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No. 123836
popular (unfortunately) ethot, has a milky past, and still seems to be gaining popularity; I think she’s worth keeping an eye on. Here's my best summary of everything noteworthy:
>grew up in south africa, daddy left mommy (mentioning this a lot as of late), moved to UK in 2009
>introduced to internet around high school, got into anime, cosplay (read: learned a way to garner attention)
>dropped out of high school (she claims this was around age 14 and claims she began to work as well)
>had a scene girl phase
>began cosplaying and wore “the wrong wig” for some dumb love live cosplay and threw a tantrum that some randoms pointed it out
>ex bf threatened to expel someone from school who criticized one of her cosplays
>ex would generally sperg so hard to WK her
>ex is a huge weeaboo that dated some asian girl after they broke up, the same girl she did a “girl x girl” photoset with, now has a “new daddy” josh
>at 17 she wanted to go to venice so she made a deal with some guy to steal other girls’ (presumably over 18) nudes to sell to strangers (pedos) who assumed it was her
>belle began posting more and more lewd pics and lewd cosplay pics as she neared 18
>dva cosplay and the dreaded ahegao is what made her gain popularity mainly
>claimed she doesn’t even play video games which made people call her out then said she would never cosplay again
>panders to incels and neckbeards with “haha im such a meme troll xD lulz” type videos and responses, self posted on 4chan for attention, uses chan culture for clout and popularity for incels
>claimed to be selling her bath water, anons claim there was no real way to buy her bath water, however there IS a pic of about 100 jars of it, we DO know she likely sent some to youtubers to make videos on her for clout, no proof they did really purchase it other than claiming to but it could have been some kind of deal
>publicity stunts every few months, had a fake mugshot claiming to get arrested for painting a car (that her and josh bought) claimed to be some girl who stole her hamster, painted pepe on it of course for 4chan neckbeards to fawn over
>moved out and claimed had to buy a house instead of moving into an apartment because of “threats”
>got a nose job and likely other work done to appear more “uwu smol”/like her pictures
>mothers’ house got doxxed
>PO box saga summary: she opened a PO box and bought a moving van to pick things up before moving expecting 300-500 packages and instead only received a few letters (LOL)
>creepy patron tier gifts, like sugar baby levels, no proof whatsoever that she delivered with those promises
>cringey premium snapchats, like fake date crappy VN tier snapchats
>annoying tiktoks, annoying youtube videos
>pedo pandering (mostly the lolita cosplays and continually hinting/referencing lolita book in her room/multiple delores haze cosplays) “waahh my daddy left me” bullshit jokes
>recently appeared on MaxMoeFoe’s “cold ones” podcast
>appeared in H3H3 podcasts talking about kinks while ethan obsessed over her like usual (cringe)
>buys a ton of shit (expensive new house, furniture, clothes, etc) with all the money she makes yet assumes she can retire by 30 lolwtf
>recently started whoring herself even more and posting videos of her playing with dildos, escalated to “fuck machine” videos
>appeared on another podcast (this time IRL), simps mad that shockingly she doesn’t look like her shooped photos
>likely lurks because she follows a lot of cows on twitter (also said at one point she was a fan of shoeonhead)
>anons found that she follows some anachan accounts on twitter, unsurprising
>WKs and simps just wont stop
>new publicity stunt: now is coming out with a “porn video” xmas, though never specified it would be of her
No. 123840
op here, forgot to link old threads. sorry.
>>>/w/69238was also discussed in these threads:
>>>/w/504405>>>/w/4 No. 123855
>>123847There was a news article that announced her subscriber count.
>>123848She’s way more popular than she was back then. She’s been on all these podcasts which has introduced her to the audiences of those popular YouTubers, exactly the kind of guys that would pay for that shit. Her trendiness of doing weird meme things has faded but she definitely has a bigger audience than she used to. Like it or not, which I don’t.
No. 123860
>>123857She has a little over a mill on twitter and 500k on Instagram. That is significantly less than what she had before.
2 million dollars is not a lot of money when your income will likely disappear in a few years. Especially if she bought an 800k+ house with a mortgage (which is HUGELY conservative given that she lives in Brighton).
Yes, a 'friend' told a news agency what her sub count was. They did not actually log into her only fans and check it lmao. Given that she lies about everything under the sun, I highly doubt those numbers are accurate.
No. 123873
>>123860Yeah this.
Spending the next 60+ years of your life on a few million sounds doable IF you intend on living a low key lifestyle and even then you might be coming up short in mid life. However Belle will likely be looking for more ways to earn and will never truly 'retire' because the cost of living to maintain the common influencer lifestyle is worth wayyyy more than a few million. That's the reality of the matter.
No. 123879
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No. 123880
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No. 123886
>>123879>>123880These are rich
inb4 she tries to hunt these posts down again
No. 123893
File: 1606957362127.jpg (64.84 KB, 1185x328, IMG_20201202_200227.jpg)

SEETHING CUCKQUEAN vendetta-chan identity exposed.
No. 123897
File: 1606958091707.jpg (59.77 KB, 540x960, 4SkgrmA.jpg.c8473687828010a419…)

>>123874Sound like a nice theory. She made an auction: she got like 10k or something like that because people who want to participate had to pledge the money they offer. I imagine Josh pushed the bid to get more money and "won".
No. 123899
>>123893kek I want the screenshots! where are the screenshots?!
>>123897No one else would pay 10k, I mean scrotes would pay for them but no one is going to have 10k lying around to blow on those, not in her demographic anyway as highly doubt there’s an Arab oil tycoon waiting to get a hold of them kek. Watch if they “sell” this christmas condom, bet sockponce will win that too for half a mil and report it straight to the daily fail, or maybe she will ship it to Ethan’s desperate self to suck on during his podcast.
No. 123920
File: 1606966735518.jpg (242.18 KB, 513x868, nj4NulD.jpg)

She's filing dmca claims against the biggest leakers in preparation for her le epic porn troll in a couple weeks.
No. 123927
>>123920I'm not sure how she expects to make money off a porn troll
even without leaks, it will be all over Twitter that it's a troll within 5 minutes of release, and then people won't pay for it
No. 123930
>>123842 >>123849
>>123928 >>123850
>>123854 >>123858
>>123874 >>123907
Sage your shit, stop reposting old milk,
kek she's ugly isn't milk. Did you get banned from the PULL discord or what?
No. 123932
>>123928How's she breaking only fans rules?
Let's assume the insider info is true and she's going to sit beside a couple of real porn stars going at it. That's:
1. A porn video
2. With Belle Delphine in it
3. Featuring up close penetration shots.
No it isn't what people wanted, but it is exactly what she promised.
Simps would have get laughed out of court trying to sue her for their money back on the basis that their assumptions about the content weren't accurate.
Plus the idea that people will hear about it instantly and not pay is wishful thinking. Her subreddits are constantly full of new onlyfans subscribers who were surprised her pictures are censored on there. These simps are too dumb to check twitter first.
No. 123933
>>123882You can see by the top of the image they're replying to the same side by side comparison shit anon was posting in the last thread. Not "pics from the podcast" and regardless,
kek she's ugly comments from random people on Facebook
is still not milk. No. 123934
>>123932Clickbaiting/bait and switch is against OF rules.
"Here's a video of me fucking jk it's not me and it's just a joke, you don't know that til after you pay though."
Secondly, Bella Thorne forced OF to change some rules because of HER clickbaiting shit. "Have a nude…gotta pay first!" People paid, got trolled, MASSIVE charge backs.
Semantics can't be used here, if she doesn't advertise it as: "I'm in a porn video watching a couple fucking next to me" she's bait and switching. After Bella Throne incident OF is taking things seriously.
No. 123937
>>123932laughed out of court? I think you are misunderstanding how this works.
Onlyfans can choose to change it's terms of service and refund customers at any time if they choose to. And if this happened they absolutely would refund customers in order to avoid bad press/angry coomers
I'm no expert on OF but it's standard for any website that requires you to agree to terms of service that the TOS is subject to change at any time, and that by signing it you agree to potential subsequent changes.
OF can alter and enforce their TOS however they want.
No. 123940
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I love when this ~anon~ shows up whining about PULL, how fat/ jealous we are, how belle is a chamillionaire, how uwu epic gamer bro meme queen she is kek
No. 123942
>>123930Actually its huge milk when she,a person who makes a living by photoshopping herself to look childlike, just did her first in person interview and exposed herself by looking nothing like her pictures kek.
>>123933 you can actually see there is the precast pictures as well
No. 123944
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>>123942She’s shown herself without makeup before. 1 google shows this and shows the real no makeup pic without the editing.
No. 123945
File: 1606972426055.jpeg (65.78 KB, 492x500, 063C857D-426A-4621-A861-FEA7C8…)

Here’s the one featured in the thread pic unedited. Someone really edited her to look older and added wrinkles lmao
No. 123951
>>123949>Filtered to hell and backAs opposed to the filters put on the pictures in the thread image.
So it’s fine to filter them the opposite way? She looked like a regular human in the podcast. It’s a given she heavily edits her face and doesn’t look like her anime girl image irl but idk the point of pretending she’s some hideous old beast.
>>123950And posting screenshots of someone in the middle of talking to prove they’re uglier is some middle school behavior and the stalest of milk. Crop that shit at least
No. 123952
>>123950For someone who makes their living off her image.. why on earth did she choose to wear this cheap ass wig and hat that makes her look even worse.
No one looks good with a baseball smashed over long hair. I'm so confused, how did she look in the mirror and think "aw yes let's make my face look long and cast a terrible photo on myself." for how much money she makes, she really needs to hire an image person.
No. 123953
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No. 123959
File: 1606975815285.png (2.39 MB, 2560x1440, POV I am pathetic screenshot a…)

>>123951POV I am pathetic screenshot anon: I searched Scarjo interview on Youtube, opened the first result, screenshot a random second of her talking. Here you go, amazing milk, I have outed Scarjo as actually ugly because everyone looks their best mid-sentence and anon is not just a mentally ill moron.
No. 123960
>>123959>>123958Cope harder kek belles busted as hell compared to her selfies
Anyway what's the scoop on the DMCA stuff where's the info leak
No. 123970
>>123967PULL true and honest elegant lolitas pretending to actually give a shit about pedophilia or porn exploitation while literally wishing Belle would get Bianca'd. This is primarily why everyone thinks you're
seething, not to mention that we here don't need retarded moralfag excuses to call a whore ugly.
>>123969>anything that isn't milkless seething is clitty sucking BPD continues being a PULL staple. You have to go back.
No. 123978
>>123976They must be under the assumption that belle gets preferential treatment around here ha!
>>123973If anyone is all riled up , its you dear. Nobody has a hate boner we are all quite literally taking the piss about it. The price one pays to be famous lol
(samefagging, ban evasion) No. 123983
>>123973belle is a public figure now, getting criticized and judged comes with the territory.
No amount of whining and crying about a website that doesn't even exist anymore will never change that
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>mentions DMCA takedown and possibility breaking of OF rules if she does meme “porn”
No. 123993
File: 1606992796921.gif (4.44 MB, 283x503, bxAy58d[1].gif)

