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No. 57741
File: 1437095086974.jpg (34.93 KB, 600x450, buddy-cole-colbert-report.jpg)

>>57738probably. true lolcows can't help themselves. they must either whiteknight, self post, or bash themselves while anon. its a compulsion.
No. 57746
O lawd I knew my time would come eventually.
At least you used a picture I actually kind of like.
No. 57752
>>57748lol I didn't make the thread.
I'd actually really rather it weren't here but I understand that I'm free game.
This is one of the reasons I've been pushing for unique poster ID's on /meta/.
>>57747In April of 2013 the UK introduced a penalty system to those who were in receipt of housing benefit colloquially known as the "bedroom tax".
I had just moved from a hostel for the homeless into a council flat and was attending college in order to get myself out of a bad situation, but unfortunately at the time the only flat avaliable to me was a 2 bedroomed one. I had to accept the flat offered to me or face homelessness, but then 2 months after moving in they introduced this penalty which stipulated that those living in accommodation which had more than 1 bedroom and was in receipt of housing benefit had to start paying an extra £30 a week to the council or be evicted.
I couldn't afford it but I only had a few months until I completed my final exams so I tried to reason with the council but it didn't work and I was eventually served with an eviction notice.
I spoke about my dilemma on Tumblr and somebody suggested that I set up a GoFundMe to gather up enough enough money to temporarily placate the council until I could finish college.
I'm actually a pretty proud person but I decided to put my pride to bed and solicit the funds.
I'm not proud of it, I'm actually deeply embarrassed but also touched by the selfless generosity of the people that did come to aid me, people who didn't even know me, but what can I say, I was backed into a corner.
I had already sold everything I owned of worth, everything, but it still wasn't enough. I was at the most desperate point of my life and had to face throwing away my education and a shot at climbing out of poverty forever or bite back my tears and beg.
Those are the deets.
No. 57754
>>57749Uh, they're naturally thick.
I pluck them into a reasonably neat shape but they're still really thick.
Sometimes I fill in little sparse patches with eyebrow powder which gives them an overall cleaner appearance but also provides the illusion of them being even thicker.
I really like them cause' they're mine.
No. 57759
>>57756Like the South Korean style?
I tried it once but it just made me look really grumpy tbh.
They really only seem to suit Korean girls.
>>57757Eck, really?
I thought it would look worse if people knew that I browsed regularly but then I continued to ignore the thread, like I was running away from my history.
I just want to clear the air surrounding a few things, for example my situation with GoFundMe because I find it really insulting to those that helped me out of an incredibly shitty situation for people here to insinuate that I scammed them or something.
It bothers me.
No. 57762
>you have no real claim to e-fameThe concept of me becoming "e-famous" couldn't be any closer to a fucking nightmare for me.
In real life I am painfully shy and anybody that knows me at face value will comment how little I talk about myself.
I don't want to be famous or known by any measure on here or anywhere.
I'm 23 years old now and leading an irrelevant, unremarkable life.
There is nothing special nor interesting about me or my activities but for some reason some people, including you, insist on discussing me. Well discuss away, but I'm afraid you'll find me rather dull.
>stop trying to get attentionTell that to the OP then, not me.
No. 57767
>>57763I received a poverty grant whilst at university.
It was intended to be used to support myself financially since I don't have parents or anybody helping me but I lived really frugally during my first year, walking everywhere, never going out drinking with friends and preparing packed lunches instead of buying meals.
I managed to save almost all of the grant and decided to use it to do something really nice for myself as a reward. Laser eye surgery turned out to be too expensive so I decided on the ear modification.
I've never treated myself like this in my entire life and I don't feel guilty. What would the grant have been spent on anyway? I can't drive, I have no property, it would have eventually trickled away on frivolous, temporary things or been taken away from me by family.
I knew this which is why I decided to use it then and there on something I knew would make me really happy. Okay it wasn't a sensible depiction I know this, but I'm really happy I did it.
You've never spent money on yourself to reward recent hard work or just because you needed a rare treat?
>>57764I was in Cumbria at the time and yeah it was fucking absurd because the room itself was so small it actually qualified as a box room but the council didn't give a fuck even when I tried to contest.
Irl I'm meek as fuck and had no idea how to defend myself or argue my case. I think it was because there were two storage cupboards that they said qualified as rooms as they could technically fit a single bed but if you saw a picture illustrating the size of them… yeah no. No.
Sorry to hear you've been affected by this though Anon.
I take it there were no 1 bedroom flats avaliable in your area to move into either?
No. 57768
File: 1437104669782.jpg (Spoiler Image,545.2 KB, 1200x1600, 1349307625266.jpg)

>>57763Spoony how does it feel knowing your tits will forever be plastered all over the internet and you're not even profiting from it? At least you were somewhat attractive when this picture was taken, you've just gone downhill since then. Why don't you stop selfposting on the internet already?
No. 57769
>>57767>You've never spent money on yourself to reward recent hard work or just because you needed a rare treatI didn't use my crisis payment at uni for ear modification no. I applied for it because I needed it for day to day living. If I could've done without I would've done so that someone who was also struggling could benefit and not someone who wanted fucking elf ears.
I've lived in the same flat for 16 years. There aren't any one bedroom housing association flats to move to.
No. 57770
>>57765Aha, actually when it all started the CAB in my town had just been shut down as it wasn't "cost effective".
I travelled to the one in the next town over and I spoke to an absolutely lovely woman but when I explained my case she concurred that it was absurd but that it sounded like I was "between a rock and a hard place".
She advised to keep communicating with the council and try to placate them with small amounts of money, whatever I could reasonably afford, and try to hang on until my exams in June to which I could promptly fuck off to university, which is exactly what I ended up doing.
But I did actually end up getting served with a formal eviction notice and even had to attend a court hearing in relation to it, which ended up just being a tiny room with two desks and a guy sat behind one with a microphone and a potted plant.
I was shitting myself because in my head I was imagining a full-on court room with a fucking jury and a backbench and everything.
No. 57771
>at least you were somewhat attractive when this picture was taken, you've just gone downhill since thenThat picture was taken 2 weeks ago.
Nice to know you find me "somewhat attractive" though :>
No. 57772
>>57762>I don't want to be famous or known by any measure on here or anywhere. yeah right. if this were true you would never post photos of yourself on here or the rest of the internet, change all your usernames and move on with your life.
fucking cry more, i hope you eventually learn to shut the fuck up because you're so annoying.
>>57769this. at least with laser eye surgery you could have tried to justify it, elf ears are fucking stupid.
just go.
No. 57775
>>57769Anon you seem to be confused.
What I received wasn't a crisis payment, it was a poverty grant setup by my university in order to divide funds up amongst the poorest students so that they didn't have to end up walking everywhere in lieu of being able to afford public transport, so that we were able to afford to socialise with friends outside of classes, so that we could buy our textbooks new etc.
Well I did walk everywhere, I never went out drinking, chose to stay in and study as opposed to going shopping with friends, prepared all my own food at my accommodation and ate it at university and I found all my books secondhand SO that I could afford to buy myself something nice at the end of the term.
I am sorry for your situation though.
It's bullshit that they have the nerve to apply this extra charge to the poorest of society for the luxury of living in a two bedroom flat that you don't even want but can't leave because they demolished or converted all the 1 bedroom flats decades ago.
>>57772I did change all my usernames, I've had over 5 in the past year alone and I've deleted my Tumblr 3 times before giving up completely. If people really want to find you they will find you.
>at least with laser eye surgery you could have tried to justify itJust how much money do you think I was awarded here? Because I'm telling you it was never anywhere near enough to cover the cost of surgery on even one eye. Not even half of one eye.
No. 57777
>>57774Er, I actually don't understand what you're trying to say here.
You've linked me to an old spam thread posted in 2012 and this is related to the picture of me in the OP how?
No. 57779
>>57775How to stop people from finding your tumblr or any account on anything realy: a guide:
Don't post pictures of yourself or incriminating info you attentionwhore. It's really not fucking rocket science.
No. 57781
>>57778Were you at university when you received it?
I don't think it's the same fund because the one I received was not a government subsidised fund, it was an independent fund setup by my university specifically that was unrelated to government funding and it wasn't intended for when you're in financial crisis, just when your calculated yearly earnings are below a certain level.
I know what the crisis payments are though but what I got wasn't one.
No. 57783
>>57780….Anon are you okay?
The photo of me in the OP was taken 2 weeks ago and reflects my current appearance i.e. blonde and with new glasses.
In the thread you linked the picture of me is from when I was 19 and I'm wearing a black wig and red scarf.
Are you trying to backtrack on you calling me attractive or what?
How on earth are you confusing these two pictures?
No. 57787
>>57783You realize that anon who posted the tit pic was probably talking about you being attractive in the era the tit pic is from and not your Groucho Marx-ass selfie, right?
Oh and also I never called you attractive. Different anon, turdburglar.
No. 57790
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>>57785Urgh dude you're right.
It's a terrible habit, I've always been like this and it bugs the hell out of me too but when it's actually happening I seriously don't see it.
Good night x
>>57786O rite nude.
The thumbnail didn't display so I thought you were referring to the OP picture nvm.
Nn ladies.
No. 57794
>>57762okay uh
idk you seem like a nice person irl and honestly the internet seems to bring out the attention-whore in most of us. like i understand that you probably don't think what you're doing is attention-seeking: after all, people bring you up first, you're just responding. and self-posting threads are made specifically for that purpose. it all sounds perfectly reasonable.
honestly it's just that you have a bad reputation. plus this is a bitch forum. we're always going to find something to complain about, especially the people who already dislike you.
basically just don't give them any more fodder. don't defend yourself, don't respond at all. just ignore it, or don't even go on this site at all, if it's difficult for you to refrain from self-posting.
because having to hear you brought up again and again gets tiresome.
No. 57796
File: 1437108291566.png (34.05 KB, 1899x223, 1433627516519.png)

>>57794>the internet seems to bring out the attention-whore in most of usMost of us were smart enough to not post nudes on the internet, even at 19.
>people bring you up firstBlatantly not true. Tripfagging/email-dropping never helped her case.
>she has a bad reputationWhich she has rightfully earned. She's been a bitch for years, I still remember her during Kooter's first internet crusades before she went nip-modo.
>getting tired of lolcows being brought up repeatedlySpoony, are you aware of where you are?
No. 57801
>>57799oh, actually I just figured it out.
spoilered images just show up as a tiny grey square in my browser, so that's why I managed to overlook the tits picture attached to
>>57768 until it was mentioned & I went back for closer inspection of the post.
if you're scrolling rapidly, it's easy to miss & think that anon must be referring to the only unspoilered image posted in the thread so far (OP's).
did lolcow change format or something? I thought the spoilered images used to look different– like larger gray squares with an 'x' through them?
No. 57802
>>57801They're still that way for me. big box with a ? on it. Idk what's going on with your browser.
Also wtf spoony stop posting in your own thread omfg.
No. 57804
>>57789Newfag here can confirm found spoony on my second visit to lolcow when i still wasn't even sure what the site was, because she was telling everyone she was spoony in /b/ and talking about herself at length on multiple threads. Looked her up and ugh.
spoony stay out you thirsty bitch
No. 57811
when has spoony ever tried "not making her presence known" like she claims? whenever she's mentioned, she comes flying into a thread self posting "explanations" for her behavior, rambling in too much detail about her life, her choices for doing this or that, acting like an expert on hair, contacts, makeup, eyebrows, surgery, cosplay etc.
its fucking embarrassing. she has absolutely no self control what so ever. like i said
>>57741 its a compulsion unique to lolcows
No. 57816
>>57814I don't think you understand what "milking" is.
Milking is new pictures, new videos, new details, dramatic blog entries etc. This isn't even trolling; this is just sad.
No. 57825
>>57753Lol same here anon
Sheepcream is also lolcow material , i hope see her here someday.
No. 57827
>>57759spoony i liked you when you posted in /b/, i really did. I thought you had learned, changed for the better and left chan boards. Now, you're here…
Spoony y
No. 57841
>>57802really still not spoony.
admin-sama can post my location & IP, if you want, but I can assure you now that I live nowhere near the UK.
jfc but your hateboner for this woman could punch through walls, if simply admitting to having the same browser setup is evidence to you that some random poster 'must be spoony!!'
I honestly feel sorry for this girl.
Can't even post circle lense advice without 'gtfo' immediately following.
No. 57845
>>57844I don't care enough to bother masking my IP or activity and I'm confident that if I were to use a proxy that our ever-competent Admin would know in an instant.
He/she is way beyond my technical skill when it comes to this stuff.
>>57841 isn't me (but I appreciate it anyway Anon).
No. 57848
>backIt's almost like I'm a regular lurker and contributor to this board or something.
I scroll past the thread every day.
No. 57854
>>57852tbh its a bit stupid when there are various people in the thread debating if she is or isn't in the thread and when she does show up people saying "after attention again are you spoony lol".
If you don't want her responding maybe try not seeking her out? It's like /cgl/ all over again. So dumb.
No. 57855
>>57843of course, must be proxies or an online friend.
because it's impossible to conceive of a reality where everyone else in the world does not share your irrational hatred for some random brit girl.
you sound crazy, you know that?
petitioning this thread to be moved to /b/.
If all it takes to turn someone into a lolcow is posting nudes when they're a teen, then this board ought to be a lot more crowded than it is.
No. 57857
Spoony's insta and twitter accounts are both ive_ori if someone feels like scrolling through them for more lols.
It's almost ridicilous how I keep running into her stupid face without even trying.. (I'm
>>57807 ) I found her instagram through Erika's, she was commenting on her pics.
No. 57861
>>57859Why do the
problematic kind of self posting girls almost always end up being camwhores?
No. 57862
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>>57857>>57807Okay Beck.
You probably shouldn't try to bitch about people's "stupid faces" when you look like this tho.
Just sayin'.
No. 57865
>>57862>dat everythingLmao
I don't feel bad for this girl tbh, if you're going to talk shit you should know how to hide your tracks
No. 57867
>>57863>>57866Because I am spoony and Beck back up the thread was stupid enough to mention that she found my Instagram through what she obviously didn't realise was a mutual friend who I know very well and speak to regularly.
I already knew who Beck was from our mutual friend mentioning her in the past and our mutual friend doesn't have that many followers on Instagram so I recognised her immediately.
I also know she's a drawfag and she says she visited /ic/, I saw on her profile that she communicates with Shandon AKA Tomorrow who was an old trip from /fa/ and she also just said that she used to visit /fa/. She's also supposedly an incorrigible weeb so it makes sense she'd know me from /cgl/ and be on lolcow today.
Literally took me less than a minute to connect the dots.
Apparently I'm not the only one that does a lot of selfposting ey' Beck :^)
Try not to drop so much identifiable information in one post next time.
>>57864She was just trying to dig up infomation on me and publish it to a public arena.
Maybe she should try not throwing stones from inside a glass house.
No. 57872
>>57867Yeah, but this specific public arena is for discussing you and why you're so annoying. I just don't get how you can't see that no matter what you say or do here, you're going to be painted as the villain. You could come into this thread and prove you'd cured cancer and people would still hate you, and find a way to make it a bad thing. You keep making it worse, at the same time as saying you don't want to prolong things. It's like you're standing there, on fire pouring petrol on yourself and then complaining that it's hot.
If you really hate it so much, then why do you continue to come to lolcow? Why do you seek out relationships with other people under scrutiny for their behaviour. You probably have a decent chance of actually blending into obscurity, which is what you say you want, and yet all of your actions are exactly the same as they ever were.
No. 57874
>>57866If it's not her, 1) Spoony is just showing her ass again (figuratively this time) and 2) this girl probably doesn't browse Lolcow and won't find out some random posted a screencap of her Insta.
If it is her, Spoony is kind of justified in dragging her in return.
No. 57879
>>57876I'm not Spoony, I just don't care about this and I'm here to laugh at people tbh
Nobody ITT is innocent
No. 57881
File: 1437593310906.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.65 KB, 720x1280, poony.jpg)

