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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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File: 1674495779731.jpg (160.58 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_23a773eafcb1b952b00e61a…)

No. 278353

Thread for all jfashion cows. All jfashion besides gyaru and lolita can be posted here. Please post gyarus, lolitas, cosplayers and costhots in appropriate threads linked below. Notable trending jfashions are decora, jirai, harajuku, ryosangata, kawaii aesthetic, visual kei, fairy kei, and yumekawa. Other non jfashion claimed to be actual jfashion such as sanriocore/kei, pastelcore/kei princesscore, and similar can be posted here as long as cows are clearly claiming the fashion is japanese.
Lolita Thread >>267569
Gyaru Thread >>262428
Costhot Thread >>174607
Cosplay Cringe Thread >>195505
Pic related is pastelkawaiibarbie aka Rachel, who has been at this for decades wearing ill-fitting clothes with no improvement. I was surprised to see her on tiktok still looking like ass.

No. 278366

She’s going to be happy to see herself as the threadpic if she lurks here or if this isn’t a selfpost. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone want to be famous for being cringe and bullied as much as this girl does.

No. 278372

it's not a selfpost, but that's exactly why i posted her, she's got a problem.

No. 278373

File: 1674501903356.jpg (626.53 KB, 960x1464, MYXJ_20230123141953416_save.jp…)

This smug punchable shit is just so insufferable, no one is "fighting" over your fairykei items its more or less a dead fashion save for gender specials going to it because it's easier than lolita. and you already know she doesn't make these for any other reason than to brag that she has like 5 of the item she's talking about, otherwise what is the point
go run your crappy chinese factory printed "small business"
Watching people who have been in jfashion for so long turn to tiktok to try and one up each other is so depressing

No. 278374

File: 1674502252341.jpg (33.05 KB, 215x171, MYXJ_20230123142713171_save.jp…)

all i have to do is post this and yall already know

No. 278379

Please post these elusive and sacred fairy kei items the community is fighting over

No. 278381

I'm so annoyed nonna that was all you needed to post to get me pressed kek

No. 278385

notable names are Dreamy Tabby, Tentacle Shota, Starpo Shop, kawaiigoods

No. 278386

Tabby is hardly involved anymore meanwhile kawaiigoods is still kicking around with her 5th grade tier traced illustrations and everyone sucks her off even though her designs are so ugly. Isn't her kid a teenager now? Yikes.

No. 278388

POV: sleep paralysis demon breaks into your room at night and forces you to listen to the worst j-fashion takes with annoying songs playing in the background for 8 hours straight

No. 278390

shit like the milklim sweater and wc cardigan (the pastel rainbow one) to name a few, I don't buy that people are fighting over them because it's overall a dead fashion, unless you count yumekawa

No. 278406

File: 1674510992599.jpg (761.27 KB, 1080x1646, 20230123_165307.jpg)

I lost interest in Jfashion years ago but this lady was always in people's comments and posting endless plastic toys. Now checking up on her, it's just sad

No. 278407

File: 1674511044684.jpg (707.1 KB, 1080x1777, 20230123_165231.jpg)

No. 278421

I can’t believe this even has as many likes as it does… how old is this woman? Is she in a wheelchair? I really hope euthanasia becomes legal where I’m from so I can get put down if I ever become a senile poor mouthing attention whore. New nightmare unlocked.

No. 278423

was the girl from OP pic a calf of jillian?! i remember her weird midsection and legs and chin so well.

No. 278425

Who is “Richie Rich” or is this some weird way she talks about people with money? Judging that if she is a collector she does have money, so this doesn’t make sense

No. 278426

That hairline..

She can have all of this if she'd just sell some of the junk lol.

No. 278427

File: 1674523824556.jpeg (322.22 KB, 826x1303, C5AA52BE-DE7F-437F-BCB2-52086B…)

Maybe she could buy Lazy Oaf if she didn’t waste her money on pencil sharpeners. Such a weird thing to collect. It has to be autism. She also looks like Chris Chan. Are we sure she is a real woman?

No. 278428

If you're including jirai, you're going to fill this thread up quick

No. 278430

File: 1674524372605.jpeg (388.87 KB, 828x1273, 9B5D8CD8-0968-43E7-9D91-D01033…)

So many white saviors in JFash. This has to be a girl right? Why so many girls LARPING as boys now a days?

No. 278433

Saying all this with a username including the word "shota" is ironic to me.

No. 278434

I know this is over 2 years old but it's so funny seeing all that then "aaaanyways heres my look for pride heehee"

No. 278435

File: 1674529417085.jpeg (121.55 KB, 720x960, C1ED308B-86C4-46ED-B032-93DA64…)

Hoarders : KawaiiGoods edition

No. 278437


"She"? Only a delulu tranny moid has this sort of mentally stunted entitlement.

No. 278450

What is she even talking about? Is she schizo or in the early stages of dementia? I’m asking that genuinely, something doesn’t seem right.

No. 278451

>that shit in the reflection
jesus she needs to get help.

No. 278452

At least she covered her face. Claudia is one of the most unfortunate looking people I’ve ever seen. I’m pretty sure she’s only late 20’s or early 30’s but she looks 40’s- 50’s

No. 278470

This is old milk now hence the sage but reminder that Callie/Courtney from ota-q apparel and kei club, who was once treat like a god and received free promotions from the likes of pixielocks has been allowed to get away with scamming fans out of potentially thousands of dollars while dropping off the face of the earth. Every now and then I still see people wear her awful 'made in china' printed clothing and tagging the brand featuring her in lists of black owned kawaii brands as if her actions are completely fine.

No. 278481

File: 1674573348029.png (33.19 KB, 388x347, kawaiii.png)

i went deep through her page and she's a woman, i saw her hands and pictures of her as a cyberpunk in the 2000s. she's 50 and has her elderly father, she has been disabled her whole life. she just buys random knick knacks all the time and posts about them to the point her closet is filled / the hospital doesnt' want her to add anymore stuff. at some point she talked about getting this one item a friend of hers had in the 80s when they were children. her situation is quite sad but her attitude can't help things.

No. 278484

i feel immensely sad for this woman, as someone who is disabled also. she must have some sort of personality disorder or maybe early onset dementia? she appears to act very very immature, which is common in people with dementia. i feel for her, but the hoarding probably doesn't help her situation. how did she get obsessed with jfashion? i can't feel bad for the whining or comparing herself to others, but i do feel for this situation. i wonder if she is prescribed benzos or has taken any drugs recreationally, benzo use can cause early onset dementia, and drug addicts often have this immature mindset.

No. 278485

File: 1674575705849.jpeg (674.52 KB, 828x1189, 5117E918-3479-4DB6-8307-EB5AED…)

had to find the goth picture you mentioned, figured other people would want to see

No. 278486

File: 1674575800668.jpeg (671.43 KB, 828x1202, 4F13FE3E-CF16-40DC-8350-817984…)

No. 278499

>microscopic waist size
the cope. Nothing wrong will liking cute things at any age, but there's a limit to this kind of delusion. She actually looks like she'd kill a younger girl for her material things irl.

No. 278509

File: 1674583785777.png (463.9 KB, 901x570, kawaiii.png)

"pepsi has been put into my keyboard"

No. 278514

sounds like our dear cow Heather kek

No. 278519

i've now gone down a rabbit hole of her posts, and im honestly surprised how kind people treat her. some of her followers even come visit her in the nursing home, i find that very sweet. it appears that she has moved homes, and they made her downsize her collection/put in storage. she does have a hoarding issue, but you think medical experts would understand that when you mess with the hoard it can cause extreme emotions in them. i hope she is able to curb bringing in new things and that the home lets her keep some cute things in her room. i hate how she is whiny and shit but demented elderly women seem to have less ability to control their emotions, and she seems like she is on some strong meds or maybe had a history of drug abuse in the past thats made it all worse. it really is scary to me how the human body and mind can break down, she obviously has always been alternative and weird but in these older photos she looks a lot more "normal" and could walk still.

No. 278581

This is spot on kek, I swear only Jillian's calves still dress in fairykei

No. 278602

I mean, it sounds like they made her downsize because there was less room at the nursing home or it was going to be too hard for the staff to deal with. It sounds so entitled to say that you are allowed to bring all of that wherever you want. Also she's 50, how is that elderly?

No. 278606

read the thread, she's disabled and in a wheelchair. not saying she isn't immature or ridiculous but she's probably retarded as well, idk whether it's fair to call her entitled when her hoard of pink plastic is all she has

No. 278616


Nta, but you're surprised at how kindly people treat her, and yet you're justifying her whining on lolcow of all places. If she moved into a bedroom with less space, then she can't bring all her junk with her. What's the staff supposed to do about it? Magically grow a larger room?

No. 278622

The audacity of this biiitch. She sells a knockoff milklim cotton candy sweater in her own store.

No. 278624

there are several people posting in this thread and you should brush up on your reading comprehension. she says she was "tricked" into moving in a room she didn't know was smaller, which does sound kinda fishy.