you are right, Belle edits herself to look like a completely different person. i think part of the problem in here is that 1. she gets hailed as gorgeous sexual dynamite, so when her image is proven once again to be fake it's really annoying when she continues to get praised for how she looks in her videos or pics, when she doesn't look like that at all. 2. nobody cares about other's opinions of her irl appearance. to each their own - i personally think Belle is a very plain girl in a wig, maybe high end of average, but there's no reason to start attacking posters who disagree with that. the point is she is fake, i think we all agreed on that in the last thread. we could be having a discussion around that and yet there is still crying over whether people think she's pretty or ugly.
her real face has been seen before and she's always looked more mature than her years, maybe that's why she's so obsessed with trying to convince everybody that she looks 12. i also noticed she's cosied up to youtubers who have made videos on instagram vs reality featuring overly edited thots, probably so they won't out her in the same way
No. 123996
>>123960The announcement in
>>123920 is from some redditors who were operating a mega archive with more or less everything she'd ever done. Their usernames are in the image if for some reason you think you want to take to someone who spends three hours a day organizing their e-thot collection.
There's also a few other redditors claiming to have posted leaks today that were taken down and are ranting about her putting pressure on reddit's higher ups, but nobody has any proof.
>>123920 is all of the DMCA milk.
No. 124008
>>123997this is interesting to think about
>>124007yes anon, pointing out a fake girl looking different irl is because of insecurity, not trying to expose that a girl photoshops and edits her pics to oblivion. we should all just ignore it, and let her fool simps. retard.
funny you call us "rat horse faces" and some anons were called bellend that last thread kek. you salty?
i personally dont even think she is ugly, the point is she copes so hard irl trying to look like heavily edited pics. its pointless.
(move on) No. 124019
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This censor is very thin, her coomers must be pumping their fists in the air.
No. 124031
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She can filter her face but she can't pick the hair off her socks.
No. 124073
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She's sucking in her stomach so much
No. 124075
>>124065all of you PULLtards should stop seething and realize that belle is a brilliant marketing genius and essentially the Jeff Bezos of Onlyfans.
Maybe if you weren't so fat and ugly you would realize that the podcast pictures are actually fake!!!!
No. 124083
>>124080Meh, people buy dumber shit than porn.
If she wanted to make money on being young and attractive she should have just gone the Tik Tok influencer route like Loren Gray. Not humiliating, you can still get a job after you age out, future boyfriends won't be embarrassed to be dating you, mainstream companies will actually pay you to promote them.
I guess she wasn't good looking enough to get mainstream attention, so she had to go the quirky gamer porn girl route.
No. 124089
>>124084she has admitted in the past she literally doesnt play video games lol.
kind of random but she is from south africa and i couldnt really tell how well off she is? her dad left her mom but doesnt mean she couldnt have been rich. ive heard people say rich south africans are shitty people (like elon musk), anyone know anything about that?
No. 124120
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>>124119"Belle Delphine" was born because all the backslash to her wrong wig shenaningans. She became aware how strong negative reaction on internet is in fact free publicity: Belle braged about how people on Singapore was talking about her. PULL helped to create that monster.
No. 124144
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No. 124175
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>>124144Kek “violet hair kotori”.
She does this all the time. She did a “Sailor Moon” cosplay, but wore the wig of Sailor Moon and the costume of Chibiusa, choker on upside down, outfit creased and I remember people bashing her for it. I thought she was just retarded or lazy, I never considered her clout chasing “any publicity is good publicity”
No. 124182
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>>124140 Yes, maybe were other forums but Belle and her boyfriend put all their effort to stop PULL talking about her, for some reason they considered that site important. She changed her FB name to "Belle Delphine" mere hours after her topic was created.
>>124175 At first her mistakes were because she didn't have the money and dedication to do cosplay. Maybe she believed because she was pretty then people will ignore these " little details". Honestly for a person outside cosplay community these outfits really pass for good.
No. 124249
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>>124233Pretty much this. Even the incels in her replies aren’t buying it kek.
No. 124292
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>>124253I just went to have a look on her twitter and it looks like people are replying about a collab on this post. She creeps me out so much with how she copy and pastes bellend right down to her poses, outfits, facial expressions and even using the same stickers to censor her photos, like as if one bellend isn’t bad enough. Imagine wanting to skinwalk so bad you even date their ex. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if her and Goran release a pr0n Christmas too kek. (Spoiler to avoid confuse as not belle dickfiend)
No. 124354
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>Am I doing this right????She made a whole video trying to debunk claims she was skinwalking bellend dickfiend She seems like she probably is an actual nerdy weeb gamer girl type and it’s obvious that bellend is everything she wants to be (i.e nerdy weeb gamer girl worshiped and validated by the scrotes for being so). So Rusty, a nerdy weeb gamer girl, LARPs Belle, whilst Belle is LARPing a nerdy weeb gamer girl in this tragic LARPception kek
No. 124357
>>124354What is it with these people who feel the need to constantly paint/pierce/dress themselves up in attention grabbing ways to "find their identity"? Or proclaim their interests to everybody they can reach?
Is it because they are insecure about their personality so they feel the need to constantly "create" one in the form of an "aesthetic"? This really applies to anybody who constantly posts about what series/comics/games they like, display their overpriced merch and paints themselves like a clown.
No. 124382
>>124367This, exactly
the uwu pink haired gamer girl image is a cash cow
but after belle took her break the image stopped being about belle and just became another stereotype that 1000s of e thots milk for simp bucks.
gamer girl e thots are a dime a dozen, which is why belles following is so much lower than it used to be. No one cares when there's a million look likes who are just as hot in their pictures
No. 124387
>>124385Coomers literally don't care if you
really like games and anime. Throwing a game controller in the corner of a photo is enough. They don't think you're special because you
really like games unlike faker Belle!!!1
You're all just novelty hoes to them.
No. 124400
>>124397ita. no. im not her, im the OP. i literally dont even have any social media or internet presence, only just imageboards.
No. 124448
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Belle is such a cash grab is posting "deep and personal thoughts" for 35%/mo. I like her a bit much but fuck, paying that amount for blurry pics and now for Facebook style content. 1/2
No. 124450
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And she talks like if she gave her soul in these podcast when in reality were mere public relations for her business.
No. 124452
>>124448kek I can only imagine the face of the c00mers knowing they paid 35 a month to see nudes and instead get some pseudo intellectual anne frank diary entry.
Clocked she had to throw in a little cheeky school memory of having her sock removed to give the pedophiles with foot fetishes at least something almost illegal to fap over. What a mean boy to someone so smoll and vulnerable uwu. Beg.
No. 124458
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>>124453Maybe is true, (the orange light, the towers in front of her mother house) but these kind of post belongs to facebook for the girl fandom not to OF. Honestly i dont understand how these guys never complain about how Belle uses her OF as social media and not as a erotica/porn source.
No. 124464
>>124450This is a cute post imo, but so at odds with sticking giant dildos in your coochie for incels.
She definitely wants to rebrand as a general influencer/celebrity since it's obvious the porn path is a bad one. However I'm not sure if she's already gone too far.
Paris and Kim both got "famous" via sextapes and the sextapes are largely forgotten, she's probably hoping for that. I would rather see her pivot to entertainment rather than be another soul lost to the sex industry. It depends if she gets support from her many mainstream simps.
No. 124493
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this old screenie sums it up really well lol.
she is trying to come off as "normal" at times. Well bellend, whoring yourself out and posting videos of you shoving a pickle rick dildo up your ass in a cheap wig ISNT NORMAL, and nobody should have to say it. you are not a normal girl, you are just some e-whore sellout who leeches money and attention wherever you can get it from. you are pond scum, end of.
also lmao at "im lazy and dont want to get a job" we know, mary belle, we know.
No. 124494
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Wasn’t this debunked as a lie
No. 124495
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No. 124496
>>124495>now she's a business that makes her boyfriend 1M a monthkek, so not only is she too lazy to get a real job (said it herself) but she literally is just an object her bf makes money off of. lmao. it will dry up soon, more and more as she ages too.
>>124494lmao so shameful "news" pieces about her are coming out again. she is some boring thot who put out fuck machine videos for money. and of course this is going to be used to push the "sex work is empowering" narrative MSM is these days. so disgusting. its grooming our daughters, it clearly groomed mary belle.
and waitress? i thought she said she was washing dishes or something?
No. 124518
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>>124495There's nothing in the article that actually confirms what she makes
No. 124528
>>124527It’s deffo Bellend and no dosh Josh running to these papers trying to sell their story rather than the papers chasing them because they are super famussss. There wasn’t even an option to check out to buy the bathwater and was just her sending a few to random youtubers for attention, Its not hard to buy a box of jars on Aliexpress when she goes to checkout that tacky wig and then take a photo with them afterwards, it’s already evident she’s happy to waste money.
News papers nowadays do 0 research. They did this when Bianca Devins was called a popular eceleb with 100k+ followers yet she only became popular and gained followers after her snuff photo went viral. Lazy reporting.
No. 124530
>>124528Even with research, the only way to actually verify what belle makes would be
a) look at her tax returns
b) sign into her only fans
c) look at her bank deposit hisotry
all of which are things belle would have to release to them, and if she had it would mention in the sourcing for the article that they verified it with one of those things, which it doesn't
online magazines that are desperate for clicks are happy to write up a salacious story about how an e-thot makes a million a month of only fans because it drives up ad revenue
No. 124549
>>124495It’s hilarious that all of these stories came out about her massive onlyfans earnings days after it was speculated on here that she would be broke by 30.
>>124524The sad thing is that if these girls want to leverage their looks for money it’s not even that difficult to do in a corporate field and keep your self respect. Make a mid 6 figure salary that will actually increase as you get older instead of drying up, and use being good looking to get your foot in the door/outperform co-workers in client facing roles. Getting into online sex work isn’t just humiliating, it’s financially retarded and there are much better options out there.
No. 124597
File: 1607350069078.png (24.11 KB, 609x538, Reddit.PNG)

>>124571>>124590Not that anon but there is so much pullers here derailing the post. Thinfoil theories about "Belle broke" or "she never sold any bathwater"…
>>124590The fact that farmhands havent banned this
>>124597 pull sperging white knight is sus too. Hard agree.. looks like the shoe saga all over again.
No. 124615
>>124597It’s not really a tin foil hat conspiracy, just type in “I bought Belle bathwater” on google and you won’t find a single mouth breather in the search results or images, only Youtubers with an already large following. We know damn well Belle contacted all these channels and sent them a jar each for free as PR, she is always bribing YouTubers with free gifts to talk about her.
If these degenerate scrotes are willing to cum on a MLP in a jar and upload it to the internet, there sure as hell would have been all sorts of Gamer Girl Bath Water Cum Jars being uploaded too… if it actually happened kek
No. 124653
>>124651Once again, doubtful.
The sourcing for the article doesn’t include any actual verification for what she makes
>>124530See this post
No. 124663
File: 1607378781788.jpg (206.62 KB, 1340x1118, 1.jpg)

since y'all are so curious about her numbers i found this for ya from a leak.
Left poll was pre-porn announcement
Right poll is post-porn.
This screenshot was taken ~3 days ago
No. 124665
are these requests? STEP SISTER? so scrotes want her to pretend she's their fucking sister and shove a dildo in her ass? what the fuck is wrong with scrotes, and what the fuck is wrong with the women who pander to them lmao.
>dominate>masterbatingyeah belle we can all tell you didn't even fucking finish high school, stupid bitch
No. 124674
File: 1607381430314.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.27 KB, 467x947, BDDE6EBB-7391-4A52-9CEC-F4ABCF…)

Bellends pornhub channel is cringe, just her bouncing around through a hole in the wall (unsure if this is to hide the freeloader or she’s just having sexual relations with a phantom) I don’t think she actually understands what leaked means.
> Uploads it herself
Also kek @ her originally starting this pornhub channel to be like “uwu here’s me and 2 cocks.. CHICKENS! I would never make pr0n haha made u luk! I’m a meme kween!” to now desperately ramming anal beads and fucking pickles in her censored prolapsed anus.
No. 124705
>>124704Why is it always pulltards claiming others are such?
>>124678Literally says nothing about bathwater conspiracy lol. When you search her name and onlyfans leaks that will come up. Take your hand off your dick for a minute so you can have blood in your actual brain.
No. 124763
>>124754I agree for the most part pull is irrelevant. I kind of forgot the pullsperging that's been happening this week when I noticed the verbiage of this poster
>>124597Then I added to it myself, my b. I remember this sped shitting up the last thread with pointless arguments. Looks like mods have redtexted his posts thankfully, but obviously not before I garnered my own ~pullfag~ accusations.
No. 124764
File: 1607437178625.jpg (208.97 KB, 1102x2048, EorFNQDWEAM9cT4.jpg)

looks like this is the same filter that Belle usually has in all her usual photos. just look how distorted that other woman's poor face is. i think she must have invested in some after effects type editing software because in these youtube videos her entire facial structure is too different from her podcast appearance. no amount of bad lighting is going to elongate your head and morph your face.
No. 124778
>>124711>we started dragging her to filthNo offense,
nonny, but this is such a Twitter phrase, kek.
>>124775Mostly can't wait for Belle's simps to start reeing about how she'll never be Belle, and how she's trying to steal her spot or whatever it is scrotes think.
No. 124783
>>124764lmao @ the dumb pepe poster in the back, she really wants to be a meme queen
who is this ugly bitch? of course she picks a girl way uglier than her lmao and all she does is throw on a pink wig and put on cat ears why does she never do something else
No. 124785
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>>124764I found a tagged photo of the girl Belle is photographed with. Went from minecraft head to dorito chin. This should give a vague idea of the heavy filter her and bellend uses for their perfect uwu animu waifu desu
aesthetic No. 124796
File: 1607444845361.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.82 KB, 1080x764, 20201208_172541.jpg)

She legit looks like she's taking a giant shit.
No. 124799
>>124796she really has no sex appeal. she tries too hard. even kissing another girl or pretending to use a vibrator, she is unbelievably dry and dull to watch. i'm not even trying to diss her, she is just objectively bad at porn because she is too awkward and comes across as narcissistic.
it's still really weird to me that she veered down this path after building this very solid image as a meme troll who makes a mockery of simps with her non-porn. she has trapped herself in doing this - she either sacrifices her epic meme troll reputation and gives the simps the hardcore anal porn they wanted to force her to do in getting her insta shut down, or she pulls another pornhub stunt and pisses off all of her onlyfans consumer base. either way, it will make her look very bad.
No. 124806
>>124803A big part of what meitu/snow do is they shorten the face to make it look more youthful, and then slap on a Dorito chin.
For someone like belle with a horseface, snow is a huge improvement. Because this girl already has a cute short face (minus Dorito chin) the face shortening part of snow makes her look insane.
No. 124820
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This is hysterical. Her coomers believe that she's "tiny with a fat ass"
No. 124964
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So apparently her and pixiecat did make a porno, and she got pegged by her as alleged on pixie's twitter. Wonder how her husband is eventually going to feel about all this, with Belle dedicating her time to having sex with a different person, on camera, to please different people. Behind closed doors it's probably constantly arguments and jealousy.
No. 124965
>>124964lol imagine pretending to like girls on camera for money
she needs to fix her thigh highs and her boobs look really fucking odd, its fine to have small boobs that lay like that when you lay down but whats with the weird line under them? surely small boobs like that wouldnt crease so much?
No. 124974
>>124964Lol what straight man would be against their partner being with another woman. Now if they bring another man into the situation, that would more likely cause issues. I wonder if they'd do that or keep it exclusively Josh, and do simps realistically want to see Belle only ever get fucked by her boyfriend?
I do not like the gaybaiting at all. It's a convenient way to bring a third party into their porn who isn't a man and also tick the girl on girl box. The desperation in her to appease men, it's really sad.
No. 124977
>>124974>Lol what straight man would be against their partner being with another woman.hate to break it to you anon but not all straight men are degenerate coomers lol. i cant think of a single relationship where the guy i dated would actually have thought that was fine. it's considered cheating by the (albeit rare) normal, non-degen, non coomer male.
but hard agree with your other points. she clearly isnt into women or at least, this chick. its not sexy at all, nor is it convincing. they probably just know that the coomers would be mad if they saw a regular guy have sex with her, but another girl with a (degenerate) strapon? TOTES COOL what a cool girl bellend is! kek
No. 124986
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i kekd someone who unsubbed because they were bored of their content resubbed “finally” since promising to peg belle. this is why they had to turn it up a notch and start making porn, this is what happens, once they’ve seen it all they’ll unsub again unless you do more. becaus belle lacks any likable or funny personality that is not forced to the point she unironically uses pepe as some sort of gag punchline, she knows there is no other option but to sell her body more and more because as she’s become a junkie to the attention she craves.
also why have they filtered themselves to practically look like infants? belles whoville nose looks mental, like it somehow always looks like it’s pasted on the wrong side of her face
No. 124991
>>124986they arent that ugly irl, dont see why they feel the need to filter to hell and back when it does make them look worse.
shes already a total attention junkie. she's obsessed with being validated for being sexually attractive. let the milk flow. it hasnt even started yet anons.
No. 124999
>>124977 >>124983
Hard disagree, not everybody sees their partner as property and plenty of normal types are perfectly capable of trusting their partners. To get back on topic though,
>>124986 the way she edits herself to look as childlike as possible is beyond disturbing, even in the video she is trying so hard to look and act like a child. Youtube shouldn't be allowing pedopandering porn ads on their site, but if they take her vids down again she knows it will cause another scandal and give her more publicity. She is playing them by pushing the line.
No. 125000
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That stale 4chan baiting pepe meme
No. 125002
>>125000what is that wig, it looks like shit
also dying at the anons saying theyre jealous of her body she has a typical skinnyfat body, nothing wrong with that but she clearly doesnt work out or have some kind of ~rare~ special body any girl with a mild ED looks exactly like her kek
No. 125042
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found this on twitter some coomer posted. this friend was the one who posted belle trying to do the whole “spotted in public” skit when belle doesn’t even leave the fuckn house kek
No. 125043
File: 1607530718513.jpg (2.78 MB, 1920x1920, 6g92elm9wq451.jpg)

