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No. 2640
Instagram: big thanks to the original summary anon (>>>/snow/724171)
Cosplay drama:
>posts her Kotori (Love Live) cosplay to a LL group, but wore a purple wig instead of brown; users criticized the wig>yells "it doesn't matter what color it is!", "i didn't have a brown one!", "cosplay is about fun not accuracy!">posts screenshots of the comments on her page to complain about cosplay being a "toxic community">admits she should've said it was inspired but keeps making salty posts in reference to it>begins "lewding" her costumes by posting swimsuit cosplays and a completely random bikini armor version of Belle from Beauty and the Beast>goes viral for cosplay, this time just long brown hair and pink cheek tattoos in bathing suit>posts screenshots again because people pointed out that it's just a normal person in character makeup>announces that she'll never cosplay again because people take it way too seriously >continues to cosplay characters in free taobao costumes and unfitting pastel-colored wigs>upon her PULL thread starting, a massive whiteknight attack took place in the thread and PULL chatbox and she changed her FB nameAge, pedobaiting, and sex work:
>submitted an ID stating she was 18 to a cosplay page while she was underage, later got verified on Patreon and the age she still claims as her real one would have made her 16 at the time of the fake ID>started selling lewds as soon as she turned 18, broke up with her whiteknight boyfriend at the same time - he's been sadposting since>got her Patreon suspended temporarily as soon as she started selling lewd photosets (possible age concerns)>uses every opportunity to harp on about how young she looks>did Lolita (the novel) inspired "looks">sponsored by brands like "cutesykink">got fake braces, claims they're real but they disappear and reappear all the time>posing nude in public and in supermarkets to appeal to kinksters>claims she'll just keep selling nudes until she retires at 30, citing JNig as her idol
>The FB thread also covered her making up a fake profile to comment her selfies under photos of her ex with other girls>>>/snow/402508 No. 2641
File: 1545378391577.jpg (534.95 KB, 1010x3686, 1540948752465.jpg)

Images from
>>>/snow/724171 as well
No. 2642
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No. 2643
File: 1545378698757.png (1.13 MB, 1868x898, Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 11.4…)

>>2641She's also learned nothing from her "_____ inspired" cosplay days since she just posted pic related, which is supposed to be a Chun Li cosplay.
No. 2644
>>2643She doesn’t say anywhere in that screenshot that it’s a Chun Li cosplay
Honestly the Kotori thing is fucking stupid. The fact people got legitimately mad that some random girl put on a costume with a wrong wig color. Really? That’s what people choose to be mad about with their time? She wasn’t hurting anyone or even acting cringy at the time, she was just playing dress up like damn.
No. 2646
>>2644sup belle lol
it's cringey when you buy a costume for a character then throw on an ugly purple wig posting to a COSPLAY group on fb
>>2645And she’s also in a swimsuit with a katana
She’s obviously not trying to be accurate and is just wearing cosplay pieces, you’re the ones calling it a cosplay
>>2646> This person disagrees with me! Hi cow!Gtfo
No. 2649
>>2647Sorry to samefag, but trying to prove my point.
If I buy a Link cosplay and wear the tunic to a renaissance faire but decide I don’t want to wear the blonde wig, or I decide I want to wear a different color wig, and I post that photo online, I deserve to get flamed for it?
No that’s just stupid.
The girl has actual milk like the pedophilic content she posts and her try hard memelord attitude and that whole thing with the packages and moving vans. Focus on that.
No. 2650
>>2649Hey buddy. Like farmhand said,
“Then those who don't care or think she doesn't deserve a thread can hide it. Simple.” Hide the thread. let’s not ruin this thread with whiteknighting too
No. 2654
File: 1545405317694.png (70.42 KB, 476x395, UOeKm90.png)

Selling used panties now, and here's the PO box saga mentioned by
>moved out, was "threatened" so had to abandon the apartment>is renting a house now, but had to live with friends for 2 weeks>paid 300 pounds for a PO box but tried to pass it off as a private one>rented a van to to pick up all the packages she was anticipating (300-500 packages based on receipts sent by her fans)>employees came out with nothing but 6 letters>amount of packages was too suspicious>PO box gets canceled>everything is being returned, lots of packages being destroyed bc no return label >ordered a shitton of furniture for her house>her driveway too steep and narrow for the delivery trucks>furniture gets sent back too>vagueblogging about falling out with a close friend>has to take a break from thotting it up to heal>meanwhile goes on FB to look down on minimum wage workers>hoards 7 hamsters in her house which are solitary animals>uguu talk about being too dumb to pay her bills——–
Full post:
>Before i get into detail i need to say there will be no snapchat from me this month.>For my subscribers: Everybody on my $50+ tiers will still be added to my new snapchat (belledelphine_s, please send me your username) and you will remain added until the end of the year as you'll still get the month you paid for. (i will post my regular snapchats through the whole of december). I am still working on getting out all the other tier rewards from October and this month so you will still receive those.
>So as to whats happened: Well this month has probably been one of the most stressful time of my life and i feel like everything is falling apart and im running around trying to fix it by myself. Because of this i am not making the snapchat content i want to. I have been missing days out of pure exhaustion and i dont have the energy to make the content you guys deserve. i want to make content i enjoy making as much as you enjoy seeing it.
>i thought for some reason when i moved out into my own house i was going to be able to start making better content straight away (i lived in my room and i had a whole photography studio set up so it wasnt even a bedroom anymore) but ive come across SO many huge unexpected problems and i need a month to get my life back on track again. I dont know how many of you saw my long snapchat i made about about being threatened out of my apartment that i was going to move into, i wasn't over reacting this actually happened and we did phone the police but they never came to the scene so i knew i couldnt live there. I found a much bigger place (because i was making more money this time) and signed everything to move in on the 31st oct. While i was waiting to move in i was living in the spare bedroom of my friends house because all of my stuff was boxed up, my bed got broken while moving it and there wasnt any space in my room to even put the mattress down so i just packaged a bag and stayed with my friend for 2 weeks.
>Mail issue: During this time i payed £300 to open a PO box. And on the 20th a letter arrived confirming the address for the PO box so i posted it on my instagram and snapchat straight away. Days pasted and i was SO incredibly excited. i decided i was going to pick up ALL the packages on the day i was moving out (31st) because i hired a huge van. I had a million followers on instagram and a lot of people in the comments/messages were saying they were going to send gifts from tv's, teddies, and furniture/cutlery/toasters (things i need for my new place) so i was expecting around 300-500 packages. When i went to the PO box i gave in my ID and they came out with around 6 small letters (which i still GREATLY appreciate but i just knew this wasnt all of them because i've seen order receipts of large items people have bought. I asked if there were any more items and they said no. so i assumed maybe they havent delivered yet. I asked my friend to drive me there again (i cant drive) the next day and the next day to check if there were any more packages and there was nothing. i got home that evening and checked my messages and somebody told me something was wrong with my PO box because all of their items they had bought are being returned. so frantically i checked my emails and there it was. They had emailed me saying they had closed my P.O box
>"We reserve the right to withdraw the service immediately and without prior notice where you have breached any of the terms of the agreement, where we believe our reputation could be brought into disrepute or suspect that the box is being used for any illegal or fraudulent purpose."
>i couldn't phone them as it was evening so i frantically kept thinking wtf happened. the next morning i called them up and they said they closed my P.O box because of suspicious packages being sent and ALL packages after this point are being returned to seller/sender. Packages without a return address get sent to be opened and destroyed. I must've called over 10 different postal companies to try and track these parcels but i dont know the tracking number as i didnt buy them. I am so so unbelievably sorry for anybody who sent anything. words cannot describe how excited i was to get those packages. If you bought anything online you should get a refund with whatever company you sent it to as it will be returned there. With people who sent a parcel and it didnt have a return address on the back i dont know what to say. i dont even want to think about what letter/gift you may have taken the time out to send me. i feel so bad for you. I have tried to record a video (as i promised to make an unboxing video) because thats what you guys deserve but i just havent been able to.
>Another huge problem i have come across if with all the furniture i bought. i posted on snapchat when i bought it all. They tried to deliver my furniture a day or two ago and their truck couldnt come up my drive (as its very steep) so they have delayed it for when they have a smaller van. i wont get most of my furniture just before christmas so i have literally no furniture in my house. i have a sofa and a mattress to sleep on lmao. I've bought furniture with multiple different online shops (because it has to be delivered as i dont have a car) and i have to contact them all separately to tell them that their large truck wont be able to go up the steep road and they'll have to get a van. I've had 3 huge orders that have tried to be delivered but have had to turn around.
>Along with this im having to try and figure out how to pay bills and try and find water/gas/heating/internet companies before my heating gets turned off. I've never paid a bill in my life and im having to figure this all out now. I've been buying gigs of data until next month where my broadband thing gets put in.
>I've also fallen out with a close friend and i think thats just the breaking point for me. I need a month to sort out my life before i can get back to making the content you paid for. I dont want anybody to feel like their money is being wasted. I really hope you understand. Again i'm so sorry :( No. 2658
>>2654Used panties and sexting lol, that desperate huh.
Does anyone have screenshots of her looking down on minimum wage people?
Also she keeps all her Syrians in the same cage? It's fine to own multiple if the separated but idk if you can even get a cage large enough to accommodate 7 Syrians, they need a lot of space (beyond the fact that Syrians can't be kept together or they fight)
No. 2660
>>2658>Does anyone have screenshots of her looking down on minimum wage people? see
>>2657from an article about the working conditions of Amazon employees
No. 2662
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>>2657She would not last a day in retail. Retail actually requires some skill, it is also very demanding. The idea that most minimum wage workers are under-educated is also false.
She isn't even skilled enough to separate her public company name from her sw name and her sw name from her real name.
No. 2663
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>>2661For context, she's specifically talking about this woman who was living in her car (pic related)
Minimum wage being livable or not, she posts skimpy pics and sells crusty panties for a living, so the gall to be this uppity about the story is cringey considering she'll likely end up cashiering in a few years.
No. 2665
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Only Americans pay taxes
No. 2667
>>2664the point is theres no reason why a multi-billionaire running a thriving business cant pay his workers more.>you can still survive on a minimum wage jobnah the cost of living is at a record high with people still getting paid what was established in the 70s as enough to get by. one medical or family emergency can throw you deep into poverty with no way to climb out, making saving up impossible. theres no real financial security in minimum wage anymore. i mean…. theres evidence to support that.regardless, the joke is that belle threw in her 2 cents on homeless people while being a spoiled unemployed brat leeching off her parents in her childhood bedroom. they fund her entire lifestyle despite her making extra cash by selling lewd pictures of her dressed as princess peach. and she tried to start a debate with someone about job employment and minimum wage criticizing the working class and how whiny homeless broke people are lmao.
but tbh the real joke is how 3 months later her life is in shambles because moving out of her parents house to be a full-time costhot has proven to be too much adult for her to handle because she overestimated how much money she would be making off thirsty 12 year olds. apparently issues with a po box and a van being too big for her driveway is enough for her to put her entire schedule, because god knows crossing her eyes at the camera is too much work lmfao.
No. 2668
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Sage for old milk, but apparently her ex posted a photo with the girl she did that bath photo set with, and she created a fake account to reply? 1/2
No. 2669
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>>2668Tinfoil but maybe the ex bf broke up with that girl and they did the bath set as weird revenge
No. 2672
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>>2644>>2647It's a cosplay. She even said herself on Patreon. leak)
Can't wait for her to sexualise Kanna!! /s
No. 2674
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Belle was caught selling other girls' content and claiming it for herself more than once.
No. 2680
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How did her lips suddenly get so big in this pic? Are the sores herpes or from a botched lip filler job?
No. 2687
>>2673it's not a self-post, that exact image has been making the rounds on meme pages
seems like a lot of people agree
No. 2689
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She’s so cringy jfc I guess if you truly want to appeal to the pedos you also gotta act like a 13 yo pewd fan
No. 2693
File: 1545524419322.jpeg (369.42 KB, 1242x1846, F9B08033-581E-4129-A1B0-A05BD3…)

The new cosplays have begun, can’t wait to see how shit they’ll all be. Also when cows collide.
No. 2698
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>>2694I doubt it, she doesn't have any of the classic symptoms. I think the weirdness of her face is just shoop and dumb expressions. There was a dump of her snapchat pics in the costhot thread and there were a couple where she didn't look as weird. Pic related.
No. 2699
I just noticed the sores mentioned in
>>2698 and
>>2681Show up in this pic too
>>2680Not sure what the timeframe is but to me they look like they're from picking. Not that it matters I guess, but cold sores tend to have little clusters of yellowish bumps and look crusty when healing.
No. 2703
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She might be getting her braces off soon, from the likes of this pic.
Also I know she posts a lot of old pics where she didn't have braces, and they're just reposts from last year off of her FB.
No. 2704
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What is the darker shit around her butt?
No. 2708
>>2707i don't disagree with your general message but you sound dead deluded.. she will not be wealthy enough to retire forever with enough money at 30… you're implying that in more than 2-3 years lots of desperate guys will still care enough to pay her enough to let her completely retire at 30. also again, not saying hurr durr she's 100% hideous because that's obviously not true but her looks are not particularly pretty and she edits like hell anyways and cakes on so much shit you can't even really judge her real looks lol but her general features and lip sores etc are sometimes pretty nasty looking, sometimes decent when she's not posing like a retard.
my personal opinion though is that she is only making money by being a living, walking example of everything girls should not aspire to be, i would never in my life desire to be like her. therefore i'm personally not envious of the money she makes due to what she has to do to make it. if she just posted face selfies and got paid then i would feel envy
No. 2711
>>2707hi belle/wk
what would you be doing on this forum repeating what belle has said verbatim and what literally every other wk on this damn website says about their fav e thots if you weren't one? "Ur just ugly old ppls who have wrinkles and are ugly and dont have boyfriends". and hers are fugly lolicon crackheads who know they can't get real asians so they settle for someone like belle who has no real personality outside of attention seeking bullshit and lashing out when people dont kiss her ass.
patreon will not put her through life. sorry to say. she will wind up like moo and throw money at whatever excessive thing the moment she feels like she's losing relevancy.
No. 2713
>>2707hi belle/wk
what would you be doing on this forum repeating what belle has said verbatim and what literally every other wk on this damn website says about their fav e thots if you weren't one? "Ur just ugly old ppls who have wrinkles and are ugly and dont have boyfriends". and hers are fugly lolicon crackheads who know they can't get real asians so they settle for someone like belle who has no real personality outside of attention seeking bullshit and lashing out when people dont kiss her ass.
patreon will not put her through life. sorry to say. she will wind up like moo and throw money at whatever excessive thing the moment she feels like she's losing relevancy.
No. 2714
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Huge nitpick, but her bfs poor attempt at an American accent in this video (pic related) makes me cringe and die
>>2708>>2707Is this belle/a belle stan talking to themselves again? Both using 'dead' as an intensifier is really specific for two people in a row lol. Belles been caught making superficial criticisms of herself to blend in on the Internet before
No. 2718
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I found this kinda interesting. She lying to get more junk or did people only send her a few packages so she made up a story to save face? (or both)
No. 2722
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Her personality is so bad. She either says dumb shit like this or talks about pewdiepie like a ten year old
No. 2725
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>>2717the braces just make it more obvious but every person I've seen with this feature still has it a little bit even after their braces come off
No. 2731
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No. 2735
File: 1545693890686.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.89 MB, 935x25996, 1540960134239.jpg)

Bringing the thotbait over from >>724286 before the neckbeards start begging. Don't give her money, incels.
No. 2752
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Hmmm, I wonder if this is a lie so she can still pander to her neckbeard audience
No. 2753
File: 1546219711464.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1500x2000, Belle_Delphine_018.jpg)

is this one actually uncensored or just another shop? it was in the leaks so idk
No. 2756
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>>2752sage for nta but god that fucking frog emoji she uses every time annoys the shit out of me. we get it, you love pepe, such a perfect chan-tard gf wow
No. 2757
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Face is 2D and pale compared to her tanned body. Also I guess she's going back to D.VA since she's losing patreons and that's what got her big
Incoming dump:
No. 2758
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>>2757She posted this to insta with a caption like "new year naughtier me" then deleted it. How much 'naughtier' can you be without showing anything
No. 2759
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>>2758Another one she deleted on insta
No. 2761
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>>2760I thought this was pretty hilarious following her minimum wage rant. It's not even legal to work at 13 so even before the thot audit bullshit I guess she wasnt paying her taxes kek
No. 2763
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>>2761>submitted an ID stating she was 18 to a cosplay page while she was underage, later got verified on Patreon and the age she still claims as her real one would have made her 16 at the time>At 16 I printed out babysitting leaflets and handed them out to all my neighbours and worked almost everyday picking up their children from school, making them food, cleaning their houseCan you imagine finding out that the girl you trusted alone in your house with your children/around your family not only has a "career" making pedobait porn and talking about fucking dads, but also possibly started that "career"
while she was taking care of your children? If the timeline of all of that really checks out, could there be any legal ramifications for her? Feels like an awfully icky venn diagram.
No. 2764
>>2761It's legal in the UK to work at 13 but there are restrictions. I feel like it would be illegal to let a 13 year old work with coffee but I really couldn't say.
>I worked 6 months in a hot af kitchen cleaning dishes every other day after school sometimes until 11pmShe's implying she was under 16 here which is likely bullshit since it's illegal for minors to work past I think 7pm or so on school days.
It's possible she's just had a ton of really shitty, sketchy employers but it's 9999x more likely she's just lying.
Sorry if this is a bit retarded but I see Belle becoming Momokun 2.0 if she doesn't shape up. Her badly-researched lies, trying to market herself as a meme and the huge replies she types up on Instagram trying to defend herself all remind me of early Momo.
No. 2765
File: 1546488375199.jpeg (104.54 KB, 499x500, 8A6055F0-A1A8-49E7-BBDB-79BE05…)