No. 278643

File: 1674673206466.jpeg (221.83 KB, 1440x1794, 1A295443-E727-4D48-B501-4DA930…)

Is that a candy wrapper? What’s even this item?

No. 278644

Link to store and pictures. Spill the tea

No. 278659

File: 1674678379184.jpg (813.73 KB, 3464x3464, i1sfggr0pkr61.jpg)

pic related (and also cow crossover), she changed the design but this is what her first design looked like

No. 278660

File: 1674679050454.jpeg (96.24 KB, 720x960, 78EDEAFB-435D-4BCB-A36F-2EC14B…)

What a masterpiece. Looks like her young daughter made it

No. 278661

It's actually amazing that she has any platform with other creators promoting her work when she was outed for tracing several times, and when she doesn't trace her stuff looks like…this

No. 278668

Who called her out on tracing? Who was she stealing art from? I thought she was just a bad artist.

No. 278675

File: 1674682863338.jpeg (950.48 KB, 3484x2173, 00163B30-2E7E-4D85-8A10-EBCD2C…)

She deleted all her instagram posts with the first cotton candy design, where she explicitly says it's a dupe of the miklim design. Left is original, right is lumina love ripoff.

No. 278678

I mean… It's obviously inspired by the one on the left but it's not an outright copy. There's nothing illegal about it, even if she is selling them. inb4 WK, no. I'm just tired of people screaming CEASE AND DESIST!!! When there is literally no legal case.
Distasteful? yeah, maybe. She could of come up with a better design that wasn't an obvious reference.

No. 278680

It's more so the irony of her trying to flex her fairy kei wardrobe when she had to make her own knockoff miklim cotton candy sweater.

No. 278681

It's just funny because it's how she got her start in her shop. And it's funny that she makes tiktoks bragging about owning brand stuff but peddles her cheap looking Chinese factory prints to other fairykei autists who would cry and scream about anyone buying from Shein.
I don't have a huge issue with her aside her becoming this cringe "business owner" like she isn't literally a NYC trust fund baby/rich girl like every other jfashion "totally self made small business owner" (I'm looking at you tempest paige and kyandii), but man is the jfashion and especially the fairy kei communities full of so much hypocrisy. People will cry about someone buying from AliExpress but have no issue buying sweatshop printed designs either from these creators or from brands. They all act like it doesn't come from the same tree.

No. 278682

she did it to sell it to the fakebois that still wear fk, you know she doesn't touch that, she's too busy owning the real thing and smirking smugly while wearing it like in those tiktoks kek

No. 278745

Oh shit I didn’t realize Boy George was into jfashion

No. 279192

File: 1674904479106.jpg (520.52 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20230128_061343_Ins…)

Oh thank god a proper thread to talk on pastelkawaiibarbie, its hilarious how she will post about confidence then also talks about how she will commit suicide if she isnt successful with instagram/tiktok. The fact this video is one of her most liked in awhile makes me cackle

No. 279241

i saw people on kiwifarms posted her in a troon thread when i googled her.

No. 279283

Man she was one of my favourite Western fairy kei/fancy posters and when she dropped that Milklim ripoff I was so disappointed. It was way too on-the-nose to be considered a 'reference' and not enough time had passed since the original design was released. I was surprised no one really called her out on it either, particularly given how that community absolutely descended on the owner of Plushiepink for accidentally ripping off the Hello Cavities bat sweater lol

Hold my earring

No. 279290

milklim is a defunct brand and the cotton candy design came out over 10 years ago, that being said I understand why people would be against it, the truth is the community picks and chooses who they want to go after for things like this. especially if you're a poc/trans/whatever

No. 279328

I understand loving and wanting to own an impossible to find, iconic item, but I think it's bad taste to try to make a direct copy of someone else's design AND sell it and try to make profit with it, no matter how defunct and old it is. It's still someone else's design. Why not just create something new?

No. 279329

I don't disagree, and at least it's obviously heavily inspired but not a rip, still doesn't matter at this point since she isn't selling that design anymore I suppose

No. 279395

File: 1675003513556.jpg (5.06 MB, 4096x4096, pastelkowaigoblin.jpg)

God she's horrid looking

No. 279653

i want to know how after all this time she still looks like shit and can't figure out how to wear a wig

No. 279913

Holy shit its crazy that she's still going after all these years. You'd think there'd at least be some improvement after all this time. Seems like she wears these ridiculous outfits to distract from how haggard she looks but it only makes it stand out more. Sheesh. Actually that's sad as fuck.

No. 279927

Her username used to be SuicidalShipper or something like that because her entire (self stated) identity was all about how Ash x Misty from pokemon not being canon made her suicidal. Then she tried to rebrand and become some kind of infamous online villain and considered hate a good way to fame iirc.

She suicide baits a lot, I'm surprised she hasn't been canceled for it yet. It's too bad her mom doesn't take away her internet access so she can't post anymore because she is clearly not all the way there.

No. 279942

I watched her Ash x Misty vid a while back and it just became pretty obvious that she's the type of person who will do literally anything for attention (positive or negative) it's honestly depressing.

No. 279987

What's with her whole tiktok cosplayer gestures? Although I do agree she seems either autistic or very stunted.i feel bad for her mum

No. 279996

I know she’s an adult, but I’ve never understood why her parents just seem to buy her all these things and let her do whatever she wants in their house. I wouldn’t want to enable behavior that clearly puts her mental health at risk because she seems to get really upset about criticism even if she tries to cope by saying it doesn’t bother her. How can you see your kid talking about suicide so much and then let them keep doing the things that make their mental health worse?

No. 280004

Where are you getting that her parents know what she is doing? Most parents aren;t really aware of what their adult children are up to

No. 280024

Wow.. she is not okay. But too grown for me to feel bad.

No. 280041

Nayrt but she lives at home and they are financially responsible for her. She doesn't have a job.

No. 280218

I still cant wrap my head around the fact that this isn't a troon

No. 280302

Damn, some people really shouldn't have internet access for their own good. This is just sad.

No. 280345

File: 1675634038806.jpg (403.95 KB, 1638x2048, 20230205_225239.jpg)

Imagine you start your own "J-Fashion Brand" and you're still not able to fit into a dress properly.

No. 280425

Quit being a pussy and post it where it belongs, retarded cunt. >>267569

No. 280473

Its not remotely Lolita open your damn eyes

No. 281628

File: 1676305425229.jpg (873.24 KB, 1080x1070, cows.jpg)

No. 312905

File: 1700612982388.jpeg (148.46 KB, 828x988, IMG_6289.jpeg)

KawaiiGoods just can’t let things settle. It is 2023. And she is still mad about the bandaid drama

No. 312934

What about this shows she seems mad though?

No. 313731

File: 1701292239590.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1179x1948, IMG_8487.jpeg)

Oh boy, her woman child behavior of bitching about her past is showing again.

No. 313750

God Lara is such a fat cow. Idk how you can feel younger when you weigh 200lbs and your joints must be screaming at you

No. 313846

sage your retarded non-milk next time

No. 314408

File: 1701857675601.jpg (164.09 KB, 730x718, Screenshot 2023-12-06 101517.j…)

imagine thinking you look good like this.

No. 314409

File: 1701857763234.jpg (132.74 KB, 697x700, Screenshot 2023-12-06 101632.j…)

this literally looks like a toddler did it(sage your shit)

No. 314497

Her hair is adding an extra chin on her kek

No. 315082

File: 1702385509538.jpg (598.46 KB, 1080x1652, 1000011117.jpg)

IG engagement is totally dead now, or people realised fairy kei looks like ageplay shit.(this is not milk, sage it)

No. 315084

Maybe they just realized how creepy it is for a man to dress up in women’s clothes

No. 315085

hate to break it to you anon but that's a TIF

No. 315139

wow, seeing kawaiigoods is such a throwback, did she keep having kids and buying lolita despite being broke?

No. 315190

Tabby is a woman kek one of the first fairy kei retards to troon out

No. 315199

Her gf trooned first and then she just followed. It’s reallly depressing because she was actually cute. Now she just made herself look like a balding pedophile.

No. 315372

File: 1702700433732.jpg (2.16 MB, 1370x1382, J2mx2gH.jpg)

Cybunnie with Callie (Ota-Q Apparel) posting "hot girl" photos like Callie didn't scam people out of tens of thousands of dollars with no recourse. The only thing worse than these stupid fit pics is the fact that people actually bought her Chinese factory crap. Has she been sued yet??

No. 315390

Is the hot girl privilege in the room with us right now? It's almost impressive to be wearing 100 cute accessories yet still look 0% cute

No. 315415

File: 1702754664418.jpg (953.24 KB, 1170x1204, AhJNibw.jpg)

Literally admitting she doesn't care Callie scammed everyone and telling people to get a lawyer.