>>125036 Lilpixie is more like a Belle's coworker, i imagine Josh coach Lilpixie and her boyfriend on how do OF and social media. She helped doning that failed stunt.>>125042
No. 125049
>>125043These pics kill me. I don’t know what they are supposed to mean. Let’s take them for a moment how Belle intended us to perceive them… why would someone be hobbling around with a broken leg and broken arm after falling off a roof, with an asda bag of groceries, holding their phone with their broken arm completely unsupported by the sling, then sitting down on the floor? How did she get down there with a broken leg? How would she ever get back up? Who sends a cripple shopping? Why did you not home delivery? So many questions.
Tbf if it was real I suppose it’s possible Josh would send his cash cow shopping for tendies as he’s earned 5gbp for being a good camera boy and must be rewarded while he plays league of legends and itches his sweaty balls.
The fact her and Pixiecat rubbed their 2 whole braincells together and come up with this makes me kek hard.
No. 125138
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After many articles made by wannabe reporters (free ads) Belle was interviewed by a real journalist in her own house. No. 125142
>>125138I'm surprised by how open this article is about her living with her "partner" and how he will be fucking her in the porn vid.
Did little Mary expect the reporter to be more discreet or is she just trusting her fans to be too illiterate to discover the article?
No. 125149
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No. 125155
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I liked that article because have certain level of criticism but the fact a seasoned journalist visited her house and made an article about her is… and she is in the front page at Biden pic right side. She is no more a lolcow, sadly her hideous product is successful.
No. 125188
>>125138>pink haired>has always been wearing an obvious wigI like how they get it wrong even in the headline.
>This interview is arranged by her partner, whom she asks me not to nameJosh, manager-san. The journalist also repeats the same bathwater lie when it, like this article, was just promo.
>I knock on the wrong door, and a bewildered middle-aged man points me up the hillLol her poor neighbors who have to direct people to this freak show.
>The partner opens the door. He is young. He looks tired. The house is covered in tableaux: pink balloons arranged round a chair; Harry Potter artifacts. It’s a child’s bedroom spread across a comfortable suburban house. She looks nothing like the girl in the video and I’m gladEmphasis mine.
>Her hair is long and brown, and she is dressed in casual clothes. >She is luminously pretty. She has a soft, squeaky voice. Her real name is Mary.Pullfags
triggered now. (I assume the journo is not an attractive woman herself from this line, Belle is pretty average for the UK)
>She left at 14 after being bullied online. Another lie, you need to stay in school until 18 in the UK.
>Six months after turning 18 she decided ‘the only real way to make money is to be sexual online’.>I’m not sure how she feels about it because she contradicts herself. She says she loves ‘boys’, but also says: ‘I hate that I am inspiring other people [women] to do it.’Some self-awareness and intellect is showing.
>She says it is ‘fun’ but then says: ‘I understand it’s everyone’s worst nightmare to hear that your daughter’s doing porn.’>But,’ she says, ‘I always get great satisfaction after posting it. Because it feels like I have accomplished something.’ Her subscribers expect 30 to 40 updates a day.That's a fuckton of updates, do coomers just watch porn all day long?! However could be a lie since this journo is blissfully unaware of anything about Belle.
The rest of the article paints a kinda tragic figure. It's not a good sign when the journo is feeling sorry for you.
>I ask when she will stop. She doesn’t know. She talks vaguely about a future life with a future family in which she will be a bourgeois mother at the school gates with a secret. I have to remind myself how young she is. >I find her charming and touching, and I think of her as Rapunzel trapped in the tower wondering when to let herself out. >It won’t be soon. She makes $1.2 million a month. So uh is she implying Josh is forcing Belle to do this?
No. 125193
Also the last line is wrong.
>4715x35 = £165,025 per monthSource: Poll voters on the left prior her promo/porn announcement boost
>>124663-20% Onlyfans fees, 10% Paypal, and 19% corporation tax on company profits. leaves her with something like 100k a month on average. Still pretty good, not 1mil. You can't say you feel bad encouraging people to be porn stars while lying about your profits.
No. 125196
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>>125188Article by the same journalist that brings us works such as this.
That’s a big yikes from me. Praying this news site is sister company to The Onion.
No. 125197
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>>125188>(I assume the journo is not an attractive woman herself from this line, Belle is pretty average for the UK)Well you’re not wrong there kek. The woman is a moose.
No. 125209
What a shocker a women who sells her body for a living is unhappy I definitely didnt see that coming all jokes aside its hard not to feel sorry for her when reading the interview she sounds like she regrets her entire life, I really appreciate how honest she is about her work instead of lying about how she loves entertaining coomers and that it’s the best job ever and all girls should do it because it’s “EMpoWeRIng”
“The only way to make money is to sexually sell yourself online” this line right here is why I have a hard time sympathizing with her belle admits she is too lazy to get a real job so she resorts to the easiest most degrading job for a women who has hit rock bottom while financial supporting her pimp and then wonders why she is miserable Mary Belle if you would love yourself a tiny bit more and realize women have a lot of potential in life then being a walking docile sex toy and when you stop letting the shitty men in you’re life like you’re boyfriend, dad, porn addicted fanbase and youtubers define you as a person trust me you will feel much better than you currently do.
If I were Belle I would probably change my name, move to a different country use all the simp money to go to college and get loads of therapy, get a career, find some friends that aren’t ethots, find a normal decent guy that won’t be ok with pimping me, get married, have kids, and live out the rest of my life like any other normal person would.
No. 125224
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>>125209I think she gave same answers as in any podcast (was not Belle being more honest or openly) but she was interviewed not by a podcaster-wannabe-journalist: that journo read Belle non verbal language and was really listening then went beyond Belle mask of" i'm happy doing this". I think Belle will not like the result of that interview, looks like some people got aware of what is happening in Belle real life.
No. 125242
>>125234That claim about being about a drop-put result of cyberbulling and depression is very unbelievable taking account all she did after. And her school days publications on
TW or YT are pristine, there is no proof of someone harrasing her, maybe she got depressed because nobody take care of her early shenanigans.
No. 125250
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her 12 year old twitter kek you can see why she’s so desperate to achieve that childhood dream uwu I wonder if she knew it would be through prostituting her pussy on the internet.
Idk I’m not buying all this depression stuff, I mean she deffo has issues but I feel she could be doing it to be ~relatable~ “I’m just like u!” girl next door but also social influencer and very likeable. I mean, aren’t coomers mostly social rejects who have probably been bullied and are depressed binge watching Eva in their parents basement. Also saying that makes her seem so smoll and vulnerable, make all the white knights want to protecc m’lady
I imagine most kids who are bullied to the point they drop out of school would not make a video called school life and upload it unless it was a columbine video kek No. 125304
File: 1607649212727.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1894, 0227DF83-A26B-47DF-86D1-91BB29…)

No more in person interviews kek
No. 125311
>>125308Now I don’t think she has depression but are you sure about all of this?
It’s not like she was born rich or married into it, she had to acquire this money through sex work, which to my understanding is cushy on the outside looking in but really takes a toll on someone after a while.
Attention from very online people isn’t love or validation… and I’m not sure if Josh is her husband (I thought he’s just the bf) but he doesn’t seem very loving or attentive… to me it’s obvious she likes him more than he likes her. All of this is a tinfoil bc none of us know her, but I wouldn’t assume she has a ton of (real) friends.
Again, I don’t think she has depression, but I don’t think her life is ideal or depression-proof in any way.
No. 125313
>>125304Lol, I guess she realized in person appearances aren’t a good move for her.
If she really wants to drum up publicity for her porno, flying out to la to knock out a ton of podcast appearances would be a good move (aside from revealing her irl face)
No. 125319
>>125304I watched about 3 mins of this podcast skipping through and she pretty much said she’s ashamed if any of her family or future kids see her current content it’s all shit so may as well make the porn as the censored is just as bad… The cope.
…Or you could have just stopped Mary, you could have just stopped doing it.
Also that she was attending swingers parties aged 18 because she’s a ***~seXuAl BeiNg~*** or something along those lines kek.
If anyone gets round to watching the full video can you post a TLDR of any milk, I cannot subject myself to the torture of an hour of drivel
No. 125342
>>125339Did you seriously dig up some comments from a 7 year old picture? Then on top of that post a link on an image board? Man for somebody who -totally isn't belle- you sure seem butthurt about what other people say about someone who isnt belle at all. Nothing weird about some ~totes random anon~ trying to tug on our feelings because of some uwu mean comments that hurt
her feefees and made
her despressed. iDk mAn lo0ks LiKe sHe WaS BuLLieD !!1 Nothing weird about some of these comments itt today at all kek
No. 125356
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>>125339I think it was banter, you can see her in photos on the ones profile.
>Photo from May 2014 with same girl from her school youtube videos. No. 125395
File: 1607707419464.jpeg (1.57 MB, 3098x3873, C14C486C-6CAC-4880-91AC-B0A864…)

This part of the podcast made me kek hard. They did her dirty by googling “Belle delphine without cosplay” especially with what images came up kek
No. 125469
>>125468 said and what i'm mainly curious about is what belle was like before she blew up on the internet, and if your friendship went south before or after she started being an e-thot
No. 125473
>>1254711. What does she look like irl
2. Is her boyfriend using her?
3. Is the cringe persona she put on for the inpaulsive podcast the way she really acts
No. 125475
>>125469we go back to her facebook days i remember the wrong wig situation like it was yesterday but before the fame she was so sweet but over time i became the friend group she would always be around in fact i’m in one of the old pics posted on here, she was definitely very weird and disliked, she dropped out due to bullying is what she told me, she’s a huge weeb and no one wanted to be her friend besides me and her other group of friends which were just as odd, then the tiktok fame hit, this is where it went down south, she stopped talking to that other group randomly and just dropped them because she thought she was too good for them, me, my friends, and josh were all she had for these past years, she started getting cocky and mean to me i thought i had done something to cause it and i asked her but she never answered my question, she got closer to pixie and just ghosted me, it really pissed me off so i remembered this thread and came to it i had said something not too long ago about how much she makes and you guys tried to debunk what i said when it’s factual
No. 125480
>>125395For anyone who actually got through the podcast
The CLIP where Logan says “I can see drugs in your future Belle”
No. 125483
>>125479How does she have 50 mill if the highest number she even claims in interviews is 1 mill a month on onlyfans?
She only had ~5k subscribers on patreon, No brand will do a deal with her, her YouTube Adsense can’t be over 20k a month because she barely puts out videos, bath water was fake?
Even the most generous estimate for merch + onlyfans is nowhere near 50 million.
No. 125504
>>125486she doesn't really have a history of 'downplaying' her money, if anything she takes every possible opportunity to brag.
Why did she say josh works for her on the pod then? I mean I get not wanting to say something that identifies him, but it would be pretty easy to say he works with computers or something along those lines.
And josh has a good enough job to significantly contribute to someone making 10 million a month? is he running a hedge fund or a startup from belle's basement? is he running a venture capital fund? Please explain
No. 125537
>>125536>>125535>>125524jfc what even is this
proof or gtfo sorry. if you're in her life you should be able to verify without doxxing yourself. at least try.
No. 125538
>>125535Well i can post here too saying im the kidnapped hamster and the car painting jail fight story was totally true, u dont have any insight about her daddy issues?
>>125479>she’s definitely a pretty girlKEK
No. 125545
>>125466So far all this information has been shit anyway I have a few things to ask if you really are who you say you are
1 did she really cheat on her ex goran with joshua and led him on while she was cheating?
2 did she really drop out of middle school
3 what was the real reason no one wanted to be her friend? Was it really because she was a “weeb”?
4 is the main inspiration for the belle delphine character her father leaving her (lol)
5 do any of her ex friends besides you that know about her fame if so what do they think?
No. 125561
>>125544Yep this, claiming
>She has 50mil, I've seen itlike anyone shows their bank accounts to their friends. Along with all these contradicting statements. And of course right after this post which makes it clear she is not earning 1mil on an average month
>>125193 No. 125597
>>125596Okay, here's something people need to learn once and for all (this isn't singling you out):
Thots that get money doing the bare minimum DOES NOT have to invest in ANYTHING as they know they'll get money regardless.
When the money dries up, they then decide to actually care about their image.
No. 125600
>>125597Ah yes that makes sense
I was just thinking if I had so much money I would look like a pink plastic turd
No. 125606
I think most thots make minimum around 2-5k in a month ( The totally low tier ones without many subs or good content) on only fans. My bet is she gets around 100k, not 1mil.
>>125193 I think this is the most accurate. Who is she to make 1mil a month? Besides few incels paying for her content and some pedo youtubers who support her pedo pandering content, She ain't a hollywood star or real actress to make such fantasy amount just in a month.
No. 125627
>>125560god everyone is so
toxic here i’ll expose her on some other forum
No. 125631
i’m just gonna say all i can this will be my last post but that company she owns is not the only one, she has some agency type things that cast 18 year old girls and fairly young girls with onlyfans, they make them sign all these contracts saying they can’t say anything about this company and if they do they could be sued but the whole purpose of this is so they can grow these girls and take 40% i think, of their earnings, she currently has quite a few in the US and two in the UK, this is where she makes i’d say most of her earnings which is why she has more than you guys think, she owns this company so that’s why she isn’t concerned with the money thing unless of course onlyfans gets shut down, some random things i hate about her are that she barely showers, always brags, was a trashy drunk, is in an abusive relationship with josh and doesn’t know it, puts on this fake nice uwu girl facade when she’s totally mean, does some illegal things behind the scenes, she got a nose job as well as certain filler to make herself look young, she purposely tries to pedobait, got liposuction (scars in ik back music vid), her sex life is actually boring i’m assuming she wanted to spice things up with the porn thing, she very well has an eating disorder and has had one since she was 13, she hates her life can be suicidal and i’ve had to comfort her during these times
No. 125647
>>125631So if she has this massively successful onlyfans agency, why even make the Christmas day porn??
If shes making so much money off all the girls she has signed, why even humiliate herself that way?
No. 125653
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>>125631We knew that well before, Lilpixiecat and her boyfriend are like employees of Josh and Belle both have OF managed by them. The theory about Belle being a scort is very old and unproven.
No. 125682
>>125638im OP and i really hope this is real but i wont get my hopes up lmao
literally wtf should i even include that anons sperging "im her ex friend" in the next OP?
No. 125683
>>125631>abusive relationship with josh and doesn’t know itany more details? are they
abusive to each other or is one of them a clearer
victim than the other? you know how they met or no?
No. 125692
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>> 125637
She have a scar but looks more from a pelvis femur joint surgery than any other thing. Some people said is from a "liposuction": that is ridiculous.
No. 125696
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>>125692this is what real lipo incisions/scars look like. i highly doubt belle got lipo though, she just has a standard naturally skinny fat body type with little musculature
No. 125704
>>125690meh, anon could have meant that she does coke regularly, which is semi-believable. Posting half-assed over-edited cosplays online isn't exactly rocket science.
It's doubtful that she was a 5$ streetwalker, but belle being a sugarbaby who fucked men for money is possible. The whole teasing simps concept always seemed like her trying to exert power over the dumb simps than actual self-esteem
No. 125708
>>125704Is nice to know the dark secrets of Belle but that anon made a ton of sensational claims and don't bring any proof.
Hard to give credit to our "Belle friend".
No. 125778
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>>125631If this part is true it would be pimping/brothel type activity, which is not legal in the UK.
No. 125787
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>>125785"Belle ex friend" has repeated each conspiracy theory written on PULL…
No. 125794
>>125721They have a point regardless though, spreading shit around and showing EXACT proof can easily point out who you are, as dumb as belle and other thots are their friend/family circles aren't so huge they have a faulty memory.
>Like show a screenshot or something of you messaging her or her telling you these things over textAnd if she told only this specific person? They just doxed themselves. Slander -is- a legit thing you can get into legal for you know.
>>125787Feel free to post screenshots and an archived copy if true. Link specific posts from past threads if true, otherwise you're just as baseless as the "ex friend" you're trying to discredit.
No. 125796
>>125795"I'm just talking shit."
Got ya. If you can't backup your claim you're not better than the supposed ex-friend.
No. 125806
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>>125804I tend not to believe Belle says in these podcast but some facts support her claims: a ramdom tiktoker is earning 300k solely from subscriptions (someone here knows her?).
Taking that in account is very probable Belle is doing 1.2M month.
No. 125816
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>>125811At number 17… £1m per month where?
No. 125830
>>125806Shes MUCH better looking, and has a lot more main stream appeal than belle does. Her pictures aren't so filtered they look like paintings, and she does hard-core uncensored content on a regular basis, also lower sub-price.
Not that hard to believe.
No. 125914
>>125869She has more mainstream attention than “real porn stars”
Onlyfans isn’t a competition over who has the best professional content or skills, it’s based on how many people know about you and your reach to fans. Famous people like Bella Thorne make millions in the span of days.
No. 125927
>>125914Really, you're comparing her to Bella Thorne?
First of all, Bella Thorne has over 20 million Instagram followers and was a Disney channel star, Belle's not exactly in the same league.
When men are paying for porn, they're absolutely choosing who to subscribe to based on the quality of content.
Girls like Riley Reid and Lana Rhoades who have millions of Instagram followers, make tons of hardcore content, and look like the girl next door, are much more likely to get subscriptions than an e-girl who just started showing her tits a few months ago.
>>125924Maybe average in Ohio, way below average in NYC or LA
No. 125936
>>125927>>125933Yes, they are not in the same leage:
-Bella Thorne can make a million with one pic
-Belle Delphine can make a million in a month
Very different leagues. Believing her claims is not crazy, crazy is the amount of money Sims give to these girls.
No. 125937
File: 1607923347599.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201214-002701.png)