>>2764I agree. She has full cow potential. I give it a couple months. It’s also kinda funny how she has so many loyal “fans” but her patreon numbers are kinda low for someone with 2mil followers.
No. 2768
>>2640She creeps me out so much. Wiht how breezily she's whoring herself out to creepy pedoshits and Pewdiepiefags, it almost feels like she's not even a real person nor has a brain in her body. I really have to wonder how she's going to feel about this shit once she's older and becomes washed up. Guess she'll just hook up with a pathetic older guy and live off him forever.
Where the fuck are her parents in all of this?
No. 2770
File: 1546503487317.png (159.73 KB, 1200x800, fellow kids.png)

>>2764God, I sure hope so. She physically repulses me almost as much as Momokun, and she's employing the same pandering memelord tactics that make her look like pic related. Maybe "how do you do fellow neckbeards" would be more appropriate. She's fucking nasty and the fact that she started whoring herself out when she was underage is even sadder. I can't believe this cheap thot has 2m followers. Men are gross and her female orbiters are sad af and need to love themselves.
No. 2771
>>2731>"Ive put myself in a position where I work a job I love and I get to have fun for it"Irrevocably ruining any chance of getting an actual decent job with long term security. Any potential employer can easily find out that she's a dumb thot just from a quick google search, not to mention the ramifications on her social life the more infamous she gets. It's amazing that she actually thinks she can profit off this forever or even until she hits 30. Once she stops being passable for the pedos, it's over. Hell, these dudes get distracted by the next shiniest thot that shows up, so she'll probably lose relevancy before hitting 21. Assuming her fanbase doesn't reach full stalker by that point.
I don't have anything against prostitution or sex work if it's the woman's choice, but the fact that she knowingly panders to disgusting pedophile neckbeards and 4channers without a hint of shame just galls me. The whole ddlg lifestyle will never not make me smh.
No. 2777
File: 1546548122384.png (484.39 KB, 811x600, momokun2.0.png)

Seems her second instagram acount was taken down for awhile for her lewd pics but put back up. She really is Momokun 2.0 kek
No. 2778
File: 1546549728274.png (405.8 KB, 862x1609, cow among cows.png)

>>2777Samefag but I decided to look at who she follows and she follows loads of cows, calves, and creeps. It's obv she's lurked her own thread but is she a straight up farmer?
No. 2779
File: 1546550583316.jpeg (1.87 MB, 1242x2088, 1249191A-62EB-48D5-9C9E-BF966D…)

>>2773Yes it’s her and yes she’s naked but the original she posted on her Snapchat had a heart censoring the ass. The one posted in this thread is a terrible attempt at editing the heart out.
No. 2780
>>2778She's referred to things posted here about her before, like the "milk" post. I also remember distinctly saying she could probably retire at 30 in some /ot/ thread, and that it makes me wonder about the e-thot hustle, then she started repeating just that in her replies to rude comments. Also, she randomly messaged Micky after it was said here that she was a white, skinny version of her, so yeah. She at least lurks.
Hi, Belle.
No. 2782
>>2777“Momokun 2.0”
Let me know when belle molests several people, steals, gets lipo, buys followers, tells people to kill themselves and gets banned from cons. She’s nowhere near momokun status just for getting her Ig nuked. Plenty of cosplayers have had this happen to them.
>>2778I only counted 4 cows/calves of the nobodies you are calling attention to.
No. 2787
>>2784>She changed her company name from belle delphine limited to "innovative artists ltd"lmao little late for that.
Hey, Belle, hope you know you're going to be forever known as a worthless e-whore who knowingly pandered to the scummiest of incels and pedoshits. Once it's out there on the internet, there's no stopping it. And the more attention you get, the greater your fall will be. Enjoy :)
No. 2788
File: 1546561293904.jpg (Spoiler Image,407.03 KB, 2521x2218, _20190103_104420.JPG)

She's cake sitting now apparently
No. 2791
File: 1546563501084.jpg (93.47 KB, 960x743, o40lfvw3ra821.jpg)

No. 2792
File: 1546563754546.jpg (129.08 KB, 720x991, _20190104_005740.JPG)

Response to people finding out she has a bf? lmao. Trying do hard to deny it
>>2791>this comment doesn't hurt meThen why do you feel the need to respond
No. 2795
>>2782I said she seemed to me like she was on her way to becoming early Momokun, not that she was anywhere near Momo’s level. I thought I made that pretty clear tbh anon. I didn’t even know she had her IG nuked.
I kind of doubt Belle will ever sexually assault anyone which was Momo’s real downfall, but I could definitely see her getting lipo at some point down the line if she gains weight and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she already buys followers/supplements them somehow, some other anons seem to think so.
>>2776 Pumpkin Spice also used to buy herself tokens to make herself MFC top 10 I believe, and I totally get what you mean. If you deliberately pander to the whole ddlg crowd you only have a couple years before they move onto a younger girl.
No. 2796
>>2778Holy shit, she's following a cattle ranch. Lmfao.
>>2782You clearly haven't lurked enough then, newfag. Go away.
>>2785That's the thing, people forget this thot is just starting out and she's already this much of a desperate degenerate. People didn't think Momo was that bad in the first threads either, just wait a few months and this bitch is gonna go downhill real fast.
>>2792Is she pulling an Amouranth pretending she's single? Fucking yikes, talk about pandering to the lowest common denominator. Love urself Bellie
No. 2798
>>2796In a few months, or a year, her fans will find a new, cuter girl to sperg over. She should enjoy her game while she can, because from what I can tell, it’s only just starting to die down and the next year is going to be a steady decline for her popularity.
Also, OT but does anybody know what kind of camera she’s using? Specifically the one in
>>2779 ,in the second picture down. I tried finding an electronics thread in /ot/ I could ask this on instead, but I couldn’t find one.
No. 2799
File: 1546585957529.jpg (676.35 KB, 1920x2560, 19-01-04-01-11-14-625_deco.jpg)

Sage for not milk but her humour is so dead. Its been said 100 times but she's honestly like a ten year old fortnite fan
No. 2801
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>>2798It's worth nothing that this camera has a built in skin smoothing filter, it basically photoshops your pics for you.
No. 2808
>>2755>>2774>>2783The snow pic is from Feb 2018.
I know she went on holiday last year to France or something, so the snow pic might have been from there too as she uploaded other pics of her nude in public.
No. 2810
>>2792This image is depressing in every possible way. Girl I know you are not this desperate for attention. Or money. Down the rabbit hole she goes. I'm so glad I fought for this thread.
>>2791In spite of the penis, he's right. Even disregarding society's general treatment and dismissal of women, especially those who use charm (inapplicable here) or good looks to get their way, economics 101 says markets flooded and you're fucked, this is a sinking ship. You are the product and for every image you upload there's at least a dozen more girls cropping up aiming to become equals if not better than you for less money and likely have twice the personality. Over time they will be younger and fitter and there's little you can do to resolve that. You lack both the exclusivity and professionalism jnig had for at least a little while that allowed her to retain a decent reputation and appreciation in her 30s. You dove too hard and too fast into flailing around in a foam filled kiddie pool and sitting on cakes for your "career" to last. This is a bed you made yourself. It doesn't look as comfy as you try to pretend it is.
No. 2811
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>>2757I stg she tries to give herself epicanthic folds with that eyeliner, also lol cause she doesn't even correct her shoop mistakes
>>2792giving off shayna vibes here with those teddies and dingy ass walls
No. 2812
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>when you make Belle beg you for mercy
No. 2816
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>>2814yes, I got her Instagram shut down. Retards at Instagram decided to bring it back up the next day. shitstorm happened in my inbox between her and I.
File: 1546636909048.png (57.77 KB, 1418x254, 7787868.png)

she lied about the p.o box closure?
No. 2822
>>2816Holy cringe (you, not her)
Stop cowtipping, you're embarrassing yourself
No. 2831
>>2830The costhot thread had screenshots of her begging to an incel not to report her to the IRS and he didn't give two shits. Imagine putting yourself at the mercy of these scumbags who will easily dump you for the next new thot that comes along. Does she actually think they care about her or that she's special by doing this? The more depraved she gets with these photoshoots, the more their disdain for her is gonna increase because they're backwards misogynist fucks who want women to do these things for them and then hate them for it.
>im still the same person as I was before>I really don't want my future ruinedGirl, you already ruined it the second you made stupid ahegao faces for pedophiles. I almost feel sorry for her, she sounds incredibly naive and clueless.
No. 2832
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Her mother sounds like one of those stage mothers
No. 2836
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The fact that her mother never pushed for her to at least finish high school and encouraged her on this path is very suspect to me. Classic exploitation. I bet she gives her mother and her older boyfriend money.
Raised by the internet. Has no education and is 19, an age where you don't know what you're doing, where you should be having fun, developing yourself as a person, your personality and building supportive relationships. Now her personality will be stunted as this weird 19 year old since she got famous young, she thinks she already knows everything. Even if she didn't enjoy conventional jobs there are other paths that she could have taken. Nothing wrong with being a sex worker but she's sitting on cakes and covering herself in dirty cooking oil in a mini pool catering to and validating the lowest of society, pedophiles, disgustingly fetishising adolescence for likes and fake validation. Constantly anxious that it could all be taken away at any time. What a gross, miserable, empty life.
No. 2841
>>2838>>2839I don't. I basically agree with what
>>2840 said. She made the choice to become a full time attention whore and to put herself at the mercy of these neckbeards that hate jerk it to these women. It's all on her. From her answers about her mother, it's quite clear there wasn't much hope for her from the beginning, but she chose to go the desperate route to make a quick buck. She can honestly get fucked for all I care.
No. 2842
File: 1546882135963.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.43 KB, 576x768, 9965F443-83D0-41F9-9679-E5A2C8…)

I’m surprised nobody has posted her full nude yet. her tits looks like you used the shrink tool on them in photoshop lmao
No. 2846
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There’s this going around stating belle and mystery man catifshing others in selling of their peoples nudes passing as her own
No. 2852
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>>2761proof that "having jobs" is bs?
No. 2853
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No. 2856
>>2855She’s not selling her real nudes, there’s been no proof of that besides obvious bad photoshops. Some people might think it’s cribgey, but what I think is cringey is the fact that she was so desperate for money that she sold nudes that weren’t hers. A lot of people assume that threads they don’t like are filled with vendetta-Chan’s, but I can assure you that I’m not and I’m interested in her cringey escapades.
>>2853Is the person who made this post noteworthy in any way? I think the convo they had with her was interesting, but not if it’s just another case of somebody cowtipping her.
No. 2864
>>2846This retarded bitch has the IQ of a fucking doorknob. She's even stupider than I thought, and that's saying a lot. Also, the fact that she did all of this as a minor is even more disturbing. Her parents are obviously shit and deserve the shit daughter they have.
>>2860This happens every time in this thread zZzZ. Though I agree the "cancelled" posts won't help since her audience are a bunch of degenerates, though they might be upset their fellow incels got scammed.
No. 2865
>>2862LOL if you look at the girls previous posts she posted an announcement it was incoming because she wanted publicity. Then the whole way through the chat was acting condescending as if she was Belle’s mother and owed her an apology? The only people who are deserving of an apology are the multiple girls who were in the nudes and the dumb incels who brought them and got scammed. Yes it’s a bit milky but the girl who made this post is just wanting attention in the witch hunt, not to make anything better. I was following this from last night and she was deleting and blocking comments from those who wasn’t on her side to create an echo chamber which is pathetic. It’s always those who are unattactive who are not doing well and competing in
MA SEX INDUSTRY or competing for internet popularity that are kicking off. The incels who are funding her patreon and are possibly getting scammed don’t even care about any of this to cancel her, they are photoshopping the nudes themselves for fucks sake! KEK
Also the poster whinging about
>ur family rich, u are rich, u have followers Stop crying because your nudes can’t sell ya sap
>inb4 WKhad it of been Minty or someone posting this then I back it, but not this attention seeking SJW loon
No. 2868
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>>2866I don't think people are whiteknighting, everyone agrees Belle is a dumb moneygrabbing thot, but when ever player in the game is dirty then it's hard to care. She's stupid to have done it, but nobody is going to feel sorry for the incels that were "scammed" buying nudes from a 17 year old or the other camgirl whose nudes they were.
If they were nudes stolen from a revenge porn thread or something then that would be different but there's no real victim like that here.
If she cared about reputation Belle could just apologize and give some cash to the girl whose nudes she sold, but her fan base are degenerates so they aren't going to push for that
No. 2869
>>2864there are no whiteknights just belle herself lol. why would anyone defend an antisocial costhot who also acts too good for lewds and overcharges the thirsty neckbeards who look her up on pornhub desperate for tits and pussy. they're loyal to busting a nut not her. they only act like doormat fanboys in hopes she'll cater to them. when she doesn't they come after her like another guy did in this thread.
belle always samefags within an hour and disappears it isn't a steady stream of whiteknighting derailinh, because she knows if she does the admins will pick up on it.
she also uses the "inb4 belle hurrdurr" thing every time lol look at the previous costhot and belle thread.
No. 2871
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>>2844First one
>>2842 looks fake as fuck but is the 2nd one
>>2843 really fake? Didn't someone dump a masterpost of a bunch of her nudes in a previous thread? It doesn't seem that unbelievable that she would sell nudes.
>>2846>>2852>Some guy asked if I wanted money so I gave him all my login info, so it's not my fault!! I NEVER did it to hurt anybody I only did it for personal gain and to use another woman's body for my own benefit without having to personally deal with any of the risks or consequences!!! >I'm just a normal lil girl with feelings so of COURSE I don't understand the consequences of my actions and therefore shouldn't be held accountable for them!!>I wasn't selling underage pics of me, I was selling pics of OTHER girls and telling people it was me while I was underage. I don't see the problem here!!kek….absolutely wild
No. 2873
>>2869this. i don't get why anyone would defend someone who is nearly 20 and still panders to pedos by dressing literally like a child.
She attracted this through her decisions. It's not about "she's scamming degenerates who caares lol" it's about the intent behind it and the consequences. Does she not realise that there are actual underage girls who are forced and manipulated into selling their images and she is only creating more of a market for it through her actions. She's helping to normalise it on her social media for other girls, when it isn't normal at all. It's actually all very disturbing.
No. 2874
>>2868I feel like some people are only looking at the fact that she knowingly stole and sold some other girls nudes, and not the fact that like…Belle, when she was underage, knowingly sold “her” nudes to people. Even though they weren’t of her, she was marketing them as the nudes of her, an underage girl. If they were her own pics, that would be cp, but she sold them under the guise of that for a quick buck. If that doesn’t make her a shitty person, not just the fact that she stole and sold some other girl’s nudes for profit, I don’t know what will. Belle’s going to end up sucking some guy’s dick behind a Waffle House and then be like “Omg, no, I like just wanted some money to take a trip to France! I’m not a bad person, I was dumb and wanted money! I’m
literally a thot!”
Belle is not a good person. Nobody here is a vendetta-chan, or jealous, we’re just pointing out the facts. Just because her fans “don’t care” and are into it doesn’t make it any less shitty.
No. 2876
File: 1547067671089.jpeg (63.33 KB, 522x587, 0B9F8515-B9AD-43AD-9BB8-03EE13…)

Just saw this shared lol, I'm glad it's getting around a bit and even people who used to like her aren't letting this slide.
No. 2879
>>2877Who said the nudes she spread were of minors? If you’re referring to
>>2874, that wasn’t about the nudes being of minors, it was about Belle herself being a minor when she stole the nudes and sold them. It’s so ridiculous, the amount of people saying this shit isn’t milky. It’s milky because she
fucking stole somebody’s nudes and sold them so she could get money to go to Venice. Like, if that’s not milk to you then I don’t know what the fuck is. Also, emojis.
>>2876I kek’d too hard
>>2873This. Everybody who continues to defend Belle is just about as much of a cow as she is. It’s not about her fans being ok with it, it’s about the fact that Belle herself did something wrong. She knew exactly what she was doing and the purpose for doing it.
No. 2881
>>2878But they weren’t buying from her really it was from the older guy, her face was just essentially a front.
Idk I just expected it to have actually been her own actions and now knowing that it’s not it’s meh. This katarina chick is just mega try Harding to ride this cancelled train for followers
No. 2882
>>2880>>2881Yeah, he’s a shitty person too, but are we just skipping over the fact that Belle still willingly complied with being the face of these nudes? She could have easily said “Fuck that, you’re a piece of shit and I’m going to call you out for what you’re doing” but she didn’t. She took part because she knew she would get a paycheck from it in the end. Also, did his name get leaked? Because if it did, you’re right, he should be immortalized in this thread for being a piece of shit, too.
On the topic of Katarina, personally yeah, I think she’s desperate for followers, but she also brought a situation to light that not a lot of people knew about. Stop attacking her to try to take attention away from the fact that Belle once again fucked up.
No. 2886
>>2882Bullshit. People already knew about the topic. It’s been discussed multiple times. The reason why it’s blew up is because they won’t drop the issue so Belle stupidly messaged her and this Katrina is the only sad POS who would go to the bother of publishing
100 screen shots of a private chat while being fake nice all for attention & lying that she could trust her, no one else did. & 3 years ago paid sex workers weren’t really a big non-underground thing like now so I doubt she thought of it being a big deal too much, probably just thought he was going to use google porn images, which he did and that’s how it was descovered as pedobear who bought them reversed image searched them then posted it anonymously when she gained popularity.
You know what. Fuck it. I’m going to say it. I’d sell other people’s free nudes off google to perverts for a trip to Venice myself KEK
& If she says if she’s scared of him why would people put her in danger by sharing his details? No matter how shitty she is that’s like cowtipping right?
No. 2887
>>2885>>2881All of this is moot because Belle admitted she voluntarily took part in it out of greed. The messages where she's selling the nudes sound way more like her than like his typing style and it's very likely that she's omitting a lot of the DMs to make herself look better.
She wasn't hacked, her own screenshots show that she was a willing participant and he didn't have anything on her other than promising her money. Quit whiteknighting.
No. 2888
>>2886lol be mad
I'm grateful for the milk, all the screenshots just make it even more delicious.
No. 2889
>>2886Either stop your whiteknighting or go back to Belle’s instagram. You keep trying to drag Katarina because you want the attention off of Belle’s shitty actions, and it’s not going to work. Belle knew what she did, the screenshots show she was a willing participant, and if you’d take part in a scam like that you’re just as lulzy and sad as she is.
P.S. She should have gone to France.
No. 2890
>>2887No one is whiteknighting on this end, this person said he’s a hacker so he knows his way around getting into accounts, I didn’t say he hacked into hers but if this is all true and there is this dude, he seems scary and shady, maybeee justttt….maybe,he might have tea on her and belle might be hesitant because he’s been known to hack into these girls accounts and do god knows what with them? A few girls have said hey the way this guy approached her, he approached me too and blah blah blah,
or she could be lying ?
Jeez don’t shoot the messenger
No. 2894
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>>2891Sorry maybe it’s my typing
I’m trying to scroll they the hundreds of comments through this dumpster fire
Belle didn’t say he hacked her, I saw Shell Roze’s comment saying “I think I know who this guy is because the way he types” and she provided the profile a other girl mention oh yeah he’s scummy, he hacks into several sw’s sc accounts and so on,
Shell mentions “uwu I don’t want to put him because he might come after belle hard” and that’s when I looked over his profile but he seems like a douche and his posts are absurbed so I don’t know if there’s any correlation between his profile and belle and so on
I can’t pinpoint where Shell’s comment is where she mentions him because there’s way too many comments and my mobile shuts off but Katrinamade another post about him but feel free to look and try to piece it together, all I saw was dude is sketch
Like I mentioned maybe she’s lying idk !!!
No. 2895
>>2891Some spectulations were why are you hiding him? What does he have on you for you to protect him? If he is what some of these girls claim he is, than yea he’s kinda scary
And yeah belles not going to say I can’t say much because he’s going to blackmail me or something you know ? Is she protecting someone because she’s afraid ? or …is she just a lying piece of shit ?
No. 2898
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My favourite parts are where she agrees to launder money through her mothers account and attempts to scam more money out of the scammer kek
No. 2900
File: 1547082426473.jpg (59.59 KB, 480x960, 766EKxS.jpg)

