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No. 25350
>>25347>>25348Are you joking?
He's average compared to the actual idols she put in the video. It's super insulting sharla even thinks her husband looks anything like them.
No. 25352
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>>25348Are you ok? Do you need something for your yellow fever?
No. 25390
>>25389You should train your brain then.
I said regardless of how attractive an Asian guy is, he will be considered less desirable in western countries than Caucasian guys. This is mainly because of Hollyweirds poor representation of asian guys. Sharlas husband is therefore mediocre at best in some western countries and attractive in South Korea because he has indeed a good height, clear skin etcetera. Get it now?
No. 25391
>>25390>it's hollywood's fault that white girls in white countries prefer white guys…then why do asian women in asia prefer asian men as well…? Why is that allowed? And who's fault is it?
you should "train your brain" a bit anon kek
No. 25395
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>>25352Never said I found him attractive, anon. He just gives me some early 2000's Japanese idol vibes.
No. 25399
>>25322I think its funny that taylors bf is frumpy and gross while shes always put together, while sharlas husband is always dressed well while she frumps around in unflattering oversized clothes.
Also seeing her act like some Korea know it all after living there for like 2 months is cringy. Nobody wants to see a 30 year old woman fawn over korean boyband members 10 years younger than her. She basically killed her channel lmfao
No. 25402
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Texan in Tokyo? More like Tokyo came in Texas! Badum tsss
No. 25415
>>25399This, most of her recent vlogs look like a complete downgrade from her Japan vlogs. She insists it's clean there but she still had to explain air pollution days. A lot of locals in her vids are either unfriendly/uncomfortable or uncannily friendly because they know they're being filmed.
Maybe it's just me but I also wonder how stable of a relationship you can have with someone where you both talk to each other in a second language instead of your own. Sharla's learning Korean for her husband but her husband's not learning English for her lmfao. Inb4 he dumps her frumpy ass for whatever else he can get and she ends up either stuck there or attempts to move back to Japan.
No. 25419
>>25322>>25352I think he's kinda cute, but is anybody else getting a "male host" vibes from him .. ?
>>25418I can't watch Taylor. I ended up finding out that it wasn't even her filming or ideas I disliked, but rather her mono toned voice and scripted sounding humour. She always sounds so forced when trying to express any type of excitement or personality. ( I also I don't her different or interesting looking, but rather just bland )
No. 25420
>>25415Shartla has been ‘learning korean’ for like 4 or 5 years now, and can barely order food kek. They’ll be talking in a mix of shitty japanese and shitty english until they are old and grey.
>>25413Its her dead grandmas name. Still feel bad for the kid though. Nelda Mineta sounds like a rare disease.
No. 25422
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Look. I understand that it’s wrong for people to touch you no matter what you are wearing. Completely wrong. And it is difficult to be black in Japan. Those high school boys shouldn’t have touched you. But for fuck sake you have to cover your nipples up even a little bit in Japan. I don’t think you have to completely cover up to Japanese standards because in the summer time they don’t sweat, but COME ON.
No. 25424
>>25422Isn't this the girl who bragged about sleeping with 50 different men in less than a couple months?
She seems pretty crazy and desperate for the attention.
No. 25431
>>25422Have you ever even been to Japan? Japanese people 100% do sweat. Why do you think small towels/handkerchiefs are sold absolutely everywhere, and people are constantly mopping sweat off their faces with them? I'd go as far as to say they sweat MORE than foreigners, I've never had sweat dripping literally off my face.
There's really no excuse for wearing this at all, and if she really wore this out in Japan I don't know how she didn't get arrested, considering 1. She's already a black gaijin, perfect police bait, and 2. there was a story a while back about a woman being arrested and charged for stripping down to her underwear in public. This is 100x worse than that.
>>25427Oh Lord, I was literally talking to a Japanese guy today at work and he said there's so many lawyers in Japan, that there are absolutely no jobs left, and their average salary literally HALVED and is pretty shit now because there's no demand. Several law schools even CLOSED in the past few years because nobody wants to go to law school now obviously. And that's not even considering her foreigness or blackness
No. 25435
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Sharla's husband kinda looks like Key from SHINee
No. 25439
>>25422she isn't even traditional black. she appears Guatemalan. she is just calling herself black. she seems to lie about everything. just long list of lies.
>>25431is she even still in japan.
No. 25441
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>>25435He looks more like Jeonghan to me, though I think it's just the hair
No. 25446
>>25445Dunning Kruger.
Also what is it about cluster B messes and Japan?
No. 25447
>>25422God, not this bitch.
I watched gimmeabreakman's videos on her where she commented on both trying to justify herself before promptly having an argument with Victor about the use of the "n-word" and basically pointing out how he wasn't black enough to use it or some shit.
I can't even begin to talk about how entitled she is. Part of me feels like she's just acting the way she is in Japan for the sake of standing out and getting attention since god knows that being a slut back in America is way too common and basic now.
No. 25451
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Kek @ sharlas body in her friends vid. She always looks so different in other peoples vids compared to her own
No. 25453
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>>25449I feel really bad for her. Elbow-san seems kind of shitty towards Taylor. In her latest videos when she says "Carly had her baby!!" he responds, "Who?"
Clearly she previously talked about her SISTER having a child and he doesn't even know who/what she's talking about.
Every time he's on camera with her the only thing he says is "Babe…" in a disapproving like "come the fuck on" tone, to whatever Taylor is doing (singing in public, dropping something, dancing, literally anything she does).
Even in their engagement video he says "she's so dirty" when Taylor simply dropped a napkin on the ground. Idk it's like listening to a father scold their child, not a boyfriend talking to a girlfriend.
No. 25475
>>25473I don't see how that's funny or humorous at all? It seems 100% like he's always scolding her. If anyone spoke to me like that constantly I wouldn't like it.
>>25474He can speak English obviously, he speaks a lot in her videos. It's not like he had to translate a word, it was her sister's name.
No. 25477
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>>25452Don’t get my hopes up ! My god it’d be like an early Christmas as Taylor is having everything kaka ever wanted.
However, I don’t agree with most of what pull says, besides the fact that Taylor probably did agree to the relationship due to the money and not because she was attracted to him. Honestly I alway found him hideous and boarder line retarded/ face transplanty looking.
No. 25488
>>25453>>25475I really don't think he treats her bad, anons. She finds that stuff humourous and leaves it in. She likes living in HK.
She already said they moved back to HK with the plan to buy a place together, you know it had to be serious with the price of real estate there.
No. 25490
>>25475The 'babe' thing to me comes off as a insider joke the two have tbh. Or maybe when he started saying it Taylors viewers found it so funny and now they do it on purpose. Like not scripted but being aware.
>>25477Some ppl are honestly so exaggerating about his looks. Just because he doesn't look like an asian idol and that's always what people seem to expect. He looks VERY average, that's it. Not ugly, not handsome.
No. 25493
>>25491>ifIsnt that the point people are making though? Obviously they would be all over him if he was thinner and younger but he isnt. Honestly he just looks like he needs a better haircut if anything.
Hes not the ugliest man out there for sure, but lets be real, he’s lucky af to snag somebody in Taylors league.
No. 25494
>>25493>>25490People can call him average, I still think he's ugly af. That doesn't mean I expect people to look like kpop idols ( I don't even listen to kpop or know any bands lol) I'm just pointing out that she only said yes to the first date based on his money ( like he chose her based off of looks only ) She would have probably rejected him if he was a minimum wage worker, anons would have probably said she deserves better rather than calling her lucky if he was broke. Money plays a huge roll in what makes this relationship work. Taylor has always had a eye for luxury and all things beautiful, and has always been surrounded by beautiful people and objects.
Agree, he is lucky because she is def out of his league. No doubt she probably could easily snag a more attractive rich guy, just maybe not another high roller like Tom. He's also lucky in the sense that she is pretty materialistic, but at the end of the day also a good person, unlike other pretty faced girls who'd only use him.
No. 25496
>>25476Princess Taylor is back!
He doesn’t like her cutting her hair either.
No. 25500
>>25497OH GOD, I hope Tom lets Taylor go fucking NUTS, and have absolutely thy most beautiful mouth dropping wedding, that'll leave Kaka with no teeth left to clench.
>>25498She hasn't had to work since the day she met him, anon. Don't forget she had hardly a following when entering Japan, and had constant designer goods, a fancy expensive apartment, taxi rides everyday, eating out at expensive vegan cafes and shopping everyday. She worked like 1-3 gigs per year while in Japan. It was obvious than that he was financially supporting her weeb dream. That was why PULL started speculating sugar daddy, because they never actually knew who or if she was dating. Just that she had a bunch of shit she couldn't afford on a basic catalog model salary.
( It was obvious when it was her paying because she'd shop at cheap places that anyone here would )
No. 25502
>>25500Sometimes I feel like certain anons lived in an alternate reality when it comes to Taylor.
>had constant designer goodsNo she mostly shopped fast fashion (109 brands, Style Nanda, Zara, ASOS, Forever21 etc). She has some bags that are obviously gifts, plus a couple of Kenzo pieces that she got when she was paid in trade. And Comme des garcones tshirts which are overpriced but not unaffordable.
>taxi rides everydayAgency pays for that
>eating out at expensive vegan cafesCooked more especially during her first year and half
>shopping every dayNot really
>catalogue modelNot according to her book. When she was in Hong Kong she did a lot of editorial (pays shit) and advertising (usually pays ok). She did some high end catalogue (most models do. It's the industry's bread and butter) but it was hardly the only thing she did.
>worked like 1-3 gigs per yearTrue. Although Maybe more like 4-5 during her first year. But the ones that she did probably paid pretty well.
But you are totally right that she couldn't afford that 2LDK in Minato-ku on the money she was making. Having Tom certainly helped with the basic aspects of comfort.
I guess I'm just in the minority in that I didn't find her initial lifestyle in videos that expensive or luxurious. But then I also don't find her family's lifestyle in Canada to be special.
No. 25505
>>25502Anything designer, the now garbaged lolita stuff, business class travel and general lifestyle was bankrolled by her the guy. He owns a beauty company and got her most of the work she ended up with.
Modelling does not pay that much after deductions and is not constant enough. She knew what she was going for with this guy. She has aspirations for expensive things, not class kek
No. 25506
>>25505Ffs she was a working model for 7 years before she even met him. But sure he took a time machine and retroactively provided her with all of the work that she had been doing since she was 16 (when she first got signed in Toronto).
Her only jobs that have had anything to do with him were the beautyexchange events. He runs a new media company with a beauty emphasis (like an Ameblo for people who want to show off their new lip gloss). It's not he's the CEO of Lancome.
The reason she even got signed to Satoru was that she had a great book and a good reputation in HK.
No. 25509
>>25508Almost forget about that sea witch.
Is she still being salty about Taylor ? ( was it actually proven she was ? ) I feel like Mimei hates everyone, thus is salty about everyone. Like I remember she didn't even speak or talk to Dakota and got salty towards her in no time. Everyone doesn't just drop being your friend for no reason. Taylor doesn't seem like the type either.
No. 25510
>>25509Isn’t it funny how most people who come into contact with mimei and her annoying boyfriend end up never talking to them again.
But yes, its THEM who are the big fat meanie bullies to poor delicate Mimei
No. 25512
>>25511How is that a strawman? It's the truth. Anon said Tom got her most of her work. That's objectively not true.
>The point is she was never independently earning enough for the lifestyle she has.And I'm not arguing that she was. As far as I'm concerned those are two separate topics.
1. Did she earn enough for a lavish lifestyle? (No not at all)
2. Did Tom get her most of the jobs during her career? (also no).
No. 25513
>>25508Isn't Mimei married for years already? Why would she be salty about Taylor getting married too?
I swear, too many of you here are still kissing her ass. She's a gold digger/sb, and he's old and ugly - anybody who believes otherwise probably has yellow fever.
I saw a short documentary about Russian models in Japan; those girls land multiple jobs a day and still only receive a couple hundred bucks per month. There's no way Taylor ever made enough to support herself. Hell, there are even models doing shoots for big mags like Vogue for free, just for exposure. The small stunts she had are basically just poket money.
No. 25515
>>25510>>25508>>25509Mimei and Duncan openly mocked Taylor for flaunting her boyfriend's money. I don't really see how getting married makes that any less comical to them. They both come from working class families and Taylor was probably the first person in their friend group who is upper middle class. They clearly thought she wasn't genuine and made fun of how she just showed up in Japan one day and was desperately trying to become an influencer/youtuber. Even Taylor now makes fun of her videos and personality from 2-3 years ago.
Duncan literally has entire channels dedicated to mocking generic youtubers, he's more of a counter-culture YTer if anything. So when they made that vlog which was clearly mocking Taylor, I honestly don't know why their friends were surprised? Like as a viewer I expect that from them? Their humor style is bitter and jaded because they both deal with depression. That's common for comedians like Duncan? What comedian isn't depressed and bitter lmao? And Sharla said she was a huge fan of him for years and kept up with his content - was she only saying that to get on his good side so he wouldn't publicly trash her (like he eventually did)?
Idk maybe this is off topic but I just never understood why the conclusion to the drama according to farmers is: "Mimei is unrelatable bc she's sad and just jealous of Taylor who is perfect". Even if people are poor or depressed, they are capable of having thoughts or opinions other than jealousy or envy.
Like I really don't think Mimei is sobbing over a girl she barely knew or never really liked, all because she's getting married.. in a different country.. when she probably has no contact with anyone involved.
No. 25516
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The vid has been uploaded and the rock is huge. Eat your heart out kaka.
No. 25537
>>25515They’re just not very funny in general, and I love dry humor. Just bitter at things. Their channels are also boring and unoriginal as well, although not to the extent of Taylor. PDR is on annoying customers 38 if I’m correct. Their personalities are probably a reason why everyone they befriend drops them within a few years.
And no I don’t think Mimei is crying or truly upset. But she has no contact with Taylor or their old friend group, yet still makes fun of her in videos. I liked the old jokes when they were all friends. But now there is clearly bad blood between them and of course most people are going to role their eyes when they see that Mimei still gives a shit about Taylor.
