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No. 219948
Previous thread:
>>>/w/216275Discuss your (in)famous (ex-)Japan-vloggers here.
BEFORE POSTING: Please keep on topic. Post proof about topics before tinfoiling. Report all Sharla and Chris non-proof posters and move on. Don't post here unless you have proof of discussion, this includes dating between Chris and Sharla. Encouraged that anons report all posters asserting dating without actual proof, this is NOT a ship threadAKI HAS HER OWN THREAD >>>/w/16634 WHICH ALSO HAS JOEY DISCUSSIONTRASH TASTE HAS THEIR OWN THREAD >>>/w/218113 , DO NOT POST ABOUT GARNT, JOEY OR CONNOR IN THIS THREAD ANYMORE SINCE ANONS APPARENTLY NEED A 3RD JVLOGGER THREAD. So please keep all their family and other friends off this thread from now onThis thread is only for the following cows now.
Sharla & Jun Creative
>Previous Milk:>absolutely nothing>just a bunch of tinfoil about dating and nothing actually concrete at all and it filled the whole thread No. 220012
>>219997Ntayrt, but no this is actually an IMAGE board. So if there is no further proof to discuss WITH LINKED IMAGES, just sit out.
And this is coming from someone who mostly believes they are dating. I don't even mind tinfoiling over NEW pictures of their Europe trip. But the boring back and forth over "yes they are, you crazy" /"No they aren't, you crazy" on the same old "evidence" has to stop. It's frustrating for both parties and very boring to scroll past for the rest of us who are just here for the milk.
No. 220029
>>220028But their cuuups.
The sammmme. Oooooo.
No. 220077
>>220064Well puppetmaster, I hate to tell you but this very strict definition of imageboard is unlikely to be enforced especially for this thread when you see the state of the rest of lolcow. Either you embrace the culture of conversation here, which is different than your classic scrote-focused imageboards (men, by nature of their inferior comprehension of emotion and text, need visuals in order to understand anything at all) and people do also communicate through text here. There has been reaching, anons who said they're getting married on this trip or whatever are pretty stupid. But it's equally stupid to act as if it is impossible, or even unlikely, that two very similar people with a lot of coincidences that point towards them dating…aren't dating. You can't shut the discussion down point blank because there are a lot of flashing red arrows pointing to them dating. The only proof one way or another that will be concrete is one of them saying yes or no, and that isn't going to happen. And if/when it does, it will cease being milk. Until then speculation that is grounded in some form of reality is "milk", and open to discussion. Tinfoiling is crazy shit, that's completely off the wall, like saying Sharla is dating TkyoSam.
(infighting) No. 220113
>>220082But their cuuuuuppps.
Cuuuuupssa. Saaaaame. Oooooo.
Cuppy cup cup.
(shitpost) No. 220124
>>220062This thread in a couple years.
"Just because Sharla is pregnant with Chris'child doesn't mean they're dating. How do you know that he wasn't just the donor and she really wanted a child?"
I think the little breadcrumbs were there but between going to England and Kent specifically together and Chris freaking out and deleting the year old live stream hours after it was mentioned here. The case is closed.
No. 220125
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>>220113You’re the one that refused to move on from the cups and ignore every other Evidence
No. 220127
>>220125Oooo Daiso cuppy cups.
Cuupppppy cup cup.
No. 220135
File: 1655216150487.jpeg (788.67 KB, 1220x1533, ACF14BE5-C6CE-4457-B5CA-C3D90B…)

>>220125Yup the daisy cup so cheap, but Sharla just treat it like something precious to her, for kicks.
No. 220138
>>220062you have a hard time with irony, eh?
I guess you are very young or don't get out much. The pandemic really did a number on many of us, it's ok
No. 220141
>>220124See, that's the thing. Everybody is annoyed NOT because there is possibly circumstantial evidence that points to them being a couple and you pointing that out.
it's the frilly shit.
> between going to England and Kent specifically together and Chris freaking out and deleting the year old live stream hours after it was mentioned hereHe deleted it, yes. The whole Chris freaking out is your headcanon that is just annoying.
No. 220144
>>220142holy fuck,
Could be a number of reasons. There was a few bars of music in the background that got a copyright strike. He didn't like how his belly looked. Whatever. However… THAT WAS NOT MY POINT.
Seriously, you clearly don't get it. It's not about the breadcrumbs or whatever. It's about the friggin frilly narrative you weave around them in your head, and there alone, without any
concrete evidence for them.
OOOOH, he FREAKED OUT! He was sleepless ALL NIGHT while deciding, should I take down the video? Should I not? WhatEVER shall I do? Whatever shall I DOOOOO??
Calm down.
they are most likely together and this is where your headcanon can stop, unless you're somehow obsessed with them, then go crank out a fanfic on Wattpad.
To reiterate for the comprehensively delayed:
- does there seem to be
circumstantial evidence pointing to them being together: YES
- do we know anything about how they feel about revealing it or not, why they are choosing not to, and all these other details you are adding in your little noggin: NO
You cannot make milk out of him "freaking out" if you don't know that he did.
No. 220145
>>220144There was no music in the video nor did he show his belly.
If the grass outside is wet and I know it’s just rained, I (and most people) will assume it’s wet because of the rain. If my face is red after a full day out in the sun, I assume my face is red because of the sun. If Chris deletes an oooold video mere hours after it was posted about here and he didn’t delete any other videos nor does he have habit of doing this, I’m assuming he deleted it because it was talked about here. Simple.
No. 220147
>>220145As I said, and this is the last time I reply to you, because you clearly have some sort of issue:
I agree that it is the most likely explanation.
But it's not the only one. And your entire head cannon story is definitely not something you have proof of. ("Chris freaked out")
By the way, you are revealing your logical flaws in your example:
> If the grass outside is wet and I know it’s just rained, I (and most people) will assume it’s wet because of the rain.Here, we have the situation: the grass is wet and the MOST LIKELY explanation is that it rained.
He deleted the video and the MOST LIKELY explanation (TO YOU!) is that he took it down because of the crap on here.
But you write "and I know it's just rained"
Except here, it's that you ASSUME (probably rightfully) that they are together. You don't KNOW that for a fact.
But your assumption is so STRONG that it bends everything the way YOU want to see it.
I'm a data scientist and it's ok, many people struggle with stats and probabilities/likelihood.
(infighting) No. 220152
>>220148I watched that livestream back when it aired and he’s always very careful not to use music.
Besides, it’s probably still available on wayback machine or something
No. 220164
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>>220127They're not all Daiso cups. That could be explained as a coincidence considering how ubiquitous they are. What isn't ubiquitous is the exact same expensive Lomonosov teacup. Daiso doesn't sell this, and it is definitely the same teacup they're using. Really hard to explain this one as anything other than they live together and share items between one another.
>>>/w/219962>>>/w/219981 No. 220175
>>220173You can see the date next to where it says 'screenshot' it says 2022/06/09
No. 220182
>>220173 this is the l post from 6 days ago.
>>>/w/218722 Lol so your saying that this the person had a picture of saved on their phone from a video that was deleted 6 months ago, and waited till until 6 days ago to post it on here? Lol
No. 220193
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The deniers no matter what evidence is given.
“The cup, the cup the cup. “
They think they are funny, but it’s laughable how hard they want to fight everything, by pretending the cups is the only evidence!
They are like flat earthers, no Proof will ever be good enough! Lol
No. 220208
>>220193while literally all the "deniers" are saying that they think they are together but that you are overreacting…
yeah, totally the same thing, lmfao
No. 220235
>>220219> but we shouldn't get super twisted up about it either way.agree. and…
> I also think a lot of deniers really like winding up some of the more passionate believers, so just try not to take that bait.That is so fun to read, though. No matter what side one falls on.
No. 220319
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Liked by the man himself
No. 220322
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>>220320Lol down the beach from this hotel is where Chris took this
No. 220334
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>>220322Since Sharla, stated the name of her hotel on IG was google maps will show all of y’all that this is the shore of the Scarlet hotel. That’s the same shore that this picture of Chris was taken from. But it’s just a coincidence, lol
No. 220348
>>220340I literally lived in a white villa in Spain with a pool right on the sea like that for 6 years of my childhood but go off. You only have to Google hotels, villas or vacation rentals in Nerja and hundreds of them are white like that.
It’s a piece of wall and pool water with the sea beyond. It could be anywhere on the Mediterranean or Aegean.
No. 220351
Half of Spain’s pools are surrounded by white walls hun. Not sure why you’ve conjured up Santorini.
No. 220353
>>220351I can show you half a dozen pools in Santorini that look exactly like the one in her photo. Betcha can’t show me one pool in Spain that looks exactly like that.
I also haven’t seen Chris say shit about going to Spain lately? He seems to have dropped those plans, perhaps in favour of something else? Like I said, I could be wrong about all this. We will have to wait and see.
No. 220359
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>>220356Sure i here ya. I knew someone was going to say that so I’m going to crop in and show you a better picture of the same coast. Those that help to show that they are in fact the same?
No. 220384
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>>220157Anon there wanna derail the true.
The video went private just hours after an anon here revealed Chris mistake.
Here is a screenshot showing the link towards the video.
No. 220391
>>2203841 year and 4 months old video,400k+ views goes private out of blue…
He did commit a mistake by taking action too fast after the anon exposed that shot.
The screenshot was taken already so no point in making it private . Maybe desperation move?
No. 220407
>>220404Doesn't wanna leave..
Poor Maro.
No. 220431
>>220351because anon had been looking at pictures of Santorini, so that's their entire frame of reference.
again, the same crap. C&S probably are together but the whole stuff around that is some anon's headcanon without any proof
No. 220434
>>220431That’s not true, I’ve been to Spain several times as well as France and Italy. I’m just saying, I poured over photos of Santorini hotels when I was planning my trip and many of those hotels looked a lot like Sharla’s pic. That’s all. Google it for yourself if you don’t believe me.
Of course they could be in Spain or France or Italy or maybe they’re still in England? Maybe they’re not even a couple and we’re all way off base? None of us know anything for sure. It’s all speculation.
No. 220449
>>220447Wow, the reading comprehension of a ferret.
You literally cut out the one sentence you wanted to quarrel with, ignoring the progression that preceded and followed it. Are you just on here to argue? The point of anon you're replying to was to point out that all of this "Santorini? Or maybe Spain? Or Cornwall?" is speculation.
Tell me you're 12 without telling me you're 12.
No. 220487
>>220447Why stop speculating about Chris there. Maybe he’s a shapeshifting alien from the planet Kunthoe.
Or maybe he’s just a friend showing another friend around in between them hanging out with other friends.
The possibilities are limitless.
No. 220488
>>220458Cuppy cuppy cuuuuups.
Has become.
Sanntoooorinnii. Santorriiini.
I wonder if they took their cups with them.
No. 220493
>>220454See, why wouldn’t Chris say he went to Spain if he went there? He’s talked about going on the podcast, but has seem hesitant about it lately. Yet Sharla posts a pic of a pool that does not look like it’s in the UK? That fancy SPA hotel in Cornwall they went to had a pool but it did not look like that.
That’s why I think they are abroad, but NOT in Spain. Because if they were, Chris could just say so and Sharla could keep posting pics from England.
Add to this the fact that the pool looks like it could be somewhere in Greece … makes you think.
No. 220498
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This looks like it could be fun
No. 220508
>>220498Let’s all go.
I’ll be the introverted weirdo in the corner with the hat who acts shy and awkward until I sink my teeth into some juicy gossip and comes alive at the seams.
Let’s all bring matching cups and Santorini bath tubs.
No. 220516
>>220487NOOOO! He deLEEEETED. A. VIDEO. There is ONE and only ONE possible explanation for that! Because he is SO ASHAMED of Sharla.
Why would an alien delete a video. Why? Gimme one reason. Just one other possible reason!
/s and lmao
No. 220540
>>220516Your style of typing is so obvious, I could probably tag every post you've written in this thread but here's a few for starters
>>220488>>220458>>220176>>220147>>220144>>220127in summary, integrate, and dragging on wordddss liikkee thiiss is annoying and unfunny, like there's a 9 year old itt
No. 220543
>>220540LMFAO. I wrote two of those posts.
Not everyone in this thread is a condescending prick. Some of us have a sense of humor.
Cuppy cuuuuuups.
No. 220550
>>220547He said that when he had his mandatory check up that his cholesterol was high.
I don’t think he mentioned anything else.
No. 220598
>>220597Samefag, I'm only here to have fun and don't even watch these jokers, but the dating "secret" is amusing plot to follow especially with how anons dig up this obscure evidence.
posting on lolcow requires integrating which means being anonymous and trying to have a typing style which doesn't stand out and identify yourself. If the one or two retarded anons stopped using ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS and draaaggiinng ouuut wwoords because they have the sense of humor of a small child, then all will be well in the world (and you will actually be following the rules of the board)
No. 220615
>>220597Did actually you mean to reply to
>>220540The projection is astounding. Unless you are the poster in question, but i'm not here trying to police people on typing style or make blind accusations.
>>220598The irony of it all is i've been doing exactly that and been accused of being a different anon each time by a certain bumbling detective wannabe here who's convinced that me and other anons are the same person, so who's the real problem? Jfc, it's gone from mildly amusing to old and tiresome real fast. I was and am not any of the anons i've been accused of being which really says more about our detective's lack of credibility than anything else. And before it starts again, no, i'm not
>>220549 either. Some of you need to go touch grass, breathe in some fresh air, and get some vitamin D. Might clear your confusion and brain fog a bit. I'm done.
No. 220638
>>220550He did a full check up too(said in his podcast).
It seems he is in the doors to enter into a bad condition if not careful,the UK trip was a last joy food wise.
He did a video about it that soon will be posted.
No. 220659
>>220522Didn't think hard enough to think how the expression "makes you think" is used, it seems.
It has a very specific connotation No. 220660
>>220540No, I appropriated the style of the posts you referenced below. The cuppy cup ones. Not the others. Sorry.
It was too tempting.
No. 220664
>>220615Agree. I'm also one of the posters referenced but not all of them.
And this level of detective work and the conviction behind it is exactly how they present the most circumstantial of evidence as 100% facts.
I'm having fun watching the they-are-together-detective crows doing their thing and losing their minds when people poke holes in their evidence. I think they are a couple but showing you how unhinged you are with your silly fanfictions about real people is also important.
No. 220667
>>220658Yeah I always assumed she was posting after moving on for this reason. Like she posted a pic on Twitter and some fan said “Oh you’re in x town I could have come to see you!” Like I’m sure they are fine with chatting when they bump into people but they don’t want to meet up with every random fan, they’re on vacation. Not that the person likely meant any harm but imagine if they took up every offer to meet up they’d have no time to themselves! It’s like the people who always say “Oh I want to buy you a drink when I come to Japan!” to Chris. He’s always good at just avoiding it but it’s got to get old.
Although I guess Lily successfully stalked him into a 3 year relationship haha. I think he’s learned his lesson.
No. 220691
>>220687NTA, but trying to pass it off as true and stating matter-of-fact that they are dating and referring to each other as 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend' really isn't helping your argument. You and other anons are trying to pass it off as 100% true and it's fucking cringey as hell. Seriously, when this thread ends, I'll make you guys a nice Sharla and Chris thread, because you derail the hell out of this one with like
>>220681 said, circumstantial shit.
No. 220706
>>220687When you have anons claiming that there is no other explanation for something, then yes, they are claiming that they are presenting 100 per cent true facts.
If people were saying that they are just speculating, the convos wouldn't have dragged on for 3 threads.
No. 220713
>>220691Maybe you just need to assume all the other anons here realize that they're not trying to prove this in front of a jury. Often all we have with regards to any cow is "circumstantial" unless someone digs up a police report on Luna or taps Shayna's phone or something. We can all just see with our eyes and make our own suppositions based off of what 'evidence' there is. I agree with you that stating they're dating as a fact just empirically cannot be true, but I don't think its as cringey as you do. The Santorini thing was whatever, because obviously they (or Sharla, as she's the only one who shared this white wall pool image) could be anywhere. A lot of pretty Mediterranean resorts look like that. This thread really gets so vicious over something as goofy as sweet, simple Sharla dating chubby, simple Chris. They're probably dating, it isn't a astronomical impossibility that they aren't, but looking at all the circumstances I've got to assume they are. If I were one of the two of them and I wasn't dating this person that it looks so, so much like I AM dating…I'd just make a short video or a pinned comment somewhere saying we're just friends. They never address it even though they both get loads of comments; I agree with anons who say that in some way, they must kind of enjoy the speculation - because they could end it all by saying something (truth or lie!) and instead they leave it unaddressed. Maybe watching us all fighting is great tea conversation, relaxing upon the white walls of Santorini.
No. 220793
>>220755Dude has such a great sense of humor.
His warm gentle smile melts my heart.
No. 220805
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I wonder whose hands are on the background ;)(;))
No. 220807
>>220806FML you speak the truth.
I wish he was my father.
No. 220852
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>>220832>>220832Yes they were but… thst pool picture does not match anything from scarlet hotel in Cornwall. It does look very Greece or nerja Spain, which was a Place chris plan to go to.
No. 220853
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>>220852Looks like this place
No. 220873
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>>220872>>220872Oh yes a much better picture with a little bit more detail
No. 220878
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This is the same natural pool of her insta.
No. 220900
>>220876>>220862>>220837>>220832It must be Santorini! What other explanation do you have for white walls and blue skies and a pool?
No. 220918
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Clearly, the picture was taken in Greece. The white wall, infinity pool, wooden sunbeds hovering the water are all typical for Greece. Idk if Santorini or Mykonos but surely not Cornwall.
Also, don't expect a lengthy vlog from her. She said on her Patreon that her camera broke.(clearly, this is a tinfoil )
No. 220985
>>220977He's not fit or ripped. He has a belly but he's far from being obese and anons on here are acting like he's the next cast member on my 600 pound life (or whatever the show is called).
If a Japanese doctor told him that he has to look out for high cholesterol, it's most likely not as dramatic.
People on here like to pretend that he completely wrecked his health.
Like you're all fitness models sitting around eating carrots all day.
No. 221017
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>>220933It's crazy how much downhill he went from there to the current state.
That video with Cdawgva was recorded around May 9(twitter video showing him reading that Trump book) and this last livestream June 3.
Not even a full month and he gained a decent amount of weight it seems.
No. 221021
>>220985He has said his health is fucked anon.Before the UK trip he took tests besides the cholesterol one; he didn't say what ailments he's going through but he mentioned something like : "if now I don't improve my health I will probably gonna need to permanently take pills in a few years".
I guess this was due the doctor diagnostic.
No. 221028
>>221021His last patreon livestream information right anon?
That upcoming video about his plan post trip migth reveal more.
At least he acknowledges he's not right which is something big from someone with his ego.
No. 221078
>>221021honestly, he's not the healthiest but far from being in acute danger.
Good for him that he wants to get fitter. That is always a good thing. But pretending that he's this obese person who's in imminent danger of horrible health problems is a bit much. Even if he said that he messed up his health.
That's just something people say when they've gained a bit of weight and have been eating a bad diet/not exercising and all that…
I mean, clearly, as he's quickly approaching middle age, making sure you eat better is not a bad idea but it's not an indication of actually having a "messed up body".
My husband keeps saying he cannot have anything with lots of sugar because he doesn't want to become diabetic. He's a muscular fit dude who really doesn't have to worry.
No. 221088
>>221067There isn't a reason to keep
this vacation a secret. (if they even are on vacation)
Let's add pop psych to the pop sleuthing you guys do.
No. 221111
>>221088If they’re on vacation in Greece or wherever I think it kind of makes sense to keep it private. Neither of them usually shares that much of their lives anyway and also probably don’t want to risk being spotted together there by viewers.
Santorini is also a typical couples-vacation spot, it’s very romantic, not like going to Spain. Especially if they stayed in a private villa with an infinity pool, which it looks like judging by the photo Sharla posted. So if that’s where they went, people would probably ask questions if either of them posted photos from there or filmed vlogs.
No. 221146
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>>221093Again you wanna make an argument based on zero facts, csuse you want to be right. sharla has never use marketing shots for those products post! those products are specifically Curated for her, by her! she always takes those pictures herself and usually in her bathroom. these are not marketing pics or advertising pics. If you look at the products they are all open and used, meaning these are her own products!!!! This is the way she does it per the pic here in the past
No. 221216
>>221187Just to say that some people worry even if the condition they worry about might not be imminent.
And by the time his worries reach this board, he's 300 pounds and dying of heart problems.
No. 221218
>>221187God, you are strange. I hope you get help.
A bmi of 30 would indicate obesity, not morbid obesity. And while Chris is clearly past the 25 mark, he doesn't look like a 30. Yes, he doesn't seem to have a high percentage of muscle and he clearly carries some extra weight but he'll try to change that.
Stop obsessing over the weight of a dude on the internet and get help!
No. 221303
>>221218>A bmi of 30 would indicate obesity, not morbid obesity. And? The point is that people here think you need to be morbidly obese to be obese.
>And while Chris is clearly past the 25 mark, he doesn't look like a 30.Google men with 30 bmi.
>Stop obsessing over the weight of a dude on the internet and get help!Chris is the one who brings up his weight and health, and periodically made it a subject in his videos. He's the one saying he's going to be making changes after he was told to do so asap.
No. 221313 doing a small tour of his new place and still makes no mention of having a wife or kid.
He does at the 10.15 point in the video mentions "possibly having roommates in the future"
Did he and his wife get separated and that's why he's in Kyushu? Or is his wife just bankrolling him on this pilot's license adventure?
If she's a lawyer, I can't imagine she'd leave working in Tokyo to move to Kyushu
(learn2embed) No. 221321
File: 1655663772932.jpg (498.59 KB, 1080x1814, IMG_20220619_133302.jpg)