>Belle was blackmailed
>Belle was manipulated
Not true even according to her own screenshots. This guy had no power over her.
>He's a hacker
Then why did he need her permission to use her name in the first place? Compromise the account, scam as many people as you can before word gets around, move on. Relying on a 17 year old girl as your partner in crime is the stupidest way to go about this. I don't believe this hacker story at all.
>Belle was just going along with it because she felt scared
Belle came up with the idea of telling her mom she knew the guy irl so she could use the bank account. Even a 17yo knows that's shady as shit. She was into it.
>It's not that big a deal xDD I would've done it too!!!11
Belle was already an e-model at the time, she knew what she was doing by using other girls' photos. She constantly complained about bullying and how mean the community is, but she was willing to use other girls' nudes to make a profit. If the same had happened to her, she would've made a big stink about it everywhere. She was also underage, so she was committing a crime by pretending to be older than she was in order to sell nudes. Even if it wasn't her in the pictures, she was effectively selling child pornography because that's what the customers thought they would get, as her real age was known and she used the same profile that she was previously listed as 17 on, so her attempt to pass herself off as an adult was flimsy at best and definitely wouldn't hold up if anyone actually cared to report her for this. It could very well be considered entrapment too.
Even Belle says in clear terms that she just thought it was a good idea at the time. All the manipulation and hacking accusations are just her way of defending herself. Even in the conversations with the guy she doesn't have any moral objections, just "i don't wanna waste my time if it gets reported again" and so forth.
She flipflops wildly between
>I was manipulated and blackmailed
>I was a dumb teen and he offered me a good deal
>I don't care what people think
>Please don't publish this it will ruin me
>Lol people can think what they want
because all she cares about is how it makes her look.
The whole thing blew up because she even had the nerve to say the Minty girl didn't want it to come out because they were good friends. But Minty messaged Katerina to say that they were in fact not on good terms.
No. 2904
File: 1547082554048.jpg (59.65 KB, 480x960, 0qLzBpw.jpg)

Interestingly, Belle ends a lot of sentences in a question mark, sometimes with a space in between.
Looking at you,
>>2890 No. 2905
>>2903>>2903>>2902>>2901>>2900Belle is probably shitty her lingerie right now. The shit she was doing was so illegal. Also, thank you for posting the screenshots here because some people don’t have Facebook and can’t look at them.
>>2890You got reeeeally quiet all of the sudden. Every other post was you defending Belle, and now that all these screen grabs are being posted, it’s crickets.
No. 2911
File: 1547088774344.jpg (664.91 KB, 454x11647, E2AOiTg.jpg)

Dumping all the caps, flood incoming. Maybe then we can stop all the WKing and speculation because nobody cared to read the conversations. Conveniently, a lot supposedly happened over Skype calls, so she doesn't have proof.
No. 2924
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hopefully dreams of venice were enough. this is hilarious.
No. 2926
File: 1547096173563.gif (2.68 MB, 255x234, 1478643038437.gif)

i’m screaming she sounds so cunty and scheming in these screencaps. the venice justification is killing me lmao. she is such a sheltered spoiled brat she genuinely saw that as a good excuse to just keep repeating like what did she think people would fucking say?? what a goblin.
the best part? once a scammer always a scammer. so this is definitely something she would be down for doing over and over again.
No. 2927
File: 1547100348134.gif (2.13 MB, 350x326, ds.gif)

since its confirmed shes a massive scammer and loves pitiful excuses, anymore info on her mail issues? Someone said they sent stuff and it didn't get returned and it's not like a post office to just destroy things, what happened to all the supposed shit some dweebs sent her?
No. 2937
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>>2915>Because I didn't hear you once really was wrong other show me the timeline it happenedGoddamn, is anyone else getting a major headache trying to read this shit? I mean good on whatsherface for posting receipts but I feel like I have to try and decipher every single line on both of their ends. Is typing really that hard?
No. 2938
>>2915 Tbh the blue poster seems very vengeful and aggressive in this conversation. I don't really know what she expects Bele to do, once she's acknowledged her poor decisions.
Making a public post would be pointless and bad for the brand.
She's a schemer for sure.
No. 2940
>>2939Gotta disagree on that one. Belle is pretty retarded for trying to lie her way out of a bad situation and thinking she could get away with it in the first place. Other girl called her out on her bullshit (may I add, with grammar skills that rival even the like’s of Belle’s, kek), and Belle is facing the consequences. It’s unfortunate but shit like this happens in the Internet. She needs to suck it the fuck up and deal with it like an adult.
>>2938Honestly, if I used to be the a fan of a person who turned out to be scamming to people and lying to her own followers, and then trying to cover their ass by lying even more, I’d be pretty aggressive too. It’s called being pissed off and irritated by somebody’s actions.
No. 2941
>>2937They're both dumb as rocks it's a nightmare
>>2938I was thinking the opposite. She's firm but kind in a really fake way. Soft on her (sympathetic, pet names etc) then posts elsewhere like "haha she's awful"
Also I've seen it before when she's self posting across the Internet, but belle uses a lot of English colloquialisms that she doesn't realise aren't really said elsewhere. It gives her away a lot (britfag here so it's easy to spot)
No. 2944
God, some of you are dense. It's hard to believe Belle isn't in this thread when there's this thinly veiled attempt to make her "nOt sO BaD" whenever anything milky happens while also trying to very gently shit on her as to not be too obvious. I don't think any of us feel oh so bad for the poor creepy neckbeards who got scammed, the main issue is that she, as a 17 year old, a minor but still old enough not to be so fucking dense, chose to sell her alleged nudes (or nudes she stole from someone else and ILLEGALLY SOLD) because she's a dumb whore who just ~wanted to go to Venice uwu~
Also, like someone said above, she may have been a ~poor innocent child led by a mean old men~ who convinced her to "sell her nudes" but let's not forget she's now an adult woman still pedo pandering and selling half naked pictures to desperate neckbeards. It's not like she's a changed person now. She's either truly a fucking brainless amoeba or actually malicious and greedy. Scamming is clearly not above her, and now more than ever I can see this thot going downhill fast and becoming the next Moo.
Obviously, much like Moo, her orbiters won't care, but at least normal people will know Belle is a shitty, desperate ho.
No. 2951
>>2945This is literally Belle. Typing style and all.
Please stop. You’re making things worse for yourself.
No. 2953
>>2948There is no way in hell Belle hasn’t been posting in this thread. Her typing style is do distinguishable, and her lack of maturity is clear through her words. Maybe I’m wrong, but there are so many coincidences, it’s crazy. Belle, grow the fuck up and act like an adult. A person who owns their own business the caters to thousands of people should be better at handling bad situations, you kook.
>>2950She compares herself to people like Jessica Nigri, who, while not being the most saintly or original prrron on earth, has thousands of fans who aren’t just sweaty neck beards jacking off to her photos. Dedicated fans that will always look up to her. Belle’s fans wouldn’t white knight her because all they care about is what half naked photo shoot she’s going to do next, not her or her actual feelings.
No. 2954
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>>2953right? jnig is another costhot but she has been around for literal years, establishing herself as a public figure with interests and hobbies and a personality even if its all for show, and working with literally dozens of actual legit models and cosplayers and photographers and companies, which obviously gets her some normal nonthirsty fans. she may be a talentless haggard costhot, but you cant deny that she has an actual fanbase of people who look up to her and are willing to whiteknight. her pictures arent even that damn explicit. kim kardashian has taken thottier pictures.
bella blew up only a few months ago. we know nothing about her. her only interactions with her fanbase are to make shitty dank meme references. her cosplays are shitty, inaccurate, and bought off aliexpress. she has not worked with photographers. her lewds are not professional. the only perks of signing up to be a patreon are that she will write you letters and send you fake thotty pictures featuring neither nipple or pussy despite her most popular pictures and videos being of her faking orgasms and pretending to be fucked. she is essentially a borderline camgirl giving you visuals of what it would be like to fuck her yet refuses to put out even after you pay her. and that makes horny men angry. thats why theyre all turning against her all the while still beating their meat. theyre not fans. theyre just waiting for her to finally become a sex worker.
belle, no one would whiteknight you. not this hard, and not this consistently. every whiteknight in here is just you.
No. 2955
>>2934Hopefully people share this video, especially on reddit. People need to know what she did. There’s a real possibility she’s going to scam somebody again soon, and if this is well documented some people will hopefully know not to fall for her scams.
>>2954She could have had a sincere following of people who weren’t just thirsty neckbeards, if she had stuck to actual cosplay and semi-life stuff, like sexy characters maybe. But she couldn’t wait patiently for followers. She got greedy. Hungry for money. And the fastest way to get fame was to pretty much sell her soul and body to the Internet, selling half naked pics for money and becoming a self proclaimed sex worker, raking in loads of cash from crusty men. But somehow, in some way, even that wasn’t enough. She became a greedy little goblin and started scamming people and stealing from her own e-friends for more money. I don’t know how one person can be so damn greedy. She’ll never be like successful in the way that other costhots are, with loving audiences who love her for who she is and not just for the possibility that one day her nudes will leak. But hey, she said it herself…that’s what she wanted, right?
No. 2957
>>2955>But somehow, in some way, even that wasn’t enough. She became a greedy little goblin and started scamming people and stealing from her own e-friends for more money. Ermmmm, that’s not the order it happened was it? Or has she stole off e-friends since???
The order of events I knew were
>Semi-well known on FaceBook for being kawaee uwu incorrect wig cosplayer. Few thousand followers.>Approached by man and he sells random girls nudes through her account and plan to split money.>This stops I am guessing?>Makes content with ahegao face once legal obO>Blows up on 4ch due to ahegao trend blowing up>Gains following>Sells lewds of herself via Patreon>Following increases to 2Mill>None scammed since???Or were they?
No. 2958
>>2955>People need to know what she did. There’s a real possibility she’s going to scam somebody again soon, and if this is well documented some people will hopefully know not to fall for her scams.I mean, she tricked some ebephiles who approached her illegally for nudes at 17 into believing she was giving them her nudes
But yeah, make sure you get this important message out
No. 2959
>>2877Agreed. And if you are paying attention she didn't even need the guy to do it.
Sorry to blog but anyone can scam guys this way. I used to set up fake craigslist ads and pretend to have a private snap. Sent a couple pg13 pics of myself with time stamps or signs. Have them send you money via cash app/venom then blocked as soon as the money hits.
It's a scam so it's obviously not sustainable income but you can make a good bit in a weekend without having done anything 'that' illegal.
No. 2961
>>2960Anyone ITT defending Belle's action is either a neckbeard orbiter or a thot themselves. They're not even subtle about it. How far does Belle have to go to be considered a snowflake? Other random cosplayers get threads just for being cringy and whiny, meanwhile Belle makes a living on scamming and pedobaiting and has exploded in a short amount of time and yet her threads are full of defensive e-whores.
>Ngl if someone asked me that when I was younger for the promise of big easy money for doing legit fuck all I’d be down for it
>I used to set up fake craigslist ads and pretend to have a private snap. Sent a couple pg13 pics of myself with time stamps or signs. Have them send you money via cash app/venom then blocked as soon as the money hits.Blogposting about being a scamming whore in a thread about a scamming whore. Stay classy, newfags.
No. 2964
>>2960>I don’t know why people are trying to act like “Oh, whatever, it doesn’t really matter it’s not milky, I would totally do that too lol”.Because it's pretty obvious it's Belle herself defending her ass in these threads. The identical typing style (word salads that make no sense, punctuation, tttheee strreetttchinnngg of wwwooorrrdss, the constant misspelling, the British word choices), how someone like anon here
>>2886 takes it WAY too personally and the constant need of trying to change subject ("Yeah Belle is a thot but what about this Katarina bitch?!!"). She's not even trying to be subtle about this, ever since she the costhot threads whenever she was brought up the aggressive whiteknighting and "THIS IS NOT MILK, let's get back to nitpicking other sluts who are totally ripping Belle off!!" starts. It's gone even crazier ever since those screencaps leaked, she's obviously trying to defend herself.
Don't care about neckbeard feelings but what she did was still illegal and a scam. I don't know what sort of personality disorder you have to have to think selling other peoples' nudes as your own for money AND as a minor just to get your spoiled bratty ass to Venice is "TOTALLY OKAY I'D DO IT MYSELF IN A SECOND KEKKK". That's some high tier degenerate behavior. Belle seems so massively fucked up anyway, you have to be a certain type of crazy to have an obsession with taking nudes in public places, to pander to pedos and actually saying you want to be "as famous as jnig and retire by 30 with my massive heaps of internet money".
No. 2967
File: 1547548416720.png (226.2 KB, 469x453, 20190115_102958.png)

This video is a fucking nightmare. Even her incels seemed to hate it kek
No. 2980
>>2979Then sage.
>>2978You can. I'm pretty sure they sell fake braces on ebay. I don't know if hers are fake, but it's very possible and easy to fake them.
No. 2981
>>2966She most likely doesn't know how to pay taxes considering she said she's never paid a bill in her life.
Her bf probably does it for her.
>>2976It's icing. It was like a food smash video with cupcakes and icing.
>>2978No there isn't. People just think she has fake braces as she had reposted old pictures from before.
No. 2990
File: 1547617830281.png (47.98 KB, 199x186, belle.png)

ik everyones probably sick to death hearing about belles fucking braces all the time but
Both are from the only two vids on her youtube, one from 2 years ago and one from 4 months ago.
No. 2993
File: 1548009170887.png (448.94 KB, 516x540, 4chan.PNG.5be3cf64fc2b8696875c…)

4chan found out where she lives
I don't feel bad for belle considering how she panders hard to incels and 4channers. She made this even easier by giving out her phone number to anyone who paid her 25 bucks, It's like she wanted this to happen. She had it coming
No. 3000
>>2995>>2996>>2998Men can be horrible, indeed, but she's no victim. She's a fucking idiot that sold her safety, self-respect and dignity for a few incel bucks. Who the fuck gives out their PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER that is usually attached to THEIR REAL NAME AND ADDRESS to a bunch of horny pedos online? She's a fucking moron, and she had it coming. She might as well have doxxed herself. Does she deserve to fear for her safety? No, but she brought it upon herself and I have no sympathy. Being a moralfag on lolcow is lolzy af. She literally panders to these so called horrible men. She WANTED them as their audience. She isn't just an innocent girl who got harassed by 4chan like Bonbibonkers, now THAT was fucked up. I hope she learns her lesson. There's a point where, sure, it's not your fault your car got robbed, but if you left all your windows down, your doors unlocked and had a huge sign saying "ROB ME" on your hood, then take some fucking responsibility when you get robbed.
No. 3001
>>2998>>2996Lmao I can't believe that people are actually defending this girl. She put herself out there so the stalking can happen and yall saying SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!!1! EVEN THO SHE WAS ASKIN FOR IT!1!1!!!
She knew what she's doing and she's legally an adult
No. 3004
>>3002>>2998No one is taking pleasure in this, people are simply pointing out that this is the repercussion for her actions. And can we please stop saying “Belle got doxxed”? She didn’t.
Her parents got doxxed. Belle isn’t suffering at all from this. Her dumbass got the address that her parent’s live at out in the open, so stop feeling bad for Belle for two fucking seconds, and if you’re going to feel bad for anybody, feel bad for her parents, who are now going to have to jump through a million hoops to protect themselves because their daughter is a fucking idiot. Side note, I feel it’s important to note that whoever doxxed them is a fucking asshole incel. Inb4 “Nobody is pointing out that the neck beard who posted the address is an asshole” he is, but this is a Belle thread and we’re discussing what could have caused this in the first place.
No. 3005
>>3002she's not a child
stop referring to her as a fucking child
No. 3007
File: 1548020130838.png (23.08 KB, 788x243, eggs.PNG)

the PULL comments had me looking at her thread and lmao… they're saying about eggs. You can literally buy a dozen eggs for $1
No. 3008
I really wonder how this girl wants to get out of situation? I feel 4chan does not forget about such things and I don't know how she wants to escape their attention idk
>>3007classic pull
No. 3020
>>2998I feel sorry for, say, girls like Nyannyancosplay or whatever. All she did was put out a harmless stupid video on Tik Tok and now endless swathes of perverts are obsessed with her, calling her a trap, and even Shadman made porn of her. Fucking appalling and a sign that men continue to be a mistake.
But Belle? She's catering to these kinds of men and egging them on. There's something clearly wrong with her, but I don't feel much sympathy for someone who panders to pedoshits.
No. 3025
>>3022I hope she eventually does realize she's being a fucking idiot. Goddamn, I'm disgusted with her parents, they should've never been allowed to breed.
I used to think the uprise in sex work being considered legitimate work was a good thing for the most part, but seeing that narrative warp the minds of young girls like her, to the point where she calls herself a whore and sees nothing wrong with it, is worrisome. She touts it out like it's a legitimate job and one she can live comfortably off of. Fucking horrifying.
No. 3026
>>3020Exactly. Thank you. There's a huge difference between people like bonbibonkers/nyannyancosplay and Belle. The former didn't actively seek out validation from misogynistic men because they're idiot thots. I just feel bad for Belle's parents, though I'm sure they aren't exactly golden people considering the trash they spawned.
No. 3027
>>3022Could you stop treating her like she's an innocent small child who doesn't know what she's doing. She's not 13, she's 20. She's a legal adult. 20 year olds are still young, yes, but they're not THAT dumb anymore. She just thought she was above the general population and would avoid the backlash of pandering to obsessive pedoshits. People had told her the implications multiple times and she has definitely seen what happens to other thots online, but she thought that the men she had wrapped around her fingers would never turn on her because she's above such repercussions for whatever reason.
>>3020This. There are a lot of cosplayers who never deserved the disgusting male attention brought upon them but Belle is not one of them. She encouraged the gross behavior and treating her as one of the XDslutty meme girlsXD herself. You have to understand what happens when pandering to the lowest of low.
No. 3033
File: 1548075049856.jpg (59.15 KB, 611x859, _20190121_123302.JPG)