No. 25539
>>25537I second this
>>25538I'm not the biggest fan of Taylor's ( not a hater either) but I genuinely don't understand why she always has these holy fuck obsessed people like Kaka ( probably some pull tards) and possibly Mimei go ape about her. She's just a really boring bland girl that is spoiled and lucky, not some snotty,rude,malicious or a huge scam/liar.
>>25516Thats a big rock, but also kinda think it looks a little bulky and ugly. I kinda expected something cuter with more design than a simple band and giant rock.
No. 25544
>>25542I agree with all of this. Even in this video where she shows that clip of her portfolio, it's totally full of tear sheets from editorials and advertising. And that was just the book she left behind in HK.
Also it would seem that Taylor is a hopeless romantic (emphasis on hopeless).
No. 25546
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“It’s so good I love it” says Mimei lying on Taylor’s floor
No. 25572
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Can we all stop bringing up sperg-tard Kaka like she’s going to come back. I miss the good milk too, but face it, we lost the drama years ago, and it’s not coming back.
No. 25574
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Honestly if he just got rid of the weird mullet perm, lost a fee lbs, and maybe switched to contacts he wouldnt look so weird.
No. 25579
>>25577CEO and owner of about 2 separate new media companies.
Beautyexchange- one of the most popular beauty/lifestyle blogging platforms in China. Predominantly female and female moderated.
Menclub- sort of the equivalent for men with a bonus dating app.
EIG Limited- Which seems to be the mother company for the other two and focuses on site building.
And it seems that all of them are successful. In short, he's very comfortable.
No. 25583
>>25581Wtf anon.
>>25516 is tiny to you?
No. 25585
>>25581anon…that ring is easily over 10k
it makes sense its a "simple" solitaire type, it fits her aesthetic.
No. 25587
>>25579Plus we dont know his family history either. There could be more money tied up through inheritance, a bigger family company, etc.
I wonder how long after the wedding they’ll pop out a kid.
No. 25588
>>25579thanks sharla
(jk idk if this is true but must be an insider)
No. 25601
>>25600>she's 30yo and has the maturity of a teenagerI guess it depends on what each person finds to be immature. What is it about her that you find immature?
And while Tom does have cash to offer, what else is there? He seems to be just as boring as she is, and maybe that works for them.
No. 25602
>>25601>What is it about her that you find immature?Not that anon but I watch teenagers on yt who have better content, vocabulary, insights, varieties of interests and critical thinking in their vlogs. Heck even kids have reactions better than Sharla or Taylor's "that was soooo goood" for everything.
Tom is def more intelligent than her and takes care of the bills but I'm sure this is the intended dynamic they both want.
No. 25607
>>25603>>25604I don't think she's that fucking mental. She's been on accutane twice and I truly don't blame her for looking for other ways to treat her skin problems. Whether its herbal or not. Thats that only thing she's treating herbally that I know of. To tie that to her "totes not getting her kids vaccinated" is ridiculous.
The only thing I agree with is she will probably try to push and have them eat vegetarian. However, you have to remember her soon to be hubby isn't vegetarian or into "herbal" "gluten free", so he's likely going to have a say in what happens. I mean, he is paying for everything.
No. 25610
>>25606i don't remember which video and there's too many to search through, but around the time she started looking for help for her acne she went on the pill for the first time. her family and some commenters told her that the pill is evil and makes you infertile so she stopped almost immediately and pays for overpriced chinese tea for her acne now. don't get me wrong, birth control pills aren't for everyone and some can have bad side effects for people, but she very quickly accepted that the pill was terrible without much time or research of her own
>>25608she was never completely vegan, she called her food vegan a lot but usually said she had a 'plant based' diet, so just mostly vegan. usually that means the things excluded from a vegan diet that are usually still usually considered healthy, like eggs. it's also usually more about health than ethics, since a lot of people would say you can't be vegan but have leather bags
No. 25612
>>25610Eh, I truly don't think its that big of a deal that she gave up on the pill early. Most nurses I've spoken to are against it ( not so much doctors if they are promoting and making a cut of the sales ) And honestly, at the end of the day its her choice and her body. I don't understand why so many people were making a big deal out of it.
Lets not turn this into PULL though. Nitpicking about what she eats or what medical treatments she chooses or how she lives her boring life. Its not milk and there is no drama.
No. 25617
>>25616I kinda get it, this way you're safe from allegations that you don't follow someone because you're throwing shade, or you follow a person that's
problematic, or "why aren't you following fans!" or shit… She probably has a private insta to follow her friends
No. 25622
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so she's in the hospital now?
No. 25625
>>25624Bless their hearts
I don't follow her too closely but I feel this has come out of the blue?
No. 25627
>>25626So where is it?
Cant see the fucking thread
(use the catalog) No. 25635
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>>25634there's not much milk tbh.
a few years ago kanadajin3 (miranda has a thread in /pt/) harassed her on sockpuppets, got called out, and now she and rachel are not friends.
she got a nosejob two years ago and said it was because she couldn't breathe well.
after the surgeon had given her the perfect nose, she said she was shocked and spent months in regret that she agreed to the rhinoplasty in addition to the (supposed) septoplasty. it was a great procedure though, it's completely changed her face. she looks much more delicate now. she was almost kind of dowdy before?
she's at least open that she had the procedure done, which is more than you can say for some youtubers that get work done and never talk about it, ever.
her style is absolutely tragic and awful but that suits japan because most fashion there is similarly terrible, so…
that's about it.
No. 25641
>>25639She's 31.
She desperately wants to look like a member of kpop girl group these days. It's fucking embarrassing.
No. 25643
>>25641Yikes. That kind of behavior I would expect from a teen/someone in their early 20s, but she also looks super aged with this style. Horse faces do not pull of this look well.
Also wtf is her actual name? It is really cringey that she still calls herself Mimei.
No. 25645
>>25644Daniel has his own thread but wow lmao
He is obsessed with deen
No. 25647
>>25644why the fuck did sharla comment on his video lmao?
sharla confirmed for constantly searching for her name on youtube
No. 25648
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No. 25650
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No. 25654
>>25653She has no money because she was saving up to move out from her parents home.
I think she is desperate for some attention. Her channel doesn't grow anymore, it's literally stuck at ~50.000 subs. Her Japan friends have more subs/attention than her and it really helped her then a few years ago when she was with them. I bet she misses the old times.
I think she should make her own thing and let Japan go or she will be miserable forever. I miss the old happy Bii. She has a lot of potential and she could be a very successful youtuber if she would upload more frequently and show different facets of herself and life in general. She is a little bit too vanilla right now. I really loved her when she was with Emily because she was funny and sassy.
No. 25655
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No. 25658
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>>25646I think at one point she said that she hated her given name and wanted to go by Mimei.
Morena In Japan recently went home and got a tattoo that says I am God to spite the people who talk about her here and on PULL. She wants to get a face tattoo too, and still thinks she'll be able to find a job in Japan after she graduates.
No. 25663

Over the summer, “Tokyo Lens” Norm was on You wa Nani Shi ni Nippon e (Why Did You Come to Japan), a very popular Japanese TV show. It was a while ago, but I do remember him completely lying about his history in Japan and talking up all of his “skills.” He said he moved to Japan five years ago to become an apprentice to a shamisen master (one of the Yoshida Brothers), when he’s just said he moved to Japan in 2007 in his latest youtube video and according to PULL, worked at an English conversation school for years.
He talked about his videographer career, but strangely never once shared the name of his youtube channel, which would’ve brought in more viewers and subscribers than anything he’s ever done. He never brought up his wife or kid, even though the TV crew visited his home and the show would usually work up the Japanese family angle.
His segment was mainly about how he had a big solo for an important shamisen concert. But his performance was actually for an outdoor fair sparsely attended during the day (I think it was Yasukuni’s Mitama latern festival when the main event is after dark) and it was a group performance where each person had their own little solo. Norm made mistakes because he was too nervous, but it was also obvious that he was just a beginner. He also came off as rude and arrogant in Japanese because of his inability to use polite speech, despite living in Japan for over a decade.
TV show: No. 25665
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Tay got married yesterday.
No. 25676
>>25675Oh, found the speculation you're talking about. What a shame, his videos are rather boring but I like how informative the ones I pick to watch are. As long as he doesn't bring that rude personality to his channel I'll still probably watch his videos that interest me since they contain good info for locations. There are of course nicer (I hope) J-tubers that do the same thing like Cake with Faces and etc but I like Norm's video quality.
It's a shame that Mimei, who bought a good camera and could've been pumping out the same type of content, became a Kpopboo like the rest and mainly does boring BTS videos with that nice camera.
No. 25688
>>25685with this attitude of yours nothing in the world would be done or changed lol.
also this whole argument sounds like weebs being angery over people not acting like Japan is some holy ground. How dare they treat it like any other country.
Get over it, it's about time.
No. 25689
>>25687>>25688Can you just chill? I'm really disgusted at anons behaviours here on lolcow lately. It's just a simple opinion and nothing controversial. Go to Tumblr with your sjw and edgelord shit.
>>25685 just said that she's annoyed that some people don't want to adapt to foreign countries customs which is indeed fucked up if you live in this particular country. As a tourist you don't need to adapt but be polite. That's it. Calm your fucking tits.
No. 25690
>>25681>>25684>>25685Pretty obvious none of you watched the video and are getting
triggered for no reason.
1. She's vegetarian, not vegan.
2. She ordered something that was labelled vegan on the menu. She didn't ask the restaurant to make her something special or change anything. She pointed at something on the menu, ordered it, and they brought her the wrong order. She pointed out their mistake and they just lifted the beef patty off and put the vegan one on and ended up leaving random bits of meat in the salad.
3. Vegetarians/vegans are relatively well catered to in Japan because of the Buddhist tradition of shojin ryori. But yeah, these evil gaijin invading glorious nippon with their dumb western ideas are such a problem.
No. 25691
>>25684>They moved over there and expect everyone to caterFirstly, there are many Japanese born vegans. Veganism is not a western concept. Secondly she ordered a meal explicitly from their pre-set vegan menu. You're basically saying "I ordered noodles but got soup, but as I'm in Japan I must respect their culture and eat this item I did not order"
Also some people cannot physically digest meat. You weebs are fucking ridiculous. This is a restaurant giving someone the wrong order, but because its ~in Japan~ its somehow offensive to complain. Fucking weebs man
No. 25694
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>>25693I was surprised too, I think she started this year.
No. 25696
>>25694Lmao i swear to god why is it that majority of weebs who get popular online have so little going for them they always thot around and pander to the lowest common denominator.
Literally hell will freeze over the day one of these chicks choose a BA over slumming it as a wannabe 'idol' doing progressively more explicit soft core porn until they get uncomfortable and quit or go full on escort/porn. Social embarrassment is apparently worth any and all attention/clicks/views.
It would be such a nice change if one of these women moved because they had actual bussinesses, conferences or anything interesting that isnt a failed attempt at just getting generic brand popular for fifteen minutes through any male pandering window you can find no matter how small.
(Besides it shows that no matter what following they originally had, the female side of their audience means nothing for what you can gain in static one off monetary value from men cause who cares about having a sustainable fanbase when you can whore it out for some neckbeards for a couple of years before you either turn into shayna both in relevancy and income or force yourself to take a shit tier educatiob/job)
No. 25697
>>25694Everything is cute and aesthetic. I have no problems with this at all. Peachy should milk those thirsty men as long as she can until they are dry. I don't know if Luke is cool with this but in the end he is her boyfriend and the others can just look at her.
Wasn't she a legit teacher in Northern Ireland a few years ago? I wonder if she will return to her old job and if her sexy pics will have an impact on it since she is working with children…
No. 25699
>>25696Real businesswomen dont want to be in the spotlight nor do they have the time
Youre seeing whats being broadcasted the most and that will be attentionwhoring losers with no skills and too much free time to be able to parade their boring lives on social media.
No. 25701
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>>25694she is really pandering to the thirsty dudes
No. 37878
>>25695A face she got through several plastic surgeries, but go off. Even then she still edits the shit out of herself.
I'm sick of this "ero gravure cosplay model" shit, people can say it doesn't ruin the experience for normal cosplayers but….yes it does, especially when it's so oversaturated like it is now. It's sad.
Sage for sperg
No. 38596
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>>25694>>25701>>25700Didn't know this is what she's doing. What a shame, I enjoyed her youtube vlogs and her comments always seemed nice. Didn't follow her other social media so I don't know about how she acted there.
I hope a similar girl, Mikan, doesn't go down the gravure cosplay hole. She's also been doing jvlogs. Has gotten into a fashion design school in Japan and knows enough Japanese to take the courses so I'm rooting for her.
No. 38711
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Peachmilky had surgery and still looks like this? Rough.(nitpicking)
No. 38804
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>>38596This girl popped up on my feed so gave her video a try but her face reminds me of one of the female titans and her voice is almost unbearable.
No. 38859
It sounds like he dumped her or cheated but she won't clarify. I can't believe he took her cats too lmfao.
No. 38864
>>38859I already wondered why she kept traveling around and stuff for the last couple months, now we know.
Tbh, from the little snippets that we saw he did dress and look like some fuckboy, they didn't fit together at all.
No. 38873
>>38864Only Sharla would manage to make living back in Japan sound like a downgrade. Her Korea vlogs were honestly really bad, she tried so hard to make Korea sound like a good place but everything she showed looked so much more ghetto than Japan, plus the smog shit sounded horrendous. And those were just the ""happy"" videos, imagine how bad the outtakes must be.
I don't want to say I saw this coming but I think we all did. He was extremely beta about showing his face on Youtube and probably wanted to drop everything about learning Japanese entirely, which is why he made Sharla move with him and expected her to learn Korean.
In retrospect they weren't married for very long at all and shouldn't have married in the first place lol. Let's see how much worse this can get, although I can't imagine how shit it already is losing Maro after all the money she sunk in him. People are already telling her to just adopt new cats like Maro and Luna were nothing.
>>38867It's karma, you bet your ass it is. She went really hard into "guys I'm Korean now uwu look at how awesome Korea is uwu don't you think Korea is better than Japan? uwu" all because of her husband and look where it got her. This is the kind of shit you weigh out
before you marry someone.
