Obviously, banging someone of the same sex doesn't have the lasting consequences that undergoing hormone therapy/genital surgery does. I find the logic (it's a mental illness! It's unnatural!) behind the pro-gay but anti-trans sentiment here inconsistent and temperamental.
It's kind of like how some Catholics (where I'm from, anyway) are suddenly all right with porn and gay people because the culture they're in condones it, and perhaps because they enjoy porn or have a gay friend. They haven't actually applied critical thinking to their change of heart, just went along with the tide.
And so that's the way I see a lot of these posters here, assuming they're genuine and not trolls. Okay with gay people at large because their society is okay with it. Not okay with trans people at large because the idea of transsexuals is weird and new and frightening.
Also, there are multiple issues here. Do people oppose the legitimacy of transsexualism, or are they opposed to losers like Chris-chan rubbing oestrogel over his man boobs?
You have to be specific and explain your core assumptions. (Sadly, most people are not willing to explore their own thoughts and opinions all that deeply)
Sorry if I don't make sense. It's been a long week.
btw, I'd bet I'm more right wing than you.
No. 76493
>>76489>Same sex couples don't affect you. Your problem is that you can't conceive of harm on any level beyond a totally linear one, in other words, one person coercing another person in a direct, obvious way that subverts their "consent".
You don't, or more properly can't conceive of the idea of the influence environment plays over people, and that the more permissive the environment in general, the more everything gradually declines.
>>76490I'm not pro gay.
>It's kind of like how some Catholics (where I'm from, anyway) are suddenly all right with porn and gay people because the culture they're in condones itPorn is horrendously fucked up, porn creep by itself is fucked up and the fact nobody seems to be talking about the way it is warping an entire generation's conception of sexuality is scary. It's just another elephant in the room we all ignore for the same reasons mentioned above ("if everyone consented, that makes it moral!")
No. 76494
>>76489Since you're actually bothering to bring some bait this time.
> They will always be the minority and all they want are to be treated like human beings with the same rights as straight people.Its great to hear you're on board. And yes I think they should have the same rights as straight people including being hospitalized for their mental illness.
>>76490not that anon but
> I find the logic (it's a mental illness! It's unnatural!) behind the pro-gay but anti-trans sentiment here inconsistent and temperamental.We've already brought up how homosexuality is a mental illness and was only removed from the DSM after lots of protesting.
No. 76503
>>76482Is there some sort of context I'm missing behind these images you see at pride parades?
I really hope there are homosexuals who disapprove of it, because in front of kids it's too much.
No. 76511
>>75931You'll grow out of it when you get your first boyfriend. I won't say it is common, but you've probably had limited exposure to guys in general and you sound like you're really close to him.
This reminds me of a similar case I remember of a girl whose father and older brother were extremely prohibitive about her being allowed to see guys while she was at school and even afterwards, so she ended up developing a crush on her older brother.
No. 76553
>>76536Not even CA :|
>>76539So he's either trying to breed Asians out of existence or trying to perform an action that may actually produce more of the people who he thinks are overpopulating. depending on how you look at it.
Haha? :/
When I think about it, he did ask me some weirdo questions like "what do your sisters look like" and "don't you think western society is too sexual". Back then I gave him the benefit of the doubt but now that I know what he's about, wtf?!
I don't know what to do. It's weird to keep corresponding with someone who thinks I'm scum but who is basically still civil to my face.
No. 76605
>>76553Can you post an example of something he said?
If he actually is saying shit like this then he probably falls into the same category as much of /r9k/ and /pol/ who would drop their meme beliefs about women and race at the drop of a hat if someone showed interest in them. I don't see many /pol/acks turning down a qt girl of another race if she showed interest in them
Honestly I'd talk to him about his posts tbh
No. 76627
>>76565Not sure which camp he falls into, because he apparently can't stand Asians in the US (based on what I found) but also seems to worship what he thinks are Asian "traditional" values (based on the things he has told me, ew)
>>76605I never wanted to date him. Even before realizing what he does on the Internet. So much for platonic conversation with a person of the opposite sex.
I feel weirded out revisiting what he's written but it's not too far off from what the nationalist right wing guy/troll from upthread said. But then he turns around and craps on "Western" culture when talking to me, so what's his deal? Trying to bait me?
I'll probably just make up a scenario where someone else does this to me and gauge his reaction.
No. 76725
>>76627Probably best to gauge his reaction
Based on what he's supposedly posted I wouldn't get your hopes up for friendship or anything else
What site is this account on? Is he posting this shit on reddit or something? Are you 100% sure it's him?
No. 76873
>>76871>wanting to fuck a guy solely based off of his rumored penis sizeHow old are you?
Not judging
No. 76901
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>>76900It's not a secret or confession. Why so mad?
No. 76907
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>>76904You all need a better hobby.
Confession: I grew up with parents who hated each other (not from a divorcing culture) and always tried to pit me and my siblings against the other parent and use us to spy on each other. As a result, I'm pretty screwed up with major trust/intimacy issues, distancing behaviors, and general passive-aggressiveness and have no idea where to begin to fix myself
No. 76930
>>76227Thank you anon, I just read some medical journal and apparently hetero-romantic is a real thing. I haven't found one that is close to my case though.
>>76231I have talked to several friends that are either gay/lesbian/bi about this and although they are heteroromantic at first, they realized their sexuality and romantic interest at the same time (time varies), hence that's why they identify as gay/lesbian/bi. I agree about fucking, but I don't know about 'everything else is friendship' though. Personally, I know what it feels to fall in love, so it's hard not having both of the romantic and sexual interest at the same time, for me.
>>76239Thank you for sharing your story anon, I really appreciate it. Oh and congratulations about your baby! :)
>>76262I don't have anxiety as far as I know, at least in sex. But your view is possible, maybe I should look into it more.
Thank you for your views and stories anons. I'm glad to know that my problem is real, it helps me a lot. I will try to talk to a professional about this.
No. 76936
>>76930It's great that you're open to all sorts of advice. I'm not sure why more people don't distinguish between romantic and sexual preferences, tbh. Feeling sexual desire for someone (or a group of people) doesn't necessarily mean you have the pair-bonding drive with that person (or group of people).
I know one guy who admits to liking the occasional gay hookup but has no feelings for men whatsoever; I know yet another who is also romantically hetero and fine with receiving BJs from guys but gags at the thought of actually kissing them because it's too intimate; and other romantically homo guy who really digs vaginas but would never date a woman.
I don't know for sure if this is the situation you're in, but it's something to think about.
No. 77142
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I am terrible at speaking. I stutter, jumble up words, and mispronounce things all the time. This is due to the fact that I'm a retard who says like 50 words out loud a day (mostly to people I have no choice but to talk to, like cashiers at the store) - I don't get much practice.
So I pretend to be foreign and fake a generic accent. If I stumble or can't think of a word, I have an excuse for it and it doesn't sound as painful or embarrassing.
No. 77223
>>76227>>76401>>76424don't care enough about other posts to keep linking
you're either gay, straight, bi, or asexual.
that's all there either want to fuck a certain group of ppl or you don't.
there aren't any other super special categories (eg "sapio-romantic," "'queer' but in straight relationship, "pan" etc.)
Those aren't real things that exist. They're only labels you apply to feel more special and important.
it's 100% normal to question your own sexuality and to experiment, but that doesn't create some new super-specific sexual orientation.
stop drinking the tunblr kool-aid.
No. 80026
>>77223This tbh
>>80022Then while you're single you'll wish you were in a relationship
Just how it goes. We can never be fully satisfied. Grass always has to be greener somewhere else
No. 81632
>>80038>My mom pretty much raised me to be socially inept as well as independent, so I don't really know how to be in a partnershipMe too…
Sadly this applies not only to relationships but also to friendships/platonic companionship as well. Thanks mom & dad for teaching me that the world is full of molesters and scary people and never letting me hang out with friends, now I'm an introverted retard.
No. 81668
>>81638>As in adult she wonders why I came out to be so "defective."lol story of my life. I know that as an adult I need to take responsibility for myself, but seriously, I can trace all of my dysfunction back to my parents. I wonder if they realize this.
I find it nearly impossible to open up to people because every time I tried to ask my parents about anything even vaguely controversial (I was a naturally curious kid), they freaked out and assumed I was up to no good. Example:
>11 yo me: hey dad what happens when a teenager gets pregnant?>dad: Y U ASK R U PREGNANT????>11 yo me: okay face.jpgSo lol now I am repressed as hell and go to the Internet whenever I have problems instead of talking with a human.
No. 81711
>>81632>>80038>>81638This is very similar to me. Whenever I even suggested doing something like for example, riding my bike on a trail or walking in the forest preserve, my mom would tell me stories about how some lady in a a nearby down was attacked by some guy and yadda yadda and good thing she knew self defense because she would have probably died.
It came to the point where I just stopped wanted to do anything. I already didn't have any friends, literally zero, so I just stuck to the computer, tv, and video games.