No. 315489

This is such a massive cope. If I were friends with a scammer I would be ashamed to be seen with them like this. If you didn't want to get called out maybe you shouldn't be parading around with a piece of shit that scammed thousands and thousands of dollars from others. Would love to know what bull shit explanation Callie tried to give her though kek

No. 315520

Cybunny is actively showing she is as bad as Callie, Going out of her way to call out others who are speaking out against Callie on her posts while also protecting the Callies ass. She's either incredibly dumb or genuinely doesn't realise why Callie is in the wrong and why she will inevitably get backlash for hanging out with her.

I could understand if it was a small mistake on Callie's part but this is thousands of dollars of intentional scamming. Worst part is that Callie was always a horrible person yet it took her scamming for people to actually realise it.

No. 315554

>was always a horrible person
Deets anon? I only knew about her through her business and then even more through the scamming.

No. 315623

Why should we care what randos say? For all we know an anon typed that out just to post.

No. 315946

File: 1703214338948.png (324.96 KB, 828x1608, IMG_4424.png)

She responded and it makes her look dumb

No. 315947

File: 1703214383048.jpeg (732.56 KB, 828x1496, IMG_4426.jpeg)

No. 315996

Seriously, I'm not trying to side with Callie’s friend, but I think this jhessica person is pushing too many responsibilities onto her friend or whatever she is. She’s not responsible for the situation, nor can she do anything about it. She already said to get a lawyer to deal with this, and so far none of the people who got scammed by Callie haven't pushed for legal action. I’d like to see Callie in jail for this but it seems like no one is willing to pursue with taking it legally

No. 316102

If they cannot blame Callie, who left the face of the internet, they’re going to blame someone close to her, like Cybunnie. I think the J-fashion mobs are just wasting their time doing nothing but bitch and cry versus getting Callie held accountable.

No. 316157

They did try to push it legally it just costed people too much money especially when it involved international customers. It sucks but they dont have recourse anymore, and so telling off her dumb af friends is the best they can do. Cybunnie was stupid to post with her and pretend she isnt friends with a scammer of course people will notice and comment.

No. 316234

You’d think that all the people she scammed would create a funding to sue her

No. 316242

How is it possible for her to have super slim legs and be fat everywhere else? I thought only men have that kind of uneven fat distribution/body type?

No. 316243

Is this the girl trying to asslick Romwe plus all the time??(sage your shit)

No. 316311

File: 1703536636076.jpg (437.08 KB, 1080x975, 1000011902.jpg)

Imagine thinking this expression is cute.

Obvious cheek biting to look thin smh(this isn't milk, sage it)

No. 316364

She's crying on twitter because she thinks people use her for thinspo lmfao(learn to sage)

No. 318262

File: 1705876320848.jpg (327.48 KB, 689x931, 1000013069.jpg)

Why is UK jfashion full of ugly deathfats?(sage your shit)

No. 318263

File: 1705876424997.jpg (680.38 KB, 1079x1240, 1000013062.jpg)

Please.(sage your shit)

No. 318267

She looks like a young Margaret Palermo.(sage your shit)

No. 318268

File: 1705880873532.jpg (581.4 KB, 681x879, 1000013071.jpg)

Tabby looks more and more like an 80s paedo everytime she posts.(sage your shit)

No. 318452

she has looked the same for years

No. 318491

File: 1706170958468.jpg (971.76 KB, 1080x1632, 1000013401.jpg)

The poor staff seeing her waddling through their door(still wont sage your shit)

No. 319707

File: 1708070731318.jpg (95.55 KB, 1080x479, 1000014435.jpg)

Like you won't be back tomorrow retweeting your own body checks and begging for validation

No. 319709


God I used to know this girl irl. Her sister is a PhD student or something now, Cara dropped out of fashion school and lives with mummy and daddy because she's "too ill" to do anything but buy clothes and take selfies smh(learn to sage)

No. 321180

>>315372 larping as a kawaii queen while being built like a floorboard is demented

No. 321452

Ran into pastelkawaiibarbie the other day irl. She was buying a chicken finger plate with double macaroni at publix. I had to do a double take, but sure enough, it was her. Yes she dresses this way in public.(sage your shit)

No. 321483

>>321452 dawg who cares. what else, you're gonna share her grocery list now?

No. 322303

File: 1709777937963.jpg (207.17 KB, 824x1501, dollywave.jpg)

Dollywave posted this 3 weeks ago, does anybody know what happened? I know she used to be friends with the lolita group with starstarfairy and sweetlullabai. She's not tagged in any of sweetlullabai's photos of her anymore so I think they blocked each other

No. 322304

File: 1709778010708.jpg (175.63 KB, 828x1379, dollywave.jpg)

No. 322305

File: 1709778044478.jpg (310.35 KB, 828x1424, dollywave2.jpg)

The last picture she was tagged in with sweetlullabai was in 2021

No. 322362

File: 1709852767172.jpg (100.93 KB, 1080x374, 1000015551.jpg)

Our suicide-baiting queen returns

No. 322363

Is this chick still shilling Diccha's ugly Milklom knockoffs?(sage your shit)

No. 322382

Diccha can at least draw. Dolly making those Lumina Love sweatshirts that are almost identical to Milklim cotton candy shirts and yet not getting shit on for it still bewilders me when the comm generally hates Kokokuma for… making a rainbow cardigan?

No. 322520

Always baffled by how this is a thirty something year old woman living in trust fund luxury in NYC who makes these petty smug tiktoks. Jfashion people will cry about ageplayers but be eternally stuck in the 6th grade themselves, it's amazing.

No. 322521

samefag but sure maybe her friend group was toxic or whatever but I can almost guarantee you that Dolly is no better. Because most of the comm is like this. And going by the vibe of her videos and posts I don't think she's an exception honestly

No. 322632

Confirming. She has THE nastiest attitude. She’s a huge bitch to everyone if they aren’t kissing her ass. I’ve seen her be horrible to min wage service workers. The only people who’ll hang out with her are her boyfriend, her sister, or girls who want clout/pics. Her friends are all the same as her but I’m still surprised they didn’t drop her sooner.

No. 322644

File: 1710110486344.jpg (414.2 KB, 1080x1827, 1000015705.jpg)

Western fairy kei and decora just look like scruffy age play now(sage your shit, not milk)

No. 322645

None of that looks like age play.

No. 322652

No, it just looks like shit.

No. 322654

File: 1710115109951.jpg (421.63 KB, 1080x1465, 1000015704.jpg)

Besides the trash outfits, she's filming actual kids at the meet and posting it to IG…(learn to sage)

No. 322667

Did she blur their faces or did you? Cause if she blurred their faces i don't see the issue

No. 322987

File: 1710420722952.png (683.46 KB, 577x788, troon.PNG)

yeah i fucking hate this ugly fakeboi bitch

No. 322988

samefag sorry for blurry pictures, top right cap says "time for the local gyaru fairy princess to fly around the neighbourhood (take the bus)

middle bottom picture says "how people expect me to look like when i say im a dude"

No. 323019

Whenever I see dyingdollyz on Instagram I want to take my life. We are fully doomed

No. 323023

When they take away tik tok, these are gonna be the first people to kill themselves. kek

No. 323038

File: 1710497515257.png (73.21 KB, 225x286, image.png)

…her name is knives?
sometimes i wish for a time machine to delete scott pilgrim vs the world
also actual Knives deserved better so at least points for larping the sympathetic character instead of Ramona or trooning into Scott, even though this character is still ruined by the male writting and pretty much exclusively a simp for Scott

No. 323040

Dressing the way she does and claiming it to not be pandering to pedo culture. Meanwhile she names herself after a character who's whole personality was being underage and obsessed with a male.

Sure that makes sense.(sage your shit)

No. 323073

You can tell that some butthurt trutrans fakeboi made this hate collage about this girl because the infographic still ~respects her pronouns~ at the bottom.

Like please Aiden, you are no more of a true and honest man than Knives is just because you cut your tits off and you're growing a neckbeard.

No. 323084

17-year-old sounds too young for Scott Pilgrim. Idk how long they've called themselves that but I wouldn't be too surprised if it was stolen from Trigun thanks to the reboot making it popular again

No. 323119

Scott Pilgrim got a new anime adaptation just last year that was very popular with teens, so nah, not too young for it

No. 323219

they also cannot take criticism for the life of them, they made a video showing a horrendous DIY skirt and when more people gave them critique than praise they deleted it lol

No. 323224

Gurl it’s okay you’re on Lolcow, you don’t have to play along with Knives’ special snowflake pronouns here. You can call her a woman.

No. 323225


Kek, them making jokes about shein should hire eight year olds was priceless, considering her sewing skills are just as competent and uses ugly dollar store fabric that makes her look like a abdl fag maybe shein should hire her!

No. 323227

my bad couldn't tell if she was a troon or poon

No. 323338

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Complains about how there’s no comms near her but lives in Northern California what an incompetent retard.(vendetta)

No. 323356

What part of norcal? If it's the bay area, I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to join. Last time I looked into it, it had a bunch of druggies involved

No. 323362

File: 1710989580253.jpeg (303.12 KB, 1170x2156, IMG_6304.jpeg)

ex german cosplayer who did osomatsu cosplay videos as yukamanjuu and now rebranded as a japanese fashion girlie on tiktok under the name moca, lived in japan for some time too(learn to sage)

No. 323389

good for her?