>>3032Samefag but just seen this… Is she "owning" that she's a cow?? Copying moomoo?? Either way it's not original.
Side note I looked at the thread in which she was doxxed- they gave a hove address which would be her new place. Her parents live in London but Hove is a part of Brighton (as far as Brighton goes, it's the 'affordable' part). So yeah Idk why they're comparing photos to her old home, but if its really her address it's definitely her new place
No. 3034
>>3033Didn’t she have a steep narrow driveway at her new address that a delivery truck couldn’t access her property to deliver furniture? The google map of the Hove address doesn’t have a driveway. Also the upstairs bedroom shown in the photos used for reference with the dream catchers is at her old bedroom at her parents London address, not Hove/Brighton. Her home in recent pictures also looks modern so I really doubt this is her home address.
Does this mean 4chan are harassing some random hippies in Brighton for their dreamcatcher? kek
No. 3041
File: 1548107668016.png (20.62 KB, 749x144, chrome_2018-10-22_19-28-05.png)

>>3039Nyannyancosplay is a good girl.
>>3034>>3033that's probably not how they found her. most people who make those kind of claims are just doing it for clout or to scare their victim.
realistically they probably just paid one of those sites that data mines personal info from shopping sites etc, got the address first and pretended they got it a different way. if they had her phone number and name it would be easy to do, someone probably just had to bite the bullet and pay the 5 quid to do it.
No. 3049
>>3039Oh, god forbid a girl even have social media and post harmless pictures of herself cosplaying. What a worthless attention whore slut.
Fuck off, anon.
No. 3051
File: 1548181724978.jpeg (231.79 KB, 2208x1242, 6C16C244-6538-4BE7-850A-A9D6FA…)

This whole thing is so cringe, she thinks she’s being edgy or sexy but it’s really just pathetic
No. 3052
File: 1548182421874.jpeg (Spoiler Image,132.09 KB, 521x1084, B52C9B61-FC9C-455F-A271-FD28E0…)

>>3051This pic grosssed me out
> i n s e m i n a t e m e i n c e l s u W u No. 3054
>>3052Did she really say “inseminate me”? That’s fucking disgusting if she did.
>>3033Even though I wouldn’t put it past her to copy someone else, I doubt she did. The “milky cow” cosplay thing has been popular around the costhot circle for a while now, and not just with cows featured on the site. Belle’s just bad at it. She should stick to her loli shit.
No. 3057
File: 1548243318271.jpg (412.25 KB, 1234x2519, _20190123_112959.JPG)

I found this skin walker and she manages to look even cheaper than belle. Femmyfatal on insta(derail)
No. 3059
>>3058>>3057>>3056>>3055Can you guys stop? This is a Belle thread. Take this bitch over to the costhot thread if you want to talk about her so much. She doesn’t belong in the Belle thread just because she copies her.
Is there any update in regard to the doxxing situation? Has Belle herself said anything, or even the guy who posted the note on her parent’s door?
No. 3061
File: 1548274344397.jpg (55.16 KB, 720x355, _20190123_200533.JPG)

Tons of posts on reddit about how all of her followers are bored of her. Also kek at this comment, it's cus photo editing and filters ruin the quality guys
No. 3062
File: 1548275214519.jpeg (110.82 KB, 640x1086, 950C8B6C-142C-44FD-A960-EF43CD…)

>>3061What? I thought her camera was a Sony a5100. That’s what she’s using in a lot of her mirror selfies, and it’s what a lot of cosplayers use. That only runs about $450 on Amazon, a little over $500 if you’re buying extra lenses. But yeah, regardless, she filters the shirt out of her photos, and I’m surprised no one notices that by the change in her skin tone. She’s naturally a warm tan, in her cos photos and videos she’s pale.
No. 3064
File: 1548316611095.jpg (73.9 KB, 488x855, camera.jpg)

>>3062I guess she used to, but she must have upgraded. You can read the lens name here and from the dial/button layout you can tell that it looks like the Sony A7 RIII (definitely not RII or RI).
wtf is she doing with it though? Does she also do proper sets? What is she holding it for?
No. 3067
File: 1548333891028.jpeg (108.03 KB, 866x1390, 725DD7E2-F795-4A00-B1AC-A50EAB…)

Good day! Digging up some good belle milk I see! I’m gonna head to kiwi soon, the derailing and white knighting here are atrocious. As well as the banhappy mods. Don’t question a totalitarian site anon!(No one cares)
No. 3077
>>3076lol I thought that meant per year, oops
nvm then, she makes a shitload
No. 3083
File: 1548641335126.jpeg (74.33 KB, 640x372, 70591F33-BF4E-430F-A40E-ED9814…)

Is she still relevant..?
No. 29614
File: 1548705205970.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x2074, 67B3351B-66CA-4CE8-9309-0AEAF8…)

I don’t understand how some ppl are willing to pay over 2 grand for this?! Jeez
No. 30425
File: 1548841819917.jpg (454 KB, 2560x1792, _20190130_094001.JPG)

Comments like this are everywhere and her patreons are dropping like flies. Also ever since the fake nudes scam I've read she's individually messaging anyone who shit talks her to try and smooth things over. So much for doing this until she's 30 kek.
Not to malepost but I don't see her great opposition to doing nudes, the shit she does now is definitely worse? Cake sitting, pouring eggs over yourself and bdsm (albeit very tame bdsm) are a much more embarrassing legacy (and arguably more pornographic) than posting a photo of your tits idk
No. 31141
File: 1548965002727.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.44 KB, 652x1356, 04950C14-9BF4-40DB-A928-91F44A…)

It’s just interesting she’s willing to do all of this which is so cringe and just not take a nude. Her popularity is slipping and she’s getting desperate
Spoiler bc kinda nude /:
No. 31213
File: 1549015153426.jpg (2.31 MB, 1920x2560, 19-02-01-09-52-06-595_deco.jpg)

Going through her leaks and there's honestly so much repetition in her shit? This is her most recent set and I blacked out every picture that didn't have a duplicate (sorry for horrible work I'm on a coach). It's like 90% all that one shot of something in front of her ass with like 1° difference in the angle. No wonder people are getting bored of her
No. 31224
>>31213Does she advertise these as like
>20 new photosBecause if so it seems scammy
No. 31355
File: 1549129678221.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1915x2553, 24485AFD-694B-4315-BC29-988F6B…)

>>31213Wew lad. There really are only 5 types of photos in the whole set.
No. 31571
>>31510the thigh crease
is the insane shoop anon was talking about. that's not how it looks…
No. 31584
>>31510Who knows where it is but yeah, that crease is too high and not the right shape to make any sense. What is anatomy.
I don't think anyone on this site of
women (except you) thought the shadow was the crotch
No. 32120
>>32100this is an imageboard dude
there's not really much in the vid, but there will be a follow-up. Not really milky as for now, but has potential if she comes on his channel or something (as he can ask for whatever he wants for the God reward, right)
No. 32151
>>32120If I were him I’d ask her to delete her Patreon/all social media
It’d be funny to see her squabble around
No. 33110
File: 1549825463365.png (3.13 MB, 1792x828, 5BA369A7-D63C-4944-A790-38CD51…)

>>32120This is what willne payed $2500 for…(I’ll post his update vid in the next comment)
No. 33111
File: 1549825786787.jpg (1.03 MB, 806x3048, Screenshot_20190210-190602_Ins…)

>>33101long ass cap of belle's life stori~
had no idea she was from south africa tho. also why did her parents allow her to drop out at 14, I thought minimum school leaving age was 16 in uk?
No. 33112
>>33110Skip to 9:27 tho
But if you don’t feel like watching, basically they were shown a video of bell shooting at a manniquin with someone’s face taped on while proceeding to chuck it over the staircase.
No. 33115
>>33111 God, what is wrong with her hand?
Is it too close to be retouched automatically? Her hands look stumpy and swollen.
No. 33132
>>33111 it's sorta 18 now. Taken from the govuk website
You must then do one of the following until you’re 18:
stay in full-time education, for example at a college
start an apprenticeship or traineeship
spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, while in part-time education or training
No. 33159
>>33112Kek at how she looks on the left compared to the right.
>>33137She definitely was in school when she was 13/14 since she has a video of her in school from 6 years ago on her old YouTube. After that there’s no proof of whether she went to school or not.
No. 33179
>>33112its just a whole publicity stunt to me tbh. he allegedly paid that amount of money to her, made a video about it to his 2 million followers thus giving her even more attention PLUS views to himself, she made that video for his whole copy of the "pewdipie vs t-series" bullshit, but he's competing with some mom? (idk i dont follow him). he didnt even show the skype conversation, nothing at all.
imo they're scratching each other backs and i think its kinda stupid, and i hate the fact that i wasted precious time watching both videos of that annoying dude.
No. 33180
>>331772.5k isnt alot of money, especially not for a monetized video shitting on your whole e-thot concept kek.
Its at best 2-3 months of rent for permanent humiliation.
No. 33184
>>33180I feel like he could have humiliated her better tho, this video doesn't make any sense to the belle fans that don't follow the drama of this random parent that hes battling(??). Also I think we all would have liked to see more of the video call.
Thumbnail is good though, ignoring that her webcam is like 240p it's a good example of how much she edits
No. 33204
>>33111lol so she's back to lying saying that she was babysitting at 17 even tho we have screenshots of her saying she's was to lazy to get a job and this was at the time she was selling those nudes??
>>2852 >>2915
>>2914 No. 33221
>>33184Very true, I just would expect most sane normal people coming across just the screenshotted description in the thumbnail of what Belle's tier is would come to a very reasonable conclusion(and laughs).
Its all adds up to one big internet track record, for good and for (mostly) worse
No. 33228
>>33180>shitting on your whole e-thot conceptShe shits on herself plenty, she degrades herself to her audience and that's one of the reasons why she'll never have a fanbase that respects her, or at the very least treats her nicely.
>Its at best 2-3 months of rent for permanent humiliation.She's been humiliating herself, most e-thots give up their dignity for money, and the money only comes in for a few years at most.
No. 33381
>>33367 spill some beans on this hoe lmao
Is that dude that co-owns her company her bf? Maybe she knew him from school or some shit
Would be mad funny to expose her on tricking her fans into thinking she doesn't have a bf loool
(Namefagging) No. 33423
File: 1550017876318.png (248.24 KB, 359x466, Untitled.png)

>>33159lmao. she's the epitome of a dorky girl who didn't get much male attention as she grew up watching the boys go for the more "popular" girls, so now she's slutting it up online where attention comes for no effort.
her awkwardness is always so present and apparent in her videos. she's too uncomfortable with herself to be sexy, tbh.
No. 33435
File: 1550021313236.png (804.98 KB, 824x655, Untitled.png)

>>33428>>33433same girl is also in this vid but idk, i thought the glasses girl was belle since she looks like the nerdiest one and her teeth are fucked up
No. 33453
File: 1550027420144.jpg (107.46 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

>>33435diff anon but i also think it's the hopping girl as she looks most like early pics of belle
No. 33466
>>33453regardless, she's still very awkward in her vids and seems unsure of herself. idk. i get a sinking feeling when i look at her pictures. the fact that she's already being stalked irl is horrifying. her appealing to the dregs of the internet with the sort of tryhard memes she's doing… there's no doubt in my mind that at least some of her followers are psychotic beta-boys who want to kidnap/rape/hurt/possibly even kill her. the fact that she's spreading herself out like she is with no foresight into how this will affect her for the rest of her life is just proof of how naive she is.
she's going to have stalkers forever. she will never, ever be able to escape this persona. it might even affect her future jobs. she doesn't make THAT much from her patreon so she's going to have to go into the real world at some point and even if employers don't find her online, who's to say the aforementioned stalkers won't make her life hell at whatever job it is?
fuck, i don't know, sorry for blogposting but i genuinely feel bad for her. she's a flavor of the month e-girl for now but those obsessed male fans of hers WILL continue to follow her around for years to come. and hell, a lot of them are already angry that she asks for thousands on her patreon yet hasn't released official nudes or anything yet. entitled men like that tend to get fucking violent when denied what they want. it's scary to me.
No. 33507
>>33159Left to right..
Kandy, Maisy, and Catherine. Catherine was my neighbor it’ll she moved, maisy still goes to college and is in my class, Kandy went off somwhere i don’t even know. They filmed this in tutor. They went to Priestlands school quite close to where I live actually.
Sage for blogpost
No. 33531
>>33530Well since you posted all these insider deets why don’t you give us a photo of yourself and your full name? Since you’re on the same level of relevant as these girls.
Oh wait you’re just some faggot who wants to post them but not yourself.
No. 33795
>>33791you can watch it here ( still, i think it has something to do with embedding
No. 36164
>>33466Honestly she deserves getting doxxed and stalked at this point. I'm against victim blaming but she's beyond retarded and spilled her entire life (including phone number etc) on the internet.
That and the fact that she catters to litteral incels give me 0 sympathy for her. She had it coming.
No. 36188
File: 1550444312819.jpg (584.79 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190217-225758_Ins…)

wtf is grimes doing??
No. 36200
>>35143honestly who else would know the first and last names of all those girls and also be on this thread? what a dork.
>>36164no one deserves being stalked and harassed irl just for being an annoying attention whore online. belle hasn't done anything but be extremely cringey.
No. 36208
>>36188grimes would
she gets off to loli porn after all
and belle legit looks like a strange monkey creature here, uncanny
No. 36277
File: 1550482904881.png (408.79 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20190218-093511~2.p…)

I've said this before but belle really cannot dance. She's so uncoordinated and has no idea how to move her body (so would probably make a really terrible camgirl). In her hit or miss video she copied literally every part of nnc's dance except the bit at the end which required the minutest bit of rhythm to perform, and watching this latest video I really see why she avoided that (sorry for dance sperg i am unreasonably offended)
Also egirl factory, she is wearing just as much make up in the before as in the after sans two dots on her face lol
No. 36308
>>36277That’s pretty astonishing since NNC can’t dance either. Nothing in her Hit or Miss vid was “dancing”.
These nerds are uncoordinated and cringey, what a surprise.
No. 36347
File: 1550520543271.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1767, Screenshot_20190218-145136~2.p…)

her newest ig vid posted about an hour ago (same outfit but different vid than
>>36277 ) is just so weird to me? Like what is her goal? All these recent-ish vids (the eggs, cakesitting, ethot factory etc) honestly aren't sexy at all and are just making her more of a joke. She was more professional months ago when her content consisted of just elf ear ahegao pictures instead of memelord try hard videos
No. 36462
File: 1550541416186.png (363.43 KB, 357x742, Untitled.png)

>>36277>>36347don't understand how anyone could watch this awkward girl twitching around trying to be cute/edgy and think it's hot. the embarrassment is physically painful.
No. 36473
>>36188this is on brand for grimes tbh
>>36462>>36465didnt she only start doing this after the hit or miss meme? before that she was full on unironic ewhoring with ddlg shit
No. 36490
File: 1550552828909.png (13.85 KB, 430x332, Untitled.png)

>>36465i don't think you understand, belle. you're not "just a meme". you wish you were a meme. you're just a sad, lonely person trying to find something you're lacking by attenion whoring on the internet.
people aren't laughing with you, they're laughing at you.
No. 36615
File: 1550607970413.png (435.26 KB, 1440x2429, Screenshot_20190219-152214~2.p…)

>>36543>>36545This long ass ig caption describing herself on a personal level was posted right around the time the comment here
>>30533 was made. I wondered if anyone else noticed this.
No. 36914
File: 1550725931069.png (380.46 KB, 1242x2208, C1154BE3-FE47-476E-91AA-03E661…)

>>36900Copyright supposedly
No. 36997
File: 1550772763981.png (535.7 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20190221-180705~2.p…)

