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No. 414226

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game


>Build help


>Character guides


>Interactive map for overworld item locations


>Another interactive map


>Genshin Center, a resource center for the game


>Event timeline


>Wish Simulators


Previous threads:

No. 414251

According to rumors Xbalanque might not be playable. Time to hold Hoyodevs hostage.

No. 414252

Xilonen gameplay is leaked.

No. 414255

Design-wise she looks like a shitty HSR character. Whoever designed her and Chasca need to hang.

No. 414258

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A leak about a male saurian vet from the anemo clan.
Yeah they did a poor job rendering her face too.

No. 414262

If he's actually supposed to be the first pyro archon I can see why they'd only want him to appear in the story. I don't know why leakers would mention him so often if he was just an NPC with some design elements though. Guess we will have to wait a month or two to find out

That bitch better not be green

No. 414265

I hope he’s got the same colours as Chasca. The colour combo was wasted on her.

No. 414287

I honestly hate everything about her.
She's really the coomer bait character of the game now. And it annoys me that she's going to be super strong apparently.
Don't get me wrong, I don't care about the meta as such, but I just don't want such an ugly character to be good.

New smol anemo boy for the collection, please!

No. 414314

>smol boy

No. 414337

Please be a cute genki manlet model

No. 414375

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I hate Yumkasaurs. They’re obviously pandering to the furfags. Every time I see them on their tails I just think of Randy from South Park bouncing on his ballsack. The water saurs look like domesticated Vishaps so they’re cool.

No. 414384

>dehya spook
Fuck this gay shit

No. 414396

Almost walked 2000m through the desert then remembered your post, lol.
I want a hovershark though. There is totally enough open space in the game for a 'vehicle' of some kind.

I think you're just internet poisoned…

No. 414397

Seconding the brainrot diagnosis but I hate them too. They are so ugly and their movements feel so cumbersome. Also hate that they can't fly because I keep jumping off mountains expecting to glide but nothing

No. 414418

Yeah, now that you've mentioned it I can't unsee it. Thanks a lot lol…

No. 414423

if he's not a gentle, soft mannered sweetie with good looks I will seriously rope myself

No. 414432

Who’s fuckin idea was it to make the little baby saurians enemies? I feel evil killing them. They just plop over… omg. This doesn’t sit right with me at all kek they’re way too cute to kill, why are they aggro?!

No. 414433

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Hoyoverse panders to every single demographic other than women.
Official ad btw.

No. 414443

Because they're Chinese

No. 414444

Are you the Randyfag from the autism thread?

No. 414452

What the fuck? I've never even seen a furry play Genshin. Can't they market ZZZ to them instead

No. 414457

About the Natlan story quest, don't read if you haven't played it yet.

Just going to come out and say it, what a disappointment. I was expecting so much more from the second last nation but instead I was stuck playing as two girls I gave zero shits about for almost half of the quest. I guess they're not mind-numbingly horrible like some of the previous female characters but it was still boring, tedious and most of all, uninteresting. I had no investment in these characters, nor did I give a shit about the random dying aunt, the NPC crying after his dead friend nor Chasca's edgy past and her relationship with her sister. I don't care about Mavuika "suffering for her people and making a plan to save them from disaster" because that's literally what we just saw in Fontaine, it's old news and predictable.

The only good part in that monster of a quest was when we entered the Night Kingdom (though what the fuck was that "Mavuika's consciousness saving them" cop-out about?), the rest could've been cut entirely off and nothing would've changed, and the more I think about it, the more frustrated I get. Both Fontaine and Sumeru (and to a degree, Inazuma as well) had very dark storylines and both started out with a bang, but here we are being dragged around by a girls' club watching other characters go through their experiences. Capitano's first appearance was practically offscreen because we weren't there to see it, and he fucked off almost immediately and is now debilitated by his injury. I'm more depressed than angry at this point, I really hope the next parts will pick up the pace and that Natlan just started off slow for a reason.

No. 414464

ZZZ needs to flop badly. Ever since the launch it's gone crickets.

No. 414467

I’ve been playing all the Natlan quests and a certain nonnie will be happy about a certain NPC coming back after 3 years.

No. 414482

I was considering redownloading the game but thanks to you I won't bother nonnie. I'm the most interested in main stories and exploration and both seem to be lackluster according to what I've seen.
I'm curious, who is it?

No. 414485

Enjou makes a comeback in Kinich’s quest but unfortunately the last section won’t be available for 19 days when Kinich is playable.

No. 414497

Devs got cocky and forgot female fans do all the heavy lifting when it comes to spreading word about games through fan art and sns.

No. 414500

They got too caught up on Chinese gender wars with the "men=won't play" bullshit and thought that by moving onto moidpandering they'll make another bank. But that said, I don't even believe they went after the most lucrative audience, I genuinely think the devs making the decisions are just good faith misogynists who don't want female fans or pander to women.

No. 414502

The reason Genshin took off so fast is because of all the fanart the first male characters got. Kaeya, Childe and Zhongli were literally everywhere even if you never played gacha before

No. 414523

Exactly and the only times I see HSR content on social media is when women are drawing fanart of the men in it. I was disappointed to see some of them latch onto the ZZZ furry because he's somehow the most appealing male character in the game.

This is kind of obvious considering their previous games had an almost all female cast. Genshin is heading in a similar direction, now that they've made their money they can fully focus on the coom they've always wanted to make.

No. 414525

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Is this not a strange assortment of characters? Like, why wasn't Neuvillette also there to see the traveller off?

No. 414526

>Spend majority of the archon quest helping out Lyney as his attorney, being stuck in Meropide collaborating with him there and meeting Wriothesley, Neuvillette becomes the star of the entire quest
>The "send-off" group picture is the photographer girl you barely met, Navia who had more interaction with her NPC bodyguards, Furina who you met maybe once and the tit lady who showed up for a total of two scenes
I'm starting to believe the rumors that Mihoyo wants to get rid of their female players.

No. 414529

Yeah, it's really strange that Lyney and Lynette weren't there when they were the ones to welcome the traveller and probably the ones with the most free time if you'd want to look at it realistically. Furina being there makes some sense to me because she's been so important, but the last time the traveller interacted with her was when it was revealed how much suffering she went through and yet she's acting like usual. Devs just wanted a screenshot of their waifus in one place without considering the story

No. 414532

Honestly considering how the traveler practically saved Lyney after being introduced to Fontaine by him you'd at least expect him and Lynette be there. I can understand Wriothesley not being present since he barely visits the surface and Neuvillette is always busy but Lyney has no excuse. The entire scene felt so weird to me from the get-go.

No. 414542

Venti had so much art too. I remember all the fujos/tifs cosplayed him as well.
to be fair we had lots of interactions with Charlotte. I was also super disappointed to not see the siblings or Neuvilette.

No. 414543

Charlotte is also the only one who'd have a camera

No. 414552

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I don't want it to be true but I'm starting to believe that Capitano actually won't be playable as leakers say. There is no way this is a 5 star weapon, it's an interesting design but as plain/undetailed as Signoras catalyst was. Unless he gets a redesign like Wanderer it probably won't happen. In the same fight Mavuika was using an existing 4 star claymore

No. 414566

Pretty sure he'll be getting a redesign and a vision before release. His current model isn't really similar to any of the playable characters.

No. 414581

Isn't it the same situation as Dottore who's still not playable? If Columbina actually appears in later quests it'll be obvious who's getting the role

No. 414583

I swear I will uninstall this game on the spot if Capitano gets the axe and Columbina becomes the region's dedicated Harbinger instead. I swear. Been playing since the launch and this is the first time I felt the urge to quit the game just imagining the possibility.

No. 414634

I swear i saw his portrait being leaked just like a day ago, but unless i've dreamt it up it must have been scrubbed off the internet or smth because I can't find it now and I vividly remember ppl on reddit sperging about whether or not it looked like the other playable character avatars or an enemy/boss pic.

No. 414646

If we're being completely honest, I believe it was a weekly boss portrait, not a playable character one. I doubt he'll be playable in his current form.

No. 414691

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Are nonnies excited to get McDonald’s?

No. 414698

I’m an EUfag… I want the Lyney gliders…

No. 414699

There are going to be genshin toys? Or just the possibility of getting a special glider?

No. 414701

>only usa
They announced a different collab for Russia and Belarus, it's probably coming for EU. But I am genuinely worried they're going to forget Canada.

No. 414703

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Are you talking about picrel anon? I really hope this isn't his final design. He is already wearing a burqa, the least Hoyo can do is give him a face reveal and make him a pretty boy.

Now that is reassuring. I still hope he is a playable character, as long as he has a gorgeous face.

No. 414709

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I’m a Canadian living in the USA. Lucky me. If someone pays me I can buy the meals and give the codes.

No. 414806

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I’m probably not the ‘certain nonnie’ you’re referring to but if this is real then I’m going to throw up from excitement!!! Enjou was my favourite fucking character in the game, I draw a shedload of fanart (but no posting) of him and Dainsleif all the time and he’s been my number one husbando since I abandoned that gachaslop a couple of years ago. If it’s true that he shows up again then I’ll absolutely have to start playing again, I love my dumb fuck abyss lector and his silly perfect voice— damn these integrate restrictions for not letting me spam heart emojis!!! Let me express my love AAAAA!!!

No. 414811

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Can’t believe I’m saying this, but am I the only nona who likes Mualani? Of course, I hate Natlan and its characters overall. But I accidentally rolled her and her playstyle has been an absolute blast so far. I’ve always valued the open world over any other aspect of the game; so having a character who can literally rocket across fields, sands and water is wild to me a 1.1 veteran! Her design and personality are also growing on me with time. Maybe it’s because the bar is already through the floor, but having a short female character who’s not limited to blushing and stuttering pathetically around the traveller, but is genuinely competitive and lively is pretty refreshing. There were a couple of moments during the quest (regarding Kachina) where I expected her to give a pathetic answer along the lines of ‘wahhh wahhh I can’t fight my friend… wahhh I don’t want to hurt you…’ and instead she started sperging about how excited she was about kicking each others asses, KEK-! Anyway, even if you don’t like her personally (which is fair), I would absolutely recommend her to nonas on the fun rating of her playstyle alone. I’ve grown fond!

No. 414843

Since nobody answered you, there's 2 things available but you have to use the McDonalds app to purchase. First off is some McDonalds apple pies in game, 2nd is the glider. You get these for purchasing in app, and the codes will appear in the app I believe.

No. 414844

No I really like her too nonnie. I just never talk about the female characters here on lolcow because other farmers hate them and only want males kek. Which is fine, I just don't want rock the boat or anything. Anyway yes her playstyle is very enjoyable!

No. 414845

I love Mualani as well and have been trying to roll her. I lost to Tighnari which makes me sad. >>414806
Yup I 100% meant Enjou.

No. 414862

I would like her more if she had more personality than just being "a nice girl". She's really boring and her entire hero arc came from literally nowhere, the friendship is magic thing she had going on with Kachina was really forced and cheesy. She's another case of a Genshin girl character being "too perfect" where I find it hard to relate to her or really have anything much to say about her. Overall I'm just not fond of any Natlan characters yet, even Kinich is pretty boring.

No. 414864

AYRT, I have to confess that I’m usually one of those haters. Although, it’s not because I dislike female characters it’s because I hate the way they’re almost all written as moe gap sex dolls. On the other hand, any woman who escapes this trap is an instant win for me: Hu Tao, Beidou, Ningguang, Sarah, Yae Miko, Dori, Candace, Faruzan, Dehya, Rosaria, Signora, Mualani— Women who don’t bend over to please the traveller, who have a sense of self/pride and who meet him as an equal are a win in my books. And no, none of the Fontainian women count because they were all moe gap BLASTED by the end of 4.X including Arlecchino (I am still bitter and will die on this hill!)

No. 414865

I have to disagree, Mualani was practically dragging the traveler to her home turf for a date while Kachina was probably dying in the war and the player was given gratuitous shots of her bathing with the traveler and afterwards having the hot spring equivalent of a pool party. Even if it wasn't Ayaka level creepy stalker waifu behavior it was still really out of left field.

No. 414867

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Remember back in 1.1 when Hoyo first introduced its characters and they were actually allowed to be morally gray, including the good guys? Kaeya was set up to be a semi-villain, Mona and Fischl were both ‘arrogant’ in a loveable way, Lisa tortured adventurers for fun, Diona was sharp-tongued to her customers and the traveller, Keqing was an overly pertinent civil servant, Klee was inconsiderate and reckless, Qiqi was blunt, Venti was… Venti, even _Zhongli_ gave us a hell of a lot of sass and Scaramouche was an actual villain! Who was just evil! For evil’s sake! Now when they add even a sprinkle of ‘spice’ to a character’s personality, they have to make a whole song and dance about how ‘rude’ or ‘weird’ the character is (as if the player doesn’t have comprehension skills) before either fixing their trait immediately or labelling the character a pariah to be made fun of for all eternity. That only leaves characters who are boringly upfront when we meet them or characters who are supposedly ‘evil villains’ that are then moe gapped to hell within the next two quests.

No. 414868

I did say the bar is through the floor, kek.

No. 414872

Well, seeing how the Chinese incels blew a goddamn gasket over Chiori being "rude" (i.e. protecting the poor woman) to the abusive male customer in her trailer it's no wonder they need to make every character a white toast nothingburger with no proper conflict. The big charm point Alhaitham had was that he was so uncaring of social conduct that he came off rude all the time, but even male characters have been thoroughly castrated as of late. It's weird because in Star Rail the character writing has been getting better and better lately, but in that game the characters are allowed much more interpersonal relationships and development between each other rather than only being dependent on the main character but in Genshin all of the conflict is given to goddamn NPCs. I honestly couldn't imagine a playable character like Sparkle existing in Genshin Impact anymore.

No. 414877

I deleted the game before Natlan and seeing nonnas tell what really happened without the social media wokeness filter makes me want to never play it again. It seems like neither the story not the exploration is that good.
I enjoyed the game the most when I hated some characters wholeheartedly. If you give every character proper personalities they'll be loved and hated by a good amount of people. Now they just make every character nice enough and morally good enough which leads to everyone forgetting about their existence when they're not in the main story anymore. There's nothing in their personalities to feel strongly about, positive or negative.

No. 414888

I'm usually the faggot to whiteknight Genshin but there's no way I can really vouch for Natlan. The exploration is so fucking annoying, I hate the saurian things. I loved Sumeru's and Fontaine's exploration a lot so this feels so fucking clunky when I have to switch between those ugly things only to end messing up my traction. The characters are so-and-so, none of them really have a memorably personality, even Mavuika is just a nice, big-sister-esque archon lady. I absolutely hated Raiden in Inazuma but like you said, I'd rather hate a character than feel total indifference. The social media wokeness bullshit is another nail in the coffin, I honestly can't take any more of the maracas discourse. Literally who gives a shit. Yeah, Natlan is a mess of like 4 different regions but it's blown so out of proportions it's getting embarrassing.

No. 414904

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nonna i'll die on that hill right alongside you, every day i seethe about what they did to arle. i love you and everyone else whos based enough to hate how hoyofucks retconned her.
i agree with your analysis wholeheartedly, extremely well-put. it's also why i have no faith in how they're going to handle harbingers from here on out, or any other character advertised as morally dubious. i honestly feel like harbingers that actually appeared on-screen during the early versions (including manga dottore) got very, very lucky because there's only so much they can do to whitewash them now. for the rest that had more subtle lore though…

No. 414911

Can't agree more. I find Natlan exploration so dull, the saurian gimmick sucks and is just there to get you to pull the new characters, and I don't find the scenery particularly nice either.
Worst offenders are the characters though. They're just so bland. It's like Hoyo decided to make them all loveable and wholesome so the CN incels don't complain. The way they're shoving Kachina & Mualani as this cute "siblings" duo down our throat is disgusting, Mualani is waaaaaay too perfect. And like you said, Mavuika has nothing archon-y to her, imo. Yes, I know the whole shtick is that she's human, but they're going a bit too far with the Archon being bff with the common people. I'm not asking for another Raiden, but Mavuika imo has no mystery to her. To this day, we know Venti and Zhongli are holding information back. Mavuika has nothing going for her and the fact that her zipper goes all the way down over her private parts is just horrible design, sorry.

So yeah, Natlan has kind of killed my love for the game.

No. 414917

Mavuika having no mystery to her is such a huge flaw in her writing so far unless they're planning a huge rugpull in the upcoming chapters. A human from 500 years ago who somehow time traveled and became an archon, is now trying to follow her plan to save the nation from collapsing. It's literally a rehash of Fontaine's plot which feels so cheap by this point. I've talked to a lot of people and everyone feels so disappointed by Natlan's story since the characters are so boring and uninteresting, everything feels disjointed and nothing that interesting was even brought up. I hope the future versions will up the stakes in the AQ because this one was a huge letdown. Also, Chasca is by far the ugliest character ever released in Genshin and I'm happy the fandom collectively agrees.

No. 414919

I'm not disappointed because I really wasn't expecting anything in the first place.
I'm just playing this game for the Lumine power fantasy in a mostly light universe. Not everything needs to be deep dark and mysterious.
Music is still nice.

No. 414973

We were told 4 years ago that Natlan's theme was death and ressurection. I think Mavuika being mostly upfront with us makes sense as she isn't originally from celestia or partook in the archon war. Other archons are like the HR department where they protect he company as their jobs are on the line. We still can't resonate with Pyro and Mavuika is the only confirmed pyro user in Natlan. We'll probably find out more secrets she could be hiding in future updates.

No. 414991

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I find her playstyle is awkward but the surfing is fun and I liked her friendship with Kachina.
The only Saurian I thought was awkward is the dendro one, the others feel a lot better in comparison. The shark's movespeed in water is great.
The sick NPC had a pyro vision too, but yeah other than her there's something weird going on with the pyro element in Natlan. I think the adventure quest was kind of whatever so far but there's room for it to still have some hard-hitting moments. The big mystery right now is why the Traveler can't resonate with the statue and I'm guessing it's because we're going to become the Archon at the end of it.

No. 415063

I'm surprised by people here being bothere by Mualani and Kachina bit, personally I found it extremely refreshing that an archon quest revolved around actual playable characters instead of NPCs and actually displayed their relationship with each other in a meaningful way, instead of making them weirdly imprint on traveler out of nowhere for once. On top of that it was a very satisfying testing out the characters as well, usually you get to play as them for 2 seconds against super weak enemies. Mualani's showing Traveler around the town wasn't comparable to any other character's weird closeness to traveler at all either. But maybe I'm and that other anon who defended Mualani are just sold on her super fun playstyle lol

No. 415065

This tbh. It's probably the very first instance of HYV making a Genshin child character likable among the fandom. Despite the girls club mood it feels natural.

No. 415074

I'm loving the little baby tepetlisaurus that we get in Natlan. I named mine Chubby. Ahhh it's so fucking cute kek I love this lil baby. Wish it was walking with us around the whole map though, and not just popping in for related quest areas

No. 415084

How different is Mualani from Yoimiya? I haven't started Natlan (doubtful I ever will at this point), but they sound extremely alike. Friendly genki girls who are nice to kids and strangers

No. 415086

Yoimiya wouldn't beat a kid's ass. Mualani would because not beating their ass won't teach them anything.

No. 415107

They're both generic genki slop, I would say Mualani's a bit better between the two.

No. 415184

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Fellow Enjou anon, I can confirm he shows up again in the Canopy Reputation quest.

No. 415362

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>the least Hoyo can do is give him a face reveal and make him a pretty boy
>as long as he has a gorgeous face
Why'd you want the character whose entire appeal is to be masked to look like a generic male character? This is how he loses his entire appeal imo. I'd rather have him stay masked and be a tall, mysterious looking husbando than have Hoyo give him the pretty male face number 5894675632 and make him look like another Wriothesley/Haitham/Zhongli.

No. 415366

Wrio, Haitham and Zhongli all look very different though

No. 415377

They're still a typical male character. Capitano sticks out like crazy if they keep him masked because you cannot see his face, which in question adds more depth to his character. The rest is just a generic anime man you can find anywhere else.

No. 415388

The only "typical male character" trait they have in common is that they're men. If he stays masked, incels will keep identifying with him.

No. 415391

The water dragon is really fun, but I feel like there isn't a lot of landscape to explore with it. Most of the current map seems to be designed for the dendro saurian and I hate using it so much.

This. The "mask needs to stay" crowd have no idea what they're enabling. Also we could never get a masked female character so I don't want a male one either.

No. 415412

>incels will keep identifying with him
We women also love his masked face. Take your meds.

No. 415415

Nta but she doesn't need meds, scrotes are absolutely in love with Capitano and it's mostly because he's a masked fully clothed stoic guy. At this point I kind of get a disgust response when I see him because I can only associate him with moids who self insert into him. I'd even go as far as to say he's more popular with men than with women

No. 415419

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I have had a soft spot for Capitano since 2022, but I agree that he has one of the most unhinged fanbases out there. Besides scrotes, he attracts the most insane women - those who think they are ohh so much better and above other women who like "generic" animu boys, just because they are into old men yaoi, monsterfucking, and furryshit. Most of these tards don't even have basic decency and they bully artists who draw him with a pretty face. I have seen so much drama around this character on twatter for what feels like forever, and it honestly makes him a little hard to like.

No. 415432

Some dudes are also out there literally me-ing as Haitham and Wriothesley because they're both muscular manly men of the game. I've seen men even self insert into Diluc so they can be pretend do be some hardcore dominant daddy in the game. Anons really want Capitano to look like yet another soft boyfriend Childe so they can also flick their bean to him while going on unhinged yume spergs whenever somebody else voices their love for him a little too much.

>Women who like masked fictional men are enabling incels
The sheer retardation of this take is insane. It's really not that deep. We just like what we want aka a masked Capitano, not everything is some mega schizocore plot from the incels. We're not enabling anything considering 99.9% fanart of Capitano is already unmasked ones and I doubt my opinion on this on an anonymous imageboard really matters to Hoyo, they will simply do whatever the fuck they want.

