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No. 796040
Phoebe Tickner is a 21-year old self proclaimed queer, Jewish, disabled femme, non-binary social justice warrior. [Read: Straight, white, morbidly obese woman with no personality except for being a
>NEET who leeches off of her father and autistic lorry driver boyfriend while she sits on her ass all day on Instagram. Posts roughly 60 Instagram stories a day. >ACAB communist with a police officer father. >Found wheelchair in thrift shop to use as a ~uwu so disabled~ prop, decides it’s not enough and online begs for an electric one. Makes her boyfriend drag it up and down three flights of stairs for her for photo ops. Posts picture of herself falling down some stairs due to her various "disabilities.">Yells at people on Instagram and demands they pay her money for “educating” them. >Sexually assaulted another woman at vegan camp; plays it off as a drug induced misunderstanding and believes she shouldn't be held accountable because it hurts her own feelings. Cries about being a rape survivor not long after. >Claims to have IBS (despite every doctor telling her that she only has symptoms of IBS, not the actual condition) and bleeds from the ass daily and it’s totally not because of the massive amounts of booze, pizza, coffee, and HUEL she consumes guys. Screeches fatphobia each time a doctor tells her that her pain is related to her obesity.>Doesn’t "wash" for weeks at a time. >Sells sloppy traced digital art as her only source of income. Complains daily that it's difficult running her "small business" because no one buys her preschool tier crafts. Guilts people into buying her "art" daily. >Has online beef with Jameela Jamil for getting somebody’s pronouns wrong. Comes off as completely unhinged. >Feeds her cat a strictly vegan diet. >Says her favorite part about her boyfriend is that he has a job and works overtime, sometimes 6 days a week, and brings in money. Proceeds to insult him and says his best traits are that he's really weird and strange. Proves she takes him for granted and considers herself Queer because he wore makeup one time. Recent milk:
>Reactivates Instagram after only 5 days of her break in hopes that conversation of her controversial tweets has died down. Claims she left Instagram because people were abusing her for being fat and non-binary. Tries pretending that she was never problematic.>Eventually creates an Instagram highlighted story reel titled "Accountability" where she attempts to call herself out for her problematic tweets. Leaves out the most damning tweets which include romanticizing Hitler and the Holocaust as well as rape jokes. Blames her past on "internalized misogyny, homophobia, and fatphobia." >Gets her dad to write her a formal letter for her autism assessment. Dad admits Phoebe has frequent "abusive and aggressive" outbursts when someone disagrees with her. >>791495>Composes list of accessibility demands for event venues to follow. Entire list revolves around herself and her fake disabilities. States that she doesn't have to show proof of her disability to receive free benefits from events, which include free tickets, free taxis, and safe spaces. Asks people to donate to her for creating said list >>790519>Posts incredibly questionable letter from her doctor (that may not even be a real letter) written for the Adult Autistic Spectrum Disorders Clinic. >>790343>Is an admin for a Mutual Aid group on Facebook for people with disabilities. The group is basically a group for her to beg for money under the guise of it being community activism. >Has a Colonoscopy that she pressured her doctors to give her. Says the diet she has to eat in preparation for her Colonoscopy triggers her eating disorder. Claims she is "starving" (despite stuffing herself with ice cream and biscuits the morning of her procedure when she wasn't supposed to). Begs for people to send her money for Chinese takeout in her Mutual Aid group and labels it under "urgent." >Says doctor told her "Wow, you're just in pain everywhere, aren't you? I'm so sorry" as he stroked her cheek before her procedure. Lies about her nurse telling her she's fit. >Keeps trying to push her "Jewish" identity. People call her out on being fake Jewish and she deletes all the stories where she claims to be Jewish and blocks anyone who questions her.>Passive aggressively writes a letter to her neighbor for being noisy at night instead of confronting her neighbor irl. Calls neighbor an "ignorant, entitled fucking cunt" on her Instagram. Makes letter all about herself and reminds her neighbors that she's disabled and that their noise puts more strain on her disability. Says that she is very tired from "work" (even though she only makes her 5-minute crafts a few times a week and frequently gives herself days off for her pizza and win) despite Henry being the only one who works. Doesn't really mention Henry at all. Socials:
Instagram: @fatvegfemme
YouTube: @fatveganfemme
Pornhub: @fezxoxo (NSFL)
Etsy: @FatVegFemmeArt
Previous threads:
>>>/snow/783899>>>/snow/790236Read before posting. Sage non milk. Saging does not make blog posting, nitpicking, and infighting acceptable. Absolutely NO cowtipping allowed.
No. 796045
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Reminder, this glorious chosen enbie charges 40 euro for a portrait.
No. 796054
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>>796045all that money for something straight from ms paint
No. 796055
>>796054… please tell me his chin is
that long and that his eyes are
that far apart.
No. 796061
>>795976Phoebe, you don't buy a 200+ pound piece of machinery if you're so poor you're begging people for money for take out.
She's too dumb to even lie and say someone gave it to her or something.
Also, I don't know how she can't get it to work, it's super easy. She's probably using the wrong setting or something.
No. 796077
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This one wasn’t posted in the last thread but holy shit she’s so fucking rude
No. 796081
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all of the intersections represented here make me suspect this is Phoebe's work on the group's banner but the art isn't quite as shit as usual
No. 796091
>>796077for being poor, you surely don't seem to be used to environments too common to poor folks. There are even studies that show that ACTUAL poor people have systemic developmental problems as a result of those environments. Clearly this is new to you, otherwise, you wouldn't be bitching about it. There are billions of people in your position, but they aren't rude fucks who expect others to change. Oh no, many poor people resort to things like sleeping aids (medication, white noise machines, tea) and earplugs (you can even find this at the dollar store in the US.) There are so many solutions to her problems, and she has the money to do it. She just needs to stop getting so much useless shit. Everything has to be about how she's the most oppressed
victim ever. Thank god she isn't a single disabled mother trying to raise children.
>>796081 Now this shit is just hilarious. Why does she continue to use black/poc skins/symbols and capitalize from them? I thought it was unethical because that's what she told Jameela about capitalizing from trans people. Its funny how she's the only one allowed to profit from things, but if the roles were reversed she'd have a fit. The raised fist is a great example, as it was used by black people (1968 Olympics.) She also used Frida Khalo which is hilarious, as she probably doesn't know what Khalo represents to Mexicans. Why does she have a problem with dreads, but not with herself, a white artist, using black civil rights imagery? I mean, she had a ragefit over goddamn noodles. Pheebs, this is why you're on this site.. Not because of FATPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA. You'd be surprised by the amount of trans/fat/women/poc that post on this site. You are just not a very nice person. Stop relying on pseudoscience, and get the hell out of your echo chamber. Find some doctors and follow their advice, and if it doesn't work, at least you tried… Also ffs stop saying you "starve" whenever you're not binging, it's not very woke of you.
No. 796105
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>>796040Today's story should be a laugh riot /sarcam
No. 796111
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She's so poor she has a lush bath bomb
No. 796112
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The idea of her squatting over her toilet wiping herself with baby wipes coz she's too many to shower is so gross
No. 796124
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>>796077I’m sure after her angry neighbor gets this letter and confront her, her disabled ass will suddenly be able to run up those stairs
No. 796132
>>796112imagine how she smells oh jesus
also lush bath bombs =/= actually washing yourself
she's coating her filth in perfume
No. 796134
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Poor cat….
No. 796135
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>>796134In the first video polly was clearly moving away
(7.3 Milkless social media statuses and images ) No. 796136
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Stay classy!
No. 796156
>>796124Wait so she banged on the ceiling and swore and yelled at her poor upstairs neighbor who wasn't even doing anything wrong? I'd be fucking pissed.
Also, it took them an entire YEAR to confront their neighbors about the noise? If I had loud neighbors that were keeping me up at night I'd last maybe a month before I went to talk to them about it. Who the fuck sits around and gets pissy about the noise and complains about it on instagram stories instead of trying to solve the fucking problem right away?
No. 796189
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Everything just has to be severe. It can’t just be a regular ole leg cramp
No. 796190
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oh no she has to wash!!
No. 796192
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>>796105>>796190She posted 3 very similar stories in one go.
No. 796195
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Off topic but Jameela is always correcting her wrongs, so much that she even personally reached out to Phoebe in DM. Phoebe still has her Instagram highlight tab where she’s calling out Jameela, even after Jameela has tried learning and didn’t even owe Phoebe anything.
The difference is Jameela actually wants to do right because she cares. Phoebe never even resurrected her twitter after her past was dug up.
No. 796197
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No. 796219
>>796124okay but
>talking>laughingshe's a neighbour from hell, that kind who goes up to your door because you farted loudly, jesus. she becomes more and more insufferable every time she posts something
No. 796230
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>>796228Yes.. and someone told her they linked Phoebe’s account so their followers would also follow Phoebe, as in they were trying to give Phoebe exposure to potential new clients. I get that in this context Phoebe was shouting out the creator of the earrings, but when Phoebe went off on that other follower who tagged her, it was for the same reason Phoebe tagged that person to her selfie.
No. 796231
this was in my explore feed and i thought of feebs: if she took the advice but no, she can’t live without her hate boner for screeching and verbally attacking women.
>>796197i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: she looks like a young penn jillette covered in unicorn vomit. damn.
(Constant neverending autism and nitpicking.) No. 796235
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She’s with family right now I think since she won’t shut up about how she’s socializing tonight. She just posted pics of her food, then posted this right after. Bitch is really just on Instagram bitching about something yet again when she should be attemptive to her family. Just like when she live blogged Henry’s Christmas party. Then she wonders why she’s ostracized. Always something to be angry about instead of just spending quality time with loved ones
No. 796236
>>796192She keeps referring to it as socialising but isn't she just meeting her family?
She doesn't have friends, understandably lol
No. 796275
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>>796268Nobody wants to be around someone who gets offended over every tiny thing, I’d imagine trying to be friends with her would be akin to walking on eggshells, having to be extremely careful not to offend her. Phoebe, maybe if you stopped getting your panties in a twist over things as inane as horseback riding and the word “dumb,” people would want to hang out with you more.
Also I have to laugh at her calling herself so poor and “starving” when her family pays for meals regularly like pic related. She had an alcoholic drink, fish and chips, and dessert. Some people don’t even have family that pays for their food at all phoebe, you aren’t poor because at the end of the day you have a family with money to fall back on and buy you a hot meal. She’s insufferable.
No. 796291
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Phoebz showing off her new €13.50 novelty socks and two matching genital pin badges at €6.50 each, so around £25 worth including shipping.
That’s after enjoying a £5.95 Lush bath bomb, on her way to the Hungry Horse for a ‘Vegan Mix It Up’ at £10.49 with TWO sides of fries and then a £5.95 Gin & Berry Dessert plus alcoholic drinks in her insta stories.
The restaurant’s website puts her main and sides alone at a total of 1316 calories. 1700+ calories is a conservative estimate with dessert and if she only had one cider.
One day she pretends to be too poor to eat so people give her money, another day she eats in one sitting what she should have in an entire day and extravagantly spends what genuinely poor people pay for a week’s groceries!
She will likely claim that she didn’t pay for any of this, which might be even worse. It would go to show how easy she has it, getting handed everything while others work and she exploits their generosity.
No. 796296
>>796291I'm sure she guilts her dad into these daddy/daughter dates cos she's mentioned several times now that he's brought her out and fed her when she's been particularly miserable
But then she couldn't even act excited to go, complains about her pain some more and makes out like a free meal and drinks out is a chore
No. 796297
>>796291Thanks for the calculations, anon. What a spoiled pig. It’s either she actually does have money, but she’ll groan about how god forbid a poor person treat themselves!!!1! Except she isn’t treating herself every “once in a while.” This is on a daily basis. Exactly one week ago she was bitching about being “skint:/“ and not being able to afford Chinese food. So that’s why she crowdfunded it and made it sound like an emergency. Yet, she miraculously buys all of these things a week later. Where are her fucking priorities?? Why did other people have to buy her food last week!?
Now her family *likely took her out to eat. That’s fine, whatever. But it goes to show she does have resources and that she is still for some reason loved by people. Loved enough to get taken out to eat mass portions of good food. I bet she gobbled this down in one sitting, rather than boxing the rest to go so that she could have leftovers. But she’ll bitch about the pain this food caused her, talk about how she’s now going to the doctor over it, then go off about how people should PayPal her money for more food for being brave for going to the doctor. It’s a never ending fatty cycle.
She isn’t even good at LARPing poor. Saged for angry sperging.
No. 796300
>>796296She has it so fucking good. She really makes this sound like a task. Let’s not forget she considers the hardest part of her day combing her hair.
Even when daddy takes her out, she’s still on Instagram ignoring people and finding something else to be mad about.
No. 796309
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No. 796312
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Phoebe, you’re the last person to talk about consent shut the fuck up
No. 796314
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She really thinks she can handle it. We all know what will happen: she’ll be bitching on IG rather than being productive, some part of her body (her asshole) will hurt and she’ll let us know about it too, she’ll announce they’re now up for sale, only two people will buy them, then she’ll go off about how hard it is to run her small business because no one buys her genius art! And she will post that story to her “running a small business” highlight reel.
No. 796330
>>796312Do these people want a pat on the back for figuring that out. I mean rape is already illegal so they don't really need to use twitter preach this woke message
Also, Pheobe the molester
No. 796333
>>796327We believe in non-binary, we just don't believe that she's non-binary.
Please don't assume we dislike fat/trans/disabled etc.
We just dislike Phoebe.
No. 796340
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I got this ad when looking at Phoebe’s profile. Thought it was fitting.
No. 796347
>>796045So which one is the realistic drawing?
I normally wouldn't give a damn about someone's artistic abilities but she's expecting people to pay crazy amounts of money for baby's first digital art. This is also a woman claiming to be a hard working business owner despite not being smart enough to not create a business around something she's terrible at. And then having the balls to complain that no one buys her shit. She'll invest 200+ pounds into a letter maker instead of investing time into bettering her craft. Hell, if she was good she wouldn't need the letter maker and if she were smart she'd only buy it if the demand for her Dollarama decorations was high enough to need the speed boost. Bitch should take a free business class before wasting more of Henry's money. I hope he dumps her my god he deserves someone who won't take advantage of his autism
>>796077I wonder how long and how often she yelled at her upstairs neighbour before finally talking to him and realising he wasn't making the noise the entire time
>>796302No, read the threads. She's claiming to be Jewish despite not converting or being born Jewish. She's not ethnically Jewish either. Her grandmother (or great grandmother) converted she Judaism for her husband then converted right back after he died. That's her entire link to Judaism. She's claiming a minority term because she wants to pretend she's anything but a spoilt white brat and this is only one of those she uses. She has a past of outright racism, has made Hitler and holocaust jokes, and as shown in her tweet in the picture above has said things which glorify Hitler. To say nothing of her obvious current misogyny and racism (it's just less overt and easier to miss if you don't pay attention)
No. 796350
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I know anons posted some of her nude posts in the last threads, but I don’t think this one was posted (it’s hard to keep track because she went through an era of posting pics similar to this once a week). Read the caption.. it’s amazing how all of the things she complains about are all things she came up with for brownie points, or could be cured by having a job. She says Henry is the only reason she’s alive. What will happen when he leaves her? Because as someone else said in the personal cows thread, Henry was flirting with another person already.
Also the fucking image description oh my god how embarrassing
No. 796361
>>796350does she add the image descriptions for seeing impaired people who use screen readers lol? I doubt she even has ONE blind follower. its strictly for her appearance as a "disabled ally"
also ew. pimply ass on full display
No. 796362
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86 sales in the past 4 days
>>795172 No. 796363
>>796350Wouldn't it be a fuckin twist if Henry wasn't nearly as low-functioning and "weird" as she claims and actually has been spending the hours he says he's working OT going out with coworkers for a drink and meeting new people? Lots of autistic people can learn to pick up on social cues with practice to the point where you'd have a hard time knowing they are, and he's a good looking guy with a steady job… She barely pays any attention to anyone but herself and her fucking "store" so I wouldn't even doubt he could be securing a way out or a new girlfriend right under her piggy nose.
Go Henry. We believe in you. #SaveHenry2k19
No. 796366
>>796350God that ass rash looks fucking
toxic. how could it get so bad. does she shit acid?
No. 796369
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Woah. Has anyone seen these vegan protest videos before? There’s suddenly a handful of them on her channel, I think they were unlisted until now. Seems a bit performative the way she keeps saying “I’m so sorry baby!!!” repeatedly and starts crying for the camera. It was a bit hard to watch personally, but I don’t get why she felt the need to upload these. No. 796380
>>796375The new fad of people self diagnosing with BPD for UwU ~I'm soooo mentally fragile portect me~ UwU really pisses me off.
They try to use it as a shield for their incredibly shitty behavior. It's not cute, it's childish and disgusting.
No. 796381
>>796375Oh yes Phoebe, please contribute to the stigmatization of mental illness by excusing yourself of being a cunt some more why don't you. It's like her dad going "oh my daughter isn't a bitch, this cunt just had autism" in that letter he wrote
>>796371Documenting conditions of animals and giving them some water is fine but crying for your own camera that "you couldn't save the animals" is just performative. You know these animals are going to be eaten and many others around the world are currently being eaten and that's why you're there. Or potentially you're there as someone who eats meat but wants humane conditions for animals. Either way as usual this feels like Phoebe making activism about herself and how it makes her look. Or, giving her the benefit of the doubt, just shows how stunted she is as an adult. It doesn't matter if you're vegan or not, this is just pathetic to turn on a camera to cry over a couple cows you've seen at a slaughterhouse you chose to go to. Not getting overwhelmed over the conditions or talking about your activism, just flat out crying that you "couldn't save" a couple cows when I doubt she was there to set them free or something
No. 796388
>>796327>>796328Because… “non-binary” doesn’t exist. There’s no scientific evidence to support its existence. It’s just a label people like Phoebe use so they can feel special and call themselves “queer.”
>>796333>We believe in non-binaryWho is “we”? Are there a bunch of newfags flooding in from tumblr or something?
No. 796395

