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No. 688374
Is in japan since 2014
Thinks she is a super famous model
Actually is fugly girl from england
Married a much younger guy
He cheats on her with another foreign girls thread) No. 688454
>>688450Okay great, so she literally didn’t need a thread and she was useless to post here
>>688451I’ve noticed a lot of non-saging newfags lately and it’s become really annoying, none of them want to lurk and learn just shitpost and hope they don’t get banned
No. 688459
>>688450She is married
Her fb account was reported before because she was using a fake name
No. 688465
>>688459She changed her FB name some time ago from her real last name to her boyfriend’s to avoid her work/students finding it. When she changed she even made a post that they did NOT get married
Katie works a normal teaching job, goes out on the weekends or after work, and occasionally models - usually jobs through acquaintances
No hostess/bar job, no shoplifting, no sex work, no porn, no apparent illegal activity. She’s a bit fame hungry/fake and has questionable taste in friends but what actual drama is there?
No. 688628
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The whiteknighting is hilarious
No. 688630
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No. 688653
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when an adult person is wearing something like this.. there is something wrong with them
No. 688744
>>688740>>688600oh hey look you learned how to sage yet not integrate
shut the fuck up
leave the thread dead, this bitch is nobody and the thread is dry as a bone
No. 688762
>>688600OHMYGOD she asks people to be friends??
Someone stop this monster!!!
No. 688810
Katie was a whore before leo. Slept with everybody she met in clubs
No. 688953
>>688943No this thread is fucking dumb and it’s being ignored
Stop posting this person has no milk holy shit anon your sad
No. 689120
>>689101and you know this how?
doesn't matter the thread needs to die already, there no milk here just people fighting about there being no milk and OP fucking sperging that we need to find it for ourselves
No. 689448
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she looks so lovely <3
i wanna kiss her ass so I also get some fame