Poony I made some fanart for you
No. 57883
>>57871I've been studying all day beb, but it's a nice suggestion x
>>57872I don't really know how anybody could expect me to scroll past this everyday and not come in and attempt to defend myself at some point.
I've been ignoring it for days but I find Beck trying to drag me too hilarious for inaction, especially since she obviously had no idea that Erika and I were so friendly.
I'm certain anybody else would do the same if they were in my position, but I'm not interested in doing it in an unidentifiable way and sneaking around and having the thread devolve into "omg ur spoony" anytime anybody has anything remotely not negative to say about me so that's really the only difference.
You are right though.
You are completely right, I'll never ever not be painted as a villain by people who literally know nothing about me and most who only know of me through second hand information and this bizarre idea of who I was back on /cgl/ when really the reality was that I was only ever an exceptionally irritating, young, dumb tripfag.
I'll probably leave once I return to university.
No. 57886
>>57882Oh shut up man everyone in the UK spends their entire student loan almost exclusively on alcohol (or weed). It's a rite of passage to piss it away and then never pay it back.
>Inb4 spoonyNo, just a grouchy britfag.
No. 57887
>>57885no the brunette is really cute tbh. Poony sux
>>57886fuck off useless cunt
No. 57888
>>57886I didn't even spend mine on alcohol or weed and it made for a fucking boring first year. The ears were still worth it tho.
I wonder if people would be more or less outraged if I spent it on vodka and drugs instead of weird surgery?
No. 57891
>>57886>>57888US is currently suffering from a student loan crisis because of dumb fucks like you, I hope your country goes the same route.
Drugs or ugly elf ears, it doesn't matter. Get a job.
No. 57896
>>57891It's got literally nothing to do with what the students spend the loans on. We get a set amount of loan based on our family's income from the government, and once it's gone, it's gone. It's not as if the students who spend their loan on drugs are taking out second or third loans. The students who spent it all sensibly are in exactly the same position as those who didn't.
Furthermore the government fucked over students here by promising not to raise the tuition fees from £3000 a year to £9000 a year and doing it anyway, which they knew full well every single student would default on (Because we don't start paying them back until we earn over 21k a year, and it takes 130-ish years to pay it back at this rate, and they're written off after thirty years.) before they ever introduced it. University used to be free here, and nowadays not much has changed besides the debt going through a few more people's hands before landing on the taxpayers lap.
No. 57898
>>57892still not spoony.
is that seriously the only response anyone itt can come up with?
u mad, brah
No. 57899
>>57895Are you from the US? The 2008 banking crisis is a separate issue from the student loan bubble that popped. It popped way sooner due to the 2008 crisis, but it's a separate issue apart from surrendering to the weight of jobloss in general (which was happening in the US before the banks going…bankrupt).
Colleges, like the housing bubble had a huge surge, except in 2008 enrollment increased due to individuals losing their jobs. People took out loans irresponsibly and spent them on things other than education (which is fraud in the US). People are now realizing their 50k education gets them a job that does not make enough to pay that loan back. Much of the 50k taken out by the majority of students was in excess. The government made loans to be 100kplus while a degree only costs 20k. Now, many are defaulting on their student loans sending higher education institutions into a lot of turmoil.
The banking crisis was related to the housing bubble where people defaulted on loans, and now the government is facing the same problem with educational loans.
No. 57903
>>57901I feel you.
someone is trying way too hard to force out the milk.
I'm honestly surprised that this discussion is still in /pt/.
the primary thing that anon seems to be mad about is 'she wants attention'…so the solution is to give her more attention by making an entire thread about her? uh, ok.
>spoonyif the samefagging in this thread was that bad, I have faith that admin-sama would mention something about it.
No. 57913
>>57908>inb4 a person of Sub-Saharan African descent is telling me to fuck off to /b/Okayyyy……
Anyway! I bet if everyone collectively shuns her she'll stop. If you see anyone using "m8 :^)" you know what to do. Lmao.
No. 57917
>>57891Hi, Murrican here with a $35k loan from my graduate degree and tbqh the loans are better spent on weed and booze. My campus still can't fucking rationalize why the tuition doubles from undergrad to graduate despite taking less courses and using less materials.
I'm glad Brits have the opportunity to spend money on the shit they enjoy instead of wasting it on "fees" and hiked rates that are never fully disclosed. Good on them. I don't even like Spoony but I hope she spent her shit on Dragon Dildoes just to spite the US system.
No. 57920
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>>57918>£9k a year.Fuck, that's just about my rate for each of my four semesters for two years including living expenses. Comparatively cheaper, but so outrageous still.
>>57919Le ebin maymay xD
>mfw no undergrad debt tho No. 57921
>>57916she was self posting here pretty recently and she will probably do it again. she deserves a thread to be honest just so she will learn a lesson.
>>57913lurk this thread
No. 57922
>>57917A lot of it goes to dumb fuck tenure professors who teach like shit and are bitter as hell. I work for a college and my friend is a part time instructor and … fuck…tenure professors have all the fucking benefits in the world and it's like pulling teeth to fire a bad one. Not only that, but staff and part timers have to pay 10% into retirement boards and most is spoiled on the tenures.
College tuition in the 'merica has to be one of the biggest scams including textbook fees. Especially since our economy has zero need for grads in Psychology. Might as well get a job at target.
No. 57924
>>57923I fucking am loving the direction this thread is going actually I want to see this whole thread derailed with discussion on college tuition
This does need to be moved to /b/ tho im tired of seeing spoons ugly mug
No. 57926
>>57924Oy' ;__;
>>57923I'm kind of bemused by its presence tbh because I consider myself a completely average 23 year old woman.
It's weird, I'm nowhere near interesting enough.
No. 57928
>>57927I was actually more going for the vampire aesthetic but watevs.
idk why people think I'm obsessed with elves.
No. 57929
>>57926gurl it's because you keep insisting on this "completely average i'm not interesting" defense.
nobody is even saying it's not true i think the fact you consistently defend yourself on these forums is why this is a thing. like you HAVE to be enjoying this attention cause you keep feeding into it. it's pointless to play the "ohhh…little 'ol me?" crap.
idegaf if somebody selfie posts
no lulz live here
No. 57940
>>57925This. Thread is screaming to be moved to /b/
No interest at all in some girl some people hate from other boards. How is she even relevant on /pt/?
No. 57942
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>>57939>>57938>>57934>>57932You guys aren't Vampire Hunter D fans I take it?
No. 57943
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Nosferatu had pointy ears. Can't think of any other vampires though.
No. 57944
>>57936spoony that tumblr was garbage
> I kind of believe that once people understand how dull and uninteresting I am they'll drop this persona that they've built up of me in their head but the only way to do that is to communicate with people one gave 2 shits about you that's why you had to come here and start self selfposting srsly gtfo and get psychological help.
No. 57953
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Spoony has psychological issues and she needed a nosejob not weird ears
No. 57964
>>57960I think a lot of people posting here are easily riled and annoyed but I think we all agree pretty much that this belongs in /b/
Would I consider her a cow? Absolutely. Am I getting any lols from it? No and im tired of seeing her jowls on /pt/
No. 57968
>>57967bitch is so familiar
i hate it when lolcows visit lolcow
No. 57969
>>57966You call me attention whore but want me to show my tits/face? You're the one that should kill herself.
>>57967Nope. I'm just sick of cunts that won't shut up about some nobody like Spoons.
No. 57984
>>57982Kek Beck was never my friend, I don't even know her, but if you're not Beck then you're Kelly and my point still stands. Also Erika thinks you're a creep.
This thread is actually giving me more lulz from the continuous bickering and accusing me on putting on wigs and samefagging when I was fast asleep in bed.
Never change lolcow.
No. 57989
>>57986>why are you giving people actual reason to hate you?Because I learned a long time ago that it doesn't matter what I do, people who know nothing about me who hold a grudge against me for things I did as a teenager, as
a kid, things that had nothing to with them, they are going to continue to stalk and harass me no matter what.
They're never going to let it go. They're going to hate me anyway so I don't care what anybody thinks anymore and I haven't for a long time.
I don't like it and I want the attention to go away which is why I deleted my tumblr and lock any accounts that get posted here.
Even if I stop posting here you know it's never going to stop though right?
I have been devoid of drama for literally 6+ years now, I only keep a private Tumblr that I don't link anywhere, I don't trip, at one point I dropped off the map completely and still I saw threads being posted on 4chan via the searchable archives all the time saying "where's spoony, where did she go? Is spoony dead?" almost every week.
You think this is going to stop if I just stop visiting lolcow? It won't. People are always going to be hunting me down, trying to find accounts that belong to me and posting them to places like here so I fucking give up.
No. 57991
NO ONE gave a fuck on here about you until you started self posting. the only shit that was spoken about you was in flan's thread, which died fucking months ago, pretty much. no one here cared until you started talking about yourself. and who cares if a few people asked about you on 4chan? has anything actually come of it? did they throw dead pigeons at your windows? ofc not. you're just self obsessed and want to believe that people care more than they do.
your excuses fucking suck.
No. 57993
>>57991You say that because you can only see what you can see.
What you can't see is the stream of messages I was recieving to my Tumblr daily before I deleted it, which is the 4th time now by the way, the Facebook messages, the friend requests, "hi spoony I remember you lol :p", the threads on 4chan that are still being made weekly to this day.
Nobody cares about me? Tell that to people seeking me out, tell that to the OP, tell that to people in this thread posting details about me. Tell that to yourself, you're in this ridiculous thread too.
I'm bad for posting in this thread in the first place but in my eyes I was being amicable.
I genuinely thought it would give me an opportunity to understand why the OP and others hated me when to date nobody has given me a reason bar "you fucked up in a /b/ thread where a girl was calling you a jealous slave because you were defending black people so you posted a picture of your skin which included part of your lips and hair to prove you were white but I identified you so now you're a selfposting whore".
I am so fucking tired of this bullshit and people will not leave me the fuck alone even when I'm anonymous.
Obviously I'm a short-sighted idiot because I keep thinking "nobody would hate somebody for no reason when they've literally no drama and have gone to great lengths to drop off the map completely, there has to be a reason and I want to understand why".
No. 57996
>>57993 then get some fucking clue and stop showing yourself on an anonymous board
I'm a newfag and was not the first time I saw your face here
No. 57998
>>57997You keep saying I'm namedropping all over the place but I don't recall doing this outside of that one self post thread on /b/.
You say I'm doing all this stuff to excess? Show me proof, give me links, or shut the fuck up and stop making baseless accusations because at this point it sounds like your bandwagoning and don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
No. 57999
>I am so fucking tired of this bullshit and people will not leave me the fuck alone even when I'm anonymous.
You're not fucking anonymous though! You talk about yourself incessantly, to the point where it's as easy to tell when it's you from the content of your post as when you're actually selfposting pictures! Are you just genuinely unaware of how many details about your life you constantly insist on talking about and derailing threads with?
>Obviously I'm a short-sighted idiot because I keep thinking "nobody would hate somebody for no reason when they've literally no drama and have gone to great lengths to drop off the map completely, there has to be a reason and I want to understand why".
People hate that you do nothing but talk about yourself. Every reply in this thread about yourself is making it worse, because we're sick of hearing you talk about you.
That and you still have an internet presence. You were a chan cam whore, compared to someone like ruaridoll, who was actually internet famous, disappearing should be peanuts. She managed it, why can't you? But of course! you don't want to vanish. If you did, you'd stop trying to be friends with internet famous people, you'd cut contact with all the people you know from the chans, you'd stop involving yourself in drama, you'd stop posting so many identifying details here (Speaking of, stop ending your posts with an x)
No. 58000
>>57999Who am I friends with that's internet famous? When the fuck was I every a chan?
Where the hell are you getting your information?
No. 58003
>>58002"Friends" is plural, who are the others?
And I was never friends with Charms, she sought me out but we're not friends.
No. 58004
>>58003Hey you!
Read this advice>>142959
No. 58006
>>58003Surely the fact people find your tumblr/other social media profiles every time you remake them is proof enough you're interacting with people notable enough to get you noticed. Maybe you don't consider them friends, but that's completely beside the point, the point is you publicly interact with people you know full well this site is watching.
One more thing I don't understand. If you really hate all this shit being done to you, why do you do it to other people?
No. 58008
>>57987>>57988Ok spoony samefags a lot but I can assure you I'm not her. I just chatted with her before sort of so I felt compelled to comment.
>>57989If you don't care what anybody thinks then why have you been ITT for the past 3 hours (since I last posted that comment) defending yourself? If you really didn't care then you'd ignore this thread instead of making things worse for yourself. Your words don't match your actions.
Spoony… people only care because you make your presence super obvious on what is supposed to be an anonymous message board. No one ever, EVER discussed you before you started posting about yourself on here. I never saw anyone mention you. This is going to sound harsh, I don't mean it to be offensive, but in the grand scheme of things you're a literal nobody. The only reason people know you here is because you make sure to make yourself known. You don't actually do anything. You don't run a popular instagram/youtube/whatever like almost every other topic on this board. You don't produce any content to gain a following or any sort of attention from the masses.
So what other reason do people have to talk about you? No one would care about your past shit if you didn't ALSO do stuff on this board, too. I mean I could make a thread about swami/guy/whatever tripfags from back in the day solely dedicated to their 4chan antics but absolutely no one would care because they're totally irrelevant now. You are posted here because you're continuing the same behaviors and that's why people are posting about you. How can you not see that?
No. 58009
>>58006No, you've got me confused.
I don't mind people haranguing others that have done wrong. Sometimes people deserve it, sometimes they need it.
In my teens I did a lot wrong.
I was such a little shit, I underestimated the internet at the time which was something I was still fairly new to and my life was totally off the rails.
I 100% deserved that backlash; I needed it in order to snap me back to reality and pay attention to what was going on in my real life.
I was 15 when that started and I'm 23 now, I haven't had any drama for over 4 maybe 5 years now, for the most part I browse the internet in peace and obscurity and its wonderful.
I just want to be left alone Anon.
I want to be able to browse lolcow in peace. I want to be able to keep a Tumblr and interact with people the way almost every other person on Tumblr can and does without my entire existence coming under scrutiny and people reposting pictures of and telling me I'm a whore and that my hair is extensions and I'm photoshopping my eyebrows or whatever.
Sometimes I'm brusque and act without thinking, like in that white girls thread when I was trying to defend people against another irritating race spammer that was probably racist-chan, I acted without thinking, thinking they'd shut up once they realised I was white. I genuinely thought I was doing a good thing but again, I didn't think.
I went about addressesing this thread wrong because I didn't anticipate there'd be people still hanging onto stuff that occurred 8 or so years ago, I thought people would be more amicable. I was naive and honestly believed I could communicate with some of you properly for once.
I could understand if I was off doing all these terrible things but I'm not. The worst thing I've done is participating on this site the same every other user here and occasionally not thinking and mentioning details of my life that some of you are familiar with because I want to join in on discussions.
I have known and spoken to some of you in this thread for years, since early /cgl/, and I'm so tired of it guys. If I can't communicate with any of you then fine, I'll just stop posting in this thread from here on. This was obviously a mistake.
It just feels like no matter what I do, I try to take a patient approach and make people understand, I try to fight back, no matter what I always end up villain.
Please just stop and let me live my life now.
No. 58010
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No. 58012
ive been on the chans for a long time and i can only say this:
spoony has been self-posting since the dawn of the internet. she is ruthless in her self-posting. i remember her self-posting all over my homeboard /r9k/ for days and days on end. she is truly sick and needs help. i remember she would post this "which /cgl/ girl would you do" picture on /r9k/ nearly EVERY day and pray people would say it was her.
spoony is like a fucking tumour that cannot be eradicated
No. 58014
>>57994Nia stopped responding because people called her out on her shit. Hell, even when she moved all the way to the other side of the country, she had such a bad reputation after spreading drama for 3+ years on /cgl/ that nobody in the Cali cosplay/lolita scene wanted to associate with her.
Nikki still is around, she just doesn't trip anymore because she realized that identifying herself resulted in immediately having her opinions disregarded by the majority of her audience, & any statements posted were immediately called into question.
Also Nikki is autistic, ffs. She's on an entirely 'nother level of lolcow.
If the majority of the hate itt stems from the fact that spoony 'derails' threads to talk about herself…
you realize that it takes two, right?
if you stopped responding 'hi spoony' or 'shut up spoony' and drawing attention to it, then she'd be just another contributer, esp. considering that she's stopped tripping.
you vendettafags are honestly the most amusing part of this thread.
>inb4spoony No. 58015
>>58013>nobody is paying attention what you did in the past!!>immediately following>>58012kek.
dude, I was on /r9k/ at the time too.
I remember seeing spoony & thinking she was annoying as shit, seeing her selfposting called out on a constant basis, but when people claim 'nobody cares what you used to do! we're just mad 'cause you crave our attention'
…but the majority of posters here are bringing up posts that were made literally years ago as a reason to hate this chick…
idk man.
you're not making a convincing argument, here.
No. 58017
>>58015person you were replying to
im only bringing up past shit because this thread is here and it is pathetic. im bringing it up as proof that she has been shitposting about herself since the beginning of time and this isnt the first or the last time
No. 58018
>>58016please explain why this thread was made, then.
because as far as I can tell, it's because
>self-posting attention whore!90% of the attention she receives is from people who feel the need to respond to her posts using her old tripfag
>posted nudes as a teenas if countless others haven't done the same, not a reason to make someone a lolcow
>misused money from the guv'ment on ear surgerythis decision was probably the most questionable, but also isn't really milk. What people decide to do with their money/bodies is their decision. If she was a welfare queen like Octo-mom, popping out kids in order to afford twinkies and tattoos, yeah, I can see the lol potential in that, but making that comparison is a real stretch.
No. 58019
>>58018LOL WHAT
she literally posted WHO SHE WAS and said SHE'S LITERALLY SPOONY, in the "are you attractive" thread. presumably to fish for compliments, and it worked. anons said "oh ive always thought you were pretty" and shit, and every since then, the bitch has been on a roll inserting herself into many threads.
No. 58021
>>58019spoony has been around on lolcow since the beginning or very nearly. I've had my suspicions for months before she ever outed herself by mentioning her old trip.
I'm pretty sure she was on staminarose as well but it's difficult to say, to my knowledge she failed to name herself by the s-word once during that forum's lifespan.
outing yourself in one thread =/= clamoring for attention.
I have a feeling she probably thought it wouldn't be a big deal by now. obsessive vendetta-fags like yourself have clearly proven that theory wrong. (inb4spoony, I will willingly share my IP with you all if it comes down to it)
most of the time I see people ragging on her for her brows, calling her haggard, telling her to get a nosejob, lose weight, etc.
so if a few compliments from /b/ are really all it takes to make you lose your shit and start screaming SELFPOSTING WHORE all over /pt/…it reflects more negatively on you than on the subject of your ire.
No. 58023
>>58021Not who you're replying to but off the top of my head: that time she posted herself and her new elf ears in a thread that didn't have anything to do with her and samefagged responses saying she looked great/cute within an incredibly short timeframe
She's done plenty of stuff like that on here. Lots of people here don't even know what spoony has done in the past and are still irritated by her attention whoring.
No. 58024
>>58023>>58022Look, I'm perfectly willing to be convinced if can make a convincing argument.
If you think her self-posts/samefagging constitute a good reason as to why this chick should be considered a lolcow, please refer us to said posts so we can have some context instead of just taking your word for it. Or post screencaps, whatever's easiest for you. It's just that every other thread in /pt/ has multiple references to & proof of ridiculous behavior.
It's only here that we have to take anon's word for it & rely on anecdotal evidence/accusations rather than reading it for ourselves and making up our own minds.
You can see why there are still skeptics, yeah?
No. 58026
Deleted my post since I apparently don't know how to post crossboard links.
>>58024go to /b/ and look at the self-post thread and the white girls appreciation thread She also posted in a circle lens thread and got called out but I can't find that one anymore. Then again it might've been on /cgl/, I don't remember.
No. 58029
>>58027Ah, you're right. I checked that thread and someone there pointed out she self-posted in OC's thread as well. Checked that one too and there she was.
So that's at least 4 threads where she has selfposted in.
>wah wah leave me alone I don't want attentionSuuure you don't.
No. 58030
>>58027I remember that thread. the circle lenses post was literally up-close shots of her eyes.
it wasn't her whole face
she didn't mention her old trip
if you guys hadn't popped up like 'hi spoony'
her identity would have been entirely irrelevant.
and yeah, since the majority of circle lense stock photos are on dark eyes, it is actually helpful to see them on light eyes when you're talking about matching/blending your own eye color with a lense…examples like the one posted are the reason why circle lense threads are now a constant on /cgl/.
No. 58032
File: 1437684760559.jpg (73.51 KB, 602x629, disnigga.jpg)