Sat through her how to be a better ally to the disabled video. Some points she makes are sensible, but it's a shame that she's too self-aggrandizing to actually care about the community at large. Ultimately it's a video to talk about her own experiences (as per usual) and to plug in her accessibility document to send to events to make more events accessible (and in turn make money off said document).
>Starts off by saying she's borrowing the tripod she's using! As always. Everything is either borrowed/given/on sale, like the proper communist she is.
>States you cannot call yourself an ally. People in the community must refer to you as an ally. This makes sense in the context of real disabled people, but we know Phoebe is faking everything.
Makes me wonder if she gatekeepes other people who claim disability.
>Explains Mutual Aid. Says it is important to give back to others if you have benefited from Mutual Aid once you have the funds to pay it forward. Talks about how Mutual Aid got her the electronic scooter and a cane AKA the kindness of others got her those picture props. Has likely never given back to others who are disabled, sounds like she just benefits from it.
>Says "I don't see my autism as a disability!!!" essentially admitting she isn't disabled.
>Talks about how allies need to share the work of disabled people, but it's pretty much just about her. Says allies need to share the modeling photos of disabled people (oddly specific considering all the selfies + naked pictures she has uploaded of herself..). Perfect timing to say these things now that she's a ~boss babe~ with her own business and needs all the customers she can grab.
>Says it's important for people to share the work of disabled people like her so that they can actually live!! Despite still going out with her family and indulging in takeaway multiple times a week, as well as buying unnecessary shit.
>Says all public events must be accessible. Keeps bringing up her accessibility document she created. Screeches about how her work is free!1! (even though she links her PayPal and expects reparations). Calls it the bare minimum, although she expects free tickets, earphones, transportation, the best seats, quiet rooms, among other things.
>Says if you are ableist, no amount of apologizing will make anything okay. State you must actively work to fix things. Interesting for her to say this given her past of vulgar tweets and zero accountability.
>The icing on the cake: "I can't even go out of my apartment without falling on a curve because of my wheelchair!!" even though she makes no effort to change her flat to the first floor and she can walk just fine without it. Henry is the one who pushes her anyway.
No. 796404
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>>796395Remember that time (not even a month ago) she claimed to be starving, and actual poor/people of color called her out for using that term? She made it ALL about HER, and how much of a
victim she is. Just because her thread is overflowing with milk, I thought I'd bring this golden quote about how she knows just how bad medical racism is (even though she hasn't experienced it.) Proof right here she is the ultimate best ally ever.
No. 796409
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No. 796410
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>>796409She has the worst image descriptions this is so fucking uncomfortable.
No. 796422
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>>796388This thread has attracted many retarded newfags who are just not as retarded as Phoebe, because no one is. At least some of them figured out how to sage.
>>796404I've never come across someone as self-unaware as this cow. She's such a fucking hypocrite. She couldn't even apologize for her past shitty tweets, despite being a cunt and calling out Jameela for her 2012 show, saying even back then she knew better because Phoebe is such a fucking saint, top fucking kek, her tweets say otherwise. Instead, she had to pull a Victoria Justice. "I was racist? Oh, I think WE WERE ALL RACIST!"
>>796407She just wants to be the most disabled person SO BAD. She can't just have normal pain, or have a normal bad day, oh no. Phoebe doesn't stub her toe like normal people, when Phoebe stubs her toe it's like "I have just gone through THE WORST PAIN of my life! I can no longer walk! I need a wheel chair! BENEFITS! I SEVERELY stubbed my toe. I mean, it's SEVERE! The WORST case of stubbed toe they've EVER SEEN! Please send me money for Lush bath bombs I'll never use because I'm a pig and vagina pins that look like Pepe the frog's mouth"
No. 796424
>>796081She traces everything that doesn't consist of shapeless blobs stacked on top one another.
>>796156>>796169If the sound were that bad then she would have known within a couple weeks at most where the general source was. This isn't grounded in reality at all
>>796195>correcting her wrongsNo, she's just a less radical member of the self-eating community that Phoebe is also in. She's part of the problem.
No. 796438
>>796436FFS Phoebe
Some people (including myself) are fat and cool with it. Some people are fat and really want to lose the weight.
I'm not going to be so salty as to refuse to congratulate a friend on their weight loss when they worked hard at it. Someone losing weight for their health isn't the same as "buying into" to the media's idea of a perfect body.
(no one here cares about you being a fatty.) No. 796445
>>796444screen readers read text, hence image descriptions in the captions
can we get back on topic?
No. 796449
File: 1554882955507.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.74 KB, 670x697, thriving.jpg)

My greatest masterpiece
No. 796465
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super rude of her to moan about someone's comment while identifying them when it wasn't that bad/actually abusive.
if it had been the other way around she'd be crying targeting of disabled/queer/fat /Jewish people.
No. 796480
>>796467maybe they do, they just don't want to be publicly berated like this if they say the wrong thing to her
queer spaces especially can be mine fields of eggshell tredding
No. 796481
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Wasting more money on tat
No. 796486
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Fair enough that her “pay check” came in
But maybe instead of spending on shit, she should pay forward the kindness someone showed by sending her money! Buy someone else a take away or send some money for something they need?
She’s all take and no give
No. 796490
>>796486This is me in the dm. I supported them til recently and I found this thread when I got annoyed with their seemingly constant begging.
They literally said they were starving last week,and conveniently left out the messages where I apologise for maybe demonising Phoebe and Henry.
I pretty much just said you need to learn to budget because it looks hypocritical when you say ur starving and then all of a sudden you have no cashflow problems. Its unfair to the people that donate to them.
I'm blocked now, phoebe can't take any sort of criticism its fucking ridiculous.
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no fuckin way. NO WAY! i hate this cow
No. 796508
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Poor Henry. Does super long days that involve getting up at 3am and staying overnight AND dues all the housework.
Yet she constantly moans that he's messy???
She's such a bitch to him.
No. 796509
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Ranting about spending money
No. 796510
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No. 796511
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No. 796515
>>796511Her inability to realise that all her 'small' spending ends up to contribute to her being poor is infuriating.
Yeah Phoebe, a £6 pair of earrings won't make you rich, but try tracking your spending and you'll soon realise how many of these shitty purchases you make on a daily basis.
It's so obvious she didn't grow up poor.
She's a spoilt brat whose gone from one sugar daddy to another.
No. 796521
>>796519She did work for a while when she was thinner. Does anyone know more about that?
Basically chose to retire at the age of 20
No. 796522
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She's such a child.
21 years old and changing her bedsheets is considered an achievement.
No. 796532
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>>796510Tell me Feels once you were paid did you offer to pay back the Facebook admins for the takeout or did you turn around and spend it on earrings you didn't need. Learn to manage your money and stop making poor Henry work himself to death. God she pisses me off.
No. 796538
>>796532Love that she responds to people through insta stories, cos it's not like she posts too many already
If she had a single real-life friend or real hobby she wouldn't feel the need to post every bath, every bed change, every noise the neighbours dare to make etc
No. 796558
>>796040It'll be interesting to see if she has anything to say on the 'autism is a vaccine injury' debate seeing as the current measles outbreak has started that discussion again
You know, cos feebs is totally autistic
No. 796561
>>796509She just seems so unpleasant to be around. I’m sure more of than we’d like to admit all went through dumb sjw phases at some point that we got over, but god damn phoebe is insufferable. You don’t even exit adolescenc until after 25 so in. A few years she’s gonna look back on this and cringe horribly at her attitude. Sucks that it’s all on the internet forever though.
Also, phoebe is a lying liar who lies but let’s for the sake of discussion says she really does have all this chronic shit or whatever.
if you can’t even change bed sheets without being in horrific pain then you gotta go to an institution or something. You’d have a carer 24/7. Or at least you would if you didn’t lie about symptoms and ignore your obesity is the issue and when when the NHS sees through your bullshit I guess.
I know you lurk here pheebs. Know how you “changed” from racist swamp dweller to sjw paragon in a couple years? Yeah well, it’s gonna happen again you know? In 2-3 years you’re gonna look back at this phase in your life and this persona and cringe in to the next dimension. It doesn’t seem like it now but you will. Everyone hates who they were at 21.
No. 796568
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Surely she has asked her neighbor's permission before she called them a cunt. Because cunt is such a gender neutral word.
No. 796573
>>796561I've thought this too, we change drastically between 20 and 30 and plenty of us get wrapped up in popular social justice ideas only to then change.
The fact that she is so adamant and vocal about her views is absurd for a 21 year old with fuck-all experience, none out in the world by herself. Has she ever even paid a house bill? Didn't she move straight from mum/dads house to be with Henry?
Her perspective is that the world ought to revolve around the groups she sees herself in (ironic cos she's isolated in real life) It's a pitiful reminder of how even at 21 we're still mentally developing. She tries to be all harsh and crude in her language (fucking cunts) thinking it shows her strong feelings, it only shows bitterness. She needs a therapist that won't be manipulated by her pity party. She uses the bpd tag in her Instagram posts but if she is diagnosed she certainly isn't working on the self improvement that is hugely important after that diagnosis.
No. 796589
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So she lied to her customers. And she's too stupid or lazy to just use a postbox.
No. 796602
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I always assumed she couldn't drive, as she always talked about Henry driving her around.
The idea of her behind the wheel is terrifying.
No. 796636
>>796630I think Henry has three but only one of them is in running order and the other two are part of his collecting hobby (I believe it's his special interest as in most autistic people have a hobby or collection that makes them happy) his is italian makes of car
Who's gonna pay for the insurance and upkeep of that second car?
No. 796669
>>796573Lol, she isn't even "dumb SJW phase" she's off the fucking rails.
Like I'm all for not being a dick to people but she literally has isolated herself so completely only her aspie bf will put up with her and that's probs cos he works 12 hours a day. Everything is offensive to her and she is right and everyone else is wrong. Even when orbiters politely message to correct her or argue she calls them a cunt and blocks them, even throwing a tantrum on a Jameela, because adult conversations with being civil is too much to expect from a 21 year old.
No. 796721
>>796506ZERO self-awareness. I actually wonder what the fuck is actually wrong with this psycho cow. I've seen trolls that weren't this over-the-top and this hypocritical, yet here Phoebe is, in all her serious glory. I wonder if her head was set on fire as a baby and the fire was put out with a baseball bat causing traumatic brain injury and turning her to the retard she is, because how can she type this out and not realize she's constantly trying to be the most disabled? She turns even a goddamn leg cramp into a SEVERE CRAMP. The only reason she's saying this is because she knows she's full of shit and not disabled, and her only disability is caused by the amount of peanut butter she shoves into her fat face.
>>796510>>796511You're not poor, you fucking cunt. I swear to god. She makes a mockery of poor/disabled people. The only reason she'd be poor is because she spends money like a retard. Also, the benefits system is shit, but that's because there are a lot of leeches like Phoebe that still haven't had their free cash taken from them. I'm glad the British government isn't being useless for once and isn't giving hard working people's taxes to this mong.
>>796568Imagine living in a world where you can't even say "man, I'm so sick of this" without someone finding it
problematic. What a joke.
No. 796732
>>796721I don't think she understands that by using the word severe every single time she describes pain that people aren't idiots and they'll see she's a drama queen. It'll desensitise anyone who's reading that same old shite every day.
That and rolling her eyes every other pic makes her look less like a poor disabled
victim and more like a bitch.
Something is seriously off with her judgement. Its not autism behaviour so fuck knows what went wrong with her brain
No. 796762
>>796589Wow. There’s plenty of people who are disabled that can’t drive and they make do. She could take public transit (though in this instance I can understand why this might not be the most practical option, given that she might be carrying some packages). She could take an Uber or taxi. She’d be making loads more from profit anyway, especially with her recent spike in customers. She could have asked a family member to take her. Surely it isn’t healthy to rely on Henry that much? He can’t always be there for her, and he probably wants to relax when he’s home. Just seems like she isn’t putting in effort. For someone who never shuts up about her ~business~ she sure doesn’t go out of her way to meet customer satisfaction. She’s ruining her bond with her clients and tarnishing whatever “reputation” she has as a seller, because we know this won’t be the last time she’ll say this excuse.
>>796436It should be noted that she says that she was on disability benefits, but they were “randomly taken away from her” for unknown reasons. Does this actually happen? Because this sounds like a lie. How are they just going to take away your benefits if you
actially need them? Obviously she doesn’t need them that badly if this is the case, and if she was actually ever on benefits in the first place.
No. 796778
>>796522Is there really any point in changing the sheets if you're spending all day in bed while dirty as all hell anyways? The sheets will be smelly by tomorrow with sweat and dirt
>>796589Blah blah blah I'm disabled. That's fucking irrelevant to the fact that you're lying and misleading your customers that their package is on the way when it's not and this isn't the first time she's done this. Hell, I'm pretty sure it's against the law to do this. Just don't say it's shipped yet and maybe actually let your customers know if there's a delay in shipping instead of posting it on an Instagram story where they might not see that you lied to them that their package has shipped
>>796602It's not one day shipping if you're shipping it out within one day or ordering. Also having a car won't change your fake situation. You'll just claim you're too sick to get in the car and things will be delayed anyways. Besides, for a small business it's smarter to ship things out once a week. All orders shipped out Fridays for example. You'll save on gas and therefore make a better profit. But that's expecting any business sense out of this cunt and she's shown she has no idea how to handle money (I have money now therefore I can spend it instead of saving it for my next "emergency" where I "need" Chinese takeout) let alone make good profit off her business
No. 796849
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Looks like Daddy takes care of her still. And she couldn’t be bothered to ask him for a ride to the post office, you know, to keep up with her business and make her life easier. Since she’s so poor.
No. 796851
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Tragic. Did dad push you around your chair in place of Henry?
No. 796854
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Wait, so she also spends her money on weed? Budget better Feebz.
No. 796860
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No. 796878
>>796781I think she also mentioned how her benefits were taken away because Henry ears too much. She definitely overplays the "poverty" bullshit for sympathy points.
>>796851It's because you're so fucking fat and you spend all day in bed, you twat.
No. 796887
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What id give to be able to sell my art full time… everything is just such a hardship for her!!
No. 796889
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She posted a request for people to provide hygiene tips for her because of her disabilities. She received pages worth of responses, here’s some of them. These are kind of sad to read tbh. On the one hand, I can’t help but feel that some of these people are genuinely depressed or sick and they’re trying to be helpful. On the other, she received so many replies, some of them telling her to take actual breaks in between showering. Like, apply shampoo then take a break! Apply conditioner, then take a break! Apply body wash, then time for another break! Someone else told her to add a bench into her shower so that she could sit. Reminds me of Pixielocks confetti club levels of coddling. Feebz definitely also has loyal followers.
Phoebe also probably has a lot more time in her day than these people who tried helping her. She could easily flip her situation around with minimal effort.
No. 796892
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wow! so much for being SEVERELY impoverished and POOR
No. 796900
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No. 796906
>>796849You know there's something seriously wrong with you when your (diagnosed) autistic bf is the high-functioning and hard working breadwinner in your relationship and you're the one that needs dad to child-mind you while he's away
Her dad seems to think that feeding her is the best way to pacify her too, all they do when they meet up is eat
No. 796916
>>796900Funny how she's having a break down because Henry is away.
It's a form of emotional abuse, keeps him on the hook and scared to leave her.
No. 796920
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>>796916>>796919She was watching Jane the Virgin and she started crying because a character reminds her of Henry. Even uploaded a video crying, it’s cringy. So yeah I guess she’s crying over a show but because it reminds her of Henry and she misses him whiping her bloody ass while he’s gone.
No. 796924
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>>796920Uploaded a few pics and a video of her crying because I guess mentioning it once wasn’t enough.
No. 796950
>>796878Is that even possible tho?
I mean they aren't married yet so is tue government even allowed to take his earnings into consideration?
In my country they take the parents earning into consideration
No. 796954
>>796950They live together so it's judged by overall household income and whether its enough to support two people. Which apparently it is
I wonder if she's starting to worry about him leaving or cheating? Cos that looks like some emotional blackmail right there… don't you dare leave me?
No. 796956
>>796953UK fuck here, yes they look at household/partners income.
You can apply for free meds which she totally can't afford and the only reason she hasn't is she knows she will be denied. I guess she'd rather spend it on weed and being vegan.
No. 796969
>>796924Meant to reply t9 this one…new to lolcow…
Lol at her use of a gendered term as she's bawling her eyes out…
No. 796982
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"I'm just naturally fat"
No. 796990
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but your asshole is fair game to the point you're getting fissures. her mind and body is a wonderland.
No. 796992
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it’s bad enough that the feebz tortures henry with her existence. but they don’t even have sex. my god somebody please save this man. she’s torturing him. she’s basically deedee blanchard. torturous muchie psycho bitch. literally someone please save henry from this miserable toxic and codependent relationship he seems like such a nice guy who deserves none of this. leech bitch !!!(a-logging)
No. 796997
>>796992So is henry expected to marry her and spend his entire life without sexual fulfilment?
Life is just one big sacrifice for poor henry
No. 797028
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Didn't she say she had Fibro a week ago showing off a leaflet?
No. 797029
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Cow has to not eat for blood test, pulls literal pouty child face
No. 797040
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So she went to the doctor's high?
No. 797041
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What's her fucking problem with this???
No. 797043
>>797029She's such a whiny bitch. She's lucky to get these tests, and she gets them for free thanks to the NHS, and her doctor (stupidly) believes her and is willing to give her tests.
She had no gratitude. God I hope she hurries up and dies from obesity.
No. 797046
>>797041it literally says awareness right there not acceptance…though shes probably upset about that too. i cant even tell what shes gonna find
problematic anymore. its like she spins a wheel with random words and throws a dart at it every morning
No. 797050
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Um… unless u have vaginismus, ur vagina should expand and self lubricate when youre aroused. Maybe you need to lube up. Henry’s in a sexless manipulative relationship. Poor guy
No. 797054
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You haven’t been diagnosed with anything officially Feebz you were told you have symptoms of certain illnesses.
No. 797055
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“Save me” okay so you bitch when you have no customers, but when you finally do you still bitch about it. You don’t deserve anything.
No. 797064
>>797061I'd be willing to give him a pity fuck just to save him from Pheobe
(Obvs joking, not not cow-tipping)
No. 797065
>>797062Plus her cutting machine (that she can't even use), a new printer (that she couldn't use because of the lack of borderless printing), a badge making machine…
Wow she has a lot of disposal cash.
Yet she had to go Facebook begging for Chinese food….
What a cunt.
No. 797070
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>>797055>>797062Am I seeing shit, or does she have two iPads? The one in pic related is the space grey version she’s showed it off a lot of times. The one where she “works” from looks like a rose gold one that’s white in the front. She has a separate iPad for “work” it looks like, rather than modifying her first iPad into one where she can do work from as well. So much for starving.
No. 797072
>>797070She looks so fucking fat in this video.
How is she not ashamed.
No. 797073
>>797070She's 21!!!
She looks at least 40 here.
Is it being fat that ages you, or just being full of bitterness and hate?
No. 797077
>>797070She also has a Mac, as can be seen in some screenshots (where she wrote the angry letter to her neighbor). So she owns multiple iPads and a Mac, and that’s as far as we know because she’s shown it off. Which one was a “gift” or was on “sale”?
She should sell her two tablets and work from her computer, or downgrade her tablets to some that aren’t Apple and sell her Mac. She only does the bare minimum with them anyway such as streaming shows and keeping track of her sales, and she’d be making a lot of money by selling them. Enough to ration out for groceries for a long while. But she’s too spoiled for that so her Jane the Virgin binges and bitching about shipping orders from the comfort of her own bed using her secondary tablet is the way to go.
No. 797081
>>797074to be fair, you can have a successful job online (not just etsy and art) and have stuff going on in the background. but phoebe complains about never having enough money, then she will complain about having too much to do as well as all the trappings that go along with a business that revolves around creating and shipping. at the end of it, she is just a self pitying hambeast that doesnt own up to shit and will place all blame and personal responsibility on someone else. her weight? its fatphobics and doctors. her pain? ableists and doctors. sexual issues,
victim blaming. never you mind about her sexual conduct on that girl or her hitler tweets and claiming to be jewish. but we all know she will will never address anything in good faith.
she lives for herself and controlling other people. the sjw bs is just a way to bitch at people and feel righteous about it.
No. 797095
>>797072Kek it's kind of funny how she will screech about people having more chances than her and in general are more provileged but then there is she fat as a whale while there are children starving.
Srsly her way of thinking is so fucked up. Her being this fat shows her privilege so much she can't be that poor even because you still need money to buy this many to get this big
No. 797097
>>797089Has to be Daddy and maybe online fools.
The tablets and electronics are the most obvious luxuries but all those 6 quid bath bombs, her smoking habit, wine, take aways and being brought out for meals all adds up. The kind of luxuries where you've got nothing to show for it the next day.
No. 797106
>>797041i think it’s because jigsaw pieces are associated with autism speaks which is a
problematic organisation, according to those with high functioning autism
No. 797130
problematic to just decide you have autism and make no efforts to get the assessment for it.
She's not the first cow to 'want autism' though. With mental health problems you have to work at getting better but with autism nobody tells you to change..
No. 797136
>>797134I mean how would any guy his age cope with a sexless relationship? Autism or not, he's a young man and he'll grow to resent that.
Probably looking elsewhere already..
No. 797138
>>797041The puzzle pieces being associated with autism is due to a PETA-level shit organization called autism speaks. It's basically an organization where you wouldn't be surprised an anti-vaxxer was in charge with their lack of actual understanding of autism. But I'm pretty sure the doctor's office would know that (or at least not believe AS over fellow professionals in the field) and are basically just using the puzzle pieces due to association like how people still represent breast cancer with a pink ribbon despite the SG foundation being as horrible as it is
Tbh this is the closest Pheebs has gotten to being right about something but I bet you she couldn't tell you why AS is a terrible organization just knows that as an "autistic person" she should hate them. Or maybe Henry knows about them and told her about it once. Either way it's her usual superiority complex where she shits on something with no explanation and feels better for it (if this hateful bitch can even feel good)
No. 797152
>>797138Phoebe claims she should be paid for "educating" people yet she made a bitchy comment that told me nothing about why the puzzle pieces were
No. 797178
>>797028Wait so now she’s claiming to have CFS/ME
as well as (faking) Fibromyalgia?
…you can’t make this shit up. They’re both diagnosis of exclusion (likely why she’s chasing them) but literally the NHS website states:
If your GP thinks you may have fibromyalgia, they'll first have to rule out all other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.
These conditions may include:
- chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as ME) – a condition that causes long-term tiredness
So…her doctors need some better training with this kinda thing (believable cos these things can be a minefield). Or she’s full of shit about Fibro in the first place (more believable, cos well…it’s Pheebs)
sage for sperg
No. 797183
>>797180Maybe the spark is gone and she's looking for an excuse for going off sex, she likes faking medical issues so now shes the
victim of some vag disorder
No. 797191
>>797180My guess? She wanted to humble brag about having a tight vag but then realised she couldn't while larping as a woke feminist who has all the worst possible bodily issues and turned it into a TMI "my vag is so tight I'm not having sex because of the pain!" Thing
She clearly has no problem with anal and never had issues with sex before so it comes off as total bull. At best she's so fat she got "tighter" like Amberlyn with her pinky sized vagina.
I wonder why she stopped with the porn and wonder how she convinced Henry to do it btw. Not to mention the fact that she bragged about talking (and meeting?) with men. Wonder how Henry felt about that
No. 797205
starting cost of her Apple products is $3,000. Let’s assume she was having a good day and decided to go for the more storage, which would cost hundreds more. Her iPads look like the more recent generations, too. No one would just fucking “give” someone those products. Most people have either one or the other, and she also has an iPhone. She could sell her tablets and laptop and invest in a good $500-$600 laptop and stream shows, create her MS paint art, and run her shop there. She’d have thousands to effectively use on groceries each week, and could make multiple hearty meals such as when her daddy comes over to white her ass. I bet she ate yesterday’s portions
>>796982in one go, as oppose to saving some in the fridge for days to come. She would also have enough to pay it forward to other people who have helped her buy her wheelchair and cane, and support people less privileged than her. Fucking despicable how she’s living her best life and still urgently asked for takeout last week.
>>797177Agreed. This is so sudden. She goes on about her sex work, and was freely having sex for clicks even while with Henry (part of the reason his family wants him to leave Feebz). Henry is aware of her having sex with others for her porn, while she was in a relationship with him. So does she have the energy to fuck black cock (her words) but not Henry? Because she seems like a nympho based on old tweets. This comes off as her scrounging for more brownie points, as ever facet of her life has to be oppressed. Even her sex life.
No. 797323
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no way that she is a size 26 UK size (around 24US?)
No. 797363
File: 1555066908630.jpg (186.48 KB, 750x1334, 55758150_372482210276332_31226…)

