File: 1609109949202.jpg (23.8 KB, 480x360, Belle.jpg)

No. 128835
>Meme girl e-thot of "Gamer Girl Bathwater" fame>panders to pedophiles and neckbeard incels, desperate NLOG floundering>"hello fellow 4channers" meme humorRecent updates:
>went to Korea to get plastic surgery to be able to post videos without breaking the illusion of her being a dainty anime girl>has been guesting on podcasts and talking about her long-term boyfriend for the first time and how her aspirations for the future include being a bougie mom with a mysterious secret>revealed her chest on Twitter to announce her "hardcore porn" to the screeching of many>instantly began hiring a lawyer to take down any unauthorized uploads of her content, some leaks have disappeared within 20 minutes of being posted (lolcow remains spared?)>her porn turns out awkward and borderline bizarre>endless emphasis on her asshole so she won't have to show her vagina out of fear incels would call her a roastie>includes random poorly executed "kink" scenes>sloppy styling when her signature "look" was what made her famous in the first place>hiding body parts we've already seen>comes off incredibly awkward and insecure>to save face she started posting more and more rants about how she's planning on improving her porn because she wants to be trained to be the perfect e-pornstarlet, interspersed with copeposts about how humiliation is her biggest kink so keep it coming haha!!111>mental breakdown incoming?>Porn leaks: >>>/w/128500>>>/w/128501>>>/w/128820>>>/w/128822>>>/w/128825Remember the lolcow rules of conduct:
- "hi Belle" is against the rules, if you suspect her of posting, just report it and don't give it attention
- thirstposting by males is against the rules, don't ask for leaked content or talk about whether or not you find her (or her bf) fuckable
- derailing with blogposts e.g. comparing yourself to her or talking about your personal taste is against the rules
- excessive nitpicking is against the rules
- you must be 18+ to post
>allegedly grew up in South Africa, living in the UK>started being a dime-a-dozen weeb fashionista and closet cosplayer in middle school, got into many slapfights in Facebook cosplay groups>began her e-thot career by changing her FB age to 18 when she was still underage and selling her friend's nudes to thirsty betas>claims she was pressured into this by an unknown male, but also admits that she wanted to travel but "didn't want to work">dropped out of school to be a full-time thot>got braces to pedo-pander more effectively>started a Patreon and premium Snapchat for lewds, got excessively popular for girlfriend experience type snap stories and teasing>targeted in thot audit, doxxed, had incels come to her famile home and post pictures with signs>moved into a house with her bf for privacy>reached mainstream fame when she sold her bath water which may or may not have been a PR stunt without actual purchases; confirmed buyers were all large influencers>escalated to dildo use, fuck machines, all without showing her chest or vagina No. 128847
File: 1609111982117.jpg (2.11 MB, 2448x3264, Belladelphinie.jpg)

>>128838>>128845I agree. My vote for thread pic
No. 128867
File: 1609116946402.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.58 KB, 1080x727, Screenshot_20201227-165541_Vid…)

>escalated to dildo use, fuck machines, all without showing her chest or vagina
You see her get fucked. Im pretty sure thats showing vagina. Sorry she's not spread eagle I guess? Also she's shown her tits too. This thread is wrong and missing so much info and links.
No. 129036
File: 1609191284071.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1280x720, 4453belledelph98idubbzUntitled…)

A tribute to the ahegao kween
No. 129056
File: 1609197739179.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.71 KB, 600x404, Belle-Delphine-Porn-Fuck-Machi…)

>>128867>>128838JFC I'm so sick of PULLtards not understanding thread continuation layout on lolcow. We put the latest drama at the top of the thread, then a summary of old shit for those who need context or want to read up on the past.
The part about her not showing anything was about her old clips like pic related, where she still used the censorship scribbles. Her showing tits and getting fucked is in the OP too:
>revealed her chest on Twitter to announce her "hardcore porn" to the screeching of manyand so on.
Also nobody except for Twitterfags and unfunny "look at my edit xDDD" spergs care about OP images. Whine when someone actually makes a creative effort and is overlooked. Collages of Belle looking ugly don't count and are the mark of the perma-newfag.
>>129038>but for some dumb reason the belle threads are infighting tardcentral>for some reasonYou know the reason, Anon.
No. 129065
At this point I hope Farmhands lock this thread too and simply redirect everyone who clicks it to, if they want to sperg so badly then they should do it in their own microcosm where they perpetually teeter on the borderline between seething about Belle and making sure they don't get tone policed by their peers for body shaming/slut shaming/whorephobia/kinkshaming/whatever other thoughtcrime that can't be voiced in their own forum, causing them to flee here even though lolcow is
toxic and
problematic and they're above it. Make your own mods deal with your shit.
No. 129079
>>129068Yeah they do but it's full of other self-proclaimed "sex workers" who get offended when someone talks badly of thots, insecure wannarexics who get
triggered by reading other pulltards nitpicking Belle's body and so on… That's why they come here, so they won't get called out and kicked from servers due to being
No. 129095
File: 1609209242200.jpeg (206.71 KB, 750x1057, 43FDAE30-AD25-462C-B7B6-13235B…)

The state of journalism nowadays. Feels bad for Mama Kirschner not only deal with having bellend as a daughter, but now having her family business aired online and in tabloids. Well, it’s better than them reporting she’s a-ok with her daughter fisting her anus kek
>>129093The fact that you’re suggesting farmhands made the conscious decision this was the better thread out the 2 is a big yikes.
> so many (?) in the op?> op reads like a big sperg> big unrelated stage 9 cancer looking Ethan head No. 129109
>>129095I know it's been said a million times already but
oof that nosejob.
It's wild watching the downfall of the "meme kween belle delphine" at her own hands. Well, and Josh's hammy claws too. kek
No. 129176
>>129174I'd say her marketing strategy went out the window when she did a DP for her first official porno
Also I an getting further convinced she is absolutely braindead.
No. 129189
>>129181It is crazy how she literally went from implied lewd to censored penetration, then got her boobs out, then her asshole, then made a porn but with her labia covered. The whole order timeline is really messed up and the space of time it happened in was so quick. Like you said she could have got a good year or two out of topless. If you’re actually good at your art you don’t need to resort to nudity at all, Nigri didn’t.
God bless nyannycosplay, popularity happened around the same time if not slightly before belle, in fact bellend replicated her viral video, the simps wanted her to be lead astray too and she practically said no and continued with what she was already doing. Suppose that left a gap in the market for belle to capitalise off of
(notice both girls are flat chested, been mistaken for traps, cosplay and meme, I think it’s safe to say this audience are a combination of degenerate trap chasers and nonces) No. 129196
File: 1609264640943.jpeg (Spoiler Image,168.6 KB, 1061x573, FC3A8D77-3117-429E-A114-92DACD…)

>>129193Whatever wk, because gluing your clothes to avoid showing your labia in a
porn is totes normal right uwu
No. 129237
>>129208nonny you're no
victim, you're but a
terf No. 129275
>>129237>>129208don't be
abusive to
woc and
poc(take it to the shitpost thread) No. 129282
>>129189Yeah I don’t get the timeline either. It’s pretty normal to go from tame to hardcore in that order, and that’s what people prefer anyway too.
That’s basically what Mariah has been doing (anybody remember the lewd before nudes merch slogan stolen from SS?)
I honestly feel a tiiiny bit bad for Belle because she was obviously thrown in this thing way too young and got influenced by the internet porn culture and now she’s ruining her asshole because anal is trendy. Anal leakage will be super cute in a few years Belle!
It’s obvious she’s avoiding showing her pussy because she thinks she should have the tiniest innie according to porn obsessed 4chan retards. She can’t appreciate her own body even though she has a perfectly normal one. She’s done nothing but try her best to mould herself into an anime waifu meme kween and she’s still being shat on by her fan base.
I bet she’s dumb as bricks and Josh will take more than half of what she’s earning because he’s her manager and co-star and she’ll be left in the dust like a dumbass when people will move on and get tired of ahegao faces and e-girls.
No. 129292
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>>129287talking about goran, back then didn’t she use the lanky oaf as a prop in a lot of her photos to make herself look smoll uwu. iirc she even cropped his head out of most the photos kek.
No. 129293
File: 1609300419123.jpeg (56.61 KB, 513x451, D8816C97-3118-452F-9171-FD370E…)

>>129292samefag at least gorans body looked decent for a prop, look at joshs moobs and sad face belly. looks like a troubled soul is trapped inside that suit kek
No. 129332
File: 1609312939237.png (Spoiler Image,400.86 KB, 474x476, Bez tytułu.png)

that's fucking flat and sad bro
No. 129336
File: 1609317453712.jpeg (245.97 KB, 1102x2048, EqbiQ11W8Acy4y-.jpeg)

Please disable your iris enlarging filter if you're going to roll your eyes back this is terrifying(Nitpicking)
No. 129356
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No. 129357
File: 1609329497934.jpeg (120.63 KB, 750x364, 80ADAD85-D262-4173-AFBB-1E2AF5…)

>>129336Yikes that shirt… considering after the Bianca incident didn’t 4chan rejoice and say Belle would be next causing her disappear from the internet for a year until she needed more money from them?
No. 129360
File: 1609330323982.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.56 KB, 689x1280, 14CAF642-C481-407D-A805-C35457…)

No. 129361
>>129356Why just drop the big reveal with no hype?
Is she trying to make up for how disappointing her porn was by giving this away right after?
This genius businesswoman's business model makes no sense.
No. 129365
File: 1609332058398.webm (Spoiler Image,582.44 KB, 482x858, IMG_6467.webm)

is this supposed to be sexy bcuz I kek so much
No. 129376
>>129356Does she like.. ever get manicures?
It took me some time to forget her toes.
(nitpick) No. 129377
>>129356The shooping efforts makes it look like she's deformed and the hole is located asymmetrically. Also the edges of where the vibrator is supposed to go in is blurred.
>>129360She really removed all the colour from her labia to try and look as much like a child as possible, great stuff Belle. It seems she is trying to retcon her normal adult woman's vagina as seen in her Christmas porno. Being an online sex worker seems exhausting.
No. 129387
>>129377>>129359>>129358>>129356This shoop is so bad it almost looks like a nude with a vibrating dildo shooped into her vagina.
I'm not surprised, lewding and SW always somehow ruin these girls, Belle was the one who could have made millions and got out without ever doing porn, and she let an ugly fat manlet come in and ruin her image. Guarantee he dumps her and takes her to court when her OF saga flounders.
No. 129407
File: 1609349521592.jpeg (302.04 KB, 750x1026, C77F7078-E20F-4AD1-BCCB-FBB3C0…)

can't find the diary post but didn't she say that she gets off to people hating on her? kek
No. 129427
>>129426Yeah it does, because these are
valid criticisms. She makes enough money to not be putting out shit porn anon.
No. 129432
>>129430We do laugh at them getting scammed. We can also laugh at her for being terrible at her job as a sex worker. These things aren't mutually exclusive lol
Your simp is showing anon
No. 129442
>>129407I thought she said online abuse was her kink? kek
>>129413>>129193>”spread eagel”It “spread eagle” maybe you should have got an education past the age of 14 instead of coming back to wk this point over and over again you illiterate fuck.
No. 129450
>>129448Chill kek. You sound unhinged.
Its not the end of the world to have toenail fungus
No. 129459
>>129457Either a die hard fan
or someone else who has a very personal reason to take such things
SO personal in here, you know, for
personal reasons kek.
No. 129468
File: 1609364540897.jpg (Spoiler Image,564.05 KB, 1125x1285, schoolproject.jpg)

TW: outie(an autistic compilation of belles vagina)
No. 129485
>>129468I love how she scribbles it out when it’s taken from another angle kek. I wonder if she posted these because everyone said she was hiding it to prove a point just like she leaked parts of her porn early because everyone said she couldn’t suck a diq.
>>129472>’’haters will say it’s photoshop’’Well… these photos were posted after people mentioned it was hidden and make no sense they were posted after her porn debut not during with no hype. These are more tame than the DP and anus digging. They are still sus and filtered to hell. We all know she edits her videos because background glitches in other videos.
The fact you are referring to everyone else as ‘anons’ and wk so hard makes me believe you don’t belong here. No. 129513
>>129505We all see it anon. Most of us just aren't piping up. Personally it's making me kek watching
that anon vehemently defend the thread topic and sperg. Like
>>129447 said, its been going on for 2 threads now. Hilarious. Absolutely rich, luv
No. 129514
>>129510Her fan base are the kind of people who would push her to do it and then brag about seeing the porn of a dead girl, when Bianca died I saw moids requesting her
underage nudes. She’s dumb af if she thinks these people would help if she’s crying out for help, even in the comments people are acting pleased about it and telling her to do a flip.
No. 129515
File: 1609372404681.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.02 KB, 750x373, CF32DCC4-86A9-4D1B-8B3C-6B84F7…)