Chris is still in the UK btw
No. 221329
>>221316Oh really?
Did someone show her the shitty comments he makes on YouTube when he gets all pissy?
No. 221330
>>221313Since the apartment is provided by the school I think the roommates would likely be other flight school students, not his family.
His previous videos at home in Tokyo made it pretty clear he was not living with them. Unless he had rented an extra apartment just to film in which seems unlikely given how cheap he says that he is.
No. 221399
>>221238This! It's not his weight, it's the trend.
And then we can stop arguing about whether or not he's obese, anons weirdly obsessed with Chris's weight
>>221236Like yeah, I keep talking about how I am creeping closer to obesity when my bmi hits 21, doesn't make it a real threat, unless there actually is some underlying problem.
No. 221402
>>221303>>221315>>221337Creepy anons are obsessed with
any fucking body type. "Sharla's too plump, Chris is too fat, Taylor is body checking and too thin".
It fucking annoying
and it's not healthy for the anons that I'm assuming are teens based on their naive world views.
No. 221406
>>221402Hey Chris is the one opening the gates and bringing attention to such so it's inevitable that people show interest.
Even more when by his own words it's a problem that goes beyond looks.
If it's looks only I wouldn't care but if it's detrimental for his health well that could affect his content.
No. 221497
>>221450He has talked about doing more adventurous content but having issues due well his state.
He wants to do more things anon if you don't follow his stuff shut up.
No. 221541
>>221497"He's mentioned briefly that he'd like to do more adventurous content so that must mean he will climb Mt. Everest next and he's not fit enough to do
Doing a 2000km cycle and all the other crap he does is not adventurous at all. /s
No. 221563
>>221560I'm more bothered by the short film stuff than anything.
Look how he is addressed by that editor/writer
>>221321 …
"Filmmaker" kek
No. 221569
>>221566When it comes to the movie making point he sure has the $$$ to travel and study properly then return to Japan.
Maintaining his YouTube channel and his personal dream seems doable.
Well that's the view of someone from outside, who knows what else is cutting his wings or something.
I thought meeting Ken Watanabe would give him the confidence to put more fuel in his goals but nope.
No. 221581
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>>221576Funny how the same exact breakfast that chris has back a couple of weeks ago, matched her post and her video. Also Sharla fake vegan with the eggs lol
No. 221598
>>221580No, only the
supersleuths on here are realizing that they are popping up in the same places!
>>221588One video.
Possibly because shows that they are living together. Circumstantial
No. 221606
>>221581She hasn't called herself vegan in a very long time. Or ever?
Often choosing the vegan option and being plant based the majority of your meals doesn't mean she's a strict vegan. Stop policing what people are claiming about their diets. You anons on here always policing influencers' food intake because they often eat plant based stuff and you somehow assume that they claim they're vegan really need to reevaluate your hobbies.
I'm vegan and have become fairly strict over the years with myself but for others, even if she's only 80% plant based that is a massive reduction and a positive influence on her viewers.
No. 221614
>>221588Unless she's an
abusive partner who's forcing him into something he doesn't want, he's probably aware of being in her video, so stop with this silly implication that he's scrambling to hide their relationship.
No. 221646
>>221605She said in the comments that Chris is in the video.
She's with chiaki so he has no issues with revealing such it's a perfect alibi
No. 221653
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>>221628Such negative reaction,it feels like a parasocial simp feeling threatened.
Anyways here is the answer.
No. 221658
>>221653Chiaki husband is also in the video this is giving double date vibes.
Anyways with Chiaki there she has the perfect excuse kek
By the way how odd to not promote the video in twitter as usual.
No. 221685
>>221684Always drops one to mask up stuff.
In her"new" apartment video he commented saying how good is the moving services and dropping a joke.
It's funny and cringe due both living together yet he makes weak lies.
No. 221702
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>>221695I wonder if they have a list of the things one will comment in the video of the other when "collab" happens you know to sell the "meeting".
Chris lives with sharla.
Also Chris:
No. 221715
>>221711She mentioned that her camera broke don't forget (private livestream).
No. 221720
>>221717I wonder how many of those comments are people just wanting them to admit that they are together. If you watch their content it’s clear that they’ve been together the entire trip. You’d have to be particularly obtuse to not realize. The only time they were apart she was filming with Chiaki in London, that was the day Chris did that livestream with Connor.
(They both mention the Jubilee fly over)
No. 221729
>>221643Because they "gotta gatekeep the lolcow board"
No. 221730
>>221650perfect moment for some tinfoil
it's the anon who thinks Chris is morbidly obese and they're scared he'll ruin Sharla
No. 221734
>>221644When was Sharla smug about it?
She mentioned it in relation to a weight-loss diet. When/how did she annoy non-vegans?
> I mean she tweeted that she didn’t want Joey to call her honey because she was a vegan lolDoctor! We're gonna need a sense of humor transplant, stat!
Not everything people say is to be taken at face value. How would that even make sense?!
No. 221738
>>221658God, can you stop pretending that all the people appearing in their videos are some sort of beards?!
She might just have chosen Chiaki to be in the videos because she was hanging out with someone we seldom see in her videos. Not everything is a make-believe conspiracy that you super smart super sleuths decoded.
No. 221743
>>221685Ooooh! That super masking!
He can be with her and
not want to hide it and still make a comment about the amazing moving service because… get this, it's actually great and he likes it.
Are your lives that sheltered and boring you desperately want to create conspiracy and intrigue around two J-vloggers who are as vanilla as they come?
Like, there's enough crap in the world to deal with.
No. 221744
>>221690No shit, Sherlock!!
in that part of the video. kek
No. 221745
>>221656You pick apart everything. “Give me screen shots” you get them. “Tell me how x equal y”
Dude just chill, let people tinfoil. You seem to take this all so personally, it’s hilarious. Why so mad? You’re easy to spot.
No. 221747
>>221704How the fuck is that a lie?! Everything he says is literally true?! how does that even imply in
any way that he wasn't part of the moving process?
No. 221751
>>221702Is this an ESL issue? How is his comment in any way meant to mask anything. Why would they have to have a friggin list of stuff to comment?
Are you an actual human able to communicate with other actual humans?
Literally all he said: 1) Japanese moving companies are amazingly coordinated; 2) that's not how it works in many western countries.
How is any of this implying anything?
Stop. reaching.
No. 221762
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>>221658If it's "the perfect excuse" then, by your logic, she was doing Chris back in 2018 in Korea as well? Since the same four people are on this picture she shared in her 2019 Vlogmas Aomori video.
No. 221763
>>221706I believe they're together but this is not evidence!
a) post a picture.
b) did you also see the amount of crap (including a large pack of cat food) she's bringing back? She probably checked multiple suitcases.
Many of my flights to Japan allow me two checked suitcases.
No. 221769
>>221717I like the viewers foolishness kek
"oh you visited affable man home city you should have recorded something with him"
No. 221770
>>221758I am not denying that they are together. They like 99% are!
I'm denying the fucking reaching that is happening on here!
Do you even understand the difference? Does your reading comprehension stretch that far?
Like "yeah, they have to
plot what they'll write on each other's videos, for conspiracy, ooooooh!"
Get a grip, people!
No. 221782
>>221770They have time what they post at some degree anon otherwise it will be too obvious.
Like Chris picture in the beach and sharla later pictures of the same area that was posted later.
So it wouldn't surprise me if some comments are just to mask up stuff.
No. 221787
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>>221780>>221767I think they were about to get together at that point but that is not a suitcase by the window.
No. 221791
>>221789Not the anon you're replying to but there's many of us who have pointed out that the ones obsessing over his weight are weird.
Also, I'm a straight guy who's not interested in Chris sexually.
>>221787By the front door, not the window. You can see from 10:57 onwards.
And they were probably already living together at that point as Chris had that filming backdrop that looked exactly like Sharla's closet room from June 2019 onwards and which then didn't change until July 2022.
No. 221800
>>221791We have said it already that it became a point of discussion because Chris talks about it in the first place.
If the content creator is fixated about X issue then it's normal the viewers will react and drop opinions about it.
No. 221815
>>221814Poor Chris no recognition.
I guess he was compensated in other way.
No. 221816
>>221791>there's many of uslol
>I'm a straight guy who's not interested in Chris sexually.So the comments hit too close to home then, gotcha.
We've talked waay more about Chris' body in the past and in far more detail, and it wasn't a problem back then. Why is it suddenly a problem now? Why so weird about and obsessed with people discussing a subject Chris constantly and recently brings up himself? Chris is going to continue to talk about his body and weight, so best get used to anons talking about topics that actually come up in his vlogs and streams.
No. 221818
>>221813Because that's your headcanon. Confirmation bias. You see what
you choose to see. If the only tool you have is a hammer, all of a sudden everything is temptingly looking like a nail.
So, example: most people on here assume they are together and they have not made an announcement of it yet for whatever reason. It might not fit their channel (esp. Chris's stuff) or maybe they're over all of that sharing, which might apply to Sharla who got divorced after a very long relationship but fairly short marriage and a move to another country…
But the headcanon people on here are weaving tales of how they're using their friends to hide it and how they are panicking when something comes out, how they are spending a ton of effort on hiding it, etc. etc.
And in older threads it was also stuff like "he must have cheated on Lily and Sharla on her husband".
No. 221820
>>221816>I'm a straight guy who's not interested in Chris sexually.>So the comments hit too close to home then, gotcha.No, thanks for worrying but I am fine. Chris does remind me of my best friend a lot, who has a similar physique and is British too, so maybe I'm defensive. But, realistically, they are overweight not at death's door sort of obese!
That's all.
It's generally the case on these forums that people take one small thing and run with it. And by the time it hits a couple of comments, it's blown out of proportion.
No. 221825
>>221817Rational people exist on here? Thank you for restoring my belief.
I literally caught a vibe between them when watching their journey across Japan segment, so I wanted to look up what's what. I did not expect this.
I'm just a guy who was looking for information on the Shimanami Kaido and got a bit curious about the lives of two Vloggers.
Meanwhile, I went through a rabbit hole where I was believed to have a thing for Chris and/or Sharla as well as being obese.
It's wild!
No. 221833
>>221826Oh please can you buy yourself a brain.
Yes anon Chris woke up and randomly privated that specific video that was being discussed here.
1.5 year old with 400k views out of blue goes private just hours after the screenshot here.
Can you at least be a denier that is parasocial about them?
That way at least one can ignore you.
No. 221839
>>221833Why are you so
Also, the anons pointing out that you reach a lot are probably not the ones who should buy themselves a new brain.
No. 221840
>>221838On here, the rate of the ones who think there's nothing between them is like 1 out of 1000 comments.
The rate of the people who believe they are together but who refuse to entertain your personal headcanon is a bit higher. And I believe you feel some sort of way about that. Maybe talk to someone about that.
No. 221872
>>221867Oh no,just a swift read in the comments and you will see plenty of indirect messages.
Not direct enough to earn the prize of Sharla deleting them though.
No. 221884
>>221867maybe they prefer to not be creepy idiots who like to insert themselves into situations they don't belong in?
Maybe they want to give C&S the privacy they deserve?
No. 221888
>>221572If I remember well he's writing a book right now in the hopes to finish it when abroadinjapan 10 year anniversary hits
So there's that when it comes to his current projects.
No. 222014
>>221918People's diets change. She still
mostly eats vegan food.
Also, answering the question her subscribers ask her a lot doesn't make her smug.
Saying that she's vegan is not being smug.
If you want to know what a smug vegan looks like, I'd direct you to that Jubilee video featuring vegan superhero Erin.
All (but one) other people in that video were also vegan but none of them was smug.
(derailing) No. 222016
>>221984How the heck is she pretending?
She's eaten meat in several videos!
Most of her meal choices seem to be vegan that doesn't mean that she pretends to be vegan.
I had a beyond burger yesterday. Am I pretending to be vegan?
No. 222087
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>>222085kek uh, one screenshot couldn't possibly be enough in Autistic Women's Court,
nonnie? I don't know if Sharla eats meat or not but she surely is enjoying things with cream and butter in them while she's in the UK, which isn't vegan. picrel from her latest video, afternoon tea. She's definitely not vegan anymore, which she has every right not to be, so what are you demanding proof of?
No. 222091
>>222087>>221984“How the heck is she pretending?
She's eaten meat in several videos!”
This was what you said, and you got upset because someone asked for proof?! Y’all love to say this is an image board! Your stupid screenshot of a cake is proving the point that you made up something and now can’t back it up with pics. Anyway it doesn’t matter if she is a vegan or not, it’s not that serious. But also choose a better line then autistic, bye
(autistic samefagging) No. 222127
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>>222091The person who got upset because you asked for proof from being too lazy is not the same person who wrote that, fyi.
In the past months, whenever she went to do something traditional, she'd eat the local foods even if they include meat, if memory serves.
Also, she had eggs in that veggie breakfast, she had eggs and dairy in other dishes too. So that's enough of a "proof" if you needed that. Not sure why proof is even needed here, since all I said is that it's extremely silly to say that she is "pretending" to be vegan and then full on showing eggs and dairy products on her plate. But because you asked so nicely, here's more picrel for you,
Don't know why you're so
No. 222136
>>222117>>222091She's had meat dishes but picked out the veggies while eating, leaving the meat.
That is not a vegan thing to do, commonly…
I think she just dislikes meat since she grew up vegetarian.
Like I randomly remembered she had Jjimdak with meat so that was one I could look up quickly. But there she also says she'd just eat around the meat.
She's clearly not that bothered by it and it's possible she'd have it if it's part of a traditional meal as
>>222127 said. But I don't remember seeing her eat meat, so there's no proof for that.
Still, clearly not vegan. But she's eating vegan meals most of the time based on what she shows and seems to often go out of her way to go to vegan places.
A completely
valid and common diet nowadays. No reason to look at her as some sort of fallen vegan for that. She never struck me as smug or in your face about it.
No. 222141
>>222089>i’m enjoying getting you upsetNTAYRT but you’re a ridiculous derailer and baiter who can’t even figure out the saying ‘couldn’t care less’
‘I could care less’? So you care, but you have the ability to care less than you do? Get tf outta here lmao
No. 222182
>>221829I was temp banned for asking a legit question. I'm not Hannah. I was curious as she seems more popular than some of the vloggers listed by op.
Also, Sharla and Chris are dating. It doesn't matter. You don't need proof and don't have to believe it.
(it was for namefagging just like now) No. 222274
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Lol. Sharla saying how much she likes shopping in England because the clothes fit her well then showing one frumpy dress she says she can't be bothered to try on. A+ vlogging