So.. Does she confess to constant binge eating after her diet phase? Or is she trying to imply that she now eats a completely healthy amount of food?
No. 797377
>>797363She sees one single week of high calorie fruit smoothies as "dangerous disordered behavior" along with previously describing other normal meals as starvation ("TINY" slices of toast when it's just normal toast, etc., plus her current antics crying about having to limit her intake for one single day or even just after 10pm) so of course now her 1000 calorie meals seem moderate and normal to her. A salad bowl size heap of oatmeal with 5tbsp of peanut butter? Completely normal! How dare anyone shame her when she's a healthy eating queen who has chia seeds in her meal!
She was eating a normal amount before albeit with stupid diet trends and now she thinks her extreme binging is good just because it's constant, and as with all her other flaws, she places a mental filter over the portion sizes, junk food and wine.
No. 797380
>>797028oh jesus
she's exhausted because she's so fat, and unhealthy (probably deficient in multiple vitamins too). not because she has CFS/ME.
and in any case, it's a diagnosis of exclusion so if she is already claiming to have been diagnosed with fibro then that explains the fatigue
which one is it phoebs? fake cfs or fake fibro?
No. 797383
>>797131she'll claim they were christmas* presents or something
*NOT chanukah because she's not jewish
No. 797388
File: 1555077361036.png (539.17 KB, 750x1334, CE68C7E7-0D4E-47E6-9322-1D0CA2…)

which is it?
No. 797390
File: 1555077744325.jpeg (126.05 KB, 640x1137, 100184CC-DD2C-475E-A60F-7B296E…)

why bother doing anything at all if it’s barely half arsed
No. 797391
File: 1555078019428.jpg (699.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190412-150347_Ins…)

"Destroying me" everything has to be dramatic. You're cutting out shitty letters. What a hard working ~artist~
No. 797429
File: 1555085291319.png (8.39 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9482.PNG)

is there anything that isn't destroying your life, pheebs?
No. 797438
File: 1555088384007.jpg (353.54 KB, 1080x1920, 55939486_1977063059071138_7988…)

Doesn't she post something like this every day?
No. 797446
>>797389Jesus it’s so fucking sad that someone would make that in the first place
>>797438Yes, she always has some excuse for why she hasn’t shipped orders yet. I ALMOST want to order something just to see how long it takes her to get her lazy ass to the post office to ship it. It must take her well over 2 weeks just to get it in the mail
No. 797488
>>797440If you're classed as a vulnerable adult be careful not to overshare info about yourself on here. Mod/s were mockingly calling users autistic for that same kind of oversharing lately. Better to just discuss Pheobe and not compare it to your own story.
Something UK posters keep mentioning is how hard it is to get disability payments in the UK. What happens if you're rejected? I can imagine she'd pester them til the end of time if given any opportunity to keep appealing it.
(>tumblr will catch a 1d ban.) No. 797496
File: 1555099556391.png (2.37 MB, 750x1334, 4825F627-8E22-4E01-ACCD-A0E981…)

Phoebe just stop. Go work on your worthless cut out letters no one wants and stop pretending to care about shade ranges jfc
No. 797509
>>797483I used to sell some bits on Etsy and I didn’t mark anything as shipped until after I’d been to the post office
She’s straight up LYING!
No. 797514
>>797488 There’s two benefits, one for all disabled people and one for those who can’t work. You can claim both. ESA (the one for those not in work) is significantly easier to get than PIP (for all disabled people), but both have significant obstacles. When you get denied, you can ask them to reconsider, and if they deny it again, you can take it to a court appeal. After the appeal you have to start from scratch unless they’ve broken the law in the decision.
Feebz used to get ESA but doesn’t anymore because Henry earns more than the limit. She’s currently trying to appeal her PIP decision at court appeal.
No. 797532
>>797504this isn't a great take lol. telling black people that they have other companies they can browse from when light skinned people have all the options available… Feebs is dumb but that's just idiotic.
J* has an okay selection imo, but I don't know why Feebs is bothering to call him out, so to speak. Just seems like she goes out of her way to find anything to get mad at.
No. 797558
popular to get mad at
what J* and Jameela have in common is that they're both really successful and popular at the moment
No. 797586
>>797488"Mod/s were mockingly calling users autistic"
this cursed thread and its influx of newfags lmao
>>797532Not really. Why should a company have to provide options for every single possible potential customer? Their range is their business; they could bring out two shades of one tone and call it a day if they wanted to. Pressuring them to release products because if they don't it's 'racism' is what is idiotic.
>>797533photos get more attention and give her an excuse to use that platform. And she seems narc as fuck.
No. 797591
>>797558She probably going after Jeffree because 1 he was the hot easy "racist" topic for a while and 2 unlike her he actually lives his life fully androgynous despite being a fully confident man as opposed to our Phoebe who doesn't actually live or present as an NB but wants the title for oppression points and because she is one of the most self hating women I've ever seen
>>797586NTA but if a company comes out with minimal shades the people will vote with their wallet and not buy the product and do have a right to state their disappointment with a lackluster product (foundation is designed to match your color so one which doesn't isn't really a well done product). I think the weird ganging up on products and brands is stupid though. It's easier to just not buy a product and not virtue signal as being better for it. Especially as people of colour got ganged up on for buying the Beauty Blender foundation despite it actually having good shades for certain races by white Phoebe-alikes
No. 797632
File: 1555145646209.jpeg (72.56 KB, 640x1136, 3A0F72F9-3453-44AA-8BC1-5B3CAD…)

No pheebz, when you were her age you were posting Hitler and genocide tweets, and talking about your love and fear for all the “black boys”. This is just another attempt at Flex by putting a woman down, so very transparent
No. 797645
File: 1555151172668.png (1.51 MB, 640x1136, ACC995CF-881E-42F4-8486-E01063…)

Phoebe has a breakdown when people say ‘crazy’ because apparently it’s a slur, but is perfectly happy with buying from businesses that use ‘freak’ for their branding. Also fuckinghell, imagine claiming to be poor then spending money on ugly shit like this.
No. 797667
File: 1555161062836.png (367.6 KB, 1060x541, tgečwhče.png)

Great. Now only if Feebz stopped forcing vegan diet on an obligate carnivore..
No. 797669
File: 1555162107770.jpeg (353.09 KB, 1080x1920, 38746E8D-EAD5-4CE3-BF10-793A71…)

No. 797670
File: 1555162327309.jpeg (263.31 KB, 1080x1920, 2DC8927E-CF0B-4C7A-8AA8-846CF2…)

i guess she’s having another day off! in that video of the cat, she’s clearly watching something on her ipad. she straight up lies and mugs off her customers, their products aren’t shipped cos feebs is too fucking lazy. their customers should ask for a refund cos at this rate they’re gonna get their stuff in 2 months. pathetic phoebe
No. 797673
>>797670It’s never a good look when a seller is complaining about making your item. She cries about living in poverty when she has no orders and then moans when her business is (seemingly) doing well. At least act grateful.
Also, wouldn’t this side business negate any claims she might make for why she should receive benefits and can’t work?
No. 797682
File: 1555166073625.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1303, 1552514496960.png)