I'm just going to post the zoomed in version..
No. 125940
File: 1607923428886.webm (Spoiler Image,728.75 KB, 574x1022, EmptyAgedIntermediateegret-mob…)

God this thread is still pullfag hell. Couldn't even spell her name right in the OP and comments are cancerous as ever with newfags falling for bad bait.
Anyway she really went overboard on that nosejob. Trying to look like a snow filter irl never works out
No. 125982
>>125682Calm down, we're not even at 500 posts yet.
You've mentioned numerous times now that you're the OP of this thread. The OP is shit and no one cares anyway.
No. 126019
File: 1608037635480.png (Spoiler Image,4.28 MB, 750x1334, 0DDF6AB0-2AD8-4F88-A89E-7E6B7C…)

>>126018not only that but wtf is wrong with his feet kek
No. 126119
File: 1608068361663.png (Spoiler Image,4.93 MB, 1201x1800, 3AD46F05-5042-4B76-81D0-778144…)

Yesterday Bellend posted 2 tweets containing these images which has recently disappeared. Do you think she realized looking like she pulled out her mooncup, missed the toilet then slipped just wasn’t doing it for the moids who coom over the fantasy she has not yet reached the age of menstruation, or do you think she’s still getting mass reported by.. those very same moids? KEK
No. 126130
File: 1608074134824.jpeg (127.73 KB, 700x458, 664980F8-3D70-411A-85EA-544D76…)

>>125682>>123840>>123874>>124400>>125682>>126127Yes. We get it. You are the OP. Would you like a badge?
What is with this bait infantile behaviour on this thread sheeeesh
No. 126133
File: 1608075082666.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.43 KB, 750x396, 029A24F9-004D-4F4C-A7A4-B9AFDA…)

>>126132This was on twitter, is this against twitters rules too or not? I thought twitter was lenient with anyone who isn’t orange man (bad)?
>Also ew @ Josh’s gross dorito stained willy. I hate the fact I’ve seen more of that than I have his face. No. 126136
>>126133>Owning the simpsI wonder if this sudden nosedive into cumshots and being covered in fake blood is inspired by the two recent contentious things in these threads
>Someone posted that the porn video will be a troll (This was immediately followed by some insane spamming of nonsense for several hundred posts)>Ex friend who makes various accusations such as Josh cheating, and them running a secret sex worker agency on the sideLike is this thread making them lose their mind over in Belle towers? Are these things in fact true or is this nosedive coincidental?
No. 126148
File: 1608077397189.jpeg (Spoiler Image,180.27 KB, 733x906, CB850EEC-EC3E-4151-B385-700F92…)

>>126136Something somewhere must have happened for her to go from
>This>To thisShe seemed quite against it at one point.
It could be she’s set a goal for herself to be the number #1 egirl and is running out of ideas on what to do that will give her the validation and create as much of a buzz as the whole bathwater saga. Now everyone else has onlyfans maybe feels she has to step her pussy game up to complete and try to remain on “top”.
In the Logal Paul interview she said he and her mother aren’t on great terms now either, whoopsie. I imagine your mother would probably keep you from going off the rails and if she’s surrounded by bad influences such as pixie and her lazy boyfriend then that’s exactly what will happen. Sad really because there are boring girls like Bella Poarch who pull lots of stupid faces on tiktok and make dumb dance videos that are probably more popular than Belle. She should have just stuck to
being cute. She didn’t have to sell her pussy LMAO
No. 126155
>>126148That person pretty accurately guessed how much she'd make a month, that's exactly how much she was calculated to make upthread
>>125193When was that comment written? I'm thinking sometime in 2019 on her Insta?
No. 126159
>>126133notice the angling of this with the wide lense to give him a bigger dick but also subsequently gave her salad fingers. his dick is placed on the outer portion of the frame for this effect. wow. i knew people would hyper analyze his dick and so did they so they did the best they can.
honestly my take on this is that theyre average people but they hold themselves, or think people hold them to a high standard. thats where their struggle comes in and they try to overcompensate. shes an average girl that over filters herself cause she has a high standard and when people see her w/o the filters they think shes ugly, but shes just average or above depending on who you ask. his dick is the same lol.
No. 126160
I hadn’t watched the full thing, only clips, just to zoom through on 2x speed to find. Think I now have a brain aneurysm.
No. 126161
>>126148Belle was talking from a bussinnes and economic viewpoint, nothing to do with being modest and pure.
Offer and demand, Onlyfans showed Belle was a demand for her nudes and well paid.
She was testing the waters for weeks polling her subs about a companion and explicit material.
I believe for a time she discarded doing porn because Rusty Fawkes case was a telltale (yes, she did everything).
No. 126205
File: 1608100916819.jpeg (197.19 KB, 828x728, BF410BAD-35EE-484C-A326-1414BE…)

what did she say before she deleted it?
No. 126210
>>126205It was those after she posted these
>>126119 with something something am I evil something something yandere LARP
>>126206Why? Do we talk about twitters tos or is this so I see a 3rd photo of Joshs face someone’s managed to dig from the depths of the internet - meaning I’ve seen his peepee twice but at least his face 3 times so can’t hate it anymore? If not, stfu.
No. 126259
>>126247i get it, i will next time, and if you look at the old OPs for the other threads they were shittier than mine and their op pics were terrible. i dont know why some users now obsessively hate other users lol the site is about cows of course majority of people on this site are probably cows too, who gives a fuck. used the site for years and suddenly an influx of people who are nasty to other users just because they want to be lol so unnecessary
No. 126271
>>126266you really are such a little baby. i already fucking said i will include her socials next thread. i never said "durr i didnt know that ops typically included socials!" i literally said i am too lazy to look for them. i dont fucking use that shit but i will go out of my way next time sure.
for the last FUCKING time. i never used pull, i always thought pull was retarded because it required accounts, just like how i said i dont use SM for the exact reason.
you are so retarded. go cry in a corner if you're going to be such a baby about other users on this site. we are supposed to make fun of the cows and post milk and speculate for fun, not reeee at other users and nitpick other users for not doing everything perfectly. you are probably just another pullfag projecting, i swear all the ACTUAL newfags and pulltards just project at each other in threads because they're insecure that THEY are the newfags/pulltards. go to meta to whine about it, not the fucking thread.
saged for OT, im so sorry that this retard keeps derailing the milk in the thread because they have some weird vendetta against me, probably just jealous i beat them to making a new thread kek
(quit sperging) No. 126291
>>126276>desperate effortok fag even though ive literally used 4chan and lolcow since 2017. keep coping that your little pullsperging is annoying and unwarranted. can we just fucking discuss belle for ONCE? she is about to become some kind of porn star after years of acting like she wouldnt and her relationship with her only parent just fell apart its hilarious she should have seen it coming.
>>126288i know im part of the thread drama but i agree with you, dont understand why people keep screeching about pull the site doesnt even exist anymore and was always irrelevant to this site
No. 126292
>>126288It’s suspect, not only the wk part but around that time the amount of ban evading and poor fan art/podcast comparisons spammed. Reason being I noticed some facebook crosspollination coming from a particular account that kept posting comparisons from here on some pewdiepie fan account and then posting the male comment reactions here, not sure if all the same person or a coincidence. Just odd.
inb4 jealous pewds fan. I was searching to see if these were legit reactions lel
No. 126293
>>126291Anytime anyone tries to discuss her and it doesnt go in the direction that anon wants,
>belle is pretty irl and makes 1 mil a monthsperg anon starts screeching aboiy pull
>>126292Its comments like these ya know
No. 126304
>>126299I think that's op anon since the op includes said irrelevant collages, which nobody except op thinks are amusing or interesting. Probably some samefagging from op anon since two "different" anons one after the other claim to be using lolcow since 2017 yet their posts are just irrelevant word salad infighting.
Also we should probably stop this derailing but
someone was certainly
triggered at the suggestion they are a skinwalker pullfag, maybe close to the truth. Is rusty from the UK? The posting times would match up.
No. 126306
>>126304Again, its comments like these.
Other anons see it which is why it's just mostly you responding to yourself. This whole thread reads like 1 anon obsessively posting and wk/baiting/infighting everyday and like, 2 or 3 other anons who pass by and comment every now and then only to get screeched at by you or accused of posting bad pics of her. You seem like you are projecting and have an unhealthy obsession with belle and the things people say about her for some strange odd totally non suspicious reason. W is a containment board it's not for cows who are worth a damn. Reading this thread and a few others from w reminds me why it was made in the first place
No. 126308
File: 1608146076401.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.09 KB, 750x1112, 31D71B03-63CC-4E7B-830F-20FB06…)

>>126306actually W is for the weebs kek
>Caption pepes thoughts of this photoPlz can someone tell me if this supposed to be ironic dead meme kinda vibe or do they think this is
hip cool trendy because I keep gravitating towards the later and it kills me a little inside.
No. 126313
File: 1608147289865.jpeg (7.41 KB, 158x319, images.jpeg)

>>126308In the same way she admitted somewhere that she doesn't play video games, seems plain to me that it's the same deal with meme culture. She references memes months after their expiry and in such an unfunny way that the humour seems lost on her. I always got "cool mom" vibes from her. Why she gets hailed as a self aware meme lord I will never understand.
No. 126317
>>126309Nta but who admitted what? There is no >>126305 There is at least 2 of us, I’m not samefagging. I feel I’m being gaslit kek. Please stop causing doubt in the thread.
>>126313I feel the same but then I also find myself doing mental gymnastics of “what if… Is this her as Mary or a character Belle that she has created like Poppy, a social commentary on current meme culture and as a woman it doesn’t matter how unfunny you are as long as you sell sex.” But I doubt Belle is that big brained.
>Pulls out another sheet of sweet aluminum.I just have to accept, it’s as simple as it seems - Belle simped the gamer boys attention before they ever simped her.
No. 126321
>>126317>Belle simped the gamer boys attention before they ever simped her.The accuracy of this.
iirc she said in a podcast that she's "branded herself", strongly implying Belle isn't a character. But clearly it is a persona she puts on to an extent (gamer girl/i don't play video games) I've wondered myself if maybe she is a bit lost in Belle Delphine. That shit has surely gotta fuck with your head.
No. 126325
>>126320That didn’t happen and if it did to assume it’s all the same anon and not someone trolling is a bit bait but OK. Agree to disagree.
>>126321I think it’s probs a big cope. She doesn’t seem to have any real long term friends. If you look at those videos and pics at school, where are they now? The girls in the photos seem to all still be friends. I think she has narc tendencies because she is so uwu broke and insecure inside. I don’t think she is depressed, just has issues and the desperate need for male validation and in need of a therapist.
No. 126329
>>126323I deleted because another anon posted at the same time, I meant the last 2 posts of the argument prior to the post right before mine.
>>126308I don't think pepe is even used as a reaction-image anymore, it's wojack now. These thots can't be assed to get a real job so I guess they're not gonna bother with keeping up with whatever their target demographic is into.
No. 126352
let stop derailing and infighting and speculate.
>>126308i think pepe would say, "yet another girl ruins her relationship with her only parent in her life because of the porn industry's grooming." that's why he is sad
either way she begs so much for engagement and likes lol "she is rich" dont give me that any wealth she has acquired is always dwindling and her bf is money hungry af. i can tell he doesnt love her lol
No. 126412
File: 1608174341827.jpg (467.55 KB, 1080x1040, 20201216_220430.jpg)

This girls face is warped to hell and back
No. 126464
File: 1608212954760.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1655, wat.jpeg)

>>126412>>125304can she fucking PLEASE stop making this dreamworks face its so ugly i s2g
No. 126472
File: 1608220173299.jpg (232.39 KB, 1077x1465, EGSPHf5XoAAeROI.jpg)

>>126471In fact Belle have a really nice hair, has more to do with her simps wanting to see her wearing that cheap wig all time.
Girls trying to copy her "mugshot" always fail in the hair part.
(ban evasion) No. 126478
File: 1608221997581.jpg (61.68 KB, 640x640, A popular theory that has no c…)

man she really has the same thing going on with her face that Suzy Berhow did, that weird-looking philtrum upper lip area
No. 126479
>>126478I have to commend Bellend for at least one thing and that is not over indulging in lip fillers like every single instagram
famus white chick nowadays. Sometimes I wonder if thats what these simps find appealing, that she is
”not like other girls” - no tan, no breasts, no hips, no ass, no lips, just plain old stephanie from lazytown in that shiny pink polyester wig kek
No. 126484
>>126479Belle have some kind of "low hanging fruit" effect: she is pretty but not in a level guys see a female as out of their league. That facilitates creating imaginary relationships with her, is part of her success.
>>126483 her wigs look like shit in each photo why you think she will put more effort in that "mugshot" stunt. That is her hair, not all of her have to be bad or ugly.
No. 126488
>>126484anon you're naive as fuck if you think that mugshot isn't shooped or posed or if any part of that whole debacle is real
nta but thinking her hair is fake is one of the most reasonable assumptions in this whole thread kek
No. 126489
>>126483Why wouldn’t she? It doesn't look like she colours her hair, sometimes it looks like she doesn’t even brush it or straighten it. It’s just long hair. She might wear extensions to thicken it at a push but she’s just an average caucasian girl, her hair isn’t going to be nappy kek. It’s not nice enough to be a “nice lace front” nor does it look like a cheap wig, Belle doesn’t have an eye for quality, everything is aliexpress tack.
Your hate boner has got you reaching
No. 126509
>>126506I highly doubt skater/rock boys with long hair are sat with their Pantene Pro V hair mask every other night and going to the salon for their monthly trim and pamper. As long as you don’t do anything to damage your hair, caucasian hair will be 9/10 healthy. But as I said she might use extensions to thicken it. I don’t particularly see anything special with her hair, any social recluse can grow long hair? She wears a wig when she takes photos and rarely go outdoors so she wouldn’t be damaging her hair. We’ve seen her failure to blend her other tacky lace fronts because she’s lazy so I doubt it’s a wig. She probs washed it for this photo and pushed it back? lol
Her nails are probs fucked because she’s an anachan who never leaves the house to get any vit d. It just sounds like you love her hair but hate it’s on
her head kek
(infight, derail) No. 126522
File: 1608237626572.jpeg (466.75 KB, 715x900, E0DCF5A5-4F6A-4DB0-8D36-F6DB8C…)

>>126472surprised you guys see her hair as nice cause the first thing i noticed in her no wig pictures is that her hair looks like its never been conditioned, moisturized or brushed. super thick but with no shine. just frizz.
she used to have nice hair before she dyed it many years ago and doesnt know how to maintain hair health, now she just puts on a wig all the time and only washes and brushes it when she needs to like the mugshot pic.
No. 126529
File: 1608239654418.jpeg (43.05 KB, 1024x512, EECB7342-4C53-45CE-B6D4-A02EE7…)