No. 222325
>>222282I would hardly call that an essay. Also have you considered people who don’t live in your time zone?
Also lurk more.
No. 222370
>>222356AND alleged stayed in one of those fancy hotels in Greece. Those rooms with infinity pools usually cost a pretty penny. No wonder she didn't vlog there, if that's where they went.
I get it though, she probably just wants to be relatable to her viewers.
No. 222389
>>222334I mean, the frames are fine. But the sponsor is a glasses store, meaning she didn't need to choose the transition lenses. She could've chosen anything. It's such a minor thing
nonnie but Sharla's taste in clothing is pretty lame, and the glasses are extremely bad. She's in her mid to late 30s, not 50. She dresses not dissimilarly to her friend Ushka who is like, twenty years older than her. Sharla is a nice girl and I like her, but you can't deny her taste in a lot of things (home decor, clothing, cat garbage) is kind of like a fun 50 year old wine aunt at best.
No. 222393
>>222389I’m just suggesting that since it’s a sponsored post we don’t know whether she chose to have the Transitions lenses or whether they wanted them featured.
I’m not that fashionable so her style doesn’t bother me. For her age it’s fine. The main thing I dislike about her home decor is that Elon Musk picture!
No. 222493
>>222339Somebody likes to pretend they've been to Japan, eh?
It is not
that easy to be vegan in Japan. There's animal ingredients in everything. They find ways to put dashi or egg or dairy into everything that would seem vegan.
Granted, when you've lived there a while, you probably know a few places you can go to.
No. 222495
>>222370> alleged stayed in one of those fancy hotels in GreeceCutting-edge journalism there. You're assuming that based off of one picture of a
tiny sliver of a pool with a tiny piece of a white wall next to it. And of course the fact that one anon (you?) had been looking at hotels in Santorini around the time they saw the post.
No. 222543
>>222540The Wednesday one titled “The art of a deal!”
Starting 14:00 If you listen to the apple podcast APP!
Exact quote
Chris: “if it was the UK, where I flew back from my holiday the other day, and like my luggage just disappeared, for hours.”
Pete: “oh yeah, how was your…how was your trip?
Chris: It was alright
Pete: oh you lost your luggage
Chris: yeah, it took a while, but I did get it back……
No. 222571
>>222543Odd..why Pete stopped midway?
It's a trip whatever the case unless there's something else.
Anyways as some guessed he left the UK briefly possibly with Sharla.
No. 222573
>>222571His vacation,holiday,etc all can be described as trips.
Honeymoon was the word probably and he change it kek
No. 222585
>>222575I agree it would be odd if his sister got married and him too in the same month.
The proposal is a nice headcannon tho kek
No. 222644
>>222617That pool indicates picturesque to you? Weird that.
She could be surrounded by ugly concrete houses and sitting next to a blue pool with a white wall.
So tempted to go out and recreate this with my temporary pool in the backyard and the white wall of our porch. Dreaming of Santorini!
No. 222645
>>222624Chris broad channel is anything he wants tho but it doesn't matter he is simply is not the type of guy that vlogs nonchalantly.
Even more due his occasional paranoid behavior lmao
No. 222653
>>222648Let's see in how many days each announce their return.
Btw S also shared a story so it kinda fits.
No. 222659
>>222651Neither. It's just funny, the tales you weave.
No harm no foul. Mostly just amusing.
I think we all know that there's plenty of islands and beaches in Europe, so it's just amusing that people randomly assume a very specific island. It's even more amusing that some others then go "they might be getting engaged because it's so romantic there!" or maybe they're married and on their honeymoon!
I'm not upset by any of this. Just thoroughly amused.
Funfoil: The wedding they had to go to was
theirs and Sharla's suit with a pink top underneath was a nod to Taylor R's pink wedding suit. And then they flew to Greece for some relaxation at the pool in Santorini (for who needs the sea when you can have an infinity pool!)
No. 222676
>>222657They don't even mask it, jeez.
Maybe more loosening about about it.
No. 222678
>>222657Okay let's throw guesses…
When Chris will announce that he supposedly just "return"?
I say he'll do it in two days.
No. 222744
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>>222708I realise I'm fully indulging the autism in this thread but Santorini-san has got to me. This is why. Santorini is a fucking dot in the scale of the Mediterranean and literally anywhere in the Mediterranean could look like that pic (not to mention loads of other places in Europe). Maybe if I did a Google image search of Yalikavak and I found the same kind of pools then the whole thread would be sperging about how they got engaged in Yalikavak. Yes, it could be Santorini, or it could be any one of literally thousands of Mediterranean resort towns. And btw if you've never been to Santorini it's actually kind of tacky (no offence Greek-mother anon) so don't waste your money flying all the way there from burgerland where I assume you're from given your sheer idiocy.
No. 222754
>>222744I'm Greek-mom anon, no offence taken. Tourism has made many places in Greece tacky.
I was thinking exactly what you were. It's a speck amongst a sea of possibilities. And the fact that I've been there repeatedly, yet somehow that was not the
first and only place that made sense to me despite being somewhat more primed towards Santorini speaks against it.
Also, it really doesn't matter but somehow Santorini-san is annoying me for the same reason.
No. 222755
>>222748Nta but you can't read a map? Clearly they are zooming into Santorini
> And why are you so angry to end with that odd anti American comment?Tell me you are new here without telling me you are new here… Why is this thread specifically so full of new people?
No. 222773
>>222763Sharla can make videos anywhere that's her advantage due the type of channel.
If she were leave what about that house she just bought? I guess she will indeed resell it after improving it.
Chris brand thought without Japan it goes to the drain.
No. 222825
>>222775Her friend Ushka already runs an Airbnb in Tokyo, I think she'd just add another one to her portfolio. TBH I think that was mostly the plan all along, Sharla put some money in, they do it up together, and then Ushka manages it as an AirBNB property. I doubt they ever had plans to literally sell it on since they already mentioned it's got elements that make it undesirable to actual Japanese people/as a long term dwelling. The adjustments they want to make to it as well, like their crazy idea to turn a tiny attic crawlspace into a 'sitting' area, is AirBNB type adjustments, not what you'd do to a house you wanted someone to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for.
>>222812I think you're underestimating the watching power of weebs, anon. I like Sharla but her channel definitely would lose a lot of viewers if she moved to an english speaking western country. Her personality (at least that she shows in her videos) is quite gentle and frankly, uninteresting. Again she's nice and I like her, but as an example of another jvlogger who actually had a 'bigger' personality, Martina from EatYourKimchi, when she did some content in Canada you can see the viewers decline. They have their own thread, just using them as an example of a jvlogger who didn't get views outside of Japan. Sharla won't find interesting and unique cat products in England, for example. Not everyone will go but people don't watch Sharla for her zany personality or humor - maybe if she opened up a bit more, the transition would be better. If she ever leaves Japan at all that is we're just speculating.
No. 222848
>>222822Obviously this wasn't for his main channel dummy as I said expand his income.
Him rambling about whatever in YouTube Livestream gives him 7k+ viewers so this could have been used to build something.
No. 222850
>>222839Jeez her UK blog did 150k viewes in 4 days so far so there's people interested anon.
For a test video it would be a good result.
Doing one video only has more to do with her travelling around with Chris than anything else.
No. 222851
>>222840Indeed he said that,that's why I said missed opportunity.
Even if it was just to test the waters.
No. 222855
>>222820Chris is not dumb he surely knows about the opportunities he has in twitch,he is probably reluctant due being afraid of himself spilling the beans while streaming.
Still big cash opportunity ignored.
No. 222871
>>222857That's because he was close to be burnout due the long lockdown.
He was losing vision (his own words) that's why the upload schedule of this early 2022 has been messy.He talked about this in this month patreon article.
Btw Chris not boasting about the cash he makes doesn't mean he's no money driven anon.
All content creators are like that at some level.
No. 222872
>>222855Yeah I've seen some livestreams where he is messy with what he talks it's more common in the longer ones.
Personally that's cool,I like watching when content creators can be more honest with themselves it must feel liberating.
At the same time I've learned that C tends to think too high of himself so I guess this plays a role.
No. 222895
>>222883The thing is he’s really not interested in filming in the UK because it doesn’t excite him. What he could do is split his time between
UK & Japan film in Japan and also travel throughout Europe to make videos. there be a good look for him to eventually broadened out to filming in the US! I think he will see how successful the trash boys trip to the US has been with their Collabs and hooking up with LA base Youtubers, he will make his way there eventually since he has connections there.
No. 222904
>>222895Chris tends to limit himself frankly,I'd say if he was more bold his channel would have grown more.
And I don't mean he is not creative because he has done good projects my opinion goes more to him going outside the JP bubble he is in.
Is not a bad place true,he is in a safe and great position in comparison to other Jvloggers just feeling that for his "goals" he needs to do bigger jumps than only Japan.
No. 222910
>>222904It depends how big are the goals.
If just doing any short film makes him feel fulfilled he can do that anywhere then call it a day and close this page in his life.
After it he can do YouTube as always then eventually retire.
Knowing his full ambition is key for your idea.
No. 223023
>>221818>And in older threads it was also stuff like "he must have cheated on LilyThe vendetta sperg who started this whole discussion is obviously Lily.
>Writing style of posts is the same as her twitter >>146607 >>146902
>Mentioned breakup details >>146372Like this anon says there was definitely a relationship overlap
>>218599 which is likely her motive for doing this shit. Pretty sure she's still posting here.
No. 223043
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Norm threatening to dox someone.
No. 223045
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No. 223046
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No. 223047
>>223043What the hell? How do people not distance themselves from him?
Even the videos when he's being nice to one of them, like Sharla or Chris, he seems slimy and oily.
Like when he was with them at that shamisen place and pretended not to play it to then show off. That in itself is fine/could be fun but the way he was then talking about it made me gag. He was glowing from self-adoration while desperately trying to pretend that he is humble.
Cannot remember which video that was.
No. 223055
>>222984>>222653It took two days ,my guess was correct.
I can already picture the make up stories he will come up with of his UK trip and more for any future livestream.
"ALONE" returning and going blah blah blah blah top kek
No. 223067
How are they the same? Where has any of them displayed similarly unhinged and awful behavior?
No. 223075
>>223046The sexual predator stuff doesn't surprise me in the least. The way he's around the shamisen girls is creepy.
Norm working for free explains why Chris might use him, but doesn't explain why Sharla has been friends with him since she was 19. I think she'd be more than familiar than the anons at PULL and lolcow with his sock-puppet and other unhinged online behavior considering she knew him online for 10 years before they even met in person and she got him into vlogging. Not to beat a dead horse, but that's also why I'm skeptical she was just humoring Mira when they were gossiping about the rest of the jvlog crew and Mira was using sockpuppets to harass Rachel and others.
No. 223077
>>223068Sharla simply keeps up with Norm shenanigans probably.
Great friend they are probably.
No. 223092
>>223075Norm kept plugging his overnite camping trip with Sharla - was it last year? Never ended up happening funnily enough nor was it rescheduled. Seems kinda gross now with the probability that C&S have been together for some time
The predator stuff is not surprising , creep is modding fat fetish subreddits. He uses that winky emoji too often as he does in his replies on YouTube
No. 223096
>>213031Cant find Norm username on reddit now?
>>223043“My online investigator”
No. 223126
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As some previously said he'll indeed start a weight loss journey.
Will it actually happen thought?
No. 223127
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The Chris x Sharla plus "natsuki" video got scrapped.Guess his Japanese was indeed crap as he said or couldn't edit away the flirting kek
No. 223129
He seems to think that he can change one or two things in his life, and then he’ll lose weight. He lives exceedingly unhealthy and has to change so many of his habits, that it is probably not possible unless he gets some expert help. In order to permanently lose weight he need to:
1. Get a better sleeping schedule and stick with it.
2. Do cardio in the morning.
3. Start cooking his own food or find suppliers, that cook healthy take away (practically impossible).
And those are just the big steps. He needs to stand up while working instead of sitting slouched over a table. He needs to put in regular small exercise breaks where he goes for a walk and a stretch. He should have a proper breakfast - something like oatmeal and not sugary yogurt, cereals or whatever. Drink coffee with a bit of milk instead of cappuccinos and coffee with syrup. He needs to find healthy snacks like carrots to have when he gets hungry or swap or snacking with more exercise.
And that’s just off the top of my head. I don’t think it’s realistic, but I do root for him and anyone who tries to lose weight. I always thought the people trying to change their life’s were the cool ones in the fitness center, and not people like myself who have never struggled with weight.
No. 223130
>>223127Only a few weeks ago he was saying on Reddit that hit was a fun video he was going to edit once he got back from England. I wonder what changed?
It is also the first video with Sharla on his main channel in years and he decides to scrap it? Unsurprising. It will not surprise me if she is not part of the new video. After deleting that old livestream it will also not surprise me if he never collaborates with Sharla again.
His need for perfectionism is annoying in my opinion, I thought it was good that he admitted that his Japanese was pretty crap in the video. Some jvloggers like to pretend like they are much better than they are.
No. 223147
>>223129>>223126I forgot where, and I hate when people say shit like this and don't back it up with images or sources, but he mentioned signing up for Operation Fit Club or something recently. So, for him, once again, it'll probably a massive event with plenty of fanfare to lose the weight rather than making small, yet increasingly larger, permanent changes to his health habits that will sustain themselves over time.
So he'll be like those fatties in boot camp year after year instead of realizing he can just say "no" to fried foods.
No. 223163
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No. 223193
>>223092> Seems kinda gross now with the probability that C&S have been together for some time Why is an overnight trip with a friend gross when you're in a relationship?
You've never gone camping with a platonic friend of the sex of your preference?
No. 223194
>>223130Yeah so weird,it is even quite rare for him to comment in Reddit too.
But he went on and was told don't worry it will happen .
No. 223198
>>223129Why do you spread half-assed advice?
all of the advice you listed is half true and half helpful at best, and mostly irrelevant.
People like you annoy the hell out of me. I'm a personal trainer and nutritionist. And you need to know way more than you see in those videos that he posts to be able to dole out advice. Looking at his body composition, cardio is less of a concern, he most probably needs to lift weights. and if he lives in Japan and uses public transport, he gets some cardio through walking anyways.
And standing up while working is advice you cannot give when you don't know his body. There is as much research against standing desks as there is for them.
No. 223202
File: 1656258063582.png (856.24 KB, 1069x1709, Screenshot_20220626-162623.png)