>>797675Yes, it's already been established. Here is a screenshot from the previous thread.
Sorry, I can't figure out how to link specific posts from a different thread.
No. 797689
>>797678She doesn't even need scissors for the buntings, she's using a Cricut to make them. It's just loading paper and pushing buttons.
I don't understand what could possibly be so difficult about putting up 40 new listings on Etsy, isn't their format pretty simple and easy to use? If this is all you do all day, surely you can spread it out over the day and do like ten an hour if you're that stressed over it. That's only four hours of work. I think I understand why she dropped out of high school now.
No. 797692
>>797689She's mentioned roping henry in to helping with orders on his days off too. Ridiculous when you consider just how much spare time she has in a week
I don't get how she's applying for benefits when she's making sales and that's proof she can obviously 'work' from home. Is she declaring that income or trying to scam the system?
No. 797698
File: 1555171655542.jpeg (550.46 KB, 859x1373, 0F161CBE-A526-4DB8-A4BB-EF6BA8…)

>>797692I know she’s probably not declaring income from PayPal donations and independent sales that aren’t through her etsy, she asks people to send her money through PayPal “friends and family” instead of the “business” option. Probably so people won’t charge back the money, but also so she can treat them as “gifts” and not have it attached to her income or taxed. I highly doubt she’s declaring her income from her website sales too and/or not paying taxes on it, because if she was she might get less benefits. Also there are regulations to what type of job you
can work while still getting disability, as long as the job and employer fall under those then you can get benefits while working. But I really don’t think a self run Etsy counts lol
No. 797700
File: 1555172078429.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, sketch-1555172033841.png)

>>797689She isn't even using the Cricut for the hearts, she bought yet enough piece of equipment for that
No. 797707
File: 1555175115676.png (454.18 KB, 750x1334, C2CFF60B-1263-4F75-AF4C-EDBC4B…)

She’s so abrupt about things
“I can do a customer badge!”
“Ok, thanks”
“But it will cost you the soul of your first born”
No. 797722
>>797716Reasonable - demanding that anyone holding an event provides free tickets, childcare, taxis and noise cancelling headphones.
Unreasonable - asking Phoebe to change a few colours.
No. 797740
>>797698You can claim PIP regardless of income or hours worked. You can work 40 hour weeks and still claim PIP. It’s got nothing to do with income or work.
She doesn’t claim ESA, which is related to income, but if she did she’d probably lie to them about her income and working hours. She doesn’t even track her hours or file taxes, if she did we’d know about it. Her story would be filled with how hard and difficult it is to be a small business owner and pay taxes.
No. 797743
File: 1555188082850.png (669.59 KB, 750x1334, EC6EBF29-6A30-4F91-AFE7-0AD649…)

Can’t believe she hasn’t called that person a cunt yet…what’s happening to Pheebs
No. 797745
File: 1555188211719.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, E58AE812-48A9-402D-A156-005576…)

Sorry for shitty pic but what a fucking pigsty does that creature live in. Poor Henry having to come home to that after working all day makes me sick
No. 797760
>>797733I used to be a phoebe supporter until I found this thread. I tried to message her about a work from home program a few months ago pays pretty well and isn’t difficult or time consuming at all and she basically responded with “I know I could work from home but I’m too busy with my small business.” I wanted to tell her she’d make significantly more with a real work from home program but didn’t want to get called a cunt lol
Also she told me she already works full time which I guess was just a blatant lie
No. 797761
File: 1555191767341.jpg (669.78 KB, 1080x1699, 20190413_224159.jpg)

There's a fucking toilet roll on the floor.
She's disgusting
No. 797764
File: 1555192214484.png (18.36 KB, 165x165, megan fox who.png)

is this what she thinks she looks like? 1000 keks
No. 797770
>>797769And then blaming disability discrimination when she gets canned for being a lazy bitch.
I feel so bad for Henry coming home to that shit tip. And to the messy flat too. Ba dum dum.
No. 797774
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No. 797775
File: 1555193395844.jpeg (373.52 KB, 1080x1920, 21530175-6B93-47ED-81C1-BCD9AA…)

No. 797776
File: 1555193527914.jpeg (321.96 KB, 1080x1920, 38C2CE9A-8F39-42D6-B2DB-E82A34…)

>>797775Sorry, this story was posted before this one. The “GAAAAAAH!” really seals the deal.
No. 797785
File: 1555195115377.png (8.31 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9503.PNG)

she would never get a real job solely to continue complaining about how hard she works without being paid.
No. 797789
>>797776>>797785More stories to add to her “business” tab. She always has to mention how no one buys her shit, despite the recent numbers proving otherwise (unfortunately). This has to be some form of manipulation because it isn’t healthy to try getting people to pity you on the daily.
Also, Henry usually spends 12 hours a day at work (the time he works + overtime + the time it takes him to get back home). He helps you run your business on his days off. He cleans the house because you don’t do anything, Feebz. Shut up.
No. 797790
File: 1555196353533.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20190413-235819.png)

Wait… what?
No. 797792
File: 1555196992222.png (526.88 KB, 2225x1149, fgjhfhg.png)

Looked through her new items she listed today- so a custom bunting which causes her ~excruciating pain~ to produce only costs $5 more than the other buntings she has for sale? But changing colors and using a button machine justifies marking a $2 button up to $40?
No. 797795
>>797772Not necessarily a supporter, I just followed her on ig and didn't really give her posts a lot of thought I guess.
That's probably the case for most of her followers, they just follow so many body positivity/vegan accounts that it's hard to differentiate between them so they don't notice when she contradicts herself or outright lies. If you don't watch her stories and don't know about her past, she's really just another body posi account who makes questionable art.
No. 797864
File: 1555245342596.jpg (160.2 KB, 750x1334, 56764760_184719435833087_58285…)

Feebz, the queen of accountability.
No. 797866
>>797864wow feebs throwing another mentally ill woman under the bus but we’re supposed to ignore your personal history of blatant bigotry & racism?
>accountability matters!!>but not when it’s me doing the same stuff!!! like. clockwork.
No. 797872
File: 1555248992358.png (810.27 KB, 750x1334, 0BF80FB7-8308-497E-A954-A7EA11…)

An insult to actual illustrators
No. 797893
File: 1555261612568.png (3.17 MB, 750x1334, D704A34B-6EA7-43CF-8323-607E40…)

Talk about a shrek looking YIKES
No. 797898
File: 1555263228001.jpg (652.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190414-183150_Ins…)

No. 797903
Went thru and checked Phoebe's work schedule for the past week:
>>795620Sunday, claims she never gets the day off. Whines all night about a neighbor being loud.
>>795883Monday, says she won't work and then starts to work. No clue on what.
>>796105Tuesday, went out with family and took a bath. Made a test bunting.
>>796508Wednesday, tried to clean her flat and ended up laying in bed. Later claims she can't go to the post office to mail packages.
>>797028Thursday, claims to have a big to-do list for this day but also goes to a doctor's appointment and watches TV. Gets high at one point. Signs of actual work here
>>797055>>797438Friday, buntings are destroying her life despite her holding up just a handful or so. Still hasn't sent out orders.
>>797670Saturday, has to list new items. Her back ends up hurting due to it. Claims to have been working for 12 hours straight
>>797785>>797898Sunday, today. Not working again until Tuesday apparently.
Buntings really did destroy her life. Who knew stuff you make for preschoolers can make you unable to work for two days. Also, did she ever send out the orders?
No. 797916
File: 1555266561466.png (227.74 KB, 1242x1869, IMG_9538.PNG)

The neck on this one.
No. 797918
File: 1555266684535.jpeg (182.59 KB, 750x1334, 0562CE55-C0CD-486E-8DC1-0C21AE…)

You are in a hetero relationship and your own mom said you’d never lick a cunt.
No. 797919
File: 1555266741669.jpeg (334.64 KB, 1080x1920, C993D171-0FDD-41D3-BAB8-D6256E…)

Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch. Everyone is a problem but her!
No. 797925
>>797919Why does she care about American events KEK
Most of the money from tickets is going to the artists and staff hired
No. 797927
File: 1555268348661.png (3.1 MB, 1242x2208, 597E7112-5BA9-4A09-AFF6-DB49CD…)

Reminder to not tell people you’re taking commissions unless you’re prepared to ship their items on time. Or not to run a business at all if you’re going to bitch about people not buying your shit or bitch about actually having to work when someone finally pities you enough to buy your “art.”
No. 797929
File: 1555268570028.png (1.82 MB, 1242x2208, F3A07ADD-3515-4CC5-B9F1-5E4CC7…)

Poor Henry. Meanwhile she’s uploading constant selfie videos of herself listening to music and literally slapping her double chin to the beat of songs.
No. 797931
File: 1555268793754.jpg (626.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190414-200529_Ins…)

Doing housework when he's home so he can do it too.
So he gets to work full time and do housework whilst she's a lazy bitch.
No. 797933
File: 1555268875041.jpg (555.54 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190414-200431_Ins…)

Look at his dead eyes.
That's the face of someone beaten down.
No. 797935
>>797933He probably has to sit on the floor cause her fat takes up the whole sofa
No. 797939
>>797934I know we're not supposed to cowtip and this is by no means an exception, but this is honestly depressing
Henry, sweetie, please blink twice if you're being held hostage
No. 797948
File: 1555270535154.png (1.43 MB, 1500x1123, SaveHenry.png)

No. 797949
File: 1555272253632.png (23.12 KB, 525x386, Untitled.png)

while we're here dearest meme anon; the content in your contributions is great but can you please use free form selection when you're pasting the heads onto the images so they aren't square? (assuming you're using ms paint) Everything else about your memes is a+. Sorry if this is condescending. Thank u for your service.
No. 797951
File: 1555273069953.jpg (169.37 KB, 660x371, pheobr.jpg)

No. 797968
File: 1555278189637.jpeg (275.4 KB, 1024x1820, B5DEC65A-8402-4EA5-A79A-27D03D…)

“I’m not fat, I’m thick boned!”
No. 797972
File: 1555278990458.jpg (93.4 KB, 800x450, FatVegCunt.jpg)

No. 797980
>>797975I think out of everything she pretends to care about, she actually does love animals & is affected by their mistreatment. sort of ridiculous that she can't apply that compassion to actual real humans but I digress.
anyways, most of that stuff can be bought vegan at any grocery store if you live in an even somewhat civilized city in the UK. most of it is just straight veg, and vegan sausages and gravy aren't at all uncommon.
No. 797983
File: 1555280957020.jpg (63.13 KB, 494x273, fridaynightdinner.jpg)

No. 797986
>>797983we have a winner!
top keks, anon!
as an actually jewish person she irritates the fuck out of me for claiming to be jewish based on one (temporary!) convert in her family. bitch, it doesn't work that way
No. 797992
>>797949Thanks a lot, anon! I appreciate the constructive feedback!
>>797972I love this, biggest kek. The "pizz" really sells it.
>>797989I was thinking that Henry's the real chef in this instance. We know Feebz can cook and it's probably the only thing she has going for her, but Henry's also vegan. I don't doubt she made him cook tonight and she devoured both his and her own portions. Either that or she actually did make herself useful, but he had to scrub their entire pigsty down because she can't be assed to do anything taxing. And she still ate most of their shared meal.
No. 798000
File: 1555283334623.jpg (268.7 KB, 1080x1920, 57000902_2241116226155747_9134…)

No. 798001
>>797975This plate is mostly vegetables. Plus, most vegans know that vegetarian stuffing is vegan, and most meat products now have vegan substitutes. Being vegan is huge in 2019 now, most supermarkets are hopping on the bandwagon.
Sage for no milk
File: 1555307353739.jpg (623.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190415-064808_Ins…)

No cow-tipping
But I can already tell she'll only answer the assumptions that fit with her asthetic.
And she'll use this to humble brag
No. 798074
File: 1555318756295.jpeg (88.19 KB, 640x1136, 3E3A02BC-B3B2-48BE-8053-0ED5AC…)

This just sums her up. Dramatically CRYING over somthing she has Activley CHOSEN to wear - and crying over somthing out of context. Why would you wear somthing that makes you upset? What logic is this? Narcissist logic.
No. 798089
File: 1555336268991.png (5.58 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9546.PNG)

felt like yesterday's video of Henry doing housework while she jiggled on the couch deserved another angle.
No. 798095
File: 1555340284184.jpg (926.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190415-155738_Ins…)

More unnecessary spending from our poverty queen
No. 798107
File: 1555348740840.jpg (804.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190415-181841_Ins…)

More purchases!!!
But she's so poor
No. 798111
File: 1555350947063.png (3.4 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_9550.PNG)

>New YouTube video where she asked people what assumptions they have of her
>Someone assumes she can't afford to get married
She says she's found a cheap venue (community center) and doesn't think they're wedding will be more than £600 because they're only paying for the venue, marriage license and catering. Saving costs by "wearing they're own clothes"
Believes the wedding will happen sometime end of next year or 2021.
But "they can definitely afford it"
No. 798113
File: 1555351736299.jpg (742.61 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190415-190801_Ins…)

>>798107we are looking at €28.50 here plus shipping lads. spending a weekly shop on some fucking pins jfc
No. 798114
>>798095Custom print by hotcuppacoco - £12.50
‘Man Eater’ print by beeillustrates - £15 + p&p
‘Get thee to a nunnery’ print by spunk.rock - £10.50
‘Pinks and Purples’ print by spunk.rock - £8
‘Water Me’ print by ggggrimes- $6.50
‘Valentines Day Double Sided Print’ by ggggrimes - $7 or may have been bought at $4 in bargain clearance sale.
‘Queer Magic’ handsigned print by hellomynameiswednesday - £15 + p&p
Plus two more that were not immediately identifiable.
Again well over £50 spent on utter trash whilst larping poverty and claiming to not be able to afford food! Imagine accepting money from people under the pretence of buying food when in reality you’re buying this kind of nonsense almost daily.
Alternatively these were gifted by the ‘artists’ and it just confirms how constantly spoiled Phoebe is (as well as hypocritical when demanding £40 to change the colour of a cat drawing - something which would literally take minutes of the privilege of PLAYING with one of Phoebe’s iPads to achieve!).
No. 798121
File: 1555354119875.jpg (593.29 KB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20190415-194818_Ins…)

Henry is a lucky, lucky guy
No. 798150
File: 1555365173788.png (888.11 KB, 750x1334, D98BF70D-A10D-46C0-8CBA-78DED5…)

Just can’t let people mourn notre dame for 5 minutes can you phoebe
No. 798199
>>798150This is such a weird form of whataboutism. The same people who are upset that an 850 year old cultural building is burning for something as mundane as an electrical accident ALL 100% ignored other churches being burned?
Let people be sad about the loss here pheebs. You can suck woke dick later.
No. 798233
File: 1555395514138.jpg (329.49 KB, 1080x1920, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5724713…)

ok onision 2.0
No. 798264
>>798111With the way she spends she won't be able to afford the wedding. To put it simply, with all the money she wasted this month she could have just had the wedding. 200£ to the paper cutter, I'm guessing around 200£ of Etsy shit, 200£ on clothes, 100£ on takeout, wasted 300£ on expensive fancy and processed foods ("curry" sauces, jackfruit, buying vegan brand potato chips when they're already vegan, overconsumption leading to buying too much food, etc), and probably a lot more we don't see considering not that long ago she complained she couldn't go to a concert. And to be honest I'm hoping she delays it long enough for Henry to be able to get away. Autistic people have such higher chances of being in and staying in
abusive relationships because they're more easily duped and controlled. Not to mention they do need a bit of extra care simply due to their differences like a partner who doesn't randomly scream at their neighbours (especially the wrong ones), a partner who isn't too sarcastic if they have difficulty understanding it, a partner who is loving and honest (goes without saying but the honesty part includes White lies here), good routines, help with their issues, etc. Meanwhile Pheebs isn't on the good side of any of these plus larps as an autistic girl herself which poor Henry probably believes and accommodates for despite her likely dragging him to loud and flashing concerts as well as the other non-autistically friendly places. Of course depending on what
triggers him these examples might not matter but I doubt she ever put any thought into any of this beyond figuring out what
triggers she sees in Henry
(and other diagnostic criteria) too emulate herself
No. 798270
>>798150This is like Onision when anyone famous dies and he goes all "Many people die everyday!!!" for hours.
I hope some of her followers are French, and that they roasted her.
No. 798277
>>798111Her dad will probably pay for it in the hopes she'll be out of his hair once she's married off
Buying a wedding dress now is optimistic, the way she eats she'll definitely have put weight on by next year
No. 798289
File: 1555433701852.jpg (783.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190416-175311_Ins…)

