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No. 842718
Phoebe Tickner is a 21-year old self proclaimed queer, Jewish, disabled femme, non-binary social justice warrior. [Read: Straight, white, morbidly obese woman with no personality except for being a
>NEET who leeches off of her father and autistic lorry driver boyfriend while she sits on her ass all day on Instagram. Posts roughly 60 Instagram stories a day. >ACAB communist with a police officer father. >Found wheelchair in thrift shop to use as a ~uwu so disabled~ prop, decides it’s not enough and online begs for an electric one. Makes her boyfriend drag it up and down three flights of stairs for her for photo ops. Posts picture of herself falling down some stairs due to her various "disabilities.">Yells at people on Instagram and demands they pay her money for “educating” them. >Sexually assaulted another woman at vegan camp; plays it off as a drug induced misunderstanding and believes she shouldn't be held accountable because it hurts her own feelings. Cries about being a rape survivor not long after. >Claims to have IBS (despite every doctor telling her that she only has symptoms of IBS, not the actual condition) and bleeds from the ass daily and it’s totally not because of the massive amounts of booze, pizza, coffee, and HUEL she consumes guys. Screeches fatphobia each time a doctor tells her that her pain is related to her obesity.>Doesn’t "wash" for weeks at a time. >Sells sloppy traced digital art as her only source of income. Complains daily that it's difficult running her "small business" because no one buys her preschool tier crafts. Guilts people into buying her "art" daily. >Has online beef with Jameela Jamil for getting somebody’s pronouns wrong. Comes off as completely unhinged. >Feeds her cat a strictly vegan diet. >Says her favorite part about her boyfriend is that he has a job and works overtime, sometimes 6 days a week, and brings in money. Proceeds to insult him and says his best traits are that he's really weird and strange. Proves she takes him for granted and considers herself Queer because he wore makeup one time. Old milk
>Reactivates Instagram (again) after a 2 week break, claiming she tried to kill herself but Henry stopped her thankfully!!!>Makes more passive-aggressive stories about her neighbors>goes on holiday (twice!) despite being so super skint u guise>the second trip is to Glasgow for what she says is a present to Henry for his birthday, but ends up being a trip for her and her interests only>on said trip drags her actually autistic partner to a gay club where he is assaulted with lights, sounds, crowds, and unfamiliar people. she is unbothered by this but still sits at a table drinking and complaining that no one thinks she's queer even though she totes wore her queer shirt and whining about how she "forgot" she was disabled and hurt herself going down the stairs to the club.>spends the next day laying in bed saying her whole body is in pain, she manages to get to a cat cafe, vegan restaurants, and a meetup with another instagram sjw tho>has a post removed by instagram for harrassment and bullying, reposts it while REEEEEEing about how SHE is the VICTIM here>accuses a small business (Lucy and Yak) of not wanting fat people to wear their clothes because they cannot produce clothes in size XXXL+, brand offers for her to call and talk about her concerns with them but she refuses and makes an instagram post about how terrible they are> still constantly having to apologise for not sending out her Etsy goods> is trying to fix her bad skin with 10 new products all at once>Made a gofundme for a foldable wheelchair costing over two grand. Made the amount in a few days but instead of being grateful moans about fees and being able to withdraw the money.>Angry at yet another 'thin woman' making money from the fat community, goes on rants in her stories about the woman who had donated to her gofundme and even shared it to her 1 million followers.>Revealed that three only drug she is on is low level codeine.>Claiming to be a sex worker despite only uploading some amateur porn.>Spending money on skincare, horrible earrings and nail varnish whilst Henry works 14 hour days.>Doing a new art series of fat coloured women (pink, green etc.) Which is a copy of other artists work such as exotic cancer. New milk
>Claims the voice she uses in numerous YouTube videos and Instagram stories is fake and she makes herself sound posher due to 'internalised classism', puts on a new chav voice>Shows more evidence that all her "art" is traced including one of her face where her real eyes are left in and one of a stock image of a wheelchair.>She attended London pride, marched with a group called voices4. Many photos reveal her looking insanely fat spilling over a tiny wheelchair with Henry struggling to push her.>Rants about police at pride >Posts that she rarely wears underwear and would like advice on buying large underwear for fat pussies.>Posts a sob story that she missed out on Lizzo tickets because she had to book a wheelchair space (despite the fact that she can walk and could have brought a normal seat), Lizzo tickets are £100 yet she claims to have no money to contribute to her wheelchair.>Attends the girlzine fair.>States that small fats have no place in the body positive movement.>Buys her giant underwear from M&S, but guyzz, she's allowed to buy unethical clothes because she's so poor!! No one else can though.>Buying more expensive earrings and nail varnish.>Uses the word 'cunt' in Instagram posts but then acts shocked when Instagram removes them. Socials:
Instagram: @fatvegfemme
YouTube: @fatveganfemme
Pornhub: @fezxoxo (NSFL)
Etsy: @FatVegFemmeArt
Previous threads:
>>>/snow/783899>>>/snow/790236>>>/snow/796040>>>/snow/806304>>>/snow/815820>>>/snow/831404Read before posting. Sage non milk. Saging does not make blog posting, nitpicking, and infighting acceptable. Absolutely NO cowtipping allowed.
No. 842719
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No. 842720
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It was a struggle to pick a thread pic as there were many good ones so putting my other favourites here
No. 842723
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No. 842752
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No. 842753
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She. Can. Walk.
No. 842762
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sorry for the photoshop but thought of this
No. 842779
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i hate this fat cow(autism)
No. 842786
>>842767More fool them.
If they're dumb enough to follow a cow and let it affect their own mental health, then they shouldn't be on social media. Do people forget following is optional?
No. 842787
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No. 842809
>>842787having her account permanently removed would be hilarious
imagine the milk
No. 842872
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No. 842916
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She's just a parody of herself at this point
No. 842926
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she needs to be the most oppressed
No. 842937
>>842916Kinda minor point but I'm surprised she's referring to him as "Boris". This more or less started when he was Mayor to try to humanise him. Nobody spoke of Blair as "Tony" or Cameron as "David". Calling him Boris is playing into the cuddly, amiable image the press wanted to put forward for someone who really is, yeah, a cunt.
Let it go, Pheebz.
No. 842964
>>842751agreed. she is something else - so vile that people barely even shit up the thread cos we're all united in disgust
>>842753phoebe 24 is breezy for most of the UK this week lol, it's been 26(!!) in north-east scotland and 33ish in london. wonder how she'll cope with the temperatures weds and thurs this week - lucky she's in a seaside town but imagine it will be close to 30 where she is
No. 842990
>>842811>>842966Yup, it matches perfectly. I think the main cause of her "pains" is that she got to gorge on more food when she's started living with Henry.
No wonder she's feeling like shit, just look how much she's gained in those two years.
But nah, it's totally muh fibro.
No. 843000
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looking for any and all chance to be offended, soz.
No. 843029
>>842926>>842994This is so agitating! What does privilege have to do with account termination? She makes it sound like Instagram employees walk around with a clipboard, checking everyone’s oppression points. She can also afford to eat mass portions, is treated to hefty, fancy dinners by family on a monthly basis (she probably stopped posting those so that she can come off as poor, but she said they go out each month,) and has so much privilege she can decide how to change around her “accent” even though she’s undoubtedly spoken posh since the beginning.
Another anon said before Phoebe adopted all her disabilities and became the thing she is now, she used to have “Asthma” on her bio. She tried milking it for oppression points. She also said on video that it was one asthma attack that caused a lot of her current conditionss kek. That was it, her asthma was her biggest oppressor.
No. 843083
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>>842733>>842751She's an absolute marvel, the best entertainment I can think of atm. It's like someone's taken everything I hate and made it into a person, and she's so multidimensionally awful that she's satisfying everyone on the board, and she updates every five minutes so the milk is constant and plentiful. The platonic ideal of a lolcow.
No. 843103
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>>842964Not to wk but look at the absolute state of her, it must be like sitting in the sun in a massive weighted foam suit. I bet people like this get heatstroke at the drop of a hat.
No. 843114
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why is she surprised that a fast fashion store isn't fat friendly? she's always moaning about actual ethical companies not being either
No. 843196
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This statement is true, except in the case of people like Phoebe. What is her value to society? She never says anything original, just parrots others' views and screams about people parking in disabled bays.
No. 843197
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and displaying her jealousy at activists who get money for their work (note: she also has a Patreon)
No. 843211
>>843197It's so irritating that she just says "omg LOOKATIT."
Ok, I see it. What's your point, Phoebe? Should I be pumped that activists are getting paid for their work? Because you're always talking about how important it is to pay artists, and compensate people for their labor when they educate you, correct?
Am I supposed to be mad she's not making that much?
Are we supposed to be admiring the production value of their content? Ignoring the ineptitude of her own?
I genuinely wonder if Phoebe has ever stopped to even try to imagine any of the people she truly admires (whoever they are) behaving & speaking to others with the contempt and disrespect that she does.
She reminds me of those people who get so wrapped up in an "us vs. them" posture on evangelizing their religion that they count it as a "win" when they cause genuine outrage with their offense.
No. 843219
>>843197petty isn't a good look, pheebz
what are you offering that anyone would want to pay you for? you're a whiny entitled baby and you do it for free
No. 843255
>>843103No Phoebe, fat cunts like you took over body positivity. Sorry that disabled people, people with scars or those with genetic mutations refuse to give up the space they need and deserve because too many people like you have decided they want to be applauded for force feeding themselves obese. In your case it's quite amazing what you're doing to disable yourself. You've even forced yourself bed bound to increase the weight gain and reduce muscle mass!
I bet you this was sparked by that UK body positivity campaign where another brand has stated they will no longer edit their models or remove any blemishes which stupid articles have claimed isn't body positive because the girls aren't fat. Of course not researching what the campaign is actually about but just assuming that the brand thinks a size 12 is fat (the girl in question does have a rather fat stomach though). Pack your bags girls, only fat girls are real now. Size 12 is skinny, and you're not allowed body positivity regardless of your issues if you aren't an infinifat
No. 843266
>>843090dont you dare shame the name of PT like that.
/pt/ is for special cows, not fat fucks like phoebe
No. 843294
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Spoiler for cat abuse.
Not to blog post but this cats eye had been left rather than treated straight away.
No. 843295
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I can't get over how bad her at is. She must be mentally retarded
No. 843296
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Apparently, they've sent this with all of their orders.
How much of a baby do you need to be to get so triggered over a promo sample?
No. 843304
>>843296>>843294Don't adopt or buy an animal if you can't afford emergencies (they could if they saved money on half the shit she buys on Etsy). Especially don't adopt an older animal if you can't accept the responsibility as well as pay expensive vet bills and regular checkups. Not to mention proper food and a clean environment for the animal. You'd think a vegan would understand that