It triggers me how bad she is at both dancing and lip syncing. It's like the only kind of video she makes and she sucks
Also Rapunzel seems like an odd choice when your audience is made up of incels
No. 37041
>>36997Ngl, I thought she was pretty cute at first, but she's so vapid and cringy. She didn't even iron that shitty thing.
Who am I kidding, these neckbeards will pay for anything.
No. 37063
>>36997She really looks like a dude here. She moves like a boy. Are we sure she's really a she?
Might explain why she only does certain poses in her lewds (see above in thread)
>>31355and the weird shoops of the thigh area, also above
>>31141 No. 37067
>>36997Yeahh.. the lipsyncing was off to me too, i think it's because of her top lip.
>>37063She's a woman, she just photoshops a lot.
No. 37267
File: 1550918620515.png (1.3 MB, 916x1298, Screenshot_20190223-103616~2.p…)

What's happening to her face
No. 38039
File: 1551308504511.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1861, 065149AC-C6EC-4AC8-8C90-B0383F…)

this actually makes me sick
No. 38167
File: 1551370785061.jpg (636.3 KB, 1448x1920, 19-02-28-09-47-15-032_deco.jpg)

>>38137It is, haha. This is from the GB tos page so directly applicable to belle
No. 38176
File: 1551378373318.jpeg (516.39 KB, 750x1177, 0EA6DD30-010A-4EE1-83BE-FDCE7E…)

This might be a really dumb question but, why do you guys think Belle never responds to the other e-famous girls who comment on her posts?
I’m lowkey worried that myahalannah’s going to get sick of being ignored and literally go skin belle at this point
No. 38213
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>>38176She responds to moo at least
No. 38218
File: 1551396632726.png (1.09 MB, 1080x901, Screenshot_20190228-232619~2.p…)

Samefag but I just saw this on Reddit and it really shows how much her editing has progressed. She looks like a different person (also eye is wiggly as fuck in the top right how do people think this is her real face)
No. 38250
File: 1551416301372.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.78 KB, 375x500, 20190226_220648.thumb.jpg.cb3f…)

No. 38264
>>38250i wonder what life's gonna be like for her when this fifteen minutes of fame inevitably dries up and she has to resort to getting a real job. one quick google search and any employer will see how much of a freak she is and turn her down post haste.
hope she has fun never getting above a dead-end fast food/retail job, top kek
No. 38302
File: 1551470441273.jpg (178.14 KB, 720x559, 20190301_130023.jpg)

ive literally never posted here before so forgive me if I format this incorrectly.
Pewdiepie mentions Belle Delphine quite briefly in his newest video, starting around 10:20 in the video
No. 38353
>>38302Fucking Felix helping her by making another video with her in it
I bet Belle's ego got bigger since
sempai paid attention to her :|
(:|) No. 38492
File: 1551616335046.png (1.31 MB, 1156x952, jjg haywards12.png)

She and her boyfriend always look so dirty irl. She's absolute scum for dressing like a literal child as a 20 year old. It's not cute or funny Belle it's paedophilic and disturbing. How about selling your photos without supporting the sexual exploitation of children? But no, that's where the money is for you. Pedo money. There's something very wrong with you. What I find the most chilling is that some of these men that are her patreons have photos of themselves with their kids in their user pic and they're viewing this kind of content.
No. 38583
File: 1551667688358.png (233.24 KB, 478x401, Russell's Sign.png)

>>37267Am I going mad or are there bulimia-induced 'Russell's Sign' marks on her left hand here? Could explain the constant mouth sores too.
No. 38590
File: 1551670296535.jpeg (33.55 KB, 204x288, 8B2906FD-B72F-42E5-BBE2-067A20…)

>>38583I didn’t notice it before you pointed it out. How would she get these kind of marks unless she was like, regularly punching hard objects or puking? I wonder if there are more shots of her hands looking this way. Her knuckles don’t look quite the same as the scarring in the picture you posted but one answer seems more probable than the other
>>38588What do you see when you look at this, normal hands? This photo is edited and lightened and you can still see these dark purple spotches on her knuckles
No. 38620
>>38583honestly it all makes sense now, I always thought it was weird that a girl that cares so much about her looks didn't have her nails done but this is probably why lmao
I've also seen other pics from her leaks where she's looked like she's got mad and punched something
also while I'm at it, why does this girls face shape change so much? she's a good looking girl and I don't think the editing she's done has actually made her more attractive but then again maybe I just understand the market of pedo pandering
No. 38640
File: 1551712672476.jpg (115.35 KB, 1080x1080, Delphine.jpg)

>>38590She has them here too, on the knuckles her first two fingers. It's difficult to tell, the hand they're on seems to be her non-dominant one as she is normally posing with her right hand visible. You can purge with either hand, though.
No. 38642
>>38590I used to get little nicks on my hand when sloppily shaving them (along with the rest of my body hair)
Yall are starting to sound like pull
No. 38659
File: 1551723458761.jpeg (145.92 KB, 1536x1040, B195F7AF-E9F1-4881-88D5-B67ADB…)

>>38642Sike naw that’s retarded
>you sound like pullEt toi aussi, anon.
Anyways,Looking at her hands zoomed in on her pics has made me fusterated that she has a nice, expensive, higher definition camera but somehow all her pics are this shitty grainy blurred quality that look like they were taken with a fuckin iPhone. Is she lowering the quality of her pics in editing to try to cover her sh00ps up? She’s got to be intentionally doing it bc that camera does not take those shit quality-tier pics. I use to have the same one and even with no flash it’s still pretty high def.
No. 38776
>>38659She probably doesn't know how to shoop well, let's be real. My guess is that she uses beauty apps for
everything, and their output is very very compressed. But yes, it also helps to hide evidence of sloppy liquify.
No. 38897
>>38843You literally just answered that yourself.
From his profile
No. 39086
>>38734That’s a stretch. Some people don’t like the feeling of long nails or their jobs make it impossible to keep done nails nice.
But the marks on her two first fingers are odd.
No. 39093
>>39086Doesn't seem like she does any work that would make done nails a hindrance.
I don't doubt she has ED behaviors, an anon before mentioned she and her manager probably do it to keep enticing pedos for Patreon.
No. 39130
>>38957>>39038I wouldn't be surprised if the profile screenshot was taken by Belle or her boyfriend. As much as I hate "Hi (cow)!" posts, I do think that she and her bf post in this thread or bare minimum, read it religiously.
>>39120Learn2sage and proof?
No. 39132
File: 1552007569137.jpg (29.1 KB, 500x303, ......jpg)

>>39130Definitely, the anon who identified and posted the Facebook pages of her old middle school friends up here was really obviously Belle herself. I hope she takes some of the advice though, like making more youtube video which humanise her a bit more.
No. 39181
File: 1552050363964.jpg (283.96 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_20190308-070522_Sam…)

>>39136Except she will. Because UK.
No. 39292
>>39130Oh she definitely lurks, belle is completely self obsessed and pops up in the comments every time she's mentioned on YouTube. I'm also not a hi cow fan but (tinfoil) I feel like
>>39120 is definitely her. This info has come out of nowhere and no one would have any reason to know it so it really feels like her attempt to squash rumours
No. 39342
File: 1552172551310.jpeg (289.26 KB, 1242x1009, 7373B51C-21B6-4105-AE39-00EE49…)

ofc she likes june kek
No. 39400
>>38218Why do these chicks keep editing themselves into Voldermort?
How is having featureless chalk white skin and no nose at all desirable?
No. 39613
>>39399>and i kind of liked her as wellyikes
Imo, she just likes being controversial because she knows incel's tiny brains eat it up, like
>>39406 says. The fact that you "kind of liked her" says a lot about you.
No. 39681
File: 1552393725997.jpg (273.99 KB, 500x500, inCollage_20190311_194439933.t…)

Anyone know what's up with this? Screenshot ala pull
No. 40630
File: 1553109207657.png (72.77 KB, 1034x514, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 19.0…)

I used to be friends with Belle and her story about dropping out at 14 and housesharing at 15 isn't true - as well as being extremely illegal in the country we live in - the UK.
>>33111 No. 40903
>>38250She's just trying to be controversial on purpose at this point. Never in my life on the internet have i seen a thot that deep into thottery this is a record.
Maybe she'll kill herself once her fame dies and she can't get a real job? That would be for the best. Unless one of her brainlet incel fan kill her first out of frustration.
No. 40905
>>39342>likes wig0nhead>also sucks mariah's clitofc she does. Birds of a feather.
sh0e must be fuming though,Belle is everything she wishes to be minus the extreme thottery
No. 41471
>>41433Her latest Instagram video clip is literally softcore porn…there's no joke or twist, just her giving head to a banana for a minute straight. Half the comments (of 30,000) are saying they're disgusted.
Someone at Instagram HQ must be a fan since people have had their accounts deleted for much less
No. 41485
File: 1553550857463.jpg (509.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190325-215254_Ins…)

>>41471the only thing even cringier than that vid is grimes trying to fit in with the k0ol hip kids
No. 41486
File: 1553552152131.jpeg (108.87 KB, 750x937, F09E0836-E19B-48BF-886A-7F3EE8…)

Watching her rub her teeth ‘erotically’ over a syringe made me want to die inside. Guess this is her upping her game without showing her bobs of vageen… By giving oral to inanimate phallic objects?
No. 41494
File: 1553554560992.jpeg (148.72 KB, 750x828, C71E571C-CE96-4086-BCD3-1285FA…)

>>41471I reported the video and instagram rejected the report in literally 2 minutes.
(Cowtipping) No. 41518
>>41508>>41512IG most likely outsources their content moderation work like FB, since they’re owned by FB. That would explain why content moderation is so shitty since most contractors are paid by the number of posts moderated, not by the quality of their moderation.
That being said, IG probably didn’t remove it because their definition of porn is hardcore porn. Softcore is acceptable on IG, which is how thots like Belle get away with shit like this. IG moderation guidelines are fucked up.
No. 41548
>>41471Her new weird howtobasic-esque video shtick seemed familiar to me, finally I remember who I'm sure she's imitating.
I'm pretty sure she's replicating Showry, the Korean woman who did all those weird videos with food a couple of years ago and went viral. She even makes the same facial expressions sometimes.
No. 41622
File: 1553654691422.png (152.07 KB, 231x525, bellephine.PNG)

When I first saw her most recent post, I had only seen the thumbnail of the post, so I thought she was getting high off of expo marker but then I realized she was like poking her lip with a syringe lol
No. 45607
Man I feel like belle is old news now I'm no longer seeing her tongue everywhere
>>44652I mean, that does feel fairly significant and tbh I'd say definitely grounds for a refund lol. Esp since she's always trying to bait gamers with her chair and dva cosplay and shit? Like surely that's a good move for her
It seems ten second videos is the standard for her highest patreon tier
>>45605>>45069No one cares Harrison
No. 45630
>>45607Yep she’s old and busted already like most of these flavor of the week girls. The problem is that now, she’s not ever going to be able to just get away from this embarrassing persona she created. Now that she realizes she won’t be able to live on Patreon donations, she’ll probably want to distance herself from this time in her life when she starts looking for a real job. But she won’t be able to. And she’s going to have obsessed stalkers for the rest of her life who won’t be able to let it go, and might even purposely sabotage her attempts to start over since they’re a bunch of entitled nerd dudes who were denied nudes.
I almost feel bad for her. It’s gonna be downhill from here.
No. 50141
File: 1558652073057.jpeg (207.09 KB, 750x974, 63C2BDC7-5263-4DAE-885E-D3FDA0…)

What a cop out.
No. 50897
File: 1558898113391.jpg (127.34 KB, 837x1280, IMG_20190526_211337_999.jpg)

what the fuck guys.
No. 51012
>>50141“For ME lol I doesn’t mean children”
Uhhh that’s not how language works. You don’t get to make your own definition.
You can’t be like “you’re a dirty n
word” “ohh no! You misunderstood! To ME “dirty nword means precious little angel”
No. 53487
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I want to feed this bitch through a wood chipper feet first.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 53793
File: 1560720336893.jpg (263.74 KB, 1079x954, Screenshot_20190616-172507_Ins…)

That didn't take long.
No. 53795
>>53793>tag your dadImagine looking the way she does and talking about old men jerking off to her lol
It's funnier because literally every guy I've ever come across online does not understand how or why anyone finds her attractive
No. 53814
>>53795>literally every guy I've ever come across onlinethen you called her an ugly cunt and they all clapped, right? I do admit that it's a funny image - meet any male online in any circumstances, rush to ask them how they feel about Belle. jfc
Surprised she folded this quick, I thought she would hold out a few years before giving up and going into porn.
No. 53816
File: 1560774054989.jpg (42.85 KB, 640x627, drzjf29jgtz11.jpg)

>>53814I feel like she's not actually going to do porn (yet), she just did this for attention and to get people talking about her and following her. She's dangling a carrot on a stick for her idiot orbiters. My bets are on this being an attempt at her trolling, like making an account but not actually uploading anything or putting up troll videos that aren't real porn
No. 53822
>>53816depends, I thought about it and she can make TONS of cash on riding dicks on pornhub,
can't wait to see how it will go
No. 53826
>>53816Yeah this, she'd gonna post video's of her sticking her tongue out but in a fun new location
Kinda stunned that this girl is still relevant tho (or maybe she isn't and that's why she's PornHub baiting)
No. 53830
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>>53811funny jokes
anyway, this is a sign of her downfall. begging for popularity because she's losing it by offering pOrN lol. no one wants to jerk off to this no-titty retardface except for 13 year olds who play fortnite.
No. 53831
File: 1560787906423.png (17.99 KB, 525x512, unknown.PNG)

>>53828>>53826She's still making at LEAST $4000 a month on Patreon, almost certainly more, she's definitely not doing badly enough she has got to do porn to survive.
In fact, her Patreon numbers are fairly stable and have trended upwards over time. She has been the number one earning thot in "Adult Photography" for 8 straight months.
No. 53858
>>53848>at LEAST $4000>almost certainly moreNice reading comprehension.
Her Patreon earnings are hidden, so we can't know. The minimum it could be is around $4k. Even if she was making the minimum estimation per month she still wouldn't need to do porn.
That was the point.
No. 53864
>Even if she was making the minimum estimation per month she still wouldn't need to do porn.This. It's def baiting for attention because her old stick got old so needs new ways to get her cucks to pay more attention and money again. Her pornhub post got 1.5 million likes, so there many, many hungry dogs now that expect everything. I don't know how they would react if she would pull a Moo and don't deliver what she promised because hardcore porn from her was their goal from the beginning.
I feel as soon as she dips her toes into full porn, she will be swallowed by the whole industry because even Pornhub is already rubbing their hands for her possible content. She will go full Hidori Rose in no time or even further. It's just the question for how long until she crashes and burns. No amount of money is worth to whore yourself out in that way, but whatever floats her boat I guess.
No. 54034
File: 1560895398993.jpg (Spoiler Image,299.61 KB, 1080x1670, Snapchat-690177421.jpg)

I dont think she was fucking around
No. 54041
>>54039You're right, for sure. I just really didn't think she would pull out the PornHub card so quick.
>>54040True, I guess she's not new to baiting people. That's just a pretty big promise, along with that dildo she's parading right next to her mouth. Whether she does or doesn't go through with it, I hope she knows what sort of shit she'll be getting herself into.
No. 54061
File: 1560903734828.jpeg (72.89 KB, 774x960, DE7FE24A-09CC-463C-838E-BBD0D4…)

Saw this from back in March and I’m surprised no one posted this here. I read through the thread entirely. Apparently she cosplayed Dolores Haze AGAIN even after denying she was pedo baiting and trying to look younger. Grosssss
No. 54069
>>54061Who cares holy shit. She’s not the first nor the last bitch pedo baiting on the internet. The Dolores Haze aesthetic literally has a whole community of weirdos cosplaying her while denying romanticizing Lolita all the time.
I had hoped for Belle milk in the beginning of this thread but now it’s clear that every time it gets bumped it’s just some bitter costhot camwhore nitpicking her boring ass selfies and meme captions.
No. 54092
File: 1560912097025.jpeg (83.59 KB, 500x500, DAEEA293-68A0-48E7-BCBF-0E2749…)