Was the PULL thread about Norm archived?
No. 223206
>>223201Yeah in no moment he talked about it yet a fair number were asking about it.
Also he supposedly only passed through Switzerland as any other country while flying yet he talked as if he visit it or something.
Makes me remember Sharla unexpected trip to there that she tweeted 2 days ago.
No. 223243
>>223198If you really are a personal trainer, then you know that there are different schools and ideas. My point was primarily that he needs to change so many of his habits that it’s not realistic unless he gets professional help.
Also, he has too much belly fat and his arms looks like he actually does do weights, so knowing only his public persona, I would say that he needs to do cardio more than lifting weights. But he needs to do both. They are complimentary and not mutually exclusive.
No. 223302
>>223289They can't interact without being too obvious probably kek
Anyways content wise doing a video of "I talk in Japanese" is way more interesting if the other person is indeed Japanese.
That would be actual content than chatting with his gf in Japanese.
No. 223304
>>223243There are different "schools of thought" but there's also science.
And cardio is clearly not enough in many cases unless you're in a significant deficit. Can't outrun a caloric equilibrium or surplus. And stuff like "start with a proper breakfast" is what might actually get him into that surplus. What if he's not a breakfast person?
Also, assuming that he's constantly "hungry" for snacks so he should just eat carrots is not an amazing tip unless you actually know for a fact that he's constantly hungry.
He seems to be more the type to eat one or two meals that he doesn't know add up to a ton of calories.
All of these habits boil down to calories. And in most cases where weight creeps up slowly over like 10 years and then finally gets to a point where it's hard to ignore after something like a pandemic, it's due to underestimating how many calories are in a bowl of ramen.
No. 223357
>>223202Following on this actual subject of Norm, is there a link to the archived PULL thread ?
Trying to steer away from this non milky fatboy + boringgirl topic
No. 223378
>>223360Pretty sure one could call out Chris if he collabs again with Norm.One could show the trash person Norm is and how Chris accepts such for his channel.
A situation like this could be milk but I feel medium to big Jvloggers are aware of Norm true online behavior u.
No. 223411
File: 1656319141795.jpeg (84.61 KB, 828x315, B7C0B09F-A5D7-4AE4-A667-B4F22B…)