It’s so crazy how different her face looks in this photo compared to her old face. I wouldn’t think it was the same person.
>She looked her age at one point (continued…) No. 126530
File: 1608239685128.png (Spoiler Image,3.57 MB, 924x1800, A9D31F04-F35E-4893-B4F4-F8FF17…)

>Then became more mature looking then Benjamin Buttoned. I wonder what caused her to start going crazy on editing apps out of nowhere or did she not know it was a thing around this time because it’s odd for anyone to post photos with sores on their lips. Especially our perfect 3D loli waifu.
No. 126610
File: 1608258767296.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1125x1108, 1FB2987D-2E63-4135-B6FB-666DC1…)

What is this
No. 126625
>>126610Josh really wants to stick his penis in everyone's face this week huh.
Also red paint doesn't look like that, I assumed it was fake blood but now with that caption I think it
is blood.
No. 126627
>>126449adobe isn't a program. If you mean photoshop then no shit every thot out there is photoshopped to hell and back.
>>126625it's fake blood, but even fake blood isn't allowed on onlyfans so they're pretending it's red paint.
No. 126666
>>126642I think it's wet tights/socks that have bunched up a bit.
I'd love to see Belle's sub count drop every time another image of Josh's dick is posted, I can't imagine the incels are enjoying getting cucked like this.
No. 126691
>>126688Adobe Afereffects
and the quality is awful
No. 126694
>>126627> it's fake blood, but even fake blood isn't allowed on onlyfans so they're pretending it's red paint.I really hope some cuckedcoomer rage reports her and she is banned from onlyfans and subsequently all the internet. At first I though that this is what she was trying to do so she doesn’t have to upload the porn, take everyone’s money, get banned and disappear from the internet and LARP the whole “uwu it’s not my fault I’m always banned”.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the insistence of Josh wiener being included now everywhere as some possessive assertion of his
’alpha’ dominance over the beta male fanbase.
Also imo it’s a dumb move to be posting all these mini porns running up to her grand porn release. She would have made more not revealing anything until that one video but I guess
smoll business woman genius Einstein brain of marketing Bellend knows what she’s doing….kek
No. 126703
>>126694I get the feeling they are doing this knowing it will be leaked and are trying to use it as promo. If these videos make the rounds it could give them more reach.
The blood is really fucking weird, if it were Halloween it might make a little more sense, but the blood teamed with Josh's dick is the weirdest move, it's almost like they're trying to get people to unsub.
No. 126745
>>126694Agreed with all of this, I thought all the same things.
very easily could get banned for this and she knows it, and nobody even wanted this?? bloody porn?
Josh is 100% asserting dominance by sticking his dick in every photo this week. If I had to psychoanalyze all of this I'd say they want out.
And they also are definitely reducing the suspense for the "porn" with all this gross stuff they've been putting out.
And finally also questioning Belle's so called business acumen, everything they're doing lately is career-destroying considering their customer base.
No. 126788
saged, but i feel so bad for her mom; a single mother who probably tried to raise her daughter right (not sure why she would let her drop out of school, bad move) and the internet, porn industry, and Josh groomed her daughter into a wannabe pornstar. she could be normal and she was naturally pretty before but nahh she just had to get an unnecessary nosejob and god knows what else and slap a cheap pink wig on and all these ugly rodent filters, shove a huge dildo in her asshole for men to fap to. really, really sad.
Christmas is a time to spend with family and if her mom and her are on bad terms now, looks like she will be spending it without her daughter and can easily know that her daughter is spending her christmas making money off a stupid sex tape instead of being a normal happy girl. her poor mother… she must be embarrassed, angry, and resentful (rightfully so).
belle is the poster child of "pretty young girl gets ruined by the porn industry". she did choose this though, so i don't feel bad for belle. she is obviously money hungry and a fame whore. wonder what kind of milk we can expect in the coming years. if she is depressed, she shouldn't be surprised. i have bad feelings about josh too, he just seems like a total chode with a complex. he is definitely flexing on coomers by being included in her porn, how insecure lol. coomers' money and josh pulled her away from her mother and any semblance of a healthy lifestyle. their new house may be nice but i see luna slater-style dirtyness coming up within the year, with josh's nasty chunky jizz, paint, and lube getting piled up on all her backdrops in her videos lol. they probably dont even clean the house. we already have had some insight from belle herself that she is somewhat sad about the corner she's backed herself into. she was so thirsty for male attention and she let them lead her into a shitty lifestyle. i can't imagine making sex a hobby or job lol, no wonder "sex workers" always seem to actually dislike sex after about a year doing it. it isn't natural or healthy at all to sell intimacy for money, coomers are NEVER appeased, always want more.
sour times, huh? it's really fucking sick how pornography, coomers, and "sex workers" are grooming young women to be so sick and unhappy, because we aren't meant to be sexual objects lusted after online. ALL "sex workers" are mentally ill, and many are addicted to drugs to numb the pain of the situations they put themselves in.
sorry for the sperg but i think it needs to be laid out there.
No. 126796
>>126788> she was so thirsty for male attention and she let them lead her into a shitty lifestyle.Belle half way through talking about how boys only started noticing her when she dyed her hair and put effort in to her appearance but then would get dumped after a day.
Talks about how she “used to be the simp” and has “a lot of stories” about her “trying to impress boys” including painting a pokemon mural on her wall because a boy she was dating liked pokemon (especially mudkip) and that she used to save up her pocket money for each boy she liked and buy them gifts (O no this sounds familiar) clip where she talks about her family and mother: surprise Joshyboys family are all ok with the porn uwu as long as he’s living a cush life leeching off his sugarmama.
She says she used to be a simp, but she literally is still a simp. She simps for male attention to validate her. Simps for Josh whilst she whores herself out to buy him new PC games. It’s actually tragic.
No. 126804
>>126796She should put all that "simping" energy into making proper friends instead of trying to impress YouTubers, porn addicted men and boyfriends who only want to use her and could care less about belle as a person.
what women her age need to realize is when shit hits the fan or you're boyfriend/hudband decides to leave you or worse hurt you in some way it's you're close girl friends (if you choose wisely) who will be there for you and help you get through hard times
female friendships are so important for women
and these types of "men" that she is relying her happiness and income on could care less what happens to her
I'm not saying "men bad women good" the point is if she wasn't such a fucking pick me she could've seen this misery coming from a mile away
But considering she is a disgusting selfish degenerate herself just like the men she desperately wants to please I'd say belle and her fanboys belong together and they could all rot in their own cum for all I care.
No. 126808
File: 1608328193976.webm (13.59 MB, 500x500, anal.webm)
Get more here [redacted](USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 126844
>>126835you need to be 18+ to post here
>>126839all advertisements are against the rules, newfag
>>126838>>126830she went to the shoe0nhead school of attentionwhoring. their stories of "uwu i was so unpopular with the boys and i simped so hard for them but nobody wanted me and i was just so shy and awkward and that's why i know now that we must protecc men" sound alike.
No. 126852
>>126845NTA and I don't do anal either but your "ewww she's putting
stuff up her poopoo hole xD" post comes off extremely sheltered and immature. It's her finger. You can relax. You're probably one of those weird girls that are uncomfortable with their body, have never seen their own pussy/asshole and don't use tampons because it makes them ~uncomfy~
There's so much wrong with her and yet this thread always finds the most inane bullshit to circlejerk over.
>inb4 I'm Belle because I'm not clutching my pearls over a sex worker touching her own asshole No. 126857
>>126852it's disgusting. can we stop with the "its sooo immature!" shit in regards to literally putting your finger where loads of bacteria and literal SHIT reside? YOU are the gross one. go stick your finger in your butthole you freak, not everyone has to normalize it like you. and why do you fucking care if a woman decides she doesn't like tampons, you're one of those bitches that shames other grown women for deciding she uses pads like a cunt.
>sex workergo back to twitter
No. 126860
>>126852>Sex workerLmfao, I'm sorry our respectable young empowered Dell Computer is showing us a respectable and woke days wages.
After seeing whatever the hell uncanny valley soundtrack and B list horror acting that was i agree with earlier tinfoil posts shes tryna get permabanned before xmas so she doesn't have to deliver sauce and can milk it.
What else is banned on OF or Twatter? She might try to play with other fire.
No. 126863
>>126858>seethe Anyway I'll take this ban idc. I agree with other anons pussyfooting around the issue. Belle and Josh are obsessed with this thread and wont stop self posting and sperging in here at her defense. They have done terribly at integrating on this website, even with their weak insults peppered in their posts. How many posts now have you ended with
>inb4 I'm belleLook at the last thread too they love saying that shit after wking her in their posts. It's so cringey, just like any other time she pops up to talk about herself (luckily this is an anonymous forum so it saved them the trouble of making a slew of sock accounts to juggle).
No. 126867
>>126866and videos and panties/gimmicks, before someone gets on my ass about "she doesn't just* sell pics!!!!"
She's still just an e-whore, not a regular irl whore, so I'll call her a sex worker. Sorry if you spent so much time on Twitter that you think it's exclusively a woke term and not just a descriptor.
No. 126869
File: 1608344621953.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.61 KB, 1176x1151, attackofthesimps.jpg)

kek this was in response to the reaction to her bloody butthole video
No. 126880
>>126869lol inb4 belle joins the 27 club because this is just the beginning of coomers' wrath and hatred towards women, even the ones like her who always pander to them.
belle, get out and go back to mummy. it aint worth the money.
No. 126885
>>126869Simpception. The moids have finally revolted. I guess I would be pissed too if all I did was coom and I just spent $30 after PH deleted my bookmarked aznpr0n only to have my peen retract inside my body at the sight of blood and seeing Josh wielding his cock about like it was grindr and not a single vageen in sight kek. Most of these coomers find the thought of women having even periods icky, women are supposed to be perfect sex dolls with no bodily fluids (unless requested) uwu
Belle had all this big talk about working for herself, but you really aren’t are you, you work for a bunch of degenerate cumbrians who want you to cater to every sexual demand they have, rage if you don’t, then keke with each other about you being the next bianca devins. You are working for the worst people.
(repost because annoying typo)
No. 126899
>>126897Nothings wrong with it.
But in Belles case, being her career and all, it’s the equivalent of a midget joining the NBA. It’s just awkward to watch.
No. 126931
>>126852This pick-me shit. "put your finger up your asshole, anon". Why, because men like it? Or are you one of those dumb thots that swear she loves it. Get the fuck outta here you retard.
>>126869One day she's going to realise she'll never be able to do enough, and the more she debases and abuses herself for them the ruder they'll be. She hasn't figured out she has no worth to these men. Yes, she's Belle Delphine but she's also just another onlyfans girl. Men always talk about how they sub to onlyfans but would never date a girl that has one.
You can still back out, Belle.
No. 127139
File: 1608439371428.jpeg (461.96 KB, 1242x863, 734B0BFD-00AC-40A5-9071-6BE523…)

The filter is making her eyes look retarded kek
She couldn’t just do lewds anymore she had to stoop to this level to make money
No. 127143
File: 1608439917667.png (Spoiler Image,296.11 KB, 534x583, Capture.PNG)

>>126869Belle is really wrong about porn: is not something people learn. And guys started feeling weird by her childish look in these harcore scenes. For me that blood video gave some "uncanny valley" vibes, mixing porn an snapchat filters is not good for sure.
No. 127202
File: 1608477973086.png (845.11 KB, 1440x1061, sadbois.png)

>>127147She really doesn't understand her audience at all
No. 127205
File: 1608478950615.png (192.54 KB, 1440x879, spectator.png)

>>125138(Interview linked above)
So why is Josh's dick half the screen? You understand dicks are not pretty, right?
No. 127220
File: 1608485149999.png (31.18 KB, 582x217, bro.png)

Yeah she's totally not bothered you guys.
Also if you got a degradation kink it just shows how mentally unwell you are.
No. 127222
>>127220calling it honestly, this bitch is EXACTLY like shayna lol. she has some "porn" filmed at her "peak" and when she gets criticism she deflects and copes by saying "hahahahha NOT bothered guys humiliation/degradation JUST TURNS ME ON" nobody who says that shit ever fucking means it.
you gonna get obese one day too belle? you are a mini shayna, just with more money kek
No. 127224
>>127221the funny thing is too last thread posters had screenies that she follows shat too. getting some inspiration from the girl you should LAST be inspired by eh bellend?
what a tough day in the belle household. still feel so bad for mummy, her daughter is releasing a porno xmas instead of having dinner with her family. i doubt she will even go see her mom since they are on bad terms now. it's not worth it sweetheart.
No. 127229
>>127220what a cope. if she doesn’t care/enjoys it why is she begging for scrotes to be nice to her on OF
>>126869>PICK. ONE.Kek this is exactly the same “sassy” “not bothered” shit people say to save face before they cry about it in private. We know the rejection and lack of validation is killing her inside, I imagine she’s REEEing in to her tear soaked bedroom pillow right now.
No. 127233
File: 1608488140845.png (Spoiler Image,3.36 MB, 1334x750, E169FBB7-12C0-42A8-9CE8-DA3C8C…)

It’s not even “leaking her porn on Christmas” at this stage, she just makes porn now, she has absolutely no other social media presence or personality other than porn. Christmas is going to be leaked so so quick.
Link of someone commented on her twitter post with a vid of her sucking Josh’s weewee
again while her fondles her butthole.’m so excited for this new shaya route! kek
No. 127238
>>127235yeah cos she has no idea what shes fucking doing and is staring at herself in the viewfinder like a bdd freak a la eugenia cooney. everything about her sexual acts is a huge turn off. she is just cute, she should stop trying to make porn she has no clue how to suck a dick where it would actually feel good and doesnt even know what to do with her hands and body.
this porn thing is just a way to check her body probably and get male validation, to me she doesnt look sexy or act sexy at all. her bfs uncut chodr disgusts me as well.
No. 127240
File: 1608489700256.png (102.24 KB, 553x402, 108A95D1-AAE3-41AF-BF33-71D112…)

No. 127241
>>127240 Belle idea of posting these videos was so dumb that is the only explanation. A more collected meme kween should waited until 25 before publishing anyything, but Belle is losing her mind at her simps criticism.
The failure is becomming viral as her stunts. No. 127243
File: 1608490344663.jpg (2.34 MB, 1836x3264, Teachmehowtosuckbttrking.jpg)

Are these scrotes also seething with jealousy? Top Kek
No. 127244
File: 1608490616821.jpg (139.43 KB, 1076x447, Screenshot_20201220-135606_Chr…)

>>127241Same thing going on over here too. What a mystery
No. 127257
>>127233>Owning the simpsOh wait just degrading herself for men like every other porn star. A tale as old as time. She really is this dumb to stomp all over her USP to be just another thot in a wig.
At least it will be more difficult for thots to claim she's an inspiring businesswoman when this is just bog-standard porn with absolutely no inventiveness or wit behind it.
Also so weird that it's basically a selfie/Instagram story that happens to have a dick in it, it's like she's dissociating and doesn't realize there's really a human there and millions of actual humans are watching this. She exists only as a person interacting with a phone screen and none of this is "real" to her.
Wouldn't wanna be Belle in the moment this all sinks in. It's not a videogame. It's not a selfie. It's not all happening within your phone. This is the equivalent to appearing in front of a stadium of people to give a blowjob to your boyfriend.
Also not believing she "gets off on being degraded" when she won't appear on camera under any less than 15 videofilters, wig, thick makeup and careful angles.
No. 127270
File: 1608497268154.jpg (202.73 KB, 1063x461, 5678864.jpg)