No. 323396

This is such a boring cow. Nothing milky about some normie girl that overuses TikTok buzzwords and likes nana and you can’t even sage either.. I bet you have some retarded vendetta or ur just a newbie.

No. 323462

where can i find her pics in cosplay? tried everything and found nothing

No. 323485

For someone who talks so much shit abt replicas and buying legit in Lolita this is really funny. She’s always been a hypocrite and a cunt though.(learn to sage)

No. 323490

She left Japan? I thought she moved permanently

No. 323521

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Diccha is delulu if she thinks anyone is paying £50 for a tiny piece of plastic

No. 323522

Why is anyone still buying from her? She takes weeks to ship then blames it on MUH MEntal heAlth

No. 323523

File: 1711184894336.jpg (197.21 KB, 1049x1252, 1000016517.jpg)

Her face is now double its natural width, get help seriously(posting 3 times in a row unsaged)

No. 323552

All of her stuff looks so bad lol she doesn't dome anything, her pieces are full of bubbles and chips, and when she attaches multiple bits together, the clear resin is a mess

No. 323558

is she seriously selling this? for that much? i do resin and my stuff looks much much better than this. (i'd post but it's probably against the rules maybe i can post on /ot/ if anyone's interested?) i should make a shop if this kind of garbage is selling.

No. 323567

99% of the UK "kawaii girlies!!" are deathfats.

No. 323568

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Even Miku is getting chubby lately which is hilarious since she's dined out on "I'm sooo naturally skinny guizz!!" for years

No. 323569

Also everything she makes is a direct rip-off of Spank! (Just like cute Can Kill used to be) but for 3x the price

No. 323570

Her shop says
"the shop owner has fibromyalgia, which is an unpredictable illness, so packages might take up to 3 weeks to be processed and shipped"

Maybe don't run a business by yourself if your health is thay unreliable lmfao

No. 323572

File: 1711273492690.jpg (265.46 KB, 1077x1393, 1000016567.jpg)

Princess Peach has seen some shit(posting 5 times in a row unsaged)

No. 323574

Peach wants to buy some stonks

No. 323581

People will buy anything. Have you see how many sales kawaiigoods has? Occasionally she posts art by her young daughter and it’s the same standard as her own shitty art.

Unrelated but Diccha is a hypocrite. She continued to buy from Dolls Kill irregardless of their history of art theft but complained bitterly and made multiple posts when her work was stolen and resold on taobao.(sage your shit)

No. 323767

File: 1711506318286.jpeg (532.36 KB, 1108x1477, IMG_9036.jpeg)

sick of these fuckers at every possible harajuku event acting like they originally started decora colorful jfashion full of weirdo thirty year olds parading as children

No. 323782

They look like every other Jfashion extreme decora participant. I'm not sure what you're seeing here. Could you elaborate maybe on who they are?

No. 323793

Anyone over 20 wearing this shit looks ridiculous. It was coined by literally school girls in the 90s.(sage your shit)

No. 323825

i'll spoonfeed a little. cybr.grl(in rainbow jacket) is a known tiktok attention whore weeb who copied a bunch of stuff and took from japanese and western styles and pretended it was her own special snowflake style. k8 in the middle is just crazy and used to wear lolita a decade ago but left because some girls made fun of her for having bad gas in a bathroom during a meet.

No. 323830

Never thought I’d live to see the day where people use this site to talk about cybr.grl. She’s always given credit from what I’ve seen, she doesn’t really exude any attention seeking behavior at all. Her videos are very innocent. Feels like this anon is just a bit jealous that she’s so recognized in J-Fashion.

No. 323836

Seriously lmao cybrgrl has been in the jfashion scene for 10+ years and has never tried to act like she invented the fashion or anything

No. 323845

>It was coined by literally school girls in the 90s
So that means anyone who was there from the start would be in their 30s, some nearing 40s. Most probably aren't still wearing it day to day (if they ever did) but it would make sense to have fun and bring out old clothes and accessories at cons if you had them still even if you weren't.
A lot of these fashions are just simply older now so a big portion of the people still wearing it are going to be older themselves, especially as a lot of these fashions have mostly died so it's not like they got large amounts of new young adults/kids coming in.

No. 323847

it's probably because she's gone from niche jfashion influencer to minor mainstream relevance with her new toy brand. i'm willing to bet there are more than a handful of seething failed tiktokers jealous that they couldn't get famous off of wearing decora/lolita/fairy kei/whatever. most of the recent posts itt reek of jealousy, just look at how >>322987 was written it was definitely made by another jfashion tif raging at another garish tif for being more popular than her

No. 324472

Nobody is jealous of you dressing like a clown sweetie :)(sage your shit :))

No. 324806

Kek people are jealous.

No. 325400

File: 1713816262320.jpg (375.72 KB, 1080x1959, 1000018182.jpg)

Obesity kills, children.

No. 325401

File: 1713817726550.jpg (891.57 KB, 1080x1700, 1000018188.jpg)

"Logistical issues"

Just admit nobody wants to hang out dressed like a toddler sweetieee :)))(:))

No. 325402

Right girl looks like a grandma lmfaooo(newfag who can't sage)

No. 325408

File: 1713826083387.png (175.39 KB, 370x320, Untitled392_20240422154509.png)

what does she even gain from buying cheap clothes and and doing her shitty arts and crafts on it with this poorly drawn furry stamp and over pricing it. Lolita’s wouldn’t even spend a dime on this furry crap like who is it even made for????

No. 325411

they're all sewn on lopsided as well. jesus christ, i cant imagine selling these for 30 dollars yet alone in general.

No. 325413

There's an active fk server that the girl on the right is part of so why not post the event there???

No. 325427

She’s still skinny ana-chan. Not sure what the point of this was. She’s far from chubby or even average sized.

No. 325676

ew, i hate her so much. that latex mask face

No. 328661

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No. 329626

File: 1719636642791.jpg (313.62 KB, 1080x1350, larasuzannne.jpg)

She has got to be spiraling from getting shit talked in TX last weekend. Like why did she upload this when her whole nipple is out front and center?

No. 329636

I thought this was Shayna for a second kek.

No. 329638

No way, that would be PT if she wore non retarded clothes.

No. 329849


What kind of shit talking? I'm curious. She seems really desperate for attention on her SM.

No. 329911

It's in the lolita lolcow thread, it's just petty stuff like she's fat but she seethes about getting posted there despite doing everything she can to rile lolitas up.

No. 330062

Trying to force milk/provoke cows needs to be against site rules

No. 330077

found one of twinbuns low iq commenters KEK go back to insta

No. 330313

She got shit talked in TX?

No. 330544

learn to read that's not what's happening.

No. 330579

so what’s happening then? maybe I’m confused, her going to Texas is milk why?

No. 330628

her nipple out is the milk. anons were trying to explain that she selfposts here (and on /cgl/) so she will get triggered and sperg out on tiktok if people post anything negative about her. her getting baited by legitimate posts isn't cowtipping. i know 100% she reports posts of her both here and on /cgl/ and mods are probably banning her selfposts as well, but she is milky as she's mentally ill and responds negatively to all criticism.

No. 330636

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Surprised no one has posted this yet— Twitter user @cinnnagirl claims to have "invented" a new jfashion subculture (it's just idol costumes) and is doubling down when people try to explain to her that this isn't how that works. She also used a CGI "idol" comprised of a bunch of other idols' faces put together as an example of "idol kei makeup" so it's clear she doesn't even have the vaguest idea of what she's taking about in the first place. Twitter's tearing her to shreds.

No. 330648

She used to be a hot topic on the gaijin gyaru threads but it’d always be derailed when her whiteknights would come in and say “where’s the drama, there is none” and would suddenly bring up Pinkii (who’s milky and has her own thread, but the timing of when she’d get brought up the same time as cinnagal was a bit sus) so I think most anons got fed up with tryna discuss her.
Good to see shes still milky and acts as an authority on jfashion she knows nothing about, or in this case, she made up and doesn't really exist.

No. 330660

> creates jfashion subculture, largely if not inspired by Chinese makeup and fashion

Where exactly is the J in this subculture? She just mixed and matched styles, spammed taobao shop pictures, and mentioned gyaru makeup and hoped it would stick with no thought about it. She had being teared to shreds coming.

No. 330672

>"where’s the drama, there is none”
Kek, absolutely every time she was brought up without fail. You couldn't discuss anything without anons trying to bait you into this false Natalia vs Cinnagal dichotomy. Hopefully we're safe here because I want the screencaps of her narcissism backfiring on twitter.