No. 415434

Kek only on lolcow you will see nonnies acting like a masked 2d character getting unmasked is the key to worldwide feminism and dismantling the patriarchy.

I agree. The exploration feels like such a chore with those saurian mechanics, it's clunky, and honestly, just frustrating at times. And the characters this time around don't seem to have that spark. Mavuika as an archon just feels so bland, like she's missing that memorable edge. I will be on the copium that the archon quest will get better with each update but at the same time I don't really believe it. Fontaine had me engaged with its story the second I started it meanwhile Natlan had my eyes glazing over.

No. 415437

Couldn't have said it better myself. I used to think I was going to collect all harbingers because Childe and Scara were some of my favourite characters and even pulled for Arle the moment she came out but her story ruined her for me. Now with Capitano being weaker than a random human in fetish clothing really pissed me off.

No. 415438

Kek this, Capitanofags outside of lc are some of the biggest retards around

No. 415441

>they bully artists who draw him with a pretty face
are you fucking kidding me? why cant they do this for their favorite female characters who are actually on the receiving end of egregious mischaracterization (more often than not for coom purposes)? i guess aetherfag shippers get kinda bullied for it, but it's hard to call the concern genuine when everyone else can get away with turning the women into pornfodder moeblobs. guess i'll just gatekeep my female favs harder.

No. 415465

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Do we have any female character yumes here? I love Chiori so much, she makes me such a sperg. A cool girl character who's not interested in sucking the Traveler's cock at any given moment is such a delight! I find her design very pretty and attractive without being coombait and her gameplay is so fun too.. she's really captured my heart.

No. 415468

Why do you anons let incels live in you head rent-free? Who cares what they think and do? Bullying people making Capitano pretty is retarded but I think the mask gives him more intrigue and removing it would be a bit of a downgrade unless there's something else on his face that's dramatic and eye-catching.
Are people actually mad at Capitano fighting a god with a turbo power booster to a standstill while he doesn't even seem to have a Vision? They were pretty clearly evenly matched in the cutscene. Mavuika was exhausted and wrecked Kinich's sword fighting him and he was getting ready to fight despite his wound before Olorun threw dust in the air. It didn't feel like some disrespectful one-sided stomp, more like Mavuika got a lucky hit in. If she lost immediately we'd have retards freaking out about how weak the god of war is.
I like Yoimiya and Arle. Furina's also cute. I know Yoimiya is just a nice girl but she was my first dps character and carried me through a lot of content.
I've been seeing a lot of genderbends of the Natlan characters, I saw a good Mualani with a wip 3D render yesterday. If Mualani had been a cute surfer man I would have been much more enticed to pull. Same with Mavuika, the design is still stupid in the context of Genshin but a man in a slutty biker outfit is far more compelling than a woman in one.

No. 415474

This. The bullying directed at artists drawing Capitano as a bishounen from people screaming about how he has to be a faceless monster or an ugly old man are so unhinged it blows my mind. I hope once he loses the mask he turns out to be a handsome guy just to put this shit to rest once and for all.

No. 415481

Imagine being you and letting moids rent free in your head while exploring
>I am le speshul because I love fujoslop ecks dee

No. 415493

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>mask gives him more intrigue
I really wish I could understand the psych of the average masked guy enjoyer but I just can't. The mask makes him look like every other generic fatui NPC imo. Will he get completely ruined for maskedmenfags if he takes off his headgear for even a single cutscene?

No. 415501

If it's a single cutscene then he puts it back on I personally wouldn't care, but the helm and the eye chains are different and make him stand out at the moment. His mask is different enough from the other Fatui and makes sense given he's their leader.

No. 415514

What feels worst to me about our lineup of male characters in Natlan is how not a single one has anything sexy going on design wise in a region full of very sexed-up female characters. It's supposed to be a super hot region yet none of the guys are even partially shirtless? It feels so bad. Anyway all the maskfags itt insisting "it's not that deep" know DAMN well there's a reason why Capitano will probably keep the mask on and hsr's C3PO-ass Screwelum is projected to be a 5-star meanwhile Firefly spends 90% of the time outside of the mech suit as a cute girl. There would never fucking ever be a playable female character with an inhuman or covered up face, especially not one without any other skin showing. Men do not want to have to just "imagine a cute girl beneath the mask" they want to see the cute girl. Maskfags feel like suitfags arguing that being more covered is sexier lmao. I can get not having faith in mihoyo to model a good enough handsome face for him, so many of the (esp male) 3D models look worse than I'd like, but idk how it's not so obvious that the hype outside of here for Capitano as a "cool masculine masked guy" is some peak safe horny, nonthreatening to men shit. I don't even hate the look of the mask or anything, but I do still hope he at least takes it off one(1) time so that self insert "he's based and masculine and not a pretty boy!!! just like me frfr" scrotes will have to always know that he is not in fact, old or ugly

No. 415522

File: 1726347941864.png (691.99 KB, 553x724, GXQN5uyXsAAqcDh.png)

I agree that the contrast is bullshit. If there was a single man on the Natlan roster than was as naked as the ladies I wouldn't care nearly as much. I think Capitano currently looks cool but if he got a half-naked masked off design I would forgive him losing the mask.

No. 415593

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I’ve been obsessed with ningguang ever since I started the game.

No. 415605

Kek based, you said everything I wanted to say. Especially
>Maskfags feel like suitfags arguing that being more covered is sexier lmao

No. 415619

>Maskfags feel like suitfags arguing that being more covered is sexier lmao. I can get not having faith in mihoyo to model a good enough handsome face for him, so many of the (esp male) 3D models look worse than I'd like, but idk how it's not so obvious that the hype outside of here for Capitano as a "cool masculine masked guy" is some peak safe horny, nonthreatening to men shit.
This. I get the appeal of the "intrigue" and in some other game it would be fine but let's be real here as long as there's no inhuman female character hiding her face I don't want a male character like that in Genshin and all the maskfags out there headcanoning Capitano as an uggo because they think they have more "refined" tastes can fuck off to playing something else, for the love of god they were vocally disappointed that Capitano wasn't a 7-feet roided ogre when the Natlan trailer came out as if it was ever going to happen. Especially because Natlan has only a lineup of TWO male characters in total, (according to leaks) only one of them being a 5-star and wearing layers of clothes while being barely present in the story while Mualani rocks literal bikinis, Chasca looks like a stripper vampire and Mavuika has the pussy zipper bodysuit with her tits out. I can't wait until Capitano's redesign when he will inevitably show a bishounen face and we'll have to endure another temper tantrum from monsterfuckers about how they were robbed because they wanted an old, ugly man or a tentacle face. And men don't only self-insert into Capitano because he wears a mask, they LOVE the idea of women not getting an attractive male character while they're surrounded with cute and sexy girl characters.

No. 415625

take your meds

No. 415640

You sound autistic and retarded. I don't care what your personal discord group is saying but it sounds like you're conflicting two agendas.

No. 415642

File: 1726402437337.gif (6.71 MB, 498x477, cockroach-zhongli.gif)

Seriously, why is everyone acting like a few women wanting a fictional character to stay masked is somehow aligning them with incels or promoting more censorship of male characters?

It's not that serious ffs. Some of you unironically sound like some schizocore r/gangstalking victims who think the gacha incels are out to get them so we must revolt against them by… giving a Genshin character a twink face kek as if there aren't any bigger issues at hand out there. I know the Genshin incels aren't innocent but this is just how the game is designed, it's a gacha game that caters to its male audience. If it upsets you this much, maybe it's time to take a step back and consider if it's worth playing.

No. 415644

do you ever get tired of being like this?

No. 415645

In the same vein, maskedfags are acting like an oppressed bunch of retards just because some anons want him to be a hot guy underneath the mask.

No. 415646

I've been a maskfag for years now so I don't know about the rest but I personally don't care, I just prefer to keep him masked because that's his appeal to me and also how he immediately won me over. If he ends up getting unmasked, I hope they will do his face justice. My expectations are unfortunately not high though, Hoyo will fuck it up somehow.

No. 415648

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>everyone who doesn't agree with me must be a tourist!
This discussion has happened in the previous threads and this is the first time I see maskfags having a collective meltdown here.

Honestly this. I wonder what makes the average maskfag so insanely narcissistic with a perpetual victim complex.

No. 415649

I still get annoyed looking at Ororon's bland as fuck design. He better win me over whenever he makes his appearances in the AQ because they didn't even put a modicum of effort into his design, at least Kinich has a decent color scheme going on even if he's on the meh side as well. Having to sit through goblins like Xilonen and Chasca is just adding insult to injury as well
>Maskfags feel like suitfags arguing that being more covered is sexier lmao.
KEK I don't care about this Capitano debate but this cracked me up, they kinda do sound like delusional suitfags

No. 415650

saying maskfags are having a meltdown is so funny when the ones who want an unmasked capitano are genuinely talking about incel conspiracies lmao

No. 415651

That's a nice way of dumbing down the entire discussion. Please pick up a book.

No. 415652

some of you bitches are mad retarded, no wonder the genshin incels are laughing at you and hoyo does not even acknowledge your existence. not everything is related to feminism and pwning moids, especially when it comes to a coomer game that only cares about men anyways. what is next? are you guys also going to start crying and writing paragraphs over how brothels need male whores because having only female whores is letting the incels win? so dumb to read the opinions here sometimes, it hurts

No. 415653

maybe because the disccusion IS dumb

No. 415654

The 'very smart' discussion in question:
>"nonnies i'd rather have this 2d guy stay masked"
>"Well hurrdurr you are enabling incels and men will self insert into him you traitorous pickme!!"
>"nonnies it's not that deep idk i just prefer him masked"
>"Akschually I am very smart and the average maskfag has asdp, npd, bpd, adhd, hpd, bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis, schizoaffective, bulimia and hepatitis b"

No. 415655

Its funny because this all started because a maskfag got upset at a random anon saying she wanted Capitano to be attractive underneath the mask >>415362
Now they want to act like victims kek

No. 415656

>doesn't even know how to spell discussion
Not only is the average maskfag incredibly whiny but also illiterate.

No. 415657

hope your keyboard breaks just like mine starting with those periods

No. 415658

You are so incredibly retarded that it's almost sad, almost. As pointed by >>415655 the entire argument was started by a maskfag.

No. 415659

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This ordeal is peak Genshin Impact General Thread #16 on lolcow.farm right now.

No. 415660

if you read upset from a simple question how do you function in daily life, are people not allowed to ask shit now

No. 415662

>hoyo does not even acknowledge your existence
Kek, I haven't spent a dime on Hoyo games so it doesn't bother me in the least. Also, women not getting pandered to in gachashit is not the big 'hehe gotchu' moment you think it is.

>moving goalposts

No. 415667

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Why do you even come here if you are that bothered by some anons wanting Hoyo to do better with their male characters? You can go to /gig/ or twatter or leddit and you will find legions of dickriders deepthroating whatever trash Hoyo throws their way.

>le incel conspiracies
I mean it isn't wrong. Didn't some Korean incels try to get Furina's artist fired because of some vague "feminist" posts that she had made on her personal social media account?

No. 415677

Please stop with the retarded maskfag/anti-maskfag infighting. Any further sperging about this will get longer bans than usual.

No. 415679

I'm honestly getting so tired of all these Klee events in Genshin. It's like every time, we end up being her babysitter and playing games with her. I really wish other characters had their moment to shine instead of constantly entertaining Klee and her autistic Dodoco antics. Even in the current event, thankfully we don't have to talk to her, but just seeing the face of Dodoco is already exhausting enough.

No. 415680

It is a little annoying. Doesn't help that the game is clunky as fuck and a pain to play. Maybe it's so players won't forget her by the time they actually explain more about Alice.

No. 415703

The "be Klee's babysitter" shit is getting WAY too overplayed. Especially because every time Albedo appears being her tard wrangler big brother is the only role he's ever granted.

No. 415708

>all these Klee events
Event doesn't even feature Klee kek. Talk about a hateboner

No. 415713

No idea what you're trying to get at but hating on Klee and not liking her character is justified considering she's cheap lolibait

No. 415737

>want Thoma next banner for my Lyney team
>want Wanderer if the 5.2 leak is true
>only have 30 rolls at 0 pity
I'm so fucked

No. 415773

>peak Genshin Impact General Thread

Depends on what you would rather have sooner: A support character that helps your current DPS or a whole new DPS character. You could also risk a few pulls for Thoma, but I wouldn't advise it if you don't want Raiden or Kinich.

No. 415782

>clunky to play
It's just bomberman, It was something completely different last time, wasn't it?

I feel like if you could dash on land with the saurians they would be much better.

No. 415788

Do other nonnas in here mod the game? Do you just use mods, or do you make them as well? I'm currently making a mod for a character that I feel deserves better than the options offered, and I have to say I really wish modding spaces were less full of goonerslop. Even the places that are allegedly "SFW" have their head retards making female character's boobs bigger for no reason and getting irate over any criticism of coom. That said, it's been very fulfilling to see my hard work come to fruition and actually walk around in the game ♥ Installing nice mods definitely helps with the lack of skins issue too. I'd highly encourage looking into it despite all the flaws in the community, there are some real gems to be uncovered— and if there aren't, making them yourself is the next best thing.

No. 415799

I'd love to mod my game but I'm scared of possibly catching a ban from it.

No. 415820

I feel like hoyo's decision to launch Kinich's banner after Mualani kinda ruined Natlan's exploration for me and some other people. Dendro saurians are clunky af and this first part of the region feels like it's centred around them in puzzles and shit. Kinich could be a much better alternative to them like Kachina is to geo saurians, but noo we gotta prioritise blue Amber so incels won't get mad they will anyway

No. 415821

>I feel like if you could dash on land with the saurians they would be much better.
Yeah I find myself spamming the jumping/swinging button when I'm the green one, digging in the ground jumping/leaping as the brown one, and just dashing on the water as the water one. No I don't know their names

No. 415823

I was just thinking about this playing the Natlan event. The dendro saurians are horrible to use and never available when you need them, while you barely ever need the water saurians in the current map. I can count the amount of times I've had to use their abilities on one hand while I feel like the dendro saurians should be there all the time.

No. 415824

Same. I can handle hydro saurians just fine since I only used them in the water or at least have Furina to run around on it, Kachina is also fine to use since inside Natlan her skill lasts a decent amount of time. But Dendro saurians? There's literally no good alternative

No. 415828

AYRT, modding is actually very safe so long as it stays cosmetic! It's been going on for several years and nobody has ever caught a ban from it. The only instance of a ban was one HSR player when it first launched, but that player allegedly also had some non-cosmetic mods (and even then the ban only lasted a week so it's far from dramatic). Ever since then, there have been no credible, substantiated reports of bans. That said, it is still recommended to hide your UID if you're posting any pictures of the mods publicly. And don't worry— people in coop can't see your mods either since it's purely client-side, so there's no risk of anyone snitching on you.

No. 415905

Leakers are leaking Mavuika's kit today. Right now they're saying she's a better Dehya, not a Bennett or Xiangling replacement like most people want. They test a bunch of different kits so this isn't 100% but I hope it's true and moids start malding about having to keep using Bennett.

No. 415907

I’m skipping her anyway so idc about her kit but I hope pyro traveler is a decent support

No. 415911

id also be really glad if she wasnt the long-anticipated bennett replacement. im not particularly keen on his character, but id rather keep using him over pulling for that sorry excuse for an archon design why couldnt they have picked the conquistador one instead

No. 415924

>why couldnt they have picked the conquistador one instead
Y'know, I used to mald very hard over the old design when it got leaked and when I first saw Mavuika I really fell in love with her official design. Now I wish she had that old design instead of the current bdsm leather mommy nasty zipper one. At least the old one looked a tad cute despite its cringe inspo, the current design is just so terrible I don't even know where to start with it.

No. 415927

I'll laugh my ass off if she's a DPS and not a support like most of the other archons. Arlecchino already took her part as the dominating pyro DPS they're really fucking up if they're pushing her as one. Just how hard can they fumble Natlan?

No. 415928

You fell in love with her official design but hate it?

No. 415929

Loving it was my first reaction but now I hate it because the more I looked at it the worse it got.

No. 415931

I'd like her design way more if it wasn't for those stupid boots/stockings she's wearing kek. It's like they couldn't decide what type of leotard they wanted her to wear.

No. 415945

The concept is ok but the retarded backholes and zipper throw me off everytime.

No. 416021

Why do people think Xbalanque will be playable? I fear he will end up like deshret

No. 416043

File: 1726561039946.jpg (77.8 KB, 1080x730, xbalanque-natlan-sus-4-8-crumb…)

Because supposed leakers have been spreading vague info about his design and kit (support/atk buffer). A lot of posts call Capitano's playability into question but I haven't seen anything like that for Xbalanque.

No. 416050

Xbalanque was the one introducing Neuvillette during his drip marketing so people have been speculating on his relevancy for a while, that's probably why he's presumed to be a playable character. Xiuhcoatl, the dragon he defeated and became the first pyro archon, is the pyro sovereign according to some leakers and heavily foreshadowed to be awoken during the AQ so maybe Xbalanque gets resurrected (hence the theme of "death and resurrection" of Natlan) and becomes the new pyro archon since Mavuika already gave up her power as one to keep the flame lit during the AQ in 5.0. But that said, there's nothing confirmed and he might as well just end up as a historical figure NPC like Deshret did.

No. 416051

I was 100% with you, up until the suitfag slander. Suits make me so unbearably horny and I love sexualising an outfit of clothing moids wear daily in a professional capacity. Everything from the polished shoes, to the slight heel, to the legs, to the cuffs, watches, etc. gets me going. Even hotter when you have a modified suit without a shirt underneath or shorts + sock garters (AKA male thighighs). It's a shame that Zhongli is the closest we get, and he's fully covered. Manga Dottore would have been good, but there's a reason they remodelled him with even more layers… smh. Regardless, I agree that we need more stripper husbandos. The inequality of it all is starting to get ridiculous.

> HSR writer outed for trolling female fans and baiting fujos with mary sue
Could I get some context for this milk?

I get what you mean: the whole biker aesthetic isn't actually that bad when you think about it alongside the whole graffiti theme, but the coom zip is just unbearable to look at.

The thought of Hoyo writing a story where the Himeko clone dies and is replaced by a hot moid both excites and terrifies me. There's just no way the CN incels would let that one slide without some SERIOUS blacklash…

No. 416054

It wouldn't be death or replacement though? Mavuika will definitely be playable, if anything they'll handle it like they did with Neuvillette and Furina

No. 416057

>Could I get some context for this milk?
I don't have the screenshots at hand (you can probably find them on google) but it was the guy who wrote the Baiheng segment. He made both Dan Feng (Dan Heng's previous incarnation) and Yingxing (Blade's previous identity) develop oneitis for his Mary Sue (Baiheng) to the point they fucked around with ambrosial arbor causing Jingliu to be mara-struck and Imbibitor Lunae being imprisoned. It pissed off a LOT of Chinese fans, especially because Baiheng was a very archetypal Mary Sue beloved by everyone to the point they completely broke character just to suck her ass.

Yeah Mavuika is already confirmed to become playable, she won't die. What I'm speculating is that Xbalanque will become the pyro archon once again and that's why people were already curious when Mavuika's release patch (5.3) was supposedly different from the usual archon patch (usually X.2, Raiden being an exception).

No. 416061

I need Xbalanque to look absolutely gorgeous. Not half naked but unfinished looking like Cyno or completely covered up like Neuvillette, I hope he has a little bit of both and is obviously created to appeal to the female fans. Usually every Genshin region there's at least one male character I end up getting autistic over but in Natlan it's just nonexistent, which is why I'll be on the copium of Xbalanque being my newest husbando. So ready to be disappointed if they fumble with him kek

No. 416064

>The thought of Hoyo writing a story where the Himeko clone dies and is replaced by a hot moid both excites and terrifies me. There's just no way the CN incels would let that one slide without some SERIOUS blacklash…
didn't this basically happen in fontaine with neuvillette and furina though? the only time i ever see moids talk positively about neuvillette is when they mention his damage in classic metafag fashion

No. 416065

He's leaked to be a short male character so I doubt he's going to be the tall bishounen but if you're okay with that then I hope so too. Personally I want him to be a Bennett on steroids gameplay-wise since Mavuika is leaked to be a damage-dealer pyro DPS.

No. 416067

File: 1726570806972.png (15.2 MB, 4096x3699, F0WK4zSagAEeXHx.png)

I fucking hate the short male model. As much as I love characters like Wanderer and Xiao, I can't ever see them in a lewd light because they all look like 14 year old kids

No. 416068

Same anon. The thought of Xiao having the adult male model is so attractive to me. He's supposed to be old as fuck but with his short model he still feels like an edgy 16 year old instead.

No. 416069

Furina wasn't that big with male waifufags though so they didn't really care about her being ousted. And regarding the Himeko clone, her being one was a translation error because the original Genshin comic falsely translated "Mu-Natlan" to "Murata" (Honkai Himeko's surname) for some weird reason which launched all the "pyro archon is a Himeko expy" speculation. The Chinese fans have never perceived her as a Himeko expy because they were completely oblivious to this mistranslation.

No. 416070

File: 1726571093260.png (1.02 MB, 1033x1033, if-xiao-had-the-tall-model-v0-…)

Don't make me cry about how peak Xiao's design would have been as a tall male anon…

No. 416071

And what is Mu-Natlan supposed to be

No. 416072

File: 1726571394033.mp4 (10.27 MB, 720x824, Gtmi2e_jldSR_A2u.mp4)

Tfw you'll never have this

No. 416074

The nipples make me so uncomfortable, he looks like a tif who had a keyhole mastectomy

No. 416076

I swear he has such brainrot potential but his body size is holding me back from fully engaging in it. Same could be said with Cyno as well, I wish he was tall and muscular instead of Mihoyo giving him a short model and almost transparent abs.

No. 416077

its not fair how much hoyoverse panders to lolifags but shotasisters like us only get crumbs

No. 416079

It's speculated to be possibly a specific region in Natlan where the red-haired "Children of Mu-Natlan" come from. Himeko isn't called Himeko Murata in the Chinese version of Honkai but 无量塔姬子 (Wuliangta Jizi), but the original "Children of Murata" phrase was written specifically as 穆纳塔 (Mu-na-ta). Even if you don't speak Chinese, you can see that the characters don't match up.