>>54081>having standard is wk Lmao aight, a fucking selfie from March still isn’t milk. Look at Pumpy for example, who was a pedo bait and an actual cow.
>>54082Are you..joking? 50% of nymphet culture is cosplaying this and other loli characters and the other 50% is pretending to like old men. Y’all may have a better time on PULL.
No. 54097
>>53831Imagine thinking that 8 months of stats is worth getting into a business there's literally no way out of lmfao. The nature of sexual desire is that it's bottomless, which is how choking and piss are now closer to vanilla than extreme fetishes. And for a demographic that's into the boundless world of
hentai? Guys who jerk off to loli, stomach bulge, furry, ahegao, and nipplefucking? She has 3 years max. Gamer girls fingering themselves with PS3 controlers and cosplay costumes are practically appetizers. If they're into loli you can be sure they're
years into getting off on porn and constantly jerking off to worse things. So then what? At least pornstars get to move onto milf and mature categories, but her demographic's ideal pornstar is a
God I remember when Youtube recommended me her bedroom tour video and I thought she was cute, and the comments were shocked she was just posing like a typical thot. It's insane how quickly she's moved onto Pornhub.
No. 54134
>>53831When I said she was PornHub baiting cus she's not relevant I didn't mean to imply she's not doing well, just that people aren't talking about her any more and she misses the attention
And eh… I still don't think she's gonna be making actual porn. Homegirl hasn't even posted nudes yet so it'll probably just be more videos of unfortunate blowjobs but this time on a dildo rather than a banana
No. 54145
>>54134If she doesn't go any further into porn then after her neckbeard patrons dry up she could use her novelty "online success" to sneak into an edgy social media/pr company or talent agency etc and find build herself a longterm niche. She would be earn less and actually have to work, but it could be sustainable.
If she goes into porn very few places will want her on payroll after she stops, she will have to do everything independently until she can't anymore, and then will need to start from the bottom of an unrelated industry with a big gap on her resume. I don't even like her but I hope she knows what she's doing, I'm sick of women being seen as dumb thots.
No. 54182
>>54134>I still don't think she's gonna be making actual pornNo IG thot does when they start selling nudes on Patreon. Now they're all irl escorts. We've literally seen all of them escalate into depraved shit to keep up demand. It's a constant uphill battle which is the nature of porn. No girl doing hardcore degrading gangbang scenes signed up for that when they sucked dick on a casting couch. But it just happens.
The misogynistic nature of Belle's fanbase will have them hypercritical of her content as a way to pressure her into doing depraved shit faster. It literally took them less than a year to pressure her into porn. She's so insecure lol. At this point the control they have over her is part of her appeal. She thinks she's got them worshipping her when she's literally a nonhuman character to her that they control, much like the cartoon characters they fantasize about raping until they become sluts doing ahegao. Belle is their dream come true.
What an accomplishment lol.
No. 54206
>>54172Who's moralfagging? Porn just sucks you dry, and that's what it'll do to Belle, too. It's the shittiest, most retarded decision any woman can make. There are no "morals" about it any more than there are "morals" about shooting yourself in the foot or thinking you can be cured of cancer if you take bleach enemas.
It's just stupid, and since Belle herself isn't exactly galaxy-brained, I can see her fucking herself over (both literally and figuratively) for the temporary gain.
No. 54209
>>54182>Now they're all irl escorts. That reminds me of that tagthesponsor site. I wonder if she'll go down that path, but with white neckbeards in the US and UK in their mom's houses instead of wealthy Arab men on yachts.
>At this point the control they have over her is part of her appeal. She thinks she's got them worshipping her when she's literally a nonhuman character to her that they control, much like the cartoon characters they fantasize about raping until they become sluts doing ahegao. Belle is their dream come true.I never thought of things this way. This is actually kind of fucked up, like a psychological horror film, lmao.
She really thinks she's in control, and maybe they think so too, but it's the other way around. She's not hard enough to shut down incels demanding more and more from her.
No. 54299
>>54296This is so cringy, but at least she wasn't retarded enough to actually do what her fanbase demanded.
That one tradthot camgirl who tried to skinwalk as her and scolded bigger YTers for advertising and paying her must be seething right now.
No. 54306
>>54297Seriously, the like to dislike ratio on the videos is crazy. It was such obvious bait, you can't even be mad at it.
>>54299I'm glad too. At least she's smart enough to prolong at least some of the imagination. I would've actually felt bad for her if she stooped that low.
No. 54364
File: 1561084441966.png (560.46 KB, 1421x1049, Screenshot_20190621-030654~2.p…)

>>54342Same, the comments are mostly memes but the impotent rage shows through in some. Most of her fans are probably pewdiepie fans that claim to love le epic trolls but they can't hide how they see her as a piece of meat they own a timeshare in
Whilst she did pose with a dildo, rubbed dog food on her breasts and only pranked the most gullible orbiters, it's still entertaining and kind of nice to see her not cave in to the pressure yet. She would have known that people are searching her name on porn hub and watching videos of other girls using her as a tag anyway so this is a good way for her to catch some of that income.
>inb4 this is just her way to generate buzz before she starts doing porn for her patreons No. 54370
File: 1561085178075.jpg (93.33 KB, 800x786, ryancreamer.jpg)

>>54296So she basically saw the success of Ryan Creamer and decided to do the same, but shitpost at the same time?
Ngl, I'm enjoying how
triggered her thirsty incel fanbase is rn. It's insane how entitled they seem to think they are to actual porn of her.
No. 54373
>>54370It's hilarious, they act like epic troll memers, yet are so fucking butthurt about being trolled. Though it is worrying seeing so many of them say "let's all unfollow her until she gets desperate and caves in" because I feel like Belle actually would get desperate enough to do that. Hopefully this may serve as a wake up call to her that these men are fucking scum that you shouldn't cater to.
>one female commenter on her IG said something like "you're a genius, Belle, get that money sis">gets "go back to the kitchen bitch" responses in returnJust scum.
No. 54375
File: 1561086365763.jpg (79.75 KB, 953x525, d859a8db-a0e9-4cf8-9ad3-83b46a…)

>>54313>>54337>>54342y'all are children and virgins with 0 irl interactions with men if you think "trolling" misogynistic sadists with the promise of pussy is just ~toying with male entitlement~ and not… like… literally putting your life at risk. men kill girls for turning down dates. they rape them for not putting out. and these are men who don't live in their basements jerking off to cartoon child rape. i don't think belle realizes these "cucks" literally do not see her as a human being with feelings, that porn desensitized them, and that she should take their anger very seriously.
obviously no one is going to unfollow and their meat is still firmly in their hands, but they're angry… while jerking off. do y'all understand the danger of that lol. part of jerking off is finding weird, shameful, violent things appealing in the heights of passion because you literally lose your moral compass. if she's inciting anger in a group of men who are ready to get off they're going to overreact and 100% already are. just read those fucking comments.
as much as belle likes to delude herself, these men are not masochists. they're not guys with cuckold fetishes. they're "nice guys" at best, and straight up sociopathic incels at worst, both raging sadists like all guys into hentai. men just… aren't into hentai unless they're sadists or pedophiles. and for her demographic of "super pathetic" guys the ultimate fantasy is to take a slut who humiliates them and teaching her a lesson by raping her and turning her into their sex slaves begging for dick.
No. 54378
>>54375and to add to my post
>the ultimate fantasy is to take a slut who humiliates them and teaching her a lesson by raping her and turning her into their sex slaves begging for dick.this is what they're already admitting lmao. the top voted comments aren't reflective of the overall tone because they're top voted by her female fans. no one is laughing or pleased. the actual majority of the comments are all intent on unfollowing her until she's forced to post porn for them.
No. 54396
>>54196Not gonna be able to just retire. You don’t have a fanbase of 1mil+ psycho desperate nerdboys entrenched in 4chan degeneracy and just disappear. This will follow her into IRL. Anonymous is fucking scary. They will find her and continue to keep tabs on her if she tries to fade away.
It’s too late for her. She’s never going to just be a normal person after this. She can’t just take the money and run. She’s made a lot of choices she’s going to regret heavily when she gets older.
No. 54403
>>54401The "Belle's got it made she's just gonna costhot and save up the money to retire" is 100% wannabe costhots trying to legitimize their own fantasies. Much like the "I'm going to escape to magical Nipponland and work at a cafe just taking kawaii pictures and marrying a VISA husband for real life animu<3" fantasy. Reminds me of the autist asexual Tumblr retards running farmcore blogs writing about how they just wanna live in a cottage and bake bread. How the fuck are you gonna run that oven bitch? With what gas? What electricity? Where are you gonna buy yeast for that bread living in the woods?
We get it! We all have escapist fantasies! But pandering to neckbeards as an alternative to going to college and getting a real job is will never sustainable no matter how many graphs you pull up of her stats lmfao.
No. 54406
>>54404>I posted in this thread defending Belle and I don't even like animewhew why try this sis you're defending the fantasy she represents and asserting the fact she's rich solidifies that. even if she were a millionaire like you're deluding yourself into believing, no one who makes a living off a demographic of sexually frustrated sadists who only see you as fuckmeat(and who's first course of action upon not being shown her pussy is to destroy her entire career - so she can show her pussy) is safe. money isn't going to solve that. rich ass celebrities don't move to gated communities and hire security guards if money kept them safe from stalkers. belle's already been stalked and harassed just months into her "career" and admitted the police did a shit job at helping her. average women who don't make it their profession to make men sexually frustrated are stalked, harassed, assaulted, and killed every day.
if people have contradicting opinions it's because
gasp many people are posting in this thread. no shit no one is agreeing on any solid opinion. this isn't some a-ha galaxy moment.
belle is putting her life at risk if she makes a habit of baiting and rejecting her fans. period.
No. 54408
>>54395>gross dudes who pay for this shitOne of the funniest things about this is judging by a lot of the comments, some of the biggest crybabies aren't even the ones paying for her snap or patreon. They just expected her to be indebted to them and put it out for free because they click like on her content
>>54401>applauding her for messing with these guys as if it has no consequences I dunno fam it seems like most anons are aware that Belle is just an egirl playing with fire but that doesn't mean we can't laugh at the outrage she caused or even support her pornhub antics. Farmers aren't solely just haters or stans.
No. 54438
>>54436I don’t really understand your reasoning… it doesn’t matter if she’s a shut in lol, have you ever read cases on stalking? Stalkers are really fucked up in the head and will do psychotic things to people who didn’t even do anything to them. She’s already pissed off a shit ton of incel neckbeards and we’ve already seen how fucked up incels are. Tbh that’s all on her, as a previous anon said she thinks she’s in control when she’s absolutely not.
>>54429You seem to forget about celebrities who have had their houses broken into despite having security, and sage your posts next time
No. 54516
File: 1561161053887.jpg (115.31 KB, 1034x1200, 1241153851714.jpg)

>>54364Was on /pol/ yesterday for a laugh, saw a bunch of threads about different topics but all with her as OP pic and wondered wtf did I miss. After learning about this now it all makes sense-clearly some anons were
triggered by her saying shes already "hit the wall like all white girls do" posting shit like pic related the salt was glorious I hope it continues.
No. 54538
>>54426wow, they might … spam her parent's mailbox? The girl is in real danger!
Why is there so much pearl clutching and church of radfem sperging here? She's just another thot farming betabux, it's not that deep.
No. 54539
>>54516belle has never been cute, just heavily makeup'd and filtered.
>>54538we're concerned about you, belle, but keep being delusional
No. 54550
File: 1561209586563.png (9.22 KB, 387x114, wh.PNG)

Hopefully this was a reality check for her and for other wannabes, incels went from worshiping how she is so edgy to hating how she 'disappointed' them.
She brought it on to herself though, everyone knew that appealing to nerdos isn't rewarding and very dangerous.
Pic related is one of my favourite comments she got on her last post.
No. 54552
>>54550They are going crazy in the comment section, my personal fave was the one who said:"With all the money you earned, you have to share it with us now!"
Jesus christ, I really wonder how she will continue from this point because I feel it's a dead end for her, either deliver the porn or idk live with the anger of the cucks?
No. 54553
>>54552There is always a 13 year old boy discovering that hentai is a thing somewhere in the world so she might post some more posts and pretend like nothing has happened and eventually she can replace all her followers with new fresh horn dogs.
She might also consider wanting to appeal to weeb females? like do make-up and outfits and shit since females just want to be friends and not feel like they own you? females are much better on every level in general
No. 54555
>>54552Well that's the problem of taking money from men, no matter what they say they still expect women to be in debt to them. Showing our bodies is just part of the entitlements that they expect for giving us some monetary pittance.
Everyone except for extremely naive, young, or mentally challenged women know about this unspoken rule. Don't accept "gifts" and "free" money from men; or else you will be expected to perform like a good object.
I don't feel empathy for her situation, this is what was coming.
No. 54559
>>54556No they dont. They are dumbasses giving money to a randomer on the internet who said she would let them see her butthole. They're being scammed by a teenager and it's their own damn fault, they can rage all they want.
If I was sent an email by a Nigerian prince telling me I would get ten million dollars if I send a thousand for the transfer fees, I still wouldn't own a million dollars.
No. 54560
>>54553Pretty sure weeb girls are already repulsed by belle and her nasty tryhard handmaiden thing she has going on where she tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator of men because, she’s a cool girl! She’s not like those other girls! She’s edgy and ironic!!
She’s gonna get harassed irl lol.
No. 54564
>>54563Yo seriously. It’s so fucking weird how this thread seems to genuinely WANT bad shit to happen to a woman simply because she’s an annoying loli bait e thot. And they justify it by saying “she brought it upon her lol” like literal
victim blaming.
Also pretty sure most of her fan base are thots and underage pewdiepie fans. Psychos most likely would pray on a less conspicuous figure to stalk/rape.
No. 54565
>>54564I don't want her to be hurt but no, she's not a
victim in this as it stands. She knows what she's doing, she's known who she panders to. She's sold nudes of other girls. I don't feel sorry for her. Again I don't think she should be murdered or raped or any shit like that but I'm not going to feel sorry for a spoiled brat who decided to go down this route because they're a massive attention whore who actively panders to pedophiles.
No. 54567
>>54564It's almost like there's some sort of anticipation and fervor for all this to backfire on her, for her to be "punished" for her harlotic tomfoolery, lmao.
To be fair, this easily
could result in some incel trying to take revenge, but all things considered, it seems unlikely. More likely, some of them will probably just mass unlike or unsubscribe (only to come crawling back in under a week, because retarded men have no willpower). I'd be more concerned if she had gone out of her way to give
one guy special attention, just to block him after sucking him dry of a large amount of money. Then she'd definitely be in danger.
If I'm proven wrong on this, feel free to call me (and other naysayers) idiot bitches.
No. 54575
File: 1561224498020.jpeg (117.83 KB, 503x500, 23CA8FB2-E5BF-4267-B765-314F58…)

Didn't see this perspective touched upon before. Seems like some people are mad at her for this because to them, it's "disrespecting sex workers".
No. 54589
>>54575Sex workers are so empowered that they get
triggered that someone can make money without showing her pussy lmao
No. 54616
>>54403If bitches like moomoo are still bringing in the cuckbucks, belle will be fine. She has a good couple years until she stops looking young enough for the pedofucks that like her, and they will keep paying her because they think she’ll get naked.
If she plays her cards right she’s actually in a way better position than most of us posting here. But it all depends on if she’s more financially literate than the rest of these costhots and camhoes. She’s making way more than a lot of them.
No. 54653
File: 1561254873732.jpg (78.65 KB, 540x610, oh i am laffin.jpg)

fucking kek
No. 54663
>>54616>belle will be fine.>She has a good couple years You realize… human beings live up to 90 years? You think 3 years of costhoting on Instagram is enough for her to retire comfortably until she fucking dies lmao?
>If she plays her cards rightWhat weeb has ever. Literally what camgirl, aidoru, Jvlogger, model, Youtuber has ever amounted to anything despite having potential? Belle is a teenager scamming an entitled fanbase of men who fantasize about raping her, binding her future to sex work at 21 and putting her safety at risk, and you expect her to be smart enough to manage her finances? She couldn't even set up a PO box without whining about how the whole thing was a disaster.
No. 54733
>>54663If she's not completely brain dead and saves/invests/starts her own legit business with her thot money… yes
But she has a lolcowchan thread for a reason, so she'll probably fuck it all up.
> Literally what camgirl, aidoru, Jvlogger, model, Youtuber has ever amounted to anything despite having potential?come on now. Jnig and Yaya Hon are still fine, there are youtubers making the leap from internet to real life, and plenty of models are making big moves and money.
Belle's biggest obstacle is her own stupidity.
No. 54765
>>54733you named two people. who, like other people mentioned, have some level of professionalism related to costume design and prop makers. not only are they far from millionaires, but jessica has fallen WAY off the level of relevancy she used to be at. she was the first and only costhot back then. now shes seen as too vanilla and old. just proves again that the shelf life is short. especially for someone selling herself as a child.
belle is of the likes of venus angelic, kotakoti, and beckii cruel.
>If she's not completely brain dead and saves/invests/starts her own legit businessif she were into doing any of this she would have an actual job lmao.
No. 54778
>>54772cardi b was a stripper/escort who made music FOR stripjoints about stripping and escorting for her demographic of men who like strippers, sex, and trap music. and she isnt the only female rapper out there doing that. she just got signed by a major record label. brands work with her because she has a agent appointed by a record label, the ones that actually have connections to the brands sponsoring cardi. they would have never worked with her otherwise.
anyway can you believe you just compared cardi b to belle delphine
No. 54779
>>54772She's not even a sex worker? She's just catering to 4chan incels and memes, she never even posts nudes. Did you not see the
triggered cam girls who don't even see her as such? Are you even talking about the same person? I can't even see her putting effort into porn.
No. 54829
>>54567Doesn't her whole deal kind of require HER to stay the same age?
Her target audience is disgusting incels who want to rape children.
She's pretending to be a child…and she's aging out of her gig rapidly. She's got another 6-18 months tops.
Girl needs to take her money she got from these losers and invest that cash!
No. 54949
File: 1561493580695.jpg (49.41 KB, 720x720, 1557555317386.jpg)

has this been posted yet?
No. 55622
>>54375i don't want to blogpost, but i will just say that i agree -
the depths that 4channer incel sociopath-types will go to project their virgin rage is unmatched to anything i've ever fucking experienced before
No. 55740
>>55526I actually agree with this tinfoil.
Ethan Klein talked at length about Belle on his podcast today… He really wanted her to come on.
No. 55856
File: 1562084301191.jpg (258.2 KB, 663x1186, Screenshot_20190702-180639_Ins…)

Does anyone believe this?
No. 55868
>>55855how is selling bath water gonna get her killed lol
anyway there's no way she's selling her actually bath water, right? that would smell horrible and rile up her followers, it's probably perfumed tap water or some shit
No. 55966
>>55954Just because she's a baiting incels doesn't mean she deserves to be raped.
Don't blame shitty men's actions on her. We don't like her either but that's fucked.
No. 55984
File: 1562196158775.jpeg (275.28 KB, 750x1120, 7441B314-7A84-489A-9550-FDDBB4…)

>>55849$50 for an A2 glossy print, this is a whole new level of scamming.
No. 55995
File: 1562202326881.jpeg (272.27 KB, 750x956, 81BD8C92-1568-4693-9C85-E310E7…)

>>55993speaking of the bath water is already out of stock.
No. 56040
File: 1562228326041.jpeg (209.24 KB, 934x1267, D35FA8C4-9684-4A0A-9911-002298…)

LMAO. Disgusting. These are the men that are actually buying this I hope it's tap water.
No. 56073
File: 1562258824099.png (53.11 KB, 626x144, 554564354.png)

Why is this being reported in a nationwide newspaper ffs.
No. 56082
File: 1562269128295.png (Spoiler Image,747.88 KB, 920x628, belle.PNG)