>>38869Her excuse is that "they're more comfortable there, I don't want to disturb them" but her tone sounds more like he either bullied her into leaving them or it's a half-lie and she didn't have the money to move back and take them with her.
No. 38877
>>38867I feel bad for her, in this video she looks and sounds really broken up. And it's obvious she loves those cats, so I can't imagine dealing with a breakup of a seven-year relationship AND losing your two pets.
How long has she been living in Japan now?
No. 38882
>>38873Or maybe the cats are with him because she's always traveling and can't take care of them? Even when they lived in Japan, it seemed like he was looking after them most of the time.
He had a regular job in his home country and he couldn't rely on his wife's youtube career, either. They communicated in Japanese because neither really spoke each other's native language, but his Japanese was especially limited. Without knowing what happened, it's unfair to blame him for the divorce.
No. 38883
>>38859It's sad and it's worse that he kept the cats. Like, ouch.
but she sounds like obnoxious, not wanting to go back to Canada, because it's "too boring for me." Also, 4 ads in a 10 min video? girl..
No. 38884
>>38859Not funny. I understand that vloggers are annoyingly self-important little shits, but her relationship of 7 years just failed and that's kind of traumatic for anyone.
>>38883It's 2019, use an ad blocker.
No. 38885
>>38873yeah, it weirded me out that she felt the need to leave them in Korea. Also, the comment section is cancer with people talking about their dead pets and 'furbabies.'
She should have kept her cats and moved to Japan with them. It's odd to see a dude fighting to keep two cats over his non ex-wife. Was it spite?
No. 38888
>>38882Huh, you make a really solid point about the cats.
But I'm still convinced by Sharla's emotions that she's not really the one pushing for this divorce. You don't cry over a relationship if you're the one going "I'm ending this, it's not working out". The real reason is still in the air but I'll bet her ex-husband is not nearly as sad about this as she is. She put all her eggs in the Korea basket when it was a really unstable plan to begin with.
>>38883>but she sounds like obnoxious, not wanting to go back to Canada, because it's "too boring for me."That's what I mean lol, gotta be a weeb/keeb about it. I wonder if she's just trying to dodge her family from saying "I told you so".
>>38884Again, I'm srsly doubting the
7 years claim. Seems more like the whole time she knew him vs the time they dated steadily. There's a huge difference and the longer and more exaggerated the more pity it fishes up.
No. 38893
>>38855I made the later post, not the one about peachy milky. But yikes, something hit to close to home?
>>38873I agree, her Korean videos were ridiculously boring. Her Japanese vlogs weren’t the most exciting thing in the world but at least she was
more knowledgeable.
No. 38900
>>38883>>38885Just as a note, Korea is not a rabies free country. In order to bring her cats back to Japan, she would have had to wait a /minimum/ of 6 months, possibly longer depending on if they weren’t up to date on their correct vaccines/needed their blood sent off for testing outside of Korea. If she wanted to take them sooner, they’d get locked in quarantine at the airport and she’s either have to pay someone to feed them, or travel to the airport daily to do it herself.
Taking pets to Japan is obnoxious, I can see why she chose to leave them, especially if she needed to get out of there even mildly quickly.
No. 38901
>>38882>>38900With both of these on the table it's probably for the best that he kept them, it's too bad we won't see them anymore.
This is the kind of information that should be in the comments, not "abloobloo, my gf dumped me and I put my dog down last year so I can relate" crap.
No. 38905
>>38859Typical Sharla, in a video about divorce and failed marriage says “muh caaaats” is the worst thing to come out of it all.
I say she was a typical weeb who though korea would be all sparkly and hip like those touristy korea towns in tokyo are, but then realized once she moved she would have to fill roles of being somebody’s wife and the role of being a daughter in law is a pretty big deal, so it probably fucked with her. mixed with the fact that she cant speak the language, her videos there were garbage and she wasnt really doing a lot of work in korea/getting out of the house amd relying a lot on him, mixed in with the fact that she was in japan a lot, it was probably a shit situation for her husband too.
No. 39159
>>39094I don't think it's because of not fitting in or even trying to fit in. The parents probably didn't approve from the beginning and it didn't really matter much because they were living in Japan at the time. Now that they moved back the parents probably put some pressure on the dude to come to his senses and stop that act with the foreigner. I don't know anything about their relationship but judging how Korea is so super obsessed with beauty and being skinny… and Sharla not really fitting into that Korean girl trope… the guy probably wasn't even so into it.
I just found it super AWKWARD when she was bawling her eyes out :( and then suddenly it was like "please check out my cats on instagram, like-subscribe to them on youtube :)" like wtf?
No. 39160
>>39128It’s not about money it’s about importing animals
An animal from Korea to japan is a fuck ton of work and takes months of certification and tests because Korea doesn’t actively test for rabies so japan would treat her cat like a fucking bomb
No. 39171
My vet explained it that Korea only requires one combo vac, and if they're indoor cats, rabies is not something they will get. You only get them if you're exporting the animal, and the wait time is 3 months after the shot to take them from Korea.
Korea also does not accept rabies paperwork that was done like 24 months prior or something? My Korean is rough and his English is too, but that's along the lines of it, like
>>39160 said.
It's not easy to take pets to Korea but it's easier to take them out.
No. 39576
>>39507Now you made me watch her boring video.
I honestly don't know what your problem with their "date" is, they don't talk that much on camera, but from what she does show they sound like a normal couple.
No. 39647
>>39527I think the seven year thing is a lie, but have nothing to back it up since I don't like her. They were probably "together" (aka FRIENDS) for the majority of that time.
How the fuck could you not share a language after 7 years if it was a serious relationship? Maybe they were just fuck buddies for a long time or something.
It's stupid and sketchy and I doubt she's learnt her lesson.
No. 39712
>>39647The 7 years just can't be true. Either it's been 7 years since they were first introduced, as you said, meaning they maybe hang out from time to time and at some point just started dating.
Did they even live in the same area?
Maybe the guy just agreed to get married to get tax benefits, since he had a real job.
No. 40258
>>40069With JP being their common language I can imagine the amount of
deep and meaningful conversations they were able to have at that time. Please.
>>40227>so much hard work, only 15 minutes!yeah, apart from the other 2 guys who had to in come in early and set everything up while she was "going into work" and making several stops around town
and the make believe that TC is trying to sell now, jfc, youtuber experiences of settling down in Japan, which 90% of people who are actually moving to Japan for work can't relate to.
No. 41033
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>>40931Not sure why this hasn't been brought up here yet, but Mikan was found out to selling nudes and/or domme services online via CollarSpace.
I found a reddit acct called "Princess_Mikan" as well, but it's deleted.
I've always thought her outfits were sort of cringey, especially for someone who just got into fashion school. It looks like cheap Aliexpress, and it doesn't help when paired with a cosplay wig.
No. 41819
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>>41818>>40931Omg hold on, I just checked. I got mikan mixed up with this girl the whole time. They kinda have similar faces and cheap outfits so I was confused.
No. 50032
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Bii's asking people to pay $9 via Patreon to find out what happened while she was in Australia. All this crying makes it seem like she was abused or cheated on. Did anyone even watch this?
No. 50058
>>50032I love all this bullshit youtubers get away with. Paywalling some dramatic experience in your life is so ridiculous she could literally say she was kidnapped for a week and I wouldnt care cause she made people pay MONEY to hear her recount some bullshit story.
Go cry into your injections and korean plastic surgery ffs.
No. 50526
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No. 50534
The overall gist:
>lost half of income>upon moving to Australia, bf says he doesn't love her anymore>emotional abuse: bf would call her an embarrassment and a humiliation, get mad at her cry for crying>believes bf was jealous of her freelance income/youtube job >constant cycling of breaking up because neither of them would move out>certain he cheated on her at least onceI really don't under why her boyfriend let her move in if he didn't even love her anymore. Seems cruel.>>50523
No. 50620
>>50526it's osharegirl.
she got lip fillers…her lips look terrible.
why would you post a zoom in pic of your face like if looking like that…
No. 50807
>>50799I'm not seeing anyone say that she does.
But to play devil's advocate, we don't have any evidence she doesn't.
But we do know that her unqualified overshooped ass was on a "teaching" website with a profile that looked like a dating/escort profile and we also know that's where she met her boyfriend who was still a highschool student at the time.
Plus she has absolutely no problem demanding money from her followers.And she had no moral issues doing findom to fix her schnozz and get her to glorious Nippon, which says a lot about her character.
No. 51789
I thought she deleted the video but she made it private bc it's available again
No. 52590
>>50526 I really do like Jenn, I think the problem is her use overuse of using a heavy foundation and a powder on top of it. It completely dried out her skin making it look terrible. If she put on BB Creams that are Korean – you can find more pale shades from my experience, and use something are for mature skin which has more moisture not because she looks old, and only use a powder under the eyes, the more glowing skin will look better and her skin won't be a dry sponge.
I think the second photo was after ter makeup was wearing off so more of her oil is coming through. The more you powder, the more oils come through due to your skin needing to make even more of it to try and rehydrate it. Her skin issues is due to her skin needing the moisture and her just piling on a tone of drying layers, along with the really unneeded shading powders, her face is already slim, she doesn't need that much makeup on her skin, and more moisturizing stuff she puts on it, the more her skin will calm down.
Glowing skin isn't "oily" looking, it looks moist and not dry. With a moist looking skin, you won't need the contour so much especially adding more "shine" back on the dry AF skin. Skip powders, your skin will thank you.
No. 75188
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Sunnydahye and Kim Dao had a falling out and are no longer friends
Kim kept making comments about how she would never put her relationship online(she's made AMA with her fiance before) and people found out she was shading Sunny since she and her new boyfriend Chris Okano were making constant couple video content.
Who knew immature bitches who constantly talk about their besties would have a messy friendship break up
No. 75201
>>75188Chris Okano was friends with Sunny and Kim for years apparently and also hang out and made videos with them. He's also part of the J-vlogger community and knows Sharla but he was a very small influencer compared to Kim, Sunny and Sharla. Chris and Sunny began dating earlier this year.
His channel is now called 'Sunny and Chris' kek. He had very few klicks before her like always under 10k. Now he has like 40k - 200k klicks per video and his channel is growing very fast. Of course he's using Sunny for cloud and Kim probably wanted to warn her.
No. 75226
Here is a list of the influencers that work with him.'re making him sound like he's an unknown up and coming j-vlogger when he's responsible for the success of many of their careers.
No. 75227
>>75201Samefag but I just noticed the part where you said Chris is using her for "cloud". I assume you mean "clout". In reality, Chris Okano is her manager. She uses HIM for clout in the most literal sense of the word.
Here's more about the company HE founded, the company that represents Kim: No. 75237
>>75226Tokyo creative is fucking dying and they kicked Chris out of the company. The company is not profitable and bleeding money and investors are pissed.
Chris seems like a shady guy
No. 75242
>>75237Didn't say anything other than "he founded TOKYO CREATIVE. He's not an up and coming j-vlogger.
The investors might be "pissed" because their business plan isn't making money. You know, the reason most investors came on board.
Unless you have actual sources to back up your claim, you sound like you have nothing on him.
He's just a boring film maker. Not everything is as exciting and juicy as you wish it was.
No. 75243
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>>75242lmao? you seem defensive, I'm just adding onto what you said, not correcting it.
Anyways his linkedin is public and said he hasn't worked there for months note in his profile he started a new company "HUR" with Sunny as the main subject. He also rebranded his youtube channel as "SUNNY AND CHRIS" dude is creepy obsessive
No. 75264
>>75226>>75227Yeah I meant 'clout', thx autocorrection.
It doesn't matter if he founded Tokyo Creative because they kicked him out. He always had low clicks on his vids which means he doesn't know how to promote and do marketing the right way although he appeared in Sharla's/Kim's/Sunny's videos. He had to start a new company and renamed his channel. He needs Sunny for clout and it's def not the other way around. An influencer company is nothing without influencers which means he is nothing without Sunny.
No. 76295
>>75226"he's responsible for the success of many of their careers"
what the fuck did I just read lmao almost all the people from Tokyo Creative were well-known before he ever touched them, if anything I've seen people cite time and time again that the boring Tokyo Creative shit was the stuff that made them lose interesting in the Jvloggers they used to watch. Okano was a boring nobody until he used the names and clout of the people he convinced to get on board to make himself look like a big time businessman. He's a boring ass clout chasing douchebag who uses his friends' platforms to make a name for himself.
No. 86873
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Nothing too milky here but Cathycat calls herself 'Japanese fashion girl living in Japan'.
Does she see a Japanese girl, if she looks into the mirror? Isn't she a nearly 40 year old German woman who struggles to pay rent because she throws her money out for ugly lolita dresses, so she can look like an overgrown toddler?
No. 86878
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I've seen this woman interviewing people in Omotesando(don't remember exactly in front of what store but its in the Softbank/Lush proximity) so many times. She gives me second hand embarrassment, she looks like she is 60 and yet dressing lolita(seriously, she must photoshop the fuck out of her IG pics because she looks MUCH older in person , even with 20 lbs of makeup) .
Seriously, every time I've passed her I've seen the people around us looking at her and grimacing in disgust/second hand embarrassment, tourists and Japanese alike.
No. 86911
>>86873Not wanting to wk but you can simply replace "japanese fashion" with any other hobby, it does make sense. And if she really would have tried to pretend to be native then she wouldn't have added that she's fluent in japanese because that would be a given.
>>86897Way too many lolitas are doing that, I get it if you're in your early 20s but not if you're 30+ like her or Fanny Rosie… That's not helping with normies thinking of the fashion as ageplay.
No. 86962
>>86925>But she's obviously choosen the life she wants.I don't really know anything about her except recognizing her from youtube videos, maybe she's a miserable hot mess of a cow idk. But isn't her life pretty good, by white weeb in Japan standards? She doesn't have a basic expat job like teaching, her Japanese is good enough that she can interview randoms on the street, she gets to wear jfash as much as she likes.