>>58030> defending spoonyhi spoony
No. 58035
>>58034lmao are you serious rn???
first of all, spoony was fucking warned by admin for self posting so fucking often
ask admin, idiot
and no one else posted in that thread aside from that 13 yo girl that got reamed for seeking attention
No. 58036
>>58032still not spoony.
you're just embarrassing yourself, dude.
No. 58037
File: 1437687870302.gif (498.01 KB, 500x200, tumblr_lejc44cIsp1qzqmo7o1_500…)

People need to stop trying to make spoony happen.
She's not going to happen.
No. 58038
>>58031i never said she made the thread fool.
>Why post your Tumblr and then delete it to stop people browsing it um maybe because she's BATSHIT.
No. 58046
>>58033>mentions old trip w/out posting face in 'are you attractive'>people jump down her throat itt w/out ever responding directly in that thread?>posts pic without mentioning trip in a thread specifically for self-posts>[quote]fucking stupid cunt cow attention whore disgusting as fuck ass[/quote]if the sight of someone's face causes people to sperg out like that, it honestly just makes me feel sorry for them & their mental disabilities.
>>58035>warned by adminpost screencaps? because I've searched through most of /b/ trying to figure out what you're referring to and i'm still perplexed.
or are you talking about moot?
bcuz again, years old milk. it's soured by now.
No. 58049
>>58048because there are literally no admin posts in the threads you're trying to reference
>ctrl+f "admin"see results.
No. 58058
>>58051because when ad hominem is the best defense you can come up with for your vendetta, it's kind of hard not to question why it exists.
I don't see my posts as 'white knighting', idgaf about spoony, but I do resent the fact that the top space on the front page is being taken up by someone who has no milk to give other than the infuriated, obsessive autists who keep bringing her up.
No. 58061
>>58054I actually just wanted her to stop making posts where she was clearly identifiable ("anon namefagging" I guess?, perhaps "nonfagging", opposite of "anonfagging"), only in one particular thread that was getting derailed. I did not say she was banned from nonfagging or self-posting across the whole board or site. The way I worded it was vague, though, so I can see how people interpreted it that way.
At this time no such ban is in place for her or anyone else, but I do intend on adding some kind of policy to discourage certain kinds of self-posting in /pt/ eventually. A proposal for such a rule is at
>>>/meta/1072 but may change.
No. 58064
File: 1438539313968.jpg (66.35 KB, 1259x314, plzdiespoony.jpg)

I'm going to turn this thread into a "spot the spoony" thread. I see her everywhere and it's so annoying! Why can't she just stop posting herself on the internet?!
No. 58065
File: 1438539379551.jpg (392.8 KB, 751x1344, ugly.jpg)

Her eyebrows btw are getting thicker and thicker. Gross, they aren't her natural eyebrows.
No. 58066
File: 1438539490053.jpg (20.66 KB, 476x98, liar.jpg)

As someone with actual naturally thick eyebrows, I know hers are fake as hell. She needs to stop lying!
No. 58072
>>58070No, fake implies 'not natural'. Don't take it to the extreme.
Those are not her natural brows.
No. 58073
File: 1438554814838.jpg (111.9 KB, 872x510, 1438511136201.jpg)

Not defending spoony but I have seen close-ups of her brows posted to /soc/, one that I saved, and they look pretty real. Some people do just have super thick brows; look at Cara Delevingne.
No. 58077
>>58075Dude. Stop.
I can't see any eye pencil, it's pretty obvious when it's used.
idc if you hate her, she's pretty annoying, but her brows are obviously natural. Stop dragging it out.
No. 58079
>>580761. Do you know that clear eye pencil is a thing?
2. Do you know that people can chose eye pencils of a specific color to match their hair?
3. Just because she's not wearing it in the areas where her skin is exposed does not mean she is not wearing it.
4. Look at how shiny her brows are
No. 58080
>do you know that clear eye pencil is a thing?How is she supposed to be filling in her brows with a "CLEAR" pencil? Do you understand what clear means?
Anyway this discussion is boring, there is no drama here and I'm sick of seeing this thread bumped to the top of the page.
No. 58082
>>58073Ok so she naturally has ugly thick eyebrows. But she still fills them in (which she admits)
>>58067It's /soc/, everyone there is a 10. But it's funny she got a lot of 5s. Unless you look like Adriana Lima (will make /soc/ extremely jealous) you will not get 5s lol. I just find it funny an ugly weaboo got 5s. Usually they get always 8s, means she is really ugly.
>>58081She fills them in with an eyebrow powder I think.
Regardless, I don't think she needs to thin them out because she will always be ugly. In fact I dont think she needs to wear makeup at all. Bitch will always be ugly.
No. 58093
>>58065I really hate looking at her ugly mug. It
triggers me so much.
No. 58094
>>58090Spoony I said that I'm going to turn this thread into a game. I want you all to spot spoony while you browse the internet. It's an easy game, really. Also you're implying I post my face on 4chan. Are you fucking stupid? I dont btw take selfies, people take pictures of me.
>>58091Spoony I really want you to die because no matter how hard I try, I see you literally everywhere. I'm not a bully, I just want you to stop using the internet / post your mugshots on the internet.
No. 58098
>>58094You're obsessed and this thread is just sad. You actually sounds lulzier than spoony at this point.
>inb4 spoonyI actually feel embarrassed for you.
No. 58101
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>>58094>I really want you to die>I'm not a bullyHave I got news for you Anon…
No. 58105
>>58098I am obsessed? You do know I didn't create this thread? Shucks I really feel embarrassed too you know because I'm so not anonymous.
>>58101>that pictureI don't want her to die literally, I just want her to die off the internet. I dont care you're white knighting a mentally ill butifel English princess but you should really not try so hard.
No. 58106
>>58103replying means you lose, anon.
or should I say Spoony (spot the spoony)! aka number one abuser of WataMote reaction images.
No. 58107
>>58106Because spoony is the only one that watches or likes Watamote.
You're insane and I think a thread on you would be more amusing at this point.
No. 58113
>>58112She shitposted tons of anons. I know they're faceless and don't have a persona like Spoony, but her shitposts didn't end with their squabbling.
She'd also pull the same kind of shit Spoony did like what happened ITT:
>shows up to a thread about herself>"LEL IM NOT MAD U SAVAGE PEASANTS IM JUST HERE TO GET SHIT STRAIGHT">50 replies later she's still responding wasn't relevant even in 2012 when this was posted. Her only claim to cgl is being in a heated tiff with Spoony. So please don't defend this idiot.
No. 58114
>>58113Lest we also forget Curiousbear's aidoru contest and Flan getting assblasted over that too this feels like forever ago.
No. 58116
File: 1438842824380.jpg (34.92 KB, 300x300, 1349314862752.jpg)

Don't mind me, just dumping what I found in the archives about Flan~
No. 58118
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>>58117Don't these prove she was an annoying shitposter at least and purposefully pissed people off and responded just to fish for reactions? This is why people didn't fucking like her.
No. 58119
I'm in 2012 in the archives and I'm getting a bit bored because it's mostly just Flan being a shit and responding whenever her name is mentioned.
Posting this link because this is the fight between Flan vs. Spoony that sealed their rivalry for forever. No. 58121
File: 1438855846476.jpg (102.62 KB, 468x649, wagsDM2310_468x649.jpg)

>>58095Are you kidding? Uk beauty standards are penciled thin brows, voluminous hair and tan skin. Spoony might fit in in somewhere twee like Portland or New York in the US, but here she looks like a huge twat. British people aren't good about individuality, thats why assaulting somebody wearing Alt clothing is considered a hate crime here.
No. 58124
>girls she's targeted >flanPretty sure it was the other way round.
Flan was the biggest attention seeking bully on /cgl/ who felt it necessary to stick her nose into every thread and leave some snide comment about some girl or another.
At the time it was like the cool thing to hate spoony and flan thought that by going rambo on her she'd curry favor with /cgl/ but ended up taking it way too far.
You know you've fucked up when you need to get your boyfriend to come back you up under a tripfag because you're that despised, and as annoying as spoony is I've never actually seen her go out of her way to be horrible to somebody,she just doesn't know when to shut her mouth and get off the internet.
No. 58125
Saying that it was Spoony that targeted Flan is making me suspicious that it's actually Flan posting in this thread. How can anybody remember it that way unless you're Flan herself?
>>58114Holy shit yes, Flan missed the cutoff point for submission and was hella mad.
It was her that then started that hate campaign and created all those cruel illustrations against the winner Princess Amai right?
No. 58128
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>>58127I was gonna say, the aesthetic in the UK at the moment is thicker, bushier defined brows, long natural coloured hair, sometimes with an ombre, contoured cheeks and natural makeup with nude/rose/blush coloured lipsticks.
The WAG style hasn't really been in fashion since 2005-2008.
Trenchcoats with skinny jeans, a plain tank/tee with heels or ankle boots/lace up are very in a well.
The last few seasons have been all about the natural, Autumn-y girl.
No. 58130
>>58129You did not just compare that fucking ogre in OP to Cara. Cara is the face of YSL and other luxury brands. Spoony is a middle-aged camwhore with no assets to speak of whatsoever.
Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit, why won't this thread fucking die. Fuck you Spoony for incessantly samefagging and clogging this already slow board with your Ashley-tier face. Fuck you stalker, you're almost as sad as Spoony if you actually exist and aren't just a Spoony-controlled sockpuppet. Fuck this thread for existing.
No. 58132
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>>58130Cara is fucking gross
No. 58133
>>58131:^) sure you dont find sboony ugly, you're from the uk after all. Your standards are way too high for an english girl tbh.
>>58130>stalker Who are you calling a stalker? No one stalks sboon.
I didnt compare sboon to cara, i said that people in the uk consider sboon a princess because there she is a beauty. Or are you a dumbass?
No. 58134
File: 1438895961177.jpg (185.76 KB, 1536x1024, o-CARA-DELEVINGNE-facebook.jpg)

>>58132ya she's so gross /s
No. 58135
>>58130I don't like Spoony's personality, but for fuck's sake she's not hideous.
>middle-agedDo you even know the age that this term denotes?
>>58132She's a stuck up little trollup, that gollum grin suits her, imo.
>>58133>nobody stalks SpoonySeriously, this. It's just a thread about Spoony, and I guess Flan. Though I suspect Flan's pretty fucking mad if she's read this by now ahahaha.
No. 58138
File: 1438899610093.jpg (156.2 KB, 548x547, 2015-08-06 23.19.05.jpg)

>posting an image of somebody contorting their face of evidence of them being ugly Yeah, no.
If Cara was ugly that doesn't explain why she's one of the most in demand and one of the highest paid models at this time.
She has millions in the bank from her modelling/acting career and you're trying to only she's ugly lol
No. 58139
>>58138well you're posting a pic with her wearing makeup, so it's not exactly the best comparison either
also, have you noticed that models are chosen not based on their conventional attractiveness but rather how different they look? Lindsey Wixson and Masha Telna aren't exactly pretty. Daphne groeneveld is better looking but she looks weird as fuck too.
No. 58146
>>58143You don't get it.
Someone else can think she's ugly and that's fine. There is no "objective" beauty. There's what are called "conventional beauty standards," and right now her looks match the standards that the modeling industry wants. Her looks might not have been standard 20 years ago, and they might not be 20 years from now.
Get it?
No. 58147
>>58145That's true but I have a difficult time comprehending anybody looking at Cara and considering her to be "legitimately" ugly.
Sometimes I think people spend so much time on here slagging people off that they forget what ugly really looks like.
No. 58148
>>58134lol edited to hell and back
>>58138every couple of years there's an "it girl" that embodies the aesthetic the fashion industry is going for. right now its cara. that's all it fucking means. it doesn't mean she's the most beautiful person on earth, or the most talented.
are you like a cara stan or something or are you just mad because you like to think you look like her and are thus offended?
idk why somebody would be this butthurt over somebody not finding somebody attractive. especially when said person is shoved down your throat all the time
No. 58149
>>58147To me there's a difference between ugly, and just not being very attractive.
She's not attractive, to me. But I know by a lot of standards she's not ugly so I don't say that.
No. 58155
>>58151>no drama Flan confirmed.
Also she still regularly tries to shit on Dakota on Twitter whilst simultaneously trying to emulate her.
No. 58156
>>58151To be fair what drama has Spoony had for years.
Getting a body modification does not count as drama unless you plan on making a thread for anybody that every paid for surgery.
No. 58157
>>58151How would you even know if she had a fulltime job and boyfriend unless you were her?
Holy shit Flan detected.
No. 58158
>>58157Instagram and twitter, as I said.
Interesting coincidence how many similar replies were just made protecting spoony
No. 58161
File: 1438907747221.jpg (65.13 KB, 947x560, spoony.jpg)

Spoony why do you love attention?
>inb4 I post myself on /soc/
I'm a lurker toots,
No. 58173
>>58172Different eye color and shape though, and from the only picture it looks like she had some brown/green in one of her eyes.
Where is the drama?
No. 58175
>>58171I just read threads that seem interesting because sometimes they are funny. I decided to check out the eye thread because there was a guy who has a half brown and half blue iris and I want to see if he posted again. And he did. Coolest eyes I've ever seen in my life if they aren't photoshopped. Sometimes I just want to browse pictures. Sometimes I post my skype in skype threads to talk to people who are interesting. You're creepy as fuck, stop asking me questions. I can do whatever I want on the internet even if I was stalking her. Just hide this thread.
>>58173>where is the drama?this is /b/
I didn't create the thread
>>20860this is /b/
No. 58176
File: 1438909513549.png (1001.5 KB, 980x1301, ggfgvyhxdfb.png)

These are obviously two different people, one of them has a pretty distinguished limbal ring and spoony doesn't. Even the eyebrow shape and density is different and its pretty sad that you are sitting on soc or r9k all day hunting for her. I thought lolcow was for prime drama, not petty vebdettas.
What even is this.
No. 58187
>>58185Go to /pt/ for drama toots.
>>58186Flash actually can change that.
No. 58188
>>58186Are you blind? Here
>>57737>>58065the limbal rings look the same as
>>58161 No. 58189
File: 1438912713725.png (1.03 MB, 910x600, flash differences.png)