About 4 years ago I wanted to sign up to this charity 70mil bike ride that I knew a few people were doing as well. In the span of like 3 minutes I managed to go from being really excited and about to sign up, to angry, frustrated, and crying in public because she kept saying things about how it's probably a bad idea and my bike isn't very good so it'll only cause me problems (ignoring the fact I already covered 300mil the previous month around my town) and how I probably couldn't do it without some sort of issue/threat to my life or comfort. Then once I started crying and ran out of the building to cool off, she was like, "Oh I'm not telling you you can't do it" but I was way too upset and thought screw it. I was an adult at this point so it wasn't like I was 15 and wanting to spend two days with a couple dozen strangers 50 miles away from home.
I got into a fight with her once two years ago(?) and brought up about how she would always try to talk me out of things because I might die or whatever. She finally FINALLY stopped. Then last year, my uncle was talking to me once and it came up that I spent some time in the city recently, and he asked if I had a knife or pepper spray or something, my mom said something like "She gets mad when I tell her to be careful". Fucking seriously?
No. 81714
>>81711Eventually my mom got so overbearing about how everytime I step outside on my own I'll probably get raped that I stopped going outside.
now she wonders why I have no friends.
No. 81722
>>81714I hear ya and get it completely. In my fight I remember saying something very close to: "You're trying to make me scared of everything and about everything, even if all I do is mention 'There's a bike trail over there' when we're in the car. So yeah, who knows WHY I don't go anywhere or leave the house."
This is actually pulling up a lot of feelings right now, I am so upset over all this still, I didn't even realize it. Maybe my life would have been different and better if I wasn't "convinced" to be a recluse during my formative years.
No. 81723
>>81711>>81714>>81722We need a support group.
>Maybe my life would have been different and better if I wasn't "convinced" to be a recluse during my formative yearsI know for a fact that this is true for me :/
Also, I'm at the age where extended family are starting to bug me about boyfriends/fiancés. Maybe I'd be in a stable relationship by now if mom/dad didn't chimp out every single time a guy stood 2 feet from me during my teenage years.
No. 81745
>>81723Holy shit. Are we all like this? I was obsessing over how I was also raised to be a reclusive retard with no idea how the outside world works yesterday. It's frustrating because even if I do things outside of the house, I freak out because I was never allowed to do things outside with people until my friends could drive, go to sleepovers, or have people over for non-special occasions. On top of that, I'm an only child. People look down on me for being a social retard even though I'm trying, I really fucking am. It's supposed to be natural, but people like us never got a chance.
It's just so frustrating, they even did it to our dogs too. They locked up their prized purebred puppy in a kennel since birth. They were locked up for around seven years. If I brought it up or tried letting the dog out my dad would get pissed off so I gave up after a while. They were only allowed to get out of the kennel last year because the parents died. Now the dog is a nervous wreck and doesn't run around and explore or bark or normal dog things and my parents don't understand why. I've never told anyone outside the house about this because they'll just blame me for not doing anything, even though I can't even take care of myself correctly or be anything but a shitty NEET.
Are there any forced recluse success stories out there?
No. 81749
>>81745Yes, omg.
By the time I was able to (barely) break free, everyone was drinking and having sex and staying out late and going on trips without their folks. Since I never went to sleepovers or school dances as a kid, I had a
lot to catch up with. I still am. It's a struggle.
Human interaction is largely a mystery to me, and so is surviving in the world. I have a meltdown every time I think about the sheer amount of responsibilities we have: go to school, find and keep a job, save money, find shelter, pay bills, make friends, find a partner, feed yourself, clothe yourself, navigate your city/town…I can't fucking deal.
I'm not completely friendless, but I am a socially retarded recluse with zero close friends who I can call on when I need help. I have no idea how to make friends IRL on my own - mostly I just get introduced by someone else, or make contacts online where communication is asynchronous and there's less pressure.
Your dog's story is sad, but it illustrates perfectly what happens to innately social beings when they grow up in isolation.
I wish we could all give each other hugs. At least we're not alone.
No. 81829
>>81823Please tell me where to get the stuff you're using. I'm trying so hard to find a new job because my current one sucks so bad, te owners run it like shit and the customers take it out on us, and for some reason me especially. I even had a lady scoff at me and say "well, aren't
you fucking special?" last month when one of my coworkers mentioned that it was my birthday (and not even to her, to another employee.) Completely unprovoked, like wtf lady? I'm just so sick of being treated like dogshit because how dare I work a job other people don't find super glamorous or interesting or unique. /rant
That stuff sounds like it could help with job interviews too.
No. 81844
>>81829Of course anon! I'd do anything to make someone who works retail/shitty jobs a bit easier.
I have 2 in total right now, the initial one I bought was PheX upon the first day of using it people over all where just super nice. I'd get compliments but I'd been in sweats with messy hair from leaving gym or random people will approach me just to talk.
So far this one had been the best for work. And everyday use.
I also have the channel one which is obviously more expensive but I prefer the smell more, I use it only on special events.
The pherx comes in a spray and oil, I have both but I started out with the spray. It's cheap on Amazon right now so try to cope one soon! If you don't like the smell you can just use a perfume/cologne/body spray over it.
I wear makeup and do my hair everyday for work, I also took debate and was in the business academy in school so I fell that factors in I why I'm doing so well but there's no way people are that nice too me just cuz of looking pretty and talking well.
No. 81909
>>81844Omg, thank you so much! I'm absolutely gonna give them a try.
>>81868Yeah, $33 is kinda pricy for a bottle that size, but if it's anything like perfumes that aren't watered down it'll last a while since you onl use a drop or two at a time.
No. 81915
>>81868I don't blame I was a bit skeptical myself, but with the raise I received from the job and commission money I had money to fool around it. Finding a friend to split the cost it a great idea, and also you both can give updates on how it's effecting you both.
I suggest trying it out for errand shopping and bars before everyone is drunk. Dress casual with no makeup. That's what I did for a week testing it out before using it at work
>>81909Your so welcome! And yes you're not suppose to use a lot! It's like argan oil a little does a lot. Only a little, just open the bottle and tab a little on yourself! If you want to just spray it just do one. I wish you good luck on your job interviews!
No. 82499
>>81875I feel the same way. It's like I was dropped into the world just to fill that year's birth quota.
People say I'm depressing, boring or cold when I try my hardest to be "normal". The me that I am just doesn't seem to fit in with anyone. It makes me feel like I should shut myself in to protect the world from my inherent awfulness.
No. 82638

>>82619I wrote out a long answer to this and then my phone decided to reset the browser and I was so pissed off lol.
Anyway, I was in a complicated relationship with a guy under very peculiar and fucking weird circumstances, and because of that, I ended up sacrificing far more than he did and left myself extremely vulnerable. Long story short, he repressed the caring/romantic part of himself due to some past messed up relationship that he didn't bother telling me about until a year after we ended things - and as a result, treated me overall poorly. But I still love him (for whatever reason) and can't see myself having the same feelings for anyone else.
We're (ostensibly) still friends. He called me this weekend after basically ignoring me for months, and I freaked out so much I made up an excuse and told him I'd call back. I never did because I was so nervous and probably subconsciously hoping that he'd finally "get" how it feels to be ignored. But I did feel guilty and apologized via text, asked if he was free to talk tonight. He said no, some other time, and I just went berserk lol. :( So my attempt to hurt him just hurt me even more.
Sorry for the incomprehensible text vomit. I'm pathetic. Video related, this song describes me perfectly
No. 82843
I love my family, but they are too overprotective. For the record, I'm an adult and I live with my parents because in my culture, it's the norm. I understand that they were doing this because they care, but somehow I wish I were born as a boy so my family don't have to worry about me every single time I go out. I say this because of my older brother (also lives with us). He goes out until midnight? It's okay with them, they don't even ask about where he goes. But me going out after work just a liiiittle bit past 6PM even though I keep them (including my older brother) updated about my whereabouts? My phone rings 50 times and text messages over 20. I've talked about this to them all, and I understand where they are coming from, but I just wish at least they can tone it down a little bit. I even take self-defense classes so that they would worry less about me, but no…they still do it. I kinda suspected something bad happened when I was little, that would explain their overprotective-ness, but I don't think I have any traumatic experience, as far as I remember.
No. 83027
>>83024Dump your boyfriend. It's manipulative for him to pull the "oooh I'll kill myself" card. You can't stick with somebody just because they say shit like this. If he was truly suicidal, no offense, but I don't think your relationship would be enough to keep him hanging on, especially when you say he's half assing it. He knows exactly what he's doing when he threatens suicide and what he's doing is emotionally blackmailing you.
Plus, cheating on him is hardly going to cure his instability anyway so sticking around is doing him no favours. Tell his friends and family he's suicidal and your relationship is over so that they can look after him, get him some help and peace the fuck out of that relationship. It sounds harsh but staying in a relationship just because he's unstable isn't healthy for either of you and sometimes you've just gotta lay your cards on the table and let the chips fall where they may.
Knock together some resumes and hand them out to better paying jobs. Do as many as you can. Apply to jobs that you don't even think you have a shot at. What's the worst they can do apart from just saying no? It sucks that you're working two jobs and living in poverty and it's hard to get out of that, but it never hurts to try.
Tell your mum you're struggling. You don't have to tell her about the sugar daddies, but tell her that things are hard. Talk to her, stay close to her. You sound like you love her a lot and talking to someone that matters can make you feel more human.