>>86911Fanny Rosie dresses age appropriately, nobody could confuse her with an age player.
tbh these threads always just reek of people who are jealous of anyone who lives in Japan. Calling yourself a girl isn't milky.
No. 87277
>>87252Nope she didn't. She's works for a marketing agency in japan and you can hire her to say good things about your company.
When some american convention guy shows up to give her money to promote it, she does so without any background check. She's the only one in her company who speaks english and no one did any background check.
So when Taylor from Scarfing Scars dropped the bomb, japanese where too stupid to read english, and too proud to admit it.
That was her company's fault.
No. 87536
>>87277My goodness you whiteknighted pretty fast.
She knew what she was doing and absolutely deserves getting called out for standing behind a known predator. She did not have to support him, she chose to and is 100% accountable.
No. 88317
>>88308Nah Hirokazu dumped her a while ago. This is some new dude she met barely a month ago and now plans on moving in with him. There's a whole ass PULL thread about her and about how this new guy, Yasu, basically cheated on his ex with Mikan, then when the ex came to PULL to share her side of the story with receipts, Mikan made an instagram post to her thousands of followers about how
toxic and manipulative Yasu's ex is and not to believe anything she says. The whole thing is quite milky.
No. 88321
>>88299I don't think it's a
valid reason, it's a pretty dumb reason especially with how chaotic the world is right now. Staying in school = safe student visa as long as she wasn't failing/not showing up to class before this pandemic shit happened (I couldn't watch the whole video so idk if she said her grades were bad). All of this is going to cause strain on her already sketchy relationship and her mental health. School would've provided stability and secured her a degree, even if her job prospects were low, just stick it out if you're not going to leave the country anytime soon. I don't suspect she is going to hop on the spousal visa train anytime soon, which is what PULL keeps suggesting. But she is making really poor decisions right now so this is bound to be a shit show.
No. 88362
>>88299The "work hard" thing has pretty much always been a facade with her. She wants to look like she works hard but in reality she tries to find the easiest least labor intensive solution always.
She's leaving Bunka because she professors have told her that she sucks. That's it. And it's obvious. Girl has no interested in fashion besides the most tired cosplay taobao 2010 reject stuff.
She decided to go to Bunka because her Japanese was too shit for regular university. She didn't have N2 and there is no way she would have passed the Japanese University exams, so trade school it is, where she only had to memorize certain things for the entrance exam and had someone to help her study. And I guess fashion design sounded more glamorous for her then any other trade school she might have attended. But fashion design is hard and creativity is something that is hard to teach if you're utterly devoid of it (as mikan is).
So she failed and is now-as she frequently does- whining about depression and money (even though previously she bragged that her second year at Bunka was paid already).
No. 88371
>>88317Damn, didn't even notice since I barely watch any of her videos. From the thumbnails they looked the same. Clicking on a video I see this new guy is very fluent in English. She changed an older video title to 'with my EX-boyfriend' too. Sucks to know she's lame and
toxic. I know the threads pointed out her old borderline sex worker ads and 'English lessons', but that stuff didn't bother me. Let's see if she gets deported.
Is there even any "cute" active jvlogger that isn't a spoiled whore? I like Sharla's videos now that she's been back from the Korea fiasco, that's all I can think of. Every time I find another channel they've been inactive.
No. 88436
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>>88372I think people on pull mentioned that she had been told that there were no jobs for foreigners who want to work in fashion (in Japan).
But her being told she's crap wouldn't surprise me either, cause she's really bad. Successful designers like Yohji Yamamoto went to Bunka too. Just imagine the skill level of her classmates and she does this shit
No. 88442
>>88436I'd be really embarrassed to turn that in.
I feel like she's lying about being in second year, I think she might've failed her first year.
I also designed that kind of dress back when I was a 8 year old drawing magical girls and princesses.
No. 96379
>>94970I know plenty of foreigners employed in the Japanese fashion industry….. it is a different game for foreigners (especially foreign women) but as long as you’re fluent in Japanese I don’t think it’s an insurmountable challenge. That said, fashion school is expensive and if she doesn’t want to put in the work to get a degree that will qualify her to get a back breaking, soul sucking job, I dont rly blame her lol
I don’t know how she even got into bunka if her sketches resemble
>>88436(necro) No. 113552
>>113515Stop filling the name and email spaces,
How do you have that information that they are on and off?
Don't say stuff without proof. Either bring receipts of the milk or gtfo
No. 114081
>>114076"she wanted a penis" "she was transgender" "then she had a boyfriend, I thought she just changed her mind!" "I don't care about sexual preferences"
It's like he is mixing being trans and being a lesbian
No. 114370
>>114292Sorry, I don't understand the point that you are making. Are you saying it's TkyoHam? I don't think so, he clearly says it is a biological female. Besides, Victor and Sam hate each others guts. Victor clearly still likes and respects this person.
The only people I can think of are Sharla and Micaela, but Micaela and Miranda were never very close.
No. 114374
>>25322>>114370Around the 39 minute mark, he says "she was good friends with Kanadaijin." I must have missed the part where all of Miranda's friends were fellow YouTubers. Back when she was a bit more normal, she occasionally talked about going out clubbing with other expats; presumably she had more friends than the jvlog community. Victor says he met the person in question at his annual "YouTube party" but I doubt one must be a YouTuber to attend this prestigious event; she might have been Miranda's +1 if this was long enough ago that her and Victor were still civil to each other.
I could listen more to see if he clarifies, but that's all the Victor I can take. It's been years since I've watched him; damn he's aged. Maybe cut down on the drinking, Boggio-san.
No. 114376
>>25322>>114375I'm "internet friends" with lots of people who don't vlog. Unless he says, "this friend of hers is also a jvlogger," the idea that it must be Sharla or anyone any else we've heard of is a real stretch. In fact, if this person was a jvlogger, I doubt he would have even mentioned Miranda. He would have just said, "this girl who is a fellow jvlogger" because who in their right mind would invoke the name of Miranda if they could avoid it?
It's most likely he met this no-name non-vlogging girl thru Miranda, probably at one of his parties, and became friends with her independently afterwards.
No. 114936
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So yet another Jvlogger started doing lewd stuff. First PeachMilky and now Bii. I guess Bii is very desperate to become a successful influencer bc she's trying for years with different accounts and formats. She has a banging body but her face reminds me of a 40 year old Korean auntie full of plastic surgery. If PeachMilky can do it, Bii can do it too No. 118962
>>118954>It's a purebred Siamese stray Are you fucking stupid
Also it IS super hard to rehome cats that were strays, not even only in Japan.
Plus they just bought land, in a few yards they'll be in a huge house. What a nitpick.
No. 118971
>>118954>purebred SiameseAre you retarded? That's not a purebred siamese and based on their cat videos they are doing a great job taking care of her and their other cats.
>Rachel obviously wants a special needs purebred cat for views >I don't watch them, just clicked to see the cat storyIf you don't watch them, how would you know that?
No. 118978
>>118962>>118971Watch the video before leaping to your ginger autist queen's defense retards. It's a purebred snow shoe or some shit because it's got the right coloring and a telltale generic issue associated with the breed.
>hurdur purebred can't be strayIt was obviously dumped by previous owners or a shitty breeder. Not all strays are feral and this one definitely isn't because they're not both covered in claw marks.
>>118971It's obvious because they could have made a very clear appeal in the video asking local viewers to share and try find her a home.i assume they have a lot of reach and could at least try instead of making a thousand excuses. Just because it's hard doesn't make it impossible.
>>118959He's not gonna fuck you
>>118969Exactly. I only watched the videos about the cat because anons whining was suspect and as I thought, they were being ridiculous.
>>118976I’m not a fan of theirs, the ‘crit’ was just a seethe.
No. 119922
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Bii got a bullhorn lip lift and new lip fillers apparently. I think she should consider to stop messing up her lips. Now she has the constant 'something smells bad' look on her face. Her face moves very unnatural now too.
No. 119958
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>>119941It sounded like they were not accommodating of her chronic lain issue (endometriosis). Not clickbait enough, I guess! I don't like Mimei but I had some compassion for her after I realized that's why she would leave events early or miss them. I think it could have been dealt with more nicely by the others, some of them literally rolled their eyes when they said Mimei wasn't feeling well.
And then there was that birthday party…
No. 120105
>>120017Not at all.Iirc Bii was on the Sharla/Taylor side and even got into shit on Twitter with Mimei and Duncan. And she and Taylor met up later in Canada and also Japan.
Mimei was pretty much on her own.And tbh that's because she's utterly insufferable.Don't get me wrong, the others weren't great or anything but Mimei is an asshole.Her interactions with others seem to nearly always end badly because of her perpetual sense of victimhood.
>>120084Bii is First Nations
No. 120216
>>120084Bii is mixed. I think she said French and Native Canadian.
>>120105I always had a soft spot for Mimei bc she was never fake in my opinion. If she didn't like something, she always showed it through emotions or even verbally. So naturally some people think she's insufferable and mean. Still better than fake nice uwu weeb shit.
No. 120363
>>120286Can you give an example pls?
I know they don't like Taylor and it's not because she's doing better than them or else Mimei wouldn't have met her several times. The attacks started around the time when Taylor acknowledged being fake regarding her vegan lifestyle. She was vegan just for clout and ate meat and fish like gollum behind a cliff when no one was filming. Taylor has no personality and is fake as hell. I would have acted like Duncan and Mimei and shaded the shit out of her too.
No. 120406
>>120363You would have trashed someone who thought of you as a friend, publicly to your hundreds of thousands of followers? Wow I feel bad for any friends you might have. Taylor is dumb as a post and self obsessed, but she generally tries to be kind and do well by her friends.There's a reason that literally everyone in the group took her side in the debate.I remember that on Taylor's b-day she really seemed to be trying to specifically make sure Mimei was included. And Mimei turned around and shat on her and whined that she wasn't the center of attention. I'm sorry but people like that are fucking impossible.
Mimei also attacked Kota. She attacked that manga artist. And it seems like she fucked up a bunch of Duncan's other friendships with her toxicity. She got into it with coworkers and again played
victim. I'm sorry but she is just such a whiny cluster-b clusterfuck
No. 120426
>>120404Unfortunately not, I'm mostly bored of Taylor's thread and the people who hate on her for being pretty and rich but her fakeness is just too much
>>120406Kek she attacked Kota?? Did they meet in real life or what happened? Spill the beans
No. 120491
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>>120433What a selective memory you have. Kota PMed Duncan with a sexist pickme comment about an obvious parody video he made. There wasn't evidence of the jvloggers talking shit on twitter until after Dakota's tweet to Duncan was exposed. Did she think he wouldn't show that to Mimei? Fucking idiot.
"they're girls so it's to be expected"
No. 120492
>>120491I'm pretty sure Sharla's "dumb bitch" comment was a reference to some comment Kiki made to one of ze jvloggers after they commented on one of Dakota's videos ("I wish I'd seen this side of you at [some modeling thing]!" or something). Kiki sperged out completely accusing them of being on hate sites and trying to be fake friendly to Dakota.
Ah the good old days.
No. 120790
>>120510Yikes at defending a monstrenga.
>>120773>>120767Really? Bii is nowadays against drama, negative energy and bans anyone in her twitch chat who doesn't lick her ass. She is such a hypocrite and catty bitch. I loved it when anons asked her in chat if she's trans and she totally flipped out and told people to stop on Twitter kek
No. 120824
>>120790Not defending. I clearly said everyone involved is an asshole. Koots isn't excluded from that.But the difference is that everyone here
knows Koots is trash. Monstrenga as you rightly said. But Mimei tends to get a pass when she also often acts like a raging cunt.
No. 121261
>>120935>>120976unless the big official baby book is for fakesies then this poor kid.
japan is already racist against filipino/half so he has that stacked against him AND they named him the most kirakira nonsense
No. 121262
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>>121261apparently I forgot to attach the screencap
No. 121361
>>121277Ah yes great knowledgeable sensei sama, please direct me to the kanji that reads “wolverine”
Read posts before replying you reactionary retard
No. 124836
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why does rachel look mtf
No. 125026
>>124841 said, the camera flattened her face out but the long philtrum, mismatched hair/eyebrows, and shitty makeup amplifies camera-given mtf properties
No. 125598
>>119922thank you so much for this. i was so disturbed/confused when i watched one of her vlogs and halfway through she reappeared with a totally different mouth and a super swollen/fucked up face, and she just carried on without acknowledging it?? even though she could barely talk?
this is the vlog in question. at 24 minutes she has one face… at 29 minutes she appears and suddenly has a completely different face. it was jarring af. she should have at least said something lol
No. 125861
>>125598new boyfriend? or same one who dragged her around korea/australia
bii is like a dollar store taylor wanna be. she cant afford to move around as much as she does, but somehow she does
No. 125976
>>124836>>125587>>125589The nose job robbed her of every interesting aspect her face had before, I wonder if that's the reason for her recent depressions?
too bad she can't get brain surgery to implant some make-up skills
after what, 10 years? of living on yt you'd think someone would figure out how to do more flattering make up
(or even not wearing make up at all would be better at this point, my god what's with that orange and yellow eye infection style)
>>125598Bii is so unfortunate looking and getting uglier by the surgery/fillers/whatevs
I don't get why she's a beauty vlogger. at some point people asked if she were a TiM, that made me laugh because it's fucking true
No. 126015
>>125616Omg, I was watching her video and I couldn't decide why her face looked off, but you're right, it's her nose
>>125861I wouldn't be surprised if she announced that she's got an OnlyFans and that's why she can afford shit
No. 126962
>>126015she sorta does. she posts lewds on patreon, but only has 5 patrons. she's mentioned her boyfriend has a serious corporate job so hes probably pulling 6 figures. she's lucky af that this dude is willing to pay for her thousands-of-dollars surgeries she has like twice a year.
also, she posted a new vlog yesterday and her lips and nose look way way better in it. idk if ive just become desensitized to her face or something though. the dark hair looks so much better than the shit she had before lol
No. 127234
>>127226Tbh, I'm more worried with his issues to do with his own family.
His father walked out on them and the mother had huge control issues so I'm really hoping he went to therapy and won't re-enact those patterns with his kid.