It’s such a normal looking outie; she should have stuck to the trolling instead. Pedo bait must sell $$
No. 129517
>>129515Its on the meatier side ngl… anyway
Also idk if I speak for others here but the anon in here samefagging themselves again, I just don't know if I can roll my eyes back any further when you try to tug on our emotional heart strings, mentioning suicide and such. Nobody here feels bad for her. And on the flip side nobody thinks it's cool she's "tr0LLinG Le SiMpS" by draining their simp bux cuz OF COURSE DUH she's Miss Millionaire of the world (js cuz I see anon pushing that narrative too sometimes like fuck sake go brown nose elsewhere)
No. 129523
>>129504Are you speaking in terms of labia minora or majora? I'm aware the mons pubis is affected by weight as that's the cushion that protects your pelvic bone, but less of that with the labia itself - maybe majora if anything. Minora is the innie/outtie "lips." Majora is the outside fleshy skin around the lips themselves (ergo camel toe)?
(Just want clarity in terms of these anons speaking about weight supposedly affecting minora, which I don't recall this being the case?)
OT: Belle is definitely hiding her outtie && stretching her hood to avoid the natural wrinkle. The fact that she's photoshopping the natural colors out of it is alarming.
No. 129529
>>129503>>129504>>129508I think it's more so that her "fanbase" openly prefer innies cause "roasties r gross" incel sorta behavior? I don't know, but now that we've all seent it hopefully the pussy lip discourse can calm down a bit.
Yes it looks heavily filtered, yes she seems insecure, yes her porn is terrible. But her body, including her vulva, are the least of the problem. kek
No. 129535
>>129500Hey insecurity-chan
>makes me happy with mine>I have a cousin who is also very fleshy like thatComparing your vageen to other people's including your irl cousin suggests you have some mental issues you need to work through.
No. 129547
>>129536Sorry but belle does not have a pretty looking vulva. It looks alright stretched smooth and from certain angles but let's not act like there isn't ALOT going on there. Because there is. And for her to photoshop herself to look 7 only to roll out on the scene with the sexually mature vagina of a woman in her late 20s, makes me hurl over in laughter. I don't frequent 4chan but boy do I wish someone would link one of those /b/ threads she's shilling herself in so I can read their comments about it. I'd bet she's been a mess behind closed doors about how this has all panned out. but I think other anon said it eloquently,her robust vulva is a stark difference from the rest of her image that she tries to live
out online.
>>129543>>129535>>129537This is clearly ass licker anon at it again. Idk where you think anyone is saying they looked at the inside of their relatives vagina, you are the one who truly sounds deranged honestly and the projection is just
chefs kiss. I've seen my family members of the same gender naked too especially when we were all kids. Only happened on vacations or sleepovers when we were all getting changed, chill with your perverted deranged mind. Only a pervert could make such a connection
No. 129551
>>129548The fact that the mods have allowed so much wk is sus and I see why other ppl were calling that out in the past couple threads. Its either she whos name shall not be spoken
OR its he whos name shall not be spoken inbetween game breaks posting in here everyday going to bat. You can't convince me otherwise, they literally do it in every other corner of the internet that murmurs about her
No. 129558
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>>129556I said it, they said it, I repeated it back, not that deep. But keep sperging in meta
>Sage the whole thread, mods No. 129607
>>129604Top kek. Idgaf about her, or this thread in general. I think you’re assuming I’m someone else, as this is the first real comment I’ve made in this thread. Say whatever you want about Belle, I was just
triggered on a personal level by the assumption that late 20s vaginas are somehow different (being 26 myself). Carry on lol, I’ve just been lurking to have a few laughs. Seriously anon, calm down.
No. 129613
Never seen an anon whiteknight the thread topics vagina so much. Why do you care so much? Like
>>129604 mentioned, nobody is even calling it derogatory names. You're just butthurt for no reason.
No. 129615
>>129612"Been here for 4 years"
>doesn't sage
>sperg anon bitching in meta to autosage/lock thread"Maybe it should be on autosage"
No. 129618
>>129425>>129442>>129447>>129459>>129505>>129513>>129518>>129540>>129551>>129565>>129595>>129599The deranged anon who thinks anyone who disagrees with her is Belle: please take your meds
All of these are thinly veiled 'Hi cow'
just from the last 12 hours, which is not allowed on lolcow. I don't think it's impossible she reads the thread, but she's not some unheard of cow who nobody has an opinion on except the one unhinged vageen anon and Belle herself. There's hundreds of different anons on this site, click the "lolcow awards" and count the votes. Plus she's busy on OF feeding her thousands of scrotes her photoshopped, ass-centric content, it's not like Belle is gonna be sitting on this thread all day. Get a grip, anon(s)
Sorry for the wall of tag posts, but it's irritating af. I reported them but this is why 'hi cow' is banned. It limits discussion because any varying viewpoint gets accused of being the cow. No. 129619
>>129618Ntayrt however, Belle has been known to self post and comment on her threads on 4chan. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she does it other places too..reminds me of when she would use those fake Facebook profiles to insert herself into conversations and such. Also i looked at your tagged and posts and I think
you're the deranged one if I'm being frank. Most of those posts don't even say anything of the sort.
No. 129622
>>129619Most of the posts talk about "wk anon" which has been a running implication of
Belle wk herself since the last thread, plus all the "
wink wink" "
someone" like the anon thinks they're being slick by avoiding saying her name, when we all know what they mean.
They were also doing this same "hi cow" paranoia shit in the last thread including the same
sure, Jan reaction gif, like it's just one obsessed delusional anon. It's irritating to read variations of "hi cow" every third post, rather than just discussing the cow.
Does Belle read this thread? Probably. Is every other post written by her? Obviously not, there's hundreds of anons on lolcow. (reiterating what I said above, but)
No. 129625
File: 1609402881577.png (14.24 KB, 748x325, Votes on lolcow awards.png)

This is how many votes are on the lolcow awards so far, gives an idea of how many users are on lolcow. For the benefit of the spergs who think it's just them and Belle in here.
No. 129626
>>129625Damn I always thought there were more farmers, tbh I assumed there’s a few thousand here
>>129623Literally no milk rn, just inflammatory vagina sperging and some idiot attacking most posters, accusing them of being Belle or being newfags
No. 129629
File: 1609404330067.jpg (Spoiler Image,644.35 KB, 3264x1553, Uwu.jpg)

(just stop please)
No. 129634
>>129618>>>/meta/18804>Feeding her thousands of OFShe literally just takes naked photos, that’s it, neither her josh or their ‘sex worker’ friends have real jobs nor leave the house.
Imagine fighting for someone else’s vagina so hard and bringing it back up every time it’s dropped for days on end and infighting to prove infighting. Even if this is not all the same anon, it’s hard to believe there’s a little mini vagina army pressed this hard its laughable. Why does no one ever wk our other sex workers this hard
>no shay has a perfectly natural wonky breast. >lorenas butt acne is normal uwuThe fact that the mods haven’t red texted anyone on either side despite reporting is disappointing.
No. 129652
File: 1609419511244.jpeg (191.71 KB, 750x1019, E935A4D8-E69D-4303-9388-3D9820…)

Belle talks about catching feelings for one of her simps who paid for her skype whilst with Josh. I feel like this is a way of saying “simps pay more money and win my affections”, no one would be that honest about emotionally cheating on their current partner unless in an open relationship
Article: video: No. 129654
>>129652That's genuinely fucked. I recall her telling in another podcast about how Bianca Devins' murder affected her - why encourage obsessive fans in this way by even outing this shit in a podcast? Coming from her it's not a stretch that she might be lying and trying to bait fans into spending more money on her OF. Either way, it's unsurprising behaviour from Belle.
>obviously, i skyped him because he paid for itYeah obvs, just like the time you got paid to play Minecraft and you obviously fulfilled your end of the deal. Obviously
No. 129758
>>129755I love that whenever there’s a wk comment there’s a hype man who posts straight after, it’s so
> This threads shit> I agree> I love ddlg> I agree> Nuke the thread> Nuke it!Adorable
No. 129771
>>129764Corpse used to follow Belle, I'm not sure when he stopped as I just went to double check. Potentially after she released her porno I'm guessing, or maybe just realizing what a shit ass person she is and deciding to not be associated.. better late than never? Kek
Saging while I wish I had the screen of it prior for milk purposes.
No. 129779
File: 1609466942443.png (66.2 KB, 500x386, Hove street.png)

>>129654But Bianca Devins case was not about a fan storming her house. She liked to play with guys and she knew her attacker, media made a narrative about a "famous" girl who was killed by an "obsessed fan". Many people know Belle address and nothing has happened. The only real risk Belle has is being beheaded by some Muslim extremist, in Britain there is many of them.
>>129880oh look, an unsaged wk comment bumping thread
Can’t wait to cosplay a 12 year old Dolores Haze sucking on a banana, a “nymphette” who was groomed by her pedophile stepdad who only married her mother so he could ogle at her prepubescent body. Make all the scrotes peepees hard uwu
If that’s not
problematic, idk what is anon.
No. 129896
File: 1609543740727.png (Spoiler Image,5.38 MB, 1364x1800, 050049D5-2000-41FB-8A1A-B024F5…)

Just a reminder, this is a cosplay of a 12 year old Delores (Lolita) - a girl who was groomed, molested and raped by her pedophile stepfather. No one had forced her to do this cosplay. That was her decision and she continues to lewd other characters who are minors for the pedoscrotes, it’s not just for the ~anime weebs~ , Lolita was not an anime and her MLP photos were not an anime character cosplay either.
No. 129904
File: 1609546311165.jpeg (4.56 KB, 366x371, images (5).jpeg)

>>129899>>129902Nta but you know it's about her questionable, well documented intentions, not about whatever random technicality you can think of. Stop intentionally being dense.
No. 129935
File: 1609556883944.jpeg (199.52 KB, 750x1054, B36AA52D-004C-4D59-A17F-5F09B8…)

Seems to be a lot of “pity me” posts happening the last few days including that diary post on her OF that had the simps concerned. The comments are full of “what’s the matter queen”, “Im here for u, I love you”, “ppl r jus jealous”, “who’s bullying you”. It’s making even me feel bad for her kek… kinda.
No. 129938
>>129937someone mentioned it here
>>129407 I’m not subbed to her OF
where’s a scrote when you need one I would like to know exactly what was posted too but it seems she’s causing a concern to her simps.
No. 129939
File: 1609558291837.jpeg (470.13 KB, 1364x1569, E6CFF4A1-63E0-498A-AC94-AB01D2…)

>>129935>>129937these are some of the replies under her most recent post
No. 129968
File: 1609571462190.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1280, 20210102_021402.png)

Those are carebear shorts btw(don't use emojis)
No. 129969
File: 1609571498434.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1440x1413, 20210102_021424.png)

No. 129970
File: 1609571534027.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1440x1301, 20210102_021442.png)

No. 129977
>>129969 Children don’t even wear care bears bc they aren’t popular since it’s an older cartoon. Nitpick there’s so many other things she did that made it disgusting and pedophilic
It’s nasty how she makes herself look like a literal child. The models on dollskill don’t try and look younger tf.
(quit sperging) No. 130012
>>129968That house looks so fucking dirty. Why don’t they use their
multimillionaire money and hire a
multimillionaire maid, or idk, both clean up their
multimillionaire home considering they both don’t go to work or anything.
>>129974I saw so many scrotes on twitter moaning about how they saw more dick and balls in her videos now than anything kek. But ofc Josh has to show everyone
who’s the man kek
No. 130022
File: 1609591690961.png (225.41 KB, 1344x600, fnwl1.png)

>>129902>>129908NTA, but you are retarded, anon. Sue Lyon was also 14 in the first movie, and in the novel, she's 12.
No. 130046
>>130042UK washing machines are found in the kitchen. Or if you are more affluent you could have a separate laundry room (these also have sinks). Unsure which room this is but it is a messy state for someone so
rich they could buy at least 2 slaves to clean up their mess.
She just seems generally messy. Constantly getting paint, fake blood, eggs or whatever everywhere on bedding and furniture. Clothes and other crap seen all over the floor of her room in some photos. The mildew probably growing on that furry wall soaking up all the moisture from the paddling pool in their room. Flooding her bathroom for ~memes~. She just doesn’t seem very ~adult~ to be living alone (with man child).
No. 130062
File: 1609612124548.jpg (558.34 KB, 1080x1413, 20210102_132559.jpg)

>>130056>shit piled up in the corner of the counter>clothes piled by the sink>garments on the floor>organization??? Don't know herHer kitchen is filthy they live like crusty teenagers
No. 130065
File: 1609614699127.png (439.75 KB, 460x735, 874B3DE7-233E-44ED-B343-19F3DF…)