He looks so adorable, I wish male characters could look like this.

No. 416085

You need to log off for a while I think

No. 416086

No. 416088

File: 1726577962301.jpeg (983.8 KB, 3500x1969, F67IZSAa0AASFlq.jpeg)

Cant relate tbh one of the few reasons I still play is because this is one of the only games that (fairly) regularly releases guys that aren’t just tall ikemen. I love the short male model.

No. 416090

Kek this is kinda cute and kinda uncanny. Hoyo would probably give male Mualani full-length pants and a full-sleeve shirt with another layer on top of him despite spending all his time in the water.

No. 416091

Maybe I'm just delusional but to me the short male model doesn't even necessarily look like a child, for example Kinich could be anywhere from 16 and up despite being the short model and Lyney gives a pretty adult vibe despite being short (also he was said to be canonically an adult wasn't he?). I wish they would introduce something inbetween like HSR did with the young boy-short male-tall male models.

No. 416094

You’re delusional. Their proportions are very childlike

No. 416095

File: 1726580236251.jpeg (245.08 KB, 1148x2048, F_SyfVQbMAA_u9y.jpeg)

I agree they dont look like kids to me either. The only ones that seem really young to me are Mika, Freminet and Chongyun (funny that they're all cryo). The rest are just short anime boys.

No. 416098

File: 1726581221439.jpg (121.34 KB, 640x600, 1000063115.jpg)

I also don't read them as kids, they're not childish, plus it's easy to notice the difference when the actual kids are characters like Klee or Qiqi.
You don't see any of the short guys baby talking or running like speds, they also don't have any guardians unlike Klee who has Albedo or Qiqi with Baizhu.

No. 416103

I'm not a fan of the short men but I agree, they don't look like children. Lyney, Xiao, Wanderer and Heizou have adult vibes, Venti is mayhaps controversial due to twitterfags acting like he is indeed a 13 year old boy due to the way he looks and the remarks of people refusing to serve him alcohol because of his youthful appearance, Tighnari, Sethos and Kinich dig me as early 20 guys and Cyno and Kazuha maybe a mid 20s. I'd say the rest is pretty child-like

No. 416105

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I was going to get McDonald’s today but I have to wait until tomorrow when my husband has his coworker supper.
I haven’t played Honkai but whenever I see him I just think he’s Xiao.

No. 416132

Yeah Albedo is very adult-like, just short in stature. Tighnari and Cyno are also very obvious adults to me, aren't they drinking wine with Alhaitham and Kaveh too? And graduated from the Akademiya as well? They're both so mature in looks and personality-wise that I keep forgetting that they use the same "short male" model as Mika and Freminet.

No. 416174

Okay I got my Thoma in 20. Happy times. I wish he was c4 but I’ll cope for now since it could have been a Sara spook.

Did anyone roll for Kinich?

No. 416180

I pulled for him! Couldn't resist not having at least one male 5* from Natlan on my account kek.

No. 416254

Yeah who else is worth saving for. And I have a ton of Primos.
Lost the 50/50 to Dehya but then got him 20 rolls later.

No. 416320

File: 1726673258873.jpg (1.87 MB, 2480x3000, GXqxQIXWoAAgsL3.jpg)

I rolled for Kinich and got him. I still need an onset feather for him and to farm his books.

No. 416339

Nonnies who got Kinich but use him without Emilie, what are your teams?

No. 416398

I threw him in a team with Xingqiu, Bennett and Kuki. No idea if it's good but he does 60k from time to time so I might let it be.

No. 416439

imbibitor lunae is so fucking hot. too bad he’s stuck in shit rail I would main him if he was in genshin
idk, nonita. him being a manlet is part of his appeal. small but fiery trope is just something I’m really into

No. 416487

That's me with Boothill. If we can have an ugly bitch cowboy in Natlan we could have had a hot cyborg cowboy with shark teeth.

No. 416489

>thinking of playing genshin again
>There are a couple of guys I want and I have leftover primogems
>Update the game
>It's now too big
Well shit. This game is way too big, I don't want to get a sd card or a hard drive just for a gacha but I also wanted to get back into it ughh

No. 416519

Sorry Nona but Boothill’s design might actually be more egregious than all the post-Liyue coomslop female designs put together. I just can’t get over the hair, kek.

No. 416548

File: 1726744026515.jpg (351.47 KB, 1900x2048, GSI4P3aaUAQADY2.jpg)

Same anon. I will never get over how Boothill had a rough start when he was first released despite getting already leaked a year ago. The shitshow stemmed from a stupid leaker that led fans to believe Firefly was going to be released instead of him so when Boothill's drip marketing came out instead of Firefly, a bunch of people who are Firefly fans (and also often those incel moids who like HSR and seethe at female fans) lost their shit and began a campaign against Boothill and his fans. Misinformation spread quickly, with majority of Firefly fans harassing Boothill fans like crazy. The situation escalated to the point where they even started a boycott hashtag, calling for others to ignore Boothill and his banner in favor of their waifu Firefly. Ever since then I've loved him even more kek.

Mini sperg but him hailing from a war torn world where he lost his loved ones in a cruel manner is so nicely written. I know other HSR characters also have deep stories but it often comes across like some 2deep4u shit while Boothill has an actual engrossing one imo. I just wish they had the same favoritism towards him and other male characters who are a lot more interesting than Firefly, who received like 5 animated pvs and a bunch of excessive trailers for being a sad 'disabled' girl in a fighting suit. Don't even get me started on how Hoyo led people to think Sam would be a murderous robot husbando, only to do the twist of him being Firefly instead

No. 416567

Firefly is the worst waifu they have ever created so far.

No. 416601

Goddamn I've been playing HSR since launch and I've completely missed this shitshow, all I've seen has been people really loving Boothill and complaining about Firefly being desperate, obnoxious incel waifubait to the point even male players cringe at her. Seems like I've curated my feed pretty well.

No. 416641

Thoma, Furina and Baizhu for burgeon

No. 416691

use Nvidia cloud. you can use it for an hour for free every day though you’ll need to wait on queue for like 10 mins

No. 416839

Does it work for the installation too? Because it's not that my pc won't play it, it's that it can't install it because there's no space.

No. 416841

ntayrt you only need enough space to install nvidia cloud, from there you can play genshin without it taking up space on your computer

No. 416924

Oh that sounds amazing, I will try that thank you nonnies for suggesting it! I had no idea these things existed.

No. 417243

i hate how often those "omg so cool!!1!1" hoyofair designs are just
>women in skimpy clothing more revealing than their in-game outfit
>men all burka'd up in comparison
>in the same fucking picture
no, dont show me your dudes occasionally wearing shorts instead of pants as a counterpoint, you know it doesnt compare to what the girls are put through. i really wish some hoyofair artist would break the mold for once and do an outfit swap of "stereotypically" male and female outfits, but i suppose that'd be too based. anyway, time to brace myself for shitty fanart of revealing designs (for women specifically) and even more tired oohhhh mommy step on me comments i guess.

No. 417248

Having more half naked men could be a great way to break out of the pattern, but I doubt we'll see that anytime soon. I particularly hate how Mihoyo gave us Itto, the first and probably last half naked male character we'll ever get, and the gay men who love disgusting bara stuff have latched onto him. Itto went from being a women-only husbando to an actual faggot magnet for me kekw.

No. 417256

In my opinion all the street fashion and suit designs for the male characters are really cool and I like them, but my main problem are the female designs being so fucking ugly and more focused on looking coomery than actually tasteful and pretty. Either both should be coomshit or both should be stylish and classy.

No. 417465

Did anyone pull for Kinich yet? Thoughts?

No. 417470

I got him on a whim and currently run him with XL, Bennett and Baizhu. He's not well built yet, but still already hitting hard. I just find him really clunky in the overworld because as soon as you're on uneven terrain you end up getting stuck in trees or fall into water during his E, which can be annoying. But that won't be a problem in the Abyss.
I could see myself maining him if it wasn't for the fact that his best team will at the very least require Mavuika if not more Natlan characters and I don’t intend to get any of the Natlan coomer bait girlies, nor Emilie, so I'll stick to Alhaitham.

No. 417496

I'm like 1/5 people who got Emilie and in the last thread I was sad that I got her but had a feeling she'd be useful for Natlan. She's not bad playwise but I'd still prefer Baizhu.

No. 417523

File: 1727026734299.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.58 KB, 1180x657, bunny diluc.jpg)

I get your frustration anon. Hoyofair just isn't exciting anymore because the male characters are always put in the most conservative fits. There was one video in the 2022 event that had a single, low-quality shot of Diluc in a bunny suit, but that’s about it kek.

No. 417528

I hate how male representations in Hoyofair turned into pandering otomeslop. Instead of being fun and imaginative it's the most generic soulless mafia AU wattpad fic bullshit and idol boys, the only two genres allowed for women. I want to see the characters being represented as they are and showing off their personalities in a new way instead of just posing for a fashion magazine looking boring as fuck. Also they will never get revealing outfits for them because the Chinese think it's too gay.

No. 417551

I got him (after losing 50/50 to Qiqi…) and he's very fun to me, I love his E attack and the pixel-y visuals. Other anon is right about the camera though, it gets weird if the ground is uneven and he gets stuck easily if you're in a small space.

No. 417644

I wish Sethos wasn’t generic 4* DPS that no one ever uses #8587584
He should have been an electro applicator since there a literally zero male options for that, not even as cope.

No. 417692

I heard overlord exploration as his biggest appeal but apparently he isn't that appealing even in that. That's dissapointing… Although I may still pull for him, he won me over with the reputation quest.

No. 417703

He's definitely great for moving fast, but at least I'm not having a good time playing him in the overworld because I've ended up in all kinds of places during his E. He does hit like a truck though, even when he's not well built yet. He gas really grown on me, I don’t even mind Ajaw anymore.

No. 417722

He hits really hard. Run him with Zhongli and ignore the camera completely, just focus on when you can use his E shot and go to town.

No. 417724

File: 1727078237457.jpeg (Spoiler Image,929.76 KB, 1500x1393, GWURIfzbAAA85j2.jpeg)

Made me remember your post

No. 417757

Fuck, I just came across some trans!Kinich art on bsky and am absolutely seething right now. Can't these disgusting gendies leave a single male character alone? But noooo, they have to give them all zipper-tits, I hate them so fucking much. Yes, I'm mad, and I'm not even sorry.

No. 417769

>getting mad at images online

No. 417783

i can relate nonna, my fav constantly get trooned out both ways and it sucks. that said, since kinich is a dude, i'd advise you to stick to the jp/kr/cn side of things as there's a low chance of you getting jumpscared with zippertits/cuntboy bs there (hopefully). can't say the same if you also like any female characters though, given futashit's unfortunate popularity in asian spheres. it's really all so tiresome, i wish mass blocking hadn't been wiped out by elon so i could just take any cringe gendieshit post and block everyone on it.

No. 417796

I know trying to figure out the characters ages in Genshin is useless, but how old do you think Kachina is supposed to be?

No. 417810

She seems like 8-11

No. 417829

File: 1727115854189.jpg (450.58 KB, 1206x2161, tumblr_76e3dff0d7acb4fb22a38a4…)

A little insane

No. 417844

Has tumblr already declared the Pyro Archon evil for sending literal toddlers to fight against the Abyss? Natlan could use a bit more controversy kek.

No. 417845

You know what they say, nonna, if she can hold a sword she can cut some throats.

No. 417861

No? She's not forcing anyone. And isn't the boycott enough kek

No. 417962

It was a joke because tumblurinas love to misinterpret canon to make it so that everyone is problematic
The boycott isn't doing anything either because these children only screech on twitter while still playing the game.>>417861

No. 417965

>in a genshit thread

No. 418211

File: 1727230865558.jpg (1.8 MB, 3000x3000, file.JPG)

>Sorry, for the short notice… Did it take you a long time to find the place?
>When I'm not out diving, I often spend time here alone — it's my secret base.
>Pers really likes here too. Since few have trod here, the plants can grow just freely…
>Um, what I mean is… I—I'd like to share this peaceful sight with you.
Happy birthday Freminet!

No. 418318

File: 1727268803394.png (1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 20240829170316.png)

loved this area a lot.

No. 418319

File: 1727268836059.png (2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 20240829170438.png)

No. 418322

Really lovely pics, nonna!

There's no way to return there, or is there?

No. 418326

Is that your UID? Remember to turn it off in the photo settings next time

No. 418612

File: 1727363720347.jpeg (400.4 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3309.jpeg)

New kokomi official art!!
Yeah but I don’t really care if it’s posted.

No. 418616

based. i wish more nonnas posted UIDs, but i definitely understand not wanting to besides, i havent posted mine either kek so i'm not really in any position to be making demands. that said, love the stylish kokomi!

No. 418680

Freminet, cute boy…
Unexpectedly good art from Hoyo
Where is this place??

No. 418694

You gotta do some quests before doing it. It’s called “ Revelations From the Past ”

No. 418744

There's probably a way to break back into it by clipping into the map and going out of bounds.

No. 418799

Kinich is insane. Just pulled for him, gave him best Gladiators artifacts I have and Wolf's Gravestone, he's just level 40, no talents are built and already does more damage than my fully built Tighnari does.

No. 418800

File: 1727445660234.jpg (89.58 KB, 703x982, 1727441822485258.jpg)

3d Ororon, r8 him

No. 418801

2005 deviantart emo oc

No. 418807

Need more melanin /10. Overall very generic deviantart OC like the vast majority of Natlan's cast.

No. 418808

I hate that male NPCs get to walk around with open shirts while playable guys are dressed like they’re about to take vows in a nunnery.

No. 418820

Looks like a vtuber… and not a successful one, 3/10. Hoping Ifa from voicelines doesn't also look like a hot mess.

No. 418822

I don't like his outfit 5/10

No. 418824

Did Ifa get any lines in the trailer?

No. 418832

Still waiting for Saurian vet.

No. 418836

this faggot is seriously wearing ripped jeans… Yoruba anon from last thread >>404080 I am so sorry, this character keeps getting worse kekkk. Even Mavuika in her biker outfit looks less out of place than this 2edgy4me emo

No. 418837

Who cares about his skin color though? His bland jeans and shirt is more offensive

No. 418842

Agreed. Seriously, what were they thinking giving him fucking ripped jeans? Natlan has the most cultures to take inspiration from and they came up with this shit design. What's this supposed to be inspired by? Jean factories poisoning child lungs? They put random tattoos on average catjoe and called it a day.

No. 418843

Xilonen is a blacksmith that DJs and rollerblades on the side kek, Natlan is just a random mishmash of stuff

No. 418845

File: 1727461367157.png (951.88 KB, 1080x607, citlali-and-ororon-in-game-v0-…)

I know she's going to have the most retarded personality ever, but I actually think her model looks quite pretty. But maybe it's just that every other Natlan design being dogshit makes her look decent, I don't know

No. 418846

>maybe it's just that every other Natlan design being dogshit makes her look decent
It's that. Otherwise she's just another random bullshit go design on a honkai base. At least she's not wearing ripped jorts I guess

No. 418858

for some reason his model is uncanny valley, like he's been ported in from a different game. specifically, he reads like a xenoblade 2 character. anyway, as always, wish they'd given the cool and nonsexualized covered up design to a female character.
i have to admit i was pleasantly surprised by the long skirt, though that weird patch of skin right above it looks dumb. i'll reserve my judgements for the full microwave of her design though, just in case something even dumber is going on in the back (i hope not because she's the only natlan char i'm even vaguely interested in pulling, provided bina doesn't show up).

No. 418869

I don't think so, but Kinich, Mualani, and Kachina all have voicelines about him iirc

No. 418870

He'll be in 5.1 so we should see him soon. He's my last hope for Natlan even if he's just a 4*.

No. 418871

I'm just so bored of heterochromia. In his case it looks especially dumb too. Also, what's with his scarf? I don't need to be told of RL cultures where scarves are used by both sexes around their heads, I mean specifically the way they did it for him looks weird…

No. 418882

Kingdom Hearts looking motherfucker.

Her design looks less modern and more fantasy. Still seems more like something that would be in a honkai game tho

No. 418883

Ugly as fuck but I hope he can replace Fischl and isn't just another 4 star dps I'll never need.

It genuinely looks like he's not supposed to be in the game. Specifically his head, it's like it's not shaded properly

No. 418895

He looks like mutated Kingdom Hearts character. I don't get how this design made it. What happened in the design department? Jeans break immersion and heterochromia is just a retarded cherry on top of this mess.

No. 418915

Same, I really need him to replace one of the electro applicators. If he’s another DPS I’m gonna be so mad

No. 418936

>Discount Sasuke
Natlan should've gotten the huge concept art leak, not Fontaine. I just know the alternatives for all the designs were much better than whatever the hell we got here.

No. 418973

I don't know why I thought they would get more creative with Natlan designs, but they decided to just go for safe modern-esque stuff instead of going full tribal fashion.

No. 419004

I hate every single Natlan playable character design but his is exceptionally bad even for the roster. So ugly and uninspired. I can't decide if I hate him or Chasca more. Genuinely confused about how we got from Alhaitham and Kaveh to this. What the hell happened?

No. 419025

They're probably hoping that female players are so desperate for male characters that they're going to pull for them regardlesss of how ugly their designs are.

No. 419026

They're not realizing that theythems that eat up any design are not paying for their game when it comes to female players, it's yumes and fujos who want proper designs. Literally haven't seen a single genshin fanart during this patch. Haven't even seen genshin tiktoks either till the Childe stop motion video dropped kek

No. 419030

His design is a mess and looks like a 2005 emo boy but he's still a bishounen so automatically better than the ugly coomshit Natlan girls are. It's a shame he's a 4-star in the worst banner of them all (Chasca) so I won't be getting him, but then again he's probably going to be another shitty 4-star electro dps just like Sethos. I have absolutely no faith in Mihoyo anymore.

Btw does anyone else find it intereseting that the symbol on his shirt and scarf looks identical to the quantum element symbol from Star Rail?

No. 419041

I'm almost positive it's an intentional strategy to try to divert the female playerbase into their other games, they just released the cute catboy in ZZZ and the first SSR male character in the entire game who also happens to have a round ass. I pray for any fool who gets caught up in that loli coomshit game just for a few pretty guys.

No. 419043

Is it confirmed he's a 4 star? If yes, what the hell, so that dinosaur vet is the only male 5 star we are getting this entire region?

No. 419044

Neither Ororon's nor Ifa's rarity has been confirmed yet, but it's definitely looking dire for male character enjoyers. I'm just glad I like Kinich more than I initially thought I would, though I hate that the TIFs are already claiming him as one of theirs.

No. 419046

That's weird. Now that you mention it I feel like I only ever see fanart of Capitano or characters from previous nations. I don't even see random coom of the female characters on my timeline anymore. I'd almost say genshin fell off but player numbers are higher than ever

No. 419049

All while releasing goonbait after goonbait? Even normie twitter is noticing it and nobody wants to stay in the fanbase except lolitards.

No. 419052

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, there's only new fanart of characters like Diluc, Kaeya, Tatrtaglia, Kazuha, Venti and Wanderer, otherwise there's barely any fanart of the other guys and even girls, back in the day my Pinterest was flooded with random genshit girls, now, idk if my autism made the algorithm behave or what, I only see fanart of those guys and maybe, and only maybe, fanart of a random old waifu like Raiden but because she appears with Wanderer and it's some meme about how she's a shit mother.
I don't use Twitter because it's blocked in my country and I'm too lazy to care about it though, so I don't know how is it going there, also, on Instagram I mostly follow random shops and even they barely show stuff with newer characters, most of the merchandise they release is of characters like the english sauce wolf man, hydro archon, venti, kazuha and that's about it.

No. 419054

Makes me happy to see the lack of buzz around it now after spending over an entire year solely pandering to FOTM waifufags. Look how that has turned out for them now, not even coomerbait like Mualani is getting any traction.

No. 419056

More than the lack of upcoming male characters it's the powercreep in Natlan that's annoying me most. Hoyo not giving me characters to look forward to is one thing, that at least means I can save for the reruns I still want, but the ugly Natlan crew all out replacing my favourites is just infuriating. No, I'm not getting those coomerbait characters just so I can still clear the Abyss.

No. 419061

File: 1727533359465.jpg (106.28 KB, 985x836, nb.JPG)

They aren't losing players though so I guess whatever they are doing works.

No. 419064

I thought Natlan characters were exploration-creepers. Neither Mualani or Kinich so far are better than previous characters in their elements AFAIK

No. 419065

What is the source on this?

No. 419068

Natlan characters so far are nukers rather than solid DPS. There hasn't been massive powercreep yet. Even Xilonen doesn't powercreep at C0.

No. 419071

Genshin still sells better than other open world games despite WuWa being shilled as a competitor too.

No. 419072

You're the puritanian retard calling outfits burqas aren't you(infight bait)

No. 419077

Genshin's sales are on a decline and getting mogged by Star Rail. It all still goes to Hoyoverse anyway but its delusional to think this game is still what it was a few years ago.

No. 419083

And HSR's story gets better on top of getting more bishies than Genshin at Fontaine. If Genshin wants to keep up, they need to follow the same pattern instead of serving the same snoozefest with milquetoast waifus

No. 419085

Hm wonder if that has anything to do with it being older, the way it's advertised, it having a company with more money and notoriety, or the fact that all these games are the same garbage for literal children and coomers.

No. 419094

>for children
Make yourself less obvious, shota fujotranny(infighting)

No. 419117

I presume it's partially because nobody wants to touch the wasp nest that are the Natlan characters. One artist was already steamrolled because she drew Mualani with her maracas since people decided that it's racist due to her being a polynesian inspired character with traditionally Mexican instruments. Or that's what I think.