Well looks like Chris is still on good terms with Norm despite all the shit on the sub.
No. 223420
File: 1656324685796.png (1.47 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220627-101935.png)

A man of culture I see(moid)
No. 223425
With the amount of accounts that get hacked into on insta these days I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case for this one.
Not that I care but it’s kinda obvious that’s what it is
>>223420Go back to Reddit, scrote
No. 223444
decidedly didn't look like the ones on that, likely hacking, account
No. 223445
>>223430The weight he mentioned in the video is off actually.
In the patreon livestream of yesterday he mentioned that he gained almost 4 kilos during the UK trip so the BMI of 29 is already above 30 which is considered obese.
He mentioned to feel lethargic, ruined and exhausted previously plus reject friend invitations to do trips so anons were right.
One can see that he's capping in what he's saying when it comes to what eats because if he doesn't eat crap food that much then why he is gaining more than maintaining his previous weight at least.
You are personal trainer and nutricionist he ain't so don't expect him to do the proper steps dummy.
No. 223447
>>223442Oh that video definitely revealed he's an ass guy.
He was probably getting off with all those shots of her ass while editing that video back then kek
No. 223453
>>223445> He mentioned to feel lethargic, ruined and exhausted previously plus reject friend invitations to do trips so anons were right.He clearly had some depressive episodes during the pandemic…
> One can see that he's capping in what he's saying when it comes to what eats because if he doesn't eat crap food that much then why he is gaining more than maintaining his previous weight at least.You know how easy it is to gain weight gradually?! You don't need to eat 2000 extra calories every day! It adds up. It's not like he ballooned up in 2 months (UK trip, maybe, if what you're saying is right). He's been working on these extra 10 or 14 kilos for a few years now.
> You are personal trainer and nutricionist he ain't so don't expect him to do the proper steps dummy.I wish him luck and I'm sure he's not a dummy and he'll do it right.
Don't wish anybody bad luck when it comes to their health. Especially someone who seems unproblematic.
No. 223454
>>223415> Told you they're all the sameYou ok, mate?
How are they all the same?!
No. 223455
>>223449It could be just a personal kink of him nothing else.Although yes that account could have been indeed hacked too.
I just checked and the last post of such account is in 2021 so it seems difficult to be hacked ,he would have recognize it and unfollow it long ago.
Im siding more with the idea that he was exploring the account and clicked follow by mistake.
No. 223458
>>223453Well his message about how he was feeling was a
valid argument for anons ideas.
Most that follow him him know how he used to be chubby yes nothing odd but he did went above this last year and he admits it in livestreams.
I'm frankly interested in this direction he's taking so not bad wishes and idk if unproblematic…with Norm as his buddy I can't really trust him.
No. 223460
>>223455Yeah I took a quick look and yeah little chances to be hacked considering the date of the last post(2021).It should have recent posts so it justifies fresh hacking and C not realizing it.
He lurked around the account and follow it by missclick.
No. 223471
>>223464No I mean the account he followed.
It's not a recent hack so C most likely follow it by mistake.
No. 223494
>>223445>In the patreon livestream of yesterday he mentioned that he gained almost 4 kilos during the UK trip so the BMI of 29 is already above 30 which is considered obese. Thank you. Chris simp acted like I was crazy for suggesting he was closer to 30+ than 25.
>>221187>>223465What a turn around, personal trainer. Earlier you insisted Chris wasn't obese at all
>>221218>And while Chris is clearly past the 25 mark, he doesn't look like a 30. No. 223499
>>223494He doesn't look 30…
That anon seems to not even see the video properly,he mentioned how he uses clever angles to hide the it.
No. 223518
>>223494> What a turn around, personal trainer. Earlier you insisted Chris wasn't obese at allYou seem to assume that everybody is the same person? I'm the one who said he doesn't look like he's 30 or 30+. And also the one who said he's not technically obese. Which, according to his numbers (88kgs) he's not.
At least, pre-UK he wasn't.
I feel like a lot of people don't realize how small of a difference lies between 25 and 30. For reference, if you are a 5ft10 male (1.77m for my normal measurements friends); 88kg brings you to a bmi of 28 but just 6kg more brings you to an "obese" bmi of 30.
So… There are not the worlds of difference between these numbers, as many of you seem to think. Imagine weighing yourself one day and being 29, then having water retention the next and being 30. In any case it's extra weight that he should address and slowly work on. All I was saying is that y'all can calm the hell down with pretending that he's morbidly obese.
On an unrelated note: how short is he?
No. 223523
>>223519I don’t think Connor would do that to him and besides, Chris is in Sendai and Connor in USA.
He was probably watching some of the videos and accidentally followed! If he had been hacked he probably would have said so.
No. 223524
> I wonder if a friend had his phone and followed that account as a joke. I can see Connor thinking that would be funny.Haha, I thought something like that too.
Not because liking larger badonkadonks is shameful or bad but that account doesn't look good or aesthetic.
No. 223526
>>223519I agree with him looking more chubby than fat.
And exactly, between anything above skinny being "fat" in Japan and the way he generally talks about himself, he makes a bigger deal out of it.
If he's like 5'9" or 5'10", losing 10kg is not a big deal and would bring him into normal weight range.
No. 223530
>>223524I mean, no shame if he is but I can’t see him putting it on his Abroad in Japan Instagram. Bit unprofessional lol.
I didn’t mean to accuse Connor just meaning a friend could have done it and it’s kind of a younger person thing to do. I’m older than them and I would never do that but when we were younger I could see some guys I know doing it for a laugh. Especially when someone takes themselves quite seriously.
No. 223535
>>223529He's almost the height as Connor.
I think he said he's just 1 centimeters shorter 5'9.
No. 223538
>>223535"almost the same height"
My f keyboard.
No. 223551
>>223534Still doesn't answer how the poster who found out that Abroad follows that account did. Did you randomly go around looking at big booty accounts that haven't posted in over a year?
Is this an inside job?
No. 223560
>>223558Addressing it, even if hacked, draws way too much attention to it. More than it needs.
And why would it be embarrassing for Sharla?
A very large percentage of men who know how to use the internet watch things of a titillating nature. A large percentage of women too.
No. 223565
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>>223529Lol chris is the same height as Connor 5’9. He is taller than Sharla. Ps I went back to watch their old video to get a screenshot of their height difference and I forgot how much chemistry they had back then. While they both were in different relationships. Oooof it was soooooo obvious!
No. 223567
>>223565They look good here. Their chemistry is smoking in all the JAJ episodes and all the videos they did, even that video where she gets her ears cleaned.
Don't think they cheated on their partners, but honestly they were destined for each other. Good for them for realizing it!
No. 223575
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>>223565Chris and Connor are similar height. Both have said they are around 5’9.
No. 223576
File: 1656369653644.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2211x1284, EEF59D34-D945-48D6-91D2-19F458…)

>>223575Joey who had said that he is about 6”2, height difference with Chris.
No. 223577
File: 1656369898596.jpeg (1.93 MB, 2172x1284, 1DA78735-C8BC-4075-89BF-9AAAA8…)

>>223576Trashtaste boys heights difference for scale. Garnt said is is 6’3, Joey 6’2 Connor 5’9
No. 223584
>>223558Pretty sure he even jacks off to porn too despite being in a relationship it's quite normal frankly.
I'd say the quality of the booty in that account was really odd tho.
No. 223585
>>223582He said he was 5'9 anon and Connor said the same.
In fact he's just 1cm shorter.
No. 223587
>>223584Agreed, the quality was indeed odd. Chris is also a very private person and is careful not to reveal things. It seems weird that he would be careless enough to accidentally reveal that he likes to watch that kind of instagram account.
Perhaps he really was hacked.
No. 223591
>>223518In his last video he was 88kg as he said but in his patreon livestream he mentions to have gained 4kg due the UK trip.
92kg for 5'9 guy is already early obese stages unless he has thick bones.
No. 223592
>>223587Because he's private we don't know if he has odd kinks or anything anon.Due an old video we can infere he's an "ass" type of guy at least.
I feel someone hacking him would have done way more damage…my bet is simply that he missclicked while lurking.
No. 223598
>>219948>>223540all the jvloggers lurk here and have been caught lmao. They're probably on here more than most of us and refresh every 2 hours. Chris immediately unfollowing that account was stupid and makes it obvious.
sharla/chris are probably on here the most considering they want to keep their shit secret and monitor what people know
No. 223602
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>>223596Is it that big of a deal. Human heterosexual male like girls with big butts. I mean I would be ashamed to show that I have Joey’s taste in Lolis, but big butts is hardly offensive. I mean now we know why he doesn’t date Japanese girls lol lol. also we should have known he was an ass man from these 2 lol.
No. 223605
>>223565> While they both were in different relationships. Oooof it was soooooo obvious!That can happen. Good for them for realizing it.
Also, do we know that she was still with her husband and not separated already?
No. 223608
>>223596Na that would be a bad move.
Simply missclick has the most chances to be true due being something that has happened to all of us.
No. 223612
>>223611Seems to me that S is more carefree lately.
C is paranoid as ever.
No. 223613
>>223609Oh yeah I know there are more factors that's why BMI is faulty and even regarded as outdated.
Still is useful when it comes to the average person .
No. 223649
>>223541>>223591If you do the reverse math from his bmi and weight it reveals in the latest video his height is 5'8.5 or 174cm. Connor isn't tall. Even Garnt towers over the other trash taste guys but isn't that tall. He even mentioned that James May was taller than him.
>>223609Exactly. A lot of people don't understand bmi or what obese actually means. Chris is obese and has a 30+ bmi at this point. It doesn't mean he's the body type most people see as obese or that the bmi is lying. It's a simple formula that applies to most people especially since very few are the muscular athletes who are able to break the measurement.
No. 223651
>>223602Sharla is what I would consider good ass, not big big big. Lily on the other hand has untoned saggy bags that looks like the behind of a 57-year old, to go with her tree trunk legs.
>>223596Chris wouldn’t be able to prove it was Norm, so this could be likely .
No. 223666
>>223411this response feels sort of like a forced one, almost like he’s trying to keep him on side .
I’m time poor but has norm recently liked any of Chris or Sharla’s vids?
No. 223673
>>221218 and
>>223465 didn't sage. If you aren't the unsagged anon, why were you even responding when no one was referring to you?
No. 223677
>>223651For all we know Sharla rear can be in worse state ,hard to judge without recent pictures.
Btw Chris can be into that.
No. 223732
>>223730Really? Unless they were just joking around, that’s pretty shitty of him. And yet he filmed with Connor, whom he can film with literally whenever he wants.
He also never promotes the podcast on his social media.
No. 223739
>>223730>>223732I really hope he isn't fading away from Pete or the podcast especially since he still supports Norm. Pete is a little too outspoken sometimes but is actually a nice guy.
Though I wonder how Pete feels about Chris and PewDiePie trying to work together. While I think Pewdiepie has matured now it was no secret that Pete didn't appreciate his edgy antics in the past. That's the only thing I can think of that'd cause a rift and Chris would of course choose Pewdiepie the biggest YouTuber over Pete.
At the end of the day though Pete is rich, has a podcast empire (abroadinjapan is something he does for fun) and his girlfriend is very pretty. His life is fine and will be fine even if Chris breaks up with him.
No. 223747
>>223727I think it was correct.
He was just chatting with pete for 30-50 minutes without a panel to sign anything so calling people to come would be kinda unfair.
And well Sharla was there which was a major factor too.
No. 223754
>>223747He didn't liked any tweet tagging Sharla and him about the podcast event so it's obvious she was one of the reasons he abstained from promoting it.
(Yes he liked some that only tagged him and Pete)
No. 223770
>>223762Not at all. I just don’t think that he would follow that on his main Instagram that he uses to promote his work.
Doesn’t affect my opinion of him at all.
No. 223778
>>223763I guess some people think content creators have otherworldly tastes.
He's just a guy whose job puts him in front of a camera nothing else he jerks off to whatever he likes and more.
Not that I'm saying he's into that but if true it wouldn't matter for his job.
No. 223788
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>>223782Really? Ok I’m again not the person who originally posted that but here’s the screenshot I took after seeing it on here. Might want to rethink that career.
No. 223795
>>223784>>223786He lasted almost the same with the unstable fan Lily so I would not rule anything.
At least not until they get married or have children.
No. 223806
File: 1656437335324.jpg (247.06 KB, 948x1993, IMG_20220628_122838.jpg)