No. 83153
>>83148I think an issue you have to consider is that, depending on where you are in your relationship, you'll want to eventually explain to him why you like rough sex. Are you worried (maybe subconsciously) that he'll become concerned and refuse to participate?
I have a similar issue where even though I was never abused, I've had a history of being with guys who didn't really care about me, and as a result, the only type of sex that I was able to feel anything emotional from was rough sex. So it's always on my mind how I'm going to explain it if/when I'm with someone who has genuine love for me.
No. 83158
>>83152I have been thinking of doing that, but the problem is like
>>83153 described I think. He knows I have been abused and I think he would have a genuine issue with doing "bad" things to me because of that and indeed refuse to do it forever. I'm also scared he will think I was with my ex boyfriend because of the abusive sex.
No. 83164
>>83158>>83159Well, I think the best thing you could do is to explain to him thoroughly that he's not actually hurting you with rough sex, and that it is not equivalent to abuse. At the same time, I do think it is reasonable for him to be uncomfortable with acting out things that your abusive ex did to you. It depends on how important the sex is to you.
Thank you for your wishes, anon. Yeah…it will be weird to date someone who genuinely cares, but I hope I get there. I'm glad that you did.
No. 83223
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A couple years ago at a relative's jack and jill party I won a couple hundred dollars in a 50/50 raffle they had. The reason I won was because the person who was giving out the tickets didn't realize they gave me an extra, and that was the one picked in the drawing. I've never told anyone about this because I feel guilty about keeping the money.
No. 83226
>>83224 I used it towards some repairs my car needed, so it's not like it went to complete waste. It just made me feel awkward because I found out later that some families don't consider it appropriate/call it unfair for people in the wedding party to participate in the raffles.
But what's done is done.
No. 83228
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>>83227 I don't know because I don't really watch anime streams and I have the platinum DVD set for NGE. One of my friends said waoanime is pretty good though, because it has some high definition videos. Maybe it's there?
The pics are from the Groundworks of Evangelion books.
No. 83247
>>83164I think it's reasonable of him too to be cautious about being rough with me, and Im also a bit conflicted about myself because I'm not sure if it's healthy sexuality. I just don't feel a lot during vanilla sex, it doesn't arouse me that much.
Anyways, thanks for the advice and responding anon! Much appreciated
No. 83265
>>81844this seems like a scam and that the effects are psychological. you know you have this magic pheromone spray, so you present yourself more confidently.
people are attracted to confidence.
No. 83418
>>83114Hey anon! I'n still here just busy,I apologize!
I have oil and spray. I use the spray( PherX Perfume for Women)more the the oil (I kind of use the oil as back up until I can buy another spray bottle if my funds are low.)
I suggest starting with the spray, just unscrew it and tab it on your wrists and such. Little goes a long way, if you're too lazy/clumsy just one sprits will do.
You can look at other pheremone sprays if you're not into this one.
No. 87242
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I had a really vivid sex dream involving Worf from Star Trek. I'm not sure how to feel about this.
No. 91538
>>88549Go for it, anon. If he doesn't like you for the way you are (your "edgy" self, basically), then I don't think he really is for you.
Just give it a go, no use just masturbating to him instead.
No. 91928
>>91923 I've been following a massive trainwreck of a furry for 5 years. Like you said, I don't have any attachement to him either, but the sheer amount of poor choices he makes in life makes me so happy. He's an utter dipshit and whenever something actually works out for him, I am both mad for him to feel satisfied with myself but also rub my hands in glee for when it will be taken from him.
I have never interacted with him. Only read his blogs.
No. 92121
>>92010Thanks a lot for replying anon. This sounds so weird but my mind is so f'd up I think I will become a drug addict from the meds… could you tell me about your experience with the treatment?
>>92120Oh dear probably. Schizophrenia is common in my family… thanks for replying.
No. 92127
>>92124It's normal to see faces and signs of life in everything, that's how our brains work.
If you're scared by it, and so "seeing scary demons or ghosts" etc that means you're a more anxious person but as long as you know the aren't real then you're fine. It's normal for people to be scared of the dark, it's normal to get scared something will "get you" and to develop little rituals like keeping entirely under your blankets, it's just not normal when you entirety believe in your hallucinations and rituals to the point it's greatly impacting your life
No. 93162
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Oh boy here we go
So this one guy in the TF2 group I'm in is kind of a prude(or sexually repressed idk what y'all would call it). He's finishing his major in theology, his online usernames have mildly christian undertones, and he has this whole thing against lewdness that it's kind of ridiculous. Recently he admitted to our group on discord that he "discovered" some TF2 SFM porn subreddit and that it's a "dark place". He's done this several times with other vidya/cartoons, the group tried calling him out on being a hypocrite about lewd shit but he keeps on saying he found this stuff on accident lol
I dunno, I think that's it's kind of fucked up for me to think that him feeling squeamish about stuff like this is kind of cute. It would definitely be pretty hot making him my sub and help him in sexually explore himself ~#and maybe get some gentle pegging in tooミ★
No. 93208
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>>93175If the group wasn't only 7 people and I didn't see his cousin on a nearly daily basis for being in the same uni program as me, I would. Here's proof that he's real though.
No. 93214
>>93208I liek tf2. What about linking me to his username instead? He'll have no way to know it was you and I wont say a word about you.
(I'm being pushy, aren't I? I'll stfu now I promise lol)
No. 93225
>>93224It will suck, it will be painful and there's risks you'll do it wrong and end up the hospital. Maybe you'll get sectionned, they'll prob you and humiliate you.
Don't do it. It's not worth it. I'm sure you can feel better.
No. 93609
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My long distance bf has very few friends and one of them is an ugly older girl. I have a really intense jelousy towards their relationship because she's a little too friendly with him and she can't shut up about her sex life (people in this country are pretty open about sex). The girl and I hate each other because I act really cold when I'm around her. I feel like I have no control over my emotions and I really hate myself for it, my bf and I fight over one thing and it's this stupid girl.
No. 93648
>>93642There are only like three or four amwf vlogger couples. I do agree they're fucking obnoxious but there really aren't that many.
If it makes you feel any better something like 90% of "international marriages" in Japan end in divorce.
Penus is penus. The fact there are people on lolcow who think going to Japan on a whim and marrying some random on a whim is a good thing to begin with is a little depressing but I chalk most of it up to underage idiots.
No. 93649
>>93642>>93648I think the underlying issue that a lot of 4channers or even farmers miss about cows, be they cosplayers, lolitas, or just "vloggers" is that girls, or at least white girls who watch anime are like this because they've become myopically attached to a form of media where lewdness is just incidental and fine. A lot of the younger ones consequently misread men and assume that men don't react to blatant sexual provocation in this way (because the guys in anime usually don't, at least not aggressively).
I know this is sounding kinda abstract and theoretical but look at it like this: White female weebs are fucking crazy, they're crazy to a degree that they make male weebs look like pretty cool, well-adjusted people. You doubt me? Look at TexanInTokyo, look at Kanadajin, look at Yukapon. These are people in their 20s, they're still like this, they didn't even move to Japan with a JET program job lined up. It was purely motivated by fantasy and whimsy.
I'm not quite sure how to expand on it beyond that, but there's just a baseline level of general insanity among the sort of girls you see in these couples, or on Youtube "vlogging about Japan" that goes above and beyond the sort of general unsocialized neckbeards you'd meet at Pax East or wherever. They're a special caste of crazy.
No. 93651
>>93649Sage for continuing. But I think another good reason they continue in this ultimately self-defeating way for so long is because of the positive reinforcement the vaguely good looking ones get; be it from people back home, other young, impressionable weeb girls, Asian guys desperate to see any sort of AM/WF couple and so on.
This complete lack of negative reaction, beyond say a few token youtube comments, never gives them reason to take stock of what they're actually doing and where they're headed. It's the equivalent to being raised as a child with no conditioning as to what sort of behavior is dangerous.
No. 94172
>>93911The only thing I would worry about is that you might have pretty much assured him that yes, that kind of behaviour will work, and if you have successfully managed to give him warts then he might pass them on to other girls that he pressures into sex, but that's also a really slim chance. But I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it, everyone does something they're not exactly proud of once and a while. Next time you're in a situation like that, just piss over their entire bathroom and leave quietly or something instead?
Maybe get yourself checked out like other anon said in case he gave you something new
No. 94392
>>94388>Scumeasy there anon chan.
>>94389Why break up?
I've noticed that the fact I'm in a relationship with an attractive girl makes me seem more appealing to whomever I try to fuck.
I also enjoy having someone to fall back on at the end of the day so I see no downside to having her around besides her draining my bank account.
No. 94397
>>94394I'm not understanding what you are trying to say.
Why so bitter and angry anon chan?
No. 94402
>>94398I know it sounds like I'm in denial but I feel no attraction to men not romantically or sexually.
The act of dominating someone though is pretty great to me.
It could be from fucking a twink, beating someone half bloody, or manipulating their loved one to cheat on them.
Did it with a "friend" and had his girlfriend send lewd pictures of herself in the shower before showing it to him.
He got a panic attack over it despite them only dating for like a month.