>>843296Well she did no research, they sent the samples out regardless of size ordered. The plus sizes just got pissy cause they thought it was an attack on them. And clearly still do because they refused to do research on the situation and instead chose to write victimizing articles for themselves without fact-checking. Want to have an issue with anyone getting diet bars with their order? Sure, talk about Atkins and diet bars. But don't act like you were attacked for getting random samples in your order
No. 843307
>>842787Oh hell yeah. Come on Phatboe, we know you can't keep your mouth shut.
>>843294Oh my god…. I wish someone would take the cat she currently has and bring her into a better home.
She's such an evil person…
I wish her wheelchair brake breaks and she rolls off a cliff
No. 843308
>>843266PT's thread is dead, and we all know nobody can replace the queen. The "special" cows on /pt/ now are….who? Vicky, Luna, Onision, Taylor Dean, and Kiki's occasional sneeze onto social medai? The milk is so dry on the majority of /pt/ and Phoebe has something for everyone!
Cheating benefits system
Is an attempted rapist
Vile to her boyfriend
Totally female presenting "enby"
Disgusting "sex work"
Bad artist
Delusional personality &
victim complex
Literally the rudest bitch on the planet (Ariana included)
SJW hypocrite
Threads don't derail
Endless milk
Not to mention I've seen her posts popping up more and more in the "shares" of the SJWs of my circle, so if anything this cow is just getting started. I would LOVE to see her on the main page far more than Fahr Sindram, whose sole thread has accumulated a whopping 900 posts in 3 years.
There are a lot of cows in /snow/ and /w/ with much more plentiful milk, who are on the rise instead of finally drying up. I understand why most of them don't get promoted, the threads are full of cancer, but this? A gift that keeps on giving.
No. 843312
>>843083 spot on anon, all she does is REEEE SOMETHING-ISM and never explains anything further, saying it's not her job to educate, as if she could
"that's transphobic"
"it just is"
No. 843319
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Imagine the sweat
No. 843321
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So oppressed
No. 843325
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No. 843329
>>843321I don't think Instagram would be 'targeting' her if she actually had mature or thoughtful criticisms towards Boris.
She isn't 'opposing' him, just calling him a cunt and selling badges calling him a cunt.
If someone else on IG would make the same kind of statements & posts about Phoebe she would whine about it and try to get them banned, but if she does it it's fine.
No. 843334
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No. 843349
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No fucking shit
No. 843353
>>843351You should watch one of her 'what I eat in a day' videos, they're hilarious
Even just for breakfast she eats 6 bananas and other crap lmao…
No. 843368
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>>843353it's a mystery anon, she eats more broccoli than anyone she knows
No. 843371
>>843368Imagine unironically spewing bullshit like "U are not obligated to be healthy"
That's a fine mentality for chronically ill people to have - Not for someone who is willfully negligent to their health through being morbidly obese
No. 843389
>>843365Banana = on avg 100 cal, x 6 = 600 cals
Dates = avg 67 cal x 6 = 402 cals
Cacao powder = 12 cals per tbsp
Chia seeds = 70 cal per tbsp
Shredded coconut = 45 tbsp
Cacao nibs = 6 cal per bean
Let’s assume that she added more than a few tablespoons of each (the cacao nibs are measured per bean) and that bowl is floating somewhere around 1500 calories at least — and a ton of carbs.
No. 843395
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Her crazy portion sizes
No. 843475
>>843336It probably is genuinely miserable for phoebe, who weighs upwards of 300lbs. Fat people are way more likely to suffer heat stroke, not that that’s really going to happen if she’s just lying in bed indoors.
Baffling that she thinks being fat isn’t unhealthy when it has so many negative effects that she herself experiences daily.
No. 843480
>>843426Her indigestion and bloating issues must be on another plane, there's no way even a body used to lots of food can smoothly digest all of this food. Especially since lots of it is 'substitute' vegan food the body doesn't handle well; vegan feta tastes noticeably artificial and chalky.
>>843400I'm surprised she hasn't smothered it in dressing, though there's probably a swimming pool of olive oil halfway down that bowl.
No. 843483
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sage cause it's not phoebe, but imagine believing undiagnosed ADHD is a disability.
No. 843484
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Derailing but I think I’ve found Pheebs’ inspiration for her godawful quadruple chin close-ups… another IG fatty, sadly not quite as milky.
No. 843486
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I want to vomit profusely.
(derailing) No. 843510
>>843507God I wish I hadn't looked at her ig… pic after pic of her enormous fat rolls and a face that even a mother would punch.
Surprisingly not followed by Phoebs.
No. 843515
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>>843484might this cow need her own thread?
(derailing - focus on Phoebe) No. 843526
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>>843515Depends, most of what makes Phoebe milky is her drama and shadiness. Is this girl just a standard cringe deathfat sjw or is there something else notable about her?
No. 843530
>>843526You know someone is self obsessed when they don't just celebrate their birthday but say 'it's my birth month' ugh..
Looks milky enough for her own thread
No. 843558
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No. 843560
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She's showing her privilege again
No. 843563
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>>843560Keep in mind that poor Henry either had to push this down to the water and back, or she walked/wheeled herself there herself making every time he's done it for her even worse
Also if she is so upset by the heat she should just go to the water and dip her feet in. It's not like she's working at home that she can't leave. If she really wants she can bring one of her iPads to watch Netflix while she's there. I get that 30 heat must be terrible for Brits (and at least she admits that being fat makes it worse), but there's shit she can do to make it less horrible for herself. Hell, take a cold shower. She must need it with the stink anyways
No. 843590
>>843483Wait, so this person is both 'trans' and gay and thinks ADHD is the real issue when it comes to discrimination? Seriously?
>>843578Exactly. You could have ice packs delivered directly to her bed and she'd screech that it was oppreshun, because they didn't use vegan ice or have enough decorative genitalia. Nothing is ever enough for her.
No. 843709
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The Kraken awakes.
No. 843759
>>843750>>843751Gotta call bullshit on the 'disabled' thing.
Like anon said, it's sometimes easier to walk in water as it takes the weight off of your joints - but that's perfectly still water in a pool or therapy pool, not the wavy, current-filled fucking ocean.
If you can't stand without the assistance of a wheelchair, standing in the ocean is not the thing for you.
No. 843897
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> I can only go to the Post Office when I make Henry push me on his day off
No. 843925
>>843897WTF does 'Eat the Rich' mean?
Then one of the preferred pronoun badges lists they/she/he.. why bother announcing your bloody pronouns if all pronouns are ok? It's already impossible to misgender you..
No. 843926
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this doesn’t work and will probably piss your cat off. cats and dogs regulate temperature through their paw pads, if anything put cold water on their feet. but also cats are comfortable being much hotter than humans so they really don’t need our help most of the time
No. 843952
>>843897These reek of teen rebellion and general hormonal anger at the world. No matter what your political views are; wearing a badge saying 'fuck blank' only makes you look childish in how you handle your feelings
And where's the 'Eat Shit' badge cos that's Phoebes catchphrase and a perfect example of her superior communication skills and her ability to keep her emotions in check
No. 843981
>>843956Does the UK have some sort of thing for animals like animal control here in the US?
Depriving a cat of vital nutrients has to fall under animal abuse…
No. 843982
>>843926dear god no sheets or mattress protector on that bed, hate to think of how bad it reeks with her sweat just seeping into it
saged for no milk
No. 843996
>>843943It’s a saying attributed to Rousseau: “When the common people have no more to eat, they will eat the rich.”
Has been a popular jokey slogan since at least the 20th century and probably before. There are a bunch of books and songs with the title.
No. 844012
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>>843996Also a really fucking funny Comic Strip Presents film starring Lemmy.
No. 844024
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No. 844031
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Hating on police again
No. 844033
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I feel so sorry for her dad
No. 844042
>>844033"I am anti police but quite happy to receive money earned by police work or gifts paid for with money earned by police work!"
She's such a fucking liar!
No. 844045
>>844031Here's the rest of the N.I Polices caption:
"we have ‘Policing with Pride’ vehicles to highlight that hate crime is unacceptable. You can help us tackle hate crime. To stop it, report it"
oh yeah, such bastards..
No. 844065
>>844033>read the work of Black educatorsThis irks me to no end. I sincerely doubt our Phoebes has read anything by black educators, unless she counts Instagram captions as educational reading.
About to break that high horse's back with her sheer body mass.
No. 844160
Can't wait for her to roll into the appeal in her new crowdfunded powerchair convinced they will now take her seriously as she has a wheelchair for her….. undiagnosed autism.
No. 844242
>>844116So far I've never seen a blood thirsty racist cop kill a pasty, pudgy, huffing and puffing infinifat like phoebe. There's no challenge to it if she's killing herself already. If she really wanted to challenge the police and take one for the team, she'd stop eating, start going to the gym, and get a tan. Then maybe, just maybe, one day a policeman will violently touch.
The way she looks now, red, bloated, hairline receding, flabby thin limbs with a mountain of dough body, the cops take one look at her, assume she's a 65 going on 81 years old, pushed around in a wheelchair by her son or maybe her grandson, and leave a wide berth.
No. 844259
>>844114I mean she's taking a very positive and supportive post from them and then making the most vague accusations of their 'potential for violence' I don't think this bitch has any knowledge of what the history is here, she's passing comment on a subject she knows nothing about… what's new there lol
She said herself yesterday that every single policeman on earth is essentially doing wrong, her feelings about doctors aren't much better. The more you contribute to helping solve real problems, the more this fat leech gets paranoid about your intentions. Maybe she should apply for disability based on her having paranoid delusions
No. 844261
>>843983You're killing your cat super slowly and painfully with it.
Vegans and vegetarians shouldn't be allowed to own carnivores if they can't accept them needing meat.
No. 844291
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more like: i no longer want to be independent, henry can do everything!
nitpick but why does she have to wear her engagement ring? it doesn’t even fit
No. 844305
>>844291Thought they couldn't afford a second car, what's the point in looking for her license right now when they still have one car between them and henry needs to drive it to work?
Also the expense of driving lessons and then taking the test…
No. 844308
>>844291Anyone (who's not blocked) know what she's 'ill' with today?
Wonder if she still had to pay for the lesson? I mean did she give the instructor enough notice to cancel without owing payment
No. 844322
>>844307I hope her parents cut Phatboe off.
No one deserves to have a daughter like that. Especially one who slanders you and your job like that and gives a fuck that you risk your life ever single day.
No. 844334
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She didn't even have the fibro diagnosis a year ago.. Phoebe, you don't have any medical reason for your alleged mobility problems, except being incredibly fat.
No. 844338
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>I feel like my whole life is just standing still whilst everyone else is passing me by doing great things.
That's some insight at least. She could think about it some more..
No. 844348
>>844334No such thing as having "legally more than enough evidence", Phoebe. You can provide all the posed, faked, hammed up "evidence" you like and if they still have reason to believe you are exaggerating or faking for money, they can refuse you.
I'd love her to turn up to a tribunal and have every single scrap of her evidence refuted with her own instagram shite.
No. 844353
>>844338Why did she take the theory test so early on?
Has it been established which benefits she's claiming? I thought none, but she says "full disability payment". Nah, she wouldn't pass for that. Her list of meds was pitiful for one so disabled.
No. 844363
File: 1564160821464.png (59.8 KB, 504x302, Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 18.07…)