>>223782This is either a simp of those two or one of their friends.
Several people have seen it so photoshop my ass I do even remember it got posted in trashtaste but got removed.
No. 223807
>>223803Saying they have chemistry as argument is kinda silly tbh due the fact we can't compare it to lily because she ain't a YouTuber,but they lasted a lot so something must have clicked to begin a relationship obviously.
Most guessed almost 3 with Lily as well .
No. 223859
>>223807True, but if she was his fan first as some people here have said then there’s a weird imbalance from the get go. At least Sharla and Chris started on equal footing as jvloggers.
Also Chris and Sharla’s chemistry is pretty rare, it’s not often it’s that strong and obvious. Everyone notices it, even casual viewers.
No. 223864
>>223806More than 1k upvotes…
A good chunk of users saw Chris horny(or mistake) hours.
No. 223865
>>2238064 days ago? how long was he following that account before he noticed? LMAO.
it's a little funny if he followed it right after his England trip, being alone for the first time after spending like 5 weeks with Sharla. either way, poor Sharla having EVERYONE know her bf watches this stuff.
No. 223866
>>223754> He didn't liked any tweet tagging Sharla and him about the podcast event so it's obvious she was one of the reasons he abstained from promoting it.Yes, make absolutely
everything about how he wants to hiiiide the relationship. yet they travel at the same time and shit.
God, you guys had so much fun "finding out" that you still want clues to look for even though the mystery has been solved.
In Scooby Doo, do you stick around after the villain has been unmasked to see whether they show how he filled out his tax forms wrong or something similarly silly?
No. 223871
>>223865Why the heck would you say "poor Sharla"?
If you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend, they probably also had some kind of kink and watched some adult type of entertainment. Assuming you're not 12.
No. 223873
>>223871Because they're both people with large followings and maybe it's not funny to have everyone know your boyfriend's kinks? ESPECIALLY since it looks like he followed that account just after spending 5 weeks with her.
People will say stuff like "well he ain't getting enough at home" and even if that's not true maybe that's hurtful for her.
No. 223881
>>223879Okay I word it badly.
Chris attempts kek
No. 223882
>>223878I remember cdawgva said in his livestream "yeah Chris show that one" when he was doing meme review of the TT sub.
Maybe he checks occasionally.
No. 223883
>>223881LMAO he just up and deleted it right away, like no second thought. which looks panicky as fuck IMO, for one grainy-ass screenshot.
if no one suspected that Chris and Sharla lived in Morioka together, they sure as shit do now after he deleted the livestream.
No. 223884
>>223883Frankly idk why he did so,you can edit uploaded videos even the old ones without problem.
Throwing a 400k views one to the bin so rashly is dumb.It show us what is his most important priority.
No. 223909
>>223904Sure, but Sharla and Chris NEVER talk about sex in any way, shape, or form on youtube or their socials. Some youtubers do, but clearly, they are very private people.
I don't think either of thems comfy having millions of people now know Chris (likely, unless he was hacked) likes huge asses.
No. 223913
>>223909Frankly I don't see the drama on Chris possibly having a kink for big asses.
It's at least a "normal" kink….one look in the web can show us the down bad kinks.
No. 223922
>>223917It's funny how the account is inactive which could mean he's visited a few times in the past.
I also find it ironic that this comes right at the heels of his "I weigh more than ever" video or whatever. Sharla has visibly gained weight as well (which suits her IMO) so maybe this is a confidence boost for her, who knows.
No. 223931
>>223918Exactly that hacking idea seems really unlikely.
Let's do a small timeline the Reddit post is apparently almost 4 to almost 5 days old and they returned to Japan around 4 days(Sharla tweet) as well so this could have happened just before the flight and during it.
Maybe a he did a quick one to be relaxed during the flight(flying is not his forte) and clicked follow by mistake.
Btw this also makes the idea that someone grabbed his phone and followed that single account really unlikely.
No. 223940
>>223937And no oral.
And put the cat outside the bedroom so it doesn't see kek
No. 223953
>>223944There's not much to track I mean by that Reddit post we can assume he followed that account almost 5 days ago which is around the time of his flight back to JP.It is quite easy to put together.
>>223924Top kek
>>223945Emma knows his shit I bet,it's not hard to realize when a guy is checking ass around and even more when big groups get together(old TC times) she was simply poking the bear to see if it reacts .
No. 223954
>>223873You read a bit much into everything.
Like the 10 people who'll know matter to her. This can be a joke she can torment him with for a bit.
> People will say stuff like "well he ain't getting enough at home" and even if that's not true maybe that's hurtful for her."People will say"… yeah, because chris and sharla are topic no. 1 all over the world. Got no other issues in life?
No. 223955
>>223883> which looks panicky as fuck IMO, for one grainy-ass screenshot.…is what YOU interpret it to be showing.
> if no one suspected that Chris and Sharla lived in Morioka together, they sure as shit do now after he deleted the livestream.You really live in a world where your stuff you post here is super important to a large number of people, don't you? cute
you guys are funny. I believe they are dating but I would
love for them to come forward proving they're not because it would be hilarious seeing all of you weirdos bend over backwards to still make it "a thing".
No. 223956
>>223954Bit more than that, it was also posted on the TT sub and had like 1000+ upvotes.
Just saying, maybe now their friends know Chris potentially likes big asses, it could be awkward when they hang out like "we know they know"
No. 223959
>>223907That's because you're not subscribed to the "Chris does everything, but actually
everything, he does to conceal that he is dating/living with Sharla headcanon of some crazies on here.
No. 223962
>>223961Jeez it's not my fault you have an impecable image of him anon.
You think at 32 or being a YouTuber makes him immune to kinks and shit?
Jeez grow up.
He clicked followed by mistake around 5 days ago nothing else.
No. 223964
>>223913The anons thinking this is drama are young teens who spin every detail into weird fanfiction shit.
It's like the stories you hear about that are spun from like two lines between two obscure characters in a book or movie.
Same thing, ecxept, weirdly, in this case, it's about real life people.
Although, I've heard that babies struggle with distinguishing reality and stuff they see on screens. I wonder if that's still true for these anons.
>>223909Lol, "millions of people". You are cute. You and your delusions.
No. 223967
>>223914Don't go back to those pro ana sites, honey!
Don't let people tell you that the legs on this picture
>>223602 of a slim to average woman are "tree trunk" legs. It's called cellulite and a very, very large proportion of women has it. You might get it to once you go through puberty. But it's ok. Puberty is perfectly normal and you shouldn't fear it.
No. 223968
>>223956Between guys no one will care,the worst will be just having ammunition to bully Chris which is something irrelevant because guys love to annoy the hell out of each other.
His female friends will not touch the subject…besides it's common.
No. 223977
>>223944> the full 4 minutes session of bland vanilla sexby all means, let's turn this into a share your personal kink sess. By the looks of it, 80% of anons on here have an "imagining C&S going at it" fetish.
>>223953> Emma knows his shit I bet,it's not hard to realize when a guy is checking ass around and even more when big groups get together(old TC times) she was simply poking the bear to see if it reacts .You
gotta get off the internet every few days. Go out, enjoy the sunshine, interact with actual real life people. Not just the fictions in your head, girl!
No. 223981
>>223977Do I have to go out to understand guys look at asses nonchalantly and that some migth do it with high frequency?
Jeez anon if wanna defend or anything at least read what you type otherwise you are confessing to know shit about men.
No. 223982
>>223962> Jeez it's not my fault you have an impecable image of him anon.By your reading ability, I'm guessing you're in the 3rd grade? Maybe a weak student in the 4th grade?
What are you doing on this board, Beverly! get off now, young lady!
No. 223985
>>223956ahahahaha! Surely you
must be kidding?
Have you
seen what the TT people put out there about their kinks?
>>223971Oh no! How
ever will she cope? The humanity! So Aki doesn't have a problem with Joey's tastes in Anime being out there? Garnt's wife has no issues with what he puts out there? But pooooor, poooooooooor Sharla! Think of the shame! the SHAME!
No. 223987
>>223972Or the big ass.
Do you seriously think anyone cares about that shit?
No. 223988
if you are a sheltered 14 year old
No. 223991
>>223977Not sure what you read but I was mocking the people who think that this is a big deal and that all of their friends will now and forever
only think of
that and
only that whenever any of them meet.
Someone seems to think that Emma is a keen observer of Chris's kinks and preferences and will "poke the bear" to get a reaction because it's such a super important subject that just
needs addressing!
Do you casually keep on trying to find out about and making remarks about your male friends preference for ass, legs, or boobs? Cause I don't.
No. 223992
>>223987I don't, check the answer to that comment.
Besides a common as hell kink.
No. 223993
>>223981Not sure what you read but I was mocking the people who think that this is a big deal and that all of their friends will now and forever only think of that and only that whenever any of them meet.
Someone seems to think that Emma is a keen observer of Chris's kinks and preferences and will "poke the bear" to get a reaction because it's such a super important subject that just needs addressing!
Do you casually keep on trying to find out about and making remarks about your male friends preference for ass, legs, or boobs? Cause I don't.
No. 223994
>>223990Well? how else can you explain it? You can't!
You deniers are so funny
No. 223995
>>223992> I don't, check the answer to that comment.Many here seem to, though.
> Besides a common as hell kink.Absolutely. Yet it titillates the heck out of people here. The amount of headcanon crap they can milk from this is staggering.
I'm seeing 10-chapter fanfictions being born. I hope there's a happy ending. No pun intended.
No. 224009
File: 1656472119368.jpg (840.95 KB, 1440x1662, Screenshot_20220628-230042_You…)

So up in my recommendations I get suggestion for a Jvlogger I never watched yet but is collabing with Sharla … in Chris' studio. It's really nice of Chris to let Sharla collab with others in his studio where he is only breifly featured after they come back from their platonic trip to the UK. Hahaha. I mean at this point they're probably just trolling the handful of deniers who refuse to admit they are dating.
>>223993Emma was just teasing Chris not trying some super mind game. She's probably caught him staring at Sharlas ass and probably Akis and her own a million times by now. Guys aren't as subtle as they think. It's not a scandal that Chris likes one of the two or three areas guys especially like on a woman. Half of the male jvloggers are open about way more niche lewd interests just look at trash taste especially Joey and Garnt.
No. 224012
>>224009Kinda feeling they recorded one after the other.
Chris was probably in the couch of his studio.
No. 224056
>>224009> collabing with Sharla … in Chris' studio. It's really nice of Chris to let Sharla collab with others in his studio where he is only breifly featured After he and Loretta (who is an awesome J-vlogger, btw!) filmed a video there. They even make the joke at the beginning of the video… That she has just ten seconds before the video with Sharla starts? Were you somehow out to get a bowl of chips during that part?
> after they come back from their platonic trip to the UK.This is an old video. Loretta makes a joke that it takes her a while to edit. I don't know if that was still the case at the time they filmed that but Loretta had a "day job" and couldn't devote as much time to youtube. Also, if she's had the baby a bit after filming that, then she's also been busy with other stuff.
She's had the baby she's pregnant with in the videos already so this is not a recent video.
> Hahaha. I mean at this point they're probably just trolling the handful of deniers who refuse to admit they are dating. Sorry to burst your bubble but it
might just be the case that not everything in their lives is about you. You "super sleuths" don't mean that much to them or others.
They are most likely dating and good for them. They most likely just chose not to make a big deal out of it (maybe yet, maybe ever?). And somehow that drives you guys nuts.
And whenever somebody, even people who also believe they're dating says something along the lines of "but that is not proof" or "that's circumstantial", you lose your shit and think that the people calling this non-evidence out are crazy.
At this point, you are my morning commute entertainment! Thank you for your work, comrade!
Half expecting two responses:
- the cups! the CUPS!
- the deleted lifestream! there is no other explanation than a millisecond glimpse of a
ceiling being the culprit for its deletion.
No. 224057
>>224017that's because they are not part of the patreon. They heard something that someone heard from someone adjacent to someone who's actually paying.
Airtight case.
No. 224059
>>224012yes. They did. It's part of the videos. Both of them. And you can hear Sharla say something on topic during Chris's interview. Seriously, the nut cases who like to pretend that they were hiding
anything about being there together need help. (>>224009
No. 224063
>>224047I don't think the point of
>>224045 was to be a denier. It was to call out the
shippers. Not everybody who believes that two people
might be together is an insane shippers. But the people on here who gather all of this "proof" that isn't proof and who spin shit about Santorini (which came out of the fact that one anon was looking at hotels there and the pools friggin happened to look similar) and an imminent engagement and about how they try to "mask" everything.
They are not fictional characters ffs!
No. 224064
>>224056Dude, it's not just cups. It's furniture, it's the fact that Chris room looks like Sharla's and it changed RIGHT AFTER she moved to Sendai. It's Pete's slip up on the podcast, it's the deleted livestream with the suspicious timing, it's the fact that Sharla is often his camerawoman, that they were spotted in several places together in England, the mysterious wedding they both attended and the pool photo Sharla posted when Chris also was on holiday at the same time, they flew into England together and they flew home together (via Switzerland).
Deniers gonna deny I guess but I definitely think they are living together and did so in both Morioka and Sendai.
No. 224069
>>224064You delivered! Thank you. kek
As I said, I believe it as well. I feel like there's some disconnect in your head about that.
I'm just not convinced by everything anons keep on insisting is "evidence". Because, you know, I know the definition of evidence.
No. 224071
>>224064Dude! Get with the program!!
The "mysterious wedding" was
theirs!! They went honeymooning in Santorini and then Switzerland.
You're not up to date.
No. 224072
>>224066> believe that pool photo was taken in Santorini because it literally looks EXACTLY like a villa at a hotel thereYou can see a
sliver of a wall next to a pool. A
sliver. You are so much fun. You totally came through! Thanks!
No. 224079
>>224077Yeah, but the full photo she posted on her twitter shows a little more.
If you look at other photos of the villa at the popular hotel in question, you can see that there's a brick wall on the top left and the white thing sticking up is a shade sail from the villa next door. The villas are separated by the white curving wall.
No. 224086
>>224080That's my point. That there are people who think "yes, it's likely that these two are shacked up and together" and then there's a whole other kind of people. The ones who think up entire headcanons about where they've been and how they feel about certain things coming out, etc etc
The first is fine, the latter is just ridiculous at times
No. 224108
File: 1656508381258.png (217.3 KB, 1080x288, Screenshot_20220629-140529.png)