No. 94403
>>94397Of course you don't understand what she meant by that, you have a dick. Having a penis is known to be strongly related to the inability to understand other people's words.
Post a picture of the little buddy, which is the only thing you're good for, and then kindly fuck off.
No. 94409
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>>94382>I hate my girlfriend and despite my attraction to her I can't help but cheat on her every chance I get.Kill. Yourself.
No. 94435
>>94423It's none of your business what she does, quit slut shaming her(kek).
In all honesty though I don't see why you'd get pissed over someone taking the easy way out. It's not like it really effects you directly now does it??
>>94403>>94409>>94412Why are you so hostile? It's not like what I do with my life effects any of you in any way.
No. 94444
>>94423Domo arigato Mr. Roboto.
Just leave the bitch alone. Like you said, she isn't doing anything wrong, she's just getting those wage cucks.
No. 94446
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>>94443S t a y s a l t y A n o n c h a n
No. 94642
>>94423Why would you do this? Like what reason at all would you have to do this to her?
Quit being jealous because you're too ugly to make money the same way she does.
No. 94692
>>94686Charms was pretty when she first started and OC is passable.
Ugly bitches don't make it far unless they cater to a fetish like that one weeb camwhore.
No. 94712
>>94423Simple anon. Just sell your own fanny and be on with your life
Tbh gonna be evil here
dox secretly just to see what happens key
No. 95124
>>95122You should probably sit him down and talk to him.
You can also suggest him that you both try to get healthier or start cooking for him if you can.
No. 95157
>>95124His job is an away type of job. He's only home for a few weeks, then he goes to work for a few weeks about 6 hours away. I don't really have a way to monitor what he eats.
>>95126Mostly, I just feel like I'll never find another person I get along with on such a friend level, but also a romantic level. Our personalities mesh well. We have a lot of the same interests, but not enough that it's too boring. I love him and don't want something as stupid as weight to come between us. BUT I'm not sticking around to be his caretaker when he qualifies for that show "My 600lb Life."
No. 95182
>>95157What does he say when you tell him he should lose weight? maybe you can calculate his tdee for him (see /fit/) so he's aware of what his daily limit should be. also, tell that fat fuck to stop drinking soda or you'll never suck his dick again. lol.
when you bring up the fact you want him to lose weight, try paying careful attention to your tone. you said you feel potentially abusive, so you probably are. men do not like being told or threatened to do anything. if you approach it with a whisper, holding hands and touching foreheads, he'll probably be more receptive. make it something he CAN do for you, not something he MUST do for you. if he's as romantic as you say then that should
trigger him a little.
No. 95364
>>95185I can kinda see the appeal!
But honestly, there are so many downsides to being a Youtuber. First, you're not going to play vidya and watch animu all day. You'll have to edit videos, do voiceovers, upload stuff, keep up with your social media, check out the newest content, contemplate which vidya/animu your viewers might like… Even if
you don't plan to do any videos, still your SO has to do all the bullshit, unfunny parts that I just mentioned. And everytime you appear in a video, you'll get tons of hate, "OMG SLUT/WHORE/BOMBO!!" comments, everyone will talk about your weight, make up appareance. Same with your SO.
Not to mention I always find it difficult in reagrds of future employers. What if the YT/stream thing doesn't work anymore, any you need to get a different job? Your whole past life is plastered all over the internet, and I doubt many jobs consider "made some YT videos and appeared in some vidya streams" as a worthwile experience. Uness you go for entertainment or mrketing maybe, but even then I guess it could be quite difficult and depending on your fame, actualy experience and so on.
Just get a normie bf who isn't a piece of shit and respects your hobbies and interests.
No. 95891
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I'm CIA.
No. 96069
>>57389just binge ate all day today
lived out my true fatty potential
debating if throwing up should be done but i think id feel just as shitty after
No. 96099
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I'm really considering becoming a sugar baby or something like it, or a future trophy wife/mistress. I don't really care about real relationships. I get disgusted when I think about living with a guy in a shabby place, living lower middle class, boring life, boring kids…
I want to be rich but my only semi decent talent is fucking anime art and makeup, and that is not getting me anywhere at all. I'm not even 20 yet but I'm considering committing suicide already just because my future looks so bleak. Ever since I was a little girl I was terrified of just being a nobody who works to pay off debt their whole life and that no one would care about or remember. I feel like I sound like such a shithead (cause I am one) but I want to be rich and prove to my family I'm not as useless as they think I am, even if it is just from sugaring.
The problem is that I am really inexperienced. Seriously. I'm still a virgin and I have issues with being assertive. At this stage there's no way I could do what I want, because I get too scared and I'm a pushover. I wish there was some way I could overcome it.
I have made accounts on these websites before and I don't know if it means anything realistically, but I get a lot of replies even when I haven't been active. I want to travel all over the place and I would fuck an old dude to do it. I don't see why you wouldn't.
My dad and his side of the family would hate me for it. Mum and her side would be more like "out of sight; out of mind" about it. My younger friends would really be disgusted with me I think, since one of them looks up to me and I think she hates the idea completely, even though I haven't told her. My best friends would support me though.
Feel bad, and I'm not sure if it's even possible. But I wouldn't care if I had to be some Chinese businessman's mistress/wife for the rest of my life, because I can't seem to find myself attracted to any men my age I meet.
No. 96104
>>96099You're not going to get rich being a camgirl. You won't even get rich being a pornstar. At best you'll get enough cash to buy designer goods now and again. At worst you'll get dragged down into ever more depraved activities to fuel a drug habit of other addiction.
Men do not respect women like you. They aren't going to leave their wives for you.
No. 96118
>>96099I'm like you sort of. I've had "real relationships" with guys but eventually many of them have accused me of "being only into them for sex" just because I made it be known that I don't see them as "future husband material". and I really don't. The thought of having to be stuck with any of them living a lower-middle class life on credit is too bleak but I know it would have been inevitable extrapolating the situation at hand- my exes don't have any sense of money management skills, normalized a daily habit of something(one liked weed, another liked concerts and going out), downgraded their college majors, and have personality issues incompatible with being able to "make it to the top". I adored them I really did and I wish them the best of luck in their future relationships. I hope one day they find a girl who will be moved romantically by the fact "they're trying" and will stay with them through financial hardships because I know I definitely wouldn't and I am actually disgusted by that feeling "of being trapped" whether by debt or whatever.
I think I noticed those unhealthy habits because of the fact while my family lived modestly, they early on taught me the value of money and dad was into investing. You might envy the glamorous rich people but consider that many of them are upper middle class but financing their lifestyle through credit and trade-offs.
Consumer trends state that millennials prefer to spend their income on experiences and travel not material possessions. However take not by following this line of thought, those "experiences" and "travel" will only rise in price to meet consumer demand. Do you really want to travel? Or do you want to "travel" and wear images and tales of those travels in order to impress others?
My 2 cents is to think about why you think "sugar baby" is the best route. because i feel the same fear over being in financial ruin thanks to some irresponsible guy but I don't think sugaring is the way to pull yourself out. if you want to gold dig though I might have some advice…
No. 96120
>>96107Most of them don't speak English and the cultural differences are huge. What the hell is wrong with you to want that sort of existence? Do you have no respect for your parents? Or realize the sort of shitty upbringing any children you'd have with a random Chinese businessman would have psychologically?
It's astonishing you criticise the sorts of things they say on /r9k/ and then go and confirm their worst stereotypes of women in the same breath.
As for your despondency. Are you a high earner? Are you particularly beautiful? No? Then why are you so unrealistic about what your hypothetical equivalent is?
Unbelievable. I really hope some of you are trolling because this is penus or kanadajin tier delusion.
No. 96134
>>96130Most things in life are fixable anon. Just don't be like
>>96099 and you're good.
No. 96136
>>96130I work in a "respectable" profession. While some things are nice, like being able to afford trips abroad and good consumer goods, owning my own apartment etc, don't be fooled by it all. Fact is we still have to work long days, often on weekends etc.
The only people who the "money = happiness" thing applies to are people who are
independently wealthy. People who can afford to work at their own pace, take weeks off at a time, or even months, buy property on a whim etc.
No. 96164
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>>96120>>96107 isn't me. But they explain it pretty well. The reason I know about the "Chinese businessman" thing is because plenty of my older relatives who have either already died or still live in China were exactly like that. Had a wife but 15 different mistresses.
You seem to be angry about this, but I don't know why. This is a confession thread, and I confessed what I thought. I probably won't go through with it and shoot myself before I turn 30, but even if I do; who exactly here does it affect here other than myself? Who actually care what beta dipshits on the internet think, because even if there was only 1 golddigger left on the planet out of all the women on earth, they would still hate women.
No. 96168
>>96164another ricefag but i'm not
>>96165you're actually in a great position because your peers are asian-american men. you have a great opportunity to be in a relationship with men who have great earning potential but will still treat you as a equal.
hyper capitalism has grossly regressed heterosexual relationships into age/class brackets in china. the women of the communist era became billionaires along side the men but it is the older rich men who benefited. young chinese women now have dwindling economic opportunities and some see no other choice than becoming a mistress for rich old chinese businessmen while the young chinese men are left to be NEETS who will have to import wives or die alone.
go to a flagship state school, join an honor society or a club with many asian members and date normally like people our age. my advice is find an asian american guy. you won't be living be able to live like Singaporean old money but you'll be a yappie who can travel and live in urban cities.
please don't listen to western mainstream propaganda. just because they portray asian women to be whores and gold diggers doesn't mean you are one or that you should/can fulfill one.