>>844244I hate Phoebe as much as anyone but moaning about the weather is pretty much a national sport. It'd be different if she was trying to claim she had it harder than everyone else and looking for sympathy, but her heat comments are pretty inoffensive and standard up to now.
No. 844372
>>844338i feel like even though she calls herself a waste of space and a failure it’s like she doesn’t actually believe it but she knows that people like us who are rational view her like that so she says it for pity points because she sees other people saying it but doesn’t actually believe it herself, not really sure if I’m making sense but I hope you guys see what I mean !
also in terms of her driving test I’m American so I’m not really sure but driving lessons over here are like $300 minimum for six hours of training, sounds a lot like privilege to me . either she can afford it on her own, in that case why the fuck did she make randoms pay for her wheelchair, or… she got Officer Dad to pay for it which is also shit because then why couldn’t he pay for the chair????? either way this bitch is privileged as fuck lmaooooo no wonder she adopts so many fake identities for opreshun. could’ve paid for her chair herself w all tbat privilege, those are my two cents smh she’s such a loser cunt

>>844322I do wonder about her family. Her father's a police officer, which would suggest he cuts at least a marginally commanding figure, yet he seems from his interactions with Phoebe like a bit of a pushover? But still fundamentally a caring person. Her mother, as we've all seen, is unafraid to voice her dissatisfaction with Phoebe's antics. So where has this monster of a person come from? Is it just a personality disorder? Her family seems pretty normal, you would think a police officer family would be active in the community and raise quite a well-turned-out kid with a respect for systems and authority? At least, not one who would come out with the sort of violent rhetoric about government bodies and working people she spouts, which seems predominantly to come from people who have only ever had negative interactions with government institutions-to them, it makes sense that the police are figures of derision.
Maybe i'm being naive, and I know we only really see what Phoebe shows us, but it's really puzzling that she's like this. Most people like her come from a family of similar welfare queens, and it's all they've ever known.
No. 844379
File: 1564161985762.jpg (33.7 KB, 606x235, b.JPG)

>>844372This is a cheaper driving school in Southend. Prices are generally £25-£30 a lesson (usually an hour).
No. 844381
>>844372Did a quick google, price in pounds sterling:
The average cost of a driving lesson is £24
Driving Standards Agency recommends 47 hours of tuition under the supervision of a professional instructor
Total cost of lessons for a learner will be £1,128
No. 844394
>>844338Those people around her have invested years into gaining an employment history and qualifications to move onto better things while Phoebe preferred to fraudulently claim benefits and retweet self-indulgent oppression hot takes. It's the same proclivity towards instant gratification that has allowed her to get so fat and fill her flat with vagina earrings.
Silver lining-she's still young enough to turn her life around without too much trouble, if she could be bothered.
No. 844415
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No. 844423
File: 1564166825985.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190726-194608.png)

Cow boots for a cow. She could have not spent that £40 and saved Henry from doing a couple of hours of overtime.
No. 844453
File: 1564170477360.png (818.99 KB, 750x1334, 0318671A-4B44-4CB6-AE67-F7EEE8…)

lmfaoooooooooooo what in the fuck are those hands !!!!!! lizard hands !!!!!! lmfaoooo
No. 844463
>>844460So she is not ashamed of being fat and yet she keeps on talking about her past feelings and 'starvation days' .. yep we get it, you keep on telling the same story
People with actual horrific trauma live less in the past than this!
No. 844491
File: 1564174630350.png (83.51 KB, 1080x556, Screenshot_20190726-215619.png)

Her mum is enabling her just as much as her dad is.
No. 844540
>>844453Holy fuck, I assumed this was an old drawing of hers. It's so bad! How is her drawing ability going backwards???
Everything about this is so so bad
No. 844543
File: 1564182451832.jpg (577.5 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190727_000627.jpg)

No wonder I thought it was old at, she's basically done this exact picture numerous times before. Maybe she's running out of ideas?
I notice she's posting art more often. Trying to became big?
No. 844544
File: 1564182613755.jpg (307.58 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20190727-000235_Ins…)

Holy fuck the way the boobs are drawn. Is she drawing badly on purpose?
No. 844545
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No. 844546
File: 1564182668651.jpg (397.96 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20190727-000423_Ins…)

It's like a toddlers work
No. 844556
>>844334For a "full mobility payment" you have to have medical evidence that you are unable to walk 30 metres (even with a walking stick or crutches or walker). They're going to ask her what floor she lives on and unless she lies she's not getting that enhanced mobility money.
The enhanced mobility allows you to trade in that portion of your payment to lease a car, which is what she's gunning for. The last thing she needs is more enabling to sit on her expanding arse, she should be using her stick or a walker and WALKING places. She'd feel better for it.
No. 844566
File: 1564185826328.png (529.52 KB, 490x745, fvf commission.png)

>>844531Reminder of her commission prices. She'll probably ask for a photo to work from then trace it and demand her £40.
No. 844570
>>842768aint nobody got time for that anon
>>843371I mean, you're not obligated to NOT have cancer or scars or that stuff. You're kind of obligated to function in a society by being a healthy weight, or suffer the consequences otherwise.
>>843926That fucking STAIN ON THE LEFT I'M–
No. 844669
File: 1564204197880.jpeg (32.36 KB, 480x360, 3B8B495E-0DAF-407A-A80D-3749C2…)

>>844546I didn’t know fatty feebz made nyan neko sugar girls
No. 844746
File: 1564233199189.jpg (Spoiler Image,639.23 KB, 1080x1760, 20190727_141208.jpg)

Poor Henry having to see this in the flat..
No. 844749
>>842718In the Uk if she gets given a disability payment does that mean she has to give up her etsy shop?
It can't look good on an application to show that you currently work from home and have income.. but also insist you can't work??
No. 844767
File: 1564236829005.png (2.07 MB, 1125x2436, C12FB129-627C-431A-A4A5-B03973…)

She’s sperging hard about the vegan cat thing. I’m honestly just hoping she’s telling the truth and she isn’t forcing her cat to be vegan. She can get fucked but I’d never want her animals to suffer (more than they already do). Also, who cowtipped? Kek
No. 844772
>>844767If the cat only has a "sensitive stomach", she could very much consume meat without throwing up. She was most likely over-eating or eating too quickly, which Phoebe could prevent by getting a slow-feeder bowl and making sure not to overfeed her (which she probably does, since she overfeeds herself so badly).
A vet would tell her this, but it doesn't sound like Phoebe saw one. "Sensitive stomach" isn't a medical diagnosis.
No. 844791
>>842718Hardly enjoying her weekend with henry if she has the time to address that message, I love how from weekday to weekend there is no change in the amount of time she wastes on Instagram
Not just a reply but also a ranting story.. spending probably three times as much time and energy as the cowtipper spent on it? lol
No. 844837
>>844821Autism is genuinely the only one of her ishoos that I think she might have hit the mark on. The aspergers type. It's her lack of theory of mind/no understanding of other people's opinions being just as
valid as her own, her inability to have irl friendships, her reliance on the internet and written communication, how self centred and focused on herself she is, even the sudden lack of sex for Henry etc.
The main one though is her lack of identity and the way she seems to adopt a new identity for a while. Her over sexualised black cock phase, her sex work phase, the askfm answers phase, her various disability labels that have been and gone. Now she's adopted trans, disability, and sjw stuff as her main identity. She might genuinely think each phase she goes through is the real her and she's finally found the answer as to why she doesn't seem to fit anywhere. I'm calling it now, in a couple of years she will slide into another identity and a few years after that it'll be another one. Fun, fun.
Her Lana quote tattoo highlights her having no identity even more. And the fact her mum has mentioned it to her too. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if she was one of the girls/women whose aspergers was missed when they were younger.
Disclaimer that I don't think it's any excuse for her behaviour and attitude etc and sage for no milk.
No. 844849
>>844837We've had a few aspergers anons give the opinion that she doesn't show traits of it. I believe she shows traits of something else but mods complain about armchair diagnosing any time that it's mentioned so won't get into it.
Adopting a new identity all the time and having no true sense of identity isn't autism, it's a different disorder
No. 844850
File: 1564249197644.png (660.34 KB, 750x1334, 5B27B5D5-AB2B-4488-A10F-F32534…)

sage bc no milk but oh my GOD she really has to keep going on and on about the one time she tried sex work.
No. 844851
>>844842Yeah special interests in autism tend to be complicated interests that they can recite information about for hours. There's an ability to memorise huge amounts of info on one subject and they can be socially awkward but very intelligent on paper.. doesn't scream pheebs to me
People are mixing up aspergers with being cuntish and self absorbed
No. 844869
>>844849>>844837Do I have to flash my Aspergers card to disagree? Kek.
It very much can be part of Aspergers to feel like there's no identity and to take on the identity of the people around you, whether on purpose or without even realising. It's a type of masking. Almost like a chameleon. All she has to do with this crowd is stay fat and repeat the sjw bullshit. No tricky social rules to navigate to feel like she belongs. Same with the trans stuff. Lots of suggestions that undiagnosed women/girls with Aspergers can be sucked into the troon agenda because it's an easy way to be accepted as part of a group and at the same time an easy answer for themselves for why they felt they didn't fit in for most of their life. It's scary.
Special interests don't have to be complicated or intellectual either. Her shitty tracing could be one. Stalking other fat acceptance people could be another. Spending all her time online. It's not always reciting chemistry facts and trains like tv tells us.
Again though, none of that makes her any less of a dickhead. You can have Aspergers and still be an absolute knob jockey.
(no one cares about your assburgers) No. 844874
>>844866Yeah, well discussed by anons, witnesses, friends of the
victim, and Phoebe's excuses for it. Check the first thread or two
No. 844880
>>844869I'm diagnosed too.. Seems common on this thread. The point about lack of identity is one I can't get into because of the armchair diagnosing rule. I don't really get why autism traits can be discussed in depth on here but other disorders can't.
Don't personally think aspergers is what she has, I think she knows what the traits of it are and she makes poor attempts to mimic it like that one time she mentioned sensory overload lol
No. 844903
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No. 844907
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No. 844909
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No. 844924
File: 1564262268888.jpg (522.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190727-214417_Ins…)

Top kek
No. 844925
File: 1564262312937.jpg (463.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190727-214410_Ins…)

No. 844926
>>844921Spotted that too, she's just so eager to have a go at people that she doesn't even check her screenshot
I love how those kind police officers that helped malachi can't be acknowledged.. no we must hold them responsible for anything bad that another officer has ever done..
No. 845023
File: 1564280667568.jpg (135.79 KB, 1024x1821, ptsocs.jpg)

A couple of posts coming up, picking up things from her stories in the last 24h.
These socks are 13.50E a PAIR. But can't donate anything towards her own new powerchair.
No. 845024
File: 1564280722690.jpg (109.96 KB, 750x1334, ptlulu.jpg)

Crying over Lulu. Not showing one with her missing the eye she neglected to take her to the vet for, obviously. I can't believe how healthy the cat looks here before Phoebe wrecked her.
No. 845025
File: 1564280835893.jpg (160.89 KB, 1440x2562, ptchubby.jpg)

And no day would be complete without a horrifying close up™, this time taking suggestions for more tacky overpriced shit she can guilt her followers into buying.
No. 845105
>>845025Being fat is kinda obvious, you hardly need to tell people something they can already see?
Her badges remind me of when kids learn to tell people their age and interests as they get a sense of identity, that stage where they tell every fucking stranger that will listen to them 'I am 4 and I like cars'
No. 845109
File: 1564300574957.jpg (481.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190728-085628_Ins…)

No. 845113
just watched this and i’m aghast at her portion sizes was 2 years ago and she already was eating like 3 oversized full meals a day, probably snacks too. that breakfast smoothie alone would’ve been enough for me. the TWO bananas with her oats means she had 4 bananas for breakfast. the amount of food in the vlog would last me 3ish days?
what’s the point of eating healthy, vegan friendly food if you’re gonna overindulge like that daily?
No. 845143
>>845127Yeah I think the average person has a view that aspergers equals learning difficulty but it can be helpful you if you aim to work in certain fields like medicine or science, that obsession with learning about one (often complicated) subject
Owning a cat or a couple of pusheen plushies isn't autism or else every 20 year woman I know would qualify as being on the spectrum too
Her 'sensory overload' symptoms are very rarely brought up too and don't seem all that genuine when they are
No. 845146
File: 1564316239650.png (2.07 MB, 1125x2436, 5DF4F21B-5170-4BA0-8BB7-74849E…)