No. 127280
File: 1608499739273.png (809.18 KB, 818x798, pottery.png)

kind of messy but the simps hate comments were too good not to make this edit
No. 127281
>>127276The coomers may now all be flaccid but my hate boner is fully erect. This is hilarious watching this car crash. She got greedy, tried to take advantage of the simps and now the scrotes realise the fantasy was better than the reality and are filled with disappointment. She did all this and for what?
No amount of degradation fetish cope will help. Being told to suck dick like a worthless whore might get a masochists coochie swimming, but no one wants to hear
“y’know what, don’t worry about it, I’m good” kek this is glorious!
No. 127289
>>127288This,there's a lot of doubleposts. Please delete your shit.
>>127281same here anon, i'm glad to see this bitch's fame finally dying off. She was never cute or funny or anything special. She just got lucky with coomers and we all knew damn well how it ends when you pander to coomers. She's done for this time and i'm delighted to see it happen. I love redemption arcs and always did but she's the first lolcow in all my years that i only grew to hate more and more.
No. 127296
File: 1608502811453.png (31.86 KB, 1440x317, 854367.png)

She probably thinks this is going well…
No. 127301
File: 1608503301919.jpeg (94.04 KB, 750x546, 798B6C7A-F477-48D7-B60F-EEDBF8…)

>she’s laughing all the way to the bank
>Belle is laughing all the way to the bank anon
>laugh to the bank guyz
If someone offered me ”10million” to have the whole world laugh at me being a shit lay whilst I’m trying my best I would prefer to laugh all the way to my cardboard box kek
No. 127304
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>>127301literally bellend rn kek
No. 127321
File: 1608508606316.jpeg (36.93 KB, 300x345, 061CFB5C-E999-4635-84EE-969915…)

>>127312I can only imagine what it’s like atm in the Delphine household, bet shes so horny right now with all that
degrading>”Don’t listen to them! I promise Mary, you are really good at it. Please don’t cut off my GBP allowance!”>”REEEEEEE JOSH GET OUT!!!!” No. 127376
File: 1608525193223.png (25.16 KB, 841x179, Capture.PNG)

>>127361Looks like her video will be a big disappointment albeit expectations now are not so high.
She knows that and she don't want to repeat Bella Thorne scandal making that video PPV, the she will post it for "free" in Only fans.
No. 127379
>>127280who would have thought such an insecure creature would be awkward on film and completely unsexy. who could have predicted.
anyway, if she were smart she'd have disappeared from the internet entirely. the fact that her fanbase is made up of incels and simps makes me think someone'll end up stalking her and hurting her irl. catering to these losers… what a horrible move.
>the only real way to make money is to be sexual onlinehow sad. no, you can go to college. or a tech school. or work on your humor and become tiktok famous making memes and shit. become an actor. there's so much out there. the fact that she just defaulted to "okay i'll whore myself out for the lowest common denominator" is sad, but this is a choice now and i don't really feel bad for her anymore.
No. 127384
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No. 127392
File: 1608530906115.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.93 MB, 1836x3264, Seethe.jpg)

No. 127401 to when she exposed herself for giving bad head by being awkward with a banana and got roasted, albeit on a much smaller scale.
Belle uses sex as an attention-seeking tool, she doesn't enjoy it, she just wants to see men put her on a pedestal. i imagine she's spent too much time as a shut-in depending on filters, she's so gassed up thinking she has natural sex appeal when she doesn't even understand what "sexy" is.
>she almost seems like an asexual immitating what someone who likes sex might dobased comment
No. 127405
>>127392Fucking kek
>>127398She's too vain and narcissistic for porn, and she has a virgin's understanding of sex. Called it from the start. She's more focused on keeping her her filter from falling off than her bf's disinterested and flaccid dick that needs to be constantly propped up, which just tops it off beautifully, absolute gold.
No. 127411
File: 1608543174016.jpeg (179.86 KB, 526x458, C7E9C821-CBD9-4A50-8E73-DD85B7…)

imagine missing the opportunity to do an ahegao face during your first blowjob scene when it’s the only reason you’re famous. every time she’s on an interview they ask her to “do the face”.
i knew from the first time i saw that banana clip that her head was trash but gave her the benefit of the doubt ‘cause i thought it was more so foreplay. but nah that’s all she does.
i’m getting so much second hand embarrassment from this shit lol reminds me when i was 16 and didnt know what a penis looked like irl i thought you’re actually supposed to blow during a blow job.
No. 127422
File: 1608554957962.jpeg (229.22 KB, 750x1032, 36AD9784-E3CB-4EE4-B0E9-BA6FC5…)

>Luckily for me i don’t have a dad!
Big yikes!
No. 127427
>>127422lol is she gloating about it? sweetie everybody legit just feels sorry for your dumb ass, you look like the stupidest person to loads of people right now. yes bellend a lot of things that aren't good CAN be "normalized" over time. you can get used to living a horrible lifestyle, like shayna.
>everybody has sex, i'm just letting people watchgirlie nobody wants to SEE you give bad head! i can bet she will just sit like a starfish during her "porno" yaaaawn. "no biggie!" yeah belle it is a bad move when all your simps are disappointed in you. you look like such an idiot, one with zero sex appeal. i knew from those fuck machine videos that she didnt know how to do anything sexual at all lol. she's been with that guy for a while, you'd think she would know. and loling now at the "fetish" clips from logan paul's podcast acting like she is a ~kink qween~ it really reminds me of my virginal bdsm phase where i really embarrassed myself in front of several men, glad i didnt post it online for everyone to see… belle get some sexual skills and stop making your BDD so obvious staring in the viewfinder like a pathetic creep.
No. 127441
>>127422Oml does she ever shut up about her dad? Every chance she gets it's my dad this my dad that "hey stranger! did you know my father left me? tehe"
She brags about it so much it's kind off creepy.. I wonder if she's marketing herself as being a broken girl with no father to simps who have that weird fetish so they are more eager to pay for her content.
No. 127447
File: 1608563205183.jpg (586.17 KB, 1080x1507, 20201221_160447.jpg)

Coomers finding positives?
No. 127449
>>127422>I don't even feel nervous about getting into porn -cant get comfortable on camera-
Sure jan
No. 127450
File: 1608563434890.jpg (173.66 KB, 1080x707, 20201221_160935.jpg)

Boogie himself says her porn is bad?
No. 127451
>>127443why yall acting like her bf is some prime material with that tiny weird dick of his and his giant untamed bush, lmao
they're both gross
No. 127484
>>127447More guys are paying attention to Josh wiener than seeing what Belle does, is pathetic.
>>127454 She really didn't have so much sexual experience. 1 Goran 2 Josh end, and both didn't look like Chad type.
>>127456 She made that obvious in that The spectator article: "She talks vaguely about a future life with a future family in which she will be a bourgeois mother at the school gates with a secret".
>>127483Well for Josh it’s a double win - more money and gets to dick down the woman all the simps are chasing boosting his ego with all his
alpha male dominance in the same way a dog pisses on a lamppost.
No. 127490
>>127489either that or he’s doing the stupid “it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks,
I will always love you, now
strip” whilst he simultaneously ruins every other aspect of her life that doesn’t concern him
No. 127511
>>127435>i only hope this fake "kinky" trend dies and it becomes popular for girls like her to openly say "actually i don't have much sex~ so pure~" or some shit I'd love this so much. Belle obviously not only has no interest in sex, she is shit at it. She just wanted attention this whole time, the sudden dive to porn is partly due to her actual 0 sexuality. Solo videos, the next logical step which she skipped, requires actual sexual feelings existing rather than being a receptacle/mannequin for a male. She went straight to dead-eyed blow-up doll territory. It's easy for an asexual person to compartmentalize and brush it away as nothing since they literally feel no sexual things - it's just an activity like brushing your hair. It's easy to say it's "just sex, everyone does it" when it means less to you than all the devastated scrotes in the comments.
She should have stuck to being an e-girl but this was the way to make the most attention, even though it's clear now she is not a naturally sexual person by any stretch of the imagination. Which is fine, but explains the odd, jarring passage of her "career" as a porn star.
No. 127519
>>127511>>127512>>127518The hilarious part is also that her coomers don't seem to notice that much that she isn't into it. They only see Josh peepee and how bad she is at giving head. That typical male self-centered himpathy.
She really has turned into imitating a sex doll, no sexual feelings whatsoever.
No. 127521
>>127519yeah coomers love facial abuse and weird extreme shit because their brains are fried and don't care at all if the girl in question is into it because she isnt even a person to them
belle picked THE WORST group of people to pander to lol
No. 127533
File: 1608583883003.jpeg (326.81 KB, 630x644, 1E7ADAD6-FCE8-4783-BEF8-CF789F…)

>>127386Jesus she really is an ana-chan, when you can see her whole body in the beginning she's sucking in her belly to a ridiculous degree.
No. 127593
File: 1608613107738.png (430.11 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20201222-000259.png)

No. 127610
>>127593She must be doing this on purpose lmao this fucking height complex with e-Thot girls. Did a podcast dude comment on how unusually tall she was irl and this is her way of getting the last word?
What a waste of sex toys also. She’s going to have a whole room of her house filled with dildos she’ll never use.
No. 127614
>>127593Bitch u still not ~smol~ or tiny it’s average.
I must have missed her getting a nose job at some point can someone tell me when? Was that recent?
No. 127617
File: 1608626830027.jpg (87.49 KB, 1003x607, 20201222_094600.jpg)

>>127593Googling a conversion is hard.
No. 127624
File: 1608631304270.jpeg (154.68 KB, 960x638, 29C021B2-0869-4FCC-B14A-2F9D61…)

>>127593kek I love this
>i so smol cannot pick up big box so smol uwu>it changes your perspective of thingsgirl you are the same height, your focal point is the same, you’re still taller than other actually smol girls your meet, what perspective? even minus the platforms in this photo you're still the tallest in the group! kek
No. 127633
File: 1608640469494.png (26.96 KB, 127x145, reeeeeeeeeeee.png)

>>127593belle is an odd combo of juwune and shay lol, she JUST SAID on logan paul's podcasts she's 5'6 and made this face like she "uwu isnt smol enough" girl please. nothing wrong with being average height. this is just pedo pandering kek
No. 127637
File: 1608640937577.jpg (67.53 KB, 960x960, 1604131654589.jpg)

>>127614she wanted more of a ski slope nose and ended up looking like MJ postmortem kek
No. 127643
File: 1608645617155.jpg (569.29 KB, 1057x1202, Screenshot_20201126-235306_Ins…)

So itty bitty n smol uwu
No. 127651
>>127637Pic on the left is from last year after her first nj. She took a short break to get her nose done, posted the halloween vid, did pornhub awards, then her hiatus happened and she got her nose done again
>>127643God her dress sense is horrible. She definitely isn't 5'4 kek, I suspect she could be taller than 5'6 tbh
No. 127659
>>127649i think you can buy them over at
>>127653She looks taller than the guys even sat down. We stan an amazonian kween kek kek
No. 127660
>>127659I certainly think she looks as though she would be taller than the guy in the red sweater, even without the shoes. And the platform shoes weren't doing her any favors.
>wants to be smol gorl >naturally 5'6+>wears platform shoesMake it make sense
No. 127666
>>127662can you explain why not? she is basically a combo of june and shay, my favorite /snow/tards. she makes terrible porn like shayna, and is obsessed with her appearance and looking "so smol uwu" like june. also has a bf that just uses her to make money.
i wanna get a better idea of what other anons think about this. i asked in meta yesterday if she can be moved but nobody responded yet lol
No. 127681
File: 1608655363620.jpg (725.4 KB, 1079x2028, Screenshot_20201222-113048_Chr…)

Everyone over at meta is busy chattering about the new snowflakes and here's our bella wk sticking out like a store thumb, replying to themselves like they admitted they do here
>>126323And on 4 chan>>127244
kek. Nobody cares that's why nobody responded to you
No. 127686
>>127674i was referring to when a new thread is made. idk why some anons are so butthurt and mad, i know the thread isnt that great and i want it to improve, it has potential to be better and worthy of a better board, nobody fucking goes on /w/. her responses to her shitty porn vids are milky as hell. i feel like in a few years she will end up like shay with just a bit more money.
i dont understand why some pissed people defend belle and josh so much, is it because they think josh is uwu hot? and not everyone in the thread used pull some of us never even went on the site once lol.
>>127667i dont like the overly tinfoil-y pulltards either who keep saying "hi cow!", ugh i just want the thread to be better next time around.
No. 127689
File: 1608657189735.png (242.15 KB, 590x420, 20201222_121257.png)

I guess anon is done crying about the backlash over her trash tier head video and is ready to come out and defend her again kek.
No. 127707
>>127686Are u butthurt because anons were laughing about how she isnt
worthy of being in /snow/ or /pt/ a bit ago? And that /w/ is generally for shit threads that most of the userbase would likely avoid? I don't see how shopping your pics and putting out crappy porn is milky enough to warrant moving the thread. The most milky thing about her is how she cant handle criticism and self inserts herself into any corner of the internet that doesnt give her the validation shes yearning for
No. 127726
File: 1608664721344.jpeg (282.13 KB, 1015x2048, C2D9A59C-1A70-4BE8-B49C-E28EDE…)

>>127696This. She is short man height,
at least Couldn't find anything about the guy in the photo’s height or any pics of him
stood with Ethan h3h3 to get idea of how tall she is but deffo not 5ftuwu4… more like 6ft 4 kek>>127718top kek, not-opThis thread belongs where it is because most of you can’t sage ur rage and she’s a fucking weeaboo desu.
No. 127730
File: 1608665787240.jpg (782.45 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20201222-143453_Ins…)

>>127726For reference. The girls on the left are closer to the height she wants to be
No. 127742
>>127643She looks HUGE holy shit kek
how long til she crouches next to other girls like shUwu?
No. 127765
File: 1608681811088.jpeg (85.93 KB, 500x375, Longanimelegs.jpeg)

>>127643Damn shes got them long anime legs
No. 127781
File: 1608685549064.jpg (57 KB, 640x1138, wannabe Belle.jpg)

>>127331Sadly many young girls have Belle as a role model. It's not only some coomers defending her.
No. 127784
File: 1608685700282.jpeg (Spoiler Image,248.38 KB, 750x998, 6DA9C53A-C6FC-424A-BF3D-715D1E…)

The fact people are making fan art like this I just — imagine sketching, editing, rendering and uploading and not once thinking to yourself “what the fuck am I doing with my life?”
No. 127794
File: 1608688531337.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1284x1899, Z1.jpg)

4 seconds preview to show how clumsy she looks at doing porn. No. 127803
>>127802Can you please upload it properly and not google drive links.
>>127794This was honestly the most boring sex I’ve ever witnessed. I could swear missionary would be more lewd. Why I low key feel the pr0n is more of a bodycheck. Back to the camera so the filter don’t glitch kek.
also it’s not christmas yet? logic please anyone? help or is this a “take that back! I’m not shit at sex” retort No. 127820
File: 1608695437737.jpg (2.21 MB, 1836x3264, pt2020_12_22_22_50_23.jpg)