No. 96171
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>>96168I'm not actually American, I'm Australian, but there is a HUGE Chinese population here, especially in the city/area I live in. A lot of the time, you'll see more Chinese than any other race, and they're not just tourists. There are several large towns/almost cities that are known for basically only having Chinese and other Asians in it, and no surprise, that's where most of my family lives.
Thank you for your advice, it's actually pretty encouraging to hear that and I kind of feel like I have the beginnings of a goal to work towards. But I have a question… If I'm actually half Chinese and not full, what does that change? I wish I could say I knew, but other than my family I haven't had a lot of time with any Asians at all. The small towns I went to school in have almost exclusively been white people, Indians and wogs, so I have no idea how other Chinese see me. Obviously my family treats me well, but that doesn't really count. It's probably different in America.
No. 96172
>>96171Ricefag from
>>96165 again. I'm also Australian and am friends with other ABCs, go to a major university etc. I think I can chime in.
Right off the bat, you're probably not going to be attracting any guys from the mainland. Most of them already have girlfriends from the mainland or get into relationships with girls from the mainland. Students from the mainland clump together in little circles, and it's going to be extremely difficult for you to fit in with them unless you're fluent in Mandarin.
In terms of ABC, I think you being half white is somewhat of a disadvantage. The hard truth is, you're not going to be fully accepted as an Asian. For all the half white girls I have personally known, they have been treated more as a white person than anything else, even if they aren't white passing. They have predominantly white people in their social circles. Almost all of the ABC guys I know are in relationships with ABC girls, and they are mostly first generation immigrants with the typical traditional background.
If you're seriously considering doing this to get rich dick, enrol into a business school, and aim for the major ones. I can say the business school at my university is by far made up of an Asian majority. You could also try for science, but that's a harder game imo. Also, you're going to actually need to try here. If your marks are shit, they'll pick up on it and it will lower their opinion of you. Maybe you don't need to be successful as they are, but you need to be at least somewhat impressive.
No. 96193
>>96171If you hit it off with some married Chinese man, something tells me the wife would be more mad you're 混血. And believe me, the wrath of Chinese women towards mistresses is well documented all over the internet. For some reason they don't blame the husband.
t. Lived in East Asia. Speak Chinese. Am white.
No. 96238
>>96171full asians will see you as exotic and be fascinated by you especially if you fit their idea of "eurasian beauty" like Angelababy. it's a 2nd round of overcoming being trivialized and objectified after overcoming white people's perception of asian women.
hmmm well there's a common saying in that America is like a melting pot but Canada is a mosaic. it's true that many asian-americans lose their culture and are seen as foreigners by both mainstream society and asian nationals. with asian-americans, chinese-americans and korean-americans and vietnamese-americans can all be apart of the same friend group and share common life experiences whereas with 1st generation immigrants, they stick to their own nationality. with chinese they even stick to their own regionalism. the peers to asian-americans are also other 2nd gen americanized youth like indian-americans, arab americans, nigerian americans etc so I don't see why the fact you're half chinese would exclude you from your true peers: other people of color who grew up entirely in Australia. these include more westernized ABCs who have better earning potential than the locals because their parents instilled those values in them, but they do feel ennui in being more familiar with australian culture than "chinese" culture. whether you go for an ABC(because other ricefag is right, 1st gen chinese tend to be cliquey and date their own), another type of westernized 2nd gen immigrant, or just a plain white person; you should go for someone your peer rather than an old man which will result in a very unequal restricting relationship.
or maybe I am being naive and Americans sing Kumbaya too often; go to a college campus and you'll see interracial couples of all types everywhere so your mixed race wouldn't deter anybody here, all you would have to do is set your sights on guys who have the right university major.
No. 97528
>>81844Idk if I'm the same as you guys, but when I was younger, I was generally the weird, shy kid that I was loner a bit, once I got to middle school that changed yet I never really was able to hang out with friends, go places etc. I mean, I wanted to go to the mall with some friends when I was 13 and my mother wanted to come, I couldn't understand why she was wanted when all the other girls could go alone with each other. So finally I told I just wouldn't go anywhere at all and that's what happened. I got sick for a really long time which led to not go to school for five years. I finally was strong enough to go and ended up actually going out with friends except had a huge argument because my mother wanted to meet my friend's parents…I'm 19 years old. I haven't gone out again due to it because she'll make another huge fucking deal about it. I'm now just constantly at home, before I've never really felt freedom. She said/says she never controlled me, that I was the one that locked myself in because I didn't want her to come so therefore I couldn't go and now that I'm older she complains I have no friends, that I'm a shut-in, that all I do is play on my computer and talk to "internet friends which aren't real" I feel no urge to grow up, do things on my own in terms of being an adult, I'm scared of just basic shit. I feel like a child completely, sorta like anxiety but I don't know if it's just me or is it because of my mother.
No. 97581
>>97528Your mom is a bitch. I was never allowed out either even when I would let her come with me. It got to a point where I was just embarassed and ashamed of myself and would just try to hide because she relentlessly took out her anger on me.
Anyway, I know it hurts that she won't even acknowledge how horribly she treated you. I started seeing a therapist and have been prescribed things to help level out my mood. It's only been about two months but I can see such a difference in my mood already. Whenever you are ready I highly recommend it.
No. 97597
>>97366That's really normal. Just make sure you are upfront about not being ready for a relationship/meeting if anyone tries to initiate one.
Are you sharing pictures and cam? If so get used to how anything you give will not be kept private, so be sensible.
If you aren't sharing pictures then people might either get angry (entitled lol) or if they accept it it might be because they assume you could be faking who you are, and they themselves are probably doing the same. If you're just in it for the fantasy then I'm sure you don't care that your chat partner isn't actually a 6ft hunk irl.Voicechat is a good compromise.
Report back if you have any funny stories!
No. 97640
>>97591That's really sweet of you, I can't really say she's abusive but just so extremely overprotective. I was fearless when I was younger and now it's just gone. All the time I wanted to do things by myself and just figure things out, it was always "you'll get raped, I need to go with you, you can't by yourself, you look too little, something is gonna happen to you"
Not to mention, I'm now 19 and I met my bf online and we've known each other for four years now and he's getting his car soon and hopefully come over to visit. My mother said that if we have sex, she'll kick me out and she means it. I've argued with her that I'm 19 and that I'll be fine. Then she goes and says this "Oh is he gonna take care of you, is he gonna pay for your college, is he gonna drive you places" I don't understand why I can't just be with my bf and still live with her while I go to fucking college. He lives four hours away and we've been dating almost two years but because of money and time haven't been able to meet irl which is gonna change soon. She wants to go with us the entire day. Tells me why do I have to have sex with him, why can't I just wait until marriage or just get married. We're 19, he's 20. Too young. When she herself didn't wait but when I called her out on it and told her she was a hypocrite she acted so butthurt about it and then said that she was a teacher then and making money and on her own so that was her excuse.
>>97542>>97544>>97552 >>97581>>97619Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
No. 98861
>>98748Does your mom know?
Maybe you simply want to vent, but I can't give you good advice with only basic info. (how conservative your families are/what age group are you two/how did parents meet/etc)
>Maybe walk around the house in shirt + panties when both parents are out? No. 98883
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>>98861Try to seduce your step brother…
Great advice.
No. 98901
>>98748You need to get out of the house and meet boys who aren't integrated into your family.
Its not incest but its weird as fuck. Don't do it fam.
No. 98946
>>98902That doesn't make it right.
If you need to live out clueless so badly, go take some weirdo from Seattle and give her a makeover.
Don't fuck your step brother.
No. 99086
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>>98946It's legal to marry stepsiblings in all 50 states.
Heck, there are plenty of cases where the children started dating first and the parents met via their kids and married each other (not in her case)
The one thing she needs to be aware is if she falls out w/ him, it could ruin the family dynamics of their parents
No. 99852
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So I have a filling on one of my teeth that has a cap over it (sort of like pic related) and I'm literally addicted to pushing my nail between where the cap ends and where my tooth is and smelling it. It smells so nasty (I'm guessing the tooth inside is rotted and that's why, not sure how it works exactly) but I can't fucking stop. I do it at home and work, pretty much any time nobody is looking at me.
It's so disgusting but so good at the same time
No. 99865
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I have an insatiable foot fetish.
For my own feet.
No. 99892
>>99865Same, tbh. I love looking at my feet, massaging them, and getting pretty new shoes. I blame my ex bf for this because he was in love with my feet and in turn, made me love them.
>>99866Do it. There was a guy that harrased me on Tumblr literally everyday, saying that he would rape me and kill me and all types of shit. I found his parent's facebooks and his and sent screenshots to his parents and then posted the same screenshots on his wall. His parents kicked him out and I'm still laughing.
No. 99971
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I have fantasies about my boyfriend and his older brother having sex with me.