No. 330680

My comms discord has a private thread where they would shit talk her and get her to hate stalk other girls for them lol she’s too gullible for her own good

No. 330686

When will western jfashion attention whores understand that they can’t create subcultures in a country they’re not even in? It’s like how Jillians partykei shit also wasn’t a jfashion substyle because it never existed in Japan. Substyles and cultures come about from people actively participating and essentially mimicking each other, these bippies really believe they can put together a mood board and say they “invented” a substyle for a country they’re a fan of kekw. Closest Jillian got was a select core group of chronically online north americans wearing tinsel with their taobao coords.

No. 330767

For someone who 'participated' in Japanese fashions, she should know very well that subcultures manifest organically. They can't be forced through a shitty social media thread with Pinterest images like she thinks.

No. 330798

Has anyone got the video? It appears to have been wiped off the face of the internet. Is she literally retarded though? She thinks making her own rules is how fashion starts and takes off? No, people see it, like it, and then try to emulate it and that’s how rules starts. It gets named after it has some form of popularity. She wants to do something and be a trend setter sooooo bad. Stop trying to make fetch happen Jax, it’s not going to happen.

No. 330860

File: 1720312626093.jpg (3.48 MB, 4096x3072, MEITU_20240707_103411072.jpg)

I hope someone saved it I was hoping to have a laugh. Also in typical zoomie race grifter fashion she is deflecting in her stories by sperging like a karen about a white girl, kek. No self awareness whatsoever.

No. 330861

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No. 330901

It's funny how every few years someone who loves lecturing others on jfash "creates" a new japanese fashion that is just a reinvention of pre-existing things and then calls it something-kei. It's pixielocks and party-kei all over again kek. She could had called it "japanese idol aesthetic" and nobody would had cared tbh

No. 330923

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The initial response from capsulebunny. The mental gymnastics Jax is using to say “I never called her racist” but then say everything under the sun to imply she is, like about how capsulebunny allegedly used “dog whistles”. She thinks just because she didn’t say the word itself, it’s fine but backtracks when getting called out on the implication.

No. 330925

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No. 330927

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No. 330953

Not Yukapon chiming in kek, does she have beef with cinnagal?
I'm waiting to see what content creator comes out to defend cinnagal now

No. 330958

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>does she have beef with cinnagal
Yes, cinnagal would continuously call her out for sexualizing school uniforms but solely call her out despite a lot of OF thots doing the same, so it came off as vendetta. She isn’t wrong with this comment

No. 330961

This is like, the bread and butter of tiktokers kek. They always go for the most relevant examples they can find and then shit on them thinking they won't notice it

No. 330965

File: 1720389997521.jpeg (445.64 KB, 1170x2073, IMG_9726.jpeg)

Pinkii posted over a day ago which leads me to believe Jax is reading here to bring this up now kek

No. 330967

File: 1720390328824.jpeg (330.72 KB, 828x740, IMG_8814.jpeg)

She’s acting like she didn’t have a whole spergy rant about capsulebunny when it happened and they only had a “civil conversation” but all of her spergs were documented in >>291199

No. 330969

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The issue is you make videos BEFORE doing your research because you think you know it all. A lot of people will believe whatever someone posts on the internet as fact, especially when they act like it is. It’s not everyone else’s duty to inform and correct you every time you make an “informative” video on something you know nothing about. You keep making videos about communities you’re not part of with a lot of incorrect information. Why would you make an informative video about Lolita when you are not Lolita? Clout of course. Like you collabed with Addy to make a Jirai Kei informative video, a comm neither of you are part of and people have these same gripes with Addy who is white. But yeah sure fall on your angry black woman uwu card as per usual.

No. 330972

File: 1720391260503.webm (4.15 MB, 828x906, RPReplay_Final1720390738.webm)

Decided to watch capsulebunny’s video that Jax and co. keeps referencing as “racist” and it’s clear that she’s talking about makeup being pale, not skin tone. Anyone who takes it as meaning “skin tone” either has a negative IQ and doesn’t understand context clues or clearly wants to take it in bad faith to paint her out as a racist.

No. 330973

Why don’t these girls have the same energy when gal rules were to get a tan. Why can’t they seem to get in to their caveman skulls that Japanese makeup styles and beauty standards are not catered towards a non Japanese audience. The Nigerians in Kabukichō make up the majority of Japans black demographic kek
>But Katie isn’t Japanese
Yes, she’s white, why are you watching a Japanese makeup tutorial made by a white woman expecting it to be for black women? The style asks for pale skin, end of, just skip that step if it doesn’t apply to you I don’t know what else to tell you?

No. 330975

Samefagging but Katie’s elaboration to what she supposedly meant was obviously damage control for a seething pc western audience. She meant what she said, the style is supposed to be sickly pale never go outside skin, Asian countries are always making their skin look whiter with makeup, the only one that didn’t was gal which was a rebellion against the beauty standard

No. 330977

30+ and dressing like a retarded baby kek
>I love your music
I hope she's being a disingenuous suckup here

No. 330979

Hey Cinna/Jax since i know you’re reading here, no one is hostile to you because of your race. It’s because you’re a cunt.(hi cow)

No. 330984

>lolita doesn't have to be modest
Which tiktok retard said this? kek

No. 330986

>you need to be quite pale
She was talking about makeup so I'm assuming she meant eyeshadow? Or is there something I'm missing?

No. 330989

The blind leading the blind. If they are friends with Jax I imagine it’s a tard who does the fashion poorly, likely a troon.

No. 331000

File: 1720402307896.png (385.01 KB, 588x594, taobao.png)

Not related to Cinnagal's drama but on her X she posts a lot of Pro-Palestine and Sudan things, yet shills Taobao and is proud of giving people other Taobao shop recommendations. Weird to be okay with child labor yet she "cares so much" for the starving and disabled kids of Palestine and Sudan. She seems like a hypocrite with more than just the jfashion style she thinks she created.

No. 331013

File: 1720405073120.jpg (222.47 KB, 720x1377, Screenshot_20240707_104959_Bra…)

She does read here if we're going by the ridiculous shit that went down in the gyaru thread. If I remember correctly, this isn't the first time she seems to be directly responding to a topic discussed. She's a massive narc, so she just can't help herself. Also found this on her twitter which is 90% shitposting/racebaiting for attention with little to no self awareness kek.

No. 331029

This forced high pitched screeching voice is so grating, holy shit

No. 331030

Clicked on the video because of you and instant regret, kek. I hate that weebs find the need to do this. Like yeah, Cinnagal is a racebaiting sped for sperging out about a white girl's video, talking about makeup for a style in the context of Japanese beauty standards - where the style literally originates. But I really wish Capsulebunny didn't sound this insane kek.

No. 331041

>I love your music
kek. does katie actually listen to natalia's pokemon fucking rap songs or is she just sucking up to her? It's so funny seeing all these 30yo weeb retards slapfight over the internet tbh. Absolutely none of them grew up.

No. 331054

who is she talking about and why can she criticize people publicly and on main but nobody can do the same to her?

No. 331062

Katie and Co are shady ass fuck as well and have historically has started all sorts of drama and lies about others within the community, it is always funny to watch her try and play victim. Every single one of them need to grow up and act like the adult women they are. I dont know how they are not embarrassed. Cringe greasy weebs fighting each other like a bunch of teenagers on tumblr.

No. 331109

Watching this drama unfold have made both parties look bad. Katie insists that she has gotten death threats from cinnagal's fans but still hasn't provided any proof of such messages

No. 331112

I mean there's pretty obviously no real winner here. They're ultimately all stunted adults living in their weeb delusions having silly little internet fights. It's absolutely crazy to me that none of them feel even a little bit embarrassed by their online presence. Can't wait to see them still at it in another 10 years. kek

No. 331194

Idk who she's trying to "sneak diss" just thought it was hilarious because she basically described herself.

No. 331279

CapsuleBunny is in her 30’s? Guess u wouldnt be able to tell through all that editing. My question is do these 30 year old
women not have actual jobs? Why do they still dress and act like that?

No. 331295

She's at least 35 now, according to her thread here >>>/snow/688374

She needs to lighten up on the makeup because it's not making her look any less like an agere adult in some of those outfits.

No. 331351

It's pretty obvious she's 30+ despite all the filters imho. Not that there would be anything wrong with that if she wasn't dressing, talking, and acting like a giant idiot baby. I'm not sure about katie, but yukapon/natalia/pinkii whatever you want to call her now is still on her usual wannabe idol grind, rapping about wanting to fuck pokemon and performing at anime cons in her underwear. Tbh, it's just crazy to me that a lot of these old lolcows are still at it and never mature. Like what's their game plan for 40? kek

No. 331356

capsule bunny is trying to be a streamer nd is “designing” generic cheap looking tenshikawai clothes. not going to hold up @ 40.

No. 331366

She's actually worked for a long time in jobs related to translation and teaching english. Now she works at a shitty Japanese fashion company and designs ugly polyester clothing so good for her I guess

No. 331371

10 years in Japan and all she has to show for it is shitty make up skills, fake bitchy friends and ugly clothing kekk

No. 331377

I'm not even sure what weebs expect to get out of a country that is actively hostile to foreigners. They all go home after 10 years in the same state they arrived or worse.