No. 127825
File: 1608696607232.jpg (2.52 MB, 3264x3264, Oof.jpg)

No. 127828
>>127803I was thinking the same thing. Fucking boring-ass porn. It's funny how it's very obvious she's watching herself and making sure she looks good every second. And like, you see nothing. All you see is her making stupid exaggerated faces while her boyfriend sloppily fucks her. And like, wouldn't showing her body be part of the appeal to a video like this? It's almost like she doesn't want to show off her body at all. Very awkward.
Alas, the only REAL appeal to this video is the fact it's Belle. If this was anyone else, it'd be just another porn video.
No. 127858
>>127833this is a retarded comment.
The porn is boring.
This thread is full of PULLtards.
>>127835it's never interesting to hear a males opinion, especially on things they know nothing about, like having sex. Dumb pickme.
No. 127869
>>127825Why is the dude wearing this ol‘ ratty sweater it looks like shes being humped by a hobo
Is this video supposed to be a teaser to the porn or will it be a different set up?
No. 127882
>>127825 Looking like she’s about to sneeze. Her face in bottom left panel is really funny.
She says it’s no big deal doing porn because it’s natural when it’s obvious she’s too insecure to portray it in an authentic way. It’s the equivalent of sucking in her stomach for photos. Tbf I didn’t expect much different
No. 127900
File: 1608735000776.gif (147.13 KB, 480x270, f475a0d98573832f191f3369a348db…)

>>127765Samefagging here, but she looks nothing like anime, not her face, not her body, her porportions are really just average and in no way are her legs long in porportion to her torso. She is tall(ish), but not in a modelesque way, just in that awkward unimpressive way that makes her not-stand out.
No. 127906
File: 1608737196138.png (3.91 MB, 750x1334, AC0995B7-5955-49F7-BF93-594804…)

Reposting, put in my email in when I didn’t have to. I’m new to this sorry.
I found this tik tok account for her angel belle delphine. She’s posted a video for YouTube rewind.. does she think she is a YouTube star now? ⭐️⭐️⭐️(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 127914
>>127825You know what…in that last image, I just realized she looks like Magibon if Magibon fixed her teeth.
Holy shit, the internet clearly has a type
No. 127922
File: 1608741504333.jpeg (181.63 KB, 1459x781, C7B1B5BB-0A59-4DB7-9208-CC1F31…)

>>127825>>127914I don’t know where you’re seeing Magibon, I can’t even look at them without seeing
No. 127924
File: 1608741762906.jpg (18.29 KB, 255x351, mgi.JPG)

>>127922I think you're picturing the kawaii desu magibon she tricked us all into believing in. I mean this magibon
No. 127926
>>127906no one cares if you're new. Integrate or don't post you dumb pullfag.
It's so obvious that user from PULL with the cow icon that was always oversharing about how she's fine with her coomer bf watching porn still posts here. Fuck off.
Josh is a fucking scumbag. He was an unemployed nobody with his trash tier "photography", met a girl, lives off her, convinced her to do porn after she said she wouldn't do it. Belle is dumb as fuck for letting some scrote live off of her.
When they break up he definitely say he owns half of the company and take a lot from her. She's going to learn hard.
Also Josh's dick is ugly and not fit for porn. Coomers always think they can be in porn. He couldn't even keep it in her. Hope he has to watch her fuck an actual porn star soon kek
>>127925idk why you retards keep falling for this. She makes a disgusting amount but not 1 mil a month.
No. 127932
>>127926Given that they formed an llc and it looks on paper that he owns 50% equity
He absolutely will take half and ditch her for a younger thot he can rinse and repeat with in a few years
No. 127949
>>127944yeah his body is really ugly, not overweight but literally looks somewhat chubby to me, maybe i just hate any guy that isnt lean/thin idk. id be pissed if i took him home and he took off his clothes to reveal… a plain skinnyfat loser body.
dare i say belle is too pretty for him, and i dont even like the bitch. he looks like he has no muscle mass or works out at all. shitty diet and prob just sits around editing photos and playing vg all day. his face and weenur are fine though. we dont know if he is a douche for sure but if he turns out to be one ew.
No. 127961
>>127794kek,belle doesn't realize that by the end of 2021 she'll be long forgotten about. She milked every hot trendy meme so fast she couldn't get back to being half as relevant even with her nutty "bitch stole my hamster" story or the staged pictures of her in crutches. Even if she committed arson in a shitty cosplay no one would care more than two days anymore because she tryharded her way through it all and people are tired of her already. Even her coomer fanbase is leaving her ass because they're getting cucked by floppy josh.
Never in my many years of internet drama history did i witness someone be starved for attention to that extent. It's not going to end well for her and i wouldn't be surprised if she ends up staging her suicide or needs serious therapy in a near future.
No. 127968
>>127961Other anons brought this up earlier in the thread, but one of the "appeals" of Belle prior to this is the fact that she WASN'T doing porn. Like she could attract new simps by making them wonder what's under her clothes or what she's like in bed (see: the banana video, her previous Pornhub uploads). That sexual tension is clearly a part of the appeal. Another anon mentioned how she fell into porn faster than Momokun did, which is hilarious but also sad to think about.
Now all the "mystery" is gone. Now anyone can see what she looks like nude or how terribly she gives head. The last thing she really has to show off is her inner labia. I wonder if she thinks it looks "gross" (see: normal) and is scared to show it off to her gross fanbase fearing that they'll call her a roastie or some shit.
No. 127977
>>127924not to derail but this was a fucking bad picture of her,magi was a cute girl,just not as perfect as the internet made her out to be.
It's the same thing happening over and over again,cute girl gain attention for being cute on the internet,turns out she's not all that,she's now totally super ugly according to the internet.
No. 128016
>>128013the funny thing is the amount of scrotes who I’ve seen since say
>”we did it boys!”and gloating it’s another one they’ve pushed in to porn. She may not like to admit it, but the ones who are in control right now are the
”simps” if we can even call them that anymore.
No. 128021
>>128016i fucking hate men so much because they truly gloat from ruining a girl's life and turning her into a brainless slut they will jack it to then call a whore and throw like a cum tissue but quite frankly belle deserves this.
she dug her grave herself by cattering to this kind of people and now she is gonna lie in it. if you worked harder and got a degree you wouldnt be where you are rn but you wanted it "easy". She is being played like a fiddle. The internet groomed her and she is fiercely parading and gloating about how she trolled the simps.
I predict she will need extensive therapy to recover from the damage she inflicted on herself
No. 128025
>>128021>>128024I think right now Belle probably laughs at comments like this because she’s so high on the money and attention. But give it 5-10 years and we will have another “me too” movement about how ethots were groomed by onlyfans
despite being warned by practically everyone not to do itFeel sorry for her mum too, hope she doesn’t have twitter.
No. 128028
>>128024at least back when women were actually hooking or stripping or w/e it was private and something they could plausibly deny once they decided to get out
online pictures through OnlyFans will never go away
No. 128031
>>128028not to fucking sperg but this is the worst thing. Everyone has evidence you're a whore, it'll never go away. Men will hold that shit over your head til you literally die.
I saw an ethot mention how her fucking dentist bought her OF and imagine your dentist having seen you shove shit up your pussy. My god, where has shame gone. Where has it gone. It's becoming a case of every woman can be bought now.
>>128030ok but Trisha is the one person who could make a million a month and still never become wealthy bc her spending addiction is so fucking bad.
No. 128043
File: 1608774575874.jpg (19.6 KB, 500x419, cbwiohnpycuz9m1vb01s_19139.jpg)

>>128025That is a modern way to get rid of porn past, ala Mia Khalifa. Then people opinion change from "you are a whore" to "you are a brave person"
No. 128072
>>127802God this is so weird. She's fully clothed, he's wearing a sweater, like why are they making porn if they're both so opposed to nudity?
Her angling the camera at her face is wild too like belle what is supposed to be turning me on here all I can see is your arms?
Josh is pretty flabby and gross and struggles to keep it inside her, and her bouncing up and down on him so slowly is so awkward.
Tbh all of these shots could have been done without any penetration at all you really can't see anything
No. 128114
>>128043Mia Khalifa doesn't regret doing porn she regrets not making enough money from it and going rival, she said in several interviews she is ok with women selling themselves as long as they can remain anonymous and get rich quickly even though the lesson should be is to not fucking do it at all in the first place.
I don't understand, you willingly become a slut even though society warns women against this shit but you ignore them because they are just a bunch of "sex negative mysoginist" amirite?
And then you cry about the consequences it's like well wtf were you expecting?
If you're going to do porn for the benefit of it then you should be prepared for the cons aswell.
No. 128142
>>128065First of all, Trish already said her 'best' month ever (doing the threesome with LTP and Adam) she earned 1 mill, average month is 150k.
News articles report whatever their 'source' tells them, unless belle released her tax returns or let them see her bank deposits they would have no way of knowing what she makes.
No. 128144
File: 1608818234927.png (Spoiler Image,827.45 KB, 478x836, Capture.PNG)

>>128089Responses are overwhelmingly negative, Belle gave so bad image to her fans nobody in his right mind will admit colleting her merch IRL.
Belle got more disgusting in each pic.
No. 128183
File: 1608842297800.png (938.6 KB, 906x502, naru424eUntitled.png)

This isn't that new but she really did filter herself to look 7. Ew.
No. 128221
>>128205Why are you so obsessed with pullfags anon? This is about Belle. No one gives a fuck about pick me's, especially when Belle herself is one.
Get a fucking grip and stop being an autistic moron with your infighting. Shit is old.
No. 128223
>>128216POST THE FUCKING CLIP!I’m sick of retards here posting sketchy links with minimal to no context and not using the fucking imageboard like an
imageboard. Half the links in this thread have been 404.
No. 128296
File: 1608889065305.jpg (1.96 MB, 1836x3264, pt2020_12_25_04_36_43.jpg)

Belle getting roasted for shilling her content kek. Still aggressively pushing the multimillionaire narrative that nobody believes
No. 128306
File: 1608891983743.jpeg (Spoiler Image,32.3 KB, 382x720, 7B279F5E-2D3B-48F1-8C51-AF3952…)

This video was absolutely revolting. Belle spraying layers of co-op whipped cream on josh p33nar like he was a smelly banana split, only interacting with his peepee when bribing herself with food. She seemed hungry and more interested at staring at herself in the viewfinder than finishing josh off, had to do it himself. Also josh has suspiciously the smoothest balls I’ve ever seen kek kek
No. 128321
File: 1608897333855.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1525, 8532811.png)

>>128266I think she'll post it on American time, Christmas morning depending on timezone for US folk is from now to a few hours from now.
See how she chose a pic which looks
nothing like her
and looks like a child to accompany this message.
No. 128322
>>128321imagine being a 21 year old woman and posing + filtering yourself to look like a minor and it just makes you look like a rodent.
peek those nasty nails too lol. is that a dog bone? yuck
No. 128325
File: 1608897950028.jpeg (63.9 KB, 825x391, 1592850769037.jpeg)

>>128321yep totally believable that these are the same person.
No. 128327
File: 1608898527349.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.66 KB, 640x640, 025566B6-BA21-4B4E-A7D1-DE91A3…)

So someone posted clips from her video on reddit
No. 128328
File: 1608898558930.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.24 KB, 640x640, B0F44ADF-6BC4-422E-A12E-012A69…)

No. 128330
>>128326relax manhater, not all men are exactly like your evil ex bf.
i dont care who you are, its sad af when your kid ditches you for her porn obsessed bf turning her into a wannabe pornstar
No. 128334
>>128333gtfo with this dumb bullshit its irrelevant to the issue anyway
no one cares your ex was mean to your dumb ass you never had to develop a complex over a person
No. 128373
>>128328>>128327Ngl the ultimate simp trolling would be her having a huge schlong.
Is it gay though?
No. 128387
>>128335that's not what a 30yo looks like anon don't be delusional. she definitely isn't a smol uwu loli like she wishes she was but she does not look "old" in the slightest.
>>128375that's depressing and yet that's the life she chose
No. 128396
>>128387Nta but She looks late 20s early 30s if I had to guess. Her face is very mature and she has quiteloss of volume in her upper cheeks/under eyes per the podcast appearance and some pretty mature smile lines. You can tell she's lost her youthful babyfat in person
>>128321This looks so bad and retarded I'm speechless kek
No. 128419
File: 1608923789359.png (337.27 KB, 1440x1771, DMCA.png)

>>128416This thread absolutely does not belong in snow, op-chan.
She's released so many teasers nobody is sure if what they're watching is the teaser or the actual video. I'm checking the tags to see what's happening and Belle and Co are pretty speedily DMCA-ing videos today.
>>128402 No. 128422
File: 1608924098688.png (1.11 MB, 1440x1761, 075211.png)

Wow pwned as if you didn't just post tons of porn clips online this week. Her business plan is all over the place.
No. 128433
File: 1608925051269.webm (Spoiler Image,3.75 MB, 1280x720, BD1.webm)

>>128432Video leak here 2/3
No. 128434
File: 1608925419713.webm (Spoiler Image,3.93 MB, 1280x720, BD2.webm)

Video leak here 3/3
>>128431 It's me or some scenes are very out of focus?
No. 128436
File: 1608925492659.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.03 KB, 1024x932, 1608923715932m.jpg)

I think the video has been released. Here are two awful scrote screenshots from /b/ (it's Josh and Belle's nasty genitals plus a lot of contrast)
No. 128437
File: 1608925628980.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.01 KB, 978x1024, 1608922434819m.jpg)

Scrote screenshot of genitals pt2
No. 128443
File: 1608926145884.png (2.63 MB, 2560x1440, fhy6741.png)

mfw I'm blinded by the contrast
No. 128445
File: 1608926333650.png (Spoiler Image,878.06 KB, 918x524, belldeUntitled.png)

Josh has them lunch lady arms. Belle needs to drag him to the treadmill
No. 128446
File: 1608926395551.png (Spoiler Image,984.57 KB, 1024x932, scrotum.png)

>>128436I guess the tinfoil is true and she's only avoiding porn because she's ashamed of her outie.
No. 128452
File: 1608926784998.png (2.91 MB, 2560x1440, josh reveal.png)

>>128443Samefag, this video is absolutely torturous. To save those who don't want to suffer, the first minute is josh dressed as a teddy, going on the pc to look at Belle's onlyfans (15 likes on each video and 25000 likes at the top of the screen)
The first few minutes are belle fingering her asshole while staring at what she looks like on a screen or mirror out of view. Josh sticks his teddy dick in and then rips off his costume to reveal…this
Currently giving up after 5 mins as this is tedious
No. 128456
File: 1608926938453.png (Spoiler Image,652.57 KB, 920x524, belledeeeUntitled.png)

Gotta hide that labia so pedo incels won't get mad
No. 128459
File: 1608927184842.gif (Spoiler Image,162.8 KB, 934x862, 1608917444745.gif)

Josh has a small dick confirmed
No. 128463
>>128422haha wow belle you sure epic trolled everyone again haha so funny and epic.
God how can one single person be this repetitive and boring? It was funny the first one or two times but now it's just dull
No. 128473
I can't believe she did anal and DP straight away in this boring-ass video instead of leaving her simps wanting more. This
>>127475 was correct about her tripping over herself showing everything right away instead of dragging it out. Sad!
No. 128480
File: 1608933816856.png (90.87 KB, 1440x451, hfhgjghg.png)