Is this bitch serious? I’ve never seen someone possess so little self awareness. Why is she so angry all the time? What an exhausting waste of space this retarded crybully is
No. 845150
>>845146I don't know how a single person watching her stories can stand her, maybe people only looking at her posts think she's halfway ok but all her shittiest behaviour is saved for stories, the humiliation screenshots and aggressive public responses to them
It's narc-ish to do this public sharing of conversations and do nothing to actually address the points made but only put the person down
No. 845155
>>845146Makes me think of 'Triangulation':
A manipulation tactic where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second.
Abusive mind games basically. Mocking the person or twisting their words
Using her followers (who I'm sure aren't asking for this shit to be shared with them) and talking about the person rather than to them. It's narc stuff for sure, a sad attempt to humiliate anybody who doesn't fully agree with her
No. 845211
File: 1564333373017.jpg (Spoiler Image,635.07 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190715-164910_Ins…)

>>845154Tsk tsk tsk Pheebs, you clearly don't give a shit about being ethical, why wouldn't you just make a fundraiser or get a sponsor for your big pussy pants~? You could have just postponed buying them, you unethical swine you
Pic from the last thread
No. 845220
>>845216Fuck those sweatshop kids, your 'boy' needs big pussy pants!
>>845215She really makes me hope karma is an actual thing that catches us all eventually cos my god would she have some shit coming her way
No. 845255
File: 1564341744442.jpg (1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190728-202201_Ins…)

Fucking hell, that's a family sharing platter
No. 845284
File: 1564346208805.jpeg (753.98 KB, 1242x1651, 7DB335AB-9E6F-45F4-9299-536E14…)

Typed Phoebe’s handle on twitter
No. 845289
File: 1564346448614.jpeg (372.79 KB, 939x1800, ADDDB8C5-C76B-4560-8359-F32DCA…)

She got hate posted to Twitter kek everyone is laughing at her
No. 845305
File: 1564349089757.jpg (551.62 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20190728-221919_Sam…)

No. 845310
File: 1564351372007.jpg (914.57 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190728_230201.jpg)

Feebs hates before and after photos.
Here's one of Lulu. Feebs only had her a year. Heres a photo of her the day they took her home versus the day they put her down. Crazy
No. 845447
File: 1564369434210.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 812x826, MEN ARE AFRAID OF MY MASS.png)

>>845310how fucking hard is it to brush your kitty and use a wet wipe for the feces on it's paws every once in a while. is she purposely fucking up her cats so she can have a cute UwU disabled pet ? is this some type of new Munchhausen by proxy for vegans? I want to throw up. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for her infected eye, but everything else?
No. 845449
File: 1564369950632.png (291.78 KB, 659x543, fat queer.png)

>>845066this is a person who posts shit like this proudly on instagram when it's literally an insult my brain snickers whenever it sees a new picture of her
No. 845463
File: 1564372526678.jpg (570.34 KB, 1080x1490, 20190728_230517.jpg)

No. 845522
File: 1564401475810.jpg (885.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-125743_Ins…)

No. 845523
File: 1564401499331.jpg (598.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-125801_Ins…)

Omg the milk will flow
No. 845524
>>845154she's the worst person I've ever encountered on the internet…disgusting
Not everything has to be just like YOU wanted! you fucking landwhale, what about eating less and end your "look at me I'm so disabled" charade
No. 845557
>>845158If Pheebs can make her daddy copper and fiancé work overtime and cough up money for her shitty habits then anyone can anon. As we all know, poverty is just having a near empty bank account at the end of a pay cycle cause you spent it all on useless junk and elephant food portions
>>845211But Pheebs, if you cared enough you'd make the money happen. (And if you developed some form of intelligence you'd know you could buy less clothes and have them be of good quality and from ethical sources than buying everything you lay your eyes on from shitty sources and contributing intensely to disposable fashion aka the industry which is the reason sweatshops are so prevalent)
No. 845579
File: 1564415162474.png (922.92 KB, 750x1334, 0E78072B-D2A5-4BBD-A047-9B9120…)

Is her I’M NOT A WOMAN phase coming to an end???? HoW nin binary of her
No. 845580
File: 1564415207386.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, EE3294FD-3C00-480D-B4E1-6B61CE…)

Which one of y’all posted this in the fatvegfemme tag?!
No. 845606
>>845522 implying size 16 isn't thicc territory. Anything that isn't hambeast isn't thin, pheebs.
>>845579 she's non binary but when it comes to events she says she's a woman to get into them
>>845580 I cannot wait for her to see this
No. 845609
File: 1564419797060.jpg (624.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-180309_Ins…)

No. 845610
File: 1564419845335.jpg (604.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-180234_Ins…)

How the fuck is this going to fit on a badge
No. 845624
>>845580literally crying with laughter
bless you anon!
No. 845627
File: 1564423515679.png (7.82 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2354.PNG)

Bring on the milk!
No. 845629
>>845627Make your predications now!
Mine are: won't be able to get it down the stairs herself, topples over on a curb or small doorframe cos of her size, calls it a "piece of shit" where all her donors can see it, covers it in her shitty stickers then complains everyone's staring at her.
No. 845635
>>845629Gets stuck in an Aldi carpark between two cars
Breaks it within 3 months cos she got too fat for it, blames the manufacturer
Sticks some kind of gaudy overly big trans sticker on it
No. 845672
File: 1564429478931.jpg (558.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-204320_Ins…)

No. 845673
File: 1564429513566.jpg (916.33 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190729-204327_Ins…)

No. 845733
>>845673Waiting for the day one of the people she gatekeeps and screeches at to delete or close or worse — then everyone will recognize pheebs for the bully she is. I’m truly shocked that a community that says it’s fighting back against bullying would support such a rude, aggressive asswipe who literally does nothing but bullies people.
What pheebs fails to realize is that we all went through both our edgy and sjw phases. She’s on the latter but doesn’t think it, too, will be a phase just like her edgy years. In like 3-4 years if not less she will physically cringe whenever she thinks about herself from this time.
No. 845791
>>845767we already know that gender neutral terms are used to avoid bias towards one of the two genders. i just looked up “folx”, apparently it is used by those who identify as non binary. so, basically the term includes
everyone, unlike gender neutral, which is considered to conform to only the gender binary.
sounds like a huge arse ache, tbh. gender neutral should be good enough but what do i know? i’m just a dumb cis woman.
No. 845857
File: 1564474036576.png (1.07 MB, 640x1136, 9E3B63A7-263A-4263-856E-5D1BBF…)

Basically … basically …
No. 845858
File: 1564474285724.jpeg (498.27 KB, 640x958, 30424217-1C44-4F06-8D15-FE7C55…)

She says she’s been chronically ill probably ‘since birth’ and then does this creepy little smile like she’s proud of herself.
She can walk just fine, she is such a scum bag!!!!
No. 845860
>>845527She definitely should cut it. Having hair is so baldphobic, cause there's so many people that can't grow out a full head of hair.
>>845579>a world designed for menOh my. Poor Henry's probably gonna hear an idiotic rant about feminism after this, if she's not dragging him with her. #safehenry
>>845609>people want to call themselves fatYeah, cause that's auch a cool label everyone wants to use..
>you have no right to use the wordIs she for real? Didn't know Phoebe gets to decide who's fat and who isn't
>>845612I wish an even fatter person than Phoebe would tell her she's not "actually fat" and isn't allowed to call herself fat
No. 845865
File: 1564476588841.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 6C2D81AB-FB4B-4974-8054-D7044F…)

No. 845866
File: 1564476624022.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 344DF1D4-7098-4635-A636-A894CD…)

I really hate having so many images of her on my phone.
No. 845867
File: 1564476646865.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, F95DD971-E7A9-4177-965A-D96052…)

No. 845868
File: 1564476694663.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 36B1F03A-6F6F-4B9B-A3F2-A8FA12…)

Basic definition
No. 845870
File: 1564476784788.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, EA9A36DE-A774-44F2-8290-0071BE…)

For far she’s fairly reasonable. But just you wait.
No. 845872
File: 1564476866994.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, 7A9A0FF2-8293-42A7-BF09-F966C8…)

There is over a dozen of these. I’m only gonna post ones I find potentially milky.
No. 845874
File: 1564476959117.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 21F24271-58DE-4515-A2AD-85F8A6…)

This is where she starts to get retarded.
No. 845876
File: 1564477014192.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, 25A5FFAD-E273-4E38-8E0C-78E8C2…)

Does she really have no conception of cost?
No. 845877
File: 1564477076458.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, D498839B-EAD2-4B87-A977-C56566…)

Ok retard. What? You want a playpen? Is this a daycare? Are you actually Tommy Pickles?
No. 845879
File: 1564477142065.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, AD64E1F6-83A4-48AA-BCA7-0BC3A8…)

What does this MEAN???
No. 845881
>>845879Even her explosive diarrhea has to be accommodated. She's very special and if you force her to use the same bathrooms as these lowly abled peasants, that's ableism and punishable by snapchat callouts.
Yes, very reasonable Feedy
No. 845883
>>845858She's now claiming she's been disabled since birth which is obvious bullshit and saying she needed a manual chair but now can't use one so needs a powerchair??
How is anyone falling for this?
No. 845897
File: 1564483114617.jpg (683.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-113846_Ins…)

No. 845899
File: 1564483234850.jpg (701.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-113952_Ins…)

She. Can. Walk.
No. 845900
File: 1564483298863.jpg (887.14 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190730_114158.jpg)

No. 845901
File: 1564483508510.jpg (707.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-114425_Ins…)

But if you DM her you get called a cunt and blocked???
No. 845902
File: 1564483536362.jpg (664.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190730-114459_Ins…)

No. 845910
File: 1564485857221.png (565.8 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_20190730-121637.png)

Countdown to Phoebe shitting herself with rage.
No. 845916
File: 1564486882675.png (285.62 KB, 1920x759, sketch-1564486821243.png)

That's bullshit Feebs. You willingly sacrificed accessibility because you wanted to live by th seafront.
No. 845919
File: 1564486924920.png (198.69 KB, 1920x569, sketch-1564486841267.png)