>>130062 said
she has one “job” (using the term lightly) and she couldn’t even tidy everything in the shot of the one camera angle used to film more “high quality” pr0n. there is probably a pile of god knows what under the jeans, let alone all that random shit on the left I’ve never even seen in a kitchen before. apparent “multimillionaires” living like a pair of neckbeards. hire a damn maid if you’re so rich.
No. 130069
>>130067Scrote pretending to be one of us lol
stop calling people retards it makes you sound like a moron
No. 130082
>>130070Seriously, this thread is unbelievable. We have one of the most tacky, idiotic, dime a dozen, boring but thinks she's
clever, clueless, pathetic e-hoes in history here (say anything you want but you won't convince me her "success" is related to anything more than dumb luck combined with unbelievably stupid consumers) and we can't put it together to just laugh at her pathetic ass. I agree, WKs and scrotes, get out of here and worship this leech elsewhere.
No. 130089
>>130067Why don't you just hide this thread?
Even when a lolcow is milkless, messy room posts are seriously my fucking favorite. And newsflash: Having rooms this messy isn't fucking normal, and no less for someone claiming to make thousands.
Belle has gone batshit off the deep end. It wasn't a year ago when anons were calling her 'milk less' and saying she'd never have to resort to porn, but just look at her now. She looks like she lives in the same squalor as a typical OF camgirl. Mental illness.
No. 130100
>>130098>every milk is stale or nonexistent>no topic good enough for my high standards>I’m a milk connoisseurWe’ve only
JUST seen the state of her kitchen, kindly stfu and just hide the thread.
No. 130103
>>129970I just watched the video clip that leaked, I understand it’s a common porn trope but it was mildly rapey with some terrible acting non the less
>Video around 20-30 seconds long>Josh hands Belle clothes>Belle: What you want me to do? Wash it?>Camera nods>Belle: Ok then I’ll just put it in>Belle gets stuck in machine>Belle: Um can someone help me?>Josh pulls down Belles pyjamas/underwear>Belle: (fake struggles) Stop!>Josh proceeds to have sex with her anywayAh, nothing like a good old rape porn amaright?
/sarcasm No. 130105
File: 1609626237837.jpg (130.51 KB, 1080x601, Screenshot_20210102-172155_Tex…)

No. 130121
File: 1609630923028.jpg (838.54 KB, 2176x3031, 20210102_184138.jpg)

No. 130123
>>130121>>130120I guess by that response you have to know and never overstep your simp appointed egirl ranking. I sound like a boomer but it kind of annoys me when she tries to post these oldfag relatable memes, she was 7-10 years old when boxxy was a thing, these young whippersnappers can’t relate
furiously shakes walking stick kek
No. 130131
File: 1609636007726.png (451.88 KB, 577x818, chrome_9ipa2NzCY4.png)

>>130130here it is since the newfag who mentioned it can't post a link or a cap or even sage, sadly No. 130144
>>130143Which videos? The porn or
>>130131 Because not to wk but she’s trying really hard to skinwalk Boxxy’s facial expressions… Though Boxxy was technically a child, I guess.
No. 130152
File: 1609643502454.jpeg (182.47 KB, 1141x735, A3A7CC94-10B2-4067-AF24-6314D9…)

you guys seen hasanbi reviewing her ~sEx TaPe~ he rated it a 2/10 the comments were hilarious, most complaining about joshs’ “unremarkable penis” i recommend watching a part of it. No. 130172
>>130152I don’t know why watching this just made me angry about the degenerate state of men. putting aside how much I have critiqued bellend and whilst I agree that it was lacklustre to witness, I can’t help but be angry at the state of the coomer consoomer pornsick cum brain that a girl can literally get double penetrated because they wanted to see it, then complain it wasn’t entertaining enough to watch and how the guy had an
average unremarkable penis. I hate everyone involved and watching this video has driven me to sperg.
No. 130175
>>130172She not only signed up for this but stepped on the backs of other women to get where she is (literally profited from child porn of other young ladies ffs). I'm sick and tired of wk anon coming here to wk or worse, try to tug on our heartstrings
>i feel bad for her>man I feel kinda bad she must be depressed>she might suicide or end up like Bianca>i feel bad for her because men r MEANIES and she selflessly does so much for them uwuFuck off she deserves all this and more.
(derailing, infighting) No. 130186
>>130175I look forward to when the cops show up at your house to find your walls plastered with pics of Belle.
>She deserved itSeems a bit needlessly hateful. The fact you are trying to dismiss the fact men are awful coomers? Are you one of said coomers because they are?
No. 130192
>when the state of men forces me to unintentionally white knight the cowI think at first it was a breath of fresh air to know not every man on this planet finds her to be a simp goddess but these compilations aren’t even entertaining anymore because the people who these opinions come from shouldn’t even be allowed an opinion, let alone breathe
No. 130196
>>130186I relish in your spergy posts. They are so funny and out of place here
>>130187There's tons of reddit/twitter/facebook comments that get posted here. Not everyone wants to open reddit or give a YouTuber views so its nice to see the real unedited comments in all their glory. If you think for one second she doesn't censor and delete the comment sections she has access to, your sadly mistaken
(ban evading sperg) No. 130198
File: 1609651524888.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.77 KB, 1024x551, 1609646245548m.jpg)

I just went to /b/ to see if the coomers have posted any Belle milk and they have. Get ready to get triggered, vageen anon.
No. 130203
>>130198>>130199Imagine dressing
and acting like this at the same time for the entire world to see…in your 20s. Keep thriving belle you're just digging that hole deeper for yourself
(ban evading sperg) No. 130206
>>130199oh nooo our queen has an outie what ever will we doooo
>>130198thats quite a large labia it’s the same width as the lips. actually im surprised she hid all that under a small squiggly line. again, nothing wrong with different shapes and sizes, but we know she wanted that uwu innie that personally makes me want to throw up cause it looks like a baby’s vagina or two testicles squeezed together. i dont get the appeal. i guess degenerate men want anything but an actual woman.
No. 130220
>>130209Seems a bit much to me honestly. I don't understand why some of those posts were red texted
>>130206>thats quite a large labiaCould we not start this up again kek. Yeah some scrotes are going to call it a roastie because they're retarded and she caters to that specific audience but it is on the normal spectrum of things. To a non-coomer its obv she's just an anorexic adult woman larping as a kid(Which in and of itself is fucking abnormal and show how disturbed she is as a person)..And because of that nothing looks right about her photoshoots and video content. Its a double edged sword for her honestly. If she had just marketed herself as a regular woman in her early 20s nobody would even be saying anything bc its fine for an adult
(ban evading sperg) No. 130263
>>130258I'm sure Venti is lapping up Belle's downward trend, it's a tedious life being a jealous no-name camgirl aging out of her 4chan demographic.
>at least it's not a scroteWell considering she browses and posts here, everything she says is a ripoff of what other anons have already posted. Not exactly a new hot take for any of us.
No. 130264
>>130263Kek, well I think it’s importantly regardless that someone puts it out there and discusses it in to the public domain from a take that’s not “couldn’t coom so belle bad”, so far on YT it’s been an absolute echo chamber cheering the “
multimillionaire with brain surgeon level intelligence in marketing” and majority of the public believes whatever the media tells them to think, they have absolutely no critical thinking skills and brain clogged with coom. I would prefer Venti reading here and finally putting it out there than people believing everything the other YTers belles bribed with bathwater or a bunch of newfags coming here to read about it and putting their 2¢ opinion in and wack fan art edits.
No. 130293
>>130175Not to ruffle feathers but how is this derailing
or infighting?
Makes sense why this thread is shit, the bans aren't consistent at all, much of the actual infighting is ignored.
No. 130295
File: 1609706253443.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.08 KB, 750x1062, 68BD8CBB-C92D-4D09-A554-01B35C…)

>>130293I think because this anon kept attacking and reeing at anyone who expressed any other opinion that deviates slightly from their own. They were continuously lashing out through pure hate boner rage. This was posted in meta with the reason why
edited out IP so I don’t get accused doxing or w/e No. 130298
>>130295But its actually
>>130172And the other belle rebuttal posts that caused the cascade. Users who genuinely want to use the board as it is intended are being banned so spergs can stay to defend belle til their dying breath. You'd think anon was on her payroll or something the way they defend her. Why won't this person hide the thread and why are they even using this site if the site content bothers them so much they have to come here everyday, to the thread they don't like
No. 130300
>>130298Commenting on how gross scrotes are for cooming, consuming porn and pushing women in to degrading themselves further is whiteknighting? Oh boy.
Her fanbase are degenerates and she is also feeding off of the degenerates and feeding in to the degenerates. How can saying both sides are shitty people whiteknighting? Make it make sense and be rational.
No. 130301
>>130300Ntayrt Its obviously the part where anon was pity posting about how belle will do anything for them and still get assblasted by their mean comments. Who cares? Shes wullfully enabling them by curating her style of content and frankly I'm tired of the poor pity belle posts too, this is not the place for that. Scrotes are gross but belle is not some
No. 130316
File: 1609714448472.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.03 KB, 688x1280, w7b7b4mlf4961.jpg)

The way she touches her asshole gives me a sympathy UTI every time. It doesn't matter how clean you are, swapping back and forth from your asshole to vagina will eventually cause problems and is also just really gross.
No. 130345
File: 1609728966423.jpeg (109.31 KB, 750x1008, BA6B38AB-6F63-495C-927D-98D3E7…)

>>130338Is that what all these pedo comments were referencing on instagram? Was there any caps of this happening?
No. 130389
File: 1609771390803.jpeg (51.92 KB, 1125x305, FA170C87-6EB7-48B7-A01F-951F59…)

>>130338I can’t find anything about it only this which is virtually milkless. Surely if it happened someone else would have posted it online by now in the age of SJW cancel culture
No. 130397
>>130393Woah now, don't cut yourself on that there edge.
At the rate she is going she will eventually get cancelled imo, she's already rapidly become very irrelevant and disliked and looks like she is losing more fans as time goes on. She's annoying af and pretends like that's her entire goal, she will end up pushing too far. I gotta laugh at the idea of the newbie mainstream audience pulled in by her podcasts only to find her blood porn, horrible blowjob vid and more of her trash tier content. Most aren't gonna stick around, she seems desperate and disturbed at this point.
No. 130402
Thank god, I think the thread is on autosage.
>>130389 This doesn't prove she slid anyway, anon. Also she doesn't control who likes what. Dude liked it himself. How's that her fault? Like blaming the tv station for a horror movie when you should've been monitoring what your kid is doing, especially online.
No. 130407
>>130402>Reading comprehension: 0Do I really have to spoon feed you anon? I said that’s all I could find and it was milkless. I couldn’t find anything else on the internet so the dms probably never happened because people have screenshots of anything remotely scandalous in the era of SJW cancel culture, especially if it involved an eceleb and an underage son of an actual celebrity.
I agree - Thank god it’s on autosage when people like you can’t read before sperging.
No. 130410
File: 1609783608898.png (243.68 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20190722-165926.png)

Can't find any screenshots, both Sammy and Belle's ig are now deleted. This would have been in 2019, and stories only last 24 hrs on ig before disappearing. This is the closest thing I could find from that time period that mentions her flirting w/ underage people.
No. 130415
File: 1609786858067.png (376.71 KB, 1440x1787, wheres the milk.png)

>>130410I couldn't find any reference to it anywhere except this Tweet. If it happened she or Jack Black have buried the info (there was some note about removed results)
No. 130416
File: 1609786908831.png (46.23 KB, 1440x318, scrubbed.png)

>>130415Not bothering to sage since we're on autosage now. This is the note.
No. 130421
File: 1609788155733.jpg (121.05 KB, 750x750, ss tweet.jpg)

Some interesting stuff in the Instagram tags for his son's old username, including screenshot of this Tweet: explains why his account is deleted now and maybe why it was his dad that scrubbed the info.
No. 130422
File: 1609788220910.jpg (210.29 KB, 1080x1920, sammy.jpg)

>>130421Sorry for kinda offtopic but also on topic, so it's possible the dm thing
did happen but everything has been wiped due to these other issues
No. 130424
File: 1609789182198.png (837.51 KB, 750x1334, 786F2133-2743-437C-A1E8-A6D6DC…)

>>130422>>130423Yikes. Unless we see the actual dms between Belle and him we can’t say it happened but he seems like a degenerate for distributing child pr0n ew. I know that Belle’s account dm loads of different popular meme guys at the time iirc like Leafy with weird shit so I wouldn’t be surprised if she did dm (or Josh larping Belle) to get clout, I don’t think she is a pedophile BUT I do think she has a fetish with being underage
No. 130476
>>130454>It's not hard to imagine she will cross the line and do something too "shocking" or "edgy" that will leave a bad taste in people's mouths… >>130451>implying porn thots gets canceledPorn stars do get canceled and it doesn't go well:
(related link from 2018
I think this is why people took the pivot from thot to porn star seriously and were quite bummed out about it, it's a different path which doesn't end by being a
bougie mother at the school gates like she thinks. I think when your fans are the lowest scum, and then you get
canceled by the scum it's gotta hit you hard as a person.
No. 130543
>>130525Autism incoming but looking at her fanbase theres 3 types of fans I see she has:
>Simps: She’s a woman with a majority male fanbase, she will lose them before long because that’s what unfortunately happens after a year or 2, men get bored of simping specific women, especially once they start to lose their “sex appeal” or fail to continue to appeal to their ever evolving fetishes. They will always find someone better and younger to simp after, it’s happened to many women before her too - I would say Nigri doesn’t have a big simp fanbase anymore but I remember when she was the “new toy” men wouldn’t shut up about her, same with Megan Fox and all other women considered “attractive”, and with her borderline pedophile fanbase this will definitely happen. She’s probably already lost appeal to a lot of them since she’s gone from barely legal Belle 19 to 21 year old Belle, but luckily for now her flat chest and filters are keeping them lingering.
>Meme boys: Memes die quick so she will lose the meme crowd too which is already happening, the meme crowd only use her as a punchline, they don’t actually find her as a person funny.
>Other sex workers/egirls: She won’t be popular style wise in the next year or so just like emo, scene, hipster, grunge, pastel goth, the anime e-girl era too will end and there will be a new alt girl who has just turned 18 to take her place.She’s failed imho to connect or establish a bond with a loyal fanbase like other influencers who have a personality, all Belle has been is image and sex and that unfortunately doesn’t keep people around, looks fade and fashions change.
No. 130628
File: 1609905209301.jpg (100.07 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>130423Holohoax global
File: 1609961992789.png (Spoiler Image,4.41 MB, 1334x750, DD6014AE-8877-4676-8040-C54BB8…)