No. 419118

The Japanese fandom definitely doesn't have the same problem and I've come across tons of fanart of the new characters by JP artists without looking for it. They absolutely love Kinich and don't need to worry about a literal 13yo doxing them for drawing the characters according to Hoyo's design instead of turning them into Concord characters kek

No. 419121

That doesn't explain the lack of JP art

No. 419122

No. 419125

Mualani's little animated dance paired with the Bailando song went viral on tiktok. Not nearly as viral as Oratrice D'analyse Mécanique Cardinale of course but it's decently popular. Aside from that, I haven't really seen much else.

No. 419141

File: 1727560284825.jpeg (393.78 KB, 2048x1398, IMG_3351.jpeg)

I saw this nice one of Kinich

No. 419154

I presume it's because of the first and second acts but it can also be explained by the characters' conflicts being too quickly resolved. Was there a significant amount of fanart of the HoH trio last year, when Act I and II of Fontaine got released?

No. 419164

I can confirm. I came back for Natlan after like a 2 year break and so did many of my friends

No. 419165

hsr gameplay is shit though

No. 419172

I agree but its still doing better than genshin somehow

No. 419183

>glass house

No. 419285

I'm also a long time HSR player and I swear I just put my battles on auto and tab out kek. At least in Genshin I get to actually engage in my gameplay

No. 419317

What do you even mean with this. The turn based gameplay off star rail is so boring. Like >>419285 said, you can just put it on auto and leave. How is that even engaging or exciting gameplay. The only reason to play star rail, is if you like the characters and story.

No. 419319

Interesting, according to GachaRevenue both games make basically the same amount but HSR has a third of the playerbase

No. 419321

I love the story and characters in HSR (which is why I play it) and the events are much more enjoyable but yeah the gameplay is garbage compared to Genshin. The combat system is so boring and not at all motivating which is why everyone keeps it on auto at all times, there's no exploration aspect at all, every character gets powercrept in the next update etc. I feel bad about barely engaging with HSR besides treating it as a visual novel because it doesn't feel rewarding to me to simply autobattle through the entire game. I don't have that problem with Genshin because I'm sitting there actually playing it.

No. 419554

Is Kinich worth getting? I'm not really interested in him but thinking about using my guaranteed on him anyway, just because I don't want to enable HYV shitting out low effort waifus. But if his gameplay is total ass or he has a boring personality I'll get Mavuika for the meta

No. 419560

I got Kinich (C1 even) and while I didn't care for him at all before getting him on a whim, he's certainly grown on me. He's no Neuvillette, but he does hit like a truck, and I came to like the spinning. However, while his exploration ability is useless, I think he's fairly clunky to use in the overworld because he tends to get stuck during the spinning. Out of all the Natlan characters we've met so far I think he's the most tolerable, though I personally can't stand Ajaw at all (and hate everyone for shipping those two).
So imo, if you're in need of a fairly good dps, you should consider getting him. If you already have another dendro dps like Alhaitham or one of the meta dps units, I think you could easily skip him and get Mavuika instead. I think in the end it'll come down to preference for you.

No. 419561

I obviously meant to say his exploration skill is useFULL kek. Swinging through the air is great.

No. 419657

Kinich works very well with burning teams and apparently you don't need to get Emilie to make him work. Can't say about the rest of his team comps.

No. 419821

Im thinking of pulling Chiori on the next banner, do you have a team you like to use with her?

No. 420083

File: 1727881343413.jpeg (77.61 KB, 640x577, IMG_6261.jpeg)

Only 2 male characters, the rest just waifus.

I really feel like dropping Genshin but I also invested too much time into it to do that kek. Why is Hoyo suddenly so allergic to male characters I don't get it. They milked the wallets of husbandofags for years and suddenly casted them aside in Natlan to kiss the asses of their incel fans (who have tried to stab them before). I really don't understand.

No. 420095

File: 1727884870693.png (333.61 KB, 500x500, FAVr2gLVEAQh4o4.png)

>it jumps from 107 to 110
Nonas… There is hope yet…

No. 420096

I don't really get the doomposting. Genshin has always basically had a 1:3 ratio. Inazuma leaks also only had two males at first. Just wait. Stop playing for a while if it pisses you off, you can always come back when they release someone you'll like.

No. 420099

You're crazy if you think Capitano is going to be playable before Dottore and Columbina. Overall, even long-time players think Genshin's pulls are going to be a snoozefest.

No. 420102

For me the problem isn't that we are getting only a handful of male 5 star characters, it's that the ones we are getting are shit. I don't like Kinich's design, and Ororon is unironically the ugliest character in the game. Imo he's even worse than Chasca.
>Stop playing for a while if it pisses you off, you can always come back when they release someone you'll like
That's what I'm doing, and it's why I haven't logged in since I pulled Wriothesley an entire year ago kek.

No. 420104

Kek Natlan is such a shitty filler region. Ifa will also be a 4 star like Ororon and I bet they will both have the usual garbage 4 star DPS kits.
Reposted for annoying format

No. 420115

I totally get that, I also haven't played much since Wrio and Arle but tbf all Natlan characters look like shit. I usually see at least a few people I follow pretend to like the female characters but nowadays I don't see anything.

No. 420123

More so than the lack of male characters I'm disappointed in how, little there's to do in Natlan and how small it's going to be. I read somewhere that what we've got so far is already 40% of the map? That's tiny, and I honestly don’t know what to do until 5.2 drops and we'll get a map extension since I've already got the current zone in the high 90%.
If it's really true that we're not going to get Dorman Port in 5.x after all, the next year is going to be supremely boring and I wouldn't be surprised if most of the female fans left for greener pastures.

No. 420124

Metafags are positive the Xilonen payola is going to pull the sales up but let's be honest I'm not convinced. Does Genshin really need another defense shredder at that point?

No. 420125

Tbh judging by how desperate Hoyo seems to be with Xilonen by giving her dozens ass shots in the videos, buffing her like crazy in beta, giving her some OP blacksmith title despite her main thing being a rollerskating DJ party girl, it's like they are doing everything they can to not make her flop. As if they are aware themselves nobody is going to pull her besides the porn addicts who want another half naked waifu so they tried to make her slutty female Kazuha ability wise.

No. 420145

I don't get what's their plan here. They released 9 consecutive new limited 5-star female banners, one Kinich, and now we'll be having Xilonen, Chasca, Mavuika and Citlali as our next 5-stars, Kinich being the only 5-star male in Natlan. It makes no sense. Waifufags in Genshin roll for meta, rarely for waifu reasons. Capitano not being playable in Natlan is a disappointment so huge that I honestly considered just dropping the game entirely because I'm thinking back to that alleged insider post from a few months ago that said that Mihoyo is going to give up male characters almost completely in the future and move on to only pandering to male players.

Ororon's tribe is known for being healers so there's a chance that he'll be a support. As for Ifa, yeah, he'll be a 4-star for sure and probably released in the last Natlan banner.

Yeah according to rumors we won't be getting a map expansion in 5.1 or 5.2, not sure which. Things about Natlan have been so weird, the characters have been boring and detached, the story's like from another game and the vibe is just completely off. I don't see hype for the region at all and most Genshin fans are still celebrating Sumeru and Fontaine, nobody really shows any interest in Natlan or its characters. Including myself, I can't really put my finger on it but something about Natlan just doesn't feel right to me.

No. 420148

>Including myself, I can't really put my finger on it but something about Natlan just doesn't feel right to me.
The whitewashing threw a lot of twittards off. The BoycottHYV retarded movement is hilarious but even I feel the whitewashing to some extent. Natlan is overall a mashup of LATAM and Africa altogether, with white characters and some "modern" street vibe to it.

>It makes no sense.

I wonder if some seething incel is currently directing Natlan because the outfit and characters are horrendous (looking at Chasca in particular), the scenario is too milquetoast, HSR is doing better despite being in its "dead" patches, ZZZ is not doing that great despite being le funny gooner game, LADS is assblasting HYV hard in mobile sales… Everything reeks of poor strategy marketing and it's bound to impact the sales somehow.

No. 420152

She is more like a Kazuha sidegrade instead of a massive upgrade like the shills keep saying. Scrotes are probably overcompensating because they had to roll for a cute meta bishie for the last 3 years and now they got thrown a bone that’s barely better than him in specific conditions. It’ll be interesting to see if she can sell since everyone already owns Kazuha anyway.

No. 420154

Yeah the whitewashing was pretty awkward, they could've made at least one dark skinned character instead of just "vaguely tan". They've clearly made extensive research on these cultures but the characters themselves look like modern vtubers.

Regarding Mihoyo's strategy, they got too bold. ZZZ is a very niche game in comparison to something more crowdpleasing like Genshin that pretty much any casual player can pick up and have fun with. HSR was a bit more for the weebs because it has no exploration and is very plot/lore heavy but people who like games like FGO and Arknights but felt Genshin was too immature picked it up immediately. ZZZ has no targeted audience and they don't even have the driving force of fujos producing doujinshis to keep the hype up, Aventurine really gave HSR the shot in the arm they needed after the initial slump and they've been milking him like crazy since. I wonder if the Korean gachacels and Furina feminist designer drama scared them to the point they wanted to experiment with more male pandering, but honestly not even men seem to be interested in the bland ass characters with hideous designs. Maybe it's really just an internal need to coom to waifus and that's what they meant with "returning to their roots". They did start the games with Honkai after all.

No. 420161

ngl for me things have been off since fontaine, like there was something weird going on behind the scenes interfering with (or rushing) development. i've seen quite a few people say the same thing too. my bet is on hsr and zzz spreading hyv's resources too thin, probably by moving around some key staff that once made genshin good. i do agree that natlan's characters have been particularly uncompelling, though. at least fontaine characters had some kind of decent build-up even if the payoff was absolute dogshit for 95% of them.

No. 420168

I mean the entire upcoming lineup is: little girl, boy with clunky mechanics, dom mommy archon, furry stripper dj, sidegrade stripper and ororon. no wonder it doesn't feel right, this is a coomfest with an overtly childish, forced-happy backdrop.

No. 420169

The Natlan being childish sentiment I've seen a lot of players share. All other regions had an edge of maturity and seriousness to them and it feels jarring to be in a place where they I guess have a war going on but you can just be resurrected and brought back so it's no big deal. The designs feel too modern and all the characters have had their conflict solved too quickly, the last act of the 5.0 Archon quest was really stupid to have us immediately rescue Kachina and suddenly Mualani getting some big heroic powerup over it and Mavuika's scheme immediately being laid out the moment we meet her. I could cope that maybe they're building up to something but the narration just differs so much from all the previous regions that I wonder what the payoff could be.

No. 420171

I agree with Natlan seeming chuldish, so far it really reminds me of pokemon.
I haven't played Natlan yet but there was something charming about Fontaine, very fairytale like. I played the underwater exploration right when I was on a vacation and to me it had a lot of soul.

But I got out of space and kind of dropped it after Chenyu Vale was released and now I feel too overwhelmed when I start Genshin up. I haven't even done all the sumeru desert, didn't finish Chenyu Vale and newer fontaine map, now a whole new continent is up and it just too much. I feel like I'd have to play it for years. If only the dialog was faster, I don't have time to click through all of it.

No. 420178

To be honest Genshins character writing has always been sort of shit. I think people just didn't notice as much back when it was still fresh and exciting and they got to know and focus on a smaller group of characters. Now there are like 100 and most of them are irrelevant to the plot so getting overly invested in anyone seems pointless. Not to mention that the quality of designs has been declining with every patch which keeps even superficial interest low. But I thought Fontaine had a solid initial cast and set up. It's just that Furina had such a strong and loud personality that going from her to another polite waifu that tells you about playing games with her sister or whatever the fuck that was is too underwhelming in comparison.

No. 420226

I don't even like Raiden but she's even better than Mavuika imo. At least despite the moe shit ending it was still kind of exhilarating to play the Inazuma AQ and get massive dictator vibes from her, with Mavuika I am so bored because she's really just some big sis figure who is just nice and… nice. Wow.

No. 420239

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Kekk Xilonen's teaser is so funny to me, half naked and wearing her party girl gear while forging. It's like a moids pornofied blacksmith fantasy and reminds me so much of that nasty music video of that satisfaction song with skimpy women using construction equipment.

No. 420240

Agreed on the being super childish. Like, Genshin was never super serious unless you dove into the lore, but those emoji eyes they're doing this time for the female characters (so far we've seen Kachina, Mualani and Citlali with them) just seem completely out of place.
Do moids find that shit cute or why did they suddenly decide to add those emotes?

No. 420259

My main complaint is not that it’s childish but it’s going to be easily revolved without a major twist. The ending of Fontaine in comparison had a twist in its first acts that were connected to Childe’s incarceration and disappearance, which kept all of us motivated (Childe is a beloved character after all).

Here the cliffhanger isn’t very encouraging. We know we have to save Natlan from destruction somehow, but so far we have no motivation by using characters we know already. The fight with Capitano was introduced out of the blue and then quickly resolved.

No. 420262

Also in Sumeru we got stuck in the samsara and Nahida helped us out, immediately creating a personal connection with her to be reinforced in future chapters especially because she was an archon that we wanted to meet either way. The same with Fontaine, we met Lyney and decided to help him out because we witnessed him being set up and took initiative to be granted an audience with the hydro archon. In Natlan the split-second decision to join Kachina's team and tagging along her just looking at her doing cool shit with Mualani without us and connecting with her was absurdly boring to experience, and the first time meeting Mavuika was like any other NPC in the game. It could be by design because Natlan clearly is made to be not to work like other regions we have been to so far (the lack of leylines, the pyro archon isn't a god, no pyro traveler etc.) but so far it's been a disappointment personally.

No. 420270

This is only enough characters for up to 4.4. There's no way this is everyone even if Madam Ping becomes surprise playable (leaks are conflicting, lots of leakers are saying she's not going to be any time soon).
>you're crazy if you think Capitano is going to be playable before Dottore and Columbina
Remember that last year around this time in the main story we were getting leaks that Arlecchino was going to die and conflicting info about her being playable. I doubt Capitano won't be playable in the late patches. Dottore won't be playable until Snezhnaya if at all and leaks about Snezhnaya are suggesting Columbina is going to play a big role there.
>female fans leave for greener pastures
These greener pastures are never gonna exist. I wish they would but there's never going to be a game with the polish of Genshin but with more female focus. ZZZ is for men, the new Arknights Genshin clone is 90% ugu slutty moeblobs and plays worse than Genshin. Infinity Nikke is the only thing that might come close but it's more about the dress up than deep character bonds.

No. 420271

Well this is disappointing. Especially when LADS could open the path to new games thatn are more female-oriented without going into the dressup theme like the Nikki games. I want Infinity Nikki to succeed but I also want other genres meant for the female audience, you know what I mean?

No. 420273

>These greener pastures are never gonna exist. I wish they would but there's never going to be a game with the polish of Genshin but with more female focus.
It's so depressing because I'm not even asking for an exclusively female focus but just a fair balance. The scales are always tipped towards men while female players are given table scraps at best. People can make up copeshit all they want like how ackshually the lolis being made for women because Asian girls think they're cute but the bottom line still is that everything has to be palatable to men. Women can have their bishounens but only if they're not making men uncomfortable, and only if they're surrounded by patches of subpar waifus. Genshin started off with a pretty commendable gender ratio but it took a nose dive fast and they clearly are focused only on milking one or two husbandos to death (Scaramouche and Wriothesley at the moment) while male players are being showered with a fresh pair of tits and ass every update. And I'm not into dress-up games or visual novels because I want an action based RPG, so it's not an option for me to just go play something else.

No. 420278

NTA but
It's always Childe, nobody comes close to the pandering Childe and Scara get. Don't get me wrong, I like them and I know it's because they're the most popular ones, but I'm sick of having nonstop Childe content shoved down my throat when there are other husbandos with potential as well.

No. 420282

Yeah, that's true. Childe is a good character but I wish other tall males got as much attention as he does. But his yumes are insanely obsessed with him and will pay for literally anything with his face on it.

No. 420291

The one who never had a rerun?

No. 420298

It's my fear that Kinich will get the same treatment, especially since they not only sidelined him in the first two acts of Natlan's AQ but even gave him very little time in his own tribal quest.
I really want his C2, but I need my guarantee for Nahida. But I just know I'm going to be crushed if they won't rerun him for more than a year.

No. 420302

Nonna his C2 is insanely good, I hope you manage to get it next time! I use him with Bennet and easily do around 400k damage, he's not even triple crowned and his artifacts are not that great either.

No. 420310

I heard rumors that Kinich had more sales than Mualani. Can somebone confirm?

No. 420315

I cannot find any decent information anywhere at the moment but apparently Kinich is responsible for 65% of the revenue in the current banner with Raiden.

No. 420322

Nonna, I can't tell you how tempted I am. Unfortunately my gacha lot is really bad (like, according to those statistics I'm down in the bottom 15% both when it comes to 50/50 and early 5 star luck), so it'll most likely take me another 70 wishes to get him and then I won't have any primos left for Nahida. Wednesday better come soon because I'm soooo close to just doing it anyway.

No. 420361

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35% would be quite a lot considering it's her third rerun. It's even higher here but obviously this data is from a fraction of players

No. 420362

Raiden is one of the best units in the game, people roll her for the meta alone so I'm not surprised. It's the same with all archons.

No. 420365

I got her C2 out of pure luck while I was trying to farm for Chevreuse cons and she indeed hits the comfy spot when it comes to bosses. Since we're in Natlan she won't be used as often but she really helps when I have trouble clearing abyss with my regular teams.

No. 420367

I hate her but I still pulled for her and even got her weapon for the meta. I wish there was a way to deactivate her chakra ring because it's so ugly and bothersome to have her in your team and the second you collect some energy from somewhere, it automatically pops up again. It has such a long cooldown to disappear too.

People will simp for literally anything as long as it has a pair of gigantic breasts attached on its body.

No. 420371

Imagine using paimonmoe as an indicator of anything kek

No. 420378

>I hate her but I still pulled for her
This is the average retard who complains about waifus and wonders why hoyo loves releasing them

No. 420381

>I hate her but I still pulled for her and even got her weapon for the meta
This is by far the most retarded thing anyone ever said in a genshin thread

No. 420384

Lmao who cares I will do whatever I want and play the game however I want

No. 420385

You need to chill. I've also considered pulling for Raiden because who the fuck else is there to pull for in Natlan? Ororon the ugly emo faggot when he releases in 6 months? And building a new character is sometimes the only thing that makes Genshin fun

No. 420386

There's nothing wrong with pulling for her, but hating her and pulling for her when the game is so free to play however you want is crazy. She makes it sound like she was held at gunpoint to use the most mega extra meta team.

No. 420388

>She makes it sound like she was held at gunpoint to use the most mega extra meta team.
Not really, I just stated above that I don't like her but pulled for her and I'm not fond of her chakra ring. The reason for me getting her was because of boredom and I wanted somebody new considering I have zero interest in any of the Natlan characters and the last time I pulled for a 5* was Wriothesley, so I thought it'd be funny to get Raiden and I had a lot of others pulls left so I decided to get her weapon too. Such a retarded way to jump to conclusions

No. 420391

It's normal to get characters solely for meta reasons or because their gameplay is fun or useful, honestly who cares. I can't stand Nilou and still got her because her blooms easy clap most Spiral Abyss floors and there was nobody worth saving my pulls for at the time

No. 420393

I wonder what the ratio was like for Mualani and Kazuha

No. 420394

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Picrel is an August 2024 revenue report for mobile gacha, so I assume this is the result of the Mualani/Kazuha banner - PC purchases excluded. In September Genshin had a revenue of 45 million dollars in global.

Keep in mind the entire Genshin userbases Kazuha ownership is around 94.8% so I assume most of it went to Mualani instead. When Kazuha had a rerun with Neuvillette a few months ago, Neuvillette had around 65.9% revenue compared to Kazuha's 34.1%.

No. 420402

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Raiden and Inazuma get a lot of shit online for being presumed waifubait shit/rushed, and some of these complaints aren't without merit, but Raiden's still my favorite of the archons lmao because they actually let her fuck up in a way that feels significant and bears material consequences. Every other archon has enormous years-spanning plans to save their country and Raiden's equivalent is throwing a total temper tantrum and locking herself in the Plane of Euthymia for years. She allows her despair over Makoto's death to influence her political decisions and desire to engage in RETVRN bullshit. She throws Scara away without a second thought because he was showing weakness she found inherently contemptible - to allow him to carry on her name while crying in his sleep would be like her admitting that actually she is insanely broken up over what happened and this totalitarian nightmare Inazuma's in is a result of her panicking.

It's not perfect, obviously. But her second story quest actually involves her admitting fault and confronting herself rather than her just having been perfect the entire time like basically every other archon, who's problems are all external. I like Furina's outward personality a lot but the fact that it was all apparently a farce that she haaaad to play for years upon years otherwise The Entire Country Would Be Doomed is so obnoxious, the developers just keep coming up with reasons for their female characters to actually be entirely nonconfrontational and perfect so men can't get mad at them.

I hope we got some sort of Raiden and Wanderer reconciliation in the future, that's basically what I'm holding onto the game for. Their dynamic is understated but it's one of the only times Genshin actually fucking tries.

No. 420403

Any nonnies here play Sethos? I'm bored and have him at C6 and so was thinking of levelling him if he's fun to play. I'm not looking for someone to do floor 12 with, I have enough strong characters for that. I'm looking purely for a fun team to use when I feel like it.
So to anyone has him built, is he fun to play? What teams are you running him in?

No. 420406

This. There's nothing more retarded than rolling for characters you hate, especially since Raiden isn't some disgustingly broken unit that breaks the game kek

No. 420408

>how dare people not play the game by my rules

No. 420418

>they actually let her fuck up in a way that feels significant and bears material consequences.
Consequences for everyone but her. The biggest flaw in Raiden's writing was that she was never made to face the enormous terror she put her people through or feel any sort of remorse for it, and we were just supposed to accept it and be friends with her post-AQ woobified self. Not even her second story quest was about confronting the actions she took to fulfill her own autistic pursuits, instead of really "letting go of the past" she just started to look for other ways to preserve "the eternity". People who simp for her just fill in the blanks that the bad writing left out, she never admitted fault, she never felt bad for anyone but herself and Makoto and dumped Inazuma in Yae's lap. Her lack of interest and care for her people led Inazuma to a civil war and this was never addressed in the story ONCE. Only the tri-commission was blamed for everything while it was Raiden who enabled everything that happened in Inazuma due to sheer negligence. At least Nahida was simply dethroned and suppressed by the Akademiya.