She's so sure that her dislikes are from people waiting.
Maybe your videos aren't very good and people just dislike them???
No. 798299
File: 1555436676020.jpg (449.38 KB, 1080x1920, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5665307…)

The content warning has no purpose here, when the first thing you see is a big bowl of food.
Just proves that she's putting on this act of giving a shit about eating disorders, or she's plain stupid, but most likely both.
No. 798300
File: 1555437023286.jpg (507.83 KB, 1024x1820, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5582368…)

Phoebe, so poor that she could only go as far away as France on a foreign holiday!
No. 798312
>>798306Didn't they get engaged on this trip?
That's likely the day she decided to just let herself go completely, prob the day she decided she has terrible pain from attempting sex too
No. 798317
File: 1555442529579.jpg (699.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190416-201822_Ins…)

Her cleavage is so weird
No. 798318
File: 1555442609755.jpg (552.8 KB, 1080x1682, Screenshot_20190416-201921_Ins…)

As we know, she's lying about having a degree in nutrition. She had that certificate in began nutrition from a sketchy place.
No. 798326
>>798300to be fair, going to paris from britain is not that expensive.
was this posted before or after guilting people for feeling sad about it burning? either way, what a turnabout face.
No. 798330
>>798318Her nutrition credentials aren't exactly 'sketchy' as much as they are just absolutely entry-level, like a basic health and safety course. is what she got, it's available at "61% off" on job sites, meaning that it's the kind of course that people take to keep the job centre off their backs while claiming benefits and avoiding actually getting a job.
No. 798340
File: 1555446185906.png (187.91 KB, 1242x1835, IMG_9571.PNG)

Posted 3 hours ago and it's already a flop.
No. 798362
File: 1555459245428.jpeg (134.95 KB, 701x1241, 2906EA74-91C5-441D-AB13-B99EE0…)

tinfoil bit how long do you guys think it’ll be before feebs spergs abt this post by jameela and says it’s not good enough and she’s privileged and the like
No. 798417
File: 1555483913142.jpg (742.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190417-074949_Ins…)

She is another poor person!
No. 798436
File: 1555497875887.jpg (294.43 KB, 1080x1920, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5741531…)

How bad will these be (if she gets them done) compared to her current messes?
No. 798440
File: 1555502034722.png (2 MB, 750x1334, 49F1E294-008C-4FAD-BE5F-F64C8A…)

oh my god this looks like something a 5 year old could make at preschool. why would anyone buy this? I’d love to know how it was so incredibly difficult for poor feebs to make
No. 798458
>>798440Really producing some high quality work there pheebs
A slight nudge and they're ruined
No. 798481
File: 1555516064356.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 85B5EC9F-715E-4C27-A88D-B0A95E…)

She has to wear her engagement ring on her knuckle! That thing is fused to her hand at this point
No. 798482
File: 1555516720312.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 0B0F68F8-DB51-4F58-80CC-517759…)

Surely at this stage she could just roll down the hill to the beach
No. 798517
File: 1555524976541.jpg (451.85 KB, 4000x3000, collage.jpg)

I can't comprehend how utterly stupid Phoebe is − so Jameela benefits from diet culture, the same Jameela who didn't eat a meal for three years when she suffered from an eating disorder?!
Even a child has more sense than this pig.
No. 798529
File: 1555527648187.png (8.36 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9586.PNG)

Has she ever even thought to google "how to run a small business" this ain't it pheebs
No. 798559
File: 1555533749676.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190417-214053_Ins…)

she contributes fuckall to their finances it seems
No. 798561
File: 1555533843171.jpg (611.61 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190417-214118_Ins…)

>>798559also another commission "giveaway" in the works. like c'mon even 15£ is bit much for her shit, I'd be surprised it takes her more than an hour to produce each of her "masterpieces"
No. 798570
File: 1555536645498.jpg (885 KB, 810x3504, Screenshot_20190417-222532_Ins…)

How dare we all comment on her body!!! It's none of our business!
I thought she loved her fat body and so couldn't be effected by our words….
No. 798571
File: 1555536791593.jpg (778.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190417-222636_Ins…)

Wow she's coming after thin disabled people now
"You're only valid if you're a fat, trans, Jewish, disabled, poor, non-binary person, otherwise you are privileged and a cunt"
No. 798572
File: 1555536913652.jpeg (607.17 KB, 640x1136, AC259E11-F0C8-424F-A04B-E44C13…)

piggy trotter
No. 798574
>>798572"I only made £2 in my shop!!! Eeeee!!!!
Oh but look at this nail polish I just brought"
No. 798649
File: 1555565270966.jpg (18.03 KB, 328x400, 16057a2cf485b8346e063b004565a1…)

>>798571Guess that if Phoebe ever loses weight (unlikely) that nobody should feel sorry for her being a wheelchair using disabled lgbt jewish person living in poverty because thin!
Of course we all know that she would complain even if that did hapoen.
No. 798652
File: 1555568068259.jpg (407.6 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20190418-071123_Ins…)

Attacking people who question her again
No. 798659
>>798650Sales on Etsy
10/4/19 1069
12/4/19 1081
13/4/19 1095
14/4/19 1112
15/4/19 1136
16/4/19 1136
17/4/19 1146
Total sales for a week is 77
If it was just one badge each at £2 + £1.10 postage
Total taken £238.70
In a year she would turnover £12412.00 if all sales were just a badge.
Plus she gets benefits and Henry earns good money.
No. 798671
File: 1555584966882.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, 52D9DAFA-5AB9-425F-A370-4580F0…)

She complains when her posts get a low engagement rate.. she complains when her work gets shared lots…
No. 798674
>>798649Fat activists like Feebs think it's impossible and unhealthy to lose weight in a meaningful way. They eat "intuitively" which means giving into every passing desire and craving, and can't comprehend that no one else is gorging ourselves into oblivion every day, or think that we're suffering from eating disorders.
>>798652I can't believe she thinks she's coming off well here, like to the point that she's showing off. What a crybully.
No. 798677
File: 1555588964161.jpg (1.22 MB, 1123x708, Untitled.jpg)

She's such a tone deaf hypocritical cunt
No. 798681
>>798677>fuck thin ppl!and the penny drops.
wish this white whale knew that outside of extremely first world areas, ppl who are thin are usually the poorest of the poor.
No. 798695
File: 1555594416649.png (1.33 MB, 1334x750, 4CC59EC5-BA20-4B3D-AF0C-6C2EEB…)

the only content warning i actually appreciate
No. 798707
>>798571she's by far the most stupid, worst cow here, ever..
what a trash human being, being thin doesn't mean your life is perfect, many people actually struggle to gain weight
cancer patients lose weight against their will, that's privilege?
She infuriates me,she's the worst kind of person
No. 798709
File: 1555599007498.png (425.16 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190418_154535.png)

wow phoebe you are handling this so maturely, so proud of you, obese queen
No. 798718
File: 1555603604873.jpg (606.82 KB, 2048x2048, 9310D6AA-2EEB-41AB-B1F2-D6D43D…)

posted these within 24 hours of each other. everyone but pheebs should be open to criticism and anyone who criticizes pheebs is a cunt.
No. 798724
>>798718Why does she keep doing that "what about me" thing when she makes everything about herself and her "marginalized statuses".
Kek. Perfect example of extreme sjw in the second pic. Trans people and their supporters get to tell women to eat dicks when they want to talk about themselves.
No. 798730
File: 1555607492621.png (460.68 KB, 1080x1080, sketch-1555607397086.png)

I've noticed in a couple of screenshots lately that she's been wasting yet more money on promoting her posts.
No. 798734
>>798571i know she reads here so i hope she gets mad when she sees it as it is:
Phoebe is claiming she'a more valuable from and must come before, say, a person who's missing two legs or who has cerebral palsy or ALS or hearing/visual impairment who's a regular weight because she stuffed her face with obscene amounts of food OF HER OWN VOLITION.
Phoebe is purporting that her "uuugghhh i can move but i dun wanna cuz it rlly hurts" should be prioritized over someone who is genuinely permanently unable to do MORE things than her. Someone who is in that situation out of sheer shit luck is less important than some privileged snotty white first world girl who gave herself a temporary impairment by being an overspending, wasteful, spoiled little jerk, because the actually permanently disabled person despite all odds manages to be an average weight? vile.
No. 798745
File: 1555610863938.png (874.03 KB, 750x1334, 731F78BE-2D54-4A76-A762-2F58AB…)

“exposure doesn’t pay my bills” uh, no, Henry pays your bills
No. 798759
File: 1555613812760.png (624.66 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190418_195536.png)

>>798741Posting videos of her own eczema certainly isn't helping her business.
No. 798761
File: 1555614016975.png (2.28 MB, 750x1334, EB2DDCAC-A15B-471C-AC8C-4BDF2B…)

So now she has eczema too. Poor little baby so many probLUHMS
No. 798762
File: 1555614166621.jpg (31.46 KB, 564x344, fatcuntsyndrome.jpg)

Jesus fuck, this bitch reminds me so much of Eric Cartman; from the entitlement, the narcissism, the manipulative bullshit, the complete lack of self awareness down to the bleeding arsehole…
No. 798774
>>798770>>798764Yeah either sweating, wearing something too tight, or tbh looks like she got a bit of a sunburn. Wasn't she saying she was going to a pool a few days ago?
I've seen eczema irl. It's not a little pink on your skin. It's pretty much actual sores/very bad rash. Basically it causes skin the skin to raise and appear very irritated. Not just mild pink discoloration, Phebs.
No. 798779
>>798774Yep she must diagnose herself with these things after a half-arsed google search cos that is not what eczema looks like
The marks are right where she has a fold of fat under her neck, it's literally just a sweaty fat fold
No. 798789
File: 1555622159899.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, 5717D9E9-479E-431C-9454-9070B1…)

No. 798796
File: 1555624148866.jpeg (582.31 KB, 1125x1987, E8E829BD-1212-44F2-BAB7-BD65A6…)

Wow, she is really fucking dense. More screenshots incoming.
No. 798798
File: 1555624205718.jpeg (550.52 KB, 1125x2118, 784657B6-06E5-495B-8100-771093…)

Boo hoo, poor pig.
No. 798799
File: 1555624365886.jpeg (411.24 KB, 1125x2113, 4C341DEE-C79B-4E9A-92AC-66BCE6…)

Phoebe found another way to be most opressed person ever. How she will make it to sunday without putting up 9000 stories about her severe pains and bleeding asshole?
No. 798806
>>798798She claims she leaving social media until Sunday then makes more stories.
She's so addicted.
No. 798808
File: 1555625885557.jpg (587.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190418-231634_Ins…)

No. 798809
File: 1555625928191.jpg (564.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190418-231653_Ins…)

No. 798810
File: 1555625966292.jpg (586.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190418-231706_Ins…)

No. 798812
>>798809-feeding them a vegan diet
-covering the neck sores with a Bandana rather than treating then properly
-finding it funny when you bring an old cat into the home and the young cat hates her and attacks her
-hugging your cat naked (ewwww)
-letting the old cat turn into a festering mess with an infected eye.
-not allowing Polly freedom to go outside.
-being too "poor" to pay for vet bills.
Yeah I'd call that Animal abuse
No. 798815
>>798807this is what happens when you become extremely active online. you post a bunch of personal shit hoping for popularity because they want to be seen as being so "open". pheebs is guilty of trying to be the most oppressed person on the internet.
i applaud non-cows who can get popular because of their entertainment.
No. 798831
File: 1555629816677.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, CF76D216-5A43-42D4-909A-6231E5…)

>>798759She looks sunburned from laying in the sun
No. 798872
File: 1555646825970.png (658.17 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190419_050649.png)

sounds pretty bad for business, Phoebe, blocking a bunch of potential customers who haven't done anything
No. 798887
>>798796>I'm done being politeI don't think I've ever seen an example of this bitch being polite. Ever. Not a single time.
I can't even imagine how exhausting being this hostile and negative 24/7 would be, especially on the people around her.
No. 798905
File: 1555671671207.png (1.14 MB, 1125x2436, 85D315A3-F862-4E15-BDD3-7AD87C…)

I’ll post the response to this next.. where Febz says she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia… 6 weeks ago.. wasn’t she “diagnosed” like last week?
No. 798906
File: 1555671728097.png (4.94 MB, 1125x2436, 57ADF131-376F-4A03-BE43-606373…)

No. 798908
>>798905>>798906I thought she was supposed to be leaving the internet?
Must feel super threatened by all these attackers to keep fucking around online.
No. 798912
>>798906She looks like a thumb with a face. And how is self-diagnosis any more or less
valid due to “classicism”? Even if you have no access to healthcare (which she does), you’re still not a doctor and can’t officially diagnose yourself
No. 798926
>>798925It’s a farmer. /fit/ doesn’t use the Jewess joke. I get the farmer is tryna stir the pot but just let feebs do bad on her own, she will provide plenty of milk untouched.
>>798906Self diagnosis is
valid… for Fibro… jesus I’ve really seen everything
No. 798959
>>798958She is talking about fibro. Look at the post directly before it where someone asked if she's been diagnosed with fibro.
Why would a doctor double diagnose her? Hmm…
No. 798977
>>798941My bad, anon.
Wonder if she can make it to Sunday.
No. 798990
>>798808 she says " should have been aborted for my gender"
Where as here
>>798983 just says she should have been aborted in general, nothing to do with her gender.
Why has she gotta lie and make it seem worse
No. 798992
File: 1555704228750.png (349.74 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190419_205942.png)

Post deleted for not following guidelines, yet she reuploads the same content? What an idiot. It's like she wants to be reported
No. 798994
File: 1555704435019.jpg (531.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190419-210042_Ins…)

No. 799001
File: 1555707070552.png (884.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190418-165917.png)

How much are you offering to pay? I'll do it for £40 a day.
No. 799006
File: 1555709009343.png (83.81 KB, 706x484, phoebe.png)

>>799004she was posted on /fit/ before
No. 799011
>>799004She was posted on /fit/
>>799006 but possible they searched her and came here. Might explain the jewess remark.
Anyway, she’ll be back. She’s addicted to being the
victim of everything and the internet is the only place where she’ll get praise/attention for her shit attitude.
No. 799012
File: 1555711228057.png (137.61 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20190419-175837.png)

What I see now.
No. 799013
File: 1555711289212.png (137.61 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20190419-175837.png)

No. 799018
File: 1555712034390.jpeg (57.57 KB, 750x1188, 8C13DDD7-D600-45B5-AF05-CA73F5…)

>>799013Yeah, I’m seeing the same, except “user not found”
Maybe username change? Most likely deleted.
No. 799023
File: 1555713059876.jpg (389.88 KB, 1903x3000, collage (1).jpg)

It looks like her backup account fatvegfemmex is still up at the moment. Nothing new posted, though.
No. 799033
>>798917Ordinarily what she's doing would require her to file as a sole trader, which is not a small business. A small business typically is an Ltd. Having checked her, she is not a director or an officer of one, meaning she has in all likelihood quite a bit of undeclared income. Ordinarily, HMRC leave you with a slap on the wrist if it's not a lot of money. However, in her case, she compounds it by misrepresenting her income to DWP (although I can imagine her being dumb enough to declare income to DWP she hasn't declared to HMRC!). That is fraud, regardless of whether her fakebromyalgia is real or not, and tends to attract the reward of a multi-year ban from benefit applications.
It is infuriating because it's people like her who are the reason for the long, annoying hassle that is the benefits process.
No. 799044
File: 1555721421199.png (795.2 KB, 1905x1242, E322963C-FDAC-4D3B-A47B-4DC631…)

Don’t know if this has been posted before but her is a trove of hypocrisy, misogyny, contradictions, and cringe. And it’s only from 1 year ago.*for non-UK anons
>bintA stupid, bitchy, or undesirable girl. A sexist term for a woman.
No. 799052
File: 1555722280057.jpeg (394.52 KB, 1242x716, C25F86F5-F1E4-4998-B83F-A75FBD…)

Her followers are talking about her old tweets and her account deactivating on her most recent pic on her backup account. Pic related is the latest ones. … are thin people, who are strangers simply existing, “oppressing” fat people?
>asks a polite question on body positivity to a “body positivity activist” about thin woman inclusion
>pheebs posts it to her followers inciting bullying twords the person and insults them
>how do you expect an angered marginalized woman to respond to an oppressor!!!!!?!?!111 politely?!?! PLZ GRL
So you have an excuse to be an asshole to other women who ask questions on what you claim to be an expert on because…. you’re fat? Lol@whut
No. 799058
File: 1555724008925.png (190.17 KB, 1440x2135, Screenshot_20190419-213144~2.p…)