>throws up in mouth
No. 130756
File: 1609980524587.jpeg (126.82 KB, 805x1200, 7627D336-40ED-469D-ABAF-51D895…)

>>130749I don’t think she does but maybe it’s the facial expression and emo bangs.
No. 130768
File: 1609984149490.jpg (184.31 KB, 1080x1133, 20210106_194829.jpg)

Anyone else notice this?
No. 130772
I have no opinion on the subject as this would be totally legal in the UK but what is her obsession with being a MAP endorser and fetishising relationships between adults and minors so bad
No. 130818
>>130786Except her whole business is being an internet meme, so being visibly popular
online is kinda important and the only place it can be measured. It seems most people view her as a freakshow rather than actually enjoying the content, those stats are pretty bad. Like 45k die-hard fans after releasing dicksucking and dp videos to millions, not sure it's worth it.
No. 130821
File: 1610023992881.png (Spoiler Image,4.62 MB, 1800x1564, 565BD3CD-E16F-4710-99D7-967810…)

Talk about unironically beating a dead meme. Fidget spinner buttplug… pepe blowjobs… what’s next I wonder? Ugandan knuckles anal fisting. It’s like that mudkip wall mural all over again, she heard 4chan liked a thing once and she becomes obsessed with retelling the same lame joke over and over after everyone’s been long bored of it. Meme queen my ass kek.
No. 130959
File: 1610064114356.jpeg (218.51 KB, 1102x2048, 1D746958-943A-445A-858C-D3753C…)

new rawr XD hyperfixation to stay relevant perhaps
No. 130989
File: 1610068908323.png (6.62 MB, 1777x1800, 38DCC1EF-0BB9-427A-81AC-BE5E90…)

>>130959either this is some trisha paytas scene girl skit tickbox she’s doing, or she’s jumping over to the other egirl ship.
>uwu corpse husband notice me again uwu keep seeing its god awful style everywhere lately and it assaults my eyes, I frickin hate it!
No. 131055
File: 1610098462893.jpg (448.45 KB, 1080x1080, PicsArt_01-08-09.30.28.jpg)

Bellend's fragile ego can't handle comments from any female with an OF despite literally all her commenters being clout chasers.
No. 131064
File: 1610107202898.jpeg (76 KB, 750x302, 0CD73116-8FAB-4EF3-9B5B-EE512E…)

>>131055that’s actually really horrible if the girl was a genuine fan, but sure as hell she doesn’t block her underage scrotes in training who sext her under her posts. Even when she made that post about who wants to star in her music video, the music video was already filmed and edited at that point with pixiecat, she had no interest in anyone else and was only doing it to drive up interest and engagement and free promo via retweets. this is why belle has no girl friends, she’s a POS
No. 131317
File: 1610185426254.jpg (349.17 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20210109-014300_Twi…)

>>131055I don't know why you bother blocking public posts, but I highly doubt Belle is worried about this ugly cow. She makes way more money and it's just smart business to block people advertising in their name from commenting on your stuff to keep attention to your content. Thinking Belle cares that deep about random under 2k thots is hilarious. She only has 100 fans and flased her bits already and follows the uwu pepe memes too.
No. 131361
File: 1610203301598.webm (887.62 KB, 640x640, bfanelle__13578065314982342037…)
>>131317At PULL Nieke claimed she was blocked by Belle for no reason on
TW, at that time was hard to believe Belle stalks random girls on twitter and block them only for being pretty. Mary Belle is weird.
(scrote) No. 131448
File: 1610224662912.jpeg (155.69 KB, 746x1230, 94B6D941-429E-43C2-9D30-04FDF8…)

Uhoh, looks like belle the predator enabler has a history of not only enabling predators but also defending them kek
No. 131723
File: 1610374645660.jpeg (Spoiler Image,61.34 KB, 384x721, frame (1).jpeg)

And just like that shes back to censoring the bits
No. 131751
File: 1610380640095.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.14 KB, 384x721, frame.jpeg)

>>131746Yup, its from a recent "date" video she did. The vid ends with a game of spin the bottle, but she never shows anything. Ends with a promo to "check your inbox" Lol.
No. 131766
File: 1610385392903.png (Spoiler Image,6.13 MB, 1800x1709, F6EF80CC-850D-4B8C-9693-972ABD…)

>>131751These are def old, she’s out here spread
eagel now kek
Sad really, I wouldn’t say she’s wasted potential because she’s pretty talentless. But it’s just sad.
No. 131811
>>131792Cue the obsessed scrote/wk to negate your opinion and scrotesplain how Belle is
winning, how she is going through all the meme tropes like some ingenue, she's so smart, so funny, groundbreaking. She makes you pay for her porn, she has everyone
fooled No. 131831
File: 1610418030056.jpeg (119.63 KB, 1200x847, Eqsc_zMXMAEoING.jpeg)

>>131766I know it's been said enough, but jfc the editing. All I think when I see these sets are how she actually looks irl when she's posing in these shitty getups. She's a tall adult woman… the second-hand embarrassment is a lot. I'm still surprised she posted that still for her twitter post, let alone posted the video at all considering how overly edited all of her content is.
No. 131900
File: 1610465816775.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1242x918, 878A28E3-5B38-4F5E-8269-E02645…)

new twitter pics
No. 131901
File: 1610465856886.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 1242x2091, AEE05AD9-E0CD-40A2-93F5-65EB7B…)

No. 131903
>>131901>>131900Her leg positioning looks retarded.
Also imagine trying to set up this set when its cold af in the woods your camera scrote waddling with his pants down to ensure they got the shot while trying to keep a boner.
No. 131905
>>131900>>131901didn't she say she was so perturbed with the bianca sitution + ppl invading her house and shit? what is this lmao.
For the dumb aspies what im trying to say is this set represent the fear she had back then and the reason why she left for so long.
No. 131924
File: 1610471584922.jpeg (Spoiler Image,178.01 KB, 750x785, 1E91E87C-FCD3-41AE-AA90-D259BF…)

No. 131938
This is beyond disgusting, rancid actually, but not shocking whatsoever coming from Belle either. She is sick in the head and addicted to the attention she gets from her controversial stunts. She can't help herself.
>>131905She did mention being shaken up by the murder of Bianca Devins in a podcast but I think she only brought that up to make herself look like a vulnerable wilting flower and to make excuses for her online absence. If it had ever actually gotten to her then she never would have thought to post this vile shit.
In all honesty I think being cancelled is objectively the best thing for her at this point, for the sake of her mental well-being, and for her future. She knows she is a major potential target for dangerous men, she chooses to cater to these types of degens, she knows where this could lead. I thought she might have a modicum of intelligence to keep her from going this far but equally it's unsurprising. I think she legitimately gets off on some level to this shit.
No. 131945
>>131909There are so many guys living in cars and vans right now due to the economic crisis, this is encouraging them to rape women. "white van men" is already accepted as "dodgy fella to keep away from" in the UK (implied criminal or rapist, I cross the street if I see an open van or car)
What a great market to appeal to. Very business much genius.
No. 131946
>>131924I get that rape fetishes are a thing that assault
victims may pick up as a means of dealing with their trauma, but normalizing rape to your audience full of sexually deviant incels just aint it. Its irresponsible and i hate how some people will say youre a vanilla snowflake for that. You can have whatever fetishes you want, but dont romanticize rape to your audience of men that see women as holes that owe them sex.
No. 131956
>>131900>>131901disappointed but not surprised. she keeps getting worse and worse.
>>131946she's not even an assault survivor though which she's admitted in past spergs about her content back when her stunts were actually kind of funny, so there's not even an excuse for this grown ass woman to be fetishizing kidnapping and rape
No. 131975
File: 1610493509219.png (12.03 KB, 562x276, Capture.PNG)

Many people got triggered as Belle wanted(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 131984
>>131979Yass queen normalize rape
>>131975digital creator is a flattering description. Might be wishful thinking but it looks like her likes are dropping, only 40k likes on that photoset so far.
No. 131988
>>131979Don’t know if it makes you feel any better but when you click on his profile it says not to take anything he writes seriously. It’s probably a poor joke.
Have yous been seeing the latest tweets about her? People are furious.
No. 131999
File: 1610503275738.webm (Spoiler Image,683.79 KB, 405x720, IMG_6981.webm)

The rape LARP video leaked and its fucking gross.
No. 132025
File: 1610514223632.png (49.46 KB, 669x180, Capture.PNG)

I see some responses and people are divided in two camps: triggered and meh. By now her strategy is working as intended and is not the end of her "career".(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 132031
File: 1610515771752.webm (Spoiler Image,3.86 MB, 606x1078, 1610506712566.webm)

They act so clumsy is laughable. Why Belle edited these videos like a silent era movie? She can stop looking to the camera.
No. 132033
File: 1610516422263.png (318.49 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210113-004508.png)

One of the comments from her onlyfans..
No. 132046
>>132033>take you from schoolAlso
>the whole (hole) timekek I fucking hate scrotes. Die!
No. 132048
File: 1610530443775.jpg (1.22 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_01-13-09.29.00.jpg)

>>132002Grooming your underage fans with your 'pick me' mental illness paraphilia. Peak degeneracy.
No. 132051
>>132031Not only is it morally reprehensible rape porn, it is also very poorly done. This guy can't fuck, and some other anon was 100% correct when she said Belle is playing a rape
victim so she doesn't have to pretend to be good at/interested in sex.
No. 132058
>>132051This is a very good point, her performance has already been roasted to the point where she thought it would be hot to stick her head in a washing machine for her porn. The problem now is that she's gone this far, the pedo coomers are crawling out of the sea expecting more of the same. There's no going back after this to something softer.
>>132000I think you're right, though it probably won't be obvious til later. The connections she made doing those podcasts should have already started distancing themselves, otherwise they will end up facing criticism down the line. It won't be smart to publicly associate with her if she carries on with this sort of content.
Isn't she breaking some guidelines on OF? Do they really OK this sort of thing?
No. 132063
File: 1610537096687.png (Spoiler Image,411.74 KB, 596x529, bd.PNG)

she put out a pic of her tits and a non-apology
No. 132065
>>132064>uwu my dress was too cute! my heart bleeds for you Belle. she knew exactly what she was doing and what she was depicting in this set. if this is supposed to be representing consensual sex then explain your partner's wardrobe choices for the day. did he just feel like dressing like a kidnapper that day? he may have even styled his hair under that ski mask for all we know i guess.
> i can't help looking like a child you guys!> people who are sensitive to kinks and sex shouldn't follow my twitter! this is normal!this woman is pathological garbage. also big kek at the statement that it was the best sex she'd had recently. with standards as low as hers i'm sure she had a real blast. what a miserable existence.
No. 132080
Please, nothing here is working. She's done with mainstream after this, not difficult as she had nothing going for her prior. If you hop off Twitter it's like she doesn't even exist which is lovely. Belle is now left over with the twitter pedo degenerates just like she wanted, the ones who must pay the most. She made her bed and now it's not far off to say she might get kidnapped or actually killed now. It's obvious she's nothing but a piggy bank for her boyfriend, he doesn't give a shit about her well being. Thanks Belle, for empowering degenerates further to feel good about their kidnap and rape fantasies. Fuck this flat, lanky, horton hears a who-looking human garbage.
No. 132084
>>132064>i styled my hair and wore a cute dressnobody is looking at your hair or cares about your outfit, retard.
>if it's about how i genetically lookyou do not look like a child. you're the same height as the guy larping rape with you. you want everyone to think that you look like a child. even if that weren't the case here, it is only a part of why this is so fucked up.
No. 132085
File: 1610543409067.jpg (61.21 KB, 782x556, bferw.JPG)

>i made it very clear that i was enjoying it and that it was consensual
how could we be so blind
No. 132090
>>132064God this is stupid. Yes CNC is a kink but it specifically requires
trigger warnings. No one is asking you to
TW all your posts just the ones with literal rape kink in them.
Jesus this bitch is insufferable
No. 132102
File: 1610549110391.jpg (366.25 KB, 800x593, you-did-it-24a783eb67.jpg)