>I hope we got some sort of Raiden and Wanderer reconciliation in the future

I genuinely hope not because it would destroy all of his character development. Wanderer's entire story arc was letting go of his past and the hatred he felt for Ei and the people who betrayed him. He literally erased his entire being from the Irminsul to do so.

No. 420450

I'm a fellow Raiden lover, but I hate how her initial villainous role or disposition Mihoyo generously gave her is not really substantial because it's never directly acknowledged by anyone. Not one character in the story actually expresses resentment for her in a direct way. Not Kamisato clan, not Kokomi, not even Wanderer (as far as I know). Supposedly she is a "tyrant" but you can only tell from the state of the country, not from anyone's impression of her. Basically she is a tyrant that's treated like a Mary Sue.

No. 420460

She did some bad awful shit and never really apologized for it and tbh I think that's a good thing. She has some depth. Way better than the retcon that happened to Arlechino… I think Genshin really needs characters that aren't goody two shoes

No. 420462

based nonna, i was just about to say the same thing. at least raiden had an antagonistic role even if it was brief and poorly acknowledged. nowadays nobody gets antagonistic roles but dottore, and even he'll probably get some dumb whitewashed angsty clone.

No. 420468

I’m sorry nonnie, but you’re actually a speedreader. The reason why the vast majority of people are so quick to forgive Raiden is because her political policies didn’t impact them in any way. She took less than 100 visions over the course of a year, that’s an absolutely minuscule portion of the population, of course your average Inazuman isn’t going to resent her especially when they’re already extremely devout. Gods are held to clearly different standards and it does really fucking grate on me the extent to which nonnies here will complain if female characters are woobified but also if they do anything bad ever they need to be Punished For Their Crimes via ritualistic humiliation. Ei isn’t “dedicated to pursuing eternity just in a different way” after her story quest, her opening up Inazuma’s borders and deciding on a peace treaty with the opposing factions + actually engaging with her people in the modern day is so obviously her making reparations.

Like, actually: what the fuck do you want from her? Do you want Kokomi or Gorou to take her to the guillotine? Three years later and people still fucking slobber at the mouth over this eeeeevil woman not receiving Her Dues. Drives me insane how suffering or publicly flogging yourself is seen as required for any morally gray character nowdays. Especially women!

No. 420473

NTA but Scaramouche did some horrible shit too and he remains a blunt tsundere even after his redemption arc. Raiden became a funny waifu having little treats around Inazuma city. Like >>420450 said, Raiden was never written as a villain nor "morally gray". She did terrible thing after terrible thing yet the game's writing never gives her actions' consequences nor the weight they should have. We're supposed to sympathize with her and see her as a dense hikki girl being a bit autistic about her eternity hyperfixation, her people paying the price for it is treated as a minor inconvenience and not an outright tyrannical genocide. It's a flaw within the writing of her character uwufying her instead of allowing her to be a true villain. People forgive the writing way too much in her case just because booba sword woman looks so cool and they can't accept the fact that Mihoyo will never create a truly villanous playable female character because scrotes threw a fit even over Chiori being rude to a customer and Arlecchino predictably getting woobified as well.

>The reason why the vast majority of people are so quick to forgive Raiden is because her political policies didn’t impact them in any way.
Except for causing a literal civil war taking numerous lives including the people who got killed by Fatui's delusion experiments, lol.
>She took less than 100 visions over the course of a year, that’s an absolutely minuscule portion of the population
Vision holders aren't everyday people, they're rare exceptions.
>Ei isn’t “dedicated to pursuing eternity just in a different way” after her story quest, her opening up Inazuma’s borders and deciding on a peace treaty with the opposing factions + actually engaging with her people in the modern day is so obviously her making reparations.
For all this "she moved forward" talk she sure never let go of Makoto practically telling her what to do because she has no genuine personality besides being her shadow. The ending of her story quest 2 was just Makoto basically saying "sorry I wasn't there to tell you you're being a stupid bitch" and literally resolved the problem for her even beyond the grave, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her being a worthless puppet until the end. She even said it outright, "Makoto factored my immaturity into her plan". Embarrassing, holy shit. The more I think about it the more I cannot understand how people keep caping for her and shilling her as a "villain" when her "grey morality" is in fact just her being dumb as a rock.

No. 420479

I guess I should have clarified a bit more, I'm not defending Mihoyo not being able to make truly villainous characters. I just meant I think it's good she bad shit and then was just like "whatever lol" and went and drank boba milk. I'd rather have characters like that, than the retcon of Arlecchino actually being a very sweet and caring motherly person and we were all completely wrong about her evilness. Raiden is like Childe, he also did awful shit and was just like "it be like that sometimes" I agree the writing should have made them more villainous but I like that they didn't completely go 180 degrees on us like with Arlecchino. It's very clear they do not want evil characters to be playable, at the very least I wish they let Arlecchino be awful and then just shrug and move on like they did with Raiden and Childe.

No. 420487

Who called Arlecchino awful or villanous? Childe and Scara basically just said she always follows her own goals and that she's dangerous. There was no 180. She might be evil or insane in the eyes of those that aren't on her side but since her goals aligned with the traveller (who also befriended her kids) the player is never in a position to see that.

No. 420495

Did you play her story quest? Imo it completely changed her. Everything we thought she did that was bad actually turned out she didn't do that.

No. 420498

>hoyo whiteknighting itt
nta but go back. i could go ahead and write a treatise on everything proving that she was retconned, but people like you would find a way to excuse/deny/minimize it even if da wei himself came out and said she was whitewashed, so i won't waste my breath and neither should anyone else. i bet you think the addition to the very special fortune slip quest was just for fun too, right? do you even know what i'm referring to? i hate new "arlefags". go consoom mommy arle singing lullabies to the lil kiddos or cry over some shoehorned yuribait or whatever, nobody needs you shitting up one of the few places we can complain about being robbed of a female character that couldve stood out from the rest.

No. 420537

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Arlecchino was set up to be evil and cruel from the start and Hoyo took advantage of it, hyped her up like crazy, make her sound fucked up in Childe and Scara's voice lines which led people to genuinely think she'd be a deranged manipulative woman, even in the Fontaine region trailer they made her out to be like she's going to ruin lives in the archon quest and she doesn't care about anyone (like her pushing Lyney/Lynette in it, implying she doesn't care about them either) but then she did jackshit in the quest besides threatening Furina and suddenly before her release they went full "akschually she is misunderstood and always has been a loving woman towards children uwu she is just traumatized". She used her OP powers literally once and it was against children, and even then she held back and refused to kill them by Hoyo going "akschually instead of killing children she knows how to erase their memories in the Fatui hehe such a good father". These used to be her original voice lines before Hoyo went full woobification on her too.

No. 420571

Holy fuck they retconned her so hard, there's nothing left of the personality she had in these voice lines. I can fully imagine some head of marketing walking into the room and seeing all of this and telling everyone to tone it down because her entire identity needs to be an edgy sexy lesbian mommy now and not a deranged, manipulative maniac because incels don't like it when female characters have an unconventional personality.

No. 420575

I honestly don’t understand why waifufags can't deal with evil characters? I'm different in Genshin where I gravitate towards the cute smol boys, but in many other fandoms I prefer the evil characters and hate when the fandom woobiefies them. Why do those incels need all their waifus to be perfect angels? Is that a Chinese thing or what am I not getting here?

No. 420580

Do males even care about the morals of their waifus? They ignore the real personalities of every single waifu in their "fanworks" so why would hyv feel the need to tone Arle down for retards that will make blushing breast hugging ugly ass fanarts of her regardless? They could keep her personality, let people who care about the story enjoy her, while incels make the same content they do for every female character ever.

No. 420583

It's an Asian thing, but particularly a Chinese and Korean one. They want all female characters to kiss male feet and be as nice and pleasant as possible because a woman having a flawed personality makes her undesirable and threatening.

>Do males even care about the morals of their waifus?
Kek they do, didn't you see all of the rage about Chiori when she threatened a customer during her trailer and called it a feminist psyop making girls mean?

No. 420585

No one wants Raiden to be punished and the narrative that says Raiden never apologized or felt bad for her actions is surely wrong. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean much for her to be redempted when not a single character asked her to. In fact it comes accross as very weird when Ei seems to be the only one who knows what she has done wrong?

No. 420587

I had a 50yo (!!!) moid that I've since blocked complain about Chiori's rudeness too. I was seriously baffled. This guy was always weird, but ever since he's started Genshin he turned into the ultimate waifu simp. It was truly pathetic to watch kek.

No. 420588

She's still raising child soldiers. Did nonnas here really wanted a cartoonish villain with no goals or aspirations instead?

No. 420589

Exactly. For example, Childe is still considered an enemy for what he did in Liyue and the traveler got mad at Lyney for being associated with the Fatui. When we saw Wanderer past the AQ the traveler and Paimon were immediately suspicious and wary of him. Raiden did horrible things yet the characters don't really acknowledge them in any way. They barely reacted when she outright killed Signora in front of them, it's uncanny and breaks the immersion because it comes across as the writers personally protecting her.

No. 420594

It's extremely hypocritical and retarded to raise child soldiers and brainwash them into serving the Fatui while having a soft spot for them and acting like a dear parental figure who greatly cares for them very much. I'd rather have her stick to one personality instead of constantly flip flopping between grooming orphans into joining a terrorist organization while in the same breath acting like she protects them from great harm and doesn't want them to go through the same trauma as her in the old house of hearth.

No. 420596

We never see this side of her, all we see is her being concerned for the children and caring for them. It's a similar situation to Kokomi being praised as a strategic genius warlord yet all we see is her having an anxiety attack and getting overwhelmed by the amount of work she's made to do. And I say this as a Kokomifag. Genshin has a huge problem with show don't tell when it comes to female characters that have agency beyond just being friendly.

>I'd rather have her stick to one personality instead of constantly flip flopping between grooming orphans into joining a terrorist organization while in the same breath acting like she protects them from great harm and doesn't want them to go through the same trauma as her in the old house of hearth.
This, it makes no sense. They tried having their cake and eating it too when it came to her writing.

No. 420597

Just because they didn't show her threatening the children? She never tells them about the memory wipe, they expect to die when they defy her.

No. 420598

I'm not saying Arle needs to be Hitler 2.0 or the most loving mommy ever but when it comes to raising child soldiers and corrupting them it's hard to find a middle ground kek you either brainwash them without mercy or you save them from it. I remember her quest had a few mentions of the Fatui wanting to get rid of the hearth iirc so maybe her freeing the children will eventually happen

No. 420816

Everyone should know after how they dealt with Ei and her story, that none of these characters are going to be truly "evil". They're always going to soften the edges.
>b-but her sister died and she's a huge weeb
>b-but actually an orphan, and she loves her kids though
>b-but he was just a puppet and really lonely and sad
Can't wait to see what they do with Tsaritsa. Probably something along the lines of, "b-but she actually cares for her comrades."

No. 420818

>Love and Deepspace
Is it actually good, or is it just there's nothing on the market like it so it's pretty much in a league of it's own?

No. 420863

A little bit of both, but it's mostly a high production otome vn, so not really comparable to Genshin.

No. 420900

It saddens me that they're going to soften the "She has no more love left for her children" part in the region trailer. Snezhnaya has always been the region I looked forward to the most.

No. 420910

File: 1728107574058.jpeg (135.35 KB, 840x1287, IMG_6316.jpeg)

Knowing the Tsaritsa is going to be most likely Bronya makes me want to strangle somebody at Hoyo. I will never understand their fixation with expies and making new game characters look like HI3 ones. I've always thought the existence of 2 Bronyas in HSR was absolutely retarded, it's like they're so convinced the creation of Bronya was an absolute banger they need to put her in every game of theirs as if we've never seen a grey eyed and haired tsundere waifu before. Even worse if they also introduce a Seele expy in Snezhnaya for the yuribait, which is coming for sure.

It might be exciting and appealing for HI3 fans but I personally don't like HI3 so seeing so many Bronyas in both HSR and Genshin next year is very retarded. Same for the other expies, I wish we had original characters instead of this.

No. 421319

i wish i could coop with you nonnas

No. 421367

Same but I’m too shy
EU coop is so bad with half of it being bots or russians though

No. 421456

File: 1728278150275.png (1.07 MB, 1006x940, Genshin Impact_20241006203220.…)


But was Enjou actually a good guy at the end of that quest? Was not expecting that twist.
I want a playable character with that kind of pathetic dame oyaji personality.

No. 421471

is there any way to contact you nonna? i'd love to coop with you

No. 421477

can we all get in touch through the friend finder thread or something? i'm on the NA server and would love to coop with other nonnas too

No. 421503

samefag but i posted here >>>/g/435686

i thought about maybe making a discord but that's a bit too risky

No. 421514

File: 1728297874031.png (416.88 KB, 593x507, ezskipever.png)

And then the fandom saved primos as a whole

No. 421517

Chasca looks like shit, it's like she was created to offend me in every way possible. Her design is so fucking ugly, her splash art looks hideous, her personality is just Clorinde rehashed, holy fuck I'm so annoyed by her just existing. And she gets to be a 5-star while Ororon is doomed to be another shitty electro 4-star. Lord help me I'm about to a-log an anime bitch.

No. 421518

They're both piss ugly but Ororon at least isn't cheap goonbait. You can already tell the one making the splash artwork was like
>S-See, I flashed her asscheek!! You will pull for her, right? Y-You won't skip my donut steel?

No. 421520

Perhaps an unpopular opinion here but I really love Ororon's design, he has massive MySpace cringe emo vibes I'm incredibly fond of and him being the only male character at the moment (besides Kinich) makes me like him too. Chasca can go to hell, I don't care about her.

No. 421521

I’m happy to have some skip patches since I stopped spending on this game anyway

No. 421522

Armpit and midriff cutouts AGAIN kek, don't they ever get tired of redesigning what's essentially the same outfit over and over again

No. 421523

Kek they didn't even try with Ororon's splash art. He's literally just standing there.
Sorry, but the ripped jeans are too retarded for me to look past. If he was an edgy LI in some type of otoge it'd be fine, but he looks stupid as fuck in the Genshin world.

Did anyone read the dialogue leaks? According to what I saw on the leaks subreddit, the story is basically going to be Fontaine 2.0 with Capitano telling us "Don't trust Furina Mavuika… Her plan isn't going to work…". Also, he apparently wears a mask because his face is rotten and disfigured. How do maskfags feel about that?

No. 421525

File: 1728299108789.webp (226.38 KB, 2046x680, every-single-female-design-in-…)

In Star Rail almost every single girl has the same exact outfit (bodice showing armpits, cleavage and partial midriff) so no, they really don't have shame.

No. 421529

This actually makes me laugh, they all look like those deviantart Mary Sue OCs which are basically just recolours

No. 421531

We seriously need to hang the HSR designer. Good thing the surveys in the game have more detailled questions than in Genshin so I can enjoy the kit while assripping the designer on his poor tastes.

No. 421533

File: 1728299629873.jpeg (11.63 KB, 256x256, ororororon.jpeg)

>I've been watching, I've been waiting
>In the shadows for my time
>I've been searching, I've been living
>For tomorrow's all my life
>In the shadows
>In the shadows
Kek, funny concept, bad nation association

No. 421535

They really wasted him as a 4* over Chasca… I don’t even think the usual waifufags are hyped for her either

No. 421536

File: 1728299882800.jpeg (945.86 KB, 1170x1147, IMG_6366.jpeg)

The difference in a male cowboy VS a female cowboy in a Hoyoverse game is funny. Boothill has massive cowboy vibes despite his cyborg body and Chasca just casually has her cheeks out in typical coombait way. The only thing that indicates her being a cowboy is her hat, nothing else.

No. 421537

Kek they really only have 1 idea for female designs

No. 421539

Ororon’s pose is pretty boring

No. 421540

I'm not surprised to be fair, there are already so many waifus in the game with objectively better designs, even if they share the same aesthetic cues.

No. 421545

The 4* on Chiori's banner are so bad. I already have them all at c6 but they don't even work with geo. I need to know how they select the 4 stars

No. 421547

I need Heizou back asap.

No. 421620

Maybe I should really start playing HSR because the male designs seem leagues ahead compared to Genshin ffs.

No. 421811

That Xilonen rap is probably the most cringe thing I've ever seen. Holy fuck…

No. 421863

File: 1728374637389.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.66 KB, 1080x566, freeme.jpg)

5.1 leaks below, read at your own risk.

I guess the maskspergs won - Capitano is supposedly a rotting corpse under his mask, if the leaks are true. Everyone on Xitter is eating it up like hotcakes because it is soo revolutionary and progressive compared to the generic pretty boys. I don’t get why this logic only applies to male characters. My timeline is already flooded with corpse/skelly Capitano art. Someone free me from this madness, I can’t take it anymore.

No. 421867

If he's a zombie why's his hair still pretty?
I don't care about villains anyway so whatever.

No. 421868

That's how they get you. Shame that HSR is boring as fuck though. You couldn't pay me to sit through even more of hoyoverses shitty storytelling and the movement feels so restrictive compared to genshin, you can't even jump.

Kek they want to be league so bad

No. 421880

File: 1728380324390.jpg (Spoiler Image,282.03 KB, 971x1249, eyebleach.jpg)

Kek I was wondering the same thing. He also has deep blue eyes according to Mika's character story. I am already seeing the most horrible interpretations on twitter. Maybe he looks something like picrel in which case I will be livestreaming my suicide.

No. 421882

Seriously, holy fuck. Anon >>421868 is 100% right, they just want to be league so bad they abandoned the whimsical fantasy setting and went straight into whatever modern-inspired cringe garbage that was. Natlan has been horrible so far, I'm so glad I got everything I wanted in Sumeru and Fontaine so I can just sleep until Snezhnaya and hope for the best there. It's no fucking wonder leakers had their lips sealed about this region.

No. 421894

>Maybe he looks something like picrel
We won't know because they won't show it. Do you really think the company that turned Cloud Retainer into a 5 star waifu and Moon Carver into an old man NPC is going to go through the effort of designing/modeling a face they might show once during a quest? And if they ever make him playable they won't gain anything by making him ugly so the mask will just stay on.

No. 421895

I played KDA yesterday and they really tried to catch the vibes. Not to mention Rappa in HSR is coming soon so prepare for the double-obnoxiousness.

No. 421898

File: 1728389882123.jpeg (480.6 KB, 1920x1080, GV9dUdHX0AAPMox.jpeg)

This is so similar to the bright accent colors in Natlan kek how long until they make actual idols and mvs

No. 421899

this fucking sucks, i hate the disparity with what they're willing to do with male characters that they would never, ever, not even once, dare to do with a female character. not to mention, this is retarded. hopefully its just leakers trolling…

No. 421900

Jesus christ people at least spoiler your replies to story leaks.

No. 421917

File: 1728397802025.jpg (96.1 KB, 1800x900, 1000070338.jpg)

Oh my god, everyone is just overreacting and cooming over the idea of necrophilia.
Has everyone forgot how dainsleif looks? There's absolutely no way in hell in which Capitano fucking looks like this
Retarded as fuck shit. Capitano will just have like random stripes of dark blue on his body and starry patterns because there's absolutely no fucking way they will make him a rotted corpse, the game isn't like that.

No. 421920

China has a major aversion to dead bodies and skulls, there is no way Capitano will be rotted. At most he'll have some blue on his face like >>421917 says.

No. 421935

This would be a W for the monsterfuckers for sure

No. 421995

Holy shit. Her design is so awful it almost makes chasca look good.

No. 421997

I thought China hated ghosts and zombies. There's no way they'd allow that

The repulsive, tasteless ones. istg the monsterfuckers are chimping out to out-nlog one another on how low they can go. Capitano doesn't deserve this

No. 422006

File: 1728432911942.jpg (526.62 KB, 2388x1631, image_123650291.JPG)

I just got to meet enjou in enkanomiya quest after meeting him in kinich quest (I stopped playing since yoimiya release). For the whole time I was confused who tf is enjou. Then I got to do the enkanomiya quest where we supposed to met him for the first time and now I can't stop laughing KEKKKK. I can't even take him seriously even though he's an abyss member because he's npc-looking

No. 422031

Christina Vee playing a character that looks young but is called "granny" makes me feel bad because I basically called her old when i met her in person last year

No. 422103

File: 1728469914101.png (752.19 KB, 959x785, sFNxJjqz920k8l5HBnvFZzsR0DlC9k…)

First look at Ifa

No. 422112

Yeah, I'll take the emo dude instead.
Someone on reddit said he looks like Steve Irwin and now I can't unsee it.

No. 422120

I’m trying not to judge through the mural but… yuck

No. 422136

God Xilonen is so fucking ugly I was hoping she'd grow on me once I got to know her or got used to her hideous design

No. 422173

Chasca's animation leaks. What the fuck even is that?! She's even worse than Xilonen.

No. 422191

Kek I wonder how her banner is doing so far. She looks like a bimbofied Dehya with Rosaria's personality.
>Cheap Clorinde ripoff
>Cheap Wanderer ripoff
If I had to pull for her or a placeholder, the placeholder wins. Nonnas, if some of you are interested ofr Ororon, don't summon him right away and wait for his rerun, hopefully not under uggo Chascaca.

No. 422211

>The only 5-star male barely has any screentime in the entire game
>Meanwhile the actual hero of the nightwind tribe is a 4-star
>Another retarded lolibaba trope introduced in Citlali and she'll be a 5-star
>Capitano is canonically a rotting corpse and that's why he wears the mask
We lost, girls. About to uninstall the game despite playing since 2020. And it's not just the lack of pandering for female players, the overall story in Natlan has been absolute garbage. It feels like they had completely new writers to take over the story that didn't knew how to write a compelling narrative to save their lives.