>>799023It doesn't appear to be up anymore.
No. 799069
>>798855extra lolsome as her own dad (who she appears close to) is a police officer himself
the hypocrisy is strong with this one
No. 799111
>>799073>>799044The most recent post is from 2012. These mostly seem to be her friends from high school or something having inside jokes.
Except for the constant "your mom's (genital part)" jokes she makes constantly. That just seems like a weird fixation. Eventually she seems to have dropped the "your mom's" part and just goes straight for calling everyone a cunt.
No. 799112
File: 1555740141258.png (29.51 KB, 738x334, onkia.png)

>>799044She really published her full name on here at age 14… Kids are crazy.
No. 799116
File: 1555743808616.jpg (300.38 KB, 1080x1602, 20190420_080258.jpg)

New account?
No. 799119
File: 1555744470769.jpg (451.81 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20190420-081141_Sam…)

No. 799120
File: 1555744497315.jpg (213.52 KB, 1080x855, Screenshot_20190420-081220_Sam…)

No. 799142
File: 1555757415143.jpg (90.19 KB, 1080x1920, 56281743_819912798383775_31874…)

The fatvegfemme_ handle is active. Just posting some art and quotes. If this is really her, did she and Henry have an argument? Pic related.
No. 799145
File: 1555759053664.jpeg (138.2 KB, 745x1184, BCB2C9BD-337E-4880-8E8B-3A1AA3…)

>>799142 I don’t think this is her, the photo she posted is a screenshot
No. 799146
File: 1555759167147.png (388.22 KB, 750x1334, 53AF6FDE-F677-4D61-9B68-A24DBA…)

There’s no fucking way that fatvegfemme_ is pheobe - self awareness? Apologies? Calls to focus on others and not herself? Yeah, this is not her
No. 799149
File: 1555760009487.png (323.62 KB, 1080x1598, Screenshot_20190420-123210.png)

No. 799151
File: 1555760260619.png (685.21 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20190420-123629.png)

No sales since she left Instagram.
No. 799202
>>799177The moment she uses up all her money on clothing and shitty art and accessories she'll be right back Shayna style to beg for more. Not to mention the moment she realises no one actually gives a damn about her art she'll realise she needs to come back to get her sales again. Girl doesn't actually want to know what being poor is like
On top of that, Phoebe is one of the biggest attention whores on this site. She wants all eyes on her, to be seen as sexy, to be loved or hated, to be the
victim, etc. I give her a week tops. Less if we include the anons in the Facebook groups she's in too
No. 799222
>>799119deleting your own posts isnt being silenced
god she wants to be a
victim so bad
No. 799224
File: 1555792421380.png (131.07 KB, 495x460, Screen Shot 2019-04-20 at 21.3…)

She's opened another Etsy shop.
No. 799228
>>799225a really lazy one for her really lazy "art"
honestly the header looks like the posters 12 year olds design to advertise a bake sale
No. 799234
File: 1555796094679.png (762.91 KB, 2554x1264, Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-20 um 2…)

Can someone explain how the Furry Flag belongs to LGBT?
No. 799237
>>799234She's just trying to sell her terrible shit to as many people as possible.
I have no idea what that green or blue one is though.
No. 799406
File: 1555893673359.jpg (473.96 KB, 1080x1555, IMG_20190421_213718.jpg)

Saging because I don't know if this was mentioned before but Phoebe has sized out of a size 22 and can't wear her fat overalls anymore. Her Depop doesn't have much but it was interesting to see. Funny how she's past the size Tess Holiday pretends she is No. 799429
>>799406It looks like she has these wadded up on the floor just before taking this picture.
>>799424I feel like if she was working on anything, we would’ve heard her complain about how it’s destroying her already
No. 799506
>>799406>Sadly doesn't fit me anymore. Then maybe try losing weight??
How hypocritical can you even get, wanting pity points for being ~so poor~ but then keep buying tons of food & overeating until you outgrow your clothes so you have to buy new ones lmao.
No. 799540
File: 1555968874054.jpg (384.3 KB, 2048x2048, 71B505F7-3358-4B82-A10B-CDCB3C…)

surprised this isn't asking for donations
No. 799579
File: 1555978380314.png (59.52 KB, 295x377, fatvegf.png)

searched phoebe's username on tumblr to see if anyone has ever called her out and this is the only post about her kek. she probably hadn't even shipped it yet by the time they posted this
No. 799587
File: 1555979523245.png (3.24 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_9810.PNG)

at least she left up the "assumptions about me" video. someone assumed that she daydreams a lot. she responded by saying
> "I don't think so, no, I don't have time to, constantly too stressed"
bc never leaving your flat and screeching on the internet takes up so much time and energy.
No. 799659
File: 1556017746240.png (19.9 KB, 585x276, pheebs.png)

>>799588NTA but March 23rd.
No. 799712
>>799554You're totally right, anon. And honestly, I don't have trouble believing Phoebe's been diagnosed with IBS; her terrible diet, inactivity, frequent drinking (in people with genuine IBS even moderate drinking sets it off) would plausibly produce enough symptoms of the illness to warrant a diagnosis.I'm not sure what is used to make vegan substitute food, but large amounts of fatty/oily food at once can be a
trigger, and Im interested to know what goes into making vegan pizza. It's frustrating, though, watching her complain about stomach cramps when she's doing absolutely nothing to help herself, and it cheapens the diagnosis as it exists in the public consciousness so people with genuine unidentifiable stomach intolerances and digestive problems are classed in the same group as chronic complainers like Phoebe.
No. 799719
>>799429She definitely has scrunched them up on the floor, gross ass bitch. It's not like she does anything else during the day, and yet her house is such a mess. People storing their clothes on the floor
triggers the hell out of me
No. 799751
>>799726Just imagine the stares she must get in public. She can call people cunts online but I'm sure she's not so assertive offline. She literally waits til she gets home to use Insta to complain about horrible trips to the shops and events without enough disability perks
She knows she's the freak out in public, online is safer.
No. 800014
>>799996 I honestly think it's the benefit fraud cowtipping that's done it. She's realised everything she posts can be viewed by the DWP so she's worked out that she is literally handing them the evidence they need to show she doesn't deserve PIP or ESA.
A big one would be the ever changing list of disabilities she gives herself and the way some of them vanish or change into something else. She paints herself as a fraud. Another would be how she can apparently run a small business or she can consistently use social media every second of the day. They can use that to decide she could consistently work with computers or somewhere she can sit down. Plus all her blathering on about sjw issues shows she is mentally capable. The porn could probably be used on some level too. Her levels of aggression don't exactly fit the "poor me poor me I'm so weak and feeble" narrative she'll be trying in her assessments. They'll be able to compare the Phoebe that turned up on the day for her assessment to the Phoebe she shares on social media.
Sorry for big post but it just boggles me that people applying for benefits/doing benefit fraud don't think about social media sometimes. That's how they catch a lot of the people claiming single parent when they are actually married!
Saged for rambling.
No. 800022
File: 1556135416253.jpeg (92.62 KB, 640x588, B7EF0CFA-1A4B-429A-B2E2-097228…)

She claims she deactivated
No. 800060
>>800052I'd be pretty disappointed in Instagram if those posts were actually reported and they didn't do anything. A retard going on a 'go eat shit and die' rant at other users shouldn't be welcome on the site
And funny how her friends are calling the workers at Insta 'monsters'. Did they not see her going nuts in the hours before the account went down?
No. 800067
File: 1556147842472.jpg (405.22 KB, 768x1280, 2019_04_25_00.08.09.jpg)

I thought I recognised the name on Facebook, she popped up in a group I'm in and apparently she's going to Glasgow? Apparently has booked it on the spur of the moment and wants recommendations for lgbt bars and clubs? I mean its 1) pretty far away so transport is gonna be hella expensive, 2) how she gonna navigate a club in a wheelchair and the 100+ other problems she has
No. 800086
>>800070But she's so poor. As we all know, poor people can book last minute vacations where they go to bars/clubs and eat at vegan restaurants
I hope she gets her social media back by then, I'd love to see her accidentally flaunt her wealth, ask for money to pay for her luxuries, show off how not disabled she is, and hopefully shit on the actual LGBT community in person then cry about it online. Oh and show off how not autistic she is too. Hopefully she doesn't drag Henry out to many loud clubs with flashing lights if he's sensitive to that sort of thing
That'd be some good milk
No. 800115
>>800113another snowflake on this board, skye purdon
No. 800121
File: 1556159062261.png (690.29 KB, 1151x695, Screen Shot 2019-04-25 at 03.2…)

Saged coz it's not new, but I'm going through public FB posts from this year. The placement of the slogan on this T shirt is just horrific. I am shocked she gets buyers, probably coasting on her baffling popularity alone.
No. 800293
File: 1556212583364.png (310.47 KB, 750x1334, CC5E6C3E-BE26-495B-AEA3-93C872…)

No. 800297
>>800293Phoebe: “People don’t know how much being mean online can affect someone!!”
Also Phoebe: tells people to die, verbally abuses everyone who doesn’t worship her (and even people who do)
No. 800304
Can someone more familiar with this tell me HOW she knows she’s been reported for benefit fraud? Apart from the cowtipper who told her, obvs.
Gotta say if she was more educated about her ~FibRo~ she’d know IBS symptoms are pretty common with that. But ya know…
No. 800308
>>800293"People don't realise how online abuse can affect someone"
So… You gonna stop bullying a brown woman who has a history of abusing her body now? Jameela probably gets tons of racist and misogynistic bitches like you messaging her. Can't be healthy for her
Oh also, you gonna own up for being a racist and misogynist? If you're going to pretend you're not one now, at least own up to how recent your tweets were because that's the main second thing people hate about you. Oh and the attempted rape, can't forget about that can we?
I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to feel bad for her. Not only is she just the stereotypical bully with thin skin, she lies so much about herself that I doubt she actually attempted suicide. She probably at most had a freak out that her lies weren't working and people could see right through her so her narrative wasn't working anymore. The fact that she bothered mentioning how large her Instagram following is makes me feel her main source of anger is likely her losing followers and people seeing who she really is. She threw a temper tantrum and maybe threatened to kill herself to Henry for the attention or because he tried to bring up any
valid criticism. An autistic man shouldn't be in such a volitile situation, even if we pretend she does love him, this situation will be the death of him. @Henry, your family loves you, please get out
No. 800331
File: 1556216642045.jpg (95.7 KB, 974x332, Screenshot_20190425-192310_Sam…)

Coz she has no friends
No. 800436
File: 1556247704095.png (450.06 KB, 750x1334, F760DEEF-25B8-47A4-AC30-02F291…)

Well, she’s pondering coming back
No. 800437
File: 1556247767834.png (386.03 KB, 750x1334, 56CE4BDB-DDD7-48CC-BFF3-AD5CAE…)

Wonder why? Since you’re such a nice normal girl
No. 800455
>>799968>>800070Phoebe is so funny to me because she's not even good at pretending to be the "marginalized identities" of being jewish and poor. She usually posts pictures of gluttonous portions of food with inanely descriptive captions but she didn't mention a thing about passover seder. Two weeks ago she was too poor to afford takeout but suddenly she can afford a spontaneous barhopping getaway.
Can't wait for the milky updates in Glasgow
No. 800489
File: 1556278652239.png (20.04 KB, 516x167, ibsqueen.png)

Facebook anon here, now that I've noticed we're in the same groups she's constantly popping up for me in comments. Today there was a post about how "healthy vegans eat 10 portions of fruit and veg a day" and this is what she comments.
I'm not gonna get into whether OP was right or not but I found her reply irritating cos she wouldn't have digestive issues if she actually cared about what she consumed. Also she can't afford fruit/veg but can afford expensive milk replacements? Vegan friendly cookies? A 1kg bag of frozen veg is like £1, a carton Oatly is at least £1.50/2. Do the maths Pheebs.
We all know she can afford to eat well (otherwise she wouldn't spend so much on useless etsy shit and expensive journeys to the other side of the country), she just doesn't want to and prefers to be fat for oppression points.
No. 800514
>>800490Not enough resources/beds tbh.
I, for one, am glad she’s not clogging up an already broken, underfunded mental health system. Imagine being inpatient with this beast…not that she’d last 2 minutes anyway, they tend to discharge
abusive or ~
problematic~ patients ASAP unless they’re truly psychotic/manic/whatever
No. 800537
File: 1556298698267.jpg (135.52 KB, 960x960, IMG_9860.JPG)

this image makes way more sense now. it used to look like a regular fattie in a tiny clown car but now we know it's a non-binary hulk in a regular sized wheelchair.
No. 800541
>>800531Probably causing her to screech nonstop about starving and how they
trigger her ED relapse.
No. 800548
File: 1556300788117.jpg (38.95 KB, 537x399, CQSILQBUYAAFSH0.jpg)

>>800293These crybullies are so sensitive, come on, you dumb lard slapper, have a sense of humour. "One message said they hoped I choked to death on food whilst driving and died" this shit is hilarious. How can you take this kind of "hate" seriously? Oh, yes, they're bursting her narcissistic bubble. Get this, you twat, you chose to put yourself out there, and you constantly choose to be a vile person with a disgusting attitude, and now you're shocked when people hate you? Get fucked right in your bloody asshole, Phoebe.
Also, is anyone buying her manipulative suicidal threats? Kek. She's mad
triggered someone reported her fraudulent ass. I mean, I'm a bit sad because she's the milkiest cow we've had in ages, but this is quality content.
>>800489This dumbass eats the equivalent of ten portions a day in her mammoth sized meals anyway, the fuck is she sperging about? The amount of money she spends on insane amounts of junk in order to keep looking like a hamplanet at her size/height must be insane. A diet of fruit and veg plus normal portions would probably cost her fat ass a lot less, but she's too much of a fat retard to accept that.
No. 800568
File: 1556302860139.jpg (121.84 KB, 1003x746, Capture.JPG)

>>800567I put her stats into a TDEE calculator (guessed at age, she might be 21) and with a CONSERVATIVE guess at her weight being 300lbs - I'd estimate she's actually closer to 350 from looking at her to be honest - she's eating a fucking giant amount of calories every day even being sedentary.
In order to gain weight at the rate she has in the past year, she's eating 3000-5000 calories a day. It's fucking disgusting and an insult to people living in real poverty that she claims to be poor while eating this amount.
No. 800578
>>800568Her ideal weight is around 150 for being 5'11
And her caloric count per day is still under 2000 calories with her lifestyle. Makes her "I once ate 1800 calories per day!!!" Even more laughable because even at her height 1800 calories would get her within a healthy BMI. If she moved around maybe she'd need a little more (not that much though) but her ass is planted on her bed, the couch, or her fake necessary wheelchair.
This fatty is twice the weight she needs while wolfing down food as if she really were a starving and poor child seeing food for the first time. I wonder how much money she does make though. She can afford to turn herself super fat, buy fancy jackfruit often for vegan pulled pork (and probably other expensive vegan options), buys huel, buys plant milks, fancy chips, random art, overpriced sweatshop clothing, a wheelchair, art supplies, a MacBook, iPad, tv and likely some subscription service, instagram promotions she threw away because she got noticed, concert tickets, a last minute trip, bars and clubs, etc. Not only does she buy expensive, she always buys in excess. And that doesn't go into the stuff Henry buys like fancy old cars and wherever he stores them (you don't have to be super rich if you're smart to collect old cars but a poor person can't do it).
The fatty cunt ain't poor, running out of money at the end of the month doesn't necessarily mean you're poor, it means you're living above your means. If living above your means involves simply living, then you're super poor. But buying any tacky thing you find online isn't a part of "living", buying one or two is fine but Pheebs doesn't understand limits or moderation. She's just a brat who wants everything she thinks looks nice
No. 800667
>>800540her wheelchair is electric (you can see the joystick) but she begged her followers for money for it
Henry does have to lug it up and down three flights of stairs for her though, when she wants to use it as a prop.
No. 800798
File: 1556400884102.jpg (46.85 KB, 731x529, tickner.jpg)

>>800785she is a literal parasite
No. 800973
>>800537How can one have height at their advantage and be able to eat way more calories than average people and still be THIS huge? If she was a shortie she’d have been 600+ pounds by now.
What a shame farmers went and cow tipped her so hard her milk ran dry. She was shaping up to be a good new cow; hope she’ll reactivate again soon.
No. 801003
>>800973I want to see the relationship end, that would give us some of the best milk
Now that she's like 'oh Henry you walked in on me about to commit suicide' … he's maybe getting sick of her dramatic shit? One can hope lol
No. 801172
>>800666she never claimed to be practicing but she refers to herself as a jew/“this jew”, which is stupid bc the only jewish heritage she has is a (great?) grandmother who converted for her husband (and I’m p sure converted back after he died?)
she fully wants the freedom to exploit her “jew” status for oppression points since that’s literally all she ever does
No. 801295
File: 1556586983408.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1600, Screenshot_20190430-021040.png)