His brother used to like me but I rejected him years ago because I like who I'm currently with but I can't help but have these fantasies. I find it so weird but I continue to have them.
No. 100042
>>99989I have that too, I only remember people when they did something memorable to me. Luckily I can pretend to know them and afterwards ask someone who they are and what how I'd remember them. Names take even longer to memorize and sometimes I randomly forget names of family who I've known all my life but haven't seen in a while.
Never been tested for autism but my parents and close friends think I probably have it.
No. 100335
>>100169Lmao work scandals are always so crazy .
One of my friends is really small and super cute but she works as a "janitor" and people think it's so bizarre. It is quite jarring seeing such a pretty girl out of place, pushing a mop and doing work that only middle aged men there do.
Truth is, she's in a relationship with one of the other guys and they have sex there all the time and it's hilarious. He's like more than 10 years older than her I'm pretty sure, maybe even more towards 15? They're a funny pair. It's really funny seeing them together when I come in to her workplace. I guess nobody knows yet, but he's going to be her boss soon apparently and I'd hate to admit it but the whole situation is so interesting that I'm excited to see how this pans out. She's a great person and I'm not wishing bad things upon her or anything but honestly it's so fascinating. My grubby little paws are rubbing together in anticipation.
I had to tell someone.
No. 100391
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>implying I ever had oneHA CHECKMATE
No. 100429
>>100404If it's any consolation, according to /pol/ my bf would be crowned King Cuck (without being an actual cuck) and I love him all the same.
You're fucking retarded to base your fears on a single anonymous stranger's feelings. There's all kinds of girls out there, plenty of us love cute softies. Where I'm from perpetually pissed off 'alpha males' are a dime a dozen and they're the most insecure faggots I've ever seen, I'd rather be with a guy who's comfortable enough to tell his gf he loves her in public without calling her his bitch or taking the piss out of her when she can't hear him.
No. 100439
>>100429The way people accept the status quo of their small surroundings of favourite image boards as irl canon is so harmful.
Get you a boy that can pick you up tampons and chocolate without complaining but won't be your personal wallet. That's the only kind of alpha male I'll recognise.
No. 100456
>>100404stop being so safe she WILL most likely drop you
or go look for a more 'masculine' girl instead
No. 100457
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>>100456What did she mean by this?
No. 100556
>>100486lol how is this a lie??
this for real is so lame like the lamest 'secret' possible and probably really common ie girls portraying themselves to be way more innocent than they are
and its not fun being a virgin when ur like super horny 24/7 but feel so icky+hate your self when you talk to a guy irl for too long lmao
No. 100619
>>100547No, I'm friends(sorta), and most of them are madly in love with her because she changed herself to be perfect for each guy. These guys are the 'never been with a girl, barely 18' type guys.
>>100549Funny enough she doesn't even sleep with all of them. Just keeps up the promise/sends nudes/faps. I have SOME evidence, but last time she was caught she claimed "oh I never said we were exclusive" even though she did. But the guy was too into her to put up a fight. Pathetic…
No. 100754
>>100699lol not even close.
But you're close on the second point, one the cucks is a good friend who's just mega depressed (before he met her). I can tell this whole situation is making it worse for him since he kind of knows. I don't like him, but I just feel pretty bad for him. Don't feel like having a friend killing themselves over this, which seems like it's heading that way…
No. 101360
>>101231i do the same but i am a guy and i do not see the girl, maybe half a year ago.
i think a this point i just like the idea
No. 101423
>>101231This is me right now too. Though I've always day dreamed often and a lot. I just can't stop daydreaming about my crush the same way you daydream about yours, and it is motivating me so much to go to work, take care of my appearance and lose weight.
I don't think it is creepy to daydream about these sort of things though. I guess it could become a problem if you're doing it too much (hours a day) only because it takes time away from other things.
No. 101614
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>>101606>I have bottle with disguisting stuff under my desk. It smells horrible whenever I open it to add more stuff in there.Is it full of piss?
No. 101620
>>101606>I'm also liar. I lie a lot about small things that don't matter much and I rarely feel bad about it.Everyone does that though.
>inb4 not me!I can guarantee with 100% certainty you've told your friend they look good or told your mum you're studying when she called when you were really out on the piss. And that's just the benign shit. People ask for money for 'textbooks', tell their friends they've been to Venice and America when they've never set foot outside of their culchie town, say their father is a professor when he's really a car mechanic. And of course all lies pertaining to cheating.
The only reason people on the internet nitpick that shit is because it's on the internet and/or the person doing it is a cow.
No. 101746
>>101620But your examples of lies are big lies. I lie small. It's the kind of lie that just buys you some time to do stuff you're asked to do. Like you're asked why you didn't meet deadline on uni project and you come up with some good excuse, but then you stay all night and finish it. Or you're asked if you washed the dishes after yourself, you say yes, but then when no one sees the same or the next day you get them from your drawer and wash them. I do stuff I lied about sooner or later. Someone who asks for moeny to buy textbooks but spends it on other shit is piece of shit.
No. 101808
>>101799It's messy (dogs cum constantly while they're fucking), and obviously very different from real sex, but I like it both for the fucking and the mental aspect of it. He doesn't last terribly long but I still cum usually, there's just something about being mounted by an animal like that… It definitely beats fapping, and I have trust and intimacy issues so for me it's much better than getting laid with a human.
There's no real risks as long as your dog is healthy and has all the required vaccines.
No. 101824
>>101817If it's already an adult dog yeah probably. In my case I let it happen kind of naturally, once he was old enough to start getting horny and hump things I'd play around with him naked, and when I got on all fours with my ass towards him he got the hint pretty quickly. The only part that took a few tries was him actually penetrating me, but that's also about how you angle yourself.
For breed I don't know, I only fucked one dog and he's a German shepherd. So I guess I can recommend German shepherds. But probably any big and reasonably friendly dog should be fine. Dick size is mostly proportional to body size I think. I kind of want to try a really huge dog sometime, like a mastiff or something, but eh.
To prevent anal push your butt higher, or let him fuck you missionary, though for that you have to be lying on something that raises you to the right height. If all else fails you can always plug your ass or tape it or whatever.
No. 101826
>>101741Kill yourself.
>>101789You too.
No. 101840
>>101834He might, but just set boundaries. One way to do it is let him mount you only if you're naked and on all fours, and you give him some command. But if he tries to hump you while you're clothed tell him off immediately. Dogs understand that kind of thing pretty quickly. For me I taught him not to jump me when there's people around, only when we're alone. He tried a few times at the start, but there's nothing to worry about, nobody is going to question a dog being a bit rowdy.
And I would definitely say it's worth it. It's a million times better than masturbating, and it comes without any of the bullshit that comes with men. Do you already have a dog or are you thinking of getting one?
No. 102460
I eat ridiculously healthy most days (green salads, vinegar dressing, lean protein, raw veggies, etc.) but when I indulge, it's serious binging. Just in the past two days, I've had three cups of pudding, two mooncakes, and two huge slices of cake. I'm alarmed at how much I can eat. I wish I weren't pathetically single, because if I had to eat in front of a bf and actually talk over dinner, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be stuffing myself.
No. 102483
>>102460dude same honestly. I'm not overweight but
>three cups of pudding, two mooncakes, and two huge slices of cakeI could eat that in a couple hours. I'm disgusting sometimes.
No. 102522
>>102460I do that too. Some days I'm very restrictive and other days I eat and eat and eat. I also eat mcdo every week…yes, I'm horrible….
Luckily I restrict enough on other days so I don't get fat.
Fat girls probably hate me because they always see me eat but never see me when I'm not eating or eating extremely healthy…
No. 102540
>>102483Aaaand in the 12 hours since I wrote the comment that you replied to, I've eaten two more mooncakes. Luckily I packed a boring green salad for lunch today. I'm ~5'1" and about 105 lbs, not crazy skinny but not overweight either.
>>102522>mcdoAre you French anon? Anyway, like you I admit I get mental satisfaction from eating like a pig but not becoming overweight. Of course in order to do that, I have to eat like a crossfit yoga-practicing health nut from LA the rest of the time.
No. 102551
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>>102540nope, Belgian but the flemish part
I'm lucky to be tall so I can have a bit more calories.
I know mcdo is bad and this is probably the "addiction" speaking but it's just so delicious.
You should try banana chips, anon, you'll get to gorge on an entire pot for only 100 kcal.
No. 102572
>>102551Lucky you are tall. I'm short with a hideously wide ribcage so I already look kind of fat even if my weight is healthy.
Never had banana chips, though I do eat tons of fresh bananas.
>>102557I've tried that but sadly it doesn't work with healthy low-calorie foods, lol. I just don't have the urge to "binge" on them like I do with cakes and chocolates and treats like that. Worth another try though I guess.
No. 102694
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>>102622>>102662This is just great
No. 102810
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>>102807It's weird how bullied kids always grow up into adults who have very bully-like thoughts about their past transgressors.
All kids are little shits, but it says something about your personality when you're a shitty adult.
You're probably still unpopular and boring and clutch onto your looks because it's one of the last redeeming qualities about your person.