She does have an outie vagina. You can see it on her latest photo on her ig.
No. 56117
File: 1562292331044.jpg (30.03 KB, 540x286, 6cb64d13-f4e2-45a2-8c94-40aa41…)

>>56106And this came how many weeks after people were praising her for not "giving in" to her fanboys' desire for her to start showcasing actual porn?
No. 56120
>>56117My thoughts exactly. I was one of the people thinking "Good on her" back then.
What happened?
No. 56129
>>56106Oh no
I feel like this is her boyfriend trying to monetize their irl sex sessions, which is seedy af. Unfortunate that he has no concern for her well-being
No. 56140
File: 1562305941602.png (450.73 KB, 1080x1320, bddd.png)

Saw this come up on my feed. Is there an explanation for this? How many people have been trying to Google for her death to cause this, and why?
I heard someone died drinking her bath water, so did several people somehow end up assuming she died and run with that?
No. 56151
>>56117>>56109>>56106>>56105>>56104inb4 this is her slow descent into a miserable "porn" career, washed up and addicted to whatever by her mid 20s.
i'm surprised she's giving in, when before she was so smug about being able to troll people without showing anything (and even commenting on how business-wise it made more sense to save that trumpcard for the very end), i agree with other anons, this smells fishy.
No. 56155
File: 1562325539044.png (254.25 KB, 1440x1517, hmm.png)

>>56144This description is creepy
No. 56157
File: 1562325824091.png (1.72 MB, 1440x1826, Belle1.png)

>>56155She looks cute in the photos. I agree with the anon that said it looks like she just pretended to stick it in, the dodgy screenshot is actually shadow and black underwear and doesn't actually show anything. It's way too big to stick straight into an ass without lubrication, so it's definitely spoofed and not real. Just unfortunate that it does look convincing in the one screenshot.
No. 56161
File: 1562326703674.png (Spoiler Image,748.06 KB, 548x1120, bd.png)

>>56157I dunno, anon, this one looks a bit too convincing. It really seems like she did it.
No. 56183
>>56157>too big to slide in without lubeGlass dildos are very easy for anal. They go in pretty well without lube and it really looks like at least the tip is in/touching
I mostly feel bad that she's doing it at all since she seems to make enough already
No. 56189
>>56166no sex worker in history consicously plans on doing the work they end up doing. it's a business built on a house of cards where demand is always shifting and consumers demand more on the daily. it's all about manipulation, insecurity, and pressure. most if not all girls who end up doing porn have some kind of trauma and the men who end up managing them realize that. it's always a trusted figure coaxing them into shit. it could be belle's boyfriend wanting to make coin off her. but if belle truly has a management company it could be them pressuring her into doing actual explicit porn because they wanna make money off her. either way, it's a bad situation for her to be in.
probably because, you know, this is a horrible soul-consuming business for women and every former pornstar attests to that.
No. 56211
File: 1562370981031.jpeg (139.74 KB, 828x1472, 8CD831A7-FA19-437E-B562-E20B2E…)

>>56198What does she have to gain from pretending though if it looks and sounds real to most people? If she tries to pull the “lol it was fake I’m just trolling” card she’s still going to come out looking like she did porn. It’s a stupid thing to lie about
No. 56219
>>56203Escorts start off being sugarbabies because they need money. Most escorts are in denial and call themselves god-tier sugarbabies who are magically able to get a man to buy them a condo without sex. Peep them all over Youtube. Same as the girls who start off selling pictures of their feet then move on to lingerie pics, then dildos, then camshows, then escorting. Micky has already started off on that shit.
Doing porn is seen negatively. Most of these girls pride themselves on being successful without having to do that, until they aren't. Doing porn is too shameful so they opt out for escorting.
No. 56249
File: 1562420556207.jpeg (315.68 KB, 1125x1342, 56867E4C-50F8-48F8-B70D-F6040B…)

Saw this on my tl. I guess this is coming to light a little more? 7k retweets only though.
No. 56297
>>56287It's a fine line between admiration and envy when it comes to stanning girls on IG. Belle used to have appeal towards girls because she seemed like a weeb with nymphet aesthetics who trolled thirsty neckbeards to make easy money. But now it's obvious she's "turned" her back on her female demographic, and is just an actual sex worker pandering completely to pedophiles.
I can guarantee you the girls spreading that she sold nudes either knew for months and recently unstanned, or were just jealous fat girls who went purposefully looking for receipts to kill her popularity. I definitely don't see as many Belle bootlegs on the IG explore page. Seems she's fallen out of favor.
No. 56303
File: 1562471165327.jpg (1010.23 KB, 1749x1007, BIOHAZARD.jpg)

Her bathwater sold out apparently. If some people are that stupid I hope they go into fucking debt buying her bathwater "a fool and his money are soon parted." Surprised none of her idiot fans are buying her FIFTY DOLLAR posters. She's a random e-thot that'll be irrelevant this time next year.
What really crosses the line is that pedobait shit she does. She deserves to go down for that.
No. 56311
>>56303Those anime drawings just look like random pink haired girls and the composition of the poster is very graphic design is my passion.
>>56297She's definitely lost her appeal with the crowd that once thought of her as "XD le bestest troll". Even her troll Pornhub videos didn't appeal to them.
No. 56326
>>56314I’m not from the UK so I’m not familiar with their postal system but a quick google search says that liquids under 1 liter can be shipped both in the UK and internationally as long as it’s spill proof and in packaging that will prevent the liquid from leaking out.
She/whoever came up with this ploy is probably marking the containers on custom forms as plain water. The bath water isn’t body fluids anyways.
No. 56328
>>56326Yep I did the same search a few days ago and can confirm she will have no issues shipping these out.
I'm sure it's just water straight from the faucet.
No. 56353
>>56350He’s also such a q.t. Iirc the images were from her old Facebook.
Too bad he has bad taste in girls. He’s currently dating rusty.faukes or something like that (a belle Delphine copy cat).
No. 56355
File: 1562524751245.jpeg (447.02 KB, 750x976, 0AA3FF22-E9DC-4563-955C-DEA01D…)

No. 56389
>>56375>skin to skini have some bad news for you…
also, fuck off it's still gross. you can still also get maintenance medicine for it. no reason to let gross sores appear, it's trashy.
No. 56424
>>56355Hard to tell what it is. Of course it would be a surprise to no one if it was herpes.Based on pics on the internet it doesn't look like that's what it is, unless meds are masking the symptoms.
>>56389>no reason to let gross sores appear, it's trashy.Have you seen this girls content? I'm surprised she's not recording herself literally rolling around in STDs at this point. She'll have to keep upping her 'game' to stay even moderately relevant. Her entire internet persona is trash, which is unfortunate because I see creative potential with her that's going to waste by being a gross internet hoe to make money. She's been painted into a corner that she'll most likely never escape from unless she bows out soon.
No. 56439
>>56375People who say this shit already have herpes. Sucks for you but other people don't want either strain.
>>56437They don't like being called disgusting.
Could she get sued for possibly spreading herpes? or no?
No. 56440
>>56439A drs office would have to have it tested. Or your local county/parish health department.
I want to slight her, and she is trash, but if some incel is stupid enough to buy herpes infested water and drink it. I mean.. why not?
No. 56466
File: 1562619579659.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-07-08-15-59-19…)

It was just a matter of time until she saw the opportunity. This is getting out of control.
No. 56473
>>56466Well I saw that coming but still jfc this girl is absolutely destroying her rep. How does one sink so low to think selling piss is cute?
>>56469But anon she needs to show her band of neckbeards she's one of them by proving she only drinks mt dew and monster energy
No. 56482
>>56473I know you're joking and this is most likely fake but the b vitamins in most energy drinks turns your urine neon, it's gross
>>56466this looks like apple juice; she should honestly just do that, sell apple juice labeled as pee lmao
No. 56486
File: 1562631100728.jpeg (170.27 KB, 750x1334, B1EDF86D-041A-4CB7-AF18-4BFCB8…)

Guys, I don't know if it's fake. I hope it is..
No. 56536
>>56442She claims she's sown some of her own cosplay clothing so unless she's totally lying, she at least has some kind of skill she can build on.
It's hard to tell if the "marketing" decisions being made are those of a ditzy 20 year old girl or your typical bloodthirsty corporation specializing in the ruin of souls. In any case I can only see things going downhill from here unless she gets out.
No. 56537
>>56529>people like her only because shes popularIf tha makes sense.
You mean like the Kardashians? Of course famous for being famous is the order of the day in this painfully slow collapse of a civilization that deserves to disappear.
No. 56538
>>56535This anon
>>56379 mentioned Joshua Grey, I couldnt find anything relevant on him.
I looked for any evidence of the second bloke mentioned in the summary and couldn't find anything either.
>started selling lewds as soon as she turned 18, broke up with her whiteknight boyfriend at the same time - he's been sadposting since No. 56545
>>56542>QueenOk virgin
She's herpes personnified anon, and given how much of a slut she is it wouldn't be far fetched to say she might have it
No. 56554
>>56551So you're excusing your obsession on the fact that every loser on this pathetic excuse of a "site" is just as obsessed as you are? Damn, literally go outside you fucking freak
I'm not saging jack fucking shit, learn to suck my dick
File: 1562679159101.jpg (396.61 KB, 1439x2558, 20190709_143022.jpg)

>>56538This is all i can find on the Joshua guy. Hes now ressigned from her company. Someone before posted a picture of him with Belle, the picture was from his faceboook. But i cant find jack shit about him.
No. 56571
>>56560wow thought she was a genius though/s
i swear people use that word too loosely these days.
No. 56687
File: 1562760532929.png (3.61 MB, 2472x1750, lol.png)

no wonder she fuckin sold out
No. 56700
File: 1562766922006.jpg (55.99 KB, 1280x253,…)

Obviously fake, but I wouldn't put it past some of these angry virgins to try this shit.
No. 56704
>>56703uh she marketed it as used.
>>55995the real issue here is that these idiots think DNA is 100% present in bathwater.
No. 56705
>>56704>usedIt says "playing in it." What does that really mean? She ran her fingers under the tap? Splashed it a few times?
It doesn't mean she got naked, sat in it, and scrubbed herself with it. And then stowed old bathwater while she ran a few more tubs to fill up a couple other bottles.
No. 56710
>>56705>>56707i said she
marketed it like she used it. she clearly said it like that to make it seem like she bathed in it. the retards who bought it clearly thought she did, but she tried to make it seem like that too. it's not just them being stupid.
No. 56720
>>56040Fucking nasty, the neckbeard from here is the one vaping this shit
>>56687 can a person get any crustier than this jfc
No. 56738
>>56735Let me spoil it for anons so no one has to give this neckbeard views:
It wasn't really her bathwater. He just got some random jar, printed out the label on Belle's bathwater, and put it on said jar. He says "Anybody who thought this was real is retarded". Basically, he LARPed for attention and tried to ride off Belle's coattails.
There was also a segment in the video inspired by End of Evangelion, in which he sang "Komm Susser Todd". It's clear he put a lot of hard work and editing into something that was kind of lackluster and unfunny. I want the age of gross neckbeards becoming e-famous to die so badly, ffs.
No. 56788
>>56738I mean the vid got demonetized so there’s no harm to watching it so long as you’re not donating to his Patreon (eugh)
There’s a lot of similarity between this and belle actually. You can say “just kidding!” As much as you want, but it’s not going to change who you are and what you’ve done.
No. 56808
>>56697>>56540>>56738She wouldn't be making money if there weren't a sizeable audience of degenerate morons stupid and disgusting enough to support such vacuity. She disappears, another disposable/expendable will replace her.
Have to laugh at the people who believe technology's going to solve all humanity's problems - you can't fix stupid. The foul, insipid and mentally regressive are to some extent, celebrated, otherwise people like Belle wouldn't be successful and dickbags wouldn't be riding on her coattails.
No. 56815
>>56811>I gotta give props to whoever is controlling herUnless some shady shit's going on and she's being drugged or something, she's old enough to make her own choices and to recognize that she's being played.
>>56813>Her man is greedy and burning her out Yeah but she's agreeing to it? If you read any of the text messages posted here, she's always on about wanting vacations to France or wherever, while also admitting to being lazy and not wanting to work. She stole then sold other people's nudes
>>2674. She's just as dumb and greedy as her pimp - birds of a feather. Looks like she'll have to find out the hard way she's on a dead end street.
No. 56865
File: 1562866525901.png (120.68 KB, 2574x848, delphinecompanies.png)