No. 845931
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No. 845932
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No. 845936
>>845932This thread is so milky, but at the same time i've never seen a person so disgusting inside and out. She's purposely obese because she's lazy and has a shit diet. She controls what people say and what is accepted as 'fat' and she uses so many excuses why she cant do things when real disabled people exist. She's a mockery to disabled people. What a horrible person.
Also, how did she even get a man to stay by her side??
No. 845957
>>845872You have trouble concentrating, so you need subtitles to read…? If you're having a sensory overload and can't concentrate I don't expect you to be able to read subtitles. Cause when else is an autistic person not able to concentrate on something they WANT to do or are interested in? I've never seen that in my experience but granted, I'm basing this on my sister and the kids at her various autism programs and things so maybe I've just never met someone like this
>>845879People with IBS don't need special toilets to hold their shit. Public toilets are powerful enough. Unless Pheebs is trying to pretend only obeasts get IBS and she needs a bigger toilet. Sure it'd be nice to have a toilet at the ready for emergencies but everyone going to the bathroom at a concert is going cause it's an emergency. Are we going to stop a kid about to piss themselves cause Pheebs has some special IBS and might need to run for a colossal shit that's more important than anyone else's emergency? Though if she told people in line or asked nicely if she could go first due to not wanting to shit herself I'm sure anyone not in an emergency situation would let her.
Actually that goes for all the accessibility shit. Ask the venue ahead of time and most of her stupid requests would be filled with no issues. Actually disabled people know this. But nope, entitled Pheebs wants everything waiting for her on a silver platter in case she wants to show up. Bet she didn't care if that Lizzo concert was fully accessible, she'd make an exception cause she wanted to go and only cared that her wheelchair could get in and that she could force actually autistic Henry to go for free (Lizzo concerts have lots of flashing lights and are loud as hell from what I've seen, looks kind fun unless you're someone with sensory issues). No idea if Henry is so bad that he couldn't go to concerts but I doubt Pheebs ever bothered to find out about the poor boy. It's only ever about her
>>845932That's why there are products to make it easier for these people to wash their hair and why real disabled people can get caretakers or nurses to wash their hair once a week or so. Or grab a chair and sit in the shower while you wash like a normal fatty or actually disabled person. Take a bath, use your money to buy a hand held shower head (or crowdfund it), buy some water-free shampoo, etc. But no, the moment that's suggested you'll go back to the lie that the reason you don't wash is cause you're "depressed". You're not depressed, at worst you feel like shit because of a mix of your diet, the fact that you make yourself angry all the time (you hateful cunt), and the fact that you've locked yourself in your flat because you can't not eat like a pig and are determined to scam disability money.
(derailing) No. 845969
>>845957The thing with autism and captions is a preference, it nice to say have the option on youtube vids or tv. Noise can be overwhelming but then if noise is your main issue you don't go to events anyway. You can't make crowds be quiet and you can't demand the lights be turned down in public spaces etc. The world doesn't revolve around catering to sensory overload and that's ok
One of pheebs biggest struggles is her need to have control, imagine sitting at home on your sofa as a person with no social life giving out advice on how to run big gatherings of people.. the irony
No. 845976
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So her solution is to ask people to work for free
No. 846016
>>846014Complains about events not being accessible cos organisers can't afford it - lives full time in a flat that's not accessible cos she can't afford it
No irony there at all
No. 846027
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No. 846029
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This is what feebs does…
No. 846030
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No. 846031
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She's got a skill at making everything about her
No. 846067
>>846032It's not weird, I live in a country where almost every young person I know uses it as their primary form of communication because it's free.
>>846030I like how he has an old picture of them together as his profile picture from when she wasn't so grossly obese yet, I too would be ashamed to show her off in her current state.
No. 846074
>>845945i’m deaf too (born profoundly deaf) and it’s irritating that feebs is talking about deaf/HoH people as if she knows what she’s talking about, and knows what we need. literally fuck off. i appreciate anyone who makes an effort to learn but it feels like feebs is speaking for us.
wah, stop gatekeeping this or that!precisely. listen to your own advice and stfu, feebs.
>>845946there are deaf people who only communicate via sign language and/or cannot understand written english (BSL grammar is different). phoebe really knows fuck all.
No. 846099
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Let it begin…
No. 846112
>>845947It's so obvious why she doesn't bathe - yet spends time & money on her nails, hair, fast fashion, and accessories. She wants to feel pretty like we all do, but hates her body and can't stand to be naked with herself.
Her real issue is that she's in complete denial about the fact that her "eating disorder" was just her struggling with untreated binge eating disorder - that's why normal portions felt so restrictive, and why she struggles so much with body image and having an emotionally healthy relationship with food.
It's hilarious because Ms. Anti-ableism actually HAS a debilitating eating disorder! But she won't admit it, and would rather appropriate disability narratives that don't belong to her.
Phoebe Tickner is as much of an ableist fatphobic cunt as the rest of society.
No. 846131
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No. 846150
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If she'd bothered to look at the reviews she'd have realised that she couldn't lift it down the stairs.
But what world does she live in where an electric wheelchair that can take her mammoth weight is also light enough to lift?
No. 846153
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She's so predictable, she's in a mood so she attacks an actual disabled woman of colour
No. 846154
I know this is a bit late since these threads move so fast, but re: the subtitle discussion with ADHD or autism, since it's likely to come up again…
Both disorders have auditory processing issues, which means that it's really hard to distinguish important information from background information. With sound, that's usually important speech. A lot of times you'll see someone with autism or ADHD have TV turned up WAY loud, and that's because the person is trying to discern the important dialogue. Captions help a ton with that. It doesn't make things more overwhelming for autism because they let you turn the sound down and decrease pressure from extraneous information, and don't give an additional thing to concentrate on in the way you think it might, because it provides a filter that a lot of ADHD brains don't have.
Phoebe is a jackass but we all probably have friends and family we actually care about with those disorders, they're a big help for my autistic sister!
If Phoebe wants to worry about REQUIRING these things in public, she needs to just lobby for actual legislation like the ADA in America, instead of shitting on event organizers. But god forbid Phoebe engage in any actual political activism instead of screeching at individual organizers who have struggles of their own. Like it's a social issue, she's addressing it as an issue of social justice, so why is she not trying to address it on a social level? Oh right because she got a taste of feeling superior with internet veganism and can't get enough, so down the rabbit hole of screaming at strangers on the internet and accomplishing literally nothing, except maybe the acceleration of the swing of the pendulum against body positivity and social inclusion.
sage for bitter ranting and slight blogposting from someone with an actually disabled family member(nobody cares)
No. 846169
>>846154You're exactly right, she's just doing it so she can feel superior.
>>846153Aaaaaaand here we go again. What is it with her and attacking Jameela whenever she's in the mood for some drama? I'm no fan of Jameela myself but damn, can't she breathe without Pheebs shitting on her lmao
No. 846174
>>846099>I’m scared it’s going to trigger my eating disorderRead: I’m scared it’s going to make me go on a shitty attempt at dieting for a few days during which time I eat 2500cals a day then give up and cry over how sick and in pain I was.
And she won’t even do that much, probably. Remember when she went crying to IG when she had to spend one day “starving” in preparation for a medical procedure (like every other person, yet everyone else just deals with it) and she had actually just eaten a huge bowl of ice cream that she felt didn’t count somehow? The only eating disorder she has ever had is BED.
No. 846192
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No. 846197
>>846192Hmm feeling suicidal, I should prob draw attention to this online, oh and include all the necessary
trigger warnings in my post first, very composed for someone having a fucking crisis!
No. 846198
>>846192Posts like this are why some people refuse to believe that depression is anything other than an attention thing
Is henry ok? I do hope his family check on him
No. 846229
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Oh my God this milk is delicious. She's absolutely pt worthy, the milk just doesn't stop. She's a callous, selfish, childish bitch who deserves all of this. Anons were talking about how important it is to get a chair properly fitted by a professional, lo and behold
No. 846249
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tinfoil but does anyone think she planned it so this story takeover coincided with getting a chair she knew wouldn't work for more sympathy/pity points? also if saying um and losing one's train of thought is indicative of autism then about 3/4 of the world is autistic.
No. 846348
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>>846207yep, 5 hours ago and still nothing. her posts are pretty devoid of any interaction actually.
there’s a post from sunday with 3 videos, not really milky but i’ll upload some caps. 1/?
No. 846350
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No. 846351
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the clips are pretty boring. don’t know why she uploaded them. i’ve made a gif from the first clip though, because… what’s that feebs, you were in pain and disabled since birth? 3/3
No. 846377
>>845990For someone so skint she sure seems to think money grows on trees. She can't fathom things being too expensive because she's never had to work and save money to live. She has no concept of money because it just rolls in when she asks for it. From daddy, from Henry, from her supporters. Of course she expects the government to give her money, too. She's a top tier grifter.
You can't afford to roll out the red wheelchair ramp with oversized maximum capacity shitters and fart interpreters for me? How dare you! Money is easy to get!
No. 846380
>>845932>"It literally takes me a day or two to do it!"Does she not realize people with kinky and extremely curly hair ALSO have to dedicate a day or two to wash (and braid or wrap) their hair, every time they wash their hair?
You're not speshal~ for saying that Pheebz lol
She just keeps reaching for those sympathy points any small way she can.
No. 846386
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I'm working nights at the moment so did a look back at the last year or so of Phoebe's Instagram.
She looked like this just 60 weeks ago.
No. 846421
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She's not suicidal, she's literally fine
No. 846423
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Wine bottle in the bin, next to her expensive huel.
No. 846434
>>846427Nobody knows how heavy she is anon, but she's 5'11" and we've all seen the pictures of her lately e.g.
>>845447 >>843103
>>843083 >>842779
Judging from her build, her clothing size (UK 26-28 if I remember correctly) and her height, she's extremely likely to be over 20 stone, if not edging towards 25 stone.
No. 846441
>>846434Her new chair holds 23 stone, which is 146kg. If she's afraid she's too fat she must be inching towards 150kg.
Wonder when she's gonna reach 200kg… with her crazy weightgain, I'm gonna give her six months top.
No. 846448
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oh what now
No. 846449
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no phoebe you don’t need it
No. 846452
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>>846441I use lbs instead of kg so looked it up and holy fucking shit. Really puts her size into perspective
No. 846456
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I can't see what she's sharing because I presume it's a post she'd originally set to friends only, but I love how her Mum can comment on this telling her to get her arse in gear but completely ignored her suicide threats. Her Mum is great lmao.
No. 846474
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telling people what sort of extra effects if they ask is totally fine but a “cool down space”? just don’t go to the fucking event if you can’t handle it or leave ffs
No. 846487
>>842718>>846131maybe you could stop eating 5 portions of food at a time and lose some weight you know?
she's choosing this lifestyle willingly and it's hard to believe people actually funded that chair for nothing
She didn't go to a doctor first to get a chair rec because she knows all of them will tell her to get thinner instead. (I know I would -medfag here-)
No. 846495
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>>846192>be the first to like thishowling
No. 846504
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Which anon predicted her ebegging for a move? Kek
No. 846505
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oh please don’t, we don’t need you for an ally
also why bother learning? she never leaves her flat
No. 846527
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oh no. i’m gonna call it - phoebe is going to pretend she has PoTS just like jessica. btw jessica is pretty cool, is genuinely ill and disabled. it’s going to suck if she becomes another person i know to be mutuals with pheebs the scammer
No. 846554
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Laverne Cox blamed black women for violence against black trannies:
"And I think too, all the violence that’s happening against trans women, Black cis women need to be having conversations with Black cis men about their attraction to us without shaming cis Black men."
There was a pretty big outcry over this on forums for black ppl, but since it's Misogyny, it doesn't matter to the fat shitface.
Perfect example of a trans activists, not a feminist.
No. 846602
phoebe should add her past intuitive eating views to her accountability page lol
>>846595ntayrt but maybe it's just a hobby of henry's. he works hard enough for it he deserves to put his money into something he likes instead of funneling to phoebe
No. 846612
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to know that she's eaten herself to the size of some sumo wrestlers at 150kg - I would almost feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a insufferable bitch.
No. 846627
>>846617Yes Pheebs can always be forgiven for her actions cos at the end of the day she's a
victim and that makes everything excusable
No. 846675
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No. 846682
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No. 846697
>>846675What in the world is her hand touching? It looks like a gigantic ass
Like seriously wtf is going on? Is this Henry's ass or did Phoebes legs melt together?
No. 846702
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No. 846713
>>846684she blatantly traced it anon, just like she does with all her art that looks minorly ok. and even though she did trace it, the background looks awful
>>846702i give it 3 months until the chair breaks under her weight
No. 846718
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Incoming milk
No. 846720
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No. 846721
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Her wheelchairs wheels are too small and can't cope with kerbs
No. 846723
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Countdown until her house gofundme
No. 846724
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No. 846729
>>846724Oh. My. Fucking. God.
She's so insufferable, where's a fucking cliff when you need one.
I'm now with the anons who want her to move to /pt/. She's giving sustainably milk, please admins, let her become an actual horrorcow.
No. 846731
>>846723perhaps if you got a real job you'd have a bigger budget to find a better flat.
also, legitimate question, is there a reason she can't sit in the shower to bathe? find a cheap chair or stool to squat on? surely that's feasible for her and perhaps even easier than lowering herself all the way into/getting out of a bath?
No. 846733
>>846731There's no reason whatsoever that she couldn't do this. I have an incredibly small shower but if i needed I could place a plastic chair in there and manage to bathe just fine.
She doesn't have real problems. Real problems have real solutions, and she doesn't want solutions. She wants something to cry about and be oppressed by.
No. 846734
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>>846702I just started reading about this cow and it is insane how much she has ballooned up. I was looking at her Instagram and she used to post pictures where she had a chin, did her makeup, and it was more obvious that she took care of her personal hygiene based on the appearance of her hair.
What a wild ride.
No. 846741
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She's saying any movement "burns" or "hurts her back" but march 2018 was dancing around in her flat? Wheres muh pain then pheebs?
No. 846748
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"Stunning photos"
No. 846755
>>846752Males can have armpit hair and not be unhygienic though hmmmm
Either way, since all she does is marinate in her own filth in a bathtub, it's probably infested with some crazy shit
No. 846757
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>>846725You were in Glasgow a few months ago with no chair, you can walk you lazy turd. Like most of us I went back in her insta to see her out and about, seemingly having a laugh - what snapped to make her totally give up on herself in lieu of making being disabled an identity? Henry must be silently gutted at what she’s become. I just rewatched footage of her in a shopping centre in her previous chair barking ‘excuse me!!’ ‘You nearly bumped into me!!’ Like a crotchety old lady.
No. 846758
>>846720>>846721every other actually wheelchair bound person would just look out for proper kerbs in the first place or continue wheeling along until they can get onto the pavement again…
Not Phogon though
> wait Henry stop I gotta take a picture of this fucking kerb while literally standing on the fucking road shakes hamfist at clouds No. 846761
File: 1564613212509.png (4.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2392.PNG)