No. 422231

File: 1728497472621.mp4 (Spoiler Image,18.95 MB, 1280x536, [GI - 5.2 BETA] Chasca Animati…)

>She looks like a bimbofied Dehya with Rosaria's personality
don't compare my waifu Rosaria to to Xilonen I don't even play the game anymore and I miss her

I hate to say it, but at least Xilonen's skating animation was kinda cool. Chasca though…goofy-ass shit. Who came up with this and how did it get through? They surely had better ideas than that.

No. 422232

The current beta sums it up perfectly.
>Chascat's E is the superior version of Wanderer's E because it has inbuilt interruption resistance
>Ororon's animations can't even be leaked because they are broken and don't work right now

No. 422240

Natlan as a whole feels like a spit in the face tbh

No. 422269

>Has everyone forgot how dainsleif looks?
5.1 spoilers Capitano said that he has no idea how Dainsleif has avoided visible decay so the game acknowledged it. So yeah, Capitano wears the mask because his flesh is rotting and he's a walking corpse.

No. 422316

Havent played the AQ yet, is there a reason why Ororon is the hero and not Citlali? Dont get why they’d make him a 4 star if he was the hero when all the others heroes are 5 stars

No. 422324

Isn't Kachina a 4 star?

No. 422334

Yeah you're right, completely forgot about her kek

No. 422344

File: 1728510896606.jpeg (166.39 KB, 1125x285, IMG_3537.jpeg)

What makes this goofier is Chasca can’t hover over water.

No. 422510

I really hate doom posting, but this is the third time they are power creeping a male character just for waifufags. I really hate it so much.
I'm not even going to buy welking anymore, like there is no reason because it are waifus banner after eachother each time anyway. You can really fucking tell that the honkai dude is now in charge of this game. Really have no hope that we ever get a game like this but then catered for husbando lovers. Even infinity nikki, while it looks nice the combat is clunky and its just a completely different game genre.
She can go over water and she is also faster and travels a longer distance than wanderer. And unlike wanderer she actually infuses with the character elements in the team instead of getting those shitty buffs of wanderer. She's literally our first multiple elemental character.

No. 422516

About the 5.1 quest
Someone take the writing team for this piece of shit region out to the curb. I actually feel my intelligence is being insulted with this kind of storytelling. A 7-hour AQ with only around half an hour worth of relevant lore dropping, that's where we're at now. Also Capitano is a soldier from Khaenri'ah whose body is decomposing (but for some reason Dainsleif is fine and they don't even explain why despite acknowledging this fact) who's simply invested in Natlan's future because he met someone from Natlan who was nice to him and that's about his lore. People anticipated him to be a big relevant character yet what did he end up as? A rotting corpse who's just there to "repay a debt".

The entire quest is so rushed you barely get room to breathe, and what's made it even more awkward is that they bit a piece too big for them. So since 5.0 they had to wait for four more ancient heroes to release the power that would allow them to fight against the abyss. Kachina, Mualani, Ororon and Chasca. Every single one of them had a rushed, half-assed "awakening moment" that felt so cheesy and without any real weight to it. Chasca's sister dying felt like an annoyance and I didn't give a shit about a literal NPC related to a character that I know nothing about. At least with Teppei we had spent time during the length of the AQ personally so it kinda bummed me out when he died even if he was just an NPC, but because the Traveler does fucking NOTHING it's like watching a really bad idea pitch of someone telling their idea of what COULD happen in the story, only condensed into a few hours worth of content.

They didn't dive into any of the concepts in the story, and the ones they introduced were sidelined immediately. We need to find Ororon? We find him in five minutes and he immediately dumps the entire lore on why he's helping the Fatui, followed by around half an hour of Citlali being annoying and unfunny. Capitano tells us that Mavuika's plan is flawed and she has a secret backup plan? Mavuika tells it to us immediately when we ask her about it, and of course Capitano knows what the gnosis can do because someone just told him so. Ororon and Capitano are working with a device to reform the Leylines to save Natlan? Mavuika just walks in and stops them. Ororon has a fractured soul? Becomes a convenient plot device for 2 minutes when he's possessed, resolved immediately. Xilonen would die forging an ancient name for the traveler? No big deal, she's immediately given an item that prevents this. It just goes on and on. There's no mystery or weight to anything because everything is treated as a minor inconvenience rather than an obstacle they need to overcome with time and planning.

I seriously don't understand why people are applauding the Natlan AQ as being "amazing". Say what you will about Genshin's writing but it was never THIS bad, I thoroughly enjoyed Fontaine's and Sumeru's AQs and characters but Natlan is doing absolutely nothing for me. I'm kind of interested in the finale since we are going to actually enter the Abyss and right at the tail end of the story they revealed Shade of Death's involvement in Natlan and the fake sky being revealed though.

No. 422517

You don't need to spoiler it because you're one of at most two anons who care about the plot of this game whatsoever

No. 422529

It feels like they don't want to take any risks with characters anymore. They know people get attached to them too much (especially the waifufags) and thus you can't really put them in danger or actually harm them.

Which is why I'm really curious whether the theories about Mavuika actually dying for good that people have been throwing around since yesterday are actually true. I'm highly sceptical since they've been trying so hard to make us like her by turning her into this "I'm not your leader but your bff" dom mommy.

I'm with you though. Fontaine and especially Sumeru were so much better.

No. 422548

>It feels like they don't want to take any risks with characters anymore. They know people get attached to them too much (especially the waifufags) and thus you can't really put them in danger or actually harm them.
Nor can they have any personality outside of being slightly "quirky" because people will be offended. The gachacels of Asia really put a dent into Mihoyo's storytelling. The traveler was also sidelined so hard in the entire AQ that I almost forgot their existence which sucks because I want to be a part of the story, not just an observer.

Mavuika's character has been left really hollow compared to the previous Archons though. Furina had a very strong personality and presence in the Archon quest, Nahida was extremely lore-relevant and most of the Archon quest was helping to reinstate her as the leader of Sumeru, Raiden was the ultimate instigator of the events in Inazuma, Zhongli spent the entire AQ in our company and Venti guided us and the Knights of Favonius every step of the way to save Dvalin and Mondstadt. We barely interacted with Mavuika, she's really done nothing but snapped her fingers to save the day and been kind of a nice lady. I don't think she will be killed for good though since she's already leaked to have a release in 5.3, but they'll have to circumvent the deal Xbalanque had made with Ronova with the death payment so a cop-out resurrection is my guess.

No. 422560

It's not just the gachacels though. Just today I've already come across several Western fans crying about how "triggering" Citlali's interaction with Ororon was. How she's LITERALLY abusive and how it reminds them of their parents and adds to their trauma. Fucking pathetic, kek.

I know Hoyo doesn't care about Western fans, but try to not have every single character be a perfect angel and you'll find people complain. Nuance and the ability to understand that fictional characters aren't real are dead.

No. 422561

>The gachacels of Asia really put a dent into Mihoyo's storytelling
I blame them and the retarded devs who misunderstood every criticism against Inazuma's plot.
>but try to not have every single character be a perfect angel and you'll find people complain
Asian fanbases are more ballistic about it. Remember the Chiori drama?

No. 422562

They’re always going out of their way to release waifu versions of the good male kits, even our rare male supports but they’ll never do the opposite.

No. 422566

I doubt any of these people are genuinely "triggered" by these interactions, they're drama queens who want to stir controversy for attention.

All of this makes me think back to that Chinese leak from last spring from some disgruntled female Mihoyo insider who sperged about how Mihoyo is abandoning their female audience and will get rid of male characters in Genshin altogether, either due to internal influence or because of the "No men No play" incel movement in Asia. Even every lore relevant NPC in Natlan was female, I was surprised they actually kept xbalanque a male kek

No. 422574

I'm not even disagreeing because I'm convinced Hoyo has shifted their focus to their incel audience completely, but how do you explain Ororon? While Kinich has been sidelined, Ororon will even play a prominent role in the 5.2 event together with Citlali.

I don't hate the guy as much as many other nonnas here, but I don't quite understand why Hoyo picked him instead of Kinich to play such an important role in Natlan.

No. 422576

Because he's a pussy-whipped loser who isn't threatening to incels.

No. 422599

In exchange for getting screentime they made him a 4 that doesn’t powercreep any of the previous 4 electro sub dps/supports

No. 422600

Can't believe it took you guys this long to realize this game is run by woman haters, the writing's been on the wall for quite some time now.

No. 422631

The question isn't if the game is written by woman-haters, that's a no-brainer, but how long were they willing to pander to women. Apparently not this long.

No. 422644

>some disgruntled female Mihoyo insider who sperged about how Mihoyo is abandoning their female audience and will get rid of male characters in Genshin altogether
>still believing fake leaks
Kek. The leak was true to some extent but it was in HI3 against the male dreamseeker when Vita deleted him from the game altogether. Now HI3 players are forced to play the female main character because of this.
Meanwhile Genshin is still going through the recycling of same tropes. Also since the gender ratio is skewed, no shit some characters are going to be powercreeped. You're all complaining because HYV is powercreeping a protected category (male characters) but even waifufags are complaining: Eula sidelined into oblivion and double-crossed by Freminet, Arlecchino powercreeping Hu Tao, Wriothesley powercreeping Ayaka, etc…

No. 422649

Arlecchino is not a male character, nobody uses Eula OR Freminet and Wriothesley isn't nowhere nearly as powerful as Ayaka is. What are you talking about? There's literally no occurrence of a male character powercreeping a female one, even for the past year they've been desperately trying to stuff the game full of gimmicky 5-star geo girls to take over monogeo that all the gachacels were seething about. The only reason they haven't overthrown Kazuha is because he's the rare male character everyone likes and Zhongli remains the strongest shielder because he's literally the Chinese god. I'm just waiting when they're going to fart out a half naked female Alhaitham replacement.

No. 422656

File: 1728575323325.jpg (174.57 KB, 1080x688, 1000006601.jpg)

>The only reason they haven't overthrown Kazuha is because he's the rare male character everyone likes
Yeah… about that…

No. 422660

File: 1728575827738.webp (27.41 KB, 640x935, genshin-impact-male-character-…)

Korean incels are even more mentally ill than the Chinese ones, they think short hair or long pants on a female character means manhater radfem. Kazuha is well-liked in China within both male and female players.

No. 422668

I love that 2 of your 3 examples include 5*s that are irrelevant in the meta regardless and the 3rd is about two women

No. 422726

File: 1728584437949.gif (1.55 MB, 275x207, 1675824393696.gif)

The future is grim for female players in this kusoge indeed. I stopped my BP and welkin like a week ago too because of the doomleaks of no male characters and all the weird coomer shit upcoming. I'm not about to save up for shit that's clearly not coming. Besides, the new female characters look so weird and openly porny they make the most colorful region kinda bleak.

No. 422733

You sound like an underage weeb

No. 422734

Nta but you’re in a weeb thread kek

No. 422735

Yeah I've been buying BP and welkin for years but now that there has been only one new 5-star male in a year and according to leaks there are no new ones coming for the foreseeable future it's just not worth it anymore. Constellations from reruns are nice but it's not fun anymore.

Don't reply to bait, ignore and report.

No. 422782

is this thread just for discussion or can i ask for help building a team

No. 422783

It's for anything Genshin related, ask away nonny

No. 422788

Yeah, so, about that. I accidentally pulled both Mualani and Kinich and now I’m deeply regretting it already. Mualani was fun for a hot minute until I realised her skill misses its target 50% of the time. Kinich is still in the honeymoon phase, but his gimmicks are wearing off. I have another guaranteed which I was planning to waste on Xilonen (hey, why not, I’ve already gone far enough down the natlan rabbit hole) but I’m having second thoughts. I don’t actually ENJOY their designs. Raiden or Chiori are much more visually appealing to play in the open world compared to Kinich’s jarring 2-bit aesthetic. It gets tiring. Oh man, I regret those pulls so bad. I wish I went for Kazuha and Ei instead fuck my dumb stupid life

No. 422792

File: 1728595964382.jpeg (99.74 KB, 686x386, IMG_6124.jpeg)

I didn’t really know how to bring this up without sounding like I’m racebaiting, but every attempt Hoyoverse makes at imitating African American culture (rapping, hip hop, whatever) comes across in the most painfully stiff and awkward ‘white’ way imaginable: an impressive feat for an Asian company, to say the least. I mean. A rapper called Rappa? Really? Xilonen’s godawful ‘freestyle’? I even went back and listened to Xilonen’s demo song, and minus that admittedly nice ‘ah ah ah’ section at the beginning, the rest of it is weirdly rhythmless and awkward in a way I can’t explain. All I’m saying is that Hoyo did a much better job of promoting Chinese culture, art, and music. If they’re going to keep embarrassing themselves then they should just stop bothering and go back to their roots. (Inb4 ‘uhhh nonnie it’s acktually K-pop!!!!!!’ I have similar criticisms for certain K-slop productions too, same shit different font)

No. 422793

could you explain how hoyoverse has shitty storytelling? i’m never going to play any of their games but i’d love to read a good rant

No. 422798

File: 1728596923556.jpg (184.2 KB, 859x1019, genshit.JPG)

i stopped playing around two years ago and came back because i could get a free tighnari and he's unbelievably cute. i looked up team building guides but i don't have most recommended units.

No. 422799

First of all, level up Xingqiu, he's one of the best 4-star units in the game. When Tighnari came out and he was the only dendro unit for a while I used him with Kokomi and Fischl for hyperbloom comp. I don't have Raiden myself so I'm not familiar with her kit that much, but maybe you could use her to run with Tighnari?

No. 422804

>white way
No, they are imitating African American culture in entirely Asian way. This is exactly what they always do with foreign culture they think is cool, and it's always cringe. Underresearched, everyone will be pale and underweight, and all is fully just for the aesthetics. I don't understand how you can see Asians doing something stereotypically Asian, and somehow call it 'white'. Genuinely twitter brainrot.

No. 422815

It's genuinely giving vid related

No. 422861

I also pulled for Mualani thinking her surfing looked fun but the more I use her the more I regret my choices. I specially dislike her hair with the ugly rat braids and her genki character is quickly getting on my nerves. Worst pull ever

Natlan is just an incoherent nightmare and if Hoyo has any sense left they will let the area die after the archon quest is finished.

No. 422897

Nonna, no offence, but stop the gambling. Don't waste you guarantee on Xilonen but save it for someone you actually like. Why would you shit up your account with characters you don't actually like if you're not a metafag?

I got Kinich on a whim and actually like him, but despite his exploration perks I'm going to use him solely in domains and the Abyss once he's friendship lvl 10 because fighting with him in the overworld is super clunky.

No. 422899

Holy copium

No. 422917

Chasca is a direct insult and spit to female players… I agree with the other anon, wait until they release a somehow even more powerful dendro female than Alhaitham

No. 422918

Nta but I'll put a few cents in. Apparently Chinese cartoons for children have a narrator putting everything happening on the screen into words. HYV writers (and some other Chinese games too) seem like they never grew out of that so they have to have at least one character relaying what's happening in exact and clear words in the dialogue. There was an infamous instance the mascot that's always with you said "so to sum up" and listed out every single scene that JUST happened, and it was a very emotional and unexpected scene. It was very clear what happened but at the peak of our emotions, we had to sit and listen to the mascot tell us what happened like we're retards. Even if you had the best story in the world, this type of shit ruins your experience completely. Now add in the fact that they're too scared to make the story complex and give characters dimension and non completely white morals, it feels like every new scene is trying to outretard the previous ones.

No. 422920

I think you just haven't been around asians into African American culture much because they are obnoxious exactly the way genshin now is, while rapping for jesus is cringy old white people thing but doesn't have anything to do with Xilonen type of cringe.

No. 422921

Paimon genuinely ruins Genshin's storytelling. Star Rail has no mascot character speaking for you all the time and it's immediately a more mature experience simply because there's not a sperg fairy constantly narrating every simple thing that's happening, I can't wait for 5.3 since Paimon will be left behind for once. Genshin has very impressive worldbuilding and the world quests are genuinely interesting but they keep fucking up the characters to sell them better in gacha. Comparing to Star Rail again, where the characters can be outright villains like Sparkle or Jade, while in Genshin they would immediately get woobified. I feel like this wasn't as much of a problem during early Genshin days but they've been trying too hard to pander to literally everyone so they end up pleasing no one.

No. 422934

Nonna, even Hu Tao got her powercreep. Yelan too somehow with Furina. Unironically Alhaitham might be safe for now because I can't see them adding quicken for Sneznhaya kek.

No. 422935

Who cares about waifus powercreeping waifus? That's not the topic here. Stop acting intentionally obtuse, you know fully well what's the issue anons are talking about.

No. 422939

It's annoying because the husbandos are getting powercrept by female characters

No. 422945

>proving my point
Genshin isn't a joseimuke. The waifus are getting powercrept too. The main issue is the male/female characters ratio because male characters are a minority in this game, hence why they're targetted.

No. 422949

Chasca is literally pushed as a replacement for Scara. It's not even just the powercreep, her kit is basically a remodel of his.

No. 422951

When characters with unique kits such as Wanderer's hovering mechanic and anemo infusion are given to a stripper waifu and made more broken it's not just powercreeping an unit in the same category, it's outright making them a replacement and clearly made so that moids can stop seething about it. Furina didn't "powercreep" Yelan, they have an entirely different playing mechanic. Arlecchino is a powerful pyro DPS, but she doesn't play the same as Hu Tao does. It never happens the other way around, there's no male character that has Yelan's water running gimmick or Xilonen's wall climbing skills. The only time it's been the other way around was in the very beginning when Kazuha was given Sucrose's crowd control skill but made better, but even then that was a difference between a 5-star and a 4-star. Not between two limited 5-stars. I seriously don't get why your dense ass is sitting here talking about waifus getting powercrept by other waifus when everyone else is talking about female-favourite male characters being made obsolete out of spite.

No. 422952

What the gonna you replied to also doesn't seem to get is that it's very, very deliberate in Chasca's case. CN incessantly still seethe endlessly about Wanderer. Just think back to Simulanka where they threw their latest hissyfit because they made some shit up about Scara cucking the Traveller with Nilou.

Hoyo absolutely made Chasca the better Scara to pacify those babies. Everything he does she does better.
They tried the same with Albedo and Chiori only it backfired when they made her have a personality and not just be a submissive waifu who sucks the MC's cock.

You can guarantee that going forward all of the waifus will be perfectly pleasant and stronger than the male units as to not offend the incels.

And what do we get? Retard Ororon and ugly af Ifa. Great.

No. 422955

The only solace I can find is that literally everyone hates Chasca because her design is butt-ugly, her face looks ridiculous and even her character is uninteresting and stock. People are clowning on her attack animations relentlessly too. I know her banner's going to perform well anyway because metafags will c6 her just for meta's sake, but at least I feel a little better knowing nobody is bothering to whiteknight her like people in this retarded fandom often do to waifus.

No. 422963

>clearly made so that moids can stop seething about it
And yet moids threw a hissy fit the second they suspected Mualani to powercreep Neuvilette and Neuvilette is a moid character (who even had gachacels setthing because he was too close to their waifu Furina). Go figure.
>but she doesn't play the same as Hu Tao does
You're right, healing aside, she's a much better Pyro DPS than Hu Tao because at least she's more versatile.
>Xilonen's wall climbing skills
Kinich's exploration gameplay still feels smoother than any Natlan 5* climber. I even ended up preferring it over Mualani's sharkboard.
>female-favourite male characters being made obsolete out of spite
And yet Neuvilette is still alive and kicking.

>shitty design despised by the community shat out
>basically a puked out Clorinde
>her leaked kit makes her look even more retarded
>it's a shitty fusion between Wanderer and Navia
It's poetic in a way that gachacels are eating garbage while Scara is still beloved among the audience. Literally every Chasca post I've seen was her trashing her design.

No. 422970

I feel like at this point, the waifufags already have their favourite anime girls to whiteknight, and while that doesn't stop them being retarded incels about male characters, it means they're less likely to mindlessly praise anything the game shits out for them than they used to be kek

No. 422973

You clearly haven't been looking around the leaks community the past days, because there was plenty of Chasca whiteknighting and whining about the big meanies making fun of her going on.

No. 422976

>her only defenses are "b-buh Neuvillette hasn't been powercrept yet!!1" and "Kinich's exploration gimmick isn't as shitty as Mualani's!1!!"
Why are you sucking off HYV so vigorously? We are most likely only getting two male 5 stars this entire region, and two existing male 5 stars have already been powercrept by Natlan waifu whores. You don't think that is unfair for female players?

No. 422983

Literally NOBODY thought Mualani would "powercreep" Neuvillette, where in the world did you even come up with something like this? One retarded reddit post? Their gameplay and purpose is entirely different, you'd have to be a special kind of braindead to believe otherwise.

No. 422986

>She doesn't know how gacha works
>She never heard of the controversy in 4.8
Are you a bunch of tourists?

No. 422988

Do explain this "controversy" that nobody has heard of. In what world does someone look at Mualani's kit and think she's in any way comparable as an unit to Neuvillette?

No. 422990

Samefag, after looking into it it's literally some singular actual retard sparking a rumor that Mualani """"powercreeps"""" Neuvillette only based on Mualani's nuke damage (i.e. damage per screenshot numbers), completely missing the point why Neuvillette is so overpowered to begin with. His power is based on fast and repetitive damage dishing that can be done in rapid succession due to both his burst and elemental pumping him, his self-healing and his c1 fixing his only weakness (resistance to interruption). I seriously hate it when people think "powercreeping" means just having the potential to do one bigger number for a screencap when powercreeping is actually about introducing a new form of gameplay and rendering the previous elements useless by comparison.

No. 422992

It happened right after Hoyo planned to nerf Neuvilette. Players were tinfoiling on him being nerfed out so Hoyo could shill Mualani instead, only for the devs to be doxxed hours after the ""bugfix"" happened.