Belle is playing people like a fiddle: For sure she had that non apology wrote before she post these "rape" pics on twitter. Belle covered many bases before doing this stunt.(scrote)
No. 132105
>>132103He is absolutely terrible at sex. I'm actually amazed. This weird rythmless jackhammering shit is how teens have sex
Also I love how the scrotes on ywitter are like "ummm she's a PORN actress this is what she DOES" like yall she's only been "doing porn" for a whopping 3 weeks
No. 132114
File: 1610552294394.jpg (21.75 KB, 234x320, daa3f40253872b360a1d8781727bca…)

>>132110Guys Im totally dressed like an adult from the 60s can't you tell?
No. 132118
File: 1610552738680.jpg (41.96 KB, 800x450, cover3.jpg)

>>132115She don't live in a council
>>132117She looks like a 6'
No. 132120
File: 1610552755864.jpeg (13.33 KB, 275x194, 1610418030056.jpeg)

>>132110How is she gonna post this one her Twitter and argue that she doesn't look like a grown woman. Without the usual mad filters and Photoshopping, she doesn't look childlike or youthful kek, she could pass for her mid to late twenties. That's the reality, Belle. You do not look like a child or a teen, and you do not look like your edited pictures. Get over it.
No. 132122
File: 1610553008827.jpg (164.59 KB, 1200x675, EnxDaatXEAE20jP.jpg)

>>132114Exactly anon, nobody wears this garbage except for children from the past. But in her defense, she has always had really, really shit taste. Also picrel what a youthful and childlike face.
No. 132128
File: 1610553579933.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20210113_105656137.jpg)

Reminder belle is smol 1/2
No. 132129
File: 1610553633692.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20210113_105711942.jpg)

No. 132137
>>132129Right before the epic fail
Too bad he couldn't hold up his
uwu smol baby for longer then 1 sec. She's literally begging for people to nitpick at her height as she's using "I'm naturally tiny" as a pass to make pedobait.
No. 132138
File: 1610555748720.png (36.71 KB, 1440x378, le ratio 1.png)

Belle getting ratio'd
No. 132140
>>132137josh was such a weak lil manlet to not be able to lift the bag of bones i kek’d. lift some weights you degenerate coomer. fucking pathetic.
>>132120grown adult woman in a party city wig. If anything I would say minus filters she looks 25, maybe older.
No. 132141
>>132110>Youthful faceMaybe once you slap 100 edits and filters on. She doesn't look younger than her age in reality.
Nevermind the pious
it is *you
* who is the pervert reading things into my porn, which is objectively nearly entirely pedobait No. 132142
>>132110This is fucking embarrassing. Is josh putting her up to doubling down on this? She should have just apologized for not putting up a proper
TW and moved on. The way she's defending it makes it seem like she knows she fucked up
No. 132144
>>132142But if she just put up a
TW and moved on she wouldn't have a chance to tell everybody how smol and teen she is naturally!
No. 132151
>>132149Deleted the post since I dredged up the cap I was thinking of and they did not, in fact, vote for rape (it wasn't an option). Though her posting all this rape porn while saying
no one likes rape, no one wants rape to exist is infuriating. At least own being a pro-rape pickme if that's who you are.
No. 132153
File: 1610560126972.jpeg (437.25 KB, 1125x1084, 4DD64647-4734-45B7-9A8C-35468A…)

Pixie cat licking Belle’s ass as usual the amount of sex workers defending her makes my skin crawl.
No. 132159
>>132153I can only speak for me but I hate this narrative that csa survivors do this shit on the reg to cope. Fucking stop. No one who has endured the sheer terror and loss of control that comes with being fucking kidnapped and raped would never risk
triggering people who have gone through it for real. People who do this and put it out for all to see are the biggest degenerates on the planet imo.
No. 132162
>>132153I always don't get this with rape kinks, how is re-living a rape scene help with past sexual assaults truma. Wouldn't they find it more
triggering and upsetting?
No. 132164
>>132162as for younger
victims, allegedly something in the brain can be rewired into them developing a fetish or want for something like this, idk how it is for older
victims No. 132168
>>132164I kind of think maybe it’s reliving an experience but with a safe predictable outcome, a counter productive self harm cope like cutting your arms to “numb the pain”. These girls could just get therapy kek. It probably also makes Belle feel wanted after her childhood of being rejected by boys, peers and her father to have a man reenact an uncontrollable lust for her that he has to rape her as opposed to the usual rejections she faced throughout life.
They can do what they want behind closed doors but no one is tugging one off to the thought of it being acting, they are cooming over the thought of it being real. The more people are exposed to degenerate porn the more degenerate porn they need to coom, the more rape porn is normalized the more men feel the need to be unnecessary aggressive towards women, sexually assault them and treat them like fuckholes - especially the growing teenage brain (which is up to the age of 25) who consume her content. Modern society has normalised “kinky sex” to the point every man assumes you like being strangled and having your hair ripped out of your scalp during sex.
No. 132175
genius ship has long since sailed.
No. 132204
File: 1610576901549.jpg (125.27 KB, 1071x713, Screenshot_20210113-142711_Chr…)

Scrote whose never experienced rape to the rescue!
No. 132206
i think she is for sure a fucked up pedophile. people need to stop assuming that pedophiles are only creepy fat neckbeards in their 30s who live with their moms and drive a white van. women can be pedophiles too, even young women.
i really don't think for most people, they would be able to put together such a detailed depiction of a child getting raped… down to the duct tape, rope, shoes, socks, van, everything. it's disturbing to be honest. she can say "im not trying to be childish" but it is clear to everyone, including her fans who write fanfic about "picking her up from school"
this, paired with the fact that she simultaneously panders to children by using memes and shit in her content, developing a fanbase of underaged people… it's just all so fucked up, this woman is a pedophile, or her boyfriend is a pedophile & she's ghislaine maxwelling for him.
No. 132215
>>132204Didn’t Keem bully someone in to suicide kek so like as if anyone gives a fuck about his opinion. The reason coomers say it’s fine is because they want to continue cooming and consooming, but once they ever have a daughter, oh boy do the opinions turn (not that it makes them respect any other women tho for that matter)
People aren’t playing violent video games to COOM. If you are playing violent video games and jacking off you have issues and need to see a therapist. You can’t compare the 2 because one releases a whole bunch of brain chemicals and becomes an addiction that’s why people become porn addicts and men have turned to No Fap because they realised the porn they were consuming was becoming more extreme like people do when they become drug addicts and they were having an addiction to porn and was unable to have actual normal sex lives. Normalising rape makes men want to watch more rape and then reenact rape then go on to more extreme rape.
No. 132217
>>132211Also he seems to have missed that some ppl were just asking for a
trigger warning bc it
triggered bad memories for them. Not like he cares
>>132215I wasn't aware that happened about the suicide. Yes, if he ever has a daughter he won't want HIS daughter doing that
No. 132222
File: 1610580724075.jpeg (80.96 KB, 750x624, 43B78AB3-D370-42EA-9906-5685BD…)

>>132220Hope Belle cosplays Keems daughter next, she loves shadman, pedobating and being controversial so I can’t see why she wouldn't. Hopefully Keem will enjoy that.
I hate SJW culture and
TW but the thing is, no one searched to find rape porn and it shouldn’t be easily available and retweeted and passed along to be viewable by people who don’t want to see stuff like that that’s why people are at least asking for some sort of warning, which is a nicer response than asking for her to be banned.
I searched rape on PH just (Police don’t @ me) and that search doesn’t work and suggested normal “vanilla” porn… I wonder why, could rape fantasy be a bad no no porn? I thought it was normal and highly searched for? kek full of shit.
No. 132229
>>132204>expecting keemstar of all people to care about belle encouraging violence against other womenoh anon, he's a terrible person in his own way. i actually expected someone like him to be more defensive of her
>>132206she's obviously at the very least an autopedophile. i wouldn't be surprised if it came out that she was a groomer or that she has a thing for underage girls
No. 132230
File: 1610582631965.png (155.95 KB, 1000x740, 11F92994-5E9B-40C3-B637-F9DD91…)

>>132226>scrubbed step sister and step mom/milf is high up there last i checked. also with that whole meme of “whatre you doing step bro” is cause these videos have high traffic on PH. its not some deep web shit, sorry to take your innocence away. rape porn on the other hand is different but i’d imagine is still on that degenerate website.
there was that whole thing where a good chunk of their content got taken down cause it was illegal, cp, revenge porn etc. so at least i hope they dont have incest and rape shit on there anymore.
No. 132238
>>132231belle is aware of her audience and it was only a matter of time. she's getting too old to pull off the 'slutty younger sister who gives you weird looks' vibe she used to use without even having to get naked. this is the natural progression. she's been catering to these very sexually aggressive men for years. it was absolutely her idea.
>>132234before belle realized she got more attention by posting pictures of herself scantily clad on the internet, she went to lolita meetups. not necessarily out of the the blue, though it does definitely differ from her usual aliexpress main page bs. my guess as to why she chose that particular dress for this particular video was for 'plausible deniability', which she failed to give herself using aforementioned cum-crusted mlp bathing suit. she wants the controversy for the attention. it's counterintuitive at this point to do shit like that again with this many eyes on her.
No. 132240
>>132230Yes, that is what I explained. Incest itself is usually scrubbed, step porn is not, it's popular because it's used as a loophole work around in place of incest porn. An effort is made to scrub incest and rape specifically.
>>132237I felt the same way as you about it but I think the way she constantly tries to make herself look as young as possible anyway is why it doesn't immediately strike me as necessarily being a child rape fantasy. She makes an effort in all of her content to look as childlike as she can.
No. 132258
>>132237>but dont come at me thinking im defending her!!And what are you doing what is your point? one thing is not less disgusting than the other lol.And yes you are consuming too much true crime your brain has become poopy!! Belle clearly is dressed as a child in whatever year/era,rape porn is bad that's it periodt nothing more nothing less.Even tho u know so much about true crime u missed this
No. 132277
File: 1610597833443.jpg (1.53 MB, 3024x4032, amazon.jpg)

Belle looks like a netflix teenager.
No. 132281
>>132257not to alog but with the "my next stunt" tee and this, I think she's basically asking for something awful to happen to her at the hands of some stalker. I absolutely do not want anything
to happen, but with the images and messages she's sending out, she's playing into their hands. And some men are fucking crazy and will take this as a "sign" that she wants to be raped and murdered.
No. 132296
File: 1610606807431.jpg (853.13 KB, 1080x1891, Screenshot_20210113-224630_Chr…)

Found the dress on WISH. They call it a lolita cut, but its basic cottagecorr but with chiffon.
No. 132313
>>132311They're not pointing out that she doesn't look like a child, they're pointing out she has gone out of her way to make herself look like a child and the "muh genetics" excuse is bullshit.
Plastic surgery, filters, camera tricks to look smol, juvenile facial expressions, braces, childish pigtails, a children's swimsuit, pigtails, stuffed toys, baby talk in her captions, cosplaying Lolita… Yeah clearly she can't help it and it's everyone else projecting a childlike image onto her against her will.
No. 132322
File: 1610619092769.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.35 KB, 320x517, 2j0xv7xkilk51.jpg)

"i dont dress like a kid" fucking twat
No. 132329
>>132054kek. The
least they could do is stay in character. They couldn't even do that right.
No. 132331
>>132168>a counter productive self harm cope Pretty much.
It's the scrotes with porn sickness/addiction that end up having warped ideas of what real sex is supposed to be like. I had it happen where a guy I was dating tried to "reenact" shit he saw in a porno and I was like, you know porn sex isn't real sex dumb ass? Porn actresses aren't legitimate representations of normal females. Most of the girls in those movies (especially hetero films) are miserable. Putting on a show for the camera =/= real sex.
No. 132332
File: 1610627618257.png (2.71 MB, 1334x750, 700E718D-3347-46F3-98AA-8AD048…)

>>132307>it’s her geneticsIs she Benjamin Button. How does someone age in reverse. She looked older when she was actually underage.
No. 132340
File: 1610631858819.jpg (217.14 KB, 1612x1080, 1263770_481565721942262_101025…)

>>132332She never looked like a teenager, she jumped from 12 yo to "I'm your boss" age. Her straight nose for some reason gave Belle certain air of superiority.
No. 132341
File: 1610632059739.png (448.66 KB, 2144x1306, bedroom.png)

>>132277>I wasn't actually trying look like a child >Has vids of her bedroom with plushies and childlike shit strewn all over the place.Granted this vid is from 2019 but still. She's retarded for getting mad at people getting mad at her for pedo baiting when she has a history of doing it/has a "fetish" for it.
No. 132350
File: 1610636100604.jpg (49.68 KB, 434x727, ce37ra7cx3b61.jpg)

I have a feeling this has been posted before I guess this is what happens when you market towards creeps
No. 132361
>>132350That was a joke, and a good one: the guy live in Australia and these pics were taken by Belle's employee
>>132355In fact that stunt (made with Pixiecat help) failed. People (who didn't knew she is a Belle's employee) berated Pixie for posting these pics and became worried about Belle wellbeing. That stunt backfired in an unexpected way.
Ironicaly her "rape" stunt is working.
File: 1610639491392.jpg (26.15 KB, 360x202, ukj.JPG)

seeing these images together is plain sad. her natural, adult face and the one she goes to great lengths to hide, alongside the disturbed toddler face she desperately wishes she had kek
No. 132374
>>132341the top
>lolita>>132296the type of dress
>lolitashe blatantly searches lolita when shopping and not for the EGL kind. obsessed with it.
No. 132380
File: 1610644837773.jpg (162.09 KB, 1364x2048, 15975117_1150257821739712_6495…)