on what planet is the constant whining, crowdfunding and demands considered you having a hard time asking for help. in fact, it seems to be the only thing she doesn't have a hard time with. I guess it's not "asking for help" if she believes she's entitled to these things.
No. 846766
>>846723How is a ground floor more expensive than her
apartment complex on the side of the fucking ocean? It's as if poor neighborhoods full of shitty houses don't exist to her.
No. 846769
>>846721Oh Feebles.
When you look for a suitable wheelchair you have to take into account your surroundings as well as the listed kerb height limit every wheelchair has - these are available in the specs for any powerchair.. Again, it's poor planning on her part. She didn't seem to try it out first.
No. 846773
>>846766I've looked at one bedroom ground floor flats (with baths) to rent near where she lives and they're only around £650.
If only she saved £150 a month from selling her badges instead of pissing it all on nail polish and socks with dicks on
No. 846779
>I don’t always (read: ever) support women, but when I do, it’s actually a misogynistic manKek
No. 846781
>>846776i'm so weirdly protective over Jessica knowing this hamplanet raging bitch has her sights set on her now. i hope Jessica ignores her or at the very least keeps her interactions with Feebs limited, Eugenia-Cooney-dealing-with-Onision-style.
if Phoebe ever comes for Jessica i hope both Jessica and her wife tear her a new one.
No. 846795
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ooh I wonder what the new Henry-assisted, non-sjw, special interest business venture will be! last time she logged off we got a new gaming etsy that lasted all of a week.
No. 846801
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No. 846829
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>>846801the replies on this are so ridiculous. the entire sjw community is just people trying to prove that they're the MOST miserable.
also, nobody would know about your unhealthy coping mechanisms if you didn't broadcast them to the entire world, phoebe. you don't actually have to tell everyone you meet about your bad habits.
No. 846837
>>846832Have the occasional spliff and a glass of wine and it won't hurt you.
Constantly overeat to the point where you gain 44 kilos in 3 years? THAT will hurt you.
No. 846880
File: 1564626326873.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190731-222443.png)

What happened to this car? How'd she even get it?
No. 846951
>>846947They're not outrageously expensive but they're not friendly for the budget she states. A used version of this from the same year is approx £6k-7.5k depending on mileage and condition. From the date, I would assume she got that new from a dealership.
At the moment, RRP on a new Fiat 500 is £12k. Finance plans bring it to around £200/month. It's not unreasonable to assume she (or more likely Henry) signed a credit arrangement for this.
Someone who is destitute has no business buying a new car. Quality used cars are available for a fraction of the price. Shit, even a Fiat 500 from an earlier year would have made more sense.
>so impoverished No. 846954
>>846951samefag, sorry, but it's worth noting that it's fucking stupid to buy a brand new car the size of a postage stamp if you're a wheelchair user. Where would she store her totally necessary wheelchair in a Fiat 500? They're hardly roomy. Not a practical choice.
Non-point anyway since she never leaves the house unless she has a yearning to complain about access issues that don't even remotely affect her outside of her dress-up-and-make-believe sessions.
No. 846975
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>>846968final car sperg/tinfoil from me and I'll shut the fuck up: her road tax was due around the time that discussion of the chair fundraiser happened.
No. 847025
>>846829This is the stupidest dialog I've read in a while.
Remember that Bojack scene in which he says "I weight like 400kg. I have to drink a lot to get drunk". I wonder how many bottles of wine Phoebe needs to stop her from reaching for a butterknife, lmao
No. 847068
>>847038LOL you know damn well she wouldn’t be the one hitting up the plug. Or we would hear bitching about “dealers aren’t accessible!!! HE HAS STAIRS. They should cater to ME IM DISABLED.”
Or tales of her venturing out. She’s almost always inside lol
No. 847107
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>>846829Maybe it's my monstrously unsympathetic instinct, but the way this is spoken about sounds almost like they're baiting people to send them actual 'go kill yourself then' messages. I mean, seriously, what else would you say to a message like, 'quit complaining and be grateful I'm not going to kill myself because it'll be your fault if you call me out on any of my bad behaviour'? Imagine having to put up with people so unapologetically burdensome and horrible. Why are they not utterly ashamed, and why does the rest of society put up with this?
No. 847112
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>>846986Eh, think of it as a lesson they'll learn from watching Phoebe's utter ungratefulness to be more careful next time to look into what they're giving their money to. These are the same kinds of people who give money to drug-addled panhandlers and think they're doing something good. I don't feel too bad for them.
No. 847113
Just went back a few threads to find this post which I was sure I remembered
> trying out some chairsSo she did try some wheelchairs to decide on the exact one she wanted (this is the company she got it from), and is still bitching that it's not good enough because it can't go over kerbs. Did she even try out the one she decided on?
No. 847114
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>>847030She's so pretentious lmao. First she's an oppressed sowlt-o'-the-earf working-class Jesus, then an angel advocate, now she's a hard-partying whiskey-downing heroin queen.
No. 847117
>>842718>>846723how infuriating
she just loves to complain, being a young woman, she could easily lose the weight needed to be able to walk through those freaking kerbs that wobble her stupid chair (which already looks too small for her current whale status)
No. 847170
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Clearance height is apparently 3 inches, so maybe she's just too fat for it to manage kek
No. 847239
File: 1564688411269.png (771.29 KB, 750x1334, 39B8A989-92DE-4634-8053-055648…)

Well she’s not getting a free pass from everyone - saw this story from another disabled theythem SJW
No. 847253
File: 1564689498588.gif (924.97 KB, 498x286, tearthebitchapart.gif)

>>847239YES let her have it, the fat cunt has no excuse
No. 847280
>>847239Would love to see more of these they/them weirdos (esp those with followings) give her a taste of her own medicine by making stories about her blasting her behaviour
She does it to people all the time
No. 847308
>>846702Her huge thighs and ass are already spilling over the sides
>>846723>getting in and out of a bath is less effort than walking into a shower cubicleI call bullshit
No. 847425
File: 1564715179291.jpeg (90.05 KB, 309x630, 2C684E33-9265-4B68-8BED-043A60…)

muh pains (old milk but was only back in may)
No. 847766
File: 1564785616256.jpeg (778.07 KB, 2048x2048, 6987F274-E78D-40C4-9B93-0E1952…)

>>847425Under a year apart
No. 847858
File: 1564803354645.jpeg (61.79 KB, 640x1138, F24E3884-8E80-49F5-8D26-6CE08B…)

ah yes, phoebe the working class queen. does she think wanting to live in council housing makes her a chav? stay in your lane, pheebs. don’t you have pocket money to collect from your copper dad?
No. 847949
File: 1564836515819.png (777.58 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20190803-134802.png)

Lying to customers again
No. 847973
File: 1564841309325.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, 9CF40E4D-B45F-46CB-B1A6-61C9DB…)

Going off on some bopo ad. What’s new.
No. 847974
File: 1564841342230.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 750x1334, 53284AD5-1FEF-4101-80FD-DFE5A9…)

No. 847976
File: 1564841505158.png (Spoiler Image,924.99 KB, 750x1334, 16A2F1AC-DC5D-433C-87AA-C37239…)

No. 847997
File: 1564843744268.jpeg (84.15 KB, 600x679, 5148BA4F-5223-4DCC-A583-7A1D84…)

>>847973Hahaha what are these crazy Dutch angles she’s pulling lately? It’s like some intentionally grotesque art piece lmaooo I can’t stop laughing at how much she looks like a crazy sci fi alien villain
No. 848009
>>847973what is WRONG with her omfg
>>847949she’s always in pain to do any work or can’t get to the post office. it sounds like it’s more trouble than good so why bother having a “business”?
No. 848034
>>848032Tinfoil: pheebs gained so much weight so fast because Henry has had a weight gain fetish all along.
Although I doubt they have much of a sex life with all those rolls in the way.
No. 848044
File: 1564851027304.jpg (631.26 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190803-174947_Ins…)

So many stories sperging about how someone made a music video she didn't like. Grow up. They're probably deleting her comments for 1) harassment, 2) many brands and companies delete anything negative
No. 848045
>>848027>>848029If she ever breaks a bone or has a bad sprain in the state she's in she'll be absolutely fucked, she won't be able to walk on healing joints or bones without destroying them further.
I think she'll probably last for a while, albeit with a low quality of life. The people on my600lb life tend to be on the older side and are fat their whole lives, as long as she doesn't get any infections under her rolls her high blood pressure might not prove to be an issue for the next ten years.
No. 848056
>>848032I feel it's due to the influence of the fat acceptance community. Pheebs always has had a problem with eating monster-like portions and she has always been a little on the hefty side even at her thinnest, so when there's tons of people around her in the social space she uses most who consider her size or rather being fat perfectly fine and lovable, it's no surprise she ballooned so quickly in weight. Not to mention the countless amount of people who're just like Pheebs in size or even bigger who share the same mindset as she does for their own bodies.
Though I bet she secretly loathes how much bigger and gross she's gotten in just over the course of 1-2 years.
No. 848069
>>848045Knowing her, she'd be more than happy to use the real health problems she has later on due to her weight for even more pity points and possibly donations.
Can't wait for the future milk in this aspect, it is going to be delicious. Imagine all the nasty comments she would make about the doctors who tell her she has to lose weight in order to truly improve her quality of life and health.
No. 848084
>>847973Does she realise it has less to do with her being fat and more to do with her looking like an overgrown slug and having a repugnant personality? Like I've known and met plenty of plus-size folks who were fuckin hilarious, confident people with great personalities but this ball of fat is one of the grossest fuckers I think I've ever seen, anywhere. It's almost an achievement, really.
>>847974On another note, can someone tell me why she thinks anyone cares? Like this is the biggest fucking non-issue I think I've ever seen and I'm struggling to comprehend the idea that anyone actually gives a shit about motherfucking stretchmark colours, good lord.
No. 848101
File: 1564856200172.jpg (83.19 KB, 501x500, poorly made.jpg)

No. 848115
File: 1564858401225.png (2.76 MB, 750x1334, 610E15A1-48C3-4683-9742-D3682B…)