No. 422997

Kek I'm kind of glad my device ran out of storage to do the update. I'll just wait until the next region, I'm sure they'll figure something out for the last act

No. 422998

Of course I know how gachas work, I play some with much worse powercreeping than Genshin has. It's just extremely annoying when female players, who used to get fed well at launch, in Sumeru and Fontaine, now get completely shafted so the game can shill yet another stripper. If it had always been that way I wouldn't even care since we'd all be used to it, but this is happening after we were decently pandered to for the majority of the game.
Inazuma was the previous lowest point of Genshin, but even that wasn't as bad as Natlan is so far. At least back then the waifus didn't replace meta male characters, we got some cute fanservice-y male 4 stars, and the female designs didn't all look like terminal gooner garbage.

No. 423011

I can't fucking stand the "well waifus sell!" mantra people always parrot when women complain about the lack of male characters. Some of the best performing characters in Star Rail are men, there's practically no disparity between banner sales of female and male characters, the only thing that seems to matter is if the character is a literal nobody or has a useless kit. Women are willing to shill out money for male characters just the same and they're also interested in playing RPG gacha just like men are, they just tend to be less vocal about what they want and settle for crumbs because they know they won't be pandered to even if they did voice their opinion. Women need to be louder about this shit and eventually it will get through, Mihoyo has already bent a knee to female fans before because Chinese fangirls are absolutely vicious.

No. 423014

>Women need to be louder about this shit and eventually it will get through, Mihoyo has already bent a knee to female fans before because Chinese fangirls are absolutely vicious.
I kinda want LADS to remain above Genshin in terms of Chinese mobile sales just to force Hoyo to stop shilling bimbo waifus nobody even likes. We're tired, even the most vocal twittards are tired (that includes underage woowloo sapphic lesbians shilling anything female), HSR looks more hype and at least the team is ~trying~ to make up for the lack of Boothill trailers by including him in an adjacent quest.

No. 423042

Because I’m a gambling addict Nona kekkkk

No. 423054

>I can't wait for 5.3 since Paimon will be left behind for once.
Where'd you hear this? Whatever quest or event that is will automatically be better for it.

Agreed, but only because I have seen people whiteknight her. I used to somewhat feel bad for them because the vast majority of people do not like Chasca's design (even people who don't play the game) and getting hate for a character you like can be annoying, but now I don't care with how bitchy they've been towards Wanderer. Such an obnoxious group of people over a mediocre character.

No. 423058

AYRT and sorry, meant the 5.2 AQ. Anyway, it was mentioned in the end of the 5.1 AQ that Traveler and Mavuika will be entering the Abyss without Paimon. Mavuika gave some bullshit reason for her to be left out ("the abyss monsters will target you immediately" or something) and immediately made me suspicious that she realizes that there's something suspicious about her.

No. 423063

Natlan doesn't even have a traditional wuhluhwuh couple (like Jean&Lisa, Beidou&Ningguang, Ei&Yae, Dehya&Candace, Clorinde&Navia) so all bets are off, they have no reason to whiteknight Xilonen or Chasca. There's literally nothing for anyone in Natlan, I'm guessing they're sort of hinting at Ororon and Ifa being close friends for fujobait but everyone hates Ororon's design and already got mad at the mural depicting him being ugly. Mualani is the archetypal traveler waifubait but incels hate her because she's not snow white and nobody talks about Xilonen because the rollerskating animation plagiarizing drama soured her character for everyone. The only actually dark-skinned character, Iansan, has been completely forgotten and pushed to the side. The region is such a flop I almost feel bad for Mihoyo.

No. 423070

Sorry, but apart from the usual whiny twitter/tik tok crowd no one gives a fuck about the Xilonen animation being plagiarised.

No. 423107

I study IP law and I think people focus too much on the ‘entitlement’ of the person potentially suing for infringement instead of the company bypassing basic decency and failing to simply ask permission and financially compensate a creator for their efforts, especially a business as profitable as Mihoyo. It’s really not hard to do, so I believe the criticism is fair.

No. 423122

I've finished the archon quest and I'm starting to think Mihoyo is on a mission to humiliate Capitano. For some reason he keeps mentioning how he lost his fight against Mavuika, he's not that strong anymore, he lost the fight, he lost the fight again, his strength is not the same from 500 years ago, he lost the fight again again. If he mentioned it once I'd get it, being a humble knight is his personality, but he keeps mentioning it while Mavuika is just standing there, smiling and agreeing. It lowkey feels like such a big fuck you to husbandofags who really like him. They're basically saying this BDSM leather mommy dom archon is stronger than him, 1st Harbinger who was hyped up like crazy since the Lazzo trailer. I know Capitano is just a mere human compared to Mavuika, a god, but how come Arlecchino who is the 4th Harbinger has some godly OP crimson blood powercreep going on where nobody can lay a single finger on her and yet Capitano is immediately on his knees after fist fighting an archon? They even inserted a scene of him coughing after Ororon saves him, to show us how Mavuika had him in shambles ffs. It wouldn't surprise me if somebody from Mihoyo has a raging Capitano hateboner and is trying to turn him into a mega fraud and a pussy.

No. 423123

Preach, anon. They kept Dottore a threatening, serious villain despite him being merely a human, Childe is fighting an extraterrestrial, planet-eating whale for weeks despite being a human, Arlecchino is an OP edgelord nobody can even touch. They foreshadowed Capitano as this extremely strong warrior to the point Childe idolizes him, the first Harbinger. And then he just takes one hit to the chest from Mavuika and coughs on top of it. Him being a rotting corpse feels like a retcon because they brought up Dainsleif in the conversation out of nowhere just for the "Oh, I don't know why he's not a fragile zombie, no idea" line to "connect loose ends". Watch Columbina be revealed to be some godly being instead.

No. 423130

>Watch Columbina be revealed to be some godly being instead.
This is coming for sure and I already dread it. They'll make her all kinds of OP and amazing and special for the cash grab. Every Harbinger voice line about her are already mentions of how pretty and frail looking she is but she is akshually s-so stronk!!1! So special!!1! You have never met anyone as extraordinary as her!!!1! It straight up smells like a gigantic Mary Sue OC from a Hoyo dev.

>Scara: Let me ask: what should you do if you were to encounter a "damsel" who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? If it were me, I could at least challenge her to a fight. But if it were you… with your conscience, I would stay away from her.

>Childe: The Fatui Harbingers are ranked by strength, and I have no idea why that girl is No. 3. I'd test my skills with every Harbinger who ranks above me if I had the chance, but when it comes to her… something just doesn't feel right. Anyway, you should be careful around her.

>Arlecchino: She is a very special Harbinger. Pose her a question, and the answer you receive will be entirely unpredictable, if she sees fit to give a proper answer at all. Regardless, any answer you do receive is sure to be an interesting one.

She will be singing and looking ethereal and pretty for sure while Capitano's entire dominant personality has been reduced to some flimsy cuck who is suddenly against forcefully taking the Gnosis from his main enemy, an archon, and is willing to return to Snezhnaya empty handed.

No. 423215

>a pussy
You sound like a scrote mad his self-insert lost to a "slut" in bondage. Make yourself less transparent faggot.(scrotefoiling)

No. 423217

NTA but kek what the fuck are you talking about? That's a weird ass spin.

No. 423225

>Colombina isn't even mentionned and she already makes Genshin fujos seethe

No. 423227

>siding with males against women so you can feel superior to anons on lolcor

No. 423229

That's a moid you're replying to. Report the bait and don't engage.

No. 423236

I know this is a retarded moid but it's not about fujos, it's about the fact that Columbina is already such a shit character and her fans aren't that great either. They're always trannies, moids or obnoxious retards who are convinced for some reason she'll appear in Natlan and be playable over Capitano because some leaker lied about it months ago, so every time Capitano breathes in the archon quest, they start shitting on him like crazy.

I'm a woman, you retard. I'm annoyed over how they reduced a husbando who is known for his strength to a coughing faggot, falling on his knees because an archon punched his chest.

No. 423244

That's just the Genshin fandom in general though. They latch onto a character we know basically nothing about, headcanon them to the moon and back, and then screech in self-righteous rage when the character in question behaves differently from how they though he/she would. It's the same every single time, it's also why tge fujos have declared Ororon/Ifa canon even though all we've seen of Ifa is the mural.
That's why I've given up on this fandom. People only care about their shitty headcanons.

No. 423254

Exactly. But it's mostly because Hoyo doesn't give fans anything to work with. They drop designs and vague hints at backstories or personalities and months later players find out that the character is nothing like that. I already gave up getting attached to characters for that reason, I only open Genshin if there's a cute guy I want to pull but I'm not going to go out of my way to read about him.

Kek would that imply Mavuika>Capitano>Signora>Venti in terms of power/strength?

No. 423321

I just finished the AQ. It was great but I still don't get how the fuck we manage to sideline the name-forging for two acts. At least the 6-hero shit was resolved easily. Didn't expect Ororon of all characters to receive one, though.

No. 423328

Jesus christ what is this moid-tier take. You make it sound like this is 100% of his dialogue. You're the only one seeing your husbando being "humiliated" or whatever when other characters make it clear that he's really strong. Go take your meds.
>Columbina is already such a shit character
She showed up in just one trailer and isn't noticed enough except from cringe arlebina shippers and retarded powerscalers. You have issues.

No. 423358

>You're the only one seeing your husbando being "humiliated" or whatever when other characters make it clear that he's really strong.
Genshin has been nonstop talking about how the top 4 harbingers are on god level and even more and yet the first harbinger, who is supposed to be beyond god tier, was portrayed in an absolutely retarded way to show us how strong Mavuika really is. They literally made him lose to showcase the pyro archon's skill level despite kissing his ass and strength like crazy before he was introduced in the Natlan quest. How come Arlecchino didn't have any of this pathetic portrayal despite her being the 4th one? Everything she did was activate her OP skills to show us how epic and amazing she is while fighting against literal children. Even the traveler was left shaking in fear because of her and couldn't do shit, we've never seen Arlecchino get pwned in any way or form, all thanks to that some Arlecchino fans genuinely believe she's actually stronger than Capitano because she never lost a fight compared to him too. Judging by the way male characters are treated in this game wouldn't surprise me that they have some retarded vendetta against Capitano. They cannot dare to do this to Childe because his yumes are absolutely deranged and would threaten them for the nth time, like that one time they made him and Yoimiya talk in an event and the yumes lost their shit, and Capitano barely has any deranged yumes like that to begin with, so it's a field day for the devs.

>She showed up in just one trailer

And yet I'm obligated to love her or what? Kek. The way her fans behave is enough for me to know this is a shit character and I don't like her the tiniest bit. Plus every harbingers' voice lines about her keep sucking her off and talking about how amazing and special she is, so no thanks.

No. 423362

>who is supposed to be beyond god tier
Nahida's actual line was about them being on par with Archons.
> How come Arlecchino didn't have any of this pathetic portrayal despite her being the 4th one?
You wanted to see le ebin Arlecchino vs Flopina fight? The point is that Arlecchino acts as a diplomat in Fontaine, and it's retarded to make her fight the literal hydro dragon.
>some retarded vendetta against Capitano
The character was barely out and yet yo'ure talking about devs' personal vendetta. Kek your humiliation fetish is showing hard.
>They cannot dare to do this to Childe
And yet he's still a weekly boss who was constantly victim of the weekly asskicking meme back in 1.x and early 2.x.

How the fuck do you manage to shit "devs are scared of yumes" and "devs want to troll yumes with Columbina-sue" in the same post is amazing.

>And yet I'm obligated to love her or what?

Nobody's focing to do that but admit you're deranged.

No. 423364

>introduce strong character
>talk how strong he is all the time
>make everybody kiss his ass
>even varka, one of the strongest people in mondstadt, foams in the mouth over his strength
>suddenly make him lose embarrassingly

You really have to be stupid to not notice what they are doing. It's obvious.

No. 423365

I hate scrote pandering as much as the next anon but holy shit, why do husbandofags take EVERYTHING as a personal attack against their Nigel lmao

No. 423367

Dottore never lost "embarassingly". Your point?

No. 423371

>"devs want to troll yumes with Columbina-sue"
Did you pull this out of your ass? I've never implied that kek wtf. I'm talking about how devs are making Columbina into a massive Mary Sue OC. There are plenty of yumes self inserting into her and I don't care about that, I just think the exaggerated compliments she receives every time she's mentioned is absolutely stupid.

Hard to not take things as a personal attack when the game has turned into an even worse massive waifupandering coomshit. I know it's been always one, they have always preferred waifus and incels over their female players but Natlan is just a whole new level of low. Inb4 "stop playing if it makes you this upset", I am aware, I am just complaining here.

NTA but Dottore getting pwned by an useless lolishit who made him pinky promise to get rid of his clones is pretty retarded too.

No. 423372

>Nahida's actual line was about them being on par with Archons.
Nta but Nahida said they are as strong as gods, which doesn't really mean much because there are plenty of weaker gods like that goddess of salt from Zhongli's quest.

No. 423376

Dottore lost to a little child

No. 423379

>I've never implied that kek wtf.
>they have always preferred waifus and incels over their female players
You're contradicting yourself easily despite the moid-tier insults kek.

No. 423381

youre so right we should just take everything that hoyo dishes out for us without critique!

No. 423385

File: 1728754870325.jpeg (143.78 KB, 1067x1203, IMG_6407.jpeg)

No. 423386

Nonnas usually love their husbandos getting dirtied and yet it's the only instance where I see nonnas complain that the game is too cruel for making their husbandos wimpy losers. The hell…

No. 423396

File: 1728756415320.jpeg (293.51 KB, 1434x2048, IMG_7459.jpeg)

It’s really frustrating to be a SSA woman on this board sometimes. I don’t have anything against husbandofags, and I am intelligent enough to gauge when decisions by higher-ups are made in hopes of appealing to scrotes, but it gets really disheartening to see every single female character in the game held to an insane level of scrutiny and blatantly hated for any supposed “waifubait” traits when all the identical cookie cutter tall stoic handsome otome boys get a pass. Let alone all the posting about how the female fanbase is clearly only in this for hot guys, and any mention of the female fanbase is solely dedicated to talking about whether or not the game is giving het women yume/fujobait.

No. 423398

>Nonnas usually love their husbandos getting dirtied
Generally, a lot just say that because it sounds edgy and they want to sound man hating, they don't actually like men looking pathetic or weak.

No. 423406

File: 1728757997053.jpg (107.7 KB, 736x736, 1000027831.jpg)

Real talk, I don't get why Ororon's design is being clowned on all over the place when even this thing has defenders.

No. 423408

Such a shame how ugly his clothes are because head wise he's really cute looking, I really love his hair and ears

No. 423425

As an SSA woman, I don't really see a problem with this anon. You can always go to twitter and you will find many "sapphic" women who hate every single male character for whatever reason while glazing female characters. I feel lolcor is the only place where anons can vent a little about the obvious problems with gachashit - on any other site you will get accused of being a misogynist/slutshamer or some other wild allegation. If you go to /gig/ or tieba or any other scrote-infested site, you will see that moids hold male characters to the same level of scrutiny as husbandofags here. Personally, I like that this general is a little different from the other places and I really hope that it stays this way.

No. 423434

I don't really understand what you are upset about. The majority of anons ITT dislike or are at best neutral about the three male Natlan characters so far, and the female ones just straight up suck. Mualani is a stereotypical genki Pokemon trainer, Xilonen is dressed like a literal whore and has a retarded lore (blacksmithing DJ who rollerscates wtf kek), and Chasca looks like a retard. I think most of us liked the Fontaine waifus though. Navia is cute, Furina is massively popular with women in general, Clorinde is hated by most anons but also irrelevant enough to fade into the background, and Arlecchino is only disliked because they retconned her character. Or are you upset about female characters from other nations being badmouthed?

No. 423441

>Genuinely whiteknighting waifus made purely for moidpandering because of muh SSA
I'm a lesbian and this is the most embarrassing hill to die, my god. Whenever you see this parroted off anon on social media it's always trannies and their """sapphic""" handmaidens too. I have a handful of Genshin waifus and even I'm aware of the shit Mihoyo is pulling to appease male players at female players' expense SUCH AS making the most anticipated even remotely butch aligned female character a woobified dommy mommy.

No. 423443

>making the only remotely butch aligned character a woobified dommy mommy
Even as a casualfag I will be eternally salty about this.

No. 423461

>"I am intelligent enough to gauge when decisions by higher-ups are made in hopes of appealing to scrotes"
With what you just wrote there, clearly not. Kekkkk

No. 423492

>If you go to /gig/ or tieba or any other scrote-infested site
Why would you even go there in the first place? Staring at shitty AI coomer pictures?
>Xilonen is dressed like a literal whore
Ok but tone down with the misogyny here.

No. 423496

File: 1728769693413.jpeg (97.58 KB, 736x736, IMG_7458.jpeg)

Okay, but clearly I’m not interested in being on twitter kek? Don’t get me wrong like I said I’m absolutely fine with critiquing the way Mihoyo writes women and how they’re designed to appeal to men, but I think I’m also allowed to be frustrated because half of the time it doesn’t feel like we’re actually doing nuanced critique here, just throwing shit everywhere like monkeys over the fact that, what, women are… winning fights against men? The Capitano spergout in this thread, if it had been posted on like, /vg/, would be viewed by nonnies here as misogynistic ranting about Le Wokisme strong woman bullshit but because it’s done by a yume instead of an incel it’s just fine?
Generally the shit the Liyue and Inazuma women get bugs me, yeah. I don’t want to reignite any Raiden arguments but it does actually annoy me that her being nice to the protagonist is seen as the ultimate waifupandering moidbait sin (while just ignoring everything about her second Story Quest existing) never mind that this supposed pandering didn’t even work on moids, they stil complain online about her not suffering enough consequences for her actions. Yae, Sara, Yoimiya, Keqing, Hu Tao are all girls I find actually interesting but if I talk about them I get accused of whiteknighting for moids like >>423441 is currently shitflinging about! I’m sorry that you’re one of the Good Lesbians who would neveeeeer fall for any bait launched by the Evil Mihoyo Overlords, (but it’s fine when het women embrace a million identical tall stoic males as their forever husbands) but I am actually attracted to women and interested in them being involved in the story, or not being nerfed to piss off Neuvillette yumes, or completely narratively sidegraded as the archons of their Own Regions in order to jerk off men!

No. 423498

>It's an Ei apologist
Every time.

No. 423500

>I don’t want to reignite any Raiden arguments but it does actually annoy me that her being nice to the protagonist is seen as the ultimate waifupandering moidbait sin (while just ignoring everything about her second Story Quest existing)
Are you >>420402 kek? If not, you two should totally befriend each other, both of your opinions are retarded as fuck.

No. 423512

>the misogyny
she is dressed like a whore, how is pointing that out misogynistic when she is supposed to be a literal blacksmith despite her tits and ass hanging out, her design is the misogynistic part

No. 423513

Since when have you been playing Genshin, anon? I'm asking because the reason most people hate Raiden is due to the fact that she suffered NO consequences and was incredibly one-dimensional until the 2nd act of her story quest was released half a year after the 1st one. Before that, all we saw of her character was the shit she pulled in the archon quest, and then we went on a date with her to drink bubble tea while all the Inazuman people sucked her clit for reappearing in public, no fucks given about her dictatorship-whoopsie. Everyone with a brain hated how her character arc was resolved and she was turned into a moe waifu who eats sweets and is shy uguu~, so the devs tried giving her more depth during her 2nd story quest. Maybe if you are a newer player who could experience the story more fluidly you have a different opinion from people who had to wait for the story to slowly update.

No. 423514

>dressed like a whore

No. 423519

NTA but remember she is not real, has no agency. She is a drawing made by scrotes. You don't have to whiteknight her clothing choice because she didn't have one - she is drawn to look sexy and slutty.

No. 423521

I genuinely have no idea what you are even upset about kek

No. 423522

I personally don't see how Ei was even redeemed during her second story quest. Sure, she had more depth as a character in it (because anything is more than zero), but it just ended on a note of her sister calling her a selfish, immature retard from beyond the grave and Ei was just happy that Makoto planned ahead did all the work for her. Even during events Ei's only role has been just wandering around like a lost grandma not really doing anything of substance. And her just abandoning an unstable weapon of mass destruction (Scaramouche) into the wild has never been properly addressed.

My blackpill was when Collei was released and the edgy, disturbed tomboy from the original comic was reduced into a clumsy little girl barely being able to form sentences without stuttering like a sperg and her admiration of Amber was turned into an over the top obsession. I don't know if someone at Mihoyo REALLY hated her or if some incel wanted to waifu her, knowing men it can be both.

No. 423523

You can almost see Xilonen's crack and yet you're defending it? "Genshin misogyny" is not a thing and never will be. It's like how Twitterfags were saying people who hate Nilou are indirectly hating Iranian women defending their rights from the government "because Nilou is an Iranian woman". No you dumb fuck, Nilou is a belly dancing ginger a Chinese company created to get moid dick hard.

No. 423554

Anon can you channel all of your energy and outrage into the devs who create loli characters with disgustingly bare thighs and wide hips

No. 423709

I don't know why you are not interested in twitter. People love it there when female characters are overly sexualized because its totes liberating~
Even though all male characters are dressed from head to toe

No. 423803

Allow me to rephrase for you
>A moid at hoyoverse dressed her like a whore because he sees women as fap material with no higher purpose
Hope that helps

No. 424093

File: 1728899680797.jpg (848.92 KB, 1080x1628, 1000006648.jpg)

Absolute faggotry from HYV. Deserved to be dehroned by HSR in terms of sales.

No. 424099

Supposed 5.2 banners:
Chasca - Lyney
Neuvillette - Zhongli

Cryo truly is dead. If this leak is true, Lyney and Neuvillette will have had two reruns before Wriothesley had his first.

As a late starter, I'm just looking forward to finally grabbing Zhongli (and hopefully Ororon is on his banner too), but the sheer neglect of Cryo is truly baffling.