No. 127248
>>127226Endometriosis can make it hard to conceive, but it should not interfere with the pregnancy. She'll probably even feel relief from the endo pain.
I wish them well. It's possible they've been trying for awhile if endo was interfering with her fertility.
No. 127745

Duncan's brother Mikhail(sp?) made a video about the baby news. In the first half, he talked about how his brother cut ties with the family 5-6 years ago and asked Duncan to get in touch with him and Dante again because of the baby and called Duncan cold for quickly cutting ties with other people when they do or say something he doesn't like. Then in the 2nd half, he made fun of Duncan, revealed embarrassing stories about him and criticized him about pretty much everything in a joking way. Then he said Dante would give him 20,000-30,000 yen gift cards every year and asked Duncan for 200,000 yen for new years, 5 years worth of money he didn't get for the years they were estranged, since it'll be too embarrassing for him to ask for new years money once he officially becomes an uncle.
Mimei and Duncan can be overly sensitive and whiny, but I can see why they'd want to keep their distance from the Paine family. Even after the jokes, Mikhail was getting all teary-eyed, but there's no way he'd make that video if he really wanted to make up and meet his niece/nephew… unless he's a complete idiot, which is possible.
I also think there's a lot more to the Paines and the Japanese uncles/cousins vs. Duncan and Mimei story than what's been talked about on their channels. Mikhail kept saying that Duncan doesn't have to forgive the family although there are explanations for their behavior or things he (Duncan) doesn't know/understand, but then he (Mikhail) also said he didn't really understand why Duncan won't speak to them at all anymore.
No. 127811
>>127745>Then he said Dante would give him 20,000-30,000 yen gift cards every year and asked Duncan for 200,000 yen for new years, 5 years worth of money he didn't get for the years they were estrangedSo Mikhail thinks Duncan is obligated to give him money? Wtf… time to grow up and get a job. Isn't this Mikhail dude already in his 30s?
Also if you try to connect with your etranged family, you should never ever do this in public on the internet. Do this in private. He's a psycho for revealing Duncan's private life and making of him. I understand Mimei and Duncan. May they live a long, happy and healthy life together with their child far away from this
toxic family.
No. 127856
>>127839My bad, I thought he was dead serious because the whole video is about trying to show Duncan in a bad light who's allegedly an asshole for not staying in contact and supporting his
toxic family.
No. 129678
>>129230she has a chronic illness, which the other women regularly seemed to roll their eyes at. Also, when everyone's content revolves around spending money, and you don't have extra to spend, that's a difficult situation. Some of the jvloggers were so stuck-up and passive-aggressive towards Mimei & Duncan that I excuse whatever bitchiness I noticed on Mimei's part. I think the fakeness and subtle shunning in that clique was far more pronounced behind closed doors.
I don't get a munchie or fishing-for-sympathy vibe from Mimei. I wrote something in a previous thread but in retrospect I can see how her personality and life was affected by her physical pain, and the others couldn't or wouldn't understand that.
I remember that she skipped out on some beach trip and at the time PULL ragged on her. Now, I just assume she was having massive cramps and bleeding, which she couldn't exactly deal with on a beach. Maybe I'm wrong but it's a totally plausible explanation.
idk how long she knew of her endometriosis diagnosis, but she revealed it to viewers around the time of the big jfight. If they chose to make a big deal about her participation or liking IG photos while she was dealing with health issues, that's shitty and would lead to her feeling even more isolated. Meanwhile, Taylor gets fawned over if her designer dog needs surgery.
Again, I make room for her not reacting well or being kind of aspie about some stuff, but the disdain those women had for Mimei was always palpable.
No. 130595
in case anyone remembers this girl, an update from HannahInJapana
(20 Week Pregnancy Update and Ultrasound) No. 130887
>>130396Yeah I think you mixed up Rachel from Rachel&Jun and Rachel from DearSeoul.
It's really fucked up if you saw the original caps (don't have the saved unfortunately), pics of her home and personal details about her boyfriend and his job that could have gotten him fired. And Cari basically got away with it all, her fans don't care in the slightest and were piling on people who weren't 100% supportive in the comments.
No. 132634
>>129678she was literally one of the worst ones, and she exposed Duncan for being equally cringe and angsty just like her, I used to quite like some of his content before the drama. This is the same woman who tried to scam money from people to pay vet bills while she went to kpop concerts as a how old is she? 30 plus?? Bruh
I still can't get over that disgusting hoarder apartment and her greasy sad hair, literally the most insufferable of them all.
No. 135091
some mild milk in this vid: bii claims her swollen and stretched top lip looks this way because she dissolved her lip filler, got older, and does her makeup differently. she's talked about having a nose and boob job, so why the fuck did she choose to lie about having a lip lift??? i'd err on the side of "maybe she didn't have it done" but you can see in previous vlogs where she CLEARLY has a scar underneath her nose, it's visible up against her nostrils, and then there's vlog linked here
>>125598. there's no way she DIDN'T have it done
this thread is almost dead tbh so this is the spiciest thing to happen to the ex jvloggers in a while lol
No. 145643
>>145258I know, it's really fucking weird. There's some strong unrequited vibes there. I get that he has like 7 cats, so she maybe thought he was the best one for the job but it still seems like a very intimate ask to ask someone to pick up your cat from your ex husband in another country.
Dude, it's got to be so painful to do this big thing for her and then watch her break her big toe to get to Chad Chris Broad when he's in town.
No. 145649
>>145258It’s funny how different people see different things. I remember him kinda laughing and almost seeming grossed out when she confirmed they weren’t dating in one of her vids. It kinda made me wonder if he was gay…? His Instagram is nothing but updates on his hair and few selfies taken with a female friend.
Also, if I was really into traveling, and that had to stop during the pandemic, I could see jumping at the chance… it looks like he spent time with a friend once out of quarantine.
It is kinda weird… but it could also be a funny friendship story, and he was in a unique position as an American since she couldn’t as a Canadian enter South Korea…
No. 145676
>>145649It really seemed like he went for the express purpose of getting her cat. For me the big question is did he pay for all that time in the hotel, or did she? Because that answers the question of if he is a unrequited simp OR perhaps just a sassy gay friend who wanted to travel anyway.
and kek at Chad Chris Broad…definitely see the chemistry between him and Sharla.
No. 145704
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>>145691 Same. I mosty get friendly colleague vibes with the dudes in her vids. I mean, who knows, it’s all a ymmv situation, but I don’t see anything between anyone who pops up in her vids.
Did she say in the vid that she had things set up and planned to travel herself until South Korea placed restrictions on Canadians entering the country? Like, she just transferred the travel reservations to him. It seems like that was implied, but idk!
Also, when I saw this pic posted on his cat Insta I kinda figured this trip was just kind of a funny adventure for him, but also being a good friend…
No. 146100
>>146098Anon just because you ship them doesn’t mean they’re actually gonna get together lol.
Maybe there is another reason aside from her stationery business that she rented another apartment but I don’t think Chris is it.
No. 146154
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whats the beef between emma and chris? after getting clipped on twitch talking shit about how inconsiderate chris is, emma went on to rag on him (for conveniently forgetting her dairy allergy all the time) in the lunchtime share video w/ aki, then appear a little more amiable in the "abroad in a pan" video, and then dedicate a watch-with-me on twitch to talking more shit w/ her viewers. She seems really bitter and over it- trouble in TC paradise?
No. 146170
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>>146154Emma in general has seemed REALLY depressed for the last few months. A lot of attempts at reinvention, self deprecating humor that seems a little more mean-spirited than usual, lots of wistful & bittersweet statements about her past, and she just looks a bit like she stopped taking care of herself. Picrel, she looked like she hadn't showered in a week in this video. I don't know if that is why she's angry with Chris or if its completely unrelated but I've been wondering what's up with her. I think she's getting better now though, she seems more like her old self.
No. 146212
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>>146191I found several comments on TC videos theorizing that they are together but still no proof. I don't want it to be true, I want Chris for myself lmao. I actually assumed Spy-chan is Emma herself or some other girl from the jvlogger group (or maybe Sharla herself?)
No. 146350
>>146212Lol me too anon, Chris is one of my retarded crushes.
I think spy anon is a guy.. I have no proof but I’m sure of it.
No. 146902
>>146872Lily's first language isn't English and she has an odd way of phrasing things/unusual grammar patterns. If you check her twitter, you'll see the writing style is the same.
Also, the anon knew some pretty intimate details of Chris and Lily's break up. I highly doubt Chris is going around telling people he let Lily take his bedsheets out of guilt. So that makes the anon someone close to Lily or Lily herself (assuming the anon isn't full of shit). I think it's Lily because if you read her twitter she's been pretty unhappy since the breakup and doesn't seem to be fully over it.
No. 146917
>>146882same, dude. this is the most information i have ever seen come out about the chris and lily breakup. if chris and sharla are together, i feel like this will make for the most uncomfortable dynamic at TC- now it's all couples and one single person?
can a post-divorce rebound really work when it's intertwined with dynamics like YT viewership? is sharla an opportunist?
No. 147016
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>>146999Was she still dating this guy? Always pinged my gaydar hardcore. Looked like a FTM Remi Malek.
No. 147036
>>146999I remember her posting an IG story that they broke up around April or May. It should be in Emma's archived pull thread.
>>147016Yeah it was that guy. I thought he was her little brother before she said boyfriend.
No. 147088
>>147016Is Emma
problematic? I’ve always really liked her.
No. 147139
>>147088I dont think Emma is
problematic. Her content is fun and creative. shes a pewdiepie fan, suprised me. i wish her the best!
for the bf. Heres kind of the timeline i saw…
Emma waiting for bf to move to japan (Emma depressed), bf moves to japan (Emma Happy), bf is living with her (Emma and bf seem tense.. his room is super messy), bf visa issues (Emma stressed), finally breakup (Emma seems better, her content becomes better too).
she also just moved to a new apt as shown in her newest vids.
No. 147143
>>147139Timeline accurate- seemed like he didn’t really like being on camera and didn’t have a plan. While he was there he got his AAS through an American college in Tokyo but like… that’s not enough to get into an actual JP university and you can’t really work with that. I think that honestly caused the whole thing to dead end . She seemed really ready to pack up his room once he was gone and she started putting out way more content.
Add to that, before he got to JP, she posted a confessional where she mentions questioning her own sexuality- after he left, she posted in her ig stories that she was bi for pride month.
No. 147190
>>147139I like Emma too! I agree her content got better after the break up. I would hope she isn’t depressed because she isn’t taken and can find happiness on her own without having to rely on anyone for it.
I can see how it might affect her, but I always hate it when a youtuber I like suddenly starts putting their SO in every video and the person doesn’t even have a likable personality.
No. 147230
>>147146Thats cool that they are friends! I noticed emma has one of marzias furbie monsters lol.
>>147190imo she doesnt seem to depressed? She mentioned being excited about being a single girl in a big city. But with covid and generally working remote, it probably gets a bit lonely. Im suprised she doesnt live in a big house with other youtubers, like some single vtubers and streamers tend to.
No. 147516
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>>147513Well that article was written just prior to his contract with Tokyo Creative expired. His name is listed on GeeXPlus website and not Tokyo Creative website as an influencer. taste podcast is a GeeXPlus production.
No. 148364
>>148354i think you're confusing sharla with rachel/jun? Sharla's ex-husband never did any videos, in fact, he pretty much wanted to stay private hence why his face was never shown in her videos.
but yea i think she just gave up, and just doing a more discount watered down version of her safe typical content. She can just barely manage above water at this point because she was one of the first youtubers in japan and so has a loyal viewing fanbase.
But yea, in terms of videos in japan; everything has already been done and it just oversaturated.
No. 148528
>>148519I agree with this. I don't think they're dating. I thought there might be some weight to the chris/sharla rumors, but upon further reflection I am going to speculate that Sharla herself (or her discord enablers) might be spreading those rumors. Just a little at a time is enough to get people to go back and watch those videos where they are both featured, or even her new stuff- just to look for hints to the affirmative. That, and brand-loyal longtime viewers subbed to patreon are all thats keeping her afloat.
At this point, I also don't see Sharla moving anywhere else. I think she is in a rut and afraid of trying a new country. She knows japan. She went through the effort of moving her cat to japan. Her professional network is in japan. If she moved out of the country with Chris, she'd be dependent on him like she was on her ex and I would hope she's smart enough to not do that.
No. 148534
>>148532You got some bad opinions there sonny, also live in the UK and:
>Shit weatherGlobal warming helped us there, in the South it's basically Spring/Summer 15-30c for half the year. A lot worse in Scotland but SE is always good.
> shit governmentNo comment lol, we'll see if they keep to their latest plan
> expensiveTrains and stuff are expensive but food is cheap, houses are cheap if you live outside of the city (Sharla already does this in Japan iirc)
> overrun with foreignersFuck you, Sir.
>who get benefits before youBenefits are notoriously hard to get in the UK, I promise ESL "foreigners" are not getting benefits before Brits
> lack of jobs True but mostly due to the pandemic shutting nearly every business, that should change in the coming months. Covid stats are way down and over half the country is vaccinated, the job situation will improve
> and it’s going to get worse.Nope.
No. 148575
>>148566She already has a small stationary business in Japan. Honestly I can't help to feel like the moment Sharla is out of Japan, her channel will suffer and her patreon too but maybe the small amount of loyal fans she has paying her bills will keep her afloat. She is interesting because she doesn't want to go back to Canada or stay in Japan.
Sharla moving to Europe alone, I don't think she will survive unless he finds a job that is not Youtube. If she moves with a partner whoever that will be, that's another story.
No. 148581
>>148575What is your beef with Sharla? Are you the elusive spy anon aka lily?
Why do you keep bumping the thread with these boring assumptions? There’s no milk, they aren’t cows or even snowflakes and are actually still jvloggers.
No. 148627
>>148599Huh. I don’t recall her ever saying that she wanted to move to Europe… and I have watched her for years.
I do remember her saying that she wanted to learn to speak Hungarian so she could chat with her grandpa in his Native tongue… but I think he might have passed in recent years.