>>132378Before that nosejob, she had certain Regina George air. Not uwu at all.
No. 132385
File: 1610646563800.png (Spoiler Image,279.36 KB, 1200x900, bellend.png)

Even the President of the Adult Performer's Union knows Belle done fucked up. Hopefully she loses her Twitter and OF
No. 132387
File: 1610646747879.png (268.07 KB, 601x384, belle twitter.png)

>>132382Dressing like a kid =/= looking like a kid. Plus editing etc, there is nothing to "pick" here.
No. 132393
File: 1610648877260.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.44 KB, 380x540, a160792_xlf.jpg)

>>132385>>132385Says Alana Evans KEK
No. 132397
File: 1610649745104.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.75 KB, 640x360, 20210114_104012.jpg)

>>132393>>132393Yeah she tries desperately to try to do what Belle does. I wouldn't take anything this hypocrite says regardless of the union. She has her fair share of cowing, but Ill leave that for other threads.
>>132395Don't all egirls call themselves smol because its supposed to be uwu? A fat girl saying it wouldn't be true either. It's just the thing to say.
No. 132417
File: 1610660469173.png (Spoiler Image,161.11 KB, 1200x679, Awful.png)

New Twitter post. No trigger warning AGAIN, captioned "my perfect second date"
Belle & Josh are beyond sickening at this point.
No. 132431
File: 1610662806239.webm (308.6 KB, 656x1232, Belle based and redpilled.webm)
Belle always has been very cringy with that old Pepe poster and her bad porn but now she look based and redpilled.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 132433
>>132417I don’t even know what kind of sick fuck would be attracted to that. I know men are a lost cause but I’m gonna wager that a lot of her fan base is ok with her shoving dildos in her ass but not interested in straight up killing a random girl. It’s really all to get the attention on her. I get the feeling she knows she’s burning out fast.
> Also that crappy bathtubI’m lost, so far we’ve seen pics of a really mediocre place, do they really live there?? That bathroom seems like a really mediocre to average one anybody could have at home. Even Mariah’s house looks better and I’m pretty sure they get the same amount of money probably.
No. 132434
>>132417Starting to think Josh wants her dead for real. These photosets are getting worse and worse. Also she's playing "irl belle" with her real hair in the worst rape/murder sets. So this isn't even killing off a character. I await the explanation post about
uwu actually loads of women have fantasies about being drowned and electrocuted and we're kinkshaming her.
No. 132439
>>132434It’s probably because Josh a disgusting dadbod coomer who probably spends all day cooming with dorito dust on his dick and seeing his girlfriend constantly naked shoving dildos in herself, his peepee has become desensitised and unable to hold an erection during normal sex like every other pornsick coomer. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if his hard-drive was full of rape porn, snuff and cp.
>>132417Belle is such a pick me that she believes doing this “gets her in with the boys”, realising pepe is a deadmeme she’s turning to more hardcore shit probably hoping r9k with their pure hate boner for women will simp her for being so
>based No. 132442
File: 1610666654198.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.61 KB, 750x554, 4EAF4FEF-2517-448F-87BC-ED35E3…)

OT but kek, bet she was seething
No. 132452
>>132417This is so gross and weird. Why post this violent bdsm on Twitter. At least take it to a porn site so people that can’t consent don’t accidentally see it….She looks like the love child of an adult Whoville woman and Michael Jackson. Her nose is really ugly she seriously fucked it up and the highlight makes it look greasy and bulbous. She can’t even larp being an anime girl correctly, she looks like an Amazon. Bella Poarch does the kawaii thing well. (She’s
problematic but at least she doesn’t do sex work) She’s meeting celebrities (Justin Bieber, Tyga) and youtubers, getting brand deals, has a decent fanbase, and doing collabs with brands like Ripndip. All of that without needing to take her clothes off and degrade herself.
No. 132453
>>132385That's a ridiculous take from her. At a certain point some people are outraged just for the sake of being outraged.
>>132393Well no one said all sex workers put thought into their opinions. kek
No. 132455
>>132454Agreed. This
>>132417 is just shitposting. There's no point to it but to try and stir up a hornets nest with angry moms and radfems.
No. 132487
>>132417 Was her post taken down? I'm not seeing this one or her previous post.
She could not be more desperate for attention at this point. Too bad she didn't care about her mom's disappointment. She was trying to protect her.
No. 132489
>>132382lol we're not a hivemind. It looks schizo because we have different opinions. I dislike her loli shit, I don't care much beyond that.
>>132412>I fantasize about young chads getting raped (by other men while I watch)Based and honkpilled.
No. 132501
>>132417Ok she doubled down on the last one just being CNC
But what the fuck is this??? Snuff fetish? Why is she doing this Jesus christ
No. 132507
File: 1610684475668.jpeg (242.43 KB, 750x749, F71B5F9B-5650-41B2-B363-2357A6…)

She might as well say “Fuck those triggered little snowflakes as it’s their fault for being triggered in the first place even if similar things happen to them.”
No. 132518
>>132507I kek'd hard at this post though. It was pretty funny too call out easily
triggered people who can't tell a stage CNC porn from real rape/kidnapping. Tell me when she does real snuff, then Ill be surprised, but like this was funny tbh. Even the people making fun of it are meming it lol This is her content since the beginning. I honestly wonder what she's going to do next now.
No. 132531
File: 1610701983170.jpg (28.72 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg)

>belle is based
>belle is funny
>belle isn't the snowflake here
Cope harder
No. 132542
>>132518>>132512"Guyyyz it's so funny how Belle makes fun of kidnap rape and murder what a kween tehehe!!1!"
Had the whole squad of families "a.k.a snowflakes HEHE GUYZ" of
victims laughing so hard.
You'd think one of the creepy unstable incels she's pandering to who gets off on humiliating women would snap by now and harm an innocent person or a child.
People mocking this as if inciting a form of violence or encouraging it online have never created criminals and resulted in
Like some crazy pedo or rapist would not get fueled by this think its hot and decide to act out to satisfy his desires. It happens alot but people don't want to hear about it. There are many sick twisted people.
Disgusting she's still allowed to do this while people out there defend it.
No. 132545
File: 1610710933796.jpeg (29.4 KB, 750x814, 3AE1D864-623D-4792-BC40-3E588E…)

>>132544kek anon plz stop! my sides!
No. 132549
File: 1610712880081.jpg (753.19 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210115-070451.jpg)

…close your unfortunate mouth for once. If she's not chewing with her mouth open she's flashing her atrocious teeth all over Twitter, can't get away from them. She's crap-tier stripper dancing to a song about having a fat ass (kek) and posting more super original content about how she reawwwwy triggers people with her "content". This bitch needs to go to hell and fast(stop)
No. 132550
>>132540I'm honestly surprised she wasn't banned yet, considering she's probably being mass reported as we speak.
I do get why she did the photos tho. She got so much traffic for the "first date" pictures and is probably well aware that the majority of her audience hates women. They would only want to hate fuck her anyway, thus making their fantasies come true through her degenerate photo sets.
No. 132555
File: 1610714788215.jpg (56.62 KB, 534x800, 09b5a7129f5b9879d8dbe7f4c6cc18…)

>>132065>>132082>>132087>>132110>>132310This woman had her entire nose bridge sawed off and lip fillers to "look like a child" I wouldn't say that's the result of genetics.
The only thing she's right about is her naturally small chest kek.
Being 5'5-5'7 at most (I think the anons thinking she's 5'7+ are tinfoils, shes a lanky limy brit but not giraffe tier) isn't exactly "petite" it's neither short nor tall for brits she looks typical for a lankier brit.
But I wouldn't say the lip fillers and nose job made her look younger either, the proof is in her candids, she still has the same long face. I would say it made her look less British and more racially ambiguous.
There are some naturally "genetically" youthful britons e.g - Emilia Clarke, but not her.
No. 132556
>>132550>>132552 now No. 132554
>>132550The longer she stays unbanned, the more she's forced to post shitty content, kek. The funniest thing would be if she didn't get banned, like she obviously wants. Being banned would allow her to keep "fans" wanting more, and of course, the more desirable reason for her - being banned would give her the license to continue sitting on her flat ass all day, doing nothing. without a ban, bitch has gotta work like every other e thot.
No. 132560
File: 1610715529681.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1160x640, vibratinghandUntitled.png)

Jfl at this fingering. He just pokes his fingers like he does his pecker, I doubt she's ever had an orgasm with a partner. And she pretends that it's doing something.
No. 132563
>>132559If she stood beside someone who’s actually short (I’m 5’1 - and I’m rounding up) she’d look even bigger in comparison. She’s above the average height for a woman, the same height as majority of girls I know.
When she tried to downplay her height it’s so funny, as most short people want to be a little bit taller.
(NOBODY CARES) No. 132571
>>132562Its shopped to hell and back anon her face is an ironing board in length. Check the previous threads for candids.
>>132568lol she may be technically South African but has the bad teeth British cliche and to anon thinking I'm brit bashing She's certainly naturally attractive in a sophisticated, well put together way in
>>132332 and
>>132340 but isn't genetically petite or youthful looking like she egoes. You'll see a lot of anons agree in past threads she's decent looking but butchered her nose to the point it looks plastic, and the pedoshit is one thing but rape and snuff is just fucking abhorrent.
>>132556>Being banned would allow her to keep "fans" wanting moreGood point, I'd agree shes expecting a ban for all this "extreme content" and considering what anon
>>132493 says here this shit is incredibly in bad taste, it seems she's either completely forgotten the Bianca murder or purposely made her shit extreme to gain hate followers.
No. 132575
File: 1610722954848.jpeg (38.6 KB, 512x474, AA08D8A5-7678-4174-B90B-636E1C…)

>>132573her frame isn’t small, it’s loooooong.
Petite means short with shorter body proportions like short arms and short legs, does not mean flat chested or being an anachan. She’s either uneducated or desperate to seem smoll, cute and vulnerable, guessing both.
No. 132584
>>132444The only info I could find lists his birthday as December 1993, which would make him 27.
The more violent shit (barbed wire, forced bootlicking, hard slaps to the face, kidnapping/rape/snuff fantasy, etc) seems like it's more his idea than hers. Not excusing her, as she is playing right along and capitalizing as much as he is, just a feeling I have. Could be he's just terrible at sex (they both are kek), but I get really possessive and aggressive vibes from him. Plus all that staring dead-eyed into the camera is creepy af.
No. 132590
>>132563Please save us from the snowball of tallfags and shortfags arguing for 100 posts about which is better, which happens
every time height is mentioned on lolcow. Nobody cares that you're a hobbit, move on.
No. 132600
>>132428>>132451>>132431>>132504can the rednecks please stop shitting up this thread and go back to fucking their relatives? thanks
>>132440>Brighton doesn't have modern fixturesthe actual fuck are you talking about, dumbass? Brighton is a huge city in the UK. She lives in a gated community. England isn't what you see on your stupid little yank shows.
>>132555she's not British. why do you retards keep saying this? She was born in South Africa to South African parents. She LOOKS like a white South African but this thread is infected with 13 year old dumb Americans that have never left their own countries and get there full British understanding from BBC America.
Also who the fuck thinks Belle looks racially ambiguous? Do you have down syndrome? This thread remains the worst.
No. 132607
File: 1610732043755.jpg (Spoiler Image,314.95 KB, 750x741, M19Ebei.jpg)

>>132604Not sure if it's the lighting, positioning, or uncanny valley pink wig on Belle; but to me it looks like Josh is some pathetic scrote taking a selfie with his love doll here kek
No. 132629
File: 1610736315623.jpg (75.11 KB, 1024x677, image-7-1024x1024.jpg)

Her bathroom look normal, don't know why people is talking about old fixtures.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 132630
>>132618so one parent is south african and one is half south african and half japanese…? gee anon sounds
legit kek
>>132560I believe belles newfound hatred towards women probably includes clitoris denial.
>>132577Well anon, it’s longer than petite that’s for sure.
No. 132631
File: 1610736933299.jpg (122.05 KB, 750x1000, fposter,small,wall_texture,pro…)

>>132607Wow she looks so childlike! Kek
>>132629Is this really her bathroom? She is always in this other tub (picrel)
No. 132647
>>132600An anon who can't spell, who is angrily factually correcting anons on things nobody cares about, and displays a low level of reading comprehension?
Getting a bargain here girls, the scrotes have to pay $35 a month to enjoy such delightful commentary
No. 132653
>>132637She used it as defence of why she is being accused of trying to look like a child in her rape porn, that was was “smoll and petite because just my body type and genetics uwu” here
>>132110 if you cba to look for it ya mong. At least get yourself up to date before you sperg.
>>132639Riiiight. And ageplay videos stops the pedophiles from actually offending rather than normalising their degenerate behaviour. Gotcha!
No. 132684
She knows she is losing relevance and her stunts only get her attention for a couple days at most. I have never seen any person this starved for attention this is actually saddening she has some bad issues and i can only see her go downhill from here if not ending actually raped somewhere on a dark road then bianca devin'd
>>132549kek she really has a very unfortunate Who nose with horse teeth. She really paid for that nose uh.
No. 132688
>>132686Anons actually entertaining this, fucking hilarious
>>132684She might be the saddest and most desperate case I've ever seen. For every asspat from a redpilled scrote maybe she gains a tooth
No. 132691
File: 1610758969599.jpg (230.17 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_20210116-115320__01…)