>>223048The person who commented about Norm's behaviour was part of a podcast that discussed content about Japan, mostly jvlogger content. They mentioned receiving messages about a few jvloggers so what they said about Norm is likely true. They also live there so may have been in personal contact with someone who knows him.
No. 224114
File: 1656511289354.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1038, Screenshot_20220629-142324.png)

>>223202P.S. found a couple of images of his PULL thread. Kek at 'extreme martial arts expert' and 'stunt man'
No. 224116
File: 1656511383900.png (462.61 KB, 1080x706, Screenshot_20220629-142546.png)

No. 224132
File: 1656514337543.jpeg (346.83 KB, 1773x1773, B09DA26D-4E02-4554-8FB5-F2581A…)

>>224120This pic already posted on here is directly from Patreon livestream you want find it on his channel
No. 224133
File: 1656514395044.jpeg (388.13 KB, 1888x1888, 7CFA2B8C-545F-44DA-A34E-DDBEFF…)

>>224120This pic already posted on here Patreon only!
No. 224135
File: 1656514471548.jpeg (210.25 KB, 1024x1001, A4780BFF-10F0-4EC9-BE1B-96281B…)

>>224120The infamous cup picture is from their Patreon only!
No. 224138
>>224108the podcast cannot be play, bummer
got any alt link
No. 224144
>>224135>>224133>>224132These arent even in the context of what anon was asking for lol
How about anon party the most recent patron only post. Screencap the timeline post.
No. 224176
File: 1656521529328.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1284x2319, 74D94EF0-E6AE-4BD1-939D-DE0F03…)

>>224144The accusation is that no one has ever posted anything from Patreon and that is clearly 3 photos from Patreon so that was the answer to accusations. But here you go doubting Thomas. Same exact flight as Sharla
No. 224180
File: 1656521849543.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1284x2637, 554FD806-5E70-4EC0-9EBF-D1DB3C…)

>>224178Also loved him talking about his sunburn. Lol Santorini people Santorini LOL LOL
No. 224196
>>224192I love that that poster was speaking as If they
The specific hotel but never mention that said hotel name!! we want the tea
No. 224204
>>224180Obviously a sunburn from the UK weather kek
Him ignoring all the questions in his livestream about the supposed Spain trip was hilarious.
No. 224207
>>224206It was not even exposed it was just an screenshot but such was enough to delete it ,top kek
Add that he's kinda paranoid.
No. 224209
>>224204I don't get why he can't just say "I didn't go to Spain, ended up going to [insert a sunny country here]"
Sharla NEVER said she went anywhere except England so it's not like his casual viewers would be suspicious.
No. 224213
>>224209Pretty sure his fans are asking out of good heart frankly because he said Spain was important due spending time there during his childhood.
A bit of an asshole if you ask me at ignoring them.
No. 224217
>>224210And despite of that we still deniers around.
Those must be the C or S parasocial simps I guess.
No. 224221
Didn't the dumbass installed an app that showed the chances of you dying in a flight? Just before going into an airplane..
He is really paranoid if you ask me but I think that's a side effect of being a control freak.
No. 224273
>>224245Because is dumb in my eyes.
I have fair fear to spiders but I don't gonna ever search the amount of types that exist in X place or something similar.
That's just adding extra attention to the issue.
No. 224277
File: 1656533673946.jpg (483.5 KB, 2048x1536, 20220629_151330.jpg)

Well I guess PewDiePie is a Jvlogger now so it's fitting to post this.
No. 224280
>>224118This one! Yes, man, I found him insufferable in this. I actually looked up whether he's weird in other ways after watching that video and that's how I stumbled on people saying that C&S are a thing (which, aw!).
So I do wonder how nice he must be to them for them to want to hang out with him.
No. 224303
>>224288>>224292Oh gosh, so, there are clues that make sense and that have a very high probability of indicating that they are together. And many of these taken together could lead one to believe that they are, in fact together. However, then there is silly crap like "I saw a white pool divider, they are in Santorini" or "they are
masking blabla" and similar stuff that is presented using the thinnest of circumstantial evidence.
No. 224334
File: 1656545863155.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1298, D9C70718-1837-4237-87BB-D882FB…)

>>219948I hope worldofxtra actually troons out, he is a disgusting trashy racist liar who pretends to be Japanese while hating, degrading and dehumanising Japanese people for everything they do. He also looks like he stink and he’s going to stink even worse when he chops his dick off and starts taking hormones
(a-logging) No. 224338
>>224336nigga, I'm latina.
proof: mogólica de mierda qué me decis whitoid?
No. 224420
>>224412Literally took the words out of my mouth.
Anons would go crazy and I'd love to be here for that. But I also think it's the most random thought ever.
No. 224477
File: 1656598363090.jpeg (624.34 KB, 1284x1573, 7104DF52-B21D-4973-9576-9E10B7…)

It’s his bucket list lol
No. 224478
File: 1656598417043.png (2.66 MB, 1548x2048, Screenshot_20220630-151134.png)

>>224471Omg anon you're right
No. 224482
knew it!
Would be funny if this was a cruise ship (which are ew, so no!) and they actually went to ALL of the Mediterranean
No. 224484
>>224477Place he wants to visit “The most” = Santorini trip for Chris and Sharla (or at least a part of Greece) is certainly a possibility.
Isn’t Sharla from Vancouver?
No. 224491
File: 1656600862601.png (5.52 MB, 1284x2778, A1A543F3-614C-4248-932F-4FF8D7…)

No. 224502
File: 1656604109085.jpeg (207.59 KB, 1464x819, 9FBC69A7-0230-4773-9DD6-8A6027…)

>>224486No, he has family there. On JAJ he told Sharla a story about going to a family wedding in Vancouver when he was a kid and his grandpa gave him a video camera to record it and that’s when he first got into filming.
Also on his FB page photos there are pics of him in Vancouver from 2008.
This video No. 224509
>>224507Chris has literally constantly repeated whenever asked about holidays that he wants to go to Nerja Spain where his uncle lives.
Santorini-anon: “BUT ONCE ON TWITTER he mentioned Greece so he definitely went to Santorini!!!!! Only Santorini in the whole of Greece and the entire Mediterranean/Aegean has white walls in the vicinity of swimming pools!”
No. 224519
>>224509Yeah and he completely ignored all the Spain questions on his Patreon stream. He said he went on holiday on the podcast but didn't say where, despite talking about maybe going to Spain previously.
Sharla posts a photo that literally looks exactly like it was taken in Santorini. Chris has previously said Greece is the place he would love to visit most. It's basic maths.
No. 224535
File: 1656611381348.png (5.53 MB, 1284x2778, D8F476F0-1CD3-4A6B-BFD2-2E838B…)

>>224520No but he did get a question about his former friendship with norm.
No. 224634
>>224632Outside jokes,he doesn't have ass to be honest.
Despite gaining weight he still flat kek
No. 224641
>>224640Okay for content can be a reason but where's the proof to support it.
I'm not even against the idea of it because it would be hilarious for Chris. But I want milk not tinfoil.
No. 224687
File: 1656653885930.jpeg (537.96 KB, 1168x1837, 74C2D9D5-985B-4928-97C2-36BFE7…)

No. 224705
File: 1656659566747.jpeg (521.59 KB, 828x1355, 1F79C943-B8C1-4424-BE10-52BF3E…)

No. 224734
>>224509 was completely ON point. Your tinfoil is on too tight.
No. 224735
>>224519I'm guessing you've been skipping basic maths since like 4th grade?
They'd be idiots to go to Santorini, which is overrun by tourists, instead of one of the many many more beautiful and exclusive islands.
No. 224736
>>224638Ah, I get it now. Santorini-anon actually
is the island. As in, the personified, actual island in a mother-earth type thing. That's why they know this stuff (the walls, the waaaalllls!) and get offended that anyone might think other islands could have such sexy, sexy pool walls.
But of course, being an island, it's hard to post photographic evidence.
No. 224737
>>224646You must be from the countryside if you think what they have is a "shit, tiny apartment"
>>224643Yes, because all people who choose to not have kids suffer
every day and
must get pets only to fill that big, baby sized hole in their hearts. lmao
No. 224738
>>224693Why, have you still not lost the baby fat from your hands? cute
Do you still have those cute baby hand dimples too?
No. 224739
>>224700What if she actually likes this sort of ring and dislikes a typical engagement ring?
You might have spent the last two years sitting in your mom's TV room watching Sex and the City, but there's like a whole real world out there with all kinds of people
No. 224750
File: 1656680303867.png (607.77 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20220701-135146.png)

>>224689>>224695It's not an engagement ring.
No. 224751
File: 1656680404050.png (170.07 KB, 737x998, put a ring on it.png)

>>224748Interesting that she went to a jewellery store and bought a £149 ring on her platonic trip to London with Chris, and then put it on her ring finger
No. 224753
>>224751Considering the $$$ either of the two make that's a cheap ring.
One would say a casual one.
No. 224755
>>224753Yeah I agree it's not really 'engagement' prices but maybe she doesn't care about that stuff, it's certainly interesting timing to buy yourself a ring though.
Like if it
isn't an engagement ring she's dropping some massive hints in his direction.
No. 224761
>>224751Possible that she didn't get it herself. But also possible that she did. What even are you on?
A 150 pound ring is not
that extravagant?
>>224752a) How did that translate to confessing? Just saying "haha, no I'm not engaged" is not the same as "I have a boyfriend, it's Chris, but we are not engaged"
b) even IF she did, she did not confess to the one we all speculate about
Maybe Chris bought it for her, maybe she bought it herself. It's not proof for one thing or the other
No. 224763
>>224755>Like if it isn't an engagement ring she's dropping some massive hints in his direction.god dammit. Not every piece of jewlery worn on a woman's finger is an invitation to the man to propose. "dropping hints"?!
news flash, kiddos: it's not set in stone that the man
has to propose. In a normal adult relationship, people discuss getting married. Why would you purposely put yourself in the position of the reactive partner instead of an equal one?!
No. 224777
File: 1656687263866.jpg (212.47 KB, 1080x1415, IMG_20220701_095230.jpg)