Also, I’m sure she could learn another language quite easily. People who are multi-lingual tend to pick up extra languages easier. On e you get past that second language you brain kinda understands what it has to do to get at least conversational on the third and fourth, lol.
No. 148666
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>>148627source if you want to watch. shes mentioned it in another video but would take a bit for me to figure out which.
No. 148706
>>148674Pretty sure I didn’t accuse you of being a lily (kek) and I didn’t attack you either, you’ve got no proof of their relationship so I said what I said!
Also Sharla mentioning she’d like to live somewhere in Europe isn’t concrete evidence that she is doing it. I say I’d like to live in Spain all the time but I’m never going to do it!
No. 148803
>>148770Anon, you too are speaking what you “think”and “feel” because you can’t provide the thread with actual evidence. If you really do notice these things then provide the tea rather than just saying “I know for sure”.
>>148774They do work together so them having the same cup doesn’t make me think they’re dating.
No. 148818
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>>148774In Sharla's recent vlog there's also an office chair in the background which looks like Chris's. She usually has a chair with a completely different design.
No. 148894
>>148598>professional translatorTrust me anon, that's one of the shittiest job ever, whether it's lit translation with you working for an editorial company or freelance. It's underpaid and sucks. You cannot live out of your translation job alone, most people become teachers or have another job + do translation on the side. I don't know how many languages Sharla speaks, but English and Japanese on their own isn't enough
sage for translation sperging
No. 148949
>>148919I’m not mad I’m just offering another view on your theories.
What if Chris gave Sharla some of his furniture to look after while he moved?
What if he stays with her regularly for work purposes?
What if he’s filmed content in her apartment?
When you said you knew for sure I thought you were going to post a photo of them together or something.. do you know them personally?
No. 148981
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>>148956I'm not that invested in his channel. I didn't even know he had a Patreon and didn't care enough to look up how much he earns on Youtube
>>148973I mean, he's been working on that for a while kek
No. 149000
>>148981Chris posted on twitter a while back how frustrated he was his video wouldn't post. Only for it to turn out to be this video, probably the lowest effort most boring shit he has made in the last few years.
IMO, I dont believe Chris is Sharla's type. Chris seems like a nice dude, goofy. Doesnt seem like Sharlas type.
No. 149033
>>149019As a british woman Chris is the typical british lad that did college and uni and probably always went to the pub on the weekend with the lads. Said he was going to japan because fuck bothering with an actual career. Saw Akira and Dragon Ball Z as a kid and Japan lured him in that way. Went to Japan and decided I’m british and sarcastic so fuck it I’ll make a video.
He’s literally just the standard british guy. Nothing special. Most of them look like him. Beer belly, aged, sarcastic and miserable. If Chris was American I don’t think he’d get half the views to be honest.
No. 149035
>>149033Yknow who was good looking? Reagan In Japan - Chris used to hang with him but Reagan went back to Australia.
He was actually fit and likeable :(
(:( ) No. 149067
>>149019Anon that’s just shallow, is it not okay to like someone because of their personality?
What even is this thread now lol
No. 149123
>>149077I think whoever spy chan is (probably lily) is behind the hatred.
I wish I followed these people as much as I used to cause this all feels like it’s 2014 again. Sharla is not what she used to be and Chris was never really a part of the original jvlogger clique - neither of them particularly
problematic either. Who gives a crap if they’re in a relationship
No. 150371
>>150203He had his own huge PULL thread before, surprised no one achieved it.
He used to abuse their fans by forcing them to do free work for him, not only content but even 'pls throw a shout out about me' while claiming they are shit behind the scenes. generally a manipulative weirdo
No. 150499
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Bet Taylor is loving it that she made it on a Pewdiepie thumbnail
No. 150526
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Kim's husband follows mainly lewd girls on instagram… well this just shows the theorys they actually dont love each other are true lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 150649
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>>150619I didn’t think Kim was bad until she decided to class shame someone for not having a college degree.
Yes Kim you have a 4 year degree, but you talk like an absolutely dumbass. I thought it was just a vocal thing but she repeats herself in text too. How many times do you need to repeat apartment? Use a thesaurus you daft cunt or take a writing course
No. 150718
>>150707dude was weird
i remember way back; someone said when they unfollowed him on ig, he'd send you a message something like "sorry, you unfollowed, hope you come back, etc etc" so he was keeping tabs on people
one time he outed sharla's closeted gay friend on camera
and even though he never talks about them, he actually has a wife (or ex wife?) and a kid. Some thought it was weird he kept them secret
No. 150799
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How do weebs find them attractive? Kek
No. 152635
>>152437Does TkyoSam do even the slightest bit of research on the people he discusses? I skimmed his Taylor R video and he:
- said her family moved around a lot internationally before settling back in Canada (conplete fiction)
- doesn't know how old she is
- said she decided in her early 20s to be a model (no)
- said she was actually a fat kid
- described Tom as "a guy who owns a business in Hong Kong"
- gets various stuff wrong about when she got married and where she lived
- said Tom "had to move back to Hong Kong" so she said "marry me"
- doesn't know if she has a tiktok
I'm not gonna make a giant autistic list but it also seems like he watched maybe 4 videos of hers, and didn't pay attention to them. But of course, anyone criticizing Taylor is just jealous because she is so beautiful and rich. (The level of pathetic simping in this video was something I wasn't expecting.) Even if I were an actual fan of Taylor, I'd be annoyed at him just inventing things out of thin air. Which he did every time I skipped ahead in the video. And nah I'm not going to sit through nearly half an hour of his deep analysis of how women online are jus jelly of other women who are prettier and thinner and richer and in glorious Nippon.
So are the rest of his videos about youtubers also some weird blend of fiction and the occasional accurate statement, or are they better?
No. 152735
>>152635I binged watched his vids the other night so I've some thoughts. He's sexist, bitchy and jealous, doesn't do much research before opening his mouth and his vids are so low effort. But he knows some of the people he's commenting on, as in he's met them irl so every now and then you get some inside info. He's not afraid to shit on people that he's met. I think he knows collabs won't be in his future like they were in his past. He's burning bridges as he seems to have a complex about the likes of tokyo creative all teaming up and him being some loner outsider that doesn't break into popular groups.
He talked about Sharla not hanging out with many japanese people in general, sticking to other foreigners instead. He had enough sense to figure out that maybe as she arrived in Japan years ago as a blonde and white woman she likely has been harassed by men there. Thats a thing. He understood the safety concerns. But then he himself went on to randomly rate her looks?? There was no need to go there.
He also talked about what gossipy bitches the people on some all female message board are (not here but similar) and I had to laugh because I'd just watched 10 vids of him bitching and gossiping.
The Norm vid was good because if anything the comment section under it had some interesting feedback from people he'd raged at and blocked. And I didn't know norm had a past of harassing people through fake accounts that were proven to be him. All ver dark. The fact that he always rips into a persons entire worth..over badly worded but harmless comments that they left. Nutty
No. 152865
>>152735he also sounds like he read some forums years ago and not recently. It's been years since Taylor lived in Japan and even longer since anyone criticised her for taking a taxi (unless he isn't referencing the farms or pull). But kek at him just rewriting ppl's history because he can't be arsed to go check.
Japan must be a trip if looking like Sharla gets you guaranteed street harassment for being exotic. Then again, men are braindead.
No. 152870
>>152833I don't get how sharla and chris (and others) can overlook the comment section freakouts he's had. I mean surely word gets around?
Every freakout I've managed to find is him basically dancing around the words 'kill yourself' he's clearly trying to rip rando commenters down to the very core over slight miswording. He's not even responding to actual hate or critisism. He's
triggered by bad english. People trying to say a nice thing and mixing up their words. Holy fuck is he sick in the head.
No. 153081
>>152870Chris has made some videos about his comment section.. I’m sure they know.
Maybe he’s like that awkward friend no one really likes and they pity him.
No. 153122
>>152735As someone who was a huge fan of him literally years ago, my partner and I noticed all of these things after while. Specially the sexism, one time he was eating in a restaurant and there was a girl in the corner doing a mukbang. He said some semi pervy things that could have been taken either way. As pervy or innocent, but seeing it time and time again makes me think he’s a perv. “You can fit so much in her mouth” “she can eat so fast” can’t remember exactly what he said but it was something on those lines.
Now don’t forget I use to be a fan, so I kept cutting him slack ; but after while it was unbearable.
God I cringe at the thought of how religiously I watched him
No. 153245
>>153224Nta but it's about Tykosam if I'm following right?
I feel like Chris is ok, his on cam (slightly played up) persona rubs some people up the wrong way but I feel like he works hard and for some guy to shit on him while making the most effort vids himself.. it stank of jealousy
Norm always gave me an uneasy feeling. Never knew why but I guess now I know
No. 153364
>>152437God I can’t stand Tkyosam
He’s the type of fat grizzly Dorito farting cunt that would search teen on pornhub
No. 153932
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>>153910shit, her YT really is called "oriental pearl"
No. 153982
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Layersofjenn/osharegirl was so much more likeable 2+ years ago. I loved her vlogs and her fashion was so much better imo. Now its all unflattering beige outfits and she tries SO hard to be 'relatable' and over compensating with fake confidence. Had to unsubscribe and unfollow when she moved to Taiwan because suddenly she was an expert when she hasn't even lived there a full year.
I used to like her friend maplesushi too before it became covid content 24/7 for the past year. Just ended up getting burnt out.
No. 154061
>>153982Nah, we aren't going to swing on Jenn- I do agree that she was more likeable and more genuinely relateable when she was a part time YT, but I don't see a huge departure in her demeanor despite her now being a full-time YT/kept wife. She makes videos about Taiwan, but she is clearly learning as she goes- she has never claimed to be an expert. The tik toks are her own content and perspective, not matter of fact.
Jenn worked her ass off to make consistent content in Japan and people yawned at it. Last year she was at 11K subs and now she's creeping up on 50 and she deserves it. Her career is finally taking off after years of hard work- Why shouldn't she be confident?
Sorry to be so passionate lmao, I genuinely really like her content and she doesn't seem evil. Maplesushi is whatever, she is so forgettable- but her husband is hot.
No. 154769
>>154724Norm has a japanese wife and a hafu kid. He doesn't mention his family other than saying that his wife is working (and earning all the moneys) while he loiters in the sewers of youtube.
He never tried to actually hide is maritial status, he just doesn't talk about it
No. 154771
>>153932>Potato nose, looks like she had lots of time in school to read books and study>real name unknown>calls herself "Anming". She chose that name at random without any meaning>first videos are about her speaking chinese in china to chinese people. Gets lots of views>Moves to japan and lives in a share house with other 8 chinese illegals>Her japanese is mediocre, maybe N3>has no manners (american) and makes videos about herself talking to japanese in which she goes up to shop owners and talks 5 minutes about buying an apple. >shop owner stands next to her "wtf are you going to buy stuff, I have stuff to do">she "look at this japanese admiring me speaking her language. I am soooo cool">Talks 5 db louder than anyone around her. When she walks down a street she entertains the whole street>people turn around to look what an obnoxious foreigner yells into a camera>she "omg jappu are worshipping me, my nihongo so jouzu"Japan is a country where you are expected and have to be considered about your neighbour or people standing next to you. She has no manners at all, yells around and annoys people with wasting their time.
She thinks people look at her for her amazing japanese when in reality, they don't.
my master thesis on ugly american girl.
Don't click on her youtube videos or your recommendations will be spammed for 3 days with "white guy speaks x language natively"
These videos get million of views and you're not going to get them out of your recommendation feed
No. 154891
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I'm not sure how that plane didn't crash under Chris' weight, man did he balloon up lol
No. 154963
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>>154891His face looks puffy there but tbh he isn't in the worst shape here, at least compared to other years
No. 155202
>>154879>>154879He appeared on YOUは何しに日本へ (the show where a camera crew approaches random foreigners at the airport, usually Narita, and follows them around doing stuff) and was taking lessons from Ryoichiro of the Yoshida Brothers. The show hyped him up as Ryoichiro's apprentice in promos and showed him playing with a group of other shamisen students at the Yasukuni festival, but he wasn't very good at that time, messed up his solo, and was maybe like intermediate level at most and that was supposedly after 7-8 years under Ryoichiro. I can't remember the details but the story he gave about how he came to Japan and how long he'd been there was also very different from what he'd been telling people on youtube and I think he also hid his youtube channel from the show, just described himself as a pro photographer and videographer who also films shamisen videos of other players. The show went to his house and you could tell his wife and kid were there behind the scenes but not shown. Usually the show would interview the wife and kids with their foreign dad and hype up the family content, esp if the wife is supporting the husband and allow him to pursue his dreams. The whole thing was very sketchy and you could tell his appearance was completely staged.
I don't think he shows much of his shamisen playing on his channel either. Just small bits, never full performances, which is weird considering how much he brags about himself. Always wondered why he lied and hid so much.
Dunno if other shamisen players know of him, maybe some do just from TV or the Yoshida brothers because he's not a professional player, but he's not famous in Japan even on youtube. No. 155206
>>154999That explains how he was able to get Ryoichiro to teach him when he just started learning.
He likes to mention that he won a prize at the Tsugaru Shamisen World Cup, but that was the judge's special prize for only his category and kind of like a consolation prize, esp for foreigner players for just participating who couldn't place or earn another prize.
No. 155344
>>155292Apparently Chris Okano got fired from Tokyo Creative. There was no announcement made when he left because he screwed everyone over. Someone mentions on Reddit he drove TC to the ground. They went bankrupt and some people lost their jobs and visas. They had a fallout and Chris Okano told everyone to just go find an English teaching job or something. They kicked Okano out and then needed to cut down expenses and the remaining staff had to take pay cuts. Chris moved to Korea afterwards.
>>155304Chris's comment is pretty discreet but sounds on par with the rest. I believe he (and Sharla as well) mentioned on a seperate occasion he would visit Chris Okano's wedding, don't know anymore where I read this tho…
No. 155508
>>155425If you're any type of foreign then you run into issues with things like renting etc. You'll outright get refused on the basis of not being japanese. It's not new and it's more about being just foreign than being one specific race. Comment section has a few white women who're married to japanese men and they couldn't adopt pets either.