>a camera flash can physically change the melanin of your eye No. No it can't.
A limbal ring does not dilate like the pupil. The pupil is literally a giant hole in the center of your eye that reacts to changes in light.
A limbal ring is a deposit of color that goes around the outside of your iris. It cannot dilate, it does not change under light conditions. It's either the or it isn't. You are wrong.
No. 58193
>>58189I never said it works like a pupil. You know eyes look different in certain lights as this anon can confirm
>>58190 ?
>>58191Photos do not represent reality you wannabe smart anon.
No. 58194
File: 1438913142576.jpg (46.44 KB, 400x531, thisisnotspoonythen.jpg)

>>58189then pic related isnt spoony then.
No. 58195
File: 1438913273726.png (2.84 MB, 1407x1099, 1438893909879.png)

I went into that same thread and found more pictures of girls with thick eyebrows and blue eyes, wow this must be spoony too!
No. 58196
File: 1438913313098.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1920, 1438758163925.png)

>>58195Oh wow this one too!
No. 58197
File: 1438913335068.jpg (19.22 KB, 415x239, 1438895333097.jpg)

>>58196Holy shit there's more! Wow!
No. 58198
>>58195no thats not spoony she has nice eyes
>>58196try harder spoony
No. 58199
File: 1438913366655.jpg (656.41 KB, 1920x1080, 1438893074254.jpg)

>>58197How many pictures of her eyes can this girl post to just one thread!
No. 58207
>>58206>*paidAnd yes, paid for. Don't tell me she made living and college payments on her own with her menial jobs. Spoony might not have needed welfare either if she found a nice, stable sugardad to hook up with and pad her Brit ass financially.
Stupid Flan bitch, that fools nobody.
No. 58208
>>58205Not the person you're responding to but I was on cgl when spoony was actually posting regularly years ago and I don't get it either.
She is annoying but the hate this girl seems to attract from other women is unfathomable to me.
I saw a post on this thread accusing of her leading hate campaigns against dakota which is dumb because it was something literally everybody on cgl participated in at the time and was in no way lead by spoony, hence the reason it got banned from cgl completely. You give her too much credit.
Even so, the idea of punishing her for being accused of leading a hate campaign is by… leading a hate campaign against her?
If that's the way it is then everybody in this thread deserves one of their own. You're all as bad each other, some of you worse.
No. 58209
>>58206Oh yeah, I'm sure Flannypoo was so busy working dem jobs and going to school all that time. Hell, that's the reason why she had the time to trawl /cgl/ at all hours of the day and take slutty mirror-selfies just to "shitpost" and "troll" amirite? else but Flan would defend Flan. Fucking seriously.
No. 58210
>>58208Not the anon you're responding to but I dont have a presence on the internet. Make my own thread but you'd need my phone if you want my photos.
Also because spoony often was samefagging psychotically I am suspicious of you.
No. 58211
File: 1438916807650.jpg (9.42 KB, 448x411, 1353029426015.jpg)

Highly suspicious that it's Flan hatefagging spoony in this thread due to near identical posts being made in the past and the person defending her having access to her Twitter and Instagram when her Instagram has never been publicly posted to lolcow… No. 58212
File: 1438917268909.png (186.1 KB, 1068x1023, hi.png)

>>58211Oh shit you're right…
>>>/pt/40746 No. 58213
File: 1438917397209.png (773.86 KB, 1073x1378, hj.png)

>>58212>>58211And she's online and Tweeting right now. Wow.
No. 58215
File: 1438917538317.jpg (23.78 KB, 448x411, Flan's list of asspattery.jpg)

>>58206Hey Flan. I recognized your listing style. Pic related.
Nobody around here gives a shit about you to stalk your instagram, that was too obvious.
>got a job, finished collegeSo what? The average person does this.
What's your job, what is your degree, what do you fucking do that should matter to us?
>no drama activity since "______."You're involved now, maturity.
>moved to another countryAgain, so what? Girls with financially stable boyfriends and privileged families also do this. I've known IRRESPONSIBLE people who have done so and either came back or married a person with stability who could give them a Visa. Why is this specifically an accomplishment?
>full-time jobPeople who are below the poverty line also have full time jobs.
It should be a personal responsibility, not grounds for asspats, that you should be able to support yourself. You're the type who wants a cookie for everything.
>I travel and do activitiesSo? Tons of people without money and status do this as well.
>bfFucking trailer trash can get boyfriends. How petty that you even have to include this on the list of comparatives just because there's literally nothing else.
There's also the issue with this,
>made hate accounts for dakota and venusFlan, did you forget all the equally obnoxious shitposting and criticism you threw at Dakota and the Ostrengas in general? You participated in it just as much:'m sure it does burn you that three years on, Dakota is doing better than you despite being the photoshopped, vapid bitch with "decreasing popularity" that you predicted she would be. I'm sure deep down it eats at you, how you never got the validation you craved despite "doing so much more" than those plebs like Spoony and Dakota. But oh well, you are what you are now–nameless and irrelevant :^)
No. 58216
File: 1438917671826.jpeg (75.89 KB, 239x239, 1342770337970.jpeg)

>>58211>dat hivemindAyyyyyy
No. 58225
>knows who spoony is >claims they don't know who flan is If this was anymore confirmation I needed that this was flan.
>>58216I'm amazed that I'm not the only one that noticed this.
Thought I might be the only one with a weird memory for details like this lol
No. 58228
>>58225The only reason why I didn't call it earlier was because I couldn't remember if Spoony or Flan had started the list bullshit, but then I checked the archive and there it was!
I probably have the cap saved in my 4chan folder too, I haven't cleaned it out since 2011 so I probably have something under the "Idiots" section.
No. 58230
>exact same typing and listing style >also had access to an Instagram that has never been posted to lolcow Did you forget that last part?
Also need to point out, Flan has gone mysteriously quiet on Twitter and stopped Tweeting the second caps of her Twitter got posted here.
No. 58232
File: 1438919335096.png (186.22 KB, 1332x830, flan.png)

>>58226Hey I do have an original cap saved!
It even has that low-born trip Cockburn worshipping her ass. Wasn't this Flan's bf?
No. 58234
>>58230Her insta is on her twitter…
Is she meant to be online 24/7? Idgi
No. 58236
File: 1438920256532.png (225.72 KB, 781x1104, 8565228.png)

I just noticed that on
>>58151, the post that looks suspiciously like flan's contains more content almost identical to an anon post on cgl years ago from an "anon" that was also defending flan in a thread where flan was posting…
>made hate accounts for dakota and venus No. 58239
>>58236I am just looking through this thread now and others now and it's funny how whenever somebody goes to praise or defend flan in them they always seem to drop all capitalization and punctuation…
What an uncanny coincidence.
No. 58243
>>58242>A thread about her alone wouldn't hold its own nose, especially one as big as hers.Kek.
And you're pretty much spot on, anon. Flan was never even slightly relevant, and I guess that makes her angry.
No. 58245
>>58194wow thanks this
triggered me
No. 58249
>>58208I don't get the hate for spoony either Anon, I feel like it's just a handful of people samefagging. Don't get me wrong, spoons needs to sort out her brows and her elf ears are ridiculous, but she's just too (Forgive me for lack of a beter word) 'pathetic'. I don't want to kick somebody when they're down.
Thats why PT is queen, because she bounces back, spoony just festers.
No. 58255
>>58254ya i'm suck a lolcow cuz i made bad decisions 10 years ago
some bitches on here lol
No. 58256
>>58254lol having teen nudes does not a lolcow make you spasticated horsefucker.
We live in the age of technology, teens posses easier access to information than ever before, of course they're going to experiment and play around online.
No. 58258
>>58257You know 15 isn't prepubescent right?
lmao stupid bitches
No. 58266
>>58265you know, if the only excuse you can come up with for your behavior when it's called into question is 'they don't agree with me? must be spoony!!', your vendetta becomes really obvious. and seriously embarrassing to witness.
the amount of second-hand cringe produced in this thread is comparable to the tumblr thread in /pt/.
but, yeah, until admin-sama decides to expose the samefags in here for the benefit of everyone's amusement (which would entirely defeat the point of an anonymous image board…) you should seriously try to sit down and think of some better responses.
still not spoony.
No. 58272
at least you're getting more creative, good job.
No. 58275
>>58273apparently spoony is legion.
she is in every home, in every city, in every country.
if you want to make your eyebrows grow thick as a bush, turn off all the lights in your house, light a candle in front of a mirror, and chant her name until her power manifests within you. then come here and samefag compulsively, alternating between 'whiteknight' and 'vendetta-chan', for days upon end.
No. 58279
it's not like you guys have actually dredged up any lulz-worthy dirt.
it's just a constant spam queue of 'hi spoony', and trying to imply that anyone who calls the flamefest into question
must be the subject of the thread.
honestly it makes me feel sorry for this chick.
and sorry for whoever has so much time with nothing better to do than make a list like
still not a spoon.
No. 58281
>>58279That is basically what happened on /cgl/ during the flan-era.
Spoony would post to a thread and would be immediately be pounced on. The thread would then proceed to very quickly devolve into a flame war between people who insisted on ragging on her literally anytime she posted, even if it was relevant to the thread, and those that were sick of threads being destroyed by people unable to control their impotent rage around her.
The threads ended up getting so vicious with little to no drama being produced and it just being a massive stream of circular insults that people began to feel more sorry for Spoony. It was giving ridiculous.
No. 58283
>>58282Some of those posts are mine so I know for a fact that's a lie.
Are you pretending to be spoony now or what?
No. 58284
>>58283This is me too, guys. Not that you'll believe me.
I've made a thread about my samefagging/shitposting habits before tbh.
No. 58285
>>58283shut up spoony
-love spoony
No. 58294
File: 1439235916205.gif (567.1 KB, 275x155, 1432226953635.gif)

>>58293My first contact with spoony was this thread, and yes, I find her moderate cute. Thank you for showing me this kawaii godessu
No. 58301
>>58300thnx for compliment but no im ugly
>>58299fuck off bc u pretend to be me faker
No. 58306
File: 1441068958959.jpg (372.08 KB, 900x1600, tumblr_ntm7axbrQe1s51juko1_128…)

She has reactivated her tumblr.
No. 58318
File: 1441677226862.png (71.79 KB, 332x489, Medli_Figurine.png)

>>58306Every time I see that, I see
>pic relatedOr just a bird.
No. 58395
>>58394Tbh I don't mind because I've always disliked them from cgl and it's nice to know everyone here thinks they're retards, too.
At the same time I wish they'd fuck off. The problem is that when they get even a tiny drop of attention they latch on.
I've always thought Spoony and Choke were exceptionally ugly, so I'm not too surprised. I feel like the people who defend their appearance must be very average or ugly themselves, so they think it would make them look worse in comparison to admit these girls aren't that great looking.
No. 58418
>>58412So spoony is a stalker for posting in the Kate thread but you're just an innocent little fly on the wall, lel okay bitch.
Truth is nobody is in this site is as bad as each other and it's retarded to argue that you're special and unique and above all that when we're all here for the exact same reason.
No. 58424
>>58418Spoony detected
Does spoony remind anyone else of venus? I mean they both have that "doughy" saggy look to them/their faces
No. 58626
>>58554Except she actively brings herself up and discusses herself on here.
I have a thin semblance of hope she'll finally realize how unwanted she really is
No. 58630
>>58626Literally every time I've witnessed a thread being derailed on account of spoony it's because some idiot or other can't control themselves and feel it absolutely necessary it to point her out and say "LOL HI SPOONY THIS IS SPOONY GUYS".
Every. Fucking. Time.
Even in the fucking Kate thread everything was fine until somebody had to post "kek you know this girl is spoony" and then it all went to hell.
Learn to control yourselves, fuck.
No. 58791
>>58562relevant enough to deserve a thread dedicated to her, apparently. one that you seem dedicated to keeping alive.
>>58626I literally haven't seen spoony out herself in years. it's all people who try to play ~internet detective~ from the details revealed and then pop up like 'omg it's spoony'.
Myself, I've recognized spoony's typing style & presence from the details mentioned in several threads (where she actually ended up contributing useful information
gasp without drawing attention to herself) but I don't sperg out and start screaming her old trip as soon as I realize that she walks among us. it's just you faggots that do that, derail the entire thread, then complain about what an attention whore that she is.
No. 58813
>>58791Are you serious? Do you not have any self awareness? Here, I'll break it down for you:
The reason why everyone always shouts "It's Spoony" is because no one likes you. There's no such thing as a Spoony knight. You do not have a legion of white knights like Kate, that you hate so much. You're not even like Chokelate where she's completely tasteless but still has a small group of bad wig lovers.
Everyone knows it's you because no one likes you. You have no real friends. You're severely mentally ill and a stalker. No one thinks you're interesting or even that dramatic as a tripfag or cow. You're just a nobody. You show up to the party and no one asked you to come. Spoony seeks the attention and the validation she never got on anonymous boards because daddy touched her.
The saddest part is you have been doing this for 6+ years and you're not as famous as any of these cows you obsess over and project onto. Congrats in getting Dakota, Beckii, and literally any cow you get near thrust into the spotlight and careers. Spoony gives all her potential and life energy to these girls, getting them famous. Meanwhile, she sits at home with no future.
No. 58824
>>58630Funny you sound exactly like spoony when she was throwing a tantrum trying to defend herself on /g/ im that corset thread
I have no idea why you think you aren't being hypocritical telling people to 'control themselves' when it's your doughy ass who can't help self insert and discuss herself
Just die already
No. 58830
>>58826I'm about 99.9% certain the posts you just quoted are just spoony doing her stupid shit as usual.
In fact I don't even have that 0.1% of doubt, that's literally just spoony being a retard. She always has to make posts agreeing with her original one, too.
It's hilarious she expects anyone to believe that she just mysteriously appears whenever someone mentions her or posts her pic. In reality no one but spoony cares about spoony that much.
She's probably been proactively bumping this thread - saging those last posts to try to be sneaky.
She has less tact than amber whann or whatever her name is
No. 58833
>>58830:^) I'm also fairly certain she is at least one of these posts accusing herself of samefagging/having no sense.
If not multiple.
Spoony, you should just start your own damn chan so you can sit there talking to yourself all day. Maybe you'll even forget some of the posts are yours and think someone gives a rats ass about you, kek
No. 58900
>>58813I'm kek'ing because whilst you're all in here rubbing your witchy hands over your cauldron and cackling about how I'm so easy to spot and how my samefagging is so obvious you don't realise that
>>58791 is a totally random Anon and OH GOD do I wish Admin still did samefag refutation just to see the egg on your faces. I'd fly to each of your houses respectively just to take you to bed and lick it off.
If you all are so sure that I'm here because of some crazed lust for attention, a totally wild idea would be to just stop talking about me and trying to point me out in random threads.
But you won't, and undoubtedly one of you precious little idiots is going to come in here and try to start arguing with me.
You can't resist because you're completely in love with this idea you've built up of me being this "forum bogeyman" or some shit.
I'll be impressed of any of you actually manage to hold your twitching fingers back for 24 hours.
The best bit is that this thread is now on the second page and I'm saging it, so the next person to respond to me is going to have to inadvertently admit that they deliberately came looking for the thread, bumped it all the while complaining about how I only want attention top fucking lel.
No. 58993
>>58958Not even 4 hours, tsk, tsk, poor form. You really don't have any self control do you?
>takes a video from a tumblr I deleted 3 months ago, makes the effort to convert it to WebM, keeps it on her HD for 3 months and tries to shame me with itAnd you guys call me the stalker o lawd do you not see how pathetically obsessive this behaviour is?
Do you really not see the sad hypocrisy in claiming I'm the one that wants the attention when you actively search for me in random threads and create entire threads about me and hoard NSFW content of me on your PC?
Any other person would call this infatuation you know.
No. 59015
>>59003And what hypocrisy is that? Because everytime I've requested of anybody here evidence of what exactly it is you're all chimpinh out over everybody suddenly goes very quiet.
Like fuck, months ago further up the thread there was one loon who saw a picture some Anon posted to /soc/ of an eye an eyebrow and reposted it here claiming it was me.
There is a person who actively sits on 4chan looking for posts that look like they've been made by me and then claims I'm hunting for attention by posting… an eye?
That is INSANE.
No. 59017
And now you have this
>>59007You guys really don't see how insane you look do you.
No. 59075
File: 1447529677757.jpg (140.95 KB, 540x960, 1443112508787.jpg)