Who wants to place bets on how many donations she’s already received?
No. 848128
>>848115engaging in her eating disorder and mild alcoholism at least stymies her thoughts of butterknife suicide. dont be insensitive ladies.
>>848120its already unbearable. but at least through the pain we get to laugh at idiots like phoebe.
No. 848135
>>848124A communist, through and through. That's why everything on her etsy shop is always on sale, which is an old communist strategy of getting someone to buy your stuff.
Does anyone know where the shirts she are selling are made? I know 90% of this thread are friends of her. Show yourself.
No. 848211
File: 1564873580831.jpg (126.87 KB, 552x960, tumblr_b67996cfe3a043bbaef3dc4…)

>>848120It wouldn't even be around anymore. The negative energy that radiates from this hamplanet is sickening. No one would use a social media platform like that. She's discourse Tumblr incarnate.
>>848121She doesn't. She can't move, she can't work, she can't bathe. No one would like to balloon about 100lbs in a year. She wants to convince herself that she loves herself, and she despises before and after weight loss pictures because misery loves company, and she doesn't have enough discipline to change.
No. 848237
>>847766I think the biggest thing is that she used to dress sort of cute and now she looks like a giant autistic toddler.
>>848044yes feebz they're deleting your comments because your fat, not because you sound fucking insane.
No. 848282
>>848240She doesn’t care about anyone else’s feelings, is the thing. She only cares about making herself seem like the biggest
victim, even though thin people people with deformities or amputations also need body positivity. Even thin people of color are constantly called ugly if they have nonwhite features. She refuses to acknowledge her privilege within the community.
Once she gains another 200lbs she’ll insist that bopo is only for infifats and anyone else doesn’t belong. It’s just how her brain works.
No. 848395
File: 1564905830913.jpg (182.15 KB, 1080x691, Screenshot_20190803-225426_Ins…)

Her lackeys are commenting on the music video
No. 848396
File: 1564905854601.jpg (617.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-085718_Ins…)

That's a bit weird
No. 848403
File: 1564911861824.jpg (690.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104305_Ins…)

She didn't caption this, she no longer cares about deaf people
No. 848404
File: 1564911906933.jpg (751.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104318_Ins…)

The woman's a size 18, how is that small fat?? Gatekeeping
No. 848405
File: 1564911939916.jpg (498.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104326_Ins…)

Casual racism
No. 848406
File: 1564911969540.jpg (510.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104338_Ins…)

No. 848407
File: 1564911995192.jpg (478.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104352_Ins…)

She is a bully
No. 848408
File: 1564912030270.jpg (633.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104402_Ins…)

No. 848409
File: 1564912072851.jpg (572.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-104410_Ins…)

She's definitely loving being the victim here. The music video people shouldn't play into it. Just ignore her.
No. 848412
File: 1564912445517.png (419.21 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190804_105217.png)

she never learns, does she
No. 848413
File: 1564912477909.png (581.65 KB, 750x1334, A886F98F-B0F3-447C-B290-0F5945…)

This white cis middle cclass woman loves calling herself marginalised lmao
No. 848415
File: 1564912718983.jpg (693.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-105604_Ins…)

No. 848416
File: 1564912750130.jpg (451.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-105611_Ins…)

No. 848417
File: 1564912773832.jpg (514.79 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-105620_Ins…)

No. 848419
File: 1564912957141.jpg (753.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-105633_Ins…)

Ffs, don't go, we want the milk
No. 848421
>>848419I wish she would fuck off, I know the milk is ever flowing, but she’s such a fat ball of hate offering nothing to the world. She’ll never wake up, even if something truly terrible happens to her she will wear it like one of her shitty badges. Just make and sell cheap crap with ‘
victim’ in bubble writing on it and have done with it.
No. 848424
>>848419"a few days" you were gone for all of 12 hours lol
She cannot stop over-exaggerating to save her life
No. 848425
>>848415soz to samefag but if someone was calling phoebe a dog, repeatedly, publicly,
like how she’s calling this woman a wallaby she would be melting down at how misogynistic and hateful it would be……… i’m revelling in this
No. 848437
File: 1564917309226.jpg (423.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190804-121430_Ins…)

No. 848445
File: 1564919777670.png (1.03 MB, 540x961, bringmejameelaandthewookie.png)

>>84801410000 hours in MSPaint
No. 848492
>>848491Not quite true, lots of the obesity in the UK is in poorer areas. Parents who have minimal cooking skills, rely on fast food and frozen stuff etc.
Phoebe is definitely not from that demographic though, her size is from greed and laziness.
No. 848613
>>848409How retarded can one be.
She's so angry and red, I hope she's gonna explode soon. Literally.
No. 848616
File: 1564950495087.jpg (239.24 KB, 809x510, Screenshot_20190804-212345_Ins…)

>>848419Nitpick but is that cat wearing fucking Bape lmao
No. 848649
File: 1564957266669.png (3.74 MB, 1125x2436, C214C84D-D25C-46C0-9348-D1A533…)

This hamplanet is posting in a nail shaming group I’m in. Like they aren’t that bad, why you fishing for compliments? It’s a shame she isn’t being ripped a new one in the comments. My safe place has been violated by this creature,.
No. 848808
>>848417mm yes. this particular expression is one of the most punchable i've seen from phobe
also i love how she thinks saying wallaby and wombat are the pinnacle of clever, when it really just makes her look so damn condescending and dumb. sigh what else is new. you're not funny pT
No. 848875
>>848419"If I didn't need this account for my business"
Bitch please. If this was a professional account, you'd act professional, not whiny and childish.
No. 848954
File: 1565006356730.jpeg (162.4 KB, 750x1164, C7CBDA57-5B90-4345-9390-5E38A2…)

On her latest post
No. 848976
File: 1565011351458.jpg (94.27 KB, 750x1334, pt1.jpg)

Incoming stories dump, she's not happy today!
No. 848977
File: 1565011432197.jpg (154.9 KB, 750x1334, pt2.jpg)

No. 848979
File: 1565011492873.jpg (161.06 KB, 1080x1921, pt3.jpg)

No. 848980
File: 1565011520113.jpg (118.92 KB, 750x1334, pt4.jpg)

No. 848981
File: 1565011548061.jpg (118.1 KB, 750x1334, pt5.jpg)

No. 848982
File: 1565011571402.jpg (125.8 KB, 750x1334, pt6.jpg)

No. 848983
File: 1565011601845.jpg (99.52 KB, 750x1334, pt7.jpg)

No. 848984
File: 1565011638986.jpg (97 KB, 750x1334, pt8.jpg)

No. 848985
File: 1565011667744.jpg (60.33 KB, 1080x1921, pt9.jpg)

No. 848986
File: 1565011715165.jpg (153.11 KB, 1080x1921, pt91.jpg)

No. 848987
File: 1565011762245.jpg (121.21 KB, 750x1334, pt92.jpg)

No. 848988
>>848977She knew her flat was inaccessible while raising the 2400 quid for the chair. Way to go, fundraising for a chair you can't use, which changes nothing about your "independence" Pheebs.
>>848980calls it ridiculous because she can't think of any comeback
>>848981Yes, a bully is exactly what she is. Whenever she shares DMs to mock people, or FB conversations, it's bullying of a sort.
>>848983Has she tried IAPT? They offer online CBT and goodness knows she's not doing much all day.
>>848984That'd be the "bullying", Phoebe…
>>848985Again, just because you specifically were not chosen to be in a music video, it's not "active exclusion".
>>848987Runs their own business, has a shop on Etsy. Hmm. Does she declare her income to the DWP? Or do taxes? The usual business things?
No. 848991
File: 1565012851572.jpeg (218.05 KB, 750x1173, 77E525A9-0FAE-4F38-B4E3-B8E977…)

No. 848993
>>848984This bitch drives me insane. Her privelaged munchie bullshit is way ott. She legit needs help but she would rather play
She is disgusting rude and just overall gross. I’m shocked she has followes
No. 848995
File: 1565013159725.jpeg (117.88 KB, 750x1045, 072C0A49-EC9B-4290-92B0-4E0602…)

typed in her @ looks to be down/ removed.
No. 849000
File: 1565013372392.jpeg (6.66 KB, 292x172, download (1).jpeg)

No. 849004
File: 1565013725757.gif (753.15 KB, 447x251, giphy-3.gif)

>>849000>>849001These threads have just been a non-stop accelerating ride through the land of drama, and just when I thought the chair was going to be the season finale it gets even better
I never want to get off this ride
No. 849005
>>848982“that bird” so working class of you phoebe…… what happened to calling her a wallaby or did you realise you can’t be a racist AND a
No. 849017
>>848980>>848981These are both mature and
valid criticism. How can one person lack such self awareness
No. 849027
File: 1565016321791.png (117.24 KB, 1080x706, Screenshot_20190805-154414.png)

No. 849036
Also she was warned by Instagram tens of times. She even posted their warnings yet kept on with the same behavior, so what did she expect to happen?
No. 849038
This is her only other Instagram: in the stories, same as her Facebook
Instagram is notoriously bad at getting accounts back and overall communicating with their customers, trust me. She's never getting it back kek
No. 849042
>>849025And pardon, what is she wanting people to "report?"
"Fieldroast Tickbloat is a super special CEO of plastic kindergarten art and you need to disregard the dozens of terms of service violations and check your privilege?
She wasn't even advertising much other than having more yeast rolls than a bakery in her whinge stories anyway.
No. 849057
File: 1565018320609.png (20.63 KB, 1122x298, bannedforeverquestionmark.png)

>>849027do you think she was IP banned?
No. 849059
>>849025then don't fucking insult people on your stories
No. 849060
File: 1565018545760.png (623.99 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190805_161930.png)

from her @pollywiththethumbs account (1/2)
No. 849062
File: 1565018749905.png (449.61 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190805_161932.png)

looks like her bitching will be on this account from now on (2/2)
No. 849073
>>849055Her phone is probably disabled so yes. See when Instagram disables your IP, you can still log into any other accounts that were already logged into the phone (the polly account). That said, you cannot create any new accounts or log into an account that hasn't previously been logged onto from that phone.
>>849067I was wondering that, too, I've seen accounts removed for far less with 0 warning given so I feel like perhaps it was her large following?
No. 849078
File: 1565020794792.jpg (260.03 KB, 799x775, Screenshot_20190805-165940_Ins…)

New thread pic?(don't use emojis)
No. 849092
Anons, without her instagram we'll get a flood of milk without the steady stream. Not sure it's the best but I'll get milk drunk with everyone. This is pretty hilarious.
>>848984"Whining." ISN'T THIS WHAT HER OBESE ASS DOES ALL DAY?! It's one thing to be a "small fat" or overweight. I mean you honestly can be fairly active and eat okay portions but still be fat because of your meal choices without realizing it. But at Pheebs size, especially at her height, she works HARD to earn her fucking gross weight. She does nothing to change it and uses comorbidity factors to fuel her desperation for government bucks. Infuriating her of all people call people out for whining to her when she begs for 1st world privileges like take out and wine.
No. 849094
>>849093Kek. I bet her wallabies comment put her on the watch list and her repeated offenses allowed it to finally be removed.
What a thin attractive family. If Henry clean that fuzz up he could get a well bathed, less insane woman.
And Pheebs hates Henry's family because they have money, but I bet it's because they're all thin. I mean look at the wonderfully fit size his mom is at.
(no1curr) No. 849138
File: 1565027299869.gif (997.66 KB, 400x226, 9A8AB3E4-479A-4119-AF44-E9EEE6…)