Pretty misleading title and thumbnail text if she isn't actually making that claim.
No. 155555
>>155508Except we're not talking about someone with a stable job, who's settled in Japan, doesn't travel or move around all the time, doesn't constantly talk about their health problems and can communicate in Japanese. You can also be refused if you're single or don't have a stable source of income even if you're Japanese. There are legit reasons for her to be turned down unlike some other cases and all you need to do is look at her social media.
The org she's complaining about is run by foreigners and has allowed foreigners to adopt. She said they went through her insta and ignored her, but they responded to her through facebook, which you can tell is their main source of communication if you actually check their site.
She's not even in Japan, so anyone who would've checked her insta, which a responsible org would do to see if she's capable of adopting, would see that so why would they go out of their way to contact her right now, esp when they don't know if or when she's returning? Why is she trying to adopt right now when she's not even in the country and will have to quarantine again after returning? If she's wanted to adopt a cat all of this time, why hasn't she learned at least some Japanese in the 5.5 years she's been living in Japan? She still has to have other people interpret for her for basic stuff.
The rescue org is getting harassed, accused of being racist against black people and being pressured into letting her adopt, when she's never around to take care of her pet and plans to move out of Japan soon. In her pinned comment she clarified it was a miscommunication, that they didn't discriminate against her because of her skin and "i just can’t live with anyone being wrongfully labeled especially because of me" but refuses to take down the video or edit the title or description. I hope she at least has permission from her landlord to have a cat.
No. 155570
>>155515But they make everything about race. Almost as if they're trying to find acceptance from everyone else to leave their pit. It's weird.
And most of these black girls are after dating out too because black American men are pricks.
Runemidgarts is a good example. She tried with an asian man then got herself a white man in Japan and they've just had a baby. The way she edits herself just screams self hate.
No. 155621
She’s married to a Russian military guy hence why they’ve got this fancy accommodation. She’s just had his baby.
She always came across as a self hater. She went to some posh boarding school in NY. I think being around more white and Asians just made her feel like she wasn’t the black that the typical black Americans accept. But she edits herself paler ect so it doesn’t surprise me.
No. 155759
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>>155758You must be over 18 years of age to use this site.
No. 156476
>>156428Connor really feels like the least deranged of the three of the Trash Taste guys, I can see him dating Kaho if she was ever into him.
The Trash Taste trio recently posted a hentai doujin review video and it kind of just highlights the reason Joey and Gigguk are so gross and sleazy with their weird boners for incest and lolicon. CDawg is cringe and not as nice as his fangirls think, but at least he isn't jerking it to that shit in his free time. Joey is an ex-Jvlogger and one of the worst so leaving it here since I didn't see anything about them in the catalog, but maybe they could have their own thread?
No. 156509
>>156476>>156508I don’t think have enough drama to warrant their own thread, just keep it in here.
But yeah cdawg is surprisingly the most normie of the group, it’s pretty funny
No. 156511
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>>156476>"I don't like Oreimo but Oreimo doujins are hot as fuck">Oreimo is loli incestPetition to cull men
No. 156558
>>156511You forgot the part where Gigguk said Metamorphosis of all things was such a turn on and made him question his morality because the sex scenes were so hot (keeping in mind that 100% of the sex scenes are rape or occur while she is drugged, one of them is rape by her father, and one is her as a pregnant woman being assaulted by multiple people who beat her baby out of her and drive her to OD and die).
It feels weird that he and Joey manage to have partners at all, especially Joey considering Aki is well aware he's basically a pedo who made a whole video defending lolicon. Connor being cringe or fanservicey is like, annoying, but good god there is a really obvious reason the other two only have gross incels as fans and Connor actually has female fans and it's not just the Black Butler VA content.
No. 158688
>>158679Her content is so boring that I wish she'd come out and admit it if she's been seeing chris behind the scenes. Make some couples themed vids. Accompany him as he already travels around alot. Anything lol.
There's only so much 'Look I bought a new bowl/toy for my cat' that you can watch before someones week just seems unworthy of vlogging.
No. 158791
>>158749Here are some interesting findings:
Lily definately knows Sharla and follows her on twitter. Sharla follows her back. They have interacted in each other's tweets. Chris on the other hand doesn't follow her anymore, she still follows him.
If you scroll way back, Lily always commented on Chris's tweets back then, and shared details/pics of their relationship. Chris doesn't, never really mentions her. Could also be his style of interacting on twitter, but idk he has been more involved with Sharla on twitter…
Also during winter 2018 they break up, around Christmas I believe. She posts her sudden move to Tokyo, saying something like "I'm done with Sendai". Some people comment about the breakup in that post, she doesn't clarify, but it's obvious (she's done with Chris). Summer 2018 is when Sharla breaks up with her then husband and joins Journey Across Japan. (Things bloom?)
Something definately happened, it's not a clean seperation. From the way I see is Lily still has some stuff unresolved for her? Chris moved on. Maybe he dumped her? Then his feelings developed for Sharla? Something happened.
Interestingly Lily tries WAY too hard on twitter to interact with other YTers, like Michaela or Victor, who have friendships with Sharla and Chris. She spams them with comments, it looks onesided. Why does she do this? Who knows.
I feel bad for her, but she has to move on.
No. 158839
>>158791He definitely dumped her, he wanted to get with Sharla.
At the beginning of 2019 she posted on twitter-"2019 started with some pretty bad news for me, so I'm moving to Tokyo for a fresh start".
No. 158843
>>158839I think it's pretty obvious he broke up with her, but if there was any cheating involved or he fell out of love with Lily because he fell in love with Sharla, those are the real questions.
I really hope he didn't cheat, but ended the relationship because he developed feelings. Must have sucked super hard for Lily.
What I don't understand is why did Chris remove Lily from all his socials? She obv still follows him.
No. 158869
>>158843He already had feelings for Sharla back in 2015. He admitted it in a YouTube comments section.
Someone asked "Are you trying to date Sharla, Chris?"
And he replied "Who wouldn't!".'ll have to scroll far down to find the comment.
The feelings came back during the Cycle across Japan.
No. 158875
>>158843I doubt he cared much for Lily.
He decided to date his fangirl because the woman he liked was getting married and he didn't want to date Japanese women due to the cultural differences.
He mentioned dating a couple of Japanese women and it not going that well on his podcast.
He probably kept her around as someone to fuck and be his camerawoman/assistant.
No. 158895
>>158879Yeah she frequently commented on all his social media's and they interacted a lot, they had a friendly, joking banter with each other.
I remember she posted a picture on Instagram in early 2016 before she met Chris for the first time with the comment "I'm off to Japan to meet someone special to me".
For some reason she deleted a bunch of her old pictures so that picture is no longer on her account.
No. 158908
In this video about the Journey across Japan there's a clip where Chris slips up while talking to a friend.
He looks off into the distance and avoids making eye contact with Sharla who is filming.
03:31-03:41 No. 158915
>>158831Yeah the way he looks at her at the end of the home store video and the Japanese snack bar video.
He's definitely into her.
No. 159003
>>159001Yes Lily, if he was a dick to you do tell. He often criticizes the Japanese cheating problem. If it turns out he is a cheating sob, well that is a stain on his perfect little image. Personally, I would like to know if my idols are fan-exploiting douchebags or not.
His dick is probably average. Maybe on the girthy side, he is a chubby boi after all.
No. 159007
>>159003Yeah wasn't CdawgVA like that? He has asked fans to edit for him in the past, didn't give anything in return. Has game nights with his patreons, doesn't interact with them at all. Douchey.
But let's not derail here. Did Chris cheat on his ex to be with Sharla? Now that's some milk.
No. 159014
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kek how can a massively successful international celebrity like Chris Broad be denied the Twitter verification that he obviously deserves?
No. 159015
>>158990She posted a pic of them together on Twitter just before he left for the bike trip across Japan and in a post during the trip she referred to him as her boyfriend.
She posted stuff indicating that they were still together up until December 2018.
No. 159024
>>158990The fuck? They were clearly still together during the Journey across Japan cycle series.
Anon/Lily mentioned that Chris broke up with Lily in Dec 2018.
Is that you Sharla? I guess that post you responded to hit the nail on the head.
No. 159030
>>158990Many people were speculating that you and Chris were fucking on the cycle across Japan Sharla.
Seems they were right.
So Chris Broad is a cheater then.
No. 159035
>>159027lol they 100% lurk here, did on PULL too
quite a few jvloggers have been caught
sharla even went on pull to answer questions when mira got exiled from the group but all those screenshots are lost now
No. 159069
If Sharla cheated on her ex while they were still married, the ex could actually sue both Sharla and Chris. But why are Sharla and Chris going out of their way to hide their relationship right now years after? They don't have to broadcast it but the secretiveness is weird.
>>159008Europe suits her even less than Korea and she won't be able to fall back on teaching English or rely on her foreignness in the UK. She'll need a visa, so she'll have to marry Chris before moving or get some company to sponsor her.
>>159066You might be able to find something in kanadajin's lolcow threads. Rachel also made a video about it but it might be gone. I remember there was a lot of skepticism about Sharla's innocence and the way she portrayed herself on PULL.
No. 159088
>>159069I remember rachel and sharla said they had foolproof evidence it was mira who was sockpuppeting, but they never said they weren't going to show it. When rachel made the video people kinda just ignored that part and got caught up in the excitement and plus with sharla going on pull to answer questions - all the screenshots were on mira's thread before the site shut down though lol.
But the evidence was that mira sel-fincriminated herself, admitting to sharla in text messages it was her sockpuppeting the whole time. So I think it came down to sharla choosing between rachel or mira, and i guess they all didn't trust mira (and sharla answered in pull that mira was sabotaging sharla too), so sharla screens hotted the conversation and showed rachel - and rachel's video was made. But mira and sharla's conversation got released years later.
I think it kinda stumped people as to why rachel never showed mira/sharla's conversation, it was the easiest evidence to prove rachel was right about mira. But I think people figured that it was because Sharla is so protective of her 'sweet girl next door' image, she asked rachel to not show the screenshots because it was sharla talking shit and gossiping.
No. 159117
>>159109How's the copium,
nonny? Salty?
No. 159171
>>159142Literally what evidence, are we looking at the same thread? All I see is anecdotal text posts with no receipts. The most vendetta anon has done is post YouTube links with “teehee she had a look” at 4:20.
If Chris anon wants to shitpost tinfoil at least sage your shit. I keep checking in on this thread because it being pushed to the front page, and I hope to see drama from jvloggers, but it’s the same retard rubbing one out for this milkless flake.
No. 159177
>>159171- Guy in the Abroad in Japan podcast says that Chris should know how Missisauga is pronounced because he lives with a Canadian
>>158702- Chris and Sharla have the exact same cup
>>148774- Sharla has an office chair that looks exactly like the one that appears in Chris' videos
>>148818- the crates that appear in Chris' last binging video appear in Sharla's kitchen
>>148827 >>148981
No. 159194
>>159177And many many more:
Driving in Chris's car outside of videos in Sendai, the whole White day chocolate gift giving circus with untouched wrapping paper… etc.
No. 159255
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His ex looks like kanadajin lmao
No. 159267
>>159261Is this that live stream they did with everyone on Chris's 2nd channel?
>>159263Awwww wish they didn't edit it out, wanted to hear that one! But that really settles it for me. They forgot to edit out Pete's slip-up on the podcast, so we have that one gem as well lol
No. 159268
>>159255She might not look like a model but I went through her Twitter out of curiosity and she seems like a nice person. She has none of that bitchiness that the original Jvlogger squad (Sharla, Kim, Taylor, etc) had
>>159263Which episode was this?
No. 159271
>>159209Also the way they looked at each other in the TC vid about crazy laws in Japan 3:50-3:55
No friends look at each other like that
They are totally banging
No. 159275
>>159268Who cares
Also why did Sharla ever get any popularity? She's so fucking boring.
No. 159281
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What the fuck is wrong with this chick LMAO
You’d rather have your weeb delusion dream than to go to your dads funeral? COVID aside, if her visa is so weak that leaving the country would terminate it, what exactly is she doing in Japan? There are plenty of expats that were able to leave the country and return(with strict quarantine). Sounds like illegal kanadajin levels of desperation to me
No. 159282
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The way Chris be looking at Connor though
they’ve been collabing together way more than the others. I don’t think the love hotels were a complete meme, Chris has already done extensive videos at the same locations, there’s no reason to go back… unless…?
No. 159284
>>159119You can sue your spouse in Korea and adultery was a criminal offense not that long ago where you could serve time in prison. That doesn't explain why they need to hide their relationship now tho if they really are together.
>>159086Not really the case with jvloggers. Paolo, Life Where I'm From, Only in Japan are all married. Abroad isn't any better looking than them and his fans should already be familiar with Sharla but ig he and Sharla could have stalkers.
Is Lily the French girl he was dating? He didn't show her face, but the French girl appeared in one of his old videos, the Aokigahara forest maybe, and he said they were on a date so he wasn't as secretive back then.
>>159088I can't remember if it was the screenshots with Mira, it mightve been public twitter comments Sharla made to someone else, but I remember people being shocked by her mean girl tone. Everyone is different in private but it was a 180 from her youtube persona, and also made it hard to believe that she was just putting on a show the entire time with Mira, which I think Sharla implied she was doing to get Mira to expose herself. Her association with Mira is sketchy enough but she's also friends with Norm who outted her own friend.
>>158831Now that the Chris and Sharla thing seems real, wonder if Norm is going to start harassing Chris with another one of his sockpuppets.
No. 159287
>>159282kek that would be the ultimate plot twist, Chris ending up cheating on Sharla with Connor in one of their 'getting drunk together' vids haha
>>159284>You can sue your spouse in Korea and adultery was a criminal offense not that long ago where you could serve time in prisonWow. Today I learned
No. 159293
>>159289yeah it seemed somewhat credible until suicide forest, now it's just an ass pull lmao
what's next, you recall they fucked in the hiroshima memorial?