These type of comments certainly aged poorly.
No. 128497
>>128446I dont understand why she didnt just get a labiaplasty since shes so desperate to pander to pedos. She has the money.
Belle just accept that youre a normal grown woman. You dont have a teenybopper face or pussy and youre not uwu smoll. I hate these dime a dozen pedothots
No. 128500
File: 1608942612877.webm (Spoiler Image,10.77 MB, 854x480, balldolphin1.webm)

Merry Xmas farmer-chans, sorry I had to compress it so much to make it fit the file size limit.
At the end the teddy wakes up in a dank NEET cave, surrounded by fast food wrappers and Pepe merch, realizes his romp with Belle was just a dream, and tears down his poster of her in rage. She's trying to be funny, but it all really misses the mark. Nobody watches her shit because she's "funny" and they certainly don't want her to paint them all as neckbeard losers though most of them are after all her "uwu KING!" pickmeisms.
This is the worst debut I've seen, even considering all the camwhores in /snow/. It reminds me of Shayna's porn minus the body horror. She put a lot more effort into her past snapchat photosets than this. Even the styling is awful, her cosplay-tier wig is almost down to her eyebrows and she wears a shirt for some reason despite having nothing to hide there. Her body looks nice but the angles aren't good enough, this too was done better in her past content. Josh's kinda hunky though, both of their bodies look good tbh, especially together. Nitpicking PULLfags do not interact
She just really bungled the whole wish fulfillment aspect of watching a porn of the cute memey e-girl. She had it right when she spent years sending snaps doing the girlfriend experience thing, why did she abandon it now? She chose the dumbest ways possible to hide her outie, there's just nothing erotic about her methodically ticking off all her holes on a checklist without a modicum of sensuality. Her simps don't want to watch a video about her getting fucked by another guy in a cheap costume after she fingers her asshole, they want to imagine they're the ones fucking her. She could have just uploaded a 3 minute clip of Josh fucking her doggy style in her half-lit bedroom with a handheld camera POV and I bet it would've been a lot more successful. TW:
All of this is why I don't buy the tinfoil that she has a whole "team" helping her. It's her, Josh, and as of lately, a copyright lawyer. She makes the dumbest decisions. She could have ridden this wave for a lot longer but keeps digging her own grave. So much for her business acumen.
No. 128509
File: 1608945390386.jpg (1.61 MB, 1836x3264, pt2020_12_25_20_15_17.jpg)

Mostly twitter with some YouTube comments peppered in there
No. 128516
>>128515It's here
>>128501 around 01:30 and then again around 02:00
>>128515They probably had a laptop set up where she's looking. You can set up cameras to show the viewfinder in a different device (e.g. to let other people on set see what you're doing)
No. 128522
File: 1608949318196.png (97.58 KB, 210x245, poggers.png)

>>128434wtf kind of expression is this
No. 128531
>>128522her porn is so boring because she's too busy looking at her self for most of it. Which results in gross unsexy faces like this.
>>128526careful there anon you'll start some theories of her being born a man.
No. 128536
>>128532Are you sure about that anon? To me it looks like she’s never seen a single porn in her life to suck this bad at it. There was no build up, no teasing just BAM fingers straight in the anus for the majority of the video like men want to see that? Then those huge hands that were just a moment ago probing for bum nuggets touching all over her bed sheets. I imagine her to be quite dirty and not clean her sheets after either. Pink eye 2 match the pink wig <3 love that 4 u kek
>>128437Josh looks dirty too with that scum, smegma, thrush build up or whatever the fuck it is on his gouch. Makes it look like belle is being fucked by a hermaphrodite. For every labia belle doesn’t have, Josh has 2, isn’t that nice?
No. 128540
>>127922Underrated as fuck
This is too accurate anon
No. 128549
>>128492they are prostitutes and it is disgusting. stop crying about 'shaming women'. even men who do this shit are gross.
no one will respect you if they've seen the inner workings of your fucking asshole. go sell yourself in private and retain some damn social dignity.
No. 128560
>>123836Anon my sides
>>128543Combined with the shit-tier porn "acting", she really is transforming into Shayna. Better quit while you're ahead Belle, or you'll be selling your shitty OF vids for 3 bucks and begging for rent money just like her.
No. 128571
>>128538Sorry anon but no woman would finger solely her butt hole over her clit or vagina, especially like that whilst moaning for 10 mins.
I think putting your fingers inside a bacteria infested orifice is disgusting but whatever floats your boat I guess She masturbates like a twink.
>>128566Yeah she really didn’t do any ahegao in the video, saw her doing the whole cow tongue thing for a split few seconds, maybe she can’t actually do it without 1000 different takes or whilst multitasking taking uwu kek
No. 128585
File: 1608992079340.png (171.69 KB, 658x647, Capture.PNG)

I feel Belle porn is getting sucessful as her other stunts: so many people is engaged she will get more simps paying for her hideous product. Same strategy working again.
No. 128593
>>128585Lmao you think
selling a story to news article makes her successful? Honey i have a friend who sold her preschool sweetheart wedding story to all the news outlets to get exposure for her travel blog kek there was so many lies in her story but people magazine and a shit ton of other news outlets online were posting the hell out of that story for clicks and views, and she got the exposure and followers on her travel insta account just as she wanted. Sage for being a little bloggy, but, as someone whos watched someone else gain exposure by
selling a story to a journalist im less inclined to believe this isn't also what belle is doing.
No. 128624
File: 1609010862161.jpeg (87.72 KB, 750x335, 84DE8D58-9420-40E2-9FA4-439759…)

>>128621Kek no one is looking for the camera quality
>Wow, great lighting and transitions between scenes. I wonder how many megapixels the camera is and what editing software they useIt could have been better shot on an old dusty webcam, the coomers wanted to see hardcore action. Do you ever wonder why porn plots are so ridiculous, because it doesn’t matter to coom. The only labia they got to see was Joshiboys. At least other ethots deliver the goods rather than try to find loopholes where they can take your
money but don’t have to show you paid for and filter the video so much Joshs balls look like a pair of sugared almonds.
No. 128639
>>128629Kek why would I be jealous about someone prostituting themselves on the internet and can’t even do a good job doing it. People didn’t sub to her only fans for camera quality, they sub in hope of explicit content, you sound naive anon
>>128626They are normal but she seems to be hiding them and it’s most likely because she’s embarrassed that they won’t cater to her incel fan base and she will get roasted for her roastie, that’s all kek
No. 128642
>>128639Of course she’d be insecure when there’s already pressure put on women to look a certain way, now imagine being exposed to millions of people. That’s the one thing I can sympathize with her since she’s already insecure let alone revealing something like that to the same people who glorified the term “roastie” purely out of spite for women.
I really don’t know what could be next for her, the whole schtick was that she’s a quirky meme girl (which worked with her awkwardness/overacting) and now she’s done porn and it’s lame.
No. 128647
>>128642>imagine being exposed to millions of people erm anon… she didn’t have to. you’re talking like she was molested on camera against her will not that she was selling herself for money. not rent money, not for food on the table, for what she claims to be
£1m a month excess money ontop of what she already had scamming on patreon. Belle thinks she’s hot shit and continues to cater to pedoscrotes. I feel no pity.
No. 128649
>>128507I almost want to feel bad for her, because there's no fucking way she wants to do anal, she just wants to fulfil her pornsick simps' desires. However, she's done this to herself, she has to live with the consequences now.
I feel as though Belle was roped in by her bf and her obsession with male attention. When she speaks about her 'love' of hentai etc, she names no specifics, same with the kink stuff. And now she's done porn, makes me think she doesn't have a cultural reference point of Celestia Vega/Zoie Burgher/lena the plugg era, hell, Celestia even regretted her porn (no surprise there) vid related.
I hope Belle becomes a cautionary tale, but it seems as though she's going to inspire more young girls to copy her, sadly.
No. 128651
>>128649The girl has a pickle rick and a fidget spinner in her ass. Can we not talk like she is a sodomised
No. 128653
>>128571Spare a thought for her incel fans who, if they ever get to be naked with a woman, will go straight to her asshole and she'll run away crying.
Belle over-focuses on her butthole in order to avoid showing her actual coochie, so she kinda memed herself into being a twink.
No. 128659
>>128648I didn’t mean to say that I sympathize with her as she is. I don’t think she’s a good person and she obviously deserves the backlash because she wanted to make a living this way but mainly just it’s sad that her “fans” don’t really give a shit about her and see her as a sex object instead of someone to look up to like other popular influencer people. It’s to be expected and all and I’m not saying she’s a
victim, just overall it sucks that men are gross like that and it sucks that she created her image to be something she’s not really like.
TLDR I wish women didn’t feel a need to perpetuate the beauty/sex standards set by men just because $money$ when otherwise they would be against it. Sex work feminism is a joke and it’s not getting better.
No. 128727
>>128725>I don’t have meat curtains or beef flaps, my vagina is normal, you take that back anon!You’re taking it too much to heart, no one is shaming women for their vaginas. We are laughing at the fact her pedo and incel fanbase have such stupid standards to the point bellend has had to hide her own vagina in her
porn to pander to their prepubescent standards. 97% of women to them have roasties. It’s not that deep now stop crying.
What’s odd is making a porn if you don’t feel comfortable with how your vagina looks.
No. 128756
File: 1609069803915.jpeg (58.61 KB, 724x554, A015B9B7-E1F3-4783-AC6A-BF8E8A…)

>>128736she sent this message to her followers
No. 128758
>>128756Is this whole “training” thing supposed to be hot? It reeks of desperation and a get out of jail free card about how much she sucks. These men are simps, you are supposed to be a nympho goddess who can make men coom. They don’t want to be training a bad lay, they want hot virgins ready to fuck and instinctively know how to do it well kek. Maybe irl this might sometimes work for her, but the training thing doesn’t translate well through a camera of you
and your partner.
No. 128769
File: 1609077595298.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.66 KB, 1061x573, IMG_20201227_145512.jpg)

All that to not show her vag
No. 128775
File: 1609078916516.jpeg (137.04 KB, 828x250, 4933093E-AA41-4F96-9D48-E663D4…)

>>128771Didn’t she promise this last time?
No. 128815
File: 1609103514836.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.4 KB, 2427x2437, Manyvids-LittleLuna-Little-Kit…)

>>128803Rusty porn albeit not being special in any way is 100x times better than what Belle and Josh did.
(derailing) No. 128820
File: 1609107650822.webm (Spoiler Image,18.53 MB, 480x480, 1.webm)

Here's the other video she made. It's not great, but it's a big step up from the previous one in terms of angles and POV, but still too much anal and why she's smearing the cake around is beyond me. She keeps derailing her attempts at being sensual by shoehorning in some "epic meme xD" stuff, it makes me uncomfortable to see porn made by someone with such obvious lukewarm intelligence. She really ate the "sex work is empowering" meme right up and is trying to prove herself to all these incels. She would have stayed more special if she hadn't gone all this way, now she'll be degraded just like every other e-whore.
Sorry for the compression again.
No. 128844
>>128815This is rank, what do you mean? Imagine being obsessed with belle's nasolabial folds while looking as ratchet as that.
This post pretty much confirms rusty has been selfposting in this thread.
No. 128889
File: 1609123408012.png (Spoiler Image,3.06 MB, 1440x1543, skinwalker.png)

>>128883Being obsessed with your current boyfriend's ex girlfriend, and trying to compete with/one-up/become them is unfortunately a (very creepy) cow trait, see the Emmalee thread:
>>>/w/27316Your skinwalker reading your gossip thread? More likely than you think!
No. 129671
>>129047>she's very looseScrote?
>Josh also slips out of her constantlyDefinitely a scrote.
No. 129732
File: 1609447181113.png (Spoiler Image,516.98 KB, 403x757, screenshot.png)

kek belle showed her vagina, she ended up filtering it and taking away its natural color. she's an outtie too
No. 129734
File: 1609447289291.png (Spoiler Image,933.3 KB, 961x751, kekw.png)

No. 130241
so she's trying to be boxxy now apparently (it's a video and i'm too retarded to know how to post vids on an imageboard nor do i wanna spend time figuring that out for a bellend vid)
Why does every single e whore like her,Shoe,kiwi,.. try so hard to be boxxy?
No. 131915
File: 1610470368936.png (559.77 KB, 664x539, f94a614f864c6e0bea80eb9d7fcd79…)

what the actual fuck
No. 131916
File: 1610470426635.jpg (Spoiler Image,530.69 KB, 1706x2048, EriqD4jWMAQ0ZTt.jpg)

>>131915spoilered for obvious reasons.
No. 131918
File: 1610470518363.jpg (Spoiler Image,312.2 KB, 1125x1931, EriqD5lXEAEGoRm.jpg)

>>131915this is actual, undeniable pedobait
No. 131931
>>131915>>131918I fucking hate this fucking photoshopped, filtered face, pickme bitch. This is sick. Obviously she panders to repulsive, vile pedos. She certainly doesn't condemn child sexual abuse, child abduction, molestation, child sex trafficking or child rape. In fact she is in support of it producing content like this. I know all her Onlyfans subs are scrotes and pedos, but this content just encourages children to be sexualized and exploited irl. Any scrote exposed to this kind of content who's newly subscribed will get acclimated to this and eventually want harder stuff.
It's women like this that put the safety of our daughters of the future at risk because these lowly grovelling pickme scum further encourage, condition and desensitise scrotes to these acts, normalising it.
There is no level low enough this ugly stupid whore won't drop to. Pedo pandering, encouraging scum.
No. 132017
The blue wig girl is someone different than Rusty
It even says so in the file name
No. 132067
File: 1610538984562.jpeg (369.38 KB, 1162x1448, 131F1AB6-4B7D-4643-B25F-B111CA…)

Her defense on the Rape photoshoot
No. 132370
>>132067>It's very confusing for me since I see other people dress like it all the time!Yeah, sure Belle, because any well adjusted adult woman dresses like that on a daily basis.
>if it's about how I genetically look…You GENETICALLY look like an adult, editing your face and body to appear smaller and younger than you actually are (5'6 kek) doesn't change anything, you know exactly what you're doing, weirdo.
I swear one day she's going to get actually abducted, raped and maybe even killed by one of the degenerate pedophiles she panders to.
No. 132572
>>131931Don't breed with scrotes then. Straight women pretend like porn whores are worse than the men who give them money and allow them to do what they do. Thousands of years and straight women still fuck up this hard and breed another generation of porn addicted scrotes (and whores) but then waste all their time on bitching on the internet instead of doing something meaningful in their own lives, something that doesn't involve marrying a scrote (who, most likely, watches porn behind her back) and breeding another generation of degenerates.
That's why I can't stand this fucking place. Almost all women who post here are handmaidens themselves but they pretend like random whore on the internet is so much worse than them kek. Essentially, almost all straight and married women are prostitutes. Remember that.
No. 133866 is the video that her kidnapping post was promoting.
the video and her post didn’t come off as child abduction rape fantasy to me. though, i can understand how some elements of the video would bring you to that conclusion, she is fucking ginormous in the video and at one point, the guy screwing her stands on his tiptoes. she does not look like a child. it’s definitely possible the goal was to look like one, but i’m lenient to believe her claim that it’s was a 60’s thing with the evidence being the beehive. the video regardless of all this controversy is hilarious.
No. 136822
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