>>849060Wow, glad I’m off work today! Wonder what her next move will be. Karma’s a bitch kek
No. 849141
>>848984Imagine her hissyfit if someone even larger than her told her that she can't describe herself as fat because she can (somewhat) fit into a wheelchair, and that large fats like her should shut the fuck up because death fats or infinifats or beyondfats or whatever have it worse kek
Too bad most people bigger than her have pretty much died already
>>849025Aww shit, I hope she keeps on being milky on fb till she gets her accounts back
No. 849216
File: 1565034862086.jpg (667.82 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190805-205337_Ins…)

No. 849218
>>849216Fuck you anon, beat me by 15 seconds
Ok but my point still stands, how the fuck does she know she was hacked and not banned?
No. 849220
File: 1565035086585.png (491.3 KB, 750x1334, E845A987-9841-466D-876B-E740B3…)

No. 849223
File: 1565035147740.png (432.57 KB, 750x1334, CEE34C8B-5C03-4694-B6FF-6BA893…)

Holy shit I can feel the meltdown coming
No. 849226
>>849216>>849219>>849220Fuck-ing amazing. How was she helping people? By being an uninformed jerk that uses her weight as a shield and account as a weapon to shame those who privately message her?
>>849223This feels good. She thought she could rip apart anyone and everyone and now she can't get her attention fix.
No. 849241
File: 1565036919553.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, 4FA440F3-7CDB-4769-88D6-4D3783…)

No. 849243
>>849228Instagram is a bit shit about it. If you change your username to something else and back to the one you were using immediately it still says used. So no, it's not actually active.
>>849237She literally uses her platform to bully others. What does she even expect lmfao.
No. 849270
File: 1565039052977.png (2 MB, 750x1334, 1BF2002F-8728-4C09-8AA7-90B6ED…)

Poor Henry probably had to sell his car so he could pay for her to sit at home abusing people online all day. He works ALL the time, he should have been able to keep this
No. 849416
>>849411Actually I think that's the whole point.
It's not really about 'the cause' or the real
victims for her. She doesn't really care about anyone but herself.
It's about her having a platform to stand on and yell about for attention and to make herself feel superior. That's why she has such nitpicky arguments and why she finds offensiveness in every little thing. She is actively looking for things to be offended about so she can yell about it.
She just chose the platforms (obesity acceptance, LGBT causes, veganism, etc) which she felt she could fake or live with enough to keep people from seeing through her antics.
No. 849460
File: 1565076552954.jpg (822.08 KB, 810x5256, 20190806_082917.jpg)

No. 849462
>>849405yeah, in moderation. Potatoes are one of the most nutrient dense vegetables. Veggie burgers are absolutely fine as well. No food is healthy or unhealthy in and of itself.
>>849435I'm not saying she makes great food choices 100% of the time, but like her huel for example - that's an expensive, nutritionally balanced luxury food. The point I was trying to make got kind of lost - She's a vegan and yet she's hugely obese, so she absolutely is fat because she has the money to spend on luxury foods.
Original anon put it better anyway
>Phoebe is definitely not from that demographic though, her size is from greed and laziness. No. 849472
>>849460Haha, love this milk.
That's what you get for your constant bullshit Phoebe, ya fat, raging cunt.
Inb4 she's threatening suicide again. I hope she somehow doesn't get her account back.
No. 849485
File: 1565086854327.jpg (449.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190806-112100_Ins…)

Wednesday doing the bare minimum
No. 849493
Poor Phoebe Tickner bullied (specifically) women as part of a targeted and documented harassment campaign, proudly using racist/xenophobic language along the way.
'They' now cries that 'them' is the target of hackers taking down 'they' Instagram, despite 'them' account actually being terminated, justifiably, in accordance with the terms of service.
(The hog can't even accuse this post of misgendering.)
It's a bizarre cycle where Phoebe explores the very limits of tolerance, is called out or admonished for crossing a line, and then accuses others of victimisation. We saw the same thing when Phoebe allegedly sexually assaulted that girl in a tent, and basically escaped without any real consequence by saying "guys pls stop talking to me about this I'm having panic attacks, stop being mean, you're hurting my feelings so much by bringing it up".
We will see similar dialogue around this bullying fiasco, being truthfully called out as an abuser will be framed as an attack, and Phoebe will likely threaten suicide again very soon to leverage victim points.
No. 849501
>>842718>>849231some nb people define if they’re more feminine or masculine in their presentation, calling it femme (or fem) or masc. a lot of people think it’s stealing from femme lesbians since they’ve been using the term for a long time.
sage for ot
No. 849508
File: 1565093614353.jpeg (24.02 KB, 750x156, C4C2880D-4584-43A6-94CA-4C730D…)

Little did he know…
No. 849509
File: 1565094025301.jpg (902.08 KB, 1080x1920, 1560683194632.jpg)

>>849462>No food is healthy or unhealthy in and of itself.I'm quite sure that food like iced doughnuts isn't healthy under any circumstances.
Why she's ballooned so quickly is quite simple. She eats far too much carbohydrate. Her only sources of protein is meat alternatives, beans and Huel. Take this meal from one of the previous threads. Four hash browns, three vegetarian sausages and half a tin of baked beans contain 650 calories and 77g of carbs. If she keeps eating like this she will end up with type 2 diabetes and if she doesn't change her eating habits it's likely that she'll start to loose her sight and need her limbs amputated before she's 40.
No. 849617
File: 1565116586618.png (1.15 MB, 828x1792, 1D9C58F8-9E9B-46FF-8B7C-EFB8F1…)

Who are these morons
No. 849620
>>849617Important in what way? The only thing Feebz ever does is put down everyone else and make them feel bad about themselves, the exact opposite of what the "kiss my fat ass" video is all about.
I know it's cowtipping so I won't do it, but fuck I wish I could send them the screenshots of Feebs own stories where she whines about the MULTIPLE warning from IG that she's gotten. She absolutely does NOT deserve a platform to spew her poison.
No. 849630
File: 1565118662211.png (497.94 KB, 576x496, stretch marks.PNG)

>>849625Screencapping for anyone too lazy to go look. When they first appeared I thought they were SH marks but I guess they really are stretch marks. How sad.
No. 849642
>>849630I saw that too but didn't wanna post cus it seemed like nitpicking but man, I've never seen stretch marks on a person's shoulder before. I think in order to get marks in weird places you have yo put on a lost and
fast which she has obviously done
No. 849655
>>849617Almost every word in that second sentence deserves heavy scarequotes. "Their" "work" is "important" to the "LGBTQ+" and "disabled" "community", lmao.
Offtopic but I love that this person didn't just write an image description like a normal person but had to put a hashtag in front of it, ensuring that people can find it via the hashtag which in turn ensures asspats for doing the bare minimum.
No. 849667
File: 1565123734580.jpg (47.02 KB, 500x615, a1clno6xsir01.jpg)

zero contribution but I had to make this
No. 849701
Of course she finally gets banned and she can't just accept it, instead she has to find a way around the system, and spread the lie that she did nothing to warrant the ban.. what an arse
It's not her -only- source of income like she keeps saying, she does get 85 quid on Patreon every month for doing nothing and I doubt every last etsy sale comes from Instagram. She'll hardly starve with henry working full time
>>849108Got told off for thirst posting about henrys bro.. as a gay woman lulz
No. 849710
>>849701and farmhands are supposed to know who you are because?
Anyway yeah, this "wah, I'm so innocent :C I was hacked" song and dance is so eyeroll inducing. literally she posted every warning she got, it's her own stupid fat fault.
No. 849930
>>849922Her etsy is nothing more than a glorified hobby. If she was really poor, she would actually take into account profits and stuff, making sure she made money.
Her shop is more like one big virtue signal and an advertisement for her gofundmes
No. 849962
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No. 850011
>>849985She could, but she could also have a ton of other things that cause stretch marks.
We know she doesn't have any of those because she would not be able to stop talking about her disease etc. She couldn't even get diagnosed with IBS, so I doubt she is hiding a pcos diagnosis
No. 850050
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No. 850053
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It's fucking annoying seeing all these sheep rush to help Phoebe when they don't even know why sure had her account removed.
No. 850068
>>850026An underactive thyroid (not sure which specific conditon) is one thing she does have, and takes daily medication for. She's explained this is why she gets free NHS prescriptions.
It might make losing weight hard, but if she's medicated there's no reason for her to balloon.
No. 850070
>>850039Except she can't because she "can't leave the flat" without Henry. I'm starting to think it's more emotional dependence than any mobility issues.
>>850046I feel u anon
No. 850080
>>850053jesus fuck
why did hannah have to rally her followers? how can she not see through phoebe? i hope it’s just hannah being nice and doing the bare minimum, which is way more than pheebs deserves
No. 850100
>>850086Whether it was genuine or a token gesture, encouraging people to spam Instagram is probably not the smartest idea. Neither is bringing up the music video drama.
She might have belatedly realized that and deleted it. Or it was taken down
No. 850112
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>>850046I know, I'm in two mins about it. I think internet notoriety is literally the only thing in her life, though, so I'm certain she'll be posting a lot more on YouTube or another platform to substitute. In which case, the milk supply will be replenished, at the high quality we've come to expect from our oppressed queen Phoebe.
No. 850120
>>850070"I can't wait to get my new chair so I can leave the flat all by myself"
Chair arrives.. feebs is still stuck in flat. Bugs me that people forked out so much money thinking they were buying her some independence
I almost view her as one of those adult babies, 21 and can't go out by herself, it's all emotional dependence
No. 850222
>>850217If you wanna split hairs, sure.
Phoebe's diet still isn't healthy. Nobody gains weight at that rate on a diet that's just so super good for them. She's gratuitously obese. Her body is suffering from her own doing.
Whether anyone else needs an iced doughnut or not is irrelevant as Phoebe has been over-indulging to such a level where she's visibly doubled in size over the course of a year or two. Phoebe isn't going to die if she skips a doughnut.
No. 850277
>>850217Unless you're a fucking Eskimo living in an igloo you don't need to be stuffing doughnuts in your mouth to keep warm.
Jesus Christ.
No. 850288
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No. 850302
>>850288Imagine working for IG and spending your days trying to get rid of things like people posting porn clips under child-friendly tags etc.. and then this bitch (who already regularly had posts removed for rule violation) is sending people to harass you with the same report over and over.
She never stops bitching about instagram staff, she's the exact person making them work so hard
No. 850319
>>850302Instagram is flooded with thousands of messages and spam every day, so I doubt a hundred messages (I’m being generous) would matter much. If anything, they might review the account and then move on.
The easiest thing for her to do would be to wipe her phone or use Henry’s to make a new account. But she’s such a narc that she needs vindication. She wants Instagram to admit that it’s at fault and that she’s in the right
No. 850330
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No. 850333
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No. 850334
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No. 850354
>>850342saged for tinfoil, but it is very odd that she can "somehow" suddenly access her backup account. This isn't how bans or suspensions work.
Based on her past behaviour and the screenshots provided, there is a significant chance that her backup was never taken down by instagram, and she actually temporarily disabled it, possibly to give herself a well-earned break (lol), and/or to further martyr herself as a public
victim of fictional hackers.
Her main account was of course removed because that's the account she used to harass and abuse people, but I think there is a strong possibility she was lying about the backup.
No. 850367
>>850334It's never her fault kek
I bet she just didn't buy the packaging supplies (literally just envelopes) until the last minute
No. 850478
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No. 850480
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No. 850482
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kek, remember to refer to pheebs with "it" pronouns only
No. 850496
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>>850482"Not respecting pronouns is the highest level of disrespect."
I can't even with this ugly bitch… rape, sure, that's cool. But don't misgender me.
No. 851908
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Tubby is back and bitching already about how UNFAIR instagram is to her fat, oppressed self