>>59015Hypocrisy - stalking people then moaning about yourself getting "stalked" - which is really just people posting pictures you upload yourself to the internet.
By now you should know other people will repost your pictures, but you keep doing it and then getting butthurt about it.
No. 59091
>>59075And who am I stalking here exactly? You think browsing lolcow equivalates to stalking when I spend more time on /b/ and /g/ than I do on any of the other personality-centric boards?
Who's the one with an entire folder on their HD dedicated to images of me? You won't find anything like that on my computer.
Do you use it daily Anon?
Just what volume of juices steeping into your hardened sheets am I responsible for here?
No. 59155
>>59075Seriously,though? You guys are taking this too far. If you want her to disappear, then just let this kind of thread die quietly and stop making it a big deal if you notice she's still around. I don't like tripfags either, but it's only a problem if you choose to actively harrass her by bumping threads like this repeatedly complaining about her looks and 'attention whoring'.
Also, contacting someone's relatives with this shit is too fucking far. We don't do that even for legit lolcows unless they're ones like Ashley that are endangering themselves or others. Grow the fuck up and learn to ignore the people you don't like instead of trying to ruin their lives or whatever you're attempting here, jesus.
>inb4 U MUST BE THE SPOON!!!!still not spoony, but if it bugs you that much, go harrass admin to implement IDs.
No. 59196
>>59155Thanks Anon.
I know you're not condoning any past behaviour and such but it's a relief that there's a few people in this thread that gets it.
I legit just want to browse in peace.
The only reason I said "hi" in that Kate thread was because I didn't even realise there was somebody on lolcow who knew my irl name.
No. 59213
>>59091You don't seem to understand all these posts are different people, not just one Anon replying to you. No one likes you and we all want you to leave, but no one cares about you enough to commit to prattling on about yourself as much as you do. Kek by your own logic you're bringing this all on yourself just by not shutting up.
>>59155Except even when this thread had disappeared into the depths of the catalogue spoony didn't go with it. I've seen her talking about herself in g and b not too long ago, certainly before the thread was revived.
The way she seems to magically appear within half an hour of any posts about her is pretty telling.
Even Admin has said in meta that she has been banned before for this shit and it'll happen again if she continues.
No. 59218
>except even when this thread had disappeared into the depths of the catalogue spoony didn't go with itYeah because some idiot, probably you, went ahead and bumped it.
You love discussing and following me; admit it.
>even Admin has said in meta that she has been banned before for this shit and it'll happen again if she continues.I have never, ever been banned for selfposting here so I'm not sure which orifice you're pulling that from.
A bunch of people including myself got an informal warning for continuously talking about IRL situations and personal stuff in irrelevant threads but that's it, which I admit to.
When a thread is stale it's easy to devolve and start talking about politics or hair or exercise or whatever topic seems to pop up at the time.
>I've seen her talking about herself in g and b not too long ago, certainly before the thread was revived.Literally your problem.
If you think I'm leaving the board because some salty little baby can't prevent herself from chimping out whenever a post she thinks may belong to me slides into her view you're deluded.
No. 59222
>>59213Like to add as well you keep saying that you don't care about me and want me to vanish, and yet, here you are actively posting in a thread all about yours truly.
You're such a fucking liar it's unreal.
I've been Anon for so many years now, legit deleted over 10 SM accounts to keep people like you's creepy little claws the fuck away from me outside this board and you insist on trying to point me out and drag me into conversations where I'm not relevant, which is pretty much every conversation that exists on this board, and then have the nerve to say you "liek, totes dnt care bout' her!!!1!".
You stink of shit Anon. Go take a shower.
No. 59234
>>59225Damn kind of like how every person in this thread that produces some semblance of a defence towards me is all me amirite.
The hypocrisy is real.
No. 59244
>>59236It's amusing for me to see these kind of posts from strangers who have created an analysis of me based on what is in reality an extremely limited amount of information submitted over the years and you fail to realise that I'm a totally normal, completely average young woman leading a pretty average, uneventful life exactly like the rest of you.
I mean according to this thread I have multiple psycho-disorders which I'm on meds for, I don't work, I'm not in education, I live at home and I'm on my computer 24 hours a day amassing folders or some shit of people on the internet? I don't even fucking know.
I find all of this so unbelievably bizarre half the time I really don't even know what to say.
No. 59246
>>59236You know how every time I get mentioned in a thread there usually follows a quick succession of saged posts saying "don't bring her up", "just stop responding to her", "ignore her ffs".
Guess who
jazz handsI legit didn't even respond that it was me in the Kate thread, only saged and tried to discourage further discussion on me.
Go look for yourself.
No. 59252
>>59250No one cares about you as a person. We don't need to know anything,your actions speak for themselves.
>>59246Also good job you admit to samefagging about yourself to build up hype.
How hard is it to get it through your thick skull to just say nothing? I legitimately think you must have some kind of slowness based on nothing but your own actions.
No. 59258
>>59256Fucking kek. Here you can see Spoony again confusing two separate Anon posters. And she dropped her sage, which I have no doubt is from her samefagging in between replies!
How transparent…
No. 59261
>>59257Loooooooool you mean the thread where somebody physically came out and asked "spoony how did you do that"?
I guess it would have been politer in your eyes to just ignore them lel
Everybody knows I post here already, I'm not going to withhold advice just because you cry when you see me post :^(
>>59258Sage dropped because I closed and reopened the page.
You're deluded, especially seeing as the only person typing in defence of me in the last hour is me, unless you're trying say I'm attacking myself on Anon kek
No. 59265
>>59263Why do you think I'm so fed-up of these fucks following me around from website to website?
Why do you think I stopped posting on /r9k/?
Why do you think I deleted my Tumblr 5 times?
It's either a legit creep or something posting to make it look like I'm samefagging and you're falling for it.
I don't care if you believe it or not, it makes no impact on me either way. If it bothers you that much go petition the Admin to confirm. You'll be extremely surprised at the results and potentially feel a bit silly.
No. 59269
>>59267Kind of like how you can't stop responding to me.
Funny how that works isn't it
No. 59271
>>59270lol no, I know why people dislike me and I really don't care.
What I don't understand is why, despite professing to wish to see all semblance of my existence vanish, they continue to discuss me and actively bump a thread ABOUT me.
Kind of runs counter to the argument, huh?
tbh with each post this mess of a thread gets the closer it gets to autosaging so by all means continue arguing with me for all the good it does you.
No. 59272
>>59265Post shit like
>>58958 and wonder why creeps follow you around lmao.
No. 59273
>>59271Get back on mfc
Or start a patreon
No. 59276
>>59273I was never "on" MFC.
I made an account whilst I was hard-up to try that non-nude chatting to people shtick, logged in twice, chatted, decided I didn't like it and never tried again.
I don't need a Patreon.
And again, kill yourself.
No. 59278
guys, I don't know if you realize this, but if you're honestly trying to make spoony 'vanish' then you're going about it totally the wrong way.
people don't give a shit about a random anonymous poster, we have multiple 32"-waist-chans on this board even, but they don't get their own goddamn thread for it. spoony would be just like everyone else if it wasn't for people like the ones ITT who feel like they have to punish her whenever they 'recognize' her posting. if it wasn't for the spectacle that you guys are making out of the whole affair, nobody would give a shit. If you hate spoony because she 'craves attention', then you've also got to admit that you're just drumming up more attention & contributing to the vicious cycle by trying to start a fucking witch hunt. you're making a spectacle out of yourselves.
but by all means, keep rageposting about it. I mean, if she really is the psychotic attention-starved bottomfeeder basement-dweller that you insist she is, you're only giving her exactly what she wants.
>inb4 you insist that I only think so because spoony is a lv.99 mastertroll hivemind and I am one of her troll drones or some other fucking insane conspiracy theory
I knew people on lolcow were catty obsessive bitches, but this is a new low even for us.
No. 59311
Let's not derail too much with Spoony throwing a fit and trying to bait like the child she is.
>>59308That being said, when did Spoony show up? I wasn't around on /cgl/ during Dakota's prime. She must honestly be pretty old to still be doing this. I want to guess she's 27+.
She also needs to drop the blurry-as-fuck "kawaii" look.
>>59075 Looks like it's copy pasted on that background and her hair looks cut out especially. Cool the photo apps, honey. It won't save the pudge.
No. 59315
>>59311She's like 23/24.
She showed up posting pictures of herself while anonymous like 5 or 6 years ago on various boards on 4chan, but then started shitting up /fa/ (particularly) under the trip "Spoony Hips". At this time she was in her hostel.
No. 59317
>>59315Do you know any of the other boards she's gone to? I've seen /cgl/,/g/, /r9k/, /b/, and /fa/ be mentioned here. I'd like to see some kind of Spoony Masterlist of trips and boards, if anyone can put it here. Spoony sightings seem to be a thing.
Also, she's abandoned her tumblr again. Does anyone have her new one? This cow is beyond weird to me. I don't understand why she does that when she clearly like self-posting here.
No. 59318
>>59311I shooped short hair onto myself to see how it would look since I'm considering getting the chop, so the reason it looks copied and pasted is because it is.
>stop giving spoony attention>what's her new Tumblr¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>also, she's abandoned her tumblr again>I don't understand why she does thatMaybe it's because I don't enjoy nor desire the attention, kind of like what I've been saying for apparently 4 months now.
No. 59322
>>59318You are too fucking funny to me. You're such a clown. I'm relatively new to you. I enjoy watching you fuck up with what little I've seen. If you truly did not seek attention, you would not post here, end of question.
I got posted on a board once. I literally just did not go there, look at it, or acknowledge it. Guess what? Nothing came of it in real life or online.
You crave us and live off of anons reactions to you. You literally could not go a day without looking at this thread, much less 30 minutes.
Also, >>59321 stop that. That doughy ass is gross.
No. 59326
>post nudes to anonymous losers for their approval>get mad when people remind you of thisAlso
>17 >underage>UKlolno
No. 59332
>>59329Just because the age of consent is 16 does not mean a 16 year old can legally star in a porno, that's why you have to be 18 minimum.
Age of sexual consent =/= age sexual imagery can be distributed of somebody considered by the state to be a minor. It literally says right here
>>59328How dumb are you really?
You wanna go find me all that totally legal porn starring 17 year olds?
No. 59333
>the Protection of Children Act 1978 with the Criminal Justice Act 1988 make it an offence for anyone to take, allow to be taken, possess, show, distribute or publish any indecent image of a child. A child is defined as anyone aged under 18 for the purposes of these Acts.I broke the law as an unknowing teen and a legal child but you're actively distributing this picture as an adult.
If something like this went to court you'd be fucked in the ass in minutes.
No. 59336
>>59335Aww, did I anger you?
>>59328 The only spaghetti here is you spilling it everywhere.
No. 59337
>>59335Too bad you don't take your own advice, spoons
You'd miss the attention top much
No. 59338
>I broke the law as an unknowing teen and a legal child but you're actively distributing this picture as an adult.I guess all that attention was worth it in the end.
Oh wait.
No. 59343
>>59333No, YOU would be fucked in the ass. You would have to prove you were 17 at the time the image was taken. Now even if you could do that, you would just be incriminating yourself since you created and distributed those images in the first place.
And furthermore, you knew what age you were, unlike the people posting your images.
No one is going to jail for posting your fat ass.
No. 59344
>you would have to prove you were 17 at the time the image was takenWhooo boy you really don't understand the law do you.
The onus is on the distributor. not the subject, i.e. YOU would have to prove that I'm not 18+ in that image.
Somebody's getting maaaaaaaaaaad :^)
No. 59346
>>59344Except that you are the
original distributor, that's what anon is saying, which puts you in a double-bind since you are both subject and distributor.
No. 59348
>>59342You'll give it to us. When this thread dies down, you'll be so desperate for attention you'll hand it over.
>also revealing you have multiple social media accountsWay to go, you moron.
No. 59352
>>59345Distributed 7 years ago as an unknowing minor.
Minors are granted lenience in regards to ignorance of the law due to their age where pertaining to some offences, however adults are not.
The most I'd ever get is a fine.
Ignorance of the law for an adult knowingly distributing CP would is not permitted. They'd get jail time.
>>59348It'll be a long, long wait needle-dick.
>>59350To submit DMCA takedown requests and have files deleted, yes.
No. 59358
>>59355It isn't that simple actually.
Either way i'm not sure what the hell is going on in this thread but, if you get even a whiff that someone might be underage in a nude picture, you take that picture down unless proven otherwise.
No. 59359
>>59353TOP. KEK.
Do you have any idea how many years I've been dealing with pathetic little threats of this calibre? Like you actually think something like this is supposed to scare me?
You're gonna link a Facebook that you know for a fact is locked down and has no information available to it that I could easily delete or change the URL of in less than a second? Fucking do it you sad waste of oxygen and afterwards go loop that noose over the rafters and finally get done what you've been itching to do for so many years now.
>a teenager who sent a topless selfie to her boyfriend received a police cautionTrembling m8.
No. 59361
>>59359youre not very nice, telling people to kill themselves
depression and suicide is serious and I know you have been depressed in the past you wouldnt like if someone had said that to you
No. 59366
>>59360Would you believe me if I said I didn't even know who Kate was until the day I got posted to that thread?
I kept seeing the LACE thread bouncing around on /pt/ for months and months but I didn't pay attention to it since I mostly hang out on /g/ and /b/.
When I saw Choke make that post I was like "wut", came to /pt/, saw the new Kate thread on /pt/, went back and skimmed over the old thread to get a summary, saw the stuff about the kitten and went berserker mode.
At any rate I can't say I hate her, I don't even know her, but if all this stuff about the kitten is true then she deserves to burn.
As far as I'm concerned people who treat animals as lifeless accessories are only a tier below people that physically abuse them.
I fucking DESPISE animal abusers I legit stay up crying sometimes when I start thinking about battery farms. I'm one of those psychos that takes in stray kittens and injured pigeons and baby seagulls that fall out of their nests and shit, even though they grow up to be assholes.
Does the kitten thing really not bother anybody else?
>>59363Huh? Links please, I actually don't know what you're talking about.
No. 59367
>>59359>Fucking do it you sad waste of oxygen and afterwards go loop that noose over the rafters and finally get done what you've been itching to do for so many years now.Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?
This is my first time posting in this thread. I've known you since /cgl/, spoony, but I always wanted to give you the benefit of doubt. You've proven yourself to be as crazy and attention-seeking as everyone says you are.
Do you want the thread to die? Stop posting. That's all you have to do. Fucking crazy bitch.
No. 59370
>>59366No, I would not believe you if you said that. Considering your comment on the screenshot, where you talked about all of the kate drama taht's been happening since the beginning; no, I do not believe you.
>Does the kitten thing really not bother anybody else?Have you really not read the /pt/ thread, the numerous /cgl/ threads, or the btb secrets all about how concerned everyone is about that fucking cat?
I'm not threatening your personal safety, retard.
No. 59374
File: 1447554082514.jpg (70.15 KB, 554x430, lol.jpg)

No. 59376
>where you talked about all of the kate drama taht's been happening since the beginningYeah, but, like, I just said that when I saw Choke's post I immediately went to /pt/ to go read back through the drama, and then made the Facebook response.
I can get a screenshot of my history if you really don't believe me.
This I can t least prove because it will literally say Facebook>waraosuarchive>lolcow>lolcow:LACE thread>Facebook etc.
And how is threatening to link my personal Facebook to a board you know is filled with men who are obsessed with an image of me not a threat to my safety?
No. 59377
>have you really not read the /pt/ thread, the numerous /cgl/ threads, or the btb secrets all about how concerned everyone is about that fucking cat?No, I only really skimmed through the /pt/ thread, I haven't even looked at /cgl/ in years now and I don't go to BtB, I'm not a lolita.
No. 59378
>>59374did spoony write this?
damn spoony. never knew you were this hardcore. why don't you go male-free spoony? love, mystery.jpg
No. 59382
>>59376Yeah, but, like, no you fucking didn't.
I don't want a stupid fucking screenshot. I don't care.
I didn't threaten to link your personal facebook, also if you're ~that worried~ just fucking delete it. It's that simple, retard. Are you really so self-absorbed that you think an entire 4chan board is dedicated to men obsessing over you?
>>59377>I immediately went to /pt/ to go read back through the drama>I only really skimmed through the /pt/ threadSo which one was it? Protip: don't make blanket statements about drama you don't even understand.
You need Jesus. You need to stop putting yourself out there on the internet; it's a dangerous place, which you should already know, so maybe you should make shit private and stop constantly talking about yourself and maybe the drama will go away.
No. 59383
>>59376>board with men who are obsessed with an image of meNothing you can say will convince me that it wasn't just you selfposting. Nothing you can say will convince me you were ignorant of any kind of drama with Kate or whoever else.
I'm not even the anons you were initially arguing with, but really, why is our approval so important to you? If you honestly believe in what you're saying that's all that should matter for your mind's sake. It just looks phony when you keep arguing to get people to believe you when you frankly haven't built the best reputation for yourself. It's speaking volumes to me that you're upset that randoms won't take your word instead of trying to understand why they wouldn't and let it go.
No. 59385
File: 1447555094830.jpg (166.25 KB, 873x1058, fesf.jpg)

>I don't want a stupid fucking screenshot. I don't care. I wish you'd said this before I went and dug this up.
You can even see me going to archive and searching Kate cause I was like "wtf is this drama".
So nope. I'm not a lolita and until apparently Wednesday I didn't have a clue who she was or what LACE was.
No. 59386
File: 1447555183458.png (54.88 KB, 504x181, Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 8.33…)

>>59368as someone who's been watching this thread devolve all day, I can't say that I agree with her choice of words, but I certainly understand why she's pissed enough to use them. if I was the center of this shitstorm, I'd want to tell whoever resurrected this years-old sour milk to gtfo this life, too.
also you'll probably call me a white knight or claim I'm spoony or whatever, but 'cyberbullying' by telling someone to kill themselves on a goddamn imageboard is on a totally different level from 'cyberbullying' someone by threatening to distribute nudes/CP to their fucking family in an attempt to get to them IRL. People actually do kill themselves over that shit, whereas if anyone takes the opinion of a single provoked internet dweller seriously enough to off themselves, I can't say that I feel like we've lost a credit to the species.
>abloobloo but what if they have depression pic related
No. 59388
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>>59387Why would I lie about not having known who Kate was until Wednesday? That's a pretty silly thing to lie about.
No. 59389
File: 1447555307139.jpg (614.47 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_nu8avtfl9F1s51juko1_128…)