No. 331419

I think these people just have no ambition other than living their teenage weeb dream, most of Capsulebunny's videos are about shopping and she's had like 5 Japanese boyfriends.
She could've actually studied fashion design instead of wasting her youth like this.

No. 331425

I feel like for many it becomes a sort of sunk cost fallacy where they've been chasing the weeb fantasy for so long they don't know how to go back at a point. Their whole identity and idea of success is tied to this very childish idea of "making it in japan". Some do snap out if it and go on to lead actually successful lives, most end up chasing the dream back in their home country after experiencing failure in japan (shiena/yukapon), others are determined to see it through no matter how abysmal things get (lorena).

No. 331551

File: 1720756626936.jpg (227.31 KB, 1787x1440, Thurgood .jpg)

Lmao seeing that post reminded me of when Thurgood from the PJs said Billy Blank's Tae bo was invented "a thousand years ago in China by African Americans". Cinna never can just enjoy something without saying something was invented by black women or black culture. I also wish I had this screencapped, but I remember Cinna said on her story that her and a friend were "Niggafying" Jfashion. The context around that was like "We are about to NIGGAFY the whole culture!" But I thought it all stemmed from black women? Every two seconds she feels the need to say something like that and if you disagree with her and if you forget she is a "she/they" and not a "she/her" she will put a double whammy on you for being "transphobic".

No. 331585

I saw the story you're refering to. Made no sense and sounded retarded but I didnt screenshot it. And I agree, it's insane the levels of social currency she tries to leverage against anyone who disagrees with her. Not to disparage normal people from identifying with part of their racial heritage, but seeing her say nigga like that feels like some Drake "how do you do fellow black people?" shit.

No. 331760


holy shit nonna spoiler. she probably thought she looked artsy cause she's delulu(please delete your double-posts)

No. 331761


holy shit nonna spoiler. she probably thought she looked artsy cause she's delulu. but tell us what happened in texas besides nipplegate

No. 331792

some sort of texas vendetta anon keeps bringing “she went to Texas” up but provides no actual milk

No. 332050

File: 1721181746667.png (1.23 MB, 1170x1390, Screen Shot 2024-07-17 at 10.5…)

These influencers act like they're authority figures on Japanese fashion and like everyone else is 'Westerners' when they themselves are also Westerners, but the only difference is that they're struggling to stay afloat with their Eikaiwa or 'modelling' jobs. It's laughable.

No. 332062

She's "not like the other gaijin" nonna. kek

No. 332128

>i'm totally japaneez u gaiz, my take is legit
bitch please, you're probably ABC or a SEAweeb at best kek

No. 332149

I mean she’s not wrong lol they might make fun of you if you look bad but they really don’t give a shit

No. 332292

She's actually a homely English woman in her 30s

No. 332528

Can’t imagine caring so much about something as silly as JFashion at that big age that it wears you out.

No. 332535

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Average tinfoil moment.

No. 332544

That's not how that works. Way to tell on yourself that you have a bunch of fake accounts following you, retard

No. 332549

Most of those bots will view your stories without following t. speaking from experience

No. 332565

Cool, still not how those story viewers work

No. 332867

File: 1722018938661.jpeg (162.25 KB, 1170x1062, IMG_0201.jpeg)

Top KEK @ Ria being booted from the Jirai community for being an alleged racist and massive hypocrite. It’s about time, she’s milky AF

No. 332868

File: 1722018977348.jpeg (199.49 KB, 1170x998, IMG_0213.jpeg)

and an alleged rapist KEK

No. 332871

No woman would ever need to pay men for sex. Sounds like made up bullshit for attention

No. 332902

Is she retarded? Talk about old hag brain.

No. 332920

File: 1722041872091.jpeg (224.55 KB, 984x968, EclJPp7.jpeg)

It's ironic this is the same person who posted this reel, though she's now deleted it. There's also another one still up where she's calling out the "irl ame" girlies

No. 332923

File: 1722053946515.jpeg (2.65 MB, 5843x4771, stories.JPEG)

What's the milk? I don't mean to have it come off as spoonfeeding, I'm just too much of a casual. I also don't have twitter so I had just been on instagram trying to see what people had been posting to their stories. To be honest, I first saw this from inkyaidol and it made me feel ambivalent because my impression of her is that she's always complaining. This is milky regardless and I find the loli accusations thrown in there interesting too.
Corny sure, rape is a stretch. I know zoomers like to be egalitarian but I can't feel bad for some moid who got in a fwb to get his pp wet with no strings attached and has to deal with some unhinged woman as a result.
She mentioned yua. Probably trying to larp as those girls that desperately spend on hosts.

No. 332924

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No. 332926

File: 1722054359799.jpeg (2.59 MB, 5850x4810, stories 3.JPEG)

No. 332943

Ria said the N word on IG and was outed by the EDTWT Jirais, now the non EDTWT Jirais are finally waking up to the fact she is a hypocritical nlog and have decided she is now cancelled and must be blocked, despite previously supporting her being a toxic terminally online troll for all eternity. Now people are using this as an opportunity to cancel everyone they have a vendetta against including the comms lolicon endorsers KEK

No. 332945

She's probably lying about paying for it, but I can believe her being an unhinged BPDemon manipulating people with threats of self harm to get her way.

No. 332948

Anon probably meant any other milk since the person they were replying to said she's milky af. There doesn't seem to be much and the fact no other screencaps has surfaced makes me think she's just mildly annoying and larping as a edgy irl yua femcel at most and idiot for not even trying to take responsibility or apologize. Sure, she might be a racist but I think that's about it. Seen many milkier and more extreme cases in the jirai comm

No. 332950

holy shit, theyre really calling her a "rapist" for larping as a fictional character who is considered the quintessence of jirai? yua is emotionally desperate, unstable, craving warmth and digging her own grave trying to get that warmth. blanche dubois archetype. it's romanticized tragedy. jirai itself is to an extent the romanticization of tragedy. ive seen jirai girls saying they remind each other of yua as a compliment, mostly in terms of style, but it is not a reach for them to eventually "aspire" to embody her in other ways too…
it is stupid, sure, but are they suprised that a girl who bases her look on the landmine trope, is larping as yua?
i hate twittertards.
also "nigga" is common online slang in non-twitter spaces. these kids never been to an imageboard.

No. 332956

Whilst I agree, she’s being called a rapist because she payed a moid to have sex with her 3 times and threatened to self harm if he didn’t. Rapist is a reach but it’s not the Yua comment.

No. 332957

I don't think the rape accusations are tied to Yua but if she really coerced someone to having sex with her that's rape. Doesn't matter if it's some pathetic moid, threatening to harm herself, the target or anyone else to get someone to have sex her makes it rape and bragging about it is stupid. Being abusive and then playing it down by saying "i'm irl yua" doesn't make it less shitty, it's an easy cover to hide behind because many people like the character

No. 333019

File: 1722204619902.jpeg (306.99 KB, 1170x1503, IMG_0342.jpeg)

It’s hard to deny the loli-con accusations when Sophie reposts stuff like this. Mam, that is a child.

No. 333024

Wtf, this is genuinely sad. It’s actually nauseating how casual weeaboos and Japanese otaku are about making and sharing shit like this of children. The whole outfit is based off Japanese kids clothes, and she’s “jump roping” on a playground. Sickening.

No. 333077

Kek. Dead at a farmer casually dropping a golden girls reference when discussing degenerate animu.

It's so normalized in many anime and kawaii/creepy-cute circles at this point. There were multiple anons supporting a whole pedophile artist (Trevor Brown) in the Melanie Martinez thread just because they think his art is "cute". I don't understand how any of these people, especially non-moids, can justify this shit.

No. 333310

>It's so normalized
Yeah honestly it's refreshing to see it getting called out.

sleepy_bunny_princess is an ageplayer, that's why she has an entire "erokawaii" account and is defending others into lolicon. When she was 16/17 she was posting lewd pics with her bf. Looks like she took them off her account when she rebranded from sleepy_bunny_bitch

No. 333339

File: 1722630003025.jpeg (308.55 KB, 1170x1314, IMG_0504.jpeg)

She’s not a lolicon, she’s just a loli herself uwu

No. 333347

Just now she deleted this and the original post. Lame damage control as she still has a lot of photos of her room in her media tab

No. 333396


And everyone who gets mad about these drawings ends up being into it or worse. See Dr. Pizza, Vaush, or a billion others. So reset the clock on the lolcow hivemind.(sage your shit)

No. 333415

Shutup child groomer, go cope somewhere else on your sicko fetishes. Lolcow hivemind = being against gooning over little girls? Yeah ok.

No. 333419

obviously men are pedophiles, what's surprising about that?

No. 333581

File: 1723068033772.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1290x2254, IMG_6740.jpeg)

Anyone wanna pay larasuzanne $30 for some hot glue mess from her new brand?

No. 333583

this looks awful, why doesn't she use nicer glue at least?

No. 333588

Have you seen her crusty ass apartment and how quick she has to resell any of the ill fitted clothes she buys?