Clock the Rising Sun flag badge. I guess the Nanjing Massacre is right up pro-genocide, attempted rapist Feebs' street.
No. 801373
File: 1556631990171.png (251.6 KB, 1242x1634, IMG_9950.PNG)

she's back on Instagram. this break had to have been Henry's last stand. god I hope she comes back.
No. 801476
File: 1556668091886.jpeg (58.18 KB, 750x552, 1554325928869.jpeg)

No. 801481
File: 1556669600396.png (345.21 KB, 1242x2040, IMG_9961.PNG)

It appears the new insta is gone already, but the etsy is still up. 41 new items and 0 sales. Killin it pheebs! Please come back, this is actually a fan page if you think about it (save some cow tipping assholes)
No. 801553
>>801310It's not, but in practice, most large companies do not prosecute trademark abuse outside three well-defined cases: passing off (pretending to be that company), misleading claims (pretending that that company somehow ratified your product – this happens often when companies selling after-market products put the original manufacturer's logo on their website to act more 'authentic') and intentional infringement where it causes relatively significant gain (e.g. if Phoebe made an absolute killing from the logo). The reason for that is that none of these claims are trivial. For instance, if you hold the Goatsecks trade mark for a brand of goat's cheese, I can call my brand of children's toy elephants Goatsecks, because they're so different, no reasonable user would confuse them. Same goes for visual appearance, etc. – nobody would assume a shitty homemade pin with the BMW logo is the product of BMW, or pretending to lay claims to being of the quality customers are used to from BMW (the essence of passing off).
No. 801635
File: 1556734125744.png (235.39 KB, 1240x1435, IMG_9971.PNG)

the new Instagram is back. also her patreon (which guarantees weekly essays) hasn't posted in a month and continues to take money from 21 people.
No. 801751
File: 1556786843775.png (604.89 KB, 720x1172, Screenshot_20190502-014406~2.p…)

backstreets back alright
No. 801752
File: 1556786992243.png (Spoiler Image,838.99 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_20190502-014813~2.p…)

this one was posted right before the last screenshot im apparently too tired/retarded to post things in order
No. 801753
>>801751Oh Phoebe, if you're going to threaten suicide then at least do it in a convincing way. No-one believes your dramatic lard arse. For a start, if you were truly so low that you were intending to cut your throat, you'd have done it. No question. You'd also need more than your average kitchen knife to successfully cut through the muscle. Bonus point: you've got a lot of fat on your neck too, so good luck getting through that.
I feel sorry for Henry. I really do. But no-one here believes you. If Henry's family member is still here, I would seriously flag this sort of behaviour up to him. Because if someone is serious about cutting their own throat, they should be sectioned - not bitching about it on Instagram.
No. 801764
>>801751Oh, Phoebe.
1. No way could Henry physically stop you doing anything if you wanted to. You are a giant. He is human size.
2. Poor poor Henry. Imagine being told you are the only thing stopping someone from killing themselves. I would bet anything that he's heard the old "if you break up with me, I'll kill myself" blackmail too.
No wonder his family worry.
No. 801766
File: 1556797093594.png (85.63 KB, 722x600, feebs.png)

>>801751>>801753>>801764How it probably went down
No. 801770
>>801751Ah yes, the easy and popular suicide method of cutting your throat… lol
Most people overdose
No. 801830
>>801751This is the most over dramatic shit one can post as a comeback. She's really just going to pretend she didn't also say rude, uncalled for things to anyone who even nicely challenges her, huh? She's only back to keep making money and for clout, art community my ass.
>>801766Biggest kek anon. If it isn't too much to ask for, can you please add a pin to her shirt? Maybe a pin that says "nb uwu", if you can please. We can make it next thread pic.
No. 801831
File: 1556821623806.jpg (128.67 KB, 750x1334, 58113813_1067080680147910_5218…)

You told the girl you assaulted (who said she felt like you really were out to rape her) to shut up because her speaking up hurt your feelings.
No. 801917
>>801831when she says "we're" she's implying "women" right? way to misgender yourself phoebs
also let the record show that historically, she is the one doing the assaulting
No. 801956
>>801831'We' .. Is she claiming to be a rape
victim now?
Using the rape of an underage girl to somehow join in with another
victim group. Nothing is too low for feebs
No. 801959
File: 1556885356693.png (201.84 KB, 720x1184, clip_now_20190503_130730.png)

Phoebe still playing up the fake jewish angle
No. 801965
File: 1556892670093.png (372.46 KB, 823x686, Opera Snapshot_2019-05-03_1509…)

just admit you're miserable with her and leave her ass
No. 801966
>>801965"Looked miserable but haven't killed myself yet"
This girl reminds me of a Dependa. If she lived in the US she'd be a right leaning army wife who complains about how hard is it to be in the military lifestyle, and would have popped out her second child by now for those sweet benefits.
No. 801983
File: 1556901757616.jpg (227.92 KB, 1024x1820, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5840897…)

Looks like she heard what people were saying about her trip to Scotland and just had to emphasize how cheap the airbnb is
No. 802003
File: 1556908049955.jpeg (460.7 KB, 750x1089, CBC039C7-B490-44DC-A79B-5AC8A7…)

Feebs poor lettering does not a disabled person make. Stop
No. 802037
>>802021A whole bunch of reasons - people with uncontrolled bite reflex can be injured by metal straws, paper and wheat straws are a choke hazard (and useless in hot drinks), also disabled people without continual care may struggle to keep reusable straws clean.
Saged for straw sperg.
No. 802058
File: 1556923323426.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3006.PNG)

oh yay the neckchin closeups are back
also as if Pheebs knows about "real" sex work from uploading her grimy home movies to pornhub kek
No. 802112
File: 1556951621419.jpg (563.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190504-072954_Ins…)

How the fuck is that going to fit on a badge.
Oh, and a plastic badge….
No. 802131
>>802125Don't you see anon, plastic isn't a problem, the only problem earth faces is poor phoebe's oppreshun. David Attenborough should totally concentrate on that instead of blathering on about saving the planet.
Fatvag really is a fucking prize.
No. 802143
File: 1556974928807.jpg (141.45 KB, 750x1334, 59274034_416791045779339_32661…)

No. 802159
>>802143Karl Marx confirmed racist, for trying to dismantle the Bougie.
Also, "Pop Off/Go Off" has been a thing for years. I've been hearing and saying it since I was a kid here in the UK.
No. 802162
>>802143Can someone enlighten me how basic, salty or extra (which is literally just a shortcut for extravagant) are ethnic-related words in any way?
English is not my first language.
No. 802189
Does that mean anyone other than White British can't use street slang? My rasta mate in SE London spoke in Cockney rhyming slang. I was fine with it because this kind of fuckery didn't exist in the 90s. JFC.
Hope her vegan food isn't made using any Caribbean recipes or ingredients found in the African continent. They must only be for PoC?
Nodding my head and it's almost falling off in agreement with
>>802171Especially when you live in areas that have a diverse cultural mix it's so…normal…to integrate one another's cultures. That must be wrong.
No. 802235
>>802195but anon, it's a saying her family has used for years!
in all seriousness though I hope she gets that tattoo so she can flounder trying to explain to her followers why she has it despite not being jewish
No. 802259
File: 1557007133420.jpg (792.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190504-225804_Ins…)

She only uses her chair when it suits her.
She suddenly won't need it on her holiday. How convenient.
No. 802371
File: 1557058656951.png (70.51 KB, 812x430, Screenshot_20190505-131532.png)

>>802259And yet at this event last year she was so very disabled that she couldn't get up a couple of steps and forced Henry to carry her.
No. 802379
>>802301lbr she is either:
1) not gonna go to a gay bar in the first place
2) get around the gay bar fine and just not tell anyone
or 3) get there and make a massive scene out of it all, calling everyone ableist and transphobic when they tell her to stop
Place your bets
No. 802451
File: 1557081675914.jpeg (189.38 KB, 750x1334, DBFAB6A3-85A2-4FC6-9C44-474A5D…)

apparently she hooked up with a mental health nurse for a while before he raped her? i can believe the bit about her being hypersexual but the MH nurse? not really.
No. 802453
>>802432Not to mention the 20st is from last year, so she putting herself under even more of s struggle now. It's honestly just sad at this point. She is only 21 and won't live past her 40s unless she stops purposely getting fat for internet pandering.
>>802451This is rich af considering she sexually assaulted someone before. Until she fully admits what she did then I won't believe a word she says.
No. 802455
File: 1557082473415.jpg (859.91 KB, 2048x2048, 2881481E-DB4D-4C72-A7F5-623443…)

we got a long manifesto about disability parking spaces. there's one more part.
No. 802457
File: 1557082565379.jpg (884.18 KB, 3264x3264, IMG_0088.JPG)

No. 802480
File: 1557088106849.png (487.38 KB, 1080x1106, Screenshot_20190505-211415.png)

But if you don't have a badge then fuck you and your broken leg. Beep beep, it's Phoebe in one of her three cars and she needs vegan junk food ASAP.
No. 802491
>>802455Not all disabilities are visible!
Self diagnosis is
Unless of course it inconveniences pheebs, in which case stop being a dick.
No. 802519
>>802379I wonder if she's going to send her infamous "List of Demands" to the clubs before going
>the club had no quiet space for my autism>the bartenders didn't respect my pronoun pins>the bathrooms were gendered>NIGHTLIFE IS SO ALBEIST No. 802545
File: 1557103524294.jpg (185.39 KB, 1112x1582, IMG_4540.jpg)

I'm going to make a few posts in a row from her activity today (all with images).
First up, how does she not see the irony in posting this when she only started claiming tenuous Jewish family connection when antisemitism became a big talking point in the UK?
No. 802547
File: 1557103632143.jpg (126.12 KB, 1096x745, IMG_4541.jpg)

Here she claims it's Henry's brother that is autistic, not Henry himself. Is she still glossing over Henry's autism in favour of her own self-diagnosed kind, or does he actually have a brother with more severe autism? Family anon?
No. 802548
File: 1557103706310.jpg (289.63 KB, 1093x1666, IMG_4542.jpg)

Ever dramatic, Phoebe. I'm sure your Scottish followers will be eyerolling at this so badly.
No. 802549
File: 1557103748653.jpg (365.62 KB, 1096x1593, IMG_4543.jpg)

And finally, more proof of what a cunt of a neighbor she is herself. Why would she brag about this online?
No. 802563
>>802547Both of them could have autism. It’s genetic + not unheard of to have more than one kid with it. The risk of having a second child with it increases after the first, I think.
Who knows what the truth is with Feebly, though.
No. 802570
File: 1557110115271.png (2.08 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0099.PNG)

>>802549She had to flex on this girl.
No. 802607
>>802519>>802549Seriously she complains about noise and made all those demands before, yet she's going to a club? A venue which will be noisy, crowded, not disabled friendly, won't have "quiet" spaces.
This should be proof enough she's just one big faker. She's not disabled or autistic, she's just an obese cunt who is leeching off the name of actual autistic and disabled people for profit.
No. 802612
>>802455but pheeeeeebs, how do you know the gym bros/people parking in the parent and child spaces arent autistic and avoiding
triggers? how do you know they don't have IBS and need to run in to take a shit? pretty ableist bitching at someone when they might have an ~invisible illness~
>>802549>has people over every weekendwait… so she's really whining about late night noise on weekends? i'd kind of understand being upset about it during the week but who the fuck screams at people because they're partying on the weekend. this bitch doesnt even have a job. just because she's a miserable hog with no friends doesn't mean everyone else has to be. man this cow pisses me off.
No. 802644
File: 1557155797436.png (1.53 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0112.PNG)

>>802570Ironically the only thing that may be "abuse" or even inaccurate about this statement is the "all your problems are your own fault" which of course resonates the most with pheebs who can't help but create her own problems! That's her personality!
No. 802647
File: 1557157050311.jpg (661.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190506-163649_Ins…)

Coming for Jameela yet again
No. 802650
File: 1557158003252.jpg (355.73 KB, 1080x1401, Screenshot_20190506-164542_Ins…)

Attacking people as usual
No. 802651
File: 1557158068490.jpg (387.63 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_20190506-164618_Ins…)

But she wasn't talking "specifically" in her posts, she's moving the goalposts
No. 802652
File: 1557158083339.png (3.2 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0114.PNG)

she already made a 20 minute YouTube video about this and was so surprised to not get any hate. she wants it so bad. pheebs, our assumptions are all right here, we won't come to you.
No. 802654
File: 1557158181859.jpg (238.86 KB, 1080x905, Screenshot_20190506-164825_Ins…)

Her saying we can't use AAVE is ridiculous.
No. 802658
File: 1557159055404.jpg (69.27 KB, 1080x313, Screenshot_20190506-171036_Ins…)

She really does hate other women
No. 802661
>>802659It was under her disabled parking thing but when I click on it is gone so she must have deleted it.
No screenshot but the feminist page said that a carer may be picking up a disabled person and so can park in a disabled parking spot to do that.
No. 802674
>>802143This is so stupid. AAVE doesn't even mean slang, it means "incorrect" novel uses of words and grammar that still have rules.
>>802272>>802307There aren't really branches of judaism but anyway; tattooing is explicitly forbidden like anon says, in the verse it's worded like
>do not make marks on your body for the deadso it's about memorials specifically
No. 802675
>>802674>AAVE is incorrect novel use of grammar No, it's African American Vernacular English which has vocabulary of its own and grammar of its own.
>There aren't really branches of Judaism How about Reform, Hasidic, Orthodox, Conservative, etc.
How about you don't talk about things you know nothing about?
No. 802677
>>802654bitches at this girl for using her “aave” words or wte, but then recommends this article
>>802647 by someone who obviously isn’t black and uses “sis” (which was on her list of banned words)
Why didn’t she call out that chick too? Is the author immune to being called out but her followers aren’t?
No. 802683
>>802677yeah, no kidding, it's right there in the header. I guess because the article author isn't white either? it's only ~hwite people~ who aren't allowed to use it i guess!
and aave has has become part of the teenage mainstream and very few black people give a fuck about white people using it. it's part of social media culture too. the only vultures who care about it are false virtue signaler sjws like pheebs. it's not like using aave is somehow equivalent to the n word
No. 802684
>>802675Why do you feel qualified to correct someone on linguistics when you don't understand what inverted commas indicate? Go and brush up on your second grade grammar and read my post again, yeah?
>How about Reform, Hasidic, Orthodox, Conservative, etc. From a Christian perspective, it doesn't have branches in the same way. It's nothing like Catholicism and Protestantism for example where there are fundamental disagreements on whether or not certain texts even count. It's all interpretation of the same sources, if something is explicitly forbidden then it's forbidden.
No. 802685
>>802684I know damn well what quotation marks mean, and yes, those differences are as significant as Catholicism and Protestantism because they do have fundamental disagreements on whether or not certain texts count, like the Mishnahs and the Talmud.
sage for OT.
No. 802686
>>802680Jameela isn't white and she won't stop coming for her.
I read that article and the authors reasons were so petty.
No. 802688
File: 1557164712536.jpeg (88.35 KB, 750x456, 14CFF06F-B135-44CE-9605-C633E0…)

can’t wait to see the whining that comes with this
No. 802691
>>802685If you know what they mean then why did you think that I was saying AAVE is not a
valid dialect and not quoting a common school of thought for the sake of brevity? Just enjoy being contrarian and derailing for the sake of it?
yeah fair, I'll give you that, but in this context it's kind of irrelevant. AFAIK there aren't any branches of judaism that think tattoos are ok.
No. 802695
File: 1557166195814.jpeg (368.24 KB, 1080x1544, 20190506_184943-01.jpeg)

No. 802702
>>802688lol I can just imagine feebs signing off all her messages, emails etc:
PS, I'm a wheelchair user!! Don't ever forget that
No. 802707
>>802658Love how she had to be a bitch and get the last word in, couldn't just block and leave it at that
Sums her up, always has to get one over on people (women) and try and humiliate or insult them. She's like a kid that won't play nice. She acts like she looks down on all these other feminist instagrammers… intimidated much feebs?
No. 802721
File: 1557172031763.png (5.34 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0125.PNG)