>>59374why do people post comments about my breasts?
No. 59390
>>59388I'm not saying you're lying about your internet history. I'm just telling you that I don't give a shit.
No. 59392
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>>59387lol you can even see me slowly stumbling onto her Sweet Rebel trailer and then getting to the cat part.
>do cats die on airplanesYeah I legit didn't actually know how dangerous flying was for animals.
No. 59393
>>59390But you just said you didn't believe me when I said I didn't know who Kate was until Wednesday.
If I knew who she was why would see Choke's post, go to the archive to search Kate, come to /pt/, read the LACE thread and then start looking at her Sweet Edgelord trailer, Indiegogo and start Googling why cats can't fly on airplanes.
Fuck is this Kate? Oh my god that would make so much sense right now please be true.
>>59391Fortunately it's a shoop.
No. 59394
>>59387>is so buttflustered by some rando on the internet that they're ITT demanding that this person stop posting, quit the internet forever, and erase all trace of their existence on it>'b-but I don't give a shit guise'make up your damn mind.
still not spoony, just tired of all the logical fallacies itt. if you seriously don't give a shit, you wouldn't be here with your panties all in a twist simply because someone who annoys you exists on the same imageboard as you do.
No. 59395
>>59385Your original post where you got ratted out told us you've been stalking Kate from the start. You're just sperging out because you were caught in the heart of stirring up shit. I have no idea what browser history would prove.
Also, this also proves your Facebook is NOT deactivated. God, you're so full of shit. If you saw Choke's FRIENDS ONLY post, then you are completely active on Facebook.
No. 59396
>>59395I'm genuinely concerned for you now because I never once said I've been following Kate from the beginning and I never once said that my Facebook was deactivated.
Please link to where both of these things occurred if you believe they happened.
No. 59397
>>59394>quit the internet foreverWell, nobody is really saying that to you Spoons. What they're telling you is to stop responding to drama i.e. this thread.
You can't complain about drama, turn around and actively participate in it, and then feel sorry for yourself. It makes no sense.
No. 59405

>>59395>>59393Just so you guys know, I'll link my posts:
>>59367>>59370>>59382>>59387>>59390Also, pic attached, not Kate or whoever you think I am. Just a random anon who thinks you're full of shit.
Sure, you've got browser history that I never asked to see? Your original comment still makes it seem like you've been following the drama for a while. I'm sorry for being wrong about that one thing. I never asked to see your history, but thanks for proving your own point about 'internet privacy!!1 respect muh safety!!1'
Look Spoons, you should probably just stop mentioning yourself or responding to threads about you if you don't want attention. It's that simple.
>inb4 ugly!! FAS!! nasolabial folds!!!1>yeah i know No. 59406
>>59398Do you know what locked down means? It means that absolutely everything on it is set to display as private to people who aren't on my friendlist. You can't access or view anything.
I never once said it was a deactivated account. That's your mistake.
Now, how about this post where I apparently stated I've been "stalking Kate" from the very beginning.
No. 59408
>>59405whoops, meant to link
>>59394instead of the first post.
No. 59410
Spoony, important question.
Were you ever attempted to be blackmailed by a guy from /r9k/? Like seriously blackmailed?
No. 59411
>>59405I actually appreciate that you believe me. I get kind of buttgrumbled when people accuse me of lying when I know I'm not.
And from I can see you're not ugly at all, you actually look really cute and have really pretty lips, but be prepared for people attacking you nonetheless.
I'm so tired of bickering with people that I probably get a long with really well with in threads where we're all anonymous though,
It's funny that so many of you believe that I'm this terrible, awful person because I don't think that way at all about the users of this board. It kind of makes me sad because I really enjoy this community and contribute to it a lot in ways nobody but Admin knows because I really am Anonymous like 98% of the time, I just fuck-up sometimes and then it turns into… this.
I'm dumb for thinking I can be amicable with people and change their minds I know, especially on a site that thrives off drama and when I'm the type of person that's easily aggravated.
Ah I'm so tired of the back and forth guys.
No. 59412
>>59410I've had one guy post to /r9k/ who recognised me on a train, described the book I was reading and everything, one guy who knew the city I was living in and claimed was going to kneecap me the next time he saw me, and one guy from… I can't remember the country but he made a WoW character with my name but ended it in "tje" which means love or something in his language and would stalk me on my WoW server, and he bought plane tickets to the UK and sent me photos of them telling me he was coming to the UK to see me whether I liked it or not because "I was the last thing he thought about at night and the first thing he thought about in the morning", and when I blocked him and deleted every account he knew I had he found my boyfriend's Steam and made threats to kill him, and that's when I began seriously withdrawing from 4chan and stuff.
This is why I get so aggressive when people threaten to publish things like my Facebook address especially to a board like /r9k/.
No. 59414
File: 1447557331185.gif (802.01 KB, 500x411, NO_U_cycle.gif)

>>59405here is an image that basically sums up my feelings on this thread. thank you for contributing to the endless, useless cycle. i hope you got some kind of cathartic relief out of expressing your emotions here tonight.
also since we're apparently putting it on the record, I'm
>>59394 and I don't give a fuck who you are or whether you're a samefag or not. we're all pathetic for being on lolcow, some of us actually own up to us while others
coughyoucough seem to think that they're on some kind of noble fucking crusade to expose cyber skullduggery. but hey! whatever floats your boat, have fun with that.
No. 59416
>>59411I'm willing to admit I'm wrong. Can you understand how it seemed like, to an outside observer, from your comment on her facebook, it may have looked like you were involved in the drama?
Thanks for that, but yeah, I know how it goes. People ridicule me, it's cool, I take a deep breath and move on. The picture has been deleted now that you've seen I'm not Kate.
If you like being anonymous then just.. be anonymous. It's not that hard. Unless you mention your name, or the same history you've been repeating over and over, or post a picture of yourself–bam, you're just another anon.
I am also an easily aggravated person. Sometimes, you just have to let it go. Just let it go, man. You can easily fade into obscurity.
No. 59417
>>59412Oh. Idk if I should be posting this but I thought you might know who I am talking about. I figure this thread is shitty so might as well selfpost about it anyway and turn it into an /r9k/ gossip thread.
Someone on /r9k/ started addressing me (mystery) on a thread I was posting in. Started posting weird facts about my family that only I could understand. Thought it was someone I knew irl. They asked me to add them on skype so I did and it turns out to be some random who had been stalking me on /r9k/ for the last 6 years. He claimed to live in a different country and said he didn't know me or my parents personally but was obsessed with me. It got really weird, he had addresses of my old facebook account (that I hadn't used since 2007 and that no one even knew about) and my current account, as well as old tumblrs and myspaces. Weird random facts about me and people I knew. Spooked me the fuck out. Made threads to end my life too If you know anything, you know I don't post that kind of stuff online and don't post much that could identify me on that board. Was wondering if you ever ran into a character like that. He wanted to blackmail me for sexual stuff so before I went on cam for him I drank a 2L bottle of diet coke, took off my bra and makeup and looked FAT AS FUCK and he seemed repulsed and quit the skye convo. Anyway, it was 2spooky and you said you feared for your life so I wonder if he might be doing it to other trips but I guess not

No. 59421
>>59419frankly i'm just sick of seeing this ludicrously petty mess on the front page and would like everyone keeping it alive to go to hell, please.
thank you for the advice on saging, usually i use it too rarely to remember which.
No. 59422
>>59412>>59417I'm laughing at you because instead of saying to yourself "gee, I post a lot of revealing information about myself on the internet and I should stop," your very first thought goes to "blackmailing creeps." It's a half truth, because while it's gross to blackmail someone sexually, actually that dude didn't know anything about you that you didn't publicly provide. And if what you're saying is true, implying you've tripfagged for more than five years, then during that time that info you posted was stored in an easily accessible (and Google-able) archive.
You girls sure do like causing drama for yourselves.
No. 59439
File: 1447561850366.gif (123.88 KB, 590x333, 1366318073615.gif)

>I don't use 4chan or 8chan
No. 59605
>>59246>I legit didn't even respond that it was me in the Kate thread.Wait, what? But when I said "whoever ___ is on facebook, I like you" You did reply and said thank you or whatever, then another anon pointed out who you were. Yeah you changed your mind but you initially did out yourself. Man though, I feel like I opened pandora's box lol.
Anyway, I still agree with your opinion about kate but man… Didn't expect all this.
No. 60334
File: 1447793778714.jpeg (89.23 KB, 1303x2048, chi-pillsbury-dough-boy-creato…)

>>60326Lmao it kind of is… like if they combined and then were also melting
With her weird doughiness she could be a mascot for pillsbury
No. 60400
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She looks like "boy" Venus
No. 86345
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>>73803Spoony is my seagullfu ;_;
No. 86350
>>86347the only reason you don't like her is because she's not anon
I was a tripfag on /tv/ for a couple years, and people fucking hated my posts. they were no different from when I posted anonymously, but all my opinions were wrong because I was a tripfag.
No. 86352
>>86348Lauren fuck off you ugly twat
no one is as ugly as you
No. 86353
>>86350Even weirder because it seems that she is actually anon but people keep like
>>86342 keep repeatedly dragging her up when it's not necessary all the while complaining about her. I've recognised her posting a couple of time before but I don't want to wreck a thread bringing her up so I don't. If you really hated her I don't understand why you wouldn't just ignore her?
No. 86358
>>86355zomg I can't believe that vile cunt didn't rename her steam and skype accounts after you learned that was her username. what a bitch!
get the fuck over yourself.
No. 86362
File: 1453944208372.jpg (351.77 KB, 900x1600, 1450300686969.jpg)

why do hate Spoony?
it must be jealous!
>qt face
>big boobs
>big hips
>big ass
she is literally perfect
No. 86365
>>86360>just because one bitch>one bitchlmao Spoony please stop deluding yourself into thinking only one person hates you.
Saying "don't notice me/I want to be out of the spotlight" then using the same recognizable username everywhere is hypocritical.
No. 86368
>>86366>>86366you cant deny she won the genetic lottery
to bad she is mental
No. 86370
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>>86362she is qt and I wish her well in whatever the hell it is she's doing
No. 86372
>>86365Do you not realize the irony in bitching about how I'm accusing you of being one person whilst simultaneously accusing one person who defends her of being spoony herself? You're the only one in the thread bitching about this shit so yeah, you do have a hate-boner for her and it's cringey to watch.
>>86342>>86347>>86351>>86355>>86365Are all you. Stop embarrassing yourself.
No. 86377
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>>86375how could someone harm this angel?
No. 86379
>>86376Look, I, too can capitalize sentences.
But no, that wasn't me.
There are at least three other people in this thread posting with all lowercase. It's fairly common on the internet in case you didn't pick up on that.
No. 86381
File: 1453945445930.jpg (214.23 KB, 1200x1600, 1409984751311.jpg)

>>86380the more they do, the more we thirsty betas can fawn over how perfect and beautiful she is
No. 86385
File: 1453945684899.jpg (252.63 KB, 872x1548, 1425593042959.jpg)

>>86382keep it up.
Spoony > you
No. 86389
>>86385Damn she is a goddess
Amy pics of her feet?
No. 86397
>>86395No. I have a bird nose similar to Spoony and it's not very flattering. I don't think of the girls here envy a face with that unfortunate nose.
Bangs are okay here tho.
No. 86400
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>>86398>get some webms out of this???
No. 86401
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End the cancer
Sage goes in all fields
No. 86405
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No. 86407
File: 1453947431909.png (87.09 KB, 184x184, 1434095311955.png)

>>86400reminds me of a post she had made on 4chins when some girl had asked what a good, healthy snack was and spoons suggested toast with processed jar marinara sauce, i shit you not.
No. 86412
>>86404I would fund Spoony with my betabux to prevent tbat
Spoony patreon when?
No. 86419
Spoony is no longer allowed to self-identify in any thread, except for this one. This includes explicitly identifying herself, as well as posting information or images that any reasonable person from lolcow or /cgl/ would infer must be her (i.e. "nonfagging", see
>>58061 ).
Examples of posts that would not be permitted:
>>>/pt/202866>>>/g/17466>>>/b/58005>>>/pt/134575 No. 86429
>>86424I think the examples are pretty clear. It's not exactly a herculean task I'm requesting of you.
>>86427>>86428Two of the links had the wrong board. If you refresh, they're fixed.
No. 86431
File: 1453950445916.gif (1.74 MB, 400x300, 1412884127677.gif)

>>86423I'm not Spoony :^)
No. 86435
>>86429No but I'm affirming that any person who is capable of identifying me based on a close up of a set of eyes as in
>>>/pt/134575 is not a reasonable person.
At any rate it's better this way as at least it gets this persistent autist off my back and I have cause to be more careful which I'm usually not.
I don't expect you to respond to to this as I know you're not permitted from identifying poster info, but given that IP's are visible to you I feel you must understand my frustrations at say, strangers spamming posting images of me repeatedly in this thread and then having posts like
>>86423directed at me.
No. 86438
>>86419I find it funny that the only off topic posts in reply by her posts are the ones going FUCKING SPOONY KILL YOURSELF GAWD and not people kissing her ass
it's the farmers with a hateboner shitting up those threads, not le beta whiteknights
No. 86442
>>86438That's what I've been trying to point out too and I'm kind of surprised that Admin-dono doesn't seem to get it either actually since I know he's a smart guy, smarter than me, but I guess it's simpler just telling one person not to post rather than telling multiple people to shut the fuck up with the incessant shitposting. Obviously I'm biased but it seems nonsensical to repress one user on account of a handful of users inability to control themselves around said user, especially given the operational basis of boards like this.
I just want to post the same as everybody else and be left alone.
I know Admin and the other moderation staff can see that I'm not the one posting all these pictures and shit and complimenting "myself" though so I guess that's enough for me.
>>86440And you can fuck right off as well you worthless manpig.
No. 86449
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No. 86451
>>86442>I know he's a smart guy, smarter than me. So humble
Gold star this post!!!!
No. 86458
>>86442>repress one user on account of a handful of users inability to control themselves around said user>repressStop talking about yourself in third person. Please, just stop fucking talking about yourself in general. If 99% of the anons who post here can post anonymously, then so can you, faggot. It's not hard. He's not banning you from the site. He's just asking you to stop identifying yourself ON AN ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD.
Even Admin-kun is tired of your shit.
No. 86469
>>86458I am posting Anonymously.
There are hundreds of users who daily post details pertaining to areas of study, location, fashion interests, circle lenses, experiences with the internet, height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, skin colour etc., basically the same level of information I occasionally drop and the only reason I'm identifiable based on this is because I used to trip and because there's a few people who're evidently obsessed with me and with pointing me out in various threads so much so that I occasionally see them attacking and accusing complete strangers of being me.
Further up in the thread you can even see a stream of posts resulting from somebody believing that some stranger on /soc/'s eyebrows belonged to me; that is how deep the obsession goes.
In the friend-finder thread that I made there are presently 142 posts - why did I get singled out specifically? I didn't post anything special, post an image of myself nor name drop.
I'm not posting information any more nor any less than the average user at the end of the day.
>even Admin-kun is tired of your shit.I suspect he's tired of the bullshit that results from every time one of these headcases decides to go sniffing around for me and I don't blame him either. It's fucking ridiculous and frankly pathetic that this has to happen in virtually every fucking thread including ones I don't even post to just because some idiot has this raging hate-boner for me after 6. fucking. years.
No. 86470
>>86469No one is obsessed with you. Those people still manage to remain anonymous, and you don't.
Just realize you've lost the privilege of posting intimate details about yourself on a vietnamese picturebook imageboard.
It's not just one idiot. People are collectively tired of you. Please just leave.
Need I remind you of >>59433?
No. 86473
>no one is obsessed with youlel do you really believe that? Nigga look at this entire fucking thread. 838 posts. Eight-hundred-and-thirty-fucking-eight posts.
Look at
>>58176 for god's sake, there are people physically sitting around on 4chan hunting for me, and for the record those are not my eyebrows.
I have some faggot in this thread spamming pictures of me from what is evidently a folder of pictures he's collected. I have people sitting around on /g/ in threads I created aping out when make a completely relevant post because they memorised an alias I used once for a Tumblr account they obviously lurked that I deleted almost a year ago. Fucking pump "spoony" into the /r9k/ archive, you'll see how "few people are obsessed with me" on a board I stopped tripping on half a decade ago now.
Hurr no one is obsessed with, hurr durr, are you fucking kidding me. I don't believe you're actually that stupid to believe that because it's not possible.
No. 86474
File: 1453957215197.jpg (227.19 KB, 704x934, 1407855696920.jpg)