No. 333610

i was referencing blanche dubois from the theatrical piece "a streetcar named desire", i have never seen golden girls.
i wonder to what extent these girls enjoy the tragic fragility of vulnerable anime girls, romanticizing their innocence and its loss, lamenting their emotional downfall, and seeing their own pitiful reflection in the hollow eyes of the lobotomized catgirls from nekopara printed on their wall…
and to what extend theyre deliberately styling the rooms as those of fat ugly bastard otaku men to be edgy and play into repulsive archetypes on purpose. aka being posers.
"i watch boku no pico for the plot" ass mfs.

No. 333611

This is next level anon
Did she use leftover craft materials??? KEK

No. 333616

It’s hilarious I knew exactly whos ugly ass bow this was before searching the name

No. 333626

>ill fitting clothes
>crusty ass apartment
you can see the walls shake when she jumps around like an ungraceful toddler for tiktok

No. 333667

She lives in a brick townhouse, it's not the walls shaking, it's the camera stand.

I can't believe she's trying to sell these for more than 10$. And why the name "Charmed Fawn"? Is this supposed to be coquette?

No. 333676

Why is she charging so much for a hair accessory made out of cheap materials and hot glue? Who is paying that much for this?

No. 333683

townhouses can be very cheaply made though so who knows. if you look at her recent posts she's wearing more coquette stuff recently but this is supposed to be himegyaru so i have no idea.
she's trying to copy the price point from the jp brand from 2012 she wears which was also hot glue mess but looks nicer than that.

No. 333688

That’s a shitty rundown apartment not a townhouse.

No. 333869

File: 1723530862337.jpg (812.4 KB, 1080x1296, 1000026957.jpg)

It's time to retire(sage your shit)

No. 333874

Why does her make up always look so crusty also i always kekk at how different she looks in her youtube thumbnails to the actual content

No. 333974

She looks fine? You angry or something nonnie lol

No. 333985

She looks good, well, as good as someone desperately holding onto their weeb dreams in their 30s could. I'm not even dumb enough to believe she looks like this irl, I just wanna know what about this image has provoked this unsage shit post kek?

No. 334015

Inb4 lara derailing the conv by hating on some other woman

No. 334062

That’s just a mid blink screenshot. She’s just apart of the other Gaijin gang members who abuse Snow and Meitu(learn to sage)

No. 334075

anon she's winking.

No. 334201

The only reason people follow inkyaidol is for her jirai memes. Nobody wants to see her sperg on her stories every week

No. 334463

File: 1724097929461.jpg (1.8 MB, 2828x2828, cinnatutorial.jpg)

I guess since she was brought up again here, Cinnagal decided to throw shade at her one last time in a TenshiKawai makeup tutorial. So here we go again about the type of skin color needed for this style. How long is this going to be dragged for to be mentioned every few days?

No. 334466

File: 1724100393490.jpg (513.3 KB, 959x1575, charmedcow.jpg)

Are you not excited for her new drop anon ?

No. 334491

I agree, the drama has dried up and everyone should move on. Still find it absolutely wild that Capsule accused random people of sending her death threats though. I haven’t seen this mentioned but apparently the person she accused ended up getting death threats herself from Capsule’s moid followers. I heard that she ended up taking a break from the community because of it. Capsule an absolute hypocrite and immature for her age. The whole situation was a mess top to bottom.

No. 334499

File: 1724146951008.jpeg (412.34 KB, 1170x1911, IMG_0915.jpeg)

Katie really be living rent free in her head atp. Didn’t she also get obsessed with posting shitting on Pinkii? >>209838 Just face it Jax, you hate them because they are white and skinny kek.

No. 334504

To play devil’s advocate here, it is pretty fucking gross that Katie got a small creator dogpiled by psychotically lying about her getting death threats from them. This is fair criticism. That creator deserves an apology if nothing else.

No. 334505

Katie isn’t responsible for what her wks do though. Jax has a track record of her trying to get white weaboos dog piled on by making constant content “calling them out” because shes a hater. Until I see proof that happened either side I don’t believe what either of them have to say, please feel free to spoon feed me the receipts if there are any. All I know is Jax wont stfu about it and move on because she’s obsessed with hating on girls she wishes she was.

No. 334506

I agree that she’s not responsible for her fans behavior. But it’s insane that she would accuse Jax’s fans of sending her death threats, acting like that was Jax’s fault (without evidence), but then when her fans send actual death threats to someone, suddenly it’s not her responsibility. It’s hypocritical noona, you should at least admit that.
If you’re curious you can just go through Katie’s replies on Twitter from early last month. This happened very publicly, nobody made this up. I’m not trying to WK here btw, I just think it’s kind of wild that noonas are ignoring how absolutely psychotic Katie’s behavior was during this situation. Just wanted to point that out because this needs to be talked about more here. It was briefly mentioned up thread.

No. 334507

And as annoying as this is, I want to remind noonas that Capsule was the one to drag this situation back up.

No. 334512

File: 1724165107466.jpg (553.29 KB, 927x1591, 1724162835775550.jpg)

i got you babe. how many you want? 5? 6? lara needs to quit while she's ahead. there's hot glue bits all over the table.

No. 334519

Kek who the fuck gassed her up to make and sell these?

No. 334520

i have no idea but the quality is abysmal. you can see the fraying in the middle of the bow and the hot glue all over, she doesn't even know how to attach the lace to the bow. i know la pafait and old japanese brands did this handmade hotglue stuff but that was in 2010 and by 20 year olds. these are as bad as her outfits.

No. 334522

probably herself kek. It looks like something a child would make in a psych ward but she's charging 40 usd

No. 334543

Katie has a history of causing shit/being a bitch and then turning around and playing victim and acting like she’s just this sweet innocent uwu girl so no one is surprised here I don’t think.

No. 334584

File: 1724254349243.jpg (881.99 KB, 2392x2608, 200119248.jpg)

It gets worse.. Apparntly buying a department store bag and hot gluing ugly lace means making it!

No. 334589

i can't tell if this is her trying to pass off la pafait as her own work or not because the bag is blurry in this pic. but it looks bad enough to me to be her work. i love how she says she made it when there's a term for making hime items that she clearly doesn't know… her himegyaru newbie arc at her age is so embarrassing when she's as bad or worse than the zoomers doing it.

No. 334608

File: 1724260996358.jpg (360.24 KB, 1536x2048, 8965543.jpg)

She just slapped lace on a premade bag

No. 334636

File: 1724285792253.png (1.34 MB, 1440x2078, Screenshot_20240821_201540.png)

she copied this design actually. that's why i thought it could be brand. obviously hers is just worse than this though.

No. 334645

File: 1724297131644.png (121.4 KB, 1080x680, 1000006670.png)

Honestly I'm impressed she's sold a couple of these bows. I also found this while looking through her depop. She probably had to scalp it because she couldn't fit.

No. 334651

there's no way this can fit her it's a jp size m with no shirring.

No. 334666

File: 1724324419053.jpeg (221.55 KB, 1170x2142, IMG_0959.jpeg)

KEK love how they have put proof of her scalping on the listing itself

No. 334880

She sold it because she's a fat histrionic cow. Scalping it because despite her wet cardboard personality, she desperately pretends she isnt poor to feel like she has value.

No. 335138

File: 1724872564944.jpeg (747.95 KB, 1015x1641, IMG_2937.jpeg)

What’s with all these jfashion slop influencers trying so hard to make new subcultures and sub style happen as of lately like that’s not how it works…

No. 335139

Even if it DID work like that, they should pick a better name than fucking mudsweet.

No. 336239

File: 1727396890796.jpeg (362.41 KB, 1179x1796, IMG_4367.jpeg)

Looks like piggy Suzanne got bored of bitching about Lolita’s and likes beefing with kids now and seethes when they call her old. I swear I seen her make this same video like five times

No. 336241

Look at those terrifying,beady rat eyes ew she's so ugly from the inside and outside.

No. 336245

she should get off tiktok and focus on better things, like losing weight or becoming a decent person

No. 338032

File: 1730532990617.jpg (406.49 KB, 1080x1746, Screenshot_20241027_041113_Ins…)

Of all the people one could stan, capsulebunny stans Hasan. Watching her newest video and turns out it isn't a joke either

No. 338034

i mean hassan is a fine himbo what is the issue?

No. 338035

also why does it have to be a substyle why cant you just put clothes on without labeling it.

No. 338038

why do you cunts say this nigga/nigger is a slur you bitches just dont humanize black women who could be in your spaces/communities. Don't worry cunt/bitch are not slurs against women its just internet lingo hurr durr(infighting a 3 month old post)

No. 338049

capsulebunny confirmed for retard, jesus christ. Himbo is no excuse for being a bourgeoise tankie piece of shit.