No. 102812
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>>102807Always like a good comeuppance story, esp. when it involves high school drama. A lot of those low-key bullies now spend their time shitposting on the internet; case in point: (>>102810)
No. 102819
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>>102812>"w-well at least I'm not fat"You really made it, armpitchan.
I'm just saying you have a lot in common with bullies ie. talking shit about people who you think you're better than for arbitrary reasons.
Why not form an alliance? Granted they're still as toxic and haven't changed since high school.
No. 102838
>>102836Not the anon you're responding to but in my school there were different kinds of popular kids.
There were the edgies/druggies who were popular because they smoked across the street, liked geek stuff, liked to party, and had a problem with authority. Those were the kids who got into a lot of trouble and didn't do much with their lives.
Then there were classic populars who were attractive, came from reputed families, good at sports, and were generally liked by teachers although not every one was super smart. The only time they didn't go on to greater things was because they were secretly lazy or got into some trouble that reamed consequences.
No. 102858
>>102854>What are we know, tumblr?Well seeing how quickly you got
>>Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.That's the meaning being used. The one textbooks use.
No. 102877
>>102807I feel ya. There was a girl who used to bully me, her parents were really rich so she always wore the most expensive clothes.
Now we're both the same age but she looks 10 years older than me and I'm doing better than her at everything.
>>102810>bully detectedWhat's the matter bitch? Can't stand that the people you used to bully now do better than you?
No. 102887
>>102836I'm a britfag, we just have secondary school which is basically middle and high school combined. They bullied me throughout that, but were the classic rich-kid bullies
>>102838 mentioned.
>>102877Good for you, anon! Glad I'm not the only one who feels a bit proud about this
No. 102909
>>102877>bully detectedNo, but I was bullied by pathetic autists who were "against bullying" just because they wanted to be considered good by others. Closet bullies are literal cancer.
Anyway, sorry your only accomplishment is not being fat bitch :^)
No. 102911
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>>102909>attempts to take the moral high ground while doing the exact thing she despisesW
No. 102915
>>102911>moral high groundJust like your use of "projection" I can see you literally don't know what that phrase means.
No. 102919
>>102915>use of projectionWasn't me sperg.
>I can see you literally don't know what that phrase means.You're trying to look down on someone for doing something in order to elevate yourself for being otherwise, hence moral high ground. Too bad you're doing the same exact thing. Wouldn't expect you to realize that, as you've had your head up your ass for most of this thread.
No. 102978
>>102965Said by the same person who thinks everyone different from them is a samefag. That's rich.
Looks like the person with a golden retriever level of comprehension of language is you, seeing you how often you're being proven wrong.
No. 102991
>>102978>said by the person who doesn't know the person they're referencing wasn't even meRICH
No. 103638
>>103630I don't see why you should feel bad about it. You don't owe him a relationship just because he has a crush on you and if you don't like him you don't like him.
>inb4 butthurt robotsthat goes for guys too, p sure only sad fatties & their friends call people assholes for not being attracted to them
No. 103644
>>103638I should have recognized that he liked me earlier/shouldn't have led him on. (Yea…shoulda coulda woulda stuff.)
Plus we're taught "don't judge others by appearance" since childhood, so I do feel guilty that his appearance was what cemented the NO for me.
I agree that nobody owes anyone else a relationship. Like robots would settle for a fattie over a top 10% Stacey lol.
No. 103800
>>103796The only girls who look nice enough are from Galway and even then they're mostly fat fucks.
We (people from the British Isles) always look kind of average, and those that manage to grow up moderately attractive always have something off about the way they look, it's rarely the conventional beauty everyone talks about.
I'm honestly not even that sad about it though, because what we lack in looks we make up for in personality. Brits maybe not so much since they're as exciting as a soggy communion wafer, but I definitely prefer being known as spirited and silly to arrogant and promiscuous. I may go down 4 points whenever I go to France and I may be quietly seething when everyone sees snooty Parisian butterfaces as fashion goddesses whereas I'm considered a goofy hobbit, but I'd feel so exhausted if I had to act better than everyone and I honestly feel sorry for those girls because it seems like their image and appearance is their whole life. What a shite way to live. At least I've nothing to lose and no one to impress so I don't have to worry about being attractive in my 30s.
No. 103802
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>>103801I know, but even munters like Lou Douillon or however you spell it are touted as 'omg super chic style goddesses'. In Ireland people would consider her an arrogant tryhard.
No. 103831
>>103830I've seen some decent looking guys (again, mostly in the Wesht) but they're either complete plonkers with no fashion sense or fat. I'd no idea we were so fat until I went to France for that one year. It's no wonder when you look at all the Xmas cakes, jambones and mince pies.
But still, I can say our personalities are 1000% better than those of mainland Euros in general (Eastern Europeans are great craic though), maybe we're compensating but I'd rather marry a bridge troll with a sense of humour than a self-important male model.
No. 103849
>>103847I know I wouldn't have the best grade, I was struggling a bit behind my classmates, but I wasn't expecting to completely fail.
The feedback was that my argument wasn't established enough nor was my primary and secondary research enough.
No. 103920
>>103916I knew someone that had it happen to her, she had to fly back out to our uni to defend 3 months later.
I was still going there at the time, so I let her stay in my apartment.
How much do they need you to change in 3 weeks time, anon?
No. 103991
>>103990I don't think it is scummy. You don't plan on acting on it and you love your boyfriend. You recognize that it would sabotage your relationship. So just keep on treating him like a friend.
Again, crushes are totally normal. People get crushes on anyone! But they fade.
No. 104280
>>104252How is it not fine?
Just be careful and make sure the bf doesn't find out if that would be a problem. Have an alibi ready. That shit isn't difficult.
No. 104283
>>104282That's why I said get an alibi. That way if he tells it's his word against yours, and trust me 90% of guys will believe you over their best friend.
But just to make sure you can also prepare for that beforehand. Make some comments to your bf about how you've caught his friend staring at you or about how he made some creepy move on you when you were alone with him. But ask him not to say anything because it doesn't seem serious and you don't want to ruin their friendship or anything. Then if after that he tells your bf you had sex, and on top of that you have an alibi, he'll just instantly come off as a desperate lying creep.
All these are just precautions, he almost certainly wouldn't tell your bf and ruin their friendship like that for no reason.
No. 104291
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No. 104317
>>104305I think that it is fetish related, or they are looking to create some of their "see, feeeemales are horrible" info graphics that they are so fond of. Like you know they would post the thread in /r9k/ being all "they would ruin your life if they had a chance.
cut to overdramatic manifesto about the evils of women".
No. 104703
>>104305Maybe it's to hide their fantasies, like when closeted gay guys get all homophobic.
>>104317Agreed tbh. You can tell when they're turned on by it because they get waaaay too weird and descriptive about sex and cocks. Usually I think they probably just post here and pretend to be women so they can confirm stereotypes and say SEE! ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!
No. 107535
>>107532>>107533Yeah I live in a tiny village so there are only 2 stores selling alcohol. I try to go at different times a day so I avoid always seeing the same clerk but it's useless since now they all know me anyway
I'm always just thinking 'don't comment on it pls don't comment on it' bc I would prob start to cry.
Even though I of course feel bad for you it is kinda nice to know other people feel the same. I hope that doesn't sound awful.
I wish you both the best. Addictions are terrible.
No. 107536
>>107535Ugh I know that feel. There are a couple of newer and overly friendly clerks that always ask if I'm having a party or something. Yeah, party for one right here. The ones who have been there a while don't say shit to me anymore and there are only a couple that give me
the look.
Cheers to you and
>>107533 . It's a fucking lonely life.
No. 107558
>>57389i've been dating with my bf for 4 years now. He used to be thin when things started but suddenly he started gaining weight. So far he has gained 20kg (44 lbs). I still find himself handsome but it gets me frustrated that he won't commit to lose that extra weight. I fantazise about fucking hot fit boys all the time. I try to tell him that he need to lose weight all the time but i try not to insist too hard because i don't want to hurt him, but it really annoys me.
tl;dr: my bf got fat and it annoys me.
No. 107967
>>107639I agree, there is definitely a difference between fit and bulging asshole. The former speaks to looking after yourself and the latter to insecurity and an inflated sense of self-worth.
You are not a hypocrite.
No. 109575
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I'm going through an intense phase where I'm less empathetic and think a lot of shit like "The world would be a better place if you were dead" when I watch TV shows or read the news or see people on the street.
Would rather not feel this way because the world would objectively be a better place if I was dead. I don't deserve to die any more or less than anybody else. I don't know why I'm getting angry and playing god in my head.
No. 109594
>>107639Ugh swole bros at the gym are always the ones making the most noise and using the equipment wrong. Like i get they might be body dysmorphic but they somehow manage to do it in a cunty way. You can't make up for crippling insecurity by layering muscle and machismo over it.
Not every gymbro is on steroids but steroids make for objectively worse people also. One guy drove super fast on the pavement beside my mum and sister, so my sister flipped them off, and this roid monster passenger jumped out and started screaming and physically threatening them?? Bear in mind my sister is 12 and my mum is five feet tall. What the fuck
No. 109595
>>109594Steroids make you aggressive as fuck, some of the users literally barely control themselves so it's no surprise.
Sage for OT
No. 109598
>>109597I am NEET atm until the end of the month and have been for the past year.