Kek, her replies on twitter are starting to look more and more like this thread every day. Inb4 someone coughs up "Belle thinks all attention is positive attention". I think it's glaringly obvious at this point her unbothered exterior is just a massive cope.
No. 132705
>>132693How is it shit, anon? No one here is defending her except the scrotes who wandered in and they're getting b& or told off.
>>132694>>132699Why did you bump the thread for this? Jesus christ, learn to sage your shit.
No. 132716
File: 1610767847414.jpeg (122.21 KB, 821x1171, 67B49C66-FA2C-43AE-9FBD-887996…)

she’s a “millionaire” but can’t afford a toothbrush and some whitening mouth wash
No. 132718
>>132639I thought it clearly said creepy lonely incels, pedos, and rapists. Nothing about a normal person turning into a rapist because of her pedobaiting and emulating rape to pander to the sick fucks.
>>132584Her fans called his dad bod ugly and his penis small, while talking about how beautiful and hot she is. He has to be enraged. He should be thankful she'd die for Male attention and approval, because he cannot make a woman cum even if his life depends on it apparently.
No. 132739
>>132160Most men don't want to admit that they find cuckoldry arousing, obviously it means that they should be cucked more often.
Not defending bellend, but I'd like to point out that this rape porn is a lot more tame than what the average normie redditor scrote faps to. She isn't glorifying anything that moids don't already find arousing 100x. Most women ITT who choose to focus on her probably don't want to admit to themselves that their boyfriends' (and brothers' and fathers') *real" fap stashes (not what you can find in the "homework" folder) are full of infinitely more sickening narratives.
No. 132742
>>132739"NoT dEfeNding beLlend, bUt I'd liKE to p0int oUt that tHis rApe p0Rn is a l0T moRe taMe tHan wHat thE aVeRage noRmie reDdItor sCrote faps to.
SHe isn't gl0Rfying anYtHing that moids don't already find arousing 100x…"
Shut the hell up! You sound so stupid as Josh "limp dick" Gray. This won't make your dick larger or your tits smaller.
(Integrate) No. 132744
>>132742What the fuck does this even mean? Moids are degenerate faggots, you're just salty because your Nigel probably doesn't even bother hiding his "painal" and "dead eyes" searches from you, and now you're shitting
triggers wondering what's in his actual fap folder, choosing to blame those eViL ThOtS for "perverting" him. You're truly retarded about men if you think what bellend did is even nearly as vile as what the average coomer deems "vanilla".
No. 132753
>>132600>Also who the fuck thinks Belle looks racially ambiguous? Do you have down syndrome? calm the fuck down anon I said the result of her surgery made her look less distinguishably white because she hacked off her very anglo looking nose bridge. It isn't confirmed that she is ethnically white south African or Dutch, to me she looks anglo as fuck hence it isn't a stretch to call her ethnically British.
>This thread remains the worst.Yeah its a pretty shit thread lol
>>132739I wouldn't assume all men are degen pornsick coomers kek, earlier ITT an anon posted a image where the most popular porn search terms on pornhub were lesbian and MILF not exactly the truly degenerate shit you assume. This is no argument for normalizing this shit either.
No. 132759
File: 1610793694138.png (1.16 MB, 602x1724,…)

Twitter is indeed starting to catch on
No. 132763
File: 1610794366677.png (358.94 KB, 606x1424, 6ftchildUntitled.png)

Samefagging but these are funny to read.
No. 132771
>>132727What's even worse is that she herself stated that it was "the best sex she's had in months" kek.
She wrote that in the "That's why I'm not apologizing" post on twitter, just if anybody cares to look it up.
No. 132772
>>132716This sense of normality is actually why moids like her. Anyone remember the old thot Charms? The one that was Dakota's friend. She used to talk about her webcam thotting and how what men loved was that her photos seemed private and that she was like a 'normal hot girl giving them nudes'
That's the whole appeal of Onlyfans and the e-thot. She's just your regular girl turned whore. Men love the idea of pornifying and turning every woman into a whore.
No. 132785
File: 1610809663480.jpg (39.1 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>132780How people can't differentiate this from rape?
No. 132795
>>132739Maybe it's time to report yourself to the police if you think fapping to
infinitely more sickening content is normal
No. 132802
>>132798Lol anon I fucking died at the latest video she uploaded to Twitter! Awkwardly parading her completely flat ass and not knowing how to dance or move her body as usual, always good for a laugh. You know she'd never post a video like this without all the filters either kek.
Can't tell if this bitch is on an ego trip high on her own farts or really is that sad that after all the roasting she has to fish for affirmation that boys still think she's hot. Big sad.
No. 132813
>>132759>>132763The smart ones are calling out the dumb reaches. Mary Janes aren't made for kids, headbands aren't made for kids, the hair isn't just akids style, and the dress an anon found marketed towards cottagecore thots.
But yeah, how's the outfit childlike aside from her face and body being the issue and not the clothes specifically? Anons say its not being she's 'uwu smol' but that's the only thing you constantly bag on in every set. Doesn't matter what she's wearing and the care bears and MLP are Dollskill merch, retard.
No. 132835
>>132813The mlp swimsuit isn't dollskill merch, it's a swimsuit for children. Can't screenshot the site but it's easily Googled.
The Mary Janes and even the headband are popularly worn by school girls in the UK, the dress too is a bit similar to some typical primary school uniform. I get the people saying she wasn't necessarily intentionally dressing like a child, but considering she never normally dresses anything like this and specifically chose to wear this outfit for porn, it is in poor taste, and yeah, adults can wear Mary Janes but most people associate Mary Janes with little girls and school uniform. That's just how it is, anon.
>>132820She is so
triggered right now and it is hilarious kek.
No. 132837
>>132813anon shut up already. Pedothots purposely dress in a childlike way but when they get called out for sexualizing children they play dumb "Whaaaat Mary Janes are for adults too! You see tons of mentally stable women wearing little girl shoes! It's not like they've been associated with school girls for decades."
And just because they print Carebears and MLP on adult sized merch doesn't change the fact that those characters are for KIDS. She knows what she's doing.
No. 132845
>>132813No it’s not a reach to suggest belle delphine and girls who also do sex work dress like a child for pedo money because it’s true.
they are several women in porn who dress up in get ups that little girls wear and try to copy the mannerisms of a little girl
There is a sex worker only reddit where an escort on there claimed she was constantly mistaken as underage so she took advantage of this trait by dressing like a schoolgirl and lying about being underage and she made tons of pedo scrote money from it
These girls know EXACTLY what they are doing don’t listen to they’re bullshit excuses they know the men that pay for their body are sick so they feed into whatever sick shit they want.
I hate how internet prostitutes act like they are better than the scrotes they make money off of fuck em all.
No. 132866
>>132864She doesn't even have an audience to relate
to, it's just coomer incels and pedos and I'm pretty sure Belle and Josh know it. They don't care if she looks relatable or not, they wouldn't even know.
No. 132872
>>132867Why are you so desperate to derail the thread with irrelevant, years old milk?
>>132759 No. 132876
File: 1610842448114.jpg (131.22 KB, 1024x1024, D-iaTaOXoAA9e9g.jpg)

"If you know you know"
Belle has 100% self-awareness of her pedobaiting
No. 132878
>>132594>>132867why you keep bringing this up
nonnie? there’s been way more milk since.
No. 132898
>>132895they have two mercedez benzs. pretty new too. as shown in all her recent pics ie her being tied up in the back of a g-wagon and posing in front of another sedan model. maybe thats how he spends it, if so he has trash taste but i think the g-wagon is her idea. very tastless-newly-rich-girl.
so he’s spent her money on a pc set up, a benz and their house, as far as we know. huh. funny.
No. 132910
File: 1610860042868.jpg (436.96 KB, 1920x1280, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>132898It's rare someone post a fact in this thread. Yes, that SUV is a Mercedes and her car is a E350 or something like that.
(scrote) No. 132933
>>132928Oh absolutely agree. Kavos tottally licked her asshole, while he called other women he didn't like as much hoes and whatnot.
And that is so true about Tana. She's more on a youtube antagonist so the cuckmentary community hates her, but they love quirky meme gamer gf Belle.
No. 132935
>>132895I've suspected this for a long time, ever since I saw her OF updates that legitimately sounded like a man trying to fake an e-thot writing style. It would make a lot of sense for Josh to have been behind the whole scheme and keeping the bigger cut of the money coming in. Even her replies to people calling her out for the little girl LARP sound like the typical male mental gymnastics of how roleplaying kiddy rape porn is actually essential to their sexual health or whatever.
Anons sperging out about her being a "TRUE SOCIOPATH PEDO PIECE OF SHIT" really sleeping on her older john orchestrating this shit.
No. 132939
>>132935I've always suspected the same, but we really don't have anything to go off of on this, and it's not like belle doesn't have any agency. I still doubt someone retarded enough to dox themselves twice has the capacity to think up and successfully pull off her viral stunts, which came later on. Her content changed around the time I think he came into the picture, I do definitely think he is influencing her at least.
>>132928No one's really talked about it besides like two people, and I do think it's because mentioning rape on YouTube can get you demonitized and maybe even get your video taken down or some shit. I bet everyone she did podcasts with will stay silent and stop associating with her.
No. 132962
>>132912Belle house is not bad, was a 1 million tag in a nice neighboorhood.
>>132951 These cars are not so expensive.
(scrote) No. 132968
>>132813And what about all the childlike shit in her bedroom tour
>>132341? She's a self admitted loli, reads Lolita. Loli is aids. The girl clearly has unresolved daddy issues.
(stop) No. 132984
File: 1610898377081.jpeg (177.81 KB, 750x907, 82F17CF1-89E2-473E-AE8D-FE6B78…)

I see she’s trying to ensure she doesn’t get called out by this absolute cucknugget.
>>132928agree this is probably part of the reason is because she sucks up to them so they won’t.
No. 133015
File: 1610910784991.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.72 KB, 1188x2208, 38091fe2.jpg)

Who the actual fuck wants to see the contents of her nasty refrigerator while holding a jug of milk? The way she is arching/twisting her spine looks painful kek
No. 133016
File: 1610911152731.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1200x900, face.png)

jfc these facial expressions look like she's having a stroke or something
No. 133040
>>132967Kinda looking forward to the Twitter pormagedden since I can't imagine anyone arguing that a platform quoted in news stories and articles, that was considered important and influential enough for the president to be banned from, that's 100% accessible and easily navigated by any child, should have the amount of porn and porn advertising comments it does all over the site, for any child to stumble on.
Then belle and all the other thots lose their main location for advertising.
Probably will happen sometime this year.
No. 133085
File: 1610934096572.jpeg (235.64 KB, 828x1150, 77E0C422-C178-4F3A-B0F3-99DBA5…)

>>133080it’s literally always been 18+ idk wym. she literally makes porn. and it has a warning/spoiler before you click each image post.
No. 133088
>>133085I wonder if a child could ever figure out how to press a single button to reveal the porn? Like you should at least need to log in to this stuff. A literal toddler can access this.
Also she switched the sensitive account option on and off, during December it was off most of the time meaning you didn't even need to click a button to see her stuff.
No. 133094
>>133085Where does it say click here if you’re an adult? Confirm over 18?
It just says may contain sensitive information, anyone can click it even without an account. Maybe this is more of an issue with Twitter but that’s because Twitter isn’t a porn platform. Twitter needs to purge.
No. 133098
>>133094twitter is the most lax of all platforms rn and its the last to become less so.
youre acting as if children dont lie on the internet and say theyre over 18. just as a lot of you have been doing on this site jfc.
No. 133111
File: 1610937682315.png (Spoiler Image,129.92 KB, 301x335, kek.png)

>>133015that photo is so badly edited.
No. 133112
>>133111I'm assuming you meant to quote
>>133045 ?
No. 133113
>>133108serious question, what about the younger girls that looked up to her or that are looking at her now, especially ones that have gone through assault?
i agree that she can make her own choices to do porn, but she did literally
just start doing that, and she also put zero warnings up, which was intentional for shock value. kids don't have a chance to unfollow her before they see it, and that's really just facetuned snuff with the second ones where she's being drowned and about to be killed in a bathtub. and only some kids would unfollow her, a lot would keep following because they learn through other people and emulate them. she's not doing this professionally in any way, that's the problem. putting it on twitter makes it so accessible, it should be on onlyfans behind a paywall to deter as many minors as possible.
does anyone else think she's doing this edgy rape bullshit right now because pornhub is trying to scrub all of that from their site
No. 133184
File: 1610981912070.jpg (195.76 KB, 985x1868, EbbtsjPXQAUbb9u.jpg)