No. 341114

File: 1734583561765.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1179x2095, IMG_8241.jpeg)

No. 341117

So they are happy copying Japanese girls makeup and fashion but as soon as someone wears muh fucking boxbraid it’s an issue? Deep tan too? Why join gyaru knowing exactly what it is then bitch about it? Some afrocentric black girls really be out here thinking they invented gyaru fashion. You want to be happy to take from one culture, you should be happy to share your own. Antiblackness would be more like “ewww I don’t want that ghetto ass hair it’s gross” rather than actually liking the style.

No. 341131

She always starts drama under “antiblackness” and wonders why no one wants to associate with her, when there are plenty of other black jfashion creators that don’t have the same problem.

No. 341135

File: 1734640909138.jpeg (97.81 KB, 1170x315, IMG_8144.jpeg)

Why is there no context for posts on this thread recently? Nobody knows what this is about. This is a repost of someone else’s story, as you can see in the corner. It also seems to be in response to this recent video from Egg Magazine.

No. 341136

File: 1734647003850.jpeg (94.85 KB, 600x521, IMG_4436.jpeg)

It’s still dumb af, gyaru has always been about deep tans. It’s only in recent years it has toned down with the death of gyaru and then the small revival but I can guarantee none of these models are trying to look like African Americans, Japan is homogeneous, there was no Jim Crow minstrel era for Japanese people to know or care about “black face”. Gyaru, ganguro and yamanba was about rebelling against the traditional pale beauty standards. The old school black western gyaru 10 years ago understood this and thrived in Japan like old cow Delandra picrel but these PC tiktok era gyaru wannabes just aren’t built for this, they are too sensitive and look like shit, the only reason they join is because they honestly believe black people invented the fashion because of the tan. It doesn’t seem like they actually understand or care for the roots of gyaru and there is somewhat an erasure of its history.

No. 341138

So close birdbrain, those gals are orange and two of them are actually African American. You must be new here or something

No. 341139

you’re saying this but if anyone was to look at new EGG instagram, they’re wearing box braids almost everyday, putting out a new rap song, and trying to twerk their nonexistent asses. and now purposefully putting on black foundation onto their face, not a deep tan. not only is new EGG magazine openly racist but now they have a tendency to post children and teens on lingerie, even having children dance on poles. japanese people are not babies and they’re definitely not dumb but you’re sitting here defending a pedoohilic company(sage your shit)

No. 341140

Tanning in gyaru is intended to be countercultural to the traditional japanese beauty standard of being as pale as possible, because tans were associated with fieldwork and poor people, and pale skin was associated with aristocracy. Likely where geisha white makeup comes from, too. To this day, skin whitening products are a multi million yen industry in japan. It's not about black people and never has been. If it's racially charged at all it would be about asian colorism, not antiblackness. Many OG gyaru and ganguro tanned naturally, either with booths or regular beach trips, rather than using makeup. It seems kind of ridiculous to cry blackface over someone's natural pigment.

But we have this thread every month anyway. Gaijin gyaru bring it up all the time as a virtue signal and to generate rage-engagement.

No. 341144

File: 1734650141411.jpeg (54.53 KB, 960x540, IMG_4437.jpeg)

I literally said
>old school black western gyaru 10 years ago understood this and thrived in Japan like old cow Delandra picrel
Are YOU new here or just illiterate? It’s Delandra and she is African American and joined Black Diamond about 10 years ago. Read retard.

No. 341145

And yet you still used a photo of gals with ORANGE tans. No one is talking about orange tans when the weirdos in the egg video are using black foundation. You’re trying so hard to defend racism done by pedos

No. 341146

The picture was of Delandra with Black Diamond which was related to what was said about black girls 10 years ago thriving in Japan, nothing about Black Diamond’s shade of tan. Gtfo with your blacktivism victim mindset autismo and making up a narrative to infight.

No. 341147

Who gives a fuck about gyaru looks 10 years ago when the EGG video was posted 5 days ago in 2024??? And none of the gals in that video are ganguro, tsuyome, mamba etc any substyles where tanning is needed. So you’re yapping about shit that has nothing to do the actual issue. Stop defending japanese people and acting like they’re retarded and don’t know better(multiple unsaged and unintegrated posts)

No. 341166

File: 1734672864454.jpeg (232.15 KB, 749x888, IMG_1066.jpeg)

Can we talk about miss alphabet? And her tacky used bedsheet kawaii designs

No. 341177

Was this video taken down? Can't find it

No. 341187

Looks like the video has gone private from the link on their twitter. Don’t remember seeing any backlash in the comments on the video when I saw it.

No. 341188

File: 1734718899734.jpeg (373.67 KB, 1170x1867, IMG_4441.jpeg)

No. 341193

go back

No. 341458

File: 1735253770079.png (2.91 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_2836.png)

saged for non milk and irrelevant cow, but it drives me crazy how often she says she’s invented a new style or popularized a style when her outfits are mid on a good day

No. 341572

File: 1735442878291.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2185, Cyberpop.jpg)

This was literally already a y2k style. Lots of people were into the cyber/techno/futurism look in the 2000s.

No. 341581

It's just retro-futurism why do we need to re-name everything

No. 342258

File: 1736286182921.jpg (599.95 KB, 1080x1264, 1000026418.jpg)

This shit is too cringe can she stop

No. 342260

gen z have also been calling this cybercore for years, idk what she's on

No. 342261

File: 1736290913196.jpeg (788.77 KB, 1170x2073, IMG_6777.jpeg)

She keeps fighting with random people on her story as well

No. 342270

File: 1736329146533.jpg (345.17 KB, 1080x1611, A.jpg)

Then there's one of capsule's moderators who spends all his time reply guying anyone who dares to question the tweet

No. 342272

He would hate her for her capitalist passivity posturing as passion

No. 342274

she’s unfortunately not wrong though we don’t get to vote on healthcare kek

No. 342279

>>342274 Its just corny and she is like 35 years old.

No. 342280

luigi mangione ita bag is something u will only ever see from someone over the age of 30 lmao(sage your shit)

No. 342282

yeah probably because everyone else is still on their parent's insurance

No. 342283

It's nothing to do with health insurance discourse and everything to do with this being corny and lame.

No. 342288

File: 1736365698802.jpeg (211.47 KB, 1170x998, IMG_4936.jpeg)

She is honestly so pathetic simping for her senpai Hasan to notice her so desperately at her age >>338032(this is not milk, sage)

No. 342334

Capsulebunny, his house burned down. He's not gonna care about shitty stickers on shooter of the week

No. 342344

slightly OT but if this is true then that's based, hard to feel bad for a millionaire "socialist" who brings literal terrorists into his stream and compares them impaling people to a one piece character

I guess capsulefatty could relate to Hasan since she's a rich girl living in japan but also pretends to care about the plight of those less fortunate

No. 343741

File: 1738541313331.png (158.6 KB, 353x377, Screen Shot 2025-02-03 at 00.0…)

Youtuber Abi needs to get a neutral looking wig that suits her because the blonde just ain't it(not milk/sage your shit)

No. 345099

File: 1741123606769.jpg (375.82 KB, 1080x1532, butt.jpg)

Capsulebunny at it again. She must be really paranoid to think like this https://x.com/capsulebutt/status/1896957175618318545

No. 345101

kekkkk yes, everyone is copying crapsule, as if there aren't a million other bland "day in Tokyo" Jvlogs featuring a cat just like hers that came before. Seriously no one fucking cares. Shartla is boring, crapsule's desperate for any clout at all so that she must grasp at straws. She is not as important or influential as she thinks herself to be.

No. 345102

The dozens of screenshots are fucking insane. Both of them did a very common thing that people do and filmed it? Wow

No. 345103

No, don't you see, crapsule is the most original and organic of any Jvloggers, why can't you see that everyone else is either copying her or is just a less interesting version of her? It's dividing all the attention that should be on her alone!

No. 345131

Holy shit nonnie LMAO

Looks like she deleted the original post now but left everything else up with her shot by shot comparisons

No. 345545

Sharla is very insecure and bitter and used to attack smaller creators, no doubt she is keeping tabs on all Japan-based vloggers. She is probably tired of coming up with her own stuff after so many years, so she stole capsulebunnies video thinking no one will notice.

No. 345556

Katie you have to be delusional to think a daily life vlog going average and mundane tasks is at all a new/unique idea or concept kek

No. 345648

This "me me me she copied me" bullshit is so annoying. Bitch wishes she was interesting enough for this. Sharla 100% didn't copy shit.

No. 345842

File: 1742479778320.jpeg (180.71 KB, 947x2048, GmQ8OlXbEAAv9d7.jpeg)

cinnagal has, once again, swung at a hornet's nest of mentally ill j-fashion girls (screenshot from the tweet)

No. 345843

File: 1742479921638.jpg (645.8 KB, 1080x1985, Screenshot_20250320_100948_Chr…)

No. 345844

This was already posted and discussed in the jirai thread.

No. 345865

realistically speaking, would she be a lost cause or was it ever possible to make this work? Like, idk, at what point is someone no longer eligible to wear a certain fashion?(sage your shit)

No. 345894

it's being moved so it doesn't derail the jirai thread. this is common.

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