It's funny because when I worked 14 hour shifts a day in a shittay diner I dreamt of doing nothing like I have the past year, but the lamest thing about it is that everything becomes boring. You get to the end of the day and you literally feel like you've seen everything, there's nothing else to look at on the internet, you've mined it dry, you've seen every movie, every tv show etc. THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO IN THE WORLD WTF IS LIFE, WTF IS LEISURE
then your just left with that cliche of 'find a job that makes you happy' because you can't just do nothing you have to find a balance
No. 109599
Being NEET is literally torture. I don't understand how people could ever enjoy that lifestyle.
No. 109601
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>>109599actually tbh the main problem is everyone else works. It wouldn't be half as bad if there were people to hang out with or do stuff with but everyone is always busy in their job. Then when they're not working they want to do the kind of stuff that only appears pleasant if your busting your balls 9 to 5; like cinema or getting shitfaced at a nightclub. Plus, no one wants to discuss all the things you've spent an entire week lying on the sofa thinking about, like the meaning of life, or weather or not the Queen is an alien, or which season of the Kardasians is the least depressing.
I'm gonna miss this lifestyle as soon as I'm out of it~
No. 109606
When I was 7 years old I had a best friend, another little girl she was. Same age.
We had a sleepover once and I remember a year before, at 6 my dads now ex's daughter who was like 11 told me about sex. My dad was having a baby with her mum and I didnt understand what sex even was. She explained and I still didnt get it. But I was 6.
At my sleepover, just me and my friend. I remember her touching me in 'places'. She came from a weird home. Her mother was backwards, she was always shagging around and this may be where my friend at the time had her ideas from something she'd seen.
I remember she stripped me naked. On top of me and looking back it was probably fucking CP. I remember it feeling weird. I felt sick in my stomach, it was a gross curiosity and my mother found us. Well naked but not doing anything. She did most of it, I just took it. I didnt know what to do.
I remember my mother going ape shit at me. She dragged me aside into the bathroom, a slap across my face and Im trying not to cry. She told us to wash our hands because Im guessing she had an idea. As we did, my friend was laughing and she said "that was fun, we should do it again one day". I didnt say anything, I remember being silent for the rest of that night. My mother had told my grandparents and they all made me feel dirty for the rest of that week.
My friend then, she wasn't allowed to ever stay again. My mother hates her and a part of me wonders if she lost half of her daughter, me back then. I still feel dirty looking back at that. Like… unclean? Ruined?
I never talk about it with my mum. Me and my mother are close but we never mention it. Like it never happened. I don't stay in contact with my old 'friend'. She tried adding me on Facebook ages ago, she has a boyfriend. I can't even bare looking at her. I feel disgusting.
We were so young and I feel even though she was a kid too, not a grown up, its like a part of me was taken to someone unimportant/unappreciative. I want to talk to my mum about it again at some point when Im older and tell her how I felt.
Im 22 and Ive never had a boyfriend either. Im not gay. Sometimes I wonder the day I get a boyfriend will I feel dirty again after sex or touching? Because if thats the case. I don't want it.
It hurts thinking about it you know? When she contacted me on Facebook ages back, she struck up conversation in a message and I wanted to rant at her and say "Why did you do that to me?! How are you allowed to move on and go be happy with a guy? How are do you not feel dirty? Why not like me?" I know she was young too, didnt understand but a part of it just feels unfair.
I just had to get this off my chest. I think about this even now and its been hell of a long time since 2001.
No. 109613
>>109606I'm sorry to hear that, Anon! I guess if you feel uncomfortable about it, that's probably normal. There's no changing what happened, but everything from here on belongs to you!
You can't control what other people do, but how you react and how you deal with it is completely up to you. So maybe that helps?
You have NHS, qualified help is at your fingertips (I'm assuming)!
No. 109626
>>109606Okay, I'm going to put this into a perspective you do not like.
Do you fucking hear yourself? Get a grip. She was 6, you were 7. How can you put the blame on a 6 year old girl that very clearly was probably molested or forced to do CP?!
Something very similar happened to me when I was in 2nd grade, with an older girl. My grandma walked in and stopped it. I was confused.
I forgave her. Now I look back and wonder who had hurt her. I am not angry. Absolutely not. If that's the worse thing that I've been violated by, I'm lucky. Imagine your uncle's disgusting body on top of you instead. Because that's likely a scenario that caused the whole ordeal in the first place. You sound like a melodramatic, spoiled child clinging to this for narrative.
No. 109630
>>109626No retard, she was 7 and I was 7. I never said she was 6. I was 6 when I first found out about sex and I was talking about my father's ex's daughter who was older than me who told me about sex.
Fuck right off. She never mentioned to me how she was 'molested' or anything. If you reread what I said her house was a bit of a mess, her mother used to shag tons of guys and she used to hear the sounds and saw them once. Reread idiot.
Its stupid to cling on but its the feeling of feeling DIRTY. I felt DIRTY. Yeah she was the same age, she never felt like I did but I felt GROSS.
Im not being melodramatic and I can understand people have had worse experiences. But its just how I felt and sometimes I just wonder if I engaged in sexual shit I would still feel that way.
If anything I put more blame on her mother. She should've known better but that doesnt stop the feeling I felt.
You know nothing. Now piss off.
No. 109643
>>109606>>109630You can blame your friend but children don't choose their environment and even if you blame her mom that doesn't make you feel any better, does it? Sounds like you're upset that you had to bear responsibility for a choice you didn't make but your family acted like it was anyway. And maybe because it was only you that had to deal with the consequences of it.
I know your friend made you feel gross but your mom and grandparents sound like they were the ones that traumatized you. :/ That's kind of an extreme reaction to have towards kids who couldn't possibly understand the weight of their actions.
I had something similar happen to me in elementary school, but I don't feel anywhere close to how you feel and I wonder if it's because no one knew about it so there was no one to make me feel ashamed.
No. 109663
>>109643I agree. Anon, your mother and grandparents did a terrible job handling this when you were too little to understand. No wonder your feelings are undeveloped and confused. This is why you have bad feelings: because you were never able to process what happened with the guidance of adults who know better. They are supposed to teach you, not shame you without explanation. Please don't stay mad at that friend. She was a little kid just like you who was not being protected.
If you and your mother have a close relationship these days and you think you can trust her, I think it's worth talking about the confusion from that event.
No. 109672
>>57389I am an amazing manipulator/liar. I was always taken for granted by guys, I had given so much to them and received nothing back, so I just began taking, it feels bad, like, really bad. But I can't help myself, I am disgusted by this, but I use my looks and my charm to my advantage, I get what I want, and I don't even have to try. I wish I could just be a sociopath and not feel guilt like i do, but it feels so good to take back for once.
No. 109673
>>109630you only feel gross and dirty because your family made you feel gross and dirty. their reaction is why you are traumatized. all your friend was sit on you while you were naked, its not like she stuck her fingers in you or mimicked sex acts or something.
and how exactly DID your family make you feel dirty? did they say things to you about it? or are you just projecting paranoid thoughts onto their actions/words/expressions after your mother's initial freak out?
your friend didn't do anything to you, its your family. your friend didn't understand, she didn't have malicious intent. be angry at your family, or rather, be angry at yourself for allowing your family to make you feel bad when you know you didn't do anything wrong either.
No. 109829
>>57389I am gay as fuck man. But you know what? Theres a girl I am in love with and have been for so many years. I would commit genocide in her name. I worship her. I just want to love her. I want to eat her damn hairy pussy so goddamn bad. She means so much to me but I will never be more than her best friend. I wanted to dedicate my life to her and support her at every turn. She figures I am a perv and into anything overall but really that too is a facade. I am clean cut as hell and had to literally chug Jack to be able to write this.
I was always into swinging both ways, but I am going hard gay because I can no longer stand being with a woman that is not her. She means so much to me. She is a regular here too. N I am sorry, but it hurts so much I want to kill myself. I love you.
I will not kill myself because I have a calling in life and the marine corps is my plan real soon, but this pain is worse than any abuse or pain I have ever dealt with
No. 110174
I live in a kind of rehab program for mental health related problems. Mostly depression, anxiety/panic disorders, but also addiction and EDs. I personally am there because of depression and agoraphobia.
We have to see counselors daily and have group meetings weekly.
A few weeks ago I've developed a small crush on one of the female counselors. Over time it kind of got a little more serious? Like, I know it's not serious as she's almost like my therapist so anything beyond a professional relationship is absolutely out of question. I'm not delusional. I merely admire her a lot, she's incredibly attractive and I think under entirely different circumstances (and if she was gay) we'd be great friends or even more than that. We really do have a similar taste in a lot of things, we do understand each other's thoughts, feelings etc, we can have conversations about trivial stuff as well as the deepest shit.
But yeah. She's a counselor, I'm a client. However, she does have an instagram account and is quite fit so she posts the occasional selfie in her sports bra and every now and then, the wristband of her panties will show and… it's really not easy to focus on what we're talking about when all I wanna do is lick down the way over her abs to her pussy and eat her out until she screams…
No. 110207
>>109673>be angry at yourself for allowing your family to make you feel badyeah no
don't tell anon that. she was child