>>224761Even more when she's saying where she got it nonchalantly.
No. 224793
>>224787It really isn't. I know it doesn't seem like it from how involved you guys are in their lives, but I'm pretty sure her life doesn't revolve around the gossip shared among a group of like 20 people.
>>224783> Wearing a non-engagement ring on your ring finger is a little strangeNot really. Many people do.
>>224791this! To be in the minds of some anons…
No. 224794
>>224793Seriously. Anins need to cherry pick and mash comments together to make it look like 80% of her followers care when for both of them its like 0.01%. Especially sperg-chan posting reddit takes, kek. Anon already made it clear one of them is a scrote, so I honestly dgaf about 'proof' anymore when we know a male anon keeps pushing the conspiracies about them dating.
Good job, anons. You're being sragged along by a scrote.
No. 224805
>>224793I agree Sharla's life doesn't revolve around our gossip here or anywhere, but let's not act like she isn't aware of it. She definitely is, and she's not retarded, she knows that in Western culture it is in fact a little "strange" to wear a ring on your left ring finger, which is traditionally where you wear an engagement ring or a wedding band. Maybe I should've said unusual? If I wore a ring on my left hand ring finger, I wouldn't be surprised if people assumed I was married, right? Anyway I absolutely concede that A) the photo could be flipped and B) it isn't unheard of to just choose to wear a ring there. I don't know why you choose to argue with me about the idea that it's unusual to wear a ring there and it NOT be an engagement ring, when I said that it is possible and they're VERY unlikely to have gotten engaged with said ring. I feel like a lot of anons in this thread are just constantly on edge looking for reasons to fight, when ultimately I probably agree with you that it's stupid to assume they got engaged with that ring. It looks like a ring Sharla would just wear. Now I guess we may disagree on the idea that she enjoys creating a little drama wrt her "relationship" with Chris, if one exists. Her life doesn't revolve around our dumb shit but she knows about it, obviously.
No. 224813
When did I say she had to respond? You're reading into what I said. I don't care if Sharla ever acknowledges the rumors, I like her videos and will continue to do so. I just think it's possible she is having "fun" with the rumors with this picture, and with some of the other stuff like posting not JUST her breakfast plate on Instagram, making it obvious she ate with someone, whatever. If you wanted to hide a relationship, you'd not share that. If you didn't care that people knew who you were eating with, you'd tag them or something. Again, it's not a big deal, and I absolutely don't give a shit if she ever says anything. Acting like the discussion here is some kind of "conspiracy theory" is your problem, not mine. I'm talking about a couple of jvloggers and whether or not they're dating, not putting together red string connecting the dots between Norm and the assassination of JFK.
No. 224969
>>224963The greater percentage of people who come on here believe that C&S are a couple so the 3 people who don’t… “
When are you’re going to have to let it go!
Stop pretending this topic is not the biggest traffic driver on this page!
Is it annoying to see people overreaching about a picture of a fool and a picture of a ring? Absolutely!
Equally annoying is you three asking for proof, ignoring the proof; asking for milk, ignoring the milk; asking for pictures, ignoring the pictures!
Whenever thread is discussing actual proof and people making a connections and realizing that it all can’t be a coincident, you guys disappear!
it’s almost like you refuse to see it! then when there will be a lull then you guys reappear and scream that this previously dead thread was overtaken by shippers and that there is no proof!
Have you considered that you are part of the problem?
No. 224977
>>224969holy mary, joseph and baby jesus on a camel! I've met snakes who learn faster than you!
It's not that people don't want to believe that C&S are dating (although, maybe some people don't based on the thin-ish evidence they've actually read).
It's all the crappy "evidence" for all the crappy tinfoil you present.
There's normal people who might think "ah, yeah, that would make sense that these two are a couple. Maybe these few pieces of circumstantial evidence, taken together, lead me to believe that they are an item. Cool."
and then there's shipper crazies over here, going "I see I ring, they must be engaged. The ring was 150 pounds, why would she buy such an expensive ring for herself (which, kek, "expensive")?!" - "Sharla must be mortified because Chris
possibly followed a big butt twerk account" – "Sharla must be dropping hints that she wants t get engaged" – "They MUST be in Santorini! Only Santorini has walls around pools that are white and slanted. oooh! Maybe they're getting engaged there!"
"Chris is desperately trying to hide the relationship. Poor Sharla, she must feel so bad!"
Do you get that there's a difference?
Also, if people ask for proof, you're free not to give it. But if you give it and it's not actually proof, don't get upset about people "ignoring" it. We don't call it ignoring, we call if evaluating and questioning. Because we have a brain and it's not that hard t think.
No. 224991
>>224977>"I see I ring, they must be engaged. The ring was 150 pounds, why would she buy such an expensive ring for herself (which, kek, "expensive")?!Nobody said it was expensive, they pointed out the opposite
>Sharla must be mortified because Chris possibly followed a big butt twerk account" – Didn't an anon screenshot it? What do you mean
possibly that
is embarrassing
>They MUST be in Santorini! Only Santorini has walls around pools that are whiteAdmittedly, I don't understand santori-chan's insistence about this
No. 224994
File: 1656729355606.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1009, Screenshot_20220629-205623.png)

Also remembered this
>>206728 No. 224995
File: 1656729404208.png (463.83 KB, 1080x687, Screenshot_20220629-205605.png)

No. 225000
>>224995Like he boasted about getting her fired and trashed her
after she died?
Resisting urge to a-log, absolute piece of shit he is
No. 225007
File: 1656734370785.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.49 KB, 2147x1080, Picsart_22-07-01_22-58-35-281.…)

Couldn't resist
No. 225036
>>225031I noticed this too, she ignores those comments, another comment showed a black diamond (engagementy looking) ring from somewhere and she replies 'cool' and a black heart.
I didn't realise this was an old screenshot,
>>224750which means she hasn't actually replied to any current speculation on the ring as she has in the past.
>>225034Predicting that the main jvlogger thread will die a death without the chris and sharla milk, it makes more sense to keep it together since there is less to say about the others, especially where many japan vloggers and weebs already have their own threads.
No. 225037
>>224750At that time she was with C already most likely but first year.
Curious how she back then answered nonchalantly the engagement ring question yet right now he ignores it.
No. 225038
>>225036Maybe some don't see the point in posting because such will be drown in the CxS shipping war and be ultimately forgotten.
Let's see it cleaning the house let's other things shine.
No. 225048
>>225042It's due oopsie of a few days ago.
His Instagram account was following a big butts account.
No. 225053
>>224687This photo is weird, afaik she usually never wears a ring on that finger. A ton of replies on twitter are asking if she's engaged and she's ignoring them all.
Maybe they actually did get engaged on this trip and she's soft-launching the engagement or something, but that this isn't the actual engagement ring.
No. 225070
>>225057An anon posted a picture of her using a ring in such finger in the past so not much to argument tbh.
Although she did clarified is not an engagement one back then…
>>224750 No. 225076
>>225053IF would surprise me Chris did so due well being someone not much into the idea since always.Maybe his sister wedding plus some family talk
triggered something inside him.
Him talking lately about being too old is scaring him probably kek
No. 225080
>>225076Garnt wedding too anon and the happily married Felix and Marzia that arrived to Japan no so long ago.
Coincidentally all 32 years old guys.
No. 225083
>>225076A control freak as he calls himself getting married would be the obvious route.
Anyways I think it's just a ring.
I have friends that use rings in the same finger and nothing,customs are simply not the route for a lot of people nowadays.
No. 225084
File: 1656768325846.jpg (305.26 KB, 1080x1113, IMG_20220702_082500.jpg)

No. 225096
>>225057>>225087i unsubscribe as soon i found out a thread talking about norm in reddit. norm is really good at sucking up at peoples and hiding his past deeds.
also if he has japanese wife that means his has a resident card,
he really good at making the audience sympathize
No. 225126
File: 1656774547460.jpg (63.78 KB, 828x892, wmfdmnr5ww891.jpg)

>>225119what a cringe take-down
No. 225141
>>224991Oh sweetie… You have a lonely life, don't you?
> Nobody said it was expensive, they pointed out the oppositeThat is literally not true.
>>224751 said:
>Interesting that she went to a jewellery store and bought a £149 ring on her platonic trip to London with Chris, and then put it on her ring fingerWould a person write this to imply that it's interesting that she bought a
cheap ring?!
>Sharla must be mortified because Chris possibly followed a big butt twerk account" – > Didn't an anon screenshot it? What do you mean possibly that is embarrassingYeah, there was a screenshot of his account following that account. He might have done that by accident or it was a prank. So what? You saying that it
is embarrassing doesn't make it so. Do you go to Mormon middle school?
No. 225145
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>>225126Okay but she does look massive in this bikini though. Why won't she just lose weight….
No. 225154
>>225150I think anons claiming to know exactly where they were based off of Sharla's poolside picture is an example of "tinfoiling", although in any other thread on this site it would be considered discussion and speculation, which is rampant on /pt/ and /snow/. Or even the suggestion that they may have gotten engaged while they were in England, that was pretty baseless. Other than that it is all pretty legit.
Anyway, the minimod in this thread has spoken - we all belong in a containment thread because they find the discussion of Sharla and Chris so heartbreaking, or something. The agony that some anons must be going through, imagining these two are dating or aren't dating, it is palpable through the screen. It's really one or two anons who overuse the term "headcanon" and "fanfiction", or write like sarcastic Redditors using overused meme-y phrases, and haven't integrated anywhere else on the site.
No. 225160
>>224994>>224995Thank you for sharing this. He gives this oily vibe in all the videos of Sharla's I saw him in. I never knew how disgusting he actually was.
They should all stop working with him.
No. 225163
>>225145Care about yourself and let people wear whatever they want. She's fine. She only looks massive because he chest
is massive.
>>225119>>225126Let her fucking wear whatever she wants and shave or not shave as much as she cares to do and fuck the hell off.
Let women live their lives.
I wonder how anthony Chiba looks in his swimtrunks and if
he wears a one-piece
No. 225165
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Alright this should end the ring discussion.(posting six year old tweets is not milk)
No. 225166
Btw the way she talks it's like "all guys want me so I had to take measures against it"
No. 225172
>>225166She's attractive but come on is not like she's last the piece of the pie or something.
Average Canadian girl to be honest.
No. 225182
You think is nitpick kek
No. 225187
>>225087Seems like a lot of unconfirmed he said/ she said. I mean I don't watch tokyolens, but going all in on after reading a random story might be jumping the gun a little bit.
I'm starting to think that norm is probably not that bad especially since he seems to acomplish the goals he sets, and that in itself puts you people off.
(sage) No. 225198
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>>225195Like opening twitter will not take away your lifespan anon,you react so harshly to anything.
Take your meds.
Here's the screenshot and kek it was guy.
No. 225200
>>225198With people in her comments suggesting it was a engagement ring yesterday plus this I get that a fair number of her viewers already knows or assumes she's in a relationship.
If it is or isn't an engagement ring is whatever it's more interesting how many can tell she's just hiding her relationship so they also remain quiet.
No. 225205
>>224994I don't know if it was the same person who was a friend of Chyna's, but I remember a co-worker of
Norm's on PULL who talked in depth about Norm's work history, wife, and other lies.
>>225096He's not that good at hiding if you consider his outbursts on social media and slimy behavior in vlogs.
>>225187>I'm starting to think that norm is probably not that bad especially since he seems to acomplish the goals he sets, and that in itself puts you people off.Are you the anon who periodically talks about how Norm seems nice and claimed to have met him in person? If you aren't the man himself, what accomplishments are you referring to? You know he has a history of exaggerating his accomplishments and has lied on Japanese national television.
No. 225213
>>225154> Anyway, the minimod in this thread has spoken - we all belong in a containment thread because they find the discussion of Sharla and Chris so heartbreaking, or something. The agony that some anons must be going through, imagining these two are dating or aren't dating, it is palpable through the screen. It's really one or two anons who overuse the term "headcanon" and "fanfiction", or write like sarcastic Redditors using overused meme-y phrases, and haven't integrated anywhere else on the site.You are kidding me, right?
Because people don't want to read pages and pages of the fantasies you spin from absolute non-milk and a lack of any substantial evidence, you think that people are upset about C&S dating?
Are you right in the head?
No. 225216
>>225166>>225172Lots of women have to deal with similar situations. You don't have to be
the most attractive woman in the world. In Japan, it might be worse for a visibly gaijin woman.
You guys pretend like you've never had scrotes annoying the hell out of you even after you've told them repeatedly that you're not interested.
No. 225239
>>225220I'm not a scrote
No. 225242
>>225226Considering the amount of comments she gets per tweet my call is reasonable.Well that's assuming none of them are present here kek
The point is that some indeed suspect.
No. 225243
>>225242> The point is that some indeed suspect.No shit, Sherlock.
That's not even a debate, sir.
No. 225249
>>225246no, it's
you! you are obsessed and not able to deal with the pain it must cause you to imagine that these two are together. It's
you are the problem.
No. 225251
>>225246A containment thread would make this thread soooo boring though. The only reason this thread has been so active has been because Chris and Sharla just went to England together and went to a “mysterious” wedding. This thread will definitely slow down on sxc stuff in the coming weeks.
If the next thread contains as much Chris and Sharla as this then we can make a thread for just them.
No. 225264
>>225251The majority is just the repetition of the same old bs.
X drops a guess of CxS without milk some support the guess some deny it then an anon gets mad and asks for screenshots to every shipper ,old stuff is reposted and no one answers lastly there's some silence that lasts short because the cycle starts over.
No. 225361
>>225334No, you write like norm. Wouldn't he get kicked out of Japan of he divorced his wife?
Also it might be better for the wife to take the hafu kid away and leave Japan so it can grow up in a different country, learn a sport, and then retroactively be accepted by the Japanese (Like Naomi Osaka Japan/US citizen that grew up, and trained in US).
No. 226813
>>225084She only likes it for clout.
The faster you learn this for any old jvlogger the better.