I wonder how her autism diagnosis is coming. She'll probably need it now that her mobility is improving. Of course all of her stubbornness, laziness and disrespect is just autism symptoms and not a personality disorder.
No. 802734
File: 1557176150171.png (9.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0127.PNG)

kek she really does love her props
No. 802747
is a picture of her ass, taken by (I think) Henry as they were having sex. I think it'S on this thread.
No. 802752
>>802744I'm pretty sure they have anal sex, as her butt is always bleeding and she has fissures and haemorhoids (as per her scope findings). That and she's claimed (humble bragged) that her vagina is too tight to have sex.
At least he doesn't have to look at her face?
No. 802789
>>802674Thank you. All it means is don't act like the pagans and cut yourself. It's mentioned in several places, not just Leviticus. If you want to get serious about that shit, prepare to change your diet and have all of your clothes made from one cloth.
Sorry for OT but her crap pisses me off.
No. 802877
File: 1557243111301.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, C3BA0299-A891-43B1-BD08-780DF8…)

absolutely baffled by the videos of henry in her stories. not because he was being silly but their flat is a literal hovel, and henry just breaks things rolling around while phoebe cackles. 1/3
No. 802878
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No. 802879
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No. 803033
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I get that it's lower than her last few posts, but this bitch is really complaining about only getting 500 instagram likes?
No. 803054
>>802877What an absolute hovel. And Henry being called a child. So sad. Henry get out.
No. 803080
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From her second wave of attention seeking "assumptions" meme. I'm going to assume this person is legally blind. Even with makeup, she's a horror. And her "style" is so bad because she can't fit into people clothes any more.
No. 803098
>>803080Imagine how obnoxious she is in public.
"Can I help you miss?"
No. 803122
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She really should start putting trigger warnings on these. That cold sore almost made me lose my breakfast.
No. 803163
>>803149Exactly, why paint your nails, dye your hair pink and buy yourself rainbow earrings when everything else about your look is revolting. Henrys wages paying to put lipstick on a pig.
I figured out who she reminds me of, It's John Wayne Gacy, the fat middle aged serial killer that molested people and often dressed up as a clown
No. 803169
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>>803163Holy. Crap. She really does.
No. 803222
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Just Feebz,trashing ED community and acting like her eating habits are not disordered at all.
No. 803232
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>>803222kek. it is 100% her sjw communities turning on her and not us.
No. 803309
>>803232Does she seriously fail to understand that the thing making her seem like a total bitch is that she publicly replies to private messages ?
Maybe she IS autistic…. or thrives on drama. Most likely the latter.
No. 803403
>>803222>>803232Noticed she started blocking screennames with her text now… compared to these just 3 days back
>>802570 >>802644
No. 803472
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She still has her army of supporters though
No. 803765
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oh the irony.
No. 803952
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Does anyone actually against this or is she just looking for something to be righteously angry about
No. 804171
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clowns are racist. god she makes me wanna die. this is what she’s worried about. there are so many things in this world to be angry about. she chooses this. just to be angry. i really. and truly. and fully. CCAAAANNNNNOOOOTTTTTT
No. 804177
>>804171Is she trying to out-sjw the original clown world girl?
honk honk
No. 804179
>>804171Clowning's origins is in Commedia Dell'Arte (which had a stock character called "Clown" making the connection difficult to realize) She "found this out" but didn't deem it important enough to actually research at all.
(Nothing screams making fun of black people like painting your face white).
No. 804271
>>804171clowns are rooted in fucking France you dumbass
Holy shit
No. 804343
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unbelievable. she just posts whenever she feels like it and lies to her customers.
No. 804491
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So Henry works long hours, then had to come home, shop, get fuel and pack!!!
Would it kill her to fucking help him, she could have packed! She could have shopped, she doesn't even need to leave the house to do those things!
She's abusive to that poor man
No. 804632
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“You just don’t want fat ppl in your clothes” then explain why the fuck they don’t cater an xxs?
No. 804676
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I can almost guarantee that the building she's staying in doesn't have a lift. This piece of shit is only disabled when it benefits her. Why does Henry play along with her lies?
No. 804684
>>804632Why is she already arguing with people at 8:52 in the goddamn morning? Does she do anything else but be negative and complain?
Also Pheebs you obese fuck, XXL is huge enough as it is. She really does not know a single thing about business otherwise she'd know that niche sizes like XXXL are not cost effective. Nothing to do with fatphobia. If you want to fit into cute clothes get out your wheelchair that you don't need and lose weight.
No. 804696
>>804684She had multiple stories today calling these clothing makers pathetic, meanwhile she can't even organise her time so her 'marked as shipped' orders are delayed by a week, all while she goes on a holiday
Also funny how she gets surprisingly polite responses to her harassing messages and and she still publicly shares those convos to try and blast them
No. 804714
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Cow crossover!
No. 804715
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I'm not sure if she's lying or just stupid but she's got a machine that can do that for her.
No. 804885
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maybe you could…go somewhere Henry would be more comfortable since this trip is for his birthday?
No. 804896
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the content we've all been waiting for
No. 804898
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No. 804902
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no way they'd turn her away in her homemade queer shirt and pronoun badges.
No. 804958
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Of fucking course.
God forbid she just have fun
No. 804959
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For five minutes, could she just have a good time with her fiance and not moan about something???
No. 804960
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oh wow. she’s swaying her crossed feet back and for against the floor. poor pheebs is being oppressed. idk why i find this shit hilarious. just carry on sitting there on your arse, and enjoy your drinks
No. 804961
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No. 804962
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She's so oppressed
No. 804974
>>804896I hate how cows throw around the term 'panic attack' at the smallest inconvenience.
I think a better term to describe it would be tantrum.
No. 805017
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the only fat, nonbinary, disabled, autistic vegan pheebs.
No. 805050
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didn't realize party in the USA was such a banger in the UK. #savehenry
No. 805082
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she’s such an awful brat
No. 805088
>>803952Massive sage for OT vegan stuff
Short answer:
On this occasion Pheebs isn’t wrong, though it’s a generally accepted ideology by most vegans that you can take your medication as prescribed.
Long answer:
It’s one of the lesser argued about “grey areas” of veganism. By definition veganism is reducing animal suffering by as much as reasonably possible, if you need medication it’s unwise to not take it because it’s tested on or contains animals and their byproducts.
You will meet extremists who think you shouldn’t out of pure principle, people who think veganism (and usually fringe vegan diets like raw and frutarian) is the cure all for every health issue and non vegans who think that not taking prescribed medication because it contains animal products or is tested on animals is truly vegan. Most people think not taking your medication for this reason is flat out stupid.
If the tablets your taking have a soft outer shell they usually contain animal geletine, if your buying over the counter medication - say paracetamol or ibuprofen- you can usually find options that don’t use this. Some people are concerned that animal bones are ground in things like pills, flour and sugar to make it appear whiter, eventually it gets to a point where you simply cannot (as one individual) track everything.
There’s only so much each individual can do and at some point everyone is going to be causing some form of damage or harm to animals and/ or the environment.
(autism) No. 805138
>>805088>On this occasion Pheebs isn’t wrongFeebs does get some shit right, but if you spend all of your time complaining about things then chances are that you're going to have a
valid complaint at some point.
No. 805140
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She spends her whole night out instagraming. What a loser
No. 805149
>>804962Insane idea: maybe no one is approaching you because you're literally on your phone all night?
I can't see Henry posting insta story after insta story
No. 805165
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I have a feeling "nightlife is SO ableist" essay is coming soon
No. 805245
>>805082OT but the Lucy's complete disregard for the tool of the full stop
triggers me to hell and back. Regardless, she's a better person than me for repeatedly responding kindly to dishonest 'feedback' clearly only meant to provoke the other party into an angry response. What we know about Phoebe and her life certainly sheds light on the day-to-day lives of prolific 'not good enough!!!!' Twitter business-botherers like her.
No. 805308
File: 1557589691858.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190511-164730.png)

Cat cafes aren't vegan you ignorant bint.
No. 805345
>>805339Is Pheebs gonna ask them if the cats are fed an all vegan diet?
And then take to instagram to harass them lol
No. 805348
File: 1557594577311.jpg (112.17 KB, 1003x446, cat cafe.JPG)

>>805339Vegans think that animals shouldn't be used for entertainment, which is pretty much why they're in a cafe. I'd be more concerned about cat hairs, but I'd argue the shit out of her about going to a cat cafe (even though I'm not even vegan). Hope someone does.
No. 805353
>>805339It depends on the Cat Cafe, there's some in the UK that are dedicated to rehoming and have safe spaces for the cats to hide in.
The cafe she has went to states on their website that the cafe is the cats "forever" home, so they are more profit based rather than charity based. Most vegans don't like cat cafes unless they are for rehoming.
No. 805369
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She's so dramatic
No. 805371
File: 1557598257755.jpg (672.3 KB, 1080x1675, 20190511_191041.jpg)

She found a friend.
How fucking gross does she look???
No. 805372
>>805369Did she travel with her wheelchair?
Poor Henry - what a rubbish birthday present. Lugging a wheelchair and your fat girlfriend (who you're also paying for) to a gay clubs miles away for a night, and then the day is spent with her in bed, complaining. Nice birthday.
No. 805373
>>805372You'd think for his birthday, they'd do more car related things or gaming things.
Being queer is her thing
No. 805375
>>805371It's Henry's birthday trip, so she meets up with one of her Instagram friends.
Is he getting to do anything he wants on this trip? She's not put any photos of him up, hardly talked about him, got him to do the driving. Bullshit has she done this for him.
No. 805377
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No. 805384
>>805369She's staying right in the centre of Glasgow there is so much free/cheap and accessible shit to do. Literally just needs to google it.
I know she's on holiday but purple cat and mono are pretty expensive imo, idk if this is still the case but it's £5 per person to get into purple cat not including any food or drinks.
No. 805453
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caption on her post about glasgow
what really stood out to me was the line about someone trying to kiss henry without his consent. it “reeeeally pissed her off” you guys. how much do you want to bet that if it had happened to her she’d have had a melrdown all over her stories and threatened suicide with a butter knife?
No. 805471
>>805453God, this trip was never going to be about Henry despite it ostensibly being for his birthday. Poor guy. I really wonder how he feels about queer stuff and cats and all the other shit that seems to make up her entire identity. Does he just put up with it? Seems like it would be a rotten time to spend.
>>805372I believe she ~braved it~ and left it at home and is taking Ubers all weekend instead.
No. 805476
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>>805471pretty sure this is her in the wheelchair, so she took it with her
No. 805488
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looking feral lol
No. 805509
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No. 805512
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No. 805513
>>805234I'm in the UK and pretty sure that it's discriminatory (ie illegal) to turn someone away under the guise of health and safety just because they use mobility aids - not even starting on ramps/lifts/wheelchairs, just talking about sticks and crutches. Obviously it's a bit different when it's crowds and wheelchairs.
Not sure why Phoebe likes clubbing though, it seems like an autism nightmare (doubly so for Actually Autistic Henry), to the point where there are specific lower-noise less-overstimulating nights run by some promoters to cater for them.
No. 805524
>>805479Henry is normal sized, if a bit skinny.
Phoebe has her own gravitational pull at this point.
No. 805567
>>805322Normally you'd be right, but feebs is very adamant about abusing her cats with a vegan diet, which cat cafes thankfully don't do.
>>805369Isn't wheelchair access required in the UK, with some exceptions to grandfathered-in buildings?
No. 805585
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>>805567yes. most buildings in glasgow have steps to enter but majority of places seem to have little ramps inside that they'll put out for wheelchair users. i say majority because i've been out with my friend in a wheelchair and there's a surprising amount of places with just no wheelchair access.
No. 805688
>>805237She's on her way to running out of other options. There's pretty much nothing for early onset osteoarthritis precipitated by being a landwhale than a TKA.
But a lot of surgeons don't do TKAs on BMI>=40 patients, and for good reasons. At BMI=40, the postop infection risk is over twenty times (!!!) that of a normal BMI individual. That doesn't even take into account the higher risk of DVT, myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolisms that tend to happen more with fat surgical patients. A joint infection is damn hard to eradicate, because joints don't have great blood supply, so we can't ship antibiotics to where the infection is. The mortality of a TKA postsurgical infection is around 25% over 5 years and 8-10% over one year. No surgeon will risk their career by operating on a hamplanet like that.
TL;DR: Feebs is looking at a wonderful life of either immobility (wow, ACTUALLY needing a wheelchair!) and pain, for which opioids don't work but she'll still whine until she gets a fentanyl patch or some Butrans, and ballooning to an even less sustainable size, until she gets onto My 600lb Life or dies aged 30 of a STEMI, or some poor schmuck will take pity on her and do a TKA, in which case considering her inability to do basic hygiene she will most probably be dead in a year.
I'm not a bariatric specialist, but I have seen very, very few people who were her weight at her age and lived to be much older than 30. Those few that did shed their pounds either through aggressive diet/exercise coupled w/therapy to fix their relationship with food (which she won't because that's Betraying the Cause), or through accidentally or intentionally finding the extrinsic cause of their obesity and fixing it (this is VERY rare – a hambeast like Feebz probably has had every conceivable extrinsic cause, such as hypothyroidism, ruled out).
The best part? If you're a UK taxpayer, you'll have the privilege to pay for all of the mounting costs of her medical care - because private health insurance is for 'rich' people and she ain't no fool to report her Etsy revenue to HMRC.
No. 805734
>>805688But, to quote the post that pheebs and friends are spreading around Insta lately "There's no such thing as being overweight" Even at 600lb lol
I find it strange that she describes her pain as being a 'burning' pain all over, is this what fibro pain is described as?
No. 805762
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Of course she would enjoy long drives when she's not the one driving all the way from Scotland!
No. 805834
>>805585all over the UK tbh
The Equalities Act is really flimsy on how much a "reasonable adjustment" has to cover, so lots of shitty businesses use "it's an old building" as an excuse not to have even a temporary (removable) ramp. I don't see Phoebe trying to advocate for this shit though.
No. 805868
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No. 805869
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No. 805871
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Finding a new thin white woman to hate
No. 805876
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No. 805877
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No. 805909
>>805877Doesn't sarcasm typically go over the head of an autistic person?
And she's awful snarky for someone who's just enjoyed a holiday.
No. 805944
>>805909It depends on how autistic someone is. For aspergers people can experience it differently (ie your anxiety can be insanely high so you don't leave the house, but you understand social cues) or whatever
Anyway I highly doubt that despite her claims she's autistic or even has aspergers.
No. 806146
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People are responding to what I chose to publicly post online.. cRueL abUSe!!
No. 806147
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Polly's bandana is back up in this video..
Old video, the wound didn't heal properly or just Pheeb's aesthetic choice?
No. 806189
>>806156Is she even on a waiting list to get the totally free assessment for Autism that the NHS offers? Nothing wrong with a person saying 'I believe I'm autistic but I'm waiting on the assessment' but Pheebs couldn't possibly do that
The only thing I can see her benefiting from is CBT, the behavioural therapy that they offer to borderlines and similarly manipulative/highly emotional types
No. 806197
File: 1557749964855.jpg (152.26 KB, 750x1334, StorySaver_fatvegfemme_5973753…)

She's so dense that she doesn't realise that it's a bad idea to reupload something that's already been removed for violating the rules
No. 806212
>>806197She'll probably claim now that the unbiased staff at Instagram are fat-phobic. She has such a persecution complex
Instagram has deemed it as YOU bullying, get the message.
No. 806249
>>806220Chances are the assessment will show she's not autistic but she'll keep the self-diagnosis anyway. Psych teams know malingering when they see it and she'll be diagnosed with a personality disorder instead.
lol at instagram taking down a story for bulling/harassment and her immediately putting it back up to bitch some more. That sure sounds like harassing behaviour Pheebs.
No. 806257
>>806251But with her autism (something you're born with) how did she have the social skills to have friends. Kids with aspergers sadly report pretty isolated childhoods and difficulty making friends.
She'll be caught out when her parents are asked about her childhood when she's tested. Aspergers doesn't just kick in at 19/20
No. 806268
>>806265Yeah, I want to see the oh so poor upbringing that she claims she had
"Henrys family are so disgusting and rich, we were poor, can't relate blah blah"
No. 806279
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Different anon but I had a look at her old FB and there are many photos that aren’t milk worthy, imo. But it looks like she had a normal childhood, very social one too. The letter her dad wrote is bullshit. Uploading profile pic so you know which FB account to click on.
No. 806301
>>806257She already posted her dad's written testimonial and he says she had social issues and problems making and keeping friends. However her old social media (twitter, askfm) seems to dispute this.
>>806245Her Pornhub has been discussed a lot already on the Personal Cows and previos Phoebe threads.