No. 159303
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>>159285She says that Canada is not exciting for her . Europe she says
No. 159324
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>>159293…what do you mean? It's literally on Chris' channel
No. 159582
>>159559They will break up when she wants to go public- it will ruin his brand to be in a relationship with the most boring cat lady on YT. His fanbase is mostly single dudes who live vicariously through Chris who is also seemingly a single dude. There's not enough of a crossover between Chris and Sharla's fanbase for it to be a permanently lucrative viewer boost for her, but she probably thinks it is. Even if they really like each other, Chris has put too much work into the buddy bro vibe of the AIJ brand to stop now.
The breakup will probably cause a huge drama spillover because they both do so much work with TC and could lead to the whole thing finally toppling over.
No. 159609
>>159493She doesn't have much of a future career-wise in Japan unless she goes back to school and she doesn't have many Japanese friends. Some of her foreign friends have already left Japan and others may eventually leave. Despite presenting herself as a Japan expert, Sharla never really immersed herself in Japanese culture and has always acted more like an intl exchange student, partly due to the nature of her vlogging and TC job, but a lot of her interest in Japan and Korea was kind of superficial. She has fewer qualifications to work in Europe and she'll be almost 40 by the time she leaves Japan so she can't apply for a working holiday visa but maybe she's working on developing some other skills she can use in a different career.
>>159590Hungarian and Japanese share some linguistic similarities, but even though she's lived in Japan for over a decade and has worked as a translator, her Japanese is still not where it should be so it's doubtful she'll pick up German or Hungarian beyond basic conversation. Unless she makes a real effort, she'll end up hanging out with other expats as she did in Japan again and never really assimilate. I'm curious how she'd handle the difference in quality of life.
Klara Blanc クララブラン is a white girl who's assimilated in Japanese culture while still remaining herself. Having a successful career and Japanese friends makes a big difference.
No. 159620
>>159609According to her , She Has Hungarian lineage, and has always wanted to live there. But most likely the UK is where she will land, she says. We don’t know what her work qualifications are, or whether she will do well or terrible if she leaves Japan. It’s up to her what she wants to do with her future. She said her future dream, is to open a business that is involved cats- possibly a cat hotel/spa. Going back-and-forth about visas or what types of jobs she qualify for is pointless. These are the plans she has, it’s her future, her life and her finance etc. we only know what she tells us, which is that, she does not want to be in Japan after three years. Perhaps she may change her mind and stay in Japan, perhaps she may go back to Canada, all of it is like our future plan is up in the air. I can only point out what she has said out of her own mouth, the rest is conjecture. She doesn’t seem to be to concern about her future on YouTube. Almost like it’s not her intention for it to continue to be her main source of income.
No. 159670
>>159624She doesn't speak British English, which could be a problem if localizing means translating to British English which would usually be the case for a company the UK. Companies also have to justify hiring her over a local in order to sponsor her visa and there is competition in London/England with schools with top Japanese and translation programs like SOAS, but if she has a marriage visa, that would make things easier and she could continue to freelance or work remotely through her current agencies in Japan.
Did Simon and Martina ever give details on their divorce or were they just vague?
No. 159753
He's 'meh' at best lmao
No. 159825
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>>159785It’s the matching cups for me - lol
No. 159864
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She is moving somewhere "North in Japan" a city "bigger than Morioka" (as said in video), "slightly close to Mark but not enough" (IG comment).
Answer: Sendai
No. 160002
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Apparently jvloggers have a webtoon? Chris is fat and Joey is Mexican, for some reason???
No. 160159
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The two of them just happened to make videos showing houses from a real estate agent, ever consider why they both initially met up with that real estate agent in the first place?
No. 160190
>>160163He was a good sport about it surprisingly
I don’t get the joke though he doesnt look fat at all
No. 160339
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>>160330Are you sure you're not mixing it up with Sharla's Instagram post?
No. 160430
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From Chris' patreon. Whoever said they were travelling together was right. Nothing new though, I think. They must have been travelling together since at least winter.
No. 160444
>>160330He commented the same thing on one of their first collab vids, cat island or Fox village I think?
And on Rachel and Jun's Fox village vid.
No. 160511
>>160460No. There are only photos of him and Ryotaro which I find even more suspicious. Why not show her, she's not a private person.
He also talks about the studio.. that his apartment was absolute hell to shoot in with 2 people and that he'll have the keys in 2 weeks probably.
No. 160677
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Sharla has confirmed shes moving to Sendai and her video shows her travelling with Chris and Ryotaro in Akita
No. 160698
>>160682In Yamagata
He's been living in Sendai for about 5 years now.
No. 160701
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No. 161129
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Lily, give us the milk, how big is his sausage? And did he drop you because of Sharla?
No. 161729
>>161446Chris pretty much pulled the jvlog version of Brad/Angelina/Jennifer Aniston situation.
1. was in a seemingly happy relationship
2.went to film for a month with an attractive colleague
3. caught feelings
4. dumped his girl as soon as he got back home thing you know he’s shacked up with Sharla
I wonder if this is another reason why they keep their relationship under wraps? No matter how you look at it, the timeline points to at the very least an emotional affair, which neither wants reflected on their clean brand.
(Emoji) No. 162154
>>161729>>162128I agree… despite anything Lily said the relationship could've been on the rocks for some time… And I really don't think the timing is the reason why it's not public.
No. 163185
>>163174What do you mean? She literally said nothing but a vague wow it’s so hard. I don’t have any hate for her but what a waste of 8 minutes.
Emma has COVID sads and broken down. she is now trying to be the best version of herself
No. 163201
Wtf is she talking about… she has been streaming regularly all month… also I love when they are like "for whatever reason I filmed myself while having the breakdown".
>>163174 No. 163234
>>163174It was so vague that she could be talking about anything. Her pinned comment was telling people not to worry cause she's been in therapy for 3 years now. I don't know what kind of breakthrough comes after you're already 3 years into therapy but if she at least gave us some detail I'd maybe see the point in recording it.
Sharing vague 'I'm struggling' type vids is always going be annoying and self-indulgent imo. It's a one way street where the audience gives you an outpouring of sympathy and doesn't even know what exactly they're sympathising with.
No. 163283
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>>163201Does anyone know if she mentions her breakdown at all in the nearly 16 hours (?!!??!) of stream content she has posted on twitchbrecently? (Assuming they are within the
breakdown timeline because of outfits/new hair in the screencaps )
No. 163521
>>160708I'm gonna guess that your source of info is someone in Sendai.
Sharla said that she visits Sendai quite often in a vid with Ryotaro.
0:45-0:51 No. 164214
It's just cringe af… also I don't buy the shy thing. maybe she hopes to go viral (the title). I find the music by corpse husband almost cringier tho. Don't understand the appeal at all
No. 164612
>>164578He was "assistant cameraman" on the rolled credits. Even less much of one.
>>164575Oh? Who is this guy? When/where did she announce it? True, Chris and Sharla could just come clean and stop the puppetshow, it's only time the common viewers will notice if they already haven't.
No. 164643
>>160677"Sendai is pretty new for me, I've only been there a handful of times"
In Ryotaro's karaoke bar vid:"I come here quite often"
No. 164765
>>164092She's had chronic fatigue and weight problems for some time, though doesn't have the best diet. She's gone to various doctors, but doesn't agree with their diagnoses. She's always been kinda vague about what she thinks she has and what she's been told. She went back to Cali at the beginning of June or end of May to find another doctor, but was vacationing in Miami and Mexico.
Now she's lost sensation in half of left hand and says her ulnar nerve is damaged. Not sure if she was actually told the nerve was damaged or if she self-diagnosed because the wrap on her hand is the cotton washable type people use at home and not the type you usually get at the hospital, and she was saying now doctors might take her seriously as if she hasn't seen one yet. It's only been a couple of days but she's already editing vlogs again and I don't think she's wearing the wrap anymore, so it could've been temporary.
She's been making some salty instastories implying people are jealous of her so maybe got flack for traveling to Mexico.
I think she has a hamster or rat in Japan.
No. 164786
>>164767oh no… that fedora says more than words could ever say. the fact he's wearing it with a gi….
assuming his wife is a japanese lawyer correct? how did he get engaged to her before he moved to japan? i don't get it
No. 164789
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>>164767Ooh good milk. If you’re going to be an odious cunt it’s good to have a local lawyer on your side.
Has he met up with Sherry/Shiori in Ehime recently? I haven’t really followed her since she stopped making videos of Shikoku.
I wonder if they had a thing.
No. 164794
>>164767did norm legally change his last name to nakamura or does he still have the surname brandt?
also, japan doesn't allow dual citizenship so did he give up canadian citizenship to marry his wife and take her name? this slimy knucklehead really does seem like a turd
No. 164851
>>164834WTF omg
who keeps posting these Norm videos from super obscure places… you either know him super intimate or you're obsessed… this one is seriously TOO MUCH
please post more
No. 164955
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Norm used to play with viewers shipping him and SherryBerry. I remember somebody said they'd be good together in a YT comment and he replied with a 😉
Norm has been trying to ride Sharla's coat tails for a long time. It doesn't take long to uncover him trying to insert himself on old comment threads with Sharla and Micaela from as early as 2016. Seems like he's deleted a bunch that were brought up in his PULL thread though.
No. 164957
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What I love the most about Sharla and Chris hiding their relationship is the obvious crumbs they leave behind. Chris filmed a video in Tottori in June. Video released today with him pretending it was only him and and natsuki on the trip. But we all know that Sharla was there.
No. 165391
>>165318Your elusiveness is annoying, spill the tea or fuck off.
If you’re trying to wind up Chris or Sharla it’s clearly not working - literally no one cares and they don’t read this thread
No. 165549
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Michaela is pregnant with a baby with Trisomy 13
No. 165583
>>165552Well, she’s a blogger—so she does share a lot about her life.
I think it’s really inspiring that she posted what she’s going thru. Not enough people post about the hardships of pregnancy and I think it’s important for other parents struggling to know they aren’t alone. She’s going through one of the most emotional times in her life and I think the support of her followers can only be a positive during such a difficult time.
No. 165618
>>165614wow…. seeing the pictures makes it relly clear what a sad and rare conditon it is, i feel so bad for her and her husband…. one thing that is good about someone in the public eye dealing with this kind of thing publicly is that it creates awareness and conversations about something like this…. if only they knew what caused it or what could be done…..
all the best to michaela in this rough time
No. 165631
>>165335>>165349>>165391I think they're referring to the slip up on Sharla's patreon stream.
At the beginning of the stream there were personal pictures of her and Chris together, embracing and kissing, hanging in the background.
She quickly moved them, then after the stream ended she privated the vid then reposted it with the slip up edited out.
No. 165642
>>165631Jesus Christ why doesn’t anyone screenshot anything?
I’m sorry anon but until I see it I don’t believe it. Whoever the spy anon is has been posting cryptic suggestive stuff for ages, and even though some of it is believable there has been absolutely 0 evidence to prove it.
No. 165645
>>165549ou can like or dislike a person as much as you want, this is just sad and devastating.
I hope the two of them can make it through and that the little girl won't auf der too much.
As a becoming mother this is one of the worst things that could happen
No. 165717
>>165694She's 33, anon.
Genetic abnormalities can occur due to the age and health of the father, as well. It pisses me the fuck off how it seems everything is blamed on a woman's eggs, Jesus Christ. A man's sperm is just as likely to cause genetic fuckups.
No. 165928
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>>165862She had slightly better numbers when her videos appealed to kboos and weebs. Her content is even more derivative now and she just wasn't lucky enough to receive a new audience.
No. 166040
>>165862All right, I'll take the bait: first of all, she's not a looker. At least in my opinion, the way she does her makeup does not flatter her at all. Secondly, dressing in the latest trends does not equal having a style. Having a style means incorporating
certain trendy elements with your own existing wardrobe. Thirdly, it all comes off like she's trying too hard…
No. 166142
>>166040i just think it's funny that the last video she posted on june 24 was basically like "what's up with the algorithm and why am i not getting views??" and then she posted that "cozy vibe" question here. she's clearly frustrated about her lack of views and casting out into the nethers to discover why this is.
it's too funny
in that video she said "the beauty community is not really a thing anymore" and she "personally prefers filming lifestyle content"
No. 166154
>>166133I thought she was quite pretty when she first started youtube - her aboriginal features such as her nose suited her and don't think it was worth to change it, her natural lips look so much better back then too.
Now she just looks like a blow up doll or one of those housewives from beverly hills or whatever lol. Kinda feels like she's ashamed of her aboriginal features and it haunts her enough to fuck up her face. She used to be a lot tanner too so i don't know if she's do anything to lighten her skin
No. 166160
>>165862be more honest about the work you've gotten done. that's why a lot of your audience found you originally, to know different surgical/plastic techniques you're getting done to look the way you want. you'll get a decent bump if you "confess" to the stuff you've hidden. whine less. sharing the "reality" and hardships of adult life occasionally is fine, but constantly talking about how you're struggling really puts a damper on consuming content. i'm not saying be a totally fake fembot, but try putting a positive spin on things instead of ending with "I'm too tired to do anything." post on a schedule very regularly. irregular, long-gap posting is a total algorithm killer. most big/successful vloggers that make daily "cooking, cleaning, running my small business" content post 2-3 times a week. make sure you're making similar content on instagram and tiktok.
and my final piece of advice is to stay the fuck away from gossip forums. seriously. these spaces arent for you and can be insanely
toxic even to the casual user. it's such a bad idea for the people being gossiped about to lurk here. stop it
No. 166223
>>166160>>166142I'm not Bronwyn ffs kek. I sometimes put on her vlogs while I do stuff around the house and I find them relaxing. I do think she went over the top with the procedures (especially her nose now looks like it's way too big for her face)
>>166212I'm too lazy to watch her streams, what was the subject of her breakdown?
No. 166321
Comic95 is a hoot. She just pops off over everything and I’m wondering who hurt this girl so bad because she’s just so anti Male but wants a husband a child all with a Japanese man.
She’s a desperate black weeb living in japan and dating piles of men off apps and cussed them out on the daily.
She says she gets tons of dates but she looks like a piglet in my opinion. No. 166323
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>>166321She’s so cringe jfc