>>86473>I have some faggot in this thread spamming pictures of me from what is evidently a folder of pictures he's collected.:D
No. 86475
>>86469Spoony….I'm going to spell it out for you, even though I suspect you already know this. I am spelling it out for you so that you cannot continue to play dumb as if you simply do not realize it.
You are not anonymous anymore, and by maintaining the same username and telling stories that are obviously about Spoony in first person (as Admin linked), you are continuing to live your life outside of anonymity.
Let me reiterate: you are NOT anonymous. You may post with the name "Anonymous," but you aren't anonymous. You gave up your anonymity a long time ago when you decided to trip. You dropped your location, photos, interests, and various intimate details about your life, connected to your face and trip. The other people who have done that have their own threads, too. You're not the only one.
The thing is, you rarely see these others getting called out, and that's because they know what to say and what not to say to maintain anonymity.
You are more infamous than you put on, and you know that. You realize that there are people who know all of these details about your life that you OPENLY, WILLINGLY told us. And you get surprised when you get called out on it? Sure, 80% of the board may not instantly recognize you because they don't go back that far, but a lot of us do. A lot of us just choose to be quiet. I've seen you singled out on various boards, not just this one. It is almost obvious when it's you.
You need help, you really do.
No. 86479
>>86475The first part of your post I can agree with your wholeheartedly. My biggest mistake here is posting in the belief that the people who may have once held a grudge for me were sane enough to have relinquished it in the last 6 years. I am naive.
>you need help, you really doThese kind of statements are what confirms for me that people like you actually think you know a lot about me based on what I post when the reality here is that nobody here really knows anything of substance nor import about me, and honestly Anon when you say things like this it's kind of sad.
I'm just your average, typical, person hanging around online burning time in between the actual important things I do in my life and do you know what, absolutely none of this is going to matter in 4, 5 years, as if any of it really matters now.
What, you think this site interrupts into my life in any meaningful way? Really?
And Anon, no, I'm not infamous. I am absolutely nothing but people like you are insistent on making me out to be something bigger than I ever was. Stop making me out to be some kind of well-known e-villain. Nobody knows who I am outside of one board on 4chan and this site and that will change in the next few years once I grow old and the Neckies move onto their next waifu.
No. 86480
File: 1453958229682.jpg (310.11 KB, 1080x1920, 1425615015415.jpg)

>>86479you'll always be mai waifu Cunt-Wizard ;_;
No. 86481
>>86479>Nobody knows who I am outside of one board on 4chan /a/ ?
/ic/ ?
/fa/ ?
/cgl/ ?
/toy/ ?
/r9k/ ?
No. 86483
>>86481>>86482Uh yeah, you're deluded if you think any of those boards aside from a very small minority on /r9k/ know who I am. I saw somebody post about me to /cgl/ through an archive recently and nobody knew who the fuck I was, which is as it should be.
It's cool most people were able to move on from petty, irrelevant tripfag e-drama. Shame about the
No. 86486
>>86483legit question: did you get your ears pointed again?
I think I remember you saying that after they healed you needed to go back to get them done again so that they come to a cleaner point
No. 86494
>please just leaveI can hand on heart swear that I would never again submit a single post to lolcow in the remainder of my lifetime if this thread were to be deleted or the entry temporarily made inaccessible as collateral to my promise, but that's never going to happen because you can now no longer delete threads after a certain amount of time and Admin categorically refuses to delete threads and seems to believe I'm a "figure of "interest" and not some nerd on the internet with a bad reputation and a penchant for digging myself into holes.
Most of the reason I continue to post here is because I figure I already have a thread about me up, might as well continue to post seeing as it can't get much worse.
No. 86497
>>86473You realize that it's entirely, 100% your fault that people are doing any of this, right?
It's all your fault for being a stupid fucking attention whore. Cry harder, cunt, while you furiously maturbate to how the evil the internet hate machine is for 'obsessing' over poor ol' spoony.
Get a life.
inb4 snark comment "n-no… ur stupid!!1"
No. 86505
>>86497Hmmmm but didn't you just state that "nobody" was obsessed with me?
I mean that was a pretty firm and bold assertion, and a remarkably fast u-turn :^)
>get a lifeYou're the one posting in a "spoony" thread. We're like sisters, really.
No. 86512
>>86505Check my reply again. I didn't say anything about obsession. Don't put words in my mouth.
At least I don't have a thread up about me on lolcow :^)
No. 86518
File: 1453961392599.jpg (245.19 KB, 864x1186, 1434997918016.jpg)

>>86515It's an ugly thread Anon, it could use a touch of beauty.
No. 86561
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No. 86563
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No. 86565
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No. 86566
File: 1453961821850.png (212.59 KB, 321x766, tumblr_nz5j7lpcFd1qe0jdho4_540…)

>>86559Nice, you have CP saved to your hard drive. I'm 15 in some of those.
No. 86567
File: 1453961831556.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.27 KB, 720x540, 1419552106112.jpg)

No. 86568
File: 1453961840946.jpg (218.56 KB, 856x1216, voguesept825.JPG)

>>86565And that isn't even my ass lol
No. 86573
File: 1453961886547.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.8 KB, 456x810, 1424153241305.jpg)

>>86566you're guilty of production and distribution ;)
No. 86576
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No. 86580
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No. 86588
File: 1453962109801.jpg (Spoiler Image,498.73 KB, 1080x1440, 1418990444371.jpg)

No. 86599
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No. 86606
File: 1453962258528.jpg (366.5 KB, 1200x1600, 1444241486485.jpg)

>>86579>knowinglyI didn't know you were stupid enough to make cp
No. 86625
File: 1453962361701.jpg (268.56 KB, 1200x1600, 1445465983121.jpg)

No. 86630
File: 1453962398487.jpg (317.39 KB, 1200x1600, 1450299789131.jpg)

No. 86683
File: 1453963026699.jpg (547.39 KB, 1200x811, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>86682This is a "spoony" thread right? I'm posting content from my hard drive.
No. 86698
>>86479you are insufferable. keep lying to yourself and say that you're average and typical all while doing the same boorish shit that earned you your bad reputation that has carried on for years. the typical people wasting their time on here don't have threads dedicated to them for a reason.
>I would never again submit a single post bitch, please. this is a lie and you KNOW it. this is why people say you have a problem, you've proved this to be an impossibility for you.
No. 86710
>>86701It's just spoony desperately trying to get her thread to auto-lock.
No. 86735
File: 1453992936887.png (445.55 KB, 640x480, 1323886616871.png)

Guys, I'm crying right now.
Just looking at her picture makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with Spoony. I've lost interest in all girls, besides her. Girls who are considered "hot" by the general male population don't cut it for me anymore.
Spoony really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with her. If only she knew I existed in this life, if only she knew my deep profound love for her. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at her. I'll never be with her, but I'll continue to love her until the day I die.
No. 86763
File: 1453997778803.png (104.84 KB, 500x225, tumblr_n09oz4AR4u1qe1pmho1_500…)

>>86744kiki actually has milk, this chick is nothing more than a washed-up tripfag.
there is literally nothing interesting ITT other than bickering back and forth as to whether she draws too much attention to herself or not.
plenty of lolcow's userbase posts anecdotal evidence or personal stories within various threads, the only difference is that
apparently hers are recognizable enough to oldfags that they feel the need to resurrect this thread frothing at the mouth. but honestly, who the fuck cares? why does it matter? her posts aren't different from anyone else's until someone decides to respond 'hi spoony'.
sage because this dead horse has been beaten to the point of mangled bloody mush.
No. 86775
>>86763>glossing over reference to other snowflake doing the same shit to make your case stronger.You don't have to be an autist to have picked up on the information you casually shoved in people's faces over the years and notice it when it gets brought up again and again. By dropping pictures and screen names you are taunting people into posting about you.
"But waaaah I don't waaaant the attentionnnn" …proven to be bullshit by your actions.
No one would find your new username if you didn't tell anyone except people you trusted. No one would know it was you if you didn't make it known (though I will say sometimes I see posts I suspect are you but have no proof) but you do anyway cuz tha autist beta stalkers will find it out anywayyyy!!!
You're in /snow/ because you are a snowflake. You think you are special and you can just put your past behind you while not making any effort to actually do that, bit you are not special. You are just like the other snowflakes. Certainly by your age you would have learned to keep your mouth shut and stop posting pictures of yourself, but you haven't, so one could assume you have a personality disorder and love the attention, or are just completely retarded.
The thread keeps getting revived because it's funny to watch you sperg.
No. 86781
>>86775no, dude. nobody cares
except autists.
and come on, claiming that her personal information was 'shoved in your face'? it's the internet. it's text. hell, it's in archives, by now. nobody
makes you read this shit, if you didn't care, you'd skim over it or skip it entirely. there are plenty of people who are aware of the existence of spoony, who are perfectly capable of reading her posts and identifying her, they just don't
care enough about whatever she does with her life to make her relevant again.
and no, just like countless other posters who have thrown their two cents into the thread, those of us who are calling you out on this bullshit are still not your precious spoony. pretending we are just proves time and time again that you don't have a leg to stand on beyond your paranoid suspicion that
everyone who disagrees with you must be samefag. it was funny at first, but now it's just sort of embarrassing.
honestly, being able to see IPs itt would make it so much more amusing. I'm a little envious of admin at the moment.
No. 86797
File: 1454006203734.jpg (254.05 KB, 1200x1600, 1253536640235.jpg)

>Spoony will never spit on your face and trample your balls
why even live
No. 88562
>>57737So uh, I always notice Spoony threads just increase like 50 posts in size out of fucking nowhere. It's, of course, because Spoony is spamming the thread with her intense autism and (maybe) some legitimate robots.
I don't get her appeal, though? She's not cute like Dakota, so why are there so many images of her being fawned on here? She uses Myspace angles and is clearly really fat. She's the only girl who gets this treatment, being called an ~angel~ as far as I can see. What is even her appeal? There's cuter tripfags, cuter camewhores, just cuter cows in general.
No. 88565
>>88559Yeah whatever, I feel like shit knowing that my chicken legs and pancake ass/tits are forever genetically inferior, and I'm not even fucking skinny to boot
>>88562She was a cunt on old /cgl/ and /r9k/. When tripfags are cunts they tend to have threads. Drama isn't about how cute someone is, it's about how insufferable they are.
No. 88581
File: 1454392398394.jpg (636.66 KB, 2160x1864, 1433024331145.jpg)

>>88565I bet you don't even have elf ears, pleb
No. 88587
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>>88581also, I think she's topless in that picture
No. 88611
File: 1454401378489.jpg (121.58 KB, 1264x476, 1350419935271.jpg)

>>86479> that will change in the next few years once I grow old and the Neckies move onto their next waifu.we've been here for like 7 years now
we arent going away
just accept your status as an eternal waifu
No. 88757
>>88565so, genuinely curious, what did she do that made her so insufferable?
i get that tripfags are tiresome, but, uh…it seems like the only verified reason that multiple posters itt have to hate her is because she's 'such an attention-whore,
i remember spoony back from years ago when I first started lurking on /r9k/, and tbh I hated her at the time just because I saw spoony-threads and shitposting using her images almost every day. invariably, as soon as her image was used, the thread devolved into 50% 'waifu' and 50% rage & posts like 'spoony fuck off and die' 'spoony please kill yourself' etc.
Part of me was almost jealous at the time because I didn't see why such an average-looking girl was the subject of so much attention. But whenever she did identify herself, she seemed pretty normal (I mean, for a fellow fembot on /r9k/). I figured that the posters who hated her in those threads must know something that I didn't, but now I'm honestly wondering. Every time that people itt have tried to demonstrate where the source of her lulz come from, it basically amounts to 'she's fat and has bad eyebrows and craves attention'. But that's not milk. We have cows that crave attention, but they resort to much more extreme methods to get it than just posting/tripping on an imageboard… think of Kiki, Aly, Suzy, Abipop, etc. The worst that you can say of this chick is that she made a kickstarter fund for her rent once or something. what's the big deal?
No. 88794
>>88757I honestly can't tell if you're spoony.
Anyone who has actually interacted with Spoony knows that she is a cunt. Notice how everyone here is anonymous? It was like that on /cgl/ too, shit-talking anonymously. Spoony chose not to be anonymous, and therefore reeps what she sows.
You would think that because she has had so much internet "harassment" she would be sympathetic towards other cows, but she bashes them to make herself feel better about her sad, shitty, meaningless life. I gotta say that I haven't posted much in this thread AT ALL, but if you honestly can't see why people hate Spoony more than they hate Kiki, for example, then idk what to tell you.
No. 88811
>>88794i'm not spoony, but i've been watching this thread for a while out of morbid curiousity.
I guess what I'm getting at is that all of her posts (at least the ones where she's identified herself) itt seem to primarily be expressing the desire to return to anonymity. anybody with half a brain can see how tripfagging is a horrible idea, but it looks like she finally got it through her skull, too. obv. she's told the internet way too much about her life in the past, so there are people who can identify her from her stories even without a trip, but can't it be said that those who call her out in unrelated threads are just as guilty of derailing as she is? and due to the new ban imposed on her in
>>86419, shouldn't that cut down or eliminate instances like
>>88778 is describing?
If you just think she should be a cow because she's a cunt, that's fine, but i imagine that almost ever user on this site is guilty of the same kind of shit-talking and bitchiness. the only difference is that she 'got caught' by giving us a face and a name to associate it with. i don't feel like that's a reason to hate someone so fervently, but idk if that's the limit of her cowish behavior.
probably someone's going to accuse me of being a white-knight or something again, but i'm just trying to investigate from a logical pov because seeing this girl is still garnering the same polarizing 'waifu/anhero' reactions after years is sort of surreal to me.
No. 88890
File: 1454458252815.jpg (450 KB, 1372x1574, 1428358039453.jpg)

>>88551Spoony waxes and wanes between extremely qt and painfully average.
and then she tries really hard to be kawaii and fails and it's Pixyteri levels of hilarious
No. 88901
>>88890It's not that Spoony is "hot" or "average", it's that she's painfully mentally ill and a raging attention whore who lacks the most self awareness I've ever seen of a tripfag.
She's cried so much in this thread that she's "done with drama!" and she's "trying to run away from my single stalker omg", yet she spends all day on /cgl/, /r9k/, lolcow, and all other boards that got her into trouble to begin with.
I don't even think the internet is cold-hearted unforgiving for her being a tripfag or something. It just knows when someone is a fucking liar like her and won't let her ~live it down~ because she literally is the one to kick up old drama over and over.
I just think someone like this is mentally ill, so they're unattractive by default.
No. 88904
>>88901>yet she spends all day on /cgl/, /r9k/, lolcow, and all other boards that got her into trouble to begin with.I'm
>>88811see, it's that kind of thing that would be cow-worthy behavior if we could provide evidence of it, but how do you know when she's on those boards?
like, does she selfpost on there? still trip? can you recognize her posting style or does she drop details/hints that are giveaways?
No. 88908
my bf still finds her hot though
shit taste in cgl tripfags to be honest
No. 90027
>>57867>>57883Hi Spoony!
I don't know you. I don't think I have ever talked to you outside of the dopey /fa/ irc chatroom 6 or 7 years ago. Sorry, but I didn't post whatever you think I posted, I didn't even know this site existed until someone linked me this just now, 6 months after you posted this. Awkward! Feel free to reach out to me on Facebook about this.
peace sign emoji>>57865>>57862>>57866lol
No. 90029
File: 1454758427275.gif (108.64 KB, 220x164, raw.gif)

I can't wait Spoonys response to this she sounds like such a schizo-paranoid dumbass right now falsely accusing others.
Also you're ten times cuter than this haggy piggy woman.
Where is she for this? Oh right she's banned loool
Maybe this will bring that cow back into the heard we need that sweet milk pls come back spoony
No. 90031
>>90029She is welcome to contact me through Facebook if she is banned through here. I have also messaged Erika. Sad that it seems like she kinda threw me under the bus about this, or at least didn't defend me or stick up for me. We've naturally drifted apart, but that still hurts.
Also, that was posted 6 months ago…August? I was in Manhattan/Boston celebrating my birthday for the first 2 weeks, and getting ready to go to Atlanta for Dragon*Con the last 2. I was too busy to shit talk that month! lol
No. 90040
File: 1454765099853.jpg (152.92 KB, 1280x857, 1415466661545.jpg)

I feel like everyone is ganging up on this poor girl.
We need to show her some love.
Who /teamspoony/ here?
No. 90073
>>90029>"hey, this wasn't me who posted x">YASSSS GIRL SLAYthat wasn't even a burn, wtf.
you are way too thirsty for milk from this cow, damn. calm down, farmer.
also, I don't think she's banned, I think she's just finally got the self-restraint/sense to avoid fueling the raging witch-hunt bonfire itt. admin would have said something about it if her posting restrictions were anything more severe than what's already been stated.
plus, doesn't she have a nonstatic IP or something?
No. 90596
>>90580I got the chance to talk to her on tumblr before I stopped going on the site about a year ago.
She was sweet and seemed to be in a hard spot, but we only had a few messages between each other so I can't be sure.
She doesn't seem to be as bad as what she used to be from what I can gather, if not a bit haunted by all the bs that was caused.
No. 90609
File: 1454943373477.jpg (573.03 KB, 2400x1600, 1327073185411.jpg)