No. 424100

Meanwhile Star Rail is ending 2024 on releasing a new male 5-star that broke records in regards to social media numbers during his drip marketing, making the amount of released 5-star males this year a total of five (Sunday, Yanqing, Boothill, Aventurine, Ratio), the same amount as last year (Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade, IL, Argenti). I don't think Genshin has ever seen numbers like that, and to add to it, the female characters in Star Rail are often pretty well written despite being ugly as shit for most of the time. I literally have hundreds of wishes worth of primos on my Genshin account because there haven't been any new male characters and even all the female characters have sucked, like who the fuck actually wants to roll for filler characters like Emilie or Chiori? Sigewinne was cute but her kit was trash, she should've been a 4-star on Wriothesley's banner. Everyone forgot about Clorinde immediately and despite the hype and a fucking animated short Arlecchino just left a bitter taste in everyone's mouths for having her character retconned. Guess I'll just pour them all on Wriothesley's re-run IF it's ever going to fucking come.

No. 424104

Cryo used to dominate the game during Ayaka's and Ganyu's meta phase but post-hyperbloom now you just put Raiden, Nahida and Furina on the field and basically walk through everything so that's probably why Shenhe and Wriothesley aren't given reruns. I hope that Snezhnaya will make cryo relevant again, maybe tsaritsa will have some insane melt/superconduct damage buff.

No. 424107

Either way the money goes to the scrotes at hoyoverse who have decided to turn Genshin into a waifushit factory

No. 424111

Fuck me, meant Jiaoqiu not Yanqing kek

No. 424163

>Reeeee this studio doesn't deserve any money even if they release what I want!!!
Not sure why they're so low-risk when it comes to characters in Genshin. Maybe they funnelled money for the worldbuilding kek.

No. 424178

File: 1728913980973.png (500.42 KB, 518x540, somethingaboutburkawearingmen.…)

You are right anon, but I am still irritated by the bulky/overdressed outfits that Hoyo uses for nearly all male characters. It just doesn’t feel right when compared to the female characters. It's a shame that husbandofags on twitter eat this up, while also defending the skimpy female designs.I will still pull for Sunday though.

No. 424195

I'm genuinely so tired of male characters having long pants and a retarded thigh strap to compensate for it. I wish we had adult men who were dressed like Misha

No. 424198

Don't tell me these retards are trying to paint it as something good

No. 424199

No offence to you in particular nona but why are people acting so retarded about the no-cryo rerun standard when it could not be more obvious that Hoyo is hoarding them in preparation for a massive cryo buff when Sneznhaya releases? We literally have a whole cryo reaction (cryo/dendro) missing, only one nation left to go and it’s Cryo, I mean— all the clues are right there. They need to get their money back somehow after Midlan returns took such a nosedive.

No. 424211

You definitely have more faith in Hoyo than I do. I personally don't care about any of the cryo units, but I do think it's bs that several of them haven't rerun in more than a year now.

We need triple banners, the character roster is simply too big by now regardless of the reason for the lack of cryo reruns.

No. 424234

File: 1728931491803.jpg (619.75 KB, 2636x3295, GWBT_xCWMAAu-2G.jpg)

>misha mention
He was my 2nd fav character in Penacony, right after Aventurine and I agree with you. A tall male character in short shorts would be an instant C6 for me.

No. 424235

File: 1728932018763.png (320.17 KB, 520x515, thisisfromafananimationbtw.png)

The mind of the average woman on xitter is simply incomprehensible to me because even when they do complain about male designs, they only whine about male characters not having the build of a roidpig and body hair.

No. 424236

You can tell from the melodramatic typing style that she doesn't actually believe this, she's just being a pickme. The lady doth protest too much. The terminology is different but this is exactly the same tone that NLOG deviantart posters used to bash yaoi/"girly shows"/bishie fangirls with kek

No. 424240

I've said this before in a different thread, but this is the female equivalent of "elbows too pointy would not bang." Bashing attractive male characters in favour of fat hairy roidpigs is just how they cope with their insecurities because they don't believe they can attain a hot guy irl.

No. 424246

>body hair
try adding body hair to an anime girl and see how it goes

No. 424309

ikr? his pecs should be bigger.

No. 424356

>The husbandoschizos from ugly man psyop found the thread
Pick up better fights IRL. I'm begging.

No. 424365

File: 1728979436858.png (99.71 KB, 347x245, bait.png)

No. 424370

I swear these degens will see anything that's not a hairy, comically large 8-feet roidpig and call it a dainty little twink. The amount of disgusting borderline monsterfucker bara Capitano fanart I've seen has singlehandedly ruined all the anticipation I had for the character and I hope they reveal his face to be a pretty bishounen just so these fuckers can seethe themselves out and die mad about it.

No. 424379

>I hope they reveal his face to be a pretty bishounen
It's already been confirmed that his face is fucked up and possibly even rotting though

No. 424380

The decay could be just as well something that half of Dain's face and arm is i.e. dark blue with glowing blue stripes, not literally rotting smelly flesh.

No. 424382

I don't know anon, the dialogue really makes it sound like he doesn't just have blue skin, but that he's disfigured.
>"The Captain": Heh, even without the mask, my past appearance is long gone. Even with the curse of immortality, the flesh still rots.
The word "rots" kind of implies it.

No. 424383

According to Mika's character story, he's seen Capitano's eyes as he describes them a shade of deep blue so he most definitely isn't some rotting skeleton. Looking at Dainsleif who's also cursed with immortality and half of his body is overtaken by the blue substance and Capitano saying that Dainsleif has found the way to stop the rot, not prevent it altogether, we can assume that the way people from Khaenri'ah decay is not some gorey real life zombie rot but their body turning to whatever that blue thing is. Of course he would say that his past appearance is long gone if his face looks completely like Dain's arm, he would be unrecognizable.

No. 424385

He's gonna be a Warm Bodies-tier zombie at worst kek. China doesn't do gore, especially not in their safe waifu factory cashcow.

No. 424386

This doesn't scream "rotten" to me.

No. 424387

It's fan art from some Hoyofest thing iirc

No. 424388

I think they'll just use the rotting thing as an excuse to never show his face so that yumes can imagine him as a blue-skinned bishie and monster fuckers can imagine him as a zombie

No. 424389

Oh. Disappointment kek

No. 424390

Most likely scenario. Plus it absolves the writers of explaining why he looks like either option lmao

No. 424391

Samefagging to add that, on further thought, this is extremely disappointing because it means we will never even get so much as a sliver of ankle skin in any official art of Capitano. Fucking burqa male designs, I hate them.

No. 424628

File: 1729060973330.jpg (478.7 KB, 1080x1307, 1000006670.jpg)

China giving a shit about a non-meta male character? Some westerners were disappointed with him being a 4* when he's a canon chosen hero.

No. 424641

Apparently this is gaining a ton of traction on Chinese social media with women demanding more male characters in the game, hoping that they'll get shit done because Mihoyo only listens to the Chinese playerbase. Female players woke up to the fact that we've gotten only one male 5-star in a YEAR and apparently there's no new ones to be seen according to dataleaks. So the known banners since Neuvillette in 4.1 have been Furina, Navia, Cloud Retainer, Chiori, Arlecchino, Sigewinne, Emilie, Kinich, Mualani, Xilonen, Chasca, Mavuika. 12 new limited characters, only one of them being male. That's a new low for Genshin, it's no wonder they're mad.

No. 424650

That has almost the same amount of supporters as the one about stopping cultural appropriation and whitewashing kek

I wonder if that isn't just their way of drumming up hype. They released that catboy(?) in ZZZ not too long ago and that was the first I heard about the game since it released. They know yumes and fujos are the best moneymakers and advertisers but their pandering to them is so half assed, I'm sure they'll drop it as soon as possible just like they did with genshin.

No. 424656

Kek, my fakebian moot was hoping HYV would make 0 males because husbandofags were too spoiled during Sumeru and they would have Sneznhaya. She's even complaining about fandom misogyny (kek) because Chinese players are protesting for Ororon but not Chasca.

No. 424657

Kek Sumeru's four five-star male character banners really traumatized waifufags, even though there were female banners inbetween and they followed Inazuma's large waifu lineup. Even two years later they still keep bringing it up to use as a gotcha against anyone complaining about the disparity between the male and female characters.

The catboy in ZZZ was just a 4-star and despite being cute he was obviously made for shipbait with the waifu whose banner he was released on. That game is tanking hard and it's character roster fucking sucks, all the characters look the same and it's way more blatantly coomer pedoshit than any other hoyoverse game.

No. 424658

>She's even complaining about fandom misogyny (kek) because Chinese players are protesting for Ororon but not Chasca
What does she want people to protest for Chasca? Other than getting her removed from the game kek

No. 424662

She even said "ACKSHUALLY the real incel pandering was in Inazuma and they stopped afterwards because normies didn't like it. Also you had launch and Sumeru to make up for the lack of fictional moids you misogynists". It's almost as if the release of ZZZ didn't make her raise an eyebrow. Or maybe she's too much like the NLOGs, kids and tranny handmaodens and thinks ZZZ is super feminist for putting pedocoomershit with furries.

No. 424665

>She even said "ACKSHUALLY the real incel pandering was in Inazuma and they stopped afterwards because normies didn't like it.
I need to know her reasoning for this. Yeah, Ayaka was a Firefly-esque waifubait character with the cringe cooking and date shit, but other than that the female characters in Inazuma weren't really that ridiculously coomified and even Ei's problem was mainly her bad writing, not incelbait. Kokomi has always had a very strong female fanbase for example, that's why her collab outfits have always been cute and modest. The female characters in Natlan are just empty husks with nothing but sex appeal making them just glorified tits on legs, that if anything is incelpandering.

No. 424667

Sumeru really put into perspective how selfish scrotes are

No. 424671

So many quotes on >>424628 are talking about Ningguang and Candace or other female 4 stars for some reason. Just play literally any other gachagame if you want an abundance of meta units with big tits

No. 424673

I remember when incels were seething because they wouldn't get Ayaka pantyshots as if that was the main reason they wanted her

No. 424675

The same normies arguing games like NIKKE and Destiny Child are super feminist because at least there's only female characters!!! Take that moids!!! Teehee!!!
Worse is how they bring up the sales showing that Genshin lost money between Inazuma and Sumeru. They thought putting waifus would reignite the game again but it turns out the game never reached 2.0 levels unless they put meta units in the same patch. Natlan also didn't help with a new region and the anniversary.

No. 424699

skimmed through some of the comments on weibo and douban (another CN forum). Lots of CN users complaining that there aren't enough males, that the male outfits are not skimpy enough, that the female designs and poses are ugly and too sexualized. Admittedly, both of those sites skew more towards women users. No idea on the male playerbase's reception to Olorun or Chasca.
I'm genuinely confused about Chasca's design though. Her clothes are hideous, sexualized to the point where it's more grotesque than sexy. Her animations are just goofy and out of place. I hate the oversexualization in Shenhe, Ganyu, Yelan, Miko, Yoimiya, etc., etc., but still found some appealing elements and could understand how others can like them. Zero design appeal in Chasca. Does the self proclaimed more visual gender really think this trash looks good? I would've almost thought some designers drafted this unit to be hideous on purpose to spite all the incels who begged for a female flying unit because they're still upset about Wanderer.

No. 424719

Xiloshit is such an eyesore to look at

No. 424723

The difference is that Shenhe's and Yelan's designs could be beautiful with just a few fixes to make it look less coomery but Chasca's is unsalvageable, it would require a redesign entirely. The asymmetrical pants that look like her rendering glitched, the excessive shine painted on her ass cheeks, the nonsensical top, the stiletto heels on cowboy boots, the retarded looking hat, her colors clashing with the corpse pale skin, the ugly Bratz style makeup, the ridiculous big gun in her animations that makes no sense in Natlan much less Genshin, it's just dogshit all around.

Thinking how each character must go through multiple concept designs evaluated again and again I can't believe they allowed that travesty to go into production. And it doesn't help that her character is bland as fuck and boring, her kit is terrible (she powercrept wanderer only in exploration, her combat is ass even according to metafags) and she barely did shit in the AQ. A failure all around, I'm not at all surprised even the Chinese hate her.

No. 424725

I like to read all the character stories and voice lines on the wiki after finishing the story, and Xilonen has one of the biggest contrasts between her character story and design/marketing I’ve seen so far. Her whole character story is about her being a slacker genius who only cares about facts and getting good grades before her character development, and her voice lines are mostly about forging and napping. She only picked up DJing randomly when out doing research. There is no other indication of her being into music, dancing, fashion, rollerblading or any other aspect of her aesthetic. It’s like the writing and design were done completely separately with some quick edits after the fact.

No. 424730

I'm guessing they really wanted a reason to create those flashy trailers and give her a contemporary edge like they did with Mualani's surfing, Kinich's video game references and Mavuika's biker girl shtick. It all just feels so out of place, the anon calling them Pokemon trainers was so right kek

No. 424733

I know that nonnas have been discussing a lot about Genshin becoming even more moid pandering and neglecting its female fans, but ZZZ isn't even worth discussing in that lens because it's always been even more completely blatantly coomer bait for moids.
I remember thinking that cop woman character, who wears a full uniform, looked nice just to play her demo and her ass was so fucking prominent. You can talk about some Genshin characters dressing like street hookers, but ZZZ manages to make sure even the fully clothed characters are also blatant coomer bait
I sometimes see people talk about ZZZ not having that much success after release and it makes me glad every time I hear it, but I wonder if the turbo coomer approach actually is more popular in the Asian market.

No. 424736

>I wonder if the turbo coomer approach actually is more popular in the Asian market.
You can get a lot of money from coomers, but a coomer game permanently locks itself out of accessing a wider audience the way Genshin and other less blatant games can. There's a reason ZZZ fanart is lacking.

No. 424747

ZZZ was clearly meant for the western audiences with the extreme coompandering and lack of male characters and the quirky, Overwatch-esque aesthetic, but they made half of the cast little girls which obviously doesn't work for most mainstream western coomers unless you're really deep into lolishit in which case you would be autistically hyperfixated on shit like blue archive and azur lane. Also I think a lot of lolifags are way more into strategy games (including bullet hells) and VNs rather than the kind of action RPG ZZZ is. I really don't know what they were thinking with the target audience when designing ZZZ, it's a hodgepodge of things that seem to work only for Chinese male players with the street fashion trends and little girls with big breasts, but they're fighting for the same audience as even more blatantly coomer dogshit like Snowbreak.

No. 424780

>even more blatantly coomer dogshit like Snowbreak
Gooners said the opposite, namely, that ZZZ was tamer than Snowbreak because at least it didn't have borderline R18 scenes. Just today they've released the Burnice trailer and yet you still have retarded twitterfags claiming it's definitely not a gooner game despite the new waifu bouncing her tits and ass in her kawaiishit dance.

No. 424788

AYRT and no, I specifically meant that ZZZ has to fight for the same audience as Snowbreak and Snowbreak is just one uncensored genitalia away from being classified as a porn game since you get to make out with the girls and fondle their breasts and asses (there's even content for feetfags kek), ZZZ doesn't go far enough to be a contestant. So ZZZ just ends up being nothing for nobody expect maybe for that small subset of people who just want to goon to 12-year old looking girls with big tits shooting guns and doing nothing more than that.

No. 424789

They'd find a better niche if they just went full furry pandering atp

No. 424895

>I'm genuinely confused about Chasca's design though.
I know, right? Many users suspected she was crafted from the scrapped Clorinde design. Her kit looks goofy as fuck, her backstory even uses elements of Clorinde's and Shenhe's and she was even promoted to hero based on the anemo boy meme. Overall she's just a poorly patched waifu whose only purpose is to give incels an alternative.

Weibo also agreeing on female characters' designs being too sexualized (and I'd also add: weird and unoriginal) makes me think some incel wanted to run Midlan while the region was still a concept. Or else how come Mavuika ended up being completely different from conquistador!Furina?

Also whoever is in charge definitely wanted to piss off POCs by being blatantly anti "DEI skin" by making Xinyan even brighter kek.

No. 424914

>her backstory even uses elements of Clorinde's and Shenhe's and she was even promoted to hero based on the anemo boy meme.
Her awakening scene was so fucking funny though I genuinely groaned before laughing at it.
>grrrr my NPC sister died in front of me as a plot device i am so angry grrrr
>1 second passes
>ok I'm not angry anymore
>congrats you're one of the chosen heroes for having such great restraint on your anger!!!
>how convenient

No. 424959

random thigh straps are one of the worst character design trends.

No. 425173

File: 1729252151144.jpg (129.37 KB, 736x736, 9cf6af2ef00d8b3ce08325797547a5…)

i wish i was able to get her event outfit, i refuse to pay money

No. 425458

File: 1729359878816.png (1.6 MB, 1644x842, ororo.png)

Not gonna lie, Ororon managed to charm me despite his horrendous design… As always he is a trope but at least not a boring one.

No. 425498

Same, the gap more is pretty on the nose but I still like it. Hoping he shows up on good banner, maybe Neuvilette’s rerun.

No. 425500

I'm really looking forward to him. My only 5* electro dps is Cyno, but I'll try slotting him with my C6 Sethos for the fun of it.

I hate what the fandom is doing with him already though…

No. 425697

File: 1729447483632.jpg (87.7 KB, 720x617, 1000006710.jpg)

This one goes for you

No. 425858

I'm so fed up with the geo focussed Abysses. No, Hoyo, I'm not going to get Slutlonen. I'd rather get fewer stars on Floor 12 than pull for characters I hate.

I'm just doubly salty because they've refused to rerun Zhongli for so long. Yeah, I know he's probably going to rerun in the 2nd phase 0f 5.2, but that's in the middle of December.

I'm seriously considering getting Navia on her next rerun though, because geo focussed endgame content always makes me suffer.

No. 425865

Ignoring the retarded anti-feminism spergout he has a point, it really bothers me from a narrative viewpoint that Capitano challenged Mavuika to a duel if he knew he can't rival a god and defeat her. They said that the first 4 Harbingers are on par with gods in their power but then make Capitano, the first one, a frail corpse complaining about how his power is only a fraction of what it used to be and how his body is decaying fast and the game going out of its way to explain how the pyro archon is a mortal and barely has any access to the power of the divine throne. It's such a big inconsistency in the story and really disappointed a lot of players, Capitano arguably being one of the most anticipated Harbingers shrouded in teasing and mystery.

No. 425888

I dunno, i was able to break the shield easily with only Albedo and Zhongli to break the shields. I did run them together with Kazuha and Neuvillette tho, those 2 can clear pretty much all off abyss easily with the right flex characters. I tried at first to clear it with mono geo Itto, but the lack off cc makes it really annoying to clear some floors. I do understand your struggle tho, with the current geo 4 stars it not easy to break the geo shield. Unless you invest alot in your Noelle or Ningguang. Maybe you could play sub dps Ningguang?
Navia is a pretty good option for a 5 star alternative since she's not locked into mono geo teams. But just wanted you to know that you don't need an on field geo character to break those shields. I guess you could also use a non geo on field dps who uses a claymore, but again not many good options. Except maybe for Gaming, he's actually good for a 4 star.

No. 425894

Also sorry for the samefag, but if you need some help you can post your characters. Im a huge autist and have all starred every abyss for like 3 years now and i only pull for characters i actually like so i have mostly male characters. However I do agree that the abyss has been a lot harder lately, I'm just lucky that I have played for so long so I have a lot of characters to work with. I'm also looking forward to Zhongli his rerun, there are no new characters i like right now so i want to get his c2.

I have no strong opinion about both Capatino and Mavuika , only that I don't like how we have another male completely covered and how Mavuika has a far to modern design (I already accepted that most female characters will wear tacky exposing outfits, especially if they have the tall model). I do think the Harbringers are a complete joke now tho kek. What's up with there weird numbering, like is Capitano actually super weak or is Mavuika just stronger then most gods? Based on what I remember what happened in Sumeru, I would say Scara is a lot strongern then Capitano.

No. 425905

Imo typical misogynistic scrote blabbering aside the yume sperg >>423122 was lowkey right. Capitano is a joke now.

No. 425908

Ayrt, I'm sadly lacking Zhongli, so my only levelled Geo character is Albedo for the moment. I guess I could level my Noelle, but she just doesn't appeal to me. Thank you for your kind offer to review my roster though. I'm not that worried about not getting all stars (I freely admit that only a few of my characters are actually built well), I'm just annoyed that there has been, at least to me, such a focus in Geo recently. At least for the upcoming IT in January that will have Geo as one of the elements I should have Zhongli already. Fingers crossed!

No. 425910

Do you have any other claymore levelled that you like? That works too it doesn’t have to be geo specifically

No. 425927

File: 1729516400670.jpg (724.99 KB, 1604x1821, ligmaman.jpg)

I sincerely hope this is just ragebait to rile up libfems on xitter. I honestly can't understand how any female character in Hoyoshit can be seen as feminist. Even Yae Miko - who is one of the more liked characters among women because she is mean to the traveler - is admittedly the self-insert of the same moid writer who has a history of mocking female fans for shits and giggles.

No. 425929

Kek based Mavuika beating the shit out of a moid much weaker than her??

Kek I can't believe anyone could get mad over this shit. Gamers have such thin skin. I wouldn't call Yae a self insert because of this though, all artists or writers put some of their own traits, experiences or traumas into characters.

No. 425932

I can't believe people in 2024 still call Hoyoverse female characters """feminist""" when half of them are the male writers' female self inserts (which is why so many of them have yuribait relationships) and the rest of them are their waifus. It's been quite obvious for years, do they think they keep putting a ton of Kiana/Bronya/Raiden/Yae expies in their games for nothing?

No. 425978

Limpmengan also earned his reputation as a trash writer therefore it's deserved. Though every single writer can be held accountable for self-inserting and using outside references.

No. 426001

>fed up with geo abysses
I'll never be mad at an excuse to use Itto

No. 426102

Idk i think chiori is pretty feminist. I wasn't going to pull for anyone this patch but after doing her story quest i fell in love with her ❤︎

No. 426159

None of the characters would be considered feminist from an objective standpoint but a character like Chiori comes off as feminist within the scope of Genshin. Personally my favorite female character in the game is Fischl since she is allowed to be genuinely quirky in a way that doesn't serve fan service. Diona is alright too. Yae Miko, however, entirely serves to the dominant mommy fanservice. I don't even think she is a self insert. She is "mean" to traveler or other characters in a "teasing"/suggestive way.

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