>>133180I suspect Josh is half Belle Delphine personna, in case of divorce he deserve his part.
Belle don't work alone, when Goran was her boyfriend he was clearly part of the show.
No. 133193
File: 1610989515827.jpg (95.04 KB, 1400x753, belle_delphine_nude_milk_onlyf…)

>>133190In a divorce both are the same thing. Emotional support count as a help in building a businness from scratch.
Belle dumped her old bed, that thing have a lot of value :o
(:o) No. 133207
File: 1610997845800.jpeg (74.77 KB, 609x493, 11232D45-27BB-40CD-ACA7-7421E2…)

Josh looks so different now compared to this picture
No. 133219
>>133207She has a very normal looking face that any average women in their 20s have, not as “youthful” or baby face looking as she has tricked herself into believing it is.
Belle has edited her face so much for the past few years that she’s starting to believe her own lies.
No. 133278
File: 1611025226170.jpeg (318.35 KB, 1364x2048, x17BMfY.jpeg)

No. 133282
File: 1611028398110.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1242x1968, 213F2ED8-36F8-4D43-B020-0087F6…)

Newest result in Belles likes… Jesus christ
No. 133286
>>133282Jesus christ indeed…I really hope she doesn't go this way, this is horrible. BDSM
no kinkshaming uwu shit was a mistake.
No. 133322
>>133282cow crossover, that's the chick who's "dating" dead9irl kek
>>133288it's possible that she's finally gone completely off the deep end, but i can't help but feel like this is josh's doing? if he controls their finances he definitely controls the twitter account at least part of the time.
No. 133334
File: 1611050244146.jpeg (30.35 KB, 544x544, f8b78822f6c36dd7d7cf0b0a70c9f2…)

>>133276So he went from dating belle to dating a belle look alike? What the hell! He sounds like a mega simp
No. 133336
File: 1611050957603.jpg (265.21 KB, 1080x941, 20210119_110421.jpg)

Let's not forget that brit defends scrotes. Like this scrotoid here, blaming women for misogyny. Ofc it's the fault of a woman for treating him the same way she does her female friends. Women are touchy among eachother all the time, but scrotes don't have enough humanity to realize that not all touching is sexual.
These self victimizing xy who can only see women as potential sexual partners and never platonic friends/human beings can fucking off themselves, it's not like it will be noticed by anybody kek
No. 133338
>>133334OT but aren’t they in an LDR because he’s from UK and she’s USA.? I think Rusty wanted to LARP Belle so bad she dated her ex and Goran simped so hard that he dated her skinwalker. There must have been people suitable for both of them that lived closer than the other side of the globe kek.
>>133336What’s the context of this cap?
No. 133341
>>133338Brittany Venti made a video on Pokimane and "
toxic women" and ofc the comment section is full of self victimizing maleoids
No. 133362
File: 1611068232017.png (925.84 KB, 978x994, Screen-Shot-2020-06-24-at-10.1…)

>>133263i agree that she looked best pre-surgery sticking to low-key, natural looks. she could have nicely pulled off a more mature, sultry look to suit her features. too bad she opted instead for alt makeup/fashion and surgery which really don't suit her face at all. without the usual filters she uses, the kid's clothes and toddler face look very jarring on her.
No. 133365
>>133362she looks very different there but shes hot, not neonatal but a sexy woman regardless i think her style doesnt go with her face sometimes and it makes me cringe seeign a grown woman pretending to be a kid especially when the face doesnt go with it,
what do you guys think about ageplay stuff? is it a safe kink or should it be demolished . i dont trust men who get off on that tbh
No. 133375
>>133367i think being on the receiving end of age/rape play smacks hard of pickme-ism and major self-esteem issues if not from genuine trauma. personally i think that's where it stems from for women. in the case of men, i think they're disturbed and actually want to rape/abuse kids.
>>133369belle seems dreadfully insecure about her age and maybe height. first and foremost she desperately craves attention, and that is her main reason for doing anything, but she really, really wants to be seen as a little girl. maybe in her mind looking youthful is synonymous with looking "sexy" and her smoothbrain takes it to retarded levels.
No. 133401
>>133399Kinda like those loli defending degenerates. They all know what loli is and why people jack off to those characters.
Just like she knows exactly why she dresses and shoops herself to look like a child.
No. 133416
>>133402Trying to win back favor with the edgelord types who were the most critical of her porn and generally being
triggered by people calling out how bad she is at sex lel. She also probably found out which fetishists pay the most and subsequently who to start catering to.
No. 133466
>>1333902 years ago. Jesus, anin. Get the fuck over Delores, a fictional character regardless of story. She does
triggering shit to cause people like you to freak out. She's just a degenerate 4chan loser. It's all surface for money. Chill out. 2 years ago and anons only even bring that and the old MLP stuff. Talk about new milk already.
No. 133573
>>133525>>133529>>133555Apparently new PULL is in this thread: people repeating same arguments and reposting barely related content over and over.
If the cow is doing nothing then post nothing.
No. 133603
File: 1611185049546.png (Spoiler Image,452.28 KB, 1080x796, Screenshot_20210120-225314~2.p…)

Any takers?
Wannabe Asian twink?
Uwu Toddler fetishist?
Average in person?
No. 133635
File: 1611193621486.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.6 KB, 728x1353, belle_delphine_naked_in_bed_on…)

Is this supposed to be sexy? Looks like she's about to vomit kek
No. 133638
File: 1611193861240.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.35 KB, 728x1353, belle_delphine_naked_in_bed_on…)

>>133417Looks really prominent in this new pic
No. 133699
File: 1611223859660.jpg (6.09 KB, 162x161, 1611193861240~2.jpg)

>>133638Kek, her shoops are some of the funniest. Maybe she was going for poggers.
No. 133703
>>133651it probably will collapse over time since they took off too much. i seriously can't imagine looking like
>>133362 and deciding to botch yourself in favor of trying (and failing) to look like an uwu loli
No. 133716
>>133568Sage for OT. I first thought Brittany Venti was based now when she talked about porn… but she also platforms manosphere scrotes and validates incelloid worldview. But then again she was/is friends with lauren southern so it was naive to assume she would suddenly become based. She still puts dick on a pedestool.
Yes britty we know that maleoids want a pure 18yo virgin with no degrees, we just don't care to cater to these defective, below human y-chromoids.
No. 133729
File: 1611244416422.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1440x1431, 20210121_105737.png)

No. 133757
>>133755After her “rape stunt” she’s asking the internet lame ass questions like “what do you think of me?” “sum me up in three words teehee”
What a pathetic rat couldn’t handle the internet dragging her for a change so she asks her white knight’s on twitter for validation, remind me again why is she considered a epic troll meme queen?
No. 133874
File: 1611302741112.jpg (1.91 MB, 3264x1836, Lipliftscars.jpg)

No. 133887
File: 1611315500962.jpg (245 KB, 1188x2208, a58569fb.jpg)

why tf does her face look so different now
No. 133892
File: 1611319969947.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1920x2800, inCollage_20210122_074808816.j…)

>>133888All her new OF sets are shit. Basic af, zero creativity, bad lighting, etc. Her recent attempts at making "sexy" faces are hilariously bad
No. 133895
>>130254Not a man, dumbass. You genuinely need help if you think a woman being born with a certain shape makes her a pedo panderer and whoever’s into her a “degenerate”.
Clearly not the case with Belle though.
No. 133912
File: 1611328394987.png (Spoiler Image,886.27 KB, 896x510, belledelphine.PNG)

>>133892she looks so underage in this one it's crazy. this shit could be seen as CP, i can't understand how she can get away with it. I feel uterly disgusted. deleting this shit from my PC asap
No. 133937
>>133891Going overboard with the filters.
>>133902She's done the GF experience thing before. She'll probably cycle through different stuff on her OF to try to please everyone, plus she's lazy and "sets" like this don't take any effort.
No. 133954
File: 1611353202914.png (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 1984x1114, Screenshot 2021-01-22 at 22.06…)

subscribe to my onlyfans uwu i have no dad O_____O
No. 133964
>>133954not to be that bitch but like. where's her waist in that picture.
couldn't care less about her actual weight, but she has such a huge audience of the
worst kind of boys/manchildren and they actively harass other women about their bodies. not blaming her for male ignorance obv, but after this many years she should've picked a different audience or matured into something far more professional. but it's the same actual pandering after she's already peaked in that demographic? obviously her shitty boyfriend won't realize that though.
there's no way she didn't get actual offers from real porn platforms though, vivid reached out to tana monger before she joined onlyfans, annnnd jeffree star of all people got contacted by pornhub. this has to all legit be because of her stupid fucking bf who doesn't give a shit about her humanity and wants to destroy her actual potential.
No. 133972
File: 1611357202276.jpg (83.3 KB, 728x1353, belle_delphine_naked_in_bed_on…)

She's so desperate to look so skinny yet "thicc", her ass is blurring into the bedsheets kek
No. 134015
>>133875>>133896I’m glad no one has rushed to make a new thread yet.
Has anyone got any OP pic suggestions or whatever so we don’t end up with a shit OP pic for the 3rd time running? Any artists? The only decent thread pic we’ve had is
>>>/w/69238 I don’t want to be looking at another Ethan head or petty nitpick compilation again kek
No. 134017
>>134008Those are from before she had work done but knowing belle they could easily still be edited
>>133989She used to say very firmly that she would never do porn up until she left the internet last year. I think she panicked and decided to go all out when she came back. Still think Josh is a factor.
No. 134022
File: 1611390792785.jpg (1.06 MB, 1644x1406, bellend.jpg)

>>133896>>134018>>134015It's not the nicest but I had to download and shoop Bellend's nasty toes for this – possible new thread image?
No. 134023
>>134022No more pics of her feet please lord
How about:
>>134015Too lazy to do this myself, but two pics of belle, the left image has a speech bubble saying "I was scawed off the internet becawse scawy scrotes said they would rape and kill me uwu" and the right image says "Hey guys check out my rape and snuff porn owo"
No. 134035
File: 1611403582716.jpg (2.79 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_01-23-11.56.02.jpg)

>>134023What about this as New thread pic?
No. 134044
File: 1611412288924.png (1.84 MB, 1440x993, 00124.png)

>>134023I made it, editing pics of belle is suffering but I think it expresses her moronic nature perfectly
Someone needs to get a better thread OP text together since they've all been terrible. Link to threads, socials, and brief summary of past events and current events without sperging.
No. 134110
File: 1611437874105.jpg (274.2 KB, 720x720, inCollage_20210122_172622072.j…)

No. 134115
>>134113 because he will validate how
’underage’ she looks uwu
>>130424 No. 134128
File: 1611449459072.png (8.98 KB, 533x320, pixie.PNG)

How pixie got suspended before Belle?
No. 134206
File: 1611499818022.jpeg (83.19 KB, 750x532, E7028ED8-5956-4F01-AD75-248E5A…)

>>134128Just found this on twitter kek
No. 134266
File: 1611530239109.gif (3.95 MB, 540x302, 718985E5-474A-44C5-841C-978712…)

>>134193If bellend was smart she would have stayed ‘innocent’ and not done hardcore porn with manlet Josh. Scrotes don’t put girls who are whores on a pedestal. They just wank off and don’t care about them afterwards. Her peak was when she only did tiktok memes that weren’t sexual
No. 134295
>>134266I wonder if she knows that using filters doesn't hide the fact that she has zero coordination. Probably not.
>>134282My instant assumption was always that she doesn't watch anime and just finds random characters to base a lazy cosplay off of.
Anyone actually know why lilpixiecat got suspended anyway?
No. 134303
>>134295It’s already been posted.. because she was reported for using
graphic violence or adult content in her profile image >>134206the same won’t happen to Belle unless she was to change her profile photo or banner as both conform with the rules sadly.
No. 134312
File: 1611574154414.jpg (53.97 KB, 960x1200, Sailorbelle.jpg)

>>134282I agree anon even though she always did this on purpose, I hated how all her cosplays are the wrong character wig or outfit.
No. 134314
>>134312"On purpose" kek
Nah, it wasn't on purpose.. saying that is just a backpedal after criticism so she doesn't have to admit she's an idiot
No. 134354
File: 1611603951728.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210125_143639168.j…)

This is all from a recent set. Amazing that people pay for this. Does she think bad lighting is artistic?
No. 134395
File: 1611613811106.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.07 KB, 728x1353, belle_delphine_naked_in_bed_on…)

She's adjusting that angle juuuust enough to include her uwu kiddie Bubbles backpack in the shot. Stay classy Belle
No. 134434
>>134416She’s skinny fat. Most likely a low body weight and bmi but high body fat percentage because I doubt she works out.
a lot of people are the same if they don’t exercise.
No. 134461
>>134451Imagine defending this degenerate, but thinking people on lolcow are the shitty ones.
Also I hope that's not your real email, retard.
No. 134842
File: 1611821404426.png (291.31 KB, 856x912, Screenshot 2021-01-28 at 08.09…)

her rape shit got removed(cowtipping)
No. 134843
File: 1611821482578.png (428.26 KB, 922x506, Screenshot 2021-01-28 at 08.11…)

No. 134946
>>134842how is it cowtipping to report such a vile video?
Also someone make a new thread i can't be assed to