Stop talking shit about mai waifu
Spoony is beautiful, and I am sure she is much hotter than her haters.
No. 90752
>>90596Spoony seems about as bitchy and self-absorbed as the average farmer tbh
which is why I still say the only reason anyone has a hategasm over her is because she's identifiable.
No. 90753
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Its funny the only thing people can pick on is her eyebrows because the rest of her is so hot
No. 90765
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>>90762>2016>60s spiderman memeback to reddit with you
No. 90809
>>90771Her lips are nasty thin, yes.
If you think that nose is 'big', though, then I'd love to see your post-op MJ nose.
It's tiny from the front, and looks like a typical ugly westerner/euro nose from the side.
No. 92210
File: 1455380349325.jpg (247.62 KB, 1200x1600, 1398430754913.jpg)

>another valentine's day alone
>meanwhile you're are waifu is getting railed by some chad
literally kill me
No. 92725
File: 1455420822011.jpg (171.67 KB, 1134x1500, product_flora20151031032217hus…)

>>92210she looks like a double bass
No. 92847
File: 1455457169322.gif (735.2 KB, 250x206, keke.gif)

>>92835>visible cellulite>gut>jellyyou sure told me.
No. 92848
>>92847Lovin the DB gifs on here today
sage for OT
No. 92863
File: 1455459466743.jpg (934.38 KB, 2492x1872, 1280662781404.jpg)

>>92847you must be a skeleton if you consider that fat
no wonder youre shitposting here on valentines day, no one wants your titless assless auschwitz bod
No. 92887
File: 1455464136616.webm (2.6 MB, 1280x720, 1411300191680.webm)
>the ideal body according to lolcunts
No. 92890
File: 1455464202787.png (363.21 KB, 403x560, Candice-Swanepoel3-403x560.png)

>>92887nah, more like this spoony
No. 92894
>>90771If you think that's a big nose you should see mine, lmao. Good thing it suits me. If you want uneven, look at any philipina.
>>92891fucking lanklets
look if you want to have an ass or thighs you can't be BMI 15
No. 92898
>>92891You idiot, /snow/ is a containment board so we can keep pro-ana from spoiling our milk.
>>92890>>92897Real curves. Real jelly.
>>92210Slob that needs a corset for curves.
No. 92899
>>92888her tits used to be smaller
but she put on weight
so her tits in recent pics are quite big like
>>58958 No. 92933
>>92926Are you Asian or something?
Spoony's nose is well proportioned.
No. 92954
File: 1455473402409.jpg (253.28 KB, 1346x1600, katebeckinsale001.jpg)

>>92933No, im white and it offends the fuck out of me that you think this huge ass witch nose is the standard for white people noses, this is a standard white girl nose
No. 92979
File: 1455476492492.jpg (39.22 KB, 640x480, 1337380677099.jpg)

can you please post a trigger warning if you are going to insult someone's waifu?
No. 117679
File: 1460407878899.png (18.64 KB, 831x218, 0.PNG)

>This entire thread
No. 129775
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No. 129835
>>129775Kathryn for your own benefit I really don't think it's a good idea for you to be back in a place like this.
You need to concentrate on moving forward in your life, not looking back.
No. 141633
File: 1466269473483.png (286.5 KB, 1124x2260, Ihavetokeepostingaboutmyselfto…)

>>88901Necroposting to say she did it again guys
No. 141644
>>141633What a sad pathetic little girl. For already being a 24 year old woman she seriously needs to grow up and stop making it all about "me, me, me". If she gives a single shred of decency about her privacy she wouldn't dare respond to anons like that.
She knows she had an internet celebrity presence with the 4chan neckbeards but even then didn't realize the consequences. Spoony, keep yourself fucking hidden and stop replying to bait if you REALLY want to be left alone. And like an old fad, you'll wither away. Deep down you enjoy the attention Spoony, don't lie.
No. 141670
>>141633Holy shit spoons needs to stop. It's one thing checking search results for your chan name/trip every once in a while to make sure people aren't stalking you, but she literally searches probably every day. That's the only reason I can think she pops up at practically every mention of her name.
Spoony needs to stop responding to people talking about her, all it is is going to make people keep egging her on.
No. 141688
>>141644Is she really 24? I mean that kind of behavior in
>>141633 seems like something a 16 yr old would do. I can't imagine anyone her age acting like this and genuinely thinking they're in the right.
If she wants attention so badly, no problem, she can just do cosplay, nudes and become a camgirl…at least it'll be more respectable and honest than the "don't stalk me silly boys teehee" thing she's doing now.
No. 141724
File: 1466295494687.jpg (8.06 KB, 274x184, images.jpg)

>>129775this bitch needs a thread of her own
No. 141729
>>141644I agree, she's a sad case. It's obvious that she desperately wants attention, whether it's positive or negative. But she doesn't get as much of it as she would like because she's incredibly boring. Average looks, lame style, no personality outside of being a chronic selfposter. Even the thirsty virgins of /r9k/ don't pay much attention to her. She's barely a lolcow or snowflake, because that would imply that she's entertaining- she's just a nuisance.
I wonder what would happen if she was prevented from using imageboards or social media for a while.
No. 141852
I've begun having dreams of my boyfriend cucking me with Spoony and cumming in her vag in front of me.
Help me guys.
No. 141858
>>141644She likes it tho, I spend a lot of time on r9k and she constantly posts "anonymous" pictures of herself.
Like it's been like this for the last year but I sometimes browse the "outfit" threads and 9/10 times Spoony will post a picture of herself with her face blurred out anda blurb about how she "takes care of herself" it's pathetic. Then a bunch of neckbeards comment on "muh curves" and she probably feels good.
No. 154280
File: 1468339872012.png (885.25 KB, 1664x817, Screenshot 2016-07-12 12.08.43…)

was browsing /cgl/, found a spoony onceagain
No. 154892
>>154609those pictures are also probably shopped since spoony always used to shop her pics
im terrified to know what she looks like irl
No. 299631
Okay so reviving this to post about how spoony defrauded a bunch of people by pretending to be someone else. This was discussed earlier in the thread
>>57752>I'm actually a pretty proud person but I decided to put my pride to bed and solicit the funds.What she neglects to mention is going by the name "Emily white" her real name is Ebony White, (Lmao) and using a picture of another tumblr user. This was discussed on a pull 1.0 thread with caps, but now that site is gone so I can't pull it up for you guys but I'll try wayback machine.
I really want a reply to pic related. I was one of the anons you were arguing and I was fucking right. You've made over TEN THOUSAND posts on this site, and posted almost every single fucking day since it was created. How can you be this smug and insufferable when lying through your teeth? Are you legitimately mentally unwell? How have you not killed yourself through embarrassment.
It's all one obsessive stalker from r9k imagining your posts into existence, right?
No. 393610
File: 1506533887055.jpg (17.37 KB, 334x411, 17098723_10211116788691022_187…)

>almost 30>still doing that shit>still didn't learn how to groom eyebrowswew lads
No. 393642
File: 1506535478996.jpg (Spoiler Image,383.34 KB, 2128x1492, E1wmshG.jpg)

this is an imageboard. post caps
No. 393645
File: 1506535936551.png (204.07 KB, 1325x601, MQRYFrA.png)

>>393621If she were married, she'd brag about it for sure. She brags about everything.
>muh financial securityoh wow.
No. 393647
File: 1506536012959.gif (2.62 MB, 261x200, BfXztur.gif)

>My entire existence is funded by my partner, I never actually needed to get a job in the first place, I just thought a part-time at my favourite overpriced soap repositry might be fun and something to get me out of the house.
No. 393652
Didn't she and Mystery.jpg post in the Charms thread a lot? Spoony and Charms used to be friends. you're a creep.
No. 393735
>>393723That's what I thought. Seems way too good for her to be true. Plus if she actually did land herself that kind of situation and digs she'd be posting pictures of the boy and apartment everywhere. She'd probably go to r9k to rub it in their faces to prove she made it and call them cucks.
Just like what happened with those elf ears she thought everyone would love and validate. Sigh.
No. 393737
I don't think that's her apartment, just her ~home decor~ pinterest shit.
I think she's this poster, the timeframe fits.
>I moved into a new apartment 2 months ago>TL;DR self congratulatory ("peeping tom") post No. 393739
>>393737But an anon made a post stating
>>393646>"Dear Lord anon, that bedding in your pic looks SO comf!"And when she replied to that anon she didn't correct anon to say those pictures weren't her actual apartment.
No. 393745
>>393739Cause she's crazy. Like
>>393735 said, she'd have plastered everything everywhere if she really had all that stuff.
No. 393778
File: 1506546515322.gif (1.53 MB, 220x275, 1505111864043.gif)

>>393749FUCK YOU SPOONY. Sage for rant, but holy shit, every ounce of sympathy I had for her is gone. Robots are so fucking disgusting, they really are like pests. Calling them in as a ~vindictive act~ is just so pathetic and bratty of her. I didn't mind her posting her art or shit like that, but no, she had to make it all about her once again. I shouldn't even be so mad but I am PMSing bad and just wanna have a comfy place to be without virgin losers ruining everything.
Thank god the mods are good.
No. 393834
File: 1506551122815.png (670.76 KB, 957x667, ebony.png)

So is Ebony her real name?
No. 393868
>>393834Ebony White, It's Ebony White.
>>393866Hi Ebony White
No. 394086
>>393548I just came back from c.c after reading the thread with her LUSH posting,
>Spoony does a sales floor trial for a Lush job and gets rejected on the basis that she was not pushing enough product demonstrations and sales. Never worked retail before so she is completely shellshocked by basic functions expected of sales associates. Spoony rants about the manager being a corporate Jew for doing her job and writing Spoony up for not making enough sales to be considered for the position. Anonymous backlash ensues and Spoony defensively gloats about how she doesn't need the money anyway since she's a NEET living off a bf and how she should just volunteer at an animal shelter instead all along. I don't even think she has a bf. I think Spoony is probably getting sick of living off the dole and whoring with men on the side and thought cosmetic retail would be piece of cake, haha.
No. 394172
>>394133She said so herself in aihoney's thread when she tried to make it about herself. There was something about her saying that aihoney had been kind to her, then aihoney aknowledged her and people figured out that poster was Spoony.
>>394142Well, yeah. I can't explain how she'd have ever been in such a bad situation before if her BF of ten years was so rich. Even if he only recently found a good job after finishing his studies, you'd expect he'd probably have had a normal amount of money and she could have lived with him if she was having it so rough.
No. 394240
File: 1506619343945.jpg (72.72 KB, 600x399, girl-playing-with-blocks_sls6t…)

Spoony makes up shit literally like a toddler.
>Well mommy I was poor b..but then, a prince came and rescued me now i live in a pink castle! It's pink because that's my favorite color! I got to choose! And then… Then he buy me flowers, and gifts, and i can talk to my bird friends that show up at my window!
But sweetheart, what if the prince don't wanna be with you anymore?
>It's ok mommy because we've been together for like forever! Like 10 years! That was even before mommy was born! And I am a princess!
Hahah, okay dear, now help mommy to pick up your toys.
sage for shitposting
No. 394341
File: 1506630435758.png (226.08 KB, 972x554, 98764324657.png)

I am assuming this is also Spoony's work.
No. 394467
File: 1506643576061.png (304.46 KB, 767x1292, JP4t9Nr.png)

Never ever change, Spoony.
No. 394471
File: 1506644125755.jpg (23.31 KB, 400x579, c95a395ce5863a229762d19630b869…)

>>394428to be fair this is a chick with no makeup and casual wear. don't act like you wouldn't look bad in those conditions.
no i'm not spoony.
No. 394481

>>394420Good job.
Confirmed for dating for a long time, but god, at what cost. What a cuck
No. 394485
>>394481>>394481So her name really is Ebony
>>394122>>393877>>393866Kek get fucked
No. 394492
File: 1506646555144.png (24.86 KB, 549x183, lK6xDTw.png)

She could've ended this after the first sentence. Is she even physically capable of not blogging anywhere she goes?
No. 394496
>>394485>So her name really is Ebonyobviously not. you can get your Facebook friends, and especially your boyfriend, to call you whatever you want online. there wouldn't be much of a point in an alias if they didn't, would there?
Ebony Whyte is such a blatantly obvious pseudonym, I wonder if you would have believed it too if her Facebook name were Princess Jasmine
No. 394498
File: 1506647244855.png (74.65 KB, 503x589, 1Vjebm9.png)

>>393895her group posts are gold.
No. 394500
File: 1506647282304.png (77.03 KB, 445x555, XZUMDgu.png)

fat wank
No. 394507
File: 1506647957295.png (675.66 KB, 993x614, eb.png)

>>394496I really doubt she is asking all of her friends to call her one name in real life and a different one online - and have them follow this routine for years. It's possible that Ebony isn't her
legal name, but there's no doubt that it's the one that she's referred to in her daily life.
No. 394509
>>394507it's either not her legal name, or her last name is fake (likely)
or her mom is like a hooker or something.
No. 394513
>>394507>>394509you don't think that's possible? personally I
know that it is. I can't even believe that "is Ebony Whyte her real name?" is actually being discussed. yall are dumb as fuck.
No. 394516
>>394513>Personally I know that it isIs that so? Because I really wanna know the story behind the person who asks all 300 of their facebook friends to always call them one name online but a different one irl. And have every single one of them follow this routine perfectly for years and never slip up.
You're wrong. Get over it. Calling us "dumb" and "idiots" a bunch of times isn't an argument.
No. 394522
>>394516glad you asked. I didn't want to blog on my last post.
i’m about to sound like a stalker, but there was an ex myspace famous girl I used to follow a lot whose reputation was destroyed, so when she made a personal Facebook away from cyber people, it was under various fake names. Abby, Penelope,etc. changed it every 1-2 years or so because people would find it. her Facebook friends called her by whatever her profile said. Even her family. But I'm pretty sure they called her by her real name irl.
see? when you have a situation where you can simply explain why you don't want to go by your real name online for privacy reasons, people will understand.
No. 394524
File: 1506649417222.png (19 KB, 605x105, tbL6lJU.png)

Profile gone, but she uses the name in a professional context too.
I can see her family name being Whyte and her mother giving her a matching first name.
No. 394527
File: 1506649521009.png (222.43 KB, 520x515, Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 9.33…)

whenever anyone uses Ebony as name, especially when followed by a color last name, it's usually a joke.
No. 394545
File: 1506651118115.png (72.55 KB, 764x319, U7bM7MY.png)

>>394536Removed in lightning speed. Hi Spoony!
No. 394568
>>394545 and the rate of screen shots being removed, Spoony has to be in this thread as we speak. Hi Ebony!
Triggered much?
No. 394572
File: 1506653529596.png (690.27 KB, 1138x582, hmm2.png)

No. 394579
File: 1506655056022.png (134.84 KB, 256x384, wpWN2k1.png)

>>394577Why am I not surprised?
She should've gotten the idea when moot, pretty much for one of the first and only times ever, went out of his way to directly call her out in a thread out of a site of 5,000,000+ horrendous posters and now every other chan admin, ever, of every site she's ever posted has effectively done the same.
No. 394592
>>394587sister, step up your creeping skills. all you have to do is facebook search "photos liked by/photos of/photos commented on by [name]"
or replace the word "photos" with "posts"
No. 394596
was a server for but it had zero moderation because the creator (a random user, not the crystal admin) made it and then fucked off for months before coming back and deleting it.
No. 394605
File: 1506657239903.jpg (448.07 KB, 1170x530, 7Fm9g0w.jpg)

>>394603Jesus Christ Spoony.
No. 394615
File: 1506659234757.png (431.54 KB, 1130x450, iamebonywhyte_rhino.png)

>Related images
No. 394625
File: 1506660477319.png (55.13 KB, 619x354, fmUTvr0.png)

>"i just want people to forget and stop talking about me"
>being this bad at keeping a low profile
Is she legitimately internet addicted? I can't explain this behavior otherwise.
No. 394628
File: 1506660702493.jpg (4.01 KB, 150x150, images.jpg)

>>394625every single one baleeted.
interesting to see she had a second ear pointing though
No. 394630
>>394626>>394627oh wow, I wasn't sure if those were actual surgical dressings or not from
>>394615 but that bruising confirms it
No. 394631
File: 1506660916745.png (166.23 KB, 347x681, webcache_googleusercontent_com…)

>>394629she has fat ankles
No. 394646
File: 1506662769066.jpg (35.74 KB, 450x338, 183335343894.jpg)

New thread pl0x
No. 394651
>>394627so did she get her old lady schnoz fixed?
>>394620she's always been tubby. she's selfposted herself in a corset somewhere on this site a couple years ago.
No. 394664
File: 1506666480920.jpg (93.17 KB, 539x332, hea_rhinoplasty_070513_584_539…)

>>394655was her nose really that bad? of course, she never posted a photo in profile
No. 394799
>>394566is that the same guy? the look different. in fact
>>394570 and
>>394572 look different as well.