>>56831By any chance did you look into her name more? 3 businesses came up under her real name when I looked, "Joshua Gray" seems to only be part of one of them. The companies titled under "Plain Jane" were formed in late April 2019, while Belle Store Ltd was July 4th, so very recent.
So she and the mystery boyfriend are probably earning more than that.
No. 56872
>>56829Yeah I have seen comments praising her for
pwning those gamers with the joke "porn" videos
after she dildoed herself on Snapchat. She is basically doing porn under the radar from the general public and getting credit for
getting those betabux by…giving them exactly what they want.
No. 56873
>>56831this is an image board.
where is the image with proof?
No. 56958
>>56697>it's a circus of vultures.>>56808>>The foul, insipid and mentally regressive are to some extent, celebrated, otherwise people like Belle wouldn't be successful and dickbags wouldn't be riding on her coattails.Exploitation and opportunism are nothing new,maybe they've reached a new low. Google's "corporate ethics" have deliberately created a climate where YT creators are basically incentivized to resort to the lowest common denominator, minus any advertiser unfriendly profanity of course. Characters like Belle, including all her supporters benefit from this brain dead, cesspool milieu.
TLDR: Belle's the canary in the coal mine for the End Times
No. 57006
>>56976>she's too young and probably still doesn't have any concept of consequence>why the fuck is she purposely messing with guys who we warn eachother about?Most people her age can't grasp much outside of the moment. I have a cousin her age and she "YOLOs" all over the place. The science tells us the human brain doesn't complete development until around the age of 25, so the ability to form logical conclusions, anticipate consequences, make rational decisions and so forth, doesn't solidify until that point. It's one of the reasons people under that age are so susceptible to peer pressure, and why dirty old men love girls her age because they're much easier to manipulate.
I don't particularly like her but I don't wish anything bad on her. I'm sure if she pulled her head out of her ass she'd be downright tolerable.
No. 57050
>>56951Wait she actually does stuff with dildos? I thought she kept everything pretty "PG".
She's stooped lower than I thought.
No. 57181
>>57160Uhh what kind of over achiever town do you live in where 20 yr olds are "finishing college and working full time jobs"? Especially in this economy? Early to mid twenties maybe but Belle is 20, it's kinda unrealistic to expect her to "finish college and work a full time job"
Besides, shes more reserved than most camgirls/private Snapchat girls, she might have a day job or do some sort of school, I doubt her life is revolving around camming
No. 57182
>>57181She dropped out of school and hides indoors all day.
She traded a future of friends and a social life for being a thot and money. Nothing wrong with that. She made the choice someone with her limited intellectual capacity could make.
No. 57203
>>57181No one respects you, Belle, you’re a meme because you’re a disaster. You’re as embarrassing as your fanbase. People respect girls like SuSu because they aren’t the same breed of gross bottom of the barrel 4channer types as you and your tween fanbase.
Imagine being so unsuccessful that you have to come to a niche anon gossip board to defend yourself lmao.
No. 57216
>>57204Most people don’t finish college till 22/23 in the states, not sure how it is elsewhere.
20 would be a sophomore. But most 20 year olds are at least working part time somewhere.
No. 57217
>>57204idk what kinda shitty hellhole you grew up in fam (or if you're mistaking pre-university stuff like "college" of your country with a degree) but in britain you finish your a-levels at like 19 and then go do a 3 year degree minimum (so earliest 22) which usually also requires you to get a master's because the bologna bachelor is shite by itself (so earliest 24).
sounds to me like you're either a teenager who's projecting very hard out of ignorance or you're a liar, especially talking about "you and your friends" having graduated university at 20 (even if you're from russia where the graduate pretty early, you wouldn't have joined the work force at 20).
No. 57227
>>57213>>57216>>57217so the UK is full of late bloomers, got it.
i'm american. sorry for the misunderstanding. continue coddling the adult woman
No. 57231
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No. 57300
>>57204>Because generally at that age if you’re not a coddled, late bloomer baby then you’re going out in the world trying to be independent.I agree with anon
>>57221. I think some anons dislike of her is obscuring their objectivity. Anons did some digging
>>56560, and while she might not be a millionaire, it's fair to say she's making a decent amount of cash thanks to the banks who decided it was good idea to give her audience of remedial retards bank accounts and credit cards. Granted, she has to split everything she makes, and is essentially prostituting for her pimp handler. The point is, she's making money and as far as we know, has left the nest.
No. 57380
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Still think Belle is safe and having harmless fun?
No. 57386
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>>57380Just read the story. The dude who did the killing was her ex boyfriend and she wasn't really a famous egirl, camwhore or anything, she had a small following on IG by the looks of it.
It is dangerous for Belle to pander to the crowd she does as they are a bunch of degenerates, but I wouldn't say it's relative to this particular news story.
Small warning to those who want to snoop around on this story and/or profile, there's images and video of the murdered girl being tagged and posted around, so if you don't want to see it, be cautious. It's pretty sick tbh.
No. 57398
>>57384>>57386>>57387The money isn't worth the risk. And I'm not posting this shit because I hate Belle or I'm jealous or anything. I am honestly afraid for her. There have now been multiple incels committing shooting sprees and murders and she's in the thick of it. Teasing them and not giving them what they want, "trolling" them, is extremely dangerous. Even more dangerous than just being a camwhore. The men who hang out in places like this are ticking time bombs. They are not normal members of society. Considering how easy it was for them to dox her before, I fear for her, either being attacked/raped or killed. I am not being dramatic.
Entitled, shut-in, incel men kill women.She's playing a very dangerous game.
No. 57442
>>57418Belle will be fine
(two posts later)
>>57438>insane post from a loony suggesting otherwise No. 57516
>>57468not gonna try to defend this shitbag of a being a single second but she wasn't an angel either but again she was obviously fucked in the head from family trauma etc (admitted to cheating on him multiple times,saying he was worthless to her and could be easily replaced,…), this whole story is just so sad and fucked up.
To come back to Belle, it's just a bomb waiting to explode and as much as i despise her i hope she doesn't get killed or raped
No. 57578
>>57398>>57399>>57420>>57386Y'all seriously overreacting. The chick that got killed wasn't even killed by a random but by her ex, which statistically is true for women in general; husbands, friends, ex bf's, etc.
If Belle were inviting randoms to her flat or making it easy to dox her then she'd be in some danger, even then, the stats show 9 times out of 10 it's people you know. Random acts of violence from people outside your circle is RARE. As far as we know, none of her clients are ppl in her circle/don't hang with her.
>It is dangerous for Belle to pander to the crowd she does as they are a bunch of degeneratesDangerous how? They have the collective intellect of a tree stump, nothing to lose sleep over.
>>57580>She plays into their fantasies where she is their idealised girlfriend.>but to them, she is in a relationship with them. If you're implying that she's deceiving them into believing in some bullshit fantasy so that they'll give her their money, welcome to capitalism anon. Yes it's ugly and there's no fucking excuse for it but for now at least, it's
generally the way of the world. Giant corporations do this exact same thing. Adults
should be able to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
>The abuse spiral has already begun. People are blaming her for her own stalkers. >Any violence against her will be 'justified'.??? She doesn't have stalkers? What do you mean violence against her will be justified?? Your comment is full of bizarre conjecture and wild assumption. Only dickless cowards justify violence for its own sake. I think you need a break from the internet anon.
No. 57606
>>57591NTA, but unfortunately, she's not a giant corporation run by a bunch of faceless old men with money, but an actual human being who's commodified her body for profit.
When your body is the commodity, the crazy side of the consumers will believe they have certain rights to you. You say adults should know the difference, but these are unstable, pedophilic manchildren with porn addictions and anger problems.
No one is making excuses for them, but as it stands, there's no especially good method of protection for Belle and other women involved in this e-girl/sex worker thing from their psycho fans. I really doubt she's protected like A-listers or Hollywood people are.
I believe Bianca's murder has opened many people's eyes on how risky all this shit is. Unless Belle has a squad of bodyguards protecting her 24/7, or is always carrying (she's British so I doubt it), there is some breach of safety going on, like it or not. All it takes is one doxxing, and she's at risk for all sorts of fucked up shit.
If you really are Belle, stop being an idiot. Take your money and run, or at least invest heavily in protecting yourself. It'll be worth it in the end.
No. 57647
>>57636male detected
no other e-girl has the following and notoriety that belle has. we don’t like belle but we also don’t want to read about her being decapitated by an incel in a year or so, she definitely lurks so at least she might have some idea of how much danger she could potentially be putting herself in
No. 57654
>>57647It’s not a random male. It’s Belle or possibly her pimp boyfriend. Either Belle is desperate to spin a different tale for herself or her asshole bf is here doing damage control.
This is lolcow, no one white knights cows like this unless they are the cow or are close to them.
No. 57675
>>57667>>57654>>57647Nta and I dislike her grimy pedobait ass as much as the next farmer but you guys are acting insane. Like, nutty fear mongerer tier insane. You've been going at it for weeks.
What happened to Bianca breaks my heart but comparing it to Belle's situation is reaching.
Belle is not meeting up with /r9k/ randos left and right and tbh I doubt anyone would even recognize her ugly mug going down the street without all the makeup and filters. She'll be just fine.
No. 57679
>>57675Don't mean to scare her or anyone but almost every thread about that other situation on both r9k and soc has Belle named dropped in it along with explicit wishes of her being next. Whether anyone likes it or not those exact type of nutjobs ARE a big part of her fanbase. They think she's hot but hate her guts for being "whoreish" and not DM'ing them like typical incels think like. They love her for a fap and a fantasy but hate her as a human being.
I think right now she should probably lay low for a bit and consider extra steps she can take to ensure her safety. Copycat killers are a real thing. Especially ones that feel like they'll be heros to their peers for doing it after seeing all the reactions over something similar and on a much lesser scale.
No. 57681
>>57675I feel this.
It’s as if she’s the only woman in the world that robots talk about, when they just hate all women in an equally crazy, obsessive way.
She should be taking it seriously, but nobody murdered Jessi Slaughter and she was much more accessible and self-exploitive.
Yeah it fucked her up, but that’s probably half from her dad anyways.
The revenge and fantasies of incels are applied to literally every popular girl out there, or even just any attractive girl they have seen.
No. 57683
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>>57667Belle is actually the admin here anon, you can take it from me
No. 57688
>>57636>Is there some danger that some crazed fuckwit might attack her one day? Yes. Is it likely? No.>>57681>What happened to Bianca breaks my heart but comparing it to Belle's situation is reaching.Thank you anons for being voices of reason. This
>>57578 is mostly accurate.
Anyone heard of Gavin de Becker? He's a security consultant with over 30 years experience. Everyone from housewives to the CIA have sought his services. He wrote the book "The Gift of Fear" - great read, highly recommend. In one chapter he writes,
"20 percent of all homicides are committed by strangers. The other 80 percent are committed by people we know." He does elaborate and I could quote more, but there's no need. Multitudes of studies have proven this is true. In the overwhelming majority of violent crimes,
victims have
personal contact with, and knowledge of, their perpetrators.
Reminder that Bianca (may she RIP) was killed by a "close family friend" according to her sister, not some crazy incel on the internet.
No. 57697
>>57685 was a reply to this
>>57606. Forgot to add that to the post, my bad.
No. 57715
>>57685you don't really know much of anything huh.
>pedophilic manchild>not unstablepick one.
No. 57724
>>57721You really over here on lolcow whiteknighting for betaboy incels?
sigh please can someone make a new thread
No. 57729
>>57724Fuck no. Nowhere in there did I condone violence. I was merely pointing out that equating violent behavior with mental illness is inaccurate and damaging. People with mental illness are more likely to be
victim to violence than perpetrate it. Assuming violent people will appear violent, volatile, or disorganized protects those violent people. I'm saying we should STOP making false assumptions ab ou ut violent people as a way to better p ui protect ourselves and others from them.
Literally no part of that statement condones violence. The whole point is to better protect
victims and vulnerable people.
Read it again.
No. 57755
>>57684Kinda OT but the Toronto van attack wasn’t targeting a specific person and half the people killed were 80+-year-old. It’s definitely apparent what his aim was, and his motivation, but he also wasn't even able to properly execute the outcome he wanted. He was a coward who didn't even succeed in being shot. It didn't even make sense he chose Lansing, which is most visibly full of hypebeast, rich, male International students. He didn't even go anywhere women might hang out stereotypically like a mall or school.
I believe saying incels are dangerous holds a lot of weight and should be taken seriously, but I consider it the same as columbine fans. Every now and then realistically some people will carry out actions, but the majority of people are bullied shut-ins. If they were genuinely considering violently attacking a girl they’d be more likely to go after some girl close to them IMO. Belle is just a face they use to project their incel feelings on, she's just a convenient placeholder for the waifu they can’t have.
She definitely faces danger, that’s a fact nobody is denying-it’s just that she’s realistically in as much danger as any girl with a platform especially one who cosplays/games.
No. 57759
>>57721>People equate deviance with psychological instability and that simply isnt the case.>>57715>you don't really know much of anything huh. People who don't think critically and have little experience equate deviance with psychological instability. 2nd anon, you're making judgements from a position of ignorance. It's nothing to do with defending incels - this topic is too nuanced for you.
>There are plenty of calm, thoughtful, intelligent, and organized individuals who commit atrocious acts of violence. >if we continue to believe all violent people are volatile, organized abusers will continue to fly under the radar.That about sums it up. Ted Bundy and John Gayce are perfect examples of what you're talking about anon. They went under the radar because in PUBLIC, they were examples of the perfect citizen. Plenty of people like that still out there, and in positions of prominence.
No. 57762
>>57741Her profile description is all over the place. On top it says she's a redhead (she's a brunette if I've ever seen one), and below it says,
>I have striking bright brown eyes and beautiful shoulder length blonde hair>I am a 19yr old well educated (to degree level) lady who is professionalWell educated? LMAO. I'd definitely call posting pics of yourself all over the net making stupid ahegao faces "educated" and "professional". If this profile is legit, this girl is dumber than I thought. Total brainlet. Honestly it looks like she just copy/pasted her profile description from other girls profiles. She's stolen nudes and passed them off as hers, so I wouldn't be surprised.
No. 57766
>>57741This is so obviously fake. I bet that shit-tier site gave me a virus.
>(but please no mention of the "A" word!)Even this is wrong, considering the alleged Snapchat stuff before.
No. 57777
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>>57766There's a site with the same name but the domain ends in .com instead of, and it was created in 2001. The site Belle's on is only 4 months old. Some of the profiles on the uk site links to a website that doesn't exist. I wonder how long it took to put that bullshit together?
No. 57850
anyway this made me look at her twitter; why does she have 1/4th of the follower count on twitter as opposed to insta? how weird.
No. 57851
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No. 57902
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she is on twitter and posting some cryptic posts that only contain a number on a black background lol
No. 57912
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Belle "phone home"
No. 57928
>>57883>y'all are acting like it's not a big deal for some reason>shit like this is a thing that can happen to you.Yes, if you're in the unlucky 20% margin
>>57688Otherwise it's guaranteed to be someone in your social circle.
Sleep tight.
No. 57931
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One of the few adults replying to her on Twitter put this up.
No. 57949
>>57938lol >"why do you have your flat ass out then?"
She claims only child sized clothing fits her? That chick has the face of a dolphins ass and the brain of a meth addict.
Deliberately trying to look like a CHILD when you're a grown woman, is not "cute".
Everyone paying for all her fake, filtered/shopped af photos are legit being scammed. Dumbasses out there are literally paying a
teenager to lie to and deceive them. And yeah they deserve it but that still doesn't excuse her stealing and selling photos of other girls, and pedo-pandering while trying to 'reason' that there's nothing wrong with it.
No. 57950
>>57949Anon pump the hate breaks. You're nitpicking a few things and she isn't a teenager. She knows what she is doing and as long as she isn't actually doing anything pedo-wise, she is allowed to pander. There is a whole massive kink for babysitter fetishists and a lot of adults know the difference between she looks young, but is of age vs that's an adult dressed younger than she is, I must rape kids now.
That logic is dumb as hell and a lot of you need to relax about it. Not saying that passes her on all the shit she does do, but if she wasn't known no one would really have an issue with what she is doing as there are millions of girls doing the same thing. It's literal preference of who to hate about her looking young and she acts like a meme e-girl which is a thing and has been for a few years now with or without her, but it's so tiring to hear people condem others just from looking young. She isn't wear diapers and shit. She's wearing what other e-thots wear, but she's extremely petite and has a big following, so she's easy to point and say she's deliberatey trying to turn people into pedos. That's not even how that works.
No. 57959
>>57950lol pointing out what was in the vid exposing her
>>57938, is "nitpicking". And yeah
she knows she's scamming a whole lot of people. If you don't care that pedos love that pedo-bait nastiness, go right ahead, I guarantee no one with a functioning brain will be "relaxing" over that bs. Multiple sources say she's 19. Her now deleted IG said she was 19.
>there are millions of girls doing the same thing.You do know what thread you're on right?
>she's extremely petite and has a big followingShe's 5'6 that's not petite. Having the body type of an eel doesn't = petite.
She deliberately shops her loli photos to make her look more appealingly childlike to her gross pedo followers.>so she's easy to point and say she's deliberatey trying to turn people into pedos. No one said that. Get literate before you wk. You sound like a closet stan.
No. 57969
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>>57950>You're nitpicking a few things and she isn't a teenager.
>Girls r so nitpickyjpg is from the expose vid. Belle if this is you
>>57950, I suggest you pull your head from your ass. You're not going to win an argument against anyone past the age of 25 because at your age, you don't have the all mental components necessary to make full use of reason and logic. You can't change the meaning of words for your convenience.
Photoshopping your physical features, flattening your chest to make you look less like an adult and more like an undeveloped child to appeal to older men, is fucking disgusting - it's not "cute" no matter how you try to spin it. Girls like you are what happens when their dads didn't give them enough attention growing up. Very textbook. Also, don't get upset at the truth just because it makes you look bad. Be an adult and own up to your shit.
No. 57970
>>57963I read it fine. You sound like you need a refresher in reading comprehension, anon.
>>57959Willing to bet she's hunting for a rich sugar daddy and will dump her current bf as soon as she finds one. With all the filters and poorly done shops she makes of herself, her brainlet customers may as well be jacking off to CGI because everything about her is artificial af.
No. 57975
>>57973Indeed. However, it looks like stan
>>57950 cried nitpicking where there was none.
No. 57977
>>57976You said "nobody’s going to read it", implying you either didn't read it because it was too complicated or "unhinged" for you, and/or that it would appear that way to others, which it didn't.
What's autistic are the spergs defending pedo-baiting from 'a million filters' Delphine.
No. 57978
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>>57949>That chick has the face of a dolphins ass There is something about her face that has an "ass end of a dolphin" quality to it, especially when she pulls that stupid expression that makes her face even longer, while flattening it out. Quite a world we live in when people shell out money for this kind of idiocy. Like my grandma always said, better be careful or your face might end up stuck that way.
No. 58025
>>57986>She's tricking some women right alongside the neckbeards.Yeah but they're also dumb enough to be scammed by a 19 y/o brainlet, granted with a team of people behind her. Even then they're probably mostly around her age. There could be a disgusting, middle aged pedo fuck loser in her entourage, which honestly wouldn't surprise.
idk why some make a big deal that she doesn't go nude, other than her scam-lie that she will and doesn't. She literally has NOTHING to show, that's why she keeps her clothes on.
No. 58068
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Has anyone heard anything about this? I saw it on a FB post and have tried to find anything to back this claim up, but cannot.
No. 58081
>>58068If this was true,
everyone would have screencapped it, dragged her and added it to the list of things to cancel her for.
IG couldn't have deleted it so fast that literally none of her 100k+ (or was it a mil?) followers had the time to see it, talk about it or save the evidence.
Don't know why someone thought it'd be clever to make up shit.
No. 58109
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imagine being so scummy even the rank nerds you were peddling to are glad you're gone
No. 58126
>>58116You are starting to sound like a scrote, anon. Chill.
I like when this thread is milky, but lately it's just the same couple anons stroking their massive hateboners and it's honestly getting really cringe.
No. 58133
>>58117>>58119>>58126when will the belle wk go away and realize no one gives a shit about wking on lolcow
you look like a tool or the cow herself
No. 59341
>>59300The point remains.
Belle has a weird amount of whiteknighting that other cows don’t and it’s more obnoxious than any “hateboner” (which she has done plenty to warrant). Fuck off and stop trying to defend her on a site dedicated to trashing people.
No. 59351
>>58116>Belle was always going to be quickly replaced.That was always obvious. She needs to find herself a constructive hobby that doesn't involve being an expendable internet retard.
>>59341>Fuck off and stop trying to defend her on a site dedicated to trashing people.Anon
>>58116 was just telling the truth and gets called a "hater" lol. Some of these wk's don't know what actual hatred is.
No. 59358
>>59341Sounds like you don't visit that many threads. And again, no one was defending her. Disagreeing with over the top spergy posts doesn't make them whiteknights.
>>59346Who complained about negativity? It isn't what anon wrote, it's how she wrote it that sounded cringy and kind of like one of the angry scrotes belle scammed.
No. 59401
>>59358>It isn't what anon wrote, it's how she wrote it that sounded cringy and kind of like one of the angry scrotes belle scammed.Relax lol. I was literally breaking down the psychology behind her insane incel fanbase of horrid hentai loving pedophiles. If it simultaneously reinforces how stupid she is for giving up her future to please them under the belief that they were people who cared about her, that's not hate. That's called getting your feelings hurt.
Nuking Belle was a soft version of what incels love to do: kill what they can't have yet felt entitled to. Obviously it got to the point where they hated her after the Pornhub troll. But I suspect seeing her go from their personal secret to a global viral star, they knew it would be harder to connect to her since she would get too business savvy. Sure, they adored jerking off to her. But sexual desire and violence are linked to them. If anything getting her deleted and jeopardizing her main source of income was equally pleasurable. These guys are sadists. If she came back they'd probably get a kick out of watching her fail to get their attention again.
>>59358>Disagreeing with over the top spergy posts doesn't make them whiteknights.Exactly this. I'm all for legitimate milk, but it's just become an echochamber of poorly crafted insults like "she looks like a dolphins ass" and other weird spergposts. I'm not saying don't hate on her, but when almost every post is the same shit? Man, it gets old quick.
>>59401See, I actually generally agree with you here, especially on that last part. A lot of her fanbase are like the anti-fans of Kpop groups or the old otaku fans of idol girls. They want to destroy something they cannot have.
No. 59460
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>>58126>lately it's just the same couple anons stroking their massive hateboners >>59404>>59358>Disagreeing with over the top spergy posts doesn't make them whiteknights.LOL at failing to comprehend
>>59341 this
>>59351and this
>>59346 No. 59462
File: 1563924635729.jpg (29.82 KB, 640x480, LAUGHING.jpg)

>have some self reflection.That irony tho
No. 59467
>>59401… why were they banned for this
The mod in this thread is insane
No. 59470
File: 1563936423947.jpg (37.2 KB, 680x680, outta CHROMOSOMES.jpg)

>>59467I was wondering the same. But
at least the humorless closet stan with the missing chromosomes will be appeased.
>>57950>>59404 >>59358(samefag) No. 59478
>>59470>humorless closet stan with the missing chromosomes To be fair anon, humor
is subjective. Though a blatant sperg calling other people spergs is pretty lulzy. I admit if I saw this
>>57978 and Belle walking down the street I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Uncanny, shoop worthy resemblance.